HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021436 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20020905MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Noelle Lutheran Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Rick Shiver Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Dr. Timothy L. Chase Project Number 02 1436 Recvd From DCM Received Date 9/5/02 `Project Type residential County New Hanover County2 Region Wilmington Recvd By Region Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) - Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. CA-MA OATH O Y O _NF_ 18-87-(25.5 AT - ORW 30,624. 1.39 1-- F__ I - F_F_77_0_NF_F__F__7__F__F_F_ I "F__ Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? 0 Y 0 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/Coed 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: THE 401 CERTIFICATION FOR 0.15 ACRES OF FILL ASSOCIATED WITH A ROAD CROSSING WAS ISSUED ON (b>A'Y 20,2002. NL cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 A - 2i NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary August 30, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: Proposed Project: Mr. John R. Dorney Division of Water Quality Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Dr. Timothy L. Chase East side of Carolina Beach Road (US Hwy 421) approximately 1/2 mile south of Myrtle Grove Road in Myrtle Grove Sound. to construct a private residence, to include a barn, garage, swimming pool, decks, driveway, associated landscaping and a private pier. SEP - 52002 9 wEru+?ns GROUP _ WArEt E?tlAtITY SECrtON Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by September 24, 2002. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Ed Brooks at 910-395-3900. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-395-3900\Fax: 910-350-2004 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \10% Post Consumer Paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT .1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Dr. Timothy L. Chase 2.- LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: East side of Carolina Beach Rd. (US Hwy 421), approximately 1/2 mile south of Myrtle Grove Rd, adjacent to the AIWW, in Myrtle Grove Sound, in New Hanover. County. Photo Index - M: unavailable 122-5: 21-242: E-013,14 IM: 4-178-15 State Plane Coordinates - X: 28046196 Y: 146732 GPS - 0-082218A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE:-Dates of Site Visit-- 8115/02_ _ 8/22/02 Was Applicant Present - Yes (Agent) No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 8/26/02 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Wilmington/New Hanover Co. Land Classification From LUP - Resource Protection (B) AEC(s) Involved: CS, BW,- PT Water Dependent: No - Highground Yes Pier (D) Intended Use: Private (E) -Wastewater Treatment: Existing - None Planned Septic tank system (F) Type of Structures: Existing - None Planned - Single-family residence, pool, barn and private pier (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] T)RFT)(TF.T) FTT.T .FP nTUFU (A) Vegetated Wetlands ("404 type") 6,534 s ft. (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands (Open water) 1,060 s ft. (C) Other - (Highground disturbance) 53,143 sgft. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 60,746 sqft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (F) Water Classification: SA-ORW Open: OPEN 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to construct his private residence, to include a barn, garage, swimming pool, decks, driveway, associated landscaping and a private pier. Timothy L. Chase Page 2 9. PROTECT DESCRi?TION The project site is located on the east side of Carolina Beach Rd. (US Hwy 421), approximately 1/2 mile south of Myrtle Grove Rd., adjacent to the AIWW, in Myrtle Grove Sound, in New Hanover County. The 10.51 acre tract is approximately 165 feet wide and approximately 2,780 feet in depth from-Carolina Beach Road to Myrtle Grove Sound. The property is wooded and ranges from a 20 feet elevation above mean sea level to about 4 feet elevation at the water's edge. Longleaf and Loblolly Pine, Live Oak, and Hickory are the predominant species in the wooded uplands. Understory shrub vegetation is dominated by Wax Myrtle (Mvrica cerifera) and fetter-bush. There are two areas of "404 type" wetlands within the upland property that have been delineated and approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The first is a 2.26 acre area in the central part of the tract. The applicant has already obtained a Nationwide Permit 14 to construct his driveway through this area (.15 ac. wetland fill). The second wetland area (.215 acre) is in the eastern part of the tract, approximately 500 feet from Myrtle Grove Sound. This area would not be disturbed by the applicant's project. Adjacent to the shoreline, there is a border of coastal marsh area approximately 20 - 30 feet wide. The marsh vegetation is primarily. Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), but it is intermixed with Black Needle Rush (hncus roemarianus), Sea Lavender (Limonium, spp.), and Saltwort (Salicomia, spp.) on its landward side above mean high water (MHW). In the project area, the waters are classified as SA-ORW (Outstanding Resource Waters), by the NC Division of Water Quality, and they are OPEN to the harvest of shellfish. These waters are designated as Primary Nursery Area (PNA), by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries. The applicant proposes to construct his new residence (105 ft. X 80 ft.), to include a four car garage, swimming pool and associated decks (70 ft. X 40 ft.), and a barn (38 ft. X 38 ft.). The development plan proposes approximately 1.22 acres of the tract would be disturbed by the construction and subsequent landscaping. The applicant has already obtained a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Permit from New Hanover County, as well as, a Stormwater Permit (SW8 020639) from the NC Division of Water Quality. The gravel driveway (2600 ft. X 12 ft.) to access the residence from Carolina Beach Road is currently being constructed outside of the area which require CAMA permits (575'). Also, the applicant proposes to construct a private pier. The pier would be 152 feet long and 6 feet wide, terminating in an L-shaped platform, 16 feet long and 22 feet wide. An L-shaped floating dock would be installed at the end of the pier, 40 ft. long X 6 ft. wide (east - west) and 44 ft. long X 6 ft. wide (north - south). Three (3) mooring pilings, creating a large boatslip, would be installed on the south side of the floating docks, and five (5) mooring pilings would create 3 additional boatslips within the north side docking area. A boatlift (16' X 14') is proposed for the northern most boatslip. 10. ANTICIPATED IIVIPACTS Construction of the proposed single-family residence would disturb approximately 53,143 square feet of highground area, including .15 acre of "404 type" wetland fill associated with the driveway construction. Although the proposed residential structure is large, only 12 percent of the area within 575 feet of mean high water will be covered by impervious surface and/or built-upon area. The proposed pier would incorporate approximately 1,060 square feet of estuarine waters and public trust area. There would be some disturbance of the marsh and shallow bottom along the proposed pier alignment during initial construction, and the proposed structure would shade approximately 150 square feet of coastal wetlands. However, provided there is adequate elevation of the walkway, no long-term adverse impacts are anticipated. Submitted by: E.F. Brooks Date: 8/29/02 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-MP-I 11 '•1 ESE, ?i :; ? ?? + APPLICAT - - -- - - - • ___ ._ _ - - - .(To-be completed by all applicants) J U L 3 12002 - DIVISION OF -COASTAL -MANAGEMENT.-_ b. Ot , town, community or landmark - 1. APPLICANT ??l?b t . ?.rr?, a rYt?l • c ?? c. Street' dress or s ndary:ro number ?t74GN . a. Landowner.. ,U zi? ? ,9*CIW MPON, W.1 47V Name .?g TvNd-.4 L. Cass d. Is proposed wgrk-.within 'city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes ? No Address ' e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g, river City j? ?/6-rpm State e creek, sound, bay) , Zip .?..Q? Day Phone ??Z 77? g Fax 3 . DES,CREMON AND PLANNED USE b. Authorized .Agent: OF PROPOSED PROJECT -------------- Name a. List .all development 'activities you propose (e. . building a home, -motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and Address-_ a" ?N excavation _and/or:filling. activities. • .17t; . _ ? ?. .a If?r1t G a w? t? Trjgl?Ll City 6State ------------ Zip o Day.Phone G z - 3 ` b. Is the proposed activity. maintenance of an existing Fax 2, `-?$'3 Project, new work, or both? MEW C. Will the project be for public, private or commercial c. Project name if ). (e0l ?4Ctc use? E d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of Per"* construction and daily operations of `proposed NOTE; will iriucd in tsarnc of1=dOmwr(t), msd/or project. If more space is needed, please attach project navee. , additional pages, ------------ 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County -------------- Revised 0319s JLJ v.i A-J 1L V 1L2 - 11 Form DCM-MP-I A JUL 3 1 2002 JJU DIVISION OF CCOSTAL MANAGEMENT - 4?- :LAND''AND WATER-- CH?t=?`CTERISTICS _ a: Size of entire,tract r 0. S/- pe?'S b. Size of individual lot(s) c. Approximate elevation tof tr NWL act above MHW of ?' //yt S L A.. -Soil type(s) and texture(s)-of-tract-- e.Vegetatio n tract. f. Man-made features now on tract g. What is -the CAMA Land Use. Plan land classification of the site? (cowuh as 1o=t.&„duse pi=.) ? Conservation Transitional Developed _ Community -Rural ' Other h. How is the tract z9nVJ by Ion government? L Is theproposed oject consistent with the applicable zoning? Yes No (Attach zoning carpliancc ccmficwe, i/appucabk) J• k. Has a professional 'archaeological assess ent been done for the tract? _ yes No If yes, by whom? Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or e1' 'ble property? Yes No ' Are there wetlands on the site? . V< es No Coastal (marsh)_ _ Other 4 If yes, has a delineation been conducted? (.leach documentation, if available) - ON F- r - C06 Acne) k rp --*-Z.00 Z-C)05S-S- J U 3126,10 Z- m. Describe-mss ' wastewater-treatment facilities. n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) A NE ---o:---Describe -v*idrinking -water -supply.source. 1: yW TIE W Lor 1.L. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to. -the :-completer. , application form, the following.items must be submitted: A copy`of'the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties.' *..If the. applicant is not claiming* to' be the owner of said . property, then forward a copy of-the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. . • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and. cross-sectionaLdrawings) drawn to scale in black ' ink'ori-a;h '8 _1/2" 6y i l" white paper. (Refer to Coastal : Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints.or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U:S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks., and the like. - - - - • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. •_ A list of the names and complete- addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signet) return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application anal plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this- form, the applicant- -- further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name Address Phone NA(. Z Name Address Air Phone Name Address I _q Phone O • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. Oa G S' ? a O • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the, application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. -113A -1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Revised 03195 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in.fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that. the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the364-k day of Zve.! lg- 2-Ara Z Print Name C c t S Signature Ilusdoivner or riled Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. CM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MR6 Marina Development NOTE. Please sign and date each anachment in the space prov d ar t o if each form. E., 1! f J U L 3 1 200-7 } DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEME -- Form -DCM-MP-3 .ALA STD D]EVEL (Construction and/or. land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this _-proposed-project: .- a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed a s ? 1 Offibi 'f A : L ? uS? e u 13r?rt?l b. Number of lots or parcels I! c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) - I l /'D??t?r? t9 L - gel i r io , c as *L-s d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. ilk e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the. Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been s miffed to the Division of Land Resources? Yes No If yes, date submitted f. List the u d t f I E J z Oo Z materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for.paved surfaces. g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NTWL, or within. 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be sed for vehicular driveways or parking. iscsI V"o JUL 3 1 2002 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit.may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been -submitted.to the Divisi wof.Environmental Management for review? Yes No If yes, date submitted SuN? Z7 Q Z i. Describe pro osed method of sewage disposal. ?o ru j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or local approval? . 0=ch appropriate doaun.=ao,) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, 'wash down" and resi ential discharges). o n.C_ 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) Iktf ? m. Will water, be impounded. Yes V/No If yes, how many acres? n. If the project is a oceanfront development when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? ---a r4s r p ? ??? APPL r ject frame • Signature ?? y 30 . Zoo Date Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. 17. I v`v ? 2002 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT e. Mooring (1) _ (2) Ni (3) Di (Color, a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) V 10, -- -- -- -- (1) Commercial Commum __- ._-- _ -- _-- (2) Number tY --- Private i -.Community _ Private a of buoy - .6roption, size, anchor, etc.) (3) Length _ (4) Width • (4) Width of water body (5) Distance buoy(s) to be placed beyond (5) Finger Piers Yes No shoreline (i) Number Ci) Length f. Mooring structure oatlift oor n etc.) (6) Platform Wed _? Yes No (1) Commerce Community_Private (3) (i) Number 1 GA ?-Eno Number _ ?? (ii) ?? (3) :Length ? ., - (iii) Width 1 G .• (4) Width 14- (7) Number of slips proposed - g. Other (Give complete description) (8) Proximity of structure to ad'acent riparian property.lines - /' (9) Width of water body -- 1600 (10) Water depth at waterward end of pier at MLW orr PNL S .0 I n L W b. Boath use (mcluding covered lifts) (1) Commercial _______ Private (2) L (3) Wid APP ' t or jest Name c, Groin (e.g G , woo sheetpiie, etc.) ?J ` ..,? (1) Number S (2) Length(s) - S Date d. Breakwater (e.g. wood, s ile, etc.) (1) .Length (2) Average distance fro MHW, NWL or wetlands (3) Maximum distance beyond NWL or wetlands Revised 03195 z r v i Y z Stc ? I I II A '. •r ? N I I u1 • ? 4? '? ? ? / . t V7, I ' -ZOO d t ? ........ ,._.......: i ...... A. __._... I & ol EIVE JUL 31 2002 Dil DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ?rIN JC• ti` L C . JUL 3 I I'll DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Y f9 CJ N Cr1 N C N d n • W n ?•a yrA 0 z a. to N d n cc cs z ,?+ C n N 0 m ?•y III I ' I 1!U j v it I I 9, t c- ro 0 z i i• I yi in , = ; ? I II ? r,? t o I _ , I I qtr i • ? li ;Z'-?? y. 1( A l 111 ? Y. ? ,' ) j ? i ? I i F rl `• ? V I u I l :!? !il a r, S ? ° i I r} 3 i ._r• go IC li .. - o II .. 00 G N w 0 N n r n w ?•?? tea Nd??'t 00 r Z, 5 rA R° W b R°b cn 0 ? px j no lau if (E v LT Lit ? I ?1 • _ ? ? •? ? ? ? _ ? `fir; ? i u ? ., . "C In 44 , OD t - o-.--.d M7111 , A Cli Opp, Ij, ClT7W ?? ?! o !-A IUUO • xl ! 10 ' rn? 1.0 ?IOISIAICI ?•? fl s ?C ZOOZ 9 Z gnd • M-T . . a,,; I . I i. • LATE WINTER & EARLY SPRING . Y _ , REVISION 1564 I TEMPORAR GRASSING DETAIL 9~ 0 scri tion B ~ ,~a 3. o{e De P Y I, SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDIN SEEDING MIXTURE Q ~ I, ~`r ~ SPECIES a A ~ SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES t~' R rain GERMAN MILLET ~ P SA ye (g ) 120 Rye (rain) 120 ~ s.l IN THE PIEDMONT AND MOUNTAINS, A SMAII-SIEMMEO SUNDANGRASS MAY BE Annuo I edeza Kobe in SERICE PENSACOIA BAHIAGRASS 50 SPECIES b ~ SERICEA IESPEDEU ~ TALL FESCUE BLEND OF TWO OR Q 0 ~P ( SUBSTITUTED AT A RATE OF 50 LB/ACRE. Piedmont and Coostal Plain, CoMMC COMMON BERMUDAGRASS iD ( T18tEE IMPROVED VARIETIES 200 • ~ SEEDING NOTES GERMA Koreon in Mountains) 50 TALL f GERMAN MILLET 10 ) ~ TALL FESCUE 50 RYE (GRAIN) 25 Q MOUNTAINS -AUG. 15-DEC. 15 S E I NOTES omit annuol Iespedeza when durotion oft cover is not to extend _ E D NG ~P~y COASTAL PLAN and PIEDMONT AUG. 15-DEC 30 beyond June. SIT r~ MOUNTAINS -MAY 15-AUC. t5 SEEDIN SEEDING DATES SEEDING NOTES _ RADNOR I r~; PIEDMONT -MAY 1-AUG,15 AST t - SEEDING DATES. w~RE JANUARY -APRIL ~ 1. WIRE A NEAT APPEARANCE IS DESIRED, OMIT SERICEA. AUGUST -DECEMBER RD CARQ SOIL AMENDMENTS co AL PLAN -APR, 5 Auc.15 z usE a Mountoins -Above 2500 ft: Feb. 15-Moy 15 N LIMA BEACH 2 USE COMMON ~RUDAGRASS ONLY ON ISOLATED SITES WHERE IT CAt810T INLET I FOLLOW SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL 8abw 2500 ft: Fab. t-Moy 1 COME A f COME A PEST. BERMUOAGRASS MAY BE REPLACED WITH 5 Ib/aae CENTIPEDEGRASS. SOIL AMENDMENTS 1527 Q LIMESTONE AND 1,000•L8/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. SOIL AMENDMENTS Pie~nont -Jan. 1-Mo 1 ` Coastal Plain - Dec. 1 yA r. 15 ~ ~ APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 3.000-5,000 Ib/ N Q Q ` FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL T€STS OR APPLY 000 LB A A p / CRE GROUND GRICUL- SEEDIN SEEDING DATES GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE {USE THE LOWER RATE ON SANDY SOILS) AND ~ ~ MULCH TURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. ' SOIL AMENDMENTS t ' 1,00o Ib aae 10-10-1o FERTILIZER. ~ C~ ~ I / ~ APRIL i -JULY 1S ~ Q APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETRN ~ w v OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN 8 MULCH Follow recommendbtiona of eo0 testa or opply 2,000 Ib/oae ground ogricul- • ~ USED AS A f~IULCH ANCHORING TOOL total Itmestane and 750 Ib/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. SAIL i~ MULCH ~ V ~ ti SOIL AMENDMENTS vv E Q ~ ~ APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW ANCHOR STRAW BY LACKING WtiH ASPHALT, NETTING APPLY 4,000 Ib/acre GRAIN S1RAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITA~.E ~ ~ - STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT ROVIN OR NETTING OR BY CR ~ ~ ~ . ~I• OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE APPLY LII {M USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL MULCH GROUND ~ APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 3,000 Ib/acre MULCH. ANCHOR G, S GROUND AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 500 ib/ocre 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. ING MOTH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT j = Q A TENANCE BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. GJ ti ~ ' APPLY 4,OOD LB/ACRE STRAW ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING Repatr and retertllixe damqged areas knmediately, Topdress with 50 Ib/acrd OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN 8 ~ ~ of nitr en ~ March, If it is necesaa o `MAINTENANCE :NG SNOV jg Q 8 i ag y t extend tamparary cover beyond USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL June 15, ovelseed with 501b/oae Kobe Piedmont and Coastal Ploin) MULCH MAINTENANCE • ~ ~g2 or K (MauntaMs} lespedeza in late ebn,ary or early March. REFERTIIIZE IF GROW'M IS NOT FUMY ADEpUATE, RESEED, REFERTILtIE AND. MULCH IM- MULCH ^ I ~ 1 MEDIATFLY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE, SR• PQ i APPLY 4,1 Z~ o MAINTENANCE APPLY 4,000 Ib/aae GRAIN STRAWOR EQUIVALENT ODVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE fTRTILIZE ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 40 Ib/oae NITROGEN IN JANUARY OR FEBRUARY 40 Po IN SEPTEMBER AND ~0 Ib IN NOVEMBER, FROM A 12-4-8, T TH ASPHALT ROVING OR NETTING OR BY CRIMPING MULCH. ANCHOR BY ACKDVG WI 18-4-8, OR SIMILAR TURF FERTILIZER, AVOID FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS DURING I : NP R MULCH. a ` 4~` _ WITH A u . P w` ~ Refertflize H growth is not fully adequata Reseed, rofert>lize and mulch fm USED AS WITH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A QISK WITH BUDE5 5ET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE WARM WEATHER AS THIS INCREASES STAND LOSSES TO DISEA5E. RESEED FERTILIZE, ~ O ~ZS l~ ~ med(ataly followMg eroeton or other damage. USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL ~p MUL(21 DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. MOW TO A HEIGHT OF 2.5-3,5 INCHES ~ ~ - NOT TO SCALE M~ , As N®m. . p", :H • MAINTE MAINTENANCE ~ 6 12 6' REFERIILIZE THE FOLLOWING APRIL WITH 50 Ib/aae NITROGEN. REPEAT AS GROWiH Q 2 S OULD R S OULD R o REQUIRES REQUIRES. MAY BE MOWED ONLY ONCI: A YEAR. WHERE A NEAT APPEARANCE IS rn DESIRED, D OMIT SERICEA AND MOW AS OFTEN AS NEEDED. ~ ~I ESIRED, i i w, T T „ ~ 2 r . ~I . i 1 1 1 » 1 1 NOTE: THIS LOT IS LOCATED Q 6 ABC STON 6 3 3 3 3 IN ZONE C,B, dt A10(ELEV.11j E"'~ FIRM COMMUNITY PANEL w ' 370188 0104 E dt ~ 370188 0105 D ~ o INV. VARIES, SEE SITE PLA ~ • N ' DATED: APRIL 15, 1886 ~y .'Q~ . _ TEMBER 3 1992 W F•~ SEP , • 1L1 INDEX: JULY 20, 1998 W F-I _ .y NTS • • 80.0 o • ~ v !"y • m V _ M~"1 0 WOOD BULKHEAD FINAL ~ I ~ POSITION AS PER C.A,M.A. L) ''L (3) 15 RCP ®0.0% o - INV. MATCH EXIST. GRADE pESIGNATION W ' ~ ~i o e~ ~ 1 . H 'Q ' ~ +I Q~ ~ G w NEIL MUSSELWHITE D w c~ O ` r frl Q'i E'-I W ~ ~ ~ DB. 1029 PG, 435 A ~ MITS OF DISTURBANCE ti . oy ~ ~ - _ Q ,,_Q - ~ 3 ^ I / c N 50/ TEMPORARY.. GRAVEL - " b 'Z 1, TST N0.2 N N TST N0.3 r ~ ~ ~ NSTRUCTION NTRANCE ~ o \ 41 a , ~~TST N0.5 6~ 20 LF 1 " • P ®0.5~ ~ , 1~ ' 0 p ~ ~ ~ j J PROPOSED GRAVEL DRIVEWA p ~ z ARD- F-A~ RIVE~1 Y H 2 / ~ ~ a l 4• ~ oAK e• ~ oAK b \ TST N0.4 ~ ~ N 4 55 0 E14~ °AK ~ 15' PINE = m 2 2 2 S84`55;3 E ~ ~ ti ~ ~ T N0,6 Q + ~ / ~ ~ \ ~ Q S84 55,36"E w ~ . l ' g• 12• PINE ti ti \ ~ 3.87 9.81 OAK 22' PINE ' Q , N .87 ~ / 3' L OAK ~ I 2~ ~ Vii. . Q ..H. ' Q ,Q AK ~ 4• GUM `OAK 22" 0 K Q10' OAK 10 SOUR AK • 2• PINE 2' PINE 14' & i` 3 • D \ O: N g.•P OA P, P . 12 ~ 10.OAK ~Y K 4 GUM PINE r r 8" P 'OAK..- OAK nj 10. D• ~ • l OA WW 75' PINE >°~15" P[NE ~ 0 iD' DAIt+ 1- 1S" PINE ® ~15" PINE ~ PR 1 'PINE N ~ Q i . ~ ~ e " O g` AK 1O" 0 _ 12" PINE 15" PINED y( 0 9• PINE 15" AK 10' L OAK 4 PINE 1~1 • ~ 8" OAK 2` HOL g- G""'"'®15' OAK 4 PINE .J Z 22' PINE 818• PINE ®12` ~K ~4• ql 15" PINE 14' PI ~iD' L ONE ~ 2" PINEPAS1UhE ,AREA ~ 8 PINE " L K ~ ~ I 14' PI ~~jj,,5' PINE 15' PINE ~ 18' PINE g' f H •I ~ 8" OAK • PINE 18" PINE 14' PINE PIN 14` 14• P1NQ~~ 15• Pl ~ ~ ~ M S OF EE R~~EY' ~ ~ 1s PINE ~ E 1 ~ @, -2 PINE 15" PINE 10' HOLLY tO P1NE® ~ ~ 15" PiNE 15' PINE 14' L OAK / G! J 5" AK O tf%0 I ~ ' Q.. • V (A~ a, d, 1Y PIN 10' PINE 1 11 14' PINE ~15" PINE 14" PINE 15' PINE 14' PINE 20" P11+~ iTi ~ J Q F+"1 14" PINE 14' P 2" PIN ~ I ~ a ~Ni 0 09 0 . ~ C~ 1 ~ 8' OAK 812` iD•w, yc ~;'F ~ _ -.r~ '~P ~..-4 TLANOS 1 10 OAK 2 PINE' 112" PINE ~15• PINE 10'LO E USE Q PINE ~15• PINE 14' PINEt;° 8 OAK 0" PINE ~ - \ Q / ~ H 10' O TST N0,1 - 404 WETLAND N ~ TREE SURVEY OT PE FORMED IN THIS AREA ~ / 1 . TST Nb.B 814" PINE 12 MA 20 PINE 22 PIN ~ 112 PINE ~14" PINE ~12' PINE ~ PINE 4' / U"' PINE 4' PINE / UI L AK ~ ~ / V 1 s ~ ~ ~18' PINE ®12' L OAK Q • Ob 14' MAP 12" OAK ~10' GUM I ~ / ~ ~ / ~ ,T, 0: • 12 OAK TS L { Z 16• PINE T.S~ 4'53 •71'~~14~r p ~ , 'Y„'~'n 1: E.C.M. ~ _ , N84 55 W N84 56 4 W 84 5 7 ~ 66.60 ~ •5 S7 N ~ ,9W N 6W ~ .0_ - , ~ 4 3,67 _.I ! • ~ ~ ~ 480 - 41,4.72. ~ 12" 5% 4 3,67 . 1 ~ RC ®0. o ~ t ~ , ~ / I w 'x'12-"-E,D~ / PROPOSED / ~ T ~ . - ~ ~ i' ~ ~ T~ N0,7 / ti 35 36 / / . _........r --6~ ~ O 36 ~ 37 3t~ 39 BARN ~ ROBERT E. HELP ` ~ ~ ~ I 4 F,. ~ LANDSCAPE BUFFER. ~ DB. 1377 PG. 532 . . - _ SECTION 3 i ' EXISTING VEGETATION " ~ ~ . ACi ..A.. u~- ~ INLET WATCH , TO REMAIN AND • Z ( MB. 28 PG..96 ~ - _ _ - - ~ ~ I SUPP T 0 i Q w z ~ I ~I. ,_r ~s~.:. NEIL MUSSELWHITE w T ~~.A1~T J3E F-I ~ - - ~ PROVEDED-=IF. OPACITY ~ _ •,.4 I, 1 ~ PG _ ~ REQUIREMENTS AND PAUL'J. ANDO & wife r 41 I 0 NUMBER OF PLANTINGS JANET ANDO AREA TO BE BACKFILLED - ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ..,1 - _ f f1 ARE NOT MET. DB. 935 PG. 117 BEHIND BULKHEAD ~ - _ of I I i I I 1 I I 'aU I r I I 47 I I 46 ~ ~ • . L. I I I 46 45 I I 44 • 43 I ~ ~ O ~ I 1 I N OCrJ 1~1 cD . 42 U1 ~ a: I I 11 I 0 1 I. E I. I _ JACK HOLT HINTON ~ _ I A ~ - _ = - ~ - I DB. 1019 PG. 329 •N Z ~ H -w ~~cp 0- I - ~ I`" ~ w • A A 2, _ Z 30 AC 30' ACCESS EASEMENT • . - ~ . • SPILLWAY ~ ~ - - - - . a. . WW ~~o. ' ~ ~ U •N N VARIES 10' MAX. 'FLOW - A N O C-~ ~r ~ a w i A' • . STEEL 0 ._--sTEEL oR wooD Posr SITE DA A _ ~ ~ ~ I SEE PLAN . - WIRE FA NOTE; THIS LOT IS SUBJECT TO ALL UTILITY WIRE FABRIC TOTAL AREA .10.51 ACRES UNDISTURBED SUMP CHANNEL BOTTO ~ • EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, OR TOTAL WETLAND 2.5 ACRES COVENANTS OF RECORD, BOTTOM M II ~ m FILTER MIN, t2-1/2 GA. o a • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP TABLE NTERMEDIATE WIRES FILTER FABRIC TOTAL WETLAND IMPACT 0.15 ACRE5 " N T KEN FROM NOTE: BOUNDARY INFORMATION AND 404 WETLAND LI ES A CROSS SECTION SEE PLAN ~ ~ o! ZONING R-15 - A MAP ENTITLED - "MAP OF SURVEY FOR DR, TIMOTHY L CHASE" N0. REQ D PROVIDE L W D ~ ~ ~ ACRES ~ ~ L FABRIC ~ BUILDING AREA 12,400 'SF SURVEYED 8Y LIGNELL W. HOOD III DATED: DECEMBER 14, 2001 ii .W ~ SECTION A - A 1 - 0.37 666 700 35 MIRAFI 100 x oR ~ A' _ - ~ 0 2 PPROVED EQUAL ROAD AREA 38,925. SF - 2 0.37 656 700 35. 10 2 LEGEND 1;u1n1 • - , ~ ? , , ~ p ANCHOR - - •~.-32- - - EXISTING CONTOUR ANCHOR FABRIC SKIRT 3 0, 7 126 200 20 5 2 N o n. As DIRE .1 _ l - ~ > > , 029.63 . AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER ec EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION , ~ o , , 4 0.7 126 200 20 5 2 ~ S - ~ ~ o PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION : ~ CL' = I _ SeKA . I w • ~ 5 0.14 252 300 30 ~ 5 2 3 STORMWATER RUNOFF DIRECTION ~ ~ I > • fi 0.14 252 300: 30 5 2 ~'0 : 4 - X ~ X - TEMPORARY SILT FENCE %S STONE SECTION A-A , NoTES: 7 0.1 18 50 5 5 2 0 _ NOTES. , 1 CE FABR C > > tiG FEN I SHALL BE.A MIN. OF 32 IN WIDTH AND SCALE 1 -100 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE )TH AND G I 1. SEDIMENT TRAP WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FIRST, 8 .006 • 11 50 5 5 2 SHALT: HAVE A MIN, OF SIX LINE WIRES WITH 12 STAY • ' SUMP. SECONDLY. ~ SPACING. STAY ~~rrl~~ 1 \ I' ~ EXISTING TREES ~y~ j 2.•SEDIMENT TRAP HEIGHT TO BOTTOM OF SPILLWAISEE PUN SHEET FOR LOCATION 0 A! EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED ~ • WILL BE NO LESS THAN TWO FEET. IN, 2, FABRIC SHALL BE FOR EROSION CONTROL AND MIN. OF 36» IN WIDTH. FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED TIN. OF I ES TO BE REMOVED DATE O6 -02 ~ EXISTING SIGNIFICANT THE 3. SPILLWAY DEPTH SHALL BE ONE FOOT. ~ . ~ 4, STONE FACE SH ADEQUATELY TO THE WIRE FABRIC AS DIRECTED BY THE OULD BE NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES ENGINEER. BAR SCALE 1 =100 BY THE DESIGN II MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY FROM THE FACE . OF THE LARGE STONE. 6 MI 3. STEEL POST SHALL BE 5'-0» IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE I• 5. SUMP_DIbtENSIONS SHOULD ALLOW FOR A MINIMUM OF ~ SELF-FASTENER STEEL. ANGLE TYPE. OF THE DRAWN i . Ma TnR ('AMA PERMIT 9UU CF OF SEDIMENT STORAGE. COARSE AGGREGATE 4, WOOD POST SHALL BE. A MIN OF 6' IN HEIGHT AND 3' 6.' DEPTH OF SEDIMENT IN SUMP WILL B CHECKED AFTER EACH TO 4' IN DIAMETER. WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED STORM AND CLEANED AS NECESSARY MIN. ONCE EACH 6 MONTHS). ' too' 50' 0' 100' 200' .TO0' Ltc-nu AND 3 E RESIDENCE ~STENED =IRON PIPE CHAS TO WOODEN POST WITH NOT LESS THAN #9 WIRE STAOLE 7. REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT TRAP WILL BE DONE IN SUCH A WAY 1 1/2" LONG = Dr. Timothy L. Chase STA04E CENTERLINE AS TO LIMIT SILTATION, 234 Inlet Point Drive = TREE (AS NOTED) 28412 TEMPORARY GRAVELLED i 0 _ CONCRETE MONUMENT Wilmington, NC TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TEMPORARY SILT FEN ICE SHEET 1 OF 1 Sheet 3 of 3 NTS NTS NTS. i 02016 1 I t