HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200478 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20200406YY UUM111MIS E N G I N E E R 5 April 6, 2020 Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: City of Charlotte Charlotte Water Intake Shoreline Stabilization Application Gentlemen: 1906.013-4 The City of Charlotte owns a property on Torrence Chapel Road in Cornelius, North Carolina for which Charlotte Water maintains a Water Intake Structure on Lake Norman. A portion of the existing rip rap shoreline along the lake boundary has failed resulting in significant soil erosion. Additional erosion is imminent if not properly restored. We have met with and reviewed the proposed work with a representative of Duke Energy Lake Services to ensure the appropriate corrective measures are incorporated into the work. On behalf of Charlotte Water, enclosed please find three copies of the following documents for your review and approval: • Executed Shoreline Stabilization Application Form (Form: SSGP 10-2013). • Vicinity Map showing the location of the property. • Drawing showing the proposed Shoreline Stabilization. • Photographs of the existing rip rap shoreline and impacted area. A check in the amount of $240 is also enclosed for the Application Fee. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at 704.338.4662 or email me at greg@willisengineers.com. Yours very truly, WILLIS ENGINEERS Greg J. Wells, P.E., BCEE Enclosures cc: Mr. Chuck Cowherd, P.E., Charlotte Water 10700 Sikes Place, Suite 115 Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 704.377.9844 / NC License F-0114 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWR Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Information Name: Joseph C. Wilson, PE, Chief Engineer Mailing Address: Charlotte Water 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 Telephone Number: 704.336.1083 Fax Number: N/A E-mail Address: cwilson@ci.charlotte.nc.us 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: httD://www.saw.usace.armv.mil/Portals/59/docs/reeulatorv/reEdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: Greg J. Wells, PE Company Affiliation: Willis Engineers Mailing Address 10700 Sikes Place Charlotte, North Carolina 28270 Telephone Number: 704.338.4662 Fax Number: N/A E-mail Address: greg@willisengineers.com Person to receive the Certification Approval: Greg J. Wells, PE II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town: Cornelius Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): 22928 Torrence Chapel Road Cornelius North Carolina 28031 Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: West from 1-77 on W. Catawba Ave to Torrence Chapel Road North on Torrence Chapel Road approximately 2 miles to property. Latitude (in decimal degrees) 35.504289 N Longitude (decimal degrees) 80.898386 W 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): Public Infrastructure 6. Property size (acres): 4.65 acres 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: Lake Norman 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): Proposed work will restore existing rip rap shoreline stabilization that has failed resulting in significant soil erosion 9. Will work be conducted from land? ® From water? ® (Both) 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 750 square feet 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 1075 square feet 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): Existing rip rap shoreline stabilization with some trees, transitioning to grass vegetation Owner/Agent'p�Signature* [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)1 D 40 Z 20Z0 Date *Agent's signatt13 e is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSE 10- Page 2 of 3 (SEE ATTACHED 'SHORELI N E STABILIZATION AND PIPE REMOVAL' DRAWING) La ke (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) Full Pond/ Normal Water Level SI Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft) *: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 N M O N O N N C ^L LL 0 A ry Fz- ca U U O 00 N O) N N Photo 1— Existing Rip Rap Shoreline just prior to area where shoreline has been compromised Photo 2 — Shoreline area that has been compromised showing significant erosion LAKE NORMAN �OF A� W_Vr R E�IT 28 I CORNELIUS LOCATION MAP GENERAL NOTES: ,4U 4 2 r 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER (CHARLOTTE WATER). 2. LIMITS OF LAYDOWN AREA TO BE STAKED BY CHARLOTTE WATER PRIOR TO WORK. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE WHATEVER MEASURES NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE SOIL EROSION AND SILTATION. HE SHALL KEEP FULLY INFORMED OF ALL SUCH REGULATIONS WHICH AFFECT THE CONDUCT OF WORK, AND SHALL AT ALL TIMES OBSERVE AND COMPLY WITH ALL SUCH REGULATIONS. 4. ACCESS TO THE EXISTING WASTEWATER PUMPING STATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 5. ALL WORK SHALL REMAIN ON CITY OF CHARLOTTE PROPERTY. 6. ALL WASTE MATERIAL GENERATED SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF BY CONTRACTOR. 7. DUKE ENERGY SHORELINE CLASSIFICATION ON CITY OF CHARLOTTE PROPERTY IS PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. 8. WORK HOURS FOR ITEMS ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE LIMITED TO NON -HOLIDAY WEEKDAYS BETWEEN 8:00 AM AND 5:00 PM. DESIGN COMPANY: WILLIS ENGINEERS INC. PLANS PREPARED BY: WILLIS ENGINEERS INC. ADDRESS: 10700 SIKES PL. STE. 115, CHARLOTTE, NC 28277 PHONE: (704) 377-9844 DATE DESIGN COMPLETED: 10/19 SURVEY COMPANY: SURVEY AND MAPPING AND CONTROL, INC. SURVEYED BY: SURVEY AND MAPPING AND CONTROL, INC. ADDRESS: 12727 DORMAN ROAD, PINEVILLE, NC 28134 PHONE: (704) 542-9095 DATE SURVEY COMPLETED: 09/19 CONTRACTOR: - INSPECTOR: - INSIDE CHARLOTTE: ('/ YES ( ) NO: TOPO NO: - i Ii Ii I i I i 1 I 1 i CHARLOTTE WATER INTAKE I �i PLATFORM AND WALKWAY I I i i i : I i I I I I i I I 1 I I� LAKE NORMAN I EXISTING 12" WATER LINE I I I ATTACHED UNDER WALKWAY TO BE REMOVED I j (ITEM 2) P I I A I S � I i I � i I I�i SHORELINE STABILIZATION I (ITEM 1) SEE ENLARGED PLAN THIS SHEET I \�� x x x� IABANDONED PUMP ' — — ' BUILDING SITE x � I EXISTING FENCE , APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF LAYDOWN AREA. SEE NOTE 2. PROPERTY LINE (TYP) I / LARGE OAK TREE / / TO BE PROTECTED I I I CITY OF CHARLOTTE / 22928 TORRENCE CHAPEL ROAD TAX ID: 001-551-07 ' JOSEPH E. HARDWOOD AND HOLLIDAY G. SHAW MELISSA GIBBS I 22922 TORRENCE CHAPEL ROAD 22938 TORENCE CHAPEL ROAD TAX ID: 001-551-08 TAX ID:001-551-06i/ I i I EXISTING CHARLOTTE — — WATER WASTEWATER / I PUMPING STATION SEE NOTE 4 ' i X--�X Ix , I X / � X I IASPHALT L xI i DRIVEWAY X _ / I I TORRENCE CHAPEL RD PLAN SCALE: 1" = 40' i LAKE NORMAN -_ I -- EXISTING STABILIZED i �- _ __ -- - - RIP RAP SHORELINE i '��0 ---- I EXISTING '`v --- I INTAKE EXISTING � i - `� - ----- WALKWAY ;� I CONTOURS -- ����F-x x x x- i A / x 'NEW CONTOURS % A j Q�) x � i �S�'• ----� L__x x x x- / C ROVIDE STABILIZATION ' FOq� LONG ERODED HORELINE SEE SECTION O EXISTING FENCE SEE NOTE 1 O 01� oho PROPERTY LINE ENLARGED PLAN i SCALE: 1" = 20' SHORELINE STABILIZATION NOTES: 1. PROTECT EXISTING TREES SHOWN. REMAINING TREES AND VEGETATION WITHIN DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE REMOVED AS NEEDED FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION. 2. PROVIDE SUITABLE BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM LABORATORY DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD. 3. WOODY PLANTINGS SHALL BE DORMANT CUTTINGS OF SILKY DOGWOOD, SILKY WILLOW AND/OR ROOTED STOCK OF HAZEL ALDER. PLANTINGS SPACED 2 FEET ON CENTER. 4. RESTORE DISTURBED AREA BEYOND TOP OF BANK WITH SEED AND MULCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARLOTTE WATER DESIGN MANUAL. NALKWAY WALKWAY COLUMNS (BEYOND) PIPE BRACE 12" WATER LINE SECTION AT PIPE BRACE SCALE: 1" = 4' PIPE REMOVAL NOTES: 1. ITEMS IN BOLD AND HATCHED TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING GRADE TOP OF BANK-), WOODY PLANTING SEE NOTE 3 V MATCH ELEVATION AND PROFILE OF EXISTING RIP RAP SHORELINE 24" FULL POND (760) — — CLASS I RIP RAP TARGET LAKE LEVEL (VARIES) —..—..—..—..—.... Q LOW LAKE — LEVEL (755) SHORELINE STABILIZATION (ITEM 1) 2. REMOVE PIPE, HANGERS, BRACES AND APPURTENANCES FROM PIPE REMOVAL (ITEM 2) UNDERSIDE OF WALKWAY FROM PLATFORM TO SHORELINE. CUT PIPE APPROXIMATELY 12-INCHES FROM PLATFORM AND SHORELINE AND CAP WITH FIELD FLANGE AND BLIND FLANGE. VERIFY SIZE AND MATERIAL. 3. PIPE HANGER GENERALLY CONSISTS OF CLEVIS HANGER WITH RODS, MOUNTED INTO UNDERSIDE OF WALKWAY. CUT RODS FLUSH WITH CONCRETE WALKWAY, GRIND SMOOTH AND COAT EXPOSED SURFACE. 4. PIPE BRACE GENERALLY CONSISTS OF WELDED AND BOLTED STEEL CHANNELS AND ANGLES BOLTED TO WALKWAY. CUT BOLTS FLUSH WITH CONCRETE WALKWAY, GRIND SMOOTH AND COAT EXPOSED SURFACE. 5. COAT EXPOSED RODS AND BOLTS WITH TWO COATS OF HIGH BUILD EPDXY (TNEMAC EPDXOLINE SERIES 141 OR EQUAL). DFT 12-16 MILS (TOTAL) ELEVATION ALONG WALKWAY SCALE: 1" = 4' SECTION A - A SCALE: H - 1" = 10' V-1"=1' EXCELSIOR MATTING ERODED SHORELINE -*' ',-- BACKFILL SEE NOTE 2 WRAP NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AROUND RIP RAP Q FULL POND (760) TARGET LAKE LEVEL (VARIES) LOW LAKE LEVEL (755) 18 DEC 2019 CARp ,`�OQ�oFESS 1py9`�y' SEAL 24494 ' Rr J. Know what's below. Call before you dig. A CITY OF CHARLOTTE DEPARTMENT