HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061416 Ver 1_Repair and Stabilization Plan_20090928Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 September 25, 2009 S&EC Project No. 8126.P1 Ms. Lauren Witherspoon NCDENR-DWQ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 www.SandEC.com O L.P - I I+ I U C?cL tm Mr. Monte Matthews US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Ste. 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Reference: Booth MountainlWestfall Repair & Stabilization Plan N OV-2008-PC-0833 DWQ Project # 06-1416 Chatham County, NC Dear Mrs. Witherspoon and Mr. Matthews: SEP 2 8 2009 WETLANDS AND ST WATERORMWATFA BRAhV{ On behalf of Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T), on April 17, 2009 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) submitted a response to the NC Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) December 9, 2008 Notice of Continuing Violation, Notice of Intent to Enforce and Notice of Intent to File for Injunctive Relief letter. Within this response was a Repair & Stabilization Plan designed by S&EC for Crossings 1, 2 & 3. Since that time we understand that the DWQ has revisited the project site and has concluded that there are areas within Crossings 1 & 2 that have stabilized and re-vegetated and has recommended that these areas remain undisturbed. We also understand that the USACE has agreed with this recommendation. Therefore S&EC is providing a revised Repair & Stabilization Plan; the Plan is attached and directly reflects agency comments. All other responses within the April 17, 2009 letter have not changed. We anticipate that this addresses all of the NCDWQ and USACE's concerns. If you have any further questions or any additional explanation is needed, plgase don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA a,??oz_ E6_aJ 0_ ?z__ Debbie Edwards Environmental Specialist Attachments: 1) S&EC Repair & Stabilization Plan-April 3, 2009 (Revised September, 25, 2009) Cc: Mr. John Rybak-BB&T, SVP Environmental Risk Manager Mr. Mike Zaccardo - CE Group, Inc. Mr. John Hennessey- NCDWQ NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Mrs. Cyndi Karoly- 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit BOOTH MOUNTAIN REPAIR & STABILIZATION PLAN CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA S&EC Project No. 8126.1) 1 April 3, 2009 REVISED September 25, 2009 Patrick K. Smifh, P.] N.C. License No. 25 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Site Description REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.131 The project site consists of 314 acres (+/-), approximately six miles south of Chapel Hill in Chatham County, NC. The site is located south of Lystra Road (SR 1721), 2.5 miles east of the intersection of Lystra Road and Highway 15-501. The impacted streams include two unnamed tributaries to Herndon Creek, as well as a portion of Herndon Creek itself, a tributary to Jordan Lake (Class WS-IV) within the Cape Fear River Basin (Catalog Unit 03030002). In accordance with NOV-2008-PC0833, we have identified the impacted areas as Crossing 1, Crossing 2 and Crossing 3 in the attached Repair & Stabilization Plan. Onsite Observations On May 2, 2008, Ms. Debbie Edwards, Ms. Rebecca Peterson and Mr. David Gainey of S&EC and Ms. Lauren Witherspoon and Mr. John Hennessey of DWQ visited the referenced site to observe reported sediment impacts to the stream channel and wetlands and a potentially perched culvert in the vicinity of Crossing 1. During the site visit, the impacted stream reach and adjacent areas were traversed, and the extent and severity of the reported sediment impacts were observed. During this site visit, site observations indicated that an area of channel approximately 30 feet in length on the upstream end of Crossing 1 and the adjacent wetlands on either side of the stream were impacted with sediment in depths ranging from a skim layer (typically less than 2-inches in thickness) up to 18 inches based on field measurements with a hand auger. A skim layer of less than 2 inches of sediment was also found in uplands on the downstream side of the road crossing. The material deposited consists of fine gravel, sands and fine clay materials along the subject reach. This combination of materials is easily eroded and routinely observed to migrate, particularly from sites which are not yet stabilized. Our site observations also concluded that the wetland and stream channel upstream of the culvert were excavated during construction of the crossing, and were not returned to their natural grade resulting in the perched culvert. Since the May 2, 2008 site visit, S&EC provided recommendations for the cleanup and repair activities necessary to address these issues and our recommendations were approved by DWQ. The proposed cleanup and repair activities were however not executed. On February 25 and March 5, 2009 we revisited the site to evaluate current site conditions and collect supplemental site data. We have determined that at Crossing 1 a significant portion of the area upstream of the crossing has stabilized and re-vegetated since the original site visit; however, the area downstream of Crossing 1 appears to be generally in the same condition as previously reported. See Photos 1 through 4. At Crossing 2, the sewer easement appears to have been constructed greater than the approved width of 50 feet. The wetlands within the cleared area were determined to be unstable and show evidence of excavation and spoil displacement. Additionally, the banks of Herndon Creek appear somewhat unstable for approximately 45 LF of stream 1 of 11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan REVISED September 25, 2009 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 8126.1) 1 channel and as such this area will require local repair and stabilization. And although the stream appears to have been trafficked by heavy vehicles, no sediment was observed in the stream channel. See Photos 5 and 6. Since the submittal of our original Repair & Stabilization Plan on April 17, 2009 further stabilization of the stream and wetland area at Crossing 2 has occurred. Based on our most recent discussions with both USACE and DWQ it was agreed that the originally proposed grading operations in this area are no longer warranted. Accordingly only planting operations as described on the attached Construction Drawings will occur. At Crossing 3, it was determined that approximately 70 LF of stream channel on the upstream end of the culvert is unstable and has formed an approximate 18-inch head cut which is actively migrating upstream. At the downstream end of the culvert, the stream appears to be flowing beneath the existing riprap. Based on site conditions it appears that a portion of the originally installed riprap apron immediately downstream of the culvert was subsequently removed leaving the culvert perched. Limited in-channel sediment was observed downstream of the culvert at the time of our visit. See Photos 7 and 8. Delineation of Sediment Impacts Sediment impacts were only delineated in the vicinity of Crossing 1. Based on discussions with DWQ personnel during the May 2, 2008 site visit, S&EC delineated the boundaries of the observed sediment deposition within the impacted stream and wetlands. These areas were flagged with sequentially numbered S&EC logo pin flags and GPS located. As no sediment impacts were observed in the vicinity of Crossings 2 and 3 during our most recent site visits, no delineations were performed nor cleanup recommendations made. A total of 0.000961 acres (41.84 square feet) of stream, of 0.0196 acres (855.27 square feet) of wetland, and of 0.00292 acres (127.21 square feet) of upland appear to have been impacted by the deposition of sediment at Crossing 1. Sediment deposition observed onsite varies considerably. For ease of evaluations we have divided observed sediment impacts into two categories: Category 1 - Sediment deposition in excess of approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will require removal and proper disposal. Category 2 - Sediment deposition less than approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will remain in place. NOTE: Based on experience with similar sediment deposition and subsequent cleanup operations, it is our opinion that deposition layers less than approximately two (2) inches in thickness should remain in place. Cleanup of thin layers can result in damage to the underlying soils which will exceed the temporary nature of localized thin layered deposition. 2 of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.D1 These originally delineated impacted areas are identified on the attached Construction Drawings. Since our original sediment delineation in May of 2008, the identified sediment has not been removed, and these areas have largely stabilized and re-vegetated (See Photos 3 and 4). As a result, we have modified our proposed cleanup operations from the original submission on May 19, 2008. Our recommendations are described in Proposed Sediment Cleanup Operations below. Proposed Sediment Cleanup Operations This Repair & Stabilization Plan (sediment clean-up recommendations) was prepared in part for the purpose of providing a systematic approach to remove and/or stabilize in place sediment impacts onsite. Some modifications to our originally proposed and approved plan have been made based on observed changes to site conditions from our most recent site visits. Based on our site observations and experience with similar projects, S&EC proposes the following steps be performed to remove the existing sediment impacts onsite and reduce the potential for future sediment impacts: Step 1 Repair as necessary and augment existing site Erosion and Sediment (E&S) control measures including silt fence, existing sediment traps, sediment basins, and temporary stabilization measures. All additional E&S control measures and repairs should be performed / installed in accordance with NCDENR approved standards and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (by others). Temporary and permanent seeding measures should be applied at the earliest opportunity across exposed (non-actively graded) portions of the site. All existing and new E&S devices should be inspected and cleaned out (sediment removed from upstream of the devices) as required. Typically the frequency of inspection is weekly, and after each rainfall event of 0.5 inches (or greater). Step 2 To the extent required by DWQ, manually remove excess Category 1 sediment as identified, and as directed by S&EC on site at the time of cleanup. Where still evident and not already stabilized with vegetation, sediment will be excavated to a depth that reaches the approximate natural grade (as determined by S&EC personnel). All excavation will be performed by hand. Excavation will be performed with manual labor using shovels (flat head or "sharp shooter") and 5 gallon buckets. Caution will be applied so as not to disturb the original wetland surface. 3of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.1) 1 Existing easements or site trails and roads will be used for vehicular and mechanized equipment access to assist in mass sediment removal. Where heavy equipment is used every effort will be made to reduce the impact to the existing vegetation. No thinning or clearing of vegetation will be performed. Delineated wetland areas or streams will not be trafficked with motorized equipment to perform cleanup operations. Recovered sediment will be transported away from any channel, wetland, or ponds and disposed of properly (in accordance with State and local regulations). Step 3 Impacted wetland areas onsite, (where sediment has been removed) will be seeded with a native wetland seed mix following cleanup. The seed mix should include a minimum of four of the following herbaceous wetland species. • Virginia Wild Rye (Elymus virginicus) • Soft Rush (Juncus effusus) • Sedge (Carex lurida, lupulina, or vulpinoidea) • Woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus) • Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) • Lizard's Tail (Saururus cernuus) Acceptable wetland seed mixes are commercially available that include many more species and are designed for specific site situations. Preference should be given to southeastern seed sources and/or NC ecotype seeds in order to ensure seeds are adapted to the local climate. Seed should be applied at a rate of 15 pounds per acre (or as directed by the seed supplier) and covered with light straw mulch. Cleanup operations will be performed under the direct supervision of an individual with a thorough understanding of the purpose and the delicate manner in which manual methods should be performed. Proposed Repair & Stabilization Activities Based on the findings of the site engineer (CE Group, Inc. of Cary, NC) we understand that the existing 60-inch culvert at Crossing 1 was installed at the correct elevation. As previously described it appears that the stream and wetland immediately upstream of the culvert was excavated (during pipe and headwall installation) and left at the same elevation as the culvert, thereby perching the culvert. To restore this area, it was originally proposed that suitable fill material be placed in select locations as directed by S&EC (after the removal of Category 1 sediment impacts) to raise the elevation of portions of this area. However based on our most recent site observations (with Agency representatives) the majority of this area has stabilized with vegetation and as such only a 4ofII Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan REVISED September 25, 2009 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 8126.D1 limited amount of sediment removal and incidental grading remains to be done. The restored upstream wetland area will then be planted with appropriate woody vegetation including Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire) and Alnus serrulata (hazel alder) as well as various herbaceous wetland plants (no woody vegetation shall be planted within 5 feet of the headwall or wing walls). NOTE: The original invert elevation of the stream at the culvert was 394.10 feet and the installed upstream invert elevation of the culvert is 392.91 feet. We estimate that the surrounding impacted wetland area (including an undefined channel) was likely at an elevation of approximately 394.30 feet to 394.50 feet. Any fill placed following the removal of existing sediment will be graded to roughly restore these elevations. We also recommend that on the downstream side of the road crossing coir matting be place on the right hand side (right and left are referenced facing downstream) of the channel. We also recommend that both the right and left hand side of the stream on the downstream side be planted with woody vegetation shown on the Construction Drawings as well as the wetland seed mix described above. No woody vegetation shall be planted within 5 feet of the headwall or wing walls. To enhance aquatic passage, we recommend that the top layer of rip rap be removed from the rip rap dissipater within the first 10 feet closest to the culvert outlet on the downstream side of the road crossing. Coir logs will also be installed on either side of the dissipater as shown on the Construction Drawings to reduce the potential for localized erosion at the edges of the existing apron and restrict sedimentation from the adjacent land surface. On February 25 and March 5, 2009, S&EC performed a limited-engineering survey of the existing stream and wetland areas in the vicinity of Crossings 2 and 3, which require repair and stabilization. The following activities are proposed as part of the attached Repair & Stabilization Plan. At Crossing 2 approximately 50 feet of Herndon Creek will be planted with live stakes. Minor grading operations on the stream bank which were originally proposed are no longer required (described above). The originally proposed grading operations within the crossing vicinity are no longer warranted (described above) however the wetland area will be replanted with bare root seedlings except for a 30-foot wide portion within the sewer easement. See the attached Construction Drawings. At Crossing 3 approximately 80 feet of the stream channel will be repaired and stabilized. The stream channel upstream of the crossing will be returned to a more appropriate cross- section to mimic the immediately adjacent (upstream and downstream) channel segments. A series of in-channel rock cross-vanes will be installed upstream of the culvert to stabilize the banks, maintain channel grade and reduce the potential for head-cutting. Coir matting and live stakes will be utilized to provide additional stability. On the downstream end of the crossing the riprap apron will be modified to meet the permitted thickness and dimension. A single rock cross-vane will be installed immediately downstream of the culvert to maintain grade and allow for aquatic passage. The downstream end of the apron will be repaired to form a smooth transition with the 5of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.1) 1 downstream (receiving) stream channel. Any exposed channel segments immediately downstream of the riprap apron will be stabilized with coir matting and live staked. The approximate areas recommended for stream repair can be seen on the attached Repair & Stabilization Plan. The full extent of necessary repairs including the number and location of in-channel structures may be field modified based on site conditions observed at the time of construction. See the attached Construction Drawings. Implementation Schedule Following the review and approval of this Plan by DWQ, cleanup, repair and stabilization activities will be performed under the supervision of S&EC. We estimate that the proposed work will be completed (barring any inclement weather) within 60 to 90 days of the approval of this plan. A close-out letter will be submitted to DWQ following the completion of site cleanup work and a close-out site visit by S&EC. Future Monitoring & Maintenance Once sediment cleanup, repair, and stabilization activities have been completed, we recommend that the impacted areas be monitored until such time as major site construction (excluding the construction of individual residences) is completed and exposed site surfaces have been stabilized with vegetative cover, leaf litter, or a combination thereof or a period of (3) years, whichever is longer. Monitoring should consist of observing the impacted areas for the purpose of observing the condition of the repaired channel bed and banks and stabilized wetland areas. Observations should be recorded regarding identified sediment loading (if any), its apparent source, and recommendations made for supplemental cleanup measures and other necessary stabilization repairs to graded streams and wetland areas. Existing and Supplemental Erosion & Sediment Control Measures S&EC recommends that all new and existing E&S devices will continue to be inspected and cleaned out (sediment removed from upstream of the devices) as required in the approved site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the associated NCGO10000 NPDES General Stormwater Permit. Inspections should continue to be performed weekly, and within 24 hours after each rainfall event of 0.5 inches (or greater). Deficiencies and recommendations should be recorded, where applicable, for necessary repairs or supplementary measures. Corrective actions should be taken as necessary to eliminate noted deficiencies. All records should be maintained onsite and available on request to DWQ or other Agencies. Limitations Our evaluations, conclusions, and recommendations are based on project and site information available to us at the time of this letter and may require modification if there 6ofII Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.1) 1 are any changes in the project or site conditions, or if additional data about the project or site becomes available in the future. This report is intended for use by our Client, USACE and DWQ on this project. These findings are not intended or recommended to be suitable for reuse on extensions of the project or on any other project. Reuse on extensions of this project or on any other project shall be done only after written verification or adaptation by SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA, for the specific purpose intended. Attachment: Repair & Stabilization Plan Site Photographs 1 through 8 7of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.1) 1 "r r r w.. , y,? .:44- t L x .wry 'b 3$*`' "ry "`s?r?.w it.? y ,•ls? w+ w • 7Er° Photo 1- Crossing 1, Upstream End, Looking Downstream Toward Impacted Channel/Wetland Segment, May 2008 Photo 2 - Crossing 1, Downstream End, Looking Northeast Toward Existing Dissipaters, May 2008 8of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.D1 4 os,_ 1 . I h" F?# .? P 16 y. ?r ?, ? a ? yty s +%Sr- ,*> w F? « a E l ta+•a r v. 5v .. X,rq li-,,.: :. Photo 3 - Crossing 1, Upstream End, Note Significant Stabilizing Vegetation and Limited Visible Sediment, February 2009 Photo 4 - Crossing 1, Downstream End, Note Little Change from Previously Observed Conditions, February 2009 9of11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.D1 Photo 5 - Crossing 2, Wetland Area, Note Disturbed Areas, Depressions and Spoil Piles, January 2009 C . "If a`e', w 7 { r ?.. t, 57, 4 ar y5 ? Photo 6- Crossing 2, Herndon Creek, Note Destabilized Channel Banks and Adjacent Disturbed Areas, January 2009 10 of 11 Booth Mountain Repair & Stabilization Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA REVISED September 25, 2009 Project No. 8126.1) 1 S 1 At 4.:,A* i V 1-43 47. ?f. a V r c Int.: Photo 7- Crossing 3, Upstream End, Looking Downstream Note Incised Channel and Limited Vegetation, January 2009 a r ? i I n j r ?, a ,f 1; I ? S J - / Z t ?a r r 3{,.t„ + ? y. Z" ?? 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