HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013808_Monitoring - 02-2020_20200406NON MC HARGE WASTEWATER MCI N]TORI N-G R L-- PORT Page at FERMIT NUMRER FA,QUN NAML- Su3rimerfiel4 ComtruclE%d V.�il i�, zti�or~r.� Fobrkia ry YEAR: 2920 015UN-Y GuilF4rd �yS�.■ ■r t_ J it - - �■ m !NON =OEM� now; CV- CV- afar Fn Responsible C: toRey Chad Leirib;�K:h t'+r�ide: I ;,k1' I Chxk box i1 0FbC Hgt Cd_ 13 C;erfthW L2 orie5 {i k Conner CPtSuHi rig, LLC TN%r5om[*F-0oIIeciing ti-arnpks-- Maa ORiGPr4ALand TWO UOPIE:5 tw, ATTN! Ncm-Nt;charg$G*mpllaric?e NAH ()EIYR 0iA&k3n of WZk-F C'" ty 1517 Mil Se icr~ ;enter PALEIGFL NC 27699-1 G17 Chad Lem NX;h rarer C—iriC�dion N urnbrr. IZ}: PI Moir 771$ 2F}7Y 2;3-92B Erg v0 rSI(3NAnJRF Qr OPERATQ11Iw REWONSIOLL CHARGES UY THIS SICNATIJRE, I CER73FY THAT THCS FILPDKT r-S ACCURATE AND COMPLETE Y-0 T E BESTQF VY KN{7•WLL-DaF MNR FORM uDmR-i (rrxm 3} Fag NON DISC! IARGL WASTEWATER M CNITORINC REPORT Facility Stave- >}Ir�nc're unhwncr the tril Ivwi ng gLueshxm- 1_ Dlocs all monitoring dab and sampding frequencies meet permit requirements? C o m pFLA nt 4 Y, hi.] Y 1F th¢ fad Iity is nQn-cqFqp1 ipnt, plcusv explain in the she bE4aw ttte reasan(s) the Faality was not in compiiance with ft3 permit Prmide 1n your explambon the daj!3) or the elon-00rnplirince nr1d describe-TLe Q0ftM%7bve scb*s) Uknr7 Attach oddii;iinngil apt$ d r5 ,sar}r "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and ;a11 aUi�hrftntg were prepared under myr Oregon qr supervision in aoo5manoe with a sy stwn -0e!P9ne4 W mure Ihat all qufiO pffsen "Pef ly eF)"Fed MW evaluated the infornFation submilUd Eased on rrky inquiry iyf the person ar pemona who manage the system, or those pcs-sons drr + Fes pomihke for Bath edn0 the inforntatipn, t* infwmal ron :%k bmiM--d is, to the hest of rnV KX edge end belief, true, ac�cxiiraha� and complete. I am aware that there are signifkant penaides for submitting fO!pe f informatiQn, including the p 011ty 0 Frew a� imprisonment for � Ju krlo%Ming violations." Chad I nirlt h (SigT�ature of Perm itbre)' DM, I No mo of Sign ina 01fici al-f'IeviW print OF tY] .KAs Prope-jcs, Ins (Permrtt, a print or typit-) Pori OMM BOX BOG _ -Srconsharo. NC 27420 [PEgimittee Add ressx Pair ameter Coder&- ORD {POsltian OF Trtbo (En9� 260-7301 7137 �Ptrone Nlumbe j (Permit Exp_ Date) aim-6FWC 11`711 cd'Jhrm 1CbI oww 22M rk TStiI OGP`G 01W2 bxab OUZ 4I CCrbAh :: to C0630 �•uM UMI SbR 903111 8CM OiG42,r C*20 W} 0¢7A$ auk* 010Z7 CaP nkm IUMO Mwd 00% ok-3- i* 702%S Ma OG976 cyl.. 115% F#r,31 CNirn wOM R4N I PwuxPxirmm OW10 T O1b51 Loyd OW GOEV ow357" 5-4MB C:ri WOM pay a+i+M— on,7 in IV I'DIMP& Ot&W Toe 71MU Lqqm.hrp O Tdal OM30 T':JT:%R Om1.17 P.. OM?r. T..,N M1 01 Cxm Y w- Wbw rAlza 1 0140 Lvi) oioef w._._, "it, 8oUar4e Wal. �10 2 iti P' ,rJrrF,?I-:' Cc cck a—i-,brp::e rlW bo abtsept-d by mIe7a IHt V1hhrr Qk 1?.y 17-�in ipIi , x 9+Erfr4rV4Rmrl IJni1 a7 (9I Sri CAS. 5W. TM mardhfy average far Ffica'. Cofinan is m hg s$porW as a G EO M EY W mealy S.� �J�+the File �3e 7I Ifl the �y �raliq�� tdtt[ .s1�1$. rr siomw by alhtrt IhAe, t1r perry Met-, "eq;dian of �:ignatartir authority must be on W. vMlh thL- stzte prr 75Ai 6JCA0,2BASDfi (b)(RM. OEMR MI2PANCMR-1 (Sd21X!-J} IVDN•DWCHAMIE APPLICATION REPORT fagr_ A SPRAY IRRIGATION S11' } THERE PAE 1`M14+PPLr-Ar14W FIELDS PER PACE Lw: AOQlrrnle4 RLr,MAS NEEM AERm1r r4L;r.vhx. 1NUM39M Fotruaryr YERR ¢ F r.=Mr cw.rAr 31,rrrfYrr►W6 tiVegt>Rrdc GOLq%IT Y• 'Guilfwd Rannu¢� En Zy L—d;4r) I-hr • r v- In— �p- 10 s FillaOwck 1r.mppu1UQ141.Yun1. ,V vcq OE Rurnm nnnrr Lud" Ordr kvhFr A—I-U 0-hem) 12 rcnih 1loab TcW Or d - dam •¢+'a Ya!#'L 4 �� P *I r�rn rr..r�lar IrtrY +--14 W—Wp lPhl6] Gr vim+} • PL�t S• L udm 31 w � i iKrr1 lss.. w%m + 16—w—a n. 7•+� - -. I i i MWI un boa Ai VCT ri0. UN hr NLr O¢ur On 7hi F ew, , S � pd In hqn O{{Ur L3ri I lip..` ak7 Mn• FI=LL NJVBER w4L A MMA-er- !Z- I FII I O NI;•ilEE7; t AREAEPPA.rED �I � 0.71 c DvM qKw-j Gr=JFap:-,-t cav[a CA04�. Gams Forost FERIMflTEd HB LYILY R,i.Y§ prlV",• FgRftftTED YEPI; LT kAie rmctmb Fri I'LMMI714D HQ14RV AJLTE llnches-0c 0.�1 A 7 t wEAT Mee oov0mow* any L.V—. rn: D4xti d ITJRBrPrTLD YCJ4rdYaalT Poch 3+L WcEI a COWy 7up— vbwmt App 711F! _ rw- Carr i�o Mourfx LEI YDkdrpt w IMF� 7Lnw I Ind nbb - ' jy 1.47dr :.1 I��� r•Wi Fxui.'y ;rc hn Wch���. M 45 d (I 0A0 a %—FMI a i ipwoi # -1 47 6" 2w 7 009 MM 7w 0.42 D 13 0- z 1.4 9{ D 047 009 901,1 33D z3D _ 0.a 0.42 1-3$ a 13 E�K14 1 0.09 [i] R 41 0 $MIT 0 OAD aam>r C1 w 0 Q Y�R' 0 anD i�prur ' 0 cI 42 0 m A4r4fJ0� 0 OAO f[A'W— *EWAT f 42 1 a 0 IXoo 60TIEe D 0 OAD is CI 415 Z33 aSe 0. 0 4a 4.31 a13 01:5 111 w 15 2TM 5¢ 414 QXG e&7 0.14 2 1 p Q (p 0 010D IQYJM C2 62 U. 13 D 00 MWWAX am 1 54 0 0 400 i5wf G 0 QAD MIDW11C ix I 55 0 0 U Od =vMr OAR Y035 0 M 0ADmnwnz t it I 9M i7 I 3a 1)" 300 QL47 0.OD smo 300 Qti3 1E CA 315 1.4 Iwo 4�2 4.07 A)9 1 01:� 0.13 i0 CI as Iwo 4� S 0.07 LM 1NQ G&3 0.13 D.1 26 3D I= 4&3 U CLOP law 453 21 p 1 433 AUF 190p 1 0.1 D.13 2 5D 1 435 194D Ga3 & 3 013 CLM .1 a.13 # 55 1 ij d3� D. 0 C 193D R+ 45 a.flD ! o um X13rV of 25 CI i.w' 1_4 0 ODD JIMV& 0 0 am ivDrVM 26 u 42 Q D 0 Q4 i VJO! 0 :D.DO aMAX 3F i` 1PWQ! Q. 'ZQr4+JID1 w +i!lla n00o 200 031 CL SW5 sa;* SD Cti47 &4 OA2 0.Q 29 c 3M 031 txaE 30 si 7uaa[ LalrvmFMonlhM I audu i� 5757E ' - : - j_i2� 4OJ3� F16M 17 MQodh Flp7pnO TbjM lldentS _ Awr30p vd kp;g" 4Ptihts _ -D. 1.144lSF Sprays IrHgatorr Op-AW i.i R,rxporrbiC Chargt?OF:Gk qa¢ Leikodi Phonic 9192MMI 0FLO C w1iriurinn INurn ¢er: �} {•hr .k Mx ii Has C kbril 0#hf:wk wd T4ND DORIES 1o%: �/ — ATT'N- Non rMsfhargc CrampkYnq Unil Dr=NR 'Ie �> � a IWL.ab 11 M 4h5r IRe Qr.1311� fW NAIIuRE GF aP81ATQ1 IN RESPO NMLECKPAG14 W 7 Mail Service Cam- h ft trlrt —1j. 1 C.FMrYTnp,Y Ywf Boar * 064GLNLATEAND C0M1`L0E- RALLEIGH, NC ZMa-7L17 T4IHE 8ESr qP my K*U15rLED E CEF4RFC M 904&1; OFfAM NON4WICHAR4M A PPUCA1TIOU RFPf)RT SPRAYIRRHZ;ATfON SUB6[ Fac�tY Sts4lsc Please irdinw- (by iisoling Y(es) cr F1 AFC uppinpralG bm ) nheftr t c farlTdy lb� ften mmpliarn wth thA Mho wrr] p"* Wimuwft- JALDW if $ eWAfe mW d-w rmc 3My b y&-o tsi T W OV ki tri MIP - oA10Mu bcc,:. i 1. T he appI11:aban ra4clsl dirt ricrt exceed the limes] spe:erhed in tyre pernrrrt Z. AdM:u a.te measures Yku re taken to prevent uw2Mry amr rutx>ir 1, 46, rha 3Lirpr A). M A 5;ui=ILL'."c4pGur: cove- tivar± m;hnL;" rrati 011 111k BiDe(Q ire ak:1:oldarte wYi7h V* pe miL I� 4, Ail byrfer rrx+ex ars s:WiFed in khe perrrmrt were maintained dunnq cash opplicarnon. .s, llr irv%!h rf I :, pFL. Aiiditrr slorope lapoonrs) was not ress than the kr1111 sl *pirt�iM in IhP pklnd, Ir Me la -Loy cs. rYB�i uYipGirll, pv-vd: 1:xplu'vr w IFS: po tbekw 7+c r'e33r7r q ire fai.4h —4.:5 rxA in -it►r ita permk. issVAde m yeLT eipLa. wIian the daIr�s] of I* nvK mplianm and &xrbe the sae ad4irr(s) iakeR. dtbpc 2dClMn;,1 $ h4ob., if * q. PplicaWn taha:s onminp dvdm altar F&Oud TQW20 f klk V=&3. Thc rr bcnrd ix nn1 corriAunL F x " waft i2 bci6o brad: in D%h nd eels so the VM Akzdrer ftmWo pamd part be bwered. Orate - ORrG 'I txr$r�,� order ty-at taw, tl-rdt this daamh%n and all a=chevFwfis werqk pr pQe4A uridlr ftf d3-&dkr w sr.RPr rMCS& 7;ti kicwrdnoe Keith a sfMem &mpned to assure that al qualmed p{rgnnol property 90pored arkC ^",*gBW tha rrcrrr�}td>n suhrrtted. aasad on r.W inquiry at the personor p61r..a t5 w1�e A*e jo Use aK8lern. Qr fife }rtlrNT 4 r x,'r4rxiv� for 0Il oft" Lhv k*imob:,n, Il-1c iriatrmtbn mbmitlod is, to t}so trr_ t 0 only know lraJrjc and haligf. true. arlrjrW. cr y rarCFete. 1 am aware thflt ftw..re arc sign t—rd j'A+'r Ns Iv Sardfiif ing Fjlrc inrormafion. including Llae po! aAbirrtp air firxz : 1 M 'rrV' rroRrt t•4r krb7mirrrj ui4b,brTv.` 0 - - - IS:grok+r4 or pemill��]' Manrg �t sign,ng OMc.al42bp-;. print stir % I Krbr PvmpWO rn hbr, Ferri (Mice r'Ja': !J7--% GraarrbrxorJG 2'r4Z9 l��rtvttee AMFE Ss . Oft: ipo5;1 m oior-heir) --- 11 r? 7WI.-:7 W1 M71127 IPMne IN ranb-c IPeffmit gaw� bakI - I f kg n nd trR 6 OwW TM n en pr ltfvw, c"FHc- nr d 9 nlfprf akl 0ft91use trc do flirtk9Mlh t Adit/rt r 1!A WA :1 1%Mim?b E21 D� IWD —G— DMR FCF3W NDAR-1 I!i2M l -gK- — cw $PRAY IRF4GA-00M !B1rW) rrrras.lTIE rYM APPJGJMOH FIB.M PM Pa,CE. LL`LL ADO1rK NdI AGES d6SNEt 0 PFJ,cmn rdL mr! UYQM1IHM RMTFc Fotrmry ,fE,%Ft ?Q FirGILfiV �lB E 5u meriiold CanstLztsd Ul%4nr� SOU-TY: GUWDFd Form y b S' Da Lip-� Wtivar7 -r rf04* w OR@} {' Ibib0" kft*P&F11 3 FPo~IJP+o S;UWWtM04iSMG , a CHI OR MCEdW Lm&:%n9 o n1m{1 -SP- of GY'4 IMF 1J Y.o..mh FI{K ft 14r ambcw -mcmapto rr=k r Iwcrl: C.%W li�.M,}� � .. ii � be7w LcW&wv rmcJH44L A`—JFW-kh Lmm&9 Gbh I Lr-.b-r lI 4=tm= a'.drw c w r UbA_.-1 i, ] •, __..�, .l. i..r }Lr {+dpl Ihn s1Y F• ' ND' �G I�y7dDn{q;Llr d: jai J. Yis Na- Dd.rrlfliCvii {}skr On Tha rwd- Ymr.• Au. . FItLU NLIRO[R T1�Q SIUYF Ft AREA SMRfen } MEA 8PFt4hED bLMi ' Q. L7 cc YE 4 mcw-. WTTE[} HOWLY RATE j t&W eUmdf'PrM IbuRLY r! oLrff4mK : D A T WEATi H.ER GOMITMS lmrw Lmg m TM4ord PINik TL'Q YEARLY 14. PERM 11TFDl'IAA4ftV Fw. Y0I.ri1C APE'4 d Tmm • • n"11" 11riy L{YSDi. TF Rk- NFU r+1 Lawn vwum■ A TrRC baby IMbcFnuo HmrV L ft k.I. - y Aq+"ft I I inalm ism inrlrrl ndrrr � wna ;r= I C' 4.9 Q 0 ' OQ FiLYWMr. } �% �$ 0 1) s{x4fU! 4 49 0.22 3A 1} 0 VYW D VM! 3 FaG 40 b 0 Q�w 9❑IVJ�! r R J1 [ T) 0.OD s61v I 7 CT so 4) savvi e CJ 412 O 0 01Ad sD I q C_ 0 0 �1 Kum tr I? ! 5 9+ 13 salvml 12 431 60 Q 13M Lp WO! xolwrgl #rAV 4! 13 R E 0.00 0 ry'i 003 14 FC $d 10 0 *rNveo! 16 CA 45 0 0 w guy.,U! 47 CJ 3$ 0 0 000 XL:1YiU! xovm' 19 CI +39 7 t.4 0 0 Om 19`I36F]LUOIyrrQi cl 30 0 0 EL U3 i�lYr4! el CA 0 OAOBOYT131 72 C 35 0' 23 Cl 4 9100 F IM za I 46 4 CL00 01 44 1= 1.4 0 p I iFu- 0 a Am 0 0 94 #GY 36 0 0 0 �# 1 C 3B - o 0 �Nr +r I2II GdMW?5 F WTI hI}' L&Win§ 12 Mmrlll Fkb P.1 4 1ctmI UrH�hL 0 4.00 4 Iinrt. r _ 44.47 - - - - - �hfEY Y W} h I.xJdI IIIY_hCi Spray koic3.HIxu- 4peralor In Ae5+onslGlc rw +jg (4;A ): Chad Ld!in bach Fy11onm: 919 3.3I'Y C�r sicjtw NuinL+y_ _—MP6 Check Ekuc it OPLO War thvrnkLyy- hbll aRIrINAL and TUO COPIES eu. ATTN: Non4!lIsthAnp C*inpliarxr Uni7 r' C-'NR MY Gi4n a Vg31LY Qumiitp OY67114Tuer jr CFEMTM III ResFcW22mz rKuraq - •- 101 Maa f nmc& C+PrdPr FLY TM%NGNLTU RE I CEW pY TKAT T14* RWCAT IS P/f1 RACE AND cgaw%CT RALLFGH, NC 276SS-1617 7a TIr 0EGr-DF MY rupOiY1 +1+r:C. OEUR cQRMWAR -I &29MJ WOW-DISCHARGEAPPUGATION REPORT SPRAY WRIGATION SUE(SM FsriIlty Smtus: f k8ie iirdNm 4i WC-1 iA1hc appropria6c box %wndhr.. tho: Ramey kwn. Wnn vm&Nigru wfdr mm f Dmmg pr!m,rt rngiir5MeW �410 P. EfS fk Weefr9rrf Cbes rro! NA* b yau' faLkl'ypr.M flW b U4e " r i- Thil apptita66A fa0= :%) did i,ffl L%xO miY Iim■gaF specdred in UX paimt- 2- Adequate measums were taMrh ao prtt+ani ra$orma4rr% ruibotr ibom the -Ae{sj 3 A mui-b lK urg eta tL e t o+ ms ma nrtarned am the wWs) IdL srrn kt:.f: Nidh oho- p4ra,iL 4, All balfeF mncs as sp ecrbad m the: p —ig v** ffla Mained da nin q ewM vTrrriir�finra 5. The i'eebo and ir, Lhe trea Lmerrt and,+or 5;t rmp EWIW4 ¢l oe�s el A Ica harn tie Iimiasj 0 �;jgirCir6W 6A !hw liwrmir Ifihn faak+ii � M-cI:urr.Pliant pticYc oxtOaat m ttrt spoor beIo%y 91w rea%r-taj ihe salty was nai in wmpiiarrce with ibs. pe7w. Pf0111k in m explare-oi IhE cb5e(s) ofthe m&=mCNmra aW kVA* ff* tOfrN*m 3%cf l Idheri. Mad add13oroa streeft if mcasrary. A4Wp alibn PA* is ctmaTR dow-1 after iecard rairVar. last gr:ar last frr*be*W icFL W E�lw —*r 4 la" irq ft 'id C-M 5ore Mlkt M a6w; `to -ago oars can n�R hym2f;ir< C"el - CPC 'I De tWVr urrd�r Pwmtf of bw, E=U*s dOcum"d W4 *4 -M+F nb wut¢ prepared under my deecb5n or superoman n afoardanoe ,Nth tr syriAn* dW*}Md to as-jrc that al Quakfied ptrr--a] pro p-ta 90hdro4 0egg mv* ^d U* W&rim fian *vbwmNW. Ba:xd on rq ingriry of the pem m a persara Y" r*rcMe. dr* SVS*r1.0f ft" O&SO 3 dift* re& am;ibfa tOr 91MerM9 Me mdr—b4rk. EErt rrfprr MIP- xubmiflod is, to- U-,e bay or my 57rxrlCAgrc and t�sW. trLpe. sccumu. tM� cnmPklk I arr+3% a ffW C*m 8re siWificarrt pababr,.s to suhnriti ft r infOrma6ok MLrdi" a* 06; iUky of fixes a i-pni5* rraerrt fur vloLatojr.' f er /2-.L) _ I$+4nab+re of r'emMeeY f Cote r {Flame a7 Sir— CMaal4icxr pfiivt w Ipppj KrrpwfwbpQ Itix P;�ermi7tee434ea7m- prerl Or 4" ----' Pas: offkc ebx Ci rcx: feJ". hlr: 7742$ LP*rml Me A<ldf ftsl — CRC {PosiLi m Dr Tif 0 tl i rp ?FXI-X I 7 d1 3 {Flremfi FILwnblerf IP mIt EkP- Wfy} 'rfs-gnud tre od fc6mart Wmluc4csm"mt— of„g-toryavtllDftfAuiLLw0117iL•w 1h ihpLrNik, rI it.KA'-ZEiNriCbXc'M GM FOfM rd}4R-T. ISWO