HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000281_Zinc Contamination Investigation_20200403SHIDGESTORE
April 3, 2020
Division of Environmental and Natural Resources
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
Division of Water Quality
Surface Water Protection Section
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617
Attention: Central Files
Please find enclosed copies of our Zinc Contamination Investigation. reporting forms. The attached
document was completed to the best of our knowledge of potential contamination sources at our
If you have any additional questions or need addition information, please feel free to contact me at
(919) 693-8855, Extension 5293.
Bridgestone-Bandag, LLC
Jerray Battle,
Environmental Coordinator
Bridgestone Bandag LLC
505 West Industry Drive
Oxford, NC 27565
Tel 919.693.8855
Bridgestone Bandag Oxford Zinc Contamination Investigation
The Oxford Bridgestone Bandag Facility has made many efforts to improve stormwater
runoff quality. In 2012 we added a Bioretention pond to Outfall 001 to filter and slow the discharge
of contaminated runoff from leaving the facility. This improved runoff quality and the overall look
of the outfall. In 2016 we added the Clean Way catch basin filtration system at Outfall 003. This
system uses Clean Way's MetalZorb sponge element that is documented to be able to remove
85% of zinc from runoff. This also improved the stormwater runoff quality. In 2016 and 2017 we
added open -top dumpster covers to prevent leaching of zinc contaminated waste. In 2018 we
added a rotary compactor to compact a bag all of our chemical bags within a larger bag then
sending those bags to waste -to -energy. This prevented all of our chemical waste from being
disposed of via the open -top dumpsters. Although we've made these major investments in
attempting to improve our stormwater runoff, we were still having difficulty reaching our permitted
benchmark of 0.066 mg/L.
Currently, we are continuing the fight to get the zinc contamination concentration under
the original permit benchmark. In February, we created a "Zinc Map" which shows the flow of
runoff leaving our facility and potential sources of zinc contamination. During a few Gemba walks
it was determined that a major source for contamination was a material called buffer dust. Buffer
dust contains a small portion of zinc since zinc is used in the rubber mixing process. This material
is the byproduct of buffing or grinding the back side of tread at our Finishing Lines. The Finishing
Lines have dust collectors placed on the roof that collect this material and send it back inside of
the Plant. Occasionally there are backups preventing the dust collectors from functioning properly
and the buffer dust would have to be cleaned out. During the cleaning process, buffer dust is
pulled out and stored in plastic bags. Some of the material would land on the roof and would not
be cleaned up immediately. Also, bags of buffer dust would be staged on the roof for weeks before
someone remove them.
To counteract this issue, the Maintenance department has mandated that all Maintenance
Technicians responsible for cleaning out the dust collectors must remove the material when they
are finished with the repair. This will prevent bags of buffer dust and spills from remaining on the
roof for extended periods of time. Along with removing the material, maintenance will conduct
daily roof checks to verify the material has been removed. If this material is observed, the
Maintenance Technician is required to remove the bags and clean the material. We believe this
will greatly improve Zinc contamination at both outfalls.
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