HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050813 Ver 3_More Info Received_20070305 -, March 1, 2007 ' , - -~ t `.°' ~.`frj'~. ~ ai US Army Corps of Engineers ~! l~~~t Attn: Mr. Brad Shaver ~`, _ ~ _ Wilmington Field Office ' ~ ___ _ 69 .Darlington Avenue P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 RE: Nationwide 39 Application -Additional Information Mimosa Bay Subdivision, Phase V Sneads Ferry, Onslow County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Shaver, Enclosed is the remaining information that has been requested to complete the 404 wetland impacts at the above referenced site. Enclosed are the following for your review: Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions Mimosa Bay Phase 5 -Mitigation Conservation Area Map (Prepared by Hanover Design Services, P.A.) Wetland Disturbance Area 3 (Prepared by Cavanaugh 8~ Associates, P.A.) As you can see on the Wetland Disturbance Area 3 drawing, the final area of impact will be 1,580 square feet instead of the 2,120 square feet as originally proposed. A reduction of 540 square feet (0.012 acres). This is due in part to the actual bridge design that is to be constructed on site. However, during construction and installation of the buried utilities, there will be a disturbance of 1,000 square feet, which will be temporary. This will be part of the temporary disturbance originally applied for and the areas that a shown as darkly shaded will be mitigated to their original condition following the installation. The utilities that will need to be accessed from the surface will be included in the 1,580 square foot impact area (eg. manhole). f'.U. 8ox 882 ~''fC?.2`7~.29~a ~n.y 2`~J.2~8µ• March 1, 2007 If you have any question or need any additional information please do not hesitate to call me at (910)270-2919 or (910)617-1497. Sincerely, - .___ Ellen F. Cornette, R.S. Project Geologist Enclosure cc: Joanne Steenhuis, DWQ-Wilmington, with enclosures Gordon Frieze, with enclosure 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ONSLOW DECLARATION OI~ COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR MIMOSA BAY SUBDIVISION PHASE V This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions For Mimosa Bay Subdivision PHASE V ("Phase V Declarations") made the day of , 2007, by BLUE MARLIN, L.L.C., hereinafter referred to as "Declarant" or "Developer" for the purposes hereinafter stated: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Blue Marlin, L.L.C. ("Declarant") is the owner of certain real property in Onslow County, North Carolina, known as MIMOSA BAY, PHASES I, II, III and IV, as shown on plats recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina, in Map Book 48, page 171, Map Book 48, Page 239, Map Book 49, page 140, Map Book 50, page 79, Map Book 50, page 125, Map Book 51, page 46, Map Book 50, page 191, Map Book 50 page 231, Map Book 50, Page 95, Map Book 50 page 192 and Map Book 51, page 44 to which reference is made for a more particular description and also owns the Property that is known as MIMOSA BAY, PHASE V, as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina, in Map Book , Page to which reference is made for a more particular description (hereinafter "Mimosa Bay Phase V" or "Phase V"); and WHEREAS, the Mimosa Bay Subdivision is subject to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions For Mimosa Bay Subdivision filed June 16, 2005, which are recorded in Book 2464 at Pages 372 through 402 and those filed March 10, 2006, which are recorded in Book 2615 at Pages 688 through 690 of the Register of Deeds for Onslow County ("Declarations"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article VII of the Declarations, the, Declarant has the right to include Phase V within the Mimosa Bay Subdivision and subject Phase V to the Declarations; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of Mimosa Bay Homeowners Association, Inc. ("Bylaws") were filed June 16, 2005 and are recorded of record in the Onslow County Register of Deeds at Book 2464, Pages 403 through 415; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws provide Declarant with the ability to subject Phase V to said Bylaws such that all owners of any Lots within Phase V shall become members of Mimosa Bav Homeowners Association, Inc. and subject to the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Bylaws; WHEREAS, Declarant executes this document for the sole purpose of clarifying the entitlement and desire to incorporate Phase V into the Mimosa Bay Subdivision; NOW, THERF,FORE, in accordance with the recitals which by this reference are made a substantive part hereof, Declarant declares that: ARTICLE I PHASE V IS SUBJECT TO DECLARATION AND BYLAWS All of the property described herein, and, specifically, Mimosa Bay Phase V, are made subject to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions For Mimosa Bay Subdivision filed June ] 6, 2005, which are recorded in Book 2464 at Pages 372 through 402 and those filed on March 20, 2006, which are recorded in Book 2615 at Pages 688 through 690 of the Register of Deeds for Onslow County and the Bylaws of Mimosa Bay Homeowners Association, hic. ("Bylaws") were filed June 16_, 2005 and are recorded of record in the Onslow County Register of Deeds at Book 2464, Pages 403 through 415 and that such easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions shall burden and be appurtenant to and run with said Mimosa Bay Phase V properties and be binding on all parties now or hereafter owning said real property and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, having any right, title or interest in the properties in said Mimosa Bay Phase V properties, or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. ARTICLE II IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE SECTION 1. The maximum allowable built-upon area per Lot is as follows (this data is for Lots shown on the above-referenced plat plus lots for which the Declarant has an approved storm water plan but which Declarant is under no obligation to subdivide or develop in any particular fashion or for any particular use): Impervious Lot # Surface(sf1 221 2800 222 2800 223 2800 224 2800 225 2800 226 2800 227 2800 228 3500 229 3000 230 2800 Lot # Impervious Surface(sf1 231 2800 232 2800 233 2800 234 2800 235 2800 236 3100 237 2900 238 2800 239 2800 240 2800 241 2800 242 2800 243 3200 244 3000 245 3000 246 3000 247 3000 248 3300 249 3500 250 3200 251. 3100 252 2800 253 2800 254 2800 255 2800 256 2800 257 2800 258 3100 259 2800 260 2800 261 2800 262 2800 263 2800 264 2800 265 2800 266 2800 267 2800 268 2800 269 2800 270 2800 271 2800 Lot # Impervious Surface(sfl 272 2800 273 2800 274 2800 275 2800 276 3300 277 3000 278 2800 279 2800 280 3500 281 3200 282 3500 283 3500 284 3000 285 3000 286 3000 287 2800 288 2800 289 2800 290 2800 291 2800 292 2800 293 2800 294 3300 295 3300 296 3800 297 3600 298 3500 299 3600 300 3500 301 3400 302 3600 303 4000 304 4000 305 3800 306 2800 307 2800 308 2800 309 2800 310 2800 312 2800 313 3000 Lot # Impervious Surface(sf) 314 2800 315 4200 316 4300 317 4500 318 4000 319 4000 320 4200 321 4200 322 4500 323 4500 324 4500 325 4500 326 4200 327 4200 328 4200 329 4200 330 4200 331 4200 332 4200 333 4000 334 4000 335 4500 336 4500 337 4000 338 8000 339 5000 340 5000 341 5000 342 5000 343 5000 344 5000 345 5000 346 5500 347 6000 348 6000 349 6000 350 5800 351 5500 352 5500 353 5500 354 6000 Lot # Impervious Surface(st~ 355 5500 356 5500 357 5500 358 5800 359 5500 360 5800 361 6800 362 5500 363 5500 364 5500 365 5800 366 5500 367 5500 368 5500 369 5500 370 5500 TOTAL 561,700 These allotted amounts include any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of--way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. Declarant reserves the right to recalculate the maximum allowable built-upon areas if required by applicable regulations. ARTICLE III EASEMENTS All Easements set forth in the Declarations are extended to Phase V and all Common Elements and Lots therein. AR"I'ICLE IV MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 1. Each dwelling on the Phase V Lots shown on the above referenced plat, shall have the shall have a minimum square footage of 1800 square feet of enclosed, heated dwelling area. The term "enclosed, heated dwelling area" shall mean the total enclosed area within a dwelling which is heated by a common heating system; provided, however, that such term does not include garages, terraces, decks, open porches, and like areas. ARTICLE V WETLANDS All wetlands conveyed with individual lots shall remain in their present natural state or order. Wetlands on lots may not be filled or excavated, however, they may be mowed and maintained by the individual lot owners for aesthetic purposes. This Article may not be amended or modified without the express written consent of the U. S. Army corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. ARTICLE VI MITIGATED CONSERVATION AREAS The areas shown on the recorded plat entitled " ", dated and recorded in Map Book _ at page _ of the Onslow County Registry on as conservation areas shall be maintained in perpetuity in their natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall perform any of the following activities on such conservation area: a. fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities b. cut, mow, burn, remove, or harm any vegetation c. construct or place any roads, trails, walkways, building, mobile homes, signs, utility poles or towers, or any other permanent or temporary structures d. drain or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways of the conservation area e. dump or store soil, trash, or other waste f. graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural or horticultural purpose This covenants applies to Phase V of Mimosa Bay Subdivision only. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of a Clean Water Act authorization issued by the United State of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID ,and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. This covenant is to run with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, and all parties claiming under it. This Article may not be amended or modified without the express written consent of the U. S. Army corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Declarant has caused this Declaration to be signed in its corporate name by its MANAGER as of the day and year first above written. BI,tIE MARLIN, L.L.C. By: MANAGER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, ,Notary Public, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the MANAGER of BLUE MARLIN, L.L.C., a Limited Liability Corporation, and that he, as MANAGER, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing on behalf of said Limited Liability Corporation. Witness my hand and seal, this the day of , 2007. My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public F:ACOREL\TIRRI\Deeds\Mimosa Bay-Phase V-Rest Cov 2-21-07.doc / \ 11 EARL & MORMA YOPP MIMOSA BAY PHASE 5 ~~ ~ R°GK ,fi2, PAGE 9G3 ~ ~AGr 3 ~ E ~ MAP BOON 42 PAGE 36 CATHY L. WHI E ~ / ~ MAP BOOK 34 PAGE 5 1 MI Tl GA TED CONSERVATION E°°" 147 PAGE 57G PETER k MAREi WHEELER ~~ ~ BOOK 1584 PAGE 61 ~ ~ ~AGT A AREA MAP ~,oP ,~~ ~ MAP 900K 34 PAGE 5 ~ q 1 -/-- / _ ;0 1 STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP /~ / ~` `$ ~ -~- ~ ~ ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~O~ ~~/ ' / `~, 4P?~ 11 P~pFj"~ /' 152/ as 1~ '` NORTH CAROLINA ~` '~ ;' ` ~/ ~ ` ,,, 1 OWNER: BLUE MARLI DATE: 02-21-07 LEGEND E. L P. E. L = M.C. A.. R\W = C. P = 1 ~ // 291\\ )~i ~ \\295 / / ~// / \/ ~ / \~/ %' ' / ~/ // , \ / /\ 110 ~ " ~ 29eao~ \ \ 111 \ 1 \J12 /~ // 7` 1`1 ~ / 751 1 \ //,4\1 / / - - - V .(\\751 1\A' 'g3//I 1 Tae 757\ / ,.'~ \ I ``~ 719 z50 251 \) \1 ;~ I 119 110 1\ /~ `1 1 , I /'. e \\ ~ /~~'/ 11` i `_ ~ 281 150 ~. / , '~. 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Na. 3 ~ t. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD o.afi ACRES ~ Z ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL 3. LOTS SHOWN ARE TAKEN FROM THE APPROVED PRE. PLAT 4. WETLANDS SHOWN TAKEN FROM THE APPROVED WETLAND MAP - ~ ....: ~,..,.. I I 1 I ..;;~,;,.,. 1 1 ne ~ 1 ,so 1 „9 ~ I . ~, •.• ~ ,z2 1 ~ ~~ I .. . 1 ~ ,23 1 AgA 1 ~ I ;~ 1 .1 ,za 1 1M~ pNltSE31~-L' ~~ 1 ,2s 1.t 1 ~ ,~.~ I 1,2fi 1 Ay ~ 11 1~~-, ,~~YND osA 1 y-~ ~- R1NA ~~ ~m Z Z M.C. A.. NG. 2 0.22 AcREs TOTAL MITIGATED CONSERVATION AREA = 23.65 ACRES WETLANDS WITHIN PROPOSED LOTS AREA = 1.75 ACRES ..~.~.. \ ~,M vNAS a,,L ,~~1 MA ~pY \ 128 \ \ . '~ \ \ / /-~'~~1 1 ,~7 11 THIS MAP (S PRELIMINARY PENDING CORPS OF ~ ~\ 129 \ Y / ~~ „a \ \\ ~ ENGINEERS APPROVAL / ~v ~~~w „s v vv ~~',~ ~`\ ~ ,a° ~ \ \ v 200' 100' 0 200' scut ,M~ I° = 207. F: AA11170P1~DWG1MImasa BayVPhase FivelWetlantl Maps\11001-Wetland Preservation Map.dwg, 2/2112007 3:0223 PM, CutePOF Writer ~G y 332%~ ~ S ~ ~:r1 ~~ ~Fi ~ ~ LiMIT5 OF ~~ ~- DISTURBED AREA ~ ~ / ~ _ /404 WETLANDS LINE_~~" ~~/ -ti ~ y .,,rte / 1 '/ w ~!~ ~L Ali / ~ ~ . ~ ~V Ji ~~~ f .L .y i ~ ~~~ .~' ~4 ~ 1 ~~,~~ .,- ~j/ J ~ //` ;d> ~Y y .-~~ '~i~% -WETLANDS ~~/ DISTRUBANCE ~i ~ ~ (1,580 SF) ~- y ~ y W W ~ ~ 1 y ~y ` ~!r Jr ~L v ~ 1 y ~~ CROP PRECAST ~ ~ CONC, BRIDGE ~ ~' 37'X32' ~'~ Do~,B~E ~~~N e% ~ ~ ..-- / ~ y ~~ ~Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~`~~~ 'T ME P `~ ~' DISTRUBANCE (TYP.) '~,"Ob0 SF) 1 ,, WETLANDS DISTURBANCE AREA 3 PLAN VIEW SCALE = 1":40' SCALE; 1" = 40' 40' 0 40' SCALE OF MAP MAY VARY DUE TO METHODS OF REPRODUCTION, WETLANDS DISTURBANCE AREA 3 PROFILE VIEW SCALE = 1 ": 4' LAST UPDATE; 3-1-07 PRINT AT 11" X 17". EXHIBIT ONLY. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~~~, CAVANAU G H Solutions through Integrity and partnership Cevwwugh 8 A9.vaclafav, PA, 305 Wesf Fourth S1reeG SuRe 1A, WlrwlonSelem, NC 2710f 339176&8001 IQ1r: 33B17b9-fOtl6 www.COVMOUghsalullorts.com ~' `~ ~ ~ WETLANDS y ff \ ~ ~ y `~ DISTRUBANCE f f~/ .~ ~ ~ (5, 240 SF) ff ,~ y .v .~ ~" ~ ~ `~ ~ 404 WETLANDS LINE y ~ W ~L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, w ~ ~ ~ LIMITS OF ~ ~ DISTURBED AREA ~ w ~ PC - 4 72 ~._ . ,; ; MAR g ,~~~ 1°`1;~Y WETLANDS DISTRUBANCE AREA 1 PLAN VIEW SCALE = 1 ": 40'