HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021085 Ver 1_Site Plan_20020705 t c nwinc s hove been xe ared o9 Instn,ments of service tar a particular site or building improvement and remains the property of the Engineer i n use under his supervision. No reproduction a (c~ Copyright 2001 Appian Consulliny Engineers, A These 1r { ( P reproduction or other u~,e is allowed wilhaut his permission. ' I t I i x I 0 r I p i N O Z ~O u 0 C 0 O I+ 1+ W J ~ 1 ~ t . °1 1$ O I Y 0 0 m i RAL 0 G NE E , 1. Force main con be adjusled laterally In field as needed io ovoid confllcts with ocher buried utilities. , 2. Notify Engineer If It Is discovered shot a private well b located within 50 of force main. A pnliminary site eurveillonce was conducted dur~iq design and known were D 4 observed within 50. 3. Controctor to remove and nplacs moll boxes the day of nmoval. If ofier ~ o ° v e ° v construction, the whesl track of the mailman cute tM shaukler is loured or la C~C~ ~ dOaG l3 P~ab ~ PG~O[~QdC~ otherwia found to be wft, place +57 stone on surtace pnd worts into grade until item. 4. Controctor Is nsponsibb for temporary nmoval and npkwement of roadway signs d o n o 0 0 ° C~C~ ~ f~ OG~~ ~~Q`~D0~1 DL~O~'i1MP during and after condructlon. Regulatory etgne (speed gndt and stop signs) must be c v e u o° O ° o NJ ~ U ~WWV LSNJ`~0© CSC ~ PdQ~] ~ PQOf~QL~C~ ~3C~C~U~J PQO G npiaced as won as condructlon has passed by the sight original location. oa b o[~ ~ T~1G~NJ ~~Q ~34~®0 5. Then Is o woier line located on the west side of Halifax rood. Water services to properhr owners on the cost side of Halliax Rood may exid. Look for meters or other C~C~ 4 PL~aG~ ~ PG~O QL~~ ~TQ ~~3 evidence of the existence of woier services ahead of cp~tructlon. Contact NC One ~ PG~O~ LAG ~ 400 T'bG°~M TQ 4~~00 C ~ Pad~l ~ 0 ~4a ~ C~ Call os well o: the City of Rocky Mount Water and Sewet Deportment at 912-1317. 6. Then on tro111c eignol pavement detectors located wBhGl iM pavement of Halifax o v e ° o o e a ~ ° p o° O ~ P~Q ~ PG30C~OdC ~ Q 4~~0~ ~'C~G~M [~~1D PQOd[~C~`~ C~L~ b 4 Road at and north of Sunset Avenue. Contact both the Traffic Services DIvlsion in Wllwn of 237-6164 and the Cliy Traffic Engineer of g7Z-)123 for assistance in location of pavement detectors and wiring. G1'~Q o b DC~ ~ ~ CCC~ 77 ~Q~T 0 4aQd 7. Location and topographical information was taken from on actual field survey C~C~°~3 L~UG~4 ~`~aTQOa DC~'GJQd~ performed by Joyner, Keeny d< Aswclates. Retennce Datum Is 11SL ale construction, workmanship shall sheet tM of Rocky liouni Ganual ~ o oa C~Ob~'G°~0~ ~J04C~ ~ DC~`~QOd~ ~C~ ~ C~G~OSQO B. All mater) of SpecHicatlon:, Standards and Design, latest rwlsion. 0 0 0 ~ I~4 ° Q~~ ® ~'G~MC~4UOb b 4C~~ ~ D ~ C~Ob~ 0 g. Ail exposed concrete for driveways and sidewalks q to be minimum 3000 psi at 28 C~ ~ do s. Controctor shall cave-cut to provide smooth tron~pfl of tie-ln io existing edge •n y vement and driveways, when applicable. ~ of pa C~Ob~4G~NJ~~'QOb DC`~QUL~~ C~C~ 10. All sl ns, vement markings, and other traffic control ~wlces :hull conform to the `0 g pa n Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition amended, and are the p Y S~ Manual o W 1 , Controcior's nsponslbllity. f! 11. The contractor shall be responsible for all work zone traffic control in or adjacent to Y NCDOT or City right-of-way. All methods shall conform the Manual on Uniform urnt EASaauwc s F Trofflc Gontrol Device: (tIUTCD) and NCDOT standards. d Sl1NSET Alf. ~ 12. Work wHhin the NCDOT right-oi-way shall conform to IiCgQT standards and ,,y. ,,~F q apecificatlona. •i~"~~. 13. Contractor shall comply wish all pertinent provisions of thl 'Manual of Accident ~ N~TM Prwentlon in Construction" issued by AGC of Americo, mc.; and the Safety and Hwlih Regulations for Gnsirucilon bawd by the U.S. Oscortment of Labor. 14. Existing utigty locations shown on approximate and shnti a v.rifl•d In the field prior r SY LS SITE PLAN ~tiD UTILITY MBO to beginning work. Controctor shall contact NC One..G.ut Ccnter at 1-800-632-4848 g for loealtone al-•xleW+4-ulllltles Prior biepiaaing oo* •riciion. p TCH DRAINAGE PIPE, FE5 FLARED { r 5 iEE , c LOCH iS. AN disturbed arrvs s.'?aA be bndecaped and seeded ric,a::D •43 days of completion of 'V~TIO~ as:s ~ !e CU.! LO a:sass a a,a ER NOT TQ SCALE 10 Ra:•::i fN~ SEC',GN) dt RLp k~P. t;ondruction. ~ NOT TQ SCAL 16. On the force main, 'Megalug" joins n:irolnis at iHting ofp nqulnd at some locations ,r in Ibu o1 concnie blocking. Such locations on naive iA tits plans. PRO. CU'~A t 6uTTER CATCH BASIN, DRAWAGE Flood Hazard zone. 17. The Ilft station site 1s not within a FEW mapped (food ones or PIPE ~ ~AJNCIION 80l( l 18. Owner is responsible for deierminatlon or discovery o3 tat~Nllg underground storafle tanks (UST), septic tanks,. abandoned utlUty Ilnes, proved ~ cert(eterles that may exist on the site. PRO SP4i. UP iEE, G.V. dt FIRE HYDRANT C^ i W~BLOCKING "1 , 19. Contractor :hall exercise extreme caution when working fir, around, and/or 1~ adjacent to existing power lines. 20. Do not pour any conereie before forme an inspected an0 approved by the protect /L , ~-0 B' SS. k MANHOLE ~ ~ ~ € {J EX .AREA 11C1iT A t '7, en Incr. Fallun to do :o may constitute nmoval of wad performed at Controctor s g G. cost until mode satisfactory by the Engineer. 21. Site disturbance is man than 1 ocn thenfon on ero~lon control permit hpa been TEE ~ G.V. W/BLOCKING ~,s~ 1 H PROP05:0 AREA UGfiT y . _ o Iled for. No work shall Degin on s(te until on opptowd copy of the erosion control PP ~ DawTES sroP ~GN LocAnoN ~ ~ ter ~ " permH has been obtained from the nvlew agency. Al: o~ltional erosion control ~ TREET NAME LOCATION Nems chat an installed that an not shown on the pwns, IhoU be approved by the local agency or the Engineer before Installln9 In order bprove for payment. Items E . , - -6.~,:.; . I not approved will be Installed at the contractor a expe(tse, i LLL~~7 22. Coordination of electrical placement shall be 'the eoN nsp~lslbiUty of the Controctor. 23. This site is not located wNhin o Watershed Protected Zany p • ~1Mr- • Ex EIEC. unE ~ rwms shown on the Ian an located wNhln the Tqt'-Pam buffer. Exercise care O 24. The st P 8 `~i p,.~~ ss~ ..y In minimizing the dleturbanee within these zones. 25. The total wetland Impact is less than 1/10 acre. - PRO. UNDER-c~a,ao Z;•Q~ : ; ales or Wetwelb ua as conllned and nqulre OCK MO NT rabic Ranh ufy C T O F Y in or new o q 26. Exist g W EIECTRIf. SE compliance with OSHA 'Confined Access Entry' nquinrnenh. GrtHied equipment, cable ui ent and er dwkes may be necessary . . 0 X 118 0 other a I / P 0 $421 '~,'CT~~OS ~~U~P "`.f~Y SFC~~ proper noilticatlon and pp W Pm to protect workers, ofier system Is operotionol from hydfe4en-wlfide gas build-up or -ss- - EX SANITARY SEMER - n.~~,. _ ~.NCINE~.~ 02 T C 78 Y UN nment. 0 C - nvlra R an otherwise oxygen less • ! 27. The contractor :hall be n:ponslble for the repair of any pavement or existing utilities i E::enite coutlon. ~ ? ~ Z1 construction activ Z Choi may be damaged due io tY - W - - Ex wATF7t YAw ~~/h r' ~ 1A~, 5, ~y, vi 28. M is common for nvlsions to occur to the sealed drove during the permitting and Flnel Drs b(dding phase. As o result, only plan: signed and dot by the Engineer of Record in the 'Approved for Construction' certificate (in addition te the signature and dale - - 950 - - - - EbS11NG caNTOUR Review purposes ONLY over the s•al and, If a pllcobb, also bearing the dgnah:n and date of the O 4 P 8 applicable local government authority reviewing and approving the plans, will be considered the Approved Construction Drawings. Theses plgns only an to be used PERWi APPROVALS: for construction. Work either stoked or constructed iron) plans stamped Prelfm(nary 9 95o PROPOSED coNrouR SEWER coI1ECTI0N SYSTEM: or with the :lgnatun missing from the 'Approved for Cgnthuction certificate will be ' 'all be ns nsibb for S TE ruclon. The contra S 0 C e for const t c/ ih Po EN S iabl E Y & A N.C. DEHNR PERMT N0: • DATE: • S TE unocce JOY con:Idered p ! ! remedlating and comcting all confllcts created by him, of his own expense, which y'j 9so.oo EnsnNO t~AOE WATER DISTRIBU110N SYSTEM: + N.C. pENNR PERMIT NO: N A DATE. cti Drawl s. 8 0 4 A roved Constru on O C Y O U N T C 1~ with the ng R N may be at variance PP ! x U 29. Building contractor shall apply for and obtain bulllding permH for the pump houso. • onstbb to veri tM minlnwm building setback Z 2~ 7 " ~4 hall be r s Building Contractors P fy 950.00 ~PRAD~ 0 FINIS?ED r nqulnmenis wNh the building inspections office befew eon:tructlon. m ~:3+ i i ~ . 30. All construction debris shall be disposed of off-site In a date permiHed landfill. 31. The cost for power pole nlocotion is te be home by the pswloper. Contractor is to O Nap DATE: DESCRIP110N: BY: CAD: a coordinate relocotlon with the Deportmenl of Uillitlea o 32. Alinimum bury on underground ebctrlc l: to be 48 . Ylp1g?um bury on 12 DIP force main Is 36". 0 33. Soil Polsoning/Termiie Protection of building slobs -sleet they minimum r nqulnments as denoted in NC Administrailre Code 34.C506, Minimum a~¦ a Requln/Subierronean Termite Pnv/Commercial Butldl(.gs Under Construction.' ti ' n ~ ' ~ i , z 3•,~,, t ~ a ~U rx r^ " x~ i n y~,S<~." s~ .t ; r, tq< ~ , ~ n~,`~~ ~ ~ r~ , ~ 1'~~' N ~ ~ ti t. d y ~ CQNSULTI~~ ENGAR~, PA f v .,:~E~;~~• 0 cnr~, w~aPU ~ ~rnucn~ ~aw~s h COMPRE~IYE 'piYN01~MTAl. ~ERYK~ES ' O N O • 0 Y O O c I n o N APPIAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. O N 841 South Wesleyan Blvd. RoCky Mount N.C. 27804 252 972-7703 Phone L e Fax: (252) 72-7638 U ~ Email: admin0appianengineers.com World Wide Web: www.applonenginears.com U R ' i _ .-,.,~.a.... c Co ri ht 2001 Appian Consullrny Lnyinee,•., P A. These drawings have been prepared as instruments of service for a particular site or building improvement and remains the properly of the Engineer for use under his ~ uhervision N~, reproduction or other use is c ~y?. 0 P 9 / other use is allowed wilhoul his permission. o a t / 1 / U 0 ~ oo+~ / 1. j: L GEND ~ / ~ m 0 55' / 101.01 / ' m l ~ f PRO 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK 104.01 FENCE (SEE DETAIL 814.01) 1' TYPE K COPPER W/ ~ 6' THICK 4000 PSI CONC GEN / / Y ~ 7 .;.~:j1!N ~ ~ PRO 12' DIA WETWELL k PUMP HOUSE 1' DOUBLE CHECK PAD. SIZE TP FIT GEN, DENOTES FENCING ~ L C,r yak ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~y s ~ N C ~ ~Ar~ ~ '~rf aG iZa in~..;~''~,~ O ~ FFE • 139.00 VALVE ASSEMBLY TO BE REMOVED ~ ,h bal ~ . , o _ T N ~ UI 102.05 INV 12' Ni FROM 6' MH = 128.22 (SEE DETAIL 811.02) EX SERVICE TO EX STATION INV 1T' FROM SOUTH ~ 132,00- IN BUILDING REMOVE WHEN NEW STATION I -COMES ON UNE. i ~ I ~ of z F ~ I a,~k,. N t D a • PRO YARD GAS METER i ~ O~fE JEE i _ r - ~ 0 ~ 'C U RR 103.05 U HYDRANT EX YARD HYDRnN BED ~ ~ QP~ P~ / a ~ 1 ~ RELOCATED T SIDE B ILDING pt~' 1~ , 1 7 15.33 - o w WITH CONC PrAD i / = M -NEW E~'OLE do AREA UGHT ~ ~ .-,JJ m W FFE ex aerate 1.3/.62 ~ , / 106.01 .oo ~ 1 ~ ~ / ~ 9 , i x ~ e ~ / ~ 0 8 , 4a ~ i x ~ ~ ~ ' ( ~ ~ , I ,s~ lk`~' o ~ . c \ ~ + i i R OVE CON ETE PAD AF R / ~ i i ' o 0 ~F6 / , - O O G~ 103.09, 103.02 , I \ ,,y . ~ ~ W STAiI d~1ES ON UNE n 1 x ' ' ~ • )~~it~ 4r ~ ~ EX FIBE~LASS HUT IFT$TA~ION ~ 0J ~ -I a- eP~ / J z z 6 LF /2' DIP 0 0.0 ll r t: ~ ; . y,;. ~ ~ RT 4' ~ I ~ ~ ,~ctl~ 1; TO 8 /REMOVED. CONV~ 1p ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn < 1P~ 1 a a o ~ • ~ WE LL TO 4 i MH'WITH VENT ~ ~ , , t ^4', t ~ _ 1 t , / ~ i i' ~ / , ~ ~ S'~70~L ' i ~ ~ f I ' -'r~., ~ f m ~ FL f TOP. TOPE 38.50 ~ j , 1 ~ ~ a ~ FI BOTTOM CONCRETE ; ' ,j ~ ~ ~ ~ i' ~ ~ Q +28.56 ~ { N ex ,,p I:~ . T ELEV 126.8 STA 9 6' p1A WW _ ,~8 - + . ,,t ,t!~~',. y.rr:,-:~ ~ ( BOT =,T~14.53t) ~ ~ ~ / EX ' - . 0.~ ~ I ,L-.. 5~ 4 I ~i ,`1 ~ ~ ~ ~r I I ~'~i~ ~ ~ -3E- ~ n ro w ~ IJ8 i Ivi, a... ~ I , / , ~ / / ~ ~ ~cp ~ / ~ ~ ~ - fence I MJ 90' VERT 4 9.77' ~ ~..w~a E I I ,~y' ex ~ ~ ~i -x- ELBOW W/ MEG-A-L ro ST 9+ 6.8 ~ i / CE-x-- - XBN ~ 10x12 INC W / I r'C~~y, JOINT RESTRAINT / EOIA W~TWELL. EMOVE ~ / ~ r (BELOW r'~ MEG-A-LUG / I ~ i ~ / ,;rt; y TOW. LdWER W:TLWELL dc,~~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i i~ 2 ~"J ~ JOINT RESTRAINT I 9. , , a+ + ;i;';;i RbT TE ~LATIrTOP IIS SHOWN. ~ / J ~ in ~ 1~ ~ _ - ~ / ~ ? '"~~~,';°t t'i 6ET , OP rMH CASTII a ~ 1381625. / 1C l 1 I 7:, .,,;~,t, /SE R(tE ST',MH A . ,AT / / / - - ~r ,.ra ,1. J~,,,~ ~ s ; WW ,,.j, 138.t10.~N IryV L, X6.82 = EX INV. / . / ~ ~ ~ ~ 8. 0 . O o ~ ~ ~ A _ ~ M`^'. ~ -r 173.7 "1~' 3 / CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. ~A,,,r - ~ - 1- X1:1' 01 i. c;, ~ h C 1~ti ~ Q/ / ' ~ i ~ ~ . ~ CIVIL MUNICIPAL do e i .r ry~ / / ~ - ---J~i~t STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ~ r l~~ i - _ gK - - I - / ' _ / X ex - _ err mPl.3`Q.AY 3 a ~ - y ~ ~ . i ` _ - 1 e --r t4- J9 _ w . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ P 9os (cam) aY id~i~rF-h31,tD ~ p ~1..:•'' - ..1 , - ~ i ~ ~ COMPREHENSIVE z._ 179.96 W IS hreuf 1Jd80 , ~ , ; tq~4 M ~ I-~ ~ ; - Q. N - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I i- ~ , ~ 1~ ~ - ~ -ROCKY MOUNT: - . ,:.yARIES 1 - , ~ > YAit~S ' 841 SOUTH WESLEYAN BLVD. ' ~l ~Po?+'rienf - ~M FM-- 4 ABANDON EX 4'-FM_ Q~ --FM-'-~' ~~FM- ,q`ri'~~ ~~1~ d~: a~~r~ ~=1" c ~7 ` r ~ FM-- ~ _ - - - y, do PLUG BOTH ENO.. Js_ ~ -sl~~ AIATTiNG - _ ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. 27804 _ ; . A-,..-. LOW OgTY Q , - HERE k AT I f y4F EXACT LDFA?I 4~ - ~ - aJ9-TAW.,-~~.,* DISCHARGE ENO. / !~J9~zz - ~,1~iox,~>z5 s~ PHONE: (252) 972-7703 Q 1~n7^NO'9'•, W ~ eoltr - - „F~^+Zti°yy~~ + y I ' ~ _ _ _ - - - - - ~ EP ~ ~ ~ ~ FAX: 252 972-7638 - ( ) - - - - - el pcbm°"1 - Y/ ~ Ez 1 TER (VERIFY ~ r ~ r ~ r ed~' -WORLD WIDE WEB: - ~ OCAP ~ ~ a ~ - www.applanen ineers.com W g ~r ~ - ~ , IiE .RESTRAINT RING FOR r S~ _ . ~ _ ~ , _ r / admin0appianengineers.com o ~ ,SERIES 1700 W/ ~ r ~ s - - g ~~~r ~ ~ 1 , 4J ~ •T1E ROOS, WELD RODS ~ ~ I Ot' CASING PIPE . , $ ~ a , - ~ f ~ J l >~f w/ coµ TAR . _ _ ~ l x, ~~y, r _..~,-.r~ _ 1.--- - I 1!9.88 f ~ rv ~ ~ ~::.~.-.mac. ._..~~--r.--- 1 i f . 110.19 / - H ~ ~ ---ate.--- - _ .r._ or 1 .,~ao• ~r ! Q ,t ~ 1 1!9.54 _ '~r d ' ~ ~ ~ ~ y, dye poremMi! . J _ -NrfP- - - " - - - - - _ _ - 119 ~ - ~~``'EE ~o' y'' 119.69 0 H - ~ .Q °~k~ ~ ,1916 - >t - _ - ~ SEA - 1 - JJ9----- ~ - _ --------'-f---------~38TL--- ~ ~Z~ - XBK - ~ ~ _ ' ~ 110.15 . ~ ~ ETA 9+~9.5~ 6`_~_---- i , _ _ _ ~Ep, ~ - - _ , ~ ~ 119.2 139 ~ ~ 1 ~ EX STONE END _ ~ ~ - - _ _ - ~ X RBC g1~ I 1 -y- r r E% STONE END 1NALL - CAUAONr----"-- ~ ~G B J~ - _ _ _ _ _ - ~ ~ -38-1. , - - - I ~ _ ~ExTEi~. ~F iM0 rEX T~F WIDTH UNKNOWN _ , _ _ - ~ EX Oy POWER _ _ ~ ~ -~M~ rr'-~- ~i XBK, 9--- ~ ! 1 ~ 'r 2C9L~- _y_ X9 - ~ - - - - _ / r - ~ 1 ~ ._110--._ - J _ l ~ - - - 8- - JV~r- J~-. _ - - _ DIP ~ _ 135.27- - R@V18'W ONLY - .L- - ----139--- ~ L ~ J~. i - 118--'~ -----~qAs~------ i. 7 .S, - -~`M CAUTION: ~ , - - =a7'J~ - - - _ _ , 12' 90' MJ B 3e./ - .area 4•'" _ - ~ / _ , , _ _ _ r _ _ _ ~ ~ h x,13 - - _ - -------115----- r '.N / 1 ~ ~ ~,F'/i 5 _ / - - - _1x dilctl - Via.-R-__. - _ " -137-- ~"ti _ _ _ ~ .a,-~.---- ~ _ - ----~~_e~--- F ' ~ J 13r ----1J ~t+--~+- w ~ / ~ ~ P _ ~ _ ~ m~ w 0 ------tJ7----------------- ~ X m o xU 7 X ~Q ti~ ~ ~Pe- / ~ 118.11 J~` ~ A m a ,2~~~~ ~ a 0 1.38 ~ ----XBK ~ 6,ry F. ~ ~ F' ,~0 / x ~ U ,QPCp' iQ ti~ I 1P SCALE: i' = 10' ~ ti ~ ~ ~ i 2. 0 10 20 25 30 35 40 10' 1.5 I I I _ ~ LEGE I - I .fir' ~ , ' ~ oEPTH < 1e' RIt#1T --h1^- - . it E ~1f*._ ~IIERUN L I;EFT -,cue, _ ~ o _ 145 1 ~ 145 ~ fir 7,)'. ' ASS I RIP RAP ~,M ~ OVER NON WOVEN _ ~ BE ORE ORDERI G 12' DIA ETWELL x' h _ 01 I N I j FABRIC (tot Torys) SCAL ' Oi 0~ t0 _ II + ~ t.e,~ ,o' Hoq~~.>~ 1. ~ 5 VER ~r,'. +i rnl rn~~ a ~ a - ~R~, - 140 i 140 ~ ~5 FFE = 139 I = ~ - - - i - TOP 138. ~ ~ - C Ar? tL I _ \ / ov1cS G Z r ~ u r _ cnunoN: , ~ I II ~ 6 S~td~1 ' it '1.~ - ~ h ~av o 135 ~ - I ~ I ~ ~ 135 ~ I - NDARY DESCRIP'iION SHOWN of w3 B 30 f Q1~,t ~ Zo ~ - II ~ - 1 U t I ~ r IS T FOR RECORDATION. q ' r ~c, II Z_ ~ m - - I-f-- - ~ e ~ Jr 20 w i ~ ` o I --I - • I ~ ~ a co~ oovER suers - - _ I I o 130 In an effort to malntoln quality design and construction, - ~ ~ ~ _ I - Appio has established a plan cover sheet protocol to -l ensu that the involved parties are all working from I ' I ' ' ' the st recent plan revlslon. Appian has assigned colors - 8 DIAI I ~ a ~i--~I _ ~ to th plan corer sheet to correspond with stages of the - _ ~ a deslg /construction process: WHITE for agency review/ _ _ prell nary phase; BLUE for the bldding phase; and GOLD ~ 125 a fart construction phase. Contractor should note that 125 a , o the o I set of plans to be used for construction an DEFORE _ _ y YOU DIG hose with a old cover, Controctor Is to contact the t g cut 1ou rR~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o I ~ p ~ F ~ p ' prole engineer to obtain the moat currant plan. 1_~_ 832-4949 _ . NORTH _ _ _ . _ F . _ ~ I ~ ~ } I ° SAFETY Thes drawings do not contain the requirements for CAROLINA _ ~ 120 3 safe shall be the sole OHE CALL 120 Job s fety. All provisions for ty CENTER I I I ~ ~ J U respo sibll(ty of the contractor. I _-_1- i - I % _ _ ~ a * v ~ I These plain are for bldding purposes only and - used as Construction drawin s I' I - tr < ~ ; ~ O The ontractor shall be respons(ble for reviewing all on not to be g - M ~ _ - N .,,i.t<I „ Inh ~~r,r11?h~.- Inv adverse existlna conditlona unless Initialed and dated as approved for - - ~ ? 1~ ~ _ / affe ing work shown on these drawings shall be Construction below by the Engineer. M5 ilL 0 ^ I O O W m W W W m brou t to the attention of the engineer for possible Approved for Construction: 115 3 3 > I clarif ation or reconciliation. j Date: 0 0 N i0 I 0 LI L I O zE E z RECORD DRAWN(S ADA AND LEGAL DISCLANER I n NON 1~'Co 04 This ocument is not represented to comply with all These drawings are believed to be a correct requi ements contained in the ADA or other laws. representation of actual field conditions but > C4 t I 02-017 N Engi ers are not licensed to Interpret laws or give are not warranted as such. e advic concerning laws, the owner should have this Z~ N Z~ 04 / D- L )0 9+50 10+00 docu ant reviewed by his attorney to determine 9+00 om liance. BY Data: legal p CE-2 U