HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0044423_Corrective Action Plan_20200323 Appalachian 1 1 STATE UNIVERSITY March 23,2020 Facilities Management ASU Box 32105 Joe R.Corporon,L.G. Boone,NC 28608-2105 828-262-3190 Water Quality Permitting Section-NPDES facilitiesmanagement.appstate.edu Division of Water Resources,NCDEQ 512 N Salisbury Street Raleigh,NC 27604 Re: Corrective Action Plan RECEIVED NPDES Permit No.NCoo44423 APR 0 2 2020 Appalachian State University WTP NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Dear Mr.Corporon, Per Condition A(3)of NPDES Permit No.NCoo44423,Appalachian State University(ASU)Water Treatment Plant(WTP)is required to submit a Corrective Action Plan(CAP)annually"summarizing actions to be taken to achieve compliance with Total Copper,Total Zinc,and Turbidity at Outfall oo1." Enclosed herein is the Corrective Action Plan due April 1,2020. Total Copper and Total Zinc NCoo44423 includes the following numerical effluent limits for total copper and total zinc which become effective January 1,2021: Table i.Future Effluent Limits Monthly Average,ug/1 Daily Maximum, ug/1 Total Copper 4 I 5.2 1 Total Zinc 6,3 63 Monthly effluent monitoring was conducted in accordance with the requirements of this permit. Historical monitoring indicates at times the effluent concentrations exceed the numerical limits for copper and zinc for both the monthly average and daily maximum.ASU conducted additional monitoring from July 2019—January 2020 to characterize the background concentrations from the intake water and the concentrations in the reservoir upstream and downstream of the intake and discharge,shown in Figure 1. All of the data collected during the sampling program is provided in the attached Table 2 and discussed below. Copper Figure 2 presents the mass of copper in the WTP intake and the mass of copper in the WTP effluent discharge.A higher mass of copper was being drawn into the WTP than was discharged.For the effluent,four of eight data points were below method detection limit. A MEMBER INSTITUTION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Figure 2. Mass of Copper in WTP Intake and Effluent 5 4.5 4 3.5 a 3 d 2.5 '. o. 2 0 u 1.5 1E 0.5 7/1/2019 8/1/2019 9/1/2019 10/1/2019 11/1/2019 12/1/2019 1/1/201C —*--WTP Intake WTP Discharge NOTE:lb/d indicates pounds per day The mass of copper that is being drawn into the intake but is absent in the discharge is expected to be present in the sludge removed periodically from the facility for disposal offsite.Sampling performed in February 2020 indicated average of 574 ug/1 of copper in the sludge at that time. Sampling was also performed within the reservoir to evaluate the potential impact of the discharge on instream water quality.Figure 3a presents the concentration of copper in the reservoir upstream and downstream of the intake and discharge and the WTP effluent concentration.Of 13 downstream data points,seven were below method detection limit and are plotted as the method detection limit.Of 13 upstream data point,five were below method detection limit and are plotted as the method detection limit. The axis scale of Figure 3a is skewed by two specific dates with higher instream concentration(7/1o/2019 and 11/6/2019).On 7/10/2019,the upstream and downstream copper are 195 ug/1 and 194 ug/l,trending very well together while the WTP effluent was very low 41 ug/l. On 11/6/2019,the downstream copper was 614 ug/1 while the effluent and upstream were both non-detect.It is not clear if the downstream result is accurate or an anomaly,since generally upstream and downstream results have trended much more closely.If the result is accurate,it indicates the WTP effluent,which was non-detect,was not likely responsible for the high values. Figure 3b shows the same copper data but with the data on 7/10/2019 and 11/6/2019 removed to better observe trends for the lower concentration data. The upstream and downstream concentrations trend very well together,with the downstream concentration often being a lower concentration that upstream. In addition to the mass data demonstrating the WTP is on net removing metals from the reservoir,the concentration data presented in Figure 3a and Figure 3b indicate the discharge is not having a negative impact on instream copper concentration and the concentration downstream of the discharge is often lower than upstream. Page 2 of 6 Figure 3a. Copper Concentration in the Reservoir and Effluent(All Data) 700 600 500 400 6J Q 300 0 200 100 0 "1110.- 7/1/2019 7/31/2019 8/30/2019 9/29/2019 10/29/2019 11/28/2019 12/28/2019 1/27/2020 —dr—Reservoir Upstream --I—Reservoir Downstream Effluent Figure 3b. Copper Concentration in the Reservoir and Effluent (Lower Concentration Date Only) 50 45 40 35 oa 30 a`, 25 c. 0 20 15 10 eo 5 7/1/2019 7/31/2019 8/30/2019 9/29/2019 10/29/2019 11/28/2019 12/28/2019 1/27/2020 —A—Reservoir Upstream Reservoir Downstream —I--Effluent Page 3 of 6 Zinc Figure 4 presents the mass of zinc in the WTP intake and the mass of zinc in the WTP effluent discharge. A higher mass of zinc was being drawn into the WTP than was discharged.For the effluent, three of eight data points were below method detection limit. Figure 4.Mass of Zinc in the WTP Intake and Effluent 3 2.5 2 1.5 ti 1 0c, 0 L 7/1/2019 8/1/2019 9.'1,2019 10/1/2019 11/1/2019 12/1/2019 1/1/2020 —�WTP Intake —♦—WTP Discharge NOTE:lb/d indicates pounds per day The balance of the zinc is expected to be in the sludge removed periodically from the facility for disposal offsite.Sampling performed in February 2020 indicated average of 556 ug/1 of zinc in the sludge at that time. Sampling was also performed within the reservoir to evaluate the potential impact of the discharge on instream water quality.Figure 5 presents the concentration of zinc in the reservoir upstream and downstream of the intake and discharge and the WTP effluent concentration.Of 13 downstream data points,five were below method detection limit and are plotted as the method detection limit.Of 13 upstream data point,four were below method detection limit and are plotted as the method detection limit. The upstream and downstream concentrations trend very well together.On one occasion when the downstream concentration was much higher than the upstream(11/6/2o19),the effluent concentration was 48 ug/L,below the future limit. In addition to the data demonstrating the WTP is on net removing metals from the reservoir,the concentration data presented in Figure 5 indicates the discharge is not impactful on instream zinc concentration. Page 4 of 6 Figure 5. Concentration of Zinc in the Reservoir 4000 3500 3000 2500 OD 2000 u C N 1500 1000 500 7/1/2019 7/31/2019 8/30/2019 9/29/2019 10/29/2019 11/28/2019 12/28/2019 —A—Reservoir Upstream --♦-Reservoir Downstream —0—Effluent Turbidity NCoo44423 includes a numerical effluent limit for turbidity not to exceed io Nephelometric Turbidity Units(NTU)which became effective July 1,2019.Effluent monitoring data collected in accordance with the permit indicates the effluent turbidity at times exceeds the numerical limit.We also understand the NC DEQ Changes to Water Treatment Plant Strategy(October 2009)states that"turbidity will not be limited except for facilities that discharge to a receiving stream which is impaired for turbidity".Norris Branch Reservoir is not included in the 3o3d Impaired Water Bodies List.The 10 NTU limit is based on the instream water quality standard for Trout Waters and is being applied directly to the effluent allowing no allowance for the dilution which occurs in the reservoir. Turbidity data collected within the reservoir during the July 2019—January 2020 sampling period indicate the water quality within the reservoir is below the 10 NTU stream standard,even when the turbidity in the WTP effluent exceeds the instream standard.The upstream and downstream turbidity data trend correlate well,indicating the WTP discharge does not have a meaningful impact on the turbidity even when the effluent exceeds the 10 NTU numerical limit. Based on this recent data,it appears the ASU WTP discharge is not increasing the instream turbidity above natural background conditions or the instream water quality standard.Figure 6 presents a summary of the data collected. Page 5 of 6 Figure 6.Turbidity Data 18 16 14 12 10 '5 6 4 2 0 7/1/2019 7/31/2019 8/30/2019 9/29/2019 10/29/2019 11/28/2019 12/28/2019 —0—Reservoir Upstream —0—Reservoir Downstream —Water Quality Standard t Effluent Permit Renewal The NPDES permit is due for renewal on 3/21/2o2i.The ASU WTP is not a generator of copper and zinc and the WTP is not discharging metals from another source.The parameters are present in the source water withdrawn from the same water body they are being discharged back into. Data collected from July 2o19—January 2020 and presented in Figures 2 and Figure 4 above support that the WTP on net removes metals from the surface water.It is not appropriate to apply the same NPDES limit calculation methodology to a discharger that is withdrawing the compounds from the same water body to which they discharge.As such,at the next permit renewal we will request removal of the copper,zinc,and turbidity numerical limits.We will request the numerical limits be replaced with monitoring requirements within the effluent and the reservoir.The monitoring locations within the reservoir can be selected in order to best characterize what impact,if any,the discharge has on instream water quality. Should you have any comments or questions or require additional information,please feel free to contact me at 828.262.8787. Sincerely, Patrick Brittain,PE License No.022085 Asst.Director Facilities Operation and Maintenance Cc. Lon Snider,PE,Regional Supervisor,NCDEQ Jenny Graznak,Environmental Specialist,NCDEQ Gary Carter,PE,Director Physical Plant,ASU Leigh-Ann Dudley,PE,Engineering Consultant,Dewberry Page 6 of 6 Figure 1.Sampling Locations and Frequency ' [ �, 1+ ">� .' des} �.. ¢ 9` .� 4. i • + t .-R f I Y k y y e a , ;•4l,.. 1. � 5 ra +jj A ♦ak7 �•c a ash • +r • ° 4 • ` .�..• ... i ASULake t 1A r 1 It IN ir .0 n �'4 1.i 7 51'w Ni.ir 1.1 -,f'.' yy s•'•V ..s, . tic '`� ti.� '�► j ;., ., .N..`a.„ i• ii,o, r : 6,04 • i .. T: • .. _ 37 t r.'k j F Rainbow Trod'Y _.-�' +�' N a . ' + • • ,M Location on Map Name of Sampling Location Sampling Frequency A/1 In Lake Upstream of Intake Sample Twice a Month B/4 Raw Water Intake Sample Twice a Month C Effluent Sample Once a Month D/2 Downstream of Discharge at Spillway Sample Twice a Month E/3 CIP Tank Sample At Every CIP Discharge 2020 1 Table 2.Sampling Program Data Sampling Location on Map A B C D In Lake Upstream of Intake Raw Water Intake Effluent Downstream of Discharge at Spillway Sample Twice Per Month Sample Twice Per Month Sample Once Per Month Per Permit Sample Twice Per Month Sample Date Total Copper Total Zinc Turbidity Total Copper Total Zinc Turbidity Total Copper Total Zinc Turbidity Copper Zinc Turbidity ug/L ug/L NTU ug/L ug/L NTU ug/L ug/L NTU ug/L ug/L NTU 7/10/2019 195 509 1.9 41 118 8.1 194 473 0.86 7/24/2019 <1.0 3560 1.6 3.9 <1.0 3650 1.4 8/14/2019 <1.0 <1.0 7.6 2352 30 8.5 <1.0 <1.0 10.1 <1.0 <1.0 1.5 8/28/2019 <1.0 1280 1.6 60 777 1.5 12.6 <1.0 2320 1.7 9/11/2019 <1.0 <1.0 1.7 75 <1.0 1.2 <1.0 <1.0 9.9 <1.0 <1.0 1.9 9/25/2019 13 194 1.6 132 118 1.9 8.1 <1.0 <1.0 2.3 10/8/2019 6.0 737 2.0 80 <1.0 2.2 10 744 8.00 3.0 492 1.3 10/23/2019 7.0 <1.0 2.3 48 <1.0 1.7 16.4 5.0 <1.0 0.85 11/6/2019 <1.0 11 0.96 177 379 0.99 <1.0 48 8.5 614 1480 0.57 11/20/2019 <1.0 37 1.2 <1.0 35 0.91 5.2 <1.0 36 0.56 12/10/2019 19 <1.0 2.2 38 13 1.4 <1.0 <1.0 5.7 <1.0 <1.0 1.2 12/31/2019 24 2170 1.0 52 1370 0.81 3.1 17 112 0.59 1/13/2020 32 72 3.9 79 56 2.7 15 26 6.3 31 78 3.3 March 2020 Dewberry