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20021020 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20020626
20' T6'T PLANTS A MIX1URIES PIAHTNt RATES/ACRE PLAN* DRIES STAGE-STORAGE TABLE r EMGpEER STATEMENT OF Pw t am SAFETti SEEI>BfO PREPARATION TAAL /ESWL 100-150 IN AM Is-Oct. tE RD. t naa PERMANENT WTER OU Z' ' REQUIREMTS OF THE ttCR1H STATE DNA SAFETY E arc NA Wapc D74 aAg4 WAGE NW TO A MtaAM DMP1N or w AtncS. - (1CW MAMiQNNCE7 FW IaMAY R UVA" AKA (1119 IOL.YiIL (eh OTbI V01U1[ . W% n0. MW" MASAM SO M AM V WML b 3 IRLT lft/iLAat IEI= LAR f9HlRER, A D Y 4 4 4 1487 [AS AMENDED 7FROUgi 1 M THE RULES AND REGULATIONS In n u fo? D Aw ME lwrl UK Tema L Am S warmov x U InLY AIb TALL ra57OIL 700-90D IN AUG. 16-OCL to - - AK 1177lO1!} O+MI MAtx1111ALLLE) RR 15-MAY i FO{R~EI$ 4r:- IM 1000 AID GO= M SM M MY," JMW 825 1363 STOO7OBI81Y)E ~ ~ a~ d . aASS ,B, 5 WIDE ELEY ' ° AS TEO M THE NOR741 AHM IM71W CODE HTLE A SM a A FWLY PI lGAE® AD COW ;A d FOP-RAP NSA. SU804APTER 2K - DAM 400. EVEN IN THE CASE WHERE THE wunWNT GT CULIVACK /#M SPBMY AFTLA > a. TALL tYSOUA t too 1111 r FM ts-MAY 1 82~ 1678 1671! + t ~:'•e' ~r~ OMM0 AM AM= MAAWI 90W OR KWS M LOPC=A 20-115 IN (8111100 S® FOR W NM AM 15-OCT. 15 2061 r f a DNA SHOWN ON THS PLAN IS DETERIN" BY THE STATE TO RE.ECBMPT s rAa AlmMmx AF a 9FEUD ND A1001111 W • Y FROM TIE ABOVE N07M DAM SAFETY REQINRE4ENTS 4 AS THE gNILSED s Nwm&iww no Lm FALL • M1111O1) W- s 10af/AWIE P'011105/M71E TAU R$= M DESIGN ENMEER. STATE THAT THE POLO AND DAM ARE DESIGNED M BE -I AI LM-1 a , , r rlllllW- 1-1P 00 AT 100-FOOr rq SAFE AND ADEQUATE FOR THE PROIECRON OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY. t In a NOV. 1-N$ 1 $ r- N Ct$ ! sss.D WELFARE. AND DOWNSTREAM PROPERTY. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS STATE- 41p° 0r""c rou+PS/MME o WAM- iO ©1 , p , Q : ° f ,p q , ti MENT AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE OWNER OR AN- I MW SM VSALL ~ e NO PolAlos/OGLE or 70 { ANALgR SWPJPlb1/101E 9E150EA tisPD ftA W /11/A01R' (AbOARRD) 5972 DR. ,828 3881 , I TNl50A F_ I5 I MALL ORAIM STRAW/AM (ANMDk•IAmr 50 SRI,= p 0% 1 SIP" INTO SOL MIN MAMW OR TANK 0111 UWAD AW"T TALL PESWK t iM) l1M ! A&Y A AUOUSf ~ x,.. r . OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DNA FROM THE LEGAL DUTTES. OBLIDATIONS. AT as AALL*WAM OR EM AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH OWNERSHIP OR OPERATION, q oAtLalls/At71C OR ElAA7PiE1 AW11ALT AT 70o OALLp4/AIR GOVAM S*AV30 IN OR SUDANORAM 0=TT: WOMWtAM MOT 8E OPT AT 10-12") A a' J BAFFLE - RIP-RAP SECTION I"o 8013 ~4 17.544 a TAµ ff9ClK t 70 I.SS t NOV. 1- . 30 - r um RMORAM U LDOPICINWI M.Wr W W" AT 10--777 14t370 832 835T 31.914 " OONM011 W70AMW166 0 1111 (AAM) APRIL to-AM 30 4 4 °.4 ta-to LORI OA51xIAr~ RIO 1-YALIC)1 70 1 ' TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTTOM OF SLOP (O.OR) r (2.0X) (33%) r 393 834 11,036 51,307 1 2~ = SEQUENCE NUMBER ` I RIP BO 0 F V SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL NTS 9 n NORTH r1 VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) J WID ` - C 1 I I . TOP GE DAN - &34' A V DEPTH- 027 (EmawNc, I 0Y 4 . s 3 TOTAL ORAWAX AREA ....10 ACRES ~ - ` UA 10.7E AREA -20.409 ACRES NUA 'r CREST OF SPILLWAY ELEV.-832.5' 4' CONC. SLAB t (QQ RE ORAINAOE To POW • I.eO ACRES (20.0.7) wry. I PEJM/MIENT SEDIMENT STORAGE: ' d a 3000 PSI CONCFff d i REQUIRED. 1/0 AC-IN/AC x 10 AC DRAIMM AREA. 4&d OF BOTTOM :ELEVATION. 02" CAST CENTER SECTION JOB ~I ` . ~`P A TOP ELEVATON. 827.0.... PROVIDED- -0.0' WATER quAUTY POOL DEPTH WTH 120.5% B.U.A. OF SPILLWAY FIRST EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION PERMANENT WAWA QUALITY POOt~ FITS . V v \ REQUIRES 0.98% SURFACE AREA WQUI11ED.- 1,73 IOLO AC. 4313 SF ' TOP ELEVATION O (NW. 3.0' OEEP}~ 830.0 -1 2" PROMOED . 8013 SF . I ~ l T SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES 'VULCAN' WA7ERSTOP AV OI V TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE VOLUME: PREFORMED E3PANSI (OR APPROVED EO&L AT ALL JOINTS JOINT RLLER WWF 6 X 6/1 X W2.9 0 CENTER OF SLAB \ \ >".a% au.A. ".a% . ( ) - > N1V- 0050. 0.0.09x20.5 - SE SHEET MESH- NOT ROLL MESH \ V 1 0.w 023 Y0 USE /3 0 12 U.U. .EA. WAY) 8 VOLUME REQD.• 1.0-__. DA a 1.OOA2 10 >r &MI CF 77 INHERE DA - MARAGEAREA - (ACRES) A VOW ME REOUIRL~D a 8.512 CF & ' BOTTOM ELEVATION :.830.0 _ To" 0 TOP ELEVATION s 631.5 k PROVIDED . 10.777 OF 3 1- #S.REBAR 3~ 0 PRINCIPLE svdLwAr.• i WATERSTOP DETAIL V A DESIGN STORM- 10 M, 24 HR STORM Y \ h 10 i Nts a \ \ - C4# - 0.0 z 5.75 N/hT x. 10 - 34.5 RISER. 3C THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSCOP IS SPREAD BARREL. 24' A 24- I LL WM.L CARRY A FLOW OF 33.0 CFS,Y.!.~~EATH A 5.5 HEAP. FORMWORK ~ AND IB TO ~WHEN Fnpr S C~ REMOVED FWAMNG COMPLETION Po A E SPOT 4 auEO A a MAr CONTACT CWT. W HOG WOR reE n®m ABJACOIT POLING 2 RaEAX PAM' 3 COMPLETED. NOBS AID TFE 4COND V r k l X DAY MUASE• &0" If DW HOLE' .,s x v - a + - + P , r T t0.' Y.11 r+ _ ~yy~ ~.y~ > ry .i - t •/1 z 3. a .a, _ ELXVATIOM OF WEEP HOLE MiMR r.AMA i..',. 5 3/r 3/16" Z7/tr - - - s- MD. ~ vv a ~"'s Jig VALVE KEY _ 1 ~ ? /1 i.N! 10. K. T~14 $ S _1 3 all L,lt _ L 1 3 NEOPREN GASKET _ _ \ - II \ \ + O F F 6~ 1 C/.. i L ~ tl ppp~~.,,,...~~~~~•~~. ~p1ly~.~~'~~yffff.y~V 11~,1yy.y.. 0% JIS tNE"EFBM D w STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS r TO CARRY A-FLOA'2F1'S-CFS 11 r,. O B' BOTTOM DRAIN YR SS SS SS \ r \ ~ - F d o \ \ + . • CONTROL SECTION: ATE UNED ©MEIWXY SPO.1W4Y o 3:1 SIDE SLOPES r FRONT VIEW SIDE NEW FLANGE _ ! • • • 62 . L. F 20T SLOPE 15onaM WIDTH. e' ~ ~74 CON CRETt EMERGENCY A n. 0.013 ROTTOM ]DRAIN _c§jEAR GATE VALVE SPILLWAY t . S VV TL FLOW DEPTH. 0.27' VELOCITY. 8.32 FT/SEC r' BOTTOM WIDTH 8 FT. FREE80ARD AND sEn DAENT. 1.23' / r - ~ • ~ y LOP OF DAY ELEVATION. $31.0 v o ~T 4.5 SIDE SLOPES = 3H:IV ! ` ss r 01T SECTION: RIP-RAP LINED CNMB¢L . . 3:1 SIDE SLOPES } .1l. r - - 333x SLOPE , 6" SPILLWAY THROAT ELEV.=832,5 rr o ' pF • r ? , : r • _ - TTOM WDTH- &0' a ANTI-SEEP PLATE EOPRENE GASKETS 0.013 ,;a# Alt' - DEPTH. 0.47 . ~ VELOCITY. 15.3 FT/SEC '•i° 10 CAP BARREL 0 OF PIPE & SPILLWAY two CONCRETE ANCHOR DESIGN: STAINLESS STEEL Ba7S d50 THI C= 12n \ \ _ CONCRETE RISER DIAMETER. "ax 3Or I VOLUME o19P1.A13:D.. 0.7 cs _ FLANGE \L r - . I X T BOUYANCY fOROE- (27 CFx82.4 PCF). 1805LSS ANTI-SEEP PLANE .0 j.1= 2 < V=ME OF CONCRETE REDLMRED? 7885 IW (150} 1125 OF + . NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED f ! / \ ! \1 _ - FACTOR OF SAFETY . 1.5 11.25 X 1.5 . 17.0 CF SIZE. 175' X 3.75" X T • 28 CF ~ AR01 /4 ANTI-SEEP PLATE DETAIL \ WIDTH = 135 LASS II MON NOTE STORMWA ' TITY OON ~•4L OEE ~ ' 42' TRASH RACK- AL O LE k ROD I---~ 10' WIDE WATERSTOPS TO PREVENT BE USED AT j M, VERTIFIC/ATIDN NOTE QFTRASH s D.c{AN I t ALL JOINTS O TO THAT STORYWA DOW16M AIWAGGIENT STUDY M OLMOED VATFI THIS PLAN INDICATES RAOK TRASH CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) PROBLEMS AS A RESUILT OF THE P NO DOWNSTREAM FLOODING, DRAMA(, OR EROSION , TOP of BASIN aEY e834.0 PERM ANTInwRra DEVICE WATER R FROM GETTING TTING UNDER POINT 04M THE RUNOFF DI$pW & ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION Of STORhI}~[ATER QUALITY CONTROL: T OF THE PROPOSD MUIDPMETNT BEWM I HE 1 CERTIFY THAT, PURSUANT TO &F.N WALLY ACCEPTED E PWaRING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY f MOOT DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPEIM TO WEE THE PROFESSIONAL OPI80N THAT RUNOW FROM THE FIRST 9MIR OF RASRFALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REQUIRED Po1. Pi" ~m,• = EMERGENCY SPILLWAY LEST ELEVATION B325 SITE DEVELOPMENT AREA REPRESEE AREA REPRESENTS LESS THAN TOR OF THE MTAL DRAINAGE TO BE CONTROLLED PDt SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE IS CONTRQLLEO 1HEREFORE, NO b/ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY d EXIT SECTION TO BE NO QUANRTY CONTROL NFROVEI~NT 13 PROPOSED. BY A PSWANERr- SfATBN A OYANTM CONTROL THAT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED lieA~TV a{aG L7 yt },>I A'~ F /i CR N~9R .A9FJA L EtNNIN.. " AREA OWNINTY C 4" OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI m _ TOP of RSEn_EIEV - 631 s_ _ - . pQ b TEMPORARY WATER DUALITY POOL f M OLITHIC POUR 0 BEND (NO JOINT) TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA aA~~•4n~ dU(/Z PORTRAIP G10d1157RUG770N CO. DEWATETaNC HOLE ELEV. - &30,0 gNVERT) DRAINING TO THIS POINT IS O' r'~EESir •ti X411 1I sum 100' ~ m• t83 ACRES. (SEE USGS MAP) s O M-T/t oEwA HOLE ' TOTAL BUA FROM SITE AT 30' CAP RISER rx • AD° SEALS( s 1C~22s/07 4 18773 f THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES, Rxi m.mAn.wt E 1 ri PERMANENT WATER QUALITY POOL w,cr Inn A~WAW W=ti.d VALE KEY- `""r®.~°'"4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES = 5.5X EFL MOKWAD T CAR~1111W4 C FAGtN F ` ELEV 825.00 (LESS THAN 10X) ,ate SC&E ,ruw10, , _ 10 '°OP.r,t.11pN P LRMA NT WET DETENTN?NPDN N0 1,E& B' R BOif A DBAt k 9" GATE VALVE Nv_ EV. - Bt7yD 1 ' J I r I % - an •AA 1• US 94f R^s'OERTFIOAA 0fi XIMPLETION BE PRIOR TO THE *AL PLAT OR OERIIFTCATE 'GRAPHIC a~.,CAI.A~ OF THE $TOl01WAATIR T~R01. IS TO I*:M5>~ ENSURE IT IS FUNCTIONLW AS DES AND - ' ` PERMANENT SEDIMENT "AGE VOLUME T I : ` FILL ~mTM RIP-RAP AT OUTLET HAA FULL 0 { ON VdANO~ P!AIOR 'TlT ONCE OF :NRY OERT TCATE OF OCCUPANCY. 20 0. 11 20 40 P YMER1bot" TION IS IES1040LE FOR MAINTAINING 7K PERMANENT WATER OLUALITY + THE IrTy OI Ot1OAE AND OIi STOPAMTFR ~ ACCOR0818 TO TTIE-, MAINTENANCE. PLAN AND AS DIREOM BY THE OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY EXISTING CREEK ,II dEil; h .aa d50 = 12'; THICKNESS = 2.0' =Mk CW6fORMEN K OFTWE NUVIM4 FOR Y/A'TERS a THE 0014TRACTOR SNALL 14 A PRE- W1H THE CITY OF GREE3O9B080 s WATE7R9YIED ETi*I" ~ H EIEANENT ftmSilt HAS BEEN CLEARED AMP THE P Nn uAC 4 FMI ew;iNpi -r •d' I inch: W ;2O ft (6) 11' % 6' STEEL PLATES Tam 1 a~r:a ww ourao ` °v f - %60VE Y, alRISDPC710N! MACONS AND ANN AS9M HAVE S ] G}.INUi{gta I~GS j,4','~1c, SCQAKLVA PLACE ar mus mucrtn A , ~~AV~~' n\~ 777,77 mi wiwrrma 4.-,I QF VL"E, t Yirs Tkm 'MONO AND 1TAMES" r ma o0 iNN r. from U 4VW* ~a~Vp ~ GINICEM-- P, w xorE ALL PPE COOMMIMM AK TO x waerncHr. SECTION THR BERIrI ANQ YS SPIL~W" PM,i 00-0 Iwo TOM MM zJ ~ ^ s C.A.P COARAMA7ED MS PIPE ag_- w;, 49, r . c » r 't~.. s n ...fig . r• y "4 .,q - 4 'Ya 4 ?4''h `Si'» vf4 4 - v i , ..a , r m STEEL POST DRIVEN r S INTO GROUND (9.12) r o LIMTK L Nw STONE CHECK DAM DETAIL 61110" OSYM FAM O°O PLACE RIP-RAP ARfOUND r^~E PLAN ' 7 WASHED STONE PIPE AS DIRECTED BY T MIINIMLIT of s HIGH THE ENGINEER TOP EIEVATp1 OF STgIMWATER _ IORMWATER HARDWARE CLOTH OR WIRE SEC-now NQ t 1019'® SRWE J0 Q #55[5 ` tL 90°E SN MAX STTO 61 DESIGN OF SFIRIWAYS EXISTING SLOPE.- ^ DRAMIAGE STRUCTURE L 0 AREA Tt LUMU M r. I IOP- MFILTER FABRIC - CLASS R 1 4.0 V H 2 4.0 5 v O 4 t0A tLO W EX FARM 811 1 ~OJ DIMENSIONS SHOWN AM SIDE VIEW NOTE: ALL INLETS TO BE PROTECTED MIN 4 co Ilk sLapEs AND.MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION IN THIS MANNER.{ cc---- 2:1 SLOPE NOW NIFIN OEIERMINEI) BY ;=T TOPOGRAPHY NO F Af 8W.4mREOIAm. PROTECTION FOR as vARIEs 2-3" COARSE my m RAP Im THE DAM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES . ' FOR SrABLUAWL STD. REINFORCED AGGREGATE NTS CONCRETE FLARED USE GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER o~ WEA N KEYED RIP RAP - END SECTION FILTER FABRIC TO KEYED RIP RAP BE PLACED UNDER NOlEI UNDERNEATH STONE RIP RAP. UAZIRAI PUQDMt7111r Or PWT NSWIC II'M WRE M1H APPROtW EAYLG'°V SHED STOW NOTE: SEE PLAN FOR CLASS OF NCDOT RIP RAP. CQVDra. rA&WCS M SE 10 PEER ~a; WASHED STONE M TEMPORARY GRAVEL FRONT Pnsr assw-r-Pw'3P~'~B rt~"E 1'a aY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT ENISRNG SLOpE DIVERSION SON f R~ STEP SEQUENCE SEGMENT FAwwc ,rt t 3,w wrN (A"rImM7avar zws &%-C7CANaV5 NTS STORMX MWA STANDARD RIP RAP PAD a~T Aw 01105110111, COVRA'YA W A w+A+s" z e .0 5. ' ' 01+ 0 15.8 SRW'f Na 4 10111169" 57ZW 10 ~ PLACED 12 NiOWS DEEP AT SEr ' PETYC 15'4. 6.8' 6.8' 6.0'+ B = X-(A+9 ) DETAIL o. 1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE y 7.8' 7.3 6.5'+ B = DISTANCE FROM FRONT EDGE OF V T l O F G R E E N S B 0 R G 8.8' 7.3' 6.5'+ SIDEWALK TO BACK PINT OF 12:1 7.8' 7.8' S. ' (8.33%) SLOPE. PLAN VIEW D STD. NO. REV. .3' .1' 4.8' * BACK OF SIDEWALK DROP REQUIRED . 8.8 SIL T FENCE DETAIL Z OUT-97 • 4 4 FOR ALL SIDEWALK SLOPES. FOR SIDEWALK SLOPES 0.04. D I`? STANDARD METAL POSTS r-0' IN GROUND . MAND OVER 4,3O 9.8' 8 ' 3 BACK OF SIDEWALK DROP REQUIRED 10.3' 8.7' 3.4' *AZT DAMSM USE NO 57 STONE y~ 10.8' 3.1' r aa¢ GALVINIZED ¢i HARDWARD WW q ON FACE Ily T HM 1 Ul IRS EXTENDS BOX SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS CITY OF GREENSBORO - SOIL EROSION CONTROL SECTION A SIDEWALK (5' STDPF.JACK . 6 (5' STD ; UTILITY STRIP 9 ° Apply 4000 be, agricultural limestone per acm. 0.02 (MIN.) 0.01 MIN.) I~ L ' Apply 1000 lo. 10-10-10 fertilizer per acre for gross seeding. 0.08 (MAX.) .0.04,MAX.) + Line and to UV= am to be disked into the el surface to a minimum depth of 4 inchm 0.04 NORM. 0.0 NORM. PLASM k o p We W&M - Early Srna +x> r It2 A: cross J'R 12:1 MAX RAMP !h r. FILTER FAMIC & (1) f~-1 r_4JW sTAauzE taP OF IMP OUTLET Gross; - 0) it scow - 100 b. pair acre pko Seretla Lsspdrsa (sca0w) - 60 e. pw DESIGN p' acre. . SETTED TOP CROSS SECTION W ~ rAoss - 100 I14 Par as. Mee OarlMkl - 28.h Pr we, - X NTS E«~awk "ul~ar 6'-0 -4' 77 7 I(d ± A. ('A TTAN Fe - 150 lbs. per are ELEVATION TRANSITION SIDEWALK CURB 6 1 Toll Fwescuue - 700 Ibe. per acre plus Weeping Lowgraes - 5 Re, per acre, T[p. ?o1F t B. Cana Legume Mixture (1) TON IWi ~cre0 Feeae - 100 Ib. P< ore plus SracM leepedem (swlNd) - 80 Ib& per acre. / 57 WASHED STOW P! MTTO A Y 4.& WL EMERGENCIf 2.1 SIDE BY-PASS -&NNW 4 GUTTER NOGNT OF t -T ISM % a GUTTER - - TOP aF ON SLOPE MAX C BELOW SETTLED A Tai pew, - 150 R. per acre ptm W"pN Lowpraee - 5 NON per care. VARIABLE SLOPES NOT FILTER \ I() mar . per acre pka Brmrdap Mwtt or Sorghum-Sudan TO EXCEED 12:1 (A 119') FABRC OF~W SHOE SLOPE -`i A4YD- CATCH BASIN/'YARD INLET •4500 ECTIQN r. . MAX ORDLM B. Rom-Lepmle WIMn (1) Negro Lawpas - 3 w. per ass. plus sradc Lespdma (xaIIIW) - 60 Ira SECTIONS Per sons. Late Suwsw - [otv wmtr SIDEWALK PLAN SYMBOL e A Ohs CCFR x: -a TEMP. SEDIMENT PIT fa; T' Fs - 10000'lbs. per CURB CUT FOR 2 0 r rare plus Annual Ryegran - 25 Rs. per are. B. boss-tpyne MMtum EXPANSION JOINT FUTURE USE s SlatlaER MIN. NTS ( Toil taw - 100 Ib. Per We plus Swecio Legecim (wssriMd) - 90 lb& per we. 2 TA Foome - 100 lbs. per acre plus Crmnwtch - 25 Re. per acre Z T4 Feswe - 75 tbs. pw we plus Annual Ryegroln - 25 Bin per am pus IXPANSICN JOINT 8rm10 Leepedew (unacnrl0d) - BO Rm per aaa In n ISION JOINT PLROOADWAY - - - - - - - .T SYMBOL, Q\ Aftw ss=, e area is to be roiled or cultiparkd to Insure Oat the esed is prpsd sTO 10 ` into Wllaet eWrPsail surface. AO seeded afeas we to be mulched with straw mulch at ii WCR ~ All ' the rots of 9100 Rs. pry a (sppro. 100 balm per acre). Z N Apply asphalt maddon to the straw mulch at the role, of 150 glans per are. LLJ FOR PROPOSED WHEELCHAIR RAMP ALL SLOPES 21 OR FLATTER In cV The love waling recommendations erosion rota taw seen prepared far ssNCIM of a 2¢° vegelalM Wes suitable le for Ir acR roekn acrrtral M the CrewMaro area. MOC . Mao d tges, climatic conditions, mod availability and Incif"al plant cnaractwtstke are dl taken Into ocmunl In the obsw rmwnmrdotiens. Due to density, $€E NOTE 1 uniformity and teeWroi quality reasons, the abew Meelons we not recommended for lawn TYPICAL BERM CROSS SECTION THIS PORTION OF RAL FALL WITHIN CROSSW) 'QRTION OF RAMP 5' SMOULDER NTS WITHIN CROSSWALK LIMITS. ~I NOTE: STEEPER GRADES ALONG BERM MAY REQUIRE VEGETATIVE ~g. OR MECHANICAL STABILIZATION. EXCAVATED MATERIAL (SEE NOTE 13) D MILE SHOULD BE PLACED AND COMPACTED ON LOWER SIDE OF NOTE 13) vA PLAN VIEW DIVERSION AND SEEDED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TEMPORARY BERMS AND/OR DIVERSIONS SHOULD BE SIZED TO HANDLE A 10-YEAR STORM. MAX. 25' RADII 60" MIN. FLOOR NITDTH BERMS WITH A DRAINAGE AREA OVER .5 ACRES SHOULD o.s..rT .c BE CALCULATED INDIVIDUALLY. ® I.d eRrrquS tawcRtT[ suRE.cE COURSE TwE i-z k ® 12F SOWER. TVVE H :t ® a' COMYACTEO AGGREGATE SASE COURSE OR a• CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE & NARRATIVE HANDICAPPED RAMP 1 M P aRUNSgUS CMOIETE SASE COURSE. TYPE ~ ® Y-W VAUEr CUTTER 1. OBTAIN PLAN APPROVAL AND GRADING PERMIT AT A SCHEDULED PRE- CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE p F C+ WITH CITY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR, CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL, CURB ENGINEER AND OWNER. PRIVATE 4', F-F SECTION A WIN I . 2. 3. INSTALL L TEMPORSCONSTRUCTION C BENTRANCE ET EE PROPOSE XPONDD & STREAM NCDOT STD. 848.05 ° 4. CONSTRUCT PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND. FILL DIRT FOR POND SHALL BE EXCAVATED 1 / FROM THE TOP OF+HIL ALONG GRETCHEN LANE AREA, STABILIZE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND. MAIL SEW 5. INSTALL ALL REMANG SEDIMENT PITS AND PERIMETER TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS WHERE POSSIBLE. COME FARM II ' STABILIZE TEMPORARY MEASURES. 6. CLEAR AND GRUB. FILTER 7. CONSTRUCT STREET, PARKING AREA, AND BUILDING PAD GRADES. r FOR AS CUTS AND FILL ARE BEING MADE, CUT BERMS AT TOPS OF SLOPES AND DIVERSION DITCHES AS 6Q-ROjr FABRIC SHOWN OR AS REQUIRED TO KEEP WATER OFF SLOPES. STABILIZE SLOPES. Pox~u~ aau~ c'~opn~rsrn1f~t~c~xv~v ~a ' k 8, INSTALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALL SEDIMENT BARRIERS AT STRUCTURES AS 2r "II W. 1Gi~C14' {~YYPi, A 100 r a• a T i~01A0, Ono SHOWN, i A 9, INSTALL ALL U1111AMES. $ 10. MAINTAIN ALL PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. CLEAN OUT TRAPS WHERE 8. 8 f 8e 905 0MTaqM LAW CREVC900 f8' 3' MC)RE7iFJID 7bWIV5hMP - !>U Fi7It0 COUNTY'- NaM tGlth,~[NRi NECESSARY. REPAIR BERMS WHERE NECESSARY. SEED AS REQUIRED. CLASS A OR 0 - 11. GRAVEL, STONE AND PAVE AREAS AS THEY BECOME READY. 40% "'8 SWE• - N.Ta JUNE f0, 2002 I- I V=.. ma n w- EVANS ENGINEERINGs .IN, EROSION CONTROL 12. AS CUT AND FILL AREAS ARE COMPLETED, STABILIZE WITH APPROPRIATE GROUND COVER. 4.OZ 1 STONE 21 PERMANENT GROUND COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS UPON COMPLETION ha..... r OF CONSTRUCTION WTHN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 60 CALENDAR DAYS. GROUND COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON EXPOSED SLOPES WTHN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 60 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COWLETION OF ANY PHASE OF OWING. Ar 17-1) XVM.* 1fAX O 13. AFTER SITE I'5 STABILIZED-, REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND SPOT SEED/MULCH t ~ACV (Z-2) "A A is &.W.- ENGINEERS, PLyANNERS4 St3RWy. ; Ve nn. Alt RF5411 TING BARE ARFAS. F AMC VMWA c rrd 49M ovim" am :7'-" yAIJ..E7TER non (mew-sm ' s~cnori A-A PURUC STREET CROSS-L" Pow mo~39 y , ROWS-S4CTION J v STONE CHECK DAM DETAIL (3,0 F-F). r: F) r s r E x 4 , % „ ~x>sY?:'.., ~ K4.4r ~ t ~ ~ . "..°~a[~.r,^? » i3,. x.~ ~~~-x ?r "~'~.w.'.#&'*;';.r "~i =Y 3'. 4wAu PLANTS k MIXTURES PLANTING RATES/ACRE PLANTING DATES STAGE-STORAGE TABLE VOLUME _TALL FESCUE 1G0-15G Los AUG. 15-OCT. 13 ELEVATION AREA (SF) VOLUME (OF) CUM, (CF) BAWNIGER Ro' 2181 20' I 16' I 6' I SEEDBED PREPARATION ENGINEER STATEMENT OF POND AND DAM SAFETY THE STORMWATER POND AND DAM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SATISFIES I. SNP THE AMA TO IE SEEDED TO A MNMUM DEPTH OF D A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4 8 INCHES (LOW MAINTENANCE) FEB. 15-MAY i PERMANENT a. ELEVATION - 630.0 REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE DAM SAFETY LAW OF I. RBNOIE ALL WOK ROCK ROOT% EM IGAMRG SU FAM S AQNK~ EM LiAMNG SUWACE SMX)TM AND IMPORNL 'ERTUZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UWFORWLY AND TALL FESCUE 200-250 Has AUG. 15-OCT. 15 FOUNDERS DR, - 4 4 4. CLASS 'BA5' 1967 (AS AMENDED THROUGH 1895] AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS a ANPLT s®, E SOL (R nu IRE rzRwmt Aw awowR ATES ARE INE EEV - 620,0 AS PRESENTED IN THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE A SEED a A FRESHLY (PREPARED SEEM D p10'R•). (NCH NNNIENANCE) FEB. 45-MAY 1 p s P 15A. SUBCHAPTER 2K - DAM SAFETY. EVEN IN THE CASE WHERE THE EQUIPWERT ON CRTFACf AFTER SEMM EDB6D AND COVER THE SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING 825 15506 06 ~ SL 30Q TALL FESCUE A. 100 IN ! FEE. 15-MAY 1 STDOKBRIDGE 1• d r ° AMID COVER THE . RIP n _RAP DAM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS DETERMINED BY THE STATE TO BE EXEMPT a MVLGR wcolaELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR YUILCM AND ANCHOR MULLCL KOBE OR KOREAN LESPEDEZA 20-25 Lim (SCAINFIDD SEED FOR SPRING AUG. 15-OCT. 15 826 2235 1872 1 872 DR. W F ! UNSCA MD FOR LAZE FALL ! MINTER) MOj 6 j F° v 6 : m FROM THE ABOVE NOTED DAM SAFETY IIEQIIIRENFMTS I, AS THE QUALIFIED 11A TES; AORauu u IONS ONE- z as/AO E o P DESIGN ENGINEER, STATE THAT THE POND AND DAM ARE DESIGNED TO BE i K TOMS/ACRE TAU FESCUE ! 50 UIS ! NOV. 1-FEB. 1 ,rl DR. ZDS+ ' SAFE AND ADEQUATE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH. SAFETY, EERTUZm- TO-m TO AT SOo-iOm OF mx suPwHOVR+TE- xo I'd.RM/RARE OF ! AT 1000 POUNDS/ACRE SERICEA LESPEDEEZA 60 LBS/ACRE (MISCARRIED) 6166 \P A W 2 625.0 WELFARE. AND DOWNSTREAM PROPERTY. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS STATE- M1L°H- +.5 TONS SMALL GRAIN STRAW/ACRE p LL~S STRAW/ACRE c P~PRO)GIMATELY 00 BALES) SATE 828 3~p928 4403 8038 ~'hy ~4p9 RG•4pj'~ DR O Q ? P 6 p Q . O " 'A MENT AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL NOT RE1LWE THE OWNER OR ANCHOR- CRw STRAW INTO SIX NTH MAGNIN P INTO 4DA WITH MACHINE OR TACK WITH LIQUID ASPHALT TALL FESCUE ! 60 Lim ! JULY ! AUGUST 829 4878 12,441 0 CJpP .ENS/ACRE OR EMULSIFIED ASPHALT AT 300 GALLONS/ACRE OGERMAN MILLET 30 Las * 0 OCL LL R SUDANCRASS (MILLET At SUDANORASS MIST BE KEPT AT 10-12') 6708 $ i"Cyrt 530 8702 19,149 Y2 Cl p > p - OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM THE LEGAL DUTIES. OBLIGATIONS, AT 400 GALLONS/ACRE OR EMULSME ° ' AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH OWNERSHIP OR OPERATION. BAFFLE - RIP-RAP SECTION TALL FESCUE ! 70 LEIS ! NOV. 1-JAN. 30 p RYEGRAN 25 IRS (RYGRAN MUST BE KEPT AT 10-12' 19,633 pe P P :P ° NIS ..4 A P 4 (4) A COMMON OERMU IAORASS a LEIS (HULLED) AI'7ML 15-JLME 30 832 11,095 38.782 E GH p,,,51~ 15-20 Lim (UNNULLED) FEB. I-MARCH 30 KING V GEORGE c TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTTOM OF SLOP , 834 13,878 24,973 63,755 CT (2.099) (33%) (0.0x) / J DQ 2 s _15 ROBLYN RD O = SEQUENCE NUMBER / IP E EN 0 ~ SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL 0~ / / 4 T F n NORTH NTS / VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) TOP OF DAM : 834' {Y!i'. Q DEPTH= 0.27' (EMERGENCY) `SUt)~' / O S \ TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA = 10 ACRES TOTAL SITE AREA - 23.489 ACRES BUA DRAINAGE TO POND - 4.80 ACRES (185) CREST OF SPILLWAY ELEV.=832.75 . 4' CONC. SLAB 3000 PSI CONCRE / PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE: d ~ J REQUIRED- 1/8 AC-IN/AC x 10 AC DRAINAGE AREA- 4538 OF BOTTOM ELEVATION- 825.0 i \ \ TOP ELEVATION- 827.0 CAST CENTER SECTION OF SPILLWAY FIRST Q p / PROVIDED= 4664 CF PERMANENT WATER QUALITY POOL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION WATER QUALITY POOL. DEPTH WITH t487f B.U.A. REQ REOUtRES 1.997[ SURFACE AREA NTS REQUIRED - 1.995x 10.0 AC= 8668 SF Olb 3 A~ G - - \ \i•\J~ ( TOP ELEVATION (MIN. 3.0' DEEP)- 630.0 v FRONDED 8702 SF 1/z \ NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE VOLUME: 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP 4 / O ^C\\ FOR 485 B.U.A. PREFORMED EXPANSI (OR APPROVED EQUAL AT ALL JOINTS 3 70 JOINT FlLLER WWF 6 x 6/W29 x W2.9 ® CENTER OF SLAB • ^ - / \ i Rw 0.05+ (0.009)(48.0) /r i / Rw 0482 USE SHEET MESH- NOT ROLL MESH VOLUME REO'D.- 1.0 • Rv • DA - 17,487 CF (OR USE E3 ® 12" O.C. EA. WAY) c. 4 3 _OF 12 WHERE DA - DRAANAGE AREA (ACRES}12 3 VOLUME REQUIRED - 17,487 CF STOP E EVAELEVATION TION - 831.75 1 y~ ION" ~ y JJ \ PROVIDED - 18,017 CF 1- N5 REBAR 0~ 2 8 PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY: ~A O - DESIGN STORM- 10 1R, 24 HR STORM WATERSTOP DETAIL Q T ` 01o-CxI xA Ilhh-------I--~~".----1111 \ NITS \ 10 010 - 0.6 x 5.75 in/hr x 10 - 34.5 CFS RISER- 30' BARREL- 24' THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD C OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD WHEN THE A f~ . A 24' BARRELL WILL CARRY A FLOW OF 33.0 CFS UNDERNEATH A 5.5' HEAD. FORMWORK IS REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION AND-SEEP PLATE ` O~/ V 83 9 1/r OF FIRST POUR, THE SPLIT LEG IS GLUED EOPRENE CASKETS \ 'v 2 8 8 '~/j \ TOGETHER WITH CONTACT CEMENT, THEN HOC / V RELEASE RATE: RE FBNFO REIAND NFORCING RODS AEND TO TTHEE SECOND POUR 3g 3~ 3 COMPLETED. CAP BARREL \ ) 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 It' DIA. HOLE 5 DAY RELEASE- 0.006 tt2 DIA. HOLE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS \ HEAD- 1.0' HOLE DIAMETER- 1-1/2' FLANGE AREA OF HOLE- 0.012 k2 - ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT = 830.0 5/16• L0~ 3/8.3/16" 7/16' 1 'F \ 6-6 VALVE KEY NEOPREN GASKET EMERGENCY SPILLWAY: • • r NEOPREN CASI(E7 x DESIGN STORM= 100 YR \ ` , r .L, Q,, C x I xA r J ' I O'h Q100 = 0.60 x 8.0 In/hr x 10.0 = 48 CFS STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS \ \ x1._ r o \ _ jr i AD 6 D G PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY REDUCTION - 33 CFS o \'C - • A\ PIPE TAIL) T,y l.•" 7.J THEREFORE, DESIGN THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 0 6' BOTTOM DRAIN SS . • + . . 0 0 / \ y \ \ r R + TO CARRY A FLOW OF 15 CFS r s<ll i o . FLANGE ANTI-SEEP PULE \ CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY r + 1 • T,Q + 3:1 SIDE SLOPES FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED - \ + \ \ ! • , 2.0% SLOPE . ,M 62 L.F. ' „ 1'~S PRQP • BOTTOM WIDTH- 8' BOTTOM DRAIN k SHEAR VATE VALVE ANTI-SEEP PLATE DETAIL CONCRET EMERGE Y\\~~ } , r N79 1 \ n- 0.013 CAP B LL r ? ? r r '1 / j FLOW DEPTH- 0.27' VELOCITY- 6.32 FT/SEC C/L SPILLWAY r I V. `~•O"~ BOTTOM WIDTH 8 FT. r r FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23' r / . - O • \ X TOP OF DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 4.5 SIDE SLOPES = 3.H: IV X6 SPILLWAY THROAT\ELEV.=832.5 ~P . EXIT SECTION: RIP-RAP LINED CHANNEL • p~ P - 3:1 SIDE SLOPES y N p 1..' E R r _ - _ ? _ _ 33.35 SLOPE 5' ss A pF t > l L SPR BOTTOM MDTH- 8.0' RWUWP S 750' FORESTS EXISTING n- 0.013 LF r _ DEPTH- 0.12' BAR O RIP RAP AT OU~LET \ \ \s k FILTER STRIP A D VELOCITY- 15.3 FT/SEC ` ? r AREA 40-0 CONCRETE ANCHOR DESIGN: too RISER DIAMETER- 30' ,o OF PIPE & SPILLWAY \ \ \ WON* - - ' X VOLUME DISPLACED- 27 CF PRINCIPAL d50 = 12" \ r • 30^ DISCHARGE CAL X BOUYANCY FORCE- (27 CF)(62.4 PCF)- 1685 LEIS VOLUME OF CONCRETE REQUIRED- 1665 LBS/ (150)- 11.25 CF THIC"955.1= 2.0 \\\,?5< \ OWN FACTOR OF SAFETY - 1.5 11.25 x 1.5 - 17.0 CF \ r X ' SIZE-3.75'x 3.75'X 2'-26 CF WIDTH = f35' RISER PLAN VIEW \ LASS II i ss\\ TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA Ae' TRASH RACK- AL O.M ANGLE a Roo 10' WIDE ALWATERSTOPS L JOINTS TO BE USED AT DRAINING TO THIS POINT IS LEVEL SPREADER D SSGN coVTD+ (9 (0 o.c.) ALL JOINTS TO PREVENT DETERMINE LENGTH OF LEVEL SPREADER ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL: TRASH NTTHANTIVVO ORTEX DEVICE COWATER FROM GETTING UNDER ±83 NCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) TOTACRES. SEE USES MAP) (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY TOP OF BASIN ELEV = 834.0 Orr. wO TOTAL BUA FROM SITE AT - THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES. SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST INCH OF RAINFALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REQUIRED POND PLAN EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION 63275 WHAT IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE IS CONTROLLED BY A PERMANENT ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED COBLE FARM II EMERGENCY SPILLWAY & EXIT SECTION TO BE 4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES = 5.5% ° VIP OF RISER EIEV = 83T 76 GRASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE GREENSBOR TORMWATER MANAGEMENT MA L. 4 • TEMPORARY WATER OUAUTY POOL r ! QpF (LESS THAN 10%) THE LEVEL SPREADER. "N . FOR _ I1t - ~ ( 4" OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI DEWATERDNG PIPE INVERT ELEV - 630.0 MO OLITHIC POUR 0 BEND (NO JOINT) THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOR GRASS SIGNATURE ~•'rr~1 TSp(7,~ PORTRAIT HODS CONSTRUCTION CO. ANN Y SCHEDULE AUMINUM N•ADIN I/ arwu IS a FPS. /1_ 1 Z -OZ r.. 4411 GREENSBORO, NC SUITE 100 NC 127'407 W AR ivr USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH DATE 3[ At_ ,1 - JO" CAP RISER MWA RDGL LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH. 19743 THE - THE LEVEL SPREADER WALL FUNCTION AS A mZ 905 GRETCHEN LANE, GREENSBORO ,Erna a Mi ELEV - 829.0 • E °y PERMANENT WATER QUALITY POOL • AA s Mum P°E"g pxvu~ ALE um-® NAR mw NnRM LONG WEIR v (.!i.0 MOREHM TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA ~nM.¢s W>ti avwW wan .y g INVERT OF 6" VALVE KEY WIN WzPnu PIPE = 829.0 Q=Cw x L x H^)~ PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND NOTES: ' +5yy~'-" ' ~ SCALE 1 > 20' JUNE 90, 2002 waoW wm mPl ELEV. 825.00 e USING THE CONTINUITY EQUATION Q=V x A ' (WHERE V = VELOCITY & A = L x ysH) 1. THE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO" IHE.,FWAL-PLAT OR CERTIFICATE 6 EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE )ERS TO BE OF OCCUPANCY. THE STORMWATER CONTROL IS TO BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE IT IS FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCALE 8' BOTTOM DRAW & -SHEAR GATE VALVE INV ELEV -_827.0 IN T Dm ADD 8 ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR IRIANG REBAR COMBINING THE TWO EQUATIONS: HAS FULL DESIGN VOLUME PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 2. THE PROPERTY OWNER/OWNER'S ASSOCIATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE PERMANENT WATER QUALITY 20 0 10 20 40 80 UMBERS INTO THE V=1.5 x Cw x H^Y2 DEVICE AND/ OR STORMWATER CONTROLS ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED MAINTENANCE PLAN AND AS DIRECTED BY THE PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME p N V J ANgW m m THROUGH THE TIMBERS INTO TH NAmWa ARR4 F F, GROUND. EACH REBAR TO BE REBAR TO BE A V FOR GRASS = 1.33 FPS GOVERNMENTAL OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION. V, 825, ro RIP-RAP AT OUTLET < OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY MINIMUM OF 30" LONG. DAYA1A11 VIA m N LONG. Cw = 3.0 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING NTH THE CITY OF GREENSBORO d50 = 12"; THICKNESS = 2.0' h roRUa v u NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSUR A=TTr^2 = .0123 SF WATERSHED ENGINEER WHEN THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND SITE HAS BEEN CLEARED AND THE IM FEET "TOR TO ENSURE THEREFORE H=.087 FT. POND HAS BEEN FIELD STAKED. m ---N THAT ENTIRE TOP OF LEVEL P OF LEVEL 4. THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION AND THEIR ASSIGNS HAVE 1 inch = 20 SL. SPREADER IS LEVEL. IF NOT. EVEL. IF NOT. IT RIGHT OF ACCESS TO THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND FOR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE an-m awe. cc.v~"o STE (SEC)~Y IN PLLAQPUIES L~ aa.<o _j HILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. '.CEPTED. ENFORCEMENT. ne uaum •o wr~am X 6- LANDSCAPE TIMBERS Q== 0.~S123)()¢(2(32.2)1.5FT)) ENGINEER CERTIFICATION NOTE OF STORMWATER QUANTITY CONTROL EVANS ENGINEERING, . E TIMBERS ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS H A t~ rywl THE SIORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY INS WI1H THIS-PLAN qqAATES Q=Cw x L x H^-% THAT THERE WILL NO DOWSTREAM FLOOOMO, DRAINAGE OR ERO" 400 DUIMAS NO 42FAM1189M. N.Q 87407 0.07=3.0 x L x .087-% PROBLEMS AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BETIIEEN THE PHOIi!>w (50)N64-8677 IPAX (:186)64-06" 6' X 4' LEWL SPREADER 1.0 = Lxfawm PONT WHERE THE RUNOFF DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY TO WHERE THE PROD 940-36 DYIiv TaPMDWG NOTE: ALL Prof CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT. SECTION THRU BERM AND SPILLWAYS DTs Lnrowm = 10 FT. SITE DEVELOPMENT AREA f PRE9ED175 LESS THAN 10% OF THE TOTAL DRAINAGE C.A.P . CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE w AREA. THEREFORE. NO QUANTITY CONTROL IMPROVEIAW IS PROPOSED. c - 3e z P~,~ W& R 14 f '1k ~41 c{ . a s ~ , b. J: e, + 4 , d. a sy .a. . A 7 4 Ik fifKi _ ~~°`t pd"~ ell ~r~+ T- ~ y• - I ' ( ~ 1 R 14 ''1 _ _ t 4v FARM I~ 3= t ! ! -PRE -nON SW' SERVA COMtn ENTS FEN1I40D PAN lBDIV O r F'ENWOOD PARK SUDDIMION ' aop r~x iaR o-oes€s44P } , 10 ( j 12 AMA 10T. ux; r3, _ Q SUOP~ Mu ow NOTE: IX . 6' DJ, FKRIQ 90t 1 .j(0RTH1" MDMSION 13 y N0 y4a41 GXi F.s taw CFO) ow") Uw F.S.) POLYETHYLENE, FENCING TO BE PROVIDED AROUND I (APPROXIMATE LocA. ' EX. TREES TO BE SAVED. SLT FENCING CAN BE i' \ r tv ` bg~: O PG: i N/F: OAG D gg. 9PG. 774 9H€R n~ PG. 13 1 nz a7o 4 QQ >5 a 4.68 15 0.60 4.88 USED AS TREE PROTECTION **RE TREE PROTECTION m 8 1 PG. 13 Y r 3 1y~ P,B. 41 USE SINGLE FAMILY B^^ 41 SIf~. t Y ~ pp 8g547 PG. 908 SIR n sa t 2 0.46, 460 07 15 0,50 4.51 is ae0. k6e FENCING AND SILT FENCING OVERLAP. TNn c~ 1 LUG" MAN PA9. 21 PG. 13 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 0 dR " a 143 6 15 1.10 09 i 1.m 4 - - »-le, 4 a 'A.eD I.M 16 50.- 4.58 15 1.33 75D NOTE. - TE Swm 1 305.06' s 33 0.01 k 9 15 OW AS 4. 15 aso 458 ALL TREE PROTECTION DEVISES MUST BE INSTALLED 5 ; woo, sb4a QiM. 0. -4.00 16 m 4.58 ' 15 0. 4.58 PWT FENCE 7 a 1.43 2.42 11.13 18 T.16 1129 24 450 9 PRIOR TO LAND DISTUREIANCE, INCLUDING THE CUTTING 42 zee 1e Le0 13,32 24 061 17.71 OF ANY TREES, A PENALTY OF UOpOp PER DAY FOR 1e 1~ SOL wx. . j '~PERTY LINE 9 on 1 5 450 is om 590 FAILURE TO INSTALL APPROVED TREE PROTECTION el9ret~ s A air MEASURES MAY APPLY. mW-WAU=rm f IN 10 4 o.9a 1 450- 4.55 15 0.78 s76 ; -4 - 0.25 115 15 0.60 466 15 N1.74 w°a' - / IN K WR k, it 40HQ26+4 o.6z 410 2 1 ae0 458 is art 45 NOTE i 13 3,91 62 2 3.M 4.eo 17.113 to z 1762 art + :n CONTACT THE URBAN FORESTER AT 373-2150 TO SET 100 .16 0.18491 .49 keo 125 15 a5D 15 3,58 4.97 DISTURBANCE 31 4.ao 49 15 080 4.38 15 00 449 UP AARE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO LAND w / Ulm rly / a 3.81 1.60 tep 21.16 4.10. 21.32 24 0.97 2234 7 10 4,75 21.85 is 4.40 0- 31 1.67 20.31 -TREE PRQ1EC110N FENCING CAN AND SHOULD BE ; oae i 15 0. 458 15 L INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION ~C ~/~/(ryw~~/ N/F: 0`R O.WM 042 :4 1.W 15 Q5D R t5 L69 0.57 MEETING \ 0.8.12844 Q OA 98 22+ 16 3,59 4.56 672 - TREE PROTECTION FENCING 1S TO BE INSTALLED P.B. 41 to 13LIDS 48 3A 94 OKA NORTH 0 46 -4. 3,59 15 3,30- 4.58 16 L - a74 _ 41 n t 30 460 is aeo 614 15 1010 6ae ALL TREE CONSERVATION AREAS - N/F M N : 1 460 0.97 is 3, w 4 1 a t~ - NO GRADING IS TO OCCUR IN THE TREE COIRVATION ~ 0.8. 3312 PG. 3,2+ a 423 3 AREAS OR TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES 4 ti .N r--. B. 3,7 PG. 58 j -0.1 21-.99 1,81 k6J T41;,.. 15 100 7.86 1.48 Is 29 3,96 036 4.80 1.61 - t5 a SWD 058 is 410 s4 / - 3 USE, SINGLE F Y RESWENTIAI ze 0.143, ti61 208 4.60 48 +5 Z2D 61 is 223, 961 REQUIRED TREE CONSERVATION AREA F. 1 --d 4 3Ja N/F: TER~ ' ool D. 368b- e0 131 50 158 15 450 4.58 ACTUAL TREE CONSFRVA710N PR04gE6638638 S.F 4, / \ B PG4$8-~ / ° j 6 'L 15 . 47 G. 58 0.70-0 0 OZD 4.110 1e is 491 613, AY, •Z8 0. BI 4BD 121 8 L.,: 1201 18 250 `IEXUSEPSINCLE \ 6 Ham' Q / " ~µT AY47ERSf/ED• Q AKA7ET?57~'D, A15b6C GYiI y + *JLW M7 270 `.:480 1270. 18 1. 1146 18 1.42 1255 Q• / \ FAMILY RESIDENTIA~ :x Pas, LiJC. _1 / 00 6.48 1 3,20. 0.420, 44D 492 18 .S) i5 1. 321 4M n a 2m 11C89 24 La 24.11 rvP 14 I\ 9 'E' 3,o oar UosY AwA Pka924'ED. Kw A6TPEs ; 311 a 21 8 Z05 36C! 30 1.88 59.09 ~.J / S 16D 12D 15 6% tae 15 1.52 7.98 im SWEAN BUFF M woo 89[ al rci / 0 ( N/F: GREEN \ 7 ' .4.80 1. _ 15 0.60 16 ..0.57 4.89 Comm 91E. 1881118 N07 1E \ \ D.B. 3611 PG. 17 , law A6 00 207 i6 0. 458 is 4.17 .1371 K%UAPm As I80R 891lIY N PP..(B. 4$7E, PG. 58 0 RAM L I ~~M~y~. SEr A-y' M, dun wr ~ p/~ r 37 Q23 om 09 L 16 4.59 i6 8.9E 19.03 ALL a1E tBbURY M"WWY.14NtE L so mtm4D/ 1, FAMILY RE DS ¶N ! i+ J 40 L ?"K a O LiArVTJPAC }lam IPYIAKlf7r fRtM! AlL7f PIpa47SEa 7911NLL/iL'W N/F: HEFFERON Aoms QN miv s7r AM:Yr w of BIG(Cr tA~iGiN .1WA (AW to z4q 15 450 k M .821 1646 FROM 71tgglIIIIIAl¢MN,E I~ LUC: 1 51PY1Y 1.98 ib 0.W 4017 16 1.87. 837 D.B. 5234 PG. 1537 ALLOMEL7 AN ZJa ,SYTf' Aw w moo & '3 W cvma7Y of 3.45 AC S P.B. 22 PG. 71 rhf POND - ABO ALl4ES 114 4. 662 is 1.10 d79 15 1.18 7.40 € a L ' EX. SE: SINGLE FAMILY Rl ~iDENTI 011 0.11 4 0.51. 16 6D 4.98 15 1.33 747 / N/F: ODEVEN 4S CHAIN Of LUC: 1 / ~ 42 N,tA4 1,61 180 7.89 16 1.40 ,7.68 18 3,90 745 1 D.B. 2762 PG: 85' pp€g. it »>llS ? 49 EMMA? 205 Aep 943 18 9.98 1 8W / `P.8. 47 PG. 58 TU R zy OAor 3,74 9800 @ 490 a 9 . 0.90 0.90 9600 \ ~ EX. SINGLE 9 / 11 M 67 75. 9-7 i o WOO, s"s 48 a tau a7< 310.42 0100 1. 910.42 e8 LW 310.42 E0\14YDIC T \FAMILY DEN11A2 .0 vw, t~ z ~j STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE - APPAOWMAWLY 214Y UP eUCKHOR 1 RD. / f awl t0 / TOP: 830.70 INW. 826.50-15" RCP-(N) INV: 826.45-18" RCP-(gy)" FROM TNS EX. SAN. MK N IKERD ° PIPE •j4~ WA$ SIZED US88G THE BASIN LAG-TIE METHOD < A;o o S 2663 PG. 730 TOP: 830.69 INV. $25.74-18' RCP-(WE) INY: 825.9-24' RCP-{SE)~ • FGIND 90**L CALCULATIONS FOR TWS PIPE 14AVE BEEN IN lW_ CITY OF GREENSBORO STORM SEM dk EP.S. u47 PGG.. 58 SWARA7ELY TO CHUG( OSBORNE IN THE S111RN sp,'~ / 0 1 FAIN. ARE IIO L i'~ O3 TOP: 831.52 INV. 825.09-24' RCP-(NW) "INY: 823.82-42' RCP-(E) INV: $23.32-42" RCP-(W) ARIMENT. RESULTS ARE AS SWARIZED BELOW AGE t ' 1! ;~C\x 4 24" RCP INV: 832.80-(E) INV'. 832.03-(W) X448 ACIVS F3 oq,pd ° / MS FLOW WILL REWIRE ODURE WX9' BOX CULVERTS n Ew / ¢ 42" CMP INV: 843.91-(N) INV. $40:57-(S) tN1 {3,011 6 q7 ry/ O6 42" RCP O HEADWALL INV: 835.18-(NE) Y ALL STOW DRAINAGE PILE IS TO 1KY"°01® ~ V BE REWFORCED CONCRETE PIPE(R.C.P.) mr r. 7 ~ /b K x Sw r TOP: 838.71 CENTER LINE INV: 833.01-48" RCP rr` f Mpat ' / / \ O8 TOP: 835.26 CENTER LINE INV: 827.46-48" RCP +r ~B 47 PG. 58 4 WOOD F 0MI + i av'tA \ , \ \ /OOES NOT O9 IS" RCP O RIP RAP INV: 848.77 } / + / \V TOP: 853.78 CENTER LINE INV: 849.76-18" RCP-(SE) " \ N/F: \ D. 27 PG?33B i~: r A P.B. 47 P S8 y EX. LAKE \ \ G~ FAW RESNO Si 1 l • /Jay { f~k r• 3,.Y ~ lAl1I' K~ 1 • / f s/u';''. f ' o 1IaU moo SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TABLE d N; CO e • T ~ ,,,A• s " D.B 9665 PG. 1477 at TOP: 864.29 INV: 850.07-(NE) INV. 850.02-(SW) P.B. 22 PG. 71 ® TOP: 862.07 INV: 847.9-(NE) INV. 847.87-(S) £X. USE: SINGLE FAMILY REST MORE 1 \ LUC: 1 TOP: 843.06 INV. 836.86-(N) INV: 834^71-(SW) *low T ® \ © TOP: 835.99 INV. 828.09-(NE) INV: 850.02-(SW) k' t r" x q or N/F: ARNOLD \ ® TOP: 825.52 INV: 818.52-(SE) INV: 818.82-(W) y~ D.B. 2754 PG. 670 P.B. 22 PG. 71 ® TOP: 825.58 INV. 818.15-(E) INV. 817.33-(S) j R1hFi EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INV. 879.20-(W) INV. 817 28-(N) {y 5 LUC: i 7 TOP: 824.18 INV: 816.03-(5) INV: 815.88-(N) N \ TOP: 858.50 INV: 851.2-(E) INV. 852.07-(W) _ 4by LADD ® TOP: 854.49 INV: 746.74-(NE) INV: 746.71-(W) t5 x a d G o - EXISTM I= FOE ~ TOP: 851.73 INV: 846.03-(E) INV. 845.98-(w) oN J \ y_ NEW MON Extsym ca"COM N= off DAM compum P= ,r 191E ~ ~ ~ ~ - L~0 4 ~ * 7 " ~ I O a - tEL EFtoc FC=AL 0 - FISEROM VAINER _ W WAY _ M N/F: ADAMS R/W r a 40 ~ „ as - DU M I= \ D.B. 4190 PG. 2055 Fy „F~EAT ~ r~ P . 65 P.B. 22 PG. 71 F6 - PAGE FENCE ENCROACHES ~X. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - FHEFWM 30f( LEGEND: ti Y V LUC: 1 LAW - FORCED C0NCI1M 1 \ MA - M C= TM FIRE RYMM EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE w: / sTM aim \ 0 _ MAL Xv N.C.G.S. NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY ` !f lot J d R/W RIGHT OF WAY ooi~exvAna+ 11 & - vAtvt x DB DEED BOOK - - ow vDtE PB PLAT BOOK e n ; RAM FENCE N/F: SCHETTINO LEGEND w" - Vf PG PAGE / D.B. 3412 PG. 1697 EX. EXISTING P.B. 22 PG. 71 Q EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PIN BLDG. BUILDING' N NZLAU. 0..31185 3 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL A REEAR PROP. PROPOSED 1 . . A EX. USE:9 P. l~LE B F YNTIAt m Y LUC: 1 A STONE D.N.U.E. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE & UTILITY EASEMENT 10 111 Q M>G I '03 6 U77UTY POLE 77 ;p h DMTTRM AREA +Q 16.87 AC. , SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT ~~}DfI{Na~C~ PLAN / } ® SANITARY MANHOLE IIAT .S~rR RA C T a COB A w U6 Ai A WATER METER •`~~~1~ « f i++~% - APt~RiY P - xaxil , 110' G ETC HEN LACE FOR f0b1 ;FTC SAN. W5.2 X r~ NIA R II>m A4 A A BORE HOLE POR3RZAI7' frDAW C0NS4RU=N 00, IF Am IN ~ i} N/F: FISHER YARD INLET 4411 Ir MARW bTlr~'4'. S= 100 s 1~ti1; 5 At ~ t0 10 / ' D.B. 4826 PG. 253 ? GATE POST - 73 g w GR QM, NC 27A407 P.B. 22 PG. 71 SY LA I EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ® GAS VALVE ^iN~ r 4' . / WAU LUC: 1 CUP CORRUGATED META! PIPE ~ E ~E / I Vy t3. MOREHEAO TOWNSHIP - Gl~ULPORD COUNTY - NOrYi'TH CARO,IM w AS A PIT / ~A { SS MANHOLE NOT Fl~ 1 RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE +rc l+?! SCALE 1 60' JUNE Ia 2002 IY\eN 40 G.5 ;11 _ St'°', ,a uPC« oONO E, SHOW PER nft i w P2: - RP RAP yr._._- LET-.Y_ USE: SINGLENCAMI Y E TI L 1;, .y \ ~/^y~ / TREE Row GRAPHIC SCALE j LUCCCCCC: 1 eat 4;6 1 CONTROL d8tN so +m . 30 38 LINE LECENII so o -X SILT FENCE N/F: ZIMMERMAN WA7ER LINE W W - 3 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SS 0 1NE Cltt A FR ENDS/ f D.B. 4470 PG. 1341 O*WHEAQ PQWM Ry F # " „1 sb AHD THE FR 'INC. i stT PIT 2 Iaoh g $0 r FENCE CHMN t$NK EV;ANTS E GI , y,, NA ' ` \ 1 / JOR~ \ IiCEWAY us..LUC: u2 nuu~mu ~c=cc~+ ~ 7EMP. 03P0. 24 \ es %IRE FQVCE =x-X-x x x-x E1+~G1I+ER P \o _ - -'V 1~ 4p - 1 CKIEK 3, O*S S HOW, INC. z~f use ate' Fi00!§I+c 1 4' CHAIN UNK FENCE S sD SD DOES NOT ENCROACH F' f LUC., x par PwwxMN eF d PiB. 23 PG 70 y r s ' r # ,k J~ „t Ky % Y 4" ° v d..i gy~pp,,+ x °2k'c X ..3' a. S iT w. a~ + ,~j . f "b ' S 'n€ 4: ,af f; a"..%a .r £a s, r. Mv:~+: a :.g,..: a 'n'-w,:~.:' i 7 n= .b.. 5..,- ,.t, zv- r v v y, ,t x f~ ~ ,a+',C; }5k ~.Z,... } _.;yrM r ~ 'E *~c' €i #rr ^Y rte d.. ~ .3 '•a~ `"'v `=i.. .v n .F'e +X. > A. •.u) 4kt Ys '^l i " ` t~». •a a.%!f'a. x3. xk`s'rM ~cc }y'". ",s •Y~' ~a rC i l.t,., , .ve gee '?t i+ a r .. ;.. .. ..:-. a.. ... a., ...: 4 .... -. .. ». 1 » �. -0F .c_. ..,,., a. .. '« .. ... ,.0-,c .. ,. _. t E. .. , ... ^ _,.:. ., .. ,,. t. ..1 ., n ,•.,.. _,. ,- .., �y -, ,.Y 4 -_:.: e. , i x"' ,. ,. at . .... CINE cY' ♦ ', �. P •! a r4 ♦• - q. .r d ::: ..... -,. ...... -, .. ..._.y e a ,..... -'... - i ( 20, a t < " PFA}DS ,TP'71gLTgNI� TMD- IES/ARfII .. P(:AN +. .:' � ,k - Jam+ ,. r.., c ✓ u. 3• ':. .. .:._ tt... F... a 4. hyo OF POND O�W �.y .. �#. sf2/lp+•,, .�.. B�!'rF�T :- >,.*mom .' �,�y .. 700- T9018fl :1N9. 1�yy� 1! ` ,.. - _. a � tt -... y �" _ - TFIE STORMMATIOi P1JND MID DAM SMOMN ON IRIS PIAN-,3ATI9FIES , .. .- , i. i1R7� N�fJt i iC. A INE OEYM a 4-9 9R9w4. ., DK A tlilfYffB T (L01W A9RMAMi14 Pig. : ,:.- �Nu YOLWE H3610L ,PRA:pF1.: ! l.ft .. .., ,,. :. ', •. .. ...: . 17 s _ ..' - .. :. +ticYYI ENT 1' . N •IN STATE DAM . �.e . AAWAWA To >< AEMaLt Na LBIi9E WoaR: Roo+: Ivo. 1EA71W 9WtACf 9MOOR1 ANO uR1FOHI[ APPLY 9®. A61CAILTNRAL UWL "ATI- 40-, AMR 91001/H05PIMIE UNfLOLN NO - TALI, FESCUE 2O0-200 IBE At10. 16 -OCT. 1s ` FOlM0ER5 DR. 4 tYd7 [AS AMID 1}IRO(i6N we INE MAO l QtlF AiaNS MX wTH nc SOL tAAaEs ARE aElow•l A+� w+N1ENNkc) na to IwY 1 ey-� 11 O c t, 5 ELEV -820.0 THE pq:' CODE ills : 4, 09 A WIE9RLT PIOYAW 9EIIIID AM OWER RIC 1118 MONILF atN`aRen9 $�✓ ,, � 1 Vw� f; 4TpC}fgRBKX. a • :L'' :a , �`�. 1X0-55 'e' 15 . SU89"A Ai IDi1MN THE WNa9 Fm 1B -MA 1 1 1 SA. 2K -DAM N=fit THE GA$E rNIFRE 3HE eaRnen;awmn As me sEEDERt rAu Ngoalc R wo Has s TRIP RM HARAW rrwATa� senEHs AHO awiiloR Mac oR KOIEAN taieoaA 9D -9i uE Ex'A+�WB 9® Nn11 sNwI9 AU0. u -oar: s, 826 DAMSHOMN ONTHISED D{SNti THE STA E FO AE EtE7APT NL PiR6L R FOR LATE FAL IMRTM FROM THE ABOVE NOTED DAId iiEQU#*Nb , („AS 1FE t11�4S1ID v STATE 7WT THE :POND AND -DAY ARE QESIONED 70 '8E RA1Es AowaLnRlu llwtsrsll�- : RE97/ACIR TALL FE9CU[ B 11a DESKiN £lIQB1EER. PERUMt- 10-10-76 AT 90-AN9ip1�/MitE �' W p�/,iV SAFE AND ADMA1E FOR INE 04010C�N Of NMIK SAFETY. swREAl,zb7mEtA aLeslAaEe euNscAwsn> 625 o WELFARE. 0-!Y) OOWlISTRE*a PRQPER w' 1 1lNOE1i8` #4 It4AT THIS Si#iE - a"a'"o�"AtE- qe vawpaJ wE of xa uY�tss asawarelAs 4 . B MAGI- 1.5 =0 MALL ~ 3iRArW/AGE CAPPROMMARLY 90 � .: MINT AS iNf: DESIGN" $FIAIl 'NOT RELIVE THEQ� OR mc"m- XWP B/RAW w10 90E TE1N MACWE a TAac r9RI 7mw AEPIMLr ^„ TAU FCOM ! .o U s R : A,LY r AUaAST $ 9 �$�$ 12.441 OMAN MILLET 30 Ho_ 6708 � 4%, J OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM' THE I N& DUTIES, 08U"ThTNS, AT 400 BMLONR/ACE OR WtR9P� A9FIMI.T AT 300 SALLO /AF1i G 9 0R (MUST t 910MAM MUST RE KEPT AT 0-1r) AND L1ABLLMES ARISIN FROM SUCH 0*4ERSNP OR OPERAiiON 8702 19,148 1 BAFFLE - :MWAP SECTION ♦ TALL FtsaE a TO IN a M V. 1-.w+. 30 a # RIEGRAN 20 LRS (RYdMEH Nun r KEPT AT 10-,s� 19 633 •R �9 COMMON BE1RAwAWAU a Los (HULLED) APRIL 15 -AM 30 832 11,093' 38.7134 19-00 188 61RExLED) IM I -MARCH 30 TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY 834 13.878 2 973 63,755 G'' 4$ H T (2.0S) (337) (O.OR) ' QR ' O =SEQUENCE NUMBER SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL �` ^ `� \ /_ ., _ k NORTH 1 NTS 1 1 1 VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) aTOP OF DAM a 834' n4CONC. DEPTH- 0.27' (EMERGENC1)TOTAL ORAIN)a AREAt0 TIGRIS&01ES 1_ - - TOT ORAE G'E AL 97E A POND ACR ALiE•3 SLAB --___ '' . , i .. •> CR9§i WAY ELEY.- 75 a' - ciE AREA 3000 PSI CONCRE ,I° -_ -` -. `_- hry. .III ED- 1 8 STORAGE (� - -�� PERMANENT I. OM ELEVATION- $41.0 ELEVATION- 827 k � �W�IR ,x 0 AC DRAMA 4558 6 TOP CAST CENTER SECTION +; PROvX)ED- 4064 OF OF SPILLWAY FIRST 1 �O GSI i TIDO A -- A� PERMANENT WATER DUALITY POOL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION \ �� eGJ $ �. j 3.o wAtrx wH*4U C,D 7Y POOL DEPTH WITH t4.A, � `. REQUIRES 1.99% SURFACE AREA _ ;..; NTS RE0JMED - TAM Lao AC- SM SIT a : iiJJ (� TOP ELEVATION (MIN. 3.0' DEEP)- 6JAAO % ✓`¢ PROVIDED 13702 SF= , NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES .� .7 \ O � y, ��•a �: � -._. `. \`�\ .ori hIAP(YtARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE YOI.t1ME: 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP _ ) �. FOR 467E B,LA: e �. PRE �ORMWREXPANSI (OR APPROVED EOUAL AT ALL JOINTS �,,, \ '1, �O A 1 - --- - - - - i i�`� ` H ) _ _ _ �'. , Rw- 0.054 (o.009 48.0 ° JOINT LLE WWF 6 x 6/W2.9 x W2.9 O CENTER OF SLAB , ° v - i i `�.� Rv- 0.462 (pR USE I!3 OS 2' 0 C. EAOLLWAMESH 'Y �/� - - - - 12 SHEET Y) . i - r ` V L WE AEQM.- 1.0 - Ry, • DA - 1.ON:18•10 - 17,487 CF z s WHERE DA - DRIANAGE AREA (ACRES). ' 4• VOLUME REQUIRED . 17.487 OF , BOTTOM ELEVATION - 930.0 ,, - TOP ELEVATION - 831.75 x I I O 0 -,4017CF A� q . 1- .#5 REBAR / - __� STORM- 10 YR. 24 HR 'STORM WATERSTOP DETAIL NTS 0.o - 0.6 x 5.75 In/M x 10 - 3as.CFS i 1•- is \ lT RIs- 30, ` ` rye` j I ,.,a BARREL- 24' THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD - A 2C WILL Y A <. t_,.. OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD. WHEN THE \�" - --' •- 33.o On UNDERNEATH A 5w' HEAD. ,.; FORMWORK IS REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION ANTI -SEEP PLATE O '. �_` ^ pF FIRST' POUR, THE SPLIT LEG IS GLUED EOPRENE CASKETS F ,1 /y/'/ - k# TOGS eR WITH CONTACT CEMENT. THEN HOG - .. RINGED AND WIRE DED TO ADJACENT \ ! \ - RELEASE RATE: 'A `•. - REINFORCING RODS AND THE SECOND POUR - - ' \ x�" Irl, \ - 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 RE q0-. HOLE ?{ CAP BARREL f ` \ \ 3 k S DAY RELEASE- 0.006.R° qti HOLE r I►'-- = STAINLESS STEL BOLTS a 1 FLANGE HOE gAM�E- 1-1/Y AICA OF NOUP., 0.012 \.. \ \4 r. \ �- ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT o 830.0.. / f- 5/10 O.D.- rAc�'' \ '-'� • i --C: Y _ - EMERGENCY SPULLWAY: `a VALVE KEY / / \\ �`•-- �� \ 4. X MIGN s M- IOD YR NEOPREN CASKET - r- _ _ - Oq - C of x A F \ • '�. 0.60 x 60- MM R`14O:O 48 CFS smroFss s7m Bars - \ �� . - _ 0 m A ----•--�� �, ` '"l _`:r 'r �'1� V D _ TRMGWM SPILLWAY REDUCTION - S3-Cf5 _ •! T THEREfORE. DESIGN THE EFIERGENCY SPILLWAY ak & P ,/(tJ PIPE / N � O B• BOTTOM DRAIN\\ \ .. •', �y - __ -+ - Atd) �\ /\ - of 15 ��_.. ,--- -MMI TO CIdB7Y A FLOW GFS - o ss ss r. �� A , -� - '� • _� A _ ��� _ CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EIAERWiCYSPLLWAY : ANTI -SEEP PLATE ' FLANGE \ • r^� -U i t 3:1 SIDE SLOPES a c. FRONT NEW SIDE NEW O - - \ • . �,� ,+..V2 L.F. • 1 S� § : NOTE: 2 PLATES REQUIRED BOTTOM DRAM de SHEAR GATE VALVE S AC • •� I pEtflp � WIDTH- 0 INTI -SEEP PLATE DETAIL CONCRETI EMERGENCY\\ �• ,H_ ,� - CAP B LL 1}Ts \ • ► i X'�/ FLOW QTR- 0.27 a SPILLWAY ` \ • s.oa` • , PM }'� r _ x--� VELOCITY- 8<32 FT/SEC: CA .'��._'A "- FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23' BOTTOM WIDTH- = 8 FT. `�� ` ` . • PO Y TOP of DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 4.5 \ S AT� / r .► _ EXIT SECTION: RIP -RAP LINED CHANNEL SfDE SLOPES = 3.H: I V x TL �� _ _ - 3:1 SIDE SLOPES ..- _ 33.3% SLOPE -::. BOTTOM WIDTH- 8.0. ��� SPILLWAY THROAT �LEV.=832.5 �,.- \ s o0- � �., ����F. � 4, T � _ - _ SPR _ - A \ B t50' FORESTE EXISTING DEPT,. 1x DISCHARGE \ �. - �." VELOCITY. /5.3 FY/SEC ME ANCHOR DESG RIP_ RAP AT OU�LET \ qN • FI TER TRa� - OF PIPE & SPILLWAY \ \ \ +�' -- _ AREA y -COMORE RISER ,_'" k _ \ \ y ► _ _ __ - �.. X VOLUME DISPLACED-. 27 CF v d50 -- 12 '� A - �•► PRINCIPAL WUYANCY FORCE- (27 CF)(62.4 PHS- 16M LBS DISCHARGE C/L: I _ _-__ VOLUME OF CONCRETE REQUIRED_ 1885 Les/ (1)0)- 11.25 CF �. r - {, \ \ , _ OR f� - a FACTOF SAFETY- 1.5 ..... 11,25 x 1.5 -. 170 (F �.` FTN WIDTH - ±35 _ 3.>5' X a75 x 2' - L RISER PLAN MEW LASS {I TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN 1. ' 48• TRASH RACK- NUM ANGLE k ROD 10' ,MDI WATOSTOPS TO BE USED AT DRAINING TO THS POINT IS covERA (s O.C.) - ALL JOINTS TO PREVENT DETERMINE LENGTH of LEVEL SPREADER FNGI EER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER OUALLTY'C0N1R0L TRASH RACK WATER FROM GETTING UNDER f A E USGS MAP) TOP. OF BASIN ELEV 834.0 WITH ANTIVORTEX DEVOE CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY' THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY -__.._---_-----. _ __T __- ----.-- _ _ -_ -_ ---- --- _RA"- �-• TOTAL BUA FROM SITE AT SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST *CH OF RAIWALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REQUIRED Polo PL" ;.. In THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES. WHAT IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORMANCE IS CONTROLLED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION 832.75 _ _ .^ - BY A PERMANENT ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS DEEM OCSfONED TO MEET 00 EXCEED /^+Oj�r��. �jAj�j/' � ` - - - 3 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY &EXIT SECTION TO BE THE GREENSBOR oRMWATER MANAGEMENT M AL, v a+" a.P.u, �,p" (MASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF TOP OF RISER ELEV s-83-75 _-----.__..--- ' :'.! 1' _-__ _ ( 4" OF CONCRETE. 3000 PSI 4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES ,a. 5:576 - , . ` TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY POOL r 4" g0F -LESS THAN 107 THE LEVEL SPREADER. - »-"y •CARoi ,, M OUINIC POUR O BEiJD (NO JOINT) ? C, f ,''• PORTRAIT . f:ON9. T11UGTRW CO. DEWATERING PIPE INVERT ELEV - MO THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOk^GRASS SIGNATURE••Ad d �Si(} 4 -y W. IS 4 FPS. ; 4411 R SRI11B' ilio SEAL Lfi iVc 189'401 W.1 t 1� USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH DATE 30- CAP RISER - - „H'R� LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH. .. L & : aTHE LEVE SPREADER WALL FUNCTION ASA A`� t�i{ 'A/�pru�+an P� OM M Cyt fry OO .b _ _ saof9 TET - 829.0 Tu' f.,:. .a ; 'Jl'. (R`f-4 UPa/I1Gncv ��1. -' iswL"Vl� 4Yfi%W!__I '- %R//T++7 i PERMANENT WATER OxUALITY POOL RHI�rAP99w ■ ut Awe-® H7AW 7R10E1 ,ER9r _ IN T OF 6" LONG WEIR - a { �.A ,' + - ` PWIm YAH NYHMIR aARm9 , vuvE KEY - W K 9[Ma ELEV. 825.00 b PIPE =829.0 Q-Cw x L x H^% pfatA(J) T W.T, DE'TTEN110N POj � ,•, ««••` y'�C •�y SCALE ! a� 20 JUNE iO. ZFJC12 .F .d"w"mamom(r" USING THE CONTINUITY EQUATION GeV x,0- ° ��L�� -;. _ ,•.,,....y 1, RIE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF WILD REQUIRED PRIOR Tbi'IjE4 `YI.AT OR CERTIFICATE `' �,t�T . • : (WAiERE V =VELOCITY Q[ A = l x 2fsli) OF OeCUPPAANL-Y: THE STORINWATER CONTROL IS :. SIE CTFD TO Exs(AE IT R f1,1NCn(*NNO AS DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCAM 7 4 .� �' _ EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE HAS RAI: DESIGN VOLUME PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY ATE OF OCCUPANCY, 6 BOTTOM DRAM R 9ffAR GATE vALVE INV IOhV .827.0 t 9ML4 ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR COMBINING THE TWO EQUATIONS ----- DRAIN A - AR GATE --__---- ?. THE PRWERTY OWER/OWN@}•S ASSOCIATION IS ONILBI,E fWt MI6NTAIDNG THE PERMANQ4T WATERQUALITY20 I 10 a .. -- .4_ U "i ' I ' U i4Md NaP� U . ' _. m THROUGH THE TIMBERS INTO THE Wi.S x CW x H^Xs DEVICE AND CR.STORMWATER O WIROLS ACfX) DIE. MAINTENANCE' PLAN AND AS DIRECTED BY THE r • PERMANENT SEDIMENT S70RAOE VOLUME RLL RRa 9HM ' ro RIP -RAP AT OUTLET GROUND. EACH REAR TO BEA Y FOR GRASS _ 7.33 FPS GOIBHNME» OFFM£ NAANc I1dC1WNFOR WATEIt&R71 TNN-. ELEYMM70 9714 OF CONCRETESPILLWAY MINIMUM :OF 3O" LONG. Cw - 3.0 3. THE C SMALL A ILRE^c©N M€ElFiCi MIH 1}E GTY t7F GREENORO r _ - 0150 = 12% THICKNESS >. -2.0' A�I'�T" 2 ,: 8012 SF WATERST•EDC� l�R NMEN` - T ITL 1 POND' 917E:HAS SEEN CLEAt}ED AND ONE 23I . i f OWNS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THEREFORE N+.88Y FT. Parra HAS SEEN EELD STAN 1}1 1 s ,. ...... _'. -..- 5%v yiFB•,: G '. ;'.;',,.:. ..,'r I�i i3.' 3.. LnQL +A:.' il. a, v ^t�`•,... THAT ENTIRE TOP bF iYEI 4 4 I}IE OFIaf$SliA JlI9SDIC PROT[CTKIN AND 111iIR ASSLPNS HAVE \�!` , b ,/: 1l% ,i ,: ` SPREADER -IS:_ LEVEL. � NOT. IT 196kt TTD THE p�NT WEt q�ti� Pt7ND .MtGTiONS D A1617fNANCE ..:•^- .:' : 4 \ .�� .. fiLEV 628 CDAW2yh.}�: ,. ,a: .• :. , - e) 2a* x 0 s NL11ES W710ED \i \ TNLL NOT 8E ACCEPTED. ENF - ( TEE1, al,T-NPwmHHow ,.V �,.. ,� -,... , /, _ ., i ,i�, ,.� :; ,.,,./, _. ar 3 2 32.2 ..: - ... � _ . • , .. � ,, ,C, � �, �.. , ,., ..... ,, ',: ,. ,, , .. ,..,,:- _,. , ,:,-. ; : �. .(�2 xx� c r sFTi)'.:... �.. .:- EV'! :. ��� � - � S:t - SECURELY IN: PEACE - - \ . \ �.<"! \f\. \ ,-\�. '` \. �. \ a. �- .� }� ' Nk0.07 c�S wM McNPAewm9a } ,... i '• f,-. v . ,.. _ -. R 7111 r.P1MIWE - .:- B" LAND �"":�',� TIL18ER5 :< .•t ., „.:. ,.a,.; '- W:�P 9Ru�D1 _. -::. ' T. �L v."�-'7 .-. _ .. .' T _ L aEP9o9AE a.bRb TME YM7H , ,, :. + � ,• .. H ,, Wim' ;' . . '. N. K Hw•R19ie NIEEP+. O�CW x 1....x- H �t 7 « • �, THAT hl� NOD � . POw 711E iMM+ii R J •, F , PIPc... '.. - tNM6. ARE TO RE WA7ERDTNIH ,.. ,.. -.. .. -. s :LJ11179ItlbTHE � . ,: - - , < .. __ :. -,< ,•'. ALL cOw}E2 Shit � - ,... ,r R ! - - , __ : , , � t� CF TNb� 'ORlfR1AAE O 11# AN[� .�.• V►/AYS . _ . ., sly ► , A1'�A. a(�{•A� 'l1D' � . ' - .... ...., C.A.P COR�IGA'TIN} ALME�NNt . i r 4 4R - d P •! :.. a•. . d P v xi A.' a 4. P. • Y P v A, we ^' A >. P v V 17 s G 4 4 ' 4" BOTTOM OF SLOP tYd7 [AS AMID 1}IRO(i6N we INE MAO l QtlF AiaNS MX wTH nc SOL tAAaEs ARE aElow•l A+� w+N1ENNkc) na to IwY 1 ey-� 11 O c t, 5 ELEV -820.0 THE pq:' CODE ills : 4, 09 A WIE9RLT PIOYAW 9EIIIID AM OWER RIC 1118 MONILF atN`aRen9 $�✓ ,, � 1 Vw� f; 4TpC}fgRBKX. a • :L'' :a , �`�. 1X0-55 'e' 15 . SU89"A Ai IDi1MN THE WNa9 Fm 1B -MA 1 1 1 SA. 2K -DAM N=fit THE GA$E rNIFRE 3HE eaRnen;awmn As me sEEDERt rAu Ngoalc R wo Has s TRIP RM HARAW rrwATa� senEHs AHO awiiloR Mac oR KOIEAN taieoaA 9D -9i uE Ex'A+�WB 9® Nn11 sNwI9 AU0. u -oar: s, 826 DAMSHOMN ONTHISED D{SNti THE STA E FO AE EtE7APT NL PiR6L R FOR LATE FAL IMRTM FROM THE ABOVE NOTED DAId iiEQU#*Nb , („AS 1FE t11�4S1ID v STATE 7WT THE :POND AND -DAY ARE QESIONED 70 '8E RA1Es AowaLnRlu llwtsrsll�- : RE97/ACIR TALL FE9CU[ B 11a DESKiN £lIQB1EER. PERUMt- 10-10-76 AT 90-AN9ip1�/MitE �' W p�/,iV SAFE AND ADMA1E FOR INE 04010C�N Of NMIK SAFETY. swREAl,zb7mEtA aLeslAaEe euNscAwsn> 625 o WELFARE. 0-!Y) OOWlISTRE*a PRQPER w' 1 1lNOE1i8` #4 It4AT THIS Si#iE - a"a'"o�"AtE- qe vawpaJ wE of xa uY�tss asawarelAs 4 . B MAGI- 1.5 =0 MALL ~ 3iRArW/AGE CAPPROMMARLY 90 � .: MINT AS iNf: DESIGN" $FIAIl 'NOT RELIVE THEQ� OR mc"m- XWP B/RAW w10 90E TE1N MACWE a TAac r9RI 7mw AEPIMLr ^„ TAU FCOM ! .o U s R : A,LY r AUaAST $ 9 �$�$ 12.441 OMAN MILLET 30 Ho_ 6708 � 4%, J OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM' THE I N& DUTIES, 08U"ThTNS, AT 400 BMLONR/ACE OR WtR9P� A9FIMI.T AT 300 SALLO /AF1i G 9 0R (MUST t 910MAM MUST RE KEPT AT 0-1r) AND L1ABLLMES ARISIN FROM SUCH 0*4ERSNP OR OPERAiiON 8702 19,148 1 BAFFLE - :MWAP SECTION ♦ TALL FtsaE a TO IN a M V. 1-.w+. 30 a # RIEGRAN 20 LRS (RYdMEH Nun r KEPT AT 10-,s� 19 633 •R �9 COMMON BE1RAwAWAU a Los (HULLED) APRIL 15 -AM 30 832 11,093' 38.7134 19-00 188 61RExLED) IM I -MARCH 30 TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY 834 13.878 2 973 63,755 G'' 4$ H T (2.0S) (337) (O.OR) ' QR ' O =SEQUENCE NUMBER SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL �` ^ `� \ /_ ., _ k NORTH 1 NTS 1 1 1 VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) aTOP OF DAM a 834' n4CONC. DEPTH- 0.27' (EMERGENC1)TOTAL ORAIN)a AREAt0 TIGRIS&01ES 1_ - - TOT ORAE G'E AL 97E A POND ACR ALiE•3 SLAB --___ '' . , i .. •> CR9§i WAY ELEY.- 75 a' - ciE AREA 3000 PSI CONCRE ,I° -_ -` -. `_- hry. .III ED- 1 8 STORAGE (� - -�� PERMANENT I. OM ELEVATION- $41.0 ELEVATION- 827 k � �W�IR ,x 0 AC DRAMA 4558 6 TOP CAST CENTER SECTION +; PROvX)ED- 4064 OF OF SPILLWAY FIRST 1 �O GSI i TIDO A -- A� PERMANENT WATER DUALITY POOL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION \ �� eGJ $ �. j 3.o wAtrx wH*4U C,D 7Y POOL DEPTH WITH t4.A, � `. REQUIRES 1.99% SURFACE AREA _ ;..; NTS RE0JMED - TAM Lao AC- SM SIT a : iiJJ (� TOP ELEVATION (MIN. 3.0' DEEP)- 6JAAO % ✓`¢ PROVIDED 13702 SF= , NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES .� .7 \ O � y, ��•a �: � -._. `. \`�\ .ori hIAP(YtARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE YOI.t1ME: 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP _ ) �. FOR 467E B,LA: e �. PRE �ORMWREXPANSI (OR APPROVED EOUAL AT ALL JOINTS �,,, \ '1, �O A 1 - --- - - - - i i�`� ` H ) _ _ _ �'. , Rw- 0.054 (o.009 48.0 ° JOINT LLE WWF 6 x 6/W2.9 x W2.9 O CENTER OF SLAB , ° v - i i `�.� Rv- 0.462 (pR USE I!3 OS 2' 0 C. EAOLLWAMESH 'Y �/� - - - - 12 SHEET Y) . i - r ` V L WE AEQM.- 1.0 - Ry, • DA - 1.ON:18•10 - 17,487 CF z s WHERE DA - DRIANAGE AREA (ACRES). ' 4• VOLUME REQUIRED . 17.487 OF , BOTTOM ELEVATION - 930.0 ,, - TOP ELEVATION - 831.75 x I I O 0 -,4017CF A� q . 1- .#5 REBAR / - __� STORM- 10 YR. 24 HR 'STORM WATERSTOP DETAIL NTS 0.o - 0.6 x 5.75 In/M x 10 - 3as.CFS i 1•- is \ lT RIs- 30, ` ` rye` j I ,.,a BARREL- 24' THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD - A 2C WILL Y A <. t_,.. OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD. WHEN THE \�" - --' •- 33.o On UNDERNEATH A 5w' HEAD. ,.; FORMWORK IS REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION ANTI -SEEP PLATE O '. �_` ^ pF FIRST' POUR, THE SPLIT LEG IS GLUED EOPRENE CASKETS F ,1 /y/'/ - k# TOGS eR WITH CONTACT CEMENT. THEN HOG - .. RINGED AND WIRE DED TO ADJACENT \ ! \ - RELEASE RATE: 'A `•. - REINFORCING RODS AND THE SECOND POUR - - ' \ x�" Irl, \ - 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 RE q0-. HOLE ?{ CAP BARREL f ` \ \ 3 k S DAY RELEASE- 0.006.R° qti HOLE r I►'-- = STAINLESS STEL BOLTS a 1 FLANGE HOE gAM�E- 1-1/Y AICA OF NOUP., 0.012 \.. \ \4 r. \ �- ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT o 830.0.. / f- 5/10 O.D.- rAc�'' \ '-'� • i --C: Y _ - EMERGENCY SPULLWAY: `a VALVE KEY / / \\ �`•-- �� \ 4. X MIGN s M- IOD YR NEOPREN CASKET - r- _ _ - Oq - C of x A F \ • '�. 0.60 x 60- MM R`14O:O 48 CFS smroFss s7m Bars - \ �� . - _ 0 m A ----•--�� �, ` '"l _`:r 'r �'1� V D _ TRMGWM SPILLWAY REDUCTION - S3-Cf5 _ •! T THEREfORE. DESIGN THE EFIERGENCY SPILLWAY ak & P ,/(tJ PIPE / N � O B• BOTTOM DRAIN\\ \ .. •', �y - __ -+ - Atd) �\ /\ - of 15 ��_.. ,--- -MMI TO CIdB7Y A FLOW GFS - o ss ss r. �� A , -� - '� • _� A _ ��� _ CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EIAERWiCYSPLLWAY : ANTI -SEEP PLATE ' FLANGE \ • r^� -U i t 3:1 SIDE SLOPES a c. FRONT NEW SIDE NEW O - - \ • . �,� ,+..V2 L.F. • 1 S� § : NOTE: 2 PLATES REQUIRED BOTTOM DRAM de SHEAR GATE VALVE S AC • •� I pEtflp � WIDTH- 0 INTI -SEEP PLATE DETAIL CONCRETI EMERGENCY\\ �• ,H_ ,� - CAP B LL 1}Ts \ • ► i X'�/ FLOW QTR- 0.27 a SPILLWAY ` \ • s.oa` • , PM }'� r _ x--� VELOCITY- 8<32 FT/SEC: CA .'��._'A "- FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23' BOTTOM WIDTH- = 8 FT. `�� ` ` . • PO Y TOP of DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 4.5 \ S AT� / r .► _ EXIT SECTION: RIP -RAP LINED CHANNEL SfDE SLOPES = 3.H: I V x TL �� _ _ - 3:1 SIDE SLOPES ..- _ 33.3% SLOPE -::. BOTTOM WIDTH- 8.0. ��� SPILLWAY THROAT �LEV.=832.5 �,.- \ s o0- � �., ����F. � 4, T � _ - _ SPR _ - A \ B t50' FORESTE EXISTING DEPT,. 1x DISCHARGE \ �. - �." VELOCITY. /5.3 FY/SEC ME ANCHOR DESG RIP_ RAP AT OU�LET \ qN • FI TER TRa� - OF PIPE & SPILLWAY \ \ \ +�' -- _ AREA y -COMORE RISER ,_'" k _ \ \ y ► _ _ __ - �.. X VOLUME DISPLACED-. 27 CF v d50 -- 12 '� A - �•► PRINCIPAL WUYANCY FORCE- (27 CF)(62.4 PHS- 16M LBS DISCHARGE C/L: I _ _-__ VOLUME OF CONCRETE REQUIRED_ 1885 Les/ (1)0)- 11.25 CF �. r - {, \ \ , _ OR f� - a FACTOF SAFETY- 1.5 ..... 11,25 x 1.5 -. 170 (F �.` FTN WIDTH - ±35 _ 3.>5' X a75 x 2' - L RISER PLAN MEW LASS {I TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN 1. ' 48• TRASH RACK- NUM ANGLE k ROD 10' ,MDI WATOSTOPS TO BE USED AT DRAINING TO THS POINT IS covERA (s O.C.) - ALL JOINTS TO PREVENT DETERMINE LENGTH of LEVEL SPREADER FNGI EER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER OUALLTY'C0N1R0L TRASH RACK WATER FROM GETTING UNDER f A E USGS MAP) TOP. OF BASIN ELEV 834.0 WITH ANTIVORTEX DEVOE CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY' THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY -__.._---_-----. _ __T __- ----.-- _ _ -_ -_ ---- --- _RA"- �-• TOTAL BUA FROM SITE AT SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST *CH OF RAIWALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REQUIRED Polo PL" ;.. In THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES. WHAT IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORMANCE IS CONTROLLED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION 832.75 _ _ .^ - BY A PERMANENT ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS DEEM OCSfONED TO MEET 00 EXCEED /^+Oj�r��. �jAj�j/' � ` - - - 3 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY &EXIT SECTION TO BE THE GREENSBOR oRMWATER MANAGEMENT M AL, v a+" a.P.u, �,p" (MASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF TOP OF RISER ELEV s-83-75 _-----.__..--- ' :'.! 1' _-__ _ ( 4" OF CONCRETE. 3000 PSI 4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES ,a. 5:576 - , . ` TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY POOL r 4" g0F -LESS THAN 107 THE LEVEL SPREADER. - »-"y •CARoi ,, M OUINIC POUR O BEiJD (NO JOINT) ? C, f ,''• PORTRAIT . f:ON9. T11UGTRW CO. DEWATERING PIPE INVERT ELEV - MO THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOk^GRASS SIGNATURE••Ad d �Si(} 4 -y W. IS 4 FPS. ; 4411 R SRI11B' ilio SEAL Lfi iVc 189'401 W.1 t 1� USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH DATE 30- CAP RISER - - „H'R� LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH. .. L & : aTHE LEVE SPREADER WALL FUNCTION ASA A`� t�i{ 'A/�pru�+an P� OM M Cyt fry OO .b _ _ saof9 TET - 829.0 Tu' f.,:. .a ; 'Jl'. (R`f-4 UPa/I1Gncv ��1. -' iswL"Vl� 4Yfi%W!__I '- %R//T++7 i PERMANENT WATER OxUALITY POOL RHI�rAP99w ■ ut Awe-® H7AW 7R10E1 ,ER9r _ IN T OF 6" LONG WEIR - a { �.A ,' + - ` PWIm YAH NYHMIR aARm9 , vuvE KEY - W K 9[Ma ELEV. 825.00 b PIPE =829.0 Q-Cw x L x H^% pfatA(J) T W.T, DE'TTEN110N POj � ,•, ««••` y'�C •�y SCALE ! a� 20 JUNE iO. ZFJC12 .F .d"w"mamom(r" USING THE CONTINUITY EQUATION GeV x,0- ° ��L�� -;. _ ,•.,,....y 1, RIE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF WILD REQUIRED PRIOR Tbi'IjE4 `YI.AT OR CERTIFICATE `' �,t�T . • : (WAiERE V =VELOCITY Q[ A = l x 2fsli) OF OeCUPPAANL-Y: THE STORINWATER CONTROL IS :. SIE CTFD TO Exs(AE IT R f1,1NCn(*NNO AS DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCAM 7 4 .� �' _ EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE HAS RAI: DESIGN VOLUME PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY ATE OF OCCUPANCY, 6 BOTTOM DRAM R 9ffAR GATE vALVE INV IOhV .827.0 t 9ML4 ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR COMBINING THE TWO EQUATIONS ----- DRAIN A - AR GATE --__---- ?. THE PRWERTY OWER/OWN@}•S ASSOCIATION IS ONILBI,E fWt MI6NTAIDNG THE PERMANQ4T WATERQUALITY20 I 10 a .. -- .4_ U "i ' I ' U i4Md NaP� U . ' _. m THROUGH THE TIMBERS INTO THE Wi.S x CW x H^Xs DEVICE AND CR.STORMWATER O WIROLS ACfX) DIE. MAINTENANCE' PLAN AND AS DIRECTED BY THE r • PERMANENT SEDIMENT S70RAOE VOLUME RLL RRa 9HM ' ro RIP -RAP AT OUTLET GROUND. EACH REAR TO BEA Y FOR GRASS _ 7.33 FPS GOIBHNME» OFFM£ NAANc I1dC1WNFOR WATEIt&R71 TNN-. ELEYMM70 9714 OF CONCRETESPILLWAY MINIMUM :OF 3O" LONG. Cw - 3.0 3. THE C SMALL A ILRE^c©N M€ElFiCi MIH 1}E GTY t7F GREENORO r _ - 0150 = 12% THICKNESS >. -2.0' A�I'�T" 2 ,: 8012 SF WATERST•EDC� l�R NMEN` - T ITL 1 POND' 917E:HAS SEEN CLEAt}ED AND ONE 23I . i f OWNS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THEREFORE N+.88Y FT. Parra HAS SEEN EELD STAN 1}1 1 s ,. ...... _'. -..- 5%v yiFB•,: G '. ;'.;',,.:. ..,'r I�i i3.' 3.. LnQL +A:.' il. a, v ^t�`•,... THAT ENTIRE TOP bF iYEI 4 4 I}IE OFIaf$SliA JlI9SDIC PROT[CTKIN AND 111iIR ASSLPNS HAVE \�!` , b ,/: 1l% ,i ,: ` SPREADER -IS:_ LEVEL. � NOT. IT 196kt TTD THE p�NT WEt q�ti� Pt7ND .MtGTiONS D A1617fNANCE ..:•^- .:' : 4 \ .�� .. fiLEV 628 CDAW2yh.}�: ,. ,a: .• :. , - e) 2a* x 0 s NL11ES W710ED \i \ TNLL NOT 8E ACCEPTED. ENF - ( TEE1, al,T-NPwmHHow ,.V �,.. ,� -,... , /, _ ., i ,i�, ,.� :; ,.,,./, _. ar 3 2 32.2 ..: - ... � _ . • , .. � ,, ,C, � �, �.. , ,., ..... ,, ',: ,. ,, , .. ,..,,:- _,. , ,:,-. ; : �. .(�2 xx� c r sFTi)'.:... �.. .:- EV'! :. ��� � - � S:t - SECURELY IN: PEACE - - \ . \ �.<"! \f\. \ ,-\�. '` \. �. \ a. �- .� }� ' Nk0.07 c�S wM McNPAewm9a } ,... i '• f,-. v . ,.. _ -. R 7111 r.P1MIWE - .:- B" LAND �"":�',� TIL18ER5 :< .•t ., „.:. ,.a,.; '- W:�P 9Ru�D1 _. -::. ' T. �L v."�-'7 .-. _ .. .' T _ L aEP9o9AE a.bRb TME YM7H , ,, :. + � ,• .. H ,, Wim' ;' . . '. N. K Hw•R19ie NIEEP+. O�CW x 1....x- H �t 7 « • �, THAT hl� NOD � . POw 711E iMM+ii R J •, F , PIPc... '.. - tNM6. ARE TO RE WA7ERDTNIH ,.. ,.. -.. .. -. s :LJ11179ItlbTHE � . ,: - - , < .. __ :. -,< ,•'. ALL cOw}E2 Shit � - ,... ,r R ! - - , __ : , , � t� CF TNb� 'ORlfR1AAE O 11# AN[� .�.• V►/AYS . _ . ., sly ► , A1'�A. a(�{•A� 'l1D' � . ' - .... ...., C.A.P COR�IGA'TIN} ALME�NNt . i r CABLE FARM II TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS FENWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION I BAWNGER RD. 2181 J FOUNDERS OR. s - - - 071PPES 1.0) ODIAPIPES 4445) PPE CHART FENWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION a ; 0 'e •5.75 - RM=lOYR_ a, pp `4 0~ 12 ~ NORTHWOOD SUBDIVISION ' c STOCKBRIDGE ~ z ~ ~1. AREA 10T. 0 REpBl SLOPE GAP. mEuBm SLOPE NOTE: 10 EX. 6• D.I. W R UNE U EM A y I ,p~~ ~ NO (ACM) (AQe) cxI 4cF.s. that (CPS. nAT+a ~ txt ~.FS.I POLYETHYLENE FENCING TO BE PROVIDED AROUND (APPROXIMATE LOCATION I III a~ P' W . y Q' /J/ I GONSERVAl10N 13 VI DR w " F~ N/F: MOAG ~J I %1 ° EX. TREES TO BE SAVED. SILT FENCING CAN BE ~Y ?n S 14 N/F: D.B. 2569 PG. 774 UM TECTI y Eo 1 0.2 Q2D 460 0.92 15 0.50 455 15 050 4.58 P.B 1 PG. 13 - - <N a U: ~ SBB'a2'23•E e C S P 8. a USED AS TREE PROTECTION WHERE TREE PROTECTION m qq s P.B. 41 PG. 13 FEIiL111C/F: FISHER c'] EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY IDENTIAL D.B. 2547 PG. 906 DR. 4 2 0.2!»0.2 0.45 460 207 15 0.50 4.55 15 0.50 4.58 N WE FSU1. IKAT 1 6 151.27 s . Ex. USE' SINGL FENCING AND SILT FENCING OVERLAP. suaxstox o Q4 x 11B6E1101- _ ~ w LU 3 0.9&0.45 IA3 460 658 15 1.10 679 15 1.10 6,79 TUBE Of LUC: 1 P.B. 21 PG. 13 I p 4iy O~ RGpl1 $ EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL y .y qpl, p4 OR. x 4 Q33 0.33 460 1.52 15 0.50 453 15 1.33 7.50 - '37'S9'E 1 305.06' t7 o Q 9p 5 0.36+0.33 QeD 460 3,17 15 0.50 456 15 0.50 4.55 NOTE NAP01E OF TIE SWEET FXIOIE011. 9 6 Q1+.69 0.79 460 am 15 0.50 4.5B 15 0.60 4W ALL TREE PROTECTION DEVISES MUST BE INSTALLED ~N~ o3, d 5 4 WOOD T srrE 7 Q2+0.79+1.43 242 4.60 24.13, 18 1.15 11.v 24 0.50 tea PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE, INCLUDING THE CUTTING - ,A, Y o m s k POST FENCE ~~y1 8 0.46+242 288 4.60 13,25 18 1,60 13.M 24 OL61 1.71 OF ANY TREES. A PENALTY OF $500 PER DAY FOR OOIISIRUC 2 a tnE ~ OLD i'ROPERT` LINE J 9 0.23 0.23 4.60 1.06 15 0.50 458 15 0.83 59D FAILURE TO INSTALL APPROVED TREE PROTECTION IS HOMO t IL A AE ~ Emawax MO 10 a1+.23 0.33 4.60 1.67 15 050 4.58 15 0.79 576 MEASURES MAY APPLY. ~reLwa TO EE NsWauW, ~1 =F Q~ ?O~ KEEN 11 -0.25 0.25 410 115 16 0.m 4.58 15 _250-.-_IG24 LANE GE 12 QDFH32,+0 012 4.6D 285 15 0.50 4 15 071 5.46 " / NOTE: 113 Q31+060+28B- l~ n-9 18 Zit 1.61 in 071 19 1 CONTACT THE URBAN FORESTER AT 373-2150 TO SET TIEN C NOTE e, CT. o~~ ~c9~ Oq M 0.31 oa049 t 46 t43 5 0.0 45S 115 1.00 648 UP A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO LAND t M W FROM a 5 3,18+31 48D %m 225 18 o. 3,.512 15 0.59 4.97 ry ROBLYN RD l~ 21.16 18 4.'10 21.31 n 0.97 223, DISTURBANCE 10WEEP ~ o 16 03DF049+381 4.N tY / 17 01544.6 475 467 21.85 18 4.40 2209 24 1.67 931 -TREE PROTECTION FENCING CAN AND SHOULD BE 111E ORE77 SIDE \ a? 446) 1\0 is Q26 0.26 41D 1-2T 15 0.50 45B 15 1.00 648 INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION N/F. O'RO E 19 0. 76H]23 0.0. 480 1.93 15 0.50 458 15 1.03 857 MEETING \ D .B. 2844 P 98 v • y~l i 20 048 048 4.80 221 15 0.60 -458 15 0.65 522 O P.B. 47 P§ 5 - ApMC OATH Day AV. '4TMp END~ pREA 71 0.30+0.48 D73 4.00 a69 15 050 4.58 15 1.82 a74 - TREE PROTECTION FENCING IS TO BE INSTALLED J EX. uSE; SINGL = r= 20 NORTH W. EN 22 0.1+0,7W.42 1.30 4.60 598 15 0.90 613, >5 0.97 635 ALL TREE CONSERVATION AREAS \ Y RESIDEN p TOP: 20 2 9A 23 3,21 a 483 091 15 050 459 15 050 458 - NO GRADING IS TO OCCUR IN THE TREE CONSERVATION \ N/F: MCLEAN uC: t g gJ +A 24 ON011+1.30 161 d.BO 7.41 15 1.40 7.66 15 1,48 7.88 AREAS OR TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES D.B. 3312 PG. 423 If B. 47 PG. 58 P 4.60 1.81 15 _3,50 4.58. M- 0.70 .542_ / 3 E USE' SINGLE 25 035 036 O \ FA YE51DEN11AL . ~ ~11 26 0.1+.35+1.61 206-r-4.fA 9.48 115 221 9.81 15 220 9.61 REWIRED TREE CONSERVATION AREA: 22,0813, 9 F. UC: i ti 27 0.30 0.30 460 1.38 15 0 458 i5 0.50 458 N/F: REUTER o_ 24 02M.30 060 460 230 115 0.50 458 15 3,91 618 ACTUAL TREE CONSERVATION FRONDED: 38,939 S.F. - U D.B. 3880 VB. 458\ ' 83.68• A z SA1DRjE 7 W07DPSYM 44TA _ _ 29 008+205+0.50 264. 460 1209 18 1.30 123, 18 _ 250 1665 P.B. 47 PG. 58 6 - ° Q SEANT I Mg7ER_9VED.• 6WEDVZOW NA7EIPSNW,, #V# GWA AA Po I ~NDE AMEM6r SLOPE- 6W 30 0.12+264 276 460 1270 18 1.40 12 48 18 1.42 1256 O / \ FEX. AIUILYE SID F7EENTIALy \ 4409 x24' 31 021 021 460 092 15 0.50 458 15 100 648 OSrAM " R0 FLOODWIY- x•201010 P= 32 Q25+276+0.2D a21 460 14.7! 18 200 1489 24 1.13 24.11 O \ LUC' 1 \ ~C700pp DOC3 x / BIAYT UPON AREA PROPO W..• 4.80 ACRES 33 00544.75+3,21 601 460 3685 24 265 3692 30 1.86 56.08 / GQ.QJ9 / RIVATE 34 0.26 Q25 4.60 1.2 15 0.50 458 15 11.52 798 ~ stEMF eNtnm MOM 405+ ~ / FOR A t~~~ / N/F: GREEN \ N O 3,5 038 033 4.5+0 1.75 15 0~ 458 15 0.57 4.~ OCBIWY 975+ FOR THIS AEA80N• 115+ MAY NOT BE D.B. 3811 PG. 1784 O , R 1 04 l NOM' A PE77A60Uff #E7' LIE7DV7IAV Pg10 #ILL BE bmr 70 38 0.07+038 045 460 201 15 ' 0.550 458 15 4.17 13,22 OFWUM AS HIGH WOW N 115+ P.B. 47 PG. 58 o BARB WIRE t - I. iL 37 0.23 0.23 4.801 1.06 15 O.8D 4.58 15 9.38 19.83 36 0.37+023 0.54 4.5+0 248 is 0.50 458 15 8.21 78.56 A11115+ NEC9&Nt M1RWA AK AffW(SSL 90 aiA~/ / \ \ FEX. AMILYERESIIDENTIA FNOROACH S < If FROM THE mAtE/OOIpS tQR An 1824x0 DeW/lEwla y0 5 \ LUC: , a' y D N/F: HEFFERON AREAS pN~1 mu 517 A "#vr OF BUKT U~ AREAL _ (BEEN) t D.B. 5234 PG. 1537 ALLONM OV P #S 577E OW 70 )HE L E310V 0IPA07Y OF 3D a43 043 409 1.98 15 3,50 456 15 167 a37 snEAN awemm=/be$V/A OE / O r' •41 ' 3.45 ACRES P.B. 22 PG. 71 7W POND = Leo ACRES. j 40 Q07+043+0.45+D 144_1 460 662 15 1.10 679 15 118 7.03 4' E, EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY R ESIDENTIA 41 011 011 4.67 051 15 050 458 15 133 7.47 CHAIN N/F: OOEVEN 3,.5' FENCE 1 1 42 0.12+0.11+7.W 167 460 7.68 15 1.40 7.66 18 050 7.Z LI • pnw+•- 04 LUC: 1 p (1120. 1-67 205 460 9.43 18 0.90 999 18 0.90 999 D.B. 2762 PG. 85 DOES NOT NOT WI P.B. 47 PG. 58 S 44 25.67 Z57 3,74 96.00 4200 Q90 9600 42 _0.90- 96.00 _ - - \ EX. USE: SINGLE ~ 1 II m 45 810 61ao 3,74 310@ 6600 1.00 3104 96 7.00 31042 / O 0 a - / .m(N[ / STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE EX. HYDRANT FAMILY RESIDENT (E pA. APPXbAlA7MY \ LUC: 1 210' UP BUCKHORN RD. FROM RIMS EN. SAN. MH. 1 \ L • • \ '.~~Fdt~"r / ~p,~F, / / tO TOP: 830.7D INV: 826.50-15" RCP-(N) INV: 826.45-18" RCP-(SW) N/F: IKERD q /g•~jP ye` / < TOP: 830.69 INV: 825.74-18" RCP-(NE) INV. 825.49-24" RCP-(SE) PIPE +46 WAS SIZED USING THE BASIN LAG-TIME METHOD D.B. 2663 PG. 730 0 00 40 AS FOUND IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO STORM SEVER 9O \ P.B. 47 PG. 58 , O Ex. USE: SINGL Ny \ 30~ 4 DESIGN MANUAL CALCULATIONS FOR THIS PIPE HAVE BEEN cc~ FAMILY RESIDEAt14L f \ LINE BUILDING / 2a~ O3 TOP: 831.52 INV: 825.09-24" RCP-(NW) INV: 823.82-42" RCP-(E) SUBMITTED SEPARATELY TO CHUG( OSBORIE IN THE STORM 0• O LUC: 1 p• a , SEVER DEPARTMENT. RESULTS ARE AS SUMMARIZED BELOW. A~e/ c, Oe0 J / / INV: 823.32-42" RCP-(W) M448 ACRES l/c Pao \ .0 44 ~+I~ b 9 • . , - kA 01748 CFS y0 4 ! ~Y ti \ / O 24" RCP INV: 832.80-(E) INV: 832.03-(W) 42" CMP INV: 843.91-(N) INV: 840.57-(S) THIS FLAW WALL REWIRE DOUBLE 9'X9' BOX CULVERTS avNawaY 117 RV~awA 5+m O \ / A e awrz AT to • + r' N/ ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE IS TO 43,248 A x rRVa~ po _ 44 9 D p+ \ s C7 ~i 0c 42" RCP ® HEADWALL INV: 835.18-(NE) BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE(R.C.P.) Nmonm ANpYT x n 2K e~cF s do / e P ss MOM & OF AN CFF-W 'T ti 4~ +e, • ° < TOP: 838.71 CENTER LINE INV: 833.01-48" RCP FSpF ~ < TOP: 635.26 CENTER LINE INV: 827.46-48" RCP r P.B. 47 PG. 58 / 4' WOOD FENCE /DOES NOT ENCROACH $ LL7/- • AQ. / . • \ < 18" RCP ® RIP RAP INV: 848.71 10 TOP: 853.78 CENTER LINE INV: 849.76-18" RCP-(SE) \ N/F: PETERSON D.B• 2763 PG. 338 S yy~ ' K .t Q~ S P.B. 47 PG. . 5 58 •P \ +4' g EX. LAKE r. EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Q m' / ANEN POOL LUC: 1o ~EVAMONT WILOO 8 EI SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TABLE ~ N/F: COBLE P~An RELAY ALL EX SANITARY D.B. 4965 PG. 1477 a TOP: 864.29 INV: 850.07-(NE) INV: 850.02-(SW) SEWER THAT WILL RIP RN U ED M,W L c A e W p 4~'0 ' 9 . s pIAMFl AT 3,09.16• \ P.B. 22 PG. 71 TOP: 862.07 INV: 847.93-(NE) INV: 847.87-(S) HAVE 15' OF COVER OR 171111tT Q W100ElYdE' \ a`~ / \ EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDE LUC: 1 Q TOP: 843.06 INV. 836.66-(N) INV. 834.71-(SW) MORE AFTER FILL + (SEE PLAN a PROFILE \ \ V SHEETS FOR SPECIFIC pL' ' , Afor ° w "f (1 A NppD O ~ TOP: 835.99 INV: 828.09-(NE) INV: 850.02-(SW) DETAILS.) p 40 u+ TO Ily 1\ A SEgNENT N/F: ARNOLD \ Q TOP: 825.52 INV: 818.52-(SE) INV: 818.82-(W) ® '~~V\ M Wp WILL D.B. 2754 PG. 670 z... _ 4 •'b°j~ / P.B. 22 PG. 71 <4 TOP: 825.58 INV: 818.15-(E) INV: 817.33-(S) ~Ip'BUL.AATMMII-UPOONO D 4' BARBED ^g9 • EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INV: 819.20-(W) INV: 817.28-(N) 'gw&WWIN THIS 30 Oa 0 oD J~~O' + 447 y AA VARE N 5k LUC: 1 a TOP: 824.18 INV: 816.03-(S) INV: 815.88-(N) ~ eye \ MB ~ r J\ / \ • / \ \ ~~~~`~1 ® TOP: 858.50 INV: 851.2-(E) INV: 852.07-(W) ' P*P. SLt 6'",. NIC?:(T1P.I \ n~`\\ + \\\\F~ A• C/ C% LEGEND <1 TOP: 854.49 INV: 746.74-(NE) INV: 746.71-(W) 5 A. QG4 o - EXISTING IRON PIPE TOP: 851.73 INV: 846.03-(E) INV: 845.98-(W) , CO \ F•' • - NEW IRON PIPE S • - EXISTING CITE NOMU NT°~. ` R . DAM I • - COMPUTED POINT BARB ~ ~ ~944 / \ • \t\~J 0 L?' ~ 0~ / / - UTILITY POLE EESSI / H WEE \ FENCE ENCROACHES IN FENCE ENCROACHES T OVERHEAD UTILITY r 7tj 1 O / o - TELEPHONE PEDESTAL C/I'{N? 1/ 0 - FIBEROPTIC MARKER ~19C • 0~ ~s~ D FENCING 68 N/F: ADAMS DD - DEED BOOK ` / D.B. 4190 PG. 2055 PD - PLAT 9ODX I~lEE.rl \ EX P.B. 22 PG. 71 PG - PAGE I ~.r"° (yo lopjA 9 PG. 65 + ( 5+k. FENCE ENCROACHES USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ¦ _ FIDEROPTIC NEW LEGEND: '•+o, la ~ C' LUC: 1 CP RCP - REDFORCED E CONCRETE PIP E `"r"r„nu.eN• - EXISTING FIRE NYmANT EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE SOIYSEM \ 0 - MAX BOI N.C.G.S. NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY TIE JjC e I t*~+uIJ -WATER METER R/W RIGHT OF WAY pILROAD TI65 ` ~ ~ ; CONSERVA710N 11 _ DB DEED BOOK AREA (TYPICAL) _ GUY WIRE N/F: SCHET11NO LEGEND -WOOD RAIL FENCE PB PLAT BOOK / D.B. 3412 PG. 1697 PEX. G PAGE EXISTING P.B. 22 PG. 71 Q• EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PIN BL r BLDG. BUILDING EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL A REBAR PROP. PROPOSED D.B:368 PG. 753 Ncw MAY iE LUC: 1 STONE D. M.U.E. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE & UTILITY EASEMENT P.B. 49 PG. 155 L \ EX. USE: SINGLE FAMtLY,RESIDENTIAL TOTAL LUC: 1 - Low FENCE ENCROAOPIES i, \ / - ~ on o i $ UTILITY POLE / 1DW'M DF PIPE Y NOT ® SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT DISTURBED AREA = 18.87 AC. a ` 05 SANITARY MANHOLE WATERSMO & STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 0 \ W' E%. HYDRANT Gl"gi PU ~i~ RI' (f \\A~ \,C 0~ \ \D. 1(825.1 / 6 APPROXIMATELY WATER METER COBLE F.4" II 170' GRETC EN LANE NONE RO ARFA NAY BE I FROM THIS EX. SAN. FL%, 515.2 Ss DOMW Will AREA Y BE USED AS A 12 TP FOR BORE HOLE CONTRAC OR AND/OR TI AQ \ \r Tty ~{F~I of / NST610110NSoi Wp AN TO CONTACT MMQT m PORTRAIT HOMES CONSTRUCTION CO. 'AISO I n N/F: FISHER Q YARD INLET 4411 G~~.~5~ 100 IMF USED. aN ODN111OE DEMOES ro !e D.B. 4826 PG. 253 • GATE POST V-1 INSTALLED AS 11HOWIL 1ID AS SNORE I P.B. 22 PG. 71 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL © GAS VALVE 905 GRETCHEN LANE, GREENSBORO 34. I I A L A~.P / TREE CONSERVATION WALL LUC: 1 CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA N/F; CAMPBELL • ~v$ P' wdPa~ Pea AAA VIET ss MANHOLE Not NB276, WWTH A~ - D.B. ~35~8 PG. 1056 1P u 0 e agb~O,, UPON C01PIE1101F OF ale a SHOVION ~ 11114 ATLAS AS pes 06'09 g RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SC4LE 1 80' JUNE 10, 2002 - RIP RAP ' P. B. 4 PG. 45' smrdr To, E MOO m~nw POND AND GSO EX. USE: SINGLE. FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ORNMAL , •4- a Dom RESTORED. LUC: 1 ~1 . dec. ao;A. TREE Row GRAPHIC SCALE + a x a20~q \ EROSION CONTROL SL>AND 0 60 120 240 + T-UFON ARFA• 38 LINE LECEND WnM THIS 30' BUFFER. N/F: ZIMMERMAN WATER LINE W W 410111, PG. 29 -X- SILT FENCE EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SS SS ( IN FEET ) DE0_IrATED TO THE CITY FRrFNns. AOM'RS INC. 077T1A . D.B. 4470 PG. 1341 nVFPWFAD PnwFR P P y , "v 0 \ &"U, NSR AND ME \ \ ' vzzzd ~ TEMP. SEDIMENT PIT - PUBUC FOR DRAINAGEWAY TH AND EX. USE GROUP HOUSNG OPEN SPACE. LUC: 2 YID I P.B. PG. 70 RIGHT-OF-WAY - - 1 inch ou ft. L ' FENCE STOCKADE \ TEMP. DIVERSION BERM J FENCE CHAIN LINK EVANS ENGINEERING INC. CREEK BARB WARE x-x-X-x-x-X-x- ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS WFENCE ENCROACHES P.B. 103 PG. 29 STORM SEWER ED ED 4808 DUNDAB DR= GRUMMSORO, N.C. 87407 4' CHAIN LINK FENCE TREE LINE 2$ I FRIENDS HOMES, INC. aoooooo DISTURBED AREA SYMBOL EX. USE: GROUP HOUSING DOES NOT ENCROACH PHONL (538)964-8877 TAX (3W)BU-IM" LUC: 2 INLET PROTECTION Nn /F: STO 13 _ 39 P.B. 23 PG. 70 PR[Lh 840-36 mrc. TOPanvG 20' I 16' I B' PLANTS J; MIXTURES PLANTING RATES/ACRE PLANTMG-DATES STAGE-STORAGE TABLE ENGINEER STATEMENT OF POND AND DAM SAFETY SEEDBED PREPARATION TALL PERM 100-150 LOS MAIL ,4-OOf. IS Ey(yAA01 AREA (9F) ygDyE (OF) Vim. WUM E (CF) - B/~UNGER RD2181 A MIMYUY DEPTH K h5 ACES (LOW MAINTENANCE) R'8. NF41AY 1 11HE STORMWATER POND AID DAM 940M ON THIS PLAN SATISM 1. SYRV "E AREA TO BE SEEDED TO A wwr DEPTH Of wO,O PERMANENT WATER ELEVATION = • REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE DAM SAFETY LAW OF 3 x AMNWOW Y ALL aaSE ROCK morn nc IFANN SURFAM SUfM a :14 LEAVING SURFACE SMOOTH AND UNFOR L NI WITH SOL (RATES ARE SaftWX NO ANEfMIR a a a. s WIDE - ELEV . aze.D 1967 [AS AMENDED THROUGH 1985] AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ° GLASS W AS PRESENTED IN THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE ? SO ON A FREAKY PREPARED 3IDIED AND COY" THEM ERIUIIit AMC SUPERPHOSPHATE UNNORMLY AND TALL FESCUE 200-250 185 AUG. IS-OCT. 15 3 FOUNDERS DR. 'I LOTP} (X011 MMNEMANCE) FFiL 16-ANY 1 d a RP-RAP 15A, SUBCHAPTER 2K - DAM SAFETY. EVEN IN THE CASE WHERE THE EaeuEN OR qK PACK AFTER s¢a a MD A10 COVER D[ SEED LIGHTLY NTH SEEDING 8255 1506 6 + a DAM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS DETERMINED BY THE STATE TO BE EXEMPT 5. YULN IMMEDIATELY SIFTER SEEDING Am MOM Mual. SEEOMG. TALL R~IE a 100 Los a FEB. 15-MAY 1 1872 STOCKBRIDGE G , AND ANCHOR MLRLCI. KaeE OR KOREAN LESPmEZA 20-25 tes (SCARFED SEED FOR a,PalNa AUG. 15-OCT. 15 826 2238 1872 ~ F v IF A OL FROM THE ABOVE NOTED DAM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, I, AS THE QUALIFIED A~RAIEY AGPotlJLTMU IY- 2 MO/ACRE e LHSCAROM FOR LATE FALL a WINTER) 1A j FO TOMS/AIM TAU FESM a 50 LOS ¦ MOV. 1-FEB. 1 6166 y DR. DESIGN ENGINEER, STATFOR E THAT THE THE EPOND CTI AND DAM ARE ALTH, S DESIGNED ETO BE T , FERTO2FR- 10.10-10 AT SM-100D POUNDS/AC ASS//~ OF/ 20X ANALYSIS SUPERPHOSPHATE SEMCEA IFSPEDEZA 5o LOS/ACRE (UNSCANFED) 828 3928 8038 AwKRPnosvRATE- Soo ITI1109/Atl[ OF 2mI A W WELFA~ AND DOWNS PROP ERTY. I UNDDERSTAND THAT THIS STA7E- L GRAN STRAW/ACE (APPROXIMATELY 50 BALES) FESCU d 40 LBS a MY ! A11C1ST 4403 DR. O P v e O . M MULCH- 1.5 TONS WALL DRAIN STRAW/ACRE (A 00 6 v . v e MENT AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE OWNER OR ANCHOR- CRIMP STRAW INTO SCR NM MACHINE INTO S00 NTH MACHINE OR TAO( WITH LIQUID ASPHALT TAU TAU /9 4878 /Yp 12 441 o ]NS/ACE OR EMULSNEO ASPHALT AT 300 GALLONS/ACRE OGENMAII R SUD MRIET E E ANORASS M L (WUET k SUDANORASS MUST BE KEPT AT 10-12) 6708 a w 8702 19,149 v , OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM THE LEGAL DUTIES, OBLIGATIONS, Aiwa auo E OR Ew A ED AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH OWNERSHIP OR OPERATION. LL TAU FE9WE a 70 LOS a MOV. 1-JAN. 30 P° v' v ° o' v e , A BAFFLE - RIP-RAP SECTION D S P D RVEORAN 23 LOS (RYCtAN MUST BE KEPT AT 10-12) 19,633 o~' COMMON BERMLIDAGRASS 5 LOS (MULLED) APRIL 15-"E Jo 832 11,095 38,782 E7 y~ . a 4 A, (4)-., 15-20 LOS (UN/WIUED) FEB. I-MARCH 30 KIN O~ TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTTOM OF SLOP 834 13,878 2-4,9-7-3 63,755 CT. ,y a (2.0%) (33%) (0.0%) A ~ 20 = SEQUENCE NUMBER IP E EN O M SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL T F n N NIS / r 4 NORTH VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) / ! \ I T 6 \ "IN TOP OF DAM - 834• . Q DEPTH= 0.27' (EMERGENCY) SOPY' / 7 `I\ TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA - 10 ACRES f _ TOTAL SITE AREA - 23.469 ACRES ^ / \ BUA DRAINAGE TO POND - 4.80 ACRES (487) CREST OF SPILLWAY ELEV.=&32.75 a' 4" CONC. SLAB 'P PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE: G e M 3000 PSI CONCRE / - C\ <\C\V REQUIRED- 1/8 AC-IN/AC x 10 AC DRAINAGE AREA- 4538 CF BOTTOM ELEVATION- 823.0 CAST CENTER SECTION \ `IN TOP ELEVATION- 827.0 PROVIDED- 4664 CF OF SPILLWAY FIRST Q ~l PERMANENT WATER QUAUTV POOL: EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION \ a~0 r.;C-N 3.0' WATER QUALITY POOL DEPTH WITH f48% B.U.A. NTS \ V G•\O _(I ~~6 S! REQUIRES 1.99% SURFACE AREA REQUIRED = 1.99%x 10.0 AC= 8868 SF IN 4J ~ ! TOP ELEVATION (MIN. 3.0' DEEP)= 830.0 - V V v N~ i PROVIDED = 8702 SF NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES \ G •J O~ F\" t~ 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP #8034 TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE VOLUME: PREFORMED EXPANSI (OR APPROVED EQUAL) AT ALL JOINTS JOINT FILLER WWF 6 x 6/W2.9 A W2.9 0 CENTER OF SLAB PTO 3 OT • \ - - _ / / ~/`,(I\ FOR 48% B.U.A. Rv= 0.05+ (0.008)(48.0) ' U101 SE SHEET MESH- NOT ROLL MESH R~ 0.482 OLUME VOLUME EQb.- 1.0 - Rv • DA - - 17,487 CF (OR USE ,y3 0 12" O.C. EA. WAY) A-0 9i V 12 4' / X44 \ / 2 8~ ZOI '41 WHERE DA - DRIANAGE AREA (ACRES)12 C\ / \ V VOLUME REQUIRED - 17,487 CF BOTTOM ELEVATION 830.0 70P ELEVATION = 831.75 ~EU ~Ir ? 4 D' FRONDED - 18,077 CIF F 1- #5 REBAR \ ~j^ 0/0 PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY: /\j DESIGN STORM- 10 1R, 24 HR STORM •i, ~T WATERSTOP DETAIL Q Qlp - C x l x A 10 NIS Q. - 0.6 x 5.75 in/hr x 10 - 34.5 CFS RISER- 30' THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD - OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD. WHEN THE -.r _ BARREL.- 24'. \ A 24' SARRELL MLL CARRY A FLOW OF FORMWORK IS REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION ANTI-SEEP PLATE O OF FIRST POUR THE SPLIT LEG IS GLUED EOPRENE GASKETS 33.0 CFS UNDERNEATH A 5.5' HEAD. TOGETHER WITH CONTACT CEMENT, THEN HOG , 41 RINGED AND WIRE TIED TO ADJACENT \ REM1FORCINO RODS AND THE SECOND POUR COMPLETED. CAP BARREL \ ` - tT - RELEASE RATE: 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 ft2 DIA. HOLE 5 DAY RELEASE- 0.006 ft2 DIA. HOLE 9' STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS \ k~ r O HEAD- 1.0' RANGE HOLE DIAMETER- 1-1/2* 3/8'3/16' T7/16- AREA OF HOLE- 0.012 ft2 ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT = 830.0 5/16- 8' 1.D. - ~ \ Q• VALVE KEY \ k EMERGENCY SPILLWAY: NEOPREN GASKET \ ® X-1 \ ~ • ? • x DESIGN STORM= 100 YR ` k Q,K,=CxI xA STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS _ Ar 0 A, + A Q1w=0.60x 8.0 in/hr x 10.0= 48 CFS 6 D G PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY REDUCTION - 33 CFS O O 8• BOTTOM DRAIN \ \ ? a, + hJ _r PIPE jE TAIL TO CARRY A FLOW OF 15ECFS~NCY SPILLWAY + c \ FLANGE ANTI-SEEP PLATE \ \S • \ J ? - CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED - _ - • A I BOTTOM DRAIN & SHEAR GATE VALVE ANTI-SEEP PLATE DETAIL \\\fC \ r ' • ' - q RE 3:1 ODE SUES 62 L.F. S\ - 2.0% OOPS \ NIS NIS CONCRETt,EMERGENCY, r - P BOTTOM WIDTH- . CAP B LL r r I, - X n- 0.013 r + + (V /1 •1, FLOW DEPTH- o.zY CA SPILLWAY \ 9.0/W 5 VELOCITY- 6.32 FT/SEC Sr +'7 IL FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23' BOTTOM WIDTH - 8 FT. TOP OF DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 3'X6' 5 SIDE SLOPES =\3H:IV `,\\\~s \ \ x F ~ N r EXIT SECTION: RIP-RAP LINED CHANNEL 3: 1 90E SLOPES 5. SPILLWAY THROAT \ELEV.=832.5 ss pop oF~ of e t AND 1 SLOPE ,At L AND SPR PE 6 R 3:1 S BOTTOM "Dill- 8.0' L`E'VE _ EARR- \ 6y~~ N ~N ±50r FORES n= 0.013 S DEPTH 0.12' a50HAA~R RIP RAP AT OU~I:ET EXISTING _ FILTER STRIP ND - VELOCITY- 15.3 FT/SEC 0 ` ` r + AREA Woo. OF PIPE & SPILLWAY \ ~ CONCRETE ANCHOR DESIGN: r - RISER DIAMETER- 30' i VOLUME DISPLACED- 27 CF 30" DSCHA GE C/L d50 = 12 A R BOUYANC/ FORCE- (27 CF)(62.4 PCF)- 1685 LBS THIC"955.1= 2.0 B~ I y, VOLUME OF CITE REQUIRED- 1685 LBS/ (150)- 11.25 CF FACTOR OF SAFETY - 1.5 11.25 X 1.5 - 17.0 CF SIRE- 3.75 X 3.75' X 2' - 28 CF WIDTH = ±35' RISER PLAN MEW LASS II \ / / ff\\ 48' TRASH RACK- ALUMINUM ANGLE A ROD ' WIDE WATERSTOPS TO BE USED AT TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COYER (9' O.C.) 10 II-------II L DRAINING TO THIS POINT IS TRASH RACK WATER FROM GETTING UNDER ±83 TOP OF BASIN ELEV - 8340 WTIH ANTIVORTEX DEVICE w0 CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) TOTACRES SEE USGS MAP) DETERMINE LENGTH OF '_EVEL SPREADER ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL- TOTAL BUA FROM SITE ITE AT (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST INCH OF RAINFALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REQUI cv.) POND PLAN THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION 832.75 Otv- Hu. WHAT IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE IS CONTR C! • .7 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY & EXIT SECTION TO BE TOP OF RISER EfV = 831.75 a. 4" OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI BY A PERMANENT ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET OR COBLE FARE[ II GRASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE GREENSBOR TORMWATER MANAGEMENT M UAL. THE LEVEL SPREADER. ' f FOR i s 4.83 ACRES 83 ACRES = 5.5% fir , (Oa TEMPORARY WATER 00AD r POOL r F (LESS THAN 10%) DEWATERING PIPE INVERT ELEIV = 830.0 A MO OLITHIC POUR ®BEND (NO JOINT) 3 LE ray Aft § Xcummm THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOR GRASS 0 PORTRAIT HODS COMMUCHON CO. IS 4 FPS. sICNATUR , j e 4411 W. MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 V •M 111 ~.~,L 1 Z 'O7' SE 2 ( All 30" CAP RISER •~iaRWnNA.c I USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH DATE GREENSBORO, NC 27'409' 4 LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH. 197-3 ~AICX o PERMANENT WATER WAL11Y POOL 819.0 v E ri ro c INURED AxA-N® Fun Tim mHfsl K THE LEVEL SPREADER WILL FUNCTION AS A 905 GRETCHEN LANE, GREENSBORO ~nxm+ON xmrlW[ wWx,S ~ INVERT,OF 6" VALVE KEY S Wm a mu ELEV. 825.00 PIPE = 829.0 LONG WEIR b fu ' NV -`r MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA Q=Cw x L x H")k PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND NOTES: "PEr SCALE 1'= 20' JUNE 10, 2002 WITH rWAWW uu,1,M m USING THE CONTINUITY EQUATION Q=V x A (WHERE V =VELOCITY & A = L x 3,94) OF OCCUPANCY. THECERTIFICATION STORMWATER _CONTROL S O BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE 01T IS FUNCTIONING OR DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCALE CERTIFICATE EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE 8' BOTTOM DRAIN • SHEAR GATE VALVE INV ELEV =_8270 ma 9 ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR RS TO BE HAS FULL DESIGN VOLUME PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. IVING REBAR COMBINING THE TWO EQUATIONS: 2. THE PROPERTY OWNER/OWNER'S ASSOGATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE PERMANENT WATER QUAUTY 2D 0 10 20 40 - ID PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME 't ~mwM Nvoru•y.W NR THROUGH THE TIMBERS INTO THE IBERS INTO THE V=1.5 x Cw x H^X2 DEWCE AND/ OR STORMWATER CONTROLS ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED MAINTENANCE PLAN AND AS DIRECTED BY THE GROUND. EACH REBAR TO BE A BOTTOM OF BASI RIP-RAP AT OUTLET OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY MINIMUM OF 30" LONG. REBAR TO BE A V FOR GRASS = 1.33 FPS GOVERNMENTAL OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION. _ONG. Cw = 3.0 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING MTH THE CITY OF GREENSBORO MOIAZ d50 = 12"; THICKNESS = 2.0 ° MnTP• rnNTMACTna Tn FNCIIRF A=TTr~2 = .0123 SF WATERSHED ENGINEER WHEN THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND SITE HAS BEEN CLEARED AND THE (IN g'p ) rhR TFT FNCI IRE 7uroccn0C LJ_ new CT o/ n MAC 1 imT n CTAMCn THAT ENT RE TOP OF LEVEL OF LEVEL 4. THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION AND THEIR ASSIGNS HAVE 1 inch = 20 fL (8) 24' % A' STEEL PLATES WELDED u TIN ELEV. 829.25 a SPREADER IS LEVEL. IF NOT, T VEL. IF NOT, IT Q=CDA(YJ(29h)) RIGHT OF ACCESS TO THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND FOR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE W1 LL NOT BE ACCEPTED. SECURELY IN PUCE ? e~aallm . - , VM iql l'OIFI~lIY 1Q 6' EPTED. 0=0.07.CF( 5123)()¢(2(32.2)1.5FT)) ENFORCEMENT. ENGNiEER CERTIFIOATION NOTE OF SIORMWA70 QUANTITY CONTROL EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. ¦ m e aan r, nnw~ 6" X 6~ LANDSCAPE 71A18ERS ~ ~ mmm[ um~a a ryiwl TIMBERS THE STDRIMTER MANAGEMENT STUDY NCLUDEV WITH THIS PLAN INDICATES ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS H~ Q=Cw x L x H"% THAT THERE WILIJJE NO DOWNSIVIM FLO"W% DRAINAGE, OR EROSION 4600 DUIMM DF= ti1R?~ O, ll*C. 137407 ~'~-i ~ 6' X 4' LEVEL SPREADER 0.07=3.0 x L x .087^;h PROBIF]IIS AS RESULT OF THE PROPOSED OkYF7.OPMENT BETWEEN THE PROM (36464--9077 FAX. (30664-0676 1.0 = LRmmw POINT MERE THE RUNOFF DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY TO WHERE THE PRDJ 840-36 M TOP6DVG NOTE: ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE WATUMGHT. SECTION THRU BERM AND SPILLWAYS tas Lmo`mrn = 10 FT. SITE DEYELOPWIT AREA REP163WT5 LESS T#NAN IOX OF THE TOTAL MANAGE C.AP • CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE AREA. THEREFORE, NO QUANTITY CONTROL SIP001401ENT IS PROPOSED. y 41, ny n-. f4SF9 t<+r, 2 . f~S , n +'+'+i . 'so°.. : •G Y • ; y • P r rom^> r S h.'Y?i T, Yya-:. rg'~ i S +!N z ?M;:e . s - Y . u.'.. e`br~: y _ S x. c~s'~ . " . . ~.e;:: ~ ~ G. ~ 5 : - ,-w x a +a d:s - :t.. r:.~.,-. F; #~"7"~.::, ' 0./i:. .i?' t:: $P,'~.,L sst ,kr... ...a"r ...'R: xs : c .r:' 3~r'x, "',.;r V :t.. }~5 .x.yA' '><y"•''A -.,.;6 ~'.t '.,y'.. a ! 1 Le,~ a. i.. ..J ~~i ' jai a~. t,. ~a :t ,vY 'fit. SWETY MTNNI~y~~~0 7/FRAd%i. F~• J~ITINTGI o' d .Y AIE 9TORfrRMTBR tAiMlp: AND DAY (H1'1lNS Pw+ xt7l ' e a AL ce moiq b. ) ti X ie,SpN4 nl~Mli a'i~w'wN81A ~ r • '°4'"A'Yir.. TOE " gLL+w>16N " vSUnS O,PJ! P*? v61wIL:~ ~ B ffi YT r, t EEL yanws exiwgt frotmF .w6 ~ , - . r *4 OF 1FE NORiN ST7LTE DAY 8~Ef1' L~It'L L F[T,tl>Q. AIQ3SILW044Y' A,~ ` _TM?a N°Ap1E !BP-bID RM' 7WC+ Oct Jt-75 . FOUNDERS Bit' FM %4W _ a wYrPm wo M* INN IM kD WORM THIE Itmv. s atV . ezo o 7 (AS AtENO . AS Pfd 4. 1M ON A 1RNNtY i Mn0 amNA NR CaIK tl W 15p, 2K - DAM SMjgX6 -RAP U0 si: waft* RIP m mm"D An OWAIN ~1*wrlf imair Ewrx wgRe~N±cq 825 1 y~ srpac & a e + DAM SHb* DN TNIS PLAN IS DET~BTI T 544 A E TO 8E kvAm PAMAAY~C~B1Wr PtliIWS Am mom YMtd 0 TALL M=* t ,4a w 4% FE&,hEY1;1 +4.. v KMAN AE'JtmRA EFSf Leis WVSF>o5 Scre Fa NOW Run 7s-NCt ,5 888 -+2238 1872, 100 Mlo ANLIIWII NSSLOR. 7mSE OR jr a " FROM T ABM NOTED DAY S*VV NCQUDIEIENIS I AS D~' a r a *111000W FOR LA,E EAµ ! MM* ' DESIGN STATE NAT 7W%.PCND AND DAM AAB DEBN TOTE tiuWS Aaactwtu~ 2 *111(AOW ! s "'2 V*wAm TALL FEWA M 45 too NOV. 1-FEL 1 'Irg3 - * 3." SAFE AM AE FOR THE PAN OF PUB(fG F~AI1H, ~ WPWX09MMTtiW iI00 A01AWR/AW OF 4 . , ! 1125.0 IIFtFARE MD. DOWSW-M PROPE,IM I UNDER8TAAD IRAT AN$ lE- W NWAn[ OF 30APPLmS*WVAMVKM MWAMA ttsm1" w I"Atew Iu+soAmFan) 8 8~ 8038 ~C1p~i 71 wu YMk a,RAW/Am 00""AA/nY eo eM,m Q.~ 'g t 74 1 v' R d ; ° ~d ® 441 KENT -AS ATE OEM ENGINEER SHK1LL NETT RT1p1E TIME OTQIER OR 04 ,mw S" em sat,wn aw EA? NI'W Sat WITH MAXNINE OR TACK WITH LM= A97WI - TALL QNIAN IRLETa so in a _ AAY a AUMV 829 487~l~ 12.4'41 OPMATOR (W THE POND AND DAY FROM THE LEG& DUDES, OBLIOAIMS, AT 447 ONLWM/A TW uR 00" - W' AND UAnims ARISYG FROM SUCH amIFlisw at O3ERA7N1k ALLONR/A4K. 4R EYULSiYR.D AIRfAIT AT 300 oAtIANS/MLLE OR EAWWASi ORMT a SWAM0ItA= VAT K Ml AT 70-12') $ [ y~ $708 1911 T7 C v s Y 4 E. TALL Ali" • A LM A - W4, S-UN. 30 XwwAw ES L f p7wwN OW BE amT AT 10-tr) 1#;1$33 dH aSLilFOx SLmmums 5In OULM Oft 16-AM Jo $32 Ilim 38,782 QdY 1 4 4 4e € . 15-20 785 (LNN IALEO) R8. 7-MAIM 35 - KING ,yam ~,r GE CT. TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTT OF SLOP (2.0%) (33x) `"•076) 4 834 13.878 24 973 63.755 ~ 21 Ed IL-i4i O i SEQUENCE NUMBER • 0 ~ J~„ ~ "~"'r rn ~I}6 x D s . SPI M1MYtNG: SEWLtkt4~ DETAIL ^ x.r. i_~ ~ ..un?rP ~ Nilr,., !Ir ~++~r~ -i+ ~ L NORTH, x ~ Y : t"1.~ x/ .,,,u tiv < ~ T. ~•~s5 ate.- > [q •5 3. f' ~ Y~° r. VELOCITY- SM FPS (EMERGENCY) 1 ~ _ ? x , c'_'X F.-1 ee / e ~S. ~ - _ `.~''a'.,z . ` S. 7 s 5'A • TOP ~ 534' 00, DEPTH- 0.27' MIERCENCY) YJ' 1 ? G Yolk SM TOA" 09%*W AM 10 A%VS - 21468 ASS y_ _ ~ a1u A,s'E TO POND - ..eo,ACRES (4" a 4' CONC. SUB OF 75 4000 PSI CONCRE I . - r NEWT T Si0RA8E: , RF,OARED+ 7/8 AC- N//A 0 x ,O AO DRAINAGE AREA- 466 tx`' BPTTOY F1E'YA710N S ' CAST CENTER SECTION cfj \ - _ ; - \w TOP ELEVAION- 821.0. ~v PR0%VEp„ 4884 OF OF SPILLWAY FIRST PERMANENT 11* DP x , EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION V _V 3.0• wATpt QUALITY UTr POOL DEPTH *M #5876 e.u.A. Ya ` g _ f - •v v REWIRES rsfhc x1RFACE AREA ' i REOUM + T.9M 10.0 AC- 8888 SIF s' t TOP ELEVATION (RAIN. 3.0• me)" 83x0 x?. . _ vYY I PROVIDED +-8792 SF' NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES Now 'VULCAN'WA~pgTOP i. TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE WLW F- ' , # x , x. - ? 1 w. PRF}'ARLIED E>Y (OR APPROVED EQUAL AT ALL JOINTS 4' FM 481E B.V A. Rw aOS+. O.OWX48.0) Rw 0.452 !K4 JOINT FILLER WWF 6 x 6/W2.9 x W2.9 0 CENTER OF SLAB sryry EET MESH- NOT ROLL ME~SH \ . a SE y YOR USE p3 0 12' O.C. EA. WAY) f _ VOLUME Qb. LO -q . OA J,gn.48012. + 17.481 dF WISE. DA - DRAANAGE AREA (ADM) Va-UE fEQQIRED +17.487 CF >x'. BOTTOM ELEVATION +830. . TOP ELEVATION - 831.75 PROVDED - 18,017 CIF ` 1- AEBAR PRMICIPLE SPUWAY: 1 W TOP DETAIL DESIGN STORM. 10 YR, 24 )N STORM s t y_ ~.~.i3 C r - - - per- 0.6y~x 8.73 In/Iv x 10 -34,3 CPS THE SPLIT LE0 OF WATERS~ J$ SPg6W a IL p' OPEN SECUI6D BUWEID. RNEN THE w S REMOVED OLLOVANG COMPLETION ANTI-SEEP PLATE RAENE75 - THE pp~ CEkNPDI } 7H TACT T w* v s. u RpD$A10 IVBUR RELEASE RATE, GP wMe 3 . - ° 1 ..Sr - ;A ~ 2 DAY REIFaff+ O0744 ft DIM. ,HOLE S DAY RELEASE- 0.006 ft= DIA. HOLE , `.:v • - STABBE7S SIEEL BOLTS \ ` ~'rfi AV i r ix• HEAD-1.0• *p FLANGE . HOLE DIAMETER- 1-1/2• AMA OF NGLE•.. (1042 R2 ' It ~ Et.EVA710N OF MEW HOLE INVERT +830.0 ` L0.l - • ,0. C v sp O.D. \ . vutif KEY - EMERGENCY SPBUWAY: \ x - OESWN STORM- 100 M s NEOPREN CASKET 7 Q. C x I xA ;b 14- p STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS 210 an 0.60,x. 0.0 In/M x 10.0 - 48 CFS `y A _ V . PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY REDUCTION 33 WS s " THEREFORE, DESIGN THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY E+~ ~ C BOTTOM DRAW SS ~ ~ i ~ ~ - • :r TAIP ` TOCARRY FLAW OF 15 CFS • - -M PT.VNOE AN1h5EEP PLATE . - CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY r. _ FRONT VIEW sm VIM NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED - \ r r , ° j ' f~ 3:1 SIDE- RAPES . " z 90TMLLDM & S~IEAR GA VALVE ANTI-SEEP PLATEDETAIL 2.071 SLOPE r ' . pRV7 BOTTOM WIO H. 8* ' . ` ` - f \ w r r CONCRETE EMERGENICY1 r . - ? : - ? +4 x x FLOW DEPTH- W t t ? . ? + 1 • ' 'R~~ _ - VELOCITY- 6:32 FT/= SPILLWAY CA ? • s TOrEOF. DW ELEVA 8M0T , I~ BOTTOM WIDTH- - 8 FT. 4.5 SIDE SLOPES 3:H; IV , ' vss E T ? • ~'.r\' E)OT SEC71ON: RIP-RAP UIIED CHANNEL ,h u v I f, r _ 3.11 SIX SLOM ' 33.3X SLOPE ,~ss T p r 5 SPILLWAY THROATLEV.=832.5 vv an low, w }~C t107T01N WIDTH- 0- 0.013 DEPTH- air qSd ARE RIP RAP AT OU~LET F&M VIELOCTY- 15.3 FT/SEC Aft- 130 ,p OF PIPE & SPILLWAY CONCRETE MOM QeWt \J , A PRwga d50 12" " L4 pCf~* ft_ . 3D' OISCHAROE CA \ ! i ' r r 11ip y u~ e. x + •:w !r y ytiOE~efLcO7' TLS s.+"._g e X "AX,X 1r, 23 CF "n- ,V t k i y-S Iss CLASS- ll a _ - + v" t 40'' (RASH RAcoCK-m ANGLE B RO0 `d, ,y- 4 y ` ' ' 'E{J ) 1O' YM M7t V T G~T "++F IOM ' ~:s. t r .,;k-• rx .ef!'.. ' ` " 3' 'U 1.7 r s TRASH RACK UNOER.?~ V MAP) „ - VATH ANRVORTEx DEVIM CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) TOTAL WIIA SITE AT DETP"OE LENGTH OF LEVEL SPREADER ENGINEER'S FI . x r* - - TWP OF SAWN 9EV mo - - THIS PANT 1$ *53 ACES. (NOTE THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL 1 TAY THAT, PU?51/ANT TO GENERALLY It 1a yr ,rA I"mCY SPILLWAY CRbET.QEVATION ST2.75 W k*f is O lis DETERMINED TREaA{SIDE~~ ..70OL ~SEEC71C 330-7~yO1we .W W~.~ _Mho BEEN ~ 1:47q'.ED ~ °-pV~' ¢ J pl" iie - - - EMERGENCY SPILLWAY $ VOT SECTION TO BE CUM r ;„t GRASS IS ON IM DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF rAL TOP OF RIM 8XV - 831.78 - Tr L 4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES'a 5.5$ 4' OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI THE'I:EVEL SPREADERS - s- - +•74T'f'v .AR ,r i',,,. _ Vig i" F (LESS THAN IOX) f TEwroRARY wA1D1 auAUTT 1gOl r 11 ' ~0,bA EMxO PIK INVERT REV - Aiaa._ _ M OLITHIC POUR 0 BEND (NO JOINT) I ,~p~ THE ALLOWAkE- VELOCITY FOR GRASS f, PIDJONAM x0im met CO. 1/j Joe, - /Z dZ.a' , ~ SERA 1 87ntOfi` JCCM RISER VSING: A44003 HIES TQ ES"L•)SH 1141t F LEVEL SPREADER PERMANENT WATER WAUtt 2001. ! IeAm N..! rim taut V . M.0 B - yriEt , AS a F Q ~AORMAD ~p - 94po EJ '44ft W ~ ~NAmxnxxAMycwlN f INVERT OF Q* x t",v .M+~5 i.~•,..~.-ate ~~c. =4E x ",N gip' JIM t0, 20 0 q VALVE KEY rlx A[ NATAL PIPE - 82%0 . B2S00 o S"^ A 1.9Y9E CflN~fliWTY TM' 4~1 00,,E "V.+• 444-bTy &'_A = X THE R af~A71bN OF fX7MPlE11GN i!E PR1dt ATEY9)K BU+1#;iT OR LERTRICATE 9F T* alE A coNTRGI )s Tts TEO: a4sI~L7E.,1t 1s 71 Na AS OED AND GRAPHIC SCALE id 1 BPru "J" Bw1xK -SHEAR GATE va laV gEv • uaaa I , , , i , em we EXISTING GREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE, e AR IBER& TOBE . iiAS J•tRl 61 N MQy~200 It u~S ~F ISSINANCE dF OCCIIPIG1IOVi DRIVING AR ` Ct INiNG'1F(E '1WO .E}~t1~lTlON51 2 ' B1E RREPERTN ZION ! DR MABITAMCWIG INC PDIIM MItNT WATER OALITY 20 o >b m 40 >b t A _ ANCHORED BY DRIMNG PppWRNT SMIIENT STORAGE VOL.UE l avurxar THROUGH THE TIMBERS 11MBERS-THE Vv7.5 x NE N^Xi GR T0. ME MANFTEI1ATNgE'PL1N AIIQ As OIRE4ItO BY THE Z,~ 47 ~P+ne m aMn p l t GROUND.' fiAlkl Rk9AIF~9E Qf RIP-RAP AT OUTLET t ~ OF CONCRETE MINMIUN f 30" LQIIc., t F4E9Ait PO 9E A Y TOR GIt - 7.33 FPS G~ A1VG FOR PI~TNxt . pumm e SPILLWAY -its-Hrl_ ` ~ d50=12"; MNESS SS- 2:0' ~ 3 MEMO WITH fdTYCF' 6RF35tOR0 z t^++T` A•Nfi1E"F TQf~3 SF >yA T°PGL~ gt7E cLE,~it~" aaB'T?IE 7 { Iti F&ET } :t t w 4 I +Nw THAT l #Y1R TO ENW „ TOP;AF lE THAT ~loR TO EWAME. ESIIE°lb? Fi. 474 OP OF VEl N'* tk him B C. 1 ICtIBN Ii§t D Ntl617 i10M ANp.*jR ASSiWS HAVE 1 inch ~Y 20 ft NOT SPFL "_;,7~^ AS UF - IF WIL, NUI SIM PIMES WaM rocu~.Y YI. KACE $EO NOT: !T" `tl t 0 t ~W;MPWA f WEt l ,PUR''~A011S AMB k/jiF)71 NCE R~ 1+i' s r ,P f i E ~ I )~bW~4 af}p' .k j Qy0 ~3 ' 32.2 y+E,186Rr 'ice : •..'~i~ A•~rr x~xti" ~~7 ~ ~ f ~ ~ Apr ~a `r 1i F N w Pft Colw6c i AK ro at u T. SEC]]QR 1Hft. Bf Ell AN LWAYS d F ri CM . cO11AIIFAi4ft~MMr rite ~ v i' .rte x 4. 4 x 4 ~ d4 E . ~ a ` ie ! - 'y t ° - ° ~ f^ .a Ow W fl' ~#-T 4r' r 9 'a".~ a ! c Yr'[~ ! 3,+ J w+*.t tk >i 6 , ..t . y,;.:y e:,,c T " ua . Y ey ..a L a ~ ...'.''fY` 1 3` " t `Y° n c s, Mw.-' ~T: ~ "t-..' .a...•... . s..±. 4 k,^T~, y.c _ !s :c N`~':~e =r 1'~:, . TF.:E.. .:~2 .7 s .a'. vy' . a ^+y .L.- V~~,. `sC Y -11 11 RI '}T ...v , . , : y , s.a^ h.; ;.x t'R^ "-'r e~ A ~ . v ~ t w. cu. g~nr a .u f+ 3~ , . ,,,,,.t .f.-r s.&.....2 cti?:' : . R a~~ _ i f daM'Jn k . R' Y'.- .-s T.v :rn,. sf ...1. 'f` t~; J.. xf3 . F... ku fi'.,,,. ..v#: ~ .S,Y., 4 ~ ".T- ~ e ,a.s- . w,..,..f v -3, '.rY. :S. _ ,F: ~"k'...r -s~' ,.f. s'~.f ut ~ 3. y= x. . Yrvi .Y w F .F..47':~Y4 'rte 4 F J' .r ~.f ,`S.. l AF F. .u . i V. - At'n ...1... .x .s v4i { .A Ji ,F.. .S%y+~~* :+'Y a t~ wx li ,irA^: ,k tKb~ }..4 f~. ~t ~,_RYi". y'.l`w r;,r, •lxn$ '§;,Y .~k9 % ; ;'k _.~,~i .~i~ t E e Y'. Br. . ..r. r ' - %5 :'.4 x 9"e''; t., s yw. +s ':-i i;` ;yt`msi : °'9., e. r. F'k... _ 't~5a :.r~. 9 .rr pYg'~M-arr~5,~ ~ fs?, ikv~ i~`. s:' ..a. a.a. r. xi. `u *kR itti .:1.a. v.e,. _ t~..,_ °kwr. R:v., "Y „'f.L,. .his:. ,w, .+a ."h 1- °sraae.,w....z , .~.s-~~.,ul~`c ei +rtr._. ..aS.... an.:~Te'~ Mae" PLANTS k MIXTURES PUWTMG RATES/ACRE PLANTING DATES STAOt-SUAAGE CABLE 20' I 16 I B I SE 0 PREPARATION ENGINEER STATEMENT OF POND AM DAM SAFETY TALL FESCR 1a0-150 185 AWN. is-OGL 15 B_, „yam RD. 181 °f w THE STORMWATER POND AND DAM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SATISFIES L ~ "AL "OO TO OC xmm m A nwww mrtx OF 6E[AW70N1 Ate.(/) YGLIeIE. (CF) awk VODUIE 6~ Nd+• Ta A MINIMUM OEPM OF 4-e IROIfS (NA>L MAINTENANCE) Fle. ia-MAY i ' PERMANENT WA o Fx Ouw _ REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE DAM SAFETY LAW OF z orrrt II Lrot R0p w0 s E E EAWNa Ng6ACE AMY 4 - ' 4 4 ° 1967 [AS AMENDED THROUGH 1995] AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS a AX I HH THE SOL (MIES ARE w ML, EL u AM WNw 4 ETC. LEAWNO 2UWACE SMOOM AND UNIFOIM. FVMZER AND 5"WHO94047E UMFGISLY AM TALL RESCUE 200-250 Il5 AUG. 18-OCT. 15 FWNDERS OR, 'fey s' WIDE ' E Ev - e79.G AS PRESENTED IN THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE YID ON A ETWWILr PREIRL0 SEEDBED AND COY" THE BEI-W), (MM MAINIDIANCE) ITS. 15-MAY 1 gmem AHD Cavo THE mm LIGHTLY WM SEEDING 825 1506 1872 STOCKBRIDGE R SEEDING. TALL RESCUE It H10 LDS t FEe. 15-MAY 1 'O of, ' . v , v • CLASS RIP-ASSRAP W 15A. SUBCHAPTER 2K - DAM SAFETY. EVEN IN THE CASE WHERE THE EQUIPMENT Olt CULTPACK AFTER SHIDNC . . " d - DAM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS DETERMINED BY THE STATE TO BE EXEMPT a MIAaI MMElxlmr MW,t stm110 No WITTED MuNLa NO AM ANCHOR LARLOI. KOBE OR KOREAN LESPEDEEZA 20-25 IN (SCANIFID SEED FOR WPM Auc I5-OCT. 15 826 2238 1872 t U ICANFIED FOR LATE FALL t WINTER) ti E P > P a . e N FROM THE ABOVE NOTED DAM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, I. AS THE QUALIFIED NAL ac- z an/AO .v v a' f'P DESIGN ENGINEER, STATE THAT THE POND AND DAM ARE DESIGNED TO reAWS AGRICULTURAL U u aONE- AT 6/ACRE 2 10X5/ROBE TALL FESCUE t 50 US III NOV. 1-FEB. 1 1. o vauNOS, . OM SAFE AND ADEQUATE FOR THE PROTECTION of PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY. M- ~ POUNIWAORE OF m o AT am-Tow PouNcs/ACRE 61.66 DR. 100 POU Q3/AE«E OF M ANALYSES SAW PHOWHATE ~A LE94MM e0 U S/ACK (UNSCAAPm) 828 V4878 ,,/~2 8038 T ' 4 • Mp)A ~ e7s.o WELFARE. AND DOWNSTREAM PROPERTY, I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS STATE- WJLCH- 1,5 TONS SMA L GRAIN STRAW/A= IALL WAR STRAW/AOK (APPROCIATELY 60 SALES) TTY O P . y O . e d O MENT AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE 0940 OR ANCHOR- CRIMP MAW INTO SR WITH MACH a0 W. 5 • S ° 4 OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM THE LEGAL DUTIES. OBLIGATIONS. AT 400 GALLONS/ACRE OR DARMF AN INTO SOL ENM MACHINE OR TACK NTH UQ ID ASPHALT TAU FESCUE t e0 Res t ALY t AUCU6T 829 12, 441 OMAN wLOENS/AGE OR ENASIFiA ASPHALT AT zGD GALLONS/ACRE. OR SUDANORASS (MILLET t SUOANOltASS MUST BE KEPT AT 10-12' 830 6708 19.149 cc-- " AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH OWNERSHIP OR OPERATION. a , T` } a RAFFLE - RIP-RAP SECTION TALL FESCUE t 70 UIS A NOV. 1-JAN. 30 RIEGRAIN 25 LOS (RYGRAIN MUST SE KEPT AT tO-lr) NISI P d 19,633 ~ P a COMMON BERMUOAORASS a Les (NULLED) APR. 15-AM 30 832 11,095 38.782 ~yA. k 15-20 Nes 0aaIN1ID) FEB. 1-MAI1O1 aG AGE c1'$ 4 4d 4". 0 TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTTOM OF SLOP 834 13,678 24,973 63,755 CT y (2.0X) (33X) (0.0X) 7 -col JJ R YIN 2~ = SEQUENCE NUMBER IP E N 0 L? / SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL F ~ 1 t NORTH W. NTS S VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) 6 TOP OF DAM - 634' DEPTHS 0.27' EMERGENCY \ 1 z 3,\ 5 C"_ TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA - 10 ACRES TOTAL STTE AREA - 23.469 ACRES- D' BUA DRAINAGE TO POND - 4.80 ACRES (4aV CREST OF SPILLWAY ELEY.-832.75 4' CONC. SLAB PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE: ` REQUIRED- 1/8 AC-IN/AC x 10 AC DRAINAGE AREA- 4538 OF 4 A 3000 PSI CONCRE / d BOTTOM ELEVATION- 825.0 TOP ELEVATION- 827.0 CAST CENTER SECTION PROVIDED- 4664 OF t OF SPILLWAY FIRST ( ~p < _ PERMANENT WATER WAITY POOL: 3.0' WATER QUALITY POOL DEPTH WITH ±485 B.U.A. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION \ ~J 8 REOUIRES 1.99% SURFACE AREA NTS REQUIRED - 1.99%x 10.0 AC= 8888 SF Q 1/ ` \ t, P ~A) TOP ELEVATION (MIN. 3.0' DEEP)-830.0 PROVIDED - 8702 SF -1 2" - - N_ / Q v NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE VOLUME: • 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP 034 IN / C) ` FOR 485 B.U.A.. PREFORMED EXPANSION (OR APPROVED EQUAL) AT ALL JOINTS .7JOINT FILLER WWF 6 x 6/W2.9 x W2.9 0 CENTER OF SLAB \\V 0~0 Rv= 0.05+ (0.009x48.0) RY- 0482 SE SHEET MESH- NOT ROLL MESH A © VOLUME REGD.- 1.0 • - 1.0'04890 - 17.487 CF FOR USE #3 0 12 O.C. EA. WAY) WHERE DA - DRAANAGE AREA (ACRES) 4- d f v I0, 40 i 46) VOLUME REOUIRED - 17,487 CF J BorroM ELEVATION - 830.0 TOP ELEVATION - 831.75E PROVIDED - 1&017 CF 1 10" I- 1- g5 REBAR v r i ~~~N PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY: ' - DESIGN STORM- 10 YR, 24 HR STORM , WATERRSTOP DETAIL A V Q - - ~ QIG - 0.6 x 5.75 in/hr x 10 - 34.5 CFS RISER- 30' 49 BARREL- 24' THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD. WHEN THE ; x _ • A A 2e BARBELL WILL CARRY A FLAW OF s P Ls \1 ` \ 33.0 CF'B UNDERNEATH A &W 1W.A0. - FORMWORK IS REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION -ANTI-SEEP RATE OF FIRST POUR, THE SPOT LEG IS GLUED EOPRENE GASKETS TOGETHER WITH OONTACTOADJACEN CELENTTHEN HOG RELEASE RATE: RNGFA AND wRE TIED TT 3 ? V REINIFORCING COMFIIIIED. RODS AND THE SECOND POUR CAP BARREL 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 ttI DNA. HOLE % 5 DAY RELEASE- 0.006 tt2 DNA. HOLE HEAD- 1.0' STA14 ESS STEEL BOLTS \ \ O ~ - HOLE DIAMETER- 1-1/2' FLANGE _ - - _ AREA OF HOLE- 0.012 ft l ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT - 830.0 3/-0'3/16' 27/16' I V t- + v\\ _ ~{,r 5/10° LDJ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY: VALVE KEY %N . ® ~ ~ • y DESIGN STORM- 100 YR 0100=CxI xA NEOPREN GASKET I - • r r / !Ji QIaG - 0.60 x 8.0 in/hr x 10.0 = 48 CFS STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS 0 A - } 6 D G vV 1f~ PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY REDUCTION - 33 CFS 0 O r - • \ PIPE + TAIL) ANT lll~.. THEREFORE, DESIGN THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY + r y _ ~E /y I~y ~ _ TO CARRY A FLAW OF 15 CFS 0 8' BOTTOM DRAIN 'D \ \ \ ? ` 'r r • 0 0/ rte.. 0 \ k \ CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FLANGE ANTI-SEEP PLATE \J ~ 6 2 L. F. 3:1 SIDE SLOPES FRONT HEW SIDE HEW NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED \ _ ~ 2.0% -LOPE BOTTGM DRAIN k SHEAR GATE VALVE ANTI-SEEP PLATE TAI BOTTOM WIDTH- 8' HITS NITS CONCRETE' EMERGENCY\,'~~ ~ n- 0.013 CAP B LL - P \ \ r r r r - - x / FLOW DEPTH- 0.27j \ • r r - - } X / - VELOCITY- 6.32 FT/SEC CA SPILLWAY r \ V 82 9.. 0) so 1 FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23• BOTTOM WIDTH= 8 FT. \ / r r TOP OF DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 . 4.5 SIDE SLOPES = 3.H: IV EXIT SECTION: RIP-RAP LINED CHANNEL F p` 3:1 SIDE SLOPES X 9' SPILLWAY THROAT ELEV.=832.5 ss Top o;~ At fll \ D PE B R r x4- L 1 • - - 33.35 SLOPE - BOTTOM WIDTH- 8.0' At L SPR - g\ ±50• FORE STE EXISTING - - n- 0.013 OISCH RGE RIP RAP AT OU~LET ~~~•sr eqN~, ` FILTER ~STR) ND VELOCTY- 15.3 FT/SEC ? AREA CONCRETE ANCHOR DESIGN: 0,o OF PIPE & SPILLWAY \ \ RISER DIAMETER- 30' • r - i X VOLUME DISPLACED- 27 OF 1000S -7 BOUYANCY A- (27 CF)(62.4 PCF)- 1685 LEIS PRINCIPAL d50 = 12" ASE - 30" DISCHARGE CAL 1 IZ" THICrw§55.1= 2.0 CTOR VOLUME of CONCRETE - R5 .....011.25 D- 16X .8-/ 750 n.2s OF 1 1s - 1zo OF SEE- 31W X~& x zsOF WIDTH = ±35' \ RISER PLAN IAEW LASS II \ w \ - TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA COVER (B o.c.) ALL JOINTS TO PREVENT I FVFI SPREADER DFSIQ 4a° TRASH RACK- ALUTA~LIM ANGLE & ROD 10' WIDE WATERSTOPS TO BE USED AT DRAINING TO THIS POINT IS DETERMINE LENGTH OF LEVEL SPREADER ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER DUALITY CONTROL' TRASH Nn1~ORTEx DEVICE CONCRETESL B GETTING UNDER +83 SEE DETAIL) TOTACRE SEEUSES MAP) (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY p/~~}Ee TOP OF BASIN ELEV - e34.0 WTH A otw..NO TOTAL BUA FROM SATE AT THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST INCH OF RAINFALL FROM AREAq THAT ARE RECAAREO POlm PLAN EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION 937.75 0NV - WHAT IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE GREENSBORO DEVELOPMENT OFUNANCE IS CONTROUED BY A PERMANENT ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED COBIIE FA" II ^ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY & EXIT SECTION TO BE GRASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE GREENSBOR TORMWATER MANAGEMENT M UAL TOP OF RISER ELEV - B31.75 a" OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI 4.83 ACRES/83 ACRES = 5.5% . TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY POOL Y r 4 f MO OLITHIC POUR 0 BEND (NO JOINT) (LESS THAN 10% THE LEVEL SPREADER. FOR DEWATERING PIPE INVERT ELEV - 930.0 THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOR GRASS A- POR27UN X07165 CONSTRUMON CO. IS 4 FPS. SIGNATURE ~l ~tE~ 1z~ a, 4411 W. MARKET MRWT, SEM 100 Z -02, r GREENSBORO, NC 27407 mruim / (u mnl ''h,' spur USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH pg1E SEAL JO" CAP flISFR LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH, 19773 SEE E 0 PERMANENT WATER QUALITY POOL nra WwA~. wrtiDV =879.0 • 1 NvA+[ WctNNR w Wm-rm WAN °°I° °mm' INVERT OF THE LEVEL SPREADER WILL FUNCTION AS A 90.5 GREICHEN LANE' GREENSBORO Lorlc WEIR "VE, rv~< MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP - GUAFORD COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA VALVE KEY ro WTM sau ELEV. 825.00 a PIPE = 829.0 Q=Cw x L x H")~ PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND NOTES: `Apy '°"rN SCALE lm 20' JUNE 10, 2002 Nni NviaN Run (r+M . , „..,.;V. USING THE CONTINUITY EQUATION O=V x A (WHERE V = VELOCITY & A = L x 3SH) 1. THE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR iO"IWE,F.'WAU°PLAT OR CERTIFICATE 6 EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE MBERS TO BE OF OCCUPANCY. THE STORMWATER CONTROL IS TO BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE IT IS FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCALE 8' BOTTOM DRAIN k SHEAR GATE VALVE INV ELEV_• 827.0 , iW Tom MO $ ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR DRIVING REBAR COMBINING THE TWC EQUATIONS: HAS FULL DESIGN VOLUME PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 2. THE PROPERTY OWNER/OWNER'S ASSOCIATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE PERMANENT WATER QUALITY 20 0 10 20 40 90 THROUGH PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME mMVx•O.. S,wa': THE TIMBERS INTO 1 CHI NWN MM Fn F GROUND. EACH REBAR TO BE TIMBERS INTO THE V=1.5 x Cw x H^)¢ DEVICE AND/ OR STORMWATER CONTROLS ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED MAINTENANCE PLAN AND AS DIRECTED BY THE :H REBAR TO BE A V FOR GRASS - 1.33 FPS GOVERNMENTAL OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION. - - v - r RIP-RAP AT OUTLET < WAwNa nr.o OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY m m 'a MINIMUM OF 30" LONG. D" LONG. Cw - 3.0 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF GREENSBORO d50 = 12"; THICKNESS = 2.0' M wawa N NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSL A=TTr"2 = .0123 SF WATERSHED ENGINEER WHEN THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND SITE HAS BEEN CLEARED AND THE ACTOR TO ENSURE THEREFORE H=.087 FT. POND HAS BEEN FIELD STAKED. ° THAT ENTIRE TOP OF LEVEL fOP OF LEVEL 4. THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION AND THEIR ASSIGNS HAVE 1 inch - 20 ft ` SPRFAOFR IS IFVFL IF NOT I FVFI.. IF NOT- IT RIGHT OF ACCESS TO THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND FOR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE sTEEE ruTES wE tto ar REV. ez9.zs ( ;-NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLACE I SEWFELY IN TEFL I~--~ wr-w naot arvwtm \\\_UL` 4CCEPTED. M map 6(.0123)()~(2(32.2)1.5FT)) ENFORCEMENT. EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEER CER71F11MkN NOTE OF STORMWATER QUANTITY CONTROL :APE TIMBERS 0=0.07 cFS - - j 10" 100'" n r w a wua aAai r e~muE 6- X 6- LANDSCAPE TIMBERS ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY INCLUDED NI7H THIS ?LAN N9ICAIES O=Cw x L x H"3% THAT THERE WILL NO DONMSTREAM FLOODgi(i. DRAINAGE, OR EROSION 4WO VFM , N.Q 8T407 0.07=3.0 x L x .087" PROMS AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BE1MM 'PIE Pmw (m)m -W" LAIC:' (~)0"-a '6 r S' X 4' LEVEE SPUADEB 1.0 = LRmumw POINT WHERE THE RUNOFF DISHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY 10 *IERE THE POW 940-36 )1ICs Tr pmm NOTE: ALL PIPE CGMNEC'ICNS.ARE TG K W"'EM'nGHT. SECTION THE BERM AND SPILLWAYS L = 10 FT. STE DEVELOPMENT AREA REPRESENTS LESS THAN 10% OF 1W ,TOTAL DRAINAGE C.A.P . CORRUGATES ALUM*" WE pr AREA. THEREFORE, 140 QUANTITY CONTROL AWROV13MT 15 PROPOSM d y..e~- 1w bF"'{ti ~'y- "sRr^4{TC 'kTM.~l7 < Y tti i 'P 'A t . V . w8 v ; n:~ t x' _ " y map.: t x ttil=ai'y F .cam r .,bY• `l: q ; i ~ ,y"~ ''~1'Y•>r w ~s,.y ':-z fur P"'a.. va. x , Azi ??Y 4 day: ,aa. i. r , 15 F A' ~x a n 404 F• a k7. ..4 WL .u.x ....uir-. r..r..m~ ..nw. "Cc" PRE5ERYAWN 5 ; 4-VN.~ r ~ L F N a All 10YR:" e _ - - ~ U 1 'NO" GOD S YS SIGN I id • 1 Y t S Al d ' V ~Wy. v -W -T FENNOOD PARK SUBEIMEW q swwwfm 1/P~1 p~ i AM rit" <t NOTE. - 1U E1C6ta.1. NUw a 4 awwrm orA JQF. F l wW A4 (CP01YE1HYLEt FENCING TO BE PROVIDED AROUND (APRaos A "wcA eta )v (AC* II rN Nd 1z I N/f 1dDAC 13 k TE EX: TREES TO BE SAVED, SILT FENCING CAN;"BE ae'4 P .O. 2! A92 15 a a 15 am -450 USED AS TREE PROTECTION WERE TREE PROTECTION B PG 13 / x23E d/. P;B. 41 1 42 j4eO y D B. 2 O PG. 774 /F: FISHER n ' P 8. 41 PG. 13 D•Q• 2547 PG. 906 to 11E iut 1.2T .7 / €X, USE SiNGU a OA JCW 15 4 4sa 15 "1 1W 4 FENCING AND SILT FENCING OVERLAP. Luc EX, USE:" SINGLE FAMILY Q1T1T1AL; P. 21 PG. T3 ' 4 LUG: • 1 Ek USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL O r 1.43 480 15 4 0.33 92 t i NOTE. a 4& tz aT a a W 166- i3- 4 aso 465 303 O.N4 15 a 46e ALL NMI 411x; w TREE PROTECTION DEMSr 7 Z 1 305.06' fit. 'V WOOD T POST FENCE . a Y< A MUST BE INSTALLED tzt 1&a PRIOR TO LAND DISTURB INCLUDING THE CUTTING 1425 im 732 0.61 17.71 OF ANY TREES. A PENALTY-OF 3500 PER DAY FOR s OLD PROMFITY UNE---r-... 90 499 T -15 04+ 59D FAILURE TO INSTALL APPROVED TREE PROTECTION m '"Nro OL IS a 2d a2t 103 7.5 x 2 10 t+a23 4 40D 7.62 18 _ 660 45e u 4>o a, MEASURES MAY APPLY. p.. rratea rep' r !~N 4W.. 15 afa - a z50 1421 91 ---"S.~S- a 1.15 J 7.Y 0M 430 15 0.8) 4.58 371 546 NOTE 263 48D. t s3 - ~ n-~ 0.1 ` 19.77. , CONTACT THE ULAN FORESTER AT 373-2150 TO SET "ell u 041 U31 - a__ 7.p w am 15 1 .OD 618 UP A PRE'-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO LAND 1 DO ~ + ' • i a16+63t 0.4 ta0 225 ftaD 4 059 'AW - i fl / YIN is '00 40D a 4 .19 410 -2t atp a DISTURBANCE >o 32 24 _*75 4 W ; 21.86 18 j 440 2ZIS 24 11.67 2D.31 -TREE PROTECTION FENCING CAN AND MOULD BE 10% MEN ~ f 28 >r a 4(0 ' t 1a am 4.88 7.00 e48 INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION f. NJF 0` 4V - 7.93 15 0.50 103 a MEETING O \ D B 2844 P $ • " ' Q42 4 a 21 16 a 4 a~ 22 - 2. 8' i a 4. 3.39 a 1. era -TREE PROTECTION FENCING IS 7.0 BE INSTALLED pal 22 a1 Q 480 698 7.5 a90 614 a97 (1,38 ALL TREE,CONSERVATION AREAS' x RE i j D 071 AM a OCCUR IN THE TREE NATION N,/F- McLEAN' UC. t 16 aw- 7.5 4 45a - NO GRADING i { { Lao 1. 41 15 Tai 4a ea AREAS OR IS TREE TO CRITICAL ROOT 20NES D.B. 3312 PG 423 , 8. 47 PG. SB ` it q >:I 2S ?e a f a1B 15 47D 6Q 3 \ FA SIDENRAL 41 31 Qae '`7.n 2 A RECAARED EE CONSERVATION . ACTUAL E _ 0D im I-as `15 0110 45%9 1& 0-450 % ACTUAL TIRE COONSERVATION AREA. 22.0410,&F. N/F C, t ~ _ D B 3880 PG 458\ % a 15 0. VAl10N PROWDED: 3$8~ &F REUTER 'd OM,. __AW_ 23D .16 uou 29 4 aD 4 g FY f, 1201 is. 2 a8 "P B 47 PG 58 \ 10 f1i 1265 0 EX. USE: SINGLE 42 y' a 276 4E0 127D t6 1.4D• 46 7.e 1, • • 31 a 15 350 4 3. FAMILY RESID€NTI y li T GI°GIN ~iM'AQW t, " . alt 1477 7.8 zw R 24 1.13 All Lt1C: 1 32 3D - MOB 02 atfA4...: 24 eat 4 3ee5 2.7. .266. 1.86 M 7.96 ,1clt.~N~Na 15, 0. 4 w a • 1 4 4 =WA taR pM NOT of D.B. tOW 3811 PG. 1784 f-. (145 4 2 15 4 458 15 4.tt .13.22 N Iq1 1BlltY E! / P.B. 47 PG, 58 0 BARS' 0.07 cavmg AV, At#V*F f)VV,AU)71Tf' #4v SGT 435 00, a A 15 YS 938 1& ALL TIME 1tECkE1411Y eEl 1 X. USE; Si FENCE 1 1 t l + N/F: HEFFERON AIP! W AV AM7di19 A 1 CT IA~LW .4m laffi 3 d 64 4 16 71w, ig 11mFF 1K SMi[,t1tll8~a IsVIm fAIAILY RESIDENTiA it Q4AM.YJY t " D.B. 5234 PG. 1537 AVOW LN!/!!l' :mr 014r to, i)e aaw AWD 96 -.67 43 A .,7v ~ 41F 6 1 81RAM fJ101l101/OIIIII LUC: t- 39 d 40 KMa 144 46D a 15 1 ' 15' 1.18 7.03 3.45 ACRES P.B:` 21 PG. 71 r - 4w Vom EX: USE: SINGLE -FAMILY RE DENT1 ` a • alt 41i 4B0 051 15 330 4.5~ 1 T47 N/F: ODEVEN 4.5- CHAIR _,,sb tl+ f % 1 . ~ ,~,`~i•'~" MAYIE . LUC• 1 7. . 7.1.44 - is I.W ? r AS a t It _ 18 a 1 i8 390 999 PD B 47 2782 PG. PG. 58 85. 7. 4ENCE 1 0' ° 1 9e0D_ Q a = ' ' SRCaacR ;r, At a 7.205 0.80 - ^ SINGLE 45 . 67.0 6tCD au 5 e6 1 3t0.Q ea 7.00 O EX.-USE, EX. RroRA4t FAMILY 12ESNTU(I P f / / STORM DRAINAGE STRVC URE`TABLE AWROMAIELY, 6 LUG: t i 21V UP FROM 'HS SAN MN. M N/F., IKERD 4 Q % y i L / TOP. 8 o.7n NW 826.515" Rd 4N) INµ 82¢.45 9..RCP {sw~ / 1O -1 m \ J t '•T. PIPE WAS 511giD, USING THE. 67581 U0-llMff ?p < D.B. 2663 PG. 735 8 INV 25.74-18' RCP7<K) INV 825.49;w24' RCP-(SE) Tow e30.9s , AS F*M IN THE CITY OF QWDMM S=W SE1 B~ \ P.B. 47 PG. 58 o-r =ON MANUAL C""104 FOR THIS PIPE HAVE BIM - C+ €X. USE: gINGLLt. / ttF 4 BULD G' % A 125 RCP-o Y* 1N F2` RCP / ®TOf': `$31.52 NV.cT®-44' V: est3.92 f!! J s FAMILY RESIDE L r r° THE SMW 3 - ''(E~ uF s , l , INM 8 2-42" RCP-tW) 9l! OWARTMA EN ~AESUI.iS ARE AS SUMMARRED BELOYk 74'RCP` INV: 832.M-(E) INV.-832.63-tW) a.,.e mss" /1 LU~ T A S i , ~ m 00, 42 CMP NHV: 94:3.91-(N) NV: 8'EiJ.17-($) • 1115 FLOW UL 19MW 00I16LE 09' 80% CULVERTS V 1 ~ ' ?1 a t ~ / . ; ~ 42" RCP C! HEADWALL NV:' 05.16•-(NE) ALI STORM DRAINAGE PIPE JS TO + r 7.j o • BE REINFORCER OE1NOWM PiPE(R.C.PJ A'. nos. y /t P: 838.71. CENTER LINE NV 8tia OT-48" RCP TO r TOP: 835.26 {ENTER :LINE NV $27.46-48" 1tCP +F ` w } OZ. 47 PG 58 /DOES Rol ~]v 18" RCP ®RIP RAP INV: 848.71 1 \ 7 Pr•~`" / / ~ TOP853.78 CENTER LINE NW 84191.76 1$ RCP-JSE) v N PE SON 'Owo+r."+~4~.!r?.r.: SAAN 42 + h.p 77, fJ" / EX. LAKE ~PS.,(6.147 PG. ~58 17 E: FAML RESpE}4TML AJ'r 4 BA.•,D B 4$65 PG 1479 TOP 864.79 IN t F\ Y t Y t V 4 i..._-$ • "'r >w.j#,.- dbq `l+ia'ie*a~•-5 - It.. Jf !t 1+ LUG 9 jQp 843 _SS6:G6-(ty. o:. ar > + E"ppD, / roP sa5.~s 'NV:. 8 .o9-(NE) `mnt ssgtl~- SW) N i N/f: ARNOLD TOP $ $ °!2 HIV: 918 52-ESEl' t ffit9112 (W) 1 a D.B. 2754 PG. 670 \ « ti ry9 / P.S. 22 pG:' 71 \ ® TOP' 82$58INV. 1.9.,1~J'-{E,) .,:INM1?:..3^'(S) r ° %t; 4 FENC°EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INW 8~9.2q~(W) INS 817.28-(N) 4+ \ q Z~ LUC: 1 TOP! 824.18 INV"815:63-(S) INV:_815,88-(N) Top: 858;50 INV 851.2-(E)' NV 452.07-(W) \ \ LE100 TOP: 854.49 NV .746.7h(4) N41t c746,71-(W) ik G o - VOT16'IROI i~>tE TOP: 851:13 INV: 848.03-(E) 1NO 845,9a -(W) -(W) v, e hQI DAM FENCE ENCIROACNES. ' to T D ~wl n i ~ BMGtQ JI.A'Ig'(\~ Ali I ~0 v x,.. ,T, ~ ~ m ftSR *9 C HARM t \ N/F: ADAMS R/V ^ WOFAY - - kry ~ - a D.B. 4190 PG. 2055 PS PM,T'NIZ F \ P.B. 22 PG. 71 PG PAGE FENCE ENCROACHES. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RCP - 1D( - PG, 6~ LEGEND: LUC 1 Ca1CRE7E o FM NYpWff EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE' \ \ 11 _ MIL 7UX N.C.G.S. NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY WSW • ~ i fRY?Ipw R/W RIGHT, OF. WAY : , 7" ~carpbxxvA,w, 11 - a vie DB DEED BOOK ri AM" N/F: scHErnNO LEGEND - V000 SAL. FO pG FA BOOK D.B. 3412 PG. 1697 EX. EXISTING I P.B. 22 PG, 71 Q EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PMp BLDG. "BUILDING J t ~I f N : PREkLAU T a EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ' LUC: 1 REBAR PROP. PROPOSED 1 D.q3~685-P\Gg. 7753 ti \ \ P.B. # rr . STONE D.Dt.U.E. ©RAINAG9 MAINTENANCE & UTILi'I`7F• EASAI NT ' EX. USE SINGLE FAABL 5 Y •RESIDENTIAL' _ , - - • ' UTILITY POLE LUG 5 h \ x . Ci6 ' 1 I ® SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT • Aw AjW m , IBC. a SANITARY MANHOLE .«:I f, t,A•!' Ik 3,4'1f `11RA1IYAG& PLAN ' 1} CQ 'YA III' _ ~ :tars r >ar v ~ j j iVA TER METER •d a iU r~ s MARi4 A SORE HOLE a S, T PAR ' ,e, + , a 'f PA M D" ERS~LhI~,. I uEll -401 J m N/F:. FISHER - YARD INLET Tit~Tai: a-. D.B. 4826 PG. 253 • GATE POST '•,,'"•~."y:•r~ ,i/:: P.B. 22 PG. 71 AZ 14, EX. USE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 10 `GAS VALVE t r~ ~FVp / -AW WALL LUC: 1 CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE MOREHW 700,wflIP - 04RND LINTY NO( H. GAI2OEJkt ' 1 RCP RJiIN owo coNcRE7E PIPE, r SC4,t t , #01, JUNE, X62 Aran All A plc ; . r , - RIP RAP P.B. 4 PR.'65', a . t , naN W paaF am i4AS pas " sgomm"ff E~C USE` SINGLEIFAMIY iNESID~!!?L is nQ~Q tsraNai TREE Raw 'HI - LU t: , A , 1 . I ~l 11 Ui ~OAIiIUI ,M 1 r 3 V 1 •tp • q Apr ' - 176 f~C t 38 LINE LEGEND . _.A + k T Amt; -NiR(M t+ - w" JO edFFN1! W P.O. 303 R6 ""-x - * ~ 90C>{IICE w "op N/F: ZIMMERMAN WATER LINE • W W NN Alfa b07HE G19 r~ D/HOP`H NC. EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SANITARY SEM M SS T l ( _.w Mm 0,8. 4470 PG, 1341 O HEAD P AA1 so aruroTNE ~b`RDUG ' r 1 .~.~rtl„ , i I'• A l I A B(I~ R /~1AGEWAY ANN EX. USE_ G P.B. 33 PQ TlF VkR POWER P,1 LUC:.1 C'FAN^c-cY•rvyrenc .n :.-F. r•, . w < s ss fi ,,a. ~~1 UNNK 7bi. f 91013" 96Rtl, , fEW &Afi9 WRE x _x°-•4 x--x }mac X=t yMCk ,GAIQ vwF^°-n s SY ~jp PyS'p103} PG. 29 < ST= 4#k 9 -to AREA ROUP. H60SIN(C 4' CRAW UNiC FENCE k"k, USE: `,a 00f4 NOT'ENCRO/Cy " 7f$, t1E # Y • » s ' +s' r, r . y < in a.A• x P '"5 ` 5„ a`Y Y- '1` -.'L ° i Y. a zti li 3 i4 " y r it k C f~ ! l LUC! 2 ` e r W4 t 7 fs , 4 PiO. .r70 dny?a i , y ' ` v;:,' Jy"qr, r k ' S \ tf ,f R~aV ' kr w }Iy d3~A"de .d, •5~:~1 ~F~' ea ..r.:'yt, .yq 'fi+' . b, ° ,.a Y'Y d ° E a °b.T ,.a ti,r T - , t' " .Js t .M' e:°a s a} a~.y i`. A,. 5 :b.'fir Y„4'~. i' .t j ~+..-K±x 'u. + 5 ...r r :r ' .BJ a, r f ,..a. ,y, r ° s., q"x '.Y .N _ yi... k~!`"•' f sr,: Sr i ' 6, ,r t r~'+ "f~ r,~.:.~ , r,.- + 3 "r j., n.. p':." r r^' , t.' { i, .,.R'rC ,RS{ u.. 4''......1.. a~ .a,;R.~ Yy" ,nf 3 Trs; + {.,f. "..tp w~... +.Y. '4r~ +U.t; M"yr s„.:.. f; .`4 1 .~'k ~'tG k~'?. '~r -1'~ d~6" c. a . ta*'~r, .i xs .a.,y,: r A:~ lit v. ' ~ ~'S.ti r....2 ;~'4:rt a x., .A Y . xFl wvr ~ lY SA _ 9N, r. sYx #;e 1f. ~'^k+_.€ , .+¢:?xR:~ _ ~o~' - n.. s~iie; 1"xa 7pl!f+~sw. #+"SC F, x,na. ~ ,>~c~ce^. :o :±v'~ ".R,f -W ~ h4 ~ `lT~.'.. rim a,.. tk~~~. ~'.'±~`kr'"%Y,aN M. ~ .5: ~'~t'~i?+ CQBLEFARM CI TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS BA1-UN.. RD. 181 - FENWOOD PAR[( SUBDIVISION PIPECHW: N I 3 FOUNDERS DR. _ f FENWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION is ts:ad r# ~ ! ~ to sm M 16 YR 3 n ~ j" 12 NORTHPl00D SUBDIVISION c STOCKBRII)GE a 11E1~1 PIED SLOPE CAP, NOTE: 10 EX. 6' D.I. W R u a u W A I w I OLYETHYLENE FENCING TO BE PROVIDED AROUND I (APPROXIMATE Loc4noN ! } , N/f EX. USE.. SINGLE FAMILY DENTIAL D.B. 2547 PG. 906 pDR, (Aae CXI (GF.6.) 1ANies) 1%) (GFS) t 1 USED (*A) (GFfl) P NO. _ -(Ape) O EX TREES TO BE SAVED. SILT FENCING CAN BE 1 10 SSB*' S N/F: ' ( °o vF Pt D.B. 25569 69 PG. 774 N11N MOAG P8 CL 0.50 58- 2 2532 0~) 4.00 2.92 115 0.50 aye 15 0.50 456 FENCING ANTREE D PROTECTION WERE TREE PROTECTION n A non PL„~1 PG -13 dg, ~n I514zr3 E~ °~4Ex. USE: SIA P.B. 41 PG. 13 FFIIUIIG /F: FISHER 45 1 5 SILT -CASOMW LU : 1 P.B. 21 PG. 13 I > ti ~ot~ 4 ~A EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL • O%+O t.43 380 658 1.t0 679 15 1.10 6.79 - I - ~ ' G a 0. t.52 15 as0 4.58 15 0.50 a NOTE: - - '37'59"E 1 305.06, b C PAPO[ OF THE 1iAEFT EXIENSION. 0. 33 M - 4.00 3.17 15 50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 / 9 ALL TREE PROTECTION DEVISES MUST BE INSTALLED S C H - 4' NDOp T ~f1'" I- " 6 07.69 4 363 15 is 1.50 4.59 PRIOR TO N Y 11.2 OF MY TREES. A PENALTY DISTURBANCE, $500 PER DAY FOR M 5 _ _ _ Q POST i17JC£ .~+~242 088 4w 1a25 to 1 1.W 11.2 ta32 16 1.60 13.32 D dt 6 FAILURE TO INSTALL APPROVED TREE PROTECTION AS A „s i OLD PRORERTY LINE MEASURES MAY APPLY. INCLUDING THE CUTTING THIS M SAN. 08 15 350 4.58 is 0.60 4.56 r ~,p 1 10 rtlY•E iEWf~ .1 0.33 460 11.62 15 0. 468 1 0.60 1. /D[tAL 84&N ~ KMIG lK ORGE 078 400 1.15 s a 4 56 t 0.50 4.58 NOTE ff- 0- .33 0.62 4.00 2.W 15 Ri- 4.55 15 0.50 4.58 CONTACT THE URBAN FORESTER AT 373-2150 TO SET ~ / / EN No e CL •{y i 631*012+288 3.81 460 1753 16 260 17.62 1 280 17.62 1 MAN704AME i 4~0 `pC' 9,d aP. UP APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO LAND / 4 II N 31 a 1 4eo 1 i5 a M 15 3.50 4.56 DISTURBANCE CHANNEL AM Y u .43 15 0,18731 0,48 480 2.25 - 15 0.50 4.56 15 0.50 4.66 TO INE ~ / ROBLYN RD. Tr T 4.10 21.32 i6 4.121.32 -TREE PROTECTION FENCING CAN AND SHOULD BE im OTHER 1 ~ 4- 21. 18 4 40 2209 16 1.43 INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION / N/F: O'R E -09 - 0,00 1. 15 4.5B 15 0,50 4.58 MEETING D B. 2844 P 98I. C~9. ~"./{ryp G 1-2 Q 78 0.42 480 1. 15 0.50 4.58 15 050 4.58 0 P.B. 47 PG. -TREE PROTECTION FENCING IS TO BE INSTALLED Ex. U SNC~ O./B 0.48 480 221 15 0.50 4.56 15 0,50 4.58 NO pAiA M fF11G~ ALL TREE CONSERVATION AREAS _ \ FAMILY Y RESIDEN 1 -10.48 0. 360 3.50 15 0.5D 4.58 1s 0.50 4.98 : MCLEAN ' i ' 0,3D \ LUC: 1 - NO GRADING TO OCCUR IN THE TREE CRYATION N/F NORTH ]2 +a.21 42 1.30 460 5.96 15 0.80 6.14 15 0.90 6.14 Oi AREAS OR TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES D.B. 3312. PC. 423 1 0.1 4 0.9 15 0.50 4. 15 0.50 4.68 / c~7 \ B. 47 P S 58 \ S - t i . -"5T+-021+1.W 1. t 480 7H 15 ttl 7. t.40 7.66 3 E - USE: SINGLE ^v , y a ! t,61 15 0.50 4.58 >5 0.50 4O REWIRED TREE CONSERVATION AREA 22089,6 F. FA Y RESID ENT] AL 'ul C: 17. 6 t. 1 2 1.60 9.48 15 22D 9.81 15 220 9.61 ACTUAL TREE CONSERVATION PROVIDED: 38,839 S.F. S( N/F: REUTER \ 1 I D.B. 3880 PC, 458 (4 $3.68 - ~fN 1 MiVD2 ED /SITA' -7r am ) 0.3D 380 1.38 1 0.50 459 15 0.50 4.58 \ P.B. 47 PG. 58 i QBD 15 050 4.56 15 0.50 4.58 / lok EX. USE: SINGLE W R _W 0.2a4% 08`2. 50 264 4.6) 1214 18 110 1246 18 1.40 1246 \P \G~ FAMILY RESIDENTIALh \ - - - 'x~ 91 ~fA Al 90116r SLOPF dW 057AACE rO 'Z0d0Mf )4 kA%W AaT Z75 4AD 1 1270 1 1,51 1290 18 1.50 1290 CP~ J0~ \ LUC: 1 1 4.58 15 0. 4 RIVA* PAxr U°G1V Amu P D• •RBO Aowa 7W QM+R 14 1 Z taA 18 2f0 489 P~' N/F: GREEN S alt at 4,6D 66 24 286 3692 24 266 3892 di 5. tttA1R36 fIp4N t4it FOR A 147 W w,, SM FOR 11L4 WANK 19AM MAY NOT K D.B. 3811 PG. 1784 1 } ~ • - .L - 31 0.26 076 480 170 15 0. 458 16 0.60 4.56 9EMJAf4D AS Ildt OOtl11Y P.B. 47 PG. 58 o BARB WERE AV1F.- A PE7PM(4YOVl #Er AE7mov ~ MTY1 6!r aLT 7D 0.38 O.3B 360 1,75 1 15 0.5D 438 15 0.50 458 MMEI WY 1c GMXV L 80 ORTMO/ EX USE: SINGLE FENCE AL THIE FROM nE iuxrtiDlas .40 $L 45 1 a N/F: HEFFERON COWS51C IhE ADVOIFF AMW A/17W A90005 M &Xr-440M f 7 arse AR1:lS A1/ 7/p5 SJ7E. AAAOGOVl QF BmT Lf9:W A141~A (BCN) 36, ' 0. T 3B Q45 4 2.07 15 0.50 4.58 15 DSO 4.58 m FAMILY RESIDEN11A CRO r FCp My iEnNQ MMEA tQE LUC: 1 37 23 023 1 480 Too 16 Ob0 4.68 15 0.50 4.58 SWAM aroesdvne u / D.B. 5234 PG. 1537 ULOVW CVV )W 97F OLE 7D PC aMW 060ALYJY OF 1 : 054 ' 460 248 15 D. 4.58 1 Q 458 3.45 ACRES P.B. 22 PG. 71 / 7W PUW - 44112 ALRiS 0,3 313 Z45- 1.98 15 0.9D 458 15 0.30 1.58 N/F• ODEVEN .5 ( EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY REST DENTIA ppl, I LUC: 1 / 0001 1.44 4.60 6.62 15 1.10 6.79 /5 1.10 679 D.B. 2762 PG. 85 -w 65;u_145pZu45o:E DOES N 1 01 0.11 4 0.51 15 0.W 4.58 15 D.50 4.58 P.B. 47 PG. 58 ~ENCROApY sup IF _115Z +1.44 167 a .RI 1 1A0 766 15 1.40 766 EX.-USE: SINGLE oeza Is 1 .2'3.1;87 205 4.60 943 IS 0.90 998 18 0.90 999 NTT C0 FAMILY RESIDENTI~2 EX .Q 67 3.74 9800 42OD a 9600 42 090 9600 APPROMMA1ELr 6 LUC: 1 ! r ill . a 4 310. 1. 310.42 66 100 310 210' OP BOCKHORN RD. / , 9 i, FROM THIS EX SAN. wH. 0 E I ~~~AyyFA~~ STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE TOP: 830.70 INV: 826.50-15" RCP-(N) INV: 826.45-18" RCP-(SW) Pft #16 WAS SIZED USING THE BASIN LAG-TIME METHOD D.B. 2663 PG. 730 8 / e0 TOP: 830.69 INV: 825.74-18" RCP-(NE) INV. 825.49-24" RCP-(SE) AS FOUND IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO STORM SEVER Qs \ P.S. 47 PG. 58 DOW MANUAL CALCULATIONS FOR THIS PIPE HAVE BEEN ~~+f D(. USE: SIN FAMILY RESIDE L T. O3 TOP: 831.52 INV: 825.09-24" RCP-(NW) INV: 823.82-42" RCP-(E) SUBMITTED SEPARAiELY TO CHUCK OSBORNE IN THE STORM soq¢o ° LUC: errs ' V ~t, INV: 823.32-42" RCP-(W) SEMTR DEPARiMENT. RESULTS ARE AS SUMMARIZED BELOW r I i Mil! ACRES ,P 4 << ~ V Y f 24" RCP INV: 832.80-(E) INV: 832.03-(W) 0.1746 CFS c ° y 1~ P 42" CMP INV: 843.91-(N) INV: 840.57-(S) INS FLOW WILL REWIRE DWBIE 97(A' BOX CULVERTS- OF- ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE IS TO UV/ BE REINFORCED CONCRETE WPE(RC P.) run W "AWMAMMIL I& O / 401w 42" RCP ® HEADWALL INV: 835.18-(NE) Orr "MiMmolmuz r -•~,1 e _ O7 TOP: 838.71 CENTER LINE INV. 833.01-48" RCP O TOP: 835.26 CENTER LINE INV: 827.46-48" RCP " P.B. ;MW tt 47 PG. 58 / 4' WOOD FENCE /DOES NOT ENCROACH • ' / \ / O 18" RCP 0 RIP RAP INV: 848.71 _ t A <@> TOP: 853.78 CENTER LINE INV. 849.76-18" RCP-(SE) N/F: PETERSON D.O. 2763 PG. 338 P.B. 47 PSI 58 Ex. LAKE Ex.USE- SINGLE „ FAMILY. RE$WENYIAI. / uwtsl~•e?m O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TABLE r N/F: COBLE D.B. 4965 PG. 1477 G TOP: 864.29 INV. 850.07-(NE) INV: 850.02-(SW) / P.B. 22 PG. 71 1 uu 10 w ® TOP: 862-07 IN V: 847.93-(NE) INV: 847.87-(S) \ EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESID \ ~k LUC: i © TOP: 843.06 INV 836.66-(N) INV: 834.71-(SW) WOGG PcN aT <1 TOP: 835.99 INV. 828.09-(NE) INV. 850.02-(SW) A SfG N/F: ARNOLD ® TOP: 825.52 INV. 818.52-(SE) INV: 818.82-(W) BET IMIl. 1% W , ` It D.B. 2754 PG. 670 P.B. 22 PG. 71 \ ® TOP: 825.58 INV: 818.15-(E) INV: 817.33-(S) 7m 3e k + W4-AM EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INV: 819.20-(W) INV: 817.28-(N) Xd2 1y, Z LUC: 1 r ~ 4 - \ ~C~1o Q TOP: 824.18 INV: 816.03-(S) INV: 615.88-(N) / ® TOP: 858.50 INV: 851.2-(E) INV: 852.07-(W) ~49fY11~y~`T' V l~ \ 's . t~ _ ~~Q +c, \ \ ~~•S L.EtitO . ® TOP: 854.49 INV: 746.74-(NE) INV: 746.71-(W) YY^~~uP / o - EXEtTM MM PIPE ® TOP: 851.73 INV. 846.03-(E) INV. 845.98-(W) ~ • - NEW 2101 PIPE • - EXlSTIIIG COIp1ETE NM OEPIT DAM \ - cowu D PG@R BARB N1RE \ - - l'I t ~ FENCE ENCROACHES 1i~,8i • - - UTLXFY PGLE . FENCE ENCROAfi,FS 1 / O - TUSPHO E PEDESTAL O i TIC "him 9 • > \ N/F: ADAMS IVW - FORIT OF VAY 68 FEIKM M ~ r .Y„1 t~ \ D.B. 4190 PG. 2055 PPS - PLAT 3= 9 PG. 65 ' \ P.B. 22 PG. 71 PG - PAGE 'EMM • - FnIMAPM KIX LEGEND: \ LUC: i W _ - E COM011 E PIFE r \ j - OCR= F9K BYnWff EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE g b - NI11L im N.C.G.S. NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY H}AILROAD 1>Eb f~S k 6 ~~a j . e - vAtER IETFR R/W RIGHT OF WAY C0fl~N/AIION ~.1 i1 DB DEED BOOK GUY VIK / AREA (TYPICAL) N/FI. SCHETTINO LECEND - VMW RA11 FENM PB PLAT BOOK 66 H PG PAGE / D.B. 3412 PG. 1697 EX. EXISTING fl f P.B. 22 PG. 71 Q EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PIN BLDG. BUILDING N/F: PRE4ZLAU Dl r. PG. 7,53 Ill I EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LUC: 1 ? REBAR PROP. PROPOSED P.B. 49 PG. 65 STONE D.M.U.E. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE & UTILITY EASEMENT EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILYASnntNTIAL P 1•~ 1, LUC; 1 its \ . FENCE ENCROACHES - ` „r / OFCldli , ` 9 UTILITY POET ® SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT JP A I'j , AREA s 18.87 AC. v. T / I ® SANITARY MANHOLE WATMWM & SWJ?A( ARAWAGN X" 4 B V P d ~ ~ e WATER MEYER COBLE FA" II AP HYDRANT ~R6D Tom. t 1 A~. + ~ APPROXIMATELY G ELANE AKA IN FROM ROw THIS EX. SAN. ir{ 9 " t. 1 ,N Aid BORE HOLE mMC1aN fi~ A t - 1 • FOR acl~rrlAOr f Z PORTRAIT 50)4 CO1V31'RUC74ON CO. Nj&: FISHER p YARD MET 4411 W 1(A)LAW S77ZBB1', SUM 100 F~c1~L~"' I n D.B. 4828 PG. 253 GATE POST 4y Q G1~N3BOA10, NC 27407 G' /S INIXI Alm As •IOrL 1 _ P.B. 22 PG. 71 WALL I JM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL GAS VALVE •~•m44. &V5 GRETCHEN LAN& GREENSBORO LUC: 1 OW CORRUGATED METAL PIPE -N/F: CAMPBELL > Mal 4~~ ~ A ou ss MANHOLE NOT rtNaN6 RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA D 8.358 PG. 1056 ! C,4,~ ppF/ILpI eP FOUND SHOWN PER 4?'W , . P .S. 49 PG. 65 A, n . • C $ A CITY OF GSO ATLAS p65 f I , _ - - - ® RIP RAP SC&E 1 a 60' JUNE 10. 2002 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL A~ i. aeIadF 1 LUC: 1 .0- so- I -BEE Row GRAPHIC SCALE EROSION CONTROL..IEGENID ASW 38 LBGBND m a m .o ,p :b \I #/6 30' lIIRdL W~ \ P.B. 103 PG. 29 - -X SILT FENCE N/F: ZIMMERMAN WAft LME V/ W hD THE aTY FRIENDS., HOMES, INC. M AND i SWGtE FAMILY RESIDE Y 70 PG. 1341 . fi? 511N1 Y PSENER OWER PS PS ( IN FEET ) Llq~ Ay Ex. USE: 'GROUP HOUSING TEAL. SEDH~I7 PIT ~ AND 1 row adur \ uc 7 Y y~~ 1 O 1G 70 1 inch 60 ft \ P' ~ y .,J iENCE uNx EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. \ MR olvats 0R EMI P 103 P6. 29 a ENGDIXER9, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS " - oaf f~j&S HOPES, INC. 1 _ . J^EiYER SD SD p0 J+` t 2U Ei USE: GROUP HOUSING ~ ooc~oor~o- 019NRBED AREA 811 i • ' - LUC: 2 =0 !vs nx- - a N/f: 'S7 , N. ,t KV PR07ECDOM 3 rt + ~>F., - f, - ~Y~:'. +i _ . 1e: ~'W'+=i_L~._ ~s`.ki i Y a si•~ ;4..+^ n-" 20' 1g 10' - SEEDBED PREPARATION PLANTS N¢ MIXTURES PLANTING RA7E5/ACRE PLANTING DATES STAGE-STORAGE TABLE AN ENGINEER STATEMENT OF POND AND DAM SAFETY 3 THE STORMWATER POND AND DAM SHOWN ON THIS PENN SATISFIES L 98NP iR AMA TO a 9EDtn M A MINIMUM WnH I TALL FESCUE tao-lso Leg AM IS-OCT. 16 M RD. 141 0 TO A LIGRAH OEPIN OF 4-6 *X>IM (LOW MANINIQ IM FEIL 15~ Ar 1 HFVATION AKA (Sn VOLUME (CF) GAL VOLUME (CF) B . PERMANENT WAL 00L ELEVATION =.O REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE DAM SAFETY LAW OF 2 WhOW NL IDOE RM, XWM ETC UAWN6 &MAC + t G 3 APPLY SLED, A9M°ATIRAL LAW, NRR®L AND MrE R ETC. LEAIMG SURFACE SMOOTN AND UMBON? s L Ff14W.®R AND SIi01PfgO1N7E UIfOAAY AN] TALL FESCUE POp-}SD LSE AUG 15-OCT. 15 FOUNDERS IM. 4 4 a, 1967 [AS AMENDED THROUGH 1985] AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS r 5' VA ELEV - 829.0 AS PRESENTED IN THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMIMSTRATIVE CODE TITLE A BED ON AA nESE.Y (RAID KLOWX [ 119MINED AND COVER THE s® LwHUr G1 SEENG (NIGH MAINTENANCE) FM 15-NAY i 825 1265 EB W AM LOER n WX " THE =L d ° E c 4 R~ RAP 15A, SU"APTER 2K - DAM SAFETY. EVEN IN 11-1E CASE WHERE THE ED MART Wt °ATIPACN AFIV SEMI NQ D me s12 SEM11 fr4a TAU FESCUE • too IN a FEB. 15-MAY 1 1678 STD:KBRIDGE 1 & 61 EXEMPT & "04 WMAmr AFM TBOIR AM MOM W IX FRDAM OM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS DETERMNW B P v > a' 4 TARTER AW "TUtAL LWESTWE- t TM/ACR DM AND MOM MLALCi KOBE OR KOREAN HsSPEOEZA 20-36 LRS (SCARFlED SEED FOR SPRNO AN 15-OCT. 15 826 2091 v 1678 DR. V THE Y SAFETY THE TS, STATE , AS THE P .Y+A AwA . P DESIGN ENGINEER, STATE THAT THE P01ND AND DAM ARE DESIGNE7) TO - 2 TOMS/ACRE B UHHSCAIBIED FOR LATE FALL It WINTER) 9 a m Q 4 SAFE AND ADEQUATE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY,- 10-10-10 AT Eo-loao Pau+o &NAJR' O p , n 4 O 825.0 WELFARE, AND DOWNSTREAM PROPERTY. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS STATE- ~ y'8' ALL evd"~'M STFIA,/AGE MIJUH- 14 $ 00 W, b v . ° a d, MENT AS THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIVE THE OWNER OR AWHM- MP STRAW WO SOIL Wm MAC •10 AT e00-1o00 POUNDS/ACRE rN1 FESG[ s 50 Les ! Nov. 1-iEB. 1 6m POLNOS/AC,TE O. 20B ANALY[S SUPSOPHOWHATE SONCEA LESPEDEL, 60 Les/AGE ( ) 828 3881 5972 7650 F ' DR lR 1 } MAU GUAM STRAW/ACRE (APPROXMATELY 00 BALES) q H 6 CA014 RAW INTO SOIL NTH MACHINE OR TAG( WITH LKMO ASPHALT TALL FESCUE t 00 LOS t JULY t AUG15T 4 'Y T~ GR. p tLF~~:; P A OPERATOR OF THE POND AND DAM FROM THE LEGAL DUTIES, OBLIGATIONS, AT Coo 9NLOMS/ACE OR DAA.t iALLONS/AGE OR ENIU OW ASPHALT AT 300 GALLONS/AGE GERMAN MLLFT /30 LOS n' 4 4 AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH OWNERSHIP OR OPERATION. ° r OR SUDANGRASS (ULM t SWANG ASS MUST IRE INEPT AT 10-121 830 6013 9894 17 544 BAFFLRlEdAP SECTION TALL FESCUE J. 70 Les a NOV. 30 4~oo SITE RYEGRANN 26 Les (RYGGN YUST eE KEPT AT 10-127 A a .4 A .4 4. COMMON BERINDAGRASS a IN (MLILLED) APRIL 15-AM 30 832 8357 14,370 31,914 N N. Wyl 15-20 LBS (UNULLED) FED. 1-MARCH 30 KING Odyr ORGE ` TOP OF SPILLWAY TOP OF SPILLWAY BOTTOM OF SLOP 834 11,036 F19393 51,307 cr. (2.0%) (33%) (0.0%) ROBLYHN RD. 20 = SEQUENCE NUMBER RIP E N 0 SPILLWAY SLAB POURING SEQUENCE DETAIL BO TO F NTS d§a = 911 NORTH VELOCITY- 6.32 FPS (EMERGENCY) / O \ S 29. TOP OF DAM = 834' A _ ' p DEPTH= 0.27 (EMERGENCY) / As TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA - 10 ACRES j TOTAL SITE AREA - 21169 ACRES BUA DRAINAGE TO POND - 4.80 ACRES (20.5%) u , l CREST OF SPI WAY 4Y.-832.5' 4 CONC. SLAB G r , 3000 P5 CONCRE PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE: e" REQUIRED- 1/8 AC-IN/AC x 10 AC DRAINAGE AREA- 4538 OF v \ ]~Y Np\~ BOTTOM ELEVATION- 825.0 CAST CENTER SECTION ' OF SPILLWAY FIRSTI Q TOP ELEVATION- 527.0 PROVIDED- 4864 CF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION PERMANENT WATER QUALITY <y - - ` .•2 NIS C) ~ POOL- 3.0' WATER QUALITY POOL D8 TF WITH 120.5% B.U.A. REWIRES 0.99X SURFACE AREA REWIRED = 1.73%K 10.0 AC- 4313 SF TOP ELEVATION (MAIN. 3.0' DEEP)- 830.0. PROVIDED 6013 SF NT SEALANT ON EXPOSED SURFACES 'VULCAN' WATERSTOP 34 A _ - - PREFORMED EXPANSI (OR APPROVED EQUIAL)AT ALL JOINTS TEMPORARY WATER WAUTY STORAGE VOLUME: ` C FOR 20.5% B.U.A. JOINT FILLER WWF 6 N 6/W2.9 x W2.9 ® CENTER OF SLAB Rv= 0.05+ (0.009x20.5) SE SHEET MESH- NOT ROLL MESH \ iOR USE E3 ® 12" O.C. EA. WAY) _ Rv- 0.23 VOLUME REVD.- 1.0 4 Rv 4 DA - 1.0'0.23410 - 8,512 CF v~ 12 if- ~ n WHERE DA - DRAANAGE AREA (ACRES) 4 ~Q lp - mm* cc k VOLUME REWIRE - 8,512 CF , BOTTOM ELEVATION - 830.0 JJ TOP ELEVATION - 831.5 ~0" ? 0 - - JJ " PROVIDED - 10,777 CF 1- #5 REBAR PQ_ o Po - - - PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY: WATERSTOP DETAIL F DESIGN STORM- 10 YR. 24 HR STORM QED - CxI x A NTS THE SPLIT LEG OF THE WATERSTOP IS SPREAD _ O~' Clio = 0.6 x 5.75 in/hr x 10 - 34.5 CFS -7 RISER- 30" OPEN AND SECURED TO BULKHEAD. WHEN THE FORMWORK IS REMOVED FIN COMPLETION ANT SEEP PLATE - / B BARREL- 24' A 24' BARREIL WILL CARRY A FLOW OF OF FIRST POUR; THE SPUT TEC IS QJJED EOPRENE GASKETS TOGETIER WITH CONTACT CEMENT THEN HOG 33.0 CFS UNDERNEATH A 5.5' HEAD. RINGED AND WIRE TED TO ADJACENT REINFORCING RODS AND THE SECOND POURT COMPLETED. CAP BARREL 2S RELEASE RATE i 9 STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS x 2 DAY RELEASE- 0.0144 R= DIA. HOLE - 5 DAY RBZW- 0.005 R= DNA. HOLE .:a MEAD- 1.0, _ ftAJlGE HOLE DIAMETER- 1-1/2' 5p ?8- 3W AREA OF HOLE- 0.012 H 2 \ ELEVATION OF WEEP HOLE INVERT - 830.0 t. /B" 0. D. VALVE KEY S EMN7lCENCr SPILLWAr: v NEOPREN GASKET DESIGN STORM- 100 YR 6 STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS A \ i o,6G= C x I x A ° I \c - • 0 ~y~ \ \ 0 B' BOTTOM DRAIN SS \ \ \ A ' \ . • - D ~G OT, = 0.60 x &0 in/hr x 10.0 = 48 CFS r-- PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY REDUCTION - 33 CFS PIPE :E D TAIL) THEREFORE, DESIGN THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TO CARRY A FLOW OF 15 OS L: 0 ° 0 / SS SS { SS MNGE ANT-SEEP PLATE • • A i . FRONT VIEW SIDE MEW 0 NOTE: (2) PLATES REQUIRED - ~ • \ CONTROL SECTION: CONCRETE LINE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 11 6 2 L. F. - - qs 2 BOTTOM DRAIN SHEAR A V I ANH_g E'D Im PLATE DETAIL CONCRET~ EMERGEWCY\\ss., I RE -0% SIDE 4, CAP B LL - _ PROP BOTTOM WIDTH- 8' / n- 0.013 \ \ \ . r r A. r X FLOW DEPTH- 0.27' \ \ C/L SPILLWAY , VELOCITY- 6.32 FT/SEC \ }r r O J r FREEBOARD AND SETTLEMENT- 1.23' BOTTOM WIDTH = 8 FT. r 1n~ _ ~ y 3' X6' 4.5 SIDE SLOPES 3.H: IV \\\s \ x~ k PROP 0 r i~ TOP OF DAM ELEVATION- 834.0 a PROP. F 4\ EXIT SECTION: RIP-RAP LINE CHANNEL 5. SPILLWAY THROAT ~€LEV.=832.5 v~ s rop o~ . SLOPE A \ s o ~EGst • 3:1 SIDE SLOPES , - 3:1 SIDE LE-'A,-P* AN SOAPED ~N ER ER 4• • - _ - - - - _ BOTTOM WIDTH- 8.0' DISCHARGE RIP RAP AT OU~LET \\\\s~, egNk SEE SEE bE L) r ±5C' FOREpSIE TING - n- 0.013 rt FILTER ;T mr DEPTH- 0.12' • p - VELOCITY- 15.3 FT/SEC AREA ,0 OF PIPE & SPILLWAY, \ CONCRETE ANCHOR DESIGN:',.. PRINCIPAL d50 = 12 p f" RISER DIAMETER= 30' v - ~-1- _ ' X VOLUME DISPLACED- 27 CF 30" DISCHARGE C/L A BOUYANCY VOLUME OF FORCE- S u"THIC1 955,1= 2.0' CONCRETE REQUIRE= 685 LEIS// (18 50)- 11.25 CF now FACTOR OF SAFETY - 1.5 11.25 X 1.5 = 17.0 CF SIRE- 3.75' X 3.75' X Y - 28 CF WIDTH = ±35' RISER PLAN VIEW V LASS II / / cs\\ 48' TRASH RA&R 1e'NO c.) ~ & ROD 10' WIDE WATERSTOPS TO BE USED AT TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA LEVEL SPREADER DFg(_gJ ALL JOINTS TO PREVENT DRAINING TO THIS POINT IS N WTRASH TH RAGE WATER FROM GETTING UNDER TOP OF BASIN ELEV - 614.0 WTM RACK TIVORTEX DEVICE CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL) t93 ACRES . SEE USGS MAP) DETERMINE LENGTH OF LEVEL SPREADER ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF STORMINATER QUALITY CONTROL: (NOTE: THE LENGTH OF THE LEVEL I CERTIFY THAT, PURSUANT TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED (ENGINEERING STANDARDS IN THE COMMUNITY, IT IS MY TOTAL BUA FROM SITE AT THIS POINT IS 4.83 ACRES. SPREADER IS DETERMINED IN PART BY PROFESSIONAL OPINION THAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST INCH-OF RAINFALL FROM AREAS THAT ARE REWIRED POND PLAN EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATON 8325 °AV• uLe WHAT IS ON THE DO INSTREAM SIDE.) TO BE OWTROLLED PER SECTION 30-7-1.12 OF THE Q7£ENSBORO DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE IS CONTROLLED ~,F ~f~ D1~ IT BY A ENGINEERED STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL THAT HAS BEN DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY & EXIT SECTION TO BE - nv of RISER [uv • s 4" OF CONCRETE, 3000 PSI 4.83 ACRES 83 ACRES - 5.5% - r AS! GRASS IS ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE HER MANAGEMENT UAL COBlaLi ~E'lYfl~ TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY POOL THE LEVEL SPREADER. y • r• . DEWATERING PIPE INVERT ELEV - 830.0 - ri - r M OUTHIC POUR O BEND (NO JOINT) LESS THAN 10 • y THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY FOR GRASS PORTRAIT ROJOS COIVMUC77ON CO. . mrA:Im ,N IS 4 FPS. _ -07 a A 4411 Ir YAJ=T STREET 3Ui774` 100 Aw USING ALLOWABLE VELOCITIES TO ESTABLISH GPJ32r"IJI NC 27407 30' CAP RISE AE'A RIN 1 ' DATE LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH. Pn . ,EAAWI E E v .829.0 s PERMANENT WATER QUALITY POOL iEEAE WmwENE r„ TOW iODO AYI~ PuR 111m E1M THE LEVEL SPREADER WILL FUNCTION AS A 91715 GRETCHEN LANE, GREENS80R0 LONG WEIR 1 A= N z L X HAS PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND NOTES: MOREHEAO TOWNSHIP - CUILfORD COUNTY -NORTH CAROLINA 1' / IWI0fS .111lOIY[iAWLW yK,E KEY- s` AAxE .r emr 0 INVERT OF 6° Wm EmADE AuEr mPt ELEV. 825.00 m PIPE = 829.0 USING G US THE CONTINUITY EQUATION Q=V x A SCALE 1 a 20' JUNE 10 'W.y,44 A4+ ' 2002 10 EXISTING CREEK LANDSCAPE TIMBERS TO BE BOTTOM M*._IE ELEV e27.0 e' ---------M t E qL vuvs MV---- = mm VIM 4fA0 ANCHORED BY DRIVING REBAR (WHERE V - VELOCITY & A = L x ;SH) I. THE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION WILL BE. REQUIRE PRIOR TO THE FINAL PLAT OR CEROFlCATE , BERS TO BE - OF OCCUPANCY. THE ST IMWATER CONTROL IS TO BE NSPECIED M ENSURE IT IS FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED AND GRAPHIC SCALE )RIVING REBAR CQYBI MG THE TWO EOUATIONS: HAS FULL DESIGN VOLUME PENN To ISSUANCE OF ANY CFROFTZATE OF OOPWANCY. ,T. RF PERMAIpTMKW1TSTORAGEwLOME Mm auv4rw F THROUGH THE TIMBERS INTO TH TIMBERS INTO THE V'-1.5 X CW X H'~ 2. THE PROPERTY 0*4Qi/QYINER'S ASSOCIATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VAIITNNING THE PERMANENT WATER WALTY 20 0 10 2D 40 - 60 Xl DEVICE AND/ OR STQ INKIERI CONTROLS ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED MAIMTENANcE PLAN AND AS DREC70 BY THE S` NMTW Rl4 I i I IP-RAP AT OUTLET GROUND. EACH REBAR TO BE I,,u C F_I m 'a r - OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY MINIMUM OF 30" LONG. REBAR TO BE A V FOR GRASS - 1.33 FPS GOVERNMENTAL OFSIGC NANNB.URmic'nON FOR WATERSHED PROTEC710N.. LONG. CW = 10 1 THE 4XINTRACTOR MALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCUON MEETING HRTM THE GTY OF TORO Jim 7 - d50 = 121 THICKNESS = 2.0' A-TTr" 2 '6..0123 SF WA1NM310 ENGINEER WHEN 7W PERMANENT WET DET841MON POND SITE HAS BEEN CLEARED AND THE ~S m -4 f77 NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSUA CTOR TO ENSURE 114FRFFnRF H--nR7 FT_ POND HM W M FIVLD,sTA[m_ f IN FEET I a" u THAT EN TIRE TOP OF LEVEL IP OF LEVEL 4. THE COVEW4*NT OFFICE=HA%m JURISDICTION FOR TiASi D PROTECTION AND THEIR ASSIMS NAIL 1 inch = 20 ' ft (s 2t z C Srta nem xmm - ,uo-u, rw TOP ELEV. 828.2E SPREADER IS LEVEL IF NOT, T 40 amo r IN a ue 10 i WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. EVEL IF NOT, IT 0=CDA(J(29h)) RQiT OF ACCESS 10 1NE PERMANENT MET DEIENTON FOR IN$PEC71" AND MAINTENANCE 40 6• m,a Wns ` I I r p r ruu na r. nv« ~ 6" K 6" LANDSEAPE nwBERs ~ t ~+k ~ J x lenp~xt uaeua u.gwl , TIMBERS Q=o°D ~.6~st23x~2(U2)1.rFn) ENFORCEMENT. ; N0 nrr OONIRM EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. 7v - ~ r ffi T. ~ 10 wpm ipE ®16 SMAUM M air v ocom M17F1 US PLAN 001CA70 ENGINEERS. PLANNERS, SURVEYORS Q=Cw x L x H^ 131 ORAMAOE. OR E1~4AOA Dt$ DRtY! % 0.07=3.0 x L x .Q87 S 0~ 7th.- PET1N l1 M P111 1 3jL .~b~BQt 1.Q _ 2RCaAleo S.A ' 6' x 4 LEVEL c a „ t ' na>E ALL Pft a use m K WAmrntwT. SECTION THRU I RM`AND SPILLWAYS ,...yt P COt Ito N.UNMWI PIPE Ty TO Pia 00-36 1Y6 _ rte; Lnrow®= 10 FT. Mit1PER A 5 1 a ' wffr 111E W?N: '~1AIMAW 1~8W ~P Vy f5 23E ~ r 4 3 1 s w i `t r ~ r ~ ,r u £ v "d.y $ D s h yr..c: r s~. ~ M. _r v, ~ S t a ~ '•i' +F'~t - aR d'V=^xx ' ¢~~Sr ~ r x' F Tv° ~ 5 e ~~.wk.ae~' $ e5 zt•',.. 5..;,` COBLE FARMlI TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS N RD 2181 BA DN 3 FOUNDERS DR. FENWOOD PART{ SUBDMS[ON FENW60D PARR SUBDIVISION a9gPrES t~3) aom(P~ES a PIPE CHART r u f" DESIGN SfOPM=1DYR _ -...0 alp NORTHWOOD SUBDMSION 12 STOCKBRIDGE & v AREA Tm.. Q pEir) SLOPE C". NElBB '§LCPE dP. NOTE: 1 O IX. 6' DA. W R NE m N NO. (Acre) (Acre) CXI (C_F.6) (hdw) (QRS.) Ow I u®(%) (CF-S.) POLYETHYLENE FENCING TO BE PROVIDED AROUND (APPROXIMATE LOCATION QQ"YY EX TREES TO BE SAVED. SILT FENCING CAN BE I 4 d ,~y D X/~~ ym 13 MOA y s D.8 2569 PG. 774VAIN CVI/F:O R P.B. 41 PG. 13 i81CJNa rz r D.B DR. t 0.2 - 010 4.00 Q-9 15 1150 4.58 is 650 4.68 USED AS TREE PROTECTION WHERE TREE PROTECTION P.B. 41 PG 13 0407/ % 512711 E d/ P.I e % EX. USE: S SEX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY DENTIAL D.B. 2547 PG. 906 I '13 2 0.25+0.2 1145 400 2.15 0.60 /4.58 s 0.50 4.9FENCING AND SILT FENCING OVERLAP. L P.B. 21 PG. 73 LUC: 1 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL y Nic y4~ 4 A OR. x 3 0. .l5 1.O 1.90 6.58 15 110 8. 15 tt0 679 - 1 .33 03 4.9o 162 .60 4.58 is 0.50 4. NOTE: / r z y .e 7.31'59"E 1 305.06' b AP 75. 5 0-3�.33 0.69 4.00 3.17 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 459 ALL TREE PROTECTION DEVISES MUST BE INSTALLED 5 L-fl 6 (11+0.69 0.79 4.90 3.63 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 - NvoaANT 7 0..+117941./3 242 400 1173 18 175 n.a9 is 5 119 PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE. INCLUDING THE CUTTING APPRTAw m s i POST F47NCE ~ s -OLD OM TMs' SAN. MH- 8 0.4.9+1. 292 4.00 13.25 to tW ia32 tB 1.00 iaa2 OF ANY TREES. A PENALTY OF $500 PER DAY FOR maw. AS A 42 FAILURE TO INSTALL APPROVED TREE PROTECTION s 4 ~ .1'RpCRTY LINE 8 0.23 023 4.60 1. 15 D 60 1 4. t5 0.50 1.58 MEASURES MAY APPLY. m O wVALUM, Pm' y 10 O~ 10 0.1+0.23 0.33 460 1.52 15 0.80 58 15 0. 458 w< YY K IWALLED ALONG, KING Lm GEORGE 11 0.25 0.25 4B0 1. 15 0.50 4.58 1 0.50 4.58 NOTE: - ' U 12 0.04+0.25+0.33 0.62 4.00 2.86 15 0.50 4.52 15 0.50 4.58 - i CT. F-fy RIP RAP PAS FENCE Ei ~ e to 0.31+0.62+2.88 ae1 4.00 17,53 18 250 17.62 is 2.80 17.2 CONTACT THE URBAN FORESTER AT 373-2150 TO SET NIB, Olt UP A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO LAND UTNM ~fimrt w Rm L• 1.30 I . 14 0.31 131 1.90 1.13 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.53 CDOM OF II, ROBLM 15 0.1E+0.31 0.49 4.80 225 15 0.50 452 15 0.50 4.56 DISTURBANCE UlYeB AID A TM 4 ~t,; P 16 030+0.4943.1 4.60 4.00 21.16 18 4.10 21.32 18 4.10 2132 - TREE PROTECTION FENCING CAN AND SHOULD BE drO.75' 1n 1 LOSE fop 17 0.154, 415 4.60 -2TW- 18 4.10 2209 18 440 2209 INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION / - crass I 0'R KE ~ / 18 0.26 0.26 4. 1. 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 MEETING D.B. 2844 P 98 I pwr, 0~9 A~ fy~ ~ LJ• pAtA 19 0.1840.26 0.42 460 1.93 15 0.50 4.66 15 050 4.58 2 B. 47 PG. - TREE PROTECTION FENCING IS TO BE INSTALLED Ph 20 0.48 0.48 4.61) 2.21 15 0.50 458 15 0.50 4.58 ALL TREE CONSERVATION AREAS 1 A U RESIDEN , NO ON AREP =s NORTH w' W 21 0.30+0.48 0.78 4.90 3.59 7s 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 N/F. MCLEAN 1 22 O NO. 7. 30 - NO GRADING IS TO OCCUR IN THE TREE COIRVATTON \ 423 1.60 5.98 15 0.90 6.14 15 0.90 6.11 D.B. 3312. PG. 58 AREAS OR TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES B \ ~n O 23 0.21 .21 460 0. 15 0.60 4.58 15 0.50 458 - / B. 47 PG. ''H II 24 0.1+0.21+1,30 1.61 46D 741 15 140 7.68 15 1-40 766 E USE: SINGLE ' , •E FA Y RESIDENTIAL ~H 4 25 035 0.35 4.00 1.81 15 0.50 4.58 15 __0TRi_ 1.59 REQUIRED TREE CONSERVATION AREA: 22,089;d.F. N/F: REUTER C 1 iii 0.1+0.35+1.61 200 /.W 948 1.5 2.37 9.61 5 2.20 9.67 ACTUAL TREE CONSERVATION PROVIDED: 3B S F, $ Q .1' 83.88 2 StW~ V mg Asyn a4TA: 27 0.30 0.30 4.60 1.36 15 0.50 4.58 5 0.50 4.58 D.B. 3880 PG. 458 4L\ P.B. 47 PG. 58 Q6 _ 25 07040. 0. 4.60 230 15 0.50 458 15 0.50 4.58 EX. USE: SINGLE \ WALL ' / O yNNt I ~ MfIIE9?5A#9.• 1617EX!9", M3w, dW 4 wOOp cENCE AND04GE JXaFE. Sr 006420»0.00 261 4.00 12A 78 1.10 1216 18 110 1216 \P FAMILY RESIDENTIA66 - "x'w O k t X / aSrAMLr 70 aOnWr t2L'b17 fE .1242.64 2 4.60 1270 N 1.50 1290 18 1.50 1290 / G~ J00: O \ LUC: t &Ar UPM AREA P1POpariSt• AA9 AQWN 31 0.20 0.20 460 092 0.50 4.58 75 0.50 4.58 VA ` 32 0.25+276+0.20 a27 4.60 14.77 18 zoo 1489 18 200 1489 FA'N' S4. - r 33 0.05+4.75+3,21 601 4.00 3815 24 265 3.92 24 265 3692 TIE SNEAM BLVVM NIIORIR FOE ESE NOT A ION' N/F: GREEN 0 % Ale IEIy9ON, 11E MAYT R D.B. 3811 PG. 1 OOOTY ER Fa , ' - AV7E• A P!''1PAfV1FM N£f QE7E7M7/CW fL'MD MU ar BI:fLT R7 34 016 026 4.60 170 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4,52 OEAR M AS HNN OBO1Y N lHE P.B 47 PG. 58 o Bum NYE a C W WM A/F AT#oVcF nMV.4U?W PMVSM BIACT-UFav A; 35 0.38 0.38 4.60 1.75 75 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4,59 ALL THE 1419235 O 6 1 00 EX. USE. SINGLE FENCE 4. f"m N/F: HEFFERON AREAS Ow 7w 97E AAA w or 6mT ~ A1i4 (mW 36 0.0740.35 0.45 450 207. 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 MM iK grA1E *M FOR ~Ap DmURSA z AND FAMILY RESIDENTIA 11 ' 37 023 0.23 4.60 1.06 15 0.50 4.58 15 0.50 4.58 SWAY D.B. 5234 PG. 1537 ALLOMW OV 7hff ,p7F DW 7D AV AMW G40A07Y Or ? 3.45 ACRES P.B. 22 PG. 71 7hE PaW - 4.W ACAFS U LUC: 1 1Af~ " 1 - 38 0.31+0.23 0,54 4.00 248 15 050 458 15 0.50 4.58 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY R ESIDENTIA 39 013 0.43 4.80 1.96 I 0.50 4.58 15 050 468 N/F: ODEVEN /4.5'CIAIR ' r j 40 .0240.(H0.~N0 1,44 4.00 6.62 15 1.10 679 15 t.1o 6.79 / / D.B \ / ~ + I NOT 41 0.11 0.11 4.00 Obi 15 0.50 458 1.5 0.50 /.58 / D.B. 2762 PG. 85 xx P.B. 47 PG. 58 ENCROACH V ~ ow/ LUC: 1 42 0.72+0.11+144 1.67 4.60 7.68 15 1.40 7.66 15 1.40 166 \ EX. USE: SINGLE 43 0.1210.28+1.67 205 4.00 9.43 18 0.00 9.99 18 0.90 993 Ex HYDRANT CO FAMILY RESIDENTI~P ~9 1f ~I +av- yr~ NAI~ / OR ~ I SS ~j 1 STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE 44 25.91 25.67 1171 98.00 4200 0.90 9600 42 090 9600 APPROXIMATELY 6 LUC: 1 r r Y - 45 83.0 8300 3.71 3X142 86.00 7.00 31D42. 66 100 310.42 21 O ~E SAN ~H. o +4 1 ~ A I~ ~j L FROM NSF. IKERD V A ft ~Op PG. 730 <<8 o • ,F~pON / ~ q~ ~ / / / tO TOP: 830.70 INV: 826.50-15" RCP-(N) INV: 826.45-18" RCP-(SW) PIPE /48 WAS SIZED USING THE BASIN LAG-TIME METHOD ~ PD.B.B.. 47 2663 PG. 58 p AS FOUND IN THE CITY OF GRff14STKIRO STORM SEWER Q t - - /S ~Y '•yne~ / O2 TOP: 830.69 INV: 825.74-18" RCP-(NE) INV: 825.49-24' RCP-(SE) .00 1 axLDING < TOP: 831.52 INV: 825.09-24' RCP-(NW) INV'. 823.82-42" RCP-(E) DESIGN MANUAL CALCULATIONS FOR THIS PIPE HAVE BEEN C EX. USE: SINGLE_ s NL ~r° c04 SUBWTIm SEPARATELY TO CHICK !>SBORiE IN THE STORM FAMILY RESIDE 0 .f o~ UOe~J i / INV. 823.32-42" RCP-(W) SEWER DEPARTMENT. RESULTS ARE AS SUMMARIZED BELOW: A(~~Q~~'" 1y 1 UC: BARB WIRE A-448 ACRES FENCE ENCROACHES \ £ ''~^t~~ , c s / / / < 24' RCP tNV: 832.80-(E) INV. 832.03-(W) O P+QO OGy.,"'~ Q-1748 CFS THIS FLOW NKI REWIRE DOUBLE 9'X9' BOX CULVERTS 1111 Ar~i~ vINANOr 3FENCE - DOES Pay < 42" CMP INV. 843.91-(N) INV: 840.57-(S) ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE IS TO M 42" RCP A HEADWALL INV: 835.18-(NE) 1 V ®AA BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE(R.C.P.) MOMEM MnnwaY QS T r~o~x e i a R OF N &I NOAT116 ~1~t wa6nT ~ ' • 1 a r y TOP: 838.71 CENTER LINE INV: 833.01-48" RCP gMRIi 6 ~ ~ i ' ` ~ ~ TIE roa Ap,~ 7q v` I ® \ O TOP: 835.26 CENTER LINE INV: 827.46-48" RCP i r ~ P.B. 47 PG. 58 ~ 4' ~ FENCE DOES NOT ENCROACH * r 78" RCA A RIP RAP INV: 848.71 V r L~ 6,~ \ ! r l P \ / 0 y r r ~i p1 V / SS N/F. PETERSON {P' 114. o0op D.13, 2763 PG. 339 G P.B. 47 PG, 58 A r / TOP: 853.78 CENTER LINE INV. 849.76-18" RCP-(SE) EX. LAKE • EX. FAMI~RESIDENT141L r R SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TABLE T N/F: C08LE /1 - A' D.B. 4965 PG. 1477 V TOP: 864.29 IN V. 850.07-(NL) INV: 850.02-(SW) P.B. L22 E PG. 71 FAMILY RESIDE EX. USE: SINGLE ® TOP: 862.07 IN V,. 847.93-(NE) INV. 847.87-(S) r '~M \ LUC. 1 ® TOP: 843.06 INV: 836.66-(N) INV: 834.71-(SW) r1 • wOOD ~1O Q TOP: &35.99 INV.- 828.09-(NE) INV: 850.02-(SW) T . scat DEDWA D TO lR0V= 10 P4 4 "S FIAT AT 4Gtw11 OF y A \ ' R N/F: ARNOLD ® TOP: 825.52 INV- 818.52-(SE) INV.- 818.82-(W) D.B. 2754 PG. 670 RETAN qF No, \ UPON j - 4 ry9~ P.B. 22 PG. 71 \ ® TOP: 825.58 INV: 818.15-(E) IN V. 817.33-(S) o'' 1 +r ^~5 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INV: 819.20-(W) INV: 817.28-(N) . r M A Sk LUC: 1 ~0 © TOP: 824.18 INV: 816.03-(S) INV. 815.88-(N) ® TOP: 858.50 INV: 851.2-(E) INV: 852.07-(W) \ - / LEmm . ® TOP: 854.49 INV: 746.74-(NE) INV. 746.71-(tl) / t \ G~ o - EXMTDG AOI PIPE v • ®E58t°~ - NEW mm PrE TOP: 851.73 BJV: 846.03-(E) INV: 845.98-(W) r DAM - aE'~°ir sir ~N i / - UTIL.TTY PO.E A 5 / \ BARE WRE \ \ _ ( x - t L FENCE ENCROACH ES A1~6 ~l R 2 's;l 4 4 i v 'oel FENCE ENCROACHES 10 T o - ~A' SAL V0 ° A o - F)>NERIP'TID MARKER B If y \ N/F: ADAMS 1 m - WAY 1~lE - RUM OF D.B. 4190 PG. 2055 P3 - PLAT MW 68 9 PG. 65 P.B. 22 PG. 71 PG - PAGE s+i+ FENCE ENCROACHES USE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL A - FIE'AOI~Tx IM LEGEND: LUC: 1 RCP - REDFORM CONCRETE i / ~ - - MANHOLE O TDG FwE INYORIINNr EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE SHIMM mmm 0 - MIL Am N.C.G.S. NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY WATER METER R/W RIGHT OF WAY DRAILROA TIES + ~ ~ r + ~ ~ ~ / CONSWATIDN (TwAx) 11 _ _ GUY vw DB DEED BOOK / N/F: SCHETTINO LEGEND - WOOD RAIL FIONCE' PB PLAT BOOK PG PAGE D.B. 3412 PG. 1697 EX. EXISTING - P.B. 22 PG. 71 EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PIN BLDG. BUILDING NSF PRENZLAU ~a~~~ , . + y , : 4' D.B: 3685 PG. 753 c - EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Q A REBAR PROP. PROPOSED P.8 49 PG. 5 \ \ N EX USE: SINGLE FAMiLYRDENTIAL aft NEW prg,taY IF LUC: 1 4 p >fl I ; ` A STONE D.M.U.E. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE & UTILITY EASEMENT LUC: 1 UTILITY POLE FENCE ENCROACHES \ 11824.5 Art\ k • LIa1aRl. I N 7URE o y+ ` ® SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT Dl.W AREA s 16.87 AC. ' S } SANITARY MANHOLE WATMMW & SM" DR"AGB PL" ~ SO a EL HYDRANT G 6 0 [e25.1 y - l S ' z WATER METER COBLE FA" H APPROXIMATELY 170 GREiae+ LANE A \ 1 _ / r IM AREA MAY M* IMM AREA I MAY K UM At POII1Mtr A > FROM THIS Ex. SAN. M i, 825. 2 NIM pp Z 1 BORE HOLE PQRTRAIT 803 COMYI8UCTION CO. Of map mit gtAp10 0- o6 N/F: FISHER YARD INLET 4411 W. MARI&r . , SUM 100 'Y /r7q Q " D.B. 4826 PG. 253 • GATE POST GX9UfS 0R0, NC 274M NiGLLFO At lpNl I P.B. 22 PG. 71 im ~WrVAWL w EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL © GAS VALVE 905 rRFTCI'l£N L~& GREENSWRO wa.E LUC: 1 CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 44 wTM AC l1Otp~l +`D$j~ F~iPoIiiioto N F; CAMPBELL w ilprtwT SS MANHOLE NOT Hat: FENCp OEM AS A TeFDYET RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPERE7'l£AO 7OIILNWP - GUILFORD COUNTY - NORTH G4ROl1AN SCALE 10- 60' JUNE 10, 2002 D B 518 P, G. 1056 c a'Q~~ uvW 00PIE110N OF FOUND SHOWN PER Os.W 4;. P.B. 49 PG. - RIP RAP EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RE&5ET! Ao AIRI"An mm OF a7E• - CITY OF G50 ATLAS /INS SID TIAL ,,y `0 . • Cc '$r0 ®1OIT 70 e[VABb~RO Mol roeiTD - TREE ROW GRAPHIC SCALE LUC1 111 A`' _ c ti c~i ORIGINAL OESM `0AN2 NE=W. ` •+4ti2tO0iy \ Sys 4 + A 1'-UPON u EROSION CONTROL LEGEND 38 LINE LEGEND N° 120 N° a _ y \ MMN AAS 30' BUFFER.~`j. \ - P.B. 103 PG. 29 91LT FEiICE \ \ N/F: ZIMMERMAN WATER LINE W W . '4 1111 A76D TO THE CITY Y^0 1 EX. USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SS SS ( IN PEST ) \ D.B. 4470 PG. 1341 OVERHEAD POWER P P 1 inch = 80 TL 1 i W \ MENDS/ HOMES, INC SBORO AND THE . W \ EX. USE: 'GROUP HOUSING ® iEMP. SEDIMENT PIT 1 T PUBLIC FOR DRNNA XWAY AND Yq P.B. 23 PG. 70 RIGHT-OF-WAY - - ~Rp LUC: 1 FFNCF STOCKADE (7 f t nPFH WAGE. \ I1C. 7 J _ FENCE CHAIN LINK EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. \ 7W. DIVERSION BERM FENCE BARB WIRE -x-x-x-x-x-x-x- OHM ENMApifiS P9. 100 PG. 29 FRIENDS HOMES, INC. asnem AREA sniBm ~ATE CREEK ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS E%. USE: GROUP HOUSING 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE STORM SEWER $D SD DII~I M 6R Q N.C. $740 DOES NOT ENCROACH TREE LINE plom ma)@"-m7 PAX (W)054-0" I N/F: STONd LUC: 2 \ L.+ wLET PRowcT N r) R Al 1% Pr' 39 P.B. 23 PG. 70 PRIL, 940-36 sw 7UPaBWG ) t L} 0 WArFA? r Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality July 2, 2002 DWQ # 02-1020 Guilford County CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Portrait Homes Construction Company 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27407 To Whom It May Concern: On June 26, 2002 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) was notified by receipt of your application regarding your plan to fill wetlands for the purpose of a 51 unit town house project in Guilford County. Approval from DWQ is required to disturb these areas. Please provide 7 copies of the following information and refer to the DWQ # listed above in your reply. In particular as described in 15A NCAC 2B .0502, we will require you to locate all streams and ponds on the property. Please show these on maps of suitable scale (for instance 1" = 100 feet) so we can begin to determine your projects' compliance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500. Please telephone me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions or would require copies of our rules or procedural materials. This project will remain on hold as incomplete in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0505(c). The processing time for this application will begin when this information is received. If we do not hear from you by writing within three (3) weeks we will assume you no longer want to pursue the project and will consider it withdrawn. Sincerely, cc: Winston-Salem DWQ Regional Office Raleigh Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy John Dorney Water Quality Certification Program SO% ,,I-LEa - -aruana Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Certification Unit Ma': Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) Ph: (ilrabtree Blvo., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 7'-21-1786, Fax: (919) 733-6893, http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ ?kc , re1?. -Gv -42- Ay\ -,,k GV 14v 4Stn he CcU+'^^T cn U? Sfi^eao vvk?; "\ H(I Oll daL- ,rC? S7 W'II Yn o,- .--- cfv\? 5? . I' WOO ?,a? rya 11"? ?" ? J?O' O?O?WAT?9pG r o ? Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality December 19, 2002 Portrait Homes Construction Company 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject: Stormwater Pond Coble Farms Guilford County, NC DWQ# 021020 Dear Madame or Sir: This Office is in receipt of the plans dated November 12, 2002 for the stormwater management pond at the subject facility prepared on your behalf by Evans Engineering and submitted to the Division on December 17, 2002. Staff from the Wetlands Unit reviewed the plans and found them acceptable. Please note that this approval is for water quality purposes only and shall not be construed as an approval of the design for dam/outlet structure integrity, Dam Safety, public safety, or flood attenuation purposes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (919) 733-9584. J r1ands y nit SupervIS r cc: Mr. Todd St. John, Wetlands Winston-S alem Regional Office Anthony Lester, PE, Evans Engineering, 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 File V_ Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, e Center, Raleigh, 1650 (Mailing Address) •d., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) ne), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Memorandum To: From: Subject: December 19, 2002 John Dorney Todd St. John Coble Farms Guilford County DWQ# 021020 I reviewed the subject stormwater management plans. They appear to meet the WQC condition. I recommend that they be approved. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Project Name: Coble Project No. DWQ 021020 SUBMITTED DESIGN: REQUIRED DESIGN: elevations #VALUE! average depth status Bottom of Basin (ft) 825 Permanent Pool (ft) 830 5 ft. depth ok Temporary Pool (ft) 831.75 1.75 ft. depth ok areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 8702 8686 sq. ft. ok Drainage Area (ac) 10 Impervious Area (ac) 4.8 48.0% - volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) Temporary Pool (cu ft) 18017 17497 cu. ft. ok Forebay (cu ft) #VALUE! % #VALUE! other parameters SA/DA 0 1.99 - Orifice Diameter (in) 1.5 0.06 cfs drawdown - Design Rainfall (in) 1 3.8 day drawdown ok Linear Interpolation of Correct SAIDA *** % Im ervious Next Lowest 40 Project Impervious 48.0 Next Highest 50 5 ft. Permanent Pool Depth SA/DA from Table 1.73 1.99 .2.06 EVANSENGINEERING, INC. December 13, 2002 ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS SINCE 1974 Mr. Todd St. John NCDWQ 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 2321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County Dear Mr. St. John: rOuc 720 z Please find attached the revised watershed and erosion control plan detailing the revised disturbed area line per our meeting Friday. I apologize for this oversight originally. The amount of stream disturbance is no greaterthan what was originally permitted with our401 Permit. I have also sent along prints of the pond plan in case you need them. Thank you for your help in this matter and if any additional information is needed, please call. Sincerely, Anthony D. Le , P. E. EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. Attachments cc: Chuck Wagoner, Portrait Homes Construction Co. 840-371adl Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, NC 27404 OSAT ?9QG r Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject: Dear Mr. Lester: November 19, 2002 Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: Permanent Water Quality Pool, Temporary Water Quality Pool The required surface area of the permanent pool is based on the permanent pool surface area to drainage area ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths. Average permanent water quality pool depths (as opposed to maximum) should be used to determine permanent pool surface area. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and surface area of the permanent pool to show this has been met. 2. Design Storm The Division review process utilizes the Simple Method for determining the 1 inch storm volume to be controlled. This method is outlined in NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and temporary pool volume to show this has been met. 3.. Changes of Approved Impacts The disturbed limits in the most recent set of plans still appear to indicate that there will be impacts to streams beyond those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2002. It is recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to review the plans. Otherwise the plans must be revised so that the disturbed limits no longer include the streams in areas not approved for impacts. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those approved would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the stormwater management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/. Sincerely, Todd St. ' John, PE Environmental Engineer cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/ I vjj- ) ?)c ?? see -f ?j G F. ` ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. SINCE 1974 November 26, 2002 Mr. Todd St. John NCDWQ 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 2321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County Dear Mr. St. John: CEC - '2 This letter is being written in response to your comment letter dated 11/19/2002 which I have attached for reference. The information asked for in items #1 and #2 was previously provided on the last submittal. I have resubmitted the previously submitted drawing with these calculations highlighted. In regards to item #3, 1 have spoken with Cyndi Karoly and provided her with a copy of the approved Erosion Control Plan from the City of Greensboro. She informed me that she would contact you to resolve this matter. Time is of critical importance on this project. Please review and approve as quickly as possible. Especially, since the requested information was provided on the previous submittal. Sincerely, Anthony D. L er, P. E. EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. Attachments cc: Chuck Wagoner, Portrait Homes Construction Co. 840-37/adl Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, NC 27404 F `NATF \O?? RQG Michael F. Easley Governor Co 7 William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Dear Mr. Lester: November 19, 2002 Subject: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: 1. Permanent Water Quality Pool, Temporary Water Quality Pool The required surface area of the permanent pool is based on the permanent pool surface area to drainage area ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths. Average permanent water quality pool depths (as opposed. to maximum) should be used to determine permanent pool surface area. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and surface area of the permanent pool to show this has been met. 2. Design Storm The Division review process utilizes the Simple Method for determining the 1 inch storm volume to be controlled. This method is outlined in NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and temporary pool volume to show this has been met. 3. Changes of Approved Impacts The disturbed limits in the most recent set of plans still appear to indicate that there will be impacts to streams beyond those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2002. It is recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to review the plans. Otherwise the plans, must be revised so that the disturbed limits no longer include the streams in areas not approved for impacts. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those approved would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the stormwater management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/. Sincerely, Todd St. John, PE x Environmental Engineer { cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office E 290 F ile ( , yy ------------------- North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ ?ar ?, EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. November 20, 2002 Ms. Cyndi Karoly N. C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 Re: DWQ Project No. 021020 Coble Farm II Guilford County Dear Cyndi: W22 Please find attached a copy of the City of Greensboro Erosion Control approval signature block. I have also enclosed the approved watershed and storm drainage plan for this job. The amount of stream disturbance is the same as was permitted in our 401 Permit. The City of Greensboro Inspector originally rejected our rip rap design. He felt that the rip rap redesign would require a longer stream disturbance thus necessitating a revised 401 Permit. However, we were able to design rip rap plunge pools at the outlets of our pipes and remain within the allowed disturbance. If you have any questions, please call. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Sincerely, Anthony D. er, P. E. C EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. ADUlws 840-37/adl ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS SINCE 1974 Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, NC 27404 <4 TOP: 835.99 INV: 828.09-(NE) INV: S5U.U1-(5w) 3 \ ® TOP: 825.52 INV. 818.52-(SE) INV: 818.82-(W) \ TOP: 825.58 INV: 818.15-(E) INV.- 817.33-(S) INV- 819.20-(W) INV.- 817.28-(N) Q TOP: 824.18 INV: 816.03-(S) INV: 815.88-(N) r ® TOP: 858.50 INV: 851.2-(E) INV: 852.07-(W) ® TOP: 854.49 r, A INV. 746.74-(NE) INV. 746.71-(W) 7ID r sT?D?PIPE ® TOP: 851.73 INV: 846.03-(E) INV: 845.98-(W NEW - EXISTING CITE - COMPUTED Paw - UTILITY POLE - OVERHEAD UTnlTY - TELEPHONE PEDESTAL Q- - FIBEROPTIC MARKER ' WAY HT °? #? - RIG O DEED DEM ?°aaaaare?,oei?e PLAT BOX - PAGE - FIBEROPTIC BOX LEGEND: REIrFTIRCED CONCRETE PIP LE H E MAN O - EXIsTM FIRE HYDRANT EIP EXISTING IR _ MAIL BOX N. C.G.S. NORTH CARD INA eT?VE - WATER METER R/W RIGHT OF W Y E D DEED BOOK SOIL - GUY WIDE DB PB PLAT BOOK - WOOD RAIL FENCE PG PAGE ROVEa L EX. EXISTING APP, BLDG. BUILDING ?? fir/p y DAT PROP. PROPOSED D.M.U.E. DRAINAGE ITY EASEMENT DISTURBED AREA = 16.87 AC. WATERSIM & STORM DRAINAGE PLAN COBLE FARM H FOR PORTRAIT HOMES CONSTRUCTION CO. 4411 W. MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 905 GRETCHEN LANE, GREENSBORO MOREHE4D TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY -- NORTH CAROLINA SCALE l-- 60' JUNE 10, 2002 GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 240 W s s ( IN FEET ) P i inch = 60 ft. . EVANS .-,ENGINEERING, '. INC ., -X -X-X-X- - + ENGINEERS, :PLANNERS, SLTRYEYORS SD 4809 DUNDiA$:°-D?tNB AMNMRO C ..aT?07. PHONL: (398854=a9877 FeX. (39??864-88?6 ?x =? WG _: PR11J, 840-?35 ' IIirlt 'I-ICIPW o?0F WA TF9QG Michael F. Go T William G. Ross, Jr., Seci 0) y Department of Environment and Natural Resou Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Direc Division of Water Qual Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Dear Mr. Lester: November 19, 2002 Subject: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: 1. Permanent Water Quality Pool, Temporary Water Quality Pool The required surface area of the permanent pool is based on the permanent pool surface area to drainage area ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of imperious cover and basin depths. Average permanent water quality pool depths (as opposed to maximum) should be used to determine permanent pool surface area. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and surface area of the permanent pool to show this has been met. 2. Design Storm The Division review process utilizes the Simple Method for determining the 1 inch storm volume to be controlled. This method is outlined in NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please provide the calculations and temporary pool volume to show this has been met. 3. Changes of Approved Impacts The disturbed limits in the most recent set of plans still appear to indicate that there will be impacts to streams beyond those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2002. It is recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to review the plans. Otherwise the plans must be revised so that the disturbed limits no longer include the streams in areas not approved for impacts. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those approved would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the stormwater management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at hftp://h2o.eh n r.state. nc. us/ncwetlands/. Sincerely, Todd St. ' hn, PE Environmental Engineer cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), hftp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ nF, EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. November 12, 2002 SURVEYOR SINCE 1974 Mr. Todd St. John NCDWQ 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 2321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County Dear Mr. St. John: Please find attached the revised pond plan for this project. - comments 1 thru 3 as stated in your letter dated 10/29/2002. As to item no. 4, there are no additional impacts being shown than what was prev' permitted. If in your review you have determined that there is any additional impact, p notify me so I can revise accordingly. But to date, no one can specifically tell me these additional impacts are. I have placed a call to Ms. Karoly per your recommenc and am trying to resolve this very frustrating item as quickly as possible. If any additional information is needed, please call. Sincerely, 4. 6kAW Z4 Anthony D. er, P. E. EVANS ENGINEERING, A&?? I NC. Attachments cc: Chuck Wagoner, Portrait Homes Construction Co. Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, O?0 W ATFRQG >_ y O ? Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Dear Mr. Lester: October 29, 2002 Michael F Go. William G. Ross, Jr., Secre Department of Environment and Natural Resoui Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Dire Division of Water Qu, Subject: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that add information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: 1. Permanent Water Quality Pool, Temporary Water Quality Pool The required surface area of the permanent pool is based on the permanent.pool surface area to drainage ar( ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths. Averageapermanent water quality pool di (as opposed to maximum) should be used to determine permanent pool surface area.'. As such, the proposed surface area is too small. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. 2. Design Storm The Division review process utilizes the Simple Method for determining the 1 inch storm volume to be control This method is outlined in NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. The tempo pool volume proposed appears to be too small. 3. Vegetative Shelf Please provide a vegetative shelf per the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1 4. Changes of Approved Impacts The disturbed are limits in the most recent set of plans still appear to indicate that impacts to streams may proposed other than those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2( recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to the plans. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those a would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the storrr management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919' 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and oth documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http;Uh2o.eh nr.state. nc. usncwetlands/. cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office File Sir o J Todd St. Joh , PE Environmental Engineer North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), hftp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/ eCF I NAT F Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject: Dear Mr. Lester: October 29, 2002 Coble Farm II DWQ.Project No. 021020 Guilford County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: Permanent Water Quality Pool, Temporary Water Quality Pool The required surface area of the permanent pool is based on the permanent pool surface area to drainage area ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths. Average permanent water quality pool depths (as opposed to maximum) should be used to determine permanent pool surface area. As such, the proposed surface area is too small. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. 2. Design Storm The Division review process utilizes the Simple Method for determining the 1 inch storm volume to be controlled. This method is outlined in NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. The temporary pool volume proposed appears to be too small. 3. Vegetative Shelf Please provide a vegetative shelf per the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. 4. Changes of Approved Impacts The disturbed are limits in the most recent set of plans still appear to indicate that impacts to streams may be proposed other than those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2002. It is recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to review the plans. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those approved would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the stormwater management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at hftp://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/. SIr J Todd St. Joh , PE Environmental Engineer cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Project Name: Coble Project No. DWQ 021020 SUBMITTED DESIGN. REQUIRED DESIGN: elevations 2.9 average depth status Bottom of Basin (ft) 825 Permanent Pool (ft) 830 5 ft. depth ok Temporary Pool (ft) 831.5 1.5 ft. depth ok areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 6013 8686 sq. ft. check surfai Drainage Area (ac) 10 Impervious Area (ac) 4.8 48.0% - volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) 17544 Temporary Pool (cu ft) 10777 17497 cu. ft. check tempc Forebay (cu ft) 4664 26.6% check forebc other parameters SA/DA 0 1.99 - Orifice Diameter (in) 1.5 0.05 cfs drawdown - Design Rainfall (in) 1 2.4 day drawdowp ok Linear Interpolation of Correct SAIDA"* 5 ft. Permanent Pool Depth % Impervious SA/DA from Table Next Lowest 40 1.73 Project Impervious 48.0 1.99 Next Highest 50 2.06 ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS SINCE 1974 October 9, 2002 Mr. Todd St. John, P. E. NC DWQ, Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 Re: Additional Information Per DWQ Permit No. 021020 Dear Todd: 610 OCT 2.1 i s 4V Ell!" CTION Please find attached the requested extended wet detention basin worksheet, the executed operation and maintenance agreement and another set of plans. In regard to additional impacts, there are no impacts greater than what has been previously approved as part of DWQ permit no. 021020. The City of Greensboro was not satisfied originally with our rip rap pad design at the outlets of the box culvert and the 66" RCP and as a result they felt the revised design may include more impacts than originally permitted. However, we have revised our rip rap design and remained within the original impact area permitted. The City of Greensboro has subsequently approved this design and issued the grading permit (I can provide a copy of this approval if desired). Therefore, there are no additional impacts. If additional information is required, please call. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Anthony D. L er, P. E. EVANS ENGINEERING, INC. Sincerely, J ADL/Iws cc: Paul Holst, Portrait Homes 805-37/adl Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, NC 27404 Project No. DWQ 021020 (to be provided by DWQ) DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 WET DETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin worksheet for each basin, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : 60&X EAAM X Contact Person: ITHO&V A srf/L. Phone Number: (336 ) 6XV - B8 77 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Basin Bottom Elevation P27-s' . D ft. (average elevation of the floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 11:330-0 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 631,S ft. (elevatioq of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area 60/3 sq. ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area 1 0.O ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area Y* AO ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume 1759 y cu. ft. /0777 cu. ft. X166 !f cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used Diameter of Orifice • 0 °le in (surface area to drainage area ratio) (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. Applicants Initials -ADS The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch storm event. ADL The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. Aw- The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. Ss* /VoTS A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf at less than 6:1 is provided. AOL Vegetation to the permanent pool elevation is specified. AM, An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. ADL The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (req ired minimum of 3 feet). .AO L The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. A1 2z- The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the to basin volume. COL Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. A O L, Access is provided for maintenance. A minimum 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet. /1L A site specific operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is provid d. AhL- A vegetation management/mowing schedule is provided in the O M plan. -Semi-annual inspections are specified in the O&M plan. A debris check is specified in the O&M plan to be performed of r every storm event> A specific sediment clean-out benchmark is listed (elevation or depth) in O&M plan. AeL A responsible party is designated in the O&M plan, FORM SWG100 09/97 Page 1 of 1 NbTC: ImAL 5TvAmW'mr-A At:oat4*MsNrs Dln /Nor 4C%?(A1Qf This 51YE F..?r !s ?° Qx1Q. t "fAhMN?vAob, Tn,l T 77A9 P14AleSt OF Tff?s R Wjj Is ?l wrnGv ?AI?D Th* /,VFXrMM TH a< WET [WETLAND] DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT [Wetland maintenance wording is bracketed. Please modify the document as appropriate.] The wet [wetland] detention basin system is defined as the wet [wetland] detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet [wetland] detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet [wetland] detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet [wetland] detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads -3 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. [For stormwater wetlands: If the elevation of the marsh areas exceed the permanent pool elevation, the sediment should be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then the marsh area shall be excavated six inches below design elevations. Afterwards the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil should not be stockpiled for more than two weeks.] When the permanent pool depth reads 3- feet in the forebay [and micro-pool], the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation Sediment moval El. 75% -------------- -Y5 ______Sediment Removal Elevation $27.0 _ 75% - - - - - - -- ------- Bottom E vation 829.o % FOREBAY MAIN POND Page 1 of 2 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. [For wetlands: Wetland planting densities in the marsh areas should be maintained by replanting bare areas as needed. Wetland plants should be encouraged to grow in the marsh areas.] 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet [wetland] detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. 8. Level spreaders or other structures that provide diffuse flow shall be maintained every six months. All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as necessary. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: P /1 IJ c, lam( O t.,S Title: C-qt. m C2. Address: 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101, Greensboro, NC 27407 Phone Signati Date: / o. i o. o v Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. n• I, AQan 1Ca p lia n k in 5 -,a Notary Public for the State County ofli". , hd , do hereby certify that Pu v JA. M I st personally appeared before me this /D day of and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, • OFFICIAL SEAL Notary Public, North Carolina COUNTY OF GUILFORD ADONICA P. RANKINS My Commission Expires Augur 19, 2003 .d44.-.-r4;C: SEAL My commission expires 192 N4003. Page 2 of 2 POND INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR THE PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND AT COBLE FARM II JULY 1, 2002 afl fl0®o._ Mill 840-36/adl Maintenance Requirements The City's water-supply watershed (Ch 30) ordinance and the 1999 stormwater management (Ch 27) ordinance require this Permanent Wet Detention Pond which is constructed to meet these requirements must be maintained by the property owner or owner's association. This Permanent Wet Detention Pond must be maintained to continue to function to meet the regulations it was designed for. The City has the authority to inspect this Permanent Wet Detention Pond periodically and require the Permanent Wet Detention Pond owner to perform maintenance activities, when necessary. The City, as required by the State, will conduct periodic inspections of this implement for water-supply watershed protection. The City will advise the owner of recommended and required maintenance actions needed to maintain this Permanent Wet Detention Pond functionally. General Maintenance Guidelines Dam Safety Preserving the structural integrity of the dam of this pond is important in protecting downstream life and property. There are at least four aspects of the dam that require specific attention: (1) assessment of hazard potential due to changes in downstream development; (2) seepage; (3) dam material problems; and (4) vegetation growth on the dam embankments. Seepage The downstream side of the dam should be inspected regularly for evidence of significant seepage. Seepage can emerge anywhere below the normal pool elevation, including the downstream slope of earth dams, areas beyond the toe of the dam, and around the spillway or pond outlet conduit. Indications of significant seepage include areas where the soil is saturated or where there is a flowing "spring" or leak. If "sinkholes" in the dam embankment are noticed, or if constant flowing water is noticed on the downstream side of the dam, then seepage has become excessive and professional engineering advice should be sought immediately to avert a major structural problem or a catastrophic failure of the dam. Dam Material Problems For earth dams, pronounced cracks on the embankment surface indicate the first stages of potential dam failure. Transverse cracks (running perpendicularto the embankment face) generally indicating differential settlement of the dam, can provide pathways for excessive seepage. Longitudinal cracks (running parallel to the embankment face) may be due to inadequate compaction of the dam during construction or shrinkage of the clay (desiccation) in the top of the embankment during prolonged dry condition. These cracks may eventually lead to slope failure such as sliding or sloughing. If such problems or other structural problems are observed, professional engineering advice should be sought. 840-36/adl Vegetation Growth Trees and other woody vegetation are not permitted on the top slopes or dam embankments. Large root systems from woody vegetation can weaken the dam structure and provide seepage pathways. Thick vegetative cover can also provide a haven for burrowing animals such as the groundhog. These animals can create a network or burrows in the dam embankments that can significantly weaken the dam, by creating seepage paths, which may eventually lead to dam failure. Mowing of the dam embankments should occur, at a minimum, once every 6 months to prevent woody vegetation growth and cover for burrowing animals. Reduction of Pollutants Entering This Permanent Wet Detention Pond Pollution prevention activities To assist the stormwater pond in stormwater quality enhancement, every effort should be made to reduce the pollutant load entering the pond system. Outside trash dumpsters should be kept covered, and the area around the dumpster should be kept neat and clean. Chemicals, petroleum products and other pollution sources (such as machinery) should be stored in a covered area away from possible stormwater contact. Spent chemicals are to be properly disposed or recycled. => Fertilizers and pesticides should be used conservatively on the property grounds. Excessive amounts of these chemicals can be washed away with stormwater runoff increasing the nutrient load to the pond. Chemicals such as copper sulfate used to inhibit algae growth in the water quality pond degrade water quality. Since the pond's main function is to enhance water quality, these chemicals should not be used. Rather, reducing the amount of fertilizer application and ensuring that the pond outlets are properly functioning so the pool is flushed periodically will help to deter algae growth. Trash and vegetative floatables (grass clippings, leaves, limbs, etc.) should be cleaned from the pond surface and surroundings periodically to promote a healthy, aesthetically pleasing environment, and to prevent blockage of the pond outlets. Studies have shown that people are less likely to litter ponds that are aesthetically pleasing and support wildlife. Stabilization of the drainage area The area draining to the pond should remain stabilized to prevent excessive sediment from entering the facility. When the bare soil is directly exposed to precipitation the sediment concentration in runoff is much higher than for soil that is stabilized. A stabilized area is covered by impervious surfaces (pavement, buildings), grass cover, landscaped cover (mulch, pine straw), etc. 840-36/adl Grass Cover After initial seeding, the grass should be watered, as needed. The grass should be mowed periodically (usually when mowing the rest of the property). To maintain the filtering capability of the grass, it should not be mowed to close to the ground (three or four inches minimum). The ground should be inspected to make sure there is dense growth on all portions of the control device. Bare spots or areas where there is sparse grass cover should be reseeded. It may be necessary to use a temporary erosion resistant matting or to use sod to repair these areas. As always for grassed areas, fertilizers and pesticides should not be over-applied. Refer to product directions for correct application quantity. The grass used should be erosion resistant and can tolerate frequent inundation (standing water). Tall fescue is an appropriate choice. Erosion Problems The inlet and outlet areas, side slopes (swales), and the rest of the conveyance area should be inspected for erosion problems. The following items should be inspected/maintained on a quarterly basis. Buffer Vegetation Strong rooted grasses that have a high tolerance for erosion should be planted on embankments around the pond. Good grass cover should be maintained around the pond perimeter to prevent excessive sediment from entering the pond. The following should be used as guidelines for maintaining buffer vegetation. To sustain the structural integrity of the dam, no trees or woody vegetation should be allowed on the dam embankments or top of dam. These areas should be mowed on a quarterly basis. To preserve the hydraulic capacity of the pond system and to prevent runoff from backing up, inlet and outlet areas should be kept clear of heavy vegetation. To provide easy access to the pond, the maintenance access around the pond should be free of trees and mowed on a periodic basis. Trees and brush, if desired, are acceptable on pond embankments other than the dam. 840-36/adl Erosion Problems Unsuitable fill material, inadequate compaction, and/or poor stabilization of earth structures can result in accelerated erosion where high runoff velocities exist. High velocities usually occur on steep pond embankments, at pond inlet and outlet discharge areas, and where the water is constricted to channel flow. The entire pond area should be inspected quarterly for signs of erosion, paying special attention to the following areas: Embankments If pond embankments are not kept well vegetated with grasses, rill erosion (small channels formed in the embankment due to poor grass cover) may occur. Rill erosion can be repaired by filling the small channels with suitable soil, compacting, and seeding. It may be necessary to install temporary erosion control (such as hay bales) along heavily eroded areas to allow the repaired areas to stabilize. It is especially important to inspect for an immediately repair any erosion on the dam embankments. Pipe Inlet and Outlet Areas Where erosion causes the undercutting of the downstream end of pipe, the undercut should be stabilized immediately to prevent the end pipe section from "breaking" off. Eroded areas should be filled with good compatible soil and covered with geotextile and rip rap. Open Channel Flow Eroded areas should be seeded/sodded and protected with temporary velocity dissipation (such as excelsior matting, straw bales, etc.) If erosion continues, a more robust lining should be used. Blockage of Outlets Wet extended detention ponds are designed for the water to exit the pond through the low flow orifice(s), the principal spillway, and the emergency spillway. It is important to check all three outlets for blockage that would impair the pond's water quality and hydraulic functionality. Low Flow Orifice(s) Unless an inverted orifice is used, some type of trash guard is to be maintained over the low flow orifice(s) to prevent clogging. When the orifice becomes clogged the water level rises to the principal spillway elevation and the benefits associated with temporary storage and its gradual release are lost. To preserve "extended detention" the low flow orifice should be inspected for blockage twice a month and after every storm. Principal and Emergency Spillway Principal and emergency spillways are designed to safely convey larger than one inch storms that produce runoff which exceed the water quality volume of the Permanent Wet Detention Pond. If these spillways are blocked so they do not operate at full capacity, the risk of dam overtopping or other uncontrolled releases may result. To ensure the hydralic capacity of the spillways, the spillways should be inspected for blockage twice a month and after every storm. 840-36/adl If a riser/barrel is used for the principal spillway, a trash rack is to be maintained on the riser. Vegetative growth in the riser should be removed promptly so that the design capacity of the spillway is maintained. Also, the outlet area where the barrel projects from the fill should be clear of tree limbs, sediment accumulation, etc. Sediment Accumulation To preserve the Permanent Wet Detention Pond pollutant capability, sediment must be removed in areas where the capacity of the design sediment storage volume has been exceeded. Wet Detention Pond The forebay helps to improve the removal efficiency of the pond system by trapping the majority of coarser suspended soils behind the baffle. When sediment deposition in the forebay exceeds the designed sediment storage capacity for the forebay (elevation 827.0), the forebay must be dredged. An indication of when the forebay sediment capacity is exceeded is when sediment bars are visible near the inlet discharge or when the sediment level at the inlet to the pond is less than one foot below the normal pool surface (the elevation of the pool is at the bottom of the low flow orifice). Typically, forebays will need to be dredged every 5 to 10 years. Depth measurements relative to the normal surface elevation (bottom of water quality orifice) should be taken at several locations around the pond. The sediment is to be removed when the measured depth is 3 feet below the design permanent pool. If a forebay is used at the inlet area of the pond and is regularly dredged, the frequency of dredging the entire pond could be greatly reduced. Responsible Party Portrait Homes will be the responsible party up until the time the Homeowner's Association has enough members to turn the pond over to. The contact at Portrait Home is Paul Hoist (336-856-9966). 840-36/adl PERMANENT WET DETENTION POND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR COBLE FARM II HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION OCTOBER 2002 POND OWNER: CONTACT PERSON: Coble Farm II Homeowner's Association Paul Holst MAILING ADDRESS: 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 PHONE NUMBER: (336) 856-9966 MAINTENANCE PROVIDED BY: Coble Farm II Homeowner's Association CONTACT PERSON: Paul Holst MAILING ADDRESS: 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 PHONE NUMBER: (336) 856-9966 840-36/adl NOTES 1. Coble Farm H Homeowner's Association is responsible for the permanent wet detention pond maintenance. 2. Coble Farm II Homeowner's Association is responsible for maintaining the completed permanent wet detention pond as directed by the governmental office having jurisdiction for watershed protection. 3. This manual is a general guideline. It may be necessary to inspect and/or repair at other times; for example, after large storms. PAGE 1 840-36/adl MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE PAGE FOR MATNTFNAMCF ITEM R'FgP0NRTRT.F. PARTY CCHRMTT.F. DESCIPTION OR PROCRT)TTRF. Access to Pond Coble Farm II Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Dam Top and Faces Coble Farm II Annually Page 3 Homeowner's Association Grass Cutting Coble Farm II Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Rip-Rap Channels Coble Farm II Bi-Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Rip-Rap Pads Coble Farm II Bi-Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Rip-Rap Spillway Coble Farm II Bi-Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Emergency Spillway Coble Farm II Bi-Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Dewatering Hole Coble Farm II Monthly Page 3 Homeowner's Association Note: After each storm event, all devices above shall be checked for clogging and debris accumulation. PAGE 2 840-36/adl MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION OR PROCEDURE ACCESS TO POND: At all times there shall be a minimum of a twenty (20) foot wide access path to pond from the private street. This path shall be kept mowed and clear from trash and debris. DAM TOP AND FACES: The dam top and both faces need to be inspected for leaks, slides, cracks, erosion and unwanted vegetation. Leaks, slides and cracks shall require the services of an engineer. Erosion and vegetation removal can be handled otherwise. No trees or shrubs shall be allowed to grow in the pond, on the dam or on any pond or dam slopes. GRASS CUTTING: The top and sides of dam plus area around pond shall be kept mowed to a reasonable height (6 inches). No grass clippings are allowed to be disposed of in pond. Any trash and debris must be cleaned up also. RIP-RAP CHANNELS: Channels shall be inspected for erosion, washouts and unwanted vegetation. Erosion and washouts shall be repaired immediately and vegetation and any debris shall be removed. It may be necessary to inspect channels after large storms. RIP-RAP PADS: Rip-Rap pads shall be inspected for erosion, washouts and unwanted vegetation. Erosion and washouts shall be repaired immediately and any debris shall be removed. It may be necessary to inspect pad after large storms. RIP-RAP SPILLWAY: Rip-rap spillway shall be inspected for erosion, washouts and unwanted vegetation. Erosion and washouts shall be repaired immediately and any debris shall be removed. It may be necessary to inspect pad after large storms. DEWATERING HOLE: 1 %" diameter dewatering pipe shall be inspected for trash or debris which may cause clogging. It will be necessary to inspect pipe after large storms to ensure it is draining properly. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY: Emergency Spillway shall be inspected for possible undermining or gullying. Any debris that collects shall be removed. DRAIN VALVE: Drain valve shall be operated on an annual basis to ensure proper working conditions exist. Drain wheel on valve key shall be kept chained and locked to prevent unwanted draining of the pond. PAGE 3 840-36/adl O?O? W AT FRQG Michael F. Easley ` Governor r William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary >_ y Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality September 30, 2002 Mr. Anthony Lester, PE Evans Engineering 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Subject: Coble Farm II DWQ Project No. 021020 Guilford County Dear Mr. Lester: The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: Extended Wet Detention Basin Worksheet Please fill out the attached worksheet that will help reduce staff review time. 2. Operation and Maintenance Agreement An operation and maintenance agreement is required. The operation and maintenance agreement must also be signed by the responsible party and notarized. An example agreement for an extended detention wet pond is available on line at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/0andm.doc. 3. Changes of Approved Impacts Discussions with the City of Greensboro as well as changes to the most recent set of plans appear to indicate that impacts to streams may be proposed other than those specifically approved in the 401 Water Quality Certification dated August 22, 2002. It is recommended that you contact Cyndi Karoly of this Office at 919-733-9721 in order to set up a meeting to review the plans. Any changes to the plans that would increase or change impacts outside the footprint of those approved would require a modification of the Certification. This matter must be resolved before approval of the stormwater management plan can be granted. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at hftp://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/. Sincerely, Todd St. ohn, PE Environmental Engineer Attachment cc: Cyndi Karoly Winston-Salem Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ F WAIF Michael F. Easley, Governor Q ?Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary O? QG North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 455r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director y Division of Water Quality o ? Mr. Paul Hoist Portrait Homes Construction Co. 4411 West Market St., Suite 101 Greensboro, NC, 27407 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Hoist: You have our approval,.in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill in 506 linear feet of intermittent and perennial streams in order to construct the Coble Farm II subdivision in Guilford County, as described in your revised application received by the Division of Water Quality on August 16, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3362, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 39 when it is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification, as Well as the additional condition listed below: An additional condition is that a final, written stormwater management plan incorporating the design options specified in condition No. 3 of General Certification 3362 shall be approved in writing by this Office before the impacts specified in this Certification occur. The stormwater management plan must include plans and specifications for stormwater management facilities designed to remove 85% TSS according to the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Also, before any permanent building is occupied at the subject site, the facilities, as approved by this Office, shall be constructed and operational, and the stormwater management plan, as approved by this Office, shall be implemented. The structural stormwater practices and well as drainage patterns must be maintained in perpetuity. No changes to the structural stormwater practices shall be made without written authorization from the Division of Water Quality; 2. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds on the property. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). A sample deed notification format can be downloaded from the 401/Wetlands Unit web site at htti)J/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands ; 3. You are required to return the attached Certification of Completion form to notify DWQ when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. August 22, 2002 DW Q# 02-1020 Guilford County This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Jennifer Frye in our Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-771-4600 or Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh 919-733-9721. Questions regarding stormwater requirements should be directed to Todd St. John in the Central Office at 919- 733-9584. . Klimek, P.E N Customer Service 1 800 623-7745 N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 AW K/cbk Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Winston-Salem DWO Regional Office Central Files File Copy Anthony Lester, 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC, 27407 021020 EVANS EIS ? crop ?? ' ?i( 'rtMPr> (7 --Eck yi-E<-, i-- ./ Aug (e1S ?r1 ' Se e_ L? Ms. ?? -zo?? Env Division of Water duality NCDENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Re: PCN Application Form 02-1020 Dear Ms. Karoly: ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS SINCE 1974 G .? fj/ f? 1 In reference to application form 02-1020, 1 am attaching the information requested in your e-mail of July 16, 2002. 1) The application fee of $475.00 has been attached. 2) A copy of the approved NWP 39 issued for this project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 3) A copy of the stormwater plan for this project detailing the stormwater pond as proposed and designed for this proiert 4) A revised application listing grea> )posed. 5) A site plan showing that the str ° being adhered to. (Note: The propose : is only 21 %. The entire site acreage (wh u de i ? dence) is 23.47 acres. The existing and ct l' GV? Therefore, yielding a percent imp ? If you have any additional comments or ne / to call. Thank you for your assistance in this mat )) ?© f wr W vY Sincerely, C, @ Pin P° {'?j ? ? Anthony D. es r, P. E. EVANS EN EERING, INC. 840-37/adl Phone: (336) 854-8877 * E-mail: (evans@evans-eng.com) * Fax: (336) 854-8876 4609 Dundas Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 - P.O. Box 10285, Greensboro, NC 27404 Office Use Only:: Form Version October 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: [R Section 404 Permit ? Section 10 Permit 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 39 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Portrait Homes Construction Co. Mailing Address: 4411 hest Market Street Suite 101 Greensboro, North Carolina .27407 Telephone Number: (336) 856-9966 Fax Number: (336) 856-1951 E-mail Address: paul-holst /petal@pasauinelli. com 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other rriaps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Coble Farm II 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): ACL-1-30-12 4. Location County: Guilford Nearest Town: Greensboro Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Coble Farm II Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): I-40 west to Guilford College Road north, Guilford College Road north to Arcadia Road west. Arcadia Road to site. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Site is currently undeveloped. ± 80% is cleared. One existing single family residence sits on the property. 7. Property size (acres): 23.469 Acres 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake):xorsepen Creek 9. River Basin (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/admin/mUs/.) Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the project is to develop a 51 unit townhouse project. The resulting impervious survace area will only be t 21%. 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Pans, dozers, motorgraders, compaction equipment, etc. 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this ?roject: The land use in the area is predominantly single family residential with a few multifamily projects nearbv. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Nnna Issued or rRquested. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: None. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 7 of 12 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 4 _ grading & fil .007 Ac No 0 Forested Wetland 5 _ grading 4t fill -.092 Ac No 0 Forested Wetland * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://Nvww.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 1.90 Ac. Total area of wetland impact proposed: .099 Ac. 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number indicate on ma) 'Type of Impact* Length of Impact linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secif 1 Culvert&Ri -R 148 T to Horsepen Cre ek 10' Perennial h 2 Culvert&Rip-R p 148 T to Horsepen Cre ek 4' Perennial fiv 3 Culvert&Rip-R p 210 T to Horsepen Cre ek 4' Intermittent * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.uses.gov. Several intemet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.maDauest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 2961 Perennial 210' Intermittent t Page 8 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) 1 List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ?x wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.):Filling to create a portion of the dam and installation of the spillway & riser/barrell will occur within existing wetlands Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): The proposed pond will be built to satisfy the local storm?,?atex & water-supply watershed requirements. Size of watershed draining to pond: 10 Acres Expected pond surface area: 6100 SF VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. *See Attached Sheet VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 9 of 12 VII. IMPACT JUSTIFICATION The three stream impacts are being created due to the fact that the City of Greensboro is requiring that a thoroughfare (Gretchen Lane) be extended through this property as shown. This thoroughfare will be publicly maintained upon successful completion of construction by owner. The City of Greensboro will publically fund stream crossing #1 up to 80%. If they had not required this extension, stream crossings #1 and #2 would have been avoided. In order to minimize the length of stream crossings #1 and #2, we successfully negotiated with the City of Greensboro for the use of a 2H:IV fill slope at each culvert. This allowed us to reduce the width of the embankment which in turn reduced the amount of pipe required and minimized the stream impacts. The City of Greensboro normally requires a 3RIV fill slope on all of their thoroughfares. In summary, Stream Crossing #1 is being publicly funded and its impacts are less than 150', therefore, requiring no mitigation. Stream Crossing #2 is being privately funded and its impacts are less than 150', therefore, requiring no mitigation. Stream Crossing #3 is being privately funded and is over a stream that has been classified as intermittent by the City of Greensboro but is classified as exhibiting no important aquatic function by the US Army Corps of Engineers (see attached permit verification letter). The impact on this channel is less than 300 LF threshold. Therefore, requiring no mitigation. Note: All three of these crossings are being caused due to the requirement of the City of Greensboro to extend the public roadway named Gretchen Lane through this property. This roadway, upon completion of construction, will be owned and maintained by the City of Greensboro. If this roadway extension had not been required, Stream Crossings #1 and #2 could have been approved. Stream Crossing #3 would still have been needed. coble farm Wadi USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creasing, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http:/ih2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetIands/strm9-,ide.htm1. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. See Attached Tmpact Justification Sheet 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at hqp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wEp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 10 of 12 IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPkSEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No x? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ? If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation, by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 11 of 12 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Ex. ISA = 0.23 Ac. Prop. ISA = ±4.9 Ac (±21%); Total Site Area = 23.469 Ac. All Proposed ISA will be piped and controlled by the proposed permanent wet detention pond for this developement. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Sewage disposal will be public sewer disposal. Sewer will be treated by the Citv of Greensboro North Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Plant. Sewer will be collected by underground pipes & manholes & eventually conveyed to this treatment XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) facility. Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A'NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No ?x Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No ?x XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). ,577-3 /02- Applicant/Agent' Signature r Dote (Agent's signatu e is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 Portrait Homes Construction Co. Greensboro Division 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro NC 27407 Phone: 336-856-9966 Fax: 336-856-1951 Transmittal Letter To: Anthony Lester Evans Engineering, Inc. From: Ron Guerra Portrait Homes Date: 5-31-02 RE: Coble Farm II Via: Hand deliver / Pick-up We are sending the following: • Eight (8) signed copies of Wetland Fill Applications. Please note that I changed the Owner/Applicant name to the correct name: Portrait Homes Construction Co. Please revise your records accordingly. • Check # 007915, dated 5/29/02, in the amount of $475, payable to North Carolina Division of Water Quality for Wetland Fill Application fee. r U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Action ID: 200220882 County: Guil ?.n GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VER> 1 CATION jj r ? Property Authorized Owner Portrait Homes Construction Co. Attn: Paul A. Holst Address 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone Number 336-856-9966 Agent F Attn: Address 4609 Dundas Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone Number 336-854-8877 Size and Location of Property (waterbody, Highway name/number, town, etc.): The property is located on west of New Garden Road, north of Friendly Avenue, in Guilford County, North Carolina. The site is located adjacent to an unnamed tributary of Horsepen Creek, above headwaters, in the Cape Fear River Basin. Description of Activity: This permit authorizes mechanized landclearing, excavation, the installation of culverts, and the placement of fill required for the construction of three road crossings associated with the development of Coble Farms II subdivision. Impacts to waters of the U.S. authorized by this permit total 506 linear feet of stream channel (including 210 linear feet of intermittent stream channel does not exhibit important aquatic function). Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) only. Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899) only. Authorization: 39 Regional General Permit Number Nationwide Permit Number Any violation of the conditions of the Regional General or Nationwide Permit referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army Regional General Permit or Nationwide Permit verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The per mittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Todd Tugwell at telephone number (919) 876 - 8441 extension 26 Regulatory Project Manager Signature Authorization Date August 6, 2002 Expiration Date August 6, 2004 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORM, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CF: Jennifer Frye, NCDWQ, WSRO, 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 d Ij AUG 7 2 l \0t : O O CO Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting Director Division of Water Quality February 6, 2002 Ms. Denise Poulos Engineering Consultant Services 6909 International Drive, Suite 103 Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 Dear Ms. Poulos: Subject: Project: Coble Farm County: Guilford The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) will accept payment for stream impacts associated with the subject project. Stream impacts will be mitigated in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated December 18, 2001, the stream restoration that is necessary to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements for this project is summarized in the following table. The maximum amount of mitigation that the NCWRP will accept for this project is also indicated in this table. Stream linear feet Riparian Wetlands acres Riparian Buffer ft2 Impact 450 Mitigation Max. 900 As requested, the NCWRP will provide stream mitigation as specified in the 401 Water Quality Certification and/or Section 404 Permit for impacts associated with the subject project in Cataloging snit 03030002 of the Cape Fear River basin. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Crystal Braswell at (919) 733-5208. =erel Ronald E. Krrell, Program Manager cc: Rob Ridings, Wetlands/401 Unit: Todd Tugwell, USACOE Jennifer Frye, WSRO file Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, INC 27699-1619 (919) 733-5208 Customer Service 320 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Fax: (919) 733-5321 1 800 623-7748 INCOOM" pzO? wAT ?RQG Uj r > =1 o ? Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality July 3, 2002 Wednesday, July 03, 2002 Portrait Homes Construction Co. 4411 West Market Street, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27407 To Whom It May Concern: On 06/26/02, the N.C. Division of Water Quality received your application for 401 Water Quality Certification for a project in Guilford County. Please note that beginning January 1, 1999, the N.C. General Assembly passed legislation requiring payment of a fee for all 401 applications, as indicated on page two of the PCN application form. Your application is being put on hold since no payment was received with the package. The fee for applications is $200 for projects impacting less than an acre of wetland and less than 150 linear feet of streams. For projects impacting one or more acres of wetland or 150 or more feet of streams, the fee is $475. In order for DWQ to review and process your request, you must send a check in the appropriate amount made payable to the N.C. Division of Water Quality attached to your application. Please note the following conditions: 1. An on-site stormwater plan will be required for this project. We suggest that the proposed dry detention basin be converted into an extended detention wetland for this WS III NSW site. 2. Compensatory stream mitigation will be needed since more than 150 linear feet of streams are impacted on the site. 3. Please provide written assurance that the water supply buffers are being met for this project. Please call me at 919-733-3575 or visit our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands if you have any questions regarding this fee. Sincerely, Michael Horan Cc: Central Files File Copy N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 . Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 021020 Office Use Only: USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. Form VersidrWd$ber 2001 If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project U Section 404 Permit ? Section 10 Permit 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules RECEIVED JUN 0 3 2002 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 39 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Portrait Homes Construction Co. Mailing Address: 4411 West Market Street. Suite 101 Greensboro, North Carolina .27407 Telephone Number: (336) 856-9966 Fax Number: (336) 856-1951 E-mail Address:___paul-holst/petal pa>sguinelli.com t 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owl Name: C vtu{4I - Company Affiliation: y cv_ a Mailing Address. r Telephone Number: Fax I 7 E-mail Address: Page 5 of 12 .9 C-T ? r _ - (? k"_c- . a--- -W f, e., wovIc s?f ? f M. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Coble Farm T1 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): ACL-1-30-12 4. Location County: Guilford Nearest Town: Greensboro Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Coble Farm II Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): 1-40 west to Guilford College Road north, Guilford College Road north to Arcadia Road west. Arcadia Road to site. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Site is currently undeveloped. ± 80% is cleared. One existing single family residence sits on the property. 7. Property size (acres): 23.469 Acres 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake):xorsepen Creek 9. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/mgps/.) Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the project is to develop a 51 unit townhouse project. The resulting impervious survace area will only be ± 21%. 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Pans, dozers, motorgraders, compaction equipment, etc. 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this Jrcject: The land use in the area is predominantly single family residential with a few multifamily projects nearbv. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and cert ifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: None. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. .. Paee 7 of 12 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 4 _ grading & fil .007 Ac No 0 Forested Wetland 5 _ grading 0 fil .092 Ac No 0 Forested Wetland * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at htto://,,w,?v.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 1.90 Ac. Total area of wetland impact proposed: .099 Ac. 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact linear feet), Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secif ) 1 Culvert&Ri -R 148 T to Horsepen Cre ek 10' Perennial 2 Culvert&Rip-R p 148 T to Horsepen Cre ek 4' Perennial 3 Culvert&Rip-R p 210 T to Horsepen Cre ek 41 Intermittent f * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several intemet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.maaauest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 2961 Perennial 210' Intermittent (l4 Page 8 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, cean, etc.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ?x wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.):Filling to create a portion of the dam and installation of the spillway & riser/barrell will occur within existing wetlands Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): The proposed pond will be built to satisfy the local sto-rmwatex & water-supply watershed requirements. Size of watershed draining to pond: 10 Acres Expected pond surface area: 6100 SF VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. *See Attached Sheet VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Paee 9 of 12 VII. IMPACT JUSTIFICATION The three stream impacts are being created due to the fact that the City of Greensboro is requiring that a thoroughfare (Gretchen Lane) be extended through this property as shown. This thoroughfare will be publicly maintained upon successful completion of construction by owner. The City of Greensboro will publically fund stream crossing #1 up to 80%. If they had not required this extension, stream crossings #1 and #2 would have been avoided. In order to minimize the length of stream crossings #1 and #2, we successfully negotiated with the City of Greensboro for the use of a 2H:IV fill slope at each culvert. This allowed us to reduce the width of the embankment which in turn reduced the amount of pipe required and minimized the stream impacts. The City of Greensboro normally requires a 3H:IV fill slope on all of their thoroughfares. coble farm Wadi USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open. waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creaking, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http:/ih2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/strmRide.htm1. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. N/A 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at h=://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wEp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Pane 10 of 1 2 ZIJO II aaEd • I auoZ Jo aspa aqj woJ; 1aa3 OZ fEUO«ippe uu spualxa Z auoZ `lauuEgo jo xuuq luau woi3 iujnopuad.iad pa3 0£ lno spualxa i auoZ IE3ol S•I Z £ I uo!lr Illy paiTnba- lalldi;InW iaaj aiEn s jouduil *auoZ •slaildillnur 1ajjnq pill nuiflddu Xq 'uoiluDlpiua jo lunoTUu paiinbai oqj 1alulnoluo palinbal si uOijailiui 1ajjnq 3I •s1ajjnq uuuudu Qqj jo auoz goua of louduzi jo aoualou pine laad alunbs a141 Xpluopl :uoilBULIOJUI auimollOJ aul apinold palamsuu no,C jj ? ON F-I saA fjiluopi osuald) raTllo 1o `(sluauia_iinbo-d 1ajjng flddnS 1aluAk puu sa1n-d uuTrialPuu2I) OSZO' gZ DVDN V9I `(O01I uud-1u.L) 69ZO' gZ DVDN VSI `(osnoN) E£ZO' gZ DVDN ` gl unpim pogpuopT siajjnq uuuudu poloolold louduri loofold mp ItIM uotlalosip s,luuoiIddL gill lu papnloui oq oslu X-cui sgduiDolOgd •aluudo.iddu su popnloui aq ? ui oogjp tuuoina21 ()MCI oqj iuoij oouopuodsouoD •siajjnq aTll of posodoid a1u sloudLM lou so .zat pgA `duui L, uo umoTls oq Isnui s.iojjnq IIy •uuld alts pui,Cuudwooou z)ql uo olqugiluopi Xllualo ag lsniu puu `uioiail palsil aq lsnTu sloudTui posodold IIy •anogu IIn uoiloaS ui sloudiui asaTll ioj uoiluogilsnf apino.id oslu lsnuz luuoilddu oql -lo, )fold aTll illim paluioossu s.iajjnq Iuool puu aluls pa.iinbal of sloudTUi llu duui puu aluauilop `ouiuualap of ?CIijjgjsuodsol (s,lua2?u so) s,luuoilddu z)ql si 11 (AIIIO oM([) s iajjng papualnM puc uct tud.d uo sprdtul pasodo id 'X ON ? SoA '131101 Iunolddu pug yd3S 1o VclgN z)ql jo Xdoo E Tloullu osuald `os 3I ?asnoTlauuualD olulS oqj Xq poziluug uaoq mainal luauinoop gill soil `sQX jI ON ? sa' •uoiluluauInoop luluauruollnua 10J SPIOTIsa. 41 lua.Lino mainal of E809-EEL (616) lu loluuiplooo ydgS a p Iluo `pQmnboi si luauinoop ydgS/ydgN u iogloigm alns lou am, noX 3I :aloN ?(ydgSN(IHN) toy A3TIod IuluauruOJIAUg 13UIIOIED gpoN 1o luuopuN ails jo sluauzalinbal am of luunsmd luaurnoop luluouruonAUo uu jo uoiluludald omnbal loafold aTll soop `soX .II El ON ? sad Ouui (luool/olulsgriapaj) oilgnd jo osn aul io spunj oilgnd jo a.mlipuadxa un anlonui loo fold aTll saoQ (,iIIIO OM([) UogglUaa[naOQ lClUalUU0.11 Ua 'XI If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Ex. ISA = 0.23 Ac. Prop. ISA = ±4.9 Ac (±21%); Total Site Area = 23.469 Ac. All Proposed ISA will be piped and controlled by the proposed permanent wet detention pond for this developement. XII. Sewage isposal (D Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Sewage disposal will be public sewer disposal. Sewer will be treated by the Citv of Greensboro North Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Plant. Sewer will be collected by underground pipes & manholes & eventually conveyed to this treatment XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) facility. Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15ANCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No ? Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No ?x XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desirec. construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits or,. work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/Agen/s Signature Efate (Agent's signat re is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) 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