HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001048 Ver 2_Stormwater Info_20091208NJ Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers 8262 Market St. - Suite 201 • Wilmington, NC 28411 December 8, 2009 I? Ms. Cyndi Karoly A ID Supervisor NCDENR-DWQ 401 Oversight/Express Review Program 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Lanesboro Correctional Institute formally known as Anson County Correctional Facility DWQ Project Number 00-1048v2 Stormwater Permit Modification Express Submittal Dear Ms. Karoly: This modification is to the existing stormwater permit approved on June 28, 2001. The purpose of this modification is to design and build an additional building to the already constructed Lanesboro Correctional Institute. The new structure will be located on the northern end of the current prison and will disturb approximately 2 acres of the 177 acre site. There are three stormwater ponds already constructed on the site that control the runoff from the site. The new building has been designed to collect the stormwater runoff and discharge it into Ponds 1 and 2 on site. Pond 3 will remain unchanged for this project and will collect no additional runoff. In order for this project to be accepted into the Express Review Program there were a number of items required that are included in this submittal: a. The application fee of $1,000 made payable to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. b. Two (2) complete and collated copies of the Express Review Stormwater Management Plan Application. c. Two (2) collated copies of all supporting information pertaining to this project including: i. A breakdown of built upon or impervious areas within each drainage area. ii. Pond sizing calculations. iii. Water quality (design) volume calculations. iv. Treatment volumes provided in the ponds between the permanent pool and the next opening above the drawdown orifice. V. Drawdown (orifice sizing) calculations of the new design volumes. vi. Signed and notarized Operation & Maintenance Agreements for the BMPs. d. Two collated copies of full size plans (with detailed construction information) including, but not limited to, the following: i. Existing conditions map of project area. ii. Site grading plan showing existing and proposed contours, and delineated drainage areas to the BMPs. iii. Plan and cross sectional views of the BMPs showing detailed information. Wilmington, NC . Telephone 910-686-1212 . Fax 910-686-1145 . email: jboyd@hobbsupchurch.com Southern Pines . Charlotte Dec. 8, 2009 DWQ Permit Number 00-1048v2 Cover Letter to Karoly iv. Construction sequence including sediment and erosion control measures to ensure that the newly constructed site would be stabilized prior to sending runoff to the BMPs. e. One (1) data CD of full size plans. We are proposing no additional changes to the approved stormwater permit, besides constructing this new building and increasing the size of the orifices in Ponds 1 and 2. We feel this submittal meets all the requirements for the Stormwater Management Program and look forward to your expedient review. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Thanks. Sincerely, Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. ??K Joe Boyd Page 2 of 2 Permit No. U0 00 - % O 1A V *4' (to be provided by Dff"Q) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DiAsion of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT - POND 2 This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin. design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Lanesboro Correctional Institution Contact Person: Jeff Thompson. PE Phone Number: (910) 686-1212 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Pond 2 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 292.0 ft Permanent Pool Elevation 295.0 ft Temporary Pool Elevation 297.9 ft areas (floor of the basin) (elevation of the orifice) (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) Permanent Pool Surface Area 9.402 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 3.93 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 3.28 ac. (on-site and off-side drainage to the basin) (2.91 ac. previously permitted, 0.37 ac. additional proposed) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 17,049 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other parameters SA/DA i Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Remova12 38.582 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) 3.322 cu. ft. (approximateh, 20%oftotal volume) 3.51 (sub jace area to drainage area ratio7S•om DJ1 Q table) 1.5 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw-down required) in. 85 % (minimum 85% required) Form S WU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for nonstandard table entries. 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment. Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H.1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials _5513 a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). .\1515 b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. ,X45 c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. 1\5$ d. The temporary pool draws down in.) to S days. -)1515 e. If required. a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flog- calculations) _`g f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. .a55 g. The basin side slopes above the permanent poo 1 are no steeper than 3:1. _ 1566 h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). -'15S i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. .,sg j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. .1569 k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right-of-way. . 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. in. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the ,vet detention basin. pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) X does _ does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) _ does X does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent poo 1 depth reads 2.25 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 3.0_ feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) 299.0 Permanent Pool Elevation 295.0 Sediment Re val El. 296.0 75% 75% Sediment Removal Elevation 292.75 BottomEle lion 295.0 LSo. ______________..__ _ Bottom Elevation 292.0 1 25% / FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance. the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall he minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall he maintained in good working order. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: William N. Stovall PE Title: Director of Engineering Central Engineering Division, NC Department of Correction Address: 2020 Yonkers Road, Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919/716-3400 Signature: Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless inure than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, i?n,'C © 13.; 4,11J , a Notary Public for the State of 4)ur LcrtJ, h4. County of J jj r, 5 f err , do hereby certify that r Aj. V /.I personally appeared before me this ` day of 124°C&,u &e v -?D and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires l-'Z - v? /- Q 2 Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 btp co 1 0 4 8 1) a OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number(s) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. APPLICANT'S NAME (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): North Carolina Department of Corrections WNER/SIGNING OFFICIAL'S NAME AND TITLE (person legally responsible for facility and 2.O compliance): William N. Stovall, Director of Engineering 3. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS (for person listed in item 2 above): 2020 Yonkers Road Raleigh, NC 27604 4. OWNER ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 919-716-3400 Fax: 919-716-3978 Email: 5. PROJECT NAME (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, inspection and maintenance agreements, etc.): Lanesboro Correctional Institute 6. PROJECT LOCATION: Street Address: 552 Prison Camp Road City: Polkton County: Anson State: NC Zip Code: 28135 Latitude: 34 59' 12" N Longitude: 80 11' 3" W DIRECTIONS TO PROJECT SITE (from nearest major intersection): 7 . The site is located about 0.75 miles south of Prison Camp Road (SR 1121) and U.S. Hwy 74 intersection, near the city of Polkton. 8. CONTACT PERSON (who can answer stormwater-related questions about the project): Name: Jeff Thompson Company: Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates Phone: 919-686-1212 Fax: 919-686-1145 Email: jhompson@hobbsupchurch.com 1/2009 Version 1.1 Page 1 of 5 II. PERMIT INFORMATION A RENEWAL ?X A MODIFICATION 1. THE PROJECT IS (check one): ? NEW ? 2. OTHER JURISDICTIONS: Which local government(s) has jurisdiction over the project (e.g. Town of Cary or Johnston County)?: North Carolina Department of Corrections 3. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Check all of the state-approved stormwater management programs (implemented by either the State or local government) that apply to your project: Neuse or Tar-Pamlico NSW ? Phase II Post Construction ? Water Supply Watershed ? ? Randleman WSWS ? USMP ? Coastal Counties ? HQW ? ORW 4. PERMIT HISTORY (renewal or modification requests must complete this item): Date Issued: June 28, 2001 Existing DWQ Permit Number: 004048 5. PROJECT TYPE (check one): ? Low Density* ?X High Density* * Low Density projects shall be under 24% Impervious with only vegetated stormwater conveyances. A curb and gutter or pipe system for stormwater conveyance shall result in reclassification of project as High Density even if below 24%, except when pipes are used for road or driveway crossing purposes. 6. ADDITIONAL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (check all that apply): ? CAMA Major 0 Sedimentation/Erosion Control ? NPDES Stormwater ? 404/401 Permit ? Non-404 Jurisdictional Permit ? Other: Note: Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748 III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. STORMWATER TREATMENT METHODS (Describe briefly how stormwater will be treated): Stormwater will be collected and treated in Wet Detention Basins Important Note: attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. 2. RIVER BASIN/STREAM INFORMATION a. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to which River Basin?: Yadkin b. Nearest named stream: Little Brown Creek c. Water quality classification of nearest named stream: C 1/2009 Version 1.1 Page 2 of 5 3. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: I 177.3 (acres) 4. PROJECT BUILT UPON AREA: I 7% 5. DRAINAGE AREAS (How many drainage areas does the project have?): 3 n ervious* Surface Area Determination (Breakdown) Drainage Area 2 Impervious* Surface Area Drai?n,ge Area I On-site Buildings On-site Streets On-site Parking On-site Sidewalks Other on-site Off-site Total: Total: * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 6. EXPLAIN HOW THE OFF-SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA WAS DERIVED: n/a IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development draining to the proposed stormwater management devices prior to the sale of any lot. If applicable, please complete and submit a copy of the deed restrictions and protective covenants along with your application. 1/2009 Version 1.1 Page 3 of 5 Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable stormwater management supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The most current form(s) located on the 401/wetlands unit website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm must be used. Please include both the Design Summary and the Required Items Checklist along with all required items and supporting design calculations. (Check the supplement forms that will be required for your project): A B ff ? Bioretention Supplement ? Dry Detention Supplement ? Grassed Swale Supplement ? Infiltration Basin Supplement ? Infiltration Trench Supplement VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ? Level Spreader/Filter Strip/Restore u er Supplement ? Sand Filter Supplement ? Stormwater Wetland Supplement ?X Wet Detention Supplement Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the DWQ Central Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initials • Original and two copies of the Express Review Stormwater Management Application • Signed and Notarized Inspection and Maintenance Agreement • Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Application processing fee (payable to DWQ) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management -- • Three copies of plans and specifications, including: ?X Development/Project name X? Engineer and firm XO Legend ?X North arrow ?X Scale X? Revision number & date ?X Mean high water line ?X Dimensioned property/project boundary ?X Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers ?X Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations ?X Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures ?X Wetlands and streams delineated, or a note on plans that none exist ?X Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations ?X Drainage areas delineated ?X Vegetated buffers (where required) 1/2009 Version 1.1 Page 4 of 5 VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. 1. DESIGNATED AGENT (individual or firm): Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates 2. MAILING ADDRESS: 8262-201 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28411 Phone: 910-686-1212 Fax: 910-686-1145 VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) William N. Stovall , certify that the information included on this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants (if applicable) will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. CC Y1 . Date: Signature: 1/2009 Version 1.1 Page 5 of 5 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT - POND 1 This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Lanesboro Correctional Institution Contact Person: Jeff Thompson PE Phone Number: (910) 686-1212 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Pond 1 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 295.0 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 298.0 ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 300.9 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 17,395 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 16.61 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 7.25 ac. (on-site and off-side drainage to the basin) (7.07 ac. previously permitted, 0.18 ac. additional proposed) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 39,303 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 69,844 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 8,822 cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters 1 1'86 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) SA/DA Diameter of Orifice 2.0 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw-down required) Design Rainfall 1 in. Design TSS Remova12 85 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: 1 When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for nonstandard table entries. 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials a. >' 515 The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). ?S=v b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. 1ST c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. 1?`?' d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. S e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) 5 f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. ?s g. The basin side slopes above the permanent poo 1 are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right-of-way. 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. 15 ' in . A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) X_ does _ does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) _ does X does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 2.25 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 3.4 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM ill in the blanks) 304.0 Sediment Re val E. 300.6 75% Bottom Ele tion 299.5 25% FOREBAY Permanent Pool Elevation 299.0 75% Sediment Removal Elevation' 295.75 --------------------- --- Bottom Elevation 295.0 25% / MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall he minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall he maintained in good working order. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: William N. Stovall, PE Title: Director of En ineering, Central Engineering Division, NC Department of Correction Address: 2020 Yonkers Road, Raleigh, NC 27609 19/716-3400 Signature: Date: ??CCel Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless inure than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 1, e-onn+c-- , a Notary Public for the State of AL)?A o-,, /-f,l,`NQ County of Je) do hereby certify that 011l('a wt ?)- j /G cq / personally appeared before me this _ day of ;T ec e-,Y be,-I' , -? 60 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL cz.?...w fi??-sue My commission expires IR -a / -I,IjO V Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT - POND 2 This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Lanesboro Correctional Institution Contact Person: Jeff Thompson, PE Phone Number: (910) 686-1212 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Pond 2 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 292.0 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 295.0 ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 297.9 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 9,402 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 3.93 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 3.28 ac. (on-site and off-side drainage to the basin) (2.91 ac. previously p ermitted, 0.37 ac. additional proposed) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 17,049 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other parameters SA/DAI Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Remova12 38,582 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) 3,322 cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) 3.51 1.5 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) in. (2 to S day temporary pool draw-down required) 1 in. 85 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for nonstandard table entries. 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). -3 b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. .? c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. -? d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to S days. e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent poo 1 are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). ,1Sg i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. =??'? i. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right-of-way. 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) X does _ does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) does X does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent poo 1 depth reads _2.25_ feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 3.0 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM ill in the blanks) 299.0 Permanent Pool Elevation 295.0 Sediment Re val El. 296.0 75% 75% 295.0 Sediment Removal Elevation' 292.75 Bottom Ele tion 25°/ Bottom Elevation 292.0 25% / FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall he minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall he maintained in good working order. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: William N. Stovall PE Title: Director of Eng_ineering Central Engineering Division NC Department of Correction Address: 2020 Yonkers Road Raleigh NC 27609 Phone: 919/716-3400 Signature: (? c oca n- 1 ? Date: ,?¢c? ?.; ,2C?c?I Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless inure than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 1, 0 34 r lc;-J , a Notary Public for the State of &f rrr.?, 4 County of h tj .5 t o-r- , do hereby certify that xj. personally appeared before me this _24?- day of b e ?- and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires f - A' / - Q 2 Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 F, xQ vfl - I D 4 2 L) STORMWATER NARRATIVE & CALCULATIONS for the LANESBORO COUNTY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE N.C. Department of Corrections Anson County, North Carolina 1 ? tor?ee f i ? SEA! • e ? O 33!52 • Prepared By Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 8262-201 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 December 2009 Stormwater Management Narrative Lanesboro Correctional Institute Anson County December 3, 2009 Proiect Description The purpose of this project is to design and build an additional building to the already constructed Lanesboro Correctional Institute. The work proposed will be to remove any existing structures, grade the site, construct the facility, install storm water controls and establish vegetation. The total project area is approximately 177 acres and already has three (3) existing wet detention basins to control the stormwater runoff; the project will only disturb approximately 2 acres for the new building facility itself. The project was previously permitted on June 28, 2001 by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Its permit number is 001048. Site Description The site is located at 522 Prison Camp Road, about 0.75 miles south of the intersection of Prison Camp Road (SR 1121) and U.S. Highway 74. Slopes range between 0 and 15%, naturally sloping to the south and west. The site is cleared with the prison attached to the south, with other adjacent security complexes to the east, and surrounded by woodlands then after. Adjacent Property Land use in the vicinity of the project is primarily natural woodland with other security complexes nearby and a residential development more to the north. Stormwater Measures The project area as identified earlier has slopes ranging from 0 to 15%, however on the portion of the site which the prison resides the land is nearly flat to gently sloping ranging from 0 to 5%. The area has existing drainage structures and new structures are proposed. Stormwater measures proposed for this project are to collect runoff from the additional building and discharge the stormwater into the existing Ponds 1 and 2. All ponds on site were designed for the stormwater regulations before the Phase Il Post Construction regulations were introduced and therefore do not meet the new stormwater rules. Through prior discussions with NCDENR at the Washington Regional Office, any ponds taking additional impervious area that were designed previously under old rules can be designed under the old regulations as long as they can handle the volume from 1" storm event. There are three ponds on site that collect all the impervious area from the site. As stated, only Ponds 1 and 2 will take any additional runoff from the new proposed structure. Both of these ponds as designed with an increased orifice are able to hold the additional volume from the 1" storm event and discharge it within the 2 to 5 day required period. Due to this the only changes proposed to the ponds are to increase the orifice sizes for Ponds 1 and 2 by 0.5 inches each, no other changes are proposed to the already constructed ponds. Please see attached calculations. Pond 3 will remain as previously designed and due to there being no additional impervious going to this pond it has been designed to hold the volume from 1" storm event. HADC0901 - Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\Project Management\Stormwater\090914-Lanesboro Prison-Narrative.docx Soils The site consists of dominant soil types of Badin channery silt loam (BaC), Chewacla loam (ChA), Creedmoor fine sandy loam (CrB), Mayodan gravelly sandy loam (MgB), and Udorthents loam (UdC), respectively. The Badin series consists of well drained soils and high permeability with slopes ranging from 8 to 15 percent. The Chewacla loam consists of somewhat poorly drained soil and low permeability with slopes ranging from 0 to 2 percent. The Creedmoor series is moderately well drained soil with moderate permeability and has slopes ranging from 2 to 8 percent. The Mayodan series consist of well drained soils with high permeability and slopes that range from 2 to 8 percent. The Udorthents series consists of well drained soils with high permeability and slopes ranging from 0 to 15 percent. The following table lists the erosion properties of the respective soil series. Map Symbol % of map Hyd. Kf Tfactor Representative Value unit Group % Sand %Silt %Clay BaC 19.9 B 0.37 3 27.1 54.4 18.5 ChA 7.2 C 0.28 5 39.8 37.7 22.5 CrB 0.9 C 0.28 4 66.5 20.0 13.5 MgB 55.1 B 0.17 5 67.9 19.6 12.5 UdC 14.3 B 0.24 5 59.6 17.9 22.5 HADC0901 - Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\Project Management\Stormwater\090914-Lanesboro Prison-Narrative.docx Pond #1 Lanesboro Correctional Institute Wet Detention Basin Design DRAINAGE AREA (Ad) = 723,532 SQ. FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA (Ai): 307,969 SQ. FT ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (Ai): BUILDINGS: 7,863 SQ. FT ROADS: 0 SQ. FT SIDEWALKS: 0 SQ. FT OFF-SITE 0 SQ. FT CONTINGENCY: 0 SQ. FT TOTAL: 315,832 SQ. FT PERCENT IMPERVIOUS (1): I = Ad/Ai = 43.65% (SAY 4496) POND #1 SHALL HAVE A DEPTH OF 3' AS PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED AND BE DESIGNED TO REMOVE 85% TSS. SA/DA= 1.86% SAREQ_= 13,458 SF. = 0.31 AC SURFACE AREA PROVIDED AT PERMANENT POOL (ELEV. 298.0) = 17,395 SF SA PROV'D= 17,395 > 13,458 =SA REQ'D OK POND #1 DATA SHEET PAGE 1 OF 4 H:\DC0901- Lanesboro Prison EC & SW M\SWM\090909- Pond 1-1B-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc MINIMUM REQUIRED VOLUME (SIMPLE METHOD BY TOM SCHUELER): Rv=0.05+0.009 * (I ) Rv= 0.44286326 VOLUME= 1"*Rv*Ad = 0.612996556 AC-FT 26,702 FT^3 VOLUME PROVIDED AT TEMPORARY POOL: INCREM. TOTAL (S) EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 298 17,395 0 0 299 20,569 18,982 18,982 300 27,595 24,082 43,064 301 31,916 29,755 72,819 MINIMUM TEMP. POOL ELEVATION (FROM SIMPLE METHOD VOLUME): REQ'D EL.= 299.4 VOL. PROV'D = 28,615 CF TEMP. POOL ELEVATION: OUTLET EL. = 300.90 VOL. PROV'D = 69,844 CF NOTE: SINCE THE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT AVAILABLE OUTLET ABOVE THE NORMAL POOL IS GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM TEMP. POOL ELEVATION, THE OUTLET ELEVATION IS THE TEMPORARY POOL ELEVATION. VOL. PROV'D= 69,844 > 26,702 =VOL. REQ'D OK POND #1 DATA SHEET PAGE 2 OF 4 H:\DC0901- Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 1-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc FOREBAY SIZING: PERMANENT POOL VOLUME: INCREM. TOTAL EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 295 9,075 0 0 296 11,647 10,361 10,361 297 14,421 13,034 23,395 298 17,395 15,908 39,303 REQ'D VOLUME = 20% TOTAL = CHECK FOREBAY VOLUME: 7,861 CF INCREM. TOTAL EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 300 3,651 0 0 301 4,397 4,024 4,024 302 5,198 4,798 8,822 303 6,057 5,628 14,449 PROV'D VOLUME = 8,822 CF (3' DEEP FOREBAY) VOL. PROV'D= 8,822 7,861 =VOL. REQ'D NG POND #1 DATA SHEET PAGE 3 OF 4 H:\DC0901 - Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 1-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc ORIFICE SIZING: REQ'D DRAWDOWN TIME = 2-5 DAYS NOTE: ORIFICE SIZED TO DRAWDOWN THE TEMPORARY POOL IN 2-5 DAYS Q2= 0.15453 CFS (FOR 2 DAY DRAWDOWN) Q5= 0.06181 CFS (FOR 5 DAY DRAWDOWN) ORIFICE EL.= 298 (PERM. POOL EL.) TEMP. POOL EL. = 300.90 (OUTLET EL.) ORIFICE DIAMETER = 2.0 IN. Q PROV'D= Cd*A*(2gh)^1/2 WHERE: Cd= 0.6 A= 0.0218166 SF g= 32.2 FPS/S h= (TEMP POOL-NORMAL POOL)/3 = 0.9666667 Q PROV'D= 0.10328 Q2> 0.10328 >Q5 OK DRAWDOWN TIME: TIME= VOLUME = 2.99 DAYS Q PROV'D POND #1 DATA SHEET PAGE 4 OF 4 H:\DC0901 - Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 1-1B-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc Pond #2 Lanesboro Correctional Institute Wet Detention Basin Design DRAINAGE AREA (Ad) = 171,191 SQ. FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA (Ai): 126,760 SQ. FT ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (Ai): BUILDINGS: 16,227 SQ. FT ROADS: 0 SQ. FT SIDEWALKS: 0 SQ. FT OFF-SITE 0 SQ. FT CONTINGENCY: 0 SQ. FT TOTAL: 142,987 SQ. FT PERCENT IMPERVIOUS (1): I = Ad/Ai = 83.52% (SAY 84%) POND #2 SHALL HAVE A DEPTH OF 3' AS PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED AND BE DESIGNED TO REMOVE 85% TSS. SA/DA= 3.51% SAREQ.= 6,009 SF. = 0.14 AC SURFACE AREA PROVIDED AT PERMANENT POOL (ELEV. 295.0) = 9,402 SF SA PROV'D= 9,402 > 6,009 =SA REQ'D OK POND #2 DATA SHEET PAGE 1 OF 4 H:\DC0901 - Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 2-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc MINIMUM REQUIRED VOLUME (SIMPLE METHOD BY TOM SCHUELER): Rv=0.05+0.009*(I) Rv= 0.80172229 VOLUME= 1"*Rv*Ad = 0.26256405 AC-FT 11,437 FT^3 VOLUME PROVIDED AT TEMPORARY POOL: INCREM. TOTAL EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 295 9,402 0 0 296 11,938 10,670 10,670 297 14,708 13,323 23,993 298 17,712 16,210 40,203 MINIMUM TEMP. POOL ELEVATION (FROM SIMPLE METHOD VOLUME): REQ'D EL.= 296.1 VOL. PROV'D = 12,003 CF TEMP. POOL ELEVATION: OUTLET EL. = 297.90 VOL. PROV'D = 38,582 CF NOTE: SINCE THE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT AVAILABLE OUTLET ABOVE THE NORMAL POOL IS GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM TEMP. POOL ELEVATION, THE OUTLET ELEVATION IS THE TEMPORARY POOL ELEVATION. VOL. PROV'D= 38,582 > 11,437 =VOL. REQ'D OK POND #2 DATA SHEET PAGE 2 OF 4 H:\DC0901- Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 2-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc FOREBAY SIZING: PERMANENT POOL VOLUME: INCREM. TOTAL EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 292 3,000 0 0 293 4,557 3,778 3,778 294 6,291 5,424 9,202 295 9,402 7,847 17,049 RECQ'D VOLUME = 20% TOTAL = 3,410 CF CHECK FOREBAY VOLUME: INCREM. TOTAL EL. SA SF VOL. CF VOL. CF 295 1,200 0 0 296 1,647 1,423 1,423 297 2,150 1,899 3,322 298 2,711 2,431 5,753 PROV'D VOLUME = 3,322 CF (3' DEEP FOREBAY) VOL. PROV'D= 3,322 3,410 =VOL. REQ'D OK POND #2 DATA SHEET PAGE 3 OF 4 HADC0901- Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 2-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc ORIFICE SIZING: REQ'D DRAWDOWN TIME = 2-5 DAYS NOTE: ORIFICE SIZED TO DRAWDOWN THE TEMPORARY POOL IN 2-5 DAYS Q2= 0.06619 CFS (FOR 2 DAY DRAWDOWN) Q5= 0.02648 CFS (FOR 5 DAY DRAWDOWN) ORIFICE EL.= 295 (PERM. POOL EL.) TEMP. POOL EL. = 297.90 (OUTLET EL.) ORIFICE DIAMETER = 1.5 IN. Q PROV'D= Cd*A*(2gh)^1/2 WHERE: Cd= 0.6 A= 0.0122718 SF g= 32.2 FPS/S h= (TEMP POOL-NORMAL POOL)/3 = 0.9666667 Q PROV'D= 0.05810 Q2> 0.05810 >Q5 OK DRAWDOWN TIME: TIME= VOLUME = 2.28 DAYS Q PROV'D POND #2 DATA SHEET PAGE 4 OF 4 H:\DC0901- Lanesboro Prison EC & SWM\SWM\090909-Pond 2-JB-OLD RULES-adjusted-calc F.xp oo- tv48 v 2? Previously Permitted Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreements 1?t.\ Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of environment and Natural Resources . %I._ Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin suppleiaent for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: to 00 Cez L C"St' SE C'v.-ir'J- X C?v,-ry Contact Person: 11-1 647 rts N L D 0 c Phone Number: (T q ) 71 6 ¢'/-0 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 2-q 5-, 0 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation g, (U ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 3 00.9 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 7 00 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 6, to ? ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area -7.07 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 5 7 1 6 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 3 21-0cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume O O cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DA I ?. 10 ? (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 57 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw-down required) Design Rainfall 1, 0 in. k0,4ofr C(D,09 1.//0- `'!O wz S'Top-.r) Design TSS Removal 2 '15 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page I of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials A VA a. ?D I b. C'? ffv?t c. CD Y d. Gad' _ e. G4l EfVh g. k h. CD G6ly1ffV,4 j. 92 f lf k. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. D!o' /t 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. C t9t /tl/?f m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) Wdoes 0 does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 3.0 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation vis O Sediment Re oval El. 3 OJ-S 75 0 -------------- - Sediment Removal Elevation 'L9 S1 7S 75% Bottom Ele ation 4q. S % ----------------------------------------- ----- io Elevation 2-15-, --f25% FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: // 5to?')// Title: ,Q cc fo d Ir EN , iJ e'r.?'iN Address: /yoAll, C?,to/,",9 c4' CoR?r?t>`cN ?`ziG rMSc.. k Phone: l 9/s) 7/4 - 31100 Signature: G(l ?c?°ca,.. 'V. eh'r Date: '-?' 'U/ C, C/ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, VtMn ICw I=Qc? , a Notary Public for the State of Wtt?? jnC?. County of do hereby certify that ?Jl?? i cl? ?--ho 110.., personally appeared before me this ) ry - day of -SN _,0Z 00 and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires C ^S - ON--AD Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of4 ,, .., i n ?..001 Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (to be provided by DWQ) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: _1000 C Eta- CSe Sec, o_t TY A" so?v - /4n_ s a.A? au.o0Tr Contact Person: St,n (-?, -5 Al L Do C- Phone Number: (91 q L-716 3 ¢f For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: -. o-to Ak, 2 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 2, q 7, 0 ft. (door of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 2 q ?`• 0 ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 2- q -7. 9 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area g I Z sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 3, 9 3 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 2, 9 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 2 -300 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 33,500 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 630 cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DA 1 3, 9 ?e (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 1.O in. (2 to S d76, temporary pool draw-down required) Design Rainfall ?. in. #---Off Oq oV`ivs- _ !D y„_ sr"?"`J Design TSS Removal 2 % (minimum 85% required) J Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: t When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials C? a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. cae Pvl+ m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) `ti; does 0 does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Pagc 2 of4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads Z,ZS . feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 2,157 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) V Permanent Pool Elevation 2q S, 0 Sediment Re oval El. 295.75 2 2 7 5 -------------i;c Sediment Removal Elevation , 75% Bott om Ele ation 2,T X --------------------------------------------- 125% Bottom Elevation *Ly2, 0 FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: ZJ y/,',g" /, Title: Address:_ log /A CARo/,:v,4 L;g,-;Ail ze ri o-? CoAKC"/*??. 5w6 'rsc. /??,F/'/.C 1 7(17( -%j/G Phone: 716 3yo0 Signature: -77. 1e?- Date: R, .?co/ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 1'V e-t' n l cc, m D t 1(.t? 1 , a Notary Public for the State of "u?-A C O-M: 11 cam, County of WG-?L , do hereby certify that i ?? O CY1 S'6UG.k k personally appeared before me this ar\j day of 10mkcGR.c ), and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires Cj oZcc? Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 OHMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR THE LANESBORO CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE N.C. DEFtM1t=NT AROF CORRECTIONS ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY MAP F 405G1..l , 1 ! P iY f' ??rs ue,r.E ?frnn r ,AAF,'R^ rrffl, z 'n z 1qj Hobbs, chinch Associates, PA. Consulting Engineers Wilmington, Nodh Carolina 28411 IvIlarke, `tree,, ('uite 201, W"iNorth Caich u `F411 Lice ss ; C- X54 Phc c (91'0; 6-3-1,'12 Fax: (910-F .-1145 N r?m 1, 3 f 5g f$t lie I. DIIET j ' ' I f -? I y 1 I ?-'A`TLAN" I I "+' ) i S, . e v. """?-TREELINE (TYP:) fYI@TI?,E ?; 1?1 .? I?t F I!L!P J ?n N N v lANnnL^w 1 C I;uCr AIL? IIL'fI ON HEIIS [ NLEh A AR IIA F A..:' NAI F IINi; CS 1 AND I ng= rd ?I ? i4 ? b-nRlas _ r IN _ m. I r r-N N11 II++ lw N'5" 1'N. r I'N f., Nt.... n I r N r 211 r Nk t r. 1rv? E J 1 'E F ISICh. 1 i / v aN DATE P° F ! LEGEND ?.. S- PPOOPOSE7;aNTAW SEWER -- 5--- EXSTWOS491AHV Srwcc EKHMING UNDERGF OJND FIRE AIAAIA :PROPOSED cNCER3R&JNG FIRE AlAfW - EXISTING STORG SEWER -•- PROMO, STORM EWER EXISTINGWA`ER' NE PROPOSED XATEfi DNE EXISTING ODNTODR LINE N w(: e•:1 1, nI EXtSTIWS GAS LINE -' PROPOSED GAS LNE MTNG TWCJ.CLC PROPDSED TV/ABLE WAIN, UNDERGROUND SECONDARY ELECTRICAL - PROPOSED UNDER zRDUD D SECONDARYEIECIRL Exl fNgf"IfN'E(I'JN PR(-'C*CD PROPURT" LIN i XI I I'k: L)N'1 RGHpLIND TELEPW14F PROPOSED UNDERGROUND TELEP-ME EXISTIN^ OVERHcAL' PHI)"VV t t kCTNI'A.I. a- o1q.)Ix>D t]YHII AD PRUAP. EL:CTP.ICPL ` :XISTINu FE'4CF PROPOSED FENCE t.:. - .IAdll` :h 1:1' ILNI:ANGI SI.T 1 ENGI. t`,k_Ak TREE IN E%SlN V'OWER P.,X-H P(tt. ?EJ PDw Vi.gLI i. MAIN D ETRIDUTCW PANEL M:W T tAN. PAICR By D,IKC YritiER ?. NEVrC HJHF4;lli]F! E.P.l(rRANT I". PHf)POS'ED GPATE IN-ET. EXISTING GRA-E RIIET rx, 114-El PROT?C-IUW 1 Q w - ro - o c`? z y ? N :3 U "ate 1 ? Y +W.1 LLJ Z W' Z ® U7 O ? Q d x< QU LJ zz O U z C ? UU Q LoO N z a d J L GRAPH`(l SCALD' 30 0 15 30 510 - 30 I -PROPOSED DRAT INLET , I YE,) -WD- LW - F rVcdO Js =Y'3\ DAV d>; L EXISTINGGRATE ? o _ saw ° -+x - - I ` ,1 I INLP l r?' . U.. -INLET T CTION T I'1. .. , PRO E YP.' v I ' Ik A. q I I ? I y I Gs #55 ? .1 GI #s. -HIM. 0,31.00 c FXICIINi SI(iHM RIM: 329SD INV: 326 80 . v INV, 326,24 WATER PIPE; ? AT, P S' ? L I I I ? _-? c I?RUPC?S- ?D P.DDIr I ioNAL-- I - FAC LITV ,J .. YI_ ?-- -- EXISTING FENCE •\` l , I I I ?? I v n TYP.t 1 \ F 1 O_ ? ?f? A N ?'? I GI #5P ?GI X54 Fim 332.25 I 11. 332.2E INV.32o.0^ r , - INv` 3.6,00 ? ac Q r o01 am -- aoi TEMPORARY SALTY o°SILT FENCEI ?I PORT FNTRP,NCE r-fEMPORA RY 25 ,. -LIMITSGDISJURBANCE -- CONSTR ^Tli)N ENIHANCE ° I o L _Jl; LOD L D toc t no IpD LOU-- LUC LW - LOD - LOLT - r °f ?.5 EXISTING FENCE (TYP.) 5 -aoi om'- (10 -1 no ao1 a clot D . 01 -nog-ao-1=aei- .-- RS ? z. cs - O 2 n m7m z r? dl z Q Lu Z o Irl W w Z ?z Q Z LY 0 Z/ Q V ? AJ LU _y z L W ? L DOULuz LLJ?LL a?; rte oz z Ua ?U ?Q 0 m0 n V7 Z C 3 8 - - I_A'J L=61VLL1'UES GNE- DYC ARIFF HEI°_-4R CN C6 t' Fc'%51 !.'.ITV -F? T1115 r.l--H1 _1t?l L'. UI;f1']'I -'.hln._kfU LE7?C CL]IGN At, 12, RL VIS-RFI.IF 11-FE ON F ?HL`?J F EXISTING 1,000 CELL FACILITY PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED: JUNE 28, 2001 DWO PROJECT 4 001048 400 ? N FEET ) P F C?`: .il lALl tiIG"l.:t. 3 H?=.LEi FC.ISi'._ J.; FES- HG?. t'-» flci i5l k'?Pxf F3 TH'S ;Vd ),aC Lr9 C'?G :?CNI ?1 JL LGI'F, "'pi I - IN co„t°3 c. -c c,F_Eea_ c:.N 7 r-DHAINAGE AREA (TYP.) m aae- .. - em..._. eti - ----------------- DRAINAGE AREA 3 UNCHANGED i L_ d ? ROPOStU AUITIONA DRAINAGE AREA a © CC FACLITY . UNCHANGED WITH. ? CJ r ADDED IMPERVIOUS ? ? i _ u A ------------------- ------------- )L A i ._-. 1 ? i - o s f? - w - DRAINAGE AREA 1 UNCHANGED WITF! ADDED IMPERVIOUS J f I li P !f ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - t i -WFTLANDS (TYR;) EXISTING POND 1 z f' r v -zx ? C] E L S F lj u ? 4 S H ma W z FZ J 0 ?z b 0z Jq c? < < U UJJ ZT (L 9 C LLJ u } Z ez ? ?j 0 00 r Q mryG H c^ ?u rn k fN1Li NAIL tih:1 BY rH E 'Fiq ,, ERIN Ot idfI P.dl3l I 11 P T1 14., f tfLUK11 L cU1IU AL nL ,? PONFF, : A`L. NORMAL POOL IE-EVATION 2980 1 fI. EXISTING POND 1 `"."- 192 4 91 175 _-?? - ---353" J_. -- 8 I --.-r- - `87 l 30" CVP RISERJ (SF- f EIAIL) GRAPHIC . f A.I- ?6 0 1U L5....?3100 L 120 I1<iln; ..305 RIM 3oG _ 295 / Al 1 1 r l 31U= L "_8 t ??P Pry ?1 f Jh I N rIllFC_ F, 1W.%'DOWN2^8E j 2895 _^h4AL P001 ? Lang ?-?=?..??? ?1?i.. V r .295 hA";N f,ri'I+ 295/ E 5TOPMWATER POND NOTES 1 F PA .", i Ilrgl 41H1? P7 I I J 1 o•:JTF f ill 'ANIIMAIN, frwlA 6^I'lbl:'!JF r Iv rP?: I rt r'l AN1 A_FLH i+ ILF".0 P W"J.-fHNATIVE L of If. V I I ND MAR H LA"!T ;Fr:,-'o : AM F I A I JFIt EI r1 4MJYF(-,N11 C TII A f N1 NAB Am)1 II WI Ir ':JCI rIL-Ii ?i?41 1511 ELTAI JR IF: lP AI LFi? P 1 _ L? N IFGf I y °.I II H ?l. i^{ LI IN G '.'EL IM;lG S EEALEM IA I f KFk l1tHi QI CE UH A A' ?::NI JoIH .?IPh E -N PE?TI JA. IJ?'f:f ? 5 ii F `,I 3 .IC _, tit-?r IhrrL t : ? ?) n c FF K'11?II r f„NII U f .AHM'r'-C Fn1 A_1SJCF MIFTCANA',. J6 -L. jIf E. 12TANI, A?UgTI?R? 3 -1EPERIY F Sr:C?RMhATCP. N?AT,.'r."MFVT FCI IHA.L E FlAr TEC l '.I[ CJL. ?fF LS(i1-111 ESSTAG= _ A F 711!5 LC' A :? til h 1 IH )F p HA1 .15I AT-HALL11) SWA 1f T!PEL-2,tg i' VFFj 1U -6 V IL Eh4Fl-,ycvi 1' _ NIL 4AE_JO REBAR TRASH RACK AT TOP :7,)Ah YiIT1.IL7;'GC_UFC? 305 4 fd.5X vvf.TfR I h'I;FAIFI AI 7c LM , PECAT a .T ?POrC=ER STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOND I SECTION lq<)I ; AIF / I s ! 300 IN ' FFP _L ST rI,--iDPE ?- CC FIE?A r - ., -? ::: (h' HENCH7 ki; n SiAP PAD GF Fr ,(r v? IL t ? f ?uy/1 j 4 E I ,r try C' SV? ? S% ? C Q?j_ t 6 ?q 2 ;a J LU z0 n [Y W Q a 0 17- U) LU Z Z Q )D 7 z0? Q z J U LU Q j .. WC) `?UJZ I_ `L [ } oz z 0 no 2U ?C) Q m 0 1- u) cn U) LD z z d 5 3 PL WaI M1 I uk51f-;E PcFI F SlClli // ?ln -V F , ON 1 IN 111 5YM OE94F F DATE E° /• AI,_LIM I _u Io 1 fill In III_ll: I,N AIJC REVIED GHIF Sz , ??> dL? _ PPNPS I AND EXISTING POND ? - - - - - NORMA( POOL / r ? ELEVATION' 295.0 EXISTING POND OND 3 ?- 3 4C--- ( zsa -- f 1 ? p 1 4 - L= - 9 - 2. 27 - 106 2 1 66 241 46 F G - ?, L) 126 5., 1 ?q t a. r ` NORMAL POOL \8" EL?vnT!ord:2eF.o 1CMP RISER J (SCE DETAIL) 18' CMP FiISER (SEE DFTAI! W AMR p z O 6 IN FEET) ?0,9 - E 1P TE i Ck. 7; TI ¢' D1 S'V E F 1E(I fi'rv I ? o I I L I V1A l JJJ??? 4+ 300 EX:.5D 300:0 fl' ?IC E' ._° II?fI6AT EC[;?? . -.I-- T II PCa `300. ) RIPRAP 1STORMWATER POND NOTE. m z 290 300 _ EX.. SID w? 3019.. RII'RAP 295 NSF Lek - _f,?7.. ??- ?1c.-;iSER. 1 295. 1. REV f I IiJI+TI ',,I )W N I f•f1 1 •h` ???? 11 _?-1::4 FOR 0. AeCU NF„IEAT"CW FT;N 295 J?LJF An_ FdJ.;T _J_ llf - - - - 2,. FL! l - nA11lI F PUf 1111 41 WE P-' l9 R1 Pi: lI 1',? •\ a JOa EI [TA 1 I II %V,R F A II =Hf;V RAIN n'h ,nEI - - r H 2 Ur EHA I QF uF I,F; - - - - 'TAE ?f D P1 EI / J,TJP Tit Pl K)V G JIE 1 E ,_ IM1 Bo'1 IF__ CA _ ,N. -m Sy _ . - - 290 E«,„. 6??f? a V11 N .J T+ a II- ieEECF1I a Es= U7 _2 f.J„iITTF 1:117 `-c X. RIPPAP PAD hq V. .GhJMt -IANUHi? I I?1%, 1 Q IAI, I. i. -' % 4 rl . 4; °f7:.1•`-; Ff H iP; J IF YlhUcd .r LI STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND Z SECTIONI AI +H;I II PIL,M1 LU E 1 hNFFI IhMNk Si-rl a L ? RL[ IF Vtil FII[ IEI MHIL 1,4p) -„? ? U (,1 VC r'C: F TAI T NEIIP1RPf1 W z E' L 0_` .. E I E, s C F Q E„ L? MArnvrrrll LvI v"Lr1 Oz REBARTRASH RA PT TOP 1717 y yf y 4 I. -HL?H I NI U 1 ?TI.FAI D ?` o t[ nILL ,AY 738. ' SPILT a I EL ,3 f, 1 ILL EI M L ILI : ? 1 1?F "NA) Ir1 ? U I:f `,!'TI al. NILLNIrE A IaF:IaTIIa -rv }I 7F _ of H ri 1, „IC_ ESQ 3 'TEIF 'IP1 _ ! l-0Nr Y r17 Ctr4ll - 0 / cIE , I 259 a Mn 8 .,IE? _F-flE S I Y C(k .CE g:lFlh f.,ll ,N -r 11 F)IA. .H ry,E i!Fvl Y,PQWN 295.01 TJf - f N 7a PCr fD WI 'I I?I,.I a?I O) tr) SEI , I -- hvLP(7Ot ,,?,, htF r?rFAHLH ?JTHIIIJa• ttE.JS1JI:-,bM1LLIIJ. .j 255 - 2aE' Fl?.?f' p ; E9A0 A ,El 1 MI5(R C l FtE-._6ASE - - - - - ? - - ? £90 •:•'`. r EnP.T IrtT?r _v, a, x'I 57n; 11 111 i111 CHI L'ijlz 4. RIPRAP PAD STORMVIVATER MANAGEMENT POND 3 SECTION n u:.,? r 6 B: B'MAX MSTR.-4GTH FABR'!C WIIM WIRE FESCi J PMA'u Cx'Rd IRENGTRFABRIC AiTHCWTYORE FFNJE I c •:..6; POST t1'FL 1 F END , BgTT, oA F TR-9C.,i r --'LASI r c; dvhF HFF; FI 1.01i!: I'J.'1ALl LL IC. i T:: F Nr1 ' T H-I LIhl FA!; .`.iM A T h H IitiH,' MIN Ifl$ IALI.AJICd__fc.61?['IS?NANCE NOTES _ 1. REMOVE ANY SED'LMEN' GREATER THAN 12' DEEP. REPAIR ANY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINLNG IMMEDiAILLY. 2. S10'NE OUTLET TO BE ADDED AT LOW POINTS IN SILT FENCE. SEE DETAIL ` 3. CONTRACTORS OPTON TO USE AT TCE O? SLOPES" - ' gplA('ETJ- TO PA4FMENT TO PROTECT PAVED SURFACES. , MII 4. FABRIC SHALL BE INS'ALLEL) ON THE UP51_OPE SSDE # TH'E H1Rt FT.JJ7NG. 1 TEVIPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE DETAIL 1 'V C gi'.ALE. CONSTRUC'IDN SPPriPirA Wkl MATERIALS: t USE A SYNTHETIC FlL TFR FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF POLYDLEF'.NS OR POLYESTER, Yfr1CH IS CERTF,ED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER AS CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN ASTM D 6461. SYNTHETIC -FILTER FABR.C SHOGID CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZER, TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF B MONTHS OF EXPECTED USABLE CONSIRUCIION LIFT AT A TEMPERATURE RANGE O> 0 0 120' ?. 2. INSURE THAT POSTS FOR SEDMENT FTNCES ARE .3 LB/ INEAR FT STEFL PITH A MINIIAJM SNGTH DE 5 FEE'. MAKI SURE THAT STEEL POSTS HAVE PR.QCC"DONS TO FACILITATE FASTENING 1HE FABRIC 3 FOR REINFORCEUENT Or STANDARD STRENGTH FIUTLR E ABRIC. USE 'MRE FENCE MTH A MINIMUM 14 GAUGE AND A MAXIMUM MESH SPACING OF Q INCHES. sDIxSTRUCTION 5PECIFlCATION MATERIALS 1. CLEAR THE ENTRANCE AND EKT AREA OF ALL VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONA.B''..E MATERIAL AND PROPERLr GRADE IT. REVISI?'J r I I r or{? PI Ara ?, F.IVAIl'f If?'E6 DY CJ V,,,L.a PL. LH,PNlr ',n 1L OHS'15Pi E9T sEAI ARF IMJT TO AHRITIC':NAI RHI '.NI_; DESI,7{Av-% LV19CU O'BI _:l_ 2IZL'_ ON PONES 1 AN_ -, 2. PLACE THE 3' COARSE AGGREGA F TO 'FHE SPECIFIC GRADE AND DIMENSIONS 5E r ? }? SHOWN ON 1HE PLANS, AND n GO SMOOTH 1- ;i Pw . r tT' r?a4s.=Yys r,.. 3 PROVIDE DRAINAGE TO CARRY WATER TO A SEDIMENT iRAO 0R OTHER I NJi V%j SUITABLE OUTLET. V N Art TI IN1 N uTENTO rrE ENT / IU n -IIMFNI FI 1 LEA P THE ON 1 UL 11-iN A ..SSE GEOTEXTILE FABR,CS TT 1-1 a Mr F IHf P. NI uBl IN u1 I H !OT IN I ;.JF L" 3F ULTUI _hT4 t .' Dr N'_T_'UI FnLirHR IN ALI PS-'E THE t,jTI I F HE IW DI lEL REH EA L JTAJ E iLIJ IP C A All F( IN L1- hT.dHFti ! v Ff ''"ELI LAD . . _ IHF,4HF MITT a,T Ff „ T OF h E.FHON HP, III F1 ?I JAY:, TEMPORA NOT TO S;CAL- SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION N'S I STONE A A L IL T j Nr?? I? L.--- -- ---I' PLAN -6 STEEL POSTS ITYP I J- WIPE MESH- 23 GAGE., . Jf IM' OPENINGS ( LXUAVATE FOP SEDWM N-CAPTURE, N+ A - `?? -_- It { N ' 1,1 2 FI_TERED NOTE: WATER FRAM ES AND GRATES TO REMAIN SECTION A A; OFFIN=STRUfTUREGWHILE INLET PROTECTION IS IN PLACE. TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION DETAIL NOT iOSCALE )ii'lANI-H c,N!'?I!NJTHOJ H51I'1 ANT' Al 1. 011- -i AHR AH_F '._FMI ?'311F T0; NY AhD 1 41. A,,- 2 IP IULEA r :N4 T-111 TILL "'JFERLN C*1 IITI NCR ALL NTF) TOR9 C. 1Nf .1; OF ' ( ANF :=fRUS NI CFN F NI FH(ih14 J;HUI !, T-,R,II FIR.;(,'NNI, LI (. I:S :-0 W 1 IAM)II-140!,101. VC), HAN . 'S1AL. CC PI T-LICTIl4, `_ J'AI+_; A`iC "'-IrE.!C -T HEL.-ATON 'FOVF;CNTH-. -R L1J:J (aJT IL F.1aH5. ALL-H:. 12N At,:) .,ECIt'_NITr.TIGN I.N_ROL t-ALRFE, S 1ALL BE INSA_LED FPInHID i LANE`NS`JRF!IpJ,-AUTIV Tl'. Tilft ??HR"is g,iAlI R'-N1AlI,lN%A-1 UNTIL ONST U 1 4..- `II N 1 : '.;N?1I N ,1 hF'.!'.iLll INl IIICIII '- .'.i1h11 U' Il i MF FLIER AI II :" FAHIHVQHk -..I,ABIL ZEC'Ah:II PJI?'!1EP °,9 HC PWr Y ('. A5 L. P -EAS. EI(. A P N'. HAL ! CIN t!)VTf if N-lih:THI I,I TSU ?4FCIPIGAII ANI: ?.-F h,Fn1'RUNDFA' Hln_I;; AtFL, CA vI'L ILN 1 rVST' UUTI lF u F A 1 FIIA L R?,DIN ? -TABI1 I fr -TATIONIN N1FI J A 1111 N( f f HI nN _li-VI ,_L RLa1. ',.1.LN_ .1-111 T JJ.: A,_LTEMPOR,. SIEASLn?. NOT F. S F.IH.il1A.N 1 l O (' c3 A',71 I IHEAtrC!_, K 1 ;HAULU SL! s 0111 HILL "HA__ BE FT0 ' •LAI=q7H N H"ANILE - CAp P_TETAINEC 2'f'r- TNT' ?7dE;.,IT-. cTHEF AEI_-TEFrI! Ti ILL I EER PI ;N IRCS I Al 1 L-1EN- - I L}H Cv41LI T J U!I Ill I i. YS Nr I.L ! "Il 1JF'A l4 CPI. III. FI AN I )H N F t1tiL P'h IL U'.^ : F -MP?-IFTA[il' _::1 FLF;MANLNI ! LI ,L CC'cEI?. I FUI L?;)' TII TJfES Uf .,LEN Tf:r fIAIN _,??! PI FLF I )IJTT I(5 1.f FH) I I.hS F fF 1ANGN1 III LO Ff fF I??dl-[i 1- P) JFf I1 l_ IHIT- AX. U1I LI HFuE .ILUrz Jnk )AI Ar A IF =IfOHK1tJ:3 F'.C' LRJC L ! 4nl ?E,EIT. F T F. 10VAN 7MFL. NJ._ O J`'HI GTI IJ Pr_; E.LffAN.T SEED BED PREPARATION 1 F `I11111t14.1 AHFA10( )IFII- 2 r ht-'VL ALL U K T' .".P I ELI UB -R T YU LEA-0ING S'UR-ACE C ", _I'WD 11EOTI NJ!, INR UR',I 3, APPLVA I(.'1_ 'JHA1 .T?t FE11 ANDSUFLIIPHOSPHATEINACCO;LDANCEWITH SEEDIPI .CHEOULE. AND E.I:` AI H 401'_ 17°,'11n11 1. 1AGI U^d _ A E1112II, FIM PFA;t$AHi it, ED IS 4'F-'Ah LA Ii:. F, IN1:-I ?, GELP. 5 LLC cN r IL.:I!L ' F'HC A "FL, Sr_rC, I 'E L L IT{, 1, V?l I LCEPI? rULI'tdf l{ ,_H ?;II'IF IKI,T ASFrh1NJ ,FFp 11',IlF 1N, ",: fP,n ,. 1FrlIF" 6. V1 LJH J JFJANGE AR i"SEEDIN. JI-E:1LLE -VIHEG'.AEELY AITEF 7: IN,;.PI(AA.5111?I`JGF =.;(WrlA.NIIFVvIIH I to- 1}'HI 'EdHJ F. IF II ':iFFIFIN.; Si'.-IFI!.II F' pJHK; rrr,r L a:iU' HE4i4 JL R.°.ELC ?° F-ilN TH ! A 7 U..1EAB'.:''JIP f JOSIBLF C(T THEDAVA-.ELI AREA S3 -AL . t TE ?TABJ NLB 7.LOf INS ,IF fJF : r,JA_ ILN-. TC.TL_Lr?, dND.iLCDN--i CSUIF. df;J S. NST RUCTION ENTRANCE- SEEDING SCHEDULE PROJECT LOCATION DESCRIPTION- UL nN ICUMLt NIL : .1RF T1 P.UU TIIp II 1aH4:1 n1 II F. StiI1F11I111'1F.IF JF 18(11Ld, H MODERATE WATER HOLDING GRASSING SPECIFICATIONS NOTE TEIJGOf ANv CEI. NI:I $-IAL. E 15ECI FOP A_ A'iEA" EX -TSEU Gr--ATEHP C:N,- N K rJ'J._-SU IJCCT TOrJH"IIERU. JHBff;C.F?4FiJCWT, E11'..S;LM1IIR iIFCRFJF,FAfIr)IIACY0N.0. 1':.SNI. II FUIIiTd. CH CIPCii PI14);NJF? TEMPORARY W NITER/EAR_Y SPRING SEED MIX JAN.1 - MAYI F': IG VNI KOHF F PEI,!/A .,.,... .. i TEMPORARY SUMMER SEED MIX P ,-[Fs RATE (LIPJACRE) Pd3Y 1 - AI_10.'F G-AllN ',I[ LL 40 TEMPORARY FALL SEED MIX eH-iHFs RATE jjP_fAGRQ ! Il I,. 1 H1`F (( P. IN's 120 `6 AMENDMENTS [FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING] .SOIL L HL (NE AND LBIACRE J C. FEFTIJZER. NOTE. TE_MPOPARY GRASS TO BE FOLLOWED BY PERMANENT SEED PRIX PERMANENT SEED MIX SP:CIfS Rl111"?.-A:?F:( APR. - JLL) ' L ....._?.? .;'TM7f. N B 7.tIlE A ........ liPANl EILLE' SOIL AMENDMENTS IPERMANENTSEED'NG! APE llr fi( )F tU INio THL 31ICHe IL IN AnEAP NI HS_';UPES 21 RFf-T F f /''E III / I' 11; F 1N 's.A'.F E fl a,CHL F. A' IN t" 1) 1. L, I I m, s I N .:Il Iv, I IT ;F 3.000 LBIAG9E MULCH +,P A AND LOW SLOPE AREAS) , 1n f HAW :-;1011VA FN1 VI- 1JIr:?Ml i.',H WITH ROVING,NETHNGOR o ?„FIN.=.', 14,6 .:FFA_IEI+ILL NAIARATFI 1dHFI i A',1E MULCH +DRAiNAGE DITCH) H F A M.?I I E1 FH _,I, ?N fpt l T F:lO 1I11;1 :: -1 11F H - I'PM r I F CHANNELS ARD DI `Ir,: H E I JINNI. 5H,)JLD-kIEt,CA-)VETHEF TE ''AL!,IP_A EC -TH.OF FLUW ON' TF•`_.:HAtlF1=L 'C PESrE'VEI -IEICJIT„N-, IPJ DEAIIAGE&; N[: REGU:- T=tAI_ YR`-'LINTI' ,-FL `F N T(' R:A:;Af ,F NJThAvv IHLVjii- I,lIF S 1 F Aif.BY 5TA, I,WJ TINEr,F4 HE _N:P WATER VI T, CF 1 G- RAIN`ALI. a i4EEC, - NIOT'LIPP_IED IJATURALLY 7o',LT-1ACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE PLVIA NIN, AYI UlIT J`N_S 1OLfilE GCCJLA I AS6FEG `-aT &I lrb-DI MAINTNANCF: FOR No. SCP tiff Ell_l'JZEI F ? i1TJPFINU AT i11 WITH sf _BAcHENITF-iD,_,F I '.[ PEAT A. PC-'.,,'TI, HE'J_lpFS, A5I ' I h9 ti'J2 1:)JI [ACI 1 "Ff' kF;1 I n Sl lV: A NU tl_I q !AV,r, - °. AHL.A:; IMMI'D:A.IFI 1'. J, R CX ? t v w^r V V7 ? rv 0 - Z z F z ?Z Q 3 (0 _0 U) z LY L W? Z. ?tl a C 0000 OIL r?LL?? ? QZ 0 0 0 ? V 00 0 rl (j W o W Z Z 2 _l ar 'B' rCONCRETE 24'X36' FRAME CCNCRETF r 74Y38"`RAME COLLAR.('YP_) BGRA"E(TYP) DOLLAR ITYP ` &GRATF ITV P.) 1 J d-MCGARD ( II BUL SFFYP, T 1 YMIN L1YM?] h I NON-SECURE FRAME AND ORATE SECURE FRAME AND GRATE 1 Wd' I I a1t?' 1 ?. ?22k84' 2S5(d?. FRAME SECTION NOTES' SFORM DRAINAGE hPAME AND GRATE USED INSTE CCMPCI;ND Wil USE THE 'SECURE FRAME AND GRATE'. ALL FRAMES WILL BE U.S. FOUNDRY& MANUFACTURING COMPANY MODEL # USF 4132 OR APPROVED EQUAL, ALL GRATES WILL BF U,S. FOUNDRY & MANUFACTURING COMPANY MODEL # UST 6190 OR APPROVED EQUA, L? 246" FRAME AND GRATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE I1,N 0=?51Pl;,LC?oLSi GNED EY ^.'l.n.FS HLI9ER C4 06 3C1 Ml1 : ',l AL Ff1L LpolIL'J I b .1_.D IChALB'-LpW=7 uLSIeN .A ,,E 9E'i SEC OF. FILE A7, F, 2N PONDS t AV', 7 GRADES 12'MN. IPYP.) I-_II F w:s y w } ?A"X36' FRAME AND D.c,3A GRATE (rT P.) ` ?CNAA9PFEREXPOSE 'jEDGES ? ' ' ? " 6 "THICK CONCRETE TOP WITI I ! STEEL REINFORCING E'W- WIDTIH VARIE S ? N 1xAV2.1 wLVF ALL STEPS IN MANHOLES SHAI L ? i BE COPOLYMER POLYPROPri ENL PLASTIC, REINFORCED WITH 1,E' C9ADE6O REINFORCEMENT STORM MANHOLE STEPS (P 16- QG. IF DRAIN LINE -+ - DFPTH IS MORF TIHAN 3'-0" 11' OR 8' SOLID CONCRETE BRICK i OR PRECAST GONCRET` BGX. 1 h . . ?? C! REBA.R (fir. 12, C-CF.Yf. STORM DRAIN LINE. J ! II 3ODGPSICONREIE: FOUNDATION --COMPACTED SUBGRADE ±' s GRATE INLET DETAIL C.C.3A NOT TO SCALE. K ? W it 3° t, 4. Ca U LLJ z 0` m o N z_L_ Z J Ili G W I].. V D"• d WOOL) I- X z U? 0 00 ?U' LLU 0 m0 I- Y) %-n Uj J Z Z4 ?i J V io- $