HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091294 Ver 1_As Built Report_20090521cep 1 64 crve ` U,)Q * ? SECTION I. MITIGATION REPORT TERRIBLE CREEK BUFFER RESTORATION WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (SCO Project Number 050667901) 0 9- 1 2 9 4 NEUSE RIVERBASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03020201 Prepared for: NCDENR T - "3 CfMVI North Carolina Department of Environmentand Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 EEP Project Manager: Jessica Kemp June 2008 SECTION 1. MITIGATION REPORT' TERRIBLE CREEK. BUFFER RESTORATION WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. (SCO Project Number 050667901) NEUSE RIVER BASIN CA'T'ALOGING LIMIT 03020201 Prepared for: FFIFA ..A.7A. NCDENR I?cYgstelll 4! t North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resour-Ces Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 EEP Project Manager: Jessica Kemp Prepared by: Axiom Environmental, Inc. 2126 Rowland Pond Drive Willow Springs, North Carolina 27592 (919) 215-1693 (phone) (919) 341-3839 (fax) Project'vlanager: Grant Lewis June 2008 SECTION H. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This as-built mitigation plan describes the Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Site (Site) and was designed specifically to assist in fulfilling North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program restoration goals. The Site is located approximately 1 mile northeast of Willow Springs and 4 miles northeast of Fuquay-Varina, in Wake County. This portion of Wake County is located within Neuse River Basin Cataloging Unit 03020201120010. This document details riparian buffer restoration procedures on the 47.84-acre Site, which resulted in a total of 45.6 acres of riparian buffer restoration. Site drainage features provide water quality function to an approximately 13.0-square mile watershed. The Site is located within a North Carolina Wetlands. Restoration Program targeted local watershed; however, Site streams and the receiving stream (Middle Creek) have not been placed on the state's 303(d) list by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Terrible Creek has a Best Usage Classification of C, NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) and supports its designated uses. Pre-construction Site land use consisted primarily of livestock pasture. Terrible Creek was characterized by eroding stream banks and contained a riparian buffer dominated by fescue as well as other herbaceous vegetation. Residential development is currently under construction north of the Site and will continue to expand exacerbating runoff into the Site. Restoration activities at the Site included 1) one herbicide treatment to control herbaceous species, primarily fescue, 2) bushhogging of the Site and allowing herbaceous vegetation to green up preparing the Site for second herbicide treatment, 3) second herbicide treatment to ensure treatment of herbaceous vegetation that would have otherwise been overtopped, 4) soil discing to prepare the soil bed prior to planting, 5) soil amendments based on NCDA&CS Agronomy Division recommendations from preconstruction soil samples, 6) plant community restoration consisting of Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest and Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest communities, and 7) outer bend treatments within Terrible Creek. This Site will serve as a pilot project for outer bend treatments. The erosion status of each outer bend on Terrible Creek within the Site was evaluated and ranked on a qualitative scale. Three outer bend treatments consisting of 1) erosion control matting and live stakes, 2) brush mattresses, and 3) a do nothing alternative were incorporated on bends throughout the Site in order to monitor the progression of each outer bend and compare treatments throughout the monitoring period. As-built the restoration plan restored 45.6 acres of Neuse River Riparian Buffers within the Site boundaries for a total of 45.6 Buffer Mitigation Units. The primary goals of this buffer restoration project focused on reforestation of the floodplain with native species to 1) improve water quality; 2) enhance flood attenuation; 3) reduce sedimentation/siltation; 4) increase channel bank stability; Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Executive Summary Terrible Creek Ruffer Restoration 5) filter and reduce pollutants prior to entering Terrible Creek; 6) serve as a wildlife corridor by providing connectivity to forested areas adjacent to the Site; 7) provide increased habitat for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife; 8) increase organic matter, carbon export, and woody debris in the stream corridor; 9) restore shade to Site open waters; and 10) enhance characteristic macroinvertebrate species populations in the channel. Monitoring of restoration efforts will be performed until success criteria are fulfilled; the detailed monitoring plan, success criteria, and contingency plan are outlined in Section 2.0 of this document. Monitoring and success criteria for vegetation are based on the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only (Version 4.0) (Lee et at. 2006). In addition, the outer bend treatments will be evaluated, photographed, and located with GPS as part of the monitoring effort. Prior to Site construction, a beaver dam was located near the downstream end of the Site and resulted in the mortality of mature hardwood trees in this area. During planting, beaver activity was extremely high and was evidenced by beaver chewed stems and newly built dams. Proactive measures to remove beaver from the Site have been initiated by EEP entering into a contract with APHIS in March 2008 to remove existing beaver and remove any beaver throughout the monitoring period, as necessary. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Executive Summary Terrihle Creek Buffer Restoration SECTION III. Table of Contents SECTION IV. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... I SECTION IV.I Restoration Summary ................................................................................................ I SECTION IV.2 Directions to Site ....................................................................................................... 3 SECTION VI MONITORING PLAN ..................................................................................................... 3 SECTION VI.1 Vegetation Monitoring .............................................................................................. 3 SECTION VI.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria ................................................................................ 3 SECTION VI.2 Outer Bend Treatment Monitoring ............................................................................. 5 SECTION VI.3 Beaver Management .................................................................................................. 6 SECTION VII VEGETATION CONTINGENCY .................................................................................. 6 SECTION VIII REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 7 Appendices Appendix A. SECTION V Figures Appendix B. Preconstruction Photographs Appendix C. Preconstruction Outer Bend Erosion Photographs Appendix D. During Construction Photographs Appendix E. Baseline As-built Vegetation Data List of Figures Figure 1. Site Location Figure 2. Project Map and Restoration Activities Figure 3. Outer Bend Treatment Details Figure 4. Monitoring Plan List of Tables Table 1. Planted Species (Bare Root Seedlings) ........................................................ Table 2. Planted Species (1 Gallon Containerized Seedlings) .................................... Table 3. Reference Forest Ecosystem ........................................................................ Table 4. Outer Bend Treatments ............................................................................... ............................ 4 ............................ 4 ............................ 4 ............................ 5 Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Table of Contents page i Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration TERRIBLE CREEK AS-BUILT MITIGATION PLAN SECTION IV. INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) completed riparian buffer restoration at Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Site (Site) located approximately 1 mile northeast of Willow Spring and 4 miles northeast of Fuquay-Varina, in Wake County (Figure 1, Appendix A). The Site is located in United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03020201120010 (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasin 03-04-03) of the Neuse River Basin and will service the USGS 8-digit HU 03020201 (Figure 1, Appendix A) (USGS 1974). The Site encompasses the left bank of Terrible Creek, several unnamed tributaries to Terrible Creek, floodplains, and jurisdictional wetlands. The Site drains an approximately 13.0-square mile watershed at the Site outfall. Terrible Creek is a fourth-order or greater, bank-to-bank stream system, which had been impacted by vegetative clearing, hoof shear from cattle and horses, and erosive flows. The upstream drainage basin is characterized mainly by agricultural and forest land with interspersed low-density residential development; impervious surfaces appear to account for less than 10 percent of the drainage basin area. Residential development becomes more concentrated southwest of the watershed in the City of Fuquay-Varina and northeast of the watershed in the City of Raleigh. The Site was historically characterized by hardwood forest several decades ago; however, under preconstruction conditions forest vegetation had been cleared and the property was characterized by livestock pasture. The Site contained an abundance of complex microtopography ranging to one foot in vertical symmetry across the landscape most likely remnant from logging operations. A beaver dam is located near the downstream end of the Site and has resulted in the mortality of mature hardwood trees in this area. Several residential developments are currently being constructed immediately north/upslope of the Site. SECTION IV.1 Restoration Summary The primary goals of this buffer restoration project focused on reforestation of the Site with native species to 1) improve water quality; 2) enhance flood attenuation; 3) reduce sedimentation/siltation; 4) increase channel bank stability; 5) filter and reduce pollutants prior to entering Terrible Creek; 6) serve as a wildlife corridor by providing connectivity to forested areas adjacent to the Site; 7) provide increased habitat for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife; 8) increase organic matter, carbon export, and woody debris in the stream corridor; 9) restore shade to Site open waters; and 10) enhance characteristic macroinvertebrate species populations in the channel. The objectives of this project included the following. • Classify on-Site streams as perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. • Identify jurisdictional wetlands within Site boundaries. • Identify a suitable reference forest to model Site restoration attributes. • Establish a baseline photographic record of each outer bend of Terrible Creek within the Site. • Develop a detailed plan of buffer restoration activities within the approximately 47.84-acre conservation easement boundary. • Establish success criteria and a method of monitoring the Site upon completion of restoration construction. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 1 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Restoration activities at the Site included (Figure 2, Appendix A) 1) one herbicide treatment to control herbaceous species, primarily fescue, 2) bushhogging of the Site and allowing herbaceous vegetation to green up preparing the Site for second herbicide treatment, 3) second herbicide treatment to ensure treatment of herbaceous vegetation that would have otherwise been overtopped, 4) soil discing to prepare the soil bed prior to planting, 5) soil amendments based on NCDA&CS Agronomy Division recommendations from preconstruction soil samples, 6) plant community restoration consisting of Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest and Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest communities, and 7) outer bend treatments within Terrible Creek. Site restoration efforts resulted in the following. • Restoration of 45.6 acres of riparian buffer within the Site; therefore, providing 45.6 Buffer Mitigation Units. • Reforestation within 45.6 acres of the Site with native forest vegetation. • Installation of outer bend treatments on Terrible Creek. The primary goals of this buffer restoration project focused on improving water quality, enhancing flood attenuation, and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat and were accomplished by • Removing nonpoint sources of pollution by providing a vegetative -buffer adjacent to streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff. • Reducing sedimentation within onsite and downstream receiving waters by a) reducing bank erosion associated with vegetation maintenance and agricultural activities to Site streams, b) filtering surface runoff from adjacent developments and reduce particulate matter deposition into area waterways, and c) providing a forested vegetative buffer adjacent to Site streams and wetlands. • Promoting floodwater attenuation and improving stream stability by a) enhancing depressional floodplain wetlands and the storage capacity for floodwaters within the Site and b) revegetating Site floodplains to reduce floodwater velocities and increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing Site floodplains. • Providing wildlife habitat including a forested riparian corridor within a region of the state increasingly dissected by residential land use. An additional goal of this riparian buffer restoration project is to study the effects of three different outer bend treatments installed on outer meander bends throughout the Site. The treatments being studied consist of 1) erosion control matting and livestakes, 2) brush mattresses, and 3) do nothing. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 2 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration SECTION IV.2 Directions to Site Directions to the Site from Raleigh, North Carolina: • Take Highway 401 South for approximately 10 miles • Make a left on Air Park Road • Travel approximately 0.5 mile to a right into the Stonewall Subdivision • Take the first right onto Laura Ashley Court and follow to the end of the road • The Site is at the bottom of the slope SECTION VI MONITORING PLAN Monitoring of Site restoration efforts will be performed for vegetation components of the Site until success criteria are fulfilled. In addition, the outer bends will be evaluated, photographed, and located with GPS as part of the monitoring effort. Vegetation monitoring and success criteria are discussed in more detail below. The establishment, collection, and summarization of monitoring data shall be conducted in accordance with the most current version of the EEP document entitled Content, Format, and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. SECTION VI.1 Vegetation Monitoring Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only (Version 4.0) (Lee et al. 2006). In February 2008 sixteen vegetation plots (10 meters by 10 meters) were installed within the Site after planting was completed (Figure 4, Appendix A). Baseline vegetation measurements were conducted within each of the sixteen vegetation plots in accordance with the CVS-EEP Protocols; baseline vegetation data can be found in Appendix E. Quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed each fall, until vegetation success criteria are achieved. A photographic record of plant growth should be included in each annual monitoring report. SECTION VI.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Success criteria have been established to verify that the vegetation component supports community elements necessary for forest development. Success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species. Additional success criteria are dependent upon density and growth of "Character Tree Species." Character Tree Species include planted species, species identified through visual inventory of an approved reference (relatively undisturbed) forest community used to orient the Site design, and appropriate community descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990) including Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest and Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest. All canopy tree species planted and identified in the reference forest will be utilized to define "Character Tree Species" as termed in the success criteria. Tables 1 and 2 below outline planted species and numbers of each species planted within the Site and Table 3 lists reference forest species. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 3 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Table 1. Planted Suecies (Bare Root SeedlinLys) Vegetation Association Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest Stream-side Assemblage TOTAL Area acres 35.5 8.1 2.0 45.6 Species Number planted* % of total Number planted* % of total Number planted" % of total Number planted Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) 6000 24.9 -- - -- -- 6000 Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) 5900 24.5 1300 23.2 -- - 7200 Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 2500 10.4 600 10.7 -- -- 3100 Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) 2400 10.0 -- - -- -- 2400 Hackbeny (Celtis laevigata) 2500 10.4 600 10.7 -- -- 3100 Painted buckeye (Asimina triloba) 4800 19.9 1200 21.4 -- - 6000 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) - -- 1300 23.2 -- -- 1300 River birch (Betula nigra) - -- 300 5.4 -- -- 300 Black walnut (Juglans nigra) -- -- 300 5.4 -- -- 300 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) -- -- -- -- 4400 80.0 4400 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- - -- 1100 20.0 1100 TOTAL 24,100 100 5600 100 5500 100 35,200 riameu at a uensny or oau stems/acre. ** Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. Table 2. Planted Suecies (1 Gallon Containerized Seedlinus) Species Number planted Swam chestnut oak ( uercus michauxii) 25 Che bark oak uercus pagoda) 70 Green ash Fraxinus enns Ivanica 55 TOTAL 150 Table 3. Reference Forest Ecosvstem Reference Forest Ecosystem/Character Tree Species Red maple (Ater rubrum) River birch (Betula nigra) Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciua) Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) Winged elm (Ulmus alata) American elm (Ulmus americana) An average density of 320 stems per acre of Character Tree Species must be surviving after five monitoring years in accordance with North Carolina Division of Water Quality Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B.0242 (Meuse River Basin, Mitigation Program for Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers) (NCDWQ 2007). Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 4 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration SECTION VI.2 Outer Bend Treatment Monitoring A baseline photographic record of each Site outer bend of Terrible Creek was compiled and included within the May 2007 Terrible Creek Detailed Buffer Restoration Plan. In addition, the apex of each outer bend was located using GPS technology with reported submeter accuracy (Figures 2 and 4, Appendix A). In some cases up to three locations on the same outer bend were located with the GPS due to the length/overall size of the meander. The GPS points will serve as a baseline to monitor if erosion continues post outer bend treatment installation throughout the monitoring period. Preconstruction the erosion status of each outer bend on Terrible Creek within the Site was evaluated and ranked on a qualitative scale with four erosion categories starting with the lowest extent of erosion consisting of 1) low erosion, 2) moderate erosion, 3) severe erosion, and 4) extreme erosion. Three outer bend treatments consisting of 1) erosion control matting and livestakes, 2) brush mattresses, and 3) do nothing were installed on bends throughout the Site. Outer bend treatments were assigned at random within each of the four erosion categories. The outer bend treatments are depicted in Figures 2 and 4 (Appendix A), and detailed in Figure 3 (Appendix A), and outlined in the following table. Please note that Outer Bends 1 through 3 are not located within the conservation easement and therefore, no treatments were implemented. Table 4. Outer Bend Treatments Outer Bend Extent of Erosion Preconstruction Treatment to be Installed 1 Low Outside of easement, no treatment recommended 2 Low Outside of easement, no treatment recommended 3 Low Outside of easement, no treatment recommended 4 Moderate Leave as is 5 Low Leave as is 6 Moderate Live stake with erosion control matting 7 Moderate Brush mattress 8 Severe Live stake with erosion control matting 9 Moderate Brush mattress 10 Moderate Leave as is 11 Severe Brush mattress 12 Severe Live stake with erosion control matting 13 Severe Brush mattress 14 Severe Leave as is 15 Moderate Live stake with erosion control matting 16 Moderate Brush mattress 17 Severe Brush mattress 18 Extreme Live stake with erosion control matting 19 Severe Leave as is 20 Extreme Brush mattress Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 5 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration 't'able 4 continued) Outer Bend Extent of Erosion Preconstruction Treatment to be Installed 21 Extreme Leave as is 22 Severe Live stake with erosion control matting 23 Severe Brush mattress 24 Severe Leave as is 25 Extreme Brush mattress 26 Extreme Leave as is 27 Severe Brush mattress 28 Severe Live stake with erosion control matting 29 Severe Leave as is 30 Extreme Live stake with erosion control matting SECTION VI.3 Beaver Management Prior to Site construction, a beaver dam was located near the downstream end of the Site and resulted in the mortality of mature hardwood trees in this area. During planting, beaver activity was extremely high and was evidenced by beaver chewed stems and newly built dams. Proactive measures to remove beaver from the Site have been initiated by EEP entering into a contract with APHIS in March 2008 to remove existing beaver and remove any beaver throughout the monitoring period, as necessary. SECTION VII VEGETATION CONTINGENCY If vegetation success criteria are not achieved based on average density calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area, supplemental planting may be performed with tree species in the approved Restoration Plan. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 6 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration SECTION VIII REFERENCES Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2007. Redbook, Surface Waters and Wetlands Standards. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. Raleigh, North Carolina. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Ccarolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1974. Hydrologic Unit Map - 1974. State of North Carolina. Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program page 7 Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Appendix A. Section V Figures Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Appendices Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration 0 1 mi. 4 mi _ X41 % I A tf 1 X 150.000 r• • : ,? ?k. Source: 1977 North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, p. 40 & 62. f { ti " Garnirt E ?« x { ?x pp)) nkt#O?Nr ? j f % A' w . ' 11r 3 ? k? i aha? a ?' C ?` m fi ? 3 a, ? ? s' wwrJ wtw,, , t k I t'uttu «. ?., Y -7 IMr rxM ^? w J? °a? ^?` r e , ? ' e yi?r t i o, t? x4 AA t ?p zt. f L P^vrnetl /t Ji:P ter eyl t?. ' \ g1e*? 1t C-CM , __? t?.rr?•.'_, x O? ?. x ? t?,?y f` SP?Re J Nel.lse- \\ F T ?? ?: J ? ? C? nra Terrible Cree In Site LocatioNeuse River Bas14-digit Targeted Local WandRALEGN USGS Hydrologic 0302020112001NCDWQ Subbasin 03f r' 35.6130 N, 78.7136 W 41, }} w ^ rt J2 T ?a.y 3 ..•\. ! ? P_ *1141a' (ttC>,, ? 44',1 s+Y` M " 5 rtel 0 S nfi 55 r*rl .J { Y per rwt?r. ,r ?A, ?j 1625,000 '? 7t Raw3s 1 ar { i So:,rc, Hydrologic Uri:t Map - 1974 State of North Caruhn; SITE LOCATION C, _r TERRIBLE CREEK ' AS-BUILT MITIGATION PLAN Wake Count', North Carolina o?.?; z LL O ^ LO c t e' .C g. -v v 4 •a i ' a w? ice. E; CG.?a c i G l? I Y E C c 3s O y E 5 O d i N n ? ti G N ? '? a ? fi 2 r f7 2 ? .i?S35 =? ? Fj •J c W `. a 4; C N N J u `° a __ `a ° i u z m Q ' ? a7 C ?m O O ? O c d ? N N • O C v U ' U ? ? v 1 11 li m l b ? O `c O a c a A w Y '. W S N LL u N `W H O U W c a ? - Z Z O 00M aas 0 Z W ..W otS w O d V CU < CD _j./? m W W o W CL r ? a ,s Brush Mattress Pl- vim. aknka ? " ? ? L.iveFascine _ o \ \ y \ i 100? U Dead Stout Stakes Control Matting OUTER BEND TREATMENT DETAILS cLF FIGU9E r 3 TERRIBLE CREEK MITIGATION REPORT February 2008 Wake County, North Carolina Dmg-.? -"".'J d Live Stake Embankment with -A -Ail "I ?._. ..?.. ?. r. .? {... ? .... ...... .... I 1 i t I I I ? ? I ?- I i I I ? I n s E', Ig t I C? IS ? 3 ss& JJ gg ? ?., A IJ " 8 : ? ie I ? I I ? ? ? I ??3 m S O( 177 t 6 ?' 3 S O • O O ?T r n 8 Y' Y Q R '4 _ fD Q_ w N fn n 1/ r 3 y o' m m' x e Q 3 frD 0 M Z m a ' !n z N N 7 X O c 3 o d d g Z Z 4 N k m Q N G ^ C) Y> ? m d r ? D n o i o zZ m lu O T i 4::>2! W A a,„ 4 Vt CIl V' :? r{ ryT? .? 9 Z ?. O & i £ «M r N N 0 X C) d a ca d a 416 T m a Y 0 n 0 0 a d N Appendix B. Preconstruction Photographs ';Mitigation Repon Ecosystem Enhancement Program Appendices t-crrible Creek Buff r Restot-atiou Preconstruction Photographs July 2006 looking across the floodplain at the fallow pasture Appendix C. Preconstruction Outer Bend Erosion Photographs Mitigation Relwt Eco. yysfem Enhancement Program eps,trndkcs TerribleC:rLeh Buffer Restoration Outer Bend #2 - looking upstream approximately 150 feet upstream from beaver dam. (Low Erosion) Outer Bend #4 - Looking Upstream approximately 500 ft upstream from beaver dam, still in impounded reach. (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #1 - Looking Upstream at beaver dam. (Low Erosion) Outer Bend #3 - Looking Upstream approximately 400 ft upstream from beaver dam, still in impounded reach. (Low Erosion) Outer Bend #6 - Looking Upstream in a double outer bend. (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #5 - Looking Upstream a bend with a larger radius. (Low Erosion) Outer Bend #9 - Looking Upstream Outer Bend #10 - Looking Upstream at outer bend in a straight, immediately at tight radius below a large river birch. upstream from a tight radius. Moderate Erosion) (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #7 - Looking Upstream Privet on opposite bank may causing erosion on Site bank. (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #8 - Looking Upstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #13 - Looking Upstream A fallen tree may be causing erosion on Site stream banks. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #12 - Looking Upstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #11 - Looking Upstream at tight radius. A fallen tree has cause a hole in the bank. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #11 -Looking Downstream at fallen tree causing a hole in the bank. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #13 - Looking Upstream A fallen tree may be causing erosion on Site stream banks. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #12 - Looking Upstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #16 - Looking Upstream Outer Bend #16 - Looking Upstream at tight bends. This is not a good reach for at tight bends. This is not a good reach for bank stabilization comparisons. bank stabilization comparisons. (Moderate Erosion) (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #15 - Looking Upstream at a long bend with two stumps extending into the stream. (Moderate Erosion) Outer Bend #14 - Looking Upstream at tight radius caused by point bar and transverse bar. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #17 - Looking Downstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #17 - Looking Upstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #18 - Looking Upstream (Extreme Erosion) Outer Bend #19 - Looking Upstream (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #20 - Looking Upstream at a long bend with a tight radius in the middle of the bend. (Extreme Erosion) Outer Bend #20 - Looking Downstream at a long bend with a tight radius in the middle of the bend. (Extreme Erosion) Outer Bend #21 - Looking Upstream at bank sloughing (Extreme Erosion) 8 3a;, Outer Bend #23 - Looking Upstream at root balls in channel and bank sloughing (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #22 - Looking Upstream at lateral migration of outer bend with point bar extension into the stream bed. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #25 - Looking Upstream at transverse bar and tight radius at upper reach of the bend. (Extreme Erosion) Outer Bend #24 - Looking Upstream at a short reach of erosion. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #26 - Looking Upstream at migrating outer bend and extension of point barltransverse bar at lower reach of bend. (Extreme Erosion) Outer Bend #27 - Looking Upstream at erosion on low slope reach. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #28 - Looking Upstream at potential shoot cutoff development. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #28 - Looking Downstream at potential shoot cutoff development. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #29 - Looking Upstream at shoot cutoff. Not a good bank erosion treatment comparison area. (Severe Erosion) Outer Bend #30 - Looking Upstream at lateral migration of out bend with extension of point bar into the stream bed. (Extreme Erosion) Appendix D. During Construction Photographs Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Terrible CYeck Huffer Rcstoratkm During Construction After Discing (Live state with erosion control matting) (Live stake with erosion control matting) Outer Bend 8 Outer Bends 6 (Live stakte with erosion control matting) and 7 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend tt (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 9 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend t2 During Construction (continued) (Live stake with erosion control matting) (Live stake with erosion control matting) Outer Bend 15 Outer Bend 13 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 17 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 16 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 18 Outer Bend 19 (No Treatment) During Construction (continued) (Live stalze with erosion control matting) (Live stake with erosion control matting) Outer Bend 22 Outer Bend 20 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 23 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 25 (Brush Mattress) Outer Bend 28 Outer Bend 27 (Brush Mattress) During Construction (continued) (Live stake with erosion control matting) Outer Bend 30 Evidence of Bankfull Event in January 2008 Appendix E. Baseline As-built Vegetation Data Mitigation Report Ecosystem Enhancement Program Appendices Terrible Creek Buffer Restoration Report Prepared By Corri Faquin Date Prepared 3/30/2008 19:10 database name Axiom _2008-CVS_EEP_ EntryTool_v220.mdb database location C:\Business\Projects\06\06-013 Terrible Creek\as-built mitigation plan\CVS computer name AXIOM-OA9116A70 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT-------- Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data. Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems, for each year. This excludes live Proj, planted stakes and lists stems per acre. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems, for each year. This includes live Proj, total stems stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Listed in stems per acre. Plots List of plots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of Damage total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers ALL Stems by Plot and spp combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY---------- Project Code 50667901 project Name Terrible Creek Description Buffer Restoration Site River Basin length(ft) stream-to-edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 16 H 6S i+ C Ly w ? H o d y d ? O 0. C i. .9 C V y G p s y h N C d c v [r C C d • ? m V M N N V M N O M - - N - M ? S? O W 3 y 5 v? a ? O ,.. ? N V? a+ O 00 o ?n 00 00 00 ?O ?n O `d' r R ?O a ?O r oo o0 ?O ?o N ?n r O ?O oo N n ?o N Yl r O ?O o h 00 r C ?O o ? U ? W C y e a a W 'S .N.. 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