HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052066 Ver 3_NOV Response_20060911Corolla Bay, LLC VIA FACIMILLIE AND CERTIFIED MAIL September 7, 2006 NCDEN Division Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Attention: Mr. Al Hodge Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office Dear Mr. Hodge: ~~~ t, . ~~{a ., .. I am sending this letter per the request of the August 28th & August 30th letters from DWQ. I would like to take this opportunity to explain the history of our involvement concerning Phase III of Monteray Shores. approximate 90 acres that was previously owned by Whalehead Properties, LLC. In 1987 Monteray Shores, Inc. had received a County approval for approximately 224 home sites for Phase III of Monteray Shores. In 2002 Whalehead Properties sold 20 acres of the approximate 90 acres to Jim Stritzinger, who sold 10 acres to Food Lion Corporation and 7 acres to a developer/building from Richmond, VA, who developed 19 lots which are both part of Phase III of Monteray Shores. In 2003 we purchased the remainder of the property. At the time of the purchase, we were provided with survey plats showing no wetlands on the east side of Highway 12, which was signed off by William Westcott of Army Corps. That plat is valid until March 21, 2007. We subdivided the property into 4 parcels and sold 10 acres to Currituck County after the purchase of the property. During the interim, we had a master subdivision sketch plan approval from the County that had reduced the property to approximately 115 home sites and the remainder of the property being open space and commercial. Upon receiving Planning Board approval for Phase I from Currituck County, which consists of 36 lots and 7.3 acres of commercial, Coastal Engineering proceeded forward in obtaining necessary civil permits. George Woods with Environmental Professionals, is involved with the environmental issues for Corolla Bay Phase I, Environmental Professionals on Corolla Bay's behalf applied for the 401 Certification and Army Corps fill permit for the installation of Cruz Bay Lane. The Army Corps permitted to fill 0.13 acres for the filling of the road. The response came back from DWQ for incomplete package stating that they wanted all wetland impacts throughout Phase I & Phase II to be addressed with a plat showing completed development and DWQ would not permit a 401 Certification for only the filling of Cruz Bay Lane (see attached letters). 821 Ocean Trail Corolla, NC 27927 2S2-4S3-3600 (phone) 252-453-3922 (fax) of ter September 7, 2006 Page Two (2) As I explained to the gentlemen in the DWQ Raleigh office, we only have approval for Phase I from the County and Phase II is a future phase, and the two (2) parcels on the east side of the highway are future phases until the sewer capacity is available. We will not be able to properly finalize the design of the subdivision. I also further explained, we will have to ask Army Corps do the final wetland delineation for Phase II and also do not have County approval for Phase II and it would take 4-9 months to complete these items, and we were not interested at this time in even pursuing Phase II development until sewer capacity is available. He informed me that DWQ has changed their process and they will not allow phasing and would not accept reviewing only Phase I of Corolla Bay for filling Cruz Bay Lane. I was then told that I needed to any and all show all impacts, including housing, parking, pools, piers, etc. which, we have no idea what the home site owner will want to construct, which is completely opposite of showing minimization of impact to the wetlands as required by other agencies. We never had to provide this type of information (which is nothing but a wild guess) in the past, for other subdivisions on the Outer Banks. Our responsibility as a developer is to complete the infrastructure and whoever purchased the home site can choose what size house, whether or not they elect for a private pool, private pier or apply for a Nationwide Permit concerning the wetlands or just own the land for investment purposes is the property owners choice. I would also like to acknowledge that we have completed a development in Dare County called Carlyle on the Sound (Spring 2006) that consisted of approximately 100 acres and we had wetland issues similar to what we are having in Corolla Bay and was never requested in any shape or form for this type of procedure. Also, we noticed major erosion on the southern end of Phase II parcel and Dennis Hawthorn, Coastal Area Permitting Assistance, has applied for a Major CAMA Permit in December 2005, to install a 750 foot bulkhead with rip-rap and 2 community piers that was not part of Phase I development. The August 29cn NCDENR letter received (copy attached) has rejected this project due to the complications with other agencies involved in making us take a complete wild guess of what is going to be built upon each individual lot in Phase I as well as in Phase II for maximum/minimum wetland impacts. Due to the current moratorium of Monteray Shores, we elected to install our own wastewater plant. We have in our possession an 80,000 GPD Wastewater Permit from DWQ. The permit came with instructions of things to do pertaining to the site the plant was to be located on. Due to the approval process from the County, where the 80,000 GPD Wastewater Plant was to be located on 1.3 acres, we needed to clear that area and fill to 10 foot elevation. With the information we had when we purchased the land, we had no knowledge of any wetlands on this property and proceeded forward to fulfill that obligation. Thomas Steffans and Kyle Barnes have stopped by and questioned what we were doing. We provided them with a copy of the plat that was approved and DWQ seemed to have a dispute. Joe Lassister, Quible & Associates was involved with the previous landowner in working with Army Corps, so we have contacted Mr. Lassiter to get involved with the east side parcel to work with DWQ. From my understanding, everything seems to be in agreement and being finalized with no issues to my knowledge. 821 Ocean Trail Corolla, NC 27927 252-453-3600 (phone) 252-453-3 922 (fax) September 7, 2006 Page Three (3) We have also just recently met with Raleigh Bland and Thomas Steffans with Army Corps on the property and they were confused on ownership, what was currently being developed, what was being proposed, and after the on-site meeting they had an understanding on what we were trying to accomplish. They were very helpful in providing information on how to proceed forward with this project. They also recommend that we have a meeting with DWQ to clear up any confusion with the different agencies as well as with the engineers and environmental professionals as to what type of documentation to provide on a plat that will satisfy all agencies. Mr. Hodge, this development as a whole is entirely dependant upon obtaining sewer capacity in order for a complete in-depth final development plan be designed, permitted & constructed. This is this main issue for phasing this development. We know that you have firsthand knowledge of the 6 year moratorium on Monteray Shores & Buck Island concerning sewer capacity. We have reached an agreement with Carolina Water to provide sewer to our total development (depending on DWQ approval). We have turned out to be the key player in helping Carolina Water work towards resolving a permanent solution for the moratorium in Monteray Shores & Buck Island. This agreement is being executed and we have agreed not to put in the 80,000 GPD Wastewater Plant provided Carolina Water is successful on the Monteray Shores sewer expansion. In closing, our current objectives are only to develop Phase I of Corolla Bay at this time. The remainder parcels are for future development provided Carolina Water can provide sewer capacity to Corolla Bay as per the agreement. We request to meet with the necessary agencies as soon as possible to resolve and understand how we can move forward to complete Phase I of this project, as we have on other projects that I have completed on the Outer Banks. Sincerely, (~ Eric Avery Managing M er cc: Mr. George Woods, Environmental Professionals Mr. Carols Gomez, Coastal Engineering Mr. Joe Lassister, Quible & Associates Mr. Dennis Hawthorn, Coastal Area Permitting Assistance Mr. Raleigh Blan, Army Corps of Engineers Mr. Tom Steffans, Army Corps of Engineers Mr. Danny Smith, Wetlands and Stormwater Branch Ms. Cyndi Karoly, NCDENR -DWQ 821 Ocean Trail Corolla, NC 27927 252-453-3600 (phone) 252-453-3922 (fax) FROM :EPI FAX N0. :252 441 6721 Dec. 20 2005 04:d5PM P4 , , ~9 MicMtet P. F.ealex, Qovanor 0 W111itpr- Q. ttwA Jr., sectd.ry North Can+lim Daportmml of Rnvhmmeat and N.uaai Rorowoo ~ Nan VV.1(!h-telt, P.a Dlroowr ~.,,. ~ DivieionotwetarQadity November 22, 205 CERTIT~D NYAIL: RETURN RECEfPT R~QUE9TED Mr. tic A~vory ComUa Hay LLC 8Z1 Ocean Trail, Suite ~ Corolla, NC 27297 Subject prt~perty: ~ ~ Corvlltt BRy - Pbaee Y Ctitrrituck Sound [030154, 30-1, sCJ REQUEST FOR MOR>C INFORMATION Dear Mr. Avery: D1~Q Ptoj,oct # OS-20b6 Currituck County On Novemabcr l 6, 2005, the I3ivisian of Water Quality (DWQ) received your application dated Novotrtber 9, 2005a to itripaat 0.1248 acres of watlands aad to constrttot the propo~aod road. ~ The DWQ has determined that your application was incomplete and/or ptovidod inaccurate informatiaa~ag diseuesod below. The DWQ will require additional infarme#ion in order to process your application to impact protected wetlands and/or streams on the aubjeet proptrty, Therefore, unless we receive the additional information requestad bciow, we will have to move toward d~da1 of your applicxttion as required by 1 SA NCAC 2H .0506. and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we ra~ive this additional information. Please provide the following information ro that we may continuo to review your pmjeot. Additional Ipfr-rmatlon Requested: 1, Please show all wetland impacts, including Sll slopes, on the site plan..ln particplar, can all those lots be built without addidotwl vvotland fl117 Also, please address lot impacts for Phase II of the dovalopmant with the mcldified application. Please res~wnd~ within three weals of the date of this fetter by sending flue information tome irn writing and Kyle Barnes, of the DWQ V~aahington Regional Office. if we do not hear from you within thrt~e weeks, we wi11 assume that you nol longer want to pursue this project and we will ooneidtr the prajoct ere withdrawn. ; . 401' OvaaightJW~praoe RCVfe~v PantdW~ Unit 16'JO Mail 9arvla Cantor. ltaleirh, Naatb C+aolla 27699-1 di0 232! Cnbra Aoutavard. Suite 230,14kdjh, NorW Cuollni Z76W }'bt~net 919-731~t 7f6 / PAX 919.7,1,1.fit93 / Intrtllat; ~i~~g~taL Aft F.Qaal OppalonitytAPllrraetive AGtoo r3mployrer- i0li Ranyaledlii»i Pat ~' ~~a`r ..., < FROM :EPI FAX NO. :252 441 0721 Dec. 20 2005 04:46PM PS Corolla Bay, I.I.C Pose 2 of 2 November 22, 2045 This letter duly addresses the applieatic~n xeview and does not authorize any impacts to wetlmds, watet~t ~'1C pmteetod buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not authorized (at this time) by the DyVQ. Please cell Ms. Cyndi Karoly or Mx. Ian McMillaa at 919-733-17$6 if you have any questions regarding or would like to set up a mooting to discuss this matter. siACerely, ~. ~~~~ Cyndi Kar~ly, Supervisor 401 OversightJLxpress Review Permitting Uait CHK/~m oc: Kyle Barnes, DWQ Wasbuington R,ogio~nal Qt~xce G SACS Waslxington RegulatoryFicld Office . kilo Copy Contral Files Kendall 'I~rnage, Snvironmertel Professionals, inc., P.O. Box 3368, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Pildwnc: ~SZA66Co~nNw~yPl~1(G~rrkucWdn hold ~QF w A r~9p Michael F. Easley, Governor ~Q G William G. Ross Jr., Secretary C/j ~ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources O .~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality DWQ # 20052066 Currituck County December 15, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Eric Avery Corolla Bay LLC 821 Ocean Trail, Suite 4 Corolla, NC 27297 Mr. Avery; The Division of Water Quality received your letter and response dated December 9, 2005 regarding Corolla Bay, Currituck County. Unfortunately, your response did not adequately address the issues outlined in our earlier letter dated November 22, 2005. For this reason, your application is being returned to you as incomplete. Once a completed application is prepared, you may reapply for our written approval and pay the 401 Certification fee again. Please address the following issues in your next submittal. 1. Please clarify the feasibility of building on Phase I lots without impacting additional wetlands, specifically lot numbers 16 and 32. Please provide building envelopes that show whether additional wetland fill will be needed to construct homes on these lots. 2. Please address the lot impacts for Phase II of the development. We suggest that a site plan be prepared for this area so all the impacts from this development can be addressed upfront rather than in a piece-meal manner. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-9646 Sincerely, ~~' " n orney Cc: George Wood, Environmental of ssionals, P. O. Box 3368, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Central files File copy Kyle Barnes, DWQ Washington Regional Office US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Field Office 401 OversighVExpress Review Permits Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-6893 /Internet: http !/h2o.enrstate.nc.us/ncwetlands No ° Carolina J1~atcrra!!y An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper FROM : !~ I PLANNING flJR A NEi TER, .. ' ENVIRUNMtN71)eCEnnbClr 9, 2005 FAX N0. :252 441 0721 Dec. 20 2005 04:46PM P6 Ncuylt Carolina Divislo» of Water Quality Attn. Cytuii ICamly, Supctti'isor 40t WetlAnde C"cation Und 165~a Iviait cjen-iue C.entet' Ital~.lgh, NC 27694-1650 i'~ear Ms. Karoly, DWQ project .. our uorreapcmdence ufNoveuc-bcr 22, 2005 regarding lion submitted "I`kis ktner le witb reference do y ~ your letter rogt~~ ttn-t the infornoa ~c:~s-2066 corolla Bay, P~h ~ 1~8 t~ glop ~o ~ ~ plan. You also lAQuu'cA whec~er tt-e tats could be show all wetland Impac , ?,wilt without additio~ml wetland EiIL i gt 3urvcying, loo., which ~ response to this laquu'Y,1 contacted the enginecr!"g ~- G,astal Engineer' ng z,dence natbie for the six plan de~dgr- that was submitted. Attached you will find ~h di~n6 the fill elopes is roePo ~ ~~ does incorporate e]i wetland irr~c and rlghgt-off me clarify that the lots shown n13 the plate ~b° built without additional fill. do asked that lot impacts for Pl~e 2 of tlxs devclnproent be ktdre~sed. We ~t and dasigu fort Pte' You a1 ~, ~ cos~aidar altetnativc s•tbdivisiaa layou with Coastal Bngttaeermg Rc Stiu'vcY~+ lan has not been t3nalized and Ko we are uaablc to 2. As tfio luttcr from the epgineere indicate, that p provide you with iraformstion that wcrakl lie reliahle regarding Phase 2. that thiK information is yufftciettt for you tc- continue proc~~ of tb+~ perr"it ao that we mar We lwpo t of phase l . procoed with the dcvalo'Pp1°n Sincerely, nr]6,lnc. ~vj`~nental prufessiu ?6. ' ~~fl _ , A f, x wfova, c~:~ ,1>ws ~g Coastal p~-ISiuoermg ~ Survtiyitt8 (Via Facsimile: 2G1-1333) ~' is N'acsimile: X53-41.45) Mr. Eric Avery N~ _ ,-., r...; M.o ~:~r..~. „. ~... ~ 7 9 4 g 3 -3 6 8 • 2 5 ~- 4 A -:~..~,...~-:w--M::' -- =wM -..~ ~N .~.....-- C A R+O ~ I N A ~ N ~ 1 p.0-.BOX 3368 •wKII.L DEVIL-..H1-1.i•~ ~ RTH ti.. "'. . FAX: 252-441-0721 • E A,'1L: ~r,hvirnnmPn~al~+rnAAar*t, - FROM :l~I FAX NO. :252 441 0721 Dec. 20 2005 04:451'M P2 ema To: CnaNhl 1~ee~lnP, do 3r>r-~cylrr~, IncJ : (arrive ('+ar~t (Via ~ Z61-1333) ec: Eric Aver,' (Via Placaitaie: 4'.f3.414~ p4+am: tv~eor~e ~. Wood, CEP, ~fi Date: December' 20, 200_*i Re: DivWon of Water Qua>lty's Letttr o[Doccnober 1 x,1,005 Thank you for fhe information (bat you forwardkd b trre oa December 2, 20(15 and pleaxe find attached the correspondence Bent to the Nnrth C:rolins Division of Wsxr Quality on Dcccrnber 9, 2005. The purpose of the letter was !n addrosa their request inr additional information of November 2, 200S. Attached you will also fled the Division of Water Quality's response of ]hcetnber 1S, 2005, iadlcatir~ that the information that had been forwarded was inauP6cient M address the eoncasas ghat were raised, Please give rrre a call at your earliest convcrrience so that we can discuss what mepeurea should be taken in ot$cr to addrear the conccxns by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality eo that this request for fill to improve the mad can ba considered. • Fags t FROM :EPI FAX h1O. :252 441 0721 Dec. 20 2005 04:45PM P3 _~ ~ ~~^ -..__~. r / -~-- Decemiaer 2, 2005 ~ 3U>xV~YING, A~1C. Mr. Cieorpye Wood Pt+esidenR ~avaroztmental Professionals, lac. 1404 5. Vlrgiwia Derv Trail Kill Dewll Ydills, NC 27948 lZe: Corolla Bay > ~ DwQ comments. Dear Ntr. woos: i~ ry 'i 0 q~C ~ ~ RY Thank you foT focwuding the comwemta flvm the Division of Water Quality concerning the Wttland Fill Map !br Corolla Bay. We have rhowa all of the wetland impact on the pL~n provided. We have accounted SUr the area o~ all fill slopes and right of way. AU of ~e proposed lots ahawn on the plea can be buih upon withart additional fill. Thin development a-iri include a central waetevvater tceataient plant, eo the required unable lot area ie miniutized. We hswe not completed the layout and design for phase II, therefore ere are rat able to provide you with impatxe at this time. Pkase feel flee to contact me if you have nay further questions. sincerely: coastal Ei rac. ~,. ~1 ~~ Carts-F P.~. P.L.S. P 0. i~ l 129.934 W, ~Cttty Hawk Rd. • Kitty Ha~}k, NC 27349 • (252j 26.1.4157 •1'~ (252) 261-1333 e~~ ~- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary August 29, 2006 Corolla Bay, LLC & Corolla Soundside, LLC 821 Ocean Trail Corolla, NC 27927 Dear Sirs: This letter is in response to your application request under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) to construct a 715 foot bulkhead fronted by 7 feet of riprap, and two piers terminating in 20 ft. x 20 ft. platforms partially covered with gazebos, which was received by the Division of Coastal Management's Elizabeth City office on July 31, 2006. Processing of the application is ongoing, however, it has been determined that additional information will be required prior to the Division taking final action on your application. This item is summarized below: 1) After discussing the project with a number of the agencies involved in the review process, DCM has determined that the proposed docking facility and shoreline stabilization structure were part of a larger project. Therefore in accordance with 15A NCAC 07J.0203(c), all aspects of the development, including all upland development located outside the AEC, must be included in the application package in order to determine if any portion of the entire development proposal will cause adverse impacts to resources in the immediate area, including resources within the AEC. Therefore, it is necessary that processing of the application be placed in abeyance until all necessary forms and workplan drawings are submitted to the Division of Coastal Management describing all the development proposed, including that outside the AEC. The necessary forms shall include a completed DCM MP-3 Upland Development form, and revised workplan drawings showing ALL upland development, including all proposed wetland fill. You will be given five working days from date of mailing. If you can provide to this office a copy of the requested information, DCM staff will continue processing of the application and the processing clock will not be suspended. If the required information is not provided to this office within the specified timeframe, processing of the application will be suspended until such time as the 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252 808-2808 \ FAX: 2s2-247-33301 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50°'° Recycled 110°io Post Consumer Paper requested information is provided. If you have any questions concerning these matters, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (252) 808-2808, or by email at rich.weaver@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Rich Weaver Asst. Major Permits Coordinator Cc: DMF -Elizabeth City -Sara Winslow DCM -Elizabeth City -John Cece USACE -Washington -Raleigh Bland DWQ -Washington - Kyle Barnes Dennis Hawthorn 120 Jimmy Court Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948