HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020401_201 FACILITIES PLAN_19860805 WDES ®OCUb4EMT SCAMMIMC COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0020401 Hickory - Northeast WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Al Authorization to Construct (AtQ Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: August 5, 1986 This doc�tneat Sus ysriated�n resise passer-i�nare any coatent on the re���r-use side ,r 1 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 5, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Alien Wahab FROM: Randy Dodd ZC. .'' THRU: Meg Kerr rrrf— Steve Tedder SUBJECT: Hickory Northeast WWTP 201 Amendment I have reviewed the subject amendment and would like to offer the following comments : 1 ) Throughout the report, the term "outfall" is used to refer to the collection and outfall system. Have plans been received regarding the diffuser system? 2) Design inflow concentrations seem to be high for largely domestic wastewater. 3) What is the expected effluent quality of the various treatment alternatives? 4) On page 12, it is stated that "New effluent limits based on the design flow of 6.4 mgd will be established by NCDEM." Is the plant being designed for 6.0 mgd or 6.4 mgd? 5) What is the purpose of the paragraph on page 13 discussing the areal water yield of the Falling Creek basin? Note that a design flow is developed on pages 8 - 11 . 6) Is any information available regarding expected nutrient concentrations in the effluent from the various alternatives? Since Lake Hickory receives a heavy nutrient load, we are concerned about the potential for an eutrophic response. r ~ I Allen Wahab August 5, 1986 - page two - With regard to this issue, I have attached portions of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the Chesapeake Bay Program's report- This information is attached because of their significant conclusion that plants can be designed and operated for biological nutrient removal at costs comparable to conventional plants . Please advise if questions. RCD:mlt Attachment X`4 POINT-SOURCE POLLUTION CONTROL STRATEGY The available information reviewed in the preceding section indicates that the best way to achieve water quality improvements in the saline portion of the Chesapeake Ray in the immediate future is to reduce the amounts of nitrogen entering the Bay system during the growing season. It seems especially prudent tb reduce the quantities of ammonia-nitrogen entering the system because lof the multiple effects they have on water quality, i .e. , oxygen depletion., potential toxicity, and growth enhancement. Wastewater treatment plant discharges, the primary source of ammonia- nitrogen at all times, and of total nitrogen during the algal growing season, are the most easily controllable sources of nitrogen entering the Bay. Control strategy. then, seemingly dictates that the reduction of point sources of nitrogen be given top priority. The role of phosphorus in promoting algal growth, particularly in the tidal freshwater portions of the Bay, should not be overlooked, however. Also, the release of phosphorus from the Bay sediments under anaerobic conditions accentuates the nitrogen limitation effects during the growing season and adds to the overall enrichment of the system. Comprehensive _ long-term control strategy should include reduction of both point and non-poiflt sources of phosphorus. Historically, wastewater treatment engineers in the USA have relied on inorganic chemical precipitation for phosphorus removal , and "two sludge" systems incorporatir-a methanol addition for nitrogen removal . Chemical precipitation of phosphorus is very reliable and can achieve the desired effluent quality, but it increases the cost of wastewater treatment by adding the cost of the chemicals and substantially increasing waste sludge disposal costs. The capital cost of "two sludge" system, is exceptionally high and the cost of methanol greatly increases operating costs. Consequently, regulatory agencies historically have been reluctant to impose phosphorus limitations, and nitrogen limits have been imposed under only the most extreme conditions. Fortuitously for the Chesapeake Bay situation, recent developments in activated sludge wastewater treatment technology have provided sufficient information for the design and operation of treatment systems that utilize biological nutrient removal processes to achieve both nitrogen and phosphorus removal simultaneously with Biolsy"l Oxygen Demand (B00) removal (See Appendix A). F r h into new lants for very little if any, increase in Cost over that re uired or BOO rmval alone a can be ad existingla for a sma Traction_ o e cost of the original lasts. For example, pre I imTnary engineer g eslgn eva Nation for the upgrading of the 40 MGD Lambert's Point Primary Treatment Plant in Norfolk, Virginia to secondary treatment , concluded that the construction of a system that would remove nitrogen and phosphorus in addition to 80D would he within 10% of the costs of a system removing only ROD. Also, tht, Pontiac , Michigan 3.5 MGD East 17 Bou 1I,Vd rd 1, 1.111t W.]1 +•r r I c1 1 rnrt i t .I r .+ 1 I .�t rf.-r*tovcd only Boo biologically and phf.%phorus by irep ialts a(( ition, to a facility that removes both BCD and phosphorus biologically ane nitrifies seasonally, for a cost of only S50,000. The new facility consistently removes phosphorus to concentrations well below 1 .0 mg/L. A proposal was recently suhctitte.d to the VirSinia State 6:ater Control Board by the Hampton Poads Sanitation District for the retrofit and operation of their 7 NGD York River Plant for nitrogen, phosphorus , and e00 removal , and the projected conversion cost was only S137,000. eioiogicai nutrient removal processes are inherently more energy efficient than purely aerobic BOO removal processes, in terms of aeration requirements, and systems incorporating biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal can potentially be operated, with greater energy efficiency than systems removing BOO alone. In fact, systems that accomplish nitrification in addition to BOD removal can be operated for ?0 to 40% less energy by conversion to nitrogen and phosphorus removal . For example, Best, et al . [(1984) converted a nitrifying activated sludge plant operated by the Thames Water Authority to nitrogen removal by der.itrification and reduced the total energy costs of the plant-by 17% over a 12 month period. Randall et al . (1985) have shown that biological phosphorus removal can reasonably reduce the operating energy costs by an additional 20%. Thus, technology is available for the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus discharges simultaneously with BOD reduction at little or no increase in cost compared to plants that remove BOO only, and do not nitrify. it would tie reasonable to take advantage of :.uch treatment improvements under any circumstances, but it ' is particularly appropriate to implement this technology throughout the Chesapeake Ray area considering the critical needs and the potertiai benefits. Although there are more than 50 full-scale wastewater treatment plants in nine different countries around the world where nitrogen and phosphorus removal has been, and continues to be, accomplished simultaneously with BOD removal , it is recognized that there has been a lack of reliable information about the processes. economics, and performances of the plants, and that historical circumstances have predisposed the engineering community to skepticism, particularly in regard to excess biological phosphorus removal . Appendix 8 presents the background necessar, for an understanding of the biological nutrient removal processes and includes discussions of observed performances at the full-scale plants. Other treatment techniques are also available for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, and may be more economical to implement in some areas. For example, where land area is available spray irrigation can be used with considerable success, particularly for phosphorus removal . The disposal of municipal sewage by spray irrigation on forested and pasture lands has been extensively studied at Pennsylvannia State University. Design specifics are available from their Institute on Land and Water Resources. Also, an extensive land disposal project at Muskegon, Michigan has been in operation for more than 10 years and now serves 18 municipalities and five large industries. Extensive monitoring has 18 TABLE 1 . COM,PARISON OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR NUTRIENT REMOVAL _ Relative Relative Relative Capital Energy Chemical Relative Waste Removals Achieved Proces, Cost deeds Needs SAO Production JOD NOD Nitrogen hos horus Conventional 1 .0 1 .0 none 1 .0 X w/Nity- fication 1 .2 1 .55 0 or L* 0 .0 X X if/Two i tage N 2.1 1 .75 H 1 .5 X X X F kemoval (rathanol ) : w/One Stage N 1 .1 1 .25 none <1 .0 X X X Remova', ( Influent BOD) N w/Chemical P Removal Simultaneous 1 .2 1 .0 to 1 .55** M 1 .2. to 1 .7*** X V X Ter`iary 1 .8 " . H 2.0 X V X w/Rirlroical P Removal 1 .0 0.8 none 1 .0 X V X w/Bio! ; Q cal Nutrient 1 .1**** 1 .0 none 0 .0 X X X X Remova , (N 5 P) Corpares activated sludge treatment options , Pfluent filtratioF not considered *If alkalinity is low, may require chemical addition for pH control and/or nitrification completion "Variatior depends upon extent of nitrification accomplished, i .e. , operating sludge age chosen " Variation depends upon whether or not primary sedimentation is practiced , 1 .2 to 1 .3 with primary sedimentation ""Preliminary Engineering Estimate for Lambert' s Point Plant L = Low M = Medium H G High X - Yes V - Variable Appendix A A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL NUTRIENT REMOVAL SYSTEMS IN THE USA The biological processes for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus are. generally considered to be too expensive and/or technically unfeasible by USA wastewater treatment professionals because of historical developments and disputes. Arf appreciation for the historical events is essential to an understanding of this resistance. Nitrogen removal technology was studied in Europe during the early and mid-1960's but there was little activity in the United States until Professor McCarty of Stanford University began a series of definitive studies in the late sixties. However, he was concerned with the removal of nitrates from agricultural irrigation water, which contained almost no biodegradable organics, rather than sewage, and, therefore, he had to supply the biodegradable organics to achieve denitrification. He experimented with a wide variety of organics and concluded that methanol was the compound of choice based on economic and biochemical consideration. Shortly after McCarty's studies, nitrogen removal from sewage became a matter of concerr- in some areas. and systems were devised to accomplish it - biologically. Because- McCarty's data- were—the most readily available, irrigation water treatment technology was applied to the treatment of sewage, resulting in plants that were unnecessarily complicated and very expensive to build and operate. Rather than using the sewage organics for denitrification, two separate plants including clarifiers were built in series, the first for the removal of sewage organics and nitrification, and the second, to accomplish denitrification with the addition of methanol . This desion approach became accepted practice with the result that in a short period of time, biological nitrogen removal was considered to be too expensive to utilize except for extreme circumstances. This series of developments overlooked the fact that denitrification using the sewage organics would actually reduce the total aeration requirements of a nitrifying activated sludge plant. Consequently, a technology that could have increased the environmental benefits of wastewater treatment while simultaneously reducing the operating costs was never implemented in the USA_ However, this technology was widely implemented in both Europe and South Africa, and there is no technical or economic reason why it could not be widely- implemented in the USA. Excess biological phosphorus removal was first studied by Shapiro and Levin at The Johns Hopkins University in the early 1960's. This led to the development of the Phostrip process, which has been marketed since that time. but has had a series of only partially successful applications. Reascns for the partial failures have been both economic and technical . It is important ;.o recognize, however, that Phostrip is a sidestream rather than a mainstream process , and that it utilizes a chemical addition step A--1 n for the actual phosphorus removal . P,v sidestream is meant. that the activated sludge is separated from the wastewater after organic removal and pumped tr separate tanks for the phosphorus removal steps , then returned to the organic removal tank. During the later 1960's, a few conventional activated sludge plants were observed to be removing phosphorus without chemical addition. The most celebrated of these, and the most thoroughly studied, was the Rilling Road Plant in San Antonio. Texas. Efforts to identify the mechanisms responsible were made and "Alemerous laboratory studies by a variety of investigators were stimulated. However, very few of the studies were successful and those that were did not yield sufficient information for design and oper2tion control. Studies by Menar and Jenkins at the University of California, Berkeley, obtained high phosphorus removal , but the responsible mechanisms involved were identified as being chemical , not biological . Using their experimental results, Jenkins was able to explain the phosphorus removal at the Rilling Road plant on the basis of the chemical composition of the San Antonio water supply, which is entirely groundwater and high in. calcium. His explanation was disputed and rejected by the San Antonio investigators, but Jenkins' argument was persuasive to the wastewater treatment profession. Consequently, research into biological phosphorus removal ceased in the USA and an entire generation of professionals were taught that -excess biological .phosphorus removal was- biochemically impossible_ Ironically, biological nitrogen removal studies in the early seventies by James Barnard, a South African native doing doctoral work at the University of Texas, led to the ultimate revival of excess biological phosphorus renoval research. In a mainstream activated sludge system specific2lly designed to remove nitrogen using the incoming sewage for denitrification, he observed that he was also removing excess phosphorus. He dubbed the system "Bardenpho". and upon his return to South Africa worked with the South African government to develop the system on a full-scale basis. He subsequently developed the- Phoredox modification of the Bardenpho, which consisted of five reactors in series rrhich had a hydraulic retention time of approximately 21 hours. It was capable of 90% BOD, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal without any chemical addition if properly operated. The key to excess biological phosphorus removal proved to be anaerobic-aerobic sequencing of reactors. This provided the conditions under which bacteria that could remove, store, and utilize excess amounts of phosphorus could flourish_ The importance of true anaerobic conditions in the first reactor, i .e., a redox potential of at least minus 400 mv, was not initially recognized and this led to unstable performance at a majority of the full-scale plants designed for nitrogen and phosphorus removal . The reed for true anaerobic conditions was first discovered by Marais and his co-workers at the University of Cape Town, and led to modifications of the Bardenpho-Phoredox system, which are called the UCT and the modified UCT processes. Marais also simplified the system from five to three reactors. Subsequent experience has shown that systems designed to prevent the A-2 feedback of nitrites to the anaerobic rrzctor will operate consistently with high phosphorus removal . Today the principle of excess biological phosphorus removal is widely accepteG worldwide. Ironically. Professor Jenkins of U. C. BerkelPu is the current Chairman of an international group forTw-,d specifically for the purpose of coordinating and disseminating research results on biological phosphorus removal . 14-k A somewhat parallel development of an excess biological phosphorus removal systen also occurred in the USA. The Anaerobic/Oxic (A/0) system was patented by Air Products, Inc. , based on research led by S. N. Hong. This system was originally designed to remove only phosphorus and was operated at a low sludge age and short (6 to 8 hours) hydraulic retenta''on time. A later modification to remove nitrogen as well is known as the A /0 process (Anaerobic-Anoxic/oxic). Fore recently, it has been shown in England and France that existing conventional activated sludge plants can be easily and economically modified to achieve both nitrogen and phosphorus removal . It is particularly important to note that the removals can be accomplished with wastewater hydraulic retention times of 6 to 10 hours, which makes the___ systems economical from ,a capital cost standpoint, and that conversion .. results in' about a 20% savings in aeration energy costs. These same principles can be used to design and operate new plants. When it is considered that the environmental benefits of nitrogen and phosphorus removal along with BOD removal can be obtained at approximately the same cost as BOD removal alone, and that waste sludge production will not be increased as it is with chemical phosphorus removal , it is clear that biological nutrient removal systems should be used for wastewater treatment under all but the most unusual circumstances. It is likely that additional operator training will be required for successful implementation, but the price is a small one to pay for the potential environmental benefits. Appendix B BIOLOGICAL NUTRIENT REMOVAL PROCESSES AND OBSERVED PERFORMANCES Biological Nitrogen Removal h t. Biological nitrogen removal consists of the separate reactions of nitrification and denitrification. These processes are well known and thoroughly documented in the literature. Nitrification is a two step autotrophic bacterial reaction that is generally described by the following equations: + Ni trosomonas �'•~-� + 2NH4 + 302 -} 2NO2 + 4H + 2H2O Ni trobacter '�s'"''� 2NO2 + 02 2NO3 [2] Overall : NH+ + 20 Nitrifiers _ NO- + 2H+ + H 0 [3] 4 2 3 2 During the oxidation of arranonium to nitrate by the bacteria, a total of' eight electrons are transferred and accepted by-oxygen. This requires 4.57 pounds of oxygen for each pound of ammonium oxidized (the nitrogenous oxygen demand - NOD). Except for very high rate activated sludge systems, some nitrification nearly always takes place during the biological treatment of municipal wastewaters. The extent of nitrification will vary considerably throughout the year depending on the temperature with minimum activity during the winter months unless operations are adjusted to maintain it. In recent years, effluent standards in many areas have been amended to include limits for the quantity of unoxidized nitrogen that can be discharged in an effort to protect the oxygen resources of the receiving body of water. Complete nitrification is now standard treatment at many facilities although it is not in most areas of the Chesapeake Bay, particularly Virginia. This has resulted in substantially increased oxygen requirements, and therefore energy costs, of biological wastewater treatment. Specifically, complete nitrification will generally increase the costs of aeration by 50 to 60%. The ability of many bacteria to use the-end products of nitrification, i.e. , nitrite and nitrate, as electron acceptors in place of dissolved oxygen during the metabolism of organic compounds is also well-known and thoroughly documented in the literature. The process is known as denitrification and can be described by the following equations , which were developed by McCarty (1969) using methanol (CH 3 OH) as the organic substrate: r 'I B-� 6NO3 + 2C11301i -6NO , + 2C:0„ + 411?0 1-4 1 f 6NO2 + 3CH3UH --- - 3N2 + 3CO3, + 3H.,0 { 60H f 0 Zb r' Overal l : 6NO3 + 50,011 ---+ 3N., + 5CO2 + 711L0 + 60H- (61 As the equations show, complete denitrification reduces nitrate to nitronPr. gas. which becomes part of tke atmosphere and is no longer a pollitt.ant, and adds alkalinity (OH-) to Tithe water, thereby replacing part of that destroyed during nitrification. The total number of electrons transferred during the r•ee!uction of nitrate to elemental nitrogen gas is five. Considering that eight were transferred during the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate usinf. dissolved oxygen, the oxygen equivalence recovered from the use of nitrate as an electron acceptor for the stabilization of organic matter is 5/8(100) 62.5%. That is to say, whereas oxygen had to be supplied for nitrification, the nitrate formed can be used to stabilize organic compounds during denitrification and reduce the arrount of oxygen needed for subsequent organic (W) stabilization if the ROD of the influent . wastewater is used instead of methanol . Although 62.57'. of the NOD can theoretically be recovered, cellular nitrogen reguirements by the denitri.fiers durino r_ rowth reduces the actual recovery to approximrtely 50% (van Handel , et al . , 1981 ). Considering oxygen "recovery" through denitrification (when influent wastewater is used as the organic carbon energy source instead of methanol ) the economics shift sharply in favor of denitrification. Not only is the cost of methanol eliminated, but a substantial fraction of the influent wastewater is stabilized which reduces the amount of oxygen that must be supplied for BOn stabilization_ The difficulty encountered in attempting to apply denitrification in conventional wastewater treatment systems is that with standard flow patterns, unless organic compounds needed for denitrification are present, nitrate and nitrate are absent. When nitrate is present, the necessary organic compounds are present in insufficient. quantity. Fortunately, the economies of denitrification can be ehtainee ty recycling nitretes to an anoxic (without oxygen) reactor that precedes the aeratrd reactor of an aetivatee{ sludge system. The Bardenpho system (Figure 1 ; was specifically designed for this purpose and has been thoroughly demonstrated on a full-scale basis. An oxidation ei tch (race- track) configuration is even more ideal if the influent wastewater enters at the Freper location because it eliminates the need for recycle pumping (Figure 2). Utilization of denitrification systems for the treatment of nitiricipal wastewater will typically decrease the rvPrall energy cost- Ly 15 to 25':. Stated ann' her wav, once nitrification ha-, hrrn cccompli-r.hrr+, if dc-vitrific6tion is not. implemented, a 15 to '57 reductirr, in energy- casts 8-2 PRIMARY AEROBIC SECONDARY ANOXIC REACTOR ANOXIC REACTOR fWACTOR MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLE MAJrCTCCTOTION RFR WA M FLDW INFLUENT SETTLER EFFL + SU104C RECYCLE s Figure 1. The Bardenpho process for biological nitrogen removal. LEGEND OAerobic Zone Anoxk Zone SLUDGE RETURN ®Anoerobfc Zone ` •:- � . INFLUENT BARRIER WASTEWATER CLARIFIER Turbine Aeration Figure 2. Oxidation Ditch design for nitrogen removal. B-3 is wasted arc4 the system is unnecessarily costly to operate.. For many industrial wastewaters the potential savings resulting from deritrification would be much greater. Biological Phosphorus Removal Compared to denitrification, the potential reduction ir aeration costs that can be accomplished by biological phosphorus removal reactions is less-well known, but experimental results at Virginia Polytechnic I ' utP and State University (Randall , et al., 1985) TRt ate that the savings be substantial (on the ord6l of 20 to 30A) . The key to biological phosphorus removal is the linkage of anaerobic and aerobic units in the same activated sludge system. The anaerobic unit must receive the influent wastewater flow and the activated sludge must he exposed to true anaerobic conditions. i ,e. , negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of less then -200 my as measured by a silver chloride electrode, for a significant period of time prior to exposure to highly aerobic conditions_ This shifts the growth advantage to the phosphorus removing (poly-P accumulating) bacteria. When these conditions rre met, fermentation of the influent BOD occurs -in the anaerobic unit and the fermentation products are immediately complexed and stored by the poly-P bacteria using energy from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bonds previously formed under aerobic conditions. Phosphates are released- to solution during this reaction as the ATP is reduced to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The ability to anaerobically store BOD gives the poly-P bacteria a substantial advantage over the other aerobic organisms in an anaerobic- aerobic system, because they remove the most readily biodegradable BOD during passage through the anaerobic unit, which makes it unavailable to the other aerobes. Upon entering the aerobic unit, the poly-P bacteria use the stored BOD for growth, excess energy is produced, and ADP is oxidized to ATP to store the energy. This results in the uptake of phosphorus in the aerobic reactor. l�R�ake is in excess o� h��previouslY rPleaSec!�tQ com nsate for hat lost throu h slud a wastin The sequence is remarkably efficient for t e po y-P bacteria, whit accumulate eleven ATP's for each one expended during substrate storage. Thus, they proliferate at the expense of the other bacteria producing an activated sludge that has the ability to remove large amounts of phosphorus. The reactions describing the sequence, assuming acetate as the organic available for storage, are (Seibritz, et al . , 19&30): Anaerobic Reactor acetate + 2ATP + Co-A —}acetyl Co-A + 2ADP + ?Pi [7] 2acet�l Co-A + 2ADP + 2Pi toacerate + 2ADP + 2Co-A [811 Overall : 2. acetate + 2ATP --4-acetoacetate + 2ADP + ?.Pi [9) a-4 Aerobic Reactor acetoacetate + 402 + 8NADRED + 22ADP -� 4CO2 + 8H20 + 8NADox + 22ATP [101 For municipal wastewaters the acetate must be formed by anaerobic fermentation. When it occurs, energy is obtained by the anaerobic bacteria during fermentation, cell mass is produced, and the organic loading to the subsequent reactors is redYted. When " the loading is reduced, the oxygen requirements are also reduced and this results in an energy savings. Summary In summary, while the addition of nitrification will typically increase the oxygen requirements (NOD) of a municipal activated sludge system by about 55%. the utilization of the influent BOO to accomplish denitrification will result in a recovery of 50% or more of the NOD, and biological phosphorus removal will reduce the BOO stabilization oxygen requirements by 20 to 30%. Thus, the final balance of oxygen requirements for an activated sludge system removing BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus is approximately the same as for a system removing only BOO__ The oxygen requirements of a biological nutrient -removal system are substantially less (55%) thane those--' of " an activated sludge system- removing 000 and accomplishing complete nitrification. Biological Nutrient Removal process Configurations and Full-Scale xperience Several mainstream process configurations are available which combine biological nitrogen and phos horus removal processes. The most prominent are the modified Bardenpho ?Phoredox) (Barnard, 1975), the University of Cape Town (UCT) and modified UCT (Siebritz et al . , 1982) , and the NO and A /0 processes (Hong et al . , 1979). Representative flow schemes are given in Figures 3 through 7. The Bardenpho and A/0 - A2/0 processes are proprietary but the UCT systems are not. The greatest amount of full-scale operating experience has been obtained with the Modified Bardenpho configuration, mostly in southern Africa, but other full-scale installations of each are currently in operation. Operating results have shown that correct design and operation can accomplish nitrogen removal to less than 3 mg/L and phosphorus removal to less than 1 mg/L in the same system. The nine countries known to have full-scale, operating mainstream biological nutrient removal plants, and the known numbers of plants, are: South Africa (31+), Zimbabwe (8) , JISA , Japan (?) , France (2+), England (1 ) , Denmark (1 ) , Namibia (1), and Canada (1 ). The plants range in size from less than I million gallons per day (MGD) to about 40 MGD. The most significant observations and developments are: B-5 f PRIMARY AEROBIC SECO0IDARY AMOxIC REACTOR AMWC REACTOR REACTOR NXED LIQUOR RECYCLE REAERATION AMAER0131C a REACTOR REACTOR WASTE FLU INIFL VENT SETTLER EFf1LE?i SLUGGC RECYCLE a ,. Figure 3. The Phoredox process for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. .also called the Modified Bardenpho process. ANAEROAIC ANOXIC AEROBIC REACTOR REACTOR REACTOR MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLE WASTE FLOW SETTLER INFLUEN EFFLUENT sLUooE RECYCLE s Figure 4. The 3-stage Phoredox process for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. ANAEROBIC AN07QC AEROBIC REACTOR REACTOR REACTOR RECYCLE slcED LIQUOR RECYCLE WASTE FLOw SETTLER INFLUEN EFFLUENT yl�1DOE RECYCLE Figure 5. The UCT process for biological nitrogen ind phosphorus removal. E3-6 A#WIFROBIC ANOXIC AEROBIC REACTOR REACTORS REACTOR MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLES a r , WASTE RAIN 4ETTLER 1 WiLUE NT EMUENT sLUME RECYCLE . Figure G. The modified UCT process for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Aw�rrr Iw�.M AwM+ Figure 7. AZ/O Process. B-7 --The 40 MGC modified Bardenpho Goudkoppies plant at Johannesburg, South Africa , has been successfully operated for several vrars. For example. from January 10 through Juiy 11 , 111112, it. c+ischarged average effluent concentrations of 0.66 mg/L total phosphorus (TP), 0.36 mg/L orthophosphate (OP) , 2.78 mg/L total KjelCahl nitrooer. (TKN), ar(i 1 .6 mn/L nitrate nitrogen. The mean design value for 9�- re'liabiiit_v for the same period was 0.45 mg/L OP, 2. 7 mg/L mg/1- TKN, and 3.1 mg/L nitrate. Freezing temperatures are frequently experienced in Johannesburg during June and July. •• Kerdachi and Roberts 0 982) have shown that very simple process configurations can achieve the same results 'as the multi-stage modified Bardenpho► sy6tem if they are properly operated. By controlling the air input to the fixed-platform turbine aerators in the square. completely-mixed, single reactor of a 1 MGL plant operated by the City of Pinetown, a suburb of Durban, South Africa, they have consistently achieved the following reductions and effluent qualities for several years: PO4-P Influent 10.5 mg/L Effluent 0.8 mg/L N143-N 30.0 " <0.5 " TKN 56.0 " 1 .5 " NO 3-N 0 <0.5 " _ BOB - 390 <10 " - COD 700 35 " -A 0.37 MGD sequencing batch reactor plant serving the city of Culver, Indiana, produces average monthly effluent concentrations of 0.3 - 1 .7 mg/L NH.,-N, 0.4 - 1 .7 mg/L NO,-N, and 0.3 - 1 .0 mg/L TP on a year-round basis. ) --Best, et al. (1984) have shown that large-scale conventional activated sludge systems can be simply and economically codified for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal . They accomplished the necessary configuration by first converting adjacent plug flow tanks to an oxidation ditch (race-track) flow pattern for nitrogen removal , and then added baffling in the influent zone for phosphorus removal . During the first full year of operation with both modifications, they achieved 95% nitrification, 6E% denitrification, are- 47% TP removal on a year-round average. The utilization cf denitrification reduced enerQv consumption by 17%. • A 6 MGD modified Bardenpho plant at Kelowna , British Columbia, Canada , has been further modifies for the treatment of low strength sewace after primary sedimertation, and is currently removing TP to less than B-8 1 .0 mg/L and total nitrogen (TN) to less than 5.0 mg/L before effluent filtration. This plant incorporates continuous ORP and dissolved oxygen (DO) monitoring, is computer-controlled, and has been used experimentally to generate information for the improved design of biological nutrient removal plants. It has also demonstrated excellent performance in a very cold climate. 8-9 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 4, _1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Allen Wahab ,r FROM: Randy. Dodd 1�-D THRU: Meg Kerr Steve Tedder SUBJECT: Hickory Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant 201 Amendment I have reviewed the -201 Amendment, and comments are attached. I have also attached portions of a report from the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the Chesapeake Bay Program regarding biological nutrient removal . RCD:mlt Attachments cc: Rex Gleason Dennis Ramsey DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 30, 1986 MEMORANDUM fi TO: Randy Dodd �CH Water Quality Section •i j,��1�4Jr . THRU: Allen Wahab, Supervisor Local Planning Management Unit FROM: Stephanie Richardson Project Manager SUBJECT': Northeast Plant Upgrade Hickory, NC Project No. C370389-01 Attached is a copy of an amendment to the subject plan which explains the planned expansion and discharge for the Northeast Plant. Please review and advise of any problems. SR/jh Attachment cc: LPMU GPF F V r ` Falling Creek Outfall System The existing Falling Creek outfall system which serves the North- east portion of the service area consists of over 16 ,000 L .F . of 15- t inch sewer with a capacity of 2.3 MGD and seven pumping stations . The existing 15-inch line does not have sufficient capacity to meet exist- ing needs and experiences periodic overflows. Replacement of this out- fall is necessary for the expected growth of this area to proceed in an orderly manner. 3.0 POPULATION PROJECTIONS EPA Regulations (40 CFR 35.2030) require that the planning period for determining the most cost-effective alternative for a facilities plan shall be 20 years. The amount of Federal grant assistance to be received for a project is based on the project cost of a facility which - -- would serve existing needs only. Therefore, population projections and subsequently design flows must be determined to predict the existing needs flow which will be present at start up of the proposed facil- ities. It is anticipated that start up of the facilities to be pro- posed in this plan will occur in 1990; therefore, the design year for this plan amendment is 2010. Population projections were therefore generated for the present year, existing needs year (1990), and the design year (2010) . Information obtained from the City Planner and the Western Pied- mont Council of Governments (WPCOG) was used in establishing the estimated current study area population as well as for projecting future populations. The actual number of existing dwelling units located in the study area was established based on information furnished through a 1983 4 - Y� i 6.0 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES E a The proposed wastewater treatment plant must be able to adequately I treat wastewater with characteristics specific to the Hickory area. The expected characteristics of the Hickory wastewater influent are listed below: 1 Average Flow . . . . . . . . . 6.0 MGD Peak Flow. . . . . . . . . . . 15.0 MGD B005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 mg/l . Suspended Solids (SS) . . . . . 350 mg/l NH3-N. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 mg/l i I ' Effluent limits are based on the capacity of the treatment facil - ity and on the ultimate carrying capacity of the receiving stream. The following existing effluent limits have been established by NCDEM for 1 _ the Northeast plant. ,s -cam BOD5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 mg/1 Ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 mg/1 v,,,", •.�'�-°��" 4 Y NH3-N. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 mg/l Fecal Coliform . . . . . . . 2001100 mg/l pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 S.U. {� 5,, d� ..----- Dissolved Oxygen 5.0 mg/1 0 C_'; J ells �;tea' New effluent limits based on the design flow of 6. 0 MGD will be �G , established by NCDEM. a f 7.0 IDENTIFICATION OF ALTERNATIVES .y The proposed project will consist of construction of the Falling Creek Outfall System, an influent pump station and force main, and the upgrade/expansion of the existing treatment plant. The following para- - 12 - a graphs will describe each aspect of the project and the various alter- natives considered. Falling Creek Outfall and Influent Pump Station The Falling Creek Outfall system and influent pump station consist of six major items. There wiJ1 be approximately 6 ,800 LF of 21-inch r sanitary sewer, 8,016 L.F. of 18-inch sanitary sewer, 3 ,970 LF of 15- inch sanitary sewer, 400 LF of 12-inch sanitary sewer, and 2,340 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer, approximately 93 manholes and other appurte- nances as may be required as part of the project. The other major element is a pump station and a force main to be located near the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility. The pump station is sized to handle the approximately 6.0 MGD flow expected at the site. it ;i f In establishing the flow limitations for the project, the follow- ing criteria was used ? The Falling Creek drainage basin consists of 3,648 acres. Using 5(10 gallons per acre, per day, and using the re- quired 2.5 multiplier, the flow expected within the Falling Creek Basin Ij is 3,167 gallons g per minute. In addition to this flaw, there is a partial flow from the Snow Creek Basin, which is pumped into the Fall - ing I ing Creek Basin. This consists of approximately 775 gallons per minute, making the projected flow for this project 3,942 gallons per minute (approximately 6.0 MGD) . Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility The proposed wastewater treatment facility will be designed for an average flow of 6 .0 MGD. Existing facilities at the plant will be utilized to the extent possible. Any new construction will be located either on the existing site or adjacent to it on property currently owned by the City of Hickory. 13 - 4 4 State of North Carolina Department of Natural'Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director July 30, 1986 Mr. Jerry T;-dggs, Director of Public Utilities City of Hickory P. O. Box 398 Hickory, North Carolina 28601 SUB=: Effluent Limits Hickory North Plant Hickory 201 Facilities Plan Project No. C370389-01 Dear Mr. Twiggs: Our Water Qualitv Section has run the model for discharge of 6 mgd to Lake Hickory. The model was based on the diffusion of effluent into the main channel of the lake. Results indicate that secondary limits will be issued for the subject plant. There is concern however about the long tern effects on Lake Hickory. Please be aware that the Lake will be closely monitored. Lake- degradation resulting from the plant's daily operation or due to upsets could result in more stringent limits being issued in the future. If questions arise or if we can be of assistance, please contact Stephanie Rom`chardson at (919) 733-6900. Sincerely, Original Signed By T. ALLEN WAHAB T. Allen Wahab, Supervisor Local Planning Management Unit SR/jh cc: C. E. Maguire, Inc. A resville .Regional Office S4__ `l k*zn ) r dy Dodd, Water Quality Section �(o• �- Coy Batten a *f Walter Taft LPMLT GPF Pollution Prevention Pars P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-7 3-ro15 An Equal Opportuniry Affirmative Acuon Employer Q N � P � r DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 30, 1984 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Dick Peace Mooresville Regional Office FROM: Randy Todd THRU: Steve Tedder SUBJECT: Hickory NE WWTP reconnaisance and survey During a recent site visit; Technical Services staff members noted that the Hickory NE WWTP was discharging at two distinct locations: The plant has an extended outfall to Cake Hickory, but the discharge pipe cannot handle the effluent flow under current operational- conditions. The plant, therefore, also discharges to Falling (reek at the plant site. Based on Hickory's monitoring data, it appears as if the effluent flow is greater than the pipe capacity {roughly 2.2 mgd) 80%-90% of the time. Technical Services is planning on completing an intensive survey on the Hickory NE WWTP within the next several weeks. This survey will be designed to determine wasteload allocations for both discharges. Please advise if you have any questions. RD:cs DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 23, 1985 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Thurman Horne Mooresville Regional Office FROM: Randy Dodd PC [� THRU: Meg Kerr 10- -Steve Tedder SUBJECT: Hickory NE WWTP Outfall Technical Services staff members noted that the Hickory plant was discharging at two distinct locations during an intensive survey performed last summer. The plant is permitted for a 5 mgd discharge to the Falling Creek embayment of Lake Hickory. From visual observations and an estimate of the capacity of the pipe, it appears as if the pipe to Lake Hickory is only capable of discharging roughly 2.2 mgd. When the plant is receiving more than 2.2 mgd, there is an additional discharge to Falling Creek immediately adjacent to the plant. I have attached a map with the location of this discharge. I also have some concern about the ability of the wastewater to mix with the receiving waters in Lake Hickory_ The wastewater tends to pool in a small area because of the local hydraulics. Please advise if you have any questions. RD:mlt Attachment 'y^,. - •i:_ '`,�t't�'a'` '•..I Yrs>'- �1j ? h r ,y wr-rtl"Kty 1H,�' a�iS}'S� 'yf- ',•� ,1114#•' " .7 �4•,�:r,r `�.,F"y il� -k r:,r .:'at ,s. M � � !- v t 7-,•r _ _ -h. - tt'i`r` ,i 1•rT. t k*at 4. r", ,g S F fr 7u n q �„ > Iss''a`t."i�` 'i'�t ` ',y; �3,#ts'. �K"*k ,'.. .r ;hr �r i!,' J'J• .' i -:i rtfF. .. k�N[r-i, t.h la •.F" .•z,., n °!: 5 y # JJ �R�' +t t�� S '.r:. a. r J { t} ' :{- , w s i X5 K .fR r,+, '�'fiff X•t'biKy; .�1 -t r�' F W`�,! 1 - r r - _ r,' }_„^t 1-',. + _ .+ ^t.. �' �*•UL a+yf t 'rh r �.�e7t :i1?�'t ni s s�sf 5r�• tfae"�;y `t �=t �� C� p ti 1 ri n:tv •,H• r� (� `: 1 1.. 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F S t'�s�h`,j;•,n��;. t•t� f: r<�� -:¢i �11"iT•�'�t�.,�#,'�T!'�`���`':Ja. ��°:'�'ft,�,`yrwi�s .�,d�+�+.g�.{"'r}�"§ ���{'e' ',� i5 ,S ,� ., � i •3���, ..=»«..�.:Lrs.:.,c.� :,.�.�t"i.s-r-����•.`.a,.:._.... _ �� / ,,,:,�� .:t��?,n ,;1 � wf,1�;tt,,.�2ti� '�i;:r,ea' j 9^ � r.� y ¢` f � ..JLI.:SGrG..;:>:�s., R .��. :'* a M1Pt:•.,y�:'�"1 _ittl+'.-.';'��- m.�t •� .}g-t�+v i^ • DIVISION OF EIWIROrN]ENrAL MANAGEMENT + o `� M I —R June 25, 1986 C? T Gf?�Grpxtl� �rcon� MEMORANDUM uJO�c. C� Le -11- TO: Meg Kerr qm t � THRU: Allen Wahab �3JD (J J j'� FROM: Stephanie Richardson /(,Q SUBJECT: North Plant Hickory, NC Project No. C370389-01 Y I ' Design is underway to upgrade the subject plant to a 6.4 mgd facility. A portion of the plan involves the extension of the existing discharge line 1,500 l.f. into the main channel of Lake Hickory where effluent will be diffused. In order to finalize treatment process design, it is necessary to know the effluent limits which will result from the increased flow and relocated discharge point. The engineer cannot proceed until this determination has been made; therefore, your prompt attention is appreciated. SR/jh cc: LPMU GPF F 1 V F ;UHN 2 6 Y 01 AR H..I�qj Ij 3. 13-s to 0� I F—i I Q A5 FAS 7 DI LUZ y 7 .� ' ' J � � +w5 /Ic TAYLORSVILLE L K>P.I,:IT 1W. r C)ok Hill of 'A alL. X 21 Ck I C11 V 2* % LL2! Pil. l L ;t -AI Jim SAID Kqo6 7. v mM;BB? IZ21 114EIW LUZ &AMETT-7-. RIv.I°SO 113G 2 2 5 ,.IQ 0 L.2L 113 IIA .'; U22 iz-11 1172 AvvER UJV d L21 12 )lp Lull 137 1-3 --OKOU'j 2. 1:3o lC1 -j K()UT LI-I L HICKO —3 IA KF !2t C" CA lc. it K0 R Y d d k CLARI-OW 718 c�' cowov P u T7 % P w4h. r ' . • `� _ Lake_ •, :. STATION DATE f S TIME p 1 Dissoltir MGM , o i1. 8 ��.q G . S V r ) Temperature ( C) 6. 6 O. 30. 0 A'q o sur'Iu�C. L1 $ 4 7 1-1u 1 Sur-Va►c c- 7 6 g, 1 8.3 �?•.� pH . ; Flew (cfs) Salinity % Feca 1,MF Z- 10 410 L 1 O a Total, 14F 14 o .� w � o Fecal Tube o -4 V \ Total Tube COD (mg/1) BOD5 m 1 BODl�,n ter m /I Total 71 6 68 65 •� M VoIatile bb E F Fixed Total w Volatile cn Fixed Alkalinity (mg/1) 1H II Turbidity (NTU) 6, 0 3.3 �2 •9 �, 6 Chi a : Tri. 60 31 1.3 IS Chloro Chi a : Corr. SD 40 17 ,2-3 (ug/1), Pheophy t in a C 1 C I C l < I Secchi' Depth (meters) 1 .0 ,y 1 ,H 1 . 7 NH as N , 01 .0.1 L . 01 ' 0 # N TKN as N (mg/ ) NO2f NO3. as N 4.01 PO as P ,Q1 , 01 <. O1 4 . 01 P P: Total as P • 07, 109 . 03 .OZ 1?: Dissolved P • C) f • n x T16c- t - �\\{ ►�L� SdS•a - �L� �3Li Ns -CAT RAJ �wA W'� ' �5'� �� � i•T • A � f`' , '� �. •� .Chi a � ♦yy/%-_ is ,' , .• \ l `'-J///fI{r(/{^/\���_--��/+��'�\,\\��':Yj��/�+� I _ `' ,,+` t'.w r '•!s`%:` •', ,a: • '•' •Cam 6rli 11d o '�'. _ s, t+,� •� •, �` � , r■r"�� � r.- ! •a �% Seh •�.;. .�,. ��' :�, ,.,E �':��:__ � f - 1 �,�,,��� � , t �i fir•M: '`i '� t�r�•i� "�•'�`�• •�+t4' •od4 'l.i 0. -, .' ?' 1 4 r/"'i' 'fit •/ �. •.t .•, h r 4W, %