HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090836 Ver 1_Application_20091124 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A. MM, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 23, 2009 RD S. Army Corps of Engineers U. 69 Darlington Avenue v V?S? Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 (3Ct _ V -9 3 U, ZVOV 2 4 2009 ATTN: Ms. Kim Garvey NCDOT Coordinator DERR • WA cDS TT MANDSrTMQ &MCH Subject: Application for Nationwide Permit 33 for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 28 over Jordan Creek (also Juniper Creek) on SR 1433 (McGirts Bridge Road), Scotland County, Division 8.. State Project No. 8.2590901, F.A. Project No. BRSTP - 1433(2), T.I.P. Project No. B-4642. Reference: Section 404 Nationwide Permit No. 23 (Action ID No. SAW-2009-01543), issued September 17, 2009. Section 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3701 (NCDWQ Project No. 090836), issued September 4, 2009. Dear Madam: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 28 over Jordan Creek (also Juniper Creek) on SR 1433 (McGirts Bridge Road). A Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 was issued by the Corps on September 17, 2009, authorizing <0.59 acres of permanent wetland impacts resulting from roadway fill, excavation, and mechanized clearing associated with the construction of the new bridge. A North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Water Quality Certification No. 3701 was issued for these impacts on September 4, 2009. In the permit application, information regarding an additional 4 square feet of impacts and 028 acres of hand clearing in wetlands (from the relocation of two telephone poles and the associated aerial line) was also included. Since the NWP 23 was issued, new impacts associated with utility work have been added to the project. These impacts include: 1) 3 square feet of impacts due to the placement of a telephone pole/guy pole combination into the wetland in the southwest quadrant of the project and 2) 8 square feet of temporary wetland impacts in the northwest quadrant (at Station -L- 10+90), resulting from the cutting of a trench to place an underground section of telephone line. The trench is necessary to run the telephone line to a telephone pole. Additionally, this trenching will occur in an area previously designated for hand clearing. MAUANG ADDRESS: NC DErAR'rn>BNr OF Tt PORTAmN PRot DE oP AND EN oNa4N ANALYsm NAn ENVIIioNAffNf UN TKL FHONR: 919431-2000 FAX: 919431-2001 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 4701 Atlantic Ave. Suite 116 Ralei& NC 27604 Trenching for a se.-ond underground section of telephone ime (at Station -L 17.01)), totaling 17 square feet in size, will occur within the wetland in the northeast quadrant; however, the trench will be dug in an area already permitted as permanent mechanized clearing. This trench is also necessary to run a telephone line to.a telephone pole. Sincethe area where the second trench is being cut is already permitted for permanent impacts under the initial NWP.23 (for which compensatory mitigation has already been approved), NCDOT is not requesting impacts associated with the second trench be permitted under the NWP 33. Please see the enclosed copies of the permit drawings showing the new utility impacts and the restoration plan for the subject project. In addition to these items, a document answering questions provided by you in an email dated November 5, 2009 is also enclosed. Per your November 5, 21009 email, an updated .Pre-Construction .. Notification-(PCN) submitted with this new request. Due to the minimal amount of new impacts, we do not propose additional mitigation for this project. This project is currently scheduled for letting on February 16, 2010 (review date of December 29, 2009). In order to keep this project on schedule and maintain the current let date, NCDOT will need to have this permit issued before February 16, 2010. If this is not possible, please contact us as soon as possible. A copy of this permit application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http://www.nedot.ore/doh/preconstruct/-o . If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jim Mason at either (919) 431-1593 or ismasonanedot.gov. Sincer ly, ?.71Y__4A Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA w/attachment Mr. Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ (2 Copies) w/o attachment (see website for attachments) Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E., Project Services Unit Mr. Tim Johnson, P.E., Division 8 Engineer Mr. Art King, Division 8 Environmental Officer Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P. E., Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Mr. Scott McLendon, USAGE, Wilmington Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Tracy Walter, PDEA Project Planning Engineer RESTORATION PLAN TIP Project No.: B-4642 (proposed replacement of Bridge No. 28 over Jordan Creek (also Juniper Creek) on SR 1433 (McGirts Bridge Road), Scotland County, Division 8) State Project No.: 8.2590901 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP - 1433(2) Restoration Plan All trenched soil will be temporarily sidecast onto matting that will be placed adjacent to the area to be trenched prior to commencement of work. This soil will remain sidecast while utility work is being performed. The sidecast soil will be returned to trenched areas upon completion of work and matting will be removed. Backfilled areas will be restored to their pre-project grade, elevation, and contours. These areas will also be re-vegetated, if necessary. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FROM NOVEMBER 5, 2009 EMAIL Date: November 18, 2009 TIP Project No.: B-4642 (proposed replacement of Bridge No. 28 over Jordan Creek (also Juniper Creek) on SR 1433 (McGirts Bridge Road), Scotland County, Division 8) State Project No.: 8.2590901 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP - 1433(2) I) Type of utility: The utility impacts for this project are associated with telephone line work. 2) Why you can't directionally drill/bore: Regarding the new temporary wetland impacts resulting from trenching, if we bored or drilled, we would need a receiving pit at least as big as the total trench. Drilling/boring would, therefore, result in a larger impact. 3) Specific sediment and erosion control plan: NCDOT's Standard BMPs for Erosion Control will be employed for this project, except for the utility work. Since utility work for this project will be handled by the telephone company, an erosion control plan for the utility impacts will be developed by them. 4) Size of work corridor: Based on the permit drawings and roadway plans, the work corridor for the entire project is approximately 825 feet long by a maximum of 110 feet wide (including utility work). The corridor for utility work associated with this project (roughly defined by the hand clearing limits provided in the initial NWP 23 application) will be approximately 680 feet long by a maximum of 31 feet wide. The work area for the temporary trench in the Northwest Quad (at Station -L- 10+90) will be large enough to accommodate the digging of the trench and storage of the temporarily sidecast soil associated with it. 5) Size of utility casement: The existing utility easement extends to the east and west well beyond the project limits. Based on the permit drawings and roadway plans, the width of the proposed utility easement associated with the project (shown on the plans as the area between the northern ROW boundary and the Permanent Utility Easement (PUE) boundary) ranges between zero (on the eastern end) and 20 feet (on the western end). 6) Specifically address Special Condition 20 (h): This condition, as it pertains to the hand clearing associated with this project, was addressed in an email sent to you on September S. 2009. This email was sent in response to several questions you had regarding the initial NWP 23 permit application. In that email response, we outlined that hand clearing impacts will not result in the permanent conversion of the currently forested wetland to a persistent emergent herbaceous wetland. In a conference call between you, Rachelle Beauregard, and me on September 17, 2009, you stated that you were satisfied with our explanation and would not require compensatory mitigation for the hand clearing. Additionally, mitigation for the hand clearing was not required by any of the conditions of the original NWP, 23 permit issued by you on September 17, 2009. jf a X .1 "GIN ,PR® mrJ \ f Plp ?B R i)lr' G` E El AZJEGT ' .. 111 ( yJ `y I ^,) _ j \ 1 , - ("L.) _ _ 1 1 ,. +- - •. X111 / s+, _.. 1 \ 1 7DIVISION PT. OF TRANSPORTATION ? f 7' IL ? TIES OF HIGHWAYS WETLAND/STREAM SCOTLAND COUNTY IMPACTS ^ OJECT:33810.1.1 (B-4642) BRIDGE NO.28 ?ddr Fi Gv? l j?,) paGfiS OVER ON DSR A1433 REEK I SHEET -L OF'.5. -2V-09 '7:1 OWNERS--? PROPEKT? NAMES AND ADDRESSES, PARCEL NO. 1 NAMES EDGAR JOHNSON ADDRESSES P.O. BOX 699 ROSE HILL, NC 28458 P.O. BOX 1348 2 FULTON HEWITT, III LAURINBURG, NC 28352 _ ' __ E c rn ?. o - . 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