HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020376 Ver 1_MAPS_20020313GENERAL NOTES: - - - i ~.u... ,d,...~ ~ ~ - e 1. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. IT IS B u f f a I o Creek I n to rc e pto r - ~~)0. ~ ~ J ~ POSSIBLE THAT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES HAVE NOT BEEN SHOWN 1 ON THE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, LOCATION AND MATERIAL Project Lo c a t i o n F/1 ~ P D OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT N.C. ONE CALL (1-800-632-4949) AND JOHNSTON COUNTY PUBLIC O UTILITIES (919-989-5075) MIN. 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ - - ~ 2. IN THE EVENT PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED,CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DIP WITH NEOPRENE GASKETS. \ 3. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR NECESSARY MANHOLE REHABILITATION. ! 0 ,r r ~ / ~ ~ a'% 4• CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT J.E. PHIPPS, JR., SELMA RAIL MASTER (919-965-6546), a m~ r I i ' ~ r BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED WITHIN THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. r y~--' +~M ~ 5• TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ~ 6. CONTRACTOR TO MINIMIZE PLACEMENT OF EXCAVATION MATERIAL ON ROAD DURING V / 1~ / M ~ /,/'/~1 J~ CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO COVER ASPHALT WITH SAND PRIOR TO PLACEMENT / / % ~ OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ON PAVEMENT. ALL STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY. ~ ~ ~ Lvtt a° ~t~ 7• CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY APPROPRIATE PERSON AND AGENCIES PRIOR TO THE ~ O Ji 11 j1~ / / i / i1 ~1 BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING: e i e U - a. TIMOTHY G. BROOME, P.E., JOHNSTON COUNTY DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE ~ f- saR ~ o ~ - Q ,Y-- ~ ~i d AND ENGINEERING (919-989-5075) y~l a ~ - b. BLAKE GLOVER, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (919-934-6176) a p` d ~ ~ I j 1 ~ ~ 0 /i i / Neuse River i/ i Interceptor i ~ , ~ iii ~ ' ! ~ - Pro'ect Location ~ 4 v ~ s ~ ~ - / 1 i i / I ,r, r ~ I, ~ ~ I ii i:. i ® ~ s ~ , Wilson Street %j ~ ` 1 ~ 1~, ,i ~ ® • r ~ l !J / I l r o °'~a ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ r B Interce for ' ` P = ,~j i ° ~ 0 _ ro ect Location ~ _ ~ ~ ' % ' 1; i ~ - e tL ~ i~T ~ ~ v ~ ~ i ~ ~ ' x ~ se.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , '0,, ~ - ur;,~,' Y ~ Y C / 95 ..a 1~ ' ~ ~ E °p ~ ~ i \ \ ~ ~ i 95 I _ , ~a \ \ \ e i • ~ m~wtl^ ~ ` \ 4 ~ ~ .s ~ ~ - ~ ~ 7~ \ i / i 95 95 N o ~ ~ REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION UPPER BUFFALO CREE 1 ~1 I.l AI C T~'1 AI x'11 1 AI TV -l P ~ F Num Description Date Init Date Init c"~QAND ROSEWOOD 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn By: May, 1999 SRM I~ 0" ~ Department of Public Utilities Checked B Ma , 1999 MK 0zE917 INTERCEPTOR REHABILITAT ]TATION P.O. Box 2263 2 kv(ic b Approved B May, 1999 TGB °-~A 11111101" CZ Location Map Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 SCALE: 1" = 600' i - P~Pe P~Pe Notes Station Start MH End MH P~ e Dia. Start MH DeP~ End MH ~Pth p Material LengUi 1+42 #65 1825' i166 19' 21" Concrete 318' Infiltration at Joints Z+~$ Infiltration at Joints ~g 1g' #67 26.1T 21" Concrete 296' Infiltration (Running) 11 o'clock 0+64 Infiltration at Joints 1 - Infiltration at Joints O+gZ PIPE BURST 21" TO 24"I.D. ~ _ - Infikration at Joints t+07 - MANHOLES #64 TO ~69 - - - Obstruction Heavy Debris in Line 1+ 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER #67 26.17' ~l68 1825' 21" Concrete 246' : ~ #68 18.25' X169 18.25' 21" Concrete 242' Severe Sag 0+21 to 0+42 - Severe Sag 1+44 to 1+9 _ 1+94 Infiltration at Joints NOTE 1. DEPT SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ~OCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. C DISTANCES~ O_V~IDED IN TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR a CRE ~~tE MORE AC~IlRATE. B~F~~`~ REEK. 2.100 YEAS FLOOD ELE TION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANELS 37101 C02~8p & 37101 C02 D) 0 o 2,~„ 21" MH~66 E66 21" MH~65 ~ 21" \ MH 67 INSTA INSTALL NEW VENT TACK J r 20' UTILITY EASEMENT MH~68 \ ti ~ \ INSTALL NEW VENT STACK H#69 \ \ ENTRANCE TO SMITHFIELD WATER TREATMENT PLANT BUFFALO CREEK PUMP STATION HOSPITAL ROAD STA. 0+00 H ~ TOWN OF SMITHFIELD _ _ _ _inHNSTON COUNTY PAGE REVISION INFORMATION UKAWINU nvruKi H Iuv ,,,,UPP~ JPPER BUFFALU LKttrc . ~ 01 Num Description Date Init Init Date Buffalo Creek A AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 3 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 [EC Drawn Q SRM 03/01 QPSEAL ~ STA 00+00 TO 14+00 Checked B MK 03/01 INTERCE :RCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 22s3 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 A roved LL TG13 1 03/01 ieF SCALE: 1"=50 Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe _ 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER Start MH Depth End MH Dept Pipe Dia. Material Length Notes Station 2 #60 12.9' #61 13.2' 21" Concrete 263' #61 13.2' #62 16' 21" Concrete 285' Obstruction 1+38 1 _ _ - ~ #62 ~ 16' #63 18.25' 21" Concrete 314' Infiltration at Joint 1+62 _ - ~ ' ~ I ~ ~ ~ #63 18.25' #64 18.5' 21" Concrete 131' ~ i #64 18.5' #65 18.25' 21" Concrete 447' - ~ o I ~ NOTES: ~ ~ ~ 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE \ ~ \ LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN 2 TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. 21" r 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) m PIPE ~ ~n 21 " BURST c~ • 64 ~ ~ \ 35' FROM CENTERLINE OF + ~ ~ - ~ . gUFFq~~ - - CREEK TO MH #60 CREEK ` o° . - INSTALL _ - _ . cn H~a VENT K PIPE BURST 21 " TO 30" _2~ '~Q~ MANHOLES #64 TO #69 21'' MH~51 ~ a~ 2Z 2,~„ ~ ~ 2 ~c~ 20' UTILITY MH#62 EASEMENT INSTALL NEW VENT STACK INSTALL LINER INSTALL NEW VENT STACK HOSPITAL ROAD r,r,~~.iinic ini~n~rnATlfl~l .~~a~ ~o~~~ JOHNSTON COUNTY PAGE REVISION INFORMATION UKHVV IIN u 1141 U urrt \A c4n JrrtK tsurrALv %.r« F. F% ~~`o~ Creek Al Buffalo Num Description Date Inif Init Date ,CX012S5 AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 4 AL 1 Per CG&L Comments 01/02 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 = STA 14+00 TO 27+95 9 Checked B MK 03/01 - INTERCEI ,RCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 Approved B TGB 03/01 ~F~OP~~i~ L SCALE: 1"=50 fill Ito Start MH Start MH End MH End MH Pipe Dia. Pipe P~Pe Notes Stat Station Depth Depth Material Lengili #57 11.8' #57A 14.75 18" Concrete 308' Infiltration at Joint 1+ #57A 14.75 #58 11.8' 18" Conc. & Clay 187' Concrete Pipe to Clay Pipe 0+ Infiltration at Joint 0+ #58 11.8' #59 12.4' 18" Concrete 345' 1+44 0+24 0+55 j #59 12.4' iJ60 12.9' 21" Concrete 515' Infiltration at Joint 0+ N i 0+22 i NOTES: 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) ny ~ 40' FROM CENTERLINE OF ~ ~ CREEK TO MH #59 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER ~ `eUFFA(_ CRS ' . 0 EEK y ~ - ~ ~ _ _ _ I.~ N ` ~ ~ _ . . ~ J _ . . c~ - - ; _ _ _ ' rg,~ STALL BEGIN WETLANDS .TALL LINER n z MH~58 ~ g„ 20' UTILIN EASEMENT 18" MH#57 = r 15„ MH~57A -mi ~ p~ D TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD 1 -P TO BE BUILT (BY OTHERS) INSTALL NEW VENT STA g" HOSPITAL ROAD NT STACK 0 0 I N REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION inu~~c-rnr?i r+ni i~rv ~2 PAGE %0%01 Num Description Date Init Init Date UPPI,FESS/d. yA UPPEK l3UFFALV GKEE%0%01 • 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 gEpL ? Buffalo Creek AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities Checked B MK 03/01 09 STA 27+95 TO 41+00 P.O. Box 2263 ERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 q "GININTERCE OP,, A roved B TGB 03/01 LEE SCALE: 1"=50 ~ Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Notes Station Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Depth Depth Material Length #53 9.9' #54 11.6' 15" Concrete ._400' Infiltration at Joint 0+62 ~ - - Infiltration at Joint 0+g4 - - _ _ 1+04 ----~T- - Infiltration at Joint J__ ~ . Infiltration at Joint 1+28 1+53 _ _ _ Obstruction _ Infiltration at Joint 2+74 ~9 #54 11.6' infittratiarrarJai + y #55 10.9' #56 15.0' 15" Concrete 326' 'ti s tiF~,~s~ #56 15.0' #57 11.8' 15" Concrete 210' i ~9 S NOTES: ~ A i i x`9r' 1. DEPTHS SHALL E FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ~ LOCATIONS SHO N MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED W TABLES BY N CO TRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. 100'+ FROM CENTERLINE OF ~E OF N i ~ CREEK TO MH #55 i ~ 2.100 YEAR FLOOD EL NATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER i ~ M 53 60' FROM CENTERLiNE~ O,F CREEK TO MH #54 ~ ~ ~ i i ~ / BEGIN WETLANDS _ ~ ~ ~ ` i ~ _ - _ i ~ _ - - \ - - _ - ~ ~ ~ / ~ BUFFALO ,REEK CREEK TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD 3 H~55 TO BE BUILT (BY OTHERS) 15" 15" INSTALL LINER MH~54 0 o + 20~ UTILITY EASEMENT d- ~ 15" INSTALL NEW V Nw NEW VENT STACK g g J ~ MH~56 TEMPORARY ORARY ACCESS ROAD 2 = TO BE B U BE BUILT (BY OTHERS) ~ ~ ~ ~I Q w g INSTALL NEW VENT COVER Q v Q ~~PO ~ \ ~ N ~.~~,,,,..~T~~~~ nnn~.~i~ir, iNGnRMATIfIN - - - ~nNN~TnN r[~I INTYf PAGE KL V IJIUIN IIN rUF(I"I/A I I U1V tDralwn VV IIVU 1141 vl \l in i l-- UP[ UPPER BUFFALU GKt:tK , Date Inif Init Date CAR ~ ti m Description Nu o Io reek Buffalo SRM 01/02 CE C B 03/011 Per CG&L Comments SEAL ~ ST A AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 6 +00 TO 54+92 03/01 0 591. MK P.O. TERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Box 2263 ked B INTERC 0 3 / 01 L oved B. TGB E 1 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 -50 i ' Start MH Start MH End MH End MH Pipe Dia. Pipe P~Pe Notes Station 50~ - 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER Depth Depth Material Length #51 11.8' #52 10.3' 15" Concrete 422' i ~ 8' #52 10.3' #53 9.9' 15" Concrete 408' i NOTES: ~ p~X 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN _ ~ ~ ~9 8 TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. ¢ ~ ~ _ b'~S ~ bd N~~ 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) ~w~~ , \ ~ ~ ~ y~,~b~ ~ ~ ' ~ \ R~ / 1' ~I ~ ~ I - _ _ MH~51 i~ ~ I INSTALL LINER ` .R ,I APPROX. 6' TO CENTERLINE OF CREEK FROM MH #51 ~ i ~ 1 ~ I P~ ~O i. ~ ~I 20' UTIL i 0' UTILITY EASEMENT i ~ J) MH~52 ~ -9~, , ~y ~o~'LF ~CFS~q INSTALL NEW V NEW VENT STACK 6 S ~x 9~ 0 ,.,~,.~...T~,,,~ n~n~~ii~l~ INFf1RM~Tl(1N ~o~~~ JOFINSTON COUNTY PAGE HtvlSiuiv iivruKiPH i iu~v L) ,M ~ , 1141 ,'°o0Nw•"~~~ Uri urF'trc t3urrj6?LV %,.r%vvr% um Descri tion Date Init I n i fi Date ~ Esso•., . . go i N Buffalo Creek AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 7 1 Per CG&L Comments 01/02 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 SSAL STA 54+92 TO 62+00 INTER( Checked B MK 03/01 TERCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 roved B TGB 03/01 SCALE: 1"=50 ' ~i I I Iii ~N/~ ; f /G i _ ~C,~~ - - - - - . O~ ~~Pv ~ y~ ~ ~P , , i i. j 1 cq~~F I 1 50~ RIPARIAN BUFFER 1 I MPORARY AC SS R l I TO BE BUILT BY OTHERS ~ . 1 I ; ;i i i ~ " 1 I " t .I ~ i i:', '.t ,1 I li INSTALL LINER ~i I I . MH#49 ~i I I ,,I ~ i , J I ;1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 ; %1 ; NOTES: ~ ~ 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ~ ~ t LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN t '1 TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCI~RATE. 1 20' UTILITY EASEMENT ~1 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ - INSTALL NEW VENT STACK ~ g, \ MH#50 Start MH Start MH End MH End MH Pipe Dia. Pipe P~Pe Notes Station Depth Depth Material Length #qg g,g~ #4g g.6' 15" Concrete 350' . I #49 9.6' #50 8.0' 15" Concrete 361' PVC Pipe STA. 1+10 to 1+25 #50 8.0' #51 11.8' 15" Concrete 329' I M~~~ti Aq F ST d'. c G2X Op nc~ncin~i i~iGn~ntnT~n~~ nRAwW~ INFORMATION JOHNSTON COUNTY - PAGE F\L V IJIVIV IIVI VIII In I lulu ,1111 Olp// ' 0 te ~ UNNCK tsurrALV trMeer% o ~ , Description Date Inif Init Da ti p ; Num SS 16, o ~ Io Creek Bu a Q~ 4r M 03/01 SR AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 8 , 01/02 , SEAL 70+87 1 Per CG&L Comments CEC Drawn B 1,"-50 ~2 91 03/01 ~ MK hecked B C n a#GIN INTERC 'ERCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 03/01 TGB q Approved B LEE _ NOTES: ' i ,A 1. MANHOLE DEPTHS SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED FROM AS-BUILT DRAWINGS. ~ DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ~ LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN ~ ~ . MH ,43 " ~ 15" Y\ TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. / i 1. 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) ' ' - ~ J n n O (/M/ ~V I ~ ' ~ a'' J \ \ 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER ; ~ V , \O <,; ? i~I A \ APPROX. 50' TO CENTERLINE ' ~ \ \ N ' OF CREEK FROM MH #46 MH~44 0 O n O ~ 6~6~ V 4 V n vV O O O ~vll-t~~5 n ` ~ W INSTALL NE ~T STACK ~ - 0 \ O ° \ ~ i , 2 ~ ~ V i , , ° ~0 Ogg , ~ ~ \ /~0 ~ ~ ~ 20' UTILITY.~AS~MEyN~f: V , O ~ ~ APPROX. 5' TO CENTERLI ~ ~ OF CREEK OM MH ~46 O •A`\ O 1 I/A,X / H 46 IN L LINER ~ ~ti P~PG~ O ~ 0 5 ,~c~Q, O -1 1 ~ 1 S 0 ~ ~ INSTALL NSW VE STACK ~~g ~ APPROX. 10' o ° ~g ~ i': TO CENTERLINE ~g9g " r~ 0 F CREEK cb o 1 ~b Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe ~ FROM MH #46 ~~6 Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Notes Station o Depth Depth Material Length i is ~ #40 9.3' #41 11.9' 15" Concrete 304' Circumferential Cracks 0+73 'io ~i ~ _ Infiltration Dri in 12 o'clock + Circumferential r + ~ C acks 3 01 ~ Infiltration See in 3+01 ~ p g) J~ " ~n 2~ ~6~~ i #41 11.9' #42 6.7' 15" Concrete 317' + Circumferential Cracks 0 11 i ~ o ~ Infiltration See in + ( p g) 0 11 o Circumferential Cracks 0+42 ~ i ~ ~ X650 ~ ~ ~ % o o~ #42 6.7 #43 7.4 15 Concrete 146 Sags F ~ ~ INSTALL N VENT `~~f~CK ~ °5g ~j , #43 7.4' #44 6.8' 15" Concrete 316' Sags i ~ . ~5 r ~ #44 6.8' #45 6.9' 15" Concrete 147' ScalelMineral Deposits 0+09 ~._._~M_____ . _ - i ~ 2 ScalelMineral Deposits 0+70 - ~ ~ ~~u.,__- Circumferential Cracks 1+43 r 'S~ o a~ ~ ~ 62 Infiltration Dri in 10 - 02 o'clock 1+43 { pp gl f ~ i ~'9 ~~Q~ g698 #45 6.9' #46 7.3' 15" Concrete 359' Infiltration at Joint + 0 36 ~ ~ Circumferential Crack 0+70 Z ~ ~,P ~ ~ ~ ~ Infiltration at Joint 0+70 __._._v.._______ _v_,...,...._..- MATCH LINES +87 ~ °66 Intrudin Service Connection 1+15 g __r.__.__ r______ _ \ Infiltration at Joint 1+26 PAG 8 8" _m.._ .___.__.~..r .~..M.........r_ _._w _ _..~..~M~~...._._..~._------- Infiltration at Joint 2+37 0 2~g ~3, ~ ~O E #46 7.3' #47 12.4' 15" Concrete 140' ~ I #47 12.40 #47A 11.00 15" C e 407' C' + oncret ircumferential Crack 1 21 1~~6 ~ Infiltration (Seeping) 1+21 M_.~ _ ~ . ~NTERe~RY ~ ~ ~ REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION Infiltration (Runnings 10 o'clock 4+03 i ! ~ I E #47A 11.50 #48 6.8' 15" Crete 16' S Con ag V% CARo .ti Num Description Date Init Init Date , ; ~ F~ss4 9 UPPEI~Creek ` IPPEFZ IJUFFALU GKEEK • • a = Buffalo SEAL - SRM 03/01: _ _EC Drawn B 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 02 91 T A7 7 T 89+00 - Checked By: MK 03/01 S GINE..a p \ INTERCEF RCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Approved B TGB 03/01 LEE , Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 c SCALE, 1"7750 i Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Start MH Depth End MH Depth Pipe Dia. Material Length Notes Station #36 8.8' #37 8.1' 18" Concrete 297' Infiltration at Joint 2+30 N ~ ~ Infiltration at Joint 2+93 I #37 8.1' #38 8.9' 15" Concrete 270' Circumferential Crack 2+50 Infiltration at Joint 2+50 Circumferential Crack 2+67 Ogg ~ , #38 8.9' #39 9.0' 15" Concrete 350' Infiltration at Joint 1+87 15>> ~y APPROX. 5' FROM C TERLINE Infiltration at Joint 2+24 ~ OF CREEK TO MH # 0 #39 9.0' #40 9.3' 15" Concrete 276' Circumferential Crack 0+01 a ^ 'ARIAN BUFFER Infikration (Dripping) 01 o'clock 0+01 n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INSTALL NEW V NT STACK 50' RIPARIAN Circumferential Crack 0+09 New Manhole 0+09 Circumferential Crack 1+06 Infiltration (Seeping) 1+06 Circumferential Crack 1+28 o co ~ _ _ r' Infiltration (Seeping) 1+28 S~8 9~~~ O _ Circumferential Crack 2+17 _ _ _ - Infiltration (Seeping) 2+17 40 Circumferential Crack 2+70 . _______T- o ~ Infiltration (Dripping)12 o'clock 2+70 _ NOTES: SAS o 1S„ ~ ; TE RARY ACCESS ~66~ ~ ~ - _ 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. ROAD 5 20' ';UTILITYY E~S€M.ENT MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES Y OTHERS) PROVIDED IN TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. e(~FF~ NSTALL LINER MH#3J el 0 CRFFK ~ ~ 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 128.0' (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) o BEGIN WE11I4~DS 6~~ S rS ~ ~ - \ ~ . \ i 1621 M 8 0~~~ ~GF' Q \ ~ , \ \ g~~a INSTALS EW VENT STACK MH#37 ~j9~~ o ~ ~ 0 0 252 ~ ~ ~ ~ o g~~S~~ N got SF ~ ~ 6~~~ ~ ~ ~ g o \ ,~O S~ g~2 , L ~ 0 ~ 2 0 S~i~T T 2 8'' <v 625 ~ g~~ N ,~~2~ ti,~~o ~tiSy~A 8~ , ~o Q -x o c~ ~ ~ ~~~~Sy ~ ~P ~ . ~A 52 2 °~A ono Ogg ~g~2 ° 9~ o. 1 ~ g~ ~ o ao9~ ~gg~ REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFQRMATION . _Il1HN~T(~N C_nl INTY I ~iS°a PAGE NUFFLK um Description Date Init Init Dafe ,,•°o~c~~~~wo rtK 1:surrALv ~rcCen 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 HC Drawn B SRM 03/01 ~QQ~FESSipti~BUFFALO CREEK AN Checked B MK 03/01 o35s~` 5TA 89+00 TO 103+07 AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities - 10 CEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 22s3 Approved B TGB 03/01 "E~•:o``~v INTERCEP AP'I I Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 Z S`z SCALE: 17=50 At H End MH Pie Pi Start M p pe Start MH Start MH ~d MH ~d MH P~Pe Dia. P~Pe Pipe Notes Station Deptli Depth Material Length Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Notes Station Depth Depth Material Length #34 8.75 #35 9.00 16" uctile Iror 202' Infiltration at Joint 0+92 #32 11.2' #33 13.6' Circumferential Cracks 0+75 Infiltration at Joint 0+75 Infiltration at Joint 1+64 Circumferential Cracks 7+09 Infiltration at Joint 1+09 ' ete + #35 9.00 #36 8.8 15 Concr 447 Circumferential Cracks 0 03 ..._.~.___w~.._._ Circumferential Cracks 1+40 Infiltration at Joint 0+03 Infiltration at Joint 1+40 Circumferential Cracks 0+17 _...~.~w._._.v__ _ _ _ ____v..w___. ..._,u.. Circumferential Cracks 1+72 Infiltration at Joint 0+23 Circumferential Cracks 0+38 Infiltration at Joint 1+72 ...w_. _v _ ~._w_ . _ _w~._._.. Circumferential Cracks 2+90 Infiltration at Joint 0+38 Infiltration at Joint 2+90 Circumferential Cracks O+fi8 i Infiltration at Joint 0+68 #33 13.6' #34 8.75 15" Concrete 332.6' Circumferential Cracks U+21 pp 00 Circumferential Cracks 0+79 .e„ .~__~~~.ee.rod._ ,~..~.m_.ro~,~~u ~„e~~~ww~.. ~M, ,._~.wa..e.. .__.w_._ Infiltration at Joint 0+21 ~S c0 ~ Circumferential Cracks 1+38 ..........._.__v..____ ___v..__._.... ~..v _.w..,,.~....._._ Circumferential Cracks 0+81 ~~O ~ ' r- Infiltration at Joint 1+38 Infiltration at Joint 0+81 e._w..~....._..__....__.~_~, w~..~._..,~...__~..... ..__..___..__...~.____~-___w- Circumferential Cracks 2+08 _ __M.~____._.... Circumferential Cracks 1+42 ~~~b'O ~Z6 Circumferential Cracks 2+36 ~ _.~wM......---..-- -v..._~,.,_A.,.~_ Infiltration at Joint 1+42 C/s Circumferential Cracks 2+59 a,w~~,o.~,~,~, ~,Wa~ M~~ w.~a_~_ ~._~.a~~... Circumferential Cracks 2+99 Circumferential Cracks 1+53 Og .~,m__~ Infiltration at Joint 1+53 Infiltration at Joint 2+99 .~.oo,b~oooooo~~or. b~....o~.wr ~......~..om~.,.o~,,,.e„e.,o~~~oo~_..a....a.....,...._..me__..a.~..~. __~.__.~_„~~~~a....~_ Roots (Light) 1+53 Circumferential Cracks 3+41 ~ _ ~~~._~._M~_ _ Circumferential Cracks 2+42 Longitudinal Crack 3+41 _ _ _ _ _ _____._T d' Infiltration (Dripping) 7 o'clock 2+42 00 d- _M .___W ....~._.~M..~...v~_ .~.~ww~.~_ ~M~~~~~......M___ Lon itudinal Crack 3+65 - - - - - - - - - - _ - . r~ 9 Circumferential Cracks 3+03 ~ Circumferential Cracks 3+78 ~ N..,w.~.w._~~~ Infiltration (Dripping) 9 to 3 o clot 3+03 Circumferential Cracks 4+10 .~~.eem~ee,~ ,va.e~,.~,~ .~~a~. ..,.~..,~,,.,~,,.,..~..a.~..._._~_~....~~.. Circumferential Cracks 3+16 Circumferential Cracks 4+40 w~~.__....~.__~.,.,_. _w.,._..,.,...~ m.~..~..~r_r .__...w.....M..~~~....r....__..~.~.~r_w Infiltration at Joint 3+17 Circumferential Cracks 4+44 ~___._w _ Circumferential Cracks 3+24 Infiltration at Joint 4+44 - - - Infikration at Joint 3+24 W Circwnierential Cracks 3+28 Infiltration at Joint 3+28 Scale/Mineral Deposits 3+28 NOTES: 1. DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CO TRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT B EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN TABLES BY TV CONTRALTO ARE MORE ACCURATE. 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER O , T i i-; 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION VARIES. (SEE FIRM PANEL 37101C0239D) ~ 50'+ FROM co / O I o . ~ + _,r co r ~ CENTERLINE i `,.r _ ~ OF CREEK ,r'" • N ~ - - TO MH X35 r ~ ~ 4 r ,r- ~ I Lv ~ W MH#36 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ,r _Z t % n- /i ~ J 15 ~~y ~ ~ ~ 287.11 ~ ~ ~ ~ U ,.r i" I- y ~ Q ~ N ~ / f O y l f, v° ~ 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 15" - r% ~v INSTALL NEW VENT STACK ~ H#35 ~ _ 2~ 8~ I rn 1) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o N ~ `~NS~`P SE~MP~ ~ ~~wNSN~P 100 YEAR D FLOODPLAIN 100 YEAR F OODPLAI SM~~~~ ~ ELEVATION=128.0' ~ VARIES FR M 128.0' f 1 REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING WFORMATION ~o~N~"~~~UPPE Num Description Date Init Inif Date ;rq JPPEK 13UFFALV trKLLK • ~ 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 ~~~"~9 Buffalo Creek AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 11 9`~ STA 103+0 7 TO 116+00 Checked B MK 03/01 ,~N P.O. Box 2263 :RCEPTOR REHABILITATION Smithfield, NC 27577 Approved B TGB 03/01 '-~q EEOp%,INTERCE ...an•• of 20 50 SCALE: 1"= Z LE NH A .M R T RA NT BY D FI I V D L E F BE L L H T D End MH pipe pipe Start MH pi Dia. PrPe Notes Station IN Start MH End MH ~ terial Len th De th Depth Ma g P , ED VID en th PR ~ E N TA I D T. g EXA E TB AY M N TI A L ' #26 8.4' 15" Concrete 59 #25 8.3 9' Infiltration at Jant 0+13 5 E. T + A M E E R AR R 0 22 T N Y B E nt L a B at J TA Infiltration _ 0+33 Roots{Light) 0+43 Infiltration at Joint ~ 5' A 0+36 I ~ ~ #27 8.9 15 Concrete 40 f ~ ~ #26 8.4 4.05 Infiltration at Jant Circumferential Cracks 0+37 acks 3+22 Circumferential Cr 3+22 . Infiltration at Joint \ ~ w w ~ ~ ~ q8 3 K d I ~ ~ I ~ 2+59 ~ #28 8.9 406 #27 8.9 ' oots Li ht 406 R (g ) ;I ~ : ~ 15" Concrete 390 . ~g 8.g #29 8. 0' Infiltration at Jant 2+36 39 _ 3+90 _ _ Root Mass {Severe) i I I 1~ I ~ ' ferential Cracks 0+04 384 Circum ' #30 9.2 15 Concrete 384 #29 8.7 ~..~d r ~e I ~ ~ 0+04 ~ 1 ScalelMineral Deposit 1 1 ~'1 II #31 8.5 16 Ducitle Iron 144 ' Infiltration at Joint 0+14 ~n 144 #30 9.2 ~ Infiltration at Joint 0+69 ~ _~_M_~ _M~~~.. ._~W~u ~,~~r~,~_ : : , ; ~~~r~,r ation at Jant 0+87 Infiltr . . : - - . - _ ~ _ 1+ , . : Infiltration at Joint 1~ o..,~~~_~ r_.~.~.~~~ .~.~..~~~.ro .,,.~~..~w '~0~~ . ~ n at Jant 1+24 Infiltratio ~ ~ ~..b~ w~. .~b~.e...~~~. I i Itration at Jant 1+42 Infi 1 3 Y i ~ ~ ' Concrete 287 ' Sa 0+18 -0+39 e 287 g 15 2 11.2 #3 .5 a 31 # , ~ , M...~...v__._. M_. .v _r_ M. _~.M ~ Infiltration at Joint 0+20 _~_w.__~.. _.w_._...~ . _~.r___ ScalelMineral De sit 0+20 P~ Sag 0+55 - 0+76 n Infiltration at Joint (Drippings 0+5 0+7 Z1 . ~ __M. Circumferential Cracks ~ _ , _ , . Sag 0+96 -1+23 _ _ _ 106 . ~ ~.,__a,....._.___.__.. __.w.....~ ~ J / _ _.......w._ Circumferential Cracks Sag 1+40 - 2+87 1+57 Circumferential Cracks - __M________ cal~JMtrn~al~e it~~ 1+57 ircumferential Cracks 1+97 C 1+97 ScalelMineral Deposit ~ cumferential Cracks 2+47 Cir calelMineral De sit 2+47 S Po ~_~._s~ _ ~ a i~ e- _..,.~...a.n ........r.T,..__.,n__~..-~...........u.~...u....F__...,_..~..~.~...,..._._.__ S ~ ~ee,..e.-...~r.v..~,,.....~..,..~...e~....., ..............a~..._-,....._......,._-.,..~.,...-~...-~.......~,.:...,~ J~ - r / 1 I 1 1 1 (1~: ~ J I 1 F ~ I p 1 1 ~ t 1' / 4 ~ ~ r / IInn V' t~ ;1 ` ~ ~C Z p,_, ~ f ~ ti , ~ J 1 _ - ti , 1 1 V v i ~ ~ _ r i , ,a ~ i-' , - - i ..~--i - i » ~ i ~ i ~ ' 4' f i 1 r 11, i' ~ I` ` r a ~ i ~ - i i~' I ~ i ~ r ~ ~ i 4- 1 ~ ~ i / I, ; _ ~ ~ i ~ , i y i ~ i i i i ;l ff ll ' » i I i I, i i i ~s. I i , i ~ i 1 ~ _ ~ ~ iinir ~eirnn~n n TI(l~l _ REVISION INFORMATION UKHWIIVU iivrun'iHi ~i,4 up Init Date C( UPPEK IiUl-t-ALU L.rcecn Num Description Date Init Q4oFE5s,oN~" Buffalo Creek AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 12 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 Y 02E9L STA 116+00 TO 136+88 Checked Q MK 03/01 INTER( TERCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 A roved Q TGB 03/01 [cz SCALE: 1"=50 Stag MH End MH P~Pe P~p Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Material Len End MH P~PQ Pipe Notes Station Depth Depth P~Pe Notes Station ~ ial Length p+17 ~ 87' Infiltration at Joint ~ _ Start MH De th Material Length #21 10.4' #22 $•2 - p 0+04 ~ _ SDe hH End MH p Pipe Dia. Infiltration at Joint 0+34 ~ . LL Infiltraiion at Joint 0+53 #20 10.2' #21 10.4 15" Concrete 530' Roots (Lig i p+07 Roots (Light) - - - Scale/Mineral Deposit 0+68 ~ 0+24 - . - _ Roots (Light) p+43 Roots (Light) ~ #22 g,2~ #23 7.8' 1 oncr - Longitudinal Cracks _ _ 0+72 _ ete 123' Infiltration at Joint 0+34 p+34 ~ a - Roots (Light) ~ 0+40 - Infiltration at Joint _ _ _ Roots (Light) 0+72 _ Infiltration at Joint - - _ 1+14 - - - Infiltration at Joint - m Infiltration at Joint p+44 ~ Multiple Cracks ~ Longitudinal Cracks 0+60 ~ . - _ Roots (Light) 1+44 _ Circumferential Cracks - - _ . _ 1+64 ~ - Infiltration at om rete 164' Infiltration at Joint 0+09 Roots (Light) 1+64 #23 7.8' #24 7.3' 15 Concrete - 0+09 - Roofs (Light) 2+12 _ . _ - Infiltration at Joint _ _ _ Infiltration at Joint 0+14 ELEVATED STORA i 2+12 _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ Roots (Light) _T - o+~a TANK i 9~~ _ _ 2+16 _ _ . Roots (Medium) ~ ~ - ~ ~ Infiliraiion at Joint - - _ 2+16 _ - - Roots (Light) _ Infiltration at Joint 0+20 - Q+20 ~ _ 2+67 _ ~ Roots (Light) cg _ _ J - ~ Infiltration at Joini - "~~-~"M _ _ _ _ _ 2+67 _ _ ~m Longitudinal Cracks 0+23 Roots (Medium) _ p+27 2+86 - Roots (Light) _ - Circumferential Cracks _ . _ ~ 2+99 _ ~T~ ~ W Infiltration at Joint 0+27 ~ Infiltration at Joint - - - 0+39 3+40 - _ _ _ m _ Infiltration al Joint Infiltration at Joint p+69 3+40 Infiltration at Joint ~ - Roots (Light) - _ _ 3+79 - - - Infiltration at Joint - Circumferential Cracks 1+23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3+79 Infiltration ai Joint 1+23 i i CSX RAILROAD ~ ~ Roots (Light) - 3+86 _ _ 1+23 I ~ Roots (Light) o~ i I ~ ~I ~ - - ~ Circumferential Cracks ~+aa ~IM~TS i ~ ~i i 3+98 _ _ - Cir mferential Cracks - ~~~mm~ Circumferential Cracks 1+44 _ -Ind i t Joint 3+98 _ _ _ m{ ~ Infiltration at Joint Roots (M ~ j 4+57 + ~ 1 5+01 Circumferential Cracks Crete 249' Infiltration at Joint 4+~$ I ~ ~ 0+38 ~ d' L - J- - - _ _ 5+01 #24 7.3' #25 8.3' 15" Concre e _ _ - Infittralion at Joint _ - _ Infiltration at Joint Circumferential Cracks _ _ _ _ Q-+~.1- - - - - - L ~ ~,~c~' 0+51 " - -Y- - lnfilir~ii`on a~Joint Q ~ Infiltration at Joint 0+59 ~ SMITHFIE ID CITY LIMITS , _ - - I q-~,, W Q 1 N~ ~ Ja ~ MAINTAIN 18" MIN. 40' R~w s 'i ~ VERTICAL SEPARATION ~r? MH#21 _I INSTALL LINER y MH#22 EASEMENT Q ~ P ~TIU~~ ~ i ~ MH~23 ~~Z ~ P'&"~. i~ ~z ~ ~ ~5' = I MAINTAIN 18" MIN. MH~24 VERTICAL SEP,4RATION 16~ ~ ~ MH#25__--'~ 16" AC WATER MAIN~~ ~ /N_-- ~ + 20' UTILITY EASEMENT ~ ~ 1~~ ~ /o v DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ~ LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANTES PROVIDED IN ~~i TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURA i1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 JOHNSTON COUNTY ~ PAGE ~ UPPER BUM-ALU t.rceen 17H REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION Ul Date Init Init Date 0:, `ROC Num Description =~~~4oF~sQSx,= Buffalo Creek AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 13 P.O. Box 2263 ~ Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 aoZE9~ ETA 136+88 TO 149+00 w MK 03/01 INTEF Checked B ? G1 NTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 A roved B TGf3 03/01 LppBP~.: z~S~OZ SCALE: "I 0=50 p - I - t- I Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Start MH Depth End MH ~pth Pipe Dia. Material Lengtf~ Notes Station Start MH Depth End MH Depth Pipe Dia. Material Length Pipe Notes Station I Length #17 7.7' #18 8.2' 15" Concrete 505' Infiltration at Joint 0+10 #18 8.2' #19 11.0' 15" Concrete 508' _ x 508' Infiltration at Joint 0+16 Longitudinal Crack 0+25 . - N Infiltration at Joint 0+62 ~.ae...~.~ Infiltration at Joint 1+88 Infiltration at Joint 0+31 - - _ _ . ~0 00 Circwnferential Crack 0+33 - - - Multiple Cracks 2+18 J Infiltration at Joint + ~ Infiltration at Joint 0+46 - - __.T.~_ 2 22 O Multiple Cracks 2+24 Infiltration at Joint 2+ Infiltration at Joint 0+33 - - 70 Longitudinal Crack 0+77 Infiltration at Joint 2+80 Circumferential Crack 0+84 _ Roots Li ht 3+01 (9) Infiltration at Joint 0+84 Multi le Cracks 3+51 Infiltration at Joint 0+95 Infiltration at Joint + 3 54 Infiltration at Joint + CircumferentialCrack 1+05 - 3 71 Infiltration at Joint 4+ Infiltretion at Joint 1+05 01 Circumferential Crack 1+07 - - - - Roots Li ht + (g) 4 11 Infiltration at Joint 1+07 - _ _ Circumferential Cracks 4+55 Infiltration at Joint 4+62 Circumferential Crack 1+11 _ _ . Infiltration at Joint + 5 04 Infiltration at Joint 1+11 ~ I ~ Infiltration at Joint 1+23 #19 11.0' #20 10.2' 15" Concrete 498' 498' Infiltration at Joint 0+23 Infiltration at Joint 1+33 Circumferential Cracks 0+80 Circumferential Crack 1+38 Infiltration at Joint 0+83 Infiltration at Joint 1+38 _ _ Circumferential Cracks + 1 23 ~..HI Infiltration at Joint + 1 23 Circumferential Crack 1+57 - Multiple Cracks 1+67 _ _ ScalelMineral De osits 1+ p 25 Circumferential Crack 1+g4 - _ Lon itudinal Cracks 1+ 9 27 an__~~~. _ Circumferential Cracks 1+35 Multiple Cracks 1+88 Infiltration at Joint + 1 35 Longitudinal Crack 1+97 - . Infiltration at Joint + 1 41 n ration at oint 2+04 Circumferential Cracks + P~ 1 43 Longitudinal Crack 2+27 T - - _ ~ _ _ T_....__ . Infiltration at Join + ~ t 1 51 + Infiltration at Joint 2+2g Circumferential Cracks 1+5g _~N~____.___ N Infiltration at Joint 2+45 Longitudinal Crack 2+61 _ Roots (Light) 2+47 __~...w....__ Lon itudinal Cracks 2+52 9 Longitudinal Crack 2+94 _ _ Infiltration at Joint 2+67 Infiltration at Joint 2+95 - - - - Roots (Light) 2+67 4 ~ _ Circumferential Cracks 3+07 ~ 1' Multiple Cracks 3+09 _ _ _ . Infiltration at Joint 3+07 " 1 Infiltration at Joint 3+27 - - Ci cu cks + ~ r mferential Cra 3 57 n tration at oint 3+78 _ _ _ __T Infiltration at Joint 4+18 Infiltretion at Joint 4+39 Longitudinal Crack 4+42 Infiltration at Joint 3+57 , LL 2 _ Circumferential Cracks 3+87 J Circumferential Cracks 4+74 Z V ~ _ _ I Multiple Cracks 4+61 Multiple Cracks 4+72 I-rs Q ____~T ~ Multiple Cracks 4+g4 CITY ~ 1 i ~ In6ltrationatJoint a+sa HFIELD R/w MH#19 ~ ~ ~ a> EASEMENT 40 ~i CITY ~~M~TS = i i ~11UTY i ~ P i ~ v ~ N-~ ~5 ENT 40 R~W ~ cn UTILITY EASEM ~ C P &L. ~5 ~i~' INSTALL LINER ~ ~i ~ MAINTAIN 18" MIN. + ~i ~ VERTICAL SEPARATION °o i ~ i i~ i~ ~z DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION - - - - - n w Num Description Date Init Init Date O'~Q~~ % Sl UPPE 2OpESp'•:r PPER BUFFALO CREEK JOHNSTON COUNTY rH~t 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn Q SRM 03/01 Buffalo Creek Ah SEAL ~ STA 149+00 TO 162+83 AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 14 Checked B MK 03/011/- 09 P.O. Box 2263 Ito' INTERCEP REHABILITATION Smithfield, NC 27577 R Approved B TGB 03/01 LES e SCALE: 1"=50 fill II°z of 20 % , DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN N TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. ~ ~ O cn \ ~ N Q 0 0 0 m 0 vi 9 O r D STALL LINER . co n Q~ ~w r c - I ~o Z 15" MH#15 z Q » D G~ J MH 14 s U Q rn N W Start MH End MH Pipe Pi e Start MH End MH Pi p pe f~ta. ~ Notes Station Depth Depth Material Len th 9 #16 7.3' #17 7.7' 17" Concrete 504' Infiltration at Joil ration at Joint 0+04 v..._ Multi le p Cracks _ _ _ -.-_..M. tiple Cracks 0+06 Start MH Sfart MH ~d MH ~d MH P~ e Dia. P~Pe P~~ Depth Deptli p Material Len th Notes Station Infiltration at Joil ration at Joint 2 o'clock 0+09 9 ScalelMineral D ________.M..Infil le/Mineral Deposit 0+13 #13 82' #14 7.9' 16" Ductile Iron 423' Infiltration at Joint 8 to 4 o clock 0+36 ration at Joint 0+20 Infiltration at Joint 8 to 4 o'clock 0+73 .M,_..._~_.._"....,._ tratlon at Jon _________..w___ Circ e _ _ _ umferentlal --v__M..~ Infiltra umferential Crack 0+23 Infiltration at Joint 1+10 S to rt M H End M H P i a Pie tlon at Jall _~_.,~,...M~___ e.,~,,.,......_~_______ ....,...M,~,r ration at Joint 0+30 Infiltration at Joint 3+30 Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. p Notes Station Depth Depth Material Length Infiltration at Joit ration at Joint 0+33 #~4 ~.g~ #15 7.3' 16" Ductile Iron 20.5' #10 15.7' #11 7.7' 15" Concrete 504' ScalelMineral Deposits O+Oq ~ " - Clrcumferentlal _ _ _._~,_.._bo-~."...__.___ _~..._._-.m."__..~ ...._____a_ umferential Crack 0+40 Infiltration @ Joint 0+13 Infiltratlon at Jolr Infiltration @ Joint 0+21 _ _ _ _ Infiltration at Joir ration at Joint 0+40 #15 7.3' #16 7.3' 17" Concrete 358' Multiple Cracks p+~2 Multiple Cracks 0+37 - ration at Joint 0+44 _ Infiltration ~ Joint o+4a Infiltration at Joir - _ - 9 _ - . ___r.._.____-. _.._."v ration at Joint 0+54 A_...__...~ _ _ _ Longitudinal Cracks p+~g Lon itudinal Crack o+51 Infiltration at Joir ration at Joint 0+60 Infiltration at Joint 11 o'clock 0+21 _ _ _ . _.._w._-- _ _.w_. _ Infiltratlon oint 0+~4 , Clrcumferentlal L o n g it u d in a I C ra c k 0 + 72 _ _ ~ _ ~mferential Crack 0+77 Infiltration at Joint 0+36 _ ScalelMineral Deposits 0+gg _ Infiltfatlon at Joir ation at Joint O+gp Longitudinal Cracks 0+74 ~ ~ ~ _ _ Infiltration Joint 1+05 ~ ~ _ ~ @ Infiltratlon at Jolr ation at Joint O+gS Infiltration at Joint 0+66 Multiple Cracks 1+13 - ongltudinal Cra+ 1+00 Infiltration at Joint p+g2 ~itudinal Crack - Multiple Cracks 1+24 _ _ _ _ Infiltration at Joir Lon it u d i n a I C ra c k 1+ 2 g _ .~~~~~e..~,~.. ~ _ a..~N.~a~ _ 9 _ ation at Joint 9 oclock 1+04 - - - _ Multiple Cracks 1+36 Multiple Cracks 1+48 Infiltration at Joir ation at Joint 1+~5 Longitudinal Cracks 1+41 Infiltration @ Joint 1+75 MUltl le Crackf _ - _ _ _ p :iple Cracks ~+ys Longitudinal Cracks 1+66 nf+trat+on oint 1+85 . ~ _ _ Infiltratlon at Jorn Infiltration ~ Joint 2+Oq _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ Circumferential anon at Joint ~+25 Infiltratino at Joint ~+73 Multiple Cracks 2+07 ~____w~v ~ imferential Crack 1+33 Circumferential Crack 2+20 _ Infiltration @ Joint 2+16 Infiltrat' ' M.M-...... _v -.._M..-....~~.~,...M......._.,..._..-._....._.-........-.__...._-.___-_ . lon at orn ...~.,~~a..m. ation at Joint 1+45 Infiltration at Joint 12 o'clock 2+20 u tip a rac s 2+22 Multi le Cracks _ _ _ P iple Cracks ~+g5 Longitudinal Cracks 2+50 Multiple Cracks 2+38 _.....~_..--..k__ Infiltration at Join Infiltration at Joint 2+50 Scale 1 M i n e r a I D e o s i t s 2 + 5 3 - _ . _ _ _ _ ~ . p ation at Joint 1+61 _ Infiltration @ Joint 2+s8 _ _ _ _ _ Multiple Cracks :iple Cracks ~+73 Circumferential Crack z+g~ Longitudinal Crack 2+61 Infiltratlon at Joln Multiple Cracks Z+g2 ation at Joint 1+73 _ _ n +tratlon omt 2+69 ~ - Clrcumferentlal C imferential Crack ~+7g Infiltration at Joint Z+gS Longitudinal Crack 2+87 _ Infiltration Multiple Cracks 2+90 ~~,..,..,,.~a_~ at Joln ~o, ~_.ee bo ~o „e Circumferential C ation at Joint 1+86 - - Longitudinal Cracks 3+11 imferential Crack 2+00 - Infiltration at Join ation at Joint 2+pg Longitudinal Cracks 3+16 ~m Infiltra i Infiltration at Joint 3+26 ation at Joint 2+31 - ton at Joln Multiple Cracks 3+46 REVI SION NFORMATI ON DRAWING INFORMATION Num Description Date Init Init Date UPPER PER BUFFALO CREEK .loliNSTON COUNTY 15 ~ EESSip 9 , 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 aP°sEA~ Buffalo Creek s,, = AN[ AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 1G CEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Ch e c k e d B MK 0 3/ 01 02 STA 162+83 TO 174+00 Approved B TGB 03/01 o ~'LEE - e~INTERCEP ~A PJ,I SCALE 1' =50 Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 End MH Pie Pi e Sta rt M H p p Notes Station End MH PI a Dla. StartMH p De th Material Len tt~ De th 9 p p " 66' Multi le Cracks ~ 0+00 15.70 15 Concrete 2 #9 15.30 #10 p + DEPTH SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE ScalelMlneral De oslts 0 09 p _.,....M.... ~._~.M_ ______~~M........~.__ . + IN L A Multi le Cracks 0 29 NS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN p 66 BY TV 0 T BLE A Lon Itudlnal Crack 9 BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. ,n~,pun~~,o~.w ~ow,a~N~~,~e.,~~~~._~m.~.. ~~a.....,,,.,_~ea..._,,_... m~,a.mar...~....,~.~.pM_.. ,~~.~_m~,Mµ mm„w,~e~„_,,, + Multi le Cracks 1 05 p MuItI le Cracks 1 13 p oro~e~.~o~~n.e.~ me~~.w~_ ~ ...a.a_ e_..~~..._ _.rc__~. ,.~e~a~.~_.~~..._ ~_.~.~___Me_...,e~_. Multi le Cracks 1+26 P ~.,,~..,,,.~~~~~.~~~~,,.P,•~ oso~~a~~o~,~o~o~o ...~~~....em.~~.. m~aa ~.~~~.o~,..,,~,~Po~.,..a.,.a... r~.~.,.~,..~~. ~~~~a~_~~~ ~~o~o.M~r.,. + Multi le Cracks 134 p ~~so_w.._.~.~~~~_ ,.,e,e~em.~~.,M.a~~.m,. ~~~..~.~~~~.._~.__..__w __ee.ee.~,~~_e__~~ _~w.~_._ ~~_ro_ Lon itudinal Crack 1 +56 9 o.. ~m. W_..~w.eM ~~,e~,ve.,~~~~.Ma ~...,.n.,,~~.4_ba _~M~.~~~.~_~~_. + Multi le Cracks 1 61 p Multi le Cracks 1 67 p N Multi le Cracks 1 77 P Lon Itudlnal Crack 2 02 9 z~ _w__...__ ~___w_ + Multi le Cracks 2 08 P ~,~,•~~.w,,,,o ra~e~~w,,,o,renuro.~oM~.~.~ ~~ro,.. ..,.~.,o.~~~~ + Multi le Cracks 2 28 P ..__.~..m~~. _ ~ _ _..__~.w______~_ Multi le Cracks 2+50 p Lon itudinal Crack 2+64 9 .,.,,~.••.••~~.....m~..b~e•~ ._...,~~.w~.,ro~~..~~,_~, •w~~..M.M.~_.r ~..o.~.e..._.._~a,~ ~_a...~~~_ e,~~,~~a.~~~~m + ScalelMlneral De oslts 2 73 p 0 Q m h~ ~ n ~X I r M H ~,`Q..~,~ 1 ~ v~ 20' UTILITY EASEMENT ~Q 0 0 Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe •on StartMH .tart MH End MH End MH Pipe Dia. Pipe Pipe Notes Station nd M H P i a Dia. Notes Stati S to rt M H E P Start MH E De th Depth Material Length p Depth Depth Depth Material Length ' #11 7.7' 15" Concrete 504' ScalelM ineral Deposits 0+04 #10 15.7 Longitudinal Crack 3+01 ~ ~ Infiltration @ J o i n t 0 + 13 _ ______~M~.a_m .~_.._....._..__..__w........__._...__.._.__.~.,.. Multiple Cracks 3+10 ~g S; Infiltration @ Joint 0+21 _ ~~~..~...r~h_.,~.,...~,~~.._...,,~ ~ _ _ _ - - _ _ 9. Lon dudinal Crack 3+13 Multiple Cracks 0+37 .w~_.._ ~em. Infiltration @ Joint 0+ Multiple Cracks 3+28 Longitudinal Crack 0+51 Infiltration ~ Joint 3+38 ~ooo..._..~~ ~..~e_~o~o~, _.~o ~o~~_~-_______~._ ~ee~o ~ooo,_.. -..._w~ Multiple Cracks 3+44 Infiltration @ Joint 0+54 ...__...w~. . _ _.M_.., ~ _ Lon it u d i n a I C ra c k 0+ 7 2 9 Infiltration Joint 3+49 ________a_____________ _.~______..___.h_.___.__..._________ _ S c a l e l M i n e ra I Deposits p+ g g Multiple Cracks 3+57 _w.___.___ _w..._.-.______.__ _.~._r_~__.__.~ Infiltration @ Joint 1+05 ~ M u l t i p l e Cracks + Multiple Cracks 3+79 . __s..w.,. . ________.~a________ Multiple Cracks 3+99 Multiple Cracks 1+24 Longitudinal Crack 4+14 Longitudinal Crack 1+29 M u ltip le Cracks 1 + 4 8 Infiltration @ Joint 4+14 __..~..~w r_.__,_ - -w.._..___--- Infiltration @ Joint 1+75 Infiltration ~ Joint 4+37 Multiple Cracks 4+43 Infiltration @ Joint 1+85 ..w - Infiltration @ Joint 2+04 _ .M,~r~....,~___ _ _ ~ _ _ - ~ Multiple Cracks 4+52 M ulti le Cracks 2+07 p Longitudinal Crack 4+64 Infiltration Joint 2+16 Infiltration ~ Joint 4+64 ~..,.__.._.w..._._._ ~ Multi le Cracks 2+22 P Infiltration @ Joint 4+78 M u It i p le Cracks 2 + 3 8 _ Multiple Cracks 4+84 S c a l e l M i n e r a l Deposits 2+ 5 3 ~ ~ Multiple Cracks 4+g5 I n fi I t r a t i o n@ J o i n t 2+ 5 8 ~ ~.....~.~,~._e______b_~~e,.,~~e ~~_~~a_______~W_ __r_~n_M.~~~_____ __~e~~~.~__,~_ti __~,~~...w~~_~~. Longitudinal Crack 2+61 Circumferential Crack 5+01 -----_..~_.~......~..w..-- . i Infiltration @ Joint 2+69 ~M~.~ ~.....~..,.._m_m____ mM.r #12 8.5 8.5' #13 8.2' 10" Ductile Iron 80' Lon itudinal Crack 2+87 g INFORMATION N DRAWING REVISION INFORMATIO ..A' - - - - - - - - - - - - ~nuw~~rnw~ ~+n~ ~w~rv ~ PAGF Num Description Date Inif Init Dafe ; ~~oFESS;,~ UPPER BUFFALO GREEK ~+vn~.~ v~ vvaii~ AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 16 1 Per CG&L Comments 01/02 CEC Drawn B SRM 03/01 ° SEAS = Buffalo Creek Checked B MK 03/01 s~~ 02 97 lam, STA 174+00 TO 185+55 ,9q~"N~IM, "?c~° INTERC A roved B TGB 03/01 P.O. Box 2263 ERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 SCALE: 1"=50 Z~S~~Z o~ v HWY 70 0 0 ~y~~ 20' UTILITY EASEMENT INSTALL LINER + rn ti ,o~'G~ MH#9 g„ MH~8 8„ MH#7 Q ~ '9 wQ z~ J S I xs U s Q POINT REPAIR ~ Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Notes Station OQ Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Depth Deptli Material LengGi ~ #7 6.00 #8 20.0' 8" VCP 498' Circumferential Cracks 0+01 - - - Infiltration 11 o'clock 0+01 ~Q - - Separated Joint (Slight) 0+10 Separated Joint (Slight ~ #8 ..___20._0 #9 i __~53~ _ ..._8.. _'__VCP-- 317'-- Holerin'P peGl2olcgock ~ 1 o'clock 0+04 C~ p+15 PVC Pipe 0+37 to 0+44 DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTANCES PROVIDED IN TABLES BY N CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURATE. nr~ncinni i~i~nnnnnTinr.i fll~~l~ll~lr I~IFf1RM~T1(1N _ _ _ _ . _ _in~NSTnN Cnl1NTY I I PAGE I\L V IJIVIN IIVI UF\I lf-t I lull vi 1n vv II'Ll ~ ,,j111/ ..1`' N CARP UPPEI 4~ eleNe• !i , IPPER BUFFALU trKtt:K . ~ e , Des~riPLion Date Init Init Date e , Num F L Buffalo Creek 03/01: Q SRM CEC D Fawn B 01/02 seal - 1 Per CG&L Comments e AND ROSEWOOD I 0'1;N Department of Public Utilities 17 oz s e STA 185+55 TO 196+00 03/01: Checked B MK Gay e° f INTERCEF RCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 roved BY: TGB 03/01 « e ,1% 1 A Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 /1j 11111111111 : 1":--50 z (C)IC 7- SCALE . _ _ - , _ _ ;.NOTES: '1. MANHOLE DEPTHS SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED FRO _ . _ _ . _ _ DEPTHS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACT D FROM AS-BUILT DRAWINGS. start MH Start MH End MH End MH P~Pe Dia. Pipe P~~ Notes Station JTRACTOR. MANHOLE oeptn Depth Materia~ Length #1 12.00 #2 16.00 30" Concrete X81' Infiltration at Joint 1+73 ~ ~ ~ V - LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACT. DISTAN TABLES BY TV CONTRACTOR ARE MORE ACCURA SMITHFIELD CITY LIMITS 2.100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 125.0' (SEE FIRM P DISTANCES PROVIDED IN CCURATE. #2 16 00 #3 11.50 30" Concrete 405' Infiltration at Joint 0+05 Infiltration at Joint 1+57 - FIRM PANEL 37101C0238D - - - Service Connections 0+75 Service Connections ~+g7 Line Needs Cleaning #3 11.50 #4 11.00 30" Concrete 288' Service Connection 1+20 ~ Line Needs Cleaning i NEUSE RIVER ' #4 11.00 #5 11.00 30" Concrete 289' Service Connection O+g6 SLIPLINE P L~ ~f E ~ Line Needs cleaning ~ - - _ A 30~~ #5 11.00 #f6 10.00 30" Concrete Infiltration at Joint 2+48 _..T I - _ _ _ _ Line Needs Cleaning I MH~~ 30" I ~#4 30„ \ M H 6 3~'. _ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3. / I o 20' UTILITY EASEMENT NEUSE RIVER 3~~,, i ~ o ° 4361 8~~ i ' 1209 2380 I 0 Z~'. ~ ~ ~ 6256 ~ / ° ~ 9345 ~a ° ~ 30' . ~ ~ ~ 7189 ~ ~ ~ ~ z' / / 14 I H~2 i g g„ / ~ ~ ~ i~ a o / 1150 S' ~ 9038 ~ ~ ~ / ~ 5014 ~ I TEMPORARY ACCES ~ ~ ~ ROAD (BY OTHERS) ~ I ~ 4' ~ I I _R~SFwooo li o I - 7952 \ \ \ ~ ~ / 099 1829 0 ~ I o ~ 5921 \ / 2809 I 13879 0 o ~ ~ 3868 7874 8856 ~ \ / ~ 0 1875 ~ I II ~ 8856 ~ ~ - - - - - o / \ \ o? 7862 9830 ~ ~ g' CEDARW~OD DRIVE / ~ - - - - - - - a / 3744 0 0 1771 5751 _ - - ~ ° o - - o 7770 0 3607 4627 8594 REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION Num Description Date Init Init Date C"'~UPPEF , S/p FES 9 PPER BUFFALO CREEK vVl'71Va 1 VIV VVVIV 1 T 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 EC Drawn B 7M 03/01 Q~OZE9L~ ROSEWOOD ST. At AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities Checked B MK 03/01 INTERCE GIN .Off' RCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Approved B TGB 03/01 LEE~ Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 SCALE: 1"=50 ~I5Io2 1 ~ ~ MIN. 3 8" X 1 1 2" LAG B S W~ LEAD ~HI AN EDGE OF EXIST. ~ ELD C ORS MANHOLE ~ (POSITION AS SHOWN) 4 REQUIRED -a ( ) f: ~ i. a f I i, J I f l .l r~ t~ l_i it ~ __Y~:i ~ Ip....,...., i r~ . 1"X1"X1" LUG REQ'D (T1P.) ~ ` o I ~ 4-BOLTS RE 'D O 90 DEGREES LOCKABLE MANHOLE ~ , RING AND COVER FRAME & COVER 23 1 2" N ~ f~l~~.~y~. ~~rrr~~ ~trrlr~ COVER EW LOCKABLE MANHOLE RING AND COVER G Z w RAM-NEK ~ ~ ° SEALANT Q ~ z EXIST. ~ MANHOLE BUG SCREEN 0 2-3" GALV. STEEL 90' ELBOWS O W/BUG SCREEN L1 U Z ~ Q J O EXIST. 4" STEEL PIPIE TO BE v~ s NOTE: FURNISH 4-1/2 X 1 3/4 STAINLESS FRAME HEX HEAD MACHINE SCREWS A 90 DEG. VENT CUT OFF do CAPPED AND ONE POIrnNYL GASKET BETWEEN XIST. M.H. RING & COVER COVER AND FRAME SEAT. II EXIST 4" STEEL VENT STACK TO BE VAR. CUT OFF A CLOSE AS POSSIABLE TO NOTE: VENT TOP TO BE 1' TOP OF EXIST. M. H. COVER ABOVE 100 YEAR NOT TO SCALE • FLOOD PLAIN ELEV. ` .-I__l: _ 1/2 b GALV. BOLT ~ 3" GALV. STEFF THREADED w PIPE ~ a i J > I~ GALV. PLATE 1 4' x 5' x 5' NON-SHI+INK GROUT EXIST. GRADE / \ _ EXIST. MANHOLE THREADED GALV. STEEL FLANGE-BOLT 301T TOP PLAN TO EXIST. MANHOLE w/ 4-1/2"d EPOXY ANCHORS 1/2' b GALV. BOLT TOP/EXIST. M.H. - ~ - - COVER i 'i o~ r. _ i Q ; ' - ~___r EXIST 4' STEEL VENT STACK TO BE CUT OFF AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO ALV. PLATE 1/4' z 5' x 5" NATION TOP OF EXIST. M. H. COVER ELE SECTION ~ -r V . ~ V I 1 ~ Q NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE A ~ Start MH End MH Pipe Pipe Start MH End MH Pipe Dia. Notes Station ~ Depth Deptl~ Material Length PVC, ~ 10" VCP and 206' Infiltration at Joint Gushin 0+03 #1 11.00 #2 10.00 ( g) Metal Pipe Change from CMP to VCP 0+99 Pipe Change from VCP to DIP 2+00 N TE RE TI F M A - T WIN WN A MATED MANN LE DEPTH L RI F BY TRA T R H VE LED N E FIELD DEPTH HALL B O, T B N E PR VIDED IN Y N E EXA T. DI TA W MA L ATI N H N T R A MO TABL BY TV NTRA RE RATE. E I N = 4.0 AT 0 2 E 1 F D ELEV E FIRM PAN L 71 1 D YEAR L E REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION Num Description Date Init Init Date VH oeess, , - , UF'NLK tiUf-1-ALV trKt:EK JVI71110 1 VIV VVUIV 1 i AND ROSEWOOD Department of Public Utilities 20 1 Per CG&L Comments 01102 JCH Drawn B SRM 03/01 aPSEAL Wilson Street DETAILS Checked B MK 03/01 z o s 9 r• p INTERC rERCEPTOR REHABILITATION P.O. Box 2263 Approved B TGB 03/01 LEE OP ICI Smithfield, NC 27577 of 20 SCALE: 1"=50 ' °Z JOIINSTON C UPPER BUFFALO CREE INTERCEPTOR REH SRF PROJECT NO. v coVNTy ~EI~ AND ROSEWOOD EHABILITATION ~O. CS370560-08 MAY 200 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS° 1 -Cover 2 -Location Map ~h 3 -Buffalo Creek Sfa. 00+00 to 14+00 4 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 14+00 to 27+95 aeJy2 ° Selma James H. Langdon, Jr., Chairman 5 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 27+95 to 41 +00 Cookie Pcpe G 6 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 41 +00 to 54+92 Thomas M. Moore s o ~ 7 - Euffalo Creek Sta. 54+92 to 62+00 Al/en Mimms, Jr. ~ Hwy 210 N'~y N~'y Wade M. Stewart ~ 8 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 62+00 to 70+87 Fred Smifh 9 - Euffalo Creek Sta. 70+87 to 89+00 W. Ray r~'oodall ~,9h C 10 -Buffalo Creek Sta.89+00 to 103+07 Smithf 77 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 103f07 to 116+00 72 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 116+00 fo 136+88 13 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 136+88 to 149+00 14 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 149+00 to 162+83 15 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 162+83 to 174100 Vicinity Map Viap 16 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 774+00 to 185+55 17 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 185+55 to 196+00 ton County ~lIVA L D~~IGN Owner -Johnston C NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION Ric% J. Hesfer, County / unfy Mal~aC~~' er 18 -Buffalo Creek Sta. 196+00 to 206+48 ",~H 9'' °~~QOF~~O 19 -Rosewood Sfreet ~ 1U wason Street vetoils q l EE 9 ` 25oZ