HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141149 Ver 7_Year 2 Final Monitoring Report_2019_20200317ID#* 20141149 Version* 7 Select Reviewer:* Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 03/18/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 3/17/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* r Stream r Wetlands W Buffer V Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Raymond Holz Project Information .................................................................................................................................................................. ID#:* 20141149 Existing IDr Project Type: r DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Orphan Creek County: Alamance Document Information Email Address:* rholz@restorationsystems.com Version: 7 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Final_OrphanCrk_Buffer-NUtOff 2019MY2 DWR 6.6MB 20141149 v7.pdf Rease upload only one RDFof the corrplete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Raymond Holz Signature:* Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes St. Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina Ph: (919) 755-9490 Fx: (919) 755-9492 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 March 17, 2020 Attn: Ms. Katie Merritt NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources - Wetland and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Subject: Orphan Creek Yr. 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Comment Reponses – DWR 20141149 v7 Katie - Below are the responses from Restoration Systems to all comments received on the Draft Orphan Creek buffer and nutrient offset monitoring report. DWR comments are in black, and RS responses are in blue. RS obviously had some miscommunication with this report and the monitoring of the Site in 2019. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to discuss. Sincerely, Raymond Holz Restoration Systems Comments Received & Responses 1. Tupelo is counted as a planted species, but is not included on the planting list in Table 5. Explain. Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) were planted at the site. The stem counted as tupelo (Nyssa sp.) was obviously planted based on spacing, size, etc.; however, the exact species could not be determined with 100% certainty beyond Nyssa sp. 2. No height data is provided. This is required for all vegetation data under 0295 and is part of the Qualitative data expected by DWR. Please provide the height data if you have it, and make sure this is included in all future monitoring reports. If you don’t have it, please justify why this data wasn’t recorded. Dataforms for planted stems are included as an Appendix F, and include data related to height and vigor. 3. The data provided in the report is from 2018. Please provide 2019 data. It appears the wrong document was submitted; this has been corrected. 4. The plot photos provided in the report are from 2018. Please provide photos that were taken when the 2019 data was collected. It appears the wrong document was submitted; this has been corrected. 5. Text within the report implies the data was collected in October 2018. Please explain. It appears the wrong document was submitted; this has been corrected. 6. Information regarding the 3 random transects that were noted in the Year 1 report to be added to the monitoring protocol were not included in the report. Please provide a figure Page 2 of 2 showing where the transects were set up and provide the vegetation data that was collected. This transect data was not collected during MY2. It will be added to the MY3 monitoring plan. 7. Text on pages ii & 4 are confusing. There is reference to 2018 and 2019. It appears the wrong document was submitted; this has been corrected. 8. Bond for this site expired January 2020. No bond reduction is approved at this time. RS submitted bond continuation certificate to DWR on February 12th. RS has requested a Yr. 3 monitoring bond and will provide an original to DWR once received. YEAR 2 (2019) MONITORING REPORT Orphan Creek Bank Parcel DWR# 20141149 version 7 Pursuant to: Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument for Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Credits PREPARED BY: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 1101 HAYNES STREET, SUITE 211 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 AND AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 February 2020 Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Executive Summary page i Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Restoration Systems, LLC has established the Orphan Creek Bank Parcel (Parcel), proposed as part of the Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument (Banking Instrument) signed October 25th, 2017 between Restoration Systems, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR). Per the Jordan Lake Water supply Nutrient Strategy, Consolidated Mitigation Rule, and Nutrient Offset Payments (15A NCAC 02B .0267, 15A NCAC 02B .0268, 15A NCAC 02B .0295, & 15A NCAC 02B .0240), this Parcel is designed to provide riparian buffer and nutrient offset mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts due to development within the Haw River Sub-watershed of Jordan Lake in the Cape Fear River Basin. Supporting figures are included in Appendix B. The Parcel was evaluated on December 16th, 2014 by Virginia Baker of DWR. Ms. Baker’s evaluation was part of an inter-agency review, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, to determine if stream features located within the site are applicable to provide compensatory stream mitigation under Restoration Systems’ Cape Fear 02 Phase One Umbrella Banking Instrument, (Orphan Creek USACE Action ID SAW- 2015-01698). Riparian areas adjacent to features within the parcel providing compensatory mitigation for stream impacts, were restored and provide riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient off-set credit. The Parcel was planned and designed according to the Banking Instrument with DWR, 15A NCAC 02B .0240, and the Consolidated Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295, which became effective on November 1, 2015. The BPDP has also been designed in concurrence with the Orphan Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank (SAW# 2015-01698). The mitigation plan for the Orphan Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank along with the Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument was approved by the Interagency Review Team on July, 6th 2017. The Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) was granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on June 30th, 2017, the corresponding Section 401 Water Quality Certification was granted on June 28th, 2017 and the land quality letter of approval was granted June 20th, 2017. Project construction and planting was completed between October 30, 2017 and December 22, 2017. For purposes of the Orphan Creek Nutrient Offset & Buffer Bank, the Parcel involves restoring riparian buffers and other riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams onsite in order to help reduce non -point source contaminant discharges to downstream waters in the Haw River sub-watershed of Jordan Lake. All the riparian areas were assessed by DWR during an onsite visit to determine viability for buffer mitigation and nutrient offset. During the site visit, all riparian areas were confirmed to have been in pasture for cattle grazing. Approximately 7.01 acres will be protected with a permanent conservation easement. Of those 7.01 acres, 4.52 acres were restored for Jordan riparian buffer credit, 0.22 acres were restored for nutrient offset credit, and 1.74 acres were enhanced by the removal of cattle from the streams and riparian areas for Jordan riparian buffer credit. In general, riparian restoration/enhancement area widths on streams extend out to a maximum of 100 feet from the top of bank with a minimum width of 30 from top of banks. Riparian buffer enhancement credits generated on this Bank Parcel are allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) but cannot be used to generate nutrient offset credits. Additionally, no riparian restoration areas that are less than 50 feet wide from Top of Banks can be used to generate nutrient offset credit. Therefore, the maximum acreage of riparian restoration on this site that is able to be converted into nutrient offset credits if needed by RS, is 4.52 acres. Figure 3 (Appendix B) shows the Credit Determination Map and Section 2.0 provides details of the mitigation determination on the Bank Parcel. Year 2 (2019) vegetation sampling occurred October 3, 2019. Stem density across the Parcel was above the required average density with 699 planted tree stems per acre (excluding livestakes) surviving in year 2 (2019). In addition, all plots exceeded success criteria. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Executive Summary page ii Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC After observing the Site for the Year 2 growing season, routine vegetation management activities will be implemented in accordance with Section 4.2 (Parcel Maintenance) of the Bank Parcel Development Plan to facilitate continued success. These activities will include mechanical and chemical control of competing herbaceous vegetation in targeted areas beginning early in the 3rd year (2020). In areas of intensive treatment, a short-term nurse-crop seed mix may be planted to suppress weedy herbaceous competition. These management activities will ensure continued survival of the planted stems as well as establishment of natural recruits. Restoration Systems conducted a Site review of the Orphan Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration project on 11/5/19 with USACE representative Sam Dailey with no outstanding issues. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Table of Contents page i Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... i 1.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND, AND ATTRIBUTES ......................................................... 1 1.1 Location and Setting ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 1 2.0 MITIGATION POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................ 2 3.0 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Monitoring Protocol ...................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Parcel Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 4 4.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 5 APPENDICES Appendix A. Background Tables Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Baseline Information & Attributes Appendix B. Figures Figure 1. Site Location & Service Area Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View Figure 3. Credit Determination Figure 4. Potential Conversion of Wetland Credit to Riparian Buffer Credit Appendix C. Vegetation Data Table 5. Planted Bare Root Woody Vegetation Table 6. Total Planted Stems by Plot and Species Vegetation Plot Photographs Appendix D. Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Appendix E. Vegetation Monitoring Datasheets Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report page 1 Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC 1.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND, AND ATTRIBUTES 1.1 Location and Setting Restoration Systems, LLC has established the Orphan Creek Bank Parcel (Parcel), proposed as part of the Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument (Banking Instrument) signed October 25th, 2017 between Restoration Systems, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR). The Parcel encompasses 7.01 acres of land located 2000 feet north of the intersection of Payne Road and Salem Church Road. Prior to construction, the Site was characterized by hay fields and livestock pasture; livestock had unrestricted access to the Site’s streams resulting in deeply incised streams and direct nonpoint source inputs including livestock waste. A narrow riparian fringe had developed on the stream margins composed of opportunistic species and a few mature trees. Located in the South Atlantic/Gulf Region approximately 2 miles north of Saxapahaw, NC and 7 miles southeast of Graham, NC in eastern Alamance County (Figure 1, Appendix B), the Parcel is hydrologically situated within the USGS 14-digit HUC and Targeted Local Watershed 03030002050010 of the Cape Fear River Basin and Jordan Lake’s Haw Sub-Watershed (DWR Subbasin Number 03-06-02). The main hydrologic features include four unnamed tributaries (UT) to Meadow Creek, and adjacent floodplains. Directions to Parcel (from Saxapahaw): • From Church Rd. and Jordan Dr. intersection, go north on Jordan Dr. – 0.1 mile • Jordan Dr. becomes Saxapahaw Bethlehem Church Rd. – 1.8 miles • Turn right on Payne Rd. – 0.7 mile • Site is on left; access site using driveway to barn and agriculture fields. Site Coordinates: 35.978992, -79.315216 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives According to the Final Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities (NCEEP 2009), this watershed should be targeted for restoration to protect the nutrient sensitive waters that ultimately drain into the nutrient sensitive water supply of Jordan Lake. Overall, the purposes of the Orphan Creek Buffer and Nutrient Offset Bank is to restore, enhance, and preserve riparian buffers and other riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams onsite. The riparian restoration and enhancement work will result in improved water quality within the Parcel and the downstream watershed. The Parcel is located in a region of the state dominated by agriculture and livestock; restoration of the riparian buffer is expected to result in immediate water quality benefits within the vicinity of the Parcel through the removal of livestock access to Parcel streams. Primary goals focus on 1) improving water quality, 2) enhancing flood attenuation and hydrology, 3) improving aquatic resources, and 4) restoring riparian habitat. Proposed mitigation activities will provide floodplain connectivity, floodplain resistance, stream stability, sediment transport, surface and subsurface storage and retention, in-stream habitat, riparian habitat and structure, thermal regulation, floodplain biogeochemical processing, and pollutant filtration as well as remove sources of pollutants. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report page 2 Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC 2.0 MITIGATION POTENTIAL The Orphan Creek Bank Parcel provides Jordan buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits for development impacts within the Haw River Sub-watershed of Jordan Lake. The width of the credit generation area will begin at the most landward limit of the top of bank or the rooted herbaceous vegetation and extend landward a maximum distance of 200 feet where able. A maximum of 4.52 acres of riparian restoration on this site is able to be converted and transferred from Riparian Buffer Credits to Nutrient Offset Credits and from Nutrient Offset Credit back to Riparian Buffer Credits upon approval and does not include any of the acreage being mitigated to generate wetland mitigation credit.. The Sponsor must submit a written request and receive written approval from DWR prior to any credit conversions and transfers to the buffer and nutrient credit ledgers. All delivery factors shall be applied to nutrient offset credits prior to requesting a conversion. According to the nutrient reduction goals for the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake, the generated nitrogen credits per acre in the Haw Sub-watershed for riparian restoration on agriculture land is 2249.36 pounds and the generated phosphorus credit per acre is 143.81 pounds. The delivery factors applied to this parcel are 74 percent for nitrogen and 68 percent for phosphorus (Appendix D). Delivered credits are calculated by applying the delivery factors and the acreage of riparian restoration to the generated credits per acre stated above. Proposed areas for Jordan riparian buffer and nutrient offset (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) credits for the Orphan Creek Bank Parcel are summarized in Table 1 and the corresponding Figure 3 (Appendix B). The Sponsor will maintain 4 credit ledgers for the Parcel under the Banking Instrument and BPDP: (1) for buffer restoration mitigation credits in both square feet and acres, (1) for buffer enhancement mitigation credits in square feet and acres, (1) accounting for nitrogen offset credits in pounds and acres, and (1) accounting for phosphorus offset credits in pounds and acres. The Sponsor may elect to use riparian areas for either buffer mitigation credit or wetland mitigation credit, but not both. The Sponsor must submit a written request and receive written approval from DWR prior to any credit conversions and transfers to the buffer credit ledger. As part of that request, the Sponsor must provide DWR with a written acceptance letter from the USACE, ac companied by supporting documents, for any wetlands that they want removed from the wetland mitigation bank. Only riparian areas that fail to qualify to generate wetland credit may be viable for generating riparian buffer credit. Figure 3 (Appendix B) depicts riparian areas that could potentially generate riparian buffer credit if they don't qualify to generate wetland mitigation credits, and Figure 4 (Appendix B) depicts the potential conversion of failed wetland mitigation credits to riparian buffer credits. Any areas proposed for buffer mitigation credit must meet the performance standards detailed in 15A NCAC 02B .0295. Table 1. Jordan Lake: Haw River Sub-Watershed Credit Determination Table 14 Digit Watershed ID: 03030002050010 Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units *Buffer Width from TOB Credit Type* Total Area Mitigation Ratio Percentage of Full Credit Mitigation Units TOB-100 ft Restoration 196,725.78 ft2 (4.52 ac) 1:1 100% 196,725.78 ft2 (4.52 ac) TOB-100 ft Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) 75,686.90 ft2 (1.74 ac) 2:1 100% 37,843.45 ft2 (0.87 ac) Total Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units 234,660.23 ft2 (5.39 ac) Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report page 3 Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Nutrient Offset Credits **Buffer Width from TOB Credit Type Mitigation Type Total Acreage Generated Credits per Acre Generated Credits Delivery Factor Delivered Credits 101-200 ft Nitrogen Restoration 0.22 2,249.36 lbs/ac 494.86 74% 366.20 101-200 ft Phosphorus Restoration 0.22 143.81 lbs/ac 31.64 66% 20.88 * TOB-20 ft = Buffer is less than 20 ft from the TOB and therefore qualifies for no credit. TOB-29 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 20 ft from the TOB and a maximum of 29 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 75% credit. TOB-100 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 29 ft from the TOB and a maximum of 100 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 100% credit. 101-200’ = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 101 ft from the TOB and a maximum of 200 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 33% credit. **Buffer mitigation credits are sought from top of bank to 100’. Beyond buffer credit generating areas, RS is proposing nutrient offset credits out to a maximum of 200’ for a contiguous riparian restoration from top of bank t o 200’ where possible. 3.0 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 3.1 Monitoring Protocol Restoration monitoring procedures for riparian vegetation will include periodic visual inspection and annual plant survival and species diversity survey reports. Quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed as outlined in the CVS Level 1-2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). Photos will be taken from all photo points each monitoring year and provided in the annual reports. All planted stems in the plots will be marked with flagging tape and recorded. Detailed qualitative and quantitative monitoring is proposed for vegetated riparian areas; marsh treatment areas will be visually inspected periodically and reported qualitatively within the annual monitor report, which will include photographic record of the Parcel’s assets. Monitoring of the restoration efforts will be performed for five years or until success criteria are fulfilled. Restoration Systems shall submit an annual monitoring report to DWR, no later than December 31st of each year. Quantitative monitoring includes measurements of 7-10x10 meter, permanent vegetation plots (3.6% of restoration and nutrient offset credit areas). Plots were randomly placed throughout the planted riparian areas and are representative of credit generating areas. Sampling of vegetation will be performed in October of each year, with the 1st monitoring data to be collected in the fall of 2018 but not within 6 months from initial planting. Monitoring data can be found in Appendix C. During the first year, vegetation received a cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Success criteria within the riparian buffer and nutrient offset restoration areas will be based on the survival of planted species at a density of 260 stems per acre after five years of monitoring. A minimum of four native, hardwood tree and shrub species must be present, with no one species representing greater than 50% of the stems. In addition, appropriate volunteer stems of native hardwood tree and shrub species may be included to meet the final performance standard of 260 stems per acre upon DWR approval. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report page 4 Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC A visual assessment of the cattle exclusion and preservation areas within the conservation easement will also be performed each year to confirm: • Fencing is in good condition throughout the site; • No cattle access within the conservation easement area; • No encroachment has occurred; • Diffuse flow is being maintained in the conservations easement area; and • There has not been any cutting, clearing, filling, grading, or similar activities that would negatively affect the functioning of the buffer. 3.2 Parcel Maintenance After observing the Site for the Year 2 growing season, routine vegetation management activities will be implemented in accordance with Section 4.2 (Parcel Maintenance) of the Bank Parcel Development Plan to facilitate continued success. These activities will include mechanical and chemical control of competing herbaceous vegetation in targeted areas beginning early in the 3rd year (2020). In areas of intensive treatment, a short-term nurse-crop seed mix may be planted to suppress weedy herbaceous competition. These management activities will ensure continued survival of the planted stems as well as establishment of natural recruits. 2019 Maintenance Summary; A single herbicide application was performed during the 2019 growing season. The target species was Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), and treatment occurred around UT-4 and UT-5. Further detail about the herbicide application is summarized in Table 7 of Appendix C. 2020 Planned Maintenance; Multiple invasive species were identified throughout the easement including, Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) around Veg Plot 3, and Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimenium) around Veg Plots 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, and 25. Additional herbicide applications are scheduled for 2020 monitoring season. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report page 5 Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC 4.0 REFERENCES Griffith, G.E., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Comstock, M.P. Schafale, W.H. McNab, D.R. Lenat, T.F. MacPherson, J.B. Glover, and V.B. Shelbourne. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Jordan Lake Water Supply Watershed Buffer Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0267, 15A NCAC 02B .0268, and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Level 1-2 Plot Version 4.2. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2005. Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. Available: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=2eddbd59-b382-4b58- 97ed-c4049bf4e8e4&groupId=38364. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP 2009). Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009 (online). Available: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid= 864e82e8-725c-415e-8ed9-c72dfcb55012&groupId=60329 Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Appendix A. Background Tables Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Baseline Information & Attributes Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Activity / Milestone BPDP Proposed Date Actual Date BPDP Approved NA January 22, 2018 Parcel Protection via conservation easement NA October 18, 2016 Easement Assignment to Land Trust NA August 31, 2017 Cattle exclusion / fence construction NA March, 2018 Planting NA March 14, 2018 As-Built Data Collection NA March 5th – 23rd, 2018 As-Built Report Submittal NA July, 2018 Year 1 (2018) Monitoring October 2018 December 2018 Year 2 (2019) Monitoring October 2019 October 2019 Table 3: Project Contacts Table Firm POC & Address Bank Sponsor Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 George Howard and John Preyer 919.755.9490 Designer: Axiom Environmental, Inc. Grant Lewis; 919.215.1693 218 Snow Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603 Construction Contractor: Strader Fencing Inc Lloyd Glover; 919.422.3392 780 Landmark Road Willow Spring, NC 27592-7756 Planting Contractor: Carolina Silvics Mary-Margaret McKinney 252.482.8491 908 Indian Trail Road Edenton, NC 27932 Seeding Contractor: Land Mechanics, Inc. Lloyd Glover; 919.422.3392 780 Landmark Road Willow Spring, NC 27592-7756 Nursery Stock Suppliers: ArborGen 1.888.888.7158 Baseline Data Collection & Annual Monitoring Axiom Environmental, Inc. Grant Lewis; 919.215.1693 218 Snow Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603 Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Table 4: Project Baseline Information & Attributes Table Project Information Project Name Orphan Creek County Alamance Project Area (acres) 7.01 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) Latitude: 35°58’45.7”N , Longitude: 79°19’00.1”W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03030002 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03030002050010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-06-02 Project Drainage Area, Total Outfall (miles) 0.20 mi² Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area < 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Pasture and Forest Land Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Appendix B. Figures Figure 1. Site Location & Service Area Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View Figure 3. Credit Determination Figure 4. Potential Conversion of Wetland Credit to Riparian Buffer Credit Copyright:© 20 14 DeLo rme FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ SEPT 2016 1:3500 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red fo r: Ala ma nce Co un ty, N C ORPHAN CREEKBANK PARCEL SITE LOCATIO NANDSERVICE AREA 1 Not es : 0 10 20 30 405Miles Legend Jor dan La ke 14 -dig it U SG S HU Cs Par cel Se rvic e A re a - Ha w R ive r S ubw at ers hed Haw R ive r S ubw at ers hed New H op e C ree k S ub wa ters he d ³ 1. Bac kground Im agery Source:DeLorme Wo rld Basem ap(20 14) ^ Bank Parcel LocationUSGS 14-digit HUC03030002050010 4823 Salem Churc h RoadHaw River, NC 27258 35.979398°N, 79.315874°W 6 2 1 4 7 3 5 NCCGIA FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ/CLF MA R 2018 1:1400 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red for : Alamance County, NC ORPHAN CREEKBANKPARCEL CURRENTCONDITIONSPLAN VIEW 2 ³ Legend Orphan Creek Easement = 7.0 a c Stream Cha nnel (Design) CVS Plots 0 150 300 45075FeetUT-3UT-2UT-1 UT-1A UT-1B ^_ ^_ 6 2 1 4 7 3 5 NCCGIA FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ/CLF MAR 2018 1:2000 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ORPHAN CREEKBANK PARCEL CREDITDETERMINATION 3 Notes: 0 500 1,000250Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 7.01 ac Restored Stream Channel = 0.43 ac Nutrient Offset Credit Area (101-200 ft) = 0.22 ac (9769.53 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Restoration Area (TOB-100 ft) = 4.52 ac (196,725.78 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (TOB-100 ft) = 1.74 ac (75,686.90 sq ft) Wetland Mitigation Credit Area = 0.09 ac Constructed BMP Footprint (no credit) = 0.02 ac CVS Plots 50 ft from TOB 100 ft from TOB 200 ft from TOB ^_DWR Flags ³ 1. Background Imagery Source:2014 aerial photographyprovided by the NC OneMapprogram (online, provided bythe NC Geographic InformationCoordination Council) UT-1 UT-2 UT-3 UT-1A UT-1B DWR Stream Flags - For purposes of calculating Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset credits, these flags represent stream termini. NOTE: No riparian buffer credit is givenin areas with buffer width of less than20 ft. Additionally, no nutrient offsetcredit is given in areas with buffer widthless than 50 ft. UT-3 NOTE ABOUT BUFFER WIDTHS :TOB-20 ft = Buffer is less than 20 ft from the TOB and therefore qualifies for nocredit.TOB-29 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a m inim um of 20 ft from theTOB and a m axim um of 29 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 75% credit.TOB-100 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a m inim um of 29 ft from theTOB and a m axim um of 100 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 100% credit.101-200’ = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a m inim um of 101 ft from theTOB and a m axim um of 200 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 33% credit. ^_ ^_ FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ/CLF OCT 2017 1:2000 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ORPHAN CREEKBANK PARCEL POTENTIAL CONVERSION OF WETLAND CREDIT TO RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDIT 4 Notes: 0 500 1,000250Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 7.01 ac Riparian Buffer Restoration (TOB-100 ft) Riparian Buffer Restoration (101-200 ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (TOB-100 ft) ^_DWR Flags Restored Stream Channel = 0.43 ac Constructed BMP Footprint (no credit) = 0.02 ac 50 ft from TOB 100 ft from TOB 200 ft from TOB ³ 1. Background Imagery Source:2014 aerial photographyprovided by the NC OneMapprogram (online, provided bythe NC Geographic InformationCoordination Council) UT-1 UT-2 UT-3 UT-1A UT-1B DWR Stream Flags - For purposes of calculating Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset credits, these flags represent stream termini. NOTE: Riparian areas that fail to qualifyto generate wetland mitigation credit may beviable for generating riparian buffer credit. Anyareas proposed for buffer mitigation credit mustmeet standards detailed in 15A NCAC 02B .0295. UT-3 NOTE ABOUT BUFFER WIDTHS:TOB-20 ft = Buffer is less than 20 ft from the TOB and therefore qualifies for no credit.TOB-29 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 20 ft from the TOBand a maximum of 29 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 75% credit.TOB-100 ft = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 29 ft from the TOBand a maximum of 100 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 100% credit.101-200’ = Buffer width is contiguous from TOB, is a minimum of 101 ft from the TOBand a maximum of 200 ft from the TOB, and qualifies for 33% credit. 14 Digit Watershed ID: 03030002050010 Potential Conversion of Wetland Credits to Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units *BufferWidth Credit Type Total Area Mitigation Ratio Percentage of Full Credit Mitigation Units TOB-100 ft Restoration 0.07 ac (2949.49 sq ft) 1:1 100% 0.07 ac (2949.49 sq ft) 101-200 ft Restoration 0.001 ac (51.49 sq ft) 1:1 33% 0.0003 ac (16.99 sq ft) TOB-100 ft Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) 0.02 ac (962.29 sq ft) 2:1 100% 0.01 ac (481.15 sq ft) Total Potential Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units 0.08 ac (3447.63 sq ft) Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Appendix C. Vegetation Data Table 5. Planted Woody Vegetation Table 6. Total Planted Stems by Plot and Species Vegetation Plot Photographs Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Table 5. Planted Bare Root Woody Vegetation Species Quantity River birch (Betula nigra) 650 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) 250 Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) 350 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 750 Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 1550 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 225 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1500 Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica var. sylvatica) 250 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 700 Willow oak (Quercus phellos) 1000 Black willow (Salix nigra) 500 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) 300 TOTAL 8025 Table 6. Planted Stems by Plot and SpeciesProject Code 1500704. Project Name: Orphan CreekPnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all TBetula nigra river birch Tree2 2 2 2 2 24 4 4 7 7 7 10 10 10Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeamTree777131313Cephalanthus occidentaliscommon buttonbushShrub111222333333Cercis canadensiseastern redbudTree333555888555333Cornus amomumsilky dogwoodShrub111888555121212222282828292929282828Diospyros virginianacommon persimmonTree4Fraxinus pennsylvanicagreen ashTree667444333222222111181819222236272727Liquidambar styracifluasweetgumTree1Liriodendron tulipiferatuliptreeTree6223229335555NyssatupeloTree111111222222Nyssa sylvaticablackgumTree33111777Platanus occidentalisAmerican sycamoreTree3343222222121212222999303034292929202020Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalisSycamore, Plane-treeTree111QuercusoakTree222222777111111Quercus albawhite oakTree111Quercus nigrawater oakTree222222111111666555666Quercus pagodacherrybark oakTree333111111555999101010Quercus phelloswillow oakTree222444111111222111111111161616151515Quercus shumardiiShumard's oakTree111111Sambucus canadensisCommon ElderberryShrub333333333666UlmuselmTree1Ulmus alatawinged elmTree8UnknownShrub or Tree22216 16 18 20 20 29 18 18 18 20 20 20 23 23 23 9 9 9 15 15 19 121 121 136 149 149 179 168 168 168666557777555777555556131314161620181818647.5647.5728.4809.4809.41174728.4728.4728.4809.4809.4809.4930.8930.8930.8364.2364.2364.2607607768.9699.5699.5786.2861.4861.41035971.2971.2971.2Color for DensityExceeds requirements by 10%PnoLS = Planted excluding livestakesExceeds requirements, but by less than 10%P-all = Planted including livestakesFails to meet requirements, by less than 10%T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakesFails to meet requirements by more than 10%T includes natural recruitsStem countCurrent Plot Data (MY2 2019)Scientific Name Common Name Species Type1500704-01-0001 1500704-01-0002 1500704-01-0003 1500704-01-0004 1500704-01-0005 1500704-01-0006 1500704-01-0007Annual MeansMY2 (2019) MY1 (2018) MY0 (2018)size (ares)size (ACRES)Species countStems per ACRE10.0210.0210.0210.0210.0210.0210.0270.1770.1770.17 Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Orphan Creek Baseline Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Taken October 2019 Plot 1 Plot 4 Plot 3 Plot 2 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Appendix D. Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Updated 12/20/2012 Page 1 of 2 Attachment B Delivered credit yields for buffer acres in Jordan small watersheds. Watershed ID Jordan Subwatershed Delivery Factors TN Credit TP Credit TN TP (lbs/30yrs) (lbs/30yrs) 03030002010010 Haw 25% 10% 562.34 14.38 03030002010020 Haw 37% 36% 832.26 51.77 03030002010030 Haw 44% 40% 989.72 57.52 03030002010040 Haw 49% 44% 1102.19 63.27 03030002010050 Haw 55% 48% 1237.15 69.03 03030002020010 Haw 15% 4% 337.40 5.75 03030002020020 Haw 22% 12% 494.86 17.26 03030002020030 Haw 48% 43% 1079.69 61.84 03030002020040 Haw 32% 33% 719.80 47.46 03030002020050 Haw 32% 32% 719.80 46.02 03030002020060 Haw 47% 42% 1057.20 60.40 03030002020070 Haw 54% 47% 1214.66 67.59 03030002030010 Haw 60% 56% 1349.62 80.53 03030002030020 Haw 44% 31% 989.72 44.58 03030002030030 Haw 25% 8% 562.34 11.50 03030002030040 Haw 42% 30% 944.73 43.14 03030002030050 Haw 64% 62% 1439.59 89.16 03030002030060 Haw 39% 19% 877.25 27.32 03030002030070 Haw 36% 18% 809.77 25.88 03030002030080 Haw 73% 64% 1642.04 92.04 03030002040010 Haw 30% 14% 674.81 20.13 03030002040020 Haw 28% 14% 629.82 20.13 03030002040030 Haw 71% 63% 1597.05 90.60 03030002040040 Haw 32% 15% 719.80 21.57 03030002040050 Haw 52% 50% 1169.67 71.90 03030002040060 Haw 54% 51% 1214.66 73.34 03030002040070 Haw 67% 60% 1507.07 86.28 03030002040080 Haw 53% 51% 1192.16 73.34 03030002040090 Haw 54% 51% 1214.66 73.34 03030002040100 Haw 75% 65% 1687.02 93.47 03030002040110 Haw 66% 60% 1484.58 86.28 03030002050010 Haw 74% 68% 1664.53 97.79 03030002050020 Haw 81% 74% 1821.98 106.42 03030002050030 Haw 42% 17% 944.73 24.45 03030002050040 Haw 80% 73% 1799.49 104.98 Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Updated 12/20/2012 Page 2 of 2 Watershed ID Jordan Subwatershed Delivery Factors TN Credit TP Credit TN TP (lbs/30yrs) (lbs/30yrs) 03030002050050 Haw 71% 67% 1597.05 96.35 03030002050060 Haw 79% 73% 1777.00 104.98 03030002050070 Haw 78% 72% 1754.50 103.54 03030002050080 Haw 80% 73% 1799.49 104.98 03030002050090 Haw 79% 73% 1777.00 104.98 03030002050100 Haw 81% 75% 1821.98 107.85 03030002060010 Haw 81% 74% 1821.98 106.42 03030002060020 Haw 95% 97% 2136.90 139.49 03030002060030 Haw 88% 91% 1979.44 130.86 03030002060040 Haw 97% 98% 2181.88 140.93 03030002060050 Haw 92% 95% 2069.41 136.61 03030002060062 Haw 98% 99% 2204.38 142.37 03030002060070 UNH 40% 19% 867.70 27.32 03030002060080 UNH 59% 45% 1279.86 64.71 03030002060100 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060110 UNH 61% 58% 1323.25 83.41 03030002060120 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060140 UNH 85% 89% 1843.87 127.99 03030002060130 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060160 LNH 85% 90% 1932.07 131.76 03030002060090* UNH 92% 94% 1995.71 135.18 03030002060090* LNH 92% 94% 2091.18 137.62 03030002060060* UNH 94% 96% 2039.10 138.05 03030002060060* LNH 94% 96% 2136.64 140.54 03030002060150* UNH 88% 91% 1908.94 130.86 03030002060150* LNH 88% 91% 2000.26 133.22 *Watershed is located in both the Upper New Hope (UNH) and Lower New Hope (LNH) Subwatersheds. Orphan Creek Bank Parcel Year 2 (2019) Monitoring Report Appendices Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Appendix E. Vegetation Monitoring Datasheets Plot (continued): 1500704-01-0001 Oct 2018 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 map source X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) * (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 1500704-01-0001 VMD Year (1-5): 2 Date: 10 / 2 / jot Taxonomic Standard: (.- Taxonomic Standard DATE: Z,p to Latitude or UTM-N: 35.979502 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 79.318247 UTM Zone: Coordinate Accuracy (n I X-Axis bearing (deg): 99 Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? I� Check box if plot was not I I Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: 10 El Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Oct 2018 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m Urn Icm* 1 cm * lcm* 1 cm sprout 1514 Quercus sp. O R 0.0 1.3 Missing ❑ 1516 Quercus nigra 1t 3.9 0.8 83.0 ❑ 1517 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ® R 4.1 3.1 68.0 ❑ 1518 Betula nigra © R 1.9 3.2 Missing ❑ 1519 Quercus shum rdii O R 5.7 0.3 50.0 ❑ 1520 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 62 1.6 60.0 ❑ 1521 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 6.0 2.7 50.0 ❑ 1522 Comus amomum ® R 6.3 4.0 55.0 ❑ 1523 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 8.0 2.5 61.0 ❑ 1524 Quercus nigra Q R 7.7 0.5 21.0 ❑ 1525 Quercus sp. O R 9.8 0.3 71.0 ❑ 1526 Quercus phellos © R 9.9 2.2 Missing ❑ 1527 Quercus sp. O R. 8.4 4.2 Missing ❑ 1528 Quercus phellos ® R 5.2 4.8 40.0 ❑ 1529 Carpinus cazoliniana R 7.1 6.5 31.0 ❑ Im Q K 9.1 5.5 67.0 ❑ 531 C Carpinn"arolinian,- O R' 9.4 7.3 38.0 ❑ 1532 Platanus occidentalis Q R 6.2 7.4 35.0 ❑ 1533 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Q R 5.8 10.0 39.0 ❑ 1534 Platanus occidentalis O 11, 67 8.1 31.0 ❑ J 1535 Platanus occidentalis 0 R ' 8.2 7.0 48.0 ❑ 1536 Quercus phellos Q R 7.0 9.9 61.0 ❑ 1537 Nyssa sylvatica O R • 3.7 5.5 Missing ❑ 1538 Quercus phellos ® R 0.7 5.2 35.0 ❑ 1539 Quercus sp. ® R 2.4 9.9 41.0 ❑ MIMI ©11111111� ®1111110 Mr. Msn®r�� *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ba11 and burls P=Potte Tu=Tublin R=bare Roo M=MechanicallU=Unknown • I *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, Strangulation, DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead,. NIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEPEntry Toot ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datashee Plot 1500704- 110 0002 VMD Year (1-5): ❑2 Date: 10 Taxonomic Standard: ,L�AGk Taxonomic Standard DATE: 2B 1t? Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (in): Plot Dimensions: X- Date last planted: New l an ing date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below 110 Y: 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Please Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. / / Datum: NADS31W UTM Zone: X-Axis bearing (deg): 150i Oct 2018 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH * Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Natne char O.lm O.lm lcm* I cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 1540 Corpus amomum ® 1, 0.1 2.1 52.0 ❑ 1542 Quercus sp. ® R 2.3 4.3 Missing ❑ 1543 Comus amomum O R 2.2 2.7 52.0 ❑ 1544 Fraxinus pennsylvanica © R 1.0 1.7 50.0 ❑ 1545 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O r 3.8 1.0 Missing ❑ 1546 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 4.9 1.8 49.0 ❑ 1547 Quercus phellos ® F 2.3 4.3 61.0 ❑ 1548 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O A 5.3 4.2 50.0 ❑ 1549 Comus amomum R 7.0 3.5 60.0 ❑ 1550 Cornus amomum Q R 6.7 1.0 70.0 1551 Sambucus canadensis O R 8.7 3.8 50.0 ❑ 1552 Comus amomum O R 6.9 5.5 61.0 ❑ 1553 Comus amomum ® R 6.2 7.8 53.0 ❑ 1554 Sambucus canadensis O R 8.7 6.3 50.0 I ❑ 1555 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O, I.. 8.4 8.3 60.0 ❑ 1556 Comus amomum ® R 5.8 9.7 ( 55.0 ' ❑ 1557 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ®' R 5.1 6.3 11��50.0 ❑ 1558 Comus amomum ®, R- 4.9 8.7 60.0 ❑ 1559 Cephalanthus occidentalis © R 4.0 6.8 67.0 ❑ 1560 Quercus phellos O R 2.7 6.1 33.0 ❑ 1561 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ® $ 2.2 9.0 50.0 1562 Quercus phellos O R 1.7 7.3 60.0 t1 ❑ 1563 Quercus phellos ® R 0.2 7.8 48.0 1564 Sambucus canadensis ® R 1.6 6.0 20.0 ❑ # stems: 24 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name Source* (m) (m) Height DBm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=B Il and burlap, P=Potted Tu=TubWhn R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown _ _ _ F_4 *VIGOR: 4--excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M -missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the C4S-EEP Entry Toot ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot IAQ0704-01- 00003 VMD Year (1-5): El Date: }b ? } Q Taxonomic Standard: (/ Taxonomic Standard DATE: Zp 10 Latitude or UTM-N: 35.979291 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: -79.317569 UTM Zone: Coordinate Accuracy (m)• 1 X-Axis bearing (deg): 109 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Role: Date last planted: 7 pL New lanting date m/yy? S New box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: F 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Oct 2018 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m Icm* 1 cm icm* 1 cm sprout 1566 Quercus pagoda © R 1.0 0.6 10.0 ❑ 1567 Quercus pagoda R 2.1 2.7 33.0 ❑ 1568 Comas amomum O R 2.5 4.6 72.0 ❑ 1569 Quercus sp. el L.- O R 4.8 2.9 10.0 ❑ 1570 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.8 0.6 91.0 ❑ 1571 Quercus pagoda /1 t Q R 5.3 0.5 81.0 ❑ 1572 Quercus nigra ® R 6.5 2.8 71.0 ❑ 1573 Platanus occidentalis ® R 7.3 0.3 91.0 ❑ . 1574 Quercus sp. 0 R 9.7 0.4 10.0 e 1575 Quercus nigra O R 9.0 2.9 10.0 ❑ 1576 Comas amomum O R 9.8 4.8 32.0 ❑ 1577 Comas amomum O R 6.9 5.0 45.0 ❑ 1578 Betula nigra R 9.4 7.2 31.0 ❑ 1579 Fraxinus pennsylvanica R 9.6 9.5 50.0 ❑ 1581 Quercus phellos ® R 5.7 7.1 38.0 ❑ / 1582 Comas amomum R 5.0 5.0 62.0 1(7� ❑ 1583 Quercus phellos ® R 3.1 7.0 Missing ❑ 1584 Fraxmus pennsylvanica O R 3.1 9.2 61.0 ❑ 1585 Quercus phellos ® R 0.7 6.9 35.0 ❑ 1586 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ® R 1.0 9.0 65.0 ❑ 1587 Comus amomum O R 0.2 4.8 61.0 ❑ 1588 Betula nigra (a) R 7.7 9.4 39.0 ❑ # stems: 22 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burls PPotted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown 1 7 *VIGOR: 4--excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1--unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEPEntry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 1500704-01-0004 VMD Year (1-5): ff] Date: / / ITT / / Taxonomic Standard: W QU Taxonomic Standard DATE: 7 G` Latitude or UTM-N: 35.979209 Datum: NAD831W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 79.317032 UTM Zone: Coordinate Accuracy (m): I X-Axis bearing (deg): 126 Date last planted: New planting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not reason below I Plot Dimensions: X: I 10 Y: I 10 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Oct 2018 Data c THIS YEAR'S DATA Y Height DBH m Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes Map Source* X 1T) SneciesName oh- n lm o lm lom* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 o inianaVrC\(I Comus amomum Comus amomum Comus amomum Cercis canadensis Cercis canadensis Comas amomum Comusamomum Comus amomum Platanus occidentalis Quercus phellos Comus amomum Comus amomum Betula nigra Fraxinus pennsylvanica Betula nigra Betula nigra Corpus amomum Platanus occidentalis Betula nigra Comus amomum Quercus sp. r, �t � Comus amomum Comas amomum Betula nigra Comus amomum Q O Q © Q © @ Q ® Q O O O © O O Q O Q ® ® O ® Q ® ® P. R A R R R R R R R R R R R R R 1? R R R 1t R f: R R R 1.3 1.1 0.5 2.7 2.7 3.2 4.5 3.3 4.3 1.1 9.4 1.5 6.8 3.4 9.1 4.0 5.4 5.5 6.8 5.8 9.0 5.6 8.3 8.9 9.8 7.3 9.5 9.0 7.7 9.5 7.7 8.9 5.5 8.9 5.0 10.0 5.6 7.2 3.2 9.4 3.3 9.7 1.2 9.7 0.8 7.1 3.5 7.0 1.3 4.9 6.7 - 9.4 111.0 83.0 71.0 85.0 72.0 42.0 62.0 53.0 49.0 72.0 12.0 - 52.0 60.0 20.0 40.0 30.0 40.0 52.0 42.0 21.0 58.0 42.0 22.0 63.0 41.0 48.0 DBH? El ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ EI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ElLt El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D- 1� I b - (� 10-5 L 02 i2b L y' L *SOURCE: Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted. Tu=TubIWg R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown _ p. 10 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, Strangulation, DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, NIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 1 Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 1500704-01-0005 VMD Year (1-5): F2 ] Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 35.979614 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. orm) -7y 315981 Longitude or UTM-E: UTM Zone: Coordinate Accuracy (m): 1 X-Axis bearing (deg): 140 Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: 10 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X ID Species Name Map char Source* X Y 0.1m O.Im Oct 2018 Data Height DBH Icm* I cm Z 0 N 1617 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O ?. 1.2 0.6 40.0 ❑ 1618 Platanus occidentalis Q R 2.5 0.2 88.0 ❑ 1619 Cercis canadensis ® R. 1.7 1.5 59.0 ❑ 1620 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.1 3.5 78.0 ❑ 1621 Platanus occidentahs Q R 0.2 2.8 55.0 ❑ 1622 Platanus occidentalis ® R 3.0 3.1 35.0 ❑ 1623 Nyssa sp. 0 R 4.4 2.1 42.0 ❑ 1624 Cercis canadensis O R 3.1 5.1 Missing ❑ 1625 Quercus pagoda It 6.7 3.3 10.0 ❑ 1626 Cercis canadensis O R 6.3 0.8 80.0 ❑ 1627 m © R 9.8 0.6 61.0 ❑ 1628 Carpinus caroliniana �� ® R 9.2 3.0 60.0 ❑ 1629 Quercus nigm O R 6.6 6.0 40.0 ❑ 1630 Ca scarelinlan�,a- ® R 9.4 8.3 55.0 ❑ C.(�•, eA 1631 Quercus pagoda O R- 7.1 8.9 20.0 ❑ 1632 Quercus phellos Q R 5.7 8.3 50.0 ❑ 1633 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O - P 5.7 6.0 42.0 ❑ 1634 Platanus occidentalis © R 2.6 6.0 61.0 ❑ 1635 Nyssa sylvatica O R 3.7 6.8 Missing ❑ 1636 Platanus occidentalis R 3.9 7.3 42.0 ❑ 1637 Platanus occidentalis Oj R 2.7 8.0 58.0 ❑ 1638 Platanus occidentalis ® R 1.6 9.0 72.0 ❑ 1639 Platanus occidentalis 0 R 2.6 10.0 67.0 ❑ 1640 Platanus occidentalis ® R 0.7 9.5 45.0 ❑ 1641 Platanus occidentalis ® R 0.4 7.3 43.0 ❑ 1642 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 1.3 9.0 29.0 ❑ 1644 Platanus occidentalis Q R 0.6 5.4 50.0 ❑ 1870 Cercis canadensis Q R 9.1 5.9 30.0 ❑ THIS YEAR'S DATA Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes Icm* I cm sprout MMIEN-_- m-IQ,®_ *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant L=Live stake B=B ll and burls P=Potte Tu=Tublinit, R=bare Rom M=Mechanically. U=Unknown n 13 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMovat, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 1500704-01-0006 VMD Year (1-5): ❑2 Date: [D Taxonomic Standard: V-4- )c. (� Taxonomic Standard DATE: 20 0 Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: 15.979272 Datum: NAD83/W 79.315838 UTM Zone: II X-Axis bearing (deg): 131 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Y; l0 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Oct 2018 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH * Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m 1cm* 1 cm Icm* i cm sprout 1646 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ® R 0.7 0.1 Missing ❑ 1647 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 0.9 3.4 10.0 ❑ 1648 Cephalanthus occidentalis ® R 1.0 1.8 38.0 ❑ 1649 Cephalanthus occidentalis ® R 2.9 1.2 55.0 ❑ 1650 Quercus pagoda O R 3.2 3.4 40.0 ❑ 1651 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 4.6 0.1 63.0 ❑ 1652 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 1.7 0.3 80.0 ❑ 1653 Platanus occidentalis R 7.6 0.3 92.0 ❑ 1654 Nyssa sylvatica ® R 5.0 0.2 MissingEl 1655 Quercus pagoda O R 5.4 3.7 62.0 ❑ 1657 Quercus phellos Q R 9.1 3.2 33.0 ❑ 1658 Quercus phellos O R 9.8 0.7 Missing ❑ 1659 Quercus sp. Ole 9.0 6.0 2.0 ❑ 1660 Quercus pagoda Q R 8.2 8.9 95.0 ❑ 1661 Quercus pagoda ® R 6.6 7.6 10.0 `_j 1663 Nyssa sylvatica Q R 5.1 5.9 10.0 ❑ 1664 Quercus sp. O R 3.3 6.0 51.0 ❑ 1665 Platanus occidentalis Oj R 4.8 8.4 Missing ❑ 1666 Platanus occidentalis O R 2.2 9.3 35.0 ❑ 1667 Quercus phellos O R 0.5 5.4 31.0 ❑ 1668 Nyssa sp. ® R 2.9 5.8 38.0 ❑ 1871 Quercus phellos @ R 7.4 5.8 70.0 ❑ # stems: 22 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name Source* X Y Height DBH(m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr TransplLive stake B= d burlaP=Pod,TuTabling , p Rbare Root, M=Mechanically. U=Unknown p . 16 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Toot ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 1500'704-01-OQ07 VMD Year (1-5): F11 Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. orm) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: -�u1c.Et eU 00 35.978788 Datum: NAD83/W -79.314356 UTM Zone: �q 11 X-Axis bearing (deg): Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Date last planted: New l n ing date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below y: 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Oct 2018 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH # Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1ml 1cm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 1670 Platanus occidentalis Q R 1.0 2.2 71.0 ❑ 1671 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.1 2.5 Missing ❑ 1672 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 2.5 4.0 49.0 ❑ 1673 Platanus occidentalis O R. 4.5 4.2 60.0 ❑ 1674 Platanus occidentalis O R 3.1 2.9 50.0 ❑ 1675 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.7 2.3 61.0 ❑ 1676 Corpus amomum ® v 6.2 3.0 43.0 ❑ 1677 Comus amomum O R 9.9 2.8 63.0 ❑ 1678 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 8.6 4.8 Missing ❑ 1679 Platanus occidentalis O R 6.8 5.0 72.0 ❑ 1680 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 6.1 7.0 42.0 ❑ 1681 Platanus occidentalis R 7.1 52.0 ❑ �8.5 1682 Nyssa sylvatica (p� !t. 8.3 6.6 Missing ❑ 1683 Platanus occidentalis O R 9.3 9.8 40.0 ❑ 1684 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 6.1 9.7 Missing ❑ 1685 Liriodendron tulipifera ® 1, 3.7 6.1 48.0 ❑ 1686 Quercus phellos ® R 0.7 9.0 52.0 ❑ 1687 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R _ 0.5 4.0 30.0 ❑ 1858 Platanus occidentalis © R 5.0 3.6 31.0 ❑ 1859 Quercus phellos ® R 3.6 8.3 10.0 ❑ M®L■l®M� ®=u©m� mmnmm� mmumm� mm"E mm� E-IRI®_- mmn®r� m-mmm- ®Mumm� ®mummer m-"m_- ©-ISI-_- mmtxl mm� ®-m-_- =="E MM M P�-I•,M_� m-L�==� muuu=� # stems: 20 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr -Trans lan L=Live stake B=B ll and burla P=Potted Tu=Tublin¢. R=bare Root M=Mechanically, U=Unknown !' 19 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS EEPEntry Tool ver. 2.3.1