HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011897 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20011231 a Y 00 n L T N \ 9 0 / p 5, 5TE C 0 c U n ~ ~,~~'~1~~' TULLS BAY ~'ROPERTY BOUNDRY N ~ IS ~ \ \ . orvN zn IS c,S 3 ar= ' .WN \ yZm=Nv - CURRITUCK COUNTY - - ~ toil \ I NCO«N Q' / `01' SITE -C`^ r~"o~10'"rWe'w ~ o.a m ~ ~ 6 ~ ~oc'• 12 33 i f / ~ G ~ 45.7A4 z 34 \ ~ f o F I 1 86654 at / / \ ~ ---C a. PNP m tot E e c u \.1Yr~~ r E \ ACES ~ o 1!`~ [ MON 32 n 1 ' I act' 5 U v1.Id cc.)t 4y4~ 40.235. st. j~ \ I 9`ersr,~ea ta+ i /y ~ w PACE ,t 11'aA 3G ~jl / vY \ p O Hi n 7. cc, b0,421 29 / nlli oc + c VICINITY MAP - IRIGIOW 40A64. ~9 sfj 41.08. s.{. / +pTe 7/ / w o 0e27 35 sf. 51 X97. 27 7 / \ 4J 117. ~ / / - A 361+ 4t A \ „ E a6 ~ coM 77. 40,0 6 EN SP E r 117.679 s.t. cc.) ~5 1 sf. H Gound rb 17,1 (0.39 - I i a.z /I 40.104. > 36 ,4. At \LZ 40 1 58,080 I\ I I ~xr 71 4 / Y 44584. tf. 42 5b2. sf. I 40.0p0. > ~ ' m+ ~ / ~ 41 701 f. I i I 40.016. d. 1 42.312,' 69 _ -I I - 66 40,62 s \ I O 1 23 sJ. 40,055. 40, 000 V ! 40,670. 'J. - II-- .-1 42 n r J I 40267 aJv { 4Q 26 1 _ 72 I 1 - -I ! 43 f I 1 66 41.677. d- r , 1 I. , 1 I 1 _ 1 40.699. 40 .406 y,f. 2, sf. ' - Q REAR PROPERTY LINE \ 44 65 1 ~ 42 Box ' ' ~ 40,077. I 4 2,50- I I I i 15' DRAINAGE AND UTi1iTr EASEMENT \ 4+~~ L910M - - I ~ 64 ROADWAY CENTERLINE 0 25 REAR SETBACK 45 ,I 1 4096. °T \q4 _ F____-_______.______111 \ we a0,357aj RIGHT OF WAY \ s.l. \LJT LS I 40.136 I ~ EDGE OF ROADWAY v/ 1 v 1 4e 63 y.1. q APPROX. WETLAND LIMITS 3p, 4+~~' 40,0 32. 1 ~ d, \ WETLANDS M 75 18 \ ^ ^ EXISTING WATERLINE V w rYIeICAI. l.Of _ ' 0.7 40.61 Z 40, 026. I "t Aar" °t \ % PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) Q py 3I All PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTION BACKING s z ~ 1 \ 62 PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING 4oou° Ff. I v J+Y H PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) Q Do ]y, Y 1 40 011... 76 It I I / ~.1 PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY h - ~ 199 yl. 00 C W J (I ( Il' PROPOSED 2" POST HYDRANT Qa 9 W W i 61 16 PROPOSED WATER SERVICE e °z ° i 49 I 40 076 y1. 40.000' EXISTING TREELINE w ~n ~I }'o 7 yl ' \ DRAINAGE SWALE V 40A41 FLOOD ZONE 15 t - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) a rc 2 4 o ~ I moo,°, 40.000. s.. / I~ CONTOUR (ELEV. AS LABELED) 1~ IrO ? I -_-20' FRONT SETBACK I a R0 10 a : 41 J L i 76 A w . \ 14 a. 0- 40152. T - - " \ RES~ ~ 40352a,. U4UN SPS I I 59 N 15• DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HQ919.+' I I RIGHT OF WAY 0149. 'f (296 A61 _ I j/ 125' EDGE OF PAVEMENT 79 , I I w' r a i - 40.076. 40.255 o ~ , R/W CL X 40,606 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 40 B 9. s f. 1 / - ti G Q RIGHT OF WAY 80 40.624' FI. 4129+. s ti (?D 0 g79 sf. LOT r NOT TO SCALE - 676 s+.. ~ - - - 0 i 40.625 s1 I 5 _ _ _ W 096. sE 10 A0056- 6 4774fi ,f. ~ N p V / Z / Y 8 F ~ I O I I d ' 41.94' 411,46 > f. r O~ / Z O 1 53 I 9 N "I 4 9 40.46 I I I P 10.624. 40109 al. - - - 0,467 s.f L) W I I 60 w a G 40oa6. 7 40. ~ 1 OP 0. \ ) O 55 40.05' 2 A, r R yp 1 I ~P t~. • I 0,,no 7 1 ~C0IMPPOE 11 1 I 75 OOM SPACE , T OPEN I 4 rest' t DATE: SCALE 11I 5c~g3j,C) I Lj;A *7/ I~ i -/1 12117101 1 "-200' fr:,o7 ' \ \ atssacv. oro~m i I / n rr p naM' 0 GRAPHIC SCALE PIH MSe WAG- r zao o loo zoo aoo aoo SHEET: I U1 o, 5 p ( FEET) E TO4O0U1 1 inch h = 200 ft. PROJECT N0: 3804 _ 0 h A O r- -err\e ~ \ SITE PROPERTY BOUNDRY / % 9 o f \ _ c 0 c T o rULLB BAY Ole y o L VI a G y CURRITUCK COUNTY \ 0 U Z b r7 N 1 NMT'H C9ROLM e / a`£ hxorvn yzms N rlw rnra h n >.N-l gyp. f V N f o yf < i u .L r xm9 ,J SITE ,O(, . mV~Yv4 YL 6 \ Pc"~ ~ 3 nR "p ,",sw I \v 45,714. st N.t` 34 3: 2 yr F ! X651, y1. / \ 15 . NP / 3 Cb 32 AOA s~ c PACE 1 45+k.31 1 / 5 H. 4. 1. 11e oc;) 40115. s' 30 i= / sir .o• , } c A / SCE W VICINITY MAP \ / P Nor NOYD 40,421. s. 29 l „o Gill 40.0e+.'c f 41054 410 a \ 7 \ Z a2 \ ~b 70,873 st. t Aa - sd. 51,397 27 4} 117. 51. 43117. 6 44,ao<'.9~ 4m4 TINE c 3 1 m " Y' Com 39 2' 77004 0,00 6 ` PEN SP E 37 7.679 s.l. ( 9¢ 48, 522. 4p0 5 s1 I ° N Cif 17,1 (0.39 .J9 i ~ 25 e.l I m I 401104 u 38 1 I 40 \ 5B 0gp s I ' 16,178. 0. °"6 i I 1 1~1 24 ! 42. 562. 40.0 yf. 40000. 41 A gym' 40076. sl. ~ ~ 69 4z~ 5~'s' I I I I1 23 x0055. sl. / nnnn 40 a0o 40,0! 6fi 7 / V ~ \ 40670. 9f. i - ^ 42 a 1. 10.262 I 22 x0.116. sf ' ~ ! 2 111 1L ,I I I a3 t 166 4677 1 I ~ / 11 I~ 40.699. s 40406 sf_ 40,0 i ?0 p00. s 1. e(/ REAR PROPERTY LINE 3 \ ~1 st. st. I ' 44 65 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY' EASEMENT 41057 st a2.e~~' 40.077' 40.170 a I Q 45 25 F _ REAR SETBACK Y 64 1 ~ Wa \ 4195.s1. w~je sl ' ROADNA- CENTERLINE 40 554. s 1 R!3HT O: MAC - - III 40.1 EDGE G° RAC w4v ~ A I 3 41735. Sf. 1 40032 y.l. - APPRCX AE =ND LIMITS 75 ' V WETLANDS i = ?YFiCAL Lor i 1 47 ?!I i u r I - i \ 40,028, >•I. I 40.005 1 10.1 - - - • EXISTING wlE Q 1 ! PROPOSED PVC vC *HATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) w yy~ F N p *l PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTON PACKING C W W U YI W I T. \ III 10 612 a1. , 17 tl. I r PROPOSED 'EE MTH REACTION BACKING 40.00. n" gr~ U: f /aa JT~ PROPSED SATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) F 41199. 40 0". oQ 1 PROPOSED 6' HYDRANT ASSEMBLY ~y11 '•FT•T RI 7 ` I . PROPOSED 2" POST HYDRANT V~ s ` 49 1140 016. I 10.0 5 s 1. M•'gci~w~~ / I PROPOSED WATER SERVICE 1 000 40EXISTING TREELINE 10610.9.1. I V g (p¢R~ i i l e 77 a Q 40042. s1. ) DRAINAGE SWALE 0 15 FLOOD ZONE c6~ wDpO. SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) m n 11 I X0/1. s1. , 40.0 °0' FRONT SETBACK _ __N_ _ _ _ _ _ . 09. CONTOUR (ELEV. AS LABELED) I_^7`' I^lO7 r ~ 20 I I 91 Io? 1-4 14 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT aA w ` ODPEN SPPCE I ( 59 40 ,352 > I v RICH' OF WA" 126,979.6 1 I 40149. 125' (2 ,96 Ac 1 / -EDGE OF PA,EVENr 1 I 79 W. °i 8 a0. t 4 be 40 p76. s1. 1 I I ,s 40. 40.255. s 1. R/W CL r5 t EDGE OF PAVEMENT r /0 s, 12 I ~O 41 19. s 5. ~ Q 40 6 RIGHT OF AAY . 1 0 130 40.625. 9.1. /i 1 1, r I T r14I~ WT a1 294. i 41,279. s 1. NOT TO SCALE 41 11 42184. s1. I io., / 5t I m 3 I i i l I 60625. 9.1. I i 40625. vc I ~ 5 , / 10 40096. 9.. 40.0 40056_ ! I / A ti 4e,? K f 6 ~ _ I 6 43346 +f. ,.1. \ ~ I 41 941. 93' / Ono At 40621, l.f. 1010 40.167 91. 40.467 / NNE U 81 w~~ ~ I~ I I I I I - I ~ COO \ I I 54 r r ko. J 3 Io aoo 91 1 pA 40360 1 'I I Q I i sf. I 2~0~ J/ T,yw k M 40,625. J Z I R ~4 nIT 9N Yl .1. a0 000 l 1 {~/~.v~9~i464M r~1µw l / V , 40.152. 9.. I 1 - 40.9.1. i. ~ I v OPEN -omm I ~I 32.e55j ' MMO 1 1 N CPEN SP PcE } I \ 11~565AC) / xF ps 9x~/ 1 DA /E: SCALE: 12117101 I=200 ~'r Wes' i \ 1 MA~ I~*p n I BPG ~mMWR ,vr u I I GRAPHIC SCALE p4WPJH SB zoo o fox zoo aoa eoo SHEET: 04 1 1 A r U 1 IN FEET) C,, ,y6o4ooul ' 1 inch = 200 ft. PROJECT N0: l 3804 .10 Awa 0 E7~7- \ rn D T N a SITE \ O y.. 76 L C d \ TULL3 $AY PROPERTY 50UNDRY 0 2 O O O N .L. CURRITUCK COUNTY - O Q n C V CL L I N NORTH CAROLINA i , 2 n \ oNO ~,ry X / 1012 o l Lw of SIZE wl \ y PG.A4-2 ~ I L l~I f11/~*d ~`P'vfl~ J Cb / xrt p~io~i01~ I 6 \ PP"~~\ \Y 33 / 45.714. 5~ I / 1019 75 /LG \ }A 1 l ~ 11 a F r ~6~ +1 \ / e AN ~ \ 2g / GGE y / `cc `u MON PACE I 43,435~f 15 s wy 1.21 ac.) 402 30 \ / e"'• /~sc l01 ~ ^ m w VICINITY MAP l%~ f( ^ .1 4042, 29 I 2E Am m n4u 28 ` \ toy ~a I Y• ~ ti w 08 If 41056. 40)54 . 101 a 7/ w O \ 10.83s.1. ~ l,. z Gb 5A.397, 27 I 21 1311. s.l. 13117. s 36 4m4-LINE g ".Co..~ A\ r 0 21 ~ 2$ coM „oa +t. i 40,x, st. ` l01' 40oo5 EN SP E 37 117.679 f.t. ( . ac.) 46521. \ H Grtwnd Cb / o I 17,1 (0.39 25 s+ 1o tp4 a f. I lo` a 40 1 16178. ~y„s / i ~ 1 I I 1. q I\ ~ 24 ~ 1 lt~ 1 4000o. s.f. 0 L w4 ~R TO i l 47 5e7. 40.0( i I ! m ^ 41 A076 42.31 S, I I~1 / - 1 IF - I ~i 68 ws2-+. III 2 1 ~f . 1 / 40.055 - I a= a 1 r 40.000. s.f. 4p 05 i ~ 23 f I~ - 40,670. 42 40162. e.l. 2 22 c, 4Q i6. 1 I ~ ~ - 72 1 L n bp. +1. I I 43 I = 66 40,699. 7.. l a 4()6 ,1. _ 4~ ` N _ - - a S.I. 4o.a 40.000. , I 1 REAR PROPERTY LINE 65 A 13 1 ! 1 II o 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 4,051 42 »f+ 40071 ° ( 1 1 20 4(),175 , s usom ryi~ 25' REAR SETBACK ETBACK 45 t 64 - - 1 FFF - -1 wd \ 40,367. +1 ~ ICI ROADWAY CENTERLINE O 19 RIGHT OF WAY b0 - - i 40,1b6. EDGE OF ROADWAY 46 63 13 41=735.+L. 1 gp02.+.1. , APPROX. WETLAND LIMITS ` 19L r_GI WETLANDS M +1. w,I w ~ TYPICAL LO . Z 7 47 Z w 10.~g. s 1. ~I 40.00154 ~~.^^-^^>-~mmmm^^-^^. EXISTING WATERLINE 1$ e1. cl / 0 w 1 PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) s a Y 62 W¢ 40p11.'A I y ` *1 PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTION BACKING (((I~~~ppp W w v Z~ W 9 3. ` 1 1 ! 40,00 .170 r a < r` 40000 e.l. - 1 r PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING +1. I I p: a F w uq~ F WW ~ - 48 76 L4 / LoI - PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) 4~rv27Sj) AT I 1 „T PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY IYJ 18 It 1 w I 41199. 4006' 0o a i; oa 1 I PROPOSED 2- POST HYDRANT G 41 - m 4 49 40076 yt. 0 16 ~ 40,000. a. I so^"°y' ire X01 e i PROPOSED (MATER SERVICE e 40 510 +t. w, EXISTING T L E 'z z 1 77 s+ . 1 DRAINAGE SW ALE n~ g 2 K ~ ~ 40()42 15 FLOOD ZONE O O s! '°'a 1 j o1 40.000' / 1 / - - - - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) w ` 20' FRONT sETe4cN ~tYD rG It - CONTOUR (ELEV. AS LABELED) r - - 1 - - I L _ J - REARC 79 40.352 * , ~ A t 10.152. s.. 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT SPA I 1 59 RIGHT DE WAY 1`5,969pc)' JI I A0149. 9f` II 128= EDGE OF PAVEMENT 79, 11 ws 1 T3 1 1 40.235 . s f. / r' Y 5, p3~ R/W CL EDGE OF PAVEMENT 406 \ I t 4E RIGHT OF WAY 50 1 J 80 40.819. 10,625. ~i ~ 4t 291. s f.; r a TYPICAL W I ~ 1119. s-f. ~ ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE I ' 4' I I!I~ i ,o I I I I I 40 G25 +1. 5 . 1 - - 40096. s.. 40.0 St 40.058' o Wyy 1 6 43.346 s1 t. / FovolPaa ? \ 41941.7.1' / I 53 \ 9 9 P~ Ap6 4. sf. 1010 7 _ ,40461 yl. 40.461 V o in 4 \ I / A > w I $i W ° ao,oo0 ~ t. ~ w v / 25 ,I. 3.°s25 l o ~ \ 1 III I wAa s3 A \ y s.1. OP 1 _ 40 .3Q0 55 D 2 ~~~~~.~~~R .IO?+e`rcr = n-TZ =4' 40.675. s1. 7r' d 56 1A AID 44152 aQ, sI_. COMM ~ I 31'jyI4) MON SPACE j _ RO 3 I / Mid AC tI DATE: SCALE, +~y~56 nc.) 1 Krl/ l\ 12117101 1.._200' e 1 11V~' 4 M A 41- ~ GRAPHIC SCALE MAPJH MSe I 200 o too 200 400 aoo SHEET. y 1l1 _ S y;7F \ v \ I I~~ ( IN FEET ) - Cao 'Y8040OU1 111 1 inch = 200 ft. ~ PROJECT ND: 3804 . a r N _ r c \ WT6 PROPERTY BOUNDRY / c 3 a C i m o TULLS BAY N N Ly o oo V \ OU10Z ry ~ \ at0 CURRITUCK COUNTY - - - Y' ` - 3N 0. O0ry N ~ Z m = N 7 /11C NORTH CAROU ~ 15 D] <RYvli SITE i=J` / 1 ppMO'H' ~4a P~'r s 91I'r 1] - / P C. A 4" 1\ ` . I p T 1 ~pJ ~ dl ~ •Ui l ~ 1 b xR~p~n~p1 l 33 l0i 11 / 019 SOT ~ / N < <`V 15114 Lf / C E GGE55 - 5t 2351 / MON p i~ P \ PACE 1 43,438. r 1 SON 5 E \ \ I / yier .cf~N'1°wc ipr ~ ~ / V w 40,42 29 W VICINITY MAP 40O g4 5f.r A sf 28 / 4/ C o 3 ! 41 054. s.f. ~ ro* e / 0.815 ~b 51 X97 51 y ' 2~ / ;u ¦ 45,n ' 3ro 43117. s.f. ~ / 01, ~4 FIG 44, 4~ }Y~ ~ 26 39 1 40.005. s. ~ ~i COM 170a... V / \ I ~ )PEN SP 3-7 .69 e.l. a E GranA ~[y 48.511 si. = 17.1 (0.39 25 I ,os 1 40.104. 313 IN t - 48 . yt. r , 99 a„4 ~ I I I\ 24 I I 4158121 °I 1 ,56Y a LI 1 40.000' yl ' 1 / I 40,076 of 6730\sf 1 I i~1 1 1 I 1 23 ~ 68 `°.69 IIIl 4p 055. 5'' 1 r 1 a~„ 6~ 40,000 I I 2 40870. st. r I I 40:1662, ~ 22 L. , I ~ 40Tf6, s,. , / / AL 72 43 T I bn. I I 1 I I / 40.699. ,T b.~ 4.t. 41. ill t 2~ e, a REAR PROPERTY LINE l 44 A 65 0 7~ 4~ r l ~ 41057. s' ' 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT e28 40,0 1 20 40 175 64 25' REAR SETBACK 4 - - 795. >.t. 40,096 5f. \y4 r . 11 ( ROADWAY CENTERLINE "Na 40.351 sf 19 ~I - - RIGHT OF WAY /N7 ° U n0136. EDGE OF ROADWAY I t Y 46 1 APPROX WETLAND LIMITS ~1. I ! 3 \ 41,7}5. o-f 1 .ii WETLANDS l w l 75 1 - . -w EXISTING WATERLINE 47 ,00x1 w TYPICAL LOT 40 z z z PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) w w' W 10 1 ` All PROPOSED 45' BEND NTH REACTION BACKING I} w w' vI I 40 o12 *t.: 17 PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING d f. 1 G'J ~•~~t• ~ - H i PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) Of m 1 49 - _T J J f 40j 'J. d. F N F O 111, }1. 089. I At PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY . PROPOSED 2" POST HYDRANT Q~ w M J - pp o o pw ..4. 63 16 ?~'w / PROPOSED WATER SERVICE Q rn m~z ~I 076. sf 1 < 49 40000. ~f' EXISTING TREELINE - w i0 U1~ w5~. 10.60.,.1. 1 40, f 77 (5 L7 - I' I DRAINAGE SWALE ~n ~••/1 e, V ct5 FLOOD ZONE S~ a a ' x4002, ,1. ¢ o ~ p p I I 60 t5 ~ 5. sT- / / - - - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) in 1. I ( 40041. 51. • \ J / CONTOUR (EIEV AS LABELED) _ 20' FRONT SETBACK / ~o, . I ` O yf. I 14 11- 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT „ram ' ~GpE RPS~ERVE gf a~8. ,.1 1 1 59 / s.f RIGHT OF WAY 1tia 969ACJ 1 1 1 40149. I 4p,152z f- i ~ 3 f Q 1 1 s.. b 125 :-5 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 79 I n 6 2 P ° 4 "a t• "1 ) I 40,076s :f I I I 40235 R/W CL 58 f 1 poi 1 0 40,606 y=•-- EDGE OF PAVEMENT 12 O 40.69. sf 0 RIGHT OF WAY 50 41.294. , f. 41,279 TYPICAL. LOT 57 5 I r 42 284, s.. I .m 1 /r a I I ~'i~ NOT TO SCALE 51 60.625 C II 5 , 52 400`>G. s.f. 45.346 3 346. yf. ° Ow \ ~ r ~ I x1941. 1 v 9 53 _ II 1 - 40096. sf. l V At jp624 .ef. _4 - 40467 40 467 s.t N v W ° l ~ 131 1 000 S. 40. G - 40000. SA. 7 V ? I oP 40.0 °.1. ,.f. \ ° 55 2 `low W ' 4p 000. ?1. - li I ~ 56 1s1.,c .r 40901. ~ 1. M ~~~pCE 1 1 ~ ~ }775'rcl GGµMCN~ EN SPA DATE: SCALE: 1115b3 S AG) 1 4 _ Rp1 / "'rs 11i 12/1 7/01 1 "=200' r'.. mot / \ i ` °escreo: a.crxm BPG MWR a GRAPHIC SCALE 4.PJH s8 p rz~J l " ' 1 200 0 loo 200 400 Boa SHEET 1 M'.' - IN FEET) CAD ' e8D400U1 1 inch = 200 ft. PROJECT N0: 3804 x4ft 4 a 0 m O n ~ r n o ~ ~ 3 0 ~TE TULLE BAY PROPERTY SOUNDRY ~ \ ~ / ' O rn o o U m ~ O o ..n ~~7s<y '~'r CURRITUCK COUNTY - - v 0 0 Uri r NZmmNN rn n an 1A, v min c ~ ~J ~ x y~ /J C~ ' - 11 yp1.0G Y~L4 )yF' „Ltl ' SITE f/,('r\, / J ~.~1 p OLN F""~ / SEG ¢~,5 Yll 9101 / pYA¢J`5 m t~ xYCy (.y _~s 33 " Y X 45 34 8665>4- N a \ jai B CO Ilk EU m / CL 32 MON 0 c s> PE st. 3t / . 40215. Lt' r . 5 s. 1.21 ac.)1 43.438 µ E ` 30 s t. f 3 40,42A 29 ~ C W a VICINITY MAP \ aL"~, 40. 5, NR AOYd o- . \ W o _ 41 05' 28, ~ ~ 41 05a. 9 B 82 rnzrn To,e2} a 35 A- +a 51,39? . s 1~ 27 N- 21 / m 4}117 % 43117. 5.1. \ - 36 a~ \ 1 L p 1~1 Iv ~ 404iINE 4.009.,1 V1, f 1 39 1. 26 40005. COM 71.004 S Y 400 C 37 EN SP E sl -1 7,679 a.t. ( ac.) 48 .522 H Qo9 ~ I / I 17,1 (0..39 40.1C)4 5 t. \ / 311 ' s. I Y 56,050 46178. il. / 1 1 I\ y, o i 1 I. 1 I / w v 12.2 2A s.ll 40000. 5.f. Al ~ 70 ) 1 +a+" I 10076. sl 69 i1 g1:s - y_ I - I A ;0562 st V I I . I - ! ~ 40.055 sf f 1 If 68 st. \ 40F 406T0, s} 42 1 ~ 10,162 s t. I \ 22 5f I / / ~ 1 1 1 .40116. 1 / 7 J - 1 I I / + 1 I 406 66 a1 11677. a.. , I I 40.40540. S1 - 1 5 2 40.006 1 7 0 II o 1. at, L1. REAR PROPERTY LINE AA 65 3 1 s.f. 42,~' - 40.077. J 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 405 20 , I I s LSD 40175. 25 REAR SETBACK Y p 795 ~1. 1 400 6, Lt. \q4 - ROADWAY CENTERLINE O ~I 4 400 \ 40,351 s RIGHT OF WAY 40136-~1 I\ EDGE OF ROADWAY V APPROX. WETLAND LIMITS J, \ 1 41 46 s 1- 1 40,4 3 J WETLANDS w 751 1 ' L1. ~I 0.4051' W i i TYPICAL LOT i 47 Zi 1 PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) w { W 40.42 > w f 62 All PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTION BACKING J U~ u I 1 40.011- LI. rV f .eI .......-9. . EXISTING WATERLINE Q y PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING W W 40. LIP PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) I II PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 99 A Z7 ~w w F W 1 1 Ipj~' L1 PROPOSED 2' POST HYDRANT Qa to 0I O /1' I C 6T a ° I a \ Ae 40()76 Lf a 16 PROPOSED WATER SERVICE e ,10 000. s.f. I •sFBOy y\e .oi e / - I / ccc~~~ EXISTING TREELINE I~ \ wp1o. _ _ DRAINAGE SWALE 77 Z Z 40,041 ° 1 .ors / FLOOD ZONE I a a x c 15 sf_ % r % - - - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) 60 w 40.000. CONTOUR (ELEV. AS LABELED) _10' FRONT SETBACK •~1 . - SERVE s2 g L 14 d ~ \ UtIUTY RpPGE 403 1 u » 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OPEN 40152. z•f_ I/ \ a G 128 Lf. 1s9 a,L R1GHT OF WAY 1 ' 6 AG) I 40. 13 125 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 79 I / 235 s i. \ 51 40.076. s.l. R/W CL I / I O 606 40, rd s 'EDGE OF PAVEMENT 12 ' 40.619. s.f. I F a RIGHT OF WAY 50 B 1 10¢15. s1' l 41 29O 57 ~ a TYPICAL LOT i r 11 4 s.l. I io• / / 42?6 ' i NOT TO SCALE 51 10625. s1. - i 10 l 52 L1 40625' 5 o I it 40 09fi. Lf' W _ g 40.056- ,J. rUiY 4 ( i 6 45.34 S. s .f. N Ps"a / Z 1a..1 Zoo . 41 941. A.. i 9 / N~~I I I' I sT. / 4 n1 I _ ,047 53 p 4o'46T 061 w109.'F \6, l w / ? I / Q I I 54 I I 1 L1. \ ~o.e25 3 \ / 40.000 ~ ~ / ~ oP ~ ~ 7 LI' V ~ w.k0 ~ 55 1 I ~c' ) O l Z 40,625. s. 1 2 I ~Aa raL /x~va~ 40.000' L I ' wF vcT°~ ~ r~ 1 j 56 m i y l r. 10152 aJ. ,.I 1 4Q-602 ro~Am pPr,E% S SPACE , 1 I }2.753 cOMMONCE P P pPEN 5 DATE: SCALE: ' ~ jj1i56} A0.) ,may 1 ' 1 12117101 I"=200' (2 ~ A reJA- I 1 A BPG MWR p n GRAPHIC SCALE PJH MSB 1 200 0 +oo 200 400 800 SHEET: I 1 ( IN FEET ) CAD Fl E 1 inch = 200 ft. Y8040001 PROJECT NO: 3804 a T N 0 ~ e SITE O _ p C ° %LLS SAY PROPEQTY $OUNDRY Y~~ I II, ~`<~1t'~ r N O vm N~ / / 0 L O m U o Z ~ rv O L y I a OOpN1N CURRITUCK COUNTY N Zm2 .N. • \ V) h TN 10, t cp a, 4 r. ~.LL 9N •~T~1'YSITE C" a'w ~°saO_v~ 5 ~"vaey~4s K h5 r Y v CC i aA me° ~ N f j O 45714 sf I ' X { 1 34 / _v 86654 y.,. ~ / \ l I A 'AN l j CC6S5 `E n / MON 32 ~ ~ / ~\Y~ eJ l0, I / O W \ k 1 s 014 9. ~A 21 oa)6 43,4 4015 4, I 30 1 0,421 _i t _ - eosAv w 99-e,f.ac. A 4 f 29 VICINITY MAP 2s 40.084 41.054 1 c 41 05 10 8 f M W ~tiJ 51' 97 27 27 sf / - 45„7 43117. ~ \ / 404 -LINE 44009 26 gf- ~ ~ ,n, „ 39 _ / 26 gl 17,004 40.005 40 005. U COM 37 7,6799 sf. oc.) 48522. o-f_ / A Goune ~ 1 r 17,1 (0.39 I ' ~ ~a, z V j 40.10424 36 4011 40 S8.OE0. I I / i 71 24 1 I ~ a / 40000 9I , it 69 1 1 1 23 _ _ - I / wso2. sf. I i I 23 40055' sf I 1 40.000 00 s I. 40 055. s 42 I I 40.267 4 A \ I 22 ~I W*T h0116 s 40.26 I 72 ef. ! j ~ I - 43 1. 166 41671. 40699 , . , 4046 s .t. 21 21 . , 1 40,000 \1 sf. i 40.000 REAR PROPERTY L,NE 44 65 st 3 Sr. 1 1 0 0 41.x' 40.0 I I I 1 1 Q I 1 15 DRAINAGE AND JTUTY EASEMLN_ nog, s?. I 20 I 4 40115. 40170. 9t, I LECHM 41. 25 REAR SETBACK - - b5 st. 1 40 64 \ 41194\ '74 ROADWAY CENTERI WE. NO 170.19.\+ 'il 19 4p! 35 19 RIGHT OF WAY st. \LJ\ e a0136 EDGE OF ROADwA. V~ 46 63 o,c7 _ - v 41155. ~1 40011. s.. 'i - APPROX. WETLAND _M T' I d~ \V AV AL WETLANDS i - 18 \ ~..u-- EXISTING WATERLINE Q if. 0 `t d. ~00". Z z fl'PIC,AL L4vT Z ? ' 41 - 18 40•000 . E~C¦ , PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) w , ) 40.025. s. 10 62 0I y ` / ~1 PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTION BACKING a _ 1, sf 00 f r PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING x p ply x W wolf 7 m w 1 1 w13W. wf' H PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) 2QJ u 40.00 a p, h a m j6 F ~N IFwo 4199 40j169 eT. P, PROPOSED 6" HYDRAN' ASSEMBL' I / PROPOSED I" POST HYDRANT 2S~ PROPOSED WATER SERVICE x Q a un < .A. 49 45. I 40.075. s I w.w°' 40.0w yf. 4ce s / / J 77.7 = EXISTING TREELINE IN in - 40,610. DRAINAGE SWALE I `z i 42 "t- a 140,041. .o, - - - FLOOD ZONE O z 15 60 • 40000. ~000_ SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) a ( r• t III 4oAP-:f. CONTOUR (ELEV. AS LABELED) 20' FRONT SETBACK--- _ _ • - S, d O - - - 78 t 4 + 40152 - v*o-4 w 1 U~111Y RPAGRVE I 40,552, 14~ 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OP 6979C1 1 1 40,149 40?5~. Lol RIGHT OF WAY (296 A / 125' EDGE OF PAVEMENT I ) 9 J. I I 40,2313 l 13 5. I 40235. s!- ( I I JI R/W GL A -58 st. '§g~ x e 40,606 ° `raWt " R. EDGE OF PAVEMENT qp6 1f 2 O ~ / 7 I ~ 61 I 40 61g. s.. F RIGHT OF WAY X50 I BO y I ~ 40,625. s i. 1 57 41 794. e. i A. n TYPICAL L/yVI 4,,279 51 / k216 NOT TO SCALE 5T - 1 m Z I 40625 TO / of i 52 91. 70 45625 . I ~ I 0,096, s 1. 40,056 . 1 1 6 40,056 F +u?•'riy p• N r 43.146. s f. Z Z ° n ham'"' 1 C) v. / I 0ao, 41.941 , 9 f / NxJI sf 53 4 46l / x V 40.6 4. s1 40109 of. 40, 40167 s.. ; W u l I V W°~ i I! 'i I I A / 1 ~ o I e w ,0000 s. ' o 5:21 1 4 s,. r ' 40, af. Q 4p 000. T ~ ~ J~ wY0 sf. a 7( 55 mw~` ' „ 4p 625_ 1 2. `~Rm aw"vim /xae9'u4~w' - I 40000. / 1 1 5 40152 i s, 4P~ , CCMSPACE OPEN 1a.75 AG.1 ) ' G OPEN sp ACE , Y T EN 1 / 11561Nc) DA IE. SCALE (2 f N~t~ 9r9 1 12177101 o.1 2 00' m=A 1 BPG MWR GRAPHIC SCALE PjH A/f SB q4 d 1 _ 1 200 0 100 200 400 800 SHEE T 1 ( IN FEET ) CAD Ei P ` 8040001 1 inch 200 ft. PRDJE C? NO l \ 3804 / \ n m O m U a o N s~Tfi PROPERTY 80UNDRY \ 0 3 0 t c m (5 C T o TULLE BAY N oS~ZwD CURRITUCK COUNTY O N \ O OWN MRTH CAROGM N ~ \ ~ Nr~ rNv ~Ot1 \ N,~O..n¢ h STE~.CT orn p.n \ 8 °up4xi w. - i 0 15111. at 7 ~ \ 1' I i\ X I 34 t \ to t N ANA I •tt MON 32 s,. AoA mt e / c o - / a Y ~ CC655 y` iot ` / o E 0 - / PACE I3,176- 31 / ~f \ s 1 a 1.21 P ~ ° 30 VICINITY MAP 4411 29 PW 70 110113 1 to -e +o+ a Y` 40,054' . ).054' a.{. I 54 5, 5. f / lJ O / 41 0. I/ / 1016 y J z 70.823 ;1: -3--~ 1~ I Wt \ ,n+ - 51397 In 45.117 27 f / \ 4}117. a.. ~ / / 014 h04 TINE ~ 'i / 26 U 71, 4 }1. / 1 IN c N 37 1 s f' i0t e 40 pp5 / 4 EN 5f. E - ,679 e.f. ( 0a) 48,51 I X Cll 17.1 (0 (0.39 39 r I °2 . a,. 4004 ao I I I 46176 sl' ~ I .~6 +m ~e i I I IM+1 µ ~Li I I~ SIT. / q I iJ15¢p/ IxR I 7~ a~~ I 71 4 / s. I I ((~~~~jj 42562. e.tI ~ 40.000' s. ' ~I •°t t / / v 4p076 F irr- 1 J I - w.569 at Ijl 23 68 , a0.055. \J I ~ Lo} I ' 1 6~'~'~ Io.o00• ~ I 40670. al. 1 1 / J I~ j 40,~2,'T \ w+" I 22 / _J 1L--- 43 I ' 72 I .I. 40,699. s1. 11677. 2 / GQ i a.oDa. s ' II ~ b REAR PROPERTY LINE 44 65 s+ 73 It I I I st I 11057. s.lI 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 420ani - `40,071- 1 1 C3 40.1750 . 7O' s 1 j LEKIM ry~1 I ~ V 25' REAR SETBACK W 1 41,7945 64 III"'---------- \ a }t. 5 al. 1 40,096 ' 2 }I q 1 - ROADWAY CENTERLINE L'~ Q 7. 19 af. I`-~ RIGHT OF WAY e 4pt36. \ EDGE OF ROADWAY 46 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ APPROX WETLAND LIMITS I 3p' 63 \ \ 41735 st l 40652' at. WETLANDS M w 4 \ ~ 75 1 I! 47 5 18 CI yl "^'..w^^. EXISTING WATERLINE i Z TYPICAL. l.OT Z ; 1e a 40.0051 Z w w 1 4°'0 0 1 PROPOSED PVC WATER UNE (SIZE AS NOTED) [O~ S All PROPOSED 45• BEND WITH REACTION BACKING w w Y Y W ` g> a < > 17 ` r PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING ( 1 { Itl o.om } I wt4 / fit, _ H PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) F4 1 ro rc I~~ J6 I I d VWI J WQ 41199, at. 4000 I PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY n~l 0 s A: V+ / \ r PROPOSED 2" POST HYDRANT ~O G o 0 0 0 ~Tt ; r ~ 61 t. I M` 01/• PROPOSED 16 WATER SERWINE 1 1 a I e m a 49 6 , w w 40610. - i 40.000 1°"0 W / - EXISTING TREELINE I~ a f ~ a 77 z z 042. f 1. 7 1 _ / \ DRAINAGE SWALE 6C°3 2 st. 15 tots FLOOD ZONE ct5 I I 0 0 ~p0p yL r / / - - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) Tn in 1 + I I 40.0 O- }t. 20' FRONT SETBACK / 1G CONTOUR (fLEV. AS LABELED) O p4 Ro 18 - - _ It 8 st 14 / \ 0 9 K ds \ Ut1iJN REACaVE 40.551. sf. 57 4p 152.e - tr t, 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OP 18 e79P}f. 40 X19 I ~o RIGHT OF WAY 21,96 A0.1 / A. N2, a; _ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 79 }t. 1 + . 40,076. R/W CL .-58 a at:: i 40 606 s.l. 4n L EDGE OF PAVEMENT / I ~g 9 RIGHT OF WAY 650 80 x }t.. / ~ 1 Q ~ 57 41994 i PICAL /W I fl' I 41. 19. s.t. NOT TO SCALE 51 / 42.284 s.1_ ( Lo, 25, s.f. _ 40.6 1o 10 }4 w °96 6 40.056. / - ~ ~ ~ ~ . 7 , 6 }4fi s!. 8 / R a.'v+.7t ! Z r I I I 13, 41. al. 419 43.}46. s f. D Nom' / . / O col / r - a Oj I I i l 9 / 53 a. a P" 40624 s1. 40109 }1. 40.46 40.461 { Ir W U I I / I l W ° 8 f j l j ~ I 54 40.000 ' - - a 5. s.,. r i 3 ,1 Q oA 0 ,.t. s,e 55 t I d 3 2C' ) O Z va t 1 ~ p+ E w,s s~'~ ~ rt - I s a~ s \ 56 I 40t52. 1 4090E s. \ CESpACE ,i 1 5a'6j25 Ac.l ~ COMMON CE OPEN 63 s-1 11156 1 I ~'r K DATE.' SCALE: ,,may T T 12117101 1 200' I~ ~ 1 I olvwm: a.eam BPG MWR GRAPHIC SCALE MAMPJH se i 200 0 100 200 400 boo SHEET ' U l p~ 5 FEET) CAD FiZLeUp040OU1 \ 1 inch h = 200 (t. J PROJECT N0: 3804 ITE ~j a + O N i \ LINE TABLE ~ s o LINE LENGTH BEARING a" Lt 25.39 0 CURRITUCK COUNTY N 7'00'00"W O L2 56.95 N 335'32"W °1 t NMTH CAAROLMA sm,xr gp14 ^ L3 85.27 N36'35'05"W w o `o L4 122.22 N4259'17"W do Z e - i 0_ t o LS 72.16 N4759'43"W SITE d~k LGJ~- / \ L6 66.14 N58 1'11"W o u o n n L7 89.06 N46'21'16"W N z m L8 137.14 N39* 30'01"W y o z o x / La* ` ~\c+1y~ _ L9 34.04 d YIN< N6912'20"W m e eMYg~m C4o,,. L10 109.30 517'29'45"E r v eryr .5o L71 127.25 12'16"E & \y/ L72 100.17 S521 3'25E 1 LdTZ _x L 3 ~ X-44, LG4 03 79.01 529'00'14"E w y L74 20189 50780'14"E o / . L15 77.16 , 551 6'38"W u N , tl.L,o LG5 ~3„w J, ` L X415 l G6 650_ N8~51'E ~9'I ' 1-16 118005 75'01'18"W~ \ L17 81.52 S85ro2'03"W N n L18 164.13 N70'07'02"W v m N ~,dBOA ~ L19 19.87 536 6'30"W f u 62 L20 30.88 SO '38'43"E c u L21 128.94 56918'38"E 1:` E 9*1 / L22 70.59 57527'48"E o VICINITY MAP x j 1W `LGII MOT 90 si F nit L23 78.89 S8518'S8"E _ M " . S O T maw"I'a~ Fp'~ A Z "RX LG12 L24 59.10 N6744'34"E p' w 3 L25 77.49 / N77'46'38"E'er / V o~' Ii ill C13 5 L26 - 64.13 N71:1 i `_'L(314 7 h S04 ' YE y? ~ ~ V~ LC~i5LG16 Cb L023 LG17 ,pTx'E-"_~zZ LG24 AaA L31 87.19 58'01'55"E L f,4 t_ 44 ~LGA78 L75,x' LG22 ~,'tzr L32 44.08 538'38'4 'E L33 4657 S07''S9"W \ r -A C s LG2Ct rLG21 u7 LG28 LG2i x LG43 L290bt?a L34 55.70 L35 88.06 S77'40'10"E G LG30 gLG26 528'36'12"E L36 3910 54555'S7'E TkLG42 '1G 31 r'LG23 _J U \ \ _ LG32 L37 36.50854'41"W L38 14.94 55556'30"W L39 4.18 571'40'18"W \ w L641 a'X1.633 Cb X 88.42 561'0515"W 79.39 57117'15"W 9309 56919'16"W 7720 S35'04'34"W r rv LG40`m LG34 AG , - z X 5L44 L27 36.89 43'42"E -N L28 42.56 53423'16"W L29 1545 58954'52" L30 30 69.29 58419'19"E 88.50 St 6'03'59"W LG39 1 " a P p LG3ak, A L6 s / e SW~II 1 3 L G37 L016 aP I 1 / I ail / / 1 1 I / m L% 1 AaP L RIM RCADAA w'ERCNE R:CH 0P VA" - _ 1~ r t EDGE OF ROADWAY z ~APPR,,X NCLAND I,.MJT, t 1 1 ~ TO WELLANOS ~ o. \ I ~ EXIIST'fd; WAi[RLINI t ~ PROPOSED 6" PVC WATER LINE r ~ U y PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACRNG v I F H PROPSEt CATS JALVE (SIZE AS NOII'11 Vd0 L \ 1 ~ PROP SED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY , PR VSED 2" POST HYDRANT EkLgTN;; -REE,'NE N O - - DRAINAGE swALE ILI , V 'v FLOOD ZONE 4 TO a e IN ACCORDANCE WITH T15A NCAC 07H.0209 COASTAL SHORELINES, CERTAIN - - - - - - SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) L ga PORTIONS OF THE CREEK WHICH LIE WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARIES 3I y / MAY BE CONSIDERED PUBLIC TRUST WATERS. WITHIN THE PUBLIC TRUST CONTOUR (ELEG AS LABELED) n , / SHORELINE. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAi_ CONCERN NEW DEVELOPMENT, WITH F, r^ l / THE EXCEPTION OF WATER DEPENDENT .;SES, SHALL BE LOCATED A 2 w1 ~ 1 pt At 1017 DISTANCE OF 30 FEET LANDWARD OF THE NORMAL WATER LEVEL. J I Wa a I 1 ~ ~ U ~I I~AT°%' 404 CERTIFICATE This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the ~ jurisdiction of section 404 of the Clean Water Act under the present law and V i~ regulation as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is a change of law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied U / upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date. This determination R0 10 was made utilizing the 1987 Corp e! Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. I rr , I ^OB 5~, 5V485 1 I ate 74 SOIL TYPE LEFEND qJL Wa - Wahee fine sandy loam Name ob F" 9oA - Bojac Loamy Sand, 0 to 3 Percent Slope itle q +c4 Altavista Ane Sandy Loam, 0 to 2 nercent S~Ope Ro - Roanoke Eine Sandy Loam A' - Augusta Line Sandy Loam To - Tomotley Line Sandy Loom Co - Conaby muck [2o Reference- Soil Survey of Curd tuck County, North Carolina U. A. Natural Resources Conservation Service TO N~~~ I / a m rn a 3 cn wm Q~r ++W' ate M i U) Z H / Z O H ~ v _ n Ir O o i , L SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE j w mi BOA ; 1, Fred S. Price, certify that this plat was drawn W 4/~a under my supervision from deeds and plats as a>> r i recorded in D.B. 248, PG. 721; that the error of closure as w calculated by latitudes and. departures is 1:10,000 and this map was prepared in acC j[CW"Ctr•4p* section .1600 of the w ~`m g/ State Board of Registra.t 1i~ Ards of Practice". Q ' r a 4/1 7i E.S.S (Q 7 O N M ( / t Witness my hand ani se s 3C f ~k~-Ask, 2001. Z Ra ~ A ~eY ka ' :PJt r ` V.~4s L-4271 .1-l4 : . h P, C) I i DATE. SCALE. A t t 11130101 1"-zoo' {F 4YE54 DESI°rED Cl OkED Al~w BPG BPG Ma GRAPHIC SCALE FSP "~°"RPr w*~6-W I -,K 200 o ioo zoo aoo eoo SHEET: \ ( FEET ) CAD FILE: 1 of 1 \ i inch = zoo ft. Wetlands PROJECT NO. 3804 DITCH"+ a ` ` • PC j 2 19 43 25 o BREAKL ETP,5LHEET U5 r I 40.104_ s. f_ ROADWAY CENTERLINE m RIGHT of war .mO`0 .o / o r.w AIM man" arr.rr o~ EDGE OF ROADWAY N NT oeTAIL) / XI$ : /I _ I I APPROX. WETLAND LIMITS 0~mi`o" N~ U~'y M)ENTSH LG 1 a Srr ~ SB 'Nd s C 6 ASSEMBLY WETLANDS d t o - EXISTING WATERLINE _ i o to N t II PROPOSED PVC WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) m nm T(V / d PROPOSED 45' BEND WITH REACTION BACKING pj °a d's~~ DRAINAGE BREAK /O ~!o«1nx T PROPOSED TEE WITH REACTION BACKING di R a 6 M. PCAN~ 4 13' } - I Y N PROPSED GATE VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) mod PROPOSED 6" HYDRANT ASSEMBLY • j PROPOSED 2" POST HYDRANT mo. PROPOSED WATER SERVICE v (P - , 2,h0 EXISTING TREELINE ~ l I i ~ ~ ~ ~ I W U N DRAINAGE SWALE F T ////~f'fEh'f )'S IN. - 4 ~I. T II 24 - FLOOD ZONE • o E 1 71 .I 40,000, s.f- SOIL TYPE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE) 42,582. 0 CON10OR (ELEV. AS LABELED) w w / FILL IN ,0 . EXISTING • c ST s Nlf / / 1 DITCH : I \ 1 1 / Ot ~ '44INA„L / A 1 - 42,312. s. f. I I 4T,"-6 TI 44.31 ~ Tx, I - IN 4 4,' . G ~ ~ I a9 1",562 s I I _ ~ 23 I. .I 40,055 s.f. / 40,000 sJ 3 w41 ~J '.NJ 44'. r p1 0.]l ~ ~I ITNCE~ ppp I o+0 RAiNAG YFICAL a; 6'I: y p T VA ~RAINGE GILL IN . SWALC IShE EXISTING i OETAIs) DITCH - 40 LF. OF 18 . ~Y. DMA. CMP a • CULVERT t 42 INV. IN T 4 30' 40.'67 \ ~ INV. OUT 420' / I TYPIC>~ PRIMARY I 40,1122 Q~ 6, s.f. I ~j Q DOTTY ` DRAINAGE i / / I SWAT: !SEE I wucFOSEG Nil IT IN, / 3.96 a 4 I I / N FSR #JI / 72 41.677 Y I 43 40.699. sT I T FILL IN EXISTING I at I cal LC / DITCH 21 i. I 40,000 s_f _ o Qb N...N y. > td J,T o . . w ao.o 3 s_r. 17 to V 44 / . 1 I ! CQ / 'k~~ 12d^SF.. j d 5. a./. I I - 'I 40,175 SII / 2 TA N, / 4'IT A V / HLL IN 61 P. L.-ISBD FXISIIN,, / IN, 54 DITCH 4G DH* 6{° _ - / - r m xC~~ 4 1 74 40.357. * 19 O ` 40.136. s.l. - ` U DRAINAGE - N •II BREAK \ w L~ \I POINT - INV. 5.90' w kA .;N.DL--L.H \ IM110 EVENT, 4 SECpON A (SEE / ZO 1 i 75 II I) T 18 /I 40,005. s' 4k0 40.000. s.f. 41 l z \ 1 - 'vl'ItA[ V DR 4INA E . AS10ftr +n~( (gE V DETAIL) . ~ 7101 1"=50" I I G use 7 P,M-1 MS8 7 d0,0~ 1 s 3E JEAiL` REAKLINE SHEE U3 ~ 5 ~t LZ 4 OF MAMS ffjx~ mums +0 min ¦pm c.o FY8040002 I. .I k 1 Z I ECT N0: _ 3804 I • :ON 1J3roaa l(100 08 ' 1 IZU NI lI I 3 IJ OV0 in I ' :L33HS ooe Gov oot~pot p poa espy Hrd ,41VOS JIHclV89 a:wA odH 1, ern 4tJ+'r? _ mn3w mxa \ 1 f ~n ' uv 97Y.9S 3140 I. ,as+^' ~ )s feN3d0 3~tl d5 w00 ~ i ~0y S1 ` ~ NOW is 'tZ9 L4 _ dO as to 30NOrvWp3 Is Z50m Is Lsi of J.b yll •~~e ' WOW vnwfa Inc 00p Q4 2w so 1 c 5L9'~ - Z ( l. I I 55 is ,Z,9 O w. 1 D 1 L s ~pf I d Is '9V9~ b I ' ' I 49 . o .ys OOp~ / J I ° ~ l8 .;s '4L9M d M V .01 _ IS '601'01 9f I I C ~0 6 I v IlYb 14 y r Brt•t4 g ~P o I c'-adcC.ea is tZ ueav4 9 I - - - I i y nra+ tc -9+p'04 is '9600• ~ I L 1 s SZ9Df _ I 0` g i I _i s SL9'OY - Z5 I o~ III III __J a~ / I Ls cty'ov ' 6LZ V I / ~5 ~S 3lVOS 01 ION A1 , vo, Ls -g9gZY / ll / .ys Sn2 0 ~ I~ /:Lc '46l l4 L5 j I ~ .Ls 'SL90f is 'SL9crv ~ ~ I / A~ 08 j 09 AVM JO 1H91a 05 D I is 61904 ~ I / r. 1N3W3AVd 30 3903 13 1N3W3AVd 30 3003 "w / e10' Is gpgM ~ LI s.ytaof 85 ' etia4 i 6L ,4Z1 gryt) pU,I,I 0 v 41 fI ~.s 6f104 I l~~!jww V y6'L) AVM 30 iHT6 'I r '6Lfi 9Zl I 65 I I I ptldS N3d0 304 dS S3dOn 1N3W3SV3 Al llll fl ONV 39VNIV2J0 5t cn 59 a V f I \ oY c LSt'o i I 3j\Li3S3a A1i111 3na3s9a ` ° - - - - - ob F P ~ \ vl 9L I ' NJ49i]S LNOaJ 0Z u! 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Is ~0t 1L4~ ~ °ee dV'W ADNIDIA pu ..H s 1 ('ao tZ'l 's Y Iss£•p4 Is'et+f4 Itti tr ~ ~ 30Vd o" / V v Z4 NOW 3v / R J BiO, ~ T / \ 5530 ~ ' V d VN4 w .is i° atieY o Et r*._p / _ nsfn .vf \ u.-~,9 eas Min _ ~ su'as we d 1o styv % mNnf~Qz IdNnoo ~,onllabfl:) ~ J \ NU V \ S o 0 mN w n o \j'// .l~aNf109.11~l3dO~ x~ 3115 r ~ 4 0 ~ / _ _ y ti.. o / N l / \ • ` . ~ ~1 ~ ~ ' C \ / b a v m O n c r n Y a Y v. o b C ~ `o ~ c U 0 m o c n y w p I O N , OUg,nN O pb d Z m Z ONO N ya0 OQ m?p X-1 pN N T y O NORTHWEST R/V LANDING ~ U J Y N p R N _ u $ [ [ c o o E a c 0 N Y [ G W C C W O NORTH LANDING RIVER 'OTULL TULL BAY 0 a 1222 LAU CH U x F a 0 i' S l TE z I GCeek ~ U NORTH LANDING RIVER 1222 _ 3 TU S Creek JORGE - 1U<<S O F O 1222 EEK ROq 1 O HYDRANT D \ It ~ U it LEE i; zo i N` cam, ii i ui I W r' ~ I I j I l f i 11232 I x z c y Io Z I ATI / v T MAS AXTER F AGPOLE DATE SCAL 1124102 NO SCALE \ \ oessm: cxaan: \ 1222 BPG MSB O l PJH MSB SHEET. I CAD FILE: WNMAP1 PROJECT N0: 3408 o0 W ? AT r > y o ? Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality February 28, 2002 DWQ# 01-1897 Currituck County Jerry L. Old Currituck Homes, LLC P.O. Box 62 Moyock, NC, 27958 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Condition Dear Mr. Old: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill in 0.06 acre of wetlands in order to construct a road crossing at the proposed Launch Landing subdivision by Currituck Homes in Currituck County, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on December 31, 2001, and in revised information received January 28 and February 4, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3287, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with. your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification, as well as the additional conditions listed below: 1. Deed notifications or simiiar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). A sample deed notification format can be downloaded from the 401/Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands . If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the'Office-of Administrative Hearings, P.O.. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Deborah Sawyer or Tom Steffens in DWQ's Washington Regional Office at 252-946-6481 or Cyndi Karoly at in Raleigh 919-733-9721. Sincerely, j re rq J. T orpe; Ph/D, J `J North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 wetlands Certification Unit, Y 50 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 21 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) -n '?? +10c - moo cones - A ..-_ ..,.i,,....-I-."-/ Page 2 of 2 Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Washington DWQ Regional Office Central Files File Copy Paul Henriques, 4417 N. Croatan Hwy., Kitty Hawk, NC, 27949 011897 W ATF Q Ilfl? r ?? -1 "C Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality DWQ# 01-1897 \ Currituck County Jerry L. Old Vl ???? V \ .?'?2* Currituck Homes, LLC P.O. Box 62 ` Moyock, NC, 27958 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Condition Dear Mr. Old: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill in 0.06 acre of wetlands in order to construct a road crossing at the proposed Launch Landing subdivision in Currituck County, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on December 31, 2001, and in revised information received January 28 and February 4, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3287, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification, as well as the additional conditions listed below: 1. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). A sample deed notification format can be downloaded from the 401/Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands . If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Deborah Sawyer or Tom Steffens in DWQ's Washington Regional Office at 252-946-6481 or Cyndi Karoly at in Raleigh 919-733-9721. Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) n1n ? 47on /..1.......N nin ? cones /t...,% - n-.. ..,. ..,. /.........at.....1../ Page 2 of 2 Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Washington DWQ Regional Office Central Files File Copy Paul Henriques, 4417 N. Croatan Hwy., Kitty Hawk, NC, 27949 011897 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: tom Steffens WO Supervisor: Bc)cier Iborpe Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Currituck Homes LLC County Currituck Project Number 01 1897 County2 Recvd From APP Region Washington Received Date 12/31/01 Recvd By Region Project Type Residential Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. ME F14 _F7O 1v1 ? 30-1-2-2-5 _ Sw 30,154_F F_F_ _ Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet F_ F_ Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? 0 Y 0 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N . Recommendation: OQ Issue 0 Issue/fond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: Issue w/no conditions cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 To: ?RRO Steve Mitchell ?FRO Ken Averitte MWaRO Deborah Sawyer ?WIRO Joanne Steenhuis ?WSRO Jennifer Frye ?ARO Mike Parker ?MRO Pete Colwell Project Name Cirri f'yc K f44, of U-C DWQ Project Number 6!( 9177 County Gum fuck From: eY k f?" / Telephone (919) 733- 9 7 Z I The file attached is being forwarded to you for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USGW topo maps Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Neuse, Tar-Pamilco, Catawba; Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concems Comments K s sa.,? . 1!e i I?? l h . k??? x J "1 ?1p -`.'°L '? t k ' ? - .q 4 Hiss[[[ -• • -• - 01 TyeGWsta1f Hand Delivered Over-Nite Mail Faxed Mailed TO: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 DATE: January 28, 2002 PROJECT: LAUNCH LANDING PROJECT NO: 3804 DWQ #01-1897 FOR YOUR: ( ) Review ( ) Review & Comments (X) Use ( ) Other Copies Description 7 Sheet Ul Cover Sheet COMMENTS: Herewith please find 7 copies of the aforementioned material. If this information, along with the December 31 2001 submittal does not satisfy the requirements for a complete submittal please call me as soon as you receive this. Thank you. Sincerely, SSIONAL GROUP Paul Henriques 4417 N. Croatan Hwy. ¦ P.O. Box 1068 ¦ Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266 ¦ Fax: 252-261-1760 ¦ E-mail: bpg @ bissellprofessionalgroup.com Hiss[[[ TheGoA$tA? Hand Delivered Over-Nite Mail Faxed TO: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 PROJECT: LAUNCH LANDING FOR YOUR: ( ) Review ( ) Review & Comments (X) Use ( ) Other Mailed DATE: January 24, 2002 PROJECT NO: 3804 DWQ #01-1897 Copies Description 7 Vicinity map 7 Sheet U1 Cover Sheet, for Vicinity Map purpose COMMENTS: Herewith please find 7 copies of the aforementioned material. If this information, along with the December 31 2001 submittal does not satisfy the requirements for a complete submittal please call me as soon as you receive this. Thank you. Sincerely, FESSIONAL GROUP 4417 N. Croatan Hwy. ¦ P.O. Box 1068 ¦ Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266 ¦ Fax: 252-261-1760 ¦ E-mail: bpg@bissellprofessionalgroup.com OF W A7FR Michael F. Easley, Governor QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary O? ? ,y North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources j ? Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. p -? Acting Director Division of Water Quality January 10, 2002 DWQ #01-1897 Cumtuck County CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Currituck Homes, LLC PO Box 62 Moyock, NC 27958 Dear Sirs On December 31, 2001, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) was notified by receipt of your application regarding your plans to fill 0.06 acres of wetlands for residential development in Currituck County. Approval from DWQ is required to disturb these wetlands. We are hereby returning your applications since they are so incomplete that they cannot be processed. Please provide seven copies of the following information and refer to the DWQ number listed above in your reply. In particular as describe in 15A NCAC 213.0502, we will require you to locate all streams and ponds on the property on a map with the site plan so we can determine if future wetland impacts will be needed. Please show these on maps of suitable scale (for instance 1" =100 feet) so we can determine your projects compliance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500. Please call me at (919) 733-1786 if you have any questions or would require copies of our rules or procedural materials. This project will remain on hold as incomplete in accordance with 15, A NCAC 2H .0505 (c). The processing time for this application will begin when this information is received. If we do not hear from you within three (3) weeks of the receipt of this letter, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and will consider it withdrawn. Sincerely yours, me Cc Washington DWQ Regional Office Washington Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Paul Henriques WWI NCDE[t Wetlands/401 Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Ph: (919) 733-7015 Fax: (919) 733-6893 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 8135al- =000104406R-•Mllllll rheCIV901DIP6115 Hand Delivered Over-Nite Mail Faxed TO: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Mailed DATE: December 21, 2001 011897 PROJECT: LAUNCH LANDING FOR YOUR: ( ) Review ( ) Review & Comments (X) Use ( ) Other Copies Description PROJECT NO: 3804 7 Permit application, Agent letter, Vicinity map, 8.5x14 Site map, 2406 sheet U4 of the utility plans, and 2406 404 Wetlands plat. COMMENTS: Herewith please find 7 copies of the aforementioned material. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. OUP PI?T Gtf''LD 4417 N. Croatan Hwy. ¦ P.O. Box 1068 ¦ Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266 ¦ Fax: 252-261-1760 ¦ E-mail: bpg-inc@interpath.com Office Use Only: Form Version April 2001 011897 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ? Section 404 Permit $ ? Section 10 Permit ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 14 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Currituck Homes LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 62 Moyock NC 27958 Telephone Number: 252-435-6366 E-mail Address: 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Paul Henriques Company Affiliation: Bissell Professional Group Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1068 Kitty Hawk NC 27949 Telephone Number: 252-261-3741 Ext. 221 Fax Number: 252-261-1760 E-mail Address: paul bissellprofess ionalgroup com Fax Number: 252-435-6909 Page 3 or 12 RECEIVED III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Launch Landing 2. T.I.P. Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 0039000018A0000 4. Location County: Currituck County Nearest Town: Tulls Creek Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Launch Landing Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Hwy. 168 to Poyner Road to Tulls Creek Road 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): N 36° 30' W 76° 3' (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Agricultural 7. Property size (acres): 93.06 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Tulls Ba 9. River Basin: Pasquotank River Basin (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admirdmaps/.) Page 4 of 12 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: To construct a 20' wide public roadway with an 18" culvert over a designated wetland. 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: frontloader 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Residential IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. None that we are aware of. V. Future Project Plans Are any additional permit requests anticipated for this project in the future? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: N/A VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 5 or 12 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 1 Fill 0.06 Yes A5 (6') 1100 Forested wetland * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.p-ov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 4.65 ac. Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2400 sq. ft., 0.06 ac. 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secify) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usP,s.g; . Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapquest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: Page 6 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name Wat) (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * List each impact separately and identity temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: till, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The original approved subdivision plan was laid out to avoid any impact on wetlands. Subsequent site visits and USACE certification a section of the road impacts a fringe portion Of 404 jurisdictional wetlands. Page 7 of 12 VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at 1-ittp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. N/A Page 8 of 12 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ? No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Page 9 of 12 Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 N/A 3 N/A 2 N/A 1.5 N/A Total Gone 1 extends out 30 teet perpendicular trom near bank of channel; Gone l extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces will flow overland into vegetative filters that will convey flow, through velocity dissipaters into the adjoining wetlands. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Lots with individual treatment systems. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No Page 10 of 12 XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). 1.2 -,?1 -v AppficarK Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) US Army Corps Of Engineers Field Offices and County Coverage Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alexander Cherokee Iredell Mitchell US Army Corps of Engineers Avery Clay Jackson Polk 151 Patton Avenue Buncombe Cleveland Lincoln Rowan Room 208 Burke Gaston Macon Rutherford Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Cabarrus Graham Madison Stanley Telephone: (828) 271-4854 Caldwell Haywood McDowell Swain Fax: (828) 271-4858 Catawba Henderson Mecklenburg Transylvania Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Alamance Durham Johnston Rockingham US Army Corps Of Engineers Alleghany Edgecombe Lee Stokes 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Ashe Franklin Nash Surry Suite 120 Caswell Forsyth Northampton Vance Raleigh, NC 27615 Chatham Granville Orange Wake Telephone: (919) 876-8441 Davidson Guilford Person Warren Fax: (919) 876-5283 Davie Halifax Randolph Wilkes Washington Regulatory Field Office Beaufort Currituck Jones US Army Corps Of Engineers Bertie Dare Lenoir Post Office Box 1000 Camden Gates Martin Washington, NC 27889-1000 Carteret* Green Pamlico Telephone: (252) 975-1616 Chowan Hertford Pasquotank Fax: (252) 975-1399 Craven Hyde Perquimans Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Anson Duplin Onslow . US Army Corps Of Engineers Bladen Harnett Pender Post Office Box 1890 Brunswick Hoke Richmond Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Carteret Montgomery Robeson Telephone: (910) 251-4511 Columbus Moore Sampson Fax: (910) 251-4025 Cumberland New Hanover Scotland Pitt Tyrrell Washington Wayne Union Watauga Yancey Wilson Yadkin *Croatan National Forest Only Page 11 of 12 12/21/2001 09:32 12524356909 OLD'S AUTO SUPPLY PAGE 61 121'20/2001 17:43 ,?,.,.?. ? ?--•----.a? 25226117EM .?...........,..1'.M--...-•-.--........... PPG INC ... P4a 0? e ?Tc De ember 20, 7001 c wTituck Homey L.L.C.- P.o. Box 62 Moyock, North. Carolina 27958 RE: I:4unch Landing Subdivision. This is to advise you that Bissell. Pf0fes4i0tW tiroup is authorised to act as went 9i)r OkI for the putposc of sribmitdn& the wetland crossing pcmlit fat the sb«ve I refa?ranced property. L. o Date 1, a notary public of _ County, North Carolixttt, do hereby certify that personally appGami before me thiq date a»d acknowledged the dur execution of the foregoing certificate. Witness my hww anti official seal the _,._,,,„i_ day of 200, NoUwy Public My comminion expires Sin /l Vol ional Group 1 GPaul Hertriquoo 4417 N. Craaean Hwy. w P.Q. Box 1008 a Kitty Nawv., NC; 279*9 252 281-3266 6 Fex: 258-2'61.17611 4 3-D TopoQuads Copyright ©1999 DeLorme Yarmouth, ME 04096 Source Data: USGS ?-- 11000 ft Scale: 1: 25,000 Detail: 13-0 Datum: zoo I. BISSELL PROFESSIONAL GROUP, INC. 6852 NC D 12/21/2001 To NCDWQ 200.00 s BB&T Launch Landing 200.00