HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031342 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20040307DW~~ '~' ~ _ ; ~~~ ~ Z_ ~. .Date => ; '; ~{ ~ • ~-• Who Reviewed.• • 1 ; :r ~ .i, ~-~ ~ r ~~, ~ Plan Detall 7ncomplet® ~, - . [J Plbaso provide a location map for the project. ~] Ploase Show all stroam impacts including all fill elopes, dissipatara, and bank stabilization on the sitoplan. []. Please show all wetland impacts including fl11 elopes on the site plan. ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. ^ Pleaso indiaate proposed lot layout as overlays on the alto plan. ~ • ^ Please indicate the locatign of the protected buifexs as mverlays on the site plum. [,]~• Please Locate all isolated. ornon-isolated wotlanda, •stroarne and othar waters of the State as ovarlays on the situ plan. '~] Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life pass ~a ^ \IL~C''~ ~''/~ c e S ~ `~"'i . s ~ S /~ ^ Please locate any planned•aowar Lines on the site plea. • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,zn ~ ~"~ ^ Pleaso provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices as roquirod by QC C~l~-P~'^'` S . ^ Please provide detail for the stormwater managemont practicoe as required by CPC C.1~ „Ltd ^ •Ploaee spocii~ tiro percent of projoct imperviousness area based on the estimated built-out conditions.• ~1 ~i S ~-t~(~-S ^ Please iadicato all atormwate ~,o~}ffalls on the site phus. -C ~ ~ Q ~ w , U~ • ~ ~~ ^ Ploe'so'indicato the dii~so flow provision measures do the alto plan. t _ ~ ' ^ Please indicate whether •ar not the proposed impacts already beam conducted. ~ S)r"C crv~ .., . Avoidsaca•and/or Minimization Not Provided • ' ' • • The labeled ae ~„_ on the plena dons not appear to be necessary. Please oliminabe the . or provide additional . infonnadon•as to why it is nocessary for this projoct. ; • • . [] This Office beliox!es that the labeled on tho plans as can be moved. or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to tho • . Pleasre revise tho plans to avoid thq im'paots. • • • • , . ^. ~ This'Offico believoe that tho •lelieled on tho plena as• ~ can be moved or roconfigured to :minimize tho impacts t4 tho . Ploaso revise the plane to minimizo the impacts. ~ . The stormwater discharges at tho location on tho plans labeled ~ will. not provide diffµse flow through tho buffer because • ~ . Please revise the plane and provldq calculations to •ahow that dii'ftmse•i~ow will be achieved Ohroimgh the ontlrebuifior. If it • is not possible to achieve•di8i~se flow through.the ontiro buff~r'then it may bo aoeeaesry to' provide abormwatar managem~at • praeticea that ranove nutriente.beforo the stormwatar can be discharged through the. bUffar. • Other i ^. The application fee was insuffleiwmt•becauso over 1S0 feet of stroasn ead/or.over 1 acre of wetland'impacts wore roquested. Please provide $ .' This additional fee musf bo received boforo your application can be reviowai. . • ^ Please completo Suction(s) on tho app=lication. - ~ . • ^ Pleaso provide a signed copy of tho application. • ^ Ploaso provide . copipa of the appflcation, . copies of•the site plans and othar supporting information; _ ^ • Pleasesubmit eloctrori}c CAD filos showing ;.via: cimmaid to ian.mcmt'llan(r~ncmdil.net and CIk ~ • . Mitigation ~ . ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Ploaso provido'a compensatory mitigation plea.. The plan must conform to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2H :0500 and must be appropriate to the type~of impacts proposed. ~ • ^ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. . t ~~ c~,>Z / ~ c~~C c~r v ~r {-~- ~ I'~ ~l ~ J C c c' cL„ c '~~ • ~ (' /~z.c,1~ . ~ tz lux, i> > .~ ~ c~. t ~- ~ ~ • ~~ ~ ~ ~ C~(Cv'~ 5>