HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011538 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20011019TOWN OF HIGHLANDS HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA` September 23, 2002 e51d`^ _ L Division of Water Quality Local Government Assistance Unit ATTN: Milt Rhodes 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Rhodes: OCT 220 r On September 18, 2002, the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing and discussed several proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, including the amendment which you forwarded in your letter of July 16,2002, with the statement that the Ordinance "must be revised:" "Within-the WS-III-BW Watershed Overlay District,-a minimum one hundred (100) foot vegetative buffer for development activities that exceed the low-density standards as established in this Ordinance is required along all perennial.waters indicated on the most recent version of the U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps, otherwise a minimum thirty (30) foot vegetative buffer is required. Desirable artificial streambank or shoreline stabilization is permitted." After considerable discussion, the Board agreed to take the amendment which you drafted under advisement; they requested that I write a letter to you asking for clarification. I am enclosing an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting for your information. As you can see, the phrase which the Board questioned in the amendment you drafted was "development activities that exceed the low-density standards as established in this Ordinance." In discussing this with Town Staff, some confusion rema"ins concerning whether or not the.Town is subject to.low-density standards. The Town was under the impression when it adopted these Watershed provisions in 1993 that it had the. option of adopting either the so-called "low-density option" or the "high-density option." The Model Ordinance, which we and every other municipality in the state apparently used, clearly states: (CONTINUED) P.O. BOX 460 HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA 28741 (828) 526-2118 (828) 526-5266 FAX (828) 526-2595 Printed on Recycled Paper Page Two Letter to Milt Rhodes September 23, 2002 "Under the low-density option used in this ordinance, local governments with a WS-II' and/or a WS-III watershed area as defined on July 1, 1993, are allowed to establish a procedure by which five percent of the balance of-watershed-area outside the critical area can be developed non- residentially up to 70 percent built-upon without requiring stormwater control." The commentary goes on to say, "in contrast, under the high-density option, any new development exceeding the low density requirements must utilize stormwater_ controls," and both it and the Rules themselves refer to a 100-foot buffer "for all new development activities that exceed the low-density requirements otherwise a minimum 30-foot-vegetative buffer for development 'is required." Your reading of the'Model Ordinance and the Rules seems to be based on the assumption that, whenever the "special non-residential intensity allocation"--that is, the 70% built-upon/5% watershed requirement that is specifically provided for the low-density option--is used, it automatically becomes "high-density." This question was raised in a letter dated June 17 from,,Town Administrator, Richard Betz, who was the Town Planner at the time the Ordinance was adopted. He has reported to us that he discussed these' amendments in great detail with DWQ personnel at the-time, and that they reviewed our Ordinance with a "fine-tooth comb." Our Board agrees with the comment he made at the meeting, that your letters have "evaded this question." As Mr. Betz pointed out, too, our confusion was compounded in the Regions Bank case when the Town received a letter on December 10, 200i, from Michael R. Parker, Environmental Chemist from the Asheville_ Regional Office-in your Division, stating: "the stream is classified as WS-III waters which-means it is protected for public water supply. There is a 30-foot buffer requirement associated with all WS-III waters." We note-that your letter referred to "the previously and erroneously approved ordinance" which (CONTINUED) Page Three Letter to Milt Rhodes September 23, 2002 the-Town adopted nine years ago. However, we understand that you informed Mr. Gantenbein that more than fifty municipalities are being required to amend their "previously and erroneously approved ordinances." We -suspect that, rather than being an "error," this may very well indicate a policy-change in your Division, increasing the 30-foot buffer to a 100-foot buffer through back-door, administrative policy, rather than through a State legislature that would not enact a 100- foot buffer when it adopted the Watershed Protection Act. .If that is.the case, we must object,-in the strongest of terms. Surely you are aware that the Town willingly adopted a 50-foot buffer requirement in-its critical area for all development, and that the Town. strictly applies built-upon standards for non- conforming lots, rather than simply "grand-fathering" them. Both of these provisions go far beyond what was required by the Watershed Protection Act, and should indicate the Town's commitment to the intent of this legislation. However, a 100-foot buffer in our commercial area would have a profound impact on the ability of property owners to reasonably use their property. On behalf of the Board of commissioners, we would ask that you clarify this matter by informing us if we are under the low-density or the high.density option, . and therefore whether or not the 100-foot buffer would apply. We would also appreciate it if you would give your reasons for this interpretation. Sincere-iy .,yours f 1 L. rott Mayor cc: Board of Commissioners Larry Gantenbein, Watershed Administrator William Coward, Town Attorney Steve Zoufaly, Division of Water Quality John Dorney, Division of.Water.Quality Excerpt from Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for September 18. 2002: "The Board considered the following amendment. Replace Section 211.7(A) with the following: "Within the WS- III-BW Watershed Overlay District, a minimum one hundred (100) foot vegetative buffer-for development activities that exceed the low-density standards as established in this Ordinanceis required along all perennial waters indicated on the most recent version of the U.S.G.S. 1:24,000.(7.5 minute) scale topographic maps, otherwise a minimum thirty (30) foot vegetative. buffer is required. Desirable artificial streambank or shoreline stabilization is permitted." The Board discussed the proposal at some length. The. Town Planner reminded the Board that the proposed amendment had been drafted by the Division of Water Quality, and the Town had been requested to adopt it as soon as possible. Comm. Patterson expressed some- concern over the limitation of the definition of. "perennial waters;" she-pointed out that there were several streams in Town which were not identified on the U.S.G.S. maps which were nevertheless perennial. The Town Administrator said that this issue had been discussed when the Watershed amendments had originally been adopted, and he understood the Town could identify additional streams on the Zoning Map if there was evidence that.they were perennial. Comm. Ross asked if the-100-foot buffer would apply irrespective of:__.:., property lines, and he was told that it would. Comm. James said that he was not certain what was meant by "low-density standards," and whether or not the DWQ agreed with the Town as to when they were "exceeded;" he-said that the recent Regions Bank application had been a case in point. The Town Administrator said that his understanding was that the Ordinance had been adopted, and approved by DWQ, pursuant to the low- density standards, and therefore the 100-foot buffer would not apply; he also commented that letters from the Division of Water Quality had in his opinion evaded this question. Comm. James suggested that the Board take the proposed amendment under advisement, and that the Mayor write a letter to the Division of Water Quality asking it to clarify whether or not the Town is subject to "low-density standards." MOVED BY COMM. JAMES, SECONDED BY COMM. CAVENDER, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO TAKE THE FOREGOING AMENDMENT UNDER ADVISEMENT, AND TO ASK THE MAYOR TO WRITE TO THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION." Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality August 21, 2002 C. Brek Patterson Regions Bank PO Box 2379 Highlands, NC 28741 Subject: Stormwater Bioretention Areas Regions Bank Macon County, NC DWQ# 011538 Dear Mr. Patterson: This Office is in receipt of the plans dated August 5, 2002 for the stormwater management bioretention areas at the subject facility prepared on your behalf by Philip Ward and submitted to the Division on August 21, 2002. Staff from the Wetlands Unit reviewed the plans and found them acceptable. Please note that this approval is for water quality purposes only and shall not be construed as an approval of the design for dam/outlet structure integrity, Dam Safety, public safety, or flood attenuation purposes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (919) 733-9584 cc: C?- J n R. Dor y etl nds Unit Superviso Mr. Todd St. John, Wetlands U ' Asheville Regional Office Phil Ward, PA, PO Box 2742, Cashiers, NC 28717 File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ F WATF O RQG Michael F. Easley Governor Cl) ? William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary > , I Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality August 21, 2002 Memorandum To: John Dorney rrom: Todd St. John Subject: Regions Bank Macon County DWQ# 011538 I reviewed the bioretention areas proposed for the subject project and they appear to be acceptable. As such, I recommend that we approve the stormwater management plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), hftp://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands/ P h i l i p Ward AMERICAN soc" rv OF LAN Landscape Architect, RA. LAND PLANNING- WE DESIGN-CONSTRUCTION MM I CLARB CERTIFIED THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Mr. Todd St. John, PE North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 August 10, 2002 48 Links Drive* P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Ph.4828-743~9951 • Fax4 28-743-0687 • Cell- SZ0E8793 • E-mail wardl @dnetnet xfPD ? ? ? AU 52002 1 F Wrr, AIDS G r m ~T'R UACIflou TYSfCf1;;r,, RE: Regions Bank, DWQ Project No. 011538, Macon County 1 have enclosed the completed forms, calculations and drawings that you requested to complete your review of the stormwater management plans for the above referenced project. More specifically, those items include the Bioretention Area Operation and Maintenance Agreement, the, Bioretention Area Worksheets, and sheets C3 & C4 of the construction drawings that were revised to include under drains beneath the planting soil and sand bed. Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely; R Philip Ward, ASLA REGIONS BANK HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA BIORETENTION AREA OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the bioretention area for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-sod drainage ways as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow grass to maintain a maximum height of three inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the overflow collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remulch any void area whenever needed by hand. 5. Remove previous mulch layer and apply new mulch once every two or three years in the spring. 6. Add additional mulch in the spring. 7. Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation considered beyond treatment as needed to maintain the required plant cover as originally specified and installed. 8. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs that can be saved. 9. Water plants as required for healthy plant growth. 10. Soil testing shall be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Removal and replacement of the entire soil base, as well as the plant material, may be required if toxins and heavy metal accumulations are too high. 11. Soil testing shall be conducted annually to determine pH of the organic layer and soil. Limestone shall be applied according to the soil test as required. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the eleven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible parry. I, J t-b w-n -qa P. g S a?-- , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina, County of . />A-a c*Y--, do hereby certify that OIW, 'Q )64'" Personally appeared before me this `??"-? day of ems- 1 6-0 o a ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention area maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal. 6DSEAL My commission expires -3 . a , 6 7 DWQ Project No. O 1 1 of & DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name Contact Person: 'pal lI ?_ W b?1Z17 Phone Number: (90b -74 3-:n For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Surface Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioret ntion Surface Area Drains a Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Precipitation Event Inlet Velociiy Inlet flow depth Depth'to Ground Water *Planting Soil Infiltration Rate #In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate Z O ft. 4311 .°15 ft. 0100 sq. ft. 0" 1 ac. ©,'ZO511 ac. ©. "TS 0i in fps in ft. s tlb'fV-- -in./hr. ,Nb_TV,` in./hr. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (surface area elevation) (elevation of outlet invert) (surface area at surface elevation) (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) (either 0.5 in w/sand under drain or 0.7 in w/o) TWO ( NW_f,?? #7 310 ?OFV? ?tA to 617 (the soil layer down to 4 feet) (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial-in the space provided to indicate the following "design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Sheet flow is provided at inlet. - 3' G uP-g t7ff2441 N 6 Lj Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. of 6" ponding is provided. MAXI MM ex ? MQr The ponded area will draw down in less. than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management 2tr Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. A signed and notarized operation and maintenance "agreement is provided. 1? RM W6 ?01 W F?eFM?P W I fl THI? fWvM M 4N 1G MA-rgrI& ? .? e,o*'oM MoN d e-0 Y, ??Nt2 MV 0 P5t FFO?*tqw-Tr,A-rl WZ717,tU VZ5-?Ior44F IK- ?IO??f?N1?a? ??°?T?N?aN( p?? #1 ,74 Cum 52M,41 ! = ©t-7 atOx eTe7 ?? Ff' ? = - ? 0.24 = 2r°l Q ?= 3' 0,741 = Ot-7Z S is - . ?c V= - - I I r7 O 77 7- /-;f N WT t f KAia`aJPYZ t 47 ;W WSW 1.? SutT,& AN ?NM-T V54*OG IT-( Ee-Fs N I H 6 12 Qzq = O ?-7$? o p ?z?i= I, to G, 00, H= 17 A= o - D?1 o) (3, o) 1/?I?CtY- ? _ ? ? Co = ? ? 019-77 l 71=r? (0. ?K, Fvp DWQ Project No. ©1 163e DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): 1Z_ akkiv_ Project Name Contact Person: Phone Number: For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Surface Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation .t Bioret tion Surface Area Drains a Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Precipitation Event Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth 'Depth'to Ground Water ?tE Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate • 4 ft. (surface area elevation) :F)g10,525 ft. (elevation of outlet invert) &00 sq. ft. (surface area at surface elevation) 0. ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) © .Z,Q) ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) . 5 in (either 0.5 in w/sand under drain or 0.7 in w/o) I r_7 116-1 2+ P 2- ? l 17 15-k6H-, v, '© ft. Si;E ? ., in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) SE?f, ND-Ifi in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial, the space provided to indicate the following "design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Sheet flow is provided at inlet. 3' G. U V.S O*F6N / NG91 47 Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. 1fiffli-mang of 6" ponding is provided. MA4 I MUM u-J The ponded area will draw down in less. than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. !542&4&1_Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. - Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. I A signed and notarized operation and maintenance 'agreement is provided. -rw? FL,4.N711? G011 W i LL PFeFAF?V 1?C "T?>? F660mmewr-,p X?pb5L t iqN. vF LAY ???? ?Nv ©???I?l IG M/? eFV-1, P Fof V I N F I 0 /&4QP FLMT <-z-??T-E Fclz ??%iE ?N uNbG'? l?l N SF? ? 1'NS1 Er-I.6W 'AI?_ *JD F?D iN-?I'N Z-791 L it??'1?1??ia?l g&1?, 'f??GG lal?l? ?r.4K ?ib?PEhl'fiofJ p?'? #2 Two - cveN ! rlAT I N 0-4)c S,o x o, zC7- 1,4 FLOW V? A= 40,29 M57 1 4 4F47 W Fr,? o, 2>7e7f o,,T4 <Oo)4oir T UF-5 OMN106 F14RT QZ FFLOW v 31 A 0, r34 e7f a1-7i cFs 0 ,=54 Project No. DWQ Regions Bank Project Name: 011538 SUBMITTED DESIGN: elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 3812 Temporary Pool (ft) 3811.95 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 900 Drainage Area (ac) 0.51 Impervious Area (ac) 0.39 Rational C 0.75 Precipitation (in) 0.5 volumes S * i REQUIRED DESIGN: -0.05 ft. depth cth 833 sq. ft. ac 76.5 % impervious sand underdrain ok Inlet Velocity l 1.7 0 fps check veloci Inlet Flow Depth 3.7 in Depth to Ground Water 9 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 0.6 0.52 in/hr ok In-Situ Soil Infiltration na #VALUE! in/hr ok Project No. DWQ Regions Bank Project Name: 011538 SUBMITTED DESIGN: REQUIRED DESIGN: elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 3810.4 -0.05 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 3810.35 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 600 596 sq. ft. Drainage Area (ac) 0.37 ac Impervious Area (ac) 0.28 75.7 % impervious Rational C 0.74 Precipitation (in) 0.5 sand underdrain volumes Inlet Velocity 1.6 0 fps Inlet Flow Depth 3.5 in Depth to Ground Water 10 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 0.6 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration na #VALUE! in/hr check depth ok check veloci ok ok O?Of W A T FRQG ? c -> s- ."- o ? Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality July 17, 2002 Mr. Philip Ward, ASLA Philip Ward Landscape Architect, PA PO Box 2742 Cashiers, NC 28717 Dear Mr. Ward: Subject: Regions Bank DWQ Project No. 011538 Macon County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: 1. Worksheet In order to expedite the review, it is recommended that you fill out the attached worksheet (also available at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/mitresto.htmi) for each bioretention area. Please note that if the in situ soil does not have adequate infiltration, under drains can be proposed (beneath the planting soil). 2. Operation and Maintenance Agreement An operation and maintenance agreement is required. Typical requirements for an operation and maintenance plan include the following: • Vegetation management/mowing schedule • Semi-annual inspections • Debris check after every storm event • Benchmark for sediment removal (specific elevations listed) • Designation of a responsible party The operation and maintenance agreement must also be signed by the responsible party and notarized. An example agreement for an extended detention wet pond is available on line at http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands/oandm.doc. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR StormwaterBest Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/. Sincerely, 1 Todd St. John, PE Environmental Engineer Attachments cc: Asheville Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Philip Ward AMERICAN soc"M OF LAM Landscape Architect, P.A. LAND PLANNING • SITE DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION MAN CLARE CERTIFIED THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR LANDSCAPE-ARCHITECTS June 26, 2002 Mr. John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 /Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1650 RE: "Regions Bank", DWQ Project No. WQ 01-1538 Highlands, North Carolina Dear John: fi JUN 2 8 20o2 As requested I have enclosed two copies of the drawings and Stormwater Management Permit Application Form for the above referenced project. I have included the drawings that relate to the stormwater management plan for the proposed bank site. Two bioretention areas will be constructed on the site to filter stormwater off the proposed impervious areas of the site. Additionally, a 30' stream buffer will be developed and landscaped along the existing stream channel below the proposed culvert pipe. Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, V V Philip S. Ward Jr., ASLA cc. Paul Schmitt - Architect 48 Links Drive -*P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Ph.-828-743-9951 • Fax-828-743-0687 • CeIM 506.8793 • E-Fw wardl @dnetnet 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources : Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original 1. GENERAL ]INFORMATION Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): A as '0 '.2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: H State:-??--- Z Telephone Number:, 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letteis, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): J 5. Location of Facility (street address): 6. Directions to tKn 51 7. Latitu of facility Z'> $` Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: No= Telephone Number. 1-7 J a ' H. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): _XL. New . Renewal odification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the wadngpwnitrnin?ber and its issue date (if hwwn) G (from nearest major intersection): (JS HI Form SWU-101 Apri1 1998 - Paoe 1 of 4 3. Specify the type of project (check one): , Low Density High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): LAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404 Permit III. PROJECT INFORMATION 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total Project Area• i acres . 4. Project Built Upon A 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? Q I? 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above IV. Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative " Impervious area is defined as the Wit upon rea including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this ?section: IJeatedagentCa?dividualorfirm)•L??? I W , A AM Ph. 7 "I 4 5? -- - 0!2y W- Fa)c VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Divis}an of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. A ant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP (see Attachment A) • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) • Two copies of plans and specifications including: • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - 7 ' -Legend - North arrow Scale ` - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist ' - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. APPLICANTS CERTMCATION C I, (print or type name of person listed in General hOrIndion, item 2) proj certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, tha the - 'ec will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed proje'es wi is of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A 1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: 1. No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina, The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may jM in, pipe, or alter any roadside Swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size and the allowable built upon area for each lot. For commercial projects that have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting- of the system does not occur. 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 5. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems, the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe, fcll in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed Swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H.1008(g).. 2. Supplement Foznns The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SW U 103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU 106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU 107 .. Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU 108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees Office) Type of Permit Low Density ,High Density Dig's Certification General Permit (check made payable to NCDENR and.submitted• to the appropriate Regional New, Modification, or Late Renewal $225 $385 $350 $50 Timely Renewal Without Modification n/a $225 n/a n/a n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 I I I ��Y OF �. hilip Ward PLandscape Wm.PaB2742. N,2V,7 Architect, P.A. ._,��, _ �.....�`''� „� '156 lajh- ?btJK aI6Hl,?Nph a?? MAC i"-4zae' SiCf MwQTr:T- MCv?I?G?M?? gl opt'fv<ial sIZIN4 ouy 31,41 oZ x 15,9$77 11215 2.207q Z'f I(o 1? 01 1 Z W 1-T1A O, o5 X 1(0 -01 = tl t7e, 00 ?Pf 0 644. Ay..?A :4 2 Sts AKA ', G'' ??G?' 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LL 72' x 44" 100 1.0 1.0 Z 80 9 1.0 L6 - 65' x 40¦ .9 O 60 W 50 / K '9- 58' x 36q 40 u. .8 .8 a , x a / / rn .6 = 30 50'x 3 1' W n 20 HW SCALE ENTRANCE ? •r- H 43' x 27' C TYPE (1) Msodrrall • d .6 (2) -Mitered to conform ° .6 to elope a .6 X36' Ic 22' (N prejsetin? 6 c 0e 4 To ass scale (2) or (3) project m 29' x 16' 3 horizontally to wall (1), than ass Oreight lacliaed line through o and 0 steles, or reverse as 25' 1 16' 2 illustrated. .4 .4 .4 22' x 13' 1.0 i e -?? I .35 18' x i l' .6 .35 .35 *ADDITIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR I LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE-ARCH CULVERTS xuffau of PURL: SM03 rAK ltlea WITH INLET CONTROL 11 VI-13 WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE A PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 150 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 2100 Raleigh, NC 27601 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 831 Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: (919) 755-2100 Fax: (919) 755-2150 Web site: wwwwcsr.com June 21, 2002 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Regions Bank Branch Permitting Dear John: Eric M. Braun Direct Dial: (919) 755-2126 Direct Fax: (919) 755-6173 E-mail: ebraun@wcsr.com ROWE 4 .0 2 4W r I am enclosing copies of the pictures of the drainageway involved in the Regions Bank permitting matter we discussed yesterday. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. With best regards, I am Sincerely yours, WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE A Professional Limited Liability Company 6??_ Eric M. Braun EMB/alt Enclosures RALEIGH41F4SI18GIA / NORTH CAROLINA / SOUTH CAROLINA / VIRGINIA / WASHINGTON D.C. � - /�• C- ,` +�' . , � � lam: r � ' }�•�•i � �,,,.�,yti�rr*-� � .� • � rY� r...y 1 a .r • , , • - - � •..• is �: .� .. � ' 4 -4 op" m p P, PAP' 0 p -0 P.O.-m- -9 V?'• Poo J t I tot 'A� � i. .fes'. l i Y .. ` ,i•�+. � �.�9F• 7' \� � •�•�� r"' bAli 4k, Ile, '••r _ Y �' r 1 rc r trti ` A,i / a 4_ CIA .': ., ?? ??? /ffjr? e '?' ^,`' .?'• ? p?. -. Wrri!, t- t? _ ` 1 {•; 'tea- .,•k ? :`?"??• ;: _ ? -- ??-:,, 97 ,?# ? R ? *ai. a" '? -,:ate ?•?`'?j -> "? ?'i: ', [ r ~i i ??I? a.• r i « ` 717' S 1/4 4b: F ?. r ;c'? 7''9?Y ?• ?.? .l.- 1 ?i. ?'?'?J ??`'?l?rY? e - ? t. ???ept Starr ?r•?? iA j, T i i t? !}Dy1/e s X1 !a e ?. •'? ?! ,i.d 'y;?-? i?2'j?ai ?.-r rs1S'? .fi a4 i.• T ? f ?1?•J?l! ' 1? r e '?i r e r. r • K. t+ . ?. S ? 1 ! ?. a -,- t r 1( J?(, ?P! .1 ?-: "_ ?,, t .fie. _ ? ? ? ..- ??. ? ' ' ? \` /, `N?{lam ?,]J1]; r??4-? {1 + r ?.? t???° ?, \ !?? !'1f ? }` -[?I it ? ?. ?. ', ,?'?? '.` F __ . _ _-?.!__ ? _ 3? ..,_;•_vim--� �� •,�,' �;.,�� � T • ,ems .' �:., ��', - `, t. .R ` #'w _ amu"` �• � p.. i . , � � �:i� a Yvt bo-+ Is L)V _? __5 _ not dlcl?w e _ ' , n �"` lD��a lMlb 1/nuc rP1�V`..4 lC� (C _fb Q?s ? 3 ao, zany. /?-- _- ?l9 ..733 -SD83 x 3CoG WQC #3353 STREAM RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT AND STABILIZATION AND WETLAND AND RIPARIAN RESTORATION AND CREATION ACTIVITIES CERTIFICATION GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR STREAM RESTORATION. ENHANCEMENT AND STABILIZATION PROJECTS AND WETLAND AND RIPARIAN RESTORATION AND CREATION ACTIVITIES INCLUDING THOSE ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 13 (BANK STABILIZATION) AND 27 (WETLAND AND RIPARIAN RESTORATION AND CREATION) AND REGIONAL PERMIT 197800080 (CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF BULKHEADS) This General Certification is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0200 for the discharge of fill material to waters as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (13) and (27) of the Corps of Engineers regulations (i.e. Nationwide Permit Numbers 13 and 27) and Regional Permit 197800080. The category of activities shall include stream bank stabilization or stream restoration activity as long as impacts to waters or significant wetlands are minimized. This Certification replaces Water Quality Certification (WQC) Number 1663 issued on September 8, 1983; WQC No. 1272 issued November 10, 1978; WQC No. 2665 issued on 21 January 1992; WQC No. 2102 issued on February 11, 1997, and WQC Nos. 3256, 3257 and 3258 issued on November 22, 1999. This WQC is rescinded when the Corps of Engineers reauthorize Nationwide Permits 13 or 27 or Regional Permit 197800080 or when deemed appropriate by the Director of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Wetland and/or riparian area restoration and creation projects (not including projects that only involve stream restoration or enhancement work described in condition nos. 2 and 3) that are proposed under this General Certification require written application to and approval from the Division of Water Quality except as specified below; Wetland and riparian area restoration and creation projects (not including projects that involve work in or impacts to streams) which are not for compensatory mitigation or compensatory mitigation credit proposed under this General Certification do not require written application to and approval from the Division of Water Quality if they are projects undertaken by the N.C. Wetlands Restoration Program, Clean Water Management Trust Fund, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service or Section 319 projects. In these cases, the applicant is required to notify the Division in writing with three copies of project specifications before the impact occurs. If the Division determines that the project would not result in an ecologically viable wetland and riparian area, then the Division shall notify the applicant in writing within 30 days of receipt of the notification. In such cases, the applicant will be required to submit a formal application and pay of the appropriate fee, and DWQ will be required to process the application through normal procedures; 2. Proposed stream restoration projects (as defined and limited below), that do not disturb wetlands and that are not being conducted for compensatory mitigation or compensatory mitigation credit do not require written application to and approval from the Division of Water Quality, and, therefore, do not require payment of an application fee to the Division of Water Quality. WQC #3353 Stream restoration is defined as the process of converting an unstable, altered or degraded stream corridor, including adjacent riparian zone and floodprone areas to its natural or referenced, stable conditions considering recent and future watershed conditions. This biological and chemical integrity, including transport of water and sediment is produced by the stream's watershed in order to achieve dynamic equilibrium. The applicant is required to notify the Division in writing with three copies of detailed restoration plans and specifications before the impact occurs. If the Division determines that the project does not meet the above definition of stream restoration, then the Division shall notify the applicant in writing within 30 days of receipt of the application. In such cases, the applicant will be required to submit a formal application and pay of the appropriate fee, and DWQ will be required to process the application through normal procedures; 3. Stream enhancement projects (as defined and limited below), that do not disturb wetlands and that are not being conducted for compensatory mitigation or compensatory mitigation credit and do not include any stream channel relocation, do not require written application to and approval from the Division of Water Quality, and, therefore, do not require payment of an application fee to the Division of Water Quality. Stream enhancement is the process of implementing stream rehabilitation practices in order to improve water quality and/or ecological function. These practices must only be conducted on streams that are not experiencing severe aggradation or erosion. Stream enhancement does not include the relocation of the stream channel. Stream enhancement bank stabilization techniques include the use of woody vegetation as the primary means of long term stability, and "soft" techniques such as root wads that encourage the establishment of dense woody vegetation. Stream enhancement techniques do not typically include the use of stream bank or bed hardening techniques such as rip-rap or other rock, gabion, block or concrete structures. However, enhancement activities may also include the placement of in stream habitat or grade control structures such as cross vanes, j-hook vanes, and wing deflectors that do not affect the overall dimension, pattern, or profile of a stable stream. The applicant is required to notify the Division in writing with three copies of detailed enhancement plans and specifications before the impact occurs if the stream enhancement project disturbs greater than 500 feet of stream bank or if the project proposes the use of in stream structures. If the Division determines that the project does not meet the above definition of stream enhancement, then the Division shall notify the applicant in writing with an explanation within 30 days of receipt of the notification to require application and payment of the appropriate fee; 4. Stream stabilization projects that include the use of any structure or fill in the existing stream bed or disturb greater that 500 feet of stream bank that are proposed under this General Certification require written application to and approval from the Division of Water Quality. Stream stabilization is defined as the in-place stabilization of an eroding stream bank using measures that consist primarily of "hard" engineering, such as but not limited, to concrete lining, rip rap or other rock, and gabions. The use of "hard" engineering will not be considered as stream restoration or enhancement; WQC #3353 5. Impacts to any stream length in the Neuse, Tar-Pamlico or Randleman River Basins (or any other major river basins with Riparian Area Protection Rules [Buffer Rules] in effect at the time of application) requires written concurrence for this Certification from DWQ in accordance with 15A NCAC 26.0200. Activities listed as "exempt" from these rules do not need to apply for written concurrence under this Certification. New development activities located in the protected 50-foot wide riparian areas (whether jurisdictional wetlands or not) within the Neuse and Tar- Pamlico River Basins shall be limited to "uses" identified within and constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0200. All new development shall be located, designed, constructed, and maintained to have minimal disturbance to protect water quality to the maximum extent practicable through the use of best management practices; 6. In order for the above conditions to be valid, any plans not requiring written concurrence to use this Certification must be built according to the plans provided to the Division of Water Quality. If written concurrence is required, then the project must be built and maintained according to the plans approved by the written concurrence and Certification from the Division of Water Quality; 7. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual" or "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" whichever is more appropriate (available from the Division of Land Resources at the DENR Regional and Central Offices) shall be designed, installed and maintained properly to assure compliance with the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DWQ; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes and all lakes and reservoirs; 10 NTUs in DWQ-classified trout waters); 8. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the original grade restored after the Division of Land Resources or delegated program has released the project; 9. Any rip-rap shall be of such a size and density so as not to be able to be carried off by wave or current action and consist of clean rock or masonry material free of debris or toxic pollutants. Rip-rap shall not be installed in the streambed except in specific areas required for velocity control and approved by the Division of Land Resources and Water Quality. However rock vanes, wing deflectors, and similar structures for grade control and bank protection are acceptable; 10. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 11. If an environmental document is required, this Certification is not valid until a Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision is issued by the State Clearinghouse; 12. Additional site-specific conditions may be added to projects which require written concurrence under this Certification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable water quality and effluent standards; 13. Concurrence from DWQ that this Certification applies to an individual project shall expire three years from the date of the cover letter from DWQ or the notification sent to DWQ. WQC #3353 Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality may require submission of a formal application for individual Certification for any project in this category of activity that requires written concurrence under this certification, if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precluded. Public hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to a Certification decision if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Effective date: March 18, 2002 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY By Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting Director WQC # 3353 4 William G. Rost .ir., G,,,--rotary II North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources U? f Alan Klimek, Dirac'.or > y Division of 1Vater Qi-alily CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 3 June, 2002 C. Breck Patterson Regions Bank P.O. Box 2379 Highlands, North Carolina 28741 Regarding: Regions Bank DWQ # 011538, Macon County Dear Mr. Patterson, The 401 Certification Unit was recently faxed, a copy of a letter dated April 30, 2002 that Mr. Richard Betz from the Town of Highlands wrote to Milt Rhodes concerning compliance with the Water Supply 14 Watershed Protection Ordinance. Please be aware that this project has been put on administrative hold until a variance request can be reviewed by the Environmental Management Commission. Please call me if you have any questions (919/-1733-9646).. Sincerely, ,ro n'Dorney f 1 1 Cc: Mike Parker, Asheville Regional Office Milt Rhodes, Local Government Assistance Program Richard Betz, Town of Highlands File copy N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 f?q Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Re. Town of Highlands Subject: Re: Town of Highlands Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 08:47:38 -0400 From: Milt Rhodes <milt.rhodes@ncmail.net> To: dave penrose <dave.penrose@ncmail.net> CC: "mike parker, aro" <mike.parker@ncmail.net>, John Domey <john.dorney@ncmail.net> Thanks for checking in Dave. Here is an update on that project. The project was incorrectly approved by the Town of Highlands. Their water supply watershed ordinance is incorrect. Any time the 10/70 provision is used, a 100 foot buffer is required. This project will require a major variance as currently proposed. We (Steve and myself) are working on a redesign to see if we can avoid encroaching into the buffer. Sit tight, and I will make sure y'all are kept in the loop. The earliest we will be able to move on a variance will be September. Don't hesitate to call me if you have questions. Milt dave penrose wrote: > Mike, > We received a letter from the Town of Highlands dated 30 April > requesting that we revoke the on-Hold letter for this project (01 > 1538). I've FAXed you a copy of the letter. Basically we will have to > wait until the Water Supply Watershed Varience is approved by the EMC > before we can issue the 401. John - if you need the file in my absence > it's on my desk. > Dave I of 1 5/24/02 8:43 AM A 04129/2002 07:29 7705336212 Ott' Fnimcial- Corp. 275 College Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501 Forl To., Cyndi Karoly PAGE 01x'05 Co rp ora te Real Estate Frain: David King Fax: 919-733-6893 ftsem 4 + cover Phone: 919-733-9721 Date.- 05-06.02 Re: City of Highlands letter to DVVQ Phones 770-533-5494 Fox: 770-533.5212 ? Urgent El For Review ? Please Cormment ? Please Reply ? Please Recycle • Commetfse Cyndi, Please see attached. Thanks David 04/2912002 07:29 Apr 30 02 02%24p 1-28-1995 2:12AM 7705336212 Maria Jennings FROM PAGE 02/05 828 526 4507 p.3 P. 2 TOWN OF HIGHLANDS HICHLANJUS. N09TH CAROLINA April 30, 2002 i i Division of water K1ual_ity Looal Gover=ent Assistance unit ATTN: 'Xil't RrlOdes 1637 Mail Service Center Rajaisjh, NC 27699-3617 Dear m r. Rhodes X am"writing to request more specific information concerli1rg ovmpl iance of the Town of Highlands water sapplyr Watershed Protection Ordinance Vith Division of Water Quality ragulatisans, wbidh Larry Gan•ter.bain and I discussed -Witth you this morning- As- you may know, -the requirements of the watershed Protection Act, as set forth in G. S, 5143-+214".5 and the N. c. Administrative Code, were i,ncorpvra.ted into the Towrs's ZoniAq Ordinance, affective October 1, i.i93, and T_ was the Town PZannex at the time. The Ordixianc& was based on the I1-0del Ordinance approved duly y, 19S21 was tb.a subject Of many work sessions and public hearings, was legally adgpted by our Board of Coimnissioners and approved by our Town Attorney at the time, and was approved by the Enviro=ental Management commission on 7uly 15, 1994, following a minor technical amendment (see letter attached)- This matter came to onr attentign by copy of a letter provided to this office from Paul Schmitt, ALA, aarahitect for the Regions Sank project approved by the Town's Zoning Board of Adjustment several,month$ ago. The letter from 3ohh Dorneyr to SX•eck PA-tterscn of Regions Bank, dated April 18, referred to a regUirement for a major_ variance bemuse of the 58% "built-upon" for the proposed project, which you deemed a "high- dansit-j" option, and also referred to a requ.i rq%ent for a IQQ-foot natural vegetative buffer,.rather than the 30^-foat buffer required by Section 211-¢• of our Ordinance. You also indicated that the earliest that a i major variance request could be considered would be Sep•tamber of 2002. Although you mentioned that you had discussed these issues with previous Zoning AdminisErators Maureen Lackey anti Ghrwstoper Shook, I was unaware until this morning that there was a problem with either of these components of our Ordinance, which have been in effect for nearly nine years. f I? P.Q•?QX1t6D XXOHLAP'11]5.NORTH CARQ:INA2$'.ti (8281526,2[18 , (828)526-5366 FAX(828) 52&2595 04129/2002 07:29 Rl r 30 02 02.24p 1 -29- 1 99S 2:144M 7705336212 Maria Jennings FREM Pare Two Letter tO Milt Rhodes April 30, 2002 PAGE 03105 028 526 4007 p.4 If I understood ouz conversation 001-rectly, you xnaintairlpd that the 30_ycaZled "special non-residential intensity allocation (SNIA) *' in our Ordinance does not comply wi.tb the Statute in cove manner. My own recollect-ion, however, together with my reading of the model ordinance on Which our Ordinance was based, is that the SNIA iz a low-density option specifioally } authorized by the Statute. I an enclosing tYS2 I applicable portions of the Model Ordinance_ Section 304 in the Model Ordinance, to Which you also referred, is a requirement. for a 100-foot buffer I "for M11 new development activities that exceed-the, caw density ovrie .6° We have used the low-density option In our Ordiha.33ce, which requires only a 30-foot ituffer. In fact, the Town decided to adapt an Ordinance that includes a so-foot buffer in the Critical Areas, in recagnitior. of +our unique situation in Ifighlands and a desire to protect and improve water qualaty. I em not certain at this point what authority your office has to "put this project on huld,0 the phrase used in Mr. Dorneyx s letter. Our Zonir cl Board granted a Special, Vse P4rmit on November 13, 2001, nearly six mont45 ago,. conditioned on only three requirements: presentation of a Construction Schedule to the Zoning Administrator, presentation of a Landscape Schedule to the Zoning Adhinistrator, and approval of the re- directing of a Stream by the U. S. A=y Carps of Engineers. The Town' 5 position--in which Larry Gai',tenbei n, 1 our cu=en't Watershed Admi.nistxator, cores--iz that no variance was reV ired.. Section 211.6(c) of our Ordinance, approved nine years ago by your Division, pex=its a maxizi= 70$ built-tipon for the subject property, and authorizes the watershed. Aftinistrato: to 'make this approval; that approval was confirmed by our Zoning Board, and nc vari.anoe, mincr or Zwjor, was requested or recraired from the density :requi.rament. Similarly, we take the positron that merely oulverting a strea7e is not "devt lopment" requiring a variance from l the natural vegetative buffer requiro-meat. This interpretation is confirmed by a note xetai nQd in our file relating to culverting st3reans: i I (cONTINUW ) 04/29/2002 07:29 7705336212 Apr 30 02 02:25p Maria Jennings 928 52G 4607 1-28-1995 2,14aM FROM Page Three 'Letter to Milt Rhod" April. 30, 2002 "11 a stream is placers within a culvert of adequate size, the buffer would no longer be required (except in a radius at the and of the =lVart) ; Lion--point-source pollution tbeQrPti.aaIJy could not get intco a closed culvert, Some soil erosa_tn considerations might apply, depending on the size of the stream. LISe Martin a:'id. Steve Zoufa.ly at tKc tte both agreed with this interpretation as of August 9, 1903, and we agree, with tbam. " We feel that oQr Ordiraasice fully complies with G. S. 5143-214.5 and with the Adminis-trative Code 4t 15-14OAC- 2B .0100, .0200, and .0300. (1 am enclesirg a copy oZ 1 paragraph (V) of the Administrative Codey. I shc:41a also point out thatImost of the Team 's commercial area is iecated-within the VS-III-DW Watershed Overlay District, in which both the 70!k built.-upon is permitted as an SNIA and a 30-f0ot natural vegetative buffer is strictlX eAforced. ShOUl.d these elements of the Qrd!PaDce, which have bean consistently enforced for nearly nine ears, be replaced with a 34V built-upon limit and a 100-Moot buffer, 1 &ry large portions cf the ToW'n WoUld be affected in a signa.41caAt way. Regions Sank is prepared to begin coxstructIon on this project, as approved on November i3, 2001; in fact, if they. rho not obt.a p a Zoning Cartifica-to by may iz, zooz (Iswittliln six montbs from the date of the d4*cxsion, ") the Special Use Permit will expire l>ndclr Section 501.5 of our ordinance. 'While they have been exceptionally cooperative thxougbout this process, there is A real possibility that legal consequences could ensue, for .both the Town and your Division, if this project is unreasonably delayed. Under these circuzstances, we would request the fo'loving: (1) That you immediately revoke your request to the U. S. Army Corps of Pngineers that this profeot be placed on bold; or, in the alternative, PAGE 04/05 A.5 P. d 04/29/2002 07:29 Apr 3a 02 02.25p i-2B-I 2 = 7 SAM 7705336212 Maria Jennings FRGM Page Folar Lettew' to Milt Rhode- April 30, 2002 828 526 4807 (2) That yon: immadia.tely reply tc„ this letter, in writing, reyo)ci:ig your Division's approval of JULY 15, 1944, specifically explaining 'why our ordinance is unlawful and citing the s'tat'utory authority. yovr cooperation in resolving this matter as qui.e3cly as possible is requested. sincerely yours, Richard et.z ToWn Administratpr lrpb cc: Larry Gantenbein, Watersbed Administrator Allen L. ' "Buck" Trott, Mayor William Coward, Town Attorney David Baker; U. S. Army Corps of Eng ixieer•s Steve zoufaxy, Division of water Quality John Dornay, DiviWzon of water quality Pahl. 5chm'h tt, Architect Philip Ward, Architeet Breck Patterson, Regions Bank PAGE 05/05 P.E p. 5 O?OF W AT ?RQG > o ? Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality April 18, 2002 Macon County DWQ Project No. 01-1538 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED C. Breck Patterson Regions Bank P.O. Box 2379, Highlands, NC, 28741 Dear Mr. Patterson: On April 8, 2002, the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) received revised information regarding your application for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the Regions Bank project in Macon County. On April 17, 2002, we were notified by Mr. Milt Rhodes of the Division of Water QuafWs Local Government Assistance Unit that this project would require a Major Variance to the Water Supply Watershed Protection Rules. The Variance must be issued by the NC Environmental Management Commission. Specifically, the built-upon area is 58%. In the site's environmental evaluation, the impervious area is identified to be 70% or 0.70 acres- The water supply regulations for this watershed only allow for up to 24% impervious surface. A higher limit can bereached through the use of Stormwater controls with an approved high density ordinance for the town, but the Town of Jij$ilands does not have such an ordinance. It appears that you are utilizing the 10/70 option in this case. If so, the project's reference to a 30-foot buffer is incorrect, and the actual watershed buffer should be 100 feet. In addition, it appearsthat a large amount of stream and associated buffer will be piped and filled to provide for impervious area. This proposed work necesitates a major variance in the WS-III watershed rules. Please contact Mr. Milt Rhodes in the Local Government Assistance Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 366 regarding this matter. Mr. Rhodes can explain the variance process to you and discuss scheduling of your variance request. If the variance is not granted, we cannot issueitle 401 Water Quality Certification. If the variance is approved, we cannot issue the 401 Certification until we receive a copy of the variance. Until this issue is resolved, I will request (by copy of this letter) that the Corps of Engineers place this project on hold. Also, this project will be placed on hold for our processing due to incomplete information (15A NCAC 2H .0507(h)). Please be aware that this action supplements theletter sent to you by the Asheville Regional Office on December 10, 2001. All issues in both letters will need to be addressed. Thank you for your attention. If you (lave any questions, please contact Cyndi Karoly in our Central Office in Raleigh at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, h Dorney cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville RegulaWy Field Office Mike Parker, Asheville DWQ RegiorelOffice File Copy Central Files Philip Ward, 48 Links Drive, Cashiers NC, 28717 Mickey Henson, P.O. Box 52, WebsLar, NC, 28788 Milt Rhodes, Planning Steve Zoufa y, anning North Carolina Division of WaterGuality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Ralekk NC 27699-1650 (Flailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh. 27604-2260 (Location) Q10-733-1789 (nhnnol Q1Q-7-4L;=1 lfwl hft- h9n gyn. ?t?+- I TOWN OF HIGHLANDS J" HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA April 30, 2002 Division of Water Quality Local Government Assistance Unit ATTN: Milt Rhodes 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Rhodes: _16-3t I am writing to request more specific information concerning compliance of the Town of Highlands Water Supply Watershed P -fection Ordinance with Division of a er Qua a io s, w is arry Gantenbein and discussed with you this morning. ?f As-you may know, the requirements of the Watershed ff V/1 Protection•Act, as set forth in G. S. §143-214.5 and Sj 7 the N. C. Administrative Code, were incorporated into pV?O the Town's Zoning Ordinance, effective October 1, 1993, 1? V and I was the Town Planner at the time. The Ordinance i was based on the Model Ordinance approved July 9, 1992, was the subject of many work sessions and public i hearings, was legally adopted by our Board of y Commissioners and approved by our Town Attorney at the1 uICS time, and was approved by the Environmental Management Commission on July 15, 1994, following a minor T`f technical amendment (see letter attached). IV- Y* This matter came to our attention by copy of a ???? / letter provided to this office from Paul Schmitt, AIA, V architect for the Regions Bank project approved by they Town's Zoning Board of Adjustment several months ago. The letter from John Dorney to Breck Patterson of Regions Bank, dated April 18, referred to a requirement for a major variance because o e % "built-upon" for the proposed project, whic you eemed a " dense " o tion, and also rem o a requiremen-t for a 100-foot natural vegetative buf er, rather than the -foot buffer require by Sect ion 211.4 of our r finance. ou a so in ica e a the he that a mayor variance request could be considered would be Pier September of 2002. Although you mentioned that you had discussed these issues with previous Zoning Administrators Maureen Lackey and Christoper Shook, I was unaware until this morning that there was a problem with either of these components of our Ordinance, which have been in effect for nearly nine years. (CONTINUED) P.O. BOX 460 HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA 28741 (828) 526-2118 (828) 526-5266 FAX (828) 526-2595 Printed an Recycled Paper Page Two Letter to Milt Rhodes April 30, 2002 If I understood our conversation correctly, you maintained that the so-called "special non-residential intensity allocation (SNIA)" in our Ordinance does not comply with the Statute in some manner. My own recollection, however, together with my reading of the Model Ordinance on which our Ordinance was based, is that the SNIA is a low-density option specifically authorized by the Statute. I am enclosing the applicable portions of the Model Ordinance. Section 304 in the Model Ordinance, to which you also referred, is a requirement for a 100-foot buffer "for all new development activities that exceed the low density option." We have used the low-density option in our Ordinance, which requires only a 30-foot buffer. In fact, the Town decided to adopt an Ordinance that includes a 50-foot buffer in the Critical Areas, in recognition of our unique situation in Highlands and a desire to protect and improve water quality. I am not certain at this point what authority your office has to "put this project on hold," the phrase used in Mr. Dorney s e er. Our Zoning Board granted a Special Use Permit on November 13, 2001, nearly six months ago, conditioned on only three requirements: presentation of a Construction Schedule to the Zoning Administrator, presentation of a Landscape Schedule to the Zoning Administrator, and approval of the re- directing of a stream by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Town's position--in which Larry Gantenbein, our current Watershed Administrator, concurs--is that no variance was required. Section 211.6(c) of our Ordinance, approved nine years ago by your Division, permits a maximum 70% built-upon for the subject property, and authorizes the Watershed Administrator to make this approval; that approval was confirmed by our Zoning Board, and no variance, minor or major, was requested or required from the density requirement. Similarly, we take the position that merely culverting a stream is not "development" requiring a variance from the natural vegetative buffer requirement. This interpretation is confirmed by a note retained in our file relating to culverting streams: (CONTINUED) Page Three Letter to Milt Rhodes April 30, 2002 "If a stream is placed within a culvert of adequate size, the buffer would no longer be required (except in a radius at the end of the culvert); non-point-source pollution theoretically could not get into a closed culvert. Some soil erosion considerations might apply, depending on the size of the stream. Lisa Martin and Steve Zoufaly at EMC the both agreed with this interpretation as of August 9, 1993, and we agree with them." We feel that our Ordinance fully complies with G. S. §143-214.5 and with the Administrative Code at 15-NCAC- 2B .0100, .0200, and .0300. (I am enclosing a copy of paragraph (V) of the Administrative Code). I should also point out that most of the Town's commercial area is located within the WS-III-BW Watershed Overlay District, in which both the 70% built-upon is permitted as an SNIA and a 30-foot natural vegetative buffer is strictly enforced. Should these elements of the Ordinance, which have been consistently enforced for nearly nine years, be replaced with a 24% built-upon limit and a 100-foot buffer; very large portions of the Town would be affected in a significant way. Regions Bank is prepared to begin construction on this project, as approved on November 13, 2001; in fact, if they do not obtain a Zoning Certificate by May 13, 2002 ("within six months from the date of the decision,") the Special Use Permit will expire under Section 501.6 of our Ordinance. While they have been exceptionally cooperative throughout this process, there is a real possibility that legal-consequences could ensue, for both the Town and your Division, if this project is unreasonably delayed. Under these circumstances, we would request the following: (1) That you immediately revoke your request to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers that this project be placed on hold; or, in the alternative, (CONTINUED) Page Four Letter to Milt Rhodes April 30, 2002 (2) That you immediately reply to this letter, in writing, revoking your Division's approval of July 15, 1994, specifically explaining why our ordinance is unlawful and citing the Statutory authority. Your cooperation in resolving this matter as quickly as possible is requested. Sincerely yours, Town Administrator /rpb cc: Larry Gantenbein, Watershed Administrator Allen L. "Buck" Trott, Mayor William Coward, Town Attorney David Baker, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Steve Zoufaly, Division of Water Quality John Dorney, Division of Water Quality Paul Schmitt, Architect Philip Ward, Architect Breck Patterson, Regions Bank ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, COMMISSION NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary July 15, 1994 Bobby Zoellner Town Administrator Town of Highlands P.O. Box 460 Highlands, NC 28741-0460 Dear Mr. Zoellner, David H. Moreau Chairman Charles H. Peterson Vice Chairman Edwin E. Andrews, III Charles L Baker Michael K. Barnes Daniel V. Besse Carla E. DuPuy Donald Ensiey, MPh, Ph.D Robert Epting William S. Farabow, MD Will B. Fowler Alice Garland James Kirk Glenn, Jr. Michel A. Ibrahim, MD, Ph.D Dennis C. Loflin Richard V. Watkins, PE Lawrence R. Zucchino The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the amended water supply watershed protection ordinance submitted by the Town in compliance with the Water Supply Watershed Protection Act (NCGS 143-214.5) has been approved. Please be advised that any subsequent amendments to your ordinance must meet or exceed the minimum statewide standards and must be submitted to the EMC for approval. The EMC and the Division of Envi?onmentai Management (DEM) are extremely pleased with the effort your municipality and the other affected local governments have demonstrated throughout this process. . If you have any questions regarding the Water Supply Watershed Protection Program or neeri assistance with interpretation of any of the statewide requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Lisa Martin or Steve Zoufaly in the Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management at (949) 733-5083. Your interest and cooperation in protecting one of our state's most vital resources, water supply watersheds, is greatly appreciated. Zirely, ov-Bavid H. Moreau.. ,. cc: Forrest Westall, ARO DEM Alan Lang, ARO DCA Lisa Martin Steve Zoufaly Richard Betz, Town Planner/Zoning Administrator An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION MODEL ORDINANCE APPROVED JULY 9, 1992 The structure of the ordinance, including the arrangement of articles and sections and the working of titles, is provided as a suggestion and may be varied by local governments. The ordinance is divided into articles and sections as outlined in the Table of Contents. In the ordinance, each article represents a fundamental part of the ordinance. Each section is a discreet part of the article. Sections are further divided into subsections which do not appear in the Table of Contents. Two parts of the ordinance should be carefully reviewed by local governments. The first is the definitions of words and terms used in the ordinance as provided in Article 600. This is a critical part of the model ordinance and should be carefully reviewed before a local program is adopted. The second is Article 300, Development Regulations. This includes seven separate types of watershed areas needing some level of protection as specified by the EMC. It is highly unlikely that any community will have to deal with all seven watershed areas. Each local government should review the classifications assigned to the watersheds in their jurisdiction to determine which of the seven watershed areas they must address. The commentary is provided in an attempt to assist local governments in the preparation of local ordinances and is an integral part of the model. As stated earlier, the watershed rule allows a substantial amount of flexibility some of which is reflected in the commentary. The commentary also provides explanatory and cautionary statements necessary for sound local government implementation. Appendices have been added containing items which may be of assistance to local governments. Included are: 1) subdivision and development application forms, 2) sample rules of procedure for the Watershed Review Board, 3) an example of a wet detention inspection report, and 4) an example of how a local government could adopt the high density development option provided in the rule. Throughout the ordinance, items specific to cities and counties are typed in brackets leg. [countyl[cityl). Other items for which there is a choice are also typed in brackets. Parentheses are used to enclose explanatory words, phrases and statements. Words and phrases that are italicized warrant special attention. CAVEATS \ No local government should adopt this ordinance. word for word.. There are options included in the text which must be considered by each governing board prior to the development of a local program. The provisions of the model ordinance were written to conform to the rule adopted by the EMC on February,13, 1992. . he model ordinance never takes into account the existence of special, local legislation that will impact the watershed program' in some jurisdictions. Local governments should research and review any local legislation affecting their jurisdiction and determine how, if at all, this model should be modified to meet their needs. Y +C; ORDINANCE .e of Watershed) :al Area) :e of Watershed) :al Area) •ted Area) COMMENTARY Statutory authority for this section is derived from N.C. General Statutes Chapter [153A][160A], Article [6][8], Section [121][174], Section [140][193] and Chapter 143- 214-5- Alternate statutory authority for this article may be derived from N.C: General Statute 153A-340 through 153A- 390, and 160A-381 through 160A-394. This article contains development regulations the watershed classifications. Watersheds designatedcWS?v require no local government regulatory program. Local governments will only need to include those regulations corresponding to the classifications assigned to watersheds in their jurisdiction. For WS-II, WS-III and WS-IV watershed areas, the EMC rules provide for single family residential development to be controlled either by limiting built-upon area or by limiting density (dwelling units per acre). Those involved in drafting the model ordinance felt that most local units of government would find it easier to enforce single family residential requirements thr density controls rather than limiting built-upon area. All other residential and non-residential controlled by regulating the amount of built-uPon area are is required by the EMC rules. a as ';Under the low density, option. usedin this ordinance, governments with,a;WS-II,and/or a WS-III watershed area as defined on Jul local Y 1;-1993 are allowed to establish a procedure by. which five percent of the balance of watershed (area outside the, critical area) can be developed residentially up residentially up to 70 percent built-upon without non- requiring allow 70o The EMC may grant an exemption to built-upon area on greater than 5% but not to exceed 10% of each local government portion of the designated watershed outside the critical area for new non- residential development. 'How this five" percent will be 13 DEL ORDINANCE COMMENTARY Uallocated, over time, among,._?the_,local.. governments:,; with jurisdiction in the balance. of watershed will be up to each local government.- For example, the local government may choose to plan non-residential growth by identifying one or more areas of its jurisdiction that would be suited for an industrial park. Even though the rule states that this additional new non-residential development may be up to 70 percent built-upon, other new non-residential development may occur throughout the watershed in conformance with the built-upon area requirements. Another method by which a local government may choose to use to allocate its share of density credits is on a project by project basis throughout the balance of the watershed. This may occur either on a first-come-first-served basis or projects may be required to compete for the credits. If projects are required to compete for credits, the ordinance must specify specific rules and criteria that would apply to all projects competing for the credits. A project by project method may not, however, provide enough incentive for development of the type of non-residential projects the local government desires. Regardless of the method of allocation chosen, each local government must keep careful records of the total amount of land that is eligible for increased density credits and the total.number of acres of built-upon surface already developed. The rules allow each local government to choose either a low density or high density, option _f or, residential and'non- residential development in WS-II, WS-III., and WS-IV watershed areas. The text of the model ordinance only includes the low density option. Appendix D contains a suggested high density option text. Under the high density option, all new residential development must be controlled by limitations on built-upon area rather than dwelling units per acre. Under the low density option, local 14 ORDINANCE 15 COMMENTARY governments with a` Ws-II or ws-III watershed area are allowed to establish a procedure whereby five percent of the watershed not' located within a critical area can be developed` non-residentially up to 70 percent. built -upon without requiring stormwater control. In contrast, under the high density option any new development exceeding the low density requirements must utilize stormwater control, including the 5% of the watershed that can be developed non-residentially up to 70% built-upon. Local watershed protection ordinances using the high density option must require all new development projects which exceed the low density option limits to utilize engineered stormwater devices (wet detention ponds) designed to control the first inch of rainfall. The rules also state that local governments will 1) assume ultimate responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all stormwater devices, 2) perform annual inspections of each device, and 3) keep standardized records on each stormwater device in their jurisdiction. Local governments will also have to require the "posting of adequate financial assurance, in the form of a cash deposit with or a bond made payable to the local government, or other acceptable security." This is to assure maintenance, repairs and reconstruction, when necessary. (Refer to sections .0104(f) and (g) and .0211(d), (e) and (f) of the adopted rule for more complete information.) All requirements contained in Article 300 implement the minimum standards adopted by the EMC. Local governments, therefore, cannot relax these regulations but may adopt more stringent ones if desired. MODEL ORDINANCE COMMENTARY (d) Non-residential development, excluding: 1) the storage of toxic and hazardous materials unless a spill containment plan is implemented, 2) landfills, and 3) sites for land application of sludge/residuals or petroleum contaminated soils. New industrial development is required to incorporate adequately designed, constructed and maintained spill containment structures if hazardous materials are either used, stored or manufactured on the premises. (2) Density and Built-upon Limits: (a) Single Family Residential--development shall not exceed one dwelling unit per acre on a project by project basis. No residential lot shall be less than one acre, except within an approved cluster development. (b) All Other Residential and Non-Residential-- development shall not exceed twelve percent (12%) built-upon area on a project by project basis. For the purpose of calculating built-upon area, the total project area shall include total acreage in the tract on which the project is to be developed. (E) WS-III Watershed Areas - Balance of Watershed (WS-III-BW). In order to maintain a low to moderate land use intensity pattern, single family detached uses shall develop at a maximum of two (2) dwelling units per acre. All other residential and non-residential development shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-four percent (24%) built- upon area. In addition, non-residential itses may occupy five percent `(5%) of the watershed with alseventy percent 22 MODEL ORDINANCE COMMENTARY built-upon , area when approved: : as a special '(SNIAThe Watershed istrator is authorized to approve SNIAs consistent _the;-provisions of this ordinance. Projects must rill ize'built=upon n surface area,.`,diieci stormwater away from „'surface waters and incorporate, Best 'Management Practices"'° to `"minimize water quality impacts. Non- discharging landfills and sludge application sites are allowed. (High density options using engineered stormwater control devices are permitted in this district: Ultimate responsibility for the operation and maintenance of these facilities will rest with the local government. Please refer to Appendix D for a more detailed explanation of this topic.) (1) Allowed Uses (a) Agriculture, subject to the provisions of the Food Security .Act of 1985 and the Food, Agricultural, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990. (b) Silviculture, subject to the provisions of the Forest Practices Guidelines Related to Water Quality (15 NCAC 1I.61017.0209). (c) Residential development. (d) Non-residential development excluding discharging landfills and the storage of toxic and hazardous materials unless a spill containment plan is implemented. (2) Density and Built-upon Limits: 23 MODEL ORDINANCE (a) Single Family Residential--development shall not exceed two (2) dwelling units per acre, as. defined on a project by project basis. No residential lot shall be less than one-half (2) acre, except within an approved cluster development. (b) All Other Residential and Non-Residential-- development shall not exceed twenty-four percent (240) built-upon area on a project by project basis except that,,up;_.to five` percent (50) of the balance of the watershed may be developed for non-residential uses to' seventy percent (70%) built-upon'° area- on."a project by project basis. For the purpose of calculating built-upon area, total project area shall include total acreage in the tract on which the project is to be developed. (F) WS-IV Watershed Areas - Critical Area (WS-IV-CA).. Only new development activities that require an erosion/ sedimentation control plan under State law or approved local program are required to meet the provisions of this ordinance when located in the WS-IV watershed. In order to address a moderate to high land use intensity pattern, single family residential uses are allowed at a. maximum of two (2) dwelling units per acre. All other residential and non-residential development shall be allowed twenty-four percent (24%) built-upon area. New sludge application sites and landfills are specifically prohibited. (High density options using engineered stormwater control devices are permitted in this district. Ultimate responsibility for the operation and maintenance of these 24 COMMENTARY •vL. MODEL ORDINANCE Section 303. Cluster Development. clustering of development is allowed in all Watershed Areas.(except WS-I] under the following conditions: (A) Minimum lot sizes are not applicable to single family cluster development projects; however, the total number of lots shall not exceed the number of lots allowed for single family detached developments in Section 302. Built-upon area or stormwater control requirements of the project shall not exceed that allowed for the critical area or balance of watershed, whichever applies. (B) All built-upon area shall be designed and located to minimize stormwater runoff impact to the receiving waters and minimize concentrated stormwater flow. (c) The remainder of the tract shall remain in a vegetated or natural state. Where the development has an incorporated property owners association, the title of the open space area shall be conveyed to the association for management. Where a property association is not incorporated, a maintenance agreement shall be filed with the property deeds: Section 304. Buffer Areas Required. . (A) A` minimum one :hundred (100) foot vegetative buffer is required for all new development activities that exceed the low_density_optioq; otherwise, a minimum thirty (30j foot vegetative buffer for development activities is required along all perennial waters indicated on the most recent versions of U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps or as determined by local government COMMENTARY 28 MODEL ORDINANCE studies. Desirable artificial streambank or shoreline stabilization is permitted. (B) No new development is allowed in the buffer except for water dependent structures and public projects such as road crossings and greenways where no practical alternative exists. These activities should minimize built-upon surface area, direct runoff away from the surface waters and maximize the utilization of stormwater Best Management Practices. Section 305. Rules Governing the Interpretation of Watershed Area Boundaries. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of the watershed areas, as shown on the Watershed Map, the following rules shall apply: (A) Where area boundaries are indicated as approximately following either street, alley, railroad or highway lines or centerlines thereof, such lines shall be construed to be said boundaries. (a) Where area boundaries are indicated as approximately following lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be said boundaries. However, a surveyed plat prepared by a registered land surveyor may be submitted to the [county][town] as evidence that one or more properties along these boundaries do not lie within the watershed area. (C) Where the watershed area boundaries lie at a scaled distance more than twenty-five (25) feet from any parallel lot line, the location of watershed area 29 COMME The EMC adopted this locating built-upon environmentally sensiti- control requirements; $n#4t-spevi-areas-may- en#Y-eeenr-#vi-ap#nrd-areas-ef-prejects-that-are-net #mmed#ete#7-adjaeevit-te-water-snpp#Y-watersy Built-upon areas a designed and sited to minimize stormwater runoff impact to the receiving waters and minimizes concentrated stormwater flow; Remainder of tract to remain in vegetated or natural state; view- deve#epmevit-exceeds- #-dwe###vig-nn#t-per- sere- er-AQ4-ices##t-npeni-area-then, deve#epinevit-tnnst-eevitre#-r,ztfeff-fsem-the-f#rst-#vieh-ef-ra#vifa337-new deve3epmevit-rat-te-exceed-3Ai-bpi#t-,lpevi-aree7 (V) A maximum of -10A a of each jurisdiction's portion of the watershed outside of the critical area may be developed with new non-residential development projects of up to 703 built-upon surface area in addition to the new nonresidential development approved in compliance with the appropriate requirements of (e) (3) (B) (i) (I) or (e) (3) (B) (i) (II) of this Paragraah The Commission may grant an exemption to allow 703 built upon area on greater than 5% but not to exceed 103 of each iurisdiction's portion of the designs ed watershed outside of the critical area for new non-residential development in unique or special circumstances. Each project must to the extent practicable minimize built-upon surface area, direct stormwater runoff away from surface waters and incorporate best management practices to minimize water quality impacts; if the local government opts for high density development then appropriate engineered stormwater controls (wet detention basins) must be employed for the new non-residential development which exceeds the low density requirements; (V I) If local governments choose te-a#3ew-deve#epmer,t-regt?#r#vig the high density development option which requires engineered stormwater controls, then they will assume ultimate responsibility for operation and maintenance of the required controls as outlined in Rule .0104(f) of this Subchapter; (VII) Minimum 100 foot vegetative buffer is required for all new development activities that exceed the low density requirements as specified in (e)(3)(B)(i)(I) or (e) (3) (B) (ii) (11) of this Paragraph otherwise a minimum 30 foot vegetative buffer for development is required along all perennial waters indicated ns-a-se#id-h#t?e-#ivie on the most recent versions of U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps or as determined by local government studies; the-f#ret-s?3-feet;-as-a-stivi#mnm;-#s-reeemmevided-te-rema3a #r-a-viatnta?-viz-tividistt;rbed-state- heweve-r nothing in this Section shall stand as a bar to desirable artificial streambank shoreline stabilization; (VIII) No new development is allowed in the buffer; water dependent structures, and public projects such as road crossings and greenways may be allowed where no practicable alternative exists; these activities should minimize built-upon surface area, divert runoff away from surface waters and maximize the utilization of BMPs; (IX) Maintain inventory of all hazardous materials used and stored in the watershed; spill/failure containment plan and appropriate safeguards against contamination are required; waste minimization and appropriate recycling of materials is encouraged; (X) No new discharging landfills are allowed; (ii) Critical Area Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Pollution Control Criteria: (I) No-npew industrial development is a#3ewedj required to incorporate adequately designed constructed and maintained spill containment structures hazardous materials are either used, stored or manufactured on the Premises: (II) Low Density Option: New development limited to 1 dwelling unit per Q acres or 63 IZ_% built-upon area; (III) High Density Option: If new development density exceeds either 1 dwelling unit per -2 acres or 6$ = built-upon area then deve-3epment-must engineered 15 CF WATF,QQ C o? L7 O 't CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED C. break Patterson Regions Bank P.O. Box 2379. Highlands, NO. 25741 GO emm WNt W Q Hots. Jr., Seemory oeovm r s d e"ka rim and Nawad Resawcos Gv*9 ry J. ThMW. PK0b AC*1G 0W#V1br Division of W*ter Quaiiry April 18. 2002 Macon County OWCI Project No. 01-1538 Post it• FU Note 7671 Dam " s? To aj F" m ag jeAoog COJOSM Co. In PHpK / JJ r '7a ]Oa?lo?? ?J Fin i g4 S hW7 F#= 0 Dear Mr. Patterson: she NO Otvision of Water Qualty PWQ) received revised information regarding your application for a On April 8.20M in Macon County. On April 17, 2002, we were notified by Mr. 401 Water Quality Cerblication for the Regions Bank project would regWM a Major... Milt Rhodes of the t)ivision of Water quality's Local GcvemmeM Assistance Unit that this proms Environmental Variance to the Water Supply Watershed Protection Rules. The Variance must be issued by impervious Management Commission. Specifically, the built-upon area is 58%. In the site's environmental evaluation, the area is identified to be 70% or 0.70 acres. The water supply regulations for this watershed only allow for up to 24% impervious surface. A ht?ter ifmit can be reached through the use of Stomswater controls with approved high density th that you are utiliz ordinance for the town, but the Town o Highlands does not have o such an is incorrect, unit Me dual watershed buffer that a large amount of stream and associated buffer welt be piped and filled to should 10170 be option 100 this feet- - In case. if so, addition, it the projec appears t's reference ' necessitates a major variance in the WS-Ill watershed rules- provide for impervious area. This proposed work Please contact W. Mist Rhodes in the Local Government Assistance Unit at (919) 733-5=3 exL 66? ffinngethis matter. Mr. Rhodes can explain the variance process to you and discuss scheduling of your variance is not granted. we cannot Issue the 401 Water Quality Certification. If the variance is approved, we cannot issue the 401 Certification until we receive a copy of the variance. of this Letter) that the Corps of Engineers place this project on hold. on will hold for for out (try copy processing due to incomplete information (15A NCAC 2H .0507(h)). Please placed ed. I Also, this Until prothisject issue will is be resolved. Office on December 10. 2001. AN be aware "this action supplements the letter sent to you by the Asheville Regional issues in both letters will need to be address Thank you for your attention. It you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Karoly in our Central Office in Raleigh at (WS) 733-1786. e+Qly?,,? cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Mike .Parker, Asheville OWQ Regional Office Fee COPY Central Film Philip Wend, 48 Inks•Drlve, Cashlers. NC. 28717 Miciwv Henson. P.O. Box 52. Webster, NC, 28788 "W r Mut Rhodes. Planning Steve Z NoA? Cortina Dnvisslon of water CuMity. sot woeands Car6tication unit. I WO Mid Sef,** Canter, SWe4r?. NC 2709.1650 l"" MOM) 2321 CrOb" Sh#&. paftq . NC 27804-9W M "*M) x.7 1-178f3 (pNOne). 919-733 1%* s"r ssaa. rx wlr aweLaR+ds( Regions Bank, Macon Co., 01-1538 Subject: Regions Bank, Macon Co., 01-1538 Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:47:27 -0400 From: Cyndi Karoly <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> To: Milt.RhodesCncmail.net, JOhn.DorneyCa)ncmaiI.net, Mike.Parker@ncmail.net, Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net, Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net John, Milt, Forrest, Mike - just an fyi to all of you so we all know the status of this application. This is ARO.Mike Parker's filemaker staff report on this project: Project has been placed on hold (by ARO) and letter has been sent to CO. 1. It was placed on hold because there is no mitigation plan. 2. Stormwater ponds are shown on the preliminary plan but does not appear to be in . accordance with our requirements. 3. Project is within WS-III watershed and this may prevent project from being constructed. Consultant is looking at redesigning project to relocate stream on property and to see if they can comply with stormwater requirements and buffer requirements. This is Milt Rhodes' note to us on this project: 011538 - This project will need a major variance from our water supply rules. The built upon area is 58%. In the site's environmental evalaution, the impervious area is identified to be 70% or 0.70 acres. The watershed only allows for up to 24%. A higher limit can be reached through the use of Stormwater controls with an approved high density ordinance for the town, but the Town Af Highlands doesn't have one. It appears that they are utilizing the 10/70 option in this case. If so, the project's reference to a 30 foot buffer is incorrect, and the actual watershed buffer should be 100 feet. In addition, it appears that a large amount of stream buffer will be piped and filled to provide for impervious area. This necessitates a major variance. Please return this application to the applicant and request that they contact the Local Government Assistance Unit regarding this matter. Cul-rent Status: On March 22 and April 8, 2002, the Central Office received responses to the ARO hold letter. This info was forwarded to Mike Parker on 4/11/02. The clock is now ticking, but we have plenty of time right now. I have talked to Milt Rhodes today, and he says a variance is unlikely for this project. We will get a letter prepared to send to the applicant from the Central Office reflecting Milt Rhodes' comments. If you have any additional info, please advise. Thanks for your attention. 1 of 1 4/17/02 11:48 AM 10-70f Boa , -CK [Fwd: April 401s] Subject: [Fwd: April 401s] Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:43:26 -0400 From: Milt Rhodes <milt.rhodes@ncmail.net> To: cyndi.karolyC)ncmail.net Subject: April 401s Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 15:45:24 -0400 From: Milt Rhodes <milt.rhodes@ncmail.net> To: Cyndi Karoly <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net>, mike.horan@ncmail.net CC: steve.zoufaly@ncmail.net 020383 - Berewyck 020382 - Rock Island Road No commments. Generally, though it appears that there are numerous stream crossings that could've been avoided through the combination of cart and road crossings. 020481 - Road is wider than is otherwise necessary. Road also appears to be more of a street than an avenue. An avenue would have a center median where vegetation would exist. 020527 - The road is not defined as a rural or urban arterial and is expected to have low traffic volumes. The road appears to be designed to support a higher traffic volume than is necessary, and perhaps the road section should have a narrow shoulder and narrow travel way (9 foot). Reducing impervious surfaces associated with transportation networks can reduce the generation and concentration of stormwater runoff, and in turn should reduce potential negative impacts to the area. 020420 - It is unclear as to what project the applicant proposes. One schematic and plan shows a irrigation intake structure. A secondary plan shows stream bank stabilization for what appears to be a launch area and bulkhead. Stream bank stabilization is allowable for water supply watersheds, provided built upon area is water dependent, stormwater runoff is not discharged directly into the surface water feature, and material used within the buffer area is pervious. No Number - John H. Brown, 740 Lock Highlands Dr. Raleigh, NC 27606 This application is for a subdivision referred to as the "Powell Property" and indicates one stream crossing downstream of a pond. The Crossing will allow the road to serve four housing units. There is no addition road connection indicated, however, there is a private road with cul-de-sac on the outside of the property in close proximity. The road is designed for two ten foot travel lanes, the same distance utilized in many higher traffic volume areas. The road could conceivably reduce environmental impacts by be reduced in size to a private "yield" street type which would utilize a smaller right of way, travel way, and minimize impacts to stream. If that options were not available, then the applicant should consider utilizing more of the private road in existence and run the public road on top of and adjacent to the dam at the pond, or consider gaining easements from the Fairview property of road construction to access those four lots. 011538 - This project will need a major variance from our water supply rules. The built upon area is 58%. In the site's environmental evalaution, the impervious area is identified to be 70% or 0.70 acres. The watershed only allows for up to 24%. A higher limit can be reached through the use of Stormwater controls with an approved high density ordinance for the town, but the Town of Highlands doesn't have one. It appears that they are utilizing the 1 of 2 4/17/02 11:19 AM [Fwd: April 401s] `s 10/70 option in this case. If so, the project's reference to a 30 foot buffer is incorrect, and the actual watershed buffer should be 100 feet. In addition, it appears that a large amount of stream buffer will be piped and filled to provide for impervious area. This necessitates a major variance. Please return this application to the applicant and request that they contact the Local Government Assistance Unit regarding this matter. 2 of 2 4/17/02 11:19 AM MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Regions Bank Project Number 01 1538 Recvd From APP Received Date 10/19/01 Recvd By Region Project Type commercial Certificates Permit Wetland' Wetland Wetland Stream Type Type Impact Score Index County MACON County2 Region Asheville Stream Class Acres Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Stream Impacts (ft.) Feet Req. 39 Stream O Y O N I 2 F - w.BTTI F CA 40,401. F - 148.00 180.00 ?- F_ F-P 7 _0N Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? Q Y0 N Did you request more info? O Y O N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y O N Is Mitigation required? QQ Y O N Recommendation: Q Issue Q Issue/Cond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 350309 Longitude (ddmmss) 831210 cc: Regional Office Page Number 1 Central Office APPALACHIAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0 1 s LAND & WATER • DESIGN & BUILD April 4, 2002 Michael Horan NC Division of Water Quality Wetlands Unit Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Highlands Regions Bank DWQ #01-1538 Macon County Dear Mr. Horan, A/ I JA-1 C4 G.2 Enclosed you will find seven copies of the conservation easement (with maps) and seven copies of a revised Appendix A - Regions Bank : Morphological Data Table for this project (there was a typo in the table for the March 2002 submittal). If you have any questions, I may be telephoned at 828-586-1973. Sincerely, 1I? ? ? V ?'?, uv Mickey B. Henson Principal Scientist Vice President Appalachian Environmental Services Post Office Box 52 Webster, NC 28788 828.586.1973 Phone 828.631.0343 Fax mickey.henson@appalachianenvironment.com www.appalaclianenvironment.com / Triage Check List Date: ?(( D To: ?RRO Steve Mitdieff Project Name k _ ?FRO Ken Averite DWQ Project Numbe r ?WaRO Deborah Sayer ? l County / Gr(' ?WiRO Joanne Sleenhuis ?W O Jennifer Faye ARO Mike Parker ?MRO ete Colwtlf P ' F rom: Telephone (919) 733- . ? - The file attached is being twarded to you for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determinatim ? Wetland determinatim and distance to blue-fine surface'waters on USGW topo maps ? Minim ization/avcidace issues ? Buffer Rules (Nc-isa Tar-Pamilco, Catawba, Randleman) - ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings ;foraecuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative imps- cancems Comments 1 r? ??l/.. APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existin Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B 64 64a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B 134 134a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to avera a slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existin Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B B4 64a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B B4 134a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull dischar e, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max de th 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existin Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B 64 Boa 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existin Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B 64 64a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B 134 134a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.03 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to avera a slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CONSERVATION EASEMENT MACON COUNTY THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEED, made this , Regions Bank, an Alabama state-c AP nn- 8 ?,r "zil 17Y SEC, r; day of 2002, by and between »...- - v.- - ...,, u, %.,? VAU[a, whose mailing address- ess is Late o o aro ma tats Property ice, 16 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603- 8003, Grantee. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. 4-43 143-214.8 et sea., the State of North Carolina has established the Wetlands Restoration Program (as defined in N774en Stat. 443§143-214.8) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, and creating wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. 443 143-214.8, two of the components of the Wetlands Restoration Program are (1) restoration and perpetual maintenance of wetlands, riparian areas, and surface waters and (2) land ownership and management; and WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situate, lying, and being in Macon County, North Carolina (the "Protected Property"), hereinafter more particularly described; WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement on the Protected Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the Protected Property on the terms and conditions and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept such easement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Protected Property for the benefit of the people of North Carolina, said Protected Property lying within Macon County, North Carolina, and being in Highlands Township, and being more particularly described as follows: jSEE ATTACHMENT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY] The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, and create a wetland and/or riparian resource on the Protected Property that contributes to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; to maintain permanently the Protected Property in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Protected Property that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: I. DURATION OF EASEMENT WINSTON 1126797x2 This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross, runs with the land, and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor; its personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, lessees. agents. II. RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITES The Protected Property shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation .Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity on, or use of, the Protected Property by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any rights of use not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. The following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hunting and fishing, and access to the Protected Property for the purposes thereof. Usage of motorized recreational or non-commercial vehicles on the Protected Property is prohibited. B. Educational Uses. The Grantor reserves the right to undeveloped educational uses and the right of access to the Protected Property for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits, studies, and observations. C. Vegetative Cutting. Cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any vegetation on the Protected Property is prohibited, except as necessary for Grantor to maintain a D. n ustria Use. Industrial activities are prohibited on the Protected Property. E. Residential Use. Residential use of the Protected Property is prohibited. F. Commercial Use. Commercial activities are prohibited on the Protected Property. G. Agricultural Use. Agricultural use of the Protected Property including use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland is prohibited. H. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, or other structure constructed or placed on the Protected Property. 1. Signs. No signs shalt be permitted on the Protected Property except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Protected Property, signs identifying the owner of the Protected Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, and signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Protected Property. J. Dumping. Dumping of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliance or machinery, or other material on the Protected Property is prohibited. K. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. Following Regions dredging, mining, or drilling; no remova o topsot , san , gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. L. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. Following Regions' cnanneltng, tilling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related7ac-tivities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, following Regions' development of the adiacent commercial site, there shall be no diverting or causing or pen nittmg the diversion o surface or underground water into, wit m or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is M. Subdivision. Subdivision, partitioning, or ividing the Protected Property is prohibited. N. Development Rights. No development rights which have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. The Grantee, and authorized representatives of the Grantee, shall have the right to enter the Protected Property at all reasonable times to undertake any activities to restore, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland and riparian resources of the Protected Property. These activities include (subiect to Grantor's rights above) wrN,sTON 1126797v2 planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, installation of monitoring wells, utilization of heavy equipment to grade, fill, and prepare the soil, modification of the hydrology of the site, and installation of natural and manmade materials as needed to direct in-stream, above ground, and subterraneous water flow. In addition, the Grantee, and authorized representatives of the Grantee, shall have the right to enter the Protected Property at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said property to determine if the Grantor is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantor shall not vary from the above restrictions without first obtaining written approval from the Wetlands Restoration Program, whose mailing address is 1619 Mail Services Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1619. III. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. In the event that Grantor has violated or is threatening to violate any of these terms, conditions, or restrictions, the Grantee may institute a suit to enjoin such violation and if necessary, to require the restoration of the Protected Property to its prior condition at the Grantor's expense. B. No failure on the part of Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. IV. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Conservation Easement shall be construed to promote the purposes of N.C. Gen Stat. 443§1143-214.8 et sea., the Wetlands Restoration Program. B. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parries with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. C. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. D. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Protected Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Protected Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. V. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all rights accruing from ownership of the Protected Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Protected Property that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor expressly reserves to Grantor, and Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Protected Property, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Protected Property. WINSTON 1126797v2 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor eeveaaw covenants that she), we it is seized of said premises in fee Md hay# as it now owns constituting a portion 9 tfierotected Property n fee and has the right to convey the permanent easement erein grante ; that the same are Ls free from encumbrances and that it will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. _ I i I I 1 ,I i i R WINSTON 1126797v2 l i . I i I li ? 4.. .............- .....?_.....i..J .... ....._«......_. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the GFeme Regions has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its President and attested by its Secretary, and its Corporate Seal affixed thereto by authority n as of the day and year first above wrltten. Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) COUNTY OF GUILFORD 1 INotarTial Se] MY r* tii,r . tn? commission expires: Be! of , the foregoing instrument was signed by This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redliner, shows the differences between - original document : I:\DMS\D_LAMPEA 126797.01 and revised document: I:\DMS\D LAMPE\1126797.02 CompareRite found 40 change(s) in the text Deletions appear as Overstrike text Additions appear as Double Underline text it WINSTON 1126797v2 t {- n,, ' T d ?? vyh + 9. a;Y t Lhr'$`7 4 +td ?r Y' k?i6 ?" `?+ dot -? '. b) P ?i i l i p +Wa rd AM I svcu" cu LANDJSPE ' cu l z L } Landsca Y e Architect PA:" <e 48Unks o?` P.O.Box7742•Cashl s;NoMCarblina2871T T p e Ph.-828.743-9951 • F8x$2&743•(W • Cell$2.8-506.87' 3 • E-flmg •Nr.*dl @dricUx,t LAND PLANNING • SRL- DESIGN • CONSTMXTICNJ MANAC.MEN1 a. w. CLARE CERTIFIED 4*ti 2, y ' THE STANDARD OF QUALITY.•: CY..?FOH LANDSCAPE. ARCHITEGTS 0 '1 ?+?'• ?j. , i. - _ . 1 717 March 13'2002' a` Mr.. Mike Parker .. • 4 M1 +? t Division of Water,Quality NCDENR ;w,f?n?. tiT 4. r, 4 p% yt' 59 Woodfin Place` Asheville, NC- 28801 ?J t,?.; `?;,; Y SICTic_•, RE: "Regions Bank", DWQ Project No. WQ 01-1538 Highlands, North Carolina Dear Mr. Parker:;:' }3 s. , n On behalf of Regions Bank, I am submittmg.'additional information and a ? documents' for obtaining`a 401 certification,,, Nationwide 394or tlie` above ;referenced project. ' ;The information and documents were'"prepared" through collaboration by three fines; PhilipaWard Landscape Architecture; PA; Fish & t ' Wildlife Associates and Appalachian Environmental Services: F 7' i' The proposed stre'arti`impact will include filling 146': of an-Unnamed`tributary to'• Monger Creek and installing 120' of culverf -73 X 55" cmp+,''?Furthermore, 68' ' of the stream will be realigned and restored on the outlet side of thc' proposed culvert and approximately 135' of the. remaining stream will be restored, to an existing culvert under' Hwy. 106. . As a part of the proposed stream work on the site, we propose to stabilize and enhance a small stream coming out of an existnno 24" diameter culvert Tinder i mitigation within a couple of weeks. The following information and documents are 1. Restoration and Enhancement Narrative 2 Stream Restoration and Stabilization Plan . . 3. Stormwater Management Plan . in 1+++& J.t Tr ,CR. P} .?! '4?i f '"! ? ? - ? n ' i t :IC l- " .+v' ?T 1 ?t? 1. w•i TY ? ?} T 11• ? , ? ? Y Y •. ? s5: 7 4.? +N` ` yy ? ,.y,? , . r d4 ?(? ?.A't! ': - ? tu...?.' @I•tO?Db 'S ..'fin y1 4 T'1t?? r? ?±??.fX'h 11 ?S° rN{+?F 4?P c.£'t' F.:7S +' -,? ?, ., •z11-•T ? - ???';' v ???` ? i 1 > ?.y??, . _ rJ. •; m7,'?.....,r, S .-T,}:as «7rbt.,-_i v;±.. Cl' d1 > 74 ?V . t .' 4 +). _ Nye( i. 1 eY+ k _ •`?' 9 1N r4 ?'' 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Stream Mitigation and Stabilization Plan Highlands Regions Bank DWQ #01-1538 Regions Bank Highlands, North Carolina Tributary to Monger Creek Highlands, North Carolina March 2002 PROJECT BACKGROUND The proposed stream impact will include filling 146' of an unnamed tributary to Monger Creek and installing 120' of culvert, 73" X 55" cmp. Furthermore, 68' of the stream will be realigned and restored on the outlet side of the proposed culvert and approximately 135' of the remaining stream will be restored to an existing culvert under Highway 106. As a part of the proposed stream work on the site, we propose to stabilize and enhance a small stream coming out of an existing 24" diameter culvert under Highway 106 at the west end of the site. Approximately 100' of this stream will be stabilized. I will be submitting the conservation easement for the stream mitigation within a couple of weeks. CHANNEL RESTORATION Methods Meander Design The approach used results in an average channel slope being determined by meander geometry (meander wavelength, meander arc length, average width at bankfull, meander amplitude, radius of curvature and arc angle). These approaches are based on the assumption that the controlling factors in the stream channel (water and sediment inputs, bed material gradation, and bank erosional resistance) will be similar to those in a selected reference reach (either the restoration reach before disturbance or undisturbed reaches). If the reach targeted for restoration is closely bounded by undisturbed Regions Bank, Highlands, NC - Tributary to Monger Creek DWQ #01-1538 Page 1 meanders, dimensions of these undisturbed reaches may be studied for use in the restored or created reach. Please see Appendix A for the morphological measurement table. Bankfull Determination Visual identification of bankfull flow on large streams in alluvial bottoms is relatively easy. However, small streams in the Southern Appalachians rarely have alluvial bottoms. Smaller mountain streams seldom develop distinctive topographic breaks between the bank and the floodplain common in larger streams and rivers. Therefore, bankfull flow was estimated by observing vegetation, bare rock, washed root lines, and changes from a steep to gentle bank slope. We have experienced that the best indicators of bankfull flow in the Southern Appalachians tend to be signs of repeated erosion and cleansing of banks and deposition on point bars. Storms larger than bankfull can erode the stream banks and mask the indicators. In the Southern Appalachians, the vegetation line is probably the most difficult indicator to use to determine bankfull depth. Riparian vegetation in the mountains withstands high flows and may even revegetate quickly into the bankfull area. This is especially true with certain types of mosses. Some of the problems of determining reliable indicators of bankfull flow stem from the stream banks being undercut and caving in. Particle Size Distribution Particle size data are usually reported in terms of Di, where I represents some nominal percentile of the distribution and Di represents the particle size, usually expressed in millimeters, at which i percent of the total sample by weight is finer. For example, 50 percent of the total sample would be finer than the D5o particle size. For Regions Bank, Highlands, NC - Tributary to Monger Creek DWQ #01-1538 Page 2 estimating size distribution in steep mountain streams with substrate much coarser than the medium-gravel limitations of Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project (FISP) samplers, a pebble count, in which at least 100 bed material particles are manually collected from the streambed and measured, is used to measure particle size. At each sample point along the cross section, a particle is retrieved from the bed, and the intermediate axis is measured. The measurements are tabulated as to number of particles occurring within predetermined size intervals, and the percentage of the total number in each interval is then determined. Again, the percentage in each interval is accumulated to give a particle size distribution, and the particle size data are reported as described above. Please see Appendix B for the pebble counts for the existing conditions at the project site and at the reference reach. Shear Stress Since boundary shear stress is the most appropriate measure of the forces driving erosion, graphs have been developed for allowable shear stress. The average boundary shear stress (T, lbs/ft2) acting on an open channel conveying a uniform flow of water is given by the product of the unit weight of water (y, 62.4 lbs/ft) times the bankfull hydraulic radius (bankfull area, Abf divided by bankfull wetted perimeter, WPbf) times the average bankfull water surface slope (Sbf, ft/ft): T=yRbfSbf The diagram used to determine the maximum size particle moved during the bankfull flow is a Shield's curve of the threshold of motion modified by Dave Rosgen during the October, 2000 Level 4 Restoration Workshop (Appendix-A). Regions Bank, Highlands, NC - Tributary to Monger Creek DWQ #01-1538 Page 3 STREAMBANK STABILIZATION Above the bankfull elevation the streambank will be sloped to the top of the bank and vegetated. This feature benefits the stream by slowing water velocity during high water events. This in turn reduces the amount of erosion occurring on the streambanks. This process will increase cross-sectional area. Coconut blankets will be pinned into the bank for short-term (4-years) stabilization. The blankets will stabilize the streambank long enough for the vegetation to root and stabilize the stream for the long-term. RIPARIAN RESTORATION Historically, the riparian area consisted of grass. After the streambank is sloped it will be seeded with native herbaceous and woody plant. Seeded sections of the bank will be covered with coconut fiber blankets. These blankets-will protect the area from the streambed to the top of the streambank and be stapled to the ground using metal landscape staples. Low growing woody species such as Henry's Garnett, Silky Dogwood, and Buttonbush will be planted. These species will be planted as cuttings or bare rooted stock during the next dormant season. As much as possible trees that are on site will be avoided as the streambanks are altered. On the upper banks we will plant taller growing trees that provide shade, stable creek banks and wildlife cover and food. The riparian restoration component of this project was broken down into a three-zone approach. The species selected were chosen to be aesthetically pleasing and Co benefit wildlife by providing food or habitat. We are also supporters of the Southern Appalachian Native Plant Initiative (SAiTNPI), so we will only be using native species to revegetate the riparian zone. The buffer will range from 20 to 30 feet in width on each side of the stream channel. The buffer will be planted with a minimum of 400 Regions Bank, Highlands, NC - Tributary to Wnger Creek DWO #01-1538 Page 4 trees/bushes per acre (native species). The survival rate after 5 years will be 320 trees per acre. MONITORING Physical Monitoring Plan Stream channel morphology will be monitored based on the existing data conditions for three-years following the restoration. An annual report will be submitted to NC DWQ for review. Monitoring will be conducted at permanent riffle and pool cross sections. A longitudinal profile and pebble counts will be conducted annually. Additionally, tree and bush survival rate will be monitored in a manner that demonstrates a survival rate of 320 trees per acre. Species survival will consist of checking each individual plant. Plants will be checked for overall condition and health. A report will be prepared with the previous information. Macrobenthos Monitoring Plan David Penrose stated that macrobenthic monitoring will not be required on projects shorter than 1000 feet. CONSERVATION EASEMENT A conservation easement will be submitted at a later date. Regions Bank, Highlands, NC - Tributary to Monger Creek DWQ #01-1538 Page 5 APPENDIX A Regions Bank : Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existin Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. stream type Degraded B B4 64a 2. drainage area 0.13 mil 0.13 mil 0.09 mil 3. bankfull width 6.0-7.0 ft 9.5 ft 6.00-7.0 ft 4. bankfull mean depth 1.0-0.9 ft 0.65 ft 0.8-0.4 ft 5. width/de th ratio 6.0-7.8 14.62 7.5-17.5 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 6.1-6.6 ft2 6.175 ft2 4.8-2.5 ft2 7. bankfull mean velocity 7.12 ft/s 7.02 ft/s 5.2 ft/s 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 44.87 cfs 43.37 cfs 14.54 cfs 9. bankfull max depth 1.2-1.4 ft 0.9 ft 0.6-1.3 ft 10. width of flood prone area 13.3-13.6 ft 13.3 ft 8.7-11.00 ft 11. entrenchment ratio 2.2-2.0 1.4 1.45-1.57 12. meander length 75.0 ft 60.0 ft 82.0 ft 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 12.5-10.7 6.3 13.7-11.7 14. Radius of curvature 24.7 ft 18.5 ft 24.3 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 4.1-3.5 2.0 4.1-3.5 16. Belt width 6.1 10.3 9.6 17. Meander width ratio 1.0-0.9 1.1 1.6-1.4 18. Sinuosity 1.0 1.21 1.21 19. Valle Sloe 0.02 ft/ft 0.02 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 20. Average sloe 0.02 ft/ft 0.03 ft/ft 0.05 ft/ft 21. Pool sloe 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.05-0.08 ft/ft 0.07-0.10 ft/ft 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 2.5-4.0 1.67-2.67 1.4-2.0 23. Maximum pool depth 1.4 ft 1.0 ft 1.3 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 1.4-1.6 1.54 1.6-3.25 25. Pool width 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 0.9-1.0 0.74 0.9-1.0 27. Pool to pool spacing 15-20 ft 10-15 ft 10-15 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 2.9-2.4 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.8 CO 00 CD 00 CO v O CD In M CO to 0 r:l 0 0) O CD 00 r N CD 00 C7 n N N N N V O r o0 w N r' N M OV dO V dO O T T T T T T T T +O' O O) (D O N O N O O CD O) O O O O O V 'It t- N CI) OO C7 r It ;T 4 0 0 0 -0-01 Q) M M N ?T t? r--: TOO O V d ? ? O a O N O M n t? - O O N 0 0 0 0 E O T T N O U El Lo r- LO O C D w.,. tF v v ., rtr v 7 0 r a r C~7 P,-: CM d T T V ?t ?Y V C) LO Co O Ch C--\j 't ? O 't CD CMD ? n r- ? r- r" T T T T T T T T T It CCA O 00 U) 0 mLQ9N? Lq grONOOOO o O C7 rte- N CD Cl) N r 1? C[) 0 0 0 0 N 0 ? -- Cl) w cm TCtChOOOOO H O 00 r, r- N r- r- OOOOOO)?4 bC'' 7NOR 0OO0OR UOOOC?? OOp r- 0)(Dm0) 0 0 0 T CO 6L006 rco? T T N N N N N 0 T T T T T T T ++ O O O O O N N t? co O O O O O O D O O O M T O CD O O O 0 0 0 0 T r CM7 N N I? O? N 0 0 0 N ? R: O O O T"t Or M N- CD ? N O O O O V R MMd 1.L m c L (D 0) cc C 3 O U d .O d a O 44 N N N N +. L .? Ucn E Q? O L ma y ulU UMMO L W MO O L -G a CO = =a R oca0)? W 0a,m o g O U UE aE >,cn?cn n ENN?OO ?CO?rNOOp 0 O N In Lq O N ? CG N '' 00 CO O' , N O O C O T T M Cp r N O C T El cD r O O O r` n Lo m m m m Lo Lo OM000OOm00NNNNNNNN Voaorm?NNVDV VdOVNr T T T T T r T T T O O O O O "?t c! U) 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o000DONm0 0mcC 600000 'C O C ? R3 CV O N r? CO "t MO d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O T r r N O "t N N GO H U U 6 to 6 r- r- N r` r U) / ICJ M t) LO O O r r C 7 CO 0 d O r r` r` r r r r r` T T r T T T T T T T £ O O 0 O`° 000. ?? 'IT v v It = (? ? O 4 N r +?„ 0 0 0 N N CA 0 d' x_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FO00co 00LO 'V'PO000000 r r N N LO r r 0 N 00 M ma- L. oTNOODN0000000 CL ° H oLo o?rr-r-r?rr.r. O N N 0 0 0 N O 00 00 00 00 O 00 VCOC'MLnr TLO ONNNNNTNN r T T T r T T T 0+00000r, 000000000 0 0 0 m CD CO "I: °? C? (D O o 0 0 0 0 ~ vi O r CV r N- N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O O m O r N D N a co N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 'O = Q1 > N i N i +? C 'a > > i. O d r t0N > i cc X t6 ? ? ? ? 3 O V 4) 0 +?- d 7 N R? d iUUm°mm - LL?U U >,tnJy? J > > 4) in a? 'o a C O O U O W CL E N N O O O co CD N N It LO ? co -tr O V O N l1) ltd O N 7 CG Ca r' 00 C1 O' N Q - C r O r CM (D N N" NO A C T ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION REGIONS BANK TRACT, SPRING STREET HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA DWQ Project No. WQO1-1538 Introduction Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. performed an environmental assessment of the Regions Bank tract on the corner of Spring Street and Highway 106 in Highlands, North Carolina for the purpose of obtaining permits to construct a banking facility at this location. The tract was evaluated for existing conditions including aquatic resources, plant community, wildlife habitat, threatened and endangered species, and other environmental considerations. Existing Conditions Land use in the area is a combination of residential and commercial. The property is bounded on the north and west by roads. To the east is a private residence and to the south is a lumber yard. There is an abandoned pumping station on the southwest corner of the tract which can be removed. The tract is undeveloped, but has been cleared. Fill has been placed in portions of the tract up to depths of seven feet. Terrestrial Resources The Macon County soil map shows the project area to have two soil complexes. Edneyville-Chestnut-Urban soils are found in the northern portions of the tract. The Edneyville and Chestnut soils are deep and well drained. The Urban soils refers to impervious areas such as roads and sidewalks. Along the stream, the soil map shows the presence of Tuckasegee-Whiteside complex. These soils are deep and well drained. Usually Whiteside is found along the drainageway with Tuckasegee between drainageways. This complex often has inclusions of Dellwood, Nikwasi, and Sylva soils. Nikwasi and Sylva soils are found around springs and are poorly drained. Most of the tract is not vegetated. There are hemlocks and rhododendron along the stream on the south side of the tract. The area has some white pine and privet in the center of the tract, and there are briars and other shrubs along the stream. Wildlife Habitat There is minimal habitat for terrestrial wildlife on the site. Some nesting and shelter is available for birds, although no nests or cavity holes were observed. The area could potentially support small rodents and mammals. Aquatic Resources There are two tributaries that flow across this tract. The larger stream is an unnamed tributary of Munger Creek. It enters the property on the east side and flows along the southern boundary of the tract, exiting under Highway 106. This tributary has moderate sinuosity in the middle section, but has been channelized in the lower portion of the tract. Sediment from unknown sources has accumulated in the creek. A second smaller unnamed tributary flows along the western boundary of the tract, joining the first tributary just before it enters the culvert under the road. This stream has been channelized. Other aquatic resources on the tract include a spring and associated wetland. These are located approximately in the middle of the tract. Standing water was observed during the field survey, but no flow. The approximate size of the wetland is 0.05 acres. Function of this wetland includes biological habitat and filtration. Due to its small size, there is little capability of water storage. Threatened and Endangered Species The current list of federally threatened and endangered species for Macon County includes four threatened and three endangered species. The federally threatened species include the bog turtle, spotfin chub, small whorled pogonia, and Virginia spiraea. There is no habitat for the spotfin chub, small whorled pogonia, or Virginia spiraea in the project area. There is limited habitat for the bog turtle. None of these species were found during the field review. The three endangered species listed for Macon County are the Appalachian elktoe, littlewing pearlywing mussel, and rock gnome lichen. There is no habitat for any of these species in the project area. In addition to the above mentioned species, there are five threatened and twelve endangered species on the state list. All of the animals can be eliminated from consideration due to lack of habitat, except Appalachian Bewick's wren. Of the plants, Queen-of-the-prairie, fringed gentian, and holy grass could potentially grow at the project. However, no evidence was found that any of these organisms are utilizing the area. It is the Biological Opinion of the investigator, Pamela M. Boaze, Senior Biologist Fish and Wildlife Associates Inc., that no listed or proposed species of concern will be affected by development of this property. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS AND MINIMIZATION OF IMPACTS Alternative I - No build The option of building at a different location was considered as an alternative. One of the criteria for the location of the new bank was to locate on a principal street zoned commercial in the Town of Highlands. A thorough search of the possible lots with sufficient acreage to accommodate the building, drive through, and parking required for the bank did not yield any other possibilities. This alternative was rejected as no other suitable location was found within the current zoning restrictions. Alternative II - Spring Street The building would be located on the parcel at the corner of Spring Street and Highway 106. The drive through would be located on the west side of the building with parking mostly on the east side. This alternative would require that 180 linear feet of the unnamed tributary along the south boundary of the property be piped. The remaining 120 feet would remain open as would the smaller tributary along the western boundary of the tract. The wetland in the center of the property, 0.05 acres, would be filled. The fill would be sloped back toward the creek and vegetated to maintain a riparian buffer. Mitigation would include restoration of both the smaller unnamed tributary that has been previously channelized and the lower portion of the larger unnamed tributary. This is the preferred alternative. Further discussion is included in Minimization of Impacts and Mitigation Proposal. Alternative III - Spring Street This alternative is similar to Alternative II with respect to the location of the building and parking facilities. At the request of the Town of Highlands, the entire length of the larger tributary would be piped and the fill extended. The stream receives a considerable amount of litter from the lumber operation adjacent to the site on the southern boundary. The Town is concerned with the litter accumulation and the difficulty of cleaning the stream site. A 20 foot alley between the two parcels has been filled by the lumber yard and created a steep bank. This alternative would entail filling the wetland and piping 270 linear feet of the larger tributary. Approximately 30 linear feet of this tributary would remain open. Sufficient area for buffer zones along the remaining section of creek and the second tributary is present. Mitigation would include restoration of the smaller tributary and an off-site location. Minimization of Impacts Alternative I was rejected as there was no other suitable parcel available. Alternative III was rejected as it impacts more of the stream resources than Alternative II, requires more mitigation, and cannot be fully mitigated on site. Alternative II was considered the preferred alternative as it minimizes the amount of aquatic resource impacted by the project and mitigation can be achieved on-site. The Spring Street tract is rectangular in shape and encompasses 1.0 acres. The proposed Regions Bank Branch office requires 6000 square feet for the building, the drive through and parking requires 2188 square feet, and the walkways will cover 1600 square feet for a total of 0.7 acres. To minimize impacts to the aquatic resources on the site, the building is situated to the eastern side of the tract, leaving as much space as possible on the western side. This will maximize the area for stormwater retention, flood plain, and stream restoration potential. Mitigation Proposal Environmental impacts of the project include filling 0.05 acres of wetlands, piping 146 linear feet of stream, and realigning 68 linear feet of stream. Regions Bank requests that no mitigation be required for the filling of the wetlands as the size is under 0.1 acre. Regions Bank proposes to mitigate the piping and alteration of the 154 feet of the larger tributary by restoring the patten, dimension, and profile of the two tributaries on the site. The smaller tributary has been channelized and is 100 linear feet in length from the bend after exiting the culvert to its confluence with the larger tributary. The larger tributary does not at present have any meanders in the section to be restored. A total of 200 linear feet will be restored. Both streams will be restored as type B streams with step pools and meanders. Native vegetation will be used to stabilize the banks and establish a riparian buffer. These will be chosen such that wildlife habitat potential is enhanced as well as maintaining an aesthetically pleasing landscape. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): '.2. Print Owner/Signing Officials name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): . 1. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: Telephone Number: H 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, lettefs, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 5. 6. Directions to 7. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (from nearest major intersection): F" Us HHY (A NG Y Z? Dade: of facility Contact persoi n`` W who T -scan answer questions about the facility: Q, Nam --841 IA) Telephone Number. yZ/ )143-a540 H. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): . -4-New _,Renewal Modification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing pem ut number and its issue date (if known) Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 1 of 4 Location of Facility (street address): , _ 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404 Permit IIY PROJECT INFORMATION 1. > In the space provided below, summarize how stormzwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative - - (one to two pages) descabing stormwater management for the project. $Z2 10 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total ProjectArea:-L?acres 4. ProjectBuiltUpon Area : 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. I Other on-site I 1 ( *--t: 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above IV. Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 Impervious area is defined as the Ailt upon rea including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will nun with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this ?section: Designated agent C.&,idual or firms Y kA Phone: ( "4D ) Z+ .5 -O`2 L!'U Fax t f®G n 1 14 27 VI. SUBMITTAL REQ This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. A ' ant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP (see Attachment A) ' • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) - Two copies of plans and specifications including: • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - ? - Legend ' - North arrow Scale , - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) C I EF&k certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, tha the projec will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed projec es wit1ft"f irements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Dale 6 ?1. /A/ Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A 1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the. subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: 1. No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size and the allowable built upon area for each lot For commercial projects that'have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel. or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. ' 5. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit mod cation prior to construction. For curb outlet systems, the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe, fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H .1008(g).. 2. Supplement Forms The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement _ Form SW U 105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU 106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 .. Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) Type of Permit Low Density High Density fetor s Certification General Permit New, Modification, or Late Renewal $225 $385 $22 $350 $50 Timely Renewal Without Modification n/a $225 n/a n/a n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 ??! IcNh #?rIK MAC I°= 20Q0' Si?Mw,6T? MbN??M?11'r 314162-- g??IV14TI at Rg?A#10 sIzlN4 GoM?uT,a?'(io?t? AgeA I MFwtOUL7 172.0 o,9o 1511m? lb?N17?E?7 4$-7 I Sr-. 0#25 -- - 1 , 21 S jo-TA4., ' 2?074 z7 f I -701 sIZe; w rr?? ?-:PQND W 0105 x ,(o,,o, _ ?3C? (?? 9 00 # 2 0 AT+ I M vr::f VI0Ul 1 Z, oZo ?pf OIF90 ----3111% 17fr- 017r7 '(oT ? 15191?p SF l0?$18 °!169 !I Q01 WITH, 0,05 ? I I, Q)07 = 59 0 ( uc7f? (ooo s?? - t t,#j s .A ns..?go ? g9 ?a4y 502 ;,, ?? . ?b 1W3P? r /11 io? iz loi ?vloF??iorl Af? gYPl (OVW..-FL44 14415: ?Ya t'CY {o ?aN ?T i?- 1 I.L 045-Fr-Low t fit""O c G? 1 N I T ?ID N ( • VP4 FEF, 0,90),c S,Ot< 0,151 Act f3 -7 s 3 Qn ?? (0, 0'24 i1 fF: ?io?7??lliat # z zy `Gib QZ? = O,`lo l< 810 ?C o,-W Ac, - 2.7 Gbh Z t-7.1:'(?,OZ,4? ? j$ f J E4 . yyµ U us " s I t•I t7 _ T ?55?oNLi g6NK CUt,V??'( pl? sll_I -fo-rA41 VF-,&-j r C?iMWI?lb? - 24 ©,ei ilbl. (Fug?p? - 51 , 0130 of GoN N4o TF&-T CH7 ISO IN7 (7Z$ 1147TI?N471'C`( Ti?f 0 Zq = S.S INj/?,?,.F 24 A o, 05 51 ? 01770 i?177 toWzloi N 1) •? Wn o:ix A •M 8.9 MIDI, -7r,5 rzocl Nor(c??'a13F, 4W = 6, 5' Q ° 20q L?2 b' 4,33' GuL?'f G4.Pb6 l'C`( ?? Fom 41*45- Gl- 11 4 '--'7 11 AJU 6 tMf c u cv?-r ?3??c 14 Ghta j' tS f?vb.llb?? ,,, ?? ply SUTLI E?--F I' Exhibit 13 .o 8,000 Iw-T'x101-i'4000 4 t2) 18'-4'x 9'-3' 3,000• EXAMPLE . 4 3r Size, 31r X tg*. * 12'-10'x 8'-4' 2,000 0.20 eta 3 4 d Ed ? •*' ttw 3 . a t D (fast) 3 IC it 1,000 (1) 1.10 2.0 -, 800 !21 LIS t.t 2 (3) 1•22 2.2 z 600 40 is toot >t = S 800 8'-2' x W-9' 400 .'i 300 1.8 LS 71. DO x s'-1• 00 ,r a_ 72• x 44' U. 100 /? 1.0 1.0 Q. 0 .g0 / 3 . ? f. / .9 1.0 L 65* x 40' a 60 m .9 W N 58' x 36' . W 80 / IC 'g •8 a Ix 40 U. x v 30 / .a a 50' x 31, to / p 20 .T .7 to W Mw N ENTRANCE 43"x 2T' SCALE TYPE _ /? fl) Hesdwoll• IL •6 10' w (2I • Milorod to conform O 'g d /? g to slops •6 z 36• 7.22' 6 (3). Projecting 3 a: 15 i G a .8 a 4 To ass scale (Y) or (3) project ' _ .S •B 29 x 18 3 horizontally to seals (1), then use straight inclined line through 0 and 0 Weiss, a reveres as .25 x 16' 2 illestrated. .4 .4 .4 22' x 13' 1.0 ??- a --' .8 1 D 18' x 111 .S .38 35 •3S *ADDITIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE ARCH CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC SOAOS JAN. 1963 WITH INLET CONTROL VI-13 _•. Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. performed an environmental assessment of the Regions Bank tract on the corner of Spring Street and Highway 106 in Highlands, North Carolina for the purpose of obtaining permits to construct a banking facility at this location. The tract was evaluated for existing conditions including aquatic resources, plant community, wildlife habitat, threatened and endangered species, and other environmental considerations. ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION ?710, w? Cl REGIONS BANK TRACT, SPRING STREET HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA NEAR 2 2 2002 DWQ Project No. WQ01-1538 WET ANDS GROUP 1?l?,TE? QUALITY SECTION' _ Introduction ® 1 1, 5 3' 4 Existing Conditions Land use in the area is a combination of residential and commercial. The property is bounded on the north and west by roads. To the east is a private residence and to the south is a lumber yard. There is an abandoned pumping station on the southwest corner of the tract which can be removed. The tract is undeveloped, but has been cleared. Fill has been placed in portions of the tract up to depths of seven feet. Terrestrial Resources The Macon County soil map shows the project area to have two soil complexes. Edneyville-Chestnut-Urban soils are found in the northern portions of the tract. The Edneyville and Chestnut soils are deep and well drained. The Urban soils refers to impervious areas such as roads and sidewalks. Along the stream, the soil map shows the presence of Tuckasegee-Whiteside complex. These soils are deep and well drained. Usually Whiteside is found along the drainageway with Tuckasegee between drainageways. This complex often has inclusions of Dellwood, Nikwasi, and Sylva soils. Nikwasi and Sylva soils are found around springs and are poorly drained. Most of the tract is not vegetated. There are hemlocks and rhododendron along the stream on the south side of the tract. The area has some white pine and privet in the center of the tract, and there are briars and other shrubs along the stream. Wildlife Habitat There is minimal habitat for terrestrial wildlife on the site. Some nesting and shelter is available for birds, although no nests or cavity holes were observed. The area could potentially support small rodents and mammals. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS AND MINIMIZATION OF IMPACTS Alternative I - No build The option of building at a different location was considered as an alternative. One of the criteria for the location of the new bank was to locate on a principal street zoned commercial in the Town of Highlands. A thorough search of the possible lots with sufficient acreage to nCrnmmnr1ntP the 1,,,;1Ai"- .a-- --.J _ __ _ -3 c_ Aquatic Resources There are two tributaries that flow across this tract. The larger stream is an unnamed tributary of Munger Creek. It enters the property on the east side and flows along the southern boundary of the tract, exiting under Highway 106. This tributary has moderate sinuosity in the middle section, but has been channelized in the lower portion of the tract. Sediment from unknown sources has accumulated in the creek. A second smaller unnamed tributary flows along the western boundary of the tract, joining the first tributary just before it enters the culvert under the road. This stream has been channelized. Other aquatic resources on the tract include a spring and associated wetland. These are located approximately in the middle of the tract. Standing water was observed during the field survey, but no flow. The approximate size of the wetland is 0.05 acres. Function of this wetland includes biological habitat and filtration. Due to its small size, there is little capability of water storage. Threatened and Endangered Species The current list of federally threatened and endangered species for Macon County includes four threatened and three endangered species. The federally threatened species include the bog turtle, spotfin chub, small whorled pogonia, and Virginia spiraea. There is no habitat for the spotfin chub, small whorled pogonia, or Virginia spiraea in the project area. There is limited habitat for the bog turtle. None of these species were found during the field review. The three endangered species listed for Macon County are the Appalachian elktoe, littlewing pearlywing mussel, and rock gnome lichen. There is no habitat for any of these species in the project area. In addition to the above mentioned species, there are five threatened and twelve endangered species on the state list. All of the animals can be eliminated from consideration due to lack of habitat, except Appalachian Bewick's wren. Of the plants, Queen-of-the-prairie, fringed gentian, and holy grass could potentially grow at the project. However, no evidence was found that any of these organisms are utilizing the area. It is the Biological Opinion of the investigator, Pamela M. Boaze, Senior Biologist Fish and Wildlife Associates Inc., that no listed or proposed species of concern will be affected by development of this property. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONTORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): ?'? 101 ? {c '.2. Print owner/Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance):.. ? , .-,l -1 A-7 _ . 1 ... , ? ..?, , .-.-.-.:•-r J" a Mailing Address for Telephone Number: 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, lette ,operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 5.. Location of Facility (street address): MT71"Xiaz e--V Gbal G 44WY i ofv. 6. Directions to 7. (from nearest major intersection): V-" U S HHY 64 , Nc ?W- z?, of facility $` Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: -.?? Q/?,, `T?.. -o54 L.001 Naomi W P 1AM2 Telephone Number. (L2 0 )-7/? II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): . -X-New . Renewal Mod cation 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the a &tk gpennit and its issue date (if known) Form SWU-101 April 1998 - Page 1 of 4 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density Redevelop 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): LAMA Major _. - Sedimentation/Erosion Control III. PROJECT INFORMATION General Permit 404 Permit Other L In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) descrbing stormwater management for the project. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total Project Area: Z acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? 41? 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. " On site I Other on-site I I AA G I .L ' I Impervious area is defined as the bUt upon areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above IV, Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. . AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: DesignedagentCn div ualorfi=y, Phone: t ` 7J? 1 -74.-4-7 "'05- JC Fax VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. A ' ant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Storrawater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP (see Attachment A) ` • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) • Two copies of plans and specifications including: ' A?------ • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management 1: Ly JL?+ • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -'2 - Legend ' - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date ' - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated Vegetated buffers (where required) VIL APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) C, ff?gg certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that. the projec willbe constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed projec'mm 'es wi 'rements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Siae: Data 6 °l Form SA U-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACIMENT A .1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: T . No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listirig each lot number, size and the allowable built upon area for each lot For commercial projects that'have outparcels or future development the following statements mast also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel. or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting- of the system does not occur. •k 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted . stormwater control system. • 5. Buflt-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems, the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe, fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed Swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H .1008(g).• 2. SupplementForms The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement _ Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SW U 106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SW U 107 .. Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) Type of Permit Low Density High Density Qp> Director's Certification General Permit New, Modification, or Late Renewal $225 $385 $350 $50 Timely Renewal Without Modification • n/a $225 n/a n/a n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 k??G IcNh ?IK ?iFUUi,?dh Qap? MAP 40.0 I°= 20QD' 62. Fi ;'? S a w A x, Im iout7 17 LOS eif o,9o 1?4%4%FaV 4$- _l Sr-0, 2'5 2 i S ?o 2.2j074 zf ICo i-70' ? izc-, w rtH eQND W - 0,05 x ,logo, = S3?i (U l7e, °Icb ?olope-TW-1014 2 0 Su 11 C11 1lei x iMj?v?ou? 1 Z, OZo ?pf 0190 lo?StB 7 ;,lr7(,, 4,7fr- 0? Zri °f $`l -Told(, 15191(0 S F 11 Q) 01 X12 w ITR 5m17 ew 0, 05 A. I I X07 = 690 ut7f? ?oo sf) ;!, P-? loath ?Ij? i??z Iot fvlop?'fsNTiorl ?&7F? (ovi-r-FFL44 W J+f5N ?rfl' of g1c???fohl .? ? y7z?- QZy=? I? 497- Q Z vi 'Z.0190 X 90?< 0,-,?7 AC, . 2,7 --;s :7 4FI7 ,:? 1-7 (0 t 0 24 3/0 loz :PC ia-tSOTior4 # z V= 14v, z 177 (?,OZ4? 0 rOZZ` Ill" uyE 14?? CuLV'fi ?I7--lH6 ? L?N1? U Ga1M b - AG 1 10-r,14..., f4iU? = -71"e?e r It??IZ?o1 rip, .10 •9,?:?• 0.1 • 501 Al :mot :? ?• , S. l -TG = - $O 8,°l lZ?b tZ , ' 0130 3 y - 3 p zZLM Irl'(?N?i11Y ?? = 5.S INj/T-1,.?. 24 ?c o, Sr7 = 2o,4' 51 0,770' 1 -75 X511 - D.48 -P5 ?-SW f FOM llk45- (a= ?'',>c 4'-'7 a A?l,FE KWIC NOmo&f?o , 4w rp? 5' 209 4.7 G t5 b 1,57' 7 aZy = 0.4a /.. 5,s /. -75= 20cl 1-7 42??i Gul.Vf ?.? 44f&C 1 ly .. ; K?+IoN? lK ??LITf- .644 6twT ?3'??c ?f114 Gh'l' l? ?vb.11.,6F? -F 5? GuffL4 ??i ?. o Exhibit 13 at??i ?rIK -+I IQFIIo1&Wi?i .5,000 4 000 (1) 15'-4`x s'-3• 3,000 EXAMPLE 4 C2) 4 3) * 12'-10% 8'-4' 2,000 Slat: 3i' a 22' . an 20 ate 3 4. `? t_ 41' Its 3 a w D (test) 3 I I'-5'x T-3' (q 1.10 2.0 W ? 1x000 800 (2) 1.15 2.1 2 a, 9,-64 z 6'-5' 111)' 1.22 2.2 Z v 00 aD in tat 2 2 a e 5 500 x 5'-9' 400 •s 300 1.5 !.5 7'-0' It 5'-1% 00 o: LL 72• x 44 100 r 1.0 ' ' Z 80 x .9 1.0 c 65 x 40 a 60 58' z 36' -50 a >< a a 40 .g = 30 Q 50'x31' to w w .7 .T N w // ' ' 20 O SCALE ENTRANCE z .T- H 43 / It 27 TYPE x d 10 8 (2) -Mitered to confers to slope O cc .6 .d Z36' F. 22' Q 6 (3). Projecting 3 5 0 °? 4 w .5 .5 5 29' x 18' To ate scale (2) or (3) ore)ect 3 horizontally to scale (1), then see straight inclined line throagh D and 0 wales, ei reverse as 254116, 2 illustrated. I 22'x 13' 1.0 ?""_' a _"? • 4 .4 4 . I8' x 11' .6 ' .35 35 .35 . *'ADDITIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE-AR CH CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADSJAX1963 WITH INLET CONTROL VI-13 w February 28, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. C. Breck Patterson Regions Bank P.O. Box 2379 Highlands, NC 28741 Re: DWQ 011538 Regions Bank _ Macon County Attn: Mr. Patterson: On December 10, 2001, the Division of Water Quality wrote to you conceming.your plans to impact 180 linear feet of streams regarding the proposed impacts to an UT to Monger Creek in Macon County. This letter informed you that the project was incomplete and was being placed on hold until the additional information outlined in the letter was supplied. To date, we have not received this additional information. Unless we hear from you in writing within 3 weeks of the receipt of this letter, we will consider that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will retire the file and consider the application as withdrawn. Please be aware that reapplication for this project will require a Certification fee r and new applications. Please call Mr. Mike Horan of my staff at 919-733-3574 if you would like to discuss this matter. n erely your J orney Wetla dsl4 1_.Unit Supervi or Cc: File copy Central files f t Asheville DWQ Regional Office's' Asheville Regulatory Field Office+US Army Corps of Engineers 5 ? eta, .w ? w f ,ati r - sr tl f -- trl I i Yd?q.,r? jYl r 41 0 N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center . Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. (919) 733 7015 Custorrie? Service "`1 800 623-7748 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY SECTION December 10, 2001 Mr. C. Breck Patterson Regions Bank Post Office Box 2379 Highlands, North Carolina 28741 Subject: Dear Mr. Patterson: ?f NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Mt 1820 Review of 401 Certification Regions Bank DWQ Project No. WQ 01-1538 Macon County I have reviewed the 401 Certification Application submitted by you for proposed stream impacts to an unnamed tributary to Monger Creek, which is classified as WS-III waters. Based on my review, additional information will be needed before a determination can be made on the 401 Water Quality Certification. The following is a list of items needed: 1. The proposed project will impact approximately 180 feet of stream. According to the requirements of the Division of Water Quality all stream impacts greater than 150 feet requires mitigation. If you wish to pursue piping of this stream, a formal mitigation plan will need to be submitted for review and approval. 2. If you are going to modify your plan such as relocating the stream, then modifications to the application should be submitted for review. Please follow the relocation guidelines listed in the Division's "Internal Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina 3. As stated above the stream is classified as WS-III waters which means it is protected for public water supply. There is a 30 foot buffer requirement associated with all WS-III waters. Before you proceed with this project you should obtain approval from Macon County for your project. Please provide a letter of approval from Macon County, should you wish to continue work on 59 Woodliin Place, Asheville North Carolina 28801 Telephone 828-251-6208 FAX 828-251-6452 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper Mr. C. Breck Patterson December 10, 2001 Page Two 4. You will have to comply with the Division's stormwater requirements and other stream monitoring requirements (biological and physical) may be necessary depending on the final design of the project. Your application is being placed on hold for our processing due to incomplete information. The information listed above is needed by the Division of Water Quality in order for us to determine whether your project is approvable. By copy of this letter we are advising the Corps of Engineers of your project status. We will begin processing your applica 8ckpwe receive a complete application. If you have questions, please call me at 828-251-6208. Sincceerelyy,, Michael R. Parker Environmental Chemist xcc: Phillip Ward Dave Baker Todd St.John/Dave Penrose Kevin Barnett- 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville North Carolina 28801 Telephone 828-251-6208 FAX 828-251-6452 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Regions Bank Project Number 01 1538 Recvd From APP Received Date 10/19/01 Recvd By Region Project Type `commercial County MACON County2 Region Asheville Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. am 39 Stream O T O N F-- 2-21-4 wsm CA 40,401. F 148.00 180.00 F Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? O Y O N Is Mitigation required? Q Y O N Recommendation: O Issue O Issue/fond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 350309 Longitude (ddmmss) 831210 Comments: cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 (Division of Water Quality MEMO From: Date: L6 ' To: I'I Ad J C +' Subject: ) t) * 1, " lie '?' ?S N U4 Y ' -7-0 4 C'k III) Vc rlia/"'_ --Ib 6 ILPIWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources PO Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 / Phone: 733-5083 P hilip Ward "'N " Landscape Architect, P.A. LAND PLANNING • SITE DESIGN L A R B C E R T I F I E D THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS October 15, 2001 Mr. Mike Parker Division of Water Quality NCDENR 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 RE: "Regions Bank" Highlands, North Carolina ` Dear Mr. Parker: 48 Links Drive • P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Ph.-828-743-9951 • Fax,828-743-0687 • cell,?IMI • EinaiFwardl @dneLnet On behalf of Regions Bank, I am submitting two copies of the Stormwater Management Permit Application form, supporting documents, drawings and $225.00 fee for a proposed bank site in Highlands. The 1.04 acre site will be developed for a branch bank facility which will include, in addition to the building, parking, driveways, retaining walls, storm drainage structures and landscaping. The proposed BMPs will include two Bioretention areas to filter the first flush of stormwater from the site. Landscaping that is suitable for moist and wet soils will be installed in each Bioretention area. a Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. SincereI , Philip S. Ward Jr., ASLA ti cc. Paul Schmitt - Architect PHILIP WARD-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 2742 CASHIERS, NC 28717 66-86/531 338 03300282//7//61I DATE ©v ! , 2 ?,7 DOLLARS 8 ??,?? l Centura Bmk® Cashiers, NC 28717 ?? MEMO ':0 5 3 L008 501:0 3 300 28 2 7 Gil' 0 3 3 8 c? U r, < c u n n State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION L Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): 2Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): . __ , _ --- , _ _ _ _ I . `3 Mailing Address for H 1?{-t V?•?v Y`? 2--r4 1 Telephone Number. ( F59E _ 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, lettefs, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 5. Location of Facility (street address): 6. Directions to 7 (from nearest major intersection): u 1, HIAY &f / N? KA4_ ( -Zej I Longitude: of facility C) Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: Name Telephone Number. (?LZJ L?q'? ??? II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): New Renewal Modification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing perrnit number and its issue date (if known) Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 1 of 4 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): LAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404 Permit III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 1,2- acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: E % 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? Q 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. ..<tY'aN. .n:YT.<U c ??.?.' '?:)me?? zn I`nforanat}on < .. ': '/G`?'':'?T.. n:..;4;;?::.:...2.:.:::.,:..:.:»:v .. :.:...::....:.o........ ..:. ..... ...u..:.. r. i :3< ).? 'x UX Y \ v v?{??..3+. "e'SC :2iC Zk»,.3X: 1 ' ?' ".iAJtn . .'' '4/. ?.:.,..t.,...:....:. c'. ,a.....:.:::: :.::::.,.:.:. .:...»:....,.......:...:.,..at. .. a .??vh:i.' 'tC^kSa: ?? .:i :y%x3,'A?.i?F.: '':v+':v`•:.,'< ,x ? ?:t> ali i... L.i.:? •'s. •'?5 ..4 MY: ?.. Receivin Stream Name U -IT, Receiving Stream Class G Drainage Basin Area Existing Im ervious* Area Pro osed Im ervious*Area % Im ervious* Area (total) 11 b s, ?.... f .'Lb Tf?J SYv ?Y'..??'3T'•ST ?" ....:... .. ..: ..:..... _:.,:. ,??`.:.,:....:.. ::.. .... ,... :....: ....:?<` 4.:. . `.nT d$ > ';?3?`??`?3 ??":':?•.:v ,. a??',.a:.:.?v. ..:... ..::.,...?»3r...,.?,?„ ';<?'`:»'..i?.w<?,...,?Sx.'..:..o.?: >,3?E?:?.. c??a.???t7'.'?..?.«, x:x,<c`ox.cwa:w?.f ...:..:s<> On-site Buildings 654-7 ?2 On-site Streets On-site Parkin On-site Sidewalks 2 Other on-site 1,44 e-E '- Off-site p Total: ?= Z E_ * Imvervious area is defined as the ilt uvon area including, but not limited to. buildings, roads. varkin areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above IV. S Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SW-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): ? ? ? I , Mane: •?v -7/(cs?p? Phone Fax _). VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. Ap ant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form :StEam • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP (see Attachment A) • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) (N - • Two copies of plans and specifications including: • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm ? ' -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) C I fi??K Bqw=?Qj certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, tha the projec will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed project ies wi a irements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. i6 „1'01 Si?nattme: ? ` Zak: Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A 1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: 1. No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot. For commercial projects that-have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 5. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems, the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe, fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H.1008(g). 2. Supplement Forms The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 . Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) Type of Permit Low Density High Density Director's Certification General Permit New, Modification, or Late Renewal $225 $385 $22 $350 $50 Timely Renewal Without Modification n/a $225 n/a n/a n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 P hilip Ward "' s"' " . Landscape Architect, P.A. CLARB CERTIFIED THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 48 Links Dive- P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 . Ph.-828-743-9951 • Fax-828-743.0687 • Cell-828606-8793 • E-rnaik ardi @dnetnet STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN NARRATIVE REGIONS BANK - HIGHLANDS, NC A Regions Bank branch office will be constructed on a 1.0 acre site in Highlands, NC at the southern corner of Spring Street and NC Hwy. 106. The site is flat with scattered trees and undergrowth. A stream runs through the southern portion of the property and 148' of it will be piped with a 77" X 52" arch cmp culvert. The site will consist of a branch bank building, a drive through banking area, parking and driveways. It will be necessary to fill the site as shown on the attached site plan in order to make it useable for the planned function. Two bioretention areas will be installed and will function as the storm water BMPs to filter the first flush of runoff from the site. During a heavy storm, when the capacity of the bioretention area is exceeded, a bypass curb inlet and storm drainpipe will carry the over flow. Trees, shrubs and groundcover plants will be added to the bioretention and will be species that can tolerate moist to wet soils. Off-site drainage will be diverted away from the bioretention areas with drainage swales. This will make them more effective in treating just the storm water from the proposed bank site. 1 ,? C,p UP Rp. by f ,. ;'RAVENEL SITE SLAKE Cpl NC NW't NORSR . `j HARRIS 10? LAKE IC-1 C-> Na+ S s 8?9 9 k VICINITY MAP NORTH 1 "=2000' ?VA IaJh t7MKI. uic-rH k44 dh q aAV. MAC 40?0 1 u= 2oQO' 171z1 W--A ???1f?rioht? - 161% 21 °tq4 sf .1 .. 0,0t:1K 11 (044 bN.- oj< <?00 iog Af?k t 2 S 0.90 0. 26 1160?I G wIIOU17 lofk[..e ?0bt-7 51 15 51 Ib1)1 5(db 4b 471 lli?o V? 1144 ?&V "17 00. o,o? ,c q,q03 = 49r2 OF 500 ? .: d>Q L - = 502 S. VY rod 101 1 2 lot i'7,(,,,q4 9,903 ;F 161 {Z loI gv?o??'t?iorl ??? SYr?i (C)vr s'OF ld*J t ? G? I Nl.?j ?.{?iD W1?? -t.r?kl INTO e? 0F e,-(?-wit7hA 0 I o?q0 ? S,o,c o,51 ?. ?ztV? f Q n? -2-) 7 4F4., 1/0 00, ???o,aZ4 _ ?. = 14( o,Q2 - I;2?, K Sao < o,?1 Ac,:,- 2,2 GFzv z.Z (0004? OZZ 11 10,91 u1715i it;, J r? f: VI w q: - .i = .i: / .I - to =' ---- ?! "' ? a I i Ed ? Q W FJ 14? l ?? I 05 55 ?/?,/''_?%?R ••..--_--- `'?Y=,mac"°! ?:5ir;?;- `- ''? j ? <y? ? ? \; \`n ?? ?--?... (gj? 11 ? ` - - i x. - - - - - ------ ----- r - a i l : , _J r r r V i O t ' i. .r " W- lz?l } USN :g j: , Tcj O O(4 M j? , i I5 iL , c.. 7?1 ` vF 1 y ` ac`ii381t1:_sr Q coo r)O ? o ili: `<:'t?. !ai d? cow IL- ??> ? ? ?` _3813 ?_ o t Y I 1•l ? , ?? "s. ? ao 1 't 3do: ud ,` 1'i 't • \ 1 ?,, a . 1, ui n. a q S&m xs'l oa" 00 ujzz 0 `- .5Z ? ? I' a w W J w ?aza° lid f 6' { z N T?R ? = al 00 ' . ) t I z s a ? iF" M I J tI I_ a 8 w a w >a o? l t: _ ._ ___ ..„........' I ID M).J 67 t - t 1 . .i 1 - a t { el. i k _ 41 us i _ t ?'z??.. ?? r ? ? ih ?. ??? ) ?;i, yL1 ? . h Yr+?•? .J ?.. M1<?% ? `v?.• Y ? ,'i {• 1' n ? ? ? fit: a zQ ?,S&aw--7 g64K Cu1,v ?f rl.fr::? siZ? ToT6?1? 3?b? ? AV-. 'c" GOIMIM??Ib? - 24 A G, 4,Sq 0,30 -fl me- of GoN rt- 'f104 o l? H IzQ2 (z! :???'• :fib ???y? p,,= 8,cl M l ?j i5?F 1:0 '54S Ll Z t7r / 24 ,c 0, Sr = 20-4 01770 6? Z?; = 0,40 / 5eb /.. "7 '2016 1 42v*.- 6'ffk6M?{7 GL1LVfT'( 441f,?&Clly Q ? 20? ??s VFW V 6'S . (, b = q,37 ' d 4??3 5 7 A?U 6-imf 14 AV,& I ?4Ei;e? 46 Flfl?? SOffL4 # r r r r r i 1 1 4. 3 2 !. S 1.0 .9- .8 ry ;7- .6 .s .4 .4 .4 22'x13' 1.0 1- B [ .6 : .8 1 1 . .3S L 18' x l l' .5 .35 ,35 ADDITIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE-ARCH CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROAOS JAK 1963 WITH INLET CONTROL Exhibit 13 5,000 16'-T' x 10'-1' 4,000 4 t2) 15'-4•x 9'-3' 3,000 EXAMPLE 4 Size: 36"x 22'. 12'-10'x 8'-4' 2,000 Q w 20 eta 3 zi Ed tlw +'' mw 3 ?•t I I'-5'x 7'-3' o (fast) . W n 1,000 (1) 1.10 2.0 (2) 1.1s 2, i 2 800 (3) 1.22 2.2 I 9'- G' x 61-5' i ? 60o a0 in fast 2 M 500 a 8'-2'x 5'-9' 400 •5 300 1.5 7'-0• x 5'- is 00 a_ 72' x 44" eta 100 I.0 I.0 0 •80 / 0 65' x 40' v 60 '9 .9 50 a 58' x 36! w // .8 40 w .8 / 0 i 30 rh 4 50'x31' U) 20 .7 .7 w W W SCALE ENTRANCE ? ! I N 43' x 2T' D TYPE _ / 10 W (2) • Mitered to eentortn a ?j .8 to slops X36' x 22' 6 (3) Projecting 5 0 .5 4 = .5 29'x 18' To use seete (2) or (3) project 3 horizontally to %eels (I), then use straight inclined nine through 0 and 0 sects, or reverse as -.25,116, 2 illustrated. VI-13 t . State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original 1. GENERAL INFORMATION I.,, Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project 2. Print Owner/Signing Officiars name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): r, _ R---, ?? , 1 - __ _ _ • _ . `3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 'T'elephone Number. 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on Flans, specifications, lettefs, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 5. Location of Facility (street address): UJ?Nt? ? ???1 ?C24 P17 may: 6. Directions to facility (from nearest major intersection): r U G e ? A-OD N? i?t`? -711 7. Latitu e: Laude: of facility Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: p,-?Q, 1-742?, Nam Telephone Number. (LD II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): New Renewal Modification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and its issue date (if known) Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page I of 4 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control III. PROJECT INFORMATION 404 Permit 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total Project Area: L acres 4. Project Built upon Area: 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? Q I_5 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. 'r.:.:..t::y:sr. x>:x'.z:sracata:^<: ^.cmea Receivin Stream Name •.?t• est?'w»:w:aa';?o.'ay;;r, .< :.rs::yr'+? G? ?+'ytr;r.>yKrsyx??a Receiving Stream Class ? Drainage Basin Area .71 Existin Im ervious* Area Pro osed Im eivious*Area % Im ervious* Area (total) 522 f :<:..;? y y?? :w. v°i;.? On-site Buildings ':F31aw: 4:ityv"..` ?.'J^t... ,•1;?'e.. 'N;"t 54-7 ..inQ,?..`?:,y: ..?.. ..? .^? V On-site Streets 4 On-site Parkin ' On-site Sidewalks 2 Other on-site Off-site 0 Total: 7,= Z = Ol-70 A6, E_ " Impervious area is define d as the bluilt upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parkin areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived?IV. V ES CC'O% 4Z f-S'CACOVV9&A 9'-"' "7' / 9 Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or fumy: ? FYwne l 1 ?'? WoS a Fax Z VI. SUBMITTAL REQUnUMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. A ant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form -\_.. • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP (see Attachment A) _ • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) - • Two copies of plans and specifications including: • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: _ - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm 7 ' -Legend - North arrow Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter F - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) C certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, tha the projec will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed project ies wi 'rements of 15A NCAC ZH .1000. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A 1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: 1. No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size and the allowable built upon area for each lot. For commercial projects that"have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. t 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. :. 5. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems, the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe, fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H.1008(g).. 2. Supplement Forms The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project- Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement - Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107. Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) Type of Permit Low Density High Density t Directors Certification General Permit New, Modification, or Late Renewal $225 $385 $350 $50 Timely Renewal Without Modification n/a $225 n/a n/a n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 P h i l i p Ward """"URAN swEly OF LAN Landscape Architect, P.A. LAND PLANNING • SITE DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION MAN CLARB CERTIFIED THE STANDARD OF QUALITY -FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 48 Links Drive* P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Ph -82&743-9951 • Fax-828-743-0687 • CelRM&S06S793 • E-mail-vardi ftnetnet STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN NARRATIVE REGIONS BANK - HIGHLANDS, NC A Regions Bank branch office will be constructed on a 1.0 acre site in Highlands, NC at the southern corner of Spring Street and NC Hwy. 106. The site is flat with scattered trees and undergrowth. A stream runs through the southern portion of the property and 148' of it will be piped with a 77" X 52" arch cmp culvert. The site will consist of a branch bank building, a drive through banking area, parking and driveways. It will be necessary to fill the site as shown on the attached site plan in order to make it useable for the planned function. Two bioretention areas will be installed and will function as the storm water BNTs to filter the first flush of runoff from the site. During a heavy storm, when the capacity of the bioretention area is exceeded, a bypass curb inlet and storm drainpipe will carry the over flow. Trees, shrubs and groundcover plants will be added to the bioretention and will be species that can tolerate moist to wet soils. Off-site drainage will be diverted away from the bioretention areas with drainage swales. This will make them more effective in treating just the storm water from the proposed bank site. M,4 c? uppR ti ro H/G OF RAVENEL ENO LAKE G t,C• ?.NY NORSR HARRIS 106 y LAKE c'> NW S ?y y NORTH 1 *=2000' ?VA IOQh. ?btJK +41604La?1717 4d#..17. MAP 400 lu= 20G1D? l01 M4.- A et- ACT _;a O ,?-f 2.191M sf 0,90 0,26 ;; sIZ? W ICI ??Ni? X17 0105? >c 11 (044 = IbSZ '(o1hl. 0I90 ©05 looi7 5P ,; 1551 IbIF ?)15(ob 4bfo ?&4P "P.00 of 0q ,c 91903 = Q of 5a0 t 502 CIS. S. vq `0\ I (P I 124(O 91903 SF F? 10017 ?v?o??T?NtEPA - 161 Im lo I ?orl ?? ?Y?'?i ?o??? l? ?Cr(`(o? '??F ?IofT?N?atii p???s- ? lT G? I NI,?'?' ??D W 1?? adf*rL4-l4 INTO A q414QZ?=G t,A% O?°IO 4 So 09 0,51 fib, nZ7 7? t0' , ?ia?-t?t?Tiad # z C?Z? =Gig o,-z7l A6, Z?i V z 14:;, f (0 0014? ?-O-fozz-. ? I? y ro ai _ -_ _ p X - ...... ..._ :r rn Z ?'j mm - - - - :: v r U' ? y GLt' - - - ? t\ M ? I Ok ,.• ,If L --- ................. - 00 SSS ?' ?t 1t'xw .F. ?N,' •i?,.£?>! •i fix ? my y? c>c . ? ?r,G ?` . ? ???\ g}t• ??,?' $'• 6t `;p.Ip1. : 1 KE ??`? - x: ) . r-\ \ O ; ? rn :'\ 0•A SETBACK S AL o ? l ? ? `:ut D ro ` i]jjp : l ?_\' ??`s•i ' :' J 3 \` '• 1 p?r i, l ul ,11:. Z. ; 1 i gym= c77 \x8 ?'?. iOj}y[3 ?o `:4`.t Y C t ? q •. 1n 1 ........ _.._ ........... .....__.._ .. --?. d I 0 :-q 17T EA. oat :... *> tj _._ t ? ; .... ..,. x•..:'.-? . ----•-'moo . ta,, .t? i. - [i t ;ID iac w? _ 3813 D t- x t){ l 'i O J 1 3 t i L O m +l - CR055: , D y to Pte,:' `t \, V ovae,? s t+I+ \ 1 PO Y rte} z ?, . o _ :.,3? ,' \ t 't} t `-Q 'te eo L= y jpAC -= 3o s \ £68£' ! ?( Yzc? \\` ' vex m r:"- O tt77 m v ?? gcz'? YN a•_. - -! i au r ?:• SETBACK' c m m W. t i I vZrn °w=' t'i•. •.:yl o i i u? \ 'n t goo 'min +iD to m F° 1 D Vc, (A cp ' p ..A [N i O Z N 1 n y `i. r c.- \e `t l RAIAP L o; WgiR xrng ? C a? n? x? 0-1 IM R m _J 'VI r ,. - is 1 %Bic' N; y1' • L ° .' -.............ter' ? \"`. '\ I; ?/ /' - IV, ?rt?f , ?':? N?3.?`e-.' ''y ~ _ _ J?;z 1 __ :? ?__`-'__?";Ci,t?-• ?_. ?J•?`?177 / SI3? z 7v .... TT ?ro rn 70 Z -- y z ) z I 1 t. m rn F' r Q y to ' ??'? / ?? ?I' ?? _......? to Cu1,v?( gbNK Ali L ?N1? U 24 Ae,?, ,1c It 0126 o,?o coNcr- f4 10400 r L3 4?Cj 2 7UC3 ?' o??$? ISO 1 Z? (7Zq> 59 vs 81,9 M??I, 24 ,c o, Or? = 20,4 _ 1770 _ -75 75= 'Zol G f'7 CPO i ?'= Zoe C ? ?+w ??? 1?77 7,SW T??M M.&5- 41-7 11 AF644 tooWp -7-7"-X Exhibit 13 Q ?mf 1 9vH t,4417*?, 5,000 IV-Tex 10'-1' 4,000 4 (2) 15'-4'x 9'-3' 3,000 EXAMPLE 4 3j- Size: 36'x 22'. 4 * 12'-10'x 8'-4' 2,000 0¦ 20 eta 3 d Sd Hw ??' Hw 3 t I I'•5'x D (test) 3 III W 4 1,000 (l) 1.10 2.0 • cz1 1.18 2.l 2 119 Soo (3) 1.22 2.2 9'- 6' x 6'-5' ?II T V 600 a0 in fast 2 2 TO a 500 H S'-2' x 5'-9' 400 .5 II 300 LS .1.5 7'-0' x 5'- (" 00 a a 72` x 44` u? IOU // &+ 1.0 1.0 °- z 80 // x ;9 IA 63' x 40' .9 60 50 58' x 3.6 • 40 uLL_ '8 .8 .9. a / 0 i x 30 rh .8 4 50'x 31' 2 V 20 r •T •7 / HW ENTRANCE z .T- W SCALE 0 TYPE U) 43' x 2T' / .. x ?? (I) Heodsap• p~ I '6 10 (2) Mitered ten w .6 / farm a ? ? (>f to slope ? .6 Z36'><22' 6 (3) Projecting Q 5 A 4 = .s •5 .5 29' It 18' To use scale (2) or (3) project 3 horizontally to scale (I), than 4184 straight inclined ling through 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as .25' x 16' 2 illustrated. 22' x 13' 1.0 B -'•? .4 .4 .4 D _ 18' x 110 .? . .35 .35 .35 *AOD(TIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE H EADWATER ' DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M, PI PE-ARCH CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS JAte• :943 WITH INLET CONTROL I? VI-13 401 review Subject: 401 review Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 10:42:07 -0500 From: Megan Owen <Megan.Owen@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR, DWQ To: Cyndi Karoly <Cyndi.Karoly@NCMail.Net>, John Dorney <John.Dorney@ncmail.net>, Todd St John <Todd.St.John@ncmail.net> Here are my comments: Projects without issues: 011504 (DOT, Ashe County) - not in WS Projects with issues: 011506 (City of Durham, Durham Co) - no WS issues, but Neuse Rules apply 011584 (Philip Rollins, Catawba Co) - no WS issues, but Catawba Rules apply 011553 (David Mecimore, Alexander Co) - no WS issues, but Catawba Rules apply / 011538 (C. Breck Patterson, Regions Bank, Macon Co.) - Monger Creek is WS-III, will need to go to local planning department for bua/buffer review; will need to minimize bua, divert stormwater and use BMPs as much as possible. 011521 (DOT, Clay Co.) - Town Creek is WS-IV; will need to revegetate buffer if it gets impacted; DOT must follows their BMPs guidance document; must minimize bua and divert stormwater. 011540 (Cassidy Residence, Jackson Co) - WS-III, revegetate buffer if impacted during construction, keep all non water-dependent structures out of the buffer. 011511 (Dourer Reeves, Beltway Business Park, Mecklenburg Co) - WS-IV and Catawba Rules apply. County will need to approve bua and buffers. Development will need to stay out of the buffers. 011492 (Village By the Eno, Durham Co.) - within WS-IV-PA. Durham Planning Dept. will need to review bua, stormwater, buffers. If streams truly intermittent WSWP buffers do not apply. Neuse buffer do apply. 011524 (DOT, Macon Co) - Cloer Creek is WS-III Tr. DOT must follow their BMPs guidance document, minimize bua, and divert stormwater away from surface waters. Revegetate buffer when construction is done. Megan Owen <megan.owen@ncmail.net> Environmental Planner North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1 of 2 11/8/0111:42 AN v ?\ ? ??? ??? 1 Y P h i l i p Ward AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE Al Landscape Architect, P.A. LAND PLANNING • SITE DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CLARE CERTIFIED THE STANDARD OF QUALITY 'FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 48 Links Drive* P.O. Box 2742 • Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Ph.-828-743-9951 • Fax-828-743-0687 • CeIF828.506-8793 • E-mail Nardl @dnetnet 01 1538 October 15, 2001 Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 `L ; RE: "Regions Bank" Highlands, North Carolina To Whom It May Concem: On behalf of Regions Bank, I am submitting a Pre-Construction Notification Application Form along with supporting documents for a proposed bank site in Highlands. The 1.04 acre site will be developed for a branch bank facility which will include, in addition to the building, parking, driveways, retaining walls, storm drainage structures and landscaping. Site development will require pip' 148' of stream with a 77" X 52" arch cmp culvert pipe. Piping the stream is necessary in order to o tavrx enou par g and access for the proposed use. The Town of Highlands setback restrictions and the streams running through the property have made the site very limited. A Stormwater Management plan was submitted to the Division of Water Quality that shows the planned BMPs for controlling runoff and the quality of storm water. Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, PAYMENT C- RECE 1 VED Philip S. Ward Jr., ASLA cc. Paul Schmitt - Architect John Dorney _ Division of Water Quality US Fish & Wildlife Service - Asheville Field Office NCWRC Triage Check List Date: Steve Mitchell Project Name 70: ORRO AFRO Ken Averitte DWO Project Number County-MI ?WaRO Deborah Sawyer ' ?WiRO Joanne Steenhuis (]WSRO Jennifer Frye WARD Mike Parker OM O Pete Colwell - - Telephone 919 733- From. attached is being forwarded to you nor Y= e'tiOn. Please call if you need assistance. 5 . ? keam length impacted eam determination on USGW topo maps ? Wetland determination and d?ar? ? tzue4 space y?te s ? Minimizationlavoidance issues . Buffer Rules (Neese, Tar-Parr,100, Leman Pond fill [] Ngtigation Ratios [] Ditching stream and or wetland ?6?'n s eallabie aa-sd viable? Are t in ? Check drawings for accuracf is the application consistent Vt-, 7 ' meetir ? _ Cumulative impact concerns f comments _ ?Y tD., S Office Use Only: 01 15.3 8 Form Version April 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: Section 404 Permit Section 10 Permit 01 Water Quality Certification Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules -7 Ct 2. Nationwide, Regional-or General Permit Number(s) Requested:__..1 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: N 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: EJ T, Applicant Information . 1. Telephone Number: Fax Number: ?-Z E-mail Address: 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has siptU authority for the owner/applicant.) Company Mailing A Telephone Number: E-mail Address: ax Number. PAYMENT RECEIVED Page 3 of 12 M, Project Information Attach a - vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other-maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. ?t C 1. Name of project:... 2. T.I.P. Project Number (NCDOT Only): O / _ 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 0 V 4. Location County: _ Subdivision name (include phase/lot numb( Directions to'site (include road numbers, Ia: Nearest Town: 'etc.): 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note -- If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, a ch a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the exi 8. 9: 7. Property size( land use or condition of Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake):,,=I- River Basin: L t'?? 1 ?Li`It ?1' G (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http.//h2o.enr.state.ne.us/admin/mgps/.) Pa.2e 4 of 12 10. 11. 12. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. V.. Future, Project Plans - Are any additional permit requests 'anticipated for this project in 'the future? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated. with the project The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 5 of 12 1. Wetland Impacts . N /76q Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) . Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (yesiho) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Weiland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's TEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at htto://www.femajov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2. Stream Impacts, including all interinittent and perennial streams Stream impact Site Number (indicate on map). Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) ?:?'Stream Name**' Average Width - of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please specify) * List each impact separately and idealify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as, UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.uses.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.touozone.com. www.mayquestcom. etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance m feet) to all streams on site: -? Paze 6 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on map). Type of Impact* Area of Impact (ate) Name applicable) Wat) (if ap Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a and is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): 0 uplands [] stream [] wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g;, livestock watering, irrigation, .aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Paize 7 of 12 Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial, viability of the project The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction VM. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may 'be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modif cation of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation'plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any 'application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://` 2o.enr.state.ne.us/newetlands/strm?gide htnl. 1. Provide a .brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. j Pao'- 2 n-F 17 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements: Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at httv://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrn/index.htrn. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information. 7 •' Amount of stream mitigation reque ed (hnear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is. required, call the ..SEPA coordinator,at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes [] No n If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. i Yes [] No [] X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and atershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts -to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the appl'icant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neese), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman R es and Water Supply X uffer Requirements), or other (please identifyr,• ? Yes No ? If you answered "yes", provideowing a on: fl...... A ...7 1 11 Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 (? 3 2 1.5 Total L.UIIa L CKLMU3 out -u Ieet petpenaIcuwar nom near DanK 02 Wannet; Lone "l =wnas an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. . If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. M. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the., site. Discuss storinwater controls proposed. in order to protect surface waters and wetlands XH. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes F] No k Is this an af ter-the-fact permit pplication? Yes Noj6k Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or. discharge) of MV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It. is the applicant`s responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to. allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). .. 0" 1 Applicant/Agent's Signature (Agent's signature is valid onl; Date if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) US Array Cor ps Of Engineers Field Offices and County Coverage Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alexander Cherokee Iredell Mitchell US Army Corps of Engineers Avery Clay Jackson Polk 15I Patton Avenue Buncombe Cleveland Lincoln Rowan Room 20.8...... Burke Gaston Macon Rutherford . Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Cabanas Graham Madison Stanley Telephone: (828) 271-4854 '.'well Haywood McDowell. Swain Fax: (828) 271-4858 G: vba Henderson Mecklenburg Transylvania Raleigh Regulatory Field Office A, =nce Durham Johnston Rockingham US Army Corps Of Engineers Al:...'_;any Edgecombe Lee ' Stokes 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road As U, -- Franklin Nash Surry Suite 120 Caswell Forsyth Northampton Vance Raleigh, NC 27615 Chatham Granville . Orange Wake Telephone: (919) 876-8441 Davidson Guilford Person Warren Fax: (919) 876-5283 Davie Halifax Randolph Wilkes Washington Regulatory Field Office Beaufort Currituck Jones US Army Corps Of Engineers Bertie Dare Lenoir Post Office Box 1000 Camden Gates Martin Washington, NC 27889-1000 Carteret* Green Pamlico Telephone: (252) 975-1616 Chowan Hertford Pasquotank Fax: (252) 975-1399 Craven Hyde Perquirn rmss Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Anson Duplin Onslow US Army Corps Of Engineers Bladen Harnett Pender Post Office Box 1890 Brunswick Hoke Richmond Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Carteret Montgomery Robeson Telephone: (910) 251-4511 Columbus Moore Sampson Fax: (910) 251-4025 Cumberland New Hanover Scotland 1003 [6/ Pitt • Tyrrell Washington Wayne Union Watauga Yancey Wilson Yadkin *Croatan National Forest Only n--- 11 -V 1-1 US Fis US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone: (919) 856-4520 It and Wildlife Service / National Marine Fisheries Service US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Asheville Field Office Habitat Conservation. Division 160 Zi73icoa Street Pivers Island Asheville, NC 28801 Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone: (828) 665-1195 Telephone: (252) 728-5090 North Carolina State Agencies Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Telephone: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Division of Water Quality Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC •27699-1619 Telephone: (919) 733-5208 Fax: (919) 733-5321 State Historic Preservation Office Department Of Cultural Resources 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 Telephone: (9.19) 733-4763 Fax: (919) 715-2671 CAMA and NC Coastal Counties Division of Coastal Management Beaufort Chowan' Hertford Pasquotank 1638 Mail Service Center Bertie Craven Hyde Pender Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Brunswick Currituck New Hanover Perquinians Telephone: (919) 733-2293 Camden Dare Onslow Tyrrell Fax: (919) 733-1495 Carteret Gates Pamlico Washington NCWRC and NC Trout Counties r Westem Piedmont Region Coordinator Alleghany Caldwell Wataagd 3855 Idlewild Road Ashe Mitchell Wilkes Kernersville, NC 27284-9180 Avery Stokes Telephone: (336) 769-9453 Burke Surry Mountain Region Coordinator Buncombe Henderson Polk 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Cherokee Jackson Rutherford Waynesville, NC 28786 Clay Macon Swain Telephone: (828) 452-2546 Graham. Madison Transylvania Fax: (828) 506-1754 Haywood McDowell Yancey LK- M?? up R . ho% ?..., N/G,S,? pF 'RAVENEL Np ,"LAKE SITE Cpl HARRIS 10 y LAKE re1) Z?? BS9 VICINITY MAP NORTH 1"=2000' PVA IOW-7 VMf( 14164*171-7 qUA-,P. MAC !"2 2000` L?N1? U 47F:: ? ?, ?OvIA MgGik? - 24 AG, 0,2?5 f- 5-147 I N116F 0130 3 2 &300 3 0, ?? H (so G= t4'C(71Y 0 = !N z I 24 ,c o, 85 204 S i ?C a,Z,o - 1r2.72 -75 ~ V0? V r ??y Y ?? Fom 4 'ARA tmf 100-Z)OI (fie: •'?' c?? •,, ?•': •? ron DS -7t5 QZy = 0.40 /. 5.S )4 7S= 201 G?1-7 Q'f'f?l.A?D GuLVf.?1 G?.?''6?11Y NO m6q;? , 41-kl =Coy 5' me= N w w w w w w ¦ r Exhibit 13 5,000 77 4,000 4 15'-4'x 9'-3' 3,000 EXAMPLE Sits: 3E'x 22'. 2,000 a• 20 CIS 3 a W D (feat) <!' 11'-5' x T'-3' (I) 1.10 2.0 L W 1,000 (2) 1.15 2.1 2 i 800 (3) 1.22 2.2 9'- 6' x 6'-5' Z v 600 e0 In test Lo 500 N 8'-2' x 5'-9' 400 5 300 7'- O' x 5'-1' 00 o: / r. 1.0 a_ 72' x 44' In - 100 80 / .9 65' x 40' so +'? a 58' x 36! ? 8 40 Z U 30 a 50' It 31' N / 7 0. N 20 w • W ' / HW SCALE ENTRANCE D T ? N 43 x27' YPE _ to / (1) Msad?all • ? .6 10 (2) Mitered to conform G X 8 to dope 1Y 36' x 22' 93 (3) Projecting e 6 i 5 0 9 4 W .5 29' x 18' To use scale (2) or (3) project = 3 horizontally to scale (I), than use straight inclined lino through D and a scales, or reverse as .25' it 16' 2 illustrated. (2) r 4 3)- 3 4. 3 2 2 1 y • 1.5 1.0 LO .9 9 . . .8 .7 .6 .6 .5 i .5 .4 .4 220113, 1.0 1-9-1 .8 1 . 18' x 11' .5 .35 .35 35 'ZAOOITIONAL SIZES NOT DIMENSIONED ARE HEADWATER DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE-ARCH CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROAOS JAN. 1963 _ WITH INLET CONTROL VI-13 01-1,5-'3 ?K a 1 a z/8 r fjY ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director May 7, 2002 Mr. David Baker U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 SUBJECT: Regions Bank Nationwide 404 Permit Application Culvert, Stream Relocation and Restoration - UT Monger Creek Jackson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Baker: Appalachian Environmental Services, on behalf of Regions Bank, is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. I have reviewed information provided by the applicant and I am familiar with habitat values of the project area. A site visit was made on November 5, 2001 to further assess the potential to adversely impact fish and wildlife resources. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The original application requested 148 feet of arched pipe. The project would have also impacted what appeared to be some wetland areas along the stream channel. The property also appears to receive some stormwater runoff from the surrounding area; therefore, the area provides water quality functions. Although we never made written comments, the NCWRC expressed concerns about this project and the extent of the impacts to the Division of Water Quality and the Corps of Engineers. Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Regions Bank 2 May 7, 2002 UT Monger Creek, Macon County The stream, an unnamed tributary to Monger Creek, has good flow and appears to provide relatively good habitat for an urban stream. The habitat appears to improve downstream of this property. Monger Creek is classified as WS-III. It is the opinion of biologists with the NCWRC that the unnamed tributary downstream of this project likely supports trout. Due to the quality of this stream, it is preferable to further reduce impacts by relocating additional stream or reducing the parking lot size. However, the current application has reduced the culvert length to 120 feet. Also, the restoration of the small tributary along NC 107 and restoration/enhancement of the remaining reach and protection of 30-foot riparian buffers will be beneficial and help mitigate some of the impacts associated with the culvert and development of the site. The NCWRC is concerned about the adverse impacts to trout and other aquatic resources within this drainage. However, we can concur with the issuance of a 404 permit provided the following conditions are placed on the subject permit: 1. Stabilizing structures should not block the movement of aquatic life through the project area. 2. Only clean, sediment-free rock, large woody material, or other bioengineering techniques should be used for bank stabilization. Root wads should be installed low enough in the bank so that a significant portion of the root wad is inundated during normal flows. 3. Require that sufficient funds to complete the entire mitigation activities be placed in an escrow account before any impacts are made for the development of the site. Additionally, contracts and easements should be legally executed and mitigation should be initiated prior to or concurrently with impacts. 4. Under no circumstances should rock, sand or other materials be dredged from the wetted stream channel under authorization of this permit, except in the immediate vicinity of the culverts and as needed to perform the restoration work. 5. Adequate sedimentation and erosion control measures must be -implemented and maintained on the project site to avoid impacts to downstream aquatic resources. Erosion control matting should be used for disturbed areas on streambanks in conjunction with appropriate seeding instead of straw mulch. 6. Restoration and relocation work should be conducted in a dry work area to the greatest extent practicable. Sandbags or other diversion structures should be used where possible to minimize excavation in flowing water. 7. Disturbance in stream and within the 25-foot buffer is prohibited from October 15- April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages of trout . h. ? Regions Bank 3 May 7, 2002 UT Monger Creek, Macon County 8. The overflow outlets from the stormwater ponds should be installed in a manner to minimize scouring of the streambed and banks and energy at energy should be dissipated prior to discharge. 9. All mechanized equipment operated in or near surface waters should be inspected and maintained regularly to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials. 10. Native trees and woody shrubs (e.g., willows, alders, sycamores, dogwoods, oaks and red maple) and herbaceous plants should be planted along the streambank to reestablish the riparian zone and to provide long-term bank stability. The species shown on the planting diagram are acceptable; however, we request the addition of 1- 2 hard mast producing species Lhat have the potential to reach the canopy layer. A native riparian buffer should be reestablished along the tributary on the west side of the property beginning at the existing culvert outlet. 11. Vegetation planted within the riparian buffers should be protected from damage by animals and people to the extent necessary to insure successful stabilization of streambanks by native trees and shrubs. 12. Post-project activities or modifications that would impact adversely the established riparian buffer or other stabilization structures are not authorized. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Pending availability of field staff, the NCWRC may inspect the work site during or after construction. If there are any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at (828) 452-2546. Sincerely, Owen F. Anderson Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program cc: Mr. Mickey. B. Henson, Appalachian Environmental Services, Consultant Mr. John Dorney, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh Mr. Mike Parker, Division of Water Quality, Asheville mm ? ?y x ,yy{ °¢ s 2x ? ?tpp? a 2i?Q 3 ?I go 6 fly = Z A N ? n Q Q o NSmz > ? CZ QQ m0 N O ci? > y m Y V A 2 C A F m xpN?°m ma^; mr?. rN.1 7 i - s? zo Ey m m$m R sv k F y o m"kx 7A? i 1 OF m mP ? io 1/1 ? y - m ? m >; !?? ?K C I 9 a O ? m uz ° r li1 v my ) M.SSL 2S i`nav, 0 - ?m " x s z y i m? ?' 91 U 91 01 3-u y 0 ?•n? Cf \ S_ SE i d ti ? i 10. n Vp - v /1 t 8.0 q Z X90 I ??ef yp Is 1 IJ /2 m ?e 9 ? ? ?y ?t^ Aza O Qi o 0 ro yu ? 3 1 z °3-i 9 4? iiiinnnn ?? • C 6 5 N Q+3? N E S, ?s x C7 ci A r Ls7 a a OYs 90L 'AMH zme m m ?p z ?s opy 8== s? i Zm??1 H iEy A r OP O n ° 2m z pcac m m A 2?•1 ;V ->1? C m a> oa ? N z? ox 22 s p -00' m O N s < C 4 ?I sm m i= 1 ? ms Az M tN0 N >V Nv > ?s p N ul S N Z 't zo e m m 0 ? a m N N n N a O A 5 N ? y . D N Ott Z s g ? $ g m N mwa 9 > m g 23 n 4?? egc ?? V > m N N e ? N ? p < yl N 1120 m NDZ N ?F°> z ozaz °_ N Q Q 1392' mod 2 D ? D .L O c: =1 zm IN :91 FF ?BMC T A u2 canoe d I ? O L z N C ? V n ? E. "n El ? (V c1 DATE: OCTOBER 15. 2001 REGIONS BANK JOB: 0114] N ? =r REVISIONS SITE PLAN TOWN OF HIGHLANDS ? N'+ MACON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIN* _ Jg13 3? ? - 2? .° I 0 ?z ?a C>1CD? m 1 L S SN 9 L L ya mrz0 cl > 6 mA?° AN9 7N a>z?i N - < p N t a m `? ]4 C?D ;F u a 1? I a ` . t o - a• 992 y ; K K ?I m V ? v N 9 tI all TZO 1.SS y'>$ r L u 02 rxC, ; VY I3- CROSS '4 s SLOPE mCU?° ma z `. ?• 8 a3- - li K-i $? V <-F) ' H?m cc ? .? ???A 1 ° dap *° 41+ CLK JE lift z E uA 75. SMACK. z o$ It i° ? ® L8£ ??. ro$ ? $ ® .. \•o it c, 1q < ® E M f.-RAt1P q o _ Fi mM m 0 w I ? J Rzm - ? ? ? i FA °? ?w .? ? S Z Zin ?91 ? 8zo n°vo ?_- ?j za NV M N m u zo y ? o m ? ° m z x c? 6 PREPARED BY. PHILIP WARD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, P.A. P.O. BOX 2742, CA90M NORTH CAROLMA 28717 (828-743-9951. EXT.208) W W Z > J O Z W F-- U Z Z C.7 W J z W EL CL > to U U O Q z Z Z W w 0 X ZZ F- W F- -j Z -j QJ °-t- WwWO°' -c? w Wwa"cnow UU?UC7 c??? =O(D - Wcn W ZZwZZCncncn U) e c c OO Q Z U U) J W w , J J J Z nZQQQ =. 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CAP BOARD _ ...PAST ~ ~ A ^ ~ PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS - -IN CONCRETE--CURB. ~ N~ ~ ~ _O " 1 X 8 TRIM i i f 1" X 8' TRIM TRIM A U ~ Q - lD PROVIDE 1/2' EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS 6 BOARD - - ~ - e - - BOARD ..NOT TO EXCEED 50', AT THE -ENDS AND MID-POINT, 1'_p" 6" X 6" W OF RETURNS AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. POST - I /1 V" ~ H z ~ _ tD ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1' X 6' VERTICAL BOARDS S" 1 ° RAOIUS ~iIGAL -$OARDS _ _ - - - - - - BOARDS ~ ~ ~ ~ ,N G, Q U1 I ~ A ~ 1.1 /2" -RADIUS 5'-O" _ - - - _ - _ - - A w ~ ~ - 2' X 6" STRINGERS 2" X 6' STRINGERS-BACK ! - ATTACH TO POSTS WITH DA ~A - LINGERS-BACK SIDE OF FENCE o ~ d P S TH DADO J V. ANGLES NEEDED AT CORNERS ~ ry N 0 TS WI ED OINTS. (GAL ) ~ q i+- Q / r~~ • M ~ x S ~ ~ = w - ~ 1 X 4 TRIM FINISHED GRADE - - \ ~ d ° -BOARD RADE ~ P-ROP-0SED ~.LAN7INGS ~ ~ 6" , , - e ~ U ~ x ~ SEE SHEET C6 -LANDSCAPE PLAN _ A ~ ~ d a - a- ~ 4 ~ - ~ I ' 4" CLEARANCE ° a , ti -4• _ Q ~ A ~ Z ~ - - _ ~ 4 ~l 1NLfT ~EFLfCT~t: (3' WIDE) ~ F-+ FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER ~,1J a ~ ,~l _ _ _ - - - - - _ -PROPOSED BOULDER A TO DIVt~tT STORM aNAT~2aNTO ~ _ _ = CABC a POST ANCHOR: (TYPICAL) 1' X 4" TRIM 3000 PSI CONC. - - USP TIMBER CONNECTORS BOARD ~ ~ Q ~ RETAINING WALL ~ ~ BIORETENTION BASIN. ~ -CURB~c~GUTiEft - f- 3'-U" t1Ef111Y~OL-UMN-BASE SEE ~ Of Q ~ ~ O ( ) n ~ ~ l I I I I- 3000 PSI CBE66 12 GAUGE ~ , ~ ~ , -FTG. SLOPE TOP OF FTG. FOR DRAINAGE U~ JNAGE ~ ~J O 1 , - TYPICAL ~ " s t -6 - o. ~ _ 1 MAXIMUM PONDED WATER PROPOSED GRADE Q ¢ Q ~Q T;OMRAGTEO PROPOSED GRADE DEPTH - ~ ~ (LI SUBGRADE OUTSIDE FACE OF ENCLOSURE -ELEVATION Zo W 3:1 MAX. CURB OPENING ~ _ lD L~ - ASPHALT f'VMNT. Q a ~ p U I N IL (GRA~NAG: TO@IAP,QS CURB) 1'-6w 2" X 4" TRIM BOARD O ~ ~ RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF " PLYWOOD) ~ z _ Cb . 6• MAV 1 - IV1. / r N LL e.} SCALE: 1 =1-0 SECTION VIEW ii ~ w V IIII~IIII~iII _ ~ . a _ ~ ~ 3/4' RL'I~hraOD Q - I-I ~I ~ ~ 11111 N ~ m FACE OF CURB BACKING 2' " -4' CAP " Ili il~ III ill II II III III~II III ill ~ w 1 X6 ® ~ II~II~ VIII a VERTICAL BOARDS oa.~ X III Ill II WAN Q PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS 6° 6' X 6' POST - - - - - - - - - - - - 2' X 4' TRIM BOARD ~ I III ~ J X IN CONCRETE CURB. - - - - -RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF PLYWOOD) 1'-0" Q _ o ~ 1111 -III ~ I 1 ~ m - - 4 MI . _ • PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS VIII III III ~ o NOT TO EXCEED 50', A71'HE ENDS AND MID-POINT PLAN VIEW AT GATE ~ CAS' OF RETURNS' AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. 1' X 8' TRIM BOARD d~a o III II1 II®I - - PLANnrlc SOIL ~ -5' l".RADIUS ASPHALT PAVEMENT _Jll Ill _ sff - ~,DSC,~E ALAN I 2" X 4' CAP 10'-6' O.C. III III II I FOR BIORETEN11oN AREA SPEaFlCAT1oNS 1 1 /2" RADIUS 2" X 4` SAP _ X 6" " w _ II VIII - VERTICAL BOARDS 1 X 8 TRIM BOARD 4 -6' x 6" POST III~~'._. II • - ~ ~ _ :..~t'-0` MIN... ~ SAND BED E° i ~-I L~.~ I~- 6 x B POST ill . 1' X 8° TRIM BOARD o ~ Q III ~ ~ ~ ' II II - II~III®I ~ IIII~III~III® I~IIII III~I III j , ~ ~ ~ T-HINGE (3 E -T--HINGE (3 EACH SIDE) II III®III III I III®III®III IIII~III®III II 7" - 4 - n ~ t° X 6' VERTICAL b D ~ ~ n BOARDS 1" X 6" DIAGNOL r r X 6 DIAGNOL BRACE 4• a 1' X 8" TRIM BOARD BEYOND 4 -0 BIORETENTION AREA ° 1 X 8" TRIM B01 ' X 8" TRIM BOARD CABC 3000 PSI CONC. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ,--I- 3/4" PLYWOOD CURB -~C-giiiER - I p ~ ~ I I 1 -BACKING 1 6 ~ ~ FlNI! u _ it FlNISHED GRADE I--- 1" X 4" TRIM BOARD H ? H CD~AC~-0 HASP 1ATCH 1' X 4' TRIM BOARD NOT TO SCALE A SUBGRADE SECTION VIEW AT GATE CANE BOLT 1" X 8' TRIM BOARD 3' WIDE INLET DEFLECTOR: 3' WIDE INLET OffifCTt)R~ ( ) ( ) - DRAINAGE AWAY FROM CURB) ~ 8 -0 FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER TO .DIVERT .STORM WATT INTO TO DIVERT STORM WATER 1NT0 BIORETENTION BASIN. BIORETENTION BASIN. I- SCALE: 1„=1'-O" ELEVATION AT GATE OUTSIDE FACE cc~NC. CURB & GUTTER ~ a ETCH eASI~ ~ e" ~ 1/2° EXPANSION JOINTS FlLLED WITH 3'-0' 4'-0' 4-O' -O' H H BACK OF t~1R8 PREMOULDED JOINT MATERIAL do JOINT SEALER CURB do GUTTER PAINTED SOLID WHITE » 1'-0 30' ~ U A - -3000-PSI-C-0NC. ~'AD ~NITIi Si1FF-$ROOM flNISH. -NOTE -0N FENCING: ~ ~ OflflOflfl I ~ 000000 N ALL SCREWS NAILS AND OTHER FASTENERS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED fi" -TRICK 3000 fSl ~'ONC.~AU -GAL~JANIZEfl fOR -EXTERIOR -USE. > so' - 4 3- - , - _ T;'-X T;" -14.0 _X -W4.0 -WWF ALL WOOD SHALL .BE PRESSURE TREATED SOUTHERN YELLOW P1NE - a ~ OF GUTTER ~ FACE OF i - ~ ~ 2'-4" ~ :rri STAlDARD ~'?B ~t Q d ~ ~ ~ -Q- - - - ~ ~ CURVE -Y - ~ ~R~ - ~ ~ q,"~ TRANSITION AT CURB INLET • ~ INDICATE 0 INDICATED ON PLAN ~ - a - 0 8' CABC _ » FRAIrE~ GRAZE ~ HOOD BY a - 1- - - scA~-E: a - ~'-0" - /2 1-0 - F~SFI GRADE 1NOAl1 23-C6O OR APPROVED EQUAL ~ ~ =I COMPACTED SUBGRADE 111- ASPHALT III- II-III- - -I 1 I-I...~~~ - lOP GRADE I- - - - ELEM. AS NODED -I I - SCALE: 3 4 -1-0 I- - I -NOS: SCALE: 1"=1'-O" PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS FlLLED WITH I _ PRECAST OONCRFIE soot ' NI1H LOrOpfOUT PANELS - - -PRBdOU~-JOINT'-1AAiERtAi--dc dOlNi-SfAL-fR- 20 --OTC.-MAC(. --AS SHOWN ON PLAN) AS WINE. BY 11NDALL OR APPROVED EQUAL PROVIDE I/2" DEEP SCORE JOINTS AT 5' O.C. WITH ROUNDED EDGES AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 4" THICK CONCRETE WALK WITH STIFF BROOM FlNISH 6" SCH. 40 PVC DRAIN UNE WALKWAY SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS STANDARDS AND AND 2" SMOOTH TROWELED BORDERS. ' FINISHED GRADE SPECIFlCATIONS. CONCRETE CATCH BASIN (2 SQUARE) BROOM FlNISH SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR ~ To TRAFFlC FLOW. ~All7k1-CAST-IRON GRATE .FOR ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW _ _ _ _ -1=111=1 - - -III l~l Il=l l I=l 6 X 6 - W2.9 X W29 wwF CENTERED - ~ ' COMPACTED i~ I I1=III=1I I=1 - - 3000 PSI CONCRETE =111= - I I IN WALK THICKNESS. . _ I 6" SCH 4O PVC - ~ - it - III ROOF DRAIN 1JNE _ _ _ _ ~ I 1f4"~'FT CROSS SLOPE 1~2"~'~ - 000000000000 - - 000000000000000000000000 - ~ -I III - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -III=_ _ ~ 1 a CONC. CURB do GUTTER - - - _ -III- i I I- COMPACTED =III=III=I I I~ I ~I I I=III=~ ~ f I I - - ~ ~ _ ~ - T -SU$GRADE-UNDER-CATCH..-BASIN - - - - - I-~_- I_I - -I a i a _ _ - ~,~~uunuv, NUMI~t; II. ~ ~ III a o - a a n a ~ ~ COMPACDED SUB6RADE ~~0 I ~ ~ / ^ \r fNAArr'nrrhrr~~ iii la- I - - - - - 9 ; ~.b ~da.y ; ~'NI5 iI - a I - - - - - _ _ _ - Q ' D ~ ~ cMOr - r r - - - i f= I - - - npAWING - - ,III a I = ' = 502 ~ 15 I ~ iL _ _ i1== - ~T i I I 1 4" WASHED STONE p~Ol~~l?~Y O~ _ - COMPACTED SUBGRADE BASE sTOHE ~,r 03-0~-2002 ASHED '.,~~..~r~ 0~. 1- ---II - - I ''%p S wP~~~` NOT TO SCALE i,,,~~iii - , ! 1-1- I=ll ; ,l 11-111-11 11111 ~'"i~, _r CONCRETE WALK DETAIL ANn Nor ro r usn MIRIFI 14ON FILTER FABRIC - 7 WASHED STONE AIL ~J ~ sir~nMwNGs 0- : mpl:Onucr, COMPLETELY-TNRAP.-DRY SUMP , DRY SUMP 2 SQUARE X 3 DEEP. WITHOUT H15 W~Ir1FN SCALE: 1"=l'-O" pF_ I-1M15510N i~ ~ TAI l- ~ INVERT ~ 3796,6 ~ QQ PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPES: ~ ~ (1.1 ~ . i- O ~ Mi ER v - `0 ~ Pp Q ~ Rp. ~ W U ~\Cpk ~ _ d' PIPE FOR STORM SEWERS SHALL BE CLASS 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) '..STREAM :BUFF-ER EASEMENT: - ERWISE -NDT1=D. ...PROPOSED ..30 ACCORDING TO ASTM C76, AASHTO -11170. 'UNLESS 0TH ~ SEE SHEET C4 fOR EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE THE EASEMENT SHALL BE 30 FROM TOP OF S AM CHANNEL y H Z I ~ ~ ~ z _ ~~(,y~C-~qs~. - - -P-IP-E -BEDDING SI#ALL -0E ASS "C" {-0RDINARY) EXCEPT-UNDER ~P-AVING-WHICH _ DETAILS bN BOTH -SIDES -Of THE STREAK. SHALL BE CLASS B . ~ U ~ y Ul rah OF Q ~ ALL WORK, MATERIALS, AND PROCEDURES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE RERUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN ~ HIGHLANDS OR THE NCDOT WHICHEVER IS GREATER. ENO ~ RAVENEL U ~ I KE W „ lL ~ 00 ~ ~ D D SPOT ELEVATIONS AT CURB dt GUTTER ARE BASE OF CURB, TRENCHES SHALL NOT REMAIN OPEN DURING RAIN PERIODS. WHEN RAIN IS EXPECTED, PROPOSE __TRENCHES -8E •CL~E-0; ~OVERE-0,-aR--0IHERNA.SE-P-RE#~EJVTE-0 F-ROM cp`~ o d sE F- ry N ~ C. N~ FOR Rp• - ~ W IS 0:5' HIGHffZ. CAUSING EROSION & SILTATION. TOP OF C{iRB S~ N x S ~ J HARRIS = w F- ~ 1p6 2 LAKE ~ ~ THE PROPOSED STREAM CULVERT (ARCH CMP) SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING A DRY WEATHER PERIOD WHEN NO RAIN IS EXPECTED DURING THE INSTALLATION PERIOD. r n V ~ I- X p' ` ~ H w s ~~s ~ d -i4 GEUTECHNICAI.-ENGINEER-~S'IJACL~INSPECT-'THE-AREA-AND-PROVIDE SPECIFlCATIONS FOR PROPER UNDERCUTTING AND BEDDING. 2 G Q ~ ~ - ~ ~ Z ~ EI~VTiON #2 (SEE DETAIL #8 SHEET C3) k ~ ~ H ~ ~ W N Bt#TTOM ftEV.=3809.E tit b1g~ ~ Z Q ~ MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-600 SF U ~ Q H ~o MCINITY YAP NORTH ~ ~ N Un ~ 0o W O t °=2000' ~ " ~ _ I PROPOSED STREAM Q Q a ~D PROP. 18" RCP :32' -LONG -~tT-2.-896. . RELOCATION ~ W N (Q25=2.9 CPS) 2g~ zo 3~ + ~ 2 `D In ~ -PROP: 18 RCP + Q a O v I t J N 32' LONG AT 2.0~ ~ W {t~Y5=3:8 {:FS) + + LEGEND ~ ? (t1 + +,~ti ~ ~z _ 00 PROPOSED + ++o~ ~ -ROOK liE'fAJNING WALL (MACHINE STACKED) ' + + + + + DUSTING CONTOUR (2 INTERVAL) w W BIORE~I~(~N ~~1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~j~1 rnrn ~ ~ V' (SEE DETAIL ~ SHEET C3) ROOF DRAIN OU AT + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE ~ W ~ POTTOM ~V:=3811:1 _ _ CATCH 8 SEE DETAI ~ t + ( + + YINIMUY SURFACE AREA-900 SF SHT. INV. + + + + L \ ~ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + w+ + ~ ~ ~ ~ a „ X + + t + + ~ + t t pl- + ~ w - N 0 + + + + + + + + + + _ ~J t:URB INLET + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +p + + + +a~+ + a-o ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ + o- • EXISTING TREES m 0o w 0 w= _ _ RIM ELEV.=3811.55 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ ± ~ _ _ ± + + ~ ' + N + o ZEE ~ o ~ + + + + + + + + + P n. -Eif1/.-3805,8 ~ + + + + + + + + + + g~+ ~ZR ~ ~ a _ + + FLOC ~ + + + + + + + + + + TOf .OF Fll.L .SLOPE ~ . + ~ ` ~ + + + + + + + + + + + 2a ABANDONED) + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ~ ~ 0- + + + + + + + ~ a + + f + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING IRON ~ .PJN. _ . ON- + I DIVERSION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + P + + + ~ + + + -EXJSTiNG iRffS SWALE ~ ~ o _ _ _ + + _ -CUIQB -tt1Lf# + + ALL BE-SAVED {HAND - - + ~ it4M V~ .J~5 + .'~5 + + • + + PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION AREA + + + + + ~ ~ ~~W P _ JNVF = 1g~ i- ~P + + + + , + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + _ _ - _T _ _ + + + + 10. ~ ~ ~ HOUSE ACK + + + y + + + + + ~ ~ ~Ld !1 ~ ~ 1 N + ~ J tia~ ~ ERG ~ _ ~ - + + + + + ~ + s~ 2 ~ 3s®s o PROPOSED BIORETENTION ~ ~ ~ Q1 - W tia~ / + + + ~1 ~ - _ _ ' ~ ....-10.D..~...~..~..1D:o~.~.~.~.'.'... ~ ~ i- a' '.I.~........... 11.2 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS H ? --#'ROPOSE~ -Ct#LVE#~T. _ v.. - - _ .........'.':....~;r~ ' ~ q q ~ 4 Y~.. '.~..1 ~ .:.:.~;...:.:.'.'.'...ppENIN6 3813 = H 120 OF 73 X 55 , 12 GA. ARCH CMP - _ ~:-~•N.ia~.'.'.Jd:P::.~:~ z......... - - - ~zsfi,. .-......i- - ~X'I --CORR.,~'YPE ~2, A~:I~INt~ED~FROM- _ . ..'.'.'.~.-i......... 3_~~ A ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~.~.~.'A~'.INLET.~D~FkECf. S.'. • • PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE ti ..................i............... r.6................................. ~...........o~.~..13.5.......... . WILLCO (ASHEVILLE, NC) OR EQUAL E.::.",..,... ~':.':.~.'.':.~.~..~svc.)v?.. NG 24' LV. ? A~ 1:0 ~ SLOPE. . ~ ~...'i... N ~8.......~.• _ ~o--a SILT FENCE F-- HVAC . ~{-W25 = X09 -CPS) - g~ - . . . HVAC - - INVERT Q 11.0 INVE 3808,3 (,0 ~ ........~'.'.'.'.'.x'.~.. . ~ - ROOF BRAIN OUTLET AT I y; : _ _ CATCH 9ASIN ~4 DRIVE THROUGH TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAM I ' • (SEE DETAIL ~ SHT. C2. INV. ELEV.=3807.5. 11L #b4 I 11.2 EXISTING SAN. ~~•5 SEWER LINE ~ FABRIC CATCH BASIN PROTECTION I 'IT:2 .~.~.11:6' L1 H TW=13.5 : 15.0 ~ - H ..ROCK RETAINJNG WALL • PROPOSED • .......................CURB.'&~.GU.TTER. b PIPE OUTLET STONE APRON .TYPICAL'.'.~.'.~.......-..-.~.'.-..'.-.~.~.'.- ~ I I..LI MACHINE STACKED ~ " " " ' " ' ~ ~ " ~ " ' ' ~ ~ " " " ~ ' ~ ~ • • • • • ~ • • ~ 3 CURB OPENING ( ) . , ~ ~ ~T-1NL~:e>~cTORS ~AAIK ~t~LDING ~ ~ • . q~:.:::... ~ F.F. ELEV. = 3815.0 a - - S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE & MANHOLE U A a 1:E:=3806:0. ~ .x . 4 . . ~ EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE AND POLE -TW=13.5. . . . . - .8 S(~i 40 PVC ~ ROOF DRAIN UNES TW=13.0 PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEVATION pad ' ' (TYP..) o~ - b - _ DOWNSPOUT LOCATION A. I ) ' . . . ASPH . '7.-PVMNi:.'....'.-.-....:.:..... . / , _ - . _ . _ PROPOSED 6' SCH. 40 PVC ROOF DRAIN LINES A.. • / .AT10N . CURB do GUTTER , r - :.':.".1#,Q' r, Q DOWNSPOUT LOCATION -wPlcAt ~1 12.4.'..-F.OR: RAI / ~ Q ROOF DRAIN LINE CLEANOUT 14.4 CONC. SPLASH '..........'.13.6..'..' BLOCK --PROPOSED . ALT'.RViMIT: ....r_...:.: . . ti2 I ...:...:....'EXISTING' ...'::.".'.1'3.5' ICE , / • REMOVAL lti ~ _ ~ {LENGTH=14b'j . ~ _ . _ - - - - - SIiAl1~' -514VED P EXISTING 30 CULVERT ~ DRAMJA(;E SWAGE . Y • • ~ S11NG TREES . - / ~ OWNER/DEVELOPER. '.'.1.4:0...... .'.'.'..'.....13:6... ' ' ...1.4,0 • a w ~ ~ ~ P / ~ REGIONS BANK P 111 GREEN STREET, SE . . . 8 ~P DIVER~N a'. i . / swA / GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA 30501 IRON , . / NAIL 770-503-2000 . • \ s PROPOSED RELOCATED . / UTILITY POLE ~ ~ ~ ' '...'s.~.....'...... . T.B.M. - - • ' ~ ~ . • • ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ TOP OF MANHOLE ' ~ ~ yt - - 6 spaces - :ftEV.=3813:55. / - 2' WIDE CONC. GUTTER DRAINAGEWAY. i ' - ~d~ L / .PROPOSED ' - RELOCATE EXISTING SPRING TROT CURB & GUTTER OVERHEAD PO / ~iTjUTY POLE {SEE ~DEfAiI. ~2, SHT. C2) UNES _ -E~IST~NG ~AVf~IENT SHALL BE REMOVED ~g~ 5 g~ 8~ INVEST STABiL1ZED CONSTRUCTION Lti bt a~ ~g~ ti2 b c~ 38108 ENTRY /EXIT fiVD -CURB & 'GUTTER AT POINT OF CURVE -TANGENCEY o.o c.~,ti ~v ~ - ~~S a- 502 ~ npAWING ~ ~ ~ ~S -BASE -INF-0RI~IATION /A 'w.. • p~~p~p1'Y D~ GRAPHIC SCALE s P,,~` 03-0~-2002 CALL ULOCO - TklISSITE PL-AN~NAS~PRl~ARARHI-BASE1] ON TOPIIGRAPHIC~NF{1RM~11iON PROVIDED=BY PAUL -SGHMITT.ARCHIlECTURAI DESIGN STUDIO. iGGING ~ PRIOR TO D _ 5 , -rl~~ aprlai~r~~r - PROPERTY BOUNDARY, EXISTING ROAD EDGES, EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND OVERHEAD POWER LOCATIONS, CULVERT AND STREAM ALIGNMENTS WERE _ ANn NOf TO M USA TAKEN 1RDM A PLAT -WTLT:D 'REGIONS 11NANgAL CORPORATION" BY sYtvESTER .l COMPANY; "PA:; DRAWING N0.4234, DATED JUNE 4, 2001 1-800-632-4949 ~,ir~~O~ IN AND REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. Of? fpf;OnUCrt~ FBCf 5 PAWIN ( ) WTHOUT H15 WIZIM I inch = 20 ft pF_ P:N115510N d' OWNER DEVELOPER: ~ ~ ~ BOULDER RETAINING WALL LEGEND o (SEE SHEET C1) U _ REGIONS BANK Q ~ BIOREII=NTION PLANTING ARRANGEMENT SHOULD w U~ ' EXISTING -TREES BE FIELD ADJUSII=D AS NECESSARY BASED ON To BE sAyED BUILT CONDITIONS .AND DIREC110N BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. -NS 111 GREEN STREET, SE H - ~ Z I GAINESVII.LE, .GEORGIA .30501 \ z U ~ 770-503-2000 ~ ~ , (U E- Q ~ • ~ L() 1-8N SEE DETAIL ~8, SHT. C3 TYPICAL BIORETENTION SECTION 4-IG, 6 O.C. EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED ~ I ~ ~4-IG, 6 O.C. 3-IV, E 3-IV 8' -0.C. ~P W ~ W ~ ? o0 ~ 3-CS 8' O.C. 1-O,QP~ _ - 90-DC - X ~ CAP, 8 O.C. 90 I w s 1-ACS = w F- • _ - X _ 1-HV 200 DC i ~ ~ _ U ~ X 1 HV 60-DC ~ S ~ d • ~ - ~ ~ / \ I X M vj , L~ 2-NS \ / \ PROPOSED LARGE SHADE TREES Q ~ z _I_i ~ 20 O.C. ~ ~ X \ ~ X _ W a l~ ~ .X X i > X 1 CAP ~ z x X ~ Q ~D \ U ~ X x / Q H ~o 1-BN ~ N • • X 1-CAP X N W o X ~ PROPOSED SMALL TREES X ~ ~ _ I • ~ Q ~ Q a tD ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ : X • ~ Zo W • v ~ _ ~Oln ~ ~ Q a I- ~ ~ o I 3-vo i X X ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED SHRUBS ~ N 00 8 O.C. 1-CAP ~ ~ L` = o ? N 1-ACS ~ ID z _ 00 - ~ ~ , GRASS EDGE 1 FP SOD DRAINAGEWAYS GROUNDCOVER ~ W SOD DRAINAGEWAYS AT CURB OPENINGS Q W ~ ~0 N ~ AT CURB OPENINGS 3-IV, 8' O.C. ~ W ~ 4-IG, 6' O.C. + + } ~ + t m cV + + STREAM BUFFER AREA o ~ ~ X BIORETENTION PLANTING PLAN PROPOSED 30' STREAM BUFFER EASEMENT: MENT: + + w - N 0 ~ _I x pq THE EASEMENT SHALL BE 30' FROM TOP OF STI SOP OF STREAM CHANNEL Q - m w = _ „ ON 60TH SIDES OF THE STREAM. SCALE: 1 =10 + + ~ ~ o ? + + + + ' PROPOSED BIORETENTION ~ + + + + + BIORETEN110N AREA SPECIFICAl1ONS: BIORETENIION 2 + + + + + + + ~ 12 + + + + + + + + + + + + + SEE ENLARGED PLAN ~U + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SOIL TION ~ ABOVE. BIORETEN ~ f PROPOSED GRASS AREA ,r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PLANTING SOIL SHAL A MINIMUM OF 4' DEEP SEE ENLARGED PLAN L BE ~ + + + + + + + + + a~ + + + + + + + + + + + ON A 1' THICK SAND T3ED. PLACE IN MAXIMUM 18" LIFTS ~O~' ~ AND LIGHTLY COMPACT. BOULDER RETAINING + + + ++++++++++++~y++++++~ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + -iG~ + + + + + + + + + + WALL (SfE SHT. C1) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + cp + + + + + + + + + + SOIL COMPOSITION SHALL HAVE 10-25~ CLAY AND SHALL BE EXISTING TREES „ T T - + + + + + + OF A SANDY LOAM OR LOAMY SAND TEXTURE. THE SOIL SHALL TO BE SAVED + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +~2+ + + + + + + + BE CLEAN AND -FREE OF HARMFULI SUBSTANCES TO PLANT GROWTH. _ - _ _ - _ _ _ ~ ± ± _ + + t' + + + + PROPOSED MULCH EDGE + THE SOIL SHALL BE TESTED AND MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + pH RANGE - 5.5-6.5 + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + g0 ALLAY ( ~ + + + + + ORGANIC MATTER - i.5-3.0% ~~lOf + + ++Ut~Q0P~1+ + + + + + ++++++++4+++++ W + + + + + + + t • + + + + + + + + ~ + + E3HSTHd SAN. ~ MAGNESIUM (Mg) - 35 LBS/ACRE ~~OF f + PHOSPHORUS (P205 - 100 LBS/ACRE ~~SnN + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + EWE uNE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: ? POTASSIUM K20 - -85 LBS ACRE IRON ~~Fj~ +6 . ± + ~-r-+-ice + + + + + + + ( ) / PIN + + + + + + + + + + + + + +~n + + + + ~ H SOLUBLE SALTS -NOT TO EXCEED 500 PPM ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PIQI \ SEED MIX: HARD FESCU 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ E 25 LB./AC. A PROPOSED + + + + + + + + + + +S~ + + PERFORM SUITABLE SOIL TESTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE . + + + + + + S•(~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + m CREEPING RED FESCUE 40 LB./AC. + t t t t t+ D + + + + + + + + + ~ CHEIMNGS FESCUE 10 LB./AC. DIVISTON OF-WATER QUALITY FOR BIORETENTION AREAS) DUMPSTER _ _ _ _ _ ENCLOSED BY FENCE ~ ~ ~ f ± ± 5 FM / + + + + + + • + + + + + + MULCH i-CV • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +I + RYE GRAIN 25 LB./AC. + + + NE MILLET 10 LB./AC. (SPRING -SUMMER ONLY) Q + + + + + + + + + 1-INS \ ~ + + 1 + + + + + SEEDING DATES: AUGUST 25 -SEPTEMBER 15, OR MARCH 15 -APRIL 15 A 2"-3" MULCH LAYER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON TOP OF THE PLANTING SOIL. + + + + + + + + + + + + + THE MULCH SHALL INCLUDE SHREDDED HARDWOOD THAT IS SUITABLY AGED + + + + + + 1_~ + + + + + + + + + + ~ t~~ 1-KL (YEARLY VARIATIONS IN SEEDING DATES MAY VARY DUE TO EXISTING WEATHER PATTERNS.) I- EXISTING ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + AND FREE OF FOREIGN MATERIAL AND PLANT MATERIAL. A WELL AGED HOUSE • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ Z~ -HPT ~ ~ \ Z + + + + . , 1-QA SOIL AMENDMENTS: APPLY LJME AND FETILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS OR APPLY I- MULCH IS DEFINED -AS MULCH THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED OR STORED + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ 1 TON DOLOMITIC LIMESTONE PER ACRE 200 LB. 18-46-0 PER ACRE FOR AT LEAST 12 MONTHS. • + + + + + + + + + • + + + O 100 LB. 10-10-10 PER ACRE. + : . PLANT MATERIAL i t . + f~+• •t ~ : + • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • ~ • • ~ MULCH: HYDROSEED WITH CELLULOSE MULCH AND ADD NETTING ON STEEP SLOPES. 2-IMBP ~ . _ _ ......................S=SBA'..~.~.~.~.~.':.~.'.'.'.'.~:3-~M.'.':. ~ U to - .ALL PLANT MATERIALS .ARE TO CONFORM 70.STANDARDS SET FORTH BY • • . J . r . THE AMERICAN ASSOCIAl10N OF NURSERYMEN AND INSTALLED IN A ....~.....~.~.~.'.'.1~~.V6... .....-FP..'.... • . ~ • • . A ..........~.'.~.•.'.':.~.~.~.~.~:.~.'.':.'.'.•.'.'.'.'.•:.~.~.~.~.~..'.GRASS.'hRGE.~.'.'.'.•.'.'.'.'.•.•. WORKMAN LIKE MANNER USING ACCEPTED- NURSERY PRACTICES ANO • • ~ • • • ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • ~ ~ ' • ~ " ERGS ..................:..........3-PJ. ~ . , . . ULV. STANDARDS. ~1~Vp.~.~.~.~.~.'..'.. . BOULDER RETAINING • , EXISTING 24 WALL SEE SHT. C1 . ' ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED WITH THE' SAME RELATION TO FINISHED ~..'3.=IGS::.'.;~~F:!' • ® • ° • • ~ • - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ' - - - - - - CALL ULOCO GRADE AS THEY BORE TO EXISTING GRADE AT THE NURSERY. ' ' • • ' • ' ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' • • • • . ' • ~ PRIOR TO DIGGING ~AR~.':.'.~.~ . r.'..:.•/.`.'....•. '.':2=KL'0~•'• • 1-SBD 60-STELLA D'ORO LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL R00T BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS PRIOR 2-IG ~ . iTELLA D'ORO DRIVE THROUGH • • . • • TD INSTALLATION. ..:.:.:.3.=t"M.~~.~....y'.'3-ICS 1-PAH DAYLILIES, 18" 0. • ~..~.B~fCS•.'.'..'. AYULIES, 18° o.c. 1-800-632-4949 Q ......,i.' : . ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS 4 ~ • • • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ 7-HFS AND DISEASE. ..~;r..'...'.I:'.'.~.'.~.~.~.~..'.'.~.'.'.'.'.~.'.'.'~~:.~j,;p . ~ GRASS AREA 1-TC 1-PAH I THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS j • F~~SD~.. • • .S.~EP • • _ . . • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • TD 'DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS. ~ . .~.'.~t=1's.'..:.'.....'..~ ................~.~..~:..'....'1.'.~.' . 1-PAH p PONDED AREA .'.'.~.-::.'.~::.'.~.'.'.~.'.6-BTCP-•• ~ 3-iCS X C~ :'.'.'.'.::'.'.:'.'.'.'.':ANNU 4-SBM 9-ICS ~ THE PONDED AREA SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 6°. • • . -ICS 1-VP ~•7-...~.~.~.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..~.'..'.'.'.'.' • • S~IVkIG:...:..._............... 3-KLR 4-AGS 3 .4-AGS 3-RC 1-RHC ~ THE AREA SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT RUN-OFF DURING SITE • • • • • • • • 3-MB .............':.'.'.3-ICS . GRADING. ' ~ • ~ • A PROPER MAINTENANCE PLAN SHALL BE DETERMINED AND IMPLEMENTED ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • 3-AGS 3-HQ • . EXISTING , ~ T2 A I ~.l-AI7.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.'.'.~.'.'.'.~.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.......... ................3_SBQ..... 34-DE 3-HQ- ON A REGULA BSS. 3-AGS ' , WALK , ~ ~ ' 5 LF b-1GS b. • Q 5-LF ' • • EXISTING PINE' • ~-KLR~...... . TO BE S~JED 1 ' .'.'2=.1.C4iG.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.':.'.'.'.'.' EXISTING 30° CUL1rERT - ~ . ...1._x.....•..3-~giq.. ~ ~ N.....i..PF .......2..5B SEE SHEET C7 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND PLANT LIST. i-TC ~ ' ~ ~ • ~ ~i ~ • • • • ~ • • ~ • ~ • • ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ '.'3-ICS:..' 3-SBM • 3-Ai • 3-AGS ' 4-RHIaZ'~'•'•'~'•' ~ 3-FM ~ ~ '.7=1CS~..' . 6: iCS...... • . .••3-IGS"' ~ 3-SBM . _ • • • • • • • • i • PROPOSED REGIONS BANK SIGN - FlELD LOCATE -IG...... . r, 2-SBD . c• . : ' ~ ` ' ~ ~ - e • 2-SBD ~ ~9-SBD~~~.~.~:.. ~ - • • • (SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS) . • ~ • e , ~ ~ n IRON ~ ' ' • ROP N ` NOTE TO SITE CONTRACTOR: BAR. ~ . - • - ~ - • - - - - - • - • .......i~PF. •~•~•7~E ~ 5 % NAIL S . - - . - . - . .'.'3.= . A'.'.'. . -EXISTING TEES FIAT ARE DESIGNATED TO BE ' ~ ' _ S.y s s - S - _ • ~ ANNUAL COLOR ~~`~~N °CAR~ SAVED ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE PROTECTED • ; • • . • • - •.~.-~::'.S'.'.-'. ' :......~s.'....~.~.....'...~ , ~ o-aD......... . DURING THE SITE ~ONSi'RUCTIDN PROCESS BY au ED•..'.'.•. .....PP...~ ....1~.'CK':.~:.~.'.~:. ; ' • • ~ GRASS AREA = •w ~r• INSTALLING A SUITABLE BARRICADE AROUND THE ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ " • ' • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ " • • • • • ~ " • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ' ~ " ~ ' E~... ' ' ' , 1-FP ; 502 ~ ~IC TREE ~OR GROUP OF TRET=S THAT WILL KEEP EQUIPMENT, . 1-AB 1 CK ~ N fin. VEHICLES, MACHINERY, PERSONAL, ETC. OUT GRASS AREA s spaces FROM UNDER THE DRIP LINE. ANNUAL COLOR ~y. 1-AB 6-FM - ~ ~ •.°J 10~. p ~ mfr (NIC) GRASS AREA GRASS AREA GRASS AREA EXISTING MAPLE - SPRING. STREET ~~S 1-HPT TO BE SAVED ~ - npAWING IS 'I'NS 03-0~-2002 f'pOt'~~1•Y 0~ BASE INFORMAl10N GRAPHIC SCALE o ,o ~ "~~I~v~ Tiun riTr n~ Au u,Ae nnrnAnrn nACrn nu Tnnnnn AnlJl.^~ IAlrnn\LA T/n\I nnn,nnrn .nv nAiu ~nnnwrr AnN 11TrnT In AI nrninu ~nT,,n~n ima DI IC ruv9 nnJ rrtCrnrtGU DMJGU Vrl IVrWRhrnll, InrvrtmH llulV rRVVIUCU DI rMUL J-nmll I fvRdll ICI, IVRnL UWIbIV Z) Wulu. ANn N01" 1'0 M U5r-112 PROPERTY BOUNDARY, EXISTING ROAD EDGES, EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND OVERHEAD POWER LOCATIONS, CULVERT AND STREAM ALIGNMENTS WERE SITE 12P,,AWIN65 0k pl, r: pp0p UCr5 L-2 TAKEN FROM A PLAT TITLED "REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPOFATION" BY SYLVESTER & COMPANY, PA., DRAWING NO. 4254, DATED JUNE 4, 2001 AND REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. VVTHOUr N151M?I1'1 N ~ IN FEET' ~jLANI~S/~CAI~~ 1 inch = 20 {T. pr_ r-I.M1551ON BRANCHING HEIGHT (A.A.N. STANDARD R.UBBER_HOSE SECURED WITH NUMBER 12 GAUGE PLIABLE GALVANIZED 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PREPARED — PLANTING MIX -NOTE -ON STAKING: STAKING AND GUYING ARE TO BE INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT -WINDY LOCATIONS AND SHOULD NOT BE ROUTINELY DONE. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE AND GUY, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND WIRES SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PRESSURE TREATED 2X2 STAKE (3 STAKES PER TREE) GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW AT NURSERY -SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX MINIMUM 12" MINIMUM DEPTH 'PREPARED PLANTING MIX COMPACT TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. BRANCHING HEIGHT (A.A.N. STANDARD) RUBBER HOSE SECURED .WITH NUMBER 12 GAUGE PLIABLE GALVANIZED WIRE - TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET PEEL BACK TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP (TYPICAL ALL B&B PLANTS) 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PREPARED PLANTING MIX P_ TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET PEEL BACK TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP (TYPICAL ALL B&B PLANTS) PREPARED PLANTING SOIL MIRIFI 140N FILTER FABRIC (COMPLETELY WRAP WASHED STONE) SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE NOTE ON STAKING: STAKING AND GUYING ARE TO BE INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT WINDY LOCATIONS AND SHOULD . NOT BE .ROUTINELY DONE IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE AND GUY, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND VARES SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PRESSURE TREATED 2X2 STAKE (3 STAKES PER TREE) GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW AT NURSERY CORNER OF ROOT SYSTEM TO BE AT UNE OF ORIGINAL GRADE Fl*&Y FORK SAUCER (USE TOPSOIL) ANGLE OF REPOSED VARIES WITH STEEPNESS OF SLOPE AND SOIL TYPE ' 12" MINIMUM DEPTH PREPARED PLANTING MIX COMPACT TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL ON SLOPE N.T.S. .NOTE ON SLOPE PLANTING: SHRUB AND EVERGREEN TREE PLANTINGS ON SLOPE ARE SIMILAR TO ABOVE DETAIL FOR TREE PLANTING ON SLOPE SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX — MULCH WITH 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK '1`1-115\MI-rTF, . npAWl NG 15 TH rplorr- I'm THF_ )WC ACNP NOf OI? I WI11-IOU1 GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW AT NURSERY PLANTING MIX COMPACTED PLANTING MIX 6" MIN. TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. TOTALLY REMOVE VARE BASKET PEEL BACK TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP (TYPICAL ALL B&B PLANTS) PLANTING MIX: THE PROPER AMOUNT OF CLEAN SOIL (OF SUITABLE TEXTURE) AND COMPOSTED ORGANIC MATERIAL ALONG WITH FERTILIZER AND LIME SHALL BE MIXED IN PROPORTIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY A SOILS TEST AND/OR GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. SOIL DRAINAGE: THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE IF THE PLANTING AREAS ARE WELL DRAINED OR IF UNDERDRAINAGE IS REQUIRED. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THE SOIL HOLDS WATER AND PROPER DRAINAGE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED FOR GOOD PLANT HEALTH, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND A PLAN TO REMEDY THE PROBLEM WILL BE ADDRESSED. PROPOSED TREE PLANTING (SEE TREE PLANTING DETAIL) 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PROPOSED SHRUB PLANTINGS (SEE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL) L SAUCER - USE TOPSOIL _ CONC. CURB & GUTTER SLOPE FORRD ASPHALT PAVING � A�� !— "� 3/4" WASHED STONE 12" DEEP PROPOSED 4` DIA. SLOTTED DRAIN PIPE PREPARED SUBSOIL - COMPACT TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT PLANT ISLAND UNDERDRAINAGE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GRADING CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL PLANT ISLANDS THAT CONTAIN IMPERVIOUS SOILS THAT WILL NOT ALLOW PROPER DRAINAGE FOR PLANT GROWTH AND HEALTH. TYPICAL PARKING LOT PLANT ISLAND N.T.S. cn w w Ir N m m w x cn z w U- cn N v7 NOTE ON STAKING: STAKING AND GUYING ARE TO BE W INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT WINDY LOCATIONS AND f5 SHOULD NOT BE ROUTINELY DONE IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE AND GUY, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND WIRES SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE RUBBER HOSE SECURED cn WITH f12 GUAGE PLIABLE D GALVANIZED WIRE m PRESSURE TREATED 2X2 STAKE W (3 STAKES PER TREE) SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW AT NURSERY 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PREPARED PLANTING MIX 12" MIN. COMPACTED- PLANTING MIX TOTALLY REMOVE VARE BASKET REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP TYPICAL EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING DETAIL PLANTS 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PREPARED TOPSOIL 6" MIN. DEPTH SUBGRADE TYPICAL GROUND COVER PLANTING N.T.S. N.T.S. LAWN AREA PLANTING OR MULCHED AREA ,fA A*fk .A*fA 3' CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH e 6" 1WN( N_ EXISTING GRADE OR GRADE OF TES- PLANTING AREA TRENCH EDGER DETAIL SHALL BE USED AT ALL LAWN EDGES & O EDGES OF MULCHED AREAS 3' FOR CONTAINMENT 2. TRENCH EDGER SHALL CREATE A CLEAN SEPARATION -BETWEEN AREAS WITH SMOOTH, EVEN LINES (AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS). TRENCH EDGER Dr. -TAIL N.T.S. PLANTING LIST KEY NO. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CALDER HEIGHT ROOT GALLON SPACING SPACING AB 2 ACER BIJERGERIANUM TRIDENT MAPLE V-10' B&B AS SHOWN AR 6 ACER RUBRUM 'REO SUNSET" REO MAPLE 2 1/2" 12'-14' B&B AS SHOWN CK 2 CORNUS KOUSA 'MILKY WAY SELECY MILKY WAY DOGWOOD 8'-10' B&B AS SHOWN CV 1 CHIONANIHUS VIRGINICUS WHITE FRINGETREE W-10' B&B AS SHOWN FA 2 FRANKUNIA ALATAMAHA FRANKUNIA 8'-10' B&B FP 3 FRAXNNS PENNSYLVANICA 'MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS' GREEN ASH 21/2' 12'-14 B&B AS SHOWN OR 2 QUERCUS RUBRA RED OAK 2 1 /Y 12'-14' B&B AS SHOWN QA 1 QUERCUS ACUIISSIMA SAWTOOTH OAK 2 1/2" 12'-14' B&B AS SHOWN TC 3 TSUGA CANADENSIS CANADIAN HEMLOCK W-10' B&B 15' O.C. 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. IG 12 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL CONT. 6' 0.C. IV 6 LEX VERTKX ATA AGS 18 AZALEA 'GIRARD'S SCARLET AZALEA (GIRARD) W O.C. 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. BTCP 6 1 BERBERIS THUNBERGII 'CRIMSON PYGMY DWARF BARBERRY 7 GAL CONT. 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.0 CD 10 COTONEASTER DAMMERI BEARBElRtY COTONEASTER 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. FM 27 FOTHERGILLA MAJOR 'MT. AIRY FOTHERGILLA 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. HAA 3 HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS 'ANNABELLE ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. HPT 6 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'TARDIVA' TARDIVA HYDRANGEA 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. HQ 3 HYDRANGEA QUERCILFOUA OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA 3 GAL CONT. 5' O.C. HFS 11 HYPERICUM FRONDOSUM 'SUNBURST ST. JOHN'S WORT 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. KS 58 ILEX CRENATA 'STOKES' STOKES HOLLY 13 GAL. CONT. I 3' O.C. IG 20 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GALL.. CONT. 6' 0.C. IGS 15 ILEX GLABRA 'SHAMROCW SHAMROCK HOLLY 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. INBP 2 ILEX MESERVAE 'BLUE PRINCE BLUE PRINCE HOLLY 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. INS 1 LEX X NELUE R. STEVENS NELUE STEVENS HOLLY 5'-6' B&B AS SHOWN IVIG 11 I1T:A VIRGINICA 'HENRYS GARNET VIRGINIA SWEETSPNE 3 GAL. CONT. 4' O.C. KL 2 KALM A LATIFOLIA MOUNTAIN LAUREL —36' BAaB d' O.C. KLO 2 KAL MIA LATFOUA 'OLYMPIC FIRE HYBRID MT. LAUREL 3 GAL BAB 5' OC. KLR 14 KALMIA LATFOUA 'ROYAL DWARF' HYBRID MT. LAUREL 3 GAL.. em S O.C. LIF5 LEUCO HOE FONTANESIANA DROOPING LEUCOTHOE 3 GAL CONT. 4' 0.C. MB 3 MANONIA BEALE>I LEATHERLEAF MAH014A 3 GAL. CONT.IW O.C. PJ 3 PERIS JAPONICA JAPANESE ANNDROIEDA 3 GAL CONT. W 0.C. PF 14 P07M LLA FRUIICOSA BUSH CINQUIEFOL 3 GAL CONT. 3' 0.C. RC 3 RHODODENDRON CALENDUTACELAA FLAYS AZALEA —36' B&B 6' O.C. RHiZ 4 RHODOOD DRON HYBRIDA 'NOVA ZEMEW HYBRID RHODODENDRON 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. RHC RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON HYBRIDA 'CIEIODES' HYBRID RHODODENDRON 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.G SBA 8 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA 'ANTHONY WATERER' ANIIHONY WATER SPREA .3 rALI CONT. 4' MC. SN 8 SPIRAEA MPPOMCA 'SNOWMOUND' SNOWMOUND SPREA 3 GAL I CONT. 4 O.C. SBD 20 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA 'DOLCHICA' DOLCHK:A SPREA 3 GAL CONT. 3. O.C. SBM 14 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA WAJIC CARPET MAJIC CARPET SPIREA 3 GAL. CONT. 3' O.C. VB 2 VIBURNUM X BLOOMODN BURKWOOD VIBURNUM 5 GAL CONT. 6' O.C. VP 1 VUAMUM X PRAGENSE PRAGUE VIBURNUM 7 GAL CONT. V O.C. DE 34 DRYOPTERIS ERYTHROSORA AUTUMN FERN QUART CONT. 18" O.C. PAH 4 PENNIISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'HAMELN' DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS 1 GAL CONT. AS SHOWN 60 FEMEROCALUS HYBRIDA I STELLA WORD DAYLILY 1 QT. CONT. 18" O.C. BIORETEN11ON AREA PLANT LIST KEY NO. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CALDER SIZE HEIGHT ROOT GALLON SPACING ACS 2 AMELANCHER CANADENSIS SHADBLOW SERVICFBERR W-10' B&B AS SHOWN BN 2 BETULA NK;RA RIVER BIRCH 21/2- 12'-14 B&B AS SHOWN FP 1 FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS! GREM ASH 21/21 12'-14 B&B AS SHOWN NS 3 NYSSA SYLVAIICAA BLACK TUPELO 2 1/2' 12'-14' B&B AS SHOWN CAP 6 CLETHRA ALNFOLIA 'PINK SPIRES' CLETHRA 7 GAL CONT. V O.C. CS 3 CORNUS STOLONIFERA RED OSIER DOGWOOD 7 GAL CONT. B' O.C. HV 1 HAMAMELIS VRG N9ANA COMMON WTTCHHAZEL 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. IG 12 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL CONT. 6' 0.C. IV 6 LEX VERTKX ATA COMMON WWTERBERRY 5 GAL CONT. W O.C. VD 3 VIBIJRf1UY DENTATUM ARROWWOOD VIBURNUM 7 GAL CONT. IV O.C. DC 350 DESCHAIPSIA CAESPITOSA TUFTED HAIRGRASS QUART CONT. 18" 0.0. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED WITH SAME RELATION TO FINISHED GRADE AS IT BORE TO EXISTING GRADE AT NURSERY. 2. PRUNE NEWLY PLANTED TREES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD HORTLICULTURAL PRACTICE TO PRESERVE NATURAL CHARACTER OF PLANT. PRUNING SHALL BE DONE WITH CLEAN, SHARP TOOLS. 3. B&B PLANT MATERIAL - COMPLETELY REMOVE WIRE BASKETS AND AFTER PLANT IS PLACED IN HOLE, CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALI.. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 5. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE INSTALLED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER USING ACCEPTED NURSERY PRACTICES AND STANDARDS. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. 7. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING OUT WHERE UNDERGROUND UTIU71ES ARE TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THEM DURING PLANTING. & EXCAVATION NEAR EXISTING UTILITIES TO BE CAREFULLY DONE BY HAND. 10. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE TO ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK. 11. LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL ROOT BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 12. ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY. VIGOROUS MATERIAL. FREE OF PESTS AND DISEEASE. 13. PLANT BEDS, NOT SHOWN AS LAWN AREAS, SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3" OF CLEAN. FRESH, & WELL SEASONED SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH. 14 THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBE FOR VER"ING ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, BEFORE PRICING THE WORK. 15. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS TO DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS. 16. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING MAY BE NECESSARY DUE TO FINAL BUILT CONDITION. 17. PROPOSED TREES IN GRASSED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 6' DIAMETER MULCH RING INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AROUND THE TRUNK. 18. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL. DETERLINE F THE PLANTING AREAS ARE WELL DRAINED OR IF UNDERDRAINAGE IS REQUIRED. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT TFE SOIL HOLDS WATER MO PROPER DRAINAGE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED FOR GOOD PLANT HEALTH, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND A PLAN TO REMEDY THE PROBLEM WILL BE ADDRESSED. :'o��NCARO • DSCR`''L': =-o 5-- 502 :N n•• ar ,s �tjo ••.....• Q • U Wa N x W U� rn rn Q I LLJ m n co N v Qn U00 N 0 ¢ z Zo Q < U iE w Qz z vi Q < } U m ^ N 1..1� N Q -o a = m 0- a. . F- L,J H U Q LL_ cl LL1 I— D H -I H H z U H w Q LLJ LL_ 0 LTJ pq LLJ 00 0i o U z1 tD 0i LO 1J1 C I d S 00 0) LL -N CD CD 1 0 %,D 011 CD I Oj co cu _co d- gN 0 C7 _I J 0 H Q D zvz ��a4 03-04-2CrYl /LANP5CAPF-- r-l- fig- \I Ll INVERT 3796.6 a V Q PARKING SUMMARY: p P IMP RVIOUS AREA SUMMARY: ~ Mi pER RO OSED E ~ ~ c uP R0. ~ HEATED BUILDING AREA - 5627 SF TOTAL AREA OF SITE MODIFlCATIONS = 1.2 ACRES ti `.k ~ PARKING AT ONE SPACE PER 200 SF = 28.1 SPACES ~ w 6~ \ ~ PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.7 ACRES EMPLOYEE PARKING AT ONE SPACE A ro~~ PER TWO EMPLOYEES = 6 SPACES IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE = 58% y~c of U y~qN ~ RAVENEL ~~yy ~ AKE W C0 JITE ~ N THREE DRIVE THROUGH LANES ALLOWING ~ C~~ ~ H A REDUCI]ON IN PARKING AT TWO PER LANE _ -6 SPACES ~ HWY ORS w NG RO' I JJ o 6 HARRIS U p ~ ~ 10 2 LAKE rn TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED = 29 (30 SHOWN) ti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S~ ~S Q~ 2 ,c / 9,~9jG r ~C9 ro ~ ~1ti W ~ . ~ (CI Q~ 1 v ~C)~ ~ r NORTH U min uAp N \ _ 1 °=2000' Q a - z ~ ~ 2 J / ~ ~ ° i z~~ j - ~ U J REQUIRED STREAM BUFFER ~ - - ~ ~ ZONE (30' FROM TOP OF STREAM ~ EROSION CONTROL ° / ~ ~ ~ ~ z BANK -EACH SIDE) i ~ / STANDARD EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE ~ ~ i / i ~ ~ ~ , ~ / , ~ INSTALLED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT RUN-OFF DURING w ~ Q- z i \ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION. ~ BIORETEN110N ~1 = % = - - ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ ° BoTroM ELEV.=3811.1 ROPO ~ ~ MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-900 SF P SED ~ ~ ~ , A N ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ RETAINING WALL i , i ~ E,~ ~ ~ W W ~ N -i ~ - ~ Ir, ~~x MODULAR SYSTEM OR' _ % PROR 18° MCP ~ I r'i Quo W ' ~ ; 18' LONG AT 2.2% " STACKED BOULD , ~ i # ~ W ~ , Z w o 2 o „ LEGEND ~ o _ ~ , , ,~G a ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ a ~ ~ ~ o ~ p PROP. 18" RCP ~ -~E ~ ~g4, ~ ~ ~ / ~ i Y 44' LONG AT 2.0% / ~ " ~ ~ ~t ~ c~ V ~ EXISTING CONTOUR (2' INTERVAL) v ~ ~ EP EPM ~ ~ ` - ~ w ~~5' m RA NA Y ~ 2O' UNOPENED = CURB INLxET ~ F SOD D I GEWA ALLEY ( ~ ~ ~ ~ d d ~ cn E ~ ~ d d ~ . EXISTING TREES w (TYPICAL) , RIM ELEV.=3809.95 F ~ , ~ INV. ELEV.=3$05.9 " a~ ~ -T 10 ~ PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE ~ p' C PROPOSED EIP - N s3'a4'24" w , ~ 27a.7T E DUMPSTER - ~ ~ ~ DIVERSION TW-12. ~ F. / E ENCLOSED BY FENCE o ~ LE~3805`5 + ~ ~ \ ~ ` AT RIP-RAP APRON ~ SWALE ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ - e , ~ ~ E ~ ~ / ~ ~ ' T 12. ~ SOD DRAINAGEWAY IAGEWAY -16'5 ~ ~ EXISTING TREES f~ P~ I.E.=38045 + " (TYPICAL) c / 1,~ • 12. r ~ ~ E i PI EXISTING ~ ~ , TW-11.0 ~ \ v Z ~ 10.5 ~ a ~ HOUSE % a LE.=`3805.0 + TW=13.0 r ~ ~ old J I~ ~ ~ ~ G~ / ~ AT RIP-RAP APR N E ~ ti~ ZR ~ ~ G~ i ~ ~ 5~ SETBACK 10 0 ~ TW=13 8 PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING eL _ Q s ~ i , ~ ~ -.17 N , ~ ~ $ 12.4. ~ 11 ~ 3' CURB 9P~NING o ~tig U 10.0... 1D.o... ~ Y ~ 11.2 / _11:6 ~ P c,~ . . ~ . ~ NtfT. DERfC CURB 9- Z . DEFLECTORS SIREAAI BUFFER AREA Q w . - - / 3" CURB OPENING ~a Q J D ~ W PROPOSE M . ~ 0 13.5.. titi`~ _ ,4F_ INLET DEfLEGTORS , _ , _ , v ar 148 OF ~ I ~ V. a ~~0.~ Pl 77 X 52 ARCH CMP ~ _ _ . ~ • EXISTING 24 Cl1l T_ ID ..381... INVERT 12.8,. ~ ~ HVAC HALF COATED dt PAVED _ ~E _ ~ ~ t t HVAC _ - (I) - Z 11.0 3806,3 ; JVERT 8 GUAGE CMP 6° ~ ~ ~ f~ ( ) 38083 PROPOSED BIORElEN1lON Z AT 1.0 X SLOPE t~.g BIORETEN110N ~2 DRIVE THROUGH O - CURB INLET BOTTOM ELEV.=3809.5 RIM ELEV.=3811.55 MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-500 SF 0 0 SF EXISTING SAN. $ Z PROPOSED 3s N ~ - 11 2 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS W 2 1i:fi SEWER LINE W... \ ~ Z RETAINING WALL o INV. ELEV.-38D5s ~ rn b1 MODULAR SYSTEM OR ~ ..1.1_.2_.... o.. `~4, 3813 O 6 PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE 3 4D.D - PROPOSED STACKED BOULDER WALL is.o . 21 BANK BUILDING ~ . CURB & GU.TIER U TYPICAL Q ~ E ~ . F.F. ELEV. = 3815.0 Q ~ Q _ 21:a~ P~ Z • O LE.=3806.0 + N~~ - BUILDING ROOF DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIRECTED r 21:0 19:0 21.0 TO BIORETEN110N #1 THROUGH PIPING UNDER ~d U ~ T.YPICAt THE SLAB. THE DRIVE THROUGH ROOF DRAINAGE ~ W ~ P. . G Z0. SHALL RUN TO BIORETENTION 2. Q ~ _ ..ANGLE . . 14.0... H.C. RAMP CUSTOMER N. fl A T PVMNT AS H.t. rs 2y' P~ rn 5 N CURB & GUTTER ~ _ v? PARKING _ cA TYPICAL c~ 13.6..'..'. . 61.0. 14.4 M r ~ ~ \ _ ti, ASPHALT.PVMNT, N. _i X5,4: ~ ~ - E 13.5 PZ~ EXISTING 30" CULVERT - - 13.7 14:0 14. SWALE ~ DRAINAGE ~ . a. _ ~ . . • . EXISTING TREES 3813 ~ PROPOSED 14:0. . _ ~ _ Y .......13:7 ~ . 13.8 ~ - , U CANOPY TREES ~Pa ~ ~ PROPOSED REGIONS BANK i4:o. (TYPICAL) W QP~ SIGN \ 38 ~ pP 3g} ~ f~ DIVERSI ~ ~ 15.5 S 63'04'24" E %333.04' ~ / / SWALE P.K. Z 333.04' NIP ~ NAIL Q ~ \ 153 172 - J S PROPOSED RELOCATED S S _ S - - UTILITY POLE S.. S P _ S ~ ~l ~ --as- . . ~ PROPOSED W - . CANOPY TREES ~ ~ I- (TYPICAL) V1~t ~d (n T.B.M. 6 spaces TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS ~ TOP OF MANHOLE OVERHEAD POWER (SHALL MEET NCDOT STANDARDS & SPECS.) V.= 13.55 RELOCATE EXISTING SPRING STREET LINES ELE 38 UTILITY POLE :~4~ _ r TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS ~ ~ I N F R , ~ ~ti ~ (SHALL MEET NCDOT ~ 6ti~ 38108 STANDARDS & SPECS.) PROPOSED SIDEWALK (SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS \\`~~nuu,u~,~ / STANDARDS AND SPECS.) ,~N CARS ~ '°°~'s°°~(, ~e°V ~a'f7 ~ N - oW _ ~ Z v e~ 502 ~ ~ o > m i ~ ~ U tY '.,,J S . W P~` ~ 0 0 nnnnn w ~ Q m o0 r - \ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE l THIS SITE PLAN WAS PREPARED BASED ON SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PAUL SCHMITT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO. ~ za o ,o Za ea see THE INFORMATION PROVIDED INCLUDED EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY, STREAM BUFFER AREA, EXISTING UTILITIES, EXISTING CULVERTS, BOUNDARY OF THE PARCEL, AND OTHER EXISTING FEATURES AS SHOWN. of 2 IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER IN BIORETENTION AREAS: 1-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA GROUPINGS OF PANICM VIRGATUM (SWITCH GRASS) AND DESCHAMPSIA CAES 4MPSIA CAESPITOSA LEGEND SWEET PEPPERBUSH (TUFTED HAIRGRASS) IN THE WETTER AREAS. ( ) 8' O.C., 5 GAL. 3-CORNUS STOLONIFERA 1-ACER RUBRUM (RED MAPLE) 3-ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY RED OSIER DOGWOOD) ( ) ( Q 2 1/2 CAL. 8' O.C. 5 GAL. 8' O.C., 5 GAL. , 1-NYSSA SYLVATICA (BLACK GUM) 3-ILEX VERTICILLATA (COMMON WINTERBERRY) 2-NYSSA SYLVATICA (BLACK GUM) 8' O.C., 5 GAL, 2 1 2" CAL. k LARGE CANOPY TREE Y) / ~ 2 1 /2" CAL. F- X X 3-ILEX GLABRA (INKBERRY HOLLY} 8' O.C., 5 GAL. (~„J ^ 3-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA m (SWEET PEPPERBUSH) 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY - ( ) x X 3-ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 8' O.C., 5 GAL. ( ) 8'-10' HT. EVERGREEN TREE = w X X 8' O.C., 5 GAL. X U~ 1 BETULA NIGRA (RIVER BIRCH) 2 1/2" CAL. ~ m i 4-ILEX VERTICILLATA (COMMON WINTERBERRY) QM X 8' O.C., 5 GAL. ~ SMALL TO MEDIUM TREES r X X ~ X N ~.1.~ ~ X 00 ~v X 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY X X ( ) / X Q X 8'-10' HT. 2-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA SHRUB MASS U~ X ~ X (SWEET PEPPERBUSH) °D N X 8' O.C., 5 GAL. ~ X X Qa GROUNDCOVER Z Zo a Q~ ~ ~ _ LAWN J ~ 3-VIBURNUM DENTATUM SOD DRAINAGEWAYS ~ } ~ (ARROWWOOD) JJ ~ o 1-HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA ~ ~ \ Q Z 8' O.C., 5 GAL. 1-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA \J (COMMON WITCH-HAZEL} ' ~ ~ SWEET PEPPERBUSH ~ ( ) 5 GAL. ~ • EXISTING TREES Q W 8' O.C., 5 GAL. PROPOSED RETAINING WALL _ ~ _ i PZN~ Q SOD DRAINAGEWAYS 1-BETULA NIGRA (RIVER BIRCH) MODULAR SYSTEM OR U 2 1 2" CAL. STACKED BOULDER WALL 1-FRAXINUS Pf / „ -FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA GREEN ASH) ~ m N ( ~ „ o ~ ~ 2 1 /2 CAL. 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS (SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY) 1 /2 CAL. W - N ~ J X 8'-10' HT. PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING Q - o d m w= . ~ o BIORETENTION PLANTING PLAN d~a STREAM BUFFER AREA SCALE: 1 "=10' REQUIRED STREAM BUFFER ZONE (30' FROM TOP OF STREAM BANK -EACH SIDE) :AM PROPOSED BIORETENTION ~ ~ BIORETENTION ~1 ` ~P Q x x ~ BOTTOM ELEV.=3811.1 PROPOSED MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-900 SF RETAINING WALL E ~ ~ i~ i J a ` I MODULAR SYSTEM OR ~ ~ ~ STACKED BOULDER WALL E A ~ F ` ~ ~Z c " ~ Q F f ~ V / ~ F ~.t L ° U PROPOSED EVERGREEN ~ 20' ALLEY (UNOPENED) ~ ` ~ ~f E Y BIORETENTION AREA SPECIFICAl10NS: TREE Q f E m P E ~ EPM F ~ Z s~ Z 2 ~ K ` Q F F k Q SOIL EXISTING TREES ~ ~ f ' F ? PROPOSED ` EIP E ` F J E ~ ~ F T i yep O PLANTING SOIL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4' DEEP DUMPSTER o E ~ F { ~ \ r ~ ~ ~ ' ^ ON A i' THICK SAND BED. PLACE IN MAXIMUM 18 LIFTS BY FENCE k c I v, F AND LJGHTLY COMPACT. \ ~ , ~ a Z = p ~ t ~ ~ c SOIL COMPOSITION SHALL HAVE 10-25x CLAY AND SHALL BE ` ~ ~ ~ O OF A SANDY LOAM OR LOAMY SAND TEXTURE. THE SOIL SHALL ? ` t E O 4 F~ \ ~ Z BE CLEAN AND FREE OF HARMFULL SUBSTANCES TO PLANT GROWTH. ~ ~ ~ f P 4 ` EXISTING ~ P ~p,PL F r ` ~ Zp~ W AND MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: HOUSE G~ ~ 1R~ ' THE SOIL SHALL BE TESTED 1 ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ O pH RANGE - 5.5-6.5 ~ s ORGANIC MATTER - 1.5-3.0~ SETBACK ` 3 U MAGNESIUM (Mg) - 35 LBS/ACRE 10.0 O 0 I- PHOSPHORUS (P205 - 100 LBS/ACRE \ _ ~ E _ ~,E Z POTASSIUM (K20) - 85 LBS/ACRE SOLUBLE SALTS -NOT TO EXCEED 500 PPM eI O _ ~ _ _ ~ U . PERFORM SUITABLE SOIL TESTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FOR BIORETENTION AREAS) Q b ~ MULCH ~ EXISTING 24 CULV. _ - 9a A 2"-3" MULCH LAYER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON TOP OF THE PLANTING SOIL. HVAC k THE MULCH SHALL INCLUDE SHREDDED HARDWOOD THAT IS SUITABLY AGED AND FREE of FOREIGN MATERIAL AND PLANT MATERIAL. A WELL AGED w BIORETENTION 2 MULCH IS DEFlNED AS MULCH THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED OR STORED BOTTOM ELEV.=3809.5 EN110N 2 DRIVE THROUGH ELEV.=3809.5 FOR AT LEAST 12 MONTHS. PROPOSED _ MINIMUM SURFACE AREA SURFACE AREA-500 SF EXISTING SAN. RETNNING WALL N PLANT MATERIAL SEWER LINE _ W._... _ _ . MODULAR SYSTEM ~ _ ...9 T _ _ 2 STACKED BOULDER WALL • ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO STANDARDS SET FORTH BY _ THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN AND INSTALLED IN A PROPOSED D NURSERY PRACTICES AND a WORKMAN LIKE MANNER USING ACCEPTE to BANK BUILDING d ~ U Q STANDARDS. LE.=3806.0 + o _ _ ~ W ALL PLANTS SHALL $E PLANTED WITH THE SAME RELATION TO FINISHED ~ F.F. ELEV. = 3515.0 GRADE AS THEY BORE TO EXISTING GRADE AT THE NURSERY. ~ 15.0 j~E Y P _ _ LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL ROOT BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CUSTOMER N NJ W Z PARKING PROPOSED :D ~ Q ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS ~ SHRUB MASS IASS ~ Q J AND DISEASE. ~ f~r°. 0 U THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS TO DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS. . EXISTING 30" CULVERT ~ Q PONDED AREA rn...... EXISTING TREES Z THE PONDED AREA SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 6". . _ Q PROPOSED REGIONS BANK J THE AREA SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT RUN-OFF DURING SITE SIGN k GRADING. _ 0 A PROPER MAINTENANCE PLAN SHALL BE DETERMINED AND IMPLEMENTED NIP PPS' P.K. ON A REGULAR BASIS. ~ NAIL ~ PROPOSED RELOCATED S S S S UTILITY POLE _ 5.. 5. . CA ~N......RO °o - S S. ~ ~ ~ e°°P~S°`°.`/ i N PROPOSED : c~~ ~ ~ z = ~ ~ = o CANOPY 1REES - 502 ~ W _ _ _ cn T.B.M. 6 spaces s e ~ ~~e t11l 0 ~ w TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS V ~ PROPOSED OVERHEAD POWER- iEAD POWER SHALL MEET NCDOT ° ~°^`':1~~~~ 0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ( i~ /A e.e ~ ~ O o ~ MANHOLE SMALL TO MEDIUM ELEV.=3813.55 SPRING STREET LJNES TREE STANDARDS do SPECS.) S W P ~ ' '~~nnun~ ~ w PROPOSED m GROUNDCOVER ~ a o o~ GRAPHIC SCALE \ TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS _ /CU A11 11[CT ~IMl1T o ,o ~ ~ sheet STANDARDS & WV SPECS.) L PROPOSED SIDEWALK ILK . . (SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLAND'. M OF HIGHLANDS of 2- STANDARDS AND SPECS.) SPECS.) IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. INVI-R1 379E~~6 PARKING SUMMARY: d Q aO~` ~ Mi pER LK' PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA SUMMARY: ~ O UP Rp. ~R b HEATED BUILDING AREA - 5627 SF T AL AREA OF SITE MODIFlCATIONS = 1.2 ACRES ~ = OT ti ~ v ~ PARKING AT ONE SPACE PER 200 SF 28.1 SPACES ~ w 6~ \ ~ PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.7 ACRES ro~~ EMPLOYEE PARKING AT ONE SPACE PER TWO EMPLOYEES = 6 SPACES yip of U y~qN ~ RAVENEL 0 Wro IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE = 583 AKE o ~N THREE DRIVE THROUGH LANES ALLOWING h S~GQ ~ X ~ C Nw`( FOR R0, = w A REDUCTION IN PARKING AT TWO PER LANE _ -6 SPACES ~ N JJ ~ 6 HARRIS U ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ LAKE ~ TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED = 29 (30 SHOWN) ti r~ ~ ~ ~ vS Q ~ 2 ~ / ~9TG r ~ ' ~ ~q ~ ~ `~ti W aZ, i (.,ti Q / r_ NORTH U VIC~IITY MAP N 1"=2000' ~ a ~ z = Z o ~ i _ Q a ~Z i ~ A J REQUIRED STREAM BUFFER / ~ ~W ~ A ~ ZONE (30' FROM TOP OF STREAM ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ EROSION CONTROL Q °z BANK -EACH SIDE) ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ti STANDARD EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE ~ ' / ~ ~ - w INSTALLED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT RUN OFf DURING Q _ / i \ z ~ ~ / i ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BIORETENTION ~1 ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~i i age m N BOTTOM ELEV.=3811.1 ~ j ins ~ _ o~~ RFACE AREA-900 SF PROPOSED MINIMUM SU , = , ~ ~ RETAINING WALL - ~ . - - = ~ ~ ~ - ~J ~ ~ o x _ q MODULAR SYSTEM OR = ~ - ~ PROPS 18" ttCP = tT QUO tCP ~ / ~ (a ~ RI i i 9 STACKED BOULD = x 18' LONG AT 2.2% , ~ - , ' / (J cb ~ W = r 2.2~ E~ / ? ~ ~ LEGEND ~ ' u1N o i~ w~ ~ d~ a PROP. 18" RCP / ~ -/E ~ / ~ Y , 44' LONG AT 2.0% / ~ `Y8~ c^ ~ ~ U 6 t ~ x ~e ~ ~ , -EXISTING CONTOUR (2 INTERVAL) EPA' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~5 m ' ~ U~ CURB INLET ~ SOD DRAINAGEWAY 20 ALLEY ( PENED RIM ELEV.=3809.95 ` ~ dd ~ ~ ~ 3 EXISTING TREES ~ (TYPICAL) F F ' ~ INV. E~.EV.=3805.9 ` ~ i1~ 1~8 ~ PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE PROPOSED N s3ro4'24" w ~~o,~y x EIP i ` ~ ~i) ) ~ ~ _ DUMPSTER Tw=12. ~ - ~ ~ E DIVERSION / LE~3805'S + - ~ ~ ~ ENCLOSED BY FENCE o ~ ~ ; SWALE ~ ~jv~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ` AT RIP-RAP APRONS \ E k i ' SOD DRAINAGEWAY =16.5 ~ ~ )RAINAGEWAY y ~ l~~ EXISTING TREES j LE.=38045 + 4, (TYPICAL) ~ )AL) ~ / z1~ 1 _ ~ ~ 1,E • 12. E - c,~~ ~ ~ ~ \ MP - ~ ~ ~ - Z _ \ ~ EXISTING a TW-11.0 ~ ~ HOUSE ~ - .E.=X3805.0 + =1 ~ E ~ -11.0 ~ ~ 10.5 ,ail ~ ~ E _ TW 3.0 ~ ~ AT RIP-RAP APR ~ ~ 00~ 1R ~E i ~ ~ 5~ . ~ tl`P . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g1R ~ SETBACK TW=13 8 PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING 10.0 ~ e ~ eI Q ~ ~ w ro 12:4.- W tig U _ i o ~ ~ .....10.0..........10.0....-_ Y ~ . r rn ~ _ CA 3' CURB 3' CURB Z ~ ~ ~ 11.2 PZ . 116 ~.W H.P. ~ ~ NL1=T pE u; ~ 3" CUaB OPENING ap ~ o a ~ . ~i~ o NLET pEFLfGTORS.. _ ~ STREAM BUFFER AREA Q Q J PROPOSED ~4; W AT INLET DEFLECTORS.... _ r!~ ~ ~ 1.3;5.. w c^ I 148' OF m ~ ~~..........1~~... ~XISTING 24" CULV. E ® _ 3811 I, RT AR H CMP ~ _P. 7TX52 C z.8 - , HALF COATED do PAVED ~ EM Hvac I ~yE ~ - T HVAC 3806,3 - _ ,vvtR f ~ , - 8 GUAGE CMP bo ~ ~ / 11'0 ' 38083 PROPOSED BIORETENTION Z w ~ : ~ BIORETENTION 2 AT 1.0 X SLOPE _ _ .13.8 # O DRIVE THROUGH _ ~ ~ ~ CURB INLET BOTTOM ELEV.=3809.5 ~ 0 RIM ELEV.=3611.55 MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-500 SF PROPOSED N o ~ INV. ELEV.=3805.9 4-500 SF EXISTING SAN. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS W Z 11.2 1.2.. _ 11.6 _ SEWER LINE RETAINING WALL W. ~ Z , m. MODULAR SYSTEM OR 4o.a PROPOSED 1 b:2... a.... 3813 Q b PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE 3 CURB & .GUTTER.- U STACKED BOULDER WALL ...1 ~ BANK BUILDING a TYPICAL N ~ _ ~ - I- a<~' 1s.a 2}, F.F. ELEV. = 3815.0 a . _ _ o Q 21:0 e~'~ Z LE.=38x6.0 + _ o ~ . ~ O ' W BUILDING ROOF DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIRECTED 21:0 19.0 ~ 21.0 ~ ~ TO BIORETENTION 1 THROUGH PIPING UNDER D U TYPICAL THE SLAB. THE DRIVE THROUGH ROOF DRAINAGE SAGE ~ Q W _ P. . G SHALL RUN TO BIORETENTION #2. E~ _ . . - . ANGLE.. 14:0 H.C. RAMP A L PVMNT:.. ASPH L y. 0 ~ a.. Z P N CUSTOMER. N w . ^ S CURB & GUTTER ~ PARKING . TYPICAL w 13:6 6.1..0 _ . 14.4 M . ~ -~`3 `Z 14. , ASRHALT PVMNT. ^ N Pg~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ 13.5 ~t\1E - _ P EXISTING 30" CULVERT - - - .,._.13:7. 1.4:0 14.3 DRAINAGE SWALE / ~ . . Y ~~:'~_~381~3~ _ _ f ~ ~ EXISTING TREES ~ ~ PROPOSED 14:0. ~ _ ~i 13:7 . ~ 13,b ~ Q ~,P / ~ PROPOSED REGIONS BANK CANOPY TREES N m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~P SIGN TYPICAL t 4.0 ~ W ~ ) - ~ti ; , 3$15 ~ MPP DIVERSIO / SWALE - 15.5 S 63'04'24" E 33.0 NIP 33.04' _ P.K. - ~ NAIL Q _ . . . 15:3 . 17.? ~ S PROPOSED RELOCATED _ S... S S UTILITY POLE S . S.. - P P S _ . 0 ~ ~1 Y ~~~1 ~ ~ - J_. - _ PROPOSED W CANOPY TREES ~ ~ v (TYPICAL) ~ T.B.M. 6 spaces TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS ~ TOP OF MANHOLE OVERHEAD POWER - RELOCATE EXISTING SPRING STREET LINES (SHALL MEET NCDOT STANDARDS & SPECS.) ELEV.-3813.55 UTILITY POLE i~~, TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS n~~, INVERT SHALL MEET NCDOT OP`~ P'P8 ha~~ Q ( PROPOSED SIDEWALK 3810 ~ STANDARDS & SPECS.) (SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS STANDARDS AND SPECS.) DS `\`tttuuinu~N q/ ~ ~ARp % _ N"...".,,~ ~ ~~V ~tM~ 'f~+ N ~ ~ ~ ~ a- 502 ~r - ~ o_ _ - %C •.,,1~,.. p ~ ~ a~ w ~~i/A ~ © H ~ S . W P~ 0 0 'mnnntt 1 w P ~ m Q ~ GRAPHIC SCALE T~~~r r~~ A.. ~~,AQ ?or?AOrn DACCn nu cii?~rrv IAICl1?\IATInAI oornnnrn ?v oAiu crwuTr ADrLJITCrTIIDAI nrcir_Ai cnin~n l\ ~n n to 9n 40 ~ Sh P,P.t I n1,) 011C rLHIN VTM0 rRLr/'\(\LU UFIJLU VI If JVI\NLI IINI VI\mlm II VIN I I\VNIVLU UI I f1VL JVI IINIII I -WI IIILV IWIN- V-WI I ~ IVVIV. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED INCLUDED EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY, STREAM BUFFER AREA, EXISTING UTILITIES, EXISTING CULVERTS, BOUNDARY OF THE PARCEL, AND OTHER EXISTING FEATURES AS SHOWN. 71 1 0 J90 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. _ HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER IN BIORETENTION AREAS: 1-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA GROUPINGS OF PANICM V1RGATUM (SWITCH GRASS) AND DESCHAMPSIA CAE ~AMPSIA CAESPITOSA LEGEND SWEET PEPPERBUSH (TUFTED HAIRGRASS) IN THE WETTER AREAS. ( ) 8' O.C., 5 GAL. 3-CORNUS STOLONIFERA 1-ACER RUBRUM (RED MAPLE) 3-ILEX GLABRA iNKBERRY HOLLY RED OSIER DOGWOOD ( ) ~ ) Q 2 1/2 CAL. 8' O.C. 5 GAL. 8' O.C., 5 GAL. Q.. 1-NYSSA SYLVATICA (BLACK GUM) „ k LARGE CANOPY TREE 3-ILEX VERTICILLATA (COMMON WINTERBERRY) 2-NYSSA SYLVATICA (BLACK GUM) 8' O.C., 5 GAL. RY) 21/2 CAL. w ~ 2 1 /2" CAL. X X 3-ILEX GIABRA (INKBERRY HOLLY) U 8' O.C., 5 GAL. W m^ 3-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA (SWEET PEPPERBUSH) 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY ( ) x X 3-ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 8' O.C., 5 GAL. ( ) 8'-10' HT. EVERGREEN TREE = w X X 8' O.C., 5 GAL. X U~ i 1-BETULA NIGRA (RIVER BIRCH) 2 1 2" CAL. ~ m i 4-ILEX VERTICILLATA (COMMON WINTERBERRY) Q M X 8' O.C., 5 GAL. ~ SMALL TO MEDIUM TREES ~ N W ~ X ~ X X ~ X 1..L X 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY X ( ) Q X SHRUB MASS ~ X 8'-10' HT. 2-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA X X (SWEET PEPPERBUSH} ~0O N X 8 O.C., 5 GAL a ~ X X D / GROUNDCOVER z Zo c Q ~ ~ ~U ~ LAWN 3-VIBURNUM DENTATUM SOD DRAINAGEWAYS J ~ JJ ~ O (ARROWWOOD) _ V ~ Oz 1 HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 8' O.C., 5 GAL. 1-CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA \ COMMON WITCH-HAZEL ~ ~ ( ) ~ ~ SWEET PEPPERBUSH ~ ( ) 5 GAL. ~ • EXISTING TREES Q w ~ ~ _ 8' O.C., 5 GAL. PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ~ PINS Q SOD DRAINAGEWAYS 1-BETULA NIGRA (RIVER BIRCH) MODULAR SYSTEM OR k } U 2 1 2" CAL. STACKED BOULDER WALL 1-FRAXINUS f / „ -FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA GREEN ASH ~ m N ( ) ~ o ~ ~ 2 1 /2 CAL. 1-AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS (SHADBLOW SERVICEBERRY) 1 /2 CAL. w - N ~~x 8'-10' HT. PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING Q - °m d = w ~ o BIORETENTION PLANTING PLAN d ~ a + STREAM BUFFER AREA SCALE: 1 "=10' REQUIRED STREAM BUFFER ZONE (30' FROM TOP OF STREAM BANK -EACH SIDE) tEAM PROPOSED BIORETENTION i ~ ~ ~ BIORETENTION #1 ` P Q ~ ~ ~ BOTTOM ELEV.=3811.1 PROPOSED MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-900 SF RETAINING WALL ? ~ Z i` ~ i J MODULAR SYSTEM OR ~ ~ # c = ~ x ~ ~ ` ~2 -C STACKED BOULDER WALL f F ~ ' ~ ~ ~ J Q ~ ~r f f f ~ 0 1 ` ~ ~ ~ U PROPOSED EVERGREEN k ~ 20' ALLEY (UNOPENED) F ` R Y BIORETENTION AREA SPECIFICATIONS: TREE a ~ E 0] F ~ t 4 ` ~ Z ~ EPA' E ~ s~ Z = Q Q ~ J SOIL EXISIING TREES N ~ f ` E PROPOSED _ ` OP ~ ` E a M ~ ~ Lj,~ i O PLANTING SOIL SHALL EIE A MINIMUM OF 4' DEEP D(JgP$TER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ F ~ ON A 1' THICK SAND BED. PLACE IN MAXIMUM 18° LIFTS ENCLOSED BY FENCE o k ` ~ ` F 4 ~ ` ` f / L f F F ~ ! {n Z i AND LIGHTLY COMPACT. \ ~ ~ r F ~ 1 E ~ ~ O w SOIL COMPOSI110N SHALL HAVE 10-25% CLAY AND SHALL BE ~ a ` ~ ~ ~ E f E~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ OF A SANDY LOAM OR LOAMY SAND TEXTURE. THE SOIL SHALL ~ ~ Q E E F~ ~ ~ W Z BE CLEAN AND FREE OF HARMFULL SUBSTANCES TO PLANT GROWTH. ~ ~ ~ E ~ EXISIING PP PPL ~ ` HousE M R~ F THE SOIL SHALL BE TESTED AND MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: ~ \ Z ~ f s ~ Z ~ o pH RANGE - 5.5-6:5 ~ ? ` ORGANIC MATTER - 1.5-3.0% ? f U SETBACK MAGNESIUM (Mg) - 35 L$S/ACRE 10.D O 0 I- PHOSPHORUS (P205 - 100 LBS/ACRE ~ F ~ E Z PIS POTASSIUM (K20) - 85 LBS/ACRE SOLUBLE SALTS -NOT TO EXCEED 500 PPM O U PERFORM SUITABLE 501E TESTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FOR BIORETEN110N AREAS) Q N.- . EXISTING 24" CULV. r MULCH 9 a A 2"-3" MULCH LAYER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON TOP OF THE PLANTING SOIL. HVAC k THE MULCH SHALL INCLUDE SHREDDED HARDWOOD THAT IS SUITABLY AGED 2 DRIVE THROUGH AND FREE OF FOREIGN MATERIAL AND PLANT MAIERIAL. A WELL AGED w BIORETENTION ~Y MULCH IS DEFINED AS MULCH THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED OR STORED $OTTOM ELEV.=3809.5 ~ ELEV.=3809.5 FOR AT LEAST 12 MONTHS. PROPOSED MINIMUM SURFACE ARE M SURFACE AREA-500 SF EXISTING SAN. RETAINING WALL PLANT MATERIAL SEWER LINE _W. MODULAR SYSTEM OR s S STACKED BOULDER WALL ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO STANDARDS SET FOR1H BY N . a U THE AMERICA ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN AND INSTALLED IN A PROPOSED N MANNER USING ACCEPTED NURSERY PRACTICES AND ~ Q WORKMAN LIKE BANK BUILDING STANDARDS. LE.=3806.0 + N ~ • LLB _ ~ ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED WITH THE SAME RELATION TO fINISHED _ F.F. ELEV. = 3815A GRADE AS THEY BORE. TO EXISTING GRADE AT THE NURSERY. - - - a~5.o ~ ~,E Y P~ to LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL ROOT BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS PRIOR ' TO INSTALLATION. CUSTOMER.. N~ . Z PARKING ~ PROPOSED ;ED _ ~ Q ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PES1S ~ SHRUB MASS MASS ~ J ~ Q • U ~ AND DISEASE r~ r.......- N THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS ICE ~ TO DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS. a_. EXISTING 30" CULVERT ~ P PONDED AREA ~ . EXISTING TREES Z THE PONDED AREA SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 6". ~ PROPOSED REGIONS BANK J THE AREA SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT RUN-OFF DURING SITE SIGN GRADING. y A PROPER MAINTENANCE PLAN SHALL BE DETERMINED AND IMPLEMENTED NIP PPS' P.K. ON A REGULAR BASIS. NAIL ~ PROPOSED RELOCATED S S S S. S U11L]TY POLE S . S S.. _ CAR o . '~n N 0~ o w0~' ~'Qd°? ~ PROPOSED ~ ~ = ~ z CANOPY TREES _ e~ 502 ~ ~ - . _ N T.B.M. 6 spaces TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS ~ ~ 10~~. o ~ PROPOSED TOP OF MANHOLE SMALL TO MEDIUM OVERHEAD POWER- RHEAD POWER (SHALL MEET NCDOT iA 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ELEV.=3813.55 SPRING STREET LINES :S STANDARDS & SPECS.) S , W O TREE PROPO ~ m GROUNDCOVER o GRAPHIC SCALE TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS /cu~i i urrr ~innnr zo o ,o ~ ~ see ann~~ ML-L-1 nwv i PROPOSED SIDEWALK STANDARDS & SPECS.) NALK (SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLAN )WN OF HIGHLANDS of 2 STANDARDS AND SPECS.) ID SPECS.) ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. d- GENERAL NOTES: NOTE °A' - 4' WIDE PAINTED WHITE STRIPES 6' LONG WITH 2' BETWEEN. SEE SHEET C3 FOR SITE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. OWNER/DEVELOPER: ~ I- ~ NOTE "B" - 4" WIDE PAINTED WHITE STRIPES AS SHOWN ON PLAN. Q ~ - ~ REGIONS BANK NOTE "C" - DUMPSTER CONCRETE PAD 6" THICK WITH 6 X 6, w2.9 x w2.s w.w.F. 111 GREEN STREET, SE ~ ~K• w U ~ ~~Mi~~ ~ppER H - WITH 2 BUMPER GUARDS AS SHOWN. BUMPER GUARDS SHALL BE p. ~ z I ~~R~ R = 3 1/2° DIA. X 36" HIGH GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE CONCRETE FILLED - GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA 30501 PAINTED YELLOW. PAD IS 6' x 7'. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA SUMMARY: 770-503-2000 Q1 s ~ v ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ NOTE "D" -PROPOSED CURB OPENING SHALL HAVE A TAPERED CURB 4' EACH SIDE OF OPENING. TOTAL AREA OF SITE MODIFlCAl10NS = 1.2 ACRES T °~V~ U ~ I NOTE "E" -ASPHALT PAVEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED MATH 6" CABC, 2" TYPE HB BINDER AND 1 1/2" OF Nagy 0~. ~ ~ ~qN ~ RAVENEL W ro p ~ TYPE I-2 SURFACE COURSE ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE. ALL MATERIALS SHALL MEET PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.66 ACRES OS AKE ° d (LJ . ~ THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NCDOT STANDARDS FOR ROADS ~ COTE x W S ~ ANO sTRUCTURES. IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE = 55~ W'I pRSE = W ~ ~ NC. H N RO• ~ -m HARRIS U ~ F- X U 106 LAKE rn _ 1. DIMENSIONS TO CURB AND GUTTER ARE TO FACE OF CURB. DIMENSIONS TO BUILDING ARE TO FACE OF BUILDING. . n ~ I- d ~ ~ti ~ Q~ - 2. REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THIS PLAN AND ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS TO THE ti ~~~G ~ ~ ~C9 W N V J ARCHITECT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PROPOSED 3O' STREAM BUFFER EASEMENT: k ~y n ~ z 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS THE EASEMENT SHALL BE 30' FROM TOP OF STREAM CHANNEL ~ ~ f..l~ Q ~ U ~ Q ~o AND BONDS FOR WORK DONE ON STATE OR CITY PROPERTY. ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREAM. r H U~ ~ ~ VIgNITY MAP NORTH ~ w o ~ ~ _i Q a Q `D 1 "=2000' Z ZJ w ~ ~ z `D I~ PROPOSED BOULDER RETAINING WALL QQ ~ ~ o I MACHINE STACKED 3' CURB OPENING ,URB OPENING ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ) AT I NLET DEFLECTOf (SEE SHEET C1) (SEE DETAIL #8 ON NLET DEFLECTORS + + + + . ~ ~ ~ ~ :DETAIL #8 ON SHT. C3) + + + + ~ Q Z ~ LEGEND ~ PARKING SUMMARY: + ~ w BIORETENTION ~2 - (BY OTHERS) + + QW ~ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + EXPANSION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CONTROL I~ ~ HEATED BUILDING AREA - 5627 SF SEE DETAIL #8, SHT. C3 FOR DETAIL + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ JOINT JOINT U w r-I PARKING AT ONE SPAC PER 200 SF = 28.1 _ MINIMUM SURFACE AREA = 600 SF + + + + + + + + + + + E SPACES BIORETEN~ION #1 (BY OTHERS) - SEE DETAIL #8, SHT. C3 FOR DETAIL + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + + + r ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + ~EiP + + + + + + m N EMPLOYEE PARKING AT ONE SPACE MINIMUM SURFACE AREA = 900 SF - + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK o ~ ~ X + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / W ~ N O PER TWO EMPLOYEES = 6 SPACES + + + - - + + + + + + ~ ~Jx pq + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = Q _ o ~~~r- + + + + + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + _ ~ m + + + + + + + + + + + + + w= _ THREE DRIVE THROUGH LANES ALLOWING + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING ~ a ? A REDUCTION IN PARKING AT TWO PER LANE _ -6 SPACES - - - - - - - _ ~ ~ ± _ _ + ± ~ ` J + + + + + + + + + + + + o ~ TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED = 29 (30 SHOWN) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + a' ~ + + + + + + + + + 2Q' ALL€Y +(UNOPEi~IED~j + + + + + - - 70F74'+- + 70.74'+ + + + + + + + Q + + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + STREAM BUFFER AREA + + + + + + ~ + 1 + + + + + + IRON w + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PROPERTY LINE N N 6 72 W ~7 .~17' PIN - - + + + a + + + + + + + + + + E + + + + + + + IRON + + + + + + + Plpl + + + + + + + + + + + + +5~- + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + ~ - - _ ~ - ~ _ ± + ± ± + _ - 0~ + ± + + + ~ + + + + ~ + + I~ + + + " PROPOSED BIORETENTION + + + 3' CURB OPENING + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + + + AT INLET DEFLECTORS 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + EXISTING SAN. - - ~ _ (SEE DETAIL #8 ON SHT. C3) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - N + + + ' + SEWER LINE ~ EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE & POLE I--• + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - +o+ + ~ SETBACK 10.0' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - o EXISTING ~o 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ HOUSE o / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + °D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - S - EXISi1NG SANITARY SEWER LINE & MANHOLE o i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ l~ ~ W B MPER ~ 1i ~ , ? . 2 DETAIL k SHEET NUMBER 4-I Q . ~ C3 I--1 0' CONC. DUMPSTf]~ ' - - - - 4 9. CURB 6' + ~ PAD (NOTE C ) 4.... 9 CURB 2 A C3 .INLE . ~ / l of . R2.0 r yy o..... C3 INLE7 _ o TRAFFIC DIRECTION ARROWS w•' ~ ~ . 8. '`~l . 5 FENCE _ _ _ _ 4 ~ ~ ~ . o EXISTING 24" CULV. _ PROPOSED CURB INLET d J' 0 ~ V. R>4,0•...... , C3 ENCLOSURE ^.0, ; . N S ~8 ~ P D CONCRETE CUR p 20,0• ROPOSE B & GUTTER ~ DRIVE THROUGH b Z PROPOSED BOULDER RETAINING WALL ~ R .44> DRIVE TI _ . 24 o. (MACHINE STACKED) / / / : / o _ I--I ( ) ~ . ~ o _ SEE SHEET C1 ASPHALT PVMNT. / / ~i~ C3 I--I ~d A NOTE "E" / ~ NOTE "B" CONCRETE - ~ _ / 40.00- //TYP l ) N _CURB & GUi l` ~R ~ NOTE "B° 0 19.00' 2 ~ A JYPICAL_ A a HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES: o ~ . SIGNS, SYMBOLS AND RAMPS SHALL v-~ 10.0'.. 9:0 .00 . 9,0... 10,0'.. 9:0' l MEET THE N.C. STATE HANDICAPPED m . ~ . C3 CODE. ~ NOTE °Ar ~ 21:00 x9.00 .21,00'...... HANDRAIL BOTH x iv `TYPICAL 0 SIDES OF RAMP c~. .PARKING N . SEE ARCHITECTURAL _m_ AH6LE t? ASPH. LT PVMNT' ~0 . ~ CONCRETE ~ . n j' DRAWINGS) 4 - . NOTE. E p.' ~ ~ CURB & GUTTER ( 0• , CONC. WALK r' _ .I 4 CURB OPENING , Q NOTf .B". TYPICAL _ ~ o H.C. RAMP FOR DRAINAGE 61,00'.. - 5.0'.. l~ . ~ ~ o (FIELD LOCATE) ~ NOTE .~D,~ ~ 6 ~ a C3 ~ ~ r~ ~ . o R6l EXISTING 30" CULVERT - - - m - - ~ - - - - -TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS - -880.0 - ~ PR R - ~ N ~ ~ ~ OPOSED EGIONS BANK SIGN FIELD LOCATE i~~.. FLAGPOLE (SHALL MEET NCDOT , (SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS) ~ STANDARDS & SPECS.) _ i.) N ~ CONCRETE om BURIED O: WALKWAYS ~ v N w - -~c- w TANK N / i EXISTING ~ (TYP) ~0. ~ 90 .d ~ q 0 WALK ~ ~ / 0 IRON a - S 37 .3.6 ~3. e o i PROPERTY LJNE BAR _ 80:00' R0: ~ ~ NAIL ~ 00 RCS ~ s - _ 0 _ . . PROPOSED RELOCATED m - ~ . _^ry~_ . - . _ _ _ S - - - - -.S SQ - -s- \ s=- , UTILITY POLE Q~ h `S - . S ~ o 42.83 , . 38.94 . ~ 0 ~ o~• ~ a n• , T.B.M. _ _ ^a "a. OF MANHOLE _ _ _ / ELEV.=3813.55 ~'s ~ EXISTING EDGE 6 spaces ~ _ ~ ?0• OF ROAD ASPHALT ~4 i _ Q' / ~ _ _ 20.00' 25.50' 20.00' 17.82' 75.86' Q 32.45' 11o.4s' - _ _ 4' TAPER AT END ° SPRING STREET OVERHEAD POWER OF CURB ELOCATE EXISTING h ~ UTILITY POLE ~ LINES i ~ - _ CAR i . ~ TYPICAL H.C. RAMPS 2' WIDE CONC. (SHALL MEET NCDOT GUTTER DRAINAGEWAY ~ c~ STANDARDS & SPECS.) PROPOSED SIDEWALK C CONCRETE CONNECT PROPOSED t^g WALK AND CURB & GUTTER = ~ = CURB & GUTTER = .r- 5O2 ~ CONCRETE (SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS T TYPICAL TO EXISTING. o~ CURB & GUTTER STANDARDS AND SPECS.) ~ti . TYPICAL DRIVEWAY ACCESS: ~,~A .,alb,,. 'o W P ALl PROPOSED DRIVEWAY CONNECTIONS TO SPRING STREET i~ S . SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ~-a• ~ Nu~~~ iO ~I~ 1 j r A f; V r bpAWING ~ I i:::> I rir- ppOpF-pTY OF BASE INFORMATION GRAPH~-S6~LE 05-042002 CALL UL CO p ,o 20 a 80 THF- AI?CN11-F-C-' ANn NOT TO 13F USFn THIS SITE PLAN WAS PREPARED BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PAUL SCHMITT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO. PRIOR TO DIGGING Op I?r-ppOnLlC[~n PROPERTY BOUNDARY, EXISTING ROAD EDGES, EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND OVERHEAD POWER LOCATIONS, CULVERT AND STREAM ALIGNMENTS WERE TAKEN FROM A PLAT TITLED "REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION" BY SYLVESTER & COMPANY, PA., DRAWING NO. 4254, DATED JUNE 4, 2001 1-800-632-4949 SITS IWAWINGS WI-rHOU1' H15 VWIT` E-~N AND REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. ( IN FEET ) i ;ooh = 20 ft L~ ~YO LIT 1551 ON 1~ L- ~°~Ill 2" X 8" 6" X 6' _ 2" X 8" CAP BOARD 6 0 O.C. MAX. CAP BOARD POST .tea ~ ~ ~q ~ PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS IN CONCRETE CURB. 1° X 8" TRIM - ~ ~ _ - i 1 X 8 TRIM " 6" BOARD PROVIDE 1/2 EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS = , BOARD • ~ o TRIM U NOT TO EXCEED 50', AT THE ENDS AND MID-POINT - 1'-0" " Q OF RETURNS AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. 6 X 6 POST I- _ ~ ~ H z I ASPHALT PAVEMENT " 1" X 6" 1 X 6 VERTICAL BOARDS Z ~ BOARDS ~ ~ U 5" 1" RADIUS VERTICAL BOARDS - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ (1J I I i ~a ~ Q ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ U ~i 1 1 /2" RADIUS 5'-0" - - - 2' X 6" STRINGERS 2" X 6" STRINGERS-BACK ~ ;INGERS-BACK SIDE OF FENCE ~ W ~ W ~ ~ - ATTACH TO POSTS WITH DAI ~ ~ d POSTS WITH DADOED JOINTS. (GALV. ANGLES NEEDED AT CORNERS) ~ ~ ~ a J (1J 6" ~ a ~ - x W s CO \ ~ 1" X 4" TRIM FINISHED GRADE ' ~ o BOARD _ _ _ _ BADE ~ = w ~ PROPOSED PLANi1NGS ~ ~ 9 ~ 0 7" - 6" ~i~ D ~ ~ SEE SHEET C6 -LAN U ~ I- X ~ ~ ~ DSCAPE PLAN H = 4 o - 4" CLEARANCE ~ ~ ~ d ~a ~ (/j , LL _ a , ~ 4" ~ a a d - - -7- ~ ~ n z ~ ~ ~ INLET DEFLECTOR: (3' WIDE) ~ H ~ FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER W a ~ PROPOSED BOULDER TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO ^ z - CABC a POST ANCHOR: TYPICAL " " ( ) 1 X 4 TRIM 3000 PSI CONC. USP TIMBER CONNECTORS BOARD RETAINING WALL ~ ~ ~ ~ Q `D 810RETENTION BASIN. U ~ O CURB & GUTTER - 3'-0" HEAVY COLUMN BASE 13000 PSI (SEE SHT. C1) Q H ~ /fir` ~ ~ ~ CBE66 12 GAUGE SLOPE TOP OF FTG. FOR DRAINAGE m a CONC. FTG. TYPICAL IAGE U ~ ao W O 1'-6" a ~ _ I MAXIMUM PONDED WATER PROPOSED GRADE Q a Q (/j ~ COMPACTED PROPOSED GRADE DEPTH = 6 Z SUBGRADE OUTSIDE FACE OF ENCLOSURE -ELEVATION ZJ W N 3:1 MAX. CURB OPENING ~ _ ~ ~ ASPHALT PVMNT. Q a ~ O U N ~ L~ (DRAINAGE TOWARDS CURB) 1'-6., 2" X 4" TRIM BOARD O ~ M RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF " " PLYWOOD) Z W 6" MAX. ~ SCALE: 1 =1 -0 SECTION VIEW _ - ~ IIII 1_11111-1111= _ W W 3/4" PLYWOOD - - - a ~ h Q - ~ W -111 I I_I I I I I-1 I I I I-111 I I-1 I -111 I I-1 I I I I-1 I I I ~I I I" FACE OF CURB BACKING 2" X 4" CAP " " _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - a of (IIII-IIII =11111-(IIII-1 III_IIII I-IIII IIII I-IIII IIII I_ - II-1I ~ W 1 X6 =IIII (IIII-IIII VIII-1 11111=11111=11111=11111- m N VERTICAL BOARDS VIII I IIII=1 II I_I III - o ~ n X ~ ~ N O PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS 6° 6" X 6" POST - - - - - - - - - - - - 2" X 4" TRIM BOARD IN CONCRETE CURB. -1111 111=11111 VIII J x 1'-0" - - - - - - - - - - - - -RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF PLYWOOD) FOOD = _ - Q _ o ~ 11111= 1111=1 111=III a m 4' " MI . PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 50', AT THE ENDS AND MID-POINT PLAN VIEW AT GATE EDGE OF GATES _ = w= - =11111 II-11111 VIII ~ o OF RETURNS AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. 1' X 8" TRIM BOARD (IIII_ I I I I IJ = a a a ~ III~II PLANTING SOIL ~ 5" 1" RADIUS =11111 I I=11111 SEE SHEET C6 -LANDSCAPE PLAN I ASPHALT PAVEMENT 2' X 4' CAP 10'-6" O.C. 1 1/2" RADIUS 2" X 4' CAP 11111- 11111- 111 FOR BtORETENTION AREA SPECIFICATIONS - 1"/~6' -11111 II-11111 1111 a VERTICAL BOARDS 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD 6 ~!-IIII~ ~ 6'X6"POST 11111=I IIII " = 1'-0" MIN.. SAND BED a~ ° ° - - - _.y IM AR I X 6 POST II=11111 IIIII~ - -t-J - III~ I , ~ ~ - - - T-HINGE (3 E, 7" - Q ~ 0 1" X 6" VERTICAL -T-HINGE 3 EACH SIDE =VIII VIII-I~IIII~I IIII-11111-11111-11111-11111-11111 IIII _ - _ _ _ _ _ - II IIII IJIIII~IIII II_11111=11111=11111_11111=IIIIi~lll l~ II D ~ a 6~~ - a BOARDS 1" X 6" DIAGNOL X 6" DIAGNOL BRACE ~ C, 4^ a ° 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD 0 BEYOND 4 -0" _ BIORETENTION AREA ` 1" X 8" TRIM BOA CABC I J X 8 TRIM BOARD 3000 PSI CONC. , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3/4' PLYWOOD ~ i; ~ ~ - CURB & G -III - I ' ' - _ _ UTTER - 1'-6" I I. BACKING I ~ ~ , W ° ~ " FlNIS u n FlNISHED GRADE ~ ~ - 4--# ? 1' X 4" TRIM BOARD - - COMPACTED " „ SUBGRADE HASP LATCH 1 X 4 TRIM BOARD I H NOT TO SCALE A SECTION VIEW AT GATE CANE BOLT 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD INLET DEFLECTOR: 3' WIDE INLET DEFLECTOR: 3' WIDE ( ) ( ) (DRAINAGE AWAY FROM CURB) 8'-0° FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO BIORETENTION BASIN. CL BASN BIORETENTION BASIN. I-- SCALE: 1°=1'-0° ELEVATON AT GATE OUTSIDE FACE coNC. cuRB ~ GUTTER fER z 9° H V 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS FILLED WITH - ~ ~ 4 - H BACK OF CURB CURB dt GUTTER PREMODU)ED JOINT MATERIAL do JOINT SEALER PAINTED SOLID WHITE I 1 -0 30' 3000 PSI CONC. PAD WITH STIFF BROOM FINISH. NOTE ON FENCING: V ^ ~ 1--i ALL SCREWS. NAILS AND OTHER FASTENERS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED I ~ ~ ~OQ~ ~ 6" THICK 3000 PSI CONC. PAD GALVANIZED FOR EXTERIOR USE. ~ 60' r 3 -7 - 4 i -a, 6' X 6" W4.0 X W4.0 WWF ALL WOOD SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. - - i ~ ~ Q i ~ FACE OF OF GUTTER 2'-4" ~ STANDARD CURB ~ 'C Q , _ Q a 2" Q- CURVE W CURVE WHERE ~ CURB TRANSITION AT CURB INLET 0 0 ~ INDICATE[ INDICATED ON PLAN ~ a ~ o ~ 8" CABC I FRAME. GRATE ~ HOOD BY I'-0" T~IDALL 123-CGO OR APPROVED EQUAL - SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" FiNl41 GRADE ( ) -III COMPACTED SUBGRADE ASPHALT -III- ~ I-I I I- - ~ I...I:_:',_,i.:. i - TOP GRATE ~ - - - - ELEV. AS NOTED -I - , -I - ~ SCALE: 3/4 -1 -0 - NOTE: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS FILLED WITH - PRECAST ooNC~ETE eo~t PREMOULDED JOINT MATERIAL & JOINT SEALER (20' O.C. MAX. AS ' MATH KNOCI(OUT PANELS SHOWN ON PLAN} AS MANF. BY TiNDALL OR APPROVED EQUAL PROVIDE I/2" DEEP SCORE JOINTS AT 5' O.C. WITH ROUNDED EDGES AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 6" SCH. 40 PVC DRAIN UNE WALKWAY SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS STANDARDS AND ~ 4" THICK CQNCRETE WALK WITH STIFF BROOM FlNISH AND 2" SMOOTH TROWELED BORDERS. BROOM FlNISH SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR ~ ~ CONCRETE CATCH BASIN 2' SQUARE FINISHED GRADE SPECIFICATIONS. E ( ) 1 TO TRAFFIC FLOW. WITH CAST IRON GRATE FOR ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW _ =1 I I=1 III=1 I I=1 I I=1I I=1 11= III=III I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I 6 X 6 - W2.9 X W2.9 WWF CENTERED ~T STONE, =III=1 I1= 3000 PSI CONCRETE IN WALK THICKNESS. , -111 6" SCH 40 PVC - _ (I I ROOF DRAIN UNE _ _ _ a a a II= 1/4"/FT CROSS SLOPE .II III=III III i /2" EXP. JT. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I=1I1=~ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 o I1= °o°00000°00000000000°0°0 _ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ , coMPACTED = 111= 1= I =1 I 1=1 11= I = I I III _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a CONC. CURB & GUTTER - - -I I I- i I I_ s~sr ~'r - 4 ! 41. -I 10 1 11 1 1 1 111! SUBGRADE UNDER CATCH BASIN - - - - - = = ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ' ~ r - - I - NuM~~ III o 0 o III a o o ° ° ~ ~ COMPACTED SUBCRADE ,~``1~N„~ARO ~,"^°PNDS°°a~i 1= 11= ° ~IIS - III o 0 o III - ~ B , 0 0~ C,~,'L ' AWING - o~ ~a - , 4 ~ D III o o a III - ' _ 502 A: = S 1`N~ I I- I I- - N4T TO SCALE III III 4" WASHED STONE (SHED STONE ° °o,~~ O~'O~'2002 pt?Op~~1"Y 0~ - - II= _ _ = II= COMPACTED SUBGRADE BASE ~o,,i~,,o o. ~I~ ApCNI~C~" III-1 1=III III=III=III - NOT TO SCALE IIII 1 . Il ~ ANrJ NUT TU M U5W or, t?~I~f?OnU MIRIFI 140N FILTER FABRIC L#57 WASHED STONE L Cr-I2 COMPLETELY WRAP DRY SUMP 7 CONCRETE WALK DETAIL DRY SUMP 2 SQUARE X 3' DEEP. „ WITHOUT H15 Wpl1'1FN SCALE: 1 =1 -0 ~'~t?MISSION INVERT ~ 3796.6 ~ OD ~ N ~ PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPES: K I-- O PIPE FOR STORM SEWERS SHALL BE CLASS 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) PROPOSED 30' STREAM BUFFER EASEMENT: ~~Mil P4ER L Q U - `D ACCORDING TO ASTM C76, AASHTO MI70. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. , c U RO' W U ~ ti ~Rk ~ F- _ SEE SHEET C4 FOR EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE THE EASEMENT SHALL BE 30 FROM TOP OF STREAM CHANNEL ~ ~ H z I CHANNEL ~ _ DETAILS AND SPECIFICAl10NS. PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE CLASS "C" (ORDINARY) EXCEPT UNDER PAVING WHICH ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREAM. SHALL BE CLASS B . ~ U ~ A T~ \ ~ ~ Q/ ~ l U y~ ~ Ul cy~ of Q ~ ALL WORK, MATERIALS, AND PROCEDURES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF HIGHLANDS OR THE NCDOT WHICHEVER IS GREATER. qN0 ~ RAVENEL U ~ I SITE AKE W ro l~ ~ OO ~ COQ ~ ? d PROPOSED SPOT ELEVAl10NS AT CURB & GUTTER ARE BASE OF CURB, TRENCHES SHALL NOT REMAIN OPEN DURING RAIN PERIODS. WHEN RAIN IS EXPECTED, RSE ~ N J l U ~ C. HO RO • - ~ W TRENCHES SHALL BE CLOSED, COVERED, OR OTHERWISE PREVENTED FROM TOP OF CURB IS 0.5' HIGHER. CAUSING EROSION & SILTATION. ~ N W S ~ ~ HARRIS = ~ 106 ~ LAKE ~ ~ ~ • n U ~ I-- X THE PROPOSED STREAM CULVERT (ARCH CMP) SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING A DRY WEATHER PERIOD WHEN NO RAIN IS EXPECTED DURING THE INSTALLATION PERIOD. N' ` ~ H cA S ~~S ~ F- Cj A GEOTECHNICAL ENgNEER SHALL INSPECT THE AREA AND PROVIDE SPECIFlCAl10NS c, ~ / 9 9T M ~ , LL 2 G Q ~ - FOR PROPER UNDERCUTTING AND BEDDING. ~ ~\~9 ~ Z ~ ~ti rn BIORETEN110N #2 - (BY OTHERS) (SEE DETAIL ~8 SHEET C3) ~ W N V 1 BOTTOM ELEV.=3809.9 tiZ blg~ ~ Z ~ Q `D MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-600 SF U ~ O Q VICINITY MAP NORTH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ ,,nnro W ~ 1 "=2000' V ! N ~ _ I i PROPOSED STREAM Q Q ~ ~D PROP. 18" RCP 32' LONG AT 4.19: ~ RELOCATION ~ W (1J (Q25=2.9 CFS) Zg~ Z o Qa ~ O " ~ PROP. 18 RCP ~ + + ~ I ~ + ~ ~ J (1J CO 32 LONG AT 3.4X D BOULDER RETAINING WALL ~ (Q25=3.6 CFS) PROPOSE (MACHINE STACKED) + = + LEGEND ~ ? (LI + + ~w ~ O z _ 00 TOP OF WALL ELEV.=3813.0 + + ~ + oti° + + A , ~ (SEE SHT. C1) / ~ + ~ + + + + + + + EXISTING CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL ~ W ~ w + ~ ~ + + + + + + + + _ pq ~Q BIORETEN~ION #1 - (BY OTHERS) ~ ~ + + + + + + + + + Q ~ DETAIL SHEET C3 _ , ~ ~ ~ + . (SEE N8 ) ROOF DRAIN OU AT , - ~ ~ g~, PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE ~ W ~ BOTTOM ELEV.=3811.5 CATCH B SEE DETAI . ~ , ~ MINIMUM SURFACE AREA-900 SF SHT. 3 INV. 09 / + + + + ~ + + + + + + ~ m " 2 ~ w + ~ X i _ t / ' + + + + + + t + ~ + + ~ J + + + + + + + t + + +(X7+ + Q ~ p w + ~ CURB INLET f_ + + + + + t, + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ + ~ ~ EXISTING TREES m _ o o ~ 0 W = _ _ RIM ELEV.=3811.95 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ± ± + + ZR+ + + + + . + + + + n. ~ a _ INV. ELEV.=3805.9 ' ~ ~ + + +~t-~+ + ~"g~+ - E ~ ~1' . - + + + + + + + + + ~ +S ~ ~ t- + + + ~ rn t~~ + + ~ + + + + + RELOCA~ ± + + + + + + + + + • ~S~ TOE OF FlLL SLOPE Y + ~ \ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + 2a ~LLE~Y EABANDONEDj + ~ + + ~ ~s~ NE.-$80#. cn ~ Q + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + " + + + + + + PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING IRON ~ + + t-+.,f , + + + + + + + + ~ + ~ ~ h3 PIN + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + ~ ONE + DIVERSION / ~ o + + + + + + + ~ _ + + + ~ + + y' EXISTING TREES SWALE ; ' ~ ~ o _ ~ + + CU1F6 INLET + + + (HAND - ~ - - _ ~ + + • + (SHALL BE SAVED) ~ + + ~ + + + + + - ~M VF 3$10.5 + + + ~ ~ Py w + + ~ INV~ V.=3 d5. + PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION AREA + + + , ~n ~ I'~ + + ~ ~ + + + + S•qR + + + + + + t0~ a ~ ~ C_~ + ~ V ~ ~ ~g4~ ~ ~ ~ t~P ~ .E.~3804. + , + + + + + + + + + + EXISTING ' % ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + m + 10.9 ~ ~ ~d~ 12 _ HOUSE ~ + + + ~ _ + + + + ~ ~~ETBACK ~ + + + + + + + + + + ~ 1 2 ti~ ~ $IR~ E ~ + + + + + + + + i ~ S PROPOSED BIORETENTION ~j ~ • ~ + + + + 38®9 + + + + ~ PZ 8~ ~ ~ ~ 1t .10.4 _ .1.0.4........__._. ~ 11.2 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS H H PROPOSED CULVERT: $ . ~ ~ - - - - - - / `~cP _ / ; ~ NG. 3813 120 OF 73 X 55 , 12 GA. ARCH CMP 5 X 1 CORR., TYPE 2, ALUMINIZED FROM ~.oo $ / 3 GUR6 OPENI PROPOSED CONTOUR UNE Q Ai' INLET.-DEFLECT. S l 2 o~~ 13 WILLCO (ASHEVILLE, ) ~ ro . w ~ N . . NC OR EQUAL N6 24'~tJLV. y~ \ AT 1.0 ~ SLOPE. ~ - - - _ SILT FENCE 3811. o--fl--a . H AC (Q25 = 209 CFS) Qg~"~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ - - i 11 - - - INVERT AC 11.0 b i l.~ / - ~ _ i' I _ _ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ INVE 3808.. TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAM / / - I ROOF DRAIN OUTLET AT j..'. i DRIVE THROUGH / O _ CATCH BASIN (SEE DETAIL ,~4 I / / SHT. C3 1NV. ELEV =3807.9) '4 EXISTING SAN. 11.2 ~ FABRIC CATCH BASIN PROTECTION t~ ~ , - ~ 1 11:fi SEWER UNE F--I V 11.2 I---I PROPOSED 15.0 _ ~ 15.0 p~ I ° 6ti PIPE OUTLET STONE APRON / BOULDER RETAINING WALL is % ~ ~ ~ 3' CURB OPENING PROPOSED CURB do GU.TiER ~ I ......TYPICAL LLJ = 13.5 - ~ ~ I AT INLET DEFLECTORS BANK BUILDING TOP OF WALL ELEV. 38 - - - S ~ EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE & MANHOLE C_, ~ A ~ ai F.F. ELEV. = 3815.0 (MACHINE STACKED) a a (SEE SHT. C1) LE.=38os.o + ~ Q ~ - - ~ - - EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE AND POLE ae _ _ / 6" SCH 40 PVC i TW=13.0 PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEVATION _ i _ ~ ROOF DRAIN LINES ~,4, ~ TYP. p~ryT 0 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROPOSED 6° SCH. 40 PVC ROOF DRAIN LINES _..ASPH T ~ ~ ~ a.. . 60 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ( ) DOWNSPOUT LOCATION ° MI a... I ROOF DRAIN LINE (TYP.) CURB & GUTTER _ .1.4..0 CLEAN-OUT (TYPICAL) 4'_C BOP 1NG ~ ~ DOWNSPOUT LOCATION FOR. RAINA ~ ~ TYPICAL 12.4..... , ~ ~ . ROOF DRAIN UNE CLEANOUT 14.4 CONC. SPLASH 13.6 14. - BLOCK i tip, ~ PROPOSED STREAM HALT PVMNT. ~ , _ _ _ _ REMOVAL titi~~ ' _ ~ EXISTlNG.TR ~lE i LENGTH=146' " - SHALL: SAVED _ .13.5 PI / ~ . - - ~ ( ) - - EXISTING 30 CULVERT ~ .14.0 14. DRAINAGE SWALE . ~ i ' ' ~ ~ XISTING TREES ~ '13.7 _ v 3813 _ . OWNER/DEVELOPER. ...........13:7.. o Q 14:0 ~ . _ _ . T3.6 14.0 ! _ N~ ~ pF~ ~ REGIONS BANK 1 PP N 111 GREEN STREET, SE . ~ M DIVER 381... ~ ~ swA ~ GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA 30501 ° _ 15 - P b % _ ~ IRON - ° . S 37 .36. ° b3 . ~ NAIL 770-503-2000 ° 4a_ - . _ _ 15. - - - - 17:2 - - - _ _ - ~ s , - -0 \ ~ PROPOSED RELOCATED . - S UTILITY POLE S. - _ ~a_ / / ~ \ _ a . - . 'I - ~ o- / T.B.M. 'S TOP OF MANHOLE ELEV.=3813.55 2' WIDE CONC. GUTTER 6 spaces ~ , ~d~ / _ L DRAINAGEWAY. / PROPOSED / _ _ RELOCATE EXISTING SPRING TREET CURB & GUTTER OVERHEAD POWER UTILITY POLE (SEE DETAIL #2, SHT. C2) LINES / _ ~ _ / - - _ EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED ~tia~ / INVERT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION tig~ btig~ ~ 8~ ti2 bti 3gIO.8 ENTRY ~ EXIT END CURB & GUTTER AT POINT OF CURVE TANGENCEY \ \\~~,,,u u ~ u,n'' pQ,o°,,P SCgp,'G , ~e~, %w v8 1'I-I 15 ~ 0 502 ~ npAWING ° I5 BASE INFORMATION ,,-gyp ° °P~~~' 0~-0~-2002 GRAPHIC SCALE s . pt?O~~f?1"Y 0~ CALL ULOCO f-~~ o ,o zo ~ THIS SITE PLAN WAS PREPARED BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PAUL SCHMITT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO. 1'N~ Af?CN11~C1' PRIOR TO DIGGING .0 PROPERTY BOUNDARY, EXISTING ROAD EDGES, EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND OVERHEAD POWER LOCATIONS, CULVER I AND STREAM ALIGNMLN I S WLKL 1-800-632-4949 ~ ~ ~ ~ " 7,'U 51 MWINGS ANn NOf rO PF U5E19 TAKEN FROM A PLAT TITLED "REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION" BY SYLVESTER & COMPANY, PA., DRAWING NO. 4254, DATED JUNE 4, 2001 IN rear) or, p[~ppOpljc[~ AND REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. i inch = Zo G I~A1~ I N G WITHOUT H15 Wp11WN f~~PM15510N UNDER ENTIRE DAM FOUNDATION INCLUDING ABUTMENTS. - OVERLAP STRIPS 1', WITH UPSTREAM SECTION A—A STRIP OVER DOWNSTREAM STRIP. N.C.D.O.T. #57 STON TEMPORARY CHECK DAM NOT TO SCALE METAL STAKES 7"N 15 PP,AWI NG 15TH 1- PrlorrpTY Or TNF_ A1;�CHITFCT ANP NOT TO PF u5E12 Or, 1��pI�Oi�UC�f� WITHOUT H15 Wpl-'TF-N PFWAA 15510N SSS 1 OR CLASS B FROL STONE JNE. 'ATCH BASIN FAKE NOTE - FABRIC MATERIAL SHALL BE 1/4- HARDWARE CLOTH FABRIC DROP INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE K 00 MAX. 2 1 SHAPE BORROW INTO EARTH BERM SCE STANDARD SYMBOL 50' min. EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING 3' S•� GROUND 6" MIN.'' FILTER MOUNTABLE BERM CLOTH TITI/IT:TTT T, (OPTIONAL) TIT AAT XTTTTLT EXISTING PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. STONE SIZE - Use 2" stone, or reclaimed or recycled concrete equivalent. 2. LENGTH - As required, but not less than 50 feet (except on a single residence lot where a 30 foot minimum length would apply). 3. THICKNESS - Not less than six (6) inches. 4. WIDTH - Ten (10) foot minimum, but not less than the full width at points where ingress or egress occurs. 5. FILTER CLOTH - Will be placed over the entire area prior to placing of stone. Filter will not be required on a single family residence lot. 6. SURFACE WATER - All surface water flowing or diverted toward construction entrances shall be piped across the entrance. If piping is impractical, a mountable berm with 5:1 slopes will be permitted. 7. MAINTENANCE - The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public rights-of-way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand and repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment spilled, dropped, washed or tracked onto public rights-of-way must be removed immediately. 8. WASHING - Wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public rights-of-way. When washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with stone and which drains into an approved sediment trapping device. 9. Periodic inspection and needed maintenance shall be provided after each rain. OBTAIN BORROW FROM EXISTING GRADE W � EXISTING GRADE--\ 2' MIN. —/RUNOFFco a °o 1 3 MIN. SEDIMENT TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM & DITCH NOT TO SCALE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT To SCALE 14 GUAGE 6"X6" (MAX. OPENING) WELDED WIRE HOOKED ONTO PERFORMED CHANNELS ON METAL POSTS. ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANT (BLACK) MIRIFI FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT SECURED TO WIRE W/METAL CLIPS OR WIRE AT 12" ON CENTER. MAX. SEDIMATE STORAGE LEVEL REMOVE i SEDIMATE WHEN THIS LEVEL IS REACHED OR AS DIRECTED BY CONSERVATION - = INSPECTOR. SHEET DRAINAGE (ONLY) ...... - - EXCAVATE 4"X8" TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM SILT FENCE. CARRY APPROX. 12" OF FABRIC INTO TRENCH, COVER W/SOIL & TAMP BACKFILL. ATURAL GRADE CARRY 8" OF HARE INTO TRENCH. METAL POSTS AT 10' O.C. MAX. SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE FLOW CMP OR RCP RIP -RAP APRON DEPTH = 1 1/2 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, NOT LESS THAN 6". FILTER FABRIC --- crr nnm upw TYPICAL PIPE OUTLET NOT TO SCALE SURFACE AREA=LENGTH X WIDTH (L X SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME = 1800 C.F./AC. SEDIMENT CLEAN -OUT' - LEVEL = 1/2 DESIGN DEPTH EXISTING GROUND — FLOW —� FILTER FABRIC CREST OF SPILLWAY OUTLET CV � 2�M in LL_ J q �9 -f' WIER SECTION BASIN SECTION WIER LENGTH z io 3' MIN. 5' MIN. NO. D LA d50 1 18" 10' 4" 2 18" 10' 4" 1.5' MIN. FREEBOARD EXTEND RIP -RAP TO STABLE GROUND CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE N.C.D.O.T. #57 STONE (3/4" WASHED STONE) FILTER - 1' THICK TOP OF DAM FILTER FABRIC SFB# WIER LENGTH DISTURBED DRAINAGE AREA MINIMUM SURFACE AREA MINIMUM STORAGE VOLUME L W 1 4.0' 0.8 AC. 1000 SF 1440 CIF 40' 25' SEDIMENT FILTER BASIN NOT TO SCALE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. FINISH GRADE TOLERANCES SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY MAKE GRADE CHANGES AS NECESSARY IN THE FIELD WITHOUT EFFECTING THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ALL FILL AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN LAYERS OF 10" MAX. THICKNESS, WITH WATER ADDED OR SOIL CONDITIONED TO THE OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND COMPACTED WITH A SHEEP'S FOOT ROLLER TO A COMPACTION EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 95% OF THE DENSITY OBTAINED BY COMPACTING A SAMPLE OF THE MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHO T-99 AS MODIFIED BY THE N.C.D.O.T., UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ENTIRE AREA TO BE GRADED SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED. NO FILL SHALL BE PLACED ON ANY AREA NOT CLEARED AND GRUBBED. 4. ALL SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED BY THE GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND PRIOR TO GRADING. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS SILT FENCES, BALES OF STRAW, ETC., SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN WORKABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT ONLY AFTER THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL. IF DURING THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT A STORM CAUSES SOIL EROSION WHICH CHANGES FINISH GRADES OR CREATES "GULLIES" AND "WASHED AREAS", THESE SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO EXTRA COST, AND ALL SILT WASHED OFF OF THE PROJECT SITE ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTY SHALL BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT NO EXTRA COST. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ANY APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLANS WHETHER INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS OR UNDER SEPARATE COVER. 5, DISPOSABLE MATERIAL: A. CLEARING AND GRUBBING WASTES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. B. SOLID WASTES TO BE REMOVED, SUCH AS SIDEWALKS, CURBS, PAVEMENT, ETC., MAY BE PLACED IN SPECIFIC DISPOSAL AREAS DELINEATED ON THE PLANS. THIS MATERIAL SHALL BE SPREAD AND MIXED WITH DIRT ELIMINATING ALL VOIDS. ALL THIS MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 2". THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SPECIFIED COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS IN THESE AREAS. WHEN DISPOSAL SITES ARE NOT PROVIDED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THIS WASTE FROM THE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF IT AT HIS EXPENSE. C. ABANDONED UTILITIES SUCH AS CULVERTS, WATER PIPE, HYDRANTS, CASTINGS, PIPE APPURTENANCES, UTILITY POLES, ETC., SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE SPECIFIC UTILITY AGENCY, OR COMPANY HAVING JURISDICTION. BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE, DESTROY, SALVAGE, RE -USE, SELL OR STORE FOR HIS OWN USE ANY ABANDONED UTILITY, HE MUST PRESENT TO THE OWNER WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE UTILITY INVOLVED. 6. ALL INCIDENTAL CONCRETE USED IN GRADING WORK SHALL BE CLASS D (2500 PSI). 7. IN THE EVENT EXCESSIVE GROUND WATER OR SPRINGS ARE ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NECESSARY UNDER DRAINS AND STONE AS DIRECTED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ALL WORK SHALL BE PAID BASED UPON UNIT BIDS, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. 8. ALL DRAINAGE SWALES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN AND DETAIL SHEET. ALL DITCHES ABOVE PROPOSED CUT SLOPES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO EARTHWORK. CONSTRUCTION OF ALL GRASS DITCHES AND INSTALLATION OF THE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION OF ADJUSTMENT OF ALL UTILITY SURFACE ACCESSES WHETHER HE PERFORMS THE WORK OR A UTILITY COMPANY PERFORMS THE WORK. 10, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL ALL "DUST" BY PERIODIC WATERING AND SHALL PROVIDE ACCESS AT ALL TIMES FOR PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA AND FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES. ALL OPEN DITCHES AND HAZARDOUS AREAS SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 11. ALL AREAS WHERE THERE IS EXPOSED DIRT SHALL BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS. THE FINISHED SURFACE SHALL BE TO GRADE AND SMOOTH, FREE OF ALL ROCKS LARGER THAN 3", EQUIPMENT TRACKS, DIRT CLODS, BUMPS, RIDGES AND GOUGES PRIOR TO SEEDING; THE SURFACE SHALL BE LOOSENED TO A DEPTH OF 1"+ OR - TO ACCEPT SEED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH SEEDING OPERATIONS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL OF THE GRADED SURFACE. ALL SEEDING SHALL BE PERFORMED AS DESCRIBED IN THE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. � 0 N 0600 ARO'%, 6� '�,PNaSc*-. 20� 0 e� 502 �o �r Q LL U W00 0 N X w U� a� I I W°° N OD Qn Un 00N C) a ZZ 0 QW Q iE D_ Q0 z Q W w En< } 0 in nj 0 N w a �=o EL U W H I U Q LL_ 17-1 LSI Z H Z Q (__) H W Z Q W F- LL.- 0 W Iq W (y� Cu � M J O 1 o �'o Ln O OJ _ CD `D i me c-, OWNER DEVELOPER: ~ BOULDER RETAINING WALL LEGEND ~ o (SEE SHEET C1) REGIONS BANK Q v - ~ BIORETENTION PLANTING ARRANGEMENT SHOULD w U~ EXISTING TREES BE FIELD ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY BASED ON -NS 111 GREEN STREET, SE H - r ~ Z I GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA 30501 ~ z TO BE SAVED BUILT CONDITIONS AND DIRECTION k3Y LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. U ~ 770-503-2000 ~ ~ , (>J ~ Q l~ ~ / - ~ 1-BN SEE DETAIL #8, SHT. C3 TYPICAL BIORETENTION SECTION 4-IG, 6 O.C. P EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED ~ I . ~ - I ~ 4-IG, 6 O.C. 3 IV, 3-IV, 8' O.C. ~ ~ w ~ W ~ ? o0 / 3-CS, 8 O.C. \ ~ F- N d ~ 90-DC - X w S 00 1-C{~P 2-CAP, 8 O.C. 90-I 1-ACS = W ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ X ~ - 1-HV--~ X 200-DC ~ ~ 1-HV 60-DC m ~ _ ~ d ~ I - \ / I X PROPOSED LARGE SHADE TREES Q ~ ~ , I-1- 2-NS n z ~ I r--r 20 O.C. X _ W~ ~ X \ ~ i X 1 CAP nn ~ z X X L.L. Q ll7 ~ x ~ X . U ~ O Q t--I ~ \ ~ ~ 1-BN " ~ CLJ X ~ x _ X 1 CAP ~ X • U~ ~ X ~ w o X + PROPOSED SMALL TREES (n N ~ _ I x I h ~ Q a Q ~D - - - Z (lJ • Z o W ~ i ~ / • ~ z ~D L~ • X ' \ ~ U Q Q I- O ~ ~ ~ I PROPOSED SHRUBS J = ~ 00 3 VD X X ~ . 8' O.C. 1-CAP ~ w ClJ a ? z ~ 1-ACS ~ GRASS EDGE ~-FP _ W w ~ 1 FP SOD DRAINAGEWAYS GROUNDCOVER W URB OPENINGS Q - ~ ~ AT C N ~ SOD DRAINAGEWAYS Q ~ U w c--1 + + r ~ AT CURB OPENINGS 3-IV, 8' O.C. + + m N 4-IG, 6' O.C. + + STREAM BUFFER AREA o Q.~ X + + w - " 0 PROPOSED 30' STREAM BUFFER EASEMENT: BIORETENTION PLANTING PLAN - INSTALLATION BY OTHERS) , _MENT: ~ J X Q-o ~ THE EASEMENT SHALL BE 30 FROM TOP OF ST TOP OF STREAM CHANNEL a m w = - ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREAM. + + a a ? ~ ~ _ SCALE: 1 "=10' + + + + PROPOSED BIORETENTION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ BIORETEN110N AREA SPECIFlCAl10NS: (BY OTHERS) BIORElEN11ON ~2 ~2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + SEE ENLARGED PLAN ~N ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + • • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - PROPOSED GRASS AREA SOIL BIORETEN110N 1 ABOVE. F 4' DI EP SEE ENLARGED PLAN PLANTING SOIL SHALL BE A MINIMUM 0 ABOVE. + + + + + + + + + ~"~c + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + ~n + + + + + + + + + + + . ON A 1' THICK SAND BED. PLACE IN MAXIMUM 18" LIFTS ~ + AND LIGHTLY COMPACT. BOULDER RETAINING ~ + + ~ WALL (SEE SHT. C1) + + + + SOIL COMPOSITION SHALL HAVE 10-25% CLAY AND SHALL BE EXISTING TREES , _ T- T - + + + + + ~ F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + OF A SANDY LOAM OR LOAMY SAND TEXTURE. THE SOIL SHALL TO BE SAVED + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ PROPOSED MULCH EDGE F-~---------- - - BE CLEAN AND FREE OF HARMFULL SUBSTANCES TO PLANT GROWTH. _ _ _ - _ _ _ ± ± ± ~ T THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + THE SOIL SHALL BE TESTED AND MEE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + +~1+ + + + + + + pH RANGE - 5.5-6.5 \ T + + + + + + + + 20' ALLY +(UNOPEiVED~ + + + + - ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + t • + + + + + + + + + ~ + + EX1STHd SAN. ORGANIC MATTER - 1.5-3.0% ~~f OF + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MAGNESIUM (Mg) - 35 LBS/ACRE ~~fXj + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + EWE LINE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. H ? PHOSPHORUS P205 - 100 LBS ACRE ~S~NG ~ ~ + ~ -r , + + + + + + + ( / IRON ~FI(~ N +6 ' ~`l #17 _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + i-~n / + + + + + H ~O~ + ~ POTASSIUM (K20) - 85 LBS/ACRE PIN + + + PIRI + + ~ ~ SEED MIX: HARD FESCUE 250 LB./AC. Q SOLUBLE SALTS -NOT TO EXCEED 500 PFM ~ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +5~$ + { ~ CREEPING RED FESCUE 40 LB./AC. C~ F 5~$ + + + + + + + f + ~ FESCUE 10 LB. AC. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ • CHEWINGS / PERFORM SUITABLE SOIL TESTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PROPOSED + + + + + + F ± ± ± + ± ± + _ - - RYE GRAIN 25 LB./AC. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FOR BIORETEN110N AREAS) DUMPSTER _ _ _ _ + + _ + ± ENCLOSED BY FENCE ~ 5_FM ~ + + + + + + + + + + + ~ 1 CV + + + + + + + + + + + + + +I + ~>LM MILLET 10 LB. AC. (SPRING -SUMMER ONLY} + + + / MULCH \ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1-INS ~ ~ SEEDING DATES: AUGUST 25 -SEPTEMBER 15, OR MARCH 15 -APRIL 15 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + 1 + + + + _ f~ 1 KL (YEARLY VARIATIONS IN SEEDING DATES MAY VARY DUE TO EXISTING WEATHER PATTERNS.) F-- + + + + + ~ ~ LZ •~Q HPT ~ A 2"-3" MULCH LAYER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON TOP OF THE PLANTING SOIL. + + + + + + 1_~ + + + + THE MULCH SHALL INCLUDE SHREDDED HARDWOOD THAT IS SUITABLY AGED EXISTING ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ OIL TESTS OR APPLY AND FREE OF FOREIGN MATERIAL AND PLANT MATERIAL. A WELL AGED HOUSE ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ 1-QA SOIL AMENDMENTS: APPLY LIME AND FETILIZER ACCORDING TO S - - u+ + + + ~ I~~ 1 TON DOLOMITIC LIMESTONE PER ACRE, 200 LB. 18 46 0 PER ACRE, H MULCH IS DEFlNED AS MULCH THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED OR STORED + + + + + + + + + + + + + NTHS. + + + + + + + + + ± FOR AT LEAST 12 MO + . • ~ ' P 100 LB. 10-10-10 PER ACRE. H + 0 1-TC + + + ~ • MULCH: HYDROSEED WITH CELLULOSE MULCH AND ADD NETTING ON STEEP SLOPES. o PLANT MATERIAL • • • W • 5-SBA... 3-FIB ~ . U . • 2-IMBP ~ j + ~ ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO 'STANDARDS SET FORTH BY . • . . 3-PJ. v~ . , to j.- THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN AND INSTALLED IN A 1=VB -FP GRASS EDGI: . _ _ _ _ _ EDGE Q~ . EXISTING 24° CULV. WORKMAN LIKE MANNER USING ACCEPTED NURSERY PRACTICES AND 3-IG../ . 3-~ . • a _ . . ~ . - - _ STANDARDS. BOULDER RETAINING 1-~ ~ _ . ® . • - - CALL ULOCO I 1_KC . • - J WALL SEE SHT. C1 ALL 4 PF.. . PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED WITH THE SAME RELATION TO FINISHED ( ) 3 IGS • ~ . PRIOR TO DIGGING ~ GRADE AS THEY BORE TO EXISTING GRADE Al THE NURSERY. BAR. ~ 2-KCO 1-SBD 60-STELLA D'ORO - 'ORO DRIVE THROUGH ~ - - srEUA o 1-800-632 4949 ~ LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL ROOT BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS PRIOR 2-IG ~ ~3-ICS DAYLILIES, 18" 3-FM.~.. / 1-PAH DAYLILIES, 18" O.C. • • ' • ' . TO INSTALLATION. - / _ / 8-ICS 7-HFS - ~ GRASS AREA TERIAL FREE OF PESTS ~ 4-FM ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MA • in ~ . . ~ I I AND DISEASE. ~ . / t--PF - 1-TC / . , ..y • _ 1 PAH 4.=IGS. . ° ~ . EXIS .~R~P. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS % nNG S 1-I . 4_ FS . ' ~ I TO DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER RE4UIREMENTS. • . O 1-PAH fr;BTCP, 3-ICS • ~ ~ PONDED AREA X _sN s-ICs ANNU 4-SBM 9-ICS 1-VP a THE PONDED AREA SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 6". (N:I:C:) _ _ _ _ _ 5-1VHG 3-KLR 4-AGS i ~lcs -4-AGS 3-RC 1-RHC - - / TH AREA SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT RUN-OFF DURING SITE 3-ICS 3-MB E _ 3-MB - / 1 _ 1F GRADING. 1-FA 1-FA SBM ~ / 1 3-AGS - E 3-SBD...... 3-AGS 3-H • EXISTING / ~ . . A PROPER MAINTENANCE PLAN SHALL BE DETERMINED AND IMPLEMENTED 34 D 3-HC ON A REGULAR BASIS. 1 AR , d ° WALK / • 1-KLR 4-KLR 5-LF a. _ . _ . 5-IGS.. ° . a 5-LF • • EXISTING PINS . 3-KLR • 2-1VHG TO BE S9hlED / a. • „ EXISTING 30 CULVERT 2-ICS . 1=AR 3-SgA... ~ 3-1G. / 3-IVHG. 7 - S . NOTE: 1=SN r-PF 2-sB . _ . _ _ 3~1CS . ~ . - 1 IG ELAGPOIE 3-KL 1.=IVHG . ' / 3-ICS...' SEE SHEET C7 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND PLANT LIST. 1 Tc ~ ~ • 3-SBM • ~ 3- 3M.•: 3-AGS 4-RHNZ _ / PROPOSED REGIONS BANK SIGN - FlELD LOCATE 2-1CS... fi=ICS.:... - 3-FM ~ ~ 3-SBM M ~ : • • • SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS) 3=IGS 1-IG a . 2-SBD .S .1.36. ~_.A • / ° . . ° IRON R N / NAIL • _ NOTE TO SITE CONTRACTOR: BAR • • . • . 1=PF • 7-PF ~ S . 5 • S • / N COL ' S - . AN UAL OR \ _ _ SIGNATED TO BE • - - • EXISTING TREES THAT ARE DE • • ~ f • 5. S.. _ - L ~ N.LC. 0~ ~~DSC °°'L a ° • / ( ) ~~aO 'may. SAVED ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE PROTECTED - • • • • • ! s = . • • o-co BU ED 3 D ED . _ 1+CK... / , GRASS AREA ~ ~o ~1E ~ - _ _ °W 502 ~ = DURING THE SITE CONSTRUC110N PROCESS BY . • - PRA . NE L BARRICADE AROUND THE - . INSTALLING A SUITAB E • • AGS TANK _ _ _ , y i T tic.. . TREE OR GROUP OF TREES THAT WILL KEEP EQUIPMEN , -AB 1-CK a es HICLES MACHINERY PERSONAL ETC. OUT 1 GRASS AREA COLOR sp ~ VE , , ~ ANNUAL ° 1 5N~~1" 6-FM _ - ~ : l i ~ O~° p 1-AB A ~ ' P NuM(~p FROM UNDER THE DRIP LINE. (Nic) GRASS AREA GRASS AREA G STREET ~ EXISTING MAPLE - - _ II 11~~ GRASS AREA 1_HpT TO BE SAVED ~ - _ SPRIN i~ 1'I-I I S npAVVI NG 15 11-I~ 0~-0~-2002 GRAPHIC SCALE pt?Op~p1'Y 0~ BASE INFORMAl10N 20 p 10 20 40 80 -naC ne~-ul-rC~-r 59 bpAWWGS AN P THIS SITE PLAN WAS PREPARED BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PAUL SCHMITT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO. I~ NO 1 O 13F U5~1~ PROPERTY BOUNDARY, EXISTING ROAD EDGES, EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND OVERHEAD POWER LOCATIONS CULVERT AND STREAM ALIGNMENTS WERE TAKEN FROM A PLAT TITLED "REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION" BY SYLVESTER & COMPANY, PA., DRAWING NO. 4254, DATED JUNE 4, 2001 or, ~~~~onuc~n IN FEE" LANI~SC.~~ 1 inch = 20 }t. WITHOUT` N15 Wpl1'1r'F-N AND REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. P F- i--M15510N - - PLANTING MIX: PLANTING LIST ~ THE PROPER AMOUNT OF CLEAN AND COMPOSTED ORGANIC MATERI JNT OF CLEAN SOIL (OF SUITABLE TEXTURE) KEY N0. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT ~ [U JRGANIC MATERIAL ALONG WITH FERTILIZER SPACING • ~ O AND LIME SHALL BE MIXED IN PR( 3E MIXED IN PROPORTIONS AS RECOMMENDED cau~ER ~cNT cauoN ~f U ~ BY A SOILS TEST AND/OR GOOD AND OR GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE FOR AB 2 ACER BUERGERIANUM TRIDENT MAPLE 8'-10' Bdo6 AS SHOWN W U / I- EACH PLANT SPEGES. ~ES. AR 6 ACER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET" RED MAPLE 2 1 2" 12'-14' BdcB z / AS SHOWN = CK 2 CORNUS KOUSA 'MILKY WAY SELECT' MILKY WAY DOGWOOD 8'-10' B&B AS SHOWN CV 1 CHIONANTHUS LARgNICUS WHITE FRINGETREE 8'-10' BdcB AS SHOWN ~ ~ , N . ~ Q FA 2 FRANKLINIA AUTAMAHA FRANKIJNIA 8-10' Bd8 BRANCHING NOTE ON STAKING: STAKING AND GUYING ARE TO BE U ~I HEIGHT _ INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT WINDY LOCAl10NS AND SOIL DRAINAGE; w FP 3 FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS' GREEN ASH 2 1/2 12'-14 Bdc6 AS SHOWN 1 . 1 ~ L~ ~ QR 2 QUERCUS RUBRA RED OAK 2 1/2" 12'-14' BdcB AS SHOWN LJJ O W d nn (A.A.N. STANDARD) SHOULD NOT BE ROUTINELY DONE. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE ~N J lV CTOR SHALL DETERMINE IF THE PLANTING AREAS ARE QA t QUERCUS ACUTISSIMA SAWTOOTH oAK 2 t/2" 12'-14' BbB AS SNOWN - X 1.~1 S ~ AND GUY, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND WIRES THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DE' SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WELL DRAINED OR IF UNDERDRAINAGE IS )ERDRAINAGE IS REQUIRED. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT TC 3 TSUGA CANADEN~S CANADIAN HEMLOCK 8'-10' B&B 15' O.C. I W ~ THE SOIL HOLDS WATER AND PROPER DF RUBBER HOSE PRESSURE TREATED GOOD PLANT HEALTH, THE GENERAL CON AND PROPER DRAINAGE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED FOR ~ U ~1 ~ x IE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFlED _ SECURED WITH 2X2 STAKE AND A PLAN TO REMEDY THE PROBLEM 'THE PROBLEM WILL BE ADDRESSED. ~ ~ ~ d NUMBER 12 GAUGE (3 STAKES PER TREE) I ~ AGS 18 AZALEA 'gRARD'S SCARLET' AZALEA (gRARD) 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. Q ~ PLIABLE GALVANIZED WIRE BTCP 6 BERBERIS THUNBERgI 'CRIMSON PYGMY DWARF BARBERRY 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. ~ H CD 10 COTONEASTER DAMMERI BEARBERRY COTONEAS 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. W N GRADE AT WHICH ~ Z FM 27 FOTHERgtLA MAJOR 'MT. AIRY' FOTHERgLU 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. ~ " Q TREE GREW HAA 3 HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS 'ANNABELLE' ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA 3 GAL T. 4' O.C. Q H ~o AT NURSERY HPT 6 HYDRANGEA PANICUUTA 'TARDIVA' TARDIVA HYDRANGEA 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. ~ ~ (lf Ur ~ 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH PROPOSED TREE PLANTING (SEE TREE PLANTING DETAIL) HQ 3 HYDRANGEA QUERCILFOUA OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA 3 GAL CONT, 5' O.C. c0 W O SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX PREPARED PLANTING SOIL 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH H it HYPERICUM FR M ' RST T, ' 0.. " ' N ~ - FS ONDOSU SUNBU ST. JOHN'S WORT 3 GAL CON 3 C Q ICS 58 ILIX CRENATA 'ST01(ES' STq(E5 HOLLY 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. ~ a Z IG 20 ILEX GUBRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL CONT. 6' O.C. Z p W IGS 15 ILEX GLABRA 'SHAMROCK' SHAMROCK HOLLY 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. ~ DETAIL Q a I- O MIRIFl 140N FlLTER FABRIC PROPOSED SHRUB PLANTINGS (SEE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL) - I=~ 11- ) v I IMBP 2 ILEX MESERVAE 'BLUE PRINCE' BLUE PRINCE NOLLY 7 GAL 8' O.C. ~ (11 -III (COMPLETELY WRAP WASHED STONE) SOIL SAUCER -USE TOPSOIL PREPARED - - TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET ~ ~ W j INS 1 ILD(X NEWE R. ST"VENS NEWE STEVENS HOLLY 5'-6' B&B AS SHOWN ~ ? PLANTING MIX = PEEL BACK TOP ~ CONC. CURB & GUTTER = IVHG 11 ITEA VIRGINICA 'F~NRYS GARNET' LARgNIA SNEETSPIRE 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. ~ Z _ CQ -I I ~ I- - ~ _ 1/3 OF BURLAP SLOPE FOR =1 ~ i-I I - I I- TYPICAL ALL DRAINAGE DRAINAGE - • - ( ASPHALT PAVING ~ KL 2 KALMIA UTIFOLIA MOUNTAIN UUR0. 0`-38' BdrB 8' O.C. vj ~ - - SLOPE FOR I I-III ' I- B&B PLANTS) r W ~ KLO 2 KALMIA UTIF0UA 'OLYMPIC FlRE' HYBRID MT. LAUR0. 3 GAL BdcB 5' O.C. w ~ Q - - - - - --I \ \ \ - -I = I =1 I I I I -I \i\i\i\i \r\r\i\i\ r\rr\rr\rr\r r\i\r\i\i -II.-.III rrrrr KLR 14 KALMIA UTIFOUA 'ROYAL DWARF' HYBRID MT. UUR0. 3 GAL B&B 3' O.C. r=/i ~ I-I~-II-~~~_II ~ ~ , ,~-D° ri ri ri ri ri ri r ri ri ri ri r r r lF 5 LEUCOTHOE FONTANESIANA DROOPING LEUCOTHOE 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. V W } ~ MINIMUM MB 3 MAHONIA BEALEI LEATHERLEAF MAHONIA 3 GAL CONT. 5' O.C. 0] r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ / r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ r/ \r\r\r\r\r\r\r\ \r\ \ \ \ r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\\ od.~ X PJ 3 PIERIS JAPONICA JAPANESE ANDROMEDA 3 GAL CONT. 5' O.C. LJ . N 0 12 MINIMUM \ \ r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr ~ rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr DEPTH PREPARED r\r\r\r\r\r\r\ r\r\r\~\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\~\~\r PF 14 POTENTILU FRUTICOSA BUSH CINQUffgL 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. ~ _J x Q.O PLANTING MIX \\r\\r\\ \\r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r r rr r RC 3 RHODODENDRON CALENDUUCEUM FUME AZALEA 0"-36' BBB fi' O.C. d. m W = _ COMPACT TO PREVENT \r\r\r\r\r\r\ \r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r \ RHN2 4 RHODODENDRON HYBRIDA 'NOVA ZEMBLE' HYBRID RHODODENDRON 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. p' O 1 d. ~ 0_ _ SETTLEMENT rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr \r\r\r\r\r\r\ \r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r r\r \\r\\ RHC RHODODENDRON HYBRIDA 'CHINOIDES' HYBRID RHODODENDRON 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. SBA 8 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA 'ANTHONY WATERER' ANTHONY WATER SPIREA 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. /r /r /r /r / / /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r /r / TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL \r\r\r\r\ \ \r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r r SN 8 SP~tAEA NIPPONICA 'SNOWMOUND' SNOWMOUND SPIREA 3 GAL CONT. 4' O.C. 58D 20 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA 'DOLCHK;A' DOLCHICA SP~EA 3 GAL CONT. 3' O.C. N.T.S. SBM 14 SPIRAEA X BUMALDA 'MAdC CARPET MAJIC CARPET 5PIREA GAL CONT. 3' O.C. 3/4° WASHED STONE 12" DEEP VB 2 LABURNUM X BURKWOODII BURKWOOD LABURNUM 5 GAL CONT. 6' O.C. VP 1 VIBURNUM X PRAGENSE PRAGUE VIBURNUM 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. I PROPOSED 4" DIA. 5LOTTED DRAIN PIPE m ~ DE 34 DRYOPTFTtIS FRYTHROSORA AUTUMN FERN QUART CONT. 16" O.C. w ~ P 1 ~ l_A PREPARED SUBSOIL -COMPACT TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT m w ~ PAH 4 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'HAMELN' DWARF FWNTAIN gTASS 1 GAL CONT. AS SHOWN I--- ` a J PLANT ISLAND UNDERDRAINAGE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 60 HEIEROCAWS HYBRDA STELU D'ORO DAYI.ILY 1 GAL CONT. 18' O.C. W GRADING CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL PLANT ISLANDS THAT CONTAIN IMPERVIOUS SOILS THAT HALL NOT ALLOW PROPER DRAINAGE FOR PLANT GROWTH AND HEALTH. ~ ~ H BRANCHING NOTE ON STAKING: STAKING AND GUYING ARE TO BE HEIGHT INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT WINDY LOCATIONS AND h-i (A.A.N. STANDARD) SHOULD NOT BE ROUTINELY DONE. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE AND GUY, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND WIRES BIORETENTION AREA PLANT LIST - (BY OTHERS) SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. TYPICAL PARKING LOT PLANT ISLAND KEY NO. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT SPACING RUBBER HOSE N.T.S. CAIPER HEIGHT GALLON SECURED WITH PRESSURE TREATED NUMBER 12 GAUGE 2X2 STAKE PLIABLE GALVANIZED WIRE (3 STAKES PER TREE) NOTE ON STAKING: STAKING AND GU11NG ARE TO BE ACS 2 AMEUNCHIER CANADENSLS SHADBIAW SERLACEBERR 8'-10' BdcB AS SHOWN INSTALLED ONLY AS NECESSARY AT WINDY LOCATIONS AND w BN 2 BETUU NIGRA RIVER BIRCH 2 1/2' 12'-14' BBB AS SHOWN H FP 1 FRAXMKJS PENNSYLVANICA 'MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS' GREEN ASH 2 1/2 12'-14 B&B AS SHOWN I---I TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET SHOULD NOT BE ROUTINELY DONE. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO STAKE NS 3 NYSSA SYLVAIICA BUCK TUPELO 2 1/2" 12'-14' B~CB AS SHOWN PEEL BACK TOP AND GUY, CARE SHOULD 8E TAKEN TO PROTECT BARK AND WIRES 1/3 OF BURLAP GRADE AT WHICH SHOULD BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I ` ~ I (TYPICAL ALL TREE GREW L.LJ CAP 6 CLETHRA ALIFOUA 'PINK SPIRES' CLETHRA 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. AT NURSERY RUBBER HOSE SECURED B&B PLANTS) 4MTH #12 GUAGE PLIABLE ~ m CS 3 CORNUS STOLONIFERA RED OSIER DOGWOOD 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. CORNER OF ROOT SYSTEM TO BE AT LINE OF GALVANIZED 4KRE. ~ HV 1 HAMAMELIS VRGfNANA COMMON WITCIIHAZ0. 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. x ORIGINAL GRADE ~ IG 12 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL CONT. 6' O.C. 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH \ / ~ ~ IV 8 ILEX VERTiC~.I.ATA COMMON WINTERBQtRY 5 GAL CONT. O.C. I ~ PRESSURE TREATED FIRMLY FORM SAUCER USE TOPSOIL 2X2 STAKE VD 3 VIBURNUM OENTATUM ARROWWOOD LABURNUM 7 GAL CONT. 8' O.C. -1 N ( ) TAKES PER TREE ANGLE OF REPOSED VARIES WITH STEEPNESS (3 S ) W PREPARED OF SLOPE AND SOIL TYPE. ~ DC 350 DESCHAMPSIA CAESPITOSA TUFTED HAIRGRASS QUART CONT. 18" O.C. a Q! PLANTING MIX //VA//VA// ~ //VA \ c~ SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX \ GRADE AT WHICH \//V/~~/ V// //V//V//V//~\ V//\ TREE GREW AT NURSERY GENERAL NOTES 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH 1. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED IMTH SAME RELATION TO FlNISHED GRADE AS IT BORE TO EXISTNG GRADE AT NURSERY. 12" MINIMUM DEPTH PREPARED 2. PRUNE NEWLY PLANTED TREES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD HORTUCULTURAL PRACTICE TO PRESERVE NATURAL CHARACTER OF PLANT. PRUNING SHALL BE DONE WITH CLEAN, SHARP TOOLS. PLANTING MIX I COMPACT TO PREVENT _ - _ : I = -I I ~ TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET - -I: SETTLEMENT - - REMOVE TOP 1/3 3. B&B PLANT MATERIAL -COMPLETELY REMOVE WIRE BASKETS AND AFTER PLANT IS PLACED IN HOLE, CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP I- PREPARED A. OF BURLAP -I I FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL. TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL ON SLOPE PLANTING MIX {~{N li 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM FNAL ACCEPTANCE. .I I N.T.S. ( ~ ~ 1= 12" MIN. 5. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE INSTALLED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER USING ACCEPTED NURSERY PRACTICES AND - - ~ STANDARDS. -1 ~ I-~ I I~ I.~ I I I 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. NOTE ON SLOPE PLANTING: COMPACTED i I-Ili ~ i ~ PLANTING MIX SHRUB AND EVERGREEN TREE PLANTINGS ON SLOPE ARE SIMILAR TO ABOVE DETAIL FOR TREE PLANTING ON SLOPE. 7. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FlNDING OUT WHERE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THEM DURING PLANTING. TYPICAL EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING DETAIL 8. EXCAVATION NEAR EXISTING UTILITIES TO BE CAREFULLY DONE BY HANG. 3° CLEAN SHREDDED PINE N.T.S. LAWN AREA SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH 10. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE TO ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK. GRADE AT WHICH PLANTING OR MULCHED AREA TREE GREW 11. LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL ROOT BOUND CONTAINER GROWN PLJWTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SAUCER OF PLANTING MIX AT NURSERY 12. ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS AND DISEEASE. MULCH WITH 3" ,~N CARS 13. PLANT BEDS, NOT SHOWN AS LAWN AREAS, SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3° OF CLEAN, FRESH, & WELL SEASONED SHREDDED ~°°°°°pNDS°°°~i~~'; CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK TOTALLY REMOVE WIRE BASKET PLANTS ~o°p~' Cgcp;L PINE BARK MULCH. ; _ PEEL BACK TOP W = _ oa; ° ° 14. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBE FOR VERIFYING ALL QUAN1111ES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, BEFORE PRICING THE or 5OZ ~ I I I; -1 = ~ ~ I,~ 1 3 OF BURLAP 3" CLEAN SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH o I ~-III=` - - / ~I~I - WORK. y oN ~ I ~ I, TYPICAL ALL h, I I, I ~I I ~I I I_ - ( ~ I - i ° i7 e°° ~~r - B&B PLANTS) PREPARED TOPSOIL -I -II.::;:.:;;:.;.;:.:::. 6' MIN. DEPTH ~ - _ g 1I - EXISTING GRADE 15. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBE FOR CONDUCTING SOIL TESTS TO DETERMINE LIME & FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS. °°°~:~,1~;;~ p,~ NLIM[~p 1NG GRADE ~'~,p p.~~` - - PREPARED ~ OR GRADE OF RADE OF 16. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING MAY BE NECESSARY DUE TO S IW,~~` I S 6" MIN, =1 I `-I ~ NOTES: PLANTING AREA i ~ PLANTING MIX _ _ /r - - TING AREA FINAL BUILT CONDITION. • 1. TRENCH EDGER DETAIL SHALL nt?AWING-,III: ~ I I= COMPACTED ~ BE USED AT ALL LAWN EDGES & 17. PROPOSED TREES IN GRASSED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 6 DIAMETER MULCH RING INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AROUND THE TRUNK. ~ _ _ I I I~ I I_ I I I i I J I-III I I _ 1 rN~ PLANTING MIX ~-lc ® EDGES OF MULCHED AREAS 18. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE IF THE PLANTING AREAS ARE WELL DRAINED OR IF UNDERDRAINAGE IS REQUIRED. ~;'v7w 3" FOR CONTAINMENT PI?Or rPIT' or 6" MIN. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THE SOIL HOLDS WATER AND PROPER DRAINAGE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED FOR GOOD PLANT HEALTH, THE O~-04-2002 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND A PLAN TO REMEDY THE PROBLEM WILL BE ADDRESSED. TNT Af?CHI-lr-C-r 2. TRENCH EDGER SHALL CREATE EARTH SUBGRADE A CLEAN SEPARATION BETWEEN ANn N01'1'0 13F U5Fn TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL AREAS WITH SMOOTH, EVEN ONES O N.T.S. TYPICAL GROUND COVER PLANTING (AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS). r: r?r-I~I?ObLICr-n 511 PpMVINC15 WITHOUT H15 MITTEN N.T.S. TRENCH EDGER DETAIL N.T.S. PF- P--M15510N Nolsslwd~~ ~l OZ = qam t N~-~-i~,~nn sIH ~-no~-IM (J.SI~M) zooz 's AaYnae3~ O3su~3a ONY Q~~nGlOdd~d d0 S~NIM~Q CIS LOOZ `ti 3Nnf 431Y0 `~lis 'ON 9NWIYa(1 `'Vd 'ANYdW00 ~P a31S3n1~15 A8 .NOl1Ya0da00 ItlIONtlNl3 SNOp3a„ 0311tL 1Wld V WOad N3NVl 0' 6~b6~-Z~9-008- L S ONY 1a3n1n0 `SNOIlY00l a3MOd OY3H2133n0 ONY a3M3S aYlINYS N YONn08 ua3d0ad Q~n 0~ ~ON QN~ 3a3M S1N3WN911Y WY3al A 9 l1SIX3 S39O3 OYOa 9NI1SIX3 Aa C~' ~ o~ o ~ ONI0014 Ol d01dd ZO~~O~gO~ N91S3O ldan10311H0aY llIMHOS lnVd A 301n0 NYId IS SI -~'~~'IN~~ OIOn1S 8 0 ad NOIlYW210dN1 OIHdY2pOd01 NO O3SY8 03aYd3ad SYM 31 Hl ~0 ~d~dOdd ZOOZ-~b0 ~0 ~d d ~'I~~S OIHd~2i0 ~~o~~CT RF`^e N011'dWa03Nl 3SV8 S~ ,c o~ oz ~os~ _ ~ ~e a _ Z05 ~NIMddQ _ e~ SINJ- ~,e 0` d ~ 1p N~. - - - - A30N39NYl 3nan0 d0 1NIOd lY a3lln9 ~ 8af10 ON3 11X3 ~ A2llN3 8~oi8~ 3~1~ NOIlOf1a1SN00 43ZI118`d1S L~~nNI - ~~2 i _ 3815 03AOW3d 38 lldHS 1N3W3A'dd 9NIlSIX3 ~ _ S3NIl r, _ - _ _ _ i (ZO '1HS 'Z~ 11tl130 33S) ~ 'j _ _ ~ a3MOd Otl3Ha3A0 a311n9 ~P 9an0 11Y13O 33S) 1 32ll 9NIadS 3104 unun 311f10 ~ aano 3 9Nl1SIX3 31YOOl3a - ~n ' - - _ ~ a3sodoad 03SOd0ad 7,~~ ? 5 19f1H 'AYM39YNIYaO P _ sa~ods g ~y ~ _ sa~ods g 21311n0 'ON00 3OIM ,Z 55'~ 18~='A313 I ~ a 3lOHNVW 30 401 - - ~ 6~ 'W'8'1 P° _ _ - _ ~ . . _ . C-'~ - ~ r. s 31od unlin ~ , - o 5 - - ~ i ~ T. _ . _ . _ . _ 031YOOl3a 03sodoad _-13 000Z-ADS-OLL IItlN s ~ ~ \ ~ _ ~ 3 . . > I Noa 1050 d1~~030 3llI~S3NId0 tlMS ' ~ • ~ ~ ~ ' . e 5£, l.s' S 5 N a~nla v~ ~ [8E / 3S 133N1S N33N~ kll 9~ ad ~ i ~iNb`8 SN0103~ ~ 0 mN i ~d ~ ~ cn , ~ s~Fi o`~i . a~~r . \ d'~ _ D o ~ _ c~i L.£l _ . . ~~3dOl3A3a/~3NM0 ~ - _ - S33a1 9N11SIX ~ ~i8~..,~:. . . J. _ ~ 3ltlMS tlNltl •yt Obl ` _ 1a3n1n0 .0£ 9NIlSIX3 ~ a _ f03AtlS TitlHS) _ - - - - ,9ti1=H19N31 ~~Z S'£l 211.9NI1SIX3 ~ 11 ldA0W3d ~ '1NPYltd ilYHd. / ~ Wb'3d1S 03SOdOdd 21 ~ _ = ~ ~oola 1nONtl310 3Nil NItlaO d00a • i - ~t O ~ HStllds 'ON00 _ tr'Zl tlNitla _a0.~. (1tl01dAl) 1n0-Ntl370 b'~l 9 .£l . _ . - _ _ 1Y01du NOI1tl001 1nOdSNM00 J ONI d0 9 0 ,tr 3Nn Nltlao ~ooa ~ ~ ` ~ 1n0 NY310 NIYaO d00a 0'bt a3lln9 ~ 8an0 S3NIl NIVaO d00a OAd Otr 'HOS 9 03SOd0ad - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ NOQtl00l 1nOdSNM00 i 0 '1NWnd :4 VHdStl ('du) ~ NOLLtlA313 1ltlM d0 d01 03SOd0ad 0'£l=Ml S3NIl NItlaO d00a ~ I NIYaO d00a 0 0J1d Otr HOS ~9 . .d 0~ HOS .9 ~ y 3lOd ONtl 3NIl a3MOd OV3Ha3A0 9NI1SIX3 - - - - _ ~ + 0'908£='3'I lb '1HS 33S c~ 310HNtlW ~ 3NIl a3M3S Aatl11NVS 9NI1SIX3 - S - - ~ ~ 0~918~ _ 'A313 .d.d ~ /w, 03~0`d1S 3NIHOb'W ~ _ 9NIOllf18 ~NdB saola~. Nd8 Sd01031d30131N1 lY ~ 5£18£-A3l YM I ~ ltl0IdA1 9NIN NOadtl 3NO1S 1311n0 3dld la - a311n9 ~ 8an0 a3SOd0~d 9NIN3d0 8an0 Odd ~ ' . i... lldM 9NINI'dl3d d301f108 H ~ ~ _ 03SOdOdd . . 9'tt_ . ~'lL ~ 8tld 3NIl a3AA3S ~ _ N0110310ad NIStlB Fp1tl0 Ola ~ (6 L08£-'A313 'ANI £0 '1HS z 'NVS 9NI1SIX3 Z << ~ b~ 11tl130 33S NISV9 HOltlO y ) ltl 1311n0 NIVaO d00a Wtl0 ~03H0 3NOlS Aatla0dW31 / 8' H9n0aH1 3AIa0 ~ _ . 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SSYlO 38 1lYHS 9NI0038 3414 'SN011'd013103dS aNb S11d130 I z H ~ y~ - ~0 ~ s ~3NNb'HO Wb'32llS ~0 d01 WO~~ ,0~ 38 llb ,0~ 38 ll'dHS 1N31N3Sd3 3Hl 39VNI'dba ON'd l0a1N00 NOISOd3 a0d ~0 133HS 33S •n~inN asutNauio scaiNn •nnw niNSdv air wild ni ']NI(i}If1.'f'1H . ' m D ...~3aan ' ~11V~YV~Snj tlii~l la YYn~~ Lidl la Y -Idl5 ~Uk: UdSUdUtld WOO) 3dId 313a0N00 030b03NI3a £ SSb'l0 39 IIVHS Sb3M3S VYbO1S a03 3dld O -I x~ FO :S3dld 30VNIV80 03SOdO8d I~J3ANI 2" X B" 2" X 8" d~ FACE OF CURB CAP BOARD 6" X 6" 6'-0" O.C. MAX. CAP BOARD POST ~ ~ PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS ~ ~q ~ IN CONCRETE CURB. 1" X 8" ,PRIM - - _ ~ (lJ ~ I- O 1" X 8° TRIM PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS 6 BOARD ! ~ s ~ - BOARD TRIM U Q ~ NOT TO EXCEED 50', AT THE ENDS AND MID-POINT " 1'-O° 6 X 6 ~ ~ W d- F-- _ OF RETURNS AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. POST ~ H z q = 1"X6" ASPHALT PAVEMENT i" X 6" ~0 30ARDS ~ U " VERTICAL BOARDS _ _ VERTICAL BOARDS 5 1 RADIUS - - - ~ ~ ~ (1J I-' Q ~ I ~ ' i 1 1/2" RADIUS 5'-0" - - - Ln ~ V ~ i - 2° X 6" STRINGERS 2" X 6" STRINGERS-BACK SI W ~ ~ ~ ~ INGERS-BACK SIDE OF FENCE o ? d 6" ~ ~ ATTACH TO POSTS MATH DAC 'OSTS MATH DADOED JOINTS. (GALV. ANGLES NEEDED AT CORNERS) ~ I- N ~ q - X W S 00 - ~ ~ 1 X 4 TRIM FINISHED GRADE - ~ a a BOARD - - - _ t D ~ ~ =w H A E PROPOSED PLANTINGS ? ~ 6" ~i 4 a 7" ~ Q D - - - - . ~ U ~ x A SEE SHEET C6 -LANDSCAPE PLAN H = - o a - _ - 0 4" CLEARANCE ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~a I d 4' - ~ a Q~ ~ ,LL ~ n z ~ q ~ INLET DEFLECTOR: (3' WIDE) ~ H FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER VJ N ~ - - CABC a POST ANCHOR: TYPICAL " " PROPOSED BOULDER ~ TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO ~ z - a ( ) i X 4 TRIM 3000 PSI CONC. - - USP TIMBER CONNECTORS BOARD RETAINING WALL ~ ~ q a Q ~ BIORETENTION BASIN. U ~ CURB & GUTTER - - - - 3'-0" HEAVY COLUMN BASE IIII- 3000 PSI CBE66 12 GAUGE SLOPE TOP OF FTG. FOR DRAINAGE (SEE SHT. Ct) Q ~ O n ~ N ~ a CONC. FTG. TYPICAL NAGE U ~ ~ ~ ao W O 1'-6" ~ _ I MAXIMUM PONDED WATER PROPOSED GRADE Q a Q `D COMPACTED SUBGRADE OUTSIDE FACE OF ENCLOSURE -ELEVATION PROPOSED GRADE DEPTH - 6" Z Z~ W ~ 3:1 MAX. CURB OPENING _ ~D In ASPHALT PVMNT. Q a ~ O U J (U 00 soo ~ ~ (DRAINAGE TOWARDS CURB) 1.-6" 2" X 4" TRIM BOARD RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF ORAINAGEWAY o ? ~ ~ z CO 6" MAX. N/y N (Y SCALE: 1 "=1'-0" PLYWOOD) SECTION VIEW LL IIII-~IIli~llll = W W 3/4" PLYWOOD - - - - - a ' o ~ - ~ =1I I I I-111 I I-11 I I ~111I ICI I- -1I I I I_I I I I ICI I I I-1I I I~ N~ FACE OF CURB BACKING 2"X4"CAP " " IIII~III ~IIIIJIIII~ I~IIIIJIIII~II - - -IIII =_=_-_=1111 ~ W t X6 VERTICAL BOARDS IIII III ~IIIII VIII- IIII~Iiill_III - - m N PROVIDE CONTRACTON JOINTS AT 10' INTERVALS 6" 6" X 6" POST - - ' - - - - - - - - " Illli IIIII~ 00-^ X _ I~IIII - - W ~ N O 2 X 4 TRIM BOARD IN CONCRETE CURB. ~I I I I I I I_I I I I I I I I ~ J x 1'_0' - - - - - - - - - - - -RIP TO SIZE (SHALL COVER EDGE OF PLYWOOD) PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT INTERVALS 11111= IIII=1 I-11111 a m 4' " MI . - - W= NOT TO EXCEED 50', AT THE ENDS AND MID-POINT PLAN VI A EDGE OF GATES 11111 II-IIII VIII= ~ o OF RETURNS AND AT RIGID STRUCTURES. EW T GATE " " 1 X 8 TRIM BOARD 11111- 11111=1 = a a a ~ _ I-11111 - PLANTING SOIL ~ 5" 1" RADIUS I ASPHALT PAVEMENT -11111 I~IIIII _ -I SEE SHEET C6 -LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 1 2" RADIUS 2" X 4" CAP 10'-6" O.C. / 11111= I I ~ 1~ 1111 FOR BIORETENTION AREA SPECIFICATIONS - 1"X6" 2"X4"CAP - 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD ~I I I I I I I=11111 11111= 6„ iii-- 4 VERTICAL BOARDS " " I I I I a~ 6 X 6 POST IIIII~ I=11111 " " = 1'-0" MIN... = SAND BED x s PosT I-11111 - - --..y t' X 8" TRIM BOARD _ IIII ~ I-IIII I ~ ~ T-HIN E 3 A Q " " G ( E -T-HIN E 3 A H D x-1111 11~1~11~1~11~11_I 1111 1111~1111~11~11111 11111 G ( E C ~ E) _ - - - - - - D a 6" 1 X 6 VERTICAL - " III~IIII~IIII_II E o ~l II- - - _ ' a BOARDS - 1" X 6" DIAGNOL I X 6" DIAGNOL BRACE II ~ U a a a 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD , 4" = 111 UNDERDRAIN (SEE SHT. C4, GRADING PLAN FOR LOCATION - ) 4 -0" BEYOND - 4 PERFORATED PIPE IN WASHED STONE BED WRAPPED IN _ 1" X 8" TRIM BOAT - CABC - F1l1ER FABRIC MIRIFI 140N . SLOPE TO DAYLIGHT. X 8 TRIM BOARD i -6 MIN. ( ) 3000 PSI CONC. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ , 3/4" PLYWOOD d CURB & GUTTER _ 1'_6~~ -I I BACKING ~ , BIORETENTION AREA - FlNISI FlNISHED GRADE ~ ~ u " i~ 1 X 4 TRIM BOARD _ F--i H COMPACTED SUBGRADE HASP LATCH t" X 4" TRIM BOARD NOT TO SCALE Q U SECTION VIEW AT GATE CANE BOLT 1" X 8" TRIM BOARD INLET DEFLECTOR: (3' WIDE) INLET DEFLECTOR: 3' WIDE Q ( ) DRAINAGE AWAY FROM CURB ( ) B'-0" FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER FORM GROOVES IN CONC. GUTTER TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO TO DIVERT STORM WATER INTO SCALE: 1 "=1'-0" ELEVATION AT GATE OUTSIDE FACE CONC. CURB & GUTTER BIORETENTION BASIN. CL BASN BIORETENTION BASIN. ER Z 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS FILLED WITH $ ~ H 3'- 4- 4- - F„,I eAac of a~Re ~ CURB & GUTTER PREMOULDED JOINT MATERIAL & JOINT SEALER PAINTED SOLID WHITE 1'-0" 2 30' ~ W 3000 PSI CONC. PAD WITH STIFF BROOM FINISH. NOTE ON FENCING: U A 000000 I ALL SCREWS, NAILS AND OTHER FASTENERS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED 'F 00000 ~ 0 - 6" THICK 3000 PSI CONC. PAD GALVANIZED FOR EXTERIOR USE. ~ so' 3 -7 - - 4 - =a~ 6" X 6" W4.0 X W4.0 WWF ALL WOOD SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. i - i ~ 4 FACE OF OF GUTTER ___I ' ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ . 2'-4" ~ STANDARD CURB dt GU 4 ~ 2" 4 D ~ ~ - - - , Q-- CURVE WF CURVE WHERE ~ CURB TRANSITION AT CURB INLET a ~ INDICATED ° a a o INDICATED ON PLAN ~ - o a a _ 8" CABC - - ° FRAM, GRATE dt HOOD BY 1-o FN~NSH GRADE TiNDALL 123-000 OR APPROVED EQUAL SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0,~ -III' _ COMPACTED SUBGRADE ~ ~ ASPHALT -III- ~ i ~-1 I I- _ TOP GRATE I- - - - ELEV. AS NOTED -I ~ - - NQTE: SCALE: 3/4 -1 -0 I- - SCALE: 1"=1'-O" PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS FLLED WITH - PRECAST CONCRETE BOX PREMODU)ED JOINT MATERIAL & JOINT SEALER (20' O.C. MAX. AS ' N11H KNOCKOUT PANELS SHOWN ON PLAN} AS MANF, BY T~AII OR APPROVED EQUAL PROVIDE I/2" DEEP SCORE JOINTS AT 5' O.C. WITH ROUNDED EDGES AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 4 6" SCH. 40 PVC DRAIN UNE WALKWAY SHALL MEET TOWN OF HIGHLANDS STANDARDS AND A 4" THICK CONCRETE WALK W11H STIFF BROOM FNISH AND 2" SMOOTH 1ROWELED BORDERS. BROOM FINISH SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR ~ CONCRETE CATCH BASIN 2' S4UARE FINISHED GRADE SPECIFlCATIONS. BI ( ) T~ WITH CAST IRON GRATE TO TRAFFlC FLOW. FOR ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW _ _ _ =III=1 III=1 I 1=III=III=1I 1= III=III I 1=III=III=III=III=1 6 X 6 - W2.9 X W2.9 WWF CENTERED ~T STONE =III= I = 3000 PSI CONCRETE 6" SCH 40 PVC - _ I I IN WALK THICKNESS. , -I 1 - ROOF DRAIN UNE _ _ _ o o I= 1/4"/FT CROSS SLOPE 1 /2" EXP. JT. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ICI=III III -ooooo0000000 - - 000000000000000000000000 - I=III=~ - - - - _ o a I1= _ , ° CONC. CURB & GUTTER - - COMPACTED = 111=III-III=III=III=III=III II . - -I 11= ~ I I- fi`r'-` ° I - - ~uunn~ ~~r SUBGRADE UNDER CATCH BASIN - - - - - - - I = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ' ~ III o a o III d ~ ° , - - ~ I- NuMl~p A 11= II- - o ` , COMPACTED SUBGRADE ~,°.°.,RO ~ PNDS ; ~I~ ~ - II o o a III - y - ° a 11= II nl?AWING - r 4 D oW ~s ~ 502 III a a a III _ _ S ~N~ 11= I I- - - 4 0 , S aN ~ NOT ~ III III 4" WASHED STONE SHED STONE ~ ` O~J'0~'2002 II= _ - = II= COMPACTED SUBGRADE BASE _ ''~~A s wP`~~'' I~U~-08'05'02 11~1~ ~?CN11~C1" III=1 1=III III-111-III NCT To SCALE i i n - e... . ~ i 11 v n AA iVl 1. Illw'.Y/1 nY. ~ li'Y.V1 nlvv ivv i i v yr u?r v ( 7 CONCRETE WALK DETAIL OI,pG PP0~UC FILTER FABRIC #57 WASHED STONE I. ~n COMPLETELY WRAP DRY SUMP IL ~loo ~ vU~ 1 wNG~s ~ WITHOUT H15 MI-'T'F-N DRY SUMP 2 SQUARE X 3 DEEP, SCALE: 1"=l'-O" PF- f?MI5510N ~ 3 1~~TAIL~