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20160521 Ver 1_Application_20160520
=EAS PROFESSIONALS May 13, 2016 le/Ms. Sue Homewood NC DWQ WBSCP Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Mr. David E. Bailey US Army Corps of Engineers CE -SAW -RG -R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 201 60 52 1 fY 201016 Q&Np A VOCU �ps� Subject: Pre -Construction Notification (CWA 401/404) 59.8 Acre +/- Parcel, Wrenn Farms 1410 Greensboro Road High Point, North Carolina EAS Project No.: EAS 15634 Dear Ms. Homewood and Mr. Bailey: Attached are the required number of copies of the Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) and supporting documentation for a mixed used development at 1410 Greensboro Road in High Point, North Carolina. Planned site improvements include commercial buildings and low density residential housing. Following site meetings with David Bailey on March 10, 2016 and Sue Homewood on March 16, 2016, site development drawings were revised to avoid impacts to the verified intermittent jurisdictional stream in the eastern part of the site and associated combined 50 foot Randleman Lake Riparian Buffers. Total impacts to jurisdictional features in final design are 0.018 acres of Headwater Wetlands, which as we discussed can likely be allowed under a Nationwide Permit 18 with no mitigation. Drawings depicting the earlier site layout as well as the final site design are attached. The revised site plans, which include a wet pond in the area of the jurisdictional features that was reconfigured to avoid impacts to the intermittent stream and associated buffers, were presented to and discussed with Terry Kuneff, a stormwater review engineer with the City of High Point on April 21, 2016. Mr. Kuneff will be reviewing and approving all stormwater management plans and measures for the project, including avoidance of impacts to the Randleman Lake Riparian Buffers. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Kuneff gave conditional approval of the revised design and stormwater management BMPs. PCN WRENN FARMS GREENSBORO RO. PAGE 1 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 5634 HIGH POINT, NO MAY 13, 2016 EAS PROFBSSIaNRLS The package being submitted to NC Division of Water Resources includes the $240 application fee for minor impacts payable to the NC Division of Water Resources along with five copies of the PCN package, two copies with half size versions of the engineering drawings and three with 11x17 versions. The package being submitted to the Corps office in Wake Forest includes one full copy of the PCN with 11x17 versions of the engineering drawings. Please let us know if you need full or half size drawings and we will be glad to provide them. Please review the attached submittal and let us know as soon as possible if you need any additional supporting documentation. Also, thank you both very much for meeting with us on the site so quickly and for taking the time to answer all of our questions. Respectfully Submitted, EAS PROFESSIONALS, INC. J Ashley Brown, PE Senior Environmental Engineer/Biologist Enclosures: Completed Joint USA COE, NC DEQ Pre Construction Notification Form, Version 1.4, January 2009 Figures: Figure 1— USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 — NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 3 — Vicinity Map Figure 4 — NC SHPO Features Map Figure 5 — USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper Figure 6 — FEMA Map Attachments: Attachment A — Agent Authorization Attachment B — Proof of Verification of Jurisdictional Features Attachment C—Avoidance and Minimization Attachment D — Stormwater Management Narrative and Drawings Attachment E — Historic and Archeological Resources PCN WRENN FARMS GREENSBORO Ro. PAGE 2 EAS PROJECT No. 1 5634 HIGH POINT, NC MAY 13, 201 G O'/�l�Iot \N ATF > -1 O Niii� T Office Use Only: Corps action ID no DWQ project no. Form Version 14 January 2009 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Q Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 18 or General Permit (GP) number. 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Q Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply). ❑X 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification. ❑ Yes ❑X No For the record only for Corps Permit. ❑ Yes ❑X No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes 0 No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Wrenn Farms/1410 Greensboro Road 2b County. Guilford 2c. Nearest municipality / town: High Point 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Jemsite Development, LLC 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 7491/1789 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable). Mr. Jeff Flattery 3d. Street address: 1608 US Hwy 221 3e. City, state, zip: Jefferson, NC 28640 3f. Telephone no.: 336-846-7133 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: jeff.flattery@jemsitedevelopment.com Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is. Q Agent ❑ Other, specify 4b. Name. 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street address. 4e. City, state, zip. 4f. Telephone no.. 4g. Fax no. 4h. Email address. 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name. J. Ashley Brown (See Attachment A Agent Authorization) 5b. Business name (if applicable): EAS Professionals, Inc. 5c. Street address. 153C Brozzini Ct. 5d City, state, zip Greenville, SC 29615 5e. Telephone no.: 864-354-9423 5f. Fax no.. 864-234-7369 5g. Email address: abrown@eas-pro.com Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 7811753845-00 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees). ILatitude. 35.988005 Longitude: -79.952728 1 c. Property size. 59.8 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Unnamed Tributary to Deep River 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: WS -IV 2c. River basin Cape Fear 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application. The subject property was graded and prepared for development in about 2009 when the developers defaulted and abandoned the project The site remains largely unvegetated and this is exacerbated by unauthorized persons entering the site and driving off-road vehicles on it Land use in the site vicinity is residential, commercial, industrial and institutional See Figure 4 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property. 0.066 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 230 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Planned development of the property will include commercial land usage as well a low density residential See Attachment D 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The site will be re -graded with bulldozers and pans Construct stormwater control structures, roads, sanitary sewer piping, utilities and buildings 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the ❑X Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project(including all priorphases) in thepast? Comments. 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type Preliminary ❑ Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company. EAS Professionals, Inc Name (if known). J Ashley Brown Other. 4d If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. Field verification of 404 jurisdictional features with David Bailey of COE on 3/10/16 Field verification of 401 jurisdictional intermittent stream with Sue Homewood with NC DEQ on 3/16/16 Verification of no buffer impacts with Terry Kuneff with the City of Highpoint on 4/21/16 See Attachment B 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes X❑ No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑X Yes ❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. Construction of planned improvements will be done in phases as funds are available However, stormwater control structures for the full build -out will be built during the first phase of work and any permitted impacts to jurisdictional features will occur during the first phase as well Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): Q Wetlands ❑ Streams —tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 2b. Type of impact 2c. Type of wetland 2d. Forested 2e. Type of jurisdiction Corps (404,10) or DWQ (401, other) 2f. Area of impact (acres) W1 F Fill Headwater Wetland Yes Corps 0 018 W2 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W3 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W4 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W5 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W6 Choose one Choose one Yes/No 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 0.018 2h. Comments 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Stream impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 3b. Type of impact 3c. Stream name 3d. Perennial (PER) or intermittent (INT)? 3e. Type of jurisdiction 3f. Average stream width (feet) 3g. Impact length (linear feet) S1 - Choose one _ S2 - Choose one S3 - Choose one S4 - Choose one _ S5 - Choose one S6 - Choose one 3h Total stream and tributary impacts 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then indiv ually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e Area of impact (acres) 01 Choose one Choose 02 Choose one Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments. 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, the complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. 5d. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) 5e. Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no. 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres) 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres). 5k. Method of construction. 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below If any impacts require mitigation, then vou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other: 6b. Buffer Impact number — Permanent P or Temporary T 6c Reason for impact 6d. Stream name 6e Buffer mitigation required 6f. Zone 1 impact (square feet) 6g. Zone 2 impact (square feet 131 Yes/No B2 Yes/No 133 Yes/No B4 Yes/No B5 Yes/No 136 Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 61. Comments Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project Site development layouts that would have impacted the verified jurisdictional intermittent stream and Randleman buffers were abandoned and new layouts were developed until one was produced that has excellent stormwater management features, avoids impacts to the intermittent stream and associated buffers, and limits total wetland impacts to 0 018 acres See Attachment C 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Any site grading will only be done in accordance with the approved Stormwater Management Plan and implementation of this plan will include the installation of silt and barrier fencing If impacts to the 0 018 acre wetland are approved though a NWP 18 this area will be flagged using one color flagging and the limits of the combined 50' buffers associated with the intermittent stream will be flagged with a different color flagging In addition, the 50' stream buffer limit will be marked using orange barrier fencing and all those working in the area will be made aware of its purpose 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ❑ Yes Q No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ❑ Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one Type. Choose one Type. Choose one Quantity. Quantity: Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature. Choose one 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested. acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested. acres 4h. Comments. 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? Yes ❑X No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified Yes ❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then Is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑X Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 42 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? 59 Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: The overall Wrenn Farms development includes 3 wet detention ponds to meet stormwater quality and quantity requirements in the City of High Point The wet detention ponds will adequately control the list inch of runoff, provide 85% TSS removal, and decrease the 2 and 10 year storms to at or below the predevelopment calculated flows Only one detention pond discharge is directed toward the jurisdictional intermittent stream See Attachment D for a general description of the Stormwater Management Plan as well as drawings depicting pre and post -construction site conditions 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? The City of High Point 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which localgovernment's jurisdiction is thisproject? The Cit of High Point 0 Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑X Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑Coastal counties ❑HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ORW (check all that apply). ❑Session Law 2006-246 X❑Other: Gen Cert 3890 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been Z Yes ❑ No attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑X Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑X Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) la Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ❑ Yes Q No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State El Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes' to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments. 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b Is this an after -the -fact permit application? El Yes No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. WIII this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in Yes No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility After construction is complete all wastewater generated in buildings constructed will be collected in the newly installed wastewater piping and transmitted by gravity or force mains to the City of High Point's Eastside WWTP on Riverside Drive in Jamestown Contacts with the City of High Point have confirmed that the Eastside facility has adequate capacity to treat the volume of wastewater generated by the planned site improvements Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes ❑X No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ❑X Yes ❑ No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted Raleigh 5d What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? USFWS Critical Habitat mapper (no critical habitat identified) Only one Threatened or Endangered Species listed for Guilford County, isotria medeolides (small whorled pagonia) not observed Most of potential habitat for this plant (old hardwood forest) to remain as part of buffer See Fig 5 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? The only natural water body on the site, the intermittent stream in the southeastern corner of the site will not be disturbed The USFWS Asheville office's database for predicting the location of aquatic species in the area of the subject was also consulted 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. WIII this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑x Yes ❑ No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The NC State Historic Preservation Office online mapper was used to verify several registered and listed cultural resources in the site area However none were identified on the subject property and the protect should not impact any of the nearby listed properties See Fig 4 and Attachment E 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑X No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements. 8c What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FEMA FIRM Map Panel 7811 depicted on Figure 6 J Ashley Brown A— May 13, 2016 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Date Appllcan g nt's Signature ( nt's signaturelis valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided Page 10 of 10 L ' FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 NRCS Soil Survey.Map Figure 3 Vicinity Map Figure 4 NC SHPO Features Map Figure 5 USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper Figure -6 FEMA Map SCALE 1:24 000 KI CIMETER S 2 10 CiJ t G METERS 1 LOCI 2000 ? 0.5 0 1 MILES 'GCVO G 1030 2000 3000X. 5000 6000 7000 SOW 111 1DOW TET CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1903 HIGH POINT EAST, NC 2010 USGS Topographic Map North A� Asseft s GEOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING • SPECIAL INSPECTIONS • LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION F.?ATERIALS TESTING Project: PCN Wrenn Farm/1410 Greensboro Rd. Location: 59.8 -Acres +/-, High Point, NC EAS Project No.: 15-634 Source: USGS Date: Mav 2016 Scale: As Shown FI ure 1 Soil Nlap—Guilford County, North Carolina ['''Wrenn Farm!1410 Greensboro Rd ) 1.•'9) N 543:M 4e3BOP -em `.91100 4x140) 3 Nap rale 1:4510 Gpnrft1 an A Iandxare (11' , a.,F").hed. N roses 0 50 1rA 200 300 kFeet 0 Z00.Y:n7 300 1-DOmap pn:59 on:'Nffb Pl.matur Ed3>.hrs:1-MI meMor.,'_:£4 .5eN Natural Resources 'A'eb Soil Survey Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Map Unit Legend Guilford County, North Carolina (NC081) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI EnB Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes MhB2 Me cklenburg san dy clay I cam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded MhC2 Mecklenburg sandy clayloam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded MuB Mecklenburg -Urban land complex, 2 to 10 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 931300 54$4w 9 -IM 5!4!_'016 Fate 1 of 3 Percent of AOI 0.1 0.2% 44.7 81.1% 8.71 15.7% 1.71 3.0% 55_1 �_ 100.0% USDA NRCS Soil Survey Map North 4 ERSLocation: GEOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONrv1ENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING • SPECIAL INSPECTIONS • LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION rv1ATERIALS TESTING Project: PCN Wrenn Farm/1410 Greensboro Rd. 59.8 -Acres +/-, High Point, NC EAS Project No.: 15-634 Source: USDA NRCS Date: May 2016 Scale: As Shown FI ure 2 s IPI cz + Abbms Ave µ T l 7, i� � r r za m eStwOld . d5ev+ Q cOt3 Google- y¢ia+o 212/2612 1993 35 5o N 79'57'13 45. 'L .8271 ^ c " F -7f, -AAWJW n�! da *tcale 1: 36.111.9 • rig w ill, Ihsiynokd "111— 1t — L—d Ha,Aum Dr* M Lvundwst(« to ttnwi p—ti) 4 j ti atr -114., MR11N 1nftd. NWA —.1 -- NC SHPO Features North 4 AN"alk U s ri GEOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING * SPECIAL INSPECTIONS LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING Project: PCN Wrenn Farm/1 410 Greensboro Rd. Location: 59.8 -Acres +/-, High Point, NC EAS Project No.: 15-634 Source: HPOWEB NCHPO Date.- May 2016 Scale- As Shown Figure 4 USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper identified no critical habitat for the subject site area USFWS Critical Habitat Mapper North GEOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONrvIENTAL ENGINEERItJG SURVEYING • SPECIAL INSPECTIONS • LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION rv'ATERIALS TESTING Project: PCN Wrenn Farm/1410 Greensboro Rd. Location: 59.8 -Acres +/-, High Point, NC EAS Pro'ect No.: 15-634 Source: USFWS Date: May 2016 Scale: As Shown Figure 5 DEEP .✓. + AVE " sA r„ h :l x ¢ yyy 11 'S' v T,. LE 1 NORTH O <' •;_. ,r - �' �l'VJ`/ O MAP SCALE 1' � 500'11 : 6.000) e r PANEL 7871) UM4T OF U6v ww = FIRM 833 oz r FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 830 `t ;� 825 cl_' PANEL 7811 n, 21 822 44 & e -AE8,14 c 5 ZONE A EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER 802 JUNE 18, 2007 3710781100J 9 sLltI A N11mu a'oh'.a a fagot ttne abn t ncpde oa ap It ^ aAJ/ t S o t tied g F MIT p L s Thp tl - not rot ch ngos ZON E y amentlment h ch may h pe made bseq lent to thedate on the /k � ', rfo dock For the late6t product nformatrOn about NBtlonai flood In6uranco -ogram good maps check It+e FEMA Flood Map hone at � ms, fema q- �� Zone X: Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain FEMA Map North GEOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING • SPECIAL INSPECTIONS • LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION w1ATERIALS TESTING Project: PCN Wrenn Farm/1410 Greensboro Rd. Location: 59.8 -Acres +/-, High Point, NC EAS Project No.: 15-634 Source: USFWS Date: Mav 2016 Scale: As Shown Figure 6 _ - 5 - ATTACH M E NT A Agent Authorization r AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT N0. Guilford County 018463 PLAN N0. PARCEL ID: tY STREET ADDRESS: 1410 Greensboro Road High Point, NC 27260 Please print: Property Owner, Property Owner Mr. Jeff Flattery, President Jemsite Development, LLC The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize J. Ashley Brown of EAS Professionals, Inc. i; (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) I� to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of i' this permiC or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. I Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): P.O. Box 635 Jefferson, NC 28640 Telephone: 336-846-7133 we hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Authorized Signature Date: k ATTACHMENT B Proof of Verification Jurisdictional Features Print:: Workspace Webmail Page 1 of 2 RE: [EXTERNAL] Wrenn Farms High Point JD Bailey, David E SAW [David E.Bailey2@usace army mil] Sent: 3/16/2016 11.06 AM To: abrown@eas-pro.com Cc: "Jeff Flattery" <jeff.flattery@jemsitedevelopment.com>, "Doug Spell" <doug spell@jemsitedevelopment com>, "Doug Dunko" <ddunko@eas-pro com>, "Suzanne Stroh" <sstroh@eas-pro.com>, "Homewood Sue" <sue.homewood@ncdenr gov>, "Allan" <Allan@Ipa-inc.net>, "Casey Flattery" <casey.flattery@jemsitedevelopment.com> Thanks for the updated information, Ashley. The sketch looks correct based on changes made in the field during our site visit. For the wetland data sheet at sampling point DP -2a, it appears that most of the plant species listed occur on the banks for the drainage valley rather than within the narrow wetland area. As such, those plants occurring outside of the wetland footprint should be removed from the form. If there was no vegetation within the wetland portion of your sampling area, then your Remark at the bottom of this page should be sufficient to explain the lack of vegetation. Please resend this form once edits are made. Based on our discussion in the field, the proposed project likely fits the terms and conditions of NWP 18, depending on the final proposed impacts However, keep in mind that use of any Nationwide Permit requires that all impacts to waters of the US be minimized to the maximum extent practicable, depending on the project purpose and need As such, could only make the determination of use of NWP 18 after reviewing th6 entirety of the project proposal Please let me know if you have any questions. -Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE -SAW -RG -R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext 30 Fax. (919) 562-0421 Email- David.E Bailey2@usace.army.mil The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu usace.army mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0. -----Original Message ----- From- abrown@eas-pro.com [mailto.abrown@eas-pro com] Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 4:52 PM To: Bailey, David E SAW <David E.Bailey2@usace.army.md> Cc: Jeff Flattery geff flattery@jemsitedeve lopment.com>; Doug Spell <doug.spell@jemsitedevelopment com>, Doug Dunko <ddunko@eas-pro.com>, Suzanne Stroh <sstroh@eas-pro.com>; Homewood Sue <sue homewood@ncdenr gov>; Allan <Allan@Ipa-inc net>, Casey Flattery <casey flattery@jemsitedevelopment com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Wrenn Farms High Point JD David, First, thanks for all the time you spent with Doug Spell and me answering all of our questions on the current state of wetland rules and regulations. It was very helpful. Attached is the additional information you needed to complete the Jurisdictional Determination. In addition to the data https:Hemai109.godaddy.com/window/print/?f=html&h=428589918&ui=1 5/6/2016 Print:: Workspace Webmail Page 2 of 2 point I did in the wetland area near where the drainage feature discharges to the culvert near Scientific Street, I did an another data point in the wetland portion of the drainage feature (DP -2A.) Earlier I had done a data point just outside the bed of the drainage feature (DP -2) and the soils for that one did not exhibit hydric characteristics Let me know if you need anything else and of course if you need we can provide you a more dressed up sketch. As we discussed, you will be able to issue the permit (NWP 18) and waive mitigation for any wetland impacts associated with the proposed development provided wetland impacts are below 0 1 acre. After measuring the features' limits as we discussed prior to your leaving the site, I am convinced that the proposed impacts for the site are well below the 0 1 acre threshold J Ashley Brown, P E. Senior Engineer 153 Brozzini Court, Suite C Greenville, SC 29615 Office:(864)234-7368 Fax (864)234-7369 Cell -(864)354-9423 GEOTECHNICAL - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SPECIALTY INSPECTIONS - LAND SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS TESTING - LABORATORY TESTING Please consider that This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and should not be shared with competing firms and/or individuals If you are not the intended addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to them, you may not copy, forward, disclose, or otherwise use it, or any part of it, in any way. To do so may be unlawful. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please advise the sender immediately Copyright© 2003-2016 All rights reserved https://emai109.godaddy.com/window/print/?f=html&h=428589918&ui=1 5/6/2016 A, 1 ,GREAT;, - �•lJ1 Z�- 7 0 C 0, cu, 2 (D 0 �_ 3 � h 3 C M s r)�A v c rD Ln Q,'. S. �- rD o 1 GD t �� A�,, -N 0 :3-:E t VI cn -- 0 W,F, CD TI, Z, V T r � � Oil j Water Resources ENVIR0NNhN(I\L0L,A, Iv March 21, 2016 Mr. Ashley Brown EAS Professionals 153 Brozzini Ct, Suite C Greenville, SC 29615 PAT NICCRORY DONAI D R VAN DER VAART S. JAY ZIN-INIERN•IAN Subject Property Wrenn Farm, 1410 Greensboro Rd, High Point NC, Guilford County On -Site Determination for Applicability to the Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 2H 0500) Dear Mr Brown On March 16, 2016, at your request and in your attendance, Sue Homewood conducted an on- site determination to review features located on the subject project for stream determinations with regards to the above noted state regulations Doug Spell with the Jemsite Development was also present during the site visit. The Division acknowledges the areas and boundaries Identified as jurisdictional wetlands by the USACE. The attached map accurately depicts an Intermittent stream as determined by the Division stream identification method Please note that at the time of this letter, all perennial stream channels and jurisdictional wetlands found on the property are subject to the mitigation rules cited above These regulations are subject to change in the future. In addition, all Intermittent and perennial streams within the Randleman Lake Watershed are subject to the Randleman Lake Riparian Buffer Protection Rules, 15A NCAC 02B .0250 The owner (or future owners) should notify the Division (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in any future correspondences concerning this property. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. 450 W. Hanes klill Road, Sude 300,1binston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 Phone 336-776-98001 FAX 336-776-9797 l Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet www ncdenr gov - www ncwater org Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the Division or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Wetlands and Buffers Permitting and Compliance Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650. Individuals that dispute a determination by the Division or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60 -day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including'downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. The Division recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. This letter only addresses the applicability to the mitigation rules and the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within Waters of the United States or Waters of the State or their associated buffers If you have any additional questions or require additional information please contact me at 336-776-9693 or sue homewood@ncdenr.gov Sincerely, Sue Homewood Winston-Salem Regional Office Enclosures- USGS Topo Map EAS provided stream location drawing cc Doug Spell, Jemsite Development (via email) Terry Kuneff, City of High Point (via email) David Bailey, USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office (via email) DWR, Winston-Salem Regional Office SCALE 1:24 000 K1.911 1TEAS 2 L'C1J 500 C DIETERS 000 'LOCO 0.= 0 IV LES iOCG C 1000 Z.00 301 4C 0C 5115 EUX 700C 8000 9000 i000G FE ET CONTOUR I.IN IERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VEIMCAL DATUM OF 19S3 HIGH POINT EAST, NC 2010 USGS Topographic Survey, Dated 2010 1 North EASPr ' ct 181efl2nds Rpyipw Location: +/-. Greensboro Road Hiah Point, NC EAS Project NO: EAS 15-634 CIVIL • GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • SURVEYING- Source: USGS SPECIAL INSPECTIONS LABORATORY & CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING Date: Feb. 2016 Scale: NTS Figure 1 1 r 1 f . 1 ZY ' 15' STREET YARD �'- `-s► �,( 15.` UTILITY EASEMENT f Print:: Workspace Webmail RE: Stormwater and Stream Buffers - Wrenn Farm PUD TERRY KUNEFF [terry kuneff@highpointnc gov] Sent: 5/4/2016 4:03 PM To: "Doug Spell" <doug.spell@jrvannoy com> Cc: abrown@eas-pro corn, "Allan Fortner" <allan@lpa-inc net>, "Jeff Flattery" <jeff.flattery@jemsitedevelopment com> Doug, Page 1 of 2 As follow up to our meeting, we met to review and discuss the determinations of the USACOE and DENR representatives along with your proposal for the proposed stormwater pond. Based on this information, the City is in agreement with the conceptual plan for the Wrenn Farm PUD presented and concur with the proposed conceptual stormwater measures. A detailed review of the water quality structures will be performed once submitted for approval. Thanks, TERRY KUNEFF P.E., CFM CITY OF HIGH POINT CIVIL ENGINEER III 2115 Hamilton, Room xxxl High Point, NC 27260 336 883 8583 1 m 336 6013785 fax 336 883 4118 terry.kuneff@hiehpointnc.eov I www.highpolntnc.gov Follow Us— Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Doug Spell [mailto:doug.spell@jrvannoy.com] Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 8:38 AM To: TERRY KUNEFF Cc: abrown@eas-pro.com; Allan Fortner; Jeff Flattery Subject: Stormwater and Stream Buffers - Wrenn Farm PUD Terry - Thank you for taking time to meet with Ashley, Allan and I yesterday to discuss the redesign of the stormwater measures in the vicinity of N. Scientific Street within the Wrenn Farm PUD. As discussed, the stormwater measures were redesigned following field visits of the area with the USACOE and DENR representatives. You had received and reviewed the information from the USACOE and DENR and indicated you were comfortable with the determinations. Based on this the Intermittent stream area, wetland area, and buffers were identified. Our Civil Engineer then redesigned the stormwater measures to incorporate a wet pond to serve the project that did not encroach on the buffers. https:Hemai109.godaddy.com/window/print/?f=html&h=440866386&uj=1 5/4/2016 Print:: Workspace Webmail Page 2 of 2 As you indicated, a revised Sketch Plan is not necessary since these revisions pertain only to the stormwater design and can be addressed and reviewed by you with the Site Plan process. Our next step is the submittal of the NWP 18 to Mr. Bailey with the USACOE. Ashley will send a copy of the submittal package to you for your records. Likewise, once we have approval from the USACOE we will ensure you have a copy of that as well. Depending on timing, we may submit the site plans to the City for review in tandem with the review and permitting by the USACOE. Thanks again for your time and guidance as we move forward with this project. I also appreciate your offer for us to contact you as needed with any questions. Regards - Doug S. Douglas Spell, P.E. Senior Project Manager \ Broker Jemsite Development, LLC 336-846-2250 (w) 1336-877-6693 (c) 1336-846-1677 (fax) 'JEMSITE �+ DEVELOPMENT This message and any attachment are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is non-public, proprietary, privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are directed not to read, disclose, distribute or otherwise use this transmission. If you have received this communication in error, please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this e-mail, explicit or implied, are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Vannoy Construction. Copyright © 2003-2016 All rights reserved. https:Hemai109.godaddy.com/window/print/?f=html&h=440866386&ui=1 5/4/2016 •ti i ATTACH M E,NT Cr Avoidance andWinimization - , Avoidance and Minimization During Project Design The design team considered several alternate site layouts to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. These included different wet pond configurations, the use of subsurface biocells, construction of retaining walls and the use of geogrids to allow steeper slopes on the sides of the wet ponds. The final design was able to totally avoid impacts to the intermittent stream and its associated buffers while avoiding the construction of retaining walls or the use of steep slopes on the wet pond embankment. The result is a stormwater control structure which in our opinion will provide superior sediment and stormwater control while being easier to maintain. The attached figures depict an earlier wet pond design that would have caused impacts to the intermittent stream and buffers and the final design which avoids these impacts. P:115.027 NC- Wrenn Farms ResiUent,—WG\Civil Dr—g-SACE EAMb115\15,021 USACE—Ibft-g I La I: —d AG -d. May 13.2016.112:11 by.11- IE � a o � CD elr O cr cl 6'® "C O C 1 1 — . I I i i 1 I H c Oa �` m 9 m D y m y A 0 -0 () o m C m m r / 2 Z z m D A0 A < z I I II co D C m r T 9 C O ' is z'. •� � _ AG " wZp \ \ �... n . i yp - -�__ \ >�a/ A AGSt __ i I ir F A 0 0 P- n < Izz0 O r i D �,l -" 9- Baa °�► �, � � �� \u I �.. r ♦i / G 3 (� m 3 A f7 A 0 O O ti O z 2 z z o 0 F 1 e g II v. A c o 1 1 c 4 1 1 n ti 1 11 I 1 n I 1 o 1 m 9 m D y m y A 0 -0 () o m C m m n m 2 Z z m D A0 A < z X co D C m r T 9 C O z'. = �_ D pm A O 0-OG7r A 0 w n < Izz0 O z D A 3 (� m 3 A f7 A m 9 D A m L 1'l 0 > —n C A 0 -0 () o m D X Zm ~ Z z > D C m r T 9 C O 71 2 pm A O A 0 w z < O z A 3 (� m 0 O O O z z z 0 Z p o p m� m z ar,r < a c H r D �n HDZ xniN O z 0 IV7 1 n= �- m z o=Zrn r -a1.w m L 1'l 0 > —n m r 3 �-+D rZ;a 0 -0 () < n m N r P.M m ..� Zm Z p o p m� m z ar,r < a c H r D �n HDZ xniN O z 0 IV7 1 n= �- m z P:\15.027 NC- Wrenn Farms ResiJenf.l\OWG\Civil --g- 05.027 USACE Exbibil New P -d -g I Lay-: P— A -- May 1).2016.112:5] by .Ilan I , 1 I I , • I � I I / _ I C� IE �1IE CD 69 lot O Q CD cc / G I - / O' I " ti 8 ZW copr D C n N \\ w i W yJ \ \ D C) fooZ ' <r ' I A Z 1 ,. oNm00� _ Y I n co - D ml D � a Q m D O D y 0 x z m. . CD (n n p cr) m e C) 1 1 b Q 4 ti a o Ow o 1 1 a a 1 1 v 1 1 a 1 r m � 1 p 1 i ( 1 s \ 1 I VJ 2 C •.�.I z G) m (� n D O y A O = pOp D 0 rr^^ -0 V! v m z c 3 �m m n m m = m „ m A aoDz y o 75 75 O : vyxm X p D C z z m e a�T m c m O oz 1T=7 W Z o 1 p n O P. O c z n � p o A x ; v 3 A A A VJ 2 C •.�.I z G) m (� Q= Z m -0Z m < m o > —n � m � 0 rr^^ -0 V! v m f� �m a o 3 aoDz y Cr I m AO m D C z z m e m m m O m m 1 p n O P. O c z o A x ; C m D n m � Oo O Z Z o O VJ 2 C •.�.I z G) m (� Q= Z m -0Z m < m o > —n m r KBD rz� 0 rr^^ -0 V! < n M N ; W r m wq f� �m i NONE n N D o T �P tiDN z z D9r OM n a c m r L f� vx�i' 0zo aoDz N� Cr I i NONE on II ATTACHMENT D Stormwater Management Narrative and Drawings GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proposed Wrenn Farms site is located between Greensboro Road and North Scientific Street at the intersection of Penny Road. The proposed development includes (5) commercial outlots (assumed 85% impervious - CN = 94), (69) multifamily units and approximately (103) single family lots (1/4 acre - CN = 83). Penny Road will be extended through the development to connect over to Penny Road Extension. In order to meet stormwater quality and quantity requirements, (3) wet ponds are proposed throughout the site. These devices will meet the 85% TSS removal requirement and the 1 st flush requirement to detain the 1 st inch of runoff for 2-5 days. See below for tables showing the comparison of pre and post -development flows. Also, see the following pages for pre and post -development drainage area maps and hydraflow calculations. PREDEVELOPMENT RUNOFF (CFS) Storm Event Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 2 year 22.04 16.23 14.50 72.04 10 year 40.21 29.16 26.32 131.54 25 year 51.52 37.19 33.66 168.59 50 year 60.53 43.58 39.50 198.12 100 year 69.73 50.09 45.45 228.25 POST -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF (CFS) Storm Analysis Point 4 Pre Post Event Analysis Point 1 Analysis Point 2 Analysis Point 3 Analysis Point 4 2 year 3.100 1.456 2.265 9.700 10 year 11.96 12.99 4.392 18.49 25 year 15.92 31.84 5.743 24.04 50 year 25.89 37.65 6.829 28.48 100 year 29.67 39.79 7.943 56.61 PRE VERSUS POST -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF (CFS) Storm Event Analysis Point 1 Analysis Point 2 Analysis Point 3 Analysis Point 4 Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post 2 year 22.04 3.100 16.23 1.456 14.50 2.265 72.04 9.70 10 year 40.21 11.96 29.16 12.99 26.32 4.392 131.54 18.49 25 year 51.52 15.92 37.19 31.84 33.66 5.743 168.59 24.04 50 year 60.53 25.89 43.58 37.65 39.50 6.829 198.12 28.48 100 year 1 69.73 1 29.67 1 50.09 1 39.79 1 45.45 1 7.943 1 228.25 1 56.61 As shown above the post -development flows are reduced for the 2- and 10 -year storms for all analysis points. Members of the design team met with the USA COE on March 10, the NC DEQ on March 16 and the City of High Point on April 21, 2016 to define the limits of all jurisdictional features and determine how to develop the site with minimal impacts to identified jurisdictional features. These meetings resulted in agreement with all parties that the proposed improvements could be done with only minimal impacts to Wetland #1 under a NWP 18 with no impacts to Wetland #2, the jurisdictional intermittent stream, or Randleman Buffers. This agreed upon approach is shown on Figure 2 in the drawings following. •:`.15.02]NC W,—farms bb.—lial!OWOSCi 1Orawirgs\15.0��_ Civil S,l C-100 C-10—gILayout: C-101E%CONO May 1+, 2016 al 12 20 by a11an \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ rye \ \ \ \ tlY+p'd \ \ \ \ \ \ lu \ \ \ \ ! Ye 1 \ \ h[ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ O \ \ \ ri`5577N t hill ��•, \ I\ €gll _ ctg ed it + _ L \ \ \ \ �• \ �\ �� \`� \5 6555 ib \ .. II O ��v�� +fir P_ t �\ 3 \ $ s� cS st•5 t 5 !q N I I Y I X / 1 � I I _ i I _ m x �(n o z < O v0 m �v co z ch >xn R1.8(iE RM - N[SR. #1337 �0 Z rO � Z _ m Z ° i.. M D OZri Z- r m -i TD Z T7 o X W D rn� 3 N n a D 2 z C m m m Z Z j c m n Z m m. 0 v m O ]1 m A m 0 p zoy 3 Q 0 2 T x O D X X 3 C vt D ~ D O Z o mA.� 0 >xn R1.8(iE RM - N[SR. #1337 �0 Z rO � Z _ m Z ° i.. M D OZri Z- r m -i TD Z T7 o m D 020 D rn� 3 Z a D 2 z � NZ j c m n Z m i 0 v m O Z TO m A m 0 p A { 2 T x O A X X 3 C vt D ~ D O 0 1 Z rO � Z _ m Z ° i.. 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A ° O m _M D A n Z ;u D A 3 % 0 = Z m 3 u xnZU ~ S �� m 'M O Dm C Z Z m = Km O _ m O A p A y O 6 z O A 3 n i m y D O z oz 0 lm DTii A __ D�IL = v5 w a mfo v° o ya�y `m na �3 :0 0 m ; zoic o m F F xczy H \ I 1 ✓✓/ .'t�, ---------- ---------- -------------- --------------- In. --------- _-------------- . F--------------- ---------------- .0 -------------- --------- _.----------------- an ----------- ------------- --- 1 O------ ----------------- = T _M m L m oZ D m o Z ;u r� cn m e� Drr u+D 2 Z m I 1 I I I I I I a I 1 j I 1 1 , 1 y ��A a•9 r 1 1 f \ � 1 11 / 1 ,r D Z [1 N 9 O o � n N D 'II � ® A I�z CPQ mc' Drr u+D 2 \ 1 I� u xnZU Q z a S �� a D � P:\15.021 NC- Wrenn Farms Redd -,t l\DWG%CMI Drawings\15.Q27_1 51223 CMI Set C-119-123 Sill -9I L.y-1C-1190yera11 S9b May 13.2016.113:31 by .11W / OdOtl D n d s b i5 a�3 o m I a 1,E <p \ I 1 x �! I 1 IN � . I \ Ir: / to ` --- I IN y � � I I 1 _m 9� R : . 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Da= ; "rjoo 3 N733�zuWo m .. O vl C� Dp � �� O m � N 1 z i y m m> 0 nd m m o o O (n 3 M- m .. 0 m Z Z -n �� yC1 m � N oi r z m D v o m <' 0 .2s G) Z m ;= C cDi m m C-) m 0mo' � n r z 2 ;13 " T rn m o Q n C n cn iV > i M 0 o — 0 0 z Z o _ A JC JC m n 0 m a � m p o m CP) :< i _ < y rr > m D t E:< L. n n 2 fR 3 D m m yC1 m � N N O m m y m o m e 0 m n o A C-) m z 2 ;13 " T Q C n cn m D 0 0 0 z o z O R low 'N j JOU aAl tf WOMEN IN 0 m a ME —� a, CP) :< i _ < y rr > m D t E:< L. n n 2 fR G= a D m m yC1 m � n z n " WOMEN IN Somme ME 111111111 l Historic•and Archeological Resources v Wrenn Farms Cultural/Historic Resources Although sites listed on the NRHP were identified in the vicinity of the overall property, including the George T. Perry House to the north of the subject site across Greensboro Road and the Harper Welch House to the northwest, none of the listed sites are in the vicinity of the portion of the property for which the Nationwide Permit is being sought. In addition this portion of the overall property is a low-lying area and the planned improvements on and around it will not affect the public view or historical context of the listed properties. For these reasons planned improvements in the area of the requested Nationwide Permit will have no negative impacts on the nearby listed historic properties.