HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150042 Ver 1_Therese Vice Chatham Citizens PN Comments_20150516Burdette, Jennifer a From: Therese Vick <therese.vick @gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:54 PM To: Higgins, Karen Subject: Fwd: 5306 -STRUC -2015, Colon Mine Site Structural Fill in conjunction with NCDENR DEMLR Mine Permit 53 -05 and 1910 -STRUC -2015, Brickhaven No.2 Mine Tract "A" Mine Structural Fill in conjunction with NCDENR DEMLR Mine Permit 19 -25 Attachments: Liners.zip_renamed; Mine Reclamation.zip_renamed; Waste Characterization and Leachate.zip_renamed Last one. ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - -- From: Therese Vick <therese.vickggmail.com> Date: Sat, May 16, 2015 at 3:15 PM Subject: 5306 -STRUC -2015, Colon Mine Site Structural Fill in conjunction with NCDENR DEMLR Mine Permit 53 -05 and 1910 -STRUC -2015, Brickhaven No.2 Mine Tract "A" Mine Structural Fill in conjunction with NCDENR DEMLR Mine Permit 19 -25 To: publiccomments @cdenr.gov Cc: Debbie Hall <debhall _,windstream.net >, "j _, udyho an mindspring corn" <judyho an rnindspring corn> John Runkle <jrunkle gpricecreek.com >, Therese Vick <therese.vickggmail.com> To Whom it May Concern: Please accept these attachments to comments on the draft permits listed above on behalf of Chatham Citizens Against Coal Ash Dump, EnvironmentaLEE, NC WARN, and Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League. Thank You, Therese Vick Therese Vick North Carolina Healthy Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League therese.vickggmail.com 919- 345 -3673 @tvickBREDL Twitter https:// www. facebook. com/ BlueRidgeEnvironmentalDefenseLeague ?ref =hl From Where I Sit: Reports From The North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission Meetings BREDL 1984 201 14,: 1 elebrafit� T°hir�y Years q Grass oot ,letio Be kind to all you ineet, each of us carries a burden that others cannot see Therese Vick North Carolina Healthy Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League therese.vickggmail.com 919- 345 -3673 @tvickBREDL Twitter https:// www. facebook. com/ BlueRidgeEnvironmentalDefenseLeague ?ref =hl From Where I Sit: Reports From The North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission Meetings BREDL 1934 ..201141: 1 "FIebra it�g Thir )1 Years q Grassroots Action Be kind to all you ineet, each of us carries a burden that others cannot see LEAKS IN INSTALLED GEOMEMBRANES. I An Overview of Past, Present and Future Abigail Beck, M.S., P.E. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. T�tI MAY 61 2013 2013 NY FEDERATION OF SOLID WASTE &RECYCLING f i I t . 4 , z1, M .ri i '; J1� �t ��, ,a ��dC AA'�'LL54} ''{ lri .,'1• f �'� fir � V', if ' a, s psi' r,, 40, jt IF '� .�++ ��+ � , •� it �� 4, i i 1 ,r , ',• r 'H ej '� 9 qY, Vol' '� 9 qY, kwl,l .1rv�1�•�* f` N I w 1If 4 A+. FAt, A." MCI 73 A r3 1� r V6' 1, 4r, 4 i r V6' i 0 ;1 �• y' Sr. h4 p�. .o` } SPECIFYING ACTION LEAKAGE RATES Possible but not probable to install leak -free geomembrane Difficult to prove that a geomembrane is leak- free ASR should be sensible for available technology HOLE STATISTICS (SIZE AND FREQUENCY) Varies greatly with; - Experience/Skill of Installer - Presence and quality of CQA - Geomembrcne thickness - Cover material specification I conformance to spec - Cover material placement method I CQA - Site Conditions I weather - Thoroughness of Design / Material Testing - Location of Project - Which method is used to generate statistics - LEVEL Of CARE LINER INTEGRITY METHODS Bare geomembrane methods - Applied directly after geomembrane installation - Minimum sensitivity 1 mm diameter leak Covered geomembrane method �dipole� - Minimum sensitivity 6.4 mm diameter leak under 2' of material - More prone to being affected by poor site conditions spoor isolation, overly dry materials - Method gives latitude in sensitivity in the case of poor site conditions �'Moo ! za 41 r i� Y �4• no A - + r ��'� .� ;� ,•,�, —rte ��- '• . � �•�_ r� ,�� r may- - - �� �„ti�, "�'�' ,� +� • �+■ y r� r, V W ZZ jr I It UL TECHNOLOGY BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Conductive medium above geomembrane f bared sConductive medium below geomembrane sGood hole contact medium above geomembrane touching medium below geomembrane through leak sCurrent travelling only through leaks site isolation TECHNOLOGY LIMITATIONS Desiccated portions of subgrade or cover soi Sources of leakage can masque smaller nearby leaks Large sources of leakage can compromise sensitivity of entire survey Poor hole contact POOR HOLE CONTACT Holes on peaks of wrinkles Presence of rub sheets underneath or above geomembrane Depressions in subgrade sGeomembrane bridging at toes of slope Holes underneath fusion weld seam flap Knife slices without moisture through slit BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY Perform bare geomembrane method after geomembrane installation - Locates smallest leaks that may not be detected by dipole method Perform dipole geomembrane method after placement of drainage 1 protective cover material - Locates major damage that may occur during cover material placement -The big stuff! - BUT.... for landfills, if you only perform one method, this is it CALCULATING LEAKAGE RATES Even if we know the number and size of leaks, the actual leakage depends on; - Head over geomembrcne - Hole contact - Shape of hole The best we can do is make an educated guess on these parameters LEAKAGE RATES FOR MODERN LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION 2012 �Beck� study obtained reported leakage for reporting year 2010 from double -lined landfills from 37 landfills in New York state comprising 132 discrete landfill cells Divided data into cells that had not had liner integrity surveys f had not documented that they had theml I 1 22I and cells that had a dipole survey performed; found maximum leakage values for each data set. For cells that had dipole survey, estimated hole size and frequency, average lecchcte head, to match observed leakage, representing holes missed by dipole survey Used calculated hole frequency and bare geomembrcne survey sensitivity to estimate hole size and frequency missed by bare geomembrcne survey C ro 0 Ln rn N 25 20 15 10 0 BECK (2012) STUDY 1 3 5 7 9 1113 15 17 19 2123 25 27 29 3133 35 37 39 4143 45 47 49 5153 55 57 Leakage Rate (gpad) Histogram of Leakage Rates ono surveVl LEAKAGE RATES FOR MODERN LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION Took a probabilistic approach; What is probability that a landfill will exceed the state's Action leakage Rate �ALR� if. No liner integrity survey is performed Only a dipole survey is performed ►Both water puddle and dipole surveys are performed NYS ASR = 20 gpad 100° 90% 80% 70% 60% BECK (2012) STUDY I , Q 6 40% �+ 111 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 Probability Function Y(x) = exp 1 � x mean data 20 40 60 80 100 120 Leakage Rate jgpadj Graph of probability function and actual data RESULTS OF STUDY For landfill expansions using modern construction methods and a rigorous CQA program: Lcndfill cells without a liner integrity survey have an average leakage rate of 13.3 gpod X124 L a 22,2% chance of exceeding the NYS M Lcndfill cells that have performed a dipole method survey have an average leakage rate of 1.6 gpod X71 L/hc/dcyl and have a 7,1% chance of exceeding the NYS M Lcndfill cells that have performed both bare geomembrcne and dipole method surveys have an average leakage rate of 1,2 gpod �l 1 L/hc/dcy� and have a 0.00001% chance of exceeding the NYS M EVOLUTION OF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY 1992.2012 The 311andfills evaluated for 2012 Beck study were compared to the landfills evaluated in the 1992 EPA study ►14 landfill cells from 1992 study, which included CQA as part of construction were compared to 128 landfill cells from 2012 study, also with CQA and several with dipole surveys performed 2012 data was organized into same statistical bins as the 1992 study to directly compare the leakage data Note that the landfill cells represented by both dates are not all recent construction; the data set just includes recent construction and the older cells might have been capped by this point EVOLUTION OF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY 1992.2012 � Year Data published �b� liters per hectare per day Percentage of Landfill Cells Leakage Rate (Iphd) (1) 1992' °' 2012 <50 43% 73% SO -200 36% 24 °0 200-500 14% 3% 200 —x,000 7°'a 0°'o >11000 0% 0% � Year Data published �b� liters per hectare per day THE FUTURE OF QUALITY Technician certification for liner integrity surveys ►More local firms; less cost to owners GPS-based survey data acquisition for all liner integrity methods Permanent leak detection I monitoring systems designed to be cost effective Cheaper and more effective than double -lined systems or groundwater monitoring system Leak Location Liner �GSE� Solves problems of desiccated subgrade ,poor hole contact THANK YOU! Abigail Beck TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. www.linersurvey.com 1170 To, � is abeckOtri-env.com (512) 623.0511 Duke Energy — Board of Commissioners Questions I March 19, 2015 1. Would you allow the installation of air quality monitor at the site for baseline and ongoing testing? The air quality concern is centered on the control of dust. The site will operate a detailed dust control program. The high level details of this plan are contained in the Charah Structural Fill Permit Application, section of the Operations Plan. A Site Dust control Plan will be developed with specific site operation procedures. These plans are in adherence to regulatory guidance. They will control dust through the use of water trucks and the application of various dust control tools including water application, chemical dust control materials, management of speed limits across haul roads and the continuous monitoring of site conditions. The control of dust is inherent in the Coal Ash Management Act, and specifically called out in the pending EPA CCR Rules, Section 257.80. These regulatory requirements do not require the installation of perimeter monitoring for air quality, and with the heavy concentration of industry around the site, including the operating General Shale clay mine immediately adjacent to the site, air monitoring is not recommended for a project of this nature. Air quality monitoring is not planned to be implemented at the Brickhaven site. 2. Would you allow the installation of a radiation meter at the site for baseline and ongoing measurements? The U.S. Geologic Survey has researched radioactivity in coal ash and determined that the average radionuclide concentrations in ash are within the range of concentrations found in other geologic materials, such as granite and shale. There is no health concern for workers or the public related to radionuclides in ash. Radiation monitoring is not planned to be implemented at the Brickhaven site. See attached EPRI document. 3. What actual baseline testing will you conduct? What radius? Where will test details be posted? Testing will be performed as required in the permit documents. Test data will be retained in the project records maintained onsite as well as posted on a future project website, when required. Background sampling will be conducted to develop the baseline water quality for the project site prior to the placement of CCPs in the structural fill. A series of eight (note that the CAMA only requires 4, but Charah and Duke will be performing 8, in compliance with the pending EPA CCR Rules) independent sampling events will be performed to establish this baseline water quality for the project with at least one series of samples taken prior to the placement of any CCPs. Once ash placement has begun, semi - annual (twice yearly) sampling events will be performed at each of the monitoring wells and surface water sampling location with samples collected and sent to the lab and tested for the list of constituents as specified in Appendix 1 as specified in the Coal Ash Management Act and also for Appendix 3 constituents as specified in the pre - published federal CCR rules. These test results will be shared with the State and maintained in the State's database of sampling events for the project. 4. Leachate: How will you store the leachate on site? What is your plan for onsite pretreatment? Would you conduct a testing regime proposed by the Chatham County Health Department for chemicals and inorganics? Why is your leachate "too clean" for wastewater treatment plants? Leachate will be stored onsite in a 1 million gallon, double walled storage tank. Leachate will be pretreated for TSS [Total Suspended Solids] by using 2 grit chambers that are set in series to capture suspended solids. Testing of the leachate will be dictated by the industrial discharge permit. The testing regime will be dictated by the receiving treatment plant. As shown in the leachate analysis for the discharges currently occurring at the Asheville airport structural fill projects, the levels of the constituents of concern are well within the parameters for wastewater discharge levels as identified by the State standards contained in the 2T rules. Charah is open to reviewing any suggestions by the Chatham County health department. Leachate from the site will be discharged to the treatment plant in accordance with the industrial discharge permit. This leachate is relatively clean as opposed to other discharges to a treatment plant. Treatment plants relying on organic processes maybe upset by too much clean water. Charah will work with the treatment plant to assure discharge rates are controlled to avoid this problem. At the March 2nd 2015 Chatham County Board of Commissioners meeting, Charah addressed questions about the management of leachate that will be generated during construction at the structural fill site at the Brickhaven Mine on Moncure- Flatwood Road. During that presentation we provided leachate monitoring reports for Charah's structural fill project at the Asheville Regional Airport. At the request of the Board of Commissioners, Charah is providing the attached information to further explain the data contained in these reports. Attached are two sets of charts that use yellow dots to show the level of a specific constituent (listed at the top of the chart) in the leachate for each sampling date. The charts use colored lines to indicate the specific constituent's level of concern for the following: NCDENR 2T.• State quality standard for waste not discharged to surface waters http: / /portal. ncdenr. org /c /document library /get file?folderld 285750 &name DLFE -85 41. pd As illustrated by these charts, the constituent levels identified in the untreated leachate are below the 2T standards. As with the monitoring reports provided at the meeting, note that one set of charts display data from the Asheville airport project's Area 4, Phase 2, which is capped, and the other set of charts display data from Area 3, which is an active structural fill that is partially capped. It's also important to note that the structural fill will produce leachate only for a short time. Once the structural fill is complete and closed, the leachate levels will decline over two to three years to the point that very minimal to no leachate will be generated. 5. What if no WWTP in the area will take this leachate? What is alternative plan? We do not anticipate this being an issue, however the alternative plan would be to pump and transport leachate to a wastewater treatment facility that has provided treatment and disposal for CCP leachate in the past. 6. The EPA does not recommend the TCLP testing method to determine the toxicity of coal ash, since it can underestimate the levels of constituents in that waste. Your permit indicates you will use the TCLP approach. Would you follow a different protocol? No. TCLP testing is specified by the North Carolina Coal Ash Management Act as required to be submitted as a part of the Structural Fill Permit. 7. All coal ash ponds have decades of accumulation and various coal byproducts, as well as other toxic materials that have been added to the dumping site. Relative to testing the coal ash itself, will you agree to conduct core sampling and analysis from different depths within a coal ash pond, rather than depend on a general characterization? Duke Energy has conducted extensive water and soil /ash sampling in and around the coal ash ponds. Should Duke Energy or its contractors discover differing conditions during excavation of the ponds or through sampling of excavated ash the team will stop work in that area until the material is properly identified and handled appropriately. Under the requirements of the proposed structural fill permit, Duke and Charah are required to sample each site from which ash is being sent to the erickhaven site annually and submit the results to the State. 8. How many monitoring wells will you install on your property line? What suite of chemicals will be tested? At what Interval? Where will the results be posted? Monitoring wells have been delineated on the water quality monitoring plan as contained in the permit documents, which identifies the location of each monitoring well. They are not located "on the Property Line," but rather locations closer to the structural fill which are based on engineered studies to best detect any potential impact to groundwater as early as possible.. At erickhaven, eight groundwater monitoring wells and two surface water monitoring locations have been proposed in the permit application. The list of constituents that will be tested have been defined in Appendix 1 by the N.C. Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 and in Appendix 3 as defined by the pre - published federal CCR rules. Testing for these constituents will be completed semi - annually (twice yearly) with the results documented in the project record, reported to the State and maintained in the State's database. Test data will be retained in the project records maintained onsite as well as posted on a future project website, when required. 9. Truck Trips. To haul 12 million tons would take 120,000 train cars OR 400,000 loads in 30 -ton dump trucks. If by train, there are no overpasses, which means cross - traffic will be halted for long periods of time. This will have a serious and negative impact related to school children, emergency vehicles and movement of citizens. What are your plans for dealing with school buses, emergency, and other daily traffic in this area. Nearly half (5.7 million tons) of this material is space reserved for the ash at the Cape Fear plant, should the final decision be to excavate that ash. In this event the transport route would be to cross the road once, moving directly from the Cape Fear plant onto Charah property. The details of the crossing have not been worked out, but will take impact to the physical road structure and traffic into account in coordination with the appropriate State and Local jurisdictions. CCPs are planned to be delivered by rail to the structural fill sites using 90 to 100 car unit - trains carrying approximately 9,000 tons of material per train. Management and oversight of all train movements will be conducted by CSX in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations governing railroad operations. The current train volume is projected at three to six trains per week at the erickhaven Mine. There is a significant length of track, off of the main line, on new track, leading into the site which should mitigate the impact to road crossings. It appears the only road crossing that may see some impact is the Corinth Road crossing about .2 miles south of Old Highway 1. Charah and Duke will work with CSX to work through any impacts. 10. What "lifetime" warranty are you pursuing for the HDPE liners? One vendor contacted last week about their warranty, responded: Our standard HDPE geomembrane warranty is pro -rated for 5 years. However, some of our high performance geomembrane resin formulations are available with warranties up to 20+ years depending on the site specific design and application. Lifetime means what, exactly, for the liners you are going to use? The liner has not yet been purchased. It is anticipated that the warranty period for the purchased liner will be at least 20 -25 years. Documentation provided by Geosynthetic Research Institute has indicated the liner's longevity is expected to exceed 450 years. This liner system design follows industry best practices and will meet state and federal requirements established to safely manage ash. See attached report: GRI White Paper #6: Geomembrane Lifetime Prediction: Exposed and Unexposed Conditions. 11. Is the liner going to be replaced at a point in the future? How will that be done? The liner system is not expected to be replaced. 12. Considering the excessive rivers of mud and runoff from the site currently, how will you manage stormwater? Duke and Charah will operate this site with sediment and erosion control structures constructed in accordance with the permitted requirements. The stormwater discharges will be monitored as required by the mine site's NPDES permit requirements. Turbid water discharges will be controlled using stilling basins and flocculants to ensure we meet permit limits designed to protect water quality. 13. What is the process you will use to drain the existing pit and not release this excessive turbid water full of sediment into the surrounding creeks and Cape Fear River? In accordance with the site's NPDES permit requirements, the water in the existing pit will be removed through controlled pumping operations and directed into an adjacent stilling or "polishing" basin. The water in the "polishing" basin will be treated with flocculants to coagulate the suspended solids allowing capture of the sediments prior to discharge. Technical and Scientific Issueswith Coal Ash aructural Fills in North Carolina A. Dennis Lemly, Ph.D. F;bsearch Associate Professor of Biology Wake Forest University, Winston - Salem, NC 27109 IemlyadQayfu.edu; 336- 225 -4086 April 22, 2015 I have reviewed information provided to the public by Duke Energy, NCDepartment of Environment and Natural F;bsources (NCDENR), and USArmy Corps of Engineers (ACOE) for the planned coal ash structural fills in Lee and Chatham Counties. Several technical and scientific flaws are apparent with these proposed fills and it is important for ALOE, asthe permitting authority, to be fully informed and aware of the implications of these flaws. For example: (1) The Geosynthetic F;bsearch Institute (GRI) white paper on synthetic liner performance and life expectancy, which was used to allay concerns about whether linerswill work, doesn't give any information whatsoever for coal ash applications ...... a point I made to the Geosynthetic Materials Association and USEnvironmental Protection Agency in 2010 when EPAwas conducting hearings on coal ash safety after the Kingston, TN spill. I have attached my report to EPA discussing these technical issues. It outlines specific concerns with chemical penetration of HDPE(High Density Polyethylene) materials by coal ash pollutants, and the fact that despite repeated contact with GSA, I have not received any certification of performance or reliability of linersfor coal ash structural fills based on actual measurements at field installations. Yet, liners are continually being passed off as safe and effective for coal ash disposal. Both the performance and lifetime projections of liners given in the GRI report have NO application to coal ash disposal. Moreover, in their response to Chatham County Commissioner's questions, the supplier/ installer of the liner and Duke Energy both say a 20 -25 year lifetime at best, and without ANYcoal ash performance data to back up that claim. Today's HDPE liners were not designed for coal ash and they will not stop persistent, dangerous chemical leakage. Promotion of liners as a safe and effective choice for the Lee and Chatham county structural fills is an example of flawed reasoning that is misleading the public. (2) Auseful "field test" of liner performance isthe Asheville Airport structural fill leachate monitoring results. This information was presented as evidence of "liner success ". First, the fact that there is leachate shows you that linerswill leak. Only part of this leakage will be collected..... the rest will seep into groundwater, which monitoring has detected. Second, the chemical concentrations in the leachate show how hazardous the wastewater is. I noted that arsenic concentrations are 0.09 -0.2 mg/L(milligramsper liter), which is 90-200 ug/L (micrograms per liter). This is 5 -11 times the toxic level for fish and aquatic life. I have no idea why the NCDENRpermit limit is mg/ Lbecause this is not scientifically or ecologically justifiable. I also noted that selenium concentrations are 0.01 -0.9 mg/L, or 10 -900 ug/L This is 5-450 times the toxic level for fish and wildlife. I have no idea why the NCDENRpermit limit is 1 mg/L, again, their permit limit is not scientifically or environmentallyjustifiable. I also noted that concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and nickel were reported to be at or below the "detection limits" of the analytical chemistry methods being used. Importantly, the detection limits for all 5 of these pollutants are well above toxic levelsfor aquatic life. This means that there can be no claim of "safety' for these elements since their actual concentration is likely above toxic levels. I also noted that there was no measurement of thallium or vanadium, which need to be included for coal ash waste. In summary, this field test of astructural coal ash fill shows that pollutants leak through liners, their concentrations are extremely high and constitute a toxic hazard to the environment, and that the "acceptable" level of monitoring required by NCDENRis inadequate to fully evaluate the extent and severity of contaminated water being produced (3) There will be a 1 million gallon storage tank of environmentally toxicwastewater at each structural fill site, with periodic discharge to a municipal treatment plant. Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTP) do not effectively remove inorganic coal ash leachate pollutants ...... they will be discharged directly into surface waters and expose fish and wildlife. Aswith the performance question about liners, performance of MWTP's needs to be verified for coal ash pollutant removal before that option is even considered. To my knowledge, that has not been done whatsoever. In answering Chatham County Commissioner's questions, the company in charge of the structural fill and leachate disposal made a statement to the effect that "coal ash leachate is too clean for a MWTP to take in large volumes, so we'll need to be careful not to overwhelm it ". This is a very misleading statement because that comment only pertains to the lack of nutrients in leachate, which the MWTPwould remove anyway. For the wide array of inorganic elements in coal leachate, it is a toxic soup that MWTPscan't effectively clean up ..... their filtration and biological treatment processes are designed to remove household organicwaste solids and nutrients. This isa critical flaw in the treatment plan for coal ash leachate. Aswith the liner claims, they are claiming the leachate treatment will work, apparently without any performance data from any treatment plant to back up that claim. Does Duke Energy or NCDENRhave information from the Asheville Airport leachate treatment that would be helpful in evaluating this claim? We need to see a treatment plant's performance data and NPDESdischarge monitoring reports to verify inflow /outflow concentrations of everything on the list of coal ash leachate pollutants. These three points rise tot he level of fatal flaws in the reasoning and justification given by Duke Energy, NCDENR, and AOOEfor using large - volume structural fiIIsfor coal ash disposal in North Carolina. There isa serious lack of scientific and technical supporting information, and what is available contradicts the assertions of safety and reliability that are being made. This is a very weak case for liners being effective in containing coal ash pollutants and protecting the environment in Chatham and Lee Counties. In order to be fully informed about environmental risks and liabilities, it would be advisable for AOOE, in cooperation with Duke Energy, to commission a full aquatic hazard assessment for the Ieachate, both pre -and post- treatment, as well as non - treated leakage into surface and groundwater. I would be glad to submit a proposal to do that work. Croce the necessary data are in -hand, a technical report could be generated in 30 -days, at a cost of $15,000. Thank you for considering my comments. Please let me know if you have questions or need anything else. I have appended a statement of my technical qualifications for your information. I have conducted scientific research on coal ash wastewater pollution in North Carolina since 1978. 1 would be glad to provide pdf copies of any of my publications you feel would be helpful. 1 have attached my 2012 paper that discusses many cases of wildlife poisoning from coal ash wastewater and the performance and environmental safety issueswith synthetic liners. S ncerely, A. Dennis Lemly Professional Qualifications of A Dennis Lemly, Ph.D. Dr. Lemly has over 35 years of experience conducting field and laboratory investigations of aquatic pollution from coal ash and coal mining in the USand elsewhere. He specializes in the ecotoxicology of selenium. The results of his work have appeared in 53 technical publications in the peer - reviewed scientific literature and a professional reference book. These reports include toxicity to fish and wildlife, hazard assessment methods and procedures, and water quality criteria guidelines. 1. Lemly, AD. 1982. Fbsponse of juvenile centrarchidsto sublethal concentrations of waterborne selenium: I. Uptake, tissue distribution, and retention. Aquatic Toxicology2: 235 -252. 2. Lemly, AD. 1982. Determination of selenium in fish tissues with differential pulse polarography. Environmental Technology 3:497-502. 3. Lemly, AD. 1983. Asimple activity quotient for detecting pollution - induced stress in fishes. Environmental Technology4: 173 -178. 4. Lemly, AD. 1985. Ecological basis for regulating aquatic emissions from the power industry: The case with selenium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 5: 465-486. 5. Lemly, AD. 1985. Toxicology of selenium in afreshwater reservoir: Implications for environmental hazard evaluation and safety. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety 10: 314 -338. 6. Lemly, AD. 1986. Effects of selenium on fish and other aquatic life. Pages 153 -162 in J.B. Anderson and SS Anderson, editors. Toxic "libstances in Agricultural Water S.rpplyand Drainage. Defining the R'oblems. U.S Committee on Irrigation Drainage, Denver, Cb. 7. Lemly, AD., and G J Smith. 1987. Aquatic Gyding of'Nenium: Implications for Fish and WIIdlife. Fish and Wildlife Leaflet 12. U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC 10 pages. 8. Lemly, AD. 1989. Gyding of selenium in the environment. Pages 113 -123 in A.Q. Howard, editor. 'Nenium and Agricultural Drainage. Implications for %n Randsco Bay and the California Environment. The Bay Institute of San Francisco, Tiburon, CA. 9. Lemly, AD., and G.J. Smith. 1991. Selenium in aquatic ecosystems: Potential impacts on fish and wildlife. In RG Severson, SE Fisher, Jr., and L.P. Gough, editors. Rroceedingsof the allings Land Fbdamation Symposium on 'Nenium in Arid and Samiarid Environments, Western United Sates. U.S Geological Sirvey Orcu /ar 1064: 43 -53. 10. Lemly, AD. 1993. Subsurface agricultural irrigation drainage: The need for regulation. ftulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 157 -180. 11. Lemly, AD., SE Finger, and M.K Nelson. 1993. SDurces and impacts of irrigation drainwater contaminants in arid wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12: 2265 -2279. 12. Lemly, AD. 1993. Guidelines for evaluating selenium data from aquatic monitoring and assessment studies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 28:83-100. 13. Lemly, AD. 1993. Teratogenic effects of selenium in natural populations of freshwater fish. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety26: 181 -204. 14. Lemly, AD. 1993. Metabolic stress during winter increases the toxicity of selenium to fish. Aquatic Toxi col ogy 27: 133 -158. 15. Lemly, AD. 1994. Agriculture and wildlife: Ecological implications of subsurface irrigation drainage. ,burnal of Arid Environments 28: 85-94. 16. Lemly, AD. 1994. Irrigated agriculture and freshwater wetlands: Astrugglefor coexistence in the western United States. Wetlands Ecology and Management 3: 3 -15. 17. Lemly, AD. 1995. Aprotocol for aquatic hazard assessment of selenium. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety 32: 280 -288. 18. Lemly, AD. 1996. 9alenium in aquatic organisms. Chapter 19 (pages427 -445) in W.N. Beyer, G.H. Heim and AW. F;bdmon- Norwood, editors. Environmental Contaminants in WlIdlife. Interpreting Tissue Concentrations Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL 19. Lemly. AD. 1996. Winter Gress Qjndrome: An important consideration for hazard assessment of aquatic pollutants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety 34: 223-227. 20. Lemly, AD. 1996. Identifying and reducing environmental risks from agricultural irrigation drainage in developing countries. Proceedingsof the World Congressof Toxicologyin Developing Countries 3: 177 -190. 21. Lemly, AD. 1996. Assessing the toxic threat of selenium to fish and aquatic birds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 43: 19 -35. 22. Lemly, AD. 1996. Wastewater discharges maybe most hazardous to fish during winter. Environmental Pollution 93: 169 -174. 23. Lemly, AD. 1996. Evaluation of the hazard quotient method for risk assessment of selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety35: 156 -162. 24. Lemly, AD. 1997. Ecosystem recovery following selenium contamination in afreshwater reservoir. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety 36: 275-281. 25. Lemly, AD. 1997. Environmental hazard of selenium in the Animas La Rata Water Development Project. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety37: 92 -96. 26. Lemly, AD. 1997. Fble of season in aquatic hazard assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 45: 89-98. 27. Lemly, AD. 1997. Ateratogenic deformity index for evaluating impacts of selenium on fish populations. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental %fety37: 259 -266. 28. Lemly, AD. 1997. Environmental implications of excessive selenium. Biomedical and Environmental S;iences 10: 415 -435. 29. Lemly, AD. 1998. Pathology of selenium poisoning in fish. Chapter 16 (Pages 281 -296) in W.T. Rankenberger and RA Engberg, editors. Environmental Chemistryof ldenium. Marcel- Dekker Press, New York, NY 30. Lemly, AD. 1998. Aposition paper on selenium in ecotoxicology: Aprocedure for deriving site - specificwater quality criteria. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental %fety39: 1 -9. 31. Lemly, AD. 1998. BelewsLake: Lessonslearned. Pages 3-6 and E15 -20 in U.S EPA Publication EPA- 822-R98-007. fbport on the Peer Consultation Workshop on ldenium Aquatic Toxicity and Bioaccumulation. U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC 32. Lemly, AD. 1999. Case study: Contaminant impacts on freshwater wetlands at Kesterson National Wildlife Fbfuge, California. Chapter 6 (pages 191 -206) in M.A Lewiset al., editors. Ecotoxicologyand Rsk Assessment for Wetlands. EETACPress, Pensacola, FL 33. Lemly, AD. 1999. SBIenium transport and bioaccumulation in aquatic ecosystems: Aproposal for water quality criteria based on hydrological units. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental %fety42: 150 -156. 34. Lemly, AD. 1999. Irrigation drainage. Pages304 -307 in M.A Mares, editor. Encydopedia of Deserts. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK 35. Hamilton, SJ., and AD. Lemly. 1999. Thewater - sediment controversy in setting environmental standardsfor selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety44 :227 -235. 36. Lemly, AD. 1999. SBIenium impacts on fish: An insidious time bomb. Human and Ecological frisk Assessment 5:1139-1151. 37. Lemly, AD., RT. Kingsford, and dR Thompson. 2000. Irrigated agriculture and wildlife conservation: Conflict on a global scale. Environmental Management 25: 485 -512. 38. Lemly, AD. 2001. Irrigation - induced demise of wetlands. Pages 399 -410 in RE Munn and I. Douglas, editors. Gobal Environmental Change, Volume 3: Causes and Consequences of Gobal Environmental Change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, United Kingdom. 39. Lemly, AD. 2002. E�tmptomsand implications of selenium toxicity in fish: The Belews Lake case example. Aquatic Toxicology 57: 39 -49. 40. Lemly, AD., and H.M. C hlendorf. 2002. F;bgulatory implications of using constructed wetlands to treat selenium -laden wastewater. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety52:46 -56. 41. Lemly, AD. 2002. Aprocedure for setting environmentally safe Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for selenium. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental %fety52: 123 -127. 42. Lemly, AD. 2002. ldenium Assessment in Aquatic Ecosystems- A Guide for Hazard Evaluation and Water Quality aiteria. gori nger-Verl ag Publ i shers, New York, NY 43. Lemly, AD. 2004. Aquatic selenium pollution isaglobal environmental safety issue. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fety 59: 44-56. 44. Kingsford, RT., AD. Lemly, and J.R Thompson. 2006. Impacts of dams, river management, and diversionson desert rivers. Chapter 8 (pages 203 -247) in RT. Kingsford (editor). Ecologyof Desert Rvers. Cambridge University Press, UK 45. Lemly, AD. 2007. A procedure for NEPA assessment of selenium hazards associated with mining. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 125: 361 -375. 46. Lemly, AD., and J.P. &orupa. 2007. Technical issues affecting the implementation of US Environmental Protection Agency's proposed fish tissue -based aquatic criterion for selenium. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3: 552 -558. 47. Lemly, AD. 2008. Aquatic hazard of selenium pollution from coal mining. Chapter 6 (Pages 167- 183) in G.B. Fosdyke (editor). Coal Mining. Fbsearch, Technology, and Safety. Nova Eience Publishers, New York, NY 48. Palmer, M.A, ES Bernhardt, W.N. �chlesinger, KN. Eshleman, E Fonfoula- Georgious, M.S Hendryx, AD. Lemly, GE Likens, 011-Duck, M.E Power, P.S White, and P.R Wilcock. 2010. Mountaintop mining consequences. &ience327: 148 -149. 49. Lemly, AD. and J.P. &orupa. 2012. Wildlife and the coal waste policy debate: Proposed rules for coal waste disposal ignore lessons from 45 years of wildlife poisoning. Environmental &ience and Technology 46: 8595 -8600. 50. Lemly, A.D., and J.P Skorupa. 2013. Response to comments on "Wildlife and the coal waste policy debate: Proposed rules for coal waste disposal ignore lessons from 45 years of wildlife poisoning ". Environmental &ienceand Technology47: 11367- 11368. 51. Lemly, AD. 2013. Fokus: Vergiftungen durch kohle. Pages 304 -317 in H.V.U. aottrop, editor, "Kohle.Global: Eine Reise in die Reviere der anderen ". Stiftung RAhr Museum, Essen, and Zehnpfennig and Weber, Berlin. 52. Lemly, AD. 2014. Teratogenic effects and monetary cost of selenium poisoning offish in Lake Sitton, North Carolina. Ecotoxicology and Environmental %fetylO4: 160 -167. 53. Lemly, AD. 2014. An urgent need for an EPA standard for disposal of coal ash. Environmental Pollution 191: 253 -255. 54. Lemly, AD. 2015. Damage cost of the Dan River coal ash spill. Environmental Pollution 197: 55 -61. 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer MAY 2, 2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated n.m ISSINFIRIIIIIIIIIIIk" _42V_ s_ r�.. One of several large- diameter leachate pipes rise up at the lip of the Phase1 31 acre state -of- the -art lined new monofill (a landfill that takes only one type of fill) Thursday, July 17, 2014 in northern Person County, NC. The facility, on a footprint of 103.8 acres of land will accept only coal ash by- products in this new monofill that features double density polyethylene liners, a leak detection system, groundwater monitors and a leachate collection system to draw off water that percolates through the coal ash. I Harry Lynch - hlynch @newsobserver.com BY JOHN MURAWSKI jmurawski@newsobserver.com xies down to this: a gottobe er= r 1 � FESTIVAL http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 1/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer That's the thickness of the plastic liners that will be installed in two landfills to safeguard the environment from the nasty stew contained within. The coal ash heading to Lee and Chatham counties is laced with arsenic, lead, selenium and other heavy metals. According to the company building the landfills, the plastic liners are virtually indestructible and will last more than 500 years. That prediction comes from Duke Energy's landfill construction firm, Kentucky -based Charah, in a recent filing with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. But after years of studies, many engineers discount estimates of liner durability as simplistic. Industry engineers have calculated that a landfill liner could last anywhere from a few decades to 1,000 years before it springs a leak, depending on a host of factors. Yet on one thing the experts agree: No landfill liner will last forever. "All lining systems should be designed on the assumption that there will be leakage in the lining system," said Ian Peggs, a materials scientist in Florida who has studied the issue for years. "Ultimately the whole thing will fall apart." Local opponents of the proposed landfills say the statistical risk of liner failure is simply too great, and they're asking state regulators not to issue a construction and operating permit for the landfills. They shudder at the prospect of their communities sharing living space, possibly for centuries, with two enormous earthen crypts together holding 20 million tons of toxic industrial waste that does not decay. "I totally understand the need to move this coal ash that's leaking into rivers all over the state," said Elaine Chiosso, the Haw Riverkeeper. "I just think it's insane to hope those liners will last basically forever." The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources is expected to decide on the permits in the coming weeks. At recent public hearings in Sanford and Pittsboro on the proposed landfills, scores of residents pleaded with state environmental regulators to deny the permits. Opponents cited the risk of groundwater contamination, years of truck caravans and sunken property values. Peggs, president of I -Corp International in Florida, has a high degree of confidence in liner systems, as long as they are properly installed and carefully monitored. But he said liners are prone to leaks because of substandard landfill design and damage during installation. He recently presided over a discussion session dedicated to liner leakage at the February geosynthetics industry conference in Oregon, where experts hashed out the perennial conundrums of leak detection, leak prevention and leak probabilities. http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 2/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer A temporary fix More than 150 million tons of coal ash currently steep at 14 sites in North Carolina. These ash repositories have no liners and are contaminating local groundwater, some reaching drinking wells. In response to the environmental crisis, the state legislature last year required Duke Energy to move ash from four sites that lawmakers deemed high - priority to lined landfills by August 2019, putting the electric utility on a hurry -up schedule. Landfills reinforced with liners are generally considered the safest way of storing society's garbage, whether the waste is generated by households or heavy industry. Lined landfills are endorsed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and by some environmental organizations for coal ash storage. Last week, Duke announced plans to bury more than 10 million tons of coal ash in three lined landfills at the utility's Dan River power plant in Eden, Sutton plant in Wilmington and Robinson plant in Hartsville, S.C. Environmental groups praised the move because the power company plans to confine the ash on Duke's property, and away from sources of water. In Lee County, local officials have agreed not to challenge the landfill in their community in exchange for a $12 million payment from Duke Energy. The proposed landfill would be built at the abandoned Colon clay mine in Sanford. Chatham County officials are still reviewing the industrial waste project that will take up to eight years to fill with 12 million tons of ash. The site in Moncure would be built at the former Brickhaven clay mine. In the first phase of Duke's coal ash cleanup, estimated to take up to 18 months, Duke would move 2 million tons from Wilmington and nearly 1 million tons from Gaston County to be buried in Brickhaven or Colon or both. It's not clear how the sites will be used once they are covered over with vegetation. The Brickhaven landfill covers 145 acres and the Colon landfill, 118 acres. "The mines reclaimed with ash as structural fill will provide valuable, usable land in these counties that can be suitable for commercial and economic development," said Scott Sewell, Charah's chief operating officer, in an emailed statement. "The land also will be suitable for agricultural use or green space. Specific plans have not yet been determined." But even ardent supporters call landfills a temporary fix, until a better solution is discovered or the coal ash is dug up and recycled. http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 3/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer "In my opinion, some of the landfill stuff is more -or -less kicking the can down the road," said geotechnical engineer Stacey Smith at the Smith & Gardner firm in Raleigh, which has worked on hundreds of landfills. "It puts it in a holding spot until additional research allows us to reuse these materials as a resource." Ed Mussler, who heads up the permit review branch at the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, believes dry landfills reinforced with liners can protect society for an indefinite period of time. He characterized the plastic liner as just one component in a multi - layered protective system. Monitoring the leaks Below the plastic liner proposed by Charah would sit a 2 -foot layer of clay, which would hold back water for 50 years, Mussler said. The top of the landfills would be protected by 6 -foot soil buffers, each buffer placed over another plastic liner, Mussler said. The landfill bottom would also contain a leachate collection system to pump water out for removal and treatment. The whole setup is designed to let water drain out of the ash and to prevent new water from getting in, what's known in the industry as a hermetically sealed "dry tomb." "If no water gets in, no water can get out," said Mussler, the permitting branch supervisor in the agency's solid waste section. "If after 30 years you've got no water coming out of the landfill, you've got a pretty good issue." But critics say the design has many holes. In Charah's application, the two landfills would be monitored for 30 years, with no plans for subsequent monitoring. Left to fend for themselves, the man -made mounds would be exposed to rain, wind, erosion, forests and other natural forces, said Morton Barlaz, a solid waste specialist who heads N.C. State University's Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering. "If you put a final cover on and walk away after 30 years, then you will have a problem at some time," Barlaz said. "You will probably have to do annual maintenance on the final cover for a very long time — or in perpetuity." Only three landfills in the state are monitored for leaks. The three, including one coal ash dump, are double -lined along the bottom and have state permits allowing up to 500 gallons of water per acre per day to leak, said DENR spokeswoman Cathy Akroyd. http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 4/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer That amount of leaking is "very high" for double -lined landfills, said Abigail Beck, a Vermont - based engineer and director of Liner Integrity Services at TRI Environmental. The EPA recommends only 100 gallons per day be allowed to leak, while New York state allows just 20 gallons and Michigan only five gallons, Beck said. Most landfills in the country, including North Carolina, use single liners. The single liners don't have leakage limits because the detection systems typically are placed above the liner at the bottom of the ash. The thinking is if water can be detected entering the landfill, engineers can fix the problem and keep the ash dry. "This goes straight to the heart of the irony of single -lined landfills, where the leakage cannot be measured, so it therefore cannot be controlled," Beck said in an email. "If they leak, the groundwater gets contaminated, and there is no way to know it will happen until it is too late." Beck believes it is possible to build a leak -proof landfill using a two -liner system. The single -liner technology is the design Charah has submitted for the proposed Lee and Chatham county landfills. Ellen Lorscheider, a solid waste section chief at DENR, acknowledged that a breach in a single liner "would take years to show up" in groundwater. Mura wski: 919-829-8932 ABOUT CHARAH Founded in 1987, the Kentucky company began operations here in 2001 and now has 120 employees in the state managing eight active projects, including the construction of the Asheville Airport Structural Fill. In all, Charah has 50 long -term coal ash management contracts at 34 power plants in 18 states, according to a company fact sheet. LANDFILLS CONTAMINATION IN NORTH CAROLINA There are 44 lined landfills in the state that store municipal solid waste, another nine hold coal ash. The landfills date back to the nationwide adoption of liner technology in the early 1980s. The most recent was built in 2012. Some of the landfills — including three lined coal ash landfills — have groundwater contamination, but the contamination has not been traced to liner failure. Two municipal solid waste landfills, in Cabarrus County and in Buncombe County, are currently being assessed to determine the cause of elevated groundwater contamination readings, said Ellen Lorscheider, solid waste section chief at DENR. http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 5/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer Liner problems often start during installation, when the sheets are accidentally cracked, torn or punctured. That happened at a Duke Energy landfill at Belews Creek Steam Station in Stokes County, which in April 2008 began receiving gypsum, a byproduct of coal- burning power plant emissions. Monitoring wells at that landfill registered high levels of iron, sulfate and total dissolved solids in groundwater, prompting reviews by Duke Energy. Duke's June 2014 assessment report, submitted to DENR, describes tears to the liner edge in multiple places, caused by heavy equipment traffic. The report notes that in one area the damage occurred at elevations above the waste. The damage was repaired in 2011, the report said. Groundwater samples were collected in August 2013 and analyzed by the Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory. Duke forwarded the data to its contractor, HDR Engineering in Charlotte. Contamination showed up in multiple monitoring wells. HDR blamed the high sulfate readings on contaminated groundwater at a single monitoring well located just five feet from the road used by trucks to deliver the gypsum. HDR said the contamination was likely caused by gypsum falling from the trucks, said DENR hydrogeologist Elizabeth Werner. HDR also said high rainfall caused excessive surface runoff and infiltration of gypsum into the groundwater. HDR's assessment is ongoing. John Murawski RELATED CONTENT Read more stories about NC coal ash ponds Interactive: Find NC coal ash ponds MORE COAL ASH ISSUE http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 6/7 5/14/2015 Lifespan of Duke Energy's coal ash liners debated I News & Observer News & Observer You May Like Sponsored Links by Taboola You WON'T BELIEVE This Website is Legal! Instant Checkmate Subscription New "Dollar Substitute" Could Be Announced As Early As October Stansberry Research 3 Things That Golf Pros Do That Amateurs Don't Hank Haney University A Very Smart Trick to Pay Off Your Mortgage AmeriVALUE Comments http: / /www. newsobserver.com /news /I ocal /coal- ash - issue /arti cl e20108D82.htm 1 7/7 Technical and Environmental Issues with Synthetic Liners Proposed for use in Coal Ash Disposal Applications A. Dennis Lemly, Ph.D. Research Fish Biologist USDA - Forest Service, Southern Research Station Piedmont Aquatic Research Laboratory Department of Biology, Wake Forest University, Winston - Salem, NC dlemly @fs.fed.us, 336- 758 -4532 Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery Washington, DC EPA Docket ID No. EPA— HQ —RCRA- 2009 -0640 Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Special Wastes: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities — Proposed Rule September 21, 2010 CBDL HSPVOE! The USEPA is holding a total of 8 hearings on classification and disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCRs) prior to completing and issuing its final rule (1). The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) was among the first in line to address the issue on August 30 at the initial hearing in Arlington, VA, and will deliver similar testimony at each of the other hearings as well. GMA has long maintained a position that CCRs can be safely contained as solid waste and that a designation as special waste (hazardous waste) would be overkill. However, regardless of the designation EPA makes, it is becoming clear that through advocacy efforts by GMA and others, the use of Geosynthetic Membrane (GM) liner systems that use High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) as the primary liner material will likely be required in the disposal of coal ash waste. GMA has posted several written comments on this issue. (The complete set of GMA's comments can be found at: http : / /geosyntheticsmagazine.com /news /gmaupdate). In addition to the public hearings and written comments, GMA bolstered support for geosynthetic lining of coal ash sites during Capitol Hill meetings with U.S. House and Senate staffs during GMA's Lobby Day activities on September 15. Following are the comments made by GMA members during the August 30 EPA hearing in Arlington, just outside Washington, D.C.: Today 1 am representing the Geosynthetic Materials Association, the trade group of 80 companies that manufacture, distribute and install geosynthetic materials, including liners systems. The industry employs 12,000 people throughout the United States. Our comment to EPA is very simple. We request that EPA mandate the geosynthetic lining of coal ash storage facilities using composite lining systems. In the shortest terms, use liners, specifically composite liners. Why? Because liners work. Concerns of safety regarding CCRs are mitigated if the landfill storage sites are lined with a composite liner system of a geomembrane and a geosynthetic clay liner. A composite liner system prevents the leachate from entering the environment. Safety concerns regarding surface impoundments are also mitigated if the impoundments are lined with a composite liner system. The American Society of Civil Engineers does a regular "Report Card on America's Infrastructure. "For the last three report cards, representing over a decade, solid waste has received the highest grade of any category. My industry does a good job of taking America's waste and properly storing it to protect the environment. The materials, technology and people exist [now] —the engineers, engineering techniques and standards, the general contractors and installers who can build the proper facilities and the regulators and inspectors who assure the work is done correctly. We urge EPA to "use what exists and is working today." Further, our industry has continuously improved over time and EPA has been a part of that effort. Over the years, EPA has commissioned nearly 80 studies of the design and performance of lining systems. We specifically call your attention to a 2002 study titled "Assessment and Recommendations for Optimal Performance of Waste Containment Systems" (EPA 600/R- 021099). That study contains a great deal of pertinent information on how to construct containment systems. Most illustrative for today is a graph charting the leakage rate of different designs over the life cycle of nearly 200 facilities. The composite liner system of a geomembrane and a geosynthetic clay liner was demonstrated to have the lowest leakage rate over all life cycle stages, including a near zero leakage rate after the facilities are closed and final cover placed. Our materials work. Use of composite liner systems will achieve the EPA mission to protect human health and the environment for all Americans. A brief word on the hazardous /non- hazardous question. While coal ash does contain heavy metals, it lacks the traditional characteristics of hazardous materials, radioactivity or the presence of infectious medical waste, etc. In the opinion of our trade organization, coal ash can be properly stored using subtitle "D" regulations, a non - hazardous solid waste designation with composite liner systems. Thank you. In addition to the above italicized comments delivered in oral testimony, the GMA website includes this chart and following legend as evidence of liner performance: Chart courtesy of the Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) at Drexel University. (30) Ceomembrane compacted clay - composite liner Geomembrane GCL Gib - composde hiner ril X041)# of sites of that type) (M) 104 (iJ� (41) G NJGCL 1(8115) 19 � 0 �4) instal Subroaquent After Bl ng Filling Final Cover Life Cycle State Waste disposal sites in the U.S. -199 total —with a variety of designs and materials were examined. The survey population included sites at different phases of the site lifespan as indicated on the "X" axis. The site leakage (collection) rate was plotted on the "Y" axis for the three types of liner design: yellow – geomembrane alone, green – geomembrane and compacted clay, red –a geomembrane and GCL (geosynthetic clay liner) composite liner system. The key point is the optimal performance of the composite liner system(s), including a near zero leakage rate for the closed ( "After Final Cover ") site. Data Source: Bonaparte, Daniel, and Koerner. (2002) "Assessment and Recommendations for Optimal Performance of Waste Containment Systems," EPA /600 /R- 02/099. U. S. EPA, ORD, Cincinnati, OH ISSUE WITH GMA POSITION I am not an expert in GM liner performance but I do know a fair bit about selenium as a water pollutant from coal ash, the threat it poses to fish and wildlife health, and the importance of proper disposal techniques in mitigating that threat. Selenium is a trace element that leaches out of CCRs, bioaccumulates in aquatic food chains, and causes deformed young, reproductive failure, and other toxic effects. I have studied the environmental toxicology of selenium as a water pollutant from CCRs for over 30 years and published 47 research papers and a reference book on selenium sources, environmental cycling, and toxic impacts (see attached technical qualifications). My investigations of CCR impacts span the country, beginning with the landmark pollution event at Belews Lake, North Carolina in the 1970's, which eliminated 19 species of fish, and continuing today, with the on -going catastrophe from the TVA ash spill in Tennessee, which has polluted an entire river ecosystem and elevated tissue concentrations of selenium in fish to levels that cause massive reproductive failure. After hearing the testimony of GMA members and seeing the confidence they expressed in the ability of liners to control coal ash pollutants, I investigated further by reading the reference they cited as the primary support for their position (EPA /600 /R- 02/099). In the course of my initial review I found that liner performance results in GMA's cited data source did not measure up to the level of reliability and confidence they had espoused in their written and oral statements. For example, selenium was not measured in the leachate from the single coal ash disposal site studied (out of 199 sites), or any other for that matter. The report did state that the leachate rate was 300 -600% greater for the coal ash site than other waste types, which suggested to me that post - closure data is critical to evaluate the performance of GM materials in the context of what GMA was saying about EPA's proposed rule, i.e., that composite liners will protect people and the environment. Yet, there was no post - closure data for the coal waste site. This led me to question GMA's position and whether they could reasonably (accurately) project performance for a HDPE primary liner in a coal -ash application when there is (1) no post - closure data and (2) no selenium measurements at all in their key reference citation. I am a generally a proponent of liners and I believe they are a step in the 4 right direction. However, what GMA presented, based solely on the EPA 2002 study, was not convincing or conclusive with respect to coal ash and selenium. The lack of information on mobility and containment of selenium seemed to rise to the level of a fatal flaw in GMA's analysis and statements about a GM liner's ability to protect the environment. FURTHER ANALYSIS I voiced the above concerns to GMA by posting a reply in the comment forum of their website on September 13. One of their members responded with the following: "The performance of liner systems is typically not —in fact, almost never — evaluated against specific agents (i.e., selenium). The interaction of geosynthetic liner materials to an extremely wide range of chemicals is well -known and understood. There is one general class of chemical (very low molecular weight halogenated hydrocarbons) where there are measurable interaction differences between the chemical and the geosynthetic material, depending on the specific nature of the chemical. For all other general classifications of chemical interactions, the performances of the geosynthetics are relatively uniform. Thus, testing is not done for a specific chemical. In fact, it is thought that mixtures of a wide range of chemical components present a more difficult performance standard for geosynthetic barriers. That is why, during the early use of geosynthetics, a large number of tests were conducted using leachate from waste containment facilities, which contained a broad range of chemical constituents. These tests, identified under the name EPA 9090, have successfully demonstrated the inertness to a broad range of chemicals that has allowed geosynthetic materials such as high- density polyethylene to contain materials effectively for decades ". This response was not sufficient to allay my concerns and I continued my analysis of the liner performance issue by examining the EPA 9090 studies and other performance information. Following this analysis I posted the following reply on GMA's website on September 16: "I am not concerned about selenium interacting with the membrane and degrading it, which is what EPA 9090 examines (compatibility). I want to know if there are permeability issues for the oxyanion and organic forms of selenium (selenate, selenite, selenomethionine, hydrogen selenide, etc.). Specifically, are there (1) laboratory studies showing that permeation or co- transport of selenium and water do not occur in the long -term (months - years) when the membrane is exposed to whole -ash leachate, and (2) field monitoring studies to confirm that none of these forms is passing through and getting into groundwater or surface water at concentrations of concern to fish and wildlife health ( >1 ug /L) during the operational life of a lined coal ash landfill or surface impoundment, and 1, 5, 10 etc. years after closure. It would also be very useful to know the volume of leachate that is contained by the liner during the same period, as well as its Se concentration. The 1984 EPA 9090 tests and many others since then were conducted with industrial or municipal waste leachate that contained <5 ug /L Se.....coal ash leachate can have >20,000. Unless there are lab and field performance studies available which show satisfactory results, it is, at best, misleading for a GMA spokesperson to appear at an EPA hearing on coal ash disposal and contend that "our liners work" with respect to selenium pollution. You can't credibly say they work if you can't demonstrate that they work. This demonstration has apparently not been done for selenium. I hope your last statement, i.e., that geosynthetic materials have effectively contained materials for decades, will prove true for selenium and coal ash, but I see no current evidence or proof of this in the trade, scientific, or regulatory literature. Are there others within your industry that have additional information that would be useful in answering my questions ? ". LATEST DEVELOPMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS As of September 21, GMA has not responded to my latest comment, but I have continued to study the liner issue and I have discovered an even more disturbing set of circumstances that I wish to bring to the attention of EPA. Data in the 2002 EPA report seem much less supportive of GMA's statements about liner performance than they would have you believe. For example, 13 cells with GM /CCL or GM /GCL /CCL composite liners were monitored (Table 5 -6, pages 5 -25 — 5 -30), none of which was a coal ash disposal cell. Only 5 produced sufficient data for a conclusion about leakage and overall performance. Four were deemed effective and one began to fail after only 12 months due to "breakthrough" of the diagnostic constituents sulfate and chloride which, like selenium, are anions. The report states (page 5 -31) "The reason for the increase in the anion concentrations in the LDS (Leak Detection System) flow from Cell AD7 is unclear ". This "unknown" leaves open the question I raised about selenium movement through liners, and is particularly troubling in light of the fact that Cell AD7 is part of a facility that was built, operated, and closed under Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) monitoring for a Class IV Hazardous Waste Landfill. Moreover, diagnostic organics (toluene, benzene, xylene) did not exhibit "breakthrough ", indicating that liner failure cannot be attributed to tears, holes, or some other physical failure that allowed whole -waste leachate to pass through. Also, anionic forms of selenium are known to interact with High Density Polyethylene (2), the predominant constituent of synthetic liners, which could facilitate their passage through this membrane material. Finally, the combined sulfate - chloride concentration of overlying whole -waste leachate was much greater in the failed cell than in 3 of the 4 intact cells (16, 864 mg /L vs. 201, 341, 821; Table E -4 -9), suggesting that anionic strength of the leachate may have been a factor contributing to liner failure. Coal ash produces leachate with an exceptionally high anionic strength due to the presence of sulfate, chloride, and many other constituents. Sulfate concentrations alone can exceed 30,000 mg /L (3). Moreover, ammoniated coal ash, which is the predominant form produced today, enhances the leaching rate of elements that form anionic compounds in solution, in particular, selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, fluoride, and vanadium (4). Collectively, these factors suggest that failure of HDPE liner material in a coal ash application is very possible for chemical reasons unrelated to direct degradation of the membrane itself. The EPA report goes on to state (page 5 -32) "The conclusions for composite liners should be considered preliminary. Additional analyses are recommended ....... the additional analyses should include a more thorough analysis of the transport characteristics of a wider array of key chemical constituents than considered in this study ". The 2002 EPA report confirms my suspicion that the behavior of selenium is largely unknown and untested for composite liner systems. What the EPA report shows is alarming - -- a 20% failure rate. If you project that to the multitude of lined coal ash waste sites that are /will be in existence, it is easy to see my concerns. With respect to selenium pollution, GMA's remarks may be leading to a false sense of security and complacency. In fact, it is likely that a patchwork of ticking time bombs is being created, some of which have already exploded, some of which will explode in the near future, and some of which will explode in the long term. GM composite liners may not be the cure -all suggested by GMA's rather bold statement "Use of composite liner systems will achieve the EPA mission to protect human health and the environment for all Americans ". EPA's call for additional monitoring and assessment is well founded. Proper ground and surface water monitoring studies would reveal the true extent of existing and potential problems, but they apparently don't exist.....yet. Until this information is available, it is imperative that GMA stick to facts when discussing the utility of GM liners in the context of an EPA hearing or other forums. Their effectiveness for coal ash disposal is currently unverified and questionable. Also, the EPA report brings up another important issue..... "engineering significance" versus "biological significance ". Regarding the intact cells, it is stated on page 5 -31 that "leachate migration into the LDS at a rate of any engineering significance has not occurred ", and concludes on page E -128 that "leakage through properly constructed HDPE GM primary liners that have undergone CQA monitoring will occasionally be in excess of 200 Lphd during the active period of operation and up to 200 Lphd during the post - closure period ". The engineering significance of this leakage rate may not be a concern, but the environmental hazard may be. Consider, for example, that a 200 Lphd leak for a 25 ha landfill will produce 5,000 liters per day, or about 1,300 gallons. If that liquid contains a typical coal ash leachate concentration of selenium (2,000 ug /L, 5), and assuming a dilution factor of 1000 is achieved in groundwater or surface water (which would require uniform mixing and percolation of the leak water through 3 feet of saturated soil underlying the landfill (7), assimilation by 40 acre -feet of impounded surface water, or incorporation into a 2 cfs surface stream flow), then the result is 1,300,000 gallons of ambient water per day containing 2 ug Se /L, a concentration that poses a toxic threat to fish and wildlife (6). This is a tremendous volume of polluted water, amounting to more than the total daily wastewater flow from a typical town of about 10,000 people (8, 9). If 1000 -fold dilution is not achieved, Se levels will be higher and pose an even greater risk. Thus, what constitutes engineering success may not equate to environmental success. Based on the material I have reviewed, the only scientifically and environmentally credible conclusion is that HDPE liners won't necessarily solve, or effectively lessen, selenium pollution problems from disposal of coal combustion residues. If EPA has information generated since their 2002 study indicating otherwise, it should be made available for external public review, assessment, and comment prior to final rulemaking. References (1) http: / /www.epa.gov/ wastes /nonhaz/ industrial / special / fossil /ccr- rule /ccr- hearing.htm (2) http: // www. springerlink .com /content/j3u3h927u5188443/ (3) http: / /www.cses.vt.edu /revegetation/ Papers% 20PDF/ CCP %20Files %20for %20Web /Publicati ons/ Stewart.% 20B. R..% 20W. L.% 20Daniels %20and %20M.L. %20Jackson. %201997. %20 Evaluation %20of %20leachate %20g ua I ity. pdf (4) http: / /www.flyash.info /2003 /81has.pdf (5) http: / /pubs. acs .org /doi /abs/10.1021/ef900044w (6) Lemly, A.D. 2002. Selenium assessment in aquatic ecosystems: A guide for hazard evaluation and water quality criteria. Springer- Verlag, New York. (7) http: / /www. noble. org /ag/ Soils/ SoilWaterRelationships /Index.htm (8) http://www.archdale-nc.gov/ index. asp? Type =B BASIC &SEC= (9534B7F5- 399B- 4EC9 -8754- C41389A2C503} (9) http: / /www. city- data.com / city /Archdale- North - Carolina.html TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT OF DR. A. DENNIS LEMLY I have spent over 30 years investigating the effects of aquatic pollution from coal combustion residues (CCR). I have extensive experience conducting field and laboratory research on selenium, which is one of the most toxic trace elements in CCR. My studies have focused on aquatic cycling, bioaccumulation, and effects on fish. These studies include intensive investigation of two of the most substantial cases of selenium pollution that have taken place in the USA: (1) Belews Lake, North Carolina, where 19 species of fish were eliminated due to selenium in CCR, and (2) Kesterson Marsh, California, where thousands of fish and aquatic birds were poisoned. My career began in the 1970's with studies of the landmark pollution event at Belews Lake, which established the fundamental principles of selenium bioaccumulation and reproductive toxicity in fish resulting from CCR. In the 1980's, I was a research project manager for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, directing studies that determined impacts of selenium from agricultural irrigation drainage on fish and aquatic birds at Kesterson and in 14 other western states. In the 1990's, the emphasis of my research shifted to the development of methods and I3 guidelines for hazard assessment and water quality criteria for selenium, which led to the publication of a reference book (see item 42 below). This handbook contains the first comprehensive assessment tools for evaluating selenium pollution from CCR on an ecosystem scale. I have consulted on selenium contamination issues ranging from CCR landfill leachate in Hong Kong to mountain top removal coal mining in West Virginia. I provide the methods and technical guidance necessary to identify, evaluate, and correct aquatic selenium problems before they become significant toxic threats to fish and wildlife populations. I have Masters and Doctorate degrees in biology from Wake Forest University. PUBLICATIONS ON SELENIUM TOXICITY FROM COAL COMBUSTION RESIDUES, COAL MINING, AND OTHER SOURCES: 1. Lemly, A.D. 1982. Response of juvenile centrarchids to sublethal concentrations of waterborne selenium: I. Uptake, tissue distribution, and retention. Aquatic Toxicology 2: 235 -252. 2. Lemly, A.D. 1982. Determination of selenium in fish tissues with differential pulse polarography. Environmental Technology 3: 497 -502. 3. Lemly, A.D. 1983. A simple activity quotient for detecting pollution- induced stress in fishes. Environmental Technology 4: 173 -178. 4. Lemly, A.D. 1985. Ecological basis for regulating aquatic emissions from the power industry: The case with selenium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 5: 465 -486. 5. Lemly, A.D. 1985. Toxicology of selenium in a freshwater reservoir: Implications for environmental hazard evaluation and safety. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 10: 314 -338. 6. Lemly, A.D. 1986. Effects of selenium on fish and other aquatic life. Pages 153 -162 in J.B. Anderson and S.S. Anderson, editors. Toxic Substances in Agricultural Water Supply and Drainage: Defining the Problems. U.S. Committee on Irrigation Drainage, Denver, CO. 7. Lemly, A.D., and G.J. Smith. 1987. Aquatic Cycling of Selenium: Implications for Fish and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife Leaflet 12. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. 10 pages. 8. Lemly, A.D. 1989. Cycling of selenium in the environment. Pages 113 -123 in A.Q. Howard, editor. Selenium and Agricultural Drainage: Implications for San Francisco Bay and the California Environment. The Bay Institute of San Francisco, Tiburon, CA. 9. Lemly, A.D., and G.J. Smith. 1991. Selenium in aquatic ecosystems: Potential impacts on fish and wildlife. In R.C. Severson, S.E. Fisher, Jr., and L.P. Gough, editors. Proceedings of the Billings Land Reclamation Symposium on Selenium in Arid and Semiarid Environments, Western United States. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1064: 43 -53. 10. Lemly, A.D. 1993. Subsurface agricultural irrigation drainage: The need for regulation. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 157 -180. 11. Lemly, A.D., S.E. Finger, and M.K. Nelson. 1993. Sources and impacts of irrigation drainwater contaminants in arid wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12: 2265 -2279. 12. Lemly, A.D. 1993. Guidelines for evaluating selenium data from aquatic monitoring and assessment studies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 28: 83 -100. 13. Lemly, A.D. 1993. Teratogenic effects of selenium in natural populations of freshwater fish. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 26: 181 -204. E 14. Lemly, A.D. 1993. Metabolic stress during winter increases the toxicity of selenium to fish. Aquatic Toxicology 27: 133 -158. 15. Lemly, A.D. 1994. Agriculture and wildlife: Ecological implications of subsurface irrigation drainage. Journal of Arid Environments 28: 85 -94. 16. Lemly, A.D. 1994. Irrigated agriculture and freshwater wetlands: A struggle for coexistence in the western United States. Wetlands Ecology and Management 3: 3 -15. 17. Lemly, A.D. 1995. A protocol for aquatic hazard assessment of selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 32: 280 -288. 18. Lemly, A.D. 1996. Selenium in aquatic organisms. Chapter 19 (pages 427 -445) in W.N. Beyer, G.H. Heinz, and A.W. Redmon- Norwood, editors. Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 19. Lemly. A.D. 1996. Winter Stress Syndrome: An important consideration for hazard assessment of aquatic pollutants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 34: 223 -227. 20. Lemly, A.D. 1996. Identifying and reducing environmental risks from agricultural irrigation drainage in developing countries. Proceedings of the World Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries 3: 177 -190. 21. Lemly, A.D. 1996. Assessing the toxic threat of selenium to fish and aquatic birds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 43: 19 -35. 22. Lemly, A.D. 1996. Wastewater discharges may be most hazardous to fish during winter. Environmental Pollution 93: 169 -174. 23. Lemly, A.D. 1996. Evaluation of the hazard quotient method for risk assessment of selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 35: 156 -162. 24. Lemly, A.D. 1997. Ecosystem recovery following selenium contamination in a freshwater reservoir. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 36: 275 -281. 25. Lemly, A.D. 1997. Environmental hazard of selenium in the Animas La Plata Water Development Project. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 37: 92 -96. 26. Lemly, A.D. 1997. Role of season in aquatic hazard assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 45: 89 -98. 27. Lemly, A.D. 1997. A teratogenic deformity index for evaluating impacts of selenium on fish populations. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 37: 259 -266. 28. Lemly, A.D. 1997. Environmental implications of excessive selenium. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 10: 415 -435. 29. Lemly, A.D. 1998. Pathology of selenium poisoning in fish. Chapter 16 (Pages 281 -296) in W.T. Frankenberger and R.A. Engberg, editors. Environmental Chemistry of Selenium. Marcel- Dekker Press, New York, NY. 30. Lemly, A.D. 1998. A position paper on selenium in ecotoxicology: A procedure for deriving site - specific water quality criteria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 39: 1 -9. 31. Lemly, A.D. 1998. Belews Lake: Lessons learned. Pages 3 -6 and E15 -20 in U.S. EPA Publication EPA - 822 -R -98 -007. Report on the Peer Consultation Workshop on Selenium Aquatic Toxicity and Bioaccumulation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. 32. Lemly, A.D. 1999. Case study: Contaminant impacts on freshwater wetlands at Kesterson National 10 Wildlife Refuge, California. Chapter 6 (pages 191 -206) in M.A. Lewis et al., editors. Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL. 33. Lemly, A.D. 1999. Selenium transport and bioaccumulation in aquatic ecosystems: A proposal for water quality criteria based on hydrological units. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 42: 150 -156. 34. Lemly, A.D. 1999. Irrigation drainage. Pages 304 -307 in M.A. Mares, editor. Encyclopedia of Deserts. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK. 35. Hamilton, S.J., and A.D. Lemly. 1999. The water - sediment controversy in setting environmental standards for selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 44: 227 -235. 36. Lemly, A.D. 1999. Selenium impacts on fish: An insidious time bomb. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 5: 1139 -1151. 37. Lemly, A.D., R.T. Kingsford, and J.R. Thompson. 2000. Irrigated agriculture and wildlife conservation: Conflict on a global scale. Environmental Management 25: 485 -512. 38. Lemly, A.D. 2001. Irrigation- induced demise of wetlands. Pages 399 -410 in R.E. Munn and I. Douglas, editors. Global Environmental Change, Volume 3: Causes and Consequences of Global Environmental Change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, United Kingdom. 39. Lemly, A.D. 2002. Symptoms and implications of selenium toxicity in fish: The Belews Lake case example. Aquatic Toxicology 57:39-49. 40. Lemly, A.D., and H.M. Ohlendorf. 2002. Regulatory implications of using constructed wetlands to treat selenium -laden wastewater. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 52: 46 -56. 41. Lemly, A.D. 2002. A procedure for setting environmentally safe Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 52: 123 -127. 42. Lemly, A.D. 2002. Selenium Assessment in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Guide for Hazard Evaluation and Water Quality Criteria. Springer - Verlag Publishers, New York, NY. 43. Lemly, A.D. 2004. Aquatic selenium pollution is a global environmental safety issue. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 59: 44 -56. 44. Kingsford, R.T., A.D. Lemly, and J.R. Thompson. 2006. Impacts of dams, river management, and diversions on desert rivers. Chapter 8 (pages 203 -247) in R.T. Kingsford (editor). Ecology of Desert Rivers. Cambridge University Press, UK. 45. Lemly, A.D. 2007. A procedure for NEPA assessment of selenium hazards associated with mining. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 125: 361 -375. 46. Lemly, A.D., and J.P. Skorupa. 2007. Technical issues affecting the implementation of US Environmental Protection Agency's proposed fish tissue -based aquatic criterion for selenium. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3: 552 -558. 47. Lemly, A.D. 2008. Aquatic hazard of selenium pollution from coal mining. Chapter 6 (Pages 167- 183) in G.B. Fosdyke (editor). Coal Mining: Research, Technology, and Safety. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY. 48. Palmer, M.A., E.S. Bernhardt, W.N. Schlesinger, K.N. Eshleman, E. Fonfoula - Georgious, M.S. Hendryx, A.D. Lemly, G.E. Likens, 01 Louck, M.E. Power, P.S. White, and P.R. Wilcock. 2010. Mountaintop mining consequences. Science 327: 148 -149. 11 Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste G. Fred Lee, PhD, PE, BCEE, F.ASCE and Anne Jones -Lee, PhD G. Fred Lee & Associates 27298 E. El Macero Drive, El Macero, CA 95618 ph: (530)753 -9630 email: gfredlee33 @gmail.com www.gfredlee.com Updated January (2015) Abstract This report presents a review of the information available pertinent to public health and environmental quality protection issues for proposed and existing Subtitle D landfills. Based on this review it is concluded that this type of landfill will at most locations cause groundwater pollution by landfill leachate and be adverse to the health, welfare and interests of nearby residents and property owners /users. As discussed, there is normally significant justification for those near a proposed Subtitle D landfill to oppose the development of the landfill and the existence of an operating Subtitle D landfill. Typically landfilling regulations require that, (a) the solid waste facility shall not pose a substantial endangerment to public health or safety or the environment, (b) the solid waste facility shall not cause an environmental nuisance. Frequently in review of a proposed landfill, the regulatory agency staff does not adequately or reliably evaluate the potential for a proposed landfill to endanger public health, safety and the environment, and cause nuisance on adjacent properties. Subtitle D landfills have the potential to generate leachate (garbage juice) that will pollute groundwater with hazardous and deleterious chemicals that are a threat to human health and the environment for thousands of years. These landfills have the potential to generate landfill gas that will contain hazardous and obnoxious chemicals for a long period of time well beyond the current minimum 30 -year funded postclosure period. Specific deficiencies in the siting, design, operation, closure and postclosure care provisions for Subtitle D landfills include: a single composite landfill liner that will eventually fail to prevent leachate pollution of groundwater, 0 a landfill cover that will eventually allow rainfall to enter the landfilled wastes which will generate leachate that will pollute groundwater, a grossly inadequate groundwater monitoring system that has a low probability of detecting leachate - polluted groundwater before it leaves the landfill owner's property, • inadequate postclosure funding for landfill monitoring, maintenance and remediation of polluted groundwater for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat, • inadequate buffer lands between where wastes will be deposited and adjacent properties, which will result in adverse impacts on nearby property owners /users from landfill releases, including odors, dust, vermin, and noise and lights from landfill activities, 0 decreased property values for owners of nearby properties. In addition, at some locations there is an environmental justice issue associated with the development of a landfill that will be adverse to minority communities. Table of Contents Abstract.................................................................................................... ............................... i Tableof Contents ........................................................................................................ ............................... ii Tablesand Figures ..................................................................................................... ............................... iv Acronymsand Definitions .............................................................................................. ..............................v Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste Overview of Landfilling Regulations ................................................................. ............................... l Qualifications to Provide Comments ...................................................................... ............................... 2 Evolution of Subtitle D Landfills ............................................................................. ............................... 3 Leachate Generation Potential Will Continue for Thousands of Years ............. ............................... 8 Effect of Climate on Leachate Generation .............................................................. ............................... 8 Subtitle D Landfill Design Will Not Protect Groundwater for as Long as Leachate Can Be Generated .......................... ............................... 9 Expected Performance of Subtitle D Landfill Liner System ............................... .............................10 LinerFailure Inevitable .............................................................................................. ............................... l l NRCCommittee Report ................................................................................................... .............................13 Desiccation Cracking ofLiner ..................................................................................... .............................14 Cation Exchange- Related Failure ............................................................................... .............................14 Permeation through the Liner ..................................................................................... .............................15 Diffusion can be Importantl ...................................................................... ............................... 16 Potential Problems with Geosynthetic Clay Liners ............................................. .............................16 Leachate Collection and Removal System Problems .......................................... .............................19 Plugging ofLeachate Collection Systems ................................................................ .............................19 Unreliable Evaluation of the Long -Term Integrity of Landfill Covers ............ ............................... 20 Leak - Detectable Covers ................................................................................................. ............................... 22 AlternativeCover Design ............................................................................................. .............................22 Landfill Cover Area Reuse ........................................................................................... .............................24 ClosingUnlined Landfills .............................................................................................. ............................... 24 Landfillsat Superfund Sites ...................................................................................... .............................26 Unreliable Groundwater Monitoring ..................................................................... .............................27 Initial Liner Leakage Can Produce Narrow Plumes of Leachate - Polluted Groundwater ..............28 Monitoring of Some Fractured Rock Aquifers Nearly Impossible ..................... .............................29 Regulatory Agency Should Evaluate Ability of Groundwater Monitoring System to Detect Initial Groundwater Pollution ....... .............................36 Potential Change in Direction of Groundwater Flow ........................................ ............................... 35 Evaluation of Leachate Density ................................................................................... .............................36 State's Responsibility to Require Reliable Groundwater Monitoring for Responsibility for Long -Term Monitoring .............................................................. .............................36 Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring ................................................................... ............................... 37 Vertical Migration of Leachate Polluted Groundwater in Wells ................. .............................37 LeachateManagement ......................................................................... ............................... 37 Unreliable Information on Detection of Landfill Liner Failure ................... .............................37 Impact of Seismic Activity on Integrity of Landfill Containment Systems .............................38 Landfill Gas and Airborne Emission Problems .............................................. .............................39 Threat of Landfill Gas to Wildlife .................................................................... ............................... 41 11 Table of Contents (cont.) Landfill Odor Control Problems and Impacts ........................................................ ............................... 41 Landfill Dust Control Problems ................................................................................. ............................... 43 Stormwater Runoff Pollution Impacts / Control .................................................. ............................... 43 Monitoring Stormwater Runoff from Hazardous Chemical Sites ................. ............................... 45 Inadequate Stormwater Runoff Parameter Monitoring .................................. ............................... 46 Safe Drinking Water Act Source Protection Issues ......................................... ............................... 47 Inadequate Postclosure Monitoring and Maintenance ................................... ............................... 48 Hazardous versus Nonhazardous Waste Classification .................................. ............................... 52 Inadequate Waste Screening for Prohibited Wastes .............................................. ............................... 54 Hazardous Characteristics ofMSW ........................................................................... ............................... 54 Construction and Demolition Waste Landfilling ............................................. ............................... 58 PCBs in Caulk in Older Buildings .............................................................................. ............................... 60 AluminumProduction Wastes ............................................................................... ............................... 63 Hazards of Living/Working near Landfills ........................................................... ............................... 64 RecommendedApproach ................................................................................................ ............................... 65 LandfillSiting Issues ...................................................................................................... ............................... 66 JustifiedNIMBY ............................................................................................... .............................66 InadequateBuffer Lands .................................................................................................. ............................... 68 Other Impacts of Landfill Releases and Activities ................................................ ............................... 68 VerminDisease Vectors ......................................................................................................... ............................... 69 NoisePollution ....................................................................................................... ............................... 69 LightPollution ........................................................................................................ ............................... 69 Stormwater Flooding Problems ...................................................................................... ............................... 69 Decreased Values of Nearby Property .......................................................................... .............................69 HostFees ................................................................................................................ ............................... 70 Impacton the Three Rs ................................................................................................. ............................... 70 Environmental Justice Issues ..................................................................................... .............................71 ProfessionalEthics Issues ............................................................................................ .............................71 Developing Protective Landfills ............................................................................... .............................72 Siting.......................................................................................................... .............................72 Design..................................................................................................................... ............................... 72 Closure............................................................................................................................ ............................... 72 Monitoring.............................................................................................................. ............................... 72 LandfillGas Collection ................................................................................................. ............................... 72 Maintenance........................................................................................................... ............................... 72 Funding................................................................................................................... ............................... 72 Improving Public Health and Environmental Protection from Inadequately Developed Landfills ........................................................................ .............................73 Need for Improved Hydrogeological Characterization ........................................ ............................... 73 Subtitle D Landfills in Other Countries ...................................................... ............................... 75 Comments on Environment Alberta July 1, 2009 Draft Standards for Landfills ......................... 75 Offsite Groundwater, Water Supply Well, and Surface Water Monitoring ........................... 76 HazardousWaste Landfilling ...................................................................................... ............................... 78 Addressing the Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling ..................... ............................... 79 Fermentation leaching of MSW (Bioreactor Landfills) .................................... ............................... 79 References................................................................................................. ............................... 80 lv Tables and Figures Tables Table 1 — Causes of Liner Failure ............................................................ ............................... Table 2 - Adverse Impacts of "Dry Tomb" Landfills on Adjacent/Nearby PropertyOwners/Users ........................................................... ............................... Figures Figure I Single Composite Liner Landfill Containment System ............................. Figure 2 Factors Affecting Landfill Cover Integrity .................. ............................... Figure 3 —Pattern of Landfill Leakage- Groundwater Contamination from unlined Landfills................................................................................ ............................... Figure 4 Pattern of Landfill Leakage- Groundwater Contamination from Lined Landfills................................................................................ ............................... Figure 5 —Zones of Capture of Standard Monitoring Wells Must Overlap to Detect Leakage from Lined Landfills ........................................ ............................... Figure 6 Double Composite Liner Landfill Containment System ........................... Figure 7 - Chemical Analysis Output for a Typical Environmental Sample ............. Figure 8 - Comparison of Pattern of Landfill Gas Generation over Time at Classical Sanitary Landfill and "Dry Tomb" Landfill ..... ............................... Figure 9 - Impact of Moisture on Landfill Gas Formation ........... ............................... Figure 10 — Chemical Sources for California Coastal Water .... ............................... u .........11 .........68 ...........4 ........ 21 ........31 ........32 .........33 ........ 34 ........ 48 ........51 ........ 52 ....... 59 Acronyms and Definitions CCL compacted clay liner C &D construction and demolition C &DD construction and demolition debris CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CIWMB California Integrated Waste Management Board CWA Clean Water Act FML flexible membrane liner GAO General Accounting (Accountability) Office (federal) GCL geosynthetic clay liner HDPE high- density polyethylene HELP Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (model) LDEQ Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality LEL lower explosive limit MCLs maximum contaminant levels Mil thousands of an inch MS W municipal solid waste NIMB Y "not in my back yard" OEHHA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment California PBDEs polybrominated diphenyl ethers PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls POTWs publicly owned treatment works (domestic wastewater treatment plants) PPCPs pharmaceuticals and personal care products RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act SWANA Solid Waste Association of North America SWAT Solid Waste Assessment Test SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board (California) TCLP toxicity characteristic leaching procedure TDS total dissolved solids US EPA US Environmental Protection Agency VOCs volatile organic solvents VA Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste Overview of Landfilling Regulations In 1991 the US EPA (1991) promulgated regulations for landfilling of municipal solid wastes (MSW). These regulations cover Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D requirements mandated by the US Congress. These regulations establish the "dry tomb" landfilling approach, where the MSW to be landfilled is entombed in a plastic sheeting and compacted soil /clay liner and cover. The Subtitle D regulations established a national minimum design standard requiring a single composite (plastic sheeting and compacted clay) bottom liner and a landfill cover that is no more permeable than the bottom liner. A groundwater monitoring program is to be established that in principle can detect landfill - leachate- polluted groundwater when it first reaches the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. The groundwater monitoring program includes monitoring to define the extent of groundwater pollution when it is detected at the point of compliance. Further, the polluted groundwater is to be remediated (cleaned up). This approach has the purpose of preventing offsite (adjacent property) groundwater pollution by landfill leachate. Landfill gas is to be collected /managed to prevent offsite explosive hazards. These regulations also establish a minimum 30 -year postclosure landfill monitoring and maintenance period that may be extended at the discretion of the US EPA Regional Administrator. There are also some restrictions on the siting of landfills with regard to flood plains, near airports, and near earthquake faults. In the mid- to late 1980s, considerable research was undertaken on the properties of plastic sheeting liners. It was well established that the plastic sheeting flexible membrane liner (FML) and compacted clay had significant problems in preventing moisture from entering the landfill through the cover and in collecting the leachate (garbage juice) that is generated in the landfill when water enters the wastes. In 1998 the US EPA draft Subtitle D regulations included statements (see below) that it was understood that a single composite liner would eventually deteriorate and fail to prevent groundwater pollution. One of the major driving forces for not developing landfills that would be protective of public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in a MSW landfill would be a threat was the concern that developing this type of landfill would significantly increase the cost of municipal solid waste management that would be passed on to the public and commercial interests that contribute wastes to the landfill. The national administration, through several administrations, did not want to have to face the public opposition associated with increasing the cost of household and industrial solid waste disposal. In the early 1990s there was growing concern that the entombment of MSW in plastic sheeting and compacted clay would not be effective in preventing leachate pollution of offsite groundwaters for as long as the wastes in the "dry tomb" landfill would be a threat. Based on an understanding of the processes that take place in a MSW landfill, it is obvious that keeping the wastes dry would lead to a situation where no waste decomposition would occur, and therefore the wastes would be a threat to generate leachate, effectively forever — well beyond the 30 -year postclosure period of required funding. There was growing recognition that the dry tomb landfilling approach with compacted soil and plastic sheeting liner and cover was not a reliable approach for preventing groundwater pollution for as long as the wastes in a minimum Subtitle D landfill would be a threat. This led to the US EPA's delaying the promulgation of the Subtitle D regulations beyond the due date that Congress had established. An environmental group filed suit against the US EPA to force the Agency to promulgate the Subtitle D regulations, with the result that the current Subtitle D regulations were adopted in 1991, even though it was well understood that landfills that conformed to these regulations would not be protective of public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in the landfill would be a threat. Typically when private companies and/or public agencies propose to construct a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in an area, the residents /property owners of the area oppose the development of the landfill. This report presents a review of the information available pertinent to this issue and concludes that typically proposed Subtitle D landfills will cause groundwater pollution by landfill leachate and be adverse to the health, welfare and interests of the residents and property owners in the area of the landfill. As discussed herein, normally there is significant justification for opposition to the development of Subtitle D landfills by those within the sphere of influence of the landfill. Qualifications to Provide Comments Information on Drs. G. F. Lee and Anne Jones -Lee's qualifications to provide these comments is summarized below. G. F. Lee earned a bachelor's degree in environmental health sciences from San Jose State College in San Jose, California, in 1955. His undergraduate education included work on public health aspects of landfilling of municipal solid wastes. He obtained a Master of Science in Public Health degree from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC in 1957, and a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Harvard University in 1960. Both his masters and PhD degree work included studies on water quality, public health, and waste management. For 30 years he held teaching and research positions in graduate -level environmental engineering /environmental science programs at several major US universities. During that time he conducted more than $5 million in research and published more than 500 papers and reports on various aspects of water quality and the impact of chemical contaminants on public health and environmental quality. His work included investigating numerous municipal solid waste landfills and conducting research for the US EPA and others on landfill liner properties. In 1989 he retired from university teaching and research and expanded his part-time, private consulting activities into a full -time business. He was joined in that work by his wife, Dr. Anne Jones -Lee, who at that time held a professorship in environmental engineering /science. Since that time they have been active in investigating more than 85 municipal solid waste landfills located in various parts of the US and other countries. They have published more than 650 additional papers and reports, approximately 120 of which are devoted to landfill pollution issues. In 1992 Drs. Lee and Jones -Lee developed a "flawed technology" review (Lee and Jones, 1992), in which they summarized the significant potential problems with Subtitle D landfilling with respect to protecting public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Throughout the 1990s Drs. Lee and Jones -Lee developed several papers and reports that provided further information on the potential problems with Subtitle D landfilling. A comprehensive review of these issues was published by Lee and Jones (1991). The discussion presented herein represents an integration of the current understanding of the problems with Subtitle D landfilling of municipal solid waste. Additional information on 2 Drs. G. F. Lee and Anne Jones -Lee's experience and expertise in evaluating landfills' public health and environmental impacts is available from www.gfredlee.com, at http://www.gfredlee.com/landfill.htm In the discussion presented herein, statements /approaches that are advocated by landfill proponents are presented. These statements are typical of the types of statements that are made by landfill developers and regulatory agency staff that support the development of a minimum Subtitle D landfill. Evolution of Subtitle D Landfills Traditionally, the landfilling of solid wastes has been accomplished at the least possible cost. Initially, urban areas deposited their solid wastes on nearby low -value lands, frequently wetlands, creating a waste dump. This approach was followed by excavation of an area and depositing the wastes in the excavated area. Often the wastes in the dump were burned to reduce volume and some other adverse impacts. Eventually, beginning in some areas in the 1950s, it was determined that there was need to cover the daily deposited wastes with a layer of soil to reduce odors and access to wastes by vermin, rodents, flies, birds, etc. This approach led to the development of the "sanitary" landfill. Basically, the sanitary landfill was an excavated area in which the wastes were supposed to be covered each day by a layer of soil. No regard was given to the potential for the wastes in a sanitary landfill to cause groundwater pollution or for the gas generated in the landfill to be a threat to cause offsite explosions and to cause public health and environmental problems. While landfilling in the conventional sanitary landfill was recognized in the 1950s as leading to the pollution of groundwater by landfill leachate (ASCE, 1959), it was not until the 1980s/I990s that there were national regulations that were designed to control groundwater pollution by landfills. In the 1980s the US EPA and state regulatory agencies adopted the "dry tomb" landfilling approach. In accordance with current US EPA regulations, solid waste landfills today are of a "dry tomb" design and, in principle, operation. Environmental groups in the early 1980s convinced the US Congress and the US EPA that landfilling should be based on the concept of isolating the waste from water that can generate leachate (garbage juice) that can in turn lead to groundwater pollution by constituents leached (released) from the solid waste. In theory, since one of the primary problems of solid waste landfills that are used to manage municipal or industrial solid waste is the pollution of groundwater by leachate, if the waste could be isolated from water that leads to the formation of leachate, then groundwater pollution by landfills could be prevented. The dry tomb landfilling approach, however, leads to a situation where the wastes that are isolated from the environment in a compacted soil and plastic sheeting lined "tomb" will remain a threat to cause groundwater pollution and to generate landfill gas. The dry tomb landfilling approach (see Figure 1), as implemented by the US EPA, is based on the use of a relatively thin plastic sheeting (high - density polyethylene — HDPE) layer and a compacted soil /clay layer to form what is called a "composite" liner. The evolution of this approach began in the 1970s, when compacted soil/clay liners were proposed for landfills. However, this did not prevent the wastes in the landfill from causing groundwater pollution. Further, the clay liners were found to be subject to a number of problems that led to their failure to prevent leachate from passing through them at the design characteristics. Figure 1 Single Composite Liner Landfill Containment System The fact that compacted soil layers cannot prevent groundwater pollution by landfill leachate led the US EPA in the early 1980s to adopt the use of a plastic sheeting layer as a liner. However, that approach was soon found to be unreliable, since relatively small holes in the plastic sheeting could lead to high leakage rates through it. The next approach adopted was that of a composite liner, in which the high- density polyethylene plastic sheeting is laid El immediately adjacent to the compacted soil /clay layer. This approach can greatly decrease the rate of leakage through the plastic sheeting liner, where there are only a few holes in the plastic sheeting, if the clay and the plastic sheeting layers are in intimate contact. The evolution of liner and cover systems for landfills — from no liner, to a clay /soil liner, to a plastic sheeting liner, to the current composite liner — was not based on a finding that any of these liners could potentially prevent groundwater pollution by wastes for as long as the wastes in the containment system were a threat. The clay /soil liner was based on using the next least expensive material to no liner. When it was realized that clay /soil liners had significant problems, plastic sheeting was the next least expensive to clay /soil. There was never an evaluation that showed that clay /soil or plastic sheeting would be expected to prevent groundwater pollution for as long as the wastes were in the landfill. The same situation applies to the composite liner system that is used today. It is only a matter of time until that liner system fails to prevent leachate from passing through it which can pollute groundwaters, rendering them unusable for domestic and many other purposes. Dr. Peter Montague in RACHEL'S HAZARDOUS WASTE NEWS #37, August 10, 1987, located at, http:// www .ejnet.org/rachel /rhwn037.htm has presented excerpts from the US EPA Federal Registers on the expected performance of landfill liners as follows. "In the FEDERAL REGISTER Feb. 5, 1981, the EPA first stated its opinion that all landfills will eventually leak: `There is good theoretical and empirical evidence that the hazardous constituents that are placed in land disposal facilities very likely will migrate from the facility into the broader environment. This may occur several years, even many decades, after placement of the waste in the facility, but data and scientific prediction indicate that, in most cases, even with the application of best available land disposal technology, it will occur eventually. ' [pg. 11128] Manmade permeable materials that might be used for liners or covers (e.g., membrane liners or other materials) are subject to eventual deterioration, and although this might not occur for 10, 20 or more years, it eventually occurs and, when it does, leachate will migrate out of the facility. ' [pg. 11128] `Unfortunately, at the present time, it is not technologically and institutionally possible to contain wastes and constituents forever or for the long time periods that may be necessary to allow adequate degradation to be achieved. ' [pg. 11129] `Consequently, the regulation of hazardous waste land disposal facilities must proceed from the assumption that migration of hazardous wastes and their constituents and by-products from a land disposal facility will inevitably occur. ' [pg. 11129] "More than a year later, on July 26, 1982, the EPA again put its opinions into the FEDERAL REGISTER, emphasizing that all landfills will inevitably leak: A liner is a barrier technology that prevents or greatly restricts migration of liquids into the ground. No liner, however, can keep all liquids out of the ground for all time. Eventually liners will either degrade, tear, or crack and will allow liquids to migrate out of the unit. ' [pg. 32284] Some have argued that liners are devices that provide a perpetual seal against any migration from a waste management unit. EPA has concluded that the more reasonable assumption, based on what is known about the pressures placed on liners over time, is that any liner will begin to leak eventually. "' [pgs. 32284 - 32285]. "In the FEDERAL REGISTER May 26, 1981, pgs. 28314 through 28328), the EPA argued forcefully that all landfills will eventually leak. Another EPA quote: Many organic constituents are stable (degrade very slowly); other hazardous constituents (e.g., toxic metals) never degrade. Yet the existing technology for disposing of hazardous wastes on or in the land cannot confidently isolate these wastes from the environment forever. Since disposing of hazardous wastes in or on the land inevitable [inevitably?] results in the release of hazardous constituents to the environment at some time, any land disposal facility creates some risk. '[pg. 28315] "EPA went on to estimate that the duration of the hazard from a landfall would be "many thousands ofyears. "[pg. 28315] And the Agency said, /The longer one wishes to contain waste, the more difficult the task becomes. Synthetic liners and caps will degrade; soil liners and caps may erode and crack. ...EPA is not aware of any field data showing successful long -term containment of waste at facilities which have not been maintained over time. '/pg. 28324] `Ultimately, waste reduction and resource recovery probably provide the best alternative to land disposal, " said the EPA [pg. 28325], though it has never begun any programs to make this happen. ' The US EPA, as part of adopting the RCRA Subtitle D regulations, stated in the draft regulations (US EPA, 1988a), First, even the best liner and leachate collection system will ultimately fail due to natural deterioration, and recent improvements in MSWLF (municipal solid waste landfall) containment technologies suggest that releases may be delayed by many decades at some landfalls. " The US EPA (1988b) Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills stated, "Once the unit is closed, the bottom layer of the landfall will deteriorate over time and, consequently, will not prevent leachate transport out of the unit. " With this background of the ultimate long -term failure of the landfill containment system, it is appropriate to inquire as to why the US EPA adopted a fundamentally flawed approach for landfilling of wastes. This situation arose out of the fact that environmental groups had filed suit against the US EPA for failure to develop municipal and industrial "nonhazardous" solid waste landfilling regulations. This led the Agency to promulgate the Subtitle D regulations (US EPA, 1991), based on a single composite liner and equivalent landfill cover, even though it was understood in the early 1990s that at best this approach could only postpone when groundwater pollution occurs by landfill leachate. For a number of years following the adoption of the Subtitle D regulations, US EPA management indicated that the problems with Subtitle D landfills discussed in the draft regulations still existed, and acknowledged that ultimately the liner system will fail to prevent groundwater pollution. Lee and Jones -Lee (1998a), as part of preparing an updated review of their 1992 "flawed technology" report, contacted the US EPA administration to ascertain if this administration had changed the conclusion reached by the US EPA 1988 administration that a on single composite liner would, at best, only delay when groundwater pollution occurs by landfill leachate (Clay, 1991). Dellinger (1998), head of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response for the US EPA, indicated that the Agency still concluded that a single composite liner will ultimately fail to prevent leachate transport through it. Under the Bush administration, the US EPA has been espousing on its website and in correspondence a different position, intimating that minimum Subtitle D landfill liner systems — which have not changed — now will be protective. Lee (2003a) discussed the unreliable information that was then being provided by the US EPA on the ability of a minimum Subtitle D landfill's design, closure and postclosure care to protect public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in a dry tomb type landfill will be a threat. As discussed below, the US EPA's revised position is not based on a technically valid assessment of the length of time that the waste in a municipal solid waste dry tomb landfill will be a threat to generate leachate and the duration that a minimum Subtitle D single composite liner can be expected to collect all leachate generated in the landfill and thereby prevent groundwater pollution by it for as long as the wastes in the dry tomb landfill will be a threat to generate leachate and landfill gas. The 30 -year funding period for postclosure monitoring and maintenance of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle C and D landfills that was specified by Congress was one of the most significant errors made in developing RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste) and D (municipal solid waste) landfilling regulations. In establishing the original RCRA landfilling regulations, the environmental groups and Congress, apparently with US EPA approval, had no understanding of the length of time that municipal or industrial waste in a dry tomb landfill would be a threat to cause groundwater pollution when moisture (water) infiltrates into the landfill. There was the mistaken idea that 30 years after closure of a dry tomb landfill, the waste in the landfill would no longer be a threat. Those who understand the characteristics of wastes and their ability to form leachate, as well as the processes that can occur in a landfill, realize that 30 years is an infinitesimally small part of the time that waste components in a landfill, especially a dry tomb landfill, would be a threat to cause groundwater pollution through leachate formation. While Congress required that the regulations include provisions to potentially require additional funding at the expiration of the 30 -year postclosure care period, the likelihood of obtaining this funding from private landfill companies, even if they still exist 30 years after a landfill has been closed, or from a public agency that develops or owns a landfill, is remote. A review of the properties of municipal solid wastes and how they degrade /decompose in a landfill shows that the rate of decomposition is dependent on the amount of moisture that enters the landfill. Water is needed by bacteria that are present in the landfilled wastes in order to decompose those parts of the waste that are subject to bacterial decomposition. These issues have been discussed by Christensen and Kjeldsen (1989). This decomposition leads to landfill gas production. Another mechanism for decomposition of municipal solid waste components is the leaching (dissolving) of waste components to produce leachate. In a true dry tomb landfill, the wastes are kept dry and, therefore, do not decompose or leach. Under this condition, the wastes will, forever, be a threat to generate landfill gas and leachate. This situation necessitates that the landfill bottom liner collect all leachate that is generated for as long as the wastes are a threat (forever). Further, the landfill cover must be 7 designed, operated and maintained to greatly restrict the amount of moisture that enters the landfilled wastes through the cover, forever. As noted by John Skinner, Executive Director of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) and former US EPA official in the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, on pg.16 of the July /August 2001 MSWManagement Journal, "The problem with the dry -tomb approach to landfall design is that it leaves the waste in an active state for a very long period of time. If in the future there is a breach in the cap or a break in the liner and liquids enter the landfill, degradation would start and leachate and gas would be generated. Therefore, dry -tomb landfills need to be monitored and maintained for very long periods of time (some say perpetually), and someone needs to be responsible for stepping in and taking corrective action when a problem is detected. " Leachate Generation Potential Will Continue for Thousands of Years. The municipal solid wastes in a classical sanitary landfill where there is no attempt to prevent moisture from entering the wastes have been found to generate leachate for thousands of years. Freeze and Cherry (1979) of the University of British Columbia and the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in their book, Groundwater, discuss that landfills developed in the Roman Empire about 2,000 years ago are still producing leachate. Belevi and Baccim (1989), two Swiss scientists who have examined the expected contaminating lifespan of Swiss MSW landfills, have estimated that Swiss landfills will leach lead from the waste at concentrations above drinking water standards for over 2,000 years. Based on the information in these references, a proposed Subtitle D dry tomb landfill will be a threat to groundwater resources for long periods of time, effectively forever. These issues are discussed further in the papers, "Landfilling of Solid & Hazardous Waste: Facing Long -Term Liability" (Lee and Jones -Lee, 1994a), "Landfill Leachate Management," (Lee and Jones -Lee, 1996) and "Groundwater Pollution by Municipal Landfills: Leachate Composition, Detection and Water Quality Significance" (Jones -Lee and Lee, 1993). Another significant error that was made in developing the dry tomb landfilling approach was that it was assumed that it would be possible to design, construct and operate the landfill containment system so that little or no moisture could enter the landfill once the landfill was closed — i.e., no longer accepting waste — and a landfill cover had been placed on the waste. Further, it was assumed that, even if moisture did get through the low- permeability cover of the landfill, the leachate generated would be collected in a leachate collection system which overlies the single composite liner. Further, the US EPA assumed then (and, unfortunately, still assumes today) that, when a dry tomb landfill generates leachate that passes through the liner into the underlying geological strata and groundwater system, the groundwater monitoring system used would detect this leachate- polluted groundwater while the leachate- polluted groundwater was still on the landfill owner's property. Unfortunately, these assumptions were based on inappropriate analysis, and it is now clear that the dry tomb landfill is a fundamentally flawed technological approach for managing solid waste. Effect of Climate on Leachate Generation. During the active life of the landfill (while wastes are being accepted), landfills located in wet climates such as the Northwest, Midwest, South and East generate leachate proportional to the precipitation. Once the landfill cover is placed over the wastes, leachate generation is dependent on the ability of the cover to prevent infiltration of moisture into the wastes through the cover. Landfills located in the arid west produce less leachate than landfills located in wetter climates; however, the leachate produced by such landfills still poses a significant threat to cause groundwater pollution. In 1984 the California legislature passed a law requiring the testing of water and air at all solid waste disposal sites. This program became known as the Solid Waste Assessment Test (SWAT) program. In 1995 Mulder and Haven (1995) presented a report of the results of the testing that had been done at 544 landfill sites in California. They reported that 72 percent of the sites tested had been found to have leaked waste constituents from the waste management unit. Only 14 percent were found to be not leaking, a finding that may reflect more the adequacy of the SWAT investigation than the lack of leakage. Another 14 percent was "undetermined" with respect to leaking leachate. Mulder and Haven (1995) concluded, "Available data indicate no apparent correlation between the percentage of landfalls which leaked and any of the different site - specific factors checked, including depth to ground water; average annual precipitation, waste acceptance rate, and rock type. " The California SWAT results have pertinence to the potential for landfills located in arid areas to pollute groundwaters, since some of the California landfills that have been found to be leaking leachate are located in an arid climate. The results of the SWAT investigations were for unlined landfills or landfills that had been constructed since 1984, which was the date that California landfilling regulations (Chapter 15) required that all new landfills or landfill expansions contain a clay liner. Mulder and Haven reported that there was no difference between the leakage of clay -lined landfills versus unlined landfills — i.e., the lining of a landfill with a clay liner did not prevent groundwater pollution. Lee and Jones -Lee (2007a,b) discussed groundwater quality protection issues, focusing on land surface activities, including landfills that can lead to groundwater pollution. They have provided a chronology of the landfilling regulations in California, where the regulatory agencies have failed to implement regulations that were originally adopted in the 1970s and readopted in 1984, which require that the siting, design, operation, closure and postclosure care (monitoring and maintenance) of a landfill prevent groundwater pollution for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. These regulations also apply to the Subtitle D landfills that have been developed in the state since the mid- 1990s. As Lee and Jones -Lee (2006a) discuss, while these regulations have been in effect since the mid- 1980s, they are still not properly implemented by the Regional and State Water Resources Control Boards, with the result that landfills have been and continue to be developed in the state that will eventually pollute groundwaters by landfilled waste components. As discussed herein, this same problem exists in the federal and many state landfilling regulations governing the landfilling of municipal solid waste. Subtitle D Landfill Design Will Not Protect Groundwater for as Long as Leachate Can Be Generated A typical Subtitle D landfill is designed with a composite liner system composed of a two -foot thick clay liner and a 60 -mil -thick plastic sheeting geomembrane liner. Overlying this composite liner is a leachate collection system consisting of a series of six -inch diameter or so perforated pipes draining to sumps along the exterior of the landfill. The drainage layer will be a porous material such as geonet with a geotextile attached to the top of the geonet. The authors have participated in a landfill permitting hearing where the regulatory agency staff stated, as part of an attempt to convince the public of the safety of the landfill, that the liner that 0j had been proposed and that the regulatory agency had accepted would be "five feet thick." Such a characterization of a minimum Subtitle D liner is highly misleading with respect to its key components for preventing leachate generated in the landfill from passing through it into the underlying groundwater system. In fact, the low- permeability layer of this liner is 60 mil thick (60 thousandths of an inch, which is less than a sixteenth of an inch) — i.e., about the thickness of thin paperboard. With increasing frequency, landfill developers are using a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) as a substitute for the two feet of clay. While the geosynthetic clay liner is somewhat thicker than the plastic sheeting geomembrane layer, it is only about a quarter - inch thick. The other components included in the five - foot -thick "liner" are a drainage layer and a layer of soil that is designed to separate the drainage layer from the wastes and protect its underlying plastic sheeting liner from puncture by the waste components. As discussed below, the low - permeability components of the liner would not be expected to prevent leachate from passing through them for as long as the wastes in the minimum Subtitle D landfill will be a threat. Title 40 PART 258 -- CRITERIA FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILLS- Subpart D -- Design Criteria Sec. 258.40 Design criteria states, "(d) New MSWLF units and lateral expansions shall be constructed: (1) In accordance with a design approved by the Director of an approved State or as specified in Sec. 258.40(e) for unapproved States, The design must ensure that the concentration values listed in Table I of this section will not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the relevantpoint of compliance, as specified by the Director of an approved State under paragraph (d) of this section, or (2) With a composite liner, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section and a leachate collection system that is designed and constructed to maintain less than a 30 -cm depth of leachate over the liner. (c) For purposes of this section, composite liner means a system consisting of two components; the upper component must consist of a minimum 30 -mil flexible membrane liner (FML), and the lower component must consist ofat least a two - foot layer of compacted soil with a hydraulic conductivity of no more than Ix10- 7 cm/sec. FML components consisting ofhigh density polyethylene (HDPE) shall be at least 60 -mil thick. The FML component must be installed in direct and uniform contact with the compacted soil component. " As discussed below, the US EPA's assuming that a single composite liner will provide the same degree of protection of offsite groundwater quality as the appropriate monitoring of groundwater at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring is one of the most significant errors made in developing/adopting Subtitle D regulations. Expected Performance of Subtitle D Landfill Liner System. Lee and Jones -Lee (2004a) have discussed the characteristics and expected performance of the typical Subtitle D landfill liner containment system and monitoring system. As discussed, it is possible to construct a single composite landfill liner system that will not leak leachate at the time of construction at a sufficient rate to pollute large amounts of groundwaters. However, ultimately the plastic sheeting layer of such a landfill liner will deteriorate to the point where it will be ineffective in collecting leachate to enable its removal from the landfill in the leachate collection /removal system. This deterioration will eventually allow transport of leachate through the liner on its way toward the groundwater resources hydraulically connected to the landfill through a vadose (unsaturated) zone, which could be used for domestic water supply purposes. 10 Further, compacted soil (clay layers) used in landfill liners are well -known to experience increased permeability with time over that which was designed and originally constructed. Lee and Jones (1992) and Lee and Jones -Lee (1998a) have presented reviews of the literature on what is known about the properties of plastic sheeting flexible membrane liners (FMLs) and clay liners with respect to their ability to prevent landfill leachate from passing through them for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Peggs (1998) has discussed the inevitable failure of plastic sheeting layers used in landfill covers and liners. Shackelford (1994) has presented a comprehensive review of the potential for waste and compacted soil interactions that alter the hydraulic conductivity of liners. Table 1 summarizes some of the causes of landfill plastic sheeting and clay liner failure. Table 1 Causes of Liner Failure Plastic Sheeting FMLs Soil /Clay Liners Holes at Time of Liner Desiccation Cracks Holes Developed in liner Differential Settling Stress - Cracks Cation Exchange Shrinkage (for Free - Radical Inherent Permeability Permeable to Low- Molecular-Weight Interactions between Leachate and the Clays Inherent Diffusion -Based Finite Effective Lifetime - Will Deteriorate and Ultimately Become Non- Functional in Collecting Highly Permeable - Allow Large Amount of Leakage under Design Conditions and Subject to Liner Failure Inevitable. Hsuan and Koerner (1995) have reported on the initial phase of long term (10 -year) studies underway at that time devoted to examining the rates of deterioration of flexible membrane liners. The focus of the Hsuan and Koerner work was on the breakdown of the polymers in the plastic sheeting liners. They predicted that such breakdown will occur due to free radical polymer chain scission in 40 to 120 years. These estimates were indicated by Koerner to consider only some of the mechanisms that could cause breakdown. It is possible that breakdown could begin much earlier. Even if the breakdown of the plastic sheeting polymers took 100 years or so, ultimately the plastic sheeting in the flexible membrane liners will break down, leading to an inability to prevent large amounts of leachate from passing through the liner, causing groundwater pollution in the landfill area. One of the approaches used by Koerner and his associates in an attempt to predict long -term stability of HDPE plastic sheeting liners is the application of the Arrhenius equation. This equation is used in physical chemistry to relate the effect of temperature on the rates of reactions. In some of Koerner's publications he has made predictions in which he has estimated, using the Arrhenius equation and short -term elevated temperature liner deterioration studies that the HDPE liners should be serviceable for hundreds to a thousand or so years, but eventually will break down. The US EPA (Bonaparte et al., 2002) released a report that claims that a single composite landfill liner can be expected to have a service life of "1,000 years." A critical review of the technical base for this estimate shows that it is based on an 11 Arrhenius equation extrapolation of a few studies on liner stability that were conducted for short periods of time at elevated temperatures compared to landfill temperatures. This approach for extrapolation is highly speculative and likely to be unreliable. That report continues to support the US EPA (1988a,b) conclusion about the eventual failure of the landfill liner system and its leading to groundwater pollution. While the length of time that the landfill liner will delay groundwater pollution is unknown, there is no doubt that a single composite landfill liner system will eventually fail, and groundwater pollution will occur, when the landfill is sited at locations where there is high - quality groundwater underlying the landfill. An issue of concern in MSW landfills is the impact of temperature of the landfilled wastes on the integrity of the plastic sheeting liner. Yesiller and Hanson (2003) have provided information on the temperature of solid wastes in MSW landfills where they did not find significant elevated temperatures in MSW landfills. In the US EPA (Bonaparte et al., 2002) report, Koerner made a significant error in claiming that the municipal solid wastes in a Subtitle D dry tomb landfill will only be a threat for about 200 years. There is no technical validity for that estimate. It is obvious that in a "dry tomb" landfill, a number of the normal components of MSW will be a threat forever — not just 200 years. The metals, salts, and many organic compounds that are typically present in MSW and that produce hazardous and deleterious leachate will be a threat forever. In that report the US EPA is attempting to support the continued use of single composite lined landfills for MSW management by claiming the wastes will be a threat for only 200 years, and the liner will work perfectly for 1,000 years. Such claims are fundamentally flawed. Needham et al. (2003) reported on a study commissioned by the Environment Agency of the UK on the long -term service life of HDPE geomembrane liners. They concluded that, " the service life of HDPE liners depends upon the rate of generation of holes in the liner and the acceptability of leachate or gas leakage at a particular site. A thorough review of physical damage, material degradation processes and the development of holes by stress cracking has been undertaken. A conceptual model ofhole generation in six stages throughout the service life of an HDPE liner is presented. Electrical leak location surveys are seen to be effective means of identifying holes caused by physical damage during liner installation and waste disposal, and permitting their repair. Degradation of the HDPE liner is controlled by the liner exposure conditions, the activation energy of the antioxidant depletion process and the oxidative resistance of the material. Where the liner is subjected to long -term stresses, stress cracking will lead to the development of holes, and the rate of cracking will increase once oxidation of the liner commences." Rowe et al. (2003) have reported on the failure of an HDPE lined leachate lagoon. They stated, `A geomembrane compacted clay composite liner system used to contain municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachate for 14 years is evaluated. Field observations of the geomembrane revealed many defects, including holes, patches, and cracks. "Contaminant modelling of the entire lagoon liner suggests that the geomembrane liner most likely stopped being effective as a contaminant barrier to ionic species sometime between 0 and 4 years after the installation. " It is evident that under some situations there can be rapid failure of HDPE liners that are used in 12 waste management including landfill leachate lagoons and liners. Minimum Subtitle D landfills include a composite liner composed of a flexible membrane liner (FML) (plastic sheet) and a compacted soil layer or geosynthetic clay liner below it. While in concept a composite liner can provide greater postponement of leakage than the sum of the two liner components, the true composite character is difficult to achieve in practical applications (Lee and Jones, 1992), since it requires that the plastic sheeting liner be in intimate contact with the compacted soil layer. There are significant problems in achieving this degree of contact in the construction of a composite liner. The clay layer beneath the FML is compacted to achieve a prescribed initial design permeability, which means that even when new, the soil /clay layer will transport leachate at the design permeability. Workman and Keeble (1989) discussed the time it takes leachate to breach a clay layer used as a liner. Through Darcy's Law calculations it is found that a compacted soil layer provides only a short-term slowing of the leakage of leachate through the liner; one foot of clay compacted to lx IV cm/sec permeability, with 0.1 foot of head, will be breached in less than five years. There is increasing evidence that, in addition to general permeability, such liners leak through imperfections that are created at the time of liner construction. Further, compacted clays used as liners are subject to desiccation cracking, cation exchange shrinking, cracking due to differential settling, impacts of chemicals, etc., creating additional points through which leachate can leak, and allowing transport of leachate through the liner at a rate greater than would be expected based on the design permeability. NRC Committee Report. In 2007 a National Resources Council Committee (NRC 2007) issued a report, "Assessment of the Performance of Engineered Waste Containment Barriers, " that presents a discussion of expected performance of landfill liner containment systems. Considerable information is presented on many of the issues discussed in this Flawed Technology report on the near term and especially the long term of plastic sheeting and compacted clay landfill liners and covers. The NRC (2007) report provides additional references beyond those presented herein and discussion of the long term issues of the plastic sheeting (HDPE) and compacted clay liners and landfill covers to contain landfilled wastes for as long as the wastes are a threat to release pollutants to the groundwaters and the atmosphere. Excerpts from this NRC (2007) report are presented below. The NRC Committee report states that landfill containment systems (liners and cover) has performed satisfactorily where the report states, "Based on as much as 20 years of observations, the committee concluded that most engineered waste- containment barrier systems that have been designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with current statutory regulations and requirements have thus far provided environmental protection at or above specified levels." Obrien (2009) in SWANA ARF Disposal Group Report on the Long Term Potential Problems of Subtitle D Landfills, is attempting to use this statement to support that today's Subtitle D landfills are performing satisfactorily. However, Lee and Jones -Lee (2009b) have discussed a significant problem with the NRC (2007) report in the discussion of the NRC Committee assessment of the performance of the existing Subtitle D landfills. The basic problem with the NRC Committee conclusion on the performance of existing Subtitle D landfills is that the Committee failed to understand /discuss that the approach used of relying on the presence 13 of leachate in the leachate collection system and the failure to find leachate polluted groundwater at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring are not reliable indicators for the integrity of the landfill liner system. As discussed below failure to find leachate polluted groundwater at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring reflects the unreliability of groundwater monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart where each well only samples water about one foot around the well in detecting initial groundwater pollution by failed landfill liners. These issues are discussed below. The NRC (2007) report states, "Over the medium and long terms, geomembrane performance may be reduced by punctures caused by increased overburden pressure, material degradation, and high temperatures. The estimated service lives of geomembranes decrease from 1, 000 years at 10 °C to only about 15 years at 60 °C. " As discussed herein and in the NRC (2007) report there is considerable uncertainty about the performance of plastic sheeting liners in preventing leachate from leaving the landfill and polluting groundwaters. Desiccation Cracking of Liner. The desiccation cracking of clay liners arises from the fact that in order to achieve the design permeability it is necessary to add water to the clay to typically achieve slighter wetter than optimum moisture density. In time, however, due to unsaturated transport of the water added to the clay, the clay can dry out, leading to shrinkage and desiccation cracks. This situation is readily observed in some soils, where during periods of low precipitation, soils will crack. Chapter 4 in the NRC Committee report, devoted to reviewing the performance of liners states, "However, the hydraulic conductivity of clay barriers is generally acknowledged to be susceptible to significant increase as a result of processes such as desiccation cracking, differential settlement, lateral spreading (induced tension), freezing and thawing, and root penetration. These processes are most significant in cover systems because bottom barrier performance is generally enhanced by increases in the confining pressure associated with waste disposal. Earthen barriers are also susceptible to a variety of mechanical performance problems, including erosion and cracking of earthen cover systems, disruption of base liner barrier layers due to foundation instability, and veneer failure of cover barrier layers due to low interface strength, clogging, or inadequate capacity of drainage layers." Cation Exchange- Related Failure. Some types of clays used in landfill liners, with an expandable lattice structure, exhibit strong shrink/swell properties dependent on the type of cation on the clay's ion exchange sites. With sodium at the exchange site, the clay is in a swollen state. However, in contact with water with high calcium /magnesium compared to sodium concentrations, the calcium and magnesium will replace the sodium on the clay, and the clay will shrink, leading to higher permeability and possible failure through cracking. Auboiroux et al. (1999) have investigated the impact of calcium exchange for sodium in bentonite geosynthetic clay liners for landfills. They stated, "Results suggest that while GCL 's may be considered as useful materials for reinforcing compacted clay layers at the base of landfalls, they should not be considered as "equivalent" to compacted clay layers, at least in terms ofpollutant breakthrough times. " Guyonnet et al. (2005) reported that, "... calcium carbonate in the bentonite, formed during 14 activation of the calcium bentonite, may redissolve during contact with a dilute permeant, releasing calcium ions that exchange with sodium in the clay. This exchange leads to obliteration of a so- called `gel" phase beneficial in terms of low permeability and to the development of a more permeable ` hydrated - solid "phase." James et al. (1997), in a study of the use of a GCL as a liner to enhance the cover over a reservoir, reported that, "The evidence demonstrates that calcium from calcite, contained in the GCL bentonite, exchanged with sodium and, in so doing, contributed to shrinkage and cracking. " Jones -Lee and Lee (1993) presented a summary of the concentrations of various ions present in leachates from 83 US landfills. The data show that some MSW leachates have higher concentrations of calcium than sodium. In fact, the overall average calcium concentration for all of the landfill leachates investigated was higher than the sodium concentration. This means that, for some compacted clay liners, the low advective permeability (rate of penetration) at the time of installation of the liner will increase as the sodium on the clay is replaced by calcium and the clay shrinks from its original characteristics at the time of construction. This shrinking can lead to ion exchange cracking of the compacted clay liner. Desiccation cracking and ion exchange cracking of compacted clay layers in a composite liner have been known since the late 1980s. However, neither the US EPA (2001a) nor state regulatory agencies have adequately considered these issues in evaluating the prospective performance of a single composite liner. Both of these phenomena can lead to a much more rapid rate of leachate penetration through the composite liner than is typically assumed. Permeation through the Liner. The plastic sheeting HDPE liner will allow dilute solutions of organic solvents such as those that can be purchased in hardware stores for household use to pass through an intact (no holes) liner. Many of these solvents are carcinogens and can be readily transported through groundwater systems. The phenomenon in which organics pass through intact plastic sheeting layers is known as permeation and has been recognized in the landfill liner literature since the late 1980s (Haxo and Lahey, 1988). This is a chemical transport process in which low molecular weight organics dissolve into the plastic liner and exit on the downgradient side. Sakti et al. (1991) and Park et al. (1996), at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, have reviewed the available information on permeation of landfill liners by solvents and have conducted extensive research on it. They found that an HDPE liner would have to be over three inches thick to prevent permeation of certain organics through it for a period of 25 years. Buss et al. (1995) reviewed the information on the mechanisms of leakage through synthetic landfill liner materials. They discussed the importance of permeation of organics through plastic sheeting liners as a landfill liner leakage mechanism that does not require deterioration of the liner properties for leakage to occur. The US EPA and other regulatory agencies continue to ignore this mechanism of landfill liner leakage. There is need to address this issue as part of recommending a single composite liner system for municipal solid waste landfills. Diffusion Can Be Important. Daniel and Shackelford (1989) have reviewed the inherent leakage rates of plastic sheeting layers and clay liners. They point out that even though plastic sheeting layers can have low permeabilities to water on the order of 10 -12 cm/sec, compared to clay liners which have a permeability of about 10' cm /sec at the time of construction, the thin layer of plastic that is used, coupled with its inherent chemical diffusion coefficients, cause plastic sheeting liners of the type used in Subtitle D landfills to have diffusion - controlled breakthrough 15 times for waste components of about two to three years. The clay liner, however, in the landfill cells would be expected to have diffusion - controlled breakthrough times of about 10 years. Johnson et al. (1989) investigated the rate of penetration of chloride and volatile organic compounds derived from a hazardous waste landfill in vertical cores of an "impervious, unweathered, water - saturated clay." They found that the downward transport of these chemicals into the clay was the result of Fickian diffusion. They state that, For liners of typical thickness (1 m), simple diffusion can cause breakthrough of mobile contaminants in approximately S years; the diffusive flux of contaminants out of such liners can be large. " The diffusion of solid waste components through plastic sheeting liners discussed by Daniel and Shackelford occurs through a different mechanism than the permeation of organic solvents (VOCs) through HDPE liners discussed herein. As stated by Daniel and Shackelford (1989), "No material is impervious, and the question of which liner is more effective, like most questions, is ultimately related to one of economics and the realities of construction practices. " Basically, regulatory agencies, such as the US EPA which has set the national landfilling minimum standard, have been adopting landfill liner systems that will, in time, obviously fail to prevent groundwater pollution. The US EPA stated this fact in its 1988 discussion of the ultimate failure of composite liners as quoted above. Guyonnet et al. (2001) have discussed that the current approaches to defining clay liner equivalency based on travel times do not adequately consider the magnitude of a disposal site's potential impact on groundwater resources. They emphasized that "... conclusions relative to the superiority of one multi - layered barrier with respect to another should not only consider hydro- dispersive aspects, but also other processes such as the mechanical and chemical evolutions of the different barrier components. Although such phenomena are poorly addressed by existing models, failure to take them into account, at least in a qualitative fashion, may lead to unconservative conclusions with respect to barrier equivalence. " Potential Problems with Geosynthetic Clay Liners. Some landfill developers propose to use a single composite liner for the landfill with a 60 mil HDPE plastic sheeting layer and geosynthetic clay layer (GLC). While some states allow the substitution of a geosynthetic clay layer for the two feet of clay specified in US EPA Subtitle D regulations, such practice can allow more rapid failure of the composite liner than if the two feet of compacted clay had been used. The US EPA (2001 a) has reviewed the properties of geosynthetic clay liners, where a number of the potential advantages and potential problems with substituting a geosynthetic clay liner for two feet of compacted clay have been discussed. A key problem with geosynthetic clay liners is that they are so thin that they have limited structural integrity and will allow rapid penetration of leachate through the liner by diffusion. While landfill applicants and their consultants, and unfortunately some regulatory agencies, will claim that the permeability of a geosynthetic clay liner of 10­9 cm /sec under one foot of head will control the rate of leachate passing through the liner, in fact, because of diffusion, leachate can pass through more rapidly. In addition, as discussed above, cation exchange - related shrinkage of the bentonite in the geosynthetic clay layer can lead to higher permeability and possible failure through cracking. 16 The US EPA Region 9 has conducted a review of the potential problems with the GLC liners in a landfill liner and cover. Vaille (2008) has pointed out in comments on the proposed used of GLC liner in the proposed Cortina Landfill to be located in Colusa County, California that while GLC manufactures claim a permeability of 3 x 10-9 cm/sec, validating testing of GLC delivered to a landfill site has measured permeability of 10-8 cm/sec. Vaille also stated, "In the HELP model liner /cover analysis, the geomembrane liner is assumed to have S flaws of I cmnper acre and no assumption was made about flaws in the GCL liner. It is highly possible for a tractor or other equipment to damage both the geomembrane and underlying GCL, therefore rendering a preferential flow path for moisture. Like any thin liner, GCLs are vulnerable to puncture and to tearing e.g., as described for a case involving accidental puncture of a GM /GCL composite liner by apiece of maintenance equipment.' Therefore, we suggest including the assumption of a GCL seam split or other damage near a geomembrane puncture, and using a more conservative IO flaws of I cni per acre sensitivity analysis for the HELP andMULIIMED models. " 1. Daniel, D.E., and Gilbert, R. B., 'Practical Methods for Managing Uncertainties for Geosynthetic Clay Liners, " Uncertainty in the Geologic Environment: From Theory to Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1996 Vaille, (2008) stated with respect to the equivalency of GLC to a compacted clay liner (CCL), "The objective of this demonstration is to show that the GCL has equivalent or superior hydraulic conductivity and chemical attenuation properties when compared with the soil layer components of the liner and cover. "Assessment offull technical equivalency is much more complicated. A comparative assessment of GCLs to CM should be made, and included in the submission, on the basis ofhydraulic, physical /mechanical, and construction criteria.' Caution should be exercised in substituting a GCL alone for the CCL as the low - permeability soil component of a Subtitle D single- composite liner on the base of a landfill. While the hydraulic efficiency of a GM /GCL composite liner is as good, or better, than a GM /CCL composite liner, the GM/GCL composite liner is more susceptible to diffusive transport' and puncture than the GM /CCL composite liner. " GM is a geomembrane liner, FML. , Rowe, R.K. and Booker, J.R. (1998). "Modeling impacts due to multiple landfill cells and clogging of leachate collection systems ", Canadian Geotechnical Joumal, 3 5(1): 1 -14. Dwyer, Stephen 2003. "Water Balance Measurements and Computer Simulations of Landfill Covers ", Dissertation, University of New Mexico. Benson, C.H. et al. 2004. 'Forensic analysis of excessive leakage from lagoons lined with a composite GCL ". Geosynthetics International, 11, No. 3, Vaille stated, "hulnerabthty to chemical alterations Bentonite is subject to increases in hydraulic conductivity caused by chemical alterations, particularly at sites containing calcium -rich soils. This vulnerability increases in hydrologic settings where there is the potential for transient wetting and drying conditions to occur. This can occur where the GCL goes though wetting and drying cycles due to intermittent direct contact with groundwater, or where the GCL would become saturated through contact with the unsaturated zone above the groundwater table. When subject to such transient conditions in near surface applications, i.e. cover systems, GCL permeability has been shown to increase, sometimes by orders of magnitude.' The performance degradation is due to ion exchange problems, desiccation cracking, and bentonite leaching from the product.. " 4. Jo, Ho Young. 2005. "Long -Term Hydraulic Conductivity of a Geosynthetic Clay Liner Permeated with Inorganic 17 Salt Solutions ", Journal of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering. April. "Low Shear Strength andLow Slope Stability Bentonite, the key ingredient in GCLs is well known for its very low strength when hydrated. In particular, problems arise when GCLs are placed on slopes in applications where they may become saturated (hydrated). Should a GCL become saturated, its internal friction angle [a key factor in shear strength] is reduced and may significantly reduce its slope stability, particularly under seismic conditions. Because bentonite is so well known for its low shear strength, caution is appropriate when employing materials such as GCLs that contain bentonite on slopes. Vaille (2008) has stated that a discussion of the liner in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the leachate should be included in evaluation of a landfill liner. He also stated a proposal for a landfill "must include a fully - developed groundwater monitoring plan in order to demonstrate that the alternative liner design will ensure that the concentration values listed in Table 1 40 CFR 258.40 will not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the relevant point of compliance. " Vaille stated, "The use of GCLs in cover systems has been problematic due to degradation of the GCL product after installation due to cation exchange issues, root intrusion, freeze /thaw and wet/dry cycles, and desiccation cracking. Dwyer (2003)5 found that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of GCTs can increase by several orders ofmagnitude injustafew years after installation. Generally, these issues that are a problem for GCLs in cover systems are not assumed to be a problem with liners. However, if the liner remains unprotected and within a transient active zone for an extended period of time, these issues can lead to degradation of the GCL in the liner as well. Therefore, it is imperative that precautions are taken to adequately protect the GCL product after its installation until the liner is fully covered by an adequate depth of soil and/or waste. We strongly discourage the use ofa GCL product in the cover. " Dwyer, S. E., B. R. Reavis, and G. Newman, 2000, Alternative landfill cover demonstration, FY2000 annual data report, SAAD2000 -242 7, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. The US EPA Region 9 comments on the proposed Cortina Landfill development summarized above have applicability to many other landfill development situations. The NRC (2007) report states, in a discussion of 3.3.5 Geosynthetic Clay Liner Barrier Monitoring "Because geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are manufactured and thus undergo manufacturing quality assurance, their end of construction reliability tends to be significantly higher than that of compacted clay layers and is probably similar to that of geomembranes. GCLs are often used beneath relatively shallow depths (e.g., less than I m) of soil in cover systems. Because of serious performance concerns about GCLs buried under shallow depths of soil covers, GCLs have been exhumed and tested after several years of service to evaluate their integrity in the early medium term (e.g., Mansour, 2001; Henken- Mcllies et al., 2002). However, this type of examination has been conducted only for research purposes and not as a routine part of barrier system monitoring. Recently, exposure of the GCLs in several composite liner systems employing the GCL as the low permeability soil layer beneath the geomembrane has shown that GCL seams can separate as a result of environmental effects (Thiel and Richardson, 2005). The GCL seams in these cases were generally exposed because of other performance concerns (e.g., during repair of mechanical is defects to the overlying geomembrane). The accidental discovery of GCL seam separation indicates the value of direct monitoring of barrier components. Most barrier system components are hidden from view after construction, and thus component defects will not be identified until performance problems appear elsewhere in the system. " Leachate Collection and Removal System Problems. The key to preventing groundwater pollution by a dry tomb landfill, or, for that matter, by a leachate recycle (so -called " bioreactor") landfill, is the ability to collect all leachate that is generated in the landfill in the leachate collection and removal system. Such systems, to the extent that they function as designed, can reduce the total amount of pollution of groundwaters by leachate generated in a landfill. This is particularly important during the time that the landfill is open to the atmosphere, and precipitation that falls on the landfill becomes leachate. Leachate collection and removal systems, however, as currently designed, are subject to many problems. In principle, leachate that is generated in the solid waste passes through a filter layer underlying the waste which is supposed to keep the solid waste from infiltrating into the leachate collection system (see Figure 1). The leachate collection system consists of gravel or some other porous medium, which is designed to allow leachate to flow rapidly to the top of the HDPE liner. Once it reaches the sloped liner, it is supposed to flow across the top of the liner to a collection pipe, where it will be transported to a sump, where the leachate can be pumped from the landfill. According to regulations, the maximum elevation (depth) of leachate ( "head ") in the sump is to be no more than one foot. However, leachate collection systems are well known to be prone to plugging. Biological growth, chemical precipitates, and "fines" derived from the wastes all tend to cause the leachate collection system to plug. This, in turn, increases the head of the leachate above the liner upstream of the area that is blocked. While there is the potential to back -flush some of these systems, this back - flushing will not eliminate the problem. The basic problem with leachate collection systems' functioning as designed is that the HDPE liner, which is the base of the leachate collection system, develops cracks, holes, rips, tears, punctures or points of deterioration. When the leachate that is passing over the liner reaches one of these points, it starts to pass through the liner into the underlying clay layer. If the clay layer is in intimate contact with the HDPE liner, the rate of leakage through the clay is small. If, however, there are problems in intimate contact between the clay and HDPE layers, such as a fold in the plastic sheeting, then the leakage through the hole in the HDPE layer can be quite rapid. Under these conditions, the leachate spreads out over the clay layer and can leak at a substantial rate through the clay. The theoretical rate of leakage through a clay liner, if it is constructed properly and has, at the time of construction, a permeability of 10` cm/sec with 1 ft of head, is about 1 in/yr. Therefore, since the clay liner should be a minimum of 2 ft thick, leachate in the areas of the liner where there is I ft of head will penetrate through holes in the HDPE and then through the clay liner in about 25 years. There are several reasons, however, why the penetration through the clay liner could be much more rapid. These include desiccation cracking of the clay associated with the vadose zone transport of the moisture that is used to achieve optimum moisture density at the time of clay liner construction, which moves by gravity out of the clay into the underlying strata. Plugging of Leachate Collection Systems. An issue that is not adequately addressed in landfill permitting applications is that municipal landfill leachate is well-known to cause plugging of the leachate collection and removal system, thereby allowing greater than one foot of head on the 19 liner on the upgradient side of the plugged area. This plugging arises from chemical precipitation and biological growths. The buildup of head (leachate depth) on the liner leads to greater rates of leakage than would occur if the depth of leachate were less than the one foot allowed in Subtitle D regulations. While some landfill owners and their consultants claim that they can clean out the leachate collection system and thereby eliminate any plugging, in fact such cleaning can only partially address the plugging problem. Further, this plugging problem will continue long after the end of the 30 -year mandatory postclosure care period when leachate collection system clean -out could potentially be implemented. It is appropriate to conclude that landfill liners of the type proposed for a minimum Subtitle D landfill, while possibly providing short -term protection of groundwater quality, are not reliable for long -term protection and will ultimately fail to prevent leachate from passing through them. This will result in pollution of groundwater underlying and downgradient from the landfill area, rendering the groundwater unusable for domestic and many other uses. Unreliable Evaluation of the Long -Term Integrity of Landfill Covers. Subtitle D landfills are allowed to be closed with a landfill cover consisting of a soil layer above the wastes shaped to serve as the base for a low - permeability plastic sheeting layer, which is overlain by a one - to two - foot -thick drainage layer (Figure 1). Above the drainage layer is a few inches to a foot or so of topsoil that serves as a base for a vegetative layer. The vegetative layer is designed to promote the growth of vegetation that will reduce the erosion of the landfill cover. In principle, this landfill cover is supposed to allow part of the moisture that falls on the vegetative layer of the landfill to penetrate through the root zone of the vegetation in this layer to the porous (drainage) layer. When the moisture reaches the low - permeability plastic sheeting layer, it is supposed to move laterally to the outside of the landfill by flow upon the plastic sheeting layer in the cover. Landfill permit applicants and their consultants as well as some regulatory agency staff will claim that the eventual failure of the landfill bottom liner system is of limited significance in leading to groundwater pollution, since the landfill cover can keep the wastes dry, and thereby prevent leachate generation. Figure 2 presents the processes that affect the integrity of landfill covers. As shown there are a variety of processes that can lead to landfill cover integrity failure. Landfill permit applicants and their consultants, as well as some governmental agency staff who support a single composite liner system, will, at permitting hearings, show a picture of landfill leachate generation once the landfill is closed with a low- permeability cover. This image shows that the leachate generation rate in the closed landfill is greatly curtailed within a year after the cover is put in place. While they would like to have others believe that this situation will continue to exist in perpetuity, it will not because of the eventual deterioration of the plastic sheeting layer in the landfill cover. This issue is discussed further below. Another deception with respect to landfill covers is that they can be effectively monitored to detect when moisture leakage through the cover occurs. The typical monitoring approach that is advocated by landfill owners and operators and allowed by regulatory agencies involves a visual inspection of the surface of the vegetative soil layer of the landfill cover. However, as discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (1995a, 1998a, 2004a), since the low - permeability layer (plastic sheeting) is buried below topsoil and a drainage layer, it is not possible to detect when 20 the plastic sheeting layer deteriorates sufficiently to allow moisture that enters the topsoil and drainage layer to pass into the landfilled wastes. Figure 2 Factors Affecting Landfill Cover Integrity Distressed vegetation on the cover is not reliable for detection of plastic sheeting layer failure. If cracks or depressions are observed in the topsoil layer, these are filled with soil. Such an approach will not detect cracks in the plastic sheeting layer. As a result, the moisture that enters the drainage layer, which comes in contact with the plastic sheeting layer and which, when the plastic sheeting is new and constructed properly, runs off of the landfill, will instead penetrate into the wastes. This could occur at any time during the postclosure care period, and the increased leachate generation would be detected. However, it could also readily occur in year 31 after closure or thereafter, when there could be no one monitoring leachate generation, collection and removal. Unless the landfill owner agrees to install, operate, and maintain in perpetuity, a leak - detectable cover for the landfill, the landfill cover system will fail to prevent entrance of moisture into the landfill and generation of leachate, even if it meets minimum Subtitle D requirements that are typically accepted by regulatory agencies. The leachate will, in turn, pass through the deteriorated bottom liner system into the underlying groundwaters. Further, even if failure of the landfill cover were detected, the typical postclosure funding that is allowed does not provide adequate funds to determine the location in the low - permeability layer of the landfill cover that has failed and to repair it. In developing the amount of required postclosure funding, it is assumed by the regulatory agencies that the low- permeability plastic sheeting layer in a dry tomb landfill cover will maintain its integrity throughout the 30 -year postclosure care period, even though it is understood that the plastic sheeting layer in a landfill cover is subject to significant stresses due to differential settling of the wastes that can lead to its failure to prevent moisture from entering the wastes. 21 Leak - Detectable Covers. The high probability of failure of the low- permeability layer of the landfill cover is the reason why Lee and Jones -Lee (1995a) advocate the use of leak detectable covers on landfills, which are operated and maintained in perpetuity — i.e., as long as the wastes are a threat. This approach requires that a dedicated trust fund be developed that is of sufficient magnitude to ensure that, at any time in the future while the wastes are still a threat (typically, forever), the leaks in the cover can be isolated and repaired. This long -term financial commitment to maintaining a low - permeability cover on the landfill would significantly increase the cost of solid waste management. This is the political reason that regulatory agencies, from the US EPA through the state agencies, typically do not implement the dry tomb landfilling approach so that it addresses the long- term problems associated with this landfilling approach. Until this issue is meaningfully addressed, today's dry tomb landfills at best are facades with respect to their ability to protect public health and the environment from landfilled wastes for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. The situation is that no political entity — from the federal administration in power through the federal Congress, state governors and legislatures, to county Boards of Supervisors — wants to be responsible for causing those who generate solid waste (the public and commercial and industrial firms) to pay the true cost of its management/disposal. It is estimated that solid waste disposal that is truly protective of public health and the environment would double to triple the cost of solid waste management. Instead of increasing everyone's cost of solid waste management by 15 to 25 cents per person per day, the political entities are opting for short-term protection, and passing these costs on to future generations in terms of lost groundwater resources and adverse impacts on the health, welfare and interests of those in the vicinity of the landfill. Alternative Cover Design. Subtitle D regulations require that the landfill cover be no more permeable than the bottom liner. This is typically interpreted to mean that the landfill cover should include a plastic sheeting layer as the low- permeability layer. However, Subtitle D regulations allow alternative cover designs that provide the same degree of control of moisture entering the landfill as a cover that contains a plastic sheeting layer. This alternative approach to cover design requires a demonstration of equivalency to the plastic sheeting based cover. The demonstration of equivalent performance is based on HELP model calculations which purport to show that a proposed soil cover for a landfill will have a permeability that is equal to or less than a cover with a plastic sheeting layer. A critical review of the HELP model calculations shows that a key component of the calculations of the expected amount of percolation of water through the cover into the wastes is the assumed permeability of the low - permeability layer of the cover. Typically, landfill consultants assume that the construction of the cover will achieve the design permeability. Further, and most importantly, they assume that the design permeability of the cover will be maintained over the period of postclosure care (30 years) and throughout the period that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. However, no information is provided on the permeability of the cover over the period of time that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat — i.e., effectively, forever. In the late 1980s /early 1990s, the US EPA conducted a series of seminars on RCRA/CERCLA 22 landfill design issues. One of these was devoted to "Design and Construction of RCRA/CERCLA Final Covers" (US EPA, 1990). Included in the seminar notes was a section developed by Dr. David Daniel, then of the University of Texas, Austin (Daniel, 1990), which presented "Critical Factors in Soils Design for Covers." Dr. Daniel, in the appendix to his presentation, presented a paper by Montgomery and Parsons (1989), which summarized the results of a three -year study conducted in cooperation with the state of Wisconsin on the performance of various types of landfill soil covers. The Montgomery and Parsons study was conducted on three different 40 ft x 40 ft test plots near Omega Hills, Wisconsin, which is near Milwaukee. Daniel (1990) summarized the results, where, after three years, • "Upper 8 to 10 in. of clay was weathered and blocky • Cracks up to 112 inch wide extended 35 to 40 inches into the clay • Roots penetrated 8 to 10 inches into clay in a continuous mat, and some roots extended into crack planes as deep as 30 in. into the clay" Daniel also discussed the problems with soil /clay covers in withstanding stress - strain relationships associated with differential settling of the wastes under the cover, where he pointed out that differential settling can readily lead to cracks in the soil cover. The NRC (2007) report states, "Finally, a capability to predict the occurrence and impact of local heterogeneities in soil on the flow through cover systems does not yet exist. Most predictions are based on models that assume the properties of each soil layer in a cover system are homogeneous. However, the existence of local heterogeneities resulting from compaction, settlement induced cracking, and desiccation can result in significant differences between predicted and actual performance. " There is an effort to reduce the cost of closing MSW landfills by placing solar cells in the plastic sheeting cover of a landfill. The Center for a Competitive Waste Industry (2011) has issued a report. "Information Alert to State Environmental Agencies Regarding Landfill Solar Panels" that discusses the potential problems with this approach for providing landfill closure covers. According to this report, "Closed landfalls have been proposed as the site for installing a layer of s olar photovoltaic cells with a geomembrane substrate in lieu of prescriptive Subtitle D final covers. Such integrated solar caps would provide renewable electricity as a benefit. Less well understood is the risks and associated costs posed to the states where these landfills are located. Because these new caps omit so many critical features of traditional covers, the prospect cannot be ignored offuture site failures that may cost tens of millions of dollars to remediate. Current financial assurances provide no funds for these types of costs. Therefore, rigorous reviews should be give before permitting solar caps as legitimate alternative covers, and if they are permitted, in the face of substantial uncertainties, additional financial assurances should be required as a condition of the permit in order to protect the state's taxpayers." This report provides a discussion of the potential problems with using landfill cover plastic sheeting with solar cells. This report is available http://www.gfredlee.com/Landfills/CCWI- LFSolarCap.pdf An alternative to conventional Subtitle D landfill cover design is the development of a ET cover. This cover approach is based on potential evapotranspiration (PET) that exceeds the actual supply of water (precipitation). Dryer (2003) and Dryer et al. (2000) have presented information on this approach. While the average monthly evapotranspiration exceeds the 23 monthly average precipitation would lead to the conclusion that no moisture would enter the wastes through the cover, periods of above average precipitation could lead to some moisture that penetrates through the cover into the wastes. This in turn could lead leachate generation that can lead to groundwater pollution. The evaluation of an ET cover should not be based on monthly average net moisture flux through the cover but on worst case situations for wet periods. It is inappropriate to assume that the design permeability of the soil cover for a landfill will be applicable to controlling the amount of moisture that enters the wastes through the cover for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. What will actually occur at proposed landfills with alternative landfill covers is that within a few years after construction of the cover the permeability of the cover will increase due to desiccation and differential settling cracks. Over time, vegetation roots will also increase the permeability of the cover. Therefore, the so- called equivalency of the soil cover to the plastic sheeting based cover will no longer hold. Rogoff et al. (2012) published "Can ADCs Work for Your Landfill? "that provides background information on the issues associated with the use of alternative daily cover (ADC) instead of the typical 6" of soil placed on the day's waste. This article provides a good summary of the potential and some of the problems with this approach. It however fails to discuss the issue of the release of a slug of landfill odors when the daily cover material such as a removable cover such as a tarp is removed in the morning before additional landfilling occurs. Landfill Cover Area Reuse. Waste Management, Inc. has made claims on national TV ads that its closed landfills make ideal wildlife habitat, and sites for golf courses and public recreation areas including dirt bike trails. Such claims appear in its "Think Green" campaign at http: / /www.thinkgreen. com/ in its discussion of `Beneficial Land Reuse," as well as in a number of television advertisements. It cites locations at which such reuse has been made of landfill cover areas. The unmistakable implication is that the public should not be concerned about the potential long term threats to public health, groundwater and surface water quality, or to wildlife, at a closed landfill. However, as discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (1994b) in their paper entitled, "Closed Landfill Cover Space Reuse: Park, Golf Course, or a Tomb ?" many of the touted reuse activities atop closed landfills are ill- advised at best, and such implications are highly misleading. One reason for this is that many of the land "enhancements" and activities being promoted stand to damage the integrity of the landfill cover upon which the integrity of the landfill containment system depends. As discussed elsewhere herein, in order to prevent formation of landfill gas and leachate that will eventually escape the landfill containment, the wastes must be kept dry. Placing water features such as ponds, wetlands, idyllic streams, or water hazards on a golf course, or deep - rooted vegetation such as trees and shrubs, atop or in close association with landfill covers promotes entrance of moisture into the cover. Closing Unlined Landfills. The final closure of unlined sanitary landfills is typically accomplished by installing a base -to -final cover of soil of a few inches to several feet thick. This layer is designed to provide a suitable structural base for the low - permeability layer in the cover. On this layer is placed a 1 to 2- foot -thick compacted soil layer with a permeability, at the time of construction, of 10 -6 to about 10 -7 cm /sec. The purpose of this layer is to reduce the 24 penetration of moisture into the landfilled wastes. At some locations, a plastic sheeting layer is used instead of the compacted soil layer as the low - permeability layer in the cover. On the low - permeability layer is placed a several- foot -thick drainage layer that is covered by a few inches to a foot or so of topsoil. The topsoil layer serves as a base for establishing vegetation that can reduce erosion of the landfill cover. The underlying drainage layer allows moisture, which is needed to keep the vegetation in the topsoil layer alive, to penetrate through the topsoil layer to the low - permeability layer where it can runoff on this layer to the sides of the landfill. Basically this approach is a variation of the dry tomb approach, where it is believed that if the moisture supply to the landfilled wastes is curtailed, the rate of landfill gas and leachate generation will be reduced /curtailed. This approach for final closure of an existing unlined landfill has several of the same problems as the closure of minimum design Subtitle D landfills. Typically regulatory agencies will allow landfill owners and their consultants to make HELP calculations on the rate of water penetration through the compacted soil layer in the cover, where it is assumed that the design permeability of the cover will be applicable to the infinite period of time that the closed landfilled wastes will be a threat to generate leachate upon contact with water. However, it is known that the compacted soil /clay layer in the landfill cover can crack within a short time after installation and allow water that penetrates through the topsoil and drainage layer to enter the landfilled wastes through the cracks in the low- permeability layer. The HELP model calculations of moisture penetration into the closed landfill are unreliable a few years after landfill closure for predicting the moisture that will enter the wastes through the cracked compacted soil layer. This cracking is associated with desiccation of the compacted soil layer associated with loss of the moisture that is used to achieve compaction of this layer as well as drying of this layer during period of no /low precipitation. If plastic sheeting is used as the low - permeability layer in the cover it will be subject to stress cracking and free radical degradation which can occur at a higher rate than in the bottom HDPE liner typically used at Subtitle D landfills. When this deterioration of the plastic sheeting layer occurs, water that is supposed to be transported off the plastic sheeting layer to the sides of the landfill will penetrate into the wastes and generate leachate. The failure of the compacted soil layer or the plastic sheeting layer in the landfill cover will not likely be visible from the surface of the landfill since it is buried under several feet of topsoil and a drainage layer. Some landfill owners and their consultants claim, with support by some regulatory agency, that the failure of the low- permeability layer in the closed unlined landfill will be detected by groundwater monitoring. While a few downgradient groundwater monitoring wells normally can readily detect groundwater pollution by unlined landfills, the closed unlined landfills have the same problems of the minimum design Subtitle D landfills, where narrow plumes of leachate will initially be generated associated with the penetration of the water through the low - permeability layer of the cover. Rather than the pollution of groundwater occurring under the whole area of the landfill, the new groundwater pollution in a closed landfill will occur under the areas where the low - permeability layer in the cover fails to prevent water from entering the wastes. Typically a much more extensive downgradient groundwater monitoring well array is needed for a closed unlined landfill than an unlined landfill that does not have a low- permeability layer in the cover. In developing this array, the landfill owner should be required to have a consultant determine the number and location of monitoring wells that will 25 be needed to reliably detect a new leachate- polluted groundwater plume that could arise from cracks and points of deterioration that occur in the low- permeability layer of the cover. This evaluation should consider the site - specific characteristics of the hydrogeology of the area underlying the landfill as well as the potential for leakage from any location in the landfill footprint. Landfills at Superfund Sites. As part of remediation of Superfund and other hazardous chemical sites, onsite or nearby landfills are sometimes used to store so- called "nonhazardous" wastes. As discussed below, these wastes, while classified by the US EPA as nonhazardous, can readily contain large amounts of known hazardous chemicals that are a threat to human health and the environment. Further, these wastes can contain a large number of unidentified, unregulated hazardous chemicals as a result of the limited approach that is allowed to be used to identify constituents of concern at Superfund sites. Lee and Jones -Lee (2004b) and Lee (2003b) have discussed the potential problems with using onsite and nearby Subtitle D landfills for hazardous chemical site remediation. These are the same problems that occur with Subtitle D landfills for MS W, with the addition that Superfund site onsite landfills often are a greater threat to public health because of the types of wastes that are allowed to be deposited in these landfills. At some Superfund sites existing waste piles (such as mine tailings) are "remediated" by placing a low- permeability cover over the waste pile. This approach only postpones additional groundwater pollution by the waste pile. Lee and Jones -Lee (2003) have discussed this type of situation for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund site located in Nevada County, California. This site is a former gold mine that has large amounts of mine tailings that contain elevated concentrations of somewhat leachable arsenic. The US EPA, which is the lead agency for this Superfund site investigation, concluded that capping a arsenic containing tailing pile was the most economical method for remediation of this area. However, the economic calculation allowed by the Agency only considered short -term effectiveness of the capping and failed to consider that the tailings in the capped area would be a threat to generate leachate which has arsenic concentrations that are a threat to human and some animal health. The US EPA does not include in its economic evaluation of Superfund site remediation approaches, the eventual failure of the landfill cap and the additional costs of site remediation that will have to be done at some time in the future. Lee and Jones -Lee (2005a) have discussed the need to consider both the short -term and long -term costs and impacts of landfilling of wastes in selecting contaminated site remediation approaches. A special case of Superfund site remediation approaches is the US EPA's "Presumptive Remedy" for "remediation" of municipal landfills at Superfund sites. Several years ago, the Agency adopted the Presumptive Remedy for a MSW landfill at a Superfund site of capping of the landfill with a low - permeability cap. Such a cap is subject to all the issues that are discussed above for capping unlined landfills. This remedy is allowed by the US EPA without determining whether the landfill is polluting groundwater. This approach is another of the short - sighted approaches toward managing solid wastes, where the true long -term costs and impacts are not considered in Superfund site investigation/remediation. Lee (2006a) discussed the potential problems of allowing the use of the Presumptive Remedy for remediation of three landfills located at the University of California, Davis (UCD) /Department of Energy (DOE) LEHR national Superfund site located on the UCD campus. Even though the hydrogeology of the strata underlying these landfills is fairly 26 homogeneous and can be monitored for landfill liner leakage for landfills that have a soil layer as a cap (i.e., classical sanitary landfills), once a low - permeability cap is installed on the landfill as part of the Presumptive Remedy approach, the ability to monitor groundwater pollution that will occur at some time in the future becomes much more difficult. This is the result of the low - permeability cap allowing water to enter the landfill at limited locations. Under the soil cap approach, the precipitation could enter the landfill essentially at all locations through the cap. With the low- permeability cap, those areas where this cap initially fails to prevent moisture from entering the wastes will generate areas under the landfill where leachate may pass in limited- dimension plumes. These plumes may not intersect with the generally used monitoring well array for groundwater pollution from classical sanitary landfills. In the 1980s the US EPA and states allowed drummed liquid hazardous waste to be buried in landfills with only a clay liner. At a number of sites it has been found that the regulatory agencies allow a few monitoring wells spaced at considerable distances down groundwater gradient from the drummed waste burial area, thus ignoring the fact that the initial pollution of groundwaters by the liquid hazardous waste will occur from the corrosion of a few drums through limited - dimension plumes that may not intersect with the monitoring wells. This makes monitoring of the initial leakage unreliable using vertical monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart. A possible approach for monitoring of the initial leakage in this type of situation would be through the use of the SEAMISTTM system, in which, through horizontal drilling under the landfill liner, an array of vapor phase monitoring wells can be constructed and monitored to detect hazardous chemicals with an appreciable vapor pressure. Information and an evaluation of this system is available from the US Department of Energy (US DOE, 1995). Unreliable Groundwater Monitoring The Subtitle D requirements for groundwater monitoring "The design must ensure that the concentration values listed in Table I of this section will not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the relevant point of compliance " requires that a highly reliable groundwater monitoring system be developed for Subtitle D landfills. The point of compliance for groundwater monitoring can be no more than 150 meters from the groundwater gradient edge of the waste deposition and must be located on the landfill owner's property. In principal, if such a program is developed, then the inevitable failure of the landfill liner system will not lead to offsite groundwater pollution. Landfill developers at landfill permitting hearings frequently state that the proposed groundwater monitoring system for the proposed landfill will be consistent with the groundwater monitoring requirements prescribed under 40 CFR Part 258, §258.51, and has been designed to provide a sufficient number of wells for detection and assessment monitoring. The landfill developer then typically proposes a groundwater monitoring system that consists of several groundwater monitoring wells located at hundreds to a thousand or more feet apart at the point of compliance. A critical evaluation of the potential reliability of this monitoring approach shows that it has a very low probability of detecting leachate- polluted groundwaters when they first reach the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring at minimum Subtitle D landfills. One of the most significant deficiencies in implementing Subtitle D landfilling regulations is in the permitting of groundwater monitoring systems for the purpose of detecting the inevitable failure of the single composite liner to prevent landfill leachate from passing through the liner 27 into groundwater systems underlying the landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (1993a, 1998b) presented comprehensive reviews of groundwater quality monitoring issues for Subtitle D landfills. As they pointed out, a fundamental problem with typical groundwater monitoring programs for minimum Subtitle D landfills is that they have been developed based on perceptions of leakage from unlined landfills without proper consideration of the manner in which lined landfills leak and pollute groundwater. Conventional unlined sanitary landfills are expected to leak leachate over a considerable part of the bottom of the landfill. Therefore, even though the lateral spread of a plume of leachate- contaminated groundwater can be very limited depending on the aquifer characteristics (Cherry, 1990), the plume of leachate- contaminated groundwater in some types of geological /hydrogeological strata would move as a wide front downgradient of the unlined landfill (Figure 3). Under those conditions, well spacing may not be critical for the detection of groundwater contamination by leachate. However, this is not the character of initial leakage from plastic sheeting lined landfills. The NRC (2007) Committee reports fails to mention/discuss this issue which results in the Committee failing to properly evaluate the performance of existing Subtitle D landfills in preventing groundwater pollution. Initial Liner Leakage can Produce Narrow Plumes of Leachate - Polluted Groundwater. Bumb et al. (1988) and Glass et al. (1988) discussed that the initial leaking of leachate from lined landfills will occur from point sources in the liners, rather than uniformly from the landfill bottom as may be expected from unlined landfills. The initial leaks will occur from holes, rips, tears and points of deterioration in the plastic sheeting liner. That fact changes the significance to groundwater monitoring of Cherry's (1990) finding that the lateral spread of a plume of leachate- contaminated groundwater is limited. In a study of the lateral dispersion of leachate plumes from lined landfills, Smyth (1991) of the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, University of Waterloo, reported that a 0.6 -m (2 -ft) -wide point - source tracer spread laterally to a width of only about 2 in (6 ft) after traveling 65 in (213 ft) in a sand aquifer system. Thus, it is clear that leakage from point sources such as holes in liners can move downgradient as narrow "fingers" of leachate (Figure 4) rather than in the traditionally assumed fan - shaped plumes such as shown in Figure 3. This means that conventional wells used for monitoring of the pollution of groundwaters caused by lined landfills must be placed close enough together at the point of compliance to detect narrow fingers of leachate, if the monitoring program is to comply with Subtitle D requirements for the detection of incipient groundwater pollution from waste management units at the point of compliance. The typical groundwater monitoring well used today has a four- to eight -inch diameter borehole. Such wells are normally purged prior to the quarterly or so sampling, by removal of three to five borehole - volumes of water. Thus, the zones of capture for such monitoring wells are on the order of a foot around each well. Since the lateral spread of a finger plume of leachate- contaminated groundwater from a lined landfill is dependent on aquifer characteristics and can be minimal, especially for leaks arising on the downgradient edge of the waste deposition area, monitoring wells that are spaced hundreds of feet apart at the downgradient edge of some lined landfills have a low probability of detecting the finger plumes of leachate produced by leaks in the liner system (Figure 4). Those finger plumes of leachate could travel long distances before groundwater pollution by the landfill is detected. Parsons and Davis (1992) discussed issues of monitoring well spacing and zones of capture of M. monitoring wells associated with waste management units. As they discussed and as illustrated in Figure 5, in order to have a high probability of detecting leachate leakage from a waste management unit, the spacing of standard monitoring wells at the point of compliance must be such that zones of capture overlap. Thus, in order to be effective in achieving the groundwater monitoring performance standard of Subtitle D, for some landfills, conventional vertical groundwater monitoring wells would have to be spaced no more than a few feet apart along the entire downgradient edge of the landfill, creating a "picket fence" of wells. On May 2008 the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and the US EPA Region 9 held a Remediation Technology Symposium (the agenda for which is available at http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/HazardousWaste/upload/Remediation Technology_Symposiurn _ Age nda.pdf). At that symposium Einarson (2008) made a presentation entitled, "Site Characterization and Monitoring in the New Millenium," devoted to problems with conventional groundwater monitoring approaches used at hazardous chemical sites. He discussed the fact, as Cherry (1990) had nearly two decades ago, that groundwater pollution plumes emanating from plastic- sheeting -lined landfills tend to have limited lateral spread. Because of this characteristic, groundwater monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring will have a low probability of detecting groundwater polluted by landfill leachate when it first reaches the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. Landfill groundwater monitoring systems for a single composite liner based on vertical monitoring wells located more than a few feet apart at the point of compliance for monitoring is best characterized as "cosmetic" with respect to reliable detecting groundwater pollution by landfill leachate when it first reaches the point of compliance for monitoring. The problems of the unreliability of groundwater monitoring in plastic sheeting lined landfills to detect groundwater pollution before widespread offsite groundwater pollution has occurred are well- recognized. A number of states, including Michigan in its Rule 641, require double composite liners for municipal solid waste landfills (see Figure 6). These liners are similar to those required for hazardous waste landfills. They require that a leak- detection system be used between the two composite liners to determine when the upper composite liner has failed. This approach, where the lower composite liner is a pan lysimeter for the upper composite liner, is a far more reliable monitoring approach for detecting liner leakage than the single composite liner with wells spaced along the point of compliance. The leachate in each major cell of the landfill should be monitored at least quarterly for the full suite of pollutants. Monitoring of Some Fractured Rock Aquifers Nearly Impossible. The ability to define the shape and movement of a contaminant finger -plume from a lined landfill depends on the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer - strata. In homogeneous, isotropic "sand" systems, the vertical and horizontal spread of point source discharges /leaks from a given point can be estimated with some degree of reliability. However, the hydrogeology of many locations in which landfills are sited is sufficiently complex so that predictions of the spread of a leachate plume are fairly unreliable. The presence of fractured bedrock, fissures, cavernous calcareous strata, and non - isotropic lenticular aquifers (such as former river beds) make the reliable prediction of flow paths from point- source leaks from lined landfills more difficult or even impossible and make the monitoring of groundwater for incipient leachate pollution highly unreliable and virtually impossible. 29 Haitjema (1991) stated "An extreme example of Equation (1) (aquifer heterogeneity) is flow through fractured rock. The design of monitoring well systems in such an environment is a nightmare and usually not more than a blind gamble." "Monitoring wells in the regional aquifer are unreliable detectors of local leaks in a landfall. " "Even the fact that a monitoring well intercepts a fissure %rack does not mean that the leachate in that fissure system is reliably sampled during groundwater monitoring. The amount of water extracted during sampling is typically quite small; the result is that the zone of capture around the monitoring well, even in a fracture, is often limited. Thus, leachate- contaminated groundwater can be present in a fracture without its being detected by the monitoring programs typically used. Therefore, in addition to misconceptions about the nature of the spread of leachate from lined landfills, an incomplete or unreliable assessment of the geological features of the subsurface system and complex hydrogeology can further reduce the probability that the groundwater monitoring well array will intercept any initial plume of leachate - contaminated groundwater at the point of compliance for the MSW landfall monitoring program. This situation raises significant questions about whether single composite lined landfills should be allowed to be located above fractured rock aquifer systems, because of the inability to reliably monitor groundwater pollution in such systems. " Ponce (2010) in his discussion of the potential problems of the proposed Campo Landfill has discussed the problems that can occur in siting a landfill on a fractured rock aquifer system. As discussed this proposed landfill is to be located on top of a highly fractured aquifer system near the adjacent properties of private land owners whose domestic water supply is derived from a sole source aquifer. He stated that the fracture traces provide pathways for rapid transport of leachate polluted groundwater to adjacent property groundwaters that are used for domestic purposes. Contrary to the statements made by the landfill applicant, the monitoring of the groundwaters that become polluted by landfill leachate is nearly impossible to achieve reliable detection of the polluted groundwater before it trespasses onto adjacent properties. Lee and Jones -Lee (2010a) in their review of the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the proposed Campo Landfill discussed the inadequate and unreliable information provided by the landfill applicant on the ability of the proposed Campo Landfill liner and landfill cover systems as well as the proposed groundwater monitoring systems to prevent/detect groundwater pollution by landfill leachate for as long as the wastes in this proposed landfill will be a threat to generate leachate. Ponce (2010) stated with regard to the siting of the proposed Campo Landfill, "In summary, the proposed Campo landfill site lies: (1) on top of a fractured rock aquifer, (2) on a headwater basin where very intense storms are possible, (3) within close reach of the groundwater, and (4) in a region prone to strong earthquakes. This poses a high risk of contamination of the designated sole- source aquifer. Significantly, the conjunction of four natural geologic loads or hazards foretells of disasters waiting to happen. Thus, the project presents a serious threat to the public health and safety of nearby residents, both on and off the reservation, as well as to residents of neighboring Mexican communities." 30 LU I O(n Cl) to Z LL Z 0 w d �z CL V W - z •� vI- Z cr- md0 Cis' 31 O CSC � O N e+C � M i. w tl) • J 0 W z3 z� cr z 3� O J MZ • O p W z 4 • W J � J Y � W� �X Q . z O w O F- z T-U.__ J CL • aZZ2 QOOa UN Vin 32 0 �U un �, w� 4-J CL cu 0 a) C: 0 N 33 vi ci :6 cn cn c Ae C L- :3 0 L- 0 = 4-J ,E 0 > 4— 0 c 4-J =2 co C: +- m INI CL CL E 0 N U co NI-I CD +-j cu 33 vi ci :6 cn cn c Ae C L- :3 0 L- 0 = 4-J ,E 0 > 4— 0 c 4-J =2 CL CL E 0 U 33 vi ci :6 cn cn Figure 6 Double Composite Liner Land fill Containment System 34 Lee and Jones -Lee (2007a,b), in their Groundwater Quality Protection Issues review, summarized their experience in investigating the potential impacts of landfills that are underlain by a fractured rock or fractured clay aquifer system. This is a fairly common situation, which can readily lead to groundwater pollution that cannot be reliably monitored. An example of this type of situation occurred under the Sydney Tar Ponds in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Lee and Jones -Lee (2006b) and Lee (2006b,c,d) have discussed the situation that has developed where about 100 years of steel- making with essentially no pollution control led to pollution of the estuarine sediments near Sydney, Nova Scotia, with PAHs, PCBs and a variety of other pollutants. It is estimated that to remediate this situation will require about $400 million. One of the problems at this site is that it is underlain by fractured rock, where in some areas there is flow from the fractured rock into the sediments, and in others, there is flow from the polluted sediments into the fractured rock. The latter provides a pathway for pollutants to pass from the sediments under any barriers that are constructed above the fractured rock, and eventually pollute the estuarine waters downstream of the barriers. Additional information on this situation is available on the Sierra Club of Canada's website, www.safecleanup.com. Regulatory Agency Should Evaluate Ability of Groundwater Monitoring System to Detect Initial Groundwater Pollution. It is recommended that regulatory agencies, as part of the permitting of a proposed landfill, conduct a site - specific evaluation of the ability of the proposed monitoring well array to detect leachate- polluted groundwaters at the point of compliance all along the downgradient edge of the landfill from leaks that occur from holes, rips, tears or points of deterioration in the HDPE liner. In making this evaluation it should be assumed that the leak would occur through a two -foot long area at any point in the landfill footprint, including especially near the downgradient edge of the landfill. Further, the regulatory agency should determine the spacing of vertical monitoring wells at the point of compliance that should occur in order to have at least a 95 percent probability of detecting such leaks when they first reach the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. Conducting such an evaluation for most Subtitle D landfills will show that the proposed monitoring well array along the down groundwater gradient edge of the landfill is not reliable for protecting offsite groundwaters from pollution by landfill leachate. For those landfills sited above fractured rock aquifers, the regulatory agency should be required to discuss in detail how leachate- polluted groundwaters that enter the fractured rock aquifer will be detected with a reliability of at least 95 percent. Potential Change in Direction of Groundwater Flow. Another issue that needs to be considered in permitting landfills is the potential for a change in groundwater flow direction under and near the landfill. Because of the potential for adjacent and nearby properties to construct groundwater wells that could influence the local direction of groundwater flow in the vicinity of the proposed landfill, it will be essential that an ongoing groundwater flow direction evaluation be conducted to determine if new offsite production wells change the direction of groundwater flow and thereby lead to a requirement for additional monitoring wells in the new downgradient direction. That which is perceived to be down groundwater gradient at the time of landfill permitting will not necessarily be downgradient in the future. This type of monitoring program review will need to be conducted effectively forever, because of the very long period of time that the proposed Subtitle D landfill has the potential to pollute groundwaters with landfill leachate. 35 Evaluation of Leachate Density. According to Cherry (pers. comm., 1991), leachate from municipal landfills can contain sufficient amounts of salt to cause them to be somewhat more dense (heavier per unit volume) than the groundwaters of the area. This would cause a finger - plume of leachate to sink along its horizontal trajectory until it becomes sufficiently diluted so that its density matches that of the area groundwater. The hydrogeology and the groundwater characteristics of the area beneath and downgradient from a landfill must be defined with a high degree of certainty as part of permitting a landfill groundwater monitoring system, if a potentially meaningful groundwater monitoring program is to be developed to detect landfill leakage. Particular attention needs to be given to the depth of monitoring well screens that are designed to intercept the layer of leachate- polluted groundwater. The vertical position of the leachate plume that will occur at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring should be predicted as part of permitting a landfill. Based on this prediction, the screening of monitoring wells to detect the maximum concentration of the leachate- polluted groundwaters at the point of compliance should be determined. Some regulatory agencies allow monitoring wells that include well screening length over the depth of the aquifer. Substantial long- screened monitoring wells could withdraw from the aquifer large amounts of water that is not likely polluted by landfill leachate, thereby diluting the leachate- polluted water, which could lead to the inability to reliably detect a leachate plume that occurs in a narrow vertical band underlying the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. A nested well sampling of various depths should be used, rather than a long- screen well. State's Responsibility to Require Reliable Groundwater Monitoring. In a personal communication to G. F. Lee regarding the eventual leakage of single composite landfill liners and the unreliability of the groundwater monitoring systems being permitted by states, US EPA Headquarters Solid Waste staff (Geshwin) indicated that the inadequate groundwater monitoring systems being permitted by state regulatory agencies are not the result of a deficiency in RCRA Subtitle D regulations. Rather, he indicated that it was the responsibility of the state regulatory agencies to ensure that the groundwater monitoring system permitted for a landfill will detect leachate- polluted groundwater when it first reaches the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. Responsibility for Long -Term Monitoring. Landfill proponents sometimes state that groundwater monitoring for the Detection Monitoring Program will be performed on a periodic basis during the active life of the landfill, as required by 40 CFR Part 258, Section 258.54(b). The active life of a landfill is the period during which wastes are received by it. The regulatory agency, as part of permitting a landfill, needs to specify who will be responsible for monitoring groundwaters during the 30 -year postclosure period, which begins at the end of the active life of the landfill, and during the hundreds to a thousand or more years that the landfill will be a threat to generate leachate that will pollute groundwaters. The NRC (2007) Committee report states with regard the Monitoring Periods, "The optimum time for monitoring varies with the facility, type of waste, climate, and the observed performance. Yet funding is often not available to continue monitoring until the site no longer poses risk to human health and the environment, and no national policy exists to assure that such funding will be available. " Recommendation 6: EPA should develop financial assurance mechanisms to ensure that 36 funding is available for monitoring and care for as long as the waste poses a threat to human health and the environment. " Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring_ Landfill owners typically attempt to gain regulatory support for reducing the frequency of monitoring of groundwaters during the postclosure period. The approach that should be followed to enable reduced frequency of groundwater monitoring (such as from quarterly to semi - annually) should be based on an evaluation of the ability to predict with a high degree of reliability the composition of the groundwaters that will be found at the next monitoring event. If it is found that it is possible to reliably predict the groundwater composition within a 95 percent confidence interval, then the frequency of monitoring can be reduced. However, if at any time in the future the predictability of the monitoring results no longer continues, then the frequency of monitoring should be increased. The same approach should be used to adjust the frequency of landfill gas monitoring and monitoring of the integrity of the landfill containment system. Vertical Migration of Leachate - Polluted Groundwater in Wells Einarson (2008) discussed the concern about the potential for vertical transfer of water and associated pollutants within monitoring and production wells, as well as other wells, that are screened in two aquifers or that are not effectively sealed between the aquifers. There is need to consider the potential for transfer of water and pollutants between aquifers within a monitoring well at a landfill site. While it is often assumed by consultants to landfill applicants as well as by some regulatory agency staff that a low - permeability layer prevents the pollution of a lower aquifer, Einarson pointed out that there is often vertical transfer between stacked aquifers within monitoring wells. Fairly well - known, but frequently ignored, is the fact that the conventional approach for sealing wells with bentonite may not be effective in the short- term, or in the long term, in hard -water systems because of cation exchange reactions between sodium bentonite and calcium ions that lead to shrinking and cracking of the seals. Those issues have been reviewed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2006a), who also provide references to the work of others on the topic. Leachate Management Lee and Jones -Lee (1996) have discussed MSW leachate management. Fickes has discussed approaches often used by landfill owners /operators to dispose of MSW leachate. Lee (2011d) has discussed that this article fails to discuss the potential public health and environmental problems with the associated with the approaches that are used to manage MSW. Unreliable Information on Detection of Landfill Liner Failure A comment that is sometimes made by landfill proponents, their consultants, and some regulatory agency staff, in an attempt to support the reliability of single composite liners, is that there are no recorded instances where a single composite liner has been found to have failed. However, Lee and Jones -Lee (1999a) have discussed the inappropriateness of making this statement in support of the near -term, much less the long -term, ability of single composite liners to prevent groundwater pollution by landfill leachate for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. As Lee and Jones -Lee point out, in 1999 single composite liners had only been a national requirement for six years. With adequate quality assurance /quality control (QA/QC) in the construction of a single composite liner, leakage through that liner should not have occurred in 11 years. It should take longer than this to penetrate the clay component of the liner. Further, as discussed above, with inadequate QA/QC and/or inappropriate waste deposition which results in puncturing the plastic sheeting layer, and cracks developing in the 37 clay layer underneath the areas of puncture, the plumes of leachate- polluted groundwater would either not yet have reached the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring or would not be detected at that point by the monitoring wells which are spaced too far apart relative to their zones of capture. What is known (pers. comm., New York DEC staff) is that double composite lined landfills constructed in a number of areas (such as New York state) have leaked leachate through the upper composite liner into the leak detection system between the two liners within a few years after construction. This is likely the result of inadequate QA /QC in upper composite liner construction and /or inappropriate waste placement in the landfill. The failure to detect minimum Subtitle D landfill liner failures in the short period of time that such liners have been used is no indication of the long -term behavior of these liners in preventing groundwater pollution by landfill leachate for as long as the wastes in these landfills will be a threat. Impact of Seismic Activity on Integrity of Landfill Containment Systems Anderson (1995) published a summary review of the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB)'s evaluation of the impact of seismic activity on the integrity of MSW landfill containment systems based on the CIWMB staff's site inspections of about a dozen landfills following an earthquake. Anderson reported that the containment system of many of the landfills inspected showed damage that was attributed to the earthquake. He reported, "Damage to landfalls observed by the IWMB staff is categorized into four groups: 1. cracking of daily, intermediate, or final covers; 2. damage to liners; 3. damage to environmental collection and control systems; and 4. damage to infrastructure such as water tanks and on- site structures. " His review included a discussion of each of those categories. In addition to visual damage to the landfill containment system, there can be subsurface damage to the leachate collection system, liners, and other components that may not become apparent for many years. Such hidden damage is of particular concern at minimum design, single- composite - lined, Subtitle D landfills. As discussed herein, liner failure in a minimum design Subtitle D landfill will most likely first be detected in offsite production wells. This is expected because the typical groundwater monitoring wells arrays allowed by regulatory agencies consist of vertical monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. Such a system has a low probability of meeting the Subtitle D requirement to detect leachate - polluted groundwater when it first reaches the point of compliance. Ponce (2010) reported that the proposed Campo Landfill that is to be located on an Indian Reservation in South San Diego County near the border with Mexico that this area is prone to have strong earthquakes. He stated with respect to the potential for a strong earthquake to impact the integrity of the landfill waste containment system, "The neglect of the February 24, 1892 earthquake, ofMagnitude 7.8, the largest on record, is a serious omission of the DSEIS. The Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) may have to be recalculated. Strong ground motions can reset the pressure in the fractured rock aquifer and can cause very large temporary increases in water pressure. No liner taking a direct hit can withstand these pressure increases. " Landfill Gas and Airborne Emission Problems Municipal solid wastes and some industrial nonhazardous wastes contain organic compounds that are converted in a landfill by bacteria to methane and carbon dioxide (landfill gas). A general discussion of the generation of landfill gas in classical MSW sanitary landfills without low permeability cover is presented in "Landfill Gas Overview" which is available at www.landfill - gas.com. As discussed herein the classical landfill gas generation duration in sanitary landfills is not to today's dry tomb type landfill that are closed with low permeability covers. The presence of methane in landfill gas represents an explosive hazard and contributes to global warming. There have been explosions in dwellings on properties adjacent to landfills due to landfill gas subsurface migration to adjacent properties. Hodgson et al. (1992) have reported on landfill soil gas migration and VOC migration into a house near the landfill. In order to detect subsurface methane migration, landfill developers propose to ensure that the concentration of methane gas generated by the landfill does not exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) for methane in landfill structures and that the concentration of methane gas does not exceed the LEL for methane at the landfill property boundary. While controlling landfill gas emissions to 25 percent of the lower explosive limit for methane, if adequately implemented, will eliminate the potential for explosions, it means that the landfill owner plans to have appreciable concentrations of landfill gas at adjacent property owners' property line. This approach is strongly contrary to the health, welfare and interests of adjacent property owners /users due to other gases in the migrating landfill gas. As landfill gas is generated within the landfill, it attempts to migrate in all directions, escaping through the bottom, sides and top surfaces. Some landfill developers install gas monitoring wells every 1,000 feet or so and test them quarterly for the presence of methane, using monitoring probes installed in the soil between the landfill unit and the property boundary or on -site structures (office, maintenance and scale). The spacing of landfill gas monitoring wells 1,000 feet apart is grossly inadequate to detect landfill gas migration through the subsurface soil under the conditions that will exist at many landfills. The escape of landfill gas from a proposed landfill will not be uniform across all areas of the landfill liner system that is used on the subsurface sides of the landfill. It will occur in areas where the liner has failed due to landfill construction problems, landfill operation problems and points of deterioration in the liner. This can lead to plumes of landfill gas that can pass between monitoring wells spaced 1,000 feet apart. This, in turn, can be a threat to those who construct dwellings near the landfill property line. The rate of landfill gas production is dependent on the moisture content of the wastes, where dry wastes produce little landfill gas. Landfill developers typically present estimates of the period of time that landfill gas will be generated in a proposed dry tomb landfill. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (I 999b), these estimates typically ignore the fact that, once the landfill is closed and the low permeability cover is installed, the rate of landfill gas generation will be greatly reduced or even stop as the wastes dry out, but landfill gas generation can begin to occur again when the low - permeability layer in the cover no longer keeps moisture out of the wastes. Another issue that is not adequately addressed in the permitting of dry tomb Subtitle D landfills is that much of the waste placed in today's landfills is in plastic bags. Since these plastic bags are only crushed and not shredded, the crushed bags will "hide" the fermentable 39 components of the waste that can lead to landfill gas formation. The net result is that, rather than landfill gas production following the classic generation rates and durations that were developed based on unbagged wastes or situations where much of the wastes in the landfill were able to interact with the moisture that enters the landfill during the first decade or so of landfill operation, the period of landfill gas production will be extended until the plastic bags decompose. This can readily be many decades, to a hundred or more years. Prosser and Janechek (1995) have discussed that gaseous emissions from landfills are a threat to cause groundwater pollution that will not likely be detected by the groundwater monitoring wells, since gas migration can be in a direction different than down groundwater gradient. Richgels (2000) has provided additional information on landfill gas pollution of groundwaters based on his experience in investigating the situation near the Kiefer Landfill in Sacramento, California. The focus of his discussion is estimating reasonably foreseeable releases from municipal solid waste landfills. The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB /CIWMB, 2006) landfilling regulations (Title 27) require that landfill owners make estimates of the potential for a particular landfill to release landfill gas and /or leachate to the environment. This information, in turn, is used to establish the magnitude of funding needed to remediate these releases should they occur at some time in the future. Richgels (2000) has pointed out that landfill gas emissions, including the associated VOCs, from today's lined landfills are a much greater threat to cause widespread groundwater pollution than the expected initial near -term leakage of leachate through the HDPE compacted clay liner system. He recommends that landfill gas collection systems be developed that are designed and operated to more effectively control landfill gas emissions than is often done today. His recommendations include placing the leachate collection and removal system under vacuum to remove any landfill gas that collects in this system. This approach would tend to reduce the penetration of landfill gas through holes, rips, tears, etc., in the HDPE liner that can lead to groundwater pollution. It is important to point out that the VOCs in landfill gas, such as the chlorinated solvents TCE, PCE and the transformation product vinyl chloride, which are often significant threats to cause groundwater pollution, can cause large -scale pollution of groundwaters by hazardous chemicals at concentrations above current drinking water MCLs — i.e., small amounts of landfill gas with its associated VOCs can pollute large amounts of groundwater. A National Academy of Sciences report (NAS, 2006) indicates that the current US EPA MCL for TCE may not be protective and therefore may need to be lowered. While Richgels discussed the penetration of landfill gas through holes in the HDPE liner, in addition, as discussed above there can be permeation of these VOCs through intact liners (no holes). The thin film of leachate passing over the HDPE liner at the base of the leachate collection and removal system would contain landfill gas components that would permeate through the liner, leading to the potential for groundwater pollution by the VOCs. Landfill gaseous emissions contain a variety of volatile hazardous chemicals that are a threat to cause cancer and other diseases in those living in or using areas near a landfill. While landfills contain landfill gas collection systems, such systems, even at the time of construction, are not fully effective in preventing landfill gas and other volatile waste components from escaping .M from the landfill through the landfill cover. Further, over time, the landfill gas collection system's reliability will deteriorate, or it may even become nonfunctional, leading to large - scale uncontrolled releases of landfill gas through the landfill cover and liner system. Raloff (2001) and Ding et al. (2007) have reported that MSW landfills that mercury disposed in the waste stream make the mercury more hazardous through conversion to methyl mercury that is present in landfill gas emissions. MSW landfills represent another source of widespread contamination of the environment and fish with mercury that is a hazard to those who use fish as a food. This situation supports restricting the disposal of mercury containing wastes in MSW landfills. Threat of Landfill Gas to Wildlife. Many reuse activities touted for lands atop closed landfills are inappropriate and, indeed, pose a hazard because of landfill gas emission. It is known that even if a closed landfill incorporates a highly efficient landfill gas collection system, some landfill gas escapes through the cover. That gas contains hazardous and otherwise deleterious components including VOCs, many of which are carcinogens, and pose a threat to wildlife and other animals that may be in the area, such as those depicted in Waste Management ads grazing on the landfill cover vegetation and inhabiting the area. Landfill gas measurements are typically made several feet above the landfill surface where there has been some dilution of the gas with ambient air, rather than at the ground surface where many of the wildlife live or eat. The wildlife that lives or grazes at the land surface are thus exposed to higher concentrations of landfill gas and greater exposure to associated carcinogens than would be reflected by those measurements. Landfill Odor Control Problems and Impacts. One of the components of landfill gas that is especially of concern to those living or working near a landfill is the malodorous compounds present in the gas. Municipal solid waste landfills are notorious for causing severe odor problems that can occur at considerable distances (sometimes miles) from the landfill. Landfill developers state at permitting hearings that the landfill operator will place daily and intermediate cover over the wastes, and additional control of odors will occur through limiting the size of the tipping face (where wastes are deposited each day). Some landfill developers will also state that if odor increases, additional cover material will be placed over the offensive material and /or a US EPA - approved deodorizer will be installed to control the odor. When the landfill closes, the thick final landfill cover will further control the odors. While typically landfill proponents will, as part of attempting to gain a permit, make such claims about controlling odors, frequently landfills with grossly inadequate buffer lands will cause odors on adjacent properties. While the trespass of landfill odors on adjacent properties is sometimes characterized as a "nuisance," in fact landfill odors represent significant health hazards. Shusterman (1992), a physician with the California Department of Health Services, has published a paper on the health threat that odorous conditions represent to those who experience obnoxious odors. Subsequently, Schiffman and Nagle (1992) and Schiffman et al. (1995, 2000, 2001a,b) have published several papers on the impacts of odors on human health, which demonstrate that obnoxious odors have significant health impacts on some individuals. In addition to the health impacts of landfill odors, landfill gas releases that occur with the odors are known to contain carcinogens and other chemicals that, while not odorous, are a threat to human health. Landfill odors on adjacent properties are a good indicator that there are non - odorous compounds in the air that are a threat to health. With respect to using US 41 EPA - approved deodorizers to "control the odor," such an approach is often not effective. Further and most importantly, while a deodorizer potentially can mask offsite odors, it does not control the hazardous chemicals that are present in the landfill gas emissions that reach offsite properties. According to Waste Age (2009a), the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has fined the Seneca Landfill in Butler County, Pa., $22,000 for odor control violations. "Over the past six months, DEP has responded to numerous odor complaints from residents living near the landfall, " said DEP Regional Director Kelly Burch in a press release. "Inspectors traced the odors back to the landfall and the facility's failure to implement its odor control plan fully. Seneca has corrected the violations, but DEP inspectors will continue to monitor the landfall as they do with all others. " One of the major problems with controlling landfill odors is that regulatory agencies are often not effective in requiring that a landfill owner control odors so that they do not occur on adjacent properties. It is suggested that if a landfill is proposed to be permitted, a condition of the permit include the potential to permanently close the landfill and require the landfill owner to remove all wastes deposited in the landfill should landfill odors be detected at adjacent property owners' property lines more than once in a year. This approach would provide the landfill owner with the incentive to ensure that its so -called "odor control" approach is, in fact, effective in controlling odorous releases from the landfill. ATSDR (2006) has developed a "Landfill Gas Primer - An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals," that provide information on landfill gas health related issues. This report is a source of information on a number of issues that need to be reviewed in considering the potential impacts of landfill gas releases to the environment. However, this report is significant deficient in discussing the generation of landfill gas in Subtitle D dry tomb type MSW landfills. The US EPA sponsored the development of the Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM). to estimate landfill gas generation rates. Alexander et al. (2005) have developed a guidance manual for use of this model. The information presented in gas generation as presented in Figure 8 (discussed below) is applicable to the classical sanitary landfills that were developed prior to the implementation of the dry tomb landfills in the early 1990s. As discussed herein, since the implementation of Subtitle D landfills requirements by the mid 1990s, the development of landfill gas in MSW landfills has changed dramatically. With the closure of Subtitle D landfills with closure with low permeability covers that restrict moisture from entering the landfill, the amount of landfill gas will be greatly reduced the rate of landfill gas generation due to the limited amount of moisture that enters the landfill under the conditions of an effectively developed and maintained landfill cover. Under these conditions, landfill gas generation can be effectively ceased until there is inadequate maintenance of the cover to prevent moisture from entering the landfill. As shown in Figure 8 at that time which can be many decades after landfill closure, landfill gas generation can become sufficient to become a significant threat to the public and the environment. Another deficiency with the ATSDR landfill gas report is the failure to adequately discuss the role of subsurface gas release from a landfill as a cause of groundwater pollution. As discussed herein subsurface gas migration can be a highly significant cause of groundwater pollution. 42 Overall, landfill gas production in a dry tomb landfill is unreliably predicted over the period that the fermentable wastes will persist in a Subtitle D landfill. Further and most importantly, essentially no provisions are made to manage the landfill gas problems that will occur in dry tomb Subtitle D landfills over the time that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat to generate landfill gas. Landfill Dust Control Problems. Dust emissions from landfills can be a severe problem that can impact adjacent properties. There are several aspects of the dust control issue that need to be evaluated. First, the landfill owner should be required to control all dust emissions from the landfill so that no dust from the landfill is deposited on adjacent properties. Some landfill operators use landfill leachate for dust control. While in the past this was a common practice, in many states it is no longer allowed, since it can lead to polluted stormwater runoff. Leachate should not be used for dust control, since leachate contains a variety of hazardous and deleterious chemicals that can be present in stormwater runoff from the areas to which the leachate is applied. Some landfill owners /operators' proposed potential use of a "dust palliative" can lead to significant public health and environmental problems. The G. F. Lee was a member of a US EPA expert panel on evaluating the potential public health and environmental impacts of various types of chemicals that are used for dust control. As part of this effort, Lee and Jones -Lee (2004c) developed a report discussing the potential public health and environmental problems associated with the chemicals, including wastes that are used as dust suppressants. It was the use of wastes for dust control that led to the Times Beach, Missouri, dioxin situation, where waste products (still bottoms) from a chemical manufacturing operation were used as dust suppressants on roads. Similar situations have occurred where transformer oils containing PCBs have been used as dust suppressants on roads. At this time, dust suppressants are largely unregulated with respect to environmental pollution. All dust suppressants used at a landfill should be evaluated in accordance with the procedures discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2004c). Stormwater Runoff Pollution Impacts and Control Stormwater runoff from landfills can have a significant adverse impact on the water quality of the receiving waters for the runoff with respect to their use for domestic water supplies and their ability to support aquatic life. Stormwater runoff from landfill properties can contain a variety of regulated and many unregulated pollutants that are a threat to the health of those who use the treated waters for domestic purposes and to aquatic life. Also, while not necessarily a human health threat, MSW contains a large number of chemicals that can be highly detrimental to the use of MSW leachate polluted waters for domestic purposes. Of particular concern are those chemicals that can cause tastes and odors. During the active life of a landfill (when wastes are being deposited in the landfill), waste - derived constituents can escape from the landfill active face through windblown transport; via bird, insect and vermin transport; and by stormwater runoff from the landfill. While typical state and local landfilling regulations require that the active face of the landfill be kept to a "small" area, there is still escape of waste- derived constituents which can be transported by stormwater to offsite watercourses. A source of pollutants for stormwater runoff from landfill property is leachate spills on the 43 ground surface. These spills are associated with inadequate handling of leachate from the leachate collection system discharge point to the location where it is transported offsite, or at the onsite treatment works. Also of concern is the breakage of leachate transmission pipes that results in the discharge of leachate to the ground surface. These types of problems are especially prevalent in climates where freezing of the leachate pipes can occur. Often large parts of a landfill will be above the existing ground surface, where there is the potential for seeps of leachate to occur through the sides of the aboveground parts of the landfill, which could pollute stormwater runoff from the landfill surface. Seeps are of concern since the leachate in seeps contains hazardous and deleterious chemicals. These seeps can occur at any time over the hundreds of years that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Other sources of pollutants in landfill stormwater runoff includes garbage truck traffic, landfill equipment such as bulldozers, compactors etc, spills of fuels and engine oil where the old oil is allowed to be dumped on the ground etc can be sources of pollutants for runoff from landfills. The use of pesticides /herbicides to control insects /weeds at the landfill can be a source of pollutants in stormwater runoff that can be adverse to drinking water quality and a threat to aquatic life in the receiving waters for the runoff. The area where waste is dumped for load inspection can be a source of stormwater runoff pollutants if the wash -down water is not adequately controlled. A similar situation can exist in areas where mud on truck tires is washed off to keep from transporting landfill -area- derived mud to the public roads. Current federal and many state stormwater runoff regulations governing landfills do not require that the stormwater runoff from a landfill area be treated to reduce the waste - derived chemicals to meet water quality criteria and drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). The only treatment typically provided is a settling basin that will detain low volumes of stormwater runoff and remove some particulate matter in the runoff. Under the current US EPA regulations with no assured funding beyond 30 years after closure of the landfill, there are significant questions about whether the limited stormwater runoff monitoring and maintenance of detention basins that are designed to only contain the 25 -year, 24 -hour storm will be contained/maintained for as long as the wastes in the landfill are a threat to generate leachate, which for dry tomb type landfills can be forever. The 25 -year, 24 -hour storm limitation in the design of the detention basins means that larger storms will discharge pollutants to nearby watercourses without even removal of the large size erosion particles and wastes. If two storms occur, one shortly after the other, where the detention basins still have appreciable water from the first storm, means that the second storm's runoff will likely pass through the detention basins even if neither storm exceeds the design capacity of a 25- year, 24 -hour storm. While the pollutants in leachate used for dust control or from seeps would accumulate in the landfill stormwater detention basins for storms of magnitude less than the 25 -year, 24 -hour discharge, storms of greater than this magnitude could tend to flush out the pollutants in the detention basins onto downstream properties. Further, there will be need for ad infinitum maintenance of the detention basins to ensure that as they accumulate sediments they do not lose their capacity to control runoff from the landfill area for storms less than the 25 -year, 24- MA hour event. For those landfills with a single composite liner, the leachate pollution of shallow groundwater can be a source of surface water pollution if the polluted shallow groundwater enters the surface waters through above -water surface springs or below -water surface discharges to streams, rivers, lakes and nearshore /offshore marine /estuarine waters. The nature of stormwater runoff impacts is that of pulses of pollutants can be disruptive to a water supply's ability to adequately treat the stormwater runoff - polluted water to maintain high water quality in the treated waters. At this time the information on the water quality impacts of stormwater runoff from landfill is not sufficiently known to be able to predict the potential impacts of landfill stormwater runoff on receiving water quality. However, it is well known that municipal solid waste landfills contain large amounts of chemicals that have the potential to adversely impact domestic water supply water quality and the aquatic life resources of waterbodies. Monitoring Stormwater Runoff from Hazardous Chemical Sites. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009c, 2010b) have developed several papers /reports devoted to discussing deficiencies in stormwater runoff water quality monitoring at hazardous chemical including Superfund sites. As these papers /reports discuss there are significant problems with the adequacy of stormwater runoff from municipal and industrial landfills and other hazardous chemical sites including so- called "brownfield" areas where hazardous and deleterious to water quality chemicals are located in soils and in waste management facilities. At many such sites they have found that the regulatory agencies responsible for establishing the stormwater runoff water quality monitoring programs fail to establish adequate and reliable monitoring of hazardous and deleterious chemicals in the runoff that have the potential to cause significant water quality impairments in the receiving waters for the runoff An extreme example of this type of problems is the stormwater runoff monitoring at the University of California (UCD) Department of Energy (DOE) NPL Superfund site located on the UCD Davis campus. UCD proposed and the California Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) accepted that stormwater runoff from this Superfund site be monitored as though it were a municipal small source of stormwater runoff in which a grab sample of stormwater runoff is taken at any time during the runoff event for two storms per year. The UCD /DOE LEHR Superfund site has radioactive, hazardous chemicals including VOCs, heavy metals including mercury in the surface soils and former waste disposal areas including three UCD campus waste closed unlined sanitary type landfills. These landfills and other waste disposal areas at the LEHR site have polluted the area groundwaters with several hazardous chemicals above the drinking water MCLs. The stormwater runoff from the LEHR site has total recoverable mercury at times about 10 times the receiving waters for the stormwater runoff ( Putah Creek) discharge limit of 50 µg /L established by the US EPA in the California Toxics Rule. This discharge limit is known to be about 10 times the concentration of mercury that can bioaccumulate in some edible fish to be a human health threat to pregnant women and fetuses who consume some of fish. Putah Creek is a Clean Water Act Section 303(d) water quality limited waterbody due to excessive bioaccumulation of mercury in some Creek fish. This situation requires that a TMDL be developed to control mercury discharges to the Creek and in -Creek sources. The primary sources MI of mercury for the Creek are discharges of stormwater runoff to the Creek from former mercury mines in the Putah Creek watershed. OEHHA consumption guidance for Putah Creek fish is provided in Lee and Jones -Lee (2010c). During 1995 -2010 the Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee ( DSCSOC) was the US EPA Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) that was the public advisory group that conducted LEHR Superfund site review of the adequacy of site investigation /remediation. Dr. G. F. Lee was the DSCSOC TAG supported technical advisor. He developed a series of reports on the deficiencies in the LEHR site stormwater runoff water quality monitoring which is located at, http: / /www.gfredlee.com/dscsoc /doc.htm. DSCSOC repeatedly commented to the regulatory agencies on the deficiencies in the stormwater runoff water quality monitoring at the LEHR Superfund site and recommended that the stormwater runoff from the site be monitored in accord with US EPA (1992) guidance for monitoring of stormwater runoff from industrial sites. This guidance was unknown to the regulatory agency staff (Remediation Program Managers, RPMs) responsible for LEHR site investigation/remediation. The US EPA stormwater runoff water quality monitoring guidance requires the monitoring program recommended by the U.S. EPA for industrial sites which involves collecting samples of true first -flush runoff and runoff at several times during the runoff event. Further, a sufficient number of events must be monitored in this way each year to properly characterize the hazardous chemical content of the stormwater runoff. This monitoring program should be used for monitoring of hazardous chemical sites including all MSW active and closed landfill areas. In addition to the suite of chemical parameters this monitoring should include measuring aquatic life toxicity using the US EPA standard three species test procedure available at http: // cfpub. epa. gov / npdes /wgbasedpermitting /wet.cfm. Inadequate Stormwater Runoff Parameter Monitoring. . Current water quality regulatory programs only regulate 100 to 200 of the many thousands of chemicals present in municipal and industrial solid wastes that can be legally added to the waste stream that is deposited in MSW landfills. The monitored /regulated chemicals in landfill leachate and stormwater runoff represent a very small part of the chemicals present in MSW that are a threat to public health and the environment. The regulation of landfill stormwater runoff water quality impacts occurs under the US EPA National Stormwater Runoff permit system. Nationally and in states, stormwater runoff from a landfill is regulated as an "industrial' source. Critical review of the existing landfill stormwater runoff monitoring requirements shows that they are seriously deficient in providing the monitoring needed to insure with a reasonable degree of certainty that the landfill stormwater runoff will not pollute the waters receiving the runoff from the landfill. MSW and its leachate contain thousands of chemicals that are not monitored /regulated, which are a threat to public health and the environment. Some of the unmonitored constituents can be adverse to public health at very low concentrations. Dr. Christian Daughton (2005), Chief of the Environmental Chemistry Branch, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US EPA, Las Vegas, Nevada, has discussed the inadequacy of water quality monitoring programs in identifying pollutants in wastewaters /stormwater runoff for the range of chemicals that could be impacting public health and the environment. In his presentation he stated, "Further Truisms Regarding Environmental Monitoring • What one finds usually depends on what one aims to search for. • Only those compounds targeted for monitoring have the potential for being identified and .o quantified. • Those compounds not targeted will elude detection. • The spectrum of pollutants identified in a sample represent but a portion of those present and are of unknown overall risk significance Figure 7 presents a diagram of this situation. This figure is from web page: "The Critical Role of Analytical Chemistry," C.G. Daughton, July 2002. http://www.epa.gov/nerlesdl/chemisLry/Shanna/critical.htm Background information on unrecognized/unregulated chemicals as environmental pollutants is available at http: / /www. epa .gov /nerlesdl /chemistry /pharma/ and at http://www.epa.gov/nerlesdl/chemistry/ecb-posters.htm. Figure 7 Chemical Analysis Output for a Typical Environmental Sample t, "TARGET' RECOGNIZABLE Large portion of naturally occurring and ANALYTES ARTIFACT anthropogenic chemicals of varied toxicity TICs = tentatively identified compounds, from: C.G. Daughton, US EPA (July 2002) In addition, Lee and Jones -Lee (2005b) have recently published a review on unrecognized pollutants. Safe Drinking Water Act Source Protection Issues The federal Safe Drinking Water Act as amended in 1996 established the requirements that each state must develop a source water quality protection program that identifies the potential sources of pollutants in a domestic water supply watershed that are a threat to the water supply water quality. It should be understood that the US EPA Subtitle D regulations and state regulations governing developing MSW landfills do not adequately consider the protection of domestic water supply water from landfill area stormwater runoff - derived pollutants. The US EPA national stormwater runoff water quality regulations also do not adequately and reliably establish stormwater runoff water quality management programs to protect domestic water supplies from landfill waste- derived pollutants. The Safe Drinking Water Act regulates the degree of treatment that is needed to produce an acceptable treated water. This Act, while helping state regulatory agencies and water utilities assess potential pollutant sources that could adversely impact domestic water supply water quality, has no regulatory authority to restrict land use in a water supply watershed. Since neither the US EPA Subtitle D landfill regulations nor the US EPA stormwater runoff water quality regulations can be used to adequately protect domestic water supply water quality, the burden of watershed water supply water quality will fall to the water utility and those concerned with protecting water quality in a domestic water supply. Water utilities should work with the watershed area planning agency to restrict the development of new sources of pollutants that are a significant threat to the water supply water quality. The development of new landfills in a small domestic water supply watershed is a situation where water utilities should work with local zoning agencies to restrict the development new landfills in their watershed. This is 47 prudent public health and aquatic life water quality protection policy. The agencies responsible for the domestic water source water quality assessment should identify MSW landfills as a potential long -term source of a wide variety of pollutants that must be carefully monitored during the active life of the landfill and the postclosure period; i.e., while the wastes are still a threat to generate leachate when contacted with water. As an example of this situation, Meriwether County, Georgia, adopted a zoning ordinance that prohibits the siting of MSW landfills in small domestic water supply watersheds, which is in accord with protection of the water quality impacts of landfill releases of waste- derived constituents. Lee (2005) and Lee and Jones -Lee (2008) has reviewed this situation, where they points out that this approach is appropriate as part of domestic water supply source water quality protection from pollution from landfills. Inadequate Postclosure Monitoring and Maintenance The 30 -year funding period for postclosure monitoring and maintenance of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle C and D landfills that was specified by Congress was one of the most significant errors made in developing RCRA Subtitle C and D landfilling regulations. Those who were responsible for developing this approach did not have an understanding of how waste - associated constituents would degrade /transform in a dry tomb landfill. The US Congress General Accounting (now Accountability) Office (GAO, 1990), in the Executive Summary of its report "Funding of Postclosure Liabilities Remains Uncertain," under a section labeled "Funding Mechanisms Questionable," concluded that, "Owners /operators are liable for any postclosure costs that may occur. However, few funding assurances exist for postclosure liabilities. EPA only requires funding assurances for maintenance and monitoring costs for 30 years after closure and corrective action costs once a problem is identified. No financial assurances exist for potential but unknown corrective actions, off -site damages, or other liabilities that may occur after the established postclosure period. Further, the US EPA Inspector General (US EPA, 2001b) in a report, "RCRA Financial Assurance for Closure and Post - Closure," developed similar conclusions: "There is insufficient assurance that funds will be available in all cases to cover the full period of landfall post - closure monitoring and maintenance. Regulations require postclosure activities and financial assurance for 30 years after landfall closure, and a state agency may require additional years of care if needed. We were told by several state officials that many landfalls may need more than 30 years of post - closure care. However, most of the state agencies in our sample had not developed a policy and process to determine whether post- closure care should be extended beyond 30 years, and there is no EPA guidance on determining the appropriate length of post - closure care. Some facilities have submitted cost estimates that were too low, and state officials have expressed concerns that the cost estimates are difficult to review. " As indicated by Skinner, current Executive Director of SWANA (quoted above), "The problem with the dry -tomb approach to landfall design is that it leaves the waste in an active state for a very long period of time. If in the future there is a breach in the cap or a break in the liner and liquids enter the landfall, degradation would start and leachate and gas would be generated. Therefore, dry -tomb landfills need to be monitored and maintained for very long periods of time (some say perpetually), and someone needs to be M. responsible for stepping in and taking corrective action when a problem is detected. The federal Subtitle D rules require only 30 years ofpost- closure monitoring by the landfill operator; however; and do not require the operator to set aside funds for future corrective action. Given the many difficulties of ensuring and funding perpetual care by the landfall operator, the responsibility ofresponding to long -term problems at dry -tomb landfalls will fall on future generations, and the funding requirements could quite likely fall on state and local governments. " Typically those developing a landfill propose to only be responsible for providing the financial assurance for: closure; postclosure and corrective action for the 30 -year minimum period. Hickman (1992, 1995, 1997) and Hickman and Lanier (1998), in a series of articles ( "Financial Assurance -Will the Check Bounce ? ", "Ticking Time Bombs ? ", "No Guarantee," "A Broken Promise Reversing 35 Years of Progress "), has discussed the inadequate approaches for postclosure funding under Subtitle D regulations. Lee and Jones -Lee (1992, 1993b, 2004d) and Lee (2003c) have published a number of reviews on the need for longer -term postclosure care, as well as the use of more reliable financial instruments to provide funding during the postclosure care period than is typically provided today. Lee and Jones -Lee (2012f) and Jones -Lee and Lee (2014) have developed discussions of the impacts of inadequate landfill postclosure funding on public health and the environment. They point out that as part of permitting a MSW landfill adequate funding of postclosure monitoring, maintenance and remediation of the landfill should be provided for as long as the wastes in the landfill are a threat to generate leachate or landfill gas when contacted by water that inters the landfilled wastes through the landfill cover or groundwater seepage into the landfill. They suggest that the cost of MSW to the residential and commercial generator should be increased to insure that adequate funds will be available to provide a dedicated trust or similar reliable funding source to address all potential worst case scenario issues that can lead to environmental pollution by the landfilled wastes. Lee and Jones -Lee (2004d) have discussed the unreliable information that some private landfill owners and their consultants are foisting on regulatory agencies where they claim that it is possible to predict, based on landfill monitoring, the duration of postclosure care. This is an attempt to try to limit the long -term liability of landfill owners for postclosure care. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2004d), such claims ignore the processes that will take place in a dry tomb type landfill. Figure 8 provides a diagram of the expected situation with respect to landfill gas formation and leachate generation in a closed dry tomb landfill. A similar relationship has been developed by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB, 2004). Once the landfill is closed with a low - permeability cover, the rate of landfill gas generation and leachate production will drop off and eventually stop if the landfill cover is effective in limiting moisture from entering the landfill. This is because both leachate generation and landfill gas production are dependent on moisture in the wastes. Christensen and Kjeldsen, (1989) have discussed the role of moisture in influencing landfill gas production. These relationships are shown in Figure 9. However, in time, as the low - permeability plastic sheeting layer in the cover deteriorates and moisture enters the landfill, landfill gas and leachate generation will start to occur again. There is no reliable way, under .. current dry tomb Subtitle D landfill cover design and monitoring, to predict when the postclosure dormant period will end and landfill gas and leachate production will begin to occur again. The CIWMB, in accord with California Title 27 landfilling regulations of requiring postclosure monitoring and maintenance for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat, is in the process of developing an approach to secure assured funding for postclosure monitoring and maintenance of closed landfills. Landfill owners, especially private owners, have voiced opposition to this approach. Lee and Jones -Lee (2007b) have provided the CIWMB with Regulatory Agency Should Define Who Will Provide Postclosure Care for as Long as the Wastes Will Be a Threat. As part of permitting a landfill, the regulatory agency should provide information on who will provide the following for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat.: • Monitoring the groundwater monitoring wells and the gas monitoring wells, • Removing leachate from the leachate collection sumps, • Repairing the cover when there is erosion of it and it fails to prevent moisture from entering the landfill that generates leachate, • Cleaning out the leachate collection system associated with chemical and biological plugging of this system, • Operating and maintaining the landfill gas collection system, • Performing groundwater remediation when the pollution of groundwater by landfill leachate is discovered in a monitoring well or more likely in an offsite production well, obviously pollute groundwater during the time that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Since the wastes in a dry tomb landfill will be a threat to generate leachate and landfill gas for well beyond the 30 years of minimum postclosure monitoring and maintenance that the landfill proponent will be obligated to cover, regulatory agency staff should estimate the period of time that postclosure funding will be needed (including the technical basis for developing this estimate), how much funding will be needed to address all plausible worst - case failure scenarios for the landfill cover, bottom liner, and groundwater and gas monitoring systems, and the source of the funds for the required postclosure monitoring, maintenance and remediation. From an overall perspective, minimum Subtitle D landfill design, closure and postclosure monitoring and maintenance will result in the development of a landfill that will pollute groundwater by landfill leachate during the period of time that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. This pollution will be a significant threat to the health, welfare and interests of the residents and property owners in the area. O'Brien Executive Director ARF of Solid Waste Association of North America has published an article that discusses some aspects postclosure issues for MSW landfills. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2011a) the SWANA/O'Brien article on postclosure issues fails to adequately discuss the need for adequate postclosure funding/care for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a generate leachate when contacted by water. Recently various individuals who work with/for landfill developers publish articles that fail to adequately and reliably discuss landfill postclosure issues. Jones -Lee and Lee (2012) have discussed the paper by Morris on the expected performance of Subtitle D landfill during the post closure. As with many other recent articles of this type Morris has failed to discuss the 50 true long term problems of closed subtitle D landfills. Figure 8. Comparison of Pattern of Landfill Gas Generation over Time at Classical Sanitary Landfill and "Dry Tomb" Landfill (from Lee and Jones, 199 1) Lee and Jones -Lee (2012a) have developed a comprehensive discussion of the potential public health, groundwater resource and other problems with Subtitle D MSW landfills. This discussion was featured in a MSW Management blog as Editor (2012). Lee and Jones -Lee (2012b) also developed a checklist of issues that need to be considered in developing new or expanded MSW landfills that considers both active life and postclosure issues. O'Brien Executive Director ARF of Solid Waste Association of North America has published an article that discusses some aspects postclosure issues for MSW landfills. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2011a) the SWANA/O'Brien article on postclosure issues fails to adequately discuss the need for adequate postclosure funding /care for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a generate leachate when contacted by water. Recently various individuals who work with/for landfill developers publish articles that fail to adequately and reliably discuss landfill postclosure issues. Jones -Lee and Lee (2012) have discussed the paper by Morris on the expected performance of Subtitle D landfill during the post closure. As with many other recent articles of this type Morris has failed to discuss the true long term problems of closed subtitle D landfills. Lee and Jones -Lee (2012a) have developed a comprehensive discussion of the potential public health, groundwater resource and other problems with Subtitle D MSW landfills. This discussion was featured in a MSW Management blog as Editor (2012). Lee and Jones -Lee (2012b) also developed a checklist of issues that need to be considered in developing new or expanded MSW landfills that considers both active life and postclosure issues. 51 Figure 9. Impact of Moisture on Landfill Gas Formation (from Christensen and Kjeldsen, 1989) ME 0 20 40 60 T Hazardous versus Nonhazardous Waste Classification The typical approach that is used by regulatory agencies and landfill proponents is to say that no "hazardous wastes" will be deposited in a Subtitle D landfill. However, that statement is based on the fact that an arbitrary and often not protective approach is used to define "hazardous" waste. An understanding of the basis of this classification shows that the US EPA's approach allows substantial amounts of hazardous chemicals to be added to so- called "nonhazardous" waste (Subtitle D) landfills. Further, the US EPA's classification system provides for no recognition of so- called "nonhazardous" waste containing constituents which are highly detrimental to the use of the groundwaters that are polluted by leachate from such wastes, rendering the waters unusable for domestic and many other purposes. As discussed by Jones- Lee and Lee (1993), the presence in a water supply well of municipal solid waste and other waste leachate, with no "hazardous" chemicals above the US EPA criteria that are used to make the distinction between hazardous and nonhazardous, can still cause the water supply well to have to be abandoned because of the aesthetic problems of taste and odor, color, iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, corrosion, scaling, etc. The most significant problem with the US EPA's classification of hazardous versus nonhazardous waste is the use of the leaching test — originally, the EP -Tox test, and now the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The test is patterned after dredged sediment elutriation. While the dredged sediment elutriation conditions make sense for dredged sediment open -water disposal, similar conditions have no validity for the leaching of constituents in a solid waste landfill. The liquid -to -solid ratios used, redox conditions, pH and exposure surface area 52 of the solid particles are all highly arbitrary. The EP -Tox test, now TCLP, is a political test designed to limit the size of the hazardous waste stream that must be managed as hazardous waste. The tests have little or nothing to do with properly evaluating chemicals that could affect groundwater quality. The UA EPA Science Advisory Board in a letter to Carol M. Browner, Administrator US EPA discussed the need for the agency to update its procedures for the TCLP. The agency has continued to fail to address the unreliability of the TCLP for characterizing solid wastes as a hazardous waste. The interpretation of what constitutes excessive leaching in the EP -Tox test and TCLP is another example of an arbitrary approach on the part of the US EPA in defining hazardous waste. The allowed attenuation factor (5 -to -I dilution is assumed) will, for some hydrogeological groundwater systems, be overprotective, and for others, under - protective. Yet the characteristics of the hydrogeology of the site are not taken into account in interpreting the results of the test to determine whether a waste can be placed in a nonhazardous waste landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009d have provided a discussion of the unreliability of the TCLP based procedure leaching of a solid waste, soil, and sediments including cement "stabilized" wastes in evaluating the potential hazard of chemicals in the wastes. There is considerable unreliable information on the potential for municipal solid waste leachate to pollute groundwaters, rendering them unusable for domestic and many other purposes. Jones- Lee and Lee (1993) have presented a review of the potential for MSW leachate to pollute groundwaters. As they discuss, MSW leachate typically contains high concentrations of conventional and so- called "non - conventional' pollutants. The conventional pollutants include heavy metals, a variety of organics, and various salts, some of which are hazardous to the health of those who consume water that has been polluted by municipal landfill leachate. Non - conventional contaminants are largely organic chemicals that have not been defined, and whose potential hazards to public health and groundwater quality are not known. Typically the organic Priority Pollutants — those organics that are identified and quantified — represent a very small fraction of the total organic matter present in leachate as measured by chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon. It is estimated that from 90 to 95 percent of the organic materials in municipal landfill leachate are of unknown composition. Those chemicals have not been identified, and obviously their potential impacts on public health and groundwater quality are unknown. Controversy exists on whether the disposal of electronic wastes in MSW landfills increases the potential for MSW landfill leachate to be a greater threat to cause groundwater pollution by heavy metals. This issue has been reviewed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2009e) where they discuss that SWANA as presented by Obrien and the US EPA have used a technically invalid approach based on the TCLP test results to evaluate whether MSW leachate is a threat to pollute groundwater with sufficient heavy metals to be a threat to the health of those who use the groundwater for domestic water supply. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009e) indicate that at this time it is not known that the disposal of electronic wastes in MSW landfills increases the potential for increased heavy metal pollution of groundwater. They recommend that electronic wastes be prohibited from the MSW waste stream as prudent public health and groundwater resource 53 protection policy Following the failure of coal ash containment system at a TVA coal fired electric generating station there has been considerable interest in the potential threat that coal ash landfill, waste ponds etc. represent to the environment. The Environmental Integrity Project has developed a comprehensive report, "Risky Business Coal Ash Threatens America's Groundwater Resources at 19 More Sites" (2011). http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/documents/12131 I eipthirddamagereport.pdf that provides a detailed discussion of these issues. Inadequate Waste Screening for Prohibited Wastes. Landfill operators are required to have a prohibited waste control program on site to detect and deter attempts to dispose of unacceptable wastes at the landfill (such as hazardous wastes that are not conditionally exempt small quantity generator wastes). Frequently, inadequate information is provided on the program that the landfill developer plans to implement that would prevent unacceptable wastes from being deposited in the landfill. The approach of having the scale personnel examine from three to five random loads on a random day once per week is far from adequate in evaluating whether the municipal solid waste stream deposited at the landfill contains wastes that cannot be legally deposited in the landfill. Hazardous Characteristics of MSW. While municipal landfills are not allowed to accept "hazardous waste," they can and do accept a wide variety of hazardous chemicals or materials which contain hazardous chemicals. Common household items such as batteries, fluorescent light bulbs and cleaning fluids contain such hazardous chemicals. One of the groups of chemicals of particular concern is the heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, etc., which are known to be highly toxic to people. SWANA (2004) issued a report which claims that the concentrations of heavy metals in today's municipal landfill leachate are not a threat to cause groundwater pollution. However, as discussed by Lee (2004), the SWANA analysis of the situation is flawed in that they used a regulatory approach adopted by the US EPA to define the critical concentrations of heavy metals in landfill leachate that are a threat to domestic water supplies. As discussed by Lee (2004, 2006e), these critical concentrations are at least 100 times the drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Further, the US EPA's approach for waste classification as hazardous versus nonhazardous ignores the fact that there are geological strata (such as fractured rock) where there can be rapid, little - attenuated heavy metal movement through groundwater systems to domestic water supply wells. The facts are that the heavy metals in MSW leachate today are a threat to cause groundwater pollution which is adverse to public health and domestic water supply water quality. The US EPA (1988a), in reviewing this situation, concluded that the contamination of a groundwater by MSW leachate renders the groundwater and the area of contamination of the aquifer unusable for domestic purposes, where a water supply well that intercepts leachate- polluted groundwater has to be abandoned — i.e., cannot be cleaned up to acceptable public health standards. Those familiar with groundwater monitoring near landfills understand that today's chemical - based approach — where a few regulated chemicals are monitored, compared to the thousands to tens of thousands of chemicals that are present in the wastes that are a threat to public health, groundwater resources and the environment — is significantly deficient and is not protective of public health or the environment. Lee and Jones -Lee (I 994c), in a paper, "Does Meeting 54 Cleanup Standards Mean Protection of Public Health and the Environment ?" have discussed this issue, pointing out that waters that have been contaminated by wastes that meet all MCLs can still be a significant threat to public health, through the hazards of unregulated chemicals for which there are no MCLs. The US Congress General Accounting Office (GAO) has indicated that there are in excess of 75,000 chemicals used in US commerce today. The current US EPA and state regulatory agency "laundry list" of chemicals that are analyzed associated with a solid waste landfill represents 100 to possibly 200 of these chemicals. There are thousands to tens of thousands of chemicals present in municipal solid waste and industrial so- called "nonhazardous" waste of the type that could be disposed of in a municipal solid waste landfill, that need to be, but that are not now required to be monitored, either directly or by their impacts, through biological assessment techniques, in order to protect public health and the environment. As an example of the lack of adequate monitoring of the characteristics of municipal landfill leachate, Gintautas et al. (1992) reported finding a phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicide in municipal landfill leachate which had not been previously reported. They concluded that the chlorinate 2- phenoxypropionic herbicides are ubiquitous in MSW landfill leachates in the US. These herbicides are used on residential lawns for control of broadleaf plants (dandelions). Since grass clippings are allowed in the municipal solid waste stream, chemicals used on the lawn would be present in grass clippings that are deposited in the landfill. However, neither the US EPA nor the state regulatory agencies are requiring the analysis of leachate for the wide variety of chemicals that are used on residential properties and in the home that become part of the municipal solid waste stream. Daughton (2004a,b), made a presentation, "Ubiquitous Pollution from Health and Cosmetic Care: Significance, Concern, Solutions, Stewardship — Pollution from Personal Actions." This presentation covered information on pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as environmental pollutants. He also discussed the relationship between endocrine disrupters and PPCPs. (A copy of Daughton's presentation, which consisted of 64 PowerPoint slides, is available upon request from gfredlee @aol.com.) Daughton pointed out that there is a wide variety of chemicals that are introduced into domestic wastewaters and wastes that are being found in the environment. These include various chemicals (pharmaceuticals) that are derived from usage by individuals and for pets, disposal of outdated medications in sewerage systems and solid waste streams, release of treated and untreated hospital wastes to domestic sewerage systems, transfer of sewage solids (" biosolids ") to land, industrial waste streams, releases from aquaculture of medicated feeds, etc. Many of these chemicals are not new chemicals. They have been in wastewaters and municipal solid wastes for some time, but are only now beginning to be recognized as potentially significant water pollutants. They are largely unregulated as water pollutants. According to Daughton (2004a), "Since the 1970s, the impact of chemical pollution has focused almost exclusively on conventional 'Priority pollutants, " especially on those collectively referred to as `persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic" (PBT) pollutants, `persistent organic pollutants" (POPS), or "bioaccumulative chemicals of concern (BCCs). The "dirty dozen " is a ubiquitous, notorious subset of these, comprising highly halogenated organics (e.g., DDT, PCBs). The conventional priority pollutants, however, are only one piece of the larger risk 55 puzzle. " Daughton has indicated that there are over 22 million organic and inorganic substances, with nearly 6 million commercially available. The current water quality regulatory approach addresses less than 200 of these chemicals, where in general PPCPs and many other chemicals are not regulated. According to Daughton, ` Regulated pollutants compose but a very small piece of the universe of chemical stressors to which organisms can be exposed on a continual basis. " Daughton has indicated that one of the routes of environmental exposure is through trash placed in municipal solid waste landfills. He specifically singles out "leaching from municipal landfills" as an origin of PPCPs in the environment. He characterizes municipal landfills as "pollution postponement." MSW landfills receive substantial amounts of pharmaceuticals and other unregulated /unmonitored chemicals that become present in landfill leachate. In addition to being present in surface waters and groundwaters polluted by landfill leachate near the landfill, the disposal of MSW leachate in POTWs (municipal wastewater treatment plants) contributes to the pollution of the environment through discharges of "treated" wastewaters to surface waters. Additional information on PPCPs is available at www.epa.gov/nerlesdl/chemistry/pharma/index.htm. The March 17, 2010 Ground Water Protection Newsletter contained the following information on pharmaceuticals in MSW leachate. "Maine Study May Help Bid For State Limits On Landfalling Pharmaceuticals A new study detecting common prescription drugs in the leachate from municipal waste landfalls in Maine could aid efforts by supporters of state legislation to create industry funded drug takeback programs, with proponents in Maine already citing the results to bolster their claims that existing approaches to drug disposal put the environment at risk. Maine's study appears to be the first to show significant levels ofpharmaceuticals in landfall leachate -- the liquid that seeps to the bottom of landfalls and is commonly sent to municipal wastewater treatment plants. Traditional wastewater treatment methods do not remove all chemicals in pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and supporters of drug takeback programs say having drug manufacturers collect excess pharmaceuticals and incinerate them as hazardous waste would help reduce threats to surface and groundwater contamination. " Re- printed in part from the Water Policy Report, Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, February 2010 Periodically, previously unrecognized significant environmental pollutants are being found in surface waters or groundwaters. Two recent examples of this situation are perchlorate and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). With respect to perchlorate as a widespread water pollutant, Silva (2003) of the Santa Clara Valley Water District in California, has discussed the potential for highway safety flares to be a significant source of perchlorate (C104 ) contamination to water, even when the flares are 100 - percent burned. According to Silva, "A single unburned 20- minute flare can potentially contaminate up to 2.2 acre-feet [726,000 gallons] ofdrinking water to just above the California Department ofHealth Services' current Action Level of 4 yg /L [for perchlorate]. " Silva points out that, `More than 40 metric tons offlares were used/burned in 2002 alone in Santa Clara County. " Silva also indicates that fully burned flares can leach up to almost 2,000 µg of perchlorate per flare. The spent/used highway flares are often disposed of as trash 56 in municipal landfills. This can be a source of perchlorate in MSW leachate. California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA, 2004) has proposed a public health goal for perchlorate of 6 µg /L. As of December 2003, there were 354 public wells in California with perchlorate above the proposed limit of 6 µg/L. Another widespread "new" pollutant has been recently discussed by Hooper (2003) of the Hazardous Materials Laboratory, Department of Toxic Substances Control, California EPA. He states, "Over the past 25 years, tens of thousands of new chemicals (7 chemicals per day) are introduced into commerce after evaluation by USEPA. Few (100 -200) of the 85, 000 chemicals presently in commerce are regulated. We have reasons to believe that a much larger number than 200 adversely affect human health and the environment. " As an example of unidentified hazardous chemicals in the environment, Hooper discussed finding PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ether) in human breast milk and in San Francisco Bay seals. Archived human breast milk shows that this is a problem that has been occurring for over 20 years. According to McDonald (2003) of the California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, "Approximately 75 million pounds ofPBDEs are used each year in the U.S. as flame retardant additives for plastics in computers, televisions, appliances, building materials and vehicle parts; and foams for furniture. PBDEs migrate out of these products and into the environment, where they bioaccumulate. PBDEs are now ubiquitous in the environment and have been measured in indoor and outdoor air, house dust, food, streams and lakes, terrestrial and aquatic biota, and human tissues. Concentrations of PBDE measured in fish, marine mammals and people from the San Francisco Bay region are among the highest in the world, and these levels appear to be increasing with each passing year. " The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA 2006) has published a review on the potential for PBDEs to be environmental pollutants and the health hazards associated with them. Renner (2000) published a review on PBDEs, which provides additional information on their sources, occurrence and potential significance as environmental pollutants. PBDEs are similar to PCBs and are considered carcinogens. Some of the PBDEs are being banned in the US and in other countries. PBDEs are present in the municipal solid waste stream. The perchlorate and PBDE situations are not atypical of what could be expected based on the approach that is normally used to define constituents of concern in water pollution control programs. Based on the vast arena of chemicals that are used in commerce, many of which could be present in aquatic systems through wastewater discharges and so- called nonhazardous solid wastes, it is likely that many other chemicals will be discovered in the future that are a threat to aquatic ecosystems and public health through surface water and groundwater pollution. Figure 10 presents a summary, derived from a report, of current information on numbers of chemicals from various sources that are of concern as potential pollutants. While this figure is developed for California coastal areas it will have applicability to many other areas. Some of these unregulated chemical sources will be a source for unregulated chemicals in MSW landfills. 57 In summary, MSW leachate contains a vast array of unrecognized hazardous chemicals that are a threat to public health and the environment through pollution of domestic water supplies. Lee and Jones -Lee (2005b) have recently published a review on unrecognized pollutants. While often not considered and largely unregulated, municipal solid waste leachate contains a variety of human and animal fecal waste and other wastes that contain disease organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, cyst - forming protozoans and intestinal parasitic worms. Of particular concern are sewage sludge and diapers. As discussed below, vermin (small animals, including insects) and birds can transport disease organisms from the solid wastes to the areas near the landfill, thereby exposing people and animals to disease organisms. Construction and Demolition Waste Landfilling Associated with the construction of new structures are various types of waste materials that are landfilled. Redevelopment of areas often requires demolition of existing structures wastes that also need to be landfilled. This leads to construction and demolition (C &D) wastes as a special category of solid waste materials that are landfilled. There are no federal regulations governing the landfilling of C &D wastes. Each state has developed its own regulatory approach. These approaches range from deposition of C &D wastes in MSW landfills, to landfilling with limited environmental protection with respect to liners for leachate collection, groundwater monitoring, etc. There is a basic problem with the regulation of the landfilling of C&D wastes, in that some regulatory agencies consider C&D wastes to be "inert," and therefore a limited threat to cause environmental pollution. However, there is substantial evidence that C&D wastes generate leachate that is a threat to cause water pollution. ICF Inc. (1995a), under contract with the US EPA Office of Solid Waste, conducted a review of the characteristics of leachate generated by construction and demolition waste landfills. Construction and demolition landfill leachate sampling data were collected from 21 C &D landfills. Data were provided for 305 parameters. Potentially significant concentrations, compared to drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), were found of 1,2- dichloroethane, methylene chloride, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese and total dissolved solids (TDS). ICF Inc. (I 995b) conducted a review of the "damage cases" caused by construction and demolition waste landfills. ICF Inc. (1995b) identified 11 damage cases where there was groundwater contamination by the C &D landfill. Constituents causing groundwaters to exceed the drinking water MCL were iron, manganese, TDS and lead. According to ICF Inc. (I 995a), there were over 1,800 C&D landfills operating in the United States in the mid- 1990s. Therefore, only a small number of the C&D landfills have been examined for groundwater pollution. M. ijchemicals Foo4 AddWvtv Cosmoia and Addiil P rm oa tkals 1 IEM Figure 10 The state of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Solid Wastes, has been conducting studies on the characteristics of C &DD waste leachate. This agency has developed, "A Comparison of Selected Parameters From Ohio Construction & Demolition Debris Leachate with Ohio Municipal Solid Waste Leachate - June 2009" and Ohio EPA 2007 C &DD Leachate Raw Chemical Analytical Data [Excel]." The results are available in Ohio EPA (2009). Waste Age (2009b) has reported that the St. Louis Post - Dispatch reported, "Dangerously High" Methane Levels Recorded at St. Louis from a former C &D landfill. According to this article, "The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a statement on Friday that recent tests had shown methane gas levels at the St. Louis Demolition Landfall are "dangerously high. " DNR officials warned that methane levels are well above the regulatory limit and, in some cases, are concentrated enough to be explosive. The landfall is located in the northern part of St. Louis and is near several residential areas. Subsequent testing by firefighters did not indicate elevated methane levels in houses in the nearby Baden neighborhood, according to the St. Louis Post - Dispatch. Testing continues and residents are being offered methane detectors as a precaution. The St. Louis Demolition Landfall was built SO years ago, predating current landfall regulations. It has not accepted waste for 12 years. The city of St. Louis (which purchased the landfall 30 years ago) has been working with DNR to try and cap the site. " 59 In addition to the recognized pollutants in household items, there is increasing recognition that homes contain a wide variety of chemicals that when placed in a landfill will cause environmental pollution. As discussed above, Daughton (2002; 2004a,b) has reviewed the fact that the current water quality monitoring programs for characterizing landfill leachate in groundwaters polluted by landfills are significantly deficient in describing the full range of pollutants that are a threat to public health and the environment. PCBs in Caulk in Older Buildings. Recently, it has become more widely recognized that construction and demolition wastes can contain appreciable concentrations of PCBs. For many years PCBs were used in sealants in concrete joints and wooden structures. This means that construction and demolition wastes can contain PCBs. This issue has been recognized in Europe, Australia and other countries. There are a number of papers and reports on this issue from other countries, which provide additional information on the presence of PCBs in various types of structures. Of particular concern are the publications by Astebro et al. (2000), BUWAL (date unknown) and CFMEU (date unknown). A comprehensive review of what was known in 2004 about PCBs in structures as a diffuse source of PCBs for the environment has been developed by Kohler et al. (2005). Klosterhaus et al. (2011) have presented a report of the study of PCBs in stormwater runoff from currently standing buildings. They report that the PCBs found in urban stormwater runoff can be derived from demolition of older building from the PCB in the caulk in these buildings. According to the US EPA, "Caulk is a flexible material used to seal gaps to make windows, door frames, masonry and joints in buildings and other structures watertight or airtight. Al one time caulk was manufactured to contain PCBs because PCBs imparted flexibility. The US EPA has developed Preventing Exposure to PCBs in Caulking Material at, http: // www. epa. gov 1pcbsincaulklcaulkexposure.htm discusses that PCBs are found in high levels in building caulk. Caulk containing high levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) has been found in many schools and other buildings built or remodeled before 1978. Because PCBs can migrate from the caulk into air, dust, surrounding building materials, and soil, EPA is concerned about potential PCB exposure to building occupants. In general, schools and buildings built after 1978 do not contain PCBs in caulk. On September 25, 2009, EPA announced new guidance for school administrators and building managers with important information about managing PCBs in caulk and tools to help minimize possible exposure. Through EPA's Regional PCB Coordinators, the Agency will also assist communities in identifying potential problems and, ifnecessary, developing plans for PCB testing and removal. The Agency has prepared a Fact Sheet (PDF) "Questions and Answers information is provided in, http://www.epa.gov/pcbsincaulk. " Additional information on the potential presence of PCBs in C & D wastes is presented by Lee, and Jones -Lee (2010 de). Studies in the San Francisco Bay area have been found that urban stormwater runoff contains sufficient PCBs to contribute to excessive PCBs concentrations in receiving water fish. One of the sources of the PCBs in urban stormwater runoff has been found to be runoff from residential /commercial/industrial demolition areas where there is release of PCBs from caulking compounds used as sealant at wood and concrete joints. Dr. Lee has been involved in investigating the occurrence of PCBs in water, wastes, and fish since the late 1960s. Veith and Lee (1970) study and paper were among the first published on PCBs as :e water pollutants in US waters. Dr. Lee has continued to be active in investigating PCBs pollution since that time. A summary of work on his PCBs pollution studies is available in Lee (2006h). Lee and Jones -Lee (2015) have prepared guidance on evaluating the potential pollution of waterbodies that lead to excessive concentrations of PCB in fish tissue that are a threat to those who use the fish as food. The authors of this flawed technology report have been involved in the review of several C &D landfilling situations. These include evaluating the potential threat of expanding the Taylorsville Road Hardfill Landfill in Huber Heights, Ohio (Lee 2002a). It was concluded that the expansion of this landfill was a threat to the domestic groundwater supply water quality for Huber Heights. Lee have been involved in the review of two proposed C &DD landfills in Morrow County, Ohio (Lee 2006f), and in evaluating the potential impact of city of New Orleans hurricane Katrina household and commercial wastes and demolition wastes that were deposited on top of the city's unlined, closed MSW Gentilly Landfill (Lee, 2006g,h,i). In both cases, the state regulatory agencies allow landfilling of C &D wastes in landfills that only have a compacted soil liner. In the case of the Gentilly Landfill, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) issued a permit which enabled the city to increase the height of the Gentilly Landfill from 18 feet to 130 feet above ground level. LDEQ also significantly relaxed the restrictions on the types of so- called C &D landfill wastes that could be deposited at this landfill to include painted furniture, mattresses and many other types of household items that were destroyed by the flooding of homes associated with the hurricane Katrina situation. Dubey, et al. (2007) reported on the "Quantities of Arsenic- Treated Wood in Demolition Debris Generated by Hurricane Katrina," According to the article abstract, "The disaster debris from Hurricane Katrina is one of the largest in terms of volume and economic loss in American history. One of the major components of the demolition debris is wood waste of which a significant proportion is treated with preservatives, including preservatives containing arsenic. As a result of the large scale destruction of treated wood structures such as electrical poles, fences, decks, and homes a considerable amount of treated wood and consequently arsenic will be disposed as disaster debris. In this study an effort was made to estimate the quantity of arsenic disposed through demolition debris generated in the Louisiana and Mississippi area through Hurricane Katrina. Of the 72 million cubic meters of disaster debris generated, roughly 12 million cubic meters were in the form of construction and demolition wood resulting in an estimated 1740 metric tons of arsenic disposed. Management of disaster debris should consider the relatively large quantities of arsenic associated with pressure - treated wood. " An issue of increasing concern about waste wood is the potential for treated wood to leach arsenic, copper and chromium. Townsend and his associates at the University of Florida have conducted a number of studies on the leaching of these chemicals from treated wood (Townsend, et al. 1998; Jambeck et al. (2008), Khan, et al. 2004, et al. 2008 and Engelhaupt,2007). They have found that the chemicals are somewhat leachable over a long period of time and represent a threat to groundwater quality. Lee (2007) has discussed the importance of properly managing waste treated wood in appropriately designed and monitored landfills, in order to prevent groundwater pollution by chromium and arsenic. Me McDilda (2010) presented a discussion of the potential pollution of groundwaters by chromium used to treat wood to control decay. This report discusses the threat that allowing treated wood in C & D landfills. The disposal of chromate copper treated wood is one of the types of wastes of greatest concern for disposal in C & D landfills. Zhour and Algazi (2011) present a report on the approach followed in California to manage treated wood wastes. DTSC treated wood regulations allow that treated wood wastes may be disposed of either in a hazardous waste landfill or in a composite lined portion of a solid waste landfill approved to accept it by the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). An issue of particular concern at C &D waste landfills is the management of hydrogen sulfide emissions from the landfill. Wallboard (which is composed of calcium sulfate), in the presence of decomposable organic matter and water, can produce large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, where the sulfate in wallboard is reduced by bacteria to sulfide. The US EPA (2005) is developing a guidebook on managing hydrogen sulfide at C &D waste disposal facilities. This guidance discusses the potential for hydrogen sulfide generated from the decomposition of wallboard in C &D landfills to not only cause an airborne nuisance to nearby individuals, but, at high concentrations, also a health threat. This guidance discusses approaches that can be used to minimize hydrogen sulfide production at C &D landfills. The state of California does not have specific C &D landfilling regulations. It does have regulations governing the disposal of "inert" wastes. Inert waste is defined as "that subset of solid waste that does not contain hazardous waste or soluble pollutants at concentrations in excess of applicable water quality objectives, and does not contain significant quantities of decomposable waste" (SWRCB Division 2, Title 27, §20230). Inert wastes do not require deposition in a managed area. It is, however, up to the proponent for managing such waste to demonstrate that the wastes comply with the inert waste definition. Since many construction and demolition wastes have leachable components, much of this type of waste is placed in MSW landfills in the State. In some areas of the State, MSW landfills require a double composite liner. The only water quality threat posed by these inert wastes is siltation according to Marshack (1989) of the State Water Resource Control Board, Marshack (1989) has discussed the approach used to determine whether a waste is an "inert waste." The California Department of Health Services and the State Water Resources Control Board have established regulations which provide detailed criteria on how wastes are to be classified, with the exception of the "designated waste" category. According to Marshack, "The lower boundary of this category is described only as the limit above which a waste could impair water quality at the site of discharge. This boundary can be more clearly defined by establishing Designated Levels' for specific constituents of a waste which provide a site specific indication of the water quality impairment potential of the waste. [The Marshack (1989)] report provides a methodology for calculating such levels. Designated Levels are calculated by first determining the bodies of water that may be affected by a waste and the present and probable future beneficial uses of these waters. Next, site - specific `water quality goals' are selected, based on background water quality or accepted criteria and standards, to protect those beneficial uses. Finally, these water quality goals are multiplied by factors % which account for environmental attenuation and leachability. The result is a set of Soluble and Total Designated Levels which are applicable to a particular waste and disposal site and which, if not exceeded, should protect the beneficial uses of waters of the State. Wastes having constituent concentrations in excess of these Designated Levels are assumed to pose a threat to water quality and are, therefore, classified as `designated wastes' and directed to waste management units which isolate these wastes from the environment." According to this approach, inert wastes would be those that do not contain soluble components at concentrations that, when deposited at a particular location, would leach constituents that, through the Designated Level Methodology, would be considered a threat to ground and surface water quality in the disposal area. Implementation of this approach requires a site specific evaluation of the leaching characteristics of the types of wastes that are proposed to be classified as inert wastes, the hydrogeology of the proposed inert waste deposition area, as well as information on the present and probable future designated beneficial uses of the ground and surface waters that would be impacted by materials potentially released from the inert wastes. Wastes that do not meet the inert waste classification must be deposited in a managed waste disposal landfill, such as an MS W landfill or hazardous waste landfill. Buske, et al. (2005) have presented a discussion of the characteristics of landfill odors and some of the approaches for assessing the magnitude of odor, and its control. The focus of their discussion is the potential adverse impacts of using fines from C &D wastes as landfill daily cover. They report that this approach has led to severe, persistent offsite odors, where it was necessary to terminate this approach. It is evident that C &D wastes should not be considered inert. These wastes can leach components that can cause groundwater pollution. They should be managed in properly sited, designed, operated and closed landfills that receive postclosure care (maintenance and monitoring) for as long as the wastes in the landfill are a threat, upon contact with water, to generate leachate. A subsequent section of this report (Improving Public Health and Environmental Protection from Inadequately Developed Landfills) discusses improving public health, groundwater resource and environmental quality protection associated with inappropriately sited and inadequately designed, operated and closed landfills and those landfills for which there is inadequate postclosure monitoring and maintenance for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. This section has particular applicability to C &D landfills, where regulatory agencies in a state do not adequately regulate such landfills to protect public health and the environment. An important difference between minimum design Subtitle D landfills and the C &D landfills that are allowed in a number of states is that the Subtitle D landfills with their single composite liner can postpone pollution of groundwaters for many years, while C&D landfills with only a compacted soil/clay liner will start to pollute the underlying groundwater aquifer system within a short time after waste deposition occurs in the landfill. Aluminum Production Wastes Stark and his associates have published several papers, Calder and Stark (2010), Stark et al. (2012), Jafari, Stark, and Roper (2013), (2014) on the problems caused by depositing aluminum production in municipal landfills. Calder and Stark (2010) in the paper abstract, "Aluminum :c Reactions and Problems in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills," Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management' stated, "Abstract: Aluminum enters municipal solid waste MSW landfills from untreated raw curbside trash MSW , industrial waste, and aluminum production wastes variously called dross, baghouse fines, salt cake, and other designations. Aluminum related reactions can arise and become problematic for landfill operations by generating undesirable heat, liquid leachate, and gases, such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Temperature excursions up to ISO °C 300Y and landfall gas pressures exceeding 210 kPa have been observed. Water from the MSW, precipitation, injection, and/or surface water management can result in sufficient water to trigger problematic aluminum related reactions. Another source of water in a MSW landfall is leachate recirculation, which is not recommended if substantial aluminum is present in the landfall mass because it can lead to a problematic aluminum related reaction. This paper examines the chemical reactions involving aluminum in landfills and the negative consequences of introducing aluminum into MSW landfills regardless of its origin. Proposals for mitigating aluminum reactions are also presented. " As discussed in their paper the reactions of aluminum production wastes generate elevated temperatures in MSW landfills that can damage the HDPE landfill liner. While aluminum production wastes are not classified as a hazardous wastes and managed accordingly and not be allowed to be deposited in MSW landfills. Hazards of Living/Working near Landfills There are questions about the potential hazards of using a closed landfill as a playfield for children, constructing a school or playground adjacent to a closed (inactive) landfill, or purchasing residential property near an active and /or closed landfill. The public is justifiably concerned about the hazards of living next to, locating a school next to, or locating a playfield on a former landfill. Landfills, even those that contain so- called "nonhazardous" wastes, contain a variety of hazardous chemicals that, if not properly managed, can pollute groundwaters, soil and the atmosphere and therefore be a threat to those using properties near the landfill. An issue of concern is whether those who live near landfills show evidence of adverse health effects. Lee and Jones -Lee (2007c) have recently discussed this issue. It is known from a number of studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (Anderson, pers. comm., 1999) that some populations living near landfills have shown a greater incidence of some diseases. Elliott et al. (2001) have reported that children of people living near landfills in England tend to have a higher rate of birth defects than the general population. Environmental Health Perspectives has published a paper (Kouznetsova, et al., 2007) which relates residential proximity to hazardous waste sites to hospitalization associated with diabetes. A review of the various studies that have been conducted, however, reveals that the epidemiological approach for discerning health effects associated with populations living near landfills is not sufficiently sensitive to reliably determine whether releases from the landfill are at least in part responsible for the health effects. A complicating factor is that those living near landfills frequently are economically disadvantaged and of a different ethnic mix than the general population. Further, data that have been developed on this issue have often been devoted to former (closed) landfill situations, where there is far greater limiting of landfill emissions than will occur, at least initially, with today's Subtitle C and D landfills. MOA In the Lee and Jones -Lee (2007b) discussion of the hazards of living/working near landfills and hazardous chemical sites, they state, "It is well - established that airborne releases from hazardous chemical sites (including active and inactive landfalls) can have a significant adverse impact on the population within the sphere of influence of the site. " The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2006) has developed a discussion on gaseous emissions from landfills, in which it state, "Many of the typical landfall gases, notably the alkyl benzenes and the su fur compounds (both organosulfades and acid gases), may present an odor problem that can cause adverse health effects such as mucous membrane irritation, respiratory irritation, nausea, and stress. If an individual has a pre - existing health condition (e.g., allergies, respiratory illness), these additional health impacts can be significant. " Lee and Jones -Lee (2007b) further state, "With respect to the populations at risk from airborne releases of hazardous chemicals from a hazardous chemical site /landfall, as a first estimate, it would be all individuals who experience odors from the site. While marry of the chemicals that are responsible for illness are non - odorous, typically, airborne releases from hazardous chemical sites /landfalls have odorous components which are readily detectable. It is for this reason that hazardous chemical site and municipal, industrial and hazardous waste landfalls should be practicing sufficient odor control so that there is no detectable odor at the site boundary i.e., no trespass of odorous emissions onto adjacent properties. The odor control should not be done through masking agents, but with treatment technologies that destroy the odor and, it is to be hoped, the hazardous chemicals associated with the odor as well. It should not be assumed that the typical testing for airborne releases ofhazardous chemicals associated with the evaluation of the impact of a landfill or other hazardous chemical site on adjacent properties is adequate to detect airborne hazardous chemicals released from the site. For some hazardous chemicals the analytical method detection limits are not adequate to detect the hazardous chemicals at concentrations of concern, either individually or in combination with other chemicals. The evaluation of whether odorous chemicals are being released from a site should be based on a properly documented assessment by individuals with above - average olfactory sensitivity. " Graiver et al. (2009) has reported that H6N2 sub -type of the avian influenza virus can remain infectious in MSW landfill leachate for up to 600 days. They conclude that the disposal of bird flu infected birds carcasses in MSW does not represent a threat to other birds. Recommended Approach. The recommended approach for utilizing landfill covers and areas adjacent to landfills for situations where children can be exposed to waste - derived constituents should involve a detailed, third - party, independent review of the magnitude of the releases that are occurring from the landfill to the atmosphere, to surface water runoff and to groundwater. This should require at least a one -year detailed monitoring effort that is conducted from the perspective of trying to find problems. This perspective is important since, in many cases, studies sponsored by landfill owners, as well as the studies conducted by consultants who typically work for potential site developers, are biased toward not finding Z : problems — i.e., doing the minimum necessary to get by current regulatory agency requirements. There is need for the site investigations to be conducted by a third -party managed team, where the management team has a proper balance of individuals who are knowledgeable and interested in full protection of public health and the environment. This does not mean that the team should be dominated by what are sometimes called "environmental activists." Some individuals who operate in this arena tend to distort the technical information available, and thereby have limited credibility in striking a proper balance. Landfill Siting Issues The US EPA, as part of the development of Subtitle D landfill regulations, failed to address one of the most important issues that should be addressed in developing a minimum Subtitle D landfill — namely, the siting of the landfill at geologically suitable sites for a landfill of this type. While the Agency does require that minimum Subtitle D landfills not be sited too close to airports, where there could be major bird problems for aircraft, or too near an earthquake fault or within a flood plain, the Agency did not address the issue of siting minimum Subtitle D landfills where the underlying geological strata do not provide natural protection of the groundwaters from pollution by landfill leachate when the landfill liner systems eventually fail. In accordance with current regulations, minimum Subtitle D landfills can be sited over highly important aquifers that serve as a domestic water supply source for an area. They can also be sited in fractured rock and cavernous limestone areas, where it is impossible, through the use of vertical monitoring wells, to reliably monitor the pollution of groundwaters by landfill leachate. As discussed Anderson (1995) seismic activity in the vicinity of a landfill has been found to damage landfill containment systems. These impacts can occur in landfills located outside the areas where the US EPA Subtitle D landfills prohibit landfill siting. The US EPA in developing Subtitle D landfill regulations, also failed to address one of the most important reasons why landfills lead to a justified NIMBY ( "Not In My Back Yard ") attitude. US EPA Subtitle D regulations allow the deposition of wastes very near the landfill property owner's property line. Justified NIMBY Hirshfeld et al. (1992), of Duke University, in a paper, "Assessing the True Cost of Landfills," have summarized the potential impacts of landfills that should be addressed as part of landfill development. They point out that the environmental and social costs of landfills are usually ignored, which in turn inhibits the development of other waste management options, such as waste reduction, recycling and resource recovery. They divide the impacts of landfills into "physical" impacts and "social" impacts. The physical impacts are related to ground and surface water pollution by leachate migration, atmospheric releases of landfill gas, and fires. Landfill gas is known to cause explosions resulting in loss of life and property, and damage to vegetation. Hirshfeld et al. also point out that the non - methane organic compounds in landfill gas contain toxic chemicals that are a threat to cause cancer. Further, other components in landfill gas, such as hydrogen sulfide and organosulfur compounds can cause unpleasant odors associated with landfills. The social impacts of landfills include increased traffic, visible air pollution, noise, aesthetic Me degradation and limited land utility. The social- impacts cost of landfills, according to Hirshfeld et al., is "(1) the cumulative decrease of surrounding property values; (2) the cost associated with land utility effects, also known as an `opportunity cost'; and (3) a `hastening cost'. " Several of these issues are discussed further below. The state of Washington Department of Ecology in its Beyond Waste Project is conducting a comprehensive review of solid waste management practices in the state. As part of this effort a series of documents has been developed which discuss solid waste management issues. One of these publications, "Disposal — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (Smith, 2004) states, "The extent to which today's landfills adequately protect human health and the environment is a subject of debate, however. Requirements that govern siting, operation, closure, and post - closure are stringent and extensive. While the newest landfalls are state -of -the -art facilities, they are far from benign in their impacts. Landfalls may still affect the air, land, and water but to a significantly lesser degree than before today's standards went into effect. " Typically, landfill proponents will characterize local opposition to a landfill as an ill- founded "Not In My Back Yard" (NIMBY) response of the public in the region. The authors have yet to find an individual located near a proposed landfill who does not become a "NIMBY." However, it is the authors' experience that, with few exceptions, all of those within a few miles of a proposed landfill are justified in their NIMBY response. The authors have been involved in investigating over 80 landfills located in various parts of the US and in several other countries. They have also served as consultants to public groups and agencies on the potential impacts of proposed and existing landfills. Several years ago they published two papers, "Addressing Justifiable NIMBY: A Prescription for Siting MSW Landfills," (Lee and Jones -Lee, 1994d) and "Landfill NIMBY and Systems Engineering: A Paradigm for Urban Planning" (Lee et al., 1994), which discuss when NIMBY is justified. The above -cited papers and presentation slides provide a discussion of the potential impacts of landfills and, most importantly, how many of these impacts can be controlled through proper landfill siting, design, operation, closure and postclosure monitoring and maintenance. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (I 994d), one of the key areas that can significantly reduce justified NIMBY is the provision for adequate buffer land between where wastes are deposited and adjacent properties. This buffer land is needed to dissipate the releases of waste- derived components in leachate (`garbage juice ") and landfill gas. Fickes in a recent article discussed several of the so- called "nuisance" impacts of MSW landfills with emphasis on approaches that are used to attempt to control the adverse impacts of releases such as odors, dust, etc from MSW landfills. Lee (2011g) discussed that this article fails to discuss the problems with each of these types of releases that cause justified NIMBY by those who own/use properties near a MSW landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2007d) have presented a discussion of the issues that need to be considered in evaluating the potential impacts of a landfill on those within the sphere of influence of the landfill. This review provides guidance on how those concerned about the siting of a landfill in their area should proceed to evaluate its potential impacts on their health, groundwater resources and interests. :III Table 2, from the Lee et al. (1994) paper, lists the potential adverse impacts of landfills. As discussed above, the current typical municipal solid waste stream contains a wide variety of known and yet- to -be- identified hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals that are a threat to public health and the quality of groundwater that is used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Inadequate Buffer Lands. Landfill developers state that appropriate buffer zones have been planned for a proposed landfill, where a few hundred feet are allowed between where the wastes will be deposited and adjacent properties. While landfill developers claim that appropriate buffer zones have been planned, in fact even the most elementary understanding of the distances over which modern landfills can be adverse to adjacent property owners /users' health, welfare and interests shows that often several miles of buffer land is needed to dissipate the releases from a landfill on the landfill owner's property so that they are not adverse to adjacent property users /owners. Other Impacts of Landfill Releases and Activities. Landfills can have a variety of additional impacts, such as fugitive trash, vermin, birds, noise, lights, etc., which are deleterious to the interests of those in the sphere of influence of the landfill. One of the major deficiencies of Subtitle D landfilling regulations is that the US EPA failed to address the justified NIMBY issues by failing to require that landfill owners provide adequate buffer lands between where the wastes will be deposited and adjacent properties. The typical approach that landfill owners /operators claim they will use as part of gaining a permit for siting a landfill, of limiting the size of the working face where each day's garbage is deposited, and then at the end of the day covering the daily deposited garbage with a thin layer of soil or other material, can, if fully implemented, reduce the magnitude of many of the adverse impacts associated with releases from the landfill during its active life, but does not eliminate them so that they are not adverse to adjacent property owners /users in those situations where there are inadequate buffer lands between the waste deposition area and adjacent properties. With at least a mile of land between where wastes are deposited and adjacent properties, it is possible to reduce the magnitude of justified NIMBY. To completely eliminate justified NINMY would require, at many landfill locations, several miles of buffer lands owned by the landfill owner between where wastes can be deposited and adjacent properties. Table 2 Adverse Impacts of "Dry Tomb" Landfills on Adjacent/Nearby Property Owners/Users • public health, economic and aesthetic aspects of groundwater and surface water quality • methane and VOC migration - public health hazards, explosions and toxicity to plants • illegal roadside dumping and litter near landfill • truck traffic • noise • dust and wind -blown litter • odors • vectors, insects, rodents, birds • condemnation of adjacent property for future land uses • decrease in property values • impaired view From Lee et al. (1994) ii Vermin - Disease Vectors. Vermin include animals such as rats and other rodents, and insects such as flies. In addition to being a nuisance, vermin can be vectors (carriers) of disease organisms and hazardous chemicals. Birds (gulls, crows, etc.) can be a significant problem at landfills, where large numbers will congregate and circle the landfill area, defecating on nearby residents and their properties, as well as schools, etc. Noise Pollution. Hirshfeld et al. (1992) discuss landfill noise as part of their discussion of "Social Impacts" of landfills: "Noise at landfalls can be noticeable in nearby residential areas. The USEPA (1975) notes that excessive noise can have many undesirable effects on those exposed to it. In most cases, however, the noise is simply regarded as an annoyance. " Noise pollution of the areas near a proposed landfill is a justified issue of concern because of the often limited buffer land between where wastes will be deposited and adjacent properties. This means that adjacent property owners can potentially experience noise pollution on their properties by the proposed landfill. Light Pollution. Another issue of concern to the public is that some landfills operate at night, where nearby property owners would experience pollution by lights at the landfill. Some landfill operators plan to operate heavy equipment at night, under lights, for compaction of the wastes that had been received that day. This can lead to significant disruption of the interests of the nearby property owners /users, which should be controlled /prohibited. Stormwater Flooding Problems. Frequently, landfill applicants will state that a landfill facility will be designed, constructed and maintained with a run -on control system to prevent flow onto the active portion of the landfill during the peak discharge from a 25 -year storm, and a run -off control system from the active portion of the landfill to collect and control at least the water volume resulting from a 24 -hour, 25 -year storm. Some members of the public are concerned about a proposed landfill causing increased flooding of their property through diversion of stormwater. While, the landfill developer plans to collect all stormwater that occurs on the landfill property in detention basins, this collection only applies to storms that result in a magnitude of less than the 25 -yr, 24 -hr discharge. Storms of greater magnitude than this will result in runoff from the landfill property onto adjacent properties. Some landfills are constructed with a berm around the landfill property to divert waters around the property that now run onto this property. This berm could lead to increased flooding problems downstream of the proposed landfill. This would be of justifiable concern to the public, unless the landfill owner is required to manage the waters that now run onto the landfill property, which would be diverted around it by a berm, in such a way as to restore the current flow regime and amount downstream of the proposed landfill. Without requiring this approach, some downstream property owners could be adversely affected by the proposed stormwater management approach. Decreased Values of Nearby Property. One of the major concerns of property owners with the establishment of a landfill in their area is the decrease in their property values. Establishing a landfill with inadequate buffer lands between the waste deposition area and adjacent properties leads to decreased property values. This is a consequence of landfill owners /operators' failing to Me adequately control landfill releases to the air (odors, explosive gases, hazardous volatile chemicals, etc.) and groundwater (pollution), and landfill- associated activities such as truck traffic, noise, lights etc. While some landfill owners will claim that establishing a proposed landfill will not affect nearby property values, this is not in accord with the results of the studies conducted by Hirshfeld et al. (1992). They reported, based on studies at various locations, that decreased property values have been found as far as three miles from the landfill. Hite et.al., (2000) have discussed the potential impact of MSW landfills on nearby property values where they conclude that MSW landfills decrease the property values near the landfill. Individuals who own land immediately adjacent to a proposed landfill, as well as most others who own property within several miles of a landfill, can be expected to have their property values significantly decreased by the development of the landfill. This is of particular economic significance to some property owners, since their property could be developed with substantial residential and commercial activities if it were not for the presence of the landfill. Host Fees. A tactic that is widely used by landfill developers is to offer the local community a "host fee" of a dollar or so per ton of waste deposited in a landfill, which the community can use for various purposes. In developing this arrangement, the landfill developer is careful not to site the landfill near the properties of those community officials who are responsible for voting to accept the host fee. The magnitude of the host fee made available is typically small compared to the ultimate cost that will have to be spent in mitigating the effects of the landfill and the Superfund -like groundwater cleanup costs that will occur for future generations. Further, it is rare, if ever, that the host fee is used to compensate those within the sphere of influence of the landfill for their lost property value and other adverse impacts on their health, groundwater resources and interests. Lee (2010a, 2010b, 2010c, 2010d) has reviewed the permitting of the expansion of the Allied Imperial landfill expansion located in Imperial County, County where he found that the County Board of Supervisors ignored the fact that the existing landfill was not adequately sited and monitored to detect its impact on public health, agricultural crop production and the environment through gaseous and leachate releases to nearby properties. The proposed expansion of this landfill will continue this situation. It appears that the County Board is more interested in receiving host fees associated with the landfill expansion than protecting public health and the environment. Lee (2011 a) has provided additional comments on why the proposed Gregory Canyon Landfill that is to be located in northern San Diego County, California should not be permitted. These include that the eventual failure of the landfill liner system and the unreliable groundwater monitoring will not protect an important domestic water supply source in the area of the landfill. Even though it is well established that landfill located in areas will eventually pollute underlying groundwater by landfill leachate landfill developers and regulatory agencies allow MSW minimum design landfills to be developed in desert areas. A recent example is the Jungo Landfill that is to be located in northern Nevada. The Nevada Land and Resource, Inc. of Carson City, NV (owner) and Recology of San Francisco, CA (operator) proposed to construct and operate a Class I municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill facility, referred to as the Jungo Landfill, approximately 25 miles west of the city of Winnemucca, NV. The 70 Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) Bureau of Waste Management provides information concerning that proposed landfill and its permitting process for that landfill. This proposed landfill would rail haul about 4,000 tons per day of San Francisco bay area garbage for 100 years. On behalf of the Humbodt NV County Commissioners Lee and Jones -Lee (2011) provided a detailed discussion of the long term public health and environment problems of this proposed landfill. Nevada Department of Environmental Protection approved the operation of this landfill ignoring the long term impacts o the proposed landfill on the groundwater resources of the area. Impact on the Three Rs Today's initially cheaper -than- real -cost solid waste management by deposition of MSW in minimum Subtitle D landfills is strongly contrary to effective conservation and reuse of solid waste components. Lee and Jones -Lee (2000) have discussed the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling (the "Three Rs ") as much of the components of solid waste as possible as a resource conservation measure and for protection of groundwater resources, public health and the environment, under the conditions where the true cost of landfilling of solid waste in dry tomb landfills is paid as part of disposal fees. Environmental Justice Issues A key issue that needs to be evaluated with respect to environmental justice is whether the siting of a landfill will result in impacts that violate Title VI requirements for protection of minorities against sources of environmental problems. Property owners should have the right to be able to use and develop their property without the adverse impacts of a landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2004e) have discussed an environmental justice situation with respect to locating a MSW landfill in Mobile, Arizona. Professional Ethics Issues It is appropriate to inquire why there is not greater discussion of the significantly flawed approach of Subtitle D landfilling. It is the authors' experience that these issues are well - understood by many of those in regulatory agencies and in the landfill consulting community; however, as discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (I 995b), there is a significant professional ethics issue associated with the permitting of landfills, where those who develop landfills for public and private agencies do not discuss these problems, since it would mean that their firm would not gain further work from landfill developers. Landfill permitting in the US is conducted in an adversarial arena, where landfill applicants and their consultants discuss only the positive aspects of a proposed landfill, and do not discuss the problems associated with the landfill. This provides the regulatory agencies responsible for permitting landfills with an unreliable information base upon which to make decisions on the permitting of a landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (1995b) recommend that the current adversarial landfill permitting approach be replaced by a publicly conducted interactive peer review process, where both the positive and negative aspects of a proposed landfill can be discussed. Adoption of this approach would greatly improve the reliability of the information provided to regulatory agencies as part of permitting of landfills. An issue of concern in the permitting of landfills is whether consulting firms that work for landfill developers can serve as independent reviewers of a proposed landfill, advising regulatory agencies, county boards, etc., on the potential impacts of a particular landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2006c) have discussed this situation, pointing out that it is extremely difficult if not 71 impossible for consulting firms or individuals that normally support the development of landfills to perform true, independent assessments of landfills, since such reviews could readily lead to their not being able to gain future contracts with landfill developers. Developing Protective Landfills Lee and Jones -Lee (2013) have developed a comprehensive review of the approach that can be followed to develop MSW landfills that will be protective of public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. There are a number of approaches that members of the public potentially impacted by a landfill can work toward achieving, which will improve the ability of landfills to provide containment of the wastes for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. These are briefly summarized below. Siting. The landfill should be sited so that it provides, to the maximum extent possible, natural protection of groundwaters when the liner system fails. Siting landfills above geological strata that do not have readily monitorable flow paths for leachate- polluted groundwaters should be avoided. Of particular concern are fractured rock/clay and cavernous limestone areas, as well as areas with sandy lenses. Design. The landfill should be a double composite lined landfill, with a leak detection system between the two liners. Closure. A leak detectable cover should be installed on the landfill which will indicate when the low - permeability layer of the landfill cover fails to prevent moisture from entering the landfill. Monitoring. The primary monitoring of liner leakage should be based on the double composite liner, where the lower composite liner is the leak detection system for the upper composite liner. If vertical monitoring wells are used, then the spacing between the vertical monitoring wells at the point of compliance should be such that a leak in the HDPE liner caused by a 2- ft -wide rip, tear or point of deterioration at any location in the landfill would be detected at the point of compliance with a 95- percent reliability. Landfill Gas Collection. For those landfills that contain wastes that can produce landfill gas, a landfill gas collection system should be designed, installed and maintained for as long as the wastes in the landfill have the potential to generate landfill gas. The landfill gas collection system should be designed to have at least a 95- percent probability of collecting all landfill gas generated at the landfill. It is recommended that the gas collection system for a closed landfill be operated under vacuum, including in the leachate collection and removal system, to reduce the penetration of landfill gas through the liner system, which could lead to groundwater pollution. Maintenance. The maintenance of the landfill cover, monitoring system, gas collection system, etc., should be conducted for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat, with a high degree of certainty of detecting landfill containment system and monitoring system failure. Funding. The funding for closure, postclosure monitoring, maintenance and groundwater remediation should be established at the time the landfill is developed, from disposal fees that are deposited in a dedicated trust fund of sufficient magnitude to address plausible worst -case 72 scenario failures for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Unless appropriately demonstrated otherwise, it should be assumed that the period of time for which postclosure care funding will be needed will be infinite. Adoption of these approaches (or as many of them as possible) will significantly improve the ability of landfills to protect groundwater quality, public health and the environment for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Improving Public Health and Environmental Protection from Inadequately Developed Landfills. In those situations where a landfill will be developed that does not provide for full public health, groundwater resource and environmental protection, such as a minimum design Subtitle D landfill with a single composite liner, the following approach should be incorporated into the permitting of the landfill. In order to significantly improve public health, groundwater and surface water quality protection, a landfill proponent should be required to: Conduct sufficient additional hydrogeological investigations to be able to reliably predict (under plausible worst case conditions - most protective) the pathways for adjacent property groundwater pollution, when offsite groundwaters will likely be polluted and when surface water springs and streams in the area of the landfills will be polluted by landfill leachate that penetrates the landfill liners. • Establish a proactive, comprehensive offsite water quality monitoring program of all offsite water supply wells, springs and surface water streams within several miles of the proposed landfill, which will detect incipient groundwater and surface water pollution by landfill leachate. This distance should be determined based on the hydrogeological conditions that exist in the area of the proposed landfill. MSW and other types of landfills will contain wastes that generate leachate that will be a significant threat to pollute groundwaters and surface waters in the vicinity of the landfill. This leachate will contain chemicals that can cause groundwater consumed by humans and animals to be a health threat. In addition, leachate- polluted groundwater will contain chemicals that will cause tastes and odors and make the leachate- polluted groundwater unusable for domestic and many other purposes, including as a water supply for animals. Such pollution will cause the well to have to be abandoned. Landfills that are designed to meet the Subtitle D minimum requirement of a single composite liner will ultimately allow leachate generated within the landfill to penetrate into the groundwater system underlying the landfill. Typically associated with this type of landfill are the highly unreliable groundwater monitoring systems that are allowed by regulatory agencies, involving vertical monitoring wells spaced hundreds to thousands of feet apart at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. The hydrogeology of the groundwaters underlying many proposed landfills is complex, with sand layers and fractured rock/clay. The groundwater under such landfills will carry leachate- polluted groundwater that develops under the landfill to groundwaters that underlie adjacent properties and, at some landfill locations, to surface waters. At some time in the future, the groundwaters under adjacent properties will be polluted by chemicals in the landfill leachate. This will render the offsite groundwater a health threat and unusable for domestic and many purposes. Surface waters polluted by polluted groundwaters will be a threat to domestic water supplies and to aquatic life. Need for Improved Hydrogeological Characterization. The complex hydrogeology 73 underlying and in the area of many proposed landfills makes the transport of leachate- polluted groundwater to offsite areas difficult to assess /monitor. Typically the degree of characterization of the geological strata underlying a proposed landfill is inadequate to predict potential pathways and the rate of movement of leachate- polluted groundwater that will occur under the landfill to offsite areas. As part of providing an appropriate degree of offsite groundwater resource and public health protection, it is reasonable to require that a landfill proponent be required to characterize the hydrogeology of the landfill's area sufficiently well so that reliable estimates of the direction, rate and degree of pollution of adjacent and nearby properties' groundwaters can be made once the liner system has failed to collect all the leachate generated in the landfill. This information is essential to developing an appropriate groundwater monitoring system to detect when the leachate- polluted groundwater first reaches the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring down groundwater gradient from the landfill. S. Hubbard (2006) senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory presentation, "Toward X -Ray Vision: Geophysical Signatures of Complex Subsurface Processes" provides information on the kind of studies that are needed to adequately characterize the hydrogeology of landfill and hazardous chemical sites. Information on this presentation is available at, http://esd.Ibl.gov/ about / staff / susanhubbard /2010_birdsall_dreiss.html. Her report covering this presentation is available as Hubbard and Rubin (2006). And other papers /reports at, http://esd.Ibl.gov/about/staf`f/susanhubbard/publications.html The landfill permitting agency(s), as part of consideration of permitting a landfill, should require that a comprehensive hydrogeological investigation be conducted at the landfill site so that there is a reasonable degree of scientific certainty in predicting the potential pathways by which leachate- polluted groundwaters that occur at any location under the landfill liner can trespass under adjacent properties. The hydrogeological investigation should also provide a plausible worst -case estimate of the concentrations of selected leachate chemicals that could occur at adjacent property lines and how fast leachate - polluted groundwater would reach the adjacent property lines when the liner system fails to collect all leachate generated in the landfill. Requiring this degree of hydrogeological characterization is in accord with most landfill permitting agencies' mission of public health and groundwater resource protection. A proposed landfill should not be permitted until the additional hydrogeological information is made available and independently reviewed for its technical adequacy and reliability. This information on the pathways for leachate- polluted groundwaters to move from under the landfill to offsite properties, when pollution of offsite groundwaters is expected to occur, and the potential concentrations that will occur under adjacent properties of various types of pollutants that are present in the expected leachate is needed to determine whether a proposed landfill should be permitted. If it is permitted, then with this information the potentially impacted public, regulatory agencies and others would have a better understanding of the threat that the landfill represents to the groundwater resources under their property and the surface water resources of the area. 74 Subtitle D Landfills in Other Countries Following the adoption of the Subtitle D regulations by the US EPA in 1992 several other countries have adopted landfilling regulations patterned after the Subtitle D regulations where a single composite liner is allowed in MSW landfills. Lee (2002b, 2011c) has discussed why this should not be done based on the long term failure of this landfill liner system to prevent groundwater pollution as well as the unreliability of the detection of landfill leachate pollution of groundwater by monitoring wells spaced a hundred or so feet apart at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring. Lee and Jones -Lee on their website, www.gfredlee.com in the Examples of Specific Landfill Studies section at, http: / /www.gfredlee.com /plandfil2.htm #examples have presented their reports on these situations. As an example of inappropriate MSW landfilling Lee (2009a,b) they have reviewed the potential impact of a proposed MSW landfill in Thorhild County Alberta, Canada. They found that this landfill, if permitted, would be a significant threat the domestic and animal water supply and to aquatic life in surface waters of the area of the landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009f) have conducted a review of the Environment Alberta, Canada proposed revised landfilling regulations. These proposed regulations are highly deficient in developing landfills that will be protective of public health, ground and surface water sources, and the interests of those in the sphere of influence of the landfill. They reported that the major deficiencies as presented in the following summary. Comments on Environment Alberta July 1, 2009 Draft Standards for Landfills The Canadian Province of Alberta proposed to update its landfilling regulations. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009f) commented on the deficiencies in the proposed regulations as follows. • 25 year Post - closure period is grossly inadequate to protect public health, groundwater and surface water quality and the interests of those in the sphere of influence of the landfill. • Leachate composition not reliable to determine duration of post - closure period for landfill monitoring and maintenance. Draft regulations should specify that the post - closure period for landfill shall be for as long as the waste in the landfill can potentially generate leachate that can pollute groundwater or surface waters. • Clay liners and natural clay deposits specified in draft regulations not protective of groundwater quality for as long as the wastes in the landfill can generate leachate. The specified clay deposits and packed clay liners only delay when groundwater pollution occurs, they do not prevent. • Groundwater monitoring wells spaced up to 200 metres apart at the compliance boundary will have a low probability of detecting leachate polluted groundwater when it first reaches the compliance boundary. Should use double composite liner with leak detection layer between the composite liners. When leachate found in the leak detection layer the landfill cover needs to be improved to stop leachate from entering the leak detection layer. • 30 metres of buffer land between the landfill waste footprint and adjacent property lines is grossly inadequate to prevent trespass of waste derived materials and landfill gas including odors on to adjacent properties. This highly limited amount of buffer land will be a health threat to those who own/use adjacent and nearby properties. At least a mile (several kilometers) of buffer land should exist between where the wastes are deposited and adjacent property lines. 75 Landfill gas subsurface migration should recognize that subsurface landfill gas migration can be a significant cause of groundwater pollution including up groundwater flow direction from the landfill. Surface water quality monitoring should continue for as long as the wastes in the landfill can generate leachate when contacted by water to detect when seeps (breakout) leachate occurs from the sides of the above the ground surface of the landfill. The end of the Post - Closure Period report shall contain the detailed results of the studies that were conducted to show that the wastes in the landfill no longer have the potential to generate leachate when contacted by water. In February 2010 Alberta released its updated landfilling regulation where essentially none of the deficiencies listed above have been addressed. It is disappointing that a governmental agency in a developed country would propose such obviously deficient updated landfill regulation. In 2012 the Alberta Environment approved the permitting of the proposed Thorhild Landfill stating that the staff found that the proposed landfill complied with the minimum Alberta Landfill standards. This situation caused the Concerned Citizens of Thorhild County to file an appeal of this approval with the Alberta Environmental Appeal Board. Lee and Jones -Lee developed a review of the technical basis for the approval of the Thorhild Landfill permitting where they developed a series of reports as Lee and Jones -Lee (2012 c,d,e, and 2013) discussing the inadequate review of the potential impact of the proposed Thorhild Landfill on public health, groundwater and surface water quality and the impact of the proposed landfill on the interests of those in the sphere of influence of the landfill. Offsite Groundwater, Water Supply Well, and Surface Water Monitoring. In addition to greatly improving the information on the hydrogeology of a proposed landfill site and the surrounding area, there is need to require that the landfill owner establish comprehensive offsite groundwater monitoring of all water supply wells within the sphere of influence of the proposed landfill. This sphere should be considered to be several miles in any direction from the landfills, dependent upon the hydrogeological conditions that exist in the area. The purpose of this monitoring program would be to detect incipient pollution of existing water supply wells located on nearby properties. This approach is justified as part of providing improved public health and groundwater resource protection and assurance to the potentially impacted public that the landfill has not yet polluted their groundwater. It would provide a means of verifying the reliability of the predicted pollution of offsite groundwater. In addition to the landfill compliance monitoring wells at the point of compliance for groundwater monitoring, additional groundwater monitoring wells should be developed along the most probable pathways for leachate- polluted groundwaters to move toward offsite properties. If leachate- polluted groundwater is detected in any compliance monitoring wells and /or the pathway monitoring wells, then the landfill owner should be required to begin groundwater remediation, likely through pump and treat of the leachate- polluted groundwaters. This remediation would be designed to stop further offsite movement of leachate- polluted groundwaters. This is important because, as discussed by Rowe (1991), MSW leachate- polluted aquifers can never be remediated to a sufficient extent to enable the use of groundwater that has come in contact with the polluted but "remediated" part of the aquifer to be a reliable, safe source of domestic and animal water supply. 76 This monitoring program should be conducted quarterly for a broad range of parameters until a sufficient database has been developed so that the concentrations of the monitored parameters can be reliably predicted for the next quarterly monitoring. After one year of reliably predicting the results of the quarterly monitoring, the frequency of monitoring of offsite potentially impacted wells can be reduced to semiannually. In order to protect surface water quality from pollution by landfill leachate, comprehensive monitoring of all springs and streams within several miles of the landfill should be required for those hydrogeological situations where polluted groundwaters could discharge to surface waters. This monitoring would provide an early warning of pollution of surface waters by landfill leachate. The pollution of surface waters can affect both domestic water supply water quality as well as aquatic life - related beneficial uses of a waterbody. For many constituents, the water quality criterion for protection of aquatic life is one or more orders of magnitude lower than the drinking water MCL. This monitoring program should be funded by the landfill owner but carried out by third -party consultants that report the results to a Monitoring Committee consisting of the regulatory agencies, property owners and the landfill owner. This monitoring program should be conducted forever — i.e., as long as the landfill has the potential to generate leachate that can pollute groundwaters underlying the landfill. The offsite well monitoring would be for all existing and any new water supply wells that are developed in the future. This approach is justified since those who own properties adjacent to and near the landfill are entitled to continuing to have groundwaters under their property that are free of landfill leachate. Monitoring of the characteristics of the leachate generated in a landfill should include a broad range of potential pollutants that can be expected to be generated based on the characteristics of the wastes accepted at the landfill. The monitoring of groundwaters and surface waters should include a broad range of potential pollutants and potential transformation products. An expert panel would advise the Monitoring Committee on the parameters that should be included in the monitoring. The required monitoring parameters should be reviewed each year by the panel to determine if there are any new potential pollutants that should be added to the list of parameters. Lee and Jones -Lee (2006c) have provided guidance to public groups and agencies on issues that need to be considered in selection of an independent consultant to assist in evaluation of the potential impacts of a proposed landfill. The key to this selection is to find someone knowledgeable on landfill containment/pollution issues who has not and does not expect to work for landfill developers. As they discuss those who work for landfill developers cannot expect to do further work on behalf of landfill developers if they discuss the full potential impacts of a proposed landfill. Lee and Jones -Lee (2007d) have provided guidance on the issues that typically need to be considered in evaluating the potential impacts of proposed landfill and landfill expansions that conform to Subtitle D regulations. Lee and Jones -Lee (2005c) have developed a summary of issues on developing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills — Water 77 Quality Issues, in the: Water Encyclopedia: Hazardous Waste Landrilling RCRA distinguishes between hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. As discussed above, the distinction between the two types of wastes is somewhat arbitrary and certainly does not prevent hazardous chemicals from being deposited in so- called nonhazardous waste (Subtitle D) landfills. The US EPA has developed regulations for landfilling of hazardous wastes in Subtitle C landfills. This type of landfill involves a double composite lined system for waste containment. Further, the US EPA requires some pretreatment of some of the hazardous waste components that are placed in Subtitle C landfills, to reduce their mobility. This pretreatment, however, does not prevent the development of leachate associated with water percolating through the landfilled wastes, which can enter the underlying groundwaters as the Subtitle C landfill liner system deteriorates. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009g) have conducted a review of the potential hazards of developing a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA Chemical Waste Unit landfill for disposal of wastes solids that contain PCBs to the domestic groundwater supply for Dewitt County, Illinois. They reported that the proposed landfill which is supported by the US EPA Region 5 staff has provided unreliable information on the ability of TSCA PCB landfill to prevent groundwater pollution by PCBs. Lee (2006j) has provided a comprehensive discussion of the potential problems associated with the Peoria Disposal Company's existing and proposed expansion of a Subtitle C hazardous waste landfill located near Peoria, Illinois. As discussed, Subtitle C landfills have essentially the same problems as Subtitle D landfills, of ultimate failure of the landfill liner and cover systems while the wastes in the landfill are still a threat to generate leachate upon contact with water. There is, however, a potential advantage of Subtitle C landfills, as well as Subtitle D landfills that are constructed with a double composite liner system, in that, when leachate is detected in the leak detection zone between the two composite liners, it is known that the upper composite liner has failed or is failing, and it is only a matter of time before the lower composite liner also fails, if it has not already done so. As discussed above, when leachate is detected in the leak detection zone between the two composite liners in either a Subtitle C or a double composite lined Subtitle D landfill, there is need to stop leachate production through repairing the low - permeability plastic sheeting layer in the landfill cover. To address the chronic problem of periodic failure of the plastic sheeting layer in the cover which could lead to groundwater pollution, it is recommended that a leak detectable cover be installed on all double composite lined landfills prior to or at the time when leachate is detected in the leak detection system between the two composite liners. This approach requires that adequate postclosure funding be available, throughout the period that the wastes in a Subtitle C or D landfill are a threat, to install and operate the leak detectable cover. Leak detectable covers can and should also be installed on all Subtitle D landfills when it becomes obvious that the landfill cover system is no longer preventing leachate generation caused by moisture penetrating through the cover into the wastes. This approach, however, requires that the leachate collection system continue to be operated and maintained throughout the essentially infinite period of time that the wastes in the landfill are a threat to generate leachate upon contact with water. Peoria County, Illinois proposed a new MSW landfill that is to be located in an area of former coal mining. Lee (2011 c) has provided detailed comments on the potential public health and environmental problems with this landfill. Addressing the Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling The potential problems with dry tomb type landfilling were noted at the time that this approach was first proposed in the early 1980s. At that time the authors had just completed research on behalf of the US EPA National Groundwater Research Program located at Ada, Oklahoma, devoted to factors influencing the ability of compacted clay liners for landfills to prevent groundwater pollution. The authors were involved in the review of a proposed hazardous waste landfill located in eastern Colorado. They also were involved in reviewing several other hazardous waste and municipal waste landfills in other parts of the country. Based on their research and the proposed landfills that were being developed at that time with compacted clay liners, Lee and Jones (1984) developed a review paper, "Is Hazardous Waste Disposal in Clay Vaults Safe ?" that was published in the Journal of the American Water Works Association. Subsequently the Water Resources Division of the AWWA judged this paper as the best paper published in the Journal during 1984. The thrust of this paper was that the attempt to isolate solid wastes in dry tomb type landfills was doomed to ultimate failure. As it stands now, the current regulatory approaches allowed by the US EPA and states can at best provide for protection of public health and the environment from hazardous and deleterious components of municipal and industrial wastes for a relatively short period of time compared to the time that the landfilled waste components will be a threat. Unfortunately, the early warnings on the flawed technology of dry tomb landfilling were ignored with the result that the US is building up a massive legacy of municipal landfills that will become "Superfund" sites. There is need to rewrite Subtitle D so that truly protective landfills can be developed that will protect public health, groundwater resources and the environment for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. As discussed by Lee (2010e) in correspondence with L. Jackson current US EPA Administrator there is an urgent need for the U.S. (as well as other countries) to begin to manage non- recyclable municipal and industrial solid wastes, construction and demolition wastes and hazardous wastes in landfills that are sited, designed, operated, maintained and closed, with adequate postclosure care /funding for as long as the wastes are a threat, where the generators of the wastes are required to pay the full cost of appropriate waste management and thereby stop the current practice of passing a substantial part of the costs on to those who are within the sphere of influence of a landfill as well as future generations. There is obvious need for a major overhaul of Subtitle D MSW landfilling to abandon dry tomb landfilling in favor of increased practice of the three Rs and development of landfills that can be used to treat the non - recyclable MSW to produce non - polluting residues. Fermentation Leaching of MSW ( Bioreactor Landfills) There is growing recognition that rather than trying to keep the wastes dry forever, the landfill should become a reactor system where the components in the solid wastes can be treated while the liner system still maintains its integrity. This has led to what are called "bioreactor" landfills where moisture (recycled leachate) is added to the landfill to enhance landfill gas production and to leach the leachable components of the wastes. However, as discussed by 79 Jones -Lee and Lee (2000, 2010c), many of the so- called bioreactor landfills that are being developed today that are occurring in minimum design Subtitle D landfills with a single composite liner tend to increase the potential for groundwater pollution by the leachate generated in the landfill. Jones -Lee and Lee (2000) and Lee and Jones -Lee (1993c) have discussed how landfills can be developed that will treat municipal solid wastes to produce a non- polluting residue and protect groundwaters from pollution during the treatment. Unfortunately, O'Brien (2010) Solid Waste Association of North America has published a review of current bioreactor landfill technology that fails to address many of the key long term issues that need to be addressed in evaluating/developing bioreactor landfills that will produce stabilized wastes that are not threat to pollute groundwater and generate landfill gas. The deficiencies in the O'Brien review are discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2010c). They describe a fermentation leaching approach where shredded wastes are placed in a double composite lined landfill with a leak detection system between the two composite liners. Shredding the wastes before they are placed in the landfill eliminates the impact of plastic - bagged garbage hiding wastes from added moisture, and provides for a more even flow of moisture through the wastes for promoting fermentation and leaching. As part of implementing this approach, there is need to develop a plumbing header system to distribute the recycled leachate over the wastes, providing for fairly even distribution of the recycled leachate through the shredded wastes. When the production rate of landfill gas slows, leachate recycle should be terminated, and a clean -water rinsing of the residual, non - fermentable waste components should occur (where no recycle is practiced), and the collected rinse water is treated, presumably at a POTW. The addition of clean water to the landfill will leach soluble and mobile components from the wastes that could otherwise, at some time in the future, lead to groundwater pollution when the liner system is no longer effective in collecting leachate. As with all MSW landfilling, a dedicated trust should be established that is of sufficient magnitude to address all plausible worst - case - scenario failures that can occur for as long as the wastes in the landfill are a threat. For this approach, this would likely be for five to ten years after the rinse water collected in the leachate collection system shows little or no potential to pollute groundwater. As discussed above, without following the fermentation leaching approach, the period that the wastes will be a threat is, effectively, forever. The fermentation leaching approach that Lee and Jones -Lee advocate provides an opportunity to effectively treat the wastes while the liner systems are likely to retain their integrity, and thereby shorten the period that the landfill is a threat to cause groundwater pollution. Reinhart et al. (2012) have discussed the potential role of modern landfills can have in waste management where they review several of the issues that need to be considered in improving the landfilling of MSW. References The references incorporated into this "Flawed Technology" Subtitle D landfill review, listed below, include peer- reviewed, professional literature in which the author(s) have present results of their investigations into issues pertinent to evaluating potential impacts of proposed and existing municipal landfills, as well as review papers /reports that Lee and /or Lee and Jones -Lee have developed on a particular aspect of evaluating landfill impacts. The Lee, and Lee and :1 Jones -Lee review papers /reviews contain references to peer- reviewed literature that serves as a technical basis for their synthesis of the professional literature on the topic discussed. Alexander, A., Burklin, C., and Singleton,A., "Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM) Version 3.02 User's Guide" US EPA EPA- 600/R- 05/047 Washington DC, May (2005). Anderson, R., "Earthquake Related Damage and Landfill Performance" ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 54, "Earthquake Design and Performance of Solid Waste Landfills," American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, pp 1 -16 (1995). ASCE, "Sanitary Landfill," Report Committee on Sanitary Landfill Practice of the Sanitary Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY (1959). Astebro, A.; Janson, B. and Bergstrom, U., "Emissions During Replacement of PCB Containing Sealants — a Case Study," Organohalogen Compounds 46248 -25 1 (2000). ATSDR, "Landfill Gas Primer: An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals, Appendix B: ATSDR Guidelines, ATSDR Guidelines for Public Health Actions in Response to Landfill Fires," Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2006). http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HAC/landfill/html/appb.html Auboiroux, M.; Guyonnet, D; Touray, J.; and Bergaya, F., "Cation Exchange in GCL and Compacted Clay Liners in Contact with Landfill Leachate," Proceedings Sardinia 99, Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, (1999). www.sb.Itu.se/at/Sardinia-99/S99`/`20A/Aubolroux.pdf Belevi, H. and Baccim, P., "Water and Element Fluxes from Sanitary Landfills, "In: Sanitary Landfilling: Process, Technology and Environmental Impact, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 391 -397 (1989). Benson, C., Abichou, T., and Jo, H., "Forensic analysis of excessive leakage from lagoons lined with a composite GCL ". Geosynthetics International, 11, No. 3; (2004). Bonaparte, R.; Daniel, D. and Koerner, R., "Assessment and Recommendations for Improving the Performance of Waste Containment Systems," US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, EPA/600/R- 02/099, Cincinnati, OH (2002). Bumb, A.; McKee, C.; Evans, R. and Eccles, L., "Design of Lysimeter Leak Detector Networks for Surface Impoundments and Landfills," Groundwater Monitoring Review 8(2):102 -1 14 (1988). Buske, D. C.; Lannan, M. T.; Riegert, M. L. and Laurila, J. R., "Odor Impacts from Using C &D as Landfill Cover," Presentation of Tech Environmental, Inc., at the New York Federation of Solid Waste and Recycling Conference and Trade Show (2005). http://nyfederation.org/PDF2005/8Buske.pdf Buss, S. E.; Butler, A. P.; Johnston, P. M.; Sollars, C. J. and Perry, R., "Mechanisms of Leakage through Synthetic Landfill Liner Materials," J. CIWEM 9:3 53 -3 59 (1995). BUWAL, "PCB haltige joint sealings: New guideline to the protection of humans and environment." 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Waste Age, "Dangerously High" Methane Levels Recorded at St. Louis Landfill, St. Louis Post - Dispatch, Oct 19, (2009b) Workman, J. P. and Keeble, R. L., "Design and Construction of Liner Systems," In: T.H. Christensen, R. Cossu, and R. Stegmann (eds.), Sanitary Landfilling: Process, Technology 101 Environmental Impact, Academic Press, San Diego, CA (1989). Yesiller, N. and Hanson, J. L. (2003). "Analysis of Temperatures at a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill," Sardinia 2003, Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Christensen et al., Eds., CISA, Italy, p. 1 -1 Zhou, Xiaoying, Algazi, Andre "Treated Wood Waste Management in California, AB 1353 Implementation Report, California Department of Toxic Substances Control June (2011) http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/HazardousWaste/upload/TWW—Final.pdf 102 millwise l COAL ASH The Challenge of Coal Ash It may be tempting for the pulp and paper industry to assume that regulations only apply to other industries, but coal ash is coal ash, regardless of who generates it PIET DEPREE and LOWRY TRIBBLE Just before Christmas 2008, an 84 acre coal ash impoundment at TVA's Kingston Power Plant failed, releasing 5 mil- lion cubic yards of fly ash slurry and covering 300 acres, including portions of Watts Bar Lake on the Emory River. Within 18 months, on June 21, 2010, the U.S. EPA proposed new rules for coal ash disposal and began solicit- ing comments from industry and the public. On February 2, 2014, an ash pond impoundment failed at the Duke Energy Dan River Power plant, causing the release of over 30,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River near Eden, NC. Within 23 days, Governor McCrory of North Carolina issued a statement requiring the relocation of all ash from the banks of state waterways. Duke Energy has estimated that this relocation process could take up to 25 years at a cost of $30 billion. Now under pressure from environmental groups, the general public, and the courts, the U.S. EPA has committed to finalizing the new rules by December 19, 2014. While these two major releases were associated with the power industry, the U.S. EPA and the general public are not going to differentiate between power coal ash, pulp and paper coal ash, or anyone else's coal ash. Coal ash is coal ash and the public will not tolerate spills into rivers and streams. These rules will have significant impli- cations for the pulp and paper industry which needs to start preparations today for the impact and requirements associated with them. COAL COMBUSTION RESIDUALS AND THEIR BENEFICIAL RE -USE Before discussing the new regulations and their potential impact on the pulp and paper industry, let's digress for a minute. What is coal ash? Coal ash is also referred to as coal combustion residuals (CCR) primarily con- sisting of fly ash and scrubber residuals (i.e. gypsum from flue gas desulfurization). For many years, the beneficial re -use of CCR has been promoted by regulators, industry, and the general public. CCR has been used in cement and wall board production, as well as other applications. CCR has also been used as structural fill in earthwork projects as well as base materials for the construction of roadways. While there has been a market, though very limited, for the beneficial re- use of CCR, concerns about contaminants, significant testing costs associated with its acceptance for beneficial re -use, and bulk transport costs have limited its marketabil- ity. Therefore, the amount of CCR generated and stored in impoundments far exceeds its beneficial re -use demand. As the quantities of CCR continue to pile up due to the lack of demand, the material must be disposed of. Most CCR is disposed of at or near the facility where it is produced. Coal ash is often combined with water to create an ash slurry, which simplifies its transport. This slurry is pumped or drained into "ash ponds," where the coal ash settles and the water is recycled back to the plant or is discharged into a nearby waterway. For many years, this process has been attractive due to its low cost. Ash ponds were traditionally built near the generating facility in low value land. Simple earthen dikes were constructed for containment of the ash slurry. As ash ponds filled to capac- ity, ponds were often vertically expanded by constructing additional dikes out of coal ash on top of the old ponds, and then filling the new capacity with additional ash slurry. The TVA failure involved such a construction after several vertical expansions. COAL COMBUSTION RESIDUALS (CCR) CONCERNS We are now finding that there are numerous issues associated with coal ash and its benefi- cial re -use. The burning of coal concentrates impurities which many believe will result in a material containing excessive concen- trations of metals and other contaminants. Therefore, the beneficial re -use of CCR may 26 Grading slurry - placed ash after drainage. Paper360° SEPTEMBER /OCTOBER 2014 Typical wet ash pond with well - developed aquatic vegetation. www.tappi.org create significant long tern liabilities. When CCR are used as an earthen material substi- tute for structural fill, problems can arise. When CCR is compacted, the water within the material rises to the surface, potentially causing construction issues. Excessive pore pressures within the material can create slope stability issues as well, thereby potentially damaging structures or causing harm to the health and welfare of the public and the environment. Public perceptions and future regula- tions will most likely create liabilities for the producers of coal ash. Although coal ash is typically not heavily contaminated, releases of contaminants such as arsenic, lead, and mercury can make headlines. Likewise, CCR stored near water bodies must be man- aged responsibly. The public expects greater responsibility from industry and is unwill- ing to continue to accept CCR spills into the nation's rivers. REGULATIONS: EXEMPT VS. SUBTITLE C VS. SUBTITLE D At present, CCR are an "Exempt Waste" under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), meaning CCR are not regulated by EPA but fall under state solid waste rules. Although the TVA incident was primarily a structural containment failure, the primary concerns driving the new CCR regulations are associated with contaminants leaching or migrating into groundwater or surface water. Depending on the sources of coal, CCR may contain elevated levels of metals and other contaminants that can produce leachate concentrations above regulatory contaminant limits. RCRA Subtitle C regulations are for hazardous waste. RCRA Subtitle D disposal facilities are for more general waste (munici- pal and industrial landfills). Since CCR do not generally meet the characteristic definitions of hazardous wastes (ignitability, corrosiv- ity, reactivity, and toxicity), most industry observers anticipate that the U.S. EPA will adopt Subtitle D regulation for CCR disposal. Subtitle D regulations are enforced by state environmental agencies. These regu- lations typically require a relatively imper- meable liner and leachate collection system under the waste to substantially limit infiltra- tion of leachate into the groundwater, capping of the waste to limit infiltration of surface LINER DETA14 CAP DEiAL CLFl r %EGUATIYE r gene wTE COWR5OL ��ui ec-naN urn +e• eaVEre saL D,uiw.ce Dwtw+cE ccoevwnsrrE rcvcorrPQerrr; uASE o� sot rrw00VER501L COYERfAL� CcR --' ndwater TYP SUB D LANDFILL J wa1 A Schematic of typical CCR landfill to conform to EPA's RCRA Subtitle D Liner and Cap. Source: Golder Associates, Inc. quality. Existing unlined landfills /ponds may be allowed to remain provided they are stable, new waste isn't added, and they are capped and closed within a few years with continued groundwater monitoring for an extended period (30+ years). Industry, whether power or pulp and paper, will not be allowed to walk away from their existing CCR storage and disposal facili- ties. These facilities will become fully regu- lated upon the adoption of the new rules to be released in December 2014. RISKS Since most existing or legacy CCR ponds are adjacent to surface water bodies, signifi- cant risks exist and can be divided into two categories: stability /containment issues and leaching issues. If stability /containment is questionable or if required monitoring indicates even small releases of contaminants from the CCR into the groundwater or surface water, costly remedial activities, such as groundwater treatment, cut - offwalls, or relocation of large volumes of CCR, may be required by regulators. A significant release of CCR into a lake or river will bring intense scrutiny from media as well as from the U.S. EPA and state regulators. As illustrated by the Kingston and Dan River failures, these incidents will most likely produce regulations that will ultimately affect the entire pulp and paper industry and many others. CONCEPTS FOR IMMEDIATE COURSES OF ACTION It may be tempting for the pulp and paper industry to assume the December 2014 regu- water, and monitoring of groundwater lations will only apply to other industries or to take a wait -and -see approach. However, as stated previously, coal ash is coal ash, regardless of who generates it, and a pro- active approach today can help reduce long term risks and liabilities. Some concepts for immediate courses of action to address CCR include: Evaluate risks of CCR disposal facilities. Pulp and paper organizations should inventory their CCR facilities, and evaluate potential risks associated with struc- tural stability and leachate generation and contamination. Phase out wet disposal. Wet disposal facilities are more likely to have stability issues and leach contaminants than dry facilities. Stabilize and /or close existing facili- ties. Stabilizing and capping old facilities can reduce risks associated with containment failures and leachate contamination of water resources. Separate CCR from other wastes. Many pulp and paper mills mix CCR with other, less regulated wastes. Costs of disposal and, if required, remediation, will be lower for smaller volumes of unmixed CCR 10 Piet DePree is a Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Golder Associates, Inc., which specializes in dams, landfills, foundations, environmental compliance and remediation. Contact him at: pdepreeggolder.com. Lowry Tribble is a regis- tered professional engineer atHodges, Harbin, Newberry, er Tribble, Inc., which specializes in design, permitting, and consulting services associated with the managementofsolid waste, coal ash and F&P oilfield wastes. Contact him at: ltribble@hhnt.com. Paper360° SEPTEMBER /OCTOBER 2014 27 Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League www.BREDL.org 4617 Pearl Rd Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 345 -3673 therese.vickkgmail.com Mr. Craig Brown Regulatory Specialist Regulatory Division United States Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 April 6, 2015 Re: Corps Action ID Number: SAW - 2014 -02254 Dear Mr. Brown On behalf of the members and Directors of Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) and our Lee and Chatham County chapters, I write to offer the following comments on the 404 permit applications under consideration for the proposed Colon and Brickhaven coal ash disposal sites. Reauest for a Public Hearino, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League requests that the Corps hold a public hearing on the draft 404 permit. The substantial impact and huge scale of the proposed coal ash disposal sites demand additional public input. Moreover, Lee and Chatham Counties are understood to be "ground zero" for natural gas extraction in North Carolina- with its attendant potential to impact the waters of the United States from spills, waste pit overflows and leaks, and stormwater run- off. Cumulative and indirect impacts must be studied. Environmental Justice Poor rural communities and communities of color are more likely to be targeted for waste disposal. Coal ash disposal is no exception. For example, coal ash waste from the Kingston, Tennessee spill was take to Uniontown, Alabama, over 300 miles away. Similarly, coal ash waste from the Wilmington area (over 100 miles away), and the Charlotte area (also over 100 miles away) is being transported to rural communities in Lee and Chatham counties. The permit documents submitted by the applicant to DENR identify all of North and South Carolina as potential service areas. There is nothing in federal or state law to prohibit coal ash from coming from anywhere. Executive order 912898 requires that federal agencies, "To the greatest extent practicable and permitted by law, and consistent with the principles set forth in the report on the National Performance Review, each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low - income populations in the United States and its territories and possessions, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands. " The communities near the Brickhaven and Colon sites have a higher percentage of minority residents than the state average. Images from US EPA EJ View mapping tool attached to emailed comments. Legend: E. i Minority (%) El r by Blockwow �C -r0 Oro -� _36.40 n 1w hart Disposing of 20,000,000 tons of dangerous coal ash at these sites, less than 10 miles apart, places a disproportionate toxic burden on the Brickhaven and Colon /Osgood communities. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources' (DENR) accelerated permit review including scheduling one hearing on three different permits for each site is unprecedented, and the confusing electronic commenting process (the link simply says "public notice ") exacerbate this already unjust and unfair process. Need for an Environmental Impact Statement The permitting of these two landfills will have a significant impact on the whole region. The cumulative and indirect impacts of the proposed permitting activities must be evaluated. Cape Fear Watershed • Duke Energy has coal ash impoundments on the Cape Fear River. • Bodies of water are already impaired within the Cape Fear River Basin. • There are two old unlined landfills in Randolph County located on the Deep River currently contaminating groundwater, and a new regional landfill -which could also receive coal ash is proposed at the same site. • If the Lee and Chatham County sites are permitted- a dangerous precedent will be set. There are many clay mines located in the Cape Fear region.I • The City of Sanford's wastewater treatment plant, which could be the recipient of concentrated leachate from both sites, discharges into the Deep River. • To move the 20,000,000 tons of coal ash from the Sutton and Riverbend sites to Lee and Chatham counties, it could take up to 200,000 railcars, 666,667 http: / /www.bredI.orci/pdf5 /150109 RAT CoalAsh- aayMine- Dumpsites.0 truckloads, or combination of the two. The potential impact of spills along the transport routes should be evaluated; additionally deposition into surface waters from fugitive ash should be assessed. Needs and welfare of the people o The effect of the proposed coal ash disposal sites on property owners near the sites have not been studied. o Many people in Lee and Chatham counties depend on gardens to supplement their diets, and raise chickens, goats and other animals as well. The potential for coal ash to settle on gardens and affect livestock has not been considered. o The public health impact of fugitive coal ash on air quality has not been studied. • Safety o Potential impacts on emergency service response time have not been evaluated. o Impacts on the transportation of school children have not been considered. o The impact of increased traffic from fracking operations in addition to coal ash disposal has not been assessed. Inconsistencies There are several inconsistencies within the applicant's project description, which the Corps has posted on the web page related to the 404 permit under consideration.2 The impacts of the proposed activity cannot be accurately assessed using erroneous information. Project Description: In the project description provided to the Corps, the applicant states: • "Approximately 3 million tons of coal ash would be transported to the Brickhaven and Sanford Mines for use in mine reclamation." According to documents currently under review by DENR3, the amount of coal ash to be disposed of at the Colon site is up to 8,800,000 tons, and the amount of coal ash to be disposed of at the Brickhaven site is up to 12,000,000 tons - 20,000,000 tons total. Additionally, Duke Energy has stated to the local officials in Chatham County that coal ash from their Cape Fear facility may also be disposed of at the Brickhaven site. • "The coal ash would be contained within an engineered fill cell that utilizes a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liner that is seamed and welded to ensure the liner is leakproof. " According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), all liners leak, it is a matter of if, not when. Additionally, tests 2 SM- -2014 -02254 3 Won: Permit Application Overview / Facility Plan /Engineerinq Plan /Operations Plan /Closure & Pbst- Closure Plan Brickhaven: Permit Application Overview / Facility Plan /Engineering Ran /Operations Plan /Closure & Post- Closure Ran have not determined that the constituents of coal ash are even minimally prevented from being released into the environment. Selenium is of particular concern.4 o "The proposed HDPE liner is designed to industry standards and has an expected life of 500+ years. " Two of the vendors listed in the applicant's permit documents reviewed by DENR have stated that the standard manufacturer's warranty is 5 years, with some special applications up to 20 years.5 What is being described by Duke Energy, Charah, and NC DENR is not "mine reclamation." Indeed, Lee County's GIS Services have determined that almost 80% of the footprint of the Colon landfill has never been excavated. Describing a coal ash landfill as "mine reclamation" allow the companies and the state to sidestep a lengthier and more deliberate permitting process with opportunities for public participation at almost every step. We urge the Corps to deny the 404 permit. Sincerely, Therese Vick North Carolina Healthy, Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator 4 Lemley, Dennis, Dr. Technical and Environmental Issues with 91nthetic Liners R'oposed for use in Coal Ash Disposal Applications 21 September 2010. (Attached to email with these comments). 5 EmaiIs to Therese Vick from GSE and SDI max. • CHARLOTTE,, City of a7arlotte Coal Ash Due Diligence Study City Manager's Office August 13, 2014 cCTh CHXRLOTTE,. Table of contents Coal Ash Due Diligence Findings Memo ................ 3 Exhibit 1 Questions & Answers ........................... 6 Ewironment ................. ............................... 6 Water Quality .............................6 Air Quality .. ............................... 7 Transportation ............................ 7 Land.......... ..............................8 Sdenoe & En gineering ...... ..............................9 Ash Management........... . .............................11 Legal........................... .............................12 Sodal......................... .............................14 Public % fety ......... .............................14 Community Outreach .................... ..... ...14 Economic ................... .............................14 Exhibit 2 Rverbend Coal Ash Fbnds ...................16 Exhibit 3 Airport Map ...... .............................17 Exhibit 4 Transportation Map ..........................18 Exhibit 5 Encapsulation Sbhematic ....................19 K Coal Ash Due Dili enoe 9► � August 13, 2014 CHARLOTTE,. . 0! At the direction of Oty Council and the City Manager, aty staff conducted a Due Diligence study to determine if placing coal ash from the Riverbend Steam Station Fbwer Rant (" Riverbend" see Exhibit 2) at the Charlotte- Douglas International Airport (the "Airport ")(fie Exhibit 3) would be good for the environment and economically beneficial for the Airport. Ina presentation to City Council on March 24, 2014, Duke Energy proposed using approximately 4.7 million tons of encapsulated coal ash as structural fill at the Charlotte- Douglas International Airport under a future fourth runway. The coal ash would come from two coal ash ponds at Riverbend Steam Station, a decommissioned power plant on the shores of Mountain Island Lake. Duke Energy working with Charah, a company specializing in coal ash removal and reuse, proposed placing the coal ash in a location that has the potential for future development, including a fourth runway at the Charlotte- Douglas International Airport. It was estimated that encapsulating the coal ash and creating a structural fill in this location would save approximately $30 million in construction costs and would employ one hundred people over five years. The composition of the due diligence interdisciplinary team consisted primarily of Oty staff, but there was participation from County staff as well. During the course of this endeavor, staff worked dosely with Duke Energy, Charah, Moore & Van Allen and the Catawba Riverkeeper to address numerous questions regarding the project. (See Exhibit 1) In addition, the team also received briefingsfrom experts at the University of Kentucky and UNGCharlotte and consulted with experts in the field, such as Hart and Hickman, afirm specializing in environmental consulting. The Due Diligence effort focused on environmental, legal, social and economic issues. Oty and County staff along with City Council members made visits to the Riverbend Fbwer Rant and to the Asheville Regional Airport where Duke Energy and Charah are completing a project similar to what was proposed during the March 24 City Coundl meeting. The team focused on answering two broad questions: 1. Is this project unambiguously good for the environment? 2. Is this project unambiguously good for Charlotte- Douglas International Airport? What follows is a summary of the project team's conclusions regarding these two questions. Good for the Environment The focus of this question was on Mountain Island Lake since it is the body of water adjacent to the Riverbend Steam Station's coal ash ponds and the area most likely to benefit from the removal of coal ash. The power plant has two coal ash ponds on apiece of land that juts out into the lake creating a bend, thus the name Riverbend. The coal ash pondsare held in by an earthen berm and are not lined or covered. Several municipalities have their water intakes in Mountain Island Lake induding the City of Charlotte which has itswater intake three miles downstream from the coal ash ponds. Acoal ash pond failure at Riverbend could result in several potential consequences. It could: 3 • Impact water treatment processes and potentially disrupt the water supply for the City of Charlotte and the other municipalities, • Disrupt the recreational use of the lake, and • Impair the water quality of the lake impacting both flora and fauna. The environmental team concluded that removing the coal ash from the ponds at Riverbend would be beneficial for the long -term environmental integrity of Mountain Island Lake. It is estimated that it would take approximately five years to remove all the coal ash from the site operating five days per week. Using a standard dump truck, it would require approximately 220 trips per day. Due to the volume of dump truck traffic and the number of trips necessary to move the coal ash in the short term, air quality could potentially be diminished along the transportation route. The air quality impact would be mitigated through the use of tarps, air quality monitoring and other operational measures to reduce dust. Furthermore, the volume of traffic would represent a degradation of the quality of life (i.e., truck traffic, noise, safety concerns, etc.) for the residents along the travel route, especially in the immediate vicinity of Riverbend. However, these conditionswould be temporary and outweighed by the benefit of protecting the long -term integrity of Mountain Island Lake. Staff reviewed the proposed encapsulation plan and determined that it posed a low environmental risk based on the available science and technical knowledge. While there would be logistical challenges, the science and technology are sufficiently advanced that these challenges could be addressed or mitigated. There were however, concerns about the composition of the coal ash. In addition to coal ash, the Mate stormwater permit allowed other materials to be discharged into ponds at the Riverbend Power Rant. Oty and County staff received some testing results, but the analysis did not encompass every possible organic or inorganic compound of concern that could potentially be found in the coal ash. In addition, staff recognizes that should coal ash be deposited at an Airport site, that it will also have an environmental impact. Land, air, and water quality could potentially be impacted by this project in the area around the fill site. The extent and duration of the impactswill depend on the site chosen for the coal ash structural fill. Good for the Airport While the possibility of saving $30 million in developing a possible fourth runway is an attractive proposition, after further consideration, the team determined that the risks of placing coal ash under a runway were unacceptably high. In addition, staff ruled out using coal ash under any area that the Airport may use for future airfield development —not just under a future runway. The Charlotte - Douglas International Airport is currently the sixth busiest airport in the U.S The airport staff indicated that even a remote chance the encapsulation system could fail and /or require maintenance is not acceptable. The loss of use of a runway at the Airport due to a failure in the encapsulation system has several negative consequences: • Impacts operational efficiency and capacity at the Airport, • Impacts revenues for the Airport, • Impactsairlinepartners' revenue, • Impacts the national air traffic system, rd • Impacts international air traffic, • Impacts regional (and potentially global) economic systems, • Impacts the estimated 20,000 daily jobs at the Airport, and • Impacts the ability of the Airport to maintain its role as primary hub to a major airline. It became apparent that any realized construction cost savingswould be miniscule compared to the opportunity cost due to a failure in the structural fill. This determination resulted in a negative answer to the question of " Is this good for the Airport?" In addition, placing coal ash at the Airport presents other challenges. Because the coal ash would be fully encapsulated and topped with six to eight feet of compactable soil, the size of the encapsulation creates development restrictions. Because the Airport is bordered by a rail line and highways, developable property at the airport is limited. Fbstricting the future use of any portion of Airport property was deemed unacceptable and contributed to the negative determination. Condusion In reviewing the Duke /Charah proposal, it is evident that the science, technical competency and engineering are sufficiently advanced to mitigate any concernsthe City may have and overcome any technical obstaciesto making this project as safe and environmentally sound as possible. However, staff is unable to positively answer both questions in favor of the project moving forward as currently proposed. Under a different set of circumstances, it maybe possible to continue partnering with Duke Energy to facilitate the removal of coal ash from Riverbend, but that is beyond the scope of the Due Diligence review. What follows are several attachments that provide further details into the environmental, legal, scientific, and other aspects of the project. The first is structured as Question and Answer to provide greater detail about all aspects of the project. The second is series of photos of Riverbend and the Airport. 5 Exhibit 1 Questions and Answers by TopicArea Environment Water Quality Question 1: Would Charah conduct groundwater monitoring? Yes. However, the number of wells and duration of monitoring was not established. Question 2: To what extent would Charah test for inorganics in the coal ash ?(Eg., metals associated with coal ash) Charah has indicated that it would be willing to conduct additional testing. Question 3: Towhat extent would Charah test for organics in the coal ash ?(Eg., other chemicals dumped into the ash ponds) Charah has indicated that it would conduct additional testing. Question 4: Would Charah conduct surface water monitoring prior to, during and post construction? Charah has indicated that it would establish a water quality baseline prior to initiating the project. Periodicwater quality testing and post construction testing would be conducted and compared to the established pre - construction sampling baseline data. Question 5: What would be the duration of the monitoring program? Charah has not indicated a duration for monitoring. Question 6: Who would be responsible for the monitoring? Charah would be responsible for all monitoring. Mecklenburg County Water Quality may also conduct independent regulatory sampling. Question 7: What happens if monitoring wells are damaged or eliminated due to new construction? Charah has not provided this information. However, the City would request that a replacement well be drilled to continue monitoring the coal ash structural fill. Question 8: Are there any stormwater receptors or streams located within dose proximity to the proposed site? Anywhere on Airport property will have a potential impact on land and streams. There are several jurisdictional streams on Airport property. Question 9: Are there any drinbng water wells located down gradient of the proposed location? WESA has provided staff with a map showing well locations. There area few wells that may need further investigation. C.1 Question 10: Would this project have an impact on the Airport's National Pbllutant Discharge Bimination System (NPDES) permit? If the City maintains ownership of the proposed location and coal ash is placed on the site, the proposed project would require the Airport to revise its NPDESand Stormwater Management Ran to include the coal ash project. Air Quality Question 11: How would dust be controlled? Material will be excavated at Riverbend, transported and placed with a moisture content of at least 20 percent. Truckswould be covered with fastened tarpsto reduce the possibility of the coal ash flying into the air during transit. At the Airport site, the City expects Duke / Charah to provide the same standard of action as in their Asheville project. In Asheville, the active cells are kept moist with water trucks. To date, the Asheville Airport project has not generated any dust complaints. Thiswasverified by Mecklenburg County Air Quality. Charah has also indicated that it uses polymers to assist with dust control. Polymers are used to create chemical attractions of particulates resulting in increased particle size reducing likelihood of getting into the air. Polymers are typically mixed with water and applied with mechanized spray equipment. Question 12: Would there be air monitoring? Where and at what frequency would air quality monitoring occur? Oty staff hired Hart & Hickman, a local environmental consulting firm, to develop a conceptual air quality monitoring plan. Charah has indicated that it would be willing to conduct air quality monitoring at the Riverbend site and along the transportation route. Question 13: Would dean diesel vehicles be used? Charah has a few dean diesel vehicles, but did not indicate that it would fully use dean diesel vehicles for coal ash transport. The Oty of Charlotte does not currently have a dean diesel policy or program. Question 14: What would be the reporting protocol for being alerted to air quality issues associated with the excavation, transportation and placement of coal ash? Charah isto provide air quality monitoring. No protocol for reporting has been established. Air Quality reporting would require coordination with Mecklenburg County Air Quality. Transportation Question 15: How was the transportation route determined? Staff have driven and flown by helicopter several potential routes. The safest route would have vehicles use Horseshoe Bend Beach Rbad, to Brookshire Boulevard (NG16), 1 -485 to Wilkinson Boulevard. This route minimizes drive time through neighborhoods. Neighborhood and Business Services has created a GlSmap of the route with nearby neighborhoods identified (See Exhibit 4). Question 16: How would incident responses be handled? The Charlotte Fire Department (Fire) and Charlotte - Mecklenburg Police Department (Police) would respond to any incident. Neither Fire nor Police feel that any additional planning is required by the City of Charlotte. Fire would notify stations in the response area of the transportation of coal ash. 9nce the material is non - hazardous, no specialized training or equipment is necessary. Fire recommends that Charah have an emergency response contractor on call in the event of a roadway mishap. Based on the 7 Fire Department's experience, road closures and lane restrictions are lengthened when a mishap occurs and the hauling firm does not have an emergency response contractor on call. Question 17: How would the coal ash be transported from Rverbend to the Airport? Charah would use dump trucks. It is estimated that approximately 220 round trips would be made per day Monday through Friday for the five year project life span. The use of rail was determined by Charah to be logistically non - feasible both for cost and routing reasons. The rail route would require the coal ash to switch at the old inter -modal rail yard at North Davidson Street before heading out to the Airport. Question 18: Would operations be suspended during indement weather conditions? Potentially. The encapsulation operationswould be run similarly to a typical construction project. Question 19: How would dust be controlled during transportation to and from the Rverbend facility and the Airport? Charah has agreed to use tighter fitting tarps on all of their trucks. SAbcontractors would also be required to adhere to the tighter tarp policy. Vehicles would go through a truck wash station at the Rverbend facility before heading to the Airport and then once again before embarking upon the return trip from the airport. The beds of the truckswould be covered during both trips to and from the airport with tight fitting liners. Additionally, all material would be transported and placed with a moisture content of 20 percent. Question 20: Would dust along the route be monitored? Staff proposes air quality monitoring along the transportation route. Any complaintswould be handled by Mecklenburg Countywho has responsibility for air quality. Question 21: Who would be responsible for damage to the road? NCDOT may require haul permits. Haulers pay a road use tax plus fuel taxes. The combination of these fees supports the NCDOT roadway system that allows the interstatesto be used for hauling for awide range of projects. The trucks would not be allowed to exceed the roadway weight rating. Question 22: Would the speed of the vehides be limited? Vehideswould travel the posted speed. Question 23: Who would be responsible for ash that may accumulate along the transportation route? Charah would have an emergency response plan that would include the dean -up of any accumulated coal ash along the transportation route. Land Question 24: How would sediment and erosion control be handled? Charah will design devices using the 25 -year, 24 -hour storm event model and further evaluate the 50 and 100 -year storm event models as they look for the storm water basins to contain the 100 -year storm without overflowing. Charah will also evaluate slope drainsfor the 50 and 100 -year stormsto ensure the earthen berms are not overtopped with these storm events. Charah'sdesign approach to the project's hydrologywould consider all those conditions contained in the Mate's design manual including slopes, soil types, travel paths including sheet flow, shallow concentrated and concentrated flow condition; however, Charah would take conservative measures L•3 with regard to identifying time of concentration for both pre- and post - developed conditions. Charah intends to design the erosion and sedimentation control measures in a manner that exceeds the minimum design standards. Question 25: How would run -off from partially constructed cells be handled? Empty graded cells that fill with rainwater would be pumped to sediment basins. Sediment basins are large stilling ponds that slowly release water so that sediment particles have time to fallout of suspension in the water column and accumulate at the bottom of pond. Cells containing coal ash that fill with rain water would be pumped into the municipal sanitary sewer system. At no time would coal ash laden stormwater be diverted to a sediment basin. Charlotte- Mecklenburg Utilities Department (CM UD) will require any water discharged to the sanitary sewer system to comply with the City's existing Sewer Use Ordinance including applying for and receiving an industrial discharge permit and meeting water quality requirement as an industrial sewer customer. CM UD may place limitation on the discharge based on volume and /or quantity to protect the sanitary sewer system from spills and /or treatment process disruption. Details of these conditions would have to be determined based on more refined construction plans from the contractor. Question 26: How will leachate and run -off be collected during construction? During and after rain events, cells that are being filled with coal ash would be dewatered with a pump system that would be tied directly into an active sanitary sewer system. Question 27: How will leachate be collected and treated after fill material is sealed? CM UD requires that the effluent meet its requirements for discharges into the sanitary sewer system. CM UD would require testing of the leachate to ensure that none of the chemical characteristics exceed regulatory thresholds. (Sae Exhibit 5 for across section of the liner system including the leachate collection system) Question 28: What will be placed on top of the coal ash fill? At least six feet of structural soil would be placed on top of the encapsulated coal ash fill. (Sae Exhibit 5) Question 29: Will there be settling over the earthen berms between cells? According to engineers employed by Charah, there will be minimal settling but not enough to impact the structural integrity of the system. Question 30: Could additional waste materials cause problemswith the proposed liner system? Charah is conducting tests to determine if there are any constituents that have the potential of compromising the proposed liner material and /or system. Question 31: What isthe pro)amity to residences, daycare centersand schools? No residences, schools or daycare centers are within the immediate vicinity of the Airport location. The transportation route uses Horseshoe Bend Fbad, Brookshire Boulevard, 1-485 and Wilkinson Boulevard. There are schools and residences abutting the transit route, including a single family subdivision near Riverbend. 9 Science & Engneering Question 32: Would material only come from the Rverbend Facility? Approximately 4.7 million tons of coal ash would be moved from the Riverbend Plower Rant to the Airport. No coal ash from any other Duke Energy power generation fad lity would be transported to the Airport. Question 33: What wastes have been disposed of in the coal ash ponds? Duke and Charah have indicated that only coal ash is in the ponds. However, the stormwater discharge permit for the Riverbend steam plant allows discharges into the ponds of the following: Induced draft fan and preheater bearing cooling water, stormwater from roof drains, and paving, treated groundwater, track hopper sump (groundwater, coal pile runoff, laboratory drain and chemical makeup tanks and drums rinsate wastes, ash transport water, general plant /trailer sanitary wastewater, metal cleaning waste, chemical metal cleaning waste, combustion turbine cooling water discharges, turbine and boiler room sumps, vehicle rinse water and stormwater from pond areas and up gradient watershed. It is possible that there are other constituent parts beyond simply coal ash in the ponds. As a result, the Oty staff has requested more comprehensive laboratory testing for organic and inorganic compounds. Question 34: What impactscould otherwastes have on the linersystem? Charah is conducting tests to determine if there are any constituents that have the potential of compromising the proposed liner material and /or system. Question 35: What is coal ash? Coal ash is the remaining residue from burning coal in a furnace for a coal fired steam power plant. Approximately 90 %of the coal is incinerated with the remainder being coal ash. Of that 10 %, 80 %isfly ash, meaning it is light enough to leave through the smokestacks. This material, including gypsum, is collected via scrubbers and precipitators in the stacks. The remaining 20 %of the ash is called bottom ash in that it is a heavier residue that falls to the bottom of the boiler. Coal ash is not regulated as a hazardous material. In fact, chemically, coal ash is very similar to shale. Ninety percent of the coal ash is silicon, iron, aluminum and calcium. Eght percent is magnesium, potassium, sodium, titanium, and sulfur. Less than 1 %are trace elements like arsenic, selenium, mercury and lead. Question 36: What risks are associated with coal ash in a liquid and dry state? Coal ash is the residue leftover from burning coal. Chemically, while similar to shale, the composition of coal ash can vary depending on where the coal was mined. All coal ash contains amounts of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide. Because of the presence of trace heavy metals in the coal ash, there is potential for contamination and health hazards should it leach into the ground water. The points below highlight the more significant concerns. • In unlined coal ash ponds, trace heavy metalsfound in coal ash have the potential to leach and migrate through soilsto ground water. • The more porousthe soil, the higher the risk of ground water contamination from unlined ponds. 10 • Although the concentrations of trace metals are on the low end of the toxicity scale, it is the prolonged and repeated introduction of the trace metals to groundwater that overtime may lead to toxic concentrations. • Arsenic is toxic (poisonous) and dissolves in groundwater. It is also found naturally occurring in minerals which can cause high naturally occurring levels in groundwater or surface water. • Mercury bio- accumulates in fish and humans and may lead to cognitive impairment. • In high doses, selenium maybe toxic and has the potential to cause a wide array of health issues. • Depending on where the coal was mined varying levels of heavy metals maybe present in the ash. • Coal ash ponds on riverbanks have the potential to fail resulting in contamination of the water body. • Coal ash pond failures have the potential to blanket the bottom substrate of awater body. This can create a desert -like landscape impacting macro- invertebrates, which in turn threatensthe complete aquatic food chain within that water body until naturally occurring sediment covers the coal ash and macro- invertebrates reestablish that link of the ecosystem. • Coal ash pond failures also threaten downstream drinking water supplies making the water more difficult to treat and producing by- products with special disposal requirements. Question 37: Could there be any exposure issues for construction workers and inspectors? Charah has indicated that there are no health risks associated with working in or around coal ash. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (03 -IA) does not require respirators or any other type of personal protection equipment. Question 38: Wasthere any research conducted on alternative liner systems? No. Question 39: Would a sin je or double liner system be used? What type of material would comprise the liner system? Sngle liner system constructed with a day bottom layer then layered with a 60 mil High - Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liner. Can top of the HDPEliner isa geocomposite drainage layer. Material would be place between the day, HDPEand geocomposite drainage system. A40 mil HDPElayer would cap off the encapsulation. All seamswould be heat fused. (See Exhibit 5) Question 40: What would be the cover material? The encapsulation would be topped off with a minimum of six feet of structural soil. Question 41: Are there Geotechnical considerations? City staff did not conduct a geotechnical study. Geotechnical studies provide userswith information about soil types, depths to bedrock and groundwater. These studies area precursor to development and provide civil engineers with vital information that dictates design criteria. Charah has conducted a geotechnical study of a portion of airport property. Results have not been shared with City staff. Ash M anagement Question 42: Would third parties be involved in the design of the encapsulated structural fill? No. Charah would do all the design work. 11 Question 43: Would third parties be allowed to monitor progress and take samples on -site? Charah has indicated that it would hire a third party environmental quality assurance consultant to perform such tasks. Question 44: Would third parties have access to investigate suspected problems? Charah has indicated that it would hire a third party environmental quality assurance consultant to perform such tasks. Question 45: Would third parties be consulted in the future when decisions are made about what will be placed over the structural fill? Charah has indicated that Oty staff would be included in the design process. Question 46: Would third parties be consulted about repairs and maintenance of the structural fill? Yes. The details of how and who would be responsible for the contracting of third partieswas not finalized. Question 47: When would Charah begin moving coal ash? Within six months from the notification to proceed. Question 48: Would the material be staged at any location before final placement? No. Material would be transported from the Riverbend site directly into encapsulated cells at the designated location at the Airport. Question 49: Where will the waste material be placed at the Airport and what would be placed over the encapsulated coal ash? The Airport has determined that the material would not be placed under a runway or in any area for future airfield development. An alternate location owned by the Airport is currently being considered. The material would be placed in encapsulated cells and then covered with a minimum of six feet of structural fill. Question 50: What will be done to dean up contaminated soil under the ash ponds? Duke Energy has indicated that it would remediate the Riverbend site. Final remediation plans have not been shared with the Oty of Charlotte. It is unknown if Duke Energy hasfinalized the remediation plans. Question 51: What will be done to dean up contaminated water under the ash ponds? Duke Energy has indicated that it would remediate the Riverbend site. Final remediation plans have not been shared with the Oty of Charlotte. It is unknown if Duke Energy hasfinalized the remediation plans. Legal Question 52: What would be the City of Charlotte's future legal exposure? If the City continuesto own the land where encapsulated coal ash is used as structural fill, the City remains liable under the Comprehensive Environmental Rbsponse Compensation and Liability Act (CEF;CLA). 12 Question 53: What Federal, State and Local Permitswould be required? Duke/Charah would be responsible for NPDE� stormwater, erosion control, Army Corps of Engineers and NCDivision of Water Quality stream and wetland impact permits and other applicable permitswith the communication with the City regarding the same. Question 54: Would there need to be any Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or NCDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources(NCDENF) coordination? Charah /Duke would be responsible for coordination and compliance with EPA and DENR In addition, Charah/ Duke would also communicate with the City regarding the same. Question 55: Would there need to be any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) coordination required? Airport staff has been consulting with the FAA and plan on continuing do so should the project move forward. Question 56: What is the role of NCDEMR? NCDENRregulates coal ash ponds and has a permitting system for the use of coal ash as a structural fill. Duke Energy has an existing National Pbllution Discharge Bimination Qjstem (NPDEE) permit issued and monitored by NCDENRfor discharge of water from existing coal ash ponds. Question 57: What role do State or Federal legislation and/ or rulemabng have on the proposed project? The State of North Carolina currently has a coal ash bill proposed in the legislature. It is not known when the bill will be finalized. The Federal EPAexpectsto have finalized their coal ash rulemaking in December 2014. Both proposed regulations result in changes in uses for coal ash as structural fill. Question 58: How would indemnification be handled? Oty would require that a contract contain joint and several indemnity obligations on the part of Duke Energy and Charah to defend and hold harmless the City and its elected officials, employees, agents etc. Question 59: What would be the contract terms if this project wasto go forward? The Oty would require that a contract provide a definition of coal ash to include all material brought to the fill site, joint and perpetual ownership of coal ash by Duke Energy /Charah, warranties that coal ash does not include hazardous materials, and required testing of coal ash contents. Question 60: Would there be insurance and longterm liability? Insurance and long term liability will be the responsibility of Duke Energy /Charah. Question 61: What are the environmental justice issues? Oty staff will conduct community meetings to better understand neighborhood concerns should this project proceed. Question 62: Would the encapsulated area be recorded at the Register of Deeds? Coal ash location would be recorded on the deed with deed restrictions. 13 Question 63: Would permanent records be kept of the exact location of the waste cells? (As -built drawings) Asurvey with as -built drawings would be required and would be recorded with the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. Question 64: How would the City prevent future damage to the landfill from new construction and grading activities? Deed restrictions pertaining to the depth of excavations would be recorded on the deed. Question 65: Would there be deed restrictions to limit future uses of the property? Deed restrictions pertaining to the depth of excavations would be recorded on the deed. Question 66: Who would be responsible for leachate collection system, berms, cover, monitoring wells, damage to cells or liner system? Thiswould be addressed in a legal agreement between Duke Energy, Charah and the Oty of Charlotte. Question 67: If structural problems arise in the fill area, who would be responsible for mating repairs that continue to protect the publicand the environment? Thiswould be addressed in a legal agreement between Duke Energy, Charah and the Oty of Charlotte. Question 68: If al legations of ground water, surface water, or other problems arise in 2040, who would be responsible? Thiswould be addressed in a legal agreement between Duke Energy, Charah and the Oty of Charlotte. Question 69: Would bonds be posted, insurance posted or other methods of longterm financial assurance be designed to assure that responsible parties have the financial ability to address problems in the future? Charah has not provided this information. PublicSafety Question 70: How would emergency response be handled? Fire and Police Departments would respond to any incident. Neither Fire nor Police feel that any additional planning is required by the Oty of Charlotte. Fire would notify stations in the response area of the transportation of coal ash. 9nce the material is non - hazardous, no specialized training or equipment is necessary. Charah has stated that it would have a contractor on retainer to handle any coal ash spills should they occur. Community Outreach Question 72: Hasthe City planned to do any public outreach? One town hall meeting has been conducted at the Westside Service Center. Other locations are currently being scheduled. Public outreach will be conducted jointly with Duke Energy, Charah, the Catawba River Keeper and the Oty of Charlotte should this project continue. 14 Economic Question 73: What isthe benefit of removingthe coal ash from the Riverbend facility? Coal Ash would be removed from the banks of the Catawba River. F;bmoving the coal ash pondswould eliminate a potential threat to Charlotte's drinking water and to the integrity and water quality of Mountain Island Lake. The Riverbend facility is located three miles upstream from a drinking water intake for the Oty of Charlotte. Question 74: Cost savings? No cost savingswere determined once the coal ash encapsulation under the proposed fourth runway option was ruled out. Question 75: Would moving the coal ash result in job creation? Charah estimates this project would create 100 jobs during the life of the project. Question 76: Would the City of Charlotte be compensated for costs incurred as part of the due diligence study? Charah has agreed to pay for staff time and outside resources. 15 �1 • 1 Rverbend Coal Ash Ponds M �1 TM Chad otte- DouyasInternational Airport 17 am Coal Ash Transportation Route A r rr j 1 y i ' ' fiJ f✓Yf IN ➢,NtlJ! l�ri z r ` air�i�d &r^ dj `1i , r n rf a c1 o v r iry r; n i a w imp mu�w Ilfl� < camPo' i M. 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Drought Coal Ash ° Coal d News k ° Press Releases R Aduisanes ° (Dal Ash Excavadon E Disposal ° Dan River Spill ° Duke Coal Ash facilities ° Caal psh radii y Documents ° Cil and Gas Program Dal Ash [xCdV du � Disp 8l -% EmPloyee Siy la S, 1%.1 I�Fdk. Structural Fill Permit Applicatim Received by Div. of Waste Apt. Colon Miue bite Permit4p icatian hffewlfac6l PknlEngineedng PlanlDp dons �ImMosure R Post -Mure Pian ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... Calculations ................... Design Hydragealagical Report ................... ................... ..... Related „kumen.tI. 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The mitre, once cmmplete, will be reclaimed by eucapsulatiug CCPS h a lined coutaiameul is older to re-establish khe mitre cmloum to a used 40. Con hdop of the shckural fill will begirt once to Not Cwollrla )IiIlmeut of hiroumeul and Natural Rescurces (NCDBR� opproves khls permilapplicakiou. Coastruclion of h composite base liner system Is orkipated 10 he ccmpleled In 1mc phases. The Cwaar This is a facility plan to reclaim the Colon dine Site located in Lee County, North Carolina with coal combustion products (CCP) structural fill, The mine, once complete, Will be reclaimed by encapsulating CCPS in a lined containment in order to rmsfablish the mine contours to a useful dew, pmpedybouudressuperimposedouaaaepalphoko figureI Edam 0suwq flo qudura R v pe WIM V 1 �NAI 's11 vi'rs11' r GN �Ssl sr R v I' v V V , � ,V, 1� The Owner Is also khe Ponho ad is Iespclrs ble far khls permit app IJI,I, e I -HE I HOI 01 IHF PERM WP.L4IIOM IS I7 OB HIV P PERM 1NM' PICSNP� -O 0: S R07 P I'0.4 PLR[ 7F LTJK Ri Of CY- IMBJSNDM RP0o17 o alu�d Icop).mISPFoilOfDSli5CfC8CRim@ 0IWIHNCCIIS -SPNO I :f R UG MY Wp IRCHNIE ffllIM MlS IRIOR iC CC' PWL[N:Vf. AMER . ",P PUI 70T, 4 Cl RED 40 STCRMWArER pRAW iYiIEN WL BE NSIREE(. CDAROPI N WL OCCUR IN X PRIi5 -0 Loo fOR RAII AR0 CA N1;7 ➢ON. Ki 1 KIM :Ells I AN) ^ IRE REVAININO'E ! -S NIII R MR] IN RSH 2 0R COMR70 Of EPN NJ) WFM VI1)➢ON IM '. 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SANFORD, NC SITE CROSS SECTIONS t p ME oVC -6E�{ BNEEi RT1 saF =lx �0� -05 STATION 2 00 13 0C 14 OO 15-00 16 GO 11 DO 18100 19 40 20 00 21-00 22 00 23 00 24-00 25 CO 2E-00 2100 28 CO 29 00 30 00 31 CO 32 00 M NT 34B 333 7op OF P 323 RCCE 313 PERIMETER 303 Y SERSON X HIGH RD NDWATER 2B3 43 3D 2-00 13-00 1400 15 00 1.00 17-00 18 00 19-00 20-1.00 21 +00 22 00 23 N 24-50 25 00 26 +00 2100 28100 29 100 30 00 31 00 32 00 2-00 13100 14100 15 +00 16-00 1100 1 00 1-00 20--00 34d 330 32B TOP Of Cl 31B 30d 0 - -- — - - -- — — -�__ - -- 260 50 2..00 13 +OC 14 +00 15 +DO 16 +CO 17 +00 18 +00 19 +00 20 +00 I � \�� ,� \ IP yw em 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald MY PROFILE Register Login 114t �aufvrb Rat To inform, challenge and celebrate Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site Dec. 17, 2014 @ 05:02 AM Zach Potter Submitted graphic Lee County Strategic Services has provided these drawings and data of the land off Colon Road and Post Office Road before and after excavation on a proposed 410 -acre coal ash storage site. More photos SANFORD — After a presentation Monday by the county director of strategic services during the Lee County http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 1/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald Board of Commissioners meeting, the board chairman is now more, not less, worried about coal ash coming to Sanford. "Things are changing almost daily," Board of Commissioners Chairwoman Amy Dalrymple said of Duke Energy's plans to place up to 8 million tons of coal ash in Sanford over the next five years. "Every day we learn something new, and it gets worse instead of better." Lee County Strategic Services Director Don Kovasckitz said his department obtained the permit application for the proposed 410 -acre coal ash storage site off Colon Road and Post Office Road on Dec. 10 and immediately set about mapping the data. "On the drawings," Kovasckitz said, "it showed different cells [of land] that would be used for the fill. It was about 118 acres. Over 70 percent of the area they are going to reclaim has not been [excavated]." Duke Energy Spokesman Jeff Brooks said officials from Charah, the company with which Duke Energy is contracting to manage the coal ash storage site, thought 70 percent was high, but an exact percentage was not immediately available. "There would be some movement of clay in the mine, some excavation to accommodate material," Brooks said. "But 70 percent [seems] pretty high." Kovasckitz also said that his department mapped out the dimensions of the fill, which would measure 3,000 feet long, 1,400 feet wide and about 50 feet tall. "To use an example," Kovasckitz said, "3,000 feet is from the [Lee County Government Center] to La Dolce Vita [Restaurant] in downtown Sanford. That's 3,000 feet. Wide, it's from [the Lee County Government Center] to the W.B. Wicker School on Vance Street." Kovasckitz said 50 feet was comparable to a five -story building like the one that houses Shops of Steele Street on South Steele Street. "It's scary," Dalrymple said. "As somebody who has lived here my whole life, with all the good things Lee County has to offer, the idea that the first thing somebody sees coming into our county going south on U.S. 1 will be a coal ash mountain is so unfair to the citizens of this county." Brooks said the fill would be 50 feet from the base of the mine, and would be even with the surrounding landscape on three sides and sloped on one. "The elevation is about 50 feet [above] the mine itself," Brooks said. "But the mine was already in a depressed area." With the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scheduled to make a decision on whether or not to label coal ash as a hazardous material on Friday, Dalrymple said the board of commissioners is working with F. Bryan Brice Jr., a Raleigh -based environmental lawyer, for guidance on what options commissioners have. "If I could get what I wanted for Christmas for Lee County," Dalrymple said, "it would be for [coal ash] not to come to Lee County. But the [N.C. Legislature] has made that very difficult. They've created a scenario that takes local control away." Brooks said Duke Energy does not expect the EPA to classify coal ash as a hazardous material, but that if it did, the company would need to "re- evaluate the project." "The plan is currently designed using parameters assuming [coal ash has] a non - hazardous designation," Brooks http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 2/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald said Dalrymple maintained that she could not see any scenario in which benefits of bringing coal ash to Sanford outweigh the costs. "There are just so many negatives," she said. "[Duke Energy] says it will turn it into a marketable site, but I don't understand how that's going to work. If it is as safe and secure as [Duke Energy] claims, it would be a win -win for everybody if Duke moved it's headquarters or a substantial corporate office onto the site. That would prove to everybody that it is safe." Show comments Most Popular Former high school employee arrested, charged with embezzlement Seventh -grade student dies Chinese company buys Static Control 'The keepers of history' 'Pottery in their blood' http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 3/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald Tweets Sanford Herald 30m @Sanford Herald ' NEW POLL Q: How do you feel about Tom Brady's 4 -game suspension, handed down by the NFL? Vote at our website: sanfordherald.com JIM Sanford Herald 14h MUR @Sanford Herald What do you wish you would have known as a new graduate? Tell us in 100 words or fewer via Facebook, Twitter or news @sanfordherald.com. Expand Andy Bryan 14h @leecosupt @leecoschoolsnc 2015 -16 Teacher of the Year from Broadway Elementary: Wendy Bryant Motley pic.twitter.com /yH7lgQpQsr Tweet to @Sanford Herald http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 4/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald 1 Food That KILLS Bland Pressure QuiolJ;+ and safel;+ lo-v er;,our blood pressure with this 1 weird ingredient from the grocery store. Pee. -id 1:1c-re http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 5/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald Sitemap NEWS SPORTS FEATURES EDUCATION OPINION OBITUARIES ARCHIVES CLASSIFIEDS CONTACT US FIND JOBS TERMS (,1hr ke5nufarb lirratb To inform, d allmigeand celebrate © 2015 The Sanford Herald 208 St. Clair Court P. O. Box 100 Sanford, NC. 27330 http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 6/7 5/12/2015 Local officials feel misled by plans for Sanford coal ash storage site I The Sanford Herald (919) 708 -9000 http: / /www.sanfordheral d.com /news /Ieecounty /x 1736889229 /Local - officials- feel -m isled -by- plans- for - Sanford -coal- ash - storage -site 7/7 5/15/2015 Discharge from Belews Creek power plant affects water quality - Winston -Salem Journal: Local News r ma'''y .�•f � �- fi • ' PAW N•SHOP �?� '_io mxnn ALL ACCESS: LOGIN I SIGNUP CONTACT US SUBSCRIBER SERVICES ADVERTISE WITH US MEDIA KIT SPECIAL SECTIONS NEWSLETTERS Friday, May 15th, 2015 74' F 1 r Sunny Search SUBSCRIPTION: NEW: CRIME OBITUARIES OPINION LIVING ENTERTAINMENT COMMUNITY SPORT£ PHOTC VIDEO JOURNAL WEST Qjindln ..91 Journal Deals Business Directory Jobs Homes Autos Pets Classifieds Contests Ads WELCOME Ta THE FAmmvwWI slllro i -SALE Discharge from Belews Creek power plant affects water quality Story Comments Print Font Size: Recommend 83 Tweet 15 F97-1 92 Walt Unks /Journal Duke Energy failed to apply for or obtain a permit mandated by federal law for storm -water discharge at its Belews Creek Steam Station, according to the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Buy this photo 10 bra ndSAVER CLIP, SHOP. SAVE. 11 Posted. Sunday, April 13, 2014 12.15 am Bertrand M. GutierrezlWinston -Salem Journal On a small tributary of the Dan River, several miles upstream of the Rockingham County power plant owned by Duke Energy that contaminated the river with coal ash in February, sits another power plant, one of Duke's largest. It's called the Belews Creek Steam Station, in southern Stokes County. From this power plant, a coal -waste substance known as bromide, discharged legally into the tributary, has been causing trouble for the downstream town of Madison and the city of Eden, as well as buyers of Madison's and Eden's drinking water, such as Rockingham County and Henry County, Va., according to public- record emails between officials with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. MMUCCEP GRAND QPENNIMC. ` MAST GENERAL STORE tN DOWNTOWN WINGTON-6ALEM ;� MAY 15 -17 *- :; REGISTER TO WIN A $500 MAST STORE GIFT CARD LATEST VIDEOS INC woman killed in Afghanistan remembered WGHP - Greensboro, NC .4 The substance, according to the EPA, poses a cancer risk: "Some people who drink water containing total trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL (safety limit) over many years could experience liver, kidney or central nervous system problems and increased risk of cancer." Bromide from the Belews Creek power plant was a primary cause of trihalomethane, according to the emails, local officials and Duke Energy. The elevated levels of trihalomethane, conservationists say, present another cautionary tale of the risks posed by allowing coal -waste dumps to leach potentially toxic waste into North Carolina's rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater. "I think we're just looking at the tip of the iceberg," said Dean Naujoks, the executive director of the Yadkin Riverkeeper. "What else don't we know about ?" http: / /www.journal now.com /news /I ocal/ discharge- from - belews- creek - power -pl ant - affects - water -qual ity/ article- 8e6f8202- a305- 580d- a389- d96da37d5629.htm 1 1/4 In the treated drinking water of Madison and Eden, a little more than two years ago, lurked potentially unsafe levels of More videos: r . v trihalomethane — levels that were near to or in excess of the safe limit set by the U.S. on b6k &nllAll'l Environmental Protection Agency, according to the emails. The substance, according to the EPA, poses a cancer risk: "Some people who drink water containing total trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL (safety limit) over many years could experience liver, kidney or central nervous system problems and increased risk of cancer." Bromide from the Belews Creek power plant was a primary cause of trihalomethane, according to the emails, local officials and Duke Energy. The elevated levels of trihalomethane, conservationists say, present another cautionary tale of the risks posed by allowing coal -waste dumps to leach potentially toxic waste into North Carolina's rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater. "I think we're just looking at the tip of the iceberg," said Dean Naujoks, the executive director of the Yadkin Riverkeeper. "What else don't we know about ?" http: / /www.journal now.com /news /I ocal/ discharge- from - belews- creek - power -pl ant - affects - water -qual ity/ article- 8e6f8202- a305- 580d- a389- d96da37d5629.htm 1 1/4 611 [AP01 1.1 Discharge from Belews Creek power plant affects water quality - Winston -Salem Journal: Local News Chlorine meets bromide The public water systems run by Madison and Eden pick up raw water from the Dan River; treated water— scrubbed clean by municipal treatment plants — is what pours through faucets. They scrub the water clean, using, among other disinfectants, chlorine. When chlorine meets bromide, trihalomethane is the byproduct. The levels of trihalomethane started to exceed unsafe levels in Madison and get close to unsafe levels in Eden because the water systems had to increase their use of chlorine to scrub the raw river water clean of rising levels of bromide flowing in the river from the Belews Creek power plant, according to the emails. Madison, Rockingham County, and Dan River Water Inc. received notices of violation for the unsafe trihalomethane levels, according to the emails. Rockingham County purchases water from Madison; Dan River Water Inc., as well as Henry County, Va., purchase water from Eden, according to the emails. Although the treated water in Eden did not have exceeding levels of trihalomethane, the water Eden sold ultimately did have the substance because the longer the bromide and chlorine stay in contact, the more likely they are to form trihalomethane. Upgrading systems Several of the public -water systems had to deliver notices to their consumers letting them know that their "water contains unsafe levels of these cancer - causing chemicals," wrote Jessica Godreau, chief of the public water supply section, a part of the N.C. Division of Water Resources, in an email dated March 8, 2012. "They mentioned they are talking about a possible lawsuit against the department as perhaps their best course of action," Godreau wrote. Duke Energy agreed to assist Madison and Eden financially to upgrade their water- treatment systems, to make them capable of scrubbing water clean of bromide without producing unsafe levels of trihalomethane, according to Erin Culbert, a Duke spokeswoman. "We felt participating in a solution was the right thing to do, and we've been partnering with Eden and Madison since 2011 to research and invest in treatment technologies at their water plants that will resolve the issue. In Eden, that involves helping to fund the city's conversion to another disinfection method (chloramines). In Madison, that involved helping to install a new aeration technology that reduced organic content," Culbert said. "This is an industry issue that is also getting research focus from broader electric utility industry groups," she said. David Myers, the mayor of Madison, said that he is optimistic about working with Duke Energy: "As far as I know, yes, they have made things whole. They have made things right." Indirect result of cleaner air The increased presence of bromide in the Dan River is, to a certain extent, an indirect result of a state clean -air law enacted in 2002. The Clean Smokestacks Act set limits on the amount of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide puffed into the air by coal -fired power plants. Seven power plants in North Carolina have installed scrubbers required by the state law. And air is cleaner. Officials with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources said in those emails that in 2006, before the scrubbers were installed, air quality data reported 95,365 and 21,013 tons of emission, respectively, of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the Belews Creek power plant. After the scrubbers were installed in 2008, another round of air quality emission data from 2010 reported 3,643 and 3,277 for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, respectively. "There's always going to be a byproduct," said Tom Boyd, an environmental senior specialist who works in the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources regional office in Winston - Salem. Scrubbers take more sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides out of the air but more bromide shows up in the water. Bromide is hard to extract, Culbert said, "even through the sophisticated treatment processes we have in place, and there is no 'off the shelf technology available. We continue researching viable options for the Belews Creek plant itself." One of the most alarming aspects of the trihalomethane trouble, according to Frank Holleman, senior attorney for the Southern Environmental Law Center, is that state and federal regulators have not imposed limits on how much bromide — a primary cause of the All Categories Hartley Ready Mix Company LG k Concrete Mixer Truck Drivers Confidential Confidential LPN or CMA ®Mayberry're Cashiers &More Genesis Health Care rK�a: n�nnc�re- RNs, LPNs, RN Supervisor& CNAs Amano Pioneer Eclipse Accounting Manager Halyard ()naannn Production Associates Piedmont Candy Company Powered by DMC, Inc. © View All POLL Do you think Winston -Salem Transit Authority needs to revamp the bus routes? Yes, they could use some work O No, leave them be O I'm unsure Vote View Results Disclaimer: This is not a scientific poll SUBMIT NEWS Submit a news tip or photo online Submit News http: / /www.journal now.com / news /I ocal/ discharge- from - belews- creek - power -pl ant- affects - water -qual ity/ article- 8e6f8202- a305- 580d- a389- d96da37d5629.htm 1 2/4 5/15/2015 Discharge from Belews Creek power plant affects water quality - Winston -Salem Journal: Local News trihalomethane — can be discharged into state waterways. Even now, the Belews Creek power plant and several others owned by Duke Energy are not violating clean -water laws as they discharge unlimited amounts of bromide. "This is what is happening when everything is going 'right'," Holleman said. For now, Duke Energy must monitor the amount of bromide it discharges, DENR officials said. "North Carolina does not have a state water quality standard for bromide, but we are closely following the research in this emerging issue," said Susan Massengale, a DENR spokeswoman. "If it becomes apparent that a statewide standard is appropriate, we have a process for pursuing that." "At this point, we have not seen that other (Duke scrubber) systems have affected the water treatment plants of other communities," she said. bautierrezOwsjournal.com (336) 727 -7278 More about Coal Ash Spill • ARTICLE: Duke Energy pleads guiltytc causing illegal pollution • ARTICLE: Duke to provide water to NC residents with tainted wells • ARTICLE. Duke opts for "on- site" landfills near Eden, Wilmington • ARTICLE: SEC Filing: Duke says it expects to settle criminal probe • ARTICLE. Make Belews Creek a top priority, residents and environmental activists say Recommend 83 Tweet 15 `7 +1 92 11 Print Posted in Local, State region on Sunday, April 13, 2014 12.15 am. I Tags. 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[Terms of Use I Privacy Policy] http: / /www.journal now.com /news /I ocal/ discharge- from - belews- creek - power -pl ant - affects - water -qual ity/ article- 8e6f8202- a305- 580d- a389- d96da37d5629.htm 1 3/4 5/15/2015 Discharge from Belews Creek power plant affects water quality - Winston -Salem Journal: Local News http: / /www.journal now.com /news /I ocal/ discharge- from - belews- creek - power -pl ant - affects - water -qual ity/ article_ 8e6f8202- a305- 580d- a389- d96da37d5629.htm 1 4/4 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State MARCH 7, 2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern HIGHLIGHTS As Duke Energy examines how to close and stabilize coal ponds throughout the Carolinas, questions are rising about how to handle an unusual cleanup task at coal pond in Darlington County, where nuclear waste once was dumped. Charles Wilson has fished on Lake Robinson for much of his life. He says the lake needs to be shielded from pollution to protect fish. I Sammy Fretwell BY SAMMY FRETWELL - SFRETWELL @THESTATE.COM Just a few hundred yards from Lake Robinson lies an old waste pond that, until this year, was among the least of Duke Energy's worries in the Carolinas. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 1/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State The pond had virtually dried up and, as coal ash basins go, didn't appear to present the same threat to groundwater, rivers or lakes that other ash basins do, environmentalists say. But documents that have surfaced recently show the unlined 55 -acre basin has leaked arsenic — and it has the unusual legacy of being a dump site for low -level nuclear waste. Both findings are producing new questions about how to cleanse the mess at Duke Energy's H.B. Robinson power station. Pollution test results from last year show that the Hartsville plant's coal waste pond has released higher levels of arsenic into groundwater than state regulators ever had recorded there. In some cases, the arsenic levels rival those at other power plant sites in South Carolina that already are undergoing cleanup. And in the 1980s, at least 69,000 cubic meters of radiation - tinged sediment wound up in the coal ash pond from the nuclear plant, a rare occurrence because most power plants don't include both coal -and nuclear -fired units. State regulators in South Carolina said they knew of no other power plant site where atomic waste wound up in a coal ash pond. A spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Atlanta said the practice is rare. Records show the Robinson plant's former owner, Carolina Power & Light, received federal approval to put low -level nuclear waste in the ash pond after arguing it would be expensive to ship the material to a low -level atomic waste dump in Washington state. Some radioactive material in the waste was not suitable for South Carolina's low -level nuclear waste landfill in Barnwell County, records show. Duke spokeswoman Erin Culbert said the company, which acquired the site as part of a corporate merger in 2012, is learning more about both issues. It will determine how to best address a cleanup at the eastern S.C. site, she said. "Those are the exact types of issues we are considering when we recommend the appropriate" cleanup strategies, Culbert said. "All of those things would be weaved into that closure recommendation." Duke, under pressure to clean up coal ash ponds across North and South Carolina, has several options for dealing with the material. It could dig up all the polluted ash and haul it to a landfill. Or it could cap the old waste ash pond to keep water from leaking in, which in theory would stop any further leaks into the groundwater. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 2/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State One of Duke's chief critics says the company should dig up the ash and truck it to a lined landfill, as soon as possible. That would limit future leaks to groundwater and threats to nearby Lake Robinson from either arsenic or radioactive material, said Frank Holleman, a Greenville attorney who is with the Southern Environmental Law Center. "This site needs to be cleaned up, and the ash needs to be removed," Holleman said. "It will ensure the lake, the aquifer and the surrounding community are protected." Potentially complicating such disposal is the low level radioactive waste. In some cases, it is legal to dispose of such waste in municipal garbage landfills. Anti - nuclear activist Tom Clements said he'd like to know more about whether a better disposal site would be an atomic waste landfill. Clements also said that digging up the ash could cause radioactive material to become airborne. Holleman said leaving the ash in place won't stop the source of leaking arsenic. He said he was shocked to find that the Robinson plant waste pond, in addition to having coal ash in it, also contained nuclear waste — and that groundwater beneath the pond had high levels of arsenic. Arsenic typically is associated with coal ash disposal. "I didn't expect this because there were no previous reports with that high a level of contamination," Holleman said. "And nowhere have I seen low -level radioactive waste disposed of in an open ash pit." The arsenic levels rival those of what were considered some of the most contaminated coal ash sites in South Carolina, said Holleman, who found out about the arsenic pollution and nuclear waste disposal through a state open records request. Up to 18 feet of coal ash buried at the Robinson site are saturated by groundwater, even though much of the surface water from the pond has evaporated, records show. The law center has been in the midst of a legal war with Duke Power in North Carolina over ash pond cleanups. Duke Energy has only two sites in South Carolina with coal ash ponds. Until recently, most of the attention in South Carolina was on two Duke ash ponds in Anderson County. Duke has agreed to dig up and remove the ash from the ponds along the Saluda River. So far, Duke says there is no evidence Lake Robinson is being polluted by cobalt -60, the material CP &L put in the ash pond decades ago. But the long -term impact is unknown. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 3/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State The 2,250 -acre lake, built in 1959 to provide cooling water to the site's power plants, today is not a drinking water source. But it is popular with recreational boaters, anglers and campers. Many people who live in the area are served by a public water system, although some drink from wells. Many enjoy lake A drive along the shores of Lake Robinson reveals a collection of camper trailers, mobile homes, public boat landings and private campgrounds. The lake is not an upscale reservoir, like Lake Murray near Columbia or Lake Keowee near Clemson. Still, Robinson has a loyal constituency of people who pack the lake on busy summer days, swimming and fishing in its waters. Among the most popular spots at Lake Robinson is Johnson's Landing, a campground directly across the water from the nuclear energy plant and the old coal ash pond. It includes a swimming beach, a tire swing, picnic tables and areas to grill hamburgers. On a cool March afternoon, the campground contained about a half -dozen trailers, but by midsummer, the property will be packed with tents — and visitors, owner Jimmy Johnson said. "People come in and they'll put up tents for the weekend, "he said. "They'll have boats and jet skis and all this kind of stuff. And (they will be) swimming." The 61- year -old Johnson said he had not heard about the arsenic leaks and nuclear disposal practices until a reporter for The State newspaper showed him documents detailing the problem. While he has never worried about contamination from the plant and he said the power company has been a good neighbor, Johnson would prefer that Duke remove the coal ash from the site. "I would, now that I know about the arsenic," said Johnson, who said he was about 5 when the lake was established on land his family used to farm. "What about 10 years from now or 20 years from now, with my grandchildren running around ?" Charles Wilson, 66, said contamination threats to the lake need to be addressed. He has caught plenty of bass, catfish and crappie on Lake Robinson through the years. One of his favorite places was the "Hot Hole" because it was a hot spot to land fish. It no longer is open to the public, but there are plenty of other places to cast a line, said the Vietnam War veteran who moved home to Darlington County in 2003. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 4/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State "If that contamination gets out there in the water and stuff, I imagine some of the waste products could get into the fish and could harm you from eating the fish," said Wilson, as he took a break from fishing with his buddies near a boat landing on the lake's upper end. Neil Montgomery, who can see the nuclear plant from the back yard of his lakefront house, said his daughter sometimes worries about his grandchildren swimming in the lake. But he said he's not particularly worried about the nuclear plant or the coal waste pond. Nuclear and coal plants are regulated by government agencies, said the 75- year -old Montgomery, who worked in the coal industry in West Virginia before retiring to Lake Robinson 25 years ago. "I've got no problem," he said. "I was concerned about (the nuclear plant) when I first moved here, but I don't pay any attention to it at all now." Cobalt and arsenic Duke's 177 - megawatt coal plant, built in 1960, closed in 2012 amid national concerns about how the burning of coal was contributing to climate change. The 724 - megawatt nuclear plant, completed for use in 1971, still is operating. The most unusual environmental issue centers on the disposal of cobalt -60 in the ash pond during the 1980s. The material, like other radioactive contaminants, can cause cancer if ingested through water or food. It can linger in the environment for decades. Records show that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission allowed the disposal of cobalt -60 in the Robinson ash pond on at least two occasions, in 1983 and 1984 — after then -owner Carolina Power & Light had dumped the material at least once in the pond without federal approval. Records indicate that disposal also occurred in 1998. In 1983, Robinson plant managers said it would be more expensive to send the radioactive material to a disposal site in Richland, Wash. That would cost more than $13 million, the company said. Dumping it in the Darlington County ash pond would cost only about $100,000, according to a 1983 request to the NRC. Records show that Progress was denied access to dispose of the material at South Carolina's low -level nuclear waste dump at Barnwell. A form of radium in the waste was considered "technologically enhanced," records show. That classification can indicate that relatively benign, naturally occurring radioactive material has become more radioactive because it has been packed together and concentrated. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 5/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control spokeswoman Cassandra Harris said the cobalt -60 has not been found in any detectable concentrations in groundwater at the Robinson plant. But nuclear waste disposal is rare in a coal ash pond, and she said it "will be part of the evaluation" on how to close the pond. Meanwhile, arsenic — historically used as a poison — is a more immediate question. Arsenic, often associated with coal waste, has been linked to cancer of the bladder, lungs, skin, kidneys and nasal passages, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Test results in a December 2014 consulting report showed levels of arsenic in one shallow well below the pond that are more than a hundred times higher than the level considered safe for drinking. Records show the well at the ash pond site contained arsenic levels in excess of 1,000 parts per billion, according to the report for Duke. The safe drinking water standard is 10. The December report also noted elevated levels of nine pollutants in the ash, including mercury, lead and selenium. The December report outlined the high levels of arsenic in groundwater after DHEC hit Duke with a notice of violation last fall for exceeding safe drinking water standards. But at the time, DHEC only had discovered arsenic levels of 115 parts per billion, or just over 10 times the drinking water standard. A follow -up report for Duke, completed last month, said two other wells at the pond had arsenic levels that exceeded the standard of 10. Both readings were higher than previously found at the site before 2014. DHEC's Harris said the highest arsenic level previously found in groundwater at the site was 23 parts per billion in 2011. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 6/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State MORE LOCAL You May Like 2 Credit Cards That Don't Charge Interest For 21 Months You Should Not Ignore NextAdvisor Forget The Whone 6. Next Apple Sensation Leaked The Motley Fool 3 Things That Golf Pros Do That Amateurs Don't Hank Haney University These Rarely Seen Historical Photos are Pretty Unnerving Buzzlamp Comments Sponsored Links by Taboola http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 7/8 5/15/2015 Nuclear waste, arsenic at SC coal plant raise concern I The State The State Add a comment... k Also on IFacelboolk Facebook social plugin Posting as Therese Vick - �tid�,nnmd� 'Uo� http://www.thestate.com/news/local/articlel3758239.html 8/8 TCLP Not Reliable for Evaluation of Potential Public Health and Environmental Hazards of PCBs or Other Chemicals in Wastes: Unreliability of Cement Based Solidification /Stabilization of Wastes G. Fred Lee, PhD, PE, BCEE and Anne Jones -Lee, PhD G. Fred Lee & Associates El Macero, California Gfredlee @aol.com www.gfredlee.com September 2009 The Toxicity Leaching Characteristic Procedure (TCLP) is used by some to estimate the potential hazard that chemicals in solid wastes represent to public health and the environment. This use is done mechanically without understanding the origin of this procedure and the severe limitations and unreliability of this procedure in estimating public health and environmental hazards of the potentially hazards of chemicals in solid wastes. Also of concern is that Portland cement based solidification /Stabilization of solid wastes is being used based on TCLP testing of the so- called stabilized wastes. The authors have been involved in evaluating the potential hazards of chemicals in soils, sediments and solid wastes for over 40 years. This experience has included extensive studies on the leaching of chemicals in solids as they may impact of public health and the environment. Over the years we have repeatedly observed the misuse the TCLP to characterize the potential leachable chemicals in solids /wastes including cement based "stabilized" wastes. This experience has included developing several reports that discuss the misuse of the TCLP in environmental evaluation. Sections of several of our reports are presented in this report. Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Electronic Wastes in MSW Landfills The impetus for developing this discussion is a statement by US EPA headquarters in June 2009 that attempted to justify allowing the deposition of electronic wastes in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. We have developed a discussion of this issue in, Lee, G. F., and Jones -Lee, A., "Electronic Wastes and MSW Landfill Pollution of Groundwater," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (2009). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /ElectronicWasteCom.pdf As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2009) the US EPA (Petteway, 2009) claimed that based on the results of the TCLP, electronic wastes can be safely disposed in MSW landfills and not contribute to pollution of groundwaters by heavy metals. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009) have presented the following discussion of the unreliability of the US EPA position on this issue. "The use of the US EPA TCLP regulatory limit as a measure of the concentrations of heavy metals in MSW leachate that would not cause groundwater pollution ignores the purpose and limitations of the TCLP test, and circumvents the proper evaluation of the amount of leaching of heavy metals in a MSW landfill that can cause a groundwater to contain sufficient concentrations of lead and several heavy metals to be a threat to cause a human health threat to those who use a MSW- leachate polluted groundwater. The senior author (G. Fred Lee) has been involved in several million dollars of research on the leaching of various potential pollutants from solids including solid wastes, and on how to properly evaluate the water quality significance of leached pollutants on various uses of a water including drinking water. Lee and Jones published a number of papers and reports on those findings, including: Lee, G.F. and Jones, R.A., "Application of Site - Specific Hazard Assessment Testing to Solid Wastes, "IN: Hazardous Solid Waste Testing, ASTMSTP 760, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 331 -344 (1981). hilp:llwww.gfredlee.com/H`azChemSites/hazassessiest.pdf and Lee, G.F. and Jones, R.A., "A Risk Assessment Approach for Evaluating the Environmental Significance of Chemical Contaminants in Solid Wastes, " IN: Environmental Risk Analysis for Chemicals, Van Nostrand, New York, pp. 529 -549 (1982). http://www.gfredlee. com / HazChemSites /SiteSpecificTCLP.pdf The ASTM paper was judged to tie for first place as the "Best Paper" presented at that conference. The leaching of a pollutant from a solid is highly dependent on the characteristics of the leaching test; the results obtained are governed largely by the design and conduct of the test. During the 1970s, G. Fred Lee conducted about I million dollars in research on behalf of the Corps of Engineers on the release /leaching of about 30 pollutants, including various heavy metals, from dredged sediments taken from US waterways. As part of those studies Lee and his associates evaluated the reliability of the elutriate test for assessing and quantifying the potential for the various pollutants to be released from dredged sediments. A significant focus was the evaluation of the influence of the conditions of the test on the release of pollutants from the sediments. It was found that the elutriate test was a good measure of the potential release of pollutants from dredged sediments upon open water disposal of the sediments. The results of these studies were published in several reports and papers including a summary paper, Lee, G. F. and Jones -Lee, A., "Water Quality Aspects of Dredging and Dredged Sediment Disposal, " IN: Handbook of Dredging Engineering, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, pp. 14 -1 to 14 -42 (2000). http://www.gfredlee.com /Sedimentldredging.him/ In developing the EP Tox leaching test (which subsequently became the TCLP test) for use in the classification of solid wastes as "hazardous" vs "non hazardous," the US EPA chose to incorporate many of the test conditions established for the elutriate test for assessing release of pollutants from dredged sediments. While the conditions used in the elutriate test are appropriate for testing dredged sediments, they are totally inappropriate for evaluation of the leaching of pollutants in solid wastes. The conditions that exist in an MSW landfill that influence leaching are completely different from the conditions of open water disposal of dredged sediment for which the test conditions were established. By far the greatest error made by the US EPA in developing and applying the TCLP test is the approach used to characterize excessive leaching. Notwithstanding the aforementioned technical deficiencies, the purpose of the TCLP was to classify wastes as either "hazardous " or "nonhazardous. " The regulatory limits established for interpretation of TCLP results are arbitrary, and not based on a proper evaluation of the concentrations of leached pollutants that can pollute groundwater to impair the use of MSW- leachate polluted groundwater for domestic water supply. For example, the characteristics of the hydrogeology of a site are not properly taken into account in interpreting the results of the test to determine whether a waste can be placed in a nonhazardous waste landfill. The allowed attenuation factor (S -to -I dilution is assumed) will be overly protective for some hydrogeological groundwater systems, but be insufficiently protective in others. Thus, what are deemed, by virtue of TCLP results, to be "nonhazardous" waste components can still generate leachate that is a significant threat to public health and the environment. The unreliability of this approach is discussed further in Lee and Jones -Lee (2004). The support provided in the US EPAIPetteway email for the US EPA's position that electronic wastes in landfills are not a threat to groundwater quality was the failure of electronic wastes to release heavy metals above the TCLP regulatory limits. However, the TCLP assessment and regulatory limit is fundamentally flawed for making such an evaluation. " "The Lee and Jones (1982) paper, "A Risk Assessment Approach for Evaluating the Environmental Significance of Chemical Contaminants in Solid Wastes, " (referenced above) discusses technically reliable approaches for evaluating excessive leaching from a solid waste. Necessary for such evaluation is site - specific evaluation of the conditions in the landfill and the hydrogeology of the groundwater system underlying the landfall to determine the amount of leaching that can occur and not pollute groundwater to a sufficient extent to cause it to impair the use of the groundwater for domestic purposes. As part of a US congress - ordered revision of the TCLP test, the US EPA initially proposed a site - specific approach to the evaluation of excessive leaching. However, the Agency failed to follow through with finalizing such an approach and continues the arbitrarily developed TCLP regulatory limit. As discussed by Lee (2004, 2006) that makes the TCLP test unreliable for evaluating excessive leaching of lead and several other pollutants in electronic and other wastes. Overall, the US EPA has used a technically invalid approach to conclude that the heavy metals in electronic wastes do not represent a threat to pollute groundwaters to a sufficient extent to represent a threat to the health of those who use the groundwater as a domestic water supply source. At this time, however, the technical community has not defined or isolated the significance of allowing the deposition of electronic wastes in MSW landfalls to the pollution of groundwaters by landfall leachate that will inevitably occur as the liners fail to prevent leachate- leakage through the liners. In light of this situation, for now it would be prudent public health and environmental protection policy for state and local jurisdictions to restrict deposition of electronic wastes in MSW landfalls. This could also be said of deposition of other wastes that contain hazardous chemicals. Lee and Jones -Lee (2009) stated, At this time it is unclear whether or not the disposal of electronic wastes in MSW landfalls will significantly increase the heavy metal pollution of groundwaters once the liners systems fail to collect and remove all leachate generated in the landfall. It is clear, however, that the US EPA's assessment, in response to the NY Times article on the potential of electronic wastes to cause groundwater pollution, is not in accord with technical information available on this issue. Until such time as it is demonstrated that electronics - derived heavy metals make inconsequential contributions to MSW landfall leachate heavy metal concentrations, prudent public health and groundwater protection policy and s practice would indicate that disposal of electronic wastes in MSW landfills should be prohibited. " Sydney Tar Ponds Leaching of Hazardous Chemicals Lee and Jones -Lee (2006) conducted a review of the approach that the Sydney Tar Ponds Agency (STPA) used to evaluate the ability of adding Portland Cement into the Sydney Nova Scotia Tar Pond sediments to immobilize PCBs, PAHs and other hazardous chemicals in estuarine sediments that were derived from about 100 years of operation of a large steel mill including a coking operation without waste treatment. Lee and Jones -Lee issued several reports on this issue including, Lee, G. F., "Assessment of the Adequacy & Reliability of the STPA Proposed Approach for Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds' Sediments," Presentation to the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project Joint Review Panel, Sydney, Nova Scotia, CANADA, PowerPoint Slides; G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May 15 (2006). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /SydneyTarPondsPowerPt.pdf Lee, G. F., "Unreliable /Inadequate Information on the Efficacy of Solidification/ Stabilization of Sydney Tar Pond Sediments," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (2007). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /SydneyTPSedSolidif.pdf The STPA relied on the TCLP to test the cement treated samples of the Tar Pond sediments. In, Lee, G. F., "Comments on, 'Remediation of Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Environmental Impact Statement, Sydney, Nova Scotia,' dated December 2005," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, USA, May 15 (2006). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /SydneyTarPondsReport.pdf Lee stated, "Another important deficiency in the STPA EIS Volume 7 is the failure to evaluate the potential for persistent organic chemicals such as PCBs that are present in a sediment to bioaccumulate through the food web to excessive concentrations in edible organisms of the area. The critical concentrations in sediments for this situation are typically lower than the concentrations that are adverse to aquatic life living in the sediments. The co- occurrence -based approach for developing sediment quality guidelines does not incorporate food web accumulation issues. With respect to the remediation of the Sydney Tar Pond sediments, the continued accumulation of PCBs in edible organisms of the Estuary /Harbour has to be one of the most important issues that needs to be addressed in terms of evaluating the success of the S/S treatment of the Tar Pond sediments. As discussed elsewhere in these comments, according to the US EPA (2002), concentrations of PCBs in the water column above 0.000064 yg /L can bioaccumulate to excessive levels in edible aquatic life. The US EPA does not have critical concentrations for PCBs in sediments that, through food web accumulation, would lead to excessive concentrations in edible fish and shellfish. In order to evaluate this situation, it is necessary to perform site- specific studies of whether PCBs and other pollutants in sediments can bioaccumulate to excessive levels in higher trophic level organisms that are a threat to public health and /or fish - eating birds and animals. These are the issues that must be carefully evaluated as part of developing remediation objectives for S/S treatment of the Tar Pond sediments. " Also in this review, "The summary of the Wiles and Barth paper states, This paper discussed some approaches for determining whether or not organic contaminated soils should be treated by S/S technologies. The approaches are conservative and give little recognition to the physical characteristics of the solidified waste forms in the immobilization process. These approaches are also based upon technical rather than regulatory considerations after reviewing available information on the S/S of organic wastes. Several instances have been reported where processors have claimed treatment of organics by S /S. In most but not all of these, the experimental approach was too limited. Measuring organic content before treatment and after treatment without controls to collect and analyze air emissions is not acceptable. Many, if not all, of the volatile and semivolatile organics will "disappear" during the process because they volatilize. Much more sound scientific evidence is required before S/S of organic contaminated waste can become routine practice. " Wiles and Barth, at the time they developed this paper, were with the US EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was their responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of S/S treatment of various types of wastes as part of the US EPA SITE (Supefund Innovative Technology Evaluation) program. In connection with conducting this review, I contacted Ed Barth regarding the current understanding of the effectiveness of using cement - based S/S to treat high - organic wastes such as those that are present in the Tar Ponds. He confirmed (Barth, pens. comm., 2006) that the situation today is no different than it was in 1992 when he and Wiles developed their paper on this issue. Basically, there are significant questions about whether cement -based S/S is an effective immobilization approach for high - organic wastes such as the Tar Pond sediments. Therefore, the STPA promotion for S/S for treating the Tar Pond sediments based on the so- called widespread use of this approach is, at best, superficial and does not properly evaluate the effectiveness of such practice. This is an issue that the Agency should have discussed in a credible EIS, in order to inform regulatory decision - makers and the public about the potential problems associated with S/S of the Tar Pond polluted sediments. Manus and Gilliam (1994) of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, conducted a comprehensive review of the literature regarding cement -based waste form development to identify waste species that pose problems for the use of the technology, and at what concentrations those species render the process unfeasible. They concluded, "The literature search has confirmed that the knowledge of cement -based waste form chemistry has not progressed to the point where this is possible. " In the course of their review of organic species that may interfere with various waste form properties, they made the following statements, observations, and conclusions: 4 "In the context of the FFCA [Federal Facility Compliance A cement] project, waste streams loaded with organics are supposed to be thermally treated to destroy the organic species before the waste is solidified in the cement -based matrix; " "Many researchers, when reporting results of studies using S/S to immobilize organic wastes, arrive at a common conclusion: that is, S/S technologies are generally not appropriate to treat organic - bearing wastes (Wiles and Barth, 1992; Brown et al., 1992). " "Many authors discuss the inability of the available tests such as the TCLP to evaluate the retention of organics in cement -based waste forms, due to the fact that many organics are not miscible in water or acetic acid solution. " " Interpretation of results [from US EPA SITE program tests on the treatability of real contaminated wastes containing organics] is usually inconclusive regarding the presence of organic species, according to de Piercin (1990) and Brown et al. (1992). They reported results obtained from three EPA Supefund sites that illustrate this problem. They state that very little scientific literature claims that S/S is effective for treating organic wastes. " "Some studies investigated the mechanism of retention of organic species in cement products. Wiles and Barth (1992), for example, reported that organics are unlikely to form insoluble precipitates; neither do organics enter into the structure of cement hydrates. Therefore, physical encapsulation will be the principal way to contain organics in cement -based waste forms. They conclude that S/S processes, `should follow some earlier stage of treatment for removal and /or destruction of the volatile and semivolatile constituents. "' Since phenols are major components of coal tar, Mattus and Gilliam's accounts of studies by Vipulanandan and Krishnan (1990) and Shukla et al. (1992) are of interest. Mattus and Gilliam (1994) stated, " Vipulanandan and Krishnan (1990) incorporated 0.5 and 2% by weight pure phenol in Type I Portland cement. The addition of 2% phenol increased the set time by a factor of 3. TCLP leaching tests recovered up to 100% of the organics in the leachate, proof that phenol is not chemically bound to the cement structure. " " Shukla et al. (1992) showed that the leaching performance of PCP and phenol is better when the cure time is increased. " The literature review concluded: "What is clear from the literature search is that cement -based waste forms, sometimes referred to as a `low -tech option,' are anything but simple from the standpoint of waste form chemistry. Indeed, cement waste form chemistry is extremely complex and is poorly understood even for some simple systems of a single waste constituent in a cement -water paste. " 4 "The literature search has clearly established that no definitive waste characterization requirements exist. ... Consequently, the approach to waste characterization needs presented is to request `screening type' characterization. " Brown, R. E.; Jindal, B. S. and Bulzan, J. D., "A Critical Review of the Effectiveness of Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous Organic Wastes, " pp. 43 -60 in Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes, Vol. 2, ASTM STP 1123, ed. T.M. Gilliam and C.C. Wiles, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1992). de Percin, P. R., "Results from the Stabilization Technologies Evaluated by the SITE Program, " pp. 648 -660 in Proceedings of the New England Environmental Expo, Hynes Convention Center, April 10 -12, 1990, EPA 1600 /D- 901232, US. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati (1990). Shukla, S. S.; Shukla, A. S.; Lee, I. G. C.; Aminabhair, T. M. and Balundgi, R.H., "Solidification /Stabilization Study for the Disposal of Pentachlorophenol, " Journal of Hazardous Materials 30(3):17 -33 (1992). Vipulanandan, C. and Krishnan, S., "Solidification /Stabilization of Phenolic Waste with Cementitious and Polymeric Materials, " Journal of Hazardous Materials 24:123 -136 (1990). Wiles, C. C. and Barth, E., "Solidification /Stabilization: Is It Always Appropriate ?" Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes, 2nd Volume, ASTM STP 1123, T. M. Gilliam and C. C. Wiles, Eds. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 18 -32 (1992). As we commented in, Lee, G. F. and Jones -Lee, A., "Progress toward Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: A Major Canadian PCB /PAH `Superfund' Site," Journal Remediation 17(l):111 -119 (2006). http: / /www.gfredlee.com /Landfills /STP - Remediation- pap.pdf "Further, and most important, in the agency's studies of S/S treatment of Sydney Tar Ponds sediments, the Agency used an analytical method detection limit for measurement of PCBs released from the treated sediments that was well above the concentrations that are known to bioaccumulate to excessive levels in edible organisms. The STPA erroneously assumed that because they could not measure a release in the TCLP test, there was no release, and, therefore, S/S treatment of these sediments was effective." In follow up discussion of the unreliable information provided by STPA and its consultants on the potential efficacy of cement based stabilization of hazardous chemicals a solid waste we developed, Lee, G. F., "Unreliable /Inadequate Information on the Efficacy of Solidification/ Stabilization of Sydney Tar Pond Sediments," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (2007). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /SydneyTPSedSolidif.pdf in which Lee quoted from the literature on significant questions on the ability of cement based solidification stabilization to immobilize PCBs and other chemicals. For example, "Thornburg et al. (2006), in a recent study entitled "Effectiveness of In Situ Cement Stabilization for Remediation of Sediment Containing Coal Tar Derived Hydrocarbons, " found that S/S treatment of these organic sediments was not effective in preventing release of pollutants from them. They reported, Sediments adjacent to a former coal tar processing facility are associated with intermittent releases of hydrocarbon droplets and sheen to the overlying marine water column, particularly during low tide. In situ sediment stabilization with Portland cement was one of the alternatives considered for a response action to control sheen in accordance with Surface Water Quality Standards. The remedial design concept consisted of driving large - diameter caissons through the sediment and into the underlying clay aquitard, mixing Portland cement inside the caissons (approximately 15 percent by weight) using an auger or similar piece of equipment, and removing minor amounts of surficial sediment that had bulked up above the original mudline. The caissons would then be pulled, offset in a systematic overlapping pattern, and the process repeated until the sheen producing area had been stabilized. Bench -scale laboratory testing was conducted on composite samples of both untreated and stabilized sediments from the area to better characterize the effectiveness of cement stabilization for controlling sheen. The bench -scale tests included the Sequential Batch Leaching Test (SBLT), a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers protocol (Myers et al., 1992) that simulates the effects of contaminated sediment on pore -water chemistry, and a more qualitative Static Sheen Test, per USEPA (40 CFR Chapter 1, Part 435). Tests were conducted on sediments treated with 10, 15, and 20 percent dry cement, 15 percent cement slurry, and, for comparison, 10 percent organoclay, a hydrocarbon adsorbent. Sediment mixtures were allowed to cure for seven days before testing. The bench -scale test results indicate in situ stabilization as a stand -alone technology would not be effective at controlling sheen; the response action would require additional components, such as the addition of a thick cap or placement of sediments in a confined disposal facility, to achieve this objective. Even the most effective stabilization mixtures leached polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and mid -range aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons at concentrations well above their effective solubilities, indicating a strong tendency for continued sheen production. Performing the appropriate bench -scale tests cost - effectively demonstrated the need for a different approach to designing and implementing an effective remedial solution for this site. Presented at 22 Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA October 2006. hiip: / /www. umasssoils. com /abstracts2005 /Thursday /evolving %20strategies. him #Effectiveness 20ofOO20in %20s itu %20Cement %20Stabil " "Perera et al. (2005) (from the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; Viridis, Berkshire, UK; and S/S Remediation Consultancy, Nottingham, UK), in a report, "State of practice report UK stabilisation /solidification treatment and remediation, Part V.- Long -term performance and environmental impact, " have stated, "The application of S /S, for the immobilisation of contaminants by the addition of cement -based additives has been widely practised for many years, and has been generally used successfully, although some contaminants are known to pose problems in treatment (Conner, 1990). However, most of this success is based on results of treatability studies, which are normally conducted over short time periods, typically up to 28 days after treatment. As a result, concerns regarding the long -term effectiveness of the technique have regularly been raised in recent years (Conner, 1990; Borns, 1997; Glasser, 1997; Loxham et al., 1997). These concerns are due to (i) the uncertainties in test methods, (ii) observed deficiencies in the process application, (iii) observed lack of chemical binding in crushed samples of treated waste, suggesting that contaminants could leach out under certain conditions and (iv) uncertainties of performance arising from anticipated behavioural degradation of the material over time. Degradation, however, ranges between two extremes: complete release of the contaminant in a relatively short time period and a gradual release over a long period of time. It is highly likely that degradation of S/S materials is possible as nothing lasts forever. Degradation with complete release of the contaminant in a relatively short time period is clearly not acceptable and such catastrophic failure is unlikely. However, a gradual release of some contaminants over a long period of time is more likely, and where the level of contaminant release at any time does not represent a significant risk it will satisfy remediation objectives. These uncertainties can best be quantified by obtaining real -time long -term data. However, despite the widespread use of S/S techniques, evidence of validation in the long -term is still very limited and there is still no direct evidence of time - related material performance in the field (Kirk, 1996). Validation of the long -term effectiveness of any contaminated ground and waste treatment methodology is essential for its success and in the assessment of its sustainability. " The Perera et al. (2005) statements quoted above on this issue are similar to those that I quoted in my report to the Joint Review Panel (Lee 2006a). They demonstrate that, even today, there is still considerable uncertainty about the long -term effectiveness of S/S treatment of wastes, especially high - organic wastes such as the Sydney Tar Ponds sediments. Borns, D.J. (1997). Predictive tools and data needs for long -term performance of in -situ stabilisation and containment systems: DOE /OST stabilisation workshop, June 26 -27, Park City, Utah. Proceeding of the International Containment Technology Conference, Florida State University, pp. 1022 -1028. Conner, J. R. (1990.) Chemical fixation and solidification of hazardous wastes, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Glasser, F. P. (1997). Fundamental aspects of cement solidification and stabilisation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 52, pp. 151 -170. Loxham, M., Orr, T. and Jefferis, S. A. (1997). Contaminated land reclamation (design, construction and management). In Report of the ISSMFE Technical Committee TC5 on Environmental Geotechnics, pp. 113 -132. Perera, A. S. R., Al- Tabbaa, A, Reid, J. M. and Johnson, D. (2005). State of practice report UK stabilisation /solidification treatment and remediation, Part V.- Long -term performance and environmental impact. Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilisation /Solidification Treatment and Remediation, April, Cambridge, UK, Balkema, 437- 457. hiip:/ /www- starnet.eng. cam. ac.uk /SoP %20Reporis /SoP %205.pdf Thornburg, T., Leuteritz, C., Templeton, D., Metcalf, T., Bell, T., & Paschl, K. October (2006). Effectiveness of in situ cement stabilization for remediation of sediment containing coal tar derived hydrocarbons. Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. hiip: / /www. umasssoils. com /abstracts2005 /Thursday /evolving %20strategies. him# Effectiveness% 20ofOO20in %20situ %20Cement %20Siabil Wiles, C. C., & Barth, E. (1992). Solidification /stabilization: Is it always appropriate? In T. M. Gilliam & C. C. Wiles (Eds), Stabilization and solidification of hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes (Vol. 2, pp. 18 -32). ASTM STP 1123. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. " Drs. Anne Jones -Lee and G. Fred Lee have been involved in reviewing the critical concentrations of PCBs in soils and wastes that can be considered safe in accord with some regulatory limits. In connection with the review of the US Gypsum /Port of Stockton, California draft environmental impact statement we submitted, Lee, G. F., and Jones -Lee, A., "Comments on `US Gypsum Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Development of the US Gypsum Proposed Wallboard Plant to be Located on Port of Stockton West Complex,"' Comments submitted to Lozeau /Drury, Alameda, CA by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December 15 (2008). http: / /www.gfredlee .com /HazChemSites/USGypsumDEIR.pdf as comments on the inappropriate approach for evaluating the potential hazards of PCBs in soils and wastes. We commented, "Page 3 -85 states, "The West Complex EIR found the exposure of individuals to Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (West Complex EIR MM 4.11.7) would be less than significant because the Navy removed all PCB equipment or contaminated equipment containing PCB levels of 50 ppm or greater in 1990. No mitigation was required. " I (Dr. G. F. Lee) have been involved in investigating the occurrence and impacts of PCBs since the late 1960s. A summary of this experience is provided in the attached summary of our experience. This involvement has included reviewing and developing criteria for assessing the impacts of PCBs on public health and the environment. It is known that the 50 ppm allowed soil 9$ residual concentration is not necessarily protective of public health and the environment. This issue should have been discussed in this DEIR to inform decision makers and the public about the current deficiencies in the current regulatory approach for PCBs. Without this information in the reviewers of the DEIR are unreliable informed about the threat that the PCBs in the soils at the USG project area represent. I (Dr. G. F. Lee) have been involved in investigating the occurrence and impacts of PCBs since the late 1960s. A summary of this experience is provided in the attached summary of our experience. This involvement has included reviewing and developing criteria for assessing the impacts of PCBs on public health and the environment. It is known that the 50 ppm allowed soil residual concentration is not necessarily protective of public health and the environment. ITRC (2005) conducted a review of PCB concentrations used by states in evaluating excessive PCBs in soils. It reported , "For residential soil, the states reported screening values ranging from 0.089 ppm to 0.43 ppm, varying around the Region 9 PRGs. The health -based screening values for PCBs in industrial soils ranged from 0.0028 to 2.1 mg/kg. " (mg/kg ppm). These values are far less than the 50 ppm cited by the Port and USG as acceptable PCBs in soil for the USG wallboard plant soils. With respect to protecting aquatic life and human health from excessive bioaccumulation of PCBs in fish the USEPA (2005) has adopted Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs water quality criteria to protect aquatic life from PCB toxicity of 0.014 ,ug /L and 0.000064 ,ug /L to prevent excessive bioaccumulation of PCBs in fish that would cause the fish to be to hazardous to consume for food. This value is about 10 million times smaller than the 50 mg1L value that USG and Port propose to allow to be discharged to the SJR. As discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee (2002, 2004) the SJR and Delta some fish already have excessive concentrations of PCBs and are hazardous to be used as food. Further there could readily be concentrations of PCBs in the stormwater discharges that USG and the Port propose to discharge to the SJR DWSC that contribute to excessive bioaccumulation ofPCBS in SJR fish. " As discussed in the above sections of reports on PCB management issues, the TCLP is not a valid test to evaluate whether PCBs in soils, wastes and cement "stabilized" wastes can be leached from the wastes in sufficient concentrations to cause pollution of the environment by PCBs. This same conclusion applies to many other types of hazardous chemicals such as PAHs, heavy metals etc. A search of the Internet for information on the reliability of the TCLP to evaluate environmental hazards of chemicals in a solid shows a number of others have developed similar conclusions. For example, Karuppiah, M. and Gupta, G., "Toxicity of metals in coal combustion ash leachate." Journal of Hazardous Materials 56: 53 -58 (1997). http: / /www.sciencedirect.com /science ?_ob= ArticleURL &_udi =B 6TGF -3 SH49TM- 4 &_user = 0 10& rdoc= l &_fmt= &_orig= search &_ sort= d &_docancho — &view =c &_acct= C00050221& version= l& urlVersion =0& useri d= l0 &md5= f05a1701c68972913bfd3 bcb56c4c37e -9-9 D.C. Susan, M. Sharma, A.D. Wait, The misuse of TCLP methods, Environ. Lab. 8 22- 25. (1996) SUMMARY: The Truth about TCLP- Passing Fluorescent Lamps TAG lamps mercury TCLP test fluorescent lamps Hg passing elemental mercury additives metals iron shields waste Mercury Content Electric lamps Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure test lamp components liquid mercury Truth landfill reactions If a waste fails the TCLP test, it is considered hazardous and is subject to regulation under Subtitle C of RCRA due to its potential to leach significant concentrations of.. Some states may continue to require the TCLP test under their state RCRA program. Texaco's Misuse of the TCLP Test in Ecuador The TCLP test was designed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine whether soil (or waste ... than S mg /L TPH by the TCLP test (S mg /L was the detection limit in the tests. they conducted), and therefore passed their cleanup standard by at least a factor of... State of Wisconsin challenged the applicability of the TCLP test to manufactured gas plant waste. MGP waste, that waste is not exempt from the TCLP test and the generator will have to determine if it exhibits any of the hazardous waste characteristics. TAG characteristic exhibits rule EPA Regions NR leaching manufactured gas plant Battery remediation State of Wisconsin applicability plant waste RCRA. Questions on these issues can be directed to Dr. G. Fred Lee at gfredlee @aol.com. -9-9