HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141233 Ver 1_401 Application_20141214November 24, 2014 U S Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 -5006 Attention Ms Crystal Amschler N C Division of Water Resources 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1617 Attention Ms Karen Higgins !4 1 • KRECEIVEQ 0 1 4 1 2 3 3 DEC 01 204 DENR -LAND QUALITY STORMWAT ER PERMITTING =1 Reference: Pre - Construction Notification for Nationwide Permits 3, 13, & 27; Request for Jurisdictional Determination Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) Charlotte, North Carolina S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Dear Ms Amschler and Ms Higgins On behalf of Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS), S &ME, Inc (S &ME) is submitting this Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) for impacts to waters of the U S in accordance with Department of the Army Nationwide Permits (NWP) 3 (Maintenance), 13 (Bank Stabilization) and 27 (Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement), along with supporting documentation for verification of the on-site jurisdictional boundaries The proposed project will involve extensive improvements to a residential storm water drainage system, which will result in the permanent impact to 146 linear feet (If) of unnamed tributaries of McMullen Creek, in Charlotte, North Carolina Permanent impacts are composed of 13 If of culvert extension, 65 if of outfall protection measure installation, and 68 if of channel improvements Additionally, 643 if of temporary impacts are proposed associated with bank stabilization, minor bank modifications associated with culvert replacement, and maintenance to existing riprap -lined jurisdictional channels Proposed impacts associated with the aspects of this project described herein are authorized under North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) Water Quality Certifications (WQC) Nos 3883 and 3885 As the proposed project will involve non - natural armoring that exceeds 150 bank -feet (bf) and natural channel sloping that exceeds PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 500 bf (178 bf and 540 bf proposed, respectively), written concurrence from DWR is required for authorization under WQC 3885 In support of this application, please find enclosed the following • Figures Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1), USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2), Approximate Waters of the U S Map(Figure 3), Proposed Project Impacts Map (Figure 4), and Jurisdictional Impact Site Plans (Figures 5 1 -5 5), • Appendix I Pre - Construction Notification (PCN), • Appendix II Site Photographs, • Appendix III 98% Design Construction Plans, • Appendix IV Jurisdictional Determination Request Forms, • Appendix V N C Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Stream Identification Forms, • Appendix VI Wetland Determination Data Form (Upland Form for DPI), • A check for DWR Processing Fee BACKGROUND INFORMATION CMSWS is planning to construct storm drainage infrastructure improvements and stream enhancements along approximately 2,685 If of an unnamed tributary to McMullen Creek in the vicinity of Meadowridge Drive in Charlotte, North Carolina The goals of the project are to upgrade storm water infrastructure in order to meet City design capacity, protect adjacent properties from flooding and channel erosion, as well as to improve channel bank stability In order to achieve these goals, much of the existing storm system piping will be upgraded and replaced, pipe outfalls will be stabilized using riprap aprons or rock drop structures, eroding channel banks will be stabilized with a combination of natural channel design stabilization (grading, matting and planting) and boulder toe wall installation, and some modifications and repairs will be made to existing riprap -lined jurisdictional channels Additionally, a series of rock drop structures will be installed as a channel enhancement in order to stabilize an actively - eroding, steep headcut gully The location of the project area is depicted on the Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1), the appropriate portions of the WeddmQton, N C (1993) USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2), and on a 2014 Aerial Photograph (Figures 3) The proposed project designs have been developed over the last three years as a collaboration between CMSWS and WK Dickson & Co, Inc , the storm water design engineer An onsite meeting between CMSWS, WK Dickson, Amanda Fuemeller of the USACE, and Alan Johnson ofNCDWR was held February 28, 2013 in which preliminary project actions were discussed Suggestions from agency personnel were incorporated in project design to the extent practicable FIELD OBSERVATIONS On November 4 and 12, 2014, Mr D David Homans of S &ME visited the site to verify the location and classification of jurisdictional waters along the drainage system where disturbance associated with the project is proposed Stream and wetland assessments PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 were conducted in accordance with DWR and USACE guidelines Results of the assessment are depicted on Figure 3 and representative photographs of the project area are included in Appendix I1 S &ME's field review of the project area identified two jurisdictional relatively permanent waters (RPWs) Though both channels are formally unnamed tributaries to McMullen Creek, they are referred to by the road that they cross under ( Meadowridge Branch and All Saints Branch) These channels, along with a number of features that were assessed and determined to be non - jurisdictional, are described further, below Meadowridge Branch Meadowridge Branch is the main channel running throughout the project area At the western end of the Jurisdictional review area, it enters McMullen Creek, near the confluence, the channel is deeply incised and exhibits perennial flow heavily influenced by groundwater intrusion as evidenced by extensive iron - oxidizing bacteria (photo 1, Appendix II) Shortly upstream of the confluence, the channel crosses over a high (approximately 6 ft ) gabion- and - concrete grade control structure (photo 2) Upstream of this structure where the channel runs adjacent to a community park, much less groundwater influence is apparent, and the channel exhibits conditions typical of intermittent flow with no apparent baseflow and a less discrete ordinary high water mark (OHWM) The channel then enters the culvert under Meadowridge Branch, the oufall of this culvert is currently perched approximately 3 feet above the bed of the channel ( photo3) Upstream of the culvert, the channel runs through residential backyards with limited wooded cover This section of the channel was classified as weakly perennial (NC Stream Classification score of 30 5) as there is additional groundwater influence apparent along with fairly continuous baseflow present Throughout this area, banks are largely incised and eroding, and much of the channel bed is made up primarily of the saprolite bedrock that the channel has eroded down to (photos 5, 7) Further upstream and to the upstream extent of the review area, the channel gradient increases somewhat, and the entire channel has been filled with riprap from bank to bank (photos 8, 10) Riprap fill prevents effective assessment of the channel using NC Stream Classification methodology, as baseflow continues to be present in small isolated areas even with the absence of recent rainfall (indicating some groundwater mfluence),it appears that this channel would still considered jurisdictional, though with intermittent flow In total, 688 If of the channel is perennial, while 1,329 if is classified as intermittent, of which 861 if is riprap -lined All Saints Branch All Saints Branch starts at its confluence with Meadowridge Branch adjacent to the community park Between the confluence and the culvert under All Saints Lane, the channel exhibits characteristics indicative of intermittent flow (NC Stream Classification score of 26 5) At the outfall of the somewhat - perched culvert, approximately 40 if of the channel has been filled with riprap (photo 12) Upstream from the culvert, the channel possesses a fairly steep gradient as it passes through wooded residential backyards Though additional baseflow was present is this area, it was only present in isolated pockets, indicating the flow regime remained intermittent The channel was somewhat PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 incised in this area, with steep, actively- eroding banks observed at outside meander bends (photo 13) Erosion in this area may also be exacerbated by multiple fences installed through the channel, which have the potential for generating debris blockages The channel originates after a deeply incised and actively eroding gully / headcut complex (photo 14) A non Jurisdictional channel was observed above this headcut and lacks a clearly defined OHWM or indication of water table connection (photo 15) In total, 668 If of intermittent channel was delineated for All Saints Branch Non - Jurisdictional Features A number of smaller drainage features flowed into Meadowridge and All Saints Branch and were assessed for their Jurisdictional status In the vicinity of the proposed bank grading along Meadowridge Branch, a small linear drainage feature (NJD 1) connected a culvert outfall to Meadowridge Branch (photo 6) This channel scored 10 using the NC Stream Classification method, indicating ephemeral flow patterns and lacked the geomorphic conditions necessary to be considered a Jurisdictional RPW This channel is proposed to be cleaned out, re- graded and lined with erosion control matting in order to better facilitate flow out of the culvert Farther upstream, a small riprap -lined channel (NJD2) connects a culvert outfall to the main riprap -lined channel immediately downstream of an area where bank reshaping is proposed (photo 9) Though riprap fill prevented the effective assessment of this channel with NC Stream Classification methodology, it lacked a consistent OHWM, soil -based evidence of a high water table was not apparent, and its drainage area was relatively small (approximately 3 acres) Because of these factors, NJD2 was determined to be non - jurisdictional This channel is proposed to be slightly realigned with its banks reshaped in order to better facilitate flow into Meadowridge Branch A riprap -lined channel connecting a long pipe complex under Ivygate Lane to a long pipe complex under Meadowridge Drive and flowing into Meadowridge Branch was also evaluated for. jurisdictional status (NJD3) This channel was located in a steep gully with a high gradient and had an estimated drainage area of approximately 12 acres (photo 11) Though riprap fill precluded effective evaluation of this channel with NC Stream Classification methodology, no evidence of regular flow was observed, and no soil -based evidence of a high water table was identified, thus indicating non Jurisdictional ephemeral flow Near the origin of All Saints Branch, a short, steep, partially riprap -lined drainage ditch was observed flowing behind a shed (NJD4, photo 16) Though fencing prevented safe access, the channel lacked evidence of regular flow or an OHWM, and was thus determined to be a non-jurisdictional erosional feature This ditch is proposed to be filled as a part of the channel enhancements proposed at the origin of All Saints Branch The remainder of the, jurisdictional review area was made up of residential lawns, single family homes, residential streets, and upland riparian areas The riparian areas along the lower portions of All Saints Branch and Meadowridge Branch are located within the floodplain of McMullen Creek, which is mapped as being underlain by the Chewacla Loam soil mapping unit, which is a partial ly-hydric soil classification A location PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowrdge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 adjacent to All Saints Branch within this floodplain area was evaluated for wetland conditions (DPI, see photo 17), and did not meet the criteria indicative of a wetland CMSWS requests a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination from the USACE in support of these findings, as such, a completed USACE Jurisdictional Determination Request Form is included in Appendix IV Completed DWQ Stream Identification Forms for assessed channels are included in Appendix V, a USACE Wetland Determination Form for the upland area identified as DPI is included in Appendix VI PROPOSED PROJECT IMPACTS Proposed Jurisdictional impacts associated with this project are depicted on a 2014 aerial photograph presented in Figure 4 and highlighted on the proposed 98% complete project design plans on figure 5 1 to 5 5 Full 98% complete project plans including longitudinal cross sections, construction method details, full planting plans, and plans for repairs outside of jurisdictional areas are included in Appendix III A summary of the proposed jurisdictional impacts associated with the project is provided in Table 1, below Table 1 Summary of Stream Impacts Proposed permanent impacts addressed in this request are associated with storm water system maintenance actions that are permanently modifying channels outside of the Temp Perm Impact Stream Impact Impact Area Name NWP Impact Description LF LF S1 Meadowrdge 3 Riprap apron placement at the outfall of replacement 30 Branch culvert under Meadowndge Drive (photo 3) S2 Meadowndge 3 Timber wall removal and grading / matting of bank to 20 Branch tie in to new culvert headwall (photo 4) Grading back of banks to 2 1 slope, matting and 385 S3 Meadowrdge 13 planting (photo 5) Where bank grading isn't feasible, (603 Branch boulder meander bend & boulder toe walls will be BF) installed 108 bank feet, BF, photo 7 Meadowrdge Re- grading the right bank to a 2 1 slope and S4 Branch 3 refreshing the nprap along a portion of the currently 105 n ra -Imed portion of the channel (photo 10 Meadowrdge Refreshing the riprap to make a more effective apron S5 Branch 3 at a replacement pipe outfall in a currently rnprap- 18 lined porti on of the channel All Saints Installation of rock drop structure at the replacement S6 Branch 3 culvert outfall in area of the channel that is presently 35 ri ra -lined (photo 12 Replacement of 126 LF of 36" reinforced concrete S7 All Saints 3 pipe with 139 LF of 5'X3' box culvert in order to 13 Branch better protect and span an existing sanitary sewer line crossing (photo 12 Boulder meander bend & boulder toe wall installation S8 All Saints 13 at actively eroding steep banks (70 BF, photo 13) as 115 Branch well as grading back a section of bank to a 2 1 slope, matting and planting (45 BF Installation of a rock drop structure and associated S9 All Saints 27 fill and grading at the actively eroding and gullying 68 Branch headcut at the jurisdictional origin of the channel (photo 14 Totals 643 146 Proposed permanent impacts addressed in this request are associated with storm water system maintenance actions that are permanently modifying channels outside of the PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 extent of existing storm water control structures (S 1, S6, and S7), as well as permanent channel improvements (S9) Only the S7 impact will result in the permanent loss of waters of the US, though S1 impacts will result in the partial loss of ecological function The remaining permanent impacts (S6 and S9) are located in areas already heavily impacted, field discussion of the proposed impacts with agency personnel in February of 2013 indicated that the proposed actions would be considered channel enhancements, and thus would not require mitigation The temporary impacts proposed are associated with bank stabilization, modifications to existing riprap -lined channels, and minor bank modifications associated with storm water infrastructure installation Protected Species S &ME's consideration of potential protected species habitat began with a review of existing records obtained from federal and state sources The U S Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) list of federally - protected species (updated December 26, 2012) was consulted for a listing of protected species documented within Mecklenburg County, North Carolina This review identified four protected species, three plants, and one animal Listed flora and fauna and their federal rank and county status are identified in Table 2 Explanations of rankings are included at the end of the table Table 2 Federally Protected Flora and Fauna Summary Species Federal Rank' County Status Habitat Present Echinacea laevigata E Current No Smooth coneflower Heltanthus schweindzu E Current No Schwemitz's sunflower Lasmigona decorata E Historical No Carolina heelsplitter Rhus michauxu E Historical No Michaux's sumac ' E = Endangered As part of the protected species review, S &ME also reviewed the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) files of Element Occurrence (EO) and Natural Heritage Areas available from NC OneMap This review found no extant EOs of protected species on record within a two -mile radius of the project area S &ME completed a field reconnaissance of the project area on November 4, 2014 The project area was identified as consisting of well - maintained lawn and roadside, with some narrow, openly- wooded riparian corridors Riparian corridors are not the preferred habitat for the plant species of concern Based on the level of disturbance observed and the highly urban / suburban environment, the project area was not considered to provide potential habitat for the protected terrestrial species with a likelihood of occurring in Mecklenburg County PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 Though the Carolina heelsplrtter is listed (historically) for Mecklenburg County, the receiving drainage of the project (McMullen Creek, a tributary to McAlpine Creek) has no documented occurrences of Carolina heelsplrtter, and these tributaries are not part of its designated critical habitat The heavily - incised banks and unsuitable bed sediment present throughout Stream 1 also makes it poor habitat for mussels A digital copy of this PCN will be provided to the USFWS - Asheville Field Office Cultural Resources A digital copy of this PCN will be provided to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), requesting that they review their records regarding cultural, archaeological, or historical resources in or near the project area and to provide written comments regarding the interests of their agency A review of the HPOWEB GIS Web Service indicated that there were no properties currently listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within a one -mile radius of the project AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Impacts have been avoided and minimized to the extent practicable and have been limited to what is necessary to facilitate storm water infrastructure upgrades and stream enhancement Overall permanent stream impacts associated with maintenance aspects of this project have been limited to 146 If, only 13 if of which results in permanent loss of stream, which was required to prevent future sanitary sewer damage The remaining 103 If of permanent impacts have been designed to result in no net loss of stream function while still meeting storm water management needs Natural channel design bank stabilization measurements have been utilized to the extent practicable Ina number of areas, natural channel design was not feasible, such as where meander bends exhibited sheer stresses above that which could be managed by bank shaping and matting and where extensive bank reshaping could not occur in confined areas Boulder- toe -wall installation was chosen as a stabilization method in these instances in order to provide the appropriate protection while still allowing for a natural vegetated upper bank Efforts have been made to limit clearing of trees within the project corridor to the minimum amount required for safe construction of the restoration channels, and tree protection measures will be installed to safeguard trees within the limits of disturbance that are to remain To prevent sedimentation of downstream portions of the affected streams, construction will be conducted in the dry through the use of cofferdams and pump - arounds Temporary erosion and sediment control measures placed in waters will be removed and the original grade restored upon completion of the project Banks temporarily affected by maintenance work will be matted, re- seeded, and restored to stable bank conditions Additionally, access corridors have been limited to existing driveways to the extent practicable in order to prevent excess ground disturbance ADDITIONAL REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Efforts have been made to meet the conditions of NWP 3, 13, and 27 as well as the regional conditions of the NWPs and conditions associated with the North Carolina PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP, Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 Water Quality Certifications (WQC) that correspond to these NWPs (WQC 3883 and 3885) For the replacement of the culverts at All Saints Lane and Meadowridge Drive, constraints prevent the replacement culverts from meeting the requirement that culverts be buried in order to not hinder aquatic passage in both instances, underlying sanitary sewer lines prevent the installation of culverts with lower outfall invert elevations, though both proposed culverts have been designed to meet the channel at the existing bed grade Additionally, both existing culverts are currently perched well above the existing channel beds, are located a short distance upstream of a very large, impassable grade control structure, and are adjacent to portions of channel that only flow intermittently, as such, the proposed replacement culverts will not result in any additional hindrance to aquatic life passage During the February 2013 field meeting, the NCDWR suggested the possible use of a multi- barrel system for the culvert under All Saints Drive in order to maintain low -flow water depths and velocities for aquatic life passage The design engineer determined that this was not practicable at this location because the pipe is a long, closed system (211 feet) with a steep slope (2 -4 percent), and low flow conditions would be unlikely to persist throughout the entire length of a double - barrel system Furthermore, the proposed wide box culvert design should aggrade slightly due to deposition, which may result in the formation of a low flow channel Appropriate erosion and sediment control practices will be implemented to meet water quality turbidity standards Best Management Practices employed for the project will be in compliance with the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual," and the local governing authority Impacts have been avoided and minimized, and appropriate measures will be taken during construction to allow flow and circulation patterns of waters of the U S to remain unaffected Following construction, disturbed areas adjacent to the work site will be restored to a stable grade, and disturbed areas will be appropriately seeded and restored A native restoration seed mix and native tree planting plan has been designed for the channel banks and disturbed uplands adjacent to the proposed channel enhancements The proposed project will not result in additional impervious surface MITIGATION Based on conversations with the USACE for similar projects, we anticipate that mitigation will not be required for this project due to the minimal area of stream permanently impacted, the already highly degraded status of impacted channels, and as appropriate avoidance and minimization procedures have been implemented during the design phase of the project Since efforts result in the loss of less than 150 If (13 if loss, 30 additional If of reduced stream function due to riprap fill) of stream bed and maintenance efforts have been designed to meet the ecological functions of the stream and best serve the stream enhancement efforts, no further mitigation measures are proposed in association with activities authorized under NWP 3 or 13 Though project actions associated with NWP 27 have been designed to provide some ecological enhancement to All Saints Branch, CMSWS has opted to not seek mitigation credit for these enhancements PCN (NWP 3, 13, 27) / Request for Jurisdictional Determination S &ME Project No 4335 -14 -234 Meadowridge SDIP Charlotte, N C November 24, 2014 CLOSING By copy of this correspondence and completed PCN, we are requesting your written concurrence with authorization of this project under NWPs 3, 13 and 27 or the associated WQCs. If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Isaac Hinson at (704) 336 -4495 or ihinson @charlottenc gov Sincerely, D David Homans Project Scientist Kristy Smedley Natural Resources Senior Reviewer Reviewed and Authorized by Isaac Hinson, P W S Water Quality Program Specialist Charlotte- Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Da" A. P'e_4� Darr in M Peme, QEP Project Manager cc Charlotte- Mecklenburg Storm Water Services USFWS, Asheville Field Office (digital) SHPO, Raleigh (digital) Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 - USGS Topographic Map • Figures 3 - Approximate Waters of the U.S. Figures 4 - Proposed Project Impacts • Figures 5.1 to 5.5 - Jurisdictional Impact Site Plans I,arl w•� d �r. %gent PsA; Boll C fuh Cr a „ ptt pad Rd tr d A, E H e - 4` s y�`On A d W IA I'aadirn N 41-111" Pineville �van?len Pl.i e MCI '., 31r}Il fl F'I,r_a Vi u 'e Y ra \ q� �prMgfrH � ,41 Course 0 1 2 Miles P�rM Ad `I w Ly �l Z f N a s "Ia .. n d °c •` z �r a I�tml G1,1, 4,49tga Rd �JuadII - Raw• Club V df� ��+,tlt Wry A i4 des TFl:; At PKN r Gbn 'x. licit PMT DATE 11 -14 -14 # �$ G Batlantgis rap antYn.OVT% Balatrlvn� C ;ountr, Fr E Club W • Rd z U , `Farms a� Ptovrt3,7[s zUU d R7 Y Y N P G m ERENCE: MAPPING PROVIDED BY ESRI. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY IT IS NOT MEANT FOR GN, LEGAL, OR ANY OTHER USES. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. S &ME, INC. ASSUMES NO 'ONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION 3CALE 1 " = 1 mile #S&ME DATE 11 -14 -14 # a 3 0 v m Q General Project Area M h v FIGURE NO rn SITE VICINITY MAP MEADOWRIDGE A STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA - . ��/ •� / r '; � ..f � � "`i ,fir_ w,' - • AIL s` Q �'' - �'� Ist�c ' :, '. g j# _ s �` •. •,• Imo, K` • i _ X11 1h �.. 2,00,1 4 000• "• - . r 01 AV ,' Feet ��' `• . � �'"�.r `' ,C' �• --- � . � , r � �� l ; e REFERENCE: 1993 WEDDINGTON INC] 1:24,000 USGS QUAD SHEET MAP f �` 1, • o PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN, LEGAL, OR ANY / ` OTHER USES. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. S8ME, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FORANYDECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BYTHEUSER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. copy gti Jurisidictional Review Area N 0 SCALE: 1 „ = 2,000' FIGURE NO M USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP *S&ME DATE 11 -14 -14 MEADOWRIDGE C3 DRAWN BY DDH STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WWW.SMEINC.COM PROJECT NO CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 4335 -14 -234 ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 NOTE: JURISDICTIONAL STATUS WAS DETERMINED BY S &ME BIOLOGISTS IN NOVEMBER 2014. ' STREAM CENTERLINE DEPICTED WERE SURVEYED AS A PART OF PROJECT BASE SURVEY BY y;• �P!' ESP AND ASSOCIATES CONDUCTED JULY, 2011. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS HAVE NOT O BEEN VERIFIED BY THE USACE OR NCDWR. N 'm m = ❑ a- _ - Z D Y N 4�< U w S1 Impacts Authorized Under NWP3 30 LF of Permanent Impact - ''r'Q� ( Riprap Outfall Installation) j S2 Impacts Authorized Under NWP3 -. II o ani tD 20 LF of Temporary Impact ,I ,s - Z M o 4 - _ (Channel Grading to Tie in Culvert)' w� w Z LL- S3 Impacts Authorized Under NWP13 ♦ t _ 385 LF of Temporary Impact ♦ ^ �� chapelrcreeK:a.. 603 Bank Feet of Temporary Impact *: ♦ _ (Stream Bank Grading, Boulder Toe Wall) g S6 Impacts Authorized Under NWP3 -�'- S4 Impacts Authorized Under NWP3 s %% 00 35 LF of Permanent Impact '�1 _ - 105 LF of Temporary Impact 2 Z (Installation of Rock Drop Structure) (Regrading and Refreshing Riprap Channel) w S7 Impacts Authorized Under NWP3 13 LF of Permanent Impact (Extension of Replacement Culvert) S5 Impacts Authorized Under NW133 �'p k 18 LF of Temporary Impact .''. • ' *jai (Refreshing Riprap at Pipe Outfall) � � °.• - _ • \�i���;o ,�a ` i; o it �` - -• "" t .p:. S8 Impacts Authorized Under NWP13 w 115 LF of Temporary Impact ♦'; = U � Q (Bank Grading / Boulder Toe ' '` " a > Z Wall Installation) ° Jurisidictional Review Area g X W S9 Impacts Authorized Under NWP27 - - - - -. — Q ;= 68 LF of Permanent Impact - -- Project Limits of Disturbance U w = - -- (Installation of Rock Drop Structure) W c �- Perennial Stream Channel O Z z Intermittent Stream Channel a w E sc 2 K t - _ Non- Jurisidictional Drainage 0 2 o :1r 0E E • Existing Culvert p rn = Z Q- W U a %= Existing Riprap Lined Channel 0 o -. I V Y9 In. Of p ' Photo Locations O i Proposed Impact Areas 2 — mm Maintenance Impacts (NWP 3) FIGURE NO g REFERENCE: 2014AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 0 �. 150 3QQ C3 GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY AND INC ONEMAP. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES :5: Bank Stabilization Impacts (NWP 13) ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN, LEGAL, OR ANY OTHER USES. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. S &ME, INC. ASSUMES NO C RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. Ceet Channel Enhancement(NWP 27) 1 ANA z "' NOW OR FORMERLY 1 SHEET ua rr ALBERT T. WESSMAN be OW OR FORMERLY KAREN M. WESSMAN I 1 ERIC K. OTTINGER PID p 20929260 11 BKE ZYWIETZ OTTIN REMOVE D8 MD 18 PG 5257 PG 5 REPLACE 218 SY OF PID , 20929311 ETOST PAVEMENT O 5800 CHAPEL CREEK COURT D8 24323 PC 83 PER DETAIL A/P1 0 MECKLENBU ! J MB 18 PG 35 COMANMN J !j 0 MEADOWRIDGE DRi VE �� ENCROACHMENT B3 LF OF CONK VALLEY v e" DAP WATER �� � � GUTTER PER CLDSiI 1 LINE 3 10.176 AND 10.19 I RG lr REMOVE AND REPLACE • �100—YEAR FUTURE LF OF CONK VALLEY FLOOOPLAIN GUTTER PER Q "1 1 & 10.178 AND 10.19 0.19 ,Y a �! cNE lli;Rr S2 IMPACTS _ l �VA � �' 3 20 LF of Temporary Impact _E } WAYE)W- 6 - .TOTS' � � \ N E T G WALKWAY Authorized Under NWP 3 � (41' M = 549.30 (Timber wall removal and I 'F — _70 WAtR -VALVE B�` i NV TOUT 545432 s�' T grading /matting of bank to tie _E — _ — .Is S1 IMPACTS -V _ _ �� i 1 y R� &00% 1r/ IV in to new culvert headwall) STURNBRI 30 LF of Permanent Impact 309 �E — — i 1' N 1 ; C i r, Ifl y' 'f 3 3 -c anRI,.y � F+1 Authorized Under NWP 3 21. SUBERRY LOD LOD / B293 LAN °! 1n (Placement of nprap apron at 310 ' 1 14 ] SU.BERRY- PLAN 4+60 wow L�•j �Q w A. SYCAMORE �••j 4408 new culvert outfall) o 1 1 I',� 2 / r „ y+ W 19 SU. RRr 3,1 �.,� 1fi5 GB 15" —3. 2RY- ; EXI T 3' F OF 48' > \ RIM I 80 ER- ,NV IN - 5 6 INK / / N` — m TI4ryFw��. +4�' � N r , T V OUT' 5 �6 _ _- w�•�51 h+l 18' ATION }s MRD 1 286 i � f / HARDwooD A � B- / ►e /� } � 321 / 313 ' * >S / / ME / 2 22' $U.BERRY /24' SWTGUM E �LQ� lt' EL. ` .6 9 /Y�c. / FAR „ter2 /E�7•f�1�5T FOOT BRIDGE / V 1'�CT� SSc _ .s�.Y7 ► / PVC F1EV! "=�. 34 ' SS SS 211 319 1 / MRD — tic, C YR TLE _ EMOVE EXIST{ I � lPI 21' GR ASHY / / _ �iy �01i - TIER o 314 \ 316 8lh 5� NOTE 1- '�• / 28 12' SWT�JM / 7 a 1� BORING am 1 �1' BO %E ER •317 / AR l l 1 Z)L7[T ON 1 / 20' SAMNTI tr \ I 5+3"_(1. ) p ` P / RS -3 ti• 9� 1B i � l + f OT�GRfJE RAM MB t / / NAND D t °0.` j` T w Q 1 J MAD to(CN 00)(3 +51.77) = C I UM 2 cd / / / / / l 111p1 --1&. __ ` / / / �a 1 SANITARY D- PAP \� � / j� \ QtP� } - -14" sc;ARtET OAK SEMER MANHOLE. SEE t 1 QO _ �0'X18'X18�' . / i / OCR N jj i+ ` ; 35' \ �S OF 6)K3' RCBC SHEET U3 �\ ,h INC J� 11�sf� 1z AND REPLACE / —_— /5. 490 Lo ATINC / Q� ; EXIST SSMH 64 LF OF 4' SPLIT RAL ���� �, / I° RS -5 = 0 \ FENCE T2 '� — — / /G, J by' RIA1 - 550.05 e��Q'� INV - 541.55 r / \ :NV - 541.55 �7' SWTGUM ' i ` / _ l -- ` NV - 541.54 AND REPLACE / 29 LF SHEET U3 FOR 62 IF OF 4' CONCRETE } OF 61X3' RCBC ; PROP SEWER PROFILE F SIDEWALK yy 1 • 2.360 T. 10' DRAINAGE ESMT. �, 130' TO \ NOW OR FORMERLY MB 18 PG 35 "- NEAREST CTOR TO PROTECT. MARIO SANTORA AKA MARIO E. WATER \MAINTAIN. AND SUPPORT SANTORO VALVE 3 E\ snNG Ir Dw WATER LINE PID # 209291251 0 20 40 P\ \ p DEI 9 PG 43 MB 9 AA17 urAnnwotncr nods Design By- WK Dickson JURISIDCTIONAL IMPACT SITE PLANS S1 and S2 IMPACTS ME Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina Plan Date: 10/10/2014 Project No.: 4335 -14 -234 F FIGURE 5.1 R �17- f \' + 1 — / 0 237 swrcuY \ \ "' 11 1 NOW OR FORMERLY I O ' D°uxE AR ' a • q MYRTLE + ,,V \ SERVERLY WRIGHT �,V , PID / 20929255 NOW OR FORMERLY —' 41 t > 11 +111 I DB 6388 PG 621 MR 18 PC 35 RONA KA RACAOVA k ANDRE id _ _ ` _ \ C1`fv�, /}+ \ -\ 5902 CHAPEL CREEK COUR- MJ 7Z• H CR FORMERLY PID i 209Z9Z59 f \ \ 1111 IL Q�MAARRK ANDEW GERKEN D6 13009 PG 575 / _ , ,I PID 20929256 / MB 16 PG 35 f \ "' I ` NOW OR FORMERLY , X11 11 OR 17047 PC 8 PG 35 9 \ 5605 CHAPEL CREEK COURT / ' 4 1 y 1 DANIEL USA CHEATHAMM g , X11 a PID i 20929257 1 11 5826 CHAPEL CREEK C I \4 — — `® NOW OR FORMERLY L 08 28923 29 57 ++ I COMMACTOR CT \# ^ RICHARD A. LUCEY k 1 A MR 16 PC 35 7 MARY JO LUCEY 1 1 5816 CHAPEL CREEK COUe iwuT MISTING iENCE t�'� PID / 20929258 �— - A f OR 4049 PC 437 , 1 PR07ECT EXWr ?sue• 9i. wu ` Ecc2r �/ ,� f MB 18 PC 35 \\ 1 �11 + TREE HOW 5812 CHAPEL CREEK COURT + 1 \ \ S3 IMPACTS !I \ �# \rte .� 385 LF of Temporary Impact SwgY \ 1 CONIRACTdI E H 1000 \ EXIST 5 „- Authorized Under NWP 13 RQ - ,,,54 TO APFFAML ASR. (495 bank feet of bank grading and matting, GRIPM wR – – _ J f \ ` RE NV _ 547.93 t+• �tuLee� �� a n- BL ,r MG9E 108 bank feet of boulder toe wall installation) ° o I +J ► 204 ,[ t SwTGUY tr GRIN ASO1 / 259 ` , EAST FES _ wAUwT e1 YAT1110 1� _ UT REPLACE 11• LF 6/tii ;.; ' — \ OF FENCE 12• A EL M I 3 �L1Z A�F� --A iy 1 n• wALNUTI \� a I,E• Ilk FENCE ra4 .r-�1 .9 �\ �a EXISTING °°°T\ \ �i >! / y� n tic � .��� I �� \\... a� ►ca.55D.sS l 1,• of ul - o°°Llr+ — — — /� f� Tv . . I 257 \ \ - EXIST FP°6FD TELE E75M° FOOT OGE It C LINES - :IXE 9• , 1 Sw1A1M ts• _ "7 Y e (FIELD VFRF� d Poow+ 1K Ur Wt94 8 29• -S CAM(} tY 22' SYOUY e• ELY - : _ E _E - _ - �� UE 9• A9t 20• SV.BERRY -E 4ao BL wAVAJT -J'k _ �- -ME- J T Al / � � r UT '^'�� 6• P� _ B• S -gyp - 12• U.B E - - 196 I - - 15fi�1 RAl UT MK 9• � s _ � t ..•" {' -' - tiI NEAK - I 200 i SwT CUM ',s• BERM _ NOW OR FORMERLY RONALD J. RAULSTON do MEGAN K. CONTRACTOR FOOT��BRI�= % i 0 2i• swrcuu RAULSTON / I PROTECT E7051M0 FOOT - - - .549.421 / i •� ,�, ts' sv�BERRY \ .2• AN F PID / 20929282 " / / _ - BRIDE - - - '' 32 �s� su. eERRr \ REPLACE EXIST _ �- DB 20526 PG 359 �/ - _ / -ty. 1e• su. MB 19 PG 129 / / \ ` _ / — ED FOOT MIDGE - - 4505 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE y. SIAEAY BANK T ®• FRLA yT• TREE \ FI95T E%PCSED S / 0 7JS e e SE ^ ` SEE 2ETAL i/57 of 7� / - Zi7 \ � SERNC"NE _ �� / / \ -70 FROM STA 4+20 TO \ RM '331. 19• A s \ ` nwc FOO / 2�e aw9 EgST SSMC \ SI My - 34.3 RY 34673 6+40. SEE OVAL 1 117t+ yj- ts• SU BERRY My = 342 92 - -f ' My - YISS2 \ / t.24 / M !F • F 'sK f INV . 542.60 1 \ - 351.7s EA757MG,L� RACi . - ` •-- l EXIST ET D\ e . -593 / spur. * ,.:_ -.__ .. J }. _ -- _ DEd CONTRACTOR �. gAV1¢ LME \ - 'RFl16VE AN NG FROY 240 "EEwf P1i0P a7 LF OF r,� = PROTECT HEDOE TIN \ \ \ / \ \ 243 / � A 7 +40 TO .E ,D- BOULDER 1 / lY sw DuY 31E OETAL 1p! A 6+50 SEE f _a \® 2O ° wL• FA 00 � 0 20 40 Horizontal Scola: 1 - 20 JURISIDCTIONAL IMPACT SITE PLANS S3IMPACTS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina 135 -14 -234 1 FIGURE 5.2 L J • �/ 11V.. V 1 1 .1 L11L 1 70 -' 5S / // / Rx�sT c571.51 JAMES R. MABE do ERIN D. MABE INV IN - 5 PID # 20929253 15 /// / DB 12120 PG 911 2' E. REDCEDAR MB 17 PG 581 -94' E. REOCEDAR - DRS �s ro 5915 WINBURN LANE R SECTION 1. GRADE 544 SAHKS AT 2;1. 3.5' SPLIT Be ` RAIL FENCE _J / EXPOSED 12' SWTGUM EXIST E. \ 57° 87 TE / / 1 ❑ \ / 13' SWTGUM- SERVICE \ B9 b'1 LINE 11' BL. CHERRY go \ — B�E.�REDCEDAR / ` 1' SrREA� - Ebsr � 5TA8LRA710N ORADINO EXPOSED ` /ll J I� REDO F'1 \� y��BNALNKI ONLY. CONDUIT O 82 \ \ ANNE 2 THIS 13' SWTGUM l \ \ \ et f 15" Sw TELE i SERVICE \ G LINE \ 53 79 65 ?p ,0" E. RED DAR \\ \ 19' IPTR \ \ } 78 \\ \ 82 \9800\ 7 E. REDCEDAR 73 7 S \ E. 11 84 / REMOK X18' TULIPTREE \ 9' BOXELDER \\\ / REPLACE E>aS11NG 76 / 61 FOOT 1 uu \ ` 7 DET\AvLU 72 a `j 59 \3• IR \\ } EXISBNG\SPT / X23- TULIP TREE \ EXIST / 21` TUU EE \ RAIL FENCE / �A� •EXPO ED \ ` \ �c STING F00T �'W IIRVICE \ P PLANTER BRIDGE � \ LINE DEN 57 11 " \ RIVER \RC 4 S Iu `\ 58 OR C RY �a' RIVEN.BIF DECK ¢� 9AR89 \ \ WTGUN 88 I EXPO \\ \ I 15' SWTGUM PVC / 1 @ CONDUIT \ v \ \ \ Y S4 IMPACTS EXISTING BANK KEY IN PER 105 LF of Temporary Impact MANUFACTURER'S Authorized Under NWP 3 INSTRUCTIONS (Re- grading and refreshing nprap -lined channel) ( EROSION CONTROL 1 MATTING PROPOSED BANK PER PLAN 2 TIE EROSION CONTROL MATTING UNDER RIP RAP 12' MIN OVERLAP / TYPE 2 GEOTEXTILE EXISTING FABRIC CHANNEL RESET RIP RAP FROM EXISTING CHANNEL AT BOTTOM FINISHED GRADE TD 11 DEPTH. PLACE RIP RAP AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PER CLDSM 20.27. SUPPLEMENT WITH CLASS B RIPRAP IF NEEDED. TYPICAL SECTION - SECTION 1 STREAMBANK STABILIZATION FACING DOWNSTREAM. NOT TO SCALE Design By: WK Dickson Plan Date: 10/10/2014 ►T11LLL rr iI I ! V PROP 40 LF OF s Ir Ewr ° 13 ") Ef REDCEO/� r 1 148 / I/ 1l 1 I 9' E. REDCEDAR � ATM M 1 35 / ! w I f 150 PROIEMM / 9' E (FtEOCEDAR f 11 o >B-- LL�PI�E NOTES 1 t 2 �$4 IV ROP � ID / 1 � ,5, 10" WR\ OAK ` / r ~h lltl *� 152swrcx w I I !!!f i/ 153 \ I I / ill l aF C&C AU I I S5 IMPACTS r;J ar F�T BRIObE tll /! 18 LF of Temporary ImpacEMEY R 1Q1 �o� E I)MI, = Authorized Under NWP 3 D (Refreshing riprap -lined channel at 94 / T Br?iocE DRIVE � � D 755 ELT 460- I 1 replacement pipe outfall) 16- SW J1' '`1 / 1 OAK ." a -7C /l l 1 �� 161 . _ _I �— 211 /WR. OAK J / 1 , 58 E REOCEDAR / M /1M IAA r. / MI 4' JAP,, /MAPLE FOOT BRIDGE TOP EL�V - 561.OD TTT. /7V - 560.23 11 W I E10ST F00161fD0E TO REMAIN AND of PROia,� � liJ © 3ne ® 6' B. No iflt 3111 3qi SS 111 I 1 J SEE NIC ET w 5 R ° 7 H JURISIDCTIONAL IMPACT SITE PLANS S4 and S5 IMPACTS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina Project No.: 4335 -14 -234 1 FIGURE 5.3 FEMA 100 -YR MECKLENBURG / FLOODPLAIN� CO ACHM T 4 , \ SEE NOTE 2 // \'i /4, RADE -PT r. 459 / t��w"_///"r 15' 1J/LIPTREE // 461 TU�IPTREE / 4E / 1E I 1��485 GUM -� / FAIO'VE 102 LF OF S / WLIT RAL FENCE AND / REPLACE 110 LF OF Y FENCE / FLOODWAY / / MECKLENBURG I / COMMUNITY' ENCROACHMENT LINE j Design By: WK Dickson Plan Date: 10/10/2014 i iii DB 24683 PG 542 M8 19 PG 43 RF)IIOVE AND �j f 3 -REMOWE AND REPLACE 84 LF OF CONK. VALLEY GUTTER PER CLD91 1a176 AND 1a19 EXIST CB RIM =1.90 INV IN = 547.44 INV OUT = 547.19 MW 47 LF OF Y DIP WAM �iT U4) 1� \ NOW OR FORMERLY ELIZABETH F. FLOYD PID # 20931125 DB 8968 PG 396 MB 19 PG 43 a5nn uFennuminr.F npiw � 1ifD 11�OFµ4' Fg M FENCE i 503 A3' SWTGUN 495 6" SU.SERRV \ c r ��eti 500 — 25" A. SYCAMI / PID N 20931102 PR01EC71DN j IIAS/TSL MFEMA 1 00 DB 22743 PG 808 SEE HIM 1 DO�� i FLOODP IN / MB 19 PC 43 1 ANTS L o J \ EXIST CB A\/" / © - ~~ IR M - 551.82 q Y NY IN - 546.40 JJ �- MECKLENBURG G NV OUT - 548.30 NOW OR FORMERLY - EEI -- COMMUNITY - `�� ° ELIZABETH PAPURA TRU�7EE � �- 1 100 -YEAR PID N 20931124 \ / D8 14375 PG 553 r' y Ij FUTURE + -- �� + MB 19 PG 43 FLODDPLAIN � --�. t 4501 PENOOCK COURT 0 20 40 JURISIDCTIONAL IMPACT SITE PLANS S6 and S7 IMPACTS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina Project No.: 4335 -14 -234 FIGURE 5.4 ,.., • .,, • .-.,m... ," L1 ADSAY CARUTHERS , /23'-\, \ A /y5\ & C¢ROLYN M VARGAS IN =sea 51 , J/�MES G CULP LP & 'CATHY /,��\ I i LffuVDSAY R CARUTHER3' !_- ] PID /�� 20931127 INV = 557 el / C CULP / " i PI(14 -:�OMl 26 N - D" OB "18512, PG 745 PID,# 20931129, 68 2843& PG 349 r — — M1�9 PG 129 /, DB 4742 PG 208 APO MS 19 PG jz9— `� 4512 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE _ / MB j9 -PG-} — — — — _ — — 5,1 4506 M�ABOWI�IDGE DRIVE 23^ wH1Te OJiK \ �t �' 5721iRIMMINGS CC �f sPUrRNL 561 �} �,� _ LE — _ _ -x 12' SU MAPLE �. _ , 51vrG�M — _ _ S8 IMPACTS_ x 563 �� \a GJ} °� _ X- -X• "0 577 16' SWTGUM 512 "53 32 � ...•�ya,$��r� -� Rf`K ���� - �3` -68 L' JF1ofIPermane_nt Im aCt s�6 tt° sriTCUM 5521 —509-1 \ 13' MA 0 -AfL,! 11" SWTCUM SEE uCIroL1'I �, v1}p5i^( S£! ` \ 56j1 r�6 � '� 7"' SU M Li I "r' � ..! zt 1 �l /" y,' MAPLE - 9' SL ELM .- V 514 30" SCARLET OAK `'\'MB 19 p 2 \$ \MAPLE 56 i Auth`or¢ed "UndeNW27� 587 - 2, 'WR OAK \ -_'-;; t.�� ---->r x 7- �'(Installaboh of rock drop structure) 9" SL °-M �\ \ l0' S1ITGUM \ -$6� ` % r3 yySPUTRAr �' \ �O�M 560 -� - 13" TUUPTREE- - _ 574 �i- SU BERRY f " #NCE, 0- TUUPTREE 579 \ _ -1 -�� AVi — 573 20• "SWTCUM �° 19" SWTCUM 55 - 9v _ 3W,TBI:V '`59- 542 542 \ G \ �' ��t 580 8' WHITfi�OAK P � el•� -- — �� - 177, SWTGL - LOG\ $ — 527 55 �� 54p 7' SCA�CEI\DAI\ 5558tiG -�?�� -` 570 _ — p DETAIL .�� �� - _ ' Ywrar� l� 15" su MAPLE �}$() _ SBB � 'LP' WTGUM -�. 1 528 � /- 9' GR ASH l- ��' 567 \ O g/� � ELM %� -- t / \ BD�� SDE 559 B^ BL WALNUT 70' §WTCUM \ ~�� '� 545 8DCC 22" SCARLET OAK 77' A SYSAMORE - $i SS y jam.-._ i-�� s.. -.�� ♦ �_ / 9' MN HICKO /- � \ �t 632 sm i = t _ 538 "�7J7R A "'663 - `� 10" SWTQJM \ � 18' GUM � J 1 ERRY — 91 MAPI 5 / Z RN ASH CAM 25' E TNW000 , _ 527 R 14 "RED • M LSERRr- S8-IMPACTSe' r 1(15-LF-of Temporro as ryaclrmRApK af cE ^t G - r / Att o Red -Under NWP 13 '(45-bank feet of bank grading and matting, t _ 4 ' 0 xF'FE'l71CPN °FAM, 2OOt, LF ~ 70 bank,feet of_boulder_ toe wall mstallation)(E ST T1rPE vARIES)'.ArrD tLF OF,r sFuT-kMk FENCE wrH MARE ALONG 7HE PROP TOP OF SMKJ SNOW OR` FORMERLY t MARK COONS &,HEATHER I COONS 1 i P-ID # 20931122 t DB '14616 PG 349 MB 19 PG 43, 451'3 PEND(iCK COURT . J ll .t � ,� ,�gr• 0 20 40 Design By WK Dickson Plan Date 10/10/2014 vi Ongln)� 565 10' SWTCUM SWTGU� i� % \ v 14. -- k\ 587 •`— �` 9" ELM / 6' GUM z _ r v aROP BBf fC.FtiRpQCdC G / / / 6" GUM '$.. °..•.ti _ / 595 0 UT 5" SL ELM SEE DE"•rAIL ` 9' SL ELM 547 ( 0 5- (/j r 26" §CARL �K \ \ N�� ? SU BERRY / 596 ,.5963 UT - ^' cnRiEr o \ \ ,\ _ sot / �Ji• SL ELM' ° 77• s3'm;n ' _ iD "'' 1 Alt` --. — SL ELIuI/ / 1 \� 15' SL ELM \ \ , - ' 0 8 _ 20 / 0 D AINACE 19 ItEANDERjBDJD�� _ -SU MAPLE' SWEDER SEE DETAIL �\ ° . =1 LMR-HC&ORY B' 1.1 SEE NOTE ; ` 1 =^ 0 -� ` A fil_ ry $ J"�"c\e r Q 12 H76KQY \ ` _ Y .`, DAM— _ _ / . UE - SEWER�. B" CUM" "'cL -p \ 503 - 6' HAC £- ��• �`,.� If9RRY- .i�--+rvV 23" Swaim 70 REWNN -.42-,OAK ELM— — 2" MAPLE,., "� l6" HA Y490 i /NdW r R F. MERlY" �^ ,O0 6° AP 4111saILLA AH D�ES -'& , �t4 OAK, \ 3'M4PL� =STUMP �` �J 7B.16482 JA N RHODE ; f pr[D 1 �A ollS���ARLSON_ _ SWALE. ,SEE D'20931,121� \ Latrs� , , PG 137 �� ; ' SiRA�V�HEN & SHANNON G - 'CARLSON DETA� 3' / AS 19 PG14�i 1 A _ ry� HARDWOOD WORK PID #.20931120, X451//,',PENDOCK ICQURT � DB 19869 PG -`883 �FI^ 'MB 19�PG,_43 " MAPLE 4521, PEN DOCK COURT z JUIRISIDCTI®NAL IMPACT SITE PLANS S8 and S9 IMPACTS Meadowrldge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina Project No 4335 -14 -234 1 FIGURE 5.5 Pre - Construction Notification o���o--yFyw��n r��F9oG O Y Office Use Only Corps action ID no DWQ project no Form Version 1 3 Dec 10 2008 Page 1 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version Pre - Construction Notification PCN Form A. Applicant Information 1 Processing 1a Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps ®Section 404 Permit El Section 10 Permit lb Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number 3, 13,27 or General Permit (GP) number 1c Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes ® No 1 d Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply) ® 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization le Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification ❑ Yes ® No For the record only for Corps Permit ❑ Yes ® No 1f Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program ❑ Yes ® No 1g Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties If yes, answer 1 h below ❑ Yes ® No 1h Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) ❑ Yes ® No 2 Project Information 2a Name of project Meadowndge Storm Drainage Improvement Project 2b County Mecklenburg 2c Nearest municipality / town Charlotte 2d Subdivision name N/A 2e NCDOT only, T I P or state project no N/A 3 Owner Information 3a Name(s) on Recorded Deed Multiple Owners 3b Deed Book and Page No 3c Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable) N/A 3d Street address 3e City, state, zip 3f Telephone no 3g Fax no 3h Email address Page 1 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 4 Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a Applicant is ❑ Agent ® Other, specify Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services 4b Name Isaac Hinson, PWS 4c Business name (if applicable) Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services 4d Street address 600 East Fourth Street 4e City, state, zip Charlotte, NC 28202 4f Telephone no 704 - 336 -4495 4g Fax no 704- 336 -6586 4h Email address ihinson @charlottenc gov 5 Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a Name David Homans 5b Business name (if applicable) S &ME, Inc 5c Street address 9751 Southern Pine Blvd 5d City, state, zip Charlotte, NC 28273 5e Telephone no 704 - 523 -4726 5f Fax no 704- 525 -3953 5g Email address dhomans @smemc com Page 2 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version B Project Information and Prior Project History 1 Property Identification 1a Property identification no (tax PIN or parcel ID) Multiple Parcels Latitude 35 095512 Longitude - 1b Site coordinates (in decimal degrees) 80 848377 (DD DDDDDD) ( -DD DDDDDD) 1c Property size Review Area= 22 acres, Disturbance Area= 2 3 acres 2 Surface Waters 2a Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc ) to McMullen Creek proposed project 2b Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water McMullen Creek, Class C 2c River basin Lower Catawba River Basin (WBD HUC 03050103) 3. Project Description 3a Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application The project area is composed almost entirely of medium density residential development 3b List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property None 3c List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property 2,685 3d Explain the purpose of the proposed project The goals of the project are to upgrade storm water infrastructure in order to meet City design capacity, protect adjacent properties from flooding and channel erosion, as well as to improve channel bed and bank stability 3e Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used Much of the existing storm system piping will be upgraded and replaced, pipe outfalls will be stabilized using nprap aprons or rock drop structures, eroding channel banks will be stabilized by a combination of natural channel design stabilization (grading, matting and planting) and boulder toe wall installation, and some modifications and repairs will be made to existing riprap -lined jurisdictional channels Additionally, a series of rock drop structures will be installed as a channel enhancement in order to stabilize an actively eroding steep headcut gully Disturbed areas will be planted with a native seed mix and native woody vegetation All work will be conducted in the dry using pump arounds and will be installed with standard construction equipment, generally the smallest construction equipment possible will be used to conduct channel enhancements in order to minimize impacts to existing vegetation 4 Jurisdictional Determinations 4a Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / El Yes ®No El Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the pasty Comments 4b If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final of determination was made? 4c If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency /Consultant Company Name (if known) Other 4d If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation Page 3 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 5 Project History 5a Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ® Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 5b If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions 6 Future Project Plans 6a Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ® No 6b If yes, explain Page 4 of 12 PCN Form —Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version C Proposed Impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary la Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply) ❑ Wetlands ® Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non -404, other) (acres) Temporary T W1 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h Comments No wetlands were observed within the project area 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non -404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S6 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h Total stream and tributary impacts 31 Comments See attached table Page 5 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U S then individually list all open water impacts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Temporary T 01 ❑P ❑T 02 ❑P ❑T 03 ❑P ❑T 04 ❑P ❑T 4E Total open water impacts 4g Comments No open waters are located within the project area 5 Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g Comments 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no 51 Expected pond surface area (acres) 51 Size of pond watershed (acres) 5k Method of construction 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form 6a ❑ Neuse El Tar-Pamlico ❑Other Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary T im act required? 131 ❑P ❑T El Yes ❑ No B2 ❑P ❑T El Yes ❑ No B3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No 6h Total buffer impacts 61 Comments Page 6 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimization 1a Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project Impacts have been avoided and minimized to the extent practicable and have been limited to what is necessary to facilitate storm water infrastructure upgrades and stream enhancement Maintenance work has largely been designed to limit impacts by installing system upgrades within the footprint of existing piping Overall permanent stream impacts associated with maintenance aspects of this project have been limited to 146 If, only 13 If of which results in permanent loss of stream, as was required to prevent future sanitary sewer damage 103 If of the remaining permanent impacts have been designed to result in no net loss of stream function while still meeting storm water management needs Natural channel design bank stabilization measurements have been utilized to the extent practicable In a number of areas natural channel design was not feasible (such as meander bends exhibiting high sheer stresses and confined areas), boulder toe wall installation was chosen as a stabilization method in these instances in order to provide the appropriate protection while still allowing for a natural vegetated upper bank 1b Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Stream restoration is being constructed in a way that minimizes impacts to existing vegetation Tree protection will be installed on trees that are to remain within the limits of disturbance Construction will follow sediment and erosion control best management practices In- channel construction will occur "in- the -dry" using pump arounds Access corridors have been limited to existing driveways to the extent practicable in order to prevent excess ground disturbance 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State 2a Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ® No impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State? 2b If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply) ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this ❑Payment to in -lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3 Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a Name of Mitigation Bank 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c Comments 4 Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached ❑ Yes 4b Stream mitigation requested linear feet 4c If using stream mitigation, stream temperature ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only) square feet 4e Riparian wetland mitigation requested acres 4f Non - riparian wetland mitigation requested acres 4g Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested acres 4h Comments 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan Page 7 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ❑ Yes ® No 6b If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation Calculate the amount of mitigation required Zone 6c Reason for impact 6d Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1 5 6f Total buffer mitigation required 6g If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e g , payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund) 6h Comments Page 8 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1 Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ® No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1b If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 0% 2b Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes ® No 2c If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why The proposed project is a municipal stormwater maintenance project 2d If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan ❑ Certified Local Government 2e Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Unit 3 Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? City of Charlotte ❑ Phase II 3b Which of the following locally - implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply) ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other 3c Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4 DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a Which of the following state - implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ ORW (check all that apply) ❑ Session Law 2006 -246 ❑ Other 4b Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 5 DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1 Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal /state /local) funds or the ® Yes ❑ No use of public (federal /state) land? lb If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes ® No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval ❑ Yes ❑ No letter ) Comments 2 Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ® No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B 0200)? 2b Is this an after - the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ® No 2c If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s) 3 Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes ® No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description The project is not considered a "growth- inducing" project in that only maintanence, restoration and replacement of existing infrastructure is proposed The area served by by these improvements is already fully built out 4 Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non - discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility The proposed project will not generate wastewater Page 10 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 5 Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes ® No habitat? 5b Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ❑ Yes ® No impacts? El Raleigh 5c If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted ❑ Asheville 5d What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? A digital copy of this application will be provided to the USFWS - Asheville Field Office Field review of the project area did not indicate the presence of habitat or endangered species listed for Mecklenburg County The project area and vicinity are not located in a Designated Critical Habitat Review of Element Occurrences on the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Geographic Information Systems (GIS) files found that there were no known extant occurences of threatened or endangered species within a 2 -mile radius of the proposed project 6 Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitats ❑ Yes ® No 6b What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? http //ocean flondamanne org /efh_coral /ims /viewer him 7 Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ® No status (e g , National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? A digital copy of this application will be provided to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) A review of the HPOWEB GIS Service indicated that there were no properties currently listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within a one mile radius of the project 8 Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a Will this project occur in a FEMA - designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ® No 8b If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements 8c What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? The proposed project will be constructed outside of the 100 -year FEMA floodplain http //polaris mecklenburgcountync gov Isaac Hinson, PWS 11 242014 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided Page 11 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version Stream Imoact Table 3a Impact 3d Perennial 3f Average Permant(P)/ (PER) or 3e Type of Stream width Temporary(T) 3b Type of impact 3c Stream Name intermittent (INT) junsidiction (feet) 3g Impact length (If) (NWP 3) Riprap apron S1 (P) Meadowridge Branch INT Corp & DWQ 12 30 installation (NWP 3) Culvert installation S2 (T) Meadowridge Branch PER Corp & DWQ 7 20 bank disturbance 385 (108 BF hard (NWP Bank grading / S3 (T) Meadowridge Branch PER Corp & DWQ 5 armoring, 495 BF natural stabilization stabilization channel design) (NWP 3) Riprap channel S4 (T) Meadowridge Branch INT Corp & DWQ 6 105 maintenance S5 (T) (NWP 3) Riprap channel Meadowridge Branch INT Corp & DWQ 6 18 maintenance (NWP 3) Rock drop structure S6 (P) All Saints Branch INT Corp & DWQ 12 35 outfall installation S7 (P) (NWP 3) Culvert extension All Saints Branch INT Corp & DWQ 12 13 115 (70 BF hard armoring, (NWP Bank grading/ S8 (T) All Saints Branch INT Corp & DWQ 7 45 BF natural channel stabilization s sta design) (NWP 27) Rock drop structure S9 (P) All Saints Branch INT Corp & DWQ 16 68 channel improvements Temporary 634 Permanenti 146 3h Total stream and tributary impacts Totall 221 Site Photographs View looking downstream at Meadowridge Branch upstream of its confluence with View of tall gabion and concrete grade transition structure on Meadowridge View looking upstream at the culvert of Meadowridge Branch under Meadowridge McMullen Creek. Branch at the location where it transitions from intermittent to perennial. Drive. Proposed riprap apron and culvert replacement will result in permanent impacts here (S1 impact area). View looking downstream at Meadowridge Branch under Meadowridge Drive. View of Looking downstream at Meadowridge Drive in an area where temporary View of looking upstream at non - jurisdictional channel NJD1. near its confluence culvert replacement and channel reshaping will result in temporary impacts here impacts associated with bank reshaping are to occur (S3 impact area). with Meadowridge Branch. (S2 imoact area). SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina PAGE 1 of 3 View of looking upstream at Meadowridge Branch in an area where boulder wall View looking upstream of Meadowridge Branch along the riprap lined section. View of looking upstream at riprap -lined non - jurisdictional channel NJD2. bank stabilization is proposed (S3 impact area). where right bank reshaping is proposed (S4 impact area). Proposed rock drop structure installation and culvert replacement and extension will result in permanent impacts here (S6 and S7 impact area). SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina PAGE 2 of 3 View of looking upstream at All Saints Branch in an area where boulder wall View looking upstream at the heavily gullied jurisdictional origin of All Saints View of looking at the non - jurisdictional drainage immediately upslope of the All bank stabilization is proposed (S8 impact area). Branch. A rock drop structure is proposed here (S9 impacts). Saints Branch origin headcut. View of looking downslope along the non - jurisdictional swale NJD3 that leads View of the typical wooded / residential back yard upland area that dominates the down into All Saints Branch. jurisdictional review area. RECEivr --,r) DEC U 1 204 DENR -LAND Qi 1,8,! ITY STORPAVATER PERivvii'l T;NG SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Meadowridge Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina PAGE 3 of 3 • 98% Design Construction Plans • 98% Design Construction Plans INDEX OF SHEETS Cover Sheet 1 General Notes and Details 2 DramDge Structure Table 3 Plan & Profile 4- 10 Plan Details DI D3 Pavement Replacement PI Structural Details SI S7 Erosion Control ECI- EC7 Traffic Control Plans TCI -TC3 Utility Sheets U1- U4 TOTALSHEETS 35 on �r as COew a — w 4 CT F Ii" 2w rnoaac n tip 1RWin1G4 eT imu, Iw VICINITY MAP NTS PROXIMITV MAP NTS PLANS PREPARED BY BENCHMARKS ©w ® r.�N i L- ENGINEERING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Construction Plans of Proposed MEADOWRIDGE STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER: 671 -11 -005 Project Features: THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF GRADING, DRAINAGE PIPE & STRUCTURES, PAVING, CONCRETE WORK, CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS & UTILITY RELOCATIONS LVl.tl llVl\ lr.11t NTS PD NT# NORTH NG EAST NG ELEV DESCR PT 3N 01 �t tti� /, --� 552 182 TRAV 1 60p NA L ©2 494914 195 1447354 087 549 663 TRAV 2 GPS 60P NA L 03 494831432 1447446 272 547 486 TRAV 3 60P NA L Lh 494755 218 1447588 500 / MAIN ALIGNMENT— BEGIN 0+00 06 1 494759 200 1447754 114 551 301 TRAV 6 60P NA L 0 1936 494670 238 1448624 635 570 339 TRAV 10 60P NA L 0 1937 494380 270 1449009 373 581 241 TRAV 12 60P NA L 0 2000 494500 792 S MR D 2 q 0 +25 557 221 TRAV 2000 60P NA L 0 2001 494389 121 �W \ $ 00 MR D 2 0 +00 CNtpEL N / \ 3 MEEs cT 4qx. , MRD 3— 494251959 1447430 701 ALL SAINTS— BEGIN 0+00 6 ,00 10+00 12+00 BiCIN 0 +00 +00 1447507 335 569 881 TRAV 2003 60P NA L \ 6 $ HF T i x 00 1 586 891 60p NA L BAS N /f` 1 494029 044 NRD 4 ieF 60p NA L W:) DDS Existing Water Lune / ASL W • SH S- END 0+57 1936 ss ss- + $ DD NFADOMRIOOE 0R UT — 20 +00 Exusling Underground Electric UE O tp �qi 2000 RI 4 BEGIN" + GG SHEET6 DE 1931 Existing Underground Teknision MRD S END 3 +59 TV — Exisbng Storm Drainage - - ---�'— BEGIN 0 00 ECIN 0 +00 ° 2002 Mecklenburg IINFYR FhKalplam 02003 S_ 11D MAIN NJGN T— \ 90010 V GAE2 BEGIN G+00 0 END 22 +09 O IVYGATE 1— IVYCATE 2 END 0 +75 ❑ ALL SLANTS— ` END 12 END 3 +24 811E" 8 Existing Gas Meter +18 090017 y 0 Gv LVl.tl llVl\ lr.11t NTS PD NT# NORTH NG EAST NG ELEV DESCR PT 3N 01 494656 894 1447252 240 552 182 TRAV 1 60p NA L ©2 494914 195 1447354 087 549 663 TRAV 2 GPS 60P NA L 03 494831432 1447446 272 547 486 TRAV 3 60P NA L 05 494755 218 1447588 500 548 705 TRAV 5 60P NA L 06 1 494759 200 1447754 114 551 301 TRAV 6 60P NA L 0 1936 494670 238 1448624 635 570 339 TRAV 10 60P NA L 0 1937 494380 270 1449009 373 581 241 TRAV 12 60P NA L 0 2000 494500 792 1447287 444 557 221 TRAV 2000 60P NA L 0 2001 494389 121 1447407 977 564 108 TRAV 2001 60P NA L 0 2002 494251959 1447430 701 566 651 TRAV 2002 60P NA L (0 2003 494133 334 1447507 335 569 881 TRAV 2003 60P NA L 090017 493812 814 1447394 211 1 586 891 60p NA L BAS N 090018 1 494029 044 1447492 070 1 574 127 60p NA L W:) DDS VERTICAL DAWN = NAVD 68 2012 NCDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PE SEAL CONVENTIONAL SIGNS Esisbng P'.1 -1, Line - - GRAPHIC SCALES M iml a-I as R/W lam. Contract Administration Existing Structures 20 40 60 Existing Fence % —X%— Plan View Proposed Fence —% XX- Storm Water Construction Temporarx Construction Easement — e e — 120 $and.trx Sexier Easement _ — SSE SSE Storm Drainage Easement 40 soe- Landscape Management ExisungEasement - - -E - - - - -E - -- 5 Found min Protection_ Proposed S in Cut SC CDOT Design I Record Drawings i Limits of Disturbance Eustmg Mmor Contour LOD - - -- - - __ - - - Exnhng Mayor Contour Prolwsed Minor Contour - - - - - Pro(oosed Major Contour Existing Top of Bank - - - TB - - - - - TB - _ - ExislingBottomofBank ___BB---- -BB - -- E-1mg Gas Line G Existing Water Lune ExlshngSamt -Sewer ss ss- Exwhng Underground TOccummume mans UT UT — Exusling Underground Electric UE uE — Exisung Oxerhe NI Electric DE of — Existing Underground Teknision ry TV — Exisbng Storm Drainage - - ---�'— Proposed Storm Drainage FEMA 110-YR Fboodplam Mecklenburg IINFYR FhKalplam — FEMAFIaNlwaf - - Exusting Tree 0 Exuung Water Meter a Existing Mad Butt ❑ Existing Gas Meter WV Ensung Wafer Valxe Gv E Gas Vahe na O Existing Sanitary Sesser Manhole O Proposed S union Sener Manhol, Existing Sand irx Sewer Cleanout Existing Storm Dram Manhole 0C 0 1 D) Proposed Storm Drain Manhole • Existing Sturm Drain FMiod End Section (FES) Existing Catch Basin E P.pNoxd Catch Basin Proposed Double Catch B I— D Existing A/C Unit Existing Utilit Pule 'q Gax Wire 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL P Control Point _ -NOT FOR Sod Bonngs CONSTRUCTION- Roof Leader (H DPE) O Existing Light Pole Iron Pin 0 Existing Fin Hxdrant -6 Existing Drop Inlet El Proposed Drop Inlet ❑ Tree Protection o Proposed Curb & Gutter Conc ornc Solewalk Proposed Asph ill Pa—trul Proposed Rip Rap Ditch MON Nhat s below Call before you dig Proposed Graxcl ProlNOxd Paxement Rcmmal Prop oxd Fill (Profile) 0 CHARLOTTE s ENGINEERING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT APPROVED Bid Set No. CITY ENGINEER DATE r� 0 z V �O it a L-0 W NO 01 ILL l� W �I rV� I� h-1 A�A rSry�I O rWM V 0 W cl z V C it PLO RECOMMENDED ' FOR CONSTRUCTION: �— GRAPHIC SCALES Contract Administration 20 40 60 Utility Coordinator Plan View Storm Water Construction 40 80 120 Storm Wafer - Project Manager Plan View 20 40 60 Landscape Management Flom Profile Vert Profile 5 10 15 CDOT Design [C]DOT Traffic Control 10 20 30 Cross Section cmuD 0 CHARLOTTE s ENGINEERING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT APPROVED Bid Set No. CITY ENGINEER DATE r� 0 z V �O it a L-0 W NO 01 ILL l� W �I rV� I� h-1 A�A rSry�I O rWM V 0 W cl z V C it PLO a g a�Q f OUrc GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS STATION DESCRIPTIONS PROPOSED CURB ELEVATION GENERAL UTILITIES NOTES "CAMBER MONO MORGUITHIL I ABAND ABANDONED mTH MILES TA PER HOUR SHEET DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER STATION ID n \C AIR CONDITIONERRENCE TL METAL THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SET AND ADJUST PROPOSED CURB ELEVATIONS XI NECESSARY TO ENSURE PROPER 1 CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARLOTTE UTILITIES qp ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE NaiiHMORinwG MAIN 2125 TO 4.30 LONGITUDINAL GRADE FOR DRAINAGE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN EXISTING PA aEMENi UNLESS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS PROJECTS ARE NOTED ASPH ASPHALT AD B] NORTH AMERICAN OTHERWISE NOTED 2 ALL CONTRACTORS WORKING ON Y O PROJECTS ARE REQUIRED TO OWN A COPY OF THE DESIGN APPROX APPROXIMATELY MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE CULVERT MRD 1 0.00 TO 0.13 MANUAL AND SHALL KEEP A COPY ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DATUM. CAROLINA ALL PROPOSED CATCH BASINS AND DOUBLE CATCH BASINS WILL REQUIRE A 10 FOOT CURB TRANSITION ON 3 CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL APPROPRIATE PARTIES AND ASSURING BB BOTTOM OF BANK NCDOT OF TRANSPORTATION CAROLINE DEPARTMENT 4 MRD 2 0 +00 TO 0 +21 EACH SIDE PER CLDSM 1019 THAT UTILITIES ARE LOCATED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION CALL NC ONE -CALL B/C BACK OF CURB Of TRANSPORTATION DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS PRE OUSLV ULOCO) AT 1- 800 - 632 -4949 FOR UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BIT BITUMINOUS N NO NUMBER (TREE TAG NUMBER) MEADOWRIDGE STREAM MAIN 5100 TO 9+40 COMMENCEMENT To ANY WORK CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING pM BENCH MARK UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION NFS NOT i0 SCALE STABILIZATION 5 -6 MAIN 15.65 TO 16.65 4 ( THE PROPOSED WATER AND /OR SANITARY SEWER MAIN IS INSTALLED WITHIN 12 IN ANY DIRECTION BOC BOTTOM OF CHANNEL O/H OVER HEAD PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM EXPANSION JOINT TO EXPANSION JOINT MATCH (VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY) FROM GAS MAINS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL PIEDMONT NATURAL BOTT BOTTOM REPLACEMENT MATERIALS TO THE EXISTING SURFACE ACCORDINGLY GAS COMPANY AT (704) 525 -5585 AND INFORM THEM BRG BEARING OC ON CENTER MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE CLOSED 7 MRD 3 0.00 TO 3.50 o `o 5 EXIST SANITARY SEWER LATERAL &WATER SERVICE LOCATIONS (NOT ALL SHOWN) ARE APPRO %IMATE ORN ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 6 -INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (3fi00 PSI) PLACED A AND ARE TO BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE ANY LB CATCH BASIN OSHA OCCUPATIOAL SAFETY AND HEALTH SYSTEM FORD 4 0.00 TO OHO MtY P MINIMUM OF 4 FEET BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SEWER LATERALS & WATER SERVICES AS NEEDED PRIOR TO STORM PIPE CONSTRUCTION C &G CURB AND GUTTER ADMINISTRATION Z 5 0 - ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT PAVT PAVEMENT IVYGATE CLOSED SYSTEM 8 IVYGATE 1 1.50 TO 3 24 RESIDENTIAL 2 -INCH MINIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE UTILITY COORDINATION LL CLEARANCE PC PRESSURE CLASS IVYGATE 2 0 +00 TO 0 +75 SF -9 5B OVER 4 -INCH MINIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) C/L CENTER LINE 1.M PERMANENT COMMERCIAL 2 -INCH MINIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE UTILITIES ARE ILLUSTRATED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY THE CITY WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE CLDSM CHARLOTTE LANG DEVELOPMENT pC PAGE FOR THE ACCURACY OF UTILITY LOCATIONS SIZES DEPTHS OR FOR COMPLETENESS OF UTILITY STANDARDS MANUAL PI PANT OF INTERSECTION ALL SAINTS CULVERT 9 ALL SAINTS 1.30 TO 4 +20 C Y� SF -9 5B OVER 4 -INCH MINIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE INFORMATION d TYPE -19 OR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AND MEET WITH ALL UTILITY OWNERS WHOSE CMp CORRUGATED METAL PwE PK PK (PARKER- KALON) NAIL SET i - PER NCDOT SECTION 610 TIE PROPOSED CONCRETE APRONS TO THE EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVES FACILITIES WILL BE AFFECTED AND DETERMINE UTILITY LOCATIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL CMPA CORRUGATED METAL PIPE ARCH Pp POWER POLE ALL SAINTS STREAM STABILIZATION 10 ALL SAINTS 5.75 TO B.75 MinUTILITIES FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY HIS OPERATIONS OR THOSE OF HIS AGENTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CMUD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG PROR FAGPOSED G A HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FOR ANY THIRD -PARTY INCONVENIENCE CREATED BY WORK OF HIS OWN FORCES UTILITY DEPARTMENT N - GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS 6 -INCH MINIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS INCIDENTAL STONE BASE PER NCOOT SECTION OR THAT OF HIS AGENTS ANV DAMAGES INCURRED SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS FINANCIAL PT PaNi OF TANGENCY y 545 TO TIE PROPOSED CONCRETE DRIVE APRON TO EXISTING GRAVEL OR DIRT DRIVE RESPONSIBILITY A$ NEEDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST /RELOCATE THE SANITARY SEWER AND CO CLEAN OU1 PW POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION Z WATER LINES ONLY ALL OTHER ADJUSTMENTS RELOCATIONS WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY CGNC CONCRETE RADIUS `" M - SIDEWALK SHALL BE FOUR INCHES THICK AND SIX INCHES THICK AT DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS PER CITY STD ` 1Or .`� NO 1022 OWNERS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HE CITY NAT WORK WITH UTILITY OWNERS 50 AS NOT L ADVERSELY CDNSi CONSTRUCTION RCBC REINFORCED CONCRETE Box LULKRT Al NM NT D $CRIPTIONS E AFFECT THE PROJECT SCHEDULE THE CITY WILL NOT IT HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DELAYS OR CP CONTROL Pgrvt RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE rv3 m� DISRUPTIONS TO THE WORK SCHEDULE OF OTHER UTILITY OWNERS CPP CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE MAIN - MEADOWRIDGE MAIN STREAM ALIGNMENT �3 z DRAINAGE STRUCTURES FOR UTILITY LOCATES CALL NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL 0 1 -800- 632 -4949 DCB OQUBLE CATCH BASIN R°ELOC RELOCATE MRD# - MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE SECONDARY ALIGNMENTS DEED BOOK RE00 REWIRED ALL SAINTS - ALL 1AINTS DRIVE STREAM ALIGNMENTS GRADES ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER THEY ' FOR LOCATES OF UTILITIES NOT MEMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL CONTACT DBL DOUBLE RT RIGHT MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS STATIONS OFFSETS AND ELEVATIONS REFER CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR AT 704- 336 -3652 DI DROP INLET R/W \ ROW RIGHT OF WAY TO THE CENTER OF DROP INLETS MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES AND THE MIDPOINT OF THE LIP FOR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL WATER VALVES WATER METER BOXES AND WATER VAULTS TO DIn DIAMETER 5 SOUTH CATCH BASINS ALL PIPES SHALL BE RCP CLASS BI UNLESS OTHERWSE NOTED FINISHED GRADE WATER METERS LOCATED IN SIDEWALKS OR CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE SC Saw Cut WEEP H OLES ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A MINIMUM OF 1 WEEPHOLE PER WITHIN CONCRETE BO %ES Dw DRIVEwar S° STORM DRAW STRUCTURE WEEPHOLES ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE BOTTOM 1/3 OF STRUCTURE AND COVERED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE BY A BAG MADE OF FILTER FABRIC AND FILLED W /q78 STONE THERE GAS LINES SHALL BE ADJUSTED /RELOCATED AS NEEDED BY PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS THE CONTRACTOR DIMENSOGN GO[ Sm M DRAINAGE EASEMENT WILL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR THIS WORK SHALL CONTACT PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION EAST/EASTING GF SQUARE FDDT ACCESSIBLE RAMPS EA EAEH G,R """ SAME RAIL EENCE ELEV ELEVATION 55 SANITARY SEWER EROSION CONTROL EOP E° OF P" ME "T ETA STATION ACCESSIBLE RAMPS SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED WHEN DISPLACED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES USING CLDSM ESUT EASEMENT STD STANDARD STANDARDS STD 1031 A & B 1032 A & B 1033 A & B AND /OR 1035 AS APPROPRIATE PROPOSED CURB SHALL BE ERCP ELLIPTICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SIDE S R UTILITY EASEMENT DEPRESSED AT INTERSECTIONS TO PROVIDE FOR FUTURE ACCESSIBLE RAMPS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT STANDING WATER DUE TO CONSTRUCTION DISTURBED AREAS SHALL ETCB ELONGATED THROAT CATCH BASIN Gw SIDEWALK BE SEEDED AND MULCHED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE EXIST EXISTING sr SOARE YANG SUBSURFACE PLANS EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON SHEETS EC1 -EC7 FOR EROSION CONTROL NOTES PLANS AND DETAILS Ew/E W EACH WAY TAN TANGENT `/C FACE a GIRB m TGP W BANK A LIMITED SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION WAS PERFORMED BY S &ME ON APRIL 11 2012 A COPY OF THE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 2 58 ACRES ES FLID END SECTION TCE TEMP CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS AND THE LATEST REVISION THERETO ARE APPLICABLE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT MANUAL IN ADDITION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE TO THIS PROJECT AND BY REFERENCE ARE CONSIDERED A PART OF THESE PLANS HIS /ry ER OWN INVESTIGATION AS TO THE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS THE CITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MINIMUM EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND PERMITTED REQUIREMENTS (WHERE I FIRE HYDRANT TEMP TEMPORARY NCDOT STANDARDS SHALL BE USED CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG LAND SUBSTRUCTURE CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED BETWEEN BORING LOCATIONS NECESSARY) SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND F/L FLOW LINE m TRAVERSE POINT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MAY RE USED IF THERE IS NOT AN APPLICABLE NCDOT DESIGN MANUAL U S DEPT OF AGRICULTURE U S SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CITY OF CHARLOTTE FOC FIBER OPTIC CABLE T/W TEST ARE TREES, SHRUBS, AND HEDGES EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND THE CHARLOTTE LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MANUAL GV GAS VALVE TYP TYPICAL STANDARD CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB ANY AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE DESIGNATED EASEMENT AREAS HORrz HORIZONTAL U/G UNDER GROUND NCDOT TREES SHRUBS AND HEDGES w HEAD WALL VC VERTICAL CURVE $TD NO.. TITLE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY PRIOR TO REMOVING ANY TREES IN ADDITION ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE & GRADING NOTES INi INTERSECTION VERi VERTICAL B36 BO PRECAST CONCRETE ENOWALL (S NCLE 12 THRU 72) TREES LOCATED WITHIN THE LOD THAT ARE TO REMAIN AFTER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BY INSPECTED BY THE ON VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE 84000 CONCRETE BASE PAD Fat DRAINAGE STRUCTURES CITY TO VERIFY THEY ARE SUITABLE TO REMAIN PIPE INVERT ELEVATIONS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SLOPES HOWEVER SLOPES SHALL NOT BE DECREASED IPV IRON PIN GET WEST 84001 BRICK CATCH BASIN (12 THRU 54) e. Vag FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER JB LurvCTIDN BOX w WITH M. FRAME GRATES AND HDOD /\ FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION STAKING THE PROJECT TEAM (CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR CITY ARBORIST AND W/ 84014 CONCRETE DROP INLET (12 THRU 30 ) LENGTH WB BOTTOM WIDTH r CONSULTANT IF APPLICABLE) WILL HOLD AN ON -SITE MEETING TO ENSURE THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE TO BE CLASS }REINFORCED CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PIPE 84015 BRICK DROP' INLET THAT TREES PROPOSED FOR PROTECTION ARE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED THE TEAM WILL WALK THE PROJECT AREA LENGTHS INDICATED ON PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY LF uNEnR FOOTAGE weKF BANKNLL WIDTH Boo 18 DROP FILET GRATE AND AGREE ON THE TREES TO BE PROTECTED AND THOSE TO REMOVE DISCUSS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WATER METER 04066 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE STEPS i ACTIVITIES AND IDENTIFY ANY ADDITIONAL TREES TO PROTECT THAT WERE NOT ORIGINALLY MARKED AS SUCH NO SOIL DISTURBANCE OR COMPACTION CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TRAFFIC TRENCHING OR OTHER LAND LEFT Ba601 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER AND CURB & CUTTER is THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE GIVEN APPROVAL FOR TREE REMOVAL IN WRITING AFTER APPROPRIATE TREE DISTURBING ACTIVITY SHALL BE PERMITTED BEYOND LIMITS OF GRADING WTHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM L� W VAULT WATER VAULT 1606 a1 SPECIAL SEDIMENT CP OI FENCE �S F„_ PROTECTION HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND BEFORE ANY CLEARING OR REMOVAL CAN BEGIN THE OWNER AND CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IN POUND wv WATER VALVE �rI LP LIGHT POLE p YARD INLET THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE TREES SHRUBS AND HEDGES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND ON LANE bop SIXTY PENNY NAIL SET SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO BE PROTECTED AND THOSE THAT FALL WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION BARRIERS BETWEEN ACTUAL CONDITION AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SHALL WAIT FOR INSTRUCTION FROM MAX WHEN ROOT PRUNING IS NECESSARY CUT ROOTS CLEANLY USING A DISC TRENCHER OR OTHER APPROVED THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO PROCEEDING AxIMUM FODi METHOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 01000 OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AN"' INCH STANDARDS PRUNING SHALL BE PER THE LATEST STANDARD OF THE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL OPEN EXCAVATIONS AT THE END OF EACH WORKING wu MINIMUM MANUAL (TYP) USE PLYWOOD FORMS WHEN TREE ROOTS ARE ADJACENT TO PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER OR DAY AT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE LOCATIONS THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE COVERED WITH METAL PLATES SIDEWALK U$SE CLDSM STD 4011 FOR BRIDGING TREE ROOTS TREES SPECIFIED BY THE PLANS TO HAVE WHEN PRACTICAL OR COMPLETELY ENCLOSED WITH SAFETY NETTING ASPHALT CURBING MUST USE CLDSM STD 4013 TREE PROTECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLD STD a 4002 AND WITH SECTION 1000 OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARD$ WHEN CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE TO CURRENT OSHA REGULATIONS CHARLOTTE LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THE TREE IS CLOSE TO THE WORK AREA TREE PROTECTION CLDSM STD 4012 SHALL BE USED THERE WILL BE NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT FOR TREE PROTECTION INSTALLED AROUND ADDITIONAL TREES ALL PROPOSED GRADES ARE FINISH GRADES TREE ABBREVIATIONS IDENTIFIED FOR PROTECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL STD No.. E. 1017B CURB AND GUTTER THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR IN -KIND REPLACEMENT OF TREES DAMAGED THAT HAVE 1019 CURB TRANSITION BEEN MARKED FOR PROTECTION OR NOT MARKED FOR REMOVAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE 2014 EDITION OF THE WORK AREA TRAFFIC 1022 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONTROL HANDBOOK (WATCH) AND THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ON SHEETS TC1 -TC3 1027 RMDENTAL DRIVEWAY (TYPE I) FOR VALLEY GUTTER (2 -0 ) 1 f tl 2P' 0] BRIO. DOUBLE CATCH BASIN (IS THRU ]6 ) MAIL BOXES STOCKPILING NOTE 2027 RIP RAP TC ES AT DLI "LEG III 2D 27 RIPRAP °ACHES WWW 3014 iEMPORART STREAM CROSSING n A V p Q 4002 FREE PROTECTION DETAIL {ry8( THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND RESET ALL MAIL BOXES AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 107 -12 OF THE ANY ONSITE STOCKPILING IS TO BE COORDINATED AND APPROVED BY A CITY INSPECTOR THE STOCKPILE 1 4D 12 iEMPORnRY TREE PROTECTION DETAIL TIC OT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES COORDINATE THIS WORK WITH THE U S WILL BE PROVIDED WITH GROUND COVER 15 WORKING DAYS UPON COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF WORK N/A ROCK DRa5 STRUCTURE POSTAL SERVICE LOG CROSS VANE o MULCH WILL BE TACKED WITH EMULSIFIED ASPHALT N/A FENCES AND WALLS SAW CUTS CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG UTILn91{U n 12014 ey ` THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCES AND WALLS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS AND/OR AS W 1 I R y.-V v S J DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND SHALL BE RESET OUTSIDE THE RIGHT -OF -WAY THE EXACT LOCATION AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAW CUT THE AS AND OR CONCRETE SURFACES PRIOR TO REMOVAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SAW CU WIDTH SHALL BE i FOOT MINIMUM FROM THE DIMENSIONS TO THESE ITEMS TO BE REMOVED OR DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RECORDED �1 STD NO TITLE. V EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT SAW CUT PAVEMENT SHALL BE REPLACED AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL AND PHOTOGRAPHED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO WATER STO 29 VERTICAL BEND PAVEMENT REQUIRED TO TIE -IN TO FACE OF PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER DENR -LAND QL in•I I� COORDINATE WITH HOME OWNERS FOR INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY PET FENCES SEWER Gm 4 SEWER PRECAST MANHOLE 4 DIAd m SIDE SLOPES PAVEMENT DEGRADATION FEE I STORMVVATER PERMIT IT i LIMITS OF PROPOSED SLOPES ARE INDICATED IN THE PLANS DETAILS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS THE CDOT HAS DETERMINED THAT NO PAVEMENT DEGRADATION FEE IS TO BE ASSESSED IF DETAILS A -D /Pi MAXIMUM FILL SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED A ] 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) UNLESS DESIGNATED BY THE ARE USED 11 I I ENGINEER CUT SLOPES GREATER THAN 2 1 WILL BE USED ONLY AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND AT THE SPECIFIC LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TOLERANCES „I 111 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER LINE 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL INVERT ELEVATION TOLERANCES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 301 SLOPES SHALL NOT BE DECREASED ' FOR WATER AND SEWER LOCATES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL CMUD AT 704 - 336 -2564 (WATER) OR FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER " w 704 -357 -6064 ( -NOT FOR SEWER) MANHOLE RIM AND CATCH BASIN ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE NEW MANHOLE RING AND COVERS SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADE SD AS TO AVOID DAMAGE CONSTRUCTION- o AN INSPECTOR FROM CHARLOTTE UTILITY DEPARTMENT SMALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR 48 HOURS SANITARY SEWER WORK TO MOTOR VEHICLES DURING CONSTRUCTION THEY ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH THE SURROUNDING W I �1 w " 1 f- LLT PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING L WATER AND/OR / PROPOSED GRADE PRIOR TO PLACING THE NEW SURFACE COURSE (n ; Lij WHERE SANITARY SEWER AND WATER LINES ARE ENCOUNTERED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CARE IN ALL INSTREAM i ON THE PLANS LJ 0 STRUCTURE CRITICAL ELEVATIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED WIT 0 HIN 302 OF THE ELEVATION W I" W i" O WORKING AROUND OR NEAR THEM IF AN EXISTING SEWER OR WATER LINE IS DAMAGED THE CONTRACTOR CALLED DU U SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPLACE THE SEWER OR WATER LINE AT HIS EXPENSE WITH PC 350 DUCTILE IRON PIPE 0 a_ 0 z IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG UTILITY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS THE CONTRACTOR Ljj SHALL REPLACE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET OF SANITARY SEWER LINE AND /OR WATER LINE `MTH PC 350 DUCTILE w >/ lw , g n IRON PIPE WHEN DRAINAGE PIPE COMES WITHIN 18 INCHES OF SAID LINES VERTICALLY OR 10 HORIZONTALLY O — O Q ALL WATER VALVES & BOXES WATER METER BOXES WATER VAULTS SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES AND W " W Q� 3: Li CLEANDUTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO THE FINISHED GRADE BY THE '" A I ' (� LLJ CONTRACTOR Q Q z p IF THE WATER METERS ARE TO BE RELOCATED HORIZONTALLY THEY SHALL BE MOVED TO AN AREA BEHIND KnON Nhffi s below w THE PROPOSED CURB IF RELOCATED METER IS IN DRIVE OR SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE AND BASE DATA Call before z C) O INSTALL CONCRETE METER BOXES you dig LLJ Q o WATER AND SEWER LINES ARE TO REMAIN ACTIVE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE THEN CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW CMUD POLICIES PROCEDURES STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION MANUAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN PROJECT TOPOGRAPHY EXISTING CONDITIONS GROUND EXISTING TREES STORM DRAINAGE PIPES & a SEWER LATERALS ARE TO BE RECONNECTED PER CMUD SPECIFICATIONS SANITARY SEWERS VERIFICATION WAS PROVIDED BY ESP ASSOCIATES P A JULY 2011 ADDITIONAL ACCORDANCE WITH CHARLOTTE CONSTRUCTION EOUIPMENT WEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 16000 LOS INSIDE OF EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UTILITIES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIONS (EXCEPT SANITARY SEWER) NOTED ON PLANS MECKLENBURG LAND DEVELOPMENT — O EASEMENT STOCKPILE /STAGING AREAS ARE NOT TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROVIDED BY ON- TARGET INC AND ESP ASSOCIATES P A ALL COORDINATES BASED ON NAD 83 EASEMENT NO EQUIPMENT OR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL BE LEFT WITHIN THE EXISTING SANITARY AND NAVD 88 AND /OR NCDOT STANDARD SEWER EASEMENT AT THE END OF THE DAY SPECIFICATIONS 00 111 v 3 Z 0 3 S v a E 0 0 n a i y/ o «�a rc� o� °o 80�nZ rcn -- 1 FLOODPWN� PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SEE ' SHEET U3 ' I IN MERLY TINGER REMOVE AND - Z OTT REPLACE 218 SY OF 29311 EXIST PAVEMENT PG 83 PER DETAIL A/P1 LIECKLFNBURC I I 35 OMMUNITY IDGE DR ENCROACHNENT AREA 1 I 8 DIP WATER MECKLENBURG REMOVE AND REPLACE ` LINE \\10 - �FLOODPAR FUTURE 69 LFCUTTER°PER CLDSM� NC VALLEY 1017B AND 1019 VAC HOLE /J` DEP E 8* \ \ ` WA7R ELW.06 70 TO NEAREST ew WATiER-PALVE_ U NOW OR FORMERLY STURNBRIDGE RACQUET CLUB INC \± t PID X 20929312 acs OB 4600 PG 469 VE ` zi 11-- MB 18 PG }5 Mµ_ \ I �4 4408 MEADOW IDGE DRI 24 , oe /pe —ce _ (Yy 5 met a wv aii 4 5 1Js ✓ 2 I / . /swRC a ^\ 1A 4tiPR'0 21 LFFOF 1 x8 CP 2 7S to ecKav uu PROPOSOR, CLASS B RIPRAP ' 30 X18 X18 .{/ 1 +50 P�CIDSM 2/0 „17 /-ff NEAREST `CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT WATER \MAINTAIN AND SUPPORT 1 VALVE 3 EXISTING B' DIP WATER UNE � R/ NOW OR FORMERLY 1 CHAPEL CREEK COURT 50 PUBLIC R/W \ R/W R22 R /W- w � R/ NOW OR FORMERLY 1 ALBERT i WESS MAN & o KAREN M NESSMAN w x v 929260 D8 p 20929260 DPI 212 548 CONSTRUCTION- M C B 18 18 PG 35 5 o > 5800 CHAPEL CREEK COURT w X REMOVE AND REPLACE J 63 LF OF CONC VALLEY .. aaaafa GUTTER PER CLOSM 10178 AND 1019 I NOW OR FORMERLY t MARIO SANTORA AKA MARK) E SANTORO RID M 20929261 DB 19576 PC 59 MB 19 PC 43 4417 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 'ratatara�ra. z CKw w ::. ���aaaaaaaaaaaaa 552 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL cv) > o 550 -NOT FOR w x v w 548 CONSTRUCTION- CL LJ o o > 546 w X 544 ' .. aaaafa Q Q 0 5 10 ta�tf���tatra��ta�rratatatata w 542 La Vertical Scale 1 = 5 of 540 538 Q +1 y V O In ✓ 0 20 40 0 +50 Horiz°ntal Scale 1 = 20 .. ____—�I��I�.{I� .. ■a��laaaaaaaaaaa .. ������������� .. ■a�aaaaAaaaa aaaaaaaaL�aliaaA�l♦��aaaa t• fat at a�ft�� t•If•�rapCF■■�fst•�� ■�____ ■!!tt•�� . , t at ,. r �t a�fat at at af• afaf ���t at a���I� f• t•ICJtaG�Ff■ft�ttat■7 taEiFIM■�f ■�fata� ■t■tatafata ■iiltttata �tt at afft• �]t• Gt••E�taR�"�L���faE■ ■rritafa�ta .. . ___ .. aaaa�a�a ■t�■nE�r�■iraaar��r:�■aaaa t a��t fat ' a�t at at at at at at a�= aiNr' 3�kfa■ i�'. 3Cfat Ell��lf3i aldF�i [gFl;'! ■�tata�■"�GiHE■tafatat• ■�13�����E�fafatata ' ta�tatttt•����t•[��L�.�'�'■■ fat a�t at a��l�J�E�fall�iiii�r�r�■ fad fa■ •!ilii�liii�■l�iira`afs�tlafa Ynlliilliirii ■ts�^t1Ir3€�tatatat• aalaaalalal �t• �t at afat a��l��fl I; �: 3i� ta�;;I��€� t• ■ta ■�fa�fatt• ■fa ■f•■i■'I�ta ■�tata�f• ■�rafafata ���fat afafat llat• Ifaf •■t• ■ta ■faf•� ■/■f7�ii� ■�fafafa� .. t a��tt• ���t a ■taf•Ifa■�ft�fa \ ■��t• ■ta�t•�ta , t awaa��r ar a■■��d�ai�■al��l•�la'IS■■�■aaaa tar• ■ ■aaaaaai��■ ■Iaaa�ra■I��t , aaaa . ' tat• alal■ ■ ■alalalaala ©alaalalala Nala!NMI ®�iMi!SrCCL:i�i l !11I! iialaaf■ Cn alalalal as • alalEs3tI�!■alalalalalai ■raaaaaa "LuT�c a■Iaaar,7aa■ Will■�■�!llralr�fi'���ily■ ■■■ aalaa aai411�a_aaaa,alfi+Nil ■VI�� �IM�. �""a li ■■laaa �� �� ■ ■alalalaalB3Ea���IF��:'G ��'' .':.�� ' alalalL?�lraal ■�alla�al ■ ■alal�w���!! �r'..'�"..li��lafal . __���AV{F�TE{L��___ . . as ■aaaaaaaaaa _ _a��.YfLY.fLiiaaaa��LR��aaaaaaaaaa aaa���aaaaalFV !1rlS�alaaaaaaaaa 2+DO 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +30 MAIN ALIGNMENT -0 +25 0 +00 0 +40 MRD 1 � LXL -0 +25 0 +00 MRD 2 21 LF OF 18 O 2 37X NOTES 1 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH 5800 CHAPEL I CREEK COURT HOME OWNER FOR PROPOSED PLACEMENT OF TIMBER WALL SEE REAL ESTATE SPECIAL PROVISION IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS DETAILS 2 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED Z Is �ZsU 9a 0 fr R V/V o U3 �n V anK VZ GENR -LAND QU, "11TY STORMVVATER PEK,fvii i TI • Knoll Wr1a( s below r oD s 0D g CBI) before you dig z CKw w 552 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL cv) > o 550 -NOT FOR w x v w 548 CONSTRUCTION- CL LJ o o > 546 w X 544 Q Q Q 0 5 10 z w 542 La Vertical Scale 1 = 5 of 540 538 Q +1 y V O In ✓ 0 20 40 0 +50 Horiz°ntal Scale 1 = 20 E S I a n � o < �o j 2- oppi �o 005 NOTES 1 UTILITIES SHOWN ARE I APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR - -R /W� R/W R/W FOR UTILJTY RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION ACCESS FROM R w —�R/W CHAPEL CREEK CWRT 2 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED FOOT TRAFFIC ONLY „�WVSr� T. —R /vl— TO BE COORDINATED RE OTHERS \ e'6 wT_svm I TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES CHAPEL CREEK COURT 1\ —ft�w I 1\ RA OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED 50 PUBLIC R/W W 3 CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL SEWER LINES AND \R /W _- - -_ y.— _ Q�W 1 \ \\ 1 LATERALS DURING CONSTRUCTION °aa 1` — — R/W /w\ ch / O etc C4�• cum 1 111 1 NOW OR FORMERLY - Da x I u I BE VERILY WRIGHT r ,� �n ° t..R I 1\ PID d 20929255 R v MERLY ,� 1 / \\ 11\ \ II DBl38 PGG 3521 a ^oi RONA KARACAOVA &ANDREW Q _ - -/ (r< I " ^V I \ 11 5902 CHAPEL CREEK COURT Q r of e I \n — R ASSERT - - - \ 4., 5 1z l 1\ P 6 PID d 20929259 ��I \ © 59 OTTj� OR 13009 PG 575 / — — — \ 1\ \ IANAR�K OR FORMERLY GERKEN © E - '`r MB 18 PG 15 l 1y1I 1 11 g PID d 20929256 c a / II NOW OR FORMERLY I \ I ° nrc�.z 5806 CHAPEL CREEK COURT / I- \ 1\ DR 17047 PG 29 DANIEL R CHEATHAM k \ MB 18 PC 35 _ 4 LISA CHEATHAM \ I1�\ \ 5826 CHAPEL CREEK CO I - v \y - NOW OR FORMERLY 1Fg &;; 1 L \? PID d 20929257 \ CONTRACTOR may— �^ © RICHARD A LUCEY & \M Q DB 26923 PG »Y I `PROTECT MARY JO LUCEY I MD IB PC 35 \\ / EXISTING`FENCE As� \p 5818 CHAPEL CREEK COURT= \ \� _ -_ _ yy, PID M 20929258 \ DB 4049 PG 4 }] I \ \ 'j PROTECT EXIST ' I MB 18 PG 35 \ \ mac^ TREE HWSE -'- �y 5812 CHAPEL CREEK CDURT o 'rjiv i,y�'•.. x ^� I I / CON)RACTOR NWT EXISTING \ \ CONTRACTOR 7D 'D ruu- �\x n / cwsr 6suln , 21 �.� /J y - \PROTECT DITCH-FROM EXIST FES \ \ PROTECT EAST \ "^ W A / tyr,�;1IJ�{Ix',x� zssE EXISTING POOL - - _ TOA APPROX. OR POSITIVE 00 - - SEWER LATERAL - \ X' xcorcin ixv . 54 i � "e`\ 'lY sCu \ DRAINAGE z1" n 111OVE AND \ MATT PER DE�� \� \\ \\ Ixv - s,s so o jaarx vnnuu� �z uery •Ak _ vdE�4 \ \ u, 'm \ e REPLACE 118 LF 6�T - - - \ \ PROP STREAM BANK s"E-� �qp�[ _'IY` OF 5 SPLIT iz • ELU \ STABILIZARON GRADING �j`Y °a ` RAIL FENCE y� Ok 57AJt00�O -STA - s"e ' + uuEeEKK *OO� aDT� 1 ttI 3 9 +]5. SEE OETNL 1/01 \ / - ry / Tom\ mac- ° �.tvE� // ,✓ \ `�fr \ .rl�a`` i c� 1�IrDCSUEV�µDS 1 ar el xn1'NUr A J1RlxES rEIE E roo is n-- cxazvx - -`�(ry C 0 �`-�� \E ^L- '� EEa cE" r^,�i ./7p� rr. E+-._ Lt+ E 6UeM sw� El \ as «r �s�� / �Z / —�,f B +SO�xf .1 9+ jape -- - - Er + W» / A k ll` — u — xr� U) E _ + NOW OR FORMERLY / - '•rx x / _ -� 6Et+nrzI RONALD J RAULSTON h MEGAN K _ CONTRACTOR TO sV 6V / Ep61 em / ' \- of sxlwu s a .rt c1u RAULSTON / / _ -PROTECT EMS11NG FOOT uxX- / 1 0 a1 PID d 20929262 / / / _ - __ BRIDGE _ - - -e - - _ // / sce su €� _ G I \ - REPLACE AND Dg 20526 PG 389 i fir^ �/ MB 19 PG 129 // / / \ / / .y rr+ut wEE za6 �f '\ , C ,, f 16 _ -- "- - nsT� I FOOT BRIDGE 4505 MEAOOWRIDGE DRIVE / PROP 'STREAM BANK \ _ / I ;.y x _ yAss L— - E /irv� -� _ \ SEE DETAIL 1/S7 - STABILRATION GRAOM6 y5 u_Pr6EE �,: _ �' / -e(pgpR5�u1y 6NUiG ��/ / / NTRACTOR-TE _ FROM STA { +90 TO STA Ns� sa- - - - i9sn {w��slAa / / �ROIT:ET .. .. - 8 +40 SEE DETAIL 1 1 F wv >. >fiz v s woaE I /� cP* I / o� (�SJ�1l arvr ,/- 2+�w�gy eREMOVE AND EPLACE EXISTNG' 12 = wz 6s / /D - i _ e \ /� rnry vl�y' ;�'su eE / / \ / _ 54 tf OF 3 9'gSPLIT ECK - - - _ Irvv / I - PROP H7 LF OF T�� /r - STREAM BANK �4s/ s RAIL FENCE / CONTRACTOR 10 „ ROOF L 1ALt; W \ " AND (p0 STABILIZARON z PRO /87 LF OF pam s / -' _ »s- i / SEE DETAIL 1 /D3 — — _ e / GRADING FROM o PROTECT EXISTNG I REPLACE EXIST -+r B LDER WALL w HEDGE ROW -{- ` sErt s c" " -� F00T BRIDGE STA 7 +40 TO (1�� DETAIL 1 3 a / STA 8 +50 SEE �/� { I z" _ J'I`)l�% SEE DETAIL 1/x77 DETAIL 1/D1` o o w NOW OR FORMERLY I NOW OR FORMERLY � Z NOWT FORMERLY g a` / LON RI GRAY CLARK J I NICHOLAS E WEISS / NOW OR FORMERLY I NOW OR FORMERLY © ROBERT C CARRAWAY Qj & ELISA DB UCHERTY CLARIL -� PITT 209292 B7 WILLIAM CHANDLER OWEN AN7ONI BARTOS I PID d 20929265 H _, PID 20929266 8 I ® d w / LEAH CATHERINE SHOE I h YVONNE BARTOS I I © 7 D MB81923PGPG6339 �I I' / DB 10661 PG 240 DB 1999 6 9 w 8 19 PC b }9 MB 19 PG 6 }9 S PID N 20929281 PID d 20929264 4609 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE / ' ' © 4617 MEAD01RIDGE DRIVE 5 MEADOWRIDGE DRI / DBJ 26190 PG 950 DB 8438 PG 990 ME 19 PG 129 MB 19 PG 119 cavaecrc oxrvT IS /� /¢ / I , �q5 / 4519 MEADOWPOGE ORNE I 4601 MEADONRIDGE DRIVE _ a W MON xhat s below REMOVE AN REPLACE 171 SY OF \ / ' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Cal before you dig cc Z / NOW OR FORMERLY I nAlilEa I J PER CLpSN 10 T] L ANTONI BARTOS I \Il S �' �/ w / & YVONNE BARTOS I , ,\ 18 O 2 I TAX PARCEL d 20929263 RiW l I DB 8210 PG 307 �?... R/W _� -R /W ; w Z MB 19 PG 129 / MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE I rt\ =- _R /W-� —R W w O F— Q O \R /W R /W --- —R/ _ � — 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL w � U E Q Q —. w O O D J R /W' R/w R/w xE,E ! — -NOT FOR p w to CONSTRUCTION- � 0 O m m — s6 -6s —s —9s— ��a Q�Q O w I— ME O p R/M WRID PUBLIC ss ss ss _ O Q (n CONSTRUCTON AND 0 5 10 Q Z MATERIAL ACCESS _ w Q FROM MEADOW DRIVE V'H"'i Scala 1 5 0 20 40 Horizontol 51 I 1 = 20 Lc) = 0 Ir) EO ��11 CD /r 0 w xFw 0 0 x Lf D �w 0� z En E- U) m 3 S I o f 3 i U 0 E E 0 8 Z 3 6 8 o a x \ i � Q U 0 O 0�Z 60 � Lnzr zv.n ��!•� - 5611 / / '+/ W NOW OR FORMERLY CAROL MYRTLE GREEN SSA uE / PID X 20929246 \ sR \ L DB 58]5 PG 735 Me 17 PG 581 5921 WNBURN LANE \NIX, NOW OR FORMERLY pbsr txf 5 JAMES R MARE &ERIN D MARE DECw i"V ix - s11 PID d 20929253 / DB 12120 PC 911 MB 17 PG 561 / REALIGN IXISTING / DITCH TO TIE _- s SECTION 1 OR 7 %rvT i / f \\ BANKS AT 21 [` 0 6s ux 47__� _, D Eed- cnsr <w X 1 I ISQ ° n ��BE xE � , p REMOVE AND l\ REPLACE EXISTING n FOOT BRIDGE SEE DETAIL 1/S7 \ \ X6 >a X. (p� 1 a / / NOW OR FORME $ALLY 5 BURNS / PID If 20 4 DANIEL R JOHNSON & JAN PC 71 DD ]065 PG / PID y 20929273 If 2092N / 7101 PG 226 M MB 19 PC 639 4723 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE / CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH HOME OWNER FOR / REMOVAL AND / REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING PLANTER SEE REAL ESTATE \SPECIAL PRONSION / SECTION 1 STREAM BANK / ACCESS FROM MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 33 f� � _ \ NOW OR FORMERLY DANIEL L WENDOVER & / PATRICIA M WENOOVER PID N 20 29275 DB PG 403 MB 19 PG 639 `+F 4739 MEAD ADOwRIDGE DRIVE U'\ \ R EXISTING BANK KEY IN PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS EROSION CONTROL ` r MATTING I 9./ PROPOSED BANK I 1 PER PLAN \ Ty 5 2 1 / TIE EROSION CONTROL >!�`� MATTING UNDER RIP 1 RAP 12 MIN OVERLAP <>S > Y P{ TYPE 2 GEOIEXTILE Exl ~nN� FABRIC CHANNEL RESET RIP RAP FROM EXISTING CHANNEL AT BOTTOM FINISHED GRADE TO 1 DEPTH PLACE RIP RAP AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PER CLDSM 20 27 SUPPLEMENT WITH CLASS B RIPRAP IF NEEDED i_ TYPICAL SECTION — SECTION 1 \, STREAMBANK STABILIZATION FACING DOWNSTREAM NOT TO SCALE TO 5915 WNBURN LANE E \ D OR FORMERLY /NOW $ALLY 5 BURNS / PID If 20 4 PC 71 DD ]065 PG / �B D PG 639 39 4731 EADOWRIDGE DRIVE 47�J \ NOW OR FORMERLY DANIEL L WENDOVER & / PATRICIA M WENOOVER PID N 20 29275 DB PG 403 MB 19 PG 639 `+F 4739 MEAD ADOwRIDGE DRIVE U'\ \ R EXISTING BANK KEY IN PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS EROSION CONTROL ` r MATTING I 9./ PROPOSED BANK I 1 PER PLAN \ Ty 5 2 1 / TIE EROSION CONTROL >!�`� MATTING UNDER RIP 1 RAP 12 MIN OVERLAP <>S > Y P{ TYPE 2 GEOIEXTILE Exl ~nN� FABRIC CHANNEL RESET RIP RAP FROM EXISTING CHANNEL AT BOTTOM FINISHED GRADE TO 1 DEPTH PLACE RIP RAP AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PER CLDSM 20 27 SUPPLEMENT WITH CLASS B RIPRAP IF NEEDED i_ TYPICAL SECTION — SECTION 1 \, STREAMBANK STABILIZATION FACING DOWNSTREAM NOT TO SCALE TO 5915 WNBURN LANE AGE / 3 5 SPLIT RAIL FENCE / SECTION 1 STREAM BANK / STABIUZATION GRADING NORTH BANK ONLY / NOW OR FORMERLY SEE DETAIL 1/6 / MARK A HENDRIX & \ AND NOTE 2 THIS SHEET \ / \ KENDRA R HENDRIX PID 209 OR 211 976 PG C 73 ]39 ' ' \ MB 17 PG 561 5911 WNBURN LANE \ + srery 4¢/ `,CL b Tl 1 / c wx aC Qi PQ E- Aa z w , � SECTION 1 STREAMBANK STABILIZATION NOTES, I 1 SECTION 1 INCLUDES STA 15 +60 THROUGH 16 +65 LOCATED AT 4731 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 2 STREAM BANK STABILIZATION FOR THIS SECTION SHALL BE COMPLETED ON THE NORTH BANK ONLY NO STREAM BANK GRADING SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE SOUTH STREAM BANK 3 PRIOR TO START OF GRADING EXISTING RIP RAP ALONG THE EXISTING CHANNEL SHALL BE REMOVED fro 0 AND STOCKPILED FOR FUTURE USE EXISTING RIP - RAP SHALL BE STOCK PILED ONLY AT THE �gu LOCATIONS SHOWN ON SHEET EC4 ° 9 4 STREAMBANK STABILIZATION AND RIP RAP �` oix4v PLACEMENT SHALL BE COMPLETED AS NOTED ON G1 DETAIL 1/ 6 (THIS SHEET) r IO�1 5 UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR FOR UTILITY u RELOCATION �' a c 6 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE krym= COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE Q <° FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED ' _ , °u °Zmz j (, U GENR -LAND QUALITY STORMATER PtRnrll'l Tit ° s • lio V zo Qo • c _o In ° MON Nhat 5 below Call before you dig �— Z LLJ o i._ > LLJ 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL w 0, v o -NOT FOR o 2� �a CONSTRUCTION- E — Qf o m 0CD n w oQ Qz LcL I Q G [� 0 20 40 Horizontal Scale 1 = 20 Ln S 8 I 1 a u � o a U 2 nmmQ 0120 y)F1 Z .. K h J NO WORK FROM /STA 12 +05 TO 15 +65 ppII y SEE SHEETI�I 6 _ IOR FORMERL PAGANS l ll I Ir J MARILYN M PAGA 1 / vl II PID M 20929271 DB 5050 PG 13 M B RI 639 �✓ �. // rl/ - --�I 11 MEA D ONRIDGE ixv -5Y 5, it 3 PROP b LF OF l I l/ II� B OR SEWER i yf is SPLICE. MAINTAIN I EwST SLOPE - I /r \ \, �\ t— -- �-- — PROP FOUNDATION t 5 / I I o,a PROTECTIGN \ I I I N I PROP 29 LF OF 38- / [ M[cau SE OTES 1 i 2 -I CLASS IV RCP ,O 1 j l / I/- IIIII 'o M1u 1 I 19 / OR O 43 LF ' I I I ° ' /T . /W\ IIII +.n Mr / OF CON�LIEI I I 1 Now OR FoRMERLV / ou PEI e EvreOT `GARY C BLANKEMEYER & / 7 ��D 0.019 E SHEET P1 Ei[v _ Tfo 1, s 0. DEBORAH C BLANKEMEYER �or - 5516 ?xo 111Y /i )1 ;,6„ PIO ♦' 20929270 / W I \ DM 5208 PG 444 3n B 19 PG 639 /f0p1 s60GVe I 1 —0 1°C 4705 MEADOVmIOCE ['° ;� 4 .. I I I„ 4' I L Al I REL{OVE AWDI r I t ry nry 6 �w,ni use[r� ,1 OQSP T 6,! ir7. ­- RE l , 20 %18 XTB RIPRA // /PAD PER ' DSM 0 23 x[9 1 / SEE NOTE 51 `r rvv .511.6 \ , \ sT 1.111 +00 / MRDI2 -- J4RU PROP 135 LF OF 38- SEE NO 3 CC� r BEGIN 0+00 __ 1 RCP O 151[ IIII I u ` I {m�ff j II , im F,6O Al. : e I 5 I REMOVE AND ( \ REPLACE 61 LF OF PROP FOUNDATI0�1 [` : �^ss\, oo II' I 3 5 SPLIT RAIL PROTECTION FENCE WITH "RE I SEE NOTE 1 G/ I I 1 IO \)1. \ , EXIST FOOTBRIDGE I y� euu \O e \ REMOVE AND REPLACE TO REMAIN AND BE III I 1 j \ t � �\ uc I I II 30 LF 4'-(.'OBCRETE PRoTECTEG VII / I J rkw —N,r� DEWALK 12 TI I M • El[v - xa°t \ \ W OR FORMER PEECiDSMr�N9`4� 1022 JAKLYN DAV15 AND 1 ! } A p.-Y / ADAN T TAFF 13k I 4 IIIII I i I 14Q I PID d 20929269 i DB 28302 PG 838 1:N7 II b MB 19 PG 639 J MEADOVrt1IDC�y vE Q� O / v w, sss,e are s 1�I�IIs — „�� —an f4l — ans — are —an6- srvr NO WORK STA 9 +40 TO 11 +77 SEE SHEET 5 580 578 576 574 572 570 568 566 564 562 560 556 556 554 552 L n IFF I N // I 31 sr . VALVE T�s WATER -_ VALVE — �— ans � —an —an TarurkrLt "— �s�3 —. _ ss O0Z°o REM. OVE ANCD REPLA(AE I 15 /��ta ry o u rrrvt E I075U1TLFRIROF R VALLEY 1 "' l > H 10 ]B \AN0101 9 I _ NOW OR FORMERLY ��.M' -� ���// W 1 1 PAUL R ENGLISH & UE U�6 W W IW ( xI ` , I PATRICIA E ENGLISH UE \W t + E-[ W slap+ 11 I \I PID # 20931143 / ( / F v -5 \ N i OR 10810 PO 521 ���^-,, Jy / Wp © L. 572 // C7 B 19 PG 639 0P ND o +x� 11 1 II 1I '1 I I 4]08 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE PROTEF% ATO/ \ SEE NOTE } R` // `/ — p E- W / s � :. \ B r p[rxr'itn LL� �YV :l°N \' \ s I �I` R�LIOVE AElB� \ \ \ \ umu REPLACE j2 LF OF 3� PICKEY FENCE OpOTr TURK 69 GO TUU 582 —r+ seo 'd /�o 578 ,��_ -- - - - -- - �— 9�P%Trr- - e =\�' -- - -- /� t [o�� -� 576 \� PROP 149 LF OF 30 } : ,„� RCP O 2.87% 1 574 i"u -IM SS�y I \ SEE NOTE 4 �' PROPOSED CUSS B 7I wv oyt -ss \p ROP FOUNDATION 0[ca ! n '/' 18 XB XDS RIPRAP PAD sss to ` PROTECTION -J �/ "PER CLOSM 2023 REMOVE AND RESET i S SEE NOTES 1 @ 2 i� SEE NOTE 8 5]2 EMS�T WA7 METER i / / �a' °_.) I PRQP 51 LF','AAOF 18 CAI 14 4 fir/`;/ / \ / �/ v`-..,y r{✓'L / 570 o f R P 00 79% NOW OR FORMERLY 4 /6[ p[oap38 / 1 I > JACLYN DAV1S AND CONTRACTOR TO v / / ADAM TAFF PROTECT AND / ) 1 ' 1 568 9 [[ Y / PID M 209}1142 NOT DISTURB \ ,0 OR 28302 PG 8 EXISTING DECK 1 9 REMOVE AND REPLACE MB 9 PG 639 / \ 1 566 / 154 SY OF EXIST 4700 MEADOWRIDCE DRIVE , u.. I / VLMBT PPyEER -fO P N I+[c r[[ 1 564 REMOVE AND 562 mtcl REPLACE 82 LF OF I 3 SPLIT RAIL FENCE I WITH WARE 1 I 560 556 556 NOTES 1 INSTALL FOUNDATION PROTECTION PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS 1A 4641 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 1 8 4700 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 1 C 4705 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE 10 4708 MEADOWRIDGE DRIVE (CARPORT ONLY) SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2 CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING A/C UNITS 3 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR AND DUKE ENERGY FOR TEMPORARY REMOVAL OF EXISTING LIGHT POLE DURING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING LIGHT POLE IS LOCATED ADJACENT TO PROPOSED STRUCTURE #6 4 CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY CITY INSPECTOR TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RELOCATION OF SERVICE LINES 5 CONTRACTOR TO ADD CLASS 8 RIPRAP AS NEEDED IF EXISTING RIPRAP IS IN POOR CONDITION OR NOT SUFFICE TO CREATE PROPOSED RIPRAP PAD DIMENSIONS 6 CONTRACTOR TO ADD PROPOSED RIP —RAP PAD TO PREVENT SCOUR AGAINST WINGWALL rT ,NV fix- I 1 -0 +25 o +o0 -0 +25 0 +00 0 +50 1 +00 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3+00 3 +50 4 +OC 4 +25 MRD 3 MRD 4 0 +50 0 +70 RECEIVED i,,rc u1 2U14 DENIR -LAND QUALITY STOR NATER PERNAIAITi lu. KnoN Nhai s below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- °aa Z `o i,°no d Ofi � U c kN E O nz [Q m m. V g O � O F— z W (If LLJ :E >_ Ld IY U W )_ o7) o� E-0 C Y O Lj C d O cn �Q 00 < Z LL1 U 0 I0 Io ■��421___L1siIF�_ , ■�TSIJ�_ _LLILI�_ .: ■lllllll��l�lllll ■IIIII ■IIIII ■IIIII ■IIIII ■IIIII■ .. ■_-„____IIII ■I___ ■��116 ■��1111�����1�� .F ■��� a� �F��iii ,NV fix- I 1 -0 +25 o +o0 -0 +25 0 +00 0 +50 1 +00 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3+00 3 +50 4 +OC 4 +25 MRD 3 MRD 4 0 +50 0 +70 RECEIVED i,,rc u1 2U14 DENIR -LAND QUALITY STOR NATER PERNAIAITi lu. KnoN Nhai s below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- °aa Z `o i,°no d Ofi � U c kN E O nz [Q m m. V g O � O F— z W (If LLJ :E >_ Ld IY U W )_ o7) o� E-0 C Y O Lj C d O cn �Q 00 < Z LL1 U 0 I0 Io 0 D o Q 0 E 0 E 0 0 M < a o a Yo iq OUKJa NOW OR FORMERLY JACOB L STANDISH k ANNE STANDISH PID Y 20931151 DB 19296 PG 7 MB 19 PG 639 5625 IWGATE LANE 0 ' ,PA _ i sew REMOVE AND REPLACE 121 LF OF CONIC VALLEY GUTTER PER CLDSM 10178 AND 1019 REMOVE AND REPLACE - 190 SY OF EXIST' PAVEMENT PER DETAILS A AND 8 SHEET P1 4 3 —, nJD �0,0+00 iu--- y3 - - - -- ] - - -- 3,rc4- .-- — t✓ /// —, - -- - - —i - -- - - - - -- t — --F -- z, -- -> - -- - - - - - 3 / / \ ./ ( ttwce[ c uroC s�eia6 Av (v or a. rtcal -see 7s NO ON RAYMOND J MALARKEY SR 0 I JANET L MALARKEY CI- [� RID 6 20931152 g 08 5090 PG 39 ie u.ne� / B 19 PC 5619 IVYGATE LANE r I REMOVE AND REPLACE) H v - s�n£1T — 24 IF OF CONC VALLEY GUTTER PER CLDSM sot, 10178 AND 1019 PROTECT EXIST - \-r�� GAS LINE 3 nns —ans —ins —�` ns —ins —PROP 35 LF OF 18 - - RCP O 1125 � -3nr —,ns ans —3n: —3n: —ins —- I I i / I/ 1 I DESIGN NOTE FULL DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT WILL OCCUR AT 5628 IVYGATE LANE UNLESS CITY DECIDES OTHERWISE I I I I I I I I I I ' I I 7 602 NOW OR FORMERLY MARCIA h MICHAEL KELLEN I 600 PID T 20931160 \N \ OF DB 6816 PG 223 AY MB 19 PG 639 27 5�4 IVYGATE LANE / J` \\ ` 598 ITE AY' —• 1 I 59A 141111 ` 592 590 501 ( 001_ _ �� A�us`�p�� I 566 —/� 11 / ( I\ 31 i 1 58a SEA NOTE`2 fl 5 aosrt c, 578 ,4xTEw_ _ I �" 1' T•AU>wNC r I I ,•� V 582 AI °1�see ee��\ \ II III I I/ 580 NOTES 1 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR AND DUKE ENERGY FOR TEMPORARY REMOVAL OF EXISTING UGHT POLE DURING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING LIGHT POLE IS LOCATED ADJACENT TO PROPOSED STRUCTURE #10 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK ON THIS PLAN SHEET FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE EXISTING STREET LIGHT POLE 2 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY INSPECTOR AND HOME OWNER AT 5618 IVYGATE LANE TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO STRUCTURE 11 OCCURS ■iii�iiiiL7iiiii■ A/ -UNIT OW OR FORMERLY RICHARD DOWER h LAURA DOVER PID d 20931159 08 8989 PG 103 ,� cY 11Stf -�<,IF 5]6 iiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit / ca+cx M8 19 PG 639 I 5618 IVYGAT II,1 E / / I ... ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■ - PROTECT EXIST / 'ii■�iiiiiiiiiiiiii■Miiiii■ WATER/SERMCE - D- --SETER I— ■t3!iiiiiiiiiiiiii 1,1111 II ... ■iti'iiiiiliiiiii■ ■lei iiii■'" ., ■ . ■ ■iiC��i iiliiiiii■ ., Ef�!1!�iiiiiiiiiiiii�l�i'iiiii■ ■E��JiiiiiiiiiiiiE#�ik� ���Y!i�iilL_iiiiii■ �iiiilFiiii��■ iiii■ ., ■ . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ■ii�tiliii�liiiiiii■ ii■t#L�7iiiiiiiiiiiil�iilliiii■ ■ii � .. iiiiili� iiiii■ . � ■iil�iiiiilCiiiiii■ iiii■ ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiC �llii ■E'"�'>I%�iiiiiiiiiiiiE'�'- ■i■il■1�iiiiill� iiiii■ I�l�■ iiii■ � ■ii�iiii�lEiiiiii■ . . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�E�l� ., ■i!��f i�±iiiil�ILliiiii■ li ■l�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■�#33 ®iiii■ . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililii���iiiiiiiiiiiii■ ■it!�#11�£fii ik#:C;#liiiiii■ ■i#lS33i�3#. iiliiiiii■ :: ■i31�i]C3�3i! ■iiii■ iiliiiiii■ , . ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�li!'l�lk#�iii ■iiiii �ai:�� iiiii■ . ■��,.iQiliil iii ii \i ■iii ii■ ■iiii■ .ii■��li�i■iiiCi�. ., ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliElI�Il��f�liiiiiiiiiiiii . ■iirl ®iit�■iil■iiiiii■ ■■iiii■ ■iil'll�.11� ... ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii �'�- C:iZiiiiii■ :. ■iti't�' Rol � iiiiiii■ ■iislir�iiii=ilsliiii■ ®n I!. ®ii7iiii■ .. .. ■ .:. ■ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliE���il� ■iiSiili�lE�!!`�7liii■ iiiiiiiiS�lli■iiYil ■iiiiiiii■diil i►�,'f'�' ?tF'dill!'•"Jiiiiliiiiliiil �1�311•ii�ii!!ll�r3 iI�L■��i■ • , cu / / A/ -UNIT OW OR FORMERLY RICHARD DOWER h LAURA DOVER PID d 20931159 08 8989 PG 103 ,� cY 11Stf -�<,IF 5]6 iiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit / ca+cx M8 19 PG 639 I 5618 IVYGAT II,1 E / / I - PROTECT EXIST / 'ii■�iiiiiiiiiiiiii■Miiiii■ WATER/SERMCE - D- --SETER I— ■t3!iiiiiiiiiiiiii 1,1111 II I I �p I 11 .. ■ .. ■ .. iiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit 'ii■�iiiiiiiiiiiiii■Miiiii■ ■t3!iiiiiiiiiiiiii ■lei iiii■'" ., ■ . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil�7i■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil�ii Ef�!1!�iiiiiiiiiiiii�l�i'iiiii■ ■E��JiiiiiiiiiiiiE#�ik� iiii■ ., ■ . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ii■t#L�7iiiiiiiiiiiil�iilliiii■ ■�liiiiiiiiiiiiiiill� iiii■ ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiC �llii ■E'"�'>I%�iiiiiiiiiiiiE'�'- I�l�■ iiii■ . . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�E�l� li ■l�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■�#33 ®iiii■ . ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililii���iiiiiiiiiiiii■ ■iiii■ , . ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�li!'l�lk#�iii iiiiiiiiii■ ■iiii■ ., ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliElI�Il��f�liiiiiiiiiiiii ■■iiii■ ... ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii :�[�J��iiiiiiii! ®n I!. ®ii7iiii■ .. .. ■ .:. ■ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliE���il� ©iiiii iiiiiiiiS�lli■iiYil i►�,'f'�' ?tF'dill!'•"Jiiiiliiiiliiil �1�311•ii�ii!!ll�r3 ?9 ■iiii■ ■iiii■ ■iiiiiiiiiiiii!lRI�R!Iltii}�!?J iiii■■i ii�IlliiYS��i�l ;}�11��;1�.�r1�Jiiii■ :: .. ■ ii.' L14�iiiiiiiiii�3�t3�1i1 1i ■ ■��iliii�E��"illililiiiii■ ■ iiBiliiiiii!l iaiifiillliiti "iT� ®���r■r�■iii�����1—Ie!G�r■ iiiiiii■ , . ■ .. i��iii��iiiiiiii����i .i�■�■��i����l�.� ■■iiiiiiiii■ ■ iiiii liliiiiiiiil4''#�iill�l!'�r G' �i" it '�L�'1�';a,"'�!lYiliiiiiiiii■ ; _. ■ iii► iiiiiiiiiiili�i�illiii ■1611111i31� iiiiil11l6i�iiiiiiiiiii■ ., ■ iiiiiiiiiiililiii� '�fi ■!l9iES�S� iiiiiii iiiiiiiii■ • .. ■ iiilliiiiilC�liiiiis+i:T:�`i'Jiiiiiiiii� iiiiiiiii■ ■iiiii! iiiiiiiii =fii�iiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiii� iiiii■ • ■ .. ■iiiiiii'��iiiiiiii�>�'il� ■iiAiii�iiiiiiiiiiiii:�■ii�; ii■ fIiiiiiiiiiiiii■- ifiiiiilsy►7�� ' ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■ \i ..,. • • iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii■ ■ ii�iiiiiiiiiiiiii1 :13T'�lif�■iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii■ ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� iiiiiiiii■ -.*cam —M 0 +50 1 +00 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 3 +75 IVYGATE 1 0 +00 0 +50 IVYGATE 2 W -0 +10 0 +00 0 +50 0 +60 IVYGATE 3 1 +00 1 +25 CEM Lj DENR -LAND OlJ,vL1TY STORMV4ATE,R PEFtNMI T 10. Knox M1at s below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- 0 5 10 Vxtmm Scale 1 = 5 7'. v 0i, a Y�= Von d QE o z I r �a VAS �N m. o° s N F � H 0 :2z LLJ 0 LLJ N 0 0:E F--LLJ J �0� U LLJ 0� 0 LLJ � CD0- LLJ z� o�� � � Q>- 3�:Lda_ wLn 0 Q t- Qz CD (' > 0 00 I ° Lc) J NOp' OR FORMERLY /// / . MECK♦,FIJBURG STURNBRIDGE RAC 7 CLUB INC // y/V / I =BURG D N 2092971 i1. /� i7° / I c MuNIAR / OB4600 PG 469 / /,A, / ` o � FUYURE /// m B 18 PG 75 \ / 4408 MEADONRIDCfi� / / / FLOODPLAIN I \/ 1 cJ_ "01 FEMA 100 -YR >ti MECKlENBURG / 1 /COMMUNITY / I FLOODPLAIN ` m SEE NOTE 2 _1 Cl QOACHMMT I �Y "l nAkOxOW / \ LINE iY //� \' /W / _�', f �I� MECKLENB � i / o x- PROP 179 liF /W to . au-, J 7s + OF 5 %J RC.X .027211 A. : • I n�onr+- T JTRE' 0 v o a� n�a -o o��+ z rca .W \R /W 8 NOw OR FORMERLY DANIEL C ROSE k NEELY 5 ROSE PC 54 PID M 20 DB 24683 PC 542 MB 19 PG 43 E oro,4rc EiNeaVc ] ,� P PID d 20931102 PROTECRON�- REMOVE 102 LF OF 3 I I _ FLOOOP I� MB 1 ® REPLACE 110 LF OF 3 I i F =110E A N )ODWAY �- _ _�', f f, / MECKLENB � �F COMMUNITY COMMUNITY_ u I M50 P7R0MVE 1 SEE NOTE 41 1 1 20 / 1 OR FORMERLY © 1 ABETH F FLOYD D # 20931125 1 8968 PC 396 B 19 PG 43 EADOWRIOGE OR'- E LACE �PUT — L - — — — / mss- _ yY yJ/ / NOW OR FORMERLY / - - -yy� _ NOW OR FORMERLY ELIZABETH PAPURA TRU�TEE -� 1- - MICHAEL A }SON" PID # 20931124 W _ PID #20431123 DID 14375 PG 553 °B41 /_ - - '" DB 24259 PG 78] MB 19 PC 47 _ --- I MB 19 PG 43 4501 PENDOCK COURT I 450] PENDOCK COURT ■!lIII.!!!!l 111■ 111 ■1111■_!! 111■ 111 ■!l1111n111n111 ■!!l1111.111n■ ■111 111 ■1_!l1 111 ■111.!1 111■ 111 ■l1111n!!l1111■111■111■1_!!!!■ ■1111 111 ■111■!!l1 111 ■l1111n111■!l1 111 .111n -1111♦!l1111■111■111n111 ■!■ , 1 ■ 111 ■!!!!1 111■!!! 111n111 ■1111n111■!!lIIIIIV'lll■!� ®!!!1_111 ■!■ ■ll�llllllllllllllllflll ■��� t1D)• /■ .: .���l111111111111111�111 ■.1111181■ ... ���!! !l111111111111�111 ■lI�11111�l1■ " .. ■!!! �!! �l11111111111 _EIIC'1 ■GF3!!lLllli!■ .. ■ ll����111111111111E ;f1•�`.�!! ■l�llle�lsi �!■ ■ �! l�l���■ �! 111111111� .•e•:alrr�tAr�lll�r.>.1■ .. .. ■�!l�l�i�■�1111111111l�I�l[�' 13g1ii111F�#31�1■ .. ■!! l�l�i�7■ �!!!!! !!!!lIL�LEi�9�f�k�"i!llYil�lr!■ � - �1����■ �1111111111lIITiL�E7�lE 'JilYi�l�llllli�l■ il��l�a�1�11111111l�IlI�Ei��lllll�l■ ��i�111lk�El ■!!!!!!!lSl�i7�lil� ■.!!!!I�!■ yI�ftl■��"R:9i [III�11111111■lYlii�!f11���111� ■.111111■ ■liliiliYY7fi(i ■ii' Iii' �Ol�!!! !!!!!!■ill���lll�■�!1!�! ®!'1•!■ i ■! 1111■ t�!■ �!!!!!! !!!!�(�I► \ ■!!:■�!— e�'�..ii�l !■ , ■!!!Ill ��11■ !!!!!!!lt�11!■ :? 1'9111 1■ ■l111�1�■ 111■ �!!!!! li11l�1GrG /■IGitiYilli■� ■�il�ll�J��; !�_ . �lll��i�,r�� :�■.�:.— ����ool 11�!l��I�iri:��iII��1�1G ' E37lf��i:' �IGi• It••• •• ���i? Iiili�ill�ll1111aar1 .�l�'�I��LL'� — [3l1N�1 ll�i>�E>�J. ■�1Fi�l�fl�� 111lSJ1� l��P�11�'�i�iil�l�1 \� ■! \' , • ; ' .I�l� :�i��� C.II•���� - -.- 1Qi111111�1.�� ■!lV�I�Ilr!a . mmam mm 11111111�1�\ mmm ■ !1 ■�I!�iiri�ll ■■•il11111111111 -- � . , � .,. ' ''. J•® 1�III�II�Iii�►7111���i;�1111111 \�!!!!■ .. ■!!!�!!! !"1!:1,'x ''. iii! F, S� `!'fii!!!!!!!!!!!��'.�'�•'I�■ - ■!_!_!_�_!_!!_ �_!_!_!!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_! _lJ;ilic�F- .�'illilliilliiYii�■ !■ +25 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +25 ALL SAINTS EEL R2 0 pq a +w E-1 F Ul NOTES 1 INSTALL FOUNDATION PROTECTION PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS 1 A 5713 ALL SAINTS LANE SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2 DO NOT STOCKPILE IN FEMA FLOODPLAIN 3 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED 4 SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR REAL ESTATE SP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPERTY P.ECF NT D DEC 01 2x14 GENR -LAND 0`01OL TY STORMWAi ER PE RN111 i T KNoN Nhat 5 below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- �az v Z o ``oi,Ru Os o Una E o�nz o� �oow 00 y Z w w Z Oj Z O i— I__ w Of U U) Cj� CD d L1J Li O —J � Q� O�� V) 0 Q wQ J a 0 20 40 H.n .,t.I Sc 1l 1 = 20 = Lr) O ■!lIII.!!!!l 111■ 111 ■1111■_!! 111■ 111 ■!l1111n111n111 ■!!l1111.111n■ ■111 111 ■1_!l1 111 ■111.!1 111■ 111 ■l1111n!!l1111■111■111■1_!!!!■ ■1111 111 ■111■!!l1 111 ■l1111n111■!l1 111 .111n -1111♦!l1111■111■111n111 ■!■ , 1 ■ 111 ■!!!!1 111■!!! 111n111 ■1111n111■!!lIIIIIV'lll■!� ®!!!1_111 ■!■ ■ll�llllllllllllllllflll ■��� t1D)• /■ .: .���l111111111111111�111 ■.1111181■ ... ���!! !l111111111111�111 ■lI�11111�l1■ " .. ■!!! �!! �l11111111111 _EIIC'1 ■GF3!!lLllli!■ .. ■ ll����111111111111E ;f1•�`.�!! ■l�llle�lsi �!■ ■ �! l�l���■ �! 111111111� .•e•:alrr�tAr�lll�r.>.1■ .. .. ■�!l�l�i�■�1111111111l�I�l[�' 13g1ii111F�#31�1■ .. ■!! l�l�i�7■ �!!!!! !!!!lIL�LEi�9�f�k�"i!llYil�lr!■ � - �1����■ �1111111111lIITiL�E7�lE 'JilYi�l�llllli�l■ il��l�a�1�11111111l�IlI�Ei��lllll�l■ ��i�111lk�El ■!!!!!!!lSl�i7�lil� ■.!!!!I�!■ yI�ftl■��"R:9i [III�11111111■lYlii�!f11���111� ■.111111■ ■liliiliYY7fi(i ■ii' Iii' �Ol�!!! !!!!!!■ill���lll�■�!1!�! ®!'1•!■ i ■! 1111■ t�!■ �!!!!!! !!!!�(�I► \ ■!!:■�!— e�'�..ii�l !■ , ■!!!Ill ��11■ !!!!!!!lt�11!■ :? 1'9111 1■ ■l111�1�■ 111■ �!!!!! li11l�1GrG /■IGitiYilli■� ■�il�ll�J��; !�_ . �lll��i�,r�� :�■.�:.— ����ool 11�!l��I�iri:��iII��1�1G ' E37lf��i:' �IGi• It••• •• ���i? Iiili�ill�ll1111aar1 .�l�'�I��LL'� — [3l1N�1 ll�i>�E>�J. ■�1Fi�l�fl�� 111lSJ1� l��P�11�'�i�iil�l�1 \� ■! \' , • ; ' .I�l� :�i��� C.II•���� - -.- 1Qi111111�1.�� ■!lV�I�Ilr!a . mmam mm 11111111�1�\ mmm ■ !1 ■�I!�iiri�ll ■■•il11111111111 -- � . , � .,. ' ''. J•® 1�III�II�Iii�►7111���i;�1111111 \�!!!!■ .. ■!!!�!!! !"1!:1,'x ''. iii! F, S� `!'fii!!!!!!!!!!!��'.�'�•'I�■ - ■!_!_!_�_!_!!_ �_!_!_!!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_! _lJ;ilic�F- .�'illilliilliiYii�■ !■ +25 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +25 ALL SAINTS EEL R2 0 pq a +w E-1 F Ul NOTES 1 INSTALL FOUNDATION PROTECTION PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS 1 A 5713 ALL SAINTS LANE SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2 DO NOT STOCKPILE IN FEMA FLOODPLAIN 3 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED 4 SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR REAL ESTATE SP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPERTY P.ECF NT D DEC 01 2x14 GENR -LAND 0`01OL TY STORMWAi ER PE RN111 i T KNoN Nhat 5 below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- �az v Z o ``oi,Ru Os o Una E o�nz o� �oow 00 y Z w w Z Oj Z O i— I__ w Of U U) Cj� CD d L1J Li O —J � Q� O�� V) 0 Q wQ J a 0 20 40 H.n .,t.I Sc 1l 1 = 20 = Lr) O +25 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +25 ALL SAINTS EEL R2 0 pq a +w E-1 F Ul NOTES 1 INSTALL FOUNDATION PROTECTION PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS 1 A 5713 ALL SAINTS LANE SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2 DO NOT STOCKPILE IN FEMA FLOODPLAIN 3 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED 4 SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR REAL ESTATE SP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPERTY P.ECF NT D DEC 01 2x14 GENR -LAND 0`01OL TY STORMWAi ER PE RN111 i T KNoN Nhat 5 below Call before you dig 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- �az v Z o ``oi,Ru Os o Una E o�nz o� �oow 00 y Z w w Z Oj Z O i— I__ w Of U U) Cj� CD d L1J Li O —J � Q� O�� V) 0 Q wQ J a 0 20 40 H.n .,t.I Sc 1l 1 = 20 = Lr) O 15 0 °8 8 o U QO U� Q O�UU Z O Kn _ to F + LO U rn � � W I) NOW OR FORMERLY / / NOw OR FORMERLY MICHAEL 5 VA RGA$ �MES G CULP JR & CATHY 25 & CARDLYN M `GAS ,vv u e?�" C CULP 27 PID M 209 }1127 PID Y 2091t1Jo t I MARK COONS &HEATHER 1 7 COONS RID i PID 1 20931122 1 OB 14616 PG 3a9 / MB 19 PG 43 / / / / �d 24 I 4513 PENDCCK COURT / / /P9ISOILLn QDE. AMIN RkO2 YI�N 20931\12 ED 16482 PG 1; — 4511/7 PENDOCK CF 1 10 EN R/W PENDOCK COURT P. RM' -STRAW_WHEN & SHANNON G CARLSON PIO X 209 }1120 NOW OIj CAR 1"IR �— ApApl"L CARUTHERS / / LINDSAY R CARU"ERS' PID- 20931746 ;FS 28436 PG 349 B 19 • I _ /4506 EADOVRDGE DRIVE z., mxt m 0. w of v m0 F, �- a 22 NOW OR FORMERLY / / NOw OR FORMERLY MICHAEL 5 VA RGA$ �MES G CULP JR & CATHY 25 & CARDLYN M `GAS ,vv u e?�" C CULP 27 PID M 209 }1127 PID Y 2091t1Jo t I MARK COONS &HEATHER 1 7 COONS RID i PID 1 20931122 1 OB 14616 PG 3a9 / MB 19 PG 43 / / / / �d 24 I 4513 PENDCCK COURT / / /P9ISOILLn QDE. AMIN RkO2 YI�N 20931\12 ED 16482 PG 1; — 4511/7 PENDOCK CF 1 10 EN R/W PENDOCK COURT P. RM' -STRAW_WHEN & SHANNON G CARLSON PIO X 209 }1120 M1'c IS� yE DB PG 883 I E19 4521 PENOOCK COURT 2 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE • I W 5 +00 5 +50 6 +00 6 +50 7 +00 7 +50 8 +00 8 +50 9 +00 PROPOSED 11. y RECEIVED mc O i it 1 QUALM r w o r GENR -LANG 1 q�.IT „ � < r � < STORPJI1iJATER PERNWi iC " " `s • a o m s Knoll Nhat s below Call before you dig NOTES I 1 PROTECT AND MAINTAIN EXISTING AERIAL SEWER CROSSING (NOT SHOWN ON PROFILE) AT ALL TIMES 2 ANY EXPOSED CABLES WILL NEED TO BE • I \� M COORDINATED BY OTHERS TO BE LOWERED BEFORE FENCES OR FINAL SEEDING IS FINISHED m is swt )� w of v m0 F, �- Ri3 TROP LOC VANE CROSS SEE DETAIL 2/D7 af — O U) _J ~ m NCK 0 +O�wau\ 0 5 10 O� U� 9 Vertical Scale t = 5 RE J o OF W 5 +00 5 +50 6 +00 6 +50 7 +00 7 +50 8 +00 8 +50 9 +00 PROPOSED 11. y RECEIVED mc O i it 1 QUALM r w o r GENR -LANG 1 q�.IT „ � < r � < STORPJI1iJATER PERNWi iC " " `s • a o m s Knoll Nhat s below Call before you dig Z �U 0g ¢ F-- Z 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL c~n o m -NOT FOR w of v m0 F, �- CONSTRUCTION- o g 7 ~ N af — O U) _J ~ m NCK 0 Z ¢ Q� 0 5 10 o¢ ¢Z U� ¢ Vertical Scale t = 5 J 0 20 40 Horizontal Sc Il 1 = 20 -0 L 0 i 0 U e E E < a G o0 ��a Ulw PERTm° / O O 66. ". 2 x DIA OF NOTES CONTAINER 1 PLANT BARE ROOT SHRUBS AND TREES TO THE MOM OF AS SHOWN ON DETAIL 1/D1 IN WOODED AREAS SUPPLEMENT PLANTINGS PLANT ZONE I ONLY AS NEEDED DETAIL 4 /D1 AND 5/DI TYPICAL CONTAINER 2 DO NOT COMPACT SOIL AROUND PLANTINGS KEY IN PER MANUFACNRERS GROWN TREE OR SHRUB BACKFIIL WITH APPROVED 3 PLANT IN MOLES MADE BY A MATTOCK DIBBLE PLANTING OAR OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS EXISTING BANK PLANTING SOIL OR ON -SITE I INSTRUCTIONS 4 PLANT IN HOLES DEEP AND WIDE ENOUGH TO ALLOW TI1E ROOTS TO SPREAD OUT AND DOWN WITHOUT J- ROOTING • _ STOCKPILED TOPSOIL SEE CITY EROSION � OF CHARLOTTE LANDSCAPE 5 KEEP ROOTS MOIST WHILE DISTRIBUTING OR WAITING TO PLANT BY MEANS OF NET CANVAS BURLAP OR STRAW CONTROL SECTION 02 00 STANDARDS 6 HEEL -IN PLANTS IN MOIST SOIL OR SAWDUST IF NOT PROMPTLY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL TO PROJECT SITE ALL PLANTS MUST BE MATTING INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS OF ARRIVING ONSITE 0 SEE DETAIL 7 BARE ROOT SEEDLINGS MUST BE FULLY DORMANT WHEN PLANTED Z \ 6 /DI ROOT BALL ' CONSTRUCTION SOIL PROPOSED BANK TOP OF BANK .I� . III III V�VA�V� aA� %VAS !�� VARIES =_ q� 9 c RECEIVED 7. ` Oono 1 j BANK STABILIZATION DETAIL COIR FIB ER ROLL No V NOT TO SCALE TOE PROTECTION EXISTING _) V ^ D1 SEE DETAIL 2/01 — - A BOTTOM VARIES _ DEc U 1 ji i'4 ! ( BOTTOM OF CHANNEL V v_ NOTES FOR CONTAINER PIANTING 1 WHEN PREPARING THE HOLE FOR A POTTED PLANT OR SHRUB DIG THE HOLE B -12 INCHES LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF BANKNLL ELEVATION THE POT AND 3 INCHES BELOW THE POT SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE HOLE ENR -LAND _ EROSION CONTROL !' ! QUALITY MATTING 2 REMOVE THE PLANT FROM THE POT LAY THE PLANT ON ITS SIDE IF NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE POT - L�2L(nLyA// TER PERIAl 1 Tit E DRIVE STAKE THROUGH ALONG EROSION L`A((yVV' I If�IfVV/}llRij I L I' CON IROL MATTING ALONG TOP 3 FOR ALL CONTAINERIZED PLANTS MAKE VERTICAL CUTS IN FOOTBALL KNIFE JUST DEEP ENOUGH TO CUT THE NET OF ROOTS CROSS SECTION VIEW OF BARE R00 I OF COIR LOO ALSO MAKE A CRISS -CROSS CUT ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTBALL TO T/3 OF COIF TIBER LOG 4 PLACE THE PLANT IN THE HOLE a BARE ROOT PLANT INSTALLATION DIAMETER CAN BE EXPOSED PROPOSED BED 5 FILL HALF OF THE HOLE W M SOIL (SAME SOIL REMOVED FOR BACKFlLL) D 1 NOT TO SCALE 6 BACKFlLL ONE -HALF OF REMAINING HOLE WITH ACCEPTABLE PLANTING MEDIUM AND WATER THOROUGHLY BACKFlLL REST Of STAKE 24 -36 MIN HOLE WITH ACCEPTABLE PLANTING MEDIUM FIRM DOWN ELIMINATING ALL AIR POCKETS DO NOT PACK p LENGTH (TIP) �� _ STREAM PLANTINGS - TREES STREAM PLANTINGS -SHORT SHRUB A FOUR INCH LOC TOE PROIEC ON HANNEEL,NYERT 8 "O 114 CONTAINER HOLDING INSTALLED .. OTITGM OF HE BASIN THE SH ..L B SALL ...,RO ...,.....FINIS E.. ....E ...E .....E EXISTING .., .,....... TER THE BOTTOIA OF THE BASIN SHALL BE AT SURROUNDING FINISH GRADE WITHIN CONSERVATION EASEMENT 00 NO REQUIRE A LAYER OF MULCH xi•nnnc,��3„ • renal ��£ • x� V we nns xl.minc xam. en.f WK, cepneMnmua «ca.nnws �` 8 MINIMUM LOG DIA.ETEE(TYR) 3 CONTAINERIZED PLANT INSTALLATION pennpx I LINE ALL CHANNEL BANKS WITH ER0401 COxTROL MATTING z P D1 NOT TO SCALE '°'°'•P^'a°' ° �1 COIR FIBER TOE PROTECTION DDMEAH ND� DG°ND.�N LL: ": "' BER R D1 ° ONG"T _BF �wCTMELp� °xTALT NOT FRIDGE OKR ANY .2DS OR NATDRAE OBSTACLES 9^llILN earalaro .am CONSTRNCTION NOTES nolry O 1 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND TREE PROTECTION AS SHOWN PLAN THE CONTRACTOR MAY _ MODIFY OR RELOCATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS FOR UNFORESEEN FIELD ALL PLANTING AREAS _C71 TO DIRECT /0/V OF FLOW CONDITIONS ALL RELOCATION SHALL HAVE THE APPPOVAL i OF FLOW_ DIRECT /O/v OF FLO - �_ OF THE ENGINEER EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL NOT BE CUT WITH PLANTING c (�/��_ - 2 CLEAR AND GRUB AREA OF ALL TRASH AND IMPLEMENTS THE SMALLEST OPENING NECESSARY TO EXOTIC/INVASIVE VEGETATION ACCOMMODATE EACH PLANT SHALL BE CUT INTO THE FABRIC u `\ _ 3 APPROXIMATE STOCKPILE AREAS MAY BE RELOCATED OR USING A SHARP KNIFE OR SHEARS ADJUSTED WIM THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER g 4 PRIOR TO ROUGH GRADING STREAM BANK HARVEST AND PLANT 20NE 1 d STAPLE AT 1 ((V STOCKPILE THE TOP 6 INCHES OF TOPSOIL E INTERVALS / STAPLE AT 1 S WHEN GRADING PER DETAILS OVER EXCAVATE BY 4 PLANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STAGGERED ROWS PLANT n Z C INCHES TO ALLOW FOR THE APPLICATION OF STOCKPILED ` INTERVALS SPACING FOR ZONE 1 SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY EIGHT FEET (6 0) y TOPSOIL ON CENTER WITHIN ROWS WITH A SPACING OF FOUR FOOT (40) 6 STABILIZE GRADED BANKS WITH SEED AND MULCH BETWEEN ROWS 50 PERCENT OF ALL PLANTS USED SHALL BE (G'(A ,o • T 6 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MAT PER MANUFACTURERS FROM THREE GALLON E URGER CONTAINERS AND 50 PERCENT T •! f INSTRUCTION FROM LIVES STAKES OR BARE ROOT WOODY VEGETATON AT & IPIISASHEETANTS AS DESCRIBED IN PUNTING NOTES ON LEAST 50 PERCENT OF PUNTS IN ZONE 1 SHALL BE A SHRUB + SPECIES CONTRACTOR SHALL SHALL PICK 4 TYPES OF TREES AND 4 TYPES OF SHRUBS FROM THE LISTS ABOVE i s _ BANK STABILIZATION PLANTINGS I I D1 NOT TO SCALE 12 START NEW 6 - 6 6 ROLL IN CHECK SLOT OVERLAP 4 NOTE MINIMUM 1 STAPLE AT 1 FIGURE Z INTERVALS 1 INSTALL LIVE STAKES STARTING AT THE BANKFULL ELEVATION ON A 2 BY FIGURE 1 FIGURE .3 FIGURE Q 2 TRIANGULAR SPACING AND EXTENDING ONE ROW BEYOND THE TOP OF INTITIAL ANCHOR INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT / TOP OF BANK TERMINAL ANCHOR BANK TRENCH BEGINING OF NEW ROLL TERMINATION TRENCH EXTEND 2 -3 2 DRIVE LIVE STAKES IN AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE STREAM BANK USING A PAST TOP OF DEAD BLOW HAMMER O a x BANK INSTALLATION NOTES. ANCHOR MAT USING U- SHAPED WIRE STAPLES OR GEOTEXTILE TOP OF BANK PINS ' 3 STAKES SHOULD HAVE A DIAMETER IN THE RANGE OF 0 5" TO 15 i SITE PREPARATION Y TERMINATION TRENCH INSTALLATION IN STORM WATER CHANNETS I b (FIG 4) GRADE AND COMPACT AREA 4 IF USING WOVEN COIR FIBER MAT INSTALL LONG STRAW MULCH BENEATH 0 I EXCAVATE INITIAL ANCHOR TRENCH 12 X6 ACROSS THE \ o REMOVE ALL ROCKS CLODS VEGETATION AND OBSTRUCTIONS CHANNEL AT THE LOWER END OF THE PROJECT SEE FIGURE 1 Zf / SO THAT MATTING WILL HAVE DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE SOIL 5 SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR LIVE STAKE SPECIES PLACE 6 x 6 CHECK SLOTS AT 30 INTERVALS ALONG THE / PREPARE SEEDBED BY LOOSENING 3 TO 4 INCHES C; TOPSOIL CHANNEL SEE FIGURE 2 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL ABOVE FINAL GRADE LINER OVER SEED PER MINIMUM OF CUT 4 x 4 TRENCH ALONG TOP OF BANK FOR MAT SEEDING SCHEDULE O p O m 3 OVERLAP APPLY ANY TREATMENT SUCH AS LIME OR FERTILIZERS TO THE TERMINATION EXTEND MAT 2 TO 3 FEET ABOVE CREST IF 1 Z N SOIL IF NEEDED POSSIBLE SEE FIGURE 3 12 MAX OR TWO QQ_N9T MULCH AREAS WHERE MAT IS TO BE INSTALLED BEGINING AT THE CENTER OF CHANNEL AT ME DOWNSTREAM NODULES EXPOSED CHECK SLOT ESTABLISHED PLANT SHOWN e END OF THE AREA TO BE LINED PLACE THE END OF THE /� FOR INFORMATION ONLY 141 (FIG 2) SEEDING ROLL E ANCHOR TRENCH I NO SECURE FIGURE U- SHAPED PARE \ / STAPLES OR GEOTEXTILE PINS SEE FIGURE 1 / /// INSTALL SPLIT 2 x 4 x 30 DEAD STOUT SEE EC -3 FOR SEEDING REQUIREMENTS PUCE ADJACENT ROLLS IN THE ANCHOR TRENCH WITH A STAKES PER SPECIFICATIONS APPLY SEED TO SOIL BEFORE PLACING MATTING MINIMUM OF 3 OVERLAP SECURE WITH STAPLES OR O CEOTEXTILE PINS BACKFlLL ANCHOR TRENCH AND COMPACT I WHEN USING PERMANENT LINER APPLY ADDITIONAL SEED SOIL O BANKFULL Z AFTER INSTALLATION AND FILL MAT WITH SOIL ELEVATION L1J TOP OF BANK UNROLL MAT OVER COMPACTED ANCHOR TRENCH STOP AT TERMINATION INSTAL 110N ON BANKS NEXT CHECK SLOT OR TERMINAL ANCHOR O O w (FIG 3)' 30 INITIAL ANCHOR EXTEND MAT 2 TO 3 FEET OVER CREST OF SLOPE AND UNROLL ADJACENT ROLLS IN SAME MANNER WITH A MINIMUM \ 0 O (n % E `s o I a i o 00 'spa i go b (J [C LL 11-1 BM1K F1lI JJ .1 RIC +r VAAJ ARI,.11R { GNtaOt POINI EI LVA TY1hK,l r$FL I( IY wr ^p.W$c B!Cq a1 � �'• ISf4'�OtE lI - -/ xn u Rxx ONOP srauctsna n iRT ccwtrrot /� xl .wn+ cu AfsJN t.+ b.a act ni i rs Iatc No CPi h ' " SCOUR I SIwY.N. r ttx)Ont A a sn PLAN VIEW :.U. "B"' SEE YO"E SErT ANE ARU EEt"'RC{Pr CAvT+.Gt r4tN YAIY'Pt ti+w,A, 4•EL4Drcn * CMiTkLLF+Oi :,4 —j (`PEKE SFt'TIONJ A _ A \`.l'� �r�-- K! k K t.4t*_'44hl CiTFRCFPT ��15. CGNtNOI FYaN1 itNA1 qN r, r<x, FR 6a`L LG(k L4Pe"l1 ItT'F NOif +p - it zUER BOUtil'uH ia'CAI J$se Fq FN1 ni RCX'K tl +'ti_rR,+ctuH£¢ntRi CW IROt POiH'ELRATGN k t ROCKORW PHI, I c4rLNt bOT fNOl P S � / "•--- CICVAt10M1 tWfY,L ,! �� �j\ \fin %l � �:-✓ .? / � 6 roolca BOIriDEH n-HEAL —. \ PROFILE OINENAONS NOT TO SCALE MIN C110OTTE- NIEWF1IWAI e ROCK DROP STRUCTURE 1OF2 (BELOW ' Ft tNAVt}) XM STORM 11'ATE R SERVICES p2 �L SAL t v _„ _BELOW BELOW BLEI ri WAND CENPRI( DETAIL NFQIJIMIFNTS `� %d SEE TABLE BELOW FT k t ROCKORW PHI, I c4rLNt bOT fNOl P S � / "•--- CICVAt10M1 tWfY,L ,! �� �j\ \fin %l � �:-✓ .? / � 6 roolca BOIriDEH n-HEAL —. \ PROFILE HOTS€ 5 ,RxxO0.51, 1,1"+1 G1 LI.L1f SLID ilE ILO`1 -R6 Rv Tl. t¢MS+,Ci U>14 SxttLAnf 1 1111 IH R(Ah R(�rUI AC GHE< i STRI WxFlO'Y- XRYkRh'aAetrskfrT ri„Mt51A nS ANDU tt>a1ANU 13+4 Gf'.TLRG iHl yr AN'.fu PtI SL SiRJ',IUH4:b'+a . l it{tA+Yx+L USLO 145rtu.TS (?.h ORa11A4E E4" JCH 4I. +L..111,f AM50.45 EkYSEDi'CS*WH'A55Arx 5f'OI ALO4C[RA PIMIL., EOC-1. N4 NOi rVkR fHCGaW5+3F'i Ci1iA�>•STP(v,1UR481 +M4fc: tC.V YG A.1 vPLt+ErCO nY cC OL}iIG+EP ] CIE YA X3N 5^. 1 TR& `C tS SHMAa UE5Kv4A It, I HE CF's Ri/d[IV £R I OF I—,, GRACE CGI IRO, I PUC URC OCSIASJM.N PAP, OF 'HE PREttRf VC EI OF —IR0l )CAI TSSM, BL PFOUREL p EtM..SHM,CUUAFE ItOC. �ROn3 RUCIUkfC OiAtUTNNit ISti SUS SdfRA+CE 3"`IFIE9BY Ir DESM,Tri 3 EACH 1AtEARM Sr+ay fl+SE !ROUT EWYEk'rOb /TLFh.FPT FHC STAEAU 80.YKA'AIfLX:H1 COUJ IOB ISHE.is BA.nriEll.10C+vISTRLIII tbfA{f LtEYA'KN CGVT40L "OaTSa.Ft BE E$TA6LISHE0 A5 H_LCFTN ORIGHf SiRLA€f T3A1MANI BM*FVLL6I Of 1CCC5$ARAt TnE i W Or Ir+C 5iR4.f Bc ++t SaGOC a giaroi,lRF��I�ULa 9E Pkti lt6En C+M1+�IS OCiµ,Rrx tMa�.t lrt nT"IsC` +ecUxKURV' S ,T1 P+fA. CM'1S85 ETIO1Z ALLP P..11110 1 S61 HER' 11 q +-5105 MLLS I I., GAncY`1U 1 1 iH 1I—UL(—H` 4iTU Va Ia,+Fel Y,R,• ]Re)V vnCIUR, *IohE Sr.LEJ n THE ROCK DROP STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH FLAT SIDED BOULDERS OF A SIZE SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW (%13 XI< ­15) i tlt(LRrACfRIC.hel'+E atJSVt a'KCIrIt01}1(++k Dt3w^AIA SUA.LBf ilryOSO$I Ai TkIFr.,M Dr T it CN THE t r.�tn DtN'C A1.D.1vDtY (HC COWS' (5h.+.?Bi UnrCRipz COARSE BACKFILL OF THE ROCK DROP STRUCTURE SHALL BE OF CLASS B STONE AT IS DEPTH COARSE BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN EACH GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE TO A THICKNESS ED— TO THE DEPTH OF THE HEADER AND FOOTER BOULDERS AND SHALL ALSO EXTEND OUT FROM THE VANE ARMS TO THE STREAM BANK D IrE IIIAI CEHIEW OI 4+ H GRADE C(x.TROt 5 RUCTURE SM BE 001ISTRUCTCD HIRST rOLLOV![OBf OHE 1.11E APM AND I ILL, THE OTr+N -T ARM —1-1 CO`CYC11IC Tr< IT DR'OUAL GRADE GDNIROt $TRUCNRCS SHALL Tr+C BE a:STVtfO i}iC4r.00p{RNiS4IB Siwl 6ECONSTR,iCTED UST,vO ARE Rt DUJIFD Ik1 At tFASt t+n. f6tST flt/v'4' IHF 111E OI1-(,l[1VGLEAO[CO`(TROL'TR.CIVRES U ROC DROP "TRLCTERf59+A4l Bt PUIi iYIVCNtrAS +RL(Rtr "ti. ­ *T t Elll s L. A0.51� U.s t$ )E+RA.EbG SRO, SFRU6TµRf B G1ER txCAVxr+STRLAM III OtO tPEPi LGUAI iO »l IOT1 ",I I OOIEJ 4t<kt50CRS C 11+ L1-1 ER DOU'Uf— III Rf dMLA B4 Li4—.I tit IRO',1.1- (6^x1 sA TENEAt141C I I% &F C4vIRh48ACnfnI 4YY3 TVD i5+EIl 4RSOULOkC.S ' I45 A t EADER BOUV-1 UI HE OF NOSLI $EYaN 5f 6RLKC5Cp. hYI 1.AR. E. BJUtdS" , 1>J.fLH A E UL I Oi .. HEA[7 I HlS Ot H (HaffiFC.t+ 1b tiit AI.R S SHALLB t . AP. C Il"CUR$$HV,SPA+ HL 4EM6t*' nkrq EP HfpJLDCR$'HkNC SHALL BE tE M B FILL. u4 BOULDEA.. G I-a COAR€EBACKr418EH'.D NCADCN BOUtDER5EtSWCSa THAT 0.NY10OSBL1 '14EN THE 80iT ;DERSANE FA1Fp IF I N1 c9asXlT CQTRm -11 G IS SI+ECJICO 16. au THE 1� 1YOF T+k VANEAWd I TEaCEPr Is DFLOOOPIAIN SILLS 414ATTP GLSX.ES -x tBE YATIY'YY'URET}ARW +D NIEBOULDER, NOT TO SCALE MIM t�vl�!►llkrtlutcrr c— s'>it.i.LCFU34Bl.(�.� C1l %PL0TTE- %CK1J1N11I1RG ROCK DROP STRUCTURE 20F2 �( STORM 11A'FER +EI ICFa F s 6P \PRI4 0E7i11L HQUIPEtIEMTS LOCATION OINENAONS (VALUES TO BE PROVIDED BY DESIGNER) VARIABLE VALUES TYPICAL UNIT —i DESCRIPTION .. kt (BELOW ' Ft tNAVt}) IW4LR r CONTROL PJPI T ELLVA LION ~•— X5 IN .r SEE "TABLE ��' S ( FP HA lEh ...__._._....... —... Ls.f 5 JI R'LPT L. )NrRUL POINI LCLbAT"IT _ CA3 _BELOW BELOW BLEI ri WAND RIGIIT INTFRCEm C(V tt205 POI 1 rTIVA310Nm `� %d SEE TABLE BELOW FT BATJ -FULL S 9OTH�_ -- t5 (SEE"TABLE BELOW ' IN OR FT D,O OF COARSE BACXF8L XB _(SEE TABLE BELOW FT ­4l MLENGTH Ai SEE TABLE (BELOW FT LE GTH OF INDIVIDUAL GRADE CON,ROIL STAUCTEIE 't !BELOW TABLE) Fi iiE'.G+H OF rLOODPtAJN Siff A4 ±SBE7EE 0W TABLE I I.E.E. D 111EARM ANGtE WIRE iOP OF OAGK 30 !SEE TABLE I San t EKC eE Il1t ET OP O} BANK AND VANL aRAi IYILRCF PS R A50 BELOW IN OR Fr P;AFa Att iSEE'TABLE I4 OR Ei E410 P RMIEF i N TRTS E BELOW ISEf_ TABLE GEEFf.0 BELOW A. ARM SIOPB w...„ _ _ISEE- TABLET —` }13 BELOW IN OR FT SE�TABL E SOU DER um, TH� - --- %id I BELOW IN OR F, BOULDER WIDTH_ X55 SEE TABLE BELOW IN ORFT SOULMIT THiCANLSS "Is SEE TABLE 1E IT I CHANNEL WIDTH HiT IBELOWAB t 1DANA SLOPE RATIO(HOLNU;O ItAI COMPO.tENTI, HOTS€ 5 ,RxxO0.51, 1,1"+1 G1 LI.L1f SLID ilE ILO`1 -R6 Rv Tl. t¢MS+,Ci U>14 SxttLAnf 1 1111 IH R(Ah R(�rUI AC GHE< i STRI WxFlO'Y- XRYkRh'aAetrskfrT ri„Mt51A nS ANDU tt>a1ANU 13+4 Gf'.TLRG iHl yr AN'.fu PtI SL SiRJ',IUH4:b'+a . l it{tA+Yx+L USLO 145rtu.TS (?.h ORa11A4E E4" JCH 4I. +L..111,f AM50.45 EkYSEDi'CS*WH'A55Arx 5f'OI ALO4C[RA PIMIL., EOC-1. N4 NOi rVkR fHCGaW5+3F'i Ci1iA�>•STP(v,1UR481 +M4fc: tC.V YG A.1 vPLt+ErCO nY cC OL}iIG+EP ] CIE YA X3N 5^. 1 TR& `C tS SHMAa UE5Kv4A It, I HE CF's Ri/d[IV £R I OF I—,, GRACE CGI IRO, I PUC URC OCSIASJM.N PAP, OF 'HE PREttRf VC EI OF —IR0l )CAI TSSM, BL PFOUREL p EtM..SHM,CUUAFE ItOC. �ROn3 RUCIUkfC OiAtUTNNit ISti SUS SdfRA+CE 3"`IFIE9BY Ir DESM,Tri 3 EACH 1AtEARM Sr+ay fl+SE !ROUT EWYEk'rOb /TLFh.FPT FHC STAEAU 80.YKA'AIfLX:H1 COUJ IOB ISHE.is BA.nriEll.10C+vISTRLIII tbfA{f LtEYA'KN CGVT40L "OaTSa.Ft BE E$TA6LISHE0 A5 H_LCFTN ORIGHf SiRLA€f T3A1MANI BM*FVLL6I Of 1CCC5$ARAt TnE i W Or Ir+C 5iR4.f Bc ++t SaGOC a giaroi,lRF��I�ULa 9E Pkti lt6En C+M1+�IS OCiµ,Rrx tMa�.t lrt nT"IsC` +ecUxKURV' S ,T1 P+fA. CM'1S85 ETIO1Z ALLP P..11110 1 S61 HER' 11 q +-5105 MLLS I I., GAncY`1U 1 1 iH 1I—UL(—H` 4iTU Va Ia,+Fel Y,R,• ]Re)V vnCIUR, *IohE Sr.LEJ n THE ROCK DROP STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH FLAT SIDED BOULDERS OF A SIZE SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW (%13 XI< ­15) i tlt(LRrACfRIC.hel'+E atJSVt a'KCIrIt01}1(++k Dt3w^AIA SUA.LBf ilryOSO$I Ai TkIFr.,M Dr T it CN THE t r.�tn DtN'C A1.D.1vDtY (HC COWS' (5h.+.?Bi UnrCRipz COARSE BACKFILL OF THE ROCK DROP STRUCTURE SHALL BE OF CLASS B STONE AT IS DEPTH COARSE BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN EACH GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE TO A THICKNESS ED— TO THE DEPTH OF THE HEADER AND FOOTER BOULDERS AND SHALL ALSO EXTEND OUT FROM THE VANE ARMS TO THE STREAM BANK D IrE IIIAI CEHIEW OI 4+ H GRADE C(x.TROt 5 RUCTURE SM BE 001ISTRUCTCD HIRST rOLLOV![OBf OHE 1.11E APM AND I ILL, THE OTr+N -T ARM —1-1 CO`CYC11IC Tr< IT DR'OUAL GRADE GDNIROt $TRUCNRCS SHALL Tr+C BE a:STVtfO i}iC4r.00p{RNiS4IB Siwl 6ECONSTR,iCTED UST,vO ARE Rt DUJIFD Ik1 At tFASt t+n. f6tST flt/v'4' IHF 111E OI1-(,l[1VGLEAO[CO`(TROL'TR.CIVRES U ROC DROP "TRLCTERf59+A4l Bt PUIi iYIVCNtrAS +RL(Rtr "ti. ­ *T t Elll s L. A0.51� U.s t$ )E+RA.EbG SRO, SFRU6TµRf B G1ER txCAVxr+STRLAM III OtO tPEPi LGUAI iO »l IOT1 ",I I OOIEJ 4t<kt50CRS C 11+ L1-1 ER DOU'Uf— III Rf dMLA B4 Li4—.I tit IRO',1.1- (6^x1 sA TENEAt141C I I% &F C4vIRh48ACnfnI 4YY3 TVD i5+EIl 4RSOULOkC.S ' I45 A t EADER BOUV-1 UI HE OF NOSLI $EYaN 5f 6RLKC5Cp. hYI 1.AR. E. BJUtdS" , 1>J.fLH A E UL I Oi .. HEA[7 I HlS Ot H (HaffiFC.t+ 1b tiit AI.R S SHALLB t . AP. C Il"CUR$$HV,SPA+ HL 4EM6t*' nkrq EP HfpJLDCR$'HkNC SHALL BE tE M B FILL. u4 BOULDEA.. G I-a COAR€EBACKr418EH'.D NCADCN BOUtDER5EtSWCSa THAT 0.NY10OSBL1 '14EN THE 80iT ;DERSANE FA1Fp IF I N1 c9asXlT CQTRm -11 G IS SI+ECJICO 16. au THE 1� 1YOF T+k VANEAWd I TEaCEPr Is DFLOOOPIAIN SILLS 414ATTP GLSX.ES -x tBE YATIY'YY'URET}ARW +D NIEBOULDER, NOT TO SCALE MIM t�vl�!►llkrtlutcrr c— s'>it.i.LCFU34Bl.(�.� C1l %PL0TTE- %CK1J1N11I1RG ROCK DROP STRUCTURE 20F2 �( STORM 11A'FER +EI ICFa F s 6P \PRI4 0E7i11L HQUIPEtIEMTS LOCATION MULTIPLE ROCK DROI STRUCTURES DIMENSIONS AND CRITICAL ELEVATIONS ALIGNMENT SHEET STA X1 FT (NAVD) X2 FT (NAVD) X3 FT (NAVD) X4 FT X5 IN X6 FT X/ FT X8 FT X9 X10 FT X11 FT X12 % x13 IN X14 IN X15 IN X16 FT x17 ALL SAINTS 10 8 +24 56500 56518 56518 7 8 69 6 0 20 30 Do 0 7 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 8 +18 56430 56463 56463 7 8 127 11 0 20 30 0 4 1 0 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 8 +07 56334 56358 56358 7 8 9 2 B 0 20 30 04 08 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +99 562 55 56282 56282 7 8 104 9 0 20 30 02 08 3 30 18 12 7 5 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +90 561 78 56202 56202 7 8 92 80 20 30 05 08 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +82 560 99 561 26 561 26 7 8 104 9 0 20 30 07 08 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +73 56022 56046 56046 7 8 92 80 20 30 05 08 3 30 18 12 75 3 —TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +65 559 43 559 7 559 7 7 8 104 9 0 20 30 03 08 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 10 7 +56 55865 55B 92 55892 7 8 10 4 9 0 2 0 30 01 N/A 3 30 18 12 75 3 TRIBUTARY ALL SAINTS 1 9 1 +82 541 77 54207 54207 10 8 11 5 100 20 30 Do 08 3 36 24 12 13 2 ALL SAINTS 9 1 +J2 541 02 541 32 541 32 10 8 11 5 10 0 20 30 0 7 08 3 36 24 12 13 2 ALL SAINTS 9 1 +62 540 27 540 57 540 57 10 8 11 S 10 0 2 0 30 0 4 N/A 3 36 24 12 13 2 i POP C V/a o Vs1 0 h I l� U � u N d o° 0 z g o z o 0 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR y CV n CONSTRUCTION- _ 100 H- Z W O :2 V)� �0 15. 0 0- W O J 00� W 0 KnoN Arhat s below 0 Q Call before you dig w Q 0 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR y CV n CONSTRUCTION- _ 100 E pn 3 � O Q 00 .�-4 Ln 0 65. a- BENCH TOE HEADER (TYP) STREAM BANK -� FOOTER ROCK (TYP) CLASS A RIPRAP `EXISTING STREAM ME ROW CONSTRUCTION NOTE BOULDERS SHALL BE ROTATED INTO THE P AN V EN BANK DURING PLACEMENT SUCH THAT THE UPSTREAM BLOCKS OVERLAP THE DOWNSTREAM BLOCKS BY A MINIMUM OF 1 INCH BOU DEP. NA 5CHEDU E ADDP.E55 NA HE GHT (H) BOU DEP HE GHT (B) 45 2MEADONP DGE 30 5 4GO MEADONP DGE 30 5 4G 7MEADO NP, DGE 50 25 45 7 PENDOCK 30 5 NOTES 1 BOULDER WALLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS INDICATED ON THE DETAIL AND SCHEDULE ON THIS SKEET AND AS INDICATED ON THE APPLICABLE GRADING PIN EXCAVATE /GRADE SLOPE PER PLAN BOULDERS SHALL BE ANGULAR (SEE SIZE RANGE BELOW) AND HAVE NO MORE THAN A 6 OVERLAP HEADER ROCK (TYP) FOOTER ROCK YP P BANKUNE '`- STABILIZE WITH SEED VARIES SEE 1 0 MULCH AND EROSION PUNS 20 CONTROL MATTING BENCH TOE SEE FIGURE 4 IN DETAIL 6 /D1 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE NCDOT B A57 STONE TYPE 2 CLASS A RIPRAP FABRIC TO PREVENT PUMPING SECT ON V EN OF FINES �s BOU DEP, 5 ZE RANGE MEANDER BEND BOULDER STRUCTURE D3 NOT TO SCALE SIRit4 SAI 4 tt'SICAt GROSS >Al+i t^ATCt YLbci ` �n GO, Rpl POyt! LLt +ATRae %E 4TF, ? TLX OF ttAhKTxrN.AY- jJ) etU # ( y- INVCN1103 f L.L4NSE BALTE4 ! ISF. NOTFSBA llV / +st i v,1iE r f[1ERYABtiC \ J _ / /////IIIII -- y, ARM i4YFS.iEP f0ltiAp tOAR.,L UAL. AL ' , / IMWi txF A O.1 ATNCs ISEE NOTC'Ik -,\ -nl CROSS As SIgVI L 1 ^ y"' / i ng QY5 Jw5 If Ih1.Y +It(A (RoL A / P(ilhi ELI A'q itlAEg tOiE i " '�, lr '"�`� /� �`✓_'j x ISEE I Oltn S Tv /!- BANKFU L+cEC NO(F J) Ftt.'" \#i\� IL (X}SF N LOG -41 45aL VOSLD -/� �c _ t y - -YV4kT LOG 15Ef YOTE$A I) NtCABAL AVCM}i J ''r`,D(A CChiRt%Y4.*r � V AE 'j f� t Ya .4 (SEFt DIES (06 tza [L=t ATro1(6EC np(C3 R14IFRM1 At— I-1 1/ t +ECt +DTF a SF) fir 1 / PROFILE VIEW ° \, x LEFT All ARUCK:,— Ptpa / A / P SA FF—.� I \ 3 REAM Roth LTC% m.t 4 wwly to vWE ARM LOC rv.L.4 . l +t L - GOARSE 8AC+5('R4lSE.T., "d C47 ClIT. v. HALLASi t,OUItXR - NEADFR l04 t <F- IL TYn OA, ESCCVOtE516S"I /+ i HI ADf RLOGr /\. #Y }I LT _ .O ,LE IGH l7 c-IROLPOPH' t 1 ftFVASYav / •! / _gIHCAk EFtl.�i *, IAR13 x8 iL>° .I \i q., j- 5•RCAL B. IT 3. KY]' (SCL VOTE 1 �FORiER PgYT 4IEVAI LGV0.1 N *I 1"EE f iE da AA 13Ei -- VARM1 ,TG t.,,I f\ ! PLAN VIEW ARM SECTION A A NOT TO SCALE ILI" cI[�RIOT71Ir1- 1fFCxI,FyIfI)RG LOG CROSS VANE 101, S'POR1f 1111TF ft SERVICES E- ftrrkal --.IS GHWIL WWI RFQIIIREI NN ; KEY IN EROSION SEED PER DETAIL CONTROL MATTING PER to /EC3 MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 1 D 1 0 20 20 EROSION CONTROL MATTING SEE DETAIL TRAPEZOIDAL SWALE DETAIL AT 4521 PENDOCK COURT D 3 NUT TO SCALE oaa 9 O c \/Y2= y \QT o SCR °�mz E o m� 0 u 1 Z�114 GFIN2- LAND QUALiTY �n T0RN1WXTERP RNMIITING nTES tOG Cg055 VATE r3 A GRFDF G[ktTROL, IN STRENd S RUGFURE TNtT 4YRLCTb STRfX.4R9t` AnAY fR(M+ ( E UECRE.tS VANE ARtt ANGLL YIiHST3FAM BAtAY NCS R[Ad8b X5A \D YITO.LARO'Nr CE1t[R OP Nc C4AY�CL -{E— DIFFERENCE BFTVJEEN TOP Imo' EANK(SANKFLAL)FIo 2 FIELATKJh CONTROL POLVT55NA[. 6EDCSIGt ATEbA TFF UPSTRGtM at YRiiC[vI STIXnI"P0SAiE Sp (4TARL0.9H F AN1 Of IYFF 1tt+LVIit A NUTCr14�1 Bf ('I,II Nlq Ir¢ fir iT YPff P`4 RTt,'X'ATY}N F[10t q[EN9 {AL UES O B_ E P_ ROVi 1ED BY DEStCNER) SUOXIED i C IBO (O A al I RI4i REUOLUM R LD TgtS'N ){1SN tAl ESIAMIIt TIHL RC NNIIWWFIL SLIO,- OI CO 1RG t POINTS W[Sf - — - -- C GUWalC VS VARIABLE VALUES NPLCA UNIT DESCRIPTION I a aa.tlAH 451-- ERCEPt Nu 51RE40.v,+Al-&.I CCJALiOeE nLEN }vWXt Ut15 AOL w:J � A 5663 FF(NAVD) CROSS VAST I. NERT CONTROL ROIL T Ei EVT ;ION RX- I'LL51AGt LLLLAtItki GONSRpI r'plNi$YAT 6E ESip(Rryg'.O Ai nEILFl hNU RI&Iti SJRFIa.! ° N,SVAAL— NtERCEPTP(L,SRi r - %2 f 5664 FT INAVD) 'LEFT V;YEARil INTERCEPCChTROL POINT ELEVATION t$HLLP.IK}NSeiIP SY)((AN�'.FUL15FA(sFt:RCSY FNELtSGYx A).KIStOF {qF S]a,iAiE M'iti SASiYJ JLt E'i YOY -' -"-`-'--- --- '-' ---" -- ---" -- ---" ,E- E59nNILY rric OP OF lrtF yiR£A4 C+AYK'AGFY 566 4 \J HT (hAVOI RIOHT VA4F AR(A It TERLXPT CEXa'RCEri. P(k`.R ELI VAITO, a NE PLav6 pESIOYA E NEUSL O= kUtrptf LOG CRO35 Ya•ESA FM CCf'AU gIATtptLOCA XYts— WNTRGIP41t[ EVarDN55NAU BC PROYIbED iMINiS OCTAa OR FVtt';+.'OED (tSr'VAe':Si+.TNfPUVSAND k3 5634^ FT tvAva) - - I POOL CPVFROL ROME ELE -TKDN BEFERENGLDe¢aE + — 70 FT - — flANKFULL JHUFH s eoLV.<Rass »xY,r�NS FMUl e. nm �, T wlol Drl sTmrigrN rHr n.A$ GEgiuN.leN »re DvCVS* DNSCF' IFCMANNEI SnRAOINC PtiOnNp.N Tyf KXi L.ROfiSSAF+ffreAR TD. E.Se,VLED X5 -- — %'x 160 11 IIOC DIA%FtFR F tO(S SHAll4E Of ALENOfriA DC.AMLTFk SPEC\r ED O'•tttLOCYG tTt 4URFTAltVL2,YSr - tA1C✓N eAHD,)IDOD R €GEY1YHMe GS1EO THE LEhGTN gNAtl0.F 4MN Mei rr V'Xi N'M WYf}0.TY1TrfY VM r� ~ )CI y 140- � - -� FT 1 A.I LN - -�- `- - -"- VE ARIA LGtH �HES(REAMBatYIDVOVC 'vEOLS S +E Lv Ei LOGS-1 �6Y k6 I _ 200 I FT _ I VANE ARIJLOGLCNOTN YmALSFL-Xx. I 15 1 30 FT IlF'.GTHCF VANE ARM LOGBURiE01NTOBA`&' Y +A5.'.,.LttOLMAY BE U5C0 Ut ttl Li OEAnCADLRS EIO fvi LOGLY)LttaA}yCa - - - -- %i0 I 20 -! - v- IT e —v - - -� LENGTHOF LOARSE BALIRIt R Rpr LOGIS)ICDFIE$TRFND BED `tk THE BAC,TFR4NAUCU- THEE S"AiTq`c'uV 3NEFiHFf "NF IOGtS1 ARD iNE STRFAM BED UNDLk iNC C4A1t4E&tCRF4t xssTFF144 „TnERf 9WJ BE uYy 11LFERfAB2+C }1T 40 ( FT I ° DEPTH 1 t EX(R INSTALLATION ID£ Or DUiJCB ILA'Y ViS+BLC IN n c s'M91E0 tLTMK EDG[5 SI,ALL BL FDtD[9 TUC LD Oli `Fnm'ED AS VEEfliC ( %12 80 I IN ( D50 OF COARSE DACKFiLL ("LASS B1 v COARSE THE LOG CROSS VANE SHALL BE OF CUSS B STONE COARSE BA SMALL - - -- -- - - -- I - -- O A THICKNESS PLACED E ATHICKNESS THESTO THE DEPTH OF THE HEADER (AND FOOTER) LOSS AND SHALL EXTEND OUT D SH N FROM THE VANE 0 RMS TO THE STREAM BANK AND UPSTREAM A DISTANCE OF 8 FEET i6 AS AN OPT -0Nr1AT SiDFD80UL.- SOFASNEILF 1G1N AIDIII— rHY111SM AS SPECA” V IMF 0£SK: t[R MAV BE PLA0f4 A8 BA.LnS Oh TOR a HL SIRE Y (th K SASP DY Tif EJlB(SAED VA.vE AAYs JOI BILL ANCrvOP5 MAY BE USED IY LRU tN BALLAST RGULDT� tt C7)gnfYtL ANCt OHSt ITN OM.ANIICDCAD FA(TACNft]tOFACMrvF ADCOUATE FO.Itfcfl rgl',YIECIF'fiq s44i smRk1G OF n Yo T(1 gtoH, ANDLT.C, 'Krtk TgEAM IB.d V.Dt'R f1A1KS 1p iH( St4.G -,DX R N t t AT 510Ep BOUt DC <S LlC N YfDiN AND THICa NCES gpFCKO Ftt DESYSV[RICN! M tlEi'D Y U[UOFTIrE Erx. WYERtfDUCK8A14 {rIl1R S1E €.J l2 TYfE LANE AIMS OF IH'c LOG CROSS I-E 5.41 BE GO TSTRU MD ETRST rCLLOVEDBYT �ELO'uf`vR I!, IOO CROSS-0 '1141 EL KJkT 11 IAN IAS oSTIYAS A OLLH Et.1'S`tFRLAV RGtJ LAtlInTNEOVAL TOTuiDTAL Fsv"K. L'$S 11'e EAat ie tv Ory+p CR O SPELN It b,LGGS A-.1 .I L>RTATILD RLOCng,IT5PCCI1— Nf31VVIIAN fEVAK'ARU6FfEA4ikLD A.OVG HL tat.I Ai+4rvtLL'-I- I"CADA IOG- V)rR5DS1, Ravi ITLIIxY At C LVBTALL;WARIHARDERE G•. TbP .11 'O SEi 51IGF ?LYE�riSAWDOR 84Ct FR{kA TALLrlp0 ER..g6 D NAK I" c.1.s IEiG M D,F PT AL t A.IGNDR F GE YIL T CR A, S-TO 1MF nt 5 LOO VvLV IGR pAhltiST -E vA NA'WFK; CA!' TSSf 54Y A. "? GAGE WhAll A?DNhk EkAC h6S AEL BF S4CC9"&'(I RY TNt Dt SMVfU2 F PLACE COARSP BACKFK .LUCr+AtltM : rSt FISiIRW rvA.it�l L¢'�p38'"Ft [Ya tuf tk^2NK FitEtl to F ANY 18044 CONTROL BE'E G 13 SPE"IFILD ARIA, U) T I VIG IK,hiiv Sk try V4.L AN4 NTERGLP P.DS1 a A_.L NAITI.IG EDGES SHML BE hEAFtw SECW CD AR(A. A fNCTSMS Cl %RLO'I TE -1f ECK11NIMRG STORM IMPR SERVICES GEE RIC DUAIL FFQ1JMMfATS I %l3 ( E UECRE.tS VANE ARtt ANGLL YIiHST3FAM BAtAY - -20 -{E— DIFFERENCE BFTVJEEN TOP Imo' EANK(SANKFLAL)FIo FT VX45 `,qu P`01- CFRI POINT k 5 t0 I PERCENT LAKE AR41 SLOPE AI "p I 3 FT 1 BALLAST BGUI DER 1ENGH1 II %II 3 FT B1"L1.STBWtOFRVt OT)i m g 0 5 IN� BALLAST BOULDER TKCANESS \J, 3 FT I MAXITIOM POOL DEPTH A D ~i 3 F1 LFVGFt T w1111 DO BURIED %,0O @.vt 16 �_ �7 -u- 11 - TI HEADER LOG SETT BACK LOG CROSS VANE NOT TO SCALE 2OF2 U j ~ o � s Knorr Nhffi sbefow Call before you dig _ ° O O D I Z N T K �1 N C, (LQ I F z ICI � O UCU ;D 7�z W O U o°o Z LJJ 1L cn > Lila_U J CD d LLI _ � z0 Q LJJ O CD Q Q Z W Q 0 5 8 i 0 s` 0 U / ER E E p3 3 I � a r r o < o U DO «�a oU z, z O C)¢a EROSION CONTROL NOTES. 1 REFER TO GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 2 2 DISTURBED AREAS SHEET EC4 D 26 AC 061 AC SHEET EC5 026 AC 018 AC SHEET EC6 021 AC SHEET EC7 0 40 AC D67 AC TOTAL 2 58 AC 1 ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTORS SHALL BE SEEDED PER THE SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN BELOW 2 MULCH USE SPECIFIED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TO COVER THE SIDE SLOPES OF THE CHANNEL APPLY 3000 LB /ACRE GRAIN STRAW AND ANCHOR STRAW ON ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS 3 REVIEW CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 4 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS AREAS SHOWN ARE TO GUIDE CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ENGINEER IF ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROUTES WILL IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL, 1 INSTALL PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER AND THE LONG -TERM EROSION PROTECTION MEASURES OR STRUCTURES AS SOON AS PRACTICAL IN THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS APPROPRIATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE PLACED BETWEEN THE DISTURBED AREA AND AFFECTED WATERWAY AND MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENTLY VEGETATED 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 3 AT A MINIMUM EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCIES 4 CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION TO MINIMIZE THE TRACKING OF MUD ONTO THE PAVED ROADWAY FROM CONSTRUCTION AREAS DAILY REMOVAL OF MUD /SOIL MAY BE REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF ANY SOIL TRACKED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY 5 THE LOCATIONS OF SOME EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY HAVE TO BE ALTERED FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS IF DRAINAGE PATTERNS CHANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 PROVIDE FOR HANDLING THE INCREASED RUNOFF CAUSED BY CHANGED SOIL AND SURFACE CONDITIONS USE EFFECTIVE MEANS TO CONSERVE EXISTING ON -SITE SOIL INCLUDING THE USE OF DIVERSION DITCHES 7 ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED USE TEMPORARY PLANT COVER MULCHING AND /OR STRUCTURES TO CONTROL RUNOFF AND PROTECT AREAS SUBJECT TO EROSION DURING CONSTRUCTION CHANNEL BANKS SHALL BE SEEDED DAILY UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING 8 ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS ARE TO BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT OF GREATER THAN 05 INCHES OF PRECIPITATION DURING ANY 24 -HOUR PERIOD MAINTENANCE OF SEDIMENT TRAPPING STRUCTURES SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NECESSARY PER THESE INSPECTIONS SILT FENCING AND DIVERSION DITCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON EROSION CONTROL SHEETS 9 STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AT THE END OF EACH DAY IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED EXCEPT WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE REINITIATED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS 10 ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED ADDITIONAL CONTROL DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO CONTROL EROSION AND /OR OFFSITE SEDIMENTATION CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVICES ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED A MAXIMUM OF 1000 LINEAR FEET OF STREAM MAY BE DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TIME 11 SILT FENCING TO BE INSTALLED AROUND INDICATED SPOILS AREAS TO PREVENT LOSS OF SEDIMENT 12 ASPHALT TACKIFIER SHALL NOT BE USED 13 ALL NECESSARY MEASURES MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT OIL, TAR TRASH AND OTHER POLLUTANTS FROM ENTERING THE ADJACENT OFFSITE AREAS 14 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST AVOID TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PRACTICABLE ENCROACHMENT INTO ANY WETLAND /STREAM AREAS NOT DESIGNATED AS IMPACT AREAS 15 ACTIVITIES MUST AVOID DISTURBANCE OF WOODY RIPARIAN VEGETATION WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PRACTICABLE REMOVAL OF VEGETATION MUST BE LIMITED TO ONLY THAT NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHANNEL 16 NO ON -SITE BURIAL OF VEGETATION OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS WILL BE PERMITTED 17 ANY GRADING BEYOND THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE 18 PLEASE REFERENCE PLAN SHEET DETAILS AND NCDENR STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES STREAM CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 OBTAIN EROSION CONTROL PERMIT FROM NCDENR LAND QUALITY SECTION (704)663 1699 AND ALL OTHER APPROVALS NECESSARY TO BEGIN AND COMPLETE THE PROJECT 2 STABILIZED GRAVEL ENTRANCE/EXIT AT THE SITE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND DETAILS AFTER ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT ALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3 ALSO PRIOR TO CLEARING AND GRUBBING /CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST AN ON SITE INSPECTION UPON RECEIPT OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE GRUBBING /CONSTRUCTION MAY BEGIN FAILURE TO SCHEDULE AN ON SITE MEETING WITH THE CITYS ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS A VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE 4 PERFORM GRADING OPERATIONS IN A MANNER AND SEQUENCE SO AS TO REDUCE UNNECESSARY DISTURBANCE OF SURFACE COVER 5 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERT FOLLOW PUMP AROUND SEQUENCE SHOWN ON DETAIL 2 /EC3 6 CONDUCT PRE4DONSTRUCTION MEETING INCLUDING OWNER/ENGINEER ASSOCIATED CONTRACTORS AND OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES 7 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE PHASEDHN TO THOSE AREAS OF THE PROJECT CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON THE CONTRACTOR MAY MODIFY OR RELOCATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS FOR UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS SO LONG AS PROPER CONSTRUCTION IS MAINTAINED TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY AND USEFULNESS OF THE PROPOSED MEASURES ALL RELOCATION SHALL HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER ALL DISTURBED AREAS ALONG CHANNEL BANKS SHALL BE STABILIZED NTH TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH AT THE END OF EACH DAY 8 IF IT IS DETERMINED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THAT SIGNIFICANT SEDIMENT IS LEAVING THE SITE (DESPITE THE PROPER IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES), THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS OBLIGATED TO TAKE ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE ACTION 9 AT LOCATIONS IN WHICH THE STREAM CHANNEL IS BEING MODIFIED TEMPORARY COFFER DAMS AND BYPASS PUMPING WILL BE USED TO DE -WATER THE WORK AREA 10 WHEN THE TOE HAS BEEN SUFFICIENTLY STABILIZED TO RESTRAIN EROSION ALL TEMPORARY COFFER DAMS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE ACTIVE STREAM CHANNEL AND NORMAL FLOW RESTORED ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN DESIGNATED SPOILS AREA PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY COFFER DAM ALL COFFER DAMS AND BYPASS PUMPING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE STREAM AT THE END OF EACH DAY TO RESTORE NORMAL FLOW BACK TO THE CHANNEL 11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB MORE AREA THAN CAN BE STABIUZED IN ONE WORKING DAY RESTORATION MEASURES SEEDING AND VEGETATION WILL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE CHANNEL LENGTH AS WORK PROGRESSES 12 ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL MUST BE PLACED AT A MINIMUM OF 5 FT FROM CHANNEL SILT FENCES MUST BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL STOCKPILE AREAS 13 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED GRASSED AREAS AT THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL BANKS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE PATH THE SEEDING AND MULCHING SPECIFICATION AS SHOWN ON VEGETATION PLAN R/IN IN R/W T__] R /W A \ z i / 14 IN GENERAL, CONSTRUCTION SHALL PROCEED FROM AN UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION 15 PROPOSED CHANNEL EXCAVATION AND GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED USING LQUIPMENT FROM OUTSIDE OF THE EXISTING CHANNEL WHERE POSSIBLE TEMPORARY CROSSINGS WILL BE USED AT LOCATIONS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS, CROSSINGS MAY BE ADDED OR RELOCATED UPON APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER 16 CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT COMPACT SOIL AROUND ROOTS OF TREES TO REMAIN AND SHALL NOT DAMAGE SUCH TREES IN ANY WAY 17 ROUGH GRADING OF CHANNEL SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ROCK STRUCTURES AND FORD OR CULVERT CROSSINGS PRIOR TO INSTALLING ROCK STRUCTURES OBTAIN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER ON ROUGH GRADING 18 UPON INSTALLATION OF ROCK AND OTHER STRUCTURES OBTAIN APPROVAL OF ENGINEER PRIOR TO FINE GRADING 19 IT SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD THAT FAILURE TO SPECIFICALLY MENTION ANY WORK THAT WOULD NATURALLY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO PERFORM SUCH WORK 20 ESTABUSH RIPARIAN VEGETATION AS SHOWN ON PLANS VEGETATIVE PLAN 1 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED 2 DISTURBED AREAS NOT AT FINAL GRADE LEFT IDLE FOR TWO OR MORE WEEKS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY VEGETATED UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS SEEDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL 1 ON SHEET EC3 3 ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED BY PERMANENTLY VEGETATING WITH SEED AND MULCH AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS DUE TO THE RESTRAINTS ON THE LENGTH OF IMPROVEMENTS AND /OR DURATION OF EXPOSED DISTURBED AREAS 4 ONCE PERMANENT VEGETATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE ESTABLISHED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A FINAL INSPECTION IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AFTER APPROVAL. ALL REMAINING TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED MAINTENANCE PLAu 1 ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE INSTALLED AS NOTED ON THE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 2. ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT ANY REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN THE FUNCTION OF THE PRACTICE 3 TRAPPED SEDIMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY REMOVED FROM THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN SEDIMENT BUILDS UP TO A DEPTH OF 0 5 FEET SEDIMENT FENCE SHALL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN ITS FUNCTION 4 REFER TO DETAIL SHEETS EC2 & EC3 FOR ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE NOTES ON EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES k 1 ' xao Z 9 o zo. 051 CL Ue �^ Q c gi \ o c kC 01 1 —Loo LOD— LIMIIS OF DISTURBANCE �- - - SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) e PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) 'e O COIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) e ��� ►� CHECK DAM ®' TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR ez ENTRANCE /EXIT TREE PROTECTION ®' © INLET PROTECTION e ® STAGING AREA • ® STREAM BANK STABILIZATION e , ° TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING e a Knox Nhat s below Cal before you dig CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG LAND DEVELOPMENT AND /OR NCDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- �n ffi iv vai u �o 0 � mp Q N O Z 0:: LLJ J � W > � W 0_ 0 cn 0 � L3 O I- — Z 0 � O Z oQ O Q Z of oe W 0 INwI�Lj 1 a a o 'o be R. FLOW 57 WASHED STONE 1 A STABNZED ENTRANCE PAD OF 2 -} DW CO— M.GREGTE STONE SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE TEE APPRWED TREE Au IuRRrcAS uwx c°uPlEmx or vaalzi RESERVNON Ptw ma z umswwc PuWS swat vnw Hle I.orATlars a NL m¢ vRo pE0u1HEO TIDIES 1 RIPRAP SIZE TO BE 50/50 MIX OF CIASS A & B BH-I TRAFFIC WILL ENTER OR LEAVE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE OMO A PUBUC STREET OF TREE II=NS � � P�h�� �Ox 01000 2 CHECK DAMS MAY BE USED IN SLOPING DITCHES OR OR 2 GEOTFKTILE FABRIC OR COMPACTED CHUSHER RUN STONE — BE USED AS ABASE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE rop cwt ` z CHPNNEIS TO SLOW VEIACM OR TO CREATE SEDIMENT IMPS A A SMALL BE wJHTAINEp IN A CONDEIOS WHICH - o oaa _ 1 � J ] THE ENTRANCE WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING BE TONALM ONTO PUB STREETS OR F% PAVEMENT THIS MAY REWIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH NAL ° ° MAINiFwu[ NE OTFS INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHNINELS FOR DAMAGE AFTER EACH AN SEDIMENT STONE AS CONDEpNS WARRAM AND REPAIR OR CLFANOUi OF ANY MF/SURES USED TO TRAP SEOIMEM 4 ANY SEDIMENT SPILLED DROPPED WASHED OR TRACKED INTO PUBLIC STREETS MU5T BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY (tea o O Z IR cN.+ RUNOFF EVENT 2 ANTICIPATE SUBMERGENCE AND OEPDSMON ABOVE THE CHECK DAM 5 WHEN APPROPRIATE, WHI-S MUST BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTERING A PUBIC STREET WHEN a AND EROSION FROM HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM I CORRECT ALL DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY IF SIGNIFICANT BW-+ WASHING IS REQUIRED E SHALL BE DONE IN AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH TRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN SEE STO NO 30 118 O �i EROSION OCCURS BHETWCEEN I—S INSTAL. A PROTECTIVE RIPRAP LINER IN THAT PORTION OF R O PLAN 6 CDOT MAY REQUIRE A STANDARD COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY (STD 1024 k 10 25) TO ACCESS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IF THE DRIVEWAY IS ON A THOROUGHFARE ] REMOVE BEEN ENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DANGE TO CHANNEL VEGETAIION N1 THE CHANNEL TO a ONAIN THROUGH THE STONE CHECK DAN AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE DAM ADD STONES TO DAMS AS 5 MIN LL W NEEDED TO MNNTNN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION -0 MIN W (SPILLWAY) PUBLIC STREET - -- PLAN VIEW OF ROOT ZONE _ ar -"l MIN 2/J STREAM WIOTM SPILLWAY CREST M 57 WASHED _ STONE EXISTING GROUND SOIL STABIL7A, C m UNDER COAE STONE 512E = 2 " -3 CIA I ONE root FoR Gtn tl s¢ wacH of muHK DMMErER R11 /E Z2 NEKIHT rF 9 Q� FU E o c v= n RIPRAP aFLOW H 1 MIN BELOW LOWEST BANK LEVEL (MIN) 50 ocMT°N SVECT WWI PLACE BARK GEOTEXTILE RIPRAP FABRIC 12" SECTION A -A "LIH AT 1 oft�DOwn�i "I AN eESCUrBRUSn wlr�Hq oTECTEO BY awx¢a L ADJACENT GRADE UO CRUBBING� A11gYED UNDER DRIP UNE GEOTEXTILE - 2 r4 STANDMDS + 1 x4 RAILS OR O "'N SAFELY FENCING R O FABRIC SECTION B -B J� / \ DO MAY BE USED L aI I IL'II APPROVED DATE TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MENT TREE PROTECTION DETAIL MODIFIED FOR 50' MIN LENGTH AND STONE TYPE LAND DDEEV PI0 STANDARDS 4002 /-1'� TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM � TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE r3'� TREE PROTECTION FENCING o EC2 NOT TO SCALE EC2 NOT TO SCALE EC2 NOT TO SCALE 0 DEC 01 1 h DENR -LAND Cpl ' B 1 THE 6mu1 B wxFN No LONGER N¢o6o 8T®RMVvATER PEI ,�;I_I 1jvll GENERAL NOTES OTT (S MI EXCEFSI 1 vFAR) " M57 WASHED STONE As A MMIMUM DESIGN SfauCNRE TO PASS 2 rfAR PEAK ROw WRHOUT OVERIOPPINc 1 UNIFORMLY GRADE A SHALLOW DEPRESSION 5 E THAT DESIGN HUM YEtDCTIY AT THE OUTLLT of TIE CNOSGNG BTRUCTURC IS EROSrvE Goa APPROACHING APP APPROACHING THE INLET RON- THE R.— STREW CHNlREL 2 DRIVE 5 -FOOT STEEL POSTS 2 FEET INTO THE GROUND SURROUNDING THE INLET SPACE POSTS EVENLY AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE INLET A r------4 MAX 9 -GAUGE HARDWARE MAXIMUM OF 4 FEET APART CLOTH (j MESH OPENINGS) WI J SURROUND THE POSTS WTH RE MESH HARDWARE CLOTH SECURE THE NRE MESH TO STREAM BANK NO o O W THE STEEL POSTS AT THE TOP MIDDLE AND NCOOT #5 OR 57 # µS7 WASHED STONE t BOTTOM PLACING A 2 -FOOT FLAP OF THE WIRE MESH UNDER THE GRAVEL FOR ANCHORING IS WAS STON LINE CHANNEL BOTTOM RECOMMENDED WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ° ° TOP BANK \ o °0 _ 1 PLACE CLEAN GRAVEL (NC DOT ,y5 RIP RAP STONE) ON A 2 1 SLOPE WITH A HEIGHT 0 OF INCHES AROUND THE WIRE AND SMOOTH TO AN RIP RAP EVEN GRADE 16 MIN 5 ONCE THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS m BEEN STABILIZED REMOVE ACCUMULATED po o SEDIMENT AND ESTABLISH FINAL GRADING ELEVATIONS I O < < O 6 COMPACT THE AREA PROPERLY AND STABILIZE IT PROPOSED 24 HOPE WITH GROUNDCOVER FILTER PIPE BE LEST our IF rnosslNC To BE USED MAINTENANCE. WATE AS CHECK — IF CROSSING IN ­E IDNGLR INSPECT AT WEEKLY AND EACH OHM OPTgNN, TO BE USED TO BE SIZED BY ENGINEER THNN 12 MOANS INLETS LEAST AFTER SIGNIFICANT (1/2 INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT CLEAR OHM��0 THE MESH WIRE OF ANY DEBRIS OR OTHER OBJECTS TO PROVIDE APPROVED GTE Z ADEQUATE FLOW FOR SUBSEQUENT RAINS TAKE CARE NOT TO ROD OT #5 OR #57 DAMAGE OR UNDERCUT THE WIRE MESH DURING LEf SEDIMENT WASHED STONE REMOVAL REPLACE STONE AS NEEDED CHARLOTTE LAND DEVELOPMENT STREAM O W _J O STANDARDS TEMPORARY CROSSING 3014 � i I 0 Z (n 0 0- w o �� TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING __3 U- Q EC2 NO1 TO STO SCALE a� o ° INLET PROTECTION CD 0 Q E0 0 EC2 NOT TO SCALE 10- 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL p -NOT FOR Knox below CONSTRUCTION- F N I` uhx s W Call before you dig = L j w n 3 o D I a a o � r r C � o 0 oa &a FLOW AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE DISCHARGE WHEN DEWATERING AREA ALL DIRTY WATER MUST BE PUMPED CLASS A NTAKE HOSE NOTES. (wmnm'rwv • I HOSE THROU CH A SILT BAG REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES PUMPS EXISTING AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE /PIPING STARTING WIT TH G H E STONE IaNnn \hlict r yrpN n 2516ra Hordnmr yr Darla rrnlo Wrrter Rre SANDBAGS CLASS 1 RIP RAP OTHER NON- ERODIBLE MATERIAL EOTE %TILE FABRIC 4eJ PUMP AROUND 1 EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN DRY AND /OR r Pnnrnmrrmromrm Nroxnu pNNlla vo, M 25 m p PUMP ISOLATED SECTIONS OF CHANNEL 2 MPERVIOUS DIKES SHOULD BE USED TO I S DILATE WORK AREAS 4trrnmr irrt rlrm Caman 4uttaJ \Ella ll arrail bnrJoymra) c><e,e�r wrxrPn Mnl1'lam x rrnxr v.. WORK FROM STREAM FLOW FcFmrr IS rlrrwFM1 \pal W mra liar aM Ncp4n1 xah Summa \lu m \tar DE- WATERING AREA lulu IS Ihmuph September }umma \Le anJ HvTlanf ry nh N mta \In m () tr M 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB MORE AREA THAN CAN BE STABILIZED IN ONE WORKING DAY A MAXIMUM OF 1000 NOTE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW CONSTRUCTION PUMP J FLOW AREA STABILIZED DUVALL '�I d Y - n 3 INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN PUMPING I 1 6, OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION CLASS 1 RIP RAP NJ BARRIER Z o 4 INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND DEWATERING BOO OR OTHER APPROVED A PERMANENT SEEDING FOR STREAM BANK STABILIZATION PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED TO DEWATER THE ENTRAPPED - MATERIAL c krNmw AREA THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE (IF USING RIP RAP 01 n rcu�� STABIUZED DUVALL OF SO nCIENT SIZE TO DEWATER THE WORK AREA THIS DOWNSTREAM SLOPE NO Q_ CLASS A STONE WATER WILL ALSO BE PUMPED TO AN OUTFALL STABILIZED ° GREATER MAN 21) n r u GEOTEXTILE FABRIC N11H CLASS A RIP RAP rO¢ ��^ u 5 THE CONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM STREAM RESTORATION WORK ' 1 3 n B m J TEMPORARY SEEDING FOR SUMMER AND WINTER SEASONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN AND FOLLOWING THE - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 6 ME CONTRACTOR WILL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT A, AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE DISCHARGE WHEN DEWATERING AREA ALL DIRTY WATER MUST BE PUMPED CLASS A NTAKE HOSE NOTES. (wmnm'rwv • I HOSE THROU CH A SILT BAG REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES PUMPS EXISTING AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE /PIPING STARTING WIT TH G H E STONE IaNnn \hlict r yrpN n 2516ra Hordnmr yr Darla rrnlo Wrrter Rre SANDBAGS CLASS 1 RIP RAP OTHER NON- ERODIBLE MATERIAL EOTE %TILE FABRIC 4eJ PUMP AROUND 1 EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN DRY AND /OR Pnnrnmrrmromrm Nroxnu pNNlla vo, M 25 m p PUMP ISOLATED SECTIONS OF CHANNEL 2 MPERVIOUS DIKES SHOULD BE USED TO I S DILATE WORK AREAS 4trrnmr irrt rlrm Caman 4uttaJ \Ella ll arrail bnrJoymra) c><e,e�r wrxrPn Mnl1'lam x rrnxr v.. WORK FROM STREAM FLOW FcFmrr IS rlrrwFM1 \pal W mra liar aM Ncp4n1 xah Summa \lu m \tar DE- WATERING AREA lulu IS Ihmuph September }umma \Le anJ HvTlanf ry nh N mta \In m () tr M 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB MORE AREA THAN CAN BE STABILIZED IN ONE WORKING DAY A MAXIMUM OF 1000 NOTE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW CONSTRUCTION PUMP FEET MAY BE DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TIME SEQUENCE AS NOTED ON CONTRACT DRAWINGS OTEXTILE FABRIC 4 THE PUMP - AROUND PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY MPERMOU$ MINIMUM 450 GALLONS / MINUTE DIKE 3 /EC3 5 PERFORMANCE q =450 GPM ONLY 6 DIKE MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF NON - ERODIBLE MATERIALS SILT BAG PROFILE CHANNEL o o33 SUCH AS SANDBAGS SEE DETAIL 3/EC3 POLYETHYLENE MEMBRANE ON FACE 20 MIL THICK 3- 0 LEVEL WITH TOP OF °m r2_'� PUMP AROUND r3`� IMPERVIOUS DIKE SEQUENCE BANK OR AS NECESSARY r u Z? o5- a SILT BAG 1 INSTALL STILLING BASIN STABILIZED OU TAALL USING N LOCATION CLASS A STORE DISCHARGE HOSE E D DE A RIP RAP AT THE DOWNSTREAM ENO OF ME DESIGNATE° PROJECT WORKING AREA m ¢ S NOTE HOSE SHOULD BE KEPI OUTSIDE OF WORK 2 THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL THE PUMP AROUND PUMP FLOW THE TEMPORARY PIPING THAT WILL CONVEY THE BASE FLOW FROM UPSTREAM OF THE WORK AREA TO THE 1 d U y" R AREA STABILIZED DUVALL '�I d Y - n 3 INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN PUMPING I 1 6, OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION CLASS 1 RIP RAP NJ BARRIER Z o 4 INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND DEWATERING BOO OR OTHER APPROVED A PERMANENT SEEDING FOR STREAM BANK STABILIZATION PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED TO DEWATER THE ENTRAPPED - MATERIAL c krNmw AREA THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE (IF USING RIP RAP 01 n rcu�� STABIUZED DUVALL OF SO nCIENT SIZE TO DEWATER THE WORK AREA THIS DOWNSTREAM SLOPE NO Q_ CLASS A STONE WATER WILL ALSO BE PUMPED TO AN OUTFALL STABILIZED ° GREATER MAN 21) n r u GEOTEXTILE FABRIC N11H CLASS A RIP RAP rO¢ ��^ u 5 THE CONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM STREAM RESTORATION WORK ' 1 3 n B m J TEMPORARY SEEDING FOR SUMMER AND WINTER SEASONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN AND FOLLOWING THE - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 6 ME CONTRACTOR WILL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT A, LC3 NOT i0 SCALE EC3 NOT i0 SCALE g� g� /y g B TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING R� 1= ��� 6r'_i1 FOR STREAM BANK STABILIZATION M.® .M. ,, e i L_ GENERAL NOTES. DEC 1 1 USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA MAINTENANCE NOTES. C U 1 i� 1 DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW SEEDING McuosmMxcnmvASSVK>�NC 1 FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE GEAR -LAND Q )Al 2 END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND �h AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL ANY 3 FOR REPAIR OF SILT REPAIRS NEEDED SHAH BE MADE IMMEDIATELY STORMATER P H RM ^ ' FENCE FAILURES USE 2 SHOLILD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME SEEDING FOR 57 WASHED STONE USA NEFFLCTVE LIFE PRIOR TO E THE END OF L I EXPECTED DATES FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT USABLE LIFE ANO TIE BARRIER STILL M NECESSARY FENCE IS PROTECTING TIE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY CATCH BASIN 3 SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN SEEDING 4 STONE OUTLETS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL DEPOSITS REACH 05 FEET ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AMENDMENTS LOW LYING POINTS LOCATIONS OF STONE REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER TIE SILT FENCE IS OUTLETS HAVE BEEN INDICATED AT MAJOR REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO ME LOW LYING AREAS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE EXISTING GRADE PREPARED AND SEEDED TOP OF BANK FOR LOCATING AND WELL AS LO OUTLETS IN Ti ESE AREAS AS WELL AS LOCAL LOW LYING .rm.wn M ..usr ..am m.v w°'"'mrmiu d w•AxJ m•Ie`,twi m.w9a a,rma• nm' (+1 s++ • vva SPOTS KEY IN EROSION CONTROL 5 ORANGE SAFETY FENCE IS REQUIRED AT BACK MATIINC O B BEFORD m >wnR .nan. a.aa OF SILT FENCE (WITHIN 5 FE WHEN GRADING STONE OUTLETS _- TOP IN BANE FOR IS ADJACENT G SWIM BUFFERS (REFER TO SILT FENCE KEY -IN NOTES DETAIL SWIM BUFFER GUIDELINES KEY A ING 08 5 /31 ON SEE OETML ) PROPOSED 6/01 Y CONTROL MATTING 0 B SEDIMENT BANK F—� � w BEYOND TOP OF BANK EXIST O < CONTROL r 1 - b MIN FOR KEY -IN NOTES CHANNEL It N r ST UNE AND DIMENSION SEE BOTTOM tlO7ES O B MAX DETAIL 6/DI ONE ALL CHANNEL BANKS WIT1 EROSION O C PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE VARIABLE AS DIREC TED BY HE ENG NEER FL�_ 3 MAX CONR0. MATTING SEE DETAILS I Dt J fi DI NOT FOR USE IN CHANNEL$ 2 PREPARE SOIL FOR SEEDING PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR LATE WINTER AND EARLY SPRING Av0 >b I¢ /Krrc lo- o-lp rvnum r°°x' i0m V /ate i0 �°'L VY61O� MIN 12 -1 /2 GA STRUCTURAL } PLACE SEED & LIGHT MULCH _ twee w MIN 10 CA INTERMEDIATE STONE 4 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING OVER KtL (awK�p rmm u /rcx[vpLt aaoo acx[ axc LINE WIRES WIRES NOTES SEED & MULCH Locxa (we0 - w u %r¢ Ncrrpev0 BAD¢ sET rrrNnr srvNwrt rear BE Usm As A Nura AxcroxiNC PLED STRUCTURAL STONE SHALE BE (CLASS B) mo r y 'M` fi,Mrmo„o„ 100E TO ECO D STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL PURPOSES EROSION CONTROL MATTING (CDR FIBER MATTING) o °g ruin Aomuaac s_s¢o r°r ^� A"°'uc" aam"mY' °`°'°c SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SHALL BE NO 5 5 i ¢ GRADE OR NO 57 STONE EC3 NOT TO SCALE $ ¢ N FOR SUMMER """ "" aPo rVacxE nrmN,M .�xcnwRU aNmorc ,,,,,,,� aND�o riaDN +o -to -ra BADUZ¢ U s�MUi s�iuwfnw r4aar Ip¢FJs ., A Aa,' � /AOm ,D� .om� /rortov�'":mr"a ;c sn xrua. smuun rear a usm rs A wrx aaroawc FRONT VIEW R. (KR WA .MLRn a. m unw 2 e Z FOR FALL arternumm �, J wrAY smR u /.ax awrm anncuTwa IrNamNZ K POST W J Roo u /rnL ro- ro-romruza DR ABRIC mL (wrrx) �Rro rn/acnc .xo GEOTEXTLE FABRIC —SILT FENCE is o¢ w _ �trpr /KiEmKrx er m xurciiznw.oKxr�vxAt ism As'Na iu�xu.r wroeuw a� O O ; Im1>1uW6G 1 FILL SLOPE O H- Z W Q_ U � v °v KnoxxhxsbelOW � W W O J uV_E K_ M ,¢,P) CBII before you dig o � � To rKDOM ¢ovu ucTax alt Ar0 OVER SILT FENCE W CL O 0 KN LTIY 07 CB1IUg1T6T IRT (J' O Y) O IAN008V®APYKM SFdNDAR03 p TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE BYENGINEER • < Z It mwane Dx+lem DBENOm m NOT FOR USE IN CHANNELS 30 t 7 9 = a.d.a.=wM.,.n.ra�m u.m.rmwNmv.um...lr)m+•oaev SIDE VIEW W Q W M .„_� >� a , 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 0 .,R a�,Max�,,..1_ -1 .m �t � a SILT FENCE -NOT FOR �1 MIN SEEDING DETAILS EC3 NOT TO SCALE -b VIEW Ec3 NOT TO SCALE FR °NT VI CONSTRUCTION- - s 0 o 0 W W AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE DISCHARGE WHEN DEWATERING AREA ALL DIRTY WATER MUST BE PUMPED 4eJ \Ilx A- \ \inter 1}elert at lever 3) 4knNOr Name (wmnm'rwv wJN @NxN HOSE THROU CH A SILT BAG REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES PUMPS EXISTING AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE /PIPING STARTING WIT TH G H E £cNrn <hhxr /nm IaNnn \hlict r yrpN n 2516ra Hordnmr yr Darla rrnlo Wrrter Rre SANDBAGS CLASS 1 RIP RAP OTHER NON- ERODIBLE MATERIAL EOTE %TILE FABRIC 4eJ \Ile 0- Mrnmvr (41ec1 W tart 3) Pnnrnmrrmromrm Nroxnu pNNlla vo, M 25 m p Klnre WaH \hlk 4trrnmr irrt rlrm Caman 4uttaJ \Ella ll arrail bnrJoymra) c><e,e�r wrxrPn Mnl1'lam x rrnxr v.. FcFmrr IS rlrrwFM1 \pal W mra liar aM Ncp4n1 xah Summa \lu m \tar \far IhmupM1 SvTnanM Plant Summa \Irx CREEK CROSSING - COFFER DAM lulu IS Ihmuph September }umma \Le anJ HvTlanf ry nh N mta \In m () tr M LC3 NOT i0 SCALE EC3 NOT i0 SCALE g� g� /y g B TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING R� 1= ��� 6r'_i1 FOR STREAM BANK STABILIZATION M.® .M. ,, e i L_ GENERAL NOTES. DEC 1 1 USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA MAINTENANCE NOTES. C U 1 i� 1 DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW SEEDING McuosmMxcnmvASSVK>�NC 1 FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE GEAR -LAND Q )Al 2 END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND �h AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL ANY 3 FOR REPAIR OF SILT REPAIRS NEEDED SHAH BE MADE IMMEDIATELY STORMATER P H RM ^ ' FENCE FAILURES USE 2 SHOLILD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME SEEDING FOR 57 WASHED STONE USA NEFFLCTVE LIFE PRIOR TO E THE END OF L I EXPECTED DATES FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT USABLE LIFE ANO TIE BARRIER STILL M NECESSARY FENCE IS PROTECTING TIE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY CATCH BASIN 3 SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN SEEDING 4 STONE OUTLETS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL DEPOSITS REACH 05 FEET ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AMENDMENTS LOW LYING POINTS LOCATIONS OF STONE REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER TIE SILT FENCE IS OUTLETS HAVE BEEN INDICATED AT MAJOR REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO ME LOW LYING AREAS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE EXISTING GRADE PREPARED AND SEEDED TOP OF BANK FOR LOCATING AND WELL AS LO OUTLETS IN Ti ESE AREAS AS WELL AS LOCAL LOW LYING .rm.wn M ..usr ..am m.v w°'"'mrmiu d w•AxJ m•Ie`,twi m.w9a a,rma• nm' (+1 s++ • vva SPOTS KEY IN EROSION CONTROL 5 ORANGE SAFETY FENCE IS REQUIRED AT BACK MATIINC O B BEFORD m >wnR .nan. a.aa OF SILT FENCE (WITHIN 5 FE WHEN GRADING STONE OUTLETS _- TOP IN BANE FOR IS ADJACENT G SWIM BUFFERS (REFER TO SILT FENCE KEY -IN NOTES DETAIL SWIM BUFFER GUIDELINES KEY A ING 08 5 /31 ON SEE OETML ) PROPOSED 6/01 Y CONTROL MATTING 0 B SEDIMENT BANK F—� � w BEYOND TOP OF BANK EXIST O < CONTROL r 1 - b MIN FOR KEY -IN NOTES CHANNEL It N r ST UNE AND DIMENSION SEE BOTTOM tlO7ES O B MAX DETAIL 6/DI ONE ALL CHANNEL BANKS WIT1 EROSION O C PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE VARIABLE AS DIREC TED BY HE ENG NEER FL�_ 3 MAX CONR0. MATTING SEE DETAILS I Dt J fi DI NOT FOR USE IN CHANNEL$ 2 PREPARE SOIL FOR SEEDING PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR LATE WINTER AND EARLY SPRING Av0 >b I¢ /Krrc lo- o-lp rvnum r°°x' i0m V /ate i0 �°'L VY61O� MIN 12 -1 /2 GA STRUCTURAL } PLACE SEED & LIGHT MULCH _ twee w MIN 10 CA INTERMEDIATE STONE 4 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING OVER KtL (awK�p rmm u /rcx[vpLt aaoo acx[ axc LINE WIRES WIRES NOTES SEED & MULCH Locxa (we0 - w u %r¢ Ncrrpev0 BAD¢ sET rrrNnr srvNwrt rear BE Usm As A Nura AxcroxiNC PLED STRUCTURAL STONE SHALE BE (CLASS B) mo r y 'M` fi,Mrmo„o„ 100E TO ECO D STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL PURPOSES EROSION CONTROL MATTING (CDR FIBER MATTING) o °g ruin Aomuaac s_s¢o r°r ^� A"°'uc" aam"mY' °`°'°c SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SHALL BE NO 5 5 i ¢ GRADE OR NO 57 STONE EC3 NOT TO SCALE $ ¢ N FOR SUMMER """ "" aPo rVacxE nrmN,M .�xcnwRU aNmorc ,,,,,,,� aND�o riaDN +o -to -ra BADUZ¢ U s�MUi s�iuwfnw r4aar Ip¢FJs ., A Aa,' � /AOm ,D� .om� /rortov�'":mr"a ;c sn xrua. smuun rear a usm rs A wrx aaroawc FRONT VIEW R. (KR WA .MLRn a. m unw 2 e Z FOR FALL arternumm �, J wrAY smR u /.ax awrm anncuTwa IrNamNZ K POST W J Roo u /rnL ro- ro-romruza DR ABRIC mL (wrrx) �Rro rn/acnc .xo GEOTEXTLE FABRIC —SILT FENCE is o¢ w _ �trpr /KiEmKrx er m xurciiznw.oKxr�vxAt ism As'Na iu�xu.r wroeuw a� O O ; Im1>1uW6G 1 FILL SLOPE O H- Z W Q_ U � v °v KnoxxhxsbelOW � W W O J uV_E K_ M ,¢,P) CBII before you dig o � � To rKDOM ¢ovu ucTax alt Ar0 OVER SILT FENCE W CL O 0 KN LTIY 07 CB1IUg1T6T IRT (J' O Y) O IAN008V®APYKM SFdNDAR03 p TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE BYENGINEER • < Z It mwane Dx+lem DBENOm m NOT FOR USE IN CHANNELS 30 t 7 9 = a.d.a.=wM.,.n.ra�m u.m.rmwNmv.um...lr)m+•oaev SIDE VIEW W Q W M .„_� >� a , 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 0 .,R a�,Max�,,..1_ -1 .m �t � a SILT FENCE -NOT FOR �1 MIN SEEDING DETAILS EC3 NOT TO SCALE -b VIEW Ec3 NOT TO SCALE FR °NT VI CONSTRUCTION- - s 0 o 0 W W AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE DISCHARGE WHEN DEWATERING AREA ALL DIRTY WATER MUST BE PUMPED HOSE THROU CH A SILT BAG REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES PUMPS EXISTING AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE /PIPING STARTING WIT TH G H E OR GROUND DOWNSTREAM DINE FIRST 7 ONCE THE WORKING AREA IS COMPLETED REMOVE ALL RIP SANDBAGS CLASS 1 RIP RAP OTHER NON- ERODIBLE MATERIAL EOTE %TILE FABRIC 15 TO 20 RAP AND IMPERVIOUS DIKES AND STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS p �I WITH SEED AND MULCH STABI?EXISTING a ALL WORK IN CHANNEL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE OU TAALL C REMOVING IMPERVIOUS DIKE CREEK CROSSING - COFFER DAM A S OTEXTILE FABRIC 8 OF CLASS A STONE SILT BAG PROFILE CHANNEL r2_'� PUMP AROUND r3`� IMPERVIOUS DIKE LC3 NOT i0 SCALE EC3 NOT i0 SCALE g� g� /y g B TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING R� 1= ��� 6r'_i1 FOR STREAM BANK STABILIZATION M.® .M. ,, e i L_ GENERAL NOTES. DEC 1 1 USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA MAINTENANCE NOTES. C U 1 i� 1 DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW SEEDING McuosmMxcnmvASSVK>�NC 1 FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE GEAR -LAND Q )Al 2 END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND �h AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL ANY 3 FOR REPAIR OF SILT REPAIRS NEEDED SHAH BE MADE IMMEDIATELY STORMATER P H RM ^ ' FENCE FAILURES USE 2 SHOLILD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME SEEDING FOR 57 WASHED STONE USA NEFFLCTVE LIFE PRIOR TO E THE END OF L I EXPECTED DATES FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT USABLE LIFE ANO TIE BARRIER STILL M NECESSARY FENCE IS PROTECTING TIE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY CATCH BASIN 3 SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN SEEDING 4 STONE OUTLETS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL DEPOSITS REACH 05 FEET ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AMENDMENTS LOW LYING POINTS LOCATIONS OF STONE REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER TIE SILT FENCE IS OUTLETS HAVE BEEN INDICATED AT MAJOR REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO ME LOW LYING AREAS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE EXISTING GRADE PREPARED AND SEEDED TOP OF BANK FOR LOCATING AND WELL AS LO OUTLETS IN Ti ESE AREAS AS WELL AS LOCAL LOW LYING .rm.wn M ..usr ..am m.v w°'"'mrmiu d w•AxJ m•Ie`,twi m.w9a a,rma• nm' (+1 s++ • vva SPOTS KEY IN EROSION CONTROL 5 ORANGE SAFETY FENCE IS REQUIRED AT BACK MATIINC O B BEFORD m >wnR .nan. a.aa OF SILT FENCE (WITHIN 5 FE WHEN GRADING STONE OUTLETS _- TOP IN BANE FOR IS ADJACENT G SWIM BUFFERS (REFER TO SILT FENCE KEY -IN NOTES DETAIL SWIM BUFFER GUIDELINES KEY A ING 08 5 /31 ON SEE OETML ) PROPOSED 6/01 Y CONTROL MATTING 0 B SEDIMENT BANK F—� � w BEYOND TOP OF BANK EXIST O < CONTROL r 1 - b MIN FOR KEY -IN NOTES CHANNEL It N r ST UNE AND DIMENSION SEE BOTTOM tlO7ES O B MAX DETAIL 6/DI ONE ALL CHANNEL BANKS WIT1 EROSION O C PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE VARIABLE AS DIREC TED BY HE ENG NEER FL�_ 3 MAX CONR0. MATTING SEE DETAILS I Dt J fi DI NOT FOR USE IN CHANNEL$ 2 PREPARE SOIL FOR SEEDING PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR LATE WINTER AND EARLY SPRING Av0 >b I¢ /Krrc lo- o-lp rvnum r°°x' i0m V /ate i0 �°'L VY61O� MIN 12 -1 /2 GA STRUCTURAL } PLACE SEED & LIGHT MULCH _ twee w MIN 10 CA INTERMEDIATE STONE 4 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING OVER KtL (awK�p rmm u /rcx[vpLt aaoo acx[ axc LINE WIRES WIRES NOTES SEED & MULCH Locxa (we0 - w u %r¢ Ncrrpev0 BAD¢ sET rrrNnr srvNwrt rear BE Usm As A Nura AxcroxiNC PLED STRUCTURAL STONE SHALE BE (CLASS B) mo r y 'M` fi,Mrmo„o„ 100E TO ECO D STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL PURPOSES EROSION CONTROL MATTING (CDR FIBER MATTING) o °g ruin Aomuaac s_s¢o r°r ^� A"°'uc" aam"mY' °`°'°c SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SHALL BE NO 5 5 i ¢ GRADE OR NO 57 STONE EC3 NOT TO SCALE $ ¢ N FOR SUMMER """ "" aPo rVacxE nrmN,M .�xcnwRU aNmorc ,,,,,,,� aND�o riaDN +o -to -ra BADUZ¢ U s�MUi s�iuwfnw r4aar Ip¢FJs ., A Aa,' � /AOm ,D� .om� /rortov�'":mr"a ;c sn xrua. smuun rear a usm rs A wrx aaroawc FRONT VIEW R. (KR WA .MLRn a. m unw 2 e Z FOR FALL arternumm �, J wrAY smR u /.ax awrm anncuTwa IrNamNZ K POST W J Roo u /rnL ro- ro-romruza DR ABRIC mL (wrrx) �Rro rn/acnc .xo GEOTEXTLE FABRIC —SILT FENCE is o¢ w _ �trpr /KiEmKrx er m xurciiznw.oKxr�vxAt ism As'Na iu�xu.r wroeuw a� O O ; Im1>1uW6G 1 FILL SLOPE O H- Z W Q_ U � v °v KnoxxhxsbelOW � W W O J uV_E K_ M ,¢,P) CBII before you dig o � � To rKDOM ¢ovu ucTax alt Ar0 OVER SILT FENCE W CL O 0 KN LTIY 07 CB1IUg1T6T IRT (J' O Y) O IAN008V®APYKM SFdNDAR03 p TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE BYENGINEER • < Z It mwane Dx+lem DBENOm m NOT FOR USE IN CHANNELS 30 t 7 9 = a.d.a.=wM.,.n.ra�m u.m.rmwNmv.um...lr)m+•oaev SIDE VIEW W Q W M .„_� >� a , 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 0 .,R a�,Max�,,..1_ -1 .m �t � a SILT FENCE -NOT FOR �1 MIN SEEDING DETAILS EC3 NOT TO SCALE -b VIEW Ec3 NOT TO SCALE FR °NT VI CONSTRUCTION- - s 0 o 0 W W \ « EROSION CONTROL LEGEND I i Fool TRAFFIC ACCrc - —Loo Loo— LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE • ONLY NO WEM T ■ ■ ■ SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) e ALL0 D R R pS SEEDING (PERMANENT) e f OCOIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) e CHECK DAM TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR a J -- ` ENTRANCE/EXIT _ TREE PROTECTION e Z o z O t t © INLET PROTECTION @ 2 O c O r l 00IjjI V STAGING AREA N e o STREAM BANK STABILIZATION °t@' 2 n y v�� � Y - - ✓ ff f >` i � IPS `' - TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING VY I 5,1 a a l 1N i a F\ / /W F� / /'s ✓\ \F sL y'^T� Yom' _ �r ^ ,�+: "` )1I `` /r /\u_ C��— SUE —� - _ }_- •-w ra>> PS a\? 3u ,�� J� n -� sue t' SEE �- - ®� ` ��.5 S or J sTREAN ° e ° SUE / F �, \ �C \ SUE- TEN FN �r ^ xl / CROSSING ' PORAWWt \ / / -SOF _L_ _..` SUE- _ _ _ i �CHECK DA `GiF ~ E'a;, pf ciW `E, - - -E - E t5 r� E _ _PS C11 E .. a. r �. �.?-� -E- *_.�E "__ -LIE _ SEE ____ E \`�L! \.t PS d T SUE.. -✓ '-1-. °\..mss/ ^ s �t l SO E E {- `SDE. _ _ _ _ E SUF ^ U6 SUE - S �uE'� suE s� su ti... r \ ( \ SU UE .. tail _ n. \ \v �pF i .eU6 �"'� / �' "__ - •• _ _E�- `-f.a^ ^� -LO J s ;Ue > - -- - .�. -. I� » - =""= _ _ E -E 1 at�,-` SUE SUE 6U SUE SOE - " soE TEMPORARY STREAM^ CROSSING � / � � ^�a-� J x 60E� tSDE . i � e � e —� Z . i E / LIMITS OF - " e / r .x . f \ \i �F ...�� / �✓ r i f' /" / �, - / - R I _ DISTURBANCE / _ N \ S ` `�f LCD e-Le'� �a g I\ I ei S 3 I TEMPORARY ROCK ' ��' r - v CHECK DAM e TEMPORAR`Fqq..,� -FUSE TEMPORARY GRAVEL e \ \- - ^ STAGING AREX- O l J ') DURING CONSTRUCTION - Fy% f CONSTR ENTRANCE/E %IT m ` HOER NO CIRCUMSTANCES o F / /''� / /'�i I _ Y+I _ �- AY ANY DISPOSAL OF SPOIL �ry % f -- - _ -_- % r R ANY OTHER WASTE BEj I < ` OWED OR STORED % S • / l INCLUDING EQUIPMENT) WITHIN R E FEMA ROODPWN SHOWN 1, _ _ 1 / f �✓ __ _ `f �._ • `RNA FLOODWAY A,_ r li PLACE ba LF OF 51 T FENCE ALONG EDGE F PORARY INLET e r CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE U PROTECTION LIMI OF PLACE 24 LF OF SILT �E / , INS RBANCE FENCE ALONG EDGE OF 1 �I', CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE u` �E USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL pp' CONSTR ENTRANCE/EAT ® j / IZ I n PLACE 4a LF OF SILT \ LOD_ _ LOD " WRING CONSTRUCTION E f , " 1 _ eFENCE ALONG EDGE OF F� - —_ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �_ E- , I J r m c ' O Z MO o USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL V(@CONSTR ENTRANCUMT A i / o o MRD o z ,3 m �C - W W G /DURING CONSTRUCTION 1111 �UUO i 0 +19 o EI \ / (� �y { R/W / SU SUE E- U] RAW ��W 6' - PROP 30%78'X18 cLA MRD T� `< _ pl pS J % / x i- - - , �yf W 8 RIPRAP PAD PER /PS '( 0 +00 ) • ��� E.I O CLOSM 2023 '" �56ESUE SUE J O l (n � SEE SHEET 5 O F ~ �A KnoA luhx S below 0 Call before you dig w a Fh z O s `� "— / '° - B° 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL z O / / Honzonlal Scale 1 aD LLJ Q LLJ w -NOT FOR ' e UM TS OF CONSTRUCTION- o DISTURBANCE oe0 .p 026 AC /J /TEMPORARY ROCK Z CHE9l( DAM �- Orc a r O SEE SHEET 4 LLJ LLJ U I w o � >o 0- ourca / � ", I '.14✓ CONTROL LEGEND I I �, ,v ,E^ I <, I 1+ rt I �' ■ • ■ - SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) ®` /✓2 , r�+�r PLACE SILT } ` a ✓ { $ens ` �t),1 I l ' r IQ i JY vtl ii ✓ ITS OF_ DI TURBANCE ,,,. I'� ALONG E FENCE ALONG EDGE OF a CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE , r 'REMOVE ANO TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR / y t✓ \ �' /� / >« REPLACE EXIST y 1// RIPRAP I' l� n at I e ' 3 USE TEM ORARV CRAYEL J� " DURING CONSTRUCTION Te e ® STAGING AREA r t rLOD STREAM BANK STABILIZATION '® TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING y— sDE ----- --IC 50 �` f ® I `�o ��� o o �$- .�.'PS —PS "' - _ -_... --1- ^+:.,Y'„'- �..,t, \�- / ..."_-- — 3--- - --�� = - -- -�'��' � - -_y y - SDE SDE SDE3 E PS t , SOE SBE ✓�' ✓� PS `i,*� I e Inn .. C E 5�-- !' T TEMPORARY ROCK I� OD TEMPORARY INLET r CHECK DAM e I I , I PROTECTION ,I klli' USE TEMPOR Y GRAVEL / J CONS7R EN ANCE/E%IT DURING CON TRUC W ®g` re\�p\D Al ' n PLACE 37`LF OF LT FENCETALONG ED OF I 4r rI I CONSTRUCTION EN ANCE'` 1W OD r 3DS 3DS 3D5� 3f1S 3f15 Y301 - 3 5 �S �I r ,I s fI i I I � o �r s A SEE SHEET 7 I E r PMITS OF ISTURBANCE LOD' I PS TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION e § Ps ' ari_��la =AGO: PS (n ,' , , , rn I I� i I � SEE SHEET 9 I L ; drr° TEMPORARY INLET I PROTECTION E __ I r� r I I I I i L _. I_ FROSION CONTROL LEGEND —Loo LODE- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ■ • ■ - SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) ®` PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) '® O COIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) ►� ►� CHECK DAM '® TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR ®s ENTRANCE /EXIT TREE PROTECTION e © INLET PROTECTION e ® STAGING AREA ® STREAM BANK STABILIZATION '® TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING M111 STORMWATER 5. Z--. 'ozho GO v v � Y�= V� c �+ H m O it O } • O Z � � w o t < 'o V G Knox xhat s below Call before you dig ~ z 0 W > _ J 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL cn > o -NOT FOR w W U w z CONSTRUCTION- _0 � � az 0 0_ — 0 J z 3�:w w0 00 1--U5 °az 0 O > w 0 0 40 80 Horrzantal stole 1 - 40 w p U NLn W W m w 0 o a ra %0g0 durci SUE \ / ' ! h / "r `- / y / / SUE �f � / /// / / t__ \E!\SUE -ll, OMMITS OF yI N r\ PS CM DISTURBANCE \ s "" \ 021 AC /P/S CM y \ TEMPORARY CROSSING / -} `*' ✓f ('I \ m ` TEMPORARY \ / STAGING ARI; \ 1 \ ' TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM A/ i O y \ \ PS P 55 LF'OF SILT i�''-% P' C N ALONG SAGE OF �•r• T \A '�I CON u0TION TRANCE \PSG \w\ l=ip PS - USE`TEMPORARY GRAVEL CON ENTRANCE/E %IT OURINC CONSTRUCTION \ SO�Opkci SEE SHEET 6 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND I —Loo Loo— LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ■ ate— SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) e PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) O COIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) e CHECK DAM olio TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR ENTRANCE/EXIT Z o �i�nu TREE PROTECTION e m INLET PROTECTION d - � ® STAGING AREA Y 2 d ® STREAM BANK STABILIZATION a cU c n TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING e o <z (L 8 4U / o 1 i Q o I KnoN Nhat s below Call before you dig ~ �z W w 0_ ] J 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL o o -NOT FOR w 0- O w z CONSTRUCTION- o � o C) -Of �z �ww �O OC7 O� oQ �O Qz Q� wQ ww � Q � 0 40 80 co r- H.--t.l Scale 1 40 w O ! , W W 9 I a a � o a o0 R a 6 6 aa \ � a -Inn e _ SOB= e I OR TEMPORARY INLET / I //, e PUCE JS SILTa / / PRO7ECTON i FENCE ALON EDGE Ir ;CONSTRUCTION TRANCE av'I�R USE TEMPORA GRAVEL' I� CONSTR'rENTRA CE /EXIT WRING CONS UCTON PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) 3D I' 3'BE CONTROL MATTING) e --� ►� ►— CFIECK DAM 1® —� 11 /y 5 E W WE 3n5 =' ai3nS 4 3n5 —.eu ISOE SnE Snc- a -Inn e _ SOB= e I ' o Cio t ens suE—� suE� \ IL ans \ J TEMPORARY N�cK'� 00 —.�_L y ens >_ aqf_ S ! (@ CHECK DAM / / NDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES A / I l !' ��` y, .i 3nS nS 3n5 AY ANY DISPOSAL OF SPOIL RAY OTHER WASTE BE LLOWEO OR STORED INCLUDING EQUIPMENT) "THIN - / �' E FEMA ROODPWN SHOWN %� / /��� f ( FT]AA 100 -YEAR USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL / �\ J( BFI L �s LL,I I / FEMA OODWAY FLOODPWN A CONS R ENTRANCE IT / \ PLACE r28 f OF SLT (@ ` /EX FENCE ALONG EDGE OF F (@DURING CONSTRUCTION , / % CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a SEE SHF.F.T 9 I I zm �a OF LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE —� —■ ■ SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) rnn I' I ' o Cio t ens suE—� suE� \ IL ans \ J TEMPORARY N�cK'� 00 —.�_L y ens >_ aqf_ S ! (@ CHECK DAM / / NDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES A / I l !' ��` y, .i 3nS nS 3n5 AY ANY DISPOSAL OF SPOIL RAY OTHER WASTE BE LLOWEO OR STORED INCLUDING EQUIPMENT) "THIN - / �' E FEMA ROODPWN SHOWN %� / /��� f ( FT]AA 100 -YEAR USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL / �\ J( BFI L �s LL,I I / FEMA OODWAY FLOODPWN A CONS R ENTRANCE IT / \ PLACE r28 f OF SLT (@ ` /EX FENCE ALONG EDGE OF F (@DURING CONSTRUCTION , / % CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a SEE SHF.F.T 9 TEMPORARY STREAM ,. S 369- PP r 3n% m �(' ' _�L�i e ZUD �� ®�� / `�D V / P .L� �•" f ' _ —�3n5 _ 1 3nS /�3n 1\ `'y "r DSN r * v / Sue SD + .,.5� , �Wi�Fys 3n5 / +. 1PnS� ''>,R ��1 7' e�,g 3 PS cM /� ..+fC` / - 3sDE ,. `D�� \�,;t� _ _ I - -- �s.... ' t `kcr V� %7 �� v � _ •` / -, y:% / t,3 = I ✓—_ \s��17'7 P� (@TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK OAM (@TEMPORARY} ROCK ' —�Dal CHECK CAM r i J"n TEMPORARY' STAGING -AREA \� l PLACE 84 LF OF SILT FENCE ALONG EDGE OF TEMP STAGING AREA 0 67 OF DISTURBANCE / AC USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL p��a` J I CONSTR ENTRAN.7=T a DURING CONSTRUCTION? x X, \ ,( L /PENDOCK COURT / / 50 PUBLIC R/w / y SEE SHEET 10 R CEIV D'11 U 1 2� DENR -LAND QUA STORMWATER PERA EROSION CONTROL LEGEND OF LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE —� —■ ■ SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) 0 COIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) e --� ►� ►— CFIECK DAM 1® TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR z ENTRANCE/EXIT TREE PROTECTION (@ © r (@ \\ STAGING AREA ® / V '® UMITS r \ OF r0157URBANOE F 1 \ \ 0 40 AC ' 1 �O(115 S r+'3n5 \ 3- r *`4N, � /G� _ 3n5 �J ft5 i1 TEMPORARY STREAM ,. S 369- PP r 3n% m �(' ' _�L�i e ZUD �� ®�� / `�D V / P .L� �•" f ' _ —�3n5 _ 1 3nS /�3n 1\ `'y "r DSN r * v / Sue SD + .,.5� , �Wi�Fys 3n5 / +. 1PnS� ''>,R ��1 7' e�,g 3 PS cM /� ..+fC` / - 3sDE ,. `D�� \�,;t� _ _ I - -- �s.... ' t `kcr V� %7 �� v � _ •` / -, y:% / t,3 = I ✓—_ \s��17'7 P� (@TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK OAM (@TEMPORARY} ROCK ' —�Dal CHECK CAM r i J"n TEMPORARY' STAGING -AREA \� l PLACE 84 LF OF SILT FENCE ALONG EDGE OF TEMP STAGING AREA 0 67 OF DISTURBANCE / AC USE TEMPORARY GRAVEL p��a` J I CONSTR ENTRAN.7=T a DURING CONSTRUCTION? x X, \ ,( L /PENDOCK COURT / / 50 PUBLIC R/w / y SEE SHEET 10 R CEIV D'11 U 1 2� DENR -LAND QUA STORMWATER PERA EROSION CONTROL LEGEND —LOD LOD— LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE —� —■ ■ SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) PS SEEDING (PERMANENT) 0 COIR FIBER MATTING (EROSION CONTROL MATTING) e --� ►� ►— CFIECK DAM 1® TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR z ENTRANCE/EXIT TREE PROTECTION (@ © INLET PROTECTION (@ ® STAGING AREA ® STREAM BANK STABILIZATION '® TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING Jaa 2 w n �iI o� a U + Bbl N iw 0 I o s vao Q� Knox Nhat s below Call before you dig ~ �z W W J 98% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 0 > J � -NOT FOR W � v z CONSTRUCTION- o CL Li Y-0 Z O_ Q n 0 �� 0 Q J O Q Z J Z _ O_ Q Q W O 40 BD Honzont.1 S..I, 1 40 r W W Jurisdictional Determination Request (and Supporting Material) jurisdictional Determination Request US Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District This form is intended for use by anyone requesting a jurisdictional determination (JD) from the U S Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps) Please include all supporting information, as described within each category, with your request You may submit your request to the appropriate Corps Field Office (or project manager, if known) via mail, electronic marl, or facsimile A current list of county assignments by Field Office and project manager can be found on -line at. lillp / /�vww.saw, llsace anny roll /Missions /Rc yu� latoryPernritPro ram aspx , by telephoning 910- 251 -4633, or by contacting any of the field offices listed below ASHEVILLE REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 -5006 General Number (828) 271 -7980 Fax Number (828) 281 -8120 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Caps of Engmecis 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 General Numbei (919) 554 -4884 Fax Number (919) 562 -0421 WASHINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Fifth Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 General Number (910) 251 -4610 Fax Number (252) 975 -1399 WILMINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 General Number 910- 251 -4633 Fax Number (910) 251 -4025 Version- December 2013 Page 1 Jurisdictional Determination Request INSTRUCTIONS All requestors must complete Parts A, B, C, D, E and F NOTE TO CONSULTANTS AND AGENCIES- If you are requesting a JD on behalf of a paying client or your agency, please note the specific submittal requirements in Part G NOTE ON PART D — PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION• Please be aware that all JD requests must include the current property owner authorization for the Corps to proceed with the determination, which may include inspection of the property when necessary. This form must be signed by the current property owner to be considered a complete request. NOTE ON PART D - NCDOT REQUESTS Property owner authonzation/notification for JD requests associated with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) projects will be conducted according to the current NCDOT/USACE protocols NOTE TO USDA PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS A Corps approved or preliminary JD may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985 If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should also request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work Version December 2013 Page 2 jurisdictional Determination Request A. PARCEL INFORMATION Street Address- City, State, County Directions• Vicinity of Meadowrndge Drive Charlotte, North Carolina Mecklenburg See Figure 1 and 2 Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN) Multiple Parcels B. REQUESTOR INFORMATION Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Electronic Mail Address' Select one. Isaac Hinson (CMSWS) / D David Homans (SBME) 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 704 - 336.4495 / 704 - 523 -4726 ihmson @charlottenc gov / dhomans @smeinc com ❑ I am the current property owner ❑ I am an Authorized Agent or Environmental Consultant ❑ Interested Buyer or Under Contract to Purchase ✓❑ Other, please explain Mr Hinson is a representative of Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS) which owns the storm drainage easements throughout the project area Mr Homans Is an authorized assistma environmental consultant C. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Electronic Mail Address 3 Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services 600 East Fourth Stree Charlotte, NC 28202 704 - 336 -4495 ihinson @charlottenc gov ❑ Proof of Ownership Attached (e g a copy of Deed, County GIS /Parcel/Tax Record data) ' if available 2 Must attach completed Agent Authorization Form 3 If available Version- December 2013 Page 3 Jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION' I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property /properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on -site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 Property Owner (please print) Date Property Owner Signature E. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION TYPE Select One I am requesting that the Corps provide a preliminarX JD for the property identified herein This request does include a delineation. F] I am requesting that the Corps provide a prelimmaiy JD for the property identified herein This request does NOT include a delineation I am requesting that the Corps investigate the property /project area for the presence or absence of WoUS5 and provide an approved JD for the property identified herein This request does NOT include a request for a verified delineation I am requesting that the Corps delineate the boundaries of all WoUS on a property /project area and provide an qpproved JD (this may or may not include a survey plat) ❑ I am requesting that the Corps evaluate and approve a delineation of WoUS (conducted by others) on a property /project area and provide an approved JD (may or may not include a survey plat) ° For NCDOT requests following the current NCDOT /USACE protocols, skip to Part E 5 Waters of the United States Version December 2013 Page 4 Jurisdictional Determination Request F. ALL REQUESTS aMap of Property or Project Area (attached) This Map must clearly depict the boundaries of the area of evaluation Size of Property or Project Area 23 Acres acres 2. I verify that the property (or project) boundaries have recently been surveyed and marked by a licensed land surveyor OR are otherwise clearly marked or distinguishable G. JD REQUESTS FROM CONSULTANTS OR AGENCIES (1) Preliminary JD Requests ✓❑ Completed and signed Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form u Project Coordinates 35 095512° Latitude -80 848377° Longitude Maps (no larger than 11x17) with Project Boundary Overlay oLarge and small scale maps that depict, at minimum streets, intersections, towns ✓❑ Aerial Photography of the project area ❑ ✓ USGS Topographic Map ❑ Soil Survey Map Other Maps, as appropriate (e g National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps, LIDAR maps, FEMA floodplain maps) 5 See Appendix A of this Form From Regulatory Guidance Letter No 08 -02, dated June 26, 2008 Version December 2013 Page 5 Jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Information (when applicable)? Wetlands Wetland Data Sheets$ Tributaries ❑ USACE Assessment Forms ✓❑ Upland Data Sheets ❑✓ Other Assessment Forms (when appropriate) ❑ Landscape Photos, if taken DField Sketch overlain on legible Map that includes ® All aquatic resources (for sites with multiple resources, label and identify) m Locations of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches Locations of photo stations Approximate acreage /linear footage of aquatic resources (2) Approved JDs including Venfication of a Delineation ❑ Project Coordinates Latitude Longitude Maps (no larger than l 1x17) with Project Boundary Overlay ❑ Large and small scale maps that depict, at minimum streets, intersections, towns ❑ Aerial Photography of the project area ❑ USGS Topographic Map ❑ Soil Survey Map Other Maps, as appropriate (e g National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps) 7 1987 Manual Regional Supplements and Data forms can be found at hnp / /www wace_a„wy rn,i /Missions /Civ Works i3 gulatrvPiopram -3,idPcLn�is /r Wetland and Stream Assessment Methodologies can be found at htin Ilnc,rtal w-denr t2r C document libi- r et and, Litt iw „sar_e mrny rnii o t:4(- 50 /rlois /repulmtor /)uhh a.Logr C AM I rail i ; t f�Aanual 130119 taut e Delineation information must include, at minimum, one wetland data sheet for each wetland /community type Version December 2013 Page 6 Jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Information (when applicable) Wetlands Wetland Data Sheets Tributaries ElUSACE Assessment Forms ❑ Upland Data Sheets ❑ Other Assessment Forms (when appropriate) aLandscape Photos, if taken ❑ Field Sketch overlain on legible Map that includes • All aquatic resources (for sites with multiple resources, label and identify) • Locations of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches • Locations of photo stations • Approximate acreage /linear footage of aquatic resources Supporting Jurisdictional Information (for Approved JDs only) ❑ Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form(s) (also known as "Rapanos Form(s)") ❑ Map(s) depicting the potential (or lack of potential) hydrologic connection(s), adjacency, etc to navigable waters Delineation information must include, at minimum, one wetland data sheet for each wetland /community type Version Decembei 2013 Page 7 Jurisdictional Determination Request I. REQUESTS FOR CORPS APPROVAL OF SURVEY PLAT Prior to final production of a Plat, the Wilmington District recommends that the Land Surveyor electronically submit a draft of a Survey Plat to the Corps project manager for review Due to storage limitations of our administrative records, the Corps requires that all hard - copy submittals include at least one original Plat (to scale) that is no larger than 11 "x17" (the use of match lines for larger tracts acceptable). Additional copies of a plat, including those larger than 11 "x 17 ", may also be submitted for Corps signature as needed The Corps also accepts electronic submittals of plats, such as those transmitted as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file Upon verification, the Corps can electronically sign these plats and return them via e-mail to the requestor (1) PLATS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL Must be sealed and signed by a licensed professional land surveyor Must be to scale (all maps must include both a grapluc scale and a verbal scale) F1 Must be legible Must include a North Arrow, Scale(s), Title, Property Information Must include a legible WoUS Delineation Table of distances and bearings /metes and bounds /GPS coordinates of all surveyed delineation points FMust clearly depict surveyed property or project boundaries DMust clearly identify the known surveyed point(s) used as reference (e.g. property corner, USGS monument) When wetlands are depicted • Must include acreage (or square footage) of wetland polygons • Must identify each wetland polygon using an alphanumeric system Version December 2013 Page 8 Jurisdictional Determination Request When tributaries are depicted • Must include either a surveyed, approximate centerline of tributary with approximate width of tributary OR surveyed Ordinary High Water Marks (OHWM) of tributary • Must identify each tributary using an alphanumeric system • Must include linear footage of tributaries and calculated area (using approximate widths or surveyed OHWM) • Must include name of tributary (based on the most recent USGS topographic map) or, when no USGS name exists, identify as ` innamed tributary" all depicted WoUS (wetland polygons and tributary lines) must intersect or tie -to surveyed project/property boundaries ❑ Must include the location of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches Must include, label accordingly, and depict acreage of all waters not currently subject to the requirements of the CWA (e g "isolated wetlands ", "non- jurisdictional waters ") NOTE An approved JD must be conducted in order to make an official Corps determination that a particular waterbody or wetland is not jurisdictional F] Must include and survey all existing conveyances (pipes, culverts, etc ) that transport WoUS Version December 2013 Page 9 jurisdictional Determination Request (2) CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE nWhen the entire actual Jurisdictional Boundary is depicted include the following Corps Certification language "This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, the determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five (5) years from this date. The undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to the 1987 U S Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual " Regulatory Official Title Date USACE Action ID No ❑ When uplands may be present within a depicted Junsdictlonal Boundai y include the following Corps Certification language "This certifies that this copy of this plat identifies all areas of waters of the United States regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date Unless there is change in the law or our published regulations, this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date The undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to the 1987 U S Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual " Regulatory Official Title Date USACE Action ID No Version December 2013 _ �� Page 10 Jurisdictional Determination Request (3) GPS SURVEYS For Surveys prepared using a Global Positioning System (GPS), the Survey must include all of the above, as well as be at sub -meter accuracy at each survey point Dinclude an accuracy verification One or more known points (property corner, monument) shall be located with the GPS and cross - referenced with the existing traditional property survey (metes and bounds) ❑ include a brief description of the GPS equipment utilized Version December 2013 �� Page 11 ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): November 19, 2014 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Isaac Hinson (CMSWS) 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER' D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State. NC County /parish /borough Mecklenburg City Charlotte Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format) Lat 35095512 °N, Long 80848377 Universal Transverse Mercator NA Name of nearest waterbody McMullen Creek amy Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area Non - wetland waters 2.685 linear feet 5-16 width (ft) and /or acres Cowardin Class R4, R5 Stream Flow 1997 If Intermittent, 688 If Perennial Wetlands 0 acres Cowardin Class Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters Tidal Non -Tidal E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination Date ✓❑ Field Determination Date(s) 11/4 &12/2014 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): W-1 Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant S &ME ❑✓ Data sheets prepared /submitted by or on behalf of the app nt/consultant. Office concurs with data sheets /delineation report Office does not concur with data sheets /delineation report ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps ❑ Corps navigable waters' study ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas �❑ USGS NHD data ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ❑✓ U S Geological Survey map(s) Cite scale & quad name weddington [NC) 124,000 ❑ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Citation ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s) Cite name ❑ State /Local wetland inventory map(s) ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps ❑ 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs t'_! Aerial (Name & Date) Mecklenburg county, 2014 or Other (Name & Date) S &ME Site Photographs, November 4&12,2014 ❑ Previous determination(s) File no and date of response letter a ❑ Other information (please specify) NC owo stream identification Forms 2 1 The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time 2 In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non - reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters, (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions, (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization, (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary, (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable, (6) accepting a permit authorization (e g , signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court, and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C F R Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C F R 331 5(a)(2)) If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable This preliminary JD finds that there "maybe" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information- IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later iurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) 4 11/24/2014 Signature a date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estimated Amount Cowardin of of Aquatic Class of Aquatic Feature Latitude Longitude Class Resource in the Resource Review Area 2,017 LF (688 LF UT to MCMullen Creek Perennial, 1,329 LF Non - section 10 -- (Meadowridge Branch) 35 095303 -80 846236 R4, R5 intermittent) non - wetland UT to MCMullen Creek Non - section 10 -- (AII Saints Branch) 135 095602 -80 8485251115 1668 LF non- wetland N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Stream Identification Forms NC Division of Water Quality — Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.11 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date 11/4/2014 Project/Site Meadowrldge Branch Latitude 350953030 Evaluator D David Homans (S &ME) County Mecklenburg Longitude -80 8462360 Total Points: Stream least 305 Stream Determination (circle one) Other is at intermittent if a 19 or perennial if >- 30* Perennial e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal = 15 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 0 2 0 3 D 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1• 2 3 3 In- channel structure ex riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0© 1 0 2© 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0© 1© 2 (F) 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 00 10 20 30 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 30 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2• 3 8 Headcuts 00 1 2 3 9 Grade control 00 0• 1 0 150 10 Natural valley 00 0 1 0 1 50 11 Second or greater order channel i No = 0 • Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated, see discussions in manual B Hvdroloqv (Subtotal= 95 ) 12 Presence of Baseflow 00 1 0 20 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 —TU 20 3 • 14 Leaf litter 150 10 050 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 5 • 10 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0(_) 0 5(_) 10 1 5 17 Sod -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 • C Blologv (Subtotal = 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 30 2 • in 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3(,) 20 in 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 no 2Q 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 00 10 2 30 22 Fish 0• 0 5 in 1 5 23 Crayfish 00 0 5 1 15(-) 24 Amphibians 00 050 10 1 5 25 Algae 0• 0 5a 10 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75()OBL = 1 500ther = 0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes Channel is deeply incised Sketch 41 NC Division of Water Quality — Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Oriqins v. 4.11 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date 11/4/2014 Project/site All Saints Branch Latitude 35 0956020 Evaluator D David Homans (S &ME) county Mecklenburg Longitude -80 8485250 Total Points, Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent 265 ifz 19 or perennial if? 30* Intermittent e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal = 155 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 00— 1 0 2 0 3 Q 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1• 2 3 3 In- channel structure ex riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool se uence 00 1 0 2© 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 © 1 ® 2 © 3 5 Active /relict floodplam 00 1• 20 30 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 m 1 0 2. 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 n 1 2• 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9 Grade control 00 0 1 150 10 Natural valley 00 0 1 150 11 Second or greater order channel No = 0 • Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated, see discussions in manual B Hydrology (Subtotal= 7 _) 12 Presence of Baseflow 00 i(F) 20 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 • 3 14 Leaf litter 1 10 050 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 050 1 Q 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 00 050 1 1 5 17 Sod -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 C Blolow (Subtotal = 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3n 2 • 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 20 1 0 • 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 • 1 2Q 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 • 10 2 3 22 Fish 0• 0 5 10 1 5 23 Crayfish 0• 0 5 10 1 5 24 Amphibians 0 050 10 1 5 25 Algae 00 050 10 1 1 5• 26 Wetland plants in streambed 0 FACW = 0 75QOBL = 1 500ther = 00 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes Measured downstream of the culvert under All Saints Ln Lack of base flow maybe due to low groundwater due to low water levels in McMullen ree Sketch 41 NC Division of Water Quality — Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.11 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date 11/4/2014 Project/Site N J D 1 latitude 35 0953610 Evaluator D David Homans (S &ME) county Mecklenburg Longitude -80 8464830 Total Points: Stream least 10 Stream Determination (circle one) Other is at intermittent if? 19 or perennial if 2: 30• Ephemeral e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal = 7 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 • 1 0 20 30 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 • 1 2 _ 3 3 In- channel structure ex riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 1 © 2 ® 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 Q 1© 2 Q 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 00 10 20 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0• 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 06 1 2 3 8 Headcuts 00 1 2 3 9 Grade control 00 050 10 150 10 Natural valley 00 0 1 0 1 50 11 Second or greater order channel No = 0 • Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated, see discussions in manual B Hydrology (Subtotal= 2 ) 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 0 10 20 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 • 1 2 3(D 14 Leaf litter 1 . 10 0 5® 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 00 050 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 0 5• 1 1 5 17 Sod -based evidence of high water tables No = 0 0 Yes = 3 C Blolow (Subtotal= 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3(-) 20 1 00 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 30 20 1 0 • 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 • 10 2Q 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 • 1 20 3 22 Fish 0• 0 5 in 1 5 23 Crayfish 00 0 5 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 00 050 10 1 5 25 Algae 0• 0 5(_) 10 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75QOBL = 1 500ther = 00 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes Straight ditch connecting a culvert outfall to Meadowndge Branch Sketch 41 Wetland Determination Data Form (Upland Form for DP1) WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Project/Site Meadowridge SDIP City /County Mecklenburg Sampling Date 11/12/2014 Applicant/Owner Charlotte- Mecklenburg Storm Water Services State NC Sampling Point DP1 Investigator(s) D David Homans Section, Township, Range Charlotte Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc ) Upper Riparian Floodplain Local relief (concave, convex, none) none Slope ( %) 1 Subregion (LRR or MLRA) LRR P Lat 35 095512° Long -80 848377° Datum Soil Map Unit Name Monacan loam NWI classification Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of years Yes _F,/ !_ No =_ (If no, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation Sod or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes I i No [ 1 Are Vegetation Sod or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, Important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No � �= Is the Sampled Area 1 Hydnc Sod Present? Yes i No within a Wetland? Yes 17 No I! Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes_ No �_ Remarks HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required, check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks (136) Surface Water (Al) _ True Aquatic Plants (614) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (138) High Water Table (A2) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl) _ Drainage Patterns (1310) _ Saturation (A3) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) _ Moss Trim Lines (1316) Water Marks (61) _ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Dry- Season Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposits (132) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) _ Crayfish Burrows (C8) _ Drift Deposits (83) _ Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust (64) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Iron Deposits (135) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (67) _ Shallow Agwtard (D3) _ Water - Stained Leaves (139) _ Microtopographic Relief (D4) Aquatic Fauna (1313) _ FAC- Neutral Test (D5) Field Observations Surface Water Present? Yes No 10( Depth (inches) Water Table Present? Yes — N o Depth (inches) tt �1 Saturation Present? Yes No ✓ Depth (inches) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No I includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available Remarks US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont —Version 2 0 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point DP1 Remarks (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet ) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont — Version 2 0 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet Tree Stratum (Plot size 30' ) % Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1 Linodendron tulipifera 35 YES FACU That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC 3 (A) 2 Liquidambar styraciflua 15 YES FAC Total Number of Dominant 3 Ulmus alata 15 YES FACU 5 Species Across All Strata (B) 4 Acer rubrum 10 NO FAC 5 Carya glabra 5 NO FACU Percent of Dominant Species 60 That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC (A/B) 6 Prevalence Index worksheet 7 Total % Cover of Multiply by 8 80 = Total Cover OBL species x 1 = Saolino /Shrub Stratum (Plot size 15' ) FACW species x 2 = 1 Acer rubrum 20 YES FAC FAC species x 3 = 2 Ulmus alata 5 NO FACU FACU species x4= 3 UPL species x 5 = 4 Column Totals 0 (A) 0 (B) 5 Prevalence Index = B/A = 6 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators 7 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 8 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 9 3 - Prevalence Index is s3 0' 10 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting 5' 25 = Total Cover _ data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Herb Stratum (Plot size ) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 1 Lomcera japonica 20 YES FAC — 2 'Indicators of hydnc soil and wetland hydrology must 3 be present, unless disturbed or problematic 4 Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata 5 Tree — Woody plants, excluding vines, 3 in (7 6 cm) or 6 more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of 7 height 8 Sapling /Shrub — Woody plants, excluding vines, less 9 than 3 in DBH and greater than 3 28 ft (1 m) tall 10 Herb — All herbaceous (non- woody) plants, regardless 11 of size, and woody plants less than 3 28 ft tall 12 20 = Total Cover Woody vine — All woody vines greater than 3 28 ft in Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size 30' ) height 1 2 3 4 Hydrophytic 5 Vegetation ( j 6 Present? Yes No �— 1 0 = Total Cover Remarks (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet ) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont — Version 2 0 SOIL Sampling Point DP1 Profile Description (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type Loc Texture Remarks 0 -3 10YR 3/4 100 fine sandy loam 3 -16+ 10YR 3/3 100 sandy clay 'Type C= Concentration, D= Depletion, RM= Reduced Matrix, MS= Masked Sand Grains 2Location PL =Pore Lining, M= Matrix Hydric Soil Indicators Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils' _ Hlstosol (Al) _ Dark Surface (S7) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) _ Histic Eplpedon (A2) _ Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) _ Black Histic (A3) _ Thin Dark Surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 148) (MLRA 147, 148) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _ Depleted Matrix (F3) (MLRA 136, 147) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Depleted Below Dark Surface (At 1) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) _ Redox Depressions (F8) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, _ Iron - Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 148) MLRA 136) _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 136, 122) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ Piedmont Floodplaln Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Stripped Matrix (S6) Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147) unless disturbed or problematic Restrictive Layer (if observed) Type L-_J Depth (inches) Hydric Soil Presents Yes No US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont — Version 2 0