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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141149 Ver 8_Rocky Top Final BPDP for PN_20171023Bank Parcel Development Plan Rocky Top Bank Parcel DWR# Pursuant to: Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument for Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Credits PREPARED BY: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 1101 HAYNES STREET, SUITE 211 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 AND AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 October 2017 Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Executive Summary Rocky Top Parcel Development Plan Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument Restoration Systems (Sponsor) is pleased to provide this Bank Parcel Development Plan (BPDP) for the Rocky Top Bank Parcel (Parcel), proposed as part of the Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument (Banking Instrument) signed , 201 between Restoration Systems, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR). Per the Jordan Lake Water supply Nutrient Strategy, Consolidated Mitigation Rule, and Nutrient Offset Payments (15A NCAC 02B .0267, 15A NCAC 02B .0268, 15A NCAC 02B .0295, & 15A NCAC 02B .0240), this Parcel is designed to provide riparian buffer and nutrient offset mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts due to development within the Haw River Sub-watershed of Jordan Lake in the Cape Fear River Basin. Supporting figures are included in Appendix A. The Parcel was evaluated on December 19th, 2014 by Virginia Baker of the DWR. Ms. Baker’s evaluation was part of an inter-agency review, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, to determine if stream features located within the site are applicable to provide compensatory stream mitigation under Restoration Systems’ Cape Fear 02 Phase One Umbrella Banking Instrument, (Rocky Top USACE Action ID SAW- 2015-01710). Riparian areas adjacent to features within the parcel providing compensatory mitigation for stream impacts, will be restored and provide riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient off -set credit. This BPDP provides the Parcel details, restoration activities, monitoring, proposed credit generation, and long- term management. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Parcel Location ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Parcel Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2 Project Area – Existing Conditions ..................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Physiography ........................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Soils ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Vegetation ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.4 Threatened and Endangered Species ....................................................................................... 3 2.5 Environmental, Cultural, and Site Constraints ........................................................................ 3 2.6 FEMA Floodplain/Floodway Mapping ................................................................................... 4 Riparian Restoration and Enhancement Plan ...................................................................................... 4 3.1 Riparian Area Restoration Activities ....................................................................................... 5 3.2 Riparian Buffer Enhancement Activities ................................................................................. 5 3.3 Marsh Treatment Area ............................................................................................................. 7 3.4 Credit Release Schedule .......................................................................................................... 7 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan ...................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Monitoring Protocol ................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Parcel Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Long Term Management Plan ................................................................................................. 8 4.4 Easement Boundaries and Fencing .......................................................................................... 8 Financial Assurance ............................................................................................................................ 8 Mitigation Potential ............................................................................................................................. 9 References ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Appendices Appendix A. Supporting Materials Figure 1. Parcel Location & Service Area Figure 2. NRCS Overview Figure 3. USGS 1:24000 Topographic Map Figure 4. Historic Conditions Plan View Figure 5. Restoration Plan Figure 6. Credit Determination Figure 7. Close-up of Restoration Buffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB Figure 8. Potential Conversion of Wetland Credits to Riparian Buffer Credits NCDWR Stream Identification Forms NCDWR Site Viability Letter & Buffer Determination Parcel Photographs Appendix B. Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Appendix C. State Historic Preservation Office Map Appendix D. Environmental Data Resources Inc. – Environmental Records Report Appendix E. Recorded Conservation Easement Appendix F. Permits Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 1 Introduction Restoration Systems (Sponsor) is pleased to provide this Bank Parcel Development Plan (BPDP) for the Rocky Top Bank Parcel (Parcel), proposed as part of the Restoration Systems’ Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument (Banking Instrument) signed , 201 between Restoration Systems, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR). This Parcel is designed to provide riparian buffer and nutrient offset mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts due to development within the Haw River Sub-watershed of Jordan Lake in the Cape Fear River Basin, per the Jordan Lake Water supply Nutrient Strategy (15A NCAC 02B .0267 & 15A NCAC 02B .0268). Supporting figures can be found in Appendix A. The Parcel shall be planned and designed according to the Banking Instrument with DWR, 15A NCAC 02B .0240, and the Consolidated Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B.0295, which became effective on November 1, 2015. The BPDP has also been designed in concurrence with the Rocky Top Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank (SAW# 2015-01710). The mitigation plan for the Rocky Top Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank along with the Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument was approved by the Interagency Review Team on July, 6th 2017. The Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) was granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on June 30th, 2017, the corresponding Section 401 Water Quality Certification was granted on June 28th, 2017 and the land quality letter of approval was granted June 20th, 2017. Copies of these permits can be found in Appendix F. Stormwater runoff from the Parcel drain s directly to unnamed tributaries to Reedy Branch. According to the Final Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities (NCEEP 2009), this watershed should be targeted for restoration to protect the nutrient sensitive watershed that ultimately drains into the nutrient sensitive water supply at Jordan Lake. According to the Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ 2005), all land uses and discharges of wastewater and stormwater in subbasin 03-06-02 potentially contribute nutrients to B. Everett Jordan Lake. B. Everett Jordan Lake provides low -flow augmentation, flood control, recreation, fish and wildlife habitat, and water supply. The lake is impaired for aquatic life due to excessive levels of chlorophyll a in violation of current standards in all segments of the reservoir. In addition, the Site has a supplemental water quality classification of Nutrient Sensitive Waters, which includes areas with water quality problems associated with excessive plant growth resulting from nutrient enrichment. The proposed Mitigation Activities will reduce sediment and nutrient levels, and improve water quality within the Site and their downstream watersheds. For purposes of the Rocky Top Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Bank, the Parcel involves restoring riparian buffers and other riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams in order to help reduce non-point source contaminant discharges to downstream waters in the Haw River sub-watershed of Jordan Lake. All riparian areas were assessed by DWR during an onsite visit to determine viability for buffer mitigation and nutrient offset (DWR Site Viability Letter, Appendix A). During the June 13, 2017 site visit, all riparian areas were confirmed to have been in pasture for cattle grazing. Approximately 5.16 acres will be protected with a permanent conservation easement. Of those 5.16 acres, 2.35 acres will be restored for Jordan riparian buffer credit, 1.09 acres will be restored for nutrient offset credit, and 0.94 acres will be enhanced by the removal of cattle from streams and riparian areas for Jordan riparian buffer credit. In general, riparian restoration/enhancement area widths on streams will extend out to a maximum of 200 feet from the top of bank with a minimum width of 20 from top of banks. Riparian buffer enhancement credits generated on this Bank Parcel are allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) but cannot be used to generate nutrient offset credits. Additionally, no riparian restoration areas that are less than 50 feet wide from Top of Banks can be used to generate nutrient offset credit, and no riparian restoration areas that are less than 20 feet wide from Top of Banks can be used to generate riparian buffer credit. Therefore, the maximum acreage of riparian restoration on this site that is able to be converted into nutrient offset credits if needed by RS, is 2.32 acres. Figure 6 shows the Credit Determination Map and Section 6.0 provides details of the mitigation determination on the Bank Parcel. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 2 The Sponsor may elect to use these riparian areas for either buffer mitigation credit or wetland mitigation credit, but not both. The Sponsor must submit a written request and receive written approval from DWR prior to any credit conversions and transfers to the buffer credit ledger. As part of that request, the Sponsor must provide DWR with a written acceptance letter from the USACE, accompanied by supporting documents, for any wetlands that they want removed from the wetland mitigation bank. Only riparian areas that fail to qualify to generate wetland credit may be viable for generating riparian buffer credit. Figure 6 (Appendix A) depicts riparian areas that could potentially generate riparian buffer credit if they don't qualify to generate wetland mitigation credits, and Figure 8 (Appendix A) depicts the potential conversion of failed wetland mitigation credits to riparian buffer credits. Any areas proposed for buffer mitigation credit must meet the performance standards detailed in 15A NCAC 02B .0295. 1.1 Parcel Location Located in the South Atlantic/Gulf Region approximately 6 miles southwest of Saxapahaw and 2 miles east of Snow Camp in Alamance County (Figure 1, Appendix A), the Parcel is hydrologically situated within the USGS 14-digit HUC 03030002050050 of the Cape Fear River Basin and Jordan Lake’s Haw Sub- Watershed (DWR Subbasin Number 03-06-02). Directions to Parcel (from Snow Camp):  Take E. Greensboro Chapel Hill Rd. east – 1.5 miles  Turn right on Holman Mill Rd. – 1.4 miles  Site is on the left.  Access Site at gate located 0.5 mile down Major Hill Rd.  Landowner permission required to access Site. Site Coordinates: 35.886642, -79.388262 1.2 Parcel Overview The Parcel encompasses 5.16 acres of land containing unnamed tributaries to Reedy Branch. According to the Final Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities (NCEEP 2009), this watershed should be targeted for restoration to protect the nutrient sensitive waters that ultimately drain into the nutrient sensitive water supply of Jordan Lake. Overall, the purposes of the Rocky Top Buffer and Nutrient Offset Bank is to restore, enhance, and preserve riparian buffers and other riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams onsite. The riparian restoration and enhancement will result in improved water quality within the Parcel and the downstream watershed. The Parcel is located in a region of the state dominated by agriculture and livestock; restoration of the riparian buffer is expected to result in immediate water quality benefits within the vicinity of the Parcel through the removal of livestock access to Parcel streams. UT1 is present onsite and was deemed subject to the Jordan Lake Buffer Protection Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0267) by DWR in correspondence dated July 21, 2017 (DWR Site Viability Letter, Appendix A). UT2 is not depicted on USGS topographic mapping or USDA soils mapping; however, it was deemed at least to be intermittent by DWR during the site visit. The drainage area of these streams is 0.07 mi² at the Parcel outfall. Additional land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, cattle impacts, and the relocation, dredging and straightening of onsite streams resulted in degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, bank collapse, and stream aggradation). Project Area – Existing Conditions 2.1 Physiography Situated within the Carolina Slate Belt portion of the Piedmont Ecoregion of North Carolina, the Parcel’s regional physiography is characterized by dissected, irregular plains with moderate to steep slopes and low to moderate gradient streams over boulder and cobble-dominated substrate (Griffith et al. 2002). Onsite Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 3 elevations range from a high of 660-feet NGVD at the upper reach of UT 1 to a low of approximately 610- feet NGVD at the outfall (USGS Snow Camp, North Carolina 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle). Surrounding land use consists primarily of pasture, pine plantation, and hardwood forest used by the National Guard for maneuvers (Figure 3, Appendix A). Site land uses are primarily characterized by recent livestock pasture. Areas have been accessible to livestock and have a thin understory in most areas with compacted soils. Multiple, active springs are located along the margins of the stream. These areas have primarily been cleared of forest vegetation and are characterized by herbaceous vegetation that is sparse and disturbed due to livestock grazing, bush hogging, and regular land management activities (Figure 4, Appendix A). 2.2 Soils Based on web soil survey mapping (NRCS 2014), the Site contains one soil series: Goldston channery silt loam (Typic Dystrudepts). Parcel soils are depicted on Figure 2 (Appendix A) and described in Table 1. Table 1. Parcel Soils MapUnit Symbol Map Unit Name Hydric Status Description GcD Goldston channery silt loam Non-hydric This series consists of well-drained soils on 10-15 percent hill slopes on ridges. This series formed from residuum weathered from metavolcanics and/or argillite. *NRCS 2012 2.3 Vegetation The Parcel is comprised primarily of agricultural land including pasture and hay fields. Fields are dominated by fescue (Festuca sp.) with sparse natural recruits including knotweed (Polygonum spp.), dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), curly dock (Rumex crispus), cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum), clover (Trifolium repens), and nightshade (Solanum sp.), as well as other opportunistic herbaceous species. Scattered trees located adjacent to tributaries include Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), winged elm (Ulmus alata), red maple (Acer rubrum), eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). 2.4 Threatened and Endangered Species Species with the classification of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), or officially Proposed (P) for such listing are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), as amended (16 U.S. C. 1531 et seq.). No species are federally listed for Alamance County by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (USFWS 2015). 2.5 Environmental, Cultural, and Site Constraints The presence of conditions or characteristics with the potential to hinder restoration activities on the Parcel was evaluated. The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials, utilities and restrictive easements, rare/threatened/endangered species or critical habitats, cultural resources, and the potential for hydrologic trespass. Existing information regarding constraints was acquired and reviewed. In addition, any parcel conditions with the potential to restrict design and implementation were documented during the field investigations. Compacted areas of soil may have the potential to hinder vegetation survival ; however, in an effort to promote vegetative growth deep ripping of soils will occur in these areas and species will be chosen that Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 4 are better adapted to establishing and growing in these types of soils (i.e. persimmon, ash, tulip poplar, and oaks). No other evidence of natural and/or man-made conditions were identified which have the potential to impede proposed restoration activities. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) mapping was reviewed and no sites have been documented near the Parcel (Appendix C). Parcel mitigation will have no impacts to any other known cultural resources. 2.6 FEMA Floodplain/Floodway Mapping FEMA mapping was reviewed to determine if the Site is located in a FEMA study area (DFIRM panel number 8787). Based on existing floodplain mapping, the Site is not located in a Special Flood Hazard Area and the project should not alter FEMA flood zones. Therefore, a “Conditional Letter of Map Revision” (CLOMR) is not expected for this project. Surface drainage on the Site and surrounding areas were analyzed to predict the feasibility of manipulating existing surface drainage patterns without adverse effects to the Site or adjacent properties. The following presents a summary of hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. The purpose of the analysis is to predict flood extents for storms under existing and proposed conditions after stream and wetland restoration activities have been implemented. Watersheds and land use estimations were measured from existing DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data and aerial photography. Field surveyed cross-sections and water surfaces were obtained along Site features. Valley cross-sections were obtained from both onsite cross-sections and detailed topographic mapping of 1-foot contour intervals using the available DEM. Observations of existing hydraulic characteristics were compared to proposed hydraulic conditions and used to determine proposed channel grades and upper reaches and downstream outfalls. Using these data, channel slopes were calculated to av oid backwater conditions on adjacent landowners. Riparian Restoration and Enhancement Plan This site is also being proposed as a stream and wetland mitigation bank; therefore, r estoration of riparian areas will be accomplished through the goals and methods outlined by the Cape Fear 02 Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Rocky Top Stream and Wetland Bank Site Mitigation Plan and the Phase One Haw River WS Umbrella Banking Instrument. All applicable federal, state, and local documentation, permits, and/or authorizations will be acquired as part of implementing the above -mentioned mitigation plan and will be provided to the Division. Primary goals focus on 1) improving water quality, 2) enhancing flood attenuation and hydrology, 3) improving aquatic resources, and 4) restoring riparian habitat. Proposed mitigation activities will provide floodplain connectivity, floodplain resistance, stream stability, sediment transport, surface and subsurface storage and retention, in-stream habitat, riparian habitat and structure, thermal regulation, floodplain biogeochemical processing, and pollutant filtration as well as remove sources of pollutants. The riparian area will be restored through the revegetation of native plant communities. Detailed analysis of plant communities and the planting plan follow. All riparian restoration activities will commence in concurrence with the stream mitigation activities and not before. Therefore, the mitigation area where riparian restoration is being performed may be altered slightly depending on the approval of the Rocky Top Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan for the Stream Mitigation Bank. The riparian restoration areas will be surveyed and information provided in the As-Built report. Areas where existing mature vegetation will potentially be negatively impacted by stream restoration activities are not eligible for riparian buffer restoration credit; however, are eligible for riparian buffer enhancement via cattle exclusion credit (Figure 6, Appendix A). Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 5 3.1 Riparian Area Restoration Activities At this time, RS has already installed fencing to remove cattle from stream-side riparian areas and streams. Stream-side trees include species with a high value for sediment stabilization, rapid growth rate, and the ability to withstand hydraulic forces associated with bankfull flow and overbank flood events. Stream-side trees and shrubs will be planted along reconstructed stream banks and concentrated along outer bends. Planted vegetation along cleared stream banks will reestablish native/historic community patterns within the stream corridor, associated side slopes, and transition areas. Revegetating Parcel floodplains and stream banks will provide stream bank stability, give shade, reduce surface water temperatures, filter pollutants from adjacent runoff, and provide habitat for area wildlife. In general, riparian restoration/enhancement area widths on streams will extend out to a maximum of 200 feet from the top of bank with a minimum width of 20 from top of banks. Riparian buffer enhancement credits generated on this Bank Parcel are allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) but cannot be used to generate nutrient offset credits. Additionally, no riparian restoration areas that are less than 50 feet wide from Top of Banks can be used to generate nutrient offset credit, and no riparian restoration areas that are less than 20 feet wide from Top of Banks can be used to generate riparian buffer credit. Variations in vegetative planting will occur based on topographic locations and hydrauli c conditions of the soil. Vegetative species composition will mimic reference forest data, onsite observations, and community descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Community associations to be utilized include 1) Piedmont Alluvial Forest, 2) Dry-Mesic Oak- Hickory Forest, and 3) stream-side assemblage. Deep-rooted, riparian vegetation will be planted over 5.1 acres of the Parcel. Species selected for planting were dependent upon availability of local seedling sources. Seedlings from a local source (within 200 miles) will be obtained from a licensed nursery and planted at the Parcel. Advance notification to nurseries (1 year) will help to facilitate availability of various noncommercial elements. Bare-root seedlings of tree and shrub species will be planted within the Dry-Mesic Oak-Hickory Forest and Piedmont Alluvial Forest at a density of approximately 680 stems per acre on 8-foot centers. Tree and shrub species in the marsh treatment areas and stream-side assemblage community will be planted at a density of 2,720 stems per acre on 3-foot centers. Planting is anticipated to be performed between November 15 and March 15 to allow plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season. A detailed planting list is depicted below in Table 2, and the planting area is graphically on Figure 5 of Appendix A. 3.2 Riparian Buffer Enhancement Activities Riparian buffer enhancement will include permanently protecting existing riparian buffer from livestock via exclusionary fencing, cutting, clearing, filling, grading, and any similar activities that would affect the functionality of the riparian buffer (Figure 6, Appendix A). These areas are primarily described as disturbed mixed hardwoods. Buffer credits sought in the enhancement area, allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6), will only be used toward buffer mitigation and cannot be transferred into nutrient offset credits. The enhancement area will extend a maximum of 200 feet from the top of bank with a minimum width of 20 from top of banks. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 6 Table 2. Planting Plan Vegetation Association Tree/ Shrub Piedmont/Low Mountain Alluvial Forest* Dry-Mesic Oak- Hickory Forest* Marsh Treatment Wetland** Stream-side Assemblage** TOTAL Area (acres) 0.4 3.7 0.1 0.9 5.1 Species # planted* % of total # planted* % of total # planted** % of total # planted** % of total # planted River birch (Betula nigra) tree 27 10 -- -- -- -- 245 10 272 Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) tree -- -- 502 20 -- -- -- -- 502 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) shrub -- -- -- -- 55 20 -- -- 55 Red bud (Cercis canadensis) tree 378 15 378 Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) shrub -- -- -- -- 41 15 -- -- 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) shrub 27 10 -- -- 41 15 490 20 558 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) tree -- -- 252 10 -- -- -- -- 252 White ash (Fraxinus americana) tree -- -- 126 5 -- -- -- -- 126 Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) tree 54 20 -- -- -- -- 490 20 544 Blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum) shrub -- -- -- -- 41 15 -- -- 41 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) tree 27 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- 27 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) tree 54 20 -- -- -- -- 490 20 544 Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) tree -- -- 378 15 -- -- -- -- 378 Water oak (Quercus nigra) tree 41 15 502 20 -- -- 245 10 788 Willow oak (Quercus phellos) tree 41 15 378 15 -- -- 245 10 664 Black willow (Salix nigra) tree -- -- -- -- -- -- 245 10 245 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) shrub -- -- -- -- 55 20 -- -- 55 Possumhaw (Viburnum nudum) shrub -- -- -- -- 41 15 -- -- 41 TOTAL 271 100 2516 100 274 100 2450 100 5511 * Will be planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Will be planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 7 3.3 Marsh Treatment Area Two marsh treatment areas will be constructed to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into UT1 (Figures 5-6, Appendix A). The marsh treatment areas are excluded from credit calculations. 3.4 Credit Release Schedule Table 3. Credit Release Schedule Task Project Milestone % Credit Available for Sale 1 UMBI and BPDP Approved by DWR, Conservation Easement Recorded*, and Financial Assurance Posted 20 2 Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 20 3 Monitoring Financial Assurance Posted and Approval of As-Built Report 10 4 Monitoring Report #1: Approved by the DWR** 10 5 Monitoring Report #2: Approved by the DWR** 10 6 Monitoring Report #3: Approved by the DWR** 10 7 Item B (1) of Section X in UMBI has been completed and approved by DWR 5 No remaining credits will be released until Task 7 has been satisfied. 8 Monitoring Report #4: Approved by the DWR 5 9 Monitoring Report #5: Approved by the DWR and final site visit by DWR has been conducted 10 Total 100% * For specification, please see Section V in the UMBI ** DWR Approval provided upon determination that the site is meeting performance standards contained within the approved BPDP Monitoring and Maintenance Plan 4.1 Monitoring Protocol Restoration monitoring procedures for riparian vegetation will include periodic visual inspection and annual plant survival and species diversity survey reports. Quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed as outlined in the CVS Level 1-2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). Photos will be taken from all photo points each monitoring year and provided in the annual reports. All planted stems in the plots will be marked with flagging tape and recorded. Detailed qualitative and quantitative monitoring is proposed for vegetated riparian areas; marsh treatment areas will be visually inspected periodically and reported qualitatively within the annual monitor report, which will include photographic record of the Parcel’s assets. Monitoring of the restoration efforts will be performed for five years or until success criteria are fulfilled. Restoration Systems shall submit an annual monitoring report to DWR, no later than December 31st of each year. Quantitative monitoring will include measurements of 4-10x10 meter, permanent vegetation plots (2.8% of restoration and nutrient offset credit areas). Plots will be randomly placed throughout the planted riparian areas and will be representative of credit generating areas. Sampling of vegetation will be performed in October of each year, with the 1st monitoring data to be collected in the fall of 2017 but not within 6 months from initial planting. During the first year, vegetation will receive a cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Success criteria within the riparian buffer and nutrient offset restoration areas will be based on the survival of planted species at a density of 320 Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 8 stems per acre after five years of monitoring. A minimum of four native, hardwood tree and shrub species must be present, with no one species representing greater than 50% of the stems. In addition, appropriate volunteer stems of native hardwood tree and shrub species may be included to meet the final performance standard of 320 stems per acre upon DWR approval. 4.2 Parcel Maintenance A remedial action plan will be developed and implemented with the approval of DWR in the event that the Parcel or a specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve success criteria as outlined above. Other vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. In the event that exotic invasive plant species require treatment, such species will be controlled by mechanical (physical removal with the use of a chainsaw) and/or chemical methods (aquatic approved herbicide) in accordance with North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. If mowing is deemed necessary by the Sponsor for vegetation survival of planted stems during the monitoring period, the Sponsor must receive approval by the DWR prior to any mowing activities within Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the Jordan buffers to ensure that no buffer violations have been performed. Failure to receive approval prior to mowing activities within the Jordan buffer as defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0267 by the DWR, could result in Jordan buffer violations and violations of the conservation easement. If necessary, the Sponsor will develop a species-specific control plan 4.3 Long Term Management Plan A Permanent Conservation Easement will preserve all areas and prohibit all use of the property inconsistent with its use as mitigation property including any activity that would materially alter the biological integrity of the Parcel. The North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF) has agreed to be holder of the easement. The Sponsor will provide an endowment to the NCWHF to hold and enforce the Conservation Easement and its interests in perpetuity. The Conservation Easement was recorded on October 17, 2014 at the Alamance County courthouse in Deed Book 3371, Page 814-823 (Appendix E.) The conservation easement on this Bank Parcel was not approved by the DWR prior to recordation and may not be consistent with the standards employed by the State of North Carolina. Therefore, the Bank Sponsor will ensure that the Conservation Easement is revised if needed to ensure it allows for the implementation of the Rocky Top Mitigation Bank, the Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Package, and will grant all rights to both the Grantee and the NCDWR. Additional changes to the conservation easement will be determined in consultation with RS and the NCDWR. The conservation easement shall be approved by the DWR and the USACE prior to the credit release. 4.4 Easement Boundaries and Fencing Easement boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the Parcel and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by cattle fence, marker, bollard, post, tree-blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. Financial Assurance Per the Credit Release Schedule outlined in Section 3.5 and per the Banking Instrument, Restoration Systems intends to forgo the release of Task 1 credits and acquisition of a Performance Bond. Restoration Systems will complete the restoration/construction and upon submittal of the As-built Report will provide a Performance/Maintenance Bond, with DWR as the Obligee, and per the requirements of the Banking Instrument. The Performance Bond will be a minimum of 100k and will be renewed annually. Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed to cover the next years monitoring period, with confirmation of renewal provided to DWR with each annual monitoring report when applicable. DWR reserves the right to Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 9 alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted without proof of bond renewals when applicable Mitigation Potential The Rocky Top Bank will provide Jordan buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits for development impacts within the Haw River Sub-watershed of Jordan Lake (Figures 6-7 and DWR Site Viability Letter, Appendix A). The width of the credit generation area will begin at the most landward limit of the top of bank or the rooted herbaceous vegetation and extend landward a maximum distance of 200 feet where able. A maximum of 2.32 acres of riparian restoration on this site is able to be converted and transferred from Riparian Buffer Credits to Nutrient Offset Credits and from Nutrient Offset Credit back to Riparian Buffer Credits upon approval and does not include any of the acreage being mitigated to generate wetland mitigation credit.. The Sponsor must submit a written request and receive written approval from DWR prior to any credit conversions and transfers to the buffer and nutrient credit ledgers. All delivery factors shall be applied to nutrient offset credits prior to requesting a conversion. According to the nutrient reduction goals for the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake, the generated nitrogen credits per acre in the Haw Sub-watershed for riparian restoration on agriculture land is 2249.36 pounds and the generated phosphorus credit per acre is 143.81 pounds. The delivery factors applied to this parcel are 71 percent for nitrogen and 67 percent from phosphorus (Appendix B). Delivered credits are calculated by applying the delivery factors and the acreage of riparian restoration to the generated credits per acre stated above. Proposed areas for Jordan riparian buffer and nutrient offset (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) credits for the Rocky Top Bank Parcel are summarized in the tables below and corresponding Figures 6-7 (Appendix A). Table 4. Jordan Lake: Haw River Sub-Watershed Credit Determination Table 14 Digit Watershed ID: 03030002050050 Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits Buffer Width from TOB Credit Type Total Area Mitigation Ratio Percentage of Full Credit Mitigation Credits 20-29 ft. Restoration 152.83 ft2 (0.003 ac) 1:1 75% 114.62 ft2 (0.002 ac) 30-100 ft. 102,356.48 ft2 (2.35 ac) 1:1 100% 102,356.48 ft2 (2.35 ac) 20-29 ft. Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) 54.43 ft2 (0.001 ac) 2:1 75% 20.41 ft2 (0.0004 ac) 30-100 ft. 40,784.55 ft2 (0.94 ac) 2:1 100% 20,392.28 ft2 (0.47 ac) 101-200 ft. 113.87 ft2 (0.003 ac) 2:1 33% 18.79 ft2 (0.0005 ac) Total Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits 122,902.58 ft2 (2.82 ac) Nutrient Offset Credits *Buffer Width from TOB Credit Type Mitigation Type Total Acreage Generated Credits per Acre Generated Credits Delivery Factor Delivered Credits 101-200 ft. Nitrogen Restoration 1.09 2249.36 2451.80 71% 1740.78 101-200 ft. Phosphorus Restoration 1.09 143.81 156.75 67% 105.02 *Buffer mitigation credits are sought from top of bank to 100 feet. Beyond buffer credit generating areas, RS is proposing nutrient offset credits out to a maximum of 200 feet for a contiguous riparian restoration from top of bank to 200 feet where possible. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan page 10 The Sponsor will maintain 4 credit ledgers for the Parcel under the Banking Instrument and BPDP: (1) for buffer restoration mitigation credits in both square feet and acres, (1) for buffer enhancement mitigation credits in square feet and acres, (1) accounting for nitrogen offset credits in pounds and acres, and (1) accounting for phosphorus offset credits in pounds and acres. References Griffith, G.E., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Comstock, M.P. Schafale, W.H. McNab, D.R. Lenat, T.F. MacPherson, J.B. Glover, and V.B. Shelbourne. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Jordan Lake Water Supply Watershed Buffer Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0267, 15A NCAC 02B .0268, and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Level 1-2 Plot Version 4.2. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 2014. Web Soil Survey (online). Available: [January 9, 2014]. United States Department of Agriculture. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2005. Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. Available: -b382-4b58- 97ed-c4049bf4e8e4&groupId=38364. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP 2009). Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009 (online). Available: 864e82e8-725c-415e-8ed9-c72dfcb55012&groupId=60329 Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2015. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina (online). Available: [April 17, 2015]. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1960. Soil Survey of Alamance County, North Carolina. Soils Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix A: Supporting Materials Figure 1. Site Location & Service Area Figure 2. NRCS Overview Figure 3. USGS 1:24000 Topographic Map Figure 4. Historic Conditions Plan View Figure 5. Restoration Plan Figure 6. Credit Determination Figure 7. Close-up of Restoration Buffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB Figure 8. Potential Conversion of Wetland Credits to Riparian Buffer Credits NCDWR Stream Identification Forms DWR Site Viability Letter & Buffer Determination Site Photographs Copyright:© 20 14 DeLo rme FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ SEPT 2016 1:3500 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red fo r: Ala ma nce Co un ty, N C ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL SITE LOCATIO NANDSERVICE AREA 1 Not es : 0 10 20 30 405Miles Legend Jor dan La ke 14 -dig it U SG S HU Cs Par cel Se rvic e A re a - Ha w R ive r S ubw at ers hed Haw R ive r S ubw at ers hed New H op e C ree k S ub wa ters he d ³ 1. Bac kground Im agery Source:DeLorme Wo rld Basem ap(20 14)^ Bank Parcel LocationUSGS 14-digit HUC03030002050050 1157 Major Hill RoadSnow Camp, NC 27349 35.886591°N, 79.387578°W FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ AUG 2016 1:6000 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL NRCSOVERVIEW 2 Notes: 0 1,000 2,000 3,000500Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac ³ 1. Background Imagery Source:Soil Survey of AlamanceCounty, NC (NRCS, 1961) UT-1 UT-2 Major Hill Road Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS QuadUT-1 Yes NoUT-2 No No Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ SEPT 2016 1:24000 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL USGS1:24000TOPOGRAPHICMAP 3 Notes: 0 5,000 10,0002,500 Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac ³ 1. Background Imagery Source:USGS 7.5 Minute TopographicQuad (Snow Camp,Saxapahaw, CrutchfieldCrossroads, and Silk Hope, NCquads) UT-2 UT-1 Green s b o r o C hapelHillRoadHolmanMillRoadB eth elSouthFork R o a d Major Hill Road Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS QuadUT-1 Yes NoUT-2 No No ^_ ^_ ^_ NCCGIA FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ SEPT 2016 1:1200 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL HISTORICCONDITIONSPLAN VIEW 4 Notes: 0 500250Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac Historic Perennial Stream Alignment = 979 ft Historic Intermittent Stream Alignment = 270 ft Historic Wetlands = 0.35 ac Historic Riparian Buffer = 1.28 ac ^_NCDWR Stream Identification Forms ³ 1. Background Imagery Source:2014 aerial photographyprovided by the NC OneMapprogram (online, provided bythe NC Geographic InformationCoordination Council) UT-1 UT-2 Form 1Score: 38 Form 3Score: 27 Form 2Score: 32.5 Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS QuadUT-1 Yes NoUT-2 No No FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ SEPT 2016 1:1200 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red fo r: Ala ma nce Co un ty, N C ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL RESTORATIONPLAN 5 Not es : 0 500250Feet Legend Conserva tion E ase me nt = 5.1 6 a c Res tor ed Str eam C ha nne l = 0 .18 ac Planting P lan = 5 .1 a c Constr uct ed BM P F oot prin t = 0 .02 ac ³ 1. Bac kground Im agery Source:2014 aerial photo gra phyprovided by the NC O neMapprogram (online , provided bythe NC G eographic Informa tionCoordination Council) UT-1 UT-2 1 2 4 3 NCCGIA FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ/CLF OCT 2017 1:1200 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red for : Ala ma nce Co un ty, N C ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL CREDITDETERMINATION 6 Not es: 0 100 200 300 400 50050Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac Restored Stream Channel = 0.18 ac Riparian Buffer Restoration Area (B uffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB) = 0.003 ac (152.83 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Restoration Area (B uffer Width 30-100 ft from TOB) = 2.35 ac (102,356.48 sq ft) Nutrient Offset Credit Area (Buffer Width 101-200 ft from TOB) = 1.09 ac (47,626.47 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancem ent via Cattle Exclusion (Buffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB) = 0.001 ac (54.43 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancem ent via Cattle Exclusion (Buffer Width 30-100 ft from TOB) = 0.94 ac (40,784.55 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancem ent via Cattle Exclusion (Buffer Width 101-200 ft from TOB) = 0.003 ac (113.87 sq ft) Wetland M itigati on Credit Area = 0.54 ac Constructed BM P F ootprint (no credit) = 0.02 ac 50 ft from TOB 100 ft from T OB 200 ft from T OB Proposed Vegetation M onitoring Plots ³ 1. Bac kground Im agery Source:2014 aerial photog ra phyprovided by the NC O neMapprogram (online, provided bythe NC G eographic Informa tionCoordination Council) NOTE: No riparian buffer credit is givenin areas with buffer width of less than20 ft. Additionally, no nutrient offsetcredit is given in areas with buffer widthless than 50 ft. UT-1 UT-2 NCCGIA FIGURE Dra wn by : Dat e: Sca le: Pro jec t N o.: KRJ/CLF OCT 2017 1:2400 16-017 Tit le: Pro jec t: Pre pa red for : Ala ma nce Co un ty, N C ROCKY TOPBANK PARCEL CLOSE-UP OFRESTORATIONBUFFER WIDTH20-29 FT FROM TOB 7 Not es: 0 500 1,000250Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac Restored Stream Channel = 0.18 ac Riparian Buffer Restoration Area (Buffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB) = 0.003 ac (152.83 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Restoration Area (Buffer Width 30-100 ft from TOB) = 2.35 ac (102,356.48 sq ft) Nutrient Offset Credit Area (Buffer Width 100-200 ft from TOB) = 1.09 ac (47,626.47 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exc lusion (Buffer Width 20-29 ft from TOB) = 0.001 ac (54.43 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exc lusion (Buffer Width 30-100 ft from TOB) = 0.94 ac (40,784.55 sq ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exc lusion (Buffer Width 100-200 ft from TOB) = 0.003 ac (113.87 sq ft) Wetland Mitigation Credit Area = 0.54 ac Constructed BMP Footprint (no credit) = 0.02 ac ³ 1. Bac kground Im agery Source:2014 aerial photog ra phyprovided by the NC O neMapprogram (online, provided bythe NC G eographic Informa tionCoordination Council) Inset Scale 1:600 NOTE: No riparian buffer credit is givenin areas with buffer width of less than20 ft. Additionally, no nutrient offsetcredit is given in areas with buffer widthless than 50 ft. NCCGIA FIGURE Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: KRJ/CLF OCT 2017 1:1200 16-017 Title: Project: Prepared for: Alamance County, NC ROCKY TOP BANK PARCEL POTENTIAL CONVERSION OF WETLAND CREDIT TO RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDIT 8 Notes: 0 100 200 300 400 50050 Feet Legend Conservation Easement = 5.16 ac Riparian Buffer Restoration (Buffer Width 30-100 ft) Riparian Buffer Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (Buffer width 30-100 ft) Restored Stream Channel = 0.18 ac Constructed BMP Footprint (no credit) = 0.02 ac 50 ft from TOB 100 ft from TOB 200 ft from TOB ³ 1. Background Imagery Source: 2014 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, provided by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council) NOTE: Riparian areas that fail to qualify to generate wetland mitigation credit may be viable for generating riparian buffer credit. Any areas proposed for buffer mitigation credit must meet standards detailed in 15A NCAC 02B .0295. UT-1 UT-2 14 Digit Watershed ID: 03030002050050 Potential Conversion of Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units Buffer Width Credit Type Total Area Mitigation Ratio Percentage of Full Credit Mitigation Units 30-100 ft Restoration 14,835.11 ft2 (0.34 ac) 1:1 100% 14,835.11 ft2 (0.34 ac) 30-100 ft Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) 8,877.94 ft2 (0.20 ac) 2:1 100% 4,438.97 ft2 (0.10 ac) Total Potential Riparian Buffer Mitigation Units 19,274.08 ft2 (0.44 ac) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 1: Looking southwest from the upper reach of UT-1 (October 2013) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 2: Looking west from the middle reach of UT-1 (October 2013) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 3: Looking southeast from the middle reach of UT-1 (October 2013) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 4: Looking southwest to the lower half of UT-1 (10-5-2017) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 5: Looking south across the Site (10-5-2017) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 6: Looking southeast (10-5-2017) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 7: Looking west (10-5-2017) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Rocky Top BPDP – Image 8: Looking west (10-5-2017) Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix B: Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Updated 12/20/2012 Page 1 of 2 Attachment B Delivered credit yields for buffer acres in Jordan small watersheds. Watershed ID Jordan Subwatershed Delivery Factors TN Credit TP Credit TN TP (lbs/30yrs) (lbs/30yrs) 03030002010010 Haw 25% 10% 562.34 14.38 03030002010020 Haw 37% 36% 832.26 51.77 03030002010030 Haw 44% 40% 989.72 57.52 03030002010040 Haw 49% 44% 1102.19 63.27 03030002010050 Haw 55% 48% 1237.15 69.03 03030002020010 Haw 15% 4% 337.40 5.75 03030002020020 Haw 22% 12% 494.86 17.26 03030002020030 Haw 48% 43% 1079.69 61.84 03030002020040 Haw 32% 33% 719.80 47.46 03030002020050 Haw 32% 32% 719.80 46.02 03030002020060 Haw 47% 42% 1057.20 60.40 03030002020070 Haw 54% 47% 1214.66 67.59 03030002030010 Haw 60% 56% 1349.62 80.53 03030002030020 Haw 44% 31% 989.72 44.58 03030002030030 Haw 25% 8% 562.34 11.50 03030002030040 Haw 42% 30% 944.73 43.14 03030002030050 Haw 64% 62% 1439.59 89.16 03030002030060 Haw 39% 19% 877.25 27.32 03030002030070 Haw 36% 18% 809.77 25.88 03030002030080 Haw 73% 64% 1642.04 92.04 03030002040010 Haw 30% 14% 674.81 20.13 03030002040020 Haw 28% 14% 629.82 20.13 03030002040030 Haw 71% 63% 1597.05 90.60 03030002040040 Haw 32% 15% 719.80 21.57 03030002040050 Haw 52% 50% 1169.67 71.90 03030002040060 Haw 54% 51% 1214.66 73.34 03030002040070 Haw 67% 60% 1507.07 86.28 03030002040080 Haw 53% 51% 1192.16 73.34 03030002040090 Haw 54% 51% 1214.66 73.34 03030002040100 Haw 75% 65% 1687.02 93.47 03030002040110 Haw 66% 60% 1484.58 86.28 03030002050010 Haw 74% 68% 1664.53 97.79 03030002050020 Haw 81% 74% 1821.98 106.42 03030002050030 Haw 42% 17% 944.73 24.45 03030002050040 Haw 80% 73% 1799.49 104.98 Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Delivered Credit Yield Table for Jordan Sub Watersheds Updated 12/20/2012 Page 2 of 2 Watershed ID Jordan Subwatershed Delivery Factors TN Credit TP Credit TN TP (lbs/30yrs) (lbs/30yrs) 03030002050050 Haw 71% 67% 1597.05 96.35 03030002050060 Haw 79% 73% 1777.00 104.98 03030002050070 Haw 78% 72% 1754.50 103.54 03030002050080 Haw 80% 73% 1799.49 104.98 03030002050090 Haw 79% 73% 1777.00 104.98 03030002050100 Haw 81% 75% 1821.98 107.85 03030002060010 Haw 81% 74% 1821.98 106.42 03030002060020 Haw 95% 97% 2136.90 139.49 03030002060030 Haw 88% 91% 1979.44 130.86 03030002060040 Haw 97% 98% 2181.88 140.93 03030002060050 Haw 92% 95% 2069.41 136.61 03030002060062 Haw 98% 99% 2204.38 142.37 03030002060070 UNH 40% 19% 867.70 27.32 03030002060080 UNH 59% 45% 1279.86 64.71 03030002060100 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060110 UNH 61% 58% 1323.25 83.41 03030002060120 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060140 UNH 85% 89% 1843.87 127.99 03030002060130 UNH 69% 63% 1496.79 90.60 03030002060160 LNH 85% 90% 1932.07 131.76 03030002060090* UNH 92% 94% 1995.71 135.18 03030002060090* LNH 92% 94% 2091.18 137.62 03030002060060* UNH 94% 96% 2039.10 138.05 03030002060060* LNH 94% 96% 2136.64 140.54 03030002060150* UNH 88% 91% 1908.94 130.86 03030002060150* LNH 88% 91% 2000.26 133.22 *Watershed is located in both the Upper New Hope (UNH) and Lower New Hope (LNH) Subwatersheds. Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix C: State Historic Preservation Office Map Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix D. Environmental Data Resources Inc. – Environmental Records Report FORM-LBF-CCA tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 Abbey Lamm Stream and Wetland Site Major Hill Road Snow Camp, NC 27349 Inquiry Number: 3873620.2s March 06, 2014 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 9 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM GeoCheck - Not Requested TC3873620.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC3873620.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS MAJOR HILL ROAD SNOW CAMP, NC 27349 COORDINATES 35.8856000 - 35˚ 53’ 8.16’’Latitude (North): 79.3946000 - 79˚ 23’ 40.56’’Longitude (West): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 644909.0UTM X (Meters): 3972250.0UTM Y (Meters): 586 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 35079-H4 SNOW CAMP, NCTarget Property Map: 1978Most Recent Revision: 35079-G4 CRUTCHFIELD CROSSROADS, NCSouth Map: 1974Most Recent Revision: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 2012Photo Year: USDASource: TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC3873620.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS Hazardous Substance Disposal Site State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF List of Solid Waste Facilities OLI Old Landfill Inventory State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST Regional UST Database EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC3873620.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 LUST TRUST State Trust Fund Database LAST Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database AST AST Database INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Projects Inventory ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations SWRCY Recycling Center Listing HIST LF Solid Waste Facility Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System IMD Incident Management Database SPILLS 80 SPILLS 80 data from FirstSearch SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC3873620.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD Records Of Decision UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites US MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System PADS PCB Activity Database System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RMP Risk Management Plans UIC Underground Injection Wells Listing DRYCLEANERS Drycleaning Sites NPDES NPDES Facility Location Listing INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Sites 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem PRP Potentially Responsible Parties Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR US Hist Auto Stat EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were not identified. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC3873620.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 6 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ SNOW CAMP IMD, LAST RAY’S QUICK STOP LUST KING PROPERTY, EDWARD LUST, RGA LUST WALL’S GARAGE UST N C FOREST SERVICE UST INEZ FOGLEMAN SERVICE UST EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 500 kv 5 605 600600 5 60560 56 0 56 0600560560560600560 6 0 0 560600 520 560560 560 52052052 0 5605605 60 60 0 5 6 0 5206005606005206 40 52 0 6006005 60 6 00 520760 7607 6 0 7606 40 6806 4 0 600 560 5605 6056056056 0560560 5605 6 0560 56 0 6806 40 6005608 00 680760 7 6 0640 6 00 680640720 720 7 2 0 6 80 680 6 8 0680680 6806 40 640 60 0 6000 6 00640640 64 0 6 406 4 0 640640640640 6 40 6 4 0 640 64 0 600 600600600 6 4 0 6 00 5606006006 0 0 6 0 0 60060060 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6006006 0 0 0 0 640 6 0 0 600 6 0 0 6006006 00 6 4 0 6 0 0 600600640600600 6 00 6 4 0 60 0 6 00 600600 6 0 0 600640 6006 4 0 640600 56060 0 6 00640 6400056 0 6 40 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.600680 560 560640 640 6 0 0 6 40640 600600 600 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CERCLIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CERC-NFRAP Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROL 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NC HSDS State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000SHWS State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWF/LF 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500OLI State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUST TC3873620.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUST TRUST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LAST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INST CONTROL State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWRCY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500HIST LF 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500IMD 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 80 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 90 Other Ascertainable Records 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR TC3873620.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFINDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUIC 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPDES 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS AIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFinancial Assurance EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Auto Stat 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA HWS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA LF 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA LUST TC3873620.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC3873620.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NO SITES FOUND TC3873620.2s Page 8 ORPHAN SUMMARYCityEDR IDSite NameSite AddressZipDatabase(s)Count: 6 records.SNOW CAMP S103130617SNOW CAMPROUTE 1 IMD, LASTSNOW CAMP U001200749WALL’S GARAGEROUTE 227349USTSNOW CAMP U001188730N C FOREST SERVICERT 2 BOX 238B27349USTSNOW CAMP U003145941INEZ FOGLEMAN SERVICEROUTE 2, BOX 4927349USTSNOW CAMP S114020736RAY’S QUICK STOP7610 NC HIGHWAY 87 S27349LUSTSNOW CAMP S112061121KING PROPERTY, EDWARDNC HWY 87 AND SNOW CAMP RD.27349LUST, RGA LUSTTC3873620.2s Page 9 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/21/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/09/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC3873620.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list DELISTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/09/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 02/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 05/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 151 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 01/10/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 02/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. TC3873620.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 12/17/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/14/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 12/09/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 12/17/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/14/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 12/09/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/21/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 95 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 02/14/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/02/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 66 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 02/07/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually State- and tribal - equivalent NPL HSDS: Hazardous Substance Disposal Site Locations of uncontrolled and unregulated hazardous waste sites. The file includes sites on the National Priority List as well as those on the state priority list. Date of Government Version: 08/09/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/05/2011 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-754-6580 Last EDR Contact: 02/05/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/19/2014 Data Release Frequency: Biennially State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS TC3873620.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SHWS: Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 12/19/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/31/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: List of Solid Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 12/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/31/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-0692 Last EDR Contact: 12/31/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually OLI: Old Landfill Inventory Old landfill inventory location information. (Does not include no further action sites and other agency lead sites). Date of Government Version: 04/05/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/18/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/09/2013 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4996 Last EDR Contact: 01/13/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: Regional UST Database This database contains information obtained from the Regional Offices. It provides a more detailed explanation of current and historic activity for individual sites, as well as what was previously found in the Incident Management Database. Sites in this database with Incident Numbers are considered LUSTs. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1308 Last EDR Contact: 02/12/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LUST TRUST: State Trust Fund Database This database contains information about claims against the State Trust Funds for reimbursements for expenses incurred while remediating Leaking USTs. Date of Government Version: 10/11/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/30/2013 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1315 Last EDR Contact: 01/15/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC3873620.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks A listing of leaking aboveground storage tank site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 877-623-6748 Last EDR Contact: 02/12/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 08/27/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/27/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 66 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 02/13/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/14/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 03/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2013 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 08/27/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/28/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/16/2012 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 09/12/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/13/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/11/2011 Number of Days to Update: 59 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 02/21/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 11/21/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 90 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 184 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1308 Last EDR Contact: 02/12/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AST: AST Database Facilities with aboveground storage tanks that have a capacity greater than 21,000 gallons. Date of Government Version: 12/17/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/24/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-715-6183 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/07/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/29/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 92 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 05/10/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/11/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/14/2011 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC3873620.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/28/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2013 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/13/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/14/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 11/21/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 90 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/27/2014 Number of Days to Update: 271 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/05/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2013 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/29/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/30/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 129 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC3873620.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 01/13/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring A land use restricted site is a property where there are limits or requirements on future use of the property due to varying levels of cleanup possible, practical, or necessary at the site. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 12/19/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/31/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP: Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites Responsible Party Voluntary Action site locations. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 12/19/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/31/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/17/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 66 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Projects Inventory A brownfield site is an abandoned, idled, or underused property where the threat of environmental contamination has hindered its redevelopment. All of the sites in the inventory are working toward a brownfield agreement for cleanup and liabitliy control. Date of Government Version: 12/03/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/07/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4996 Last EDR Contact: 01/07/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 09/24/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/24/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 73 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 02/25/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/07/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST LF: Solid Waste Facility Listing A listing of solid waste facilities. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/02/2007 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-0692 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/19/2009 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SWRCY: Recycling Center Listing A listing of recycling center locations. Date of Government Version: 11/23/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-707-8137 Last EDR Contact: 11/18/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/17/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 11/04/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/17/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 12/04/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 03/04/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/16/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/19/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/2009 Number of Days to Update: 131 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Land Records LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 02/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/25/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2013 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/13/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC3873620.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING IMD: Incident Management Database Groundwater and/or soil contamination incidents Date of Government Version: 07/21/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/01/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/23/2006 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-3221 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. Date of Government Version: 09/27/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SPILLS 80: SPILLS80 data from FirstSearch Spills 80 includes those spill and release records available from FirstSearch databases prior to 1990. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded before 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 80. Date of Government Version: 06/14/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2013 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 02/06/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/19/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. TC3873620.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 01/15/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 02/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/24/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 12/26/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 74 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 12/12/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 146 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 02/25/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2013 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 03/05/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/16/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. TC3873620.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 02/26/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/29/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 12/26/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/07/2014 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 02/24/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 02/24/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. TC3873620.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 01/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 07/20/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 61 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 107 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 01/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 07/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/02/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 91 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 12/09/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/09/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/01/2013 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 01/10/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC3873620.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 03/08/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/10/2013 Number of Days to Update: 111 Source: EPA Telephone: (404) 562-9900 Last EDR Contact: 12/10/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 11/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 01/27/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/19/2013 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 02/28/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Biennially UIC: Underground Injection Wells Listing A listing of uncerground injection wells locations. Date of Government Version: 11/13/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2013 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-807-6412 Last EDR Contact: 02/10/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING DRYCLEANERS: Drycleaning Sites Potential and known drycleaning sites, active and abandoned, that the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program has knowledge of and entered into this database. Date of Government Version: 11/18/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/24/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/30/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 12/24/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/07/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies NPDES: NPDES Facility Location Listing General information regarding NPDES(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits. Date of Government Version: 05/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/05/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/05/2013 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-7015 Last EDR Contact: 02/17/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/19/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 01/15/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 03/07/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/02/2011 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 01/20/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/05/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 02/14/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/02/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC3873620.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 04/15/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing Information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/03/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/26/2012 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8496 Last EDR Contact: 12/30/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/23/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-5962 Last EDR Contact: 12/26/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 01/15/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: N/A Financial Assurance 3: Financial Assurance Information Hazardous waste financial assurance information. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/29/2012 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-707-8222 Last EDR Contact: 12/16/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/31/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/23/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/06/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-5962 Last EDR Contact: 12/26/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/14/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC3873620.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for underground storage tank facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1322 Last EDR Contact: 02/12/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 83 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/12/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 01/29/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/14/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/27/2013 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/21/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 11/11/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/25/2012 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 02/14/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH DOE: Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 01/13/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Sites A listing of coal combustion products distribution permits issued by the Division for the treatment, storage, transportation, use and disposal of coal combustion products. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/04/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2009 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-807-6359 Last EDR Contact: 11/04/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/17/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 06/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/13/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2013 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 02/10/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/26/2014 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 08/17/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/21/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/13/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/24/2014 Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies TC3873620.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Proprietary Historic Dry Cleaners - Cole Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: N/A Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Proprietary Historic Gas Stations - Cole Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: N/A Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2013 Number of Days to Update: 172 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 196 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA HWS: Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste database provides a list of SHWS incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. TC3873620.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/24/2013 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2013 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Telephone: 860-424-3375 Last EDR Contact: 02/21/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/02/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/19/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/28/2012 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/17/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/28/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 11/01/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/18/2013 Number of Days to Update: 11 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 02/07/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/19/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/19/2013 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 01/20/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/05/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/21/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/05/2013 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 401-222-2797 Last EDR Contact: 02/24/2014 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/09/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC3873620.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/27/2013 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/11/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/31/2014 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: Rextag Strategies Corp. Telephone: (281) 769-2247 U.S. Electric Transmission and Power Plants Systems Digital GIS Data Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Child Care Facility List Source: Department of Health & Human Services Telephone: 919-662-4499 Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetlands Inventory Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-2090 TC3873620.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC3873620.2s Page GR-24 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix E. Recorded Conservation Easement Rocky Top Bank Parcel Development Plan Appendices Appendix F. 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