HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130958 Ver 1_401 Application_20130913LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SWE, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 523 -4726 (704) 525 -3953 fax NC DWR. Webscaae Unit 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attn: Ms. Karen Higgins 2x130958 Date: 09.04.2013 Job No.: 1357-13-016 Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins Re: Lenoir, North Carolina We are Sending You: ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Pre - Construction Notification: NWP No. 12 ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ..= . the following ❑ Report Copies Date No Description 5 09.04.2013 1 Pre - Construction Notification 1 08.30.2013 2 Check for $540 1 09.04.2013 3 CD with electronic copy of PCN These are Transmitted as Checked Below: ❑ For your records ® For your approval ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ For Bids Due: / / ❑ Prints Returned after Loan to Us Remarks: Please let us know if you have any Questions regarding the above Thank you — Joey Lawler igned. S E P - 5 2013 Joey La er, P.W.S. FORry` Senior Project Manager 0 4, ,? b.31N1 ��la SWE, INC. / 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard / Charlotte, NC 28273 -5560 / p 704 523.4726 f 704.525.3953 / www.smeinc.com Lill September 4, 2013 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 -5006 Attention: Ms. Tasha McCormick NC DWR, Webscape Unit 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins Reference: Pre - Construction Notification: NWP No. 12 Lenoir - HP Distribution Gas Line Lenoir, North Carolina S &ME Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Dear Ms. McCormick and Ms. Higgins: On behalf of Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG), S &ME, Inc. (S &ME) hereby submits this application for impacts to waters of the U.S. in accordance with Nationwide Permit (NWT) No. 12. The project involves construction of approximately 2.5 miles of new eight -inch diameter natural gas pipeline on the south side of N.C. Highway 18 (Morganton Road) in Caldwell County. Construction of the proposed gasline will temporarily impact one wetland and four streams, and will be installed beneath Gunpowder Creek by horizontal directional drill (HDD), thus avoiding impacts to that waterbody. The project will involve no loss of waters of the U.S. In support of this application, please find enclosed: • Figures: Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1), USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2), 2010 Aerial Photograph (Figure 3), and Wetland /Stream Crossing Details (Figures 4 -8) • Appendix I: Completed Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) and Authorization to Act as Agent • Appendix II: Site Photographs • Appendix III: JD Information SWE, INC. /9751 Southern Pine Blvd/ Charlotte, NC 28273/p704.523.4726f704.525.3953/www.smeinc.com Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 Appendix IV: Impact Drawings Appendix V: Agency Scoping Information Appendix VI: Restoration Plan This PCN is being provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for approval, and also requires written authorization from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources under Water Quality Certification (WQC) No. 3884. Because the project is located in Caldwell County, one of North Carolina's 25 designated Trout Counties, a copy of this PCN will also be provided to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) office in Waynesville, North Carolina. The completed PCN and Agent Authorization Form are included in Appendix I. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION PNG plans to install an approximately 2.5 -mile segment of eight -inch diameter natural gas pipeline in Lenoir, Caldwell County, North Carolina. The purpose of the project is to create a looped system that will be compatible with current federally maintained pipeline integrity and inspection requirements, and will provide additional capacity needed for the current service area, along with modest additional capacity for future customers. The proposed pipeline will be constructed within a new 50 -foot wide right of way (ROW), and originates at a tie -in with an existing eight -inch gasline and future launcher site located approximately 450 feet southeast of N.C. Highway 18 (Morganton Road) and approximately 850 feet northeast of Harrisburg Drive SW (35.901444 ° N, - 81.543585 ° W). The tie -in and launcher site will be constructed on property currently owned by PNG. The proposed pipeline will then extend southeast, paralleling an existing overhead powerline easement to Dalewood Drive SW. The line will then pass through both wooded areas and urbanized portions of Lenoir, briefly paralleling a railroad line, then terminating at a second tie -in to an existing gasline located at an industrial facility near the junction of Norwood Street SW and Southwest Boulevard (35.875746 °N,- 81.518289 ° W). The surrounding land use adjacent to the project area consists of a mixture of undeveloped or previously- disturbed woodland, industrial and residential areas. The approximate location of the project area is depicted on the Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1), a portion of the Lenoir and Drexel, N.C. USGS Topographic Quad Sheets (Figure 2) and an Aerial Photograph dated 2010 (Figure 3). In wooded portions of the route, typical overstory vegetation included sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), tulip tree (Lirodendron tulipifera) and multiple pine species (Pinus spp). Mid- and understory vegetation was dominated by invasive or aggressive species such as Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and multiflora rose (Rosa mulltiflora). Additional species observed included Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), poison ivy (Toxicodenron radicans) and cat briar (Smilax sp.). Representative photos of the project corridor are included in Appendix II. 2 Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED WORK Construction of the proposed pipeline will first involve identification of the 50 -foot wide clearing limits (reduced to 30 feet at jurisdictional crossings), followed by removal of vegetation from the proposed ROW by mechanical means or hand - clearing, as appropriate. Within the wetland area, efforts will be made to remove surface vegetation in a manner that minimizes soil disturbance and exposure, and excavation will be limited to the trenchline. Appropriate sediment and erosion control measures are proposed to be installed to prevent sedimentation outside of the work area. Within the wetland, the topsoil will be excavated first and stockpiled. The subsoil will then be excavated and stockpiled separately. The pipe will then be lowered into the trench, and the excavated area backfilled with the segregated topsoil replaced last. The affected areas will then be restored as closely as possible to pre- construction contours and conditions, seeded with a customized seed mix and lightly mulched with straw. Only 30 feet of the 50 -foot wide ROW will be permanently maintained through Wetland A and at stream crossings. Remaining portions of the 50 -foot wide ROW will be allowed to naturally return to pre - construction conditions at these locations. Details of the proposed wetland and stream crossings are included on Figures 4 through 8. JURISDICTIONAL IMPACTS On July 19 and 26, 2013, S &ME conducted a pedestrian review of the proposed project area to delineate jurisdictional surface waters located therein. S &ME followed the procedures set forth in the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region Supplemental Guidance. Field conditions were documented using USACE Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms, as appropriate. The field review also included identification of tributaries (streams or ditches) within the project area. Drainage features identified during the field review were assessed to determine the jurisdictional status of the tributary. Drainage features were classified as either non - jurisdictional or jurisdictional. S &ME used the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form to document characteristics of identified drainage features on the day of the assessment. Field review identified five unnamed streams (Streams 1, 2, 3, 3A and 4) and one wetland area (Wetland A). A segment of Gunpowder Creek is also located within the project corridor, but will be avoided by use of horizontal direction drilling methods of pipe installation. Wetland A was classified as a bottomland hardwood forest, although a portion of the wetland extends into an existing overhead electric utility line. A data form prepared at Wetland A, along with information related to a preliminary Jurisdictional Determination, is included in Appendix III. The jurisdictional limits were delineated by S &ME and subsequently identified with a Trimble global - positioning system (GPS) unit Pre - construction Notification S &ME Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 capable of sub -meter accuracy, and later identified and mapped by a Professional Land Surveyor. Project -wide, 0.516 acre of wetlands will be impacted. Of these impacts, 0.074 acre will be temporary, while 0.442 acre will result in permanent conversion. Table 1 provides a breakdown of impacts associated with each wetland area. Table 1: Wetland Impact Summary Wetland ID Sheet No. Temporary Impacts Permanent Conversion Totals SF Acre SF Acre SF Acre A 6 of 6 3,232 0.074 19,238 0.442 22,470 0.516 Although the project will convert 0.442 acre of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands, it will not result in a loss of waters of the U.S. Typical wetland crossing details are depicted on Figures 4 and 5. Following construction, the temporarily affected wetland areas will be returned to their pre- construction grade and contour, seeded with a native wetland mix and allowed to re- vegetate naturally. Table 2: Stream Impact Summary Stream ID Sheet No. Temporary Impacts (SF) Permanent Impacts (SF) 1 2 40 0 2 4 32 0 3 5 39 0 3A 3 33 0 4 6 89 0 Totals: 233 0 The pipe will be installed beneath the subject stream channels "in the dry" through conventional isolation methods. Typical stream crossing details are depicted on Figures 6 through 8. Following construction, affected streambanks will be restored to their pre - construction contours, seeded and matted, and planted with deep- rooted woody shrubs to provide additional long -term stability. Use of rip -rap will be avoided. Drawings depicting the proposed impacts are included in Appendix IV. PROTECTED SPECIES To comply with applicable sections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 USC 1531- 1543), S &ME submitted project information to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on June 3, 2013. The information packages included USGS topographic maps and aerial photographs of the project area, and requested that each agency review records they may have relating to rare, endangered, or threatened species, or high quality natural communities within the vicinity of the project area, and provide comment. The NCNHP responded with a June 11, 2013 letter stating that they had no records of rare species, significant natural communities or significant natural heritage areas or 4 Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 conservation/managed areas within one mile of the project route, but did have records for the federally listed dwarf - flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) within two miles of the site. The USFWS responded with a June 26, 2013 letter in which they stated that based on their review of records and the information provided, no listed species or their habitats occur on the site, and that the requirements under Section 7 of the Act have been fulfilled. The USFWS also stated that they were concerned about potential impacts the project may have on aquatic species. Accordingly, the USFWS recommended that directional boring be used at stream crossings, and that stringent measures to control sediment and erosion should be implemented. Copies of the June 11, 2013 NCNIHP and the June 26, 2013 USFWS correspondence letters are included in Appendix V. S &ME's review of the USFWS list of federally - protected species with documented occurrences in Caldwell County is summarized in Table 3 below: Table 3: Protected Species Summary Species q1 Common Name Federal Status" Status Glyptemys muhlenbergii Bog turtle T(S /A) Current Hexastylis naniflora Dwarf- flowered heartleaf T Current Liatris helleri Heller's blazing star T Current Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus Carolina northern flying squirrel E Current Houstonia montana Roan Mountain Bluet E Current Microhexura montivaga Spruce fir moss spider E Current 'E = Endangered T = Threatened; T(S /A) = Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance Following project scoping and literature review, S &ME conducted a field assessment for the presence of federally - protected terrestrial species listed in Table 3. Descriptions of the species taken from USFWS and /or NCWRC accounts, along with a summary of the field review, are provided below. Bog Turtle Status: Federallv Listed Threatened due to Similarity of ADDearance Biological Conclusion: No Effect The bog turtle is a small semi - aquatic turtle, with a distinctive patch on each side of the head which can vary from yellow, orange to red depending on the population. The carapace is 3 to 4.5 inches in length, is not strongly keeled and has yellowish red scutes, or chitinous plates, on the outer shell. In adults the carapace will be worn smooth, presumably from burrowing in soil, while juveniles possess a rougher textured carapace. The plastron is hingeless, dark brown to black with yellowish or brown mottling. The skin is gray to brown, streaked with red or yellow markings. The bog turtle is a habitat specialist and is most commonly found in bogs, swamps, and wet meadows that have slow and shallow streams with deep soft muck soils and tussock- Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 forming, early successional, herbaceous vegetation. The bog turtle often burrows in the mud and is considered an elusive species that may be difficult to find. The southern population of the bog turtle ranges from southern Virginia to northern Georgia. It is protected as "threatened by similarity of appearance (S /A)" because it closely resembles individuals of the northern population that ranges from New York and Massachusetts south to Maryland, thus causing difficulty in enforcing prohibitions protecting the northern population. The bog turtle is listed as a current record in Caldwell County. The project corridor does not contain habitat suitable for the bog turtle. Accordingly, it is unlikely that this species will be affected by this project. Dwarf- Flowered Heartleaf Status: Federally Listed Threatened Biological Conclusion: May Affect, Not likely to Adversely Affect This species is identified as a current element occurrence in Caldwell County. Dwarf - flowered heartleaf is an evergreen, perennial herb in the birthwort family. It is distinguished from other members in the genus by the small size of the flowers, which appear in late March and early April. The leaves are dark green, sometimes with silvery or gray mottling. Frequently, the tip of the leaf has a small indentation. The flowers are borne near the ground surface, often under leaf litter, and are brownish to greenish in color. The habitat of dwarf - flowered heartleaf is open deciduous woods, along streambanks, often on Pacolet, Madison, or Musella soils. Although several individuals of heartleaf were observed during field review, most could be identified as K ari ha by the size and shape of the leaf, or were otherwise eliminated from consideration based on the lack of suitable habitat. Pacolet, Madison, or Musella soils are not mapped within the project corridor, and the streamside area within the project corridor where heartleaf was observed has been recently logged and is disturbed to an extent that only marginally suitable habitat remains. The successional areas within and adjacent to the proposed ROW include a number of opportunistic and /or invasive species that are not generally associated with this species habitat. Based on the level of disturbance and the species composition the project corridor was not considered to provide good potential habitat for this species. However, based on the proximity of the project corridor to documented populations of dwarf - flowered heartleaf (approximately 2 miles), a "May Affect but Not Likely to Adversely Affect" determination was reached. Heller's Blazing Star Status: Federally Listed Threatened Biological Conclusion: No Effect Heller's blazing star is a perennial herb of the aster family with one or more erect stems up to 16 inches tall, which grow from a tuft of pale green leaves at the base of the plant. Upper leaves are alternate, long and narrow. Flowers are tubular, lavender, and are clustered into heads which are scattered along the stem in a showy spike, 3 -8 inches long. The fruits are small nutlets. Habitat for this species consists of high- elevation rock ledges in shallow, acidic soil exposed to full sunlight. Habitat suitable for Heller's blazing star is not present within the project corridor. Accordingly, it is unlikely that this species will be affected by this project. 11 Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel Status: Federally Listed Endangered Biological Conclusion: No Effect Northern flying squirrels have bright cinnamon brown colored fur dorsally, gray fur around the face and the end of the tail, and bicolored fur on the belly that is gray at the base and creamy white at the tip of each hair. This squirrel's most distinctive feature is the cape of loose skin that stretches from its wrists to its ankles and forms the membrane on which it glides. The squirrel has a long, flat, furred tail. The northern flying squirrel inhabits the cool, wet boreal and deciduous forests of North Carolina's highest mountains. It prefers a mix of conifers (red spruce, Fraser fir, Eastern hemlock) and northern hardwood trees (yellow birch, buckeye, sugar maple). The project corridor does not contain habitat suitable for the Carolina northern flying squirrel. Accordingly, it is unlikely that this species will be affected by this project. Rocky Mountain Bluet Status: Federally Listed Endangered Biological Conclusion: No Effect Roan Mountain bluet is found on rocky, mountaintop exposures at high elevations of 4,600 to 6,200 feet. It is easily distinguished from other bluets by its relatively large reddish purple flowers, small oval leaves, and compact growth form. The funnel- shaped flowers blossom from late May through August or September, with peak flowering usually in June and July. The four main flower pollinators are small staphylinid beetles, bumblebees, syrphid flies, and ants. The fruits are small, nearly round, and open in late August through September. Roan Mountain bluet grows about 8 inches tall. The project corridor does not contain habitat suitable for Rocky Mountain bluet. Accordingly, it is unlikely that this species will be affected by this project. Spruce Fir Moss Spider Status: Federally Listed Endangered Biological Conclusion: No Effect The spruce -fir moss spider is one of the smallest members of the primitive suborder of spiders that are often popularly referred to as "tarantulas." Adults of this species measure only 0.10 to 0.15 inch. Coloration of the spruce -fir moss spider ranges from light brown to yellow -brown to a darker reddish brown, and there are no markings on its abdomen The most reliable field identification characteristics for the spruce -fir moss spider are chelicerae that project forward well beyond the anterior edge of the carapace, a pair of very long posterior spinnerets, and the presence of a second pair of book lungs, which appear as light patches posterior to the genital furrow. The spruce -fir moss spider is known to occur only from red spruce forest communities of the highest elevations of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Typical habitat of this spider is found in damp, but well drained, moss mats growing on rock outcrops and boulders in well shaded forests. Habitat suitable for this species was not observed within the project corridor, and as such, it is unlikely that this species will be affected by this project. Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES To comply with applicable sections of the Historic Preservation Act S &ME submitted project information to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) on June 3, 2013. The information package included USGS topographic maps and aerial photographs of the project area, and requested that the agency review records they may have relating to historic or cultural resources in the area, and provide comment. The SHPO responded with a July 9, 2013 letter stating that they were aware of no resources that would be affected by the proposed project. A copy of the July 9, 2013 SHPO letter is included in Appendix V. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Impacts to Gunpowder Creek have been avoided entirely through use of HDD pipe installation methods. Impacts to a second named channel, Lower Creek, were also avoided in the design phase by shifting the tie -in from an existing pipeline on the north side of the creek along Highway 18, to a point on the south side of the creek near a former PNG station site. To further minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. and limit habitat fragmentation, PNG has proposed to conduct the work within a 30 -foot wide easement, and will parallel an existing utility corridor for much of the project's length. Impacts to Wetland A cannot be avoided by shifting the proposed route to the opposite side of the existing overhead electric utility line. This alternative was originally explored, but extremely steep topography in that area presented significant constructability and safety constraints. Construction equipment operating in wetlands will be limited to that necessary for excavation, pipe installation and restoration activities. All work within wetland areas will be performed from timber mats. To the extent practicable, vegetation will be cut at ground level, leaving existing root systems in place to promote re- growth. Wetland topsoil will be segregated from the underlying subsoil, and yearly vegetation maintenance will be limited to a 30 -foot permanent maintenance corridor, as indicated previously. Permanent stream impacts will be avoided by use of coir matting and deep- rooted woody vegetation for bank stability following construction, rather than through use of rip -rap. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" and approved by the local governing authority shall be in compliance with specifications governing the proper design, installation, operation and maintenance of such BMPs to comply with the appropriate turbidity water quality standard. MITIGATION Although the project will result in no loss of waters of the U.S., it will result in conversion of 0.422 acre of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. PNG proposes to satisfy its mitigation requirement at a 1:1 ratio by purchasing the necessary credit (0.5 acre of riparian wetland) within the Upper Catawba River Basin (HUC 03050101) from Pre - construction Notification SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir- HP Distribution Gas Line — Lenoir, N.C. September 4, 2013 the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP). An acceptance letter from the NCEEP is included in Appendix VI. Mitigation for wetland impacts that do not exceed one acre is not required by NCDWR, and because the project as proposed will not result in permanent stream impacts, stream Mitigation is not required. Mitigation has also been provided by avoidance and minimization procedures implemented during the design phase of the proposed project. Impacts will be minimized by: 1) paralleling an existing, maintained ROW where possible; 2) use of trenchless pipe installation at Gunpowder Creek; and 3) reducing the width of the permanent maintenance corridor to 30 feet. As proposed, the project will comply with applicable conditions of NWP No. 12 and WQC No. 3884. The width of the permanently - maintained ROW will not exceed 30 feet in wetlands and at stream crossings. The proposed alignment also makes use of existing, maintained areas to the extent practicable. Following construction, affected jurisdictional areas are scheduled to be restored to its original grade and contour. As proposed, the project will not result in permanent changes in pre- construction elevation contours or affect dimension, pattern or profile of affected streams. Cleared areas are proposed to be restored in accordance with the attached Restoration Plan (Appendix VI) following completion of the work. CLOSING By copy of this correspondence and completed PCN, we are requesting your written concurrence with this NWP No. 12 permit application. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at 704.523.4726. Sincerely, S &ME Joey La er PWS Lnkine, QEP Project Scientist Natural Resources Department Manager j lawler(c,smeinc. com dpeine(csmeinc. com Senior Review by Julie Bennett - Hudel, P.G., LEED AP Attachments cc: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission — Waynesville U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Ashville Field Office Andy Clark — RLS Jim Kalish - PNG Figures f L 5 5 l �,k�. ��KS� y' � ��i}YQr' -' •, �`': r'F � 4 r,+�L'..,� - • ti� '� s4 �" _ � r.r^ . 1r •, " - yj } ;`" „z[ � r � ' r r � .' ' � � 1{'} l i J �' d �� v 1•w � '""' . h -; ��T .YA �`��' rl' ' �rf��� � + r J� ' L /��' ~ 'S f � . Il � - . r•ry.�,Y � Y�l -� 4 � — fi� �'� �f � i# � � F , r, '7 �7�I''��lFk � � y� � 7 � � � lk' ^ ~•'L r 111 + Ig' ti �WETLANDA ffr• I�, 1I_t STREAM 4 '',IL Y `j'?" r - 4t F'~ -~41 F. ,1'l } f r !+• 1'f fi, -Yf f.1� .� I` }Ir 14 J{ - "— I f I ? fr" 1 li h �I .i fy •4} * .. STREAM 3', i { ' f I f ',k i '�,.� _ * �r l _s'-" � y i �r1 X45 * 4, k IL key, 4 `- } i }� y 4 {•• '4 L s , -r r• fl 111 L L . .ryY , # ly 1 l , 4 k h 15 1r• 4• I '� 4 - { •r Y -,% 1 1 # 5 111 Li Ill ++1 r 5 4k55''k}k I II 1 'I +' - _v -- IF ■� j l . " —.�J { - ^�..4 ; ''S { 'mayI {' r1 r STREAM 2 i is �_� f���V ' s LliF # do Y i • �4 - l' 4 � '7M — 't --• iE —yam' ~� #~ ' # 'C-x Il f" t, STREAM 3A It- pi J J *+ R 441 1 4 #• ' I 5 Oki # 410 It e !{ 4 i_Y- * f'r - ..� _ �~' YS "; ' f T �.i+}1{��� •'I' # F S } i f . 'x f 1� �y ap 4w VA # ti *~ ,� r' ;�; � `� a. # GUNPOWDER CREEK % Y - # NO IMPACTS f M , rW - �.� ���� 4kv � I f� •' _ x_�t �� ` � x ray �_` y 9L Alp, IL 1 liable r ► STREAM 1 jy r'Lf L , ti rti� � "��fl -� xt} ��' � '1 � . M L 4x , !� 4 � �� - � I �Jf �• y� � r f t �r� - + • i I I y ' �{ 4� �" �� j fr'' 47"l r + 'F 1•.r .';r - "� ' l •i �f f rr r -G G y S • x + �II fl REFERENCE: l ■ ij�'Y 'I GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE LENOIR, N.C. AND DREXEL, N.C. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN, LEGAL, OR ANY OTHER USES. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS 1 �r rf.r _ ± U� ACCURACY. S &ME, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION.r PROJECT ROUTE —' SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 06.26.13 S&ME DRAWN BY JOL WWW.SMEINC.COM PROJECT NO L 1g9;7_1q -nlR ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 FIGURE NO. USGS TOPOGRPAHIC MAP LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE 2 LENOIR, N.C. S EA EASEMENT /BOUNDARY � HAY BALES AND /OR SILT FENCE AS REQUIRED TO CONTROL RUNOFF FROM SPOIL STORAGE AREA TOP SOIL TOP SOIL - PROPOSEDTRENCH FOR GASLINE EQUIPMENT MAT CONSTRUCTION AREA TEMPORARY MATTING (IF REQUIRED TO PREVENT WETLAND RUTTING) 50' EASEMENT HAY BALES AND /OR SILT FENCE AS BOUNDARY I REQUIRED TO CONTROL RUNOFF FROM SPOIL STORAGE AREA EQUIPMENT 50'PERMAENET SCALE: NTS DATE: 08/26/13 fS&ME PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: 1357 -13 -016 ELH CHECKED BY WWS M EI NC'.C'OM L� ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 TRENCH DETAIL LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE NO. 0 F Q a cD Z Q 0 EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY WORKSPACE PIPE TRENCH GENERAL NOTES: 1. INSTALL HAY BALES AT FURTHEST EXTENT OF 30' CONSTRUCTION AREA (PRE- CONSTRUCTION). 2. NO WASTES, SPOILS, SOLIDS OR FILLS WILL BE PLACED WITHIN WETLANDS, WATERS OR RIPARIAN AREAS. DEWATERING WATER SHALL BE PUMPED THROUGH SILT BAG OR TOP SOIL PILE SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURE THAT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE EASEMENT AND OUTSIDE OF ANY WETLANDS AREA WETLAND + EASEMENT SUB SOIL PILE 3. SEGREGATE TOPSOIL WHEN STOCK PILING EXCAVATED WETLAND SOIL. TOPSOIL SHOULD BE STORED IN A MANNER TO MAINTAIN SEED BANKVIABILITY THAT DOES NOT IMPEDE FLOW OF WATER. 4. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, WETLAND CROSSINGS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL PRE - CONSTRUCTION CONTOURS, TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. 5. FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSINGS WILL BE STABILIZED WITH A NATIVE WETLAND SEED MIX (SEE TABLE 1). THIS SEED MIX WILL BE INSTALLED WITH A TEMPORARY GROUNDCOVER SPECIES TO PROVIDE IMMEDIATE COVERAGE OF DISTURBED SOIL, AND WILL COVER THE DISTURBED WETLANDS FROM THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY EXTENDING FIVE FEET LANDWARD. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT HAY BALES AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS . MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 2. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR „ THE NEXT RAIN. TEMPORARY MATTING 3. REMOVE ALL E &S MEASURES AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE (CRANE MATS), OR SIMILAR METHODS AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. + + (AF REQUIRED TO PREVENT RUTTING) EXISTING 50' EASEMENT I Table 1: Wetland Seed Mix Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus riparius HOj;,; �I�I` I���i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i���i�� 20 Agrostis stolonifera Creeping bent grass 15 Carex vulpinoidea TEMPORARY • f• .......... 12 Panicum virgatum Switch rass I__MA________-. Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass 15 Dichanthelium clandestinum WETLAND + EASEMENT SUB SOIL PILE 3. SEGREGATE TOPSOIL WHEN STOCK PILING EXCAVATED WETLAND SOIL. TOPSOIL SHOULD BE STORED IN A MANNER TO MAINTAIN SEED BANKVIABILITY THAT DOES NOT IMPEDE FLOW OF WATER. 4. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, WETLAND CROSSINGS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL PRE - CONSTRUCTION CONTOURS, TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. 5. FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSINGS WILL BE STABILIZED WITH A NATIVE WETLAND SEED MIX (SEE TABLE 1). THIS SEED MIX WILL BE INSTALLED WITH A TEMPORARY GROUNDCOVER SPECIES TO PROVIDE IMMEDIATE COVERAGE OF DISTURBED SOIL, AND WILL COVER THE DISTURBED WETLANDS FROM THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY EXTENDING FIVE FEET LANDWARD. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT HAY BALES AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS . MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 2. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR „ THE NEXT RAIN. TEMPORARY MATTING 3. REMOVE ALL E &S MEASURES AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE (CRANE MATS), OR SIMILAR METHODS AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. + + (AF REQUIRED TO PREVENT RUTTING) EXISTING 50' EASEMENT I Table 1: Wetland Seed Mix Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus riparius Riverbank wild rye 20 Agrostis stolonifera Creeping bent grass 15 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12 Panicum virgatum Switch rass 15 Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass 15 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer ton ue 08 Bidens aristosa Bidens 04 Juncus effusus, NC Ecotype Soft rush 04 Aster lateriflorus Calico aster 03 Sa ittaria latifolia Duck potato 02 Saururus cernuus Lizards tail 02 100 • vvetland Seed Mix to be applied to all wetland areas extending rive teet landward tollowing construction. • Recommended application rate: 20 -25 lbs. per acre. SCALE: NTS DATE: 08�2t)�13 &ME FIGURE NO. WETLAND CROSSING PLAN VIEW PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY 5 1357 -13 -016 ELH LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE CHECKED BY: VVWS M E1 NC'.00M CXR ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA x a t7 Z Q o' 0 HAY BALES OR SILT FENCE SIDE BOARDS - SILT BAG TRENCH DEWATERING HOSE TRENCH DEWATERING PUMP 10' / 1 TOE -OF -BANK / / DOWNSTREAM SANDBAG COFFER DAM 10' TOP -OF -BANK 30' MAX CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY BRIDGING AREA SPOIL PILE PROPOSED 50' EASEMENT (LIMIT STREAM BANK DISTURBANCE TO MINIMUM NECESSARY) 10' STREAM FLOW DURING CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL PUMP AROUND STREAM CROSSING UPSTREAM DIVERSION HOSE UPSTREAM DIVERSION PUMP SCALE: NTS DATE: 08/26/13 fS&ME PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: 1357 -13 -016 ELH CHECKED BY WWS M EI NC'.C'OM CXR ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 GENERALNOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY COFFER DAMS WITHIN 5' OF UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM EDGES OF CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT /TEMPORARY WORKSPACE. CONSTRUCT DAMS USING SANDBAGS COVERED WITH 20 MIL HDPE LINER. 2. THE HEIGHT OF THE COFFER DAM SHALL BE CALCULATED BY USING H/4 +1' WHERE H =HEIGHT OF STREAM BANK IN FEET WITH A 2' MINIMUM DAM HEIGHT. ADDITIONAL HEIGHT MAYBE REQUIRED BASED ON FLOW CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER AREA BETWEEN DAMS AND ENSURE TIGHT SEAL OF DAMS PRIOR TO TRENCHING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PASSING ALL WATER WHICH IS TO BE FILTERED THROUGH A SILT BAG PLACED ON A WELL VEGETATED UPLAND AREA. INSTALL HAY BALES ON THREE DOWNGRADIENT SIDES OF SILT BAG. 4. PLACE PUMP INTAKE UPSTREAM OF UPSTREAM COFFERDAM. PLACE BYPASS HOSE OUTSIDE OF STREAM BANKS WITH DISCHARGE DOWNSTREAM OF DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM BEFORE COMMENCING BYPASS. 5. THE PUMP SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO CONVEY NORMAL STREAM FLOW. HAVE STANDBY PUMPS AND GENERATORS CAPABLE OF HANDLING 100% OF ANTICIPATED FLOW ON -SITE IN CASE OF PUMP FAILURE OR A RAIN EVENT. 6. STREAM CROSSING SHOULD BE MADE PERPENDICULAR TO THE STREAM TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. 7. LIMIT THE REMOVAL OF VEGETATION TO THE CONSTRUCTION WORK AREA (30' WIDE). 8. STREAM CROSSING SHOULD BE CONDUCTED "IN THE DRY" TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PRACTICAL. BEGIN INSTREAM WORK IN THE MORNING TO ALLOW FOR 24 TO 48 HOUR INSTALLATION (OR AS SOON AS PRACTICAL). INITIATE CONSTRUCTION ONLY AFTER CONFIRMING THAT INCLEMENT WEATHER IS NOT ANTICIPATED. 9. NO WASTES, SPOILS, SOLIDS OR FILLS WILL BE PLACED WITHIN WETLANDS, WATERS OR RIPARIAN AREAS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THOSE DEPICTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 10. ALL STREAM CROSSINGS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONTOURS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PRACTICAL, ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. 11. IF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REQUIRE EQUIPMENT TO CROSS THE STREAM, TEMPORARY BRIDGING WILL BE USED. 12. ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROTECT IMPACTED STREAM. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. INSPECT E &S MEASURES AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. INSPECT SILT BAG, SANDBAGS, PUMP AND HOSING DURING STREAM CROSSING. MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. PUMP AROUND STREAM CROSSING DETAIL LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE NO. F Q a c� Z Q 0 iAY BALES - OR SILT FENCE TOE -OF -BANK DOWNSTREAM SANDBAG COFFER DAM I I AREA STEEL PIPE FLUME --F SPOIL PILE SILT BAG TRENCH DEWATERING HOSE TRENCH DEWATERING PUMP EXISTING 50' EASEMENT UPSTREAM SANDBAG (LIMIT STREAM BANK COFFER DAM DISTURBANCE TO 20' MAX.) 10 / 10 �{ I 1 STREAM FLOW DURING CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL FLUME STREAM CROSSING GENERALNOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY COFFERDAMS WITHIN 5' OF UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM EDGES OF CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT /TEMPORARY WORKSPACE. CONSTRUCT DAMS USING SANDBAGS COVERED WITH 20 MIL HDPE LINER TO INSURE IMPERMEABILITY. 2. THE HEIGHT OF THE COFFER DAM SHALL BE CALCULATED BY USING H/4 +1' WHERE H = HEIGHT OF STREAM BANK WITH A 2' MINIMUM DAM HEIGHT. ADDITIONAL HEIGHT MAY BE REQUIRED BASED ON FLOW CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER AREA BETWEEN DAMS AND ENSURE TIGHT SEAL OF DAMS PRIOR TO TRENCHING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PASSING ALL WATER WHICH IS TO BE FILTERED THROUGH A SILT BAG PLACED ON A WELL VEGETATED UPLAND AREA. INSTALL HAY BALES ON THREE DOWNGRADIENT SIDES OF SILT BAG. 4. INSTALL A ST EL FLUME PIPE AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 12" OF COVER OR � DIAMETER FOR FLUMES >36 "IN DIAMETER. FLUME PIPE SHOULD BE SIZED TO ADEQUATELY ACCOMMODATE BANK FULL FLOWS. 5. ALL STREAM CROSSINGS SHOULD BE MADE PERPENDICULAR TO THE STREAM TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. 6. LIMIT THE REMOVAL OF VEGETATION TO THE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREAAT THE STREAM CROSSING (30' WIDE). 7. STREAM CROSSINGS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED "IN THE DRY" TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PRACTICAL. BEGIN INSTREAM WORK IN THE MORNING TO ALLOW FOR 24 T048 HOUR INSTALLATION (OR AS SOON AS PRACTICAL). INITIATE CONSTRUCTION ONLY AFTER CONFIRMING THAT INCLEMENT WEATHER IS NOT ANTICIPATED. 8. NO WASTES, SPOILS, SOLIDS OR FILLS WILL BE PLACED WITHIN WETLANDS, WATERS OR RIPARIAN AREAS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THOSE DEPICTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 9. ALL STREAM CROSSINGS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONTOURS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PRACTICAL, ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. 10. IF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REQUIRE EQUIPMENT TO CROSS THE STREAM, TEMPORARY BRIDGING WILL BE USED. 11. ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROTECT IMPACTED STREAMS. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. INSPECT E& MEASURES AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. INSPECT SILT BAG, SANDBAGS, PUMP AND HOSING DURING STREAM CROSSING. MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. SCALE: NTS DATE: 08/26/13 fS&ME FIGURE NO. FLUME STREM CROSSING DETAIL PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY 1357 -13 -016 ELH CHECKED BY: LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE WS M E� NC.COM CXR ENGINEERING LICENSE NO F -0176 LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA F Q a t7 z Q 0 TEMPORARY MATTING INSTALL NORTH AMERICAN GREEN- TYPE C -125 MATTING OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT. HAY BALES — OR SILT FENCE INSTALL NORTH AMERICAN GREEN TYPE C -125 MATTING OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT. iu. EXISTING 50' EASEMENT (LIMIT STREAM BANK Table 2: Riparian Seed Mix* DISTURBANCE TO 30' MAX.) Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus virginicus GENERAL NOTES: I1. Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, ALL STREAM CROSSINGS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL Creeping bentgrass 10 DO NOT INSTALL MATTING Black -eyed Susan CONTOURS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PRACTICAL, ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. Coreopsis lanceolata Lance leaf tickseed 10' Panicum clandestinum Deer tongue 10 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 05 2. ONCE ORIGINAL STREAM BANK CONTOURS HAVE BEEN RE- ESTABLISHED, INSTALL _ 05 Echinochloa muricata FLOW TEMPORARY MATTING (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN TYPE C -125 OR ENGINEER - APPROVED EXTEND TEMPORARY MATTING 5' LANDWARD FROM TOP OF BANK. Little bluestem 05 Sorghastrum nutans EQUIVALENT) ON DISTURBED STREAM BANKS. TEMPORARY MATTING SHALL EXTEND FROM 05 Tripsacum dactyloides Gamma grass 05 FIVE FEET LANDWARD OF THE TOP OF BANK DOWNSLOPE TO THE TOE OF BANK. DO NOT 100 INSTALL MATTING IN STREAM BED. TOE -OF -BANK TOP -OF -BANK 3. FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, STREAM BANKS WILL BE STABILIZED WITH RIPARIAN SEED MIX (TABLE 2) AND WOODY SPECIES (SEE RESTOARTION PLAN), AS APPROPRIATE. 4. PERMANENT MAINTAINED ACCESS CORRIDORS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE MINIMUM WIDTH PRACTICAL AND SHALL NOT EXCEED 30 FEET IN WIDTH. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 30' CONSTRUCTION 1. INSPECT MATTING AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. MAKE ANY AREA NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 2. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARYTO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME O FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID U NDERMININGTHE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT. 3. REMOVE ALL HAY BALES AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREATO L GAS PIPELINE GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. EXISTING 50' EASEMENT (LIMIT STREAM BANK Table 2: Riparian Seed Mix* DISTURBANCE TO 30' MAX.) GAS PIPELINE CROSS - SECTION POST - CONSTRUCTION Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye 15 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Agrostis stolinifera Creeping bentgrass 10 DO NOT INSTALL MATTING Black -eyed Susan 10 Coreopsis lanceolata Lance leaf tickseed WITHIN STREAMBED. Panicum clandestinum Deer tongue 10 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 05 STREAM Soft rush 05 Echinochloa muricata FLOW 05 EXTEND TEMPORARY MATTING 5' LANDWARD FROM TOP OF BANK. GAS PIPELINE CROSS - SECTION POST - CONSTRUCTION Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye 15 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Agrostis stolinifera Creeping bentgrass 10 Rudbeckia hina, NC ecotype Black -eyed Susan 10 Coreopsis lanceolata Lance leaf tickseed 10 Panicum clandestinum Deer tongue 10 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 05 Juncus effusus Soft rush 05 Echinochloa muricata Awned barnyard grass 05 Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 05 Sorghastrum nutans I Indian grass 05 Tripsacum dactyloides Gamma grass 05 100 • H parian Seed Mix to be applied to all disturbed streambanks, extending Live feet landward following construction. • Recommended application rate: 20-25 lbs. per acre SCALE: NTS DATE: 08/26/13 FIGURE FIGURE NO. ROJECT NO. DRAWN BY STREAM RESTORATION DETAIL P 1357 -13 -016 ELH LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE CHECKED BY VVIWS M EI NC'.C'OM ENGINEERINGLICENSENO: F -0176 LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA F Q a t7 z 0 Appendix I Completed Pre - Construction Notification and Authorization to Act as Agent o�'�F wc,r�R4c r Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Page 1 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version Pre - Construction Notification PCN Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑ Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 12 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? FEI es ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ❑ No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ❑ No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Lenoir HP Distirbution Gas Line 2b. County: Caldwell 2c. Nearest municipality/ town: Lenoir 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Piedmont Natural Gas 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: 4720 Piedmont Row Drive 3e. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC 28210 3f. Telephone no.: 704.731.4598 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: jim.kalish @piedmont ng.com Page 1 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: Utility Company 4b. Name: Jim Kalish 4c. Business name (if applicable): Piedmont Natural Gas 4d. Street address: 4720 Piedmont Row Drive 4e. City, state, zip: Charlotte NC 28210 4f. Telephone no.: 704.731.4598 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: jim.kalish @piedmont ng.com 5. Agent /Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Joey Lawler, P.W.S. 5b. Business name (if applicable): S &ME, Inc. 5c. Street address: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard 5d. City, state, zip: Charlotte, N.C. 28723 5e. Telephone no.: 704.523.4726 5f. Fax no.: 704.525.3853 5g. Email address: jlawler @smeinc.com Page 2 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): Project is a linear utility line 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.885504 Longitude: - 81.52913 (DD.DDDDDD) (- DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: Approximately 15 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Gunpowder Creek - 11- 55 -(0.5) proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C 2c. River basin: Upper Catawba 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Land use in the vicinity of the project corridor consists primarily of a mix of residential and industrial development, woodland and other open, disturbed and /or maintained areas. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.515 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 233 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: PNG plans to install an approximately 2.5- milesegment of eight -inch diameter natural gas pipeline in Lenoir, Caldwell County, North Carolina. The purpose of the project is created a looped system that will be compatible with current federally maintained pipeline integrity and inspection requirements, and will provide additional capacity needed for the current service area, along with modest additional capacity for future customers. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project will involve installation of a new eight -inch natural gas pipeline . See attached cover letter for additional details. Page 3 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / El Yes E] No El Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type El Preliminary El Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency /Consultant Company: S &ME, Inc. Name (if known):. Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. On July 19 and 26, 2013, S &ME conducted a pedestrian review of the proposed project area to delineate jurisdictional surface waters located therein. S &ME followed the procedures set forth in the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region Supplemental Guidance. Field conditions were documented using USACE Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms, as appropriate. The field review also included identification of tributaries (streams or ditches) within the project area. Drainage features identified during the field review were assessed to determine the jurisdictional status of the tributary. Drainage features were classified as either non jurisdictional or jurisdictional. S &ME used the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form to document characteristics of identified drainage features on the day of the assessment. Field review identified five unnamed streams and one wetland area. A segment of Gunpowder Creek is also located within the project corridor, but will avoided by use of horizontal direction drilling methods of pipe installation. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 4 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands ❑ Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non -404, other) (acres) Temporary (T) Above-ground W1 ❑ P ❑ T vegetation Bottomland ❑ Yes ❑ Corps 0.51 removal' pipe Hardwood Forest ❑ No ❑ DWQ installtion W2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 0.516 2h. Comments: Of the 0.516 acre impact, 0.074 acre are tempoary, and 0.442 Impacts will reuslt from conversion of forested wetland to herbaceous wetland. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non -404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 ❑ P ❑ T Pipe installtion 1 ❑ PER ❑ INT ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ 5 40 S2 ❑ P ❑ T Pipe installation 2 ❑ PER ❑ INT ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ 5 32 S3 ❑ P ❑ T Pipe installation 3 ❑ PER ❑ INT ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ 8 39 S4 ❑ P ❑ T Pipe installation 3A ❑ PER ❑ INT ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ 5 89 S5 ❑ P ❑ T Pipe installation 4 ❑ PER ❑ INT ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ 5 33 S6 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 233 3i. Comments: No permanent stream impacts will occur. Page 5 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number - (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 01 ❑P ❑T 02 ❑P ❑T 03 ❑P ❑T 04 ❑P ❑T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: No open -water impacts will occur. 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? 6b. 6c. 6d. Buffer impact number - Reason Permanent (P) or for Temporary (T) impact 131 ❑P ❑T B2 ❑P ❑T B3 ❑P ❑T ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar - Pamlico ❑ Other: ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6e. I 6f. I 6g. Buffer Stream name mitigation required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: No buffer impacts will occur. Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact (square feet) (square feet) Page 6 of 11 PCN Form -Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. To minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. and limit habitat fragmentation, PNG has proposed to limit the workspace within which the new pipeline will be installed to a 30 -foot wide easement within jurisdictional areas. The project makes use of existing utility corrdiors to the extent practicable. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Construction equipment operating within wetlands will work from timber mats, and will be limited to that necessary for excavation, pipe installation and restoration activities. Wetland vegetation will be cut at ground level to the extent practicable, leaving existing root systems in place to promote re- growth. Wetland topsoil will be segregated from the underlying subsoil, and yearly vegetation maintenance is planned to be limited to a 30 foot permanent maintenance corridor in wetlands and at stream crossings. See cover letter for additional details. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ❑ Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 0 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): 0 square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: 0.5 acres 4f. Non - riparian wetland mitigation requested: 0 acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: 0 acres 4h. Comments: See attached letter from NC EEP. 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes ❑ No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). Buffer mitigation is not required. 6h. Comments: Page 8 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: . 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? >1 % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: Project will not result in additional imperveous surface. 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: N/A ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally - implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state - implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006 -246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal /state /local) funds or the ❑ Yes ❑ No use of public (federal /state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ❑ No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after - the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes ❑ No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The project will provide gas to PNG's existing customer base and allow only for modest additonal capacity. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non- discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. The project is a natural gas pipeline and will not generate waste water. Page 10 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes ❑ No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ❑ Yes ❑ No impacts? F-1 Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? See attached copy of a June 26, 2013 letter from the USFWS in which they stated that based on their review of records and the information provided by S &ME, no listed species or their habitats occur on the site, and that the requirements under Section 7 of the Act have been fulfilled. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? http://ocean.floridamarine.org/efh_coral/ims/viewer.htm 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ❑ No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? See attached copy of a July 9, 2013 letter from NC SHPO stating that they were aware of no resources that would be affected by the proposed project. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA- designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: N/A 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? Available FEMA mapping Joey Lawler, P.W.S. 09.04.13 Joey La ler, PWS Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Date Applicant/Agent's Signature (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version Date: Project Information S &ME Project Name: PNG Lenoir Gas Transmission Line Project Type of Project: Utility Line Location: Caldwell County, North Carolina Property Owner /Representative Information Business Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code Telephone No. Contact: Agent Information Business Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone No. Contact: Piedmont Natural Gas 4270 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 704.731.4496 Jim Kalish S &ME, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 704.523.4726 Joey Lawler, P.W.S. Authorization: I (_A)� on behalf of (Contact Signature) hereby authorize (Name of Permittee) S &ME to act as agent with the USCAEINCDWR in securing Section 4011404 permits in connection with the above- mentioned project. Appendix II Site Photographs View of project corridor near its origin, facing NW towards proposed tie in. r - ��� �.4�7. ... r. .x.1:5:•.: -'� n View of project corridor where it parallels an existing utility easement, facing S. View of typical wooded portion of project corridor. Second view of typical wooded portion of project corridor. View of formerly logged portion of project corridor. Taken by: JoL Checked by: JBH S&ME Date: 08.26.2013 View of Wetland A near proposed crossing location. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE CALDWELL COUNTY, N.C. Project No.: 1357 -13 -016 Photo Page 1 of 2 dF` •- ,r • 4 t r ©7r126r/2013 11 -09 v! � View of Stream 1 near the proposed crossing. A4. fJ "�'•. Tr' T� s Aw r View of Stream 2 near the proposed crossing. N +�ppt IPA TAP- 1 View of Stream 3 near the proposed crossing. View of Stream 3A near the proposed crossing. F' 'r V q � •~,l : - i .6 View of Stream 4 near the proposed crossing. Taken by: JoL SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Checked by: JBH LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE CALDWELL COUNTY, N.C. Date: 08.26.2013 Project No.: 1357 -13 -016 Photo Page 2 of 2 Appendix III JD Information PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): 08.26.13 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: JOEY LAWLER, PWS S &ME, INC. 9751 SOUTHERN PINE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28273 B. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE C. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS PLANS TO INSTALL AN APPROXIMATELY 2.5 -MILE SEGMENT OF SIX -INCH DIAMETER NATURAL GAS PIPELINE IN LENOIR, CALDWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THE NEW PIPE WILL ORIGINATE AT A TIE -IN WITH AN EXISTING 8 -INCH GASLINE AND FUTURE LAUNCHER SITE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 450 FEET SOUTHEAST OF N.C. HIGHWAY 18 (MORGANTON ROAD) AND APPROXIMATELY 850 FEET NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG DRIVE SW (35.901444 °N, - 81.543585 °W). THE TIE -IN AND LAUNCHER SITE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ON PROPERTY CURRENTLY OWNED BY PNG. THE NEW PIPE WILL THEN EXTEND SOUTHEAST, PARALLELING AN EXISTING OVERHEAD POWERLINE EASEMENT TO DALEWOOD DRIVE SW. THE LINE WILL THEN PASS THROUGH BOTH WOODED AREAS AND URBANIZED PORTIONS OF LENOIR, BRIEFLY PARALLELING A RAILROAD LINE, THEN TERMINATING AT A SECOND TIE -IN TO AN EXISTING GASLINE LOCATED AT AN INDUSTRIAL FACILITY NEAR THE JUNCTION OF NORWOOD STREET SW AND SOUTHWEST BOULEVARD (35.875746 °N,- 81.518289 °W). THE SURROUNDING LAND USE ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT AREA CONSISTS OF A MIXTURE OF UNDEVELOPED AND PREVIOUSLY - DISTURBED WOODLAND, INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS. (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NORTH CAROLINA County /parish /borough: CALDWELL City: LENOIR Center coordinates of site (lat /long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.8855040 N, Long. - 81.529130 W. Universal Transverse Mercator: 17N, NAD83 NC STATE PLANE Name of nearest waterbody: GUNPOWDER CREEK Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non - wetland waters: SEE TABLE Cowardin Class: SEE TABLE Stream Flow: SEE TABLE Wetlands: SEE TABLE Cowardin Class: SEE TABLE Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: NONE Tidal: N/A Non - Tidal: N/A E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑ Field Determination. Date(s) 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non - reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply) - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant /consultant: SEE ATTACHED FIGURES ® Data sheets prepared /submitted by or on behalf of the applicant /consultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets /delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets /delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ® U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: LENOIR AND DREXEL, N.C. 1:24,000 ® USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: CALDWELL COUNTY, NC. ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State /Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: 3 ❑ 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ® Photographs: ® Aerial (Name & Date): SEE ATTACHED FIGURES or ® Other (Name & Date): SEE S &ME REPRESENTATIVE SITE PHOTOGRAPHS ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter:. ® Other information (please specify): SEE ATTACHED WATERS UPLOAD SHEET AND USACE WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS. IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) See attached Agent Authorization Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) USACE Waters Upload Sheet Lenoir HP Distribution Gas Line Project No. 1357 -13 -016 09.04.2013 Waters Name Cowardin_ Code HGM Code — Area (acres) Linear (ft) Waters Types Latitude (dd nad83) Longitude (dd nad83) Local—Waterway Wetland A PF01 PALUSTRINE 0.52 RPWWD 35.9012 - 81.5420 Lower Creek Stream 1 RIVERINE 40 RPW 35.8789 - 81.5201 UT to Gunpowder Creek Stream 2 RIVERINE 32 RPW 35.8912 - 81.5337 UT to Lower Creek Stream 3 RIVERINE 39 RPW 35.8961 - 81.5375 UT to Lower Creek Stream 3A RIVERINE 33 RPW 35.8872 - 81.5304 UT to Lower Creek Stream 4 RIVERINE 89 RPW 35.8984 - 81.5395 UT to Lower Creek Appendix IV Impact Drawings SEAL L -4649 = i .�9b -lO�• S U R�F I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S&ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 07120/2013. ziDAVID CLARK, PLS L -4649 y� /3 STREAM 1 LINE TABLE TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 40 L.F.± LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 14.43' S3636'15 "E L2 8.76' N79'44'52 "W L3 31.55' N86'08'49 "W tL4 13.14' N36'36'15 'W L5 1 39.43' 1 S86'08'49'E � f CD PIN: 2758258175 RANDALL MILLER CO., INC Q.B. 1780 PG. 164 1110 STREAM 1 TO BE OPEN CUT PROPOSED 8" GAS LIN G�G'G�G�G�G1 G -G 0 m LEGEND: • COMPUTED POINT (NOT SET) 0 CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND Q IRON PIPE FOUND WOODUNE G PROPOSED GAS LINE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE —PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT FENCELI NE 7_7 TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA N: 784234.38 E: 1253709.7: 6 PIN: 2758348306 ALBERT JOHNSON D.B. 1738 PG. 270 / ° w RIDGEWAY STREET ui w 60' PUBLIC R/W PER PB 4 PG 4 ul) aO w =o aZ a �G G GAG GAG G�� a do _ ~G~ 'roe PIN: 2758258175 RANDALL MILLER CO., INC D.B. 1780 PG. 164 NOTES: 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY OPEN CUT. GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 1 inch = 30 it PIN: 2758346073 KENNETH L. BRISTOL & TERRI ANNE D.B. 1681 PG. 174 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GA S LINE IR# 11-26510 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. CALD WELL COUNTY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 2 OF 7 Land y N,C. License No. C -1362 Regional d S urve ors, Inc. 8642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 1 "-ANN G 1 LEGENl s COMPUTED POINT (I Q IRON PIPE FOUND FIRE HYDRANT -(D- UTILITY POLE WO( G PR( JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE —ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE —' — PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT - — — — — - PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE —DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION R/W LIMITS CENTERLINE OF DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION LINE • • • • . . •DISTURBANCE LIMITS FENCEUNE — SD — SD — STORM DRAIN TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 33�L.F.t LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 4.13 S22'59'21 "W L2 7.78 N52'13'25 "W L3 23.45 N48'25'53 "W L4 1.72 N65'05'16 "W L5 4.03 N17'12'01 "E L6 2.85 S65'05'1 6"E L7 23.90 548'25'53 "E L8 6.59 S52'13'25 "E NOTES: 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT GRAPHIC SCALE TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN 30 0 16 30 THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH 1 inch = 30 }t JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY OPEN CUT. SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S &ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 07/20/2013, � I/q //3 AVID A. CLARK, PLS L -4649 ```�1y11illll!►1��'' SEAL * L -4649 SUR c_ INAL BOUNDARIES OF DISTRIBUTION S LINE 11 -26510 i iLLlliVl, iT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. CALD WELL COUNTY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 3 OF 7 Surveyors, Re Tonal Land Inc. g 8642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 ►� ► ► ►►tnrtrrry C' 2• STREAM 2 LINE TABLE TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 32 L.F. LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 10.36' S1 0'39'24 "W L2 5.23' S85'33'53 "W L3 7.34' N80'37'30 "W L4 8.79' N62'35'23 "W L5 10.52' N50'20'13 "W L6 11.25' N1 0'39'24 "E L7 0.55' S67'1 7'05"E L8 14.38' 550'20'13 "E L9 6.13' S62'35'23 "E L10 4.54' S80'37'30 "E L11 6.71' N85'33'53 "E LEGEND: 34' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY 1 SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON i REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S&ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 07/20/2013, DAVID A. CLARK, PLS L -4649 j z 21 PIN: 2748995262 RICHARD M RIDDLE & ROBIN RIDDLE D.B. 1733 PG. 1398 I r__ G 0 J � V) z 'l � z 3:l I Ld 1) f t wj �w I w ° Ld z R 1 T1 1 G G PRC0POSE0 8" GAS LINE f f STREAM 2 f TO BE OPEN CUT � 1 l CD 26 PIN: 2748997047 FIMARTHA L. STURGILL D.B. 1744 PG. 957 1 1 P.B. 27 PG. 80 j I � j • COMPUTED POINT (NOT SET) f Q IRON PIPE FOUND f ' 1 ►YOODLINE (' PROPOSED GAS LINE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT — — — — — —PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION R/W LIMITS CENTERLINE OF DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION LINE FENCEUNE NOTES: 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY nPFM MIT. TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA 91' x co w° 0 zz �w .z i� sr �-1 21 r PIN: 2748995262 f1 RICHARD M RIDDLE & ROBIN RIDDLE D.B. 1733 PG, 1398 J J� lw / 1 w w w \ Ll o, w w 0 G G G 00 ~' °0 �°nz U I / / L6 0 w N 00 J / — — — PIN: 2748985472 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT xa D.B. 1 28 PG. 233 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF a- LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION / 25 GAS LINE / PIN: 2748986662 IR# 11-26510 l D.B. O 409 PG. 1709 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS P.B. 17 PG. 225 COMPANY, INC. N: 78873B.22 CALD WELL COUNTY E: 1249727.28 LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 4 OF 7 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 1 inch = 30 it Land Surveyors, N.C. License No. C -1362 Re zonal Inc. � 8642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 CREW CHIEF: ``,��N111 I I! Il►r��� SEAL L -4649 S U RAE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S&ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 07/20/2013. 6af /3 DAVID-A. CLARK, PLS L --4649 33 PIN: 27496816244 BOST LUMBER CO INC D.B. 1158 PG. 619 PRQPOSEO B" GA5 LINE G G G G G G G G i L G G �2 \G STREAM 3 r ' TO BE OPEN CUT L7• h`L SAN _ — — — RHODHISS- LENOIR- VALMEAD TRANSMISSION LINE — �40� — — REF. DRAWING 401 -48 N: 790788.90 E: 1248383.69 LEGEND: • COMPUTED POINT (NOT SET) Q IRON PIPE FOUND PIN: JANEETA G. G SMITH WOODL / D.B. 705 PG. 722 � G � PROPOSED GAS LINE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE NOTES. ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT ^� PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, — — — — — — PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. —DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION R/W LIMITS -- CENTERLINE OF DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION LINE 2, PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH FENCEUNE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY OPEN CUT. TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA STREAM 3 LINE TABLE TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 39 L.F.t LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 13.67' N44'44'23 "E L2 14.29' N06'51'05 'E L3 11.86' N11'01'45 "E L4 14.86' S31'05'58 "E L5 17.84' 1 S06'51'05 "W L6 1 19.63' 54444'23 "W L7 1 10.31' N31'05'58 "W PROPOSED 20 N TEMPORARY WORKSPACE n o � w ll�o LF'?) m G G G G G GLG 0 o° °Z w r7 0 w Vo Da EL Ld ' N7 W Z �a \ w� Y � d } LD O Z GRAPHIC SCAM 30 0 15 30 1 inch 30 1t 0 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE IR# 11-26510 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. CALD WELL COUNTY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 5 OF 7 Land Surveyors, N.C. License No. C -1362 Re Tonal Inc. � 8642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 `w11 i 1 i SEAL �0 ,99��. S U RV I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S&ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 07/20/201l / - - - dot c� 9l5%/3 DAft A. CLARK, PLS L -4649 PROPOSED 8" GAS LINE mG�G�G�G�G�G� -IG - G a� z N STREAM 4 LU ww ;',a, TO BE OPEN CUT L8 fl m � 0�0 G G�N!2 o0 0 L5 7,. M G- G- G - G- G - G A G L14 's (TIE LINE) o33 PIN: 27495816244 BOST LUMBER CO INC Gn D.B. 1158 PG. 619 r ik y� r 0 y °ow w RHODHISS — LENOIR— VALMEAD TRANSMISSION LINE REF. DRAWING 40148 1 0 H -FRAME u? LEGEND: • COMPUTED POINT (NOT SET) Q IRON PIPE FOUND WOODLINE C, PROPOSED GAS LINE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE —PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT — — — — — —PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE —DUKE ENERGY 'TRANSMISSION R/W LIMITS CENTERUNE OF DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION LINE FENCEUNE TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA NOTES: 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY OPEN CUT, JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF _ _ LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GAS LINE N: 791612.57 E: 1247750.08 PIN: 2749628178 MAT NUWOOD, LLC D.B. 1486 PG. 501 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 1 inch = 30 fL STREAM 3 LINE TABLE TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 89 L.F.t LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 18.63' S37'32'08 'E L2 22.27' S10'10'52 "W L3 35.48' S29'55'36 'E L4 13.09' S0234'00 "E L5 12,54' S34'53'56 "E L6 1.18' 601.52'59 "W L7 33.61' N37'32'08 "W L8 30.94' N29'55'36 "W L9 27.47' N1010'52 'E L10 11.61' N08'49'11 2"W L11 16.40' S37'32'08 'E L12 14.66' S75'21'26 "E L13 17.49' S18'51'26 "E L14 43.85' S39'11 6'45-E L15 5.80' S1659'12 "W L16 7 5.34' N37'32'08 "W IR# 11 -26510 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. CALD WELL COUNTY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 6 OF 7 Land surveyors, N.C. License No. C -1362 Re Zonal Inc. � 8642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 ```,, \11111111 r1177/T .��� �N CAROB =����. • sFSS I O' �' SEAL - * L -4649 * _ . ii099'yG S U R. <Z � rAn ii P 0�,. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON REFLECTS THE DELINEATION EVIDENCE PROVIDED BY S &ME ENVIRONMENTAL SERpVIC SS O 07/20/2013. DAVID A. CLARK, PLS L -4649 J w U z 4a z O 0 z W WETLAND a �o PERMANENT L2 _ IMPACT AREA K) r L24 L23 N f r L27 CD TEMPORARY_ II IMPACT AREA 1 C� 1T_ ` H -FRAME 1 I 0 LEGEND: • COMPUTED POINT (NOT SET) © IRON PIPE FOUND R HODHISS- LENOIR- VALMEAD TRANSMISSION LINE REF. DRAWING 401 -48 37 PIN: 2749723103 MAT NUWOOD, LLC D.B. 1486 PG. 501 WETLAND AREA "1' LINE TABLE PERMANENT IMPACTS: 19,238 SF - 0.442 ACRES WOODL I N E G PROPOSED GAS LINE L1 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY N53'44'54 "E PROPERTY LINE 53.60' ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE - -PROPOSED PNG EASEMENT - - - - - -PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE - DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION R/W LIMITS - CENTERLINE OF DUKE ENERGY TRANSMISSION LINE ��- FENCELINE 12.27' EXISTING WETLAND L7 PERMANENT IMPACT AREA N37'53'04 "W TEMPO RARYIMPACT AREA R HODHISS- LENOIR- VALMEAD TRANSMISSION LINE REF. DRAWING 401 -48 37 PIN: 2749723103 MAT NUWOOD, LLC D.B. 1486 PG. 501 WETLAND AREA "1' LINE TABLE PERMANENT IMPACTS: 19,238 SF - 0.442 ACRES LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 39.96' N53'44'54 "E L2 53.60' S31'56'59 "E L3 319.61' S30'36'49 "E L4 84.81' S37'53'04'E L5 40.77' S72'47'04 'W L6 12.27' 566'59'53 "W L7 9.18' N37'53'04 "W LB 6.59' N25'39'07 "W L9 40.00' N34'04'39 "W L10 60.00' N34'09'05'W Lit 36.00' N28'51'46 "W L12 64.00' N30'23'40 "W L13 27.99' N34'38'35 "W L14 20.00' N31'17'04'W L15 20.00' N26'28'30 "W L16 36.00' N20'19'48 "W L17 12.00' NO3'39'03'W L18 16.00' N16'08'30 "E L19 12.00' N09'56'52 "W L20 16.00' N34'17'45'W L21 16.00' N62'04'27 "W L22 16.00' N63'45'35 "W L23 20.00' N39'27'20 "W L24 27.90' N31'21'30 "W L3 WETLAND AREA "1" LINE TABLE TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 3,232 SF - 0.074 ACRES LINE LENGTH BEARING L24 27.90' S31'21'30 "E L23 20.00' S39'27'20 "E L22 16.00' S63'45'35 "E L21 16.00' S62'04'27 "E L20 16.00' S3417'45 "E L19 12.00' S09'56'52 "E L18 16.00' S1 6'08'30 "W L17 12.00' S03'39'03'E L16 36.00' S20'1 9'48"E L15 20.00' S26'28'30 "E L14 20.00' S31- 17 -04 "E L13 27.99' S3438'35 "E L12 64.00' S30'23'40 "E L71 36.00' S28'51'46 "E L10 60.00' S34'09'05'E L9 40.00' S34'04'39 "E L8 6.59' 525'39'07 "E L25 61.27' N37'53'04'W L26 322.20' N30'36'49 "W L27 48.13' N31'56'59 "W L28 6.27' N43'24'04 "E L29 4.10' N53'44'54 "E 36 PIN: 2749722878 TRI CITY INC C/O CLAUDE SMITH D.B. 911 PG. 1751 z a (T1E ut4e) N: 792331.88 E: 1247330.65 wN, Y � or c� a° z Uj ° in w TIE LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L30 49.85' S42'56'33 "E L31 38.49' N38'39'36 "W NOTES, 1. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR IS NOT TO EXCEED 30' IN WIDTH WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PIPE INSTALLATION THROUGH JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY BY OPEN CUT. GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 1 inch = 40 f1, 33 PIN: 27496816244 BOST LUMBER CO INC D.B. 1158 PG. 619 SITE CINITY MA / l G G r 1 r ✓� J 35 PIN: 2749723103 H -FRAME MAT NUWOOD, LLC D.B. 1486 PG. 501 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF LENOIR HP DISTRIBUTION GA S LINE IR## 11-26510 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. CALD WELL COUNTY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 7 OF 7 Regionai Land Surveyors, Inc. $642 WEST MARKET STREET, SUITE 100 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27409 TELEPHONE (336) 665 -8155 Appendix V Agency Scoping Information United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 June 26, 2013 Mr. Joey Lawler S &ME, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Subject: Listed Species Assessment, Proposed PNG Lenoir Transmission Line Installation Project, located South of Lenoir, Caldwell County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Lawler: On June 5, 2013, we received a letter from you requesting our comments about the subject project. We have reviewed the information you presented and are providing the following comments in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661- 667e), and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 -1543) (Act). According to the information that you presented, PNG is proposing to install a new 2.5 mile segment of 6 -inch natural gas pipeline near Lenoir, North Carolina. A majority of the project area is undeveloped and forested with areas of light industrial and residential development. The installation of the pipeline will require a crossing of Gunpowder Creek and a wetland. Your letter states that a Section 404 /Clean Water Act permit will be needed but did not include specific details as to the amount of stream and wetland impacts associated with the project. Also, the letter did it include specific plans as to stream crossing method(s) that will be used. Endangered Species. According to our records and a review of the information provided, no listed species or their habitats occur on the site. Therefore, we believe the requirements under section 7 of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered if. (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined Wetland /Stream Protection and Erosion Control - We are concerned with the stream - crossings that are being proposed for this project. We assume, because a Section 404 permit is required, that your client is proposing an open- cut /trench method for the stream crossings. From our past experiences with similar projects, we believe this technique increases the likelihood of future lateral movement of the stream (which could undercut or erode around the gas pipeline), and the correction of these problems could result in additional future maintenance and impacts to the stream. Just this year, we have reviewed several projects where PNG is conducting (and financing) stream -bank stabilization activities because of past pipeline projects where open- cut /trenching was used for stream crossings. Therefore, we recommend the use of directional boring under the stream to prevent stream impacts, and we recommend that vegetated riparian buffers (a minimum of 100 feet wide on perennial streams and 50 feet wide on intermittent streams) be restored and preserved. Directional boring under streams significantly minimizes impacts to aquatic resources, and forested riparian buffers serve as filters for contaminants, lessen storm -water velocities, provide thermal cover, and protect stream -bank stability. If this method cannot be used and trenching is determined to be the only viable option, we recommend the development of a stream -bank monitoring and maintenance program that would allow for the prompt stabilization of stream banks near the pipeline crossing (should any stream -bank erosion or destabilization occur) throughout the life of this project. We strongly recommend that stringent measures to control erosion be implemented prior to any ground disturbance and that these measures be maintained throughout project construction. Any disturbed areas should be reseeded with seed mixtures that are beneficial to wildlife. Fescue -based mixtures should be avoided. Native annual small grains appropriate for the season are preferred and recommended. Biodegradable erosion - control matting should be used in conjunction with appropriate seeding on disturbed soils in steep slope and riparian areas. Matting should be secured in place with staples, stakes, or live stakes of native trees (whenever possible). The vegetation should be monitored, and subsequent plantings should be installed when needed. Fertilizers and pesticides should not be used near streams. We also recommend that construction equipment be kept out of the stream by operating from the banks in a fashion that minimizes disturbance to woody vegetation. Equipment should be inspected daily and should be maintained to prevent the contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. All fuels, lubricants, and other toxic materials should be stored outside the riparian management area of the stream, in a location where the material can be contained. Equipment should be checked for leaks of hydraulic fluids, cooling system liquids, and fuel and should be cleaned before fording any stream. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments. If we can be of assistance or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bryan Tompkins of our staff at 828/258 -3939, Ext. 240. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4 -2 -13 -239. Sincerely, - - original signed - - Mark Cantrell Acting Field Supervisor NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Conservation, Planning, and Community Affairs Pat McCrory Linda Pearsall John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary June 11, 2013 Joey Lawler S &M E 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 -5560 Subject: 1357 -13 -016 — PNG Lenoir Transmission Line Dear Mr. Lawler: The Natural Heritage Program has no records of rare species, protected natural areas, or conservation lands from the indicated site of the pipeline route nor within one mile of it. However, we have no evidence that biological surveys for rare species have been conducted in this specific area. We do have records for the federally listed dwarf - flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) at two locations within two miles of the site. An additional rare plant species, sticky bog asphodel (Triantha glutinosa) was found at an unknown location near Whitnel, but has not been seen in many decades. Please contact if you need further information on these occurrences. Sincerely, Michael P. Schafale Natural Heritage Program 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1601 Phone: 919 - 707 -86001 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Fat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz July 9, 2013 Joey Lawler S &ME, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 -5560 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: PNG Lenoir Transmission Line, Lenoir, S &ME 1357 -13 -016, Caldwell County, ER 13 -1100 Dear Mr. Lawler: Thank you for your letter of June 3, 2013, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill- Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919- 807 -6579 or renee. leg dhill- carley@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, r:3 v'Ramona M. Bartos Location: 109 East Jones street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699 -4617 Telephone/ Fax: (919) 807- 6570/807 -6599 Appendix VI Restoration Plan RESTORATION PLAN Lenoir HP Distribution Gas Line Lenoir, North Carolina SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 The proposed project has been designed to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts where practicable. As part of mitigation for unavoidable impacts, the following plan is proposed for implementation to restore temporarily- affected wetlands and streams. This plan entails restoration of temporarily- disturbed areas to their original contours and conditions to the degree practicable upon project completion. Further, it specifies that disturbed wetland areas and streambanks will be permanently stabilized with a native vegetative cover, and affected streambanks planted with woody species. The measures outlined below will be specified in the contract documents prepared for construction of the proposed project. Proposed restoration activities include removal of temporarily- placed fill material and restoration of original pre- disturbance contours. Excavated material shall be returned to the trench to the extent possible, and remaining material relocated and retained on an upland site. Excavated topsoil shall be stockpiled separately and then replaced uniformly over the area of excavation from which it was removed. The native seed mix identified in Table 1 below shall be utilized within temporarily- disturbed portions of the corridor comprised of wetlands. Table 1: Wetland Seed Mix Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus ripanus Riverbank wild rye 20 Agrostis stolonifera Creeping bentgrass 15 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass 15 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer tongue 08 Bidens aristosa Bidens 04 Juncus effusus, NC Ecotype Soft rush 04 Aster lateriflorus Calico aster 03 Sagittaria latifolia Duck potato 02 Saururus cernuus Lizards tail 02 100 Wetland Seed Mix to be applied to all wetland areas extending five feet landward following construction. Recommended application rate: 20 -25 lbs. per acre. The Wetland Seed Mix shall be applied to all wetland areas extending five feet landward following construction. The recommended application rate is 20 -25 lbs. per acre. Restoration Plan S &ME Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir HP Distribution Gas Line August 2013 At temporarily- affected streambanks, the native riparian seed mix specified in Table 2 below shall be utilized. Table 2: Riparian Seed Mix* Species Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye 15 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Agrostis stolinifera Creeping bentgrass 10 Rudbeckia hirta, NC ecotype Black -eyed Susan 10 Coreopsis lanceolata Lance leaf tickseed 10 Panicum clandestinum Deer tongue 10 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 05 Juncus effusus Soft rush 05 Echinochloa muricata Awned barnyard grass 05 Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 05 Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass 05 Tripsacum dactyloides Gamma grass 05 frost; does not tolerate mowing. 100 Riparian Seed Mix to be applied to all disturbed streambanks, extending five feet landward following construction. Recommended application rate: 20 -25 lbs. per acre To provide quicker cover, the mixes specified in Tables I and 2 should also be augmented with the appropriate cover /companion species, as identified in Table 3. Table 3: Cover /Companion Crops Species Common Season Mix Notes: Secale cereale Ceareal or Early Spring 30 Ibs /acre Grows 3 -4' tall, but not a strong a Winter rye or Fall competitor. Lolium Spring, Shorter rye; lasts about 2 years, perenne Perennial rye Summer 20 -50% then dies out. Foxtail or Spring, Good germination; dies off with Setaria italica German o 20-50% Millet Summer frost; does not tolerate mowing. Use of annual rye ( Lolium multiflorum) is not recommended, as it competes with native grasses for water and nutrients. Additionally, affected banks of stream crossings shall be stabilized with coir matting and re- vegetated using native woody species. In the event that restoration of the temporarily - impacted streams occurs during the dormant season, woody plantings should consist of a combination of livestake and bare root species (Table 4). In the event that restoration takes place during the growing season, plantings identified in Table 4 should also include an appropriate mix of containerized species (Table 5). Restoration Plan SWE Project No. 1357 -13 -016 Lenoir HP Distribution Gas Line August 2013 Table 4: Live Stake and Bare Root Species* Species Common Name Plant Spacing Cornus amomum Silky dogwood 2 feet on center Physocarpos opulifolius Ninebark 3 feet on center Salix caroliniana Carolina willow 1 foot on center Salix nigra Black willow 1 foot on center Salix sericea Silky willow 2 feet on center Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3 feet on center Symphoricarpos orbiculata Coral Berry 2 feet on center 'For use when planting during the dormant season. Select at least three of the listed species. Table 5: Containerized Species Composition* Species Common Name Plant Spacing Alnus serrulta Tag alder 5 feet on center Aronia arbutifolia Red chokeberry 5 feet on center Callicarpa Americana Beautyberry 5 feet on center Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood 5 feet on center Cercis canadensis Redbud 5 feet on center Cornus amomum Silky dogwood 5 feet on center Fraxinus caroliniana Carolina ash 5 feet on center Lindera benzoin Spicebush 5 feet on center Ilex verticillata Winterberry 5 feet on center Sambucus Canadensis Elderberry 5 feet on center 'For use when planting during the growing season. Select at least two of the listed species. Appropriate native substitutions to the species identified in Tables 4 and 5 may be made based on availability and approval of S &ME. North Carolina Suppliers of native seed and plant material: Mellow Marsh Farm 1312 Woody Store Road Siler City, N.C. 27344 919.742.1200 919.742.1280 fax www.mellowmarshfarm.com Natives 550 East Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, N.C. 28273 688.527.1177 plants(a)- plantnative. net Jim Kalish, PE Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 Expiration of Acceptance: February 20, 2014 Project: PNG Lenoir County: Caldwell The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the NCEEP will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including SL 2009 -337: An Act to Promote the Use of Compensatory Mitigation Banks as amended by S.L. 2011 -343. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit /401 Certification /CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In- Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the NCEEP, the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to NCEEP for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. Impact River Basin CU Location Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non - Riparian Coastal Marsh Catawba 03050101 0 0 0 0.95 1 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the NCEEP. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707 - 8915.. Sincerely, Jame . Stanfill Asset anagement Supervisor cc: Karen Higgins, NCDWR Wetlands /401 Unit Tasha McCormick, USAGE- Asheville Susan Wilson, NCDWR- Mooresville Joey Lawler, agent File RestOVl,1�5.. ... PYDt2GtGK� Olt,Y StatP� MCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 / 919- 707 -8976 / www.nceep.net