HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111002 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20111114 �1Ll��� G°����to�°��ooa� p��� 2 0 � > > o o z ����ence ��e�� ������a� �'� ���e�� I�es�o�-a���� Contract Number 110537 Mecklenburg County North Carolina ���'�� �, � � � � �- ° .� � m � � � �,�,y� � a� E �'�`'�� -v:�� � � vr{'' .�,�'�f Q a ���' D ��•��F��,•,� ���'�� ��� °�� �`�.`�o � ��;� �+ ��o- ��r e��° i9 i r "������`' `�' � "� `�.�` � � � � o a ��� V� _.�,�„� � �--, �, � `�, � $ � �'� i' �"° �� ����°9 4 ��*sa �� ��`` � t u �p � �� � � ,����� � ����� �� � �� ,� � ����i i �� i I ? � 1 '� c�s���y f Y�A'.� 80 �, .�t R �� f� � �J�� C � -�r � � ,r' �L� � ���� � �, .i � �, � h �L����_-�'� �, �j � �� ���� �r f� ��� � � � � �� -�, r � � � � �� �1 , t��� ��.� ��� j;� t �I ��� � � ��1 �?��� �� ` t � �� Y�4'��" � � � �� 1/� �����` �i- � �� � � � \ � �� �. 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Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream RestoraUon Mecklenburg County North Carolina Contents 1 0 Introduction 2 2 0 Methodologies 2 3 0 Pro�ect Background 2 4 0 Exist�ng Condit�ons 3 5 0 Opportumt�eslConstraints 10 S 1 Opportunrtees 10 5 2 Constra�nts 12 6 0 Restora�on Goals and Ob�ect�ves 13 61 Stream Restorahon Approach 14 6 2 Ripanan A�ea Restoration Approach and Buffer Reforestahon Scheme 1 S 7 0 Momtonng 16 71 Schedule/Repo�ting 16 8 0 References 18 9 0 Figures Figure 1 Pro�ect Site Viarnty Figure Figure 2 Pro�ect Site Watershed Figure Figure 3 Pro�ect Site Land Cover Figure Figure 4 Pro�ect Site SSURGO Sal Survey Figure Figure 5 Pro�ect Site Existing Conditions Figure Figure 6 Pro�ect Site BANCS Model Figure Figure 7 Pro�ect Site Proposed Conditions Figure Figure 8 Reference Site Location Figure 10 0 Appendices Appendix 1 Histonc Aenals Appendix 2 Pro�ect Site Existing Conditions Photographs Appendix 3 RIVERMorph Data Appendix 4 Agency Response Letters Appendix 5 HEC RAS Modeling Results Appendix 6 Morphological Data Table Tables Table 1 Ewsting Land Cover of the Watershed 3 Table 2 Summary of Geomorphology and Rosgen St�eam Classification 5 Table 3 Summary of BEHI NBS and Sediment Export 6 Table 3 Observed Vegetative Speces 7 Table 4 Endangered Species Mecklenburg County 9 Table 5 Proposed Vegetative Species List 12 1 C �Kunley No n � 8���t���. Restorahon Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restorat�on Mecklenburg County North Carolina 1 0 Introd�uctson The pro�ect area is defined as the length of Torrence Creek Tnbutary# 1 (�11 320 linear feet) located from I 77 to the confluence with the main channel (Torrence Creek) downstream of Bradford Hdl Road in Mecklenburg County North Carolina (Figure 1) Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services (MCSWS) contracted Kimley Horn and Associates Inc (KHA) to prowde professional services for the potential restoration/enhancement/stabdization of the Torrence Creek Tributary#1 (Tributary#1)and its floodplain The construction of the proJect potentially may be partially or fully funded from a future Clean Water Management Trust Fund(CWMT� grant v�nth the remaming funding coming from local resources At this time this pro�ect wdl not be used to generate mitigation credits 2 0 Methodologies The pnmary ob�ective of the preliminary assessment of the pro�ect area was to evaluate the state of evolut�on and ad�ustment m the stream and its floodplain as well as to evaluate the physical constramts and opportunities for restoration and/or enhancement within the pro�ect area to develop conceptual design approach/altematives The assessment performed by KHA was a qualitative visual assessment of the existing conditions supplemented with quantitative data including geomorphic data collection (e g representative cross sections profiles and pebble counts)to determme river morphology A global positiornng system(GPS)urnt was used to locate on site existing wetlands geomorphic features and document areas of severe erosion KHA staff walked the site to determme areas of stability and active channel ad�ustment (i e visible erosion) The BANCS model which mcorporates Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Stress (NBS) was used to estimate sediment export from the bank erosion of the pro�ect reach and quantify areas of highest mstabdity The McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan Versron 4 (rev�sed ►n 2008) text and associated data were reviewed This mcorporated the previously collected data and stated goals for the watershed mto the conceptual design Tnbutary #1 was not assessed from a channel erosion standpoint in the Watershed Plan (2008) therefore as mentioned above a detaded stream bank erosion study was done as part of this report The McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan identified upstream sections along Tnbutary#1 as a candidate for buffer enhancement based on GIS data/aenal photography Reference reach surveys of stable systems in simdar valieys and geology was collected as was an assessment (mcludmg post construction cross sections)of the recently completed Torrence Creek Main Stem and Torrence Tnbutary# 2 stream restoration pro�ect The team evaluatetl the type of structures and hydraulic geometnes that worked besi for these recently constructed pro�ects to determine if and were applicable to Tnbutary#1 3 0 Pro1ect Background The Torrence Creek watershed currently is a developmg sub urban area According to the U S Census Bureau the population of Hunterswlle has increased from 24 960 people in 2000 to 38 796 people in 2006 Based on histoncal aenals(1968 1973 1983 1996 2006 and 2008) most of the development m the watershed occurred between 1988 and 1996(see Appendix 1) This watershed contmues to develop however several watershed 2 c�I�Kunley Mw �/ \and ASSOCiateS Mc Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina protection efforts have been adopted to heip protect the waters—specifically Mountain Island Lake—from continued development impacts in 1992 the North Carolina Watershed Protection Ordinance was passed requmng local governments located in water supply watershed areas to develop regulations aimed at protecting water quality The Watershed Protection Ordinance for McDowell Creek established protected zones and mirnmum stream and lake buffers based on the budt upon area in each zone Additionally in 1999 Mecklenburg County adopted a stream buffer system known as the Surface Water Improvement and Management(SWIM)buffers The SWIM Buffer Ordinance states that vegetated land ad�acent to a stream channel should function to protect water quality by filtenng pollutants provide storage for floodwater and be suitable habitat for wddlife Huntersvdle adopted the ordinance in 1999 requinng buffers on all streams that have a contnbuting drainage area of at least 50 acres Huntersvdle s Water Quality Ordinance also includes water quality protection cnteria This ordinance seeks to limit water quality impacts from new development and redevelopment through storm water runoff control The Water Quality Ordinance was adopted in 2007 to provide the necessary information for compliance with the Huntersvdle Post Construction Ordmance which was adopted in 2003 4 0 Existing Condotions Watershed The wate�shed at the downstream end of the pro�ect area is approximately 2 65 square mdes It is located in a developing watershed and partially drains parts of sub urban Huntersvdle NC (Figure 2) The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NC DWQ) classifies the Torrence Creek watershed as a watershed water supply highly developed (WS IV) These areas are freshwaters protected as a water supply in moderate to highly developed watersheds where local govemments are required to control non pomt sources of pollution(McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan Version 4 2008) The site is located in the Catawba River Watershed (14 digit Hydrologic Urnt 03050101170010) The existmg land cover was determmed based on a review of avadable aenal photography from 2009 (see Figure 3) and the nat�onal land cover dataset (provided by the Un�ted States Geologicai Survey) Table 1 shows the distnbution of land cover within the watershed Table 1 Existm Land Cover of tl�e Watershed Land Cover Acrea e Percenta e of Total Covera e Residential 839 50 Commercial 43 3 Forest 371 22 industnal 49 3 0 en Water 3 0 Trans rtation 35 2 0 en LandlA nculture 352 21 Total 1694 100 Histoncally the watershed consisted of pnmanly forests and active pastures 3 ���K�m�ey Mw � d Assoc�ates,lnc. Resforatron Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Medclenburg County North Carolma Environmental Data Resources Inc Two leaking underground storage tank(LUS� sites were located within 0 5 mde of the pro�ect site on pnvate residences on Ranson Road Both sites have been closed and it appears that neither site wdl have a negatwe �mpact on the proposed restoration/stabdization activities Sods The Sod Survey of Mecklenburg County North Carolina(USDA 1980)mdicates that the floodplain of the pro�ect area is Monacan sods (Mo) (see Figure 4) These sods are classified as hydnc and are somewhat poorly drained nearly levei sods found on floodplains along streams and drainage ways Water Qual�ty The McDowell Creek watershed flows downstream into the McDowell Creek Cove and Mountain Island Lake Mountain Island Lake is the dnnking water supply for Mount Holly Gastorna and Charlotte Mecklenburg North Carolina McDowell Creek is listed on the 2010 303 d list for poor to fair bioclassification The McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan Version 4 2008 shows that McDowell Creek has experienced a decline m pollution intolerant species and an increase in pollution tolerant species indicating an overall declme m water quality conditions Wetlands A KHA Wetland Professional m Trammg (WPIT)investigated the pro�ect area for existmg wetlands One exrsting wetland was identrfied based upon the methodology outlmed in the Draft Intenm Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delmeation Manual Eastern Mountains and P►edmont Region (Environmental Laboratory 2008) using sub-meter GPS The wetland (WA1 on Figure 5) is outside of the anticipated construction limits and therefore no impacts wtll occur Despite the presence of mapped hydric sods(Monacan) in the floodplam minimal�unsdictional npanan wetlands were identified Tnbutary#1 is incised/entrenched through most of the pro�ect area This stream condition has altered (lowered) the water table and reduced the frequency of over bank flood events This change m natural hydrology (lower water table and less frequent flooding) would have affected/a�ered/drained the histonc wetlands that may have existed FEMA The Mecklenburg County Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map panels 4630 and 4641 effective March 2 2009 show that Tnbutary#1 is in a mapped floodplam with floodways determined(zone AE) There appears to be no existing structures (houses) inside of the mapped flood fnnge area meanmg there potentially could be an allowable permittetl nse m regulated floodplam base flood elevation A flood impact analysis report conditional letter of map revision (if required) and individual floodplam development permit will need to be submitted to Mecklenburg County for review and approval prior to any construction actiwties Streams For assessment and discussion purposes the pro�ect area (Tnbutary #1) was separated into five reaches numbered upstream to down and separated based on geomorphology road crossmg and/or ad�acent land use (i e residential non residential forested etc) (See Figure 5) The reaches are defined approximately as follows • Reach 1 extends from I 77 to Stumptown Road 4 � Kmriey Ha � end 0.ssoClates,I� Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolma • Reach 2 extends from Stumptown Road to�ust above the Stonegreen Lane(where residentiai lots get within 200 feet of the stream) • Reach 3 is from the end of Reach 2 to Wynfield Creek Parkway culvert • Reach 4 is from Wynfield Creek Parkway culvert to where the Wynfield neighborhood property ends and the Gale property begins�ust south of the Pool/Club house) • Reach 5 begins where Reach 4 ends and extends to the confluence with Torrence Creek Mam Stem Reach 5 crosses over Gdead Road and Bradford Hdl Lane The study reaches (1 5) likely were histoncaliy straightened for agnculture/timber and more recently altered when the sewer lines were installed and the Winfield neighborhood was constructed The 1950 and 1968 histonc aenal shows almost the entire buffedfloodplain ad�acent to the stream corndor absent of vegetation and in agnculture production The stream appears straight in this aenal in a s�mdar location to how exists today The aenals also show that the ad�acent land uses mostly were undeveloped untd the late 1980s/early 1990 Currently the stream has down cut disconnectmg it from its active floodplain The active floodplain is an important factor for flood volume storage flood veloc�ty dissipation habitat diversity and water quality The sediments m the stream typically would deposit in the floodplam or be routed through the system but now remain in the system because of the disconnection to the floodplain and unstable geomorphology Tributary#1 also is expenencmg active bank erosion and fadures as it evolves from a Bc--�Gc—�F—>Bc stream type in the Rosgen succession scenano The bank heights are at four to six feet in some places above the streambed indicating extreme instability(bank height ratios of 2 2 5) Bank heights(see Table 2) and instabdity increase in the upstream direction However the lack of habitat diversity and active erosion is consistent throughout the pro�ect reaches Literature suggests that bank erosion (increased sediment mput) can cause a degradation of water quality (lack of dissolved oxygen mcreased turbidity etc) and a lack of in stream habitat diversity (deep pools and defined nffles) This is evident by the visual observation and geomorphic data indicating that the system lacks a nffle pool sequence Additional causes of bank erosion are several debns�ams from collapsed vegetat�on/trees that cause severe localized bank erosion Table 2 summanzes the geomorphic survey and Rosgen stream classifications Table 2 Summa of Geomor holo and Ros en Stream Class�ficat�on Assessment Entrenchment WidthlDepth A�9 Bank He�ght Rosgen Stream Reach Rabo Rat�o Sinuos�ty Sl�o� Rat�o Type 1 1 5 81 1 02 0 0035 2 5 G5c 2 14 4 8 1 02 0 0039 2 0 G5c 3 21 4 6 101 0 0015 1 3 65c—>G5c 4 2 9 8 2 1 02 0 0041 1 9 E5—�G5c 5 3 2 5 6 104 0 0028 1 1 E5 Although reach 3 and 4 have entrenchment ratios of 21 and 2 9 their low width/depth ratio and bank height ratio mdicate a high level of instability and evolution to a G5c stream type In addition m Rosgen s classification the entrenchment ratio used for classification can vary by 0 2 and �udgment can be made if the assessment indicates where the reach should be classified Reach 5 is stable from a geomorphic classification perspective although it has low habitat wsible bank erosion and high bed shear stress values This indicates that Reach 5 5 C�n�,�H� � �,��,�.��. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream RestoraUon Mesklenburg County North Carolina can be stabdized with mirnmal grading and through the addition of vegetation/bio engineering This bank stabdization combined with some in stream habitat structures should improve water quality and habitat if combined with the more aggressive restorat�on/enhancement approach of Reaches 1 4 As part of the Rosgen BANCS model Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Stress (NBS) were determined using gwdelines from Watershed Assessment of River Stabdity and Sediment Supply(WARSSS)to estimate the level of instabdity and sediment export from bank erosion Figure 6 dlustrates the BANCS assessment and Table 3 below summarizes the results of that analysis Table 3 Summa of BEHI I�TBS and Sed�ment Ex ort Length BEHI NBS Sediment Export ons ear 0 ft (0%)Low 10171 ft (44 9%)Low 2 032 ft (9 0°,6)Moderate 7188 ft (318%)Moderate Total 11316 ft 12 389 ft (54 7%)H�gh 4 645 ft (20 5%)H�gh 2 717 7 993 ft (35 3%)Very High 627 ft (2 8°/a)Very High 218 ft 1 0% Extreme 0 ft 0% Extreme BEHI and NBS Lengths mclude lefl and nght banks The Length value(11316)is the length of the ceMerline The BANCS model uses BEHI and NBS to predict the annual sediment loss from streambank erosion in tons per year Based on the results of the analysis it is estimated that the pro�ect reaches produce 2 717 tons of sediment from stream bank erosion per year which is approximately 0 24 tons/year per foot of bank for this site VegetationBuffers Based on the Classification of the Natural Commurnties of North Carolina(Shafle and Weakley 1990) the plant commurnty in the buffer area resembles a basic oak hickory forest The age dens�ty diversity and width of the existing buffer vary throughout the pro�ect comdor In general the buffer has trees that vary m age from 1 5 years old (2 6 inch caliper) with sparse more mature (greater than 25 year old — 10+) hardwoods scattered throughout the corridor Typical plants observed within the existing buffers during KHA on site assessments include the species listed below in Table 3 6 C��Kmiey Hw � ���t���,�. Restorabon Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 St�eam Resto�ation Mecklenburg County North Carolina Table 4 Observed Ve etahve S ec�es Common Name Sc�end�c Name Cano Sweet Gum L► wdambars rac►flua Box Elder Acer n undo Amencan Elm Ulmus amencana Sha bark Hicko Ca a ovate Lobloll Pine P�nus Taeda Yellow Po lar Lmodendron tuli fera Red Ma le Acerrubrum S camore Platanus ocadentalis Amencan Hombeam Ca inus carol►niana Tree of Heaven Adar�hus a16ss�ma Understo Sourwood 0 dendrum arboretum S icebush L►ndera benzom Giant Cane Arundinana i antean Poison I Toxicodendron radicans Ja anese Sdt Grass Micros wm wmieum Black Be Rubus a utus Green Bner Smadax Sdktree Mimosa Alb►zia ulibnssm Chmese Pnvet V ustrum sinense A detaded tree survey was conducted to allow the des�gn to mirnmize impacts to as many mature/high quality trees as possible See Figure 5 for the surveyed trees Endangered Species Under the prowsions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 as amended Federal Law reqwres that any action likely to affect a federally protected species adversely be sub�ect to review by the U S Fish and Wddlrfe Service (USFWS) A search of the USFWS website (http//www fws gov) indicates that four federally endangered species exist in Mecklenburg County NC Carolma heelsplitter (Lasm�gona decorata) Michaux s sumac (Rhus michauxn) smooth coneflower (Echinacea laewgata) and Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schwein►tzu) Each species its habitat and its status are described in Table 4 Carolina heelsahtter The Carolina heelsplitter has an ovate trapezoid shaped unsculptured shell The shell of the largest known specimen of the species measures 114 8 mdlimeters(mm [4 6 inches])in length 39 0 mm(1 56 mches) in width and 68 0 mm (2 7 inches) in height(Keferl 1991) The shell s outer surface vanes from greernsh brown to dark brown m color and shells from younger specimens have faint greenish brown or black rays The nacre (inside surface)is often pea�ly white to bluish white grading to orange in the area of the umbo(Kefe�l 1991) However in older specimens the entire nacre may be a mottled pale orange(Keferl 1991) USFWS opt�mal survev window Year round Habitat description The Carolina heelsplitter histoncally was found m severai locations withm the Catawba and Pee Dee River systems in North Carolina and the Pee Dee Savannah and possibly the Saluda River systems m South Carolina In North Carolina the species now is found only in a handful 7 � Kunley HO � end AS.AC4ites,InC. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restorat�on Medclenburg County NoRh Carolina of streams in the Rocky and Catawba River systems The species exists in very low abundances usually within 6 feet of shorelines throughout its known range The general hab�tat requirements for the Carolina heelsplitter are shaded areas in large nvers to small streams often burrowed into clay banks befirueen the root systems of trees or in runs along steep banks with moderate current The more recent habitat for the Carolina heelsplitter is in sections of streams contairnng bedrock with perpendicular crevices fiiled�nth sand and gravel that have wide nparian buffers M�chaux's sumac Michauxs sumac is a rhizomatous densely hairy shrub �nth nine to thirteen sessde leaflets that are oblong to oblong lanceolate The leaflet margins can be simple or double serrated w�th a rounded base The flowers are small bome m a terminal erect dense cluster and greernsh yellow to white in color Flowenng usually occurs from June to July whde the fruit a red drupe is produced from August to October(USFWS 2005) Michaux s sumac typically grows in sandy or rocky open wooded areas m association with basic sods It commonly is found m areas of mamtained disturbances The maintained disturbed areas such as power line easements radroad nghts of way and road nghts of way replicate the open quality of habitat typically supplied by naturally occurnng periodic fires(USFWS 1993) USFWS oatimal survev window May October Habitat descriqtion Michaux s sumac endemic to the inner Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont grows in sandy or rocky open upland woods on acidic or circumneutral well drained sands or sandy loam sods with low cation exchange capaciUes The species also is found on sandy or submesic loamy swales and depressions in the fall line Sandhdls region as well as in opernngs along the nm of Carolina bays maintained radroad roadside power line and utdity nghts of way areas where forest canopies have been opened up by blow downs and/or storm damage small w�ldlife food plots abandoned bwlding sites under sparse to moderately dense pine or pme/hardwood canopies and m and along edges of other artrficially mamtained cleanngs undergoing natural succession In the central Piedmont it occurs on clayey sods denved from mafic rocks The plant is shade intolerant and therefore grows best where disturbance(e g mowing cleanng grazmg or penodic fire)mamtams its open habitat Smooth coneflower Smooth coneflower is a tall rhizomatous perennial herb that grows up to 5 feet in height The stems are smooth with leaves that are lance ovate to etliptic The smooth to slightly rough leaves are acummate often with course serrations The ray flowers (2 to 3 inches long) are light pink to purple usually droopmg Flower heads are usually solitary and flowermg occurs from May to July(USFWS 2005) Smooth coneflower typically mhabits open woods cedar barrens roadsides clearcuts dry limestone bluffs and power line nghts of way The smooth coneflower is associated with the gabbro and diabase parent matenal sod types which are usually nch m magneswm and calcium(USFWS 1995) USFWS ontimal survev window Late May October Habitat descnqtion Smooth coneflower a perennial herb typically is found in meadows open woodlands the ecotonal regions between meadows and woodlands cedar barrens dry limestone bluffs clear cuts and roadside and utdity rights of way In North Carolina the species normally grows in magnesium and calcium nch sods associated with gabbro and diabase parent matenal and typically 8 ���K4„ley HOr � and Asxotlates,lnc Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina occurs in Iredeli Misenheimer and Picture sod senes It grows best where there is abundant sunlight little competition in the herbaceous layer and penodic distu�bances(e g regular fire regime well timed mowmg or careful cleanng)that prevents encroachment of shade producing woody shrubs and trees On sites where woody succession is held in check the herb is characterized by a number of species with prame affmities Schwe�n►tz s sunflower Schwe�rntr s sunflower is a tall perenrnal herb that grows from 3 to 6 feet m height with a tuberous root system The stems usually are solitary (branch�ng only at or above mid stem) pubescent and purple The yellow disk and ray flowers form on small heads the disc is slightly more than %2 inch across The petals are'/<to�ust under 1'/4 inches long The leaves are opposite each other and the uppermost leaves on the stem altemate The leaves are scabrous above and tomentosa undemeath Leaf margms are fullor have a few obscure serrations They also are generally somewhat revolute Schweirntz s sunflower typically is found m open habitats where naturally occurring penodic fires suppress competition and allow sufficient sunlight Schweirntr s sunflower also inhab�ts maintained areas such as power Ime nghts of way radroad nghts of way and roadsides where regular maintenance simulates the effects of fires Schweirntz s sunflower is found in a variety of sod types but generally grows on shallow poor clay and/or rocky sods especially those denved from mafic rocks(USFWS 1994) USFWS oatimal survev wmdow Late August October Habitat descriqt�on Schwemitrs sunflower is endemic to the Piedmont of North and South Carolma The few sites where this rhizomatous perennial herb occurs in relatively natural vegetation are found in Xenc Hardpan Forests The species also is found along roadside nghts of way maintained power Imes and other utd�ty nghts of way edges of thickets and old pastures cleanngs and edges of upland oak pine hickory woods and Piedmont longleaf pine forests and other sunny or semi sunny habitats where disturbances(e g mowing cleanng grazmg blow downs storms or frequent fire) help create open or partially open areas for sunlight It is mtolerant of full shade and excessive competition from other vegetat�on Schwemitz s sunflower occurs m a vanety of sod senes including Badm Cecd Cid Enon Gaston Georgevdle Iredell Mecklenburg Misenheimer Secrest Tatum Uwhame and Zion among others It generally is found growmg on shallow sandy sods with high gravel content shallow poor clayey hardpans or shallow rocky sods especially those denved from mafic rocks Table 5 Endan ered S ec�es Mecklenbu Coun Common Name Scient�fic Habitat Requirement State Federal Habitat Name Status Status Present Carolma Lasm►gona Streams nvers and ponds E E Yes heels litter decorata Michaux s sumac Rhus Sandy or rocky open woods in E SC E No m►chauxu association�nth basic sods Schweimtr s Helianfhus Roadsides power line deanngs old sunflower schwe►rntvi Pastures woodland opernngs and E E No other sunn or semi sunn s�tuations Smooth Echinacea Open woods barrens roadsides coneflower laewgata clearcuts dry limestone bluffs on E SC E No ma nesium and calaum nch sods Notes E=Endangered SGSpec�al Concem 9 �_ Km�ley HOr � and A55ociates,lx. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Medclenburg County North Carolina The State defines an endangered plant spec►es as any species or higher taxon of plant whose contmued exister�ce as a v�able component of the State s flora is determined to be in�eopardy (GS 19B 106 20212) The State deBnes an endangered ammal spec►es as any nahve or once-native specres of wdd animal whose conbnued existence as a wable component of the State s fauna is determined by the Wildl�fe Resources Commissron to be in�eopardy or any species of wdd animal determined to be an endangered species pursuaM to the Endangered Species Act (Arficle 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes 1987) The State defines a Spec►al Concem as any species of plant in North Carolina which reqwres monitonng but which may be colleded and sold under regulations adopted under the provisions of(the Plant Protechon and Conseroation Act] (GS 198 106 202 12) 5 0 OpportunitieslConstraints 51 Opportunities Streams In keepmg �nth the goals of the McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan Version 4(2008) a segmented restoration approach wdl be utdized to maximize the functional uplift to the entire pro�ect area and help the stream evolve to a dynamic equdibnum/stable form A Rosgen Pnonty 1/2 restoration approach which includes restonng pattern profile and dimension at existing or slightly raised bed elevation will be used for the entire reach with some minor relocation (if any) Restoration activities pnmanly wdl focus on the creation of an active floodplain at the bankfull elevation on both sides of the channel In addition stable slopes (4h 1v) nffle pool sequence habitat diversity and buffers wdl be restored An active floodplam and stable slopes wdl help reduce total suspended solids(TSS)within the channel by elimmating the on site source and providing a sediment sink Point bars and an inner berm also wdl be constructed for sediment deposition and to improve sediment competency The mner berm also wdl serve to dissipate stream velocities dunng the more frequent storms which is especially important in an urban setting where the storm events are flashy m nature To mirnmize end haul matenal from bank excavation excavated matenal can be placed m the streambed The new channel inner berm and portion of the floodplam bench are established on the fill Flood modeling wdl determine the exact amount the channel can be raised but the goal wdl be to raise the channel m place to fully reconnect to �ts histonc active floodplain The new channels dimension and profde wdl be based on a stable/reference form The proposed channel pattern wdl be constrained by the existing channel location mature trees and infrastructure(sewer lines) In sections where the channel can t be reconnected to the histonc floodplain a Pnonty II restoration approach wd be used and floodplain benches wdl be constructed The excavation/size of the floodplain benches wdl require a balance of ideal hydraulic geometry and constraints(i e mature trees sewer Imes grading costs)The floodplam bench is designed wide enough to lower shear stress sufficiently to reduce bank erosion to natural levels However the bench width was mirnmized to reduce tree impacts and grading quantities 10 c�I�Kimley HOr �I \�W qSSOtWtes,lnc. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina ��� � .. .�'A �� � � � � " �� 1�. � � � � �¢' a s °° y-✓.��,`r-.4 �� ' � C�.DCt"b � — — � 1 +�s� � } H I � � �t � ` ����� � i � �, � �s "' t �� � � � _ _ � ���k — — '� � '�—�^"J i � � �� _� _ ._.. _ _ _���� Illustration 1 Conceptual Restoration Plan VegetationBuffersllandscaped Areas The existing buffers in the pro�ect area wdl be improved through the addition of a mix of trees shrubs and herbaceous species The improved buffers wdl • prowde root mass from top of bank to below the edge of normal water • more efficiently filter non point source pollutants(nutrient uptake) • increase terrestnal habitat • improve resistance to invasive species • introduce healthy woody debns(detntus)into the stream • provide cover to reduce temperature pollution to the channel The proposed buffer wdl have 50 foot minimum m areas that are not constrained In areas where the sewer easement is ad�acent to the stream the buffer width wdl vary based on constraints There are several focus areas such as pnvate property and roadsidelsidewalk areas where a more detaded landscape plan wdl be incorporated into the design These areas wdl focus on a balance of aesthetics use education andlor screening These focus areas typically are where indiwdual pnvate lots border the stream withm the 50 foot standard buffer or where Wynfield Creek Parkway is immediately ad�acent to the stream The proposed buffer vegetation species list for streamside buffers and landscaped areas is listed in Table 5 below I1 ����,�,�a _ �,��t���. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolma Table 6 Pro osed Ve etahve S ec�es L�st Standard 50-foot Buffer Areas Common Name Sc►e►rt►fic Name Stratum Live Stake(LS) Bare Root(BR) Tree or Shrub or Containenzed CN Hazel Alder Alnus senulata T BR River Birch Betula rn ra T BR CN Sha bark Hicko Ca a ovata T BR Eastem Redbud Cerc►s canadensis TIS BR CN Silk Do wood Comus amomum S LS Flowenn Do wood Comus flonda T BR Amencan Beech Fa us rand�fol►a T BR Green Ash Frax►nus enns Ivarnca S BR CN Yellow Po lar Linodendron tuI► ifera T BR CN Black Wdlow Salix ni ra S BR Sdk Willow Sal►x sencea TIS LS Amencan Elm Ulmus amencana T BR Southem Arrowwood Vibumum dentatum S BR Focus Landsca Areas Common Name Scier��ic Name Stratum Live Stake(LS) Bare Root(BR) Tree or Shrub or Containenzed CN Red Ma le Acerrubrum T CN Hazel Alder Alnus senulata T CN River Birch Betula rn ra T CN Sha bark Hicko Ca a ovata T CN Eastem Redbud Cercis canadensis TIS CN Sdk Do wood Comus amomum S LS Flowenn Do wood Comus flonda T CN Inkbe llex labra S CN Water Oak Quercus ni ra T CN Wdlow Oak Quercus hellos T CN Sdk Willow Salix sencea T/S LS Southem Arrowwood V►bumum dentatum S CN Storm Water Pipe OutfallslDitches Several opportunities exist to retrofit or stabilize existing direct input storm water outfalls/pipes or ditches by dive�ting them mto small low profile/low maintenance BMP treatment areas andlor level spreaders Most of these areas include diverting the roadsidelnp rap Imed ditches into a pocket wetland BMP before release into the channel In other areas several storm water outlets directly flow mto the channel without pre treatment through the buffer BMP treatment or diffuse flow though the buffer could help reduce nutnent(rntrogen and phosphorus) and sediment(TSS) levels in the system If the storm water pipe outfall and/or the storm water ditch cannot be pre treated by creating drffused flow through the buffer then they wdl be stabdized to prevent the outfalis themselves from causing erosion and being a source of sediment 5 2 Constra�nts Existing Utdities The base mapping provided by James Mauney and Associates P A (6 3011)shows the location of the sanitary sewer easements located in the pro�ect area This easement generally parallels Torrence Creek#1 and crosses it in several locations Coordination w�th the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utdities (CMU) wdl be necessary when 12 C /�Kimley Horn �► �end Assotiates,lnc. Restorat�on Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina workmg in or near their easements The restoration approach involves stabilizing the existing below grade sewer crossings with a constructed nffle avoiding additional disturbance to any sewer easements Some locations could reqwre mirnmal grading over the buned sanitary sewer CMU would have to approve any locations that require gradmg inside of their easements Private Property The nght of entry easement type that was obtamed for a ma�ority of this pro�ect allows for restoration/stabdization in place (with only minor adJustments to pattern) Per the agreement on the Stasky property gradmg wdl only occur on the left bank Road Crossings Site Access and Haul Roads There are four road crossmgs/culverts within the pro�ect area (Stumptown Road Wynfield Creek Parkway Gdead Roadm and Bradford Hdl Lane) There are no proposed restoration activities withm the NC Department of Transportat�on (DOT) nght-of way These crossings also limit any stream relocation in their vicirnty Per an agreement with the Wynfield property owners assoaation there wdl be no construction access granted of W�eld Creek Parkway In addition the trees/buffer/screernng around the Wynfield Creek Parkway culvert are not be removed/disturbed per the agreement Site access shown in design�nil be from Stumptown Road Gdead Road and Bradford Hdl Lane As mentioned above access from Wynfield Creek Parkway wdl not be allowed The pnmary haul road likely wdl be down the sewer easement This wdl help mmimize tree impacts Coordination with CMU will need to occur to determine if there are any special requirements It is the goal of the restoration approaches to minimize end haul matenal The roads wdl need to support the movement of equipment and construction matenal (rock sdt fence coir matting etc)into the site and possibly off haul of excess cut HydraulicslFEMA The site is mapped within zone AE on the latest DFIRM map (see Section 4 0) A no impact analysis which should be certrfied by a licensed professional engineer must show that the proposed pro�ect wdl not affect any habitable structures An mcrease in base flood elevation (BFE) may be permitted through the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) process as long as no st�uctu�es are impacted Additionally floodway revisions and/or ma�or reductions in BFE would require a post construction Letter of Map Rewsion(LOMR) VegetationBuffers Mature woody species are mtermixed withm some of the existing buffers A detailed tree survey was conducted that wdl allow the design to mirnmize impacts to as many mature/high quality trees as possible See Figure 5 for the surveyed trees Any stream restoration activities includmg benching and/or relocation must avoid the mature woody vegetation to the maximum extent possible 6 0 Restoration Goals and Ob�ectoves The goal of the restoration pro�ect is to create a stable stream system and improve the water qual�ty and aquatic/terrestnal habitat of the site s streams and floodplam through the foilowing ob�ectives • Remove excess nutnents and sediment by using exist�ng and improved vegetative buffers and reconnecting the stream to a constructed floodplain or its histonc floodplam (reduces inasion by correcting dimension and profile) 13 c� Kunley Ho _n�,����. Restoratron Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Medclenburg County North Carolina • Increase dissolved oxygen concentrations through the use of in stream structures and the turbulence they produce m pools • Stabdize stream bank using bioengmeenng and/or specific natural channel design techrnques for each reach based on constraints and opporturnties • Improve substrate through the use of structures and the elimination andlor pretreatment of ma�or sediment sources Correct�ng the profile and creating localized slopes wdl allow the substrate to coarsen as the fines are transported Bank source sediment wdl be reduced by the bank stabdization techniques Some off site sediment sources such as point source outlets and roadside ditches wdl be retrofitted with pocket wetland/level spreader best management practice(BMP)facdities • Create habitat diversity by mtroducing woody structures such as log vanes log sdls and log cross vanes • Control the invasive exotics by pretreatment removal dunng construction and implementing an invasive species control plan • Implement BMP opporturnties to stabdize stormwater outfalis 61 Stream Restorat�on Approach Rosgen Prionty I and II methodologies and natural channel design techrnques would be used to ad�ust the channel dimension pattern (where constramts allow) and profde to a stable configuration for all restoration reaches The configuration was based on reference reach morphology values from regional curves regime equations experience from other restoration pro�ects and the existing channel morphology(see Figure 8 for the reference site location map and Appendix 6 for the Morphological Data Table) Figure 7 shows an overview of the proposed plan for the pro�ect area and the attached Restoration Plan Drawmgs illustrate the detaded restoration approach as tadored for the spec�ic reaches Dimension The channels nffle cross sectional areas were calculated using the hydraulic geometry curves which were denved from reference reach data and regional curves A bankfull bench would be added in combmation with raismg the thalweg to create access to a lower flood prone area The pool cross sections would be shaped based on nffle to pool cross section relationships found in appropriate off site reference reach data Initially the bankfull width would be slightly over wide however it is expected and seen from other simdar restoration pro�ects that this width would narrow once vegetation is established and sediment begins to depos�t on point bars mner berms and floodplam benches The designed width to depth ratio would elimmate high shear stress and stdl allow for some sedimentation The reference dimensionless ratios are mcluded m the morphological table in Appendix 6 Am m�er berm bench also would be added to help dissipate the energy of the smaller more frequent storm events The inner berm also wdl help provide mcreased sediment competence by increasing the mean depth The dimension on Reach 5 (Stasky Property) wdl be restored by cutting a bankfull bench and establishing an inner berm bench on the left bank only The inner berm bench would be stabdized with coir fiber mattmg untd vegetation could be established 14 v��Kun�ey Hor s� ena ass«�ates,inc. Restorafion Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carohna Pattern The restoration approach does not include signrficant changes to the pattern for any reach Due to site constraints and easement agreements only slight ad�ustments the pattern is proposed The planform values and ratios are provided in the morphological table in Appendix 6 and the Restoration Plan DraHnngs provide the designed channel alignment Bedform The Rosgen C and Bc type design channel bedform predommantly consists of a nffle—pool sequence with runs and glides between them The design depths and pool to pool spacing of the features were based on reference reach values and typical Rosgen reference reach values for B and C type channels (Append�x 6) The pools wdl be dictated largely by in stream structure placement In areas where pattern can be added the pools wdl be located m the apexes of ineander bends w�th riffles located between the pools in the tangent portions of the channel The pools would be over dug to allow for some sedimentation durmg construction activities The profile section of the attached Restoration Pian Drawings shows the designed channel bedform Structures In stream structures wdl be placed m the design channel to provide grade control add habitat mcrease water quality and maintam the overall design slope Other in stream st�uctures also are proposed to protect stream banks and increase aquatic habitat diversity The types of structures incorporated into the restoration proJect mciude rock cross vanes rock a vanes log sdls log vanes log cross vanes constructed rifFles boulder toe protection log toe protection and double wing deflectors 6 2 R►par�an Area Restorat�on Approach and Buffer Reforestation Scheme Most of the floodplain area has been designated as a high pnonty reforestation area by the McDowell Creek Watershed Managemenf Plan Version 4 2008 The restoration approach wdl be to minimize impacts to trees in all reaches and supplement the remairnng buffer through additional plantings By reconnectmg the stream to its histonc floodplain the limits of grading—and thus the impact—would be limited to m channel and bank gradmg This ailows the trees not located immediately on the banks to remam The design wdl designate other large trees along the banks to be saved dunng construction Large parts of the existing buffer will not be impacted based on the proposed limits of disturbance and the proximity to the existing sanitary sewer easement The sanitary sewer easement will be utdized as a construction haul road also minimizmg the tree impact All buffer areas wdl be cleared of mvasive species such as Kudzu and Chinese Pnvet These species continue to out compete the native vegetation and threaten the existing communities In non mitigation areas most of the buffer wdl not be disturbed other than to remove the invasive species or for stream restoration activities To irntialize the proposed ripanan commurnty the restoration area wdl be planted with a mix of pioneer and climax species selected and arranged to meet the following ob�ectives • Establish a mix of shade intolerant canopy and shade tolerant understory species • Provide a vegetat�ve source of dominant species • Establish local seed sources for those species less likely to migrate into the restoration area and • Stabdize disturbed or high stress areas 15 C �Kuntey Ho n � ���t�.�. Restoration Pian Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream RestoraUon Mecklenburg County North Carolina The improved buffers wdl • More efficiently filter non point source pollutants(nutnent uptake) • Increase terrestnal habitat • Increase resistance to invasive species • Introduce healthy woody debns(detritus)into the stream and • Provide cover to reduce temperature pollution to the channei The design of a plant�ng plan mvolves several components Four planting zones have been developed considering site hydrology sods and disturbance regimes and are referenced to natural commurnties • Zone 1 —St�eam Bank(base flow to bankful!) • Zone 2—Bankfull Bench(bankfull to tie out slope) • Zone 3—Floodplain/Supplemental Plantmgs • Zone 4—Disturbed Area Outside the Conservation Easement/Utdity easements Each zone has a unique environment that dictates species selection and community structure A planting list has been developed for each zone to match the vegetation m the reference commun�ty and meet the ob�ectives given above The planting list only mcludes species that are readdy avadable and have a reasonable expectation of survival For a given zone and species a plant source and planting type (e g containenzed or bare root) is recommended based on the existmg community and recommendations from the North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute (Hall 2001) and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (Smith 2004) The selection of species also wdl depend on avadabdity from local nursery sources Then a plant�ng schedule wdl be developed so that site preparation and plant instailation occur at the optimal time and season After installation the plantmg should be venfied Finally a maintenance plan wdl be developed to promote long term success of the planting 7 0 Monitoring 71 Schedule/Reporting The entire restored length of stream will be visually investigated for channel stabdity and in stream structure functionality Any evidence of channel instabdity will be identrfied mapped and photographed Structures wdl be inventoned for functionality and photographed The monitonng wdl linclude • Reference photos • Visual assessment of vegetation suroivalldevelopment analysis � Biofogical survey analysis* • Fish and macroinvertebrates analysis* 16 P��K6nley HOr s� and nssociates,�nG Restoratron Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina • Water quality analysis • Habitat assessment using Mecklenburg Habitat Assessment Protocol(MHAP) *The County typically collects biological fish and macroinve►tebrate and MHAP data annually at the ToRence Creek gage (MC3E) Specific locations w�ll be determmed at a later date The entire restored length of stream wdl be visually investigated for channel stabdity and in stream structure functionality Any evidence of channel instabdity wdl be identified mapped and photographed 17 ��n�,�,Hm _ �����.,� Restoratron Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream RestoraUon Mecklenburg County North Carolina 8 0 References Environmental Data Resources Inc The EDR Radius Map Report with GeoCheck June 22 2011 Environmental Laboratory 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Technical Report Y 87 1 United States Army Engmeer Waterways Expenment Station Vicksburg Mississippi Hall Karen(2001) Recommended Native Plant Species for Stream Restoration in North Carolina Raleigh NC North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute NCSU Harman Wdliam A Gregory D Jenrnngs et al (1999) Bankfull Hvdraulic Geometrv Relationships for North Carolina Streams Wddland Hydrology Symposium AWRA Bozeman MT Kroening David Sikes Bnan Caldwell David Rozzelle Rusty(2008) McDowell Creek Watershed Management Plan Version 4 Charlotte Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Water Quality Program McCachren Clifford M (1980) Sod Survey of Mecklenburg County North Carolina United States Department of Agnculture Soil Conservation Seroice McLendon Scott Becky Fox et al (2003) Stream Mitigation Guidelines United States Army Corps of Engineers Wdmington Distnct United States Environmental Protection Agency North Carolma Wddlife Resources Commission and North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Mdler James H (2004) Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests A Field Guide for ldentification and Control United States Department of Agnculture Forest Service Southern Research Station General Techrncal Report SRS 62 Rosgen David L 1997 A Geomorphologic Approach To Restoration Of Incised Rivers Proceedmgs of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision Rosgen David L 1996 Applied River Morphology Wddland Hydrology Books Pagosa Spnngs CO Rosgen David L A Stream Channel Stabdity Assessment Methodology Rosgen David L (2001) A Stream Channel Stabdity Assessment Methodology Seventh Federal Interaqencv Sedimentation Conference Reno NV w 18 26 Schafale Michael P and Alan D Weakley(1990) Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolma, Third Aaproximation NC Natural Hentage Program Dwision of Parks and Recreation NC Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Smith Cherri L (2004) Gwdelines for Ripanan Buffer Restoration Raleigh NC North Carolma Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program The Division of Land Resources(DLR)and The Division of Water Quality(DWQ) 2001 v 3 0 Internal Techmcal Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina 18 C�/�Kimtey Horn �► ��,�����. Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tributary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolina Figures ❑�� IGmley Horn � and Assa�ates,Inc ti � t i �iTl�-L',�ji�l �'TE� L.�*'�IB .�IZ�i � _. '•;: ; � � um ; ' A E�:d �,�; . . .� _ ` t�.1�STUN " 29 s - � � 6 � � T`; ��m\ \m . � U � �,�O` 1� ~ � G N I - o � a p -� / 1 ; � �.Nv � v o^ m`'�� doW�s��� E� �/0a`la �h °ic Q o ' ' N���� � E n �,� (� c �\�.. 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'�1�..� y„r �INYT^;�r` �;e!„'�. �`�1���f�'�'�{���r���, ., M J•r w •/�L .• 'r• ,r — �-� 1* �� '1} �� ,P.' l P^ !' � � �, i,' � �.��T ��}-�� �r � y ,. i , a�` ��'�,�,����.•� e .� Figure 3: Project Site Land Cover Figure Legend: O RigM of Entry Limits �__;Project SNdy Area ��0 o �,2so Z,soo r=�°�a�°a9a^�aa STORM I� Kimley-Han ��.,,�v�a�o��o„�e Wa,en� . �WATER \��and Associates Inc. I I I N �Fo,es� �i„a„�,�ai Q,w�� Sen�rn� Feet �o,��sP�a ��omme�ae� OResideirtial �rra�sporcana, 2 EnD � >' Mecklenburg County SSURGO Soils EnB Symbol Description � ; . Ce62 Cecil sandy clay loam,2-8%slopes,eroded �-`�:,� PaE ;� -EnD CeD2 Cecil sandy day loam,8-15%slopes,eroded CeD2 wt�; ",�Me6 � CeB2 CeD2 Da6 Davidson sandyclay loam,2-8%slopes HeB � ` EnB Enon sandy loam,2-8%slopes ,, �� k EnD Enon sandy loam,8-15%slopes � � "���, HeB *Helena sandy loam,2-8%slopes � �, , -±f� � f MO *Monacan loam \ ,E EnD �aB �_� "�MeD PaE Pacolet sandy loam,15-25%slopes � MeB *Indicates HydricSoils Ce62 '�' - � EnD PaE \ ;�+ '�=^ EnB ; EnB'. ;,� .. .. �� PaE � ' En6 f PaE �� � �c " z,r!� `�*� _ . ,"�.CeD2�` �__ �_�> � " ._=-. .� .' " .p ' � � � . , Ceg2 i w' . . _ CeD2 � � � ' ' r EnD' CeB2 CeB2 �a� En6� `��.. � �►' � �: � ��� �� �" �-. � � � � �r ` �,� _� �' �` - <�_' '��`, ����.� � �- - � - � ��. !�'� �� Ce62" DaB � CeB2 � CeD2 f3 � g � EnB_:- �1� � � CeD2 � - ��� - � j' ; CeD2 , ;{ , ,-� �' �' \ - A. �� � � �n� HeB \ � -� �� �� �� � PaE �� � - �•' �,� \ _ . ��i tk '�.,� _ , �� _ !., CeD2 . �'" CeD2 f. ' WkD _ �� CeB2 /���'. _ � MeB , _ � _ n�••� � l K r��1��� �,�.i DaB If6 � � 4 .��`��- _ ��"# ��:� �-1, , " '/' � . CeD2 �. �" +�, { - r,_ -� ���'�;�y'' . . } _, ,�i.',.7F� � CeD2 , ) � l�� MO ► / ;.,.� , � . CeD2 - . PaE -_ CeB2 CeD2 � � CeB2 DaB � `EnB %' - CeD2 �� \ �� ��� Y ,' 4 ,�,'f •'�i �� '�', 'r t�. ; PaE ` ' �CeD2 �' t , .� ' CeB2 � iCeD2 �e ' CeB2 CeD2 Ce82 1-� CeD2 ' ,--,� � 'CeD2 �CeB2 "�' • _ CeB2 CeD2 Figure 4: Project Site SSURGO Soil Survey Figure Legend: �r � Right of Entry Limits STORM i�n �mley-Hom o sso �,ioo � L__=_� Project study Area ` " WATER �� and Associatea Inc. 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11� Miles Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream R�toraUon Mecklenburg County North Carolma Appendix 1 Hestoric Aerials ��❑ IGmley Horn � and Associates,Inc Torrence Tributary #1 9044 Tayside Court Huntersville NC 28078 Inquiry Number 3099504 5 June 20 2011 �� �DQ QoQO�O p� � � D���d� p��[��o 440 Wheelers Farms Road Mdford CT 06461 EDR� Environmental Data Resources Inc 800 352 0050 www edrnet com EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package Environmental Data Resources Inc (EDR)Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals m evaluating potential liabdity on a target property resulting from past actiwties EDR s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs and when avadable provide one photo perdecade When delivered electronically by EDR the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY Further reproduction of these aenal photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR For more informat�on contact your EDR Account Executrve Thank you for your business Please contact EDR at 1 800 352 0050 with any questions or comments Disclaimer Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain�nformation obta�ned from a vanery of public and other sources reasonably avadable to Environmental Data Resources Inc It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES INC SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES INC�UDING WITHOUT LIMITATION MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES INC BE LIABLE TO ANYONE WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS NEGLIGENCE ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION SPECIAL INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES INC IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS Any analyses estimates ratings environmental nsk levels or nsk codes provided in this Report are prowded for dlustrative purposes only and are not intended to prowde nor should the be interpreted as providing any facts regarding or predic6on or forecast of any environmental nsk for any property Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment pertormed by an enwronmental professional can provide information regardmg the environmental nsk for any property Additionally the information provided m this Report is not to be construed as legal adwce Copynght 2011 by Environmental Data Resources Inc Ali nghts reserved Reproduction in any media or format in whole or m part of any report or map of Enwronmental Data Resources Inc or its affiliates is prohibited without pnor wntten permission EDR and its logos(includmg Sanborn and Sanbom Map)are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources Inc or its affiliates All other trademarks used herem are the property of their respective owners Date EDR Searched H�stor�cal Sources Aer�al Photography June 20 2011 Target Property 9044 Tays�de Court Huntersville NC 28078 Year Scale Detads Source 1968 Aenal Photograph Scale I =500 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Fhght Date February EDR 25 1968 1973 Aenal Photograph Scale 1 =750 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Fhght Date EDR December 03 I 973 1983 Aenal Photograph Scale I =1000 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Flight Date March EDR 03 1983 1988 Aenal Photograph Scale 1 =750 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Fhght Date October EDR 12 1988 1996 Aenal Photograph Scale I =750 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Fhght Date Apnl 25 EDR 1996 2005 Aenal Photograph Scale I �iO4 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Flight Date January EDR Ol 2005 2006 Aenal Photograph Scale I =604 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Flight Date January EDR Ol 2006 2008 Aenal Photograph Scale I �iO4 Panel# 35080 D8 Lake Norman South NC/Fhght Date January EDR Ol 2008 3099504 5 2 „��. , -� , � � � � . : � . � ►� :ti '�� '� .�. � �. . �, .e � i. .� • +r'i ' y � �l� h. ` • � ' •,�, �1 • "�� �! . e�� � •� i'. � � i►• - • �.. • •j��,r � ' R+'{'� � ~�:t . r ` � � � .� �. � ,� , . w � �- � �j�ri '• ` � .�•'r � ' � �` � .� . � :'.� .+i�.:' �+ '1� � �� ,y + ,, ` . , . ♦” R�4, � �. �� �� . ,� �� > � , r ' �r �,� y��; � I?l :` Y. l �L. , . }", , ' '�'-�1 + c j` . ,�t � , �' ' • i # s >a �'�s' { . ro .�` ���' �''��• � ,! 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— - - - I 91 I 90 0 4 S 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Honzontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 2 - Pool O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Ind�cators ♦Water Surtace Pants Wbkf 12 8 Dbkf 2 54 Abkf 32 4 105 104 --— -- I - - 103 - - - I 102 - - -- 101 100 - - - � � C O � 98 - � i I w 97 - - - -- - - - — - - -- 96 95 94 - - - - - - - Y3 92 - -- - - 91 I 90 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Hor¢ontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 2 Profde ,os m 'i � a°I I 104 I I I I I I •CH 103 I I I I I I I I 102 I I I I I I O WS 107 I I I I I I 100 � I � i 9 • I I I I • � 99 I I ♦BKF I I O � I + I I � gg I I > I I � I I W 9� I I ♦LB I I I I I 96 I I � I I i I 95 � � • � ♦ • O RB I I 94 I I I I I 93 � � +P3 I I I I 92 I I I I I I I I 91 � � X P4 I I I I 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 700 110 120 730 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 WS B F 51 p 0 00302 BKF B F t Sl p 0 00339 Distance along stream(ft) LB 8 t F t S1 p 0 00536 TCT61 Reach 3 - Riffle O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Indcators ♦Water Surtace Pants Wbkf 13 Dbkf 2 B3 Abkf 36 6 105 - 104 - - - - - -- - -- 103 - - — - 102 - - - - - ---------------------------------- -------------------- 101 100 — - I C � C� I O I � 98 - -- - - - -- - - - - - - > N W 97 - - - 96 95 94 - - - - 93 - -- - - 92 - - - - - - - - - 91 I 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Hor¢ontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 3 - Pool O Ground Pants A Bankfull Ind�cators ♦Waler S �face Pants Wbkf 15 2 Dbkf 2 95 Abkf 94 8 105 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - I I 104 - - - - - I - - --r- --- — 103 -- - I -- - -- ----- � I 102 - - - - - - - � ----- ----------- --------------------------- -----�---------- 101 � I I 100 - - -- - - � - � � � - - -- - - - - C I I I O � 98 -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - I > N I w97 - -- - - - -- 96 I I 95 � �� I 94 - -- - - - - - - - - � - -- � I 93 - - -- - - - -— - - 92 -- - � - - I I 91 � � I 0 10 20 30 4p 50 60 Hor¢ontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 3 Profile ,00 o� �i a°I �I I I I I 99 I I I I •CH I I I I I I I I 98 I- - - -- I - - - -- - — - -- I I I I O WS I I I I 97 � -- - � - — - I j I I � � � • I I � ♦BKF � 96 �- - 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Riffle O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Ind�cators ♦Water Surtace Pants Wbkf 19 6 Dbkf 2 37 Abkf 47 111 - - - - 110 - - - 109 108 107 106 - $ 105 C O � 104 > N W 703 - -- - - — 102 101 100 - 99 - 98 97 � 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Honzontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 5 - Pool O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Ind�cators ♦Water Surtace Pants Wbkf 32 3 Dbkf 2 Abkf 64 5 111 — — 110 109 — — — 106 ------------- ------------------------------------------------ 107 i 106 — — — -- — $ 105 — � —— � I O � 104 — — — > N W 103 — — — 102 101 I 100 — -- 99 — — — — — — � — — I 9� � I ss o �0 2o so ao eo so Honzontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reach 5 Profile 105 - � � al I I I I �� I I •CH I I I I I I I I 103 I - I I I I I O WS I I I I 102 I I I I I I I I I I I I ♦e� � �o� — I 1I o • • j y • � i i a'� i oo i i • W I I ♦P1 I I / L I 99 � � - / � O P2 I I 98 I I I I I I I I I I 97 - I I +P3 I I I I I I I I 96 I - I - - I I I I X P4 I I I I 95 0 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150160170180790200210220230240250260270280290300370320330340350360370380390400 s B F t s� P o ooz4o Distance along stream(ft) BKF B F S1 p 0 00222 TCTB1 Reach 4 - Reference Riffle O Ground Po nts ♦Bankfull Indicators ♦Water S rface Prnnts Wbkf 21 8 Dbkf 1 93 Abkf 92 2 1980 — — -- — i 197 5 � � I 197 0 � ------------------------------------------------------------------ i I 1965 -- — — 196 0 — — — I I 195 5 I � 195 0 — — i O 1945 � I � w. i N i d 1940 I W I 193 5 — — — — 193 0 � 1925 — -- — 192 0 — — _ � I 191 5 — I I 191 0 � � I 790 5 � —— 190 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Horizontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reference - Riffle O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Inc6cators ♦Water Surface Pants Wbkf 25 3 Dbkf 9 Abkf 22 8 200 - - - - 199 198 — - �g� I 196 195 � — 194 193 - � 192 �------------------ C � 191 r=. (� � '� I w �89 - 188 187 — - - 186 — 185 - 1B4 183 - 182 �g� I 180 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Honzontal Distance(ft) TCTB1 Reference - Pool O Ground Pants ♦Bankfull Indicators �Water S rf�e Pants Wbkf 22 6 Dbkf 1 09 Abkf 23 9 200 799 I I 198 — � I II — I 197 il I 196 — — I — 195 — — — --- I 194 —— — — — — I — — I — -- 193 — — — — — —I — — � I --- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- 192 — — — — C � 191 I � I N i � 190 W 189 — — — — j — — 166 187 � — 168 — — — 185 164 — I — I 183 —— I 182 � I 181 180 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Horizontal Distance(ft) Edwards Branch Reference - Riffle O Ground Pants ♦Bankf II Indicators ♦Water S rface Pants Wbkf 16 8 Dbkf 1 02 Abkf 17 1 110 — — 109 108 107 106 105 � 104 � — ------ --------------- O � 103 > N W 102 101 100 99 98 — 97 96 95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Honzontal Distance(ft) Edwards Branch Reference - Pool O Ground Pants O Bankfull IntLCators ♦Water S rface Prnnts Wbkf 17 6 Dbkf 1 75 Abkf 30 8 110 - - -- -- - - 109 - -- - - 108 - 107 - - � - - - I 106 105 - - � '� I C O � 103 - - -- - - � I N i W 702 - -- - 101 � I 100 99 - - -- � 98 - -- - - 97 - 96 95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Hor¢ontal Distance(ft) Edwards Branch Reference Profile ,�5 , , - a �I � gll 104 �� •CH � '�I � �I �p �I 103 t3 - - � ml E Ej O WS v D� W wl 102 I I � I Y I � I I I ♦BKF 101 � • � I I � � I I I I I I 100 I I �P� I I I I 99 I I I \ � � O P2 I I I I I I / 98 I % I I 1 I I I I i +P3 9� I I I I I I I I I I I 96 I i X P4 I I I I I I I 95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 170 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 5 B F S1 p 0 00513 BKF B t F S1 p 0 00526 Restorahon Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolma Appendix 4 Agency Response Letters (TO BE INCLUDED IN FINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT) ❑�❑ IGmley Hom � and Assoc�ates,Inc Restoration Plan Torrence Creek Tnbutary#1 Stream Restoration Mecklenburg County North Carolma Appendix 5 HEC-RAS Modelang Results ❑�❑ iGmley Horn � and Assoaates,Inc J v � W N y � D 3 N N c`1 N O O O � N tn N � O �n M p � aO N c0 O� N 6) 4) O 1� N � f� (O (� � M O O a� V � j,+ O O O O O O O N O O � � � R (h p O N � O O O iA a� p� tD ('� � t0 1� I� f� O O � � � � u� O O Z � D ` } `" O O O O O o O � O O O O O .- p O O Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O u�i ac�iv � m a w � � � � d J � h fD f0 �"' M N •p � tn N �''� f� � tn 00 � 1� � O O � a0 M O� 6� V' a- O O � t0 � � � � a'.0 Y W O O O O � � � N N r O � N � 01 N h N N O � � O O � O V M N O1 t0 I� � � � � V CO (O � (O O F ` Q W OO 3 � O O O O O O O � O � O O 0 O � O O O O O O � � O O O � � O N N N M O O O O p O p j U > � d � > � °.! d dW o 0 0 000 000000000 0000 0 �� Y � � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ W o03 �- o 0 0 000 000000000 0000 0 a � > � m oocom �oc� � c� on �nro c� u� nrn � o � � � N � vo covc� n � o o � o r� � o c� r� o � I� f� � (O CO C f� O� O� M � LL] M Q O (O � (O h � N O� CO N N I� a0 W O� � CO � J � �l") !� O � O CO [O CO aD � � ^ � O ap N O a0 a0 f� � M O ('7 N � � fh O �ff � � � f7 N I� O '7 M e- N V V � � V' N 1� t0 O� N � ln � In tn R V V ('� � � N tn V � �A V' � (O M V � � � M .t. 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