HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052253 Ver 4_Public Notice_201302071 I 1�.�1 US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: February 4, 2013 Comment Deadline: March 4, 2013 Corps Action ID #: SAW- 2010 -01947 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from John Koenig, Inc. seeking Department of the Army authorization for a discharge of dredged and /or fill material into waters of the United States associated with constructing access and infrastructure for the final phases of Williamsburg Plantation residential subdivision located west of Gum Branch Road, to the southwest of and between Western Boulevard and Williamsburg Parkway, in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at http: / /www. saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPennitProgram /PublicNotices. aspx. Applicant: Agent (if applicable): Authority John Koenig, Inc. Attn: Mr. John Koenig 235 Green Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Wetland Solutions, LLC Attn: Mr. Samuel A. Carter Post Office Box 244 Bunnlevel, North Carolina 28323 The Corps will evaluate this application and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Background Four previous permit verifications exist for the Williamsburg Plantation subdivision. On June 17, 1999, the Corps verified the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 26 under Corps Action ID # SAW- 1999 -01103 for permanent impacts to 0.239 acre of wetlands for the infrastructure of the Hyde Park phase; no compensatory mitigation was required for this project. On October 29, 2003, the Corps verified the use of NWP 39 under Corps Action ID # SAW- 2002 -00602 for permanent impacts to 0.497 acre of wetlands for the infrastructure of the Regency Park phase, with the requirement to purchase 0.994 acre of wetland credits from the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program, as well as preserve remaining wetlands on several lots within Regency Park. On January 17, 2006, the Corps verified the use of NWP 18 under Corps Action ID # SAW- 2006 -00272 for permanent impacts to 0.02 acre of wetlands for the infrastructure of the Kensington Park phase; no compensatory mitigation was required for this project. Lastly, on August 10, 2007, the Corps verified the use of NWP 29 under Corps Action ID # SAW - 2006 -00272 for permanent impacts to 0.0983 acre of wetlands and 86 linear feet of stream for additional infrastructure of the Kensington Park phase and access to the Emerson Park phase, with the requirement to purchase 0.0983 acre of wetland credits and 86 linear feet of stream credits from the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, as well as preserve remaining wetlands within the Kensington and Emerson Park phases. Cumulative impacts to Waters of the U.S. for the Williamsburg Plantation single and complete project following all permit actions described above total 0.854 acre of wetlands and 86 linear feet of stream. Cumulative compensatory mitigation requirements total the purchase of 1.09 acres of wetland and 86 linear feet of stream credits from in -lieu fee programs and the preservation of remaining wetlands within three subdivision phases. Given that the current proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S., in combination with impacts permitted in earlier phases, exceed the Nationwide Permit threshold, the current proposal to further expand Williamsburg Plantation is subject to Individual Permit review. Previously verified Nationwide Permits can be found with the Public Notice on the District Website at http: / /www.saw.usace.artny.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPermitProgram /PublicNotices.aspx. Location The proposed project area is 1,253 acres of undeveloped land southwest of the Williamsburg Plantation residential subdivision, located west of Gum Branch Road, to the southwest of and between Western Boulevard and Williamsburg Parkway, in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina (34.78335° N - 77.45603° W). The proposed project is located in wetlands and other waters adjacent to unnamed tributaries (UTs) to the New River, which drain into the New River, a Traditionally Navigable Waterway. Existing Site Conditions The proposed project area is located within the Coastal Plain Ecoregion, in the White Oak River sub - basin, USGS 8 -digit hydrologic unit 03030001. The site has been historically utilized for timber and agriculture production and contains stands of loblolly pine from 5 to fifty years of age, and deciduous forest in the same range of maturity. Two Progress Energy transmission line easements, one 150 -foot and one 300 -foot wide, run through the western and northern portions of the property, respectively. Based on the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Methodology (NCWAM), wetlands on the Williamsburg Plantation property include a mosaic of Riverine Swamp Forest and Bottomland Hardwood Forest in floodplain 2 areas of the New River and unnamed tributaries (UTs), Headwater Forest in smaller stream valleys and topographic drainages higher in the landscape, and Pine Flat and Hardwood Flat systems in inter - stream divide areas of low topographic relief. Jurisdictional streams on the property include the New River, a Traditionally Navigable Water, and nine UTs, all of which are Relatively Permanent Waters. Several drainage ditches also exists throughout the property, some of which are considered Waters of the U.S. The New River and its UTs all carry the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) best usage classification of "C NSW "; "C" refers to those waters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity, agriculture and other uses, whereas "NSW" is a supplemental classification intended for waters needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. The New River within the project area is on the 303d list of impaired waterbodies due to mercury in fish tissue; the US Environmental Protection Agency lists the cause of the mercury impairment as unknown. There are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supply I (WS-1), or Water Supply (WS -II) waters within 1.0 mile of the project area. The property is bordered to the southwest by the New River, to the southeast by a UT to New River, to the northeast by existing section of Williamsburg Plantation subdivision including Regency Park, Hyde Park, Emerson Park, and Saint James Park, and to the northwest by undeveloped Progress Energy Carolinas property and the Lauradale subdivision. The majority of the surrounding site area to the south and west is undeveloped and covered by a combination of riverine swamp forest and managed timber land. The surrounding site area to the north and east contains developed residential neighborhoods. Elevation in the immediate vicinity of the site ranges from approximately 33 feet above mean sea level (MSL) in the northernmost extent of the property to 0 feet MSL along the New River. Wetland Solutions, LLC, consultant for John Koenig, Inc., conducted a jurisdictional delineation for the proposed site in 2012. The jurisdictional boundaries were verified by the Corps and surveyed and mapped by a registered land surveyor; a Jurisdictional Determination (JD) was approved on October 29, 2012 (USACE ID No. SAW- 2010 - 01947). Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of this project is to construct a residential subdivision. Project Description The applicant has proposed to discharge fill material into an additional 0.628 acre of riparian, non - riverine wetlands and 820 linear feet of streams to complete the final phases of the Williamsburg Plantation residential subdivision. No temporary impacts are proposed. The proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S. are the result of 16 road crossings, intended to provide access to proposed 3 upland facilities including single family homes, multi - family housing, and associated infrastructure such as utilities and amenities. Project plans and a narrative are available on the District Website at http: / /www. saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatolyPertnitProgram /PublicNotices. aspx. Table 1. Existing and Pr000sed Permanent Waters of the U.S. Impacts Table Wetland Impacts Stream Impacts Impact (acre) (linear feet) Verified under N" 26, Action ID: 0.239 SAW- 1999 - 01103, 6/17/1999 Verified under N" 39, Action ID: 0.497 SAW- 2002 - 00602, 10/29/2003 Verified under N" 18, Action ID: 0.02 SAW- 2006 - 00272, 1/17/2006 86 Verified under N" 29, Action ID: 0.0983 SAW- 2006 - 00272, 8/10/2007 Previously Permitted Total 0.854 86 A 0.045 B 0.019 C 0.014 35 D 0.053 96 c E 0.019 29 o F 125 s, a G 85 H 0.039 I 149 J 0.043 U IX K 0.051 65 Cd L 0.019 M 0.028 90 N 0.257 146 O 0.018 P 0.024 --------------------------- - - - - -- Proposed Total 0.628 820 Subdivision Total 1.482 906 The applicant submitted an Alternatives Analysis that includes a No Build and Off -site Alternative. This information has been included with this Public Notice as well. Supplemental documentation and plans can be found on the District Website at http: / /www. saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPertnitProgram /PublicNotices. aspx. Avoidance and Minimization Information Avoidance and minimization efforts for previously permitted sections of Williamsburg Plantations were documented via the Nationwide Permit process. For the current proposed impacts, the applicant has stated that proposed road crossings over Waters of the U.S. were limited to the narrowest crossing footprint where possible. Further, the applicant notes that proposed impacts to the New River floodplain, a North Carolina Natural 11 Heritage Program (NCNHP) Significant Natural Heritage Area, were avoided, and lots were designed to avoid wetlands (i.e. wetlands in subdivision common area). Also, headwalls are proposed on crossings to minimize impacts to Waters of the U.S. Compensatory Mitigation The applicant proposes to mitigate for permanent wetland and stream losses through 1) preserving all wetlands not proposed for impact through the subdivision Restrictive Covenants, and 2) purchasing riparian wetland and stream credits at a 1:1 ratio from the Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank, located approximately 4 miles north of the project area. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State Certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92 -500). The receipt of the application and this public notice combined with appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Quality Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Certification and Oversight, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650 Attention: Mr. Ian McMillan by February 25, 2013. Coastal Zone Management The applicant has certified that the proposed work complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Pursuant to 33 CFR 325.2 (b)(2) the Corps is, by this notice, forwarding this certification to the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management ( NCDCM) and requesting its concurrence or objection. Generally, the Corps will not issue a DA permit until the NCDCM notifies the Corps that it concurs with the applicant's consistency certification. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial 5 determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources The following description of work is adapted from the applicant's proposal (included with this Public Notice). Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC) conducted a Phase I Archeological Survey of a State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) approved Scope of Work totaling approximately 314 acres of the project area. Results of the investigation were detailed in a 2012 "Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Proposed Williamsburg Plantation Extension Tracts, Onslow County, North Carolina" prepared by ACC, and available as supplemental documentation on the District Website at http: / /www. saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPertnitProgram /PublicNotices. aspx. ACC identified 26 archaeological resources, including 11 archeological sites and 15 isolated finds, during the study. Of the resources found, one site of archaeological significance (Site 31ON1833) was identified as National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Potentially Eligible /Un- assessed adjacent to the New River floodplain. This site is located at the extreme southwestern corner of the property, measures 7.76 acres, and is not planned for residential development due to its location and elevations near the 100 -year floodplain. Site 31ON1833 will be placed in permanent preservation in order to prevent any disturbance or further mitigation measures as recommended in the archaeological assessment. According to the applicant, the SHPO was provided a copy of the report, and their review and concurrence is pending. Endangered Species Wetland Solutions, LLC conducted a pedestrian assessment of potential habitat for federally protected terrestrial plant and animal species over a period ranging from January through June 2011 pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Results of the protected species assessment were documented in a December 13, 2012 "Biological Assessment, Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision ", available as supplemental documentation on the District Website at http: / /www. saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPertnitProgram /PublicNotices. aspx. Fifteen federally protected species are known to occur within the eight subject Counties, these include the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus), shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), piping plover (Charadrius melodus), red - cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus), golden sedge (Carex lutea), Hirst's panic grass (Dichanthelium hirstii), pondberry (Lindera melissifolia), rough -leaf loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia), and Cooley's meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi). I The applicant states a Biological Determination of "No Effect" for fourteen of the species above, with no determination made for Hirst's panic grass, a candidate species. According to the applicant, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) was provided a copy of the report, and their review and concurrence is pending. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activities requiring DA authorization will affect any species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof, among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and /or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. A copy of this Public Notice and all pertinent plans and specifications can be found at: http: / /www.saw.usace. army.mil/ Missions/ RegulatoryPennitProgram /PublicNotices.aspx or by contacting the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office at (910) 251 -4633. 7 Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, March 4, 2013. Comments should be submitted to David E. Bailey, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403, telephone (910) 251 -4469. E m a o, 0 ON N .ti O N M N STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 3 6.825 0.48 105 30 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 30 20 10 5 WETLANDS CROSSING �'0 / 1.977 S.F. (0.045 AC.) / � 1 / �7/ /INV=2 ./ ( / Jq INV =22.5/ / J '00,j / PROP. STORM / PIPE / WETLAND CROSSING "A' WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brionJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 5 E m a Ln ti N .-i N H O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) 0= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 1.5 3.41 2.58 66 18 WETLANDS CROSSING 814 S.F. (0.019 AC.) X25- \ � 24-- 30 20 10 \NJ X25 e o \\ r/ 1 lsee ° � ICI ✓� / /N� §Z-4 4�'OZO )" L2 , \2,INV =23.8 r (see Headwall NawP-1 detail) I N m 5 WETLAND CROSSING "B" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®j1pnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 30 20 10 5 ru E m R m` a M tD M .-i N .ti O N M N STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) S E(INy/ 29.8 67.8 0.78 64 i 42 / I NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP Om PIPJ I I � WETLANDS CROSSING I I N N 609 S.F. (0.01 AC.) 35 LF STREAM IMPACT II vV=i 7 30 20 10 5 PROP. PIPE_ -,,_ INV X17.84 4 CV LO y 14V= 17.9 — — ���413i 24"RC - _ _ _ ���Cemoved) / &V 17.0\ \ \ `IV III I / jI / � I� I i WETLAND CROSSING "C" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®j1pnc.com APRIL 17, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 5 E m a M O .-i N H O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 5.76 13.1 0.57 88 30 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE WETLANDS CROSSING 2310 S.F. (0.05 AC.) 96 LF STREAM IMPACT - -24— — — 30 20 10 5 -22— - - -- ----------- / IV INV =19.5 - �� - -22-N, i / / IN / /INV =20.0 Q \PE — PROP / i i iJ I N i i i i r ■ WETLAND CROSSING "D" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJOjlpnc.com APRIL 18, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 30 20 10 5 E m a Ln ri ti N .ti O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 33 75.0 2.19 64 42 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE ON NORTHWEST END AND 1.0' ON SOUTHEAST END. WETLANDS CROSSING 824 S.F. (0.02 AC.) \ 29 LF STREAM IMPACT INV = 14.9._ 30 20 10 5 \ � I PROP. PIPE — — — — — — \ ip INV = 13.5';1 I11� f WETLAND CROSSING "E' WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 17, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 ° =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 5 ru E AD m a rn u� co ti N C, O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 53.9 122.6 0.75 100 48 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 1.0' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE WETLANDS CROSSING 125 LF STREAM IMPACT 5' WIDE 625 SF STREAM IMPACT 30 20 10 5 INV =6 INV =7.3 J WETLAND CROSSING "F" WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 30 20 10 5 ru E m R m` a n N O O N N C, O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA 0= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 28.6 65.1 0.75 76 48 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 1.0' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE WETLANDS CROSSING 85 LF STREAM IMPACT 3.5' WIDE 298 SF STREAM IMPACT 30 20 10 5 — 12 - - - - -- _ �0 '� - - -- INV= .43 —12` — 12- NV =8.0 "--13-- WETLAND CROSSING "G' WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 30 20 10 5 ru E AD m a 0 0 0 N N H N N M N .ti FLARED "END SECARN \ 1 \ INV- 8.18\ I v -31 — N I I 33.9 3.x0 -33- 2 FLARED -END SECTION Grp \ INV =28.5 STORM PIPE DATA \ / Rational Method: / Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) \ 5.1 11.6 0.50 64 30 40 30 20 15 WETLAND CROSSING "H" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 40 30 20 15 ru E AD m a M .ti C6 O N N H O N M N STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) AREA(AC) Q 49.0 111.5 J / I - - -' /I,ti�'1�� %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 0.77 130 60 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 1.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 30 20 10 i �I WETLAND CROSSING "1" WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brionJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 \\ \\ L\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \30 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ NA( =24.5 29\ � R\ STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q=CIA 0- (0.95)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q WLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 1 2.26 0.56 90 24 40 30 20 15 Q�oe I 27 1) I l rA. i F�S IN i =25.0 i � I 4 WETLAND CROSSING "J" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE do ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com NOVEMBER 20, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 40 M 20 15 E m a N N H O N M N .ti Headwall with Wingwall NCDOT 838.27 Inv -17.5 Top =24.5 ,/ / / / /ii Illl�llll_ _ _ IIII ill 1 IIIII� � =J I , II I� STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 107.5 244.6 1.94 88 66 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 1.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 40 30 20 15 i Headwall with Wingwall NCDOT 838.27 Inv -19.2 Top =27.2 WETLAND CROSSING W NAWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 20, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 ° =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 40 30 20 15 E m a 0 M 01 .ti N N H O N M N .ti \ \ -10 INV -28.0 �P P \PE � P lkl li ) I1 \ —32` -_ INV =28.5 / 30— ' / 117-1 \ l STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) ) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 5.0 11.4 0.69 72 30 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 40 30 20 15 WETLAND CROSSING V WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 40 30 20 15 I / \ \ -10 INV -28.0 �P P \PE � P lkl li ) I1 \ —32` -_ INV =28.5 / 30— ' / 117-1 \ l STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) ) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 5.0 11.4 0.69 72 30 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 40 30 20 15 WETLAND CROSSING V WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com APRIL 26, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 40 30 20 15 E m a N n N N N H O N M N .ti \ 79, 0 \ —16— 19— - -- Z' \^ STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: Q =CIA Q= (0.35)(6.5)(A) Q= 2.275(A) AREA(AC) Q %SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) 8.7 19.8 1.20 104 30 NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE 30 20 10 5 NV—,15.\25 \ \ \ \\ - - -22 -- �\ -- 23 - - - - --\ WETLAND CROSSING "M" WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®jlpnc.com APRIL 21, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1 " =4' 30 20 10 5 7 :1 at M N N N rl N N M N H 1 I •• ' ' �� I - �I. I . I ' I - -- Headwall with Wingwall .. DATA Rational Q. WETLANDS .. .1 AREA(AC) Q %SLE LENGTH(FT) 428 973.7 0.76 132 ., . LA 146 LF STREAM IMPACT NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO ABOVE .. . MM _ !A�_fa_ \IAA /wy / /LVf•�\ N_ __________ __________ _r! L•►_\ AV I,///IIwI� hMMMI ____ _______rrw►�..�/w�riwnriiwrM F" Vr� /A/AIr'A/Al��in��A /1WMAV�LVA =0_ �"AV" "l1 I�7 "�___________ N0WAIV /w___� \r�1CJITTJ�rTT�__ "AW W1 /w "M'7 "a N/AA /.�__— I\�__i7iiilLilLi7�L1ia7__ IY \rImo \II 1iYl IIIJ�__ MMM%fl�WMMWM/ OWAIN� M, —_wavA _r��ll_c�_____ ____rYl��fiI<V1 \ \�lV /I• \�lAV A�Y"MA A/A/w./ /AY_A\_11- 7AI�_AlWwA ____� /AAIt�l1IIawl /�I/r /%wi10%MYMl�- WM AW" rw:// LPL_ A\ 1J.V v1�7 /�_wII�R w1'w�_wI. /wIiV /�1 /IIwVI�V__________ —AWN FA _ _�1Ai �A. I/ WW \�_ \�_I /nLVA- l� 71`V�i�LIIQ/A/AV "I \7—.��I 1 .1- \IFA`1� — 11.__A AVI V__________ \�__________ W/1\__________ 1 �'�"Aw w/A/N/_:\ r r •A W /..CV/1•_II/ Ar"l ' ZMZZM"A,10M l�/ /w�_A \_71LL1111 S A� M I :AV\Y —/wV h�_________ _________ �A► VV1v7 /'_A /IAIIf�LI�A1�1lw�r�AlNr�c� N_________ _________�/►V7 "AW AI ELI m Imo\ n IY 1 1 I1 r� it 1 mm Cm %M=, M= 1�wI —� \�L_�— �I���1—w'�.�_________ WJ AF- rwwiArsiiAe/in r� •_________ _________Iw_I _________'w►_ AAA I►_AI //_V�A.V\ /aAl/w�1- ENNWAR L_\Fw_mm/ / wVWA WAWA�s!/"L.L_A1- -7C 7.1_________ Vm�________ Arwi I_ VI�V \`fl_ \WwVlr /Alll %A/A! /n W�L'!/�n�_A / /n�_l�v \_lYi1A A�7 AMA' "Ar Ar.�________ I //YI0WMW1% W"l'W/�I /AID A IA/L� \�AVi\V/ADOMM \VA�1wM \�7 /I►7 /wIN/ Mr r.V►I��________ /II MWI AF /YAI "YIM�\ WA /L \/L '�A —W" "v W "w MA.N � /LIY�/A\ AI /A\ Ali _I wA�________ r►_w Wl— Wl W"�v""il��I�//AL�/A\V\M1' Ali! / /w}//AY_A\_7►` Y"MA "ffi Al "I►_ /F/a /Z�I_________ I_V/A_________ q I NO WA Wl_W"V•1/ /�n�_iV- 7CV"AF �A�iW/Arwv�— MlW_ f_Vr�_________ __M __SIN. M 1 =F"_r wV1W ""A/AILC�/n\_l / /�l"A�_1Y�"A\ "MW/C "v/MAr ��ILI /M �v /.�_ �_r \\_VW� __Wl �AIIIA/A_________ A \I/L�VAY1wMAM"M► ►�A`vi \VGA/ /Alit "M►_ ",wN / /�� "Ar A.r•V►I�_r— /I AAV \_V_�I_— �Al•�I!_A/YAI— A IAV________ __IA►� AID! /— _______� •� r_ __________ r� Ire I________ In7.7W�._a�•�_____ _______� �� �_ __________ _ •rW mow_____ _______� •� �_ __���_____ _. r.�________ • • �" M • M E m a of N N N H O N M N .ti STORM PIPE DATA Rational Method: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Q =CIA Q= (0.65)(6.0)(A) Q= 3.9(A) AREA(AC) Q SLOPE LENGTH(FT) SIZE(IN) / PIPE 1.50 5.85 0.89 72 18 RCP , \ NOTE: PIPE HEADWALL TO EXTEND 0.5' ABOVE TOP OF PIPE — J / \ 1 Ar WETLANDS CROSSING 764 S.F. (0.018 AC.) 30 20 10 5 ' INV =25.0- ,26- i / ,2 Ni N Vii/ v I J I � OR WETLAND CROSSING "0" WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES. P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ®jlpnc.com OCTOBER 25, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " =40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 5 30 20 10 WETLAND CROSSING "P' WIWAMSBURG PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. NC LICENSE No. C -1888 405 JOHNSON BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 910 - 346 -9800 FAX 910 - 346 -1210 EMAIL: brianJ ®jlpnc.com OCTOBER 25, 2012 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=40" VERTICAL 1"=4' 30 20 10 t P.O. Box 244 Bunnlevel, NC 28323 (910) 890 -2779 December 13, 2012 David Bailey, Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: USACE Individual Permit Application Submittal Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision; City of Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC Applicant: John Koenig, Inc., 235 Green Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301910-864-1978 USACE Action ID# SAW- 2010 -01947 Dear David, 1. Project Overview The proposed Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision project involves the construction of single - family housing, multi - family housing, and supporting infrastructure (i.e. roads, sidewalks, storm water management, wastewater collection, utility lines, etc.). As the City of Jacksonville has continued to grow, primarily due to Camp Lej eune and the Base Realignment & Closure (BRAG) program, available land and housing have decreased to a level that requires additional housing construction on marketable properties. The proposed tracts of land that are to be developed into the Williamsburg Plantation subdivision are currently owned by John Koenig, Inc. of Fayetteville, NC. The owner wishes to develop these tracts due to their prime location within the City, the highly desirable and marketable land adjacent to the New River, and location relative to existing transportation access and other developed areas. 2. Location & Description The property for this subdivision is 1,253 acres of undeveloped property in the city limits of Jacksonville, NC, located in Onslow County. The property is located along the New River approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the US -17 bridge crossing over the New River (White Oak River Basin, 14 -digit HUC 3030001010040). The property is located immediately southwest of the intersection of Williamsburg Parkway and Gum Branch Road (SR 1308). Approximately 607 acres of this property, currently zoned R -7, will be developed into a residential subdivision. The New River floodplain will remain undeveloped. The property has not been previously developed, but accessible areas have been timbered in the last 10 years. Large portions of the project area are characterized as loblolly pine (Pious taeda) monocultures of various ages, from five to fifty years of age, and deciduous forest in the same range of maturity. A Jurisdictional Determination (JD) was obtained from the Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers for the project area (Action ID# 201001947, dated October 24, 2012, see Appendix F). The project, as proposed, will result in impacts to 0.628 acres of jurisdictional forested Section 404 wetlands and 820 linear feet of streams, utilizing the current design of the development and the road network. All of these impacts are associated with the necessary clearing of road rights - of -way (ROW) to provide access to the proposed lots. It is estimated that 16 road crossings will occur, resulting in the placement of 5,777 cubic yards of permanent fill materials within jurisdictional areas and 1,315 feet of culverts for stormwater conveyance. All impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of credits from the nearest accepted mitigation bank with credits on hand. The applicant has requested allocation of the necessary credits from the Bachelor's Delight Swamp Mitigation Bank. The confluence of Bachelor's Delight Swamp with the New River is located approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the proposed project. No Section 404 wetland /stream impacts will result from the development of individual lots. All Section 404wetland areas on the parent tract, excluding the proposed impacts, will be placed in permanent preservation to be administered between USACE and the property's Homeowners Association (HOA). It should be noted that the New River floodplain lies outside of the scope of the parent tracts' JD due to their inaccessibility beyond /west of the existing power line ROW (See Figures 3,5). These floodplain areas, which are permanently inundated by the New River and designated as a Significant Natural Heritage Area, will not be impacted by development or included in the USACE preservation documents. The following table summarizes the proposed lot sizes and acreages associated with proposed land clearing activities for the Williamsburg Plantation project. LAND USE SUMMARY FOR WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION Total Lot Size & Description # Lots Acreage 0 minimum (7,000 sqft) to 1/4 acre 157 35 Z 1/4 acre to 1/2 acre 685 240 5 1/2 acre to 1 acre 180 118 D 1 acre to 1.5 acre 45 54 W m 1.5 acre to 2 acre 8 14 Q 0 2 acre + 7 32 J D Pellitier Parcels 3 31 m Residential Street ROWS - 57 Western Blvd ROW (Future DOT project) - 26 Sub - Totals of Buildable Uplands 1,085 607 JD Section 404 Wetlands on Property 184 Floodplains in Addition to JD Section 404 Wetlands 462 Sub - Totals Wetlands & Floodplains 646 Total Project Area (Parent Tracts) 1 1,253 If you have any questions or comments, please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Adam Carter, Wetland Solutions, LLC Cc: John Koenig, Sr. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL EXPIRES: 28 FEBRUARY 20 2013 3 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW -CO -R. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710- 0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320 -332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and /or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANn 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - JOHN Middle - Last - KOENIG First - SAMUEL Middle -ADAM Last - CARTER Company - JOHN KOENIG, INC. Company - WETLAND SOLUTIONS, LLC E -mail Address - john.koenig.inc @gmail.com E -mail Address - wetlandsolutionsnc @yahoo.com 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 235 GREEN STREET Address- P.O. BOX 244 City - Fayetteville State - NC Zip - 28301 Country -USA City - BUNNLEVEL State - NC Zip-28323 Country-USA 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. WAREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. WAREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 910 - 864 -1978 910- 864 -0015 910 890 -2779 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize, SAMUEL ADAM CARTER to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION SUBDIVISION 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) NEW RIVER Address WILLIAMSBURG PKWY & GUM BRANCH RD 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT City- JACKSONVILLE State- NC Zip- 28540 Latitude: -N 34.79370 Longitude: -W 77.45180 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID see attached list Municipality CITY OF JACKSONVILLE Section - Township - JACKSONVILLE Range - ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Total distance = 53 miles From the USACE Wilmington District Office, take US -17 north to City of Jacksonville. Cross New River on US -17 Business. Proceed 1.0 mile and turn left on Henderson Drive. Proceed 1.9 miles and turn left on Gum Branch Road. Proceed 1.5 miles to intersection with Western wy. Project is located on the western side of Gum Branch Road. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) see attached. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) see attached. USE BLOCKS 20 -23 IF DREDGED AND /OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge see attached. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards see attached. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres see attached. or Linear Feet 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) see attached. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK See attached description of the previous Action ID #s assigned to the previous phases of work on the adjoining properties above Williamsburg Plantation. 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). a. Address- see attached list and map, Appendix H City - State - Zip - b. Address - City - State - Zip - c. Address - City - State - Zip - d. Address - City - State - Zip - e. Address - City - State - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals /Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER * Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. j' \--- ATURE OF AP LICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or Fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 USACE Individual Permit Application Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville Onslow County, Noah Carolina December 13th, 2012 Submitted to: David Bailey, Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Adam Carter, Megan Faestel, Chris Leach & Brian Sexton Wetland Solutions, LLC Post Office Box 244 Bunnlevel, NC 28323 (910) 890 -2779 USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 USACE Individual Permit Application Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Table of Contents 16) Other Location Descriptions, If Known----------------------------------------- 17) Directions To The Site -------------------------------------------------------------- 18) Nature Of Activity ------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 1 2 19) Project Purpose--------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 20) Reason(S) For Discharge -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 21) Type(S) Of Material Being Discharged And The Amount Of Each Type - 3 22) Surface Area In Acres Of Wetlands Or Other Waters Filled ------------ - - - - -- 3 23) Description Of Avoidance, Minimization, And Compensation--------- - - - - -- A) Avoidance & Minimization-------------------------------------------------------------- B) Mitigation & Compensation ------------------------------------------------------------- 24) Is Any Portion Of The Work Already Complete? ------------------------------- 25) Addresses Of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins The Waterbody -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26) List Of Other Certificates Or Approvals /Denials Received From Other Federal, State, Or Local Agencies For Work Described In This Application. - - - - -- 1. Alternatives Analysis I.A. No Action Alternative I.B. Alternative Locations I.C. Preferred Alternative 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 TOC Wetland Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 248, Bunnlevel, NC 28323 Ph (910) 890 -2779 USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 USACE Individual Permit Application Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Supplemental Information in Support of Eng. Form 4345 (2/2013 version) City of Jacksonville Onslow County, North Carolina 16) OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN Onslow Countv Tax Parcel ID PIN 4367- 0119 -7589 PIN 4367- 0127 -1008 PIN 4367- 0158 -8743 PIN 4367- 0759 -7993 PIN 4367- 0779 -4117 PIN 4368- 0333 -5395 PIN 4368- 0450 -1883 PIN 4368- 0450 -5235 PIN 4368- 0470 -1563 17) DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Total distance = 53 miles From the USACE Wilmington District Office, take US -17 north to City of Jacksonville. Cross New River on US -17 Business. Proceed 1.0 mile and turn left on Henderson Drive. Proceed 1.9 miles and turn left on Gum Branch Road. Proceed 1.5 miles to intersection with Western Pkwy. Project is located on the western side of Gum Branch Road. 1 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 18) NATURE OF ACTIVITY The proposed Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision project involves the construction of single - family housing, multi - family housing, and supporting infrastructure (i.e. roads, sidewalks, storm water management, wastewater collection, utility lines, etc.). 19) PROJECT PURPOSE As the City of Jacksonville has continued to grow, primarily due to Camp Lej eune and the Base Realignment & Closure (BRAG) program, available land and housing have decreased to a level that requires additional housing construction on marketable properties. The proposed tracts of land that are to be developed into the Williamsburg Plantation subdivision are currently owned by John Koenig, Inc. of Fayetteville, NC. The owner wishes to develop these tracts due to their prime location within the City, the highly desirable and marketable land adjacent to the New River, and location relative to existing transportation access and other developed areas. 20) REASON(S) FOR DISCHARGE All proposed impacts are associated with the necessary roadway requirements to provide access to upland areas on site and in compliance with the COJ interconnectivity requirements. The following table summarizes the proposed lot sizes and acreages associated with proposed land clearing activities for the Williamsburg Plantation project. LAND USE SUMMARY FOR WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION 184 Lot Size & Description # Lots Total 646 minimum (7,000 sqft) to 1/4 acre 157 35 N 1/4 acre to 1/2 acre 685 240 0 Q 1/2 acre to 1 acre 180 118 a 1 acre to 1.5 acre 45 54 D w 1.5 acre to 2 acre 8 14 J m Q 0 2 acre + 7 32 Pellitier Parcels 3 31 °o Residential Street ROWS - 57 Western Blvd ROW (Future DOT project) - 26 Sub - Totals of Buildable Uplands 1,085 607 JD Section 404 Wetlands on Property 184 Floodplains in Addition to JD Section 404 Wetlands 462 Sub - Totals Wetlands & Floodplains 646 Total Project Area (Parent Tracts) 1,253 2 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 21) TYPE(S) OF MATERIAL BEING DISCHARGED AND THE AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE Total estimated fill material to be discharged into wetland areas = 5,777 cy. Total linear feet of culverts to be installed for roadway crossings = 1,315 feet. All fill materials shall be clean structural fill ( NCDOT #57 stone, select materials, rip -rap), that is to be compacted to NCDOT roadway design specifications /standards. 22) SURFACE AREA IN ACRES OF WETLANDS OR OTHER WATERS FILLED Total acres of riparian wetland impacts = 0.628 acres Total linear feet of stream impacts = 820 feet perennial streams 23) DESCRIPTION OF AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND COMPENSATION a) AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION The USACE's policies on avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures for jurisdictional areas have been the primary guidance when designing the proposed subdivision. In addition, the City of Jacksonville's Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Stormwater Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance were used to identify design constraints previously determined for these areas. Roadway crossing locations were selected based on the existing lay of the land, narrowest point of existing hydrology /hydrography, minimal grading requirements to cut in the roadbeds, minimum turning radii, ROW width requirements, 750' max cul -de -sac length for fire department turnarounds, and 24% maximum impervious area for low - density. It should be noted that the New River floodplain lies outside of the scope of the parent tracts' JD due to their inaccessibility beyond /west of the existing power line ROW (See Figures 3,5). These floodplain areas, which are permanently inundated by the New River and designated as a Significant Natural Heritage Area, will not be impacted by development or included in the USACE preservation documents. A draft copy of the preservation plat and restrictive covenants for this property is provided in Appendix F). In addition, all Section 404 wetland areas on the parent tracts, excluding the proposed impacts, will be placed in permanent preservation to be administered between USACE and the property's Homeowners Association (HOA). b) MITIGATION & COMPENSATION In order to mitigate for the proposed Section 404 wetland and stream impacts for this project, the applicant has requested allocation of the necessary Section 404 wetland /stream credits from the Bachelor's Delight Swamp Mitigation Bank. The confluence of Bachelor's Delight Swamp with the New River is located approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the proposed project. The contact information for this mitigation bank is listed below: 3 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank c/o Land Management Group, Inc. Attn: Christian Preziosi 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 cpreziosi @lmgroup.net Mitigation of direct impacts during construction of the proposed project will be accomplished through compliance with the following applicable permits: Permanent Stormwater Control permit issued by NCDENR Division of Water Quality (Jacksonville is NPDES Phase II Municipality), Erosion & Sedimentation Control permit issued by NCDENR Division of Land Resources. No wetland /stream impacts will result from the development of individual lots due to their preservation status. Mitigation of secondary and cumulative impacts will be mitigated through the City of Jacksonville's multiple ordinances that address growth and environmental issues. These ordinances, plans, and regulations were adopted in order to minimize impacts to water, land, and environmental resources within the City's jurisdiction that may occur as a result of anticipated growth and development. Copies of these ordinances are available on -line, with web sites as cited in Section 8, References. Electronic copies of these ordinances and applicable sections are included in the pdf submittal on CD. 24) IS ANY PORTION OF THE WORK ALREADY COMPLETE? Yes. The following table summarizes wetland and stream impacts permitted through previous phases that have been constructed. These past phases are located adjacent to the tracts proposed for development (uphill toward Gum Branch Road) and are indicated in several Appendix C maps as "Previous Phases of Development." Previous Phase Action ID #, DWQ# Riparian Wetland Non - riparian Wetland Stream Open Water Regency Park I & II 2002 -00602 0.061 0.069 - - 0.006 0.287 - - - 0.074 - - Regency Park III 2002 -00602 0.080 - 99 - Hyde Park 1999 -1103 0.239 - - - Kensington Park 2006- 00272;DWQ #052253 0.090 0.008 86 - Fraser Park N/A - - - - Emerson Park N/A - - - - Huntington Park DWQ# 041020 0.221 - - 0.046 0.200 - - - 0.480 - - - 0.010 - - - 1.387 0.438 185 0.046 4 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina December 2012 25) ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, ETC., WHOSE PROPERTY ADJOINS THE WATERBODY See Appendix H. 26) List Of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials Received from Other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. The City of Jacksonville administers in -house much of the State permitting programs that relate to public utilities and land disturbance projects. These include the following COJ- issued permits and their State - equivalent permitting authorities: • Water system extensions - NCDENR- Public Water Supply • Wastewater system extensions - NCDENR- Division of Water Quality • Temporary erosion control - NCDENR -Land Quality Section • Permanent Stormwater Control - NCDENR- Division of Water Quality Other permits that are required for this project are as follows: • USACE Individual Permit (submitted, under review) • DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification (submitted, under review) • CAMA Consistency Determination (submitted, under review) • US Fish & Wildlife concurrence (submitted, under review) • NCDOT encroachment agreements Applications for these permits, which are not part of the CAMA/Corps review that is currently underway, will commence once final conceptual design of Williamsburg Plantation has been approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Office. An Individual Permit (IP) application has been submitted to the Corps simultaneously with this CAMA submission. Because every individual lot will be examined for constructability relative to potential /future Section 404 wetland impacts, as well as the merits of the proposed road network as currently designed, final layout of the subdivision can only occur after the Corps approves the concept of development and its reasonably foreseeable impacts to jurisdictional streams/ Section 404wetlands. Once the Corps is satisfied that every effort has been made to accurately depict the property owner's intent to reasonably foresee the development plan that can be implemented in appropriate phases to the extent practicable, final design of all streets and utilities will be concluded and submitted for the appropriate permits. Construction will begin in phases, as approved in the Corps - issued IP, after appropriate mitigation payments have been made and all permits are in hand. 5 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina USACE IP Application for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville, North Carolina I. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS I.a. NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE December 2012 The no action alternative would restrict the property owners use of private lands that have been planned for development for many years. The applicant /owner has owned these properties for more than twenty years and has been a responsible steward of these lands as well as adjoining properties that have already been developed (Kensington Park, St. James, Emerson, etc.). If the applicant/owner does not pursue the proposed development actions, it is certain that other landowners within the City of Jacksonville's corporate limits and ETJ will seek to develop lands for additional housing in support of Camp Lejeune's growth (BRAC, continuing operations) as well as the City of Jacksonville's complimentary growth. The applicant/owner is within their property owner's rights to seek development of these properties for economic pursuits and appropriate personal uses of the property that are in accordance with the City of Jacksonville's Land Use Plan and other supporting documents. Therefore, the no action alternative is not considered a viable option to the proposed actions. I.b.ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS For similar reasons described above, the landowners legally authorized actions on private lands preclude this alternative from being the preferred alternative. In support of this determination, please reference the map entitled, Large Contiguous Land Tracts, North Onslow County, located in Appendix B. The location of trhese properties relative to the existing water and wastewater utilities available in the City of Jacksonville's ETJ limits cannot be duplicated at the proposed acreages (600 +). This map includes all large tracts of land (200 acres and greater) that are privately held (in red) as well as publicly held (in green). The lack of available lands in private ownership that can be purchased, accessed and developed in similar fashion to the proposed project, within reasonable proximity to the COJ existing water and wastewater utility systems, supports the determination that this alternative is not reasonable or preferable over the proposed actions. Lc. PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE For similar reasons described above, the landowners legally authorized actions on private lands preclude this alternative from being the preferred alternative. In support of this determination, please reference the map entitled, Large Contiguous Land Tracts, North Onslow County, located in Appendix B. The location of these properties relative to the existing water and wastewater utilities available in the City of Jacksonville's ETJ limits cannot be duplicated at the proposed acreages (600 +). This map includes all large tracts of land (200 acres and greater) that are privately held (in red) as well as publicly held (in green). The lack of available lands in private ownership that can be purchased, accessed and developed in similar fashion to the proposed project, within reasonable proximity to the COJ existing water and wastewater utility systems, supports the determination that this alternative is not reasonable or preferable over the proposed actions. 6 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina WETLAND & STREAM IMPACTS SUMMARY FOR WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION (12 -13 -2012) PROPOSED IMPACTS - PHASE 1 & PHASE 2 PHASE 1 SUMMARY 609 0.014 35 3 105 20 29.80 42" Drainage headwater forest, RPW present D 3 2,310 0.053 Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 30" 88 Proposed E 3 824 0.019 29 5 145 15 33.00 Proposed Area @ headwater forest, RPW present Proposed 3 - Drainage Wetland Wetland Stream Stream Stream 48" 100 Pipe G 3 Impact # Boundary 85 3.5 298 88 28.60 Impacts Fill Impact perennial stream, headwater forest Pipe Length DESCRIPTION - Area # Impact Area Impact Area Impact Impact Impact Area (cy) Location Diameter (ft) 1 1,225 0.028 (sq ft) (acres) Length (ft) Width (ft) (sq ft) 30" 104 (inches) N 1 11,175 0.257 146 6 876 3,300 428.00 84" x 2 (Acres) perennial stream, bottomland hardwood forest PHASE 2 TOTALS - A 3 1,977 0.045 3,110 4,687 - 220 3.00 30" 105 degraded, linear wetland B 3 814 0.019 1 $ 365 40 1.50 18" 66 degraded, linear wetland H 1 1,687 0.039 62 5.10 30" 64 hillside seep J 1 1,880 0.043 - - 60 1.00 24" 90 hillside seep K 1 2,215 0.051 65 2.5 163 328 107.50 66" 88 perennial stream, headwater forest L 1 828 0.019 - - 34 5.00 30" 72 hillside seep O 1 764 0.018 50 1.50 18" 72 degraded, linear wetland P 1 1,065 0.024 - - - 296 0.10 - hillside seep PHASE 1 - 11,230 0.258 65 - 163 1,090 - - 557 TOTALS PROPOSED MITIGATION COSTS* (nearest 0.1 acre) $ 20,088 $ 23,725 $ 43,813 TOTALS COST PER UNIT (acres or stream footage) $ 66,961 1 $ 365 PHASE 2 SUMMARY C 3 609 0.014 35 3 105 20 29.80 42" 64 headwater forest, RPW present D 3 2,310 0.053 96 2.5 240 214 5.76 30" 88 headwater forest, RPW present E 3 824 0.019 29 5 145 15 33.00 42" 64 headwater forest, RPW present F 3 - - 125 5 625 318 53.90 48" 100 perennial stream, headwater forest G 3 Boundary Boundary 85 3.5 298 88 28.60 48" 76 perennial stream, headwater forest I 1 - - 149 4 596 460 49.00 60" 130 perennial stream, headwater forest M 1 1,225 0.028 90 2.5 225 272 8.70 30" 104 perennial stream, headwater forest N 1 11,175 0.257 146 6 876 3,300 428.00 84" x 2 132 perennial stream, bottomland hardwood forest PHASE 2 TOTALS - 16,143 0.371 755 - 3,110 4,687 - - 758 1 31,984 PROPOSED MITIGATION COSTS* (nearest 0.1 acre) $ 26,784 $ 275,575 $ 302,359 TOTALS COST PER UNIT (acres or stream footage) $ 66,961 1 $ 365 GRAND TOTALS 27,373 0.628 1 820 1 - 1 3,272 5,777 - - 1,315 $ 46,873 1 $ 299,300 1 $ 346,173 1 TOTALS * The selected mitigation bank, Bachelor's Delight Swamp, has advised that credits are sold in 0.1 -acre increments. Costs are equal to NCEEP's current fee schedule for riparian wetlands and streams. I DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY 12 -13 -2012 1 wetIa solutions P.O. Box 244 Bunnlevel, NC 28323 (910) 890 -2779 Total Drainage Drainage Stream Stream JD Wetlands JD Wetlands Drainage Areas in Areas in Footagein Footage in in Drainage in Drainage Drainage Area # Area in Tract Tract Tract Tract Areas Areas Watershed Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary (ft) (acres) (acres) (Acres) (Acres) ( %) (ft) 1 606 238 19% 18,306 57% 54.21 29% 2 259 86 7% 1,272 4% 33.91 18% 3 1,147 369 29% 12,406 39% 95.98 52% Add. Floodplain Areas - 560 45% - - - TOTALS 2,012 1,253 1 100% 1 31,984 100% 184.09 100% wetIa solutions P.O. Box 244 Bunnlevel, NC 28323 (910) 890 -2779 Biological Assessment Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville Onslow County, Noah Carolina December 13th, 2012 Submitted to: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Attn: John Ellis 551F Pylon Drive P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636 -3726 Phone: 919 - 856 -4520 Fax: 919 - 856 -4556 Prepared By: Adam Carter, Megan Faestel, Chris Leach & Brian Sexton Wetland Solutions, LLC Post Office Box 244 Bunnlevel, NC 28323 (910) 890 -2779 Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Biological Assessment Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Table of Contents 1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 2. Project Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 3. Location & Description Of Project Area ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 2 4. Ecological Communities ------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 4.1. Loblolly Pine Monocultures ------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 2 4.2. Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (Blackwater Subtype) ------------- - - - - -- 3 4.3. Bottomland Hardwood Forest /Riverine Wetland --------------------------- - - - - -- 3 4.4. Cypress - Gum Swamp (Riverine Wetlands) --------------------------------- - - - - -- 3 4.5. Mixed Deciduous / Coniferous---------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3 4.6. Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype) ------------------- - - - - -- 3 4.7. Potential Rough -Leaf Loosestrife Habitat------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 4.8. Survey Methods For Listed Species Habitat ---------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 S. Results & Discussion - Listed Species -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 6 6. Species Accounts - Vertebrates---------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 8 6.1. Red - Cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides Borealis) ------------------------------- - - - - -- 8 6.2. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 9 6.3. Eastern Puma (Puma Concolor Cougar) --------------------------------------- - - - - -- 9 6.4. Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 9 6.5. Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea) ----------------------------- - - - -10 6.6. Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta Caretta) --------------------------------------- - - - -10 6.7. Piping Plover (Charadrius Melodus) -------------------------------------------- - - - -10 6.8. Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) ------------------------------- - - - -11 6.9. West Indian Manatee (Trichechus Manatus) ---------------------------------- - - - -11 7. Species Accounts - Vascular Plants ------------------------------------------------ - - - -11 7.1. Rough- Leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia Asperulifolia) ----------------------------- 11 7.2. Cooley's Meadow -Rue (Thalictrum Cooleyi) ---------------------------------- - - - -12 7.3. Golden Sedge (Carex Lutea) ----------------------------------------------------------- 12 7.4. Pondberry (Lindera Melissifolia) ------------------------------------------------ - - - -13 7.5. Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus Pumilus) --------------------------------------- 13 TOC Wetland Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 248, Bunnlevel, NC 28323 Ph (910) 890 -2779 Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 8. Project Effects -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -14 8.1. Upland & Wetland Impacts-------------------------------------------------------- - - - -14 8.2. Proposed Mitigation ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -14 8.3. Archaeological Effects-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -16 8.4. Other Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -16 8.5. Conclusions--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -16 9. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - -17 TOC Wetland Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 248, Bunnlevel, NC 28323 Ph (910) 890 -2779 Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Biological Assessment Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville Onslow County, North Carolina 1. Introduction The proposed Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision project would involve the conversion of previously undeveloped property in Onslow County to single- family and multi - family housing. The purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) is to address any potential impacts the proposed project activities might have on any species listed as endangered or threatened under Sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act as well as any critical habitat listed within the project area. Because some of the elements of the project may require permitting under Sections 404 or 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and are considered "major construction activities ", this assessment will also summarize any impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States within the project area. As of December 2012, the following nine species were federally - listed as endangered in Onslow county: Eastern puma (Puma concolor couguar), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), red - cockaded woodpecker (Charadrius melodus), shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Cooley's meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi), golden sedge (Carex lutea), pondberry (Lindera melissifolia), and rough -leaf loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia). Species federally - listed as threatened in Onslow County include: the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), piping plover (Charadrius melodus), and seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus). Also included within the scope of this assessment is the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) which is protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act. One critical habitat designation for the threatened Piping plover is also listed for Onslow County, although it is restricted to the coastal shoreline areas. 2. Project Overview The proposed Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision project involves the construction of single- family housing, multi - family housing, and supporting infrastructure (i.e. roads, sidewalks, storm water management, wastewater collection, utility lines, etc.). As the City of Jacksonville has continued to grow, primarily due to Camp Lej eune and the Base Realignment & Closure (BRAG) program, available land and housing have decreased to a level that requires additional housing construction on marketable properties. 1 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 The proposed tracts of land that are to be developed into the Williamsburg Plantation subdivision are currently owned by John Koenig, Inc. of Fayetteville, NC. The owner wishes to develop these tracts due to their prime location within the City, the highly desirable and marketable land adjacent to the New River, and location relative to existing transportation access and other developed areas. The following table summarizes the proposed lot sizes and acreages associated with proposed land clearing activities for the Williamsburg Plantation project. LAND USE SUMMARY FOR WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION 184 Floodplains in Addition to JD Section 404 Wetlands 462 Total 646 Lot Size & Description # Lots Acreage 0 minimum (7,000 sqft) to 1/4 acre 157 35 Z 1/4 acre to 1/2 acre 685 240 a1/2 acre to 1 acre 180 118 D 1 acre to 1.5 acre 45 54 W m 1.5 acre to 2 acre 8 14 Q D 2 acre + 7 32 Pellitier Parcels 3 31 m Residential Street ROWS - 57 Western Blvd ROW (Future DOT project) - 1 26 Sub - Totals of Buildable Uplands 1,085 1 607 JD Section 404 Wetlands on Property 184 Floodplains in Addition to JD Section 404 Wetlands 462 Sub - Totals Wetlands & Floodplains 646 Total Project Area (Parent Tracts) 1,253 3. Location & Description of Project Area The project area is located in central Onslow County within the Carolina Flatwoods level IV ecoregion of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain. The project area lies within the White Oak River Basin and major hydrological features in the project area include the New River and its associated unnamed tributaries. Land use in the area is predominantly residential and commercial interspersed with areas of undeveloped or previously logged forest. Soils in upland areas are dominated by Baymeade fine sand, Craven fine loam, Lynchburg fine, sandy loam, and Pactolus fine loam. Wetland soils which are associated with the New River floodplain consist primarily of Dorovan muck. (USDA, 1992). 4. Ecological Communities 4.1. Loblolly Pine Monocultures The proposed development is designed predominantly within upland areas on the eastern side of the New River. These upland areas are dominated by early and mid- to early successional loblolly pine (Pious taeda) monocultures. The early- successional loblolly pine monocultures are 2 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 dominated by densely spaced, young loblolly pines while the mid - successional monocultures also include an understory of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). Wax myrtle is more commonly found along the edges near roads. Woody vines in these areas include muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia), crossvine (Bignonia capreolata) and common greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia). The herbaceous layer in these areas is minimal and Carolina wiregrass (Aristida stricta) is only sparsely present throughout these monocultures. 4.2. Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (Blackwater Subtype) Typical overstory species in these areas include willow oak (Quercus phellos), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), white oak (Q. alba), and red maple (Acer rubrum). The understory consists of American beech, American holly (Ilex opaca), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) and ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). The sparse herbaceous layer includes Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) and heartleaf (Hexastylis arifolia). 4.3. Bottomland Hardwood Forest/Riverine Wetland Transitional areas between bottomland hardwoods and cypress /gum swamp communities. Dominant canopy species in these floodplain communities were variable and include swamp chestnut oak (Q. michauxii), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), sweetgum, water oak (Q. nigra), and red maple. Understory species include ironwood, American holly, red maple, and sweetgum. Woody vine species include poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) and common greenbrier. Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea) was common but irregularly dispersed. 4.4. Cypress — Gum Swamp (Riverine wetlands) These areas are defined by species that are either obligate or facultative wetland species. Dominant canopy species include bald cypress, pond pine (Pious serotina), sweetgum, water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). Understory species include red bay, silky willow (Salix sericea), sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana). The shrub and herbaceous layers are limited but include dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor) and soft rush (Juncus effusus). Switch cane in these areas was limited to the slopes between these and other areas. 4.5. Mixed Deciduous /Coniferous Transitional areas between loblolly monocultures and bottomland hardwoods. Dominant species include loblolly pine, water oak, ironwood, American holly, and flowering dogwood. The shrub layer includes gallberry (Ilex coriacea), red bay (Persea borbonia), and American holly. Herbaceous species include Andropogon spp. and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). 4.6. Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype) The dominant canopy species in American beech, interspersed with tulip poplar, water oak and red maple. Understory species include ironwood, flowering dogwood, and red maple. The sparse shrub layer is composed of hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), American holly, and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum). The only regularly occurring herbaceous species was Christmas fern. TOM* 3 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina ! Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina 4.7. Potential Rough -Leaf Loosestrife Habitat December 2012 Several areas within the maintained utility line corridors appear to have community structure, soil and hydrological conditions that may provide suitable habitat for the rough - leaved loosestrife. Because the rough - leaved loosestrife shares similar requirements in hydrology, soil, and community structure with the golden sedge, Cooley's meadow -rue and pondberry (described below), these areas were considered potential habitat for those species as well. See Figure 3 below for the location of areas identified as potentially suitable for these species. 4.8. Survey Methods for Listed Species Habitat Prior to any surveys, USGS Topographic maps, USDA Soil maps and aerial photographs were reviewed to identify those areas that might contain habitat for listed species (see Figure 2) Species to be included in potential surveys were identified as described above. Jurisdictional waters /wetlands within the project area were previously delineated. All delineations were completed in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (USACE, 1987) and the Interim Regional Supplement to the COE Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region. Surveys to identify community types and potential habitat for listed species were conducted in January 2011 and April 2011. Species determinations made during these surveys were augmented using wetland data sheets completed between November 2007 and January 2008. All surveys to identify potential habitat for listed species were completed on foot and expedited with the use of ATV. Although the maintained utility lines are not included in the proposed development areas, these areas were surveyed on foot due to their proximity to the proposed development. Transects of all areas were conducted and areas that could potentially support listed species were identified and as shown on Figure 3. These surveys included identification of potential foraging and nesting habitat for eagles and red - cockaded woodpecker. More detailed surveys were conducted on June 2, 2011. The purpose of these surveys was to determine the presence of listed species within those areas previously identified as potentially suitable. These areas were visually assessed on foot. A listing of observed plant and animal species is included below in Table 1. Table 1: Observed Plant & Animal Species List from Detailed Surveys Species* Acer floridanum Acer rubrum Albizia julibrissin Alnus serrulata Amelanchier sp Andropogon virginicus Arundinaria tecta Baccharis halimifolia Bignonia capreolata Common Name AREA A AREA B AREA Ct AREA D Southern sugar maple Red maple Silk tree Brook -side alder Service berry Broomsedge Switchcane Eastern baccharis Crossvine 4 VW_ 4 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina C1 Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina Species* Common Name AREA A AREA B -ican beauty berry 2 ampsis radicans Trumpet creeper arex lurida Shallow sedge arpinus caroliniana American hornbeam arya alba Mockernut hickory fethra alnifolia Coast pepper -bush ornus florida Flowering dogwood ichanthelium sp Witchgrass iospyros virginiana Common persimmon uonymous americana Strawberry bush upatorium capilifolium Small dog fennel 2g us grandifolia American beech ,axinus pennsylvanica Green ash elsemium sempervirens Yellow jessamine elenium amarum Five -leaf sneezeweed exastylis arifolia Little brownjug ypericum hypericoides St. Andrews cross ex glabra Inkberry ex opaca var opaca American holly incus effusus Soft rush ?spedeza cuneata Chinese bushclover quidambarstyraciflua Sweetgum riodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar ,rzula sp Woodrush lagnolia virginiana Sweetbay magnolia litchella repens Partridge -berry lorella cerifera Small wax myrtle yssa sylvatica Swamp tupelo smundastrum cinnamomeum Cinnamon fern strya virginica Eastern hop hornbeam xydendrum arboreum Sourwood gnus taeda Loblolly pine run us sp Cherry /Plum teridium aquilinum Bracken fern uercus alba White oak uercus laevis Turkey oak uercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak uercus nigra Water oak assafras albidum Sassafras :irpus sp Bulrush ,nilax bona -nox Saw greenbrier ,nilax glauca Cat greenbrier ,nilax rotundifolia Common greenbrier ✓mplocos tinctoria Common sweet leaf rachelospermum difforme Climbing dogbane Vpha latifolia Broadleaf cattail accinium arboreum Farckleberry December 2012 AREA Ct AREA D Ow 5 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina KM" nl'�111111111 Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Species* Common Name AREA A AREA B AREA Ct AREA D Vaccinium tenellum Gale -leaf blueberry 2 Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine grape 2 5 1 5 Vitis sp Grape 2 1 *Nomenclature follows Weakley 2010 T AREA C presence only data 5. Results & Discussion — Listed Species Species addressed in this document were chosen due to known occurrences in Onslow County. This was determined by reviewing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Threatened and Endangered Species Database System (TESS) (USFWS, 2009a) records and reviewing North Carolina Natural Heritage Program ( NCNHP) records. See Table 2 and Figure 4 below. There are 14 species listed by the USFWS as threatened or endangered in Onslow County, North Carolina (USFWS, 2007a). Based on consultation with Mr. Howard Hall of the USFWS Raleigh Field Office on November 11, 2010, the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) which is listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance will not need to be addressed within the scope of this project. Additionally, Mr. Hall indicated the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) can also be excluded from consideration due to lack of suitable habitat (i.e., streams of at least 3 feet in depth with direct connection to navigable waters). In addition to those species listed as threatened or endangered, the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was included in this assessment in accordance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668a -c) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703 -712). At the request of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, a search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program ( NCNHP) species listing database was conducted (NCDENR, 2001). This search, which is defined by USGS topographic quadrangle, identified only one species listed as endangered (red- cockaded woodpecker) and one species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance (American alligator). It should be noted that both of these records are listed in this NCNHP database as "Historical ". The results of this data search are listed below in Table 3. No information concerning listed species or habitats was available through the USFWS "Information, Planning and Conservation System" online resources ( "IPaC "). See Table 2 and Figure 4 below. 4obw 6 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 cable 2: species iistea for Unsiow l.ounty under the r:nctangerea species Act (uar via, zuu i Common Name Scientific name Federal Record Status Status* Vertebrate: Bald ea le TOPOGRAPHIC MAP RECORD SEARCH RESULTS [fopo Map Name is like 'Jacksonville North] [Any Scientific Name] [Any Common Name] [Any State Rank] [Any Global Rank] [Any Name Category] [Any Protection Status] Records Returned: [Invertebrate Animal: 11 [Natural Community: 3] [Vertebrate Animal: 21 [Total: 6] BGPA Current Haliaeetus leucoce halus East T000 Me T000 MaQ Status Status Rank Green sea turtle Chelonia mydas T Current Leathe �elys coriacea Jacksonville Historical Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta T Current Piping plo Charadrius melodus T Current Red - cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis E Current Shortnose sturge Acipenser brevirostrum E Historical West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus E Current • Non S4 G4G5 Jacksonville Current Vascular Plant: North E Current Golden sedge Carex lutea Jacksonville ssifolia CEEPW Rough - leaved loosestrife Lysimachia asperulaefolia E Current Amaranthus pumiluslMW T Current S3 G5 Nonvascular Plant: None Historical *E = Endangered; T = Threatened; BGPA = Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act Table 3: NC Natural Heritage Program Two -Mile USGS Topographic search, Jacksonville North quadrangle Search Criteria: TOPOGRAPHIC MAP RECORD SEARCH RESULTS [fopo Map Name is like 'Jacksonville North] [Any Scientific Name] [Any Common Name] [Any State Rank] [Any Global Rank] [Any Name Category] [Any Protection Status] Records Returned: [Invertebrate Animal: 11 [Natural Community: 3] [Vertebrate Animal: 21 [Total: 6] Name Catepory Scientific Name (click for map) Common Name State Federal State Rank Global T000 Me T000 MaQ Status Status Rank Status Invertebrate Animal Chlorochroa dismalia Dismal Swamp Green Stink Bug SR Si? GU Jacksonville Historical North Natural Community High pocosin 54 G4 Jacksonville Current North Natural Community Pond pine woodland S4 G4G5 Jacksonville Current North Natural Community Tidal cypress - -oum swamo S3 C,4 Jacksonville Current North Vertebrate Animal Alligator mississippiensis American Alligator T T(S /A) S3 G5 Jacksonville Historical North Vertebrate Animal Picoides borealis Red-cockaded Woodpecker E E S2 G3 Jacksonville Historical North Explanation of codes NC Topographic May Index Results current as of Thursday, 25 November 2010 @ 21:00:24 EST NORTH CAROLINA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM DIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES PLANNING AND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1601 MSC RALEIGH NC 27699 -1601 7 Wetland Solutions, LLC 1�r Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 6. Species Accounts — Vertebrates 6.1. Red - Cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides Borealis) The Red - cockaded woodpecker (RCW) was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1970. The RCW is about the size of the common cardinal and is distinguished from similar species such as the hairy woodpecker (P. villosus) and downy woodpecker (P. pubescens) by its red cockade, large white cheek patches and barred back (National Geographic, 1987). Juveniles lack the red cockade but may have a red patch in the center of their black crown. This patch disappears during the fall of their first year at which time their red - cockades appear. Female RCW lack the red cockade (USFWS, 2009b). The RCW requires large stands of mature or old growth pine forests with limited understory and a groundcover dominated by wiregrass or other bunch grasses. RCW are unique in that they bore their nest cavities in living trees, unlike other cavity nesters that typically use dead trees. Longleaf pines (Pious palustris) are most commonly preferred, but other species of southern pine are also acceptable. Cavities are excavated in mature pines, generally over 80 years old. Because the RCW makes its cavity completely within the heartwood of these larger (older trees), the longleaf seems to be preferred, perhaps due to its susceptibility to a fungus called red heart disease. This fungus attacks the heartwood making it softer and easier to excavate (USFWS, 2003). Cavity excavation takes one to six years. Foraging habitat also consists of open pine forest/savannahs with limited understory and abundant bunchgrasses but may include younger trees (30 years and older). RCW are territorial, non - migratory cooperative breeders. They normally form colonies consisting of one breeding pair assisted by zero to four non - breeding males from previous clutches. The aggregate of cavity trees is called a cluster and may include 1 to 20 or more cavity trees on 3 to 60 acres. The average cluster covers approximately 10 acres. Cavity trees that are being actively used have numerous, small resin wells which exude sap. The birds keep the sap flowing apparently as a cavity defense mechanism against rat snakes and other predators. The typical territory for a group ranges from about 125 to 200 acres, but territories of around 60 acres to an upper extreme of more than 600 acres have been observed. Territory size is directly related to both habitat suitability and population density (USFWS, 2003). In mid - April, the female RCW usually lays a clutch of three to five white eggs in the breeding male's roost cavity. Eggs hatch after 10 -12 days of incubation and nestlings fledge from the nest cavity 24 -27 days after hatching. RCW require a lot of care from parents and helpers who will feed the nestlings and clean the cavity of waste during the nestling period. After fledging, the young birds continue to be fed by adults for up to six months at which time the majority of fledglings disperse from the territory where they hatched. Personnel from Wetland Solutions visited Weymouth Woods, a managed area for the RCW in Southern Pines for the purpose of familiarizing themselves with the RCW. While at Weymouth Woods, one RCW (female) was observed, as were both active and inactive cavities. Neither individual RCW nor active cavities were observed during the biological survey for Williamsburg Plantation. Surveys for suitable nesting and foraging habitat revealed no suitable habitat within the action area of this project. Biological determination: No effect 8 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 6.2. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) After seriously declining in numbers from the late 19th century to 1970, bald eagle populations have recovered and the bald eagle was delisted in 2007. Breeding populations have become established across many areas of the lower 48 states including Florida, the Northeast, Great Lakes, the Greater Yellowstone area and the Pacific Northwest (NCDENR, 2001). Although it was removed from the endangered species list, the bald and golden eagles remain protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Bald eagle distribution varies seasonally but they are known to nest near rivers, lakes, coastlines and other open waters. They often nest in the tallest, most mature trees that have limbs large enough to hold their nests, which can weigh as much as 1,000 ponds. Nest or foraging areas often include snags and other perches with an open view to the water. The New River widens approximately 1 mile to the south of the project, creating potential foraging habitat. However, there were no individual eagles or nests observed during surveys conducted for this assessment. Based on these surveys and information provided in the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (USFWS, 2007b), no bald eagles will be disturbed or adversely affected within the action area of this project. Biological determination: No effect 6.3. Eastern Puma (Puma Concolor Cougar) The eastern puma is a large, long - tailed cat that can grow to 8 feet in length. It is buffy brown to reddish brown in color above, and pale white below. The eastern puma is secretive and nocturnal and little is known about its habitat preferences. It is believed to range from 5 to 20 miles daily for females and up to 25 miles for males. It feeds primarily on deer, but will also feed on small mammals, turkeys and livestock. Sightings have been reported in North Carolina, and the number of sightings has increased, but as of March 2007, none of these sightings have been confirmed as cougars (USFW, 2007c). No suitable habitat exists within the project area and no cougars or signs of cougars have been observed on the project site. Biological determination: No effect 6.4. Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) The green sea turtle is a large sea turtle that can grow to 5' long and weigh up to 700 pounds. The adult green sea turtle are herbivorous, feeding on sea grasses and algae. Juveniles will also feed on jellyfish, crustaceans and sponges. Green sea turtles migrate great distances between feeding areas and nesting sites. Mating occurs every two to four years and nesting usually occurs on sandy beaches where the females can dig with their flippers (NatGeo, 2011). Threats to the sea turtle include hunting for their meat and eggs, collisions with boats, drowning due to fishing net entanglement and destruction of nesting habitat. Formal surveys were not conducted as there is no suitable habitat within the project area and no direct or indirect impacts are anticipated from the proposed project. Biological determination: No effect Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 6.5. Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea) The Leatherback sea turtle is the largest living turtle. Unlike other sea turtles, the leatherback's carapace is rubber -like and flexible. Leatherbacks are known to nest around the globe, but the majority of nests in the Atlantic are found in the greater Caribbean area. Nesting on the east coast, which occurs predominantly in Florida and Georgia normally begins in May. Females prefer high energy beaches with deep, unobstructed access (USFWS, 1992). Leatherbacks are used less for meat and eggs than other sea turtles but are threatened in a number of other ways including beach erosion and beach nourishment. Beach nourishment (replacement of sand lost from erosion) can bury nests, disrupt nesting and cause compaction that prevents the female from digging nests. Leatherbacks are also threatened by collision with boats and drowning caused by fishing net entanglement. Studies have also shown that artificial lighting can cause disorientation and result in high mortality for hatchlings as they try to reach the ocean (USFWS, 1992). Formal surveys were not conducted as there is no suitable terrain within the project area and no direct or indirect impacts are anticipated from the project. Biological determination: No effect 6.6. Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta Caretta) Loggerhead sea turtles are named for their relatively large heads and feature a heart shaped carapace that is reddish -brown color in adults and sub - adults. Near shore coastal areas are used by juveniles until maturation and for foraging and interesting habitat by adults. Bays, sounds and estuaries along the Atlantic coast are seldom used by adults (NOAA, 2011). Loggerhead turtles nest on ocean beaches and occasionally on estuarine shorelines with suitable beaches (USFWS, 2001a). Loggerheads face many of the same threats as other turtles, on both nesting beaches and in the marine environment. The greatest threat is incidental capture in fishing gear, primarily in longlines and gillnets, but also in trawls, traps and pots, and dredges. Harvesting for meat still occurs in many places (e.g., the Bahamas, Cuba, and Mexico) (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2011). Formal surveys were not conducted as there is no suitable habitat within the project area and no direct or indirect impacts are anticipated from the proposed project. Biological determination: No effect 6.7. Piping Plover (Charadrius Melodus) The Atlantic coast piping plover was listed as threatened in 1986. It breeds along the Atlantic coast from Newfoundland to South Carolina, the Northern Great Plains, and the Great Lakes Region. They are considered threatened on their wintering grounds, which extends from North Carolina south to the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean. The piping plovers nests on various zones of coastal and barrier island sandy beaches. Foraging habitats include intertidal zones of ocean beaches, mudflats, wrack lines and shorelines of other coastal features such as salt marshes, ponds and lagoons (USFWS, 1996a). The nearest critical habitat to the project area is shown below in Figure S. No nesting or foraging habitat exists within the project area and no direct or indirect impacts are anticipated. Biological determination: No effect Biological determination for critical habitat: No effect 10 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 6.8. Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) Shortnose sturgeon are bottom dwellers that move from ocean waters and estuaries to freshwater rivers between February and May. Spawning occurs in hard bottom, fast moving freshwater streams between April and June. Juveniles remain upstream for five years (National Marine Fisheries Service, 1998). Formal surveys were not conducted but no impacts to fish species or their habitat are expected within the scope of this project. Additionally, the use of erosion control best management practices during the construction phase of the project, coupled with the existence of substantial wetland areas between the project and any potential habitat, should render any potential indirect impacts negligible. Biological determination: No effect 6.9. West Indian Manatee (Trichechus Manatus) This species was excluded from consideration based on consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service as discussed earlier. Biological determination: No effect 7. Species Accounts — Vascular Plants 7.1. Rough- Leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia Asperulifolia) The Rough - leaved loosestrife (RLL) is an herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial belonging to the Primulaceae family. It flowers from May to June with seed maturation occurring between July and October. This species can be recognized by its 5- merous yellow flowers and its 3- whorled lanceolate leaves that turn red in autumn. The RLL prefers full sun and is shade intolerant. It most often occurs in the grass -shrub ecotone between Longleaf pine upland and pond pine pocosin, especially those areas that are fire - maintained. RLL has also been associated with other community types such as low pocosin, high pocosin, wet pine flatwoods, pine savannah, streamhead pocosin and sandhill seep. RLL has also been found in roadside depressions, power line rights of way and firebreaks. It prefers moist to seasonally saturated sand or shallow organic soil over sand (USFWS, 1995) and is listed by the USDA as a wetland obligate (USDA, 2009). Surveys for RLL could not be conducted at the time of this biological assessment. However, surveys were conducted for potential habitat, for RLL as well as the other three listed vascular plants described below. Habitat ranged from unsuitable to potential habitat within power line rights of way as shown on Figure 3. It should be noted, the RLL was not listed as occurring within the project area in the recovery plan published by the USFWS in 1995 (USFWS, 1995). Biological determination: No effect 11 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 7.2. Cooley's Meadow -Rue (Thalictrum Coolevi) Cooley's meadow -rue is a rhizomatic perennial herb of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It normally grows to a meter in height, with stems that are erect under sunny conditions and lax, leaning or trailing in shady conditions. Its compound leaves are divided into three leaflets, each approximately 2 cm long. The small, white flowers have no petals, but the male plant features pale yellow to white sepals and the female plant has green sepals. The plant flowers in June to early July with fruit maturation occurring from August to September (USFWS, 1994). Cooley's meadow -rue is endemic to the Southeastern coastal plains with populations in North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Counties in North Carolina with known occurrences include Brunswick, Columbus, Onslow and Pender. Cooley's meadow -rue occurs in moist grass -sedge bogs and savannahs in open, frequently disturbed areas such as roadside ditches, utility line rights -of -way, ecotones between forests and bogs, and forest clearings dominated by grasses or sedges. It is found on circumneutral (pH near 7) fine, sandy loams that are at least seasonally saturated or moist (USFWS, 2007d). Major threats to Cooley's meadow -rue include fire suppression, residential and commercial development, drainage of habitat for forestry or agriculture, and direct herbicide application (NCDENR, 2010). Based on the 5 -Year Review (USFWS, 2007d), monitoring efforts conducted up to the date of that report are insufficient to accurately determine population trends. Biological determination: No effect 7.3. Golden Sedge (Carex Lutea) Golden sedge is a perennial herb of the sedge family endemic to North Carolina. It can grow a meter in height or more and produces fertile culms with yellowish green grass -like leaves and two to four fertile flowering spikes. The terminal spike is male and the female lateral spikes, which are normally bright yellow in color, are subtended by bracts. The terminal male spike and the upper female spike are sessile, while the lower lateral female spikes have peduncles (USFWS, 2010). Golden sedge's bright yellow color helps differentiate this species from others that occur in the same habitat. It is most readily identified from mid -April to mid -June during flowering and fruiting. Golden sedge grows in sandy soils overlaying limestone, which produces a higher pH than is typically found in this Coastal Plain region. Soils supporting the species are very wet to periodically shallowly inundated. The species prefers the ecotone between pine savannas and adjacent wet hardwood or hardwood /conifer forests. Most plants occur in the partially shaded savanna /swamp where occasional to frequent fires favor an herbaceous ground layer (USFWS, 2010). Other species with which this sedge grows include tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens), red maple (Acer rubrum var. trilobum), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera var. cerifera), colic root (Aletris farinosa), and several species of beakrush (Rhynchospora spp.). At most sites, golden sedge shares its habitat with Cooley's meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi), another federally endangered plant species, and with Thorne's beakrush (Rhynchospora thornei), a species of concern. 12 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 All known populations of golden sedge occur in the northeast Cape Fear River watershed in Pender and Onslow counties, North Carolina. The remaining populations of golden sedge are currently threatened by habitat alteration including fire suppression, conversion of its limited habitat for residential, commercial, or industrial development, highway and utility expansion, right -of -way management with herbicides, and wetland drainage activities associated with silviculture, agriculture and development projects (USFWS, 2010). Biological determination: No effect 7.4. Pondberry (Lindera Melissifolia) Pondberry is a deciduous shrub which grows approximately 6 feet high and spreads vegetatively by stolons. Pondberry is distinguished from the two other North American members of its genus (Lindera benzoin and L. subcoriacea) by its drooping, thin membranaceous, ovately to elliptically shaped leaves that have a strong sassafras -like odor when crushed. Pale yellow flowers appear in early spring from February to March, prior to leaf development. Mature fruits, which are bright red and oval- shaped, can be found in October. The plants grow in clones of numerous stems, with young stems replacing dead ones at the base. Thus, a mature colony usually consists of numerous dead stems along with younger leafy ones (USFWS 1993a). Pondberry is associated with seasonally flooded wetlands including sandy sinks, pond margins and swampy depressions in pinelands. NC population sites have sandy soils with high peat content, a high water table and experience frequent or intense fires (USFWS 1993a). Biological determination: No effect 7.5. Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus Pumilus) Seabeach amaranth was federally listed as threatened on April 7, 1993. It is an annual herb endemic to Atlantic coastal plain and occurs on sand dunes and beaches, mostly on foredunes and at high tide level. It can be many- branched, either prostrate or ascending and often forms mats. The stems are fleshy and pink -red or reddish, with small rounded leaves that are clustered toward the tip of the stem. Flowers and fruits are relatively inconspicuous and are borne in clusters along the stems. Flowering begins sometimes as early as June in the Carolinas but more typically commencing in July and continuing until their death in late fall or early winter. Seed production begins in July or August and reaches a peak in most years in September (USFWS, 1996b). Many threats exist, including construction of sea walls and dune fencing, development, heavy recreational use, and off -road vehicle traffic. No suitable habitat exists within the project area. Biological determination: No effect A"W 13 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina 8. Project Effects 8.1. Upland & Wetland Impacts December 2012 The property for this subdivision is 1,253 acres of undeveloped property in the city limits of Jacksonville, NC, located in Onslow County. The property is located along the New River approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the US -17 bridge crossing over the New River (White Oak River Basin, 14 -digit HUC 3030001010040). The property is located immediately southwest of the intersection of Williamsburg Parkway and Gum Branch Road (SR 1308), as shown on the project Vicinity Map, Figure 1. Approximately 607 acres of this property, currently zoned R -7, will be developed into a residential subdivision. The New River floodplain will remain undeveloped. The property has not been previously developed, but accessible areas have been timbered in the last 10 years. Large portions of the project area are characterized as loblolly pine (Pious taeda) monocultures of various ages, from five to fifty years of age, and deciduous forest in the same range of maturity. A Jurisdictional Determination (JD) was obtained from the Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers for the project area (Action ID# 201001947, dated October 24, 2012, see Appendix F). The project, as proposed, will result in impacts to 0.628 acres of jurisdictional forested Section 404 wetlands and 820 linear feet of streams, utilizing the current design of the development and the road network. All of these impacts are associated with the necessary clearing of road rights -of -way (ROW) to provide access to the proposed lots. It is estimated that 16 road crossings will occur, resulting in the placement of 5,777 cubic yards of permanent fill materials within jurisdictional areas and 1,315 feet of culverts for stormwater conveyance. All impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of credits from the nearest accepted mitigation bank with credits on hand. The applicant has requested allocation of the necessary credits from the Bachelor's Delight Swamp Mitigation Bank. The confluence of Bachelor's Delight Swamp with the New River is located approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the proposed project. No Section 404 wetland /stream impacts will result from the development of individual lots. All Section 404wetland areas on the parent tract, excluding the proposed impacts, will be placed in permanent preservation to be administered between USACE and the property's Homeowners Association (HOA). It should be noted that the New River floodplain lies outside of the scope of the parent tracts' JD due to their inaccessibility beyond /west of the existing power line ROW (See Figures 3,5). These floodplain areas, which are permanently inundated by the New River and designated as a Significant Natural Heritage Area, will not be impacted by development or included in the USACE preservation documents. 8.2. Proposed Mitigation In order to mitigate for the proposed Section 404 wetland and stream impacts for this project, the applicant has requested allocation of the necessary Section 404 wetland /stream credits from the Bachelor's Delight Swamp Mitigation Bank. The confluence of Bachelor's Delight Swamp with the New River is located approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the proposed project. The contact information for this mitigation bank is listed below: 14 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank c/o Land Management Group, Inc. Attn: Christian Preziosi 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 cpreziosi @lmgroup.net December 2012 In addition, all Section 404 wetland areas on the parent tract, excluding the proposed impacts, will be placed in permanent preservation to be administered between USACE and the property's Homeowners Association (HOA). It should be noted that the New River floodplain lies outside of the scope of the parent tracts' JD due to their inaccessibility beyond /west of the existing power line ROW (See Figures 3,5). These floodplain areas, which are permanently inundated by the New River and designated as a Significant Natural Heritage Area, will not be impacted by development or included in the USACE preservation documents. A draft copy of the preservation plat and restrictive covenants for this property is provided in Appendix F). The USACE's policies on avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures for jurisdictional areas have been the primary guidance when designing the proposed subdivision. In addition, the City of Jacksonville's Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Stormwater Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance were used to identify design constraints (i.e. 750' max cul -de -sac length for fire department turnarounds, 24% impervious area for low- density) previously determined for these areas. Mitigation of direct impacts during construction of the proposed project will be accomplished through compliance with the following applicable permits: Permanent Stormwater Control permit issued by NCDENR Division of Water Quality (Jacksonville is NPDES Phase 11 Municipality), Erosion & Sedimentation Control permit issued by NCDENR Division of Land Resources. No wetland /stream impacts will result from the development of individual lots due to their preservation status. Mitigation of secondary and cumulative impacts will be mitigated through the City of Jacksonville's multiple ordinances that address growth and environmental issues. These ordinances, plans, and regulations were adopted in order to minimize impacts to water, land, and environmental resources within the City's jurisdiction that may occur as a result of anticipated growth and development. Copies of these ordinances are available on -line, with web sites as cited in Section 9, References. Electronic copies of these ordinances and applicable sections are included in the pdf submittal on CD. 15 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina 8.3. Archaeological Effects December 2012 All field work and archival research for the archaeological assessment has been completed by Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC), of Clayton, NC. After compiling all of this data, ACC has prepared the final report and submitted to SIHPO on April 2"d, 2012. This review is ongoing and should be completed by the end of April 2012. Any comments received from SIHPO regarding this project will be addressed and incorporated into the final BA documents, etc. One site of archaeological significance (Site 310N1833) has been identified as NRHP Potentially Eligible /Un- assessed adjacent to the New River floodplain. This site is located at the extreme southwestern corner of the property, measures 7.76 acres, and is not planned for residential development due to its location and elevations near the 100 -year floodplain. Therefore, Site 3ION1833 will be placed in permanent preservation in order to prevent any disturbance or further mitigation measures as recommended in the archaeological assessment. Mitigation by complete avoidance will ensure that the Williamsburg Planation Subdivision can move forward without pursuing a more intensive Phase II or Phase III Archaeological Survey. 8.4. Other Effects Noise is also a potential problem with major construction activities. Due to the level of development within the action area and the apparent absence of listed species that would be affected by noise, noise should not have a detrimental effect within the action area of this project. 8.5. Conclusions No protected species were detected during the biological survey for this project. While potentially suitable habitat for the listed vascular plant species was identified as described above, we recommend determinations of "No Effect" for the following species: eastern puma, red - cockaded woodpecker, bald eagle, shortnose sturgeon, West Indian manatee, green sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, piping plover, seabeach amaranth, rough - leaved loosestrife, Cooley's meadowrue, golden sedge and pondberry, 16 Wetland Solutions, LLC !IT01 Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 9. References National Geographic, 1987. Field Guide to the Birds of North America; 2nd ed. Washington DC. 464 pp. NatGeo, 2011. National Geographic Animals. Green Sea Turtle. Available online: http: // animals. national_ geographic .com /animals /reptiles /green- turtle/ Accessed January 24, 2011. NCDENR, 2001. NC Natural Heritage Program, Guide to Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Species of North Carolina. Available online: http: / /www.ncnhp.org/Pages/guide.htm NCDENR, 2010. NC Natural Heritage Program database, Cooley's Meadowrue species profile http: / /www.ncnhp.org/Ima_eg s /81.pdf, Accessed; November 12, 2010 National Marine Fisheries Service, 1998. Recovery Plan for the Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Prepared by the Shortnose Sturgeon Recovery Team for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 104 pages. National Marine Fisheries Service, 2011. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries: Office of Protected Species and National Marine Fisheries Service; Loggerhead turtle species description; Available online: http: / /www.nmfs.noaa.gov /pr /species /turtles /loggerhead.htm Accessed January 25, 2011. USACE, 1987. US Army Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical Report Y -87 -1, Vicksburg, MS. 100 pp. USDA, 1992. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1992. Soil survey of Onslow County, North Carolina. USDA. 139 pp. USDA, 2009. Natural Resources Conservation Service; Plants Database Available online: http: // plants. usda .gov /java/profile ?symbol =LYAS2 US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992. Recovery plan for leatherback turtles in the U.S. Caribbean, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1993.Recovery plan for pondberry (Lindera melissifolia). USFWS, Atlanta, GA. 43 pp. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1994. Cooley's meadowrue recovery plan. USFWS Atlanta, GA. 29 pp. ------------- - - - - -, 1995. Rough - leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulifolia) recovery plan. USFWS Atlanta, GA. 32 pp. ------------------- 1996a. Piping plover (Charadrius moldus) Atlantic population revised recovery plan. USFWS, Atlanta,GA. 59 pp. ------------------- 1996b. Seabeach amaranth recovery plan. USFWS, Atlanta, GA. 59 pp. 17 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 ------------- - - - - -, 2001a. Loggerhead seat turtle species description; Available online: http : / /www. fws. gov /northflorida/seaturtle s/ turtle %20factsheets /PDF /Loggerhead- Sea- Turtle.pdf. Accessed November 12, 2010. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 200 lb. Piping plover critical habitat (Final). Available online: http: / /criticalhabitat.fws- og vhttp:Hcriticalhabitat.fws_ gov /. Accessed November 15, 2010 ---- - - - - -, 2003. Recovery plan for the red - cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis): second revision. USFWS, Atlanta, GA. 296 pp. ------------- - - - - -, 2007a. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina. Available online: http: // www .fws.gov /nc -es /es /countyfr.html . Accessed November 12, 2010 ------------- - - - - -, 2007b. National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines; May 2007. Available online: http: // www. fws. gov /migratoiybirdsibaldeagle.html. Accessed November 12, 2010 ------------- - - - - -, 2007c. North Carolina Ecological Services; Eastern cougar (Puma concolor cougar). Available online: http : / /www.fws.gov /nc -es /mammal /cou ate. Accessed November 12, 2010 ------------- - - - - -, 2007d. Cooley's Meadowrue 5 -Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. Available online: http://ecos.fivs.gov/docs/five year review /doc2362.pdf. Accessed: November 13, 2010. ------------- - - - - -, 2009a. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Threatened and Endangered Species Database System (TESS). Available online: http: / /ecos.fws.gov /tess public /. Accessed January 30, 2009 ------------ - - - - -- 2009b. US Fish and Wildlife Service; Red - cockaded woodpecker species profile. available: http: // www .fws.gov /rcwrecove!3 /rcw.html Accessed November 12, 2010 ------------- - - - - -, 2010. US Fish and Wildlife Service, North Carolina Ecological Services; Golden Sedge species profile. Available online: http: // www. fws.gov /nc -es /plant/gsedge.html Accessed November 13, 2010. 18 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Biological Assessment Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville Onslow County, North Carolina Appendix A Project Maps • Figure 1 - Project Vicinity Map • Figure 2 - USGS Topographic Map: Existing Parcels & Proposed Lot Layout • Figure 3 - Potential Rough -Leaf Loosestrife Habitat • Figure 4 - Natural Heritage Element Occurrences • Figure 5 — Piping Plover Critical Habitat in Project Vicinity Appendix - 1 Wetland Solutions, LLC IT611 Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 ffli nisbxirg Plantation Subdivision Biological Assessment - Project Vicinity Map 7.5'USGS 'Topographic leap - North Jacksonviffe Quad ERIE BEAUFORT ZC ft PAMLI O r DONE AM * bep NIft M 19 LARTERET LOW 13La lawn- Gty of Jacksonville OLU116u � E i .. - a - UN =Project Bolan ar 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Mile ib* Appendix - 2 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 USGS Topographic Vicinity Map North Jacksonville Quad 1:24,000 Existing Parcels & Proposed Lot Layout 0 1,000 21000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 - Feet Gum Branch Road =� New River •:� �r� ,1 � r:_�- iN `�. r `.'"_ : i_,, . ` '��� • `, ''.�at Williamsburg Pkwy ZVI IJ , •N• t'�• c�r l+ � � - � .+ � s r •- _ � w ^.' ��'y',c �• � 11..L r� �Sr •�, � ~. yY�?� ✓J � .�• � �I - _ _. ♦ l - - ,III rte' I=Mact Boundary in Project Scope Proposed Lot Layout - FUTURE Wetland Delineation - FINAL Recorded JD 0 Previous Phases of Development M3FIoodp lain Areas Beyond JD Scope NOM All boundaries and distances as shown are considered approaiusate. 4 A PLS survey of delineated areas and ren-iew and approval by the • ±� �{ r' • US. Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to specific site planning t, Appendix - 3 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 NXIMianisburg Plantation Subdivision Potential • • Loosestrife Habitat Detailed Plant Stinrev Areas in Biological • OF lk IF ds l i ab 5c. Plant Survey Areas Existing Easements C3Tract Boundary in Pro'ect Scope Wedand -� - , - — - - =- -- - _- .r r•-• � '• -ice'- �; �+ • • • • JD Appendix - 4 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 `XIllliamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina (NC OneMap) Natural Heritage Element Occurrences ✓i. Ar '� rN ' Project Bou ndary ` Nattural Heritage Element Occurrences Q Animal Assemblage Invertebrate Animal ��i�;,w_. - - -- T �.. =Natural Coninumity t' = - Nonvascular PlantY.,` j _ [=Vascular Plant Vertebrate Animal "'Ofta'v—W Aar >w• r: . Existing Parcels & Future Roads 0 4,000 8,000 15,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 48,000 56,000 Feet Appendix - 5 Wetland Solutions, LLC *Tb' Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Piping Plover riticai Habitat in Project Vicinity nslow County, North Carolina PAID roatan National Forest H offrrxan state Forest DUP IN Angola Bay aflrxe Land Project Site ■ W-F AN PEN e 1:q R IC �� ddiwo 0 10 4 4 LOW � 0 A ii 0 1 N P Camp 1xienne Marine Base Holly Shelter Carne Lanni SP Project Boundary MPiping Plover Habitat = State/ Federal Lands 20 30 411 50 Mies Appendix - 6 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Biological Assessment Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision City of Jacksonville Onslow County, North Carolina Appendix B Photographs of Area of Study Williamsburg Plantation Appendix - 7 Wetland Solutions, LLC I,,?"- Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Appendix B -1: Appendix B -2: Bottomland Hardwood Forest Appendix - 8 Wetland Solutions, LLC 111711-- Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina December 2012 Appendix B -3: Riverine Wetlands Appendix B -4: Bottomland Hardwood Forest Appendix - 9 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Biological Assessment for Williamsburg Plantation Subdivision Onslow County, North Carolina Appendix B -5: Bottomland Hardwood Forest December 2012 Appendix B -6: Pinus taeda Monoculture (ear_ fa' Appendix - 10 Wetland Solutions, LLC Bunnlevel, North Carolina Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Proposed Williamsburg Plantation Extension Tracts Onslow County, North Carolina ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. 2012 Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Proposed Williamsburg Plantation Expansion Tracts Onslow County, North Carolina ER 11 -0234 Prepared for Prestige Homes, LLC Jacksonville, North Carolina Prepared by Michael Keith O'Neal Senior Archaeologist Dawn Reid Senior Archaeologist Bobby Southerlin Principal Investigator Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. 2012 Management Summary The proposed Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts are located west of Gum Branch Road immediately north of the Jacksonville city limits in Onslow County, North Carolina. These tracts border the New River. In October 2011, Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC), conducted archival research on and an archaeological reconnaissance of the project tracts. This reconnaissance was conducted on behalf of Prestige Homes, LLC, with the goal of developing a Scope of Work (SOW) for subsequent Phase I intensive archaeological survey. This SOW was reviewed and approved by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). An intensive survey of the portions of the proposed expansion tracts delineated in the SOW was conducted in January and February 2012. This archaeological survey focused primarily on the pronounced bluffs along wetland margins and creek banks and on upland areas with deep, well- drained soils. The areas investigated total approximately 314 acres. Survey consisted of the excavation of shovel tests at 30 meter intervals along parallel transects spaced 30 meters apart. Soil profiles exposed in shovel tests varied slightly from area to area but were generally comprised of 15 to 20 cm of dark brown or dark gray sandy loam overlaying pale brown sandy loam. In select areas, subsoil or the water table were encountered at depths ranging between 30 to 50 cm. A total of 26 archaeological resources were identified during this survey. This includes those potential sites that were identified during the reconnaissance which were relocated and fully delineated. Eleven of these resources are archaeological sites. The remaining 15 resources are classified as isolated finds, having less than three artifacts. These resources are summarized in Table 1. Of the archaeological sites identified and evaluated during this survey, only one (31ON1833) is being recommended as potentially eligible /unassessed for the NRHP. Site 31ON1833 yielded abundant temporally diagnostic ceramics dating to the Woodland Period (BC 1000 - AD 145 0) overlaying deeply buried lithic debitage that may date to the preceding Archaic Period (BC 8000 - 1000). None of the isolated finds meet eligibility criteria for inclusion on the NRHP. Table 1. Archaeological Resources Documented during this Investigation. Resource Number Component NRHP Eligibility Recommendation 31ON1831 Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1832 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1833 Early - Late Woodland Periods Potentially Eligible /Unassessed 31ON1834 Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1835 Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1836 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1837 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1838 Early Woodland Period Not Eligible 1310N1839 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible 11 31ON1840 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible 31ON1841 Middle Woodland Period Not Eligible Isolate 3 ION 1842 Woodland Period Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1843 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 3 ION 1844 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1845 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 3 ION 1846 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 3 ION 1847 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1848 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1849 Woodland Period Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1850 Woodland Period Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1851 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1852 Woodland Period Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1853 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1854 ** Unknown Historic Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1855 ** Unknown Historic Not Eligible Isolate 31ON1856 Unknown Prehistoric Not Eligible III Table of Contents Page Management Summary ................................. .............................ii Listof Figures ...................................... ............................... v Listof Tables . .................................... ............................... vi Chapter 1. Introduction and Methods of Investigation ..... ............................... 1 Introduction..................... ............................... 1 Tract Description ................. ............................... 1 Methods of Investigation .......................................... 3 Chapter 2. Environmental and Cultural Overviews ....... ............................... 7 Environmental Overview .......................................... 7 Cultural Overview ............... ............................... 10 History of the Project Tract ....................................... 19 Chapter 3. Results of Investigation .................. ............................... 21 Background Research Results ....... ............................... 21 Field Investigation Results ......... ............................... 21 Chapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations .......... ............................... 42 ReferencesCited ................................... ............................... 43 Appendix A. Artifact Catalog and Projectile Point Report Appendix B. Resume of Principal Investigator 1V List of Figures Page Figure 1. Map showing project location in Onslow County ............................... 1 Figure 2. General view of the pine and hardwood forest in the project tract ................... 2 Figure 3. View of the transmission line and wetland in the project tract ...................... 2 Figure 4. Map showing the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tract and areas of high potential for archaeological remains ......... ............................... 4 Figure 5. Physiographic provinces of North Carolina .... ............................... 7 Figure 6. Map of the White Oak River Basin showing the location of the project area........... 8 Figure 7. Soil map for the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts ........................ 9 Figure 8. Map showing the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts and identified archaeological resources ............................................... 22 Figure 9. Plan map of site 31ON1831 .............. ............................... 23 Figure 10. Plan map of site 31ON1832 .............. ............................... 25 Figure 11. Plan map of site 31ON1833 .............. ............................... 26 Figure 12. Plan map of site 31ON1834 .............. ............................... 29 Figure 13. Plan map of site 31ON1835 .............. ............................... 30 Figure 14. Plan map of site 31ON1836 .............. ............................... 32 Figure 15. Plan map of site 31ON1837 .............. ............................... 34 Figure 16. Plan map of site 31ON1838 .............. ............................... 36 Figure 17. Plan map of site 31ON1839 .............. ............................... 37 Figure 18. Plan map of site 3 ION 1840 .............. ............................... 38 Figure 19. Plan map of site 3 ION 1841 .............. ............................... 39 v List of Tables Page Table 1. Archaeological Resources Documented during this Investigation ................... ii Table 2. Summary of Soils Present in the Williamsburg Plantation Expansion Tracts ......... 10 Table 3. Native American Chronology for the Southern North Carolina Coast ............... 11 Table 4. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31ON1832 ............................ 24 Table 5. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31ON1833 ............................ 27 Table 6. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31ON1836 ............................ 31 Table 7. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31ON1837 ............................ 34 Table 8. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31ON1838 ............................ 35 Table 9. Summary of Isolated Finds Identified in the Williamsburg Expansion Tracts......... 40 vi Chapter 1. Introduction and Methods of Investigation Introduction In October 2011, Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC), conducted archival research on and an archaeological reconnaissance of the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts in Jacksonville, North Carolina (Figure 1). This reconnaissance was conducted on behalf of Prestige Homes, LLC, with the goal of developing a Scope of Work (SOW) for subsequent Phase I intensive archaeological survey. This SOW was reviewed and approved by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). An intensive survey of the portions of the proposed expansion tracts delineated in the SOW was conducted in January and February 2012. Tract Description The proposed Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts are located west of Gum Branch Road immediately north of r, Hii EIl- �tius'-- HOFMANN FOREST Pumpkin i RICHLANDS Center Half 1 Min `— WHITEOAK JACKSONVILLE Piny', JACKSONVILLE Crern SWANSI10110 s SWANS. BORO DNS DW _ CAMP LEJHINE STUMP SOUND —r inrady Ferry HOLLY Y[wri4 FUTGE TOPSAIL BEA' I TOWNSHIP Crows D— ipmalcd PIa, Gt ru t7n.rlrm n a n < ] u hick+ $m the Jacksonville city limits in Onslow County, Figure 1. Map showing project location in Onslow North Carolina. These tracts border the New County. River. Nearly 30 percent of the acreage in the project tracts is delineated wetlands. This includes marsh associated with the New River and smaller waterways that extend in the tracts (Figure 2). Topographically, one of the most significant features of these tracts are pronounced bluff lines along most of the high - ground/marsh margin. In the northern tract, shovel testing identified deep, well- drained sandy soils along the bluff, particularly in those areas overlooking the New River floodplain. These uplands are characterized by a mixed pine and hardwood forest (Figure 2). The southern tract is similar to the northern tract in that it, too, has a prominent bluff line along the New River floodplain. However, the southern tract also has a prominent bluff margin bordering a tributary of the New River. Although this tributary is unnamed on project maps, local informants refer to it as Royal Creek. Old logging roads, hunting trails, and a transmission line (Figure 3) extend through all portions of the project tract. 1 Figure 2. General view of the pine and hardwood forest in the project tract. Figure 3. View of the transmission line and wetland in the project tract. 2 JJ f�. VI �._ _ � 4 1. w4'4���'ti - C.L��� f•• l N� aa: Figure 2. General view of the pine and hardwood forest in the project tract. Figure 3. View of the transmission line and wetland in the project tract. 2 Methods of Investigation Archival research on the project area was conducted prior to the instigation of field work. This research consisted of a review of archaeological site forms, maps, and reports on file at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) in Raleigh. This review served to identify previously recorded resources in the project vicinity. A review of seventeenth and eighteenth century land grants was also conducted at the North Carolina State Archives, also in Raleigh. Historic maps of Onslow County and the project vicinity were obtained from a wide variety of published and online sources. These maps were used to determine past land use, the possible presence of structural remains or historic landscape features. A review of records at the Jacksonville Courthouse and Tax Assessor's Office was conducted to determine the chain -of -title of the project tract. Onslow County soil data was retrieved from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) online depository. Finally, consultations were held with a number of individuals knowledgeable about the project area, including Ms. Lisa Whitman -Grice (Director of the Onslow County Museum) and Mr. Dennis Jones ( Onslow County Museum Historian). The field reconnaissance consisted of a combination of walkover and limited shovel testing. Roads, trails, sewer lines, and power lines provided good access to many different settings within the tracts, and provided areas of disturbances that facilitated ground surface observations. On landforms that appeared to have high potential for the presence of archaeological deposits, judgementally placed shovel tests were excavated. Based on the results of the archival research and field reconnaissance, a Scope of Work (SOW) was developed to facilitate Phase I archaeological survey. Per this SOW, the Phase I survey would focus on the pronounced bluffs along wetland margins and creek banks in both tracts. Survey of selected areas of high ground surrounded by wetlands would also be conducted. The areas recommended for intensive examination totaled approximately 314 acres are shown in Figure 4. This SOW was reviewed and approved by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Phase I Archaeological Survey The intensive Phase I archaeological survey of the areas defined during the field reconnaissance was conducted in January 2012. Survey consisted of the excavation of shovel tests at 30 meter intervals along parallel transects spaced 30 meters apart. All shovel tests measured at least 30 cm in diameter. All test fill was screened through 0.25 inch mesh, and each test was excavated to sterile subsoil or until the water table was encountered. Shovel testing was supplemented by comprehensive examination of all exposed ground surface, such as roads. Data on the soil stratigraphy, artifact content, and overall integrity ofthe deposits were recorded in field notebooks. Artifacts were collected and placed in plastic bags labeled with the date, field site number, grid point locations (i.e., shovel test /transect or north/east coordinate), depth of artifacts, and initials of the excavator. A site is defined as an area containing more than two artifacts of a possible single occupation in a 30 meter or less diameter of surface exposure, or where surface or subsurface cultural features are present. Artifacts and/or features less than 50 years in age would not be considered a site without a specific research or management reason. Locations with fewer than three artifacts and no features are classified as isolated finds or isolates. Although isolates are rarely considered to meet NRHP eligibility criteria, their locations and settings are documented. 3 'Subsea, jj { 4a+' 22:14 aC. �3 4.45 ac. 6-24 ac, ac. r� ? s - •�- ... w- - �-� . i -: � ���� °.¢�' � 'rte 59.81 ac. 18.49 ac - rf At- 12.9 1 28 s +88 act � r � 52.6 ac. row a k Williamsburg Plantation Survey a Y - Project Parcels NC High Potential 1'100 900 .2la rl _ MOM Figure 4. Map showing the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts and areas of recommended for intensive archaeological survey (1997 Jacksonville North, NC USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle). E To delineate archaeological resources, shovel tests were excavated at 15 meter intervals in cardinal directions from the original artifact - bearing location. Each shovel test was approximately 30 cm in diameter. Shovel test fill was screened through 0.25 inch wire mesh. Details of artifacts, soils, and possible features were recorded in field notebooks. Artifacts were collected and placed in plastic bags labeled with the date, field site number, grid point locations (i.e., transect /shovel test or north/east coordinate), depth of artifacts, and initials of the excavator. Site settings were photographed with a digital camera. Plan maps of each site showing the locations of shovel tests and surface finds were produced in the field. The locations of each site were recorded using a Trimble Pathfinder Global Positioning System (GPS) unit; the locations were then relayed onto project maps. Site significance is based on the site's ability to contribute to our understanding of past lifeways, and its subsequent eligibility for listing on the NRHP. Department of Interior regulations (36 CFR Part 60) established criteria which must be met for an archaeological site or historic resource to be considered significant, or eligible for the NRHP (Townsend et al. 1993). Under these criteria, a site can be defined as significant if it retains integrity of "location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association" and if it A) is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad pattern of history; B) is associated with the lives of persons significant in the past; C) embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents work of a master, possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or D) has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory. Archaeological sites are most frequently evaluated pursuant to Criterion D. However, some historic period archaeological sites can be considered under all four criteria. The primary goals of this field investigation were to identify archaeological resources and evaluate their potential research value or significance. Although the final determination of the site significance is made by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), whenever possible, sufficient data were gathered to allow us to make a significance recommendation. Sites that exhibited little or no further research potential are recommended ineligible for the NRHP and no further investigation would be proposed. Sites for which insufficient data could be obtained at the survey level are considered unassessed and preservation or more in- depth investigation would be advocated. It is rare for ample data to be recovered at the survey level of investigation to definitively determine that a site meets NRHP eligibility criteria. However, when this occurs, the site is recommended eligible for the NRHP. Again, preservation of the resource would be advocated. If preservation is not possible, mitigation options (e.g., data recovery) would need to be considered. Laboratory Analysis Laboratory work begins with washing all recovered artifacts. A provenience number, based on the context of the artifact (i.e., surface or subsurface), is assigned to each positive shovel test location or surface collection area. Within each provenience, each individual artifact or artifact class is then assigned a number. Artifacts are cataloged based on specific morphological characteristics such as material in the case of lithics, and decoration and temper type in the case of prehistoric ceramics. Artifact descriptions, counts, and weights are recorded. All diagnostic and cross - mended artifacts are labeled with a solution of Acryloid B -72 and acid - free permanent ink. At the conclusion ofthis project, all project related material, including field notes, artifacts, and project maps, will be prepared for curation based on standards set forth in 36 CFR 79 ( Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections: Final Rule) and in the OSA curation guidelines. These standards and guidelines require that all project - related material be placed in archivally stable storage bags and boxes. Upon acceptance of the final project report by the SHPO, the project material will be submitted to OSA for permanent curation. Report Preparation Report preparation involved the compilation of all data gathered during the previous tasks. The following chapter provides environmental and cultural overviews for the project area. Next, the results of the field investigation are discussed. Each identified site is described, shown on project maps, and NRHP eligibility recommendations are advanced. The data obtained through laboratory analysis are included in site descriptions. Finally, a summary ofthe overall project is presented along with management recommendations, as appropriate. I Chapter 2. Environmental and Cultural Overviews In an attempt to interpret cultural resources, it is necessary to understand the larger context within which they occur. The natural environment, technological development, and ideological values are all intertwined in shaping the way humans live. In this chapter, details about the local environment and cultural development in the region are presented to provide a context within which cultural resources can be assessed. This basic framework is an important tool in evaluating the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of these resources. Environmental Overview Onslow County is located in the lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina (Figure 5). Elevation in the county ranges from sea level to 19 meters above sea level at the town of Richlands (Barnhill 1992). Within the survey tract, the elevation is between 0 and 35 feet above sea level. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Physiographic Provinces TIDEWATER BLUE RIDUE roj r � L..... PIEDMONT 'f MIDDLE AND UPPER COASTAL PLAIN NQ131 HCAROLINA IANTERI UA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION & ANALYSIS jjPd Se7 _ `_•t' ln.± Miles L� Auguar 19£17 Figure 5. Physiographic provinces of North Carolina. Onslow County is located in the South Coastal Plain climatic subregion. The climate of the project region is subtropical, with mild winters and hot, humid summers. The average high summer temperature is 89 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The average winter high temperature is 56 degrees F. Annual precipitation is approximately 53 inches (Clements 1988). The project area falls within the White Oak River Basin. Onslow County contains two major drainages within the White Oak River Basin: the New River and the White Oak River (Figure 6). The New River runs due south through the county and is distinguished as the only river in the continental United States with its headwaters and mouth in the same county ( Onslow County On -line [OCO] 2006). The New River forms the western boundary of the project tract. The White Oak River forms the northern border of Onslow County. OUPi 1N f Richlands General Map of the White Oak River Basin JONES PAMLICO ONSLOw p�je&q a Jacksonville PENDER legend ONY *Phan 101kdaN �] StGG all 1—dary Cw.}• I— ry "'n wg op Iy nnkvalmr A. CARrEREr 03 -05 -U7 North Topsail Beach . r Emerald Islo ; -> 0 � 10 0 70 20 30 rlWfer V W +{ ATA NCDENR Planning 13 ranch Sasintade & Estuary Plarming Urat October 22, 2001 Figure 6. Map of the White Oak River Basin showing the location of the project area. Soils There are nine soil types present in the Williamsburg Plantation tract (Figure 7; Table 2). These soil types are typically level to gently sloping (0 -6% slope) with the exception of Marvyn loamy fine sand, which has a slope range of 6 to 15 percent. The soils in the tract typically form on marine terraces, although Dorovan muck forms on floodplains. Three of the soils types ( Dorovan, Lynchburg, and Torhunta) are poorly drained. The remaining six soils types are moderately well to well- drained. A small portion (0.7 %) of the project tract is classified as water. These areas form the southeast tract boundary (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] 2012). 8 CRAVEN UJ -U5 -04 .�- - -- '- -- Maysville Atlantic Newport ! .a Peletier t` Morehead City Jy c swansboro Caperet Sward Beaufort Cedar PointI- 8ogue Bague A 03 -05 -05 03 -05 -U7 North Topsail Beach . r Emerald Islo ; -> 0 � 10 0 70 20 30 rlWfer V W +{ ATA NCDENR Planning 13 ranch Sasintade & Estuary Plarming Urat October 22, 2001 Figure 6. Map of the White Oak River Basin showing the location of the project area. Soils There are nine soil types present in the Williamsburg Plantation tract (Figure 7; Table 2). These soil types are typically level to gently sloping (0 -6% slope) with the exception of Marvyn loamy fine sand, which has a slope range of 6 to 15 percent. The soils in the tract typically form on marine terraces, although Dorovan muck forms on floodplains. Three of the soils types ( Dorovan, Lynchburg, and Torhunta) are poorly drained. The remaining six soils types are moderately well to well- drained. A small portion (0.7 %) of the project tract is classified as water. These areas form the southeast tract boundary (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] 2012). 8 - - t Al ,r M1�'1� iy r arm 39 Figure 7. Soil map for the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts (USDA 2012; 1997 Jacksonville North, NC USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangles). 9 ]1r k hw jp Tye` IN Williamsburg Plantation Survey Project Tracts =Survey Area tr rf L Soil Type e~ yr _ } • � ty ,� Baym soda SM sandy loam - Ly9eh6ury Fr*sondy loam Craven hna sandy loam ®r marnn loamy Ime sand - lllllll■ ft.tly, Me,and 1` Dorown muG'� �10- - �� — _ Godworo loamy fim nand - fo•nunia fine sandy loam /4• � • i — �_ - t - ppd*oro-Vfban Land ComvlaK ® Waur S • [ a : • %� "—`�\ �.. �� 4 "•� 0 ia] eou 1.200 1.600 Mesas Figure 7. Soil map for the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts (USDA 2012; 1997 Jacksonville North, NC USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangles). 9 Table 2. Summary of Soils Present in the Williamsburg Plantation Expansion Tracts (USDA 2012). Soil Type Characteristics Percent Covera e Baymeade fine sandy loam well - drained, 0 -6% slope, forms on ridges on marine terraces 36.1 Craven fine sandy loam moderately well drained, 14% slope, forms on flats and ridges on marine terraces 2.5 Dorovan muck very poorly drained, 0 -1% slope, forms on floodplains 29.5 Goldsboro fine sandy loam moderately well drained, 0 -2% slope, forms on flats and broad interstream divides on marine terraces 0.9 Goldsboro -Urban land complex moderately well drained, 0 -5% slope, forms on flats and broad interstream divides on marine terraces 0.1 Lynchburg fine sandy loam somewhat poorly drained, 0 -2% slope, forms on flats and broad interstream divides on marine terraces 5.2 Marvyn loamy fine sand well - drained, 6 -15% slope, forms on ridges on marine terraces 9.9 Pactolus fine sand moderately well drained, 0 -2% slope, forms on ridges on marine terraces 14.5 Torhunta fine sandy loam very poorly drained, 0 -2 % slope, forms on flats and Carolina Bays on marine terraces and depressions on stream terraces 0.7 water - 0.6 Cultural Overview Prehistoric Overview The various periods of human settlement are characterized pri marily by technological distinctions, but social organizations also helped inhabitants adapt to their surroundings. These technological and social classifications are used to divide prehistory into distinctive time periods. Table 3 provides a brief chronology of Native American occupation of the project region based on previous research done by Coe (1964), Herbert and Mathis (1996), Hargrove and Eastman (1997), Ward and Davis (1999), and others. Paleoindian Period (12,000 - 8, 000 BC) The Paleoindian Period refers to the earliest human occupations ofthe New World, the origins and age of which remain a subject of debate. The most accepted theory dates the influx of migrant bands of hunter - gatherers to approximately 12,000 years ago. This time period corresponds to the exposure of a land bridge connecting Siberia to the North American continent during the last ice age (Driver 1998; Jackson et al. 1997). Research conducted over the past few decades has begun to cast doubt on this theory. 10 Table 3. Native American Chronology for the Southern North Carolina Coast. Temporal Phase Diagnostic Artifacts Settlement Subsistence Period Paleoindian Clovis small, seasonal camps intensive foraging, (10,000 -8,000 BC) large, fluted lanceolate projectile focus on large fauna points /knives Dalton Archaic Taylor side - notched projectile points larger, seasonal camps, intensive foraging (8,000 -1,000 BC) Kirk /Palmer corner -- notched projectile points base camps Lecroy Morrow Mtn. stemmed points Guilford — large Savannah River Points first shell middens in the use of marine — Savannah River Stallings Island fiber tempered and Thoms Carolinas resources Creek sand tempered ceramics in southern part of NC coast Woodland Hamps Limestone /marl tempered pottery, triangular intensive foraging (1,000 BC- 1450 AD) Landing points supplemented by horticulture, agriculture, continued New River large triangular points (Roanoke small, dispersed villages, focus on shellfish Triangular) focus on flood plain sand tempered pottery areas cord marked surface treatments flexed burials and Hanover grog tempered ceramics w/a variety of cremations surface decorations Cape Fear sand tempered ceramics w/ fabric and cord large, permanent European trade marked surface decorations, small triangular villages, deer skin trade intensive agriculture, projectile points focus remains on -------------- corn; supplemented ___________ by European grains White Oak shell tempered ceramics w /various surface Tuscarora War decorations Investigations at Paleoindian sites have produced radiocarbon dates predating 12,000 years. The Monte Verde site in South America has been dated to 10,500 BC (Dillehay 1997; Meltzer et al. 1997). In North America, the Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Pennsylvania had deposits dating to 9,500 BC. Current research conducted at the Topper Site indicates occupations dating between 15,000 to 19,000 (or more) years ago (Goodyear 2006). Two sites, 44SM37 and Cactus Hill, in Virginia have yielded similar dates. One contentious point about these early sites is that the occupations predate what has been recognized as the earliest New World culture, Clovis. Artifacts identified at pre - Clovis sites include flake tools and blades, prismatic blades, bifaces, and lanceolate -like points (Adovasio et al. 1998; Goodyear 2006; Johnson 1997; McAvoy and McAvoy 1997; and McDonald 2000). 11 The major artifact marker for the Clovis period is the Clovis lanceolate fluted point (Gardner 1974, 1989; Griffin 1967). First identified in New Mexico, Clovis fluted points have been recovered throughout the United States. However, most of the identified Clovis points have been found in the eastern United States (Ward and Davis 1999). Most Clovis points have been recovered from surface contexts, although some sites (e.g., Cactus Hill and Topper sites) have contained well - defined subsurface Clovis contexts. The identification ofpre - Clovis sites, higher frequencies of Clovis points on the east coast ofthe United States (the opposing side of the continent where the land bridge was exposed during the last glaciation), and the lack of predecessors to the Clovis point type have led some researchers to hypothesize other avenues ofNew World migration (Bonnichsen et al. 2006). These alternative migration theories contend that the influx of people to the Americas occurred prior to the ice -free corridor 12,000 years ago and that multiple migration episodes took place. These theories include overland migrations similar to the one presumed to have occurred over the Bering land bridge and water migrations over both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific rim ( Stanford et al. 2006). Coastal migration theories envision sea faring people using boats to make the journey, evidence for which has not been identified (Adovasio and Page 2002). In the southeastern United States, Clovis was followed by smaller fluted and non -fluted lanceolate spear points, such as Dalton and Hardaway point types, that are characteristic of the later Paleoindian Period (Goodyear 1982). The Hardaway point, first described by Coe (1964), is seen as a regional variant of Dalton (Oliver 1985; Ward 1983). Most Paleoindian materials occur as isolated surface finds in the eastern United States (Ward and Davis 1999); this indicates to many scholars that population density was extremely low during this period and that groups were small and highly mobile (Meltzer 1988). It has been noted that group movements were probably well - scheduled and that some semblance of territories was probably maintained to ensure adequate arrangements for procuring mates and maintaining population levels (Anderson and Hanson 1988). O'Steen (1996) analyzed Paleoindian settlement patterns in the Oconee River valley in northeastern Georgia and noted a pattern of decreasing mobility throughout the Paleoindian period. Sites of the earliest portion of the period seem to be restricted to the floodplains, while later sites were distributed widely in the uplands, showing an exploitation of a wider range of environmental resources. If this pattern holds true for the Southeast in general, it may be a result of changing environments trending toward increased deciduous forest and decreasing availability of Pleistocene megafauna and the consequent increased reliance on smaller mammals for subsistence; population growth may have also been a factor. Archaic Period (8, 000 -1, 000 BC) The Archaic period has been the focus of considerable research in the Southeast. However, for the Coastal area of North Carolina, much data are still needed to refine the chronology and gain a better understanding of subsistence strategies and site size and function of Archaic time period. Most of what is known ofthis time period comes from surface collections (Ward and Davis 1999). The chronological sequence defined by Coe (1964) for the Archaic North Carolina Piedmont is applicable to the Coast and Coastal Plain. 12 Early Archaic (8,000 - 6, 000 BC). The Early Archaic period is marked by a shift from a boreal forest to more northern hardwoods. Southern pines became the dominant species as the Oak - Hickory forest retreated to the Piedmont ( Delcourt and Delcourt 1981; Delcourt and Delcourt 1985). Site types are generally of two kinds: base camps at stream confluences and small temporary procurement sites located in areas with seasonally variable resources (Phelps 1981, 1983; Ward and Davis 1999). The smaller temporary procurement camps and the larger base camps are found at a ratio of ten to one (Ward and Davis 1999). Palmer and Kirk corner - notched spear points are diagnostic of the time period. Middle Archaic (6,000 -3, 000 BC). Settlement and subsistence strategy remained constant through the Middle Archaic, although there is a noted increase in site frequency (Ward and Davis 1999). Stanly Stemmed, Morrow Mountain Stemmed, and Guilford Lanceolate spear points are the primary diagnostic artifacts ofthis time period. Morrow Mountain and Guilford phases are believed to have been introduced from the west (Coe 1964). Phelps (1964) referred to this as the "Western Intrusive horizon." Halifax projectile points have also been found in the north Coastal Plain of North Carolina. These points date to approximately 4,000 BC and were introduced from peoples living to the north (Coe 1964). Late Archaic (3, 000 -1, 000 BC). This time period marks a shift of settlements from upland tributary streams to the mouths of major rivers. This shift allowed native peoples to include marine and estuarine resources in their diet. The predominant characteristic tool type of the Late Archaic is the Savannah River spear point. These large points are stemmed with triangular blades and may have been used as knives as well as spear points. The earliest well dated ceramic types in the Southeast are fiber tempered Stallings wares and the sand tempered Thorns Creek wares and are found primarily in the coastal regions of South Carolina and Georgia. Stallings and Thorns Creek wares have been recovered from sites in the coastal plain of North Carolina. Stallings sherds have been found as far north as the Tar River drainages and sand tempered Thorns Creek wares tend to be limited to Brunswick and New Hanover counties (Ward and Davis 1999). These ceramics tend to be found in association with Late Archaic Savannah River phase contexts, leading some researchers to date them to Late Archaic Period (Sassaman 1993). However, many North Carolina archaeologists see the introduction of ceramic technology as a hallmark of the Woodland Period. Woodland Period (1, 000 BC -1450 AD) A transition between the preceramic Archaic cultures and the Woodland cultures has been identified by Oliver (1985). Stemmed point types continue and are represented by the Gypsy/Thelma /Swannanoa point types in the Early Woodland subperiod (1,000 BC -300 AD). Throughout much ofthe southeast, the Woodland Period represents a time of technological and social change preceding the Mississippian Period, which is marked by chiefdoms and agricultural -based subsistence. "Mississippianization" of local groups is not recognized in much of coastal North Carolina. Consequently, the Woodland Period extended to the early eighteenth century, a period of close contact between Native Americans and Europeans. 13 Early Woodland (1, 000 BC - 300 BC). Along the North Carolina coast, Early Woodland sites consist of shell middens near tidal marshes and ceramic and/or lithic scatters in different environmental zones. Site type categories established by Trinkley (1990) for this portion of the state include seasonal camps located in upland settings at springs or stream confluences, small seasonal campsites located on swamp edges, and large semipermanent camps on swamp edges. Site location patterns suggest a dispersed, highly mobile lifeway that continued from the Late Archaic into the Woodland. Two ceramic types are associated with the Early Woodland along the southern coast ofNorth Carolina. New River ceramics are coarse sand tempered and exhibit surface treatments that are dominated by cord marking, but also include fabric impressing, net impressing, and simple stamping (Loftfield 1975; Mathis 1999; Ward and Davis 1999). Hamps Landing ceramics are characterized by limestone or marl temper and have plain, faint thong marked, cord marked, fabric impressed, and simple stamped surfaces (Ward and Davis 1999). The Hamp's Landing ceramic series was identified in the mid- 1990s. At the Hamps Landing site (31NH142), these wares were recovered from strata also containing Thorns Creek ceramics. At the Topsail Island site (31 ON 190), charcoal obtained from a pit feature containing Hamps Landing ceramics dated to 1945 BC, suggesting that Hamps Landing ceramics were contemporaneous with Thorns Creek wares (Ward and Davis 1999). The dating of Hamps Landing wares remains controversial. The radiocarbon date obtained from the Topsail Island site was questioned even by the site archaeologists. Jones and his colleagues felt that the Hamps Landing wares were more similar to Hanover than to Thorns Creek ceramics (Jones et al. 1997). Hargrove (1993) has suggested that the stratigraphic position of the Hamps Landing ceramics at the Hamps Landing site falls within an Early to Middle Woodland transition period rather than into the Late Archaic period. Middle Woodland (300 BC -1000 AD). Sites dating to this period include small single house shell middens, more significant shell middens, and shell -less sites in the interior that vary in size and artifact density. Trinkley (1990) notes that the site types from Early Woodland continue into the Middle Woodland but with the addition of sand burial mounds. By this time, the bow and arrow had been introduced as reflected in the occurrence of small triangular points. Settlements became more permanent and sand burial mounds begin to occur in coastal regions. The low, sand burial mounds have been identified at several archaeological sites in the region. Estuarine resources made a significant contribution to the subsistence of Middle Woodland peoples, but whether the sites were permanent or seasonal is not clearly understood (Drucker and Jackson 1984; Espenshade and Brockington 1989; Trinkley 1976, 1980). Domestic plants also became a more important part of the diet (Ward and Davis 1999). The two ceramic series associated with the Middle Woodland in the southern coastal plain are the grog tempered Hanover wares and the sand tempered Cape Fear wares. Hanover wares are typically cord marked or fabric impressed (Ward and Davis 1999). Cape Fear ceramics have similar decorations, although South (1976) observed rare net impressing on these wares (Ward and Davis 1999). 14 Late Woodland (AD 1000 - 1450). Sand burials continued to be used during the Late Woodland with burials generally being secondary and bundled. Cremations or charred remains are common (Jones et al. 1997). House structures include both circular and rectangular outlines but it is unclear whether the two house styles indicate seasonal differences or the presence of Algonquin speakers in the area (Loftfield 1990; Mathis 1995). The Late Woodland in the southern Coastal Plain of North Carolina is characterized by the White Oak Phase. South (1976), working in Brunswick and New Hanover counties, described the "Oak Island" series as being shell tempered pottery that included cord marked, net impressed, fabric impressed, and plain surface treatments. Working near the White Oak River, South (1962) identified shell tempered fabric impressed sherds that he defined as White Oak fabric impressed. Loftfield (1976) expanded the definition of White Oak to include simple stamped and smoothed surfaces based on work conducted in Onslow and Carteret County. Few researchers, today, distinguish between South's "Oak Island" and Loftfield's "White Oak" ceramic series (Ward and Davis 1999). However, it is believed by some that many of the shell tempered Oak Island sherds identified by South (1976) are actually limestone tempered and part of the Early Woodland Hamps Landing series, and that the term White Oak should be used to define the shell tempered Oak Island ceramics (Ward and Davis 1999). Historic Overview After Colombus's venture to the New World, the Spanish, French, and English all made strong efforts to colonize and explore the land, including the areas that make up the Carolinas today. In 1524, Giovanni de Verrazzano explored the Carolina coast under the service of King Frances I of France. He anchored his ship, La Dauphine near Cape Fear and was probably the first European to land on Brunswick County soil. Two years later the Spaniard, Luis Vasquez de Ayllon, led an expedition to the same spot and moved further down the river where he made an unsuccessful attempt at a settlement. It was not until 1584 that more settlers returned, this time the English. Sir Walter Raleigh had been granted a charter by Queen Elizabeth to establish colonies in the New World. Many attempts failed, including the famous "lost colony" of Roanoke. He lost his charter, but a group of his former associates secured another, the Virginia charter, and went on to establish Jamestown in 1607, the first permanent settlement in the Americas (Powell 1989). The disastrous mismanagement and resulting loss of life in Virginia during the first two decades ofthe colony's existence resulted in the revocation of the Virginia Company's charter in 1624 (Noel Hume 1994). In 1663, King Charles II chartered the Province of Carolina to eight Lords Proprietors. Shortly after, in 1664, the province was divided into three precincts: Albemarle, Bath, and Clarendon (Corbitt 2000). The area that now represents Onslow County was in Bath, where settlers under the leadership of William Hilton from Massachusetts colonized as early as 1663 (Corbitt 2000). Tensions grew between the European settlers and the natives, and soon the Chowanoc War began in 1675. Natives were no match for colonists with firearms, and after a couple of years the Chowanoc were forced onto a reservation in Gates County (Ward and Davis 1999). Following the Chowanoc War, relations with the natives did not improve over time. The Lords Proprietors gave colonists permission to deal with the natives as they saw fit, and colonists continued to encroach upon native lands with little or no compensation. The open and illegal trade of Native American slaves compounded the problem. The Tuscaroras sought permission to move to Pennsylvania, but were denied when North Carolina failed to certify their past good behavior. Seeing no alternative, on September 22, 1711 the Tuscarora killed 130 colonists. The Tuscarora War lasted three and half years and 15 left 200 colonists and 1,000 Native Americans dead, and approximately 1,000 more sold into slavery (Ward and Davis 1999:274). Many Tuscarora were forced from their homes and placed on reservations or migrated to Pennsylvania and New York. The Tuscarora War effectively cleared the region of Native Americans, allowing for more European settlers to move into the area. One of the first towns founded in present day Onslow County was the town of Swansboro along the White Oak River. It had been called Weeks Wharf, Bogue, and New Town before being officially named Swansboro in 1746 (Anon 1950). In 1722, North Carolina became a royal colony. By that time, Bath County had been subdivided into precincts with present day Onslow County within the Carteret Precinct. In 1739, Bath County was dissolved and its precincts were instated as counties (Corbitt 2000). By 1734, so many people had moved into the region that it became necessary to form a new local government. Onslow County was formed as Onslow Precinct of Bath County from part of New Hanover County in 1734. It was bordered to the north by the White Oak River and contained the New River along with its major branches and creeks. The county was named after Arthur Onslow, a long established Speaker of the House of Commons in British Parliament (Corbitt 2000). The location of the courthouse was originally set at "the courthouse on New River" but was held in various locations, including private residences (Corbitt 2000:165). In 1741, the town of Johnston was established and the first publicly funded ferry was built to facilitate transportation between Johnston and the town of Whitehouse. When the courthouse was moved to Johnston in 1744, the ferry allowed for residents of the county to travel there to conduct business (Corbitt 2000). A large amount of the county's expenditures was used for public works, including the courthouse and jail (Watson 1995). In the 1740s, slaves made up only 15 percent of the population of Onslow County, but by the 1770s that number had jumped to 45 percent. However, only eight people are recorded as having more than ten slaves in 1771 (Watson 1995). Slaves were used for labor in the agricultural development of the county. While Indian corn and livestock were the predominant resources, people also grew peas, fruit, flax, cotton, and tobacco. Fishing and hunting were relied upon as well, and the forests of the region provided lumber, turpentine, tar, and pitch (Watson 1995). During the Revolutionary War in 1781, Earl Cornwallis wrote to General Clinton "North Carolina is, of all the provinces in North America, the most difficult to attack... on account of its great extent, of its numberless rivers and creeks, and the total want of interior navigation" (Carrington 1974). In spite of these setbacks the British did fight in North Carolina, though unsuccessfully. British commanders focused much of their strength on dividing the north and the south somewhere along the Virginia line, but they were hindered by the low number of Loyalist supporters in the area as well as their minimal knowledge ofthe land. Two large battles were won along the North Carolina /South Carolina border that helped turn the tide toward eventual American victory. The October 7, 1780 Battle of Kings Mountain was an enormous victory of Patriots over Loyalists that caused Cornwallis to withdraw out of North Carolina back into South Carolina (Cleveland County Government [CCG] 2005). Not long after, at Cowpens, on January 17, 1781, the Americans defeated the British again under the command of Daniel Morgan. Nine months later Cornwallis surrendered to Washington in Yorktown, Virginia (National Park Service [NPS] 2005). Most of Onslow County was spared from any battles during the Revolution, although in 1781 the county was raided for supplies by British troops under the direction of Major James Craig (Brown 1960). 16 In 1787, the port district of Swansboro was established, complimenting the existing districts of Brunswick (Wilmington), Beaufort, Bath, Roanoke, and Currituck. Trade through Port Swansboro was relatively insignificant. Twenty -two vessels, mostly small sloops and schooners, entered the port from July 1, 1789 to March 10, 1790. Trade beyond the state boundaries was mainly linked to South Carolina, but a few vessels arrived from the West Indies and New England (Watson 1995:55). Improvements to river transportation were undertaken in 1800 when the White Oak River was divided into districts, and in 1810 Swansboro commissioners were vested with the power to remove obstructions which might impede the movement of vessels along the river (Watson 1995). Richlands Plantation, located in the northwest portion of Onslow County east of the present town of Richlands, was one of the largest naval stores producers in the region during the nineteenth century. Richlands plantation was owned by John Avirett. Having been in the county since pre - Revolutionary War times, the Aviretts became one of Onslow County's most prominent antebellum landholding families. Most of what we know about the plantation was recorded by John Avirett's his son, James B. Avirett (1901; Polson and Brown 1989; Watson 1995). John Avirett was born in 1797 in Onslow County. His father, also named John Avirett, hosted George Washington on his southern tour (Cecelski 2000). Avirett was involved in local politics. He served as the Justice of the Peace for Onslow County and was on the Council of State. By 1850 John Avirett was the second wealthiest man in Onslow County (Watson 1995). James B. Avirett was born in 1837 and grew up on Richlands Plantation. At its height, John Avirett owned 2,500 arable acres and 20,060 acres of timberland near the New River ( Polson and Brown 1989; Watson 1995) with the turpentine orchard stretching from the New River to White Oak pocosin (Cecelski 2000). In 1850, his land was worth an estimated $25,000. In addition, he owned 125 slaves, two turpentine distilleries (including one steam distillery), and several cooperage shops. His cooperage shops produced the barrels for the turpentine at a rate of 42 barrels per cooper per week. Annual income for the plantation was approximately $60,000. Turpentine production totaled 30,000 barrels a year. Crops grown on the arable land included tobacco, sorghum, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, and corn. Limestone and marl, which was abundant in the area, was used in the agricultural fields to improve the yield. Small amounts of rice were grown along the river banks ( Avirett 1901). Many plantation owners used white overseers to supervise the work of the slaves. However, Avirett believed that white overseers were not to be trusted. Instead, Avirett used a black foreman named "Uncle Phillip." There were also subordinate foremen, who were in charge of individual activities including hoeing, ditching, boxing, turpentine production, and grist milling ( Avirett 1901). Avirett (190 1) noted that the turpentine plantations could not be insured as the timber as well as their products (e.g., turpentine, rosin, tar), were all combustible. To help alleviate the potential for disaster, approximately 20 white families lived throughout the pine lands. They lived in cabins, rent free, in return for providing necessary services. Foremost was the suppression of fire. Each family was required to extinguish fires, mostly begun by lightning strikes, before they got out of hand. Other families were to be called for help if the fire became too big for one family to control. These families were also in charge of salting and caring for the cattle and sheep. Sheep were penned up every night to be protected from dogs, wildcats, and bears. The families also attended to the honey bees on the plantation. They collected the honey when it got cold and delivered it to the main house for their use. Lastly, as part of the contract, the men were to work on the estate's road system. Most of the families provided for themselves. The men hunted and fished during the day, and the 17 women tended to garden plots. The Richlands Plantation did serve as a market for game, poultry, and berries collected by these families ( Avirett 1901). Captain Otway Burns is another renowned Onslow County native, born near Swansboro. He served as a privateer in command of the Snap Dragon during the War of 1812. Burns had been a sailing master before the war, trading between New Bern and Portland, Maine. The Snap Dragon had three successful voyages under Burns, before it was lost to the British under another captain's command. In 1818, Burns also built and financed the Prometheus, the first steamboat built in North Carolina (Watson 1995). Jacksonville was authorized as the county seat in 1842, but it was not laid out until after 1849. During the middle 1800s, the need for improved transportation saw the establishment of numerous plank road construction companies, including the Jacksonville and Trent River Plank Road Company in 1852, and the Richlands and New River Plank Road Company in 1855. Ultimately, attempts to connect Onslow County with markets in Wilmington and New Bern by plank roads were not successful (Watson 1995). During the Antebellum period, rice and cotton became increasingly important crops. The number of slaves in the county rose from 174 in 1790 to 3,499 in 1860. Livestock populations increased. Swansboro became a prominent center for ship and steamboat production (Watson 1995). Turpentine production also increased in the county. However, some planters (including Avirett) sold off their land, likely due to the mass destruction and deforestation caused by the collecting of pine products. In fact, Cecelski (2000) suggests that the entire North Carolina naval stores industry was affected by the self - destructive force ofthe turpentine boom of the 1840s and 1850s. They often collected only the first season's pine sap because it brought the highest price. Pines only lived about six years after being boxed, which resulted in thousands of acres of dying forests. North Carolina saw much more fighting on its own soil during the Civil War than it had during the Revolutionary War. The fall ofNew Bern in 1862 alarmed the North Carolinians who responded by initiating military training camps all over the state (Trotter 1989). Onslow County supplied five infantry and two cavalry companies to the confederacy equaling nearly one fifth of the county's population. The residents of the county suffered as there were repeated assaults to their saltworks and the general problems of poverty and hunger in the region (Watson 1995). After the Civil War, the South was divided into five military districts with a general commander to help organize elections and the rebuilding of government. The Carolinas were overseen by Major General Daniel Sickles. All of the Southern states were required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment, which gave citizenship and civil liberties to freed blacks, and allowed universal suffrage before they could rejoin the Union (Powell 1989). North Carolina reentered the Union in 1868. Local economies in most of the southern states were devastated after the Civil War due to the loss of slave labor and damage to property and fields. Few farmers had the money to pay for field labor and many had to sell their land (York 1992). Farm size also began to decline during this time period as tenancy increased (Piehl 1979). The tenant farmer system led to economic and social problems in the region, and many African American laborers could afford to migrate to other parts of the county. This migration began at the end ofthe 1870s and continued through the 1890s (Watson 1979). The population of Onslow County dropped from 8,856 to 7,569 during this time (U.S. Census 1870 - 1890). Shipbuilding declined and crop and livestock production failed. The construction of railroad lines through the county connecting Swansboro with New Bern and Wilmington allowed for increased mercantilism between the towns (Watson 1995). During the late 1800s, 18 maritime trade centered on White Oak River and Swansboro. Naval stores, cotton, peanuts, lumber and fish were common exports (Watson 1995). The outbreak of World War II and the establishment of Camp Lejeune brought about the most important change in Onslow County during the twentieth century. Camp Lejeune became operational in 1941. The construction ofthe base changed the demographics ofthe county as increasing numbers of single men and young families moved into the area. However, it also disrupted local life, as 720 families (2,400 people) were left homeless when their homes and/or land were taken by the government for the base construction. It took an average of two years between the time residents were evicted and they were paid some form of compensation for the loss of their property (Watson 1995). Camp Lejeune grew to be the largest Marine Corps training base in the country, covering 151,000 acres, almost 30 percent of the county's land. Today, Onslow County has more than 150,000 residents. It encompasses 900 square miles, with about 15 percent being open water. Jacksonville has become increasingly urbanized and Swansboro has grown as the lumber industry has become more profitable there (OCO 2006). Agriculture and fishing are still large industries in the county, although retail sales have now become the largest driving force in local economy (Greater Topsail Area Chamber of Commerce [GTACC] 2004). History of the Project Tract The project area falls within the large land holdings of members of the Dudley family. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this family was influential in the area. According to census data, Christopher Dudley, Esquire was in North Carolina as early as 1717. His son, Christopher, accumulated thousands of acres in the project vicinity through 1799. In 1790, Christopher (junior) owned 17 slaves; his slave holdings increased to 60 by 1800. Thomas Dudley acquired 3,300 acres between 1729 and 1785. In 1790, he is shown as owning nine slaves in the first North Carolina census. In 1800, he owned only six slaves, and owned only four in 1810. Edward Bishop Dudley was born in 1789 in the project vicinity. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Onslow Regiment of Volunteers who were charged with protecting Wilmington during the War of 1812. He was instrumental in the formation and success of the Whig party in North Carolina on to become the first governor of the state elected by popular vote. He served as governor from 1836 to 1841 (Hill 2007). He also organized the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, which was the longest continuous rail line in the world at the time of its completion in 1840 at 161 miles (Gilbert and Jefferies 1969). Edward Dudley owned tens of thousands of acres of land in the county. The 1830 Federal Census lists him as owning 159 slaves. On the 1850 census, he is listed as a farmer owning 20,000 acres and 140 slaves ranging in age from 2 months to 95 years. This same record shows his son, Robert, living in his household. Robert is also listed as a farmer. After Edward's death in 1855, his son, Robert, began selling off the land holdings. The 1860 Federal Census shows Robert's real estate valued at $4,000, although the value of his personal estate exceeded $15,000. There are few records for the white Dudleys in the project area after 1860; however, a large number of black Dudleys are shown in the federal census from 1870 into the twentieth century, some of whom may have been slaves of the Dudley family who remained in the area after their emancipation. There are gaps in the ownership records for the project area; however, in 1942 it was owned by the John L. Roper Lumber Company. Captain John L. Roper, a Virginian, began this company following the Civil War and specialized in North Carolina pine. Captain Roper retired in 1905, but the Roper Lumber Company 19 continued operation throughout the eastern seaboard. In 1942, the project area property was transferred to the North Carolina Pulp Company. The North Carolina Pulp Company was established in 1937 and merged with Weyerhauser in 1957 (Lilly 2012). Weyerhauser held the property until the mid 1980s when it was purchased by John Koenig. From that time on, title to the property has passed through a number of entities including Woodland Developers, LLC, and the Westminster Company. It is presently owned by Mr. Koenig, who is the developer of the Williamsburg Plantation subdivision. 20 Chapter 3. Results of Investigation Background Research Results A review of the archaeological site files was conducted at the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) in Raleigh prior to the initiation of field investigations. Only one archaeological investigation has been conducted in the project area. This investigation was a survey of the proposed Western Blvd. Extension corridor which comes into close proximity to the project tracts. This survey was conducted in 1979. It did not identify any archaeological resources in the project area (Coats 1979). No archaeological resources had been recorded within the tract boundaries prior to our investigation. Field Investigation Results Approximately 314 acres of the Williamsburg Plantation Expansion tracts were slated for archaeological survey. Shovel tests were excavated at 30 meter intervals along parallel transects spaced 30 meters apart. Shovel test soil profiles varied throughout the tracts depending on the specific environmental setting. However, most soil profiles exhibited 10 to 20 cm of grayish brown sand overlaying brown or yellowish brown sandy loam to a depth of 50 to 60 cm. Yellow or red sandy clay subsoil was typically encountered below that depth. Eleven archaeological sites were recorded during this investigation. Each is discussed individually below. Fifteen isolated finds were also recorded and are discussed as a group following the archaeological site discussion. Figure 8 shows the location of all recorded archaeological resources. Archaeological Sites Site 31ON1831 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Topographic Setting: Upland flat Component(s): Woodland Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods UTMs (NAD27): 3853141 N 275442 E NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 31 ON 1831 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located at the northern end of the project area (Figure 8). The site is situated on an upland flat. Although the site area is relatively level, the landform slopes down steeply to the east to an intermittent stream. A woods trail is present west of the site. The site vicinity is characterized by a mixed pine and hardwood forest. Site dimensions measure 30 by 15 meters based on the distribution of positive shovel tests and the edge of the landform (Figure 9). Typical soil profiles in the site vicinity consisted of 25 cm of dark grayish brown sandy loam overlaying grayish brown sandy loam to a depth of 60 cm. Pale brown sandy loam was present between 60 and 100+ cm below the ground surface. 21 r►� 11 fir` _ '•r. _ f'f •f `• \. 310NIS31 310N1843 M 310N1842'f �i• s:. j� 81ON1832 i ��+ ^. ^ 4 �7 ` JP ,w• ^�� „ 1 _ ` r 11v —,mil � ' 34 310N1854 Fri Of 1 ~� 310N1845 �. 310Ni$34 •� ' `_ 310N1851 L p 310N1844 31ON1846 31ON1852 31ON1836 u L 1^ l• t... - 31ON1849 41 rl► 31ON1853 4 rde` 3ION1838 yx / r 310N7837 meth . —' '22 310N1850 310N184 P 31gN1835 31gN184B IT �OK�A" k 31ON1841 31ON1833 L•' iJ r. Williamsburg Plantation Survey _ - Project Parcels N Archaeological site wF ' - Isolated Find 8 0 300 (W %.0 Figure 8. Map showing the Williamsburg Expansion tracts and identified archaeological resources (1997 Jacksonville North, NC USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle). 22 31ON1831 N wH Site Plan S ❑ Negative Shovel Test • Positive Shovel Test a 15 30 meters Site Dimensions: 30 x 15 meters Total Shovel Tests: 11 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 2 sub. Datum: N500 E500 Figure 9. Plan map of site 3ION1831. Woods Trail 1 /f 0 ///;74 ❑ , ❑ r 1J a a / �r � 2.1 11 �. 1 Site Boundary s ❑ i (Pines and Hardwoods � �J r Intermittent Stream Artifacts recovered from 3 ION 1831 consist of one metavolcanic flake and two cord marked body sherds with fine /medium sand temper. The ceramic sherds could not be identified by type and can only be dated to the general Woodland Period. The flake is not culturally diagnostic. Site 3 ION 1831 is a very small scatter of prehistoric artifacts. Despite the presence of diagnostic artifacts, no cultural features or organic remains were identified. The small size of the site does not allow for the identification of activity areas. This site will not add significantly to our understanding of the Middle Woodland Period in the project area and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 23 Site 31ON1832 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Component(s): Middle Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3852425 N 275420 E Topographic Setting: Upland flat Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 3ION1832 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located in the northern portion of the project area (see Figure 8). The site is situated at the edge of an upland flat. Steep down slope leading to an unnamed drainage is located south of the site. A trail extends through the site from north to south, before turning west at the southern end of the site. The surrounding forest contains a mix of pines and hardwoods. The distribution of positive shovel tests forms site boundaries measuring 75 by 30 meters (Figure 10). Soil profiles from positive shovel tests typically exhibited 15 to 30 cm of brown sandy loam overlaying yellow brown sandy loam to a depth of 80 cm. Reddish yellow sandy clay was present below that depth. In some areas, the soil was much shallower with reddish yellow clay present at 40 cm below the surface. Nine artifacts were recovered from this site (Table 4). These artifacts include seven flakes /flake fragments and two ceramic sherds. The flakes /flake fragments are made of metavolcanic and quartz. One sherd is a Hanover cord marked sherd with grog temper and is generally associated with the Middle Woodland Period. The residual sherds and lithics are not diagnostic of any particular cultural period. Artifacts were recovered from depths of up to 70 cm. However, six of nine artifacts were recovered within 30 cm of the ground surface, including the ceramics. Table 4. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 3ION1832. Artifact Count Comments Ceramics cord marked sherd, grog temper 1 Hanover; Middle Woodland residual sherd 1 possibly Hanover Lithics metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 4 quartz flake /flake fragment 3 all with cortex Site 31ON1832 is a Middle Woodland artifact scatter. Organic remains and cultural features were not identified at the site. Logging and cultivation ofthe project area has disturbed the site deposits, particularly those deposits within 30 cm of the ground surface. This site is not likely to contain well - preserved, intact deposits. Site 31ON1832 has no further research potential and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 24 v a A a ° Site Boundary ° fit v � v 0 31 v c c , 21 1 Pines and v 1 Hardwoods o ' Figure 10. Plan map of site 31ON1832. v 31 ON 1832 W' t Site Plan s o Negative Shovel Test • Positive Shovel Test 0 15 :30 +ricrrrs P Site Dimensions: 75 x 30 meters Total shovel Tests: 31 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 7 sub. ❑ Datum: N500 E500 i A v Site 31ON1833 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter; Historic artifact scatter Topographic Setting: Upland flat Component(s): Early -Late Woodland, Unknown Historic Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods UTMs (NAD27): 3850201 N 375345 E NRHP Recommendation: Unassessed Site 31ON1833 is a prehistoric artifact scatter with a few intrusive pieces of historic material. It is located at the southern end of the survey area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on a upland adjacent to a wetland associated with the New River and one of its unnamed tributaries. A trail extends from north to south along the western edge ofthe landform and along the western site boundary. Pines and hardwoods characterize the surrounding forest. Positive shovel tests and the wetland were used to define site boundaries measuring 210 by 120 meters (Figure 11). Soil profiles typically exhibited 20 cm of dark gray sandy loam overlaying brown sand to a depth of 35 cm. Yellowish brown sand was present to a depth of 75 to 100 cm. 25 p N f 31ON1833 zlh, Site Plan o Negative Shovel Test Law /Wet _ • Positive Shovel Test I 0 1g 3D I 351 � _ mnMs I p r ■ Site Dimensions. 210 x 120 meters Total Shovel Tests: 100 331 r Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 35 sub. a ❑Datum: N500 E500 I I J ° U 31A 0 r' a 311 • J 0 za.1 � ■ j I 29.1 c 4 ❑ I+ f • 26.1 , I I 27.1 � 25.1 ° 1 24.1 a f ■ a I 23.1 ■ ' 0 ■ 21.1 4 0 19 an 6 m1 ❑ Pines ti .1 Hardwoods � Low /Wet Trail' i ■ 7 a 1 1 17.1 D ■ ■ 16.1 a 11.1 • 1 p 13.1 i ° f J 0 , ij • ,o, ' D 0 A a { ' S, ❑ , 4.1 t 1Q o x , i I ° �4 1A a ""'Site Boundary � 0 �owlwet Figure 11. Plan map of site 31ON1833. 26 The historic assemblage includes five pieces of clear bottle glass. All were recovered from a single shovel test (Provenience 9.1) in close proximity to the trail. These artifacts are likely intrusive and are related to prior land use activities (i.e., logging, cultivation, hunting) at the site. A total of 115 prehistoric artifacts were recovered from 31ON1833 (Table 5). These included 80 ceramic sherds and 35 lithic artifacts. Identified surface treatments include fabric impressing and cord marking. Tempering agents identified include sand (fine to very coarse grain size), limestone, grog (crushed ceramic), and shell. Diagnostic ceramics consist of Early Woodland Hamp's Landing (limestone tempered), Middle Woodland Hanover (grog tempered), and Late Woodland White Oak (shell tempered) wares. It was not possible to definitively type the sand tempered sherds, so they can only be dated to the general Woodland Period. Table 5. Summary of Prehistoric Artifacts Recovered from 31 ON] 933 Artifact Count Comments Ceramics fabric impressed, very coarse sand/granular temper 1 Woodland cord marked, very coarse sand temper 1 Woodland fabric impressed, fine sand temper 1 Woodland fabric impressed, limestone temper 1 Hamp's Landing; Early Woodland fabric impressed, coarse sand and grog 6 Hanover; Middle Woodland fabric impressed, grog temper 33 Hanover; Middle Woodland cord marked, grog temper 3 Hanover; Middle Woodland unidentified decoration, grog temper 7 Hanover; Middle Woodland unidentified decoration, shell temper 1 White Oak, Late Woodland residual sherd 26 Woodland Lithics metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 5 all fine grained Rhyolite quartz flake /flake fragment 24 15 with cortex quartz pebble 1 possibly heat treated; tool or FCR? chert flake /flake fragment 5 1 with cortex and heat treated Hanover is the most common ceramic type and is scattered throughout the site, indicating extensive use of the landform during the Middle Woodland Period. The Hamp's Landing sherd was recovered from the central portion of the site (Provenience 19.1). The Late Woodland White Oak sherd was recovered from Provenience 30.1 near the northern end of the site. The low frequency of Early and Late Woodland artifacts suggests that these occupations were ephemeral. The Early Woodland Hamp's Landing and Middle Woodland Hanover sherds were recovered between 0 and 30 cm below the surface. The Late Woodland White Oak was recovered between 0 and 20 cm below surface. The difference in depths between the earlier and later artifacts suggests that the site may retain some level of stratigraphic integrity. 27 The lithic assemblage is composed of 34 flakes /flake fragments and one quartz pebble. Lithic raw materials include metavolcanic, chert and quartz. None of these artifacts can be attributed to a particular cultural period. There are no distinctive concentrations of lithic artifacts or raw materials at the site. Most of the artifacts (ceramics and lithics) were recovered within 40 cm of the ground surface. However, deposits extended to depths approaching 70 cm. In some instances (Proveniences 2.1/2, 13. 1, and 27. 1), a distinct stratigraphic break between artifacts was observed, indicating deep deposits and possible stratigraphically (and temporally) distinct occupations. These deep deposits may indicate a possible, as yet unrecognized, Archaic component. Site 31ON1833 is a large scatter of prehistoric artifacts dating to the Early through Late Woodland Periods with a minor historic component. The historic component is minimal, likely intrusive, and has no further research potential. The prehistoric component contains several diagnostic ceramics. Specific loci for the Early and Late Woodland Period occupations may be identified by the distribution ofthe Hamp's Landing and White Oak ceramics. The site also appears to retain some stratigraphic integrity based on the depths of the ceramic and lithic deposits. Although no cultural features were identified during the survey, there appears to be little observable disturbance to the site, and the potential for identifying intact cultural deposits (i.e., features) is good. 31ON1833 has the potential to yield important data pertaining to the ceramic chronology, lithic reduction strategies, and settlement patterns of Woodland Period peoples. Additional work is necessary to fully determine the research potential of this site. Therefore, we recommend 31ON1833 be considered unassessed with respect to NRHP criteria pending further investigation. Site 31ON1834 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Topographic Setting: Ridge toe Component(s): Woodland Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods UTMs (NAD27): 3851334 N 276112 E NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 31 ON 1834 is a prehistoric lithic scatter located in the east - central portion of the project area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on a narrow, relatively level ridge toe. A steep down slope toward an unnamed tributary of the New River is present east of the site deposits. Steep ridge side slope is present north and south of the deposits. An existing sewer line corridor bounds the site on the east. A mixed pine and hardwood forest characterizes the site vicinity. Site dimensions measuring 15 by 75 meters were established based on the distribution of positive shovel test and the landform (Figure 12). Typical soil profiles in the site vicinity consisted of 20 cm of grayish brown sandy loam overlaying yellowish brown sandy loam to a depth of 30 cm. Mottled sandy clay subsoil was present below 30 cm. Excavations at 31ON1834 yielded two quartz flakes /flake fragments, one quartz projectile point fragment, and one residual sherd. The residual sherd can be placed within the broad Woodland Period, but none of the artifacts can be attributed to a specific subperiod. Site 3ION1834 is a Woodland artifact scatter. No diagnostic artifacts, organic remains, or cultural features were identified at the site. The site has been adversely impacted by logging and cultivation and is not likely to contain well - preserved, intact cultural deposits. 31ON1834 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 28 31ON1834 Site Plan 5 o Negative Shovel Test ■ Positive Shovel Test n ig 30 Site Dimensions: 15 x 75 meters Total Shovel Tests: 24 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 4 sub. ❑Datum: N500 E500 0 0 0 Site Boundary.. ~ ~ b O ° 1 1 Y� ❑ S�1 HP� 7Q i V J Pines and Hardwoods 1 -` �J 0 0 ° A Treeline Figure 12. Plan map of site 310N1834. Site 31ON1835 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Topographic Setting: Upland flat Component(s): Woodland Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods UTMs (NAD27): 3850428 N 275305 E NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 310N1835 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located in the southern portion of the project tract, approximately 120 meters north of 31ON1833 (see Figure 8). This site is situated on the edge of an upland flat and extends slightly down the side slope which slopes down to the west toward a marsh associated with the New River. Mixed pine and hardwood forest characterizes the site vicinity. Positive shovel tests at the site form boundaries measuring 45 by 15 meters (Figure 13). Shovel test soil profiles exhibited 10 cm of very dark gray sandy loam overlaying brown sandy loam to a depth of 30 cm. Yellowish brown sandy loam was present between 30 and 50 cm, below which pale brown sandy loam was encountered. 29 y 31 ❑N 1835 W L Site Plan 5 a Negative Shovel Test * Positive Shovel Test o 15 30 �neiers Site Dimensions: 45 x 15 meters Total Shovel Tests: 16 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 2 sub. ❑ Datum: N500 E500 Figure 13. Plan map of site 310N1835. D D a � 1 � 0 70 � o Site Boundary a 0 Pines and Hardwoods o f� Artifacts recovered from site 3ION1835 consist of one metavolcanic flake /flake fragment and two ceramic sherds. Surface treatments include fabric impressed and an unidentified decoration. Both sherds are sand tempered. Neither sherd has characteristics distinctive of a particular ceramic type. They can only be associated with the general Woodland Period. The ceramics were recovered within 15 cm of the ground surface. The flake was recovered between 20 and 40 cm below the surface. Site 310N1835 yielded an extremely small artifact assemblage. No diagnostic artifacts, cultural features, or organic remains were identified. The cultural deposits are shallow and have been disturbed by logging and agricultural activities. This site will not contribute new or significant data pertaining to the Woodland Period. Site 31ON1835 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 30 Site 31ON1836 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Component(s): Middle Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3850995 N 274982 E Topographic Setting: Ridge nose Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 3ION1836 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located in the west - central portion of the survey area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on a ridge nose that slopes down to the southwest. Steeper ridge side slopes are present northwest and southeast ofthe site. The surrounding forest contains a mix of pines and hardwoods. Dimensions of the site measure 120 by 30 meters (Figure 14). These boundaries were determined based on the distribution of positive shovel tests and the landform. Soil profiles consisted of 15 cm of grayish brown sandy loam overlaying brown sandy loam to a depth of 35 cm. Yellowish brown sandy loam, grading to pale brown, was present below 35 cm and extended to depths greater than 75 cm below surface. A total of 25 artifacts were collected from this site (Table 6). They include 14 ceramic sherds, one piece of fired clay, and 10 flakes /flake fragments. The ceramics include both rim and body sherds. Fabric impressed, net impressed, and cord marked account for the identifiable surface treatments. Tempering agents include various grain sizes of sand and grog. Middle Woodland Hanover (grog tempered) ceramics are the only diagnostic wares in the assemblage. The sand tempered wares could not be identified by type. The lithic assemblage consists of non - diagnostic debitage. Lithic raw materials include quartz and metavolcanics. Table 6. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 3 ION 1836. Artifact Count Comments Ceramics fabric impressed, fine /medium sand temper 1 Woodland fabric impressed, medium sand temper 1 Woodland net impressed, coarse /very coarse sand temper 1 Woodland cord marked, grog temper 2 Hanover, Middle Woodland net impressed, grog temper 1 Hanover; Middle Woodland unidentified decoration, very coarse sand temper 1 Woodland residual sherd 7 Woodland fired clay 1 Lithics metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 3 quartz flake /flake fragment 7 31 31 ON1836 Site Plan s P ❑ Negative Shovel Test ■ Positive Shovel Test 0 15 30 melnrs Site dimensions: 120 x 30 meters Total Shovel Tests: 39 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations; 10 sub. ❑ Datum: N500 E500 0 ■ o 10 0 4.1 ,O L ■ I' - -- -Site BoundaryO 8.1 ,0 ' 6,1 ' O 0 I ' q C■ 41 1 0 , Pines and 5.1 / Hardwood 3.7 r ❑ 4 ° I p O Figure 14. Plan map of site 310N1836. 32 l The distribution of the artifacts do not show any apparent patterns. The ceramics are evenly distributed throughout the site. The lithics are also relatively evenly distributed, although three of the four shovel tests that yielded lithic artifacts are located in the central and northern portions of the site. Artifacts were typically recovered within 30 cm of the ground surface. The two exceptions are Proveniences 3.1 and 4.1 which had deposits extending to 40 and 50 cm, respectively. Site 31ON1838 is a Middle Woodland artifact scatter. The site has been disturbed by logging and agricultural activities. The deposits are relatively shallow, increasing their likelihood of being disturbed and mixed. The potential for identifying well - preserved, intact deposits (i.e., cultural features) and stratigraphically distinct occupations is low. Specific activity areas were also not discernable from the artifact distributions. This site has no further research potential and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Site 31ON1837 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Component(s): Middle Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3850948 N 275640 E Topographic Setting: Upland flat Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 3ION1837 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located in the east - central portion of the project area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on an upland flat. There is virtually no topographic relief in the immediate site vicinity. An old logging road/trail is located approximately 45 to 60 meters southwest ofthe site. A mixed pine and hardwood forest characterizes the site vicinity. The distribution of positive shovel tests forms site boundaries measuring 60 by 60 meters (Figure 15). Typical shovel test soil profiles consisted of 10 cm of dark gray sandy loam overlaying grayish brown sandy loam to a depth of 30 cm. Yellowish brown sandy loam, grading to pale brown/white sand, was present between 40 and 70+ cm below surface. A total of 11 artifacts were recovered from 31ON1837 (Table 7). They include lithic debitage and prehistoric ceramics. The lithic assemblage includes quartz and metavolcanic flakes /flake fragments and one piece of shatter. The ceramic assemblage consists of six sherds. Cord marking and simple stamping account for the identified surface treatments. Two of the sherds are diagnostic Hanover wares. One has an unidentified decoration, and one is cord marked. Hanover wares are typically associated with the Middle Woodland Period. The remaining sherds could not be specifically identified to type. The majority of the artifacts were recovered within 30 cm of the surface, although deposits did extend up to 60 cm in some areas. Artifacts are widely dispersed, and their distribution does not show any particular pattern. Site 3 ION 1837 is a Middle Woodland artifact scatter. The site has low artifact density, and the artifact assemblage is limited. The site deposits have been disturbed by logging and cultivation leaving little potential for the presence of intact cultural deposits. Site 31 ON1837 will not yield significant data pertaining to the Middle Woodland period and is recommend not eligible for the NRHP. 33 a Site Boundary ..-I R.1 � 0 / \a:i °r o , • •' ° � 1° ° \ / f o Pines and Hardwoods ° r 0 0 Figure 15. Plan map of site 310N1837. Tahle 7. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 31 ON] 837 ° 31 ON1837 Site Plan ° Negative Shovel Test ■ Positive Shovel Test n 15 30 - N- Site Dimensions: 60 x 60 meters Total Shovel Tests: 32 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 6 sub. Q Datum. N500 E500 ° n Artifact Count Comments Ceramics cord marked, fine sand temper 1 Woodland cord marked, grog temper 1 Hanover; Middle Woodland unidentified decoration, grog temper 1 Hanover; Middle Woodland residual sherd 3 1 simple stamped Lithics metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 3 quartz flake /flake fragment 1 with cortex quartz shatter 1 with cortex, possible core fragment 34 Site 31ON1838 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Component(s): Early Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3850975 N 275721 E Topographic Setting: Upland flat Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 31 ON 183 8 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located approximately 60 meters east of site 31 ON 1837 (see Figure 8). The site is situated at the edge of an upland flat. Steep side slope is present north of the site. At the bottom of the side slope is a small intermittent drainage. Pines and hardwoods characterize the surrounding forest. Push piles extend through the site. A large, shallow depression is present at the southern end of the site. Site dimensions measure 56 by 60 meters based upon the distribution of positive shovel tests and the landform (Figure 16). Typical soil profiles observed at the site consisted of 15 cm of dark gray sandy loam overlaying yellow or pale brown sandy loam to a depth of 40 cm. Pale brown clay loam was present below 40 cm. Positive shovel tests yielded nine artifacts (Table 8). The assemblage includes four ceramics and five non - diagnostic quartz flakes /flake fragments. The ceramics exhibited fabric impressed and cord marked surface treatments. One sherd has an unidentifiable decoration. Identified tempering agents include limestone and sand. The limestone tempered sherds are Hamp's Landing dating to the Early Woodland Period. The sand tempered sherds could not be identified to type. All artifacts were recovered within 40 cm of the ground surface. Table 8. Summary of Artifacts Recovered from 3 ION 1838. Artifact Count Comments Ceramics fabric impressed, fine sand temper 1 Woodland fabric impressed, limestone tempered 1 Hamp's Landing; Early Woodland unidentified decoration, limestone tempered 1 Hamp's Landing; Early Woodland cord marked, medium sand temper 1 Woodland Lithics quartz flake /flake fragment 5 all with cortex Site 31ON1838 is a scatter of ceramics and lithics dating from the Early Woodland Period. The site deposits are shallow and have been disturbed by logging and cultivation. Additional disturbance is indicated by the push piles and depression. This site deposits will not yield significant data pertaining to the Early Woodland Period and have no further research potential. Site 31 ON1838 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 35 Pines and Hardwoods O 310N1$38 �` e Site Plan o Negative Shovel Test ■ Positive Shovel Test %Push Pile C,'3Depression n 15 sa Site Dimensions: 45 x 60 meters Total Shovel Tests: 21 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 5 sub. ❑Datum: N500 E500 ■ 3�i • a 4.1 l _ �a 0 1 V -Site Boundary J _ a 0 0 Figure 16. Plan map of site 3ION1838. Site 31ON1839 Site Type: Prehistoric artifact scatter Topographic Setting: Bluff Component(s): Middle Woodland Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods UTMs (NAD27): 3851048 N 276088 E NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible IV Site 3ION1839 is a prehistoric artifact scatter located along the eastern boundary of the project area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on a bluff edge overlooking an unnamed tributary of the New River. Steep slope leading down to the unnamed creek borders the site on the east. The site is surrounded by mixed pine and hardwood forest. The distribution of positive shovel tests forms site boundaries measuring 20 by 60 meters (Figure 17). Soil profiles exhibited 30 cm of dark grayish brown sandy loam overlaying yellowish brown sandy loam. Yellow sandy clay was present below 60 cm. 36 O a E Site Boundary ❑ X 3r .1 III a ❑ a , Pines and / Hardwoods tJ r a L 1.1 0 Figure 17. Plan map of site 31ON1839. 31ON1839 � Site Plan W `' x ❑ Negative Shovel Test • Positive Shovel Test ❑ 15 30 meters Site Dimensions: 20 x 60 meters Totat Shovel Tests: 14 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 3 sub. A Datum: N500 E500 Artifacts recovered from 31ON1839 include one grog tempered sherd with an unidentifiable decoration, two residual sherds, one quartz cobble fragment, and three metavolcanic flakes /flake fragments. The grog tempered sherd and one of the residual sherds are Hanover wares and date to the Middle Woodland. Artifacts were typically recovered within 30 cm of the ground surface. Site 31 ON 1839 is a scatter of Middle Woodland artifacts. The artifact assemblage is limited and has been disturbed by past logging and cultivation. The potential for identifying intact cultural features is low. This site does not retain sufficient data to address pertinent research questions pertaining to the Middle Woodland Period. Therefore, 31ON1839 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 37 Site 31ON1840 Site Type: Prehistoric ceramic scatter Component(s): Middle Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3850557 N 275470 E Topographic Setting: Ridge toe Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 3ION1840 is a prehistoric ceramic site located in the southern portion of the project area (see Figure 8). The site is situated on a ridge toe that slopes down to the south. An unnamed creek is located at the bottom of the landform. Pines and hardwoods characterize the site vicinity. Site boundaries measuring 15 by 15 meters were established based on a single positive shovel test (Figure 18). Soil profiles exhibited 10 cm of dark grayish brown sandy loam overlaying yellow sandy loam to a depth of 50 cm. Yellow sandy clay was present below 50 cm. t Pines and N q Hardwoods 31 ON 1840 �J Site Plan g o o Negative Shovel Test Site Boundary ■ Positive Shovel Test / 1 n 15 3o meters --- ONEENEEMn 1111 v r Q o v Site Dimensions: 15 x 15 meters Total Shovel Tests: 7 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact locations: 1 sub. t A Datum: N500 E500 0 ■ Figure 18. Plan map of site 31 ON 1840. Site 31 ON 1840 yielded three Hanover Fabric Impressed sherds, two of which mend. This would date the site occupation to the Middle Woodland period. The artifacts were recovered between 0 and 20 cm below surface. Site 31 ON 1840 is a small site consisting of Middle Woodland Hanover sherds. The site deposits are minimal and have been disturbed by past land -use activities. No lithic artifacts, organic remains, or cultural features were identified. The site will not contribute significantly to our understanding ofthe Middle Woodland Period and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. 38 Site 31ON1841 Site Type: Prehistoric ceramic scatter Component(s): Middle Woodland UTMs (NAD27): 3850466 N 275413 E Topographic Setting: Ridge top Vegetation: Mixed pines and hardwoods NRHP Recommendation: Ineligible Site 3 ION 1841 is a prehistoric ceramic scatter located approximately 90 meters southwest of site 31 ON 1840 (see Figure 8). The site is situated at the edge of a relatively level ridge. Steep ridge side slope leading down to an unnamed creek borders the site on the east. The surrounding forest contains a mix of pines and hardwoods. Site boundaries measure 60 by 15 meters (Figure 19). These dimensions were based on the distribution of positive shovel tests. Soil profiles consisted of 20 cm of grayish brown sandy loam overlaying brown sandy loam to a depth of 40 cm. Pale yellow sandy clay was present below 40 cm. a 31 ON 18141 Site Plan o Negative Shovel Test • Positive Shovel Test n is 30 meiera Site Dimensions: 40 x 15 meters Total Shovel Tests: 17 Grid Interval: 15 meters Positive Artifact Locations: 3 sub. ❑Datum: N500 E500 ■ Site Boundary--.. ■ �` ❑ I1I 3 1 1 l ' 0 O l Q 111 CPines and Hardwood, ' 1 ❑ `r /J 0 Figure 19. Plan map of site 31 ON 1841. 39 I; i { I I � + t I I 4 a I i I I I ' f { I >f � 1 1 Site Boundary--.. ■ �` ❑ I1I 3 1 1 l ' 0 O l Q 111 CPines and Hardwood, ' 1 ❑ `r /J 0 Figure 19. Plan map of site 31 ON 1841. 39 I; i { I I � + t I I 4 a I i I I I ' f { I >f Two fabric impressed sherds with grog temper and four residual sherds, also with grog temper, were recovered at site 31 ON 1841. There ceramics are attributed to the Middle Woodland Hanover series. Ceramics were recovered within 30 cm of the ground surface. Site 31ON1841 is scatter of Middle Woodland Hanover sherds. The artifact assemblage is limited with no lithic artifacts identified. Cultural features and organic remains were also not observed at the site. The shallow deposits have been disturbed by logging and cultivation. The lack of well - preserved, intact deposits leaves the site with no further research potential. Site 31 ON 1841 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Isolated Find Discussion Fifteen isolated finds were identified during the survey (Table 9). Their locations are shown in Figure 8. Of these isolated finds, two are historic and 13 are prehistoric. The historic isolates consist of brick, metal, and glass. None of the historic isolates can be dated to a specific time period. The prehistoric isolates consist of metavolcanic, quartz, and chert debitage, residual and cord marked sherds. None of the lithic artifacts are culturally diagnostic. The ceramic sherds cannot be identified by specific type and can only be affiliated with the general Woodland Period. In all instances, supplemental shovel testing at these resources was conducted at 15 meter intervals, but no more than two artifacts were identified. These isolated finds do not retain sufficient data to address current research issues pertaining to the history or prehistory ofthe region. Therefore, all 15 isolated finds are recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Table 9. Summary of Isolated Finds Identified in the Williamsburg Expansion Tracts. Isolate Number Description Comment 31ON1842 cord marked sherd, coarse sand temper Woodland 31ON1843 chert flake /flake fragment 31ON1844 quartz flake /flake fragment 31ON1845 quartz flake /flake fragment 31ON1846 quartz flake /flake fragment 31ON1847 metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 31ON1848 quartz flake /flake fragment 31ON1849 1 cord marked sherd with fine /medium sand temper 1 quartz flake /flake fragment Woodland 31ON1850 1 residual sherd 1 metavolcanic flake /flake fragment Woodland 31 N1851 1 quartz flake /flake fragment 1 quartz cobble fragment 31ON1852 2 residual sherds Woodland 40 Isolate Number Description Comment 31ON1853 1 metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 1 quartz flake /flake fragment 31ON1854 ** brick fragment, unidentified metal fragment 31ON1855 ** light olive green bottle glass 31ON1856 1 metavolcanic flake /flake fragment 1 chert flake /flake fragment 41 Chapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations In October 2011, Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC), conducted an archaeological reconnaissance of approximately 900 acres within the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts. The reconnaissance survey identified approximately 314 aces ofuplands within the tract deemed to have a high potential for archaeological remains. The subsequent archaeological survey of 314 -acres was conducted in January and February 2012. The archaeological survey resulted in the identification of 11 archaeological sites (31ON1831- 31ON1841) and 15 isolated finds (31ON1842- 31ON1856). Most ofthe archaeological sites and the isolated finds are located along the edges of uplands and ridges overlooking a drainage or other water source (i.e., wetland). With the exception of isolates 31ON1843 and 31ON1855 * *, all resources are located within 100 meters of a water source. 31ON1843 and 31ON1855 ** are only slightly more distant at approximately 120 meters. Despite the numerous micro landforms extending from the uplands, only site 31 ON 1834 and Isolates 31 ON 1846, 31 ON 1847, 31 ON 1849 and 31 ON 1853 are located on these smaller landforms. The small size ofthe landform, and correspondingly small size ofthe archaeological resources, may be indicative of short-term camps related to hunting or resource procurement activities. The archaeological sites all contain components dating to the Early, Middle, and/or Late Woodland periods. Specifically there are one Early Woodland, six Middle Woodland, and one Early through Late Woodland sites. These components are defined by the ceramic assemblages and include Hamp's Landing (Early Woodland), Hanover (Middle Woodland), and Late Woodland (White Oak) series. Three sites can only be placed within the general Woodland Period. The prehistoric isolated finds include unknown lithic and general Woodland ceramic components. Two of the isolated finds are historic but cannot be dated to a specific time period. In summary, the Williamsburg Plantation expansion tracts were used extensively throughout the Woodland Period, with the most intensive occupation of the area dating to the Middle Woodland Period. Native Americans living within the project tract likely made use of the abundant faunal and floral resources made available by the presence of the New River and its associated wetlands. Ten ofthe archaeological sites (31ON1831, 31ON1832, 31ON1834 -1841) and all ofthe isolated finds do not retain sufficient deposits to address current research issues pertaining to the prehistory or history of the region. No further work is advocated for these sites, and they are recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Clearance to proceed with development is recommended for these areas. Site 31 ON 1833, however, contains numerous diagnostic artifacts, deep deposits, and has the potential for intact cultural features and good stratigraphic integrity. This site has the potential to address research issues pertaining to ceramic and lithic technology, as well as settlement patterns, of Woodland Period peoples. Additional work is necessary to fully assess the research potential of the site. Therefore, we recommend site 31 ON 1833 be considered unassessed with regards to NRHP criteria. This site is located in an area where there are currently no plans to develop and will be preserved in place. We recommend that consultations be held with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office regarding the possible need for a Memorandum of Agreement or other legal documentation (e.g., deed restrictions) to insure this site's protection into the future. 42 References Cited Adovasio, J. M. and Jake Page 2002 The First Americans: In Pursuit ofArchaeology's Greatest Mystery. 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Artifact Catalog and Projectile Point Report Provenience Techniques Each location from which artifacts were recovered was assigned a unique provenience number. Numbers after the decimal place designate a surface collection (e.g., 0), a general subsurface collection (e.g., 1), or a specific level below surface (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) Artifact Catalog Williamsburg Plantation Site Number: 31ON1831 Accession Number: 2012.0042 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 1, N485 E500, 40 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.1 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment weighs < 0.1g, fine grained Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 1, N500 E500, TR 56 -9, ST 1, 20 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p2 2 5.3 Fine /Medium Sand Temper Cord Marked 2- Woodland, 2 mend Body Sherd Site Number: 31ON1832 Accession Number: 2012.0043 Provenience Number: 1.1. Site 2, N440 E485, 30 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.2 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 2, N455 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 1.7 Concretion Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 2, N470 E485, 20 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m3 1 0.6 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 2, N470 E500, TR25 ST14, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m4 2 2.9 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 5.1 Site 2, N485 E485, 50 -70cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m5 1 12.4 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment large Provenience Number: 6.1 Site 2, N500 E485, 0 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p6 1 1.3 Residual Sherd Hanover, UID decoration, grog tempered with minimal coarse sand, temper, possibly cord marked 2 m7 1 2.5 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 7.1 Site 2, N500 E500, TR25 ST13, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p8 1 6.9 Grog Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd Hanover 2 m9 1 1.6 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Site Number: 31ON1833 Accession Number: 2012.0044 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 3, N485 E500, 40 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.3 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Page 1 of 11 Artifact Catalog Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 3, N485 E530, 10 -35cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 0.2 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment 2 m3 1 0.4 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment 3 p4 1 5.5 VCS /Granular Temper Fabric Impressed Body with minimal grog inclusions, Sherd Woodland 4 p5 1 2.5 Residual Sherd matches 2.1:3, Woodland Provenience Number: 2.2 Site 3, N485 E530, 45 -55cm, possible feature Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m6 1 0.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment 2 m7 1 5.9 Quartz Pebble heat treated, has indentations, possible fire cracked rock, tool? 3 eb8 0 1.1 Charcoal 4 p9 7 27.6 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Rim Sherd Hanover, rounded rims, 2 vessels, 1 includes 5 sherds that mend and have a thin rim, the other includes 2 sherds that mend and have a fabric impressed interior and exterior Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 3, N485 E545, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 plo 6 9.3 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover, 6 mend 2 P11 1 1.1 Residual Sherd fine /medium sand temper, eroded, Woodland Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 3, N500 E485, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p12 2 4.2 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd 2- Hanover, 2 -mend, eroded exterior Provenience Number: 5.1 Site 3, N500 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p13 1 7.1 Very Coarse Sand Temper Cord Marked Rim Woodland, possibly over stamped, Sherd most of lip broken off 2 m14 2 0.7 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 2 with cortex Provenience Number: 6.1 Site 3, N500 E515, 10 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p15 2 3.6 Residual Sherd 1 -UID decoration and grog temper, 1- fabric impressed with grog temper, 2- Hanover 2 m16 2 3.6 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 2 with cortex Provenience Number: 7.1 Site 3, N500 E530, TRl ST3, 20 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p17 1 1.1 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Rim Sherd Hanover, scraped interior and exterior Provenience Number: 8.1 Site 3, N500 E545, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p18 1 7 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover, eroded exterior Provenience Number: 9.1 Site 3, N515 E485, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments Page 2 of 11 Artifact Catalog 1 m19 5 11.4 Clear Bottle Glass Provenience Number: 10.1 Site 3, N515 E545, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p20 2 13.2 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Rim Sherd 2- Hanover, 2 vessels, 1 with flattened rim, fabric impressed lip, and smoothed over surface, 1 with tapered rim and tight weave. Provenience Number: 11.1 Site 3, N530 E500, 20 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p21 1 4.6 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover, smoothed over 2 p22 5 11 Residual Sherd 5- Hanover, fabric impressed, smoothed over and grog tempered, 3 -mend Provenience Number: 12.1 Site 3, N530 E545, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m23 3 1 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 1 with cortex Provenience Number: 13.1 Site 3, N537 N505, TR2 ST1 0 -70cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m24 2 5.3 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 2 with cortex 2 p25 1 0.6 Residual Sherd cord marked? Hanover Provenience Number: 14.1 Site 3, N545 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p26 1 3.1 Grog Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd Hanover, cord marked ?, fabric impressed ?, smoothed over exterior Provenience Number: 15.1 Site 3, N545 E545m 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m27 2 0.5 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 1 with cortex Provenience Number: 16.1 Site 3, N560 E485, 10 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p28 1 3.3 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Rim Sherd Hanover 2 p29 1 3.4 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd smoothed interior, tight weave, Hanover 3 p30 1 3.8 Grog Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd exterior mostly spalled, smoothed interior, likely fabric impressed, Hanover 4 p31 2 2 Residual Sherd Woodland 5 p32 4 2.9 Chert Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 1 with cortex and heat treated, 3 -white 6 m33 1 0.2 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment likely Rhyolite Provenience Number: 17.1 Site 3, N560 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p34 1 10 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd interior smoothed, tight weave, Hanover Provenience Number: 18.1 Site 3, N560 E545, 20 -35cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p35 1 10.9 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Rim Sherd rounded rim, Hanover Page 3 of 11 Artifact Catalog 2 p36 1 3.2 Grog Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd smoothed over interior and exterior, Hanover 3 p37 2 2.1 Residual Sherd 2 -grog tempered, uid decoration, likely fabric impressed, 2- Hanover Provenience Number: 19.1 Site 3, N560 E560, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p38 1 2.1 Limestone /Sand Temper Fabric Impressed limestone and fine sand tempered, Body Sherd Hamps Landing 2 p39 6 16.7 Coarse Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body interior scraped, 5 mend, 1 with Sherd organic impressions on exterior, Woodland 3 p40 2 2 Residual Sherd 2 -grog tempered, UID decoration, likely fabric impressed, 2- Hanover Provenience Number: 20.1 Site 3, N560 E575, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 041 1 26.1 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover, has ferruginous inclusions 2 p42 2 2.3 Residual Sherd 2- fabric impressed, 1- Hanover with grog temper, 1- Woodland, possibly Hamps Landing with limestone and grog temper that matches 19.1:1, 3 m43 2 4.9 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 1 primary flake with cortex Provenience Number: 21.1 Site 3, N560 E590, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m44 1 0.7 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 22.1 Site 3, N575 E545, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p45 1 2.2 Residual Sherd coarse sand temper, fabric impressed, Woodland Provenience Number: 23.1 Site 3, N590 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p46 1 8.1 Grog Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd Hanover 2 p47 1 5.5 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd scraped interior, Hanover Provenience Number: 24.1 Site 3, N590 E545, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m48 1 0.3 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 25.1 Site 3, N590 E560, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p49 2 6.7 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd 1 with small amount of very coarse sand temper, 1 with incision? over fabric impressed surface, 2- Hanover 2 p50 1 0.7 Residual Sherd UID decoration with grog temper, Hanover 3 m51 3 2.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 3 with cortex, 1 ofthese is a primary flake 4 m52 1 0.2 Chert Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 26.1 Site 3, N590 E575, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments Page 4 of 11 Artifact Catalog 1 p53 1 6.7 Grog Temper UID Decoration Rim Sherd scraped interior, possibly cord marked, exterior smoothed over, folded over rim, Hanover 2 p54 3 5.5 Residual Sherd 3 UID decoration, 2- Woodland, 1 possibly net impressed with fine sand and grog? temper, and 1 with coarse sand temper, 1- Hanover with grog temper 3 m55 1 0.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 27.1 Site 3, N605 E500, ceramics 0 -20cm, lithics 0 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p56 1 2.4 Grog Temper UID Decoration Rim Sherd smoothed over exterior, flat rim, Hanover 2 p57 1 15.4 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover 3 p58 1 23.3 Grog Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd smoothed over exterior, sooting/residue on interior, possibly fabric impressed, Hanover 4 m59 3 0.9 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment With likely Rhyolite, very fine grained, 1 Cortex with cortex Provenience Number: 28.1 Site 3, N605 E575, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p60 2 1.8 Residual Sherd 2 mend, 2 -White Oak 2 m61 1 2.7 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 29.1 Site 3, N620 E500, 20 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p62 3 20.4 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd 2 match and have sooting/residue on interior and exterior, 3- Hanover Provenience Number: 30.1 Site 3, N620 E530, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p63 1 7.4 Shell Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd possibly cord marked, White Oak Provenience Number: 31.1 Site 3, N635 E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p64 1 2.8 Residual Sherd medium sand temper, UID decoration, possibly cord marked with incising ?, Woodland Provenience Number: 32.1 Site 3, N665 E500, lithic 0 -15cm, sherds 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p65 2 19.3 Grog Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd with some granular and possibly fiber inclusions, over stamped cord marked, hard paste, Hanover 2 m66 1 0.4 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 33.1 Site 3, N665 E515, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p67 1 8.5 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd scraped interior, Hanover Provenience Number: 34.1 Site 3, N665 E530, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments Page 5 of 11 Artifact Catalog 1 p68 1 3.1 Grog Temper UID Decoration Body Sherd with some fine sand in temper, sooting/residue on interior, smoothed over exterior, Hanover Provenience Number: 35.1 Site 3, N680 E515, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p69 1 3.4 Fine Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body with some grog temper, Hanover Sherd Site Number: 31ON1834 Accession Number: 2012.0045 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 4, N500 E440, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 1.6 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 4, N500 E455, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 0.5 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 4, N500 E485, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p3 1 1.1 Residual Sherd Woodland Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 4, N500 E500, J ST101, offsewer line, 0 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 a4 1 5.8 Translucent Quartz P. Point Fragment Site Number: 31ON1835 Accession Number: 2012.0046 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 7, N470 E510, TR2 ST3, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 P1 1 6.3 Fine Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body with ferruginous inclusions in the paste Sherd that leached out to create sm. Holes, Woodland 2 p2 1 2 Fine Sand Temper UID Decoration Rim Sherd rolled rim, body broken off, almost untempered, Woodland Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 7, N500 E500, TR3 ST2, 20 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m3 1 0.8 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment possibly chert? Site Number: 31ON1836 Accession Number: 2012.0047 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 10, N425 E500, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 1.3 Fine Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body interior surface spalled off, possibly Sherd some grog inclusions, Woodland Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 10, N440 E500, 20 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 5 2.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 10, N455 E500, 30 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p3 2 4.5 Grog Temper Cord Marked Rim Sherd cord marking on lip and body, scraped interior, 2 mend, Hanover Page 6 of 11 Artifact Catalog 2 p4 1 1.2 Residual Sherd over stamped cord marked, grog and coarse sand tempered, Hanover 3 m5 1 10.1 Fired Clay Other with very coarse sand temper Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 10, N470 E500, sherds 30 -40cm, lithics 0 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p6 1 8.1 Coarse /VC Sand Temper Net Impressed Body Woodland Sherd 2 p7 2 3.2 Residual Sherd 2- Woodland, 1- fabric impressed with fst, 1- net impressed with coarse sand temper 3 m8 1 0.3 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 5.1 Site 10, N470 E515, TR17 ST4, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p9 1 4.6 Very Coarse Sand Temper UID Decoration likely net impressed, interior scraped, Body Sherd organic material in paste, Woodland Provenience Number: 6.1 Site 10, N485 E500, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 mlo 2 1.1 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 7.1 Site 10, N500 E500, TR18 STS, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 P11 1 3.8 Grog/Fine Sand Temper Net Impressed Body Hanover Sherd 2 p12 1 1.3 Residual Sherd Woodland Provenience Number: 8.1 Site 10, N500 E515, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p13 1 2.9 Medium Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body Woodland Sherd 2 m14 2 1.4 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 9.1 Site 10, N515 E515, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p15 1 1.4 Residual Sherd Fabric impressed with coarse sand temper, Woodland Provenience Number: 10.1 Site 10, N530 E515, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p16 2 5.2 Residual Sherd cord marked ?, with coarse /very coarse sand temper, Woodland Site Number: 31ON1837 Accession Number: 2012.0048 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 12, N500 E500, TR3 ST4, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 7.1 Grog/Coarse Sand Temper UID Decoration cord marked? fabric impressed ?, Body Sherd smoothed over exterior, Hanover Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 12, N515 E455, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p2 1 7.8 Fine Sand Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd Woodland Page 7 of 11 Artifact Catalog Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 12, N515 E470, 0 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m3 2 1.1 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 12, N530 E470, 30 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p4 1 4.9 Grog Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd shell scraped interior, Hanover Provenience Number: 5.1 Site 12, N530 E500, 20 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p5 1 2 Residual Sherd Woodland 2 m6 1 0.2 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment 3 m7 1 0.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 6.1 Site 12, N545 E465, TR2 ST3, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p8 2 3 Residual Sherd 2- Woodland, 1 simple stamped with coarse sand temper 2 m9 1 63.6 Quartz Shatter With Cortex possibly core fragment Site Number: 31ON1838 Accession Number: 2012.0049 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 13, N500 E500, TR2 ST6, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 3 1.7 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex 1 with cortex Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 13, N500 E515, 20 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p2 1 3.3 Fine Sand Temper Fabric Impressed Body Woodland Sherd 2 m3 1 1.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex with cobble cortex Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 13, N515 E470, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p4 1 2.9 Limestone /Sand Temper Fabric Impressed with fst, Hamps Landing Body Sherd 2 m5 1 3.6 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex primary flake with cobble cortex Provenience Number: 4.1 Site 13, N515 E500, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p6 1 2.3 Limestone /Sand Temper UID Decoration with c /vcst, Hamps Landing Body Sherd Provenience Number: 5.1 Site 13, N530 E500, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p7 1 4.9 Medium Sand Temper Cord Marked Body Woodland Sherd Site Number: 31ON1839 Accession Number: 2012.0050 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 14, N500 E485, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 P1 1 1.8 Residual Sherd fabric impressed, grog tempered, Hanover Page 8 of II Artifact Catalog Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 14, N500 E500, TR13 ST1, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p2 1 5 Grog/Coarse Sand Temper UID Decoration possibly fabric impressed, some fiber Body Sherd in temper, Hanover 2 p3 1 0.5 Residual Sherd Woodland 3 m4 1 9.3 Quartz Cobble Fragment With Cortex Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 14, N515 E530, Judgemental ST1 20 -60cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m5 3 0.6 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment 2 likely Rhyolite Site Number: 31ON1840 Accession Number: 2012.0051 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 15, N500 E500, TR15, ST1, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 3 11.4 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd 2 mend, Hanover Site Number: 31ON1841 Accession Number: 2012.0052 Provenience Number: 1.1 Site 16, N470 E500, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 4.2 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover Provenience Number: 2.1 Site 16, N500 E500, TR3 ST6, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p2 3 2.6 Residual Sherd 2 -mend and have fine cord marking and possible grog tempering, 1 has UID decoration and grog temper, 3- Hanover Provenience Number: 3.1 Site 16, N515, E500, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 p3 1 12.3 Grog Temper Fabric Impressed Body Sherd Hanover 2 p4 1 1.4 Residual Sherd UID decoration, and grog temper, Hanover Site Number: 31ON1842 Accession Number: 2012.0053 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 1, N500 E500, MOJ 1, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 19.7 Coarse Sand Temper Cord Marked Body Sherd very deptford like, Cape Fear/New River Site Number: 31ON1843 Accession Number: 2012.0054 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 2, N500 E500, TR24 ST1 1, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.7 Chert Flake /Flake Fragment possible fine grained metavolcanic Site Number: 31ON1844 Accession Number: 2012.0055 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 3, N500 E500, TR106 ST4, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 2.4 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex with cobble cortex Site Number: 31ON1845 Accession Number: 2012.0056 Page 9 of 11 Artifact Catalog Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 4, N500 E500, TR9 ST3, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.3 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment cultural? Site Number: 31ON1846 Accession Number: 2012.0057 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 5, N500 E500, TR26 ST4, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 3.2 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex possible utilized edge, possible tool? Site Number: 31ON1847 Accession Number: 2012.0058 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 6, N500 E500, Judgemental ST101, 30 -50cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.2 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment likely Rhyolite Site Number: 3ION1848 Accession Number: 2012.0059 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 7, N500 E500, TR15 ST2, 30 -40cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.4 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex Site Number: 31ON1849 Accession Number: 2012.0060 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 8, N500 E500, Judgemental ST JX, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 9.4 Fine /Medium Sand Temper Cord Marked overstamped, fine cord marking, Cape Body Sherd Fear /New River Provenience Number: 2.1 Isolate 8, N515 E500, 0 - -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 0.1 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Site Number: 31ON1850 Accession Number: 2012.0061 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 9, N485 E500, 0 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 pl 1 0.8 Residual Sherd fine /medium sand and shell? temper, UID decoration, possibly fabric impressed, Woodland, possibly White Oak Provenience Number: 2.1 Isolate 9, N500 E500, TR5 ST1, 0 -25cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 0.8 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment Site Number: 3ION1851 Accession Number: 2012.0062 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 10, N500 E500, Judgemental ST X -J -1 Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.9 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment With Cortex with cobble cortex 2 m2 1 7.3 Quartz Cobble Fragment Site Number: 31ON1852 Accession Number: 2012.0063 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 11, N500 E500, TR20 STS, 20 -30cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments Page 10 of 11 Artifact Catalog 1 pl 2 4.4 Residual Sherd 2- Woodland, 1 -plain with fine sand temper, 1- fabric impressed with coarse sand temper Site Number: 31ON1853 Accession Number: 2012.0064 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 12, N480 E515, TR15 ST3, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 1.3 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment 1 likely Rhyolite Provenience Number: 2.1 Isolate 12, N500 E500. TR16 ST2, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 m2 1 1.1 Quartz Flake /Flake Fragment Site Number: 310N1854 ** Accession Number: 2012.0065 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 13, N500 E500m TR21 ST2, 0 -20cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 0 20.9 Brick Fragment 2 m2 1 1 UID Metal Unidentified Form iron, likely nail fragment Site Number: 310N1855 ** Accession Number: 2012.0066 Provenience Number: 1.1 Isolate 14, N500 E500, TRl l ST2, 0 -15cm Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.3 Light Olive Green Bottle Glass frosted interior and exterior Site Number: 31ON1856 Accession Number: 2012.0067 Provenience Number: 1.0 Isolate 15, N500 E500, power line, surface Catalog Specimen Number Number Quantity Weight (g) Description Comments 1 ml 1 0.3 Metavolcanic Flake /Flake Fragment 2 m2 1 0.6 Chert Flake /Flake Fragment Page 11 of 11 PPK Fragment Report Site Number 31ON1834 Provenience: Cat 4.1 1 Lithic Material Translucent Quartz General Measurements Length 28.6 mm Width 20.7 mm Weight 5.8 g Fracture Type Unknown Fragment Type Body Base Type Unknown low Comments: possibly base broken off and retouched into thin straight base with basal thinning, has pentagonal shape but is thick Page 1 of 1 Appendix S. Resume of Principal Investigator Bobby Gerald Southerlin Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. 121 East First Street Clayton, NC 27520 (919) 553 -9007 Email: bobbysoutherlin @archcon.org PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS CEO, Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. Senior Archaeologist, Principal Investigator, Field Director, Zooarchaeologist AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Archaeological Field Investigation Methods Material Culture Replication (lithics and ceramics) EDUCATION M.A. in Anthropology, University of Georgia, 1993. B.A. in Anthropology, University of South Carolina, 1988. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP North Carolina Archaeological Society Society for American Archaeology North Carolina Professional Council Archaeological Society of South Carolina Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists Southeastern Archaeological Conference Society CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEYS (Phase I) and ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE TESTING (Phase II) Utility Corridors for ANR Pipeline Company (Detroit), Georgia Power Company (Atlanta), Duke Power Company (Charlotte), Oglethorpe Power Corporation, and Transco Pipeline Company (Houston). Transportation Corridors for Georgia Department of Transportation (Atlanta), South Carolina Department of Transportation (Columbia) Development Tracts for Consolidated Government of the City of Columbus /Muscogee County (Georgia), Macon County (North Carolina), U.S. Corps of Engineers (Savannah and Mobile Districts), U.S. Forest Service (South Carolina), South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (Columbia), and various private developers (Georgia and South Carolina) ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATA RECOVERY (Phase III) Prehistoric village (31 ON 1578) and late 18`h /early 19`h century plantation (31 ON 1582) for R.A. Management, Charlotte, NC Three prehistoric sites (38HR243, 38HR254, and 38HR258) in Horry County, South Carolina for Tidewater Plantation and Golf Club (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Two Prehistoric sites (38LX50 and 38LX141) in Lexington County, South Carolina for the South Carolina Department of Transportation ** A detailed listing of individual projects and publications is available upon request Williamsburg Final I Plantation Development - IP Submittal JD Wetlands - October 24, 2012 Northern Tract &Pelletier Tract (NRCS Soils Data) Tract Boundary in Project Scope = Proposed Lot Layout - FUTURE Wetland Delineation - FINAL Recorded JD = Previous Phases of Development NRCS Soil Types L BaB - Baymeade fine sand K: CrB - Craven fine sandy loam = CrC - Craven fine sandy loam Da - Dorovan muck r GoA - Goldsboro fine sandy loam K: GpB - Goldsboro -Urban land complex C Ly - Lynchburg fine sandy loam C MaC - Marvyn loamy fine sand Pa - Pactolus fine sand I To - Torhunta fine sandy loam 0 400 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800 5,600 Fe is (map scale 1" = 800') Gum Branch Rd (SR 1308) J 7 Williamsburg Pkwy T n YAW 'L WWI pIUti0is NOTE: All boundaries and distances as shown are considered approximate. A PLS survey of delineated areas and review and approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to specific site planning. Williamsburg Plantation Development - IP Submittal Final JD Wetlands - October 24, 2012 Southern Tract &Pelletier Tract (NRCS Soils Data) [New River Floodplain vi Etl solnt15ns An m r.1 m in 1 EVANS1111111� Mai 400 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800 5,600 Feet (map scale 1" = 800') 11� Y Tract Boundary in Project Scope 0 Proposed Lot Layout - FUTURE Wetland Delineation - FINAL Recorded JD 0 Previous Phases of Development M BaB - Baymeade fine sand CrB - Craven fine sandy loam 0 CrC - Craven fine sandy loam Da - Dorovan muck C GoA - Goldsboro fine sandy loam GpB - Goldsboro -Urban land complex 0 Ly - Lynchburg fine sandy loam 0 MaC - Marvyn loamy fine sand Pa - Pactolus fine sand To - Torhunta fine sandy loam NOTE: All boundaries and distances as shown are considered approximate. A PLS survey of delineated areas and review and approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to specific site planning. Williamsburg Plantation Development - IP Submittal Final JD Wetlands - October 24, 2012 Northern Tract, Southern Tract & Pelletier Tract Watershed Drainage Areas for Rapanos Forms Drainage Area #1 = 238 Acres Inside Tracts; 606 Acres Total Watershed r Drainage Area #2 = 86 Acres Inside Tracts; 259 Acres Total Watershed ,4 Drainage Area #3 = 369 Acres Inside Tracts; 1,147 Acres Total Watershed 4: 100 -Year Floodplain = 560 Acres Inside Tracts GRAND TOTAL = 1,253 Acres Inside Tracts - -�V i. Stream Locations Tract Boundary in Project Scope Proposed Lot Layout - FUTURE Wetland Delineation - FINAL Recorded JD Previous Phases of Development Floodplain Areas Beyond JD Scope 1,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 Fei c" Continuation of Watershed Areas x . Beyond Project Boundaries a's�Indicated, sawCl.`wxY ' vJArr!P`3k.3Rt .. (map scale 1" = 2,000') ~ .n_ Gum Branch Road 46 .•Yi � • i fi !• �i_ a" 5 MAL. Mt 2 tyF NOTE: All boundaries and distances as shown are considered approximate. A PLS survey of delineated areas and review and approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to specific site planning. f� W u7 r m r L J W IO W u1 w W M w M 'T 7 0. J N rV T M d Cn tT d d 11 V) CV ul W I J w t l d N w d fT w LL. W n N W J. M w n M M r, d ry U. u, r, V W u) 7 J I V I J I J ' t J I lL W M- w d d ❑v W n, {) d a, r] u W I I r M, w m u] U7 w u) d N O M m m d tV w ul M w N u] M M w m N 0 T r w W w N d d w m w u) w w N W N d 0 O M N T O W w U7 O N O w O iD N w- O m M w w- O M n _ j d d O O, M n U) N M n M to N d G u> M N d rD Cn W N n LL M n U rn U d I, rJ, d I. JI a M N r N u' u) M n O 4, V1 U r M J r I r) - r u 'L S, M d U ,V W L ` r V h N a7 P G d aI n d N r a, r n w n W d W r O d N 0) w d ul O w a1 O N a) d W d N O N w O o N O, d w N m to W u] 1/] d tow to W a) W O LD d M d N w d w U) N O W N N M M w a r M '' r ,� w N d m d M N n w 0 to n O M r N N N N N In N C d T D n w tV to u` In F r 7 O a, N M m O N N O U7 N M m h d O N M a) O d u) N U M r N M w r w w m M N r u] O N r U ` W V r( ^ J, w- - u7 G, N N w 7 G IT l J tU N r tT ) M w r N u) g d d h M r) m M w W w d W w w t0 w w If) d w W w N u] d w d to M d In w d w W M w a) w M M d n r W w M a, N d M m w d M d d w fV d `i M M w M M M w u' n N M w N d d N N d d t J V M In Nl N N w M C N (n N N N m `r O C N N w d M M M N r r u7 _ '- d u) u7 O u7 N w N m N N N N 01 d M C) r M N In N M M d d O M W d (T N O (n r [() d d T w N M V M M w d u1 M d N m U] W N M M M n CO M d lD r w 10 r M u) to w r M M R C .- O N N .-- N M M N M M d w d M M M N M M d r d w w 0, d (T w 6, w d tP N d d ,O M O C w r`, w h r d r d m 'D N w In d r r M NG] w d r O w W M d d N CD to W 0 ul O O n M w 0 W w M w u) W d d M M � d M d ul d d d d to d d � M M '- w M N n M w `r d w N W u) M N rJ w w ", d S N d d M d r d w W tf1 LT AAH 'S fl a T W W W W W IIJ I,J 41 W tll ' W W 4j 3; W W W W W l,I W 4J w w w; 3 3 3; 3$ 3 3 3 3 3 W W W 3 W W 3 W W W W 3 U 3 03 3 3 3 IJ 'S U3] ran 3 M] N w f�l r w w [_ V [,. U W d w n W rl u , J lal S z{ IJl { IA 3 -� j 3 3; W W W W W W; W; ul w W W W w W W 3 3 3 W w to 1,1 1.1 W w W w III ; S �. z 3 3 W W LI 3 3 3; W 3 3 3 3 3 z 3 z W w [,I W W w; W to W 3 3{ 3{ LJ IA {{ lal ',1 W I,I W W $. IJ) W LLI W W W W W; W W W W; W w LJ W W W W w W W ut 3 3 W W W W W J A 04 w - N d rn w w N r d m O r N N N h w N N N O m N d N M V M r [V O m (V h d , ,), I, U N N - u) N m M O O d � d N •- M d M N) W M M d O M M V N d M U] N � to d C N •_ •' d w O u) N M M M •- CV N N m 0 � O M O �, O � O M d d C d O M d M N u) W p u7 - t J V w h, � LL, V u_1 N N h U] �] d V] In Co W (V w J) F 1 W lD d d U d M lU u) W N rJ � N w n rT [V V, O, d [V W tL YI V, f M N) u r w r� l_ V F - V r r 'z) f V J. u] 3 W Q U in w W u 1 w V o w w r u 1 M u7 J, d r) ul n' U u) V � S' d N M O O G V7 O d _- M V M N) d d M M N] d- V L l M d V) d M N M O M if u) a, r n w w F , t r W N M- uJ I J l V N 1 G '- M d t`J 0) N N M (V d O M O N U u) Y) ul d � G W P P M � (J � - U) .- u, J[ t 1 - M N LL+ , II ._- LL - rn- N f- d r u, Io Z OC - d r w n O d d M N In r 1n U7 w 0 ID ;- M O u) M r r m w In r (P M M ID O M rT ,w�, 0 w w rn 0) m O n w m O m n N 'w,, w a, d w a, N d M r rn to r [V d Y] rn u) N a, w N M w M M w (J tT u7 hl IP In h N d w (7) r M M n w w N O (V 1p ❑J UJ u7 u) u) O m w C) d m d d u w C) m P d w N a, w M d w W V N N W d M O g d u7 N tV V N U 'f M O d d W N V, m O M d N u) M- i+] W IN � W M d '- U) N d M M u1 d N r- .- N r- M M U7 N O -- O m O M -- p M O M .- u) O d )� d V 0 u) � d d N .- M Ln M M M O d m J d d V I� U G V [V u] M ul -- N V, _ NI � LJ N1 IJ V ul U d N u) N •- u) .- N U7 M r O w M to � m w d u7 M V w � w M o h � d � W m W 7 T 117 W M ul u1 V CJ m d J O u7 -- r, N d d M N) M fV W N Y, N N d w � r r O u l t ACA -- N N 'J M ) .- d N) - N V) d U u I`J 7 M d P u7 tV U � U I ,_) u) G m 0 I') U p d V1 U) M N U I N to O d d d M P ' In 7 0 M •- , 7 t J'- N t l p r �' O In w fT tr7V u7 d p d d d C_ fn T (T N m 0 w M d w a, ry p N - r d N) w •- N n 0 0 M d N V) a) N N M N r r7 p r) r N 0 m O M 0 to d r w w M [v It, W lJ) tT w d U m V d w O N O C d u7 - u) r N u) - M M, I q M, J W M W r n m M- tow M W Y w d M O d W u) m r w r u) w d M m n d N r w d M N d r- M M d N w u7 u) m r r In m u) M N O ID N d w O m n N U) In M w d IJ w M h W V) w r r M N to (V r, n W„ 4) .r .I7 `r) LL, N !w) P n N w m d tT M_ _ u ►- /) S N3H w - In m to n D a) p n d w N M _ tJ w w IL) d V u] D M w M CT G W W M U, [V t CJ N M r o o M W n w tow r) ) w W d W n In W w w v u) rr N M p ]- rn w ul n n d rn rn d G w CO M M r n a, an d cn D) N n J) uL w IJ . 1 I., rJ d d ,, P ] , d v M u d� � M d N N t` a 3 IMQ NU 213Q W z z zzzlz nzzzzz n n v7 v7 n N Z L Z L 7 Z N W N V) N N N N W I/) m Z Z Z Z L7 W N V) L Z L L L Z z Z Z Z Z 7 V1 Z Z L L7 L L L� _ L Z L V) L) Ur W V1 ul 1/1 C7 ul V) Z O 7- ) u) r , L N M d U) W h w M V L' C Z Z u) W Z 7 L L L Z Z Z U) L Z C L L L Z Z I I Z t l I I u, ul t l l � 0 m u7 m D .} n '(' m d N � n w O O I� M r C` tD r d In N In � r r d U) N N r7 • -- r u r M ul N w U` w u) W h n� d r. d ,V �, � N r G O w w M 0.7 D V) lD u] m p p (T f d u) w h r m W � M M O d w r M 'O M n d Z 7< '�] � L'r Z/ In L u7 L Z L u] � i 1 Il V� V) u] t l [) l7 IJ W U v d ' u) r W d c` O w Co n u) to O � (`J N M N tL tD n (�% J Z 7 Z 7 7 7 Z Z Z Z C %, (!) , ll [!, L C ,? _ Z! Z 1 7 I, C Z ul Z L to to -' L V) L❑ L Vr rV IC 'i r m It) h P ul W d d N In tD R m N Z 7 L Z Z I V' Z > L7 Z L7 to W to V L to V U) 7 1, Vr 1 c [l VI 1 Ll VI In V) V) L', L 7 = ~Z f N N N N CV rl M M _ M M M M M M M M d d _ d d d d d d d d to m _ w O w _N iM D wd m w w UlU O r U-) r r f r w 1` h f W f r O m m _ 'C w a' O C M d N w N W T O N M V ID N m T 0 to i w 'J 1 J J I J 11 r 0 0 0 O O O O p O O P O O O G O U V U C U J �, O O w r C � � _ C, D J m C C O O O U O C O P 0 O , IJ tl `I NJ �J ^! '^ • 1--L o � 3 � 3�333l3`- 33333333'333333333==s 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333; � 33333333333333333333; 3333333 �3 � `-3 - - NN J + J !NI N,JN11 NNt�J U Z 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a-r «~. N N w t w M m m w to ID 0) O w w M - r m w O M m 01 m M O W N m w W n N N M n N M w N J W M U7 r w 0 d Io d CJ '1 ul d M w wnw w U)- I I I r m h N r- w t0 to 0.l - u'. fJ rJ C m O W G In O r m - S Z d r w r N d M w w IA O) rn M d h d a, M lV to N r w N w U a) O N w M O O d r d a) O d N u.7 w ul ul w N r "r M II , u' f u M m w N M N u7 r d W a, O d m W In W iy h M O m 0 rJ u") w (T J M r W w J 4. w tC m w M, Q) N C") O m M a, d d d d M M r t J M w u) t J U1 u-) ID '- CP W V u l I f f') I r d i d N, [ v f LL Vi M r d W S r V r` ) d f J V Y U, "`1 0.J u to •1 - f J` ,- 'J, ! ") -, O O D M M w M r d N M G M d M w o M W m M r w Io N N O O N N d 0117 w w In W w d d r N w d ID u") w ( W (T IJ1 n r 0 w N O N N w 19 ,T d w 0 a, M n r w w d d M M w u) M w d N M m to w N w d ul M t/7 w M N N d d d M w N d I'r) I") d r w w N d N N N w M M M M d m d N M w N N u7 M M N r'7 M w d d (V M M d V7 w N d I l - +) I`J M M d M r d w w r Vr w M d N N M d In M f- M M M d Z M d M w M d d l W d d r1 M d n W in n w m d d a, w M iD to n w d w w O I_ < O V www 3 3 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 3; 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 w w W w w w w W w W W W W WI w 3 Www w w w 3 3; 3 3 w wwww Ll11) w w w w II C z 3 3 3 3 W W t 3 3 3 3; 3 ; 3 3 3 3; 3 3 w 3 's ; 3 3 3 3 ;; 3 3 w 3 w w W w w w; ''") Q 11 Z M M N N w CID N M tV u) d m U U) U r M d h W r w m I� O w M a p �D O d• l0 1� r M lD M �0 N rn w M N U m w u) d U) p, r) u] I+) d I r N) 1 10 ID Q O U (p M u7 w rn d w O �- W W t J M U., U ID h a, w a) d m _ � W; 3 W 3 W W; s ; 3 3 3; W p o W N d w M d U7 O 117 d 4 =- B O O N V7 M d m o tJ7 d u) W m M M n w o n r- rn G n u) w 'D O P a, N w N r 0 If', O u M 01 a) w n w N m M n d) O co w W u In m O M M M r u- r n W w w I.iJ O d O d G O O N to w M N N d N N N N _ _ _ _ _ r tL (P V u N LL, r M m a) f . n I'll M 3 lL J LL> , W w LL M r w W i IL N u r) n (ti r r W Z W t 1 w w d w r ■ ■■ OD w P d N N n Y) d O N M O N d M V) (V M M M U u) M O v N d V C. N U d I+) M u) M d M O M V) N N d IV O d I'1 N O O N P d W U d u7 d d w d d N w V m O M d N V, D7 w U N W w I`) w m u) O M v r- C N rn w N w W w rn d d M w W w d w w N d I') V) m N O O w r N lD d w d M (T, r d (T w d r d r u) O w M w d m N r M 0 M a) w u7 [D (T (D w M N d tP 0.J d M d u) W d W O W O Cn a) to d w V D N M w _ �a _ N d N w M o M In N d- M M N - -�� w r ,p m r tD n n w G w r r tv w O O w � d w d M M - _ M u) c o r d u] M (T w V) U f •J - w u) (T (T N w w m N d w C) u7 w M d r d w d M n d w u) w G w !r M to d h O w u) N O d M d d N d M M m N ,o O N N M O M M W W Io N d d d M O lV d Ln O d M w O w w O w d V u) u) M) d O 0 11 (� N d O N N O CO w fJ !T u) m n V w M a) w p d w N R n Y] rn w O d u) N N O O W w N M N d � N u7 u7 p N d W M � W -- O O O d d d N d u7 . M M d u, u _ _ w d rn w n d a, M r M O r Io m M1 d o lr O N fn W W w N tJ) h N n w d w IT (V r w w h fJ w w CO a) V U7 - fl N d M d N d ) d d N u) u) N )_ 'V •i d N r1 O M d M M p M N I.-, ,.) 0) to Q N w M tU _ m - m J) In N O w (T r r f- m O w . L I r , M u) d C] d. p r N M 1O M M W M O M M N W n w w r u) N M w w m V) w r w d d M M M O M `r d m W w d r r w to w Z w n d N O 2 M to M N O N n r N r ul u) d In r ❑, d lJ M I w M r w In tD N N r w w m r w w r, h w u, d R M f� W V) V7 d w rn w N \� Q L&J W m Io w W In Z Z Z Z w Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z W W Z V) !n N W !n W m m in In /n w W W !n Z Z m Z Z Z V) Z Z Z V) z Z Z Z 2 Z Z Z W V7 U) V) (f) In W Z W Z Z Z Z Z L 7 U� V, [,7 N (/) V'1 to V) to u) Z Z Z N !n Z Z V7 V) u7 [,) Z V) I, u7 L u) u7 [,^, L V, Z Z l) u) Vr t. I) L L L In In U V, n d r p r] tV U z z z d r LV \ W Y � � V) to U N V) L7 V) Z Z Z Z N to V] �i ;wwww w w w w w w w W w w W w w w 3 w w w w I,) w 3 w 3 W w W W W a- n woNwd d I.- vnrNd d Nw NMNwou O Jd h No)v, - ur M Z (V w J d' -J ul In fJ M N _ N N t M rNj V,j V) Fv M d Z N f d d M O Q M d N w N m M O N M d In w n w W O N M d U7 w N m rn 0 N M d u) w N m a, 0 N M d W w r ro V) O N M d lCl w n w rn 0 N M d Lo S, r m rn 0 N M d W u, N m Ln P N r, d u) ,C1 f` CO 0) U N M ^` \ v) u) W d r, d N 0 w d M N w W N C W M W w 10 d I 1 [T C IV w P- u7 O w I ry (D w w d a d u7 M M m �- N M In N Y N N O d U7 M d wrm U) O R w W S O � N ) n r l .- N u] M N O d u) tD w U L N N) If' _ _ __ d I w n w rn C' � N N d 1 h M lI Io wnw V) O N O u C m U w w IT "7 M d N d d M M N d d U U] )n u7 1f] 1 w w w w r r n r l n r n h Rl (D iT 7[ h N N ) d d dddd u7 u7 )In w ww n w m wwmm W W D)a,rnrna�rnlr ,) ) lr,_ N w w w m w N w w w w w w m w m m w w w w m W w w w m w W w w W m w m w w w w w m m w W w m m w W w w m w w w W CO 0.7 W w W w w w w w (D W w w w w W w UJ V) ) Cn U J ,T U) V a, U) (T a V) V) (T a, f N a I J "1 I ! r J L J ' I J N )" - u7 to u7 U) U u) u i U t11 w LL7 W w tU w S O M M '>- 0., N, U) n to u% w w w V d d w p u) r V) M U d M r U) u) u) W M lD ��oo ��oo ggoo 5m0 ��++ 0' U1 QI U+ tT ,], J J V VI J J LT J, tT O VI a, S. J V) m G O U Of VI C) tT CP O C) O) \ r! w M M r m to r ! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) 3 3 tt,� $ \ vpi (n v7 vi ° V, z w z z z z 00 z z Z z z z z z z V, (n z z z 7 z o n In �)rJ r w o \ L Z Z� Z Z Z Z Z L Z Z Z Z Z O 1 w n a N M w V7 M1 N W n O w O h d IV C 'D N r 0 W M m m lT N w 0 O N d r d N w u7 W r w h w W M N m 0) N w w w O w O M r') m www O tT w d m w N N m N u7 O tV N w M r a W d �, O A t0 W u) O 3 w w M u) O In O n CT O M r M w w W a, W w w d O d ID W o W S M V d M IT [It] m h n r Q) W Lo w N U7 rn C] IJ0 ul h w w w d In d tD w M N m w N M d W w 2 'D M M W U N [P N O .- N w u) u) O tD u) V7 IT w n - r M w tD w to w w r w CO w w r w O) w d to C, N O II') T O O m N 0- O w d W N r- w w U M 0 w w In O d d r r O O d .- M CV n n L] O - W- N w N r a, W I r) V, .n .a r u) VJ rn d r NMd rn N m w r d h h w d to u' %J M d r) U, w T (P C J �. In N C) CT i t) C` u, n w r M M W d N (T O) M M d O a) to U) a` (T tT (l) U' V) V) tT tT (P lT U, (T (T m C, 01 a, O tJ CI, C a) a` a) lT U U cV U O O O G G O C ww tnN dNOlnmwu7 d MMtDO, dwnlnd wrr rnN(nOtnn dwNru7ootDU)NaornwoGNNOD• -rntDr or[n1�i�ooMlnr� d� mrndM r n o1n Nr cJrJ,ln r rJ pNN� u7 W In�NOp. -rnM.- rn d _ tDtD rnNr Ur wU waJwd n M� ow W rnrnw d N� m)nu7lnwmMw 333 3333333333333333333333; 3 3 3 3 33; 333333333 O T N M d w V N w w 1- U) r d u) r w to d M 'V N w� m d w w ") d M d d w d In N n In d m .- r w^ M M w w M N � M N M d (T M d •- M d (V M N d (V m d d d N d � w a) w N � N w � d w M d d M N d N N "') N) d r w M M � to M n a, u7 d W W� t V w N M d d N m m w In w V d C w d in N [„ r` N ul N) `i u7 .- M w d w m d w U) V, rJ w M u] V N w M r d w d M IJ ; w ;; w w w w W w w w w w w w w to w w w W to w w L,jL,J w w; w w 3 w 3 LD w w w w w w w 3 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 3 3 3 3 3 w; w; 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ;; 3; ; 3 3 3 3 3;; 3 3 w 3 3 ;; 3 w w w w w 3 I,1 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w W W w `s w w w w w t,, s 3 3 w w w W; l,l 3 3 3 w w w w w w w w 3 w W I,J w \ lV (O d r M N M M m W M d d (P O u) w M p d d w N d M_ 0 0 IV O V) M d U N d M w w w r U V7 N O to tV I d` lD p) m to w w r M N N (T F7 ,a 0 (P r .- w a) r- M d m` In w w N N m n M M M M m d 'o- w N In N In O u) L M N) u7 u) to O to d u) w d d iD M d u7 w w tV u7 d- N O U d N) r Jr tV - w Cr1 N, [(DD pppp O d C d N 0- N d M M d M N d 0 W tV u] M M p M N M d d d N N u7 W N N. M d M N W d C N CJ 0 to M u) M W to N .- O M M N d ar N O I"7 d M d N 0 m O M N m M N W O m u7 N N d In O O N d d W P D N N M O - - - In r W N N O N M O u) N n w N N w N N N d d d m N O O O M N to N Jn V V] O N- u) V w u7 M d M O R - C d U) N d d w M In d rV (n N N d M w ul rn 0 � 0 .- w 117 U N w d W U S M w p W w r h w N w h d w d r� N r N O d n w M d U') m (V W r lT w d N N N ip n d M N 0 0 0 N M M O d r 0 w r U') m u7 lA w N h w w N � U 7 O r U r r M h U CJ N N d M d d d M M M to d w O d N M O N to 0 0 0 - M M M w d t N M M 0 10 d O d M O O N u) u) O N a N 0 M SV N N N w M w d u) d m M O O N d N M N M Ln M o d O M M O M w d M) O w s d M d w a, LT d m r a) d N r p to p M M w d d u) d N N w N n w (P m OI d m U O) r M M 0 N d r M N d � -co W M to _ C7 d w w w M � w r O O d d w N M u7 N d � N u7 N d N d In .-. O .- � M N O O d .- N � M - A \ N m N) w w M r C, d r to d CD w rn tD m W w M M^ d d d p d N w N d IT r w 01 N 0 d d w a, w w w m a, M W O N O d O r W `w u7 M r w d n r V7 N d N u) N w O) U W m r N N O w O d T U m IV W d N n N w r J N m d N rn u) d N d N W m w N w m M w n w O M u M ,� M M d n W d M u7 M N M V M p Y) O )n M to M M G tV N O w w m w w w w O M u) d m O r d W o n w w O w u) O N d m m w M w ry w w r M1 0 u) M r r u) W m M M M r r d O N M N w M w N to W O m w W W r m N w d r U) M n w r N d m r N O N d (n 4 - N w r w r w w r r d w u) r w r _ \ w u] w w M w w m u] r N n M N d h N m d W d r w I-�- N d Q O CO N w m II') O IV O W N^ v �-�-- \ ,[1 V) V7 In (o W V) V) !n z Z Z N V) Z 2 Z In Z Z Z Z Z N Z V7 (n In Z Z u] Z Z Z Z Z Z W W 2 Z Z Z Z L Z !n to Z Z L Z Z Z V7 Z W N W {!) Z W V) N Z Z W W Z to to W N !n Z W V) W Z In (() W Z W W L V) V) Z to W Z N N t! 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O d In In M N O O M O N 117 M � In M I0 J^ N 0 \ Cn m M U w d (V U CT r N N 0) O w d 0 to d O N w M In w w O M d w w 0^ d W ID C, w M1 a) M N IT (D d d w O d M 0 M M O N N w CV O N (n w w d (V r O M 0 r J- U tv M O _ N d M w G N d G N O W w J') N w W N N O N M N M N W N M N M m M N d to W If) O w r to d co f) Z Z Z 7 =) Z Z f) V) In Ln M to N Z Z 7 Z Z 7 I W In !n !n !n V1 to N !n In (n N (n W W W W N V) In Z Z Z N (n N N N V) In (o U7 (o !n L7 W W 2 Z_ Z Z 7 Z Z Z In z (n Lo N N N \w Q. z O I w rn O N M d W w r m a, U- N M d m w r m T O N M d to wrm T O N M d W wrm T O N M d m w r W D1 O N M d W w h m a) o N M d m w r W 0) O N M d w w Z O 'd ,<O� Q��! 1 I J I! r l M r) M M M N, M M M-4 d d d d d d d d d m In In u) 117 w In m m Vi w w w w w w w w w w r n r r r r r r r n w w w w w w m w w w p a) a, lT ar a1 a) (T W a, 0 0 0 CJ 0 0 0 Q. m Z > (10 Q d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d "r d d d d d d d d d d d d d V d d d d N u) Io to W W to ✓ / Z O � W W oJ 0 ^ a. 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Q` z _j -J aaZ°N° \ O m % �o W \< / Z / a O W W N V) LY wo O N It � W Q n za: J OD Q a- zN WOm F- W W Q Mo= ; W %J 0 (L Ljj J Ian r rn J Zm00 vI N I m � O V) % v. LJ 7° h� to �.6. P rU U� r nl a v O G 7 LLl- 4 I IL 1 \ I I ) j I I I i 1 I I I i 1 i U i zN j ( Z IL W ZOO It L`tO NM O ^nPq r-4� a(L aaa- tO 04 W) OD N N � - mmmmm D O 0 6 6 W w �l i uewie£ueu8 JWy 9£ TO OT ZTOZ /E /OT Jbmp 3SVO \bmP \ZTOZ SCINVIGM 9IN30 )I\q3aIoJd\ 9 z m U ;wto ZON Y ID \ U Z m 0O N \ .LZa ! \ zoo \ e ? zm \ \\ !I t O 0 > / t M \ I� \\ L`tO NM O ^nPq r-4� a(L aaa- tO 04 W) OD N N � - mmmmm D O 0 6 6 W w �l i uewie£ueu8 JWy 9£ TO OT ZTOZ /E /OT Jbmp 3SVO \bmP \ZTOZ SCINVIGM 9IN30 )I\q3aIoJd\ 9 F I �r a Ii t, �z f3 r >I\sPa[wd\ r 1 r; r S �- ..-- L—U rvV �U LU Ul L &ULILIUL —V NozinvJ wu— lJuul4v/y\ \Lxv4J \C IUC �>UNV LL--M J1N:J0)ASI-^QLUa STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov. North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset (ft) Raleigh, INC 27601 Onslow - 1.05 (919) 733 -3836 www. ncgs. state. nc. us Example: NAVD 88 = NGVD 29 + ( -1.05) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodw ay Width (feet) �h ti Stream Station tpc 0 NEW RIVER 080 8,0421 11,400 I I 093 9,3151 11,400 6.5 JONES 111 11,067 ' 11,400 6.6 1,800 /1,000 154 15,354' 11,400 6.9 1,800 /1,100 159 15,928' 1 11,400 W 1,500 /1,100 167 16,7081 11,400 7.0 1,400 /1,100 (ima 17,526' 11,400 7.1 1,100 /1,100 186 18,570' 11,400 7.2 1,575/700 218 21,8341 2l�� 7.5 4,250/85 228 o�h� 11,400 ^� 4,250/275 237 23,7321 11,400 7.6 4,200/100 C� CO CO a3°� o�`'A 271 27,0541 11 , 7.8 2,000/150 281 GO �njrrl ��� U 1,600/650 sz� V 1 2,5002 1 NA 11 6.6 4 406 LITTLE CREEK 032 `vJJ vJJ V 6.6 ` 19 045 4,480 2 NA 15.8 118 056 5,584 2 NA 17.6 57 073 7,2692 NA 21.5 154 . r 015 1 1,5003 NA 6.64 159 Feet above railroad 2 Feet above confluence w ith New River 3 Feet above confluence w ith Blue Creek ° Elevation includes backwater effects from New River trxl`� lave above should be used on insurance applications for the subject 10 ,rV community. ® EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER NOVEMBER 3, 2005 37204367001 h ati �ti DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov. North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset (ft) Raleigh, INC 27601 Onslow - 1.05 (919) 733 -3836 www. ncgs. state. nc. us Example: NAVD 88 = NGVD 29 + ( -1.05) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodw ay Width (feet) LefVRight Distance From the Center of Stream to Encroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Total Floodw ay Width Cross Section Stream Station Flood Discharge (cfs) 1 % Annual Chance (1 00 -year) Water Surface Elevation (feet NAV D 88) NEW RIVER 080 8,0421 11,400 6.5 1,450 /1,150 093 9,3151 11,400 6.5 1,450 /1,100 111 11,067 ' 11,400 6.6 1,800 /1,000 154 15,354' 11,400 6.9 1,800 /1,100 159 15,928' 1 11,400 6.9 1,500 /1,100 167 16,7081 11,400 7.0 1,400 /1,100 175 17,526' 11,400 7.1 1,100 /1,100 186 18,570' 11,400 7.2 1,575/700 218 21,8341 11,400 7.5 4,250/85 228 22,7791 11,400 7.6 4,250/275 237 23,7321 11,400 7.6 4,200/100 261 26,051 ' 11,400 7.7 2,450/300 271 27,0541 11 , 7.8 2,000/150 281 28,1251 11 7.9 1,600/650 BLUE CREEK 025 1 2,5002 1 NA 11 6.6 4 406 LITTLE CREEK 032 3,200 2 NA 6.6 ` 19 045 4,480 2 NA 15.8 118 056 5,584 2 NA 17.6 57 073 7,2692 NA 21.5 154 BRICK KILN BRANCH 015 1 1,5003 NA 6.64 159 Feet above railroad 2 Feet above confluence w ith New River 3 Feet above confluence w ith Blue Creek ° Elevation includes backwater effects from New River 2YARTkF Tq r Ij, o ti FEMA'SGOOPERAiIIJG itCHNIL`ALPAR7MEH --I ND SVG This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated b the State's com- mitment to ma floodplain areas at the local level. As art of this effort the P P P State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement 1 P 9 9 with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ncfloodmaps.com 77° 28'00" 77° 27'30" JOINS PANEL 4368 77° 26'30" 2 460 000 FEET 380 000 FEETFT7�", 34° 47'00" OXBOW 3851 000 M 34° 46'30" 3850 000 M 34° 46'00" 372 500 FEET Onslow County Unincorporated Areas 370340 34° 45'30" 3849 000 M - 370 000 FEETL�_- 2 460 000 FEET This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. T 0 obta in more detailed information in a r eas where B ase Fl ood Elevations (BFE s and /or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles, Floodway Data and /or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and /or floodplain management. Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply Y a only landward of 0.0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Users of this FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables should be used for construction and /or floodplain management purposes when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. NOTES TO Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway using non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures in the jurisdictions. Base map information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from various organizations, including the participating local commun state and federal agencies, and /or other sources. The primary basis for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired b 9 P rY 9 rY q Y Onslow County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 2001. Information and Y P 9 rY data supplied b the local communit ies that met FEMA base ma specifications geospatial PP Y Y( ) P P were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map preparation. USERS Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the most up -to -date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of jurisdictional boundaries and base ma features. This ma may contain roads that were 1 P P Y not considered in the h yd r au li c analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. This map reflects more detailed and up -to -date stream channel configurations than those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county showing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses; and a Listing of Communities table containing ational Flood Insurance Program dates for each community 9 9 Y as well as a listing of the panels on which each is located. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please call 1- 877 -FEMA MAP (1 -877- 336 -2627) or visit the FEMA website at www.fema.gov. 277 000 M 2 470 000 FEET "r' 1 380 000 FEET 377 500 FEET 3851 000 M ZONE AE ZONE X 3850 000 M X 3849 000 M FAIIII 370 000 FEET 2 470 000 FEET An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at www.ncfloodma s.com or contact the FEMA Ma Service Center at 1- 800 - 358 -9616 P P for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1 -800- 358 -9620 and its website at www.msc.fema.gov. MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www- ncfloodmaps -com. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NOVEMBER 3, 2005 EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL For community map revision history P rior to statewide mapping, to the Community Map History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program ( 919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfip 1- 800 -638 -6620 www.fema.gov /nfip LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1 % ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual chance flood (100 year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1 % annual chance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE All Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1% annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary Floodway boundary - - Zone D Boundary •••••••••••••••••••• CBRS and OPA boundary - - - - - - - - - - Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. 513 Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ois Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97° 07' 30" , 32° 22' 30" Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276000M 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 1 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot grid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in (9 the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). o M1.5 River Mile Z& GRID NORTE MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 : 6,000) 250 0 500 1000 FEET METERS 150 0 150 300 D PANEL 4367) FIRM ® m FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA ® O Cl m PANEL 4367 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX ® JACKSONVILLE, CITY OF 370178 4367 J O CZ ONSLOW COUNTY 370340 4367 J VILNotice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders; the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. ® EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER NOVEMBER 3, 2005 37204367001 �yYART1t �1 A' o x tn�• o �" AND SE State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov. North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset (ft) Raleigh, INC 27601 Onslow - 1.05 (919) 733 -3836 www. ncgs. state. nc. us Example: NAVD 88 = NGVD 29 + ( -1.05) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodway Width (feet) LeWRight Distance From the Center of Stream to Encroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Total Floodway Width Cross Section Stream Station Flood Discharge (cfs) (0� NEW RIVER 306 30,628 11,300 S I JONE JON 31,684 11,300 8.1 1,425 / 2,325 328 32,791 11,300 8.2 1,000 / 1,950 340 34,040 11,300 8.3 ED NORTH BRANCH AT LAURADALE SUBDIVISION 054 5,400 1 NA 11 17.5 26 rb" i ��0 1 NA 11 30.2 1 105 SOUTH BRANCH AT LAURADALE SUBDIVISION ��� ��� ��� 46 �`� m determined. do 4210 Apo �o ✓�� :JOU J�� �o �`o ��' �1`b ��o �0 :.JO J� � ' J� v w C� CONTAINS: el\ A COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX ® U JACKSONVILLE, CITY OF 370178 4368 J O CZ ONSLOW COUNTY 370340 4368 J �m 'kO� VLNotice tX to User: The Map Number shown below should be used pti6(b when placing map orders; the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. ® EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER h ati rxti DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov. North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset (ft) Raleigh, INC 27601 Onslow - 1.05 (919) 733 -3836 www. ncgs. state. nc. us Example: NAVD 88 = NGVD 29 + ( -1.05) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodway Width (feet) LeWRight Distance From the Center of Stream to Encroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Total Floodway Width Cross Section Stream Station Flood Discharge (cfs) 1 % Annual Chance (100 -year) Water - Surface Elevation (feet NAVD 88) NEW RIVER 306 30,628 11,300 8.1 450/2,550 317 31,684 11,300 8.1 1,425 / 2,325 328 32,791 11,300 8.2 1,000 / 1,950 340 34,040 11,300 8.3 1,615/950 NORTH BRANCH AT LAURADALE SUBDIVISION 054 5,400 1 NA 11 17.5 26 066 6,553 1 NA 11 30.2 1 105 SOUTH BRANCH AT LAURADALE SUBDIVISION 015 1 1,450 1 NA 11 12.6 86 Feet above mouth. 2 New River station referenced in feet above railroad. ?Z 0 �r OFEMA'SGOOPEHA71Nii iEC:MNICRLPAHiNEH iND 5� This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated b the State's com- mitment to ma floodplain areas at the local level. As art of this effort the P P P State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ncfloodmaps.com 2 46i 390 000 FE 34° 48'31 3854 000 M 34° 48'01 a u cr d >n Le 3853 000 M 34° 47'31 382 500 FE 3852 000 M 380 000 FEE 24 77° 28'00" JOINS PANEL 4369 77° 26'30" 77° 28'00" 77° 27'30" JOINS PANEL 4367 77'26'30'' This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. T 0 obta in more detailed information in a r eas where B ase Fl ood Elevations (BFE s and /or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles, Floodway Data and /or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and /or floodplain management. Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply Y a only landward of 0.0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Users of this FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables should be used for construction and /or floodplain management purposes when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. NOTES TO Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding ources studied b detailed methods as well as non - encroachment widths 9 Y for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway using non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures in the jurisdictions. Base map information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal agencies, and /or other sources. The primary basis for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Onslow County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 2001. Information and data supplied b the local communit ies that met FEMA base ma specifications geospatial PP Y Y( ) P P were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map preparation. USERS Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the most up -to -date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of jurisdictional boundaries and base ma features. This ma may contain roads that were 1 P P Y not considered in the h yd r au li c analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. This map reflects more detailed and up -to -date stream channel configurations than those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county showing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses; and a Listing of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each is located. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please call 1- 877 -FEMA MAP (1 -877- 336 -2627) or visit the FEMA website at www.fema.gov. U 500 FEET 3854 000 M ° 48'00" i r C 3853 000 M ° 47'3D" CARTERS GROVE CIR 3852 000 M 10 000 FEET FEET An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at www.ncfloodma s.com or contact the FEMA Ma Service Center at 1- 800 - 358 -9616 P P for information on all related roducts associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Ma Service P P Center may also be reached by Fax at 1 -800- 358 -9620 and its website at www.msc.fema.gov. MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www- ncfloodmaps -com. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NOVEMBER 3, 2005 EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL For community map revision history P rior to statewide mapping, to the Community Map History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program ( 919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfip 1- 800 -638 -6620 www.fema.gov/nfip FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1% annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary Floodway boundary - - Zone D Boundary •••••••••••••••••••• CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. 513 Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ms Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97° 07' 30" , 32° 22' 30" Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276000M 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 1 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot ggrid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in (9 the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). a M1.5 River Mile Z& GRID NORTE MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 : 6,000) 250 0 500 1000 FEET METERS 150 0 150 300 LEGEND 1 FEET SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO 10 000 FEET INUNDATION BY THE 1 % ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual chance flood (100 year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1 % annual chance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base ® Flood Elevation is the water surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual ® chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently ° 48'30" decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provide protection from the 1 % annual chance or O Cl greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations m determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. U 500 FEET 3854 000 M ° 48'00" i r C 3853 000 M ° 47'3D" CARTERS GROVE CIR 3852 000 M 10 000 FEET FEET An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at www.ncfloodma s.com or contact the FEMA Ma Service Center at 1- 800 - 358 -9616 P P for information on all related roducts associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Ma Service P P Center may also be reached by Fax at 1 -800- 358 -9620 and its website at www.msc.fema.gov. MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www- ncfloodmaps -com. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NOVEMBER 3, 2005 EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL For community map revision history P rior to statewide mapping, to the Community Map History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program ( 919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfip 1- 800 -638 -6620 www.fema.gov/nfip FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1% annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary Floodway boundary - - Zone D Boundary •••••••••••••••••••• CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. 513 Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ms Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97° 07' 30" , 32° 22' 30" Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276000M 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 1 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot ggrid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in (9 the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). a M1.5 River Mile Z& GRID NORTE MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 : 6,000) 250 0 500 1000 FEET METERS 150 0 150 300 D PANEL 4368) FIRM ® FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA ® O Cl m PANEL 4368 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX ® JACKSONVILLE, CITY OF 370178 4368 J O CZ ONSLOW COUNTY 370340 4368 J VLNotice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders; the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. ® EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER NOVEMBER 3, 2005 31204368001 CD A .n ' G AND r• Sti State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency