HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoxboro Additional CP Assessment Work Plan_20200311DUKE ENERGY March 11, 2020 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Regional Operations 3800 Barrett Drive 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Attn: Mr. Eric Rice (submitted electronically) Re: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Coal Storage Pile Area Additional Groundwater Assessment Work Plan Roxboro Steam Electric Plant 1700 Dunnaway Road Semora, North Carolina 275343 Dear Mr. Rice: 2500 Fairfax Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 336-215-4576 Duke Energy is submitting the attached Additional Assessment Work Plan for the Coal Storage Pile Area (CSPA) at the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant for your review. The initial assessment Work Plan for the CSPA was submitted on May 2, 2019 approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) on May 12, 2019. Initial assessment efforts indicate the presence of constituents (metals, other inorganics) in groundwater proximate with the CSPA. Upon concurrence with this Work Plan, Duke Energy will pursue receipt of necessary permits for the installation of 12 proposed groundwater monitoring wells, soil investigation, surface water/sediment investigation and perform associated sampling and analysis. If you need additional information regarding this submittal do not hesitate to call or email, 336- 215-4576 or kimberlee.witt@duke-energy.com. Respectfully submitted, Kimberlee Witt, PE Environmental Services Roxboro Steam Electric Plant - Page 1 of 2 Attachments: Work Plan for Additional Assessment — Coal Pile Area, Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, SynTerra March 2020 ecc: Coal Ash War Room - NCDEQ Rick Bolich - NCDEQ Scott Vinson — NCDEQ Eric Smith - NCDEQ Steve Lanter - NCDEQ John Toepfer - Duke Energy Ed Sullivan — Duke Energy Craig Eady - SynTerra Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Page 2 of 2 161p synTerra WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA, NC 27574 MARCH 2O20 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC -� Ky e awing Project Scientist Craig . Eady, NC L #1599 Senior Project Manager Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area March 2020 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Regulatory Background...........................................................................................1-1 1.2 Site Description.........................................................................................................1-2 1.3 Initial Assessment Data Summary.........................................................................1-3 1.3.1 Monitoring Well Network.................................................................................1-3 1.3.2 Site Groundwater Flow......................................................................................1-4 1.3.3 Analytical Results...............................................................................................1-4 2.0 COAL PILE ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES.............................................................. 2-1 2.1 Soil Assessment......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Groundwater Assessment....................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Assessment Procedures....................................................... 2-3 2.3 Surface Water and Sediment Assessment............................................................. 2-4 2.3.1 Surface Water and Sediment Assessment Procedures..................................2-4 2.3.2 Analytical Parameters and Methods................................................................ 2-5 Page i Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Location Map Figure 2 Site Layout Figure 3A Generalized Groundwater Level Map - Surficial Flow Zone Figure 3B Generalized Groundwater Level Map - Transition Flow Zone Figure 3C Generalized Groundwater Level Map - Bedrock Flow Zone Figure 4 Proposed Sample Locations LIST OF TABLES March 2020 SynTerra Table 1A Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data Table 1B Summary of Soil Analytical Data Table 1C Summary of SPLP Analytical Data Table 2 Soil Sample Analytical Methods Table 3 Proposed Coal Pile Assessment Soil Samples and Monitoring Wells Table 4 Groundwater Analytical Methods Table 5 Surface Water Analytical Methods Table 6 Sediment Analytical Methods Page ii Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area March 2020 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) owns and operates the coal-fired Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (Roxboro, Plant, or Site) located at 1700 Dunnaway Road in Semora, Person County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The Site is situated on approximately 6,095 acres located between McGhees Mill Road to the east, Semora Road (Highway 57) to the south and Hyco Reservoir to the west and north. Coal for power generation is transported to Roxboro by rail and stored on -Site, immediately adjacent, north of the power plant (Figure 1). This work plan addendum describes activities proposed for further assessment of groundwater, soil, surface water, and sediment at areas adjacent to the coal storage area (Coal Pile). Duke Energy submitted a Coal Pile assessment Work Plan on May 7, 2019 that was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) on May 21, 2019. The initial assessment activities conducted in 2019 indicate the presence of constituents (metals, other inorganics) in groundwater proximate with the Coal Pile. Groundwater level measurements indicate the center of the peninsula (western side of Coal Pile) generally serves as a groundwater recharge zone, with groundwater exhibiting a radial flow pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward discharge areas. Based on groundwater flow information and initial groundwater analytical data, additional soil and groundwater assessment activities are warranted. A summary of initial assessment work are included in Section 1.3. Recommendations for additional characterization of groundwater, soil, surface water, and sediment are included in Section 2. 1.1 Regulatory Background In 2014, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA). CAMA required owners of a coal combustion residual (CCR) surface impoundment to conduct detailed assessment of Site groundwater within and around the CCR surface impoundment. As indicated in a letter from the NCDEQ, dated September 8, 2017, it is understood that in addition to CAMA requirements, Duke Energy is also bound by the rules and requirements of the NC General Statutes and NC Administrative Code 02L. These provide requirements for the assessment and abatement of soil and groundwater impacts resulting from Site activities. Therefore, Duke Energy is required to assess soil and groundwater in areas where there is a potential for groundwater impact, identified as primary and secondary sources. Page 1-1 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra Additional clarification was provided in correspondence from the NCDEQ, dated April 5, 2019, which requires submittal of a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) of sources not associated with the surface impoundments including the Coal Pile. Duke Energy submitted a request to NCDEQ on February 14, 2020 requesting deadline extensions for various CSAs and Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) and establishing data cutoff dates at multiple facilities. Based on the NCDEQ February 26, 2020 approval letter, the Roxboro Coal Pile CSA submittal is required by March 31, 2021 with data cutoff dates in Quarter 4 (Q4) 2020. 1.2 Site Description Detailed descriptions of the Site operational history, the Site conceptual model, physical setting and features, geology/hydrogeology, and results of the findings of CAMA- related works are documented in the following documents: • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2015). • Corrective Action Plan, Part 1 — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, December 2015). • Corrective Action Plan, Part 2 — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, February 2016). • Ash Basins Extension Impoundments and Discharge Canals Assessment Report — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, May 2017). • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Update — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, October 2017). • 2018 CAMA Annual Interim Monitoring Report — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, April 2018). • Corrective Action Plan Update — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, December 2019) The Roxboro Plant and the Coal Pile is situated in the eastern Piedmont Region of north -central North Carolina. The Piedmont is characterized by well-rounded hills and rolling ridges cut by small streams and drainages. The Coal Pile at Roxboro occupies approximately 20 acres located adjacent and immediately north of the power plant (Figure 2). Surface water runoff from the area currently discharges, via perimeter ditches to a retention basin, directly to Hyco Reservoir through National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Outfall 006. The Coal Pile is bounded to the north by the rail line followed by Hyco Reservoir and to the east by the intake canal (an Page 1-2 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra extension of Hyco Reservoir). The Coal Pile is bounded to the south by the Roxboro power plant with ancillary structures and to the west by the limestone storage area. The land surface surrounding the coal pile is generally flat with an approximate surface elevation of 430 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Adjacent areas to the north and east abruptly grade to meet Hyco Reservoir, where full pool elevation is approximately 410 feet. 1.3 Initial Assessment Data Summary The groundwater system associated with the Coal Pile area is divided into three distinct hydrostratigraphic zones to distinguish the interconnected groundwater system: the shallow (surficial) flow zone, deep (transition) flow zone, and the bedrock flow zone. Groundwater within the Coal Pile area exists under unconfined, or water table, conditions within the residuum and/or saprolite zone and in fractures and joints of the underlying bedrock. The saprolite, where saturated thickness is sufficient, acts as a reservoir for supplying groundwater to the fractures and joints in the bedrock. Shallow groundwater generally flows from local recharge zones in topographically high areas, in this case the area west of the Coal Pile, toward groundwater discharge zones, such as Hyco Reservoir peripheral to the peninsula. Groundwater flow patterns from topographically higher areas tend to develop a radial pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward the discharge areas and are expected to mimic surface topography. 1.3.1 Monitoring Well Network The Coal Pile monitoring network consists of 16 groundwater monitoring wells, CPA-1BR/D/S, CPA-2BR/D/S, CPA-3BR/D, CPA-4BR/D/S, CPA-5BR/D, and CPA- 6BR/D/S, which were installed in July and August 2019. The groundwater monitoring network is depicted on Figure 2. The 16 monitoring wells were installed at six locations and generally positioned to the north, east, and west of the Coal Pile. No saturated conditions in the surficial (S) flow zone were encountered at well cluster CPA-3 and CPA-5; therefore, monitoring wells were not installed. Groundwater monitoring wells were not installed south of the Coal Pile as part of the initial assessment phase, however, numerous existing monitoring wells present in the vicinity of the power plant (designated with "WR") were installed to evaluate releases of organic constituents associated with the Plant's out -of - service petroleum fuel storage and distribution system. This information was submitted to NCDEQ in December 2019 as provided in a CSA Report prepared by Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (Wood). Based on the Page 1-3 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area March 2020 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra report, "WR" monitoring wells are predominately installed within the surficial flow zone and to a lesser extent the transition flow zone. 1.3.2 Site Groundwater Flow The groundwater flow direction in relation to the Coal Pile area is predominately east-northeast toward Hyco Reservoir. Generalized groundwater surface contours and groundwater flow direction arrows for the Site are shown on Figures 3A through Figure 3C. These contours are developed using the depth to water level measurements taken during sample collection from the December 2019 monitoring event. 1.3.3 Analytical Results Field and analytical results for groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells are presented in Table 1A. For general reference, the analytical results for these samples are compared to the groundwater standards established in Title 15A NCAC 02L .0202(g) (02L Standards) and interim maximum allowable concentrations (IMAC). Groundwater concentrations collected from monitoring wells greater than the comparative standards are shaded in Table 1A. Analytical results for soil samples collected during installation of "CPA" monitoring wells are included in Table 1B. Soil borings for samples collected were performed at multiple depth intervals with the number of discrete samples intervals varying based on saturated conditions and auger refusal due to partially weathered rock/bedrock. The soil analytical results for these samples are compared to the Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PRSG) for Protection of Groundwater (POG). For comparison purposes, soil Background Threshold Values (BTVs) were updated in 2019 and are provided in Table 1B. Analytical results from soil samples analyzed for synthetic precipitation leaching procedures (SPLP) are included in Table 1C. North of Coal Pile Well clusters CPA-2, CPA-4, and CPA-6 represent the area north of the Coal Pile. At well cluster CPA-2, constituent concentrations in groundwater are detected greater than regulatory comparison criteria for a number of constituents (e.g., boron, chloride, sulfate, TDS, cobalt, iron, and manganese). Some variability in these constituents and concentrations occurs; however, vertical delineation at the CPA-2 well cluster is considered incomplete with boron, chloride, sulfate, and TDS detected greater than 02L standard within the surficial, transition, and bedrock flow zones. At well clusters CPA-4 and CPA-6, constituent Page 1-4 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area March 2020 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra concentrations in groundwater are generally representative of background concentrations evaluated at the Site. In general, except for iron and manganese, unsaturated soil concentrations do not exceed NC Preliminary Site Remediation Goals (PSRG) for Protection of Groundwater (POG) or site -specific BTVs for locations evaluated north of the Coal Pile. East of Coal Pile Area Well cluster CPA-1 represents the area southeast of the Coal Pile. Elevated concentrations of sulfate and TDS are noted within the transition and bedrock flow zones. Within the surficial flow zone, elevated concentrations of TDS and boron are reported; however, boron remains well below the 02L standard. Unsaturated soils approximate to CPA-1 have not been evaluated to date. South of Coal Pile Area Available sulfate data from the Wood December 2019 CSA Report appears to indicate a discernable plume to the south of the Coal Pile. West of Coal Pile Area Well clusters CPA-3 and CPA-5 represent the area west of the Coal Pile. At well cluster CPA-3, constituent concentrations in groundwater are detected greater than regulatory comparison criteria for a number of constituents (e.g., chloride, sulfate, TDS, cobalt, iron, and manganese). Within the transition and bedrock flow zones at CPA-3, boron is detected greater than background but less than the 02L standard. At well clusters CPA-5, constituent concentrations in groundwater are generally representative of background concentrations evaluated at the Site. Surficial "S" flow zone monitoring wells were not installed at well clusters CPA- 3 and CPA-5 owing to insufficiently saturated conditions and relatively shallow partially weathered rock/bedrock encountered along the central north -south axis of the peninsula. In general, except for chromium, iron and manganese, unsaturated soil concentrations do not exceed NC PSRG for POG or site -specific BTVs for locations evaluated west of the Coal Pile. Page 1-5 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area March 2020 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 2.0 COAL PILE ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Objectives of the additional Coal Pile assessment activities presented in this work plan include the following: • Further characterize and delineate constituent concentrations in groundwater in areas proximate to the Coal Pile • Refine the understanding of groundwater flow direction in the Coal Pile area • Characterize inorganic constituent concentrations in adjacent surface waters and sediment to the north and east of the Coal Pile • Compare inorganic constituent concentrations in adjacent surface waters and sediment to Site background surface water and sediment • Evaluate the potential need for corrective action for the Coal Pile area 2.1 Soil Assessment Although unsaturated soils do not indicate impact from CCR material, samples will be collected during the additional assessment activities for inorganic parameters consistent with assessment of areas used for coal and CCR management (Table 2). Coal pile area soils will be sampled and analyzed for metals and inorganic parameters to determine if they are a source that may leach into underlying groundwater in excess of 02L standards or BTVs. Soil samples will be collected during well drilling and installation activities. The proposed locations of the monitoring wells are included in Figure 4. Proposed locations are approximate and may vary slightly based on field observations and locations of underground utilities, which will be determined prior to initiation of boring activities. Soil samples will be collected from the near ground surface (two to three feet) and at approximately two to five foot intervals to the top of the groundwater table or bedrock, whichever is encountered first. An additional soil sample will be collected below the water table within the new well screen intervals. SPLP samples will be collected at a frequency of two per well cluster location with one unsaturated sample collected from near ground surface (two to three feet) and a saturated sample collected two to three feet below the water table (Table 3). 2.2 Groundwater Assessment The extent of groundwater impact identified during initial assessment activities will be further delineated by installing additional groundwater monitoring wells and Page 2-1 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra collecting/analyzing representative groundwater samples from newly completed and existing wells. Proposed Assessment Locations A total of 12 additional monitoring wells are proposed for installation to further characterize Coal Pile area groundwater conditions at the proposed locations shown in Figure 4. Four of the monitoring well locations are intended for additional vertical delineation (upper/lower bedrock) at existing well locations. Eight monitoring wells are intended for additional horizontal delineation at previously unassessed locations. These clusters could include one, two, three, or four individual monitoring wells depending on Site conditions. If saturated conditions and/or viable water producing fractures are present, a well will be installed in the surficial, transition zone, upper bedrock and lower bedrock flow zones. Well locations may be modified slightly based on field constraints (e.g. underground utility locations, rig stability). North of Coal Pile Area A lower bedrock monitoring well is proposed at the existing CPA-2 well cluster (Figure 4). The purpose of this location is to further define the vertical extent of impact where preliminary data indicates a component of groundwater flows from areas below the Coal Pile north towards Hyco Reservoir. East of Coal Pile Area Initial assessment results indicate the center of the peninsula (western side of Coal Pile) generally serves as a groundwater recharge zone, with groundwater water exhibiting a radial flow pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward discharge areas. To evaluate groundwater flow to the east, in the direction of the intake canal, well cluster CPA-7 is proposed (Figure 4). An individual well is proposed for the shallow, transition, upper bedrock and lower bedrock flow zones. Southeast of the Coal Pile area, a lower bedrock monitoring well is proposed at the existing CPA-1 well cluster (Figure 4). The purpose of this location is to further define the vertical extent of impact where preliminary data indicates a component of groundwater flows from areas below the Coal Pile southeast towards the intake canal. South of Coal Pile Area To evaluate potential bedrock impacts south-southwest of the Coal Pile area, an upper bedrock monitoring well is proposed at the existing WR-15 well cluster (Figure 4). In addition, groundwater sampling and analysis for inorganics constituents at select "WR" wells is proposed to improve understanding of horizontal/vertical impacts south of the Coal Pile. Page 2-2 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra West of Coal Pile Area West of the Coal Pile area, a lower bedrock monitoring well is proposed at the existing CPA-3 well cluster (Figure 4). The purpose of this location is to further define the vertical extent of impacts where preliminary data indicates a component of groundwater flows from areas below the Coal Pile to the west. Well cluster CPA-8 is proposed at the western extent of the peninsula to evaluate the horizontal extent of groundwater flow and constituent transport from the Coal Pile area. An individual well is proposed for the shallow, transition, upper bedrock and lower bedrock flow zones. 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Assessment Procedures Well installation procedures and well construction materials and lengths will be consistent with ongoing CAMA assessment activities in accordance with the approved Proposed Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (Rev. 1) (SynTerra, 2014). During borehole installations, SynTerra will describe soil and rock cuttings. Those descriptions will include lithology, color, and the type of soil or rock. The proposed monitoring wells would be constructed in accordance with NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0100 Well Construction Standards. The proposed wells will consist of 2-inch diameter schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride flush -joint threaded casings and prepacked well screens. Shallow wells are proposed to be installed so that the top of the screened interval is positioned approximately five feet below the water table, where practical, to avoid potential concerns such as biofouling and introduction of artificial redox conditions, which are common among monitoring wells with screened intervals that bracket the water table. The primary drilling technology for soil sampling, well drilling, and well installation will either be rotary sonic drilling or a combination of air rotary and hollow stem auger drilling. Anticipated well depths are provided in Table 3. After well installation is complete, monitoring wells will be developed to remove drilling fluids and solids that might have been introduced into the surrounding formation and sand pack during well installation. Well development helps establish interaction of the well with surrounding groundwater. The location and elevation of each newly installed well will be determined by survey. The newly installed wells will also be slug tested to evaluate hydraulic properties of the groundwater flow system at each location. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for field parameters (e.g., pH, conductivity, and turbidity) and inorganic constituents consistent with ongoing CAMA assessment activities (Table 4). Groundwater samples will be collected Page 2-3 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra using low -flow sampling techniques and following procedures outlined in the Duke Energy Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Collection — Procedure 3175.5, September 2019. To have at least two sampling events and analytical data sets available for evaluation in the Coal Pile CSA report, samples would be collected at a frequency no less than 60 days between sampling events. 2.3 Surface Water and Sediment Assessment Per NCDEQ Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination (2017), Site assessment must include a comprehensive evaluation of surface water and sediment from downgradient potential receptors. Specifically, the evaluation should identify and characterize groundwater to surface water pathways at the Site. Initial groundwater monitoring results indicate the center of the peninsula (western side of Coal Pile area) generally serves as a groundwater recharge zone, with groundwater water exhibiting a radial flow pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward discharge areas. Potential discharge areas include Hyco Reservoir and the cooling water intake canal from Hyco Reservoir. Hyco Reservoir and water from the cooling water intake canal is classified WS-V and B waters in the Roanoke River Basin as defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0313(h). Initial analytical assessment results indicate a potential for groundwater influence to surface waters to the north and east of the Coal Pile. Therefore, evaluation of surface water within Hyco Reservoir and the cooling water intake canal will be used to determine whether or not groundwater migration from the Coal Pile area has resulted in constituent concentrations in surface water greater than applicable 15A NCAC Subchapter 02B .0200 (02B) standards. To evaluate potential groundwater to surface water pathways, a total of five sample locations are planned for the evaluation. Assessment locations RSW-10 and RSW-11 are planned along the western shore of the intake canal and locations RSW-12 through RSW-14 are planned along the western shore of Hyco Reservoir (Figure 4). Background samples would be collected from proposed locations RSW-BG-1 and RSW- BG-2 within Hyco Reservoir. These background locations are upstream of potentially CCR-influenced groundwater (Figure 4). Sediment samples will be collected at the bank consistent with background and assessment surface water sample locations. 2.3.1 Surface Water and Sediment Assessment Procedures Surface water sampling will be conducted in general accordance with the Internal Technical Guidance: Evaluating Impact to Surface Water from Discharging Groundwater Plumes provided by NCDEQ on October 31, 2017, and follow one of Page 2-4 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra four sampling options in the Site Investigation Sampling Options provided by NCDEQ in a July 2, 2018 email. Title 15A NCAC 02B .0211 (11) (e) states: "Compliance with acute instream metals standards shall only be evaluated using an average of two or more samples collected within one hour. Compliance with chronic instream metals standards shall only be evaluated using an average of a minimum of four samples taken on consecutive days, or as a 96-hour average." To evaluate those constituents with acute and/or chronic 02B or EPA standards, samples will be collected over a 96-hour period, following a frequency that enables an assessment that adheres with 02B standards. Total and dissolved metals sample collection frequency for the "96-hour Chronic Sampling" option is outlined below. 96-HOUR CHRONIC SURFACE WATER SAMPLING FREQUENCY Sampling Days (hours) Total Inorganics Metals Sample Dissolved Inorganics Metals Sample Acute Standards Chronic Standards Day 1 (24 hours) 1 2 samples within 1-hour 1 Day 2 (48 hours) - - - Day 3 (72 hours) - - - Day 4 (96 hours) 1 - 1 Notes: - No sample to be collected during this day Table provided in Site Investigations Sampling Options, NCDEQ email dated July 2, 2018 Surface water samples collected from each location of the 96-hour sampling event will be collected from the same physical location. This method will be implemented at a total of seven surface water locations, including background locations RSW-BG-1 and RSW-BG-2 and proposed assessment locations RSW-10 through RSW-14 (Figure 4). All surface water samples will be collected at low or base flow conditions. 2.3.2 Analytical Parameters and Methods Surface water and sediment samples will be collected and analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 5 (surface water) and Table 6 (sediment), with surface water samples collected and analyzed for total and dissolved concentrations for the indicated constituents and sediment samples analyzed for total Page 2-5 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant March 2020 SynTerra concentrations. Field parameters (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, etc.) will be measured and recorded prior to collection of surface water samples. Page 2-6 Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant FIGURES March 2020 SynTerra 0001, c. no c�T' CAE � _VT COAL PILE AREA PSUM S4 7o�R POWER PLANTI )! r ,T_ry HANDLINGMATE DI AREA 1 L 1 11 1 EAB MAIN DAM- • •• LCID LANDFILL �- BOUNDARY EAST ASH BASIN _ I WAS MAIN DAM ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY Q WEST ASH BASIN ,gyp WESTERN DISCHARGE CANAL'r nlrw WESTERN DISCHARGE CANAL - FILTER DIN ROXBOR0 PLANT - PARCEL LINES _ Q w a _r kk 1 ASH BASIN /WASTE .BOUNDARY �_41 .tea �0 �1ASTERN }1 a DISCHARGE CANAL \`171 Vvrn\\r�__ SEPARATOR DIKE r INDUSTRIAL LANDFILL BOUNDARY r n7t�iiU{�J j �� SOLID WASTE LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY �l•r c_� r� i �� C� u 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. `ry 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS. ¢ 3. 2016 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, OLIVE HILL QUADRANGLE, OBTAINED FROM THE USGS STORE AT httpsJ/stom.usgs.gov/map-locator. 1 PERSON COUNTY FIGURE 1 DUKE *� USGS LOCATION MAP ENERGY WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA PROGRESS wiNsroNSALEns 0RALEIGH CHARLOTTE ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: J. KIRTZ DATE: 06/11/2019 REVISED BY: C. ALMOND DATE: 03/06/202. CHECKED BT K. LAWING DATE: 03/06/2020 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 synTerra APPROVED BY: K. LAWDATE: 03/06/2020 PROJECT MANAGER: WC EADY wwwsynterracorpxom (IN FEET) y i 1979 LANDF c( •^ .. �� � -�. �`' :r_ °�f � ,� '1 L �� d � �f(r,;• � �,.fy. !'.Rl. .+ � <•. _ i ® HY I'iil+�li��� � }.. an 1 k �::�t� ��'4„��,ti � 'f ., r: •ail � --'— ' u; II ��i l � • '•,mil ��� o ,� �— . HYCO_ h; RESERVIORIVA �� ail, __ ✓, 11 _ __— LIMESTONE a STORAGE AREA -+ �®� COAL PILE) ;� rR. yy t • V '1� r� , INTAKE - v CANALirWr _ r' L LEGEND DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE It V _ r -- �' MONITORING WELL IN SURFICIAL FLOW ZONE ®, ' INTAKE re r BAY MONITORING WELL IN TRANSITION FLOW ZONE MONITORING WELL IN BEDROCK FLOW ZONE 1'0 ,✓- TOPOGRAPHIC ••RA• CONTOUR • - 1. MONITORING WELLS WITH "WR" DESIGNATION INSTALLED FOR DUKE BY WOOD WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. 2. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. FEBRUARY 5, 2017 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NC ONE MAP i fi { • Foy _- ® , HEATED WATER DISCHARGE CANAL - ' ��e ' HEATED WATER \ _ • • DISCHARGE POND4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTIONOF • . . • LINA STATE N <.PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM PIPS (NAD83). GRAPHIC SCALE •• • •• •• DUKE- - IN FEET FIGURE 2 DRAWN ENERGY •�. •LAYOUT � ° a PROGRESS CHECKED: .•3/9/2020 APPROVED BY: CEADY DATE: 3/9/2020 y.• COAL PILE AREA ' • . • • • STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PLOT DATE: 3/9/2020 3:32 PM �Fal'< 3 4�919 '�, sC1pLAYOUT: FIG-2 (SITE LAYOUT) LAST SAVED: JOHASTAIN �m1 m MENi • • ivw" !WAR •� HYCO RESERVOIR -lift � +ii`� ��� 410± � �' J + I I�III,IIII� � � •w 14�' - � I ,��ii � illl'II III S % y ��. - - .._- -_ ice.. ,.. I�`i,••f _R •� �' .��� �I 1 `� '1 a I . A COAL PILE a - 431.21 ' ti r ,r - 429.07 .: a p°' WR-13S _ t� 431.30 2- ,°-�'- . o -; a- � = - � i•"' �g0 �:- -:, � 425.59 a = CPA 1S ! 42 WR-6S T _t -WR5S- NM41 -- ' o _ S 0 414.66 R t WR 12S WR 7S y_ WR-11S _�._ — ==a }-�_ IN417.9 M ;;, 9 = q P LEGEND INFERRED WATER LEVEL CONTOUR IN FEET fi 418.19 W R-9S WR-10S 41 .95 CPA -IS MONITORING WELL IN SURFICIAL FLOW ZONE q P 3 3 r 417.77 \ 416.26 WATER LEVEL IN FEET (NAD88) GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION \ � WR 15S se w 1— 4i a € - - JJ:335i vJa:v 9tw7J F 416.34 ��` - - " -- DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE --a��.. TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR (2' INTERVAL) °p NOTES: Br 1. WATER LEVELS WERE COLLECTED BY SYNTERRA ON DECEMBER 16, 2019. 2.NM-NOT MEASURED. - rj La - 0 j 3. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. t -5 -- 4� { 4. FEBRUARY 5, 2017 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NC ONE MAP GEOSPATIAL PORTAL AThttp,.//data.rconemap.com/geoportal/catalog/raster/download.page WR-20S 4 1 , 411.17^� ^ ww r 5. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE 1 '1 COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS (NAD83). - r �'- 6. MONITORING WELLS WITH'WR" DESIGNATION INSTALLED FOR DUKE ENERGY BY • -r t OOD ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS INC �- GRAPHIC SCALE DUKEzoo o IN FEET zoo 400 FIGURE 3A F DRAWN BY:JCHASTAIN DATE: 3/9/2020 GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL MAP FR(//,�� t`a J `N E `vY REVISED BY: DATE:- CHECKED BY:KLAWING DATE:3/9/2020 SURFICIAL FLOW ZONE J PROGRESS APPROVED BY:CEADY DATE:3/9/2020 WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT MANAGER. CEADY COAL PILE AREA �./• ,, / � FILE NAME: LAYOUT: FIG3A(SURFICIAL WLMAP) ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PLOT DATE: 3/9/2020 3:32 PM synTerid LAST SAVED:JCHASTAIN SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA www.synterracorp.com lyco CPA-5 D 4D 419.36 - �� d CPA-21D I" 420.06 I ° RD - s� a --� _ *! CPA-3D r� • - r{ _- r� �< a N ti �l r CPA-1D 415.37 o NF q LEGEND WR-21SR v ap ,_ f INFERRED WATER LEVEL CONTOUR IN FEET _ ` 414.66 fY' 420 j �. 415.37 CPA -ID MONITORING WELL IN TRANSITION FLOW ZONE L � . WATER LEVEL IN FEET (NAD88) ,g 0µ , i` � GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION :. — — -- _ ' q, .. r,�G • _ - " '- DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE � - --� S I N TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR (2' INTERVAL) 415 .�.',.. v T t NOTES: ti �a _ j 1. WATER LEVELS WERE COLLECTED BY SYNTERRA ON DECEMBER 16, 2019. <� �� i � �.�oM�7 �' •� -^ �a ,-°. �-'":'�:� c ; 2.NM=NOT MEASURED. 3.ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 4. FEBRUARY 5, 2017 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NC ONE MAP GEOSPATIAL PORTAL AT http.,//data.rconemap.com/geoportal/catalog/raster/download.page / 5. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE WR-20D - _-^ y COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS(NAD83). .� 6. MONITORING WELLS WITH'WR" DESIGNATION INSTALLED FOR DUKE ENERGY BY , WOOD ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. ` - GRAPHIC SCALE , ! 200 0 200 400 y MW-6D f' DUKE IN FEET FIGURE 3B ENERGY DRAWN BY: 3/9/2020 GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL MAP REVISED BY: DATE: s PROGRESS CHECKED BY:KLAWING DATE:3/9/2020 TRANSITION FLOW ZONE 1 APPROVED DATE 3/9/2020 WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT MANAGER. CEADY COAL PILE AREA FILENAME: =1' LAYOUT: FIG3B(TRANSITION WLMAP) ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PLOT DATE: 3/9/2020 3:19 PM I,(LAST SAVED: SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA Te�,� www.synterracorp.com LIMESTONE F' STORAGE AREA c � = - � II - 7 I s 1HEATED WATER ATED WATER SCHARGE POND. LEGEND t INFERRED WATER LEVEL CONTOUR IN FEET h•... CPA-1BR MONITORING WELL IN BEDROCK FLOW ZONE fi 415.79 WATER LEVEL IN FEET (NAD88) GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR (2' INTERVAL) 3 v r�wr !�7 jl +NOTES: ���• t + —fir. 1. WATER LEVELS WERE COLLECTED BYSYNTERRA ON DECEMBER 16, 2019. 2' NM — NOT MEASURED. ' i'c k ,� 3. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 4. FEBRUARY 5, 2017 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NC ONE MAP GEOSPATIAL PORTAL AT http,.//data.nconemap.com/geoporLal/catalog/raster/download.page 5. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE _ COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS (NAD83). \ 6. MONITORING WELLS WITH "WR" DESIGNATION INSTALLED FOR DUKE ENERGY BY WOOD ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. 7 m; GRAPHIC SCALE DUKE zoo o zoo 400 FIGURE 3C ENERGY DRAWN BY: JCHASTAIN IN FEET DATE:3/9/2020 GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL MAP REVCHEICKEDBY:KLAWING DATE:3/9/2020 BEDROCK FLOW ZONE J PROGRESS APPROVED BY:CEADY DATE:3/9/2020 WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT MANAGER: CEADY FILENAME: COAL PILE AREA LAYOUT: E:3/9(20203:KMAP) ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PLOT DATE: 3/9/2020 3:32 PM WnTerra LAST SAVED: JCHASTAI N SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA www.synterracorp.com • i - r, c r + r 4 .� ,� 44 t 1 CPA-6S j j y CPA-6D �- �:%�1 ` r+ CPA-66R r SEE BASE MAP r f, toV {: r CPA-5D •o. • • I �- .I Awl � �^ f ' 1 �� �,• CPA-4S f •`+ �� ~ ® CPA-4D - NPDES CPA-4BR OUTFALL 006 Q� CPA-2 INSET A I '� •+� CPA-zD SCALE: 1" = 2 MILES RESERVOIR g 4M CPA-26R / r� t � ♦ may., • . 0 �. - r •fig '" - .. � . CPA-3D • ' � �� • �i � CPA-3BR r �— SEE INSETA * _ �' ' r WR-14S�t _ I j. •� r' }� WR-13S .� ., wR-,s WR-2S LEGEND WR-, D tea, ' it a .' WR-3S � PROPOSED MONITORING WELL LOCATION c WR-5S WR-11S CPA-,S CPA-1p I PROPOSED SURFACE WATER/SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION WR-12S WR-7S - ,! �_ CPA-1BR WELL IN SURFICIAL ZONE WR-8S 5 — A • ?W r �• ,.. } _ . s� : � WELL IN TRANSITION ZONE ++� WR-21DR yyR-21SR • WELL IN BEDROCK ZONE '� .• ` �- 1r r • � r _ � `! WR-,OS � - �' A NPDES OUTFACE LOCATION • "• ��� �;� �, "3Q "�re. •.ti- 4_ DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE i r t� L 1 WR-15DNOTES � _ l:.t' • ; i `, : !'�� - ?-.- - 1. MONITORING WELLS WITH "WR" DESIGNATION INSTALLED FOR DUKE ENERGY BY WOOD WR-15S'�`++! f� � + ■' ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS INC. -= .r L 'r rw � - •. � r -. �!y �+� } �� � '��� r �i�. ~ � �.1� .fL � 2. PROPOSED LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON FIELD L w rl t•1� + iT� A ~.■�� ►- CONDITIONS �6YR WR-16S - r WR-18S i ^•� X + �- 3. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. IL A.��y; J� 4. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI WORLD IMAGERY ON JANUARY 23, 2020. • •' L ����`�1'��-.�rr+ IMAGE COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 6, 2017. r @- r .. WR-19S r f ! i . 5. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINASTATE PLANE • +^ -��� COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD83). • R-20SIak- . • • WR-20D DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE 180 0 180 360 ENERGY FIGURE 4 ON FEET) PROPOSED SAMPLE LOCATIONS PROGRESS DRAWN BY: C. ALMOND DATE:02/11/2020 WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA REVISED BY: C. ALMOND DATE: 03/10/2020 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT CHECKED BY: K. LAWING DATE: 03/10/2020 y� °-- APPROVED BY: K.LAWING DATE:03/10/2020 SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA i i.L _''�� - T ,�,�..� PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY Work Plan for Additional Assessment Coal Pile Area Roxboro Steam Electric Plant TABLES March 2020 SynTerra TABLE 1A SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters FIELD PARAMETERS WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS SELECTED 40CFR257 APPENDIX III CONSTITUENTS plus Sr INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTAL CONCENTRATION) PH Water Level Temperature Specific Conductance Dissolved Oxygen Oxidation Reduction Potential Eh Turbidity Alkalinity Bicarbonate Alkalinity Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Total Suspended Solids Boron Calcium Chloride Strontium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Reporting Units S.U. ft. btoc Deg C umhos/cm mg/L mV mV NTUs mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 700 NE 250 NE 250 Soo NE 1* SO 700 4* 2 2019 BTVs Transition Zone Unit ' 6.3-7.6 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 283 284 0.2 2 NE 50 111 180 760 38 710 734 1 1 94 1 1 2019 BTVs Bedrock Unit)' 6.1-8.3 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 379 388 0.3 11 NE 50 106 130 438 69 560 183 1 6 135 1 1 Sample ID Sam le Collection Date ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS CPA-01BR 10/07/2019 7.3 23.99 21 1071 0.49 131 336 2.1 169 169 <0.1 0.85 <5 <50 143 M4 28 549 390 820 6.764j <1 <1 25 <1 <1 CPA-01BR 12/18/2019 7.3 22.98 14 1188 0.26 246 451 0.5 171 171 <0.1 0.726 <5 <50 157 33 620 420 938 4.023j <1 <1 28 <1 <1 CPA-01D 10/07/2019 7.0 24.98 22 1079 0.31 48 253 5.1 243 243 <0.1 1.1 <5 <50 133 34 363 320 792 27 <1 <1 18 <1 <1 CPA-01D 12/18/2019 7.1 23.79 15 1087 0.32 248 453 1.6 251 251 <0.1 0.962 <5 <50 139 M4 36 391 290 795 53 <1 <1 20 <1 <1 CPA-01S 10/07/2019 6.6 22.75 22 1088 1.07 31 236 9.4 293 293 <0.1 1.2 <5 177 100 52 616 230 750 99 0.341j 0.375j 52 <1 0.349j CPA-01S 12/18/2019 6.8 22.98 16 969 0.60 252 457 2.7 314 314 <0.1 1.1 <5 153 88.4 49 565 150 657 42 <1 <1 45 <1 <1 CPA-02BR 10/08/2019 6.4 8.93 20 5328 0.45 91 296 3.2 193 193 <0.1 1.6 <5 1080 662 530 2860 2900 5200 55 <1 0.936j 45 <1 <1 CPA-02BR 12/17/2019 6.5 7.43 18 5447 0.38 117 322 0.9 196 196 <0.1 1.4 <5 1090 724 Soo 2880 2600 5540 20 <1 0.619j 46 <1 <1 CPA-02D 10/07/2019 6.3 13.27 21 5284 0.50 85 290 1.9 168 168 <0.1 M1 1.2 <5 1140 691 460 2730 6.7 5110 25 <1 <1 44 <1 <1 CPA-02D 12/17/2019 6.4 11.65 18 5349 0.33 223 428 1.0 171 171 <0.1 1.1 <5 1110 701 430 2820 2600 5500 19 <1 <1 45 <1 <1 CPA-02S 10/08/2019 5.8 16.71 20 6618 0.51 5 210 9.0 92.9 92.9 <0.1 2.1 6 943 610 550 5280 4100 6980 61 <1 1.06 20 <1 <1 CPA-02S 12/17/2019 5.9 15.01 19 7312 0.38 236 441 6.4 105 105 <0.1 2.1 7 999 631 M4 560 5660 3900 8080 133 <1 1.55 17 M2 <1 <1 CPA-03BR 10/07/2019 5.9 8.10 21 7281 0.20 33 238 1.1 278 278 <0.1 2.5 <5 316 715 2.4 3980 5.9 6250 11 <1 0.844j 55 <1 0.458j CPA-03BR 12/18/2019 6.0 7.30 17 7180 0.49 273 478 0.9 274 274 <0.1 2 <5 317 747 960 4120 2600 6140 6.313j <10 0.978 j,D1 53 <10 0.367j,D1 CPA-03D 10/07/2019 6.1 7.76 23 7181 0.33 41 246 0.9 191 191 <0.1 0.957 <5 520 801 2.6 2990 5.7 5960 14 <1 0.672j 48 <1 <1 CPA-03D 12/18/2019 6.2 7.17 18 7066 0.43 218 423 1.8 191 191 <0.1 0.792 <5 526 838 1200 3180 2500 5980 5.666j <10 0.344 j,D1 47 <10 <10 CPA-04BR 10/08/2019 6.9 18.52 20 1250 0.42 46 251 3.4 276 276 <0.1 3 <5 <50 106 84 684 250 810 13 <1 0.895j 27 <1 <1 CPA-04BR 1 12/18/2019 7.0 17.32 13 1230 0.22 125 330 4.3 287 287 <0.1 3.2 <5 <50 119 85 718 230 847 13 <1 3.69 37 <1 <1 CPA-04D 10/08/2019 6.7 20.31 18 1001 0.25 53 258 6.1 277 277 <0.1 1.9 <5 <50 99.9 33 415 220 720 148 <1 <1 1.78j <1 <1 CPA-04D 12/18/2019 6.8 19.17 15 1007 0.20 155 360 3.1 285 285 <0.1 1.8 42 <50 115 34 439 210 712 1310 <1 <1 3.42j <1 <1 CPA-04S 10/08/2019 6.5 18.67 18 921 0.51 96 301 4.4 348 348 <0.1 1.6 <5 114 93.4 7.6 751 150 632 79 <1 <1 81 <1 <1 CPA-04S 12/18/2019 6.6 17.38 16 863 0.39 192 397 3.8 340 340 <0.1 2 7 110 82.6 6 646 130 582 293 <1 <1 78 <1 <1 CPA-05BR 10/08/2019 7.3 17.66 18 859 0.37 -129 76 1.6 253 253 <0.1 4.3 <5 <50 73.8 16 396 160 528 10 <1 2.65 36 <1 <1 CPA-05BR 12/17/2019 7.4 15.36 17 1136 0.31 226 431 0.9 246 1 246 <0.1 3 <5 <50 74.3 43 485 160 585 6.689j <1 2.74 47 <1 <1 CPA-05D 10/08/2019 6.4 15.80 18 481 1.58 98 303 7.3 184 184 <0.1 2.4 7 27.251j 38.2 9.9 315 51 336 135 <1 0.392j 68 <1 <1 CPA-05D 12/17/2019 6.5 13.15 18 469 1.27 204 409 1.8 176 176 <0.1 2.1 <5 1 25.497j 35.1 7.2 293 46 334 39 <1 <1 66 <1 <1 CPA-06BR 10/09/2019 6.2 26.60 18 625 0.31 7 212 2.7 227 227 <0.1 1.8 <5 <50 59.4 7 446 81 395 16 <1 0.565j 79 <1 <1 CPA-06BR 12/17/2019 6.5 24.67 17 700 0.18 166 371 1.3 248 248 <0.1 1.7 <5 <50 63.8 6.4 1 509 82 1 444 12 <1 I <1 92 <1 <1 CPA-06D 10/09/2019 6.3 26.62 19 1292 2.17 47 252 7.4 358 358 <0.1 5.3 7 24.696j 94.8 M4 94 924 160 752 157 <1 1.04 200 <1 <1 CPA-06D 12/17/2019 6.5 24.78 17 1284 2.03 191 396 5.6 378 378 <0.1 5.5 16 22.194j 92.4 73 937 150 790 716 <1 1.11 208 <1 <1 CPA-065 10/09/2019 6.5 20.54 18 633 0.34 60 265 4.4 314 314 <0.1 2.3 <5 55 56 3.6 469 22 371 42 <1 <1 61 <1 <1 CPA-06S 12/17/2019 6.7 19.32 17 633 0.21 165 370 1.7 325 325 <0.1 2.2 1 <5 51 59.5 1 3.7 1 478 20 400 150 1 <1 <1 63 <1 <1 Notes: 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard or the IMAC. (Effective date for 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard and IMAC is April 1, 2013) * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. ^ - Federal MCL (Total Radium 5 pCi/L, Total Uranium 0.03 pg/mL) i - BTVs were calculated using data from background groundwater samples collected November 2010 to January 2017. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 10X the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. B3 - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample was greater than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample is not affected by blank contamination. B2 - Target analyte was detected in blank(s) at a concentration greater than 1/2 the reporting limit but less than the reporting limit. Analyte concentration in sample is valid and may be used for compliance purposes. BTV - Background Threshold Value D3 - Sample required dilution due to matrix. Deg C - Degrees Celsius DO - Dissolved oxygen Eh - Redox Potential ft. btoc - feet below top of casing j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MI - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M2 - Matrix spike recovery was Low: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. The associated Laboratory Control Spike recovery was acceptable. mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mV - Millivolts NE - Not established NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit ORP - Oxidation -Reduction Potential P4 - Sample field preservation does not meet EPA or method recommendations for this analysis. pCi/L - picocuries per liter RO - The data are unusable. S.U. - Standard Unit U - Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the Minimum Detectable Concentration. p - Micron pg/L - Micrograms per liter pmhos/cm - Micro mhos per centimeter Prepared by: KTL Checked by: ECW page 1 of 3 TABLE 1A SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTAL CONCENTRATION)(CONTINUED) INORGANIC PARAMETERS (DISSOLVED CONCENTRATION WITH FILTER SIZE 0.45p) Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Lithium Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite Potassium Selenium Sodium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Chromium Reporting Units pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L mg-N/L mg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 30 to 1* 1000 300 15 NE NE 50 1 NE 100 11 NE 20 NE 0.2* 0.3* 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 2019 BTVs Transition Zone Unit ' 12 22 3 10 1293 1 26 45 260 0.05 8 17 4 5 2 36 0.2 23 14 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 2019 BTVs Bedrock Unit)' 1 4 18 2 5130 1 27 39 1773 0.05 22 3 0.4 10 1 57 0.2 3 44 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE Sample ID Sam le Collection Date ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS CPA-01BR 10/07/2019 0.11 <1 <1 <1 34 <1 2.686j 70.6 M4 9 <0.05 2.09 0.609j <0.01 1.48 <1 17 <0.2 6.11 <5 4.861j <1 <1 25 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-01BR 12/18/2019 <0.025 <1 <1 <1 45 B <1 2.954j 78.3 15 <0.05 2.08 0.635j <0.01 1.3 <1 16.7 <O.2 5.38 <5 18 B <1 <1 29 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-01D 10/07/2019 0.16 <1 <1 0.762j 75 <1 <5 71.6 42 <0.05 2.38 0.562j 0.0035j 1.92 <1 14.4 <0.2 4.19 <5 3.326j <1 <1 18 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-01D 12/18/2019 <0.025 0.479j <1 <1 81 B <1 1.786j 73.5 29 <0.05 2.1 0.713j <0.01 1.6 <1 14 <0.2 3.85 <5 3.367j <1 <1 19 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-01S 10/07/2019 <0.025 P4,R0 0.586j 6.91 1.15 191 0.463j <5 75.1 2220 <0.05 1.53 5.72 <0.01 1.34 <1 34.4 0.176j 4.46 <5 <10 <1 <1 55 <1 177 <1 <1 CPA-01S 12/18/2019 <0.025 <1 4.94 <1 228 <1 <5 66.3 1920 <0.05 1.53 4.35 <0.01 1.24 <1 32.8 <0.2 2.12 2.213j 6.83j <1 <1 44 <1 148 <1 <1 CPA-02BR 10/08/2019 <0.025 P4,RO <1 0.863j <1 1 911 <1 4.97j 394 1156 <0.05 1.11 11.65 0.026 11.3 <1 160 1<0.2 2.15 <5 1.945j <1 0.785j 47 <1 1 1090 <1 <1 CPA-02BR 12/17/2019 <0.025 0.443j 0.895j 0.837j 485 <1 5 418 127 <0.05 1.9 2.63 0.017 1 12.2 0.415j 160 <0.2 2.07 3.128j <10 <1 0.533j 44 <1 1060 <1 <1 CPA-02D 10/07/2019 <0.025 P4,RO <1 2.12 0.964j 42 <1 3.864j 424 2420 <0.05 0.741j 3.28 0.058 9.68 0.653j 142 <0.2 1.94 1.877j 1.738j <1 <1 47 <1 1110 <1 <1 CPA-02D 12/17/2019 <0.025 P4,M1,R0 <1 1.89 1.05 37 <1 3.444j 433 2100 <0.05 0.872j 3.24 0.061 8.98 0.626j 148 <0.2 1.9 4.437j 2.137j <1 <1 46 <1 1140 <1 <1 CPA-02S 10/08/2019 <0.025 P4,R0 0.642j 183 <1 48600 <1 2.045j 612 123000 <0.05 1.39 55.6 0.029 4.71 <1 265 0.081j 0.866 11 31 <1 1.37 18 <1 972 <1 0.438j CPA-02S 12/17/2019 <0.025 P4,R0 0.918j 262 0.656j 54400 <1 16 719 M4 159000 <0.05 0.285j 92.9 0.154 9.4 <1 319 0.111j 1.03 11 40 <1 1.6 17 <1 1040 <1 0.513j CPA-03BR 10/07/2019 <0.025 P4,110 0.897j 43.2 2.47 1440 <1 85 333 32200 <0.05 1.26 101 0.0043j 29.8 <1 712 <0.2 1.22 6 5.703j <1 0.649j 58 <1 305 0.439j 0.569j CPA-03BR 12/18/2019 <0.025 1.784 j,DI 39.4 D1 2.155 j,D1 1070 B1 <10 81 343 1 30800 <0.05 1.17 j,D1 91.9 D1 <0.01 28.6 <10 711 0.43 j,D1 2.731 j,D1 3.146 j 6.887 j,B 0.38 j,D1 0.524 j,D1 52 <10 301 <10 1.307 j,D1 CPA-03D 10/07/2019 <0.025 0.346j 1.72 0.369j 410 <1 4.489j 521 3990 0.022j 1.73 17.3 0.0057j 1 20.4 <1 306 <0.2 1.16 8 2.286j <1 0.571j 52 <1 526 <1 <1 CPA-03D 12/18/2019 <0.025 8.337 j,D1 1.626 j,D1 0.462 j,D1 98 B <10 5 549 5920 <0.05 2.107 j,D1 32.7 D1 <0.01 20.7 <10 325 0.278 j,D1 2.355 j,D1 1 4.546 j 45 B 0.676 j,Dl I <10 47 <10 1 514 <10 2.802 j,DI CPA-04BR 10/08/2019 0.084 <1 0.566j <1 272 <1 6 48.7 868 <0.05 16.5 1.45 <0.02 23.3 <1 69.6 <0.2 0.684 12 <10 <1 0.938j 27 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-04BR 12/18/2019 0.034 0.511j 0.983j <1 1430 <1 4.237j 49.7 920 <0.05 15.7 2 <0.01 22.4 <1 68.6 <0.2 0.842 7 2.978j <1 3.72 37 <1 <50 <1 0.435j CPA-04D 10/08/2019 0.051 P4,R0 0.348j <1 <1 160 <1 <5 58.4 70 <0.05 1.86 0.679j 0.21 2.4 <1 28.6 <0.2 4.37 <5 3.009j <1 <1 2.292j <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-04D 12/18/2019 0.045 1.92 1.31 2.45 1500 B1 0.393 j 2.35 j 62.9 127 <0.05 1.8 2.32 0.253 2.5 <1 28.9 <0.2 8 3.438 j 6.596 j,B <1 <1 2.017 j <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-04S 10/08/2019 0.055 P4,M1,R0 0.421 j 2.86 <1 143 <1 I 1.671 j 60.7 1670 <0.05 1.58 5.15 0.44 3.25 14.3 1 27.4 <0.2 4.64 5 5.668 j <1 <1 81 <1 115 <1 <1 CPA-04S 12/18/2019 <0.025 1.18 2.25 1.73 442 <1 <5 55 1600 <0.05 1.3 6.01 0.211 1 2.96 9.64 29.7 <0.2 6.76 4.287j 1.772j <1 <1 79 <1 114 <1 <1 CPA-05BR 10/08/2019 0.2 <1 0.4831 <1 1090 <1 <5 34.3 342 <0.05 11.1 0.785j <0.02 5.34 <1 58.8 <0.2 0.743 <5 5.555j <1 2.16 39 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-05BR 12/17/2019 0.098 0.396j 0.394j <1 951 <1 <5 34.5 185 <0.05 14 0.769j 0.022 17.3 <1 66.8 <0.2 0.681 2.002j 16 <1 1.83 43 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-05D 10/08/2019 0.076 0.334j 3.86 <1 Soo <1 <5 24.9 1740 <0.05 3.69 3.22 <0.02 1.11 <1 26.4 <0.2 4.15 <5 3.593j <1 0.451j 69 <1 30.671j <1 <1 CPA-05D 12/17/2019 0.12 P4,R0 0.474 j 3.3 0.853 j 140 <1 <5 23.6 1090 <0.05 1.1 3.76 0.067 1.89 <1 24.1 <0.2 8.53 2.828 j 3.731 j <1 <1 65 <1 26.466 j <1 <1 CPA-06BR 10/09/2019 <0.025 P4,RO <1 0.923j <1 497 <1 3.861j 33.6 185 <0.05 1.4 2.43 0.012 3.26 <1 17.6 <0.2 0.979 4.399j 3.308j <1 0.654j 79 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-06BR 12/17/2019 0.13 P4,R0 0.386j 0.712j I<1 283 1 <1 1 19 35.3 158 <0.05 0.637j 3.08 <0.01 8.8 1 <1 1 20.3 <0.2 1.02 3.107j 3.54j <1 <1 85 <1 <50 <1 <1 CPA-06D 10/09/2019 <0.025 P4,110 0.454 j 9.91 1.34 488 <1 1.82 j 44 M4 1560 <0.05 10.9 11.1 <0.01 22.9 <1 93.2 M4 <0.2 1.85 2.818 j 2.468 j <1 0.954 j 197 <1 27.484 j <1 <1 CPA-06D 12/17/2019 <0.025 P4,R0 1.43 10.4 3.73 1790 <1 4.209 j 44.8 1570 <0.05 10.3 11.3 <0.01 19.8 <1 95.4 <0.2 4.04 5 2.357 j <1 0.874 j 196 <1 19.143 j <1 <1 CPA-06S 10/09/2019 <0.025 P4,R0 0.42j 3.82 0.502j 74 <1 2.104j 43 2030 <0.05 1.38 6.36 <0.01 0.794 <1 14 <0.2 6.93 <5 2.23j <1 <1 62 <1 55 1 <1 <1 CPA-06S 12/17/2019 0.053 <1 3.85 0.656j 221 <1 <5 44.6 2080 <0.05 0.735j 7.91 0.012 0.84 <1 14.9 1 <0.2 7.18 2.429j <10 <1 <1 60 <1 53 1 <1 <1 Notes: 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard or the IMAC. (Effective date for 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard and IMAC is April 1, 2013) * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. ^ - Federal MCL (Total Radium 5 pCi/L, Total Uranium 0.03 pg/mQ i - BTVs were calculated using data from background groundwater samples collected November 2010 to January 2017. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 10X the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. B3 - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample was greater than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample is not affected by blank contamination. B2 - Target analyte was detected in blank(s) at a concentration greater than 1/2 the reporting limit but less than the reporting limit. Analyte concentration in sample is valid and may be used for compliance purposes. BTV - Background Threshold Value D3 - Sample required dilution due to matrix. Deg C - Degrees Celsius DO - Dissolved oxygen Eh - Redox Potential ft. btoc - feet below top of casing j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MI - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M2 - Matrix spike recovery was Low: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. The associated Laboratory Control Spike recovery was acceptable. mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mV - Millivolts NE - Not established NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit ORP - Oxidation -Reduction Potential P4 - Sample field preservation does not meet EPA or method recommendations for this analysis. pCi/L - picocuries per liter RO - The data are unusable. S.U. - Standard Unit U - Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the Minimum Detectable Concentration. p - Micron pg/L - Micrograms per liter pmhos/cm - Micro mhos per centimeter Prepared by: KTL Checked by: ECW page 2 of 3 TABLE 1A SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters INORGANIC PARAMETERS (DISSOLVED CONCENTRATION WITH FILTER SIZE 0.45p) RADIONUCLIDES OTHER PARAMETERS Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Lithium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Phosphorus Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Radium-226 Radium-228 Total Radium Uranium-238 Total Uranium Carbonate Alkalinity Fluoride Phosphorus Reporting Units pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pg/mL pg/mL mg/L mg/L mg/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE^ NE NE^ NE 2 NE 2019 BTVs Transition Zone Unit ' NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 10 NE 0.004 5 0.4 NE 2019 BTVs Bedrock Unit)' NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 4 NE 0.006 5 0.4 NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYTICAL RESULTS CPA-01BR 10/07/2019 <1 <1 48 <1 2.447j 10 <0.05 2.32 0.605j <0.05 <1 550 <0.2 5.97 <5 0.265 U 0.101 U 0.366 0.000738 0.000738 <5 0.15 <0.05 CPA-01BR 12/18/2019 <1 <1 69 <1 8 B2 16 <0.05 2.25 0.775j <0.05 <1 620 <0.2 5.16 6 B 0.693 -0.13 U 0.693 0.000746 0.000746 <5 0.87j <0.05 CPA-01D 10/07/2019 <1 <1 14 <1 <5 33 <0.05 2.25 0.514j <0.05 <1 371 <0.2 4.48 <5 0.504 -0.12 U 0.504 0.00388 0.00388 <5 0.12 <0.05 CPA-01D 12/18/2019 <1 <1 44 <1 <5 26 <0.05 2.12 0.683j <0.05 <1 377 <0.2 3.92 2.804 j,B2 0.513 0.176 U 0.689 0.00427 0.00427 <5 0.07j <0.05 CPA-01S 10/07/2019 6.89 <1 93 <1 <5 2140 <0.05 1.17 5.47 <0.05 <1 657 <0.2 4.12 1.851j 0.328 U 0.0244 U 0.3524 0.00109 0.00109 <5 0.63 0.06 CPA-01S 12/18/2019 5 <1 455 <1 <5 1850 <0.05 1.4 3.68 0.064 <1 534 <0.2 1.96 2.048 j,B2 0.419 0.462 U 0.881 0.00104 0.00104 <5 0.62 0.062 CPA-02BR 10/08/2019 1.35 <1 648 <1 6 170 <0.05 1.09 2.15 <0.05 0.517j 2880 <0.2 2.14 <5 2.33 -0.152 U 2.33 0.0519 0.0519 <5 0.14 <0.05 CPA-02BR 12/17/2019 0.834j <1 353 <1 5 119 <0.05 1.2 1.95 <0.05 0.429j 2800 <0.2 2.05 3.141 j,B2 2.43 0.685 3.115 0.0524 0.0524 <5 0.06j <0.05 CPA-02D 10/07/2019 2.06 0.478 j 16 <1 4.435 j 2190 <0.05 0.651 j 3.53 <0.05 0.605 j 2860 <0.2 1.94 1.709 j 3.68 0.404 U 4.084 0.0802 0.0802 <5 0.28 <0.05 CPA-02D 12/17/2019 1.93 0.827 j 20 <1 4.398 j 2100 <0.05 0.785 j 3.24 <0.05 0.699 j 2860 <0.2 2.04 4.484 j,B2 1.12 -0.0183 U 1.12 0.08 0.08 <5 0.06 j <0.05 CPA-02S 10/08/2019 227 <1 49200 <1 1.971j 129000 <0.05 1.67 74.9 <0.05 <1 5380 <0.2 0.607 9 0.571 U -0.0808 U 0.571 0.0000916j 0.0000916j <5 0.2 <0.05 CPA-02S 12/17/2019 252 <1 56600 <1 20 163000 <0.05 0.275j 87.2 <0.05 <1 5680 <0.2 0.39 13 B2 0.242 U 0.453 U 0.695 0.0000991j 0.0000991j <5 0.1j <0.05 CPA-03BR 10/07/2019 43.9 1.63 1010 <1 82 28300 <0.05 1.09 99 <0.05 <1 4120 <0.2 1.4 3.622j 0.622 0.733 1.355 0.0163 0.0163 <5 0.099j <0.05 CPA-03BR 12/18/2019 43.1 D1 2.057 j,D1 915 <10 81 B2 30200 <0.05 0.947 j,D1 99.7 D1 <0.05 <10 3930 <2 1 2.931 j,D1 7 B 0.655 0.615 1.27 0.0149 0.0149 <5 0.04j <0.05 CPA-03D 10/07/2019 1.55 <1 323 <1 5 4210 <0.05 1.66 18.6 <0.05 <1 3160 <0.2 1.4 6 0.647 0.511 U 1.158 0.0349 0.0349 <5 0.21 <0.05 CPA-03D 12/18/2019 1.208 j,D1 0.484 j,D1 51 <10 7 B2 5580 <0.05 1.376 j,D1 25.9 D1 <0.05 <10 3130 <2 2.505 j,D1 9 B 1.38 0.575 1.955 0.0309 0.0309 <5 0.04 j <0.05 CPA-04BR 10/08/2019 0.681j <1 145 <1 6 884 <0.05 18.6 2.18 <0.05 <1 675 <0.2 0.653 12 0.633 0.592 1.225 0.0159 0.0159 <5 0.16 <0.05 CPA-04BR 12/18/2019 1.03 <1 1480 <1 4.635j 917 <0.05 15.2 2 <0.05 <1 702 <0.2 0.756 2.447 j,B2 1.06 0.0627 U 1 1.1227 0.0162 0.0162 <5 1 0.12j <0.05 CPA-04D 10/08/2019 <1 <1 30 <1 <5 58 <0.05 2.14 0.871 j <0.05 <1 433 <0.2 4.12 <5 0.621 -0.34 U 0.621 0.0354 0.0354 <5 0.18 <0.05 CPA-04D 12/18/2019 <1 0.528 j <10 <1 I 4.146 j,B2 62 <0.05 1 1.62 0.979 j <0.05 <1 432 <0.2 4.09 4.261 j,B 1.3 0.64 1.94 0.0374 0.0374 <5 0. 125 j <0.05 CPA-04S 10/08/2019 3.29 <1 28 <1 2.048j 1660 <0.05 1.65 6.41 <0.05 16.5 752 <0.2 4.9 2.471j 2.01 0.131 U 2.141 0.00574 0.00574 <5 0.27 <0.05 CPA-04S 12/18/2019 2.04 <1 13 <1 1.909j 1610 <0.05 1.34 5.04 <0.05 9.58 648 <0.2 5.93 2.278 j,B2 0.0986 U -0.00919 U 0.0986 0.00597 0.00597 <5 0.24j <0.05 CPA-05BR 10/08/2019 0.596j <1 736 <1 <5 286 <0.05 8.04 1.15 <0.05 <1 385 <0.2 2.69 <5 0.387 U 0.605 U 0.992 0.00835 0.00835 <5 0.17 <0.05 CPA-05BR 1 12/17/2019 <1 <1 716 <1 <5 159 <0.05 9.15 0.63j <0.05 <1 448 <0.2 1.13 41 B2 0.667 0.217 U 0.884 0.00705 0.00705 1 <5 0.12j <0.05 CPA-05D 10/08/2019 4.31 0.346j 324 <1 <5 1720 <0.05 3.78 3.9 <0.05 <1 321 <0.2 4.36 2.28j 0.339 U 0.383 U 0.722 0.000426 0.000426 <5 0.27 0.057 CPA-05D 12/17/2019 3.16 0.444j 41 <1 <5 1090 <0.05 1.06 3.77 <0.05 <1 295 <0.2 8.3 3.085 j,B2 0.439 U 0.0853 U 0.5243 0.000299 0.000299 <5 0.33 <0.05 CPA-06BR 10/09/2019 0.903j <1 518 <1 2.164j 183 <0.05 1.22 2.35 <0.05 <1 450 <0.2 0.896 <5 0.204 U 0.307 U 0.511 0.00172 0.00172 <5 0.11 <0.05 CPA-06BR 12/17/2019 0.639j <1 1120 <1 16 157 <0.05 0.54j 2.67 <0.05 <1 490 <0.2 1.04 3.936 j,B2 0.48 0.00572 U 0.48572 0.00186 0.00186 <5 0.1 <0.05 CPA-06D 10/09/2019 10.2 <1 312 <1 4.204j 1550 <0.05 10.6 11.3 <0.05 <1 917 0.096j 1.27 <5 0 U -0.00284 U 0 0.00738 0.00738 <5 0.158j <0.05 CPA-06D 12/17/2019 9.55 <1 817 <1 4.748j 1540 <0.05 9.33 9.78 <0.05 <1 891 <0.2 0.782 4.637 j,B2 0.762 0.297 U 1.059 0.00758 0.00758 <5 0.115j <0.05 CPA-06S 10/09/2019 3.88 0.442j 30 <1 <5 2070 <0.05 1.61 6.56 0.059 <1 479 <0.2 6.8 <5 0.475 U 0.0633 U 0.5383 0.00112 0.00112 <5 0.36j 0.061 CPA-06S 12/17/2019 3.9 <1 24 <1 <5 2130 <0.05 0.629j 7.41 <0.05 <1 480 <0.2 6.95 3.496 j,B2 0.134 U 0.587 U 0.721 0.00106 0.00106 <5 0.41 <0.05 Notes: 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard or the IMAC. (Effective date for 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard and IMAC is April 1, 20 13) * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. ^ - Federal MCL (Total Radium 5 pCi/L, Total Uranium 0.03 pg/mL) i - BTVs were calculated using data from background groundwater samples collected November 2010 to January 2017. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 10X the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. B3 - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample was greater than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample is not affected by blank contamination. B2 - Target analyte was detected in blank(s) at a concentration greater than 1/2 the reporting limit but less than the reporting limit. Analyte concentration in sample is valid and may be used for compliance purposes. BTV - Background Threshold Value D3 - Sample required dilution due to matrix. Deg C - Degrees Celsius DO - Dissolved oxygen Eh - Redox Potential ft. btoc - feet below top of casing j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MI - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M2 - Matrix spike recovery was Low: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. The associated Laboratory Control Spike recovery was acceptable. mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mV - Millivolts NE - Not established NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit ORP - Oxidation -Reduction Potential P4 - Sample field preservation does not meet EPA or method recommendations for this analysis. pCi/L - picocuries per liter RO - The data are unusable. S.U. - Standard Unit U - Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the Minimum Detectable Concentration. p - Micron pg/L - Micrograms per liter pmhos/cm - Micro mhos per centimeter Prepared by: KTL Checked by: ECW page 3 of 3 TABLE 1B SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters Percent Solids PH Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Reporting Units % S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE NE 110000 0.9 5.8 580 63 45 3 NE NE 3.8 0.9 700 ISO 270 2019 Background Threshold Valued NE 4.4-9.8 34353 0.6 1.2 222 1.4 15 0.03 5300 296 53 27 128 1 30601 j 7.5 Sample ID Depth Interval (ft bgs) Sample Collection Date Analytical Results CPA-01S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/28/2019 85.6 7.1 49000 M <0.54 M <0.54 M 91 0.63 <7.8 0.032 j 13000 4 j 53 14 M 130 M 45000 M 2 CPA-02D (2-4) 2 -4 06/24/2019 91.1 6.4 26000 <0.52 0.7 85 0.75 <5.2 0.1 j 12000 2.3 j 50 17 97 34000 5.6 CPA-02D (4-6) 4- 6 06/24/2019 88.9 6.3 23000 <0.53 0.78 73 0.62 <5.3 0.073 j 9500 2.6 j 38 12 68 33000 4.8 CPA-02D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/24/2019 88.5 6.9 21000 <0.51 0.41 j 92 0.54 <5.1 0.043 j 8100 2.9 j 37 15 67 31000 3.9 CPA-02S (13-15) 13 - 15 06/24/2019 84.6 6.8 31000 <0.54 0.8 75 0.55 <5.4 0.031 j 9700 16 62 16 57 35000 4.2 CPA-02S (18-20) 18 - 20 06/24/2019 82.2 6.8 32000 <0.52 1.5 100 0.68 <5.2 0.044 j 6500 4.6 j 58 28 57 40000 10 CPA-02S (23-25) 23 - 25 06/24/2019 85.3 6.4 39000 <0.57 0.4 j 94 0.84 <5.7 0.15 8800 20 17 18 89 49000 4.3 CPA-02S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/24/2019 85 6.5 21000 M <0.58 M 0.28 j,M 38 0.28 <5.6 0.15 11000 M 21 23 M 16 M 120 M 34000 M 2.7 CPA-03D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 95.3 7.0 19000 <0.5 <0.5 75 0.27 <5 <0.13 11000 3.9 j 110 11 110 27000 2.3 CPA-04D (2-4) 2 -4 06/25/2019 86.7 6.3 24000 <0.56 1.1 130 0.69 <5.6 0.089 j 8700 7.3 j 46 18 74 36000 5.9 CPA-04D (4-6) 4- 6 06/25/2019 89.2 5.6 17000 <0.56 0.99 90 0.58 1.3 j 0.064 j 6900 4.4 j 31 13 57 24000 4.2 CPA-04D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/25/2019 90.8 7.0 18000 <0.52 0.45 j 91 0.33 <2.6 0.028 j 7400 4.4 j 38 13 59 25000 3.2 CPA-04D (8-10) 8- 10 06/25/2019 88.3 6.9 22000 <0.54 0.32 j 130 0.4 <5.4 <0.14 9000 2.6 j 41 13 72 35000 3 CPA-04S (23-25) 23 - 25 06/25/2019 85.3 7.6 20000 <0.55 0.31 j 87 0.41 <2.8 <0.14 8200 3.8 j 36 12 48 26000 4.4 CPA-05D (2-4) 2 -4 06/27/2019 77.9 7.0 43000 <0.62 0.43 j 82 0.56 <6.2 0.031 j 7100 6 j 57 20 96 49000 4.3 CPA-05D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 79.8 6.9 30000 <0.62 <0.62 68 0.37 <6.2 <0.16 11000 6.1 j 130 14 99 38000 3.2 CPA-06D (2-4) 2-4 06/26/2019 89.1 7.1 22000 <0.49 0.93 82 0.47 <4.9 0.039 j 9400 <11 38 15 58 33000 4.9 CPA-06D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/26/2019 89.5 7.4 21000 <0.53 <0.53 50 0.46 <2.7 <0.14 9600 <11 34 11 56 25000 2.7 CPA-06D (10-12) 10 - 12 06/26/2019 87.3 7.4 26000 <0.56 0.22 j 91 0.47 <5.6 <0.15 12000 <11 40 16 89 39000 2.9 CPA-06S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/26/2019 1 83.9 7.6 25000 <0.58 0.23 j 140 0.66 <5.8 <0.15 1 8900 <12 36 18 73 41000 2.9 Prepared by: KTL Checked by: ECW Notes: 0 - bold highlighted concentration indicates value is greater than applicable regulatory standard (PSRG POG). PSRG - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals for the Protection of Groundwater (POG); North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals table (February 2018). 1 - Background threshold values were calculated using data from background unsaturated soil samples collected February 2015 to July 2017. The background threshold value updates retained extreme outlier concentrations in background unsaturated soil data sets. Z- Discrete intervals include unsaturated and saturated soil samples. < - Concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram M - Matrix spike / matrix spike dup failure. NE - Not established S.U. - Standard Units Page 1 of 2 TABLE 1B SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate (as N) potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Reporting Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE 65 1 7.1 130 NE NE 2.1 NE 1500 NE 0.28 NE 350 1200 2019 Background Threshold Valued 17846 590 0.1 2.8 18 30 9465 1.6 553 65.7 296 0.17 742 122 70.6 Sample ID Depth Interval (ft bgs) Sample Collection Date Analytical Results CPA-01S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/28/2019 8600 M 410 M <0.092 <2.1 M 29 <0.23 810 <1.4 680 100 M 17 <0.14 1060 86 M 45 B CPA-02D (2-4) 2 -4 06/24/2019 11000 720 <0.086 1.4 j 30 0.14 j 1900 <1.4 460 91 <11 0.072 j 32500 89 76 CPA-02D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/24/2019 8700 470 <0.091 <2.1 20 0.2 j 1500 <1.4 560 58 <11 0.067 j 14700 79 62 CPA-02D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/24/2019 8900 460 <0.089 <2 23 0.12 j 1800 <1.3 440 47 <11 0.056 j 7150 67 60 CPA-02S (13-15) 13 - 15 06/24/2019 11000 520 <0.085 <2.2 45 0.11 j 1500 <1.4 700 61 140 0.061 j 36900 79 50 CPA-02S (18-20) 18 - 20 06/24/2019 6800 1400 <0.097 <2.1 22 <0.24 1600 <1.4 350 44 25 0.11 j 106000 100 53 CPA-02S (23-25) 23- 25 06/24/2019 9300 690 <0.09 <2.3 14 0.14j 2100 <1.5 610 71 270 0.17 1380 110 190 CPA-02S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/24/2019 8500 M 510 M <0.088 <2.2 M 12 0.13 j 1200 <1.5 M 1200 53 M 180 <0.15 780 100 M 59 CPA-03D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 11000 650 <0.076 <2 43 <0.21 2400 <1.3 580 56 13 0.041 j <998 55 54 B CPA-04D (2-4) 2 -4 06/25/2019 9800 550 <0.087 <2.2 28 0.21 j 2700 1.4 j 490 51 31 0.12 j 10800 85 68 CPA-04D (4-6) 4-6 06/25/2019 7500 440 0.038 j <2.2 20 0.35 1900 1.4 410 44 15 0.1 j 59900 61 63 CPA-04D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/25/2019 8600 500 <0.085 <2.1 20 0.61 2100 <1.4 490 41 <11 0.066 j 15500 66 45 CPA-04D (8-10) 8- 10 06/25/2019 10000 610 <0.088 <2.2 18 0.19 j 2600 <1.4 530 44 23 0.057 j 660 84 49 CPA-04S (23-25) 23 - 25 06/25/2019 8800 470 <0.087 <2.2 19 0.28 2300 <1.4 530 52 12 0.054 j 12800 67 49 CPA-05D (2-4) 2 -4 06/27/2019 7300 690 <0.092 <2.5 40 0.17 j 550 <1.6 510 54 <13 0.054 j 3210 110 50 B CPA-05D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 11000 480 <0.099 <2.5 56 <0.25 870 <1.6 1000 37 9.2 j 0.044 j 2420 83 46 B CPA-06D (2-4) 2 -4 06/26/2019 8100 610 <0.085 <2 18 0.17 j 1700 1.5 520 54 <11 0.076 j 50100 77 50 CPA-06D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/26/2019 7900 440 <0.087 <2.1 22 0.18 j 1400 <1.4 550 57 <11 <0.14 1660 64 44 CPA-06D (10-12) 10 - 12 06/26/2019 10000 580 <0.083 <2.2 26 0.12 j 1800 <1.5 830 69 <11 0.04 j 800 91 50 CPA-06S (28-30) 28 - 30 06/26/2019 9900 600 <0.098 <2.3 22 0.12 j 1900 <1.5 550 44 <12 0.046 j 600 94 63 Prepared by: KTL Checked by: ECW Notes: 0 - bold highlighted concentration indicates value is greater than applicable regulatory standard (PSRG POG). PSRG - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals for the Protection of Groundwater (POG); North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals table (February 2018). 1 - Background threshold values were calculated using data from background unsaturated soil samples collected February 2015 to July 2017. The background threshold value updates retained extreme outlier concentrations in background unsaturated soil data sets. Z- Discrete intervals include unsaturated and saturated soil samples. < - Concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram M - Matrix spike / matrix spike dup failure. NE - Not established S.U. - Standard Units Page 2 of 2 TABLE IC SUMMARY OF SPLP ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Reporting Units Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L mg/L mg/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE 1* 10 700 4* 700 2 NE 250 10 1* 1000 300 15 Sample ID Depth Invterval (ft bgs) Sample Collection Date Analytical Results CPA-02D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/24/2019 20000 <2 <2 69 <5 <50 <0.5 2.1 j <1 23 6.6 42 20000 6.7 CPA-02D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/24/2019 32000 <2 1.4 j 92 0.8 j <50 <0.5 3 j <1 39 7.8 60 32000 8.3 CPA-02D (6-8) 6-8 06/24/2019 36000 <2 <2 94 0.9 j <50 <0.5 2.6 j <1 42 14 65 34000 6.8 CPA-03D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 8700 <2 <2 49 <5 25 j <0.5 3.2 j 0.21 j 46 4.6 j 65 11000 1.9 CPA-04D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/25/2019 32000 <2 2.2 100 0.9 j <50 <0.5 3.1 j 0.44 j 37 8.8 74 32000 8.9 CPA-04D (8-10) 8 - 10 06/25/2019 24000 <2 <2 120 <5 <50 <0.5 2.8 j <1 24 9.6 58 27000 4.6 CPA-05D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/27/2019 100000 0.81 j <2 160 1.8 j <50 <0.5 8.3 0.25 j 180 18 140 84000 7.9 CPA-05D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 110000 <2 <2 200 2.1 j <50 <0.5 7.5 0.33 j 300 31 190 100000 12 CPA-06D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/26/2019 59000 0.64 j 2.3 120 1.2 j <50 <0.5 4.9 j <1 75 16 79 58000 13 CPA-06D (6-8) 6-8 06/26/2019 32000 <2 <2 58 0.6 j <50 <0.5 4.9 j <1 51 6.9 63 29000 4.5 CPA-06D (10-12) 10 - 12 06/26/2019 52000 <2 <2 110 0.9 j <50 <0.5 3.4 j <1 69 18 100 49000 6.1 Notes: - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard or the IMAC. (Effective date for 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard and IMAC is April 1, 2013) * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. ft bgs - feet below ground surface j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter NE - Not established SPLP - synthetic precipitation leaching procedure pg/L - micrograms per liter Prepared by: KTL Checked by: TAH page 1 of 2 TABLE IC SUMMARY OF SPLP ANALYTICAL RESULTS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameters Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel itrate N) (asReporting Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Vanadium Zinc Units mg/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L mg-N/L mg/L Ng/L mg/L Ng/L mg/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE 50 1 NE 100 10 NE 20 NE NE 250 0.2* 0.3* 1000 Sample ID Depth Invterval (ft bgs) Sample Collection Date Analytical Results CPA-02D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/24/2019 2.8 j 510 <0.2 <40 19 j 0.3 <5 <5 1.4 j 22 1.3 <0.5 47 27 CPA-02D (4-6) 4-6 06/24/2019 4 j 410 <0.2 <40 24 j 0.064 0.82 j <5 3.7 j 32 1.4 <0.5 81 45 CPA-02D (6-8) 6 - 8 06/24/2019 3.8 j 540 <0.2 <40 26 j 0.14 0.78 j <5 2.5 j 28 1.9 <0.5 93 38 CPA-03D (4-6) 4 - 6 06/27/2019 3 j 350 <0.2 <40 14 j 0.18 1.1 j <5 4.3 j 23 2.1 <0.5 21 16 j CPA-04D (2-4) 2 - 4 06/25/2019 3.9 j 430 <0.2 <40 23 j 0.15 0.92 j <5 2 j 37 3.9 <0.5 91 50 CPA-04D (8-10) 8- 10 06/25/2019 4 j 800 <0.2 <40 15 j 0.16 0.73 j <5 1.6 j 28 2.9 <0.5 73 21 CPA-05D (2-4) 2 -4 06/27/2019 7.1 280 <0.2 <40 62 0.22 1.2 j <5 2.5 j 70 2 <0.5 250 74 CPA-05D (4-6) 4-6 06/27/2019 7.8 1000 <0.2 <40 88 0.16 1.2 j <5 2.3 j 67 2.2 <0.5 310 85 CPA-06D (2-4) 2- 4 06/26/2019 4.9 j 490 <0.2 <40 29 j 0.22 0.94 j 1.8 j 1.2 j 42 1.2 <0.5 180 51 CPA-06D (6-8) 6- 8 06/26/2019 4.2 j 400 <0.2 <40 25 j 1.6 0.79 j <5 1.7 j 36 1.1 <0.5 76 34 CPA-06D (10-12) 10 - 12 06/26/2019 5 710 <0.2 <40 43 0.26 0.8 j <5 2.3 j 33 1.4 <0.5 130 40 Notes: - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard or the IMAC. (Effective date for 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Standard and IMAC is April 1, 2013) * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. ft bgs - feet below ground surface j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter NE - Not established SPLP - synthetic precipitation leaching procedure pg/L - micrograms per liter Prepared by: KTL Checked by: TAH page 2 of 2 TABLE 2 SOIL ANALYTICAL METHODS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELETRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC INORGANIC COMPOUNDS UNITS METHOD Aluminum mg/kg EPA 6010D Antimony mg/kg EPA 6020B Arsenic mg/kg EPA 6020B Barium mg/kg EPA 6010D Beryllium mg/kg EPA 6010D Boron mg/kg EPA 6010D Cadmium mg/kg EPA 6020B Calcium mg/kg EPA 6010D Chloride mg/kg EPA 9056A Chromium mg/kg EPA 6010C Cobalt mg/kg EPA 6020A Copper mg/kg EPA 6010C Iron mg/kg EPA 6010C Lead mg/kg EPA 6020B Magnesium mg/kg EPA 6010D Manganese mg/kg EPA 6010C Mercury mg/kg EPA 7471B Molybdenum mg/kg EPA 6010D Nickel mg/kg EPA 6010C Nitrate as Nitrogen mg/kg EPA 9056A pH S.U. EPA 9045D Potassium mg/kg EPA 6010D Selenium mg/kg EPA 6020B Sodium mg/kg EPA 6010D Strontium mg/kg EPA 6010C Sulfate mg/kg EPA 9056A Thallium mg/kg EPA 6020B Total Organic Carbon mg/kg EPA 9060 Vanadium mg/kg EPA 6020B Zinc mg/kgmg/kg EPA 6010C Prepared by: RBI Checked by: SRW/TCP/VTV Notes• 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. 2. Soil samples collected from near ground surface (2 to 3ft) and from above water table (field determined) in each boring will also be analyzed for leaching potential using SPLP Extraction Method 1312 in conjunction with USEPA Methods 6010/6020 3. Analytical methods and reporting limits as presented were developed for CSA field implementation in 2015. Analytical methods and reporting limits are updated periodically and applied as appropriate. meq/100g - millequivalents per 100 grams mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram S.U. - Standard Unit Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 PROPOSED COAL PILE ASSESSMENT SOIL SAMPLES AND MONITORING WELLS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESSS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Monitoring Well ID Estimated Well Depth (feet bgs) Soil Sample ID (Estimated Depth Interval in feet bgs) Comments CPA-113RL -- CPA-1 (2-3) Near -surface unsaturated soil sample (water table —20 feet bgs) CPA-113RL -- CPA-1 (various) Continue soil sampling at 5' intervals until the bottom of unconsolidated material or saturated conditions are reached (i.e., 7-8', 12-13', 17-18', etc.) CPA-113RL 250 CPA-1 (244-245) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval CPA-213RL 250 CPA-2 (244-245) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval CPA-313RL 250 CPA-3 (244-245) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval -- -- CPA-7 (2-3) Near -surface unsaturated soil sample (water table —20 feet bgs) -- -- CPA-7 (various) Continue soil sampling at 5' intervals until the bottom of unconsolidated material or saturated conditions are reached (i.e., 7-8', 12-13', 17-18', etc.) CPA-7S 30 CPA-7 (24-25) Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-7D 50 CPA-7 (44-45) Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-713R 100 CPA-7 (94-95) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval CPA-713RL 250 CPA-7 (244-245) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval -- -- CPA-8 (2-3) Near -surface unsaturated soil sample (water table —20 feet bgs) -- -- CPA-8 (various) Continue soil sampling at 5' intervals until the bottom of unconsolidated material or saturated conditions are reached (i.e., 7-8', 12-13', 17-18', etc.) CPA-8S 30 CPA-8 (24-25) Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-8D 50 CPA-8 (44-45) Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-8BR 100 CPA-8 (94-95) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval CPA-813RL 250 CPA-8 (244-245) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval WR-15BR 100 WR-15BR (94-95) Rock cutting sample from bedrock well screened interval Notes• -- = Not applicable bgs = below ground surface — = Approximately Estimated well and soil sample depths based on data from previously installed coal pile assessment wells. Number of soil samples are approximate. A shallower water table will result in fewer samples and a deeper water table will result in additional samples. SynTerra recommends each well screen be submerged beneath the water table and have a length of at least 10 feet. Rock cutting samples will be retained on -Site for future HFO/HAO sampling, if applicable. Unsaturated soil samples were collected from well clusters CPA-2, CPA-3, CPA-4, CPA-5, and CPA-6 during initial assessment efforts. Prepared by: KTL Checked by: CDE Page 1 of 1 TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL METHODS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LLC, SEMORA, NC PARAMETER RL UNITS METHOD FIELD PARAMETERS pH NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA PS/Cm Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA 0C Field Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Eh NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity NA NTU IField Water Quality Meter INORGANICS Aluminum 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Antimony 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Arsenic 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Barium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Beryllium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Boron 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Cadmium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Chromium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6010C Cobalt 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Copper 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Hexavalent Chromium 0.000025 mg/L EPA 218.7 Iron 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Lead 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Manganese 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Mercury 0.000 mg/L EPA 245.1 or 7470A Molybdenum 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Nickel 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Selenium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Strontium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Thallium (low level) 0.0002 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Vanadium (low level) 0.0003 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Zinc 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C RADIONUCLIDES Radium 226 1 pCi/L EPA 903.1 Modified Radium 228 1 pCi/L EPA 904.0/SW846 9320 Modified Uranium (223, 234, 236, 238) Varies by Isotope Ng/mL SW846 3010A/6020B Total Uranium NA Ng/mL Calculated ANIONS/CATIONS Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 5 mg/L SM 2320B Bicarbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320 Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320 Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Magnesium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sodium 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Sulfide 0.1 mg/L SM4500S2-D Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Organic Carbon 0.1 mg/L ISM 5310C/EPA9060A Total Suspended Solids 2.5 mg/L ISM 2450D Prepared by: RBI Checked by: SRW/TCP Notes: 1. Select constituents will be analyzed for total and dissolved concentrations. 2. Analytical methods and reporting limits as presented were developed for CSA field implementation in 2015. Analytical methods and reporting limits are updated periodically and applied as appropriate. °C - Degrees Celsius pS/cm = micro -Siemens per centimeter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter my - Millivolts NA - Not analyzed NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit pCi/L - picocuries per liter RL = reporting limit S.U. - Standard Unit ug/mL - micrograms per milliliter Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5 SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL METHODS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LLC, SEMORA, NC FIELD PARAMETERS RL UNITS METHOD pH NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA PS/Cm Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA 0C Field Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity I NA I NTU Field Water Quality Meter INORGANICS (total and dissolved) Aluminum 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Antimony 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Arsenic 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Barium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Beryllium 1 ug/I EPA 200.8 or 6020B Boron 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Cadmium (low level) 0.1 ug/I EPA 200.8 or 6020B Chromium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Cobalt 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Copper 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Hexavalent Chromium 0.00003 mg/L EPA 218.7 Iron 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Lead (low level) 0.2 ug/I EPA 200.8 or 6020B Lead 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Manganese 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Mercury (low level) 0.0005 ug/L EPA 1631E Molybdenum 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Nickel 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Selenium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Silver (low level) 0.3 ug/I EPA 200.8 or 6020B Strontium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Thallium (low level) 0.0002 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Vanadium (low level) 0.0003 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Zinc 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D ANIONS/CATIONS/OTHER Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 5 mg/L SM 2320B Bicarbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320B Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320B Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Fluoride 100 ug/I EPA 300.0 or 9056A Hardness NA mg/L as CaCO3 EPA 200.7 Magnesium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Nitrate + Nitrite 0.01 mg-N/L EPA 353.2 Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Methane 0.01 mg/L RSK - 175 Sodium 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Sulfide 0.1 mg/I SM 4500 S2 D Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Organic Carbon 0.1 mg/L SM5310C/EPA9060A Total Suspended Solids 2.5 mg/L 2540D Notes• 1. Inorganics analyzed for total and dissolved (0.45 micron) concentrations. 2. NA indicates not applicable. 3. RL indicates laboratory reporting limit. Prepared by: HHS Checked by: CJS Page 1 of 1 TABLE 6 SEDIMENT ANALYTICAL METHODS WORK PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT COAL PILE AREA ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LLC, SEMORA, NC INORGANIC COMPOUNDS UNITS METHOD Aluminum mg/kg EPA 6010D Antimony mg/kg EPA 6020B Arsenic mg/kg EPA 6020A Barium mg/kg EPA 6010C Beryllium mg/kg EPA 6020B Boron mg/kg EPA 6010C Cadmium mg/kg EPA 6020A Calcium mg/kg EPA 6010C Chloride mg/kg EPA 9056A Chromium mg/kg EPA 6010C Cobalt mg/kg EPA 6020A Copper mg/kg EPA 6010C Iron mg/kg EPA 6010C Lead mg/kg EPA 6020A Magnesium mg/kg EPA 6010C Manganese mg/kg EPA 6010C Mercury mg/kg EPA Method 7471B Molybdenum mg/kg EPA 6010C Nickel mg/kg EPA 6010C Nitrate as Nitrogen mg/kg EPA 9056A pH SU EPA 9045D Potassium mg/kg EPA 6010C Radium-226/228 pci/g EML HASL 300, Selenium mg/kg EPA 6020A Silver mg/kg EPA 6010 (or 6020) Sodium mg/kg EPA 6010C Strontium mg/kg EPA 6010C Sulfide mg/kg SW-846 9034 Sulfate mg/kg EPA 9056A Thallium (low level) (SPLP Extract only) mg/kg EPA 6020A Total Organic Carbon mg/kg EPA 9060 Vanadium mg/kg EPA 6020A Zinc mg/kg EPA 6010C Sediment Specific Samples Cation exchange capacity meg/100g LONR 29-B Particle size distribution % Percent solids % Percent organic matter % EPA/600/R-02/069 Redox potential mV Faulkner et al. 1898; HACH Method 10228 Prepared by: RBI Checked by: TCP Revised by: HHS Rechecked by: CJS Notes• 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram my - Millivolts pCi/G - picocuries per gram S.U. - Standard Unit Page 1 of 1