HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200354 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_202003054 i A �R Print Contractor/agent: Signature > _ "te ap4aoval is Yar - ---- application is a 'violation o of B 02x .astf� � �. • a��,; NCAC and t5A NCs�C0Buffer Rule. Site speei c ork Should be provide tecf �. t31d s(g)) the Trees the application, [15A are not alIjowed to be reinoved approved. Eviceptiorr tx trees thatfr°rn ° 1 °t the Buffer infnzal spa ring and sic si are severely' and . (within 30 ft of the toll n$ along• pl2e Irr: ermined along the immediate sho Pond elevation) media#e shorerirte arlo atian), unless Benchi , wed. 05AlVCAC dine can be removed. (6)) `$ ��ng m the buffer is 02D .0243(g)] nvt alk+wed, 1Y-�e"essivc distur bttnoe ofground -lover, [15A NCAC^ 02B .0243 Beaches, impervious patios irtr approved by the Division. Pervious walkways There are ftmitation Y etc. are not allowed on size for decks. m the buffer Worts to be conducted [15A NCAC 02B4O243(4) unless specifically Work corridor s � lance and (6)1 should be described must rrrctrcare an access ust lzc and indicare any material uz Timed. The ed access corridor buffer. l5 �Pprov rhat are to oulsrde the bu. A NCAC 0, O5i12 and 15shall be NCAe rest,", tB d Staging, s oireConstruction ed The `i:nrnwf,:* m 4243 (4l Cis), (g discSheet 1ar8ea must teat the natural e-rep' :o £° ec: e;sc3rr )1 flour at non -erosive 1� atron and disct�ed -ge :o velocities to the lake. USA NC 2 z43or �ee �the �ffer�d�#ed;: AC 0 Acknrrn�l� () (6)J as dif Se or grerrl ofNohfic'7tiarr — Kt� V Ri Parian B�rffer'�` __ �' Div` ° Y work conducted in ' hereby state drat 1 have been pia taken such that W-%Urees Q— the buffer, not speciftcallTmed'ofthe C y the construction will h U *sistat C nott r stated in the a Certtficatian and Buffer +ill be built Within pPhcation Rules, the approti,� Otrn substantial com li t; Due dili and approved plan(s) and P anee and intent of 1 will be Peeification(s), and other .3 the 401 Water Snatur (owner); �'jPPortin Quality ----•--_-__� `-'CJ"'�--C.� %materials. ./ �- ---- -•-- Dare: State of North Carolina DeRartment of Environment and Natural Resources pl,w�.,' Division of Water Resources 111"mn of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H .0500 - Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & MerPernabiqg Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, IBC 27699-1617 Applicant Information U1 A_ NAr I. Owner Information Name: Nth L-- VOvoz Mailing Address: \ 1\ G^O(J "0' C4e-S\')C- (-'-� Telephone Number: 1 - UQ A- fax Number: E-mail Address: n1E ram) e ; 6,r re 0 ho�it�-�� 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: htt : www.saw usace a m . if Portals 59 does re u1a o re does Perm is A P E GENT AlT Rt2QQK FORM df� must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: QSN Sa i j C p rr�^cii Company Affiliation: LA w �J Mailing Address: ---V'3 '2 OAS Telephone Number: — E-mail Address:n L f k n J Person to receive the Certification nJriY1e' Approval: it. Project Information 115A NCAC07W 0502ta1 0- lhit 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Property with 2- Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation cfearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 Fup Pond/ Noun Y S repine ' � i7- jy Lake (At Full Pond/i waW 1W 8te, I,svel) 4 Y ' t J�Tyj� � r f k "�•bi f E l "3 i .r s. Please aPPrwBmat* sketch the following information on this Plan (provide ddi nsforu foreach itevrr, such as 10 ftx 100 ftJ*: 1. All Proposed vegetation clearing 2• Location of rip raP or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be Placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any.proPosed structures such as buil+de S• Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Po d/ Normal$Water dackfLe el elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2019 Page 3 of 3 construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3- Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. L€Wion of tMO perty (where work is to be conducted)County Nearest Town: Subdivisi n name or site address �'nclude phase/lot number): C�� -- t 3 Directions to site - please Include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: QAAe S(;",,1 S�+vt'� (eve Latitude i►n dedmal ft&w).L]S . s 3J s 6 Longitude tdedmar_go. 1,0o? 6 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the timf this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): l�t�'t6 6. Property size (acres): I 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: IUD 1LA 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): il-c R 9. Will words be conducted from land? 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation ba iFrom water? [� below the normal pool lal�e level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 8 waifs, etc.) 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back.fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.} Jq§02 the norpa1pool lake level/ Normal square feet or acres: Water Level and 5U feet land -ward in 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/N rmal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): K7�c V'['_.JM.* v t-..t �� ��cu rvarne i15ANCACO2H nSmrf►J Date Agent's slgnatune Is valid only fan authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10.2013 :;)2,-.-) Wage 2 a5 3• Date Received: FAF Paid Construction pli El Application Complete Apcation DUKE HEP Fund Permit No. "",.n "P t ENERGY, Duke Energy Lake Services Site ID Mail Code ECI 2Q E===C1bse-Out Date 526 S. Church St Charlotte, NC 28202 L DATE OF APPLICATION* go 2 0 P ---------- exmitfTag 11. APPLICANT INFORMATION (applicant mailing address and contact Information) ----------- Name* ......... L V e U VOZI Pv Primary Phone* Address* Secondary Phone ---------- CIV n�3- State* jJC, Zip Code* FA1:,1 Fax Number Email* I Ir IMPORMATION (IOCaflon Address* --------------- County* ke �-D Gf L- Cv State- Zip Code* 9 County Parcel ID number Lake*.- No V-nrl� (e.g. Pin, Tax ID, TMs Subdivision (fj me 4, Lot(s) FA--C-Z-Z�� Number-) Plat Book/page and Longitude of the property, please use a -fo enter the Latitude 2-133 service/software to easily acquire the location Information. Values Latitude (e.g. 35, 12345)* should be Provided in Decimal Degrees forrnat (35.1245). 35, 'Idl httP://Itouchmap.comAatlong.htrym�li- corn example servIce--ttp://1-touchmap Aa, Longitude (e.g. -80.12345)* PROPOSED ACTIVITY I uunication of existing Structure New/Modification of Existing Shoreline Stabilization New/Modification of Existing Structure & Stabilization Transfer of Ownership Area over land (sq ft) ShOrellne Stabilizagon (feet) Length of Stabilizat ion Brief Description VJ of the Activity Maintenance of Existing Structure Maintenance Of Existing Shoreline Stabilization Maintenance of Existing Structure & Stabitizatia Other (Please describe below) Area Over water (sq ft) Describe Brieflithe Existing Structures Over Land and Water (include sq ft) I - 0 \k-11 Distance From Shoreline ,fin Materials ® Is Dock Covered? V. Dock guilder or Engineer Name/Company 1.A1.vtJ$L,l�i� (, V �1UVc-nip►'✓ T'NL - Address I Po (�,� '3�� Phone Number ��(� --� (, _ �,3 City �`iJ�! 1��"i State ® Zip Code a1�11'% Email Vi. Checidist of Required Documents (to include with Application Submissio") _. Recent Survey (stamped/signed by a professional licensed surveyor showing the location of the existing or proposed structure and/or surrey of the existing or proposed stabilization) ❑ Photos along property shoreline and photos of any existing structures and/or stabilization in or near the water ❑ Application fee (check only, payable to Duke Energy) ❑ Signed User Agreement Letter ❑ Applicable local, state, and federal permits ❑ Plan and profile drawing showing all measurements and elevations [] Habitat Enhancement payment (if applicable) Vii.Approva[Proceiss • Application is reviewed and determined if complete. Fields with an asterisk are required. • If application is not complete or does not include all items and information listed in the checklist, the application will be returned as incomplete. o A Duke Energy representative will visit the site to conduct a visual inspection. • Applicant will be notified of approval or denial. • Applicant is to have the notice, to be supplied by Duke Energy upon application approval, posted and must be viewable from water. The notice must remain posted until a representative inspects the project and determines the project is complete and within the application specifications. Vill. ®irections by R®u,d""�'""'�-'�'�-wM•-�------�.,....,m... �jn9vle-� C) ✓� Directions by Road* 113r G 11a (tc/ Idf. k9ppiication Submission . ,..... . Please complete, print and sign this application. Then enclose all items from the checklist above in an envelope and submit all the information to the address below. Duke Energy Lake Services Mail code EC12Q Prfnt Form 526 S. Church St. CharrlottO, HC 28202 I agree that the information contained within is accurate: } , Y r x 1 tArp0.A rm, ANV i C9lt Y(re Ra t n autDl,( +\ !\ LOCATrON bIAP npt_Tu`9ca:t ( •uDr[s • _ '" 1'T « ll _ Wits! ORrtRMY ha m18,Tn1 CND°NO k;rMteS � �`piP + wrcA oT c"c' \ ^ epavTa)lua n• PIW(RIY u,eCOXCf TV Tb1', CA3Y[M`. RXTATCe I r`'NTY(Y K vo o d h,ve.( Ch,%, AyJ [fa;rulV t xpWVTHT Yq,xp WAxo PR VJNnT " PRPYHIT MWrn VrPe atl; AS sxoN, w`ar pArgl[n i } LEGEND IN[SND)tllRKKP--•+--.- --- U A RWA (I) O ND YDVLYCNIA1brV S Mftl,I)vr 4PhCR al.Ln to v1 GnorzS'rauN4-ww� ' } ------------ 4T ...i GtiJ�Oav°' !ie PAN, �t i CAROeLrI/NnIALECi ISRI-EFUv[FWELIlOfCN ONVAOTNaRmTrSH C °' RS 34AdD ; y Wr`N° C ai .°. yaw to yr rNr NPoYrrbn rndn en A r wsaswa (aua a.rnyn 9L_ 1 n rce. a v[+va w,rer mNe °' IN'°`- li. PSN�(, rl[7 (rlrr.r/ Intl In. httnGs4. n wnrPtl ur lP,WIY Yfcci+a °n Croon /ram vfxnunvr Iwntl y Y nr:a+ al w.[vw o-) aanwYa N r ro.aew bm I„,. e area[ w.w,re n m� q.-• Pew 314:X: vet rn. np NarY° R! rr Cna ,+,.vtwr rePrindm )_y;p�ery'nm,( \ 1 \ ewaDq ag VggWtppC''O���p,f'ttyp''pppr//neepr�Ng4�1' DA FEEL41Yl11VAR 17p� \t $ S"R.iA NOT POR RECORDATION, CONVCYAry CES, OR SALE' 1 1 1 1 t\ R� xnn \\ \ A A.P\tl tlr AN [aRIwC PMCtI pt PARC4; r{ U•W Mo tlDCa oar cdUTt A nrK ePt[rT W PuNG AY t1eJTAG 51RLre, \ ._._._ T rwr Me x(ae.:s rr Ax tzsra; nJtavc ox dMCT ;rAxrvnr w xerNR., I `A10+ AS A parcNtAVRon \ nI A) th Ihe Mbl'flKY ylgy(T 101dp, 0' Vw ABJC•At•0.JV EARD and \\ MIn�NDAPIt '"^•- d M4 RAI tS b A WAKY 1.0 th,4V A ;dD o.. o, a,,,o MMN )NI A EA Cr A ctARch AWrY dcAi nA5 Ax r»MEC \ P&AAU MAt Ras:FRs PAdttu n Uvo _'____ ; MS PLAT +E m A gn)KY Mat rs AGArCO w 5va Ppir,(N 4s A Cputy h OrAT r5 04) I n DD) ire P \\ lVY ) H PC to 11 W CxstGkAiN is ro M p+4xMrC MAr Rtwurca aARrTss \ \ -�-- d PPS PtAl ,S (rr A tVRvtr p MDintp CAT[CCW PMC[A9 CWn1. Wt".,LP{D 4'RKY 6A DMtR SAUPnpN ]D Ttl'rmTA'h da, H '�SNWMP`9DV A \\ T hah„!ny l na Su•wrr,r --_•� L•J)Ue � 1-4)I165 fl t eJ(TPro \ 6 \\ PDgdp, CP F,N v5ld-At.e))e \ 7VDt771 8 OE EID YO seF PcC 54, 5rt \T\ Pr ldrDNI�CP rl \ D CC hd A�Q(. s„L,s \ \ \ \ \\s \ \ \ '\ PeN—N PA'6a-Ar-oeJJ \ EENNETH RAv � nt(aa AtU(8 t�L ta�Ra3ud AREA = 0.490 ACRE Da let rc J5D 0T M) P e O pd 5 oa zrPd re ICJ[ \ \ PD Y pC 5n \\ 1 h1ePAd DVAC amv 1"o— T\ CVJxDARY [tl(V- ]JD �' (nAtn CC) \ {i �`^^•-nor ......... 1 ..,+..'.n^^^.."^".'�`^'w"-.•-.., ..."" ..... _._... r� .'�., awT wYP ,._... --. __'.+_ ' 1 ` .. «- W+CntTt µnnntinru ( 1 1 Ixi4y i 1 w"'"""""` C[nTdY :NAT 1 W LM /Af7 7M( AQ'aMNrDtt Ra; NAT AND AL pP�hT io vc uPPY P�pLi AW N, *111, ofto nV.{UY AAND -..._.....�`=..'=""".' -�� ....•^..M..'..,..1 .DYT_i!+'rud :la,a or NpV CvdnJ P ��`�"`",w""."w�^„+^a^•,^ c«.\r^,r a'-1 llAt(D1J) L CAfUSFS dnd ttllD, PANDA 4 CARNE3 M -nte—--------------- .- ----- o hYnAdUdaWdr2 0anN HAM N)IW, ---,.d ^vr-lnr Nel Ne +nrW m-.W�tlt Db.*t.o•rn VIR,r[uae ev¢l naaGa�lmOfnIAr .MY Z". `^"J «�M�ii IVV.D EDrP TP:0 I hereby eer[Ily 0W IMS Pidl (or roeoroollon aceplydd to /ho S.b Carold+d "'nIlon OTdmumd or IIgdAR CcunTy, Ncrtn aaa <aI AJmwralro+a, nau t°ynly riwtn 1pgnV yN FUL, Wun Jpu�pKT tt Pw ,aJc-•,..>5,Y Io MC D[SI Q' n4 W ,�OAr, CAIAxDA wkA ARN' Crtrr•CAl MU nF �d�t aIIN 4ARauu ar,�a a ennRT�P,yr � s4sAnn Mn Ae MPL',x1 w rid ,rAr(N Pxoncnoh - rrDLLL CWNTY GRAPHIC SCALE rqx ID 9$]6-at 75g9 FO ter"`^.`^+__ _ ^•+.+,w•.....,.,�.,ni R SCURCE OF Dp.E REFER Tp Loau STAi@L dos a To aaDYr Dur MC LOC.TDtai aP n.t uwrtr Paorx)Y lua era, crtorRo 4L/AT MKrKM YAAS AM TYAr Tn M' cYSI D< w dr"'i AnP GCVti cawaPh PANlL J>ta) cTt a°p`.-sic rJurts�xi4o� 5arox noro wt+dD APrA. • dDTAaY Wert iM SAq C0.1Nh A4p ;tAYCr G91rrR[pY C[dCtT INAI PLR;VdNLY IYPt-" p()'pIr Vt Pry; VAT AW APINONfDCtD Me rpirooNc NKm+u,rnT too YY w+rb AN'zr'cr*vRo; 5CA4 ndS nrC paT t>K TDtJ NDTAgY Pon,iC Yr CtYu159CH CAPukS o DK 7130 PC 1934 ROUNOARY ;JJRVaY OF PROPERTY Or,4EU B) t W FEET > CLAW YouNG 7nah o Nn P.B. i I PG. 56 "DSON TOWNSHIP ' eD ._PATE OP DATE OF I ✓.ib V SURVEY AND MAP PREPARED 9r LAKE NORMAN SURVEYING l& MAPPING PLLC'-arsa 137 Jennings Rood, Surfe G StotaSVI71e, North Cororrno 28625 l(-704)876-4450 Fox (lad) 876-445, r y,! 130 North 134 Gondola Rd Mooreville. NC - Google Maps Page I of I Go glgk Maps "134 Gondola Rd Mooreville. NC" 134 Gondola Rd Mooresville, NC 28117 Don't see what you're looking for? Try Google Search instead Should this place be on Google Maps? Add a missing place https://www.google.com/maps/search/ 13 O+North+ I 34+Gondola+Rd+Mooreville.+NC/g3 5... 1/8/2020 MapCard - Print your custom map Page 1 of 1 o o.s Mi 0 2000 Ft http://map-pass.mytopo.com/mapslprint_local.asp?print= l &scale=5.00&layer=DRG&lat=3... 1 /8/2020