HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0042251_LV-2020-0007/LV-2020-0010_20200309 j�STATE k AA�L ROY COOPER ,��' ✓Governor MICHAEL S.REGAN »_'NA i3 _ • Secretary S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality March 09, 2020 CERTIFIED MAIL#7019 1120 0000 5072 7824 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Stephen Hill Pender County Schools/Board of Education 925 Penderlea Hwy Burgaw,NC 28425 SUBJECT: CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION REQUEST Pender High School WWTP Permit NC0042251 Case LV-2020-0007 and LV-2020-0010 Pender County Dear Mr. Hill: The Division has considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in the subject cases. In accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A(f), the Division has found no cause to remit the original civil penalty assessments of$391.00 (LV-2020-0007) and$791.00 (LV- 2020-0010). If you choose to pay the penalties, send payment to the letterhead address within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter. Please make the check payable to NC DEQ. If payments are not received within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter, in accordance with NCGS § 143-215.6A(f), your request for remission of the civil penalties (with supporting documents) and my recommendation to deny the request will be delivered to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission's(EMC) Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee) for final agency decision. If you desire to make an oral presentation to the Committee on why your requests for remission meets one or more of the five statutory factors you were asked to address, you must complete and return the attached form within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter. Please mail the completed form to: Emily DelDuco NC DEQ/DWR/NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Your request for an oral presentation and the documents in this matter will be reviewed by the EMC Chairman and, if it is determined that there is a compelling reason to require an oral presentation from ou ou will be notified by certified mail of the date,time, and place that your DE � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources _ 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1617 TH CAli��l INA Olopartment of Ertwonmental aw\ 919.707.9000 oral presentation can be made. Otherwise,the final decision on your request for remission will be made by the Committee based on the written record. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Emily DelDuco at(919) 707-9125 or Emily.delduco@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Liar-. S. Daniel Smith Director, Division of Water Resources Attachments: LV-2020-0007 and LV-2020-0010 Civil Assessment Remission Factor sheets(copies) Two(2)Request for Oral Presentation sheets ec: Enforcement File Wilmington Regional Office Page 2 of 2 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: LV-2020-0007 Region: WiRO County: Pender Assessed Entity: Pender High School WWTP Permit: NC0042251 ❑ (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: Permittee States: DWR Response: (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: Permittee States:Appropriate action has been taken to make sure this does not happen in the future. We hope that our response and timely abatement of the issue shows our commitment to providing the needed support to ensure that future compliance issues receive prompt attention. DWR Response: The September 2019 DMR indicates that the facility exceeded the monthly average permit limit for total ammonia by nearly 129%. Despite the exceedances, the ORC and Permittee indicated they were compliant on the e-DMR submittal. Three of the 4 weekly samples collected for the month were above the monthly limit with the 4th being 1.8 mg/L, but all were less than the daily limit of/0 mg/L. The facility is operated by a contract ORC supplied by EnviroLink. PCS did not respond to the NOi- NOV for the month of September. Their response to the NO!-NOV for October's report indicated no reason for the same violation other than the lab failed to notify PCS and perhaps EnviroLink of the potential exceedance. These samples have up to a 28-day hold time, thus could've been analyzed after the month ended. This is the first we have heard of a hug population issue. However, the permittee provided no MLSS values nor a speciation report of the bug population. They mentioned a possible contaminate; they have had issues in the past with contractors dumping used floor stripper&wax into their system improperly with ammonia being the main ingredient. ❑ (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: Permittee States: DWR Response: ❑ (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: Permittee Stales: DWR Response: ❑ (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: Permittee States: DWR Response: DECISION(Check One) Request Denied Full Remission ❑ Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes No❑ Original Penalty(without Enforcement Costs) $ ,Trod (enter amount) Partial Remission ❑ 410 or $ (amount remitted) Subtotal $ ,ry do Retaining Enforcement Costs $ -ed Total Revised Assess $ —49/eV S. iel Smith Date DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: LV-2020-0010 Region: WiRO County: Pender Assessed Entity: Pender High School WWTP Permit: NC0042251 ❑ (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: Permittee States: DWR Response: ® (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: Permittee States:Appropriate action has been taken to make sure this does not happen in the future. We hope that our response and timely abatement of the issue shows our commitment to providing the needed support to ensure that future compliance issues receive prompt attention. DWR Response: The October 2019 DMR indicates that the,facility exceeded the monthly average permit limit of 2.0 mg/L for total ammonia by 730%and daily limit of the 10 mg/L for each week by 22-139%. As in the September 2019 DMR,despite the exceedances, The ORC and Permittee indicated they were compliant on the e-DMR submittaL The facility is operated by a contract ORC supplied by EnviroLink. The pennittee's response to the NOI- NOV indicated no reason for the violations other than the lab failed to notify PCS and perhaps EnviroLink of the potential exceedance. These samples have up to a 28-day hold time, thus could've been analyzed after the month ended. This is the first we have heard of a bug population issue. However, the permittee provided no MISS values nor a speciation report of the bug population. They mentioned a possible contaminate;they have had issues in the past with contractors dumping used floor stripper&wax into their system improperly with ammonia being the main ingredient. They failed to resolve the situation or take any action from the September results given the number and magnitude of the violations in October. The issue remained in place until after November 8`h when they had total ammonia concentration of 18.5 mg/L and ended up exceeding November's monthly average by 80%. ❑ (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: Permittee Slates: DWR Response: ❑ (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: Permittee States: DWR Response: ❑ (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: Permittee States: DWR Response: • DECISION(Check One) Request Denied Full Remission 0 Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes 0 No❑ Original Penalty(without Enforcement Costs) $ s°,-dd (enter amount) Partial Remission ❑ % or $ (amount remitted) Subtotal $ 4-5Ad d Retaining Enforcement Costs $ /yy e d Total Revised Asses $ 7!`'/d d 447 3 aniel Smith 1-.)/--1 Date NC0045276 Remission Decision STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF PENDER DWQ Case Number LV-2020-0007 IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF ) CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: ) REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION PENDER COUNTY SCHOOLS/BOARD ) OF EDUCATION ) I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above. In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: • This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. • Making a presentation will require the presence of myself and/or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. • My presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my original remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five (5)minutes in length. The North Carolina State Bar's Authorized Practice of Law Committee has ruled that the appearance in a representative capacity at quasi-judicial hearings or proceedings is limited to lawyers who are active members of the bar. Proceedings before the Committee on Remissions are quasi-judicial.You should consider how you intend to present your case to the Committee in light of the State Bar's opinion and whether anyone will be speaking in a representative capacity for you or a business or governmental entity. If you or your representative would like to speak before the Committee, you must complete and return this form within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter. Depending on your status as an individual,corporation,partnership or municipality,the State Bar's Opinion affects how you may proceed with your oral presentation. See www.ncbar.com/ethics,Authorized Practice Advisory Opinion 2006-1 and 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. • If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then you do not need legal representation before the Committee;however,if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations,such as an expert,engineer or consultant,then you must also be present at the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. • If you are a corporation,partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee, then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney. Presentation of facts by non-lawyers is permissible. If you choose to request an oral presentation,please make sure that signatures on the previously submitted Remission Request form and this Oral Presentation Request form are: 1)for individuals and business owners,your own signature and 2)for corporations,partnerships and municipalities, signed by individuals who would not violate the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. Also,be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to proceed with hearing your case if the Committee is informed that a violation of the State Bar occurs. This the day of , 20 SIGNATURE TITLE(President,Owner,etc.) ADDRESS TELEPHONE( ) NC0045276 Remission Decision STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF PENDER DWQ Case Number LV-2020-0010 IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF ) CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: ) REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION PENDER COUNTY SCHOOLS/BOARD ) OF EDUCATION ) I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above. In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: • This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. • Making a presentation will require the presence of myself and/or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. • My presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my original remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five (5)minutes in length. The North Carolina State Bar's Authorized Practice of Law Committee has ruled that the appearance in a representative capacity at quasi-judicial hearings or proceedings is limited to lawyers who are active members of the bar. Proceedings before the Committee on Remissions are quasi-judicial.You should consider how you intend to present your case to the Committee in light of the State Bar's opinion and whether anyone will be speaking in a representative capacity for you or a business or governmental entity. If you or your representative would like to speak before the Committee,you must complete and return this form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. Depending on your status as an individual,corporation,partnership or municipality,the State Bar's Opinion affects how you may proceed with your oral presentation. See www.ncbar.com/ethics,Authorized Practice Advisory Opinion 2006-1 and 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. • If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then you do not need legal representation before the Committee;however,if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations, such as an expert,engineer or consultant,then you must also be present at the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. • If you are a corporation,partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney. Presentation of facts by non-lawyers is permissible. If you choose to request an oral presentation,please make sure that signatures on the previously submitted Remission Request form and this Oral Presentation Request form are: 1)for individuals and business owners,your own signature and 2)for corporations,partnerships and municipalities, signed by individuals who would not violate the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. Also,be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to proceed with hearing your case if the Committee is informed that a violation of the State Bar occurs. This the day of , 20 SIGNATURE TITLE(President, Owner, etc.) ADDRESS TELEPHONE( )