HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024210_Annual Pretreatment_Report_20200228City of High Point Public Services Department LAB SERVICES DIVISION CERTIFIED MAIL # 7018 0040 0000 1575 5960 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 28, 2020 Monti Hassan NC DWR PERCS 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 2019 Pretreatment Annual Report Dear Mr. Hassan, sMEWMMMW�MWs NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CIT"r RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2020 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Enclosed are two (2) copies of the City of High Point's 2019 Pretreatment Annual Report. An electronic version was submitted as well. Please contact me at (336) 883-3090 if you have any questions. Carrie Hyler V Pretreatment Supervisor Enclosures P.O. 230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 CITY OF HIGH POINT PRETREATMENT PROGRAM %EGENE'D MAR 0 3 1020 NDDEQIDWRINPDES aw` NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 ANNUAL REPORT ( ` w Cam• NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITY" CITY OF HIGH POINT PRETREATMENT ANNUAL REPORT Report Date: February 25, 2020 Period Covered by This Report: 01-01-2019 thru 12-31-2019 Name of Wastewater Treatment Plant(s) with NPDES Permit Number: Eastside NCO024210 Westside NCO024228 Person to contact coverina information contained in this report: Mailing Address: Name: Carrie Hyler Title: Pretreatment Supervisor City of High Point P.O. Box 230 High Point, NC 27261 Telephone No: (336) 883-3090 I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and attachments. Based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information reported herein, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submit Ise informa ion. A-A5--�0A0 6/v-- Pretreatment Supervisor Date Signature f fficial Title P.O. 230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 General Information PART 2 General Permit Information SIU Information and Inspection Summary PART 3 General Permit Information SIU Compliance and Enforcement PART 4 SNC Summary PART 5 Industrial Data Summary Forms PART 6 Allocation Tables PART 7 PPS & SNCR Paqe 1 5 10 14 29 57 65 PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT PART 1 GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION The City of High Point's Pretreatment Program has twenty-one significant industrial users. During 2019, the pretreatment program renewed two SIU discharge permits and modified one SIU permit. All significant industrial users had at least one industrial user facility inspection during 2019 and the pretreatment program collected compliance samples in both the spring and fall. There were no new SIUs added to the program. The Eastside long-term monitoring plan was modified to include parameters from the centralized waste treatment regulation and approved in March 2019. The City continued the Westside short-term monitoring plan (STMP) to gather enough data to calculate a new Headworks Analysis which was due and submitted in December 2019. The revised local limits and subsequent Sewer Use Ordinance updates were submitted to City Hall but were not presented to City Council in 2019 as expected. Due to the attorney's schedule, it is expected to be added to the City Council's agenda in April 2020. Once adopted, the updated Sewer Ordinance will be submitted to NC DWR. Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) The existing Eastside NPDES permit expired on December 31, 2018 and the incinerator is fully operational. There were no upsets, interferences, or pass through incidents attributed to industrial users at the Eastside WWTP. Westside WWTP There was no industrial user caused upsets, interferences, or pass through incidents at the Westside WWTP. They continue to operate with an expired NPDES permit. City of High Point 2019 PAR Corrections to Information Sheet The Eastside SIU permitted flow and percentage is not correct. Currently the information sheet indicates the Eastside permitted SIU flow is 1.138 MGD which computes to 4.38%; however, according to the allocation table, permitted significant industrial users' permitted flow totals 1.289 MGD which equals 4.96% of Eastside's design flow. The NPDES effective date for Westside is incorrect. The modified permit they are operating under was effective on August 1, 2013 and expired April 30, 2014. The changes are highlighted and noted in red text on the program information sheets which are included on pages 3 and 4. City of High Point 2019 PAR Pretreatment Program Info Database for Program Name High Point WWTP Name East Side Program Approval Date 06/10/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region WSRO County Guilford printed on: 12/20/2019 Stream Information IWC % at 7Q10 85.37 7Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 6.9 / 4.46 1 Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 5.74 / 3.71 Stream Classification WS IV Basin Number CPF08 Receiving Stream Name Deep River NPDES Number NCO024210 NPDES Effective Date Last PAR Rec 02/09/2019 PAR Due Date 03/01/2020 mercury 01/01/2014 1631 NPDES Expire Date 12/31/2018 Current Fiscal 08/16/2018 required Year PCI Done es POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 09/12/2016 Audit Year Next20/21 Design Flow mgd 26.0000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 4.38 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt_SIU) 1.138 1.289 WWTP SIU's 17 Program SIUs 1 —"��--` -- - - 4.96-6' --�\ WWTP CIU's 10 Program CIUs 13 HWA LTMP IWS 1 SUO ERP date Inactive Date Next Due 05/31/2022 01/31/2020 Date Received by DWR 06/05/2017 12/12/2018 01/21/2015 12/26/2012 08/01/2008 Date Approved 08/10/2017 03/05/2019 02/05/2015 01/10/2013 10/09/2008 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 12/17/2012 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name q.Prime Phone1 ext Fax HWA Wksp IUP Wksn PAR Wkso Mr. Bill Frazier 1 336-880-0627 1 336-883-3109 11 7/31/2001 1 2/4/2004 bill.frazier@highpointnc.gov Laboratory Services Manager P.O. Box 230 7261 Ms. Carrie Hyler Prim 336 883-3090 336-883-3109 11 2/9/2012 1 9/27/2011 1 1/19/2012 carrie.hyler@highpointnc.gov Pretreatment Supervisor 1PO Box 230 7261 Ms. Alannah Russell 1 11336-883-3098 alannah.russell@highpointnc.gov Laboratory Analyst PO BOX 230 7261 Pretreatment Related NOVs from DWQ 8/9/1998 Annual Report 1/23/1996 PCI - Detection limits, not sending NOVs 4/19/2001 Annual Report 4/24/2001 PCI - Comoliance evaluation DWR Central Office Contact Imonti Hassan DWR Regional Contact Pim Gonsiewski City of High Point 2019 PAR 3 Pretreatment Program Info Database for Program Name High Point WWTP Name West Side Program Approval Date 06/10/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region WSRO County Guilford NPDES Number NCO 2 printed on: 12/20/2019 Stream Information � IWC % at 7Q10 93.47 0.43 MO Flow cfs / mgd 0.67 / 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 0.57 / 0.37 Stream Classification C Basin Number YAD07 Receiving Stream Name RICH FORK 0 4228 NPDES Effective Date 01/01/2014 8/1/2013 Last PAR Rec 02/09/2019 PAR Due Date 03/01/2020 mercury 1631 Current Fiscal NPDES Expire Date 12/31/2018 4/30/2014year PCI Done 08/16/2018 required POTW is Primary WWTP FALSE Last Audit on 09/12/2016 Audit Year Next20/21 es Design Flow mgd 6.2000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 9.02 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt _SIU) .559 WWTP SIU's Program SIUs — _ 3 HWA LTMP WWTP CIU's Program CIUs 13 IWS SUo ERP \` date Inactive Date Next Due 12/01/2019 01/31/2020 Date Received by DWR 04/27/2017 05/14/2018 01/21/2015 12/26/2012 08/01/2008 Date Approved 07/26/2017 08/08/2018 02/05/2015 01/10/2013 10/09/2008 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 12/17/2012 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts PT_Pro Formal Name g.Prime Phonel ext Fax Date Date Attended Attended HWA Wksp IUP Wksp Date Attended PAR Wksp Mr. Bill Frazier 36-880-0627 36-883-3109 7/31/2001 2/4/2004 bill.frazier@highpointnc.gov Laboratory Services Manager JP.0. Box 230 IF7261 Ms. Carrie Hyler jPrim jh36 883-3090 36-883-3109 2/9/2012 9/27/2011 1/19/2012 carrie.hyler@highpointnc.gov Pretreatment Supervisor 1PO Box 230 IF7261 Ms. Alannah Russell I jh36-883-3098 alannah.russell@highpointnc.gov Laboratory Analyst jP0 BOX 230 IP7261 Pretreatment Related NOVs from DWQ DWR Central Office Contact Imonti Hassan 8/9/1998 Annual Report DWR Regional Contact Pim Gonsiewski 1/23/1996 PCI - Detection limits; not sending NOVs 4/19/2001 Annual Report 4/24/2001 PCI - Compliance evaluation City of High Point 2019 PAR 4 PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY ,% �- Ica 101- • NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY All significant users had at least one significant industrial user facility inspection during 2019. A summary of their information and inspections are listed below: WESTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024228 There were four (4) industries recognized as significant contributors during 2019 who meet one or more of the following criteria: I. Average Daily Flow 25,000 gallons or more. Il. Capability to significantly impact the POTW. III. Subject to National Pretreatment Standards. IV. Subject to Local Pretreatment Limits. SIU SUMMARY 1. Cascade Die Casting Producer of custom die cast and machined 1800 Albertson Rd aluminum castings; they are subject to 40 CFR High Point, NC 27261 464.16. They report that their business production is comparable to 2018. There were no violations noted during the inspection. 2. Dairy Fresh, Inc. This facility is a dairy processor. They are not 1350 W Fairfield Rd subject to categorical regulations but are classified High Point, NC 27263 as a significant user due to flow greater than 25,000 gallons per day. Their production has declined compared to 2017 and the parent company, Dean Foods, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. There were no violations noted during the inspection, but industry is operating under an Administrative Order as a result of repeated significant non-compliance periods for BOD. 3. KAO Specialties Americas (KSA) Specialty chemical manufacturer. They are subject 243 Woodbine Street to 40 CFR 414 D (OCPSF). Their production is High Point, NC 27261 unchanged compared to 2018. There were no violations noted during the inspection. 4. Piedmont Chemical Industries, LLC Specialty chemical manufacturer. They are 331 Burton Avenue regulated under 40 CFR 414 H (OCPSF). They High Point, NC 27262 report their production volume has increased compared to 2018. The inspector recommended to review their spill plan which they agreed to do during their annual audit. There were no industries added or dropped from the Pretreatment Program that discharge to the Westside WWTP. City of High Point 2019 PAR PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024210 The City of High Point regulated seventeen (17) industries as significant contributors who meet one or more of the following criteria: K 3. 4 I. Average Daily Flow 25,000 gallons or more. ll. Capability to significantly impact the POTW. III. Subject to National Pretreatment Standards. IV. Subject to Local Pretreatment Limits. SIU Alberdingk Boley 6008 High Point Rd Greensboro, NC 27407 Cintas Corporation 4345 Federal Drive Greensboro, NC 27410 SUMMARY Producer of polyurethanes and polyacrylates. This industry is regulated under 40 CFR Part 414 G & H. Production has decreased compared to 2018 but will be adding a second reactor. There were no violations noted during the inspection. This SIU is an industrial laundry that is not subject to categorical regulations but considered a significant user because daily flow is greater than 25,000 gallons per day. They report their business is the same as previous year. There were no violations noted during the inspection. Custom Drum Services This facility reclaims steel drums and is not 2020 Jarrell Street subject to categorical regulations and High Point, NC 27260 considered to be a significant industry due to the potential for causing adverse effects to the POTW. Business has increased slightly compared to 2018. Suggested updating spill plan with dates of review and adding the City Pretreatment contact information. No other deficiencies observed. Diversified Technologies This CIU is a printed circuit board manufacturer 125 Wade Street subject to 40 CFR 413 A, Electroplating. They Jamestown, NC 27282 state their business has remained the same as 2018. There were no violations or recommendations noted during the inspection. City of High Point 2019 PAR PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP. NPDES Permit Number NC0024210. continued. SIU SUMMARY 6. Harriss & Covington This textile facility is not subject to categorical 1250 Hickory Chapel Rd regulations and is considered Significant High Point, NC 27261 because flow exceeds 25,000 gallons per day. They reported their production has increased compared to 2018. There were no violations noted during inspection. 7. Hunter Farms 1900 N Main Street High Point, NC 27262 8. Innospec Performance Chemicals 510 W Grimes Avenue High Point, NC 27260 9. Kersey Valley Landfill 3940 E Kivett Dr. High Point, NC 27260 11. Mickey Truck Bodies 1305 Bethel Avenue High Point, NC 27261 12. Patheon Softgels, Inc. 4125 Premier Drive High Point, NC 27265 This facility is a dairy processor. They are not subject to categorical standards but considered Significant because their discharge flow exceeds 25,000 gallons per day. They report their production is comparable to 2018. No deficiencies noted during inspection. This CIU is an organic chemical manufacturer. They are regulated under 40 CFR 414 G & H. Production has increased compared to 2018. There were no violations noted during the inspection. This facility is a landfill and not subject to categorical regulations and considered to be a significant industry due to the potential for causing adverse effects to the POTW. Tonnage is up compared to 2018. No issues noted during the inspection. This facility is a CIU subject to regulation under 40 CFR 433 Subpart A. This facility reported a 15% increase in production compared to 2018. No violations were noted during the inspection. This facility produces gel -coated pharmaceutical and nutritional supplements (aka Over -the -Counter Medications or OTCs) and subject to regulation under 40 CFR 439 Subpart D. They reported their production has decreased compared to 2018. The plans to replace the pretreatment building continue to be delayed. There were no deficiencies noted during the inspection. City of High Point 2019 PAR PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NC0024210, continued. SIU SUMMARY 13. Slane Hosiery (Fairfield) This textile mill is not subject to categorical 550 W Fairfield Avenue regulations and considered significant due to High Point, NC 27263 discharge flow exceeds 25,000 gallons per day. This location is an overflow of production that occurs at their Centennial Street location, with expanded dry operations. There were no violations noted during the inspection. 14. Slane Hosiery This textile mill is not subject to categorical 313 S Centennial Street regulations and considered significant due to High Point, NC 27260 discharge flow exceeds 25,000 gallons per day. They reported their production is the same as 2018. No violations were noted during the inspection. 15. SYNTEC Seating Solutions, LLC This CIU is subject to categorical regulation 200 Swathmore Avenue under 40 CFR 433 subpart A, metal finishing. High Point, NC 27263 This facility fabricates seats for the transportation industry with Thomas Built Buses being their primary customer. SYNTEC shapes, welds, phosphate -coats and powder coats metal parts. They report a decrease in production compared to 2018. No violations were noted during their inspection. 16. Teknor Apex — North Carolina This facility is regulated under Part 414, 3518 Dillon Rd. Subpart D. They manufacture thermoplastic Jamestown, NC 27282 polymer pellets. They state their production is the same compared to 2018. All vacuum lines are waterless. There were no violations noted during the inspection. 17. Thomas Built Buses This CIU is subject to regulation under 40 CFR 1408 Courtesy Road 433, metal finishing. Production is down High Point, NC 27260 slightly compared to 2018. Planned upgrades to the pretreatment system are halted for now. There were no violations noted during the inspection but recommended updates to their emergency call list to include pretreatment staff. City of High Point 2019 PAR PART 2 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU INFORMATION AND INSPECTION SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NC0024210, continued. ID] fiE:1 SIU SUMMARY Ultra Coatings This CIU is subject to regulation under 40 CFR 3509 Jamac Road 433, metal finishing. Their process includes High Point, NC 27260 cleaning, phosphatizing and powder coating metal objects. They are a job shop for companies such as Honda and John Deere and report no changes in their production rate compared to 2018. The inspector recommended secondary containment for chemicals stored next to the wastewater pit. Zebra Environmental Services 901 E Springfield High Point, NC 27263 This facility is categorically regulated under 40 CFR 437 B, Central Waste Treatment for oily wastes. They dispose recovered groundwater contaminated with gasoline or diesel fuel after phase separation. They report business has increased compared to 2018. There were no violations observed during the inspection. There were no new significant industrial users added to the pretreatment program in 2018 that discharge to the Eastside WWTP. City of High Point 2019 PAR PART 3 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIU COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT PART 3 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY WESTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024228 INDUSTRY: Cascade Die Casting ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Dairy Fresh NATURE OF VIOLATIONS: Permit condition violations, daily flow, BOD and TSS SUMMARY: The violations are summarized in the table below: Date Notice of Violation (NoV) or Parameter Fine Amount Notice of Non -Compliance NNC 1/11/2019 NoV BOD TRC $500.00 BOD (TRC) $500.00 TSS None 2/6/2019 NoV Late report None Permit Condition — Failure to Notify of None Violation BOD None TSS (TRC) $500.00 Permit Condition - 3/19/2019 NoV Failure to record None flow Permit Condition — Failure to Notify of None Violation 4/2/2019 NoV BOD TRC $500.00 5/15/2019 NoV BOD TRC $500.00 Permit Condition - Failure to record $1,000.00 flow Permit Condition - July 2019 NoV Failure to submit $2,000.00 report Permit Condition — Failure to Notify of $1,000.00 Violation 10/16/2019 NoV BOD (TRC) $1,000.00 TSS $1,000.00 11/22/2019 NoV BOD TRC $1,000.00 (TRC) = TRC limit violation Dairy Fresh was determined to be in Significant Non -Compliance for the first 6-month period of 2019. The City of High Point issued an Administrative Order requiring them to install treatment to control BOD and TSS, which is discussed in Part IV. City of High Point 2019 PAR 10 PART 3 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY WESTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024228 continued INDUSTRY: KAO Specialties Americas, LLC ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Piedmont Chemical Industries, LLC ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. City of High Point 2019 PAR 11 PART 3 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024210 INDUSTRY: Alberdingk Boley ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Cintas Corporation ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Custom Drum Services ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Diversified Technologies ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Harriss & Covington ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Hunter Farms NATURE OF VIOLATION: BOD SUMMARY: Hunter Farms was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance in July for exceeding their monthly average BOD limits. INDUSTRY: Innospec Performance Chemicals ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Kersey Valley Landfill ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Mickey Truck Bodies ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. City of High Point 2019 PAR 12 PART 3 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY EASTSIDE WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NCO024210 continued INDUSTRY: Patheon Softgels, Inc. ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Slane Hosiery NATURE OF VIOLATION: pH SUMMARY: Slane Hosiery received a Notice of Non -Compliance for exceeding their lower pH limit. According to the compliance response, the cause was due to a higher number of "scours" and the formula for the scours contained citric acid. To prevent future occurrences, citric acid was omitted from the scour formula. INDUSTRY: Slane Hosiery — Fairfield ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: SYNTEC Seating Solutions, LLC ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Teknor Apex — North Carolina ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Thomas Built Buses ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Ultra Coatings ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. INDUSTRY: Zebra Environmental Services ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: There were no enforcement activities in 2019. City of High Point 2019 PAR 13 PART 4 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE SUMMARY NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT PART 4 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE SUMMARY The City of High Point had one industry in Significant Non -Compliance (SNC) during 2019: Dairy Fresh Dairy Fresh was in Significant Non -Compliance for first half of 2019 for BOD as defined in 15 NCAC 02H .0903(34)(B) and as adopted in the City of High Point Sewer Use Ordinance. In addition to modifying their permit to mass -based limits in lieu of concentration -based limits, Dairy Fresh was issued a Notice of Escalating Enforcement in May 2019 that instructed the industry to provide a compliance schedule and summarize a remedial and preventative action plan, to immediately comply with their discharge permit and specifically address several areas of concern. Their compliance response was received on June 7, 2019 which outlined their steps towards compliance, including a dissolved air flotation (DAF) pilot testing. While the DAF pilot testing showed promising results, efforts to comply with their permit limits were unsuccessful and they were in Significant Non -Compliance for the third consecutive 6- month period. As a result, the City issued an Administrative Order. Dairy Fresh requested an adjudication meeting because they had concerns with meeting the compliance schedule deadlines. An adjudication meeting occurred on October 7, 2019. A modified compliance schedule was developed and agreed to by both the City and the industry. Copies of the Notice of Escalating Enforcement, Dairy Fresh's compliance response, the original Administrative Order, addendum to the Administrative Order and meeting notes are included at the end of this section. The City of High Point is required to make public notification of industrial waste contributors that have been in Significant Non -Compliance with Categorical Pretreatment Standards. The notice dated February 27, 2020 was published in the High Point Enterprise on February 28, 2020. A copy of the Affidavit of Publication is included on page 15. City of High Point 2019 PAR 14 AFFP f'O# 99421 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF N010iI S CAROLINA ) COUNTY OF GUILFORD ) Kimberly Cook, being duly sworn, bays: M That she is the billing clerk of the The High Point Enterprise. a aa,iy newspaper of gurierai circulation. printed a;ic pi,;;,stteci in High Pour; Guuford County, North Carcl nc:: tic ; the uublication a copy of which is aachec ncrc,:o v.-as p�blishoo in Me' saw newspaper c�r •„ I eoruary o, �_ �.� i nat saia r, e;s n„cr v:as regularly rssueo and circulates J^ those ..a:... SAGNL D. billing clr� Subscribed to ana sworn to me this 28th day of February 2020. _",. r - — Barbara [A. c.s. Notary, .:ilfor. . :cu-ity. North �;;rolir;a My commission expiies: February 01. 2022 30000566 30897909 CITY OF HIGH POINT PO BOX 230 HIGH PJItiT.:yr::'7:%i;1 PUBLIC NOTICE of SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER PERMIT VIOLATIONS "rhe City or 1-11uh Po;,nt, irl ac- cordance > edejra and State Regulations iL Ilerebb' giving Public No1'.:;e. ListeU' be:ow are SignIticaiQ lfidc.rstri- a; Users thar :,vere i>> ant Non-Co,r7olianc� e I,SNC luvith national pretreat=neiit req- ulations, 40 CFF 4C31, Sta7r� p i• r✓ t r e...r tale n t I•eg41l iI ur, s. 15 N C. AC 2H . C900. o r ICJl. a pre- ;r'_:�:1trl-lerlfi the period of Januar- 1, 2019 thru June 301 010: SuiZa Dairy Group, LLC 111-b 3 Larld .L;i Sure Dairies, LLC. kno"v Dairy Fresh — 'BOD. For addi- 1.101al intorruat101-I, ae- rie Hyler, Pretreatrner it Super- visor, Cit% Of High Point r336". 883-3410. February I, 20 -0 City of High Point 2019 PAR 15 City of High Point Public Services Department ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY" CERTIFIED MAIL # 7018 0040 00001575 5151 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 17, 201,0 004 Gaurav Singhal Dairy Fresh 1350 W Fairfield Rd High Point, NC 27263 RE: Notice of Escalating Enforcement Dear Mr. Singhal, The City of High Point (the "City") Is required by law to operate and enforce an Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program to prevent industrial discharges to the sewer system that have the potential to cause damage to the collection system, the treatment facility, or to the environment. Please be advised that the City has determined that Dairy Fresh failed to comply with the following sections of Its Industrial User Pretreatment Permit Number 0151: ' Part I, Section F: Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements • During the first six-month period of 2018, your facility had five (5) chronic biochemical oxygen demand ("BOD") violations and two (2) BOD technical review criteria ("TRC") limit violations out of seven (7) sample data points. • During the second six-month period of 2018, your facility had six (6) chronic BOD violations and five (5) BOD TRC limit violations out of seven (7) data points, and five (5) chronic total suspended solids ("TSS") violations and (4) TSS TRC limit violations out of (7) data points. • Because of the above calculated compliance history, your facility is in Significant Non -Compliance for BOD for the first half of 2018, and in Significant Non -Compliance for BOD and TSS for the first and second half of 2018, :• Part 11, Item #5: Duty to Comply "The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Control Authority and/or Municipality Sewer Use Ordinance and Is grounds for possible enforcement action." Within thirty (30) days of each notice of violations, Dairy Fresh did not submit "an explanation for the violation and a plan for the satisfactory correction thereof..." as required by the City's Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) Section 8-2-60(a)(1), P.O.230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone: 336.883,34 10 Fax:336,883.3109 TDD:336,883,8517 City of High Point 2019 PAR 16 Further, on notices dated September 17, 2018 and October 17, 2018, the City specifically requested Dairy Fresh to provide a report explaining the circumstances surrounding these violations and corrective actions taken or that the facility plans to implement to prevent recurrence. The City did not receive either requested report. The City's response to non-compliance events is dictated by the current Pretreatment Enforcement Response Plan ("ERP"), approved by the NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources on October 9, 2008. According to the ERP, Industries found to be in Significant Non -Compliance for two (2) consecutive 6-month periods will be issued an enforceable order to return to compliance. Of specific concern is the potential to upset the wastewater treatment plant. During the sampling periods April 26-27, 2018 and September 27-28, 2018, your facility discharged BOD and/or TSS pollutant loadings that exceeded the wastewater plant's BOD and/or TSS Maximum Allowable Industrial Loading ("MAIL'). Furthermore, the April BOD pollutant load was 84%and TSS was 74% of the Maximum Allowable Headwork Loading ("MAHL") respectively. During the September sampling period, the BOD pollutant loading was 67% of the MAHL and the TSS loading was 62% of the MAHL. The limits established in your permit are designed so that the MAIL will not be exceeded when combined with other industrial discharges. Further, under your facility's Industrial Discharge Permit, Part II, Item #6, you are required to "_take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge In violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health, the POTW, the waters recelving the PO'TW's discharge or the environment." By continuing to violate and more Importantly, if your violations exceed the MAIL, there is a higher potential to cause the wastewater treatment plant to have a NPDES permit violation. As a result of the repeated violations and Significant Non -Compliance, the following will occur: 1. Industrial User Permit Modification Your facility discharges to the Westside wastewater treatment plant, who Is currently permitted for 6.2 MG[) design criteria. Your facility is permitted for approximately 56% of the MAIL; therefore, increasing your current daily maximum permit limit and thus increasing your facility allocation is not allowable at this time. The City has modified the facility permit to reflect the mass -based limits, expressed In Ibs/day, instead of mg/L limits, to assist your facility and avoid future Significant Non -Compliance designation. 2. Compliance Schedule Your facility must provide a compliance schedule, summarizing remedial and preventative action to Immediately comply with your discharge permit. The compliance response is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. Specifically, please address the following; a. Evaluate CIP cycles and the possibility of staggering cycles to create a more uniform wastewater stream. b. Evaluate possible waste reduction practices where there Is more possibility of raw product to be spilled or discharged. For example, assess the truck bay and the milk hook up and unloading procedures or examine production area and processes. c. Guarantee the sampler is maintained and refrigeration is working. Per 40 CFR Part 136, wastewater samples must be maintained to a temperature < 6°C. City of High Point 2019 PAR 17 3. Continued Violations In addition to Increased fines, If violations continue, the City has the option to require pretreatment of wastewater, as specified In the SUO Section 8-2-54(1)(1), Pretreatment Facilities: "Users shall provide necessary wastewater treatment as required to comply with this article and wastewater permits Issued under subsection 8-2-56(b) of this article and shall achieve compliance with all National categorical pretreatment standards, local limits, and the prohibitions set out In section 8-2-54(a) within the time limitations as specified by the EPA, the State, or the POTW director, whichever is more stringent..." 4. Civil Penalties Under the City's Sewer Use Ordinance Section 8-2-60(b)(1), civil penalties may be assessed up to $25,000 per day per violation. Many factors are evaluated when determining civil penalties which Include duration of violation(s), compliance history, and economic benefit of non-compliance. Between 2015 and 2018, your facility has been designated in Significant Non -Compliance four times for either BOD or TSS. ' The City has consistently tried to work with Dairy Fresh, but due to Its repeated Significant Non -Compliance status and its lack of response to the City's notices, at this time the City is considering all available legal action, Including but not limited to administrative order, permit suspension, permit termination, and Increasing civil penalties. Please respond within thirty (30) days of this Notice of Escalating Enforcement. Sincerely, i_. r� Terry Houk City of High Point Public Services Director TH:ch cc via electronic mail: Randy McCaslin, Deputy City Manager JoAnne Carlyle, City Attorney Derrick Boone, Assistant Public Services Director Bill Frazier, Laboratory Services Manager Monti Hassan, Pretreatment Coordinator NC DWR PERCS Carrie Hyler, Pretreatment Supervisor File City of High Point 2019 PAR 18 June 7, 2019. RE: Industrial User Permit 0151 To Whom it May Concern, We are in receipt of the Notice of Escalating Enforcement Dated May 17th 2019. In accordance with the City's Sewer Use Ordnance Section 8-2-60 (a)(1). Please accept our explanation and plan to address the exceedances referenced in our Permit. In Early 2018 the High Point Facility saw a change in the product mix being processed at their facility. Due to the increased concentrations of milk fat present in the changed product mix we saw a marked increase in concentrations in our effluent discharge. To reduce the likelihood of violation of our permit limits we are taking the following steps: 1. Source Reduction- We are examining our Process to identify any areas of product loss that could contribute to the concentration of BOD & TSS in our effluent. 2. Pre -Treatment- We have scheduled a trial DAF Unit to be tested out our Plant from June 11th-281h We expect that this Pre-treatment will result in reduction of TSS and BOD which will be verified by taking periodic samples, during this timeframe and having them analysed. These results should help justify a long term action plan. Dairy Fresh High Point intends to fully meet all applicable permit conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gaurav Singhal Plant Manager 336-862-7168 City of High Point 2019 PAR 19 City of High Point Public Services Department LAB SERVICES DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY'" CERTIFIED MAIL # 7018 0040 00001575 5274 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED August 7, 2019 GAURAV SING HAL DAIRY FRESH 1350 W FAIRFIELD AVE HIGH POINT, NC 27263 SUBJECT: Administrative Order and Compliance Schedule Enclosed is an Administrative Order and Compliance Schedule due to repeated non-compliance and a third consecutive six-month period of designated Significant Non -Compliance (SNC). The City recognizes your attempts to return to compliance thus far and is waiving additional penalties associated with the SNC but have determined the compliance schedule of activities and deadlines are necessary to achieve compliance. You have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. Unless such demand is made, the decision shall be final and binding. Sincerely, 4 W1 - Carrie Hyler Pretreatment Supervisor Cc: Monti Hassan, NC DEQ PERCS, via electronic mail File P.O.230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 City of High Point 2019 PAR 20 City of High Point Public Services Department ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY"' North Carolina County of Guilford In the matter of the City of High Point Pretreatment Permit No. 0151 held by Dairy Fresh ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AND COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Pursuant to provisions of the Sewer Use Ordinance of the City of High Point, this Administrative Order is made effective the 6th day of August 2019, between Dairy Fresh, (hereinafter the "User") and the City of High Point, (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). The City hereby attests the following: 1. Dairy Fresh is a Significant Industrial User as defined by section 8-2-53(A) of the City's Sewer Use Ordinance. 2. User holds the City of High Point Pretreatment Permit No. 151 (hereinafter the "Permit" which shall refer to User's existing permit and any subsequent renewals or modifications thereof) for the discharges non -domestic wastewater containing conventional pollutants into the City's sanitary sewer system. 3. Pursuant to the above -referenced permit, data is routinely collected or submitted on the compliance status of Dairy Fresh. 4. This data shows that Dairy Fresh has violated its wastewater discharge permit in the following manner: a. Dairy Fresh has violated its permit limits for BOD in five samples between January 1 and June 30, 2019. Four of the five samples have been TRC limit violations. 5. Due to current wastewater plant loading, the City is unable to increase permit limits; however, to aid User in achieving compliance, the City modified the User's permit to mass -based limits in lieu of concentration -based limits. 6. The User had the opportunity to avoid a third consecutive 6-month period of Significant Non -Compliance by collecting additional samples. The City advised the User they must collect six (6) additional compliant samples in a Notice of Violation dated June 12, 2019. The User collected three (3) additional samples. 7. User is designated in Significant Non -Compliance (SNC) for the first half of 2019 as defined in 40 CFR Part 403.8(f)(2)(vii)(B) and as adopted in the City's Sewer Use Ordinance. P.O. 230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone: 336.883.34 10 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 City of High Point 2019 PAR 21 8. Due to repeated non-compliance and a third consecutive 6-month period of designated Significant Non -Compliance (SNC), achievement of these limits will require alternative solutions to alleviate noncompliance, including but not limited to the construction of pretreatment facilities as well as the preparation of plans and specifications as necessary. 9. The City stipulates the User to do and perform all the following: a. Meet and comply with all terms and conditions of the Permit b. Unless and until Compliance is achieved, the User will undertake activities necessary to bring the User into Compliance in accordance with the following schedule: COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Activities Deadline for Completion (i) As indicated in User's compliance response dated June 7, 2019, provide a summary of all source reduction activities identified and the Dissolved Air September 5, 2019 Floatation (DAF) pilot study sample results. (ii) Prepare an Engineering Report of process alternatives and/or pollution Prevention or waste October 7, 2019 minimization alternatives designed to achieve compliance. (Ili) Identify alternatives chosen to achieve Compliance and complete pilot studies if necessary, as November 4, 2019 outlined in the Engineering Report. (iv) Submit necessary drawings and information to obtain any necessary building permits from the City's Planning & Development Department and December 4, 2019 an Authorization to Construct issued by the City's Laboratory Services (Pretreatment) Division. (v) Begin construction and/or implement identified process alternative(s), pollution prevention, and February 3, 2020 waste minimization alternatives, as outlined in Engineering Report. (vi) Complete identified construction/pollution prevention/waste minimization alternatives March 3, 2020 and/or process alternatives. (vii) Complete an analysis of implemented changes, Including daily monitoring for one week and make needed modifications to optimize and obtain full May 4, 2020 operational status. All results shall be submitted as part of required milestone report. c. User shall perform each of the activities set forth in subparagraph (e) on or before the dates established unless such dates are extended by agreement of User and the City. The User may request such extensions for good cause, and the City will not unreasonably withhold its consent to such extensions. d. User shall submit a comprehensive written report within five (5) days following each milestone date specified in subparagraph (b). Each such report shall be in narrative 2 City of High Point 2019 PAR 22 form, shall state in detail the activities undertaken since the last report to achieve compliance, and shall indicate whether User has met the due date for the relevant milestone established in this Administrative Order. If any report contains notice of failure to meet a milestone date, the report shall also include a statement explaining the cause of the failure, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next milestone. During any period of construction, User shall submit on or before the loth day of each month, detailed construction progress reports stating therein in narrative form, the work performed during the month and the percentage of completion of the project. All reports required by the Administrative Order shall be submitted to the City by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, addressed to: Carrie Hyler Pretreatment Supervisor City of High Point P.O. Box 230 High Point, NC 27261 e. The City is waiving financial penalties associated with the Significant Non -Compliance. Any violation of the terms of this Administrative Order shall subject the User to the enforcement authority outlined in the Sewer Use Ordinance. Such action may include, but not limited to such additional penalties, injunctive relief and water supply severance as set forth in the Sewer Use Ordinance of the City of High Point, as amended from time to time. The following stipulated penalties shall apply for violations of the User's limits or failure to meet a milestone date under this Administrative Order, or failure to achieve full compliance with Administrative Order. Violation of limits, including TRC limits $1,000 per day, per violation Failure to collect required samples, meet compliance schedule deadlines, required reports, or other milestone dates combined herein $1,000 per day, per violation Failure to achieve full compliance with Final IUP $1,500 per day limit at expiration of Order g. Once Compliance is achieved, this Administrative Order shall terminate and all obligations hereunder except obligation to pay identified moneys to the City shall expire. h. In the performance of activities under this Administrative order, user must otherwise follow the procedures, rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes of the City, State and Federal governments as they may apply to User. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver thereof by the City. 3 City of High Point 2019 PAR 23 Signed on this 5th day of August 2019 CITY: City of High Point BY: l TITLE: Director of Pu lic Services, Water & Sewer This Consent Order Expires on June 30, 2020. City of High Point 2019 PAR 24 Dairy Fresh Adjudication Meeting October 7, 2019 @ 10:00 am Dairy Fresh Representatives: Gaurav Singhal Matt Brooks Michael Hardcastle Johnny Miller Miguel Becerra Eric Yerlinger (via phone) Lynn Peterson (via phone) Plant Manager EHS Manager— Fairfield Location Operations Manager —Winston-Salem Maintenance Manager Regional Director of Engineering VP Engineering — Dean Foods Senior EHS — Gainesville Company City of High Point Representatives: Terry Houk Public Services Director Derrick Boone Asst. Public Services Director Bill Frazier Laboratory Services Manager Carrie Hyler Pretreatment Supervisor Dairy Fresh exercised their right to adjudicate the Administrative Order (AO) they received as a result of repeated Significant Non -Compliance (SNC) periods. Dairy Fresh representatives were concerned they could not meet the compliance milestones outlined in the AO and proposed alternative dates for completion. The City explained that State (and EPA) guidance regarding AO time frames and it is recommended not to exceed a one-year period. After listening to Dairy Fresh's justification for needing additional Dairy Fresh had a questions regarding the required "Engineering Report" and whether it was required to be signed by a licensed engineer. They were advised for the purposes of outlining what activities they have done or plan to do, the report does not have to be certified by a licensed engineer (PE); however, construction drawings and system schematics are required for any permits and the Authorization to Construct that is issued by the Pretreatment Supervisor. There was discussion about the operator requirement. It was explained that the City does not require operators be certified but they should have knowledge about the system, and it was recommended they have a designated operator during production times and send them for Physical -Chemical Operator certification and information regarding the training would be emailed following the meeting. The City agreed to amend the Administrative Order, extending the final date to December 31, 2020. City of High Point 2019 PAR 25 City of High Point Public Services Department ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITYn` North Carolina County of Guilford In the matter of the City of High Point Pretreatment Permit No. 0151 held by Dairy Fresh ADDENDUM TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AND COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Pursuant to provisions of the Sewer Use Ordinance of the City of High Point, this addendum to the original Administrative Order, effective the loth day of October 2019, is between Dairy Fresh, (hereinafter the "User") and the City of High Point, (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). The City hereby attests the following: 1. Dairy Fresh is a Significant Industrial User as defined by section 8-2-53(A) of the City's Sewer Use Ordinance. 2. User holds the City of High Point Pretreatment Permit No. 151 (hereinafter the "Permit" which shall refer to User's existing permit and any subsequent renewals or modifications thereof) for the discharges non -domestic wastewater containing conventional pollutants into the City's sanitary sewer system. 3. User is currently under an Administrative Order and Compliance schedule as of August 6, 2019 for the inability to meet permit limitations for BOD set forth in its industrial discharge permit. 4. User has used its right to adjudication and has requested to modify the compliance schedule and add additional time to achieve compliance. 5. The City has agreed to modify the current compliance schedule and extend the final compliance date of the Administrative Order an additional six months. Additionally, the City has assured the User to assist in expediting any City permit and/or plan review processes. 6. The City stipulates the User to do and perform all the following: a. Meet and comply with all terms and conditions of the Permit b. Unless and until Compliance is achieved, the User will undertake activities necessary to bring the User into Compliance in accordance with the following schedule: ' P.O.230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fox:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 City of High Point 2019 PAR 26 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Activities Deadline for Completion (i) As indicated in User's compliance response dated June 7, 2019, provide a summary of all source reduction activities identified and the Dissolved September 5, 2019 Air Floatation (DAF) pilot study sample results. (ii) Prepare an Engineering Report of process alternatives and/or pollution prevention or waste minimization alternatives designed to achieve compliance. Identify the alternatives chosen to October 21, 2019 achieve compliance. This report does not need to be completed by a certified engineer. (iii-a) Generate necessary drawings and provide information to obtain any necessary building permits from the City's Planning & Development Department and an Authorization to Construct issued by the City's Laboratory Services (Pretreatment) Division. Project information March 20, 2020 should include proposed sludge disposal methods. Architectural drawings and design specifications for the project must be signed by a certified engineer. (iii-b) Apply for building permits and Authorization to Construct March 27, 2020 (iv) Begin construction and/or implement identified process alternative(s), pollution prevention, and Within 2 months of Permit waste minimization alternatives, as outlined in Approval Engineering Report. (v) Complete identified construction/pollution prevention/waste minimization alternatives December 31, 2020 and/or process alternatives. (vi) Complete an analysis of implemented changes, including daily monitoring for one week and make needed modifications to optimize and obtain full operational status. All results shall be TBD submitted with the appropriate monthly report in which the samples were collected. C. User shall perform each of the activities set forth in subparagraph (e) on or before the dates established unless such dates are extended by agreement of User and the City. The User may request such extensions for good cause, and the City will not unreasonably withhold its consent to such extensions. d. The City acknowledges there may be unforeseen or unplanned delays in material deliveries. The User must notify the City of any and all delays they experience that effect the activity completion date. e. The requirement for daily monitoring for one week will be performed once construction is complete. City of High Point 2019 PAR 27 User shall submit comprehensive written reports as defined in original Administrative Order. Any violation of the terms of this Administrative Order shall subject the User to the enforcement authority outlined in the Sewer Use Ordinance. Such action may include, but not limited to such additional penalties, injunctive relief and water supply severance as set forth in the Sewer Use Ordinance of the City of High Point, as amended from time to time. The stipulated penalties outlined in the original Administrative Order still apply: Violation of limits, including TRC limits $1,000 per day, per violation Failure to collect required samples, meet compliance schedule deadlines, required reports, or other milestone dates combined herein $1,000 per day, per violation Failure to achieve full compliance with Final IUP $1,500 per day limit at expiration of Order Ih. In the performance of activities under this Administrative order, user must otherwise follow the procedures, rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes of the City, State and Federal governments as they may apply to User. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver thereof by the City. I. This Addendum extends the Administrative Order until December 31, 2020. Signed on this 101h day of October 2019 ' CITY: City of High Poin BY: A , ITITLE: Director of Publ c Services, Water & Sewer t I 3 City of High Point 2019 PAR 28 PART 5 INDUSTRIAL DATA SUMMARY FORMS NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Alberdingk Bole, Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Eastside WWTP IUP # 0148 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # => NCO024210 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of sampl es => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => _ % viol ations,(chronic SNC is- 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Total # of samples=> * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average L oadi ng (I b/d) => _ % vi olati ons,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => o % vi olati ons,(chronic SNC is- 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Total # of samples=> * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronicSNCis>=66% => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => z %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.004 0.004 2,170 4,040 85.2 108.0 55.10 0.56 54.00 98.82 2.720 2.669 1.54 3.23 0.003 0.003 759 1736 29.1 36.90 27.22 0.41 19.50 44.55 0.870 0.960 0.74 0.82 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A Cadmium Chromium COD Copper 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 <0.001 <0.001 0.117 0.0284 8,120 6,870 0.033 0.016 <0.00002 <0.00003 0.0034 0.0007 239 170 0.0008 0.0004 0.0005 0.0005 0.0305 0.0170 3149 3,992 0.017 0.011 0.00001 0.00001 0.0009 0.0004 85 102 0,0005 0.0003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cyanide Lead Nickel Nitrate -Nitrite 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.067 0.011 <0.010 <0.010 0.0435 0.046 0.49 0.17 0.002 0.0003 <0.0002 <0.002 0.0014 0.0011 0.0142 0.005 0.013 0.003 0.003 0.0003 1 0.027 0.029 0.234 0.063 0.002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0008 0.0007 0.007 0.002 0% 0% 0% 00/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 1 0% 00/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as V. DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please lndicatehow a✓erageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 29 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WW TP Name=> EastsideVWWP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # => NC0024210 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or -Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % viol ations,(chroni c SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Zinc Total # of samples=> Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loadi ng (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => 0 %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => 7 7 0.021 0.056 0.0007 0.002 0.012 0.024 0.0003 0.0006 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Industry Name Alberdinqk Boley IUP# 0148 Pipe # 001 BDL as Y. DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib(d=> pounds per day four rows, Plindicatehowaaerageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 30 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => High Point WWTP Name=> Westside WWTP Use separate forms for each industry/pipe NPDES#=> NCO024228 Enter BDL values as < (value) 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %viol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => I ndustry Name Cascade Di a Casti ng IUP# 0128 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd Cop 3er Lead Phenol T 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.004 0.004 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0025 <0.0025 <0.010 <0.010 <0.00015 <0.00016 <0.00007 <0.00008 <0.0003 <0.0003 0.004 0.004 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.00125 0.005 0.005 0.00007 0.00008 0.00004 0.00004 0.00015 0.00016 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% t N/A N/A I N/A I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TTO Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 0.0172 0.017 <0.025 <0.025 0.0005 0.0005 <0.0007 <0.0008 0.0172 0.017 0.0125 0.0125 0.0005 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% t N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as%DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => rnilligransper liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Complies oe mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plait City of High Point 2019 PAR 31 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form Town Name=> High Point Name CINTASCorporation pipe(ID Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTPName => EastsideWWTP IUP# 0136 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES#=> NCO024210 Pi # 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => ' Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loadi ng (I b(d) =>_ % viol ations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => ' or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average L oadi ng (I b/d) => _ % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Flaw, mgd BOD COD Copper 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 0.064 0.057 1,420 1,930 5,000 6,360 1.85 0.60 0.060 0.050 967 1,656 1 3,909 5,103 1.85 0.60 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% Lead Oil & Grease TSS Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 1 2nd 6 months 7 7 1 1 7 7 1 1 0.121 0.129 34 520 827 860 1.75 1.32 0.101 0.104 34 520 449 604 1.75 1.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as %DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter POTW must arts at least one of these I UP => I ndustrial User Permit Ib✓d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr. or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 32 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Custom Drum Services Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTPName => EastsideWWTP IUP# 0138 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0024210 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06130/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> or 6-month Average (mg/I) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violati ons,(chroni c SNC is— 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> % violati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> " or Maximum (lb/d) _> or 6-month Average (mg/I) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violati ons,(chroni c SNC is— 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> % violati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 o _> Flow, mgd Chromium Copper I Lead 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.003 0.002 <0.005 <0.005 0.026 0.059 0.007 <0.0025 0.003 0.002 0.0025 0.0025 0.026 0.059 0.007 0.0013 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - 00X0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Nickel Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 0.012 0.025 0.578 0.167 0.012 0.025 0.578 0.167 ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as'hDL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW nxist enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day fourrows, Please indicatehow averageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd=>miIIiongallonsper day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 33 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or M axi mum (1 b/d) => " or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % viol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 661X) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => M axi mum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loadi ng (I b/d) => % viol ati ons, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % viol ati ons,(chronic SNC is>= 660/() _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name=> High Point WWTP Name=> Westside WWTP N PD ES # => N CO024228 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Dairy Fresh, LLC IUP# 0151 Pipe # 001 Flaw, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 10 7 10 7 9 7 1 1 0.192 0.161 13,000 5,350 4,120 2,180 3.82 4.46 14,268 6,151 3,989 2,573 0.123 0.131 5,546 3,985 1,297 1,430 3.82 4.46 5765 4,411 1298 1,586 > 0% 0% 50% 29% 22% 14% N/A N/A 0% 0% 40% 0% 11% 0% N/A N/A L N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COD Oil & Grease 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 5,880 9,095 174 306 5,880 9,095 174 306 a 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A t N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SNC See Part 4 BDL as % DL ND => None Detected BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1 => MIIigrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these I U P => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 34 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES# _> NC0O24210 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6-month Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (Ib/d) _> % viol ations,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> ' or M axi mum (I b/d) _> or 6-month Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> _ %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> z %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> months ertifiesfor TTO *Certifiesfor T" as Not Being as Not Being Present I Present Industry Name Diversifiers Technologies I U P # 0056 Ripe # 001 BDL as'/� DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => mi I I i grarns per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ibld => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Nan -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Ava oeiod could be month. Qtr. or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 35 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average(mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % viol ati ons,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => T %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => 9 Control Authority, Town Name => High Point WWTP Name => Eastside WWTP N PD ES # => NCO024210 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Harri ss Covington I U P # 0025 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd Ammonia COD 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.029 0.028 6.55 24.9 313 999 0.029 0.028 6.55 24.9 313 999 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as Yz DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d=> pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 36 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6-month Average (mg(I) => or Average L oadi ng (I b/d) => % vi ol ati ons, (chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name => WWTP Name => N PD ES # => 1 st 6 months, dates => 2nd 6 months, dates => High Point Eastsi de W WTP NCO024210 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Hunter Farms IUP# 0107 P'i pe # 001 Flaw, mad BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 8 7 8 7 8 1 1 0.094 0.114 2,610 5,100 280 604 0.20 1.42 0.087 0.097 1,929 3 031 132 399 0.20 1.42 a 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% t 0% 0% 0% 13% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% COD Oil & Grease 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 8 7 9 5,420 8,520 17 28 4,137 5,205 8.6 8.6 r 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 1 N/A N/A % H0% 0% N/A N/A BDL as%DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => mi I I i grams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 37 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or M axi mum (1 b/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => " or Average Loading (lb/d) => % vi ol ati ons, (chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 660/() _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => ' or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % vi of ati ons, (chroni c SN C i s >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name => WWTP Name => N PD ES # => 1 st 6 months, dates => 2nd 6 months, dates => High Point Eastside WWTP N CO024210 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Hunter Farms IUP# 0107 Pi pe # 002 Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 8 7 8 7 8 1 1 0.092 0.120 2,610 5,100 280 604 0.20 1.42 0.086 0.095 1 929 3,031 132 399 0.20 1.42 m 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% T 0% 0% 0% 13% 0% 0% 0% 0% �j 0% 1 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% COD Oil & Grease 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 8 7 9 5,420 8,520 17 28 4,137 5,205 8.6 8.6 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A BDL as Yz DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligram per liter ' POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plan City of High Point 2019 PAR 38 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name I nnospec Active Chemicals Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP IUP # 0120 Enter BDL values as <(value) NPDES#=> NC0024210 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => _ % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => m %TRC violations, (SNC is 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => .A %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * M axi mum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => _ % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 monthsF3,220 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 8 7 7 7 1 1 0.082 0.074 3,110 195.0 143 1.81 8.56 1,483 111.4 84.9 0.901 5.074 0.053 0.050 2,006 109.6 89 1.81 8.56 828 968 54.2 41.6 0.901 1 5.074 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Eth (benzene COD Cy snide Lead 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 <0.010 0.029 9,440 3,780 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0025 <0.0025 <0.0004 0.001 4,177 1,879 <0.0008 <0.0004 <0.0013 <0.0015 0.005 0.029 3,450 2,789 0.005 0.005 0.0013 0.0013 0.0002 0.001 1718 1 1352 0.0004 0.0002 0.0006 0.0007 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Phosphorus T Toluene X lanes T Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.46 9.95 0.011 <0.010 0.104 0.328 0.087 0.141 2.42 5.90 0.0009 <0.0004 0.009 0.014 0.043 0.084 1.898 2.71 0.011 0.005 0.104 0.328 0.087 0.141 0.889 1.37 0.0009 0.0002 0.009 0.014 0.043 0.084 N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as 1/2 DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mgrl => milligramsper liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ibid => pounds per day fourrows, Please indicatehow averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 39 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Pant Name KAo Specialties Americas LLC Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTPName=> WestsdeWWTP IUP# 0026 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES#=> NCO024228 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average(rng/I) => or Average Loading(Ib/d)=> %violabons,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is- 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC i s - 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6-month Average(mg/I) => * or Average L oadi ng (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is- 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC i s - 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is- 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (Ib/d) => * or 6-month Average(mgll) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is- 33 %) => % viol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is - 33 %) => POTW must enter at least one of these Flaw, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 12 13 7 7 7 7 6 6 0.309* 0.333* 498 581 133.0 332 3.62 0.100 525 815.2 182.9 351.3 3.27 0.126 0.189 0.203 262 330 95.8 186 0.68 0.067 254 383.9 104.2 205.0 0.62 0.068 m 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A t N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COD Nitrate -Nitrite Nitr T Phosvphorus T 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 1 1 6 6, 2 26 4,280 9.9 Not Sampled 17.8 Not Sampled 43.9 11.70 2,446 5,385.1 8.7 15.8 46.3 14.92 1,509 3,003 9.9 17.8 12.2 8.97 1,444 3204.2 8.7 15.8 12.3 9.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A t N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * Dueto rainfall TKN Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 1 1 37.4 13.60 0.044 0.132 33.7 16.73 0.04 0.19 12.1 8.63 0.044 0.132 11.3 9.25 0.04 1 0.19 N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mgn => milligrams per liter IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how werageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 40 M Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Kersey Valley Landfill Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTPName=> EastsideWWTP IUP# 0113 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES# _> NC0024210 Pipe# 001 (Pond) 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of sampl es => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or 6-month Average(mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (I b✓d) _> %violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> %violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) _> * or Maximum (Ib/d) _> * or 6-month Average (mg/I) _> * or Average Loadi ng (Ib/d) _> % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC vi ol ati ons, (SNC is — 33 %) _> % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) _> BDL as DL ND => None Detected BDL => Below Detection Limit mg(l => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these I UP=> I ndustrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Pleiseindicatehow averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 41 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Kersey Valley Landfill Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Nam WVVT EastsideWTP IUP# 0113 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES# _> NC0024210 Rpe# 002 (Tank) 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of sampl es => Maximum (mg/I) _> or Maximum (IWd) _> or 6-month Average (rmg1l) _> or Average Loading (IWd) _> %viol ati ons, (chroni c SN C i s — 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> % vi of ati ons,(chroni c SNC i s — 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> Total # of sampl es => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (IWd) _> or 6-month Average (mg/I) _> or Average Loading (I Wd) _> % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> % vi olati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC vi of ati ons, (SN C i s — 33 %) _> BDL as Y DL ND => None Detected BDL => Below Detection Limit mg1l _> milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these I UP=> Industrial User Permit IWd => pounds per day four row$ Please indicate how arerageswerecalculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Ctr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values usad. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 42 M Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Narne=> High Point Name Kersey Valley Landfill Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> EastsideWWTP IUP# 0113 Enter BDL values as<(value) NPDES#=> NCO024210 Pipe# 003 (Pump Station) 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Told # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (Ib/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or M axi mum (I b/d) => * or 6-month Average(mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is> 33 %) => %violations,(chronicSNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Flaw, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 0.051 0.015 420 104 192 632 399.0 421 0.022 0.006 130 81 110 424 225.5 297.4 2 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Copper Nickel Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 8 7 8 7 8 7 0.005 0.015 0.086 0.092 0.077 0.170 0.003 0.006 0.042 0.079 0.050 0.084 A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as% DL ND => None Detected BDL => Below Detection Limit mg1l => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at lent one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 43 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK City of High Point 2019 PAR 44 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Mickey Truck Bodies Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Nam => EastsideVW TP IUP# 0144 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES# => NCO024210 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or M axi mum (I b/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % viol ations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Total # of sampl es => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % vi olati ons,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Flow, mgd Cadmium Chromium C per 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0008 0.0009 0.0017 0.003 0.018 0.027 0.056 0.181 0.0008 0.0009 0.0017 0.003 0.018 0.027 0.056 0.181 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 15 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% snide Lead Nickel Silver 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 0.003 0.008 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.008 1 0.005 0.005 0.0025 0.0025 m 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% i 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Zinc TTO 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 0.810 1.452 *Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 'Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 0.810 1.452 m ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as%DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg1l => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 45 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (I b/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 660X) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => %violations, (chroni c SNC i s >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % vi ol ati ons, (chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 660%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name=> WWTP Name => NPDES # => 1st 6 months, dates=> 2nd 6 months, dates => High Point Eastside WWTP N CO024210 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Patheon Softqels, Inc. IUP# 0126 Pipe # 001 Flaw, mgcl BOD TSS COD 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 0.047 0.060 2,600 1,950 272.0 105 4,428 3,720 0.038 0.038 1,172 1,411 97.0 65.6 2,387 2,519 > 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A t 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A Acetone Ethyl acetate lsopropyl acetate Methyl echloride 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.71 1.07 <0.020 <0.010 <0.020 <0.010 <0.020 <0.010 1.71 1.07 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.005 > 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% t 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 00% n-Am I acetate 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 <0.020 <0.010 0.010 0.005 0 0% 0% 0% 0% t 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as% DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => miIIigrans per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day fourrows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd=>miIIiongal Ionsper day Avg period could be month, Qtr� or 6-month & if BDL 1/2BDL or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant miry or sign roam �u na rHn< M M r Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Piedmont Chemical Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Westside WWTP I UP # 0036 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # => NCO024228 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (Ib/d) => _ % vi ol ations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is - 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => I %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is - 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is - 33 %) => f Total # of samples=> * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => _ %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o % viol ations,(chronic SNC is- 660/() _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 Flaw, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.072 0.052 468.0 1,062 256 225 57.0 19.8 241.2 334.1 66.1 70.7 16.5 7.9 0.044 0.031 306.9 523 90.8 112.1 15.1 12.5 116.1 135.8 27.8 24.0 5.4 3.5 0% 00/0 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cadmium Chromium COD Copper 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 <0.002 <0.002 0.007 0.015 1,880 3,482 0.017 0.025 <0.0006 <0.0004 0.002 0.007 952.8 1095.4 0.010 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.006 1 188 1,704 0.010 0.016 0.0004 0.0002 0.001 0.002 439.8 458.4 0.004 0.005 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cy snide Ethylbenzene Lead Nickel 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 0.016 0.022 0.012 <0.010 <0.0025 <0.0025 0.016 0.018 0.005 0.007 0.004 <0.003 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.010 0.008 0.016 0.022 0.012 0.005 0.0013 0.0013 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.002 0.0004 0.0004 0.003 0.002 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as % DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mtyl => milligramsper liter POTW must enter at Ieast one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicatehow averageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 47 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> or 6-month Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (Ih/d) _> _ %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRCviolations, (SNC is-33%)_> o %violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name=> High Point WWTP Name=> Westside WWTP NPDES#=> NC0024228 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Industry Name Piedmont Chemical I U P # 0036 Pipe # 001 bilver Total Ph horus X lenes T Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 0.007 0.006 Not Sampled 3.83 0.065 <0.010 0.039 0.066 0.0018 0.0020 1.205 0.021 <0.003 0.012 0.021 0.003 0.003 3.830 0.065 0.005 0.039 0.066 0.001 0.0008 1.205 0.021 0.002 0.012 0.021 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as Y. DL BDL => Blow Detection Limit mg/1 => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plan City of High Point 2019 PAR 48 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Name Slane Fairfield Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTPName => EastsideWWTP IUP# 0012 Enter BDL values as < (value) N PDES # => NCO024210 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % viol ations,(chronicSNC is-66%)=> T % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => ° % viol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Total # of sampl es => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lbdd) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => r % TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is — 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => mo Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (I b/d) => * or 6-monthAverage (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % viol ations,(chronicSNC is 66%) => T % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => ° % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Flow, mgd TSS Ammonia Chromium 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.084 0.079 5.8 10.0 3.5 2.7 <0.005 <0.005 0.084 0.079 5.8 10.0 3.5 2.7 0.0025 0.0025 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A COD Copper Lead Mercer 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 992 851 0.007 0.006 <0.0025 <0.0025 <0.0002 <0.0002 992 851 0.007 0.006 0.00125 0.00125 0.0001 0.0001 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 00/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 00/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Nickel Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 0.025 0.045 0.005 0.005 0.025 0.045 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as Yz DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at lent one of these I UP => I ndustrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be nx0h, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 49 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (rngtl) => or Average Loadi ng (I b/d) => % vi olati ons,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => - %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => ` or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average(mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => %violations,(chronicSNC is>=66%)=> a % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Control Authority, Industry Town Name=- High Point Name Slane Hosiery WWTPName = EastsideWWfP IUP# 0043 NPDES#=> NCO024210 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, date: 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, date 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Flow mgd Ammonia Chromium COD 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.158 0.178 5.8 2.6 0.014 0.095 1,094 1,112 0.158 0.178 5.8 2.6 0.014 0.095 1094 1112 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 00% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% Coer Lead Nickel Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.008 0.022 <0.0025 <0.0025 <0.010 <0.010 0.077 0.082 0.008 0.022 0.00125 0.00125 0.005 0.005 0.077 0.082 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A j N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as % DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => mi I I i grams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows Please indicate how averageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 50 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP Use separate forms for each industry/pipe NPDES # => NCO024210 Enter BDL values as < (value) 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => " Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 660X) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-monthAverage (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % viol ations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 660X) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of sampl es => Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % viol ations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => I ndustry Name SYNTEC Solutions, Inc IUP# 0146 Ripe # 001 Flow, mgd Cadmium Chromium Copper 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.0005 0.0025 0.0025 0.01 0.01 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% r 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Cy snide Lead Nickel Silver 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0025 <0.0025 0.039 0.079 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 0.005 0.00125 0.00125 0.039 0.079 0.0025 0.0025 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Zinc TTO 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 0.035 0.037 *Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present *Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 0.035 0.037 0% 0% 0% 0% M 2 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as%DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib✓d => pounds per day fourrows, Please indicate haw werageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd=>milliongallons per day Ava period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2613L, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 51 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Pant Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWfP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # => NCO024210 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total #of samples=> Maximum (mg/I) => or M axi mum (I b/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/I) => " or Average Loadi ng (I b/d) => _ % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => 21 % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => r % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => " Maximum (mg/I) => or M axi mum (I b/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is>= 66%) => t % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => I ndustry Name Teknor Apex - NC IUP# 0145 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd Acr lonitrile Antimony Arsenic 1st 6 months I 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0014 0.0004 0.0115 <0.100 0.0016 0.0008 <0.002 <0.002 0.0014 0.0004 0.0115 0.050 0.0016 0.0008 0.001 0.001 000 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A C anide Lead Phenol Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.005 0.0016 0.0027 0.042 <0.020 0.007 0.029 0.005 0.0025 0.0016 0.0027 0.042 0.010 0.007 0.029 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% q0% 0% 0% BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => miIIigrams per liter BDL as % DL IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day fourrows, Plea9eindicate how avaageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non-Compliaioe mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could bemonth, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plait City of High Point 2019 PAR 52 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (rrxyl) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % vi ol ati ons,(chroni c SNC is— 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => " or 6-month Average (mg/1) => " or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mgd) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6-month Average (mg/I) => * or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => % violati ons,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name=> WWTP Name=> NPDES#=> 1 st 6 months, dates => 2nd 6 months, dates => High Point Eastside WWTP NCO024210 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 I ndustry Name Thomas Built Buses I U P # 0047 Pipe # 001 Flaw, mgd Cadmium Chromium Copper 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.146 0.013 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 0.008 <0.005 0.012 0.010 0.0005 0.0005 0.0025 0.0025 0.008 0.0025 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cy snide Lead Nickel Silver 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0025 <0.0025 0.017 0.046 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 0.005 0.0013 0.0013 0.006 0.031 0.0025 0.0025 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TSS TTO Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 7 7 7.4 <5.0 *Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present *Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 0.146 0.479 4.1 2.5 0.063 0.183 ° N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% fl N/A N/A I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL as %: DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1 => mi I I i grams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these I UP => I ndustrial User Permit I b/d => pounds per day four rows, Pli ndi cate how averages were cal ail ated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg period could be month, Otr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/26DL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 53 Pretreatment Annupl Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Pant Name Ultra Coatings, Ltd. Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP IUP# 0140 Enter BDL values as <(value) NPDES#=> NC0024210 Pipe# 001 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loadi rig (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6-month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is— 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is 33 %) => % violations,(chronic SNC is 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (lb/d) => ' or 6-monthAverage (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is— 33 %) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is — 33 %) => Flaw mad Cadmium Chromium Co)per 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 12nd6months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.008 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 0.008 0.039 0.037 0.008 0.008 0.0005 0.0005 0.0025 0.008 0.039 0.037 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% � 0% /0 0 ° ° 0 /0 ° 0 /o 0% 0% 0% 0% Cy anide Lead Nickel Silver 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0025 <0.0025 <0.010 0.014 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 0.005 0.00125 0.00125 0.005 0.014 0.0025 0.0025 A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% TTO Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 'Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 'Certifiesfor TTO as Not Being Present 0.235 0.435 0.235 0.435 A 0% 0% 0% 0% E 0% 0% 0% 0% BDL as%DL POTW must enter at least one of these fourrows, Please i ndi cate how averages were calculated Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter ]UP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day SNC => significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 54 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Pant Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES# => NCO024210 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => r % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => m Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (Ib✓d) => % vi of ati ons, (chroni c SN C i s - 66%) => 21 % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => r % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maxmum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (Ib/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => 21 % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => o % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => t % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => I ndustry Name Zebra Envi ronmental Svcs. IUP# 0153 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd Bis(2-ethylhwyl phthalate Carbazde Chromium 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.009 0.011 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.002 <0.002 0.009 0.011 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.001 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 00/0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Cobalt Copper Fluoranthene Lead 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.002 <0.002 0.002 0.002 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.005 0.00025 0.00025 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% n-Decane n-Octadecane Oil & Grease Tin 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <5.0 <5.0 <0.025 <0.025 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 2.5 2.5 0.0125 0.0125 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 00X 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter BDL as / DL IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 55 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> High Point Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name=> Eastside WWTP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NCO024210 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) _> or M axi mum (I b/d) _> or 6 month Average (mg/1) _> " or Average Loading (Ib/d) _> % violations,'(chronic SNC 1s>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> o • violations, (chronic SNC is— 66%) _> t % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> 1st 6 months, dates=> 1/1/2019 to 06/30/2019 2nd 6 months, dates=> 7/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 <0.005 0.011 0.0025 0.011 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% I ndustry Name Zebra Environmental Svcs. I U P # 0153 Pipe # 001 BDL as / DL BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligransper liter * POTW must enter at least one of these I U P => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/213DL, or zero valuesused. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant City of High Point 2019 PAR 56 PART 6 ALLOCATION TABLES NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT POTw= NPDES#= IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 08/10/17 Allocation Table updated: 12/04/19 Permits last modified: 01/01/20 Workbook Name: EASTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Industries that have Ibs/day permit limits have mg/L entered in allocation table to use for calculations only. East9de POTW NCO024210 FLOW BOD TSS Industry Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Ripe of Effective Effective Permit Conc. Load Conc. Load (a®rsalq.ca,dy) number number I ndustry Date Date Ex Tres MGD / m I I bstdaV mqtl lbs/day Alberdinqk Bolev 0148 001 414 G & H 07/01/16 06/30/21 0.0400 40,000 820.00 273.55 715.00 238.52 CintasCorrxxation 0136 001 Laund 07/01/16 06/30/21 0.0850 85,000 3000.00 2126.70 1500.00 1063.35 Custom Drum Services 0138 001 Drum cond 06/06/17 06(01/22 0.0060 6,000 Diversified Techncloqies, Inc. 0056 001 413.84 03/01/16 03/01/21 0.0050 5,000 Harriss& Covinqton Hosiery 0025 001 Tedile 07/01/16 06/30/21 0.1200 120,000 Hunter Farms 0107 001 Da 06/01/17 10/01/18 06/01/22 0.1500 150,000 4000.00 5004.00 2500.00 3127.50 Hunter Farms 0107 0002 Da 06/01/17 10/01/18 06/01/22 0.1500 150,000 In PerformanoeChernicals 0120 001 414G& H 07/01/16 10/01/18 06/30(21 0.1000 100,000 3600.00 3002.40 1271.00 1060.01 KerVall Landfill 0113 003 Landfill 07/01/17 07/01/22 0.0720 72,000 monitor monitor Midc Trudc Bodies 0144 001 433.17 01/01/20 01/01/25 0.0050 5,000 PatheonSoft Inc 0126 001 439.47 03/O1/15 11/01/16 03101/20 0.0700 70,000 3000.00 1751.40 monitor Sane Hosiery -Fairfield 0012 001 Textile 05t01/15 05/01/20 0.1300 130,000 300.00 325.26 Slane Hosiery 0043 001 Teti le 07/01/16 06/30/21 0.2600 260,000 SYNTEC Ski Solutions 0154 001 433.17 03/01/19 02/29/24 0.0040 4,000 eknorA -NC 0145 001 414.46 04/01/19 03/31/24 0.0200 20,000 hom.BuiltBuses 0047 001 433.17 07/01/16 07/01/21 0.0400 40,000 UltraCoeti Inc 0140 001 433.17 05/01/18 05✓01/23 0.0120 12,000 ebraEnvironmental Services 0153 001 437.26 05/09/18 05101/19 05101/23 0.0200 20,000 Column Totals=> 1 1.28901 1,289,000 12158 5815 Bag s=> MAHL from HWA (Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (Ibstday) => Total Allowablefor Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to I ndustry (Ibs(day) => MAIL left (lbstday) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent M A H L (Ibs/dav) => NPDES Permitted NPDES 90.7 % 48.1 % 1 39.4 %1 1 81.5 %1 City of High Point 2019 PAR 57 Porno NPDES#= IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 08/10/17 Allocation Table updated: 12/04/19 Permits last modified: 01/01/20 Workbook Name: EASTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Industries that have Ibs/day permit limits have mg/L entered in allocation table to use for calculations only. Eastside POTW NCO024210 Ammonia Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conic. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load (pl-listalpl ,dy) number number mco lbsdav mCVI Ibs/d m I Ibs/ m 1 I bs/dav MCVI I bs/dav mCVI lbstday Iberdi k Bd 0148 001 monitor 0.0420 0.0140 CintasCorporation 0136 001 4.0000 2.8356 Custom Drum Services 0138 001 0.1600 0.00W 0.7000 0.0350 Diversified TechnoloqiInc. 0056 001 0.7000 0.0292 2.7000 0.1126 Harriss& Covington Hosiery 0025 001 40.00 40.03 Hunter Farms 0107 001 20.00 25.02 Hunter Farms 0107 0002 lnrx=w Performance Chemicals 0120 001 monitor 0.0995 0." Ker Vall Laidfill 0113 003 monitor monitor M i ckey Truck Bodies 0144 001 0.0700 0.0029 0.50D0 0.0209 0.7500 0.0313 0.0800 0.0033 Patheon Softod s, Inc. 0126 001 Slane Hosier -Fairfield 0012 001 25.00 27.11 monitor monitor Slane Hosiery 0043 001 35.00 75.89 monitor monitor SYNTEC Seatinq Solutions 0154 001 0.0500 0.0017 0.0500 0.0017 0.5000 0.0167 0.1000 0.0033 eknor A - NC 0145 001 monitor 0.4200 0.0701 homes Built Buse; 0047 001 0.0125 0.0042 0.5000 0.1668 0.D500 0.0167 0.2000 0.0667 Ultra Coalincis, Inc. 0140 001 0.0100 0.0010 0.0250 0.0025 0.1000 0.0100 0.1250 0.0125 ebra Environmental Services 0153 001 0.3230 0.0539 0.2420 0.0404 Column Totals => 168 1 0.0000 1 0.03891 1 0.25371 2.9856 1 0.3655 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs(day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs(day) => Total Allonreblefor Industry (MAIL) (lbs(day) => Total Permitted to I ndustry (Ibs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available(%) => Percent MAHL still available(%) => 5 Percent MAHL flbs(dav) => Stream Stream Stream AS/Nit/TF Stream Std Sid Sid inhibition Sid 4.22141 1 0.5391 2108201.1..0023%920 MO.7841 39.073 74.18342 '91 135% 99.4996.1950450.6 % 97.6% 91.1% 61 09 0.112 City of High Point 2019 PAR 58 POTW= NPDES#= IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 08/10/17 Allocation Table updated: 12/04/19 Permits last modified: 01/01/20 Workbook Name: EASTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Industries that have Ibs/day permit limits have mg/L entered in allocation table to use for calculations only. Eastside POTW NCO024210 Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load (W-rseP,.W,dy) number number mco lbstclay mcvl lbstdav mcill lbs(dav MOO lbs/dav mcill Ibs I lbs(day Alberdinqk Bolev 0148 001 0.0330 0.0110 CintasCorporaion 0136 001 monitor Custom Drum Services 0138 001 0.5000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0025 Diversified Technd i Inc. 0056 001 0.4000 0.0167 Hariss& Covinqton Hosiery 0025 001 Hunter Farms 0107 001 Hunter Farms 0107 0002 I nnospec PerformaoeChemicals 0120 001 0.1250 0.1043 Kersey Valley Landfill 0113 003 monitor M i ckeV Truck Bodies 0144 001 0.2500 0.0104 0.1500 0.0063 0.0500 0.0021 Patheon SoftQels, I nc. 0126 001 Slane Hosier -Fairfield 0012 001 monitor monitor monitor Sane Hosiery 0043 001 monitor monitor SYNTEC Seatinq Solutions 0154 001 0.1250 0.0042 0.2500 0.0093 0.0500 0.0017 eknor A - NC 0145 001 0.3200 0.0534 homas B ui It Buses 0047 001 0.1250 0.0417 0.5000 0.1668 0.0500 0.0167 Ultra CoatJrKA Inc. 0140 001 0.1000 0.0100 0.0500 0.0050 0.0500 0.0050 ebra Envi ronmentai Services 0153 001 0.1600 0.0267 Column Totals=> 1 0.3033 1 0.000000 1 0.0000 1 0.1889 1 0.0000 0.0254 Ba9S=> MAHL from HWA (Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbsfday) => Total AlIowablefor Industry (MAIL) (Ibs(day) => Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs(day) => MAIL left (lbs(day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available(%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAHL (Ibs(dar) => Stream Std 9.2431 0.1119 9.1312 0.3033 8.8278 96.7 % 95.5 90 Stream Std 0.129127 0.008138 0.120989 0.000000 0.0000 0.120989 1 100.0 % #VALUE! 93.7 % #VALUE! 1 0.006456 Stream Std 6.2152 0.5290 5.6862 0.1889 5.4973 1 96.7 1XI 88.4 % 1 0.3108 Stream Std 1.4419 0.4679 0.9740 0.0000 0.9740 I 100.0 % 67.5 % 0.0721 AS/NitfrF inhibition 33.436( 0.25< 33.181 i 0.0254 33.1W 99.9 q 99.2 9i 1.671E City of High Point 2019 PAR 59 POTW= NPDES*= IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 08/10/17 Allocation Table updated: 1 12/04/19 Permitslast modified: 01/01/20 Workbook Name: EASTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Industries that have Ibslday permit limits have mg/L entered in allocation table to use for calculations only. Eastside POTW NCO024210 Zinc Total Nitrogen Total Phos. COD Oil & Grease Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conic. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load (d-rsd~idy) number number mco I bsdav MOO Ibs/d m I I bsdav mCVI Ibs m I I bsday� Iberdin k Bolev 0148 001 0.1050 0.0350 monitor CintasCorporafion 0136 001 4.0000 2.8356 monitor monitor Custom Drum Services 0138 001 1.0000 0.0500 Diversified Technoi i Inc. 0056 001 Harriss& Covinqtcn Hosiery 0025 001 3000.00 3002.40 Hunter Farms 0107 001 10000.00 12510.00 monitor Hunter Farms 0107 0002 Innospec Performance Chemicals 0120 001 0.3765 0.3140 monitor Kersey Valley Landfill 0113 003 monitor M i ckev Truck Bodies 0144 001 1.4800 0.0617 Palheon SoftQels. Inc 0126 001 monitor Slane Hosiery - Fairfield 0012 001 monitor monitor Slate Hosiery 0043 001 monitor monitor SYNTEC Seati Solutions 0154 001 0.5000 0.0167 eknor A - NC 0145 001 1.0500 0.1751 homers Built Buses 0047 001 1.4800 0.4937 Ultra Coati n Inc 0140 001 0.7500 0.0751 ebra Environmental Services 0153 001 4.5000 0.7506 monitor Column Totals => 4.8076 0.00 0.00 15512.40 0.0000 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (Ibstday) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs(day)=> Total Allavablefor Industry (MAIL) (Ibs(day) => Total Permitted to Industry (Ibsday) => MAIL left (Ibs(day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still mailable(%) => 5 Percent MAHL lihstdml => AS/NitrrF inhibition 1 NPDES NPDES 10576.139 567.4 2995.4790 523.) 7580.66 44.2 0.00 O.0 7580.66 44.2 1Cq.0 % 100.0' .8' 71.7 % P28 528.81 39E 192.8538 14.3630 178.4907 4.8076 173.6831 97.3 % 90.1 % 9.6427 # VALUE! #VALUE! City of High Point 2019 PAR 60 POTW= NPDES#=- IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: WESTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Allnratinn Tahla Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modified: 07/26/17 Pipe number Type Of I ridustry Renewal Effective Date Modification Effective Date Date Permit Expires Industries that have Ibs/day permit limits have mg/L entered in allocation table to use for calculations only FLOW BOD Permit Limits Permit Limits Conc. Load MGD / I Ibs/d TSS Permit Limits Conc. Load I bstday 07/26/171 02/01/19 Westside NCO024228 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit (please list alpNbdidy) number Cascade D i e Cast i nq Group 0128 001 464.16 07/01/16 06/30/21 0. 9, Dairy Fresh 0151 001 Dai ry 06/07/16 02/01/19 06/06/21 0.20001 200,00 3200. 5337. 1500. 2502.00 KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 414.85 07/01/16 03/02/18 06/30/21 0.25 250, 1251. 625.50 Piedmont Chemical slndustriesl 0036 001 414.85 07/01/16 06/30/21 0.1 100,00 417. 166.80 Column Totals => 0.5590 559,000 7006 3294 Basi s=> MAHL from HWA (lbs(day) => UncontrolIableLoadirig (Ibs/day) => Total AIIawablefor Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) => MAIL left (Ibs/day) => Percent Al low. Ind. (MAIL) still available(%) => 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/dav) => NPDES Design Design NPDESPermitted Flaw=> 6.2000 1 155121 1 10342 2.5242 6 000 1 5263 17 84168 26.466 35.160 0.3 City of High Point 2019 PAR 61 POTW= NPDES#= ]UP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: WESTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 07/26/17 Allocation Table updated: 07/26/17 Permits last modified: 02/01/19 Westside NCO024228 Ammonia Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load C. Load (ply hs dph�baidy) number number I I bs(day mQ1I I bs/ I I bs/d I I bsday mQ1I I bs/d I I bs/day Cascade Die Casti nq Group 0128 001 1 0.037 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 KAO SpecialtiesAmericas 0026 001 Piedmont Chemicals Industries I 0036 001 0.235 0.1960 ColumnTotals=> 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0375 0.1960 AS/Nit/TF Stream Stream AS/Nit/TF Stream Bask=> Design inhibition Std Std inhibition Std MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => 568.79 2.3686 0.1653 7.5755 25.2646 0.43� Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => 345.25 0.1200 0.0105 0.0821 0.6842 0.10) Total Allawablefor Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => 223.54 2.2486 0.1548 7.4934 24.5805 0.33� Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) => 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0375 0.19E M A I L I eft (I bs/day) => 223.54 2.2486 0.1548 7.4934 24.5430 0.13E Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available(%) => 1 100.0%1 105.0%1 i 100.0 % 100.0 % 1 99.8 % 41.1 ' 5 Percent M A H L 0bs/dav) => I 28.441 1 0.11 City of High Point 2019 PAR 62 POTW==: NPDESfk: IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: WESTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 07/26/17 Allocation Table updated: 07/26/17 Permits last modified: 02/01/19 Westside NCO024228 Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load (pl � hst aiw,eodjdy) number number I I bs/day mq1I I bs! I I bstday mgjI I bs(dav mcVI I bs(dav Cascade D i e, Casti ng Group 0128 001 0.100 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 KAO SpedaltiesAme-icas 0026 001 PiejmontChenical sIndustries1 0036 001 0.17 0.149 Column Totals => 0.2493 0.000000 0.00001 1 0.0000 0.0000 Stream Stream Stream BaSS=> Std NPDES Std Std MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => 1.7482 0.024932 4.1378 0.27� Uncontrollable Loading (Ibs/day) => 0.1074 0.005473 0.1158 0.10C- Total Allowablefor Industry (MAIL) (lbsiday) => 1.6408 0.019459 4.0220 0.162 Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs(day) => 0.2493 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 MAIL left (1 bsrday) => 1.3915 0.019459 4.0220 0.16" Percent Al law. Irid. (MAIL) still available(%) => 84.8 -/ 100.0 % #VALUE! 100.0 F 100.0' 5 Percent M A H L (Ibs(dav) => 1 0.08741 1 0.001 City of High Point 2019 PAR 63 POTW= NPDES#- IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: WESTSIDE, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 07/26/17 Allocation Table updated: 07/26/17 Permits last modified: 02/01/19 I ndustry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permi t L i mi ts Permi t L i mi ts INDUSTRY NAMES Per � Perm mit ' • .o s r.. 11 11 --- .111 ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AS/Nlt/TF AS/NitfTF Bass=> inhibition inhibition MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => 7.4018 30.760E UncontrdlableLoading (Ibs/day) => 0.0526 2.614E Total Allawablefor Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) => 7.3491 28.145E Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) => 0.0000 3.090( MAIL left (Ibs/day) => 7.3491 25.055� Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available(%) => 100.0 % 89.0 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/dav) => 0.3701 #VAL NPDES 202.64 167.59 100.0 %1 J #VALUE! City of High Point 2019 PAR 64 PART 7 PPS & SNCR NORTH CAROLINNs INTERNATIONAL CITYTM 2019 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name. City of High Pant 2. "Primary" NPDESNumber NC00 24210 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR begin Date, please enter 01 /01 /yy 4. PAR end Date, please enter 12/31/yy 5. Total number of SI Us, i ncl udes Cl Us 6. Number ofClUs 7. Number of SlUswith no IUP, or with an expired I U P 8. Number of SI Us not inspected by POTW 9. Number of SI Us not sampled by POTW 1o. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 13. Number of Cl Us in SNC 14. Number ofSlUsindudedinpublicnotice 15 Total number of SI Us on a compl i ance schedul e, CO, AO or si mi I ar 16. N umber of NOVs, N NCs or si mi I ar assesed to SI Us 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. Number of Criminal Penal ti es assessed to SIUs 19. Total Amount of Civil Penal ti es Col I ected 20. Number ofIUsfromwhichpenal tiescol Iected AO Administrative Order CIU Categorical Industrial User CO Consent Order I Industrial User I U P Industrial User Pretreatment Permit NNC Noticeof Non -Compliance NOV Noticeof Violation PAR Pretreatment Annual Report 3. => 01/01/19 4. => 12/31/19 5. => 21 6. => 13 7. => 0 8. => 0 9. => 0 10. => 1 11. => 0 12. => 0 13. => 0 14. => 1 15. => 1 16. => 19 17. => 8 18. => 0 19. => $ 10,250.00 20. => 1 POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works SIU Significant Industrial Use SNC Significant Non -Compliance City of High Point 2019 PAR 65 h ist9heREPORT PointHigh 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half ( 2nd half 1st half ( 2nd half KAO Specialties Americas LLC PreviousNames: High Point Chemical IUP # 0026 Pipe # 01 SIU Word Description: IUP Status: Active chemicals, OCPSF TSS I I I X I I I Hunter Farms PreviousNames: IUP # 0107 Pipe # 01 SlU Word Description: IUP Status: Active food,Dairy CBOD I I I I IX Piedmont Chemical Industries PreviousNames: IUP # 0036 Pipe # 01 SlU Word Description: - chemicals, OCPSF IUP Status: Active Interference I XI I I I I Innospec Performance Chemicals PreviousNames: IUP # 0120 Pipe # 01 Innospec Performance Chemicals US slu word Description: Prochem Plant #2 chemicals, OCPSF IUP Status: Active COD XI Naphthalene X 1 I I I I I I Slane Hosiery Mill PreviousNames: [UP # 0043 Pipe # 01 SlU Word Description: Textile IUP Status: Active NFI3 1 1 1 X I I I I Cascade Die Casting Group, Inc. PreviousNames: Southern Diecasting IUP # 0128 Pipe # 001 SlU Word Description: RECEIVED metals-064.16 IUP_Status: Active DEC 2 3 2019 An 'X' in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON: 1QIt$OD Mgh Point 2019 PAR This information is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified. PAGE 38 public ServiCe66 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. Industrial pmftatrnent h ist§w REPORT Phenol I I Mickey Truck Bodies, Inc. PreviousNames: IUP# 0144 Pipe# 001 IUP Status: Active Zinc X I X XI I I I I SlU word Description: Metal Finishing I I I I I Alberdingk Boley, Inc. PreviousNames: IUP # 0148 Pipe # 001 SlU word Description: chemicals, OCPSF IUP Status: Active BOD Ix I I I I I COD Ix I Dairy Fresh - Suiza Dairy Group, LLC dba PreviousNames: Winn-dixie Dairy/Superbrand Dairies IUP # 0151 Pipe # 001 SIU word Description: food,M#k Process IUP Status: Active BOD I I I X I COD I I I X I TSS I I I I An 'X' in a semiannual period Indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON: 13QW&W Point 2019 PAR This information Is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified. Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. PAGE 39 X IX I IX 67 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year => 2019 Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => City of High Point WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => Eastside SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance NPDES# _> NCO024210 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, pleasewrite"None" if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year 1 UP # Pipe # I ndustry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC ? ( Yes/ No) for each 6-month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. None Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Hi stori cal Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct? Notify the Division of any errors! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be expl ai ned in the Narrative. City of High Point 2019 PAR 68 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PAR covers this calendar year => 2019 Control Authority=Program=Town Name => City of High Point WWTP Name => Westside NPDES # _> NCO024228 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write" None" if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year 1 UP # Pipe # I industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC ? ( Yes/ No) for each 6-month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 0151 001 Dairy Fresh BOD Yes No Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct? Notify the Division of any errors! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SN Cs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. City of High Point 2019 PAR 69