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AGENDA ITEM: REQUEST FOR REMISSION OF CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT DWQ Case Number: PC-2018-0019 Region: Raleigh County: Johnston Assessed Entity: Town of Benson CASE BACKGROUND AND ASSESSMENT • July 6, 2018 & The Town of Benson was sent a Notices of Violation/Notices of Intent to July 18, 2018 Enforce (NOV-2018-PC-0214 and NOV-2018-PC-0244) for unauthorized discharge/overflow of sludge and violations of NPDES permit NC0020389. July 9, 2018 & USPS tracking receipt indicated delivery of NOV-2018-PC-0214 and July 19, 2018 NOV-2018-PC-0244. • August 8, 2018 & Raleigh Regional Office received responses to NOV-2018-PC-0214 and August 14, 2018 NOV-2018-PC-0244 • January 18, 2019 The Town of Benson was assessed a civil penalty of$57,608.90 ($57,000.00 civil penalty plus $608.90 investigative costs): $4,000_ far violation ofNPDES Permit No,NCO020389 Part lI Section B.2. Duty to Mitigate by failing to minimizz at prevent the release of sludge from the wastcwatcr treatment plant on June 15,2018. $ 15.OQQ for 2 of 2.violations ofNPDES Permit No,NC002U389 Part H Section C2, Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plaint to prevent the release of sludge on June 15,2018 and by having several treatment units and equipment out of service on June 21,201 S. S-10,QK for violation of N PDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II Section C.6. RemovDd Substances by failing to dispose of sludge properly on June 15, 2018. S 10.000 for 2 of 2 vioIadons of Title 15 A North Carolina Adrminist-fffive Code 02T .0505(d)Design Criteria by failing to opctate the 3 million OlQn concrete lined sludge lagoon with at least two feel of freeboard ca June 15,2018 and June 21,2018. 4.O00 for violation of h-PDES Permit No.NCD 20389 Part 1, Condition A. ( )by failing to daily record the freeboard in the two EQ basins_ 1,000 for violation of NPDFS Pcrmil No,14CO020389 Part II. Section A Definitions-Composite Sample by failing to collect samples flaw proportionally over a 24-hour period, $2.000 for violation ofNPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II, Section E.6 Twenty- four Hour Reporting by failing to report the releam of sludge from the w stewater treatment plant within 2.4 hours front the time of becomi ng aware of the release of'sludge. SLOW far violation ofNPDES Permit No.N 0020389 Part Il. Section E.12 Annual Performance Reports by failing to pmvi&are artnua]report to the useralcustomers served by the Permittvc_ 609-90 Enforeement Costs 5 57,608.90 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE • January 30, 2019 USPS tracking receipt indicated delivery of the assessment document. REMISSION REQUEST • February 28, 2019 Remission request signed by Mayor Jerry Medlin of the Town of Benson. • March 1, 2019 DWR received the request for remission from the Town of Benson. The request included a"Justification for Remission Request" and a"Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing and Stipulation of Facts." • May 31, 2019 Linda Culpepper, Director of the Division of Water Resources, considered the information contained in the remission request and did not find grounds to reduce the amount of the civil penalty assessment. • June 27, 2019 USPS tracking receipt indicated delivery of the remission decision document. ENFORCEMENT HISTORY • The Town of Benson has been assessed civil penalties on nine (9) occasions during the five years prior to the assessment of this penalty. REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION • The Town of Benson has made request for an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions. DWR RECOMW NDATION • The Division of Water Resources opposes any remission or mitigation of the penalty. 11CRAEL S. REGAN f TINDA CULPEPPER WV'aterResources EMVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL,701 6 3560 0000 44-IS 3382 RE,TURNT RE,CEIPT REQUESTED July 6, 20 IS Mr, Matthev,Zapp,Town Manager Town of Benson P.O. Box 69 Benson. ,N'C _')"504 Subject: Noti ce Notice of Intent 'N to EnforceOV-20188-PC-0214 Sludge Ch,-erflox from S11.1dee La,,zoon Benson W��,-TP NPDES Permit No. NC00203,)9 Jolinston count, Dear.Mr. Zapp: Oin June 15, 2018,-Mitch Hayes and Jason Robinson of the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of 'Water Re---;ources responded to an anonymous coinplaint of an overflo!X Of SIUC12:C from the 3 million aallon concrete tined sludge lagoon at the Benson�vaste�vater treatment plant (�-VI;VTP). A large amount of sludge and debris was observed on the around. The freeboard of the concrete lined sludae lagoon,,vas approximately I inch. Sludge was observed to have coursed down to the fence line, and outside of the fenced area. Sludge was also observed on the.ground and piled up between the sludge lagoon and the small EQpond. There was a lot of debris trash in the sludge. Thick vegetation was observed growing in the sludZ�a e lagoon and the small EQ pond (see attached photos). 11� On June 21, 2018,Jeremiah Dow and Ted Cashion of the Raleigh Rcaional Office of the Division of It A I ate-Ir Resources conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection (C'El) of the Benson During the inspection'they also obsein,-ed a large amount of sludge and debris on the ground from the 3 million gallon con:rote lined sludge lagoon. The freeboard of the concrete hried sludge lagoon was Sludge,.vas also obsei-,,ecitoh�7ti-ecotirs%-ddo,,�-iitot'�- I - 1, fe-rice line, and outside of tile fienced area. Slucke,.vas also observed o-..l the ground aTill piled up between the -sludore lagoon and. tl-e small EQ)pond. 't I here was a lot of debris trash in the S!Ud�.;'. —1 hick vegetation v,-as observed growing in theSIUrIge lagoon and the small EQ pond. Tows, staff Nvere V"-Orklnu to clean Lip the sludge spill during the June 21 inspection. The sludge discharge:'overflow wide, a'full and complete CEI report addressing fla.,_-wastewater treatment plant still subsequently be sent to the To,~-n through a separate corre;;polidence. For the above noted sludac discharge,overfloix, the'l'ovai of 13crtson is in V101atir)1l OftbP- R 01101 ing C - conditioii-, of1tiY.PDES Permit iVo. -N'COO-.,O')8c', -,itidID-A-1, CIAC'O.'-I' .0-505(cl): The pormit'LCIC shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatillent and control(and related appurtenances)"which are installed or used by the pcniuttec to achieve compliance Divisioll(Ir VV.Mer Resr)Ljree ' 1628 Nhiil Service C uiter.11,,ri lei oh.N(")7699-161,-., llkoiio: (919)791-4200 3800 Nirrett Drive,Flulcidl.NC (919) with the conditions of this p0mlit. NPDES Permit'-CO020389 Par#11. Section E.6 Twenty-fD11r lloilr Reporting a. The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially-threatens public health or the environment. _wry information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the tithe the Permittcc became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided-within 5 days of the time the pernlittee becoincs aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and its cause. the period of noncompliance,including c x l--t dates and tinges, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it 1S expected to continue; and steps taken for planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance [40 CFR 12?.=!10)(6)]• 15 C C 02 .i15flS�ci) Design Criteria all treatment storage la�ootts ponds shall have at least tv,o feet of freeboard. Requested Response This office reclUcsts tlgat VO respond tothL. letter 1n `.°;rlitii_r 5 lthls 1) daz oI rZ tpL i�t LI1i, +ot1�C• Your response should be sent t0 tills OItice ttt the le�tei-head address. Our response sl-oulcl lull £3l�tl cleariv address the foliowing items: a. Please e plain fully and clearly the cause(,s') of the slu�l� c discharge o%,t--f1 w from the concrete lined sludge lagoon front the Benson NVIZV-1 P. b. Please provide a copy of the CRC logbook for the period June 1. 2O1 7 to present. This includes tests, measurements. etc. I e.g•, Ot sludcse fudges, sctdeometer readings, operations and maintenance pertor ic:d, etc.), take,,at tilt `\A- TP it,accordance with the Wast"water '2-T, atOr Cer tin-Cati li 1T11105 f D r Q1)C!'ator5 in 1Ze5 )onsible Charge in 15A N CAC flue .0204. c. Please confirm on what day' and tinge did thi-discharg o,,°crf7o�,tr of ludz con�inence and when it ceased. d. Please detail what efforts have been taken or tl z,'process Controls 111Trlenictlted to prevent the disetlarge Overti0N-' Of sludge frO111 reo cur'illl r. e. For each clay' (June 15, 201.3 until cleL111up of the area v,its coimplT.;redj, please e plain a) what measures you used to rccO� ei'tale sludge bong the area'i)) e�:'ilvi the Slll+l`c.Nti as di, 0-1, and c)how much sludge, and debris was recovered. Specdicaliv, detail gi `our W ittcl, ,I 011s the work to remove slu{lac and debris from ille ground On each ut1ve dat:, and the Number of hours per clay worked to ramo=.-c the sludge and debris, f. Please state a)why the Town alio�,'cd thicl vegetation to aroR' intlte concrete lilg:.d sludge lagoon and the small pond treat!"C"t >ulits, b} c�v- :tribe hoti�' thc. I�own �g�ill rcimuz'e tag atten -vegetation, and c) state the timeline wh n tale d o�'n N"i ill coimplC, therenioti al of ti f ii'ointnese treatment lumts, L. Please provide sludge hauling records for the period 100S to present. This includes manifests;invoices,volume of sludge land applied/disposed of, how the Sfl3 regulations for vector attraction were coulpl_ied tivith, name of sludg.c hauler, and provide the permit lnimber under 1xhlch these actil ities occurred. h. Please explain wily-the concrete lined sludc•NCAc storage ia�oon is op��-rar,ed in violation of l5_ � � •dt3fcl, which states all treatunent"stogyrag• )„ - e lagoons Ponds shall ��at,e at least tvv-o feet of fleeboard. Please statE, "bel thi t , lnellt unit wVitl retLLn t() con1l7i1aI1Ce vvlth US least t leChlll'enlent, aiid h0- the irc eboant was as a_i eNyd (wt�1w e us the sludge.wastewater disposed?) i. Please explain l hy_the Tow.n did not re" this slutihTe ctischar� o.Mow as required by Part H. Sdction E.6 hwv"ent�, nv LI ur Reporting of me NPDES Per-not. Your efforts to undertake acdoties to bring the subject site back into comipliance is not an admission, rather it is an actiOn that must be taken in older to hcyl to resolve(l;l'Joing emironIllaval issues. These v201ations and auy future vi©lations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to a nlaxinlurn of S25,000.00 per Clay for Faefl di�;la#i��l . Yolir response to this correspondence oil be considered in any' civil penAty assess ulent proces-; that niav" occuI,. 'lease 'Provide this, office Ivith iF r"3'itten tlettlltLil resyDn5e to 11`el a t? 3 � 7-- �roulyh 1; ithin I caa-s flf receii,t of this letter. _� - - �_ If you have questions,.-011Cerihn,this 1'=Tort)�1.�• i r Plea Ted Cashion at.919-7')1-4254 oi- Sincerer--;� �� S. L)Ltnicl Smith. Itie`4ic)nal S!tpe v 1 lr ,. );}-.,ltthi; fO�1Ci!ill C)nLl"a`t1ni1� 4.�ll�rll cc: Johnston County flcalih L)_•pt. RRO. SV,,T Central Piles —L-7� JuHt! es, zulb COMPHance Evaluation:,. —vection by DWR. 'k m I RI--, Affil kk R .. ........ Z�, 4*xX Sludge Lagoon and sludge on roadway; evidence of spill. F1,W— m i7 Sludge Lagoon with 6" or less freeboard and filled with vegetation. 4Af" ,�_ Qg 5 _7 W—I M g. 0-k RNG 141 A F."! �g 7- V Z---J Sludge accumulated along fence line from overflow investigated by DWR Sludge piled at the edge Of"Small Pond." on June 15, 2018. 1 a MW 0 13 -00-IMMIRIMMM A z W V 51 IN ,210W,I-NR, —1M-C` RV ; 1 -Z IV Y, M SI . r R2 ar ,4o M W— MWA e ; gM- Q MME FE31E .M , MCyr 20 _9 MW � w M g I:6- MM-S A Y, - --W !n M y. R , - � - p�O M M - W, IFMM:V gx21, b MI 4 V M � -kgMA g-9PMMSr — L W cc . . M M— it: IA 3, L--n- Another view Of Sludge at the edge of"Small Pond.' Photos below from spill investigation on June 15t1i, 2018 by DWR. _ .. Kkrs• �,x 7 v 4t .., ' �. a OAR atT q. 4 w ''k 7 ,ate'-� �E`'�4� � � � ,,.� � _ • �. _ �� ,��-'-^- _� �_ x*Ida�+•a'kf `M � �' '�" vim✓' - * �,,�,� �w } + �r- �_ ��„{� ..1�• _� } r z ���y,�,f,,�'c� � `S`� r 1N y���s J _-°' '+`yi f� d• n r sr If`� i a �'k.Z �'�S`�`y�. "�x• � +��'.�+Y - ;' `fiy..t�'s "a- z•i + r: t a ,a� �r ,?�- t ?r , '2'�i: � .=i ' -.- .r�� 'i. rk iY' �''r,N �ar<y'a• �r_.�:a l K'"#�fir; � �--,-.�uix.._�';`._- �..��..�..._ �,.�--._, �•.Y'.� Ate, -m ..�.�..�_.3.w.d•sn-S F..�.��.• — Evidence of spill at the Sludge Lagoon. Sludge on the ground between Sludge Lagoon and Srnall Pond. =•F -- --__ -__ I.I '•1'.. - _ W= _ - Sludge and evidence of flow on both sides of fence line. Another view of the Sludge Lagoon. D� ��►Y,pa MAYOR JERRY M. MEDLIN r TOWN MANAGER * �+ �r MATT ZAPP MAYOR PRO-7EM CASANDRA P.STACK 41 �•!� TOWN CLERK '*ry °CI►�►d~ TERRY HOBGOOD COMMISSIONER MAXINE HOLLEY TOWN O F g E N S O N FINANCE DIRECTOR JAMES D.JOHNSON JR. KIMBERLY T.PICKETT DEAN MCLAMB P.O.BOX 69 WILLIAM NEIGHBORS 303 EAST CHURCH STREET TOWN ATTORNEY DR. R. MAX RAYNOR BENSON,NC 27504 R. ISAAC PARKER (919)894-3553 FAX(919)894-1283 www.townofbenson.com August 1, 2018 Mr. S. Daniel Smith ' Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office E 1628 Mail Service Center ev D Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 c1i a Re: Response to Notice of Violation NOV-2018-PC-0214 � Sludge Overflow from Sludge Lagoon Town of Benson, North Carolina � Dear Mr. Smith: z Please accept this written response to the above-referenced Notice of Violation issued to the Town of Benson for the sludge overflow from the aerobic sludge lagoon located at 770 Hannah Creek Road, Four Oaks, NC. The Town acknowledges notice receipt on July 9, 2018.The Town's management staff, legal representatives and engineering consultants have reviewed the Notice of Violation and present the following information as requested: a. Cause of Overflow Benson operates a 3 million gallon aerobic sludge stabilization and storage basin (sludge basin) with an 8-inch sludge decant line that discharges back into the smaller equalization basin which subsequently discharges to the head-works of the treatment facility. On the morning of June 11th, treatment plant personnel observed higher than usual water level in the sludge basin. Further visual observation revealed that a 2x4 board and fiberglass grate had become wedged in the decant line which prevented proper decanting. It is unclear how the items became lodged in the decant line but Town staff believe it was either residual debris from Hurricane Matthew that may have been deposited during the flooding event or it was intentional interference (i.e. vandalism) at a later date. Nonetheless, the Items were large enough to cause backup of the water level within the sludge basin,which caused an overflow. b. ORC Logbook A copy of the ORC logbook is attached to this correspondence covering the period between June 1, 2017 and July 31, 2018. c. Date and Time of Overflow On the morning of June 11 th when the backup was observed, treatment plant personnel began work on trying to remove the items without success. On the evening of June 11 th} a large thunderstorm knocked out electrical power In the Benson service area for over 12 hours. Overnight and the following day, the Town Manager, ORC and treatment plant personnel were addressing electrical issues throughout the Town and the WVVTP, including inspecting and ensuring operation of the eleven pump stations throughout the Town. Staff did not observe overflow on June 12". It is believed that the overflow occurred sometime between June 131" and June 1411 and lasted less than 24 hours — the day prior to DWR Raleigh Regional Office personnel visiting the site. Exact times of the overflow are unknown. d. Efforts Expended Extensive efforts have been undertaken by the Town Council and staff since the overflow occurred: 1. Prior to the overflow, McGill Environmental was previously contracted for $55,000 to remove approximately 400 tons of sludge from the lagoon at the beginning of the new fiscal year which commenced July 1, 2018. See attachment of removal records. (It is a regular and routine practice for the Town to collect bio solids throughout the year in the lagoon and contract for removal after July 18t.) 2. After the overflow occurred, the Town Council was updated and authorized another $100,000 be appropriated from the Enterprise Fund capital reserves account for removal of an additional 1,400 tons of sludge. This means that Benson has authorized a total of 1,800 tons of sludge to be removed during FY 2018-19 with the objective of creating 6-8' of freeboard in the sludge basin. 3. McGill Environmental mobilized during the week of July 2" and began sludge withdrawal on July 911. Operations are currently ongoing and normally take 60-75 days to complete. However, given other concurrent demands for McGill's services, it is expected to take a total of 120-150 days to complete sludge removal operations. 4. Town wastewater treatment plant personnel are routinely inspecting the two equalization and sludge basins for higher water levels or unusual obstructions that may lead to another overflow event. e. Sludge Recovery Sludge was removed from the affected areas using shovels/backhoelmini-excavator and deposited into dump trucks and carried to the Johnston County Landfill. It is estimated that a total of 100-tons of sludge was recovered based on three individuals working 8 hours per day to clean-up the spill. A total of 168 man hours was expended between June 191" and June 291h to recover the sludge and debris. Remediation of the cause of the overflow, as outlined in section"a"above, was necessary before sludge cleanup efforts could be initiated. f. Vegetative Cover Vegetative cover grows within the upper sludge blanket that is exposed to sufficient oxygen and sunlight. The vegetation grows because the deposited solids are just beneath the sludge basin and equalization basin water levels. Town personnel have previously attempted to remove the vegetation by hand. However, the vegetation is thick and difficult to access from either land or boat. Removing it with a weed or brush killer is not allowable since McGill Environmental composts the removed vegetative material for other end uses. McGill Environmental is currently removing vegetation along with the sludge. The most effective way to prevent vegetative growth is to reduce the sludge levels in both basins and maintain adequate water depth with the required freeboard. As outlined in our response under item "d(1)," the Town regularly and routinely contracts with McGill Environmental to remove sludge at the beginning of each fiscal year and it is the regular practice of the Town to schedule vegetation removal at that time. Further, McGill Environmental is currently removing 1,800 tons of solids, which will significantly decrease the solids level in the sludge basin. This is expected to be completed within 120-150 calendar days after July 2,2018. McGill will be overseeing removal of the vegetation buildup as well. g. Sludge Hauling Records Copies of sludge disposal records between year 2008 and 2017 are attached for reference prepared and provided by McGill Environmental. h. Freeboard Violation It is acknowledged that the sludge basin was operated in violation of 15A NCAC 02T .0505(d). The Town has historically contracted sludge removal from the sludge basin beginning July 1" of each year. The overflow occurred 15 days prior to the contract date when the sludge levels in the sludge basin were at maximum operating level. The foreign materials which became lodged in the decant pipe between the sludge basin and equalization basin caused higher than normal water levels in the sludge basin which led to the overflow. Under normal operating conditions, the Town maintains the required 2 feet of freeboard in the sludge basin and two equalization basins. Since removal of the decant pipe blockage and commencement of sludge withdrawal operations by McGill Environmental on July 91h, the required freeboard level is expected to be restored by August 24, 2018. This estimate takes into account current weather conditions. L Report of Overflow It is acknowledged that the Town failed to notify NCDEQ in the event of an overflow as required in its NPDES Permit. It was not the Town's intention to deceive or hide the overflow from NCDEQ. This was simply an atypical response given the other emergencies in Town. As an example, the overflow that occurred at the 1-40 pump station on June 15, 2018 was immediately reported to NCDEQ. Once the Town learned of the incident and began taking cleanup activities, NCDEQ was onsite to investigate the anonymous complaint. In hindsight, the Town should have notified NCDEQ of the decant pipe blockage on June 11t" before the overflow occurred, but Town staff were focused on restoring electrical power to the community the following day. We appreciate your consideration of our response and remedial actions taken to date. Our remedial actions certainly do not reprieve us of any wrongdoing, but be assured that Benson is committed to mitigating future incidents of this nature by implementing best management practices at our treatment facility. These practices will include: 1. More frequent visual inspections of the water levels and discharge structures in the two equalization basins and sludge basin; 2. More frequent wasting of solids from the sludge basin (2x annually) to help maintain required freeboard levels and reduce vegetative growth; 3. Review and update of the wastewater staff operations and maintenance plan to ensure that NCDEQ is notified accordingly in an emergency event. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Matthew Zapp, Town Manager, or me. Best Rega ZaAllen WWTP Superintendent cc. Matthew Zapp, Town Manager att: Benson WWTP— Photo documentation Benson WWTP—ORC Logbook (June 1, 2018—present) Benson WWTP— Land Application of Residuals Solids Annual Reports (2008-present) r '.I I Y ■ T w 1 yy r a � z 6 F 300 W SOS �- trc i - � z ��u� eve P CIA IA- e-L 41 .•f loan AMA $aoA OttC G( G - ' d6 t aoo , �. . GIs o eAl /66 Uga Zoo -�x �n a a � • Z$o }- } 1416 dv� � r �1 pov � � f i { goo qan z�u c� V - 16 aU 0 R 7 I6 o ol2t . fA i { w u loco . �a qoo �- 7a 2, 0 Pbk--7ye --vVJ04-�1- .'7/2er �c - i 2 0 /000 �C,o egg— �0 � . Z.an I i a, 1 �A01 zoo 7/ 3 goo fOG4 ' V6a AA f i ... . .. . . '•:tip Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 1 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est- vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 03/31/17 SOX RENTAL T 410176 I 10-00384412 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 Total 1 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 Average 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 06/28/10 DROP T 410176 1 10-00269209 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/26/13 DROP T 410176 I 10-00349539 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/28/13 DROP T 410176 I 10-00349570 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/30/13 DROP T 410176 1 10-00349640 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/30/13 DROP T 410176 I 10-00349643 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 10/01/13 DROP T 410176 I 10-00349667 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 10/01/13 DROP T 410176 I 10-00349668 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 05/06/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00366658 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/07/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00366712 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/07/15 DROP T 410176 1 10-00366714 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/11/ls DROP T 410176 I 10-00366800 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/19/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00367002 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/05/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00367514 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/15/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00367798 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/26/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00368105 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 25❑.00 07/14/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00368552 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/16/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00368615 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/17/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00368679 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/24/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00368824 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/18/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00369408 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/18/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00369410 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/19/15 DROP T 410176 1 10-00369443 1 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/21/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00369497 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 09/09/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00369786 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 09/09/15 DROP T 410176 I 10-00369787 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00383922 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00383985 -1 0 0 0.00 0.00 -250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 1 10-00383986 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 03/27/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00384150 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/27/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00385046 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/15/17 DROP T 410176 1 10-00385599 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/26/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00385967 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 08/31/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00388261 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/05/17 DROP T 410176 I 10-00388358 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 06/25/10 DROP T 410176 I 20-00269218 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/19/10 DROP T 410176 1 20-00271869 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 2 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2❑08 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 09/25/13 DROP T 410176 I 20-00347709 1 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/26/13 DROP T 410176 I 20-00347735 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/26/13 DROP T 410176 I 20-00347736 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 07/20/15 DROP T 410176 1 20-00366034 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/31/15 DROP T 410176 I 20-00367027 1 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 I 20-00382560 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 I 20-00382667 -1 0 0 0.00 0.00 -250.00 03/16/17 DROP T 410176 I 20-00382668 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 07/12/1.8 DROP T 410176 I 20-00395089 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 07/12/18 DROP T 410176 I 20-00395090 1 5o 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 Total 46 42 620 0 0.00 0.00 91100.00 Average 1 13 0 0.00 0.00 197.83 10/04/13 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00349821 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/07/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00349864 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/08/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00349918 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/09/13 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00349942 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/10/13 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00349965 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/11/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350007 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/14/13 DT 50 1 410176 1 10-00350065 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/15/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350074 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/17/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350202 1 50 ❑ 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/18/13 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00350244 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/21/13 DT 50 1 410176 2 10-00350297 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/22/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350345 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/23/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350376 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/24/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350396 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/28/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350454 1 50 0 0.❑0 0.00 300.00 10/29/13 DT 50 I 410176 2 10-00350497 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/11/13 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00350704 -1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 -300.00 10/11/13 DT 5❑ I 410176 I 10-00350705 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 05/21/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367107 1 0 0 0.00 0.❑❑ 400.00 05/22/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367124 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/22/15 DT 50 I 410176 2 10-00367125 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/26/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367137 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/27/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367142 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/28/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367148 1 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/29/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367379 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 06/02/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367380 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 06/03/15 DT 50 1 410176 1 10-00367416 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 3 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 06/05/15 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00367511 1 5❑ 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 06/09/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367796 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 06/10/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00367797 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 07/27/15 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00368879 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.0❑ 07/28/15 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00368903 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 07/30/15 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00368936 1 50 0 ❑.00 0.00 400.00 08/05/15 AT 50 1 410176 I 10-00369127 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/06/15 AT 50 1 410176 1 10-00369148 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/07/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-0036917B 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/10/15 DT 5❑ I 410176 I 10-00369212 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 08/11/15 DT 5❑ I 410176 1 10-00369240 1 5O 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/12/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369249 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/13/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369289 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/14/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369296 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/17/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369371 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 OS/20/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369449 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/21/15 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00369492 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/21/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369495 1 5❑ 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 08/24/15 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00369540 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/25/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369569 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 08/25/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369570 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 08/26/15 DT 5❑ I 410176 I 10-00369583 1 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 400.00 08/27/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369609 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/03/15 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00369752 1 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 400.00 04/03/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00384334 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/04/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00384359 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/11/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00384539 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/13/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00384590 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/21/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00384888 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/25/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00384966 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/02/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00385288 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/04/17 DT 5❑ I 410176 I 10-00385289 1 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 400.00 ❑5/08/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00385412 1 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 400.00 05/09/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00385413 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/17/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00385701 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/18/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00385721 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/22/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00385859 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/23/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00385887 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/24/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00385914 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 05/30/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00386016 1 50 O 0.0❑ 0.00 400.00 05/30/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00386017 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems ❑£ NC Page 4 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol.T Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 09/02/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00388292 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/06/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388405 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/❑6/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00388406 1. 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 09/07/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388491 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/08/17 DT 50 1 410176 1 10-00388529 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/11/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00388562 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/12/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388605 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/13/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00388644 1 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 09/14/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388702 1 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 400.00 09/14/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388703 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/15/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00388707 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/18/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388749 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/19/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388788 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.0❑ 09/20/17 DT 50 1 410176 1 10-00388804 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/20/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00388805 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/21/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00388831 1 50 ❑ 0.00 0.00 400.0❑ 09/21/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00388832 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/22/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388886 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/25/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 10-00388920 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/26/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388942 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/27/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388966 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/27/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 10-00388967 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/28/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 10-00388995 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 10/01/13 DT 50 1 410176 I 20-00347861 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 300.00 04/05/17 DT 50 l 410176 I 20-00383134 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/10/17 DT 5❑ l 410176 I 20-00383250 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/17/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 20-00383503 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 400.00 04/19/17 DT 50 1 410176 I 20-00383504 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 04/18/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 20-00383505 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/23/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 20-00387749 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/28/17 DT 50 I 410176 I 20-00387917 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 09/29/17 DT 50 I 410176 1 20-00387918 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 Total 100 98 3650 0 0.00 0.00 37,500.00 Average 1 37 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 09/23/13 DWATERRENT I 410176 l 10-00349437 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 09/26/13 DWATERRENT I 410176 I 10-00349534 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 09/30/13 DWATERRENT I 410176 I 10-00349571 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 10/30/13 DWATERRENT I 410176 I 10-00350575 0 0 ❑ 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 05/07/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-00366703 0 0 ❑ 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 5 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 05/07/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-00366704 0 0 ❑ ❑.00 0.00 2,000.00 05/19/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 1❑-00366997 0 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 2,000.00 07/15/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-❑0368785 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 07/15/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-00368786 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 09/09/15 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-00369804 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,223.48 03/21/17 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-0038398S 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 ❑3/21/17 DWATERRENT I 410176 1 10-00383989 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 05/31/17 DWATERRENT I 410176 1 10-00386108 -1 0 0 0.00 0.00 -2,927.90 09/30/17 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 10-00389106 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 09/30/17 DWATERRENT I 410176 1 10-00389108 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,837.10 09/26/13 DWATERRENT 1 410176 1 20-00347734 ❑ ❑ 0 0.0❑ 0.00 3,000.00 Total 16 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 32,832.68 Average ❑ 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,052.04 06/25/10 DWGALLONS 1 410176 1 10-00269198 0 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 21,750.00 07/30/10 DWGALLONS 1 410176 1 10-00272613 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,S74.55 Total 2 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 25,324.55 Average 0 0 0 0-00 0.0❑ 12,662.28 10/30/13 FUEL T 410176 1 10-00350576 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 69.63 05/31/15 FUEL T 410176 1 10-00367483 0 0 ❑ 0.00 0.00 212.00 06/30/15 FUEL T 410176 1 10-00368257 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 94.32 07/31/15 FUEL T 410176 1 10-00369029 ❑ 0 0 0.00 0.00 76,64 08/31/15 FUEL T 410176 1 10-00369690 ❑ 0 ❑ 0.00 0.❑0 43.23 Total 5 0 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 495.82 Average 0 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 99.16 09/25/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00349533 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 600.00 09/26/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00349535 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 600.00 09/27/13 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00349567 9 0 0 0.00 0.00 675.00 09/27/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00349568 9 0 0 0.00 ❑.❑0 675,00 09/30/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00349644 8 0 0 0.00 ❑.❑0 600.0❑ 10/04/13 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00349821 6 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 4S0.00 10/07/13 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00349864 6 5❑ 0 0.00 0.0❑ 450.00 10/08/13 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00349918 6 5❑ 0 0.00 ❑.0❑ 450.00 10/09/13 LABOR I 41❑176 I 10-00349942 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/1❑/13 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00349965 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/11/13 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00350007 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of WC Page 6 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 10/14/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350065 6 5❑ 0 ❑.00 0.0❑ 450.00 10/15/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350074 6 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 450.00 10/17/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350202 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/18/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350244 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/21/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350297 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 10/22/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350345 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/23/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350376 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/24/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350396 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/28/13 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00350454 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/29/13 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00350497 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 10/11/13 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00350703 -6 50 0 0.00 0.00 -450.00 10/11/13 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00350705 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 05/07/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00366708 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 600.00 05/15/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00366969 6 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 450.00 05/12/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00366979 6 0 0 0.00 0.0❑ 450.0❑ 05/15/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00366980 6 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 450.00 05/21/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367107 5 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.00 05/22/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367124 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/22/15 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00367125 5 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.00 05/26/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367137 5 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.00 05/27/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367142 5 50 0 0.00 ❑.0❑ 375.0❑ ❑5/28/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00367148 6 0 a 0.00 ❑.0❑ 450.0❑ 05/29/15 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00367379 7 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 525.00 06/02/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367380 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 06/03/15 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00367416 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 06/05/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367511 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.0❑ 06/09/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367796 7 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 525.0❑ 06/10/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00367797 5 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.0❑ 06/30/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00368180 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 184.00 07/27/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00368879 6 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 450.00 07/28/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00368903 5 0 0 0.00 0.0❑ 375.00 07/30/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00368936 4 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 300.00 07/31/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369022 1 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 11000.00 08/05/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369127 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/06/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369148 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 08/07/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369178 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/10/15 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00369212 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/11/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369240 4 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 300.00 08/12/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369249 4 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 300.00 08/13/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369289 4 50 a 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/14/15 LABOR 1 410176 1 10-00369296 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 7 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 08/17/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00369371 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 375.❑0 08/20/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369449 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/21/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369492 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/21/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369495 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 08/24/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00369540 4 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 300.00 08/25/15 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00369569 4 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 300.00 08/25/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369570 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 08/26/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369583 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 08/27/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369609 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/03/15 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00369752 6 50 0 ❑.❑❑ 0.00 450.00 09/09/15 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00369803 0 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 1,000.00 03/16/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00383994 6 0 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 03/17/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00383995 7 0 0 0.00 0.00 525.00 03/21/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384252 8 ❑ ❑ 0.00 0.00 600.00 04/03/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384334 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 04/04/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384359 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 03/20/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384402 8 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 600.00 03/24/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00384403 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 600.00 04/11/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384539 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 04/13/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384590 4 50 0 ❑.00 0.00 300.00 04/21/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384888 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 04/25/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00384966 5 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.00 05/02/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00385288 5 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 375.00 05/04/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00385289 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 05/08/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00385412 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 05/09/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00385413 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 05/17/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00385701 3 0 0 0.00 0.00 225.00 05/18/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00385721 3 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 225.00 05/22/17 LABOR T 410176 I 10-00385859 3 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 225.00 05/23/17 LABOR T 410176 I 10-00385887 3 50 0 0.00 0.00 225.00 05/24/17 LABOR T 410176 I 10-00385914 3 50 0 0.00 0.00 225.00 05/30/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-003BG016 2 50 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 OS/30/17 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00386017 2 0 0 0.00 0.00 150.00 09/02/17 LABOR I 410176 T 10-00388292 4 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 300.00 09/06/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388405 4 0 ❑ 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/06/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388406 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/07/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388491 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/08/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388529 4 ❑ 0 0.❑0 0.00 300.00 09/11/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388562 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/12/17 LABOR I 410176 I 1❑-00388605 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/13/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388644 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 1 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC gage 8 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Plate Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt- Charge 09/14/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388702 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/14/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388703 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/15/17 LABOR. I 410176 I 10-00388707 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/19/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-003BS749 4 50 Q 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/19/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388788 4 50 Q 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/20/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388804 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/20/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388805 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/21/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388831 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/21/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00388832 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/22/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 10-00388886 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/25/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388920 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/26/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388942 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/27/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388966 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/27/17 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00388967 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/28/17 LABOR I 410176 I 10-00388995 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/30/17 LABOR I 410176 1 10-00389107 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 04/05/17 LABOR I 410176 1 20-00383134 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 04/10/17 LABOR I 410176 I 20-00383250 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 375.00 04/17/17 LABOR 1 410176 I 20-00383503 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 04/19/17 LABOR I 410176 1 20-00383504 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 04/18/17 LABOR I 410176 I 20-00383505 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/23/17 LABOR I 410176 I 20-00387749 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 09/28/17 LABOR I 410176 I 20-00387917 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 450.00 09/29/17 LABOR I 410176 I 20-00387918 4 50 0 0.00 0.00 300.00 Total 117 557 3600 0 0.00 0.00 46,809.00 Average 5 31 0 0.00 0.00 400.08 09/23/13 MOBIL I 410176 I 10-00349437 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 10/30/13 MOBIL I 410176 I 10-00350574 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 05/06/15 MOBIL I 410176 I 10-00366651 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 Total - 3 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 31000.00 Average 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 11000.00 06/25/10 MUNI-B10 B 410176 I 10-00269196 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 5,775.00 06/30/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00269478 0 40 0 17.13 17.13 0.00 07/01/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00269574 0 0 0 18.15 18.15 0.00 07/02/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00269967 0 0 0 15.09 15.09 0.00 07/02/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00269968 0 40 0 15.57 15.57 0.00 07/06/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 10-00269969 0 0 0 12.38 12.38 0.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 9 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est_ vol. Act. Vol. Est- Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 07/07/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00269970 0 40 0 15.52 15.52 0.00 07/07/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270134 0 40 0 16.68 16.68 0.00 07/07/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270136 0 0 0 16.78 16.78 0.00 07/09/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270483 0 0 0 16.11 16.11 0.00 07/09/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270484 0 40 0 16.42 16.42 0.00 07/12/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270603 0 0 0 15.38 15.38 0.00 07/14/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00270883 0 0 0 16.94 16.94 0.00 07/14/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 10-00270884 0 ❑ 0 15.14 15.14 0.00 07/15/10 MUNI-B10 B 410176 1 10-00271757 0 40 0 15.67 15.67 0.00 07/16/10 MUNI-B10 B 410176 I 10-00271758 0 40 0 14.77 14.77 0.00 07/22/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00271759 0 40 0 13.88 13.88 0.00 07/22/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-00271760 0 40 0 16.13 16.13 0.00 07/23/10 MUNI-BIC B 410176 I 10-00271761 0 40 0 12.13 12.13 0.00 07/23/10 MUNI-BIC B 410176 1 10-00271762 0 40 0 15.42 15.42 0.00 07/26/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 10-00272102 0 40 0 16.27 16.27 0.00 07/27/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 I 10-002721.03 0 40 0 16.98 16.98 0.00 07/27/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 10-00272104 0 40 0 16.46 16.46 0.00 07/30/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 10-00272611 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 11,475.45 06/30/10 MUNI-BIO B 410176 1 20-00269507 0 40 ❑ 19.10 19.10 0.00 Total 25 0 600 0 364.10 364.10 17,250.45 Average 0 24 0 14.56 14.56 690.02 10/27/13 NO LOAD T 410176 I 10-00350408 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/06/15 NO LOAD T 410176 I 10-00366660 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/17 NO LOAD T 410176 1 10-003B4055 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/24/17 NO LOAD T 410176 1 10-00385915 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 10/05/17 NO LOAD T 410176 1 10-00389154 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 5 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Average 0 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/24/13 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00349474 55 0 0 0.00 0.00 935.00 10/14/13 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00350065 55 50 0 0.00 0.00 935.00 10/17/13 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00350200 55 0 0 0.00 0.00 935.00 10/21/13 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00350297 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 85.00 10/23/13 POLYMER I 410176 1 10-00350376 55 50 0 0.00 0.00 935.00 05/21/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00367107 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 90.00 05/22/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00367124 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 90.00 05/22/15 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00367125 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 90.00 05/26/15 POLYMER 1 410176 1 10-00367137 5 50 0 0.00 0.00 90.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 10 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 05/27/15 POLYMER I 410176 1 10-00367142 5 50 ❑ 0.00 0.00 90.00 05/27/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00367378 55 0 0 0.00 0.00 990.00 06/10/15 POLYMER 1 410176 1 10-00367797 5 0 ❑ 0.00 0.00 90.00 07/23/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00368788 55 0 0 0.00 0.00 990.00 07/28/15 POLYMER 1 410176 1 10-00368903 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 07/30/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00368936 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 108.00 08/06/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369148 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/07/15 POLYMER I 410176 1 10-00369178 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/10/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369212 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/11/15 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00369240 8 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 144.00 08/12/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369249 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/13/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369289 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/14/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369296 9 0 0 0.00 0.00 162.00 08/17/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369371 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/20/15 POLYMER I 410176 l 10-00369449 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/21/15 POLYMER l 410176 I 10-00369492 8 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 144.00 08/21/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369495 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/24/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369540 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 OS/25/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369569 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/25/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369570 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/26/15 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00369583 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 08/27/15 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00369609 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 04/03/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384334 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 04/04/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384359 15 0 0 0.00 0.00 270.00 04/11/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384539 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 108.00 04/13/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384590 6 50 0 0.00 0.❑❑ 108.00 04/21/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384888 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 04/25/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00384966 8 0 0 0.00 0.0❑ 144.00 05/02/17 POLYMER I 410176 1 10-00385288 10 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 05/04/17 POLYMER l 410176 1 10-00385289 12 50 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 05/08/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385412 10 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 18❑.00 05/09/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385413 15 50 ❑ 0.00 0.00 270.00 05/17/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385701 15 0 0 0.00 0.00 270.00 05/18/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385721 13 50 0 0.00 0.00 234.00 05/22/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385859 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 05/23/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00385887 12 50 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 05/24/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00385914 12 50 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 05/30/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 1❑-00386016 8 50 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 05/30/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00386017 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 09/02/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388292 10 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/06/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388405 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 11 Time 09t23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inhound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material jae Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est.. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 09/06/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388406 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/07/17 POLYMER I 410176 2 10-00388491 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/08/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388529 14 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 252.00 09/11/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388562 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/12/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388605 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/13/17 POLYMER I 410176 Z 10-00388644 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/14/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388702 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/14/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388703 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/15/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388707 10 50 0 0.00 0100 180.00 09/18/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388749 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/19/17 POLYMER I 410176 1 10-00388788 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/20/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388804 10 SO 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/20/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388805 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/21/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388831 10 5fl 0 ❑.00 0.00 180.00 09/21/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388832 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/22/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388886 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/25/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388920 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/26/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388942 10 0 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/27/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 1❑-00388966 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/27/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 10-00388967 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/28/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 10-00388995 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 04/05/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 20-00383134 12 0 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 04/10/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 20-00383250 8 0 0 0.00 0.00 144.00 04/17/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 20-00383503 6 50 0 0.00 0.00 108.00 04/19/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 20-00383504 12 5o 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 04/18/17 POLYMER I 410176 1 20-00383505 12 0 0 0.00 0.00 216.00 09/23/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 20-00387749 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/28/17 POLYMER I 410176 I 20-00387917 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 09/29/17 POLYMER 1 410176 I 20-00387918 10 50 0 0.00 0.00 180.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- Total 79 1002 2450 0 0.00 0.00 17,811.00 Average 13 31. 0 0.00 0.00 225.46 10/03/13 SAND M 410176 I 10-00349759 1 0 0 12.28 12.28 ❑.00 10/29/13 SAND M 410176 2 10-00350506 1 0 0 11.25 11.25 0.00 Total 2 2 0 0 23.53 23.53 0.00 Average 1 0 0 11.77 11.77 0.00 09/26/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349536 0 0 0 4.38 4.38 144.54 09/26/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00349537 0 0 0 7.12 7.12 234.96 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 12 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 09/26/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349538 0 0 0 5.54 5.54 182.82 09/27/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00349565 0 0 0 7.98 7.98 263.34 09/27/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00349566 0 0 ❑ 7.72 7.72 254.76 09/27/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00349569 0 0 0 7.10 7.10 234.30 09/30/13 SLUDGE-BIO 8 410176 I 10-00349641 0 0 0 7.31 7.31 241.23 09/30/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349642 0 0 0 9.48 9.48 312.84 10/01/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349666 0 0 0 10.16 10.16 335.28 10/03/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349757 0 0 0 7.45 7.45 245.85 10/04/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349758 0 0 0 9.66 9.66 318.78 10/04/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349821 0 50 0 21,49 21.49 7❑9.17 10/07/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349864 0 50 0 12.73 12.73 420.09 10/❑8/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00349918 ❑ 5❑ 0 20.07 20.07 662.31 10/❑9/13 SLUDGE-STD S 410176 I 10-00349942 ❑ 5❑ 0 17.61 17.61 581.13 10/10/13 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00349965 0 50 0 20.36 20.36 671.88 10/11/13 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00350007 0 50 0 20.11 20.11 663.63 10/14/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350065 0 50 0 17.21 17.21 567.93 10/15/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350074 0 50 0 19.13 19.13 631.29 10/17/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350202 0 50 0 20.72 20.72 693.76 10/18/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350244 0 50 0 18.34 18.34 605.22 10/21/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350297 0 50 0 14.90 14.90 491.70 10/22/13 SLUDGE-1310 B 410176 I 10-00350345 0 50 0 24.31 24,31 802.23 10/23/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350376 ❑ 50 0 14.36 14.36 473.88 10/24/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350396 0 50 0 14.15 14.15 466.95 10/28/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350454 0 50 0 22.41 22.41 739.53 10/29/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350497 0 5❑ 0 20.86 20.86 688.38 10/11/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00350701 ❑ 50 0 -20.11 -20.11 -663.63 10/11/13 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-0035❑705 0 5❑ 0 20.11 20.11 663.63 05/08/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 41❑176 I 10-00366760 0 ❑ 0 8.48 8.48 296.80 05/08/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00366761 0 0 0 8.34 8.34 291.90 i 05/08/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 Z 10-00366762 0 0 0 9.39 9.39 328.65 05/11/15 SLUDGE-3310 B 410176 I 10-00366801 0 ❑ 0 12.72 12.72 445.20 05/12/15 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00366842 0 0 0 8.78 8.78 307.30 ❑5/12/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0❑366843 0 0 0 8.S7 8.57 299.95 05/13/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0❑366868 0 ❑ 0 5.74 5.74 200.90 05/13/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0❑366871 0 ❑ 0 8.37 8.37 292.95 05/14/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 2 10-0❑366884 0 ❑ 0 8.17 8.17 285.95 05/14/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00366885 0 0 0 4.90 4.90 171.50 05/14/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00366886 0 ❑ 0 6.91 6.91 241.85 05/14/15 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00366887 0 0 0 11.65 11.65 407.7S 05/lS/IS SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00366970 0 ❑ 0 6.32 6.32 221.20 05/19/15 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-003670❑0 0 0 0 5.96 5.96 208.60 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 13 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 05/19/15 SLUDGE-810 B 410176 I 10-00367001 0 0 0 7.69 7.69 269.15 05/21/15 SLUDGE-BI0 B 410176 I 10-00367107 0 0 0 15.34 15.34 536.90 05/22/15 SLUDGE-810 B 410176 I 10-00367124 0 SO 0 20.92 20.92 732.20 05/22/15 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00367125 0 50 0 11.56 11.56 404.60 05/26/15 SLUDGE-810 B 410176 I 10-00367137 0 50 0 13.57 13.57 474.95 05/27/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00367142 0 50 0 15.23 15.23 533.05 05/28/15 SLUDGE-BI❑ B 410176 I 10-00367148 0 0 0 14.28 14.28 499.80 05/29/15 SLUDGE-1310 B 410176 I 10-00367379 0 50 0 13.90 13.90 486.50 06/02/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00367380 0 50 0 12.64 12.64 442.40 06/03/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0036741G 0 50 0 13.76 13.76 481.60 06/05/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00367511 0 50 0 15.56 15.56 544.60 06/09/15 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00367796 0 50 0 18.51 18.51 647.85 06/10/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00367797 0 0 0 13.22 13.22 462.70 06/18/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00367888 0 50 0 12.94 12.94 452.90 06/22/15 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00367947 0 50 0 12.05 12.05 421.75 06/24/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368051 0 50 0 11.88 11.86 415.80 06/26/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368106 0 0 0 19.05 19.05 666.75 07/17/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368678 0 0 0 5.39 5.39 188.65 07/21/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00368741 0 0 0 5.99 5.99 209.65 07/22/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368747 0 0 0 8.51 8.51 297.85 07/22/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368748 0 0 0 7.30 7.30 255.50 07/22/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00368749 0 0 0 19.26 19.26 674.10 07/27/15 SLUDGE-BYO B 410176 I 10-00368879 0 50 0 15.10 15.10 528.50 07/28/15 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 1 10-00368903 0 0 0 15.54 15.54 543.90 07/30/15 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00368936 0 50 0 18.78 18.78 657.30 08/05/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369127 0 50 0 16.73 16.73 585.55 08/06/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0036914B 0 50 0 15.46 15.46 541.10 08/07/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369178 0 0 0 14.91 14.91 521.85 08/10/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00369212 0 50 0 10.30 10.30 360.50 08/11/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369240 0 50 0 12.81 12.81 448.35 08/12/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369249 0 50 0 19.75 19.75 691.25 08/13/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00369289 0 50 0 13.96 13.96 488.60 08/14/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00369296 0 0 0 15.14 15.14 529.90 08/17/15 SLUDGE-SIC) B 410176 I 10-00369371 0 0 0 9.63 9.63 337.05 08/20/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369449 0 50 0 12.55 12.55 439.25 08/21/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 l 10-00369492 0 0 0 15.35 15.35 537.25 08/21/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369495 0 50 0 10.42 10.42 364.70 08/24/15 SLUDGE-910 B 410176 I 10-00369540 0 0 0 18.10 18.70 654.50 08/25/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369569 0 50 0 19.67 19.67 688.45 08/25/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369570 0 5o 0 18.80 18.80 658.00 08/26/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00369583 0 50 0 16.65 16.65 582.75 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 14 Time 09.23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/❑1/2008 - ❑7/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 08/27/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 2 10-00369609 0 0 0 16.22 16.22 567.70 09/03/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369752 ❑ 50 0 17.41 17.41 609.35 09/08/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369778 ❑ 50 0 11.20 11.20 392.00 09/09/15 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00369785 0 0 0 8.26 8.26 289.10 03/20/17 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00383987 0 0 0 10.29 10.29 360.15 03/21/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00384019 0 0 0 15.88 15.88 555.80 03/24/17 SLUDGE-13ID B 410176 I 10-00384065 0 0 0 5.03 5.03 176.05 03/27/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00384151 0 0 0 9.87 9.87 345.45 04/03/17 SLUDGE-34IO B 410176 I 10-00384334 0 50 0 8.34 8.34 291.90 04/04/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00384359 0 0 0 10.93 10.93 382.55 04/11/17 SLUDGE-810 B 410176 1 10-00384539 0 50 0 13.91 13.91 486.85 04/13/17 SLUDGE-SIO B 410176 I 10-00384590 0 50 0 22.61 22.61 791.35 04/21/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00384886 0 50 0 13.79 13.79 482.65 04/25/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00384966 0 0 0 13.22 13.22 462.70 05/02/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-0038528B 0 0 0 12.54 12.54 438.90 05/04/17 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 1 10-❑0385289 ❑ 50 0 17.50 17.50 612.50 05/08/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00385412 0 50 0 16.87 16.87 590.45 05/09/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00385413 0 50 0 18.17 18.17 635.95 05/17/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00385701 0 0 0 16.72 16.72 585.20 05/18/17 SLUDGE-BZO B 410176 I 10-00385721 0 50 0 13.34 13.34 466.90 ❑5/22/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00385859 0 50 0 11.37 11.37 397.95 05/23/17 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00385887 0 50 0 20.00 20.00 700.00 05/24/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00385914 0 50 0 9.28 9.28 324.80 05/30/17 SLUDGE-13IO B 410176 I 10-00386016 0 50 0 10.87 10.87 380.45 05/30/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00386017 0 ❑ 0 11.50 11.50 402.50 05/31/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00386064 0 0 0 6.38 6.38 223.30 09/02/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00388292 0 0 0 17.90 17.9❑ 626.50 09/06/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388405 0 0 0 20.06 20.06 702.10 09/06/17 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00388406 0 50 0 14.68 14.68 513.80 09/07/17 SLUDGE-BIC B 410176 1 10-00388491 0 50 0 12.97 12.97 453.95 09/08/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388529 0 0 0 14.70 14.70 514.50 09/11/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388562 0 5❑ 0 16.53 16.53 578.55 09/12/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388605 0 0 0 18.10 18.10 633.50 09/13/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388644 0 0 0 16.49 16.49 577.15 09/14/17 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 I 10-00388702 0 50 0 15.07 I5.07 527.45 09/14/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388703 0 50 0 16.17 16.17 565.95 09/15/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388707 0 50 0 13.22 13.22 462.70 09/18/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00389749 0 50 0 16.65 16.65 582.75 09/19/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388788 0 50 0 19.51 19.51 682.85 09/20/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00388804 0 50 0 19.66 19.66 686.10 09/20/17 SLUDGE-BIO 5 410176 1 10-00388805 0 0 0 18.96 18.96 663.60 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 15 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est_ vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 09/21/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00388831 0 50 0 20.39 20.39 713.65 09/21/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388832 0 0 0 18.58 18.58 650.30 09/22/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00388886 0 0 0 18.04 18.04 631.40 09/25/17 SLUDGE-RIO B 410176 1 10-00388920 0 50 0 15.79 15.79 552.65 09/26/17 SLUDGE-BIG B 410176 I 10-00388942 0 0 0 16.79 16.79 587.65 09/27/17 SLUDGE-BIG B 410176 I 10-00388966 0 50 0 17.43 17.43 610.05 09/27/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 10-00388967 0 50 0 19.47 19.47 681.45 09/28/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 10-00388995 0 50 0 19.12 19.12 669.20 09/26/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00347789 0 0 0 4.32 4.32 142.56 09/27/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00347790 0 0 0 8.22 8.22 271.26 10/01/13 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00347861 0 50 0 17.57 17.57 579.81 10/01/13 SLUDGE-BID B 410176 1 20-00347862 0 0 0 10.12 10.12 333.96 04/05/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00383134 0 0 0 17.35 17.35 607.25 04/10/17 SLUDGE-BIC B 410176 I 20-00383250 0 0 0 13.20 13.20 462.00 04/17/17 SLUDGE-BIC} B 410176 I 20-00383503 0 5❑ 0 21.31 21.31 745.85 04/19/17 SLUDGE-BIG B 410176 I 20-00383504 0 50 0 19.67 19.67 688.45 04/18/17 SLUDGE-BIG B 410176 I 20-00383505 0 0 0 19.00 19.00 665.00 09/23/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00387749 0 50 0 18.36 18.36 642.60 09/28/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 1 20-00387917 0 50 0 12.53 12.53 438.55 09/29/17 SLUDGE-BIO B 410176 I 20-00387919 0 50 0 19.57 19.57 684.95 Total --_- 145 0 3850 0 1994.76 1994.76 68,970.82 Average 0 27 0 13.76 13.76 475.66 06/25/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00269197 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,475.00 06/30/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 T 10-00269478 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/01/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00269574 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/02/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00269967 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/02/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00269968 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/06/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00269969 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/07/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00269970 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/07/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270134 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/07/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270136 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/09/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270483 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/09/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270484 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00270603 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270883 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00270884 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/15/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00271757 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/16/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00271758 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/22/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00271759 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 16 Time 09:23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - z Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 07/22/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00271760 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/23/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00271761 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/23/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00271762 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/26/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00272102 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/27/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00272103 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/27/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00272104 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/30/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00272612 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 4,950.00 09/26/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349536 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 09/26/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349538 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 09/27/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349565 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 09/27/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00349566 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 09/30/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00349641 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 09/30/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00349642 1 0 0 0,00 0.00 200.00 10/01/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349666 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/03/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00349757 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/04/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349758 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/03/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349759 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/03/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349760 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/04/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349821 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/07/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349864 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/08/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349918 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/09/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349942 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/10/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00349965 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/11/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350007 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/14/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 l 10-00350065 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/15/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00350074 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/17/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00350202 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/18/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350244 1 50 a 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/21/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 l 10-00350297 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 200.0❑ 10/22/13 TRAMS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00350345 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/23/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00350376 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/24/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00350396 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/28/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 l 10-00350454 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/29/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350497 1 50 a 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/29/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350506 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 10/11/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350702 -1 50 0 0.00 0.00 -200.00 10/11/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00350705 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 05/08/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366760 1 0 a ❑.0❑ ❑.00 250.00 05/08/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366761 1 ❑ a 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/08/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366762 1 0 0 0.00 0.0❑ 250.00 05/11/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00366801 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 17 Time 09.23:05 Material Analysis Report by Material inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2006 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - Z Materials - zzzzzzZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 05/12/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366842 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/12/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366843 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/13/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366868 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/13/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366871 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/14/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366884 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/14/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366885 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/14/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366886 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/14/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-0❑366887 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/15/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00366970 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/19/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367000 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/19/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367001 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/21/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367107 1 ❑ 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 41❑176 1 10-00367124 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367125 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/26/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367137 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/27/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00367142 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 05/28/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00367148 1 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 250.00 05/29/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367379 1 5❑ 0 0.00 0.0❑ 250.00 06/❑2/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367380 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/03/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367416 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/05/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367511 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/09/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00367796 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/10/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367797 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/1S/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367888 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00367947 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/24/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00368051 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 06/26/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00368106 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/17/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00368678 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/21/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00368741 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 2 10-00368747 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00368748 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/22/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00368749 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/27/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00368879 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/28/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00368903 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 07/30/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 2 10-00368936 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/05/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369127 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/06/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369148 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/07/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369178 1 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 250.00 08/10/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369212 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/11/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-0036924❑ 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.0❑ 08/12/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369249 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 18 Time 09:23.05 Material Analysis Report by Material Inbound and outbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - 2 Materials - ZZZZZZZZZZ Material Types - ZZ Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. Vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt. Actual Wt. Charge 08/13/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369289 1 56 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 ❑8/14/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369296 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/17/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369371 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/20/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369449 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/21/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369492 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/21/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369495 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/24/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-0036954❑ 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/25/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369569 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/25/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-0036957❑ 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 OS/26/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369583 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 08/27/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00369609 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 09/03/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369752 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.00 ❑9/08/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369778 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 250.0❑ 09/09/15 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00369785 1 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 250.00 03/20/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00383987 1 0 0 ❑.00 0.00 275.00 03/21/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00384019 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 03/24/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384065 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 03/27/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384151 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/03/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384334 1 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 275.00 04/04/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384359 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/11/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384539 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/13/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384590 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/21/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384888 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/25/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00384966 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/02/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00385288 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/04/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00385289 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/08/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00385412 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 ' ❑5/09/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00385413 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/17/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00385701 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/18/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00385721 1 50 0 0.00 0.0❑ 275.00 05/22/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00385859 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/23/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00385887 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/24/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00385914 1 50 0 ❑.00 0.00 275.00 ❑5/24/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00385915 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/30/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00386016 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/30/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00386017 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 05/31/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00386064 1 0 0 0.00 0.0❑ 275.00 09/02/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388292 1 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 275.00 09/06/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388405 1 0 0 0.00 ❑.00 275.00 09/06/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388406 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 ❑9/07/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388491 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 Date 07/18/18 McGill Environmental Systems of NC Page 19 Time 09:23:05 i Material Analysis Report by Material inbound and ❑utbound materials for the period 01/01/2008 - 07/18/2018 Detailed Report for Sites: 1, 10, 20, 30 Accounts 410176 - 410176 Customer Types - z Materials - zzzzzzzzzz Material Types - zz i Date Material Type Customer Type Tickets Count Est. vol. Act. Vol. Est. Wt_ Actual Wt. Charge 09/08/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388529 1 0 0 0.0❑ 0.00 275.00 09/11/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388562 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/12/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388605 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/13/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388644 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/14/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388702 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/14/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388703 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 275.00 ❑9/15/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388707 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/18/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388749 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/19/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388788 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/20/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388804 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 ❑9/20/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388805 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/21/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388831 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/21/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388832 1 0 0 010❑ ❑.00 275.00 09/22/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388886 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/25/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388920 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/26/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388942 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/27/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388966 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/27/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 10-00388967 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/28/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 10-00388995 1 50 0 0.00 ❑.00 275.00 06/30/10 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00269507 1 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 10/01/13 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00347861 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 04/05/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00383134 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/10/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00383250 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/17/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00383503 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/19/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 20-00383504 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 04/18/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00383505 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/23/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00387749 1 50 0 0.00 0.00 275.00 09/28/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 1 20-00387917 1 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 275.00 09/29/17 TRANS-FLAT T 410176 I 20-00387918 1 50 0 0.0❑ 0.00 275.00 Total 169 165 4450 0 ❑.00 0.00 42,825.00 Average 1 26 0 ❑.00 0.00 253.40 Report Total 715 1870 19220 0 2382.39 2382.39 303,919.32 Report Average 3 27 0 3.33 3.33 425.06 4 ROY COOPER 4.y t..Y t i [Ir � µ, Gove/'lio/' NIICHAEL S. REUAN WaterResources LINDA CULPEPPER NVIROW11L-MTAL QUALITY Interim Director CERTIFIED MAIL 7016 3560 0000 4428 8592 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED July 18, 201 s Mr. Matthew Zapp, Town Manager Town of Benson P.O. Box 69 Benson, NC 27504 Subject: Notice of Violation—Notice of Intent to Enforce NOV-2018-PC-0244 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Benson'VWTP -NTDES Permit No. NCO020389 JolL-rston County Dear Mr. Zapp: On June 21, 2018, Jeremiah Dow and Ted Cashion of this office conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection(CEI) at the subject facility. The cooperation of Paul Allen, ORC, and Steve Procter, Lab Manager and Back-Lip ORC, was appreciated. Findings during the inspection were as follmv s: 1. Ali overflow of sludge from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon was investigated by this office on Friday, June 15, 2018. Observations during the CEI inspection on June 21, 2018 showed sludore and debris were still on the ground. Freeboard of the concrete lined sludge lagoon on June 15 was approximately 1 inch; on June 21 the freet;oard was approximately 6 inches. Town staff were working to clean up the sludge shill during the June 21 inspection. Sludge was observed to leave coursed down to the fence line. and outside o-f the fenced area. Sludge i--as also observed on the ground and piled up between the sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. There was a lot of debris/trash in the sludge. Thief:vegetation was observed growing in the sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. The Town of Benson was issued a Notice of Violation—Notice of Intent to Enforce NOV-2018-PC-0214 on July 6, 2018 for violations regarding this incident. The inspection of the wastewater treatment plant showed the follow,°ing: 2. The current-NI'DES permit expired April 30, 2018. The Torun has subnutted an application for renewal of the permit as required. 3. The 1.9 mud treatment plant consists of an arc bar screen, grit removal, dual manual-bar screens, influent ultrasonic flow meter, 3 scree,pumps, 2 extended aeration oxidation ditches (ditches r1 and 43), 1 oxidation ditch used for biological nutrient removal (ditch;4 2), 5 secondary clarifiers lei%-icion o!-waterResourcc�. Ridei�,h Re anal Office,«Va!erQu.i! tip Onerotioa�"I H, fit p:, I)++rtal.nccitrn.or�a'vz�eb'v.,t3 a 1625 Mail Soi�icc Cc,uer,RaM,,Fh.NC`27,699-1628 h c_itin;;: 3SOO Banvtt Dri%e, Ralcilrb.N( 715 t)q (2 clarifiers, numbers 1 & 3, out of service for repair),return and waste sludge pump station, 5 tertiary filters (filter numbers 2 & 4 out of service for repair), dual chlorine contact basins, calcium thiosulfate dechlorination,post aeration with diffused air, effluent ultrasonic flow meter, a 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon(not aerate(I), a flow equalization pond, a smaller flow equalization pond that accepts influent flow and decant from the concrete lined sludge lagoon, a punnp station for the 2 equalization ponds to pump wastewater into the headworks, and a permanent generator. The discharge of treated wastewater is into Hamiah Creek, Classified C- NSW waters in the Neuse River basin. 4. Please investigate the level of sludge in each of the 2 EQ ponds and provide a rcoort to this office within 60 days of recei :t of this �ictice stati�ia 1� tlae level of slucl�e in each E�.�soncl: 2) the derth of each EO pond. 31 how this investigation was performed, and 4) how the level of slud,,e was determined in each E(.� ,:ond. The area at the are bar had debris'trash on the ground. As discussed during the inspection, operators must rake and remove debris./trash as needed when snaking their rounds at the plant. Please detail in your r esoornse 1)that this area was cleaned,2� explain when this area was cleaned. and 3 Y clearl=.,ezfnlain wh—,,o -+erators ;Were allowed to leave this material on the ground. Also, there was a lot of debrist'traslh obseiw cd in downstream, treatment units, This may be evidence that the are bar and manual bar screens are not efficient in removing material from the waste stream that may damage downstream treatment units or equipment. Please provide an assessment on the efficiency of screening for these treatment units in your response. 6. The grit chamber appeared to be operation, satisfactory, however a motor at this unit was noticeably rusty. Please ensure needed maintenance on this equipment is performed in order that proper operation of this unit is continuous to prevent damage to downstream treatment units.'equipment. 7. Mr. Proctor stated the influent and effluent samplers are programmed to collect 100 ml of sample every 10 ninrntes. This method of sample collection is in violation of the NPDES permit. As discussed during the inspection, 24 Hour composite samples on the influent and effluent must be collected flow proportionally. Twenty-four hour composite samples must be collected in accordance with Part 1I. Section A. of the permit which states: "Composite sanlpie" means: a sample collected over a 24 hour-period by continuous sampling or combining grab samples of at least 100 milliliters in such a manner as to result in a total sample representative of the wastewater discharge during the sample period. This sample may be obtained by methods given below,however,the Director may designate the most appropriate method,number and size of aliquots necessary and the time interval between nr ab samples on a case-by-case bads. Samples may be collected manually or automatically. (a) Colntnntrous - a singie, LOlntnruonsS sanlpie Collected C1'('_'a 2� 1rQlrr perl0ti propOltlol!al t0 the rate of flow, or (b) Constant tinne;'variable volume. -a series of grab samples collected at equal time intervals over a 24 hour period of discharge and combined proportional to the rate of flow measured at the time of individual sample collection, or (c) Variable trine/constant volume -a series of'grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour period with the time intervals between samples determined by a preset number of gallons passing the sampling point.Flo-w sanlpie intervals shall be determined by use of a flow recorder and totalizer, and the preset gallon interval between sample collection fixed at no greater than 1/24 of the expected total daily flow at the treatment system, or (d) Constant tune/constant volume -a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour period at a constant time interval. This method may be used in situations where effluent flow ) rates vary less than 15 percent. The grab samples shall be taken at intervals of no greater than 20 niinutes apart during any 24 hour period and must be of equal size and of no less than 100 milliliters. Use of this method requires prior approval by the Director. Please res�.)ond in writinLy detailing which of the above methods the facility will use to c®arapIr with the composite samplinv a•e yiremaent. Please clearly explain how the sampler will be )ro2ramrned to collect 24 hour corn aosite saara�?les ist�ecify the volaia�ae of each sarn0e. specify the number of gallons l�et�veen sans Iles. laa�v the saa��1e is collected flow proportionally, etc.). Refrigerated sampler units were b degrees C as required. S. The influent flow meter was calibrated July 19, 2017. You are reminded that the flow meter must be calibrated airnually, and anytime the flow is not being recorded within 10% of the actual flow. 9. The 3 screw pumps appeared to be operating satisfactorily. 10. Oxidation ditch#1 had 5 rotors. but onlv 3 rotors were operable. Mr. Allen stated 1 rotor had been inoperable for approximately 2 years, and 1 rotor inoperable for approximately-a month and a half. Please ensure all rotors are in operating conditions. Please explain in your response 1) the cause of these rotors being down.2;why these rotors have riot been repaiaed. and 3i when these rotors-vi,ill be returned to service or operable condition. Oxidation ditch#3 had all 5 rotors operating. Ditch—2 is used for biological nutrient removal. Submersible mixers are used in this basin. 11. There are 5 secondary clarifiers, but only 3 ivcre operable. Clarifiers H1 and 43 were not operable. Please ensure all clarifiers are in ot�erating conditions Please explain in your res�;onse 1 i the cause of these clarifiers beinu downs, 2) why these clarifiers have not been re :aired, and 3; when these clarifiers will be returned to service or operable condition. 12. Sludge judge measurements were taken on the 3 clarifiers in service. All measurements showed a sludge blanket of 2.5 feet or less. Clarifier depths ranged from 10 feet to 15 feet. 13. There are 5 tertiary filters, but only 3 were operable. Filters-2 and— were not operable. Please ensure all filters are in o peratin2 conditions. Please ex-olain in Your response s) the cause of these falters being down,2)why these falters have not been repaired, and 31 when these_ falters will be returned to service or ooerable condition. There was a large amount of debris/trash on the filters, evidence that screening units upstream in the treatment process are not removing material efficiently. This debris'trash can damage equipment,pumps, etc. as it flows through the treatmlent process. 1 1. The facility has dual contact chambers. Chlorine Ras is used for disinfection. Calcium thiosulfate is used for dechlorination. 15. Post aeration is by diffused air. 16. The ultrasonic effluent floe-meter was calibrated July 14, 2017. You are reminded that the flow meter must be calibrated annually, and anytiane the flow is not being recorded within 10°o of the actual flow. 17. The effluent appeared clear and free of solids. The outfall was inspected; no detrimental effects were observed in Hannah Creek. 18. Mr. Allen stated sludge is composted by McGill Environmental. 19. A permanent generator is used for peak shaving as needed. It was not testing during the inspection. Mr. Alien stated it had been operating each of the 3 days just prior to the inspection. 20. Part I Condition A.(6) of the NPDES permit requires the freeboard in the 2 EQ basins be recorded daily. This information is not tieing collected daily. This is a .permit condition violation. Please ensure daily readings are recorded as required. 21. A cursory check of laboratory data and discharge monitoring report (I)MR) data for January 2018 showed consistent reporting of results. 22. A review of the ORC logbook only showed generic, nominal entries such as 'plant ok, effiuent good'. As discussed,the operation and maintenance of the system must be documented,per 15A NCAC 08G .0204 RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (OPQ Please erssarre proper- and fuji-v col irtleted documentation is maintained as re€aired. A copy of this section of the ORC r2iles is attached. 23. TI- Division's database accurately reflects Paul Allen as the Grade d ORC and Steve Procter as the Grade 4 Backup ORC. 2 4. The facility is certified to perform residual chlorine,pH,D.O., temperature, conductivity, TSS, anumorua, total phosphorus, and fecal colifor7m(not analyzed at the NN, -"TP lab). Environment 1 performs other analysis for the facility, including fecal coliforn. 25. A review-of discharge monitoring data from-May 2017 through April 2018 showed the following violations (these violations have previously been addressed): - Weekly average BOD limit, July_ 2017—Case LV-2017-0319, 5281.76 assessed and paid. ease closed - V,"eekly average BOD limit and monitoring violations for NO2 1 03,TILN, and Total Nl. September 2017. Case L__M-2018-0006. $356.76 assessed and paid, case closed - Monthly Average N143-N unlit;January 201 S.NOi'-201 S-L`d-02221 - wiontliv Average N113-N limit,April 2018,NOD?018-LV-0071 26. The facility has a water re-use permit. N�Q0022 01. Mr.Allen stated this system is not in use at this time. . Berry disc.-iar,-:s 1 50,01 lr—25U00 2-pd. and Z 7. There is 1 industry,tribt�.tary to the� ��TP manufactures baby Sipes and assorted fabrics, ldr. Allen stated the ,vastc stream from Beiy does not cause any adverse effects at the�wrp. 28. Part 11. Section E.12 requires that an aruroal report be provided to the users�ci;stomers served by the Pernittec (§143-215.1C). This requirement is as follows: Report to wastewater system customers Can systeml perfoi-mince: report discharge of untreated wastev,'aier to the Department' publication of notice of discharge of untreated waste,,.vater and-waste. (a) Report to Wastewater System Customers. - 'The wine, or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment tivorl�s. the operation of which is primarily to collect or treat (7- f municipal or domestic wastewater and for which a permit is issued under this Part and having an average annual flow greater than 200,000 gallons per day, shall provide to the users or customers of the collection system or treatment works and to the Department an annual report that summarizes the performance of the collection system or treatment works and the extent to which the collection system or treatment works has violated the pernut or federal or State laws, regulations, or rules related to the protection of water quality. The report shall be prepared on either a calendar or fiscal year basis and shall be provided no later than 60 days after the end of the calendar or fiscal year. Mr. Allen was not aware of this requirement and we have no record of this report subnutted to our Department as required. Please con rrrr whether this rej)ort was prepared and sent to users/customers and to our Department. 29. Please-provide a copy of the current budget aff )roved ley the Town tooperate and maintain the wastewater-treatment Slant and sludge disposal. Failure to properly operate and n-aintain treatment units and equipment is a violation of Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance of the NIDDES Permit. This oTjjce is veiv. concerned about the sludge management practices at the facility and the number of treatment units and equipment out of service. The Town is in violation of the following permit conditions: Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance Part I Condition A.(6) daily freeboard measurement recordings Part II. Section A. Composite Sample Pail Il. Section E.12 Gumless annual reporting documentation can be provided) These violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to a maxirnurrr of$25,000.00 per day for each violation. Your response to this correspondence will be considered in any civil penalty assessment process that may occur. Please provide this office with a written detailed res,,flnse to itnr rs 5. 6. 7. 10, 11; 13,20,22.28. arrd 29 within 45 days of receipt of this letter.. Please i�rovide results of the Town's investigation of the sludge levels in the 2 EQ r-on ds as noted in item 4 within 60 €la-s-s of recei at of this letter. If you have questions concerningthis report please contact Ted Cashion at 919-791-4254 or Sincerely, S. Daniel Snnith, Regional Supervisor 4 Water Quality Rcaional Operations Section cc: Johnston County health Dept. RRO, SWP Central Files 1.3.,#,NCAC08G .0204 Ali Olwator in Responsible Charge(ORC)of a wailer 1101ILViOn CO1lU01 S_steln nluSt: (I) possess a vabd cen it!nle of be appolmow tj N and gat le Rg do syAwn; 12) visit the syswill as offen as is necessary to inniv the proper Operation of the syst%lll but ill 110 ease less frequently than specifiers in the frdkwin- sCliedkde,uniess oflhenvse SrOcified ill Fer"lit: (a biological grade I systenh a i I the excepion(--if S ub-itelil(--'i(e)of Itir l biologkal grade 11, lil.and thi's Rule. I k�"stem .ether thall thyme speci C led in Sub-it�iw'—))(f)of ts Rds Ow das tper-,xcek, (CA Wive Idgmion sysven-is With the exception c-,f Soli-item.Q i(o)of('his xeekly: collection systerns;"Thi[n 24 hours A kncm ledge of a bylpass.spill.of Oveffif)NV Ot Waste It,- fron-i tile..systein unless%Wited by a MOM symon Back-up OPerator. ill Respon,ibt Cllaqc. dolnes-k-wa"%n': it capa,:itw;of I-- '�N gaiinn-;ptr day or It '%vice per �Ztr"t ith a six nclolah ij 'eill sits: if) day or iess:weMy-. spwirns permined it nits adops! hy the (7ol-amsdon IN I'Mith Servicen as wqWwd by 15A NCAC I SA .1061 gra& I"MOMR gn-Ou'rdv-ater rctriediation Systems:ncek" : tilt �radc' 11 S4 met-lis:tive clay per iaYs N land applicawn*stwns dmWg or wM 45 hours Ater MVM104of residums.. a specified A tie Cominissin-ii b,.i,;�d oft the coiliplOGY of the operate and mainiviiii tlei; an offi:iet.th "In'-1'-Mc mpt lo ins-urc,11.e oji-1.1pliaii.ce of the Ststetm-\7,irli,any perillfllfs'l k"u'-d fior jiI_ *man a sh"s my NKr"Okaale VwL gato ;uAd Moral NwIrmnlai porn-li"Ong and cl an dwsyma-ii (4) cut"..!)Y Sit gc':I-,11i'L.a"t')"h'-,�A I W iit%hi-o 11 re porl i ng i ri!orn-i fil ion J)LITO'l as pwaribed in any pennil j"uej for am )am,"d pivi We the ov wr a cWy. i5) docurlient the all, i:itativ!)'-'f tj-.e s.%sten-,in 0_jaily l that inkis-,Lie innintai fled ill Up yalem: ithin fi�'c c"AI'mckir da.ys (6) noui% the ,,nisei- of tit: Li::J Ill t'J1,11V v! knowledgc"ud,2 11y: 7 fi-'-51 fl-W it'. U 1111: h.pa 4,of i:�o zti ci.-Tri-ilr .n 1-. t7) io i,'IsLirc ti,z Cot rlpliari,..- of 1he s;mom v 1M :illKwL MA,-. ,-no f.dLnll an-J! be avzlilah'!e: a to 1-tre f t"'I Et AQ, A!n_iv fa Photo< rn June 21, 2018 Compliance Evaluatior section by DWR. F ;�' a ��.. _ _ gig, � � i •I.ej '�" 17+y q �N 1, .(�4f `w�� ao r.. '� -•rc y,�� '< L+ � 8. ," n k'r4�' �y -qg-�- `._ c4fu t}4r n r r 3 7M fNO_ � • . { A r .. d` V�Y'L54C '!6�'' --fir. .'�• --ry- '�' } „y-_,,,,,,']�j "�, x'� A ,t-aL•���'�*��s�k�r h 7'`fir '�:. rd vl��� �' � a'��9 �`", a >F�v_ '�'ztf is x ��~U � ��. - Slud e La oon with � .. ' �$� ' 1�x=- ' • g g 6" or less freeboard; filled with vegetation; and showing evidence of spill.. Another view of Sludge Lagoon. 5 d y y. am. }... �--'�- - QA� s WC xl -010,_W! OR .. AS Clarifier awaiting repair. Broken rotor in Oxidation Ditch#2 _v '. E'er' � r S w�� F�a �• >t gm iff �3Y ti �@ sld ¢ f , - �' �mz_,n NII-I!, Rusted pump on grit removal system. Location on Small Pond where Sludge Lagoon decantis received. Note the amount of vegetation in the pond. Unred Sratas Env;ronmar.?al Prat=.cr;on Agency FE PA Form Approved. 'Phsh ngtcn,D.C,2045C OMB No.2040-0057 Water Compliance inspection Report Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A:National Data System Coding(i.e.,PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr,'mo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 N 2 1- 1 g L] NCoozo3a9'- I11 12 1jc6r'21 17 181,-.I 191 . 1 20l i LLJ 21 1 I I !__J-f �- I I-l I I 1 { I 1�L� Inspection Work Days Facility Self-Monitoring Evaluation Rating 81 OA --_-------__ 07 ---R,eserved------------- 70� 71 [ 72 1 73 LJ{ I 174 75L I 80 Section 3:Facility Data --I Name and Location of Facility Inspected(For Industrial Users discharging to POTW,also include Entry Time/Date i Permit Effective Date POTW nacre and NPDES permit Number) Benson WNTP 09MAM /8106/21 13i09r01 770 Hannah Creek Rd Exit Time;Date Permit Expiration Date Benson NC 27504 of:'MPM 13/06i21 18r0 '30 Names)of Onsite Representative(s)rTTtles(s);Phone and Fax Numbers) Other Facility Data David Paul AlleniORC/919-894-2373/ Steve A Prccter/CRC/919-894-2373! Name,Address of Responsible Official:Title.?hone and Fax Nurnber Contacted Keith Ryker Langdon,PO Box 69 Berson NC 275040069/Town Manager'9 i 9-894-4953,9198941283 No Section C:Areas Evaluated During Inspec on(Check only those areas evaluated) Permit Flovd Measurement t p Aerations&Maintenance 9M Records/Reports Self-Monitoring Program Sludge Handling Disposal Facility Site Reviev, E fluen'P,eceiviny Ly'atsrs Section D:Summary of FindingfCornments(Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Names)and Signature(s)of Inspector(s) gercJ!Of icalPhor,e and Fax,'lumbe ~- Date TeJ A Cashion -. r RF,O Vt;2 919-791-4200,' 7-,:{ Jererniah J Dot,, %,- jl tiV Signature of Management O A Reviewer Agency;office-Phone and Fax Numb e-s —y — — f—= Date EPA Form.3560-3(Rev 9-94)Previous editions are c sclete. � Page+ 1 1 NPDES yrimo.'day Inspection Type 11 12 17 18 i,.l 3 NC0020389 98iG6/21 LJ Section D:Summary of Finding/Comments(.Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) See inspection report. Page# 2 Permit: NCO020389 Owner-Facility: Denson V'a;^✓TP Inspection Date: 06121,2018 Inspection Type: Compliance valuation Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? ❑ 12 ❑ ❑_ Does the facility analyze process control parameters,for ex:NILSS, P 1CRT, Settleable ❑ ❑ El Solids, pH; DO,Sludge Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: Screenings. debris on the ground at arc bar Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new ❑ ❑ ❑ application? Is the facility as described in the permit? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Are there any special conditions for the permit? ❑ 1E ❑ ❑ Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? M ❑ ❑ r Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? a ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: No special conditions in the permit. Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit? ❑ IM ❑ ❑ Is all required information readily available, complete and current? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are all records maintained for 3 years(lab. rag. required 5 years)? ❑ ❑ ❑ IM Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DNIRs? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the chain-of-custody complete? ❑ ❑ ❑ Dates,times and location of sampling ❑ Name of individual performing the sampling ❑ Results of analysis and calibration ❑ Dates of analysis ❑ Name of person performing analyses Transported COCs Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters? ® ❑ ❑ Has the facility submitted its annual compliance repo to users and DvItIM ❑ ❑ ❑ LU (If the facility is=or>5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24,7,, ith a certified operator ❑ ❑ ❑ on each shift? Is the ORC visitation log available and current? _ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification^ M ❑ El Ej' Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site? RM ❑ ❑ ❑ Page# 3 Permit: NC0020389 owner-Facility: Benson`jVVVTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 0612112018 � f _ — Record Kee lnc -- - _- Yes No NA NE Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? ❑ ® ❑ Comment: Freeboard levels not recorded Bail • as required. Annual re ort not available. Effluent Pi]e Yes No NA NE Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Flow Measurement- Influent Yes No NA NE #Is flow meter used for reporting? ❑ R ® ❑ Is flow meter calibrated annually? 11 ❑ ® ❑ Is the flow meter operational? ❑ ❑ ❑ (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the fiow^:meter? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Effluent flow meter is usecl for reaortinc. Flow Measurement- Effluent Yes No NA NE #Is flow meter used for reporting? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is fiovr meter calibrated annually? Ej ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the flow meter operational? ❑ ❑ ❑ (If units are separated)Does the chart recorder match the flovd meter? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Aerobic Qic el seer Yes No Nay_PEE is the capacity adequate? 10 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the mixing adequate? ❑ ❑ Is the site free of excessive foanrng in the tank? #Is the odor acceptable? ® ❑ ❑I #Is tankage available for properly waste sludge? F1 Q ❑ ❑ Comment: There was no mixer or aerator in the 3 [SIG concrete i,n•d Icicie la�oon, r,or ir7 the_Small- ond which is also used for sludca` dis,_osal. Solids l andlinq E-OWrPrna~1_€t Yes No NA I�lE Is the equipment operational? ❑ ❑ W L. Page# 4 Permit: NC0020389 Owner-Facility: Benson W+NTP Inspection Date: 0612112018 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Solids Handling lui}3rnent Yes No NA NE Is the chemical feed equipment operational? El 0 ❑ Is storage adequate? ❑ 0 0 Is the site free of high level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters? Is the site free of sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press? ❑ ❑ Is the site free of excessive moisture in belt filter press sludge cake? ❑ The Facility has an approved sludge management plan? Comment: Slud e was observed on the ground: see inspection report Bar Screens Yes No NA NE Type of bar screen a.Manual b.Mechanical Are the bars adequately screening debris? Is the screen free of excessive debris? ❑ 7 ❑ Is disposal of screening in compliance? Is the unit in good condition? Comment: Debris/trash was observed in downstream treatment units. Screenin:l a-cfears to be inefficient. Town is to erovide a re!:oft on the efficienc- of the screening ecuioment. Screenina were noted on the around at the arc bar. Grit Removal Yes No CIA NE Type of grit removal a.Manual b.Mechanical Is the grit free of excessive organic matter? ® ❑ Is the grit free of excessive odor? Is disposal of grit in compliance? Comment: EQUaliZation Basins Yes No NA NE Is the basin aerated? Is the basin free of bypass lines or structures to the natural environment? ❑ Is the basin free of excessive grease? 0 ❑ E Are all pumps present? ❑ Page# 5 Owner-Facility: Benson v VVrP Permit: NCO020389 inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 06/21,12018 Yes No NA NE Etlualization Basins Are all pumps operable? El Are float controls operable? El El El 9 Are audible and visual alarms operable? El El ❑ El #is basin size/volume adequate? Cornment: neither of the 2 EQ onds is aerated. Yes No NA NE Seconder- Clarifier El ❑ ❑ is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? El ❑ ❑ Are weirs level? ME 0 is the site free of weir blonka.ge? Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? Is scum removal adequate? Is the site free of excessive floating sludge? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Is the drive unit operational? Is the return rate acceptable(low turbulence)? is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc? Is the sludge blanket level acceptable?(Approximately 1/4of the side✓dall depth) Conirnent: ON r 3 of the 5 clarifiers were o erable. Tovyi-i is to submit report whr other clarifiers are, inooerable and have not been repaired. Yes No NA NE Oxidation Ditches ❑ El 0 Are the aerators operational? Are the aerators free of excessive solids build up? a rGCPSS? W ❑ ❑ ❑ #Is the foam the proper color for the treatment p. Does the foam cover less than 25`->:of the basins surface? Is the DO level acceptable? Are settleometer results acceptable(>30 minuies)? El 0 El 01 Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg;l) 0 El Are settelometer results acceptable?(400 to 300 mlrl in 30 minutes) El ❑ ❑ mment: Only 3 of the 5 rotors in ditch 9.1 were oLrab1e. Tovjn is , rovide_re}oct vrh te rotors rh _ Co were inollerable. :ahy ti1e, i7ave not beer_ Eeaaired. an l °;Ten they will be returned to service. Page#.= 6 ' S Permit: N00020389 Owner.Faciliby: Benson`.VhTP Inspection Date: 06/21/2018 Inspection Type: compliance Evaluation Nutrient Removal Yes No NA NE *-Is total nitrogen removal required? #is total phosphorous removal required? ❑ Type Biological #Is chemical feed required to sustain process? Is nutrient removal process operating properly? Comment: No chemicals are added for nutrient removal. Filtration 'Hic h Rate Tertiary Yes No NA NE Type of operation: is the filter media present? ❑ ❑ is the filter surface free of clogging? ® ❑ 7 is the filter free of growth? ® ❑ Is the air scour operational? ❑ Is the scouring acceptable? ❑ ❑ Is the clear well free of excessive solids and filter media? Comment: -Only 3 of the 5 filters were operable. Town is to submit report stating the cause of these filters being out of service,wh� they have not been repaired, and when they will be returned to service or operable condition. Disinfection-Gas Yes No NA NE Are cylinders secured adequately? ❑ El Are cylinders protected from direct sunlight? Q ❑ ❑ Is there adequate reserve supply of disinfectant? ❑ ❑ is the level of chlorine residual acceptable? ❑ ® El 91 is the contact chamber free of growth, or sludge buildup? M ❑ ❑ Is there chlorine residual prior to de-chlorination? 0 F-1 ❑ M Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 lbs of ChIcrine(CAS No.7782-50-5)? If yes,then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? ❑ ® n If yes,then what is the EPA twelve digit ID NUTiber?(.1 ) If yes,then when was the REAP last updated? Comment: Residual C12 was not measured durii inspection. nspection. De-chlorination Yes No NA NE Type of system ? Page# 7 Permit: NCO020389 Owner•Facility: Benson'VW rP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 0621!2018 •� Yes No NA NE -De-Chlorination Is the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount(1 to 1)? ❑ El El El El ❑ Is storage appropriate for cylinders? #Is de-chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers? El ❑ El Comment: Are the tablets the proper size and type? ❑ ® ❑ Are tablet de-chlorinators operational? ❑ ❑ ❑ Number of tubes in use? Comment: #a1�di3' Power Yes No NA NE Is automatically activated standby power availa',i-. MR Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the generator tested under load? ❑ ❑ ❑ Was generator tested&operational during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑ Do the generator(s)have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site? 13 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the generator fuel level monitored? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Generator is operated routine1. for_-aak shaving Yes No NA NE Lagvans Facultative Type of lagoons? Number of lagoons in operation at time of 2 Parallel Are lagoons operated in? #Is a re-circulation line present" 0 El El Is lagoon free of excessive floating m_ierial #Are baffles between ponds or effluent baffles ad;tistable? Are dike slopes clear of woody vegetation? 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ weeds controlled ❑ ❑ ❑ Are wee trolled around the edge of the lagoon? Are dikes free of seepage? a ❑ El Are dikes free of erosion? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are dikes free of burrowing animals? #Has the sludge blanket lagcoli(s)1• Measured Periodically in rnultipl> locations? Page#- g Permit: NC0020389 Owner-Facility: Eenson w/VTP Inspection Date: 0612V2018 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Lagoons Yes No NA NE #If excessive algae is present, has barley straw been used to help control the growth? ❑ ❑ M ❑ Is the lagoon surface free of weeds? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the lagoon free of short circuiting? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Sludue de--ths are to be investic ated b Town and report submitted. Laboratory Yes No PEA NE Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters)performed by a certified lab? ❑ ❑ Cl #Is the facility using a contract lab? ❑ ® ❑ Is proper temperature set for sample storage(,kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees ® ❑ u Celsius)? Incubator(Fecal Ccliform)set to 44.5 degrees Celsius+;'-0.2 degrees? ❑ ❑ Incubator(SOD)set to 20.0 degrees Celsius+!- 1.0 degrees? ❑ Comment: Influent SarniAlncg Yes No NA NE #Is composite sampling flow proportional? 1M El ❑ Is sample collected above side streams", ❑ ❑ tM_ Is proper volume collected? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the tubing clean? #Is proper temperature set for sample storage(kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees ❑ ❑ ❑ Celsius)? Is sampling performed according to the permit? U ❑ 17-1 Comment: Samolin-.I is not flow 0roDortiona! as regUired Effluent Sa salirro, Yes No NA NE Is composite sampling flow proportional? ❑ El ❑ Ol Is sample collected below all treatment units? ❑ ❑ D Is proper volume collected? Is the tubing clean? ❑ ❑ El #is proper temperature set for sample storage(kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees i` ❑ [( ❑ Celsius)? Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit(frequency, sampling type ❑ B ❑ [I representative)? Page# 9 Permit: NC0020389 Owner•Facility: Benson WA(fP Inspection Date: O6i21i2018 !� � Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluaticn Effluent Same ling Yes No NA PEE Comment: Flow proportional sam]n,I is nit conducted as re uired. pages:". 10 MAYOR JERRY M.MEDLIN TOWN MANAGER * it MATTHEW 7APP MAYOR PRO-TEM CASANDRA P.STACK �► `:� TOWN CLERK 4 , ■, �, TERRY HOBGOOD COMMISSIONER �tH CJARC MAXINE HOLLEY TOWN OF B E N SO N FINANCE DIRECTOR JAMES D.JOHNSON JR. KIMBERLY T. PICKETT DEAN MCLAMB P.O.BOX 69 WILLIAM NEIGHBORS 303 EAST CHURCH STREET TOWN ATTORNEY DR.R. MAX RAYNOR BEN 9)8 NC94-3553 R. ISAAC PARKER {91 9}$ 53 FAX(919)894-1283 www.townofbenson.com August 9, 2018 ATC Dept OfEnvironmental QUalir Y Mr. S. Daniel Smith AUG 14 2018 Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center �1gh Regfoa j office Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Re: Response to Notice of Violation NOV-2018-PC-0244 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Town of Benson, North Carolina Dear Mr. Smith: Please accept this written response to the above-referenced Notice of Violation issued to the Town of Benson for the Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted at the Benson WWTP on June 21, 2018. The Town acknowledges notice receipt on July 18, 2018. The Town's management staff, legal representatives and engineering consultants have reviewed the Notice of Violation and present the following information as requested: 1. The Town acknowledges the overflow from the sludge basin and has responded to this incident (NOV-2018-PC-0214) under separate cover dated August 1, 2018. 2. Renewal of the NPDES Permit is acknowledged. 3. Description of the WWTP units is acknowledged. 4. The Town intends to investigate the sludge levels in the two equalization basins and provide a report to the Raleigh Regional Office by September 15, 2018 with the requested information. it is initially thought that a small boat and sludge judge will be used to take representative sludge depth measurements within each equalization basin to estimate the cubic yards of sludge present. A schematic d lag ram depicting the measurement locations for both basins is attached for your review and approval. 5. Regarding the efficiencies of the bar screens, a Preliminary Engineering Report completed in March 2006 evaluated interim improvements to the Benson WWTP necessary to increase its capacity from 1.97 MG❑ to 3.0 MGD. Note that no prior improvements were made to the manual bypass screen when the facility was expanded from 1.5 MG to 1.97 MGD. It was noted in 2006 that raw materials occasionally blew to the ground from the manual screen which required increased operator attention. Currently, the mechanical screen can handle a pear flow of 3.75 MG❑ while the manual bypass screen can handle a peals flow of 1.65 MGD. Because the manual bypass screen is undersized to handle the peak flow, and the timing for future expansion of the Benson WWTP is uncertain given flow restrictions to Hannah Creek, operators will continue to be diligent in operation of the existing screens. Any future expansion of the treatment plant will dictate that the existing manual bar screen be upgraded to handle the proposed treatment capacity. The existing mechanical screen is adequately sized to handle current influent flows. The observed debris on the ground near the bar screen was cleaned up on the same day as the compliance inspection (July 18,2018 at approximately 2:30 pm). As discussed during the inspection, debris is collected in a hopper to allow it to dry. When it dries, wind or birds sometimes cause debris to fall on the ground. On this day, treatment plant staff was focused on cleanup of the sludge overflow, which delayed normal bar screen cleanup. Remedial Action: Routine cleanup of the headworks area has been re-emphasized to all treatment plant staff. 6. The grit chamber motor casing is subject to hydrogen sulfide from raw wastewater 24 hours per day. Like most treatment units at the headworks of a plant, these gases corrode metals at a faster rate causing near immediate surface rust. It does not necessarily imply compromised performance of the treatment units or process. Remedial Action: Operation of this motor is monitored daily. Treatment plant personnel will surface prep and paint the motor casing within 30 calendar days. 7. Currently, the auto samplers are collecting 100 milliliters per sample. The samplers are turned on Sunday mornings and run continuously until Friday morning when the last sample for the week has been collected. Remedial Action: Necessary repair parts to connect the auto samplers to the influent and effluent flow meters were ordered on June 15, 2018 so that flow proportional sampling is achieved. The Town proposes the `variable timelconstant volume'sampling method to meet NPDES Permit requirements. Repair parts are expected to be delivered on August 15, 2018 and will be installed by the Town's staff within 10 calendar days thereafter. 8. The influent flow meter calibration requirement is acknowledged. 9. Satisfactory screw pump operation is acknowledged. 10. Rotor #2 in Oxidation Ditch #1 had a bearing fail which damaged the shaft. As explained during the inspection, the shaft for this rotor had to be special-ordered since it is not an on- the-shelf item. The Town is waiting on the new shaft to arrive to repair this rotor and return it to service Rotor#1 in Oxidation Ditch #1 is inoperable due to concrete failure along the wall upon which the inside bearing rests. This is not a repairable item by the Town's staff. Contractor Charles Underwood visited the WWTP in October 2017 to evaluate the issue but has not submitted a quote to date to make necessary repairs. Remedial Action: Regarding Rotor#2, Town's staff will install the replacement bearing and rotor shaft within 30 calendar days after onsite delivery from the manufacturer. Regarding Rotor#1, the Town will continue to solicit quotations for necessary repelrs. 11. The main drive gear on Clarifier #1 is missing teeth so it would not turn which caused it to fail. On Clarifier#3 the bearing lacked up and the teeth on the main drive gear were damaged so it would not turn. The Town decided to replace both the bearings and drive gears on Clarifiers #1 and #3 since this is a major mechanical undertaking. As discussed during the inspection, these clarifiers were installed in 1977 and 1988, respectively, and repair parts are not sitting on the shelf. Parts must be special-ordered which takes long lead times. In fact, necessary repair parts were delivered a couple of days prior to the treatment plant inspection. Remedial Action: Town's staff will replace the bearings and drive gears in Clarifiers #9 and 93 within 30 calendar days to return both clarifiers to normal service. 12. Existing clarifier sludge blanket depths are acknowledged. 13 The drain valve on Filter #2 has a broken seat which will not seal. In the closed position it leaks and therefore needs to be replaced. This repair work will need to be contracted to a third party. Filter #4 has a broken precast plate in the bottom. The precast plate can only be ordered from one manufacturer nationwide making it extremely expensive and difficult to obtain. A third party supplier for the replacement part had been identified, but the precast mold used to produce the part is broken. The Town is actively seeking a remedy to the situation. Remedial Action: Both Filters#2 and#4 will need to be repaired by a third party. Quotes will be sought within 30 calendar days and hopefully parts can be ordered and work can be completed within 180 calendar days thereafter. 14. Satisfactory operation of the disinfection equipment is acknowledged. 15. Satisfactory operation of the post-aeration equipment is acknowledged. 16. The effluent flow meter calibration requirement is acknowledged. 17. The satisfactory aesthetic quality of the effluent is acknowledged. 18, It is confirmed that McGill Environmental handles sludge disposal operations. 19. Peak shaving using the WWTP generator occurs as noted. 20. The two equalization basins are recognized as integral components to handling influent flow fluctuations due to collection system inflow/infiltration and recycle of sludge basin decant. Remedial Action: Treatment plant staff have been directed to record the levels of both equalization basins on a daily basis. 21. Proper recording of laboratory data and DMR data is acknowledged. 22. The ORC was using the same notations as the former ORC which appeared to be acceptable documentation during previous N C D E N R inspections.The current ORCs recognize the need for more detailed information regarding daily activities. Remedial Action: The ORCs will immediately refer to the rules for proper and complete recording of necessary operational data. 23. The Division's database showing current Grade 4 ORCs is confirmed. 24. Internal and external laboratory testing of noted parameters is acknowledged. 25. Previously-identified violations in the ❑MRs have been addressed as noted. 26. It is confirmed that the reclaimed water system is permitted but not currently in use. 27. Berry Plastics has an Industrial User Permit to discharge to the Benson WWTP with no apparent adverse effects on operations as noted. 28. The Town's staff did not recognize this general conditions requirement for an annual report when renewing its NPI9ES Permit. Remedial Action: Town staff will prepare the required annual report for Fiscal Year 2018 within 68 calendar days from June 30, 2698 as required. 29. A copy of the Fiscal Year 2019 Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund budget is attached as requested. It should be noted that the Town Council did authorize an increase in water and sewer rates this fiscal year to cover the increasing costs of operation and maintenance. We appreciate your consideration of our response and remedial actions taken to date. Our remedial actions certainly d❑ not reprieve us of any wrongdoing, but be assured that Benson is committed to mitigating future incidents of this nature by implementing best management practices and making necessary repairs at our treatment facility. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Matthew Zapp, Town Manager, or me. Best Rega LD � Paul' Allen WWTP Superintendent cc: Matthew Zapp, Town Manager I att: Benson WWTP— Proposed Equalization Basin Sludge Measurement Locations FY 2919 Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget i i �-a Ll P.- T f�- #. r ORIGINAL.FY 2018 AMENDED FY 2U18 ESTIMATE YEAR REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED ACCOUNT BUDGET BUDGET - - FUND 30 WATERJSEWER FUND REVENUES T EARN 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 800,00 1 000,00 3290.0000 INTERES ED 1 200.00 3300.0000 TRANSFER IN 1 OTHER FUNDS 3350-0000 MISCELLANEOUS 10 000.00 189 450.00 200 000.00 10.000.00 5 000.00 3490,0400 VERIZON WATER TOWER 27 500.00 27 500.00 27 500.00 27,500.00 27 500.00 3710.0100 WATER CHARGES 1,310 000.00 1 310 000.00 1 310 823,00 1 310 000.00 1 382 000-00 3710,0200 SEWER CHARGES 1 479 000.00 1,479 000.00 1 480 000,00 1 479 000.00 1 517.620.00 3730.0100 WATER TAPS 5000,00 5 000.00 7 000.00 5000.00 12 040,00 3730.0200 SEWER TAPS 5 060.00 5.000.00 9 000.00 5000.00 12 040.00 3751.0000 LATE CHARGES 2 500.00 2 500.00 4 500.00 2 500.00 2,500.00 82 432.00 - - 115 000.00 3990.0000 FUND BALANCI- I 'NOTES Verlxan Water Tower:Rental A reernent with Verizon Wireless at 527 500 er ear -NOTES Water Char es:Increase In Base Fee at 1.50 from i10.00 to 511.50 EffectlVe Jul 1 2018 -NOTES Sewer Char es:Increase in Base Fee of$1.50 from 511.50 to 513 i00 Effective Jul 1 24i I j Page 20 of 28 ACCOUNT ORIGINAL FY 2018 AMENDED FY 2018 ESTIMATE YEAR REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVLD BUDGET BUDGET _..._..-- FUND 30 DEPARTMENT7200 EXPENSES 7200.0200 SALARIES 410 884.00 410 884.00 400 000.00 450 918.45 451 319.00 7200.0300 SKILLED SERVICES 84 000.00 84.000-00 148 000A0 100 000.00 85 000,00 7200-0430 IT SERVICES - - 50 000-00 7200,0450 LEGAL SERVICES 10 000.00 10 000-00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000m 7200,0500 SOCIAL SECURITY 31 433.00 311 433.00 30 600.00 34 495-34 34 526.00 7200.0700 RETIREMENT EXPENSE 49 386.00 49 386.0D 50,280.00 56 680.57 54 39a,00 7200.1100 TELEPHONE 4 380,00 4,380.00 4,380.00 6,780.00 6 960.00 7200.1400 TRAVEL&TRAINING 7,500.00 7,500.00 5.000.00 71500.00 5,000.00 7200.1500 MIR BUILDINGS 5 000,00 5,000.00 2,500.00 5.000,00 7200.1500 MIR EQUIPMENT 20 000.00 20 000.00 6.000.00 20 000.00 10.000.00 7200.18DO GAS&LUBRICANTS 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000,00 10 000.00 7,500.00 7200.3100 VEHICLES 10,000.00 10 000.00 8 000.00 10.000.0ol 5,000.00 7200.3200 CHEMICALS 2 500.00 2,500. 2.500.00 2,500.00 2 500.00 7200.3300 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 25 000.00 25 000,00 20 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 7200.3800 MATERIALS 15 000,00 15 00D.00 22.000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 7200,5400 INSURANCE&BONDS 110 000A0 110 000.00 108 000.00 110 000.00 115 060.00 7200.7300 1 LINE IMPROVEMENTS 35,000.00 35,000.00 25 000.00 35 000-00 35 000.00 7200,7400 EQUIPMENT 12 500.D0 12 500.00 12 500.00 12 500,00 12 500.00 I 7200.7500 ICAPITAL OUTLAY - 271 882.00 272,226.00 75 000.00 75 000.00 7200.7800 IDEBTSERVICES 118.612.00 118 612.00 118 612.00 173 612.15 189 461,00 7200,8000 CONTINGENCY - 7200.9905 IN LIEU OF TAXES TO GEN FUND 75.000.00 75 000.00 75 000.00 100 000.00 75.000.00 EXPENSE TOTAL DEPARTMENT 7200 i 035 195.00 1 308 077.00 1 330 598.00 1,269,9B7.51 1 27d 160.00 ,NOTES Page 21 of 28 ORIGINAL FY 2018 AMENDED FY 2018 EST(MATE YEAR REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED ACCDUN1 BUDGET BUDGET NOTES Skilled Services:i12 Eiectricities $28,256;112 Online Utilit Exchan a $i,0617;112 Smart rid Hostin $5,50D;112 ADP Fees L11.250 '112 Southdata $13,500:if2 Pa mentus $$,500 "NOTES M1R Euipment:NvrthStar Maintenance 58,00fl ;Open Windows pinancial{$zpfauu] 'NOTES 1,S.Tanee&Bpnds:Workers CampensaGan $];General Llability,Vehicle,Property($;Health Benefits 165,000) 'NOTES Ca ital Outla :Mini Excavator "NOTES Debt Services:USDA-Anx Dageye{$45,242);DENR-WWTP 18"Line 518,374.15),USDA-Pum Station($110,000);PW Building 515,848] Page 22 of 28 F70 72. ORIGINAL FY 2018 AMENDED FY 2018 ESTIMATE YEAR REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPRQVED ACCOUNT 13UDGET BUDGET FUND 3D ❑EPARTMENTRUM EXPENSES 6100.0300 SKILLED SERVICES 28 000.00 28 000.00 28.000.00 28 000,00 28 000.00 8100.1100 CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS 32.000.00 32 000.00 24 007,00 32 000.00 380.00 8100.1300 UTILITIES 23 000,00 23 000.00 18 369.00 23 D04.00 23 000.00 8100.1440 TRAVEL&TRAINING 500.00 500.00 336.00 500'00 500.00 8100.1600 MIR EQUIPMENT 37 000.00 37 000.00 2,048.17 37 000,00 37 000.00 8100.3200 CHEMICALS 500,00 500,00 162.00 504.00 500.00 8100.3300 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 650.00 650,00 650.00 650,00 650,00 81D0.4800 WATER PURCHASES 700 000.00 700 000.00 700 000,00 700,000.00 700 000.00 8100.7400 EQUIPMENT 1500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1500.00 1500,00 8104.7500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8100.7600 CAPITAL RESERVE - 8100.7700 GRANT MATCH 22 500,00 - 22 500.00 8100.7800 (DEBT SERVICES 77 192.00 77.192.00 77.192.40 77 292.00 7T 292.00 8100.8000 CONTINGENCY - 8100.9990 TRANSFER TO CAP.PROJ. 22,500.00 22 500,00 III EXPENSE TOTAL DEPARTMENT 8100 922,842.00 972 842.00 873 764.17 922 942,00 868 11 - 'NOTES Skilled Services.Environment One•DENR•NC Rural Water,Esxel Electric 'NOTES MIRE u9 meet:Water Tower Maintenance S30 000'.Check Valve 34 000'Mist 33 000 'NOTES ❑ebt Services:DEN R-Water Phase 1 10 800 •SB&T-Water Phase 11 $36 964.03•DENR-Smart Grid 1629 527 Page 23 of 28 ORIGINAL FY 2018 AMENDED FY 2018 ESTIMATE YEAR REQUEST RECaMMENDE❑ AApROVEA ACGOUN7 BUDGET BUDGET FUND 30 DI FAItTlu{ENT 822fl EXPENSES 290 097.00 290 097.00 245 915.00 315 686.62 315 687.00 8220.0200 SALARIES 71440.00 71440.00 131854.63 81440.00 714, 8220.0300 SKILLED SERVICES 8220.0400 SOCIAL SECURITY 22,193.00 22193,00 24768.16 2415103 24151.00 8220.0500 RETIREMENT 36 495,00 36 465.00 36 466,00 39 681.81 40 251.00 8220.1100 CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS 5,500.00 5500.00 5 500.00 5 500.00 - 1 320,00 8220.1300 UTILITIES 57 250.00 57 250.00 57 250.00 57.250.00 57 250.00 8220.1400 TRAVEL&TRAINING 7.500.00 7500.00 2 238.00 8.000.00 5 000.00 8220.1500 MIR BUILDING 7000,00 7000,00 T 000.00 13 700.00 7 500.00 8220.1600 MIR EQUIPMENT 35 200.00 36 200.00 36 200.00 36,200.00 36 200A0 8220,1800 GAS&LUBRICANTS 8,000.00 8000,00 7,551.31 8.000= 8000.00 8220.2100 RENT-EQUIPMENT 5000,00 6.000.00 1 755,65 5 000.00 2 500.00 8220.3100 VEHICLES 7 000.00 7 000.00 6 357.70 7 000.00 5 000,00 8220.3200 CHEMICALS 20 000,00 20 000.00 15 609.00 20 000-00 20 000.00 8220.3300 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 9000,00 9000.00 8984.00 9 000.00 8 000,00 LS 4200,00 4 200.00 4 668.DD 4,200.00 4 200,00 8220.3800 fWATERlA 822D.5400 77 000.00 77 000.00 T7,000.00 77 000,00 80 000.00 INSURANCE&BONDS 17 000.00 17 000.00 15 943.00 36 000.00 22 120.00 8224.7400 EQUIPMENT 8220.7500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 35 00100 35 000.00 32 091.00 40.000.00 40 000.00 8220.7600 SLUDGE QISPOSAL 55 000.00 55,000.00 55 275.40 65000, 55 000.00 8220.8000 CONTINGENCY 817.00 817.00 - 8220.9910 DEBT SERVICE 109 301.00 109 301.00 109 301.00 107 319,00 107.319,00 EXPENSE TOTAL DEPARTMENT 8220 880 863.00 880 90 00 062124AS 950 127,45 911 938.00 EXPENSE TOTAL FUND 30 2 840 000.00 3,111,882.00 3 086 486.52 3 143 05&.9T 3 54 900.00 45583&2 �33 NET REVI�7CP 'NOTES Page 24 of 28 September 7, 2018 MEMORANDUM: To: Brianna Young Compliance & Ex edited Permitting Unit Through: Danny Smith, SeeWater Quality %Rrations Section Raleigh Regiona From: Jeremiah Dow& Ted Cashion RECEIVED/DENR/DWR Raleigh Regional Office Subject: Enforcement Action Recommendation SEP 2 �018 Case No. PC-2018-0019 Water at it Resources Town of Benson g Section Benson WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Johnston County Please see attached enforcement action recommendation for the Town of Benson. This enforcement action addresses violations associated with an anonymous call to the RRO concerning overflow of sludge from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon on June 15, 2018 and violations noted from a Compliance Evaluation Inspection on June 21, 2018. On June 15, 2018, Mitch Hayes and Jason Robinson from the Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) responded to an anonymous complaint of an overflow of sludge from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon at the Benson wastewater treatment plant(WWTP). The following observations were noted during the site inspection: • A large amount of sludge and debris was observed on the ground from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon (see photo below). 3 W. �� y, "t��..lY'• g� ,��h.� �3�, _ Y"''\ram. u rn�.try{,, �y' �-k6.! A.R..lti. }'�.. 4Y ) T. ,e3J' ,yv. YT .'fi ..r.•e • The freeboard of the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon was approximately 1 inch. • Sludge was observed to have coursed downslope to the fence line, and outside of the fenced WWTP area. • Sludge was also observed on the ground and piled/scraped up between the 3 million gallon sludge lagoon and the small equalization (EQ) pond. There was a large amount of debris/trash in the sludge (see photo below). NSA 'x - • Thick vegetation was observed growing in the 3 million gallon sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. On June 21, 2018, Jeremiah Dow and Ted Cashion from the RRO of the DWR conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) of the Benson WWTP. The following observations were noted during the inspection: • A large amount of sludge and debris was observed on the ground from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon. • The freeboard of the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon was approximately 6 inches. • Sludge was observed to have coursed downslope to the fence line, and outside of the fenced WWTP area. • Sludge was also observed on the ground and piled/scraped up between the 3 million gallon sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. There was a large amount of debris/trash in the sludge (see photo below). x r +�y s S.' �ir ' C• xK"• 1 � `L Y i .:. 7 k�u�yFM'I y�.,�''ea•^ y..d �'`w'� y sr.*'�3A,� • Thick vegetation was observed growing in the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. • Town staff were actively working to clean up the sludge spill during the inspection. The site visit, inspection and file review revealed that the Town of Benson did not report the sludge spill within Twenty-four hours as required by Part II. Section E.6 Twenty-four Hour Reporting of the Town's NPDES Permit Number NC0020389. On July 6, 2018, DWR issued a Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce, NOV-2018-PC-0214, for the unauthorized sludge discharge/overflow and bypass observed on June 15, 2018 and June 21, 2018. The Town of Benson's response dated August 1, 2018 to the Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce stated: " On the morning of June 11`h, treatment plant personnel observed higher than usual water level in the sludge basin. Further visual observation revealed that a 2x4 board and fiberglass grate had become wedged in the decant line but Town staff believe it was either residual debris from Hurricane Matthew that may have been deposited during the flooding event or it was intentional interference (i.e. vandalism) at a later date. Nonetheless, the items were large enough to cause backup of the water level within the sludge basin, which caused an overflow". The Town of Benson's response dated August 1, 2018 also included the following: • On June 11, the treatment plant personnel began work on trying to remove the items without success. It is believed the sludge overflow occurred sometime between June 13 and June 14, 2018. • The Town acknowledges the sludge lagoon was operated with less than two feet of freeboard in violation of 15A NCAC 02T .0505(d). • The Town acknowledges the failure to notify NCDEQ as required by the NPDES permit. • McGill Environmental began sludge withdrawal on July 9, 2018. • Town staff used shovels/backhoe/mini-excavator to clean up sludge and carried it to the Johnston County landfill. A total of 168 man-hours was expended between June 19-29 to recover the sludge and debris. On July 18,2018,DWR issued a Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce,NOV-2018-PC-0244, after a Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted on June 21,2018 showed violations of the NPDES permit for failure to properly operate and maintain the WWTP by having several treatment units out of service, failure to record freeboard measurements daily, failure to properly collect composite samples, and failure to provide an annual report to customers. The Town of Benson's response dated August 9,2018 to the Notice of Violation—Notice of Intent to Enforce NOV- 2018-PC 0244 included that actions will be taken by the Town to resolve the violations. The following violations have been identified for this release of sludge from the Town of Benson WWTP: 15A NCAC 02T .0505(d) Two feet of freeboard required NPDES Permit NCO020389 Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section E.6 Twenty-four Hour Reporting NPDES Permit NCO020389 Part I Condition A.(6) requires freeboard be recorded daily NPDES Permit NCO020389 Part II Section A Composite Sample requires flow proportioned samples NPDES Permit NCO020389 Part II. Section E.12 requires that an annual report be provided Enforcement Costs: Danny Smith- $48.69/hr. x 2 hr. = $97.38 Jason Robinson—$48.42/hr. x 3 hrs=$145.26 Mitch Hayes - $32.36/hr. x 3 hrs= $97.08 Jeremiah Dow- $28.12/hr. x 4 hrs=$112.48 Travel to site: 70 miles round trip @ $0.31/mile= $21.70+ $35.00 ($35 Insurance fee/trip) =$56.70 Total Cost: $396.42 + $112.48 = $508.90 Please do not hesitate to contact Jeremiah Dow or Danny Smith at 919-791-4200 if you have questions. Photos from June 21,2018 Compliance Evaluation Inspection by DWR. r a., r .r. may, r �/r Sludge Lagoon and sludge on roadway; evidence of spill. Sludge Lagoon with 6" or less freeboard and filled with vegetation. Ilk— S n K-: i 7 a'3C 3 r �} L. Sludge accumulated along fence line from overflow Sludge piled at the edge of"Small Pond." investigated by DWR on June 15, 2018. 1• 77 yy5 b ,Y t �ecr 7t IM t a y li ��)(j" �31 F,/i* y��.r rw•y 't A✓ `�� G :�' tr - - r * s .::+�l���S"!>._ fit:-.+�� �"�!.".:a1�iW,,; .♦..}':ai;`tie,.'.'Y Sludge deposited along fence line. Another view of sludge at the edge of"Small Pond." Photos below from spill investigation on June 151n, 2018 by DWR. Evidence of spill at the Sludge Lagoon. Sludge on the ground between Sludge Lagoon and Small Pond. 'r Another view of the Sludge Lagoon. Sludge and evidence of flow on both sides of fence line. ROY COOPER VOL Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director a�• r NORTH CAROLINA Ehyhromanta1 Quality January 25,2019 CERTIFIED MAIL#7016 2140 0000 43710561 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Timothy Robbins,Public Works Director Town of Benson P.O. Box 69 Benson,NC 27504-0069 SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of the Reporting Requirements NPDES Permit NCO020389 Benson WWTP Case No. PC-2018-0019 Johnston County Dear Mr. Robbins: This letter transmits a notice of a civil penalty assessed against the Town of Benson in the amount of$57,608.90 (includes $608.90 in enforcement costs). This assessment is based upon the following facts: two sludge release incidents were observed on June 15, 2018 and June 21, 2018, and a Compliance Evaluation Inspection on June 21,2018 showed failure to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant by having several treatment units out of service, failure to record freeboard measurements daily, failure to properly collect composite samples, and failure to provide an annual report to customers. ■ A Notice of Violation Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV-2018-PC-0214) for the unauthorized sludge discharge/overflows was sent to Matthew Zapp,Town Manager for the Town of Benson, on July 6,2018. • A Notice of Violation Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV-2018-PC-0244)was sent to Matthew Zapp, Town Manager for the Town of Benson, on July 18, 2018. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against the the Town of Benson pursuant to NCGS. 143-215.3(a)(9) and NCGS 143B-282.1(b)(8). Based upon the above facts,the Division concludes as a matter of law that theTown of Benson violated the terms, conditions or requirements of NPDES Permit NC0020389, in the manner and extent shown above. In accordance with the maximums established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), a �RE North Carolina Departmentof Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-9000 Benson WWTP Case No.: PC-2018-0019 January 2019 Page 2 of 7 civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violates the terms, conditions or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1(a). Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, the Division hereby makes the following civil penalty assessment against the Town of Benson: $ 4,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II Section B.2. Duty to Mitigate by failing to minimize or prevent the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant on June 15, 2018. $ 15.000 for 2 of 2 violations of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant to prevent the release of sludge on June 15, 2018 and by having several treatment units and equipment out of service on June 21, 2018. $ 20,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II Section C.6. Removed Substances by failing to dispose of sludge properly on June 15, 2018. $ 10.000 for 2 of 2 violations of Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02T .0505(d)Design Criteria by failing to operate the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon with at least two feet of freeboard on June 15, 2018 and June 21, 2018. $ 4,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part I. Condition A. (6)by failing to daily record the freeboard in the two EQ basins. $ 1,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II. Section A Definitions - Composite Sample by failing to collect samples flow proportionally over a 24-hour period. $ 2,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II. Section E.6 Twenty- four Hour Reporting by failing to report the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant within 24 hours from the time of becoming aware of the release of sludge. $ 1,000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II. Section E.12 Annual Performance Reports by failing to provide an annual report to the users/customers served by the Permittee. $ 608.90 Enforcement Costs $ 57,608.90 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c),in determining the amount of the penalty the Division has taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 143B- 282.1(b), which are: Benson WWTP Case No.:PC-2018-0019 January 2019 Page 3 of 7 (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice,you must do one of the following: 1. Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality(do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of. Division of Water Resources Wastewater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 OR 2. Submit.a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited_to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 14313-282.1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted Benson WWTP Case No.: PC-2018-0019 January 2019 Page 4 of 7 in writing. The Director of the Division of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed"Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty(30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed"Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Division of Water Resources Wastewater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 OR 3. File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty(30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Bearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The original and one(1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed provided the original and one copy of the document is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within five(5)business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714 Telephone(919) 733-2698 Facsimile: (919) 733-3478 AND Mail or hand-deliver a copy of the petition to: General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1601 Benson WWTP Case No.:PC-2018-0019 January 2019 Page 5 of 7 Please indicate the case number(as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions,please contact John Hennessy at 919-707-3615 or via e-mail O ohn.hennessy@ncdenr.gov). Siff ely, 4- Linda Culpepper Director,Division of Water Resources ATTACHMENTS cc: DWR Raleigh Regional Office NCO020389 Enforcement File w/attachments Central Files w/attachments STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF JOHNSTON IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT ) WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST ) ADMINSTRATIVE HEARING AND TOWN OF BENSON ) STIPULATION OF FACTS PERMIT NO. NCO020389 ) FILE NO. PC-2018-0019 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $57,608.90 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated January 25, 2019, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above-stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty(30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of , 2019. SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF JOHNSTON IN THE MATTER OF ) CASE NO. PC-2018-0019 THE TOWN OF BENSON ) FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF: ) NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0020389 ) AND 15A NCAC 02T .0505(d) ) Acting pursuant to North Carolina General Statute(G.S.) 143-215.6A, I,Jeff Poupart, of the Division of Water Resources (hereby known as DWR),make the following: I. FINDING OF FACT A. The Town of Benson is a person organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina. B. On August 9,2013, the Town of Benson was issued NPDES Permit Number NC0020389, effective September 1, 2013, for the operation and maintenance of a wastewater treatment plant,with a discharge of wastewater located at the Benson Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP) into Hannah Creek, classified C;NSW in the Neuse River Basin, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina. C. On June 15,2018, staff from the Raleigh Regional Office(RRO)of DWR responded to an anonymous complaint of an overflow of sludge from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon at the Benson WWTP. The following observations were noted during the site inspection: * A large amount of sludge and debris was observed on the ground. The freeboard of the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon was approximately I inch. Sludge was observed to have coursed downslope to the fence line, and outside of the fenced WWTP area. • Sludge was observed on the ground and piled/scraped up between the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon and the small equalization(EQ)pond. There was a large amount of debris/trash in the sludge. Thick vegetation was observed growing in the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. D. On June 21, 2018, staff from the RRO of DWR conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection of the Benson WWTP. The following observations were noted during the compliance inspection: • A large amount of sludge and debris was observed on the ground from the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon. • The freeboard of the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon was approximately 6 inches. • Sludge was observed to have coursed downslope to the fence line, and outside of the fenced WWTP area. • Sludge was also observed on the ground and piled/scraped up between the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. There was a large amount of debris/trash in the sludge. Thick vegetation was observed growing in the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon and the small EQ pond. * Town staff were actively working to clean up the sludge spill during the inspection. ■ Debris/trash was observed on the ground in the area of the arc bar. • A motor in the grit chamber was noticeably rusty. • Flow-proportional sampling was not being conducted. ■ Only three(3) of the five(5)rotors were operable in oxidation ditch#1. • Of the five(5) secondary clarifiers, clarifiers#1 and#3 were not operable. * Of the five(5)tertiary filters, filters#2 and#4 were not operable, and a large amount of debris/trash was observed on the filters. Freeboard in the two EQ basins was not being recorded daily. • The ORC logbook did not contain properly and fully completed documentation. • The ORC was unaware of the permit requirement to provide an annual report to the users/customers served by the permittee. E. On July 6, 2018,DWR issued a Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce, NOV-2018-PC-0214, to the Town of Benson for the unauthorized sludge discharges/overflows observed on June 15, 2018 and June 21, 2018. F. The Town of Benson's response dated August 1,2018 to the Notice of Violation- Notice of Intent to Enforce stated that"On the morning of June I I th,treatment plant personnel observed higher than usual water level in the sludge basin. Further visual observation revealed that a 2x4 board and fiberglass grate had become wedged in the decant line [...] but Town staff believe it was either residual debris from Hurricane Matthew that may have been deposited during the flooding event or it was intentional interference(i.e. vandalism) at a later date.Nonetheless,the items were large enough to cause backup of the water level within the sludge basin, which caused an overflow." G. The Town of Benson's response dated August 1, 2018 also included the following: • On June 11t',the treatment plant personnel began work on trying to remove the items without success. It is believed the sludge overflow occurred sometime between June 13d'and June 14t'and lasted less than 24 hours. ■ McGill Environmental began sludge withdrawal on July 9t'and is expected to take 120-150 days to complete. • Shovels/backhoe/mini-excavator deposited sludge from the affected areas in dump trucks and carried to the Johnston County landfill. It is estimated that a total of 100-tons of sludge was recovered, and a total of 168 man-hours was expended between June 19t'and June 29'to recover the sludge and debris. • The most effective way to prevent vegetative growth is to reduce the sludge levels and maintain adequate water depth with the required freeboard. It is the practice of the Town to schedule vegetation removal at the time of annual sludge removal. McGill will be overseeing removal of the vegetation buildup during the current removal of sludge. • The Town acknowledged the sludge lagoon was operated with less than two feet of freeboard in violation of 15A NCAC 02T .0505(d). • The Town acknowledged the failure to notify NCDEQ as required by the NPDES permit. H. On July 18, 2018, DWR issued a Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce, NOV-2018-PC-0244, to the Town of Benson after a Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted on June 21, 2018, for failure to properly operate and maintain the WWTP by having several treatment units out of service, failure to record freeboard measurements daily, failure to properly collect composite samples, and failure to provide an annual report to customers. I. The Town of Benson's response dated August 9,2018 to the Notice of Violation- Notice of Intent to Enforce stated that actions will be taken by the Town to resolve the violations. J. On December 14, 2018, DWR issued a Notice of Violation-Notice of Intent to Enforce,NOV-2018-PC-0468, to the Town of Benson for the unauthorized sludge overflow observed on June 15, 2018 and June 21,2018. K. The Town of Benson's response dated January 9, 2019 to the Notice of Violation- Notice of Intent to Enforce stated that the Town provided"detailed information with respect to the cause, date and time of the sludge overflow; ORC logbook; efforts expended on sludge recovery; vegetative cover presence; sludge hauling records; freeboard violations, and; reporting violations in its official response to your office dated August 1,2018."The response also stated that a site activity report showed that 1,182 tons of sludge had been removed between July 17 and November 30, 2018, and that the removed contents are being properly disposed of in accordance with Part II. Section C.6 of the NPDES Permit. L. The Town of Benson's response dated January 9, 2019 also included the following: • Engineering consultants visited the site and evaluated existing treatment processes, and necessary repair and upgrades include improvements to the sludge lagoon, secondary clarifiers, filters,buildings and backup pumps. • An Asset Management plan for the wastewater collection system was completed in early November 2018 and presented to the Town council ad identified necessary capital improvements over the next 10 years to reduce inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system. • A list of repair items that have been completed or are scheduled to begin. • A site visit has been scheduled by one of NCDEQ's regional wastewater treatment plant consultants. M. NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part I Condition A. (6)requires the freeboard in the lagoons (currently used for equalization/sludge holding)be recorded daily. N. NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II Section A. Definitions- Composite Sample states samples collected over a 24-hour period by continuous sampling or combining grab samples of at least 100 mL in such a manner as to result in a total sample representative of the wastewater discharge during the sample period. O. NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II. Section B.2. Duty to Mitigate states the permittee shall take all reasonable steps t6 minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit with a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment [40 CFR 122.41(d)]. P. NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance states the permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control(and related appurtenances)which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Q. NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II. Section C.6. Removed Substances states solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be utilized/disposed of in accordance with NCGS 143-215.1 and in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the State or navigable waters of the United States except as permitted by the Commission. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable state and Federal regulations governing the disposal of sewage sludge, including 40 CFR 503, Standards for the Use and Disposal of Sewage Sludge; 40 CFR Part 258, Criteria For Municipal Solid Waste Landfills; and 15A NCAC Subchapter 2T,Waste Not Discharged To Surface Waters. The Permittee shall notify the Permit Issuing Authority of any significant change in its sludge use or disposal practices. R. NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II. Section E.6. Twenty-four Hour Reporting states the permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment.Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the Permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and its cause; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance [40 CFR 122.41(1)(6)]. S. NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II. Section E.12 Annual Performance Reports states that permittees who own or operate facilities that primarily collect or treat municipal or domestic wastewater and have an average annual flow greater than 200,000 gallons per day shall provide an annual report to the Permit Issuing Authority and to the users/customers served by the Permittee(NCGS 143-215.1C). The report shall summarize the performance of the collection or treatment system, as well as the extent to which the facility was compliant with applicable Federal or State laws,regulations and rules pertaining to water quality. The report shall be provided no later than sixty days after the end of the calendar or fiscal year, depending upon which annual period is used for evaluation. T. Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02T .0505(d)Design Criteria requires all treatment/storage lagoons/ponds shall have at least two feet of freeboard. U. A DWR file review confirmed that the Town of Benson is not allowed as a condition of any permit, special order or other appropriate instrument issued or entered into by the Commission under the provisions of this Article to violate water quality standards applicable to an assigned classification or to violate any effluent standard, limitations,permit conditions, or rules/regulations established for any point source. V. Hannah Creek is classified as C;NSW waters in the.Neuse River Basin. W. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled §08.90. Based upon the above Finding of Fact, I make the following: II. CONCLUSION OF LAW A. The Town of Benson is a `person' within the meaning of G.S. 143-215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B. Hannah Creek constitutes waters of the State within the meaning of G.S. 143-212(6). C. The Town of Benson was issued NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1(a). D. On June 15, 2018,the Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section B.2. Duty to Mitigate by failing to minimize or prevent the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant. E. On June 15,2018, the Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant to prevent the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant. F. On June 15, 2018,the Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section C.6. Removed Substances by failing to dispose of sludge properly. G. On June 15, 2018, the Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II. Section E.6 Twenty-four Hour Reporting by failing to report the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant within 24 hours from the time of becoming aware of the release of sludge. H. On June 15, 2018 and June 21,2018, the Town of Benson violated Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02T .0505(d)Design Criteria by failing to operate the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon with at least two feet of freeboard. I. On June 21, 2018,the Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part II. Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances)which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit by having several treatment units and equipment out of service. J. The Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part I. Condition A. (6)by failing to daily record the freeboard in the two EQ basins. K. The Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No.NCO020389 Part II. Section A Definitions - Composite Sample by failing to collect samples flow proportionally over a 24-hour period. L. The Town of Benson violated NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part 1I. Section E.12 Annual Performance Reports by failing to provide an annual report to the users/customers served by the Permittee. M. The Town of Benson may be assessed civil penalties in this matter pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)per violation per day may be assessed against a person who is required but fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by G.S. 143- 215.1, or who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions,or requirements of such permit or any other permit or certification issued pursuant to authority conferred by this Part. N. The State's enforcement cost in this matter may be assessed against the Town of Benson pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3 (a)(9)and G.S. 143B-282.I(b)(8). O. Jeff Poupart of the Division of Water Resources,pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources,has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION Accordingly, the Town of Benson is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ `- for violation of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II Section B.2. Duty to Mitigate by failing to minimize or prevent the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant on June 15, 2018. $ r v vvl for of 2 violations of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II Section C.2. Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant to prevent the release of sludge on June 15, 2018 and by having several treatment units and equipment out of service on June 21, 2018. $ 2q a DO for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II Section C.6. Removed Substances by failing to dispose of sludge properly on June 15, 2018. for of 2 violations of Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02T .0505(d)Design Criteria by failing to operate the 3 million gallon concrete lined sludge lagoon with at least two feet of freeboard on June 15, 2018 and June 21, 2018. $ �� 06 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part I. Condition A. (6)by failing to daily record the freeboard in the two EQ basins. $ 000 for violation of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II. Section A Definitions - Composite Sample by failing to collect samples flow proportionally over a 24-hour period. $ 2i 000 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part II. Section E.6 Twenty-four Hour Reporting by failing to report the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant within 24 hours from the time of becoming aware of the release of sludge. $ �j v V%I� for violation of NPDES Permit No.NC0020389 Part II. Section E.12 Annual Performance Reports by failing to provide an annual report to the users/customers served by the Permittee. $ 5,70 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A $ 608.90 Enforcement Cost s S7 6 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of penalty, I considered the factors set out in G.S. 143B-282.I(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State,to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations; (2) The duration and gravity of the violations; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures Date Jeff Poupart Division of Water Resources DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES-CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT Violator: Town of Benson—Benson WWTP County: Johnston Case Number: PC-2018-0019 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State,to the public health,or to private property resulting from the violation; On June 15,2018 and June 21,2018,Raleigh Regional Office(RRO)staff observed sludge and debris on the ground,the freeboard of the sludge lagoon was less than 2 feet,thick vegetation was growing in the sludge lagoon and small EQ pond,and several treatment units and equipment were out of service. 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; The sludge release was initially observed on June 15,2018,and the Town's response dated August 1, 2018 stated they believed the overflow happened between June 131h and June 141'and lasted less than 24 hours.The Town indicated the sludge and debris was removed from the ground by June 29t',and upgrades of the treatment facilities are ongoing. 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; Effects on ground or surface water quantity or quality were not quantified. 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; The cost of rectifying the damage is the amount of money needed to remove the sludge from the ground surface and draw down the volume of sludge in the sludge lagoon,and to replace or repair equipment on treatment units to obtain proper plant operation. 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; The amount of money saved by noncompliance was not quantified. 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; The violation was not intentionally committed by the Town of Benson. 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority;and The Town of Benson WWTP has a total of 9 enforcements since January 2014,and 17 previous enforcements total. 8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. The cost to the State was$608.90. ❑ The assessment factors listed above were considered. However, since this case pertains to the non-submittal of required information,impacts are unknown. 1i If 7y =_ Date -.Jeff Poupart Section Chief—Water Quality Permitting Section R. ISAAC PARKER ATTORNEY AT LAW Office of the Benson Town Attorney 212 East Main Street Benson,North Carolina 27504 Telephone (919) 894-4431 Email Address: Facsimile (919) 894-1139 ike.parker.law@gmail.com Friday, March 01, 2019 COVER LETTER AND CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned Town Attorney for the Town of Benson,North Carolina certifies the attached JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS, and attachments appended thereto, have been delivered as follows: VIA IN HAND PERSONAL DELIVERY TO: Ms. Linda Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources Wastewater Branch ARCHDALE BUILDING 512 N. SALISBURY ST., RALEIGH, NC 27604 VIA OVERNIGHT LISPS COURIER TO: Ms. Linda Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources Wastewater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 VIA EMAIL TO: john..hen.nessv;ir nedenr.gov THIS THE P-'DAY OF ✓`�� , 2019 Sincerely yours, R. Isaac Parker 3 4 .WSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST ` E: DWQ Case Number: PC-2018-0019 County: Johnston F e Assessed Entity: Town of Benson—Benson WWTP Permit No.: NC0020389 Amount.Assessed: $57,608.90 E k t Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the `Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Ilegring, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a t request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the s reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements i contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c),remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents,as to why the factor applies(attach additional pages as needed), A Ek (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing enviromuental damage resuhting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that yoga took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); i (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident(i.e„ explain relay the violation was E unavoidable or sonzething you could not prevent or prepare for); - i ❑ (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (c) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain horn payment of the civil penaty; will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). 1 EXPLANATION: SEE ATTACHED REMISSION REQUEST LETTER h s STATE OF NOIMI CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF FNVIRONMENTAL QUALITY C OUNtY OF JOHNSTON I' S IN THE MX1`TER OF ASSESSMENT } WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST } ADMINSTRATIVE HEARIN\T+G AND i TOWN OF BENSON } STIPULATION OF FACTS } PERMIT NO. NCO020389 } FILE NO. PC-2018-0019 3 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $57,608;90 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated January 25, 2019, the undersigned, i desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty,does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above-stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as*alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in.support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the director of the Division of Water Resources within.thirty(30)days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after(30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. . �A' This the �� day of ,2019. SIGNATURE ADDRESS ! I� I! sr. L R Ntt' if TELEPHONE I, i g�Lq - �53 r r 3 r� 5 l MAYOR JERRY M. MEDLIN TOWN MANAGER MATT ZAPP MAYOR PRO-TEM CASANDRA P. STACK . " * TOWN CLERK r � `w TERRY HOBGOOD COMMISSIONER MAXINE HOLLEY TOWN OF BENSON FINANCE DIRECTOR JAMES D.JOHNSON JR. KIMBERLY T. PICKETT DEAN MCLAMB P.O. BOX 69 WILLIAM NEIGHBORS 343 EAST CHURCH STREET TOWN ATTORNEY DR. R. MAX RAYNOR BENSON, NC 27504 R. ISAAC PARKER (919)894-3553 FAX(919)894-1283 www.townofbenson.com February 28, 2019 Ms. Linda Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources Wastewater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina27699-1617 Re: Request for Remission of Civil Penalty for Violations Case No. PC-2018-0019 Town of Benson, North Carolina Dear Ms. Culpepper: Please accept this written response to the above-referenced civil penalty in the amount of $57,608.90 assessed to the Town of Benson Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) located at 770 Hannah Creek Road, Four Oaks, NC. This civil penalty was assessed for violations associated with the sludge overflow from the aerobic sludge lagoon that occurred on June 15 and June 21, 2018. The Town acknowledges notice of receipt of both Notices of Violation [NOV- 2018-PC-0214 and NOV 2018-PC-0244] and has responded accordingly in correspondence to NCDEQ dated August 1, 2018 and January 9, 2019, respectively. The Town hereby incorporates those letters into this Request by reference. As conveyed in our previous correspondence, the Town thoroughly explained the reasons for the accidental overflow from the aerated lagoon. The Town respectfully requests full remission of the civil penalty assessed for the first three assessment factors totaling $39,000.00 as justified below: 1. $4,000.00 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NCO020389 Part 11 Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate by failing to minimize or prevent the release of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant on June 15, 2018. In accordance with remission factor (b), the Town of Benson took immediate action to contain and cleanup the sludge. Equipment and personnel were moved onto the site to assess the situation, contain the spill, consolidate the sludge and cleanup the surrounding area. At the time of the spill, the lagoon was at its maximum operating level during its 12 month cleanout cycle. The Town's sludge disposal contractor, McGill Environmental, was already scheduled to mobilize and begin removing sludge from the lagoon in early-July 2018 when the spill occurred in mid-June 2018. To prevent a future occurrence, the Town authorized McGill Environmental to remove an additional 1,182 tons of biosolids from the lagoon above and beyond its normal annual removal of 400 tons. In accordance with remission factor (c), the sludge discharge was an accident. The Town acknowledged that debris had become lodged in the effluent pipe and taken preventive action to remove the blockage several days prior to the spill. Because of a substantial rain event resulting in considerable inflow and infiltration into the WWTP and inability for the lagoon effluent pipe to adequately drain water into the adjacent basin an accidental release of sludge onto the adjacent berm occurred. In accordance with remission factor (e), the Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents. Since the violations occurred, the Town has invested $155,000.00 in sludge removal and $231,014.00 in new wastewater treatment plant equipment and installation as noted in our January 9, 2019 correspondence. Another $512,736.00 in treatment unit and building improvements have been identified and will be scheduled when funds become available. Assessment of $4,000.00 will impede the Town's ability to recuperate necessary funds to undertake this remaining scope of work. 2. $15,000.00 for 2 of 2 violations of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part 11 Section C.2 Proper Operation and Maintenance by failing to properly operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant to prevent the release of sludge on June 15, 2018 and by having several treatment units and equipment out of service on June 21, 2018. In accordance with remission factor (e), the Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents Assessment of a $15,000.00 civil penalty will impede the Town's ability to complete the $512,736.00 in identified improvements to the sludge lagoon, clarifiers #1 and #3, tertiary filter#4, and dechlorination and storage buildings. It also offsets significant capital outlay expended for the treatment plant equipment observed to be out-of-service. The observed treatment units that were out-of-service (2 oxidation ditch rotors, 2 clarifiers, 2 tertiary filters) during the June 21, 2018 site visit were not the cause of the sludge overflow. The Town has since obtained bids and started necessary repairs to the two rotors, complete mechanical rehabilitation of the four clarifiers, and valve replacement for one filter (filter #3). Repairs to the bottom plates and media replacement in the other filter(filter#4) cannot occur until further inspections and custom plate fabrication is completed. 3. $20,000.00 for violation of NPDES Permit No. NC0020389 Part 11 Section C.6 Removed Substances by failing to dispose of sludge properly on June 15, 2018. In accordance with remission factor (a), this civil penalty assessment is wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner. At no time did the Town of Benson fail to properly dispose of its sludge. The Town experienced an accidental overflow from its permitted sludge stabilization and storage basin. The Town legally contracts with McGill Environmental for sludge dewatering and offsite disposal for which McGill Environmental holds its own permit. Prior to the spill occurring, McGill Environmental was scheduled to perform permitted biosolids removal at the facility. When the spill occurred, the Town used its available resources to contain and clean up the spill and retain biosolids onsite for proper disposal. Additionally, in accordance with remission factor (e), the Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents Assessment of a $20,000.00 civil penalty will impede the Town's ability to complete its planned rehabilitation measures. The Town respectfully requests partial remission for the last five assessment factors totaling $18,000.00 plus the enforcement costs of $608.90 for a total of $18,608.90. These five assessment factors are acknowledged and are operational errors at which time permit non- compliance occurred. 4. $10,000.00 for maintaining insufficient lagoon freeboard; 5. $4,000.00 for failure to record freeboard levels; 6. $1,000.00 for failure to perform composite sampling; 7. $2,000.00 for failure to report a spill, 8. $1,000.00 for failure to provide an annual report, In accordance with remission factor (e), the Town requests NCDEQ partially remit the associated civil penalty to continue performing remedial activities. The Town has made good faith efforts to mitigate future permit non-compliance by spending considerable capital reserve funds to: 1. Remove 1,582 tons of biosolids from the aerobic sludge basin; 2. Perform improvements at the grit chamber, screw pumps, oxidation ditches, secondary clarifiers, tertiary filters and chlorination facility totaling $303,000.00 and; and 3. Improve management and oversight of the wastewater treatment plant operations and maintenance activities. Such measures include: replacement of Sewer Treatment Plant Superintendent/Operator in Charge (OIC) and retaining outside Grade IV Biological Operator consultant with 30+ years' experience with as a Chief Operator to assist with compliance and plant operations. Thank you for your consideration of our request for full and partial civil penalty remission. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, P Tim Robbins Town of Benson Director of Public Works cc: John Hennessy, Division of Water Resources Matthew Zapp, Town Manager Attachments: current construction work invoices/bids and purchase orders s_ �pages total) I PURCHASE ORDER# t the CEO rex or, TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER.REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE j j7 i i i TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: :' .._ J-":-` TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: :.-.........:::...:...::r,-.._.. Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. t S FINANCE DIRECTOR: j j i 3 t. PURCHASE ORDER# TawY OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE J 2 i f d TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: ' ' ' _•..`'` Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Coritrol;Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: i : 3 i CVE�R0SuFPiy.con, - A Division of Commercial Invoice +lt:i>t��rt c��>!! I)t°ives & Belting + Y 2 �3 3-2 , 4tt ,ii Mix 323-269-2t)33 -°��22/19..__.� S1486721 .003 REMIT T0: Mnrhonicnl orives & Beleing r0 u0X 3W62 LOS ANUL.rS GA 90039 1 iilli fill {; !'lr+IlAt it4 WW`l.'!' ri)i)ri Ilr. i t()x r,+i Town) WWTP / Paul Allen 7'70 Mcintiah Creels Road Ni.' ?'1ia{) t Pcjt:tr Oaks, NC 27524 131515 :ASS } 2019259 80384-1550608297 LAHOUSEG. n �(f Pau l Allen I I ert Se e item Com ments nt >!): - , Net Due 30 Da �:3C•_ 02 `r '"r+' 9 GIs+ r. / 0 2:a�J 2-t;; x 0 .',;. TA4207TB X 2-7/16 TAPER i3I1SFl �f-�T 7. m !::•� ;66 . :t �t�/re;�c1 ... . 7r;t,...,�5: S•k;;ip:I�IPC�SuPP�-Y �''�'�'F' Gr_c�'�tnd SIB�A�zi.r')t� 3 6 .2B6 .6-SD I. 3 t' 3 . t50/t:�;J� 61 Ylip:M1�OSuppl y Free t_i:r C�U11C'l Sl-Lipp-l.rz � ! [)OD 8' 455617 3A4 .GL35 . 0_Sb !. 3 F.l . �)t�o o;t 4H �)fi Slai.p:MROSupply rr c-e Grounel SJ-Iipp i llcj DODGT?, :12 0 3 7 9 SD X 1 7/3.6-KW 1 t ! ti . 980/0,.r I ti , t.iil SJ ip:M..R0Supp1 y }''.C'C 4' G:rourzd shi-pp,i DODGE 120382 SD X 1 5/8-KW l [ l f, . t7F3t)/r�„t E ri I.p Mt�t:z ;r.lpp:ly Free C.3r;'t�l.lrlit r�ET E.raFi:E tits pwroveil fly Subtotal 412.72 Invoice is due by 03/24/19. S1&H CHGS 0.00 ii,R claims for shortage or errors :mist he made at once. Returns require written anthor_zation Saps Tax �0.00 and are subject to bandli.ng charges. Special orders are non-retcrnable. Pest due invoices may be subject to 1.50% Late charge, LA�10urit Due 412.72 MR08tr Commercial Invoice ply.c©m - A Division of Mechanical Drives & Belting ■ 2915E WASHINGTON BL ............ SUPPLY LOS ANGELES CA 90023 02/22/19 S1486721. 00"i 323-263-4131 Fax 323-269-2033 -"REMIT-T0 Mechanical Drives & Belting PO BOX 39262 LOS ANGELES CA 90039 BILL TO: Town of Benson WWTP SHIP TO: P.O. BOX 69 Town of Benson WWTP Paul Allen BENSON, NC 27504 770 Hannah Creek Road Four Oaks, NC 27524 R-AW 131515 12019259 80384-1550608297 LAHOUSE --.............. Pau All en See item comments Net Due 30 Das 02/22/19 02/20/19 1 2628 .200 ea 2628.20 - 4207H15 TA TAPER BUSH REDUCER Ship:MROSupply Free Ground Shipping Appro,ved B Subtotal. '262-6-.-20 Invoice is due by 03/24/19. S&E- CHGS 0.00 All c2aims for shortage Or errors must be made at ouce. returns require Written authorization Sales Tax 0.00 and are Subject to b'ud"ng charges. Special orders are non-ret=nahla. Past due invoices may be subject to 1.507. late charge. Amount Due 2628.20 PURCHASE ORDER# ?''�:�'ir, CeurF�or•A�inrs�N _ - TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE - . r ..., t j TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN.MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$lo,©o0 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal+Control Act, FINANCE DIRECTOR: 1 INVOICE Get the Best Reahnent'" INVOICE NO. PAGE NO. Remit To: 808338 1 of 1 — P.O.Box 9004 CUSTOMER NO. DATE Gurnee,IL 60031-9004 TEL: (847)689.3000 84241 02/08I19 FAX: (847)689-3ooi TOLL FREE. 1-800-493-9876 F.F I.N.: 52-2418852 View online at:htta:/lusabluebook.billfru t com Web Enrollment Token: WVZ GQB KXX BILL TO: 84241 SHIP TO; 1 14371 M8 0,428 E0355X 10436 D4507768470 S2 P6141076 M01:0001 fill 11rrl1111111illj1rll1 fit r11�i11�11111r1rl�rlllr(�1tr�rlil�lll BENSON TOWN OF BENSON WWTP PO BOX 69 770 HANNAH CREEK RD BENSON NC 27504-0069 FOUR OAKS NC 27524-9006 USA Ordered by: 0014 DANIELLE PALMER Attention:0014 DANIELLE PALMER CUSTOMER P.O.NO. SHIP DATE.': SL!?,', ;..; ..`.TERMS ...TAXCODE swL QROERNo: W/H 7 FREIGHT, SHIP VIA 2019234 02/08/19 www NET 30 NC 509896 44 PREPAID UPS USA STOCK NO. 'DESCRIPTION ;: ti.'.;'` "; ORDERED.':_;SHIPPED.; BACKoeoER,:;..UtM::; P.R1GEi: .;.;; :PEW EXTENSCON:?.:: 209371 12 GPD 150 PSI(LE13SA PTC1) 1 1 0 EA 599.95 EA 599.95 PULSAtron Series E Pump 115V *`ESTIMATED TAX AMOUNT$42.54 Appray W B THANK YOU for your businesst 1.5%MONTHLY FINANCE CHARGE ' ♦ a a ON AMOUNTS 30 DAYS PAST DUE 599.95 0.00 0,00 42 71 32.85 675.51 Discounts Apply to Merchandise Only Should it become necessary to refer your unpaid balance to a collection agency,a collection fee,not to exceed 25%of the balance referred;plus reasonable attomey's fees;and court costs when necessary,will be added to the balance due. Please Detach and Return Portion to Insure Proper Credit to Your Account - 093&Bludook Get the Best ftabwnt- ****IMPORTANT**** INVOICECUSTOMER NO. TOTALDATE Please include this customer# on the face of your remittance check. 808338 , 84241 02/08/19 675.51 REMITTANCE ADDRESS PO BOX TOWN OF Ir��+�ljrrrllrrrrr��rrul��rlt�li�ryr���ier�rr l�rrrr�rr(�rllr�PO BOX 69 USABlueBook BENSON NC 27504-0069 P.O.BOX 9004 Gumee,IL 60031-9004 ool:aool pp P_f,. PURCHASE ORDER.# TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: ,;, : DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE i } TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: q`', F DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER.APPROVAL: Manager limit is$1o,000 i This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: ' { 3 i _ ' PURCHASE ORDER# 1 - j t k l._FN'rER UfwFFF\rIOV TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDORIDESCRIPTION COST CODE it j { j 1 i i 7 TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: z DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: 1. } TENCARVA MACHINERY COMPANY 1115 PLEASANT RIDGE ROAD GREENSBORO,NC 27409 Phone: 800-849-5764 Fax: 336-665-0303 Order Number QRDER CONHRV. ATZON Date Page 899153-000 1/11/19 1 Acct#: 6991E Bill To: BENSON,TOWN OF Ship To: BENSON,TOWN OF WWTP PO BOX 69 770 HANNAH CREED RD ATTN:BRTAN LEAVITT BENSON,NC 27504 FOUR OAKS,NC 27524 USA USA Ordered..: 1/11/19 Cast.P.O.#.: 2019205 Ship Via.....: BESTWAY Ship by...: 1/18/19 Order Taker: JOHN MONROE TMC15 Ship terms..: FOB SHIPPING POINT Phone#......: 919-894-2373 Terms........: N30 Qty. Qty. Item/ Unit Extend. Line Ordered Shipped Loc. Description tram Price Price --------------------------- TO RECEIVE EMAILED INVOICES CONTACT CREDIToTENCARVA,CON --------------------------- 30 6.00 DS T3A3S-B /F EA 4,101.00 24,606.00 PUMP 31N SUPER-T W/SPOOLS Material Total: 24,606.00 Tax: 1,660.91 Balance Due: 26,266.91 � � I9 Danielle Palmer From: Brian Leavitt Sent: Monday January 14,20191:51 PM To: Tim Robbins;Danielle Palmer Subject: Fwd:Order confirmation Attachments: TMC.PDF;JMONROE_TMCOCONJB M111162051.pdf Get outlook for iOS From:John Monroe<jmonroe@tencarva.com> Sent:Friday,January 11,2019 4:25 PM To:Brian Leavitt Cc:Frank Lucius;Kham Thongkheuang Subject:Order confirmation Brian, Please see attached order confirmation. Thanks John Monroe Application Engineer Tencarva Municipal: A Division of Tencarva Machinery Company 1115 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro,NC 27409 Office: (800)849-5764 x1071 Fax: (336)665-0303 Cell: (336)339-2565 imonroe tencarya.com From:Brian Leavitt<bleavitt@townofbenson.com> Sent:Friday,January 11,2019 3:03 PM To:John Monroe<jmonroe@tencarva.com> Cc:Frank Lucius<flucius@tencarva.com>;Kham Thongkheuang<khongkheuang@tencarva.com> Subject: RE: Request for Quotes Hello John, I see that we are outside of the 30 day window on quote 899153 you provided to us back on Nov 27, I've just gotten approval to place a P.O. for a qty of 6 of the T3A3-B pumps. Please advise if the$4101 price is still available. If so, please process using P.O.#2019205 for$24,606+tax/freight. Thank you, i Brian Leavitt ....................I..l.,..--.---..,-.,-, .-.,.,........................... ...........I.....,................I.................. ......... From:John Monroe<imonroe@tencarva.com> Sent:Tuesday,November 27,2018 4:20 PM To:Brian Leavitt<bleavitt@townofbenson-com> Cc:Frank Lucius<flucius@tencarva.com>;Kham Thongkheuang<kthcingkheuanR@tencarva,com> Subject: RE:Request for Quotes Brian, Please see attached quote for T3 pump. Thanks John Monroe Application Engineer Tencarva Municipal: A Division of Tencarva Machinery Company 1115 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro,NC 27409 Office: (800)849-5764 x1071 Fax: (336)665-0303 Cell: (336)339-2565 imonroe@tencarva.com From., Brian Leavitt<bleavitt0townofbenson.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 27,2018 2:47 PM To:John Monroe<imonroe@Dtencarva.corn> Cc:Frank Lucius<flucius@tencarva.com> Subject:Re: Request for Quotes Separate please Get Outlook for iOS From:John Monroe<imonroe@tencarva.com> Sent.Tuesday, November 27,2018 2:45 PM To:Brian Leavitt Cc:Frank Lucius Subject:RE:Request for Quotes Do you want a separate quote or on the same quote number? John Monroe Application Engineer Tencarva Municipal: A Division of Tencarva Machinery Company 1115 Pleasant Ridge Road 2 Greensboro,NC 27409 Office: (800)849-5764 x1071 Fax: (336)665-0303 Cell: (336)339-2565 imonroe@tencarva.com From:Brian Leavitt<bleavitt!2townofbenson.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 27,2018 2:33 PM To:John Monroe<jmonroe@tenearva.com> Cc:Kham Thongkheuang<kthon.Rkheuang@tencarva.com>; Frank Lucius<flucius@tencarva.com> Subject:Re:Request for Quotes Thank you for your quick response. Can you please provide a quote on a complete pump to include the rotating assembly installed in the pump casing. Thank you, Brian Leavitt Get Outlook for 10S From:John Monroe<imonroe@tencarva.com> Sent:Tuesday,November 27,201810:14 AM To:Brian Leavitt Cc:Kham Thongkheuang;Frank Lucius Subject:FW:Request for Quotes Brian, Please see attached quote for the Gorman Rupp T3 pump rotating assembly.As for the Crown pump you will need to contact the local Crown pump distributor. Thanks Thanks John Monroe Application Engineer Tencarva Municipal: A Division of Tencarva Machinery Company 1115 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro,NC 27409 Office: (800)849-5764 x1071 Fax: (336)665-0303 Cell: (336)339-2565 imonroeCu7tenca rva.com From: Kham Thongkheuang Sent:Tuesday, November 27,2018 9:31 AM 3 To:lohn Monroe<jmonroePtencarva.com> Subject:FW:Request for Quotes John, Can you handle this for me? Thanks Kharn Thongkheuang Sr.Sales Support Specialist Tencarva Municipal: A Division of Tencarva Machinery Company 1115 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro,NC 27409 Office: (336)554-8533 x1069 Fax: (336)665-0303 kthonp,kheuang@tencarva.com From:Brian Leavitt<bleavittPtownofbenson.com> Sent:Monday, November 26,2018 3.54 PM To:Kham Thongkheuang<kthonekheuani;(ctencarva,com> Subject:Request for Quotes Hello Kham, Can you please provide me with a quote for a full assembly replacement pump for Gorman Rupp T3A3-B pump,SN: 503165,and also for Crown(Crane)full assembly replacement pump model#4C04D-0008D-001,SN:64507M-5. Thank you, Brian Leavitt Plant Operator Town of Benson,WWTP 919-894-2373 4 MACHINERY COMPANY SERVING-fNDLS7RY 5WCE I8T8 Terms and Conditions Tencarva Machinery Company ("Tencarva") agrees to contract with Buyer for the sale of the equipment described herein (the "Products") and services to be performed by Tencarva in connection with the Products (the "Services")only if Buyer's acceptance of Tencarva's offer to sell contains all of the terms set forth herein. Tencarva hereby objects to any additional terms. Any confirmatory action by the Buyer or acceptance of the Products or Services shall constitute assent to these terms and any additional terms set forth therein shall not be effective or binding. 1. The Services are warranted to be performed in a workmanlike manner. The determination of compliance with this warranty will be based on testing under controlled conditions with calibrated instruments in accordance with the standards of the Hydraulic Institute or other nationally recognized accreditation standards. If any nonconformity with this warranty appears within 45 days after the Services are performed,the exclusive obligation of Tencarva shall be to re perform the nonconforming Services in a conforming manner. Such a correction of nonconformities shall be Buyer's exclusive remedy with respect to the Services delivered or performed by Tencarva. Tencarva's liability on any claim shall in no case exceed the purchase price allocable to the Services which gives rise to the claim 2. To the extent assignable, Tencarva shall assign to Buyer, without recourse to Tencarva, all warranties of the manufacturer of the Products made with respect to the Products. Tencarva makes NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY TYPE, WHETHER OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to the Products or Services,and no warranties or guaranties,express or implied,are made by Tencarva except as specifically provided herein. 3. IN NO EVENT SHALL TENCARVA BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR . SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, WITH RESPECT TO TTIE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR OTHERWISE. Tencarva shall have no liability with respect to any installation adjustments,repairs or other work done upon or in connection with the Products by Buyer or others. Any cause of action against Tencarva arising out of or relating to the Products or the Services shall expire unless brought within one year of time of accrual thereof, 4. Once placed, orders for the Products or Services by Buyer may be canceled only with Tencarva's approval upon payment by Buyer for work performed and/or expenses incurred by Tencarva to the date of cancellation. Buyer shall pay Tencarva for interest on any amount not paid when due at a rate of one and one half percent(1 1/2%)per month, or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, together with all costs of collection. All prices for Products and Services are exclusive of all taxes. Wherever applicable,any tax or taxes will be added to the invoice as a separate charge to be paid by Buyer. 5. To the extent that Products or any portion thereof are supplied according to Buyer's design or instructions,are modified by Buyer,are combined by Buyer with equipment or things not famished hereunder,or are used by Buyer to perform a process or produce a product, and by reason of said design, instructions,modification, combination, performance or production, a suit or proceeding is brought against Tencarva, Buyer shall defend, indemnify,release and hold harmless Tencarva,its directors,officers, employees,agents,representatives, successors and assigns against any and all liability, suits, actions, or proceedings, at law or in equity, and from any and all claims, demands, losses,judgments, penalties, damages, costs and expenses arising therefrom and in connection therewith,including,without limitation,patent infringement claims. b. Buyer shall supply to Tencarva, in a timely fashion, all required technical information, including drawing approval and all required documentation. Tencarva shall not be liable for loss, damage, delay, and/or late delivery due to causes beyond its reasonable control,including,without limitation,late delivery by the manufacturer of the Products,fire,strike or concerted action of workmen,act or omission of any governmental authority, or delays in transportation. In the event of delay due to any such cause,the date of delivery will be postponed by such length of time as may be reasonably necessary to compensate for the delay. x�f�'�4 H ��tF ��� PURCHASE ORDER# ShECF,Yf ER OF ASIE\TION TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: :". =_;1 DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDORIDESCRIPTION COST CODE J.% i is\!�'�Y—. — is C 1...�• —�"' ,.�,}' "< ! gz�Kgo,c000 TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: 3 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: - > 5 Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act: FINANCE DIRECTOR: ''r t E i TOWN OF BENSON Purchase Order POST FFFICE BOX 69 v r 20191i4 303 E CHURCH ST BENSON,NC 27504 919-894-3553 PO Type: Regular PO Date: 12/13/2018 Shia To: Req.#: PUBLIC WORKS V` Req.Date: 12/13/2018 501 N MARKET ST BENSON NC 27504 Ordering Unit: Vendor#.4417 XYLEM DEWATERING SOLUTION 3733 CONQUEST DRIVE GARNER NC 27529 Onty. Unit Mfg# Description Unit Price Total 1.0000 EACH GODWIN 6'PORTABLE EMERGENCY P 44,014.00 44,014.00 Fund/Acct 88 8280.0000 WWTP PUMP STATION EX 44,014.00 THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN PREAUDITED IN THE MANNER Total: 44,014.00 REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. Signature Date OFFICE COPY invoice Sold by, Branch 012 ylemRemit to: 300 Sigma Drive 28611 Network Place Garner, NC 27529 Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Let's Solve Water Tel:919-661-6061 Phone:856-467-3636 godWin e Fax:919-661-6062 F��,�. o s H t. .o L Town of Benson I Town of Benson " D PO Box 69 P 770 Hannah Creek Road 00109220 01-04 2019 400879285 T Benson, NC 27504-0069 T Benson, NC 27504 Page 1 of 3 O O {i • � ;r x i *{' MO igig? " 20,19a 1.8"4dao e r1 r^..c'_.:.LYr_si,.<.tr"5rd,t�..J r.e.......;:�;I Frau.a.?rivLr fi...,:4FGcl5:rI.'3kf.fit y'�iI�.r?,[u�zG.re r,t;:�L-;-�+�.�1;i'rT:.•w..:r.4;i:�.,._r-...W�;{.:.,-..'_12a:W,,x,hd;q�n-yP-';�i-4I1�jn.r,1_ivLb��i"Y..,.•�n..t'rs�'k'N.:. F a ...-.4�.�e`,� r.. fiPr,. #..�:n.-!:�c�.:"f-.{�..: urf .w_i .3 a..t," .... ,"h...n:a:>a: -a � - t_�: ...#k�nB'r�"s�"„I"?.A s�`�I,`.i i. 3�Mc5 Mr Tim Robbins 12 13-2018 01 03-2019 212012545 Freddie Hudson Jr. Freddie Huds 01�a, 1 GG,,k on,Jr. Net 30 •� lry `5a r�' ct^17 {4.�(� � 1 i�a' aN J. fl�#>�����G�. k�'� �H i �^ _ esNN �Nr'. �i 1l it�L�G'fi,xk��4f�b � �'�+,}i, ''`r"`'� �a rr� a^ r I } w'. ! Iv'p �r�LCL � 7f0.�e�'dr'7+`k 7l rl hY i.� {y .._.f �7 4 ti El��• • MP PMCD060DCN188 Dri-Prime CD150M Diesel Pump 1 1 0 • 6" 150#Mange Suction and Discharge • JCB TCAE-55-FT4 Diesel Engine • Includes Godwin PrlmeGuard Controller • Road Going Trailer,ElecBrakes-3"Pintle • Lights-DOT Standard • Pump Options • 6"FQD x 150#FL Mounting Kit 1 1 0 • Suction. • 6"MQD x 150#FL Mounting Kit 1 1 0 Discharge • Engine/Motor Options ,{ 1 • Block Heater- 110 Volt 1 1 0 Pumpend SIN: 18647841-3 z ( ( Engine SIN: U1314918 Base SIN: 16MBB1016JD077640 � E-Code: 157277 VLCK060FIC00 6"Check Valve with 150#Flange 1 1 0 ALL PAST DUI;INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TO 1 112%PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE Important Information. Due to fraud attempts any Communication for changes of bank account details have to be confirmed by a call-back with your respective Xylem contact person. ............ Invoice Sold by: Branch 012 Remit to; xylem300 Sigma Drive 28611 Network Place Gamer, NC 27529 Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Let's Solve Water Tel: 919-661-6061 Phone: 856-467-3636 Fax: 919-661-6062 90dwin 8 x;-.,,- S O y a . '���40087�92H L Town of Benson I Town of Benson QQ1Q922QQ D PO Box 69 P 770 Hannah Creek Road T Benson, NC 27504-0069 T Benson, NC 27504 Page 2 of 3 O O J 3 0. Z Z` 3r 1.{ rl' '4R .�I� S a.Y'- Mud�.���4�� ��F. ��iuT,;�i.to M r, '!!A �C•�,- ' +f �fa F' ,gnu r>ty �z.i. -' �' �i .,:. n „k. .f n.� �,,,.....v,r. .�4';;�7r....of�:.Y_x�.�:,, �i43�aifv�vlysa����iurs i 1�:,�;•.E'2". _ ,�: m7, .r y 2019184 Mr Tim Robbins 12-13-2018 01-03-2019 212012545 Freddie Hudson,Jr. Freddie Hudson,Jr. Net 30 lu 1 F a . .n. '. r �3w;.'a �� � .a Y'qs n rE..: , � alq :,�v,� BN060SBODG000 6"Godwin QD Step Bow 1 1 0 CAPGMA005 PrimeGuard Float Set 1 1 0 • w/65'Mechanical Floats BN06090QDG000 6"90 Degree Godwin QD Bend 2 2 0 AD060060QMFlGO 6"Male Godwin QD x 6"150#Flange Adapter 1 1 0 AD060060OFF1GO 6"Female Godwin QD x 6"150#Flange Adapter 1 1 0 • Mounted to check valve SCLP060QD000 6"One Piece Suction Screen with Male Godwin QD Fittings 1 1 0 ACCE0004 Battery Charger-12 Volt Trickle 1 1 0 HSRF060050ODS 6"x 50' Ironside Red Discharge Hose with Godwin QD Fittings 5 5 0 1 HSWS060020QDS 6"x 20'Black Water Suction Hose with Godwin QD Fittings 1 1 0 HSHX0600100DP 6"x 10'Light Weight Helix Hose with Godwin QD Fittings 3 3 0 ALL PAST DUE INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TO 1 1/2%PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE Important Information: Due to fraud attempts any communication for changes of bank account details have to be confirmed by a call-back with your respective Xylem contact person. Invoice Sold by. Branch 012 Remit to: Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. Kyl MI 300 Sigma Drive 28611 Network Place Garner, NC 27529 Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Let's Solve Water Tel:919-661-6061 Phone: 856-467-3636 Fax:919-661-6062 godwin e ye s s 6 4 Town of Benson H Town of Benson 00109220 01-04-2019 400879285 D PO Box 69 P 770 Hannah Creek Road T Benson, NC 27504-0069 T Benson, NC 27504 Page 3 of 3 O O 'yp4w t .2', vsi+� l�+ �:� rk '^�,.".ar o",4`,�., €c.- 'e ftF: •r i Y. •w— Yri'' ,�'�',t`me s u'' .k. . HI'b. a 1 a 'i~ direr > fia .. c r 9r' 'r $_ .:.i. > Gti�r.8 -:x.3..35 .. 3�.r.' -F.�:;..1 .'k-t n+q aP• sm T s 6"Er ar, a�. t r1 [r-a'�..rk ho-"r J. .,,i.M1_ •r� ,Yew _f F„",t ,�. PvSaa:, .xc .•r .r.. i,r: .t,. a4 .nnr� ,.2w� _«I4..0' �,., •+ yy't,� WaSF.. _ ..w y1 : e• "reM - #. - c ri ., 6r . "` eylfi, �..' �t� „{ ,..;{3 dfiL; 7—rt.,r.+ {,+ .,L 4 .11�. ," .'F� •fis'i"i-Yri.'ZFYC ',2.: fl `nw. x4t .3.. R P.,. 5e' i �' "x: CS� ,F, Fa. y'..,°�:.'` �., .. «t•.. .r?t ., ,a,rr .orn . �_ ,� �i c .,��. INr;,^�'aU.T.,_,8,. 2019184 Mr Tim Robbins 12-13-2018 01-03-2019 212012545 Freddie Hudson,Jr. Freddie Hudson,Jr. Net 30 +r t y r' T r{ khiLj� •is � r A q Imp, � .I•"�. S I , HSWS060010QDS 6"x 10' Black Water Suction Hose with Godwin QD Fittings 1 1 0 DZONEOIROLLBACK Delivery Zone 1 -Rollback 1 1 0 ALL PAST DUE INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TOfit, 5 � � ���� 1 1/2°la PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE $44,014.00 $0.00 $850.00 $0,00 $3,028.32 Important information:Due to gaud attempts any communication for changes of bank account Total Invoice $ 47,892.32 j details have to be confirmed by a call-back with your respective Xylem contact person. pi., PURCHASE ORDER# *C If NzeF OF tSrr[\TrroN r - I TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: r REQUESTER: I QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE st I i I I _ a J,. TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: j.� Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control°Act, FINANCE DIRECTOR: 3 i Electrical Contracting Services of North Carolina, _ ;. P.O. Box 1198 ........,..! .�,...tg' Fremont, North Carolina 27830 US (252)296-8587 jim.stott@electdcal-contracting-services- nc.corn BILL TO TOWN OF BENSON 303 E CHURCH ST. BENSON,NO 27504 '.DATE 01/23/2019 TERMSNet30 DUE i 0 • ATE AMOUNT Electrical Construction 1 1,430.00 1,430.00 RELOCATE MCC BUCKET AT TOWN OF BENSON WWTP Electrical Construction 1 873.14 873.14 REPLACE WASTE PUMP MOTOR STARTER AT TOWN OF BENSON WWTP ELECTRICAL REPAIRS PER PO*2019182 'TOTALDUE '� � S- i ( XV 3% PURCHASE ORDER# - .r a�fF CEY�T[t CJF ATTF;N'(`iCZN � � a Y TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE i REQUESTER: t QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE I i i i i i TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: r r Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal-Control Act. ' I FINANCE DIRECTOR: tt Ji 1 1 Invoice Yv Sold by: Branch 012 Remit to: Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc.Iem300 Sigma Drive 28611 Network Place Garner, NC 27529 Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Let's Solve Water Tel:919-661-6061 Fax: 919-661-6062 Phone: 856-467-3636 godWirle JM S s O H L Town of Benson J Town of Benson D PO Box 69 P 770 Hannah Creek Road !0!010!922�0 ���4007�3140 � T Benson, NC 27504-0069 T Benson,NC 27604 Page 1 of 1 O O g 06-2018 212012505 Freddie Hudson,Jr. Freddie Hudson,Jr, =Net30WWTP La oon Mr Tim Robbins11� ' " Rental 12/06/2018 Thru 12/10/2018*Return'* 1 D-61361 CD150M 6"4045D RGT 60G 1 W I HSWS060020QDSR 6"x 20'Black Water Suction Hose W/QD 1 W 4 HSWS060010QDSR 6"x 10'Black Water Suction Hose W/QD 1 W 1 BNO60SBQDG000R 6"QD Step Bow 1 W 1 SCBF180NAOOOR 18"Bali Float 1 W ed By: 2 BN06090QDG000R 6"90 Degree Qb Bend 1 W Mom,_,� _ • —�`" �"" • (1)At No Charge e: 1 SCMS060NAOOOR 6"Suction Screen 1 W • Large Hale w/QD 1 ACCESSORYR 26'leak off hose 1 W 1 DZONEOIPICKUP Delivery Zone 1 -Pickup Truck , I PZONE01 PICKUP pickup zone 1 -Pickup Truck ALL PAST DUE INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TO a , . a� 5 1 112%PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE _ $1,020.15 $0.00 $350.00 $0.00 $92.49 Important Information: Due to fraud attempts any communication for changes of bank account Total Invoice $ 1,462.64 details have to be confirmed by a call-back with your respective Xylem contact person. 3 , PURCHASE ORDER# tl1C Cf.u--FR 01.YT qNTll77k TOWN OF BENSON { PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: Y.;t= DATE: REQUESTER: .4: 1 QUANTITY VENDORMESCRIPTION COST CODE 1i .. ..... } 7 i 1 i?.• 1. TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: - a TOWN MkNAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act.. FINANCE DIRECTOR: ._ ...................... .�,` PURCHASE ORDER# -th,cF gTER Cl'A'C"T'F,tTION TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: ; REQUESTER: I QUANTITY VENDORIDESCRIMON COST CODE I I { i j TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: � � .° `�. TOWN.MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: i i INVOICE STANDIN'-ON TOP,OF THE WORLD P.C. BOX 1196 DATE: December3,2018 Benson, NC 27504 INVOICE# 1229 910-237-8974 l 919-820-2671 FOR: Waste Water Plant MN#A BILL TO: Mr.Tim Robbins Town of Benson 500 N.Market St Benson,NC 27504 DESCRIPTION # $ AMOUNT :>:� �A"1�HOLf. A .,: H; -�; ..�..:.. ..._.. ......._._,_.,:--are::. •ne.__.�..,,--....,.. _ __ QUOTED JOB RATE 1.00 $1 360 00 .r..,a::-c...., -, : f•1 �..E:.,....a,:. ....:r,.._,,,,,,,,,,,,,2......_-e-,._.;:,., .. �....ari... +ka4-f_lytiiF,.: _ .. �-.Yt.Y� ^,+_ >, .-,5vu_.._r.._5:..'-!�..;£a� ... ..y,�y,.c.Lu.. :::�-c- _'if::i.. ::r:_:�:)_..::..._,-•*�.....'.i:? ... _-.._..r.x.._v_..:..n._:-...v..•n d.. ....-...-. ._,. .._,J..__... 3,.,....:�.:.v.._.... ,7't_,.:..-:,:..x.:�' _c)}. -_ _ _ ,_F�..:�_n.,..^,=z-_.. ....L - :....-.,..-. ,. .,,_.:_..J1, ......;. u..._z..a, .. ..-.•n:a-:.cx._,ye.ai t.,:;:,o-:'^i _ _ _ _ _ ...:�. .,.._,.,..._......_. _...a�.',.:_„•__._y..,.-. `k�.;2Y-'�.�ui�l��!Y`-„-=;`gib.,—':�YS'sE-.`}'��,;�.-.i=t CLEAN AND REMOVE ALL BROKEN EXISTING CONCRETE FROM TOP OF CONE SECTION -.:: _:,.._,.:,,,.�............._..,_,..,.__R ;..,. . .. - f-�......._._�, ... ,...._..,_ a., ... ..._ ,_��_., ... T. , ,:..STE:_ - ��:� �=h: •f.:.: ��:z-., �==T a�ii4:::. .��.�-.., ,�,_,.._.�_.,� . - �VC/VV.. f �. _.�Alr.... INSTALL NEW 6" ;_ _ GRADE RING TO REBUILT CONE TO _1�� CONSEAL P WITH01 _R',�,,1I�1ST}�CzL S I -`c-p G �h i•� (�(^ �/ � � � 5 , ��'� � ,. -� � Lt �}.,r.'� .�+��n ,�,�,�e..I �p(i�`y^'..'FY(wL.t�1���'�+�(1�(1'`�R•ry171 f3�'�"��7��HNL+��Iy'i�4.e�+i�i iAr F .�Ln t�; 5 'ail?-� v.: - '� ''��_ � �" .`4}'VP�:J��C�YY c�a„.7� ��SC v�11YkTYYiW�1�}.1,,•_25•CCfaL y�t��x���.�y_t �3'6� f.,v'�a _�'-�� ���.�� � f���- •$P' ��1 N � �d �L�cL E�1 GROUT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF GRADE RIM1NG RISERS WITH BLUE TOPIMORTAR/AC660 MIX r _ `' � ";.__—nc,.... ,e:.-::,-W.ei:l,es:c:-;_u..•v:.. __ .�:s`:e�?'r t'�-_`h,,] _ _ - ,.�;.4.,.,,,...��_,_. gl-::,_ ..� ._ ._... ._ .. .:_t.. :,.._. .. ,E,..Y __ --.-.fTN�4.2:_��.•_...,. _:,. _-+a�_,�!tn_isw...a� SUBTOTAL �� TOTAL Make all checks payable to SAMSON STORM AND SEWER, LLC Total clue in 15 days. Overdue accounts subject to a service charge of 1 112%per month. . WE APPRECIATE -YOUR BUSINESS, PLEASE KEEP IT COMING!!!!! - VAG, CmaC) '0:?300) PURCHASE ORDER# .- YLC CEN 1'LR OF�.TTFYTICK TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: <' DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE { i i i i i i 4 TOTAL,COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: A_ :t __. : ,." �� TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: ` } - - Manager limit is$io,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Charles R. Underwood, Inc. Invoice # 20886 2000 Boone Trail Road Date: 1/15,12019 Sanford, NC 27330 Phone: 919-775-2463 Fax: 919-708-7232 Benson Town Of WVVTP PO Box 151 Benson,NC 27504 26886 is p� "AI IS Hffi NO-I 2019160 Net 10 Labor and materials to fabricate new dead end rotor shaft and flange 2 2,800.00 5,600.00T Approved By: t 40 Sales Tax 6.75% $378.00 Amount Due: $5,978M The title to the merchandise and personal property covered by this invoice shall remain vested in Charles R.Underwood,Inc.until the purchase prioe is paid in full. 1.5%Charge on All Accounts Past Due,, Thank you for your business. Serving you is our pleasure. Notm�cw 2a 8 go PURCHASE ORDER# TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: ._ REQUESTER: z ,' QUANTITY '%TENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE _ J 1 .i TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: J; TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE D -IRECTOR: 1 )f 1 t j 1 Electric Motor Shop « QUOTE» P.O.Box 1885 PAGE 1 1225 N White St Wake Forest,NC 27588 UNITED STATES (919)-556-3229 QUOTE DATE 10/31/2018 QUOTE NO 111639 S 002013 S TOWN OF BENSON 0 TOWN OF BENSON H WVVTP PO BOX 69 L PC BOX 69 BENSON,NC 27504 P BENSON,NC 27504 D T T 0 0 TOTAL DUE 736.58 SLS1 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO JM 11130/2018 10/3112018 00115426 10/3112018 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Net 30 ITEM ID UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION HH115-18-254T EA 1.0000 0.0000 690.000000 690.00 15HP-1800RPM-254T-HYUNDAI 230l460V- STOCK @ EMS NC-Gen.Tax SALES TAX NC-Johnst SALES TAX 32.78 13.80 Additional 4%will be applied for credit cards TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 690.00 0.00 0,00 46.58 0,00 736.58 TOTAL DUE 736.58 WNW, Electric Motor Shop PAGE 1 P.O.Box 1885 1225 N White St - Wake Forest,NC 27588 ;t :-.___.. UNITED STATES 9 ® ' (919}556-3229 , INVOICE DATE 11/14/2018 INVOICE NO 131592 000001 002013 S TOWN OF BENSON H TOWN BENSON PAUL ALL BENSON D PO BOX 69 27504 1 770 HANNAH CREEK RD PO#2019146 T FOUR OAKS,NC 27524, T O O TOTAL DUE 1,473.15 SLS1 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE ,SHIP NO JM 12/14/2018 11/14/2018 00115426 11/6/2018 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP V-A -. SHIP DATE Net30 2019146 - 11/7/2018 ITEM ID UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION HH115-18-254T EA 2.0000.. 2,0000 690.000000 1,380.00 15 H P-1800 R PM-254T-HYU N DAI 230/460V- STOCK @ EMS Fprvedl�$y'Wb J,M)m ry'N NC-Gen.Tax SALES TAX NC-Iohnst SALES TAX 65.55 27.60 Additional 4%will be applied for credit cards - TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 1,380.00 0.00 0.00 93.15 0.00 1,473.15 TOTAL DUE 1,473.15 PURCHASE ORDER# -='�tz CtNYER C)P.ASrENl9"UN •- t i .7 ' TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST { DEPARTMENT: s;`' DATE: 7 4 REQUESTER: :. . QUANTITY VENDORIDESCRIPTION COST CODE I • - i j i I Ii I TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act, FINANCE DIRECTOR: 'i i 1 PURCHASE ORDER S f-CF.YTER OV A HTFNT70\ TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE 1 t TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the mamier required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Cqntrol Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: 1 Piedmont Chlorinator Invoice P O BOX 560683 Charlotte, NC 28256 Date Number (704)597-7505 2/20/2019 28587 Bill To Ship To TOWN OF BENSON TOWN OF BENSON P O BOX 69 770 HANNAH CREEK ROAD BENSON NTC 27504 FOUR OAKS NC P.O.No. Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Sales Tax Cert... County 2019134 Net 30 EH 2/5/2019 INSTALL... Charlotte, ... JOHNSTON Quantity Description Price Each Amount REF: TON CHLORINE CYLINDER SCALES 1 EAGLE MICROSYSTEMS MODEL WT-3600 MODULAR TON 1,880.00 1,880.00 CONTAINER WEIGH TRUNNION;4000LB CAPACITY 1 EAGLE MICROSYSTEMS MODEL EI-1000S SINGLE 685.00 685.00 CHANNEL DIGITAL WEIGH INDICATOR WITH TRANSMITTER; 6 DIGIT LED DISPLAY;4-20 MADC OUTPUT IN NEMA 4X FIBERGLASS ENCLOSURE 1 INSTALLATION OF ABOVE EQUIPMENT 1,200.00 1,200.00 NC 6.75% SALES TAX GROUP-7/1/11 254.14 Approved By: Total $4,019.14 Phone# Fax# 704-597-7505 704-597-7507 1 F PURCHASE ORDER# ij TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: s 1 QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE I t I I i y TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: Ayf., DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: I i I PURCHASE ORDER# ATTEN110N i TOWN OF BENSON j PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST i DEPARTMENT: `...F DATE: j REQUESTER:' I QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CURJE , r. v / TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: f F DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER A f` }PFROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrumentlas been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal.,Control Act. FINANCEDIRECTOR: U7, k . # i t s A0UA AER�oBIC SYSTEMS, INC. I N v a 1 c E A Metawater Company Remit T Invoice No.: 1018094 Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc. Date: 12/14/18 PO Box 71521 Oust ID: 1034163 Chicago,IL 60694-1521 Page 1 of 1 Bill To. BENSON(TOWN OF) ATtN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 69 BENSON, NC 27504 Ship Via: ONE POINT LOGISTICS Ship To: BEk'S0N WtATa 770 HANNAH CREEK RD FOUR OAKS,NC 27524 S10# Project Type Customer PO# Order Date Terms F.O.B. $6836 103453A SALE 2019090 09/20/18 NET 30 FACTORY Order Ship Qty, W. UM Part Number/Description Unit Price Ext Price AERATOR EQUIPMENT-BENSON WWTP ORDER SUB-TOTAL 26,496.18 FREIGHT 1,900.00 ORDER TOTAL 28,396.18 6.76%NC TAX 1,916.74 COMMENTS: BALANCE DUE > $30,312.92 *ORDER COMPLETE xiiiproved Sy= AV CL4de to Xcc gbh .n(�jjLAY ORIGINAL. Aeration&Mixing Biological Processes Filtration Membranes ( Process Control&Monitoring Aftermarket Parts&Services 6306 N.Alpine Rd. Loves Park,IL 61111-7655 p 815,654.2501 f 815,654.2508 www.aqua-aarobic.com AQl1A AEROBIC SYSTEMS, INC. Proposal#60481 TO: Benson VWWTP PROJECT: BENSON WWTP Four Oaks, NC Benson,NC USA-MUN USA ATN: Paull Allen PROPOSAL DATE: August 28,2018 If billing and/or shipping address is different,please advise. Qty Description Unit Price Total Price We are pleased to quote,for acceptance within(30)days of this date, prices and terms on equipment listed below. Equipment readiness is expected to be(10-12)weeks*after receipt of purchase order with mutually acceptable terms and conditions, subject to credit approval. `Notes:Aqua-Aerobic Systems'proposal is based upon supply of equipment models as noted. Actual shipment is dependent on equipment availability at the time of receipt of order. -Equipment will be furnished by Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.with civil work and installation by the purchaser. 3 15 HP Model FSS EnduraBS Series Aqua-Jet®Aerator, Float is $8,597.53 $25,792.59 fiber reinforced polyester skin(FRP),filled with closed cell polyurethane foam. Volute and intake cone are 304 stainless steel. Propeller is cast stainless steel. Diffusion head is monolithic casting of 304 stainless steel. Motor will be TEFL, premium efficient,208 volt,3 phase,60 hertz,1800 RPM with 1.15 Service Factor and Class F nonhygroscopic insulation. Motor shaft is one-piece 17-4 PH stainless steel. 3 Special 208V voltage adder for 15 HP,60 Hz aerator motor. $234.53 $703.59 WARNING: The Aqua-Jet@ Aerator has a high velocity,upwardly directed hydraulic flow directly below the unit. In addition,horizontal surface velocities persist for some distance from the unit. These flow patterns may,in some instances, cause damage to basin bottoms or walls,creating leaking potential In earthen or lined basins,Aqua-Aerobic Systems recommends the use of a concrete pad on the basin bottom directly below the aerator. If concrete is known to be nonresistant to the waste,other materials should be investigated. Riprapping,or similar means of bank protection can protect basin walls. If basin contains toxic wastes, user is advised to obtain engineering advice as to basin design and construction necessary to prevent possible erosion and leakage. Aqua-Aerobic Systems assumes no liability or responsibility for any damage to basin bottoms or walls, or for any injuries or damages resulting therefrom. COMMERCIAL NOTES: -Freight cha cles are NOT included in this proposal. Freight charges will be prepaid with actual charges to be added to invoice. 6306 N.Atpine Rd. Loves Park,IL 61111-7655 p 815.654.2501 f 815.654.2508 wwmaqua-aerobic.com Copyrig it 2018,Aqua-Aerobic Systems,(nc Printed:August 29,2018 Page 1 of 5 AtI;UA-AEROBIC Proposal Date:August 28,2018 Proposal##50481 SYSTEMS. INC- . ..... - a.4a:v:,..nu::IN+n.nr TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AQUA AEROBICSYSTEW,INC(AMetawater Company) P age 1 of 2 This offer and all ofthe goods and sales of Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.are subject only to the following terms and conditions. The acceptance of any order resulting from this proposal is based on the express condition thatthe Buyer agrees tog]the terms and conditions herein contained. Any terms and conditions in any order,which are in addition to or inconsistent with the fallowing;shall not be bindingupon Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc. This proposal and any contract restihingtherefrom,shall be governed by and construedin accordance with the laws ofthe State of Illinois,Without regard to conflicts of laws principles. PAYMENr Unless specificallystatedotherwise,quoted terms are Net 30Days from shipping date.Past-due charges are 1.5%per month andwll apply only on any past-due balance. Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.does not allow retainage of any invoice amount;unless authorized in writing by an authorized representative of our Loves Park,Miooisoffice. DURATION OF QUOTATION This proposal ofAqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc shall in no eventbe effective moretban 30 days from date thereof,unless specifically statedotherwise, and is subject to change at any time prior to acceptance. SERMEINT Shipping dates are not a guarantee of a particular day of shipment and are approximate,beingbased upon present production inhimabon,and are subject to change per the production schedules existing at time ofreceipt of purchase order. Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.shall not be responsible for any delay in shipment for causes beyond its control iacludi g,but not limited to,war,riots,strikes,labor trouble causing interruption.ofwork,fires, other casualties,transportation delays,modification of order,any act of governmental authorities or acts of God.Quoted shipment dates in this proposal are approxdmate dais goods will be shipped and,unless agreed to in writing by Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.,Buyer may not postpone or delay the dates of shipment of goods from our plant or from our supplier's plants beyond the dates set forth in this proposal. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS All prices and all shipments of goods are F.O.B.Aqua Aerobic Systems,Inc.'s plant at Loves Park,IIlinoisurdess specifically slated otherwise Delivery ofthe goods sold bereunder to the carrier shall be deemed delivery to the Buyer,and up on such delivery,title to such goods and risk of loss or damage shall be up on Buyer. TAXES Prices quoted do not include any taxes,customs duties,or import fees.Buyer shall pay any and all use,sales privilege or other tax or customs duties or import fees levied by any governmental authority with respect to the sale ortranspotatim of any goods covered hereby. IfAqua-AerobicSystems, Inc isrequiredby any taxing authority to collect or to pay any such tax,duty or fee,the Buyer shall be separatelyblled at such time for the amounts Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc is req-dredto pay. INSURANCE Unless the goods are sold on a CIF basis,the Buyer shall provide marine-insurance for all risks,including war and general coverage. SECURITY If at any time the financial responsibility of the Buyer becomes unsatisfactory to Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.,or Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc. otherwise deems itself insecure as to receiptof full payment of the purchase price from Buyer hereunder,Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc,reserves the right to require payment in advance or security or guarantee satisfactory to Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.of payment in full of the purchase price, LIMITATION OF ACTION No actionshall be brought against Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc,for any breach of its contract of sale more than two years after the accrual ofthe cause of action thereof;and,in no event,unless the Buyer shall first have given written notice to Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.,of any claim ofbreach of eontradwitbin30 days after the discoverythereo£ CANCELLATION CLAUSE No acceptance of this proposal,by purchase order or other wise,maybe modified except by written consent o f Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.nor may it be cancelled except by prior payment to Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.the fallowing sums as liquidated damages therefore:1)If cancellation isprior to commencement ofproduction and prior to the assumption of any obligations by Aqua-Aaobic Systems,Inc.for any materials or component parts,a sum equal to 15%of the total purchase price;2)If cancellationis after the commencement of production or after the assumption of any obligations by Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc for any materials or component parts,a sum equal to the total ofthe direct,out-of-pocket expenses incurred to the date of cancellation for labor,machine time,materials and any charges made tons by suppliers for cancellation,pluS 30%ofthe total purchase price.All charges and expenses shall be as determined by Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.In the event any items are used by Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc,to flu a subsequent order,thenupon receipt ofpayment for suchorder,Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.shall paythe Buyer a sum equal to the direct out-of- pocket expenses previously charged and received from Buyer. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This proposal,including all descriptive data;drawings,material,information andknow-how disclosed by Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc.to Buyer in relation hereto is confidential informationintended solely for the confidential use of Buyer,shall remain the property of Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc. and shall not be disclosed or otherwise used to the disadvantage or detriment of Aqua-Aerobi c Systems Inc.in any manner. 6306 N.Alpine Rd. Loves Park,IL 61111-7655 p 815,654,2501 1815.654.2508 www,aqua-aerobic.com Copyright 2018,Aqua-Aerobic Systems,Inc Printed:august 29,2018 Page 4 of 5 j e b1i"I PURCHASE ORDER# CENTU OF Y.TTENTlpti rF f `_ TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: m DATE: 71 REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENNDOWDESCRIPTION COST CODE 74, i i I 1 i f,. TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: F Ff DIRECTORAPPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: ' Manager limit is$10,OW This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal-Control Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR: I PURCHASE ORDER# ;7 iheCrn no tAr7xRUN. L—� TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: DATE: REQUESTER: r { QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST CODE i i 1 i i TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: ` r' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: flr "'r'" r TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrbiment has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Ftscal_Coniroi Act FINANCE DIRECTOR: I PURCHASE ORDER## t/rCeNriR oa r�xT�.vDONT v Ic �. TOWN OF BENSON PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: •_ ~l `F DATE: REQUESTER: QUANTITY VENDORIDESCRIPTION COST CODE 16 { "3 1 TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: . ,r DIRECT OR APPROVAL: >'�y'''f TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: ~2._---- Manager limit is.$i0,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget&Fiscal Control Act FINANCE DIRECTOR: i .I CHECK 74 552 J.1-1v. NO., Tnv. fate Sales Tax Amount RL 07 07 1 R 08/10/18 81.00 1, 261.00 Desc, : CONTRACT NUMBER 0022 9,EQUIP RENTAI,, ETC FUnd Account 30 2040. 3700 STATE TAXES 57 ,00 30 2040, 3900 COUNTY .'XES 24.00 30 8220. 9600 SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1, 200.00 ELD1512 08/20/18 4,776.30 81, 836.25 n Desc. ; R55 EXCAVATOy & TRAILER Fund Account 30 2040..3700 STATE TAK-'ES 3, 361. 10 30 2040. 3900 COUNTY TAXES 1, 415.20 31.), 7200.7500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6, 300.00 30 72OM500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 70, 759. 95 ,3, CHECK DATE AMOUNT 74552 08/23/16 $83, 117.25 PAY EXACTLY **** EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN DOLLARS AND \5/\0\ \/.,b PAY ROBIS HYDRAU. S, INC 5837 TO THE 6275 HWY 50 N ORDER BENSON NC 27504 OF. �.1�1 . 015 MRAULICS Wn x1: — dba Lynch's Leasing,Inc Hy )�[ PO Box 636,7765 Pitt Street,Grimeslaind,NC 27B37 - YAMMAR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Phone(252}752-1500 Fax(252)75202113 MiuF Excavators [-apder.^• P e SOLD 10 Si lip TO LTOWBE TOWS OF BENSON TIM ROBE(:NS 303 E CHURCH S BENSON, PVC: 27504 S j` v ..:.,..:..:...:rn.:.....:.....n ...,::.::.v .:.,::n\•: J.U.' .CCv,.:v\': n,•..A..\L,....:.,.r\,...nvn..\,r....v....<..n,...v....... ........\.-., ........... .... ... ............................ ....._....,,:n-.....:.....-.........,_-:....,.r...n...,rr...l.,.N.:.-., -....e. ..V...:�t.. :..,.n.....n.,,,.r of v:�-.: .''X• - .:., .:, .a.. .. ..,. .,:. .. ..,.,...:,.:.......:......._..,...,-.,..:.,.....,.......,...,__.._o .......................................... .. ..n..:....-:. :. .. r.: a, r . rn .....,.sue: ...-n.. �m.-,.a�__...n..n.n.,.m...n,r:.n.nnn��..nt.).,e,..nv..')..:. ..:..,-,.... :•:t-.-:-..C• .::� - - - -�x:.::............:.::s::..—::.:ct:.::.:.::::.::.::�:-a:Yu:as.:!:.:.:.:'?:.::::G a '•� Tax D Qty Description -------------------------- Prise Amount. PERT DIC .BILLING .FROr �B/ 1 Ps CONTRACT NUMBEi2 067.50 067.5,0, Period Total HX09.63 9000, 00 i367S.0 Pre. :'Ii.1V lo:e8. :3IX(lz:f�.8 EQUIP RENTAL , EXCAZJAt'C1R. MAKE HYUNDAI ... HX. 00.L9 , >ERZ?lL # i PIKFII 8 0 CG o: 0 0'2 G-8 T� S C'T I rE 0I�7 XCAUA P C}R ' w. z • _. ` • I% k: ar7F..'iJP0J EQUIPMENT WILL BE, PICK-ED tJP WHEN ACCOUNT IS 60 DAYS PAST FLUE ** SUBTOTAL 1.200. 00 SALES E TAX ,Y n� 0 n X Charge Sale PAY THIS n....sn AMOUN T $13 81. 0 0 � Concn 74548 � y zur. No. Env. Date, sales Tax zur' )Xm.rvut ............... ________ 1.33599 07/31/18 . 00 25,3B7 .55 Deoc' � EXTRA SLUDGE DISPOSAL Fund Account 30 8220 .7600 oLUm3o nIorosAL 25, 387'55 � � CHECK DATE AMOUNT 74548 08/23/18 �25,387.55 PAY EXACTLY ^*�* TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND rBmnE HUNDRED nzGRTr SEVEN DOLLARS AND 55/100 °* ' PAY MoozLL ENVIRONMENTAL 381-6 TO THE arsToMa oRoon r o e0z 890458 OF- CB&BLoTro NC 28289-0458 Invoice IL . Printed 816/2018 L L i � YetYME .. 7J3112E)1$ 2 Q McGill Environmental SystemsThe compostpeoplePhone:919-362-1161 Fax:919-362-1141 133599 $ 25,387.55 $ Y Benson,Town of(Dewatering) r t /,f Attn:M.Morris PQ#2019003 b V-040 7 f r Terms filet 30 770 Hannah Creek Rd 1 es Four Oaks, NC 27624 -i'z0 � �✓ 410176 Mail Payments To: PA Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 07/23/18 10-00397030 TARHEELRES 116683 Labor Per Day1HrANk/ 5.00 .n 375.00 07/23118 10-00397030 TARHEELRES 116683 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07/23/18 10-00397030 TARHEELRES 116683 Sludge-Biosolids 22.31 780.85 07/23/18 10-00397030 TARHEELRES 116683 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07124118 10-00397061 TARHEELRES 116691 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07124118 10-00397061 TARHEELRES 116691 Labor Per lay/HrANk/ 5.00 375.00 07124118 10-00397061 TARHEELRES 116691 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07124/18 10-00397061 TARHEELRES 116691 Sludge-Biosolids 16.55 579.25 07/24/18 10-00397061 TARHEELRES 116691 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07/24118 10-00397062 TARHEELRES 116697 60YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07/24118 10-00397062 TARHEELRES 116697 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 07/24/1 B 10-00397062 TARHEELRES 116697 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07/24118 10-00397062 TARHEELRES 116697 Sludge-Biosolids 24.04 841.40 07J24118 10-00397062 TARHEELRES 116697 Transportation 1.00 275,00 07/26118 10-00397085 TARHEELRES 116941 Drop Box/Trir/Load I.00 275.00 07/25/18 10-00397086 TARHEELRES 116944 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07/25/18 10-00397086 TARHEELRES 116944 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 07/25/18 10-00397086 TARHEELRES 116944 Polymer 10.00 180,00 07/25/18 10-00397086 TARHEELRES 116944 Sludge-Biosolids 12.47 436.45 07125118 10-00397086 TARHEELRES 116944 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07126/18 10-00397118 TARHEELRES 116946 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07/26/18 10-00397118 TARHEELRES 116946 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 07/26/18 10-00397118 TARHEELRES 116946 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07/2,6118 10-00397118 TARHEELRES 116946 Sludge-Biosolids 15.13 529.55 07/26/18 10-00397118 TARHEELRES 116946 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07128118 10-00397149 MC-AD 116809 Drop Box/Trlr/Load 1.00 275.00 07130/18 10-00397171 MC-AD 116812 Drop Box/Tr1r/Load 1.00 275.00 07/31118 10-00397174 TARHEELRES 116960 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07131118 1M0397174 TARHEELRES 116960 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 375.00 07/31/18 10-00397174 TARHEELRES 116960 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07131118 10-00397174 TARHEELRES 116960 Sludge-Biosolids 14.37 502.95 07/31118 10-00397174 TARHEELRES 116960 Transportation 1.00 275.00 Invoice Total $25,387.55 www.mcgillcompost.com i Invoice S is � Printed 8f612018 MCG & L McGill Environmental Systems 713112018 1 The compost people cR' I}hone; - -1161r _ Fax: 919-362-1141 133599 $ 25,387,55 $ Benson, Town of(Dewatering) 3 Attn: M.Morris PO#2019003 Terms Net 30 770 Hannah Creek Rd Four Oaks, NC 27524 410176 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890468 Charlo te, NC 28289-0458 4 10/05/17 10-00389154 MC-DLH 11^1830 No Load Hauled 1.00 0.00 07112//8 20-00395089 MC-FBS MO 114143 Drop BoxtTrlr/Load 1,00 275.00 �E 07/12118 20-00395090 MC-FBS MO 114145 Drop Box/Trir/Load 1.00 275.00 07/13/18 10-00397023 MC-DFH Labor Per Day/HCIWk/ 10.00 750.00 07116/18 10-00397024 MC-DFH Labor Per Day/HriWk1 10.00 750.00 07117/18 10-00396918 TARHEELRES 116649 50YD Dewater Trailer 1,00 400.00 07117/18 10-00396918 TARHEELRES 116649 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 8.00 600.00 07117118 10-00396918 TARHEELRES 116649 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07117118 10-00396918 TARHEELRES 116649 Sludge-Biosolids 11.61 406.35 07117/18 10-00396918 TARHEELRES 116649 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07117118 10-00397025 TARHEELRES 116652 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07117/18 10-00397026 TARHEELRES 116652 Labor Per Day/HrNVk1 5.00 375.00 : 07117/18 10-00397025 TARHEELRES 116652 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07117118 10-00397025 TARHEELRES 116652 Sludge- Biosolids 17.60 616.00 07117/18 10-00397025 TARHEELRES 116652 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07117118 10-00397087 TARHEELRES 116942 Drop BoxlTrlr/Load 1.00 275.00 07/17118 10-00397088 TARHEELRES 116943 Drop Box/Trlr/Load 1.00 275.00 07/18118 10-00397026 MC-DFH Labor Per DaylHr/Wk/ 10.00 750.00 07/18/18 10-00397169 TARHEELRES 116662 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07/18/18 10-00397169 TARHEELRES 116662 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 07118118 10-00397169 TARHEELRES 116662 Polymer 10.00 180,00 07/18118 10-00397169 TARHEELRES 116662 Sludge-Biosolids 11.74 410.90 07/18/18 10-00397169 TARHEELRES 116662 Transportation 1.00 275.00 07118118 10-00397170 TARHEELRES 116663 Drop Box./Trlr/Load 1.00 275.00 07119/18 10-00396968 TARHEELRES 116670 50YD Dewater Trailer 1,00 400.00 07/19118 10-00396968 TARHEELRES 116670 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk1 5.00 375.00 07/19/18 10-00396968 TARHEELRES 116670 Polymer 10.00 180.00 07119/18 10-00396968 TARHEELRES 116670 Sludge-Biosolids 12.66 443.10 07/19/18 10-00396968 TARHEELRES 116670 Transportation 1.00 275.00 ? 07/19/18 10-00397027 MC-DFH Labor Per Day1HrfWk/ 6.00 450.00 07120118 10-00397028 MC-DFH Labor Per Day/Hrj1/Itk/ 10.00 750.00 07123118 10-00397029 TARHEELRES 116679 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 07/23118 10-00397029 TARHEELRES 116679 Labor Per Day/HrfWk/ 5.00 375.00 07123/18 10-00397029 TARHEELRES 116679 Polymer 10.00 180.00 5 07/23118 10-00397029 TARHEELRES 116679 Sludge-Biosolids 12.45 435.75 07/23/18 10-00397029 TARHEELRES 116679 Transportation 1.00 275.00 K 07/23/18 10-00397030 TARHEELRES 116683 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 www.mcgi'licompost.com TOWN OF BENSON Purchase Order POST OFFICE BOX 69 2019014 303 E CHURCH ST BENSON,NC 27504 919-894-.3553 PO Tyre: Regular PO Date: 711 012 01 8 Ship To-. Req.9- WASTE WATER lZeq.Date; 7/1012018 770 HANNAH CREEK RE) FOUR OAKS NC 27524 Ordering Unit: Vendor#:3816 MCGILL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS P 0 BOX 890458 CHARLOTTE NC 282890458 Qnty. Unit Mfg# Description Unit Price Total 1.0000 EACH EXTRA SLUDGE DISPOSAL 100,000m 100,000m Fund/Aect 30 8220,7600 SLUDGE DISPOSAL 100,000.00 THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN PREAUDITED IN THE MANNER Total:100,000.00 REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. ................... ...........------- Signature Date OFFICE COPY tt I I' f PURCHASE ORDER# ��:!tkeCFn•3r:�ia�a.�1=�-rrA�rrc.3rr '•-. TOWN OF BEN SON PURC,If:A.SE C)RI-)ER REQUEST is DEPAR'I MEN`I': \a )7 — DATE: 3 REQUESTER: , 3: QUANTITY V]ENDORIDESCRIPTION COST CODE j 3' P: 7 s 1 II I F. i� A N S h i� i '1 it i TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: /11 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: L�NK }\1w Manager limit is$10,000 - t This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget& "seal-"trol Act. FINANCE DIRECTOR - i i c i CHECK 74766 Inv. No. Inv. Date Sales Tax Inv. Amount ------------- --------- ..................... ---------- 177 09/1.7/18 .00 25, 000.00 Desc. ; REMOVE THE OLD FENCE AND POSTS AROUND THE PERIMETER OD=E' THE PLANT,HAU Fund Account 30 8220. 1500 M/R R.UILDING 25, 000.00 CHECK DATE AMOUNT 74-166 09/20/18 $25,000.00 PAY EXACTLY TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00/100 PAY TEBCO FENCE 5921 TO THE PO BOX 21 ORDER WILSON'S MILLS MC 27593 OF: PO Box 21 t Wilson:sMills � 'ITEBCO FENCE NorthCarolina 2.7593 9196317065 s 4 TE Fend Invoice Rill To: Town of Benson-WW1'P Invoice No: 177 kpickettfc)tourrofbenson.ctrm Date: 09t1712018 Terms: NET 0 Due bate: 09117/2018 Remove the old fence and posts around the perimeter of the plant,haul away and dispose of the old materials properly. 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00* Clear out brush,trees and debris where the new fence is to be installed *Indicates non-taxable item Subtotal $25,000.00 Total $25,000.00 PAID i --Balance s j 1 Am a�°g', ti `lAJ �e j 3 JSK Contracting, Inc. Invoice 226 Masscrigill R.d. Date Invoice# Benson,N.C. 27504 12/5/2017 267 Bill To Ship To Town Of Benson T(yw-n Of Benson 303 East Church st. 303 East Church st. Benson,NC 27504 Benson,NC 27504 P.0,Number Terms Rep Ship Via F.0,13, Project 11,5,12017 Quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount I Hauling .HAULED BROKEN ASPI-I-ALT FROM WXr1.WXFER 5,500.00 5,500.00 rRE-A tMENT PLANT 170 DYNAMITE TRAILER Thank you for your business, Total $5-500,00 JSK Contractins4, Inc. Invoice 226 Massengill Rd.. Date Invoice# Benson,N.C. 27504 12/5/2017 267 Bill To Ship To Tovvn Of Benson Town Of Benson 303 East Church st, 303 fast Church st, Benson.NC 27504 Ben-on,NC 27504 P,O,Number Terms Rep Ship Via F0,B, Project 121/5,/2017 Quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount I Hauling -HAULED BROKEN ASPHALT FROM WXfL wxrER 5'500.00 5,500,00 TRE-ATMEN71-PLANT TO DYNAMITE ITUILER. Thank you for your business. Total $5J00,00 2/14/2019 2/14/2019 4:22 PM a M, .ommainity Batik. PUBLIC FUNDS INT CHECKING ******8101 This check will not be paid 6 prsm ssnsd to the Treasurer afterihe 64_1284 075795 TOWN OF BBNSON expiration of s,xty(60)days fro the date hereof 611 BENSON,N.C. ® NA UIILT.aeay RJtd(. CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7579E 01/24/19 $5,978.00 PAY EXACTLY **** FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND 00/100 ** 'Prewslon for the payment of this crack nas been made by an appropriation duly made,pursuant to the Local Govemment PAY CHARLES R UNDERWOOD, INC. 1872 Hudget and Fiscal Control Act" TO THE 2000 BOONE TRAIL ROAD ORDER SANFORD NC 27330 O F: MAYOR. TAFASURSR X z n Mal M i � .fig Da m " 5� am rC) O z z C7 In r z Cl rn Amount: -5978.00 Description: Check Check Number: 75795 Posted Date: 1/29/2019 Transaction Type: History 1/1 CHECK 74542 Inv. No. In Date Sales Tax Inv. Amour 18-1375 08!`].9/1l> .00 26, 484 . 00 Desc. : ZF-5400 REXhORD Bt;ARTNG,ETC Fund Account 30 822..0.1600 M/R F',QU:I:PMENT 26, 484.00 i 4 I J t y� 3 X 8 P 5 1 I` I s a i i e 3 i 1 CHECK DATE AMOUNT 74542 08/23/18 $26, 484.00 PAY EXACTLY **** TWENTY. SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR � DOLLARS AND 00/100 ** 3 3 PAY LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORP 58.55 TO THE PC BOX 8448 ORDER BARTLETT IL 60103 [ OF: R t 's d E Lakeside Equipment Corporation K E S I D 1022 E.Devon P.O.Box 8448—Bartlett,It: 60103 WaterPwifiraii"sinrc a9zs PHONE:630/837-5640—FAX: 6301937-5647 E-mail:sales@lakeside-equipniciit.coi-n 78-458 BENSON,NC 18-1.375 S BENSON WATER AND SEWER S BENSON WATER AND SEWER P.O.BOX 69 IT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT L BENSON.NC 27504 I 770 HANNAH CREEK RD. D P FOUR OAKS,NC 17524 T T Ref.P.O.4 2018292 0 0 DATE Of,ORDER YOUR ORDER NO, :DATE OF NVOICE 1TERMS ROUTE T 30 DAYS PRIORITY 018292 8/14t2018 NET QUANITY DFSCRIPTION AMOUNIT 3 ZF-5400 REXNORD REARING 5,412.00 4 A-304241)SPUR GEAR \M/64DL148 GARLOCK BUSHING 21,072.00 TOTAL $26,484.00 ---------------- uyy AMRVICECIIARGE OF 21;MR MM7f13fANM1AL 2A'113"OF 24W.-WULMAPPLIEDITU AIL MI'DUBMALANCES(I&Al"Ch"RA)DAYSY.ALL PAU Ma AWOUN15 AkLA1W 5U7liICT TO ArD',TJCIN.',(.CQ.Tr.CTI(A4CO.5TI,LEGAI FEI:S,M. TIM AfK)',F I iFMS WTRV SHIPIFFMCWTIM IATT OFTHIS NVOILE HjT)JP.TbOIJT11,MIUATED AT ME,M619-*Y LAYJ�51DE�IFTRN WIMMY.Mr IS NOT RECR�MD WIM IN YANO CUSTOMER'S COPY July 02,2018 PC7[„iq,rpt Purchase Order Liquidation Report 3:45 pm Page 1 of 1 PO# Description Fund Account POILiq Amt offset Amt Post Date PO Batch Vendor No. 2018292 4 SPUR GEARS13 THRUST BEARINGS 28,337.88 05/04/2018 642 5855 30 82207400 -28,337.88 30 29120000 28,337.88 'fatal Amount.Liquidated: 28,337.88 Total Number of Purchase Orders: t Number of Transactions: 2 TOWN OF BENSON Purchase Order POST OFFICE BOX.69 2018292 303 E CHURCH ST BENSON,NG 27504 919-894-3553 1110Type, Regular PO Date- 5/0412018 Ship To: Req.ft: WASTE WATER Req.Date. 5/0412018 770 HANNAH CREEK RD FOUR OAKS NC 27524 Ordering Unit; Vendor#:5855 LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORP PO BOX 9448 BARTLETT IL 60103 Qnty. Unit Mfg# Description Unit Price Total 1.0000 EACH 4 SPUR GEARS13 THRUST BEARINGS 28,337.88 28,337.88 Fund/Accl 30 8220,7400 EQUIPMENT 28,337.88 THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN PREAUDII ED IN THE MANNER Total; 28,337.88 REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. ............................... Signature Date OFFICE COPY p Y 4 F c �7 PURCHASE,ORDER , r .;,,,..•''`tki�Y�rFlirli.!'�tLF\l.tt�ty �„��, ��. � I TOWN OF b'h+NSOIV I PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DEPARTMENT: _W LJ"Te DATE: QUANTITY VENDOR/DESCRIPTION COST COME Lme Si we QUlt tntn Y NeehS JP0r C.Itst �j 4fS m TOTAL COST OF PURCHASE ORDER: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TOWN MANAGER APPROVAL: Manager limit is$10,000 This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Vocal Government Budget&Fib`pl Control act. ti LAKESIDE 1022E.DevonAvanue R0.13OX8448 8wflett,'L.60103 T:630-837-5(A0 17,630-837-5647 E:parts@lakeside-equipnlent.com loft. www,lakeside-equipmont.com Water Purification Since 1928 PAL. )PLY REPLA CENIENT QUOTE DATE: 3-27-18 EMAIL: wwti)0)townofbenson.com TO: Benson Water& Sewer SUBJECT: Benson, NC S.O.#78-458 &89-234 ATTIC: Anthony FROM: LaVar Parish THIS MESSAGE IT INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTI-fY TO HIGH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION]T1 i/%T IS PRIVILEGED,CONFIDENTIAL,AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE' NDER APPLICABLE I..AW. If the reader,of this rnes.sage is not the intended reoijNent, or the ernployee or agent responsible for delivery of the message to the li Intended recipient, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFID3 that any dissernination, distribution, publication, or copying of this message stOctly prohibited. If you have received this message in arror, please notih y Lakeside immediately by phone at 630-837-51540 and 1. return the message by U.S,Marl. Dear Anthony, We are pleased to quote the following replacement parts for your 35' Spiraflo Clarifier.Your current costs are as follows: lea Spur Gear A30424 $5,268.00 lea Thri-ist Bearing ZF5400 $1,804.00 Please be advised that this quotation will be honored for 30 days. The above prices are F.O.B. factory With freight allowed to the job site. Terms of payment are net 30 days from date of shipment and the Conditions of Sale are in accordance with GIL-1 08, copy attached. NOTE: Lakeside does accept payment by Credit Card. A 3% Service Charge will be added to the Invoice upon shipment. iF Shipment would be 2-3 week(s)after receiving an order subj"at to the shop's backlog at the time of the order. In an effort to become more efficient Lakeside would prefer to invoice clients by email whenever-possible. When ordering if YOU GOLIld verify the email address you wish to have the invoice sent to it would be appreciated.We will still be glad to mail the invoice if you wish. We thank You for this opportunity to quote and are looking forward to being of service to you. Very truly yours, LaVar Parish (Ext. 249) E-Mail, 1p@lakeside-eouiDment.crirn Cc: ClearWater C') l- tie Invitation for Bids for Town of Benson WWTP Clarifier Repair Bid From: . '>i MAYOR JERRY M.MEDLIN k TOWN MANAGER MAYOR PRO-TEM ' MATTHEW ZAPP �q RA C M1 lietleNal 1ri orSrrTiat,on acid Bid..Submission ASSISTANT TO TOWN MANAGER COMMISSIONER, CA TERRY HOBGOOD MA)(44odt `(ds to.: KIMBERLY T. PICKETT JAMES D.JOHNS(*An of Benson TOWN OF BE��+/� P.O. BOX 69 TOWN ATTORNEY DEAN MCLAM WILLIAM NEIGH .49 Kimberly Picltef�i3 Silt Jt?PC���S1£� eager R. ISAAC PARKER DR. R. MAX RAyW5 E. Church St, BENSON, NC 27504 4-3553 Benson NC 27504 (919) � FAX(919)894-1294-1283 www.townofbenson.com •. Submit all bids by 1.:30pm on Mondays September 10,2018. At that tiiric bids will.be publicly opened within the Benson Room of Town Hall Conference Center. • T11e e�,��nxr�tf �s�.^mar;��Oi�i��s81��31��i`B����cl_�'�I1��tiQ�i�ioners meeting on'September l 1,,2t1.18. The.time for award maybe extended for up to 30 Today's between the Town and the apparent lowest responsive and.responsible bidder.. Employee name: Josh Benjamin • Questions concerning this invitation for bids must be submitted in.writing to:. IgMhe T €td �t :flNo�k.B�o her 303 E.Church St.Benson NC 27504 before 5`:00pm on Friday,September 7,2018. Questions maybe delivered,.mailed, or faxed. T 4e� 4llaiaxcd to all bidders on record as having picked up the Invitation for BID. Deduction 1: November 23. 2018 'I • A bidcflt8rth $ raw:a bid by written.notice received by the Town prior to the time and date set fort bid opening. Bid modif cations must be submitted in D l '$n% odification No._." Each modificatiofi must be numbAMggg� �, r�i°i u5 �nce the original Invitation for BID. D�cic onb3• Decembe 2018 • er e id : �t change any provision of the bid in a manner (k re u is a{� o 1°i 1 erdests ofth' p J I hereby uth rizo the wn of �np to make the above d uctions frommypa in at t� tq lze u e id o e nn t o To n aitd� s c e a o lled accordande wi �i ,e a°�ove erm$. u Ide s� rift and ag eeHtll I rde �i s 'l satisfyineytehne a uQcVeasa�fniro�in °swI u eders an°d'an agq-6af?k��tP1gSMS@8W%a'Fs�' hat any os pon d until :00 i t }, amount is is ite and owi'ing t i e 5 PAMM AMI,Pi �ssei y-at ate an trm termination was voluntary or not,will be deducted from my last paycheck or any other amounts that may be owed to me. This authorizes the Town of Benson to retain my entire amount 44tAls c 'e4 i eCB �3r � io yt11� 'agree that the �e� Qp ',' ; �9MVA"n 0a�x�mandatory taxes as well as for any employer a�a���� ., programs in which I have enrolled for which 1 am eligible, or to which 1 have agreed. • Bid must include a non collusion form, bid p.rieint4 sheet, and references EmplbyS4i9tral 1 ur 1Le� t@iri �esCiv ill be.required prior to. start of work. W)WT.P CLARIFIER REPAIR-1'.AGC • Proof of Workers Compensation.Coverage will be required before work is started. • Abird:must he signed as follows: 1) if the bidder is an individual,by her/rum personally; 2)if the bidder is a pai`tnersl ip,by the name of the partnership,followed:by:the signature of each general partner; and 3) if the bidder is a corporation,by authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and the corporate:seal affixed. • It will be requiied to provide a list of Subcontractors .used for this project. The Town of Benson is requesting that the contractor bidding on this project utilize the HUB certified. Subcontractors/Vendors. This project has.a 10%o:goal of.HUB participation. Mist of HUB Subcontractors/Vendors can be found.at litto.//iicadniiii,ne.gov/businesses`/`liub Description of Work • Contractor shall provide the necessary tools'and equipment to replace the upper bearing spur gear,.and turn buckles for lower rake support on.four(4)secondary cl arif ers.at the: treatment plant Iocated at.770 Hannah Creek:Rd,.four Oaks,NC,27524. Contractor is. encouraged to visit the site prior to bid, • Contractor must be responsible for removing trio existing gearbox,motor.,bull gear,.gear mount and bearing foam from each of the.four(4) clarifiers. • Contractor must provide new stainless steel turnbuckles and new stainless steel threaded rod necessary to rel:evel the rake arms. • The Town of Benson will be.providing a new spur gear and bearing for the work. .Date of Availability, • Date.of availability for this contract is September 19,2018 • The completion date for this contract is October 31,2018 • Liquidated Damages will be.assessed at value::of$100 per calendar day. Work Times 3 • Unless otherwise approved by the.WWTP Superintendent,no work shall be performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Legal State,Holidays. Work shall be performed only during the .hours of 5:30am-5:3.0.pm. Contract Award • The contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder offering the lowest total price for all items. WW'I'P CLARIFIER RI PAID PAOE 3 Certificate of Non-Collusion The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted iii good faith and without collusion or fx-aud with:any.other person. As used in this certification.,the.work"person"shall mean any natural person,business; partnership, corporation,.union,committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals: Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal Name of business .List of References Reference 1;N:ante and Contact Inforination. .Reference 2.Name and Contact Information t f j. 1' .SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 4VU,-IP CLARIFIER RE.PAT. - PAGE x Submittal Guidelines To be.considered for:thisproject,please subiliit the entire proposal with the infonnation requested below no later than 1-30pm on Monday, September•10,201S.. Company Name: Company Address: Contact Person: Telephone: Item Amount Biel h Total Bid Amount: . 1 f WWT.P CLA. II fEIt-R PAIR PAGI. 5 Bids Sent To Charles R. Underwood,Inc 2000 Boone Trail Rd. Sanford;NC 27330 Carolina Cvilworks'Inc. .PO Box 80337 Raleigh,NC 2'762.3 H&H Enterprises of Knightdale;LLC 1001 Stamford Green Dr Knightdale,NC 27545 Water& Waste System Construction 14 Apothecary Ct Garner,NC 27529 t ELJ Inc M Batting Cage:Trail Jacksonville,NC 28540 TOWN OF BENS ON W WTP CLARIFIER REPAIR the CF.Wrci:O.Xmi-4 to L.-�Y Monday, September 1.1, 2018 @ 1 3`.Opm in the Benson Room of the Town of Benson Conference Center NAME BUSINESS PHONE EMAIL 1 Y 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TOWN OF BENS CAN BID OPENING SHEET 'WWTP CLARIFIER REPAIR 7 k -- for C4N rcrc or Pf l I I.NTIO\ ' BID OPENED BY BID FROM; BID AMOUNT: PROPOSAL PACKAGE COMPLETE? 1 PAUL ALLEN. CAR:OLINA CIVILWORKS,INC $ 12 :,]58.67 YES PAUL ALLEN ELJ INC 22700.0.0 YES 3 PAUL ALLEN- CHARLES-R UNDERWOOD, INC $ 61;920.00 YES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OPENER:J . RECORDER; TOWN OF BENSON BID TAR SHEET WWTP CLARIFIER REPAIR. r £ ZA ....� 1. tec6n .pR C1i Af'1'wlim BID TABS Item Amount Bid Total Bid Caro ilia Civ lworks, INC Clarifier Repair $ 121,158.67 $ 121,158:.6 7 Remove gear boxes& $ 5;500.00 repair Replace turn buckles 8i: threaded rod(4) 10;000.00 ELJ,Inc $ 2.25700.00 Iristall new spur.gears&. $ V00.00 bearing Startup & test system.: $ 2;000.00 1 Clarifier 01 $ 15,480.00 Clarifier 02 $ 1.55480.00 Charles R. Underwood, Inc $ 61;92.0:.00. Clarifier 03 ,$ 15,480:.00 Clarifies-04 $ 1.5,480.00 MAYOR JERRY M.MEDLIN TOWN MANAGER MAYOR PRO-TEN[ * MATTHEW ZAPP CASANDRA P.STACK. f to �► aPJ.k'a �pv� ASSISTANT TO TOWN MANAGER COMMISSIONER TERRY HOBGOOD .MM. NEHOLLEY TOWN OF BENSON KIMBERLY T.PICKETT DAMES D..JOFNSON 1R. P.O.BOX 69 TOWN ATTORNEY DEAN MCLAMB 303 EAST CHURCH STREET °WELL[AM NEIGHBORS R.ISAAC PARKER - DR.R.MAX RAYNOR BENSON,NC 27504 .(919)894-3553 FAX(919)89471283 'WWw.to wnofbenson.com MEMO: To: Jerry M. Medlin,Mayon Board of Commissioners Matt Zapp,Town Manager R..Isaac Parker,Town.Attorney From: Paul Allen,WWTP Superintendent September 1.I,:2018= Re: WWTP Clarifier Repair Bids were received from three companies regarding the WWTP Clarifier Repair contract. ELJ; Inc;provided the lowest responsible bid. I recommend award of.this contract to ELJ;Inc for the amount of$22,700.00. The funding source for this project will fall under FEMA reimbursement. If there are any gUestions or concerns,please Iet me know. > � 3 r F f. �1te 'E 1V E 1:EZ off= } E TE:N rip, r f Invitation for Bids for f f Town of Benson WWTP valve Repair E :Bid Fromm: General Information and Bid Submission Requireincnts:. • Submit bids to: Town of Benson CIO Kimberly Pickett,Assistant to Town Alanager 303 E. Church St Benson,NC 27504 • Submit all bids by 1:00pm on Monday,September i0,2018. At that tiine bids will be publicly opened within the Benson Room of Town Hall Conference.Center; • The:corntract will be awarded at the next Town of Benson Board of Comp-lissioners meeting on Septeinber.l..1, 2018, The time for award maybe extended for up to 30 additional days by mutual agreement between the Town and the;apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder.. • Questions:con ceining:this invitation for must be.submitted in writing to; Kimberly .Pickett,Assistant to Town Manager,303 E. Church St,Benson,NC: 27504 before F 5:00pm on Friday,'Septeiriber 7,.2018. :Questions..inay be:delivered,inailed,.or faxed. Written responses will Abe mailed:or faxed to all bidders.on record as having picked up the Invitation for BID. • A.bidder inay correct,modify, or with.draw.a bid by written notice received by the Town riot to the time and date set for the bid opening..openmg.. Bid modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled"Modification No._." Each modification must be numbered in sequence; and must reference the original Invitation for BID, • After the.bid opening, a bidder may not change any provision of the bid.n a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town. • if, at the time of the scheduled bid opening,the Town Hall is closed due to:uncontrolled events such as fires snow, ice, wind, or building evaetiation,the bid opening will be postponed until.2:00prn on the next normal business day. Bids will.be accepted until that date..and time. + Bid:submission:should be presented in a sealed.envelope clearly narked"Town of Benson WWTP Valve Repair" • Bid must include a non-collusion form,bid pricing,sheet, and:references • Proof of General.Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation will be required prior to start of work. WWTP VALVE REPAIR- PAGE 2 Proof of Workers Compensation Coverage.will be required before work is started. A'bid must:be.signed as:follows: 1)if the bidder is an:individual,by herlliin-i personally; 2)if the bidder is a partnership, by the name of the partnership.followed by-the signature of each general partner; and'3)if the bidder is a corporation,by the authorized officer.,: whose signature must be attested to.by the ClerklSecretary of the corporation and the corporate seal affixed It will,be required to,provide a list:_of Subcontractors used for this project. he Town of Benson is requesting that the contractor bidding on this project utilize the HUB certified SubcontractorsNendors. This project has a 10%.goal of HUB participation. A list of HUB SubcontractorsNendors can be found at h tpIfncachni-ii.nc.go�,lbusinessesl.iilb Desp6ption of Work • Contractor shall provide the necessary parts,tools and.equipment.to remove die existing 16"buttel-.ly drain valve with,art electizc actuator and actuator shaft and replace with a :I6"b.utterfly drain .valve wi:t}i duplicate actuator;aiid actuator shaft on the%`Tertiary Filter used at the treatment plant located.at 770 Hannah Creek Rd,Four Oaks;:NC, 27524. Contractor is encouraged to visit the site prior to bid. k Date of Availability t E • Date of availability for this contract is September 19,2018 • The completion date for this.contract is October 31,2018 • Liquidated Damages. :will be assessed at value of$100 per calendar day: Work Times • Unless other approved by the WWTP Superintendent, no work shall be performed on. Saturdays, Sundays; and Legal State Holidays. Work shall be performed only during the hours of 6:30am-5.30pm. is Contract Award • The contract will.be awarded to the responsive and responsibl.ebidder offering the lowest total price for all items. WWTP V_LLB E.REPAIR- P Gh z. Certificate of Non-Collusion The undersigned certifies under penalties of peijuiy that this bid or proposal has been inade and submitted in.good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the work"person"shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, coiporatiotl, union committee, club, or other orgaiirzatibn, entity, or group of individuals. Signature of individual s.ubtiiitting:bid or proposal Naive:of business List:of References. Reference i Name and Contact Information Reference 2 Naive.and Contact Information SPACE LEFT IN7TENTIONALLY BLANK E t I i4 W WTP VALVE REP= ,.PAGE 4 i f Submittal Guidelines. To be considered for this project;pleasesubinit the entire proposal with the inforination requested:below no later than 1:00pni on Monday,.September 10,2018._ Company Name: Comp any Address. _ Contact Person: Telephone, Item :Amount Bid. Total"Bid Amount:. ,! TP 1' tI..V E.`1.1, PAIR- PAGE 5 Bids Sent To-, } Charles R Undcrwoa, file ( 2000 Boo e.TLa!#\ . } Sanford,NC27330 ( Catalina v11 os bC } ƒO Box 8 7 ( q%g, C 27623 } &/Enterprises.oKnigt%g \C\ . \ 10 1 S tahiford.Green pt } }nf/h dam NC 27545 } WRR&Waste System C s sclton ( 14 Apothecary C 2y£e kd259 ) 2L Inc ) 133 Batting Cage.Tr ai } Jacksonville,NC 28S40 } } } TOWN OF BENSON WWTP VALVE REPAIR. .. thicr.N7 r:�i or A�-rr:N'r�ov . Monday, September 1:1, MI.$ cr 1pm in the Benson Room of the Town of Benson Conference Center NAME BUSINESS PHONE EMAIL (,.Tef, (' )- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15 .6 17 18 19 20 TOWN OF BENSON BID OPENING SHEET WWTP FILTER DRAIN VALVE REPAI ��:rr''th<CXIVTtiIZ QF.:f�T`i ENTIUN BID OPENED BY BID FROM: BID AMOUNT: PROPOSAL;PACKAGE COMPLETE? 1 PAUL ALLEN CAROL.NA .I'VILWORKS, INC 86,368.151 YES 2 PA:UL.ALLEN ELJ,INC s 25,700;00 YES 3 PAUL ALLEN CHARLES R.UNDERWOOD,INC S 20 275.00 YES 4 5 6 7 ,9 10 OPENER RECORDER: TOWN OF BEN SON BID TAB SHEET TP VALVE REPAIR } . .t 11" w 16rC,r�-rinc7l�liiiurci:v BID TABS Item Amount Bid. Total Biel. Carolina C viltivorks, INC Valve replaceinent $ 86,368.51 86,368,51 Demo existing,16"valve $ 5 000..00 ELT;Inc Ilstall new valve: $' 20,000,00 2:5,700.00 Hook up electrical& 700.00 startup Charles.R. Underwood, Inc 01-Filter Drain Valve $: 203275.00 $ 20,275100 s t MAYOR ,TERRY M. MEDLIN TOWN MANAGER MAYOR PRO-TEM MATTHEW ZAPP CASANDRA P STACKD, �eascar ASSISTANT TO TOWN MANAGER COMMISSIONER TERRY HOBGOOD. MAXINE HOLLEY KIMBERLY T.PICKETT JAMES D.JOHNSONJR. TOWN OF BENSON DEAN MCLAMB P.,.O.BOX fig. TOiNN.ATTORNEY WILLIAM NEIGHBORS 303 EAST CHURCH STREET R.ISAAG PARKER DR.R.MAX`RAYNOR BENSO.N,NC 27504 (919)'894-3553 FAX(919.)894-1283 www.t bwnafbeh.3an_c0M ME'MO: TO: Jerry M. Medlin.,Mayor Board of Commissioner s Matt.Zapp,Town Manager R.Isaac Darker,Town Attorney From: Paul Allen,WWTP Superintendent 5 eptembeir 1:.1,201.b Re:. WWTP Valve,Repair Bids were received fi'nrn tluee co zpanics regarding the WWTP Valve Repair contract, Charles R. Underwood, Inc,provided the lowest responsible bid. Irecominend award.of this contract to Charles R. Underwood,d,Inc for the<unount of$20,275.:.00. The finidng:.source for this project will fall under FEMA reimbursement. If there are any questions or concerns,please.let me know. is i` t li ji ii li { is cA �-�i v►n .c Invitation for Bids for `Down of Benson. WWTP Rotor Repair F Bid From: General.Information and Bid Submission.Requirmnents: • Submit bids to: Town of Benson CIO Kimberly Pickett,Assistant to Town Manager 3.03 E. Church St, Benson;NC 27504: ® Submit all bids by l:00pm on Monday,September 10,2o.48. .At that.dine bids will be publicly opened within the.Benson Room of Town Hall Confei.enee Center. • The:contract will be.aw:atded at the nextfiown of Benson Board of Commissioners meetuig oii September l 1,2018. The time for award maybe.extended for up to 30. additional drays by:mutual agreement between the.Town and the apparent.lowest responsive and responsible:bidder. o Questions.concerning Hits invitation for bids must b:&.submitted'n ivt7ting;to;. T imberly Pickett,Assistant to Town.ManaVer,303 E. Church St,Benson.,NC. 27504:before 5:00pm on Friday,September 7,2018. Questions maybe delivered,;mailed, or:faxed. Written responses will be mailed:or faxed to all bidders on record as having picked up the lnvitation.for BID: • A bidder may correct,modify; or withdraw a bid by written notice received by the Town prior to the time and date set:for the bid opening. Bid modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled"Modification No._" Each modification must be I umbered in:sequence, and trust reference the original Itivitatlon for BID:.. • After the bid opening, a bidder may not cliartgo:any provision of the bid in.a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Tawn. • If, at the dine of the scheduled bid opening,.the7own Hall is closed due.to uncontrolled events such as fire, snow,lee,wind,or building evacuation,the bid opening will be postponed until 2.00pm on the next normal business day. Bids will be accepted until that date:arid time. E E :Bid submission should be presented in a sealed envelope clearly marked"Town of Benson WWTP Rotor Repair" Bid must;include a non-collusion form,bid pricing sheet, and references [i • Proof of General Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation will be required prior to E start of work. 'j tl'W TP RO_I'OR lRl~P AI.R-P GE 22 • Proof of Workers Compensation Coverage will,be required before work is started. • A bid must be.:signed as.follows: 1)if the bidder is an individual,by`her/him persorially; 2)if the bidder i:s:a parhlership,;by the.name of the partnership; followed by the signature of each general partner-, and:3)if the bidder:is a corporation;by the authorized officer., whose:Signature must attested to by the.Clerk/Secretary of the corporation.and the corporate seal affixed. • it will be required to provide a list of Subcontractors used for this project. The Town of E Benson is requesting that the:contractor bidding on this project utilize the HUB certified: Subcontractors/Vendors. This project.i as a 10%0: goal of HUB participation. A list of HUB Subcontractors/Vendors can be found at http•//iir-admili.ne.govfbusinesses/hub Description of Work Contractor.shall provide the.necessary tools-and equipment to replace the concrete: bearing support structure on one of the cage rotors in the oxidation ditch at the treatment plant located at 770 Hannah Creek.Rd,,Four Oates,NC;`27524. Contractor is encouraged to visit the site prior:to bid, • the Town of Benson will beproviding the bearing and mounting plate for the purpose of elevation-and alignment.. Date of Availability • Date of.availability for this contract is September 19,2018 • The-completion date for this contract is 0ctober,31,2018 • Liquidated qud:ated Damages will be assessed at value of$100 per calendar day:, Work Trines + • Unless otherwise approved by the WWTP Superintendent,no work shall be perfo.rmed:oil Saturdays,,.Sundays,and Legal State Holidays. Work shall be performed only during the hours of 6:30ain-5 30pin. Contract Award • The contract will:be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder offering the:lowest. total.price for all items. i i k 3 WWTP ,') C7F :Pit-PAIR-PAGE f Certificate:ofNon-.Collusioli The undersigned certifies under penalties of pet jury that this bird or proposal has been made'and. submitted in.good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in tfus. certification,the work"person"shall mean any natural person,business;partnership,; corporation,union, committee, club, or other organization, entity.or group.of individuals. Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal Name of business List of References Reference.1. Name and Contact Information.. i F Reference 2 Name and:Contact hiformati.on SS SPACE LEFT.INTENTIONA.LLY.BLANK I WWTP ROTOR REP,,UR-PAGE 4 Submittal Guidelines 0 To.be considered for this project,pease submit.the entire proposal with the information requested below no later than 2:00pxn on Monday,September 10,2018.., Company Name: Co.nip Address;. Contact Person: Telephone { Item Amount Bid j } Total Bid Amount: Bids.Sent To:. Charles R.Underwood,Inc 2000 Boone Trail Rd Sanford,NC 27330 Carolina Civilworlcs Inc. PO Box 80337 Raleigh,NC'27623 H&.H Enterprises of.Knightdale,LLC 100.1 Stamford Green Dr Knightdale,NC 27545 Water&Waste. System Construction 14 Apothecary Ct Garner,NC 27529 ELJ Inc 133 Batting Cage Trail Jacksonville,NC 2854.0' f j 1! i! I� i i� t i i I i M1 {f� TOWN OF BENS ON WWTP ROTOR REP.AAIR. ' tLC(,,,.ENZ'tAOf A7'1"EM'f1C7N. Monday,.September 11, 2018 @ 2pm in the.Benson Room of the Tow.ri of:Benson Conference Center NAME BUSINESS PHONE EMAIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 TOWN OF BENS ON BID► OPENING SHEET WWTP ROTOR. REPAIR - 44 or ill eCF\TFIi C?F fATI liN 1'(t7 ! BID OPENED BY BID FROM: BID AMOUNT: PROPOSAL PACKAGE COMPLETE> 1 PAUL ALLEN CAR:OLINA.CIVILWORKS,_INC 1$ 12,302.28 YES 2. PAUL ALLEN EL7,INC $ 15,000.00 YES 3 PAUL;ALLEN CH'ARLES`R.'UNDERWOODi WC :$ 43485 00 YES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OPENER. RECORDER:: r TOWN OF BENSON BID TAB SHEET TP ROTOR RE PAIR fV: ( F ' ....:_ems ✓ -• lkF�F�.:TFI(C1i rl�rrtirio.e BID TABS Item AmountBid 'Total Bid Carolina. Rotor repair. $ 12 302.2$ Civ:ilwdrics INC $ 12,302.28. Replacebeali g support. ELJ;Iiic $ 15,000.00 $ .15,000.00 stru,Qture Charles R. 01-Beaiii g support $ 4,485 00 $ 4,4$S,00 Underwood;.ine t. i' i i'. i { Fj 1` fj I E Of SEW MAYORq' � JERRY M.MEDLIN TOWN MANAGER MAYOR PRO-TEM t` MATTHEW ZAPP CASANDRA P.STACK ASSISTANT TO TOWN MANAGER COMMISSIONER TERRY HOBGQOD: MAXINE H.OLLEY KIMBERLY T.PICKETT JAMESD..JOHNSONJR. TOWN OF BENSON DEAN MGLAMB P.O.BOX 69 TOWN ATTORNEY W1LL{AM NEIGHBORS 303 EAST CHURCH STREET R.ISAAC PARKER, DR:R.MAX RAYNOR BEN$ON NC 27504 (9j 9)894-3553 FAX(919).894-1283 www.townofbenson.cam IVIEM..Q: To: jerry.M..Medlin,Mayor Board of Commissioners .Matt Tapp,Town Manager R. Isaac Parker,Town Attorney F F.i-oin; Paul:Allen,WWTP Superintendent September 11, 2.018 Re: WWTP Rotor Repair {` Bids were received from three.companies regarding the WWTP Rotor Repair contract. Charles R.Underwood,Inc,provided.the lowest Yesponsible bid. I recommend award of this contract to Charles R.::Underwood, Inc for the amount of$4,485.00. The funding source for this project-wil.l fail'.under FEND?.reimbursement. .If there are any questions or concerns;please let me know.. ,�f ROY COOPER w Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secrerrnl. LINDA CULPEPPER Director orw+� NORTH CAROLINA EnvhYnNentar Qual ry May 31, 2019 CERTIFIED MAIL #7016 2140 0000 4371 0431 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Timothy Robbins,Public Works Director Town of Benson PO Box 69 Benson,NC 27504-0069 SUBJECT: CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION REQUEST Benson WWTP Permit NCO020389 Case PC-2018-0019 Johnston County Dear Mr. Robbins: The Division has considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in the subject cases. In accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A(f), the Division has found no cause to remit the original civil penalty assessment of$57,608.90. If you choose to pay the penalty, send payment to the letterhead address within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter. Please make the check payable to NC DEQ. If payment is not received within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter, in accordance with NCGS § 143-215.6A(f), your request for remission of the civil penalty(with supporting documents) and my recommendation to deny the request will be delivered to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission's (EMC) Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee) for final agency decision. If you desire to make an oral presentation to the Committee on why your request for remission meets one or more of the five statutory factors you were asked to address, you must complete and return the attached form within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter. Please mail the completed form to: Ms. Brianna Young NC DEQ/DWR/NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 g, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-9000 Your request for an oral presentation and the documents in this matter will be reviewed by the EMC Chairman and, if it is determined that there is a compelling reason to require an oral presentation from you, you will be notified by certified mail of the date, time, and place that your oral presentation can be made. Otherwise, the final decision on your request for remission will be made by the Committee based on the written record. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions about this letter,please contact Brianna Young at(919) 707-3619 or brianna.young@ncdenr.gov. S' ely, Linda Culpepper Director, Division of Water Resources cc: Enforcement File Raleigh Regional Office Central Files STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF Johnston DWQ Case Number PC-2018-0019 IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF ) CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: ) REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Town of Benson ) I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above.In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: • This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. • Making a presentation will require the presence of myself and/or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. • My_presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my on inal remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five (5)minutes in length. The North Carolina State Bar's Authorized Practice of Law Committee has ruled that the appearance in a representative capacity at quasi-judicial hearings or proceedings is limited to lawyers who are active members of the bar. Proceedings before the Committee on Remissions are quasi-judicial.You should consider how you intend to present your case to the Committee in light of the State Bar's opinion and whether anyone will be speaking in a representative capacity for you or a business or governmental entity. If you or your representative would like to speak before the Committee, you must complete and return this form within thirty(30) days of receipt of this letter. Depending on your status as an individual, corporation,partnership or municipality,the State Bar's Opinion affects how you may proceed with your oral presentation. See www.ncbar.com/ethics,Authorized Practice Advisory Opinion 2006-1 and 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. • If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then you do not need legal representation before the Committee;however,if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations, such as an expert, engineer or consultant,then you must also be present at the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. • If you are a corporation,partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney.Presentation of facts by non-lawyers is permissible. If you choose to request an oral presentation,please make sure that signatures on the previously submitted Remission Request form and this Oral Presentation Request form are: 1)for individuals and business owners,your own signature and 2)for corporations,partnerships and municipalities, signed by individuals who would not violate the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. Also be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to Proceed with hearing our case if the Committee is informed that a violation of the State Bar occurs. This the day of 20 SIGNATURE TITLE(President,Owner, etc.) ADDRESS TELEPHONEi DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: PC-2018-0019 Region: Raleigh County: Johnston Assessed Entity: Town of Benson WWTP Permit: NC0020389 ® (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: Permittee States:Part II Section C.6 Removed Substances: At no time did the Town of Benson fail to properly dispose of its sludge. The Town experienced an accidental overflow from its permitted sludge stabilization and storage basin. The Town legally contracts with a contractor for sludge dewatering and offsite disposal.Prior to the spill occurring,the contractor was scheduled to perform permitted biosolid removal at the facility. When the spill occurred,the Town used its available resources to contain and clean tip the spill and retain biosolids onsite for proper disposal. DWR Response:The Town did fail to properly dispose of its sludge by allowing the sludge lagoon to overflow and sludge accumulated on the ground. The Town did use its resources to clean up the sludge,but a large amount of sludge was observed on the ground 6 days after the initial DWR response. Vegetation growing in the sludge, as well as the discoloration of the sludge, indicate that the sludge has been present on the ground long term. ® (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: Permittee States:Part Il Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate: The Town took immediate action to contain and clean up the sludge. Equipment and personnel were moved onto the site to assess the situation, contain the spill,consolidate the sludge and clean up the surrounding area.At the time of the spill,the lagoon was at its maximum operating level during its 12-month cleanout cycle. The Town's sludge disposal contactor was already scheduled to mobilize and begin removing sludge from the lagoon in early July 2018 when the spill occurred in mid-June 2018.To prevent a future occurrence,the Town authorized the disposal contractor to remove an additional 1,182 tons of biosolids from that lagoon above and beyond its normal annual removal of 400 tons. DWR Response:The Town did use its resources to clean up the sludge,but a large amount of.sludge was observed on the ground 6 days after the initial DWR response.The Town also removed an additional 1,182 tons of sludge in addition to the normal amount removed. ® (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: Permittee States:Part II Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate: The sludge discharge was an accident. The Town acknowledged that debris had become lodged in the effluent pipe and taken preventative action to remove the blockage several days prior to the spill.Because of a substantial rain event resulting in considerable inflow and infiltration into the WWTP and inability for the lagoon effluent pipe to adequately drain water into the adjacent basin,an accidental release of sludge onto the adjacent berm occurred. DWR Response:The I/I to the WWTP does not significantly affect the wasting to the sludge lagoon. Sludge was released to the ground. ❑ (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: ® (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: Permittee States:Part H Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate: The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents. The Town has invested in sludge removal and in new WWTP equipment and installation.Additional treatment unit and building improvements have been identified and will be scheduled when funds become available.Assessment will impede the Town's ability to recuperate necessary funds to undertake this remaining scope of work. Part lI Section C.2 Proper Operation and Maintenance(full remission request):The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents.Assessment of a civil penalty will impede the Town's ability to complete identified improvements. It also offsets significant capital outlay expended for the treatment plant equipment observed to be out of service. The observed treatment units that were out of service during the June 21,2018 site visit were not the cause of the sludge overflow.The Town has since obtained bids and started necessary repairs to the equipment. Part lI Section C.6 Removed Substances(full remission request): The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents.Assessment of a civil penalty will impede the Town's ability to complete its planned rehabilitation measures. Maintaining insufficient lagoon freeboard; Failure to record freeboard levels;Failure to perform composite sampling; Failure to report a spill;Failure to provide an annual report: These assessment factors are acknowledged and are operational errors at which time permit noncompliance occurred. The Town requests partial remission to continue performing remedial activities. The Town has made good faith efforts to mitigate future permit non-compliance by spending considerable capital reserve funds to remove 1,582 tons of biosolids from the aerobic sludge basin;perform improvements at grit chamber, screw pumps,oxidation ditches,secondary clarifier,tertiary filters,and chlorination facility; and improve management and oversight of the WWTP operations and maintenance activities. DWR Response:The Town reportedly is taking measures to comply with conditions of the NPDES permit.The Town reports"Additional treatment unit and building improvements have been identified and will be scheduled when funds become available."It is unclear what/when funds will be available to implement improvements. DECISION(Check Owe) Request Denied 7 Full Remission ❑ Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes❑ No❑ Partial Remission❑ $ (Enter Amount) 1 , Linda Culpepper Date RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DVM R. ISAAC PARKER JUL 6 2019 ATTORNEY AT LAW Office of the Benson Town Attorney Water Quality 212 East Main Street Permitting Section Benson,North Carolina 27504 Telephone (919) 894-4431 Email Address: Facsimile (919) 894-1139 ike.parker.law@gmail.com Friday, July 12, 2019 COVER LETTER AND CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned Town Attorney for the Town of Benson,North Carolina certifies the attached REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION, and attachments appended thereto, have been delivered as follows: VIA LISPS FIRST CLASS MAIL TO: Ms. Briana Young NC DEQ/ DWR/ NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 With this submission, please note the Town of Benson received the attached correspondence dated May 31, 2019 on June 28, 2019. Please accept this Request for Oral Presentation timely. If you have any questions regarding this request or the timeliness of submission, please contact my office. THIS THE 4AYOF- 5'J1!f , 2019 Sincerely yours, cz� R. Isaac Parker STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENvTTY'IR ONMVIENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF Johnston DVkTQ Case NtiTumber PC-2018-0019 IN THE MATTER OF ASSFSSMENT OF ) CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: } REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Town of Benson ) I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above.In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: 10 This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. ® Making a presentation will require the presence of myself and/or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh,North Carolina. 6 My presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my original remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five (5)minutes in length. The North Carolina State Bar's Authorized Practice of Law Committee has ruled that the appearance in a representative capacity at quasi-judicial hearings or proceedings is limited to lawyers who are active members of the bar. Proceedings before cbe Committee on Remissions are quasi-judicial.You should consider how you intend to present your cane to the Committee in light of the State Bar's opinion and whether anyone will be speaking in a representative capacity for,you or a business or governmental entity.If you or your representative would like to speak before the Committee,you must complete and return this form within thirty (30)days of receipt of this letter. Depending on your status as an individual,corporation,partnership or municipality,the State Bar's Opinion affects how you may proceed with your oral presentation.See -wvvv neba,i)m/etbies,Authorized Practice Advisory Opinion 2006-1 i and 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. • If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee,then you do not need legal representation before the Committee;however,if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations,such as an expert,engineer or consultant,then you must also be present at the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. r • If you are a corporation,partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral ' presentation before the Committee,then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney.Presentation of facts by non-lawyers is permissible. z If you choose to request.an oral presentation,please make sure that signatures on the previously submitted Remission i Request form and this Oral Presentation Request form are: 1)for individuals and business owners,your own signature and 2)for corporations,partnerships and municipalities,signed by individuals who would not violate the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. Also,be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to proceed with hearing your case if the Committee is informed that a violation of the State Bar occurs. This the day of J '� 20 s ��tJ� rT�—�-0 P�C►�, SICxd �_ ti� TITLE(President,Owner,etc.)ns ADDRESS TELEPHONE -- a i a t x d DWISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: PC-2018-0019 Regian: Raleigh County: Johnston Assessed Entity: Town of Benson WWTP Permit:NCO020389 °s ® (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to i the detriment of the petitioner: e Perrnittee States:Part H Section C.6 Removed Substances:At no time did the Town of Benson fail to s properly dispose of its sludge.The Town experienced an accidental overflow from its permitted sludge stabilization and storage basin.The Town legally contracts with a contractor for sludge dewatering and offsite disposal.Prior to the spill occurring,the contractor was scheduled to perform permitted biosolid removal at the facility. When the spill occurred,the Town used its available resources to contain and clean up the spill and retain biosolids onsite for proper disposal. DWR Response:The Town did fail to properly dispose of its sludge by allowing the sludge Iagoon to overflow and sludge accumulated on the ground.The Town did use its resources to clean up the sludge,but a large amount of sludge was observed on the ground 6 days alter the initial DWR response. Vegetation growing in the sludge, as well as the discoloration of the sludge,indicate that the sludge has been present on the ground long term. ,3 ® (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: " Per mittee States:Pact H Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate:The Town took immediate action to contain and clean up the sludge.Equipment and personnel were moved onto the site to assess the situation, contain the spill,consolidate the sludge and clean up the surrounding area. At the time of the spill,the lagoon was at its maximum operating level during its 12-month cleanout cycle.The Town's sludge disposal contactor was already scheduled to mobilize and begin removing sludge from the lagoon in ; early July 2018 when the spill occurred in mid-June 2018.To prevent a future occurrence,the Town authorized the disposal contractor to remove an additional 1,182 tons of biosolids from that lagoon above and beyond its normal annual removal of 400 tons. DWR Response:The Town did use its resources to clean up the sludge,but a large amount of sludge was observed on the ground 6 days after the initial DWR response. The Town also removed an additional 1,182 tons of sludge in addition to the normal amount removed. ® (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: Perrnittee States:Part H Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate:The sludge discharge was an accident.The Town acknowledged that debris had become lodged in the effluent pipe and taken preventative action to remove the blockage several days prior to the spill. Because of a substantial rain event resulting in considerable inflow and infiltration into tine WWTP and inability for the lagoon effluent pipe to adequately drain water into the adjacent basin,an accidental release of sludge onto the adjacent beam occurred. DN'R Response:The UI to the WWTP does not significantly affect the wasting to the sludge lagoon. Sludge was released to the ground. ❑ (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: 2 • 1 . f P t (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: Pernnittee States:Part H Section B.2 Duty to Mitigate:The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents.The Town has invested in sludge removal and in new WWTP t equipment and installation.Additional treatment unit and building improvements have been identified and will be scheduled when funds become available.Assessment will impede the Town's ability to recuperate necessary funds to undertake this remaining scope of work. s Part It Section C.2 Proper Operation and Maintenance(full remission request):The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents.Assessment of a civil penalty will u impede the Town's ability to complete identified improvements.It also offsets significant capital x outlay expended for the treatment plant equipment observed to be out of service.The observed 4 treatment units that were out of service during the June 21,2018 site visit were not the cause of the sludge overflow.The Town has since obtained bids and started necessary repairs to the equipment. Part 11 Section C.6 Removed Substances(frill remission request):The Town is proactively taking remedial actions to prevent future incidents.Assessment of a civil penalty will impede the Town's ability to complete its planned rehabilitation measures. Maintaining insufficient lagoon freeboard;Failure to record freeboard levels;Failure to perform composite sampling;Failure to report a spilt;Failure to provide an annual report.These assessment factors are acknowledged and are operational errors at which time permit noncompliance occurred. The Town requests partial remission to continue performing remedial activities.The Town has made good faith efforts to mitigate future permit non-compliance by spending considerable capital reserve funds to remove 1,582 tons of biosolids from the aerobic sludge basin;perform improvements at grit Y chamber,screw pumps,oxidation ditches,secondary clarifier,tertiary filters, and chlorination facility; and improve management and oversight of the W WTP operations and maintenance activities. '((1 I. DWR Response:The Town reportedly is taking measures to comply with conditions of the NPDES permit.The Town reports"Additional treatment unit and building improvements have been identified ' and will be scheduled when funds become available."It is unclear what/when funds will be available to implement improvements. { x i e DECISION(Check© e) Request Denied Full Remission 0 Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes❑ No❑ Partial Remission❑ $ _ (Enter Amount) Iv 4 Linda Culpepper Date �a i ;i �E t I� I' f� If 3 f e s d 3 C' 1'6S4j D 'S ROY COOPER V MICHAEL S. REGAN LINDA CULPEPPER N101-TH CAROLMA Environenrntal May 31,2019 CERTIFIED MAIL#7016 2140 0000 43710431 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Timothy Robbins,Public Works Director Town of Benson PO Box 69 Benson,NC 27504-0069 SUBJECT: CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION REQUEST Benson WWTP Pert-nitNCO020389 Case PC-2018-0019 Johnston County Dear Mr, Robbins: The Division has considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in the subject cases. In accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A(l),the Division has found no cause to reinit the original civil penalty assessment of$57,608.90. If you choose to pay the penalty,send payment to the letterhead address within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter. Please,make the check payable to NC DEQ, If payment is not received within thirty(3 0)days of receipt of this letter,in accordance with NCGS § 143-21 S.6A(f), your request for remission of the civil penalty(with supporting documents) and my recommendation to deny the request will be delivered to the North Carolina Environmental Management Corarnission's (EMC) Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee) for final agency decision. If you desire to make an oral presentation to the Committee on why your request for remission meets one or more of the five statutory factors you were asked to address,you must complete and return the attached form within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter. Please mail the completed form to: Ms.Brianna Young , NC DEQ/DWR/NPDES 1617 Mail S ci vice Center Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1617 Nortri Carolina Departmerit of Erivitownental Quality I Division of Water W.-SoUrces 1617 Mail Service Centel I Raleign,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-9000 i E t Your request for an oral presentation and the documents in this matter will be reviewed by the EMC � Chairman and,if it is determined that there is a compelling reason to require an oral presentation from you, you will be notified by certified mail of the date, time, and place that your oral presentation can be made. Otherwise,the final decision on your request for remission will be made by the Committee based on the written record. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, if you have any questions about this letter,please contact Brianna Young at(919)707-3619 or brianna.young@ncdeiir.gov. Sincerely, Linda Culpepper = '~ Director,Division of Water Resources i i cc: Enforcement File Raleigh Regional Office Central files 2 i k q A S ,I A5 S ;t a 8 i Y a 1 7 X p9 R r Jh 9 d ROY COOPER Go......o, MICHAEL S. REGAN Sea'elm'r LINDA CULPEPPER 0 Oh ecmr NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Qualfty July 23, 2019 Timothy Robbins, Public Works Directors Town of Benson PO Box 69 Benson,NC 27504-0069 SUBJECT: Request for Remission of Civil Penalty Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A(f) Benson WWTP Case Number PC-2018-0019 NPDES Permit NCO020389 Johnston County Dear Mr. Robbins: Final agency decision on your request for remission of the subject civil penalty will be made by the Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee) of the Environmental Management Commission(EMC)on Thursday, September 12, 2019. No request for oral presentation was made. You may attend this meeting, but you will not be permitted to speak regarding your case. _ The EMC Chairman has considered the written record and determined that no oral presentation will be made. You may attend this meeting,but you will not be permitted to speak regarding your case. x The EMC Chairman has considered the written record and determined that an oral presentation is necessary. Please come prepared to present your remission request at this meeting. You will be allowed approximately five(5)minutes to speak. Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider any information other than that submitted in the original remission request. Please note, the State Bar's recent Opinion regarding the unauthorized practice of law affects your method of presenting at the Committee. If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee, then you do not need legal representation before the Committee; however, if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations, such as an expert, engineer or consultant, then you must also be present at ig E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality�Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-9000 Mr. Robbins PC-2018-0019 CCPR Notification p. 2 the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. If you are a corporation, partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee, then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney. Presentation of facts by non-lawyers is permissible. Also, be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to proceed with the hearing of a case if the Committee is informed that a potential violation regarding the unauthorized practice of law has occurred. Time and Location of Meeting The Committee will convene at 11:00 a.m. or immediately following the closing of the regularly scheduled business meeting of the Environmental Management Commission. The Committee meeting will be held in the Ground Floor Hearing Room of the Archdale Building, located at 512 North Salisbury Street in Raleigh,North Carolina(see enclosed map). Other Things to Know About The Meeting The length of an Environmental Management Commission meeting is determined by its agenda of the day and the amount of discussion given to each topic—meetings often extend into the early afternoon. You are advised to arrive for the Committee meeting no later than 11:00 a.m. in order to ensure your opportunity to listen to consideration of your case in the event that the Committee begins at its appointed time. If the Commission meeting runs long and you need refreshment or food, Division of Water Resources staff can direct you to a canteen/snack bar that is located on the basement floor of the Archdale Building or to other local.eateries. If you have questions, please contact Sydney Carpenter at 919-707-3712, or via e-mail [Sydney.Carpenter@ncdenr.gov]. Sincerely, Linda 1pep Director, Division of Water Resources cc: NPDES Enforcement File Central Files Raleigh Regional Office