HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200321 Ver 1_18-221787.2 DWA -Fairview Dr, Gastonia, NC_20200228 Engineers who understand your business DESKTOP WETLAND ASSESSMENT Gastonia, NC Fairview Drive Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 August 17, 2018 Partner Project Number: 18-221787.2 Prepared for: Copart Dallas, Texas 75254 800-419-4923 www.PARTNEResi.com August 17, 2018 Mr. Mason Laycock Copart 14885 Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75254 Subject: Desktop Wetland Assessment Gastonia, NC Fairview Drive Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Partner Project No. 18-221787.2 Dear Mr. Laycock: Partner Engineering North Carolina PLLC (Partner) is pleased to provide the results of the assessment performed on the above-referenced property. This assessment is intended to be used as a limited screening tool to indicate the likely presence or absence of wetland conditions on the subject property. The assessment is based on readily-available information presented by regulatory agencies and, if possible, site conditions described in previous reports prepared for the subject property. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these assessment services. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we can assist you in any other matter, please contact Gary Reynolds at (206) 204-4633 or greynolds@partneresi.com. Sincerely, Partner Assessment Corporation Katie L. Morgan, WPIT Gary Reynolds Project Manager Relationship Manager Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 1 1.0 WETLAND DESKTOP ASSESSMENT Partner Engineering North Carolina PLLC (Partner) has performed a Desktop Wetland Assessment (DWA) for the subject property. Wetlands are areas that must meet three criteria: hydric soils, wetland vegetation, and wetland hydrology. The legal definition of a wetland is: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. (33 CFR §328.3(b)). A qualified environmental professional reviewed readily-available information presented by regulatory agencies and, if possible, site conditions described in previous reports prepared to preliminarily identify areas of interest on the subject property. 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located on the north side of Fairview Drive and the south-southeast side of Dallas Bessiemer City Highway in Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina. The subject property consists of approximately 110.24-acres of undeveloped, wooded land. According to the Gaston County Assessor, ownership is currently vested in Gastonia Industrial Realty Company. The immediately surrounding properties consist of residential dwellings, undeveloped land, and sparse commercial development along Dallas Bessiemer City Highway. 1.2 Historical Information Partner obtained available aerial photographs and historical topographic maps of the subject property and surrounding area from Environmental Data Resources (EDR). The reviewed materials are included within the attachments to this report. According to available historical sources, the subject property appears to be agricultural land and undeveloped wooded land from 1952 through 1964, and undeveloped wooded land from 1978 through present. Historically, Long Creek has been depicted along the northern property boundary and an unnamed tributary to Long Creek has been depicted along the western side of the subject property. Based on a review of available historical imagery, an areas of obvious inundation are not visible in the historical aerial photographs due to dense wooded vegetation on the subject property; however, Long Creek has been depicted along the northern property boundary and an unnamed tributary to Long Creek has been depicted along the western side of the subject property are depicted in historical topographic maps. 1.3 Current Freshwater Environments Based on a review of online imagery, freshwater environments appear to be located on the subject property. Long Creek is depicted along the northern property boundary and an unnamed tributary to Long Creek is depicted along the western side of the subject property Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 2 Review of the online United States Fish and Wildlife (USFW) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, depicted current and/or historic wetland areas on the subject property. A portion of a 27.66-acre Palustrine Forested Broad-Leaved Deciduous Temporary Flooded (PFO1A) wetland habitat is depicted on the north side of the subject property. A portion of a 1.77-acre Riverine Intermitten Streambed Seasonally Flooded (R4SBC) wetland habitat is depicted along the western side of the subject property. A portion of a Riverine Lower Perennial Unconsolidated Bottom Permanently Flooded (R2UBH) wetland habitat, identified as Long Creek, is located along the northern property boundary of the subject property. A copy of the historical aerial photographs and supporting soil information along with the USFW NWI map, is included within the attachments to this report. 1.4 Vegetation According to the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual, hydrophytic vegetation is defined as the sum total of macrophytic plant life that occurs in areas where the frequency and duration of inundation or soil saturation produce permanently or periodically saturated soils of s ufficient duration to exert a controlling influence on the plant species present. The subject property appears to be primarily undeveloped wooded land with Long Creek along the northern property boundary and an unnamed tributary to Long Creek along the western side of the subject property. According to information outlined within the online Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey, the USACE National Wetland Plant List for the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, and current conditions on the subject property, hydrophytic wetland-type vegetation is conducive to the undeveloped/vegetated areas of the subject property. 1.5 Hydrology According to the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual, wetland hydrology is defined as an area that is inundated either permanently or periodically at mean water depths are less than or equal to 6.6 feet, or the soil is saturated to the surface at some time during the growing season of the prevalent vegetation. According to the USACE Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region (Version 2.0), wetland hydrology is present when 14 or more consecutive days of flooding or ponding, or a water table 12 inches or less below the soil surface is present, during the growing season at a minimum frequency of 5 out of 10 years unless an alternative standard has been established for a particular region or wetland type. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Gastonia North, North Carolina Quadrangle 7.5- minute series topographic map was reviewed for this DWA. According to the contour lines on the topographic map, the subject property is located at approximately 785 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The subject property is depicted on the 20134 map with vegetation and Long Creek along the northern property boundary and an unnamed tributary to Long Creek along the western side of the subject property (Figure 3). Partner performed a review of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 3 According to Community Panel Number 3710353700J, dated September 28, 2007, the southern and southwestern portions of the subject property appears to be located in Zone X, an area of minimal flood hazard. The norther portions of the subject property appears to be located in Zone AE, special flood hazard areas and in the regulatory floodway. 1.6 Geology / Soils According to the NRCS Determinations and Delineations of Hydric Soils (TSSH Part 618.00), h ydric soils are defined as soils that, in an undrained condition, are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during a growing season to develop an anaerobic condition that supports the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation. The subject property is situated within the Kings Mountain Belt of the Piedmont physiographic province of the State of North Carolina. The subject property is underlain by the Foliated to Massive Gran itic Rock Formation. These rock formations, consist largely of megacrystic to equigranular high shoals granite. Based on information obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey online database, the subject property is mapped as Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded; Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded; Madison sandy clay loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded; Madison sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes; Pacolet sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes; and Vance sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes. The Cecil series consists of very deep, well drained moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. They are deep to saprolite and very deep to bedrock. They formed in residuum weathered from felsic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 0 to 25 percent. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 to 8. A horizons with value of 3 are less than 6 inches thick. The texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine earth fraction. Eroded phases are sandy clay loam, or clay loam in the fine earth fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine-earth fraction. The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy clay loam, loam, or clay loam. The Bt horizon averages 35 to 60 percent clay in the control section but may range to 70 percent in some subhorizons. It has hue of 10R or 2.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8. Hue also ranges to 5YR if evident patterns of mottling are lacking in the Bt and BC horizons. Mottles that are few and random are included. The Bt horizon is clay loam, clay, or sandy clay and contains less than 30 percent silt. The BC horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of yellow or brown are few to common in some pedons. The texture is sandy clay loam, clay loam, or loam. The C horizon is similar in color to the BC horizon or it is variegated. It is loamy saprolite weathered from felsic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. This soil type is not listed on the National Soil Information System (NASIS) NRCS hydric soil list for Gaston County Area, North Carolina and is not considered hydric. The Chewacla series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in alluvium flood plains in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain river valleys. Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent. The Ap horizon or A horizon has a hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, chroma of 1 to 6. The texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silty clay loam or clay loam. The Ab horizon, where present, has a hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 2 to 5, and chroma of 1 or 2. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 4 The texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, silt loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand. The AB or BA horizon, where present, has a hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8. The texture is loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, or silty clay loam. The Bw horizon has a hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 or variegated in shades of these colors. The texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The Bg horizon, where present, has a hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8. The texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The BC horizon, where present, has a hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8. The texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The BCg horizon, where present, has a hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8. The texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The C horizon or 2C horizon, where present, has a hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8. The texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Below 40 inches, texture is commonly variable, ranging from extremely gravelly sand to clay. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The Cg horizon or 2Cg horizon, where present, has a hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8. Texture is sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam or silty clay loam. Below 40 inches, texture is commonly variable, ranging from extremely gravelly sand to clay. Redoximorphic features, where present, consist of masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray. The Madison series consists of well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered from felsic or intermediate, high -grade metamorphic or igneous rocks high in mica content. They are very deep to bedrock and moderately deep to saprolite. They are on gently sloping to steep uplands in the Piedmont. Slopes are mostly between 4 and 15 percent, but range from 2 to 60 percent. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is loam, fine sandy loam, or sandy loam, in the fine -earth fraction. Eroded pedons are sandy clay loam or clay loam in the fine-earth fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 or 5 and chroma of 3 to 6. It is fine sandy loam or sandy loam in the fine -earth fraction. The BA or BE horizons, where present, have hue of 10R to 7.5YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. They are sandy loam, loam or sandy clay loam. The Bt horizon commonly has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Some pedons have thin subhorizons of the Bt horizon that range to 5YR and do not have mottles. Texture is clay, sandy clay or clay loam. The BC horizon, where present, has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 to 6 and chroma of 3 to 8. In some pedons it is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam or clay loam. The C horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, values of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 8 or is mottled with these colors. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 5 In some pedons it is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is saprolite of mica schist, mica gneiss, or other high-grade metamorphic or igneous rocks that are high in mica content. Textures are sandy loam, loam, or sandy clay loam. Locally, streaks or veins of soft quartz mica schist may be near the surface giving an irregular lower boundary to the Bt horizon. This soil type is listed on the NASIS NRCS hydric soil list for Gaston County Area, North Carolina and is considered hydric. The Pacolet series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered mostly from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. The A horizon has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 1 to 6. In eroded areas, hue ranges to 2.5YR and chroma ranges to 8. The A horizon commonly is sandy loam, but ranges to loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, fine sandy loam or loam in the fine- earth fraction. In eroded areas, it is clay loam or sandy clay loam in the fine-earth fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It commonly is sandy loam, but ranges to loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, fine sandy loam, loam in the fine-earth fraction. The BA or BE horizon, where present, and the upper part of the Bt in most pedons, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is clay loam, sandy clay loam, or loam. The Bt horizon has hue of 10R or 2.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8. Mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown are in the upper part of the Bt horizon in some pedons and in the lower part of the Bt horizon in most pedons. Texture is clay, sandy clay, or clay loam. The BC horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8 commonly with mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown. The BC horizon of some pedons is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, or sandy loam. The C horizon has hue of 10R to 10YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 3 to 8 commonly with mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown or is multicolored. Texture is loamy saprolite weathered from felsic crystalline rock. This soil type is not listed on the NASIS NRCS hydric soil list for Gaston County Area, North Carolina and is not considered hydric. The Vance series consists of well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered from acid crystalline rocks in the Piedmont. They are moderately deep to saprolite and very deep to bedrock. The soils are on ridges and side slopes. Slopes range from 2 to 25 percent. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 10YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 6. It is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or coarse sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. Eroded phases are sandy clay loam or clay loam and chroma can range to 8. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 3 to 6. It is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or coarse sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. Texture is clay loam or sandy clay loam. The Bt horizon has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. The lower part may contain some low chroma mottles. Texture is clay, clay loam, or sandy clay with less than 30 percent silt. Consistence is very firm and plastic. The BC horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. The lower part may contain some low chroma mottles. Texture is clay loam, sandy clay loam, clay, sandy clay, or loam. The C horizon is multicolored loamy saprolite weathered from felsic crystalline rock. Texture is variable and but commonly is clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, or sandy loam. This soil type is not listed on the NASIS NRCS hydric soil list for Gaston County Area, North Carolina and is not considered hydric. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 6 2.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEDATIONS According to readily-available information presented by regulatory agencies and, site conditions described in previous reports prepared for the subject property; the subject property appears to contain wetland areas of concern. A portion of the property is located within the Regulatory Floodway. Development within the regulatory floodway will require additional permitting. If development is proposed for the subject property in the wetland areas of conern inclucing the regulatory floodway, Partner recommends a formal wetland determination and delineation conducted on the subject property prior to development activities. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 1 3.0 SIGNATURES OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Partner has performed a DWA for the property located at Fairview Drive in Gastonia, NCchigan, in general conformance with the scope and limitations of the protocol and the limitations stated earlier in this report. Exceptions to or deletions from this protocol are discussed earlier in this report. Prepared By: Reviewed By: Katie L. Morgan, EP, WPIT Angelique Crews Environmental Professional Senior Author Attachments Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: Topographic Map Attachments: Historical Aerial Photographs Historical Topographic Maps Wetland Maps Flood Maps Soil Survey Information Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 2 4.0 LIMITATIONS All conclusions expressed or implied in this report are limited by the contractual Scope of Work and standard commercial methods used to perform these services. This desktop review has been performed in general accordance with applicable guidelines that have been set forth by the Unite States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and industry standards. In preparing this report, Partner has relied solely on information that has been provided and/or derived from secondary sources and compiled data. Partner cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that the information provided by these other sources is accurate or complete. The conclusions and findings set forth in this report are strictly limited in time and scope to the date of the evaluation. No other warranties are implied or expressed. The methodologies of this records review are not intended to identify all environmental concerns which may be identified in other Environmental Site Assessments. Site reconnaissance by Partner personnel was not conducted as part of this investigation. Acceptance and use of this report infers acknowledgment that the condition of the property may have changed after the publication of the reviewed materials and that Partner, its officers, employees, vendors, successors or assigns, are not liable for changes in the condition of the property and damages that may occur as a result of the changes. Wetland Desktop Assessment Project No. 18-221787.2 August 17, 2018 Page 3 5.0 USER RELIANCE All reports, both verbal and written, are for the sole use and benefit of the entities identified on the cover page. This report has no other purpose and may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without the written consent of Partner. This report has been completed under specific Terms and Conditions relating to sco pe, relying parties, limitations of liability, indemnification, dispute resolution, and other factors relevant to any reliance on this report. Any parties relying on this report do so having accepted the Terms and Conditions for which this report was completed. A copy of Partner’s standard Terms and Conditions can be found at http://www.partneresi.com/terms-and-conditions.php. FIGURES 1. SITE LOCATION MAP 2. SITE PLAN 3. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 18-221787.2 Drawing Not To Scale KEY: Subject Property FIGURE 2: SITE PLAN Project No. 18-221787.2 KEY: Subject Property Regulatory Floodway Flood Zone AE Blue Line Stream FIGURE 3: TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Project No. 18-221787.2 USGS 7.5 Minute Gaston North, North Carolina Quadrangle Created: 2013 KEY: Subject Property REVIEWED MATERIALS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Aerial Photographs Historic Topographic Maps Wetland Map Flood Map Soil Survey Information page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1950 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 3 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1956 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 4 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1961 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 5 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1964 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 6 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1976 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 7 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1984 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 8 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 1993 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 9 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 2006 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 11 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 2009 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 12 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 2012 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 13 page- APPENDIX B: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Key: Subject Property Aerial Photograph Year: 2016 500 1000 2000 5375609 8 14 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 1914 TP, Gastonia, 1914, 15-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 1916 TP, Gastonia, 1916, 15-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 1970 TP, Gastonia North, 1970, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 1996 TP, Gastonia North, 1996, 7.5-minute W, Bessemer City, 1996, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 2003 TP, Gastonia North, 2003, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 - APPENDIX B: Topographic Maps Project No. Key: Subject Property Topographic Map Year: 2013 TP, Gastonia North, 2013, 7.5-minute W, Bessemer City, 2013, 7.5-minute 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 5375609 4 USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery. Data refreshed October 2017. National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet Ü81°13'48.98"W 35°18'6.87"N 81°13'11.52"W 35°17'37.51"N SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT SPECIAL FLOODHAZARD AR EAS Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE)Zone A, V, A99With BFE or Depth Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Regulator y Floodway 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areasof 1% annual chance flood with averagedepth less than one foot or with drainageareas of less than one square mile Zone X Future Conditions 1% AnnualChance Flood Hazard Zone XArea with Reduced Flood Risk due toLevee. See Notes.Zone X Area with Flood Risk due to Levee Zone D NO SCREE N Area of Minimal Flood Hazard Zone X Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard Zone D Channel, Culver t, or Storm SewerLevee, Dike, or Floodwall Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance17.5 Water Surface ElevationCoastal Transect Coastal Transect BaselineProfile BaselineHydrographic Feature Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) Effective LOMRs Limit of StudyJurisdiction Boundar y Digital Data Available No Digital Data Available Unmapped This map complies with FEMA's standards for the use of digital flood maps if it is not void as described below. The basemap shown complies with FEMA's basemap accuracy standards The flood hazard information is derived directly from theauthoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA. This mapwas exported on 8/15/2018 at 4:29:43 PM and does notreflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date andtime. The NFHL and effective information may change orbecome superseded by new data over time. This map image is void if the one or more of the following mapelements do not appear: basemap imagery, flood zone labels,legend, scale bar, map creation date, community identifiers,FIRM panel number, and FIRM effective date. Map images forunmapped and unmodernized areas cannot be used forregulatory purposes. Legend OTHER AREAS OFFLOOD HAZARD OTHER AREAS GENERALSTRUCTURES OTHERFEATURES MAP PANELS 8 1:6,000 B 20.2 The pin displayed on the map is an approximate point selected by the user and does not represent an authoritative proper ty location. Soil Map—Gaston County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/15/2018 Page 1 of 339057003905800390590039060003906100390620039063003906400390650039066003905700390580039059003906000390610039062003906300390640039065003906600478900479000479100479200479300479400479500479600479700479800479900480000480100480200480300480400 478900 479000 479100 479200 479300 479400 479500 479600 479700 479800 479900 480000 480100 480200 480300 480400 35° 18' 11'' N 81° 13' 57'' W35° 18' 11'' N81° 12' 54'' W35° 17' 37'' N 81° 13' 57'' W35° 17' 37'' N 81° 12' 54'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 350 700 1400 2100 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 Meters Map Scale: 1:7,290 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Gaston County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 17, Sep 26, 2017 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 23, 2014—Nov 28, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—Gaston County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/15/2018 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CeB2 Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 18.2 16.9% CeD2 Cecil sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 37.7 35.2% ChA Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 23.3 21.7% MaB2 Madison sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 3.7 3.5% MaD2 Madison sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 2.4 2.3% MaE Madison sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 2.9 2.7% PaE Pacolet sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 15.6 14.5% VaB Vance sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 3.4 3.2% Totals for Area of Interest 107.2 100.0% Soil Map—Gaston County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/15/2018 Page 3 of 3 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CECIL Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CECIL.html 1/3 LOCATION CECIL NC+AL GA SC VA Established Series Rev. DTA, RHB 02/2007 CECIL SERIES The Cecil series consists of very deep, well drained moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. They are deep to saprolite and very deep to bedrock. They formed in residuum weathered from felsic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 0 to 25 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 48 inches and mean annual temperature is 59 degrees F. near the type location. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Cecil sandy loam--forested. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to 8 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; very friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 8 inches thick) Bt1--8 to 26 inches; red (10R 4/8) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bt2--26 to 42 inches; red (10R 4/8) clay; few fine prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 24 to 50 inches) BC--42 to 50 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) clay loam; few distinct yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 10 inches thick) C--50 to 80 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) loam saprolite; common medium distinct pale yellow (2.5Y 7/4) and common distinct brown (7.5YR 5/4) mottles; massive; very friable; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Franklin County, North Carolina; about 9.7 miles west of Louisburg on North Carolina Highway 56 to Franklinton, about 4.4 miles south on U.S. Highway 1, about 0.4 mile east on North Carolina Highway 96, about 500 feet north of the road, in a field; Franklinton USGS topographic quadrangle; lat. 36 degrees 02 minutes 24 seconds N. and long. 78 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds W. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The Bt horizon is at least 24 to 50 inches thick and extends to 40 inches or more. Depth to bedrock ranges from 6 to 10 feet or more. The soil ranges from very strongly acid to moderately acid in the A horizons and is strongly acid or very strongly acid in the B and C horizons. Limed soils are typically moderately acid or slightly acid in the upper part. Content of coarse fragments range from 0 to 35 percent by volume in the A horizon and 0 to 10 percent by volume in the Bt horizon. Fragments are dominantly gravel or cobble in size. Most pedons have few to common flakes of mica in the Bt horizon and few to many flakes of mica in the BC and C horizons. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 to 8. A horizons with value of 3 are less than 6 inches thick. The texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine earth fraction. Eroded phases are sandy clay loam, or clay loam in the fine earth fraction. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CECIL Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CECIL.html 2/3 The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine-earth fraction. The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy clay loam, loam, or clay loam. The Bt horizon averages 35 to 60 percent clay in the control section but may range to 70 percent in some subhorizons. It has hue of 10R or 2.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8. Hue also ranges to 5YR if evident patterns of mottling are lacking in the Bt and BC horizons. Mottles that are few and random are included. The Bt horizon is clay loam, clay, or sandy clay and contains less than 30 percent silt. The BC horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of yellow or brown are few to common in some pedons. The texture is sandy clay loam, clay loam, or loam. The C horizon is similar in color to the BC horizon or it is variegated. It is loamy saprolite weathered from felsic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. COMPETING SERIES: These are the Appling, Bethlehem, Georgeville, Herndon, Madison, Nanford, Nankin, Pacolet, Saw, Tarrus, and Wedowee series in the same family. Those in closely related families are the Cataula, Chestatee, Cullen, Hulett, Lloyd, Mayodan, and Mecklenburg series. Appling soils have dominant hue of 7.5YR or yellower or where hue is 5YR it has evident patterns of mottling in a subhorizon of the Bt or BC horizon. Bethlehem soils have soft bedrock at depths of 20 to 40 inches. Cataula soils have a perched water table at 2 to 4 feet, Chestatee soils contain more than 15 percent, by volume, coarse fragments throughout. Cullen soils have more clay in the Bt horizon. Mayodan and Mecklenburg soils have mixed mineralogy and in addition, Mayodan soils formed in Triassic age sediments and Mecklenburg soils formed from basic diabase parent material. Georgeville, Herndon, Nanford, and Tarrus soils formed in Carolina slate and contain more than 30 percent silt. Hulett, Nankin, and Wedowee soils have a Bt horizon with hue of 5YR or yellower. In addition, Nankin soils formed from marine sediments. Lloyd soils have rhodic colors to depths of 40 inches or more. Madison, Pacolet, and Wedowee soils have thinner argillic horizons. Saw soils have hard bedrock at depths of 20 to 40 inches. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Cecil soils are on nearly level to steep Piedmont uplands. Slope gradients are 0 to 25 percent, most commonly between 2 and 15 percent. These soils have developed in weathered felsic igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. Average annual precipitation is about 48 inches. Mean annual soil temperature is about 59 degrees F. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: In addition to the competing Appling, Bethlehem, Cataula, Chestatee, Cullen, Lloyd, Madison, Mecklenburg, Pacolet, Saw, and Wedowee series these are the Durham, Louisburg, Rion, and Worsham series. Durham, Louisburg, and Rion soils have less clay in the Bt horizon. Worsham soils are poorly drained and are around the heads of drains. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; medium to rapid runoff; moderate permeability. USE AND VEGETATION: About half of the total acreage is in cultivation, with the remainder in pasture and forest. Common crops are small grains, corn, cotton, and tobacco. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: The Piedmont of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The series is of large extent, with an area of more than 10 million acres. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Cecil County, Maryland; 1899. REMARKS: The June 1988 revision changed the classification to Typic Kanhapludults and recognized the low activity clay properties of this soil as defined in the Low Activity Clay Amendment to Soil Taxonomy, August 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CECIL Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CECIL.html 3/3 1986. The December 2005 revision changed the type location from Catawba County, North Carolina to a more representative location. The May 2006 revision changed language in competing series for Wedowee. Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon--the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 8 inches (Ap horizon) Kandic horizon--the zone between 8 and 42 inches meets the low activity clay requirement in more than 50 percent of the horizon (Bt1 and Bt2 horizons) Argillic horizon--the zone between 8 and 42 inches (Bt1 and Bt2 horizons) ADDITIONAL DATA: McCracken, R. J., editor: Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin 61, issued January, 1959, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Virginia. Soil Survey of Catawba County, North Carolina, issued 1975. Soil Survey of Forsyth County, North Carolina, issued 1976. MLRA--136 REVISED--09/1997, RLV; 12/2005, DTA; 05/2006, RHB TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NC0018 CECIL 0-25 57-65 175-200 45-55 200-900 NC0268 CECIL 0-25 57-65 160-190 44-55 300-800 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NC0018 NONE >6.0 - - >60 NC0268 NONE >6.0 - - >60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0018 0-8 SL FSL L 0-5 80-100 5-20 1-5 NC0018 0-8 GR-SL GR-L GR-FSL 5-15 55-85 5-20 1-5 NC0018 0-8 SCL CL 0-5 75-100 20-35 5-10 NC0018 8-50 C CL 0-5 92-100 35-70 3-12 NC0018 50-80 VAR - - - - NC0268 0-8 GR-SCL GR-CL 0-10 60-85 20-35 5-10 NC0268 8-50 C CL 0-5 90-100 35-70 3-12 NC0268 50-80 VAR - - - - SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NC0018 0-8 4.5-6.5 0.5-1.0 0-0 2.0-6.0 LOW NC0018 0-8 4.5-6.5 0.5-1.0 0-0 2.0-6.0 LOW NC0018 0-8 4.5-6.5 0.5-1.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0018 8-50 4.5-5.5 0.0-0.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0018 50-80 - - - - - NC0268 0-8 4.5-6.0 0.5-1.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0268 8-50 4.5-5.5 0.0-0.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0268 50-80 - - - - - National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CHEWACLA Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CHEWACLA.html 1/5 LOCATION CHEWACLA NC+AL GA SC TN VA Established Series RJL/Rev. JAK/DTA 02/2010 CHEWACLA SERIES MLRA(s): 136-Southern Piedmont, 133A-Southern Coastal Plain, 153A-Atlantic Coast Flatwoods MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina Depth Class: Very deep Drainage Class (Agricultural): Somewhat poorly drained Internal Free Water Occurrence: Very shallow to moderately deep, common Flooding Frequency and Duration: Frequent to rare for very brief to long periods Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Index Surface Runoff: Negligible to low Permeability: Moderate Landscape: Piedmont and Coastal Plain river valleys Landform: Flood plains Parent Material: Alluvium Slope: 0 to 2 percent Elevation (type location): Unknown Mean Annual Air Temperature (type location): 59 degrees F. Mean Annual Precipitation (type location): 44 inches TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts TYPICAL PEDON: Chewacla loam--cultivated. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to 4 inches; brown (7.5YR 4/4) loam; weak medium granular structure; friable; common very fine, fine, and medium roots; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. (1 to 10 inches thick) Bw1--4 to 14 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) silty clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; common fine and medium roots; common fine flakes of mica; few medium faint brown (10YR 5/3) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bw2--14 to 26 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; common fine and medium roots; many fine flakes of mica; common medium faint grayish brown (10YR 5/2) iron depletions and common medium distinct strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) masses of oxidized iron; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bw3--26 to 38 inches; brown (7.5YR 4/4) loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; common fine roots; many fine flakes of mica; common medium distinct gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bw4--38 to 47 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine roots; many fine flakes of mica; common medium distinct gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bw5--47 to 60 inches; gray (10YR 5/1), strong brown (7.5YR 5/8), and red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine roots; many fine flakes of mica; areas with gray color are 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CHEWACLA Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CHEWACLA.html 2/5 iron depletions and areas with red color are masses of oxidized iron; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bw horizons is 6 to 60 inches) C--60 to 80 inches; brown (7.5YR 4/4) and gray (7.5YR 5/1) loam; massive; friable; many fine flakes of mica; areas with gray color are iron depletions very strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Halifax County, North Carolina; 1.0 mile east southeast of Norfleet on Secondary Road 1800, 1.3 miles east southeast on a farm path, 1.0 mile south southwest on farm path, 0.5 mile southeast of the farm path, in a wooded area. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 80 inches Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: 6 to 24 inches, November to April Rock Fragment content: Less than 5 percent, by volume, in the A and upper B horizons. In some pedons, gravel content ranges to 15 percent by volume in the lower B horizons. Soil Reaction: Very strongly acid to slightly acid to a depth of 40 inches, very strongly acid to mildly alkaline below 40 inches, except where limed Other Features: Few to many mica flakes throughout and none to common concretions RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL HORIZONS: Ap horizon or A horizon: Color--hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, chroma of 1 to 6 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silty clay loam or clay loam Ab horizon (where present): Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 2 to 5, and chroma of 1 or 2 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, silt loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand AB or BA horizon (where present): Color--hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, or silty clay loam Bw horizon: Color--hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 or variegated in shades of these colors Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam Redoximorphic features (were present)--masses of oxidized in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray Bg horizon (where present): Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam Redoximorphic features (where present)-masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray BC horizon (where present): Color--hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam Redoximorphic features (where present)-- masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CHEWACLA Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CHEWACLA.html 3/5 BCg horizon (where present): Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam Redoximorphic features (where present)--masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray C horizon or 2C horizon (where present): Color--hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Below 40 inches, texture is commonly variable, ranging from extremely gravelly sand to clay. Redoximorphic features (if they occur)--masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray Cg horizon or 2Cg horizon (where present): Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8 Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy clay loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, clay loam, silt loam or silty clay loam. Below 40 inches, texture is commonly variable, ranging from extremely gravelly sand to clay. Redoximorphic features (where present)--masses of oxidized iron in shade of red, yellow, or brown and iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, olive, or gray COMPETING SERIES: Oakboro soils--have bedrock at 40 to 60 inches and occur in the Carolina Slate Belt GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Landscape: Piedmont and Coastal Plain river valleys that drain out of the Piedmont Landform: Flood plains Parent Material: Alluvium Elevation: 10 to 700 feet Mean Annual Air Temperature: 58 to 68 degrees Mean Annual Precipitation: 37 to 69 inches Frost Free Period: 185 to 250 days GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: On flood plains: Bibb soils--are in a coarse-loamy family and are poorly drained Buncombe soils--are sandy and excessively drained Cartecay soils--are in a coarse-loamy family Chastain soils--are in a clayey family and are poorly drained Chenneby soils--are in a fine-silty family Congaree soils--lack a cambic horizon Enoree soils--are in a coarse-loamy family Oakboro soils--have bedrock at 40 to 60 inches and occur in the Carolina Slate Belt Riverview soils--are well drained Shellbluff soils--are well drained and in a fine-silty family Tawcaw soils--are in a clayey family Wehadkee soils--are poorly drained On adjacent stream terraces (all of these soils have an argillic horizon): Altavista soils--are moderatelt well drained Augusta soils--are somewhat poorly drained Dogue soils--are in a clayey family, are moderately well drained, and occur in the Coastal Plain region Dorian soils--are in a clayey family, are moderately well drained, and occur in the Piedmont region Merry Oaks soils--are in a fine-silty family and occur in the Piedmont region 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CHEWACLA Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CHEWACLA.html 4/5 Moncure soils--are in a fine-silty family, are poorly drained, and occur in the Piedmont region Roanoke soils--are in a clayey family and are poorly drained State soils--are well drained Wahee soils--are in a clayey family and occur in the Coastal Plain region Warne soils--are in a clayey family and occur in the Piedmont region Wickham soils--are well drained DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Drainage class (Agricultural): Somewhat poorly drained Index Surface Runoff: Negligible to very low Internal Free Water Occurrence: Very shallow to moderately deep, common Flooding Frequency and Duration: Frequent to rare for very brief to long periods Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Permeability: Moderate USE AND VEGETATION: Major Uses: Pasture, cropland, some forest Dominant Vegetation: Where cultivated--corn, small grain. Where wooded--yellow poplar, sweetgum, water oak, eastern cottonwood, green ash, blackgum, red maple, willow oak, and American sycamore. Loblolly pines are in some areas that are not subject to frequent flooding. Common understory plants include river birch, winged elm, hackberry, greenbrier, American holly, black willow, sourwood, eastern and hophornbeam. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Distribution: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia Extent: Large MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Hall County, Georgia; 1937. REMARKS: 4/18/03, DTA. In 2003 version, moved the type location from Burke County, North Carolina to Halifax County, North Carolina. The former type location is located in the mesic part of MLRA 136. The 05/2006 revision removed MLRA 153B. RIC of Ap revised to allow silty clay loam texture. Diagnostic horizons and soil characteristics recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon--the zone from 0 to 4 inches (Ap horizon) Cambic horizon--the zone from 4 to 60 inches (Bw horizons) Aquic conditions--the soil has redox depletions and concentrations within the upper 24 inches of the soil, with periodic saturation and reduction at some time during the year Series control section--the zone from 0 to 60 inches ADDITIONAL DATA: None TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NC0055 CHEWACLA 0-2 57-70 185-250 37-69 10-700 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NC0055 RARE FREQ 0.5-2.0 APPARENT NOV-APR >80 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0055 0-4 FSL SL 0-0 95-100 5-20 4-20 NC0055 0-4 SIL L CL 0-0 95-100 10-35 5-30 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - CHEWACLA Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/C/CHEWACLA.html 5/5 NC0055 4-26 SIL SICL CL 0-0 95-100 18-35 10-25 NC0055 26-38 SCL L SL 0-0 95-100 18-35 10-25 NC0055 38-60 SIL CL SICL 0-0 75-100 18-35 10-25 NC0055 60-72 VAR - - - - SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NC0055 0-4 4.5-6.5 1.0-4.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0055 0-4 4.5-6.5 1.0-4.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0055 4-26 4.5-6.5 0.5-2.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0055 26-38 4.5-6.5 0.5-2.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0055 38-60 4.5-7.8 0.5-2.0 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0055 60-72 - - - - - National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - MADISON Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MADISON.html 1/3 LOCATION MADISON NC+AL GA SC VA Established Series Rev. RAG/JAK 10/2002 MADISON SERIES The Madison series consists of well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered from felsic or intermediate, high-grade metamorphic or igneous rocks high in mica content. They are very deep to bedrock and moderately deep to saprolite. They are on gently sloping to steep uplands in the Piedmont. Slopes are mostly between 4 and 15 percent, but range from 2 to 60 percent. Near the type location, mean annual temperature is 59 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is 60 inches. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Madison gravelly sandy loam. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to 6 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) gravelly sandy loam; moderate, medium and coarse, granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; few fine flakes of mica; fragments of quartz and schist about l inch in size, make up about 20 percent of horizon; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. (2 to 9 inches thick) BE--6 to 9 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; friable; many fine and medium roots; few faint clay films on faces of peds; common medium flakes of mica; common fragments of quartz and schist; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 5 inches thick) Bt--9 to 30 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) clay; moderate, fine subangular blocky structure; friable; sticky; slightly plastic; few fine and medium roots; common fine pores; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; many fine flakes of mica; common fragments of quartz and schist; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (12 to 30 inches thick) BC--30 to 35 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; weak, fine and medium subangular blocky structure; friable; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; many fine flakes of mica; common fragments of quartz and schist; strongly acid; gradual irregular boundary. (0 to 14 inches thick) C--35 to 66 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/8) saprolite of mica schist that is sandy loam; common, medium, distinct red (2.5YR 5/8) mottles; massive; friable; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Catawba County, North Carolina; 5 1/4 miles southeast of Newton on N.C. Highway 16, one-eighth mile south on SR 1810, 2 1/8 miles southeast on SR 1858, 2 miles west on SR 1874 and 500 feet north of road. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 20 to 50 inches. Depth to bedrock is more than 6 feet. Content of coarse fragments, mainly gravel, ranges from 0 to 25 percent in the A and E horizons and is 0 to 15 percent in the lower horizons. Content of mica ranges from few to many in the A, E, BE, and BA horizons; common or many in the Bt horizon; and many in the BC and C horizons. The soil is moderately acid to very strongly acid throughout, except where the surface has been limed. Limed soils are moderately acid or slightly acid in the upper part. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is loam, fine sandy loam, or sandy loam, in the fine-earth fraction. Eroded pedons are sandy clay loam or clay loam in the fine-earth 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - MADISON Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MADISON.html 2/3 fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 or 5 and chroma of 3 to 6. It is fine sandy loam or sandy loam in the fine-earth fraction. The BA or BE horizons, where present, have hue of 10R to 7.5YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. They are sandy loam, loam or sandy clay loam. The Bt horizon commonly has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Some pedons have thin subhorizons of the Bt horizon that range to 5YR and do not have mottles. Texture is clay, sandy clay or clay loam. The BC horizon, where present, has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 to 6 and chroma of 3 to 8. In some pedons it is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam or clay loam. The C horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, values of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 8 or is mottled with these colors. In some pedons it is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is saprolite of mica schist, mica gneiss, or other high-grade metamorphic or igneous rocks that are high in mica content. Textures are sandy loam, loam, or sandy clay loam. Locally, streaks or veins of soft quartz mica schist may be near the surface giving an irregular lower boundary to the Bt horizon. COMPETING SERIES: Soils in the same family are Appling, Bethlehem, Cecil, Nankin, Pacolet, Saw, Tumbleton, and Wedowee. Appling, Cecil, Nankin, Pacolet, Tumbleton and Wedowee soils lack the many flakes of mica that produce a characteristic slick feel to Madison soil material. Bethlehem and Saw soils are moderately deep to bedrock. Nankin and Tumbleton soils are underlain by stratified Coastal Plain marine sediments. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Madison soils are on gently sloping to steep Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 2 to 60 percent, but are mostly between 4 and 15 percent. The soils formed in residuum weathered from felsic or intermediate, high-grade metamorphic or igneous rocks high in content of mica. The mean annual air temperature ranges from 58 to 65 degrees F., and the mean annual precipitation ranges from about 40 to 65 inches. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the competing Appling, Bethlehem, Cecil, Pacolet, Saw, and Wedowee soils; and the Grover, Helena and Hulett series. Appling, Bethlehem, Cecil, Pacolet, Saw, and Wedowee soils are on similar landscape positions underlain by felsic, metamorphic or igneous rocks that are lower in mica content than the rocks from which Madison forms. The moderately well drained Helena soils have mixed mineralogy and are on toe slopes, at the heads of drains, and along small drainageways. Grover soils are fine-loamy and are typically on side slopes. Hulett soils have Bt horizons with hue of 5YR and yellower, and are on similar landscape positions as Madison. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; runoff is medium to rapid; permeability is moderate. USE AND VEGETATION: About half the total acreage is cultivated or used for pasture. Principal crops grown are cotton, corn, wheat, oats, soybeans, peaches, apples, and vegetables. Original forest species include white, black, post, and red oaks; hickories; dogwood, sourwood; maple and elm. Shortleaf and loblolly pine were present in places and are now common, along with Virginia pine, in abandoned fields. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: The Piedmont of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The series is extensive. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Madison County, Georgia; 1918. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - MADISON Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MADISON.html 3/3 REMARKS: The June 1988 revision changed the classification to Typic Kanhapludults according to criteria in the Low Activity Clay Amendment to Soil Taxonomy, August 1986. Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Kandic horizon - the zone from 9 to 35 inches: it meets the low activity clay requirement for Kandic in more than 50 percent of the horizon. Argillic horizon - the zone from 9 to 35 inches. ADDITIONAL DATA: None MLRA: 136 TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NC0071 MADISON 2- 60 58- 62 190-210 40- 65 700-1200 NC0231 MADISON 2- 60 58- 62 190-210 40- 65 700-1200 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NC0071 NONE 6.0-6.0 - 60-60 NC0231 NONE 6.0-6.0 - 60-60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0071 0- 6 L FSL SL 0- 3 80-100 5-20 1- 4 NC0071 0- 6 GR-FSL GR-SL 3- 10 60- 85 5-15 1- 4 NC0071 0- 6 CL SCL 0- 3 85-100 25-35 3- 6 NC0071 6-30 C CL SC 0- 3 85-100 30-50 3- 6 NC0071 30-35 L SCL CL 0- 3 85-100 25-35 2- 4 NC0071 35-66 FSL SL L 0- 5 80-100 5-20 1- 3 NC0231 0- 6 GR-SCL GR-CL 3- 10 55- 75 20-35 3- 6 NC0231 6-30 C CL SC 0- 3 85-100 30-60 4- 8 NC0231 30-35 L SCL CL 0- 3 85-100 15-35 2- 5 NC0231 35-66 FSL SL L 0- 3 80-100 8-20 1- 3 SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NC0071 0- 6 4.5- 6.5 .5-2. 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW NC0071 0- 6 4.5- 6.5 .5-2. 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW NC0071 0- 6 4.5- 6.5 .5-2. 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0071 6-30 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0071 30-35 4.5- 6.0 0.-.5 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0071 35-66 4.5- 6.0 0.-.5 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0231 0- 6 4.5- 6.5 .5-2. 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0231 6-30 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0231 30-35 4.5- 6.0 0.-.5 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0231 35-66 4.5- 6.0 0.-.2 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - PACOLET Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/P/PACOLET.html 1/3 LOCATION PACOLET SC+AL GA NC VA Established Series Rev. ECH-DJD;DTA 08/2008 PACOLET SERIES The Pacolet series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered mostly from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Pacolet sandy loam - forested. (Colors are for moist soil.) A--0 to 3 inches; brown (7.5YR 5/4) sandy loam; few fine distinct yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; moderate medium granular structure; friable; many fine and medium roots; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (1 to 12 inches thick) Bt1--3 to 23 inches; red (2.5YR 4/6) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; common fine and medium roots; common very fine pores; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bt2--23 to 29 inches; red (2.5YR 4/6) clay; common fine prominent reddish yellow (7.5YR 7/8) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; common very fine pores; few fine flakes of mica; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 12 to 26 inches) BC--29 to 37 inches; red (2.5YR 4/6) clay loam; many medium prominent reddish yellow (7.5YR 7/8) mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine flakes of mica; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (3 to 15 inches thick) C1--37 to 52 inches; mottled red (2.5YR 4/6) and reddish yellow (7.5YR 7/8) clay loam saprolite; massive; friable; thin discontinuous distinct clay seams in cracks; few fine flakes of mica; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (10 to 20 inches thick) C2--52 to 80 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) loam saprolite; common medium prominent red (2.5YR 4/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) mottles; massive; friable; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Chester County, South Carolina; 3.4 miles south of Chester in Chester County; 1.3 miles south of junction of State Highways 16 and 350; 3,700 feet northeast of junction of State Highways 16 and 171; 0.9 mile northeast of junction of unpaved State Highway 394 and unmarked county road and unpaved private road leading north; 35 feet northeast of unpaved private road. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The Bt horizon is at least 10 to 24 inches thick and extends to a depth of 18 to 30 inches. Depth to a lithic contact is more than 60 inches. The soil is very strongly acid to slightly acid in the A horizon, and very strongly acid to moderately acid throughout the rest of the profile. Content of rock fragments, dominantly gravel, ranges from 0 to 35 percent in the A and E horizons, and 0 to 15 percent in the Bt horizon. Most pedons have few to common flakes of mica in the solum, and few to many in the C horizon. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - PACOLET Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/P/PACOLET.html 2/3 The A horizon has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 1 to 6. In eroded areas, hue ranges to 2.5YR and chroma ranges to 8. The A horizon commonly is sandy loam, but ranges to loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, fine sandy loam or loam in the fine-earth fraction. In eroded areas, it is clay loam or sandy clay loam in the fine-earth fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It commonly is sandy loam, but ranges to loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, fine sandy loam, loam in the fine-earth fraction. The BA or BE horizon, where present, and the upper part of the Bt in most pedons, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is clay loam, sandy clay loam, or loam. The Bt horizon has hue of 10R or 2.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8. Mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown are in the upper part of the Bt horizon in some pedons and in the lower part of the Bt horizon in most pedons. Texture is clay, sandy clay, or clay loam. The BC horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8 commonly with mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown. The BC horizon of some pedons is mottled in shades of red, yellow, or brown. It is clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, or sandy loam. The C horizon has hue of 10R to 10YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 3 to 8 commonly with mottles in shades of red, yellow, or brown or is multicolored. Texture is loamy saprolite weathered from felsic crystalline rock. COMPETING SERIES: These are the Appling, Bethlehem, Cecil, Georgeville, Herndon, Lloyd, Madison, Nanford, Nankin, Saw, Tarrus, and Wedowee series. Appling and Cecil soils have a thicker clayey Bt horizon. Bethlehem soils have a paralithic contact within 20 to 40 inches of the surface. Georgeville, Herndon, Nanford, and Tarrus soils formed from Carolina slate and have more than 30 percent silt. Lloyd soils have value of 3 in at least part of the Bt horizon. Madison soils contain more mica. Nankin soils formed from marine sediments. Saw soils have a lithic contact within 20 to 40 inches of the surface. Wedowee soils have Bt horizons with hue of 5YR or yellower. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Pacolet soils are on gently sloping to very steep Piedmont uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. The soils formed in material weathered mostly from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks. The mean annual temperature ranges from 59 to 66 degrees F, the frost-free season ranges from 190 to 240 days, and the mean annual precipitation ranges from 37 to 60 inches. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: In addition to the competing Appling, Bethlehem, Cecil, Lloyd, Madison, Saw, and Wedowee series, these are the Cataula, Lockhart, Louisburg, Rion, and Wateree series. Cataula soils have a perched water table at 2 to 4 feet. Lockhart soils have more than 35 percent rock fragments in the particle-size control section. Louisburg, Rion, and Wateree soils have less than 35 percent clay in the particle-size control section. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; runoff is medium to rapid; permeability is moderate. USE AND VEGETATION: Most areas are in forests of pine and mixed hardwoods. Cleared areas are used for small grain, hay, and pasture. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: The Piedmont of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The series is of large extent MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Catawba County, North Carolina, 1969. REMARKS: The December 1987 revision recognized the low activity clay property of this soil and reclassification to Kanhapludults. Pacolet soils were formerly mapped as a thin solum phase of the Cecil series. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - PACOLET Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/P/PACOLET.html 3/3 Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 3 inches (A horizon). Argillic and Kandic horizon - the zone from 3 to 29 inches below the surface (Bt1 and Bt2 horizons). MLRA=136 ADDITIONAL DATA: TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation SC0015 PACOLET 2-60 59-66 190-240 37-60 200-900 SC0107 PACOLET 2-60 59-66 190-240 37-60 200-900 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness SC0015 NONE >6.0 - >60 SC0107 NONE >6.0 - >60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- SC0015 0-3 SL FSL L 0-2 80-100 8-20 4-7 SC0015 0-3 CL SCL 0-1 90-100 20-35 4-10 SC0015 0-3 LS LCOS 0-3 70-100 4-15 2-5 SC0015 3-29 SC CL C 0-1 80-100 35-65 6-18 SC0015 29-52 CL SCL SL 0-2 70-100 15-30 5-12 SC0015 52-80 SL FSL L 0-2 70-100 10-25 4-10 SC0107 0-3 GR-LS GR-LCOS 0-3 65-85 4-15 2-5 SC0107 0-3 GR-SL GR-FSL 0-3 70-85 8-20 4-7 SC0107 0-3 GR-CL GR-SCL 0-3 70-90 27-35 4-10 SC0107 3-29 SC CL C 0-1 80-100 35-65 6-18 SC0107 29-52 CL SCL SL 0-2 70-100 15-30 5-12 SC0107 52-80 SL FSL L 0-2 70-100 10-25 4-10 SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll SC0015 0-3 4.5-6.5 .5-2. 0-0 2.0-6.0 LOW SC0015 0-3 4.5-6.5 .5-1. 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0015 0-3 4.5-6.5 .5-2. 0-0 2.0-6.0 LOW SC0015 3-29 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0015 29-52 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0015 52-80 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0107 0-3 4.5-6.5 .5-2. - 2.0-6.0 LOW SC0107 0-3 4.5-6.5 .5-2. 0-0 2.0-6.0 LOW SC0107 0-3 4.5-6.0 .5-2. 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0107 3-29 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0107 29-52 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW SC0107 52-80 4.5-6.0 0.-.5 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - VANCE Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/V/VANCE.html 1/3 LOCATION VANCE NC+AL GA SC VA Established Series Rev. ENH:RAG 07/1999 VANCE SERIES The Vance series consists of well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered from acid crystalline rocks in the Piedmont. They are moderately deep to saprolite and very deep to bedrock. The soils are on ridges and side slopes. Slopes range from 2 to 25 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 44 inches and mean annual temperature is 61 degrees F. near the type location. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, semiactive, thermic Typic Hapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Vance sandy loam--in a cultivated field. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to 5 inches; grayish brown (l0YR 5/2) sandy loam; weak medium and coarse granular structure; very friable; many fine roots; moderately acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (4 to 9 inches thick) Bt1--5 to l4 inches; yellowish brown (l0YR 5/8) clay; few fine prominent red mottles; weak coarse prismatic primary structure that parts to moderate coarse angular blocky; very firm, sticky, plastic; common fine roots between peds; common fine pores; many prominent clay films on faces of peds; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Bt2--l4 to 23 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) clay; common medium prominent red (2.5YR 5/8) mottles; moderate medium angular blocky structure; very firm, sticky, plastic; few fine roots between peds; few fine pores; many prominent clay films on faces of peds; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. Bt3--23 to 29 inches; yellowish brown (l0YR 5/8) clay loam; many medium prominent red (2.5YR 5/6) mottles; weak fine angular blocky structure; firm, sticky, plastic; few fine roots between peds; many fine pores; few faint clay films on faces of peds; common pockets of saprolite; strongly acid; gradual irregular boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt subhorizons is 18 to 30 inches) C--29 to 72 inches; multicolored saprolite that has a loam texture; massive; friable; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Wake County, North Carolina; 3.5 miles west of Wakefield Baptist Church, 600 feet northeast on farm road. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness is 24 to 40 inches over saprolite. Depth to hard bedrock ranges from 6 to l0 feet or more. The soil is moderately acid to very strongly acid in the A horizon, unless limed. The B and C horizons are strongly or very strongly acid. Content of coarse fragments ranges from 0 to about 35 percent by volume in the A and E horizons and 0 to l0 percent by volume in the B horizon. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 10YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 6. It is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or coarse sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. Eroded phases are sandy clay loam or clay loam and chroma can range to 8. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 3 to 6. It is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or coarse sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - VANCE Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/V/VANCE.html 2/3 The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. Texture is clay loam or sandy clay loam. The Bt horizon has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. The lower part may contain some low chroma mottles. Texture is clay, clay loam, or sandy clay with less than 30 percent silt. Consistence is very firm and plastic. The BC horizon, where present, has hue of 5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of red, brown, and yellow are present in most pedons. The lower part may contain some low chroma mottles. Texture is clay loam, sandy clay loam, clay, sandy clay, or loam. The C horizon is multicolored loamy saprolite weathered from felsic crystalline rock. Texture is variable and but commonly is clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, or sandy loam. COMPETING SERIES: Series in the same family are Albertville, Badin, Bengal, Bonwier, Brockroad, Carnasaw, Catharpin, Cullen, Cunningham, Cuthbert, Enders, Endsaw, Fluvanna, Galilee, Gritney, Kirvin, Luverne, Masada, Mattaponi, Mayodan, McQueen, Nason, Remlap, Sweatman, Tatum, Totier, Townley, Urland, Uwharrie, and Williamsville soils. Albertville, Badin, Carnasaw, Cunningham, Enders, Endsaw, Nason, Sweatman, and Townley soils contain sandstone, shale, or other fine-grained coarse fragments. In addition, Badin, Bengal, and Townley soils have bedrock within 20 to 40 inches. Bonwier and Urland soils have less total moisture during the growing season. Brockroad and Catharpin soils have lithologic discontinuity within the series control section. Cullen, Tatum, Totier, and Uwharrie soils have hue of 5YR or redder. Cuthbert, Kirvin, and Williamsville soils contain ironstone coarse fragments. Fluvanna soils lack mica flakes in the control section. Galilee, Gritney, Luverne, Masada, Mattaponi, and Mayodan soils lack the very firm consistence. In addition, Gritney, Luverne, and Mattaponi soils have formed in marine sediments and Masada soils have formed in old alluvium. McQueen soils contain many mica flakes in the lower Bt horizon and substratum. Remlap soils have thick sola and clay content in the series control section that ranges from 60 to 75 percent. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Vance soils are on gently sloping narrow and broad ridges and sloping to moderately steep side slopes in the Piedmont. Slopes range from 2 to 25 percent. These soils formed in residuum weathered from felsic crystalline rock, primarily aplitic granite. Mean annual precipitation is about 44 inches and mean annual air temperature is about 6l degrees F. near the type location. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are Appling, Cecil, Helena, Louisburg, Pacolet, Rion and Wedowee soils. All these soils, except Helena, lack the very firm consistence of the Bt horizon. Appling, Cecil, Pacolet, and Wedowee soils have kaolinitic mineralogy. Helena soils are in small depressions, head of drainageways, and along intermittent drainageways. Louisburg, Rion, and Wilkes soils have mixed mineralogy and less than 35 percent clay. In addition, Louisburg soils have a discontinuous Bt horizon. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Vance soils are well drained. Runoff is medium to rapid, and permeability is slow. A perched water table may occur above the Bt horizon for a few days following periods of high rainfall. USE AND VEGETATION: The principal use is for cultivated crops and pasture. The remainder is in a mixed hardwood and pine forest. Dominant tree species are white oak, southern red oak, mockernut hickory, loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, and Virginia pine. Common understory plants are American holly, flowering dogwood, sassafras, sourwood, and hophornbeam. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Piedmont of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. The series is of moderate extent. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Franklin County, North Carolina; l938. 8/15/2018 Official Series Description - VANCE Series https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/V/VANCE.html 3/3 REMARKS: This description restricts the series to soils with very firm, plastic Bt horizons which lack, in the control section, low chroma mottles that are associated with wetness. Some low chroma particles and streaks in the lower Bt horizons of some pedons are incompletely weathered parent materials and not mottles indicative of wetness. Diagnostic horizons recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface to a depth of 5 inches (Ap horizon). Argillic horizon - the zone from 5 to 29 inches below the surface (Bt1, Bt2, and Bt3 horizons). MLRA=136 TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NC0039 VANCE 2- 25 58- 65 185-240 37- 60 350- 900 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NC0039 NONE 6.0-6.0 - 60-60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0039 0- 5 FSL SL COSL 0- 5 80-100 8-20 2- 6 NC0039 0- 5 GR-SL GR-COSL 5- 10 55- 80 8-20 2- 6 NC0039 0- 5 SCL CL 0- 5 90-100 20-35 4- 8 NC0039 5-29 CL SC C 0- 5 90-100 35-60 7- 13 NC0039 29-72 VAR - - - - SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NC0039 0- 5 4.5- 6.0 .5-2. 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW NC0039 0- 5 4.5- 6.0 .5-2. 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW NC0039 0- 5 4.5- 6.0 .5-1. 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW NC0039 5-29 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0- 0 0.06- 0.2 MODERATE NC0039 29-72 - - - - National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 8/15/2018 NRCS Hydric Soils List https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcseprd1316620.html 1/2 Soil Data Access (SDA) Hydric Soils List An SDA-populated select list is used to pick a state and SSA which enables creation of a "Hydric Soils Report" based upon those selections. The data is not static; it hits Soil Data Access Live. To reset the table hit F5 on the keyboard. Once a survey is selected and table appears, if a new survey is selected it will append to the table at the bottom. For more information about the table, North Carolina selected stateId = NC Gaston County, North Carolina selected SSA areasymbol = NC071 State_Sym Area_Symbol Area_Name mukey Mapunit_SYM Mapunit_Name Comp_Name_phase muacres Comp_RV_Pct majcompflag Comp_Acres Comp_Land NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 2439210 ChA Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Wehadkee, ponded 14755 5 No 737.8 flood plains NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112645 HeB Helena sandy loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Worsham, undrained 2425 0 No 0.0 depressions NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112646 HuB Helena-Urban land complex, 1 to 6 percent slopes Wehadkee, undrained 570 5 No 28.5 depressions, plains NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112646 HuB Helena-Urban land complex, 1 to 6 percent slopes Worsham, undrained 570 2 No 11.4 depressions NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112647 LgB Lignum silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Roanoke, undrained 283 1 No 2.8 depressions, stream terrac NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112670 WoA Worsham loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Worsham, undrained 1325 80 Yes 1060.0 depressions NC NC071 Gaston County, North Carolina 112670 WoA Worsham loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Worsham, drained 1325 10 Yes 132.5 depressions Report Metadata: Back to top Area_Symbol: A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Dane Co., Wisconsin is WI025). Area_Name: The name given to the specified geographic area. mukey: A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table. Mapunit_SYM: The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey. Mapunit_Name: Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress). Comp_Name_phase: Component name - Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties. Local Phase - Phase criterion to be used at a local level, in conjunction with "component name" to help identify a soil component. muacres: The number of acres of a particular mapunit. Comp_RV_Pct: The percentage of the component of the mapunit. majcompflag: Indicates whether or not a component is a major component in the mapunit. Comp_Acres: The number of acres of a particular component in a mapunit. ((muacres*comppct_r)/100) Comp_Landform: A word or group of words used to name a feature on the earth's surface, expressed in the plural form. Column Physical Hydric_Rating: A yes/no field that indicates whether or not a map unit component is classified as a "hydric soil". If rated as hydric, the specific criteria met are listed in the Component Hydric Criteria table. Hydric_criteria: Criterion code for the soil characteristic(s) and/or feature(s) that cause the map unit component to be classified as a "hydric soil." These codes are the paragraph numbers in the hydric soil criteria publication. Criteria: 1. All Histels except Folistels and Histosols except Folists; or 2. Map unit components in Aquic suborders, great groups, or subgroups, Albolls suborder, Historthels great group, Histoturbels great group, or Andic, Cumulic, Pachic, or Vitrandic subgroups that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil; 3. Map unit components that are frequently ponded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil; or 4. Map unit components that are frequently flooded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that: a. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or b. Show evidence that the soils meet the definition of a hydric soil. 8/15/2018 Print Map and Report https://gis.gastongov.com/GastonGIS/PrintMapAndReport.aspx 1/1 Tax Information LOCATION: FAIRVIEW DR PID #: 135621 PIN #: 3537-70-0779 NBHD #: GA034 NBHD NAME: FAIRVIEW RD INDUSTRIAL TOWNSHIP : GASTONIA TOWNSHIP ______________________________________ OWNER ID : 00661457 CURRENT OWNERS : GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO MAILING ADDRESS : PO BOX 876 , GASTONIA , NC 28053-0000 JANUARY 1st OWNERS: GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO Tax Information DEED TYPE: WD DEED BOOK: 0894 / PAGE: 0188 DEED RECORDING DATE: 05/19/1965 SALES AMOUNT: $0 ______________________________________ PLAT BOOK: / PAGE: LEGAL DESC. 1: . LEGAL DESC. 2: STRUCTURE TYPE: YEAR BUILT: 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0 BASEMENT: NO BEDROOMS: 0 / BATHS: 0 MULTI-STRUCTURES: NO ACREAGE: 37.17 DISTRICT CODE: 180 TAX DISTRICT: GASTONIA CITY VOLUNTARY AG DISTRICT: NO ______________________________________ MARKET LAND VALUE: $146,062 MARKET IMPV. VALUE: $0 MARKET VALUE: $146,062 FARM DISCOUNT: NO TAXABLE VALUE: $146,062 Election Information PRECINCT NAME: HEALTH CENTER POLLING PLACE: HIGHLAND HEALTH CENTER POLLING ADDRESS: 609 N HIGHLAND ST WARD #: 4 CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVE: MEMBER PATRICK MCHENRY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 10 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE: REPRESENTATIVE KELLY E. HASTINGS (REP) HOUSE DISTRICT: 110 SENATOR: SENATOR KATHY HARRINGTON (REP) SENATE DISTRICT: 43 Parcel Information POLICE DISTRICT: GASTONIA FIRE DISTRICT: GASTONIA FD EMS RESCUE: STATION #: GEMS STATION 1 FLOOD: AE,0.2 PCT CENSUS TRACT: 315,304.02 Disclaimer: The information provided is not to be considered as a legal document or description. The map & parcel data is believed to be accurate, but Gaston County does not guarantee its accuracy. Values shown are as of January 1, 2015. - Document created for printing on 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 Print Map and Report https://gis.gastongov.com/GastonGIS/PrintMapAndReport.aspx 1/1 Tax Information LOCATION: FAIRVIEW DR PID #: 135702 PIN #: 3537-50-6457 NBHD #: GA034 NBHD NAME: FAIRVIEW RD INDUSTRIAL TOWNSHIP : GASTONIA TOWNSHIP ______________________________________ OWNER ID : 00661457 CURRENT OWNERS : GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO MAILING ADDRESS : PO BOX 876 , GASTONIA , NC 28053-0000 JANUARY 1st OWNERS: GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO Tax Information DEED TYPE: WD DEED BOOK: 1907 / PAGE: 0769 DEED RECORDING DATE: 04/01/1988 SALES AMOUNT: $117,000 ______________________________________ PLAT BOOK: / PAGE: LEGAL DESC. 1: . LEGAL DESC. 2: STRUCTURE TYPE: YEAR BUILT: 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0 BASEMENT: NO BEDROOMS: 0 / BATHS: 0 MULTI-STRUCTURES: NO ACREAGE: 43 DISTRICT CODE: 270 TAX DISTRICT: AG. CENTER FD VOLUNTARY AG DISTRICT: NO ______________________________________ MARKET LAND VALUE: $180,000 MARKET IMPV. VALUE: $0 MARKET VALUE: $180,000 FARM DISCOUNT: NO TAXABLE VALUE: $180,000 Election Information PRECINCT NAME: HEALTH CENTER POLLING PLACE: HIGHLAND HEALTH CENTER POLLING ADDRESS: 609 N HIGHLAND ST WARD #: CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVE: MEMBER PATRICK MCHENRY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 10 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE: REPRESENTATIVE KELLY E. HASTINGS (REP) HOUSE DISTRICT: 110 SENATOR: SENATOR KATHY HARRINGTON (REP) SENATE DISTRICT: 43 Parcel Information POLICE DISTRICT: GASTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT: AG CENTER EMS RESCUE: STATION #: GEMS STATION 1 FLOOD: CENSUS TRACT: 315 Disclaimer: The information provided is not to be considered as a legal document or description. The map & parcel data is believed to be accurate, but Gaston County does not guarantee its accuracy. Values shown are as of January 1, 2015. - Document created for printing on 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 Print Map and Report https://gis.gastongov.com/GastonGIS/PrintMapAndReport.aspx 1/1 Tax Information LOCATION: HWY 275 . PID #: 222326 PIN #: 3537-61-6575 NBHD #: GA034 NBHD NAME: FAIRVIEW RD INDUSTRIAL TOWNSHIP : GASTONIA TOWNSHIP ______________________________________ OWNER ID : 00661457 CURRENT OWNERS : GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO MAILING ADDRESS : PO BOX 876 , GASTONIA , NC 28053-0000 JANUARY 1st OWNERS: GASTONIA INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO Tax Information DEED TYPE: DEED BOOK: 0894 / PAGE: 0188 DEED RECORDING DATE: 00/00/0000 SALES AMOUNT: $0 ______________________________________ PLAT BOOK: 000 / PAGE: 000 LEGAL DESC. 1: . LEGAL DESC. 2: STRUCTURE TYPE: YEAR BUILT: 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0 BASEMENT: NO BEDROOMS: 0 / BATHS: 0 MULTI-STRUCTURES: NO ACREAGE: 30.07 DISTRICT CODE: 270 TAX DISTRICT: AG. CENTER FD VOLUNTARY AG DISTRICT: NO ______________________________________ MARKET LAND VALUE: $114,262 MARKET IMPV. VALUE: $0 MARKET VALUE: $114,262 FARM DISCOUNT: NO TAXABLE VALUE: $114,262 Election Information PRECINCT NAME: HEALTH CENTER POLLING PLACE: HIGHLAND HEALTH CENTER POLLING ADDRESS: 609 N HIGHLAND ST WARD #: CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVE: MEMBER PATRICK MCHENRY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 10 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE: REPRESENTATIVE KELLY E. HASTINGS (REP) HOUSE DISTRICT: 110 SENATOR: SENATOR KATHY HARRINGTON (REP) SENATE DISTRICT: 43 Parcel Information POLICE DISTRICT: GASTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT: AG CENTER EMS RESCUE: STATION #: GEMS STATION 1 FLOOD: AE,0.2 PCT CENSUS TRACT: 315,304.02 Disclaimer: The information provided is not to be considered as a legal document or description. The map & parcel data is believed to be accurate, but Gaston County does not guarantee its accuracy. Values shown are as of January 1, 2015. - Document created for printing on 8/15/2018