HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200092 Ver 1_SEC RESPONSE w Revised Impact Maps_20200220Strickland, Bev From: Bob Zarzecki <bzarzecki@sandec.com> Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 4:45 PM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Goss, Stephanie Subject: RE: Trailwood Apartments, SAW-2020-00151, Incomplete Application - S&EC RESPONSE w/ Revised Impact Maps _ (DWR#2020-0092) Attachments: Trailwood Apts_IMPACT MAPS (revised 02-03-2020).pdf Importance: High George & Stephanie: Please find attached revised impact maps which add wetland impact #3. This additional wetland impact is for the installation of a water line along Trailwood Drive. The impacts are temporary and the area will be returned to grade and reseeded with a wetland seed mix. The wetlands in this area are not forested, but rather maintained herbaceous wetlands between an existing overhead power line and the greenway bridge. We ask that you add these impacts to those already requested in the PCN application. These should answer questions 1 & 2 below. (PS ... Good catch George. Sorry we missed it.) As to question No. 3, the reason our sketch map looks different from the impact maps is that the sketch map was simply an approximation of the potentially jurisdictional wetlands in this area. We found other consultant flags on site while performing our delineation, researched it and discovered that the City of Raleigh had just recently permitted the Walnut Creek Greenway (TIP NO. C-5604-OC) project in this area. We obtained the verified, survey located potential wetlands from the City and the project engineer used those in the preparation of the impact maps that we provided in our package to ensure consistency between the two projects. I was not provided the SAW# for the City's greenway project, but was able to download the NCDWR No. 2019-1273 file. This City greenway trail has nothing to do with our apartment complex project, but again we just wanted to be sure that there weren't two different delineations used when one was still valid. Hope that makes sense. I should also note that we are not looking for a JD to be issued along with our permit verification request (in case that matters any). Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else. Thanks! Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA -----Original Message ----- From: Bob Zarzecki Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 1:25 PM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.PhiIli ps@usace.army.miI> Cc: stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov Subject: RE: Trailwood Apartments, SAW-2020-00151, Incomplete Application Welcome aboard George. Let me catch up with the project engineer on the water line. We'll get back to you soon. Have a great weekend. Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA -----Original Message ----- From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 11:45 AM To: Bob Zarzecki <bzarzecki@sandec.com> Cc: stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov Subject: Trailwood Apartments, SAW-2020-00151, Incomplete Application :.• I have reviewed the PCN for the above referenced project, and I have a few comments/questions that need to be addressed prior to proceeding with issuance of the permit verification. 1. Based on the information provided in your impact maps it appears that the proposed 12" water main results in wetland impacts near Trailwood Drive between the proposed buildings and Walnut Creek. Please provide an exhibit depicting the impacts and update the PCN accordingly. 2. It appears that the 12" water main crosses Walnut Creek near Trailwood Drive. Please provide an exhibit to depict the crossing. If there are impacts to jurisdictional features please provide an exhibit depicting the proposed activities and the update the PCN accordingly. 3. The wetland depicted near Avent Ferry Road does not accurately match the wetland boundary depicted on "Figure 3 - Sketch Map". Please update the impact maps to correctly depict the wetland as delineated. If impacts to jurisdictional features change due to the changes in the wetland boundary please provide an updated exhibit depicting the impacts and the update the PCN accordingly. I will continue to process the application but at this time it is considered incomplete. Please provide the additional information to move forward. Please let me know if you have any questions. G. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George. L.Phillips@usace.army.miI 1 PARULOT 28 J I N I ICEN7ENNIAL CAMPUS CITY ORAF RALEIGH STALE lR'OO \ \ DB 8195 PG 1123 \ fNil N NORTH CA52-07 / _ \ \ BM 1954, PG 12 :PIN: 0793-52-072 \ / //� \ \ e -` PIN: 0793-25-2278 3 B' IRON PIPE W/CAP 6: \\\ \ \\ \ OLD 5/8' IRON PIPE / \ \ \ \\ W/CAp 4 TACK OLD RONEN CWC. TACK 20' BG1p BASE \\�\ \\ _ — — \ \ \ \ 2 EAST Di P L N E T EO p —� /t \ CENTENNIAL CAMPUS \ \ '^E T P/L � N: 734,157.66 RSTA CARO / E: 2,092,272.50 II\\ IN: 0 3- 4'0�°-W,99 .4s— \\ \ \ \ \ PIPE OVER LE DEEC \\ \\ \ \ >.� i-� \ } \ �� / /' / BASE SS MANHOLE OVERLAP PER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \�_ PoM: za6.1r j—err2ppo. cc 3rr — — \ \\\\ ��\� \ _ ` = _ \ _ — — —� ........... / INV.IN(NW-ORT): M. N (]24 S.F.)\ .IV.WT(DDT(E): 275.er�290_ \ SS MANHOLE 275.{7' N I)278.81' 5/8' 1IRON%PE WETLAND IMPACT AREA. SEE VN(N%V \\ WDUT(E): 278.51' W/CAP 0.6'BG EX-02 FOR DETAILED IMPACTS. Ss MANHOLE SSMH #1 INSTALL DOGHOUSE INV.IN(SW): 2)5.49' SSMH ON EXISTING 30" SS MAIN p NV.OUT(NE: 215.39' \ \\✓ \\ \ \\` \ ` ` ® \ \ \\ \ \ 20 CIITY OF RALEIGH \� \\ ` `� Q \ \ S/8' IRON %PE NCGS "WAK 103" I' w/cAPsrAac (BENCHMARK) _BOSWN / ELEV.: 286.58, s \ UTILITY ' S MENT NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACT AREA. SEE EX-02 FOR DETAILED #2 Iy IMPACTS AND EX-03 FOR PROFILE. 3-r15-0747'\ , ' • ' 1' \) 2 . /�\(BYO ,\ P/N: 0749/ \\ ��� 3.144,750, 42AC. ' \ r . . . I � � \\ \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \\\\ \\\ \ \ I \\ (TO C/L CREEK) SS MANNOIE TRAKWOO9 DR. \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ M ! � . . , ' \ • � � \282— . \.04. I \ \ \ \\ \\ NV.IN(NW): a7J. �\ i9 \ \ � \ INV.OUT(EE): 17]. 40 WALNNT CREEK SIMIT Y SEY,ER 50' I VEU I V ER ' , 1 \ \ \ \\ \r\ \ \CLUB\ USE \\ \ \ \ \ \ a6TPAu n ATY GF"mcN \ I d1 \ \ \ \ f \ \ CREENWAgY EASEME T � cyW A \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ RIPARIAN BU E \ \ ZONE •AE \ \ r \ \ \ \i \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ WETLAND IMPACT AREA. SEE \ \ REUSE RIVER , \ \ \ \ \ \1 EX-02 FOR DETAILED IMPACTS. \ SSMH #3 (� IAN.B' FFER. \ \ trs PROPOSED 12" DIP WATER MAIN \ ss \ \, BL GA INSTALLED VIA JACK AND BORE.p�„AD�uq MA OLE — • SMH . (PERMANENT EASEMENT\ \\. INV.IN NO STREAM IMPACTS OR \- / °s \ �\ NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACTS \ \� - \ ( per„ , MICHAEL HAL & \ \ \ (WITHIN EXISTING PUBLIC ROW) \\\�\ \•. \ ` s \-- r ` \\ \ TAMMDB 1 255, PCKDIPERS ��—' \ \ BM 1954, PG 21 \\ 010 ecp PIN: 0793-24-0026 w \ CWG /W _ i . i _ _ `PROPOSED 12" DIfATER MAIN `rs\\yam'\ aME�T,� \ \\\ \ \ `, / —� _ _ _ _ w — \ `�� S`Osroa�sT W 201.13, _ \ \ 3 \ \ 1 ' CITY OF RALEIGH EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN ` `\ emu--ob ou—(5—L TRAILWOOD DRtV, E_ JACK & BORE NEW 12" WATER MAIN \ —%%; \ (PUBLIC RMVARIES) \ _ ry TO CONNECT TO EXISTING 12"�-n �• , \ RIM: 291.23' INV.IN(SW): 276.59' \ 8 ` \ INV.WT(NE): 276A9"I ry GENERAL NOTES: / 1. THIS DRAWING IS FOR EXHIBIT AND PERMITTING USE �y SCALE- 1 IN - 100 FT ONLY. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL �ry \ o \ 100 50 0 100 200 C I DESIGN DETAILS. ICI 2. WETLAND AND NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACTS ARE SCALE IN FEET BASED ON DELINEATED WETLANDS INFORMATION by HORIZONTAL = S&EC AND SURVEYED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. � e NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a RY SS MANHOLE — \ \ \\ \ \\�\ �\ �\ INE � / RIM: 283.49' \ \ INV.IN(NW): 276.49' OD \ \ \ NV.IN(SW): 275.49' W INV.OUT(NE): 275.39'I JACK AND BORE PROPOSED 8" SS MAIN \ SSMH #1 - INSTALL DOGHOUSE UNDER EXISTING CREEK (MIN 12" CLEAR). NO— S SSMH ON EXISTING 30" SS MAIN STREAM IMPACTS DUE TO JACK AND BORE.— " \\ \ \ I I 20' CITY OF �AL�IG , NRB ZONE 1 IMPACT AREA = 657 SF ' 1 I UTILITY EASEME / (f \ ) l \ \ \ \ — — — — — o ' NRB ZONE 2 IMPACT AREA = 437 SF BLDG B 26,990 SF / \ EXISTING \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ WEILANDS 3-5-0141 "\ IvL (BY OTHERS) 50 F. \ �111 II\\' 8 SSMH #2 \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Z 2 AC. TEMPORARY �� \ 11 *i\� NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACT SUMMARY: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a WETLAND IMPACT � � ZONE ITOTAL = 1306 SF (0.03 AC CREEK, AREA = 225 SF) WOOD DH- (.005 AC) \ NRB ZONE 1 IMPACT AREA = 649 SF \ \ ,�2_ — —ZONE TOTAL = 8669 F (0.02 AC) \ 1 \ \ \ \ Q \I \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ a NRB ZONE 2 IMPACT AREA = 432 SF , , \°o°� I � \ � WALNUT & C a0ivi RY SEWER I cPN \ \ , OIjTFALL & G'TY OF R�LEIGH ' \ 9y I \ \ \ \ \ \\\ GREENWAY EASEME T , \ \ , \ 9 (BM 200% PG 374 \ \ l \ ZONE "AE" DI2\ \ \ \ \\50NEUSE\RIV R r z " RIPARIAN BUFFERuj cz ZO / " \ \\ ems\ \\ \ \\ \ Q \0' EUSE"RIVER ' �� SSMH #3 \ ss \ \ " \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ acit \� \ RJPA IAN BUFFER co , \ Z So \ \ \\ TEMPORARY \ \ \ 92 \ O WETLAND IMPACT \ \ ' ' AREA =1152 SF .023 AC \ N \ \ q \ , , A SS SS \ \ ci) OP \ , c� TEMPORARYvARIABLI: WIDTH SANET `RA NASS MA oLE \ — i 1 i , EASEMENT \ \ \ \ 295 INV.Iw): . z 92 \ SS / WETLAND IMPACT \ \ \ FF \ , NV.N 7s.2z' \ _ / AREA =1637 SF �\ \ \ dN"V.0 T(NE)\s.12' A�A V \ SCALE: 1 IN = 50 FT S \\ \ = �\ \ " (.038 AC) 50' 21 0 50' 100' S� ��� ��\\\\ , L6 \\ coNG R/w o MONUMENT SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL PROPOSED 12" DIP WATER MAIN °°"°��/w GENERAL NOTES: \ �. - v10NUMEgT 1. THIS DRAWING IS FOR EXHIBIT AND PERMITTING USE ONLY. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN DETAILS. 2. WETLAND AND NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACTS ARE BASED ON DELINEATED WETLANDS INFORMATION by S&EC AND SURVEYED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. xv Iowa 29 O�/\ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EX-02 � ` DRY ss I �n - III JACK AND BORE PROPOSED 8" SS pER s) / ) MAIN UNDER EXISTING CREEK �gY P952, pG 88 / P� �P�G� �� S �\ \ 20' CITY OF RALEIGH // MIN. 12" CLEAR). / UTILITY EASEMENT,/ o+ � 290 - 285 - :1 275 - 270 �oo N N 9+75 10+00 �SSMH#1 CD \ \ 182 LF 8" DIP PIPE ss , \ \ SSMH#2 � a S�\ \ \ \ SSMH#3 ,� 0141 INSTALL DOGHOUSE SSMH 0�g3' 5'F ON EXISTING 30" SS MAIN 01-\ \ ss \t�� g3-- 7502 AC.50'NEUSE RIVER ��50'NEUSE RIVER` �♦ \ 3. EEK) RIPARIAN BUFFER RIPARIAN BUFFER \ 000 OR ss v � v p H a' � f N N 0— �Z EXISTING GROUND N 0 co N N u� 1- C0 1 to N N N d z H >O z> z + U 12" MIN. JACK 8" SS CREEK AND BORE PROPOSED MAIN UNDER EXISTING (MIN 12" CLEAR). M M N N N N 10+50 11+00 290 - 285 O - 275 - 270 11+50 12+00 12+25 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS DRAWING IS FOR EXHIBIT AND PERMITTING USE ONLY. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN DETAILS. 2. WETLAND AND NEUSE RIVER BUFFER IMPACTS ARE BASED ON DELINEATED WETLANDS INFORMATION by S&EC AND SURVEYED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. Z �w VJ J cc a Z z W Q Z c J Q J cc Q Q W O co J �s 4' LL i J v SCALE: 1 IN = 40 FT rC , 0 `n 40' 20' 0 40' 80' SCALE IN FEET SCALE IN FEET ICI VERTICAL HORIZONTAL S NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EX-03