HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0074268_Renewal (Application)_20200228ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director City of Gastonia Attn: Stephanie Scheringer PO Box 1748 Gastonia, NC 28053 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. N00074268 Crowders Creek WWTP Gaston County Dear Applicant: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 02, 2020 The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges the February 28, 2020 receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to allow a complete review of the application and renewal of the permit. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: https• /deq nc gov/permits-regulations/permit-guidance/environmental-application-tracker If you have any'additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. Sincerely Wren T edfor Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section cc: Central Files w/application ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application Nortts CaTogna Department of Enrronraente' Quality I D:vsoa of Water Resources 4- -X-1- IQ E Mooresvtl:e Regina Office 161© East Center Avenue, Sute 2011 Mooresd73e, North Caron na ZMO 704-668-16RS IVERS U T I L I T I E S We ore TR U to our customers! (City of Gastonia) REOFIVED FEB 2 R 2020 NCDEQIb V,v,x i%N PDES Permit Renewal Application for Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NCO074268 ■Mom;=� I M I r■[ NONMEMIMIMM Expiration Date of Current Permit: 8/31/2020 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Cover Letter IVERSTILITIES We are TRU to our customers! February 24, 2020 Division of Water Resources WQ Permitting Section - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Renewal Application of NPDES Permits Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (NPDES #NC0074268) Dear Sir or Madam: Please find attached, the renewal application for the City of Gastonia's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit #NC0074268 for the Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. This permit renewal application with attachments is being submitted by the March 4, 2020 deadline to comply with the requirement to apply 180 days prior to the date of permit expiration (August 31, 2020). As requested, please find the original signed version of this information along with two copies. A copy of this cover letter is included inside each packet. The Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant continues to operate as a secondary treatment biological nutrient removal plant treating municipal wastewater for the City of Gastonia and surrounding area. Since the last permit renewal request, numerous maintenance items and minor upgrades have taken place throughout the facility. Authorizations to construct have been obtained where appropriate. Examples of these upgrades are shown below and more information can be provided if desired: • Installed an online total suspended solids meter in the aeration basin • Installed new dissolved oxygen monitoring system in the aeration basin • Rehabilitated and repainted anaerobic digester lid and repaired gas piping • Installed soft starts on two main lift pumps • Rebuilt barscreen • Rebuilt main lift pump #1 • Rebuilt grit pump and auger • Rebuilt digester mixer • Replaced DAF drive unit • Rebuilt or replaced numerous motors All analyses have been tested by North Carolina certified laboratories in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136 requirements. Efforts have been made to obtain seasonal variation in the sampling. This application includes all data gathered for the last four and one-half years (July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019). Crowders Creek WWTP continues to meet the requirements for reduction in monitoring frequencies in NPDES Permits for exceptionally performing facilities for BOD, TSS, NH3-N and Fecal Coliform as outlined in DWs October 22, 2012 policy statement. Therefore, in accordance with this policy, TRU is requesting that the minimum required monitoring frequency for these parameters be kept at 2x per week for Crowders Creek WWTP. A copy of the data used for this evaluation is included as additional information in the renewal packet. With this permit renewal, the following change is being requested: The instream monitoring of Crowders Creek has shown no noticeable impact from the treatment plant discharge, however it requires significant resources to conduct. o The standard deviation in DO between the upstream and downstream samples is 0.1 mg/L, the standard deviation in conductivity between upstream and downstream is 45 µmhos, and the standard deviation for temperature is 0.3°C. These differences are extremely minor and do not appear to show any statistically significant effect in the stream due to the plant's discharge. o Collecting these samples is burdensome to perform while maintaining staffing requirements at the treatment plants — particularly when required three times per week in the summer. To ensure staff safety, TRU requires two staff members be present to perform sampling from these bridges. Staff drive 18 miles/day (1638 miles/year) and spend 62 minutes/day (94 hours/year) to collect the instream monitoring samples required by Crowders Creek WWTP's permit. The cost to TRU in staff time and equipment is $75.94/event ($6,911/year). o For these reasons, TRU requests that the instream monitoring requirements in this permit be reduced to once -per -week on a year-round basis. Mercury Minimization Plan: In accordance with permit requirements, TRU implemented a Mercury Minimization plan on September 25, 2017. Since its creation, TRU has adhered to the plan and completed the following activities: 1. Annually surveyed at least 10% of its users in categories likely to be sources of mercury. Thus far, TRU has requested information from all the dental offices and veterinary clinics in its service area. Each year TRU will continue to survey users in a new category that has potential to be a source of mercury. 2. Substances used at the wastewater treatment plants have been evaluated to determine if they contain mercury. o All chemicals fed as a part of the treatment process have been verified to have a very low potential of mercury contamination. o Mercury thermometer and laboratory reagents have been switched with non -mercury options when available. Mercury reagents that are still necessary are collected and properly disposed of through hazardous waste collection. o Mercury containing fluorescent light bulbs have been or are in the process of being replaced with non -mercury LED bulbs. All fluorescent bulbs that were replaced have been properly disposed. TRU maintains procedures and trains staff on the handling of mercury spills and the collection of wastes. All staff are also trained on the hazards and proper handling of mercury containing items. 4. TRU includes mercury education in its public outreach efforts including presentations to schools and tour groups. Information is included on the City of Gastonia's website regarding the health and environmental effects of mercury as well as methods for proper cleanup and disposal. 5. Sampling for mercury has been performed at least annually on all permitted significant industrial users as well as the influent and effluent of the treatment plant. Crowders Creek WWTP's Page 2 of 3 influent was sampled nineteen times since TRU's mercury minimization plan was made effective in September 2017. The influent sampling showed a maximum result of 0.12 µg/L and an average result of 0.03842 µg/L. Crowders Creeks WWTP's effluent was also sampled nineteen times since September 2017 and showed a maximum result of 0.00142 µg/L and an average result of 0.00044 µg/L. Two Rivers Utilities remains committed to good environmental stewardship and its obligation to protect the receiving stream. If I can provide any additional information or assistance regarding this application or these requests, please contact me at 704-842-5106 or davids@citvofgastonia.com. Sincerely, C)j David Shellenbarger Assistant WWTD Manager Compliance Wastewater Treatment Division Two Rivers Utilities cc: Stephanie Scheringer —Division Manager Wastewater Treatment, TRU Kevin Graves — Assistant WWTD Manager Operations Mourice Brothers —Treatment Plant Supervisor — Crowders Creek WWTP, TRU Certified Mail: 7017 0530 0000 9533 2005 Page 3 of 3 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin NPDES Form 2A — Application for NPDES Permit FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin FORM JJJr 2A ORM 2A APPLICATION OVERVIEW NPDES APPLICATION OVERVIEW Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a "Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information" packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.1 through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. B. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow > 0.1 mgd. All treatment works that have design flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.1 through 6.6. C. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C (Certification). SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. E. Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part E (Toxicity Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users (SIUs) or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). SIUs are defined as: 1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N (see instructions); and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works (with certain exclusions); or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant; or C. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. G. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G (Combined Sewer Systems). ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE PART C (CERTIFICATION) EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 1 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Renewal Catawba River Basin NCO074268 BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART A. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS: All treatment works must complete questions A.1 through A.8 of this Basic Application Information Packet. A.I. Facility Information. Facility Name Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Mailing Address P.O. Box 1748 Gastonia NC 28053 Contact Person David Shellenbarger Title Assistant WWTD Manager - Compliance Telephone Number (704) 842-5106 Facility Address 5642 South York Highway (not P.O. Box) Gastonia, NC 28052 _ A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above, provide the following: Applicant Name City of Gastonia Mailing Address P.O. Box 1748 Gastonia, NC 28053 Contact Person Stephanie Scheringer I Title Division Manager Wastewater Treatment Telephone Number (704) 866-6726 Is the applicant the owner or operator (or both) of the treatment works? ® owner ® operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. ❑ facility ® applicant A.3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any existing environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state -issued permits). NPDES NCO074268 & Stormwater NCG110000 PSD UIC Other NC Land Application WQ0001793 RCRA Other SC Land Application Permit ND0084883 A.4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and, if known, provide information on the type of collection system (combined vs. separate) and its ownership (municipal, private, etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership Gastonia (Southern Portion) 16,047 (+1,000 unincorp.) Separate Sanitary Municipal Bessemer City 5,494 Separate Sanitary Municipal Clover, SC 6,397 Separate Sanitary Municipal Kings Mountain (Western Part)' 3 Separate Sanitary Municipal Total population served 28,938 Kings Mountain connection primarily serves as an emergency connection at this time. EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 2 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin A.5. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from (and eventually flows through) Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No A.6. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant (i.e., the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and maximum daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each year's data must be based on a 12-month time period with the 12'" month of "this year" occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. a. Design flow rate 6.0 mgd Two Years Ago Last Year This Year b. Annual average daily flow rate 2.5 3.1 3.0 C. Maximum daily flow rate 5.9 12.4 11.0 A.7. Collection System. Indicate the type(s) of collection system(s) used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution (by miles) of each. ® Separate sanitary sewer 100 % ❑ Combined storm and sanitary sewer % A.8. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? ® Yes If yes, list how many of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent iii. Combined sewer overflow points iv. Constructed emergency overflows (prior to the headworks) V. Other N/A 0 b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins, ponds, or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? ❑ Yes If yes, provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: ❑ No ® No Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) N/A mgd Is discharge ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? C. Does the treatment works land -apply treated wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, provide the following for each land application site: Location: Number of acres: Annual average daily volume applied to site: N/A mgd Is land application ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? ❑ Yes ® No EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 3 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin If yes, describe the mean(s) by which the wastewater from the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works (e.g., tank truck, pipe). If transport is by a party other than the applicant, provide: Transporter Name Mailing Address Contact Person N/A Title N/A Telephone Number (N/A) For each treatment works that receives this discharge, provide the following: Name N/A Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number KA) If known, provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works that receives this discharge N/A Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into the receiving facility. N/A mgd e. Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in a manner not included in A.8. through A.8.d above (e.g., underground percolation, well injection): ❑ Yes ® No If yes, provide the following for each disposal method: Description of method (including location and size of site(s) if applicable): N/A Annual daily volume disposed by this method: NIA Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 4 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered "Yes" to question A.8.a, complete questions A.9 through A.12 once for each outfall (including bypass points) through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered "No" to question A.8.a, go to Part B, "Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or Equal to 0.1 mgd." A.9. Description of Outfall. a. Outfall number 001 b. Location Gastonia 28054 (City or town, if applicable) (Zip Code) Gaston NC (County) (State) 35 Deg 10 Min 10 Sec 81 Deg, 11 Min, 48 Sec_ (Latitude) (Longitude) C. Distance from shore (if applicable) NIA ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) N/A ft. e. Average daily flow rate 2.7 mgd f. Does this ouffall have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? ❑ Yes ® No (go to A.9.g.) If yes, provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: Average duration of each discharge: Average flow per discharge: Months in which discharge occurs: g. Is ouffall equipped with a diffuser? N/A N/A NIA mgd N/A ❑ Yes ® No A.10. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water Crowders Creek b. Name of watershed (if known) Crowders Creek United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code (if known): C. Name of State Management/River Basin (if known): Catawba United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code (if known): 03050101 d. Critical low flow of receiving stream (if applicable) acute unknown cfs chronic unknown cfs e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow (if applicable): unknown mg/I of CaCO3 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 5 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin A.11. Description of Treatment a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. ® Primary ® Secondary ® Advanced ® Other. Describe: Biological Nutrient Removal b. Indicate the following removal rates (as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design CBOD5 removal 95% % Design SS removal 85% % Design P removal 80% % Design N removal 80% % Other % C. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season, please describe: Chlorine gas If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? ® Yes ❑ No Does the treatment plant have post aeration? ® Yes ❑ No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. Ouffall number: 001 MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE AVERAGE DAILY VALUE PARAMETER Value Units Value Units Number of Samples pH (Minimum) 6.4 s.u. pH (Maximum) 8.0 s.U. Flow Rate 12.4 MGD 2.7 MGD 1645 Temperature (Winter) 22.0 degrees C 13.8 degrees C 444 Temperature (Summer) 28.0 degrees C 22.3 degrees C 682 * For pH please report a minimum and a maximum daily value MAXIMUM DAILY AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL ML/MDL Number of METHOD Conc. Units Conc. Units Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN BOD5 20.0 m /L 3.9 m /L 1119 SM 5210B 2.0 DEMAND (Report one) CBOD5 FECAL COLIFORM 9200 #/100nnL 21 #/100mL 728 SM 9222D (MF) 1.0 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) 12.7 mg/L 1.1 m /L 727 SM 2540D 2.5 END OF PART A. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 6 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART B. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS WITH A DESIGN FLOW GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.1 MGD (100,000 gallons per day). All applicants with a design flow rate >_ 0.1 mgd must answer questions B.1 through B.6. All others go to Part C (Certification). B.I. Inflow and Infiltration. Estimate the average number of gallons per day that flow into the treatment works from inflow and/or infiltration. 260,000 gpd Briefly explain any steps underway or planned to minimize inflow and infiltration. Two Rivers Utilities works to identify and address inflow and infiltration issues both throughout the year as part of its normal operations and maintenance as well as prioritized projects that are part of TRU's capital improvement program. B.2. Topographic Map. Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending at least one mile beyond facility property boundaries. This map must show the outline of the facility and the following information. (You may submit more than one map if one map does not show the entire area.) a. The area surrounding the treatment plant, including all unit processes. b. The major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment works and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant. Include outfalls from bypass piping, if applicable. c. Each well where wastewater from the treatment plant is injected underground. d. Wells, springs, other surface water bodies, and drinking water wells that are: 1) within'/< mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works, and 2) listed in public record or otherwise known to the applicant. e. Any areas where the sewage sludge produced by the treatment works is stored, treated, or disposed. f. If the treatment works receives waste that is classified as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by truck, rail, or special pipe, show on the map where the hazardous waste enters the treatment works and where it is treated, stored, and/or disposed. B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic. Provide a diagram showing the processes of the treatment plant, including all bypass piping and all backup power sources or redundancy in the system. Also provide a water balance showing all treatment units, including disinfection (e.g., chlorination and dechlorination). The water balance must show daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units. Include a brief narrative description of the diagram. 8.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s). Are any operational or maintenance aspects (related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality) of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, list the name, address, telephone number, and status of each contractor and describe the contractor's responsibilities (attach additional pages if necessary). Name: Two Rivers Utilities maintains primary responsibility for operation and maintenance Mailing Address: of this facility. A list of contractors utilized for certain aspects of the operation and maintenance is attached. Telephone Number: ( ) Responsibilities of Contractor: B.5. Scheduled improvements and Schedules of Implementation. Provide information on any uncompleted implementation schedule or uncompleted plans for improvements that will affect the wastewater treatment, effluent quality, or design capacity of the treatment works. If the treatment works has several different implementation schedules or is planning several improvements, submit separate responses to question B.5 for each. (If none, go to question B.6.) a. List the outfall number (assigned in question A.9) for each outfall that is covered by this implementation schedule. none b. Indicate whether the planned improvements or implementation schedule are required by local, State, or Federal agencies. ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 7 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin C. If the answer to 6.5.b is "Yes," briefly describe, including new maximum daily inflow rate (if applicable). NIA d. Provide dates imposed by any compliance schedule or any actual dates of completion for the implementation steps listed below, as applicable. For improvements planned independently of local, State, or Federal agencies, indicate planned or actual completion dates, as applicable. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. Schedule Actual Completion Implementation Stage MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Begin Construction End Construction Begin Discharge Attain Operational Level e. Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other Federal/State requirements been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe briefly: N/A B.6. EFFLUENT TESTING DATA (GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD ONLY). Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combine sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and on -half years old. Outfall Number: 001 MAXIMUM DAILY AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL MLIMDL Number of METHOD Conc. Units Conc. Units Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS AMMONIA (as N) 5.3 mg/L 0.2 mg/L 732 SM 4500 NH3 D 0.1/0.2 CHLORINE (TOTAL 49.2 mg/L 3.5 mg/L 1125 SM 4500 CI G 20.0 RESIDUAL, TRC) DISSOLVED OXYGEN 14.2 mg/L 8.9 mg/L 1126 SM 4500-0 G 1.0 TOTAL KJELDAHL 16.9 mg/L 2.0 mg/L 240 SM 4500 NoaG C 1.0 NITROGEN (TKN) NITRATE PLUS NITRITE 10.5 mg/L 3.3 mg/L 240 SM 4500 N0; F 0.5 NITROGEN OIL and GREASE 0.0 mg/L 0.0 mg/L 3 EPA 1664 B 4.4/4.6/5.6 PHOSPHORUS (Total) 1.5 mg/L 0.4 mg/L 239 SM 4500 P E 0.05 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 330 mg/L 303 mg/L 3 SM 2540C 10/25 (TDS) OTHER END OF PART B. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 8 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART C. CERTIFICATION All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to instructions to determine who is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A, as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement, applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: ® Basic Application Information packet Supplemental Application Information packet: ® Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data) ® Part E (Toxicity Testing: Biomonitoring Data) ® Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes) ❑ Part G (Combined Sewer Systems) ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title Stephanie Scheringer, Division Manager Wastewater Treatment / Signature --��7 Telephone number (704) 866-6726 Date signed a;(41 I'L M Upon request of the permitting authority, you must submit any other information necessary to assure wastewater treatment practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENR/ DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 9 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Catawba River Basin SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION PART D. EXPANDED EFFLUENT TESTING DATA Refer to the directions on the cover page to determine whether this section applies to the treatment works. Effluent Testing: 1.0 mgd and Pretreatment Works. If the treatment works has a design flow greater than or equal to 1.0 mgd or it has (or is required to have) a pretreatment program, or is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the data, then provide effluent testing data for the following pollutants. Provide the indicated effluent testing information and any other information required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analyses conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, these data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136, Indicate in the blank rows provided below any data you may have on pollutants not specifically listed in this form. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and one-half years old. Outfall number: 001 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples METALS (TOTAL RECOVERABLE), CYANIDE, PHENOLS, AND HARDNESS. ANTIMONY 1.0 Ng/L 0.019 Ibs 0.3 pg/L 0.006 Ibs 3 EPA 200.8 1.0 ARSENIC 2.8 Ng/L 0.063 Ibs 0.2 Ng/L 0.004 lbs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0/2.0 BERYLLIUM 0.0 pg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 200.8 1.0 CADMIUM 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 0.5/1.0 CHROMIUM 2.0 Ng/L 0.045 Ibs 0.1 Ng/L 0.002 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0/5.0 COPPER 3.0 Ng/L 0.165 Ibs 1.6 Ng/L 0.044 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0/5.0 LEAD 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0 MERCURY 0.0015 Ng/L 5x10-5 Ibs 0.0004 Ng/L 8x10-s Ibs 40 EPA 1631 E 0.0010 NICKEL 9.5 Ng/L 0.195 Ibs 3.0 Ng/L 0.074 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0/5.0 SELENIUM 1.9 pg/L 0.074 lbs 0.1 Ng/L 0.005 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0/5.0 SILVER 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 1.0 THALLIUM 0.0 pg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 Ng/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 200.8 1.0 ZINC 60.4 Ng/L 3.167 Ibs 33.3 Ng/L 0.894 Ibs 30 EPA 200.8 10.0 CYANIDE 11.0 Ng/L 0.867 Ibs 1.9 Ng/L 0.073 Ibs 29 S 4500 CN- 10.0 TOTAL PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS 9.4 Ng/L 0.194 Ibs 3.1 Ng/L 0.065 Ibs 3 EPA 420.4 5 HARDNESS (as CaCO3) 110 mg/L 4884 Ibs 65.4 mg/L 1430 Ibs 26 EPA 2340C 10 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other metals requested by the permit writer EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 10 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba Outfall number: 001 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE POLLUTANT ANALYTICAL ML/MDL Number Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units of METHOD Samples VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ACROLEIN 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 5.0 ACRYLONITRILE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 5.0 BENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 BROMOFORM 1.1 µg/L 0.025 Ibs 0.04 µg/L 0.008 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 0 0. µ9 /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 CHLORODIBROMO- 6.4 µ9 /L 0.143 Ibs 2.1 µg/L 0.048 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 METHANE CHLOROETHANE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 2.0 ROETHYLVINYL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 5.0 ETHER CHLOROFORM 32.0 µg/L 0.729 Ibs 25.3 µg/L 0.544 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 DICHLOROBROMO- 12.0 µg /L 0.269 Ibs 6.3 µg /L 0.136 Ibs 3 EPA 624 2.0 METHANE 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 1,2-DICHLORo- 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 ETHYL ETHYLENE - 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 ETHYLENE ETHYLENE 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 1, 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 OPYLLORO- PROPYLENE ETHYLBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 2.0 METHYL BROMIDE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 2.0 METHYL CHLORIDE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 2.0 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 1,1,2,2-TETRA- CHLOROETHANE 0.0 µ9 /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 TETRACETHYLEHLORo 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 ETHYLENE TOLUENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 11 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Catawba Outfall number: 001 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples TRICHLOROETHANE TRIO 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 RICHLOROETHANE TRIO 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 VINYL CHLORIDE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 624 1.0 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other volatile organic compounds requested by the permit writer ACID -EXTRACTABLE COMPOUNDS P-CHLORO-M-CRESOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 3 EPA 625 1.6 2-CHLOROPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 3 EPA 625 1.6 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL 0.0 Itg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 4,6-DINITRO-0-CRESOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 8.0 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 8.0 2-NITROPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 3 EPA 625 3.2 4-NITROPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 3 EPA 625 8.0 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 3 EPA 625 8.0 PHENOL 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 2,RICHLOROPHENOL T 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg4,6- /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other acid -extractable compounds requested by the permit writer BASE -NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS ACENAPHTHENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 ACENAPHTHYLENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 ANTHRACENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 lbs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 BENZIDINE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 8.0 BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 12 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba Outfall number: 001 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE POLLUTANT ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Number Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units of Samples 3,4 BENZO- . 00 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 FLUORANTHENE BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 BENZOFLUOR 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 Ng /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 FLUORANTHENE N BIS OROETHOXY) 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 / 8.0 METHANE BIS HLOROETHYL)- 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 ETHER BIS (2-CHL 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 THER PROPYL)EETHER BIS (LHEXYL) 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 6 EPA 625 1.6 / 8.0 PHTHALATE HE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 PHENYLETHERR PHENYE BUTYL 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 PHTHALATELATE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 NAH THAL NAPHTHALENE RPHE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 PHENYLETHER PHENY CHRYSENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 DIBENZO(A,H) 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 ANTHRACENE 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 IbS 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 - 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 8.0 BENZIDINE BENZIDINE DIETHYL PHTHALATE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 DIMETHYL PHTHALATE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 3.2 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 3.2 1, 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 DRAZENYL- HYDRAZINE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 13 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Catawba Outfall number: 001 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples FLUORANTHENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 FLUORENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 HEXACHLORO- BUTADIENE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 HENTADIE ROCYCLo- PENTADIENE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 8.0 HEXACHLOROETHANE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 INDENO(1,2,3-CD) PYRENE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 ISOPHORONE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 NITROBENZENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 N-NITPROP OSODI-N- PROPYLAMINE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 N-NIT METH AMIN METHYLAMINE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 N-NITROSODI- PHENYLAMINE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 PHENANTHRENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 PYRENE 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg/L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 1,2,4- TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 0.0 µg /L 0.000 Ibs 3 EPA 625 1.6 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other base -neutral compounds requested by the permit writer Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other pollutants (e.g., pesticides) requested by the permit writer END OF PART D. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 14 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION PART E. TOXICITY TESTING DATA POTWs meeting one or more of the following criteria must provide the results of whole effluent toxicity tests for acute or chronic toxicity for each of the facility's discharge points: 1) POTWs with a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1.0 mgd; 2) POTWs with a pretreatment program (or those that are required to have one under 40 CFR Part 403); or 3) POTWs required by the permitting authority to submit data for these parameters. • At a minimum, these results must include quarterly testing for a 12-month period within the past 1 year using multiple species (minimum of two species), or the results from four tests performed at least annually in the four and one-half years prior to the application, provided the results show no appreciable toxicity, and testing for acute and/or chronic toxicity, depending on the range of receiving water dilution. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. • In addition, submit the results of any other whole effluent toxicity tests from the past four and one-half years. If a whole effluent toxicity test conducted during the past four and one-half years revealed toxicity, provide any information on the cause of the toxicity or any results of a toxicity reduction evaluation, if one was conducted. • If you have already submitted any of the information requested in Part E, you need not submit it again. Rather, provide the information requested in question EA for previously submitted information. If EPA methods were not used, report the reasons for using alternate methods. If test summaries are available that contain all of the information requested below, they may be submitted in place of Part E. If no biomonitoring data is required, do not complete Part E. Refer to the Application Overview for directions on which other sections of the form to complete. E.1. Required Tests. Indicate the number of whole effluent toxicity tests conducted in the past four and one-half years. ❑ chronic ❑ acute E.2. Individual Test Data. Complete the following chart for each whole effluent toxicity test conducted in the last four and one-half years. Allow one column per test (where each species constitutes a test). Copy this page if more than three tests are being reported. Test number: Test number: Test number: a. Test information. Please see section EA for summary of submitted biomonitoring test information. Test Species & test method number Age at initiation of test Outfall number Dates sample collected Date test started Duration b. Give toxicity test methods followed. Manual title Edition number and year of publication Page number(s) c. Give the sample collection method(s) used. For multiple grab samples, indicate the number of grab samples used. 24-Hour composite Grab d. Indicate where the sample was taken in relation to disinfection. (Check all that apply for each. Before disinfection After disinfection After dechlorination EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 15 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Catawba Test number: Test number: Test number: e. Describe the point in the treatment process at which the sample was collected. Sample was collected: f. For each test, include whether the test was intended to assess chronic toxicity, acute toxicity, or both Chronic toxicity Acute toxicity g. Provide the type of test performed. Static Static -renewal Flow -through h. Source of dilution water. If laboratory water, specify type; if receiving water, specify source. Laboratory water Receiving water i. Type of dilution water. If salt water, specify "natural" or type of artificial sea salts or brine used. Fresh water Salt water j. Give the percentage effluent used for all concentrations in the test series. k. Parameters measured during the test. (State whether parameter meets test method specifications) pH Salinity Temperature Ammonia Dissolved oxygen I. Test Results. Acute: Percent survival in 100% effluent % % ° �0 LCi50 95% C.I. % % % Control percent survival % % % Other (describe) EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 16 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Catawba Chronic: NOEC % % % IC25 % % % Control percent survival % % % Other (describe) m. Quality Control/Quality Assurance. Is reference toxicant data available? Was reference toxicant test within acceptable bounds? What date was reference toxicant test run (MM/DD/YYYY)? Other (describe) E.3. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. Is the treatment works involved in a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, describe: N/A EA. Summary of Submitted Biomonitoring Test Information. If you have submitted biomonitoring test information, or information regarding the cause of toxicity, within the past four and one-half years, provide the dates the information was submitted to the permitting authority and a summary of the results. Date submitted: 10/13/2015 through 01/08/2020 (MM/DD/YYYY) Summary of results: (see instructions) AT-1 reports have been submitted on the following dates: 10/13/2015 1/11/2016, 4/4/2016, 7/8/2016, 10/17/2016, 1/6/2017 4/7/2017 7/6/2017 10/18/2017 1/12/2018 4/6/2018, 6/29/2018, 10/17/2018, 1/9/2019, 4/23/2019, 7/2/2019, 10/11/2019 and 1/8/2020. AT-5 reports for second species toxicity testing have also been submitted on the last four of these dates. The first sample for each of these analyses were collected on the following dates: 9/15/2015, 12/8/2015, 3/8/2016, 6/7/2016 9/13/2016 12/6/2016 3/7/2017 6/6/2017, 9/12/2017, 12/5/2017, 3/6/2018, 6/5/2018, 9/11/2018, 12/4/2018, 3/5/2019, 6/4/2019, 9/10/2019 and 12/3/2019. All samples passed the respective Ceriodaphnia Dubia or Pimephales Promelas multi -dilution chronic toxicity tests. END OF PART E. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE. EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 17 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION PART F.INDUSTRIAL USER DISCHARGES AND RCRA/CERCLA WASTES All treatment works receiving discharges from significant industrial users or which receive RCRA,CERCLA, or other remedial wastes must complete part F. GENERAL INFORMATION: F.1. Pretreatment program. Does the treatment works have, or is subject to, an approved pretreatment program? ® Yes ❑ No F.2. Number of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) and Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs). Provide the number of each of the following types of industrial users that discharge to the treatment works. a. Number of non -categorical SIUs. 1 (3 satellite municipalities also permitted as SIUs) b. Number of Cl Us. 4 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Please see attached listing of SIU information Mailing Address: FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Raw material(s): F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. gpd ( continuous or intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. gpd ( continuous or intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ❑ Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ❑ Yes ❑ No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 18 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, describe each episode. RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE RECEIVED BY TRUCK, RAIL, OR DEDICATED PIPELINE: F.9. RCRA Waste. Does the treatment works receive or has it in the past three years received RCRA hazardous waste by truck, rail or dedicated pipe? ❑ Yes ® No (go to F.12) F.10. Waste transport. Method by which RCRA waste is received (check all that apply): ❑ Truck ❑ Rail ❑ Dedicated Pipe FA 1. Waste Description. Give EPA hazardous waste number and amount (volume or mass, specify units). EPA Hazardous Waste Number Amount Units N/A CERCLA (SUPERFUND) WASTEWATER, RCRA REMEDIATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION WASTEWATER, AND OTHER REMEDIAL ACTIVITY WASTEWATER: F.12. Remediation Waste. Does the treatment works currently (or has it been notified that it will) receive waste from remedial activities? ❑ Yes (complete F.13 through F.15.) ® No F.13. Waste Origin. Describe the site and type of facility at which the CERCLA/RCRA/or other remedial waste originates (or is excepted to originate in the next five years). N/A F.14. Pollutants. List the hazardous constituents that are received (or are expected to be received). Include data on volume and concentration, if known. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) N/A FA5. Waste Treatment. a. Is this waste treated (or will be treated) prior to entering the treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑ No I If yes, describe the treatment (provide information about the removal efficiency): N/A b. Is the discharge (or will the discharge be) continuous or intermittent? ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent If intermittent, describe discharge schedule. N/A — - END OF PART F. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 19 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION PART G. COMBINED SEWER SYSTEMS If the treatment works has a combined sewer system, complete Part G. G.I. System Map. Provide a map indicating the following: (may be included with Basic Application Information) a. All CSO discharge points. b. Sensitive use areas potentially affected by CSOs (e.g., beaches, drinking water supplies, shellfish beds, sensitive aquatic ecosystems, and outstanding natural resource waters). C. Waters that support threatened and endangered species potentially affected by CSOs. G.2. System Diagram. Provide a diagram, either in the map provided in G.1 or on a separate drawing, of the combined sewer collection system that includes the following information. a. Location of major sewer trunk lines, both combined and separate sanitary. b. Locations of points where separate sanitary sewers feed into the combined sewer system. C. Locations of in -line and off-line storage structures. d. Locations of flow -regulating devices. e. Locations of pump stations. CSO OUTFALLS: Complete questions G.3 through G.6 once for each CSO discharge point. G.3. Description of Outfall. a. Outfall number N/A b. Location N/A (City or town, if applicable) (Zip Code) N/A (County) (State) N/A (Latitude) (Longitude) C. Distance from shore (if applicable) N/A ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) N/A ft. e. Which of the following were monitored during the last year for this CSO? ❑ Rainfall ❑ CSO pollutant concentrations ❑ CSO frequency ❑ CSO flow volume ❑ Receiving water quality f. How many storm events were monitored during the last year? N/A GA. CSO Events. a. Give the number of CSO events in the last year. N/A events (❑ actual or ❑ approx.) b. Give the average duration per CSO event. N/A hours (❑ actual or ❑ approx.) EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 20 of 21 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba C. Give the average volume per CSO event. N/A million gallons (❑ actual or ❑ approx.) d. Give the minimum rainfall that caused a CSO event in the last year N/A Inches of rainfall G.5. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water: b. Name of watershed/river/stream system: United State Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code (if known): C. Name of State Management/River Basin: N/A United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code (if known): N/A G.6. CSO Operations. Describe any known water quality impacts on the receiving water caused by this CSO (e.g., permanent or intermittent beach closings, permanent or intermittent shell fish bed closings, fish kills, fish advisories, other recreational loss, or violation of any applicable State water quality standard). END OF PART G. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE. EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 21 of 21 Additional information, if provided, will appear on the following pages. NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section B.2. Topographical Map A 100, T Q J, AL X ji 40 Facility Boundary Crowders Creek WWTP Outfal Sewer Mains - Gravity yy ti MAIN 4Zn, vc P,rf-iml ima-�Tw? ik i za 0 ASO FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NC0074268 REQUESTED: Catawba River Basin Renewal Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic Process Flow Description The Crowders Creek WWTP is a 6-MGD facility operated by the City of Gastonia which discharges to Crowders Creek. Influent wastewater enters the plant through a 42" gravity feed sewer line and passes through coarse manual and one inch mechanical screens then to a grit collector. Grit is pumped to a screw auger for dewatering prior to disposal. Following preliminary treatment, the wastewater flow enters the main lift station. Four influent pumps lift the influent flow to a splitter box where the flow is split to two primary clarifiers. Raw sludge from the bottom of the primary clarifiers is drawn off and pumped to the anaerobic digesters. The primary clarifier effluent is combined with the return activated sludge (RAS) in a second splitter box where the flow is split to two biological treatment trains. The biological treatment follows a modified Ludzak-Ettinger process and consists of anaerobic, anoxic and oxic basins, with optional step feed and internal oxic recycle pumping for denitrification. Following the biological treatment process, flow is combined in a third splitter box and routed to the two final clarifiers. Sludge from these clarifiers is routed to the second splitter box as RAS or thickened in a dissolved air floatation thickener (DAFT) and sent to the anaerobic digesters as waste activated sludge (WAS). The effluent flow from these final clarifiers is again combined then split to two polishing ponds. Effluent from these polishing ponds is disinfected in an open chlorine contact chamber by injection of chlorine solution. Sulfur dioxide is injected into the chlorinated effluent for dechlorination. Finally, the effluent is discharged through a three -stage static aeration device to a 48" line, which discharges through an effluent channel and into Crowders Creek. The plant has a belt filter press and solids contact reactor that are currently not being utilized. The process flow schematics show all of the processes of the treatment plant along with backup power sources. The plant has three generators with outputs of 500 KW, 750 KW and 1000 KW located throughout the plant. Crowders Creek WWTP -Process Flow Schematic Influent Primary b mgd 3 mgd Clarifiers g 3 c� Add �- - - Caustic Main Lift / Screening / 3 mgd c3 Grit Removal Q. E Primary M Sludge RAS g mgd Final Clarifiers 4.5 mgd • 4.5 mgd . Splitter Anaerobic Anoxic Oxic E M RAS WAS 6 mgd 1.5 mgd internal recycle E Current Supplemental Carbon Addition Potential Supplemental Carbon Addition Treatment Trains T 1 ism z al E 1.5 mgd internal recycle I mgd Polishing Ponds 3 mgd *Plant design allows for multiple step feed options into aeration basin 4.5 mgd 4.5 mgd Current Supplemental Carbon Addition Chlorine Contact 6 mgd 6 mgd Dechlorination Alum Addition To Crowders Creek N. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section BA Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s) FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section BA. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s). If yes, list the name, address, telephone number, and status of each contractor and describe the contractor's responsibilities (attach additional pages if necessary). Name: A&W Electric Mailing Address: 127 W. 28th St. Charlotte, NC 28206 Telephone Number: (704) 333-4986 Responsibilities of Contractor: Motor service and electrical maintenance. Name: Carolina Engine Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1095 Charlotte, N.C. 28201 1095 Telephone Number: (704) 596-6700 Responsibilities of Contractor: Preventative and corrective maintenance on emergency generators and major electrical equipment. Name: EMA Resources, Inc. Mailing Address: 755 Yadkinville Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone Number: (336) 399-6671 Responsibilities of Contractor: Transport and land application of biosolids generated from treatment Name: Expert Services CITI Mailing Address: P.O. Box 37047 Charlotte, NC 28237 Telephone Number: (704) 969-9200 Responsibilities of Contractor: Repairs, adjustments and upgrades to SCADA system. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section B.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s) (Continued) Name: Gardner/Denver Lamson Mailing Address: 2101-A Cambridge Beltway Drive Charlotte, N.C. 28273 Telephone Number: (770) 832-5000 Responsibilities of Contractor: Preventative and corrective maintenance on centrifugal blowers. Name: Kemp Mailing Address: 2217 Lymore Drive Sherrill's Ford, NC 28104 Telephone Number: (8828) 478-3040 Responsibilities of Contractor: Mechanical repairs. Name: Instrument Services Incorporated Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 712465 Cincinnati, OH 45271-2465 Telephone Number: (800) 253-6223 Responsibilities of Contractor: Field instrument calibrations, predictive maintenance including infra -red and vibration analysis for large equipment and some corrective maintenance on instrumentation. Name: Lewis Systems Mailing Address: 9300 Stockport Place Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone Number: (704) 588-2299 Responsibilities of Contractor: Preventive and corrective maintenance on air compressors. Name: Mitcham and Dills Mailing Address: 936 N. Marietta Street Gastonia, NC 28054 Telephone Number: (704) 862-7230 Responsibilities of Contractor: Heat Exchanger maintenance. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section B.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s) (Continued) Name: Piedmont Chlorinator Service Mailing Address: 7424 Orr Road Charlotte, N.C. 28213 Telephone Number: (704) 597-7505 Responsibilities of Contractor: Preventative and corrective maintenance on all vacuum regulators ators and flow proportional smart valves. Name: Republic Waste Services Mailing Address: P.O. Box 219 Pineville, NC 28134 Telephone Number: (800) 948-7310 Responsibilities of Contractor: Disposal of waste from grit and bar screenings. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Section F. Industrial User Discharges FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: A.B. Carter Mailing Address: PO Box 518 Gastonia, NC 28053 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. The SIU uses plastic/nylon which is then injection molded into textile travelers. Nylon travelers are dyed on site, and waste from the dying process is sent to the user's pretreatment system. Steel wire is first drawn to diameter according to customer needs. The user also cleans/pickles steel wire using HCL or H2SO4 and performs copper coating using copper sulfate. The acid pickling (HCI) is a 628 gallon tank which is dumped 1 /year. Rinse water discharges to pretreatment system when in operation. The alkaline cleaner is a 628 gallon tank which is dumped 1/year. Rinse water discharges to pretreatment system on production days that acid pickling is done. There are 6 small wire drawing and copper coating machines that have 75 gallon copper sulfate tanks which are mixed with sulfuric acid and dumped 3 times a year. Rinse water is discharged every working shift. After treatment, process effluent travels to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. F.S. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Molded nylon, steel wire Raw material(s): Nylon granules, steel rod F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 9,600 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intennittent. l) gpd ( continuous or intennittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ® Yes ❑ No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? Metal Finisher 40 CFR 465.14 F.B. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SlU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following Information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: City of Bessemer City Mailing Address: 132 W. Virginia Avenue Bessemer City, NC 28016 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. The City of Bessemer City discharges process and domestic wastewater to Two River Utilities (TRU) Crowders WWTP. Bessemer is regulated by an SIU permit issued by TRU. Bessemer operates their own pretreatment program and has issued an SIU permit to Dole Fresh Vegetables Inc. and 2 IU's (FMC and Manufacturing Services). Additional industrial users discharge through the pipes to the Crowders WWTP but they are not permitted. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Residential, commercial and industry ( Dole packages vegetables, FMC. Manufacturing Services) Raw material(s): Dole's raw materials are vegetables. F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 500,000 gpd ( X continuous or intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 491,000 gpd ( X continuous or intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ❑ Yes ® No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, describe each episode. The SIU has not contributed to any violations at the WWTP but cyanide (CN) has been a concern. Bessemer City also keeps a close eve on Dole that discharges the most cyanide. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: City of Kings Mountain Mailing Address: PO Box 429 Kings Mountain, NC 28086 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. The City of Kings Mountain discharges consist of 1&I and domestic wastewater from a very small area to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. Kings Mountain is regulated by an SIU permit issued by TRU. Kings Mountain operates their own pretreatment program. In the event of a planned or emergency outage at a lift station, the wet well's overflow would be discharged to Crowders Creek WWTP. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Domestic wastewater, I&I and rare overflow from pump stations containing domestic commercial and industrial. Raw material(s): Domestic wastewater, I&1 and rare overflow from pump stations containing domestic commercial and industrial. F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 0 gpd ( continuous or intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 23,600 gpd ( X continuous or intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ❑ Yes ® No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Industrial Fabricators Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12885 Gastonia, NC 28053 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. User's process includes the E-coating and Powder coating of metal parts. Parts undergo 5 stages: sulfuric acid and surfactant clean/rinse/iron phosphate/rinse/rinse. Parts are then dried, painted, cured. Sulfuric acid cleaner and phosphate tanks are emptied once per 6 months and discharge to the pretreatment system. Process rinse tanks continually overflow to pretreatment system during first shift hours. If pretreatment system operator is not present, process rinse tanks recycle and no process discharge occurs. After pretreatment the user's effluent travels to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Parts for construction equipment and heavy trucks. Facility does fabrication of metal parts, laser cutting, CNC machining, forming, and welding in addition to the liquid painting and powder coating. Raw material(s): Steel aluminum F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 18,000 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 2,450 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ® Yes ❑ No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? Metal Finisher 40 CFR 433.17 F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following Information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the Information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc. Mailing Address: 207 Telegraph Drive Gastonia, NC 28056 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. The user manufactures synthetic thickeners emulsifiers, thermoplastic polyurethanes, polymer emulsions and resin. Wastewater is from the process and wash down of OCPSF manufacturing and travels to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): acrylic latex and compounded latex for textiles, automobile companies, paint bases, household beauty and hygiene items. Raw material(s): vinylidene chloride, acrylic monomer, surfactants F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 17,400 gpd ( continuous or x intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 2,000 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes Cl No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ® Yes ❑ No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? OCPSF 40 CFR 414.85 F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Powder Coating Services Inc. Mailing Address: 1260 Shannon Bradley Road Gastonia, NC 28052 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Industrial processes include powder coatings and electrostatic painting. Domestic wastewater flows through a separate pipe. Process waters discharged are about half from powder coat and half from the a -coat line. The powder coating process tanks include: alkaline cleaner / rinse / iron phosphate / rinse / rinse and then to painting. E-coat line uses zinc phosphate in place of iron phosphate. After treatment wastewater travels to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principalproduct(s): painted steel and aluminum Raw material(s): steel, aluminum, paint, polyesterpowder, cleaners F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 24,000 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 1,500 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) . F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following_ a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ® Yes ❑ No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? Metal Finisher 40 CFR 433.17 F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? 0 Yes ® No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following Information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the Information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Town of Clover Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1060 Clover, SC 29710 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. The Town of Clover discharges process and domestic wastewater to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. The Town has an SIU permit issued by TRU. The Town operates their own pretreatment program. The Town has issued SIU permits to Honeywell and Munzing and several other non-SIU permits. Various other industrial and commercial wastewater flows are discharged. F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Honeywell: synthetic rubber gloves, Munzing: defoamer; Raw material(s): Various F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 20,000 gpd ( continuous or X intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 830,000 gpd ( X continuous or intermittent) F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ❑ Yes ® No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? The Town of Clover runs its own pretreatment program with 2 CIUs. SIU permits have been issued to both users, Honeywell is 40 CFR 428, Munzing is 40 CFR 414. F.S. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, describe each episode. The Town of Clover's ammonia and solids discharges caused issues 1rior to 2018 with processes at the Crowders Creek WWTP. In 2019, no upsets or interferences have occurred. The Town completed a Consent Order and Compliance Schedule on 1/30/2017. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges to the treatment works, copy questions F.3 through F.8 and provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. Name: Valley Proteins Inc. Gastonia Division Mailing Address: 5533 South York Road Gastonia, NC 28052 FA. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Discharge from process wash down air quality units boiler blow down and domestic Approximately 75 000-100 000 lbs of meat by- products are hauled to the user's site per day and are then transferred to another location for further processing. Rendering of meat by- products ceased at this location mid-2019. Grease trap waste is also hauled to the user's site at a rate of approximately 200,000 lbs/day. The grease trapprocess generates approximately 04 MGD of wastewater and an additional .015 MGD is generated from plant wash down of the meat transfer area. After treatment, effluent travels to Two Rivers Utilities (TRU) Crowders Creek WWTP. F.S. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. Principal product(s): Raw meat and grease trap filtrate, sludge Raw material(s): Raw meat, blood, grease trap waste F.6. Flow Rate. a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 60,000 gpd (X continuous or intermittent) b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow discharged into the collection system in gallons per day (gpd) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. 1500 gpd (X continuous or intermittent) *Flow based on 25 gallons per person. F.7. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: a. Local limits ® Yes ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards ❑ Yes ® No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, describe each episode. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Sludge Management Plan FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Sludge Management Plan for Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NCO074268 The Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) design for sludge handling consists of anaerobic sludge digestion followed by land application. This plan describes the processes in place for treating and disposing of this material. Anaerobic Digestion: The anaerobic digestion system consists of four tanks, each with a volume of approximately 466,000 gallons, which treat the primary and waste -activated sludge from the WWTP. On average, Two Rivers Utilities sends approximately 29,000 gallons of raw and thickened wasted solids to these digesters each day for treatment. Two of these digesters are covered and capable of being heated, so both may be used as primary digesters. Currently one of the digesters is being heated and operated as a primary digester, one digester is used as a secondary digester, and two digesters are utilized as holding digesters for biosolids storage. Raw sludge from the bottom of two primary clarifiers is pumped to the primary digester where it is retained for at least 15 days at a temperature greater than 35°C. Wasting from the secondary clarifiers is also pumped to the primary digester, however these solids are first thickened in the dissolved air floatation thickener (DAFT) unit. The digested sludge is transferred from the primary digester into the unheated secondary digester, before being transferred and stored in the holding digesters until transported for land application. Crowders WWTP final holding digesters each have a capacity of 466,000 gallons. Additionally, Two Rivers Utilities operates a residuals storage facility at its Resource Recovery Farm located between Dallas and Cherryville. This facility is capable of storing an additional eight million gallons of biosolids when application activities are hindered by inclement weather. The Crowders Creek WWTP currently complies with the 503 pathogen reduction requirement for Class B biosolids by a PSRP process (40 CFR Part 257 Appendix II). Pathogen reduction is demonstrated by fecal coliform testing. Vector attraction reduction is demonstrated by a measurement of 38% volatile solids reduction using the Van Kleeck's equation. FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Land Application Program: For beneficial reuse of these biosolids, Two Rivers Utilities utilizes land application for disposal of these solids. Gastonia contracts with EMA Resources to perform this land application. Biosolids are land applied to 2,085 acres of local farmland in North Carolina, in accordance with NC DEQ Land Application Permit WQ0001793 and 283.5 acres in South Carolina under SC DHEC Land Application of Domestic Sludge Permit ND0084883. 173.65 of the acres in North Carolina are TRU owned land at the Resource Recovery Farm and the remainder is private farmland. Approved by: Stephanie Scheringer Date Division Manager Wastewater Treatment FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Crowders Creek WWTP, NCO074268 Renewal Catawba River Basin Additional Information for NPDES Permit Application Data for Determination of Exceptionally Performing Facilities Status Evaluation for Exceptionally Performing Facility Status Range of Data Evaluated: January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 Crowders Creek WWTP NPDES # NCO074268 Effluent: BOD mg/L Effluent: TSS mg/L Effluent: Ammonia- Nitrogen mg/L Effluent: Fecal Coliform #/100ml Weekly Limit Monthly Limit 19.5 13.0 45.0 30.0 Summer 6.0 Winter 30.0 Summer 2.0 Winter 10.0 400 200 Average (Geo Mean for Fecal) Is this <50% Monthly Average Permit Limit? 3.3 Yes 0.7 Yes 0.3 Yes 3 Yes Number of sample results which are > 2x Monthly Average Limit Are more than 15 daily sampling results above 200% of the Monthly Average 0 No 0 No 0 No Number of sample results which are > 2x Weekly Average Limit Are more than 20 daily sampling results above 200% of the Weekly Average 1 No Number of Violations last Year Is the number of non -monthly violations last vear less than 2? 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 1 /1 /2018 1 /2/2018 2.8 8.4 0.4 2 1/3/2018 4.4 <2.5 1.1 4 1 /4/2018 3.5 1 /5/2018 3.6 1 /6/2018 1 /7/2018 1/8/2018 6.0 3.1 0.7 415 1 /9/2018 8.1 235 1/10/2018 7.7 2.9 1.7 1 /11 /2018 5.7 1 /12/2018 4.9 1 /13/2018 1 /14/2018 1 /15/2018 1/16/2018 7.1 2.7 0.7 92 1/17/2018 6.4 2.8 0.6 4 1 /18/2018 5.2 1 /19/2018 4.3 1 /20/2018 1 /21 /2018 1/22/2018 6.6 3.2 0.3 <1 1 /23/2018 5.9 4 1 /24/2018 6.5 2.9 0.7 1 /25/2018 5.0 1 /26/2018 4.7 1 /27/2018 1 /28/2018 1/29/2018 12.4 7.6 1.8 4 1 /30/2018 6.3 <1 1 /31 /2018 5.1 3.0 2.0 2/1 /2018 4.2 2/2/2018 4.0 2/3/2018 2/4/2018 2/5/2018 11.7 7.9 2.2 7 2/6/2018 5.7 <1 2/7/2018 4.7 2.9 1.8 2/8/2018 12.6 2/9/2018 6.2 2/10/2018 2/11/2018 2/12/2018 5.5 3.4 0.4 37 2/13/2018 4.8 7 2/14/2018 4.2 <2.5 0.3 2/15/2018 3.8 2/16/2018 4.0 2/17/2018 2/18/2018 2/19/2018 4.5 4.0 <0.2 11 2/20/2018 4.8 18 2/21 /2018 5.3 3.2 <0.2 2/22/2018 3.7 2/23/2018 4.6 2/24/2018 2/25/2018 2/26/2018 5.6 2.6 0.4 33 2/27/2018 5.7 14 2/28/2018 4.8 <2.5 0.8 3/1 /2018 5.7 3/2/2018 6.7 3/3/2018 3/4/2018 3/5/2018 5.1 <2.5 0.2 150 3/6/2018 3.4 104 3/7/2018 3.8 <2.5 <0.2 3/8/2018 3.2 3/9/2018 2.9 <0.2 3/10/2018 3/11 /2018 3/12/2018 4.4 <2.5 <0.2 235 3/13/2018 5.0 2 3/14/2018 3.8 2.7 <0.2 3/15/2018 3.1 3/16/2018 3.5 3/17/2018 3/18/2018 3/19/2018 3.9 <2.5 <0.2 74 3/20/2018 2.6 370 3/21 /2018 6.3 3.3 0.7 3/22/2018 3.6 3/23/2018 2.7 3/24/2018 3/25/2018 3/26/2018 2.7 <2.5 <0.2 1 3/27/2018 2.2 <1 3/28/2018 3.0 <2.5 <0.2 3/29/2018 2.8 3/30/2018 3/31 /2018 4/1 /2018 4/2/2018 4.3 2.6 <0.2 83 4/3/2018 3.6 25 4/4/2018 5.9 <2.5 <0.2 4/5/2018 3.9 4/6/2018 <2.0 4/7/2018 4/8/2018 4/9/2018 2.3 <2.5 <0.2 400 4/10/2018 3.9 335 4/11/2018 3.2 <2.5 <0.2 4/12/2018 <2.0 4/13/2018 <2.0 4/14/2018 4/15/2018 4/16/2018 3.0 3.5 0.4 1 4/17/2018 2.8 2 4/18/2018 2.1 <2.5 0.4 4/19/2018 2.0 4/20/2018 3.5 4/21 /2018 4/22/2018 4/23/2018 <2.0 <2.5 <0.2 4 4/24/2018 9.0 9,200 4/25/2018 7.9 4.6 1.0 4/26/2018 6.5 4/27/2018 3.9 4/28/2018 4/29/2018 4/30/2018 2.2 <2.5 <0.2 8 5/1 /2018 3.2 5/2/2018 5.1 3.5 <0.2 <1 5/3/2018 4.3 5/4/2018 2.4 5/5/2018 5/6/2018 5/7/2018 3.8 <2.5 <0.2 1 5/8/2018 2.4 5/9/2018 2.6 <2.5 <0.2 <1 5/10/2018 2.6 5/11 /2018 2.9 5/12/2018 5/13/2018 5/14/2018 3.1 <2.5 <0.2 2 5/15/2018 4.3 5/16/2018 4.9 <2.5 <0.2 <1 5/17/2018 3.7 5/18/2018 3.0 5/19/2018 5/20/2018 5/21/2018 4.0 3.3 <0.2 27 5/22/2018 4.9 5/23/2018 4.9 <2.5 0.2 <1 5/24/2018 4.3 5/25/2018 5.3 5/26/2018 5/27/2018 5/28/2018 5/29/2018 2.3 <2.51 1 <1 5/30/2018 2.2 <0.2 5/31 /2018 2.7 <2.5 2 6/1 /2018 3.6 0.4 6/2/2018 6/3/2018 6/4/2018 2.7 <2.5 <0.2 25 6/5/2018 3.5 6/6/2018 4.0 <2.5 <0.1 2 6/7/2018 3.3 6/8/2018 3.1 6/9/2018 6/10/2018 6/11/2018 4.3 2.8 <0.2 1 6/12/2018 6.8 6/13/2018 8.0 <2.5 <0.2 <1 6/14/2018 7.7 6/15/2018 8.9 6/16/2018 6/17/2018 6/18/2018 15.9 <2.5 0.2 6 6/19/2018 11.2 6/20/2018 7.9 <2.5 <0.2 26 6/21 /2018 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