HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024112_Pretreatment_Annual_Report_20200301City of Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Pretreatment Program February 28, 2020 Mr. Monti Hassan DWQ — PERCS Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: PAR 2019 Dear Mr. Hassan: OTI;;ommWe NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC UTILITIES Please find enclosed the e-mailed copy of the City of Thomasville's PAR for 2019. The PAR e-mail sets contain a copy of the cover letter, the PPS, SNCR form the pretreatment narrative, IDSF forms for each industry with attached compliance judgment worksheets, a copy of our current Allocation Table, and the Thomasville Times public notice which was published February 26, 2020. A second public notice will be run for the missed Brasscraft SNC as soon as I can get it published. I have included the written notice. There were no changes or corrections to the PERCS database summary form and the SNCR with attached historical SNCR data. A published copy of the second public notice will be forwarded to you as soon as it is published. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 475-4246 ext. 2. Sincerely, Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator PO Box 368 Phone: 336-475-4246 Thomasville, NC 27361 Fax: 336-476-0130 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Thomasville 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 24112 or Non Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01/yyyy 4. PAR End Date, please enter 12/31 /yyyy 5. Total number of SLUs, includes CIUs 6. Number of CIUs 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO, AO or similar 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 14. Number of SIUs included in Public Notice 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 16. Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected AO Administrative Order CIU Categorical Industrial User CO Consent Order IU Industrial User IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit NNC Notice ofNon-Compliance NOV Notice of Violation PAR Pretreatment Annual Report 3. => 1/1/2019 4. => 12/31 /2019 5. => 5 6. => 4 7. => 0 8. => 0 9. => 0 10. => 2 11. => 3 12. => 13. => 2 14. => 3 15. => 0 16. => 30 17. => 30 18. => 0 $ 4350 20. => 4 POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works SIU Significant Industrial User SNC Significant Non -Compliance revised 1/2018: PAR PPS 2018 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PAR covers this calendar year => 2019 Control Authority--Program--Town Name => City of Thomasville WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES # _> NCO024112 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year IUP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC ? ( Yes / No) for each 6-month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 0028 001 Advanced Materials Coatings Reporting Yes Yes 0028 001 Advanced Materials Coatings pH Yes No 0008 001 Brasscraft Reporting No Yes 0029 001 Custom Drum BOD Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum Copper Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum Nickel Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum Zinc Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum pH No Yes 0029 001 Custom Drum Reporting No Yes 0018 001 Finch Industries Silver Yes INo Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised: 1/4/2001 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2019 Pretreatment Narrative 1. General Information A. General Program Information The Allocation Table was not updated in 2019. All permits are currently up to date. No changes to the SUO have been done since it was updated and passed into law by the City Council on October 15, 2012 and approved by PERCS. Restaurant inspections have increased as a part of the FOG program. No changes to the IWS were done in 2019. It is scheduled for update in 2020. The LTMP for the City of Thomasville was not changed in 2019. Three industries were published in the local newspaper for SNC violations. One was AMC for limits and reporting violations. One was Custom Drum for limits and reporting violations. And the last was for Finch Industries for limits violation. Brasscraft should have been included for reporting violations but was missed. Brasscraft will be published separately from the other violations. None of the violations were in SNC for same thing in a previous six month period. A copy of the publication is included and a copy of the missing Brasscraft publication will be forwarded as soon as the Times can get it published. B. General Permit Information No permits expired without renewal during 2019. The City remains in discussion with Custom Drum about a proposed modification of their permit for 2019 to help bring them out of continued SNC. No industries were dropped from the program in 2019. No new industries were added to the pretreatment program in 2019 however the City remains in discussion with a new industry, CCI Environmental, for startup of a new CWT IUP in 2020. The permit application has been received, but requests for drawings for preparation of an Authorization to Construct have not been received yet. In addition Herr Environmental has also purchased property with the intent to start up a CWT facility. It has also submitted an application but has failed to provide drawings. Both companies are in operation at this time but not Page 1 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2019 Pretreatment Narrative doing any water treatment that would result to any discharges to the City sewer system. 2. SIU Information AMC Advance Materials Coatings) — IUP # 0028 Metal Plater A. AMC was in SNC for 2019 PAR year for late reporting and pH violations. AMC did receive NOV's for Cadmium (1 chronic, 1 TRC) and Copper (1 chronic, 0 TRC) in the first half but did not result in SNC. AMC also had 5 pH violations in the first half resulting in SNC. In the second half of the year AMC received an NOV for 2 pH violations, one Chromium violation (1 chronic, 1 TRC) and one Copper violation (1 chronic, 1, TRC) and a late reporting violation. They were not in SNC for the limits violations. Although they were given an NOV for reporting and published as SNC for this, it has been determined that they were actually attempting to report. I have photographic evidence that they were attempting to report on time, but technological issues were preventing the emailed reports from transmitting. A plan has been addressed to deal with this in the future. Although pH is not normally reported as an SNC violation, it was done so this time to help reinforce the need to address AMCs pH issues. AMC was fined a total of $650.00 for their pH and metals violations in the first half and a total of $3400.00 for the pH, metals, and late reporting in second half. They have requested reconsideration on the fines for the late reporting due to the technological issues and their request has been forwarded to the City Manager. B. AMC did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. AMC did not receive any Authorization to Constructs during 2019. D. AMC did not have missing flow data for the 2019 PAR. Any blank parameters on the IDSF, are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Brass Craft — Thomasville — IUP # 0008. Metal Plater A. Brass Craft was in SNC for 2019 for late reporting. Brasscraft did have one Nickel violation (1 chronic, 1 TRC) in the second half but did not result in SNC. Brasscraft was fined $200 for the violation. Brasscraft's previous manager retired this year and I've been working with them to get the new manager fully briefed on requirements. They were late with reporting their 4t' quarter results and are missing cyanide results. Cyanide Page 2 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2019 Pretreatment Narrative samples were collected and sent but sent out of holding time and incorrectly preserved. They will be pulling addition cyanide samples for 1 St quarter 2020. An additional $100 fine was issued for the late reporting SNC. B. Brass Craft did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. Brass Craft did not receive a pretreatment AtoC for 2019. D. Brass Craft did have Cyanide data missing as noted during the 2019 PAR year. In addition they had a long stretch of time in October when they had no flow due to work on their tanks. Any blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Custom Drum Services, Inc. — IUP # 0029, Drum Washing A. Custom Drum was in SNC for the first half of 2019 for BOD (2 chronic, 1 TRC), for Copper (2 chronic, 2 TRC), Nickel (2 chronic, 1 TRC) and Zinc (2 chronic, 2 TRC). They had pH violations in the first and second half and failed to sample in the 3rd quarter and were late reporting the missed sampling. A make up sampling of the 3rd quarter was done in the 4th quarter. Fines for a total of $700 were issued for the metals and BOD violations in the first half and $950 for the second half. No fine was issued for the pH violations. Custom Drum has made significant effort to improve their compliance with reporting and permits limits. Their permit was modified January 2016 to address limits issues however, it appears additional modification is needed. Their flow is so little that they technically no longer qualify as an SIU. Their permit will be revised in March of 2020 to address compliance issues with the intent to get them a clean record prior to possible drop from the program. B. Custom Drum did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2019. C. Custom Drum did not receive a pretreatment AtoC or perform other construction during this PAR period. D. Custom Drum did have any missing data for the 2019 PAR period, as noted with the missed 3rd quarter sampling that was made up. Any blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year Page 3 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2019 Pretreatment Narrative Finch Industries Inc. — IUP # 0018 Mirror We, Metal Plater A. Finch Industries was in SNC in 2019 for Silver in the first half. Finch had three Silver violations (3 chronic, 3 TRC) in the first half as well as Lead (1 chronic, 1 TRC) and TSS (1 chronic, 1 TRC). They also had a Lead (1 chronic, 1 TRC) and Silver (1 chronic, 1 TRC) violation in the second half but did not result in SNC. Finch investigated the issues with the Silver violations and determined an incorrect filter may have been the problem. Finch Industries was fined a total of $1100 for the violations. Finch replaced their flow meter in 2018 which seems to have corrected flow issues. B. Finch Industries did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2019. C. Finch Industries did not receive a pretreatment AtoC or other construction orders during 2019. D. Finch Industries does not have missing data in 2019. Any other blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. McIntyre Manufacturing,,. Inc. — IUP # 0031. Metal Plater — Powder Coating_, A. McIntyre Manufacturing was not in SNC in 2019. B. McIntyre Manufacturing did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. McIntyre Manufacturing did not receive a pretreatment AtoC for the 2019 PAR year. D. McIntyre Metals is not missing any data for 2019. Their flow data shows no discharge for December but that was due to all systems being shut down and replaced, other than the flow meter. They had no discharge for December. 3. Waste Reduction A. There have been no changes in the City of Thomasville's waste reduction activities since the 2019 PAR submission. Page 4 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2019 Pretreatment Narrative B. Advanced Materials Coatings has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2019 PAR submission. C. Brass Craft — has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2019 PAR submission. D. Custom Drum Services has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2019 PAR submission other than continued efforts to reduce water consumption in their process. E. Finch Industries has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2019 PAR submission. F. McIntyre Manufacturing has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2019 PAR submission. Page 5 of 5 City of Thomasville Legal Notice The City of Thomasville in accordance with Federal and State Regulations is hereby giving public notice. Listed below are Significant Industrial Users that were in significant non- compliance (SNC) with national pretreatment regulations, 40 CFR Part 403, and State regulations, 15 NCAC 2H .0900 and local regulations during the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Advanced Materials Coatings was in SNC for pH and late reporting in 2019. Enforcement actions were taken to improve pH and reporting compliance. Custom Drum Inc. is in SNC for BOD, Copper, Nickel, and Zinc permit limit violations in the first half of the 2019 reporting period. Custom Drum was in SNC for pH and late reporting for the second half of 2019. Finch Industries was in SNC for Silver during the first half of 2019. An investigation of their system indicated a faulty filter was the cause for the violations and this was corrected. A continuing effort is being made by all significant industrial users permitted by the City to achieve and maintain compliance. Notices of Violations were sent and industries fined for their non compliance. City of Thomasville Utilities Department Wastewater Section Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator AS THONIASVIUE7iMF..S,.WednesdaY February26,2020 Clty of Thomasville ,se, regal Notice The City of Thomasvma in ac- cordance with Federal and State Aegulations is hereby giving public rtotim Limed be- iow are Significant industrial Users that were in significant nora-t:ompli'ance (SNC) with naiionai pretreatment regula- hons. 40 CFR Part 403. and State regulations, 15 NCAC 2H .0900 and local regula- tions during the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, Advanced Materials Cce ings was in SNC For PH and We re- porting in 2019. Ert`cemenl actions were taken lc: impro" PH and reporting compliance. t Custom Drum Inc. Is in SIC I for BOD, Copper. Nickel, and Zinc permit limit violations in the first half of the 2019 re- porting period. Custom Drum was in SNC for pH arm ice re - Porting for the second half of 2019, Finch Industries was In SNC for Sihrer during the first he of 2019. An investigation of #Wr system indicated a faulty fiite r was the cause for the viola- tions and this was corrected. A continuing effort Is being made by all significant Indus- trial users permitted by the City to achieve and maintain compliance. Notices of Voia- tions were sent and industries fined for their non compliance. City of 'Thomasville Utilities Department WasWwaW Section Misty Condor Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator FetL 26, 2o2o City of Thomasville Legal Notice The City of Thomasville in accordance with Federal and State Regulations is hereby giving public notice. Listed below are Significant Industrial Users that were in significant non- compliance (SNC) with national pretreatment regulations, 40 CFR Part 403, and State regulations, 15 NCAC 2H .0900 and local regulations during the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Brasscraft — Thomasville was in SNC for late reporting and missed Cyanide testing. Required samples were collected but not properly preserved and thus not analyzed. Brasscraft is doing additional sampling to make up for the missed sampling and is expected to be in full compliance going forward. Brasscraft has maintained an excellent record for many years. A continuing effort is being made by all significant industrial users permitted by the City to achieve and maintain compliance. Notices of Violations were sent and industries fined for their non compliance. City of Thomasville Utilities Department Wastewater Section Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => City of Thomasville Name Adv. Materials Coatings Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP # 0028 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NN024112 Pipe # 001 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan-19 to Jun-19 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul -IT to Dec-19 Amnionja si 0 months _n mon is I st months znc 6 months- st b monihs 2na b months 's mon is _,na 5 mon is * Total # of samples => 128 121 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maximum (mg/1) _> 0.019 0.041 <2.0 <2.0 <2.5 <2.5 0.667 0.283 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * lth Via), 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 0.012 0.012 1 1 1.25 1.25 0.667 0.283 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 0 0 �—O 0 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 1"st tmonthsl2n a xmum romium mont is st mont is 2n moat s st-In mont is st Monts .n months Total # of samples => 1 12 12 12 12 Maximum (mg/1) _> <0.002 0.003 <0.001 0.076 2.9 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith (ra: 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 0.001 0.001 0.0006 0.0004 0.046 0.282 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 0 8.3 0 0 8.3 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 —0—8.3 0 0 8.3 Total # of samples => i 5L a Invnuis -na o months I st l� months —n Mont s st month,.'- _ri months st . mont is _n Mont is * 12 12 9 9 12 12 1 1 Maximum m /1 > ( 8) = * 1.16 1.3 <0.01 0.013 0.008 0.008 <0.0002 <0.0002 or Maximum (lb/d) _> * l�[7� 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * 0.348 0.408 0.004 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0001 or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.0001 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 8.3 8.3 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 01 8.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 POTW must enter at least one these BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicate how averages fages were calculated IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used. SNC => Significant Non -Compliance TRC => Technical Review Criteria mgd => million gallons per day WWTP => wastewater treatment lant PAR 2019 PAR_IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 AMC, ]UP #0028, Pipe 001 Pagel oft Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Industry Name Adv. Materials Coatings 1UP # 0028 Pipe # 001 Total # of samples => * Maximum> (mg/1) = * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith A 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 12 0.242 0.127 0 0 12 0.132 0.105 0 0 1 1 <0.001 <0.001 0.0005 0.0005 0 0 0 01 -------- 12 <0.001 0.0004 0 01 ----- •• _-�.......� •.... auvuul� 12 12 0.0011 0.88 0.0005 0.393 0 0 0 0 LULL ll 1IlUIlinti 12 0.588 0.348 8.3 0 * Total # of samples => Maximum => * or Minimum => * ith a� 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 1 °< U 111U1nf w gnu n momhs 12 12 7.9 9.1 2.5 2.8 N/A i st 6 months 4 18 9.28 0 FE-0 ?nd 6 moot is 1 5.6 5.6 0 0 st mont is 1 <0.0005 0.0003 0 0 2n mont is st monl is 1 1 <0.0005 <5 0.0003 2.5 0 0 0 0 Un mon is 2 <5 2.5 0 0 Total # of samples => t xt 6 months 1 2n men s st wont is ..n Mont is st mont ti 2n monTnt is _n mon[ x * Maximum (mg/1)_> 1.12 1 1.47 1 <0.2 1 <0.2 1 2.71 1or Maximum (lb/d) _>tth u� 1/2BDL Average(mg/l)_> 1.12 1.47 0.10.1 Average Loading (lb/d) _>% 2.71 1.or violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 00 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * POTW must enter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1=> milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated IUP => Industrial User Permit d => pounds per day Ayp, period could be month. Qr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. SNC => Significant Non -Compliance TRC => Technical Review Criteria mgd => million gallons per day W WTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 PAR IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 AMC, IUP #0028, Pipe 001 Page2 of 2 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indus * SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sLliarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Cadmium Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Dailv Limit Comvliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not r uired for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.002 * D12r 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.0024 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "I " for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From From From Col. 5: Col 6: Col7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs Sample Sample Daily Daily Daily Count Regular TRC Type Date Flow, Conc. mg/1 Load Violation Violation mgd lbs/day Self 2/12/2019 0.0131 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 2/13/2019 0.0175 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 2/14/2019 0.0145 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 2/15/2019 0.0116 0.003 1 1 1 Self 5/14/2019 0.0141 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 5/15/2019 0.0114 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 5/16/2019 0.0120 <0.001 1 0 0 Self 5/17/2019 0.0016 <0.001 1 0 0 POTW 6/4/2019 0.0130 <0.00015 1 0 0 POTW 6/5/2019 0.0132 <0.00015 1 0 0 POTW 6/6/2019 0.0123 <0.00015 1 0 0 POTW 6nl2019 0.0129 <0.00015 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 ' B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Cadmium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indus! SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sqemte sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Cadmium Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put " 1 " for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Cadmium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sc arate sheets for each SNC determination for Flow , see Section 7-E Use sc � 1 sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 _Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Cadmium Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.083 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? Yes No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.083 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes Fo 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to aM of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES FNO� Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual I JP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Cadmium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Comphance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sv arate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use seaarate sheets for each Polhitant SILT Name: Advanced Materials Parameter: Conner Daily Limit Compliance IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/ 1 /19-6/30/19 Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC com Hance iudgment not n,Nuired for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 _ * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as 'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: Sample Type Self From IDMRs Sample Date 2/12/2019 From IDMRs Daily Flow, mgd 0.0131 From IDMRs Daily Conc. mg/1 0.09 Self 2/13/2019 0.0175 0.068 Self 2/14/2019 0.0145 0.32 Self 2/15/2019 0.0116 0.23 Self 5/14/2019 0.0141 0.073 Self 5/15/2019 0.0114 0.18 Self 5/16/2019 0.0120 1 0.14 Self 5/17/2019 0.0016 0.11 POTW 6/4/2019 0.0130 0.168 POTW 6/5/2019 0.0132 0.708 POTW 6/6/2019 0.0123 1.16 POTW 6/7/2019 0.0129 0.927 Col. 5: 1 Col 6 Daily Load lbs/day Col 7: 1 Col 8: i Col 9: I Col 10: Count I Regular f TRC U 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 Am C= 0 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: Cl AMC - Copper -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Advanced Materials Parameter: Average Limit Compliance IUP Number: 0028 Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 _ Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from AJP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not reauired for nH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or Ibs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Copper -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusuy SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials IUP Number: 0028 Number: 001 Parameter: Copper j Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.083 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.00 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to aM of these questions is }_es, the SILT is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month Period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month com fiance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Copper -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sc ,arate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use suarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/19-12/31/19 Daily Limit Compliance Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply LDaily from 7 IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TS S, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 Fmg�/,or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as 'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From I From From Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs Sample Sample Daily Daily Daily Count Regular TRC Type Date Flow, Conc. mg/1 Load Violation Violation mgd lbs/day Self 7/9/2019 0.0066 0.13 1 0 0 Self 7/10/2019 0.0123 0.81 1 0 0 Self 7/11/20191 0.0121 1.3 1 1 1 Self 7/12/2019 0.0119 0.36 1 0 0 Self 11/12/2019 0.0119 0.17 1 0 0 Self 11/13/2019 0.0128 0.51 1 0 0 Self 11/14/2019 0.0117 0.16 1 0 0 Self 11/15/2019 0.0117 0.27 1 0 0 POTW 12/10/2019 0.01281 0.164 1 0 0 POTW 12/11/2019 0.0150 0.224 1 0 0 POTW 1 12/12/2019 0.0152 0.377 1 0 0 POTW 1 12/13/2019 0.0153 0.421 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => f A = 12 1 B = I I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CI AMC - Copper -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each industyy SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits ]UP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1 " if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Copper -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sr earate sheets for each hidus SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Advanced Materials Coatings I IUP Number: 0028 I Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.083 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.083 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to any of these questions isles, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES FN01 Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Copper -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indactry SNC: [ieterminatinn fnr Flnw n"nnal — ca,.r;. 7_F! SIU Name: Advanced Materials Parameter: Chromium Daily Limit ComMiance sheets for each Pollutant IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for 0H: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1 " if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From From From Col. 5: Col6: Coll: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs Sample Sample Daily Daily Daily Count Regular TRC Type Date Flow, Conc. mg/1 Load Violation Violation mgd lbs/day Self 7/9/2019 0.0066 0.036 1 0 0 i Self 7/10/2019 0.0123 0.1 1 0 0 Self 7/11/2019 0.0121 2.9 1 1 1 Self 7/12/2019 0.0119 0.079 1 0 0 Self 11/12/2019 0.0119 0.024 1 0 0 Self 11/13/2019 0.0128 0.045 1 0 0 Self 11/14/2019 0.0117 0.021 1 0 0 Self 11/15/2019 0.0117 0.036 1 0 0 POTW 12/10/2019 0.0128 0.022 1 0 0 POTW 12/11/2019 0.0150 0.021 1 0 0 POTW 12/12/2019 0.0152 0.049 1 0 0 POTW 12/13/2019 0.0153 0.046 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 1 B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CI AMC - Chromium -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow ❑ tional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Advanced Materials CoatinLs IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Chromium Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/19-12/31/19 Average Limit Compliance _ Avg. Limits from IUP Avg. Limit: IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants TRC compliance. judgment not required for pH: Circle which units apply to Limits * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only, if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I " if at or above, tally at bottom as 'T." Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: q AMC - Chromium -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indus SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings l IUP Number: 0028 I Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Chromium I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.083 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.083 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to ate+ of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES FNO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month com fiance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual lUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ AMC - Chromium -2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetectlon Level (DL) entered X l Le (t Level(DL)L) [Samp�IeDate]Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025] 0.030 Ron TG!' L 2/12/2019 2/13/2019 2/14/2019 2/15/20191 Self Self Self 0.0131 0.0175 0.0145 Self 0.0116 5/l4/2019 5/15/2019, 5/16/2019 5/17/20191j 6/4/2019 SelfIL__0.014lj Self Self POTW 0.0114 0.0120 0.0016 0.0130 6/5/2019 6/6/2019 _6/7/201191LPOTWJ C� POTW POTW 0.0132 0.0123 0.0129 �0 U Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM u.ulz J 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Mill Dal y Violation < Concentration Type /L 0� Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO )ally Violation < Concentration L TYpe 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: FAM= IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 uetection Levei (DL) entered X Level(DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AvE Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� Rea TRC M_M M_M_ 5J 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Violation 12nceanition m /L Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation m Type 0� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Lev Detection Level(DL) Amplete Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/2712020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CADMIUM i7r,ily < Concentration Violation MC411 Type 0.0024 Reg TRC 0.001 , <�] 0.001 n� 1 1 1 0.001 0.001 j 0.001 0.001 )0015 10015 10015 10015 0 12 1 % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC? NO 1 :e Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� 1 1.2 Rea TRC 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation m Type 1.2 Rea TRC % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AW:= IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 uetec"on Level (DL) entered x 1/2 Detection Level(DL) E=:� Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation /L Type 0. 0.35 0.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO =Concenitration Violation Type 0.48 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: =Jun Detection Level (DI-) entered X Detection Le f Level (DL) f Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/12/2019 Self 2/13/2019, Self 2/14/2019 Self 2/15/2019 Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019, Self 5/16/2019 Self 5/17/2019 Self 6/4/2019 POTW 1 11 6/7/201911 POTW I Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement NICKEL Daily < Concentration Violation Type /L I?�_ 0.9 t 1.08 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 0� % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation m L Type 0� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered ev Detection L—� Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/12/2019 2/13/2019F 2/14/2019 2/15/2019 5/14/2019 5/15/2019 5/16/2019 5/17/2019 6/4/2019 �6/5/20�19 6/7/2019 Self Self Self Self Self Self Self Self POTW P19, POTW POTW C� Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SILVER a Y Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.03 0.036 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ZINC ALUMINUM < Concentration Violation < C�auy Violation Concentration m L Type MOILTYPe 1.2 Ej�Reg TRC Reg TRC 0.3 �� 3.4�: E:] 0.12 E:1_ 0 0.52 18 4.7 0 0. 52 1 0l— 0.1 El FEE 0.2 L-11 0.1 0 0.13 0 0.76 0 2 0.655 = 0 0.516 ^ 0.3929 9.2750 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 4 0 0 0.0% %Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC? NO Page 6 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: an - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X 1/2' Uetection Level (DL) F + Sample Date Sample L Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:24 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation Daily D < Concentration < Violation Violation a�ly Violation Type Concentration <EConientration < m L m �L Type Type Concentration Type 0 m 10 —. Reg TRC Reg 12 TRC Reg TRC Rep TRC f�i �lr % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7.5 EJ imm 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 I Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting' Period:' Jul - Dec 20179 lOn Level (DL) ex i (DL) entered ' 112 Detection L. Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement inscrucuons - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow 7Type MGD 0.025 0.030 Ran TRr 7/9/2019 Self 0.0066 7/10/2019 7/11/2019 7/12/2019 Self Self Self 0.0123 0.0121 0. 1119 11/12/2019 Self 0.0119 11/13/2019 Self 0. 1128 11/14/2019 Self 0.0117 11/15/2019 12/10/201911 12/11/2019 12/12/2019 12/13/2019 Self PO TW POTW 0.0117. 0.0128 0.0150 POTW PC] 0.0152 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM U.U1241 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :•9 Dai y < Concentration Violation m Type /L D-- Tor 0� 0� 0� 0� 0E- 0� 0� 2.00 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daly < Concentration Violation m /L TYPe 0� Ran TPr' ___ �1 _ 2.51 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name:if AMC UP #/Pipe #, 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X 1/2 Detection Level (DL) ��] Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease ai€y < Concentration Violation m /L Type rOL_ -il Reg TRC _ E� n1� % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Wmmb—a ily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Rea TRC i ■� �r LL U.183i 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: RAMC IUP #/Pipe #i0028 Reporting) Period: IJul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered 1/2 Detection -� Level (DL) [Samp:le:D:at:e]Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. ua�iy Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.002 0.0024 Rea TRC % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :T. Wally < Concentration Violation moll- Type 0=1 1.2 0 12 1 1 % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO COPPER < ConcentrationrViTylal,ion /L P 1.2 Rnn TC!' 0 0.13 0 0.81 0 1.3 1 1 0 0.36 0 0.17 0.51 �] 0.16 [� 0.27 0 0.164 0.224 0.377 0.421 0� 0� 0� I I 0.4080I 0 12 1 1 % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: =Dec9 Uetectlon Level (DL) entered X t/Z Detection — -- Level (DL) I Sample + Sample J Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 Self 7/1� Self 7/11/2019 Self 7/12/2019 Self 11/12/2019F Self 1111 3/2b 1-911 Self 11/14/2019 Self 11/15/2019 F Self 12/10/2019 POTW 12/11/2019 POTW 12/12/2019 POTW 12/13/2019 P� OTw Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2127/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE F< 7Concerily Violation < tration /L Type 0 0.35 0.42 Ran TRr` <��=7M � <[� [] F<--]f 0.01 0.013 o.01 l 0.01 0.01 F 0� 0� 0� 0� u.uuyti 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D ai y Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0 0028 / 001 Reporting. Period: IJul - Dec 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X 1/2 Uetection Level (DL) F— Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 Self 7/10/2019 r Self 7/11/2019' F Self 7/12/2019 Self 11/12/2019 Self 11/13/2019 Self 11/14/2019 Self 11 /15/2019F Self 12/10/2019 POTW 12/11/2019 POTW 12/12/2019 POTW 12/13/2019 POTW Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement NICKEL T<Conany Violation CE ntration /L Type 1.08 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS a ily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Ran TRr M 11 -��__ W�� _ � 1 1.47001 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation /L Type 01 Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: EAMC:::_7 [UP #/Pipe #110028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Detection Le Level (DL) Epleate Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 Self 7/10/2019 Self 7/11/2019 Self 7/12/2019 Self 11/12/2019 Self 11/13/2019 Self 11/14/2019 Self 11/15/2019! Self Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SILVER a ration Violation Concentm Type 0 0.03 0.036 Rea TRC 0 0.001 0 j _ 0.001 0.001 =01 �I : 0.0011 0.001 K: 0.001 0.0005 <C] I 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0� ALUMINUM Dail yation A Concent ration Violation < Dad Violation Concentr m /L Type m /L Type 1.2 Reg TRC Rea TRC 0 Or-0.461 0C_ -11 0.12 0.36, 0.27 0 0.31 0 0.33 0.314 0.394 0 0.588 0� 0.564 0� 11 U.0008� T 0.3478 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe #i 0028 / 001 Reporting Period:1 Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X 1/2 Detection h Level (DL) + [Samp:le:Dat:e]Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/20191 7/10/2019 7/l 1 /2019, 7/12/2019 11 /12/2019 11 /13/2019 11/14/2019 11/15/2019 12/10/2019 12/11 /2019 12/12/2019 12/13/2019 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:18 AM AMC Compliance Judgement ally Violation aJy 7olaoniydaily < Concentration <ViolationConcentration< Fc ntration < Violation Type m /L /L Type Concentratio Type _ n ] 10 Reg TRC Rea TRC 12 R TRC 0 1 0 % Violations ### % T % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO C � I— I 0.2000I 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO 6.31171 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Keporang Period: ,Jan - Dec 2019.1 Sample Date Daily Flaw Violation >tiAGR T e Permit Limit 0.025 TRC Limit 0.030 Av Mar 1 0 0.0000 O0 0.0023 C 30 _ 40 1 611 7 0.0123 _0.0073 - 0.0109 0.0087. 9 158 0 0.0158 y0 [ 11]0 12.0 0 0.0145 0.0142 130 140 0.0061 15 0 0.0133 160 0.0138! 170 0.0130: 18 20 210 �- -- 22 [� 23 240 250 LE 0 0.01331, 0 0.0073 0 0.0156 0 0.0113 0.0183 0.0139 a 22'6 0 �" 0 289, 0.0017 29 0 0.0138 300 _ 310 ,rage of Column mum in Column 0.0100 0.0110 0.0183 1 mai oampies 23 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? AMC CJ 2019, Flows 2/27/2020, 10:25 AM 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO ED:Flow Violation MGD Tune 0.025 0.030 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC Compliance Judgement • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.025 0.030 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO •1,111 •- Daily ROW Violation MGD I Tyne 0- 0.0251 0.030 oe.. ror I�1 Q 0 Q, �[ 0 0.01121 0.015151., 0.01411 0.01421. 0.01251 0.0069 0.00701 0.01411, 0.01641. 0.0145'. 0� 0 [ 0.00821 0.0083 0.0140 01 [� 0.0140i 0.0140J Q� 0.0052' 0.01161: 0.01581 2 0 0.0105: % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 I Keporung j Period: Jan =Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, Flows 2/27/2020, 10:25 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Average Flow list half 0.012 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.019 128 • Daily Flow MGD Violation T Dailytion �MGTU • Darly Flow Vrolation • Daily How Violation 1� �`0 _ 0.025 e Q,MG0.025'i T e MGD T QC0.025 0.030 Re TRC 0.030 9 0. 330 Reg 0.030 Q 0.0127 � �Q� IL.JL�_� _ _ TRC 0 F-1[ Reg 0.0068 0.01311 TRC Reg TRC 0�36f % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 20 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 191 142 116 aom 0.0135 0.0124 0.0120 0.0135 0.0067 6.0122 0.0110 0 0 20 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0._ 0 0.C4071 1 1 O 013A 0.0153 0.0134. 0.0138: f OL�I 0, 0.0066 0.0126 0 Q 0.0140 0.0143 Q O.OD97 0. 0.0093 Q 0.008911 Q 0.0144i Q 0.01111 Q a 0.0133' Q Q 0] 0.0060F 0.0133, 0.0136 Q 0.0130 Q 0 0.0136' I. u.u1 so 0.0407 0 0 20 1 % Violations 5.0% % TRC Violations 5.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 1001 Keporting Period: IJan - Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019, Flows 2/27/2020, 10:25 AM • Daily Flow Vlafation �MGD ���� T F -�J 0.030 o-., ron EIL ------ I oF- a[ 0.00681 0 0.0128: 0.0142 E 0.0061 0 0 D.bU72; 0.01441 0.013311 0.0173JI Q 0.0142' LJ 0.0057 0=0.01321 �f 0.0128 o.o106f. 0.0069, 0�. =� 0.0 69 Q 0.0154! Q 0 0.0130 0.0149 -0.0139 �( 0.0080 AMC Compliance Judgement 1lally Fftlw Violation MGFD T 0 0.025 0.030 Gn.. Tor Di. 0.0115 0.0162 �. 4100 9 Q a Q 0.0071 _ 0.0153: 0.01511 0.0152 �L 01 0.0072 0.0157I 0.01571 0 �. [] _ 0.0 3301 0.0130.' = 0.0109 0.0136 Q 0.0147. 0.0103] 0 0.0112 0� 0 0.0053 0.0055 ; 0]�0.01--711 01��1 U.U714 1 0.0125 0.0173 L 0.0171 0 20 0 0 0 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 Average Flow 2nd half 0.012 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.041 121 • MM �M�GD�T n Daily Flow Violation MGD T ype 0- 0.025 �O1 0.0257� 0.030 0.030 P- TD!` 0� 0.0117 0� � 0.01171: % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0= 0.0210, 0L 0.0138 01 0.0163 0 Q 0.0115 0.0163 E] Q- 0.0064 0 0.0128 0; 0.0, 50 0 0.0152 0� 0� 0 0.0081 Q 0.0195 Q! 0.0152 0 =r 0.0087 0.0095 0=0.0071 0� Q 0.0086 0, 0.0080 Q 0.0057 0.0072 u.0 i is 0.02, 0 0 21 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # ,002801 Reporting Period: nn2uetection Level (DL) entered Le el (DL)lon Level (DL) � X L!amp�teSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes. and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 RPn TR(: 2/12/2019 Self 0.0131 2/13/2019 Self 0.0175 2/14/2019 2/15/2019 5/14/2019 5/15/2019 Self Self Self Self 0.0145 0.0116 0.0141 0.0 114 5/16/2019 5/17/2019' 614/2019 6/5/2019j 6/6/20191 6/7/2019 Self Self POTW POTW POTW POTW 0.0120 0.0016 0.0130 0.0132 0.0123 0.0129 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM 1 U.U11J 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type L 0� 1 1 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO IKG R Daily Violation < Concentration L Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Uetectlon Level (DL) entered 1 P1 Uetection Level (DL) X� Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease ally Violation < Concentration Type L Eli % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO AMMONIA arty �ViToylatiion < Concentration m Le Ej Rea TRC M___ MM Mr w MM U I 01� _F-0.667 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC acDaily oncentration Violation L TYPe FJ� Rea TRC % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: =-_�un Detectioneeve! (DL) entered Lev ion Level el (DL)(DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type !� 0.002 0.0024 Reg TRC -j 0.0005' F-T-- 0.0005 0 0.0005 0 0.003 1 1 F 0.0005 << 0.0005 < 0.0005 <] 0.0005 0.000075 <F 0.000075 k<ri0.000075 0� 0� �0.6 0 12 1 1 % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO 7: Daily < Concentration Violation m /I TYPe 0� 1.2 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO •• daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� 1.2 0 12 1 0 % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: EAMC —7�] IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level l (DL) entered 1/Z Detection Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.35 E42 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m L Type JM 0.4 0.48 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Dal y MERCURY Violation < Concentration m Type 0� % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name:IAMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Levei (DL) entered Detection Le �x Level(DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement NICKEL Daily < Concentration Violation m i Type 0 0.9 1.08 Rea TRC 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m l- TYPe 171 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered 1/2 Detection Level(DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SILVER oily Violation < Concentration m Type /L M 0.03 0.036 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ALUMINUM Daily Violation Dail < Concentration nli Type < Cp oncent ation Violation Type 1.2 Rea TRC Qon Tor, % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 6 Industry Name: F�� IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 00!2019 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun Detection Level (DL) entered 1 P1 Detection Level (DL) X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 2/12/2019 Self 2/13/2019 Self 2/14/2019 Self 2/15/2019 Self 5/14/2019 F Self MF—se—I f Self 5/17/2019 Self /2019 /2019 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:30 AM AMC Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY �:Oncentrationl n Dad < < Concentration Violation < Da Violation DailyViolation m L Type Concen�L tion Type < Concentration Type LIE ED L 10 Reg TRC Reg TRC Rea TRC: 1 0 0 0 J L-1 1.71001 1 0 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO l % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: IAMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered 112 Detection -� Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 Rea TRC 7/9/2019 Self 0.0066 7/10/2019 Self 0.0123 7/11 /2019 7/12/2019 Self Self 0.0121 0.0119 11/12/2019 11/13/2019 11/14/2019 Self Self Self 0.0119 0.0128 0.0117 11/15/2019 Self 0.0117 12/1W-0-19 POTW 0.0128 12/11/201911 12/12/2019 POTW POTW 0.0150 0.0152 12/13/2019. POTW 0.0153 — 0 Average of Column 0.0124 Total Samples 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM ai y Violation < Concentration m Type /L .0� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO t y Violation < Concentration m L Type Req TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name:+AMC IUP #/Pipe M 0028 1001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered 112 Uetection Level (DL) X [Sample:D:atejSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily < Concentration Violation m TYpe LDi � Rea TRC 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA 11MDi an Violation TYpe DD 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO QaE1y ARSENIC < Concentration Violation m /L IType DE�= 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered 1/2 Uetection Level (DL) F— X Sample Date � Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 Self 7/10/2019 Self 7/11/2019 Self 7/12/2019 Self 11/12/2019, Self 11/13/2019 Self 11/14/2019 Self 11/15/2019 Self 12/10/2019 POTW 12/11/2019 POTW 12/1212019 POTW 12/13/2019 POTW 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CADMIUM a y Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.002 0.0024 CHROMIUM ai3y < ml 7onntration Violation /L Type 0� 12 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO COPPERa y Violation < Concentration /L TYpe 0� 1.2 0 12 1 1 % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: =Dec Detection Level (DL) entered 112 Detection F7=x-77 Level (DL) ample Date Sample S Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Y Violation 7<C centration ma /L Type 0 0.35 0.42 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D ally < Concentration Violation m Type /L OF 0.41 0.48 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY ally < Concentration Violation m /L TYPe 0� % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC::� IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered 1/2 Detection Level (DL) X Fample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM AMC Compliance Judgement NICKEL a. y < ConcenVation Violation m /L Type �0�71 1.08 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS < Concentration Violation m /L Type LEEE==--= Rea TRC 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM a iiy < I Concentration Violation m /L Type �� Rea TPr.. - == 0.0005 U.uuu5 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: 6LAMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level j (DL) entered J 1/2 Detection Level(DL) X [Samp:le:D:ate]Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 7/10/2019 7/11 /2019 7/12/2019I 11/12/2019 11113/2019 11 /14/2019 11/15120191 12/10/2019 12/11 /2019 12/1 // 1022 9 12/13/20191 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM Self % T AMC Compliance Judgement SILVER Y Violation Ucona/L entration mTYPe 0 0.03 0.036 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ZINC ALUMINUM ady Violation ally Violation < Concentration < Concentration Type m /L Type 1.2 Rea TRC % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 002i3 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Levei (DL) entered Detection Le 1 Level (DL) _ X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/9/2019 7/10/ 0019 7/11 /2019 7/12/2019 11 /12/2019 11/13/2019 11 /14/2019 11/15/2019 12/10/2019 12/1 / 02 11 9 12/12/2019, 12/13/2019' Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 11:20 AM AMC Compliance Judgement ady Violation oily Violation C}a`iy Daily < Concentration < Concentration < Violation Violation /L Type m /L Type Cono�en�L lion Type < Con-entratio Type 0 n 0� 0 10 % Violations ### % T % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO 12 0 0 % Violations #### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Page 7 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => City of Thomasville Name Brass Craft - Thomasville Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP # 0008 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NCO024112 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => Jan-19 to Jun-19 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-19 to Dec-19 sl 0 months MCI 73 montfN I st 0 months 2,na h months t st 0 months _n(j 0 months s mon is _n mon s Total # of samples => 127 106 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Maximum (mg/1) _> 0.25 0.027 >74.8 14.6 3.60 3.40 94.6 9.1 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith a, 1/2131)L Average (mg/1) _> 0.018 0.015 74.8 14.6 3.60 3.40 94.6 9.1 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 a nuum romium UVU _n Itl ntnn s st , mont is _n moot s st mont s Wn mon s st ntont is _lt mont is Total # of samples => 1 12 12 12 12 Maximum (mg/1) _> <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.611 0.348 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * tth Ca 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 0.002 0.001 0.0007 0.007 0.188 0.12 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 J.= ... VIXu W "Lu 4 HUMFis I st o montns --na o months Ist o months �Ind 6 month~ 1st s mon s -IInd months Total # of samples => 12 12 5 2 12 12 1 1 * Maximum (mg/1) _> 0.975 0.629 <0.005 <0.005 0.056 0.053 <0.0002 <0.0002 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * tth a{ ; 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 0.503 0.2290 0.003 0.0025 0.023 0.015 0.0001 0.0001 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 01 01 0 01 01 01 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 01 01 0 01 0 0 01 01 0 0 * POTW must enter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit IUP => Industrial User Permit mg/1=> milligrams per liter Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 Brasscraft IUP #0008, Pipe 001 PAR IDSF.xIs Revision date: August 1, 1994 Pate 1 of 2 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Industry Name # 0008 Craft- Thomasville Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Pipe # 001 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> INICKei s months s 12 12 0.722 1.16 Selenium Jq0montlis 3 <0.001 �n rnon 1 <0.001 Silver x neon s _rt mon rsIsLbnionths 12 12 <0.005 <0.005 /-Inc 12 0.047 n mon ]s 12 0.042 * ith [rU 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.383 0.606 0.002 0.0005 0.002 0.0018 0.021 0.026 • violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 8.3 0 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 Total # of samples => * Maximum => * or Minimum => pH St 0 months 2nd 6 morlt IS 12 12 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.3 Antimony st ) Mont lti 1 0.002 2nd 6 monl 1 <0.0005 'kiii & urease st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 1 <5 <5 Irtiosphorus I st 6 Months 1 0.208 _.n Mont S 1 0.042 * Ith c+:�, 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 0.002 0.0003 <2.5 <2.5 0.208 0.042 • violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith a- c _ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> * POTW must enter at least one of these lUr => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Av, period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 Brasscraft IUP #0008, Pipe 001 PAR IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 Pate 2 of 2 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Uses arate sheets for each hidusu % SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use s� arate sheets for each Pollutant SITU Name: Brasscraft IUP Number: 0008 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/19-12/31/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.9 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.08 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation Self 8/19/2019 0.0155 0.525 1 0 0 Self 8/20/2019 0.0207 0.581 1 0 0 Self 8/21/2019 0.0149 0.509 1 0 0 Self 8/22/2019 0.0170 0.544 1 0 0 POTW 11/20/2019 0.0163 0.507 1 0 0 POTW 11/21/2019 0.0104 0.809 1 0 0 POTW 11/22/2019 0.0117 0.485 1 0 0 POTW 11/26/2001 0.0137 0.347 1 0 0 Self 11/19/2019 0.0140 0.551 1 0 0 Self 11/20/2019 0.0163 1.16 1 1 1 Self 11/21/2019 0.0104 0.63 1 0 0 Self 11/22/2019 0.0117 0.621 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 1 B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Brasscraft - Nickel - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indust[-. SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Brasscraft IUP Number: 0008 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/l Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => I D = J E = I F= Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Brasscraft - Nickel - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each hidus SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Brasscraft LUP Number: 0008 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.083 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? Yes No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.083 Daily TRC Violator? Yes F7 F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Brasscraft - Nickel - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 0 11 Reporting - Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avo Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - — 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Ron Tar 2/18/2019 2/19/2019 2/20/2019 2/21 /20191 Self Self Self Self E0.0163 0.0178 0.0 554 0.0124 5/13/2019 Self 0.0113 5/14/2019 Self 0.0163 5/15/2019 5/16/2019 Self1 Self 0.0231 0.0171 6/11/2019 POTWL 0.0123 6/12/2019 1 Fp—o--W 0.0053 6/13/2019 6/14/2019 POTW POTW 0.0141 0.0147 �-- :rage of Column 0.0147 I otai Samples 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% +.:31ly < Concentration Violation m tl Type Ron TP(' 74.80 0 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations 0 0.0% 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Page 1 Daily Violation < Concentration Type L 0� Rea TRC M�__ a 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: 113rasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 1001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered E�-- Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/2019 Self 2/19/2019 Self 2/20/2019 Self 2/21 /2019 Self 5/13/2019 Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019 Self 5/16/2019 Self 6/11 /2019I POTW 6/12/2019 POTW 6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/2019 POTW C� 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease Daily Violation < Concentration m l Type 0 100 140 Ran TRC. MM l_ 1 51 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Violation F<7Cono'Myrattion /L ii TYPe 0�1 Ran TRC: 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.06 0.072 Rea TRC • 1 • 07�__ -__ 0 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/2019 Self i 2/19/2019` Self 2/20/2019F Self 2/21 /2019 Self 5/13/2019 F Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019 Self 5/16/2019 Self 6/11 /2019' POTW 6/12/20191 POTW 6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/2019 POTW �0 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement _Me Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC off FM- 00 -e Daily Violation ±Co ncentration m Type 0 1.5 1.8 Rea TRC __ M MM M MM COPPER Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 1.5 1.8 RPa TRC: 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 1001 Reporting Period: LLJan- Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit j 2/18/2019 Self 2/19/2019,F —Se—lf-1, 2/2040:19 Self 2/21/2019 Self 5/13/2019 Self 5/14/20191 Self 5/ 55/2019 Self 5/16/2019j Self 6/11/2019 POTW 6/12/2019 POTW L__6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/2019 POTW 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE ally Violation < Concentration rr L Type mg/j 0.15 0.18 Rea TRC —__ I�L=00� Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC f]�iiy < Concentration Violation me/L Type Rea TRC: 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 f Industry Name. Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #. 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 20719 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/2019F Self 2/19/2019 Self 2/20/2019 Self 2/21/2019 Self 5/1 3/2019 Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019 Self 5/16/2019 Self 6/11/2019 POTW 6/12/2019 POTW 6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/201911 POTW � 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.9 1.08 Req TRC ' •' - .. W � • __ Mom • m—��M�lm x I 1 0.38321 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS DaiiY Violation < Concentration m h Type Ron TRC: mn M W��_M a"Mr W��_m W�M__ • , : MM —__ M fir 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO re7 SELENIUM ally Violation Concentration < nm L Type 0 0.211 0.24 Ron TRC_ ! mmmm 0.0037 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 0.0037 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: EBrras7scraft7 [UP #/Pipe # `l)008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit j 2/18/20191 Self 2/19/2019 Self 2/20/2019 Self 2/21/2019 Self 5/13/2019 Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2619 F —se—ff-1 6/11 6/1 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SILVER ally Violation < Concentration /L Type �F-0.03 0.036 Rea TRC 1=11 11 1 1 1 __ El 0.005 __ 1 11 1 11 W 1 111 __ 1111 __ mnmnamm_ ONE Ely Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Ran TRC' 1 1 M��� M��_ -M� 1 1 ANTIMONY ally Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.3 0.36 Ran TRC` - 0.002 =1E==__ ED -�_ 7�MM M M = �.0020 I 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO n Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/2019 Self 2/ 00/2019 Self 2/21/2019 Self 5713/2019,self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019 Self 5/16/2()19 Self Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily < Concentration Violation ��m /L Type lu� Rea TRC I IM a �_ MM Mm Mr -__ U 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • I)�,rly Concentration Violation mp/L Type F e 0a Ran TR(' 2.54U0 0 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? M Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 1011 12 Ran TRC __ - M M��� iM 0 0 0 12 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001-� Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Ran TRr. 8/19/20191 8/20/2019 8/21 /2019 8/22/2019 11/20/2019 11 /21 /2019 11/22/2019 11126/2-00-11 11/19/2019 11 /20/2019 11 /21 /2019 11/22/2019 9/17/2019 Self Self Self r Self POTW POTW POTW POTW F Self 1 Self Self Self Self 0.0155 0.0207 0.0149 1 0.0170 0.0163 F 0.0104 0.0117 0.0137 0.0140 0.0163 0.0104 0.0117 0.0124 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM LU.U1421 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .t� I'>>liy < Concentration Violation mr,/L Type E Ran TRr` M��� 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0� Ran TWI � MOM 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: 113rasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/201 8/21 /201 11 /20/2019 11/21/2019 11 /22/2019 11/2 11 /19/2019 11 /20/2019 11/21/2019 11 /22/2019 9/17/2019 Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease < Faily Violation Coentration m I Type 0 100 140 Ran TFN` AMMONIA y Violation < Concentration Type IL , Ran TRr MM ARSENIC Daily 7V!oylation < Concentration m /Lpe Q 0.06 0.072 Flan TD(` 9.11 L 0.0020 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement T rsd�ly < Concentration Violation /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr. <[� 0 0.002 0.002 0 0.002 0 0.002 0.00015 0 0.00015 0 0.00015 Ell 0.00015 <] 0.002 :] Q 0.002 0.002 n n] El E:11 0 0014 Me icDaily Violation oncentration m /L Type : 1.5 1.8 Ran TRr I L U.1 LUBJ 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO COPPER ally Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 1.5 1.8 Keg I KG 0 0.629 EJ 0.559 Q 0.31 0 0.195 Q 0.073 Q 0.157 Q 0.052 EDF 0.203 F-0.074 n o.163 6 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO n Page 3 Industry Name: FBrasscraft7] IUP #/Pipe # 0IFJU 008 / 00= Reporting Period:I - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X e entered 1 entereded Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 8/19/2019 Self 8/20/20191Self 8/21/2019 Self 8/22/201 Self 11 /20/2019 PON 11 /21 /2019 PON 11/22/2019 FP -ON 11 /26/2001 PON 11/19/2019 Self 11/20/2019 FSelf 11/22/2019 Self 9/17/2019 FSe� Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE ally Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 :511 0.18 Req TRC AM -___AM MAIM AM _ 00 0.0050 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D =<Concen Violation tration L Type rna/F-11 0.4 0.48 Ran TRC: I# ,__ MOOSE __ _ __ MERCURY afly Violation < Concentration rnama /L Type 0I Ran TPr' Im- M�MIM W��__ 0�__ WMWM_ OWWMIMMIMI I`I U.U1561 1 0.000201 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered L7 I Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement NICKEL Tally Violation <Concentration m L Type 0.9 1.08 Ran TRr` 0 0 Q 0.525 0.581 0.509 0 0 0.544 0.507 Q 6.869 0 0.485 Q [l Ell 0.347' 0.551 1 1.16 1 1 0 0.63 F-11 0.621 Ell 0l 0� 0�. 0.6058 0 12 1 1 % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation Frr-qf,centration F Type 0i� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily Violation Concentration < n m /L Type Ej�0.2j 0.24 Ran TRr` _ 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 11 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered L� Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SILVER L17aily Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.03 0.036 Rep TRC 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO aily < Concentration Violation �m /L Type 1.2 Ran TR(' - - - 1 1 1 1 -�__ - 1 1 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ANTIMONY Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Lj 0.3 0.36 Rpm TPr L- 1 111 N Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: =Jul-c 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered LE ---J Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:16 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daiiy Violation < Concentration m /L Type Ran TRC: -�__ -��_. - -�__ -�_� POEM �! • • ❑a � ly L Concentration Violation m I Type 0� Ran TRC` Daily 7<Concentratjon� iolation m /L Type 0 10 12 Ran Tor 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.5333 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO n Page 7 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2019 • Sample Date Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Permit Limit 0.0 J[ TRC Limit 0.036 Ran TRr.. Av Ma) �0 F- 0.0242�' 0.0184 0.0192 F- -0 [ 7 1�8 ~9i0 E:::�, 0 [ ,1 120 130 r 14 15'Q 16 F- .. 0 0.0176 0 0.0174 0.0220 0 0.0295 Q 0.0230 0.0222 0 0.02_05 0.0224. j 0.0266� 17 0 0.0225 1801 190 0.0183 _ 20 0 J= 0.0153i 0.0180 (� 22 0Elm==� 23 0 0.0231 24 25 0 26 0 Eii�0.0227 0 FEE28 0.0164 29 083 0rO.0209 61 . 300 31 0)rage of Column mum in Column 0.0295 I otal Samples 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement i Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 0 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type �0 0.030 0.036 r�o., Tor 0 F-]�� 0.0274 0 0 0.0144 0 0.0144 0 0.0156, [] 0 0.0114 0.0171 OL 0.01941 0.00801 0 0.0116 D - - F--j 0.0153 F-lt, 0.0174 0� 0.0141 0.0117' 0 0.0153 I F- 0.0109 [] 0.0171 LAI 0.0296 0 0.0204 QI 0.0148 U.UI b i 0.0296 0 21 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type = 0-03-011 0.036 0 0 22 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name:I,Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting, Period: Jan - Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit _ 7.0 80 90 100 1110 12i 13.0 _ 1410 150 1601 170 180 1911 C 23 24 25 C. 26 27 C. 28 29 L 30 31 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.018 Total # Samples Max Flow 1 st half 0.250 127 i Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.03011 0.036 11 0 22 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type j_ 0.030� 0.036 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type FIE- 0.0301 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 RPn TRC' Q 0.0145 Ell 0.0080 00 Ell 0.0132 0.0155 E 0.0173 0 0.0109 0 0.0194 0� 0 0.0145 0 0.0205 Q 0.0196 0 0.0143 0 0.0178 �0 0.0 555 DE 0.0207 0 0.0149 0 0.0170 0.0194 L:11 0 0.0144i 0 0.0171 0.0135 0.0193 0 0.0113 OF U.UlS 0.0207 0 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: IBrasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2019 . Date Sample D Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Average Flow 2nd half 0.015 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.027 106 • • OCT•NOV• Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation MGD Type MGD Type MGD Type MGD Type L�E—___ 0.030 0 0.030 I.0 0.030 EJ 0.030 0.036 0.036 0.036 Reg TRC Reg TRC Rea TRC ao� Tczc 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 13 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO OL aL 0 0.0184' _ 0.0132 0.0152 0.0138 0.0143 0.0120 �0 0.0156 0.0132 00 �0 =L 0.0114 0.0163 0.0104 0.0117 0.0093 �0 0.0137 0.0149 0� OLD 0� U.U134 0.0184 0 16 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 15 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: LJan- Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • 7Daily Violation Type C 0.030 i 0.036 Rpn TRC 2/18/2019 2/19/201 q1 Self Self 0.0163 0.0178 2/20/2019 Self 0.0154 2/21/2019 Self 0.0124 5/13/2019 Self 0.0113 5/14/20191 Self 0.0163 5/15/20191 5/16/2019 Self 0.0231 Self 0.0171 6/11/2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 6/14/201911 POTW POTW POTW 0.0123 0.0053j 0.0141 POTW 0.0147 —� F 0 0 0 ,rage of Column 0.0147 I oral samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type Rpn TRC MM .7_� 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < CMM oncentration m /L Type a�=3 Reg TRC E 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 1 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: [Jan =Jun2019. Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered iL— X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/20191 Self 2/19/2019 Self 2/20/2019 Self 2/21 /2019 Self 5/13/2019 Self 5/14/2019� Self 5/15/2019 Self I 6/11 6/1 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease ❑ally Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 100 140 Ran TRC: MM mmmm AMMONIA < 7aViolation Concen��ration= Type i 0:. AMMONIA < 7aViolation Concen��ration= Type i 0:. EJE��� 0L� EJ 0D 0� �0 0. 00 E:11 94.6 , 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.06 ` 0.072 Ran TRC. M��� —__ M�__ —�� 0 Page 2 11 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #.10008 / 001 Reportingl7Jan Period: =Jun2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/2019 9/2019 0/2019 I1 5/13/201911 Self I II 5/15/20191 Self I 6/11/2019' POTW 6/12/2019 POTW 6/13/2019, POTW 6/14/2019 PI—O�I Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement _T. Conc❑aientfyration Violation < m /L Type 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr 1 11 __ M 1 11 __ 1 111 / 1 1111 __ 1 1111 __ 1 1111 __ - 1 111 0 12 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 1.5 1.8 Ran TRC M��_ - 1 1••Mm M�Mm M�__ 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 1.5 1.8 Ran TRr.. 0 Page 3 Industry Name: FBrasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Uetectlon Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation [EConcentration m L Type Q 0.15 0.18 Ran TRC: 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 II -��_ - -��� 0-0025 -�_� �Ml 1 11 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 ally Violation < Concentration Type L Q 0.4 0.48 Ran TRf - 71M 11� M - - • - 1 1 �� - - - M MM __ - 1 1 0.0227 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? MERCURY Daily Violation F Concentration m /L TYPe 0� Ran TR(: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/18/2019' Self 2/19/2019 Self 2/20/2019 Self 2/21/2019 Self 5/13/2019 Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/2019 Self 5/16/2019 Self 6/1140-1791 POTW 6/12/2019 POTW 6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/2019 Pam Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0 0.9 1.08 RPn TRr 0.722 - 0.469 Q 0.599 EI 0.165 0 0.488 Ell 0.227 0.336 0 0.618 0.204 0 0.174 0.222 0� EIF- 0� 0� 0.3832 PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type IL Rea TRC M_M_ 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SELENIUM 7 Ily Violation < Concentration /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr M�__ MM M_ R Page 5 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe #' 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan =Jun201 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/201 1 5/14/2019 5/15/2019 5/16/2019 6/11 /2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SILVER daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.03 0.036 Ran TR(` HE�Ifi `0 `0�77M j 0 <� <[� 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.00025 <� 0.00025 0 0.00025 EI� E:1� 0E:7� 0� 0.0018 IDaily Violation < Concentration mall ;1 mTYPe I 1 1.2 Ran TRC. 0 MEN • 4 ANTIMONY Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.3 0.36 Ran Tor m��_ m�_� U.0020 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Ic Page 6 Industry Name: =Brass=crafftt UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/201 2/20/2019' Self _2/212019 F Self 5/13/2019 F Self 5/14/2019 Self 5/15/20191 Self [[ 6/11/2019)1 POTWII 6/13/2019 POTW 6/14/2019 POTW Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 2:14 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ally Violation < Concentration rr m /L TYPe 0!� Ran TRf MOM 0011_ 1011_ mom 01111111 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO D < Concena try ation Violation m /L Type 0� Rea TRC % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ally Violation < Concentration m /L Type [� 10 12 Ran TRr Imam . . ....... = 9.6 .6::M •' _� 7 _� • �__ 9•9.8 M 7m: 111111 U 9.5917 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -=Dec2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell 85. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Reg TRC 0.0155 0.0149 0.0176 0.0163 0.0104 0.0117 0.0137 0.0146 0.0163 0.0104 0.0117 0.0124 j 0.011421 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation mu/L Type LL—!' _ - Rinn TRr'. MM M M�__ M��� M�__ M�__ 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L I Type FJ�� Pon TR(` 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 4 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Samp�DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/201 1 11 /20/2019 PO-R 11 /21 /2019 POT% 11 /22/2019 PO F1 11 /26/2001 POTS 11/19/2019 Self 11 /20/2019 Self 11/21/2019 Self 9/17 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Conce QaiIr Violation < ntration m /L Type 0 100 140 Ran TOO' M��_ M��_. 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily < Concentration Violation L Type 0� Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 0.06 0.072 Ran TOr` �i~ter 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/19/2019 Self 8/20/2019 Self 8/21/20191 Self 11 /20/2019 8/22/2019 Self POTV 11 /21 /2019 POTV 11/2� POTV 11 /26/2001 POTV 11/19/2019 Self 11 /20/2019 Self 11/21/2019.F Self 11 /22/2019 Self 9/17/2019 FSelf Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement T Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr j 0.001 Q 0.001 <� 0 0.001 0.001 0.000075 ] Q 0.000075 I 0.000075 <l 0 0.000075 0.001 `. 0[�.009 Q < ] 0.001 0.001 01 El 0� 0� OCR. 0.00071 •.T• ❑ally < Concentration Violation m IL Type 1.5 1.8 Ran TRr` M�__ 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO COPPERa y Violation < Concentration m L I Type 0 1.5 1.8 Ran TRr` n Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level LP7� -](DL) enteredLevelenteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/19/2019 8/20/2019 8121 /2019 8/22/2019 11 /20/2016 11/21/2019 11 /22/2019 11 /26/2001 11 /19/2019 11 /20/2019 11 /21 /2019 11 /22/2019 9/17/2019 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Concentration Violation < n m L Type 0 0.15 0.18 RPn TRC: EJ 00 0.0025 01 0 0� 0� 01 0E:::� 4� 7<aily Violation Concentration m /L Type EJ 0.4 0.48 Ron TRC` MERCURY -7 7:Dai y Concentra ion Violation m Type 0� Reg TRC ED= —1 MM 01 -I �1 0� 0=== 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0.0025 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 �jIndustry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #'0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered L X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement NICKEL �Tai y Violation mb <Conuntration m /L Type 0 0.9 1.08 Ran TGr` F- 0.525 0 0.581 Q F 0.509 [�j 0.544 0 0.507 0 0.809 Q 0.485 Q 0 0.347! 0.551 Q 1.16 1 1 Q 0.63 0 0� 0.621 EJE=� Ell '. 0.6058 0 12 1 % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Violation < Concentration Type mcVL Ran TRr' 1 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr` 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name�'oOO8 Brasscraft UP #/Pipe / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered LevelX� entntereded Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SILVER Daily < Concentration Violation m L Type 0 0.03 0.036 Ran TRf <� 0.0025 0 0.0025 j 0.0025 <[� 0.0025 [� 0.00025 0 0.00025 0 0.00025 EDI <� 0.00025 0.0025 0 0.0025 <[] 0.0025 01 0� 0.0018 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� 1.2 Ran -1 W. N 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ANTIMONY Daily C7oncentration Violation m /L Type < 0 0.3 0.36 Ran TR!' 0.00025 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: =Dec Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 4:17 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily iolation iolation VT7<Concentration ype m�dl ype �����Rea TRC mom MM MM 4.bUUa 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • "95a'Ayy Violation < Concentration m L Type 0� Reg TRC 0� 0� 0E7= Q 0.11 0� 0� E:1� 07- 0.1100 M y < Concentration Violation m /L TYpe 12 Rea TRC - 9' Cl�'M__M - 9.5 E 9.3 • . El U 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 7 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => City of Thomasville Name Custom Drum Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP # 0029 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES it _> NCO024112 Pipe # TO1 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan-19 to Jun-19 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * it-ig 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith w 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith w 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-19 to Dec-19 _n 7727 mon i5 s . mon is _n coon is s tnon is _n mon is s mon s zn mon s 22 3 3 3 3 1 1 0.002 4320 1,410 112 233 2.87 7.44 0.001 0.001 2766 754 82.7 187 2.87 7.44 0 0 66.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.3 0 0 0 0 0 rsenic a mium Chromium st mont is _n mont is st 6 months _n . mont s st . mon is n months st mon s n months 1 1 3 3 3 3 <0.002 <0.002 0.00081 0.00021 0.242 0.115 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.0002 0.11 0.0551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 opper yanl a ea erriery nins -,nu a monins 1 st b months end h months 1st 6 months _n months 10 mont s _n wont is 3 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 0.793 0.176 0.006 0.607 0.0007 0.0087 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.487 0.133 0.006 0.607 0.0007 0.0087 0.0001 0.0001 /o violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 66.71 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 66.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1=> milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC — Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment elant PAR 2019 PAR IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 Custom Drum [UP #0029, Pipe 001 Pate 1 of 2 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * 1th (q 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum => or Minimum => * ith (M1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * lth czr 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Custom Drum IUP # 0029 Pipe # 001 sl 15montlis _n mcm s s mon is n coon is s mon is _n mon s s mon s 215mon s 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 5.62 0.516 0.0017 <0.001 <0.0005 <0.0005 8.75 1.13 2.35 0.255 0.0024 0.0005 0.0025 0.0025 4.06 0.794 66.7 0 0 0 0 0 66.7 0 33.3 0 0 0 0 0 66.7 0 ,.,,.... u W uVLCVutm JLAMIL mg/l => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 Custom Drum IUP #0029, Pipe 001 PAR IDSF.xIs Revision date: August 1, 1994 Pate 2 of 2 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits I Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional. see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: BOD Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 Dailv Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance iudament not required for vH: Daily Maximum Limit: 3000 = TRC Daily Limit: 4200 Fmg�/lor lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is (mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/l Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation Self 3/21/2019 0.0002 4320 1 1 1 POTW 6/20/2019 0.00002 147 1 0 0 Self 6/27/2019 0.0006 3830 1 1 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 3 1 B = 2 1 C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - BOD -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each lndust2 SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E _ Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum Parameter: BOD Average Limit Compliance IUP Number: 0029 Pipe Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as 'T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/l Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = F= Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - BOD -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use s, i -arate sheets for each Industry+ SNC determination for Flow olrtional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: BOD Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.667 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? Fe�s/ No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.333 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to any of these questions isles, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: FS1 NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - BOD -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits I Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 Dailv Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.4 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.48 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? Self 3/21/2019 0.0002 0.793 1 1 1 POTW 6/20/2019 0.00002 0.024 1 0 0 Self 6/27/2019 0.0006 0.645 1 1 1 List these Totals on next page => I A = 3 1 B = 2 1 C= 2 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Chromium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 115101 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Jse separate sheets for each Indus[T1 SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SAJ Name: Custom Drum Parameter: Average Limit Compliance IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units appl} from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtthin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/l Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => ` D = I E = I F= Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Chromium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Custom Drum I[JP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Co) er Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.667 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? [Yes 1 No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater thanor equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.667 Daily TRC Violator? F s I No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes rNo 10) If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the SILT is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Chromium -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits I Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance liance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.2 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.44 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1 " for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Sample Type Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? Self 3/21/2019 0.0002 5.62 1 1 1 POTW 6/20/2019 0.00002 0.106 1 0 0 Self 6/27/2019 0.0006 1.31 1 1 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 3 1 B = 2 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sqarate sheets for each Indusin SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 Pi a Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtthin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as M." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as 'T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => I D = I E = I F= Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: Q Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum Parameter: Nickel IUP Number: 0029 Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: I/l/l9-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.667 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? Yes No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.333 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to ggy of these questions isles, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month_ Period? CIRCLE ONE: [YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits I _ Use separate sheets for each hidust2 SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SW Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Zinc Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 2 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 2.4 F g/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation 9 Self 3/21/2019 0.0002 8.75 1 1 1 POTW 6/20/2019 0.00002 0.207 1 0 0 Self 6/27/2019 0.0006 3.23 1 1 1 List these Totals on next page => A = 3 B = 2 C= 2 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use se arate sheets for each Indusln SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Custom Drum Parameter: Zinc Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits from IUP IUP Number: 0029 Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants I to Limits TRC not required for Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: _ mg/I or Ibs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1 " for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1 " if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sc +arate sheets for each hidus: r} SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Zinc Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 0.667 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Daily Chronic violator? [Yes I No 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.667 Daily TRC Violator? Yes I No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to M of these questions isles, the SILT is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six monthperiod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month com Hance eu riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Custom Drum - Nickel -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # 0029 / 00171 Reporting Period: LJan_- Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 Rea TRC j 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Self 0.0002 POTW 0.00002 Self 0.0006 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM o•� Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Q 7 3000 4200.000 Rea TRC M�0_ 0.00031 L—j 2765.67� 3 0 0 0 3 2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? NO SNC ? YES Daily Violation < Concmentration L Type 0 500" 700 Rea TRC M _E ®__ —__ —__ 1 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 100 (SUO) 140 Rea TRC 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0- Reg TRC `L 2.871 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0E---� Rea TRC. KIF 0.0021 _ MIMI MIMI - --__ MIMI .—__ 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X� Level I entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CADMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration ma/L Type 0.00311 0.0036 Ren TRC: NEREMMM - 111' __ mnmnzmm_ -__ -__ _ IE:]��-`, - M � 0 000 CHROMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.3 0.36 Ren TRC Wm Fm—��• w • __ -__ 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 • ❑ady < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 Reg TRC �1 0.48731 0 3 2 2 % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? YES Page 3 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1st half 2127/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration m /L TYPe 0� RPn TRC'. - / 11. _ --__ M MM --__ -�M_MM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D =Concentration Violation < Type 0�. Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY dy Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0- RPn TRC. M 0 --m_ --M_ 1 111 MM __ MMM - = __I L I 0.00020 J 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 4 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered -�J Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/2112019- Self 6/20/2010 POTW 6/27/2019 S�elf�. 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement NICKEL EDy Violation Fcon-cea,-an',`L rationm Type 1.2 1.44 Rea TRC FW- 0 3 2 % Violations 66.7% % T % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES PHOSPHORUS 7Concenf yViolatio< tration /L TYPe 0� Rea TRC in.Ew _ W��__ -__ W���M I 1 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO F SELENIUM Daily Violation Concentration < n 1 I Type 0 0.04 0.048 RPa TR(: �1 0.0042 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0� Req TRC 3121/2019' 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Self 0� i POTW <[� O�J 0.0005 Self 0 0� 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0� 0 0� 0 00 Average of Column 1 0.0005 Total Samples 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM =Co tion Violation Type 0= 2 2.4 Rea TRC �®00 4.0623 0 0 0 3 2 0.0% % Violations 66.7% 0.0% % TRC Violations 66.7% NO SNC ? YES ANTIMONY < Concentration Violation m /L Type 00 Reg TRC 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 r Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe #110029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 01 Rea TRC 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019F—§e-1f--jj Self QQ 9.22 POTW Q �0 0 00 0 00 0 �0 0 0� 00 0 00 0 0� 00 �0 :rage of Column 00 9.2200 i otai ziamples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM U 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • [LConcentration afty Violation Daily Violation Type < Concentration T e m /L m /L yp 00 0 10 12 Reg TRC Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 7 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 1001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2019 ()election Level (DL) entered X Le vel entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell 85. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 Rea TRC 12/23/2019 12/30/2019 12/31I2019 Self 0.0002 Self POTW 0.0002 0.0003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %rage of Column 0.0002 I otal Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Dally < Concentration Violation /L Type Q 3000 4200.000 Reg TRC 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration /L TYpe Q 500 700 Rea TRC: 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun -Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < I Concentration /L TYPe 0 _ 100 (SUO) 140 Rea TRC I: AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type Rea TRC ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type Rea TRC ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: L6n - Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Ell 0.003 0.0036 Rea TRC - - 1 111 1 111 _ fill �- M0 Daily Violation < Concentration ma/L Type 0 0.3 0.36 Reg TRC 0.011 0.041 0.115 0.0557 COPPER Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ren TRC ��__ U 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 U 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered E77- Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE SntLration Violation F,7Con�e Type 00 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO y Violation < Concentration Type 0l MERCURY Violation < Concentration me./L Type Rea TRC - - -�__ --__ l- 1 111 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: LunD7ec:2:0 j) Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement NICKEL balky Violation Ca oncentration Type C 1.2 1.44 Ran TRC - 1 1 14 i 1 1 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS ity Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0.04 0.048 Ran TRC. U 3 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 5 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS ity Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0.04 0.048 Ran TRC. U 3 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 5 Custom Drum Compliance Judaement Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # r[Jun- / 001Reporting Period: Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered SILVER Sample Date Sample < Concentration Violation Type MCI, L Type Permit Limit 101 TRC Limit Ron TR! Avi 12/23/2019 12/30/2019 12/31/2019 Self Self POTW E�j0 0.0005' Ell �_ 00 0� :rage of Column OA005� ANTIMONY f=�:sily Violation Dai y < Concentration < Concentration Violation m /L Type m /L Type 2 0F�-I 2.4� Req TRC Rea TRC: M�__ M�__. I otal ,samples 0 1 0 0 0 Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM im 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: 16n - Dec 2019. Detection Level 1-XL1 (DL) entered Level (UL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 12/23/2019 Self 12/30/2019 Self II 12/31/2019 POTW 10� Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement • • Daily Violation Daily Violation Daly Violation < Concentr tion Type < Conceentration Type < Concentration Type m /L yp 0L�= 01 10 Reg TRC Reg TRC 12Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 00 Q 1.34 00 00 �0 00 00 00 00 �0 1.3400 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 3 2 0 % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? YES Page 7 Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name:ilCustom Drum IUP #/Pipe #Ib0_29 / 001� — Reporting — Perio&: i,lan - Jun 2019 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation MGD Type MGD Type MGD Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.01511 F-1 0 015j' 0 0.015 0.015 TRC Limit 0.018 0.021 0.021 0.021 Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Rea TRC j T==Tf22,�' _ a.0015r 0.0014s1 26na 28'i —� —291'Q — - - a Oy0015,1, Average of Column 0.0016 Maximum in Column 0.0022 Total Samples 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2019, Flows 212712020, 10:10 AM 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 6 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name:ICustom Drum [UP #/Pipe #'10029 / 001 ReportingV_ -_:�- - Period:':;Jan -Jun 2019 r Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit - F 3 - —_ -- - --70- 160. ----� 1 FJ _ 1T0 180�1 —2010' E 2411. -- __— 25E0; _2610! 28ff _ 30f Q: �_-- — 31 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2019, Flows 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM Average Flow 1st half 0.001 Total # Samples Max Flow 1 st half 0.002 27 i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015. 0.018 a-- Reg TRC 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i DailyFlow Violation MGD Type —0.015 0.018 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015i 0.018 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name:iCustom_Drum UP #/Pipe #1�0029 / 0t11 Reporting, -- � 7 Period:;,,Jan - Jun 2019 f Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit fl 30 I �401 — 7'0 10`1 t —12i1� _17 j _1910 'a - — 22R 29j"! - — 24' 0; L--25'0. - — — 2610. -_ i27,0, 2&01 2n 30, r-.— _ Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2019, Flows 2/27/2020, 10:10 AM I Daily Flow I Violation MGD _ Type 0.015P 0.018 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 6- 151 0.018 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Average Flow 2nd half 0.001 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.002 22 •WU ir• Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015�I 0.018 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.0151. 0.018 0 6 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level j (DL) entered i({ X Level (UL) entered iL )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type lr�0.015 0.018 Req TRC 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 � 6/27/2019 Self POTW 0.0002 0.00002 Self �0.0006 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM 0.0003 3 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? :•o 7<Concentration aley Violation /L Type Q L 3000 4200.000 Rea TRC 0 0 0 3 2 0.0% % Violations 66.7% 0.0% % TRC Violations 33.3% NO SNC ? YES Daly Violation < Concentration /L Type rr 0 500 700 Rea TRC ®__ M�__ IM_82.6666667 1 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 100 (SUO) 140 Rea TRC u 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily Violation F Concentration rw/L Type Rea TRC -__ 0 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? ARSENIC ily Violation F Concentration mall Type 0� 0 0� �0 00 0� DO 00 0.0010 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting!' Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daity Violation < Concentration Type /L 0 0.003 0.0036 Rea TRC 1 111 _ E:]E�0.0••41_ - sell CHROMIUM [Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 0.3 0.36 Reg TRC COPPER y Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC M MOMEMEM0 —__ __. —__ —__. —__ —__ 7M —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ MENNOM 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 66.7% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? YES Page 3 11 Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe #1100291001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0� Ran TRC: Fm- . _ -�� -�� -�_ =M FM 06 Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0T71= RPn TRC �■�mom MERCURY airy Violation Tcon centration m /L Type Ell Rea TRC U 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: J=Jun Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement NICKEL Qaiiy Violation < Concentration Type Q 1.2 1.44 RPn TRC. 0 3 2 % Violations 66.7% % T % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES PHOSPHORUS Daily yEc onr.rritration Violation m /L Type 0� Reg TRC 2.0000 1 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 0.04 0.048 Reg TRC 0 0.005 0 0.0005 0 0.0017 0� 00 00 00 �0 �0 0� 0� r 0.0024 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: Custom Drum I U P #/Pipe #''0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 11 3/21 /2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement SILVER Ually < Concentration Violation m L Type 0� Violation < Concentration mm /L Type 2.4 Rea TRC 00 5. 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 66.7% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? NO SNC ? YES ANTIMONY Daly Violation < Concentration m L Type 1 Rea TRC im 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name:11 Custom Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Drum IUP #/Pipe #0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered X • • DaiiY Violation rIY Violation Dal y Sample Date Sample < Concentration < Concentration < Concentration Violation Type m /L Type m /L Type L Type Permit Limit �,�� EI� 10 TRC Limit Reg TRC 12 Rea TRC Rom Tar Avi j 3/21/2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019 Self POTW 0 9.22 1� 00 �0 00 0� 9.22001 :rage of Column i oiai sampies Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM U 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7.6500 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # '0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.01 E 0.018 Rea TRC 12/23/2019 12/30/2019 12/31/2019 Self Self 0.0002 0.0002 POTW 0.0003 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM I 0.0002 j 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO al y Violation < Concentration /L Type 0 3000I 4200.000 Rea TRC M�W__ M � __ ®__ - __i iS - j1 754.00 0 0 3 Daly Violation 7<concentLrition /TYpe 0 500 700 Rea TRC 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2019 DetectionLevel (DL) entered X Level -X � enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease Fady IL Violation < Concentrationj m tr Type ,0 100 (SUO) 140 Rea TRC Ell AMMONIA ally Violation < Concentration /L Type �0 L I RPa TRC: ��__ Ell M 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration mialL TYPe 0� Reg TRC Page 2 11 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered L-X Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 12/23/2019 Self 12/30/2019 Self 12/31 /2019 I I- o I V Average of Column Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement T Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0 0.003 0.0036 Flan TRr. 1 1111 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO -T• Daily Violation < Concentration /L Type 0 0.3 0.36 RPn TRr COPPER Daffy < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.4' 0.48 mill M 1 1 Page 3 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: rJun Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X e entered x entereded Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily CYANIDE < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0�. Rea TRC M M��= = M� 0.6070 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TOP � �■■ter Umuu 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Ually < Concentration7Vi7olationm /L 0� Flan TDr 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #10029 Reporting Period: Jun7-Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement NICKEL 8ily Violation < Concentration m L TYPe 0 1.2 1.44 Ran TRr` 1 .516 -60-421 - I I M�=M 0 3 PHOSPHORUS y Violation < FConcent'ration Type Ran TRC. 0 0 0 1 0 SELENIUM Dai Y Violation < Concentration mL Type 0 0.04 0.048 Ran TRr` 1 off 1 1 0.0005 0 0 3 % Violations o.o% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 5 Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Custom Drum UP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample SILVER Dal€y Violation < Concentration Type Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ran TC7f` Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM OL� <�C 0.0006 0� El 0� F]� El 0� Ell 0� 0.0005 ANTIMONY ❑aily Violation Dail < Concentration < Concentration Violation T MOIL Type M-Q/L Type 0 2 0� 2.4 Rea TRC Ran TR(` MIMI ____ 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 12/23/2019 12/30/2019 12/31 /2019 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/27/2020, 10:11 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement • • Daily Violation Datl y Violation < Concentration < Concentration m /L Type m,.:/L Type 0� 31 0� % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Dai y Violation < Concentration MCYL Type [] 10 12 Rea TRC 0 3 2 0 % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? YES Page 7 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith Cgs 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * 1th ti� 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * lth a1 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Industry Town Name => City of Thomasville Name Finch Industries WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP # 0018 NPDES # _> NCO024112 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => Jan-19 to Jun-19 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-19 to Dec-19 tonths 1 mon is 126 128 0.02 0.022 0.015 1 1 4.82 <2.0 4.82 1.00 5 5 446 217 162.0 77.9 1 1 9.83 3.92 9.831 3.92 POTW must enter at least one of thmgii — milligrams per literese IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, tr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 PAR IDSF.xIs Revision date: August 1, 1994 Finch Industries IUP #0018, Pipe 001 Page I of 2 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Industry Name Finch Industries IUP # 0018 Pipe # 001 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> �ruviit.i„ 5 0.012 n i st t, months 1 <0.005 �'n mon s 1 0.004 s months 5 1.19 In mon s 5 1.21 s mon s 5 0.097 _n months 5 0.13 * ith roc 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.005. <0.0025 0.004 0.672 0.397 0.052 0.061 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 01 .01 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 20 20 0 0 0 0 m n monms Ana h months 11st6months _n moots st s months n s months st O mont s mont is Total # of samples => 5 5 1 1 _n * Maximum => * 9.1 9.8 <0.0005 <0.0005 2 <5 1 14 1 0.547 1 0.543 or Minimum => 7.3 g * tth 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * 0.00025 0.00025 2.5 14 0.547 or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.543 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 01 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> N/A 0 0 0 01 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s� t� tunntns Ind 0 months is moral s .2n months st months to mon is st mont ti -n moral s Total # of samples => 1 1 1 1 * Maximum (mg/1) _> 5.56 3.07 2.58 1.62 1 * or Maximum (lb/d) _> - * ith fc; 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 5.56 3.07 2.58 1.62 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 01 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 * POTW must enter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit IUP => Industrial User Permit mg/1=> milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated Avg SNC => Significant Non -Compliance lb/d => pounds per day mgd => million day period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1 /2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria gallons per W WTP => wastewater treatment slant PAR 2019 PAR_IDSF.xIs Revision date: August 1, 1994 Finch Industries IUP #0018, Pipe 001 Page 2 of 2 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use & arate sheets for each Indusuy SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SN Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: TSS Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 300 * 1.2 0 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 420 Fmg�/lor lbs/day Column 1: 1- Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From From From Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs Sample Sample Daily Daily Daily Count Regular TRC Type Date Flow, Conc. mg/1 Load Violation Violation mgd lbs/day Self 3/13/2019 0.0160 94 1 0 0 Self 3/14/2019 0.0172 67.6 1 0 0 POTW 5/17/2019 0.0146 446 1 1 1 Self 6/5/2019 0.0117 103 1 0 0 Self 6/6/2019 0.0186 101 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 5 B = 1 C = 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch -Tss -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: TSS Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for 11: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as'T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = I F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch -Tss -1st half 2019 Revision date: 115101 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: TSS I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.20 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.20 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to any of these questions is y_es, the SILT is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch -Tss -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits I Use separate sheets for each Industr4 SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IIJP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Lead I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.2 * 1.2 1 or 1.4 =TRC Daily Limit: 0.24 F-mg/1or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "l" if above, tally at bottom as 'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation Self 3/13/2019 0.0160 0.299 1 1 1 Self 3/14/2019 0.0172 0.179 1 0 0 POTW 5/17/2019 0.0146 0.023 1 0 0 Self 6/5/2019 0.0117 0.031 1 0 0 Self 6/6/2019 0.0186 0.034 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 5 B = 1 C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 --Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Lead Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wiihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use (mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "l" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From From From Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs Sample Sample Avg Conc. Avg. Load Count Regular TRC Type Date mg/1 lbs/day Violation Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each lodustry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sTarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Lead Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.20 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.20 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 115101 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SW Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 Pi a Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Dailv Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.43 * 1.2 I or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.516 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as 'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From From Col. 5: IDMRs IDMRs Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Daily Flow, Conc. mg/1 mgd Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular TRC Violation Violation ? Self 3/13/2019 0.0160 0.81 0.0172 0.188 0.0146 0.083 0.0117 1.09 0.0186 1.19 1 1 1 Self 3/14/2019 1 0 0 POTW 5/17/2019 1 0 0 Self 6/5/2019 1 1 1 Self 6/6/2019 1 1 1 List these Totals on next page => A = 5 B = 3 C= 3 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: Cl Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusir. SNC determination for Flow optional, tional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 —Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/19-6/30/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as'T." Col. 1 Sample Type From IDMRs Sample Date From + From Col. 5: Col 6: I Col 7: I Col 8: Col 9: I Col 10: IDMRs I IDMRs Avg Conc. Avg. Load I Count Regular TRC mg/1 lbs/day Violation Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: Q Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use smarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/19-6/30/19 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.60 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.60 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to ao of these questions is eyes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month com fiance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead -1st half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusuti SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Lead Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.2 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.24 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1 " for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col7: Col8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation Self 9/11/2019 0.0116 0.038 1 0 0 Self 9/12/2019 0.0133 0.022 1 0 0 POTW 10/10/2019 0.0041 0.245 1 1 1 Self 12/12/2019 0.0163 0.054 1 0 0 Self 12/13/2019 0.0163 0.14 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 5 I B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusiry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Lead Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not ryquired forH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "l" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusin SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Finch Industries Parameter: Lead 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? IUP Number: 0018 Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/19-12/31/19 B/A = 0.20 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.20 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to 4py of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Lead - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use scparate sheets for each Indusr r, SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Dailv Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.43 *r 1. or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.516 Fmg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is (mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation Self 9/11/2019 0.0116 0.228 1 0 0 Self 9/12/2019 0.0133 1.21 1 1 1 POTW 10/10/2019 0.0041 0.214 1 0 0 Self 12/12/2019 0.0163 0.134 1 0 0 Self 12/13/2019 0.0163 0.2 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 5 B = 1 C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Silver - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sr larate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits 1UP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => D = E = F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION I Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Silver - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use siyarate sheets for each SNC determination for Flow optional. see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries _ ' IUP Number: 0018 1 Pine Number: 001 1 Parameter: Silver I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/19-12/31/19 1 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.20 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.20 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No . F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes Fo 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes rJ N�o 10) If the answer to aM of these questions is eyes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month com fiance Period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IIIP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet File name: CJ Finch - Silver - 2nd half 2019 Revision date: 1/5/01 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:111!1Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #1N0018 / 001 Instructions - Reporting?; 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. Period: Jan -Jun 2019 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Detection Level -� - (DL) entered X Level(UL) entered i Dail Flow Violation Daily ally Sample Date Sample Y Violation Concentration p p < Concentration < Violation Type MGD Type m /L Type m /L Type Permit Limit _ 0.036 _ E::] 300 TRC Limit 0.0431 420 _ Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC 3%13/2019'' Self 0.0160Y 94 �3/14/2019 Self 0.017211 r-5/17/2019' POTW 0.01461 _ 4.82 67.6i446 1 1 6/5/2019 Self 0.0117 103 6/6/2019'I Self-1 0.0186i� N 101 r—� I? — Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 0.0156 5 0 0.0432 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0 0 4.82 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 162.32E 0 5 1 446 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO 1 Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:CjFinch Industries UP #/Pipe kbb18100_1 _ Reporting; Period:',Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019 Self 'rl3114/2019 Self r_-5/17/20191 POTVN Ir-615/2019 Self 6/6/2019f Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Oil& Grease AMMONIA �;;—,IV Dail y Dail < Concentration Violation ac oncentration Violation < Concentation Violation m�./L Typem /L Type m /I Type < 7 Iw I 0 1 0 5 % Violations 0.0% % 1 % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 9.83 0 0 1 0 9.83 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 0.01 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:'uFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #'� 6-018-1001 Reporting;, Period:'!:Jan - Jun 2019 uetection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019; Self 3/14/2019i Self j 5/17/2019 POTV ��6�5/2019� Self 6/6/2019F—Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM CADMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type < 0.002 ##1 0.0024 Reg TRC < O.6621� < 0.002 j < 0.000751 < 0.602°, 71, < 0.002, 0.001 a� 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO or* D I ly Violation Concentration m /L Type E e 0.15 0.18 Reg TRC 0.006 < 0.005 �- 0.01. _ _ 0.0051 0.0051 0� �d u� no �o 0.00621 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO •• Daily Violation < Concentration7 /L Type rr 1.5 1.8 Reg TRC 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:'Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #'y0018 % 001 Reportings, Period:`' Jan - Jun 20191 Detection Level - (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit ��-3/13/2019� Self '�3/14/2019 Self 5/17/2019' PM 6l5/2019 Self 6/612019i S Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM I CYANIDE MERCURY 0 Daily Violation Daily Violation !),illy Violation 7<Concentration < Concentration < Concentration m /L Type m /L Type m /L Type 0.1 0.12 0.627' n a j� 0.013 nr 0.062 0.068" 1 0.03881 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.2 0.24 Reg TRC 0.2991 1 1 IL 0.179: 0.023 0.031 0.034', I ICJ n�! �c 1 1 0.11321 0 0 5 1 1 0.299 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO 'LJl CIS _ 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:' !Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 410018 / 001 Reporting, Period:`,,,Jan - Jun 2019 f Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit ��3/13/20191 Self 3/14/20i4 Self °�5/17/2019" POTVI/ .�ti/5/2019�I Self 6/6/2019fSelf Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM DSPHOR Daily Violation Daily Violation Da'iy Violaton < Concentration Type < Cype i oncentration T< Concentration m /L m /L m /L Type 011 0.24 Reg TRC 0.012 < 0 005'� 0.004� < 0.005:{ 0.005] 111 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ran TRC: 0.547 . �� 11 j 0.54701 0 0 1 0 0 0.547 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 0.005 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:,;Tinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #'iu0018 /001 Reporting;, Period:" „Jan - Jun 2019 , Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) i entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019,' Self, r!3/14/2019; Self 5/17/2019'� POTV1l 6/5/201bI Self ^l6/6/2019,1 Self 4 �I IL I Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column %I Finch CJ 2019, list half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Daily Violation DViolation DalyNTIMONViolation < Concentration < Conm7/Ltion < Concentration m /L Type Type m /L Type 0.43 0.516 Reg TRC 0.811 1 1 0.188! 0.083h1, 1.19 1 1 �L 0.6722 0 5 3 1.19 % Violations 60.0% % TRC Violations 60.0% SNC ? YES 3 1 1.2 0.09711 0.068 0.025 0.038 0.044 0.0544 0 5 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO TRC 0 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;iiFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #' 0018 / t]l)1 Reporting, Period:�1,lan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/20194 Self 1 3/14/2014Self- 5/17/2019 POTW 6�61201-9!' Self ! 6/6/2019, Self I. Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM • • aily Daily < Concentration Violation < Concentration Violation < a Violation m /L Concentration Type m /L Type m /L Type 10 Reg TRC Reg TRC 12Reg TRC 0 9.1 9.1 5.561111 2.58 I 774 EJH]i 5.5600 0 1 0 5.56 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO N 0 1 0 0 2.58 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:i'iFinch Industries I U P #/Pipe #;i;0018 / 001 Reporting;/ Period:',;Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level I (DQ entered i X _ �I Level(UL) entered Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Sample Date I Sample Daily Flow Violation Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.036 TRC Limit 0.043 Reg TRC 9/11/20191 Self 0.0116' 9/12/2019, Self _ 0.0133; i=1-oil 0/20191 POTVV 0.0041 12/12/201911 Self 0.0163� 12/13/2019!' Self! 0.0163a Average of Column 1 0.0123 Total Samples 5 0 Maximum in Column 0.0432 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Daiti Concentration Violation ma/LType 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO <oily Violation Concentration m /L Type 300 420 Reg TRC 8.81 61.31 21-7 19.6 83 1 77.94 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;'Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #0018 / 001_ Reportin97 Perio&ajul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11 /201 9/12/2019y Self �F-10/10/20191 POTW 12/12/201 Self �12/13/2019Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Oil & Grease AMMONIAARSENIC Daily Violation Violation .;ly ❑ail E Concentration < Concentration < centration Violation m /L Type mq/L Type m /L TYPe 100 I� 140 Reg TRC Reg TRC Req TRC Cl� 3.92 . Ell =1 0� 0 1 0 0 140 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 3.921 0 1 0 3.92 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO uL� - 0 �OL �C. �1 0.0020 0 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;!IFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #III0018_/ 001 Reporting; Period:,',,,Jul - Dec 2019 1 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11 /2019 9/12/2019i 10%10%2019' 12/12/2019� 12/13120191' �-- _ - - - JO �I i Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column %i Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 1i uairy Violation �j� Concentration ma/L TYpe 0.002 14W_ 0.0024 Reg TRC 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO e t]aily Violation < Concentration m Type 0.15, 0.18 _ Reg TRC < 0.0051 0.0051 0.002+. 0.005 nr o.0 5 0.0044 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 1.5 n 1.81 Rea TRC 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:Nfil nch Industries_ IUP #/Pipe #! j0018 / O61 ReportingV Period:"Jul - Dec 2019 11 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/1_1Z20191 Self 9/12/2019i Self 16110/20191 POT1N 7-12/12/20195' Self 7l12/13/2019!FSeif7 I Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2128/2020, 10:23 AM CYANIDE MERCURY Daly Violation Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration 77ma/L ntration la< Concentration la m /L Type Type m /L Type 0.1 0.12 < 0.005, 0.09i < 0.00& < 0.001 < 0.0075 J 0.02201 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C 0.2 0.24 Reg TRC J 0.038 0.022 0.245;, 1 1 Ji 0.0998 0 5 1 0.245 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO 1 Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:,"Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #;F;0018 / 001 Reporting, Period:',„JUl - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date I Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9111%2019i Self ir2/2019 Self 10/10%201 bi POTW 9v2/12/2019,IF Self I 12113/2019' Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2128/2020, 10:23 AM DSPHOR Dail y Violation Daly Violation Daily Violation HToncean',tration Type < Concentration T e < Concentration T im L m /L Type m /L YP 02 0 0.24 C < L- 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % 1 % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC 0.5430 0 0 1 0 0.543 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C Reg TRC �r 0.004 07 t—OL~ 0� 7=7 1 0.0040 0 1 0 0 0.004 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;,4Finch Industries I U P #/Pipe #(0018 / 001 Reportingq Period: Fju, - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11/2019'; Self 9/12/20191 Self 10/10/2019+ PWW 12/12/2019 Self 12/13�2019''F8elf Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM SILVER ANTIMONY Dad y Violation Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type F Concentration Type m(/L - mo/L m /L YP 0.43 0.516 Reg TRC 0.2281 1.21 F 1 1 Cf-1 0.134, I 0.3972 0 5 1 1 1.21 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;,'Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #�,II0018 / 001 Reportingi Period:fl Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit �-9/11/2019�! Self '�-9�12/2019C Self 10%10/20191! POT1N 12/12/2010 Self 3/20191 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM • • C�.3ily Dail < Concentration Violation < Concentration Violation < Daily Violation Concentration m /L TYPe m /L Type m:,/L TYPe Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 3.07 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 1.62 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • 1 10 12 Reg TRC 9.2000 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ?- NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry NameAFinch Indust eir s�, UP #/Pipe #0��00187001 Reporting( Period:��Jan - Dec 2019 FLOW - JAN FLOW - FEB FLOW MAR Sample Date Daily Flow MGD Violation Type Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Daily Flow MGD - I Violation FLOW gaily Flow - ` PR Violation Permit Limit li 0.036] Type MGD Type TRC Limit 0.043 0.043 0.043 r 0.043 Reg 1{ TRC Reg TRC =C 01All _ _ Reg TRC 0.0164 [� Reg TRC 0.0133 2i0 0.0117,; El ' �- E - _ [� 0.0167� _ 4 0 r 0.0144 { 0 0 0040 f� _ 0.0181 � [� 0 _ 0.0174 0.0167 �_ 0 01491 0.01421 _ 0 0178, 0. 0.0143 7 6 r 0 �0.01� 0�0 0137�I 0 0. 01 5 8',0 C0_0109p1 0.0146'yl, 0.0158� 0.0142 - -10�0 11,0 0.0141 ��0 01651 � 0.611581 � 0.0166 0.0158 L 12'r 0.0162 n�an 21 22 23 0.011 -6.010 0.013 0.008 6.011 0.013 6.010 0.011 0.012 0.0146� Average of Column 0.0114 Maximum in Column 0.0146 Total Samples 22 0 % Violations 0.o% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 0 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 21 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.0169 0.0164 0.0154 0.0033 0.0186 0.0169 0.0136 0.0156 0.0148 0.0189 0.01571 i 0 21 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 1 Industry Name:Y�Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe Reporting i Period:I,Jan - Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit 1 211u 23+0 24"Q 26;0i 27��! —28p0, 31 0 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Finch CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1 st half 0.015 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.020 126 • < Daily Flow MGD • Violation < Daily Flow Type MGD Violation FLOW -JUL Daily Flow I Violation • Daily Flow Violation f I Type MGD Type MGD Type 0.036 0.036 0.043� 0.043 Re TRC 0.043 6.043 ��0 0179ijEl 9 Reg TRC Reg TRC — Reg TRC � , _� 0 0.132J� 0 _ 0.0169 �] 0 0187YI I� 0.0168 0.0036�� 0.0149 nF-0 0143 i I n n1l IT n 0 22 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 21 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 22 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name:IdFinch Industries IUP #/Pi a # p018 / 001�I Reporting`' Period:�Jan -Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit I 3i[ 6[ 7[ sir _ 10 11 _ 12 _13 14 15 16 17 y 18 - - 19' 201 �� 21 22 23 25� 26� I �271 j------28' �!- 29,` 301 Average of Column Maximum in Column Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Average Flow 2nd half 0.014 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.022 128 •FLOW Daily Flow MGD Violation Type - OCT•NOV• < Daily Flow Violation MGD Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Type MGD Type MGD Type 0 03 .1 6 [-IL-- 0.036� 0.036 0.043 0.043 -0. 0.043 Reg it TRC _ [� 0.0126� 0.0164k Reg TRC Reg TRC 0.0144] --- Reg TRC 1 0.0195--4-1 = 01 0.0151� 0.0147' 0.0197 0.0139 0.0197 0.01 0.01 00,, 0.0137 0.0132�j 0.0041 0.6144 0.0142 �0.0181� _0.0122' 0.0136. 0.01 0.0144 A 01.013311 0.0155 Total Samples 0 21 0 0 0 23 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 0.0041. 0.0156' 0.0183 0.0215 -0.0124 �Cj�is�� I-ll 0.01i7 0.0142 0.0136 0.0143 0.01681 ' 0.0191 0. 1124� 0.0187 0.0141 0.0169 0.0161. 0.0146 0.0215 0 21 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.0140 _ 0.0161 _ 0.0150 �- 0.0170 0: 0.01631 n o.o1s31 Of El; 0,0182 � OI.. 0.0158�i 0[- _ 0.0091 Or 0.0045I 0 0.0059 0 0.0124 0 0.0054 0.009311 J L-i 0.01161 0. 1135 0.0195 0 0 20 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:;'!;Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #�10018 / 00-1 Reporting! Period:�IIJan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DQ entered Level(UL) entered X Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) i • : 0 1 Dail Flow Violation Daily Sample Date Sample y � Violation Type MGD Type Concentration Type m /L Permit Limit 0.03W TRC Limit 0.043 _ __ _ _ _ Reg TRC Reg TRC 3/13/2019' Self _ 0.0160 3/14/2019' Self 0.0172 5/17/2019; POTW 0.0146, 4.82 6/5/2019 Self 0.01177' �0 6/6/2014 Self 0.0186,1 Jo 0 0 0 Average of Column 0.0156 Total Samples 5 Maximum in Column 0.0432 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 1 1 4.821 0 0 0 1 0 4.82 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Dauy < Concentration Violation m, /L Type I 300 420 Ran TRr: 1� I=E--446 0�03 94 6 .6 1 101 1 n� o� o� 162.32 0 0 5 1 1 446 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: HFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #'i90018 /�001 Reporting, Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Dail Oil & Grease AMMONIA < Y Violation ConcDenftration Violation ` aily ARSENIC Concentration < Concentration Violation m /L TYPe mq/L Type m /L Type 0 1 0 0 2.5 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC MR mm� -�M Y.831 0 1 0 9.83 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.0050 0 0 1 0 0 0.005 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:tli�Fi h Industries UP #/Pipe #�10018 / 001 Reportingi Period4Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1 5/17I2019Pf POTW 6//5/2019i Self 6/6/2019' Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM _T. Daily < Concentration Violation m /L TYPe 0.002 ## 0.0 224 Reg TRC < 0.001 _ 6.001 0.000375 < 0.001 0.001 0� 0� 0� 0.0009 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ire uauy Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.15' 0.18 Reg TRC 0.0001 < 0.0025� 0.005 < _ 0.0025 < 0.0025 C � C� CAL- J 0.0037 0 0 5 0.18 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO COPPER ally < Concentration Violation m /L Type 1.51 1.8 Reg TRC 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:finch Industries ]UP #/Pipe #1Wr -- / 001 Reporting, Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019 Self ,[i3/14f2019 Self I 5/17/2019' P56TW 6/5%2019N Self 6 6/2019 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM CYANIDE AD MERCURY T<Co7ncentration Violation Con Daily it Concentration Violation < Daily < Concentration Violation . Type m .i/L Type m /L Type 0.1 0.12 Reg TRC 0.0271 0.024 0.013ji 0.062' 0.068 r- 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % 1 % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C 0.2� 0.24 Reg TRC 0.299 1 1 L lr 0.179 �i-1 0.023 0.0001 _ 0.031 fir 0 5 1 0.299 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO 1 0.00010 0 1 0 0.0001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO TRC 17 Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:�I;Finch Industries [UP #/Pipe #�F0018 / 001 Reportingi Period:� Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019! Self 3/14/2019 Self 5%17/2019 POTW 6/5/2019 Self 6/6/2019 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM DSPHOR Daily Violation ily 7Conceon'tration ly < Concentration �LConcerntrationViolation Violation < m /L Type ;/L Type /L TYPe 0.2' 6 24 Reg TRC 0 5 0 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC 0.547 �L I L 0.5470 0 1 0 0 0.547 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 0.0025 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:' Finch Industries UP #/Pipe WIl- 8 / 0 11 _ Reporting' Period:�iJan - Jun 2019 Uetection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X SILVER Daily Sample Date Sample < Concentration Violation Type m /L I Type Permit Limit 0.43, TRC Limit 0.516 Reg TRC 3%13/20161 S_elf �0. ��~81 1 1 3/14/20191 Self [7:]0.188 5/17/20WPOTW F— 0.083 6/5/20191 Self OL ! .09 1 1 1 6/6/2019' Self I nF 1.19 1 1 Average of Column I f 0.6722 Total Samples 0 5 3 3 Maximum in Column 1.19 % Violations 60.0% % 1 % TRC Violations 60.0% SNC ? YES Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM ANTIMONY Daiiy aily < Concentration Violation < Violation Concentration m /L Type m /L Type 1.2 Reg TRC Ran TRr: Q� D� 0. 997 0.068 251 "� 0.038 0.044-. —1 0.05191 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.0003 0 1 0 0 0.00025 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:",'Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #�1;0018 / 001 Reporting„ Perio&,Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) -- - -� entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/13/2019! Self 3/14/2019, Self 5/17/2019'I Pn 6/5/2019 Self 6/6/20191 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM • • Daif < Concept ation Violation < 7Concen',tration Violation < DailyViolation m /LyP Concentration Te Type L Type m /L yP 10 12 Reg TRC Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 5.56 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Lam_ 2.58001 0 1 0 2.58 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:'!Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #��0018 / 001 ReportingI Period:1 Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) 7DailyFlow Violation DailySample Date Sample< Concentration Violation Type Type m /L Type Permit Limit 0.0361 TRC Limit 0.043 _ Reg TRC _ _ Reg TRC 9/11/2019� Self 0.0116 9/12/2019 [­Self-1 0.01331 10/10%2019 — 0.0041 N 12/12/2019"[ Self 0.016311 12/13/201 --telf-1 0.0163 Average of Column 0.0123 Total Samples 5 0 Maximum in Column 0.0432 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM 9 0 1 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ❑oily < Concentrati7iToylationm/Lpe 300 420 TRC 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement I Industry Name: IlFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #"0018 / 001 Reporting" Periodd Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11 /2019!J Self 9/12/2019 Self 10/10/2019 POT! 12/12/201 Egelf 12/13/2010 F—Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM Oil & Grease AMMONIA ARSENIC Dail Violation 1za il< Concentration < Contration Violation < 1.7ady Violation m /L Type Type Concentration m /L m(i/L Type 100 140 Reg , TRC Reg TRC 14 �! 14 0 1 0 140 % Violations 0.0% % 1 % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO �[ 3.92 1 _ice_ 0� 3.92 0 0 1 0 0 3.92 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:plflnch Industries__ IUP #/Pipe #j8 / 001 Reporting'b Period:��iJul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9%11/2019Self 9/12/2019y, Self 10/164016 Fi 12/12/2019 Self 12/13/20% Self_ Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 7 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM ire Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0.002 ## I0.0024 Reg TRC <�l 0.001 F 0.001 < 0.000075', < 0.001 < 0.001 0.0008 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO T uany < Concentration Violation L Type m / 0.15 0.18 Reg TRC < 0.0025 < 0.0025 0.002 < 0.00251 < r — 0.00251 0.0024 0 0 5 0 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation ma/L Type 1.32 0.379 0.2 0.591 0.46 0.5900 0 5 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO R Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name*Tinch Industries_ IUP #/Pipe #ri0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11�2019' Self 9/12/2019 Self 10/10/2019,� POTS 12/12/20191�Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM CYANIDE � Daily MERCURY < Concentration < Violation Dai y Violation DailyViolationType Concentration Concentration m /L m /L TYPe < mo /L Type 0.1 0.12 Reg TRC < 0.0025 009 .09 � < 0.0025, < 0.0025� < 0.0025 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.2 0.24 Reg TRC --jL 0.038 0.022 1 0.245 1 �. 0.054 0� 0� 0 0�1 0.0998 0 0 5 1 0.245 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Req TRC H=-- 0� i 0.0001 0� 0 0-00010 1 0 1 0 0 0.0001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:'iFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #iQ018 / 001 Reporting Period:�IJul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Le vel I entereded X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11/201911 Self _ 9/12/2019# Self 10/10/20191Pn 12/12/2019V Self 12/13%2t)19 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM NICKEL Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0.24 Reg TRC 0.015 1 < 0.005'?N 0.0022 IKI0.00 A L--� 0.0410.041 Q� 0� 0 u.UI ss 0 5 0 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO -PHOSPHORUS < Concentration Violation < Daily Violation m /L Type Concentration Type me /L Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 0.543 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC �L DC E] 0.004 0� 0L F_711��_ 0.00401 0 1 0 0 0.004 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:,jfinch Industries UP #/Pipe #�"0018 / 001 Reportingi Period:�,,Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9�11/2019 Self 9/12/2019I Self 10/10/2019 POTW 12/12/2019, Self 12%13/2019 Self Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 1 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/2812020, 10:23 AM SILVER aily 777ncE ntration Violation m /L Type 0. 331 0.516 Rea TRC !�E 227 QC 00 214' 0.134 o.2 0� i u.3912j 0 5 1 1.21 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO =Concentratfion Violation =Concentration ANTIMONY Violation Type Type 1 I 1.2 RP.n TRf: 0.13 Q 0.038 0 �I 0� 0.053 0.043 0.041 0� ^mil U.U610 1 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 1 0 0 0.00025 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name:�NFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #1 0018 / 001— Reporting, Period:;",,Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/11 /2019 9/12/2019 10/10/2019 12/12/2019' 12/13/2019. Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % 7 Finch CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 10:23 AM • • Daily Violation oily f��i'y < Concentration < Concentration Violation < Violation m /L Type m /L Type Concentration T pe m /L y —10 RPn Tprl n� 3.07001 0 1 3.07 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? IA 0.0% 0.0% NO 0 0 1 0 1.62 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => City of Thomasville Name McIntyre Metals, Inc Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP # TO1 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0024112 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => Jan -IT to Jun-19 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-19 to Dec-19 Total # of samples => (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> st 0 months 104 0.007 2nd 0 mo7st s 3 6.5 -n mon is 3 37.5 smon s 3 3.6 n neon s 3 11 s . mon is 1Maximum 0.172 �n mon s 1 <0.1 * ith ci 1/21313L Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.002 0.001 18.3 4.6 0.172 0.05 0 % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 _0 0 _0 0 P2.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a mium romium # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> tmont rst1 6 -n wont rs 1 0.008 st 7 Mont is 12 0.0002 vn Mont is 12 0.00018 st 0 mont s 12 <0.002 -In mont s 12 0.003 st Mont is 2n mTotal * tth ai 1/2131)L Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.006 0.008 0.0001 0.0041 0.001 0.0014 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 _0 _0 _0 _0 0 0 0 01 0 0 Total # of samples => i St 0 months 'nd 6 months I I st I M011(fil-F o months st months -IInd months st months _n mono is * 12 12 5 5 12 12 1 1 Maximum (mg/1) _> * 0.044 0.11 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0005 0.002 <0.0002 <0.00 22 or Maximum (lb/d) _> * tth �� _1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * 0.033 0.046 0.0025 0.0025 0.00025 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 —0-0---- % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * POTW must enter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1 => milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 1/2BDL or zero values used. SNC => Significant Non -Compliance TRC => Technical Review Criteria mgd — million gallons per day W WTP => wastewater treatment plant PAR 2019 PAR IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 McIntyre Manufacturing NP # 0031, pipe 001 Page 1 of 2 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Industry Name McIntyre Metals, Inc lup # 0031 Pipe # 001 Total # of samples => * Qb/d) _> Maximum (lb/d) _>rth +r- 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _>% --------•••- ....,11k1P0 12 11 0.016 0.013 0.0087 0.0086 j of k3 iiiUul„y5 <0.002 0.0006 /-nu o monuis5 <0.001<0.109 0.0005 l sl h moTnIT7 0.545 s 12 7 coon is 12Maximum 0.238or 0.0966 violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0% 0 * Total # of samples => Maximum => * or Minimum => * 1th ri+ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> P st 6 mont is -!nd 12 8.7 7.2 6 months, 12 8.3 7.4 Antimony 1 st 6 months 1 0.0048 0.0048 --�nd 6 months 1 0.0067 0.0067 A1111ninuin st months -,n 1 0.021 0.021 months 2 0.053 0.0445 MolyMenum st i mont s 3 0.105 0.076 2n mon s 2 0.084 0.054 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rease rhospborus Total # of samples => st . moni is -Ind 6 month-, IMbinonths -)n mon is months A mont c n monl s (mg/1) _> * 2 <5 2 7150.2 1 11Maximum 5.04 7777 or Maximum (lb/d) _> 0.19 <0.1 * tthLr 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 2.5 4.75 150.2 5.04 1.07 * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> 0.65 0.19 0.05 % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 O * POTW must enter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated NP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day Avg period could be month, S2tr, or 6-month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. SNC => Significant Non -Compliance TRC => Technical Review Criteria mgd — million gallons per day W WTP => wastewater treatment lant PAR 2019 PAR IDSF.xls Revision date: August 1, 1994 McIntyre Manufacturing IUP # 0031, pipe 001 Page 2 of 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe #7Jan nJun2019 Reporting Period: Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - — — — — 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 �.... ran 3/19/2019 3/20/20191 312112019 3/21/19b Self Self Self 0.0022 0.0032 0.0039 0.0036 5/21/2019 POTW 0.0006 5/22/2019 POTW 0.0000 5/24/2019 FFdTW---]0.0007 5/29/2019 POTW 0.0005 6/10/2019 Self 0.0001 6/11 /2019 Self 0.0022 6/12/2019 Self 0.0012 6/13/2019 Self� 0 � Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1 st half 2128/2020, 9:07 AM I U.UU181 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? : 0 a baify < Concentration Violation m /L TYpe 200 280.000 Ron T01- M M�_� M�__ M W��_ 18.33 0 0 0 3 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation L Type 0 100 140 Ron TD!` EM�_� 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: FMclntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe 4 0031 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 11 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 Self 3/20/2019 F Self 3/21/2019 F Self 3/21/19b,FSelf 5/22/2019 5/24/2019 5/2912019 6/10/2019 6/11 /2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease < FLaily Violation Concentration m Type 0 100 140 Rpn TPr M� M�__ M�__ 0 2 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? AMMONIA Daily Violation F Concentration IL Type 0 Ran TPr MM M�__ ��� �1011ma 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC J- Daily Violation < Concentration mall Type 0T- Rpn TRt"_ .,,., r•7 Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered L7� Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement T Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.005 , 0.006 Ran TPr.. 0 0 I 0.00015 0.0002 0.00017 P4- Q 0.00017 0 0.00015 0.00015 [�] 0.00015 0 0.00015 0 0.00015 <[� 0.00015 0� 0� 0� 0� 0.0002 0 12 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? -e Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr' D mm MM MM MM COPPER UNIFy Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr' E] �. _M a __ a _M_ mm MM _M 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 Self 3/20/2019 Self 3/21/2019 Self 3/21 /19b I Self 5/21 /2019 POTW 5/22/20191 POTW 5/24/2019 POTW 5/29/2019 POTW 6/10/2019 Self 6/ 11/2019 Self 6/12/2012 Self 6/13/2019 Self �� l0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type _E C7==- 0.05 0.06 Ran TCN` �� j7 _ _ =, = 0 5 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? o� Daily Violation < Concentration Type L 0 0.05 0.06 Ran TR(` MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0.0002 �L u.uuu2ul 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO R Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 4 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement 7)LVRr Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L E 3.7 4.44 Ran TRC: M�__ -�__ - 1 1•• __ 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type L Q 0.1 0.12 Ran TRC: 1 11 - 111 •_� 1 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS flatly < Concentration Violation m Type /L Ran TRC: A Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # =Jun Reporting Period: Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 Self 3/20/2019 Self 3/21/2019 Self 3/21/19b, Self 5/21/2019 POTW 5/22/2019 POTW 5/24/2019 POTW 5/29/2019 POTW 6/10/2019 F S SPIf 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 Self Self { {4 � Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Why Violation T centration mail Type 0.02 0.0241 Reg TRC << 0.002 <[� 0.001 0� 0 0.001 F-11 ED1:11 0.0011 El_ 0� 0� 0 , 0.0012 u 5 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO SILVER Violation < Concentration Type mgjL 0 0.02 0.024 Rea TRC. 1 111 1 111 1 /11 1 I11 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation ��m /L Type 1.2 RPn TRC` - 1 1 - 1 1 __ __ 11 mm - 1 1 1 11 1 0.05471 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 3/19/2019 Self 3/20/2019 Self 3/21/2019 Self 3/21 /19b Self 5/21 /2019 POTW 5/2 9.1 POTW 5/24/2019 POTW 5/2912019 POTW 6/10/2019 Self 6/11/2019 Self 6/12/2019 Self 6/13/2019 Self j au 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daly Violation Daly < Concentration Type centration < ConViolation m /L m L Type Reg TRC Ren TRC' 0� 0.0048 a� 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ��__ M��__ 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� Rea TRC MM 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: FMcIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered ALUMINUM Daly Violation DA fy Violation Sample Date Sample < Concentration < Concentration Type __ _ m /L Type m /L TYpe Permit Limit 01 lu i 10 TRC Limit L I I I12 Rea TRC RPn TRr. Avi 3/19/2019 3/20/201 i Self 0.021 3/21/2019 Self 0� 3/21119b Self 0� 5/21/2019 POTW 0� 5/22/2019 POTW 0� 5/24/2019 POTW 0� 5/29/2019 POTW 0� 6/10/2019 6/11/2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019,Self Self Self Self 00 �0 0� 0 0 0 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� :rage of Column 0.0210 I otal -jampies McIntyre CJ 2019, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO LJ __ IM 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing [UP #/Pipe# 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Lietect(DL) entered Level L X (DL) entered X Lev entered entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - — — — — — 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 D-- Tor+ 9/23/2019 9/24/20191 Self Self ;j 0.0006 0.0004 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 0.0003. J 9/25/2019 9/26/2019 10/22/2019. 10/23/2019 10/24/2019 10/24/2019 b 11/21/2019 11/22/2019 11/26/2019 11/27/2019 Self I0.0009 Self POTW POTW POTW POTW Self 0.0006 j� 0.0003. Self Self Self 0.0007 �J 0.0006 C� ;rage of Column 0.0005 I otal 5ampies McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM Da ly Violation < Concentration m Type /L F-11 200 280.000 Ran TRC` �� m__ __ M�__ 11 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 3 Daily Violation < Concentration mall TYPe 0 100i 140 Ran TRC' MM MM mm 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul �-D:ec �201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 9/23/2019 Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26/2019, Self 10/22/2019j POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/2412019 POTW 10/2412019 b POTW 11 /21 /2019 Self 11/22/2019 Self 11/26/2019 Self 11/27/2019 FSelf Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease "ally < Concentration Violation m TYPe /L 0 100 140 Ran TRC: wFS �__ 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Y Violation < Concentration mall Type 0� Ran TRC` 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC ❑aily Violation < Concentration Type Ran TRr' MM M 0.0080 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X� Level (DL) entered +� Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CADMIUM Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.005. 0.006 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO T Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Rpn TRf' 1 11Imm 11 __ 1 11 m1 M 1 11 __ 1 11 __ a W 1 1 1 __I 111 __ M 1 11 __ off __ Xm _ 1 11 - 0 mm M!Li 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO COPPER F7cally Violation centration m /L Type [� 0.2 0.24 Ran TRf' 1 1 1 1 ____ 11� 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE aily Violation < Conmcentration L Type 0 0.05 0.06 Ran TRf: 1 11 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 .0 Daily Violation 7<Conc7enitrjation ma/TYpe Q. 0.05 0.06 Ran TR(' 1 111 11 0.00071 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY < 7Concenrtration Violation ma /L Type 0� Ran TR( 1 0 U.00020 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting ; Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) —,I] enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/23/2019I Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26/2019 Self 10/22/2019 POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 bl POTW 11/21/2019 Self 11 /22/2019 Self 11 /26/20191 Self 11 /27/2019 Self 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0� Rea TRC I- • m • 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daly violation < Concentration m Type lL Q 0.1 0.12 RPn TRC MIMMOMMM M1 0 • M M �M_ L1 0.00861 0 11 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS i y Violation < Concentration Type L 00 Reg TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0_031 / 001 _ Reporting Period: FJuIDec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered E -�:] 1:7Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/21 019 J1 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26 9F Self 0/22/2019 rPOTV 10/23/201 10/24/201 10/24/2019 11/21/201 11/22/2019 11 /26/2019 11/27/2019 Self Self Self Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation m�•/L TYPe Q 0.02 0.024 Ren TRr. 1 11 1 11 1 11 _ 1 11 1 11 1 SILVER a{ Y Violation < Concentration ma/L TYPe 0 0.02 0.024 Ran TRf' 1 111 _ 1 1/1 1 111 1 111 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Dal ly Violation < Concentration m L Type 0� 1.2 Ran TPr.. 1 - - ;•: mm 1 1•. 11 MM 11 MM_ - 1 17211 C Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered X Le vel F entereded Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/23/2019 Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26/2019 Self 10/22/2019 POT1N 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 b POTW 11/21/2019 Self 11/22/2019 Self 11 /26/2019 Self 11/27/2019 Self 11 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY• • Da-F Fcm,,, i1y Violation Concentration ation Violation < Daily cnttion < Type Concentration Violation Type m /L T e m /L Type 0� E3 0� Rea TRC Flan TR(` u 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? El ___ EJE��' MOM_ ��__ EEN�-_ 0.1000j 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 —11 Reporting Period:f [Ju71-Dec 2019 Detection Level i (DL) entered x Level LE — enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:07 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM aily, Violation=m-/L < Concentration Violation m /L TypeType Q_� 10 12 Rea TRC Rpn TRC: m r 2 —__ M�__ M M M 0.0445 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 i- Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting. Period:' JJan - Dec 2019 _ . Sample Date Daily Flow MGD Violation Type • • Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation MGD Type . PR Daily Flow ,Violation ` Permit Limit 0.030 MGD Type 0 0.030 0 0.030� �� MGD Type 0.030 �� TRC Limit 0.036 0.036 6 0. 3- 0.036 _ 1 _ Reg 0 TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC _ El i 0.0049 0 0l 0,000820 C 3 0 0.0052 0� E� E F 40 0.0030 E:1 0.00451 0.0031 0 0.0042 50 � � 0.0005 6 0 � 0 0.0013 0 0.0026 7 Of` 0.0011 8 0.00025 O.000i 9 0.0033 0.00 Or Ell 10 0 0.0035 �� 0� o.0016lsj _ C 110 F .- 0 0.0007 0 0.0002 Qi 0.0012 120 00.00361 0 0.0013�, 0.0016 �- =j 13 - 0�E 0 0.0037 0.0013 .-- 0 El0.0050 El� � 15 I 0.0029 D�C- � F-16 0 ]. O.OD27 0�� � 0.0014 0.0013 17 0 0.0034 0.0018 180 0 Oi 023,. 0 0.0065 0.0022 [] 190 0.0028 0.0013 20 01 0.00461 210 0.0019 [� 0.0039 0 0.0039 0.0036 22 0, 0.0037 Ll F 23 0'; 0.0071 0� ��-- �� 0.0001 E- 24 011 0.0031 01- =L 0.0012 25 0 _ 0.0019, 0 0.001 Q _ 0.0032 0.0016 26 0 0.0018 0 0.0003. 27 0 I 0.00131 0 0.0004 �� 28 0 0.0046 Q 0.0015 0 29 D 0.0033i, 0 0 0.0011 =1 0.0015 C 30 0 1 0.0000 ���� 0 0.0015 3111 ir r---1 Average of Column 1 0.0033 Maximum in Column 0.0071 Total Samples 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2019, Flows 2/2812020, 9:08 AM % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 17 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 18 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: IMc•ntyre Manufac IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit 10 11 12 13 14 15 L 16 17 18 19 — 20 _ 21. 221 2 C 24 25 26 27 28 L 29 30' �31J Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 9:08 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.002 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.007 104 i Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type [� 0.030�� 0.036 0 13 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • 7 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 _ 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type lu[ 0.03011 0.036 0 19 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 Ron TR!` Q 0.0008 0.0007 0.00 0E�06 0.0006 F71l 0.0008 0.000s 01 — E 0.0008 0 0.0004 Q 0.0005 Q 0.0007 OI 0.0008 0.0007 0� 0� Q 0.0006 Q 0.0006 Q 0.0007 U.0007 0.0008 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Industry Name:l McIntyre Manufac IUP #/Pipe #i�0031 / 001 Reporting Period:IiJan - Dec 2019 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit 110 E.3 _ �0 60 ( 7 0 80 100 11,0 F 120 130 140 C 150 160 170 180 190 F- 2010 L 21 0 F 220 E 230 C 24 0 C 25 0 26 D 27 28 OI �90 1 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2019, Flows 2/28/2020, 9:08 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Average Flow 2nd half 0.001 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.005 92 • Daily Flow MGD Violation Type • • Daily Flow Violation MGD • < Daily Flow • Violation • Daily Flow Violation Type MGD Type I Type OA] F] 0.030 0.030 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 Reg TRC Reg TRC Rea TRC ve., rcr, 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0007;i 0. 0.0006 0.0009 0 15 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0[ 0.0005 0 0.0005 01 0.0007 0 0.0003 0 0.0005 [] 0.0004 0.0007 0� 02 0 0.0005 0 0.0007 0 0. 0004 El 0 0 0.0004 0.0004 0.0003 0.0005 0� =1 0.0002 0.0004 0 0.0004 0.0003 u.uuuo 0.0007 0 0 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO L--jj 0.0003 0.0006 0 0.0005 0 o.oaoa 0 o.00a7 1 0 0.000417 0�J 0.0005 0 0.0003 0.000311 0.000711 =E 0.0006 0 0.0008 0� 0 0.0002 0.0003 0.00070.000 Ol� 0 0.0001 DO 0 U. UUU / 0.0045 0 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ON -__ 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun ;111g Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered L7X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 1 /2019 1 /2019 6/10/2019 6/11 /2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7ConC:•� E ly Violation rationL Type 0 200 280.000 Pam TPr' m�__ ED E:1�__ E] r Mml MM MM M MM on mm W mm M��� M�_� 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO X 0� L� o� o 3.6 F-1� 1.65 0� 012j.25 Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 100 140 Reg TRC 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 1 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Le vel X entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease aily F iolation< Concentrationm /LType 0 100 140 Rea TRC IM-MMi __ --_m M M��� AMM ONIA Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type ao Rpn TRC 0 2 0 0 0 Dai y ARSENIC < Concentration Violation m /L Type Ron TLN` 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 3/20/2019 3/21 /2019 5/21/201911 POTW 11 5/22/2019 POTW 5/24/201 PI OTW1 6/11 /2019 6/12/2019 6/1312019 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement _Me Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 0.005 , 0.006 Ran TQr 1 1111 �� 1 1111 �_ 1 1111 1 1111 _� 1 1111 1 1111 �_ �� 1 1111 �_ L-I u.uuu'll 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ire Daily < Concentration Violation m L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO COPPER Tl y Violation centration m /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TOrl 1 1 / 1 - - 1 1 1 1 M�_� a ~ �_ �� 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: =McIntyrenufacturing IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: =Jun1 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3119gQn Self 3/20/2019 F Self 3/21 /2019 Self 3/21/19b Self 5/21 /2019 POTV 5/22/2019 POTV 5/24/2019 POTV 5/29/2019 POTV 6/10/2019 Self 6/11/20191 Self 6/12/2019 r Self Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0.06 Ran TRr` 1 11 1 11 ] M�__ 0 5 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Wi,, < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0.06 Ran TRf` `< 0.00025 < 0.00025 0 0.00025 < 0.00025 < 0.00025 0.00025 I—< <I< 0.00025 << 0.00025 0 0.00025 0 0.00025 0 0.00025 <� 0.00025 0� 0 o------ 1 1 u.uuu;t 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO --Daily MERCURY < Concentration Violation m /L Type D�j Ran TRf` E El M�_� MM a��� ] E�__ 1 0 1 U Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #'0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level X entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 3/20/2019 3/21 /2019 3/21 /19b 5/21 /2019 6/10/2019 6/11 /2019 6/12/2019 6/13/2019 Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2128/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement DLYRr] Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 03.7 4.44 Ran TR(` - El 0.057 M MM LJ 0.07601 0 3 0 I NICKEL Fally Violation Concentration m L Type 0.111 0.12 Req TRC Q 0i 0.0039 0.0059 E:] 0.007 0= 0.0072 0 Q 0.0084 0.0073 0.016 �] 01 0.011 0.01 0 0 Of� 0.0059 0.0083 0� 0� I I U.UU871 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Ran TGr M�__ M� 1 M�_� M�__ M�__ M�__ j� 1 150.20001 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 Self 3/20/2019 Self 3/21/2019 Self 3/21/19b Self 5/2POTW 5/22/2019 PI POD 5/29/2019 POTW 6/10/2019 Self 6/11 /2019 Self 12120 212019 Self 6/13/2019 FSelf —I Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0 0.02 0.024 Ran TRr` � 1 111 1 111 r 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SILVER Daily < Concentration TTtioneiTyr /L 0 0.02 0.024 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ZINC ily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� 1.2 Ron Tor, - 1 I• 1 11 - 1 1 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan =Jun2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered I X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY ❑ally Da < Concentration Violation < ry Violation ,L Type Concentration Type L 01 Fj� Rep TRC Ran Tar L 1 0.00481 0 1 0 = MM M M __ 1.0700 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% • • Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall 0� Ran TRr` M�__ M�__ M�__ M�__ 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entereedd entX Sample ID!a!tej Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/19/2019 3/2012019 3/21 /2019 3/21/19b 5/21 /2019 5/24/2019 5/29/2019 6/10/2019 6111 /2019 6/12/2019 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 1st half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Qaily Violation ail < Concentration < Concentration Violation m /L Type m /L TYPe 0� Q 10 12 Reg TRC RPn TRr. 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7.9 M�__ M��_ M�__ M�__ M��� . 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name:F;VO31 tyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered. Level(UL)FF entered Exi Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/23/2019 Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019' Self 9/26/20191 Self 10/22/2019 POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 b POTW 11/21/2019 Self 11/22/2019 11/26/2019 11/27/2019 Self Self Self 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - - - - - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) — — — Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 Req TRC 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :•I Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type 0 200 280.000 Rpn TRr - M�__ a M�__ 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Daily Violation < Concentration L Type m 0 100 140 Ron T01' 4.bu 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # j0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease ally Violation < Concentration m /i Type 100 140 Flan TRr in M AMMONIA ai y < Concentration Violation ma/L Type 0� Ran TFN` 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0.0080 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 AMMONIA ai y < Concentration Violation ma/L Type 0� Ran TFN` 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� Rea TRC 0.0080 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) e (DL) entered Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/23/2019 Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26/2019 Self 10/22/2019 POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 PO 10/24/2019 b — POTW 11 /21 /2019 Self 11 /22/2011 Self 11 /26/2019 Self 11 /27/2019 Self 0 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Me Daly Violation < Concentration ma/L Type 0 0.005 0.006 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Me Daily Violation < Concentration m L Type Q 0.2 0.24 Ran TR(` 0 12 COPPER a y Violation <TConcentration L Type mai0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRC'_ M��� 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Elu-Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit L 9/23/2019 Self 9/24/2019 Self 9/25/2019 r Self 1. 10/23/2019 10/24/2019 10/24/2019 b 11 /21 /2019 11 /22/2019 11 /26/2019 11 /27/2019 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Ually Violation < Concentration m L Type 0.05 0.06 Ran TRr. f� 0 5 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO N Daily Violation < Concentration /L TYpe Q 0.05 0.06 Ron TR!` U.0005 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY DalIY Violation < Concentration m L TYpe 0� Ran TRr ED E:E��!Wm � rM 0.0001 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/2812020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement JLYRr Daily Violation < Concentration Type /L 0l 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO r-sa dy < Concentration Violation m /L TYpe Q 0.1 0.12 Ran TRC' - 1 11• __ - 111 - 1 1 - 1 1 0.0086 0 11 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daley < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0� Ran TRC` -�__ 1 5.04001 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2019 Detection Level L (DL) entered Level LX enteredd 7 Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit II 9/251201911 Self II 10/22/2019 POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 b POTW 11 /21 /20191 Self 11 /22/2019 Self 11 /26/2019 Self 11 /27/2019 FSelf —I Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM y Violation < Concentration mall Type 0 0.02 _ 0.024 Ran TRC � 111 El 0.0005' _ 0i0 U 5 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? E 0.00025 0 0.00025 << 0.00025 0 0.00025 Q 0 `0 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0 0.00025 0.00025 0I 0.00025 --] 0.00025 0.0002q 0!�J 0 0 0� 0.0003 SILVER Daly Violation < Concentration 1L Type Q 0.02 0.024 Reg TRC 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� 1.2 Ran TRC MM U Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Ju-:Dec 2 119 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily Fcm,,,, centration Violation Daily Violation F Concentration Type m L Type 0� 0� Rea TRC Ran TRC' - 1 11 • __ L 1 0.00671 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM —__ __ -�__ - 1 __ - - -�__ -�__ -MM_� -�__ -�__ -�__ 0.6500 j 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • illy Violation < Concentration /L Type 0E-- Ll Ran TRC: 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 4 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2019 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/23/2019F Self 9/24/20191 Self 9/25/2019 Self 9/26/201J Self 10/22/2019 POTW 10/23/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 POTW 10/24/2019 b POTW 11/21/2019 Self 11 /22/2019 Self 11 /26/2019 Self 11 /27/2019 Self 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2019 half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2020, 9:13 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM 0 Daily � Dail Violation Concentration Violation < Concentration L TYPe /L Type MOM o� ro 10 12 Rea TRC RPn TRC. A A 0.0445 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO lm�Mm M MM M��__ l Mm __ MM ' MM m __I mm �rMM 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Workbook Name: HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 1 of 6 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 03/04/16 Allocation Table updated: 03/22/19 Permits last modified: f}3122/19 Porw !!!Mby C:1 NPDES#=> NC0024112 IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Count (please list alphabctidy) 1 Advanced Motorsports 2 Brasscraft - Thomasville 3 Custom Drum Services 4 Finch Industries 5 McInl 're Metals 6 7 8 9 10 Industry Permit Pipe number number 0028 001 0008 001 0029 1001 0018 1001 0031 1001 Column Totals => Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (ibs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL ltbs/dao => HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Spreadsheet Instructions: -- 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "2" 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 6, Section C. 3) HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names, MAHI-s, Basis, and Uncontrollbl namee load in this AT worksheet are automatically entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant coIumns AT through BK. s al — I Type Renewal Modification of Effective Effective rdustry Date Date 'latin, 1/31/2017 1/31/2017 n Was 2/l/2016 3/22/2019 latin, 1/31/2017'latin rCo/1/0ve 7217 Date Permit Limits Permit Ex Tres MGD al/c '31/2022 0.0250 25 31/2022 0.0300 30 31/2021 0.0150 15 31/2022 0.0360 36 NPDES Permitted 0.1460I 1 NPDES 6.0000 2.2700 3.7300 0.1460 3.5840 96.1 % 59.7 % 0.3000 Permit Limits Conc. Load mg I lbs/da 1000.00 375.3E 200.00 66.72 4442 10759 3313 7446 442 7004 94.1 65.1 538 BOD TSS Cd Cr Permit Limits Conc. Load 62.55 90.07 33.36 1 10759 4222 6537 186 6351 97.2 % 59.0 538 Workbook Name: HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 2 of 6 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 03/04/16 11259 Allocation Table updated: 03/22/19 1877 Permits last modified: 03/22/19 1.575 0.0120 1.1250 1.5000 Hamby Creek WWTP NCO024-112 Industry ]UP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Count (please listalphabeticly) number number Permit Limits Conc. Load m rl lbs/dav Permit Limits Conc. Load m"I lbs/dav Permit Limits Conc. Load mk:l lbs/day ---- Permit Limits Conc. Load --pv- Permit Limits Conc. Load 1-yanlue Permit Limits Conc. Load 1 Advanced Motorsports 0028 001 m=r'1 lbs/da rn 1 lbs/dav m 'l lbs/dav s/dav 2 BrasscrCustom ft - Thomasville 001 0.0020 0.0004 1.0000 0.2085 1.0000 0.2085 0.3500 0.0 3 Custom Drum Services 0029 001 0029 0.0600 0.0150 0.0020 0.0005 1.5000 0.3753 1.5000 0.3753 0.1000 0.0250 4 Finch Industries 0018 001 0.0030 0.0004 0.4000 0.0500 0.5000 0.0626 5 McImvre Metals 0i131 001 0.0020 0.0006 0.1500 0.0450 1.5000 0.4504 6 0.0050 0.0017 0.2000 0.0667 0.2000 0.0]to 7 8 9 10 Column Totals => 0 0.0150 0.0036 0.7456 1.1634 Basis=> Design 9 AS/NitrrF inhibition Stream Std Stream AS/Nit/TF Stream MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => 1000.80 1.9563 0.1327 Std inhibition Std Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day) > ( Y) = 603.92 0.0568 4.9951 9.3903 0.3532 Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => 396.88 0.0568 0.9466 1.1548 0.0435 Total Permitted to Indust (lbs/day) > Industry ( Y) = 0.00 1.8995 0.0036 4.7456 0.1447 MAIL left (lbs/day) > ( Y) = 396.88 0.0150 1.8845 0.0036 0.7456 1.1634 1.1634 0.1447 Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> 100.0 % 0.0724 3.3029 7.0720 0.1650 MAHL still available (%) _> 39.7 % 99.2 % 95.3 % 0 81.6 /0 85.9 %M53.3Percent 96.3 % 54.5 % 66.1% 075.3/0 5 Percent MAHL (I bs:'aa ) _> 50.04 0.0978 0.0066 024980.4695 HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Workbook Name : HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 3 of 6 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 03/04/16 Allocation Table updated: 03/22/19 Permits last modified: 03/22/19 NCO024112 4.5030 0.1500 ]UP Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Permit Limits Conc. Permit Limits Permit Limits -------- Permit Limits ,,...,,. Permit Limits on Permit Count (pkaSelist Mpb.baidy) number number m=/I Load lbs/dav Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. 1 Advanced Motorsports 0028 001 0.400-OY 0.0834 ma/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/day m I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 2 Brasscraft - Thomasville 0029 001 0.4000 0.1001 0.9000 0.1877 0.0300 3 Custom Drum Services 0029 001 0.9000 0.2252 0.2000 0.0500 0.0300 4 Finch Industries 0018 001 0.2000 0.0600 1.2000 0.1501 0.0800 0.0100 5 McIntyre Metals 0031 001 0.0500 0.0167 0.2000 0.0600 0.2400 6 0.1000 0.0334 0.0200 0.0067 0.0200 7 8 9 10 Column Totals => 0.2602 0.000000 0.0000 0.6564 0.0667 Basis=> Stream Std Stream Std Stream Stream MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => 1.4037 0.022082 Std Std Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) _> 0.9277 0.005680 2.9448 0.2190 Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => 0.4761 0.0795 0.3976 0.0208 Total Permitted to Indust lbs/da -> Industry ( Y) - 0.2602 0.016403 2.5472 1982 0.0667 MAIL left (lbs/day) => 0.2159 0.000000 0.016403 0.0000 0.6564 0.0667 Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => 45.3 % 100.000 1.8908 0.1314 Percent MAHL still available (%) => 15.4 % 74.3 % 74.2 64.2 % M63 5 Percent MAHL lbs/da ) => 0.0702 0.001104 0.1472 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 POTW= NPDE57k IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 03/04/16 Allocation Table updated: 03/22/19 Permits last modified: 03/22/19 > Hamby Creek WWTP NCO024112 ver Industry Limits INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Load (please list alphabeticly) number number lbs/da Advanced Motors orts 0028 001 0.0063 Brasscraft - Thomasville 0008 001 0.0075 Custom Drum Services 0029 001 Finch Industries 0018 001 0.0721 McIntyre Metals 0031 001 0.0067 Column Totals => Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 0.0925 ASINIYTF inhibition 4.8908 0.0057 4.8851 0.0925 4.7926 98.11 98.0 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/day) => 0. 4445 HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 4 of 6 Workbook Name : HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 5 of 6 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: F131c14/16 Allocation Table updated: (131?2/19 Permits last modified: Po-rw=>JHamby Creek WWTP NPDES#=> NC0024112 ]UP INDUSTRY NAMES Count (please list alphabcticly) 1 Advanced Motorsports 2 Brasscraft - Thomasville 3 Custom Drum Services 4 Finch Industries 5 McIntyre Metals 6 7 8 9 10 Industry Permit Pipe number number 0028 1001 0008 001 0029 1001 0018 1001 0031 1001 Column Totals => Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/day) _> HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 7.506 Dine Total Nitroge: Permit Limits Permit Limits Conc. Load I Conc. Load 0.3128 0.3002 0.3336 Total Phos. Oil & Greasf Permit Limits Permit Limits Conc. Load Conc. Load Me lbs/day MP.'] lbs/da 25.02 12.51 30.02 33.36 Permit Limits Conc. Load 1.4053 0.00 0.00 121.7640 0.007 AS/NittTF inhibition Design Design #REF! 19.5631 1251.000 300.24 #REF! 2.5842 760.3011 100.15 946.5900 #REF1 16.9789 490.70 200.09 #REF! 1.4053 0.00 0.00 121.7640 0.0000 15.5737 490.70 09 200n66 #REF! 91.7 % 100.0 % #REF! 79.6 % 39.2 % ##### #REF! 0.9782 62.55 15.0120 #REF! e Permit Limits Conc. Load ma'1 lbs/da 0.0000 N###### Workbook Name: HWA.AT.Hamby Creek 2019 permit mod, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 2/28/2020, 5:20 PM Page 6 of 6 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 03/04/16 Allocation Table updated: 03/22/19 Permits last modified: 03/22/19 Ponro=> Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES#— NCO024112 f 9 h I Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please list alphlictidy) number number m "I lbs/day mgjl lbs/day ro'1 lbs/day m 1 lbs/da 1 Advanced Motorsports 0028 001 2 Brasscraft - Thomasville 0008 001 3 Custom Drum Services 0029 001 4 Finch Industries 0018 001 5 McIntyre Metals 0031 001 6 7 8 9 10 Column Totals => 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000( Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (ibs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000( MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL I lbs/davl => HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Pretreatment Program Info Database printed on: 12/20/2019 for Program Name Thomasville WWTP Name Hamby Creek Program Approval Date 08/26/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region WSRO County Davidson NPDES N b Stream Information IWC % at 7Q10 95.58 7Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 0.43 / 0.28 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 0.36 / 0.24 Stream Classification C Basin Number YAD07 Receiving Stream Name HAMBY CREEK um er NC0024112 Last PAR Rec 03/01 /2019 PAR Due Date 03/01 /2020 mercury NPDES Effective Date 10/01/2014 1631 Current Fiscal 12/19/2018 re uired NPDES Expire Date 04/30/2019 Year PCI Done q POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 05/10/2017 Audit Year Next21/22 es Design Flow mgd 6.0000 ova Design mgd is SIU permitted 2.43 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt_SIU) 146 WWTP SIU's Program SIUs 5 WWTP CIU's Program CIUs� HWA ' LTMP )' IWS 1 SUO ERP date Inactive Date Next Due 10/01/2020 04/30/2020 Date Received by DWR 10/26/2015 01/25/2019 07/03/2015 01/ 11/2013 08/07/2008 Date Approved 03/04/2016 03/05/2019 09/11/2015 03/25/2013 L10/09/2008 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT —Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name g.Prime Phone1 ext Fax HWA Wksp IUP Wksp PAR Wksp Mr. Kelly Craver 1 11(336) 475-4220 336-472-4283 4/27/2000 Kelly.Craver@Thomasville-nc.gov lAssistant City Manager IPO Box 368 27361 Ms. Misty Conder Prim (336) 475-4246 336-476-0130 11 5/6/2010 1 9/27/2011 1 1/24/2006 Misty. Conder@thomasville-nc.gov Laboratory Supervisor PO Box 368 27361 Mr. Morgan Huffman 1 336-475-4246 1 11 1/19/2006 Pretreatment Related NOVs from D 4/10/1997 NOD -failure to get required TOMPs 11/4/1997 PCI Inspection-tomps not done 4-11-1998 PAR in bad shape 9/1/1998 Audit -NOD -assume failure to enforce??????? -check this DWR Central Office Contact Imonti Hassan DWR Regional Contact jJim Gonsiewski h ist�1q� IN REPORT 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half Finch Industries PreviousNames: IUP # 0018 Pipe # 1 SIU word Description: metals IUP Status: Active Copper I I I IX I I Reporting I I I I IX I 1 Brass Craft - Thomasville PreviousNames: Thomas Manufacturing Co., Inc. IUP # 0008 Pipe # 1 SIu word Description: metals IUP Status: Active Selenium I XIX I I I I I Advanced Materials Coatings PreviousNames: Advanced MotorSports Coatings IUP # 0028 Pipe # 01 SIu word Description: metals, 433 IUP Status: Active Reporting I IX I IX IX XIX X I X Custom Drum Services PreviousNames: Velspar (permit #0001) UP # 0029 Pipe # 001 SIu word Description: drums, Recondition Steel drums IUP Status: Active BOD I I I X X1 I I X Cadmium X1 I 1X 1 1 1 1 Chromium I I 1 1 1 1 X 1 Nickel XIX XIX IX I IX X1 X Reporting I I XIX X1 I X1 1 Selenium I I I I IX I 1 An 'X' in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON: 12/20/2019 This information is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified. PAGE 69 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. hist� �� IV REPORT TSS Zinc XI XI I I XI I I I XI I X McIntyre Manufacturing Group PreviousNames: McIntyre Metals UP # 0031 Pipe # 001 SIU Word Description: metals, IUP Status: Active Molybdenum I XIX TSS I I I I I XI An 'X' in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON: 12/20/2019 This information is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified. PAGE 70 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted.