HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011475 Ver 1_Site Plan_20011024 / a cixc7a vts?~ l ~ O C7 ~ U z ~ z~ ~ W ~ ~ Z r \ G, ago _ _ N ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w " N i r~ G ~ N N 03 ~ W ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ E 54~ ~ o 2 a , 's \ I e 1 ~ I c ~ C7 x ~ I j z z ~ W a °a ~ ; _ , ~ I ~ 'o ~ N ~ ~4 N ' o z i ~ ~JO , ~ m E; 7 i _ _ ~ 06. fir:, ~ Z w ~ ~ ~ I i a ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ I I ~ ~ 1 o ~ i ~ i ~ ~ LIMIT 4F ~ II i % DISTURBED i ~ 1 j ' PROPOSED ~ ~ i ' i ~_I ~ I , i CH & BERM j I r , i ~ , PHASE 2 f ~ f FUTURE) - / ~ , ~ ~ i / i~ ~ r~ _ _ ~ ~ i / i ~ 1 ~ HU~VARD GAFF RC 1 ~ ' , i _ - i J ~ ~ L ~i I r i i fi- / a r ~ ~ ~ _ i C ~ r ) U ~ ~ n ~ ~ SED TRAP #2 ~ ~ ~ TRAP #2 ~ ~ ~ AREA IZE 80X120 ~ ~ V=17,80 FT. ,ZE 80X120 a t~' ° 0 F'T. , ~ w z i - , ~ ~ U] i ~ _ _ ~ ~ i - ~ v i ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED x ~ a ~ RIP--RAP _ ~ j ~ _ ~ CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ 2.1 SLOPE ~ ~ EEL~END W ~W ~ ` + ~ a - XXxxX -SILT FENCE a AREA D D ~ ' ' PROPOS \ 6 ~ ~ 2.88 Ac ' r-a ~ , , i , , L ~ . ~ TRAM - NT TRAF' O SEDIME ~ / ~ ~ o00 -RIP-RAP DITCH ~ o G~ ~ ~ y ~ H ~ ! ~ i ~ ~ SEDIMENT TRAP ~1 - -LIMIT of D(S?URBANCE 'z a / _ x AREA SIZE 40'X78' ~ w V=6 240 Ff' ~ -srRaw BADS ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ aw + PRO DO LE x ' FEN Q / + + - _ ~ ~ i ~ - / ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ / + 0 0 U ~ ~ PROP D DOUR / ~ FENCE + - U~ / + O - ~ ~'F~EJE~T Sur~MAR~~ ~ v, i' / 5 p D~ % / ti - - w ~ ~ ~ ~ x + , C%, + / raTa~ RRO~ECT AREA ~.~o A~ T(iiAL DISTURBED AREA 6.01 Ac + ~ + i + / + p~0 PHASE I / PROPOSED RRp iE~T AREA 5,60 Ac. D~;T~~RBEp AREA 3,81 Ac Q / + / .J D A ~ / Q ~ + 1.15 CHANNEL RHA;E ~ ~ PROJECT AREA 3.10 Ac. ~ / J ~ / + DI~.TURRED AREA 2.22 Ac. i t / + U1 E'' z z w PROPOSED ~ - - 30 CMP - - w a C ~ ~ _ o a - a o a a ~QH z r'''~~ ~ LHd1T OF z ~o DL~TURBED AREA ~ U z z Q ~ o ~ ~ ~ o w w H r 1.00 50 0 > m Q l ~ C7 m ~ i ~ ~ Z W a u , - aO ~u o GR~PI~[(' SC~I,I~ I(, ~(,~I,I~, z 3 ~ ~ ri O W ~Z r o ~ O 0 ~ ~e SHEET 201 1 of 3 egKER s2~n~ 0 3'p~ O c7 ~ z~ ctr~s rm U ~ s- z~ z w m i W N M r ~ w FE",, ~ ~ 4~ wy ~ N f-i ~ U ~ N z ~ N N rr~~ C7 ~ F-i `~i E 545., p 52 --r ~ i ~ w w x a ~ o L.,Fb w ~ w o SEDA(ENT TRAP #2 ~ w H N Z i ~ AREA SIZE 4374 FT ~ m ,i V=8998 FT ° ~ ~ m ~ -i- , l , ~ , N ~ ~ 4'~ 0• ~ " ~ Ei w o E ~ z E 7 ~ ~ 06.4 ~ 06.4 ~ i a . 6 , r ~ o LHQT OF ' i'~~ DISTURB D AREA ~ 0. ~ ~ PROPOSED ~ _ 11 l i ~ ~ ~ RIP-RAP ~ 1_,_ ~ ' ~ ~ PROPOSED I ~ f CHANNEL - _ ~ ~ DITCH & B i ~ ~ , / \ I ~ i i i ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED ~ ~ ~ ; i ~ - STRAW BAILS ' ~ o / a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ f / ~ ~ F11. ~ - ~ ~ ^'i'/'~ ~ DISTURB J HOWARD GAP RD ~ DISTURB i ; ; ~ 1 2 Ac. ~ 62 Ac. - ; _ _ I ~ ~ ~ U ; , ~ ~ n ~ ~i ~ ~ • ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ r! ~ i _ ~ ~ ~ ~ o' s~ w , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x 1~ W ~ I r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / , , ; A ~ ~ i CP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ Q a a x ~ a I 4, i i ~ ~ . \ J E~ ~ 1 ~ 6, , ~ ; i ~ / ~1 SEDIMENT TRAP ~1 ~ ~ v ~ AREA SIZE 1875 FT $ w -1- , w ~ ' ; ~ i OPOSED I OPOSED UBLE ~ ~ ~ V=2680 FT. ILT FENCE ~ i ~ ~ ' r ' ~ i SILT FENCE I - ~ i i ~ ~i, ~ 2:1 SLOPE , ~ ~ ~ / ~ ' ~ i /j' ~ / ~ 3 Z j~ ~ - l~`i ~ ~ O - O F ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ 0~ _ ~ w ~ / • ~ ~ l ~ _ Z Q PROPOSED j! I ~ Y J/ ~ + _ L_E SEND Z ~ ~ RIP-RAP ~ ' ~ ~ it ~ ~I I I ` 1 S 1 x` ~ ~ ' j , ~ W CHANNEL i i ~ x XXXXX -SILT FEN`E ,i~~i`~~~~ i e PROPOSED , ~ ~,~'.i',I~i t' PROP ~ " ~ -SEDIMENT TRAP STRAR BAIIS AREA D {~iil;~~;!. -6 , ~ ~ ~ , ~ ; ~ ~ ~ -0.82+! o00 -RIP-RAP DITrH Q ~ ~ r ~ " ' Qi' ~ c ~i ~ } -L[MIT OF DL.TURBANCE / I` '~,~'iL~Ii ti ~ -STRAW BAILS ;'i i' '',,1 i , ~ , ~i i~, , ~ ~ x z ~ ~ o i ~ j'i ~i~' 'y I ~ ~'i ~r o ~i~ j' ~ i /'~~~~;A ~ , ~ / ~ ~ ~ fir- A LIMIT OF w 11 < < . , DISTURBED AREA -T) x ~ , 5 , i / ~.G, . , ti ~ ~ ~ ; I I r' - , PRN_IECT SUMMARY j;~ G - ~ TpTAL PRC)JECT AREA 8,70 Ac. I ~ , r / T(]TAL DISTURBED AREA 6.01 Ac ~ i i PHASE 1 Q 1. ~ , i o ~ , = PR(JJECT AREA 5.60 Ac, ~ ~ ~ ti ~ r' ; DISTURBED AREA 3.81 Ac, ~ ~ / z ~ 1 , ~ - / 1 ~ PHASE 2 Z w PRpJECT AREA 3.10 Ac. ~ , i ~ ~ DISTURBED AREA 2.22 Ac. w a ~ f 1 ~ ~ ~ - ; - o a a o a a ti, ~ ~o /6~ ~Q~ `I ? r~ z 0 ~ U \ U-. ~ y}~~~ » ~ z ~ 7 ~ i~\ z Q i ; ~ o a ~ c~ o w w H .Y } ~mtio a3 aaY 100 50 0 0 1()0 ~W x _ ~ Z ,r _ _ _ Z GRAPHIC SCALE-1~~ _ ~ ~o 0 oZ la's ~o o o h A w ' e,~N ASS Grp . ~ ~ ~ ~ SHEET 1e 2 of 3 egKER 8 2 r x ESTABLISHMENT of COVER CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE All areas disturbed during construction shop have an The following is the typical procedure for rood construction. acceptable cover established within 15 working Boys or RaA1 olalc ~ 60 calendar days, whichever is less, of the completion 1. Flagging initial clearing limits. O ~ of temporary or final grading operations. U Z e~ 2. Installation of required protective devices for Z ~ /LTER FAiL PNC Cover shall/ may include: sedimentation control as required. ~ POST (MAk 10' APART) I 25' YIN. TD SECTION z 1NOODS MULCH: shall be ground tree bark or chopped tree 3. Clearing, rough grading and grubbing of site including F-r p,~ m trimmings spread at o depth of not less than three (3) installation of culverts with temporary protection ~ p ACTIVE WAIERCOl/RSE REFER TO Slit p CLEAN STONE A' AryN ~ FENCE DETAIL inches. Ground surface shall be slightly smoothed to insure os required. Grading operations includes ongoing cleaning W m t' 2' 9LT DITCH, 16"x t2" APPROa., _ post#ive drainage. and maintenance of sediment control devices. W ~ ao W ~ cv CLEAN OVi AS REWIRED W SPECS. t' fREEBOAAD MIN. oMn ~n+. TEMPORARY SEEDING, 4. Finished groding immediately follows rough groding. ~ v 3' MAX APPRO. 6" ABOVE :43 2' MIN STREAM BANK I t, t iLOW ' z no,,, Grading shop be completed so as to provide a surface ' -r suitoble for the access of seedin equipment to all oreas to 5. Road bed oreas are stabilized with ravel. ~ C7 9 y u~x.~ be seeded. g F~ Z 6' MIN. 1 ~ A•- FLOW I V2 X D PITCTi BOTTOM Ci STREAM ~ ,y CLASS I RIP/ \_a~5s ~ e~~A,~ ~rw,) 6. Slope areas ore stabilized wikh vegetation or mulch as W a MIN. ( i Lime shall be uniformly applied at the rate of two (2} tons required. W F D ~ PLAN ~I per acre (901bs/1000sf). ~ W ~ 7. All erosion control measures will be ins ected week) n ~ ~ P[PE DIA. P yod ~ ~ m Fertilizer, yrode 10-10-10, shall be applied at a rate of 800 immediate) followin rainfall. Cleonout of structures Y 9 E'+ Z ~ UT1U2E NJ AREAS WHEN DISTURBED AREA IS WTIHIN 30 FEET OF ACTIVE Mitt LENGTH 4 X D y%,L WM. WATERCOURSE. Ibs per acre (201bs/1000sf). and repairs will be made immediately. W O Z ~ Lime and fertilizer shop be lightly incorporated into the 8. Following stabilization of the site with permanent cover, p surface of the soil prior to seedin . tem orar measures ore removed and th dis r r 9 P y e to bed a eas ~ a TR AM PR T TIN TYPICAL PIPE INLET _ DOUBLE SILT FENCE s E o Ec o IN STREAM STONE FILTER NDT Nor To sDSF ILTER stobilized with vegetation or mulch. Seeding shall be with annual rye of a rate of 1201bs, acre. If hydroseeded, seed shall be mixed in a slurry with wood fiber mulch of the rate of 5001bs/acre Seeded areos shop be maintained by spot overseediny as required to provide for o uniform cover. Protect all seeded GENERAL CONSIRUCTION AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES oreos from traffic. 1 LAND CLEARING Seeded area shall be mulched with clean straw mulch at the rate of 3000 Ibs/acre. Initial land clearing operations will be handled as logging operations in those areos proposed for road PERMANENT SEEDING: construction. Suitable timber is harvested and understory so' MIH. Areas to receive permanent seeding shall be smoothed as vegetation is cleared by hand and burned. Initial clearing 3' SHOULDER 3' MINIMUM B" MIN. ROAD required to provide a clean uniform surface, lightly does not extend within a 25 foot buffer along perennial d SLOPE Ro+~ scarified. streams. ~ ~ " OOT Erosion control measures shall be in lace rior to to in ~ GROIA{0 PROFILE PERMANENT SEEDING p P gg g ~ ~ operations. auso ENKA MAT (TYPE 7070) Seeding mixture o AON tD 6011 SCONE RIP RAP ASS OR JUTE MAT OVER SEED wTINES U,1OARr RUN> R MULCH (NOTE t) 2. LAND GRADING H x Species Rate (Ib/acre) CRUSHED STONE PAD $TAKEO NYLON NETTIMG (NOTE 2) (RAILROAD BAttA51) ROAD ~o Toll fescue IQO Prior to initiating grading, measures to protect stream W tOP RP RAP RIP-RAP UITCH ONAENSIONS NOTES: - 70' YIL Sericea lespedezo 20 channels or steep slope and dra~noge ways are installed. ~ NAX I L , J MAY 1 2 2 TYPE b ft. d ft. ' -ROD in. t. USE WHEN ROAD GRADE I$ Sx 7O 8~ CONSiRUC110N ' ' ' ~ ~ " e ~ Korean lespedaza 10 Appropriate permits are in place prior to the construction of I 3~ 1.2' 18n 2 U~ WHEN ROAD GRADE I$ 61E TO 12>< l • t 3. ALL DITCH AREAS TO BE SEEDED, FERTIl12ED, ;'•,'•y,•:~ 2 t.3~ 12. AND MULCHED AS PER SPECIFICATIONS, INSTALL .:'y ~ , ' ,;'i, ~ ~ . Redtop 5 stream crossings and appropriate erosion control devices are installed. Immediate) followin initial clearin heav Korean lespedezo 5 y g 9~ Y a Ir.______p ~ MAT PROTEC7ICN AS N0ICATED ABOVE. '~'i '~r: '•'1~ . 4, ALL DITCH AREAS tlJ EKCESS OF 12x SHALL radin will roceed as re uired to excavate r o r 9 9 P q pop sed oad tz' DIA. - IB' DIA PIPES ,v2o'~ BE TREATED WI1N RIP-RAP (SEE DETAIL) beds. Cut slopes generally ore graded to 1 1/2-1 based on Seeding note soil and rock conditions. Fill slo ~ r r W peg a e g ailed and W A PIPES iv~A~-D•~ PLAN 20' DIA - 36' ?i FAONDE iETNEEN axoaoe'~aanut~ ~sno" cam acted in lifts a r pEtMEee sr~~uzto ca+smucna+ After Auq. 1, use unscarified seed for sericea lespedezo. p pp apriote to the soil material and a te~~r+cr u~o cuauc eor~ dressed at a maximum of 1 1/2.1 in critical oreos. Maximum ~ r"'' ENiRANC RIP-RAP DITCH DETAIL READ DITCH STABILIZATION Nurse plants slope in non-critical areas is 2 1. di ~ xz No 1° NoT Ta scALE Between May 1 And Aug. 15 add 10 Ib/arse German millet ar Excess soil or rock rnoteriols are distributed in areos O O 15 Ib/acre Sudongrass. Prior to Moy 1 or otter Aug. 15, add adjacent to construction to reduce slopes, or utilized H ~ 40 Ib/acre rye (grain). If may be beneficial to plant the grasses elsewhere on the project site. ~ i. Stain IM - Ua AtSMA Wa Na 1 poem. N eoelrtnnl AeM a prr (t-1/2" b 17 a AASNTO deelgn0- valNe WaT ~^p any storm don, ~ a ~ in late summer and overseed the lespedezos in March. W tpn Y43. We No. T (2 I/2" to dNSA, a wlaraeurae~a Naup~ use d I-t/~. LNe crveAed etane. tand bap, jawl, ba1N1 ar opar 3. ROAD STABILIZATION , Seeding dates Q Z. UeyM - A. aWactt», pal not lane approwl meMeNa IAan 00 Ilet 1, YaInNAlan - 1Ne enlTp 401 M Waaene/ - NOt Na tAan elgpl (Q maNrt011d h a Cp~dBMMOYaMyldi M_ z 1A174i °i Best Possible Rood beds ore stabilized with cru ed n i kl f r ?-1 Z xuM.we,.. sh sto a as qu c y a to ~ W ? tNeM NW Nee Mm tuN wNU A amo pRk rl~o a++aa~~1~ *y wq t " Below 2500 ft: Au 15 -Set 1 Jul ~5 -Set 15 the road has been brou ht to final -rode os weather ermits 9• - P• Y~ P 9 P x 4 IWb el YynO a oytao0 r0dF0 /1Ai1c top draeltN 4M S Ma4Np - M1Yn raceway OAaIY oOAbYW a6on0 a nWiM Mlwl 4dl M dOwN Io nMa teAnnl and reNOk are/a aaYNY1 M « r. Cut and fill slo es are stabilized in ~ on in moan r Ma 1 Apr. 1 Mar. 1 -May 10 p a go g e as ~ M.x construction in o given ores is compl~a~. Stabilization may a prig la enMaKa onto pubpc ri/It- mewww uM to Map lltiltrl. N 01-aaA 1yNn .4Mn9 N reWA~N, A oldlmenl epR14 erappq, O~tM a ~a Above 2500 ft: July 25 -Aug. 15 July 15 - Aug.30 include seeding or mulching with tree grindings as the 'Q fFdl M IoM m an aaa tIOpNYaf haaA00 aPto N4k ALAN-o1-0~oy rIM auMnd etas eFkh draMe Yta mad N.remor.d XrvnaOalh. an elprawl oedlmwt Mep a wArnnt ~~~r Mar. 20 -Apr. 20 Mar. 5 -Moy 15 specific conditions require Complete seeding earlier in fall, and start later in spring on 4 DUST CONTROL north- and east- facing slopes. A YETK POSTS Ai l0' O.C. MAx SILT fET1CE RETER TO DETAIL ~ TEMPORARY SEEDING During periods of extreme dryness, dust is controlled by ~ ~ o[r~ water applications at rates required to maintain the optimum t1 CM1GE, BKB (1WC. OPENMO) WELDED WNE t HOOKED CNTO -fplYED CHANNELS ON METAL POSTS. • compaction characteristics of the soil. x ~ IlL1RAYIp1LT RESISTANT (BIACA) YNKI FABRIC OR Se~inq mixturo O I EOUrvAIENT, SECURED t0 4RE w,AETAI CLIPS OR wRE t AT ty' QC i S GENERAL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES EMP~ Y Spec es Rate (Ib/acre) LO ED ~ 9 Wll SEDRBaT STORAGE LEVEL REYOVF SEgA1EN1 WFEN TMS lEMil K ~REAt?1ED OR AS ONECIED IRN. a~a n,o+ Rye (grain} 120 The following are general erosion control mechanisms employed Annual lespedezo (Kobe in throughout the construction process. Piedmont and Coastal Plain, a. Silt Fences are constructed alor,q the base of fill \ SIKET DRANADE (DNLY) ' EI(CAVAIE 4" 11 C TRENCH UPSL,QP[ FRg1 SILT FENf,E, Korean in Mountains} 50 slopes where damage to steep drainage ways, streams, is CARRY APPRiRt. IY Of FABRIC INTO TRENCH. COVER W/SOIL 6 TAMP lACJ(Flll Omit annual lespedezo when duration of temp,~rary cover is or adjacent properties may occur. Additionally, CARRY INRE AND FABRIC CNN. B" BELOW E>a$11NG GRADE. not to extend beyond June. fences ore erected around pipe inlets until final el~ ~ ra ~o m adjacent grades are established. g' FbTa ~ l~R NATURAL GRADE Ma ~TCFI ~ ara~ ct stems SECTION "I Seeding dates b. Sediment Basins or Sediment Traps ore constructed in i6 areas of high water concentration or adjacent to Mountains -Above 2500 ft: Feb. 15 -May 15 stream crossings to protect streams from siltation. NOTE: Sill FENCES SHOLID MOT BE USED IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW (CREEKS, DITMl1Ei. SWALES, ETC.) Below 2500 ft. Feb. 1 -May 1 Piedmont - JAn 1 - Ma 15 c. Temporary Diversions ore employed along the road bed Y during construction and on fill slo e areos until Coastal Plain - Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 P ~ shaping of slopes is complete. Additionally, I T N TAI TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PIT S L FE CE DE L ~T PIT temporary diversion swales are used near stream ~ NOT TO SCALE NOT Tb BCAIf crossings to direct surface water to sediment basins Q' or for lateral dispersion of water onto rotected ~ Lime shall be uniformly applied of a rate of one (1) ton per p W acre (451bs/1000sf} or as recommended by sull testing slopes, Q Fertilite, rode 10-10-10 shall be a lied at a rate of 700 d. Rip-Rap or Paved Road Ditches are established in 9 PP steep rood slope oreas to control run-off at the time a Ibs/acre immediately prior to seeding operations of road stobilizations and or avin . ~ (161bs/t000sf). / p g a e. Pipe Outlet Stabilization structures are established ~ lime and fertilizer shall be incorporotetl into the top on pipes in areas as re uired to reduce scourin and Z' surface of the entire area. q g ~ disperse concentrated storm flow. U Seed shall be applied in a manner suitoble to the terrain at 2 COLLECTED FIELD ROCK e'-f2' CU55 l RIP/RAP the rote of 120 Ibs/acre of KY31 Fescue and 15 Ibs/acre of Z German Millet. Hydroseed mixtures shall include wood fiber O MIN. t t/2' OCEP mulch of the rate of 500 Ibs/acre. EXIST. GRADE MULCH OR GRASS Z BERM a f AiNt o NA%MA1M LEVEL rx 5fp161T n CLEA11 S1pt Mulch shall be clean wheat straw mulch applied at the rote of EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE O 4000 Ibs/acre. ~ SOIL STABILIZATION ~ ' ~ COLL.ECTED, DEAN BASIL qp FABRIC ~ 8 -mud' " TMls a rtEADNm t' r 5 YIl IM. r I W t' FRE ~ All seeded areas shall be rotected from traffic. Sot 1 ~e~°ARD w"~ ~ in r i p r p .All erosion control devices will be checked for stability saed g os equ red shall occur until a unifo m stand of and proper operation immediately following each rainfall )~4" CLEAN ST01[ 6 DEPTH grass has been established. but in no case less than week) . Re uired cleanoui or 1 rT YA~1 11 YAX. Y q M~, repairs will be made immediately to maintain all devises SECTION e NOTE; ~ in good working order. cuss i rtro~u~ 1 I S' MIN, CE l For single seeding applications the following soil amendment 2 Sediment basins or traps will be cleaned out when the N~rH '~`-...t GRAVEL PIT O _ DEP1N, 11/Y rates shall apply, level of sediment reaches o point no less than 2 feet DEEP t,n c C, MA70MOM ~ C SLDN1ENi DEPM from the top of the riser or grovel filter. Grovel will Lime -two and one half (2 1/2) tons per acre be cleaned or replaced to insure proper drainage of the COLLECTED FIELD ROCK LEVEL lY£RT N0. D LA A MN w r (1151bs/t000sf) basin or trap. w. ~pPO WITH THE TOP OF BERM MN. - BERM WIDTH ALONG CHANNEL J. 1 18 6 ~I SEC110f1 2 18' 6' fertilizer -one half (1/2) ton per acre (231bs/1000sf). 3, Sediment will be removed from behind sediment fences when Row ~ D u+t 3 i6' 6' CARRY Rw/RAP U ~ aEAw 6TMK slDES a sPlutwr ~i ~ the accumulation exceeds 6 inches ai the fence. Fences ~ > . ~ 1 18 6' ~ (T~ ) 2% g ~ 12' 4' I L~Pe MAX ~ „ 6 42" t+' II I will be repaired as required to maintain a barrier. ~ z o ~ r rREEIOrRD wN. a ; ara Y U 4, All seeded areos will be fertilized, reseeded as required, ~ o _ 7 42" t4' 8 16" 6' ~ c or mulched os provided in the vegetative plan until a " °z 9 18" 6' ~ I vigorous, dense vegetative cover has been established. ~ z OBLIQUE / i j" to t6" 6' i a0 11 18" 6' I 3 5. Materials removed Pram sediment devices shall be disposed ~ o t 24 B' (-~----e PLAN of in approved areas and stobilized with vegetation. p OW i L'' ~ IMER ELEYA71~1 r ~ ~oi~ TYPICAL PIPE OUTLET SEDIMENT FILTER TRAP DETAIL ~ ~P DETAILS , , o 0 ~ DITCH & BERM NOT To SCALE NOT To SCALE ` J nor 70 SCALE ~^RO l I I 1 Ess/6ti~ti SHEET 018 _ 3 of 3 6 21 Dl o i ~ ~ o c~cta v~r' r 4 c~ U ~ ~ z~ ~f z \ ``ll f ~ a m 1v ~ ~ w ~ ~_1 N N W „ ~ w ~ 5~ o o 5.52 _ ~ ~ a • U ~ , - i C, w ~ z 0 ~ ~ ~ I --t-----._._ ~ ~ r,~ ~ ~ z z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ! 1 w `------i-__ x °a 1 I'I I ~ ~ W _ W H ~i ~ i ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ VVV 4 > N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~f ~ z 00~ ~~m ~ Z ~ ~ ~'i ~ C F' w o i - Z o~ c9 ' ' ~ ' ` , . a ~ o ~ ; i ~ I _ I~ l i ~ O ~ a A _ ~ l i~ ~ 1 i LIMIT OF j i ~ I ~ DISTURBED ~ ~~7 P POSED ~ ~ ~ , CH & BERM 1 ~ ~ r ~ i i i ~ 1 I / i ~ ~ ; i i~ F ' i a _ ~ PHASE 2 t ,I _ ~ ~ ~ I / ~ FUTURE L~I i' I f i ~ i HC~WA~D GAF' RD i'~~ ~ L _ L~ ~ ~ ~ J 1 i ~ ~ i - ~ ~ l ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~ ~ c. o ~ ~ ~ D~ SED TRAP ~2 ~ ~ TRAP 2 n~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AREA IZE 80 X120 U, U! i ~ E 80'X120' ~ ~ V=17 0 FTa ~ I FTa 0 ° 0 W z i ~ ~ i I I ~ _ ; ~ l i i ~ ; ~ ~ , ~ ~ PROPOSED v ~ x ItIP-RAP % -r ~ a I / ~ CIHANNEL 2:1 SLOPE LEGEND _ _ w i i;J W ~ ~ AREA D D XXXXX -SILT FENCE d+ 6 ~ 2.88 Ac PROPOS ~ H ~ 2 ~ W AILS „~c~ ~ -SEDIMENT TRAP O y H F-~ ~ ~ L" j - T ~ ooc~ -R1P RAP DI CH O t 1 L i - ~ i ~ ~ s~ 1 U) SEDIMENT TRAP ~ - - -LIMIT Of DISTURBANCE a' AF AREA SIZE 40'X78' _t ~ W x v~ V=8,240 FT. ~ q rsr~ -STRAW BAILS y ~ ~,o aw + P D DO LE 1~N ~x / ~ + _ - _ _ ~ i _ / ' - % / ' + Q ~ / / ~ C C~ + + ,l + ' PROP DOUB / / _ O ~ ~.r1 FENCE + / x z _ ` _ - o ~ / 5 Pf~OJECT SUMMARY D~ P ~ ' / - / A - w A ~ + x O TOTAL PROJECT AREA 8.70 Ac. V ~ TDTAL DISTURBED AP,EA 6.01 Ac i + -i / + ~p PHASE 1 ~ + / / PROPOSED PRaJErI AREA s6o A~. RIP-RAP DISTURBED AREA 3,31 Ac + 0 + / D t~~ ~ ~ 115 CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ ~ + PHAE 2 i PROJECT AREA 3.10 Ac. DI':;IUF'BED AREA 2,2~ Ac. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Ul k ~ H PROPOSED ~ . z z w 30" C MP w a ~ - - o a a o i ~ ~ ~ a ~ LIMIT OF ~qN z DISTURBED AREA z ~o O U ~ - Z z ~A Q ~ o Q _fi ~ ~ ~ o x w w ~ 00 50 O ll l 1.I 1.1 ~ r 1~-- ~ m - % t5 ~ ~ o - ii. p., ~ ~ Y `_Y ~W ao GRA~'f-{1C ~C~'~Lf~- I Z 3 U7 Ow OZ r, I~ ~m O O O CA SHEET 201 1of3 qk J~ ER _ C) ~ ~ z~ cum vm? U z~ ~ ~ am a ~ W N ~ w H ~ ~ r ` ~'~p ap?D ~ N ay C?~ w \ ~ U ~ ~e~j0 r--+ • z ~ C7 j V ~ c7 ~ Z z 1 V ^ 1 o J) 7 - d'1 ~ N U...31 ~ E 545. _ 52 ~ w ~a a ~ w -f SEDD[ENT TRAP #2 1 w H 1 ~ i Z z H rw ~ AREA SIZE 4374 FT _ a ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ V-8998 FT. ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 W Z 706. E7 _ 06.4 ~ 6, ~ o O a ~ ' Lp~IT OF ~ ; i I~ ~ ~ , DISTURB AREA W 1 - ~ i, PROPOS ~ (fl ~ ~ l ~ o o RIp_RAp ~ ~ « I- \ r ~ ~ PROPOSED CHANNEL ~ ~ DITCH ~ BER t ~ I ~ , ~ ~ / i ~I - ~ ~ / i 1 , ~ ~f~ ~ , ~ ~ PROPOSED , _ ~ i STRAIT BAILS r' i ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ j C~, _ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - _ z HOWAf~D RD ~ r LfJ~ O li DISTURB o i . , 2 Ac. 2 U ii _ j~ ~ LL ~ i i ~ / _ J ~2 ~ i) ~ / ~ . ~ ~ ~ Y i i ~ o ~ ~ / i , ti ; ~ W , ~ ; ; ~ / z ti,~~' ' w r p ~ ~ i~ ~ / ~ t ~ r 0 x i a ~ , ~ ~ ~ % / mil; a o ~ 0 ~1 SEDIMENT TRAP #1 - / i ~ ~ / v~ AREA SIZE 1675 FT w ~ a w ~ ~ r ~ ~ , . ~ , ; PROPOSED ~ ' ~ ~ . 1 ~ , ; ,'SILT FENCE 7ROPOSED UBLE ' + ~ V=2880 FT. ~ SILT FENCE i f ~ ~ ~ ~ ,`u ~ ~ ~ ' / ~ - ~ ~ / 2:1 SLOPE ~ / ~ ~ ~ J ~ O j ; / ~ ~ i/ ~ ~ ~i ~ O - H Ul c~ I i ~i, U~ a ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~0 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W - z Q ~ n ~ i . 2 ~ ~ I ~ 2 ~ i I ~ ~ PROPOSED LEGEND ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~ rt , , - + - RIP-RAP ~ + w 1 f Z ~ ~ CHANNEL x Q, XXXXX ~[L T FENCE 1~ i i - a PROPOSED C7 -SEDIMENT TPAP /~a ~1 j PRO e l h... 1 t ~ N ~ STRAIT BAIIS AREA D D ~ I ~ 1 ._o, ~ / o00 -R[F-RAP DITCH Q 0.824 ~ I; r*~ ~ - ~ -LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE ~~yy ~ r~ I t ~ ~ U crm -CT.AW A .S O R B Il x z ~ ~ . , i \ i ~ LIMTf OF w T DISTURBED AREA ~ I , ~ i ; ; ~ i ~ A J 0, ~--,~i- ~ '~r vv~ -1 i ~~j ~ ~ y, y ~ I i /1 ~~`r,, ~ ~j~' l..i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / „~~i~~ F'~'!]JEi=T SUMMARY ~ r ~ a~ i~, ~ ~ Tf]TAL RRCIJECT AREA 8,70 Ac. I 1 ~ TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 6.01 Ac. ~ _ PHASE 1 D ~ FRO JET: T AREA 5.60 Ac. ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ i' i i , ~ , ~ , DISTURBED AREA 3.81 Ac. F-+ ~ z RHASE 2 / ~ ~ ~ PPU .iEC T AREA 3.10 Ac. DISTURBED AREA 2.2c Ac. w ~ ~ i t ~1 % _ _ ry - _ 0 a _ ~ - X_~- - a a ~ ~ BAH z ~ ~ ' ~ ~ z ~o v, ~ U ~ . z ~ ~ ~ ~ Q o 1 a ~ c~ o w w H -Li _a > r~mtio a ; ai Y 1.00 50 0 ° ~ _ e Z ~ _ Q - ~ o C~l~f'~PI~1C ~C;~[,~~,' . ~ .~c.a~,~, ~ I o o~ ~z I~ ~ 0 0 CAR;: o ti SHEET 018 2 of 3 q a~ k~R ~ ~c ,r,,--, wy, n,:,k,,, r;. :,~'-e,w.~:,•,~xsatiF~darkwwa;."~a&~'.R?~:,.~~~lslwf _ r, ~tl~.. +i~~s~, ~r~,?PSr :c.r;~;~;a ,PM;v,,:, - ~ ~ AP k. YV nis-9'Ku~sfdLc .Ft ~,~.s.,. rc r. r}+t'".s,.'u'Yil+".. .too- p.•t~k a4F +e ptir {y~~A} 4rv,€.i'. ~E"'~.M?`.M "~tr^'.+.a`kr 4~e"r,5t{r£r.#.~.A.t.-~.a +-:ih':W~-1+6firS~.Y„d»r}'.R`, .h&~"~.egFS~A'RST."3c45t'wR. .,^.?PA'.. _ .3e A. St Aft, +A" '~i5e~a`;o~ ~ ..~,-.r 4x= ~ t'a ,aa!':?xf'~aq , v. - _ ESTABLISHMENT of COVER CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE All oreos disturbed during construction shall have an The following is the typical procedure for read construction. acceptable cover established within 15 working days or 60 calendar days, whichever is less, of the completion 1. Flagging initial clearing limits. U of temporary or final grading operoiions. U Z ~ 2. Installation of required protective devices for Z ~ PLT[R FAQ ~ Cover shell/ may include: sedimentation control as required. ~ I POST (MA%. t0' APART) z WOODS MULCH: shall be round tree bark or chopped tree 3. Clearing, rough grading and grubbing of site including H p., m 9 trimmings spread of a depth of not less than three (3) installation of culverts with temporary protection ~ W ~ ~ 25 MIN. TO SECTION n GLEAN STONE ACTIVE WATERCOURSE REFER TO SILT inches. Ground surface shall be slightly smoothed to insure as required. Grading operations includes ongoing cleaning W ~ op ~ A~ ~ FENCE DETML t' Y MM. MN. positive drainage. and maintenance of sediment control devices. Wr ~ N SIU DQCN, t6". f2" APPROX., t' FRCEBOARO MM. CLEAN a,i AS REWIRED N SPECS. F--I U TEMPORARY SEEDING. 4. Finished grading immediately follows rough groding. ~ ~ x 3' MAX S1~RENAX BAN ~ ~ FLaM 1 1 Grading shall be completed so as to provide a surfoce + now C5 suitable for the access of seeding equipment to ?II areas to 5. Road bed oreos are stabilized with grovel Z x be seeded. W ~ BOTTOM OF ~ ~ 6' MIN. FLOW ) 1/2 X D STREAM \ „a ~ "``~--CLAS Rw RAR rw. 6. Slope Areas are stabilized with vegetation or mulch as ~ "~_aASS / ( ~ W CLASS 1 RF1RaM 12" Lime shall be uniformly opplied at the rate of two (2) ions required. W H r r I s t000sf . Z z pe ace (90 b / ) I in week) end ~ MIN. ~ 7. All erosion control measures wi I be spected y ~ ~ PLAN I D l PIPE DIA. Fertilizer, grade 10-10-10, shall be applied at a rate of 800 immediately fallowing rainfall Cleonout of structures ~ x ~ NOTE: UTEI2E IN AREAS WtfN DISTURBED t 5 Ibs per acre (201bs/t000sf). and repairs will be made immediately. iz W ~ AREA IS WITHIN 30 FEET aF AC1rvE MIN. LENGTH 4 % D ~ ~ WATERCOURSE. F I w' iii otion of the site with ermonent cover, ~ ~ O Lime and fertilizer shop be lightly incorporated into the 8. of o ing stab z p surface of the soil prior to seeding. temporary measures ore removed and the disturbed oreos Q a stabilized with vegetation or mulch, U TYPICAL PIPE INLET IN-STREAM STONE FILTER DOUBLE SILT FENCE STREAK PROTECTION E FILTER Seeding shall be with annual rye at a rote of 1201bs/acre. NDT ro SCALE NOt ro SwYE if hydroseeded, seed shop be mixed in a slurry with wood fiber mulch at the rate of 5001bs/acre. Seeded oreos shall be maintained by spot overseeding as required to provide for o uniform cover. Protect all seeded GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND EROSIGN CONTROL PRACTICES areas from traffic. 1 LAND CLEARING Seeded area shall be mulched with clean straw mulch ak the rate of 3000 Ibs/acre. Initial land clearing operations will be handled os logging operoiions In those areas proposed far road PERMANENT SEEDING' construction. Suitable timber is harvested and undersiory so' MIN. Areas to receive permanent seeding shall be smoothed as vegetation is cleared by hand and burned, Initial clearing d 3' SMOULDER 3' MINIMUM required to provide a clean uniform surfoce, lightly does not extend within a 25 foot buffer along perennial scarified, streams. p MN. ' R( ROAD SLOPE ' OOT Erosion control measures shall be In place prior to logging ~ U PERMANENT SEEDING operations. EXISTING PROFILE cRa,r,D ~ Eosnnc cRairaD Seeding mixture 2 LAND GRADING x ENKA MAT (TYPE lOtO) Species ' Rate (Ib/acre) r 1UA TD ti0A SiClE RIP RAF' .rLRA$S OR ~1E MAT OVER SEED Bc MULCH (NOTE t) VrF1NES ~DLWtY RUN> CRUSHED STONE PAD Row T II fescue iL~O Prior to initiating grading, measures to protect stream w STAKED NriON NETTING (NOTE 2) (RAILROAD BALUST) RC channels ar steep slope and drainage ways are installed, Sericea lespedeza 20 Appropriate permits ore in place prior to the construction of Q+ F ~ ~ R~ RIP-RAP DITCH DIMENSIONS NOTES: M~' "'YX I ~ d - yA ~ T. USE WHEN ROAD GRADE IS SX TO 8a Korean lespedeza 10 stream crossings and appropriate erosion control devices are 2 I _ TYFE bit. d 1t -R in. T CONSTRVCTKk1 , + ~ 1 1 " 2. USE WHEN ROAD CRADE IS BS 0 12X ENTRANCE + ,I 3 8 3. ALL DITCH AREAS TO BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED, , Redto 5 'TI p installed. Immediptely following initial clearing, heavy Korean les edeza 5 a 2' L3~ 1?" AND MULCHED AS PER SPEgFICAT10NS, INSTALL ' I~_,._____p._-.-__„~ MAT PROTECTION 5 w01CATED ABODE. p groding will proceed as required to excavate proposed road ~ beds. Cut slopes enerally ore graded to 1 1/2:1 based on W 9 4. ALL DITCH AREAS RJ E%CESS OF 12f: SHALL BE TREATED IN1N RIP-RAP (SEE DETA~) PLAN Seeding note soil and rock conditions. Fill slopes are graded and a Ir Bla IR• DIA wPES ,v.e'D', to' DIA :>6' BIA Plus v=a-a•+ it m riot and W r-~ DoE "RPRO~""~ reu+~°0N After Au 1, use unscanfied seed for sencea lespedeza. compacted in lifts appropriate to the so ate BETNEEN stAen.izED coes~ucnon 9 dressed at o maximum of 1 1/2 1 in critical oreos. Maximum eNmA"cc ANO vu~ic Row- .Q' Nurse plants slope in non-critical areas is 2.1. ~ ,z RIP-RAP DITCH DETAIL ROAD DITCH STABILIZATION NoT ro scuc ENTRANC a Between Ma 1 And Au . 15 add 10 Ib 'arse German millet or g / Excess soil or rock materials ore distributed in oreos Y 15 Ib/Acre Sudangrass. Prior to May 1 ar after Aug. 15, add adjacent to construction to reduce slopes, or utilized ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE 40 Ib/acre rye (grain). It may be beneficial to plant the grasses elsewhere on the project site. ~ I. Stone aYe - Uw MSNA IW Na 2 Meln. M w,Ment lhdl M yr in lake summer and overseed the lespedezos in March. w M wlnlnl Inal eI err ~ 3. ROAD STABILIZATION Q 12-1/2' b 1') a MSNTO daYAne- wantN kam ant«Ap mY Ilan 6 " la, Mwa Iha Ma 212 t/Y a dRdA « aotatowaa tAraupA we a t-,/Y). uw w ttam. aeM ~ Va+~ eoadl a otlr« kan In11rIp ary Ilan draft ~J .oweov<.I >+~o" ~ or Seeding dates ~F-Hrr ~j Z. lrpN - N ewaetM, tut not lar oppowd maBbda ~ aD sw. e. MdMansia - TM entronce eaa c a~ va+. coos a otlra ,n. Mama w Best Possible Raad beds are stabilized with crushed stone as quickly after W s. TAWYnII -Not Nr tNa+ +cNt IB) motnWhao h o cmdnion .nxn w wyty, pra~agl VoCldp a tlw?q of Ikl~ l q16 - MM Ilan HiF~ w allh o1 W10 puMk HANb-of-.oy M moy 'u«uw ~~i ~am.~l Below 2500 ft: Aug. 15 - Sept. 1 July 25 Sept. 15 the road has been brought to final grade as weather permits. n in manner as + ~I~N e1 M/~Y « qWI? rpuko pabAO tc9 tralfnq olU+ S MIN IMe Mr~Iwf IMIY oa®tkna Nme a cauANknl o«n< "~"`'~°`~'0'""'°Y Mor. 1 - A r. 1 Mor. 1 - Ma 10 Cut and fill slopes are stabll~zed in an o go g 'd"'`°'~'"9 ~ aid P y construction m a ivw;n area is complete. Stabilization may a Iui M aMMM b rwNM twaw~+l and nRal and/a cMrq,A a any vwr to ¦tYana aMe maalenl uIW a MaP eldlieoe AA of-eOM NWA ealMni k N NAnln1 IIM~ Ma011~ gINO « r:a%a a ~ - Au 15 Jul 15 - Au .30 incl seedin orgmulchin with tree rindin s as the d' ~Ia a ra .,I`e.rt ~ Above 2500 ft: July 25 g y 9 ode 9 g 9 9 droll !t done a en «w Iced tra(YN awb FMC A/AHM1'wl' wRN auanee clone ahkh dralne Mto muq M nl+ewl Iwn1/e1ry. "'K "°01" "'~"0 a Mor. 20 - A r. 20 Mar. 5 - Mp 15 s ecific conditions re uire ~.n P y P q an opprovM wdMrw+t Vap a eedM«~t i f II and start toter in s rin on Q Complete seeding eorl+er n a, P 9 4 DUST CONTROL north- and east- facing stapes. ~r p During periods of extreme dryness, dust is controlled by Q' ~ MfTA1 POSTS AT 10' O.C. MA%. SILT FENCE sir FENCE TEMPORARY" SEEDING water applications of rates required to maintain the optimum ~ z REFER TO DETAIL to GAUCE, 6X6 (MAX. OPENAJG) WELDED wxtE REFER TO DETAIL compaction characteristics of the soil. ~ o HOOKED ONTO PRE-FORMED CHANNELS OM MEIAI. POSTS. a Seeding mixture P Y W I ULTRAYbLET RESISTANT (BUCK} NNtIFI FABRIC OR I EWIYALENi, CURED i0 YARE W/IAETAI CLIPS OR vARE S ecies ' Rote (Ib/acre) 5. GENERAL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES EM LU ED P AT t2° O.C. I 9 MAK SEDIMENT STORAGE LEVEL. REMOVE SEDIMENT YA1EN Rye (grain} 120 The following are general erosion control mechanisms employed THS LEVEL IS REACHED OR AS DAN:CTED. 6' MIN. lal ~A~ ~L t` xta "D'r Annual lespedeza (Kobe in throughout the construction process. Piedmont and Coastal Plain, o. Silt Fences are constructed along the base of fill T A ~ I ~ SHEE DRAH GE (ONLY) Korean in Mountains) 50 slopes where damage to steep drainage ways, streorns, EXCAVATE 4' x 6' TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM $IlT FENCE ( )8 CARRY APPROk. 12' OF FABRIC INTO TRENCH, COYER W/SOIL ~ j or adjacent properties may occur. Additionally, Omit Annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is fences are erected around pipe inlets until final ~ iANP BACNFRL. not to extend beyond June. adjacent grades are established. CARRY PARE AND FABRIC NIN. 8' BELOW EX1511NG GRADE. ~ y /iLTlR /AM1SC - a ouaa rest >c~ort m asrw vier ve rauo NAIURAI GRADE FO.L ~ 1 SECTION ~ ~ ~ Seeding dates b. Sediment Eosins or Sediment Traps are constructed in areas of high water concentration or adjacent to 18 Mountains -Above 2500 ft, Feb, 15 -May 15 stream crossings to protect streams from siltation. / NOTE: Below 2500 ft: Feb. 1 -May 1 $H,1 FENCES SHOULD NOT BE 1I5E0 IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED ttOw (ratEEF:S. DITCHLINES, SwALES, Ert,'.i nt - JAn 1 - Ma 15 c. Temporary Diversions are employed along the road bed Piedmo y 1 - A r. 15 during construction and an fill slope oreos until Coastal Plain -Dec. p shaping of slopes is complete. Additionally, H TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PI temporary diversion swoles are used near stream IMENT PIT crossings to direct surface water to sediment basins SILT FENCE DETAIL ~ ro scup Nor ro scuE or for lateral dispersion cf water onto protected W Lime shall be uniformly applied of a rate of one (1) ton per slopes. acre (451bs/1000sf) or as recommended by soil testing- d. Rip-Rap or Paved Raad Ditches are established in ~ Fertilize, grade 10-10-10 shall be opplied at a rate of .00 steep road slope areas to control run-off of the time ~ Ibs/acre immediately prior to seeding operations of road stabilizations and/or paving. (161bs/1000sf}. H e. Pipe Outlet Stabilization structures are established Z Lime and fertilizer shall be incorporated into the top on pipes in areas as required to reduce scouring and ~ surface of the entire area. disperse concentrated storm flow. U Seed shall be applied in o manner suitable to the terrain at 2 COLLECTED FIELD ROCK 9"-12' CLASS the race of 120 Ibs acre of KY31 Fescue and 15 Ibs/acre of Z German Millet. Hydroseed mixtures shall include wood fiber ~ 1 RIP/RAP MIN. I t(2' PEEP mulch at the rote of 500 Ibs/acre. ~ EXIST. GRADE i- MULCH OR GRASS CMP t li a the rate of EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE ~ -BERM °0q(~~ FlLTER FABRIC MAXWM LEVEL tx SEDIMENT i Mulch shall be clean wheat straw much app ed t 4000 Ibs/acre. W Z SOIL STABILIZATION 1 + °p ~G~' t1EAN BASH WNEu P 0.EAN S ~ g o4 , THIS lE4EL IS REAtkIED t' r r FABRIC ' •'j~ - MR+• ~ wR+• ~ All seeded Areas shall be protected from traffic. Spot 1. All erosion control devices will be checked for stability I l~1' CLEAN STONE ~~OARD seeding as required shall occur until a uniform stand of and proper operation immediately following each rpinfall grass has been established. but in no case less than weekly. Required cleonout or 'I' 6 DEPTH ~I t A%, I1 1 rYAK + repairs will be made immediately to maintain all devises ~MAIC ~ N~1 - SECTION ~ NOTE; in good working order ~ cuss + ma~nea I x ]5' MI (rw.) For single seeding applications the following soil amendment 2 Sediment basins or traps w'dl be cleaned out w en e N C ENS TH Plr o - CRAV£L level of sediment reaches a oint no less than 2 feet rates shall apply, p - from the top of the riser or gravel filter. Gravel will DEPTH, 1 1/2' ~ Q ~P 1/3 a C, YA%MUM J ~ im -two and one half 2 1x2 tons er acre be cleaned or replaced to insure proper drainage of the L e ( ~ ) P SFDYENi pERTN o t, B r a' _ (1151bs/1004sf) basin or trop. Wit ~ - COLLECTED FELD ROCI( LEVEL CULVERT N0. D LA A WR M ~OpD WITH THE TOP OF BERM MIN. ° BERM WIDTH ALONG CHANNEL 7' 0 1 18" 6' SECTION 2 18" 6' CARRY Rw/Ww I1P FLOW w p u+t 3 18' 6' SANS a SPIUWAY Fertilizer -one half 1 2} ton er acre (1.31bs/1000stj 3 Sediment will be removed from behind sediment fences when P . cur mv~w w the accumulation exceeds 6 inches at the fence. Fences ~ m ~ 0 4 T8' 6' p CLEAN srar ~ ) Sots a SR~uw~r f„p.~ will be repaired as required to maintain a barrier. ~ ; ~ Y U 2i SLOPE ° ~ s T2' a' III ) MAX ~o ~ s a2" 1a , FRExeo,RD MIN. ~ ~ W 4. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as required, a ° ; o or mulched as provided In the vegetative plan until a ~ i • 18" 6, ~ c 9 18" 6' ) ~ vigorous, dense vegetative cover has been established. z r ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ t0 T8" 6' ~BLIOUE ~ ,o tt 18" s' 5. Materials removed from sediment devices shall be disposed ~ ~ 12 2A" 8' ~B PLAN U iMER ELEVAl10N of in approved areas and stabilized with vegetation. p w O i r ~ i o i p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~TYpiroi PIPE nl ITI FT ~ SEDIMENT FILTER TRAP DE ;TRAP DETAILS A w~',_ NOT TO WALL N13T TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE Q- ~iESS/p y . SHEET 018 3 of 3 KER ~