HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020214_Wasteload Allocation_19850325Engineer Datp Re . NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Facility Name: �' Lyf# W c�7 Th w N og Date • 22 $5'� Existing Proposed O Permit No.: Nc. da 202 t 4 , Pipe No . : 601 County: ACAC S d M Design Capacity (MGD) : Industrial of Flow) : ® Ibmestic (% of Flow) : Receiving Stream: SC-OTT-5 CMS'-Eer_ Class: Reference USGS Quad: p, - O_tk eA ( Please attach) 160 C — Tit-o u,'r Sub -Basin: ( -rN 6 Z Requestor : X /t.A_- Nj es : Regional Office / P,6 (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design 'Imp • ze Drainage Area (mil) : , 7 Avg. Streamf low (cfs) :_ C 1-7 c 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall) : 0, 1 Slope (fpm) velocity (fps) : D 5 Kl (base e, per day) : e , k-1 .Z K2 (base e , ner day) q i-8y Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments 0 G Effluent ':)nthly Characteristics L'_verage Comments Original Allocation O Comments: Revis ocation ©'40 on O �% ed B g Date: ��' S c`... �.� .,C �Review y epared y; # Reooest Nn^ � �12 7 --------------------- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM '-------------------- Facility Name � TOWN OF SYLVA Type Of Waste DOMESTIC Receiving Stream SCOTTS CREEK ��tream Class | C-TR Subbas1n + 040402 County JACKSON Regional Office t ARO Reouestor + RICK MIERS Drainage Area (so mi) 51 7010 (cfs) � 25 Winter 7010 (cfs) + 3002 (cfs) 45^2 ------------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS -------------------------- Wasteflow (mid) � ~5 5-Day BOD (mg/1) + 30 Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/l)� PH (GU) 9 Fecal Coliform (/100m1)� 1000 TSG (mg/1) RES^ CL- (M8/L) � � 3O .O66 ----------------------------------- COMMFNTS --------------------------����------ RE8^ CL BASED ON 7Q1O° 9k " FACILITY IS PROPOSED ( ) EXlSTING NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE REVISION ( ~ CONFIRMATJON ( ) OF THOSE PRFVJOUSLY J�SUEAT. RECOMMENDED BY**� - kTE| REVIEWED BY� �� SUPERVISOR, TECH. SUPPORT �-'�� -'�DATE �_��������~~� REGIONAL SUPERVISOR - --� .7������r�l..DATE �. Approval is ( ) preliminary fi l ^~� PERMITS MANAGER DATE Federal. Register / Vol. -47,_ No. 223 / .Thursday, November 18, 1982 -/ Rules and. Regulations 52027 SUBPART.E. SAT effluent limitations Maxkraum for any 1 day Ponutant or pollutant property Kg/kkgper 1.()000)) iA;ttigrams/liter of prey Pemacnta►ophenol a00087 (0.029)(7.Z/y Trichlorophenol.._.�_____._ 0.00030 (0.010)(72)/y y=wmstewater discharged in kgal per Ion rof product § 430.55 New source performance standards (NSPS) Any new source subject to this subpart must achieve the following new source performance standards (NSPS), except that non -continuous dischargers shall not be- subject to the maximum day and average of 30 consecutive days effluent limitations for BOD5 and TSS, but shall be subject to annual average effluent limitations determined by dividing the average of 30 consecutive days limitations for BOD5 by L91 and TSS by 1.90. Also; for non -continuous dischargers,- concentration limitations (mg/1) shall apply, where provided. Concentration limitations will only apply to non -continuous dischargers. Only facilities where chlorophenolic- containing biocides are used shall be subject to-pentachlorophenol- and trichlorophenol.limitations. Permittees not using chlorophenolic-containing ` biocides must certify to the permit - issuing authority that they are not using these biocides. SUBPART E tNoncorrrugating medium furnished subdivision) Maximum for any 1 day Pollutant or pollutant property NSPS Average of for 30 consecutive days Kg/kkg (or pounds per 1,000 lb) of product Boos ......... _.....� is 1.4 TSS..__..._.._. _........_..._........_ 3.5 1.8 , Maximum for any 1 day Kg/kkg (pounds 1,0 o per ib) rnilugmms/Rer of product Pentachloropherwt._...--...--..-j 0.00067 J (0.065)(32)/y Trichlorophenol ........ ... ................ I 0.00030 ! (0.023)(3.2i/y y = wastewater discharged in kgal per ton of product Within the range of 5.0 to 9.0 at all times. SUBPART E [CornigahN medium furnish subdivision] a�ge of PoOutant.or pogutant property Maximum � u s.. for any 1 for 30 Clay {{lain _ days Kg/kkg or po"Is per 1.000 tb of product BOD5__...._. _ 3.9 2.1 TSS._ 4.4 2.3 pH .._._........ (1) (') Maximum for any 1 day Kg/kkg (pounds 1,00000 tb) M;0'igrams/titer Of product Pentachtorophend 1 0.00087 1 (0-065)(3 41y Trichtorophertol-.-........... _. ___ 0.00030 (0.023)(3.2)/y y=wastewater discharged in kgal per ton of product. Within the range of 5.0 to 9.0 at aN times. § 430.56 Pretreatment standards for existing sources (PSE%. ja) Except as.provided in 40 CFR 403.7 and 403.13,any existing source subject to this. subpart that introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works must [1) cflmpiyrwith 40 CFR Part 403 and (2) -achieve the following - pretreatment standards for existing sources (PSESj if it -uses chlorophenolic- containing biocides. Permittees not using -chlorophenolic-containing biocides must certify to the permit - issuing authority that they are not using these biocides. PSES must be attained on or before July 1, 1984. SUBPART E PSEs Pollutant or poqutani property AAaximum for any 1 day IVIDgrarrrs per titer (mg/i) Pentachlorophenol ...__....... _ .._...++ ("32)(7.2)/y Trichlorophenol.._.__. _ .__._____.J (0.010)(7.2)/y y=wastewater discharged in kgal per ton of product (b) In cases when POTWs find it necessry to impose mass effluent limitations, the following equivalent mass limitations are provided as guidance: SUBPART E Ins Pollutant or po&Aant property Maximum for any 1 day Pentachiorophenoi0.00096 Trichlorophenol............................... 0.00030 l § 430.57 Pretreatment standards for new sources (PSNS� (a) Except as.provided in 40 CFR 403.7, any new source subject to this subpart that introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works must (1) comply.with-40.CFRPart 403.and-{2)-__ - achieve the following pretreatment . standards for new sources (PSNS) if it uses chlorophenolic-containing.biocides. Permittees not using chlorophenolic- containing bioides must certify to the permit -issuing authority that they are _ not using these -biocides. SUBPART E PSNs PoUutant or poltutarit property liAawmn for any 1 day MdthTama per lifer (mg/ 0 Pentachtorophend_.•-.---_...._...___.` (0.07M.2)/y T6chtorophenol_......__-__..__1 (0.423H A/ly y=wastewater discharged in kgal per ton of product. (b) In cases when POTWs find it necessary to impose mass effluent limitations; the following equivalent mass limitations are provided as guidance:. - .SUBPART E PSNs" PciRrierst or pofMt4at3'propertr - Mwdmum for any-1 dah. KgAds for pots Per 1A00 ib)of product Perttachlorophenol _. 0.00096 Tnd*m*herxA _ _ 0.00030 Subpart F-Dissolving Kraft Subcategory § 430.60 Applicability; description of the dissolving kraft subcategory. The provisions of this subpart are applicable to discharges resulting from the production of dissolving pulp at kraft mills. § 430.61 Specialized definitions. For the purpose of this subpart, the general definitions, abbreviations, and methods of analysis set forth in 40 CFR 401 and 430.01 shall apply to this subpart. § 430.62 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT� (a) Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30-125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart must achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent