HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200306 Ver 1_Environmental summary for USACE_20200225NCDOT Division 5 Environmental Summary for USACE GENERALINFO WBS Number: WBS: 17BP.5.R.79 Road: SR 2366 (Old Battle Bridge Road) County: Wake County Stream Name: Buffalo Creek NCDENR-DWR Index Number: 27-57-16-(2) Stream Classification: B; NSW River Basin: Neuse 8 digit HUC: 03020201 Location: 35.79896 deg. N,-78.40464 deg. W DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project purpose: Replacement of structurally deficient bridge with a new bridge. Existing structure: 2 @ 25.3 foot timber floor on salvaged 1-beams with timber caps on timber piles and abutments. Proposed structure: 1 @ 50 foot and 1 @ 35 foot 21-inch cored slab with 2.5 foot caps. Interior structural component comprised of drilled shaft bents. IMPACT SUMMARY: Stream: 93 linear feet of permanent stream impacts from installation of Class II rip rap on the streambanks 104 linear feet of temporary stream impacts to dewater the work area to install the Class II rip rap on the streambanks and to provide a temporary rip rap causeway to assist in installation of the interior drilled shaft bents. Note: the permanent stream impacts are coincident with the temporary stream impacts. 0.04 acre of temporary surface water impacts to dewater the work area to install the Class II rip rap on the streambanks and to provide a temporary rip rap causeway to assist in installation of the interior drilled shaft bents. <0.01 acre permanent surface water impacts to install Class II rip rap on the streambanks. Wetland: 0.02 permanent fill in wetlands 0.04 acre mechanized clearing in wetland impact Is mitigation proposed for project?: No, mitigation is not proposed for stream or wetland impacts on this project. PROTECTED SPECIES INFORMATION: Northern lone eared bat: BC of May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect based on programmatic biological opinion with the FHWA, NCDOT and USACE that allows for incidental take for NLEB for projects with a federal nexus in Division 5. Dwarf wedeemussel: Use of the Revised Programmatic Biological/Conference Opinion for Bridge and Culvert Replacements/Repairs/Rehabilitations in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (September 11, 2019) and a mussel survey on April 3, 2019 provides a BC of No Effect for this species. Atlantic pietoe: Use of the Revised Programmatic Biological/Conference Opinion for Bridge and Culvert Replacements/Repairs/Rehabilitations in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (September 11, 2019) and a mussel survey on April 3, 2019 provides a BC of May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species and a BC of No Effect for Critical Habitat for this species. Yellow lance: Use of the Revised Programmatic Biological/Conference Opinion for Bridge and Culvert Replacements/Repairs/Rehabilitations in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (September 11, 2019) and a mussel survey on April 3, 2019 provides a BC of May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species and a BC of No Effect for Critical Habitat for this species. Tar River spinymussel: Use of the Revised Programmatic Biological/Conference Opinion for Bridge and Culvert Replacements/Repairs/Rehabilitations in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (September 11, 2019) and a mussel survey on April 3, 2019 provides a BC of May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species. Neuse River waterdog: A survey for Neuse River waterdog was completed on March 11, 2019 by staff from RK&K. This effort involved four consecutive days of trap nights. No Neuse River waterdogs were collected during the effort. The BC for this species is May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect due to presence of marginal habitat and a BC of No Effect for Critical Habitat for this species. Carolina madtom: A survey for Carolina madtom was completed on April 3, 2019 by staff from RK&K. No Carolina madtom were collected during the effort. The BC for this species is May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect due to presence of marginal habitat and a BC of No Effect for Critical Habitat for this species. Red -cockaded woodpecker: Suitable foraging habitat is present for the red -cockaded woodpecker at the project site. A half -mile survey was conducted on February 24 and May 3, 2017. No pine trees suitable for nesting were observed during the site visit. Accordingly, the BC for this species is No Effect due to lack of suitable nesting habitat. Michaux' sumac: Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac is present at the project site. A survey was conducted on May 3, 2017. No individuals of this plant species were observed. The BC for this species is May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect due to presence of marginal habitat. Bald eagle: A review of aerial photographs indicates no water bodies large enough or sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources were identified in the study area. A BC of No Effect is provided due to lack of on -site habitat and lack of known occurrences in the project vicinity. CULTURAL RESOURCES INFORMATION: Historic Architecture: Historic Architecture and Landscapes Assessments of Effects Form dated March 12, 2019. Findings of No Adverse Effect as historic structures are a distance from the bridge and will have no impact to significant resources that contribute to the property's eligibility. NCDOT will comply with commitments including: 2-bar metal rail, limit tree clearing and place crane outside of historic boundary. Archaeology: No National Register of Historic Places Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present Form dated August 30, 2019. PERMIT REQUESTED: Nationwide Permit 3