HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011018 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20010703F NIATF Michael F. Easley, Governor \OWilliam G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. 3; i Acting Director 5W Division of Water Quality Heinz Little 4431 N. Cherry St., Suite 50 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Dear Mr. Little: August 8, 2001 DWQ# 01-1018 Iredell County You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to construct 408 feet of shoreline stabilization on lot # 527, The Point subdivision, Mooresville, NC, Iredell County, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on July 25, 2001. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this work is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3258, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands . This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 13 when it is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing, and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre,. compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification as well as the additional condition described below: If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Pete Colwell in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-6040 or John Domey in Raleigh at 919-733-9646. Sincerely, Attachment cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Central Files File Copy eryJ. Ph 011018 N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 ENR Customer Service 1 800'623-7748 LAKE NORMAN DREDGING 8z MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC _ 7-19-2001 i oouL u The NC Department of Water Quality Attn: John Dorney 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Parkview Building Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Heinz Little, Lot #527 The Point Subdivision To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to inform you of our intentions concerning shoreline stabilization for this lot. We will be performing the work by barge and a long reach excavator. We will not need to disturb the buffer zone to perform the work. All work will be performed from the water. We will only provide clearing for the stabilization up to the high water mark. There will be no need to replant the buffer zone, because we will not disturb it. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns at 704-664-1010. Thanks, n Poole Office Manager P.O. BOX 3156 (704) 664-1010 MOORESVILLE, NC 281 1 7 FAX (704) 664-6232 E 01ITT I ll"V?t J, 77:.'•!21'15 1 PRELIMINARY .. .SS .. - 1 l ti W - i . mum r i .,v;: }CT(ta.I: .. ;, a .. :^..r .. c ;• k*) c - - 1:' vl. ..i. n- v I ? a • ) ?•'.. .o.v. AAA . ,? C ? C. t. Li ?\96 !hib i_ z JIf3rC iiVi rHii ?,•i Jo :? Cwt UC r w+? !ox J*k C?? I+1C' 311.11WtlIG I ?t'Y"?"-A!'C'aFChi+t A?Jt.`t? ?l?CY ?'A,7at8.??,?' 7-? ?lftF&I?t.?IC A!1 *?,?t'?. yio?; n ;g?? ?a' t ? 3? ?1 ?Hu?:x, If fearAx?u:t?i?ua ? ?? ?+ptire?,?g, ? ?ar?IOlar ? ??+' ?+? #s1 d7,r,AOnAm1Jf€.'rir.'G Olf 16 ?D AAWlA &Tz W=pol' a MM I + Y• 44@ MA$ I,rNrlru A. ?Ak?i? _ ??.1 r ? Lid , (_ ?_ °?`t. . ?i11 Addnw Li C pie L, t3j-L.__ Cam* .r..tiJti...nr1.?.L:L.,. _ ?_ r ......? .w... Dh%vdm I.O p r ty k?v tarsi -'t 1 lho T oft* N 1W ASS tl;a W016jiWa% tGIA IqY arrgrp + TfM4 NO dwwriag tv llpwm sills pvjw MIIL ttwc Later trx?'d?r?trlN tt?Ag; IAO frI1R0Q?'rat lata na !ji* UrWW NL'VOMWMW) `?'? ?aitt?ao?de.? 'pAe +?Pt^?t t.ura W + A t,WY r.'p ' 4 i x: v A?1'f'Llt"A71ON Wfrti3,1 AQa D IMe MIOWM LMAnCjN CW I'eA1 +a13°da::: stttvi ` ' , Mi RJ.4a9ls' A C40 Cir -n*. '',L,? ja I-Ci'rlr" A MjChr 1iltG+l.i ?" AND ?1£fi ( XIP1&S Of nmw,wv, Dlymchm ov 's""+ C?( PG?2 ?°L'Flbt1? ?? I7?i'I.tT?G 71Z ?1??6B QUAUI'I',PP44*WMUCTXw,NOnFiCAITOn APPIUCArOW MUST 3E ?N1A Vr"t?'H'C? GAt N1'SigrrJ ?f?' ?I/„Si<,'t? ?El.+?LTF'7 ,Alr'3"`?.,+?'t1?L1At t '?"?: Nr Af F mOff' WA if vit mAr-m' IQ'I iI'L M KiL"S dG'X!?1'yirle s! i Y J Pt1Y- i 0-C UU 1 1 UC . 1 l? Uj HP( n DWQ tn: --_-- COMPS ACTION Ill: -__-- FAX NO, NATIONWIDL PERMIT RI QUEST:,'U (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE., PERMIT d) PRE.-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FGR NATIOhW.'DLPliRivIITS THAT REQUIRL": t. NOTIFICATION TO TI IL CORPS OF LNGINEERS ? APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIPiCA T ION 3. COORDI,N'ATION WITH' THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL NIANAGE•MEN i SEND THA ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPt.ETGI) DORM TO T1.1C• APPROPRIATR FIELD 01~17CE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SF.F AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES MUST }iL SEAT TO THE NC DIYIS TON OF WATER QUALITY, ATTN.- JOHN DORNL EY 440 REEDY CREEK ROAD RALEIGH, LNC 27647. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE. 1. OWNER :S NAME: Af^ w Z L' w'f' P. Ol 2. MAILING; j:I-)O RESS; k4 wl P. CkNry S?? ?~'? SJ SUR DIVISION N ANIF -fk6 fol+,ti CITY.. _S7'A'1 L: _ "LIP CUDF. Us c'1ti? t r?, Aj G Z'11 D S- PROJECT LOCATION A?raRliSS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFL-;ERRINT FROM MAILING ADDRFSS ABOVE). 'r}tr P*',nlc Lof 457.1 3. TFI.F_PHONL .NUMBER: (EiOmE) ^,. , (?VORK) 331 ? 1461 --7'100 4. IF APMAC'ARLF: AGENTS KAMF. OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFT CL\)., 6DDRESS, PHr.?i; vlr.?atlf?I,, gh4,•?r,oh Al ?W,.. - L 4k.. A)orrn ,,v, Or" ?? 3.q • so.o 3. LOCATION Oi',WORK (PROVIDC A I''IAR PRLFERARI,Y A COPY OF USES l'oFOGRAPI'IIC MAP OR ALRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITII SCALE)- COUNTY -_._.._ - NL:ARFST TOWN: !1 •o rtti?? 1 c?1 IJ SP201'ICJ LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ECT.) 6. IMPACTFD OR NLARES'C STR CANVlKfVF,'Z:. R1VLR BASIN: wt4 Orrhwn 7. (a) (S PROjiX, LOCATED NEAR IVATER C ASSIFIED AS TROUT, TT)AL SALTWATER. (SA), HIGH QL.,AI.[TY W 1' Fh5 I HQW;. OUTS NDING K-SOURCE WATT: S (ORW), WATER SUI'P[-Y (WS-I OK WS•11)'> YES ? NC) M YIrS, EXPLAIN; (b) IS THE PROJIiC1' LOCA,TF_D \VI'i HIN A NOR7I1 CAROLINA DIVISION OP Co6STAL MANAGENIEN'(' AR EA 017 LNVIRONMEN'I'AL, CONCERN (AEC77 YTS ? NO y (c) r'11A F PR'Q.)f?CT IS LOCH rF.U WITIIIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SI~F. PAGE 7 C'OR LIST OF COASTAL COLINTIIIS), WHAT IS THL-' LAND usr:I PLAN (LUP) DRsTGNAT:cN t A t, ?. (a) HAVE ANY SECTION 464 PFRIMITS 13FFN MEWOUSLY REQUESTED POR USE ON THIS PROJEC:? YES ? NO TF YES, PROVIDL ACTION I.D. NLTMBFR Or PREVIOUS PEPUMIT AND ANY AnI:ITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDL PHOTOCOPY OF 401 C:RTIFICATION): (b) ARE ADDI ONAL PERfbiIT RLOUFSTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PR0PERTY I{'1 THE FUI2TRE? YES [] NO IF YLsS, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: (a) ES'TMI %TED TOTAI. NUMBERS GF ACRES IN TRACT OF LANE) (b) FSTIMA'1 i:L' TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATL'IU ON PRUJF,CC SITF; 10. (a) NUN113)rR OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOS1=D PROJ'L:CT BY: VILLIN(l,.,,.- EXCAVATION; ??p1 FI.oopiNCi; OTHF,R : DRAINAGE TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: (b) (1) STRF-.AM CHANNEL TO 13E IMPACFED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (11 RF,LOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE 30TH r1EFORL AND AVL'SR RELOCATION: LTUNGTH DFFOR.L,. FT Ar"11.R: _ fT N? a WIDTH BEFOREmused oil normal hilt wafer contours): ___ FT AvCRAG4 DrPTF DEPORF; ."T %FTE.R: iT (b) (2) STRPAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESUL; mm: (CHECK AT_T. THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEI• RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CIIANNFI.. FXCAVA'IION: CO-STRLIC7ION Of A DAM/FLOODING: a/a OTHER: / i 1. IF CONS 1 RCUL ION OF A POND (S PROPOSED, WHAT IS TjiE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAININr TC THE POND' WHAT IS THE EYPEC7ED POND SUR];ACR AREM NJ PC 12. DFSCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING T)ISCUSSTON 0r TYPF. OF M1:CHANICAL CQUIPMLN'1'1.0 BE USED' (ATlTACt' CLANS; 8112 BY 1 I DRAWINGS ONLY) ,.,1 12" &KCAVO'D-- t3. PURPOtil'' Of, PROPOSED WURK: SI'1o iNG ?'" 14, STA"1'L R4:ASONS W'IIY IT 1S ELLIL \i'FI)TI IAT 'PHIS ACTIVf'I'Y MUST BE CARRIED OCiT IN WETLANDS ( INCL UDE ANY MF,,\SI.fRES TAKF,.N TO MINIMTZE WE'TLAN'D T.YIPACTS' a f o 15, YOU AR.Ei RnQUIRC,?)'ru CG`TAC f TIiF, US FISH AND WIL'DL117F SERVICE AND/OR NATIONAL IMARINF FISHERIES SF.RVEC:l: REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF AN'Y FEDERALLY T.TS,rEC) OR I'umosi;6 I;UR FISTING LNDANGERIrD OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL I IAI) ITAT 1N THE PERMIT AR EATHAT Nf AY LI E AFFECTED BY THR PROPOSP.T) ?IZOJECT. DATE: CONTAC I LD: Ib. YOU ARF REQUIRFD TO CONTACT TILL STA.; C•. HISTORIC PRESERVATJON OiI-'ICER (SIIPO) REGARDTNG THLL PRESENCE O HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN PFIZ&ITr AREA W(4TCH MNY BE- AITBCTED 13Y 'I'1•IL-: PROPOSFL) PROJECT. DATLt' CONT.AC'I'LL) _ Pt 016 AV, i)3 I J. 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CH ? ?r: 7ela?,;? +?- • W 'EF 'REFS . ?7?kiG?-- '-q.AY -AY ?F 1vtn -- - - _ 1n?• EC:1 1 ? L ? [ tt a IV F an+ [ t a , trot L ^a Rt D 1 In :? t T I a R f...1 ?. v : W 7 ycn? 1 C [ n ? c .m a i; ie a a• t Jnrro; a,ior. <. ('c .nor la Ct ]'nr •. sn c' eL :l..n :. I n N...I - M>Tv f<n>YI.cuN y(T?•^.IZ?IYf rt; R14 Ia>.IMM v? Ix:arrt.? v, n i0rn 527 r <nJ T fa " n. J. lhR N:Ill --;-.tPEL ROAD Ole F 'MapQuest : Printer-Friendly Topographic Map - NARA_ '_ __T VE W W W. MA PQ U ES'T.IC0M Iredell County, North Carolina ti 4 i All Rights Reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright Page 1 of 1 S;E YOP N( t T This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to is content. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. http://www.mapquest.com/cgi-bin/ia find?link=btwn/twn-map _topo print&uid=u6xltctOw32... 4/28/99 ;.I CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr. Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality July 10, 2001 DWQ # 01-1018 Iredell County Mr. Heinz Little 4431 N. Cherry Street Suite 50 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Dear Mr. Little: On July 3, 2001, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) was notified by receipt of your applications regarding your plans to impact 408 feet of shoreline on Lake Norman at Lot 527, The Point subdivision for the purpose of stabilizing the shoreline of your lot in Iredell County. Approval from DWQ is required to impact these waters. Please provide seven copies of the following information and refer to the DWQ number listed above in your reply. 1. The location of the proposed shoreline stabilization measures must be shown on a map. 2. Also the Catawba River buffer rules became effective on June 30, 2001 and allow shoreline stabilization measures within the protected buffers along Lake James. We are concerned that construction of these shoreline stabilization measures will result in excessive impact to the protected buffers. Please provide details on how you plan to install these shoreline stabilization measures, what measures you will take to minimize impact to the buffers and then how and when you plan to replant the unavoidably impacted portions of these buffers. Please call Todd St. John or me at 733-1786 if you have any questions or would require copies of our rules or procedural materials. This project will remain on hold as incomplete in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0505(c). The processing time for this application will begin when this information is received. If we do not hear from you within three (3) weeks of the receipt of this letter, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and will consider it withdrawn. Cc: Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Asheville Field Office Corps of Engineers e copy Central files TDENa Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786