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20120383 Ver 1_Mitigation Plans_20120417
MITIGATION PLAN MALA MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION McDowell County MC EEP Project No 93875 CATAWBA RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03050909 20120383 Prepared for J ;Eotem ,2r�emeht PROGRAM NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 flail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 (larch 2012 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan MITIGATION PLAN FINAL MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION McDowell County, NC EEP Project No: 93876 CATAWBA RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03060101 .. hAj�i AXk1 - ill 5j rt _ '4� �0... ty r 1 h s y yyf � i r Prepared for: os stem E a ement PROGRAM Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Miti NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1662 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1662 March 2012 gation Plan MITIGATION PLAN FINAL MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION McDowell County, NC EEP Project No: 93876 CATAWBA RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03060101 Prepared for: k-�Jr Ekot aWee mment PROGRAM NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1662 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1662 Prepared by: � Q01 f C ree ENGINEERING Wolf Creek Engineering, PLLC 7 Florida Ave Weaverville, North Carolina 28787 828 - 658 -3649 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) proposes to restore, enhance, and preserve reaches of South Muddy Creek and two of its tributaries at two sites located in southeastern McDowell County. This Mitigation Plan describes the details, methods, and monitoring protocols proposed to generate approximately 3,281 stream mitigation credits, which includes approximately 1,990 linear feet of stream restoration, approximately 196 linear feet of stream enhancement and approximately 6,836 linear feet of preservation. General Site Conditions The Middle South Muddy Creek Site (the Site) occurs near the intersection of Brackett Town Road and Sprouse Road in southeastern McDowell County. The Site encompasses approximately 5.87 acres of predominately agricultural land. Within the Site, approximately 2,201 linear feet of channel exhibit mitigation potential. Agricultural practices including cattle grazing, maintenance and removal of vegetation, and relocating, dredging, and straightening of on -site streams have contributed to the degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics. Included as a part of this project is the Haney Preservation Tract, which is located just north of the Middle South Muddy Creek Site along Vein Mountain Road. This tract preserves 5,836 LF of stream and approximately 35 acres of buffer along South Muddy Creek. The Middle South Muddy Creek Site and the Haney Preservation Tract were both identified as part of a Local Watershed Planning (LWP) initiative conducted by the Muddy Creek Restoration Partnership and covering the entire Muddy Creek Watershed, which culminated in development of a Feasibility Report & Restoration Plan in late 2003. An updated and expanded project atlas for the Muddy Creek LWP area was completed using EEP funding in 2008. This LWP meets criteria for CFR- compliant watershed assessment and planning to support mitigation requirements under the Clean Water Act. Restoration Concept Restoration and enhancement practices proposed for this project have been designed with the intent to minimize unnecessary disturbance to adjacent land. Professional judgment has been used to determine which channel reaches could potentially benefit most from preservation or enhancement over full restoration. Where restoration was determined to be warranted, consideration was given to which reaches could best be served by maintaining as much of the existing channel pattern as possible. Proposed South Muddy Creek is designed as a Type C4 stream. This channel configuration provides a stable and natural form in the Type VIII(b) alluvial valley in which the existing stream is found. Proposed Sprouse Branch and Iva Branch are designed as Type B5 streams. These channel configurations provide the most stable and natural form for these slightly entrenched channels flowing through moderately sloped colluvial valleys. The proposed channel dimensions, patterns, and profiles are based on hydraulic relationships and morphologic dimensionless ratios of the reference reaches. The installation of brush, rock, and wood structures will be utilized throughout the restored reaches of the Site. Brush toe structures will be installed along the toe of bank to provide roughness and bank stability on outer meander bends. Boulder structures will be used for grade control to prevent headcut formation. Log vanes with rootwads will be installed in meander bends to direct the flow away from the outside of the bend and provide toe and bank protection. On -site material including brush, boulders, logs, and bed material will be used to the maximum extent possible and in- stream structures will be designed to improve aquatic habitat. This mitigation plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: Federal rule for compensatory Register Title 33 Navigation and paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14). Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan mitigation project sites as described in the Federal Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.8 • NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program In -Lieu Fee Instrument signed and dated July 28, 2010 These documents govern NCEEP operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mitigation. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan Table of Contents 1. Restoration Project Goals and Objectives ... ............................... 2. Site Selection .................................................. ............................... 2.1 Directions .................................................. ............................... 2.2 Site Selection ............................................ ............................... 2.3 Site Maps .................................................. ............................... 2.9 Site Photographs ...................................... ............................... 3. Site Protection Instrument ............................ ............................... 3.1 Site Protection Instrument(s) Summary Information ................ 3.2 Site Protection Instrument Figures ............ ............................... 4. Baseline Information ...................................... ............................... 4.1 Watershed Summary Information ............. ............................... 4.2 Reach Summary Information .................... ............................... 4.3 Wetland Summary Information ................. ............................... 4.4 Regulatory Summary Information ............. ............................... 5. Determination of Credits ............................... ............................... 6. Credit Release Schedule ............................... ............................... 7. Mitigation Work Plan ...................................... ............................... 7.1 Target stream type(s), wetland type(s), and plant communities 7.2 Design parameters .................................... ............................... 7.3 Data analysis ............................................ ............................... 8. Maintenance Plan ........................................... ............................... 9. Performance Standards ................................. ............................... 10. Monitoring Requirements ............................ ............................... 11. Long -Term Management Plan ..................... ............................... 12. Adaptive Management Plan ......................... ............................... 13. Financial Assurances ................................. ............................... 14. Other Information ........................................ ............................... 14.1 Definitions ............................................... ............................... 14.2 References ............................................. ............................... Figures 1 Vicinity Map ................................................. ............................... 2 Watershed Map ........................................... ............................... 3 Soil Survey Map ........................................... ............................... 4 Current Condition Plan View- MSMC Restoration Site ............... 5 Current Condition Plan View- Haney Tract .. ............................... 6 Historical Condition Plan View ..................... ............................... 7 Conservation Easement- MSMC Restoration Site ...................... 8 Conservation Easement- Haney Tract ......... ............................... 9 Proposed Conditions Map ............................ ............................... ..1 ..3 ..3 ..3 ..6 12 18 18 19 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 25 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 ..6 ..7 ..8 ..9 10 11 19 20 29 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan iii Appendices Appendix A. Site Protection Instruments Appendix B. Baseline Information Data Appendix C. Mitigation Work Plan Data and Analyses Appendix D. Project Plan Sheets Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 1.0 RESTORATION PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Middle South Muddy Creek Project (the Site) is located in the Muddy Creek Local Watershed planning area (http: / /www.nceep.net /services /Iwps /muddy creek/Muddy Creek plan 2003.pdfl. The Project Site watershed includes Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050101040020 which was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in EEP's 2009 Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plans ( http:// www .nceep.net/services /restplans /Upper Catawba RBRP 2009.pdfl. The Muddy Creek Restoration Partnership (MCRP) developed a local watershed plan (LWP) for the 111 sq mi drainage area that included land use analysis, water quality monitoring and stakeholder input to identify problems with water quality, habitat and hydrology. The Muddy Creek watershed is characterized as primarily agricultural and has a history of entrenchment and increased sediment problems due to barren bank issues. MCRP completed the Feasibility Report and Restoration Plan for the Muddy Creek Watershed in December 2003 (http: / /www.nceep.net/services /Iwps /muddy creek /Muddy Creek plan 2003.pdfl. The Muddy Creek LWP identified nutrients, streambank erosion and livestock access to streams as major stressors within this watershed. The LWP Feasibility Report (2003) included an initial set of project site recommendations, including identification of the Middle South Muddy Creek Project as a stream restoration and enhancement opportunity with the potential to improve water quality and habitat within the Muddy Creek watershed. The Muddy Creek Mitigation Search Final Summary Report (2008), which was prepared to address the plans and objectives of the MCRP, additionally identified the Haney Tract as a mitigation opportunity. The goals of the Middle South Muddy Creek Project address stressors identified in the LWP and include the following: The following goals are established to guide the restoration process for the project: 1.) Improve local water quality within the restored channel reaches as well as the downstream watercourses through: (a) the reduction of current channel sediment loads by restoring appropriately sized channels with stable beds and banks, (b) the reduction of nutrient loads from adjacent agricultural fields with a restored riparian buffer, and (c) the reduction of water temperatures provided through shading of the channel by canopy species along with the resultant increase in oxygen content. 2.) Improve local aquatic and terrestrial habitat and diversity within the restored channels and their vicinity through: (a) the restoration of appropriate bed form to provide habitat for fish, amphibian, and benthic species, (b) the restoration of a suitable riparian buffer corridor in order to provide both vertical and horizontal structure and connectivity with adjacent upland areas, and (c) the restoration of understory and canopy species in order to provide forage, cover, and nesting for a variety of mammals, reptiles, and avian species. 3.) Preclude land disturbing activities including the construction of additional infrastructure, future mining activities and agricultural practices including cattle grazing and the application of pesticides and fertilizer within the riparian buffer area by providing a permanent conservation easement. The following objectives are proposed for accomplishing the above listed goals: 1.) Provide approximately 3,281 stream mitigation units (SMU's) through Priority I and II restoration of approximately 1,990 linear feet of stream, enhancement of approximately 196 linear feet of stream, and preservation of approximately 6,836 linear feet of stream threatened by mining activities. 2.) Restore natural stable channel morphology and proper sediment transport capacity. 3.) Create and /or improve bed form diversity and improve aquatic and benthic macroinvertebrate habitat. 4.) Construct a floodplain bench that is accessible at the proposed bankfull discharge. 5.) Improve channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating in- stream structures and native bank vegetation. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 6.) Provide approximately 5.87 acres of riparian buffer restoration by establishing a native forested and herbaceous riparian buffer plant community with a minimum width of 30 feet from the edge of the restored channels. This new community will be established in conjunction with the eradication of any existing exotic and /or undesirable plant species. 7.) Construct barricades on existing dirt road network on Haney Tract to prevent future vehicular trespassing. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 2.0 SITE SELECTION 2.1 Directions to Site The Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site is located approximately 9.5 miles southeast of Marion, NC in southeast McDowell County (See Figure 1). From Raleigh take 1 -40 West, or from Asheville take I- 40 East toward Marion. Take exit 85 and follow NC -221 South for approximately 5.5 miles. Turn left onto Polly Spouts Rd. and follow for approximately 2 miles. Turn left onto Vein Mountain Rd. and follow for approximately 3 miles. Turn right onto Brackett Town Rd. and follow for approximately 1 mile. The entrance to the Site is on the left at Sprouse Rd. and is located at a Lat/Long of 35.5635° N and 81.9249° W. 2.2 Site Selection 2.2.1 Description The Site encompasses approximately 5.87 acres of predominately agricultural and forested land and includes approximately 2,513 linear feet of degraded channel proposed for restoration and enhancement. Historic land use at the Site has consisted primarily of agriculture and livestock grazing. Livestock have unrestricted access to the majority of Site streams, resulting in significant local disturbance to stream banks. Additional land use practices, including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and the relocating, dredging, and straightening of on -site streams have contributed to the degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics. 2.2.2 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designations The Site is located in the Catawba River Basin, United States Geological Survey (USGS) 14 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03050101040020, within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub basin 03- 08 -30. The Site lies within a NC EEP Targeted Local Watershed and is part of a Local Watershed Plan. Site tributaries are not listed on the NCDWQ final 2010 303(d) lists (NCDWQ 2010). South Muddy Creek drains to Muddy Creek approximately 12.5 miles downstream of the Site which in turn drains into the Catawba River another 4.5 miles downstream. South Muddy Creek has been assigned the Stream Index Number 11 -32 -2 by DWQ. 2.2.3 Watershed Characterization The Site watershed is characteristic of the Foothills region with moderate rainfall and moderate valley slopes (5% to 20 %). Annual precipitation within McDowell County averages 56.1 inches and elevations within the Site range from 1,315 ft. on upper slopes above Sprouse Branch to 1,263 ft. at the site outfall (NGVD). The Site encompasses approximately 2,513 linear feet of streams including South Muddy Creek and two tributaries, named for the purposes of this project as Sprouse Branch and Iva Branch. The drainage area of South Muddy Creek is 4.52 miZ (2,893 ac) at the upstream project limits and 4.69 miZ (3,002 ac) at the downstream limits. The headwaters of both Sprouse Branch and Iva Branch are located within the project extents, and the drainage areas at their confluences with South Muddy Creek are 0.042 miZ and 0.046 miZ, respectively. 2.2.4 Surface Water Classification According to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ) website, South Muddy Creek has been assigned a Best Usage Classification of C. The section of the Catawba River that South Muddy Creek and the project tributaries drain to has been assigned the Best Usage Classification of WS -IV; Tr. Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. The designation Tr (Trout Waters) includes areas protected for natural trout propagation and survival of stocked trout. The designation WS -IV (Water Supply IV) indicates waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes where a WS -1, II or III classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. WS -IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or Protected Areas. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 2.2.5 Physiography, Geology, and Soils The Site is located in the Eastern Blue Ridge Foothills ecoregion of North Carolina. Regional physiography is characterized by open, low mountains at a lower elevation than most Blue Ridge regions having more Piedmont influences. This region includes the Brushy Mountains to the north and the South Mountains to the south. Covered with mixed oak and oak - hickory-pine forests, these mountains tend to be slightly drier and warmer than most of the Blue Ridge ecoregion. The underlying geology within the ecoregion consists of primarily metamorphic rocks with occasional igneous and sedimentary deposits. The local lithology is mapped as migmatitic granitic gneiss. The valley associated with the portion of South Muddy Creek within the project extents is a narrow alluvial valley, Type VIII(b) (Rosgen) with cross - slopes ranging from 1% to 3% and a longitudinal slope approximately 0.4 %. The valleys of Sprouse Branch and Iva Branch are moderately sloped Type II (Rosgen) colluvial valleys with a down valley gradient of 2% to 5% that transition onto the gentle alluvial valley of South Muddy Creek. The Site lies in the low mountains of North Carolina in rolling topography underlain by metamorphic and igneous bedrock. The side slopes in the area are well drained, moderately permeable, sandy -loamy sub- soils (Hayesville -Evard Soil Series). The alluvial soils along the stream systems in the area are generally underlain by yellowish- brown, sandy -loamy sub -soils belonging to the lotla series. These somewhat poorly drained soils are moderately permeable and are non - hydric. 2.2.6 Historical Land Use and Development Trends The watershed upstream of the Site is characterized mainly by agricultural and forested land with moderate to heavy mineral mining activity occurring in close proximity to tributaries. Mining activities appear to be non - commercial individual prospecting for gold. Most of these activities appear to have occurred in the floodplain, however there is evidence of some incursion into the stream channels. Residential land use accounts for only a marginal percentage of the watershed. Currently rural residential land use makes up approximately 3 percent of the watershed and impervious area covers less than 1 percent of the total watershed. Historical land use was evaluated through conducting interviews of property owners and reviewing aerial photos from 1954 through 2010 (ERTR, June 2011). Historical land use has been consistent with present land use practices that include pastureland for cattle, hay production, and some forest stands. Grazing livestock have historically had access to most on -site stream reaches and the adjacent terraces. 2.2.7 Existing Site Conditions South Muddy Creek Based on the present configuration of the channel and on typical historical agricultural practices it is likely that South Muddy Creek was realigned and dredged throughout the project reach. The resulting channel form exhibits low sinuosity and moderate incision. The channel classifies as a Type G4 stream under the Rosgen channel classification system throughout the majority of the on -site reach. The existing entrenchment ratios range from 1.2 — 2.6, bank - height ratios range from 1.8 — 2.5, and the width /depth ratio is 3.3 — 9.6. The high bank - height ratios and low width /depth ratios result in increasing the stress on the stream banks. The profile appears vertically stable due to the low channel gradient, although the riffle -pool form is poorly developed and often misaligned with the pattern, further contributing to near -bank stress. Mobile bed material consists mainly of gravel (38 % -65 %) with lesser constituents of cobble (19 %- 24%) and a considerable fraction of sand (16 % -37 %). South Muddy Creek was divided into two vegetative community types due to the presence of livestock below the culvert. The upper reach is characterized as agricultural pastureland and is utilized primarily for hay production with the dominant grass being fescue (Festuca sp.). The riparian buffer, adjacent to the agricultural field, is only 5 to 10 feet wide and is dominated by tag alder (Alnus serrulata), red maple (Acer rubrum) and river birch (Betula nigra). The existing riparian buffer consists of less than 5% invasive exotics including Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense). The lower reach is also characterized as agricultural pastureland, but it is primarily used for livestock production. The riparian buffer is 0 to 5 feet and is dominated by tag alder, red maple, tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and river birch. There were no significant invasive exotics populations observed in this reach. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan Sprouse Branch Sprouse Branch originates from a spring within a forested reach at the upstream project extents. The toe - of -slope spring, which forms a small channel within a confined valley, is impacted by livestock and erosion. At the termination of the forested reach, Sprouse Branch continues as a dredged and straightened ditch. Entrenchment ratios are generally low; between 1.1 and 1.9. Width /depth ratios are moderate at the upstream end and low at the downstream end; 11 — 13 and 6 — 7, respectively. The channel classifies as a Type G5 stream. Bed material is composed mainly of sand with only a small fraction of gravel ( <10 %). The gravel present in the channel is in the fine gravel class (4 -8 mm). The upper reach ( -200') of Sprouse Branch is dominated by red maple, black cherry (Prunus serotina), and tulip poplar. The lower reach is agricultural pastureland dominated by fescue with tag alder present along the ditch banks. Less than 5% of the riparian buffer contained invasive exotics including multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Japanese honeysuckle and Chinese privet. Iva Branch Iva Branch originates within a drawline that drains a small catchment at the northeast project extents. The channel remains vertically unstable as multiple headcuts have formed and migrated upstream to form a deeply entrenched channel with steep, vertical bluffs. Unrestricted livestock access continues to exacerbate instability. Entrenchment ratios range between 1.1 and 1.4. Banks are up to eight (8) feet high at the upstream end of the channel and decrease to four (4) feet near the downstream end. The channel bed slope ranges from 3% to 5% and the typical valley slope is 3.5 %. The channel classifies as a Type G5 stream as bed material is composed mainly of sand (79 %) with small gravel (19 %) accumulating towards the downstream end. Iva Branch has a 5 to 15 foot riparian buffer comprised of red maple, river birch, American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and black cherry. The surrounding pastureland is dominated by fescue. Other species observed within the riparian zone include American holly (Ilex opaca), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata), black walnut (Juglans nigra) and red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). Iva Branch contained the largest amount of invasive exotics (15 %). Invasives observed included multiflora rose, Chinese privet, and Japanese honeysuckle. Haney Tract The Haney Tract is located approximately 1,000 feet downstream of the Middle South Muddy Creek Site. This tract was identified as a target for preservation in the 2008 Muddy Creek Mitigation Search Final Summary Report (September 2008). This tract has since been acquired for preservation and will preserve 5,836 LF of stream channel and approximately 35 acres of riparian buffer. Historically the property has been the location of continuous mining for at least 50 years. Mining operations may have been commercial at one time, but recently consisted of a club of individual prospectors mining for gold lag deposits in the floodplain. Establishment of the conservation easement will protect the stream and adjacent floodplain from future destructive mining activities. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 5 B MATCH I l � \ 9 GRASSY MTN. ` LT N. ` . I o �a 0 MCD011ELL COUNTY NC -226 1798 1798_, tig - - ' 770 Dysarlville Muddy M �- %-- 1820 1802 ¢ vp ( iJ 1784 a3 1783 \ 1777 171 1 7 783 1802 _ Z HANEY TRACT m 1778 °ry BRACKETT TOWN ROAD 17 UT MMUDDYSSITEH 1 I Mtn. 1780 I 0.2 0 0.2 0.6 f / l / SCALE IN MILES Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 FLORIDA AVENUE WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 DIRECTIONS TO SITE FROM RALEIGH Ae ASHEVILLE PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM —FROM RALEIGH TRICE I -40 WEST, OR FROM ASHEVILLE TAKE 1 -40 EAST TOWARDS MARION AND TAKE EXIT 85. PROTECT —TURN SOUTH ON US -221 AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.5 MILES. MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT —TURN LEFT ONTO POLLY SPOUTS ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.7 MILES. OWNER NORTH CAROLINA EEP —TURN LEFT ONTO VEIN MOUNTAIN ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 2.6 MILES. —TURN RIGHT ONTO BRACKETT TOWN ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.8 MILES. TITLE —TURN LEFT ONTO SPROUSE ROAD AT PROJECT ENTRANCE. VICINITY MAP LAT/LONG COORDINATES FOR THE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE ARE N 38-5635 . W 81.9249. 'CA'E AS NOTED ORWN. RY cme P11ECT N0. DRAWING NUMBER nATE 8 /5/11 CmD- By SGG 1049 FIGURE 1 6 135 114 46 114 9 ' 114 POLL l � \ 9 GRASSY MTN. ` LT N. ` . I o �a 0 MCD011ELL COUNTY NC -226 1798 1798_, tig - - ' 770 Dysarlville Muddy M �- %-- 1820 1802 ¢ vp ( iJ 1784 a3 1783 \ 1777 171 1 7 783 1802 _ Z HANEY TRACT m 1778 °ry BRACKETT TOWN ROAD 17 UT MMUDDYSSITEH 1 I Mtn. 1780 I 0.2 0 0.2 0.6 f / l / SCALE IN MILES Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 FLORIDA AVENUE WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 DIRECTIONS TO SITE FROM RALEIGH Ae ASHEVILLE PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM —FROM RALEIGH TRICE I -40 WEST, OR FROM ASHEVILLE TAKE 1 -40 EAST TOWARDS MARION AND TAKE EXIT 85. PROTECT —TURN SOUTH ON US -221 AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.5 MILES. MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT —TURN LEFT ONTO POLLY SPOUTS ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.7 MILES. OWNER NORTH CAROLINA EEP —TURN LEFT ONTO VEIN MOUNTAIN ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 2.6 MILES. —TURN RIGHT ONTO BRACKETT TOWN ROAD AND FOLLOW FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.8 MILES. TITLE —TURN LEFT ONTO SPROUSE ROAD AT PROJECT ENTRANCE. VICINITY MAP LAT/LONG COORDINATES FOR THE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE ARE N 38-5635 . W 81.9249. 'CA'E AS NOTED ORWN. RY cme P11ECT N0. DRAWING NUMBER nATE 8 /5/11 CmD- By SGG 1049 FIGURE 1 6 %.DRAI . _ ..�. � 11 .I� !_ l � it •� a • ~•ry I [ �� �I I ,����� � J„ �' �/� � �1,�"F��f "�� •max'^.. _�� ---� l �' lo `d LE SOUTH. M�1DDY CREE t� RESTORATION SITE WATERSHE ' MI�t?L OUT f 2 N.. q a ac r •• JJ C] Gv 7 i , �- REA; ' r • L 1 lViwilI rn� •hl �• v rll O ' 1��] 1�"I 1'�1.1� -`• �� ( o ,. • \. \, a� � ' r " I �• I � (j \\ j` �'i � _ _Y', 1� � '•� �' II i i,r, x..070 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: SCALE WATERSHED MAP 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 IDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION SITE A wolf tm MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA dkment MILES FIGURE 2 1q J* HeD M IoA 1 c L, kft WW'llc HcC2 t N-4 IoA !t SP RO 4� USE K� 4 Ar �. OUTH REEK �I EXISTING BRIDGE HcC2 " �" r* # 1114 17 z� �w I _ �U " # e- ' A r 4 F ; 4Jr r IoA R' ) #. IoA EXISTING " SPROUSE ! OR BRANCH LEGEND r . , SOILS :a BOUNDARIES IoA e HcC2 HAYESVILLE CLAY IoA LOAM 6 -15% SLOPES HeD HAYESVILLE EVARD COMPLEX 6 -15% y4,( SLOPES 1p } I0A IOTLA SANDY LOAM 0 -2% SLOPES HcC2 EXISTING STREAMS ; r fig, EXISTING STREAM CROSSING (FORD) HeD PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: SOILS MAP C� zoo a zoo sao MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION SITE cif ree � IN FEET MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA dikoiMefiment FIGUR E 3 a mm f '04 o ff t4 Ik it 'x . W d EXISTING IVA BRANCH ir EXISTING ' . 4 " MIDDLE SOUTH P9 MUDDY CREEK L V 41 4' I•• P4 EXISTING SPROUSE RD BRIDGE P3 JL W� qIQp 41r A I IL EXISTING Ak SPROUSE BRANCH eg 46410 LEGEND PERENNIAL 44 INTERMITTENT P EPHEMERAL EXISTING STREAM CROSSING (FORD) PHOTOPOINTS % AKV et PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: EXISTING HYDROLOGIC Y 200 a 200 600 FEATURES MAP & MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION SITE F 'F-f -6�401 SDU IN FEET MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA it FIGURE 4 9 y �N 4 "03b. EXISTING SOUTH MUDDY CREEK wN M,UWNN Ro#D WIN i n LEGEND EXISTING STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARIES PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: EXISTING HYDROLOGIC 100 U 100 300 FEATURES MAP IN � HANEY PRESERVATION SITE T s� MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA _ _ _ FIGURE 5 10 Historical Aerial Photo T~ 7954 r11Z i 827 BRACKETT TOWN ROAD t3.. NEBO, NC 28787 S roc- Amaf- AMrAfmka,, r,r Target Site: 35.564 - 81.922; Job Number: 827 BRACKM TOWN RD I inch equals 7511 [err Photo No. 1 South Muddy Creek facing upstream @ Sta 100 +50 3/21/11 Photo No. 2 4 � S' 7 d s _ South Muddy Creek facing downstream @ Sta 102 +50 3/21/11 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site- April 2011 12 Photo No. 3 Downstream of Bridge on South Muddy Creek @ Sta 105 +25 facing upstream 2/18/11 Photo No. 4 Livestock Access - Eroding 3.5' banks on SMC @ Sta 105 +25 downstream 2/18/11 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site- April 2011 13 Photo No. 5 Mature trees on SMC at Sta 110 +50 facing upstream 3/21/11 Photo No. 6 Sprouse Branch spring @ Sta 200 -50 facing upstream 2/18/11 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site- April 2011 14 Photo No. 7 Sprouse Branch transition from woods to ag ditch @ Sta 201 +00 facing upstream 2/18/11 Photo No. 8 Sprouse Branch agricultural ditch @ Sta 206 +00 facing upstream 2/18/11 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site- April 2011 15 Photo No. 9 Draw forming Iva Branch @ Sta 300 +00 facing upstream 2/18/11 Photo No. 10 High banks and erosion on Iva Branch @ Sta 303 +75 facing upstream 2/18/11 Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration Site- April 2011 16 3.0 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT The land required for the construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation project includes portions of the following parcels. A copy of the land protection instrument(s) is included in the appendices. When available, the recorded document(s) will be provided. If the recorded document(s) are not available, the template documents will be provided. All site protection instruments require 60 -day advance notification to the Corps and the State prior to any action to void, amend, or modify the document. No such action shall take place unless approved by the State. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 18 Landowner PIN County Site Protection Deed Book and Acreage Instrument Page Number rotected Parcel A Larry Lee Sprouse 1637 -13 -2331 McDowell Easement (Pending) Parcel B Nora & Richard Worthen 1637 -03 -3441 McDowell Easement (Pending) Parcel C Earl & Iva Sprouse 1637 -13 -3051 McDowell Easement (Pending) Parcel D Demming Company 1637 -25 -3891 McDowell Easement DB:772 PG: 600 35.19 ac James Haney) When available, the recorded document(s) will be provided. If the recorded document(s) are not available, the template documents will be provided. All site protection instruments require 60 -day advance notification to the Corps and the State prior to any action to void, amend, or modify the document. No such action shall take place unless approved by the State. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 18 1 CIS k 4P. WORTHEN, NORA S. SAND RICHARD D. ' [ ;PIN 1637 -03 -3441 714 7.-jbfm. x EXISTING s # 'A IVA BRANCH - ,EXISTING , MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK IF e r -.' SPROUSE, EARL B & IVA A PIN 1637 —* 13 -0051 l PON ROUSE RD SPROUSE, LARRY LEE PIN 1637 -13 -2331 All EXISTING i t SPROUSE BRANCHr= Y- LEGEND A' "��•. EXISTING r y e° STREAM PROPOSED STREAM �x ��} I.�,'. CROSSING �r � f � AS It CONSERVATION .- r �p.± EASEMENT BOUNDARY + • }` At PARCEL r BOUNDARIES• PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: CONSERVATION EASEMENT r.- 1 0 100 300 BOUNDARY wolf rw SME IN Rig MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION SITE '�COe111 MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Ft�7 �t��etl� FIGURE 7 ,9 4.0 BASELINE INFORMATION Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 21 Project Information Project Name Middle South Muddy Creek County McDowell Project Area (acres) 5.87 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35.5635° N , 81.9249° W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Blue Ridge River Basin Catawba River USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 03050101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 1 03050101040020 DWQ Sub -basin 03 -08 -30 Project Drainage Area (acres) 2,893 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area > 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Reach Summary Information Parameters South Muddy Creek Iva Branch Sprouse Branch Length of reach (linear feet) 1108 471 622 Valley classification (Rosgen) Valley Type VI I I b Valley Type II Valley Type II Drainage area (acres) 3,002 27 29 NCDWQ stream identification score 44 31 34 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C C C Morphological Description (stream type) (Rosgen) G4 G5 G5 Evolutionary trend (Rosgen) F4 G5 G5 Underlying mapped soils lotla, Hayesville Clay lotla, Hayesville Clay lotla, Hayesville Clay Drainage class Poorly drained Poorly drained Poorly drained Soil Hydric status Non -h dric Non -h dric Non -h dric Slope 0.4% 4.6% 2.2% FEMA classification Limited Detail N/A N/A Native vegetation community Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation <5% 15% <5% Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Wetland 3 Size of Wetland acres - - - Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non- riverine - - - Mapped Soil Series - - - Drainage class - - - Soil H dric Status - - - Source of Hydrology - - - Hydrologic Im airment - - - Native vegetation community Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes To Be Permitted Waters of the United States — Section 401 Yes To Be Permitted Endangered Species Act No N/A ERTR Historic Preservation Act No N/A ERTR Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Pending CLOMR Submittal Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 21 6.0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS Mitigation credits presented in these tables are projections based upon site design. Upon completion of site construction the project components and credits data will be revised to be consistent with the as -built condition. Middle South Muddy Creek, McDowell EEP Project No: 93875 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non - riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 2114 1167 Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID Station in /Location Existing Footage/Acreage Approach PI, P I I etc. Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage or Acreage Mitigation Ratio South Muddy Creek 101 +00 — 112 +61 931 PII R 916 1:1 Lower South Muddy Creek 110 +91 — 112 +61 177 El R 171 1.5:1 Upper Sprouse Branch 201 +50 —201+74 24 Ell R 24 2.5:1 Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch 201 +74 — 208 +04 598 PII R 611 1:1 Iva Branch 302 +14 —306+96 471 PI R 463 1:1 Haney Tract 5836 Preservation RE 5836 5:1 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non - riparian Wetland (acres) Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Riverine Non - Riverine Restoration 1990 Enhancement Enhancement I 171 Enhancement II 24 Creation Preservation 5836 High Quality Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose /Function Notes FB Entire Site Protect Stream Channel BMP Elements BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; S = Grassed Swale; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 22 6.0 Credit Release Schedule All credit releases will be based on the total credit generated as reported by the as -built survey of the mitigation site. Under no circumstances shall any mitigation project be debited until the necessary DA authorization has been received for its construction or the District Engineer (DE) has otherwise provided written approval for the project in the case where no DA authorization is required for construction of the mitigation project. The DE, in consultation with the Interagency Review Team (IRT), will determine if performance standards have been satisfied sufficiently to meet the requirements of the release schedules below. In cases where some performance standards have not been met, credits may still be released depending on the specifics of the case. Monitoring may be required to restart or be extended, depending on the extent to which the site fails to meet the specified performance standard. The release of project credits will be subject to the criteria described as follows: Forested Wetlands Credits Monitoring Credit Release Activity Interim Total Year Release Released 0 Initial Allocation — see requirements above 30% 30% 1 First year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 40% standards are being met 2 Second year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 50% standards are being met 3 Third year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 60% standards are being met 4 Fourth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 70% standards are being met 5 Fifth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 80% standards are being met; Provided that all performance standards are met, the IRT may allow the NCEEP to discontinue hydrologic monitoring after the fifth year, but vegetation monitoring must continue for an additional two years after the fifth year for a total of seven years. 6 Sixth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 90% standards are being met 7 Seventh year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 100° standards are being met, and project has received close -out approval Non - forested Wetlands Credits Monitoring Credit Release Activity Interim Total Year Release Released 0 Initial Allocation — see requirements above 30% 30% 1 First year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 40% standards are being met 2 Second year monitoring report demonstrates performance 15% 55% standards are being met 3 Third year monitoring report demonstrates performance 20% 75% standards are being met 4 Fourth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 85% standards are being met 5 Fifth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 15% standards are being met and project has received closeout approval Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 23 Stream Credits Monitoring Credit Release Activity Interim Total Year Release Released 0 Initial Allocation — see requirements above 30% 30% 1 First year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 40% standards are being met 2 Second year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 50% standards are being met (65°x') 3 Third year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 60% standards are being met 75°x' 4 Fourth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 70% standards are being met 5 Fifth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 15% 100° standards are being met and project has received closeout approval 6.1 Initial Allocation of Released Credits The initial allocation of released credits, as specified in the mitigation plan can be released by the NCEEP without prior written approval of the DE upon satisfactory completion of the following activities: a. Approval of the final Mitigation Plan b. Recordation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the USACE covering the property c. Completion of project construction (the initial physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site) pursuant to the mitigation plan; Per the NCEEP Instrument, construction means that a mitigation site has been constructed in its entirety, to include planting, and an as -built report has been produced. As -built reports must be sealed by an engineer prior to project closeout, if appropriate but not prior to the initial allocation of released credits. d. Receipt of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval for projects where DA permit issuance is not required. 6.2 Subsequent Credit Releases All subsequent credit releases must be approved by the DE, in consultation with the IRT, based on a determination that required performance standards have been achieved. For stream projects a reserve of 15% of a site's total stream credits shall be released after two bank -full events have occurred, in separate years, provided the channel is stable and all other performance standards are met. In the event that less than two bank -full events occur during the monitoring period, release of these reserve credits shall be at the discretion of the IRT. As projects approach milestones associated with credit release, the NCEEP will submit a request for credit release to the DE along with documentation substantiating achievement of criteria required for release to occur. This documentation will be included with the annual monitoring report. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 24 7.0 MITIGATION WORK PLAN 7.1 Description of Target Stream and Vegetation Communities Reference reaches were sought to provide a target for design of the proposed streams. Searches were conducted first upstream and downstream of the Site and then into surrounding watersheds to find suitable references that contained comparable slope, bed material, and valley type. A Type C4 reference was located on Toms Creek, a tributary of the Catawba River in McDowell County and a Type B4 reference was located on Cold Springs Creek, a tributary to the Pigeon River in Haywood County. The reference vegetation community data were collected at the Toms Creek reference site. 7.1.1 Reference Reach The reference reaches were selected to represent the probable configurations for the proposed stream restoration. Detailed geomorphic survey and Level II Rosgen classification were conducted on each reference reach (See Appendix C). Toms Creek Reference The Toms Creek reference reach is located in the Blue Ridge hydrophysiographic region of North Carolina. The watershed for Toms Creek reference is similar to the character of the South Muddy Creek watershed including average annual rainfall, elevation changes, and valley type. The reference watershed is located northwest of the project site within Pisgah National Forest and is predominantly forested. The drainage area for the Toms Creek reference is 3.33 miZ. The Toms Creek reach is representative of a C4 channel in a moderately sloped valley. Bed material, channel slope, and valley form of this stream are consistent with the Site and provide reasonable analogues for the potential channel forms that can be expected at the Site. The Toms Creek reference reach has a D50 of 31 mm, D84 of 71 mm, channel slope of 0.93 % and width /depth ratio of 15. Cold Springs Reference The Cold Springs Creek reference reach is located in the Blue Ridge hydrophysiographic region of North Carolina. The watershed is similar in many ways to the character of the Site watershed including average annual rainfall, elevation changes, and valley type. However, the two tributaries on the project site are sand bed streams with moderate gradient valleys (2 % -5 %) and a similar stream in reference condition was not identified. The Cold Springs Creek reference represents a stable stream type with a gravel bed in a similar valley type and slope. The reference watershed is rural and consists predominantly of forest stands with some grassy fields although there are no livestock on the adjacent land. The drainage area for the Cold Springs Creek reference is 2.77 miZ. The Cold Springs reach is representative of a B4 channel in a moderately sloped valley with a narrow, constrained floodplain. Channel slope, and valley form of this stream are consistent with the project site and provide reasonable analogues for the potential channel forms that can be expected at the Site. The Cold Springs reference reach has a D50 of 45mm, D84 of 130mm, channel slope of 0.024 ft/ft, and width /depth ratio of 16. Discharge and Bankfull Verification Bankfull was readily identified on the reference streams as they exhibited consistent indicators throughout the reach. Verification of bankfull was accomplished by plotting the bankfull cross sectional area against the regional curve data. The graph indicates that the bankfull identified in the surveyed reach is consistent with the regional curve data. After verification of bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull discharge was calculated for the surveyed reach using a single- section analysis. Manning's `n' was estimated from relative roughness calculations of the bed material and from observation of the channel flow conditions. Water surface slope was assumed to be consistent with the slope of the bed profile. Discharge was then plotted against a graph of the regional curve data. The graphing of this data indicated that the calculated bankfull discharges were consistent with the regional curve data. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 25 Channel Stability Assessment A detailed channel stability assessment was not performed for these reaches since the bank and bed stability were obvious from observation. Subsequent review of the surveyed dimensions confirmed that width -depth ratios and bank height ratios were within the appropriate range for stable, self- maintaining streams. Additional observations included significant upstream and downstream reconnaissance to identify any past, present, or future signs or sources of degradation. Limited Reach Reference Through the course of conducting the reference reach searches, several streams were identified as possessing qualities of stability and natural form. However, these reaches were determined not to be suitable references for the project due to either incompatible stream type, valley form, or insufficient reach length. In these locations morphological measurements were taken to supplement the data acquired from the reference reach sites. Measurements on eight (8) individual reaches included bankfull width, bed width, depth of bankfull, toe depth, and width of thalweg. A graph of this data is included in Appendix C. 7.1.2 Reference Vegetation Community The plant community survey was performed at Toms Creek on July 6, 2011. The riparian plant community most closely resembles a Montane Alluvial Forest as described by Schafale and Weakley (1990). Canopy species observed included Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), American Beech (Fagus grandifolia), River Birch (Betula nigra), White Oak (Quercus albs), Black Oak (Quercus velutina), Red Maple (Acer rubrum), and Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Subcanopy species included Spicebush (Lindera benzoin), American holly (Ilex opaca), iron wood (Carpinus caroliniana), and witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana). Herbaceous species included Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), Dog Hobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana), New York Fern (Thelyptris novaboracensis), Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), and Yellowroot (Xonthorhiza simplicissima). 7.2 Narrative of Design Parameters South Muddy Creek South Muddy Creek will be designed as a Type C4 stream with moderate sinuosity. Priority II Restoration will be implemented with the intent being to create a stable channel with a floodplain capable of conveying storm flows and routing the moderately high sediment loads supplied by the watershed. The presence of an existing bridge in the middle of project requires that the floodplain bench be transitioned at the approach and exiting of the channel. Generally, the channel appears to be vertically stable; therefore, only minor adjustment will be made to the profile which will include re- establishment of proper riffle -pool sequence and installation of in- stream log and brush structures. Reference data will provide the basis for pattern and dimension adjustments, and a new floodplain bench will be excavated below the existing terrace. Existing topsoil will be salvaged for use on the floodplain bench to facilitate vegetation success. Sprouse Branch The upper reach of Sprouse Branch has a mature forested canopy and channel instabilities are minor. Enhancement (Ell) is proposed for this reach. It is anticipated that the exclusion of livestock from the area will greatly reduce erosion and instability within this reach. Enhancement efforts will include the installation of a grade control at the spring head to prevent further headcut migration. Supplemental plantings will be used to treat existing bare banks. Enhancement activities will be minimally invasive to provide for the protection of mature riparian buffer. Middle Sprouse Branch and Lower Sprouse Branch are designed as Type B5 and Type B5c channels, respectively. As Sprouse Branch exits the upper forested reach and flows into the pasture, the moderately high gradient (3 %) warrants the installation of rock grade - control structures to stabilize the vertical profile. As Sprouse Branch intersects the valley of South Muddy Creek, the gradient decreases (1.8 %), resulting in a transition to a Type B5c stream. In both cases, construction of a stream profile that is consistent with the valley gradient would be unstable for the sand bed material supplied by the watershed. In order to accommodate the steeper valley gradient a terraced profile is proposed with intermediate slopes of less than 0.2 %. Dimension adjustments will include an increase in width /depth Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 26 ratio to reduce the stress on channel banks, and the excavation of a floodplain bench to provide for the conveyance of flood flows. Existing topsoil will be salvaged for use on the floodplain bench to facilitate vegetation success. Iva Branch Upper Iva Branch is a candidate for Priority I Restoration which will involve filling the existing incised valley to raise the channel as much as eight (8) feet. Material from the excavation of South Muddy Creek will be used to fill the valley and the woody material in the gully will be salvaged for use throughout the rest of the project. The fill material will be placed in no greater than 2 -ft lifts and compacted to in situ soil densities. The constructed channel will be designed as a Type B5 stream and will be vertically stabilized through the installation of rock structures. The short reach comprising Lower Iva Branch traverses the South Muddy Creek Valley and is designed as a Type B5c channel. Profile, pattern, and dimension shall be adjusted to provide for proper pool spacing, riffle -pool sequence, and reductions of stress along stream banks. A bankfull bench shall be constructed to provide for proper conveyance of greater- than - bankfull flows. Log and rock structures will be installed to control vertical alignment and provide aquatic habitat. In order to accommodate the steeper gradient of the valley, a terraced profile is proposed with intermediate slopes of less than 0.2 %. Vegetation In order to address potential poor soil conditions on the graded bench and floodplain, EEP may plant a mixture of leguminous and grassy cover crop species to add organic matter and fix nitrogen in the soil. Cover crops will be disked into the soil after construction to incorporate the biomass and attempt to avoid dominance of the site by these species. In addition, a combination of containerized woody plants and tolerant bare roots will be planted in these sensitive areas. Haney Tract The Haney Tract will be established as a preservation site to protect and buffer the existing stream. The network of dirt roads that occur throughout this tract will be barricaded in strategic locations to prevent future vehicular access. The barricades will be constructed of boulders and large diameter tree trunks. 7.3 Narrative of Data Analysis Hydraulic Analysis The proposed channel sections were evaluated for their ability to convey the bankfull flows and the flood flows (2Yr, 10Yr, 50Yr, 100Yr) of the watershed by performing a hydraulic analysis. Bankfull discharge was determined from the revised North Carolina mountain and piedmont regional curve (NRCS) and flood flow discharges were taken from the existing FEMA model. The analysis consisted of first modeling the existing conditions with the HEC -RAS water surface profile model. Cross sections were taken through the channel and the adjacent valley at representative locations throughout the project reach. Existing hydraulic conditions were evaluated and the model calibrated based on available site data including the presence of rack lines and testimony of past flooding from local residences. Proposed conditions were analyzed by revising the existing sections based on the proposed channel geometry and by revising the model to reflect proposed pattern conditions and anticipated future roughness coefficients. Comparison of the existing and proposed HEC -RAS models provided assistance in the analysis of the sediment transport, bankfull flow capacity, and confirmation that there will be no hydraulic trespass onto adjacent properties. FEMA Results South Muddy Creek is a limited detail study stream. The HEC -RAS model of the 100 -yr event indicates no appreciable increase in the water surface elevation within or upstream of the project. However, there is a 0.1' rise in one section upstream of the site and there is a significant decrease in the water surface elevation upstream of the bridge that may require a CLOMR submittal. This determination will be subject to review of the floodplain manager. Sediment Competence Analysis The design sections were evaluated for competence to transport the sediment supplied by the watershed. Critical shear stress was calculated for bankfull discharge for each design section and related to particle Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 27 sizes expected to be mobilized. These predicted particle sizes were compared to the caliber of the bed material found in the existing channels. The material composing the bed of existing South Muddy Creek consists of particles with a D50 of 19 mm and a Dmax of 57 mm. The proposed channel was designed by calculating threshold conveyance for the maximum mobile particle and the representative particle size. Bed material in existing Sprouse and Iva Branch is composed of primarily of sand and silt particles and shear stress calculations suggest that profile slopes less than 0.2 % are required for bed stability (See Appendix C for sediment transport calculations). Sediment Capacity Evaluation The design configuration was evaluated for sediment transport capacity by assessing continuity and magnitude of stream power. Stream power was determined from the HEC -RAS modeling for a range of events greater than bankfull (2Yr, 10Yr, 50Yr, 100Yr) and comparisons were made with existing and proposed conditions. Results indicate that maintaining stream power values above 1.0 are necessary to provide for capacity continuity and to accommodate the moderately high bed loads of the channel. The model indicates that a spike in stream power will result at the upstream end (section 64854.66) from the construction of the restored channel. The risk of adverse effects will be greatest in the first two years following construction with risk diminishing as vegetation on the banks increase channel roughness. Several channel configurations were evaluated in an attempt to reduce this effect. However, none demonstrated a significant advantage over the design section. Additionally, flood plain pipes were evaluated to improve floodplain performance. The model results indicated that floodplain pipes will have only a marginal effect and may in some instances negatively influence sediment conveyance. Given these results along with the cost of installation and presence of timber retaining walls on the bridge approach; floodplain pipes are not recommended on this site. Sediment capacity calculations were not performed on Iva Branch or Sprouse Branch since both streams have low sediment supply. Stability issues associated with sediment transport on low sediment supply streams are focused on providing the correct balance with respect to sediment transport competence. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 28 4 rS r { Aq 1 w r1 F I PROPOSED J` IMPROVEMENT TO EXISTING FORD CROSSING SP ROUSE RD .�4' � ^y"�'�,� : ■ ..,err � r J, F ` :� .,� r s 7 ' 1 1 � , k V 4. % S r �t Y^o� l� + iE' + +!EPA. J alr •� i� -' . PROPOSED PIPE k Row CROSSING • fi �'� `,�!!: PROPOSED IVA BRANCH .—PROPOSED SOUTH MUDDY CREEK awl 8 _ E *� 1 } EXISTING {• , BRIDGE .�p� ! •i f �. �y PROPOSED PIPE of VF CROSSING PROPOSED =r,. SPROUSE E J 1BRANCH N. �+.'' LEGEND dp PROPOSED RESTORATION (PERENNIAL) # * PROPOSED FORD O ? +T�, ` PROPOSED RESTORATION CROSSING UPSTREAM �►• (INTERMITTENT) OF SEEP HEAD �' •' `k PROPOSED ENHANCEMENT (PERENNIAL) r i' ,F � 1 :' PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: PROPOSED HYDROLOGIC r Y 200 a 200 600 FEATURES MAP MIDDLE S. MUDDY CREEK RESTORATION SITE FCOSstem� r~ee � IN FEET MCDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA �1illlsll eI]1 IIt FIGURE 9 8.0 MAINTENANCE PLAN NCEEP shall monitor the site on a regular basis and shall conduct a physical inspection of the site a minimum of once per year throughout the post- construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and may include the following: Component/Feature Maintenance through project close -out Stream Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include chinking of in- stream structures to prevent piping, securing of loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the channel. Areas where stormwater and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head-cutting. Wetland Routine wetland maintenance and repair activities may include securing of loose coir matting and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation within the wetland. Areas where stormwater and floodplain flows intercept the wetland may also require maintenance to prevent scour. Vegetation Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and /or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Site Boundary Site boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree - blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and /or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and /or replaced on an as needed basis. Utility Right -of -Way Utility rights -of -way within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Ford Crossing Ford crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Road Crossing Road crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Stormwater Management Device Storm water management devices will be monitored and maintained per the protocols and procedures defined by the NC Division of Water Quality Storm Water Best Management Practices Manual. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 30 9.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 9.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability Restored and enhanced streams should demonstrate morphologic stability to be considered successful. Stability does not equate to an absence of change, but rather to sustainable rates of change or stable patterns of variation. Restored streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change /variation subsequent to that is also to be expected. If some trend is evident, it should be very modest or indicate migration to another stable form. Dimension Cross - section measurements should indicate little change from the as -built cross - sections. If changes do occur, they will be evaluated to determine whether the adjustments are associated with increased stability or whether they indicate movement towards an unstable condition. Pattern and Profile Measurements and calculated values should indicate stability with little deviation from as -built conditions and established morphological ranges for the restored stream type. Annual measurements should indicate stable bed -form features with little change from the as -built survey. The pools should maintain their depth with flatter water surface slopes, while the riffles should remain shallower and steeper. Substrate Calculated D50 and D84 values should indicate coarser size class distribution of bed materials in riffles and finer size class distribution in pools. Generally, it is anticipated that the bed material will coarsen over time. Sediment Transport Depositional features should be consistent with a stable stream that is effectively managing its sediment load. Point bar and inner berm features, if present, should develop without excessive encroachment of the channel. Lateral and mid - channel bar features should typically not be present and if so only in isolated instances. Bar features may be more prevalent in sand bed channels but should be transient in nature and should occupy no more than 20% of the cross sectional area. 9.2 Vegetation Riparian vegetation monitoring shall be conducted for a minimum of five years to ensure that success criteria are met per USACE guidelines. Accordingly, success criteria will consist of a minimum survival of 320 stems per acre by the end of the Year 3 monitoring period and a minimum of 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5. If monitoring indicates either that the specified survival rate is not being met or the development of detrimental conditions (i.e., invasive species, diseased vegetation), appropriate corrective actions will be developed and implemented. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 31 10.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring data will be reported using the EEP monitoring template. The monitoring report shall provide a project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, population of EEP databases for analysis, research purposes, and assist in decision making regarding project close -out. Required Parameter Quantity Frequency Notes NO Pattern As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington District Stream Mitigation YES Dimension Guidelines annual As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington District Stream Mitigation YES Profile Guidelines annual As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington District Stream Mitigation YES Substrate Guidelines annual As per April 2003 USACE A Crest Gauge will be installed on site; the device Wilmington District will be inspected on a semi - annual basis to Surface Water Stream Mitigation document the occurrence of bankfull events on the YES Hydrology Guidelines annual project Groundwater monitoring gauges with data recording Quantity and location of devices will be installed on site; the data will be Groundwater gauges will be determined downloaded on a monthly basis during the growing NO Hydrology in consultation with EEP annual season Quantity and location of vegetation plots will be determined in consultation Vegetation will be monitored using the Carolina YES I Vegetation with EEP I annual Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocols Exotic and nuisance Locations of exotic and nuisance vegetation will be YES vegetation annual mapped Semi- Locations of fence damage, vegetation damage, YES Project boundary annual boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 32 11.0 LONG -TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN Upon approval for close -out by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) the site will be transferred to NCDENR or other IRT- approved stewardship entity. This party shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions shall be negotiated prior to site transfer to the responsible party. The NCDENR Division of Natural Resource Planning and Conservation's Stewardship Program currently houses EEP stewardship endowments within the non - reverting, interest - bearing Conservation Lands Stewardship Endowment Account. The use of funds from the Endowment Account is governed by North Carolina General Statute GS 113A- 232(d)(3). Interest gained by the endowment fund may be used only for the purpose of stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable. The NCDENR Stewardship Program intends to manage the account as a non - wasting endowment. Only interest generated from the endowment funds will be used to steward the compensatory mitigation sites. Interest funds not used for those purposes will be re- invested in the Endowment Account to offset losses due to inflation. 12.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN Upon completion of site construction EEP will implement the post- construction monitoring protocols previously defined in this document. Project maintenance will be performed as described previously in this document. If, during the course of annual monitoring it is determined the site's ability to achieve site performance standards are jeopardized, EEP will notify the USACE of the need to develop a Plan of Corrective Action. The Plan of Corrective Action may be prepared using in -house technical staff or may require engineering and consulting services. Once the Corrective Action Plan is prepared and finalized EEP will: 1. Notify the USACE as required by the Nationwide 27 permit general conditions. 2. Revise performance standards, maintenance requirements, and monitoring requirements as necessary and /or required by the USACE. 3. Obtain other permits as necessary. 4. Implement the Corrective Action Plan. 5. Provide the USACE a Record Drawing of Corrective Actions. This document shall depict the extent and nature of the work performed. 13.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES Pursuant to Section IV H and Appendix III of the Ecosystem Enhancement Program's In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources has provided the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District with a formal commitment to fund projects to satisfy mitigation requirements assumed by EEP. This commitment provides financial assurance for all mitigation projects implemented by the program. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 33 14.0 OTHER INFORMATION 14.1 DEFINITIONS Morphological description — the stream type; stream type is determined by quantifying channel entrenchment, dimension, pattern, profile, and boundary materials; as described in Rosgen, D. (1996), Applied River Morphology, 2nd edition Native vegetation community — a distinct and reoccurring assemblage of populations of plants, animals, bacteria and fungi naturally associated with each other and their population; as described in Schafale, M.P. and Weakley, A. S. (1990), Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation Project Area - includes all protected lands associated with the mitigation project 14.2 REFERENCES Faber - Langendoen, D., Rocchio, J., Schafale, M., Nordman, C., Pyne, M., Teague, J., Foti, T., Comer, P. (2006), Ecological Integrity Assessment and Performance Measures for Wetland Mitigation. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Lindenmayer, D.B., and J.F. Franklin. (2002), Conserving forest biodiversity: A comprehensive multiscaled approach. Island Press, Washington, DC. North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, NC. Peet, R. K., Wentworth, T.S., and White, P.S. (1998), A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure. Castanea 63:262 -274 Pope, B.F., Tasker, G.D. 1999, Estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods in rural basins of North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 99 -4114. U.S. Geological Survey, Raleigh, NC. Rosgen, D. (1996), Applied River Morphology, 2nd edition, Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO Schafale, M.P. and Weakley, A. S. (1990), Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation, NC Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003, US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Young, T.F. and Sanzone, S. (editors). (2002), A framework for assessing and reporting on ecological condition. Ecological Reporting Panel, Ecological Processes and Effects Committee. EPA Science Advisory Board. Washington, DC. Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 34 APPENDIX A SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT(S) Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan LLJ LLJ Y O d7 Q6 cU\ n O N D- m = w w �n U W w_ O ~O Ge� LLJ m W inw >- z� Z L` ~z-i w Iw Iw O Of W w > ma Q0 ° LLJ Q0 <Y- w Q w w v, Q m =z0 �� I° 10 Q m w 00 Q� J 0 Of LLJ Q W u�� w moo ry z O =wn z o o w Q zo °m�wm w cn U) LLJ� _ a_ w m °o � Z wQOO w O Z\ JG O W 0° m z Q Q O°� Q W W 0� W~ LLJ W O z Q� Z UQU Z Z W� Cr Q z U ° J O C� o w 0 .° z zz�Q O J J J � Q z O w Q 9, w w ° w0QZ0 Li z 0 � W Z F- >- m, W z m ~Li ~U)Q CY CY Q Qw z w O Z Q Of > LLJ CD -5 Of Q Q m J 0 O Q W w O� Q W S m Q LLJ 0 LLJ m W W w °m0� C)f LLJ LLJ (n > Q O O W C)- W >° O W � O O O Qm0m z M mI-- Q Of W O D cn U F CD cn L�wi 00 Z z cn w 0 �c0nww0 cw LLJ 0- LLJ 0 Ll— cn � Li- I 1= Im I� C/, q Z Z vi w 0 �°zp- W Q 10 Io Iz Lj I-- Uza— Z w 1 O 1� 1° ry O 1Z � �0zz IJ � 10 w z mI-- Icn U L m =Q: : 0 I� I� Im Im U) c LU °U C o IZ 1= 1= L�j m o I� Li =cnzQQ z U - QQww Q IQ IJ l0 Iz Iu Im LLJ a- 0 U m W< �cn w w cn J ° Z z cwn Q �� Z m Q z w= Z '' w w w o z~ 0 w w w Q YZ � ww ° �o J (n o w O Q z� QQ D mM zo0vu) w ° :2 �°oomm °C' o�o7 r m�mm 0 �O z n F- w J cn J cwm Z U) u J Z Z m�z ° Ld J Z m w 0 Q m Q m 0 Q x Z U wD O o O F- O 0 0 z�z mwmoU°CLWUcnUw 0 0 0 w Q J O� O m • O O ❑ww�CLm�UZ° CL W Ucn W LLJ LLJ Y O d7 Q6 cU\ n O N D- m = w w �n U W w_ O ~O Ge� LLJ m W inw >- z� Z U ~z-i w Iw Iw Iw C1 Iw ma Q0 00 Q0 <Y- X Ln LUNo'~ =z0 �� I° 10 Io 10 10 Q� J 0 Of LLJ Z O W ' �°� :w O :NNn w moo Q z O =wn �z LLJ zo °m�wm w Z o�o�o ~ W Q�w >w w JONOf Ii W Owcn Q Q O°� Q Of z< Q Cry HO UQU W 0- o w 0 .° z zz�Q O ° w0QZ0 Li ~Li ~U)Q Q w °m0� Qm0m z I Iw �c0nww0 cw LLJ 0- LLJ 0 Ll— cn � Li- I° 1= Im I� w �°zp- I� 1� 10 Io Iz Lj I-- Uza— Z w 1 O 1� 1° m 1� O 1Z � �0zz IJ 10 Icn U L m =Q: : 0 I� I� Im Im c LU °U C o IZ 1= 1= Im I� Li =cnzQQ z U - QQww Q IQ IJ l0 Iz Iu Im IQ Iw IQ I> N I 00 CO ti M co T- z W w_ O ~O QUQ�N W inw >- z� Z U ~z-i O Q m ::) DOC) C1 Nj0NZ Q 00 Q0 <Y- X Ln LUNo'~ �>/ L.L I I Q i V) V) Q C) Q� J 0 Of LLJ Z O W ' �°� :w O :NNn U Q z O =wn �z LLJ Q Z o�o�o ~ W Q�w >w JONOf Ii W Owcn Of z< Q Cry HO W 0- N I 00 CO ti M co T- z W QUQ�N CO 0 00 Z m I U) Q�WA� C1 >�UCl-O X CND X X Z 00 X Q� J W U " O O° N 00 O N N N N N E N O n N L(7 D� r� c0 CO N r O r O " 00 r� L(7 00 c0 " r O O Co LO Q-t 00 QO 00 -000-)- N O N N r O r O O O Ln -4 N Ln O O r N O LO O N r 0 N 00 . 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Z co 0 0 N0LWOW ;I CL !) > �v��QZ°cn a _ w O0U Q I Z U) O�NUW)M LLJ V J Z cna0 OD wO�¢Z °o =Wzn0 Z� Z H r =D =JZDNO U) m Q U Z 0 W LO ...z U 2 t0 Z1j L Nrl ItnstONdrNt17 U. drMOnOOnON u-000N rrrn0LC) - 0)04 -00 CN rn(000- In N r- r n 00 n N�0)0 W Z U Z M rj Ip ri tf7 tD LO trj N tD 4 Oi 1n tD tp tD Itj r7 O_ O �t� \ CD Ntn�00o�-�17d tnOrn00000 17NMN17c^V tOrnao.nao --Nth 0000 } Z L L � d 0 C14 CN CN N N N N N r O N t' � t' 7 P 7 N N N N N 0 0 0 O LLJ r, N W W nrOnr) t")" �nn Inr�r�r') r7r�r7M�r�r7Mr�i�r %0r�1;:-) r')r)')1ir7t) vi LL_ (n dFW- Z Z V 5HF }Q \ Q LL tr O} 0 O -� >00 O Q Z-la �i� u uI W O i (n W ¢ d- 00 0 m W Z 1 \ °Z > >Z� cnz �a)W — (M O�0OO cQl to Z Z N J Ld O - z dim � — M \ O ch >- w mLD Q� O 20 �¢JN =UW ¢QOJ LJ- ZO F-Q�U OOf QF - ~¢W JUWQ ° 02� �Z00W wF-- F_r) pp0 ~U LiJ� LLj Ln0 0 W(n¢¢¢NY N ¢ >F_ (n 0= LLJ iQ =xz ��0¢U FmW > 0 w } ¢ Z 0 ►- OW 0U) W v¢� 000d0 Owrr�O 0w O ¢O�o Ld 0E- WOf3::0 W-a2Z OfwzZU UJOU Q' }m0 W 0 W L¢ Z0 3 W }¢¢ W QI-0 z CnF-0W 0t=- (nom < F- ~UWWC� z0°La1 }�W¢ W wF-O w < tYV TJ =IL QF�QO >g ¢U)F- W F-OLY�0� w�' F- LO L(i0LL F- OOF--z0) LL >rrZWLL_ - g(nz^ Q0 -WU0U� _j 4- Oaf a—m -10 CL Z(=9pmm ZQ�¢LLWZ ��z ZOaZ¢JU) OYYoO W F- W ooXZOEP _.wown <WM��LZ ¢mz0 o(.9 Z0Q0> w °0w`II OIJiUY LLJ °w Um }ON 0U� zfrwo JWZ LLI_j Z_ WUF- �F- ~Z W ~DWa0 12¢ 0 > U 00<0<"W -•1.00 00 =SZa � W �W -Q qtr =O► -0M FWZW ¢WO Z LL_ =)¢X 0u-F -m0m0 :30DM.- F- V) LLAM M0 o 0 (nNF- 00 of o 0 z o o ° N-1 a ° z �� = i 0 W �- z ~ Li H FN-0 U0 0 C) ()!f =Q Li QOF- UJF- �0 O W W - OfF LLI --¢H �F-W Lw U0 °0¢ �o F- ujU F- 02¢ < Ld ¢} wLjO� WZ Q F-WZ QU2 0W� mLi 0 co La N(W 0 WwF~- V �Wj0UO0 �¢�m0 WF-N¢ ¢� o LLLJ ° <V) UU wzw o ZLn° LLJ V) 3 Z Z NW ¢7004 cn QZ �_ OU WF- � H� �ZW�QOQI �Z~ZF- J¢N¢ 0E- ¢ (nx OW } Li �U QNF- 00 = JI.-OZ mZ WZ }OU¢Q_J Ow0 W0 Fzw> ON ¢cn¢ of 3' riFF--�0 FF- 0 Lj �w >- 0Z NO aw F- =S QON°LFL-j ZNwO CO j m I 0LZ 0 } NDwZ�U(n ZF-Z ¢ Qatrin W� F-(v~ I•-. ?OQC -) �Ln- Q0 C90L, Q Fw- C)-- �W wQ� ~w¢WW Wpm 0 °d0 NW J mN 00 0o0owwo of F- Ij LLJ LJLl0 ¢° mW�LJ W� > >W 0(x v)zwwF- 0(1. 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W �v��QZ°cn a 0 w O0U Q I Z U) O�NUW)M LLJ V Q Z cna0 I wO�¢Z °o =Wzn0 I =D =JZDNO Z 0 W � of 0 F O G Qnw.w >W F- W L1cr0Wv) LL_ �Z °�H►= -(r ¢ U) Naa(n Z =L�DOof W 1¢ � W 1= m0 °ww cf- w=wL..LQmm 0 I - Oac)H I F- CL U _1 W>-(q0 j .`.. o> I¢ a `OI mzw>- ¢0 NIA mo W U W C) La L\� O F- I ~a I =Q¢Q ~ NI > U Q 0 N0LWOW ;I CL !) �v��QZ°cn a w O0U Q I Z U) U I ° oo }o¢ QzDz~ Z i I wO�¢Z °o =Wzn0 I =D =JZDNO � z U _ �_mozLZw� ¢ ¢trUOo� F=- MxuwL`0 I °w._j(n�= W LL_ �Z °�H►= -(r ¢ I} > ¢ ;E a W 1¢ � � } mMOZZ 1= m0 °ww cf- w=wL..LQmm 0 exNr= ww\ I m U) 0 zaa z ? 0 LU LU 00 z ga N W m DOa OM (r) a N c6 71 0 r7 O )'` 001, 0 000 N CO x7000 r- m w03 0t0 0 0 m m m N tO (0 C14 1' It to dNN�Ui Z r�cDO(Vt000r'7tnED- :cgOOOCD� O Z Oq) (P K) NNrn(DO)tDlnOOr)MO00)tqlnt")- 00Nr-rq.- ONONt�00LO00t'`)�Nt) r700r7t10�MtD j�0.- 1ntOLn C) r')r-tD(0(D N N ` tl�tpr�tD�00t�rn •- t�tO�N�OtO��00N�m cn, )r,tnOr�00ON0 S`=l Nrrno�rin�na0000rnrlo) 001 r-,tn �cD 17 tY cD r- r` O .- f\ tD tf7 In t to to to to to tXJ Z�ta 9� p O( DC DtOr-r- r�r�i�r�00r�r��r�tDr�r� ^ ^tnt�Intnln(DWd) LC) Lc) LOZ nd� d rr 010 — I \ \ V U Zr�r�t�r�r�rlr,rlrr-r�r�nr�r�t�r�r cD O tD tO t0 (D tD tD tD tD t0 w c0 w tD t0 O cD tD w tD tD tD tD tD tD to tD O ED tD W 0 t0 t0 tD to 0 f� QZ QN so�-A W Q(^\L^ I IV F- \ O rN\� Z Nt 1st lItD1�00rn0 N17� n(Or�000)O�Nr7 �tl7tDI�w m0�Nr)�lntOr-000 LyO� I JAN \ LO ( O �NNNNNNNNNNn )r�r7r7r7t'�nnK) `z ca (5 (0 U N zm^ O I Quo \ z ^►\ O W I OWN Q NZ z O \ I 1 co Q O Z J Q (N � N O O`` � Q .k � ° U LL_ U - W m ((� C14 00 00 � _ rn a_ LU _ lql E 4k I Ln � \ Z Z Q Q M� �T LO CD > -.� —cc o u dJ I \\ w G W V p �N >:— q N N U w� ca dU -_' LL i -- = i" v • . r\ j m m tL. Q _► 0 CL I Nl1' 9 _ J Z J ,\ \ o_/ w LLU r LL4j C3 W O Z O m -ter f 350 I `-4 G �J OZ Q W 0 4! � D J i \ � QW�LL'v2 Wo� Lu o ! o� i � z z O Z Q � c oN O Lj o � _L �I \ �w Lu xO 14 I N w Q I..�. J 00 z ^vC9 I - O �o \ \ / LU W d U) \ Lri fZ N pC U� \ � p1 V J V J Q�Opm I �QQ`i �N �O \ \ �``� Z W �J ( H oaDD I �4 a�c;� \• \ �Na O W W I C6 �w�� \ w;_°j U= Q c m o \ Ch Q<cL wtr O?m Q V V m > Lu r . f APPENDIX B BASELINE INFORMATION DATA Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: 3fa ProjectlSite: MSMudbi " " °s� Latitude: 35.5 (.k3Q� Evaluator: V, County: N1Go 11 Longitude: - �� 4. 9 -;j aq Total Points: Stream betermination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent r Ephemeral Intermittent `Perennia e.g. Quad Name: if? fs or erennial if? 30' 2 3 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal= �', } Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 T 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 0.5 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 (3 5. Active /relict floodplain 0 1 1 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 4 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 25. Algae 2 (3) 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 .5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. HAroloav (Subtotal = < <) l 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 1 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes 3 C. Bioloav (Subtotal =, 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 2 3 22. Fish d 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 4 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 "perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. (Votes: Sketch:I,o�, q� lei C+d�,s� l'i<s P.c PsrSerk NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: 1 a�? �7i W Project[Site: i;.r Latitude: Evaluator: County; i i, D,.:� 11 Longitude: Total Points: Stream Determinati��_ ( circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral ntermlttent' P I perennial a -g. Quad Name: if >_ 19 or perennial if? 30" 2 3 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = 0 5 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 18 Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 (1) 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 t1) 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 9. Grade control 0 6. 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1. 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = Yes = 3 ° artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Wdroloav (Subtotal = } 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 03 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 2 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris U 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No - Yes = 3 C. Biology (Subtotal = 4-S ) 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 22. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 01 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 "perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: NC DWQ Stream Identification )Form Version 4.11 Date: n���golt S. M�Jd fsSb Project/Site: M5N1��d 5 Latitude: 34 56z�U Evaluator: County: Longitude:' gl.ga3+d Total Points: Stream is at feast intermittent ` Stream Determination (cirr!q_mJ Ephemeral Intermittent Pere. nia Other e.g. Quad Name: if z 19 or perennial if? 30" 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 1J �J 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 5. Activelrelict floodplain 0 1 2 1.5 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 0 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 1.5 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 c 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = Q ° artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal= It -5 ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 0 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 0 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 3 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 0.5 1 17: Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = C. Bioloqy (Subtotal= _ to .5 ) 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 22, Fish 0 0.5 1 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 "perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: t� III NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: 112 a, lg.ott GQS # Project/Site: ,p,,{t j.� "tck I Latitude: 5 . S 01 Evaluator: 5 M County: M,0,v' I Long ltude:g(,�aa1,1 Total Points: Stream Determi nation- (circle one) Other Stream is at feast intermittent 3rttent if 2t i9 or perennial rf;' 30" ��iry Ephemeral 'Intermittent) Perennial p e. Quad Name: 9 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = )3 ? Absent Weak Moderate Strong _1' . Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 a 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 C 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, --ripple-pool sequence 0 �,) -P 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 2 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 (2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 1.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = o Yes 3 `artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hvdrolociv (Subtotal = q. S ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 1 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2, 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 3 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 2 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes C, Blologv (Subtotal = o.5 } 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 22, Fish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians o 0. 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: Qko�o I��15 NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Bate: 31 aal;flit G45 0 ProjecVSite: 1/IS IA ,JA 0' Sr}�'� Latitude: 35 5b31l Evaluator: 5 M�i�t�I County: bA(Q�Mc4� Longitude:- �t,qa��� Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent Stream Dete nation circle one) Other if 19 or perennial if? 30` Ephemeral to tten Perennial e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomorphology (Subtotal= `� ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 ", Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 ) 1 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 (1') 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 1 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 Yes = 3 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 0.5 2 3 8. Headcuts FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 2 3 9. Grade control Notes: 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No =1) Yes = 3 "artificial ditches are not rated: see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = - ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 1 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 117. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 C. Bloloav (Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 © 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks V 1 2 3 22. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 `perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: vk'�' t� +I� NC Division of Water Quality - Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.1 NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.1 \ " V% to Date: 1) Project/Site: W& `id�tn, Latitude: Evaluator: County:j Longitude: Total Points: Stream Determination (cir)e-qn Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent t rennia e.g. Quad Name: if;-, 19 or perennial if Z 30* 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = JX3 , 1 Absent Weak Moderate Strong 18' Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 0.5 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 0.5 2 3 5. Active /relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 0 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0. 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No - Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual R Hvriminnv (Subtotal = I I. < 1 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 J 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 21. Aquatic Mollusks no 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 22. Fish 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes 3 C Rinlnnv (Subtotal = b 1 18. Fibrous roots in streambed C3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks no 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0. 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 '0. 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW =0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: 41 NC Division of Water Quality - Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.1 NC DWn Stream identification Form Versinn 4.1 -JUo� &CIn Date: g C�3 `) Project/Site: j �/M Latitude: Evaluator: County: tl6ajal Longitude: Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent DU Stream Det rmination ircle one) Other <3Y Ephemera( intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: if 2 19 or perennial if z 30* 1 3 i A. Geomor holo (Subtotal = Absent Weak Moderate Strong 18' Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 <3Y 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 1 3 3. In- channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple-pool sequence 0 1� 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active /relict floodplain No = 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 0.5 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 0.5 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 0.5 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 1 0.5 1 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No 0 Yes = 3 artificial ditches are not rated; see discuss'ons in manual R HvrImInnv fRnhtntal = S.0 1 12. Presence of Baseflow 3 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 VS 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0. 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes :Q r' Rinlnnv /Cuhtnfn1 = 41 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 1Z 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 22. Fish ( 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae i 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed I FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other i0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: 41 Appendix A Categorical Exclusion Form for Ecosystem Enhancement Program Projects Version 1.4 Note: Only Appendix A should to be submitted (along with any supporting documentation) as the environmental document. Part 1: General Project Information Project Name: Middle South Muddy Creek Count Name: McDowell County EEP Number: 93875 Project Sponsor: NCEEP Project Contact Name: Julie Cahill Project Contact Address: 5 Ravenscroft Drive, Suite 102, Asheville, NC 28801 Project Contact E -mail: Julie.Cahill @ncdener.gov EEP Project Mana er: Julie Cahill Project Description Stream restoration activities will restore approximately 2,414 feet of stream and enhance 207 feet of stream along Middle South Muddy Creek and two of its tributaries, Sprouse and Iva Branches by restoring natural channel morphology and proper sediment transport capacity, improving bed form diversity, constructing a floodplain bench, improving channel and stream bank stabilization, establishing a forested and herbaceous riparian buffer plant community. For Official Use Only Reviewed By: Date EEP Project Manager Conditional Approved By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA ❑ Check this box if there are outstanding issues Final Approval By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA 6 Version 1.4, 8/18/05 Part 2: All Projects Regulation/Q . Regulation/Question Response Coastal Zone Management Act CZMA 1. Is the project located in a CAMA county? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 2. Does the project involve ground- disturbing activities within a CAMA Area of ❑ Yes Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ No ❑✓ N/A 3. Has a CAMA permit been secured? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑✓ N/A 4. Has NCDCM agreed that the project is consistent with the NC Coastal Management ❑ Yes Program? ❑ No ❑✓ N/A Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liabilit Act CERCLA 1. Is this a "full- delivery" project? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 2. Has the zoning /land use of the subject property and adjacent properties ever been ❑ Yes designated as commercial or industrial? ❑ No ❑✓ N/A 3. As a result of a limited Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential ❑ Yes hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? ❑ No ❑✓ N/A 4. As a result of a Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous ❑ Yes waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? ❑ No [Z] N/A 5. As a result of a Phase 11 Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous ❑ Yes waste sites within the project area? ❑ No [Z] N/A 6. Is there an approved hazardous mitigation plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 1. Are there properties listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of ❑ Yes Historic Places in the project area? [Z] No 2. Does the project affect such properties and does the SHPO/THPO concur? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. If the effects are adverse, have they been resolved? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act Uniform Act 1. Is this a "full - delivery" project? ❑ Yes ❑No 2. Does the project require the acquisition of real estate? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. Was the property acquisition completed prior to the intent to use federal funds? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 4. Has the owner of the property been informed: ❑ Yes * prior to making an offer that the agency does not have condemnation authority; and ❑ No * what the fair market value is believed to be? ❑ N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 Version 1.4, 8/18/05 Part 3: Ground-Disturbing Activities Regulation/Q . Regulation/Question Response American Indian Religious Freedom Act AIRFA 1. Is the project located in a county claimed as "territory" by the Eastern Band of ❑ Yes Cherokee Indians? [Z] No 2. Is the site of religious importance to American Indians? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑✓ N/A 3. Is the project listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic ❑ Yes Places? ❑ No [Z] N/A 4. Have the effects of the project on this site been considered? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑✓ N/A Antiquities Act AA 1. Is the project located on Federal lands? ❑ Yes [Z] No 2. Will there be loss or destruction of historic or prehistoric ruins, monuments or objects ❑ Yes of antiquity? ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Archaeological Resources Protection Act ARPA 1. Is the project located on federal or Indian lands (reservation)? ❑ Yes [Z] No 2. Will there be a loss or destruction of archaeological resources? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Endangered Species Act ESA 1. Are federal Threatened and Endangered species and /or Designated Critical Habitat ❑✓ Yes listed for the county? ❑ No 2. Is Designated Critical Habitat or suitable habitat present for listed species? ❑ Yes [Z] No ❑ N/A 3. Are T &E species present or is the project being conducted in Designated Critical ❑ Yes Habitat? ❑No ❑ N/A 4. Is the project "likely to adversely affect" the species and /or "likely to adversely modify" ❑ Yes Designated Critical Habitat? ❑No ❑ N/A 5. Does the USFWS /NOAA- Fisheries concur in the effects determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 6. Has the USFWS /NOAA- Fisheries rendered a "jeopardy" determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 Version 1.4, 8/18/05 Executive Order 13007 Indian Sacred Sites 1. Is the project located on Federal lands that are within a county claimed as "territory" ❑ Yes by the EBCI? ❑No 2. Has the EBCI indicated that Indian sacred sites may be impacted by the proposed ❑ Yes project? ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. Have accommodations been made for access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred ❑ Yes sites? ❑ No [Z] N/A Farmland Protection Policy Act FPPA 1. Will real estate be acquired? [Z] Yes ❑ No 2. Has NRCS determined that the project contains prime, unique, statewide or locally [Z] Yes important farmland? ❑ No ❑ N/A 3. Has the completed Form AD -1006 been submitted to NRCS? [Z] Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act FWCA 1. Will the project impound, divert, channel deepen, or otherwise control /modify any ❑✓ Yes water body? ❑ No 2. Have the USFWS and the NCWRC been consulted? [Z] Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Land and Water Conservation Fund Act Section 6 f 1. Will the project require the conversion of such property to a use other than public, ❑ Yes outdoor recreation? [Z] No 2. Has the NPS approved of the conversion? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat 1. Is the project located in an estuarine system? ❑ Yes [Z] No 2. Is suitable habitat present for EFH- protected species? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 3. Is sufficient design information available to make a determination of the effect of the ❑ Yes project on EFH? ❑ No [Z] N/A 4. Will the project adversely affect EFH? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A 5. Has consultation with NOAA- Fisheries occurred? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Migratory Bird Treat Act MBTA 1. Does the USFWS have any recommendations with the project relative to the MBTA? ❑ Yes [Z] No 2. Have the USFWS recommendations been incorporated? ❑ Yes ❑ No [Z] N/A Wilderness Act 1. Is the project in a Wilderness area? ❑ Yes [Z] No 2. Has a special use permit and /or easement been obtained from the maintaining ❑ Yes federal agency? ❑ No [Z] N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 N-- Enia °° en ent PROGRAM EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist This form was developed by the National Flood Insurance program, NC Floodplain Mapping program and Ecosystem Enhancement Program to be filled for all EEP projects. The form is intended to summarize the floodplain requirements during the design phase of the projects. The form should be submitted to the Local Floodplain Administrator with three copies submitted to NFIP (attn. Edward Curtis), NC Floodplain Mapping Unit (attn. John Gerber) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Project Location Name of project: Middle South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Name if stream or feature: South Muddy Creek County: McDowell Name of river basin: Catawba Is project urban or rural? Rural Name of Jurisdictional McDowell County municipality /county: DFIRM panel number for 3710162600) entire site: Consultant name: Wolf Creek Engineering, PLLC (PRIME) WAZ Engineering, PC (SUB — hydraulic modeling) Phone number: (828) 658 -3649 (Wolf Creek) (919) 567 -0495 (WAZ) Address: 7 Florida Ave Weaverville, NC 28787 (Wolf Creek) 112 N. Main Street Holly Spring, NC 27540 (WAZ) FEMA_Floodplain Checklist.doc Page 1 of 3 Design Information Provide a general description of project (one paragraph). Include project limits on a reference orthophotograph at a scale of 1" = 500 ". Summarize stream reaches or wetland areas according to their restoration priority. Reach Length Priority South Mudd Creek 900 II (Restoration) Floodplain Information Is project located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)? E Yes C No If project is located in a SFHA, check how it was determined: r Redelineation r Detailed Study 7 Limited Detail Study f Approximate Study r— Don't know List flood zone designation: Zone AE Check if applies: W AE Zone Floodway Non - Encroachment None F- A Zone Local Setbacks Required No Local Setbacks Required If local setbacks are required, list how many feet: Does proposed channel boundary encroach outside floodway /non- encroachment/setbacks? E Yes C No FEMA_Floodplain Checklist.doc Page 2 of 3 Land Acquisition (Check) F State owned (fee simple) F Conservation easment (Design Bid Build) F Conservation Easement (Full Delivery Project) Note: if the project property is state - owned, then all requirements should be addressed to the Department of Administration, State Construction Office (attn: Herbert Neily, 919 807 -4101 Is community /county participating in the NFIP program? E Yes E No Note: if community is not participating, then all requirements should be addressed to NFIP attn: Edward Curtis 919 715 -8000 x369 Name of Local Floodplain Administrator: Jerry Silvers Phone Number: 828 - 652 -7121 Floodplain Requirements This section to be filled by designer /applicant following verification with the LFPA F No Action F No Rise F Letter of Map Revision Conditional Letter of Map Revision F Other Requirements List other requirements: To be determined once DRAFT design is approved. Will likely require a CLOMR. McDowell Co. may allow a No -Rise on the condition that a LOMR will be completed after construction. Comments: Name: Amy J. Wazenegger, PE Signature: Title: President/Sr. Engineer (WAZ) Date: FEMA_Floodplain Checklist.doc Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX C MITIGATION WORK PLAN DATA and ANALYSES Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan Middle South Muddy Bankfull Width 100 t I • • Quick Sections Offsite (B) 10 MSMC (G) � * Ref (C) m • First Broad and MSMC (F) —Power (Design Line) —Power (Regional Curve) 1 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Drainage Area Coefficient Exponent Trendline Reference Streams Design Range ( + / -) Design Line 17.0 0.38 Regional Curve 17.4 0.37 Design Line Regional Curve X Y X Y 0.02 3.845 0.02 4.094 20 53.069 1 20 52.483 Middle South Muddy Cross Sectional Area 1000 100 • Quick Sections Offsite (B) c ♦ MSMC (G) X Reference (C) N • First Broad and MSMC (F) o —Power (Quick Sections Offsite (B)) U 10 —Power (Design Line) —Power (Regional Curve) 1 0 0 1 10 100 Drainage Area Coefficient Exponent Trendline Reference Streams W18.600.66566 Design Line Regional Curve Design Range ( + / -) X Y X Y Design Line 0.02 1.337 0.02 1.395 Regional Cu ve 20 119.157 20 134.684 Middle South Muddy Bed Width Design 100 • Quick Sections Off -Site (B) t ♦ MSMC (G) o � 10 X Reference (C) • First Broad and MSMC (F) 00 + Other NC -MT Other NC -PM —Power (Design Line 1) —Power (Design Line 2) LA 1 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Drainage Area Coefficient Exponent Trendline All Streams Design Range ( + / -) Design Line (1) 11.0 0.45 Design Line (2) 9.5 0.45 Design Line Design Line (2) X Y X Y 0.02 1.892 0.02 1.634 20 1 42.350 1 20 36.575 Middle South Muddy Max Depth 10 r F • Quick Secitons Offsite (B) ♦ MSMC (G) t I a * Reference (C) 0 1 • First Broad and MSMC (F) x R Other NC -MT Other NC -PM —Power (Quick Secitons Offsite (B)) —Power (Design Line 1) —Power (Design Line 2) 0.1 0 0 1 10 100 Drainage Area Coefficient Exponent Trendline Reference Streams Design Line (1) Design Line (2) Design Range ( + / -) X Y X Y Design Line (1) 1.50 [jo 24 0.1 0.863 0.02 0.469 Design Line (2) 1.2 24 20 1 3.078 1 1 1.200 Conceptual Design Estimated Channel Values from Regional Curves Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County/State-I McDowell County, NC Hyd- Physio Provence: NC Mountains Regional Curve Province Code: NCMT Dimension Coefficient Exponent WBKF 17.36 0.3693 ABKF d M EAN QBKF WBED d MAX Approximate WBED : 14.53 1 0.388 Approximate dMAX : 1.65 1 0.270 Feature Dimensions Pool - Pool /WBKF Ratio: 5 Rc / WBKF Ratio: 2 Tan Len /WBKF Ratio: 2 Use Approximate WBED (Yes /No): Yes Use Approximate dMAX (Yes /No): Yes Estimated Dimensions from Regional Curve Data Reach 18.559 0.6616 1.1771 0.2697 55.425 0.7874 0 0 0 0 Approximate WBED : 14.53 1 0.388 Approximate dMAX : 1.65 1 0.270 Feature Dimensions Pool - Pool /WBKF Ratio: 5 Rc / WBKF Ratio: 2 Tan Len /WBKF Ratio: 2 Use Approximate WBED (Yes /No): Yes Use Approximate dMAX (Yes /No): Yes Estimated Dimensions from Regional Curve Data Reach Drainage Area WBKF ABKF dMEAN (miz) (ft) (ft2) (ft) WBED (ft) dMAX (ft) Pool Spacing (ft) Rc (ft) Tangent Length (ft) South Muddy Creek 4.7 30.7 51.7 1.8 26.5 2.5 154 61 61 Sprouse Branch 0.03 4.8 1.8 0.5 1 3.7 0.6 24 1 10 10 Sprouse Branch 0.04 5.3 2.2 0.5 4.2 0.7 26 11 11 Iva Branch 0.03 4.8 1.8 0.5 3.7 0.6 24 10 10 Iva Branch 0.046 5.6 2.4 0.5 4.4 0.7 28 11 11 Bed Material Nature Depth of Bed Probe Matrix Bonding Parent Material Exposure Well Graded Sediment Regime 0.2 0.3 Project: Middle South Muddy 0.6 0.5 Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Loose Loose Client: NCEEP Loose Moderate Contract No.: 93875 Occasional Frequent County /State: McDowell County, NC None None None Yes Upstream Upstream Minimal South Adjacent Extended Reference Reference Reach None None 110 1 Muddy Sprouse Forecast Forecast Reach Reach Cold Minimal Creek Branch Iva Branch Reach Reach Tom's Creek Springs Bed Material Nature Depth of Bed Probe Matrix Bonding Parent Material Exposure Well Graded 0.8-1.0 0.2 0.3 Moderate 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.2 Loose Loose Loose Moderate Loose Loose Moderate Moderate None Occasional Frequent Minimal Occasional None None None Yes No No Minimal Yes Yes Yes Yes Depositional Patterns ( None - Minimal- Moderate - Extensive) Point Bars Mid - channel Bars Side - channel Bars Diagonal Bars Bar Length /WEED Dune Presentation of Bars Channel Branching Tributary Deltas Dune Length /Height (FT) Ripple Length /Height (FT) Sediment Measurements Riffle - Pebble Count % Sand Dso DS4 Des Reach - Pebble Count % Sand Dso DS4 Des Bar (Pavement) % Sand Dso DS4 Des DMAX Bar (Sub - Pavement) % Sand Dso DS4 Des Minimal None Minimal 11 Moderate Extensive Extensive Minimal Moderate None None 82 Moderate Extensive Moderate Minimal None None None Minimal Moderate Moderate None Moderate None None Minimal Moderate Moderate Minimal 1 None None 110 1 1.5 2 1 Minimal None None Minimal Moderate None None None None None None Mininal None None None None None N/a Moderate None None 10/0.5 None None 10/0.5 10/0.5 N/a N/a 0.5/0.1 0.2/0.05 0.2/0.05 N/a N/a N/a N/a 16% 80% 80% 11 10 35% 9% 11% 19 0.3 0.3 82 12 29 45 71 4 4 42 69 130 110 16 16 58 80 120 190 37% 23% 35% 11 10 3% 4% 11% 18 27 52 82 25 31 31 83 47 71 120 140 58 110 94 170 Sediment Regime (Low- Mod. Low- Moderate - Mod. High - _High) Sediment Load �od. High Low Low Sediment Mobility I Mod. High High High 10% 23% 35% 11 10 3% 2% 5% 66 27 52 82 25 46 79 47 88 99 58 110 110 57 110 110 Sediment Regime (Low- Mod. Low- Moderate - Mod. High - _High) Sediment Load �od. High Low Low Sediment Mobility I Mod. High High High 10% 23% 35% 11 10 33 16 35 66 27 52 82 Design Section 1 Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC Regional Curve ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Coef Exp AaxF 18.56 0.66 WExF 17.36 0.37 WEED 14.53 0.388 dMAx 1.65 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ WTHL 6.6 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ dMAx 2.2 P 32.36 31.32 1 27.17 31.47 dTDE Hydr. R 1.60 1.48 1.66 1.66 Difference 104% 112% ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i� ■ ■ ■:� rir ilYi IYY IIY IIYI i11Y lYY 11Y IIYI iir �: ■ ■ ■ �i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ rr r rr r ,rr r rr r rr r rr r :rr Regional Curve Curve Coef Exp AaxF 18.56 0.66 WExF 17.36 0.37 WEED 14.53 0.388 dMAx 1.65 0.270 d MEAN 1.18 0.27 F/p -Bench Width 50 50 F/p -Bench Slope 0 (H:1) Thalweg Ratiol 0.30 Toe Depth Ratio 0.80 Reference /Watershed Curve X 50 Coef Exp AaxF 17.00 0.65 WaxF 17.00 0.38 WEED 11.00 0.450 dMAx 1.50 0.240 dME 115.4 10 F/p -Bench Width 50 Bench Slope F/p -Bench Slope 10 (H:1) Thalweg Ratiol 0.30 Toe Depth Ratio 0.80 Existing Quick Section F/p -Bench Width 50 F/p -Bench Slope 10 (H:1) WaxF 30.7 WaxF 30.6 WaxF 26.0 WEED 26.5 WaED 22.1 WEED 21.0 WT, 1 7.9 WTHL 6.6 WTHL 8.0 dMAx 2.5 dmnx 2.2 dmnx 2.0 dTDE 1 2.0 dTDE 1.7 dTDE 1.8 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -15.4 10 34.6 10.0 36.8 8.0 46.0 7.5 54.0 7.5 63.2 8.0 65.4 10.0 115.4 10 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -15.3 15 34.7 10.0 39.0 8.3 46.7 7.8 53.3 7.8 61.0 8.3 65.3 10.0 115.3 15 Section Comparisons Regional Ref/ Quick Detailed Design Curve Wtrshed Section Section Section AExF 1 51.7 1 46.5 45.2 -13.0 52.2 Difference 101% 112% 115% 46.0 8.0 54.0 8.0 60.5 8.2 63.0 10.0 dMEAN 1 1.68 1 1.52 1.74 Bench Slope 1.70 Difference 101% 112% 98% WEED 22.1 WTHL 6.6 dMAx 2.2 P 32.36 31.32 1 27.17 31.47 dTDE Hydr. R 1.60 1.48 1.66 1.66 Difference 104% 112% 100% W/d Ratiol 18.3 1 20.2 1 15.0 1 1 18.1 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -13.0 15 37.0 10.0 39.5 8.2 46.0 8.0 54.0 8.0 60.5 8.2 63.0 10.0 113.0 15 Existing Detailed Section Point No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Design Section Drainage Area 4.7 (sq. mi.) Center of Channel 100 (Offset) Ban kfull Elevation 99 Plot Section no (Yes /No) Point No. Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Plot Section Point No Coef Exp WEED 11.00 0.450 11.0 dMAx 1.50 0.240 8.3 Bank Slope 2.5 (H:1) Thalweg Ratio 0.30 (Thalweg/Bed Width) Toe Depth Ratio 0.80 (Toe /Max Depth) Bench Width Ratio 0.33 (Bench /Bankfull) Bench Slope 10 (H:1) WaxF 30.8 WEED 22.1 WTHL 6.6 dMAx 2.2 dTDE 1.7 STME 17.8 dMEAN 1.70 WEE- 10.2 Center of Channel 100 (Offset) Ban kfull Elevation 99 Plot Section no (Yes /No) Point No. Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24.5 11.0 34.6 10.0 39.0 8.3 46.7 7.8 53.3 7.8 61.0 8.3 65.4 10.0 1 75.5 1 11.0 Design Section 2 Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC Regional Curve /Watershed Coef Exp AarcF 18.56 0.66 WarcF 17.36 0.37 WaeD 14.53 0.388 dMAx 1.65 0.270 dMEAN 1.18 0.27 F/p -Bench Width 150 F/p -Bench Width F/p -Bench Slope 0 (H:1) 0 (H:1) 87% 100% P 5.76 5.18 1 5.18 5.40 Hydr. R 0.38 0.4035 0.36 Difference 93% 88% 101% W/d Ratiol 12.7 1 11.9 1 13.7 1 1 14.3 rr r rr r ,rr r rr r rr r rr r :rr Regional Curve /Watershed Coef Exp AarcF 18.56 0.66 WarcF 17.36 0.37 WaeD 14.53 0.388 dMAx 1.65 0.270 dMEAN 1.18 0.27 F/p -Bench Width 150 F/p -Bench Width F/p -Bench Slope 0 (H:1) Thalweg Ratiol 0.50 Toe Depth RatioF 0.80 Reference /Watershed Curve X 50 Coef Exp AarcF 17.00 0.65 WarcF 17.00 0.38 WaeD 11.00 0.450 dMAx 1.20 0.240 dMEAN 202.6 10 F/p -Bench Width 150 Bench Slope F/p -Bench Slope 0 (H:1) Thalweg Ratiol 0.50 Toe Depth RatioF 0.80 Existing Quick Section F/p -Bench Width 50 F/p -Bench Slope 0 (H:1) WarcF F 5.3 Warcc F 5.0 WarcF 5.0 WaeD 4.2 WaeD 2.6 WaeD 3.3 WTHL = WTHL = WTHL = dMAx 0.7 dMAx 0.6 dMAx 0.5 dTDE 0.6 dTDE 0.4 dTDE = Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -102.6 10 47.4 10.0 47.9 9.4 49.0 9.3 51.0 9.3 52.1 9.4 52.6 10.0 202.6 10 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -102.5 10 47.5 10.0 48.7 9.6 49.4 9.4 50.6 9.4 51.3 9.6 52.5 10.0 202.5 10 Section Comparisons Regional Ref/ Quick Detailed Design Curve Wtrshed Section Section Section AarcF 1 2.2 1 2.1 1.8 -2.5 1.9 Difference 87% 92% 105% 50.0 9.5 50.0 9.5 51.7 9.6 52.5 10.0 dMEAN 1 0.42 1 0.4037 (Bench /Bankfull) Bench Slope 0.37 Difference 88% 87% 100% P 5.76 5.18 1 5.18 5.40 Hydr. R 0.38 0.4035 0.36 Difference 93% 88% 101% W/d Ratiol 12.7 1 11.9 1 13.7 1 1 14.3 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -2.5 10 47.5 10.0 48.4 9.6 50.0 9.5 50.0 9.5 51.7 9.6 52.5 10.0 102.5 10 Existing Detailed Section Point No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Design Section Drainage Area 0.04 (sq. mi.) Centerof Channel 100 (Offset) Bankfull Elevation 99 Plot Section no (Yes /No) Point No. Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WarcF 5.2 WaED 2.6 WTHL 0.8 dMAx 0.55 dTDE 0.44 STDE F 8.2 dMEAN 0.37 WaE- 2.6 Plot Section Point No Coef Exp WaeD 11.00 0.450 10.3 dMAx 1.20 0.240 9.6 Bank Slope 3 (H:1) Thalweg Ratio 0.30 (Thalweg/Bed Width) Toe Depth Ratio 0.80 (Toe /Max Depth) Bench Width Ratio 0.5 (Bench /Bankfull) Bench Slope 8 (H:1) Centerof Channel 100 (Offset) Bankfull Elevation 99 Plot Section no (Yes /No) Point No. Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WarcF 5.2 WaED 2.6 WTHL 0.8 dMAx 0.55 dTDE 0.44 STDE F 8.2 dMEAN 0.37 WaE- 2.6 Plot Section Point No yes (Yes /No) Y 10 X 50 Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 44.8 10.3 47.4 10.0 48.7 9.6 49.6 9.4 50.4 9.4 51.3 9.6 52.6 10.0 1 55.2 1 10.3 Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC Drainage Design Area Section Reach (mil) Typical Section Dimensions Bank Slope WRKF WRF] WTHAI WRFNCH dMAX dTnF (H:1) Design Section 1 Design Section 2 Design Section 3 Design Section 4 PWIDTH dPOOL/dMAX Pool Spacing/Bed Ratio Ratio min max 1.1 1.5 7 10 1.1 1.5 7 10 1.1 1.5 7 10 1.1 1.5 7 10 Reach ABKF PWET RHYD dMEAN W/D South Muddy Creek 52.2 31.5 1.66 1.70 18.1 Sprouse Branch 1.6 4.9 0.33 0.34 14.1 Sprouse Branch 1.9 5.4 0.36 0.37 14.3 Iva Branch 1.6 4.9 0.33 0.34 14.1 Iva Branch 2.1 5.7 0.37 0.38 14.4 Pool Dimensions WIN WOUT cIPOOL Plan /Profile Measurements Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC SVALLEY Entrench Sinuosity Elev Chan Meander Reach SAVE Length Change F/p Width Val Length length Width Morphologic Design Table Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC C4 Client: NCEEP 30.8 Contract No.: 93875 1.7 County /State: McDowell County, NC 0.003 Drainage Stream Area WRKF Reach Type (mil) (ft) A KE ddmEAm dMAX S-111 Svoi Fv (ft2) (ft) (ft) (ft /tf) (ft /tf) South Muddy Creek C4 4.700 30.8 52.2 1.7 2.2 0.003 0.006 Sprouse Branch B5 0.030 4.8 1.6 0.3 0.5 0.031 0.043 Sprouse Branch B5 0.040 5.2 1.9 0.4 0.6 0.014 0.022 Iva Branch B5 0.030 4.8 1.6 0.3 0.5 0.058 0.043 Iva Branch B5 0.046 5.5 2.1 0.4 0.6 0.026 0.060 Rparh W D Ratio Fntrpnrh nn A-- Katio Sinuosity Width Ratio Pool Spacing (ft) P W (min) (max) (min) (max) Structure Dimensions Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC Arm Length Ratio 1.6 X WBED Throat Width 1/3 X WBKF Buried Length 1/3 X LARM Minimum Buried Length 3 (ft) Maximum Buried Length 8 (ft) Reach WBKF WBED Arm Length (L) Throat Width (W) Buried Length (X) Total Log Length (ft) South Muddy Creek 1- 11.1 Length - 8 51 Sprouse Branch 4.8 2.3 2.5 2 3 10 Sprouse Branch 5.2 2.6 0.65 2 3 10 Iva Branch 4.8 2.3 1.5 2 3 10 Iva Branch 5.5 2.8 3.5 2 3 10 1 Iva Branch 1.22 1 5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Iva Branch 0.62 1 5 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Boulder Size Based on: Recommended Boulder Size Reach r Structure Drop Structure Length Bed Shear Structure Shear Bed Width Length Width Depth South Muddy Creek 0.32 0.4 35 2.5 3.0 3.0 3 2 1.5 Sprouse Branch 0.65 0.5 5 3.0 3.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Sprouse Branch 0.32 0.5 5 2.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Iva Branch 1.22 1 5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Iva Branch 0.62 1 5 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 Competence Calculations Bed Reach Ruvn Regime South Muddy Creek 1.66 1 Project: Middle South Muddy r* YS DMAx S 0.014 1.65 0.19 0.0026 r* YS D50 S 0.05 1.65 0.062 0.0031 Project No.: 1049 -MSMC 0.03 1.65 0.01 Client: NCEEP 1.65 0.003 Contract No.: 93875 2 0.03 County /State: McDowell County, NC 0.0018 0.04 1.65 0.003 0.0006 Bed Material Regime 1 0.33 Maximum Particle Critical Dimensionless Shear Representative Particl Bed Material D50 (mm) D50 or- 19 Riffle Bed Material D50 (mm) D50 19 Bed Material D50 (ft) DA 50 11 Bar Sample D50 (mm) D50 Fo-06:]Submerged Specific Wt. of Sediment DMAx 57 Largest Particle from Bar Sample (mm) YS 1.65 Estimated Channel Slope DMAx 0.19 Largest Particle from Bar Sample (ft) S 0.003 YS 1.65 Submerged Specific Wt. of Sediment D50/D "50 1.7 No (In range: 3 -7) r* 0.052 Typical Shield's Curve Value DMAx /D50 3.0 Yes (In range: 1.3 -3.0) r* 0.04 Slope based Lamb Equation r* 0.014 r* 0.035 Range: 0.03 - 0.06 r* 0.014 Dimensionless Shear for Max Particle r* 0.05 Bed Material Regime 2 Maximum Particle Critical Dimensionless Shear Representative Particl Bed Material D50 (mm) D50 1 Riffle Bed Material D50 (mm) D50 Bed Material D50 (ft) DA 50 0.5 Bar Sample D50 (mm) D51 0.00 Submerged Specific Wt. of Sediment DMAx 4 Largest Particle from Bar Sample (mm) YS 1.65 Estimated Channel Slope DMAx 0.01 Largest Particle from Bar Sample (ft) S 0.002 YS 1.65 Submerged Specific Wt. of Sediment D50/D "50 2.0 (In range: 3 -7) r* 0.046 Typical Shield's Curve Value DMAx /D50 4.0 (In range: 1.3 -3.0) r* 0.04 Slope based Lamb Equation r* 0.011 r* 0.032 Range: 0.03 - 0.06 r* 0.03 Dimensionless Shear for Max Particle r* 0.04 Bed Reach Ruvn Regime South Muddy Creek 1.66 1 Largest Particle Calculations Representative Particle Calculations r* YS DMAx S 0.014 1.65 0.19 0.0026 r* YS D50 S 0.05 1.65 0.062 0.0031 Sprouse Branch 0.33 2 0.03 1.65 0.01 0.0020 0.04 1.65 0.003 0.0007 Sprouse Branch 0.36 2 0.03 1.65 0.01 0.0018 0.04 1.65 0.003 0.0006 Iva Branch 0.33 2 0.03 1.65 0.01 0.0020 0.04 1.65 0.003 0.0007 Iva Branch 0.37 2 0.03 1.65 0.01 0.0018 0.04 1.65 0.003 0.0006 Supplemental Bed Material Design Project: Middle South Muddy Project No.: 1049 -MSMC Client: NCEEP Contract No.: 93875 County /State: McDowell County, NC Material Gradation Percentage of Total by Weight Material Size Sand /Clay ABC(M) 1/2" Stone (No. 57) 3/4" Stone (No. S) 2" Stone (Surge) 6" Stone NCDOT (Class A) 12" Stone NCDOT (Class B) 18" Stone NCDOT (Class 1) Sand 100 #16 12 #10 9 2 #8 9 3 #4 16 12 2 3/8" 16 25 3 1/2" 13 48 32 3/4" 12 7 58 1" 13 3 5 1.5' 19 2" 50 19 3" 50 19 4" 19 19 13 F 19 19 13 6" 5 19 14 8" 19 14 9" 19 14 10" 5 13 12" 14 14" 5 16" 18" 24" Total % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Material Composition Reach Sand /Clay 1/2" Stone 3/4" Stone 2" Stone ABC(M) (No. 57) (No. 5) (Surge) 6" Stone 12" Stone NCDOT NCDOT (Class A) (Class B) 18" Stone NCDOT (Class 1) South Muddy Creek 10% South Muddy Creek Sprouse Branch 30% 30% 30% 50 72 Sprouse Branch 100% <1 <1 <1 Sprouse Branch 100% Sprouse Branch <1 <1 <1 Iva Branch 100% <1 Iva Branch <1 <1 <1 Iva Branch 100% <1 Iva Branch <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Design Size Distribution (mm) Reach D16 D35 D50 D65 D84 D95 South Muddy Creek Sprouse Branch 5 13 41 50 72 112 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Sprouse Branch <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Iva Branch <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Iva Branch <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Two individual samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Riffle Surface - I Material Size Range (mm Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 -0.5 - 1 - 2 - 0.125 - 0.25 -0.5 - 1 - 2 16% skewness -0.15 gravel 65% very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 boulder 0% silt/clay 1 D35 2 12 dispersion 16.0 sand small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 -90 - 128 - 180 - 256 -90 - 128 - 180 - 256 gravel 58% D65 21 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus/wood ------- - - - - -- artificial small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock - clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial cobble 7% D84 42 101 boulder Note: . . total count: Note: k total count: 101 Riffle Surface Material 7 Size Range (mm Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 0% very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 -0.5 - 1 - 2 16% skewness -0.15 gravel 65% Size Distribution very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 boulder 0% silt/clay 1 D35 2 12 dispersion 16.0 sand 34% small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 -90 - 128 - 180 - 256 gravel 58% D65 21 20 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock - clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial cobble 7% D84 42 29 boulder Note: . . total count: Riffle Surface Pebble Count, Middle South Muddy Creek 100% 90% 80% 70% L b3 60% w 50% U Q 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% r -1- 0.01 0.1 Size (mm) D16 2.2 D35 11 D50 19 D65 39 D84 71 D95 110 1 10 100 particle size (mm) cumulative % —# of particles e boulder 14 12 10 8 0 6 v n' m 4 2 0 1000 10000 Size Distribution Type mean 12.5 silt /clay 0% dispersion 6.2 sand 16% skewness -0.15 gravel 65% Size Distribution cobble 19% D16 0.42 boulder 0% Riffle Surface Pebble Count, Middle South Muddy Creek cumulative % —# of particles 100% 90% 80% Y 70% 60% 50% Q 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 14 12 10 3 8 so 0 6 v 4 m 2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.42 3.4 mean 4.2 silt/clay 1 D35 2 12 dispersion 16.0 sand 34% D50 12 17 skewness -0.32 gravel 58% D65 21 20 cobble 7% D84 42 29 boulder 0% D95 80 39 Feature Percent of Reach Riffle I I. I % Run Rife, Paul, Run, Glide Pool % Glide Material Size Range (mm silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 very coarse sand 1 - 2 very fine gravel 2 - 4 fine gravel 4 - 6 fine gravel 6 - 8 medium gravel 8 - 11 medium gravel 11 - 16 coarse gravel 16 - 22 coarse gravel 22 - 32 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 very coarse gravel 45 - 64 small cobble 64 - 90 medium cobble 90 - 128 large cobble 128 - 180 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle weighted count: 7.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 9.0 8.0 12.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 bedrock 0.0 clay hardpan 0.0 detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- 0.0 artificial 0.0 total weighted count: 100.0 Note: Weighted pebble count by bed features Middle South Muddy Creek 26% riffle 37% pool 20% run 17% glide weighted percent -Riffle -Pool -Run -Glide _# of particles 100% 90% 80% 70% L 60% 50% U 0 40% Q 30% 20% 10% 0% 25% 20% m (a m Q 15% 0 10% � v s m 5% 0% m 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.34 mean 5.3 silt/clay 0% D35 1.5 dispersion 28.8 sand 37% D50 18 skewness -0.34 gravel 38% D65 42 cobble 24% D84 83 boulder 1 D95 140 Material Size Range (mm; Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 particle size (mm) very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 Size Range (mm; Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 D35 18 dispersion 3.3 sand 4% D50 38 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 D65 55 small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 D84 82 boulder 0% small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- 26 Note: total count: 26 1000 10000 0.26 particle size (mm) 0.37 Pool Material Size Range (mm; Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 mean 26.2 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 D35 18 dispersion 3.3 sand 4% D50 38 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 D65 55 cobble 27% D84 82 boulder 0% D95 110 small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood artificial 37 Note: total count: 37 Riffle Middle South Muddy Creek 100 90 80 70 C -F 60 iv C 50% C 2 40% 30% 20 10% 0% F — d—cumulative % —# of particles 6 5 4 D m 3 9 v 2 m m 1 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.26 particle size (mm) 0.37 D50 Size (mm) Size Distribution 8.1 Type D16 8.4 mean 26.2 silt/clay 0% D35 18 dispersion 3.3 sand 4% D50 38 skewness -0.16 gravel 69% D65 55 cobble 27% D84 82 boulder 0% D95 110 Pool Middle South Muddy Creek cumulative% —# of particles 100% 90 80 70 m 60% 50% v 40% 30% 20 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 Size (mm) D16 0.26 D35 0.37 D50 0.49 D65 8.1 D84 72 D95 150 ■ �IIIIIII ■�IIIIIIII�111111111 ■�IIIIIII ' ■5�:11l11 ■Q�!�!!;il ■111111111 ■�Illllh I■ �IIIIIII���III Illl ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII ■!I���iir�llllllll ■111111111 ■�IIIIII! . ii �IIIIIII ■�IIII Illl ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII . ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIIII ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIIII ■111111111 ■�Illllli ' I■ �IIIIIII ■�IIII Illl ■111111111 ■�IIIIII� �� �IIIIIII ■�I�II Illl■ll IIIIIIII ■�IIIIII! ■ 1�111111R11111 IIIIII In IIIIIIIIII ■�IIIIIII , I is see seep mean 4.3 silt/clay 0% dispersion 74.4 sand 62% skewness 0.61 gravel 19% cobble 19% boulder 0% Run Material Size Range (mm; Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 Size Distribution Type D16 0.34 mean 6.1 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 dispersion 30.8 sand 41 D50 19 skewness -0.31 gravel 24% D65 65 small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 boulder 6% D95 270 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial 20 Note: total count: 20 Glide Material Size Range (mm; Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 17 bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial Note: total count: 17 Run Middle South Muddy Creek 100 90 80 70 `m 60 w 50 v 40% 30 20 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 Size (mm) D16 0.66 D35 22 D50 36 D65 51 D84 79 D95 130 100 90 80 70% L 60 C — 50 C v 40% 30% 20 10% 0% 1 10 100 particle size (mm) Size Distribution mean 7.2 dispersion 28.4 skewness -0.48 cumulative % —# of particles 1000 Type silt/clay 0% sand 30% gravel 45% cobble 25% boulder 0% 3.5 3 2.5 3 2 0 1.5 v 0.5 "+ 0 10000 Glide Middle South Muddy Creek E Ecumulative % —# of particles 4.5 4 3.5 3 -3 2.5 o_ 2 1.5 m m 1 0.5 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.34 mean 6.1 silt/clay 0% D35 1.4 dispersion 30.8 sand 41 D50 19 skewness -0.31 gravel 24% D65 65 cobble 29% D84 110 boulder 6% D95 270 m 3) Bulk Sample Sieve Analysis Two samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. i Sieve & Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight on Sieve Sieve ,,, .,,, ,,, ,,, ',,, ■ ■IIIIII� ■ ■IIIIII� ■IIIIII� � IIIII� ■I ■111111 .', .,, , „ : ., „', ®RSSII :l : ®R I ■Illlrl ��� � ■ ■IIIIII�■ I ■Illlrl � ■ ■IIIIII�■ ■I ■Illlrl �_�_�_ � ■ ■IIIIII� ■ ■I ■Illlrl ,,, ■ ■IIIIII� ■ ■Illlll� /d IIIIIII� ■I ■Illlrl , ._ „ ��� �■ ■111111 ■ ■IIIIIIwA 11111111 ■I ■111111 , ,,, �■ ■111111 ■ ■111111l1R11111111� ■I ■111111 , ��� ,,, �■ ■111111 ■ ■11111l�IR11111111� ■I ■111111 „ �_�_�_ ,,, � ■ ■IIIIIIl�..�n il■ IR IIII IIII� ■I ■Illlrl , ��� ,,, , Sieve & Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight ' (g) g "' �■ ■111111 ■ ■IIIIII����II�III� ■I ■111111 "' o. =. �� AM �� �'' .' '•�� '' '' ;�; ;;.. :;,; ®RSS11:l :SRO » :! :l��■ ■1111111 ■I ■11111! •••• �■ ■111111■ ■11111111■ ■1111111 ■I ■111111 �■ ■111111 ■ ■IIIIIII /1■ ■1111111 ■I ■Illlli "" .;,; �■ ■111111 ■ ■IIIIIIIII■ ■1111111 ■I ■111111 ��� ,,, �■ ■111111 ■ ■111111�■1■ ■1111111 ■I ■111111 .,,, ,,, �■ ■111111 ■ ■11111�1■1■ ■1111111 ■I ■11111! '••• ,,, �■ ■111111■ ■1111'11■ 1■ ■1111111 ■I ■111111 ��� ,,, ,,, � ■ ■IIIIII����i�111■ 1 ■�11111111� ■I ■Illlli "' ��� �■■ IIIIII� ■ ■fllrlll■1 ■IIIIIIIII� ■I ■111111 ��� ,,, , 7M 1) Individual Pebble Count Two individual samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Riffle Surtace Material Size Range (mm Count Riffle Surface Pebble Count, Iva Branch _cumulative % —# of particles silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 100% sill /clav sand Qravel cobble boulder 40 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 very coarse sand 1 - 2 90% 80% — — — 35 very fine gravel 2 -4 70% I 30 fine gravel 4 - 6 fine gravel 6 -8 medium gravel 8 - 11 medium gravel 11 - 16 y 60 I 25 � � coarse gravel 16 - 22 coarse gravel 22 - 32 50% I 20 ID ( o v very coarse gravel 32 -45 very coarse gravel 45 - 64 40% I I 15 small cobble 64 -90 30% medium cobble 90 - 128 large cobble 128 - 180 20/ I I 10 very large cobble 180 - 256 10% 5 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 0% 0 medium boulder 512 - 1024 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 large boulder 1024 - 2048 particle size (mm) very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 100 Size (mm) Size Distribution Type bedrock D16 0.084 mean 0.6 silt/clay 1 clay hardpan D35 0.12 dispersion 9.6 sand 79% detritus/wood D50 0.27 skewness 0.27 gravel 19% artificial D65 0.55 D84 4.3 cobble 1 boulder 0% total count: 100 D95 16 Note: Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: MSMC Crew: Reach /Description: Page:1 Of: 7 Feature Units moving u/s from d/s end of project Reach Name msmC msmC msmC msmC msmC msmC Station /Location 13 +00 13 +00 12 +50 11 +50 11 +50 08 +50 Photo No. Reach Length ft 150 50 100 150 300 150 Bank RT -LT -Both R L L R L L Bank Height ft 5 5 5 4 4 5 Bankfull Height ft 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 2 Root Depth ft 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Root Density % 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 2% Bank Angle Degrees 80 80 60 40 85 35 Surface Protection % 30% 40% 75% 80% 60% 10% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5 5 5 5/G 5/G 5/G Stratification Yes -No N N N Y Y Y Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe OC OC OC C C OC DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 I <1 <1 1 <1 <1 <1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht 2.8 3.1 7 - BEHI Score 9 9 9.8 8.7 8.7 8.7 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 BEHI Score 9 9 9 9 9 9 Weighted Root Density 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.1% BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bank Angle BEHI Score 6 6 4 3 7 2.5 Surface Protection 30% 40% 75% 80% 60% BEHI Score 6 5 2.8 2 3.5 9 Bank Material Adjustment 10 10 10 5 5 5 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 5 5 5 Total BEHI Score 50 - 45.6 42.7 48.2 Rating EXTREME EXTREME VERY HIGH VERY HIGH EXTREME EXTREME NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating , - " ' 1 , 1.5 Rating LOW j LOW j LOW j VERY LOW j VERY LOW j LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.4 0.4 0.23 0.17 0.2 0.4 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 300 100 240 300 1157 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: MSMC Crew: Reach /Description: Page:2 Of:7 Feature Units Reach Name msmC msmC msmC msmC msmC msmC Station /Location 10 +00 08 +50 05 +00 05 +00 07 +00 02 +00 Photo No. Reach Length ft 150 350 300 300 200 200 Bank RT -LT -Both R R L R L L Bank Height ft 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4 6 Bankfull Height ft 1.6 2 1.9 1.9 2 2 Root Depth ft 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 Root Density % 5% 2% 5% 5% 5% 10% Bank Angle Degrees 75 85 80 80 55 85 Surface Protection % 25% 10% 75% 75% 85% 75% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5/G 5/G 5/G 5/G 5 5 Stratification Yes -No Y Y N N N N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe OC OC C C OC OC DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht 2.25 2.37 2.37 2.00 BEHI Score 8.7 8.4 8.5 8.5 8 9.2 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.04 0.11 0.11 0.05 BEHI Score 9 9 8.5 8.5 9 8.7 Weighted Root Density 0.1% 0.6% 0.6% 0.3% 0.8% BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bank Angle ' BEHI Score 4.2 6.3 6 6 3 6.3 Surface Protection 25% 10% 75% 75% 85% - BEHI Score 6 9 2.5 2.5 1.9 2.5 Bank Material Adjustment 7 7 7 7 10 10 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total BEHI Score 44.9 49.7 42.5 42.5 41.9 Rating VERY HIGH EXTREME VERY HIGH EXTREME VERY HIGH EXTREME NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating , ' " ' 1 1 1.5 1.5 Rating LOW j LOW j VERY LOW j VERY LOW j LOW j LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.24 0.41 0.17 0.2 0.23 0.4 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 144 645.75 229.5 184 480 1953.25 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: MSMC Crew: Reach /Description: Page:3 Of:7 Feature Units Reach Name MSMC Station /Location 02 +00 Photo No. Reach Length ft 200 Bank RT -LT -Both R Bank Height ft 6 Bankfull Height ft 2 Root Depth ft 0.5 Root Density % 10% Bank Angle Degrees 85 Surface Protection % 75% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5 Stratification Yes -No N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe OC DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 <1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht ' BEHI Score 9.2 Root Depth / Bnk Ht BEHI Score 8.7 Weighted Root Density BEHI Score 10 Bank Angle BEHI Score 6.3 Surface Protection 75% BEHI Score 2.5 Bank Material Adjustment 10 Stratification Adjustment 0 Total BEHI Score 46.7 Rating EXTREME NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1.5 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 Local Slope Score 0 Total NBS Rating , - Rating LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.4 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 480 480 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: SPROUSE BRANCH Crew: Reach /Description: Page:4 Of:7 Feature Units Reach Name SPROUSE SPROUSE SPROUSE SPROUSE Station /Location 7 +25 7 +25 3 +50 3 +50 Photo No. Reach Length ft 375 375 350 350 Bank RT -LT -Both L R L R Bank Height ft 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Bankfull Height ft 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Root Depth ft 1 1 0.7 0.7 Root Density % 25% 25% 15% 15% Bank Angle Degrees 40 40 75 75 Surface Protection % 100% 100% 70% 70% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5 5 5, Sc S,SC Stratification Yes -No N N N N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe C C C C DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 1 1 1 1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht 8.75 8.75 8.75 BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.29 0.20 0.20 BEHI Score 5.8 5.8 6 6 Weighted Root Density 7.1% 3.0% 3.0% BEHI Score 8.8 8.8 9.5 9.5 Bank Angle 40 - BEHI Score 3 3 5 5 Surface Protection 100% 100% 70% 70% BEHI Score 0 0 2.7 2.7 Bank Material Adjustment 10 10 8 8 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 0 Total BEHI Score 37.6 37.6 41.2 Rating HIGH HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1 1 1 1 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating 1 1 1 1 Rating VERY LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 223.125 223.125 208.25 208.25 862.75 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: IVA BRANCH Crew: Reach /Description: Page:5 Of:7 Feature Units Reach Name IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA Station /Location 306 +00 306 +00 304 +50 304 +50 Photo No. Reach Length ft 75 75 150 150 100 100 Bank RT -LT -Both L R L R L R Bank Height ft 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 6 6 Bankfull Height ft 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Root Depth ft 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Root Density % 5% 5% 5% 5% 2% 2% Bank Angle Degrees 30 30 80 80 80 80 Surface Protection % 75% 75% 60% 60% 15% 15% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5/G 5/G 5/G 5/G 5/G 5/G Stratification Yes -No N N N N N N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe OC OC OC OC C C DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht " - 4.17 7.50 7.50 10.00 10.00 BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 10 10 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.16 0.04 0.04 0.05 ' BEHI Score 8 8 10 10 10 10 Weighted Root Density 0.8% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bank Angle BEHI Score 2.5 2.5 6 6 6 6 Surface Protection 75% 75% 60% 60% 15% BEHI Score 2.2 2.2 3.5 3.5 8 8 Bank Material Adjustment 7 7 7 7 7 7 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total BEHI Score 39.7 39.7 46.5 46.5 51 Rating VERY HIGH VERY HIGH EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating , ' " ' " ' , 1 Rating LOW LOW LOW LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.23 0.23 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 43.125 43.125 "' --- 120 120 866.25 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: IVA BRANCH Crew: Reach /Description: Page:6 Of:7 Feature Units Reach Name IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA Station /Location 3 +50 3 +50 3 +00 3 +00 Photo No. Reach Length ft 50 50 150 150 Bank RT -LT -Both L R L R Bank Height ft 10 4.5 12 12 Bankfull Height ft 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Root Depth ft 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Root Density % 2% 2% 1% 1% Bank Angle Degrees 90 80 85 85 Surface Protection % 10% 25% 10% 10% Bank Material C- G -S -SC 5/G 5/G 5/G 5/G Stratification Yes -No N N N N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe C C C C DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 1 1 1 1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht 11.25 30 BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.07 0.03 0.03 BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 Weighted Root Density 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 Bank Angle ' BEHI Score 8 6 7 7 Surface Protection 10% 25% 10% 10% BEHI Score 9 6.5 9 9 Bank Material Adjustment 7 7 7 7 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 0 Total BEHI Score 54 49.5 53 53 Rating EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1 1 1 1 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating 1 1 1 1 Rating VERY LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 100 — 360 865 Erosion Rate Calculations Project: 1049 -MSMC Date: 3/21/2011 Stream: IVA BRANCH Crew: Reach /Description: Page:7 Of: 7 Feature Units Reach Name IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA Station /Location DITCH DITCH 1 +50 1 +50 Photo No. Reach Length ft 75 75 150 150 Bank RT -LT -Both L R L R Bank Height ft 9 9 3 3 Bankfull Height ft 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Root Depth ft 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 Root Density % 1% 1% 30% 30% Bank Angle Degrees 80 80 90 90 Surface Protection % 15% 15% 10% 10% Bank Material C- G -S -SC SC SC SC SC Stratification Yes -No N N N N Thalweg Position C -OC -Toe OC OC OC OC DTOE /DMEAN <1 or >1 1 1 1 1 Local Slope > Avg Yes -No N N N N BEHI Calculation Bnk Ht / Bkf Ht 10 - BEHI Score 10 10 10 10 Root Depth / Bnk Ht 0.02 0.17 0.17 BEHI Score 10 10 7.8 7.8 Weighted Root Density 0.0% 5.0% 5.0% BEHI Score 10 10 9 9 Bank Angle BEHI Score 6 6 8 8 Surface Protection 15% 15% 10% 10% BEHI Score 8 8 9 9 Bank Material Adjustment 0 0 0 0 Stratification Adjustment 0 0 0 0 Total BEHI Score 44 "" 43.8 43.8 Rating VERY HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH NBS Calculation Thalweg Position Score 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Toe Depth Ratio Score 0 0 0 0 Local Slope Score 0 0 0 0 Total NBS Rating , ' " ' Rating LOW LOW LOW LOW Erosion Rate Predition Erosion Rate (ft/yr) 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 Sheet Total Erosion Total (ft3 /yr) 155.25 155.25 103.5 103.5 517.5 HEC -RAS Plan: Pr000sed 10' River SouthMuddvCr Reach: Main Reach River Ste Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev E.G. Slope Froude # Chi Val Chnl Shear Chan Power Chan Power Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ftfft) (ft/s) (Ib /sq ft) (Ibfft s) (Ib/ft s) Main 69124.15 BKF 190.00 1272.07 1274.96 0.009308 0.59 4.60 1.01 4.63 4.63 Main 69124.15 2 yr 400.00 1272.07 1276.24 0.008211 0.58 5.65 1.33 7.52 7.52 Main 69124.15 10 yr 930.00 1272.07 1278.09 0.007806 0.60 7.12 1.86 13.25 4.57 Main 69124.15 50 yr 1610.00 1272.071 1279.68 0.005531 0.53 7.361 1.79 13.16 2.81 Main 69124.15 100 yr 2480.00 1272.07 1281.27 0.003802 0.46 7.131 1.55 11.08 2.48 Main 68919.69 BKF 190.00 1270.91 1273.60 0.004818 0.44 3.59 0.59 2.12 2.12 Main 68919.69 2 yr 400.00 1270.91 1275.17 0.003727 0.41 4.21 0.70 2.96 2.96 Main 68919.69 10 yr 930.00 1270.91 1276.79 0.005518 0.52 6.39 1.45 9.25 4.67 Main 68919.69 50 yr 1610.00 1270.91 1277.83 0.007831 0.64 8.68 2.50 21.74 10.48 Main 68919.69 100 yr 2480.00 1270.91 1278.76 0.010449 0.75 11.07 3.88 42.90 19.99 Main 68434.66 BKF 190.00 1267.08 1271.15 0.004957 0.44 4.16 0.74 3.08 3.08 Main 68434.66 2 yr 400.00 1267.08 1272.97 0.005108 0.46 4.95 0.97 4.79 4.79 Main 68434.66 10 yr 930.00 1267.08 1274.43 0.005030 0.47 5.62 1.171 6.57 1.38 Main 68434.66 50 yr 1610.00 1267.08 1275.34 0.004674 0.47 6.15 1.311 8.07 1.28 Main 68434.66 100 yr 2480.00 1267.08 1276.10 0.004565 0.48 6.65 1.47 9.75 1.65 Main 68285.54 BKF 190.00 1265.49 1270.44 0.004786 0.39 3.96 0.68 2.70 2.70 Main 68285.54 2 yr 400.00 1265.49 1272.05 0.006337 0.47 5.38 1.16 Main 68285.54 10 yr 930.00 1265.49 1273.80 0.003563 0.37 5.00 0.90 4.49 0.72 Main 68285.54 50 yr 1610.00 1265.49 1274.75 0.003337 0.36 5.36 0.98 5.25 1.01 Main 68285.54 100 yr 2480.00 1266.491 1275.43 0.003912 0.40 6.18 1.27 7.83 1.70 Main 68095.50 BKF 190.00 1265.25 1269.70 0.003366 0.36 3.50 0.52 1.81 1.81 Main 68095.50 2 yr 400.00 1265.25 1271.02 0.005067 0.46 4.89 0.95 Main 68095.50 10 yr 930.00 1265.25 1273.46 0.001216 0.24 3.34 0.37 1.25 0.22 Main 68095.50 50 yr 1610.00 1265.25 1274.38 0.001408 0.27 3.96 0.50 1.99 0.41 Main 68095.50 100 yr 2480.00 1265.25 1274.94 0.002045 0.33 5.03 0.79 3.98 0.88 Main 68051.88 Bridge Main 68000.80 BKF 190.00 1266.89 1269.23 0.005311 0.45 3.34 0.54 1.81 1.81 Main 68000.80 2 yr 400.00 1266.89 1270.55 0.003702 0.41 3.82 0.61 2.32 1.36 Main 68000.80 10 yr 930.00 1266.89 1272.00 0.003281 0.41 4.73 0.81 3.83 0.86 Main 68000.80 50 yr 1610.00 1266.89 1273.04 0.003066 0.41 5.30 0.95 5.01 1.10 Main 68000.80 100 yr 2480.00 1266.89 1274.03 0.002879 0.41 5.77 1.06 6.09 1.45 Main 67799.13 BKF 190.00 1264.99 1268.35 0.003460 0.38 3.31 0.48 1.59 1.59 Main 67799.13 12 yr 400.00 1264.99 1269.73 0.003762 0.41 4.25 0.71 3.03 2.01 Main 67799.13 110 yr 930.00 1264.99 1271.32 0.003260 0.41 5.091 0.90 4.59 0.87 Main 67799.13 50 yr 1610.00 1264.99 1272.43 0.002966 0.40 5.58 1.01 5.64 1.11 Main 67799.13 100 yr 2480.00 1264.99 1273.47 0.002799 0.40 6.03 1.12 6.75 1.49 Main 67586.76 BKF 190.00 1264.67 1267.55 0.004013 0.40 3.42 0.52 1.80 1.80 Main 67586.76 2 yr 400.00 1264.67 1268.84 0.004545 0.45 4.37 0.78 3.41 2.64 Main 67586.76 10 yr 930.00 1264.67 1270.20 0.005489 0.53 6.19 1.38 8.53 1.76 Main 67586.76 150 yr 1610.00 1264.67 1271.26 0.005621 0.55 7.251 1.76 12.74 2.50 Main 67586.76 100 yr 2480.00 1264.67 1272.28 0.005519 0.56 8.06 2.05 16.56 3.35 Main 67117.21 iBKF 190.00 1262.37 1265.55 0.004512 0.42 3.40 0.53 1.81 1.81 Main 67117.21 2 yr 400.00 1262.371 1266.70 0.004511 0.45 4.46 0.80 3.58 2.08 Main 67117.21 10 yr 930.00 1262.37 1267.98 0.004512 0.47 5.51 1.10 6.07 1.17 Main 67117.21 50 yr 1610.00 1262.37 1269.04 0.004510 0.48 6.37 1.37 8.73 1.85 Main 167117.21 100 yr 2480.001 1262.37 1270.07 0.004511 0.50 7.161 1.63 11.70 2.69 HFC RAS Plan- Pronosed 10' River- SouthMuddvCr Reach: Main Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev E.G. Slope Froude # Chi Val Chnl Shear Chan Power Chan Power Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) I (ft/s) (lb /sq ft) (lb/fl s) (lb/ft s) Main 69124.15 BKF 190.00 1272.07 1274.96 0.009317 0.59 4.60 1.01 4.64 4.64 Main 69124.15 2 yr 400.00 1272.07 1276.17 0.008769 0.60 5.78 1.40 8.08 8.08 Main 69124.15 10 yr 930.00 1272.07 1278.07 0.007992 0.60 7.18 1.89 13.60 4.77 Main 69124.15 50 yr 1610.00 1272.07 1279.68 0.005531 0.53 7.35 1.79 13.16 2.81 Main 69124.15 100 yr 2480.00 1272.07 1281.27 0.003795 0.46 7.121 1.55 11.05 2.48 Main 68919.69 BKF 190.00 1270.91 1273.67 0.004364 0.42 3.48 0.55 1.91 1.91 Main 68919.69 2 yr 400.00 1270.91 1274.96 0.004519 0.44 4.50 0.81 3.66 3.66 Main 68919.69 10 yr 930.00 1270.91 1276.68 0.006055 0.54 6.58 1.55 10.20 5.18 Main 68919.69 50 yr 1610.00 1270.91 1277.83 0.007838 0.64 8.69 2.51 21.76 10.49 Main 68919.69 100 yr 2480.00 1270.91 1278.82 0.010060 0.74 10.93 3.77 41.19 19.15 Main 68434.66 BKF 190.00 1267.61 1270.56 0.009005 0.60 5.36 1.26 6.74 3.54 Main 68434.66 2 yr 400.00 1267.61 1271.73 0.008678 0.63 6.83 1.79 12.25 6.12 Main 68434.66 10 yr 930.00 1267.61 1273.84 0.005841 0.56 7.61 1.91 14.52 2.01 Main 68434.66 50 yr 1610.00 1267.61 1274.85 0.005977 0.58 8.57 2.30 19.69 1.97 Main 68434.66 100 yr 2480.00 1267.61 1275.58 0.006445 0.61 9.54 2.74 26.17 2.54 Main 68285.54 BKF 190.00 1267.17 1269.94 0.002243 0.31 2.67 j 0.31 0.84 0.54 Main 68285.54 2 yr 400.00 1267.17 1271.28 0.001784 0.30 3.24 0.39 1.28 0.68 Main 68285.54 10 yr 930.00 1267.17 1273.63 0.001029 0.25 3.44 0.38 1.29 0.22 Main 68285.54 50 yr 1610.00 1267.17 1274.54 0.001387 0.29 4.38 0.58 2.55 0.44 Main 68285.54 100 yr 2480.00 1267.17 1275.10 0.002084 0.37 5.66 0.95 5.37 0.95 Main 68095.50 BKF 190.00 1266.61 1269.59 0.001669 0.27 2.44 0.25 0.62 0.43 Main 68095.50 2 yr 400.00 1266.61 1270.97 0.001511 0.28 3.12 0.36 1.11 0.42 Main 68095.50 10 yr 930.00 1266.61 1273.52 0.000606 0.19 2.77 0.24 0.66 0.11 Main 68095.50 50 yr 1610.00 1266.61 1274.38 0.000861 0.23 3.59 0.38 1.37 0.25 Main 68095.50 100 yr 2480.00 1266.61 1274.84 0.001430 0.31 4.82 0.68 3.26 0.63 Main 68051.88 Bridge Main 68000.80 BKF 190.00 1266.34 1268.91 0.003073 0.36 2.95 0.39 1.15 0.83 Main 68000.80 2 yr 400.001 1266.34 1269.97 0.003067 0.38 3.87 0.59 2.28 1.20 Main 68000.80 10 yr 930.001 1266.34 1610.00 1266.34 1271.53 0.003184 0.42 5.15 0.91 4.71 0.97 Main 68000.80 50 yr 1272.67 0.003061 0.43 5.84 1.09 6.39 1.21 Main 68000.80 100 yr 2480.00 1266.34 1273.73 0.002873 0.42 6.33 1.21 7.66 1.49 Main 67799.13 BKF 190.00 1265.72 1268.29 0.003157 0.36 2.97 0.40 1.19 0.87 Main 67799.13 2 yr 400.00 1265.72 1269.35 0.003091 0.39 3.88 0.59 2.29 1.16 Main 67799.13 10 yr 930.00 1265.72 1270.93 0.002965 0.40 4.98 0.85 4.25 0.89 Main 67799.13 50 yr 1610.00 1265.72 1272.12 0.002734 0.40 5.56 0.99 5.48 1.09 Main 67799.13 100 yr 2480.00 1265.72 1273.20 0.002591 0.40 6.05 1.11 6.70 1.41 Main 67586.76 BKF 190.00 1265.08 1267.53 0.003818 0.40 3.15 0.46 1.44 1.14 Main 67586.76 2 yr 400.00 1265.08 1268.62 0.003528 0.41 4.07 0.66 2.68 1.39 Main 67586.76 10 yr 930.00 1265.081 1270.01 0.004431 0.49 5.85 1.20 7.03 1.50 Main 67586.76 50 yr 1610.00 1265.08 1271.09 0.004767 0.53 7.02 1.61 11.30 2.18 Main 67586.76 100 yr 2480.00 1265.08 1272.13 0.004857 0.55 7.95 1.95 16.481 3.02 Main 67117.21 BKF 190.00 1262.37 1265.55 0.004512 0.42 3.401 0.53 1.81 1.81 Main 67117.21 2 yr 400.00 1262.37 1266.70 0.004511 0.45 4.46 0.80 3.58 2.08 Main 67117.21 10 yr 930.001 1262.37 1267.98 0.004512 0.47 5.51 1.10 6.07 1.17 Main 67117.21 50 yr 1610.001 1262.371 1269.04 0.004510 0.48 6.37 1.37 8.73 1.85 Main 67117.21 100 yr 2480.001 1262.371 1270.07 0.004511 0.50 7.16 1.631 11.70 2.69 T(zo f osEp lo' wl r, ra4z) uc^ ono - . O.........d1 4!N Di.. , Q-.. RA. AAvr`� D-s - Mein Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev E.G. Slope Froude # Chi I Val Chnl Shear Chan Power Chan Power Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) MR) (ft/s) (Ib/sq ft) (Ib/ft s) pb/ft s) Main 69124.15 BKF 190.00 1272.07 1274.96 0.009330 0.59 4.60 1.01 4.65 4.65 Main 69124.15 2 yr 400.00 1272.07 1276.17 0.008800 0.60 5.79 1.40 8.12 ✓ 8.12 Main 69124.15 10 yr 930.00 1272.07 1276.24 0.006796 0.56 6.79 1.67 11.36 3.57 Main 69124.15 50 yr 1610.00 1272.07 1279.71 0.005391 0.52 7.29 1.76 4e 12.77 W 2.71 Main 69124.15 100 yr 2480.00 1272.07-____M 1.27 0.003784 0.45 7.111 1.55 11.01 2.47 Main 68919.69 BKF 190.00 1270.91 1273.57 0.004968 0.44 3.631 0.60 2.19 ✓ 2.19' Main 68919.69 2 yr 400.00 1270.91 1274.95 0.004567 0.45 4.52 0.82 V 3.71 311 Main 68919.69 10 yr 930.00 1270.91 1277.25 0.003910 0.44 5.72 1.13- 6.44- 3.18 Main 68919.69 50 yr 1610.00 1270.91 1278.12 0.006472 0.58 8.16 2.17- 17.73 ✓ 8.45 Main 68919.69 100 yr 2480.00 1270.91 1278.90 0.009631 0.73 10.78 3.65- 39.31 18.22 Main 68434.66 BKF 190.00 1267.611 1270.93 0.005508 0.48 4.60 0.89 4.08 t 2.39 Main 68434.66 2 yr 400.00 1267.61 1272.16 0.006222 0.55 6.23 1.44+ 8.94 ♦ 4.73 Main 68434.66 10 yr 930.00 1267.61 1273.40 0.012002 0.79 10.35 3.62 C} -- 8fi48t -r Main 68434.66 50 yr 1610.00 1267.61 1274.63 0.008389 0.69 9.94 3.12++ - 34.6i? t 3.65 Main 68434.66 100 yr 2480.00 1267.61 1275.60 0.006824 0.63 9.83 2.91 4' 28.62 4.4 2.68 Main 68285.54 BKF 190.00 1267.17 1270.62 0.000896 0.21 2.01- 0.16-- 0.33--- 0.20 Main 68285.54 2 yr 400.00 1267.171 1271.91 0.001054 0.24 2.77 - 0.27 - - 0.76-- 0.45 Main 68285.54 10 yr 930.00 1267.17 1273.17 0.001748 0.32 4.24 0.59- 2.501- 0.44 Main 68285.54 50 yr 1610.00 1267.17 1274.19 0.002024 0.35 5.12 0.81 4.13 ✓ 0.67 Main 68285.54 100 yr 2480.00 1267.17 1275.09 0.002251 0.38 5.88 1.02- 6.01 ✓ 1.03 Main 68095.50 BKF 190.00 1266.61 1270.50 0.000544 0.16 1.72- 0.11 -- 0.19--- 0.10 Main 68095.50 2 yr 400.00 1266.61 1271.77 0.000638 0.19 2.30- 3 0.18-- 0.42-- 0.07 Main 68095.50 10 yr 930.00 1266.61 1272.99 0.000955 0.24 3.28 0.34 1.13 ✓ 0.19 Main 68095.50 50 yr 1610.00 1266.61 1273.99 0.001143 027 3.98 0.48 1.92 0.34 Main 68095.50 100 yr 2480.00 1266.61 1274.85 0.001377 0.30 4.73 0.65 3.08 ✓ 0.60 Main 68051.88 Mult Open Main 68000.80 BKF 190.00 1266.34 1268.92 0.003076 0.36 2.95 ' 0.39 1.16 - 0.92 Main 68000.80 2 yr 400.00 1266.34 1270.001 0.003085 0.39 3.91 0.60 2.34 ✓ 1.43 Main 68000.80 10 yr 930.00 1266.34 1271.59 0.003241 0.42 5.24 0.94 4.94 F 0.97 Main 68000.80 50 yr 1610.00 1266.34 1272.73 0.003102 0.43 5.92 1.12 6.62+ 1.21 Main 68000.80 100 yr 2480.00 1266.34 1273.78 0.002901 0.43 6.39 1.23 7.87+ 1.50 Main 67799.13 BKF 190.00 1265.72 1268.29 0.003163 0.36 2.97 -3 0.40 1.19 - 0.95 Main 67799.13 2 yr 400.00 1265.721 1269.37 0.003145 0.39 3.93 0.61 2.38 1.35 Main 67799.13 10 yr 930.00 1265.721 1270.98 0.002989 0.41 5.04 0.87 4.39 V 0.88 Main 67799.13 50 yr 1610.00 1266.721 1272.17 0.002741 0.40 5.60 1.00 5.58 ✓ 1.08 Main 67799.13 1100yr 2480.00 1265.72 1273.251 0.002594 0.40 6.09 1.11 6.79 1.41 Main 67586.76 BKF 190.00 1265.08 1267.53 0.003820 0.401 3.15 0.46 1.44 1.22 Main 67586.76 2 yr 400.00 1265.08 1268.63 0.003595 0.41 4.11 0.67 2.77 1.68 Main 67586.76 10 yr 930.00 1265.08 1270.02 0.004605 0.50 5.98 1.25 7.49 1.55 Main 67686.76 50 yr 1610.00 1265.08 1271.11 0.004948 0.54 7.17 1.67 12.00 2.26 Main 67586.76 100 yr 2480.00 1265.08 1272.14 0.005007 0.56 8.08 2.01 16.257 3.11 Main 67117.21 BKF 190.00 1262.37 1265.55 0.004512 0.42 3.40 0.53 1.81 ✓ 1.81 Main 67117.21 2 yr 400.00 1262.37 1266.70 0.0045111 0.45 4.461 0.801 3.58 L/ 2.08 Main 67117.21 10 yr 930.00 1262.37 1267.98 0.004512 0.47 5.511 1.101 6.07 - 1.17 Main 67117.21 50 yr 1610.00 1262.37 1269.04 0.004510 0.48 6.37 1.37 8.73 1.85 Main 67117.21 100 yr 2480.00 1262.37 1270.07 0.004511 0.50 7.161 1.631 11.70 ✓ 2.69 ✓ / r r r boll ✓ Ole fpor5 D 10, biome -K W/,,, -)-r fiF65 HFr_RAS Plan- Pmnnsad in' River 3nuthMuddvrr Rearh• Main Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev E.G. Slope Froude # Chi Vel Chnl Shear Chan Power Chan Power Total (Cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft/ t) (ft/s) (lb /sq ft) (lb/ft s) (Ib/ft s) Main 69124.15 BKF 190.00 1272.07 400.00 1272.07 1274.96 0.009301 0.59 4.60 1.01 ✓ 4.63 4.63 Main 69124.15 2 yr 1276.19 0.008588 0.59 5.74 1.38 7.90 ✓ 7.90 Main 69124.15 10 yr 930.00 1272.07 1278.10 0.007751 0.59 7.11 1.85 13.15 ✓ 4.51 Main 69124.15 50 yr 1610.00 1272.071 1279.69 0.005501 0.53 7.341 1.78 13.08 ✓ 2.79 Main 69124.15 100 yr 2480.00 1272.07 1281.27 0.003785 0.45 7.11 1.55 11.02 2.47 Main 68919.69 BKF 190.00 1270.91 1273.68 0.004296 0.41 3.46 0.54 1.86 1.88 Main 68919.69 2 yr 400.00 1270.91 1275.02 0.004252 0.43 4.41 0.78 3.43 3.43 Main 68919.69 10 yr 930.00 1270.91 1276.83 0.005371 0.51 6.33 1.42 9.00 ✓ 4.53 Main 68919.69 50 yr 1610.00 1270.81 1277.94 0.007308 0.62 8.49 2.38 20.19 9.69 Main 68919.69 100 yr 2480.00 1270.91 1278.89 0.009646 0.73 10.78 3.65- 39.37 18.25 Main 68434.66 BKF 190.00 1267.61 1270.56 0.009180 0.61 5.42 1.29 6.97 + + 4.24 Main 68434.66, 2 yr 400.00 1267.61 1271.75 0.009302 0.66 7.10 1.93 + 13.71 -t 4' 7.49 Main 68434.66 10 yr 930.00 1267.61 1273.83 0.006652 0.60 8.11 2.17 K 17.59 +f' 2.33 Main 68434.66 50 yr 1610.00 1267.61 1274.86 0.006498 0.61 8.95 2.50 f1` 22.37 i+ 2.13 Main 68434.66 100 yr 2480.00 1267.61 1275.61 0.006747 0.63 9.78 2.88 { 28.20 f 2.65 Main 68285.54 BKF 190.00 1267.17 1269.95 0.002250 0.31 2.68 -i 0.31 - 0.84 - 0.61 Main 68285.54 2 yr 400.00 1267.17 1271.29 0.001879 0.31 3.33 0.42 - 1.39- 0.84 Main 68285.54 10 yr 930.00 1267.17 1273.62 0.001142 0.26 3.61 0.42 - 1.60- 0.25 Main 68285.54 50 yr 1610.00 1267.17 1274.53 0.001500 0.31 4.56 0.63 -' -2.871- 0.47 Main 68285.54 100 yr 2480.00 1267.17 1275.10 0.002222 0.38 5.85 1.01 - 5.91 1.02 Main 68095.50 BKF 190.00 1266.61 1269.59 0.001689 0.27 2.45 0.26 0.63 - - 0.45 Main 68095.50 2 yr 400.00 1266.61 1270.98 0.001530 0.28 3.14 0.36- 1.14 0.43 Main 68095.50 10 yr 930.00 1266.61 1273.50 0.000623 0.20 2.80 0.24 - 0.68 0.11 Main 68095.50 50 yr 1610.00 1266.61 1274.38 0.000873 0.24 3.61 0.39 1.40 ✓ 0.26 Main 68095.50 100 yr 2480.00 1266.61 1274.85 0.001438 0.31 4.831 0.68 3.29 ✓ 0.63 Main 68051.88 Bridge Main 68000.80 BKF 190.00 1266.34 1268.92 0.003076 0.36 2.95 - 3 0.39 1.16 - 0.92 Main 68000.80 2 yr 400.00 1266.34 1270.00 0.003085 0.39 3.91 0.60 2.34 1.43 Main 68000.80 10 yr 930.00 1266.34 1271.59 0.003240 0.42 5.24 0.94 4.94+ 0.97 Main 68000.80 50 yr 1610.00 1266.34 1272.73 0.003100 0.43 5.921 1.12 6.62 1.21 Main 68000.80 100 yr 2480.00 1266.34 1273.78 0.002901 0.43 6.39 1.23 7.87 1.50 Main 67799.13 BKF 190.00 1265.72 1268.29 0.003163 0.36 2.97 - 0.40 1.19- 0.95 Main 67799.13 2 yr 400.00 1265.72 1269.37 0.003145 0.39 3.93 0.61 2.38- 1.35 Main 67799.13 10 yr 930.00 1265.72 1270.98 0.002989 0.41 5.04 0.87 4.38 0.88 Main 67799.13 50 yr 1610.00 1265.72 1272.17 0.002738 0.40 5.60 1.00 5.57 1.08 Main 67799.13 100 yr 2480.00 1265.72 1273.25 0.002594 0.40 6.09 1.11 6.79 V7 1.41 Main 67586.76 BKF 190.00 1265.08 1267.53 0.003820 0.40 3.15 0.46 1.44 V 1.22 Main 67586.76 2 yr 400.00 1265.08 1268.63 0.0035951 0.41 4.11 0.67 2.77 1.68 Main 67586.76 10 yr 930.00 1265.08 1270.02 0.004604 0.50 5.98 1.25 7.49 ✓ 1.55 Main 67586.76 50 yr 1610.00 1265.08 1271.11 0.004921 0.54 7.15 1.67 11.92 ✓ 2.24 Main 67586.76 100 yr 2480.00 1265.08 1272.14 0.005006 0.56 8.08 2.01 16.24 3.10 Main 67117.21 BKF 190.00 1262.371 1265.55 0.004512 0.42 3.40 0.53 1.81 1.81 Main 67117.21 2 yr 400.00 1262.37 '1266.701 0.004511 0.45 4.46 0.801 3.58 2.08 Main 67117.21 10 yr 930.00 1262.37 1267.981 0.0045121 0.47 5.51 1.101 6.07 1.^17l, Main 67117.21 50 yr 1610.00 1262.37 1269.04 0.004510 0.48 6.37 1.37 8.73 1.J Main 67117.21 100 yr 2480.00 1262.37 1270.071 0.0045111 0.50 7.16 1.631 11.70 ✓ 2.69 / / + it r f t S' fir: a i✓ E-( I NAIL Lj 5 6- c.-t t o0,I HEC -RAS Plan: Plan 05 River: SouthMuddvCr Reach: Main Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev E.G. Slope Froude # Chi Val Chnl Shear Chan Power Chan Power Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) (tuft) (ftfs) (Ibfsq ft) (lb/ft s) (lb/ft s) Main 69124.15 BKF 190.00 1272.07 1274.96 0.009213 0.59 4.58 1.00 4.58 4.58 Main 69124.15 2 yr 400.00 1272.07 1276.22 0.008333 0.59 5.68 1.35 7.64 7.64 Main 69124.15 10 yr 930.00 1272.07 1278.16 0.007353 0.58 6.98 1.78 12.40 4.10 Main 69124.15 150 yr 1610.00 1272.071 1279.70 0.005435 0.521 7.31 1.76 12.89 2.74 Main 69124.15 100 yr 2480.00 1272.07 1281.28 0.003772 0.45 7.11 1.54 10.97 2.46 Main 68919.69 BKF 190.00 1270.91 1273.69 0.004237 0.41 3.44 0.54 1.85 1.85 Main 68919.69 2 yr 400.00 1270.91 1275.13 0.003873 0.41 4.27 0.72 3.09 3.09 Main 68919.69 10 yr 930.00 1270.91 1277.03 0.004617 0.48 6.03 1.27 7.67 3.83 Main 68919.69 50 yr 1610.00 1270.91 1278.06 0.0067441 0.59 8.27 2.24 18.53 8.85 Main 68919.69 100 yr 2480.00 1270.91 1278.96 0.009300 0.71 10.65 3.55 37.86 17.51 Main 68434.66 BKF 190.00 1267.61 1270.63 0.008806 0.60 5.40 1.26 6.83 5.30 Main 68434.66 2 yr 400.00 1267.61 1271.82 0.010041 0.68 7.46 2.12 15.84 9.60 Main 68434.66 10 yr 930.00 1267.61 1273.84 0.007740 0.64 8.76 2.53 22.14 2.72 Main 68434.66 50 yr 1610.00 1267.61 1274.89 0.007000 0.63 9.32 2.71 25.23 2.27 Main 68434.66 100 yr 2480.00 1267.61 1275.66 0.006915 0.64 9.95 2.98 29.63 2.68 Main 68285.54 BKF 190.00 1267.17 1270.01 0.002546 0.33 2.87 0.36 1.03 0.78 Main 68285.54 2 yr 400.00 1267.17 1271.33 0.002278 0.34 3.67 0.51 1.86 1.24 Main 68285.54 10 yr 930.00 1267.17 1273.62 0.001383 0.29 3.96 0.50 1.98 0.30 Main 68285.54 50 yr 1610.00 1267.17 1274.54 0.001742 0.33 4.90 0.73 3.57 0.55 Main 68285.54 100 yr 2480.00 1267.17 1275.12 0.002516 0.40 6.21 1.14 7.08 1.15 Main 68095.50 BKF 190.00 1266.61 1269.57 0.002158 0.31 2.74 0.32 0.88 0.65 Main 68095.50 2 yr 400.00 1266.61 1270.95 0.001954 0.32 3.51 0.45 1.80 0.59 Main 68095.50 10 yr 930.00 1266.611 1273.50 0.000702 0.21 2.96 0.27 0.81 0.13 Main 68095.50 50 yr 1610.00 1266.61 1274.37 0.000960 0.25 3.77 0.42 1.60 0.28 Main 68095.50 100 yr 2480.00 1266.61 1274.85 0.001567 0.32 5.021 0.74 3.70 0.69 Main 68051.88 Bridge Main 68000.80 BKF 190.00 1266.34 1268.92 0.003076 0.36 2.95 0.39 1.16 0.92 Main 68000.80 2 yr 400.001 1266.34 1270.00 0.003085 0.39 3.91 0.60 2.34 1.43 Main 68000.80 10 yr 930.00 1266.34 1610.00 1266.34 1271.59 0.003240 0.42 5.24 0.94 4.94 0.97 Main 68000.80 50 yr 1272.73 0.003101 0.43 5.92 1.12 6.62 1.21 Main 68000.80 1100 yr 2480.00 1266.34 1273.781 0.002901 0.43 6.39 1.23 7.87 1.50 Main 67799.13 BKF 190.00 1265.72 1268.29 0.003163 0.36 2.97 0.40 1.19 0.95 Main 67799.13 2 yr 400.00 1265.72 1269.37 0.003144 0.39 3.93 0.61 2.38 1.35 Main 67799.13 10 yr 930.00 1265.72 1270.98 0.002988 0.41 5.041 0.87 4.38 0.88 Main 67799.13 50 yr 1610.00 1265.72 1272.17 0.002739 0.40 5.60 1.00 5.58 1.08 Main 67799.13 100 yr 2480.00 1265.72 1273.25 0.002593 0.40 6.09 1.11 6.78 1.41 Main 67586.76 BKF 190.00 1265.08 1267.53 0.003820 0.40 3.15 0.46 1,44 1.22 Main 67586.76 2 yr 400.00 1265.08 1268.63 0.003594 0.41 4.11 0.67 2.77 1.68 Main 67586.76 10 yr 930.00 1265.08 1270.03 0.004598 0.50 5.98 1.25 7.48 1.55 Main 67586.76 50 yr 1610.00 1265.08 1271.11 0.004935 0.54 7.161 1.67 11.96 2.25 Main 67586.76 100 yr 2480.00 1265,081 1272.14 0.005004 0.56 8.081 2.01 16.24 3.10 Main 67117.21 BKF 190.00 1262.37 1265.55 0.0045121 0.42 3.40 0.53 1.81 1.81 Main 67117.21 2 yr 400.00 1262.37 1266.70 0.0045111 0.45 4.46 0.80 3.58 2.08 Main 67117.21 10 yr 930.00 1262.37 1267.98 0.0045121 0.47 5.51 1.10 6.07 1.17 Main 67117.21 50 yr 1610.00 1262.37 1269.04 0.0045101 0.48 6.37 1.37 8.73 1.85 Main 67117.21 100 yr 2480.00 1262.37 1270.07 0.0045111 0.50 7.16 1.63 11.70 2.69 Stream: Toms Creek Watershed: Forested Location: Pisgah National Forest, 5.4 Miles North of Marion, NC. US 221 N, Old Toms Creek Road. Latitude: 35.74889 Longitude: 82.06083 State: North Carolina County: McDowell Date: July 6, 2011 Observers: Grant Ginn, Chris Engle, Megan Mailloux, Kevin Mitchell Channel type: C4 Drainage area (sq.mi.): 3.33 notes: Channel Disturbances u/s and d /s, some channel incision Dimension bankfull channel typical min max floodplain: width flood prone area (ft) 55.0 30.0 65.0 low bank height ft 2.2 36.6 2.0 30.2 2.4 36.6 riffle -run: x -area bankfull (sq.ft.) width bankfull (ft) 23.4 19.4 23.4 mean depth (ft) 1.56 1.6 1.6 max depth (ft) 2.0 2.0 2.2 hydraulic radius ft 1.5 33.3 32.5 33.3 pool: x -area pool (sq.ft.) width pool (ft) 17.7 17.0 17.7 max depth pool (ft) 2.9 2.3 2.9 hydraulic radius (ft) 1.7 dimensionless ratios: typical min max width depth ratio 15.0 12.3 14.9 entrenchment ratio 2.4 1.3 2.8 riffle max depth ratio 1.3 1.3 1.4 bank height ratio 1.1 1.0 1.2 pool area ratio 0.9 0.9 0.9 pool width ratio 0.8 0.7 0.8 pool max depth ratio 1.9 1.5 1.9 hydraulics: typical min max discharge rate (cfs)l 143.0 127.9 158.1 channel sloe % 0.93 riffle -run min max pool velocity (ft /s) 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.3 Froude number 0.57 0.62 0.63 0.34 shear stress (lbs /sq.ft.) 0.857 0.827 0.891 0.967 shear velocity (ft /s) 0.665 0.653 0.678 0.706 stream power (lb /s) 83.0 74.2 91.7 unit stream power (lb /ft /s) 3.546 3.835 4.230 relative roughness 16.4 - -- - -- friction factor u /u' 5.9 7.8 7.9 threshold grain size (t' =0.06) (mm) 47.5 40.7 43.8 Shield's parameter 0.087 Pattern typical min max meander length (ft) 300.0 - -- - -- belt width (ft) 100.0 - -- - -- amplitude (ft) - -- - -- - -- radius (ft) - -- 32.0 514.0 arc angle (degrees) - -- - -- - -- stream length (ft) 600.0 valley length ft 550.0 Sinuosity 1.1 Meander Length Ratio 12.8 - -- - -- Meander Width Ratio 4.3 - -- - -- Radius Ratio - -- 1.4 22.0 Profile typical min max pool -pool spacing (ft) 151.8 97.5 193.0 riffle length (ft) 40.6 17.7 64.0 pool length (ft) 26.0 12.0 36.0 run length (ft) 33.7 6.8 60.0 glide length (ft) 28.6 19.2 44.0 channel slope ( %) 0.93 riffle slope ( %) 1.9 0.77 3.6 pool slope ( %) 0.36 0.19 0.64 run slope ( %) 0.54 0 1.4 glide slope ( %) 0.53 --- 0.36 0.93 measured valley slope ( %) valley slope from sinuosit % 1.0 Riffle Length Ratio 1.7 0.8 2.7 Pool Length Ratio 1.1 0.5 1.5 Run Length Ratio 1.4 0.3 2.6 Glide Length Ratio 1.2 0.8 1.9 Riffle Slope Ratio 2 0.8 3.9 Pool Slope Ratio 0.4 0.2 0.7 Run Slope Ratio 0.6 0 1.5 Glide Slope Ratio 0.6 0.4 1 Pool Spacing Ratiol 6.5 4.2 8.2 Channel Materials Riffle Point BkF Surface Bar Channel D16 (mm) 7.2 - -- - -- 11 D35 (mm) 20 - -- 4.7 19 D50 (mm) 29 - -- 10 31 D65 (mm) 42 - -- 19 45 D84 (mm) 69 - -- 35 71 D95 (mm) 120 - -- 52 94 mean (mm) 22.3 27.9 dispersion 3.2 2.6 skewness -0.1 -0.1 Shape Factor - -- % Silt /Clay 1 % - -- 0% 0% % Sand 8% - -- 100% 4% % Gravel 72% - -- 0% 76% % Cobble 17% - -- 0% 20% % Boulder 1 % - -- 0% 0% % Bedrock 1 % - -- % Clay Hardpan - -- % DetritusM/ood - -- % Artificial - -- Largest Mobile (mm) 760 Longitudinal Slope Profile Toms Creek gybed +water srf f bankfull A x- section O riffle crest • pool ■ run A glide x terr It + bkf rt - terr rt 102 101 x 100 '- - _ ----- -- 98 -- -- ------------------------ 0 m 97 96 + - ' - ui 95 - --- - - -- - 94 93 0 0 0 92 1049.4 1138.4 1207.0 1262.0 1470.0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Channel Distance (ft) slope ( %) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool -pool spacing (ft) p -p ratio reach 0.93 - -- 1550.0 (66.2 channel widths) - -- - -- - -- riffle 1.9 (0.77-3.6) 2 (0.8-3.9) 40.6 (17.7-64) 1.7 (0.8-2.7) - -- - -- pool 0.36 (0.19 - 0.64) 0.4 (0.2-0.7) 26.0 (12-36) 1.1 (0.5-1.5) 151.8 (97.5-193) 6.5 (4.2-8.2) run 0.54 (0-1.4) 0.6 (0-1.5) 33.7 (6.8-60) 1.4 (0.3-2.6) - -- - -- glide 0.53 (0.36 - 0.93) 0.6 (0.4-1) 28.6 (19.2-44) 1.2 (0.8-1.9) - -- - -- Cross Section 1 10+49.4 Toms Creek, Pool 104 103 102 101 0 ------------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- >100 w 99 98 97 96 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 32.5 x- section area (ft.sq.) 90.0 W flood prone area (ft) 29 D50 Riffle (mm) 17.0 width (ft) 5.3 entrenchment ratio 69 D84 Riffle (mm) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 3.3 low bank height (ft) 47 threshold grain size (mm): 2.9 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 19.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 8.9 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 4.7 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 0.93 channel slope ( %) 152.6 discharge rate (cfs) 0.18 D'Arcy- Weisbach fric. 0.97 shear stress (lb /sq.ft.) 0.64 Froude number 8.3 resistance factor u /u* 0.71 shear velocity (ft /s) 8.5 relative roughness 5.2 unit strm power (lb /ft /s) 102 101 100 c 0 99 0 w 98 97 96 0 10 Bankfull Dimensions 33.3 x- section area (ft.sq.) 17.7 width (ft) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 2.3 max depth (ft) 20.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 9.5 width -depth ratio 11 +38.4 Toms Creek, Pool 20 30 Width Flood Dimensions 80.0 W flood prone area (ft) 4.5 entrenchment ratio 2.8 low bank height (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance 4.7 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 156.4 discharge rate (cfs) 0.18 D'Arcy- Weisbach fric. 0.64 Froude number 8.1 resistance factor u /u* 8.3 relative roughness 40 50 Materials 29 D50 Riffle (mm) 69 D84 Riffle (mm) 48 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 0.93 channel slope ( %) 0.97 shear stress (lb /sq.ft.) 0.71 shear velocity (ft /s) 5.1 unit strm power (lb /ft /s) .� Cross Section 3 12+7 Toms Creek, Riffle 100.5 100 99.5 99 98.5 c --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------ - - ------------------------------- .0 � 98 > w 97.5 97 96.5 96 95.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 36.6 x- section area (ft.sq.) 55.0 W flood prone area (ft) 29 D50 Riffle (mm) 23.4 width (ft) 2.4 entrenchment ratio 69 D84 Riffle (mm) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.3 low bank height (ft) 42 threshold grain size (mm): 2.0 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 24.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.5 hyd radi (ft) 14.9 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 4.3 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 0.93 channel slope ( %) 158.1 discharge rate (cfs) 0.19 D'Arcy- Weisbach fric. 0.85 shear stress (lb /sq.ft.) 0.63 Froude number 7.8 resistance factor u /u* 0.66 shear velocity (ft /s) 6.9 relative roughness 3.9 unit strm power (lb /ft /s) Cross Section 4 12+62 Toms Creek, Run 102 101 100 99 0 0 w 98 97 -------- - - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- 96 95 94 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 33.2 x- section area (ft.sq.) 65.0 W flood prone area (ft) 29 D50 Riffle (mm) 20.2 width (ft) 3.2 entrenchment ratio 69 D84 Riffle (mm) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.4 low bank height (ft) 44 threshold grain size (mm): 2.2 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 21.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.5 hyd radi (ft) 12.3 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 4.4 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 0.93 channel slope ( %) 147.5 discharge rate (cfs) 0.19 D'Arcy- Weisbach fric. 0.89 shear stress (lb /sq.ft.) 0.63 Froude number 7.9 resistance factor u /u* 0.68 shear velocity (ft /s) 7.2 relative roughness 4.2 unit strm power (lb /ft /s) 100 .. ( 0 97 > 96 w 95 94 93 0 5 10 Bankfull Dimensions 30.2 x- section area (ft.sq.) 19.4 width (ft) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.0 max depth (ft) 21.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.4 hyd radi (ft) 12.4 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 4.2 velocity (ft/s) 127.9 discharge rate (cfs) 0.62 Froude number 14+69.8 Toms Creek, Riffle 15 20 25 30 Width Flood Dimensions 30.0 W flood prone area (ft) 1.6 entrenchment ratio 2.0 low bank height (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.043 Manning's roughness 0.19 D'Arcy- Weisbach fric. 7.8 resistance factor u /u* 6.9 relative roughness 35 40 45 50 Materials 29 D50 Riffle (mm) 69 D84 Riffle (mm) 41 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 0.93 channel slope ( %) 0.83 shear stress (lb /sq.ft.) 0.65 shear velocity (ft /s) 3.8 unit strm power (lb /ft /s) Two individual samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Riffle Surface Material 7 Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 - 0.062 PEEW- very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 -0.5 - 1 - 2 8% ■VIII gravel IIII■ very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 boulder 1 ■IIIIIIII!�II�IIIIII ■1111 ■1111 ■111I ■111 ■111 ■111 ■111■illi.III■IN1111111 ■111 ■� small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 -90 - 128 - 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood ------- - - - - -- artificial III mii ■■11 1111111111111111111 111 1111IIIIIII11111111111 '!gill ■IIIIIIIII II ■111111111 II ■IIIIIIIII ■II1111111 99 Imill lll Imill Note: total count: 100 Riffle Surface Pebble Count. Toms Creek 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% a 40% 30% 20, 10% 0% E Cum ulative % —# of particles i Type mean 22.3 silt /clay 1% bedrock 1 dispersion 3.2 sand 8% ■VIII gravel IIII■ �IIIIIII 17 ■IIIIIIII boulder 1 ■IIIIIIII!�II�IIIIII ■1111 ■1111 ■111I ■111 ■111 ■111 ■111■illi.III■IN1111111 ■111 ■� ■�1aI!!' III mii ■■11 1111111111111111111 111 1111IIIIIII11111111111 '!gill ■IIIIIIIII II ■111111111 II ■IIIIIIIII ■II1111111 Imill lll Imill lll I■i111111 I■illIIII .11 III ■IIIIIIIII ■�IIIIII ■illiIII II :II II gIIIIIIIII 0.01 0.1 Size (mm) D16 7.2 D35 20 D50 29 D65 42 D84 69 D95 120 18 16 14 12 = 3 10 0 8 m 6 4 � 2 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size Distribution Type mean 22.3 silt /clay 1% bedrock 1 dispersion 3.2 sand 8% skewness -0.12 gravel 72% cobble 17 boulder 1 Feature Percent of Reach Riffle % Run Riffle, Pool, Run, Glide 1W Pool 0 % GlideO Weighted pebble count by bed features Material Size Range (mm) weighted silt /clay 0 - 0.062 0.0 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 0.0 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 1.0 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 1.0 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 1.0 very coarse sand 1 - 2 0.9 very fine gravel 2 - 4 0.9 fine gravel 4 - 6 1.0 fine gravel 6 - 8 3.9 medium gravel 8 - 11 6.7 medium gravel 11 - 16 11.5 coarse gravel 16 - 22 13.5 coarse gravel 22 - 32 9.6 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 14.4 very coarse gravel 45 - 64 14.4 small cobble 64 - 90 14.4 medium cobble 90 - 128 5.8 large cobble 128 - 180 0.0 very large cobble 180 - 256 0.0 small boulder 256 - 362 0.0 small boulder 362 - 512 0.0 medium boulder 512 - 1024 0.0 large boulder 1024 - 2048 0.0 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 0.0 total particle weighted count: 100 bedrock 0.0 clay hardpan 0.0 detritus /wood 0.0 artificial --------------- - - - - -- 0.0 total weighted count: 100.0 Note: Weighted pebble count by bed features Toms Creek •' illZ11111111tEVA .•• . im - ., ■,11IIIII■,11IIIII■,11IIIII■ � °I�S��I�11��"� ��� I11IIIII■,11IIIII II I�I! =��I�11���l��I ;, ,�I'IIIIII■,'IIIII� ■,'IIIIII■,'IIIIII■,'IIIIII�I' /� I■II'IIIIII■,'IIIII� �, ■,'IIIIII■,'IIIIII■,'IIIIII I■II'IIIIII■,'IIIIII �'' �, •�, � � ■,'IIIIII■,1IIIIII■'11I I■II'IIIIII■,'IIIIII ;, , • ■,'IIIIII.,'IIIIII■,'II ,�, ■,'IIIIII■,'IIIIII■,'II 1 � III II 1�I I■II'IIIIII■,'IIIIII I�II'IIIIII■,'IIIIII � � 1I ■VIII IIII ■�IIIIIII 111 i III 111 II �I IIIIIIII ■111116 , , �11 � � ,,, ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ' III111II�IIIIIIIII ■�IIIIII! ' . mill _ ---= :�I IIIIII111I111111IIIII■111111II • • • • •• ••• so Riffle Material Size Range (mm) Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 particle size (mm) very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 Size (mm) 1 I � 111111111 IIIIIIII very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 D35 22 ■Sl�lllll sand 0% D50 35 skewness -0.01 ■III 74% ■�IIIIIII small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 D84 83 ■�IIIIIII 0% small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 111 1111111111 IIIIIIIII total particle count: 31 bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial Note: total count: 31 Pool Material Size Range (mm) Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 particle size (mm) very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 Size (mm) 1 I � 111111111 IIIIIIII very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 D35 22 ■Sl�lllll sand 0% D50 35 skewness -0.01 ■III 74% ■�IIIIIII small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 D84 83 ■�IIIIIII 0% small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 111 1111111111 IIIIIIIII total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial 25 I Not total count: 25 Riffle Toms Creek 100% 90% 80% 70% s 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% *—cumulative % —# of particles 6 5 4 3 6 m 3 v 2 1 � 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 I■1III1111� particle size (mm) D50 34 11 Size (mm) 1 I � 111111111 IIIIIIII mean 34.1 ■III 0% D35 22 ■Sl�lllll sand 0% D50 35 skewness -0.01 ■III 74% ■�IIIIIII cobble ■�IIIIIII D84 83 ■�IIIIIII 0% D95 110 ■I 111 1111111111 IIIIIIIII ■III I 1 � 111111 No II ■11I ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII� II �� IIIIIIIII ■" I ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII!1 I! H 1IIIIIIIII■1l I ■�IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ■�Illlllll 1IIIIIIIII■11 ■1111111 ■1111111 ■�11! !!!iii X111111111 ■tl 6 5 4 3 6 m 3 v 2 1 � 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 D35 21 particle size (mm) D50 34 skewness -0.10 Size (mm) Size Distribution D84 70 Type D16 14 mean 34.1 silt/clay 0% D35 22 dispersion 2.4 sand 0% D50 35 skewness -0.01 gravel 74% D65 50 cobble 26% D84 83 boulder 0% D95 110 Pool Toms Creek --S—cumulative % —# of particles 100 90 80 70 60% 50% 40% 30% ,., ■�IIIIIII ■11111111�����1I�'il � 11 ,., ■ �1111111A�:::ii111 ■ ■IIIi1111111 Size (mm) Size Distribution D16 11 mean 27.7 D35 21 dispersion 2.6 D50 34 skewness -0.10 D65 49 D84 70 D95 88 IIIII�irlllllllll ■�IIIIIII ��:I'ill ■111111111 ■�IIIIII! . III IIII ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII 111 11!1 ■111111111 ■�Illllli ��I III I ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII 11111111 ■111111111 ■�IIIIIII 11111111 ■111111111 ■�IIIIII! 11111111 ■ 111111111 ■ � 1111111 II II III 111111111111 ■�Illllli 111111111 IIIIIIIII ■�IIIIIII , silt/clay 0% sand 8% gravel 72% cobble 20% boulder 0% Run Material Size Range (mm) Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 — — very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 64 90 128 180 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 6 80% small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood artificial 30 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial 18 Fr— Note: total count: 30 Glide Material Size Range (mm) Count silt /clay 0 - 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 — — very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 6 80% small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 very large boulder 2048 - 362 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial 18 Fr— Note: total count: 18 Run Toms Creek — cumulative % —# of particles 100% silt/clav sand qravel xbble boulder 7 90% — -- — — — 6 80% 70% 5 60% 3 4 50% o - Y 40% 3 30% 2 20% 10% 1 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 10 mean 25.5 silt/clay 0% D35 16 dispersion 2.6 sand 3% D50 21 skewness 0.09 gravel 80% D65 34 cobble 17% D84 65 boulder 0% D95 81 Glide Toms Creek -4--cumulative % —# of particles 100% silt/clay sand qravel boulder 4.5 90% 4 80% — — — — 3.5 70 r 60 % 3 -3 6 2.5 m w 50 40 2 I 30% 1.5 m 20% I 1 10% I 0.5 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 8.8 mean 23.9 silt/clay 0% D35 14 dispersion 2.9 sand 6% D50 35 skewness -0.18 gravel 78% D65 44 cobble 17% D84 65 boulder 0% D95 93 3) Bulk Sample Sieve Analysis - - . - . - - - - .,,, ■ ■■ 111111 ■■ ■111111 ■ ■ ■��11111 ■ ■I ■111111 "' 1 M-MmwQ 2 �w� , � 1% • . 1099 " ,' 9 5873 10% 32% 44% ,,, M■SIII1!!M EM111111IME !1111111 ■ oil 11111! ;,; ■■■ 1111!!■■ ■1111!!■,IIIIIIfllll ■ ■I ■11111! ... ■■ ■1111!!■ ■■111111WAM III 11!! ■■! ■111111 ■■ ■111111■ ■ ■IIIIIII IM HIII IIII ■ ■I ■Illlli " ww� ■■ ■111111■ ■■111!;i■ 1 ■I III IIII ■■! ■11111! ww� ww� ■■ ■111111■ ■!:111 II■ 1 ■I b111 IIII ■ ■I ■111111 ��� ;,; ■■ ■111111■ �� 1111 II■ 1 ■I HIII IIII ■ ■I ■Illlli , " ■■ ■IIII!!■ on 111! HE 1 ■I IIII IIII ■■! ■11111! ■■ ■111111■ ■■ 1111 II■ 1 ■I b111 IIII ■ ■I ■111111 ww� ,,, , - .: ww� total wt retained in sieves Sieve & Sieve Sieve Sample Size Weight - - g -. " ' ■ ■111111 ■ ■ ■II111111r ■I ■111111 ." ." www � ',,; � � ;; ,;; � � � : ;,; �Q = =l11!!� ■ =Sll!!!� ■0 »II!!i ■ ■I ■11111! ��� ■ ■■ 111111 ■■ ■111111 ■ ■ ■III!�11 ■ ■I ■Illlli " ■■ ■111111 ■■ ■111111 ■ ■ ■II,� Iltl!■ ■I ■Illlli '" ■ ■■ .;,; ■ ■■ 111111 ■■ ■111111 ■■ ■11111111 ■ ■I ■11111! = ��� ,,, ■■ ■111111 ■■ ■111111 ■ ■ ■tl1111I1 ■ ■I ■11111! .,,, ■■ ■111111 ■■ ■111111 ■ ■�► /A1111111 ■ ■I ■11111! ��� ;,; ■■ ■111111 ■■ ■111111 ■� �pll IIt11 ■ ■I ■11111! •• ww� =01111111=011111110 WIN 111111111 ■■! ■1111!1 „ ■■■1111!!!L!!:C501■ 111111111 ■■! ■111111 , . .: ww� ww� - Pavement (largest particles 1 10m & 88mm) Photo No. 1 Pool Section @ Sta 10 +49.4 facing d/s 7/6/11 Photo No. 2 Pool Section @ Sta 11 +38.4 facing d/s 7/6/11 Toms Creek Reference Reach July 2011 Photo No. 3 Riffle Section @ Sta 12 +7 facing d/s 7/6/11 Photo No. 4 Run Section @ Sta 12 +62 facing d/s 7/6/11 Toms Creek Reference Reach July 2011 Photo No. 5 Riffle Section @ Sta 14 +69.8 facing d/s 7/6/11 Toms Creek Reference Reach July 2011 Stream: Cold Springs Creek Watershed: Pigeon River Location: Pisgah National Forest, Harmon Den, 1 -40 Exit 7 Latitude: 35.76352 Longitude: 82.97678 State: North Carolina County: Haywood Date: October 25, 2007 Observers: SGG & CME Channel type: B4 Drainage area (sq.mi.): 2.77 notes: - -- Dimension bankfull channel typical min max floodplain: width flood prone area (ft) 48.0 43.0 52.0 low bank height (ft) 3.3 34.6 3.1 33.4 3.5 34.6 riffle -run: x -area bankfull (sq.ft.) width bankfull (ft) 23.4 23.4 24.7 mean depth (ft) 1.48 1.3 1.5 max depth (ft) 2.2 1.8 2.2 hydraulic radius ft 1.3 33.4 30.0 33.4 pool: x -area pool (sq.ft.) width pool (ft) 29.6 25.2 29.6 max depth pool (ft) 2.3 2.3 2.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 1.1 dimensionless ratios: typical min max width depth ratio 15.8 15.8 18.4 entrenchment ratio 2.1 1.8 2.2 riffle max depth ratio 1.5 1.2 1.5 bank height ratio 1.5 1.4 1.6 pool area ratio 1.0 0.9 1.0 pool width ratio 1.3 1.1 1.3 pool max depth ratio 1.6 1.5 1.6 hydraulics: typical min max discharge rate (cfs) 210.0 202.1 218.6 channel slope (%)1 2.4 riffle -run min max pool velocity (ft /s) 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.3 Froude number 0.94 0.94 0.95 1.12 shear stress (lbs /sq.ft.) 1.947 1.920 2.043 1.647 shear velocity (ft/s) 1.002 0.995 1.027 0.922 stream power (lb /s) 314.5 302.7 327.4 unit stream power (lb /ft /s) 13.440 12.131 13.866 relative roughness 10.0 - -- - -- friction factor u /u' 6.1 5.9 6.2 threshold grain size (t' =0.06) (mm) 100.4 94.3 100.4 Shield's parameter 0.128 Pattern typical min max meander length (ft) 100.0 - -- - -- belt width (ft) 43.0 - -- - -- amplitude (ft) - -- - -- - -- radius (ft) 75.0 44.0 103.0 are angle (degrees) - -- - -- - -- stream length (ft) 400.0 valley length ft 380.0 Sinuosity 71 Meander Length Ratio 4.3 - -- - -- Meander Width Ratio 1.8 - -- - -- Radius Ratio 3.2 1.9 4.4 Profile typical min max pool -pool spacing (ft) 87.0 51.0 113.0 riffle length (ft) 28.0 20.0 40.0 pool length (ft) 18.0 6.0 42.0 run length (ft) 9.7 5.0 14.0 glide length (ft) 10.7 5.0 20.0 channel slope ( %) 2.38 riffle slope ( %) 2.5 1.5 4.3 pool slope ( %) 0.25 0.083 0.4 run slope ( %) 5.1 1.4 8.1 tide sloe % 0.81 --- 0.2 2.3 measured valley slope ( %) valley slope from sinuosity % 2.5 Riffle Length Ratio 1.2 0.9 1.7 Pool Length Ratio 0.8 0.3 1.8 Run Length Ratio 0.4 0.2 0.6 Glide Length Ratio 0.5 0.2 0.9 Riffle Slope Ratio 1.1 0.6 1.8 Pool Slope Ratio 0.1 0 0.2 Run Slope Ratio 2.1 0.6 3.4 Glide Slope Ratio 0.3 0.1 1 Pool Spacing Ratio 3.7 2.2 4.8 Channel Materials Riffle Point BkF Surface Bar Channel D16 (mm) 5.2 - -- 30 3.3 D35 (mm) 22 - -- 71 15 D50 (mm) 45 - -- 79 31 D65 (mm) 75 - -- 87 62 D84 (mm) 130 - -- 99 120 D95 (mm) 190 - -- 110 170 mean (mm) 26.0 19.9 dispersion 5.8 6.6 skewness -0.2 -0.2 Shape Factor - -- % Silt /Clay 1 % - -- 0% 2% % Sand 10% - -- 100% 9% • Gravel 48% - -- 0% 53% • Cobble 41% - -- 0% 33% % Boulder 0% - -- 0% 0% % Bedrock 1% - -- 4% % Clay Hardpan - -- % Detritus/Wood - -- % Artificial 91 - -- Largest Mobile (mm) O o0 L V � N N_ O (h 0_ 1 Q J OO LL Y � M 00 cm N 0_ � N U p O 0_ [ 0) ~ O O 00 U') O 0_ X m rli 00 O 01 M N N p 0 0 0 0 3 O N 00 V 0 C — 0 0 0 � 0 O Q N O L a N 0) N U C O LO 0) L V N - O U r V N N OR O U ^ 0) (O N N a) N (6 L O O I- r` d C O 00 00 0) O U 0 N O N N � N N O N Q X 00 t 00 ° U U) 6 d N � 0 - I� w O Q N Cl) O t In 0 M 0 y 0 � O _0 N O 5 @N U T Q O V o O M M I* V M o. N 00 l0 O V N o O O 0) CL 00 l0 l0 Lo _ O co N N 00 Lo f/1 N O O O O LO O r 0) p C 0) O� U w o 2 a 'c 0_ X: O O N O 00 (O V N O 00 (O O O O O O O m 00 00 (U) uOIIBAGI3 E E 2 % ��2{ ) 2 / E E ./ » » EEe &�:4 0) k / \ \/ a)> G S 3 § � cca �ttt§ 2 < \LO §$3 \o C) # C-4 C-4 _ ƒ ( _ `a% k ®�> /0 er±± t6= �Ztf / I CD =�cc /) } } _ o \/o 0 /0a) j Sf &3ƒ \\ \ \\ \\\ 0 $ E 7 © \C) ±\ \ar 0LO co \ C) C) = E E . o \ ' \ F » g e a ^ f § 2/ k�� \/k k\= V) _0 f : \ _ E\t3)\kk \\\ : R E x4 E E 4 =4 0 >= z / E 5e�fa ^K0 m \\ \CO C4\ \®mod C4 ^ m m . = f M N ' x 0 0 o 0 o= 0 0 w 0 e 0 r 0 0 . »9R8 C) E E 2 % ��2{ )2 \ k & U) / ) / \ \/ a)> S 3 / 7 }fff cca Io��= 2 < o % ?/3 §���/ ' &�6 \ ƒ 2 \ U) Z) g U) .° % /0 0t6@ ILA er�± C) � Ztf =�kc / \\ \0 \ \o(jj 0 f &3ƒ E 73=44 comU) § 4 5 \> E \ _ 2 2 c/ a a E 7 o �oaIT f ?ge= 2 /ww =aa& \ 2 CC ! E E _ = E / 9 » g 0 § ��% S.E \ E \f ƒ__0 : \_ =o= _2= e == 0 o T. a) m t R\ / .% 7 E x4 E E 4 =4 0 >= z 5 E C)LO / � © \q 6a )ma a )® /d . = E E p CO \ \ S \ 7 q \ ummAG 8 Q � E E 2 % �) 'U) 0 f 2 / E E ./ » » &�:4 EEe -2 k a>> 0- / \0 \ C) CD / q3/ 0- 2 < \ ?/7 §� /\\ \ LL CD 2 . o 4-- `a% = / @zaU) r E @ 2 a) �2tf m § 5 a a /.! 2 c 6 o § &/jj 0/) = % / \ (j j S f & 3 ƒ . co 7 77t -T \ ) §45 // / §7 = E 7 o h=er@ ƒ ?aoa 04 7 \�w� \//aw \ E E , _ \ F o c » g 0 » m ® \ =j \f ƒ__0 : \_ =o= _�= e == o$t3) \kt %/ 0 R\. f E x4 E E 4 =4 0 >= z . 5 E 5IT w22=e� 5� \7 \ \%\�\ \® °d ^ g m m r= r r LO 'IT r r r a r' a c a m 4 e w m& m w 0 0 0 0 0 0 mpGg } / % & U 7 0 § + r C) W. 2 Q 2 F. H 0 G/& S 2 S 2 S 39»13 E g E 2 a` �t6@ er�� E E 0) k / \ \/ a)> �22e % % ® S 3 / cca 7 }fff /\ Io��= 2 < .co C) §C §�/ 0cewg &�6 \ 2 ƒ \ F § E \ta)M 72 R\\\ E x'4 E E 4= 4 0 >= z 5 E 5�e� 1- 5 0- aCOCN �� \��� co co g °°% a` �t6@ er�� �Ztf =�kk / E ++ \$ / ? � /jj �22e \ \ \_ (j j S f & 3 ƒ /\ \// \\\ \\ 0cewg ? \ww 2 \�&� Rcaa& 0 2C) E E \ F § E \ta)M 72 R\\\ E x'4 E E 4= 4 0 >= z 5 E 5�e� 1- 5 0- aCOCN �� \��� co co ) Weighted Pebble Count Feature Percent of Reach Rifflel 29 1 % Runj 21 Riffle, Pool, Run, Glide Pool 29 % Glide 21 Weighted pebble count by bed features Cold Springs Creek 29% riffle 29% pool 21 % run 21 % glide — weighted percent — Riffle — Pool — Run —Glide —# of particles 14% 12% 100 90 80 70% L 60% C 50% 40% Q 30 20% 10% 0% (D 10% m Q 8% m 9 N 6% m o v 4% m W 2% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Riffle Cold Springs Creek U 7 Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 3.3 mean 19.9 silt/clay 2% bedrock 47/o D35 15 dispersion 6.6 sand 9% D50 31 skewness -0.15 gravel 53% D65 62 cobble 33% D84 120 boulder 0% D95 170 Riffle Cold Springs Creek — 6—cumulative % —# of particles 100% silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder 9 90% 8 80 — - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 7 70 `m 6 L 60% D 6 5 m — 50% — o 4 40 I Q 3 30% m 20% 2 I 10% I 1 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 3.9 mean 23.4 silt/clay 4% bedrock 2% D35 15 dispersion 7.0 sand 5% D50 41 skewness -0.20 gravel 45% D65 89 cobble 45% D84 140 boulder 0% D95 190 Pool Cold Springs Creek cumulative % —# of particles silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder cumulative % —# of particles 100% 100% silt clay sand gravel cobbl boulder 9 7 90% I 1 1 1 1 111 I 1 1 1 Hill 1 1 1 1 1 111 I I I Hill 1 1 1 1 111 90% I I I 1 1 1 I I III 1 1 111, I 1 I I I 1 1 1 Hill 1 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 111 Ll. 6 8 I — - - - - -- — — -- - -i 1 1 80% I I qi I 7 70% I IIII r 70% I I I IIIII 3 60 % I 6 ' 60 % 4 s m — s I I IIII 5 — 50% I IIIII ° I I IIIII I I I I I I I L 3 N �. 40% n I I II III I I IIIIII I IIIIII I I IIIIII I I IIIIII 40 I IIIIII I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 II IIq 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 4 m aI I I VIII 30 I I I VIII I VIII I I VIII I I I VIII I I I VIII 2 20% II 3 m 30% IIhII I IIIIII III IIIId IIIII I I IIIIII I I I I IIIIII 2 I 20 I I IpI I I I I I II III I I IIIIII I I IIIIII 10 % I 0 IIq 0.01 0.1 1 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) I II IIII Size Distribution Type D16 12 mean 41.0 0% 0% bedrock 7% D35 26 dispersion 3.6 sand 7% I skewness -0.13 gravel 43% 0 D65 86 cobble 43% D84 140 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 D95 180 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 2.6 mean 14.7 silt/clay 2% bedrock 2% D35 12 dispersion 6.6 sand 9% D50 26 skewness -0.20 gravel 67% D65 43 cobble 21% D84 83 boulder 0% D95 120 Run Cold Springs Creek cumulative % —# of particles silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder 100% 7 90% - - - - -- - - - - - — ------ L - - — - Ll. 6 80% I 5 70% I r 3 60 % 4 s m — I I 50% I IIIII I I IIIII I I I I I I I L 3 N �. 40% n I I II III I I IIIIII I IIIIII I I IIIIII I I IIIIII I I IIIIII � I 30 2 20% IIhII I IIIIII IIIII 1 10% I I I IpI I I 0% I 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 12 mean 41.0 silt/clay 0% bedrock 7% D35 26 dispersion 3.6 sand 7% D50 56 skewness -0.13 gravel 43% D65 86 cobble 43% D84 140 boulder 0% D95 180 Glide Material Size Range (mm) Count silt/clay 0 - 0.062 1 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 sand gravel 4 -T — 1 very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 2 4 6 8 11 16 22 32 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 1 4 1 3 3 4 2 4 small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 64 90 128 180 -90 - 128 - 180 - 256 3 3 1 2 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood --------------- - - - - -- artificial 38 2 90% Note: total count: 40 t Glide Cold Springs Creek +cumulative % —# of pa ticles siIt/clay sand gravel boulder 4.5 100% 90% 4 iiii i i i i Hill 80% 3.5 r70/ iii i i i Hill i i i iii i i i i i i Hill i i i i ii I r 3 60% iii I I III I I I I Hill I I I l is I L 25 � w v 50% I I II iii i I I H i i i iii 14 i � I I ° 2 40% 30% 1.5 (. m 20 % 1 10% 0.5 1 1 1 1 iii ttt 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 1.1 mean 9.9 silt/clay 3% bedrock 5% D35 11 dispersion 12.0 sand 15% D50 22 skewness -0.25 gravel 55% D65 43 cobble 23% D84 89 boulder 0% D95 180 1) Individual Pebble Count Two individual samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Riffle Surface Material Size Range (mm) Count silt/clay 0 - 0.062 1 very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.125 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 - 0.125 - 0.25 -0.5 - 1 - 2 cumulative 2 1 100% silt/clay 7 very fine gravel 2 fine gravel 4 fine gravel 6 medium gravel 8 medium gravel 11 coarse gravel 16 coarse gravel 22 very coarse gravel 32 very coarse gravel 45 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22 - 32 - 45 - 64 3 3 4 4 6 4 9 6 9 small cobble 64 medium cobble 90 large cobble 128 very large cobble 180 - 90 - 128 - 180 - 256 13 12 10 6 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock clay hardpan detritus /wood ------- - - - - -- artificial 90 100 1 total count: Note: jUpstream End of Profile 101 Riffle Surface Pebble Count, Cold Springs Creek cumulative % —# of particles 100% silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder 14 90 — - -- — ---- - - - - -- 12 80 `m 70% 10 60 8 � 50% ° 40% 6 n 30 4 � 20 2 10% 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 5.2 mean 26.0 silt/clay 1% bedrock 1 D35 22 dispersion 5.8 sand 10% D50 45 skewness -0.20 gravel 48% D65 75 cobble 41 D84 130 boulder 0% D95 190 3) Bulk Sample Sieve Analysis Two samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Point Bar Sieve & Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight on Sieve Sieve (mm) (g) (g) (g) Po . C Point Bar Cold Springs Creek cumulative % 1 —wt of particles passing sieve 1 sand gravel bble Po . 1001 Be 90% C 80% 70% d r 60% ## `w ## ' 50% ## § 40% ## ## a 30% ## 20% 0 10% 79 - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- — -- — — — — ---------------- I 1800 lsoo 1400 1200 � 1000 o 800 z — 600 400 200 2 682 728 46 2% 40 2% 75 4% 172 9% 0 0% 1677 83% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2010 - -- - -- 2% 2% 2% 4% 4% 8% 9% 17% 0% 17% 83% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 4 739 779 8 739 814 16 811 983 31.5 820 820 63 706 2383 110 0% 0 79 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 particle size (mm) 1 0 0 Size (mm) 99 D16 30 565 87 sand 100% 99 D35 71 D84 99 1 D50 79 D95 110 1 0 total wt retained in sieves: Note: IPavement Largest Particles: 95 and 110 mm Point Bar Sieve & Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight on Sieve Sieve (mm) (g) (g) (g) Po . Point Bar Cold Springs Creek +cumulative % —wt of particles passing sieve 1 1 100% sand gravel cobble 2500 Po . Be 90% C 80% 70% d r 60% ## w 50 % ## .- ## 40% ## a 30% ## ## 20% 0 10% 33 0% I 2000 1500 o -o 1000 500 0 -------- - - - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 682 1097 415 7% 607 10% 781 13% 1024 17% 2063 34% 1101 18% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5991 - -- - -- 7% 7 10% 17% 13% 30% 17% 47% 34% 82% 18% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 4 739 1346 8 739 1520 16 811 1835 _ _ _ 31.5 820 2883 63 706 1807 90 33 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 particle size (mm) 1 0 0 Size (mm) 66 D16 7.4 D65 45 66 D35 19 D84 66 1 D50 33 D95 82 1 0 total: Note: Sub - Pavement Largest Particles: 68 and 90 mm Cold Springs Creek Cross Section 1 — Riffle Cold Springs Creek Cross Section 2 — Pool Cold Springs Creek Cross Section 3 — Riffle Cold Springs Creek Cross Section 4 — Pool APPENDIX D PROJECT PLAN SHEETS (11 "x17 ") Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration NCEEP Mitigation Plan 00 M U W ti O P4 a a w w U z N.C. ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM r � A PRELIMINARY PLANS 11,16,2611 Y CREEK MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK S 3,20,202 178413 1783 ` � 1 REVISIONS ® CAROLINA IN WEI s ,�STREAAIRESTORATIONPRO.IECT 18 A PRELIMINARY PLANS 11,16,2611 Y CREEK MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK S 3,20,202 178413 1783 ` � 1 REVISIONS ,� CAROLINA IN y 783 1802 1 - ' s ,�STREAAIRESTORATIONPRO.IECT ,7J SOUTH MJDD Y CREEK cDOWE LL COUNTY, NORT H CAROLINA IN V I LI 11V ll ll V 1V1LAr NOT TO SCALE PLANS (SHEETS 4 -6) 10 0 10 30 mommi PLANS (SHEETS 7 -14) 20 0 20 60 HORIZONTAL PROFILE (SHEETS 4 -6) 10 0 10 30 mommi HORIZONTAL PROFILE (SHEETS 7 -14) 2 0 2 6 VERTICAL PROFILE PROPOSED RESTORATION: SOUTH MUDDY CREEK MIDDLE SPROUSE BRANCH LOWER SPROUSE BRANCH UPPER IVA BRANCH LOWER IVA BRANCH PROPOSED ENHANCEMENT: SOUTH MUDDY CREEK UPPER SPROUSE BRANCH TOTAL LENGTH 916 FT 177 FT 434 FT 326 FT 137 FT = 171 FT = 24 FT - 2,185 FT ++L« (-W�' off Crag ENGINEERIN WoIFCreek Engineering, Pllc License No. P -0417 7 Florida Avenue Wea— iille, North Caro ina 28787 Phone. 829- 658 -3649 ww — lFcreekeng.mm PRELIMINARY PLANS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ENGINEER Wefe- n PROGRAM PROJECT MANAGER ' BRACKET TOWN ROAD — 1 jo tra Oak f ` Y / \ SOUTH MUDDY CREEK k Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W.— ... ill., NC 28787 PHONE: (928) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM RY PLANS °T MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NSTRUCTION T.- NC EEP SITE PLAN AS NOTED cme sarecT " . " .x e 3/20/2012 e`' SGG 1049 1A LOCATION KEY PROPOSED PERMANENT �� r STREAM CROSSING (PIPE) �cu� ABANDON PROPOSED I e EXISTING MP C 24" CMP 24 / � I PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPE) IVA DITCH / EXISTING FENCE / TO BE REMOVED / r X� X � OUSE BRPNCN All RP�G JOE� F 1 4 PROPOSED PERMANENT t .. STREAM CROSSING (FORD) - 60 0 60 180 AI ti f i '�■' ��� { ..�. � a� - ff& A SCALE IN FEET ." ' Aftm Iwo EROSION CONTROL MATTING BANK PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A B BANKFULL dBIFF TOE SECTION 1 TYPICAL RIFFLE NOT TO SCALE 10'.1 NATURAL GROUND 7\:+\ EROSION CONTROL MATTING BANK PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A BENCH BELOW GRADE SECTION DETAIL FOR BENCH AT GRADE WBENCH WIN WOUT nruRAL c / � o\ui /o 4 X EROSION CONTROL , MX rHALwEG MATTING 10:1 BANKFULL - - - - - NATURAL GROUND EROSION CONTROL x`57 dine MATTING dPOOL BANK PROTECTION BANK PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A WUAAL SECTION 1 TYPICAL POOL NOT TO SCALE TABLE 1: SECTION DIMENSIONS REACH TYPICAL SECTION STATION RIFFLE DIMENSIONS POOL DIMENSIONS WBKF (ft) WBED (ft) WTHAL (ft) WFP (ft) dRIFF (ft) dTOE (ft) WIN (ft) WOUT (ft) dPOOL (ft) SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 1 100 +00 TO 112 +61 30.8 22.1 6.6 10 2.17 1.74 18.5 15.4 3.26 MIDDLE SPROUSE BRANCH 2 201 +74 TO 203 +51 4.8 2.3 0.7 2 0.52 0.41 2.9 2.4 0.78 LOWER SPROUSE BRANCH 2 203 +51 TO 208 +04 5.2 2.6 0.8 3 0.55 0.44 11 2.6 0.83 UPPER IVA BRANCH 2 302 +14 TO 305 +40 4,8 2.3 0.7 2 0.52 0.41 2.9 2.4 0.78 LOWER IVA BRANCH 2 1 305 +40 TO 306 +96 5.5 2.8 0.8 3 1 0.57 1 0.46 1 3.3 1 2.8 1 0.86 NOTE: IN LOCATIONS WHERE MATURE VEGETATION EXISTS ADJACENT TO PROPOSED CHANNEL, THE FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (WFP) SHALL BE REDUCED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER BANK PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A IN71NP.El.li LNNNNO BANK PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A I GROUND d BIFF TTOE BANK PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A SECTION 2 TYPICAL RIFFLE NOT TO SCALE q BENCH AT GRADE W" W 1 UTOF WTHAL SECTION 2 TYPICAL POOL NOT TO SCALE GROUND BANK PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET 3A TABLE 2: SUPPLEMENTAL BED MATERIAL REACH PERCENT OF TOTAL MAX Sand /Clay 1/2" stone (No 57) 3/4" stone (No 5) 2" stone (Surge) 6" stone 12" stone SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 107 30% - 307 307 - MIDDLE SPROUSE BRANCH 100% - - - - - LOWER SPROUSE BRANCH 100% - - - - - UPPER IVA BRANCH 100% - - - - - LOWER IVA BRANCH 100% - - - - - TABLE 3: MORPHOLOGIC TABLE REACH SOUTH MUDDY CREEK MIDDLE SPROUSE BRANCH LOWER SPROUSE BRANCH UPPER IVA BRANCH LOWER IVA BRANCH STREAM TYPE C4 B5 35c B5 35c DRAINAGE AREA (mie) 4.7 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.046 WBKF(ft) 30.8 4.8 5.2 4.8 5.5 XSBKF(ft2) 52.2 1.6 1.9 1.6 2.1 dMEAN(ft) 1.7 0.34 0.37 0.34 0.38 d MAX (ft) 2.17 0.52 0.55 0.52 0.57 SAVG(ft /ft) 0.003 0.031 0.014 0.058 0.026 AVALLEY(ft /ft) 0.006 0.043 0.022 0.043 0.060 W/D RATIO 18.1 14.1 14.3 14.1 14.4 ENTRENCHMENT RATIO 2.1 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.7 SINUOSITY 1.03 1.07 1.07 1.09 1.02 POOL -TO -POOL RATIO 5 -7 2 3.3 -4.8 3.4 -4.9 3.3 -4.8 3.5 -5.0 MEANDER WIDTH RATIO 3.2 1 2.3 1 3.1 1 2.5 1 2.2 GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL NECESSARY SUBSURFACE UTILITY INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS, OBSTRUCTIONS, AND UTILITIES WHICH MAY AFFECT PROPOSED WORK. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BEGIN AT THE UPSTREAM END OF EACH CHANNEL REACH AND PROCEED DOWNSTREAM UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY THE ENGINEER. 2 ALL MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT OPERATED IN OR NEAR THE STREAM OR ITS TRIBUTARIES SHALL BE INSPECTED REGULARLY AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF STREAM WATERS FROM FUELS, LUBRICANTS, HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, OR OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS. 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE LIMITED TO THAT WHICH IS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED CHANNEL AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING SAFE INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM SITE FOR ALL VEHICLES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TRAFFIC ON ADJACENT PUBLIC ROADS AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL WASTE MATERIALS GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRS TO EXISTING FACILITIES FROM DAMAGES OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 7. THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND PRACTICES SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. SURVEY: THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS THE NAD83 STATE PLANE GRID. CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. BED MATERIAL ON RIFFLE SECTIONS SHALL CONSIST OF BED MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM EXISTING CHANNEL. WHERE INSUFFICIENT BED MATERIAL IS PRESENT IT SHALL BE SUPPLEMENTED WITH MATERIAL ACCORDING TO TABLE 2 AND AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE CHANNEL BANKS SHALL BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE BANK PROTECTION DETAILS ON SHEET 3A. PRIORITY SHALL BE GIVEN TO IMPLEMENTATION OF METHOD 1. IF SUITABLE TRANSPLANT MATERIAL IS NOT AVAILABLE, THEN METHODS 2 AND 3 SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. DIMENSION TOLERANCES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: WIDTH: +/- 0.5 FT DEPTH: +/- 0.2 FT RIFFLE ELEVATIONS: +/- 0.1 FT POOL ELEVATIONS: + 0.1 FT, - 0.5 FT STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS: +/- 0.1 FT 4. EXISTING CHANNEL INDICATED TO BE FILLED ON PLANS SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH 2 -FOOT LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO IN -SITU SOIL DENSITY. CHANNEL SHALL BE FREE FROM BRUSH AND ORGANIC DEBRIS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. 5. PUMP AROUND OPERATION SHALL BE USED TO DIVERT FLOW DURING CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN THE DRY OR IN ISOLATED REACHES EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY THE ENGINEER. TREE SURVEY /HARVEST /PROTECTION NOTES: 1. WOODY MATERIAL WILL BE HARVESTED ON -SITE FOR USE AS IN- STREAM STRUCTURES FOR STREAMBANK STABILITY, GRADE CONTROL, AND AQUATIC HABITAT ENHANCEMENT /RESTORATION. WOODY MATERIAL INCLUDES BOTH LARGE AND SMALL SIZE DIAMETER TREES INCLUDING STEM AND ROOT MASS. TREES WILL BE HARVESTED FROM UPLAND AREAS AS WELL AS ALONG RECONSTRUCTED STREAM BANKS DURING THE RESTORATION CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 2. PREFERRED HARVEST TREES TO BE SELECTED FOR RESTORATION PURPOSES SHALL FIRST INCLUDE ALL DISEASED, DAMAGED, HAZARD, AND UNDESIRABLE TREE SPECIES UNTIL THE QUANTITIES NEEDED FOR STREAM RESTORATION ARE MET. AREAS SELECTED FOR HARVEST SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND DELINEATED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ECOLOGIST /BIOLOGIST. 3. ALL WOODY MATERIALS WILL BE STOCKPILED IN THE APPROVED STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREAS. 4. IN ALL AREAS WHERE TREES ARE HARVESTED PROPER BMP AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AND THE AREA IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING /MULCH AS HARVESTING OCCURS. BURY END OF LOG VANE INTO CHANNEL BED (SEE TABLE 4 FOR X MIN DIMENSION °X ") A FOOTE BURY END OF LOG VANE INTO LOG °- ANCHOR ROCKS CHANNEL BED (SEE TABLE 4 FOR X FABRIC / 'y% YO A MIN DIMENSION FABRIC TABLE FOR LOG DIMENSIONS FLOW_ STRUCTURE INVERT / (GRADE PT. ELEV) / SEE TABLE 4 FOR BOULDER DIMENSIONS FLOW_ TABLE 4: STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS FOR LOU VANES WITH 'L' LESS THAN 10', STRUCTURES BACKFILL 12" STONE MAY BE USE INSTEAD OF TOTAL LOG LENGTH (FT) SEE NOTE 1 BOULDERS. W (FT) LOG J -HOOK LENGTH (FT) PLAN VIEW DEPTH (FT) NOT TO SCALE 35 ALF 8 3 2 BACKFILL ANCHOR ROCKS 51 SEE NOTE 1 4 45 55 W 3 BURY END OF LOG VANE INTO 1.5 FOOTER CHANNEL BANK (SEE TABLE 4 'X' 10 LOG uy� FOR MIN) �y FLOW _ FILTER FABRIC 3 a' STRUCTURE STA. LOCATION 1.5 1 BURY END OF LOG VANE IVA BRANCH 1 INTO CHANNEL BED (SEE 2 TABLE 4 FOR 'X' MIN) 2 1.5 STRUCTURE INVERT NOTE: SEE TABLE 4 FOR BOULDER DIMENSIONS 10 (GRADE PT. ELEV) 4 LOG SILL (L > 1 3 PLAN VIEW 1 1.5 NOT TO SCALE FLOW_ TABLE 4: STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS REACH STRUCTURES BOULDERS TOTAL LOG LENGTH (FT) L (FT) W (FT) X (FF) LENGTH (FT) WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 35 10 8 3 2 1.5 51 SPROUSE BRANCH 1 4 2 3 2 1.5 1 10 SPROUSE BRANCH 2 4 2 3 2 1.5 1 10 IVA BRANCH 1 4 2 3 2 1.5 1 10 IVA BRANCH 2 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1.5 1 1 10 IEG717�i�i[ Q1 117CU111�ICN ]ll1gi31111id/NII:P�11 TABLE 5: LOG DIAMETERS TOTAL LOG LENGTH (FT) MIN DIAMETER (IN) MAX DIAMETER (IN) < 20 12 18 20 -40 18 24 40 -60 24 30 ADDITIONAL STEPS AS REQUIRED IN PLAN 5' SPACING (TYR) + 0.5' ABOVE GRADE 0.2' ABOVE GRADE 3� BACKFILL GRADE POINT SEE NOTE 1 ELEVATION 1 FILTER FABRIC + 0.2' ABOVE GRADE—' + 0.5' ABOVE GRADE ANCHOR ROCKS BACKFILL SEE NOTE 1 45' -55' BURY END OF LOG VANE p INTO CHANNEL BANK (SEE TABLE 4 FOR 'X' MIN) BANKFULL BOULDER BENCH FLOW _ FOOTE STRUCTURE STA LOCATION LOG �O _ - FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL BURY END OF LOG VANE / L-STRUCTURE INVERT NOTE: SEE TABLE 4 FOR BOULDER DIMENSIONS 1/2 OF ROOTWAD INTO CHANNEL BED (SEE U (GRADE PT. ELEV) TO BE SET TABLE 4 FOR 'X' MIN) LOG SILL (L<-8') BELOW BASEFLOW PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. STRUCTURE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF NO. 57 STONE MIXTED WITH 309 SOIL. WHERE EXISTING BED MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE AND OF SUFFICIENT SIZE IT MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF QUARRY STONE, AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. SECURE FABRIC TO HEADER LOG FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL SEE ,'T' BOULDER STEP �0.2' ABOVE GRADE PLAN VIEW + 05 ABOVE GRADE NOT TO SCALE METHOD 1 OR METHOD 4 BANK PROTECTION BANKFULL ROOTWAD SECTION NOT TO SCALE HEADER ROCK FOOTER ROCK SECTION B -B BANKFULL BENCH VOIDS SHALL BE CHINKED WITH BRUSH BOULDER ARCH PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE O HEADER LOG O � CHANNEL BED �+ D.5' ABOVE GRADE FOOTER LOG -F �+ 0.2' ABOVE GRADE SECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE FLOW GRADE POINT ELEVATION FOOTER ROCK (TYP) FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL � SEE NOTE 1 SET HEADER BACK TOO TO 1/2 DIA OF FOOTER ROCK GRADE POINT ELEVATION � BOULDER STEP �0.2' ABOVE GRADE PLAN VIEW + 05 ABOVE GRADE NOT TO SCALE METHOD 1 OR METHOD 4 BANK PROTECTION BANKFULL ROOTWAD SECTION NOT TO SCALE HEADER ROCK FOOTER ROCK SECTION B -B BANKFULL BENCH VOIDS SHALL BE CHINKED WITH BRUSH BOULDER ARCH PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE m TRANSPLANTED SOD MAT SEED AND STRAW BARE FROM ON -SITE SOURCE ° SOIL ACCORDING TO 0 EROSION CONTROL PLANS a BANKFULL BENCH 0 BED MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SOD MATTING OF BANKS .. .., .. _... _2 "X2 "X24" HARDWOOD STAKES AS REQUIRED BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 1 SOD MATTING NOT TO SCALE m BANKFULL (MIN) RIPRAP BED MATERIAL ° COIR FIBER PRELIN MATTING ° BANKFULL d � Ir�I�TR FOR BENCH WFF 6RiFF ANCHORS ON 3' CENTERS PLACED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF BED MATERIAL COIR FIBER 6" (MIN) NETTING 18 "STONE DEPTH SECTION C —C BRUSH TOE O LAMS D� SEED AND STRAW ACCORDING O PLANS NOT TO SCALE 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD TOPSOIL AND SOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS SALVAGED FROM SITE 0 MM2 X HARDWOOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 4 NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT CROSSING (PIPE PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE YEE AND INDICATED EETS ^' ^E SIZE, TYPE AND ABER AS INDICATED PLAN SHEETS PROPOSED CHANNEL —/ m 2' (MIN) 0 (W-) SET AS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS GO FIBER (PIPE ELEVATION A —A MATTING ° r m BANKFULL BENCH TOE MATTING INTO CHANNEL o 6" AGGREGATE BED BY INSTALLING BED BASE COURSE PIPE SIZE, TYPE AND O.D. OF PIPE COVER MATERIAL AFTER INSTALLATION ° 6" (MIN) OF MATTING BASE COURSE HANNEL BE SEED AND STRAW 12" STONE, "� i STRAW 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD .` <'; "' :;: ::•- ° "`:.-`: <'<' TOPSOIL AND SOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS SALVAGED FROM SITE 4" (MIN) LOOSELY PLACED APPROVED BED MATERIAL ANCHORS ON 3' CENTERS MATERIAL FOR PIPE FOUNDATION. (TYP) 2 "X2 °X18" HARDWOOD SECTION B —B STAKES ON 2' CENTERS NOT TO SCALE BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 2 12" STONE (TYR) 12" (MIN) SOD AND MAT (CLASS B RIPRAP) NOT TO SCALE m BANKFULL (MIN) RIPRAP BED MATERIAL ° COIR FIBER PRELIN MATTING ° BANKFULL d � Ir�I�TR FOR BENCH WFF 6RiFF ANCHORS ON 3' CENTERS PLACED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF BED MATERIAL COIR FIBER 6" (MIN) NETTING 18 "STONE DEPTH SECTION C —C BRUSH TOE O LAMS D� SEED AND STRAW ACCORDING O PLANS NOT TO SCALE 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD TOPSOIL AND SOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS SALVAGED FROM SITE 0 MM2 X HARDWOOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 4 NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT CROSSING (PIPE PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE YEE AND INDICATED EETS ^' ^E SIZE, TYPE AND ABER AS INDICATED PLAN SHEETS PROPOSED CHANNEL —/ a (MIN) 0 (W-) SET AS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS GO FIBER (PIPE ELEVATION A —A MATTING ° Y m BANKFULL BENCH TOE MATTING INTO CHANNEL 0 6" AGGREGATE BED BY INSTALLING BED BASE COURSE PIPE SIZE, TYPE AND O.D. OF PIPE COVER MATERIAL AFTER INSTALLATION o 6" (MIN) OF MATTING BASE COURSE HANNEL BE SEED AND 12" STONE, i STRAW 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD 18" MIN ANCHORS ON STAKES ON 2' CENTERS 3' CENTERS 4" (MIN) LOOSELY PLACED APPROVED BED MATERIAL SUITABLE LOCAL MATERIAL OR SELECT MATERIAL FOR PIPE FOUNDATION. (TYP) 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD SECTION B —B STAKES ON 2' CENTERS NOT TO SCALE BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 3 12" STONE (TYR) 12" (MIN) COIR MATTING (CLASS B RIPRAP) NOT TO SCALE m BANKFULL (MIN) RIPRAP BED MATERIAL ° COIR FIBER PRELIN MATTING ° BANKFULL d � Ir�I�TR FOR BENCH WFF 6RiFF ANCHORS ON 3' CENTERS PLACED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF BED MATERIAL COIR FIBER 6" (MIN) NETTING 18 "STONE DEPTH SECTION C —C BRUSH TOE O LAMS D� SEED AND STRAW ACCORDING O PLANS NOT TO SCALE 2 "X2 "X18" HARDWOOD TOPSOIL AND SOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS SALVAGED FROM SITE 0 MM2 X HARDWOOD STAKES ON 2' CENTERS BANK PROTECTION — METHOD 4 NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT CROSSING (PIPE PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE YEE AND INDICATED EETS ^' ^E SIZE, TYPE AND ABER AS INDICATED PLAN SHEETS PROPOSED CHANNEL —/ ARMORED RIFFLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NATURAL GROUND (MIN) —1' (MIN) PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TO BE (W-) SET AS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS PERMANENT CROSSING (PIPE ELEVATION A —A NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL SECTION 6" AGGREGATE 18" MIN BASE COURSE PIPE SIZE, TYPE AND O.D. OF PIPE COVER NUMBER AS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS (MIN) (WBOT) BASE COURSE HANNEL BE APPROVED BACKFILL 12" STONE, OR SELECT BACKFILL MIN DEPTH OF 12" 18" MIN MATERIAL 2' (MIN) NOT TO SCALE 4" (MIN) LOOSELY PLACED APPROVED SUITABLE LOCAL MATERIAL OR SELECT MATERIAL FOR PIPE FOUNDATION. (TYP) PERMANENT PERMANENT CROSSING(PIPEE SECTION B —B NOT TO SCALE ARMORED RIFFLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NATURAL GROUND (MIN) (WFP) (W-) (WFP) (MIN) TYPICAL SECTION 10:7 BOTTOM WIDTH / 10.1 (WBOT) BASE COURSE 6" DEPTH 12" STONE, FILTER FABRIC MIN DEPTH OF 12" PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (FORD NOT TO SCALE 16' 6" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" STONE (TYR) 12" (MIN) (CLASS B RIPRAP) PIPE SIZE, TYPE AND NUMBER AS INDICATED 27 ON PLAN SHEETS PIPE FOUNDATION PROPOSED PROPOSED CHANNEL FILTER FABRIC (TYP) MATERIAL BED THROUGH PIPE CHANNEL BED PERMANENT CROSSING (PIPE) SECTION NOT TO SCALE NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND �7 1' (MIN) 12" 1' (MAX) CLASS "B" RIPRAP FILTER FABRIC STANDARD "V" DITCH NOT TO SCALE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 FOOTER LOGS CROSS LIMBS BRUSH FILL SOD TRANSPLANTS BANKFULL BANK PROTECTION �BENG (SEE DETAILS) POOL EXCAVATED I BELOW BRUSH TOE ] 6" TO 12" FOOTER LOGS ON APPROX. 2' CROSS LIMBS SET APPROX. CENTERS AND ANGLED PERPENDICULAR TO 30' UPSTREAM FOOTERS AND SOIL ADDED BRUSH FILL ANGLED F�0`N TO FILL IN VOIDS UPSTREAM WITH SOIL ADDED TO FILL IN BANKFULL BENCH BACKFILL BRUSH FILL 6" TO 12" - FOOTER LOGS CROSS LIMBS LARGE BRUSH TOE PLAN NOT TO SCALE METHOD 1 OR METHOD 4 BANK PROTECTION BANKFULL TOP OF BRU 6" ABOVE LC v BASEFLOW ?-_ 2' (MIN) 1'(MIN)- 2'(MAX) LARGE BRUSH TOE SECTION NOT TO SCALE ° NKFULL JCH STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 WILLOW POSTS BRUSH FILL LIVE CUTTINGS SOD TRANSPLANTS IRA NKF /¢--/ BENCIT .... .. ..... It POOL EXCAVATED����`��� IU TO BOTTOM OF BRUSH TOE 3" TO 4" DIA. WILLOW / POSTS ON APPROX. 2' CENTERS AT TOE OF SLOPE BRUSH FILL ALIGNED WITH CHANNEL BANK AND SOIL ADDED TO FILL IN VOIDS LIVE CUTTINGS SET F1-0� PERPENDICULAR TO CHANNEL SMALL BRUSH TOE PLAN NOT TO SCALE BANK PROTECTION (SEE DETAILS) BANKFULL BENCH BANKFULL LIVE CUTTINGS TOP OF BRUSH ABOVE LOW WATER BACKFILL BASEFLOW O . t ° 1.3' (MIN) BRUSH FILL / WITH SOIL 3 (MIN) ? NOTE: LIVE CUTTINGS SHALL 3" TO 4" WILLOW POSTS BE 4' LONG, Y4" DIA SILKY DOGWOOD OR SILKY WILLOW. SMALL BRUSH TOE SECTION NOT TO SCALE SOD TRANSPLANTS IrCONSTRUCTED TO l BANKFULL BENCH BANKFULL BENCH 1278 1275 1270 1265 1260 O O O O + + O I U BEGIN CONSTRUCTION SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA 101 +00 O O O O O O + + + O O O _ _ � _ _ _ X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X x x x X X x X X X X X — - -- — —� CONSERVATION — x EASEMENT BOUNDARY ��� , � OVERHEAD POWER LINE' FF P EL MI ARY PLANS NOT ONSTRUCTION Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W ille, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM _.CT MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE ..F AS NOTED c reo T ry . - m 3/20/2012 a SGG 1049 4 O O -I- Lo O cn LOCATION KEY LEGEND W Z ® CUT J 2 FILL TRANSPLANTS EXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL -EXISTING BANKS - TO REMAIN BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER x PROPOSED IT'S THE LAW! HIGH - TENSILE FENCE 1278 1275 1270 1265 1260 100 +00 101 +00 102 +00 103 +00 104 +00 105 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' SOUTH MUDDY CREEK x � ' i� EXISTING BRIDGE �. \� TO REMAIN I PROPOSED SPROUSE BRANCH �� EXISTING SOUTH MUDDY CREEK CONSTRUCTION' SEE SHEET 10 T TRAFFIC ALLOWED; I: ` — — — — — — PROPOSED SOUTH ro MU DY CREEK n n x I w J k / N CONSERVATION N EXISTING 24" CMP J w m EASEMENT BOUNDARY J TO BE REMOVED x / w k X X X X X— X X— X X X X X 0+ X X X X X X X— X LJ X X X X X X X X \ PROPOSED 24" CMP o o + / ° ' p k J MO . zo o zo so cD SCALE IN FEET Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W ille, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM _.CT MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE ..F AS NOTED c reo T ry . - m 3/20/2012 a SGG 1049 4 O O -I- Lo O cn LOCATION KEY LEGEND W Z ® CUT J 2 FILL TRANSPLANTS EXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL -EXISTING BANKS - TO REMAIN BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER x PROPOSED IT'S THE LAW! HIGH - TENSILE FENCE 1278 1275 1270 1265 1260 100 +00 101 +00 102 +00 103 +00 104 +00 105 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' SOUTH MUDDY CREEK i; !ef! +e4 bi �o yb 12 1275 1270 1265 1260 -` 105 +00 O O x + XIST G 1:11:_ E TO BE OVED X PROPOSED DITX H x X X X x EpSEMEN PROPOSED SOUTH- - PROPOSED PERMANENT MUDDY CREEK STREAM CROSSING (FORD) O 0 O x X O x x X X I\ X 00 O X X X O X X x x E 0 CD N J w x— x— X ^ x— x— X— X X— X X— N 60 J + J W N o C7 Q o N iNle0*y01oxe]'7_1N2 Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE N0. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W 211 , NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM °P MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE (D BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! 106 +00 107 +00 108 +00 109 +00 110 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' OE9 W049 5 I (i LOCATION KEY INDE"Nall ® CUT ® FILL EXISTING SOUTH TRANSPLANTS TRANSPLANT CEXISTING MATERIAL EXISTING BANKS MUDDY CREEK REMAIN X PROPOSED HIGH - TENSILE FENCE 1278 0 _ - PROPOSED J w O DITCH SEE w J + z o DETAILS 3B CONSERVATION = o EASEMENT BOUNDARY O N X-X— X— X X— X - X X X— X— X— X— Y X o o X x X x _ _ x X x V x +— X— X— +7-:= X— X— X— X— X— m o = o PROPOSED 20 0 20 60 —� 24" CMP 0 N m N SCALE IN FEET E 0 CD N J w x— x— X ^ x— x— X— X X— X X— N 60 J + J W N o C7 Q o N iNle0*y01oxe]'7_1N2 Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE N0. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W 211 , NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM °P MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE (D BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! 106 +00 107 +00 108 +00 109 +00 110 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' OE9 W049 5 I (i LOCATION KEY INDE"Nall ® CUT ® FILL TRANSPLANTS TRANSPLANT CEXISTING MATERIAL EXISTING BANKS - - —TO REMAIN X PROPOSED HIGH - TENSILE FENCE 1278 1275 1270 1265 1260 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE N0. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W--ill, NC 28787 0 0 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM =PRELIMINARY PLANS 1 .CTMIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + NOT FOR C NSTRUCTION T. N� EEP PLAN & PROFILE x x � N r� � x x x k ..F AS NOTED cme reoaccr rv. rvu m P1 ,U x X �X X X TIE TO EXISTING Te 3/20/2012 .e SGG X X X _ C NSE NATION x X FENCE EASEMENT BOUNDARY X X X X X x x X \ x BEGIN ENHANCEMENT EXISTING FENCE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK PROPOSED SOUTH STA 110 +90 TO BE REMOVED END CONSTRUCTION MUDDY CREEK SOUTH MUDDY CREEK EXISTING SOUTH STA 112 +61 MUDDY CREEK X - - -- — SAVE -- — — — — — — TREE Z X x X x �7i x — LOCATION KEY E _ EXISTING FENCE LEGEND y� �X �X�X TO REMAIN ® CUT SAVE ALL TREES TIE TO EXISTING ON RT BANK SAVE ALL TREES FENCE FILL ON RT BANK TO EXISTING FENCE BE REMOVED x TRANSPLANTS x X X X o CONSERVATIO EASEMENT BO DARY X x X x X X x x EXISTING TRANSPLANT 11 J J X X X LJ X X _ x MATERIAL x X X w `O x° N + Y a0 o � + EXISTING BANKS — - —TO REMAIN o I _ PROPOSED IIVA BRANCH SEE SH/ zo 0 20 so BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER x PROPOSED m U) o ¢\ IT'S THE LAW! HIGH — TENSILE FENCE / I \ SCALE IN FEET 1278 1278 1275 1275 1270-1 1270 EXISTING TERRACE PROPOSED BANKFULL p N t0 PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BED a w 1265 EXISTING BED 1265 064 . o+ v m4 v u 0 - 0 nm ~> +m oN 4 N N W + IF d N W h p 1260 �W _LL 1260 110 +00 111 +00 112 +00 113 +00 114 +00 115 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 12` 1290 1285 1280 1275 -1` 200 +00 EXISTING BED /Loo O X/ X�X � \k \k + o O k \x +/ COV X } NO FMFiVT QVA7,10 x \ \ 12a N ^rye OU��gRY 6 BEGIN CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION x SPROUSE BRANCH STA 201+73 ry P ELIMINA PLANS NO FOR CO STRUCTION PROPOSED SPROUSE BRANCH `TIE PROFILE RAISE BED AS VEI STA 201 +50 /,� TREES EXISTING X SPROUSE BRANCH 0 FENCE n N 00 /EXISTING TO BE REMOVED J w �G it X X k\ x 0 Q 0 00 N � 0 k + o �A3 Er In a- k\ F e e 0 v~i \T BOluj � + as k\ R k� w O N o a 10 0 10 30 x\ 0 07 a � �_ N LL SCALE IN FEET 201 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' J � ry0 EXISTING TOP OF BANK 202 +00 HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 4' Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. 1-0417 7 Florida Ave W ille, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM °P MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE OE9 W049 7 I LOCATION �EX LEGEND ® CUT FILL TRANSPLANTS CEXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL EXISTING BANKS BEFORE YOU DIG! - —TO REMAIN CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER _PROPOSED T'S THE LAW! X HIGH - TENSILE FENCE 1293 PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BED E 1290 1285 1280 1275 SPROUSE BRANCH Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 'L /' LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W ille, NC 28787 PHONE: (82 8) 658 -3649 WW F PRELIM NARY PLANS R. EEKENG.COM o k � o n � 00 o o 1 / lr) T MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK N� EEP N T FOR CONSTRUCTION k j N N � /� T. PLAN & PROFILE � O N , O N W � O m O ..F P.reWoaOccLr rvC x erry m AS NOTED cme 3/20/2012 r SGG 104 a W Lj �k O + O n N N W K) k N k LL'i N7 N Q c� cli /� Si O� 00 °� C4 N oN 0 o0 0 /� N CO yGj f /V T ti &0gTN� U ti° X� qRY i) x y � X�X X� x �X LOCATION KEY PROPOSED LEGEND SPROUSE BRANCH A, ® CUT CONS y FILL f k f,1, fN R�gTI k� T 60 ON k� (/A Y X �k Gp� �'( / GO � � TRANSPLANTS it ° �X ° EXISTING it Of 0 o N' k� k o ry� m CC N SPROUSE BRANCH D O Di N 0- N EXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL \k�k �k� Nw �w w ��w \ k� w F_ � k� k� X X w '"� _X�F_ w 'D I/ �'/ m EXISTING BANKS rn — - —TO REMAIN [if + k k� EXISTING FENCE [ +� X � +/ + �_ w N o k� k� TO BE REMOVED w o X� w o o BEFORE YOU DIG! ° D N k 10 0 I0 30 ° N / ° N N CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 x PROPOSED \ Q k� o a X + o a o N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER HIGH - TENSILE FENCE m n k� k SCALE IN FEET m In m N J IT'S THE LAW! 1288 1288 12 8 54 1285 O + N p N� r � n p^ O ELL, W n N O W M N pN M M M o aw oN 0 6 1280 W m 4 O O� } O N N } O1 9 aw _ PROPOSED BANKFULL ° N " PROPOSED GRADE CL Oa EXISTING TOP OF BANK m o 0.'5% PROPOSED BED > in a p N" _ _ y0 N N� N nN N > >_ W oN EXISTING BED 1275 O O O } I� p O } N p— N O� N } }r N n N — O O_ UI O O = N (n 1270 1270 202 +50 203 +00 204 +00 205 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' S P R 0 U S E BRANCH Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave Weaverville, NC 28787 X X X X X X X X X— � X X X C X X X X x X 0 X X X X X X X O PRELIM NARY PLANS PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM —MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK + + X x X X X X X X X X X + x X X— 0 + x X x X x x� CONSTRUCTION NC EEP Lc) co CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY r- T. ��PLAN & PROFILE O O N N N N ..F AS NOTED 3/20/2012 a scc 1049 9 PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPE) EXISTING SPROUSE O n BRANCH PROPOSED 36" CMP ;.:.: ...., + �:....:.:. SPRUSE �K N ? z m W Lu LOCATION KEY LEGEND N) O v Q CUT O+ ^h CD M FILL N x Ili In 0_ P'7 N w cn N it n / TRANSPLANTS N Ir N N N N N Of J i+'7 N r-/ N N PROPOSED 12' [if AGRICULTURAL I ' EXISTING TRANSPLANT J V) W J W J J W J J J W V) W 7 J (D J J W J GATE W MATERIAL w w N NN U) CONSERVATION D' 0 w 7 I —X —X— X— X— X — X — x- +- x —X —x— In w +x— X— XO + -X- 0 +- w 0) o+ X— X— o U) 00 X +_ +_ ¢ EASEMENT BOUNDARY w `D �+ 00 m J+ v~ 0 .: r+ x - - - EXISTING BANKS - - TO REMAIN p% 00 W J J_ H J J_ u% J X —d' J_ W X— X X— ., X X X X X X (D X X' 0 CO X p I� X XLV' p— X X X X 0 0 J N 0 cn N = o N cn o cn N = 0 N 0 0 (n N N J = N �' N N o J N — X— x- BEFORE YOU DIG! �¢ o c�¢ o D¢ Of c�¢ o cn �¢ Of o¢ �¢ o o 10 0 10 30 D¢ � o¢ o- 0¢ o CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER m cn J n m U) J vI m y J v m n m n J n m n x _PROPOSED T'S THE LAW! HIGH - TENSILE FENCE / SCALE IN FEET / 1283 1283 1280 1280 + OM Nj Nj N O N M O r V r °N N oil o�t EXISTING TOP OF BANK — 5; N N N N � Of _ N 1275 o f 36" CMP PROPOSED 1275 •0 aw .°•N o o INLET INV EL 1269.79 OUTLET INV EL 1269.76 Sop _ PROPOSED BANKFULL S EXISTING BED W PROPOSED GRADE + + +� + 0150 PROPOSED BED o > > O O ^ N ^ N +r1 +^ +M +^ M ^ M O B J N VI 0 mN ON �0 1270 �- �- W 0 0— 0 0 0 ON--_ 0� 0� 1270 w �^ N N NW N� MILL W NW 1265 1265 205 +00 206 +00 207 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' S P R 0 U S E BRANCH Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Ld lr r f 1 0 X X X x X —X X X X LICENSE NO. 1-0417 7 Florida Ave Weaverville, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM PRELIM NARY PLANS ID _ X X X X X '0 N o x X + RO1ECTMIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK OT FOR CONSTRUCTION' NO EEP CONSERV TION V) w EASEMENT B UNDARY I 00 \ PLAN & PROFILE W N \ \ ..F AS NOTED cme reoaccr ry . r rvu m e1 71�� W \ Tc 3/20/2012 .sr SGG D49 H Ln In CD I \ \� (r W O D I ' \ \f Q I \ \f m V) > D EXISTING SPROUSE BRANCH F'p \ G F— \ 9 F71 1270 LOCATION KEY LEGEND O \t ® CUT J PROPOSED \ ��� � SBRANCH \� \\ ® FILL \ \� TRANSPLANTS \ PROPOSED SOUTH MUDDY CREEK �f SEE SHEET 4 EXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL CONSERVATION \ \ \ ARMORED RIFFLE EASEMENT BOUNDARY \ BEFORE YOU DIG! - X X 10 0 10 so CALL 1 N.C. ON EO3 CALLCENTER PROPOSED IT'S THE LAW! X HIGH - TENSILE FENCE \ x \\ SCALE IN FEET \ 1278 1278 1275 1275 EXISTING N - TOP OF BANK .°. n N - PROPOSED BANKFULL EL 11 PROPOSED GRADE �i * a PROPOSED BED p Np v + 00 oisp N N� ° w 1270 9 a 1270 ED SOUTH C5 CREEK MUDDY p +^ �� - w cn"' p— N +m ov N m _ N ° + PROPOSED WS °w N N 1265 BEIDSTING ELEVATION 1267.59 1265 c,. o. 1260 1260 207 +50 208 +00 209 +00 210 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 20' VERTI CAL: 1 " = 4' S P R 0 U S E BRANCH 1298 1295 1290 1285 EXISTING TOP OF BANK 301 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' PROPOSED BANKFULL 302 +00 HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 4' 1C76 1295 1290 1285 J--1 1 ' -+12 8 0 IVA BRANCH LL 1285 1280 1275 1270 -` 302 +50 P PROPOSED BANKF PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BED 303 +00 304 +00 305 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 4' 1285 1280 1275 1 1 1 -L +1270 IVA BRANCH Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING — x X x ' �` 1 LICENSE NO. 1—(417 W 7 Florida Ave Wille, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 858 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM \ X x x ___x1 PRELIM NARY PLANS RO TMIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK x x x X— x 0 x x L X 0 0 0 L 0 0 N T FOR CONSTRUCTION NO EEP x x— x x + I + + 1 + T. X X x x X X CONSER TION If) ,' x I cD 1 I1_ PLAN & PROFILE EASEMENT B UNDARY O I O O 1 O Re Ta. 7, x i 1 3/20/2012 . e scc 13� 1 PROPOSED 1 N PERMANENT STREAM EXISTING 1 CROSSING (PIPE) VA BRANCH I 1 PROPOSED I .: :.. .. x 1 PROPOSED 1 SOUTH MUY CREEK IVA BRANCH I' ..,.. 1 SEE SHEET 6 1275 PROPOSED x .:. ... .. .. x 1 \ 0 36" CMP �C M goo 1 1 LOCATION KEY 9 1 LEGEND r, 1 L CUT 1 ....:.:....... x 1 O O .......• �2 00 �� cN � SAVE TREES 1 1 1 FILL SAVE TREE I 00 N N 1 1 [If ro CC 7 x i J J N w w N m 1 1 \\ � TRANSPLANTS N D [if w I : ...:......:.... .:..'. I I 110 [If DO N C SERgp\N�PRY ± X� X 7L w NTX'X X oo \f Iri N EXISTING TRANSPLANT w \1 MATERIAL wm 000Ep's U� \ a . \ EXISTING BANKS BEFORE YOU DIG! � � + PROPOSED 12' AGRICULTURAL o Q� X o ¢ 01 cn m n f + Q + \ — — — TO REMAIN CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 � w mo GATE X X— � X w CO X o- w O \ N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER o 10 7o I :.:.......: X IO 0 10 30 '\ \ IT'S THE LAW! as o < o a \ x _PROPOSED 07 N X SCALE IN FEET m In m n HIGH— TENSILE FENCE 1278 1278 1275 EXISTING TOP OF BANK PROPOSED 36" CMP 1275 w INLET INV EL 1267.34 OUTLET EL 1267.31 PROPOSED BANKFULL 0 p — PROPOSED GRADE M N o 1270 n PROPOSED BED i N N gin M 1270 Pi M N O >y — ^ EXISTING BED — 0 ° .M o y _ o Pi p a - I 94 1265 o 1265 o ° EXISTING MIDDLE LJ w 7 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK m M w 0 0 0 0 N N 1260 1260 305 +00 306 +00 307 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 4' IVA BRANCH 1293 1290 1285 1280 1275 _x 7:_x EXISTING UNSTABLE RUBBLE PILE & NICK POINT PROPOSED 12" �� � IIPRAP STABILIZATION 1285 / \ EXISTING SPROUSE /k x DITCH I I PROPOSED IVA SEE SHEET 12 / / / J_/ Io o Io so SCALE IN FEET Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W- -ille, NC 28787 PHONE. (820) 505 -2188 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM PRELIMINARY PLANS aOT MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK NOT FOF CONSTRUCTION ° NC EEP PLAN & PROFILE AS NOTED cme aorecr ry . r rvu ea * 3/20/2012 e scc 1049 14 LOCATION KEY LEGEND ® CUT FILL TRANSPLANTS CEXISTING TRANSPLANT MATERIAL —EXISTING BANKS BEFORE YOU DIG! TO REMAIN CALL 1- 800 - 632 -4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER PROPOSED T'S THE LAW! X HIGH — TENSILE FENCE 400 +00 401 +00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' 402 +00 HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 4' IVA DITCH BUDS FACING UPWARD SQUARE CUT TOP LIVE CUTTING MIN. Y2" DIA ANGLE CUT 30 - 45 DEGREE LIVE STAKE DETAIL 1ST LIVE STAKE ROW SET 1.5' FROM TOE ON INSIDE OF BEND 6: STAKE SPACING/ 3' ROW SPACING ROW PLANTING NOTES: TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEED 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED USING MULCH AND TEMPORARY SEED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE GROUND COVER AND CONDITION THE SOIL. 2. MULCH MUST BE ADDED TO ACHIEVE 809 COVERAGE (ROUGHLY 2 TONS/ ACRE FOR WHEAT STRAW) 3. A FERTILITY SOIL TEST SHALL BE USED TO DETERMINE FERTILIZER AMOUNTS OR IF NO SOIL TEST IS AVAILABLE, A STANDARD MIXTURE SHALL BE APPLIED OF 2 TONS OF LIME PER ACRE AND 700 -1000 LAS OF 10 -10 -10 FERTILIZER PER ACRE. 3: STAKE SPACING/ NUMBER OF LIVE STAKE ROWS • BARE ROOT PLANTINGS 3' ROW SPACING PLANT MATERIAL SIZE • 1. PLANT BARE ROOT SHRUBS AND TREES IN AREAS IN INDICATED INSIDE TANGENT • ON THE PLANS. STAGGERED ROWS Salix nigra PC OR PT • 2. PROVIDE 8' OF SPACING BETWEEN PLANTS. 1 TANGENT 3. LOOSEN COMPACTED SOIL AND PLANT IN HOLES FORMED WITH A 2 2 — • MATTOCK, DIBBLE BAR OR EQUAL. 3 3 • 4. PROVIDE PLANTING HOLE SUFFICIENT IN SIZE AND DEPTH TO COVVE PREVENT CROWDING OF ROOTS. Triticum aestivum 120 \ _BROW SPACINO 5. `c ROOTS SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORTATION, understory Live Stake DISTRIBUTION, AND INSTALLATION. 6. PLANTS SHALL BE HEELED -IN INTO MOIST SOIL IF NOT A PROMPTLY PLANTED AFTER DELIVERY TO THE PROJECT SITE. JIAKIINV 'Al ILNIN NOT TO SCALE LIVE STAKES: 1. STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY. 2. STAKES THAT ARE SPLIT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. 3. STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE BANK AND WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS. 4. STAKES SHALL BE Yz TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 2 TO 3 FEET IN LENGTH. 5. AFTER INSTALLATION, THE TOP PORTION OF STAKES SHALL BE PRUNED WITH A SQUARE CUT LEAVING NO LESS THAN 3 INCHES AND NO MORE THAN 6 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND. 1ST LIVE STAKE ROW SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5' FROM TOE OF RIFFLE SECTION CHANNEL OR AT TOP of BANK, WHICHEVER DISTANCE IS SHORTER NOT TO SCALE NUMBER OF LIVE STAKE ROWS CHANNEL STRATUM PLANT MATERIAL SIZE STEMS /ACRE DEPTH INSIDE TANGENT OUTSIDE Temporary Seeding August to March (cool season) OF BEND Salix nigra OF BEND 0 - 1.5 1 1 2 1.5 - 25 2 2 3 2.5 - 3.5 3 3 4 JIAKIINV 'Al ILNIN NOT TO SCALE LIVE STAKES: 1. STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY. 2. STAKES THAT ARE SPLIT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. 3. STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE BANK AND WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS. 4. STAKES SHALL BE Yz TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 2 TO 3 FEET IN LENGTH. 5. AFTER INSTALLATION, THE TOP PORTION OF STAKES SHALL BE PRUNED WITH A SQUARE CUT LEAVING NO LESS THAN 3 INCHES AND NO MORE THAN 6 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND. 1ST LIVE STAKE ROW SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5' FROM TOE OF RIFFLE SECTION CHANNEL OR AT TOP of BANK, WHICHEVER DISTANCE IS SHORTER NOT TO SCALE COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STRATUM PLANT MATERIAL SIZE STEMS /ACRE AREA (Acres) TOTAL STEMS COMMON NAME I SCIENTIFIC NAME LBS /ACRE Temporary Seeding August to March (cool season) Black Willow Salix nigra midstory Live Stake Oats 120 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis understory Live Stake wheat Grass Triticum aestivum 120 Silky Dogwood Comus amomum understory Live Stake Rye Grain Secole cereal 40 Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius junderstory I Live Stake Barley loo TOTAL April to August (warm season) Black Cherry Prunus serotina overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Millet UtOChOlaramose 20 Black Oak Quercus velutina overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum 40 Dogwood Comus flonda overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Permanent seeding Dutch white clover rrifolium repens 10 Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 River Birch Betula nigra overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerate 30 Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra 20 Tulip Poplar P P Linodendron tuli ifera p overstory ry Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Korean Lespedeza Kummerowia striate 10 White Oak Quercus alba overstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 Birdsfoottrefoil Iotuscomiculatus 10 Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana midstory Bare Root 68 4.97 338 TOTAL 1 680 1 1 3380 POOL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 1ST LIVE STAKE ROW SET AT EDGE OF LOW WATER ON OUTSIDE OF BEND —� PROPOSED SOUTH MUDDY CREEK + + 1-1-L, + + EXISTING DRIVEWAY 7++++++7++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \% + + + PROPOSED + + SPROUSE BRANCH + + + + + + + + + + + + 50 0 50 150 ' SCALE IN FEET /\ 'V 1049 1 P -2 hl LOCATION KEY O + BUFFER PLANTING + + + + AREA + + + TRANSPLANTS + Q m � + W + + + J Z 2 Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave Weaverville, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOIYCREEKENG.COM PRELI IINARY PLANS wecT MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK " NC EEP NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANTING PLANS 1049 1 P -2 hl LOCATION KEY O + BUFFER PLANTING + + + + AREA + + + TRANSPLANTS + Q m � + W + + + J Z 2 Wolf Creek Engineering ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LICENSE NO. P -0417 7 Florida Ave W--ill, NC 28787 PHONE: (828) 658 -3649 WWW.WOLFCREEKENG.COM (NARY PLANS ° `r MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK " NC EEP CONSTRUC TION PLANTING PLANS AS NOTED s 3/20/2012 �'scc 1049 P -3 PROPOSED SOUTH MUDDY CREEK + + + + + + + + + +, + + + + + + + _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + z + + + + _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + y + + + + + + + + + + + LOCATION KEY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + *+ + + + —+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + C11 + + + + + + + 0 o + + + BUFFER PLANTING + AREA + ., t TRANSPLANTS + + + + X PROPOSED IVA BRANCH + so o so iso SCALE IN FEET