HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120288 Ver 3_Public Notice_20171120Burdette, Jennifer a From: Corbett, Cindy M CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Cindy.M.Corbett@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 2:14 PM Subject: [External] US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam&c.gov. As you requested, you are hereby notified that Wilmington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice. The text of this document can be found on the Public Notices portion of the Regulatory Division Home Page. Each Public Notice is available in ADOBE ACROBAT (.pdf) format for viewing, printing or download at http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re a latoryPermitPro re a�m.aspx As with all e-mail attachments, be sure to check for viruses prior to opening the attachment. The current notice involves: PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date: November 20, 2017 Comment Deadline: December 20, 2017 Corps Action ID Number: SAW -2012-00040 On November 19, 2014, the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued a permit to the Village of Bald Head Island for the construction of a terminal groin along with dredging, groin fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers, received a modification request from the Village of Bald Head Island to dredge Jay Bird Shoals and discharge the dredged material along the shoreline of Bald Head Island, up -drift of and east of the terminal groin for groin fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryPermitProgram. aspx 1 I US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: November 20, 2017 Comment Deadline: December 20, 2017 Corps Action ID Number: SAW -2012-00040 On November 19, 2014, the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued a permit to the Village of Bald Head Island for the construction of a terminal groin along with dredging, groin fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers, received a modification request from the Village of Bald Head Island to dredge Jay Bird Shoals and discharge the dredged material along the shoreline of Bald Head Island, up -drift of and east of the terminal groin for groin fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at: http://www.saw.usace. army.mil/Missions/RegulatoEyPermitProgram. aspx Applicant: Village of Bald Head Island Mr. Chris McCall, Village Manager Post Office Box 3009 Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461-7000 AGENT (if applicable): Christian Prezisosi Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Authority The Corps evaluates this application and decides whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of the following Statutory Authorities: ® Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) ® Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) ❑ Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413) Version 6.15.2017 Page 1 Location Location Description: Bald Head Island is located in Brunswick County, North Carolina. It is roughly 25 miles south of the City of Wilmington and 32 miles east of the South Carolina state line. It is the southernmost of the coastal barrier islands that form the Smith Island complex at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Nearest Town: Bald Head Island Nearest Waterway: Atlantic Ocean and Cape Fear River River Basin: Cape Fear Latitude and Longitude: 33.85 N, -77.9889W Background Information An Environmental Impact Statement was prepared for the completed terminal groin construction project in accordance with 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508. A Draft EIS was published in Federal Register on January 10, 2014 and a public hearing was held on March 4, 2014. A Final EIS was published in the Federal Register on August 1, 2014. The Record of Decision was signed on November 7, 2014 and the Corps issued the permit on November 19, 2014. The permit authorized the construction of a 1,900 linear foot terminal groin concurrent with, and following a federal beach disposal operation on Bald Head Island. The structure would be constructed in two phases, in which only the first phase has been completed. Federal beach disposal activities on South Beach typically proceed from west to east. Historically, the western most limit of direct federal beach disposal in proximity to the channel (by design specification) has been approximately South Beach baseline station 44+00. As required by current North Carolina General Statute, construction of the terminal groin required the construction of a beach fillet up -drift and east of the constructed terminal groin structure. The beach fillet was constructed with material placed from the federal navigation channel maintenance and beach disposal project. This permit also authorizes dredging for fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. The permittee has identified the following sand sources for nourishment and fillet maintenance: (1) Wilmington Harbor Channel; (2) Jay Bird Shoals; (3) Bald Head Creek Shoal; and (4) Frying Pan Shoals. Jay Bird Shoals was identified as the applicant's preferred primary sand source for fillet maintenance and nourishment events and the permit authorized dredging of Jay Bird Shoals in cases where the applicant could demonstrate that dredging the federal channel was not practicable. A copy of the Final EIS can be found at the following link: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re ul�atQU-Permit-Program/Major-Projects/ Version 6.15.2017 Page 2 Existing Site Conditions The island's southern shorelines, "East Beach" and "South Beach", front the Atlantic shoreline. The west shoreline, or "West Beach," fronts the Cape Fear River. A depositional spit feature known as the "Point" is near where the terminal groin was constructed and lies at the juncture of West Beach and South Beach. The north side of the island is bounded by the Bald Head Creek estuary, Middle Island and Bluff Island. The Cape Fear River separates Bald Head Island from Oak Island and Caswell Beach. The project area's discharge site is located along the western side of the southern shoreline (South Beach) of Bald Head Island. Bald Head Island is a 3 mile long, south - facing barrier island located immediately eastward of the mouth of the Cape Fear River. South Beach is composed primarily of sandy wet and dry beach, vegetated dune systems and un -vegetated subtidal and intertidal marine and estuarine bottoms. Over recent years, the Village of Bald Head Island has received a permit for dredging in Jay Bird Shoals to obtain material to nourish and stabilize South Beach. Also, the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers has placed material along the South Beach shoreline during the Cape Fear River channel deepening/widening project and channel maintenance projects. The Village of Bald Head Island was authorized to construct a temporary sand -filled tube groin field along the westernmost portion of South Beach in March 1996, immediately following completion of a dredge disposal project constructed by the Wilmington District. Sixteen sand -filled tube groins were constructed of geotextile material and filled with sand. These temporary groins were replaced by the applicant in 2005 and in 2009. The applicant constructed a terminal groin in 2015 and left most of the tube groins in place under the groin beach fillet. The proposed dredge site in the project area is located within Jay Bird Shoals. Jay Bird Shoals is an accretional feature formed by processes of longshore drift and prevailing wind and wave conditions. Jay Bird Shoals is composed primarily of marine soft bottom habitat. Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of project is to address erosion at the western end of South Beach and to thereby protect public infrastructure, roads, homes, businesses and rental properties, golf course, beaches, recreational assets, and protective dunes. Project Description The applicant proposes to dredge a portion of Jay Bird Shoals to place the dredged material along the western end of South Beach of Bald Head Island for groin fillet maintenance and beach nourishment. The disposal area would extend from the terminal groin to Station 9 134+00, which located about 9,000 feet east of the terminal groin. The applicant has identified an approximate 226 -acre sand source site for the acquisition of beach -compatible material suitable for placement along the South Beach shoreline Version 6.15.2017 Page 3 to address sand losses located in the terminal groin fillet, which is located up -drift of and east of the terminal groin. The applicant proposes to dredge approximately 1 million cubic yards of material from Jay Bird Shoals to address sediment losses, as well as ensure improved beach widths along this portion of South Beach. Sediment identified within the Jay Bird Shoals borrow site will be excavated by cutter suction dredge and pumped by submerged pipeline, across the federal navigation channel, to the South Beach shoreline. The applicant proposes to dredge to a depth of -24 feet NGVD. Within the borrow area there are exclusion zones intended to avoid impacts to historic properties and a tide gauge. A copy of the Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Site Re-evaluation report is posted with this public notice at the following link: http://www.saw.usace. army.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-Program/Public-Notices/ The South Beach construction berm will maintain an approximate average elevation of +8 ft. NGVD, which is consistent with prior beach disposal berms constructed by the Wilmington District USACE since 2001. Post -construction beach tilling will be performed based upon consultation with resource agencies after each future fill event. Avoidance and Minimization The applicant provided the following information in support of efforts to avoid and/or minimize impacts to the aquatic environment: • Beach compatible sand would be used in the disposal area to minimize impacts to the aquatic ecosystem. A hopper dredge would not be used during dredging operations to minimize impacts to aquatic life and aquatic ecosystems. Previously dredged borrow areas are being proposed to be used to minimize impacts to the aquatic ecosystem. The location of dredging activities were designed and/or reconfigured to avoid impacts to cultural resources subject to the Nation Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Compensatory Mitigation The applicant did not propose a compensatory mitigation plan to offset unavoidable functional loss to the aquatic environment. The project will have no direct or indirect effects on wetlands or other special aquatic sites. Essential Fish Habitat Essential Fish Habitat consultation has been completed for this project pursuant to the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The applicant completed an EFH assessment for this project in January 2014. The Corps determined that the proposed project would adversely affect EFH due largely to the temporary suspension of sediments in the water column at the excavation and Version 6.15.2017 Page 4 nourishment site. In a letter dated June 9, 2014, NMFS stated that the expected activity is expected to adversely impact EFH. NMFS offered an EFH Conservation Recommendation, which is as follows: The permit authorizing the terminal groin and beach nourishment shall not include Frying Pan Shoals. Use of Frying Pan Shoals may be included in the Final EIS provided there is a commitment in the Final EIS to reinitiate EFH consultation with NMFS should the Village actually pursue mining sand from this Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC). The EFH Conservation Recommendation were made a condition of the Corps authorization for this project, and no authorization for use of Frying Pan Shoals as a borrow site will occur until EFH consultation is reinitiated. Cultural Resources National Historic Preservation Act consultation has been completed for this project Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The applicant completed a magnetometer and side -scan sonar survey to conduct an archaeological assessment of the proposed terminal groin construction area in May and August of 2012. A shipwreck site was found in the project area and the vessel was determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRNP). The groin structure was designed to create a 150' construction buffer from the historic vessel. The proposed groin structure would result in accretion of sediment along the southwestern shoreline of Bald Head Island and it is likely that the wreck remains would be covered by several feet of sediment. Burial of the remains would offer protection from further degradation thereby resulting in a positive impact to the archeological site. In a letter dated January 17, 2013, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) stated that in order to avoid impacts to the historic vessel, the applicant should not work within the 150' buffer and that all contractors are made aware of the location of the shipwreck site and all the vessels and equipment engaged in the construction of the groin will not infringe on the 150' buffer. The applicant completed an archeological survey of the Jay Bird Shoals borrow area. Two potential shipwreck sites were found at the Jay Bird Shoals borrow area and a 200' buffer area would be maintained around the potential sites to avoid impacts. Given the avoidance measures to be employed, future excavation is not anticipated to result in direct or indirect impacts to the two anomalies identified. In a letter dated February 6, 2014, the SHPO had no comment on the proposed project or the DEIS. In letters dated January 17, 2014 and July 3, 2014, the NC Department of Cultural Resources stated that additional surveying is not necessary and furthermore, no archaeological resources either listed or eligible for listing in the NRHP will be affected by the project. The permit is conditioned to prohibit work within 150' from the cultural resource near the terminal groin and to prohibit work within 200' from the potential cultural resources near the Jay Bird Shoals borrow area. The permit also includes a conditions that requires Version 6.15.2017 Page S coordination and consultation with the SHPO if any unknown cultural resources are impacted by the project. Endangered Species Endangered species consultation has been completed for this project pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The applicant completed a biological assessment dated January 2014 and the Corps initiated consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Nation Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in 2014. The USFWS issued a Biological Opinion (BO) in June 2014, which the USFWS stated that the project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the West Indian manatee, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles. The BO included terms and conditions to protect the piping plover, red knot, sea -beach amaranth, loggerhead seat turtle, green sea turtle and the leatherback sea turtle species that the proposed project may affect and is likely to adversely affect. All terms and conditions of the BO are incorporated as conditions of the Corps authorization. In a letter dated September 11, 2014, the NMFS concurred with the Corps' initial determination that the project is not likely to adversely affect whales, sturgeons and marine sea turtles. All conservation measures described in the Biological Assessment (BA), related to species under the NMFS' purview, were incorporated as special conditions in the Corps authorization for this project. Other Required Authorizations The Corps forwards this notice and all applicable application materials to the appropriate State agencies for review. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR): The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the NCDWR issues, denies, or waives the state Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice, combined with the appropriate application fee, at the NCDWR Central Office in Raleigh constitutes initial receipt of an application for a 401 Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWR fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of receipt of a complete application. Additional information regarding the 401 Certification may be reviewed at the NCDWR Central Office, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for a 401 Certification should do so, in writing, by December 17, 2017 to: Version 6.15.2017 Page 6 NCDWR Central Office Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit (USPS mailing address): 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Or, (Physical address): 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM): ® The application did not include a certification that the proposed work complies with and would be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Pursuant to 33 CFR 325.2 (b)(2) the Corps cannot issue a Department of Army (DA) permit for the proposed work until the applicant submits such a certification to the Corps and the NCDCM, and the NCDCM notifies the Corps that it concurs with the applicant's consistency certification. ❑ Based upon all available information, the Corps determines that this application for a Department of Army (DA) permit does not involve an activity which would affect the coastal zone, which is defined by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act (16 U.S.C. § 1453). Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof, among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidated State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate Version 6.15.2017 Page 7 the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing will be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. The Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District will receive written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, until 5pm, December 20, 2017. Comments should be submitted to Ronnie Smith, Regulatory Division, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 , at (910) 251-4829. Version 6.15.2017 Page 8 <1 Iry 2 S zt V" <1 2 S zt V" 0 0 #F ni CIL NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION olsen associates, inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 DATE I APPROVED I REVIS VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND 10105117 110 � A TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW AREA 09/15/17 MN BY: ML SHEET 1 of 7 2 S zt V" 0 #F 0 . CD LL 0 LL Q 45 C4 DATE I APPROVED I REVIS VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND 10105117 110 � A TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW AREA 09/15/17 MN BY: ML SHEET 1 of 7 SCALE 71,,,,,,:7 0 1,000 2,000 FT REF: CAMA 91-14 SAW -2012-00040 VBHI-TERMINAL GROIN NOTES: 1)PROJECT BASELINE UTILIZED FOR BEACH MONITORING AND FEDERAL BEACH DISPOSAL PROJECT CONSTRUCTION BY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, USACOE 2)STA 44+00 IS TYPICAL WESTERN LIMIT OF FEDERAL S. BEACH DISPOSAL. 3)FILL WILL TAPER TO EXISTING GRADE AT STA 134+00 i0 CAPE /- Srq erg FEAR *00 rq 2jax as C rc `'b6x Srq as Sr 202x00 984-01 5 . q r94x 00 00 Srq 18 6x a.r.. 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DRAWN BY: 2618 Herschel Street TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT ML Jacksonville, FL. 32204 PROJECT BASELINE C-14) 387-6114 AND LIMITS OF INTERIM BEACH FILL SHEET •• C-1468 2 Of 7 m PHASE I - 1300 FT GROIN 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TB AT TI E OF ONST UCTI N Z 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 STA 48+50 00 0 / 0 (VARIES WITH LOCATION ON FI LET) 0 Ln 0 ' 1-Z 1-Z _ '-� '-� 1 NOTES: 00 1. AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION, ACTUAL FILL SECTIONS r/ o- WILL VARY DEPENDING ON LOCATION ALONG THE PROJECT BASELINE. 2. FILL VOLUME TO BE 1 MCY--AS MEASURED IN PLACE. 3. FINAL FILL SECTIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY A PRE -CONSTRUCTION SURVEY. - -- --- - - - - -- -- 1�.� ----- --- -- -- --- - - - - -- -- -M11 MLW < 0 �.r 1 TOE EST'D SEPT 09 SEABED BASD UPONGON ITION SUR YED _PRI_R TOC NST UCTIO —7TFF7TTT 1111 1111 11 T­TT7_FF1T_FF1T_T7TTTII 111 11 1 11111111�11111k III 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 QOM Ln 0 ' 1-Z 1-Z _ '-� '-� 1 NOTES: Offshore Distance from Baseline (Feet) 1. AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION, ACTUAL FILL SECTIONS WILL VARY DEPENDING ON LOCATION ALONG THE PROJECT BASELINE. 2. FILL VOLUME TO BE 1 MCY--AS MEASURED IN PLACE. 3. FINAL FILL SECTIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY A PRE -CONSTRUCTION SURVEY. LIMIT OF PROJECT EASEMENT 2 DISTANCE VARIES - CIO LL EXISTING DUNE O (VARIES) LIMITOFWOR" a 8.5' w SLOPE EXISTING BEACH PROFILE (TYP) NOTES: 1) FILL DENSITY TO VARY SPATIALLY DEPENDING ON CONDITION OF BEACH AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 2) GROIN FILLET FILL DENSITY VARIES AND MAY EXCEED 100 CY/FT LOCAL TIDAL DATUMS (FT) M H HW +2.8 MHW +2.5 NAVD +1.1 NGVD(29) 0.0 MLW -1.8 MLLW -2.0 olsen associates, inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (404) 387-6114 C-1468 +8.0' NGVD SOUTH BEACH ATLANTIC OCEAN AVERAGE BEACH FILL DENSITY APPROX. 1000y/ft BEACH FILL MHW (2.5' NGVD) SSUMED FILL TEMPLATE SLOPE \�\ DURING CONSTRUCTION 12TO -15FT NGVD (TYP) LOPEINTERCEPT TYPICAL SECTION OF FILL TOE 14 ie:u 10 :• r 911 -91 INTERIM BEACH PROJECT SAND FILL SECTIONS -J NTS DATUM: NGVD 29 NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION 1�j '70%1 1'� z o dib, • > z 6p� y 0 o ® m co J J Lu )00'96Z'Z + a m Cil C E) N in Cal J� ys3� o E) O/� s/ C h = ® m bJj Q Cd o z z 'fib Lu Q0� Q �7,L ' ' N ILL _ w z O Q P. 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VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND DRAWN BY: 2618 Herschel Street TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT ML Jacksonville, FL. 32204 C-1468 4J 387-6114 SH JAYBIRD SHOALS BORROW AREA (2009/10) 4 of 7 •• C-1 45,000- 44,500- 44,000- 43,500- 43,000- 42,500- 42,000 O Z S 41,500 41,000 40,500 40,000 39,500- 39,000 38,500- 38,000 11� C� NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION sr olsen associates, inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 2009/10 Bald Head Island Beach Renourishiment 001MEN 86 Months Post Dredge Surveyllon. r I I -- mom ULTURAL a ESOURCE FZ1/?1 0 r-0-11 itvi� -19 p- p rA-- MM ANN- Effj-9!!pp1p� ME WA Lam'" - k %Llm Rkkil F/YrA - 'r NR1'6VD0j'FA' momVer 11 tical Datum: NGVD29 't ct Lq c� -i Easting (ft-NAD83) DATE APPROVED REVISION VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND 10/23/17 EJO B 09/15/17 DRAWN BY: TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT ML ADDITIONAL VIBRACORES SHEET ACQUIRED JULY 2017 5 of 7 NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION olsen associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT BORROW SITE TYPICAL SECTION DATE APPROVED REVISION 10/05/17 EJO A 10/3/2017 10/23/17 EJO B DRAWN BY: WAH SHEET 7 of 7 C) Lq Lr) 17i C:) 0 0 Cc, 0 1-- Sn < CC, 0 0 0 = C) UJI CA 0 -j BORROW AREA LIMIT < u Ln C) Lfi Nr 0 Lu C:� N IL C:) CD u - Lw Lu uj_ L) m z < 0 uj < 0 Lu 0 0 w w > Fn LLI m w < =) < —+ UJI u) U) C> 0 3: Z c:� LO C14 0 0� < W� w w rp 22 c' 0 < < CD 0 ca C\F 0 C) LL0 LO w O C) z < 0 z 0 U) w ry < C) u') kC) C) C) LO , U? 0 LO 0 LID 0 N N C? ((]A!DN-iJ) NOUVA313 NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION olsen associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 (904) 387-6114 C-1468 VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT BORROW SITE TYPICAL SECTION DATE APPROVED REVISION 10/05/17 EJO A 10/3/2017 10/23/17 EJO B DRAWN BY: WAH SHEET 7 of 7 10 3CS LLI Z 41P ^t t ZCD W -� d J,. 0 C) _# *I Z Q p 0 Z 2 �� r, zth 0 Lu q _. 461 0 � � (9A. 0 = J O (L dP o � a 05 NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION =a olsen associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32204 - (904) 387-6114 C-1468 VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND TERMINAL GROIN PROJECT DREDGE PLAN (2018/19) m M APPROVED EJO EJO 00 C,.4.4o': 00 LO a) M Q Q Z Z N L r 00 n qt N q ML CD N W � � O W Z Z Z Z LL �q 00 q, M Lu W W ONO LO 0) N Z~ O N C ccr�l�co W Z_ N N N N a Q N N N N EL W W W W W Q r N M qT O a IZ IL IL U o 0 p L O m rn 1= O Lu O W z Z 0 Q C) 0 U � J Q Z Z W W^O LL Q1 -- O W I- W �m a:3 U) -0 X N 0 Z Qf 0 Z Q J O�w U3 J W QO? Y(DO cl� — U) 0wX C) J LL OU� ~0� [LU :11 iY: DATE 10/05/17 10/23/17 APPROVED EJO EJO I REVISION A B 09/15/17 DRAWN BY: ML 11/06/17 EJO C SHEET 6 of 7 Navigation Channel Bald Head Shoal Prepared for: Village of Bald Head Island, N.C.. Prepared by: Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 (904) 387-6114 (Fax) 384-7368 olsen-associates.com C-1468 August 2017 pJay Bird Shoal 1 Middle Ground � S associates, inc. coastal engineering Navigation Channel y. hit'I'e'l-d Shoal repared for: Village of Bald Head Island, N.C.. Prepared by: Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 (904) 387-6114 (Fax) 384-7368 olsen-associates.com C-1468 ' August 2017 ay Bird Shoal Middle Ground -` W, m oisen associates, inc. coastal engineering JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW SITE RE-EVALUATION Submitted by: Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, Florida 32204 C-1468 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................... 1 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A — Geotechnical Vibracore Report Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island August 2017 i olsen associates, inc. JAY BIRD SHOALS BORROW SITE RE-EVALUATION Report Submitted To: Village of Bald Head Island, N.C. Report Submitted By: Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 August 2017 BACKGROUND The Village of Bald Head Island Beach Management Plan has been largely predicated upon beach disposal activities performed in accordance with Wilmington Harbor Sand Management Plan (WHSMP) implemented by the Wilmington District, (USACOE, 2000). The latter was required pursuant to permits and agreements associated with the 2001 Wilmington Harbor Deepening Project. Initially, as part of project construction South Beach received a 1.58 Mcy sand placement along the majority of its oceanfront shoreline. In 2005, a 1.2 M federal disposal event was constructed along approximately the westernmost half of S. Beach. Subsequently, in 2007, Bald Head Island received approximately 1 Mcy of channel maintenance sand again along the westernmost segment of South Beach. Pursuant to the terms of the WHSMP the next scheduled federal disposal project (in 2009) would be constructed at Oak Island. As a result, it was understood at the time that the Bald Head Island would not experience beach disposal again until at least 2011 — i.e. some 4 or more years after the 2007 South Beach disposal operation. -1- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. In order to plan for and address expected sediment deficits and dredging impacts over the next four (4)+ years, the Village of Bald Head Island had determined the need to implement a privately funded beach restoration project intended to maintain the integrity of the South Beach shoreline. A portion of West Beach was to be addressed at the same time on a more limited basis. The volume of sand to be placed for such a project would be sufficient to both address expected sediment losses between federal disposal events, as well as ensure an adequate improved base beach width along the entirety of the South Beach shorefront at all times. The project volume was expected to be approximately 1.5 to 2 Mcy (as measured in place for payment). The project would be scheduled for construction in the winter of 2009/2010 — at the latest. At that time, it was proposed that the borrow source for the Village project would be located on the southernmost portion of Jay Bird Shoals (See Figure 1). The general borrow site layout was as defined by Figure 2. The tentative identification of the Jay Bird Shoals area as a candidate borrow site for beach fill construction was influenced principally by the following factors: 1. Its physical proximity to South Beach allowing for the use of a cutter suction dredge, 2. The fact that the Jay Bird Shoals formation has been heavily influenced by prior and ongoing navigation channel construction and maintenance activities, 3. The fact that the seaward portion of Jay Bird Shoals is a relatively modern depositional feature which has formed over time as a direct result of navigation project construction, and 4. The propensity for any Jay Bird Shoal excavation area to both physically and biologically recover. Biological recovery was expected to be rapid and was eventually documented via monitoring — see LMG (2013). Physical recovery was expected to be much more gradual — but relatively certain and consistent over time. The fact is that any future navigation channel deepening, widening or relocation (as recommended by the Village) was expected to occur within the shoal feature itself (i.e. in a westerly direction away from Bald Head Island). As a result it was opined that any future removal of sand from portions of Jay Bird Shoal in the vicinity of Bald Head Island could only -2- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. Figure 1: Location of Jaybird Shoals relative to Bald Head Island. -3- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. Figure 2: Oblique view of Jay Bird Shoals borrow site. -4- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. serve to reduce -- rather than exacerbate -- impacts associated with federal channel dredging operations in the vicinity of the Point. A discussion of documented navigation project effects to Bald Head Island is provided in Olsen (2003). Comprehensive beach monitoring over the past 17 years by the Village of Bald Head Island has resulted in the conclusion that sand placement alone had not served to successfully offset navigational channel impacts to the west end of South Beach which have resulted in chronic rates of erosion and consistent northerly recession and migration of the Point. The net result of these phenomena had been accelerating erosion and ensuing threat to public infrastructure, homes, protective dunes and wildlife habitat. As a result, the Village was ultimately forced to "change the existing dynamic" at the Point by constructing a single terminal groin designed to complement the placement of beach fill at a documented South Beach erosional "hot spot". The project was to be performed in two Phases. Simplistically, the structure was intended to serve as a "template" for fill material placed eastward thereof on South Beach. The Phase I 1,300 ft. long terminal groin (completed in Nov. 2015), was designed as a "leaky" structure (i.e. semi -permeable) so as to provide for some level of continuing sand transport to West Beach and portions of the Point (located northward of the groin stem). It was predicted that the construction of such a structure would potentially have some level of coincident direct benefit to the abutting navigation channel. Additional post - construction monitoring data required by Permit was intended to assist in the quantification of the terminal groin's effects on littoral processes and resultant shoreline configurations — both updrift and downdrift. Pragmatically, such an evaluation takes a number of years and will necessitate multiple sand fill applications until some level of dynamic equilibrium of the post - structure shoreline can be defined. In early 2017, the Village submitted permits and associated studies and environmental analyses necessary to develop a borrow site located within Frying Pan Shoals (see Figure 3). The purpose of such a borrow site was to ensure compliance with Permit Conditions necessitating the long term maintenance of the updrift fillet associated with the 2015 terminal groin project. It was predicted that the borrow site would be needed for limited sand placement -5- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. Figure 3: Proposed Frying Pan Shoals borrow site. -6- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. N J Q O CL 0 h`--- IL O za�Z N \\\ �. O } c� cC N � _ � a � I'�• \ LL. N .... N pl It\" ❑ CC Q N — W LUN CL Q 1� - Iry (4, E��mR�3 YJ r ry r8°M $ a OO L M 1 I 7n I m Ir W N _ U co Lj 10 W -51 O O ir CL Figure 3: Proposed Frying Pan Shoals borrow site. -6- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. along South Beach in 2018/19 between the terminal groin and Sta. 134+00 (9,000 ft to the east). This conclusion resulted from the scheduled hiatus in the disposal of channel maintenance sand on Bald Head Island by the Wilmington District, USACOE. Pursuant to the existing tenets of the Wilmington Harbor Sand Management Plan, all beach quality channel maintenance material excavated in 2017/2018 will be placed at Oak Island. The next potential federal disposal on Bald Head Island would therefore be in 2020 or 2021. Hence an interim fill project at S. Beach would be required. The global estimate for such a project is 1 Mcy of sand (as measured in place). PRESENT DAY CONDITIONS Monitoring Report No. 15 (Olsen 2017) documented that between April 2016 and May 2017, South Beach at Bald Head Island lost a total of 619,000 cy (above elevation -16 ft NGVD). This amount well exceeded average annual losses measured over the last 17 years and was due to the effects of Hurricanes Hermine and Matthew in 2016. As a result, the Village Council has authorized the design and permitting of the 1 Mcy interim beach fill discussed above to be constructed in the winter of 2018-19. Presently, formal permit applications for the development of a long-term borrow site within Frying Pan Shoals are being processed. The applications request a major modification of State Permit No. 91-4 and federal permit SAW -2012-00040 — which were issued for both the terminal groin constructed in 2015 and subsequent fill activities required to keep the structure updrift fillet full pursuant to N.C. Statutory requirements. In June 2017, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued concerns related to the near term use of the Frying Pan Shoals (FPS) borrow site without first exploring and exhausting other viable sand -source alternatives. In consideration of the NMFS concerns, the Village agreed to evaluate options to prioritize the use of the previously authorized borrow site located on Jay Bird Shoals (JBS) (including both the partially recovered area dredged in 2009 and the remaining undredged portion of the borrow site). Realistically, the only alternate borrow site available for near term sand placement at Bald Head Island (BHI) is sand remaining in the developed JBS borrow site. Options other than JBS and FPS are not feasible. For instance, there is not sufficient sand within the Bald Head Creek borrow area. Moreover, only a very small -7- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. dredge can be utilized at that location. Therefore, the Bald Head Creek site is not suitable for any large-scale nourishment event. With respect to the Wilmington Harbor Channel as a potential sand source, all sand excavated by the Corps of Engineers (COE) in 2017/18 as part of their regularly occurring channel maintenance will be placed on Oak Island pursuant to the Wilmington Harbor Sand Management Plan (WHSMP). Hence, there will not be sufficient sand quantities from that source available to the Village in the near future for placement at South Beach. Within the originally developed 7BS borrow site, monitoring surveys (Olsen 2017) document that there is an estimated 900,000 of sand remaining in the undredged portion of the site — lying outside a Cultural Resource Exclusion area. Additionally, there is almost 1 Mcy of depositional material available which lies within the area previously excavated in 2009 although not all of it is accessible by a dredge. The predicted volume required to be placed within a design template on South Beach in 2018/19 is approximately 1 Mcy. Subsequent to that sand placement, the Village will be the recipient of the next two (2) federal channel maintenance/beach disposal projects pursuant to the WHSMP. This would theoretically allow the use of the FPS borrow area to be deferred nearly 10 years into the future. It does not, however, obviate the need to complete the permitting of the Frying Pan Shoals borrow site since it may likely be required as a sand source after a hurricane or severe storm event. The use of the 7BS site (if viable in terms of both sand quality and quantity) would address the more immediate nourishment needs for South Beach and the terminal groin fillet. It should be noted that a long-term borrow site consisting of large volumes of beach -compatible sand (from a borrow site exhibiting physical conditions conducive for relatively rapid recovery) will ultimately be needed to offset long-term sand deficits along South Beach and West Beach. To that end, the Village intends to continue its request for authorization for the future use of the proposed FPS borrow site. In the interim, use of the 7BS site will likely be able to address the more immediate nourishment needs while deferring and ultimately reducing physical disturbance to the FPS site — pursuant to the recommendations of the NMFS. -8- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. PURPOSE The original 226A JPS borrow area as developed for the locally constructed 2009 beach fill (Olsen 2007a) was defined by approximately 31 VIBRACORES (see Figure 4). To a maximum dredge depth of -24 NGVD 29, the site contained approximately 3 Mcy of available beach quality sand — not including a 12.5 A Exclusion Area associated with potential cultural resources (TAR 2007). Over the course of the 2009 project, approximately 158 A of seabed within the permitted borrow site was dredged (see Figure 5) yielding a gross fill volume of about 1.85 Mcy +. As shown in Figure 5, the dredge contractor was strategically limited to working only within Borrow Site Areas 1 and 2, thereby leaving Area 3 for future use. The residual volume of available sand within Area 3 after construction exceeded 1 Mcy. The project was constructed by Norfolk Dredging Company using an Ocean Certified 27" cutter suction dredge. During the permitting of the JBS borrow area, Olsen Associates, Inc. performed numerical modeling of a theoretically excavated borrow site for purposes of evaluating any potential impacts to the shores of Oak Island (Olsen 2007b). In addition, during the permitting of the 2015 terminal groin project, a separate and distinct borrow site impact analysis was performed using the more robust DELFT 3D numerical model (Olsen 2013). Both investigations conservatively assumed the JBS borrow site was excavated in its entirety (including the exclusion area) — when as described above it was not. Neither numerical modeling exercise predicted quantifiable impact to Oak Island. None -the -less, when Permits were issued by State and Federal agencies, a Condition was added at the request of certain interests on Oak Island that should the permittee receive a future modification to dredge more than 250,000 cy of material from the JBS borrow site (presumably from the unexcavated Segment 3 area), the Village would be required to monitor and analyze a large segment of eastern Oak Island. At the time of permit issuance, severe time constraints associated with the bid and construction schedule for the terminal groin necessitated that the Village not seek to negate such a Condition. In order to comply with the recently stated request of the NMFS, it is the intent of the Village to request a permit modification authorizing the dredging of approximately 1 Mcy of sand from the JBS site. Assuming satisfactory results of an updated VIBRACORE sampling of the infill areas of the previously dredge JBS site and the -9- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. 0 00. W Z LD X m QN O OQ O O W h h O O O O O Q Q Q N Oi fO y a V Q Q Q M Q QQ Q V Q Q Q O z ? m c C c L � m � 3 G n U �s oo oo o�ov'� 1p M M O N 000�� rMn FNM W h Q h 7 r r M N 'p W Q Q Q ~O N N N N N N W N N F N W W W ¢¢ Q Z W � m a LA Figure 4: 2009 Jay Bird Shoals borrow site area. -10- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. cv), / QLj - o� Q, , nl / N LLI C7 O Z_ � C7 W C) J LU ryQ U) U W 0 (D < LL 0 J 11� W H O0�0 Z 0 U Figure 5: Borrow Site "Cut" lanes. -11- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. demonstration of adequate volumes of high quality, beach -compatible sand, the Village will seek to excavate 750,000 cy from dredge Areas 1 and 2 which have infilled via deposition of sand since the 2009 dredge permit and to obtain the remaining needed volume of 250,000 cy from the unexcavated Segment 3 portion of the site. It is believed that such a plan should be deemed favorable at this time based upon the following considerations: 1. It helps to defer the use of the FPS borrow site over the next several years (potentially up to a decade into the future) pursuant to the recommendations of NMFS. 2. It meets the intent of the terminal groin Permit Condition which limits the volume of dredging to 250,000 cy in the unexcavated portion of JBS (i.e. Area 3) without triggering intensive monitoring of the Oak Island shoreline; and 3. It addresses the requirement stipulated by both Permit Condition and State Statute for the Sponsor of a terminal groin project to keep the updrift fillet of the structure full. JBS BORROW AREA RE-EVALUATION The JBS borrow site has been surveyed every 1 to 2 years subsequent to its use in 2009/10. The April 2017 monitoring survey shows areas of gross deposition amounting to 891,000 cy (see Figure 6). It is therefore possible to construct a 1M cy beach fill utilizing depositional material within borrow site Areas 1 and 2 in combination with 250,000 cy from the previous unexcavated Area 3. Having quantified sediment availability, the Village authorized the acquisition of 8 VIBRACORES within the largest candidate depositional area in order to verify sediment quality or acceptability as beach fill at South Beach. Core locations are as depicted by Figure 7. More specifically the firm of Athena Technologies, Inc. (Athena) was contracted to collect 8 VIBRACORES using the research vessel Artemis. Subsequently, all cores were logged, photographed and composite sediment samples removed and sent to the soils laboratory TERRACON in Jacksonville, Florida. Each composite sample extended over the apparent absolute depth of visible, desirable material in each core which generally extends to -24 ft NGVD29, mol. The latter horizon of beach quality sediment was identified in the 2007 Sand Search performed for JBS (Olsen, 2007a). In addition to well defined grain size distribution -12- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. Deposition Post- to 86 Months Post -Dredge March 2010 to May 2017 Area 3 Area 2 — 42,000 00 Z Area 1 41,500- 0 41,000 NOLULM=�r-Mm 0 Exclusion Zone Borrow Area Limits Tide Gage Buffer Zone (200 ft radius) Deposition (feet) 12 11 10 9 s 7 6 s 4 3 2 1 0 ci -1 N N M M IT Ln Ln W W I, M 0) 0) 0) M Ol M 0) 0) Ol 0) 0) 0) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N' N N N N N Easting (ft-NAD83) Figure 6: Jay Bird Shoals area of deposition since project completion (March 2010 to May 2017). -13- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 45,000)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2009/10 Bald Head island Beach Renourishment #am 86 Months Post Dredge Surveymmim. 44,500- May 2017 Al N.. R,,r sion sion , 44,000- 43,500- VIM 000 r.&_., p- 43,000- � 0 0 W.042 WE 42,500 - gmmr '.I, Z -4i )m;V ,LX�F% 42,000- A�jr0J4 rp - agj� ^Ivil,m = 41,500- Ope _?j1pz zrA oPI 61k FRI MVjpjj 44' 41,000- IL,F,V% _ .4jrj i Borrow 11, i Im Area 0 6 hWAl A m Li its 40,500- E ME 0 -L\ 40,000- OL Tide Gage No BufferZono 39,500- (200 ft radius) END'W 39,000- 38,500- 38,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0o a as a c0 o as o N N N M M V 7 U1 If1 lD l0 m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Easdng (ft-NAD83) Figure 7: Additional vibracores acquired in July 2017. -14- August 2017 Olsen associates, inc. analyses, the percentage carbonate material as well as fines were computed for each composite. A brief Report of Findings as well as all data, photographs of cores, core logs, GSD curves, etc. are included as Appendix A to this report. Simplistically, all JBS depositional material considered for placement on South Beach (above elevation -24 ft NGVD29) is fine sand classified as being predominately SP. For the eight (8) cores acquired, the average mean grain size is .21 mm. Carbonate percentages from the composite samples ranged from 4.1% to 8.2% with an average of 5.8%. In general, the fine grained content (based upon a no. 230 sieve was less than 2.9% in each of the composite samples from site wide curves. A summary of size and content characteristics for the eight cores is included as Table 1. Table 1. Jay Bird Shoals - 2017 Vibracore Sediment Characterization Size Classification M by Wt.) Core No. Gravel Granular Sand Fines CaCO3% BHI - 2017-01 0 .1 97.0 2.9 4.4 BHI - 2017-02 0 .2 97.8 2.0 4.7 BHI - 2017-03 .4 1.5 97.0 1.1 7.2 BHI - 2017-04 1.5 1.5 94.1 2.9 6.2 BHI - 2017-05 1.3 1.4 96.1 1.2 8.2 BHI - 2017-06 .3 .5 97.7 1.5 4.1 BHI - 2017-07 .1 1.0 96.8 1.2 5.5 BHI - 2017-08 .5 1.0 97.2 1.3 6.4 AVERAGE VALUE .5 .9 96.7 1.8 5.8 Definition: Gravel Granular Sand Fines 4.76mm - 76mm 2mm - less than 4.76mm .0625mm - less than 2 mm Less than .0625mm -15- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. It is important to note that there are no relevant "native beach" characteristics for South Beach since it has been the recipient of the placement of over 8 Mcy of sediment (most from the W.H. Navigation Project channel) since 2000. In reality, the only undisturbed native beach existing on Bald Head is East Beach which faces Onslow Bay. This was recognized by the State in 2007 when the Jay Bird Shoals borrow site was developed. Accordingly, the Village was directed to compare the borrow site characteristics to those of a limited number of composite cross -share sediment samples for South Beach and East Beach. The latter exercise was basically for "science" — since East Beach is not a proposed fill area. Standards for the determination of compatibility of borrow site material, as compared to the recipient (i.e. native) beach, are specifically defined by the State of N.C. The latter address the four (4) size classifications as well as percentage composition of calcium carbonate. Accordingly, Table 2. describes the sediment composition averages and grand means for both the recipient beach (measured 3 ways), as well as the eight cores representing depositional material. From these statistics, compatibility of the sediments to be borrowed can be determined. Table 2. Sediment Characterization for Compatibility Analysis Size Classification (% by Wt.) Composite Sample Gravel Granular Sand Fines Carbonate JBS — 8 Cores .05 .9 96.7 1.8 5.8 East Beach Composite .37 1.37 97.75 .42 9.67% South Beach Composite .07 1.08 98.10 .75 7.57% EB & SB Mean .22 1.23 97.93 .59 8.41% -16- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. For the currently analyzed 7BS depositional area being proposed for re -excavation, the following criteria are established by the State of N.C. for purposes of determining "compatibility" of the borrow sediments relative to those of the recipient beach: a) The average percentage (by weight) of fine grained sediment (less than 0.0625mm) shall not exceed the average percentage (by weight) of fine grained sediment of the recipient beach characterization by five (5%) percent. ■ Determination . Borrow Site Av 1.80% • Recipient Beach • SB Mean .75% • EB Mean .42% • Grand Mean for all transects .59% • Result — Borrow site material complies with standard. b) The average percentage (by weight) of granular sediment (greater than 2mm and less than 4.76mm) in the borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage (by weight) of coarse -sand sediment of the recipient beach characterization plus five (5%) percent. ■ Determination . Borrow Site Av .9% • Recipient Beach • SB Mean 1.08% • EB Mean 1.37% • Grand Mean for all transects 1.23% • Result — Borrow site material complies with standard. c) The average percentage (by weight) of gravel (greater than or equal to 4.76mm) in the borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage (by weight) of gravel -sized sediment of the recipient beach characterization plus five (5%) percent. ■ Determination . Borrow Site Av .5% . Recipient Beach -17- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. • SB Mean .07% • EB Mean .37% • Grand Mean for all transects .22% . Result — Borrow site material complies with standard d) The average percentage (by weight) of calcium carbonate in the borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage (by weight) of calcium carbonate sediment of the recipient beach characterization plus fifteen (15%) percent. ■ Determination . Borrow Site Av 5.8% • Recipient Beach • SB Mean 7.57% • EB Mean 9.67% • Grand Mean for all transects 8.41% • Result — Borrow site material complies with standard. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Village of Bald Head Island seek a modification of CAMA 91-4 and USACE No. SAW -2012-00040 sufficient to dredge portions of a previously developed borrow site located at Jay Bird Shoals. More specifically, a contract should be formulated whereby 250,000 cy would be dredged from Area 3 of the site which was not designated for excavation in 2009. An additional volume amounting to 750,000 cy, mol. would be excavated from material deposited within Areas 1 and 2 of the JBS borrow site which were dredged in 2009. It should be noted that not all depositional material in Areas 1 and 2 is physically accessible by a large dredge. All sand would be placed on S. Beach eastward of the terminal groin constructed in 2015. The proposed timing of the work would be between 1 November 2018 and 1 April 2019. Work would be performed by a cutter suction dredge with direct deposit on S. Beach by pipeline. Where the submerged pipeline crosses the federal navigation project, it would need to be placed below the authorized channel depth of -44ft. MLW. Any such material -18- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. excavated to trench the pipeline below the channel would be placed on S. Beach — as was done for the 2009 project. The sediments within the original Jay Bird Shoal borrow site limits (Areas 1, 2 and 3) were determined to be beach compatible by way of a comprehensive Sand Search (Olsen, 2007) performed prior to the 2009 project. A Cultural Resource Exclusion Zone totaling 12.5 A was required. It is recommended that the Village seek a re-evaluation of the limits of that zone — due to changed seabed conditions — using the professional services of Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc. (TAR.). The goal would be to reduce the limits of the buffer through additional field investigation performed by Dr. Gordon Watts — if determined to be warranted. Depositional sediments which are being proposed for re -excavation during a beach fill project in the winter of 2018-2019 were evaluated through the acquisition of eight (8) additional VIBRACORES in July of 2017 by the firm of Athena Technologies, Inc. Subsequent laboratory analyses of composite samples over the assumed depth of excavation — i.e. from the existing seabed to -24 ft NGVD29 — were performed and reported (Appendix A). All composite sample sediments over depth meet State Standards for placement as beach fill on South Beach at Bald Head Island. The proposed limit of fill would extend from the terminal groin to baseline Sta. 134+00 located approximately 9,000 ft. eastward thereof — as addressed by existing permits. -19- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. REFERENCES Land Management Group, Inc. (2013). "Fourth Annual Biological Monitoring Report", Report prepared for Village of Bald Head Island. Land Management Group, Inc., 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 Wilmington, N.C. 11 pp plus tables, figures and app. (June 2013). Olsen Associates, Inc., 2003. "Bald Head Island, N.C. Beach Monitoring Program Report No. I (November 1999 May 2003)", report prepared for Village of Bald Head Island. Olsen Associates, Inc., 4438 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32210. Olsen Associates, Inc. (2007a). "Bald Head Island, N.C. Beach Restoration Project Sand Search Investigation". Olsen Associates, Inc., 2618 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. 40 pp plus app. (June 2007). Olsen Associates, Inc. (2007b). "Bald Head Island, N.C. Beach Restoration Project Analysis of Potential Impacts of Borrow Site to the Local Wave Climate". Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. 34 pp plus app. (December 2007). Olsen Associates, Inc. (2013). "Shoreline Stabilization Analysis", Report prepared for Village of Bald Head Island. Olsen Associates, Inc., 2618 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. 338 pp. (July 2013). Olsen Associates, Inc. (2016). "Frying Pan Shoals, Sand Search Investigation", Report prepared for Village of Bald Head Island. Olsen Associates, Inc., 2618 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. 38 pp plus app. (April 2016). Olsen Associates, Inc. (2017). "Bald Head Island, N.C. Beach Monitoring Program Report No. 15 (April 2016 May 2017)", Report prepared for Village of Bald Head Island. Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. 87 pp plus app. (July 2017). Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc. (2007). "An Archaeological Remote Sensing Survey and Target Assessment on Jay Bird Shoal off Smith Island Channel, Cape Fear River, Brunswick -20- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. County, North Carolina." Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc., P.O. Box 2494, Washington, NC 27889. 27 pp plus app (29 July 2007). USACOE (2000). "Environmental Assessment Wilmington Harbor, N. C.", U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. (February 2000). -21- August 2017 olsen associates, inc. APPENDIX A Geotechnical Vibracore Report Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island IC Athena Technologies, Inc. July, 2017 4*100, ,joWHENA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Geotechnical Vibracore Report Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 Prepared for: Olsen Associates, Inc. 2618 Herschel Street Jacksonville, Florida 32204 Prepared by: Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ,o&X"EH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page Ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Methodology Section 2: Discussion Section 3: References TABLES Table 1: Vibracore Summary Table 2: Grain Size Data Summary APPENDICES Appendix A: Core Photographs, Logs, Sieve Analysis Curves, and Grain Size Data Appendix B: Terracon Carbonate Content Summary Appendix C: Grain Size Data Summary Graphs 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ,o&X"EH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 11 Section 1: Methodology Athena Technologies, Inc. (Athena) was contracted by Olsen Associates, Inc. (OAI) of Jacksonville, Florida to collect geotechnical vibracore samples in the vicinity of Jay Bird Shoals, which is located west of Bald Head Island, North Carolina (Figure 1). A total of 8 vibracores of varying lengths were collected on 26 July 2017, in accordance with the following methodology. Figure 1: Vibracore Study Area, Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina. (Image Source: Google Earth) Athena utilized the 35 -foot research vessel, Artemis (Figure 2), to act as the sampling platform for this project. Artemis was equipped with all required US Coast Guard (USCG) safety gear and was operated by a USCG -certified, 100 Ton Master Captain. A Trimble Differential Global Positioning System (sub -meter accuracy) interfaced with HYPACK was utilized for primary navigation. Horizontal coordinates were recorded in North American Datum of 1983 State Plane Coordinate System, North Carolina (Zone 3200), U.S. Survey Feet. Real-time tide elevation data was obtained using a Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System receiver interfaced with the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station Network, which served as the base station. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4410. McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ATI" IEH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 12 Figure 2: Research Vessel Artemis offshore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. During field operations, Artemis was immobilized over the desired sample sites (provided by OAI) using a triple -point anchor system. Once on station, the coordinates at the vessel location were compared with the coordinates for the desired sample location to ensure accurate vessel positioning. Upon satisfactory positioning, a water depth was collected via lead line or fathometer. Tide elevation data was recorded in relation to North American Vertical Datum of 1988, and subsequently converted to values referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's VDatum (Version 3.6.1) conversion program. The tide elevation data was utilized to determine the sediment surface elevation at each sample location. A custom-designed and fabricated vibracore system was utilized to collect the geotechnical cores. The system consists of a generator with a mechanical vibrator attached via cable. The vibrator is attached directly to a 3 -inch diameter, galvanized sample barrel. The sample barrel was lowered until the bottom of the barrel was directly above the sediment surface. The vibracore machine was turned on and the sample barrel was allowed to penetrate to a depth of 20 feet below sediment surface, or to refusal. Vibracore penetration was recorded from the deck using marked drill stems. Once the sample barrel reached the desired depth, the machine was turned off and the sample barrel was retrieved using an electric winch. The recovered core length was measured following core retrieval, and percent recovery was verified. The cores were then capped, labeled, and cut into 5 -foot sections. A vibracore summary table containing final location coordinates, elevation data, and penetration and recovery lengths has been included as Table 1. Sample locations are depicted on Figure 3. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4410. McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ATI" IEH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC- www.athenatechnologies.com N W E i S BH12017-03 ~ BH12017-07 BH12017-02 ■■ BH12017-08 ■■ ■ BH12017-06 ■ BH12017-01 ■■ BH12017-05 S BHI2017-04 T Bird als Cape Fear River • • r, ► t1 � f 14 Table 1 Vibracore Summary Bottom of Tide Top of Core Collection East North Water Depth Boring Penetration Recovery Boring ID Time Elevation Elevation Notes Date (X) (y) ( ft) Elevation (ft) � (ft) (ft NGVD 29) (ft NGVD 29) (ft NGVD 29) BH12017-01 7/26/2017 8:29 2293127 41872 15.4 2.1 -13.3 -31.3 18.0 15.6 Made 2 attempts, refusal encountered at BH12017-02 7/26/2017 9:05 2293512 42296 15.1 3.2 -11.9 -24.9 13.0 11.3 13 O' below sediment surface. second core retained Made 3 attempts, refusal encountered at BH12017-03 7/26/2017 10:05 2293771 42688 14.3 3.8 -10.4 -22.9 12.5 10.2 12 5' below sediment surface, third core retained BH12017-04 7/26/2017 8:00 2293117 41400 15.4 1.9 -13.5 -34.5 21.0 20.1 BH12017-05 7/26/2017 7:05 2293676 41730 15.3 0.5 -14.9 -34.9 20.0 17.1 BH12017-06 7/26/2017 7:31 2293879 42117 15.2 1.1 -14.1 -32.1 18.0 15.9 BH12017-07 7/26/2017 9:35 2294099 42388 16.3 4.0 -12.3 -29.0 16.7 14.4 Made 2 attempts, refusal encountered at BH12017-08 7/26/2017 6:31 2294521 42096 14.9 0.3 14.6 -27.1 12.5 11.0 12 5below sediment surface. second core retained ft = feet Notes NGVD 29 = National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 Coordinates were recorded in North American Datum of 1983, State Plane Coordinate System, North Carolina (Zone 3200), US Survey Feet. Elevation data collected using a Champion TKO GNSS receiver interfaced with the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station Network. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 �1--1EHA (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 15 The completed cores were opened longitudinally at Athena's core processing facility in McClellanville, South Carolina. The cores were logged in accordance with ASTM D 2487 (the Unified Soil Classification System) and were photographed after opening. Draft logs and photo -mosaic images of each core were provided to OAI for selection of sub -sample intervals for laboratory analysis. Once sample selections were received from OAI, Athena extracted and shipped the sub -samples to Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) in Jacksonville, Florida. Terracon is a USACE-certified geotechnical laboratory. One composite sample was collected from each core. The composite samples were analyzed in accordance with ASTM D 422 to determine grain size and soil classification, using the following sieve sizes: 3/4 in., 5/8 in., No. 3.5, No. 4, No. 5, No. 7, No. 10, No. 14, No. 18, No. 25, No. 35, No. 45, No. 60, No. 80, No. 120, No. 170, No. 200, and No. 230. The composite samples were also analyzed in accordance with the Twenhofel and Tyler (1941) acid digestion method to determine carbonate content percentages for each core. Vibracore logs were developed using gINT (Version 8.2), and laboratory analytical data were incorporated into the gINT project file for statistical evaluation. A tabular summary of grain size data is presented in Table 2. Core logs, photographs, sieve analysis curves, and grain size distribution data are included in Appendix A. Carbonate content data, as reported by Terracon, are included in Appendix B. Graphs depicting percent accessory components (i.e., carbonate, gravel, silt, etc.) and grain size distribution parameters (e.g., mean grain size, percent passing the No. 200 sieve, etc.) have been included as Appendix C. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ,o&X"EH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com 16 Table 2 Grain Size Data Summary Q a w ,O N N N C N N i i 0 ) N - C a aNyBoring _ N ID E N f $ C5 m m m " °C o r R� 2E r �$ ocn_ Zn a � � N N �N �0 NC YNN YO N 0 t7 xt xt U N V BH12017-01 COMP 0.0 10.7 SP 0.00 3.08 2.90 4.4 2.54 0.17 2.67 0.14 0.61 -1.75 8.33 BH12017-02 COMP 0.0 11.3 SP 0.00 2.12 1.96 4.7 2.37 0.19 2.56 0.16 0.72 -1.72 7.12 BH12017-03 COMP 0.0 10.2 SP 0.38 1.16 1.14 7.2 1.77 0.29 2.00 0.27 0.98 -1.45 6.07 BH12017-04 COMP 0.0 10.5 SP 1.35 3.08 2.87 6.2 2.41 0.19 2.65 0.14 1.02 -3.35 16.36 BH12017-05 COMP 0.0 9.1 SP 1.11 1.32 1.20 8.2 2.27 0.21 2.58 0.16 1.04 -2.75 12.55 BH12017-06 COMP 0.0 9.9 SP 0.29 1.52 1.45 4.1 2.30 0.20 2.53 0.16 0.79 -2.40 12.41 BH12017-07 COMP 0.0 11.7 SP 0.10 1.31 1.23 5.5 2.33 0.20 2.57 0.15 0.83 -2.10 8.56 BH12017-08 COMP 0.0 9.4 SP 0.34 1.44 1.34 6.4 2.16 0.22 2.49 0.17 0.97 -1.95 7.70 = Defined as the sample fraction which is retained on the Number 4 sieve (i.e., greater than 4.75 millimeters). f23 = Percent carbonate determined using the Twenhofel and Tyler (1941) acid digestion method. Notes ft bss = feet below sediment surface USCS = Unified Soil Classification System mm = millimeters 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 A47 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIE5. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 17 Section 2: Discussion The vibracore study area (depicted on Figure 1) was located approximately 1.5 miles to the west southwest of Bald Head Island, near the entrance to the Cape Fear River. More specifically, the vibracores were positioned to the southwest of Jay Bird Shoals, which is an intertidal to subaqueous linear sand ridge located northwest of the Cape Fear River main channel. The mean tidal range at the study area is approximately 4.5 feet, and tidal current velocities in the channel adjacent to the study area range from 0.5 to greater than 1.5 knots during peak tidal exchange periods (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Water depths at the sample locations within the study area ranged from 14.3 to 16.3 feet and sediment surface elevations ranged from -10.4 to -14.9 feet NGVD 29. In general, the maximum penetration depth achieved while vibracoring decreased with increasing sediment surface elevation. The increase in density at the shallower sample locations is likely caused by a greater exposure to higher energy wave action at those locations. As a result, vibracore penetration depths ranged from 12.5 feet to 21 feet below sediment surface in the study area; core termination depths ranged from -22.9 to -34.9 feet NGVD 29. It should be noted that the relatively shallow nature of the study area, in conjunction with the study area's exposure to open ocean processes (e.g., wave refraction), resulted in amplified wave heights and variable wave directions at the sample locations. The wave action within the study area caused the vessel to pitch and surge in a non-uniform manner, which made safety an overriding concern during vibracore operations. All reasonable efforts were made to collect vibracores from the desired locations while minimizing risk to crew and equipment. The composite sediment samples were collected to a depth of -24 feet NGVD 29 for each of the cores.' Laboratory analytical data indicates that the clastic (i.e., non -shell) fraction in each core was predominantly fine to medium -grained, poorly graded quartz sand. The average mean grain size for all composite samples was 0.21 millimeters (mm). Carbonate percentages from all composite samples ranged from 4.1 percent to 8.2 percent, with an average of 5.8 percent. In general, the fine-grained content (i.e., silt and clay -sized sediment) was less than 3.1 percent in each of the composite samples collected from site wide cores. 1 The composite samples for BH12017-02 and BH12017-03 were collected to the bottom of each core, which correlated to depths of -23.2 feet and -20.6 feet NGVD 29, respectively. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4410. McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 'TFIEH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 18 Tidal bedding and silt -lined burrows were commonly observed in the surficial sand layer for each core. A majority of the bioclastic material in the cores was comprised of fragmented marine bivalve shells, and the percentage of bioclastic material generally increased with depth in the surficial sand layer. Cores BH12017-01, -02, B-04, and -08 terminated in a sediment interval with an increased percentage of fine-grained material (i.e., greater than 5 percent but less than 15 percent). The elevation of the finer -grained interval in the abovementioned cores ranged from -22.5 feet to -24.9 feet NGVD 29. In general, the grain size distribution curves for each of the sediment samples correlate well, which indicates relatively uniform sediment characteristics (to a depth of -24' NGVD 29) at the eight sample locations. 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 AX"F:H14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Page 19 Section 3: References ASTM D422-63. Standard Test Method for Particle -Size Analysis of Soils, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2007. ASTM D2487-06. Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System), ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2008. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Tide Predictions for Station ID: 8658901 (Bald Head Island, Cape Fear River, NC). Obtained from: https:Htidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/noaatidepredictions.htm I?id=8658901. Accessed on 10 August 2017. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Current Predictions for Station ID: CFR1626 (Bald Head Shoal). Obtained from: https:Htidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/noaacurrents/Predictions?id=CFR1626. Accessed on 10 August 2017. Twenhofel, W.H. and Tyler S.A. (1941). Methods of Study of Sediments, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 183 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 ,o&X"EH14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Appendix A: Core Photographs, Logs, Sieve Analysis Curves, and Grain Size Data 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 AX"F:H14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC- www.athenatechnologies.com 1 2 ,k] e 5 E:3 5 w'-' 1 O w n 11 = 16 12 - 17 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina 13 18 July 2017 BH12017-01 Notes: Scale in Feet 14 Photo Mosaic Image 19 ASH E "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 15 www.athenatechnologies.com 20 (843) 887-3800 Page A-1 Boring Designation BH12017-01 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION' LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-01 i X = 2,293,127 Y = 41,872 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 15.4 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING 'STARTED 'COMPLETED ® VERTICAL 'VERTICAL ' Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING � 07-26-17 08:29 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -13.3 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 15.6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 18.0 Ft. A. Freeze G QW Od ELEV. (ft) SCALE (ft) w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. CQ REMARKS -13.3 0.0 ma Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to -14.2 0.9 medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, light olive gray (5Y-6/2), SP . Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in laminations, rip -up clasts, and (laser beds, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, color grades to gray (5Y 5/1) from, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 10.7' Mean (mm): 0. 17, Phi Sorting: 0.61 Carbonate: 4.4%, Fines (#200) - 3.08 (SP) -19.0 5.7 O v Sandy SILT, little fine quartz SAND in laminations and burrows, trace finesand-size shell, soft, dark gray(5Y-4/1), ML . Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in laminations, rip -up clasts, and (laser beds, trace fine to -21.4 8.1 medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, gray (5Y-5/1),(SP). 22.0 8.7 Sandy SILT, little fine quartz SAND in laminations and burrows, trace fine sand -size shell, soft, dark gray(5Y-4/1), ML . Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows and rip -up clasts, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, olive -24.5 11.2 gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). -24.9 11.6 Fine to medium quartz SAND, little fine to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1),(SP). Fine to medium quartz SAND, few silt in burrows and laminations, trace fine to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, very dark gray (5Y-3/1), (SP -SM). -28.9 15.6 End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-2 at -5 ME -15 -20 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v m rn .� m 60 40 T m T 7 N 50 50 N � rn o U 40 60 o a� U) a ° 30 70 w 0 J LL a 20 80 c� > 10 J 90 Z 0 100 0 Q 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-01 #COMP 1 24.0 SP #z°o - 2.90 4.40 2.67 2.54 -1.75 8.33 0.61 Protect Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation } Comments: Sample Interval = 0 - 10.7' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,127 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 41,872 Q /ILsw"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Gravel Sand Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-3 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-10.7 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-01 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: Sand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace silt SP 5Y 6/3 Tare Weight, (g): 49.52 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 160.35 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 #7 2.800 0.02 99.98 #10 2.000 0.11 99.90 #14 1.400 0.36 99.68 #18 1.000 0.61 99.45 #25 0.710 1.45 98.69 #35 0.500 3.10 97.20 #45 0.355 6.34 94.28 #60 0.250 14.99 86.47 #80 0.180 37.23 66.41 #120 0.125 90.30 18.52 #170 0.090 106.39 4.01 #200 0.075 107.42 3.08 #230 0.063 107.62 2.90 Page A-4 a.i ANI I AMI WWI low 11n 12 13 14 15 Page A-5 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-02 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> AWH p- "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 DUI Illy LJe511y.1lduUll DrIILU I /-UL DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION : LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-02 i X = 2,293,512 Y = 42,296 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES Athena Technologies, Inc. 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan laminations, poorly graded, loose, subangular, End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-6 Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 11.3' Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 0.72 Carbonate: 4.7%, Fines (#200) - 2.12 (SP) O U IN 15 14. WATER DEPTH 15.1 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, :STARTED :COMPLETED ® VERTICAL :VERTICAL : Q INCLINED � � DATE BORING 15. : 07-26-17 09:05 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -11.9 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 11.3 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 13.0 Ft. A. Freeze fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, 2.5 - 3.1' = silt -lined LU ELEV. SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % Os REMARKS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. CQ -11.9 0.0 to light olive gray (5Y 6/2) from, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). ma 8.8 laminations, poorly graded, loose, subangular, End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-6 Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 11.3' Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 0.72 Carbonate: 4.7%, Fines (#200) - 2.12 (SP) O U IN 15 Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). -14.0 2.1 Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, 2.5 - 3.1' = silt -lined Callianassa major burrow, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). -17.9 6.0 Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, trace silt, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, color grades • to light olive gray (5Y 6/2) from, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). -20.7 8.8 Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows and laminations, trace fine sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). laminations, poorly graded, loose, subangular, End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-6 Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 11.3' Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 0.72 Carbonate: 4.7%, Fines (#200) - 2.12 (SP) O U IN 15 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v m 0 .� m 60 40 T m T 7 N 50 50 2 W � 0 o U 40 60 o U) L a ° 30 70 w 0 J LL a 20 80 c� > 10 J 90 Z 0 100 o a 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU Gravel Sand x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-02 #COMP 1 -23.2 SP #2g0 :t96 4.70 2.56 2.37 -1.72 7.12 0.72 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation of } Comments: Sample Interval = 0 -11.3' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,512 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 42,296 /ILs Q w"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Page A-7 Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-7 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-11.3 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-02 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 46.08 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 152.82 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 #4 4.750 0.00 100.00 #5 4.000 0.00 100.00 #7 2.800 0.04 99.96 #10 2.000 0.19 99.82 #14 1.400 0.66 99.38 #18 1.000 1.56 98.54 #25 0.710 3.53 96.69 #35 0.500 6.14 94.25 #45 0.355 9.74 90.88 #60 0.250 20.84 80.48 #80 0.180 48.36 54.69 #120 0.125 93.45 12.45 #170 0.090 103.92 2.64 #200 0.075 104.48 2.12 #230 0.063 104.65 1.96 Page A-8 On a.i ANI I AMI 11 7 12 8 13 AMI 501 low 14 15 Page A-9 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-03 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> A� H E IyA TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Boring Designation BH12017-03 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION' LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-03 i X = 2,293,771 Y = 42,688 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 14.3 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING 'STARTED 'COMPLETED ® VERTICAL 'VERTICAL ' Q INCLINED � � DATE BORING 15. � 07-26-17 10:05 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -10.4 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 10.2 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.5 Ft. A. Freeze G QW ELEV. SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % Od REMARKS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. CQ -10.4 0.0 ma Medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, color grades to olive gray (5Y 5/2) from, olive gray (5Y-4/2), (SP). Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 10.2' Mean (mm): 0.29, Phi Sorting: 0.98 Carbonate: 7.2%, Fines (#200) - 1.16 (SP) O U 17.5 7.1 Fine to medium quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows (primarily between 7.4 - 7.6), trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). -20.6 10.2 . ' End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-10 at -5 ME -15 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 (D a 0 60 (D 40 D 50 50 2 0 (*D 40 60 o 2 U) U) EL 0 170 of 30 0- H LL n 20 80 0 10 90 oH — ..... .... 100 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters LU Gravel Sand a: Silt and Clay Coarse -- F Fine — CoarseT Medium Fine < U) 0 Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS � % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Kurt 1: Sort Sample Information a: u) BH12017-03 #COMP 1 -20.6 Sp �100-11.116� #230 - 4 7.20 2 1.77 -1.45 6.07 0.98 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation Comments: Sample Interval= 0-10.2' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 U) Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,771 U) Athena Technologies, Inc. 4* 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 42,688 < < 'Aw"IEM1111k McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN O LOGIES, IN Ci Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD29 LU U) I Page A-11 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-10.2 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-03 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 49.41 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 164.28 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.40 99.65 #4 4.750 0.44 99.62 #5 4.000 0.51 99.56 #7 2.800 1.03 99.10 #10 2.000 1.85 98.39 #14 1.400 3.54 96.92 #18 1.000 6.68 94.18 #25 0.710 12.93 88.74 #35 0.500 20.41 82.23 #45 0.355 31.26 72.79 #60 0.250 57.68 49.79 #80 0.180 89.36 22.21 #120 0.125 111.17 3.22 #170 0.090 113.41 1.27 #200 0.075 113.54 1.16 #230 0.063 113.56 1.14 Page A-12 1 2 ,k] e 5 E:3 5 w'-' 10 10 11 12 15 16 17 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina 134 18 Jul 207 y BH12017-04 Notes: Scale in Feet 14 19 Photo Mosaic Image ASH E "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 15 20 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Page A-13 Boring Designation BH12017-04 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION' LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-04 X = 2,293,117 Y = 41,400 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 15.4 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING 'STARTED 'COMPLETED ® VERTICAL 'VERTICAL ' Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING � 07-26-17 08:00 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -13.5 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 20.1 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 21.0 Ft. A. Freeze G QW Od ELEV. SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % REMARKS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. CQ -13.5 0.0 ma Fine to medium quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows and laminations (primarily at 3.8'), trace fine sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, 2.4 - 3.4' = silt -lined Callianassa major burrows, color grades to gray (5Y 5/1) from, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 10.5' -18.3 4.8 2 Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 1.02 Carbonate: 6.2°k, Fines (#200) - 3.08 (SP) Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows and laminations, trace fine sand -size shell, poorly O -20.1 6.6 '.' ' graded, loose, subangular, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). v Sandy SILT, some fine quartz sand in -21.0 7.5 laminations and layers, trace organic silt, soft, low plasticity,dark olive gray (5Y-3/2 ML. Fine quartz SAND, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, trace silt, poorly graded, loose, 22.9 9.4 subangular, gray (5Y-5/1),(SP). -23.4 9.9 Fine quartz SAND, few silt in burrows, trace fine to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose subangular, dark gray (5Y-4/1),(SP-SM). Medium quartz SAND, little fine sand to fine gravel -size shell, few silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, color grades to gray (5Y 5/1) from, very dark gray (5Y-3/1), (SP -SM). -29.0 15.5 Fine to medium quartz SAND, few silt in burrows, laminations and layers, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, 18.6' = wood fragment, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP -SM). -33.6 20.1 End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-14 at -5 ME -15 24111 -25 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v m rn m 60 40 T m T 7 N 50 50 N W � 0 o U 40 60 o 2 3 U a ° 30 70 w 0 J LL a 20 80 c� > 10 90 z :.; 100 0 Q 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU Gravel Sand x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-04 #COMP 1 -24.0 SP #zso - 2. 8$ 6.20 2.65 2.41 -3.35 16.36 1.02 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation of } Comments: Sample Interval= 0-10.5' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,117 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 41,400 /ILs Q w"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Page A-15 Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-15 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0- 10.5' Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-04 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 49.91 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 163.99 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 1.12 99.02 #4 4.750 1.54 98.65 #5 4.000 2.04 98.21 #7 2.800 2.52 97.79 #10 2.000 3.00 97.37 #14 1.400 3.62 96.83 #18 1.000 4.29 96.24 #25 0.710 5.35 95.31 #35 0.500 6.56 94.25 #45 0.355 8.44 92.60 #60 0.250 15.47 86.44 #80 0.180 40.25 64.72 #120 0.125 94.55 17.12 #170 0.090 109.54 3.98 #200 0.075 110.57 3.08 #230 0.063 110.81 2.87 Page A-16 1 2 ,k] e 5 OR 10 11 15 16 17 if"] 19 10nJ 15v 20 Page A-17 1-1 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-05 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> AWH p- "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Boring Designation BH12017-05 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION' LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-05 X = 2,293,676 Y = 41,730 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 15.3 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING 'STARTED 'COMPLETED ® VERTICAL 'VERTICAL ' Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING � 07-26-17 07:05 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -14.9 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 17.1 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. A. Freeze G QW Od ELEV. SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % REMARKS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. CQ -14.9 0.0 ma Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, olive gray (5Y-5/2), -16.7 1.8 (SP). Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, laminations, and (laser beds, trace fine sand -size shell, poorly graded, subangular, gray Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 9.1' (5Y-5/1), (SP). Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 1.04 Carbonate: 8.2%, Fines (#200) - 1.32 (SP) -19.8 4.9 O v Fine to medium quartz SAND, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, -21.4 6.5 olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). Fine to medium quartz SAND, few medium sand to fine gravel -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, subrounded, 8.1' _ coarse gravel -size clam shell, olive gray -23.5 8.6 (5Y-4/2), (SP). Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, trace fine to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, -24.8 9.9 .. loose, subangular, gray (5Y-6/1), (SP). Fine to medium, grading to medium, quartz SAND, little medium sand to fine gravel -size shell, trace silt in burrows and laminations (primarily between 12.4 - 13.0'), poorly graded, loose, subrounded, 12.5' = coarse gravel -size clam shell, olive gray (5Y-4/2), (SP). -29.5 14.6 -29.9 15.0 Interbedded SILT (ML), silty SAND (SM), and fine quartz SAND (SP), trace fine to medium sand -size shell, loose/soft, very dark gray 5Y-3/1 (SM). Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, trace fine sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, -32.0 17.1 suban ular, gray (5Y-5/1 (SP). End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-18 at -5 ME -15 -20 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 k,10 80 20 70 30 v m rn .� m 60 40 T m T 7N 50 50 2 W � m o U 40 60 o 2 U 3 U a ° 30 70 w 0 J LL a 20 80 c� > 10 90 U Z 0 _ _ -T—P..:::::::.::::::::.::::::. 100 o Q 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU Gravel Sand x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-05 #COMP 1 -24.0 SP #zso :20 8.20 2.58 2.27 -2.75 12.55 1.04 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation of } Comments: Sample Interval = 0-9.1' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,676 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 41,730 /ILs Q w"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Page A-19 Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-19 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-9.1 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-05 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 49.62 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 167.58 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 1.16 99.02 #4 4.750 1.31 98.89 #5 4.000 1.78 98.49 #7 2.800 2.09 98.23 #10 2.000 2.72 97.69 #14 1.400 3.63 96.92 #18 1.000 4.84 95.90 #25 0.710 6.92 94.13 #35 0.500 10.12 91.42 #45 0.355 15.31 87.02 #60 0.250 24.75 79.02 #80 0.180 50.37 57.30 #120 0.125 103.79 12.01 #170 0.090 115.65 1.96 #200 0.075 116.40 1.32 #230 0.063 116.54 1.20 Page A-20 a.i ANI 3'I �Ml WWI v -i 5 M'-' 1 O w u 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15.Q 20 Page A-21 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-06 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> A� H E IyA TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 Boring Designation BH12017-06 DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION' LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-06 i X = 2,293,879 Y = 42,117 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan 14. WATER DEPTH 15.2 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING 'STARTED 'COMPLETED ® VERTICAL 'VERTICAL ' Q INCLINED i i 15. DATE BORING � 07-26-17 07:31 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -14.1 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 15.9 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 18.0 Ft. A. Freeze G QW Od ELEV. (ft) SCALE (ft) w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. CQ REMARKS -14.1 0.0 ma Fine quartz SAND, few fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, -15.6 1.5 subangular, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, laminations, and rip -up clasts, trace fine to Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 9.9' medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.79 subangular, 2.0 - 2.3' = silt -lined Callianassa a Carbonate: 4.1 %, Fines (#200) - 1.52 (SP) major burrow, color grades to gray (5Y 5/1) from, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). U -21.4 7.3 ' Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). 23.4 9.3 Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, -24.9 10.8 loose, subangular, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, trace silt, poorly graded, -26.2 12.1 loose, subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). Fine quartz SAND, few silt in burrows and laminations, poorly graded, loose, subangular, dark gray (5Y-4/1), (SP -SM). -27.811 13 7 Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, trace silt in burrows, laminations, and rip -up clasts, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, color grades to very dark -30.0 15.9 '.' gray (5Y 3/1) from, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-22 at -5 ME -15 -20 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MTT 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v m . rn m 60 40 T m T 7 N 50 50 2 � o U 40 60 o 2 3 U a ° 30 a 70 w 0 LL a 20 80 c� 10-T 90 z H H 0 100 o a 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-06 #COMP 1 24.0 SP #zso -1.45 4.10 2.53 2.3 -2.4 12.41 0.79 Protect Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation } Comments: Sample Interval = 0-9.9' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,293,879 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 42,117 Q /ILs r"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Gravel Sand Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-23 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-9.9 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-06 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 50.28 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 163.99 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.28 99.75 #4 4.750 0.33 99.71 #5 4.000 0.38 99.67 #7 2.800 0.52 99.54 #10 2.000 0.83 99.27 #14 1.400 1.38 98.79 #18 1.000 2.22 98.05 #25 0.710 4.05 96.44 #35 0.500 7.22 93.65 #45 0.355 12.60 88.92 #60 0.250 24.85 78.15 #80 0.180 53.82 52.67 #120 0.125 103.81 8.71 #170 0.090 111.56 1.89 #200 0.075 111.98 1.52 #230 0.063 112.06 1.45 Page A-24 a.i ANI I AMI E:l■1 low 11n 12V ME1 m -i 15 Page A-25 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-07 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> AWH p- "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 DUI Illy LJe511y.1lduUll DrIILU I 1-U/ DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION : LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-07 i X = 2,294,099 Y = 42,388 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES Athena Technologies, Inc. 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan -13.7 F 1.4 14. WATER DEPTH 16.3 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING -21.6 9.3 :STARTED :COMPLETED ® VERTICAL :VERTICAL : i , -23.8 Q INCLINED � � DATE BORING 15. : 07-26-17 09:35 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -12.3 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 14.4 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 16.7 Ft. A. Freeze ELEV. SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Cd XOQ REMARKS (ft) (ft)W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. 123 00 ma -13.7 F 1.4 i , -20.7 8.4 ' -21.6 9.3 i , -23.8 11.5 i 37 1d14 . . . Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, olive gray (5Y-5/2), (SP). Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows and (laser beds, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, 1.7' _ silt -lined Callianassa major burrow, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). rine to mealUm quartz SANU, teW tine to medium sand -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, olive gray ne quartz SANU, trace Slit in 0urrows, trai fine sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). Fine to medium quartz SAND, few fine to coarse sand -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-26 Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 11.7' Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.83 Carbonate: 5.5%, Fines (#200) - 1.31 (SP) O U An -11 M 15 N PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v m rn .� m 60 40 T m T 7N 50 50 2 � o U 40 60 o U) L a ° 30 a 70 w 0 J LL n 20 1 1 1 1 1 180 c� 10 IH 90 U Z 01 100 0 a 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU Gravel Sand x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-07 #COMP 1 -24.0 SP #2g0 - 1. 23 5.50 2.57 2.33 -2.1 8.56 0.83 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation of } Comments: Sample Interval = 0-11.7' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,294,099 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 42,388 /ILs Q w"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Page A-27 Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-27 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-11.7 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-07 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 48.99 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 172.29 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.00 100.00 #4 4.750 0.12 99.90 #5 4.000 0.16 99.87 #7 2.800 0.53 99.57 #10 2.000 0.96 99.22 #14 1.400 1.79 98.55 #18 1.000 3.44 97.21 #25 0.710 6.32 94.87 #35 0.500 9.43 92.35 #45 0.355 13.45 89.09 #60 0.250 24.81 79.88 #80 0.180 54.07 56.15 #120 0.125 110.37 10.49 #170 0.090 121.13 1.76 #200 0.075 121.68 1.31 #230 0.063 121.78 1.23 Page A-28 1 2 3 e 5 7 E:1 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page A-29 Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 BH12017-08 Notes: Scale in Feet Photo Mosaic Image <a> AWH p- "Alk TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Athena Technologies, Inc. 1293 Graham Farm Road McClellanville, SC 29458 www.athenatechnologies.com (843) 887-3800 DUI Illy LJe511y.1lduUll DrIILU I 1-UO DRILLING LOG CLIENT PROJECT OWNER SHEET 1 Olsen Associates, Inc. of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Bald Head Island, North Carolina NC State Plane NAD 1983 NGVD 29 2. BORING DESIGNATION : LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER BH12017-08 X = 2,294,521 Y = 42,096 Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES Athena Technologies, Inc. 1 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES P. McClellan -15.1 M z-24.1 F' 0.5 14. WATER DEPTH 14.9 Ft. 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING :STARTED :COMPLETED ® VERTICAL :VERTICAL : n Q INCLINED � � DATE BORING 15. : 07-26-17 06:31 07-26-17 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -14.6 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 11 Ft. L • 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.5 Ft. A. Freeze J -23.1 8.5 5 ELEV. i J SCALE w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS 9.5 Cd XOQ REMARKS (ft) (ft)W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. 146 00 ma -15.1 M z-24.1 F' 0.5 b ' n Y L LI J L ' L • -22.1 7.5 ' J J -23.1 8.5 5 i J 9.5 ylxy -ine to medium quartz SANU, tew medium t( coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subrounded. aravish brown (2.5Y-5/2). (SP) Fine quartz SAND, trace silt in burrows, laminations, and flaser beds, trace fine to medium sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, subangular, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). edium quartz SANU, tew medium sand to tine gravel -size shell, trace silt in burrows, poorly graded, loose, subrounded, grayish brown (2.5Y-5/2), (SP). Fine to medium quartz SAND, few medium sand to fine gravel -size shell, trace silt in burrows, trace coarse quartz sand, poorly graded, loose, subangular to subrounded, gray (5Y-5/1), (SP). Medium quartz SAND, few silt, trace medium to coarse sand -size shell, poorly graded, loose, 11.0 subrounded, dark olive gray (5Y-3/2), (SP -SM). End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Page A-30 Sample #COMP 1, Depth = 9.4' Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.97 Carbonate: 6.4%, Fines (#200) - 1.44 (SP) O U J IN 15 PHI Sieve Sizes -4.25 -4 -3 -2.25 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.75 4 Standard Sieve Sizes 3/45/8 5/16 4 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 200 230 Hydrometer 100 Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 v 60 0 40 m T m T 7 N 50 50 N W rn o 0 U 40 60 o U) a L ° 30 a 70 w 0 J LL a 20 80 c� 0 J 10 90 Z Z 0 100 0 Q 100 5 10 5 1 5 0.1 5 0.01 5 0.001 U) Millimeters 0 a LU Gravel Sand x 0 m U) J o Sample Symbol Elev. (ft) USCS % Fines % Organics % Carbonates Median Mean Skew Kurt Sort Sample Information o BH12017-08 #COMP 1 -24.0 SP #2g0 - 1.34 6.40 2.49 2.16 -1.95 7.7 0.97 Project Name: Jay Bird Shoals Geotechnical Evaluation of } Comments: Sample Interval = 0-9.4' Analysis Date: 08-03-17 a Depths and elevations based on measured values Analyzed By: CM 0 Fasting (X, ft): 2,294,521 Athena Technologies, Inc. Q 1293 Graham Farm Road Northing (Y, ft): 42,096 /ILs Q w"E�y� McClellanville, SC 29458 Horizontal System: NAD 1983 LU TEC HN i , IN . Office: 843-887-3800 Vertical System: NGVD 29 LU Page A-31 Silt and Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Page A-31 rracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists 9455 Florida Mining Blvd. West, Ste. 509 Jacksonville, Florida 32257 (904) 900-6494 (Tel) • (904) 268-5255 (Fax) GRAIN SIZE Project: Jay Bird Shoals Depth: 0-9.4 Project No.: EQ175068 Date: 8/3/2017 Boring No.: BH12017-08 Sample No.: Comp 1 Description: ISand, poorly graded, mostly medium to fine quartz, few carbonate, trace Tare Weight, (g): 50.38 Dry Wt. Before Washing (g): 181.35 (with tare) Dry Weight After Washing (g): (with tare) Sieve Size (Name) Sieve Size (mm) Weight Retained (g) % Passing 3/4" 19.000 0.00 100.00 5/8" 16.000 0.00 100.00 #3.5 5.600 0.32 99.76 #4 4.750 0.45 99.66 #5 4.000 0.59 99.55 #7 2.800 1.19 99.09 #10 2.000 1.51 98.85 #14 1.400 3.01 97.70 #18 1.000 5.86 95.53 #25 0.710 10.40 92.06 #35 0.500 15.63 88.07 #45 0.355 21.68 83.45 #60 0.250 34.73 73.48 #80 0.180 66.09 49.54 #120 0.125 120.99 7.62 #170 0.090 128.76 1.69 #200 0.075 129.08 1.44 #230 0.063 129.21 1.34 Page A-32 Appendix B: Terracon Carbonate Content Summary 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 AX"F:H14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC- www.athenatechnologies.com Irerracon Consulting Engineers &c Scientists Project Name: Project Number: Date: Carbonate Content Data Jay Bird Shoals EQ175068 8/4/2017 Station No. Sample No. Depth Range, Feet Tare No. Beaker No. Dry Sample Wt. Before After Percent Carbonate BH12017-01 Comp 1 0/10.7 1 10 157.17 150.23 4.4 BH12017-02 Comp 1 0/11.3 163 16 150.74 143.63 4.7 BH12017-03 Comp 1 0/10.2 145 11 162.99 151.30 7.2 BH12017-04 Comp 1 0/10.5 301 5 160.69 150.65 6.2 BH12017-05 Comp 1 0/9.1 299 12 166.18 152.60 8.2 BH12017-06 Comp 1 0/9.9 177 19 162.30 155.62 4.1 BH12017-07 Comp 1 0/11.7 79 2 170.82 161.35 5.5 BH12017-08 Comp 1 0/9.4 293 14 179.63 168.08 6.4 Tested By: CRM Sr. Reviewed By: TES Page B-1 Appendix C: Grain Size Data Summary Graphs 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 AX"F:H14 (843) 887-3800 TECHNOLOGIES, INC- www.athenatechnologies.com Appendix C Grain Size Data Summary Graphs Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 100 Percent Accessory Constituents 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.29 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.22 E 0.2 `-' N ++ v 10 0.0 N � a L 6.2 -0.2 8.2 N 4.7 7.2 1.35 6.4 -0.4 0.00 4.1 5.5 -0.6 0.00 3.08 3.08 1.11 0.29 0.34 -0.8 2.12 0.38 0.10 1.32 1.52 1.31 1.44 1 1.16 -1.0 BH12017-01 BH12017-02 BH12017-03 BH12017-04 BH12017-05 BH12017-06 BH12017-07 BH12017-08 % Silt % Gravel % Carbonate Mean Grain Size (mm) 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4^01 Page C-1 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 low" E HJR (843) 887-3800 T EC H N O LOG I E5. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Appendix C Grain Size Data Summary Graphs Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 Combined Grain Size Distribution Curves 100 80 t M 60 L LL 40 N v L a 20 0 19.00 16.00 5.60 4.75 4.00 2.80 2.00 1.40 1.00 0.71 0.50 0.36 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.06 Grain Size (millimeters) B H12017-01 B H12017-02 B H12017-03 B H12017-04 B H12017-05 B H12017-06 —BH12017-07 —BH12017-08 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4^01 Page C-2 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 low" E HJR (843) 887-3800 T EC H N O LOG I E5. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com Appendix C Grain Size Data Summary Graphs Olsen Associates, Inc. Jay Bird Shoals, Bald Head Island, North Carolina July 2017 Grain Size Distribution Statistics 1.2 20 15 1.0 — S 10 t O fA 0.8 to N O 5 N N_ CO 0.6 0 � •L rn N C7 i -5 3: y 0.4 Y CO -10 0.2 -15 0.0 L -20 B H12017-01 B H12017-02 B H12017-03 B H12017-04 B H12017-05 B H12017-06 B H12017-07 B H12017-08 Mean Grain Size (mm) _ Sorting (phi) Skewness Kurtosis 1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68 4^01 Page C-3 McClellanville, South Carolina 29458 low" E HJR (843) 887-3800 T EC H N O LOG I E5. INC. www.athenatechnologies.com