HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200281 Ver 1_PCN Form Submission_20200220DWR mrislon Of Water Re ..l Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No Change only if needed. BIMS # Assigned 20200281 Is a payment required for this project?* r No payment required r Fee received r Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office* Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Information for Initial Review 1a. Name of project: Little Beaver Creek Sewer Ia. Who is the Primary Contact?* Jeff Harbour 1b. Primary Contact Email:* jeff.harbour@terracon.com Date Submitted 2/20/2020 Nearest Body of Water Little Beaver Creek Basin Cape Fear Water Classification WS-IV; NSW Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.6929-78.9287 A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Wake Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: V Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r- Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1 b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? V Nationwide Permit (NWP) r- Regional General Permit (RGP) r- Standard (IP) Version#* 1 What amout is owed?* r $240.00 r $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Stephanie Goss:eads\szgoss 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (919)805-4208 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? r Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 12 - Utility Lines NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: fJ 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Individual Permit r 401 Water Quality Certification - Express r Riparian Buffer Authorization le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: r Yes r No For the record onlyfor Corps Permit: r Yes r No 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? r Yes r No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? r Owner W Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* r Yes r No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: George Heelan, Pulte Home Company, LLC and Robert and Judy Olive 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Responsible party: 2d.Address Street Address 3120 Olive Farm Road and 2701 Old US Hwy 1 Address tine 2 City Sate / Province / legion Apex NC Postal / Zip Code C—try 27502 USA 2e. Telephone Number: 2f. Fax Number: (919)805-4208 2g. Email Address:* jim@keystonetitienc.com 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Name: Andy Ross 3b. Business Name: Shaddox Creek Developers, LLC 3c.Address Street Address 4201 Taylor Hall Place Address Line 2 aty Chapel Hill Postal / Zip Code 27517 3d. Telephone Number: (919)703-6203 3f. Email Address:* andrevwoss647@gmaii.com 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: Jeff Harbour 4b. Business Name: ESVTerracon 4c.Address Street Address 4901 Trademark Drive Address Line 2 city Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27610 4d. Telephone Number: (919)212-1760 4f. Email Address:* jeff.harbour@terracon.com Agent Authorization Letter* agent auth.pdf C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Apex 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: see attached ROE forms 2c. Project Address Street Address Address Line 2 City Postal / Zip Code 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Little Beaver Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* WS-IV; NSW State / Province / legion North Carolina Country USA 3e. Fax Number: State / Province / legion North Carolina Caxrtry Wake 4e. Fax Number: 2b. Property size: State / Province / legion Country 65.82KB 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Cape Fear 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030300020609 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The eAsting site conditions consist of wooded and open areas that lie generally parallel to Little Beaver Creek. The area consist primarily of upland areas with several small wetlands and streams. The land use in the vicinity of the project consist of primarily residential developments and undeveloped land. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 7 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 4,000 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to construct a sewer line along Little Beaver Creek. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* A sanitary sewer line will be installed inside of a dedicated 40-foot wide easement. The line will be installed by trenching and temporary impacts to 0.33 acre of PSS, PEM and PFO wetlands 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. wetland and stream impact figures for PCN.pdf 3.35MB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No C Unknown Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved r Not Verified r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Jeff Harbour Agency/Consultant Company: ESI/Terracon Other: 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes r No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): W Wetlands W Streams -tributaries W Buffers r Open Waters r Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts 2a1 Reason (?) 2b. Impact type td. W. name * 2e. Forested* 2f. Type of J12g. Jurisdicition*(?) Impact area* 1 clearing for easement T NON-NCWAM TYPES unnamed No Both 0.010 (acres) 2 clearing for easement T Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh unnamed No Both 0.010 (acres) 3 clearing for easement T Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh unnamed No Both 0.007 (acres) 4 clearing for easement T Bottomland Hardwood Forest unnamed Yes Both 0.020 (acres) 5 clearing for easement T Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh unnamed No Both 0.007 (acres) 6 clearing for easement T Bottomland Hardwood Forest unnamed Yes Both 0.003 (acres) easement and sewer T Bottomland Hardwood Forest unnamed Yes Both 0.150 line (acres) 8 easement and sewer T Bottomland Hardwood Forest unnamed Yes Both 0.030 line (acres) and sewer T NON-NCWAM TYPES unnamed Both 0(ac =Faes.ment E-] es) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.317 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.317 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.000 2h. Comments: wetlands will be hand cleared to prep the area for the installation of the sewer line. Wetland areas will be returned to pre -construction contours and re - vegetated. Forested wetlands account for 0.2 acre of the temporary impact. Non -forested wetlands (PSS and PEM) account for the remaining 0.11 acre of the temporary impact. 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.lmpact type * 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream Type * 3f. Type of 3g. S. width* 3h. Impact ❑ (?) Jurisdiction" length" S1 1 Tem orar P Y Other Little Beaver Creek Perennial Both 11 54 Average (feet) (linearfeet) 3Y 2 Temporary Other LINT to Little Beaver Creek Perennial Both 1Average 7(li (feet) �rfeet) S3 3 Temporary Other LINT to Little Beaver Creek Intermittent BothJE� 1Avenge 43nearfe�) (feet) 4 Tem ora P ry Other UNIT to Little Beaver Creek Perennial Both 20 41 Avenge(feet) (lir�rfcet) 31. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 0 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 209 31. Total temporary stream impacts: 209 3j. Comments: The total impact length for each crossing is a conservative estimate and the actual disturbance will very likely be considerably less. Stream bed and bank will be returned to pre-epsting contours after the sewer line is installed. 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) 6a. Project is in which protect basin(s)? Check all that apply. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Goose Creek ® Jordan Lake ❑ Other 6b. Impact Type 6c. Per or Temp 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact 6g. Zone 2 impact �Isewer easement lip 111-ittle Beaver Creek 1No 1112,985 1121,647 1 6h. Total buffer impacts: ..... ......... ......... ........... Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Temporary impacts: 0.00 0.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Permanent impacts: 12,985.00 21,647.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total combined buffer impacts: 12,985.00 21,647.00 61. Comments: Authorization for the proposed buffer impacts will be requested from the Town of Apex via a No Practical Alternatives application Supporting Documentation LBC Buffer Impacts.pdf 2.5MB E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The route of the sewer line has been carefully evaluated by the engineer and consultant to minimize impacts to wetlands and WOUS as much as practicable. The alignment has been reviewed and accepted by the Town of Apex 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: All applicable ESC measures will be put in place and maintained according to current regulations. Cleared areas will be immediately re -vegetated as required by regulations. Spoil material will be placed in upland areas and dexcess material will be removed from the project site 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? r Yes r No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: Wetlands and stream bed/banks will be returned to pre -construction contours F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes r No What type of SCM are you providing? C Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) [ Other SCM that removes minimum 30 % nitrogen 17 Proposed project will not create concentrated stormvrater flow through the buffer Diffuse Flow Documentation 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15ANCAC 02H .1003(2)? r Yes r No Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? * r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The sewer line will serve the Friendship Station development that has already been reviewed and approved by Apex and current 404/401 permitting is being researched by the developer and consultant. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* r Yes r Nor WA 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes r No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Raleigh 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1.8? r Yes r No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* r Yes r No r Unknown 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? r Yes r No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? Onsite surveys by ESI staff, USFWS IPaCS review and NC Natural Heritage Program data Consultation Documentation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r Yes r No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* EFH Mapper 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r Yes r No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* NCSHPO and OSA records review and online SHPO GIS mapping 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* r Yes r No 81b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: the project meets FEMA requirements because it is a temporary impact to the floodplain where sanitary sewer will be installed but no permanent grading will take place associated with this project and therefore shall not effect the 100-year floodplain elevation. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA flood maps Miscellaneous Comments Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Right of Entry - Hasten (Signed).pdf 639.75KB Right of Entry - Olive (Signed).pdf 755.94KB Right of Entry - Pulte (Signed).pdf 778.45KB Signature * ® By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Jeff Harbour Signature [le`�`ailllwt Date 2/20/2020 USACE/NCDWR Agent Authorization Form Property/Site: Little Beaver Creek Sewer Outfall Address of Site: Little Beaver Creek Apex NC Parcel Identification Number (PIN): �1011;1� Owner Information: Name: AJv 05sG%('l�/� Address: l -l c v Rae zf�— a„� V 1.i-1 I Ai c a'�<i-7 Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Property Owner Certification: I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and/ or the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on -site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S (WOTUS) subject to Federal/State jurisdiction under Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Terracon, as designated by the current property owner, is the authorized consultant to coordinate, schedule, and provide supplemental information to both agencies in support of this verification and/or permit application. Property Owner Signature: ( ' Date: 02-11 - Terracon Consultants Inc. 2401 Brentwood Road, Suite 107, Raleigh, NC 28208-3608 P:919-873-2211 F:919-873-9555 terraoon.com NORTH CAROLINA RIGHT OF ENTRY WAKE COUNTY This Right of Entry is executed this 0 day of April, 2018 by George Heelan, as Trustee of the Carol B. Heelan Irrevocable Trust Dated December 17, 2012 ("Heelan" ). WHEREAS, Friendship Station Developers, LLC (the "Developer' } and the Town of Apex (the "Town") are seeking to investigate certain parcels of land for the installation of a sanitary sewer line; and WHEREAS, Heelan is agreeable to provide the Developer, and its licensees and contractors, access to the Heelan property (the "Pro '), as shown on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, under the terms and conditions stated herein so that the above referenced investigation may proceed; and NOW, THEREFORE, Heelan does hereby grant and freely give without coercion, the right of access and entry to the Property on the terms and conditions as stated below. 1. Access and Entry. The Developer and the Town, and their contractors and licensees, may enter the Property for the purposes of conducting on -site investigations for the purpose of gathering information on the proposed sanitary sewer. 2. No Conveyance of Title. This Right of Entry does not convey to the Developer or the Town any title or ownership in the Property. 3. Assumption of Liability. The Developer, the Town and its contractors and licensees, enter upon the Property at their own risk and assume all risks related to their entrance onto the Property. George Heelan, as Trustee of the Carol B. Heelan Irrevocable Trust Dated December 17, 2012 George Heelan" Trustee \ !§_ - - ##]; »j § \))\S§ S®riz | \§) ;;;jj){\\({§�j j� - §\ )ai §tG : - -- __}(® )))\)/)))kk\k)k))k)ki}$\/\k)k � #�\ �{q ! NORTH CAROLINA RIGHT OF ENTRY WAKECOUNTY This Right of Entry is executed this 05 day of April, 2018 by Robert A. Olive and Judy H. Olive (the "Olives'. WHEREAS, Friendship Station Developers, LLC (the "Developer's and the Town of Apex (the "Town') are seeking to investigate certain parcels of land for the installation of a sanitary sewer line; and WHEREAS, the Olives are agreeable to provide the Developer, and its licensees and contractors, access to the Olives' properly (the "ELopgM% as shown on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, under the terms and conditions stated herein so that the above referenced investigation may proceed; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Olives do hereby grant and freely give without coercion, the right of access and entry to the Property on the terms and conditions as stated below. 1. Access and Entry.. The Developer and the Town, and their contractors and licensees, may enter the Property for the purposes of conducting on -site investigations for the purpose of gathering information on the proposed sanitary sewer. 2. No Conveyance of Title. This Right of Entry does not convey to the Developer or the Town any title or ownership in the Property. 3. Assumption of Liability. The Developer, the Town and its contractors and licensees, enter upon the Property at their own risk and assume all risks related to their entrance onto the Property. 4. Indemnification. The Olives agree and warrant to indemnify and hold harmless the Developer, the Town and their contractors and licensees, and discharges and waives any action, either equitable or legal, that arise from the activities described above on the Property except in the case of negligence by the Developer, the Town and their contractors and licensees. Robert A. Olive g0j-�a • C7g,. Judy H. Olive MUMIT A Map of Property [TO BE ATTACHED} .` s L�.'�" {. t• j' "'��.a. +i c�i�,v����5 �i ',��.' 1. t . 'rt a �s41 %3� �7 �-} � "s ay..�p a�'•VR'ii"��ivl@SPa►F7tr::7�i n � w .!j - 4.. A { `r ••. ? rL I L jyrj. � 44 1 laiZ^,: U� a, ,.,: ',. .a.l ��_Y, S ✓ 'ta 1J3•x T �) �'Y l < ra��'yl„ � , � `t, Sri •P,pw '{�` 4 S AS � r c , �iP�Y f ♦.. �i�bs�u.cYa�. `,gar I p � sr 1 '0�• I�S w as : 4. .-. .,. •;.'s"r -"` -., i 1'-,� NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY This Right of Entry is executed this ("Pulte"). RIGHT OF ENTRY day of April, 2018 by Pulte Home Company, LLC WHEREAS, Friendship Station Developers, LLC (the "Developer") and the Town of Apex (the "Town") are seeking to investigate certain parcels of land for the installation of a sanitary sewer line; and WHEREAS, Pulte is agreeable to provide the Developer, and its licensees and contractors, access to Pulte's property (the "Property"), as shown on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, under the terms and conditions stated herein so that the above referenced investigation may proceed; and NOW, THEREFORE, Pulte does hereby grant and freely give without coercion, the right of access and entry to the Property on the terms and conditions as stated below. 1. Access and Entry. The Developer and the Town, and their contractors and licensees, may enter the Property for the purposes of conducting on -site investigations for the purpose of gathering information on the proposed sanitary sewer line. These services will be limited to surveyors, the engineers designing the proposed sanitary sewer line and environmental consultants looking at buffers and soil conditions. 2. No Conveyance of Title. This Right of Entry does not convey to the Developer or the Town any title or ownership in the Property. 3. Assumption of Liability. The Developer, the Town and its contractors and licensees, enter upon the Property at their own risk and assume all risks related to their entrance onto the Property. Pulte Home Company, LLC rr b� VW044 EXHIBIT A Map of Property [TO BE ATTACHED) PIN:0720053578 PIN Ext: 000 Real Estate ID: 0071205 Map Name: 0720 01 Owner: PULTE HOME COMPANY, LLC Mail Address 1: 1225 CRESCENT GRN STE 250 Mail Address 2: CARY NC 27518-8119 Mail Address 3: Deed Rook: 016792 Deed Page: 02460 Deed Date: 05/25/2017 Deed Acres: 102.91 Building Value: $0 Land Value: $4,116,400 Total Value: $4,116,400 Billing Class: Business Description: WOODBURY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT BM2018 -00327 Heat Area: 0 Site Address: 2701 OLD US 1 HWY City: APEX Township: Buckhom Year Built: 0 Sale Price: $0 Sale Date: Use Type: Design Style: Land Class: Vacant Old Parcel Number: -- A 0 430 860 1,720 ft 1 inch = 800 feet Disclaimer iMaps makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. However, the maps are produced for information purposes, and are NOT surveys. No warranties, expressed or implied ,are provided for the data therein, its use,or ks interpretation. STREAM CROSSING — BUFFER IMPACTSg8g CBSY4 Y� TOTAL ZONE I 12,985 5F$ g IMPACT g - — 1ggR"s — — FIUMIE OLIVE ROAD — I TOTAL ZONE 2 ❑❑ IMPACT 2 1 ,G47 5F o, $6= w / a� > �l• g_o�w TOTAL ZONE 3 N. G3,5G8 5F gas FUTURE IMPACT OwORPORME Y RT<M1�REoLLv RICIIARD50N P NONNVZ R-OW I SEi ROAD NOW OR FORtitERLV P NOw OR FORMERLv I I I PIN NO.: 0720-09-2078 ZONING: 140W H EWJ PROPERry USE: VACANT N NO.: 0720-15-1967 ZONING: R-90W I - Sf:VACNJT F NORTH CAROLINA 3 CONSERVATION EASEMEM I FRIENDSHIP STATION PUD i�B—2FG2G70 � I I�W ORFORMPR<� CAROL B BEEtAN IRREV 59 5 TRUST PIN NO.:Now R FO11- U5:51NGLE FA 11 R08ERTBJUGNH OU IN NO.: O"l20-IB-SC ZONING: R-0OW USE: 51NGLE PAMIU II II II II EA=MENT I c i EMA � PL�GPaN EXISTING 24 5=vr AND 40' T7 SE\vE - EASF_MtNT —�� V• \\ WOODBURY SUBDIVISION \\ I II II I I III FRIENDSHIP STATION PUD o -"' < —10-1 NO G2- G NINGAGA4N--OW I � I I 1 �o�3F o�oo� o Lil / I / I / / GRAPHIC SCALE �61 2,KSMM Sr. S1E OM roKKU2 APIK NC 2W OM= 91MV-1174 tl01C R0161 LU W LLI W (L/ Uz O U w� 0 O U IW CD LU 1 I'-500 1 WCN 1 FEBIZUARr 3. 2020 1 ZONE I IMPACT 111111111111111 . • ZONE 2 IMPACT ZONE 3 IMPACT U J 'c J m IL ZA / cid W E rn Z o 113 z CID lip� 2 / W / U azt N SALBA Sr. / sane am I /IVl h 18 PORE APEX NC VM ORlae 919.iB7-1174 RMon: P4H5l ZONE 3 BUFFER / n c^// o IMPACT: 12,479 SF 1� / / 1 ��� � �'` � � � / / / / � � Q LLJ Mh 110 i_ / � / / �' _ `W� ILl U / — J cz Q W or— LL Cl) A FEBRUARY 3, 2020 2 1444-5 t� 1-1 W.i i Ir a Q z ca w w v1 Z / v ® z Lu / W / ZUftO SURE OM PO BOX IW2 APEX NC VM offim 919-M-1174 RUm: P4)151 / \ / www,awenrrmn ZON I BUFF �—� / o I ACT) 3, 2 / \ W 10 >> 1 0 . / a A NIS L�/ LLJ LLJ 'z �c Z NE 2 FFER / \ �� � o IM A 197cz 7�/ -- —� -- �— >i i 1� j Wn W ZONE3 BUFFER / I / I o D IMPACT: 9,535� � � I W CD / I ' CD 11 13 I W -• -. ZONE I IMPACT ZONE 2 IMPACT E11:11A • __j a I' cpEl"=50' �,wtiWCN I A FEBRUARY 3, 2020 I I I I I I 3 1 1444-5 -• -. TOTAL���1�1•�•�•�•1 IMPACT 111111111111111 , TOTAL • IMPACT TOTAL• IMPACT �,A000, N 9/ ,00-' \ / �^01, \ \ ZONE 2 BUFFER � �� -J \ \ IMPACT: 4,300 SF \�p /\ \ \ \ -- I I - I I I L- 0 5 z - �61 Z,KSAM ST. SWEOM roKKU2 APIK1C2= Offim 91%W-1174 1: P-m1 I IL/ 11 L 0 L � U LU 5 L\ U Uz Z 0 U �L/ Lz w LL >� LL Wm m =50' 1 WCN 1 Ff FUARr 3. 2020 1 4 1 444-5 -• -. TOTAL ZONE I►•�'Oi'Oii'�' 11111111 IMPACTTOTA1�1�1�IA�1�1�1 -. ■■■I TOTAL• IMPACT • �! 100 YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAI N ZONE Z BUFFER IMPACT: � / / Pj�P� / i �� ❑ WER M 6 zoNL z / iMG30 / .6305E _ �b1PH., s: El18s6 „E BUFFER �r,�FAcr: 37877 SF E 11 BUFFER / zoNE _ cr: z.a i s sF� ZUNr \ BUFFER IMPACT: IMFAC'- 8.677 SF 2,9075 EX. M --- _ 0 BUFF R I ZONE 2 auFFER A ` ` I IMPACT: .600 MPACT: 2,223 SF \\\�� ��-� J / WOODBURY 5UBDIV1510N U J J W CL CL c) z_ — ca LOLS z 0 �W lip L �61 a1 K SNHA Sr.. suNE am PO BOK IW2 APEX NC 27M2 Offim 919-W-1174 R P-ml IL/ LLl LLJ V / LLI ^W LL C) Uz 0 U LU Q O W rn W J J It nQn L W LL LL NTs I WCN 1 FEBRUARr 3. 2020 1 5 1 444-5 OVERALL WETLAND 4 STREAM IMPACTS TOTAL TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 14,343 SF (0.33 AC) TOTAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 209 LF TEMPORARY I TEMPORARY STREAM I WETLAND I M PACT #4 I 1 M PACT #6 I s�CR3 R e sSsaa eg`,bekS Rd6i4 is>:g '� = ry , OLIVE ROAD — r g L — I °I f 3tu•? � ROB[DR roRMEN.r R.T!MIIOR1 K[71 rIN NO.: 0]20.19-]6]5 zd�ifw: R�-+aw I NOw ORIORM[RLY I H[Of a PROPERI,' ]zole-Isc] RN ZONING: R40W USG VACurt NOW DR roRMEP.Lv CARCL B M[LAI IRP2VUCPBLE riuST PW NO.: C-120-0�-59G5 MOW U:. •: _••1=. ZOxNIG: R-tCW ROBCRT.:- -' US[: 51NG1[ FnMRY plll ZO.I + II II it 11 -- TEMPORARY WETLAND , ,,,r�eM. IMPACT #7 _ f�(✓'_ TEMPO RY WETLAN'FACT — — ANAN,DTNG24+sex D 40 TOA TEMPORAR' EASEMENT ` WETLAND D WPACT #6 r W DBURY SUBDIVISION f TEMPORARY I STREAM IMPACT #3 / FUTURE RICt1ARD50N �E\ ROAD TEMPORA TEMPORARY FRIENDSNfP STATION PUD WETLAND ` WETLAND TEMPORARY IMPACT It i IMPACT #3 WETLAND IMPACT #2 m 11�VACN�, rye ^--JM J�! TEMPOAAF WETLAND / I IMPACT #4 T1 MPOPARYI STREAM iHV4TIDN [:l [M1IIM 5392. rG 2: ]O IMPACT # I MTEMPORA�NDSHIP STATION PUD WETLAND IMPACT #5 NOW CP.rCP.MERLY NDA BM.Kfk rOPMERl\ MIONKL L uIGEIA CUN[S ryN NO.: O]20-26-4696 lc ORfOPMf14Y MICHACL HALKH I TRU: HAPP.ISOII PIH ,ID.: Di20--91 2dII11G: r<aw use: s[wls runl� 2WlIelG: r 40W USE: SIIWL[ rM11LY r N ND.:OT20-269645 ZOIIInG: R4DW us[: swcle raMa, 'TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT #2 I I I I� I I� I i I I NOW UR fORMEFI I I OnnR1E9 R TnEOOOFE wNU[N PIN NO-1 O'/20>9-20]a ZONING: R-40W use: vnewr DI � If o�o�b =�oP� i i JOtliOR fORM[P1Y / l°n'. MAP,RIA HINSI£. PW ,10.: O'/20.3]-3932 ZONWG: R-IOw USG MOBNf HOME N VORFORk4R1Y 0 \ \ Rdlxa, MFDGE H O]2636 -49709]9 I \ ZUN 9E-\A[Nrt \ / Mmam sc m Gm !loom m ►FKIIC a mam 99i}-1IN low mmob— I1J rrW^^ V1 lL1 W� Z o UZ o ^/ lL oz WN QO lU CD LLJ 1 N=500' 1 WCN FEBRUAF Y 3, 2020 1 1444-5 J ' J CL I WETLAND � STREAM IMPACTS TEMPORARY 405 5P WETLAND IMPACT TEMPORARY 7�1 0 LF 5TREAM IMPACT ' W ' W MH1 9 .... ... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ... Z Z W t ' F TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT: 274. 51' �a ; T POKKW PORARY / z 1, ETLANP'IMPACT: fv 18 5F/ W / l � o W vJ / - -� �z �P W i �� C) TEMPORAR W z z / W�- AND �/ � Q �I PACT: 113 5F _ - Q w i LU / / 1/" �` CD / �_---'/ W loll— / r w / / \ / / % - - _ - �� _ - / / / FEBRUARY 3, 2020 // 1444-5 WETLAND * STREAM IMPACTS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 5GG 5F TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 0 LF G,E`N / M fi 17 _- TEMPORARY I �_-- WETLAND IMPACT/ 566 5F \\ / �/ i \ i i 2nssmss says sa room= AW NC z s obsom rant WU-) Lu Z UZ 0 / ��z LLl >° Q 111 LLJ N U L 0 Q W 7 1 1 "=30' 1 WCN FEBRUARY 3, 2020 3 1444-5 MH 15 ,l 1, 101, � TEMPORARY / WETLAND IMPACT: _ 7 7 f-,\ C G / WETLAND 4 STREAM IMPACTS TEMPORARY 330 5F WETLAND IMPACT TEMPORARY 0 LF STREAM IMPACT i / \ / / looll / I--, / alnsaslss s� ao1 roracoe� AWNC >7e� koftsm P451 cz W uj lLJ LU �o UZ 0 L� Lu Q o CD J J I r 1 I"=30' 1 WCN FEBRUARY 3, 2020 4 1444-5 F .000 000 1000, 100, woo OW 1 M11 j X 1 / / /TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT: 341 SF / WETLAND * STREAM IMPACTS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 341 SF TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT E�l 0 LP / / J J d Z LU W Z Z WW mun stmo ro.awn ARKNC2F= Obm "MU„M Fou LU LU = 0 � u 3 LU Lu U �p L UZ n/ 9 o L.C.. � uj z > Z Q O J U W � J 0 1 "=30' WCN FEBRUAFY 3. 2020 6 1444-5 BLJ TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT: \ I\ 130 SF 1 \ I \ Nl ol \ S� TEMPORARI\, \ - AM � 1 STRE _ 1 �\ �IMPACT: 71 WETLAND * 5TREAM IMPACTS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 139 5F TEMPORARY � 71 LF STREAM IMPACT r \, I I 1 I I im H 8 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 I ! 1 I r I I 1 I I I r 1 I 1 I / r L_-- ✓ 1 r l � r r J J z — caw W z 0 Z W W 1 - WwTAMIK Imam ro.m,u AWM� m—lim fto"am "m -mwb� OL UJ ILJ J) w uj cz U cz W W m Q IL Q w U IL 2 �c zz � J r a � j 3 W J �v FE15RUARY 3. 2020 7 1444-5 TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT: 1 1 3,390 SF 'TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT:, _ _ �` I � 41 �F- ' -- '�� 24" 5AN. 5EWE 7�41 \ 9 flf I If I I EX M H I J I + I J I WETLAND * STREAM I M PACTS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 3,390 5P TEMPORARY 41 LF J J J J CL z— cidLu W W z z W I ' c� 1ZI K14m fL amm Fo.m,rtrn AMwe 1m ON= #"4W-,TM koftsum pas, w Q� V z U 0 L s W � a � 3 LU (Z Uz o �} (z lj U W L m :i LU 0 J z Q 0 _l LU 1 I "=30' 1 WCN 1 FEBRUARY 3. 2020 10 1444-5 NOTES: 1. ALL MATERWS AND WTMODS OF CONSTRUCTION SMA _ BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN OP APE( 5TANDARD5 AND 5MCIPICATION5. 2. CONTRACTOR EMAIL HAVE NORM CARp,NA ONE CALL (I-004632-I94911DCATE ALL EXISTING J / UrIUDGS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CON5TRUC'TION. J R AN CONSTRUCTION 5fflUrNCE -CREEK CROSSING 1 J ! I a 1 - _' _ . J .d - - 4: CON�TRACTTOKTO M95TNL7ADDITIONALL EROSION OCONIROL MEA5URG5 A5 WPNRAN ED IN THEM" a' t \ _ _ /• ! OR AS DIKECMD BYTHI TOWN OF APEX. I. THE CONTRACTOR SHAL.SCHEOULC CONSTRUCTION �ti _ -Y� �- l _ 5. ADD010NALTEMPORARY5TRUMCROS5INGMAYBENEETRDAT5TRlAtA1NCAR5IATION4+75. IP s' OP THE CRCCK CROSSING DURMG A PERIOD OF DRY \ - \ •� -•�� NEEDED ,'MCN USE NOTES AND 0lTAR9 A9 SHOWN FOR CRLEA5ING AT 0+75. WT/TMWC ~~ - ..�• J( ��\ \ \-' - - - � . "' - - - • _6. ALL C900 MPE 5HAL BE OR 18 MRNIMUM WORKING 57ANDARO. Z 2. INSTALL PUMP ABOVE THE CONSTRUCTION AREA A9 rh - �� - ♦ . —;_ _ - - - - - - - __ SHOWN O PUMP WATER AROUND THE `- "f 3, sd lm N*s1ARek Rds G1000KLr As -„� �ti�\ '✓ PROPS \ E\ \ . J� / 1 I _ - • - , �.-• - �. - ' .'" . w P0551BU:O UMrT STREAM OBSTRUCTION. \ '' YY Z 4. WHEN COMPUTE, STABIUZE THE Ct1ANNEL AREA WITH J •- � , ` - -""� 3 % r - i y.J l t'QC4 CIA552RIP-RAP. / A / -- / ..� .�tz,.� _ \ - L, d \ iT ♦n /•'%' 3\ � I I • - -_ \\ _ I / / _._ __ - .�\r�� , - _i.✓, �IN5TµL NMP IN � ... J —j r`1 �- 1,/ 'SILT PENCE I�i'f` +` THIS ..- [ - OF AND BAG YJ )) t r --'- �I lrt� .• ; ., ry.I ... ' ". ..,,��y-d Q` ! �=`'�--�+� ^_� %COMBINATION SILT AND PXI5TING MANtIj7 — -C 1, , `\__-1 I' •� / aT-± J� l/" !1 ♦ - LTTTLE BEAVER CkREEEK J � _ y y '' �� TIME FENCE ALONG THE LOW SEWER OUTF -i ` ( �ir d -. 1 — - ` -"1F � ORD,q� �... - �' _ - /) l� l \R0\P Q_R —� i- \ .' SIDE OF EMENT I i 7.- _ CLASSz RIP-Rd�- - - '`1R/A - / " r �9PN �\ 9.Lb _ raeluunoNlN \ BU or. 24• '/"t GHANNEIAPR •4d T&StwFR�'' 1 rl+w ! \`\ OF BANK-, /` T+� IP EASEMENT 1-I.� 24'5AN. 9EWER ^' E4LSE �• I y • W �.:r.... .. \ J'� (TYPICAU '1 `CTfmK DAM I-�8a xWER - j' TREE PROTECT _ - -z •-'.T 1 - t •�� r I -� / / in 5' TEMPORARY - d ` FEN AL rr' f.y --"�� CON5TRLICTION ` > >a _� ' ��\�' \ J.ice - ) "�. ' c , • r EA5EMEW EACH i - EMEt1T J 1 r y.? •� SIDE IOOYEAR PEMA�/\/ (iYPiCAL) U -_ J\. \ ,•"/ 6>'�p-1 I 5•*, FLOODPLAIN i I r O PUMP Dill HA aI W 0 , I Ho5E5HALLFAITn- ONTOPXOTING RIP -RAP LAREA , �� I _ ,� • , , !' NOW OR FORMERLY ,- - _ +�/ / / ` '�-� \ i- -C� ) ` �^ Y 1 } - _ _, _ - ✓` _ f • CAROL,5 HEEIAN IRREVOCAE)LE TRU5T (l k tL \ �_ PIN NO. 0720-07 5965 WQ,0D 1uRYSUBDIV SIJPN' - /�� c` ZONING:'R-430W O N \ - f \_� /. U5E: 5(P4GLE FAMILY -I V ¢ Ln ----- _-- -- _-.,Y r l_Inuroia 0 i _ TE--- - T-- - -- - � y T Y i 1 - i .r�:: :CIN#N[CRNG DAR{. r- CDOIrcTHAT mEf�ItD!T IW tl _ TS -j. 11AR W0. STORMW 1 • T! PWlMIN6 I OAR.-.' _ - .. 2%CJ_._ ._-.M '- F9WV0 A'IIV,IC WART �_.d1T[...� _9?..Y.,. _._ 11WR 4 = I � ,_ �---,. - _ _ {.- -� _�.,. - _ I -- - _ -- � - I - _ _ •--� - t - -- - CfLC110C- _ RATe�: ARKS.ISER� 1LULTIAW: RCS. MTCI-- ^I. - 2 O _i O - --_ _ I ___ _ — _ — + _ I! A , - ----I- I - • - 77 260 -_.__. -- --- - - _ �L . L _ _ r - -- -4- ... _: __ - :xz' — _ _ - -- -- _. - - - - - -- 25`� n ISB _ ; .._ -. _ _ - - 4- — - - - - - - - - - - -- '- - - - 5- - _ - - _ 1T9.40` zr e9Dos 5 D,a711- .4; 1—" - _ _ , - rnP ��67.+i � 24• C90D9A7. I R I! O. IM. _ -- I � _ -_ - - - .--T.-- .'--; ._;—t'--.-95,q.'1B•.2 •NC CIOO SA+_ - -265 RUJ1 ' 298 _-t'- ._ _ I ( - _ _ - __ -' `-. ...OP.265.1 '.7--r•--- T, I�75_ _-..4: 1 _ —.. . � 666 9 j. I � 2:1(31_T -264D ._ .'_ _ _-. _ _ _ 1 NJ 2 .- -.._ �.. �INV IOUE 2t5/ 5� _ _ __:AR., 1 ( _ - ._.-.- _ ,_ T _ ..- . _ .�.. __ . j" T OUT 250.35 _ ( - INV OUr- I5 M - k - - -_ RAT - UNE_ `....- ,_ _ •-. ._,_ _ _. 1-IN-24�.71- __ ... .__ T_ - _ _. -.-- 1 - _-r -TS ONti 'T '(5`DA. MT TOP _ . .. DIA TOP. •-- -- II L_ S _ --_-- - ----- Kew _ _ - - - - - --- - - i rRAMArtoPM - -- ,-r-:_- .-- -_-I-_ � - r.._ ... _S +00 NEW Y•nf IN. z.6x� .— __ - —..._ _ j— _ _ _l - _ - _ -_ _ - }l _—T`_ - .1 IX:IttV Our. 46 03 .. I 4. _ -- -'- ' _ — 240 -- - f_ .71 -- - �. 2 5 - — - r 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 A+0O 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+OD ` 9+00 I 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+OD 1444-5 5EWER OUTFALL 5 0+00-I4+00 ` ''/ -,,�1 __��•�y i _ ''.• 1. } - 11 , 1__ `�.��'j� flit✓:✓r/�I•{'-'+"t--i'T`��-/�'� ��'' r�/--.'-r'rif` J ^d ry ' IOd .;�; '. F. _��T f I �' �. {fF ,�! T,•r,.' yy ry /� yy yrr y,. O_G RIPARIAN 1 � .� f / :i' r I �Y"'� J� ' r� ��'Ir_s• ._ I� y i � y ,� �, � �.Y f~ r TOWN O� . )f \\ 1 1„ I ' !y� ' �./1'�i'I .''�1 i'1 yy r /' ' 'ter y / r r y, 3 z 6UPF f Ir r . r 50 AH _ r r rr ��' Z AFEY.. IPARI ER l 1 1 'r i irf—v .� <'.I 6 r ,� r-; yy ri' Y 1 burr, ! f L �. r / .r yr yr yy ,,.y ..-i" .•' _ iyy' W W LU TOP OF BIWK /��'_ `�(OO YFARPEMA j" -��� �,�.;/` •v Syir ii91� .��i �r/ y/ y ��i'., y ' yY r' !'/-'�' z_ FLOODPLAIN 1�- ! 1 i•� , y'' yy��.�' ,, may" r fir._ a, _ v\ \ t .,(TYPICAU ILT PENCE I COMISINATION SILT AND THE LOW ' }_� W '1 /c�"fil, - - ! F 2 TREE FENC[ALONG ti. �. „14j ' F'f' - \`; I 51DE OF THE EASEMENT: _ f 1 .. r .• y,` W / �,. �• y r Z l.. ` r r /y r � � S _ ._",� S -•- .- � �. ..ye�� - ( ;1 1 /�.. -/ .'r ,i `i^ yip .,,_..� y �i U y y � " I I 5P.41•`.,WEP� -,,, -/ /' 8� CO3ERVATIG.�i /" i.� 'r, !, r• `, �A� �. I ! I r. - TOTE OF. NO.RTf;GAftOUNA ,NI'K A EMINT PROTECTIONr'6B. 9332. PG 2670r _ �r •� l- - , "� FENCE AIAN6� . , f ' �I i+C r yi y y,+ y"�' :�� �' � z 91 NOCC: ,11 - EA5EMtENT LINE �6`, ! `•yam ` 1 yy �%+' ' i" ' 'y�y i' `✓-� .II O w1-• I :\ 1 _ '(TYPICAU -ti.. / - \sr yr' r/S y, ! _ STAGING AREA uw� I. MLMA ANDMETMO�iCC;STP=C DN9HAIIK..INAa0R0ANa'1NfHT ar A& I - - ) ' `,�j� 1 r,, \ r�.�� y.� '- 25 r O u`5 2. CONTRACTOR &M HAVE EAMTH CARO(NN ONE CALL rI-0OD-W2494sI LOCATE ALL=7146i ! gg - ACHE,... ( � ram' UTIUNE5 PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. F .1 ✓� ,rl� ' I I A N "T S. CONIRALTORTO VER LOCATI04 ANO DEPTH Of Ot511W TOWN TV CAWPORGE MAINS PRIOR _ _ / v} �'PQ �� IN �W t• �� 2A�e0O - W TO CROSSING THE E WEW WAH HEAVY EQUIPMENT. R THERE 15 A DLSCREPANCV FROM 1HEi ... _ V\\�<1 \ / 0' W I w 4. CALfflCW-OVMMADDMECETRR,CUNE5ANTHISARFA CONTACT TOWN OF APIX,AND �k INERGY - >' ` ` g°to " --FRIER D•C' 191P STP;TION PUD (F�� =1 PRIOR TO WORKING UNDER TIIESt LMES- _ .. \ I ) �` ` '� I I I ' f \ <•+ a �! 7 5- CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ADIXTIONN, EROSION C�POI: WA5URf5 A5 WARRANRD M mE mob - ) ! .P } OR AS DIRECTED 9V THE TOAN Oi APIX. ^, 6. AODRIO TtlI!N MPORARY 9TREAiA CFtOS9NG, MAf B[ N[ED® AT NG AT,0 -' M5. ATION 22+5D. IF - - ! / `^�• -, ( I I IY NEFDED, TnEN I19E NOTES ANn b5TA1IS A5"�IOWM FOR LRD951NG ATaa9s. __ NOW OR FORMERLY II.I 7. ALL CWO PIPE SHAIL BE DR 18MINIMUMWORIVNG STANDARD.,_ I - - CAROL Bt1EELAN"IRREVOCABLE TRUST !! - 4 �.:'rlb ,I El7TtlRE50 �I >Q Q - i PIN NO.: 0720-07-55G5 j \ �' - 1 TOA I/ tl �, f W Lf) L + ZONING: R-40N / ROADWAY / .I ) J „ 115E: 51NGLE FAMILY ! 1 ! ! s m 11 l f, J flt l iu 1QJ co = PROP[RTNE ,Y UH O '(IYPICi1L) PROPERTYUNE, `''�,? O N /J. �W00D5UKY' 5VBQlVI51bN 1 a 7 4 $MY a �. ._ The SRiNA 1APs uTFtD B$d.•cecmvinATm�OHecT HAl me gro APP�veD TgNS SK+NTQ ON THt COVLR OFTRgC COIbIWR.'iIDN'PLNLS. . ._' .. = 1 .- ... _ -, I DA� ,ROPJAM'A -�1-1. BAT! - -__ _ 7, _- _._.•. _.. .. i _ _ - ATIDN dTt - PWI[iNG _ _ - * !W I -1 r •---?-" �- - _.'-- ' - - - -- - =_ -- - � --- —`.- —�"------t--- - .. � - --' 7-- -- -, ._- i - - -�.»� __ �:` - - -_ euEnMCIItIP[gTIDNS- - DA�� FlANIe+G�TPAIufv✓ ..._ T -�'�'-`-_ _.t�8�. . ._' . � _ .... .. _. - -_ - - - - - tlnu�rNGRInwxG � r .. - I 4 --, '_ we —_^ .' _._ ��- M�: 'Rtl.� OAR' -- r } : --r�--'t - rr -—_ - - --- _ _. _ _ 1 {_._ -I- - - —1 -- - - - - - _ _T 27 _ �77CAW FORM �^-� - _ SUN. - 265 F_ _� �_. - _ - I iJIP'SANtSMRR 0.216. 4 .__.. - -L ,__ _ - -i,.__.=..._3�,c._.'_. - ..#.: 2(;9 '372,'I;1 16'OR BAN P RQO. 5AN.SrAm- ' 916A5=IG' o® 2196.. _ = 196 _ - - - 1 - . 00 Z . 1 1 } j7 t I 3G'S7E[L+!6'p f�F:TOFAIIt - � r _255 __. __.10P1274:2 1 .. j � TOF 272 I '7j- J _ _. _ _ 1-.-. .. __ 1 )NILI P257 SO___ __ - TIN OLIT- 56, -'1 - - _ ,._ _ . �-- y. .. _ I ..INv _257.7o .. RN OIi[-zse.z - ._-L_ _ _ , _ .T._.._. __ �... u,: .FLAT TOPMIQ. - - 15, DIA. FyAT MH) E i -" -'--' -1-_ --_ _ _ l - j - - - - _ 250 _. I .. : ---- -- -- - - -- - -' -- --.-._ - _. .-. .. _. _�- - I - - -- _ r 1 - - - - -_ -- -' - - -- -1 --�- _ - -'- --7 -- — I .. 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 l 1444-5 5EWER OUTFALL 6 I4+00-28+00 14, rcAU / Draw le� U 2' z cis W W z_ z RTH" _III W �'S�`EONS€RVAha���6LINA~` '1 ;F�r f_��`_ �`_�`_—� 0Q�!— ` � r`Isr aAa�i ==S �- - �co�� . �•g-=Z`��-rot.-=� � _rT-_� -:{ --���,-__ __ tea_ _ �- __�°a ky�'��:Y ' : - - gpf `�- IaE�FpOjyGTrO�+` ~_J- 1\ itt-a.�',----_-_:�,.._�- �•/ ' �/ -��{{ `. � 100 TREE PROTECTION FENCE ALONG Nr \ t f �}'T •-._. 'I ' ; _ _ 1 ~ I - _ _ 1 _ _ /.,/ _7y T { I V 1 EASEMENT LINE- tIXISTING CM 1 �t� . \ > _ 1 '_•""� _L-'''/"`" CULVERT AND ! OF _ ► _ wt11`ANDS la �."TOPOFBANK .'� Y� /- ENDVJAIT9 O f'_- - •RVPICRI'--_. Wz 1 y qi g pI 'NOF -� > 1 C 11XtENEE - _ •a U zzn FRItNDSHIP NATION P b S,,r � � A��\�`� - �a� �c�' k U 'mV 'P -`ix `T ti� -'-_z U + '< LLJ 1. ALL A/ATBJAIS AND METHODS OP CONSTRUCTION SMALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH Q - 1 CONTRACTOK TOWN Of AM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Lu V- 1 2• E05TING UTILITIES SMALL HAVE NORTH PRIOR TO BOANNING LNA ONE CALL I ONSTRUCTIONI•SDO•G32_49497 LOCATE ALL O N 3 THE EX15TINC CULVERT AND CNOWARS IN THE DRIVE CROSSING Of LITTLE BEAVER CREEK ARC TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PLANNED FUTURE PUBLIC 51 IRET 15 BUILT TO GRO55 THE CREEK IN THIS AIQ0. J Q[ I I]WIDEIILL>T!L 4. THE IGITAL WETLANDS AND DrEWANAIDRSOF E VH15ONGIN ION [G AND PROVIDED 8N FROM \ DIGITAL PLIES AND DCRRMINATION9 BY VHB CNGINC[pNG AND PROVID® BY THE TOWN j F \' - OF W M. ' t ( j I \ 1" s. NO WORK, ACCESS OIL THE DEDICATED l5 ALLOWED INTTTYN THE CEREON. ATION V' j \ EASCMGIT EXCEL STALL ADDITIONAL DEDICATED ACCESS PONR SHOWM U REON. 6- CONTRALTOR TO INSTALL HETOINO r APEX. CONTROL Mt0.5URL5 AS wARRAMCD IH Q N THE PRIO ORAS DIRECAUOrP 1 MI PAUMW RKINII ]. ALL C300 MR SHALL BC DR 18 MIN@M1M WORKING STANDARD. THE MTTD EC[OB'mCNfY:THAT. PSLIHC¢.COD"VER TLq!scow. 'ILY/ PIANO, `E.�H� f.OL2Y 300 3 7.. _ I T_. _ _ - �y _ -- - i _- 1- _ - - - - _ - . _ _ ,. .. - --. _ - .. _ _ .__ _ _ _ - :- -- - I } _ fw.ENGWCCRM6 _ _ Q h WK-Srp�w� �"�' DATE __I- __ _ _ _ _ _ I _- _ _ i - _ - l _ _ 1 _ fW-lAAN7pILTATgN pI.R PVNlIN6 _ IMTC,j 1IF L __--r—.._ - _.. '' �. I j' - -- - — N W aR DR ion 'nNn ie: ATR x wer 295 �_. 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