HomeMy WebLinkAboutWV0800234_Application_20200219PI0R'1I-1 (:A' j)j "AWINil N< U:`'iNV[i01,T t6`3' ANT) \!%" Iii2A)_ RL'SOURCES VAMAN� LAPPLICATION FOR 2C.0100 WT;L:i, C ONSTiR['f'TiON STANDARDS: PRIM 'i'?S DRiNKING WATER WELLS U-421 iR FSA NCAC P;C.Q3: W.ATERSUPP—V WELLS a ES.A NiCAC 02C.M.7 /?-+.: r.rq,;:A Iai�+../s rtalew+siuh;cd-Pr rtr i::•ixl.'ia`.-Yvear;Yas"u:�d inrlxdi+:g;rr{q�rio:+. indastri�, pqd tou✓:rercini»•ells. i'4 EL US Cr'!'M X YNAN WATPR SUPPILY f;NDE17, SA NC`4C 02^..i3M L; -fudrng nlwuioria� rmf rcrnr211 se ;(:.>, desr"v ar47re infa.-ntatlon, Illegible srrb=;t,'a.+.r all !;e retwn d cr incn,rrp;cre. DATE: --O PE P6f IT O.t vMoe)1 i,c,6:; •�,,n��a:n15c .')tk'(rv:)r.:j� -- �L-- 3 A. WELL OWNER — Fn:.;ngrc n.wdce= fist .bc p%opo=-,,e �.n��t:cr(.;. i'e_ ei] a) h ,- , last ilme of the busine crgaap; zmtirzl. or govc.-nmcn :xcr.c aad--xnor, delcgtrrxi ;ZMCWLI' 'vsai'i°tg^.ddre..s:.Nq -I --•-- 1 •------- C1vi: n!t �S�A r+4 _ ti;aic. +C- % .^. is L:— -. Dad uc No.. CciI No, IMA; 7. Add -min: yE"qN fir:,_. �. PHYSWit L LaCATION Or WE€. T SyTL ek .➢LCI fan Ci l'iml inn \nm tcr;Pl We of u'aII siEc:T•,w—. i-i i+ilI SICE_ •1 I �ii:..p !ii tl.�!C1CIlL Cnan M01]i R1s', C. 4r', i_.L {✓R ILLRR €NFOI2 :4AT,' :d (i'Aru>v n) Well 1)7ll1rg Com;•retor', Name: �xy 1N� D14I1ing Couraotor Cc; [il :,+lion Nc" — / —T T Cil': w L9 Sl2te: �C %.il: (:r is $Yoh CO -MOT' C1 Ctw1 NL1 �a aQz Ccil No.:___ i^.rt- A IL ;Irldroxa: 14&wA W(� �Rw //rroo b:rs moo.: —� RJ.y4•,i 1=e',e-::gin �6i D. REASON FOR VARIANCE REQUEST - Include ti pe of wel(s) to be coast ucied: rule for which i1[e variance is being requested, description of how' the allcrnaic construction .gill not endanger human health and welfare and the coyironrnenr: and reason why construction andlor operation in accordance. with the standards is not lachmc.aliy feasiSlc and, -'or provides equal er better protection of the groundwater. 1tE55 �,i �,S , 0♦iUM /`%. Tom_ /r E. ATTACHMENTS- (1) A map showaig general location of the propertN (including mud naatcs, NC State Route lnnibt_r, distances, a:ty key landmarks, etc-) sufcicnt for finding the welt lomtioa- (2) Detailed site map with scalp showtt:g location of proposed well relevant to septic systetu(s), building foundations. properly lams. water fxrdics, potential sources of contaminationo€he= wells, etc- (3) Submit a copy of the local well permit application and site e�alualion map (if applicable). (4) Any other infomialion tcicvant to the variance request such as a well wnstiuction diagram showing, proposed well liner or atypical construction tnaterialshncthods, F. SIGNATURE(S) zz � I , S:gnalc ir(e) of WcIlTrupertr ih�act(s) Print or 7}pe Wclt+PtropertV E7wner(s) erson Responsible for Well 417'onctruc6m (Tyypicailr the well driffer) Print or Type NAir e of Pcnva Responsible for Weil Consirucr,on (Typically the well driller) Sigoatutr of Couury Ea}in+anrental "Q.hith specialist Print ar .Pe t+u Et ?dame and Title of County Environmental HeAlth specialist Per I5A NC.4C02C .01181he Secrewn! oOAxe Division o/'Water Resoi<rcis or the Division of Public Hearth ma;, require submittal of injbi matioe deemed necessar: to make a decision on the voriance, mat, Impose cardf!lorrs as earl of the decision, and shall respond in xririt q to the request withat 30 days of receipt of the variance recruesi. A variaree applicant who it dissatisfied 4ah the decision of the Director mcty commm—e o contested case by iifing a petition ass aeceitbed in US 1;OB-22 wahm 60 days ofre,•receipt of the decision. OW-22:'Variance Rctlucst PVmt Rr 3-6-2017 Pays2 r ! �A OS u nO