HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC200629_ESC Approval Submitted_20200220J#aywofo County Planning
and Nvelopment Si rvim
157 Pangon Farkwa%. SviW 200
Clyde. NC. 2S7�I
Plhwe, 928-452-602
Fay . 928 52 798
,January �. 2020
F and F Truck inch
Romer Fr+ok5
AU Urabtne?Hd
Clyde. N.G. 2.9721
Dear Mr Frir,k-5.
Hinyrwood County hors n3vicwc d tho Eroalan and G&dimentstlorr Control Plan submiSA by you far 1114. p:roj- Cd HnVWM
sa "Frir ka-Chambora Borrow Me" Ixat$d in Crabtree Road We have faund the plan to be acoeptabla wRh the
eoncerrm;nW&i. limed below. Tha!&a eoncamgrr,**, *� put fbrim Syr #+ey aCounty r.quire you to rncofporate them
a-!� r6art of wr k1r riwvrtlnF,m eft F Iars this rvop tyr. If your iia nd d isturbing acki0ty Ovolw*!; Ih* Wah"W%-n nl el 1rf'15�C frrr
lh-P pufp of d-watering ar Invr-ring the aster rshle, ymi mi.rsl nntif�r hw- direcbm of the Nwrosion tvl Water
Reacurce3 for the state of North C arolina and forward that office a -copy of ywr E;osion and Sedirnerit Control Plan
Flease Lw WJ wild it i�L ptgn LI it� � i ueivrr ;brmJ Sedu rani i L Cui di ul Oi dludrK;e, yuu cire i egvlr l iq keep a copy of the
approv,d crown and Sad irr vni control. plan at the kob site. The approvar of your epasion and "dimwit o ilrol plan vs
oondrtianad on. your complisnee with fadereL and arate water quzi tyr laws, regulations and Rules. If your IWO
613tt,rhinq a0ll1Vltyr dnv41V"'Vr,yr aatjViti reRwlated by *rb#ther oVncy. you are required to. notiify that office and provide
th-CM with 9h Copy of your ordr.$M and StWiMerLt acrstrcl Flan fok* their rowisw ar%-d cor'rhm4+1t 1f e4nngas mu!a be rrp2,de
to your erosion and 9edirnent control plan as a result of menu feslrictive requirements 40M aroatlhor entl0tory @ncy+.
ri i rrri i!0 RLjhm It a rnpy of n n9vigM a; Inn ;Pnra t,arliri' ont rnntrnl p1 q n fm ym it pmjrirrt to this ri fica for apprnval
bafore you conim@rico land-dislrJrhi ng acllvntg on 8ro�aa of yrau r pr❑ji!ct with ri�qu Ired -chances_
Abxirdang to the FWANCIAL RESP0H SI81UTY[OVVNERSH I p FORM. yrpu are I as the versPn reSpGr SVEb tOr
this Land-listuibinq activity. Ey em though y ciLi rria3r ggntrioct somnoniq to rmpliniment and mairn your er�icn and
dirnnl writrcl plan, it i5 y respvn ibility t1a see that the requ inement5 of the apprciyed plaYtain card the Ord irEance are
met. You are responsible for insuring that sediment -stays on your site and that temporary and pa rrnanarit oDntrol
reM&Wures succeed. Any addibanal land -disturbing aaUityr beyDnd the approved limits must have a Plaq approved 4
the Ci5untk and hara a sr4Iid Iand-�IrttUtbir pormit bercre Anwork hgJrl-S. FlL�-ase be adYlsed tttat measures ffM
My be installed wrMm the b un dsryr of ymr tmct.
Approsral at your plan does not �IwB you perrnisslorr tp p0grm woFR in a shai bd r igh L-uf •wayr ui upui i pi upw lyr
k yr Q11 ieftx It 1,4 yuui fL?bpvi i?jiL1u+Lyr to ulJW u i [mi i r ii"iui i ti ui i ii toll bul act pNperCyr owners it you intend 90 perform work
in in -Shorod right-ul -wayr �x 1Jpiin pwuperty you do not uwn If your work ix fit, bit to impacting slat$ era: iUcd trout
watcrs, kt is your respona&Hity to inat.0 adcquato measures 1:45 control turbiditicu tv 00C4Pt0W lavdla. P&Maa be
advissd that inutalfatiffn of oulv&rta in any auFf000 waters req&as parmr miGn from the U S. Arm Corpt 0 Gnu [naor�
14-04 Parmil) end+ Aso MC DEFT R ❑ Meian of VV2 r Rq;c�ivtcq$ tAil1 C-Qrtifie211W for impacts to federal end skate
ji.iil0lr-t;rt"P brans 7hr� tplaphortia rrt moor for U14 Corps il; 62&271-749;00 Ir% Al;hevilhg. ;;knri hhR, numhAr fnr 17MR i.-,
82&2 SaG We strnngly aduicA you to Ptskn yoi i r deviidnpmf!nl artivityr g❑ es to effectively CbtiSidgr VOSSl15Iir►
negative impacts to mwerty belcw yrour 06ect frGm sediment damage dad to oourteoudy plans for pem-LMflent
iimna&q to property below your prgi$ct fcori i trmcrakisE�d volumes antis valorAties of ruwff As the Paman rewan5iola for
1his deve�opmsitt activAV, accountablbty re$t$ wrth VoLi tp phase all 8spects of the Land -disturbing actiydyr within
omplont t,mefrarnes It i$ yo.*or raripQfrsl ility t-a' dina#e trenchirHA and installsition 01 uUtyr linen 10 canner vnthsn
Wmpkent tinnefrarnes for the estaNshrrw!Nk of geound GQYer on disturbed areas
Aoce ptsinoe an d a pproval or -this glen is vmnJ itiola-ed upon your eiimplia nee o 'tilt Fedem I and Butte wittier
qual4% laws. reg;q lsttinn%;iDd ru Ies-1 u pate itign; lWgi Vitt' pr Conjit�- prdin Ances Or rr,]eg May DIS-D a PPkV to
th k land-d istu rhi nR ar ivity. This arFprma I doe+ not suTim. t- any other pt rml I or approva 1,
t r1654->h MBN-5. A pprilYnr
JM 11-1y $, 2WIN
Please wn5ider this IeRer as -pNin!j Via nQioa m0ulrW by the SPCA and the Ordinance *f the Cmcityr'z +fight of
periodic in:5peofion to ensure oompbance. The Haywc d OvLrnty Erosion and Sedimerlt Conlr01 Ordinanm Is a
performance-Dda t€d program mquirrrtig pmte tUQR of the natural mDutces and ad#oirting pr-uper#es. If, fot#wing
coramencwimi It al ibis pF.Dject, it is debwrnined that dour pfan is inadequate, Haywood Sourwtyr omy require further
(Ayi!Ibrt to ywr play~ and its imolementat+i3n. You are regt,Ir-e-d to Inform this offirA of your starling data kr land-
d isturUing activity. As pw § 154-74 (G)j 1)(a) of t hs Ord inanoa. you have the right to appeal Our �ea j5ian tQ ffWify your
plan lc Me rlayrwc4 Counts+ SediMi2rit COntroi Lkmrd. It you 50 orlcose. tt you nave any que9wiria. WI Mae to
coi Fl ul. rniq at arky tarns.
Tkm Surfed
Hayrw d County Planning and
Deyelopmmt Serer Spy 4ist
Prajoct name= Frick& -chambers Borrow PR
Disturbed Ama 1.9
Locatlon; 4457 f3ralbtrae Rd
Date $ubmgtal r ecerved. f -; LI.1U 1Ij
Pate approved; January & 2020
Fersurr(s) Financially ItasponsIble: Rogs i FricKs
Land-DJstur112lrr9 Perrrrll ig fir,_ GJ-QUQ=2
Land -0I*11:wbi g Pcrmit Cxp iratforr Date: 113 month s he=1Cv
PIN #(s) r 862MO-23D13
"F ricks -CM a m be rs bo rrow F it"
1 Dui ilrgrl rorroff so that rs d ireCted tD maasurarr, prow . r in n% ano PT Rho grid of w= work day. Establish
additigm I 111ea;5-Ures nek;e55.d(yr W "iti ul ii i taw i i-wl tmubiui i to id uff•!aite �wdii i iei il.-wb K i
.2 TKIC plop Mppr,owial dove not exclude ynu from requirements of other agandefi that may have ju risd+utiorka I
r%onkrot &vat oth-er aspects of this hand disturbing activq. It is y nir responsibility to interface this development
ar�viry+ with All frxiczlin j) r, its ;Rnr1 ra(ri i1xhrsn!e
All rneasure5, 51ru rep, art[1 #Laces rnum a(Jh@,rLP Ib me, minimLin'I dotgn mandaras as maven In M NC;
VUq inIr ig as id Dtesr:gn Manual fur Erosran and Sao irree n9 QgntpW TritS iNikjoe5 -i;aJCUIatlon mietmp#-5 fQr all
itcros such as apron thickness
4 The approyed footpdinz is a shown on th-a pion. Lim its ahou;l tie dloIlrw�Atod In the fio1d la Ineure camplrar ce.
S. The -Caunty's Erexion 11antmi Ordlr,i3m-na i5nd Z#:itt low r'oqulrr. I to i n Will ellher o ftmpirar� or pervnarrent
:graund couer "IfiCont to r*s", + orotion cin all exposed slopes wdhi-ri 21 calQr<dar Vr4V
phn" of �rMm" Tho NPai=S which a000mpo nieg this may be MORE stringent.
J*++upryr 0, RON
Page 3
b. Anyr la"-d1StrJrb1319 WV4 -Vutside of the appmwed ll:mkbr. -shown on tFtis plan must be eubr ded ueparately+
and approvdd by Me k;Du nth pnor to corrimeriung the autiAyr Th i5 could irL.clude roadwork for res;dential
7. Storm vwatcr runoff shadl he "PUvlled aid ditx1mi UwJ in a safe, non-emsivn fa-inran at all dlwh-aFge Ninm on
the Lmct.
S. O'fQ11.0 propertie6 MU 6t be pnatectad f€ W C401M:rtt dtmugc rcaulti ng From th is ErutiYiity.
53_ The :site k �u hJ Fw.t in FK6 NPDEe S P*rmit requirernernta jai a tho hJ C Sell` MWndtoring Raq ulro-,aril*,
PWAV prow Ida thit. oFfim with a capg of yniiir NPdP% CelCfl+ir_aFa r3i'rnVJ3FA0*_
1 D. All Slppa:� m;jsl comply with conwLeticin I hn.iq ues and-compaclJon standards of the Hated C�iuntyr
SIppe Ordinance.
NPOES Requirements,,
AS Of MArCh 1, 21119, 411 new Constru ctaou nel1Vit]cs :2 rc M9 ui red to Complete a nd subm it an electronic
Notice of I nteat (NO]) Corm raqu estiug a iCerd Katie 113f CQV9Tag-P (') under the NCGO 1 M
nstruct ion ZStnrmv 0vr G en-erm I Perm it. Th is riorm M ll ST he s0mxtt-ed prior to the com m.Dncement 'of
any land distu rbing. on th-D abo-ve r, A 1ki L-d p rfPjr0. The NO I form may be accessed al
deq me4ow fNCOOI. Plcuie di rect qu es1 inns u hout the fti O[ farm to An nPUP 1.13 cap flf
ikm-ttt_lucn%q-narlenr_gnr nr Fai i I f 'Ise rL AEI Psi nl .elarl-frr•n cdvnr.gov. After vo u !&uhm it n cam pleta and
nu srt-0 NO[ Form, a C: CW will W emui kd fth you wirhi n th ree burin ens days. [nit fs 11 DEXI L R n- ill nat
;!h14!r941 :A fw for ea-crrge uu der the- NCCD 11x rrnit. H crwc er. on or aftc r Nlay 1, 2019, a $100 fee will IPt
charged nn n ua1IN, 't h t9 fec 1s to k]e 1H 10 the DEM LR Skorniwater Centra t Office staff in Ra]-vigh.
TIt9q I5A KC: AC 4B .91 l K(A) a nd the NC_I per7nit req uire that th-e follawmg? Coe u in eat tatiull Ire kept fpta
Elie at the job site.
. 'rhe a p proved E&SC ply n as A-4 as any -approved dew cation
2. The NC GO 1 1perm it a nd th-F COC, OnCe IT 8 NcclVI�d. IL
J. R" Orbs -Dr iu pe Dl irpn$ made d uring 1 he prcvi&LLs 3-11 days.
Plan revieweel hV; �; J Dow
� 4