HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070156 Ver 4_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20091119u Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project Site Specific Mitigation for Cutter Creek (Greene County, NC) Annual Monitoring Report - Year 2 Action IN SAW-2007-02828 DWQ Project# 07-0156 C Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NC DENR; Division of Water Quality Washington, NC Prepared by: LMG a E; i Wilmington, NC ? I9 U4 NOV Y a 2009 December 2009 DEW-WyATERW&qy WE TLWS AND STOROXTER BRANC4 • TABLE OF CONTENTS r 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................1 II. On-Site Construction ............................................................................................1 III. Site Planting ..........................................................................................................2 IV. Monitoring Equipment Installation .........................................................................3 V. Annual Monitoring .................................................................................................3 VI. Conclusion ............................................................................................................5 TABLES 1. Plant List and Corresponding Restoration Zone 2. Summary of Vegetative Monitoring Data - Year 2 3. Summary of Hydrologic Monitoring Data - Year 2 FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 2. USGS Topographic Map 3. Soils Map 4. Aerial Photograph 5. Restoration Plan 6. Monitoring Plot/Well Location Map APPENDICES • A. Year 1 Monitoring Plot Data B. 2009 Site Photographs C. 2009 Hydrographs (Wells 1-3) • 0 Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project Site Specific Mitigation for Cutter Creek (Greene County, NC) Annual Monitoring Report - Year 2 1. Introduction Construction of the Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project, the off-site mitigation project for the Cutter Creek development, was completed on April 18, 2008. This project was designed to provide mitigation for buffer and stream impacts associated with the construction of Lake Nina within the Cutter Creek development. The mitigation project is located off of Ormondsville Road near the town of Fourway, NC approximately five miles from the impact area (Figures 1-4). This project was reviewed and approved by regulatory staff and the proper permits were obtained (Action ID# SAW-2007-02828; DWQ Project# 07-0156). Following initial construction, the site will be monitored for a period of five years. Success will be based on demonstration of appropriate survivorship and hydrology consistent with wetlands in this landscape position. Following each monitoring event, a report documenting these aspects will be submitted to regulatory staff. II. On-site Construction The first phase of construction involved the removal of the existing road bed. Material from this road bed was used to fill in two irrigation ponds, totaling 1.2 acres. Finished grades within these ponds provide a gradual decrease in elevation from the surrounding fields. The second phase involved the filling of approximately 1,100 linear feet of drainage ditch and removal of a large road bed present throughout the site. In areas where ditch filling was not appropriate due to hydrologic trespass concerns, grading was conducted to reduce the amount of channel incision. The third phase involved the construction of a new 600' channel to provide drainage from the eastern pond (Pond 1). Grading in this area was configured to mimic a natural "riffle-pool" sequence found in Coastal Plain streams. A slope of 0.002 was maintained throughout this portion. The fourth phase involved the construction of a 150' channel to provide drainage from the western pond (Pond 2) into the existing ditch adjacent to Mussel Run. Similar slopes were 0 maintained for this section. The final phase involved grading and fill work along the northern portions of the existing stream/ditch network. Grading this area was configured to direct drainage from the existing fields into Pond 2 and the restored channels (Figure 5). III. Site Planting Prior to planting, the entire project area was disked to enhance microtopography and reduce soil compaction. Following the disking, a five man crew was dispatched to plant 16,000 seedlings throughout the project area. Each seedling was planted on 8' centers, with an average density 600 stems per acre. A total of six (6) species were planted in one of three different zones, Neuse Buffer, Cypress-Gum Pond, and Coastal Plain Headwater wetland (Table 1). These zones will correspond to a frequency of inundation and elevation relative to the reestablished stream channels. A wetland seed mix was also applied to minimize erosion during the first growing season. Table 1. Plant list and corrasnondina restnratinn mna Cutter Creek Mitig ation Planting Species Zone* Number River Birch Betula ni ra HW/NB 2,000 Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica HW/NB 2,000 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaec aris th oides HW/NB 2,000 Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum P/NB 3,000 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera NB 4,000 Black um N ssa s lvatica v. biflora P/NB 3000 * Planting Zones Total Acreage 16,000 Density NB - Neuse Buffer Restoration HW - Headwater Wetland Restoration P - Cypress/Gum Pond 5.8 19.4 1.2 600 600 600 2 0 u IV. Monitoring Equipment Installation A total of six (6) 0.10-acre permanent monitoring plots, representing 2% of the project area, were established (Figure 6). These plots were randomly spaced throughout each of the three main restoration zones. The success criteria for these areas will be based on survivorship totals which meet or exceed 320 woody stems per acre at the end of the five year monitoring period. Hydrology within the site will be monitored using shallow groundwater monitoring wells. A total of three (3) 40-inch wells were installed throughout the project area. Each well records the static water depth on a daily basis. Well data will then be graphed in addition to rainfall totals from the Kinston airport • and is presented in Appendix C. In order to meet the appropriate success criteria, these areas must demonstrate a water table within 12 inches of the soil surface for a mimimum of 12 consecutive days equal to or greater than 5% of the growing season. V. Annual Monitoring Year 2 annual monitoring was conducted in September 2009. A total of 374 woody stems were enumerated throughout the six (6) monitoring plots, corresponding to an average of 623 stems per acre for the project area (Table 2). Of the planted species, river birch (Betula nigra) seedlings were the most abundant, totaling 100 individuals throughout the plots. Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) was the second most abundant species, with 98 individuals observed (Appendix A). Overall, vigorous growth was observed throughout the site despite below normal precipitation levels during the early growing season (see Appendix B for site photographs). Hydrologic monitoring was initiated in May 2008 with the installation of three (3) WM-40 • groundwater monitoring wells. Data collected during 2009 documented significant periods of saturation and surface ponding throughout the site during the early growing season despite below normal antecedent rainfall totals. While these below normal rainfall totals persisted for several months, each of three wells exceeded the minimum success for the second year of monitoring (Table 3). 3 0 0 0 Table 2. Summary of Vegetative Monitoring Data - Year 2 SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 TOTAL River Birch 2 34 23 0 15 26 100 Green Ash 0 0 0 0 0 42 42 Atlantic White Cedar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bald Cypress 46 6 0 43 0 3 98 Tulip Poplar 0 1 32 0 46 0 79 Black Gum 0 14 0 7 0 20 41 PLANTED TOTAL 48 55 55 50 61 91 360 Black Willow 8 8 Elderberry 1 1 Winged Sumac 1 1 Sassafras 2 2 Persimmon 1 1 Baccharis 1 1 TOTAL 52 56 56 50 61 99 374 Planted Species Volunteer Species 11 Table 3. Summary of Hydrologic Monitoring Data - Year 2 Well 2009 Growing Number of Consecutive Days 5% Success Number Season Meeting Wetland Criteria Hydrology Criteria Well 1 March 15 - April 27 44 12 Well 2 March 15 - April 30 47 12 Well 3 March 15 - June 27 105 12 Based on the observed hydroperiods, the site has responded favorably to the prescribed hydrologic modifications. These modifications have resulted in extended periods of surface ponding and saturation during the early growing season, which is typical of headwater systems in the Coastal Plain. As a result, the nutrient and sediment removal functions within the wetland have been restored, improving water quality and reducing downstream flooding. Appendix C provides specific data collected during 2009. 4 0 • VI. Conclusion Restoration activities have been demonstrated to be successful at the project site through the two years of annual monitoring. The observed density (623 stems/acre) indicates that the site is progressing well toward a maturity density of 320 stems/acre. The 2009 hydrologic monitoring data met the hydrologic success criteria despite below normal precipitation levels. It is anticipated that normal rainfall conditions throughout the winter and early spring will continue to restore appropriate hydrologic conditions throughout the headwater wetland system. • Reversion of agricultural land to wooded riparian buffer and wetland habitat will decrease source nutrient loading and concurrently increase nutrient removal capacity. In addition, the project will provide ancillary benefits to aquatic and wildlife habitat via enhanced niche habitat, microclimate modification and shade, and increased food-web support. By doing so, the proposed project will help to effectively mitigate for authorized loss of riparian buffers, streams and wetlands associated with the Cutter Creek development. • 5 • 0 0 Toundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Map Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 65.2003 Mill Run Development Group Mussel Run Mitigation Site Greene County, NC 40-06-303P LMG SCALE 1" = 1 Mile Figure 1 Vicinity Map 0 I 1 1 is • U?r•7 -„? -+ t T11 X I .. l rri i SITE r New Zwu h k-• 1 I • .arrtllrYt'IY ? Ch, 5' r 73 1? ga H1i 7 r ' "Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: Hookerton Quadrangle 7.5 minute (topographic) 1990 Mill Run Development Group Mussel Run Mitigation Site LMG Greene County, NC 40-06-303P SCALE 1" = 1500' Figure 2 USGS Topgraphic Map 0 1 I I is Pf, NoA L u 0 Boundaries are approximate and arc. ? not meant to be absolute. Map Source: MRCS Soil Survey. SCALE 1" = 400' Mill Run Development Group LM G Run Mitigation Site L1v1 G Figure 3 Greene County, NC Soils Map 40-06-303P I0 t Lk 16 tl j 0 0 F' LAI J/ 7' wit y r? x. ?. t Bomid ,nes are approxin _- > and ,,re not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography SCALE 1" - 400' Mill Run Development Group T A _ Mussel Run Mitigation Site L11Y??T Figure 4 Greene County, NC i Aerial Photograph 40-06-303P - " i9 • r 1 u Cypress Pond (1.2 ac.) CREP Planting (--10ac.) Existing Roads Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to he absolute. Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography Mill Run Development Group Mussel Run Mitigation Site Greene County, NC 40-06-303P Legend Property Boundary r ?LMG SCALE 1" = 400' Figure 5 Restoration Plan Coastal Plain Headwater Stream Restoration (19.4 ac.) U] Plot Plot #2 AIL Plot 0 Legend r:, Monitoring Plot Monitoring Well Property Boundary Channel Alignment (-3,050 If) Buffer Restoration Area 50' Neuse Buffer Mitigation (5.8 ac.) Coastal Plain Headwater Stream Restoration (19A ac.) Cypress Pond (1.2 ac.) CREP Planting (-10ac.) Existing Roads 'Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography Mill Run Development Group Mussel Run Mitigation Site % I, Greene County, NC 40-06-303P le, y • ?`,r 4 °` k • *4 ,I+? ? ? a.f "V SCALE 1" = 400' Figure 6 Monitoring Plot/Well Location Map 0 n u APPENDIX A. :1 YEAR 2 MONITORING PLOT DATA 0 0 MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria River Birch SA 2 2 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress SA 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress SA 13 2 ft Planted 13 Bald Cypress SA 26 3 ft Planted 26 Bald Cypress SA 5 4 ft Planted 5 Sassafras SA 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sassafras SA 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Sumac SA 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Elderberry SA 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 52 TOTAL VOLUNTEER SPECIES 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 48 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 52 0 0 0 MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria River Birch SA 1 1 ft Planted 1 River Birch SA 1 2 ft Planted 1 River Birch SA 3 3 ft Planted 3 River Birch SA 8 4 ft Planted 8 River Birch SA 5 5 ft Planted 5 River Birch SA 9 6 ft Planted 9 River Birch SA 7 7 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress SA 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress SA 4 3 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress SA 1 4 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar SA 1 2 ft Planted 1 Black Gum SA 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum SA 2 2 ft Planted 2 Black Gum SA 11 3 ft Planted 11 Persimmon SA 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY PER PLOT 56 TOTAL VOLUNTEER SPECIES 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 55 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 56 • 0 MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria River Birch SA 1 1 ft Planted 1 River Birch SA 8 2 ft Planted 8 River Birch SA 8 3 ft Planted 8 River Birch SA 1 4 ft Planted 1 River Birch SA 5 5 ft Planted 5 Tulip Poplar SA 16 1 ft Planted 16 Tulip Poplar SA 15 2 ft Planted 15 Tulip Poplar SA 1 3 ft Planted 1 Baccharis SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 56 TOTAL VOLUNTEER SPECIES 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (PERACRE) 560 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 55 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 56 0 MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress SA 7 2 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress SA 21 3 ft Planted 21 Bald Cypress SA 15 4 ft Planted 15 Black Gum SA 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum SA 4 2 ft Planted 4 Black Gum SA 2 3 ft Planted 2 TOTAL SHRUBS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY 50 PER PLOT TOTAL VOLUNTEER OBSERVED DENSITY SPECIES 0 PER ACRE 500 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 50 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 50 0 MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria River Birch SA 1 2 ft Planted 1 River Birch SA 3 4 ft Planted 3 River Birch SA 4 5 ft Planted 4 River Birch SA 5 6 ft Planted 5 River Birch SA 2 7 ft Planted 2 Tulip Poplar SA 7 1 ft Planted 7 Tulip Poplar SA 25 2 ft Planted 25 Tulip Poplar SA 12 3 ft Planted 12 Tulip Poplar SA 1 4 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar SA 1 6 ft Planted 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 61 TOTAL VOLUNTEER SPECIES 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 610 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 61 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 61 0 w MUSSEL RUN MITIGATION SITE - GREENE COUNTY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria River Birch SA 24 1 ft Planted 24 River Birch SA 2 2 ft Planted 2 Green Ash SA 7 1 ft Planted 7 Green Ash SA 35 2 ft Planted 35 Bald Cypress SA 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress SA 2 3 ft Planted 2 Black Gum SA 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum SA 16 2 ft Planted 16 Black Gum SA 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Willow SA 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Black Willow SA - 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Black Willow SA 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 99 TOTAL VOLUNTEER SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 990 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 91 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 99 0 APPENDIX B. '* 2009 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 0 A view of a bald cypress seedling observed in Plot 1. !jq r s r1 L . T 'a Hay :.n Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project September 2009 ? LMG Imington, N.C. W9 Site Documentation Photos 0 A view of a river birch seedling observed at Plot 3. 8 µ ??Y 'Y?'. C. Y { t _ ? 2 Y 4' t 4 ?` ? 't [` Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project September 2009 ?LMG Iminqton, N.C. b ?. + 5' x t Site Documentation Photos A view of plantings at Plot 4. A view of a tulip poplar seedling observed at Plot 5. I• 10 0 i t 5 t ?1d ' t k, l ' ! F ,fir ' lr f'1 ., }-' ????y.,.:` ie. 4A`• .fin Cif A view of plantings at Plot 6. C .t t. aA £" 'y 'ff ? ? ? ttt g @ s i"y y , i f y A view of the hydrologic monitoring installed at Plot 6. Mussel Run Headwater Restoration Project L?. ?? Site Documentation , Photos September 2009 - Wilmington, N.C. APPENDIX C. HYDROGRAPHS (WELLS 1-3) - 2009 A G 00 0 0 N c 7 Q O B LM 0?4 no 804 0 Ste, 0Ol4 O^ O 004 ^S 00,4 ?^O 0?4? o n o r` S oO, i ??lv o ! 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