HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010496 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20010404NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 FAX. COVE,R Falls Lake Office pate .., < .. Number of pages Includln cover sheet LA To: Phone Pax Phone CC: May 21'01 1524 NO.UU1 F.U1 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program 1142 1-85 Service Road Creodmoor, NC 2M2 From: trlc L"rZ.c- Phone 919-528-9886 Fax Phone 9194284839 NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 May 21'01 15:24 NO .001 r'-U2 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Charles R Fullwood, Fateeutive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney, Wetland Scientist Wetlands/401 Water Quality Certification Unit Division of Water QuowMaAty- FROM: Danielle R. Ponder, N dmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Pro&= DATE: 21 May 2001 SUBJECT: Pre-construction Notification Application for Cardinal Lake Subdivision, Durham County, North Carolina. DWQ rv: 010496 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject pre-construction notification. A site inspection was conducted on 4 May 2001 by NCWRC biologists to f Wher assess impacts to fish and wildlife resources. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667d), and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The applicant proposes to impact 186 linear feet of stream and associated wetlands with culverts and fill for access roads and sewer line construction in a 140-acre residential development, Cardinal Lake Subdivision. The streams that run through the project are tributaries to Chunky Pipe Creek. Chunky Pipe Creek, designated as WS-IV-NSW, is a tributary of Falls Lake and is within the Neuse River basin. The applicant also proposes to fill 6,542 square foot of Lake Unity to prevent sewer lint encroachment within Zone 1 of the Neuse River riparian buffer area. According to the site map, there are a number of lots that have streams running through them or are located within the Neuse River buffer zone. Riparian areas were observed to consist of mixed hardwoods, pines, shrubs, and grasses. . Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries - 1721 Mail Service Centcr - Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 ext. 281 0 Fans (919) 715-7643 NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 May 21'01 15:25 No.001 P.03 Page 2 21 May 2001 Cardinal Lake Subdivision DWQ TD: 010496 Strewn piping and placing fill in aquatic resources can result in significant negative impacts to downstream areas and eliminate fish and wildlife habitat. Stream piping reduces the infiltration of storm water and associated pollutants, as well as the dissipation of stream energy. Piping a stream and placing it underground obviously removes both aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Existing uses by wildlife arc lost and future opportunities to improve aquatic diversity, even if water quality improves, are precluded, Likewise we are concerned about impacts to wetlands due to their wildlife habitat value and the well-known beneficial functions that they provide for (food control and water quality protection. Changes in land use from a primarily forested area to a suburban landscape may exacerbate channel degradation due to increased stormwater runoff. However, we will not object to the project provided that the following recommend conditions arc incorporated into the permit to reduce impacts to fish and wildlife resources. Remaining wetlands and streams on the site should be protected from additional impacts by placing them in a permanent conservation easement to prohibit filling, draining, flooding, and excavation. 2. Li order to minimize stream impacts, while retaining some measure of wildlife habitat, we recommend a 100-foot undisturbed, native, forested buffer along perennial streams, and a 50-foot buffer along intermittent streams and wetlands. Maintaining undisturbed, forested buffers along these areas will minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources, water quality, aquatic habitat both within and downstream of the project area, and help prevent the extirpation of endangered and threatened species. In addition, wide riparian buffers are helpful in maintaining stability of stream banks and for treatment of pollutants associated with urban stormwater. Whereas. a grassed buffer, particularly fescue, is a vegetated buffer but will not provide the necessary and highly valuable functions as discussed for forested buffers. 3. Use bridges for all permanent roadway crossings of streams and associated wetlands to eliminate the need to fill and culvert. If culverts must be used, the culvert should be designed to allow for fish passage. Generally, this means that the culvert or pipe invert is buried at least one foot below the natural streambed. If multiple cells are required, the second and/or third cells should be placed so that their bottoms are at stream bankfull stage (similar to Lyonsfield design). This will allow sufficient water depth in the culvert or pipe during normal flows to accommodate fish movements. If culverts are long, baffle systems are required to trap gravel and provide resting areas for fish and other aquatic organisms. If multiple pipes or cells are used, at least one pipe or box should be designed to remain dry during normal flows to allow for wildlife passage. In addition, culverts or pipes should be situated so that no channel realignment or widening is required. Widening of the stream channel at the inlet or outlet of structures usually causes a decrease in water velocity causing sediment deposition that will require future maintonance. Finally, riprap should not be placed on the streambed. N.CWRC,HCP,FRLLS LRKE TEL:919-528-9859 may 21-ul 1?):20 NO.uui r.U4 Page 3 21 May 2001 Cardinal Lake Subdivision VWQ ID: 010496 4. Locate sewers and other utilities as far away ftm creeks as functionally possible and minimize stream crossings. It is preferable that sewers be located outside the riparian buffers. The construction of roadways in new neiihborhoods can produce short-term direct impacts as well as long-term cumulative effects. Increased stormwater runoff can accelerate erosion of stream banks and scouring of the stream chaimel. Additionally, the pollutants (e.g., sediment, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers) washed from roads and urban landscapes can adversely affect and extirpate species downstream of developed areas. Grassed swales in place of curb and gutter and on-site stormwaler management (ix, bioretention areas) can be installed to produce no net change in the hydrology of the watershed and are recommended. These designs often cost less to install and significantly reduce environmental impacts from residential development. Many of these recomracudations have beea applied in Maryland in efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay from water quality degradation, Thank you for the opportunity to review this pre-construction notice. If you require further assistance please contact our office at (919) 528-9886. cc: Todd TugwelI, USACOE, Raleigh WT/drp ` Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com ..?-.• _. 12001 F -.._.. ?J June 19, 2001 Dear Mr. DorneY an Ms. KarolY, )S GROUP _...Thank you for provi ng me with a 401 waiver for the Cardinal Lake Subdivision in Durham County (DWQ 01-0496). H ever, I do not believe the letter addresses all the impacts, discussed in the PCN form and the cover letter, sociated with the proposed project. Because the last sentence in the waiver states that 401 certification it be required if impacts other than 184 linear feet occur, please provide a follow-up letter that specifies impact totals as described in our initial application and outlined below: 1) 186 lin feet of stream impacts 2) 8635 S Ft. (0.198 Ac.) of roadway fill 3) 6542 S . Ft. (0.15 Ac.) of lake fill Buffer Impacts: Road ( `4 i Sanitary Seer F r r Total Buffer Impacts Zone 1 (Sq. Ft.) Zone 2 (Sq. Ft.) Total (Sq. Ft.) 6629 2457 9311 4671 4301 2785 1281 800 ----- 6229 582 1142 1394 1199 ----- 860 ----- 1718 ----- 2587 with road crossings: 20,241 9,913 Total Buffer with Sanitary Sewer easement: 3,257 Please feel free to enclosed a self-ad 14,535 9086 13982 7086 2081 6229 1723 2593 860 1718 2587 30,154 17,792 me if you require additional information. As suggested by your office, I have a stamped envelope which you can use to mail your response. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, i `-' Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA ?ebiY Todd Preuninger Biologist Charlotte Office: PMB 291, 3020-I Prosperity Church Charlotte, NC 28269-7197 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Greensboro Office: 3817-E Lawndale Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (336) 540-8234 Fax: (336) 540-8235 Hickory Office: 910 Boston Road Taylorsville, NC 28681 Phone (828)1635-5820 Fax: (828) 635-5820 7 QUALITY PLANNING Fax 919-715-5637 Jun 18 '01 1629 P.03i03 V C/? Michael r. Easley QG Governor 1 ?. William G. Ross, Jr„ Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr 7. Stevens Ii?q Division of Water Quality June 18, 2001 Durham County DWO Project A 01-0496 17'_7:-, o; 401 Water Quality Certification V codc and Jim Branch -acs' and Environmentail Consultants 9aven Ridge Road NC, 27614 ')ca- Mr. Goode and Mr. Branch: application for a 401 Water Quality Certification was received in the Division of Water Quality's Central Office on 2 '100'. According to our rules ( 15A NCAC 2H.0507 (A)], if final action is not taken within 60 days, the Certification is vec' uniess DWQ has objected in writing to your application. Therefore, DWQ has waived the requirement for a401 '+\t :(tpr Cuality Certification for your plans to impact 184 linear feet of streams for development at the Cardinal Lake u'_ ci»? ion In Durham County, as described in your application. This waiver replaces the on-hold letter sent to you on June Haeiever, if additional impact occurs or your development plans change, this waiver is no longer valid and a 401 Water. Qualify Certification will be required. A I( If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney or Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-1786, cerely, R. Dorney L, uc: DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Raleigh Regulatory Field Office. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 'O.Pmington District Office Corps of Engineers entral Files File Copy Todd Preuninger, 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC:, 27614 010486 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unil, 1650 Mail Slice Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtrele Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) n•.n .7-6 r..ti......\ non wv A6n9 r...,n tiw..-rn.n.. ..... .,?.. .. -,......r..........r....,a,.r OF W ATFq Michael F. Easley ?O? pG Governor Uj r William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary ] Department of Environment and Natural Resources O `C Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality June 22, 2001 Durham County DWQ Project # 01-0496 WAIVER of 401 Water Quality Certification Lloyd Goode and Jim Branch C/o Soil and Environmental Consultants 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC, 27614 Dear Mr. Goode and Mr. Branch: Your application for a 401 Water Quality Certification was received in the Division of Water Quality's Central Office on April 2, 2001. According to our rules [ 15A NCAC 2H .0507 (A)], if final action is not taken within 60 days, the Certification is waived unless DWQ has objected in writing to your application. Therefore, DWQ has waived the requirement for a 401 Water Quality Certification for your plans to impact streams and buffers as described in your April 2, 2001 application for development at the Cardinal Lake subdivision in Durham County. This waiver replaces the on-hold letter sent to you on June 1, 2001. However, if additional impact occurs or your development plans change, this waiver is no longer valid and a 401 Water Quality Certification will be required. If you have any questiongplease telephone John Dorney or Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Dorney Cc: DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Todd Preuninger, 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC, 27614 010496 North Carolina Di+ion of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service!Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvld., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) n•n vno +voe i.. , w....n.n von cone is..... •...... uti n,...... .. •.,•,. ..,, .... i,.,,....,.,,,.,.•„r DWQProjcct # 010496 Subject: DWQProject # 010496 Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 10:31:08 -0700 From: "Preuninger" <preuninger@sandec.com> To: <cyndi.karo1y@ncmai1.net> Cyndi, i just wanted to confirm that you received the fax i sent on 6/14 regarding Cardinal Lake subdivision. please call or e-mail if you need more information. also, would you pleade fax me a copy of the 401 waiver when it it complete? thanks in advance, todd preuninger Todd Preuninger Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (919) 846-5900 1 of 1 6/18/01 11:28 AN RE: DWQProject # 010496 Subject: RE: DWQProject # 010496 Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:39:50 -0700 From: "Preuninger" <preuninger@sandec.com> To: "Cyndi Karoly" <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> Cyndi, Thanks for faxing me a copy of the 401 waiver for Cardinal Lake. However, I need a letter that adresses all of the proposed impacts for Cardinal Lake. I have attached a copy of our response and am also mailing a hard copy. Please call if you have questions. Todd Preuninger Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (919) 846-5900 Name: waiverletter.doc waiverletter.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message 0 I? ,?Y"'Y^'?„l? f n kv? i[L CK VA? J-1-r "? jv--? 190V 1 of I 6/19/01 10:52 AN June 19, 2001 Dear Mr. Dorney and Ms. Karoly, Thank you for providing me with a 401 waiver for the Cardinal Lake Subdivision in Durham County (DWQ 01-0496). However, I do not believe the letter addresses all the impacts, discussed in the PCN form and the cover letter, associated with the proposed project. Because the last sentence in the waiver states that 401 certification will be required if impacts other than 184 linear feet occur, please provide a follow-up letter that specifies the impact totals as described in our initial application and outlined below: 1) 186 linear feet of stream impacts 2) 8635 Sq. Ft. (0.198 Ac.) of roadway fill 3) 6542 Sq. Ft. (0.15 Ac.) of lake fill Buffer Impacts: Road Crossings: Zone 1 (Sq. Ft.) Zone 2 (Sq. Ft.) Total (Sq. Ft.) 6629 2457 9086 9311 4671 13982 4301 2785 7086 Sanitary Sewer 1281 800 2081 ----- 6229 6229 582 1142 1723 1394 1199 2593 ----- 860 860 ----- 1718 1718 ----- 2587 2587 Total Buffer Impacts associated with road crossings: 20,241 9,913 30,154 Total Buffer Impacts associated with Sanitary Sewer easement: 3,257 14,535 17,792 Please feel free to contact me if you require additional information. As suggested by your office, I have a enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope which you can use to mail your response. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Soil & Environmental Consultants, P.A. Todd Preuninger Biologist otOF W ATF9?G Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality June 18, 2001 Durham County DWQ Project # 01-0496 WAIVER of 401 Water Quality Certification Lloyd Goode and Jim Branch C/o Soil and Environmental Consultants 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC, 27614 Dear Mr. Goode and Mr. Branch: Your application for a 401 Water Quality Certification was received in the Division of Water Quality's Central Office on April 2, 2001. According to our rules [ 15A NCAC 2H .0507 (A)], if final action is not taken within 60 days, the Certification is waived unless DWQ has objected in writing to your application. Therefore, DWQ has waived the requirement for a 401 Water Quality Certification for your plans to impact 184 linear feet of streams for development at the Cardinal Lake subdivision in Durham County, as described in your application. This waiver replaces the on-hold letter sent to you on June 1, 2001. However, if additional impact occurs or your development plans change, this waiver is no longer valid and a 401 Water Quality Certification will be required. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney or Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-1786. cerely, ob? R. Domey Cc: DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Todd Preuninger, 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC, 27614 010496 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service! Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree 131 \0., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) nin 100 17o0 /..L?....\ !Nn inn Corm /i,...\ "- if"- ,..-....• ..... .... .... b........u....,J..I F WATF \O?? '4QG Michael F. Easley Governor r William G. Ross,Jr.Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources .,Wetlands/401 Unit Location: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: General 919-733-1786 Fax: 919-733-6893 Fax To:Fax Number: Compa Date: From. Phone: No. Of Pages including cover sheet: Notes or special instructions: NCDENR Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Ste 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-0893 Environmental Consultants, P,A, D-1 - R-1-oh. North Carolina 27614 - phone- (919) 846-5906 • Fax- (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com FACSIMILE SHEET FAX NO, (919) 846-9467 TO: NAME: a r 1 COMPANY-- 2 WQ FAX NUMBER: FROM 1 The following items are being faxed.. For Your Comments/Approval /Per Our Conversation Please A.dvisR Would Like To Discuss HARD COPY SENT: US Regular Mail Ovendght For Your Information Ver Your Request Please Call Please Handle Hand Delivery L,-No Hard Copy Sent REMARKS: C a- ?W - C?7 ? o y °ti (c? 1-4 Got ,1 ^L 1.?? YV?l1Gl. ?-wCTPr ??? F ?iG J+ GY ?V4 t7l 1P S'l'iVhL . IF YOU RAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CONTACT V ?? -AT (919) 846-5900. *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE' This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whioh it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended reapleru, you are hereby notified that any diacloaure, dietributlon or copying of this information is strictly prolvbitod. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephooe and return the faxed documents to us at the above address viaithe Uxtited States Postal Service. Charlotte Ofttcc: CxreensbgV F%0 291, 3020-1 Prosperity Church Road 3817-E Lawndale brivc 910 Floston Road Greensboro, NC 27455 Taylorsvilic, IBC 28681 Charlotte (704) 720-9Z8z69-771197 Phone: (336) 540-8234 phone (828) 635.5820 Phone- , NC Fax; (704)720-9405 Fax: (335) 540-8235 Fax: (828)635-$820 CC: SUBJECT: "- lam Number of pages including transmittal sheet:,, DATE: f t `; 01 Project Number: YS i `.Z Avoiee Detail Uvoice Date: 417101 620 SUC .J. a No. 38830 ite/Time Reference TicketlCaller Pickup Destinatioo/rOD Extra Total Charge 412/01 1089 182556 S&EC KEN CLOSE 5URV8Y $0.00 $14.95 14:14 11010 RAVENS RIDGE R 907 TRINITY RD 1LALZB QyH NC RALEIGH NC LORMAN 15rA4 412/01 4512 182568 S&EC DWQ X0.00 $14.95 16:24 R` 11010 RAVENS RIDGE R 2321 CRABTREE BLVD -5- aC. r RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC r J?_r 1:?&f APOWERS 9:42 4/5/01 5470 02,00 192905 S&EC I1WQ $0.00 914.95 ?.- 15:33 xiA 11010 RAVENS RIDGE R 2321 CR"TREE BLVD RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC S. KROGER 17:29 S&EC Total Tickets: 3 Total Charges $44.85 DWQProject # 010496 Subject: DWQProject # 010496 Date: Thu, 14 Jun 200109:16:39 -0700 From: "Preuninger" <preuninger@sandec.com> To: <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> Cyndi, I received an 'on-hold' letter for the Lake Unity Subdivision. The site is located in Durham County and is referenced by DWQ # 010496. Your office received our application by courier on April 2nd and was signed for by A. Powers. I can fax the receipt if necessary. The hold letter is dated on the 61st day of the permit application. Is it possible for you to write a letter waiving the 401 cert? Please call and we can discuss. Thanks in advance. Todd Preuninger Todd Preuninger Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (919) 846-5900 lot 1 6/14/01 1:30 PIV OF WAI' Michael F. Easley b? QG Governor rq' William G. Ross, Jr, Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality June 1, 2001 DWQ Project # 010496 Durham County CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Lloyd Goode & Jim Branch C/o Soil & Environmental Consultants 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Dear Mr. Goode & Mr. Branch: The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your plans for the discharge of fill material into 186 linear feet of streams located at Glen Forest subdivision in Durham County for residential development. Insufficient evidence is present in our files to conclude that your project must be built as planned in waters and/or wetlands in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0506. Therefore, unless modifications of the proposal are made as described below, we will have to move toward denial of your 401 Certification as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0507(e) and will place this project on hold as incomplete until', we receive this additional information, we are requesting (by copy of this letter) that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers place your project on administrative hold. Please provide us with information supporting your position that states your project must be constructed as planned and that you have no practicable alternative to placing fill in these waters and/or wetlands. Specifically can you 1. Provide the complete mailing address of the owner? 2. Can the road crossing (1,400 square feet of impact) be shifted to avoid the wetland fill [sheet 21, 3. Can the sewerline be shifted to avoid the lake fill and buffer impact? 4. Sheet 6 Is unintelligible. Please submit a clearer map. 5. Can the lot line be shifted to allow the sewer line without Zone 2? [sheet 7]? 6. Can the lot line shifted to allow the sewerline without impacting Zone 2 [sheet 8]? 7. Also please discuss whether these roads are public and therefore allowable under local water supply protection rules. Any documentation such as maps and narrative that you can supply to address alternative designs for your project may be helpful in our review of your 401 Certification. Please respond within three weeks of the date of this letter by sending a copy of this information to me and one copy to Steve Mitchell at the Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 571- 7400. If we do not hear from you in three weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn. If you have any questions, please telephone John Hennessy at 919-733-5694 or Steve Mitchell at our Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 571-7400. (4. c e RDorney cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Raleigh Field Office Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Bras Suther; Soil & Environmental Consultants Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 73 -1786 Fax: (919) 73-6893 Memorandum To: John Dorney From: John Hennessy Date: June 1, 2001 Re: Tardy Projects List of Recommendations I apologize for the lack of lead time on this set. I have been waiting for Mitchell to call me back. I didn't realize that he was still on vacation. Allen Smith Jr. , QWQ No. 010502 I recommend a hold letter. The application does not discuss what is proposed. More specifically, there is no discussion on what is being done to the stream. The application indicates that the stream will be longer post-construction. Is there a proposed relocation? Or are they putting into a pipe? Also, there is no discussion on avoidance and minimization. Why is it necessary to fill all 0.17 acres of wetlands on the site? Can't they rework design to minimize'? Cardinal Lake Subdivision, 010496 I recommend a hold and additional information letter. There are numerous places on the site where I believe additional avoidance and minimization can occur. Additionally, the maps are deficient in quality to allow a full understanding of what is occurring. Primarily, the lack of a legend precludes identifying what zone the impacts to buffers is occurring in many cases. The places where additional minimization may need to occur is as follows: Sheet 2: Can road be shifted to avoid wetland? "Sheet 3: Can sewer be shifted to miss buffer impact? Are the impacts shown on sheet 2 Zone 2? Without legend cannot tell'? ,(gh?,eet 6: What is going on'? Map is a mess. No legend to help. `Aect 7: Can we shift lot or make lot smaller to avoid impact'? 51beet 8: Can we shift lot or make lot smaller to avoid impact'? c \john\tardy reports\060101.doc Environmental Consultants, Inc. Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 - Phone: (919) 846-5900 - Fax: (919) 846-9467 Web Page: www.SandEC.com This is a request for a 401 Water Quality Certification to cover 0.353 acre of wetland and stream channel impacts, which includes 186 linear feet of stream channel using I14WP 39. Therefore, a check for $475 is enclosed. y/ 31 ` Lf l y (" fa -= coo NCDENR-DWQ Attn: Mr. John Dorney 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Parkview Bld. Raleigh, NC 27604 0104g6 April 2, 2001 US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Mr. Todd Tugwell 6508 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Ste. 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 RE: Nationwide Permit 12 & 39/401 Water Quality Certification/Buffer Compliance Request Lake Unity Glen Forest, Durham County, North Carolina (UTM Coordinates: Zone 17, 697100, 3987500) S&EC Project #: 99-4512 NBRRO Project #: 00-292 Dear Mr. Dorney and Mr. Tugwell: On behalf of Lloyd Goode and Jim Branch (property owners), we hereby request authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers to use Nationwide Permit 39 to cover permanent impacts and Nationwide 12 to cover temporary impacts to stream channels and wetlands resulting from construction of the proposed Cardinal Lake subdivision. We also request written concurrence from the NC Division of Water Quality (NC-DWQ) that the project complies with the 401 Water Quality Certification associated n = with Nationwide Permits 39 and complies with the Neuse River Basin (NRB) buffer rules. A Pre-construction Notification Application (PCN) is attached, which includes an r _-' T agent authorization form. .? The proposed project consists of installation of infrastructure necessary to support a residential development, such as roads and sanitary sewer service. It is approximately 140 acres in size and is located approximately 0.5 mile southwest of the Fletcher's Wetland Delineation/Perm itting/Mitigation Soil/Site Evaluations On-Site Septic Systems Environmental Assessments/Audits Neuse Basin and Watershed Buffer Evaluations Groundwater Hydrology Endangered Species Western Branch Offices: (828) 635-5820 - (828) 312-7902 - (704) 516-3922 April 2, 2001 S&EC Project #: 99-4512 Page 2 Chapel Road (SR 1815) and Cheek Road (SR 1800) intersection. Please refer to the attached map (Figure 1) for the location of the proposed project on a USGS topographic quadrangle. S&EC delineated the wetlands and jurisdictional waters present on the subject property in September 2000. Mr. Steve Mitchell, of the NC Division of Water Quality, conducted an on-site determination on October 11, 2000, and found that features "A" and "B" are not subject to the buffers (see attached buffer letter/map). Mr. Mitchell also determined that the other unnamed tributaries to Lake Unity and Chunky Pipe Creek, features C, D, E and F, are subject to the buffers. The proposed project involves road crossings of two intermittent streams and three wetlands; sanitary sewer crossings of two intermittent streams and three wetlands; and discharging fill into Lake Unity to allow the installation of a sanitary sewer line to serve the subdivision. Table 1 (below) itemizes and provides a description of each proposed impact to waters of the US. Please refer to the attached Wetland and NRB Impact Maps (9 sheets) for the location of each impact. Table 1. Wetlsnd and Stream Impacts TYPE OF PERMANENT TEMPORARY PERMIT IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL IMPACT IMPACT SHEET NUMBER TYPE AREA SQ. FT. SQ. FT. Beaver Roadway impoundment 39 fill and intermittent 5900 ------ stream channel E (5' wide x 116 LF) Road Headwater 39 Crossing Forest 1500 ------ 2 of 9 Beaver Sanitary impoundment 12 Sewer and intermittent ------ 1800 Crossing stream channel E (5' wide x 20 LF) Sanitary Headwater 12 Sewer ------ 155 Crossing Forest Beaver Impoundment 39 Roadway (Inundated area 1235 ------ Fill , no channel 3 of 9 resent 39 Lake Fill Lake Unity 6542 ------ April 2, 2001 S&EC Project #: 99-4512 Page 3 TYPE OF PERMANENT TEMPORARY PERMIT IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL IMPACT IMPACT SHEET NUMBER TYPE AREA SQ. FT. SQ. FT. Road Intermittent 4 of 9 39 Crossing stream channel D 210 ------ (3 wide x 70 LF) Sanitary 5 of 9 12 Sewer Linear Wetland ------ 69 Crossing Sanitary Intermittent 6 of 9 12 Sewer stream channel D ------ 66 Crossing (3' wide x 22 LF) 15,387 sq.ft. (0.353 ac.), 2090 (0.048 ac.), TOTAL 186 LF of 42 LF of channel channel 17468 sq. ft. 0.401 ac. The USACE's current policy requires applicants to avoid and minimize wetland and stream channel impacts to the maximum extent practicable and may require compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable losses of waters of the US when impacts exceed the thresholds for notification (0.10 acre) or if a discharge causes the loss of any open waters. The applicant requested a detailed delineation of wetlands present on the property prior to site plan development in order to avoid jurisdictional wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. However two beaver impoundments of tributaries north of Lake Unity separate the eastern and western portions of the property, making it necessary to impact these jurisdictional areas with road crossings to provide access to the site from Fletcher's Chapel Road (see impact map, sheets 2 and 3). The remaining road crossing of an intermittent stream is required to provide lots 500 and 501 with access (see impact map, sheet 4). All proposed road and sewer line crossings are perpendicular to wetlands and stream channels. As mentioned above, the applicant proposes to discharge fill into Lake Unity and create a new lake edge to allow for the installation of a sanitary sewer line. Topographic constraints make it necessary to place this sewer line adjacent to Lake Unity along the rear of lots 235 - 239 (see impact map, sheet 3). The creation of a new lake edge will allow the sewer line to remain in this topographic position without encroaching on Zone 1 of the Neuse River Buffer around Lake Unity. Please refer to the attached 3/28/01 letter provided by Jason Bertoncino of Withers & Ravenel for further explanation of impacts to Lake Unity. Of the 140 acres on site, the applicant proposes to preserve over 40 acres of open space, not including Lake Unity or the pond east of Lake Unity. Of the 15.977 acres of wetlands and waters of the U. S. that exist on property, the applicant April 2, 2001 S&EC Project #: 99-4512 Page 4 proposes to preserve 15.576 acres and impact only 0.401 acre. The applicant will also maintain vegetative buffers on the tributaries to Lake Unity and Chunky Pipe Creek, as required by the NRB Riparian Buffer Rule. Because the applicant plans to preserve 15.576 acres of the 15.977 acres of wetlands and waters of the U. S. on-site and maintain vegetative buffets on-site as required by the NRB Riparian Buffer Rule, and because the applicant will minimize impacts to wetlands and stream channels by utilizing perpendicular road and sewer crossings, S&EC does not believe further compensatory mitigation should be required by the USACE for this project. NC-DWQ's current policy requires written concurrence for wetland impacts greater than 1/3 acre and stream channel impacts greater than 150 linear feet per tributary under NWP 39. Because the permanent impacts to wetlands under NWP 39 are 0.353 acre, S&EC requests written concurrence that the project complies with the 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) associated with NWP 39. As per personal communication between Mr. Kevin Martin (S&EC) and Mr. John Dorney (NCDWQ), the applicant's proposal to discharge fill material into Lake Unity to allow for the installation of a sewer line would be in compliance with the buffer rules if the filled area is re-vegetated. (see impact map, sheet 3). Topographic constraints make this sewer line placement necessary, and lake fill will prevent the sewer line from impacting zone 1 of the riparian buffer around Lake Unity. Please refer to the 3/28/01 "no practical alternative" letter (attached) prepared by Jason Bertoncino of Withers and Ravenel for further explanation. NCDWQ's current policy does not require mitigation for wetlands for impacts below 1 acre and for less than 150 feet of channel per stream under Nationwide Permit 39. Because the impacts for this project are below these thresholds (see Table 1), S&EC believes wetland or stream channel mitigation should not be required by NC-DWQ. All sewer line crossings of wetlands and stream channels are perpendicular and meet the WQC conditions issued for NWP 12. Table 2. NRB Riparian Buffer Impacts IMPACT AREA ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL DESIGNATION SHEET TYPE IMPACTED IMPACT IMPACT IMPACT Road 2 of 9 Crossing Feature E 6,629 sq.ft. 2,457 sq.ft. 9086 sq. ft. Allowable Sanitary Sewer Crossing Feature E 1,281 sq.ft. 800 sq.ft. 2081 sq. ft. Exempt Feature C, Beaver 3 of 9 Road Crossing Impound- 9,311 sq.ft. 4,671 sq.ft. 13'9882 sq. ft. Allowable ment (no channel resent April 2, 2001 S&EC Project #: 99-4512 Page 5 IMPACT AREA ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL DESIGNATION SHEET TYPE IMPACTED IMPACT IMPACT IMPACT Sanitary Sewer Crossing Lake ----"- 6,229 sq.ft. 6,229 sq. ft. Allowable (Non- Unity perpendicular) 4 of 9 Road Crossing Feature D 4,301 sq.ft. 2,785 sq.ft. 7,086 sq. ft. Allowable 5 of 9 Sanitary Sewer Crossing Feature F 582 sq. ft. 1,142 sq.ft. 1,723 sq. ft. Exempt 6 of 9 Sanitary Sewer Crossing Feature D 1,394 sq.rt. 1,199 sq.ft. 2,593 sq. ft. Exempt Sanitary Sewer 7 of 9 Crossing Lake ----"" 860 sq.ft. 860 sq. ft. Allowable (Ion- Unity perpendicular) Sanitary Sewer 8 of 9 Crossing (Non- Lake ------ 1,718 sq.ft. 1,718 sq. ft. Allowable er endicular Unit Sanitary Sewer 9 of 9 Crossing (Non- Lake ------ 2,587 sq. ft. 2,587 sq. ft. Allowable er endicular Unit 13,982 TOTALS Feature C 9,311 sq.ft. 4,671 sq. ft, sq.ft. (0.321 ac.) Feature D 9,679 5,695 sq.ft. 3,984 sq. ft. sq.ft. (0.222 ac.) 11,167 sq. Feature E 7,910 sq.ft. 3,257 sq. ft. ft. (0.256 ac.) Feature F 1,723 sq.ft. 582 sq.ft. 1,142 sq.ft. (0.0396 ac) Lake 11,974 Unity -"---- 11,794 sq.ft. sq.ft. (0.275 ac.) Current NC-DWQ riparian buffer policy requires applicants to obtain buffer approval for non-perpendicular impacts to Zone 2 of the NRB riparian buffers. S&EC requests buffer April 2, 2001 S&EC Project #: 99-4512 Page 6 approval for 11,974 sq. ft. (0.275 acre) of non-perpendicular sewer line impacts to Zone 2 of the NRB riparian buffer around Lake Unity. Topographic constraints make it necessary to impact Zone 2 of the buffer around Lake Unity in four separate locations with sewer lines that parallel Lake Unity (see sheets 3, 7, 8, and 9). Please refer to the "no practical alternative" letter (attached) from Jason Bertoncino of Withers and Ravenel for further explanation of these impacts. Current NC-DWQ policy allows road crossings without stream channel or riparian buffer mitigation if the impacts are less than or equal to 150 linear feet of stream channel or 1/3 acre of riparian buffer per tributary. Because project impacts are below these thresholds (see TablesI and 2), S&EC believes that stream channel or riparian buffer mitigation should not be required. Because the two sanitary sewer crossings of buffered streams are perpendicular and impact less than 40 linear feet of riparian buffer, they are classified as exempt activities by the NRB Riparian Buffer Rules. Sincerely, 2 O*--<,40W"=Z Brad Suther Wetland Scientist/Soil Scientist in Training ?uin? Ala /K? Kevin Martin NC Licensed Soil Scientist Attachments: Pre-construction (PCN) notification form Site Location Map (Figure 1) Wetland & NRB Impact Maps (9 Sheets) Withers & Ravenel "No Practical Alternative" letter (3/28/01) NC DWQ "Buffer Subjectivity" letter (11/21/00) Agent Authorization DWQ ID: Corps Action ID: Nationwide Permits Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 12 & 39 Pre-Construction Notification Application For Nationwide Permits that Require: 1) Notification to the Corps of Engineers 2) Application for Section 401 Certification 3) Coordination with the NC Division of Coastal Management Send the original and (1) copy of this completed form to the appropriate field office of the Corps of Engineers (see agency addresses sheet). Seven (7) copies should be sent to the NC Division of Environmental Management (see agency addresses sheet). PLEASE PRINT. Owner's Name: Lloyd Goode & Tim Branch 2. Mailing Address: P.O. B Subdivision Name: Cardinal Lake City: State: NC Zip Code: Project location address, including subdivision name (if different from mailing address above): The subject property is approximately 140 acres and is located approximately 0.5 mile southwest of the intersection of Fletcher's Chapel Road (SR 1815) and Cheek Road (SR 1800). 3) Telephone Number (Home): NA (Work): (919) 787-0522 4) If applicable, agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc Phone: (919) 846-5900 11010 Raven Ridge Road Fax: (919) 846-9467 Raleigh, NC 27614 5. Location of work (provide a map, preferable a copy of USGS topographic map or aerial photograph with scale): County: Durham Nearest town or city: Glen Forest Specific Location (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): See item #2 6. Impacted or nearest stream/river: Unnamed tributary of Chunky Pipe Creek River Basin: Neuse 7a. Is project located near water classified as trout, tidal saltwater (SA), high quality waters (HQW), outstanding resource waters (ORW), water supply (WS-I or WS- II)? YES ? NO O If yes, explain: 7b. If the project is located within a North Carolina division of coastal management area of environmental concern (AEC)? YES ? NO 0 7c. If the project is located within a coastal county (see page 7 for list of coastal counties), what is the land use plan (LUP) designation? 8a. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ? NO [K If yes, provide Action ID number of pervious permit and any additional information (including photocopy of 401 certification). 8b. Are additional permit requests expected for this property in the future? YES ? NO 1] If yes, describe anticipated work: 9a. Estimated total number of acres in tract of land: 140 9b. Estimated total number of acres of wetlands located on project site 15.977 10a. Number of acres of wetlands' impacted by the proposed project bye: Filling: 0.353 Flooding: Excavation: 0.048 Other: Drainage: Total acres to be impacted: 0.401 'The acreages reported above also include stream channel impacts. 2Please refer to the attached cover letter for more detailed information about impacts. 10b. (1) Stream channel to be impacted by the proposed project (if relocated, provide distance both before and after relocation): Length before: 116 LF (intermittent stream E) After: 70 LF (intermittent stream D) Width Before (based on normal high water contours): 5'(int. stream E) 3'(int. stream D) Width After: Average depth before: After: (2) Stream channel impacts will result from: (check all that apply) Open channel relocation: ? Placement of pipe in channel: ?x Channel Excavation: ? Construction of a Dam/Flooding: ? Other: 11. If construction of a pond is proposed, what is the size of the watershed draining to the pond? NA What is the expected pond surface area? NA 12. Description of proposed work including discussion of type of mechanical equipment to be used (attach plans 81/2" x 11" drawings only): The pro,ject entails construction of a residential subdivision using conventional heavy equipment. 13. Purpose of proposed work: The purpose of the project is to provide road and sewer service to a residential subdivision in eastern Durham 14. State reasons why it is believed that this activity must be carried out in wetlands (include any measures taken to minimize wetland impacts): The applicant requested a detailed delineation of wetlands prior to site plan development in order to avoid jurisdictional wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. However, tivo beaver impoundments and an intermittent stream north of Lake Unity separate the eastern and western portions of the property, making it necessary to construct two road crossings to provide access to the property from Fletcher's Chapel Road (see impact map, sheets 2 and 3). Also, an intermittent stream on ttie southeastern end of the property separates lots 500 and 501 from the remainder of the subdivision, making a road crossing necessary to provide access to the lots (see sheet 4). In order to minimize impacts, all proposed road and sewer crossings will be perpendicular to wetlands and stream channels. In addition to these impacts, the applicant proposes to discharge fill into Lake Unity to allow construction of a sanitary sewer line parallel to the western bank of the lake (see sheet 3) The sewer line must be placed in this position due to topographic constraints, and relocating the lake edge will allow construction of the sewer line outside of Zone 1 of the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer. Please refer to the attached letter prepared by Jason Bertoncino, of Withers and Ravenel, for more information regarding these impacts. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (see agency addresses sheet) regarding the presence of any federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted: (attach responses from these agencies). Perfort-ged by USACE 16. You are required to contact the state historic preservation officer (SHPO) (see agency address sheet) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted: Performed by USACE 17. Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (state) land? YES ? NO D If no, go to 18. a. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act? YES ? NO ? b. If yes, has the document been reviewed through the North Carolina Department of Administration State Clearinghouse? YES ? NO ? If answer to 17b is YES, then submit appropriate documentation from the state clearinghouse to division of environmental management regarding compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Questions regarding the State Clearinghouse review process should be directed to Ms. Chrys Baggett, Director State Clearinghouse, North Carolina Department of Administration, 116 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-8003, telephone (919) 733-6369. 18. The following items should be included with this application if proposed activity involves the discharge of excavated or fill material into wetlands: a. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, lakes and ponds on the property (for Nationwide Permit numbers 14,18, 21, 29, 38 and 39). All streams (intermittent and permanent) on the property must be shown on the map. Map scales should be 1 inch equals 50 feet or 1 inch equals 100 feet or their equivalent. b. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. d. Attach a copy of the stormwater management plan, if required. e. What is land used of surrounding property? Residential and Agricultural If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Municipal Sewer g. Signed and dated agent authorization letter, if applicable. Attached NOTE: Wetlands or Waters of the U.S. may not be impacted prior to: 1. Issuance of a Section 404 Corps of Engineers Permit, 2. Either the issuance or waiver of a 401 Division of Environmental Management (Water Quality) certification, and 3. (in the twenty coastal counties only) A letter from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management stating the proposed activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management program. _ ? 2 D Owner's Agent's Signature Date [Agent's signature valid only if Agent Authorization Letter from the owner is provided (18 g.0)] I-J ?Iii NORTHEAST DURHAM, N. C. " ?'.? A` ??_• ' ??, ?I? i ?? ?1 I•;?? a??,.-,?/ ??? ),( SEJ4 DURHAM NORTH 15' OUADRANOLE Q-- r -JS 'C « % 36078-A7-TF-024 tiC PHOTOINSPECTED 1990 1973 -? /• PHOTOREVISED 1987 I ) Jl 1 ?? ?00 ?j7 DMA 5256 III SE-SERIES V842 50 tv, 1 e l t l V QJ9 I _ "? 1818 \ - ?•-^" I / --? i? p?35? -1 I -? I r '? n?`\ 1 ?? (?? 111 ?•?)??/per ?/ 1 '?\;??1\ /? ?? ??'-"' •? ??c)'? ,I' (? ???.. ? ?C ? ,? lam/ -?? • ?F _ 3 ---GEen •-'?i' •? 350 L?? ?- ?/ ??`???? 1 ?? 1??, \? ?l?'(,'o ??? ° I ?? ? LLL ?, i?n(?'??r /"? ?J? n ?•??i ?,? 00 . ? ?L 350 0,; r _ I o ?' T"W) "p?l -06 i J n / S j ????'??? pipe -?` =reek -- 7 124 MILS 1°l7• %"-., r ?,i \--_.i??f?fk ,F%-"L?il ///1?.'"./G\f11??7?..)a<<`? -- _?7,,?` ??r' t 23 MILS 1. ??., ,ten !% I SCALE 124 000 /I u' - 1 7 p 1 MILE ---- IA! Ji i EE._?-__-?-- t-----.?--T---=---=---- --- 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 FEET UTM GRID AND 1987 MAGNETIC NORTH E-T-Tt --=---3- - 1---=. DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER O O ? III <D r. c c? m c? c co In m d c m A "Rm! Withers & R a ve n e l CAFCI AL LAKE SUeoM?, M By D , Engineering and Su ying, Inc. tida 111 MG.K .wn oriva, NC 27511 WETLAND / RPAFiAN ? IuPACf9 "'"ROy ? zoo, Phone: 919-469-3340 F 919-467-6008 JAe Job ft 200246 of 9 1 T8010 sgROS�I ING 155 sqft. e0 � 1 �* Withers & Rpvenel Engineering doCWY ng, Inc. lid 111 MaeKa,on DrM. Cory. NC 27511 Phone: 919-46Y-33 0 Fac 91Y-407-4006 ROAD CROSSING 6,69 sqft ZONE 1 IMPACTS 2,457 sqft ZONE 2 IMPACTS N ` �' c0 ` (o M M SANITARY SEWER IMPACTS 1,281 sqft ZONE 1 IMPACTS 800 sqft ZONE 2 IMPACTS1 11 1111 20 LF (100 SQ. FT.) TEMP. CHANNEL IMPACTS I I i ROAD CROSSING 1,500 sqft.-1 X22 CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS vallfw scale Flo Onm 9y Date E2"-f oW R 3 2 1 `�"°JA 9 JAB N ? RB 2 0 tiF N,pe Zo \1 EXISTING ,CULVERT ROAD CROSSING 500 sgft. 735 sqft. i OZ No" 0 lob NO 9 \ m "ro ROAD CROSSING 9,311 sgft. ZONE 1 IMPACTS \ \ 4,671 sqft ZONE 2 IMPACTS \ PROPOSED LAKE EDGE " Withers & Ravenel AU Engineering do SUVIng, Inc. 11 Madc«,on D&., Cary. NC 27511 Ph.1919-449-3340 F. 919-467-4004 LAK E FI LL 6,542 sqft 236 SANITARY SEWER 6,229 sqft ZONE 2 IMPACTS 5 \. 23 SEE SHEET 7 FOR ADD. IMPACTS Fft CARDINAL LAKE SUBDMSION N-Jily Shoot No. RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS w R R. 3 2001 '?'°"° 3,3f 9 103 g9 i 102 / 0 ? ,00 r %t0 Z., ZONE \ 50, ROAD CROSSING 4,301 sqft. ZONE 1 IMPACTS 2,785 sqft. ZONE 2 IMPACTS XROAD CROSSING 0 LF (210 SQ. FT.) CHANNEL IMPACT To11 Withers & Rpvenel _ 60' sn..c do Surve, , Inc. 1 t t MocKoan DrM, Cary CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION ? ooe. a. soot 4 lid Engineering 9 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTSwM hn1C 27511 Phom: 919-490-33.10 rcm 919-w-0006 of 9 JAU 90024e Sao* mw AU DOW ? Withers 8c R a v e n e l CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION W*R By Engineering do Surveing, Inc. RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS AcR S-00, ?.:, t t ,? M,o-4ft.?- r, ? ortr.. Fax corr., l NC 919-467-OM t t m 2ooZ48 E5.f SANITARY SEWEF 1,394 sgft. ZONE 1 IM I 1,199 sgft. ZONE 2 IM NRE!1 Withers & Riavenel Engineering 6c Surveying. Inc. 1 iia 111 MoolConan OrM, Cary. NC 27511 PAon•: 919-469-3M 0 Fo= 919-467-0006 109 / r `?- UTILITY CROSSING 22 LF (66 SQ. FT.) TEMP. CHANNEL IMPACT \ I PACTS scam F6.f PACTBAWO CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION R RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PW AB 9 o.d?rrR sod. c?u FM Or! Withers & R e v e n e I CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION Engineering do Surve ing, Inc. RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS w R 3 2001 iij 111 M=Kwm Ork% Cary. NC 275„ CA.d»d 7 of 9 Phaw: 910-440-3310 Fina , 010-4V-0006 48 Withers & Rovenel °fw Engineering do Survein ,Inc. CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION ?r? 11 Moat. n W^ cap,, M cz7511 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS Job' 3 z 1 8 9 NO. Photo: 919-499-3M F=; 910-167-0M 2oo24a of 220 I 269 SANITARY SEWER IMPACTS 2,587 sqft ZONE 2 IMPACTS / 219 21? 211 l t_ ,---- sods CAD FM Imm! Withers & Ra ve n e I CARDINAL LAKE SUBDIVISION o ?• Nod NO. Engineering do Surveying, Inc. ,, , ? , DrAw, 27511 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS W&R is. 3 2001 9- Phw?: o1B-489330 Fmc! 91Y-467-E00o 200248 g of 9 WITHERS & RA VENEL Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 111 MacKenan Drive, Cary N. C. 27511.919/469-3340 •FAX.-919/467-6008 March 28, 2001 Mr. Todd Preuninger Soil & Environmental Consultants 1111 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina, 27600 RE: Cardinal Lake Subdivision WRES Project #200248 Mr. Preuninger: We are offer this letter in response to your request for further justification regarding the proposed Zone 2 Riparian Buffer utility impacts for the above referenced project. The isolated Zone 2 impacts referenced in this letter are shown on sheets 3, 7, 8 & 9 of the attached proposed impact map package. We feel it should be noted that the proposed 140 acres residential subdivision includes several features that promote water quality. These features two large water bodies that will control peak runoff rates, over 40 acres of protected open space and over 22 acres of tree preservation areas. In addition the layout for the proposed subdivision has been completed in a manner to limit stream crossings while providing the required connectivity and design standards of the reviewing local government agencies. All of the proposed isolated Zone 2 impacts are related to the proposed sanitary sewer system. In our opinion the impacts while minimized are necessary due to topographic constraints. Relocation of the sanitary sewer systems out of Zone 2 would result iii significantly deeper infrastructure that would not only require a wider swath of vegetation disturbance during initial construction but would further increase the swath of disturbance should any future maintenance be required by the City of Durham. The most critical of these areas are shown on sheet 3 of the attached impact map package immediately south of the adjacent roadway crossing. Side slopes of approximately 20% are present in this area. As a result, we are proposing limited lake fill in conjunction with this sanitary sewer installation. The proposed fill is a requirement of the local government to provide a minimum "dry" area on either side of the sanitary sewer installation. We endorse this requirement, as this area, (to be re-vegetated as a part of this project); will provide a buffer area between the lake and any future maintenance and a more suitable slope condition to provide diffuse flow through the riparian areas. We offer this information for you use in the permitting process. Please advise should you require any additional information. We appreciate your continued assistance regarding this project. Sincerely, Withers & Ravenel 4ngineering and Surveying, Inc. Jas6n A. Bertoncino, PE Attachments. CC: David Goracke, V American Land. I \ENG-SUR\PRGA00\248\032801 tp doc • • Lea. 1 c rl k JM E S B I1 NT JR. A 4 ,GbVERNOR +# 1 `PILL HOLMAN SECRETARY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE November 21, 2000 Todd Preubinger S&EC,Inc. 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, N. C. 27614 Subject: Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules NBRRO 00-292 Lake Unity Property S & E C Project #4512 Durham County I'V . a,-. how rvr Y r ? u.. wti Dear Mr. Preuninger: On October 11, 2000, 1 met with you at the subject property to conduct a site visit for the above referenced project. This project was initially referenced by the Raleigh Regional Office as NBRRO 00-292. The features represented on the Durham County Soils and the USGS Northeast Durham maps were evaluated to determine their subjectivity to the Neuse Buffer Rule. As a result, it was determined that there several features (streams) present on the property that are subject to protection under the Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy; Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Areas, Administrative Code T15A:02B.0233 (NCAC 0233). The unnamed tributaries to Unity Lake and then Chunky Pipe Creek that are subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule, are delineated on the map received by this Office. This letter only addresses the applicability of the Neuse Buffer Rules. Thank you for your attention to this matter and if this Office can be of any assistance or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Steve Mitchell Environmental Scientist cc: RRO/John Dorney Durham County MA I DRESS: MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1628 H:\nbrlet.for\ireuse.buf\t7M8ClaAcumty.?TILOCATION: 3800 BARRETT DRIVE, SUITE 101, RALEIGH, NC 27609 PHONE 919-571-4700 FAX 919-571-4718 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER 0 a, ., 22 -irB --- DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA - SHEET NUMBER 2.2 wsE mow. COUNTY, r 8 ?w? ?t; t Cr8 i??? fiat Cr ?? N 5B C? ~ ' ?•• T.7 {JJJy a ?i• 7\ /F u n) sBY 1 ? + '••'w s t: ? 1 : ,:,•' {? ' I ?-'?/iys? ' ,? '''' ? • I,• is . ?. y t. L Grp Ii., t r 1 . wsc WsCr)? - ?'. r• / r? t A,?T. crc ;: z IrB kcY s9',.??.-„. a :. ?a `?,sC, •t :? f ;1 ???',?- ? `r;.k}? ,? , T ?f ,r,?r Ft.?tureE ?'?? ? ;? ?• _ crb?, i? .p,? ? 'WV ,. . ?? '1 ,?''r y?;! W ,'•' Cr8 a x ,? ? ° '? Feature F a' z: II ? Feattue "f1' o to `; lAt s I.?tur. "C'., ,,:'° t?`'" ?\ - Wsc o I x,r ` •'xµ , ` Y" "'" .^: ?l. 'ctrl,. + find +; t Fe rture D lef b r S ?a e Gu t!", ?? ' r ? Crg sG a? Nr'? ?. w ` xrT +? t ,HsC' % ?- ur - . \r,?'? '? ? $4 a.< f ? ? ?i yy rrf •?3? t , ? , ? I ? ? s it? Ct B tr sB ?? CrB ?'<< e` Ws8 Cr8 ?' } +e t S'. + } r +' C ?4: Ct t ?S' J t Ar. rT? ,3 4 ti + Vrs?C K fix'. t? " ° Ate. r , ?+ 11 ° + f Cr8 Cr Wsc C t' k' WSB M yr. .?•,r Nyo WsG` ` J`rCrB t..., sB N CrC _ Wn all WsB ?S?Irxt: 1p?M? G{ . n. g+? rC Hel3 x y??'G " crB ?t M y,tCt? # t 'Ghi i CrC / 3 iJ t, 4y a r8 1 t n? r ?T ti ?s4? s 4? ?? ., n J I CrC + r l ?.: Ws8 n ,'.:+ l _ fkl GrB ? 'b '3 •.!???1,\'\C .` --- j C -?? i'_ ?_ ti- _._ / - - -\? -- -`_ w09/213/2000 10:48 1ST AMERICRN LAND 4 7821745 09/28/2000 89:02 9198469467 S EC i a f AGENT AUTHOWAT10N WFM ? i -- N0.482 9003 PAGE 02 9- - Q J-Z Z praW / ?,: e The of ? AZZY N, .n;std", us. P.O. Bo? urr?ss. NC 29" Attm pr We 1wids Rektaa co?su g ? t?.May C°x"'ern inc. bo To who? aid auO,ot3m SOII & Envirod+fl ? Ca?tsv ?• prgsmm ?? oMl . lte y Win"` . of P&Wit app. , to f mdoti 1APM da of Oct Terw, to o uty ao h the p?cooessi?g ? d' Eaor+ wd:. ` w ' . Y in duppogIt of mpp]ica r Su any previous cmmr*% tie agent ifor tt?as project. pamedes Mtb&dXmim 'ib g lour t9.. 6,T sts . .m.i.W *,e Wit. ref C. ' ? 1. !? lJ d Off- ONIl1??5 Print pwis t?aane fir. Kevio Master ?? . cam. It..3 Dorney Wwr Q"Uty u'g " 6u?iror+ltauc? VAM?dy C2eelc?Roa4+td°` 'NC 276W .. ,. 09/28/2000 10:48 1ST AMERICRN LAND 4 7821745 SEC 09/28/2000 09:02 9198469K67 i a f AGENT AUTHOMZAnON FORM A11 BI'MtiKS ??? ?;j?•d 3?. BY N0.482 900.3 PAGE 02 ? q_ - Q1rz Z pho W- ?.? /Despdp*m e P.O. twt9l.ni?sd?l1;. NC 2892 AUM FWd CH .. p Re)aiod Co gar Prey +6 wbo?, I; Ma?y Cm?. To tWxww and auBt4 S4 & Envlro ? o try do app"1;cW&M bo furt?ieiti i al+ tn "e processing bawday The & day of . srR °m duppot . APP Ptk%i comardAS the agent'fdr%"' 8a' any P?1E't?tgtiS CDt1ES? • 'rt'his s?ttlibdOf4? tY aw•4? doff. cf C. r n U dou- o?tt`V. C?wm(8 #4 6 a: *' J°bn DarnW QuatY Pleuv g. y NC ? N1r. Kev*o Merft c? Safi &-En 4 blm**rw,ut5lam+A- John & Cyndi: Some of these might have already gone through, but here are my comments: -1 - p M+ Projects with Comments: 010235 (DOT, Alekander Co.) -the project is in WS-II. DOT must follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters" 000894 (DOT, Lincoln Co.) - the project is in WS-II. DOT must follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters" ?????? (no number assigned, L. Russell Bennett of Carolina Foxglove LLC, Jackson Co.) - the project is in WS-ill. If this road is a private road, then it will need to go through the variance process with Jackson Co. Planning Dept. If it is a public road, road crossings are allowed if no practical altemative exists. Plus BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted away from surface waters, and DOT must follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters." 010471 (Jackie Speight, Moore Co.) - the project is within WS-II HQW. The Foxfire Village Planning Dept. must review for variance process if it's a private rd. 010559 (Spangler Environmental, Wake Co.) - -40% of the project is within the WS-III Lake Benson balance of watershed. If this road is a private road, then it will need to go through the variance process with the Gamer Planning Dept. If it is a public road, road crossings are allowed if no practical alterfiative exists. Plus BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted away from surface waters, and DOT must follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters." 010462 (DOT, Madison Co.) - the project is within WS-II. DOT must minimize BUA, divert stormwater away from surface waters, and follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters." 010474 (S&EC, Inc., Franklin Co.) - the project is within WS-11. If this road is a private road, then it will need to go through the variance process with the Youngsville Planning Dept. If it is a public road, road crossings are allowed if no practical alternative exists. Plus BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted away from surface waters, and DOT must follow their document "BMPs for the Protection of Surface Waters." 010502 (Allen Smith, Durham Co.) - the project is within WS-IV. If the project doesn't need a sedimentation and erosion control plan, then state WSWP rules do not apply; however, the local WSWP program may be more protective. Consult with Durham Planning Dept. 010518 (John Corey, Pitt Co.) - lack of sufficient site map; questionable if within WS-IV. If the project doesn't n6ed a sedimentation and erosion control plan, then state WSWP rules do not ",.-- apply; however, the local WSWP program may be more protective. Consult with Pitt Co, or 1? Greenville Planning Dept. 010496 (S&EC, Inc., Durham Co.) - the project is within Falls Lake WS-IV. If the project doesn't ,s4i` need a sedimentation and erosion control plan, then state WSWP rules do not apply, however, the local WSWP program may be more protective. Consult with Durham Planning Dept. If applies, " the the crossings are public projects, then its allowed with min of BUA, divert stormwater, BMPs used. 010498 (Bridgewater Co., Iredell Co.) - the project is within WS-IV-CA of Lake Norman. If the project doesn't need a sedimentation and erosion control plan, then state WSWP rules do not apply; however, the local WSWP program may be more protective. Consult with local Planning Dept. Also, do Catawba Temp Rules apply? 010539 (DOT, Clay Co.) - the project is within WS-IV and a SEC plan is required. Therefore, a public project crossing is allowed if no practical alternative exists. BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted, and DOT BMP document followed. 010547 (Griffin Contractors, Avery Co.) - no map, but the project is potentially within HQW and Tr and maybe even ? VS-IV. 010659 (DOT, Jackson Co.) - the project is within WS-III, ORW, and Tr. Crossings allowed if no practical alternative exists. BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted, and DOT BMP document followed. 010554 (DOT, Durham Co.) - the project is partially within WS-III and partially within WS-III-CA. The CA must be avoided. If not, show avoidance and minimization. BUA must be minimized, stormwater diverted, and DOT BMP document followed. 010552 (David Duncan, Buncombe Co.) - Gap Creek is C Tr. No WSWP comment, but the design shows no structural benefit to the applicant and impacts to troutwaters. Projects Reviewed. No Comments, Not in WS: 010570 -Town of Winfall, Perquimans Co. 010501 - Winston Salem, Forsyth Co. 010503 - DOT, Yancey Co. 010506 - Wl Schottenstein Homes, Orange Co. 010540 - AG Industries, Rutherford CO. 010576 - Wetland and Natural Resource COnsultants, Catawba Co. 010551 - NRCS, Halifax CO.