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SW8900419_MONITORING INFO_20100922
NOTIFICATION OF DISCHARGE REPORT CHLORIDE SYSTEMS, A PHILLIPS GROUP BRAND 272 WEST STAG PARK SERVICE ROAD BURGAW, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 CATLIN PROJECT NUMBER: 210016.17 ynC rETVEI7 SEP 222010 BY: CATLIN Engineers and Scientists NC CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES C-0585 NC CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR GEOLOGY SERVICES C-118 -,"Z"CATLIN Engineers and Scientists September 22, 2010 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section Attn: Mr. Charles Stehman 127 Cardinal drive Extension Washington, North Carolina 27405 Re: Notification of Discharge Report For CHLORIDE Systems, a PHILIPS Group Brand Burgaw, North Carolina 28425 CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 Dear Mr. Stehman: Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington. North Carolina 28404-0279 Telephone: (910) 452-5861 Fax: (910) 452-7563 www.catlinusa.com On behalf of Chloride Systems, enclosed is one copy of the finalized "Notification of Discharge Report for CHLORIDE Systems, a PHILIPS Group Brand" dated September 8, 2010 for your review files. Based on laboratory analysis, detected contaminant concentrations were mitigated to below compliant levels for established 2L GWQS and 2B Surface Water Standards. Therefore, CATLIN recommends that the CHLORIDE Site be considered for "No Further Action" by the NCDENR Division Water Quality - Surface Protection, and Aquifer Protection Sections. A copy of this report has been submitted to the NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office Surface Water Protection Section as well. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact CATLIN Engineers and Scientists at your convenience. Sincere7) Thom . Landis, P.G. Project Manager Enclosure cc: Mr. Terry Hollingsworth - CHLORIDE Systems (Letters only) Mr. Dick McLaughlin - CHLORIDE Systems (w/2 enclosures) Mr. Rick Shiver - (w11 enclosure) 200017- Chloride Pond NCDENR Stehman Itr Sept 2010.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists September 22, 2010 Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington. North Carolina 28404-0279 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Surface Water Protection Section Attn: Mr. Rick Shiver 127 Cardinal drive Extension Washington, North Carolina 27405 Re: Notification of Discharge Report For CHLORIDE Systems, a PHILIPS Group Brand Burgaw, North Carolina 28425 CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 Dear Mr. Shiver: Telephone: (910) 452-5861 Fax: (910) 452-7563 www.catlinusa.com On behalf of Chloride Systems, enclosed is one copy of the finalized "Notification of Discharge Report for CHLORIDE Systems, a PHILIPS Group Brand" dated September 8, 2010 for your review/files. Based on laboratory analysis, detected contaminant concentrations were mitigated to below compliant levels for established 2L GWQS and 2B Surface Water Standards. Therefore, CATLIN recommends that the CHLORIDE Site be considered for "No Further Action" by the NCDENR Division Water Quality - Surface Water Protection, and Aquifer Protection Sections. A copy of this report has been submitted to the NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section as well. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact CATLIN Engineers and Scientists at your convenience. Sincerely, Tho s andis, P.G. R'CLIV� Project Manager SEP 2 2 2010 Enclosure $Y: cc: Mr. Terry Hollingsworth — CHLORIDE Systems (Letters only) Mr. Dick McLaughlin — CHLORIDE Systems (w12 enclosures) Mr. Charles Stehman - (w11 enclosure) 200017- Chloride Pond NCDENR Shiver Itr Sept 2010.doc NOTIFICATION OF DISCHARGE REPORT • .I CHLORIDE SYSTEMS, A PHILIPS GROUP BRAND BURGAW, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 PREPARED FOR: CHLORIDE SYSTEMS, A PHILIPS BRAND COMPANY 272 WEST STAG PARK SERVICE ROAD BURGAW, NORTH CAROLINA 28425 CATLIN PROJECT NO. 200016.17 PREPARED BY: CATLIN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS P. O. BOX 10279 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28404-0279 (910) 452-5861 CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES C-0585 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 DATE AND TIME OF DISCOVERY 2 1.2 PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THE RELEASE 2 1.3 RESPONSIBLE PARTY'S NAME, ADDRESS, LOCATION, PHONE NUMBER, AND DIRECTIONS TO SITE 2 2.0 NATURE OF RELEASE: TYPE OF SUBSTANCE RELEASED, QUANTITY RELEASED AND SOURCE OF RELEASE; 3 2.1 DOCUMENT THE PRESENCE OF FREE PRODUCT (IF KNOWN) 4 2.2 STATE HOW THE RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (E.G. ODORS, SAMPLE RESULTS, STAINING, ETC.) 4 2.3 DOCUMENT THE ACTION TAKEN TO STOP THE RELEASE 4 3.0 DOCUMENT THE NUMBER OF WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 1,500 FEET OF THE RELEASE 6 4.0 ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE RELEASE OR SUSPECTED RELEASE. 6 5.0 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF RELEASE WITH A PRECISION LEVEL WITHIN 1 MINUTE. 7 6.0 EVALUATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 7 TABLES TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SURFACE WATER LABORATORY RESULTS - EPA Method 8260 FIGURES FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 SITE LOCATION MAP WITH POTABLE WATER WELLS FIGURE 2 SITE MAP APPENDICES APPENDIX A MSDS SHEETS APPENDIX B LABORATORY REPORTS Chloride; 200016 discharge notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 1 September 2010 ' NOTIFICATION OF DISCHARGE REPORT ' FOR CHLORIDE SYSTEMS a PHILIPS GROUP BRAND BURGAW, NORTH CAROLINA ' CATLIN PROJECT NO. 200016.17 I SEPTEMBER S, 2010 ' 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION This purpose of this report is to provide formal notification and documentation ' regarding a one time release in accordance with UST Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Contamination From Non -UST Petroleum Releases and NCDENR Memorandum: Initial Response and Abatement Action for ' Non -UST Petroleum Releases: a summary of current policy and Guidance, dated February 8, 2010. ' 1.1 DATE AND TIME OF DISCOVERY The initial date a discharge was discovered on Friday, August 06, 2010 at ' approximately 4:00 pm. It was subsequently determined that the actual discharge occurred on the afternoon of Friday, July 30, 2010. ' 1.2 PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THE RELEASE ' Terry Hollingsworth- Plant Manager PH: 910.259.1126 Dick McLaughlin- Manager Human Resources PH: 910.259.1021 1 1.3 RESPONSIBLE PARTY, S NAME, ADDRESS, LOCATION, PHONE NUMBER, AND DIRECTIONS TO SITE (Refer to Figure 1) ' Chloride Systems, a Philips Brand Company 272 West Stag Park Service Road Burgaw, North Carolina 28425 ' From Wilmington: Traveling North on Market Street Turn LEFT onto g g 2.0 mi GORDON RD. tjt' ► , 2. Merge onto 1-40 W toward BENSON. 21.4 mi Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CA TLIN Project No. 200016.17 2 September 2010 Take the NC-53 exit, EXIT 398, toward 3' BURGAW/JACKSONVILLE. i41, © 4. Turn LEFT onto NC-53. 4v 5. Turn LEFT onto STAG PARK RD. dR , 6. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto W STAG PARK SERVICE RD. 0.5 mi [811FAM, 0.2 mi 7. CHLORIDE, 272 W STAG PARK SERVICE RD is on the RIGHT. 1 2.0 NATURE OF RELEASE: TYPE OF SUBSTANCE RELEASED, QUANTITY ' RELEASED AND SOURCE OF RELEASE; (Refer to Figure 3) ' One time inadvertent surface spill on impervious surface (asphalt/concrete loading dock area) while rinsing containers for recycle; ' Reclaimed screen wash solution; a byproduct of the silk screen cleaning process. The screen wash solution is a mixture silk screen ink (9700 Series All Purpose Screen Ink - NAZDAR SHAWNEE, mfg.) and ink wash solvent ' (XTEND PRESS WASH 105 — SERICOL INC., mfg.) created while cleaning a silk screen tablet. MSDS Sheets are included in Appendix A ' A total of (4) empty Screen Wash waste containers (5 gallon) were found in the recycle bin. These containers were used to hold the spent solution, t along with rags and were reported to be were partially (1/3 to1/2) full before they were emptied. Therefore, the total quantity of spent solution released is estimated to have been 15-20 gallons at most. These and other waste ' products are normally properly disposed by CHLORIDE's waste management contractor (ECOFLO). ' A temporary employee — assigned to final rinse previously cleaned and air dried empty (5) gallon containers in preparation of recycle, inadvertently and inappropriately emptied the contents of 4-5 (5) gallon similar looking containers of spent Screen Wash solution which were partially (1/3 to1/2) full. The Screen Wash solution was inadvertently poured onto the pavement and then a hose was used to rinse out the (5) gallon containers. The running ' water from the hose - diluted and flowed the Screen Wash solution in a + 10 foot swath down across approximately 100 feet of pavement; where it dispersed along the asphalt/ concrete surface and generally evaporated. ' Chloride; 200016discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 3 September 2010 ' (Temperatures in the 90+ range) However, apparently not all of the solution ( A g AA Y evaporated — as it appears some of the diluted solution and water used to ' clean the pavement made its way to the sump pump (previously installed as part of flood control measures) located in the low point of the loading dock area. Enough water accumulated in the loading dock sump to activate the ' pump which in turn caused a slug of water to be pumped via hard piping to the surface of the stormwater retention pond. ' 2.1 DOCUMENT THE PRESENCE OF FREE PRODUCT (IF KNOWN) ' Subsequent to the initial release, a CHLORIDE employee reported an odor from the area of the stormwater detention pond - located directly behind the loading dock. (Pond dimensions approx. 20 x 250 feet; depth 3 ft). ' CHLORIDE management followed up on the report and noticed the pond did have a slight odor — but was observed to be full of bull frogs, small fish and other aquatic life. ' Visual inspection of the pond revealed extensive algae cover over much of the pond surface. A slight sheen was noted in the areas of algae cover ' however upon further inspection it was determined that the majority if not all of this sheen was likely naturally occurring. When broken the sheen would not congeal back together as is typical of petroleum sheens. In addition, ' when a sorbent pad was placed on the shield little to no product could be observed on the sorbent pad. I 2.2 STATE HOW THE RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (E.G. ODORS, SAMPLE RESULTS, STAINING, ETC.) ' The original discharge at the staging/loading dock area was discovered by visual observation of staining caused by the spent dye on the pavement where the diluted solution ran down the concrete loading area to the sump ' low point drain in the loading dock. As outlined in Section 2.1 the potential for impact to the retention pond was initially discovered by odor. Impact to the pond surface water was subsequently confirmed by collection of surface ' water sample collection and laboratory analysis. 2.3 DOCUMENT THE ACTION TAKEN TO STOP THE RELEASE ' Once CHLORIDE management discovered the release on Friday, August 6, 9 Y g 2010, they initiated measures to clean any residual solution which had not 1 already evaporated. The initial response was to scrub and pressure wash the stained area of pavement. CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) ' was then contacted as to what occurred and for regulatory guidance to mitigate the incident. ' • Based on the ensuing conversation between CHLORIDE and CATLIN and the fact that the pond had been potentially impacted, CATLIN recommended sampling the retention pond. Due to a lack of rainfall ' Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 4 September 2010 in the area over the summer months the pond water elevation was low enough that no water was discharging from the stormwater discharge point in the pond into the adjacent ditch. As part of flood proofing measures installed after Hurricane Floyd (2000) the detention pond was equipped with a shear gate valve which allows the pond to be totally closed from discharge so stormwater can be stored and pumped from the pond during flooding events. Therefore, CHLORIDE was advised and implemented lock out of the closed shear gate valve and pump to keep any discharge of the pond from occurring until the water could be sampled and analyzed. • CATLIN made a site visit on Monday, August 9, 2010 and recommended as a precautionary measure that sorbent boom and vacuuming be used to collect the areas of algae where a slight sheen was observed. Approximately 30 gallons of algae and surface water were collected and were containerized in a 55 gallon drum along with the used boom for disposal by CHLORIDE's waste disposal contractor ECOFLO. In addition, the sump reservoir at the loading dock was vacuumed and cleaned with Simple Green to eliminate any residual solution which may have been present. • A surface water sample (SW-1) was collected by CATLIN on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 for analysis per EPA Method 8260. Review of the laboratory results indicated exceedances of three 8260 list compounds which have established 2L GWQS. Additionally, four 8260 list compounds were detected at levels above established 2B Surface Water Standards. Laboratory results are summarized on Table 1 and laboratory reports are included in Appendix B. • On August 19, 2010, once initial abatement was complete and the laboratory data received and reviewed, CATLIN officially provided Notification of Discharge via telephone to Rick Shiver with the NCDENR- WiRo DWQ on behalf of CHLORIDE. CATLIN agreed that written notification would be provided and no water would be discharged from the pond until levels were below the established applicable standards and NCDENR approval was granted. Since 2L GWQS exceedances were also detected CATLIN was also directed to submit this documentation to the NCDENR-WiRo Aquifer protection section as well. • In the interim to further mitigate the confirmed impact, aeration of the pond was planned to volatize the contaminates out of solution. A base line surface water sample (SW-1 resample) was collected on Friday, August 20, 2010 to more accurately determine contaminant concentrations for design parameters of the aeration system. Review of the laboratory results indicated the exceedances of the three 8260 list compounds which have established 2L GWQS and four 8260 list compounds which were detected at levels above established 2B Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 5 September 2010 1 ' Surface Water Standards had been reduced to compliant concentrations with the exception of Acetone (2600 ug/L) which remained non compliant for the established 2B Surface Water Standard (2000 ug/L). The reduction in contaminant concentrations can be attributable to continued evaporation of the volatile ' compounds and an increase in water volume in the pond due to substantial storm events. Laboratory results are summarized on Table 1 and laboratory reports are included in Appendix B. ' Over the weekend heavy rains completely filled the and and loading � vY P Y P 9 ' dock area to the point that water was within 1/2 inch of entering the back of the facility. On Monday, August 23, 2010 CATLIN collected a third surface water sample (SW-3) for accelerated laboratory analysis ' to confirm if concentrations were reduced enough to discharge the pond water before another rain event caused the facility to begin flooding. Initial screening results from the lab indicated that all ' contaminant concentrations were below established 2L GWQS and 2B Surface Water Standards. The final lab report confirmed the preliminary laboratory screening results. Laboratory results are ' summarized on Table 1 and laboratory reports are included in Appendix B. In order to avoid flooding the facility CATLIN, contacted the NCDENR on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 in order to request ' permission to discharge the stormwater from the pond. Based on the final sample results the NCDENR granted permission via telephone to discharge the water which had been retained in the permitted ' detention pond. 3.0 DOCUMENT THE NUMBER OF WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 1,500 FEET ' OF THE RELEASE (Refer to Figure 2) ' According to the Pender County Department of Environmental Heath potable well inventory records have only recently been established for new structures as they are completed. However the department indicated that public water supply is not ' available in the area. Based on the structures indentified within a 1500 foot radius it is estimated that at least nine potable water supply wells are located within 1500 feet of the site. ' 4.0 ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE RELEASE OR SUSPECTED RELEASE. ' With successful mitigation of the release the detention pond has been put back into normal operation . Although a one time occurrence, procedures and protocols for ' waste stream management at the facility have been reviewed by CHLORIDE management to prevent a similar scenario from occurring. In addition, the necessity of following established, proper procedures and protocols for waste ' stream management have been reiterated to employees of the facility involved with waste management. Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists September 2010 5.0 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF RELEASE WITH A PRECISION LEVEL WITHIN 1 MINUTE. Latitude 34.563 Longitude-77.899 6.0 EVALUATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Since the release occurred on non pervious surface no soil impacts are believed to have occurred. Based on laboratory analysis, detected contaminant concentrations were mitigated to below compliant levels for established 2L GWQS and 2B Surface Water Standards Therefore, CATLIN recommends that the CHLORIDE Site be considered for "No Further Action" by the NCDENR Division of Solid Waste, and Aquifer Protection Sections. Chloride; 200016_discharge notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016. 17 7 September 2010 I TABLE Chloride; 200016discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists September 2010 Page i of 1 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SURFACE WATER LABORATORY RESULTS Analytical Method: EPA Method 8260 Incident Name: CHLORIDE Pond m a) V) Contaminant of Concern m C (D m a� a�i a�i E Sample Location a)o W o U m CL N c � T m Q >, N c E CD E c a� Sample Date � a) o � a 2 s M a c H x ` r ID Collected °� a t a ° Q `r' - O U N Ui L J o 2 2 - Z CL G O (Ni r �`? r-- O Q 2L GWOS {µg/L) 6000 4000 70 600 70 5 NE NE 6 70 600 400 400 500 Varies CHLORIDE Pond SW-1 8/10/2010 5550 4.19 18.8 0.590 J 46.9 BOL 44.1 4.01 J 2.66 206 10.8 2040 559 61.63 BQL CHLORIDE Pond SW-1 Resample 8/20/2010 2600 11.1 J 0.840 J BQL 1.09 0.27 1.64 1 4.82 1 BOL 5.05 1.33 39.3 51.2 232 BQL CHLORIDE Pond SW-3 8/23/2010 495 BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.540 J BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.460 J 13.7 0.3 BOL 15A NCAC 2B Surface Water - Freshwater Aquatic 2000 160,000 3.9' 97 320 590 HH 320' 26,000 330 80' 11 390 630 800 Varies Life u L CHLORIDE Pond SW-1 8/10/2010 5550 4.19 18.8 0.590 J 46.9 BOL 44.1 4.01 J 2.66 206 10.8 2040 559 61.63 BQL CHLORIDE Pond SW-1 Resample 8/20/2010 2600 11.1 J 0.840 J BQL 1.09 0.27 1.64 4.82 BQL 5.05 1.33 39.3 51.2 2.32 BQL CHLORIDE Pond SW-3 1 8/23/2010 495 BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.540 J BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.460 J 13.7 0.3 BQL ' BQL = Below Quantitation Limits J = Detected below the cluantitation Limts ug/L = parts per billion ' 2L GWOS = NCAC T15A:02L Groundwater Quality Standards (HH) = Human Health; Standard Based on consumption of fish -see 2B .0224 = as provided by NCDENR; Division of Water Quality -Classification and Standards Unit ' sec - Butylbenzene (CAS # 135-98-8): human health standard = No data available; freshwater aquatic life standard = No data is available for this chemical; 3.9 ug/L LID can be used (this is based on the use of n-butylbenzene data as a surrogate) 4-Isopropyltoluene (CAS # 99-87-6): human health standard = No data available; freshwater aquatic life standard = 320 ug/L LD ' n-Propylbenzene (CAS # 103-65-1): human health standard = 3200 ug/L; freshwater aquatic life standard = 80 ug/L LID Exceedance of 2L GWOS Exceedance of 15 NCAC 2B Surface Water std. 1 ' Client; CHLORIDE Pond 8260W.xls CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200-016.17 September 2010 I 1 11 FIGURES Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 September 2010 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 APPENDICES 1 0 1 1 L' 0 ' Chloride; 200016 discharge notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 September 2010 • m s m m m m m m m r ■or m®®® m 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 APPENDIX A MSDS SHEEP'S Chloride; 200016_discharge_notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17 September 2010 10 -lapd -)yy SH33W9143 141100-n4 -0311 'ur80;00 01-80-tiny POA1912N 00I/0( 0 L 1 r�CGlS�f xrw—lay .............. wx*...... .. & ...... MATICRTAL JAFETY DATA SHEET " �.+rrr+.k�rwa.rrr.rr.ati�;ir.�a.t###x.rrr.rr• r'nr sczocn prineing Lmk3 us requlrnd l]ndf]r 29 CFR 1910. 1200 (g) . 3ERIC01., ;.NC. r r'rIIMIS RATINGS• t r as aGST 14T'H AVENUE REALTH------------ 2 NORTk K-aNz:Aa CX,rY, `VCCSoUA.i G4116 c-LAMhAZZLITY------L tllitrf 474-0650 R];ACTtiVI'1Y--- - - Q z54r,;,zc7:ar_v I?mc3vF NUMBER PAZDAAzu, r,AAX4 pUC;GENPOUL DATz or PRFFARATION ; 16i 591--917$ REGULATO;�Y COMPLIANCS LMGR- REVTSFD 03lI7/D31Gb REVISIONS: SVECTION ITT. SECTION T--PRODUCT LCENTITTCATXON _------ —------reaC�=:�ltll:.i_r�ov�--�_...�='�G.i1r�e ?naDUCT CODE: xrw-105 PRODUCT NAMZ: xTrrra PRE33 WINOIJ 149 PRODUCT CLASS: ZNK WAgH-UP SOLVENT I1rCTI0N TZ--RAZARUOUS INGRRnI9-NTt COVMM NANX PERCENT RECOMMENDRD ZXPONURF VAPOR PRESSURZ i ,CA$ C?EGIS'TAY 1f1 >aY IxB4I79 (RPM) IMM fto 0 20 C) WICUT ACCXR TLV-174A OSI-11 PEL .._ _----------------.._---- ! !----------! ------ i---------- PRCPYL. WX GLYCOL ETHER ) 35.0 ( NE 1 N£ ; 3.7 E14210 C RADE SFCRI~..T) ! I I I ❑1ACLTC7NW Ax-COHOL 15 _ 0 ) 30 1 SO R 0.8 ;15aoa (133-62-2) ! 1 1 ), AhcjM. PETROLEUM DISTILLATE 35 - 0 1 143 ! NE ) < j - O 317500 {TRADG SICRZT)) 1 I I CL7ML''Na 1. O i 50 ( 50 1 3.0 S175fl0 t98-83�a) ! I ! I 1.2,4-TRInTRYLUNZENZ ! 10.0 ! 25 1 3a I = 3.0 317500 (35--63-6) ! I 1 I XYLYNX t 3.5 ! la0 ) lba ( 6.6 51,7500 t1330-Zq-7) ? ) t150 STELE I -150 STZL) I NOT APP NE - [i20'triCS ag1' J.ISHSD ( UXN I UNKWOWN L'NLE3S NOTBO OTHERWISE, THE UNITS ARE PPM 11ND mm hg @ 20 ct RESPECTIVELY, FOR EXPOSURE LIMITS AND VAPOR ].?RESSURE9. SKIN ABSORPTTON MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TUN OUZAALL ,ABSORPTION Of THIS MATIC ATAL. APPROPRIAT19 @4EASURBS 5HOOLD BE TAKEN TO PRZVENT ABSORPTION SO THAT THB TLV AND/OR DEL ARE NOT INVALXoATMO. ===--�ECPiLo7o1I_--_- PN-YST-CA__I~A.b��ZN: i�CAuL CH —AT tA—CT -ER-1 9-TTIaC3_��s�Tya f3aIL:iNG R.AN['.a:-9A-336 >_ . dY.1vSxT•Y I3 7_ �h 7,Pl./GAL. VOC CON'llZ147 aF MATERIAL: 100% opt 917 GhAMS ?ER LITER. vOC COMPOSITE PARTIAL VAPOR PP-ZS9Uhi;; 3.46 mm/Hg $ 58 r t20 C). 607=31DITY IN WATP-1 : 21.6 (S5TTMATED) THE MVAPOMTION 4ZATZ IS SLOWEn THAN DIETHYL RTMMh. VAPOR OCNSITY LAIR=1}: 4.31 APPEARANCE AND Ouua; COLORLESS. MOHILE, CLEAR LIQUID. MINT ODOR. 60 aRP4 1INV S433NIDN3 NIIA3-01 -:u4 i 3 090: 60 0I -60-any PRA mal sericQI ' M6Ds# xpw-105 :;ECT%ON IV --- E'R4VSTCAL R(AZAAD DATA ' L.r---.---.-...--- bl-A 4MABILITY CLAS3:CVTCATIONS: CSPLki CLASS IS ❑OT: COMDUSTIBLU LIQUID TAG CLOSED CUY YLA5H VOINT: .101 F. EXPLOSIVE LI.%41T3: L2L ❑.5lUEL t3.1 1 EXTINGUISRING MEDIA: "CLASS 9" FIIt.2 "TIN.T1z1RiErkS (39ED IN ACCOADANC$ VITI1 MANOVACTUXXX5 'iraSTAUCTYDN3. "ALCOHOL" FOAM CO2 DAY CHEMICAL 'AATCR F= a)NUSUAL ?T= Ora EXPLOSION 11AZAak0s: KEEN CONTAINDRN VTQHTLY CLp5ZD. ISOLaTS FROM HEAT, 3PARKS, )IONO OF" ELtIMES. CLOSED CONTAINERS MAY ItUIPTURE ±1Mr-W VSPOSED TO 7EXTF..EMe HEAT. WhTER MAY 6E USED TO COOL ONRUVrURZO CONTAINER9. DURING 7-tjMFtaENCY CONDITIONS, nvGnXX80SUR13 TO DECOMPOSITION FIIODUCT3 MAY CONSTITUTE A HEALTH NIALARD. SYMPTOMS MAY NOT HE TwEDTATELY APPARENT. ObTAXN MEDICAL AITY)NT100. SPECIAL FTRE$'IGnTING PROCEDURES: ::ATZR MAY SO UNSUITABLE FOR US£ O-W 13Uaib %N* LIQUIDS. FULL PROTP-CTLVE tQVIVMENT 15 fLZCoMnb-.NoxD TO PROTECT fZRE GTIGHTERS r 20;7 :MY HAZARDOUS DFCCMPOSITION PRODUCTS. WATER SPRAY MAY BE INHZ?Z*CTzvY. IF WATER MOST 3E USED, FOG NOZZLES ARE li=CblLY ARYFERABLE - WATMIX MAY OE UyaO TO COOL CLOSED CoNT'AINZN3 TO PREVENT PRESSURZ BUILD-UP AND COSSrSLK AUTO -IGNITION OR EXPLOSION WHRU bx809 a TO FXTREMM FRZAT. 38CTION V --- eo=RG _NCY ARID FIRST -AID e -PROCEDURES ...rY -- 5-'-....�___ +a•CJ�W�.Ar�e� --..ASS--r -- y ... - PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY AR9 DERMAL AND INHALATION. 3WALLOWIAC: "lvZX EMERGENCY M IMOICAL ATTENTION- ' mTz PRODUCT IS 3LICUTLY — TOXIC 9Y INC ZSTZON AND AX ACPIRATIO14 RAZARD, TP VICTIM iD 0140WUV OR -J-NCQNSCIQUS, PLACM ON THE LEFT SIDE wITR THE READ DOWN AND ❑O NOT r: TUM 1LNYTHING BY MOUTH. IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS, ALERT FIND NOT .SPONTANEOUSLY VOMITINC, TnEW VOMTT'TNG 9%ROULD Slit INCUCED FOR I-NCE STIONS OF LARGK AMOUNTS (MORE THAN 5 O"CrS IN AN ADULT) PPZTH;RAB7,Y WITH SYRUP Or TPLCAC CINDER a DIAI;CTION FROM A PHYSICIAN OR P0I3ON CL"NTYI%. IF POSS'IAT-e- DO tWOT LEAVE VICTIM OVATTEINDEA. SKIN CONTACT: REMOVE`, CONTAMINATED CLOT( lN5. WASH THOROUGHLY WIT" MILD SOAP AND WARM WATSA. CONSULT A PHYSICIAN IP HERE ZS ANY PERSISTING 'IRRxTr�Tzot� . INHALATIONS IF RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OF EX$OSUAZ DEVELOP, MOVE VICTIM AWhY Z.ROM 9OURC0 OF EXV0dVhM i%ND INTO FRESH AIR. IF 5IMPTOMS pZRsXST, SEMN IYR4EDIATO bWDXC4. .4TTXNTZON. IF VICTIM TS NOT BREATHING, ARTIFICIAL RnSPIRATION SHOULD BE ADMTNISTMrAZD. xF SREATR;ING DIFZZCULTSES ❑zvr.Lop, OwYGEN SHOULD ma v.DmxuisTrRzo BY 4UALIFi$p PL'it+,�owwEL. 39EK 1MMEIDTATF, MEDICAL ATTENTION. .YES CONTACT: MOVE VICTIM AWAY FROM EXPOSORS TO VAWORS AND INTO FRESH AIR. IT IRRITATION OR REDNESS ❑ZVELOFS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION- FOR DlkKCT CONTACT, 11=3 nYELZD3 APART PaNtl FLUSH TRA AFFECTED L'YE fS) WxxH CLEAn wArrtt SOLt AT LG1►T 1-5 ximuTE5. 9£LK MEDICAL oTTCNT3019, SP9CIAL NOTES T4 ATTZN0jN* ?HYSICSAN: T:HERF. I3 NO 3PL*CI£'IC AXTTCOTZ- TRSATME" OT OVICRBXPOSURR SHOUL13 aX TiIRPLI lTdD AT CONTROL GS 714P. SYMPTOMS AND THE CLINICAL CONDITION. SECTION vY SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Ob' OVER—EXPOSURET I al dA"d INV S833NI M N1103-01 _wail wr90:00 01-90-sny PRA14IRN ul U4/ „M 111',U 14: JJ FAA S(11'tUi @ 003eat PAGOGN XPW-105 ACUTE F_F'F':SGT:3: 1 ::yii1LLOATN(3� 7HI3 MATERIAL, 111t�!s A LOW DEGHXX Or T=TCYTY. 11432:JITXON OY MxCXsrruZ QUAWTITTnS MAY "Q9Z tk1k1TaTIOM Or THO DIGESTIV13 •rR..CT AND SIGNS CT lV$RVQUS 'iYSTI:M ❑EPRZSSIQN (E.G.. IIAOWSINeSS, DIZZINESS, LOSS aF CC0nDINATICN AND rATZGUE) . ASPIRATION HAZARD - ONE Old MORS COUPCNENTS ON 'axis HATERIAL CZW B\ITEA i_{3)ucs L:UAINr; :'WALLOWING OR VOMITING nND CAUZZ Lawc ZNIFLAMMATTON AND DlUMAQ$. : 'KTN ABSORPTION: CONTACT MAY RESULT IN :THIN ABSOI PTiON 2uT SYMPTOMS OP TOXICITY 14AM NOT X4TTCrr^TSD b7 THIS :SOUTZ ALONlS 13D)CY,1t 17gRMAI. Cull ITLQnB ' 07 U50. 2ZRSONS W'IT9 PRL-RXIET$NG rKIN 0I60auimgS MAY aS MORH 303C=PTIBL9 TO THE EFFECTS OF THIS MATERIAL. TNIThThM10Wti THIS N'xT%RTAL 11AS A 'LOW DLO }; ow -roX'IGITY GY INHALATION. BRI,ATBINC nGH c,ONCENTRATIONS Of VAPORS OR MISTS MAY CAUSE I14RITATION OF T113 NOSH AND THROAT AND c;jCN8 OF NOPLVOUS SYSTEM t?L'1"flffi9SION. PROLONGED OR RZEMATEU EXPOSURE TO VAkIORS OR M12TS MAY CAUSE LIVER AND KIDNEY DA14lptGE AND DLOOD M13OUDZRS (ANFtAT A) . RE3PIRATORV SYMPTOMS ASSOCZATUD WTTH PAE- IiXISTZNC LUNG DISORDERS IZ.C., A&TfiMA- 'Lx:t9 CCNOITION3) MAY MM AGC-PAVATCD 3Y EXPOSURE TO THIS MAT£RTAL- SXIN CONTACT: ONE CR MORE C❑UPQNENTS CAP THIS MATERIAL MAY CAUSE SEIN IRRITATION. FROLUNG&O OR RZ-.BAT1rSL7 CONTACT MAY CAUSE REDNESS, SURNTNG AND DMYINO AND C,ZACX=N3 OF THE SKIN AND BXIN OA1dAG85. zXZ codT.ACT: ObM Oh MC RE; COrIPONENT3 02- THIS MATERIAL Y3 AN LLYIS IRRITANT. DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE LIQUID OR EXPOSURE TO VAPORS OR MISTS MAY CAUSS STZNGING, TEARING. REDNESS AND SWELLING. COIAMITTFWS KNOWN TO BE ACCA&VAT20 BY OVZRZXPOSMAM. BL:S-ZXISTING KIDNEY, L:VKR, -, 7Lovo DISORDERS rVAY 34 nC;CRAVATE0 BY EXPOSURE TO THIS MATBRI.AL, CHRONIC ZryZCT3.- ONE COCSPONXWT r.,AUSg❑ TAZ TOLLAWINC ESLTECTS IN 771SORaT01iY AN:LivrA1,3 - ANEMIA, LIVBEt AHNGRI`JALx tixL g, XTONEY DHmAam. ADDITIONAL KNOWN HLkLTH HAZARDS: REPO;,TS HAVE ASSOCIATE'n rF=Qw=v OR REPEATED OCCUPATIONAL OVEREXPOSURE TO SOLVENTS WITA PERMANENT BRAIN AND NEF.VOUS SYST2H nnxa ;9. IDITENTIONAL MIS0813 13V DEL2B£RATZLY CONCENTRATXWO AND INIU=N6 THE GONTRNTS MAY BE HARMFUI. OF r2%TAL- - _-- SECTION VII -- REAC'TIVITY DATA ' THIS LOIRTURS 25 STAbLs AND nAZARDOUS YoLyX4naaTLON wTLL w= OCCUpt. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO ,A,VOTO) : STRONG ACIDS OR BASES, OXIDI2ING aC33NTS, 3ELECTSD ANINFS, 4INC, ALUMINUM, AND ALicALXtS. HALA.ADOU3 =r_0M"JTTZ0W PRODUCTS. TtICRMAL DECOMPOSITION IN THE PRESENCE OF '%XA MAY YY1wLC CARRON MONOXIDS AND/OR C.A BON RIOXIDE. CCrtQ=1rXQmS TO AVOID: ZXTR AZ T meAsAwuR85, 5PARKS, OVEN ?LATHES OR ANY OTHER IGNITION SOURCES, LECTION `rxxx -- �rVXL . OR LEAK P1?OCEDURES STgVg TO UZ TACKN Zr NATZATAL TS SPILLED OR AMy=ASZoe UZTNG NoN- SPARKING 'LTDCL5, PtAC't LZAhINQ CONTAI14eRS IN A 91E:LL VEPNILATF_-0 AREA. ELXH'XXX'9Z AL';j BOURCESS OF 11CAT, 3PA"S, OR !!GNTTTQN. NOTITY PROPER AUTHORiTIEZ IF PUBLIC WATERS OR -XW2RS ARE CCWTAMIPIATED. WEAR APPROPRIATE PROTLCTIVR CLOTHING AND RZSPIRATORY PRCTECTION u,OUIPMENT 'AiIEI.1 LATZRINQ TXZ OVILL AATA. SHUT OFF LEAK IF IT CAN BE DONE SAFELY, VENTILATE THE AREA. DIKE AND Pt MP OFF LARGO S12ZLLS 3 I I i nerd ,1V S�33050 WIVO-01 _lufli j lar90:80 01-60-Inn p"AIQzeJ u,1r UC/ LUf1J IMU l4; 34 11Al surico 1 ( 004/a ' mS[)S# XPW-105 fNTO UALVAGIJ OA :,'VOMCI4 CONTAINERS. TAAM UP RGG,TOUL OR :1MNLL JPTLLS W IT4 A9SORRENT KATF,RTAL JUCH AS CLAY OR VEi:Rm1CCSLIT3. nccn ] UV ALL ti:AIVTAM�trRTLO 5OYL ANn DT-5imiv. OS Vm .3AP19C MANNEfi Ai T111:1 v?k0OUC:T. NASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: AS A HAZARDOU3 !4ASTL, THIS MATCAXA,L MUST 73E U1320590 Off' IN ACCORDANCE: WTTS ALL FEDF-AAL, STATIS, AND LOCAL �ALyx�lxulcres_ INQUIRE OV YOUR LOCAL ZNVIAON41r24TAL A4P-WCZ"£S FOR T" 2XACT 1,613AL IiP_jZ[]2flvylg(GT T 'EEC YOUR ARIA. IIEMR 70 3EG7E'71QN3 TV, V, VI, WEI AND IX DE TRX9 DOCUMnNT 5HL00ri17 ATTEMIPTING I;1,EANC7P. —_—_.----------._ ---------__---'-- ------ -- BECTTCN TX SAFE HPONDLING AND USE INFORMATION ------- ---------.y------_TyOL,r,e�=��t���.11�'d�==���L'Ih4�� R3SPIRATORY PROTECTION: VXERZ CCNCENTRATIONS IN AIR MAY EXC9ED 'CHIC ' fJIMIT3 GIVEN LN :SECTION IT AND nNO.INOMAtN I, WCRR PRAG'I'TC% OR OTHER MEANS OF EXPOSURE REDUCTION ARE NOT ADEQUATE, ?1IOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPTRATO145 MAT bE N4CE3SARY TO l?KL-,,vANT CV?TIG�GPC750RC. VENTILATION REQCJIaMIENTS: LOCAL 9XAAUST RECOMMON DED WREN APPROPRIATZ TO CONTROL EXPOSEJRE To MIST OR ,1CROSO►,S. CL'N]i6AL EXHAUST is WOVXALLY AmEODATT TO MINIMTZId EXPCSURS TO VAPORS. i'AOTECTIVS GLOVES: RUBBER OR NEOPRENE TO MINIMIZE .SHIN CONTACT. EYE PROTECTION: 3AnTY GOGGLES OR TULL FACE SHIZLO. HyisIENIC SAFETY PRACTICERc WASH ISANDS 30VORE MATTNO, USING TOaACCO PRODUCTS, 92 USTDIG TH.$ ASHROCM. TODALCCO AND PAGE .SHOULD Zr CUNSUDMD IN 3L9IGNAT7;D PAZA3 ONLY. ADDITIONAL SAFETY EQUIPMCNT: IMPERMEABIA APRONS ANO >30OTS. SAFETY SHOWER AND EYE BATH SHOULD 22 MAOE AVAIIABLX. --_------..-------- SECTIOAI X SPECIAL. PRCCF.0t7P85 -------.--_ —. r -ter.----_ TRANSPDXTATI01v, STOKAGE AND KA1r DUNG: AVOTP CONDITIONS LISTED IN SECTION VII. AVn:C0 WROLONGED 2TORAGE XT ' V-MPERATUIiF,'8 FN ZXCE88 Or 100 P. OTHER I'REC:AUTIONS: NONE. ------T -- OECTIDN XI DISCLAIMER GRATCOLP two, W'RM3 No WNR?JL1STY, EXPIi£98IID OR LMPLVMD, c%z To THZ ACCURACY OR RKLIABILITY OF INFORMATION CONTAXPIED AERSIN, Z:XCEPT THAT SUCH It rOAMATION I.+, TO T= BE5T or SL°RICOL' S XwcwLGDCS Aran b]CI.IMT, ACCVRATZ AG OS THE DATE :CNSDTCAT%O ON THIS DOCW-MNT. TtNAL 0ETERMINATT021 qs SUITABILITY OF ANY M&TER= IS THI SOLE RES?0NS1BTLmTY OT THE USER. .ALL MXTZRIALS MAY MSBENT UNKNOWN HEALTH 11ALARD5 AND S NOUI,D 13E USED WITH cAUTIoN, ALTHOUCH CERTAIV 1{i ZAADS ARIr 02sc xaED Rr2.ZzW, Wx cAiTWOT GUARANTS:M 1THftT TBESE ARE' THE ONLY 1'IA7ARDS THAT EXIST. SECTION XI1: ?URCHA5XX' S ❑BLIMATIC Z SERSc4L, INC. URCP 3 THE COSTO:EER XVCEZVING IRIS N&TERTAL SAFETY Dr4TA SH='r TO STUOX TV ChRYiULLY TO oxcOs+1E AWARE or H, ZARDSI, IF ANY, OF THD PRODUCTS INVOLVED. IN THE INTEREST OF SAnTY. YOU SHOULD (1) NOTIFY YOURuY mmrLOYEES, AGXWTO, AND CONT%IACTOR3 OF TMZ INFORMATION? ON THIS SkIEBT, (2) 170UNIUR A COPY To TACH OF YOUR COSTWERS OCR THIS PRCCUCT, I1 0 131 REQUEST YOU"A CV57(MVERS TO I11YORM THEIR ZMYLOYZES, CUSTOMRS, AND AGENTS, AS WELL. ----------------- SIJC'i'20N1 xIII REGULATORY T'NFQ[iMAxiOin �.., 4 z( ;iepd ()MY S833N{9N3 N003-01 -ua13 'U►.10:60 01-60-9ny PaAIiuq ' vv, v ll cuv, }tr,u l:l: a1l Ml sorico 1 .4005/0 lv160EJ� ;Cs?W-7U5 TOXIC :!"SOTANCES CONTROL ACT ',T£CA) .;'V.VfUZ i Tl;% jN%;LZrDIFNT$ OLD '1'H28 PRODUCT ARE LISTF,D ON THE TSCA .INWKNTORY. ,ruz:'. VR,3MTJCT CONTArNs A TOXIC CWk!polC.aL OR CS UNTCALZ UVBJ 7GT TO TIE bNNOAL m rCRTING RCQUIREMENTS 07 JECTION 311 air TITtZ -rig OF TIi`E 3UPERrONO ,"VHNDKE'ivTS AND REAUTTIOR1ZATION AC'r op 1096 HNv 40 CFR PART 372. OONTHTt�TS: L,2, �-TPtTa�7'riYLaEN��;vf, CA58 40-d9-e 100 'ay WOMCHT. CUMEiNZ, CA50 10-82-6, 1.Sl: 3Y WZJCAT. A*e'LZNZ, CAJ* 1330-20-7 3.51k BY WICRT. THIS NOTIr'rCA'TION MUST NOT BE DE,TAC94D FROM THE blkTmAlAL 3A.BETY DATA SKEL''T (MSDS) AN❑ ANY COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MSDS SRALL INCLUDE COPYING "0 REDISTRZOUTION OT 'T"U NOTICE !AT"TAChXg) TO GOPSLr5 OF THE MSMS SUMS2004OTLY RSDTSTRTnUT=0- 3TATZ OF C&LIZ-OANIA 3ArZ UAINXING WATZK AND TOXIC ENFORCENE1V'L' ACT Or 1906 (PROPOSITION SS): THIS ?R0DUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN CHEMICALS KNOWN TO itli STATE OF Cp.LxroRrJTA TO CAOSZ CANCER, OR RL"sROOUCTLVE TOXICITY. STAT13 OL* CALTt-OANTA 'SOUTH COAST AIR CUALITY �,+nU=&NZWT DISTRICT RULM 103: Lj"O-:OChFMTCALLT Mr.AGTIVIL BY ❑EFYNXTION, 1 0 6 ZO AREd ONY S833NIDN3 NlIiVO-al -wolf WERO:60 01-60•-EMY PQhlaOaa MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE: 1 OF 6 E OF LAST CHANGE: 05/23/05 DATE PRINTED ........... : 10/13/05 ACTURER'S NAME: UUAR SHAWNEE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE #: (800)424-9300 (U.S. and Canada) 8501 HEDGE LANE TERRACE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE #: (703)527-3887 W,AMEE (OULsida U.S. and Canada, collect calls are acceptad) 66227 USA INFORMATION TELEPHONE #: (800)677.4657 SECTION 1 -- CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ......---.-•-•---------- CODE: 97NL IDE NAME...: 9700 SERIES ALL PURPOSE SCREEN INK . H M I S C 0 D E S - fUC7 CLASS: SCREEN INK SERIES...: HEALTH 2* FLAMMABILITY 2 REACTIVITY 0 PPE X WT VOC VOC X VOC Off VOC VOC x VOC Item Description--••••• 9719 FIRE RED 19-7-2-2-U-L'TRA lb/gal 8.3 g/L 575 lb/gal 4.8 volumes 64 ------Item Description• •---•• 9721 PEACOCK BLUE lb/gal 8.6 g/L 569 lb/gal 4.7 volUtde 53 BLUE 8.5 585 4.9 65 9724 BLACK 8.3 588 4.9 65 9727 MIXING/OVERPRINT CLEAR 8.1 617 5.1 68 9748 FLATTING PASTE 8.9 672 5.6 74 9758 TINTING WHITE 4760 ORANGE 10.5 8.5 545 562 4.5 4-7 60 fit 9759 TINTING BLACK 9761 YELLOW 8.3 8.3 595 573 5.0 4.8 66 63 762 WARM RED 8.3 589 4.9 65 9763 RUBINE RED 8.3 585 4.9 65 764 RHODAMINE RED 8.7 $75 4.8 64 9755 PURPLE 8.5 580 4.8 64 9766 VIOLET 8.3 591 4.9 65 9767 REFLEX BLUE 8.4 577 4.8 64 ,9760PROCESS BLUE 775 SUPER OPAQUE WRITE 8.8 11.2 570 518 4.8 4.3 63 57 9769 GREEN 9780 YELLOW TONER 9.2 8.3 563 584 4.7 4.9 62 65 781 ORANGE TONER 8.5 574 4.8 64 9782 CARMINE TONER 8-2 587 4.9 65 9783 MAGENTA TONER 8.3 583 4.9 65 9784 MAROON TONER 8.3 599 5.0 66 9785 GREEN TONER 8.5 583 4.9 65 9786 BLUE TONER (65) 8.4 576 4.8 64 7 BLUE TONER (RS) 8.3 576 4.8 64 9788 VIOLET TONER 8.2 596 5.O 66 F71 789 RED TONER 8.4 583 4.9 65 97PB12 TRANS MEDIUM YELLOW 8-2 592 4.9 66 818 TRANS RED 8.2 621 5.2 69 97PB60 STOP SIGN RED 8.2 589 4.9 65 TTB HALFTONE BLUE 8.2 708 5.9 78 97HTBK HALFTONE BLACK 8.3 685 5.7 76 97HTEX HALFTONE EXT BASE 8.3 696 5.8 77 97HTR HALFTONE RED 8.4 692 5.8 76 7HTY HALFTONE YELLOW 8.4 700 5.8 77 97LF 1D PRIMROSE YELLOW 8.6 569 43 63 7LF 11 LEMON YELLOW 8.6 556 4.6 62 97LF 12 MEDIUM YELLOW 8.5 556 4.6 62 7LF 13 EMERALD GREEN 8.8 573 4.8 64 97LF 18 SCARLET RED 6.3 574 4.8 64 97LF 20 BRILLIANT ORANGE 8.4 570 4.8 63 .0 0 .0 0 ------------------------ SECTION --- ..••...COMPOSITION,......------•INFORMATION•-----•---•-ON-------....... 2 ............................ INGREOiEN75 .----------------- .... -••------•....................................•--•-----------------•--..........-----------------•--------------•------------------- CHEMICAL NAME: PERCENT OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS VAPOR C ON NAME. BY .......ACGIH ....... .......OSHA........ PRESSURE CIINUMBER WEIGHT TLV PEL IN mmHg NOTES ----------•---•------------• * 2.BUTOXYETHANOL: ---------- 38.64 20 Ppm 25 ppm 0.6 @ 20C E LENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER: Skin C #: 111.76.2 R N MIXTURES: 13.34 NOT NOT 41 @ 20C CAS #= NOT AVAILABLE ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED R L BENZYL PHTHALATE; - 2 NOT NOT 0,16 @ 150C ( 1) P TICIZER: ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED I #: 85.68-7 f�IUM DIOXIDE: #: 13463-67-7 SILICA, AMORPHOUS: #: 112926-00-8 BUTOXYETHANOL ACETATE: LENE GLYCOL BUTYL ETHER ACETATE: ;V-..1 112.07.2 ENTS; JURE; :AS #: NOT AVAILABLE 0.36 0.23 0-15 0-11 10 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 20 ppm 10 mg/0 Total dust 10 mg/m3 6 mg/m3 NOT 1.0 @ 20C ESTABLISHED 15 mg/0 Total dust N/A N/A ( 2) ( 3) N/A ( 4) 1 a EO RXed M S833MN3 NIiIVO—ol —wo)d we80:60 01-60—anV PRAIenRd 1 IDUCT CODE: 97NL HOUS FUMED SILICA: : 112945-52-5 CARBON BLACK: 0-d PIGMENT BLACK; #: 1333-86.4 UBJECT TO REPORTING REQUIREMENT OF SECTI N 313 OF TITLE III OF SARA (4-0 CFR PART 372). NAZDAR SHAWNEE PAGE: 2 OF 6 ............................. NOT 20 mppcf ESTABLISHED 3.500 mg/m3 35.00 mg/m3 N/A 1 ( �.... y N/A ) Supplier recommended exposure limit of 5.0 mg/m3. ) When referencing 'TSCA, use Silica CAS# 7631.86.9. CAS# 112926-00.8 was created to help further categorize the family of Silica. It has not yet been listed on TSCA. 3) NIOSH has set a Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) of 5 pp+m. This chemical is included an the list of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Glycol Ethers Category). See Section 8 Exposure Controls. Personal Protection - Exposure Guidelines for more information on exposure limits. 5) When referencing TSCA, use Silica CAS# 7631.86.9. CAS# 112945.52.5 was created to help further categorize the family of Silica. It has not yet been listed on TSCA. The recommended ppermissible exposure limits (PEL) indicated above reflect the levels adopted by OSHA in 1989. Although, some of the 1989 lavzls have since been vacated, the Nazdar Company recommends that the lower exposure levels be observed as reasonable worker protection. 1 NOTE: Due to the broad spectrum of colors each MSDS may represent, ranges of some ingredients listed in Section 2 may exceed those specified in the Canadian Controlled Product Regulations. If specific concentration information is needed to comply with this regulation contact Nazdar's Regulatory Compliance Department at 913-422-1735. .................. .................................. ...IFICATION.---....--........---------------------------------.........------. SECTION -- HA2AROS AEl-RAI-L"HE"-A*L-rH"E"'FF'E'C'T'S --------------------------- * ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------......------------------------------ --------------- THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BASED UPON USING THE PRODUCT AS INTENDED By THE MANUFACTURER. The potential health effects of this product are based on the hazards of its components. The use of this product in combination with other products may product synergistic (additive) health effects. Ccutionary labeling and matarial safety data sheets of all `aerials used with this product should be reviewed before use - EYES Eye contact with liquid, vapors or mists may cause moderate to severe irritation, including burning, tearing, redness or swelling. SKIN Skin contact may cause irritation. Symptoms may include dryness, chapping and redness. Penetrates the skin readily. Toxic I Iand may be harmful if absorbed through the skin. LATION Repeated and prolonged overexposure by inhalation may cause respiratory tract irritation. Symptoms may include central nervous system disorders such as headaches, dizziness, weakness and fatigue. [ STION Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal tract irritation. Symptoms may Include headaches, nausea and vomiting. Contains material that may be moderately toxic if ingested. �NIC EFFECTS/TARGET ORGANS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged vccupa'tivhul overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal, AL STUDIES 2-eutoxyethanol has caused reproductive and blood disorders resulting in kidney, liver and lung damage In lab animals. Butyl benzyl phthalate produced limited evidence of damage to the liver. kidney and male reproductive system and harm to the fetus In lab anirmals after overexposure- The relevance of -these findings to humans is uncertain. 2•Butoxyethanol acetate has 'caused reproductive and blood disorders resulting in kidney, liver and lung damage in lab animals. For animal studies, reference TSCA Section 4 Test Rule Result$ or contact the manufacturer for further details. iEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Pregnant women and parsons with pre-existing health disorders should consult their physician before using this product. Repeated and prolonged overexposure and/or individual sensitivity may increase the potential for and degree of adverse health effects. See Section 3 -Hazards Identification" for effects of certain hazardous ingredients. tQv — s OF EXP05URE imary exposure routes: Inhalation -Dermal (Contact/Absorption)•Ingestion 1 ........... ...I .... ......... I........... SECTIO4 -- FIRST AID MEASURES ..............,......... ........................... ..................•-----•------------------------------------------------I......I.....--• .............. 1 70 AN ONY S833NIDN3 NI11VO-A1 -mojj wqo: 60 01-60-BnV PAM AOAN DUCT r=ODE: 97NL NAZDAR SHAWNEE PAGE: 3 OF 6 EYES f ...............••................ ..------.......-----------. ............... •--------------- . - -------••-----------..- �fter initial flushing, remove any contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, If irritation persists have ,/es examined and tested by medical personnel. SKIN In case of contact, Immediately wash skin with a mild soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Coal water is initially suggested to prevent the pores of the skin from opening. This will minimize both the area and time of skin contact. Lukewarm water may then be used to ensure all contaminants are removed. Skin should be monitored for reddening or chemical burns. Mild soap is suggested to help prevent abrading the skin or rubbing the chemicals into pares during cleansing. Get medical attention if irritation persists or significant contact has occurred. Thoroughly wash (or discard) clothing and shoes before reuse. HALATION Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give oxygen by trained personnel medical attention 'if breathing difficulty is experienced. )�ESTION If swallowed. an unconscious Seek immediate do NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Never give anything by mouth to person. rR COMMENTS No Data Availabla ME. •--.. .....-•----•---•----•................................. SECTION S -• FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES F H POINT ---------------------------- ........--------------.......------------------------------------------ ....... .................... 143 Degrees - 145 Degrees Fahrenheit (PMCC) 0[ FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION (NFPA) Class IIIA Combustible Liquid LEL - LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT / UEL - UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT Elr1. 1X volume in air / No Data Available UISHING MEDIA aam-CO2-Dry Chemical -Water Spray F1AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Isolate from heat, electrical c-quipment, sparks. and oPrn flame. Keep containers tightly closed- Vapors may be heavier than air and can travel to a source of ignition then flash back. Closed containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat, F FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is recommended to protect firefighters. S IAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Water may be ineffective but may be used to cool containers. Fumes released on burning may be toxic and dangerous. SECTION........................S..MEASURES--------------......,................... I-----------.._.-. --- RELEASE MANAGEMENT MEASURES Remove all sources of ignition (flames, hot surfaces and electrical, static or frictional sparks). Avoid contact or breathing vapors. Ventilate area. Contain release and remove with inert absorbent. Use non -sparking tools to place material in appropriate container for disposal. Isolate the hazard area and deny entry to unnecessary and unprotected personnel. The National Response Center (800-424-8802) and local authorities should be contacted for any reportable spill/release. ........................SECTION.... ...HAND.... AND STORAGE .. ............ -HOLING AND STORAGE METHODS Use in a well ventilated area. Follow all MSDS/label precautions even after container is emptied; container may retain product residues. Store in closed containers in cool. dry, well ventilated area away 'Prom sources of ignition. Keep containers closed when not in use. Smoke in designated areas only. Avoid prolonged or repeated overexposure to this product. Keep out of reach of children. Follow label directions carefully. Do not take internally. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. --•----------- .......... ............ .--------------------------------------- ............. ........................... SECTION 8 __ EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION lF"- TORY PROTECTION concentrations of hazardous ingredients exceed exposure limits listed in Section 2 an appropriate NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) approved respirator with an organic vapor cartridge should be used, If material is handled under mist. spray or dust 'Forming conditions. a P100 (99.97% efficiency) filter should be used in addition to the organic vapor cartridge. Protection provided by air -purifying respirators is limited_ If no exposure limits are listed in Section 2, follow general safety guidelines in 29 CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection or other applicable respiratory 1 90 Aced W S833NION3 NI11Y3-e1 -woad weea:60 01-60-DnV pAAtnnq 1 ODUCT CODE: 97NL NAZDAR SHAWNEE PAGE: 4 OF 5 standard, ............. .... ------ PROTECTION Use neoprene, nitrile or other gloves resistant to chemicals listed in Section 2. Contact a reputable safety supply company for appropriate gloves. Solvent resistant aprons arfi recommended. Prevent prolonged skin contact with contaminated clothing. PROTECTTON Use ANSI (American National Standards Institute) approved safety glasses, faceshield or splashroof goggles to prevent eye contact. Contact a reputable safety supply company for appropriate eye protection. The availability of an aye wash is highly recommended. �OSURE GUIDELINES See Section 2 -Composition. Information on Ingredients" for occupational exposure 'iimits. Excessive concentrations of nuisance dusts or particulates not otherwise classified (PNOC) or regulated (PNOR) may reduce visibility dnd cause unpleasant deposits in the eyes, ears, and nasal passages. The TLV and PEL has been established for all non -toxic "nuisance dusts- that are not otherwise classified and refers to both organic and inorganic dusts. Exposure or generation of these dusts is not anticipated during normal printing operations. The use of dry pigments and powders, grinding or sanding of printed products may generate quantities of these particulates. Refer to Section 2 Composition, Information on Ingredients for exposure limits. �IENIC PRACTICES Wash with soap and water before eating, smoking or using toilet facilities. Separately wash or discard clothing and footwear before reuse. NEVER try to remove product from the skin by using solvent or thinner. Such action is likely to increase the possibility of undesirable effects. Remove contaminated clothing to prevent prolonged skin contact. INEERING CONTROLS Use applicable engineering controls. work practices and personal protective equipment to ensure all concentrations are kept below the exposure limits listed in Section Z. Adequate controls should be implemented to ensure employee safety from fine mists which may he produc3d under some printing conditions. �ER PROTECTION No Data Available .SECTION 9 -- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES `............................................................................. ........................... ............... q� ( ARANCE : ® viscous liquid ODOR Characteristic P'SI CAL STATE : ' Liquid Not applicable V R PRESSURE See Section 2 for individual ingredients. vR DENSITY � Heavier than air 80 LING POINT Greater than 300 degrees Fahrenheit F ING POINT Not available SlILITY IN WATER Not tested EVAPORATION RATE rOlawor than ether SITY -.-'reater than water RJENT VOLATILE 8Y VOLUME: SEE SECTION ONE d HT PER GALLON: SEE SECTION ONE 1 % 30 aced CNV SMNIM N1100-0i I -woij ulnwaa 01-60-9mv psnlaaea RODUCT CODE: 97NL NAZOAR SHAWNEE 0c; SEE OCHEMICALLY REACTIVE No Percent volatile = Percent VOC PAGE: 5 OF I .......................... SECTION 10 -- STABILITY AND REACTIVITY -------------------------------- ............ ------------------------------------------ .................... ....... I.— ......... ................................................ — ----------- ------------------------------------------ CHEMICAL STABILITY 5table NDITIONS TO AVOID Avoid excessive hat. ignition sources, sparks and open flame. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS Strong acids/bases, oxidizing/reducing agents and reactive chemicals. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS May produce hazardous fumes when heated to decomposition e.g. carbon knomoxide, carbon dioxide and other noxious gases. ARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Not anticipated during normal printing and storage conditions. ........................... ................................ I ------------ .......................... ............. -- TOXICOLOGICAL �---------------I..........SECTION.-11...... ................. I .INFOWATIO4..... ....... ............ ...................................... EXPERIMENTAL TOXICITY DATA Refer to Section 3 Hazards Identification for additional toxicological data. Experimental toxicity data on 2-butoxyethamol has given the following results: Oral LDSO Rat; 1746 mg/kg: Intraperitone4l LD50 Rat; 55D mg/kg. Experimental toxicity data an 2-butoxyethanal acetate has given the following results: Oral L050 Rat: 2400 mg/kg: Dermal L050 Rabbit; 1500 mg/kg. ........................ .......... I ........• ............................... ------------------ SECTION 12 -- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION JX-I,G-I,T,Y --------------------------- * ............................ Because this product may be 4 mixture of chemirals, some of which may be ecologically toxic, it is strongly suggested that -it not be disposed of into the anviroment, i.e. soil. water courses. lakes, landfills, sewers. etc. IRONMENTAL FATE No Data Available -------------- .......................... .................. ......................... ............................... SECTION 13 -- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS .................................. I ............................................................ .................. DISPOSAL METHODS This product, as supplied, is considared non-lazerdous, for disposal purposes by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). If combined with other products, the user should determine if hazardous waste codes are re-quired. It is the responsibility of the user to determine if local, county, state, or provincial regulations "lay also apply to the disposal of this product and/or the container. ........................... ......................... ......... I ............................................. ......... I ------- SECTION 14 -- TRANSPORT INFORMATION ISPORT-INFORMIATION, ......................... I ------------------ I ----------------- ............................ ------------- Not regulated. The product(s) described by this Material Safety Data Sheet do not meet the definition of nor are they classified as a hazardous material/dangerous good as defined by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), the International Civil Aviation arganization (ICAO), the international Maritime Organization (IMO) or the Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TI10), Questions concerning transportation requirements should be directed to Nazddr's Regulatory Compliance Department 913-422-1735. ............................................. ................................. ................................. --------------- SECTIONREGULATORY INFORMATION ....................................................................... ............ ..................... ----------- SARA TITLE 111 313 INFORMATION J3 See Section 2 'Composition. Information on Ingredients" for applicable chemicals. C SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT STATUS , 11 ingredients in section 2 are 'listed an the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Toxic 5ubstances Control Act (TSCA) .nventory and the Canadian Domestic Substance List- 11R REGULATORY INFORMATION OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY and HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) - MSDS is compliant with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hazard Communication Standard - 29 CFR 1910,1200. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - This MSOS follows the ANSI 1 10 geed QNV SUB IDN3 Nlliv:-ol -moat we90:aD 01-60-eny panla�aN ODUCV COCE: 97NL NAZOAR SRAWNEE PAGE: 6 OF 6 Z4U0.I-t998 ramdt. I140RULKE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (UHM S) - This product has been classified in accordance,. 0th the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. WHI415 CLASSIFICATION (CANADA): 83 Combustible Liquids; 01A Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects, very toxic material; D28 _ Materials causing other toxic effects. toxic material: SECTION L6 OTHER [NFORNATiON �SCLOSORE The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon data believed to be correct. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind express or implied is made with respect to the information contained herein. The data in this MSDS relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not apply to use in combination with any other material or process. DEFINITIONS ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association CEILING: (TLV-Ceiling and PEL Ceiling Limit) The ceiling exposure limit or concentration not to be exceeded for even brief times. DOT: Department of Transportation HMIS: The Hazardous Materials Identification System (HHiS) developed by the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA) to provide information on the acute health hazards, reactivity and flammability of products encountered in the workplace at room temperatures. HMIS codes assigned for this product are only suggested ratings based on anticipated normal screen printing applications. The ,,employer has the ultimate responsibility for assigning these ratings and should fully evaluate the MSDS. Mork practices and environmental conditions prior to assigning the appropriate ratings. .1MIS rating involves data interpretations that may vary from ecynpdny to company. HMES Personal Protection Index of 'X-Ask your supervisor` is given an this HSDS due to varying work conditions which may dictate different levels of protection. Please review this MSDS before determining appropriate protective equipment and beginning work. IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer NFPA. National Fire Protection Association NTP: National Toxicology Program ST1L: Short -Term Exposure Limit: ACGIH terrminology for the short-term exposure limit or maximum concentration for a continuous exposure period of 15 minutes. TLV: 'rhreshold Limit Value, A term ACGIH uses to express the airborne concentration of a material to which most workers can 'be exposed during a normal daily and weekly work schedule without adverse effects. TWA: Time -Weighted Average VOC: Volatile Organic Compound 1 m ® © ® ® = = = ® ® ® ® m m m m S 1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY REPORTS I k� 1 0 I 1 Chloride; 200016 discharge notif.doc CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 200016.17September 2010 I SGS North America, Inc. Pom Landis Richard Catlin & Associates P.O. Box 10279 Wilmington, NC 2.8404-0279 I 0 L L 1 Report Number- G128-2579 Client Project: Chloride Pond Dear Tom Landis, 0�3 lie/0 'J 14 P V 67 Enclosed are the results of the analytical services performed under the referenced project for the received samples and associated QC as applicable, The samples are certified to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards. Copies of this report and supporting data will be retained in our files for a period of five years in the event they are required for future reference. Any samples submitted to our laboratory will be retained for a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date of this report unless other arrangements are requested. If there are any questions about the report or services performed during this project, please call Barbara Hager at (910) 350-1903, We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns which you may have, Thank you for using SGS North America, Inc, for your analytical services. We look forward to working with you again on any additional analytical needs. Sincerely, SGS North America, Inc. Z_ --- Id Project Manager Date Barbara Hager SGS Ncrih America Inc. Environmental Division 550D Business Dr., Wlialington, NC 28405 t t910135D•1903 f 19101350-1557 www,us.sgs.com Mamoor al the SGS Group N.C. Certification 9481 Page 1 of 7 I 1 0 I 1 1 1 1 SGS North America, Inc. List of Reporting Abbreviations And Data Qualifiers 13 = Compound also detected in batch blank 13QL = Below Quantification Limit (RL or MDL) DF = Dilution Factor Dup = Duplicate D = Detected, but RPD is > 40% between results in dual column method. E = L-stimated concentration, exceeds calibration range. J = Estimated concentration, below calibration range and above MDL LCS(D) = Laboratory Control Spike (Duplicate) MDL = Method Detection Limit MS(D) = Matrix Spike (Duplicate) PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit RL/CL = Reporting Limit / Control Limit RPD = Relative Percent Difference UJ = Target analytes with recoveries that are 10% < %R < LCL; /I of MEs are allowable and compounds are not detected in the sample. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram, ppm, parts per million ug/kg = micrograms per kilogram, ppb, parts per billion mg/L = milligram per liter, ppm, parts per million ug/L = micrograms per liter, ppb, parts per billion % Rec = Percent Recovery % soilds = Percent Solids Special Notes: 1) Metals and mercury samples are digested with a hot block; see the standard operating procedure document for details. 2) Uncertainty for all reported data is less than or equal to 30 percent. N.C. Certification 4481 M134.021808.4 Page 2 of 7 SGS North America, Inc. ' Results for Volatiles by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: SW-3 Chloride Pond Analyzed By. DVO Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 8/23/2010 15:30 Lab Sample ID: G128-2579-18 Date Received: 8/24/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2579 Matrix: Water Sample Amount. 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Date 1 Compound UGIL Limit UGIL UGIL Factor Analyzed Acetone 495 100 8.72 4 8/25/2010 Benzene Bromobenzene BQL BQL 1.00 1.00 0.0650 0.0560 1 1 8125/2010 8/25/2010 Bromochicromethane BQL 1.00 0.101 1 8/25/2010 Bromodichloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8125/2010 8romoform BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/25/2010 Bromomethane BQL 1.00 0.133 1 812512010 2-Butanone BQL 25.0 0.544 1 8/25/2010 n-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.109 1 8/25/2010 sec -Butyl benzene BQL 1.00 0.0840 1 8/2512010 tert-Butylbenzene 8QL 1.00 0.0500 1 8/25/2010 Carbon disulfide BQL 1.00 0.0690 1 8/25/2010 1 Carbon tetrachloride BQL 1.00 0.0870 1 8/2512010 Chlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0820 1 8/25/2010 Chloroethane BQL 1.00 0,106 1 8/25/2010 8QL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 'Chloroform Chloromethane BQL 1.00 0.146 1 8/2512010 2-Chlorotolueno SOL 1.00 0,0990 1 8/25/2010 4-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 Dibromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8125/2010 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 5.00 1.21 1 8/25/2010 Dibromomethane SQL 1.00 0.113 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BQL 1.00 0.124 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0810 1 8/2512010 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 trans-l.4-Dichloro-2-butene 8QL 5.00 0.630 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0740 1 812512010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/2512010 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 trans-1,2-dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/2512010 1,2-Dichloropropane 8QL 1.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 2,2-Dichlorapropane BQL. 1.00 0.0590 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0720 1 8/25/2010 cis- 1.3-Di ch loropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/2512010 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL 5.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 Diisopropyl ether (RIPE) BQL 1.00 0.0730 1 8/25/2010 Ethylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0770 1 8/25/2010 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 1.00 0.228 1 8/25/2010 2-Hexanone BQL 5.00 0.720 1 8125/2010 lodomethane BQL 1.00 0.0420 1 8/25/2010 lsopropylbenzene BQL 1.00 0,0710 1 8/25/2010 Page 1 of 2 N.C. Certification #481 Page 3 of 7 Flag GCMS MO SGS North America, Inc. 1 I 1 1 1 1 u 1 Results for Voiatiles by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: SW-3 Chloride Fond Analyzed By: DVO Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 8/23/2010 15,30 Lab Sample ID: G128-2579-18 Date Received: 8/24/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2579 Matrix: Water Sample Amount 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Date Compound UG/L Limit UGIL UG1L Factor Analyzed Flag 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.540 1.00 0.0480 1 8/25/2010 J Methylene chloride BQL 5.00 0.0980 1 8/25/2010 4-Methyl-2-pentanone BQL 5.00 0.550 1 8/25/2010 Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) BQL 1.00 0.0670 1 8/25/2010 Naphthalene BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8/25/2010 n-Propyl benzene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 Styrene BQL 1.00 0.0850 1 8/2512010 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8/2512010 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0,115 1 8/25/2010 Tetrachloroethene BQL 1,00 0.0690 1 8/25/2010 Toluene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 1,2.3-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.190 1 8/25/2010 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 8QL 1.00 0.119 1 8/25/2010 Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8125/2010 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0,0540 1 8/25/2010 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.182 1 8/2512010 Trichlorofluoromethane BQL 1.00 0,111 1 8/25/2010 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8125/2010 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.460 1.00 0.0650 1 8125/2010 J 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 13.7 1.00 0.0740 1 8/25/2010 Vinyl chloride BQL 1,00 0.149 1 8/2512010 m-,p-Xylene BQL 2.00 0.0980 1 8/25/2010 o-Xylene 0.300 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 J Spike Spike Percent Added Result Recovered 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 30 29.1 97 Toluene-d8 30 30 100 4-Bromofluorobenzene 30 30.3 101 ' Comments: Flags: BQL =Below QuLLantitativn Limits. Analyst: 6�/ 1 Reviewed By: CC Pago 2 of 2 c$ so N.C. Certificalion #481 Page 4 of 7 1 SGS North America, Inc. Results for Volatiles by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: Trip Blanks (Not on COC) Analyzed By: DVO 1 Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 1/011900 0:00 Lab Sample ID: G128-2579-2A Date Received: 8/24/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2579 Matrix: Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Compound Result UGIL Quantitation Limit UGIL MDL UGIL Dilution Factor Date Analyzed Acetone BQL 25.0 2.18 1 8/25/2010 Benzene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8125/2010 Bromobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0560 1 8/25/2010 Bromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.101 1 8/25/2010 Bromodichloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 Bromoform BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/2512010 Bromomethane BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8125/2010 2-Butanone BQL 25.0 0,544 1 8125/2010 n-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0,109 1 8/25/2010 sec-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0840 1 8125/2010 tert-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0500 1 8/25/2010 Carbon disulfide BQL 1.00 0.0690 1 8/25/2010 Carbon tetrachloride BQL 1.00 0.0870 1 8/25/2010 Chlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0820 1 8/25/2010 Chloroethane BQL 1.00 0.106 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 'Chloroform Chloromethane BQL 1.00 0.146 1 8/25/2010 2-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0990 1 8/25/2010 4-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 Dibromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 5.00 1.21 1 8/25/2010 Dibromomethane BQL 1.00 0,113 1 8/2512010 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDS) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL 1.00 1.00 0.124 0.127 1 1 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0,0810 1 8/25/2010 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene BQL 5.00 0.630 1 6/2512010 1,1-01chloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0740 1 8125/2010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 trans- 12-dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 2,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0590 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0720 1 8/25/2010 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 trans-1,3-0lchloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8125/2010 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL 5.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) BQL 1.00 0.0730 1 8/25/2010 Ethylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0770 1 8/25/2010 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 1.00 0.226 1 8/25/2010 2-Hexanone BQL 5.00 0,720 1 8125/2010 lodomethane BQL 1.00 0.0420 1 8/25/2010 Isopropylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0710 1 8/25/2010 Page 1 of 2 N.C. Certification #481 Page 5 of 7 Flag GCMS 0200 ' SGS North America, Inc. Results for Volatiles by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: Trip Blanks (Not on COG) Analyzed By: DVO Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 1/0/1900 0:00 Lab Sample ID: G128-2579-2A Date Received: 8/24/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2579 Matrix: Water 1 Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantltatlon MOL Dilution Date 1 Compound UG/L Limit UGIL UGIL Factor Analyzed 4-lsopropyltoluene BQL 1.00 0.0480 1 8125/2010 Methylene chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.860 5.00 BQL 5.00 0.0980 0.550 1 1 8/25/2010 8125/2010 Methyl -tort -butyl ether (MTBE) BQL 1.00 0.0670 1 8/25/2010 Naphthalene BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8/25/2010 n-Propyl benzene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 Styrene BQL 1.00 0.0850 1 8125/2010 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0,0900 1 8/25/2010 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0.115 1 8/25/2010 Tetrachloroethene BOL 1.00 0,0690 1 8/2512010 Toluene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.190 1 8/25/2010 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.119 1 8/25/2010 Trichloroethene 80L 1.00 0,0540 1 8/25/2010 1. 1,1 -Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8/25/2010 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.182 1 8/25/2010 Trichlorofluoromethane BQL 1.00 0.111 1 8/25/2010 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BQL 1.00 0,120 1 8/2512010 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene SQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BOL 1.00 0.0740 1 8/25/2010 Vinyl chloride BQL 1.00 0.149 1 8/25/2010 m-,p-Xylene BQL 2.00 0.0980 1 8125/2010 o-Xylene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8125/2010 Spike Spike Percent Added Result Recovered 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 30 29.8 99 Toluene-d8 30 30.1 100 4-Bromofluorobenzene 30 30 100 1 Comments: Flags: BQL =Below Quantitation Limits. Analyst: VD I Reviewed By: W Flag J GCMS Page 2 of 2 6260 N.C. Certification M81 Page 6 of 7 V O - - Lacationf HatioM1.iW CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AiaSka I.Iarr1anc • Nex JErs6y • New Yom SGS North America Inc. NotmCarohna Ohio WWay.t:5_sgs.c0M 100417 CLIENT.SGS �t dtG �IL� Reserg �ce: C`:� +'�(� 11 ?AGE OF CONTACT: 1 /l���c� PHONE NO:gj6 )1SZ'5 4 LL +� N O 0 Ncalla T E E R S STYPP rYPe C- GcRAB FressNji uses PROJECT. /� yJ Tr�G [rye SITEJPWSID# : ►� 1 l"✓ asp o .5;e�ureCnait5is QREPORTS u REMARKS TO: alfij4r-3/�/ 7� FAX NO.:/a 1 � f0 J INVOICE QUOTE #: �' ` 2 Y /,Lzlj P.O. NUMBER: IU O S t —3 LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME MATRIX t) � 4 C Ieejedl inquisfl D to t Q�� Tim Received B : Shipping Carrier: Shipping Ticket No: Samples Received Cold? (Cird ES NO Temperature`C: Q li wished By: (2) Date Time Rec ed f3y: Special Detiverahie Requirements- Chain of Custody Seal: (Circle) INTACT BROKEN ABSE14T Relinquished By. (3) Date Time Received By. Special lnsuuciions: Relinquished By: (4) Date Time Received By: FRB uesied Tumaro d T e: fY RUSM 7� Date Nee CI STD D 200 W. Potter Dave Anchorage, AK 99518 Tel: 19371 562-2343 Fax: (907) 561.5301 0 5500 Business Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Tel: (910) 350-1903 Fax: (910) 350-1557 z 0 3 CD C) v C) 1'.c:e-FieZ ac cr lzp SGS North America, Inc. Jlru �Zilr �l Tom Landis Richard Catlin & Associates P.O. Box 10279 Wilmington, NC 28404-0279 1 1 0 L I K I Report Numbec G128-2572 Client Project: Chloride Pond Dear Tom Landis, Enclosed are the results of the analytical services performed under the referenced project for the received samples and associated QC as applicable. The samples are certified to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards. Copies of this report and supporting data will be retained in our files for a period of five years in the event they are required for future reference. Any samples submitted to our laboratory will be retained for a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date of this report unless other arrangements are requested. If there are any questions about the report or services performed during this project, please call Barbara Hager at (910) 350-1903. We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns which you may have. Thank you for using SGS North America, Inc. for your analytical services. We took forward to working with you again on any additional analytical needs. Sincerely, SGS North America, Inc. Project Manager Barbara Hager Date , '2Q 10 5G5 North Amenca Inc. Environmental Division 5500 Business Dr„ Wilmington, NC 28405 t (910) 350-1903 t (910) 350-1557 www.us.sgs,cum M4mbv of the SGS Gra99 N.C. Certification #481 Page 1 of 5 0 0 s SGS North America, Inc. List of Reporting Abbreviations A nd Data Qua] i f iers B = Compound also detected in batch blank BQL = Below Quantification Limit (RL or MDL) DF = Dilution factor Dup = Duplicate D = Detected, but RPD is > 40% between results in dual column method. E = Estimated concentration, exceeds calibration range. J = Estimated concentration, below calibration range and above MDL LCS(D) = Laboratory Control Spike (Duplicate) MDL = Method Detection Limit MS(D) = Matrix Spike (Duplicate) PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit RL/CL = Reporting Limit / Control Limit RPD = Relative Percent Difference UJ = Target analytes with recoveries that are 10% < %R < LCL; 4 of Mrs are allowable and compounds are not detected in the sample. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram, ppm, parts per million uglkg = micrograms per kilogram, ppb, parts per billion mg/L = milligram per liter, ppm, parts per million ug/L = micrograms per liter, ppb, parts per billion % Ree = Percent Recovery % soilds = Percent Solids Special Notes: 1) Metals and mercury samples arc digested with a hot block; see the standard operating procedure document for details. 2) Uncertainty for all reported data is less than or equal to 30 percent. N.C. Certification 4481 M134.021808.4 Page 2 of 5 SGS North America, Inc. N I 1 1 1 I 0 Results for Volatiies by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: SW-1 Analyzed By: DVO Client Project 1D: Chloride Por.d Date Collected: 8/10/2010 15:15 Lab Sample ID: G128-2572-1 B Date Received: 8/1 1/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2572 Matrix: Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Date Compound UGIL Limit UGIL UG/L Factor Analyzed Acetone 5550 1250 109 50 8/13/2010 Benzene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/13/2010 Bromobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0560 1 8/13/2010 Bromochloromethane SOL 1.00 0.101 1 8/13/2010 Bromodichloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/1312010 Bromoform BQL 1,00 0.120 1 8/13/2010 Bromomethane BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8/13/2010 2-Butanone 4.19 25.0 0.544 1 8/13/2010 n-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.109 1 8/13/2010 sec-Butylbenzene 18.8 1.00 0.0840 1 8/13/2010 tert-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0500 1 8/13/2010 Carbon disuifide BQL 1.00 0.0690 1 8/13/2010 Carbon tetrachloride BQL 1,00 0.0870 1 8/13/2010 Chlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0820 1 8/13/2010 Chloroethane BQL 1.00 0,106 1 8/13/2010 Chloroform BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/13/2010 Chloromethane BQL 1.00 0.146 1 8/13/2010 2-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0,0990 1 8/13/2010 4-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0,0800 1 8/13/2010 Dibromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8/13/2010 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 5.00 1,21 1 8/13/2010 Dibromomethane BQL 1.00 0.113 1 8/13/2010 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BQL 1.00 0.124 1 8/13/2010 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/13/2010 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0,0810 1 8/13/2010 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/13/2010 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene BQL 5.00 0.630 1 8/13/2010 1,1-Dichloroethane BQL 1,00 0.0740 1 8/13/2010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/13/2010 1,2-Dichloroethane BQL 1.00 0,0790 1 8/13/2010 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/13/2010 trans-1,2-dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0,0890 1 8/13/2010 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0940 1 8/13/2010 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/13/2010 2,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0590 1 8/13/2010 1,1-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0720 1 8/13/2010 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/13/2010 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1,00 0.0760 1 8/13/2010 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL 5.00 0.0940 1 8/13/2010 Diisopropyl ether (D)PE) BQL 1.00 0.0730 1 8/13/2010 Ethylbenzene 0.590 1.00 0.0770 1 8113/2010 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 1.00 0,228 1 8/13/2010 2-Hexanone BQL 5.00 0.720 1 8/13/2010 lodomethane BQL 1.00 0.0420 1 8/13/2010 lsopropylbenzene 46.9 1.00 0,0710 1 8/13/2010 Flag J J CCMs,Kis Page 1 of 2 0200 N.C. Certification #481 Page 3 of 5 ' SGS North America, Inc. 1 Results for Volatiles by GCMS 0260 Client Sample ID: SW-1 Analyzed By: DVO Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 8/10/2010 15:15 Lab Sample ID: G128-2572-1B Date Received: 8/11/2010 Lab Project 1D: G128-2572 Matrix: Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Compound Result UG1L Quantitation Limit UGIL MDL UGIL Dilution Factor Date Analyzed Flag 4-Isopropyitoluene 44.1 1.00 0.0480 1 8/13/2010 Methylene chloride BQL 5.00 0.0980 1 8113/2010 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 4.01 5.00 0.550 1 8/13/2010 J Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) BQL 1.00 0.0670 1 8/13/2010 Naphthalene 2.66 1.00 0,133 1 8/13/2010 n-Propyl benzene 206 50.0 4.00 50 8/13/2010 Styrene BQL 1.00 0.0850 1 8/13/2010 1. 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0,0900 1 8/13/2010 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0.115 1 8/13/2010 Tetrachloroethene BQL 1.OD 0.0690 1 8/13/2010 Toluene 10.8 1.00 0,0760 1 811312D10 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.190 1 8/13/2010 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.119 1 8113/2010 Trichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8/13/2010 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8/13/2010 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0,182 1 8/13/2010 Trichlorofluoromethane BQL 1.00 0.111 1 8/13/2010 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/13/2010 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2040 50.0 3.25 50 8/13/2010 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 559 50.0 3.70 50 8/13/2010 Vinyl chloride BQL 1.00 0.149 1 8/13/2010 m-,p-Xylene 6.03 2.00 0,0980 1 8/13/2010 o-Xylene 55.6 1.00 0.0650 1 8/13/2010 1 Spike Spike Percent Added Result Recovered 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 30 30.3 101 Toluene-d8 30 30 100 4-Bromofluorobenzene 30 29.8 100 Comments: Flags: BQL = Below Quantitation Limits. J = Detected below the quantitation limit. Analyst: Reviewed By: 1 Page 2 cf 2 GCM8280 azeo N.C. Certification 4481 Page 4 of 5 I& KA n m a n m s:. 0 a ,. 0 Cn • LOCa:�Onc ASGanwiC� CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Alaska •hlarylanc • Nen Jersey • Nawywk SGS North America Inc. NonnCarolina Ohio www.ussos.com 095674 CLIENT: SGS Reference; �h -- �J PAGE_OF_ CONTACT: PHONE NO:T1Q) 7:524 — !! i+t0 CC * A I E R $ Ste.+PtE c CDUP 6� Gee Pr�na: used PROJECT:(#t0 jPj Y SITElPW51Dsr: O 1 ^ LIB/ J� / 40 Malysa Regvred 3 O V `yju: RI=hlARKS REPORTS TTO � � g r� � • ,,pJ FAX NO.: ) [� / �f INVOICE TO: OL10TE il: i3 LR /0o8N — a 4 2 `�J ! v P.O. NUMBEf3!�^„ &yQ1 / L, ITIM LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME N9AYt31X 1515 ?� 3 �0tl5 5 4 Crd(4) iD/te TiiimeeReceived By:Shipping Carrier: Shipping Ticket NoT Samples Received) }Cold? (Cs e) YE NO TemperaturdC: `7 • 3 RDate Time Re ded By: Special Deliverable Requirements: Chain of Custody Seak (Circle) INTACT BROKEN ABSEN RDate Time Received By: Special Instructions; RelinquisheBy: Date Time Received By: Requested Tumaround Time-, [:]RUSH I STD Date Needed O 200 W. Potter Drive Anchorage, AK 99518 Tel: (907) 562.2343 Fax: (907) 561-5301 5500 Business Drive Wilmington, Ne 28405 Tel: (910) 350-1903 Fax: (910) 350.1557 Y,n�:E - Rel2 re', La_ Pick - ne;a�e1 :y C.,en: SGS North America, Inc 1z'1 goro Tom Landis 1 Richard Catlin & Associates P.O. Box 10279 Wilmington, NC 28404-0279 Report Nufnbec G1211-2577 Client Project; Chloride Pond 1 Oear Tom Landis, Enclosed are the results of the analytical services performed under the referenced project for the received samples and associated QC as applicable. The samples are certified to meet the requirements of the National 1 Environmental Laboralory Accreditation Conference Standards. Copies of this report and supporting data will be retained in our files for a period of five years in the event they are required for future reference. Any samples submitted to our laboratory will be retained for a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date of this report unless other arrangements are requested. If there are any questions about the report or services performed during this project, please call Barbara Hager at (910) 350-1903. We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns which you may have. Thank you for using SGS North America, Inc. for your analytical services. We look forward to working with you again on any additional analytical needs. Sincerely, SGS North America, Inc. 61 PZAa5- - o Project Manager e Barbara Mager 6 1 1 SGS *01 Amtxica Inc Environmental Division 5500 Business Dr , Wilmington, NC 22405 t (910) 350-1903 f (910) 350-*51 www us-sgs com fAcmber of the SGS Group N.C. Certification #481 Page 1 of 7 SGS North America, Inc. List of Reporting Abbreviations And Data Qualifiers B = Compound also detected in batch blank BQL = Below Quantification Limit (RL or MDL) DF = Dilution Factor Dup = Duplicate D = Detected, but RPD is > 40% between results in dual column method. F = Estimated concentration, exceeds calibration range. J = Estimated concentration, below calibration range and above MDL LCS(D) = Laboratory Control Spike (Duplicate) MDL = Method Detection Limit MS(D) = Matrix Spike (Duplicate) PQL = Practical Quantitalion Limit RL/CL = 1Zeporting Limit / Control Limit RPD = Relative Percent Difference UJ = 'Fargct analytes with recoveries that are 10% < %R < LCL; # of Ml s are allowable and compounds are not detected in the sample. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram, ppm, parts per million ug/kg = micrograms per kilogram, ppb, parts per billion mg/L = milligram per liter, ppm, parts per million ug/L = micrograms per liter, ppb, parts per billion % Rec = Percent Recovery % soilds = Percent Solids Special Notes: 1) Metals and mercury samples are digested with a hot block; see the standard operating procedure document for details. 2) Uncertainty for all reported data is less than or equal to 30 percent. M134.021808.4 N.C. Certification #481 Page 2 of 7 SGS North America, Inc. 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Results for Volatiles by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: SW-1 Resample Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Lab Sample 1D: G128-2577-1A Lab Project ID: G128-2577 Analyzed By: DVO Date Collected: 8/20/2010 10:50 Date Received: 8/20/2010 Matrix: Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Date Compound UGIL Limit UG/L UG1L Factor Analyzed Acetone 2660 500 43.6 20 8/25/2010 Benzene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/2512010 Bromobenzene SOL 1.00 0.0560 1 812512010 Bromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.101 1 8/25/2010 Bromodichloromethane BOL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 Bromoform SOL 1.00 0.120 1 8/25/2010 Bromomethane SOL 1.00 0.133 1 8/25/2010 2-Butanone 11.1 25.0 0.544 1 8/25/2010 n-Butylbenzene BOL 1.00 0.109 1 8/25/2010 sec -Butyl benzene 0,840 1.00 0.0840 1 8/25/2010 tert-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0500 1 8/25/2010 Carbon disulfide BQL 1.00 0.0690 1 8/25/2010 Carbon tetrachloride BQL 1.00 0.0870 1 8/25/2010 Chlorobenzene SOL 1.00 0.0820 1 8/25/2010 Chloroethane BQL 1.00 0,106 1 8/25/2010 Chloroform BOL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 Chloromethane BQL 1.00 0.146 1 8/25/2010 2-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0990 1 8/25/2010 4-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 Dibromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 5.00 1.21 1 8125/2010 Dibromomethane BQL 1.00 0.113 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BQL 1.00 0,124 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0810 1 8/25/2010 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8125/2010 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene SOL 5.00 0.630 1 8125/2010 1,1-Dichloroethane SOL 1.00 0.0740 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 trans-1 ,2-dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0,0940 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 2,2-Dichloropropane SOL 1.00 0.0590 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0720 1 8/25/2010 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene SOL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 Dichlorodifluoromelhans BQL 5.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 Diisopropyl ether (DIPS) BQL 1.00 0.0730 1 8/25/2010 Bthyibenzene BQL 1.00 0,0770 1 8125/2010 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 1.00 0.228 1 8125/2010 2-Hexanone SOL 5.00 0.720 1 8/25/2010 ladomethane BQL 1.00 0,0420 1 8/25/2010 Isopropylbenzene 1.09 1.00 0.0710 1 8/2512010 Page 1 or 2 N,C. Certification #481 Page 3 of 7 Flag J J GCMS 8250 SGS North America, Inc. I r 1 1 Client Sample ID: SW-1 Resample Client Project 10: Chloride Fond Lab Sample 10: G128-2577-1A Lab Project ID: G128-2577 Compound 4-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBB) Naphthalene n-Propyl benzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichiorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Trichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroelhane 1,1,2-Tric hloroetha ne Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m-, p-Xylene o-Xylene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1 Comments: Flags: BQL =Below Quantitation Limits. Analyst• f V I Results for Volatiles by GCMS 8260 Analyzed By: DVO Date Collected: 8/20/2010 10:50 Date Received: 8/20)2010 Matrix; Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Date UG/L Limit UG/L UG1L Factor Analyzed 1.64 1.00 0.0480 1 8/25/2010 D.270 5.00 0.0980 1 812512010 4.82 5.00 0.550 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0670 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8/25/2010 5.05 1 A0 0.0800 1 8125/2010 BQL 1,00 0.0850 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8125/2010 BQL 1.00 0.115 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0690 1 8/25/2010 1.33 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.190 1 8/2512010 BQL 1.00 0.119 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8125/2010 BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8125/2010 BQL 1.00 0.182 1 8/2512010 BQL 1.00 0,111 1 8/25/2010 BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/25/2010 39.3 1,00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 51.2 20.0 1,48 20 8/2512010 BQL 1.00 0.149 1 8/25/2010 BQL 2.00 0.0980 1 8/25/2010 2.32 1.00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 Spike Spike Percent Added Result Recovered 30 30 100 30 30.1 100 30 30.4 101 Reviewed By: W Flag J J Page 2 of 2 N.C. Car ification #481 Page 4 of 7 GCMS 8200 SGS North America, Inc. I 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 a 1 Results for Volatiles by GCM5 8260 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank (not on COC) Analyzed By: DVO Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Date Collected: 6/20/2010 0:00 Lab Sample ID: G128-2577-2A Date Received: 8/20/2010 Lab Project ID: G128-2577 Matrix: Water Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantitatlon MDL Dilution Date Compound UGIL Limit UGIL UGIL Factor Analyzed Acetone BQL 25.0 2,18 1 8/25/2010 Benzene BQL 1,00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 Bromobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0560 1 8/25/2010 Bromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0.101 1 8/25/2010 Bromodichloromethane BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8125/2010 Bromoform BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/25/2010 Bromomethane BQL 1.00 0.133 1 8/2512010 2-Butanone BQL 25.0 0.544 1 8/25/2010 n-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.109 1 8/25/2010 sec-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0840 1 8/25/2010 tent-Butylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0500 1 8/25/2010 Carbon disulfide BQL 1,00 0.0690 1 8125/2010 Carbon tetrachloride BQL 1.00 0.0870 1 8/25/2010 Chlorobenzene BQL 1,00 0.0820 1 8/25/2010 Chloroethane BQL 1,00 0,106 1 8/25/2010 Chloroform BQL 1.00 0,0790 1 B12512010 Chloromethane BQL 1.00 0,146 1 8/25/2010 2-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0,0990 1 8/2512010 4-Chlorotoluene BQL 1.00 0.0800 1 8/25/2010 ❑ibromochloromethane BQL 1.00 0,0900 1 B125/2010 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 5.00 1.21 1 B125/2010 Dibromomethane BQL 1.00 0.113 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 8QL 1.00 0,124 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.0810 1 8/25/2010 1,4-Dichlorobe nzene BQL 1.00 0,0790 1 8/2512010 trans-1 ,4-Dichloro-2-butene 8QL 5.00 0.630 1 8/25/2010 1,1-Dichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0740 1 8/2512010 1,1-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0790 1 8/25/2010 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene BQL 1,00 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 trans- l ,2-dichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0890 1 8/25/2010 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.127 1 8125/2010 2,2-Dichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.0590 1 8125/2010 1,1-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0720 1 8/25/2010 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/2512010 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL 5.00 0.0940 1 8/25/2010 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) BQL 1.00 0.0730 1 8/25/2010 Ethylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0770 1 8/25/2010 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 1.00 0.228 1 8/25/2010 2-Hexanone BQL 5.00 0.720 1 8/25/2010 lodomethane BQL 1.00 0,0420 1 8/25/2010 Isopropylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0710 1 8125/2010 Page 1 of 2 N.C. Ceriificafion #4B1 Page 5 of 7 Flag GCM5 6260 ' SGS North America Inc. Results for Volatiies by GCMS 8260 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank (not on COC) Client Project ID: Chloride Pond Analyzed By: DVO Date Collected: 8/2012010 0:00 Lab Sample ID: G128-2577-2A Date Received: 8/20/2010 Lab Project 1D: G128-2577 Matrix: Water 1 Sample Amount: 5 mL Result Quantitation MDL Dilution Cate Compound UG/L Limit UGIL UGIL Factor Analyzed 4-Isopropyltoluene BQL 1,00 0.0480 1 8/25/2010 Methylene chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.01 5.00 8QL 5.00 0.0980 0,550 1 1 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 Methyl -tent -butyl ether (MTBE) BQL 1,00 0.0670 1 8/25/2010 Naphthalene BOL 1.00 0.133 1 812512010 n-Propyl benzene 8QL 1.00 0.0800 1 8125/2010 Styrene BQL 1.00 0.0850 1 8/25/2010 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0900 1 8/25/2010 11,22-Tetrachloroethane Tetra chloroethe n e BQL BQL 1.00 1.00 0,115 0.0690 1 1 8125/2010 8/25/2010 Toluene BQL 1.00 0.0760 1 8/25/2010 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BQL 1.00 0.190 1 8/25/2010 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 8QL 1.00 0,119 1 8/25/2010 Trichloroethene BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8/25/2010 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0.0540 1 8/25/2010 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL 1.00 0,182 1 8/2512D10 Trichlorofiuoromethane BQL 1,00 0.111 1 8/2512010 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BQL 1.00 0.120 1 8/2512010 12,4-Trime1hylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.D650 1 8/25/2010 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BQL 1.00 0.0740 1 8/25/2010 Vinyl chloride BQL 1.00 0.149 1 8/25/2010 m-,p-Xylene BQL 2.00 0.0980 1 8/25/2010 o-Xylene SOL 1.0D 0.0650 1 8/25/2010 Spike Spike Percent Added Result Recovered 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 30 29.6 99 Toluene-d8 30 29.8 99 4-Bromofluorobenzene 30 29.7 99 Comments: Flags: BQL = Below Quantitation Limits. Analyst: Oy0 1 1 Reviewed By: 6 Flag J Page 2 of 2 Cans area N.C. Certification #481 Page 6 of 7 M M M M M M ® ® 1® = ® _ M CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SGS North America Inc. L"Mllw a N.l,W W. Avasaa • Mary.afnd New Jersey • Nek Ycrk Nott.9 Carol.ra Ohto WWw.us.S.iS corn 100414 CLIENT: r—A-Ti,,,1♦ K) SGS Reference: PAci- l o;=_I� M �5 ,` CONTACT. 1 + , LlT�� PHONE NO.( q, ♦rj) '1 Sz. S,a j No Sg1U+PLE T,?= P---j asN 0 �k 11 PROJECT. C l'� SITETWSIDC: o c= Rccwred p REPORTS TO: II _ 1 �M LQ:\QIS IN CoMT Q FAX NO.-( ) cnna INVOICE TO: p �j QUOTE it: (�a C•1 J'�C-f t'-' �7 � G.�I� P.O. NUMBER. IO V$�"Z 2 N E R \o LAB NO, SAMPLE IDENT)FICATION DATE TIPAE MATRIX S `3 RF-MARKS 1 0 LIJ 3 G CD n N O A 'S 4 Co)lected/Relinquish�e By: 1 fJ 'e Time Rec 'ved By: Shipping Carrier. Samples Received Cold? (CirrJ YE NO j9A ro �a1 a Temaerature �, Shipping Ticket No: C: Rekin #shed By: (2) data / J Time 6 -fzeceivedW. Special Oeliverable Requirements: Chain of Custody Seal: (Circle) v v INTACT EROKEN ABSEN Relinquished By: (3) Dale Tirne Received By; SpedalInstructions: 9+"Or r qt}Y )e; -{iJfno,r4L,., o (�)Lcr VEP-M L Relinquished By: {4} Date Time Received By: Requested Turnaround Time: ❑ RUSH D Date Neeaez: Cn z 0 D 3 CD 0 (7 ❑ 200 W. Patter Drive Anchorage, AK 99518 Tel: (907) 562-2343 Fax: (907) 561-5301 wr fu - ktn..c c, tac 0 55CO Business Drive Wilmington, NC 25405 Tel: (91(l) 353-1903 Fax: (910) 350-1557 FV' - F�a=� >> L�+