HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0949_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20130620STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE V 9 y 9 DOC TYPE HISTORICAL FILE r DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD Parnell, David From: Ellis, Mark [Mark. Ellis@tekelec.com] Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:08 PM To: Parnell, David Cc: Davis, Steven; Pierrie, Richard Subject:. Tekelec Wastewater Exception Request Dave, Thanks again for taking the time to come out to the Tekelec Morrisville site to evaluate us for our Storm Water permit exception. Per our conversation, we have given the directive to store used pallets intended for collection by Commercial Building Services indoors until such a time that a pickup has been arranged. At that time we can stage the pallets outdoors until they are picked up. We hope this satisfies your requirement and will allow you to acknowledge our five-year exception with the requirement of an annual self -certification. On another note, I used a different CIC code in my application to you than Tekelec has used in the past. To maintain consistency, can you change the CIC code in my application (or make a note in your records) to 36617 I'm not sure if it matters, but if it did I wanted to make sure it matched our previous code. Regards, Mark Robert Mark Ellis, CFM Sr. Mgr., Global Facilities & Real Estate (o) +1.919.388.1338 1 (m) +1.919.641.2488 5200 Paramount Parkway I Morrisville, North Carolina 1 27606 1 USA Tekelec I Bloq M NJ [t_J ® A 5TekeIec This email and any attached files may contain PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL information and are intended only for use by the addressee(s) named above or, if addressed in error, other addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please be aware that any dissemination, distribution, duplication, or use of this communication is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to please notify me immediately by telephone and email and delete this email and all attachments. AJC GA /UE � Ac,�-vz�