HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0232_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20151229STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE DOC TYPE Lr HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ aOl ��l R a YYYYMMDD Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Charles E. Powell, Jr. Sr. EHS Specialist Pfizer PIGS — Wyeth, LLC Sanford 4300 Oak Park Sanford, NC 27330 Dear Mr. Powell: PAT MCCRORY Corernm- DONALD R. VAN DER VAART ye"'I ' , TRACY DAVIS December 21, 2015 f J I NC DENR Ralel9;1 ReSicnal Office Subject: No Exposure Certification # NCGNE0232 Pfizer PIGS — Wyeth, LLC Sanford Plant Lee County The Division received your letter dated September 16, 2015, following up on our site visit and discussion with you at Wyeth, LLC's Sanford Plant on July 22, 2015. The purpose of that visit was to discuss the plant's need to temporarily store wood chips for the Biomass Boiler outside when quantities exceed the Storage Silo capacity, g p ty, and the implications for the plant's current No Exposure Certification. We understand the company is moving forward with a capital engineering project to construct a permanent storage building to eliminate stormwater exposure of the excess chips when needed. For the interim period, the company is seeking concurrence from DEMLR on maintaining No Exposure status for this plant site while implementing good housekeeping and other best management measures to minimize exposure and,mnoff from chips stored outside until permanent shelter construction is completed. The shelterlwould bring the site back into compliance with its No Exposure Certification. DEMLR Staff agree that this storage situation constitutes exposure and does not satisfy No Exposure Certification conditions, which triggers the requirement for an NPDES stormwater discharge permit. However, if Wyeth, Lb"- elects to maintain the NCGNE during this period and works towards regaining full compliance with No Exposure conditions, DEMLR will consider favorably its progress toward achieving compliance as long as the company: • Confirms to us (continuing progress toward completing the capital project, and the current completion date for the shelter is no later than December 2016; and • Begins sampling discharges draining from the temporary chip storage area on a quarterly basis in accordance with the analytical monitoring suite in General Permit NCG210000 (Lumber and Wood Products) i.e., Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)). State ofNortb Carolina J Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 N. Salisbury St. I Raleigh, NC 27699 919 707 9200 T Please use the Data Monitoring Report (DMR) forms available on our website for the NCG210000 General Permit to record results. Instead of the address on the form (DWQ Central Files), we ask that you submit the results of the analytical monitoring within 30 days of receipt from the laboratory directly to the following address: Attention: DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program — Central Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Four copies of this form are enclosed. While this DMR form is set up for semi-annual or monthly reporting, please use the form for quarterly monitoring results and include revision notes as needed. The form also includes benchmark values for COD and TSS that pertain to specific Tier Response actions in the General Permit and do not apply in this case; however, personnel reviewing the data should still use these benchmark levels as a guide for investigating problems or revising shelter construction schedule. If monitoring demonstrates that these conditions are causing or contributing to water quality standard impacts, the Division may pursue more immediate action. We appreciate your efforts to discuss your situation with our agency and actively work towards a solution. We have reviewed the Job -Aid submitted with your letter and find the document helpful for meeting your goal. DEMLR did note that the Job -Aid document could do more to help the employee understand why these actions are important — i.e., adding documentation or training that informs the employee that the purpose of these actions are to prevent stormwater pollution. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (919) 807-6372 or at bethany.QeorgouliasAncdenneov. Sincerely, 13e any . Georgoulias, Environmental Engineer DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program cc: Stormwater Permitting Program Permit File Raleigh Regional Office / John Holly, DEMLR Regional Engineer Central Files enclosure State or North Camlim I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and land Rmumes 1612 Mail Service Center 1512 N. Salisbury St. I Raleigh, NC 27699 919 707 9200 T r —i Michael F Easlev, Governor William G. Ross Jr_ Secretary North Carolina Department or Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, 1'. E. Dirccior Division of Water Quality Colcen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Walcr Quality August 5, 2005 Mr. J. Bruce Kaylos AUG 12005 II Wyeth Holdings Corporation Five Giralda Farms Madison, NJ 07940 IIEHNR RALEIGH REGIONAf OFF_ _' Subject: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0232 Wyeth Vaccines 4300 Oak Park Drive, Sanford, NC Lee County Dear Mr. Kaylos: The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form, which we received on May 3, 2005. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, the Division is granting your certification as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g), which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no -exposure exclusion expires in five years (July 31, 2010). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain' NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Sarah Young at (919) 733-5083, ext. 502, or at sarah.younIg@ncmail.net. cc: Raleigh RegionalIOffice Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY BRADLEY BENNETT for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Central Files —w/attachments NCDENR N. C. Division of water Quality 1617 Mail Set, ice Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service I-877-623-6748 M,