HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0168_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20050420STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE (� DOC TYPE fYHISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ❑ aIJ s 093 V YYYY M M DD W ATF9 0 —I Thomas Ayscue, / Director Manufac Purolater Air Filtration PO Box 1637 Henderson, NC 27536 Dear Permittee: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality April 20, 2005 Subject: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0168 Purolater Air Filtration -Kenly - 207 Johnston Pkwy Johnston County The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form, which we received on June 14, 2002. We apologize for the extended period it has taken us to get back to you on this request and we appreciate your patience as we have worked through this process. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility the Division is granting your certification as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g) which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. In addition, your coverage under general permit NCG030067 is also hereby rescinded. This rescission is based upon your certification of no exposure conditions at this facility. Please note that by our acceptance of your no exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no -exposure exclusion expires in five years (April 30, 2010). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Jonathan Diggs at (919) 733-5083 ext. 537, or at jonathan.diggs@ncmail.net. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Raleigh Regional Office Central Files — w/attachments Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Fran McPherson - DWQ Budget N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 ASrn NCDENR Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Y August 23, 2002 WENDY MOORS PUROLATER AIR FILTRATION -KENLY 207 JOHNSTON PARKWAY KENLY, NC 27542 Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality RESCINDED Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal PUROLATER AIR FILTRATION -KENLY COC Number NCG030067 . Johnston County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG030000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: * A new Certificate of Coverage * A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG030000 * A copy of the Analytical Monitoring Form (DMR) * A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Mack Wiggins of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 542 Sincerely. Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit cc: Central Files Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Raleigh Regional Office ern NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1- 800-623-7748 State of North Ca4rolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director 06/06/2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED A'ITN: DAVID BROOKS PUROLATOR PRODUCTS AIR FILTRATION COMPANY 207 JOHNSTON PKWY KENLY, NC 27542 Dear Permittee: A1, 1 'AI tiy� l NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION FAILURE TO SUBMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION PUROLATOR PRODUCTS AIR FILTRATION COMPANY NCG030000 CDC NUMBER NCG030067 JOI INSTON COUNTY This letter is to inform you that, as of the date of this letter, the Division of Water Quality has not received a renewal request for the subject permit certificate of coverage. This is a violation of NCGS § 143.215.1 (c)(1) which states "All applications shall be filed with the commission at least 180 days in advance of the date on which it is desired to commence the discharge of wastes or the date on which an existing permit expires, as the case may be". Any permittee that has not requested renewal at least I80 days prior to expiration or permittee that does not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, will be subjected to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS § 143-215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. In order to prevent continued, escalated action, including the assessment of civil penalties you must submit a completed permit coverage renewal application to the attention of the "Stormwater and General Permits Unit" at the letterhead address within ten (10) days of your receipt of this letter (renewal application enclosed). If the subject discharge has been terminated, please complete the enclosed rescission request form. Mailing instructions are listed on the bottom of the form. You will be notified when the rescission process has been completed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this situation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mack Wiggins of the central office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at 919-733-5083, ext. 542. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director, Division of Water Quality cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files Central Files Raleigh Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper abF �u ATF90 i Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary \0 G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources � Y [ Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting Director Division of Water Quality December 27. 2001 DAVID 13ROOKS PUROLATER PROD AIR FILT CO -KEN 207 JOHNSTON PKWY KENLY, NC 27542 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal PUROLATER PROD AIR FILT CO -KEN COC Number NCG030067 Johnston County Dear Permitce: Your facility is currently covered for stormwater discharge under Gcncrul Permit NCG030000. This permit expires on August 31, 2002. The Division staff is currently in the process of rewriting this permit and is scheduled to have the permit reissued by late summer of 2002. Once the permit is reissued, your facility would be eligible for continued coverage under the reissued permit. In order to assure your continued coverage under the general permit, you must apply to the Division of Watcr Quality (DWQ) for renewal of your permit coverage. To make this renewal process easier, we are informing you in advance that your permit will he expiring. Enclosed you will find a General Permit Coverage Renewal Application Form. The application must be completed and returned by March 4, 2002 in order to assure continued coverage under the general permit. Failure to request renewal within this time period may result in it civil assessment of at (east $250.00. Larger penalties may he assessed depending on the delinquency of the request. Discharge of stormwater from your facility without coverage under it valid slot mwater NPDES permit would constitute it violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please note that recent federal legislation has extended the "no exposure exclusion" to all operators of industrial facilities in any of the I I categories of "storm water discharges associated with industrial activity," (except construction activities). If you feel your facility can certify it condition of "no exposure", i.e. the facihy industrial materials and operations are not exposed to stormwater, you cull apply for the no exposure exclusion. For additional information contact the Central Office Stormwater Staff member listed below or check the Stormwater & General Permits Unit Web Site at http://h2o.enr.Statanc.us/su/stormwaler:htnll If the subject stormwater discharge to waters of the state has been terminated, please complete the enclosed Rescission Request Form. Mailing instructions arc listed on the bottom ol'the fonn. You will be notified when the rescission process has been completed. If you have any questions regarding the permit renewal procedures please contact Joe Albiston of the Raleigh Regional Office at 919-571-4700 or Bill Mills of the Central Office Stormwater Unit at (919) 733-5083. est. 548 Sincerely, Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit cc: Central Files Raleigh Regional Office eNA NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1- 800-623-7748 State of fVorth Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Buddy Mercer Purolator Products Air Filtration Co. 240 Overton Drive Kenly, NC 27542 Dear Mr. Mercer: May 14, 1993 �EHNR RFCM ED MAY 1 8 1993 Subject: General Permit No. NCG030000 Purolator Products Air Filtranbn PCo' RAL %o COC NCG030067 Johnston County In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on September 28, 1992, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mr. Bill Mills at telephone number 919/733- 5083. cc: Sincerely, Original Signed By Coleen H. Sullins A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. Raleigh Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STORMWATER DISCHARGES In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Purolator Products Air Filtration Co. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Purolator Products Air Filtration Co. 240 Overton Drive Kenly Johnston County to receiving waters designated as Little River in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I,11, 111 and IV of General Permit No. NCG030000 as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective May 14„ 1993. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day May 14, 1993. Original Signed By Coleen H. Sullins A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 1 Cem., ,,. BM JI rGrave Lae.:Cem umn '944 ::Cem �e 1 ,\ 2� K 1431 enlY _ seulahcown :.Cem ' aTM�� . 0 li IIoIIY SI I � em ee 6 162 ing bon ? '" ..b ✓ �♦ •..�_ .� �� � II 'I N2 X—[ Sewage \ �a ...ems% _ _ _.� X—_BI`+Pusal __— _ — - �'�•.•'. - KEN 3b' w , iBB IGB 0� W _� ✓�: a, gin, _ac.. IidglO A Cem .Cem , ::Cem _ souse 4R>�1NO 2 ���� ��I •`� �m i tcym I �� 23an w L� Sdv � Br ,` Michael 17. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Nan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality April 20, 2005 Thomas Ayscue, / Director Manufac Purolater Air Filtration PO Box 1637 Henderson, NC 27536 Subject: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0168 Purolater Air Filtration -Kenly - 207 Johnston Pkwy Johnston County Dear Permittee: The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form, which we received on June 14, 2002. We apologize for the extended period it has taken us to get back to you on this request and we appreciate your patience as we have worked through this process. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility the Division is granting your certification as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g) which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. In addition, your coverage under general permit NCG030067 is also hereby rescinded. This rescission is based upon your certification of no exposure conditions at this facility. Please note that by our acceptance of your no exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no -exposure exclusion expires in five years (April 30, 2010). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Jonathan Diggs at (919) 733-5083 ext. 537, or at jonathan.diggs@ncmail.net. Sincerely, ft} WOFTELTVAN rR'i 4021 cc: Raleigh Regional Office Central Files — w/attachments Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Fran McPherson - DWQ Budget N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 AW _a NCDENR Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 G Purolator® Products AirFiltration Cornpurm- a CLARCORcompany June 12, 2002 Mack Wiggins Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Wiggins: fl ' 1 4 M2 I received your letter Tuesday, 6-11-02, concerning our failure to submit a renewal request for stormwater discharge permit. This was an oversight on our part and I apologize. I am located at the Henderson, NC facility and apparently there was a miscommunication between myself and the responsible party at the Kenly, NC facility. Per our telephone conversation of today, 6-12-02, I am sending a No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting and a Rescission Request form. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 1-800-682-6815, ext. 4264. Sincerely, PUROLATOR AIR FILTRATION Kenneth B. Arnold Engineering Technician KA/aa Purolator Products Air Filtration Co. 880 Facet Road - P.O. Box 1637 - Henderson. NC 27536 Phone (252) 492-1141 - Fax (252) 492-6157 wehsite: www.purolato;aincom State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director 06/06/2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ATTN: DAVID BROOKS PUROLATOR PRODUCTS AIR FILTRATION COMPANY 207 JOHNSTON PKWY KENLY, NC 27542 Dear Permittee: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION FAILURE TO SUBMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION PUROLATOR PRODUCTS AIR FILTRATION COMPANY NCG030000 COC NUMBER NCG030067 JOHNSTON COUNTY This letter is to inform you that, as of the date of this letter, the Division of Water Quality has not received a renewal request for the subject permit certificate of coverage. This is a violation of NCGS § 143.215.1 (c)(1) which states "All applications shall be filed with the commission at least 180 days in advance of the date on which it is desired to commence the discharge of wastes or the date on which an existing permit expires, as the case may be". Any permittee that has not requested renewal at least 180 clays prior to expiration or permittee that does not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration. will be subjected to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS § 143-215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. In order to prevent continued, escalated action, including the assessment of civil penalties you must submit a completed permit coverage renewal application to the attention of the "Stormwater and General Permits Unit" at the letterhead address within ten (10) days of your receipt of this letter (renewal application enclosed). If the subject discharge has been terminated, please complete the enclosed rescission request form. Mailing instructions are listed on the bottom of the form. You will be notified when the rescission process has been completed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this situation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mack Wiggins of the central office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at 919-733-5083, ext. 542. Sincerely, hLey rat -I for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director, Division of Water Quality cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files Central Files Raleigh Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NcGf\j United States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved g y OMB No. 2040-0211 NPDES " 3510-11 W ��� Washington, DC 20460 FORM NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion from NPDES Storm Water Permitting Submission of this No Exposure Certification constitutes notice that the entity identified in Section A does not require permit authorization for its storm water discharges associated with industrial activity in the State identified in Section B under EPA's Storm Water Multi -Sector General Permit due to the existence of a condition of no exposure. A condition of no exposure exists at an industrial facility when all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to. material handling equipment or activities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not required for the following industrial materials and activities: — drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers that are tightly sealed, provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. 'Sealed" means banded or otherwise secured and without operational taps or valves; — adequately maintained vehicles used in material handling; and — final products, other than products that would be mobilized in storm water discharges (e.g., rock salt). A No Exposure Certification must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion. In addition, the exclusion from NPDES permitting is available on a facility -wide basis only, not for individual outfalls. If any industrial activities cr materials are or will be exposed to precipiiation, the facility is not eiigibie for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting this No Exposure Certification form, the entity in Section A is certifying that a condition of no exposure exists at its facility or site, and is obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of 40 CFR 122.26(g). ALL INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED ON THIS FORM Detailed instructions for completing this form and obtaining the no exposure exclusion are provided on pages 3 and 4 A. Facility Operator Information 1. Name: IP Iola I G1 CIA" I-r I p 21 1 At t I Q I I FI f 14 1 r I RJ A -I r L 161 >JI I I 11 2. Phone: I4 1 l 41,71 Qii yhl a IV] 61 3. Mailing Address: a. Street: 1210171 J 1 u 10 NI t5 IT 01 NI 8 to co t I I I I I I b.City. 4& All k I y I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I c. slate: t414 d. Zip Code: 121715191,21 — i 1 1 B. Facility/Site Location Information 1.Facility Name: IPIUIRibi(1AtTI01RJ IA ili i I�I�It I1%tWA1Zlfibl .A I I I I I I 2. a. Street Address: 12101-71 I IOIi'{1M I ITIOA_)( 1{"1IKI<O'1 t 1 1 1 1 t I I 11 1 t t b. city: 165E IL4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I c.County: 51Z) J`jI51TTGM d. State: INICI e. Zip Code: I L 71 51 c/1.21 — I I I I / 3. Is the facility located on Indian Lands? Yes ❑ No fV 4. Is this a Federal facility? Yes ❑ No 5. a. Lafitutle: ljJ llJ (I I b. Longitude: I I 6. a. Was the facility or site previously covered under an NPDES storm water permit? Yes No ❑ b. If yes, enter NPDES permit number N-C & d 3 op 4: 7 7. SIC/Activity Codes: Primary: 131131541 Y1 Y_ Secondary (if applicable): I I I I 1 B. Total size of site associated with industrial activity: acres 9. a. Have you paved or roofed over a formerly exposed, pervious area in order to quality for the no exposure exclusion? Yes ❑ No JZ b. If yes, please indicate approximately how much area was paved or roofed over. Completing this question does not disqualify you for the no exposure exclusion. However, your permitting authority may use this information in considering whether storm water discharges from your site are likely to have an adverse impact on water quality, in which case you could be required to obtain permit coverage. Less than one acre ❑ One to five acres ❑ More than five acres ❑ EPA Form 3510-11 (10-99) Page 1 of 4 NPDES NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion from Form Approved FORM -,EPA OMB No. 2040-0211 3510.11 NPDES Storm Water Permitting C. Exposure Checklist Are any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable future? (Please check either "Yes" or "No" in the appropriate box.) If you answer "Yes" to any of these questions (1) through (11), you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. Yes No 1. Using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where residuals from using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain and are exposed to storm water 2. Materials or residuals on the ground or in storm water inlets from spillslleaks 3. Materials or products from past industrial activity El K 4. Material handling equipment (except adequately maintained vehicles) 5. Materials or products during loading/unloading or transporting activities ❑ 17 6. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside use (e.g., new cars] where exposure to storm water does not result in the discharge of pollutants) 7. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers ❑ 21 8. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by the discharger 9. Waste material (except waste in covered, non -leaking containers (e.g., dumpsters]) El Y 10. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) ❑ rVI Ln 11. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not otherwise regulated ❑ (i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the storm water outflow D. Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming a condition of 'no exposure' and obtaining an exclusion from NPDES storm water permitting. I cenify under penalty of law that there are no discharges of storm water contaminated by exposure to industrial activities or materials from the industrial facility or site identified in this document (except as allowed under 40 CFR 122.26(g)(2)). I understand that I am obligated to submit a no exposure certification form once every five years to the NPDES permitting authority and, if requested, to the operator of the local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) into which the facility discharges (where applicable). I understand that I must allow the NPDES permitting authority, or MS4 operator where the discharge is into the local MS4, to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make such inspection reports publicly available upon request. I understand that I must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit prior to any point source discharge of storm water from the facility. Additionally, I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisoDment for knowino violations. Print Name Print Title: Signature: Date: EPA Form 3510-11 (10-99) Page 2 of 4 TF9 r PERMIT COVERAGE WEST l FACILITY INFORMATION National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater General Permit NCG030000 PUROLATER PROD AIR FILT CO -KEN COC Number NCG030067 Johnston County The following is the information currently in our database for your facility. Please review this information carefully and make all corrections as necessary in the space provided to the right of the current information. Facility Name: PUROLATER PROD AIR FILT CO -KEN Mailing Address*: 207 JOHNSTON PKWY KENLY, NC 27542 Location Address: 207 JOHNSTON PKWY KENLY, NC 27542 Facility Contact: DAVID BROOKS Phone Number: 2524921141 Fax Number: No number on file E-mail address: No address on file * This is the address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed 0 Reason for rescission request: t/r ism 4 d"� f , __.a A_ — -/,_..— _L_ 11-. .h YL l Lr ,tom i_e._;__t REQUEST AND CERTIFICATION h as an authorized representative, hereby request rescission of coverage under NPDES Stormwater General Permit NCG030000 for the subject facility. I am familiar with the information contained in this request and that to the best of my 1snowledge and Mief such information is true, complete and accurate. d ZV!27� I�J C u di or type name of person signing above Date Z o z Titles Please return this completed rescission request and any relevant documentation to: General Permit Coverage Rescission Attn: Valery Stephens Stormwater and General Permits Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 For office Uso Only F issionuest Date ❑ 06/12/2002 15:23 2524926557 ENGINEERING PAGE 01 J 2, 20�2 . 06/12/2M 15:23 2524926557 ENGINEERING PAGE 02 June 12, 2002 Mack Wiggins Stormwater &.General Peririits.Unit Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC . 2769.971617 Dear Mr. Wiggins:: i received your letter Tue,, sday;, 6-11-02, concerning our failure to submit a. renewal request for storm r,discharge permit. This was an oversight on our . part and I apologize, I am located .at the Henderson, NC facility. and. apparently there. was a miscommunication betwee r'myself and the responsible party at the Kenly, .NC facility. Per our telephone conversattort of today, 6-12-02;.1 am sending a -No Exposure Certification for. Exclusion 0 rri,: NPDES Stormwater Permitting and a. Rescission Request form, If you. have any questions,,=please give me a call at 1-800-682-6815, ext. 4264. Sincerely, PUROLATOR AIR FILTRATION `..' Kenneth EL Arnold Engineering Technician KA/aa _krulatur Products Air Filtration Co. vCi) F:irtrRaut- PA. Aox.1657 - Henderson. NC 27536 . .; Plignej(252) 492-11-1 -, Fnx (252) 492-6157 . 3vebsite: vwu.}euro)utbrircom , . 06/12/2002 15:23 2524926557 ENGINEERING - PAGE 03 Department of Environment and Naturai Resources DivislonofWatbrouality Michael F. Easley, Governor...MCDENR William G. Ross ir., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E: Diregtor. ' NORTH CARO-NA DFPARTMtnNr of ENVIRONMENT ANC NATURAL RESOURCES 06/06/2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RB_, QUESTED:. . ATTN: DAVID BROOKS PUROLATOR PRODUCTS'' -AIR FILTRATION COMPANY 201 JOHNSTON PKWY. KENLY.:NIC 27542 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION PAL' URE TO SUBMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION PUROLATOR PRODUCTS, AIR FILTRATION COMPANY NCG030000 COC NUMBER NCG030067 ' JOHNSTON COUNTY Dear Permittec: This letter,is to inforin you that as ofaite•date of this letter, the Division of Water Quality has not receivea a renewal request for the subject permli'eertificate of coverage. This is aviolation of NCGS § N3.2 15.1 (c)(1) which states "'All applications 'shall be filed'oi ith the commission at least 130 days in advance of the dale on which it is desired to commence the discharge pt;wdste§ or the date on which an existing permit txpires, as.the case,mav be". Any permittec thai'has nofrequestedenewhf at least 1$0 Gays prior to expiration or permitree that does not have a permit after the, expiration aad has doerequasted renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration. will be subjected to enforcement procedures as provided':io''NCGS 5143.215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. In order to preventcontinued, escalated!ection. including the assessment of civil penalties you must submit a completed permit coverage renewal application to the attention of the "Stormwater and General Permits Unit' at the letterhead address.within ten od Shays 0i lour receipt of this letter (renewal application enclosed). If the subject dischargehas been terminated ,please complete the enclosed rescission request form. Mailing instructions are listed onthe bottom efthe'form:-You will be notltied ;hen the rescission process has been completed. Thank you for your prompt iaen6omtb this situation. ifyou have any questions reenrdine this matter. please contact Mack Wiggins of the certual'office Stormwater. and General Permits Unit at 919-733-S093. ext. Sa2. Sincerely. for Alan W. Klimek. P.E. Director. Division of Water Quality , cc: Stormwater and General Ferrntts Unit Files Central, Files.. _. Raleigh Regional Office;' 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, Noftt�Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919.733-5083 FAX 919.733.9919 An Equal OpportunityANirmin[ve`Ac7ion Employer so%recycle[/ 1056p091-consumer-paper 06/12/2002 15:23 25249215557 ENGINEERING PAGE 04 United.States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved NPDES s' 'Washington,. DC. 20460 OM9 No. 2040-0211 FORM I ill.� . 3510.11 � •NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion from . NPDES Storm. Water Permitting Submission of this No Exposure.CerjMmtlen constttute* nadw that mr, entity Identified in Sector, A does not require permit authorization for Its storm water dlscnarges essocia!ad with industnat aclivity in th6 state Identdlad In Section S under EPA's Stonn Water Mulb-Senior General Permit due to the existence of a condition of no.exposure. .: A condition of noexposure exists at an Industrial !aa*)d hen 611 Industrial materiols and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to fain, snow, snowmalt. and/or runoff ndtileVlpl materials of acdvltles include; but are not limited to, material handling equipment or activities., Industrial machinery, cow materials, Intermediate pruduots;.7yproduols, final products, or "ate products. Materiel handling activitles include the slomge, loading and unloading, transportatlon, or comeyaltC4:6t arty raw material, intemediata product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not required for the fo:lovnng Inousiriai materials ano.aNvillsel , drums, barrels, tanks..and similar confainera ttiat aie tightly sealed, provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. 'Sealed' means banded or otrlorwiae secured and w9dtClA opamtlonattaps or. valves; - adequately mewl veli woadin:matmt h'andllrig; and - final pmduc(s, other than products th at, wcultl 6e mobilized in siwm water discharges (e.g., rock salt). A No Exposure Certification must be provided few-4*,6gllty qualifying for the no exposure exclusion.. In addition. the exclusion from NPOES.permitting is available on a facil"rtywrde basis only, not for individdal FSu th. If any indusMel activities of materials are or will be exposed to procipitation, the facility is not eligible for the no exposure axGusion. Sy signing and submitting this No Exposure Cerdrtr�llotr.ipfm, the entry In Section A is cerifying that a oondillen of no exposure exlss al its facility or site, and is obligated an comply with the terms and oondMorla:of 60 CFR.122.26(g). ALL INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED ON 7HISFORM.'. Detailed instructlona for rnmphtlng this term ana,dbglnhip.the;no exposure exclusion are pmvldad on page* 3 and 4. A. FacilityOperator lnforrnatlon " 1-flame: T1019-I42LATTIoli ( 1'Ik-LEI'l'ILITI QJ%1-fit V10 W1'I I 1 I' 12. Phone: 14111g 1 aI gl Hlh tky, i l 3. Mailing Address: a Street IA10171 151 u}Sri Nr;SI�Oywy ICI ,g,W I I P ' It. C*, k,EALI IYi'' l i. I i I 1 I c. State:.;N/ u d. Zp code: '2171.51�t111- i S. Facilityl5lte Location Information i. Fatediy Name:' Y V lu L;.RrTl �1 2. a, Street Addraws: I:. t O ZI � 11 Pilftl'R/ .b. City: t8„L,._,♦Ui �'I��1 .' I' 'i' I_j;:,; d. Slatar ic{LL e. Yip Cade: � 9. Is the facility Ioceted on Indian Canes'+ yes Q .No (gl 41.13 this a Federal iacitity? 'rai: :No uU 5. a, Latitude: I l ' (—L f II I .;.A'Longitude:' t I. I I . d,e. Was the facility or site pmviwsy covered under en NPDESstotm water permit? YesL. d. If yes, enter NPDES parmil number :,. O.:?.p 4.7 7. SIC/Activity Codes: Primary;. SI4 ; ; Secondary (if applicable): III�l a.. Total size of site associated with industrial acfivty` scree l�Ipl%�1MIS�7raN I I No M 9. a. Have you paved of rooted over a formerly'ekptieEC; parvlous area in order to qualify V the no exposure exclusion? yes No �i b. If.yes, please indicate approxlmatey I•aw mtMti area:waover. spaved Or Fooled Completing this question does not disqualify you forthe no exposure e%elusion, HoweVef, your Ix3rmlNng evthony;inpy;L swils information in considering whether storm water discharges from your site are iikely to hem an adverse impact ion watar.qualiy, in whidvrasrtjju Ccu'dbe.re4',rlrM to ot:tain perm+, dwerago. - ' Less than nne acra .7 Onoto Ma acre& More than Eva acres CI Peen I .d n 06/12/2002 15:23 2524926557 ENGINEERING PAGE 05 epos FORM d [c� NQ>E%i+O5URE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion from DM9No.2Approved o-o TIi 3510.11 AaEr� NPDES Storm Water Permitting C. Exposure Checklist Are any of the tollounng materiels or adMges 6aliCsed.to predipitation, now or In the foreseeable future? (Please check ehher •Yea• or "Nr fn Ne Georg box.) If you answer "Yes"to any of these questlons (1) through (11), you are "at eligible for the :;Ib.'?xposure exclusion. . Yes No 1. Using, storing, or cleaning Industrlal'machihary;a equipment, and areas where residuals from using, storing or c!eaning industdal machinery or oquiprhertt;femaln and are exposed to storm water 2. Materials of resMuals on the ground or ln�stoiin Water inlets from sPIIIWIanks 0 2. Materials or products from past Industrial aetlNty C lL1' 4, Material handling equipment (except adenudldiy mAAtla)ned vehicles) . 5. Materials of prootteW,dcnfflg l0adinglvnloalht of ramponmg act vibes 6. Materials or products stprsd outdoors (except:ft W prgdtxts'Intended foreutalde use [e.g.. new carol where exposure to 9iorm vratordoea not result in th&dlschargo of pollutants) 7, Materials contained In epeo, detedonetad OrkilI storago drums, barrels, tanks, one similar containers ❑ 9..Materials or pmducta handled/stored onkgade �a alhtays owned or malntainod by the discharger �! 9. Waste meteriai.(exceptwaste In cohered, riortQISlang containers [e.g., dumpsters)) 10. Application or disposal of procesd wastewate ;(tinleas otherwise permitted) K Penlculate matter or visible deposits of raatdi,!6feifrom roof stacks and/or vents not otherwise regulated (i.e., under an air.quallty :cit itrot'parmhp and 6VIdOnt In.tho storm water outflow D. Certification Statement 1 certify undirr penalty of law that I have road aneundarsGntl the eligibBlty mquirementa for claiming a condition of 'no axposurs• and obtaining an exclvsion from NPDES storm water permitting,. I carlify under.penalryof law that theia and no df%c:fit *s`ofstwm water contaminated by exposure to industrial activities ormaterims from the industrial factIy or site identified in this documemt(a"pI 4s;Oggwod under 40 CPR 122.26(g)(2)). t understand that I am obligated:o submit a do Gaposine Alfitaticn form once every five years to the NPDES oemtWng authority and, it requested, to the operator of,the Dxaf.lnunleipal separate atattii$eiver system (MS4) into which the facility discharges (where applicable)..I understand that I must allow the NPDES permltllrrg authority. Or MS4 ope 6i Wheie Ina dischargo Is Into the local MS4, to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make S _ inspection reperls oIjm- y avdaalye upon request. I understand that I must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit prior fo Orly point source discharge of storm water from;dle feduty. AdtllVonally, I certifyunder penalty of law, that thtsll rrrent antl all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system dosignad to assure that qualifiedpmn Groat propary gathered and evaluated the irformadon submitted. eases on my inquiry of the person o• parsons who manage_ the system, or, thosergdrlr . Pa:'dtndctty responsible roc gathering the information, the intnrma;ion submitted is to the bast of my knowledge and belief vua, eccurato end wmp)eta Jl'emaWare that there are significant pgnahios for submiaing false Information, including, the possibility of fine and Imprtso ent forkrar idfgV�/p afions ame: OO 1' t Print N�' �I vsa4p, C.11. Ir I ! I ! I [ I I t I I I I I I I I Print Title,.Signature "'—' �1 �. Date: 1 CYH rvnn Ja IU)l l hlA9y) . rage 2 014 PAGE 06 06/12/2002 15:23 2524926557 ENGINEERING PERMIT COVERAGE. ISSION REQUEST FO O c National Pollutant Discharge Mimination System . Stortnwater General Permit NCG030000 PUROLATER PROD AIR FiLT CO COC Number NCCT030067 Johnston County FACri 1TY LV'FOR1s1ATION The following is the information cWTently;in our database for your facility. Please review this information carefully and make all correcdoru;as,aecessary in the space provided to the right of the current . F. ON. nae'On' information. Biill--ts Facility Name:. PUROLATER PR00.AtR FILT CO-KP.N L.J Mailing Address' 207 JOHNSTON P?4WY KENLY NC 27542 Location Address;. IN IOHNSTON:P[CWY' KENLY. NC: 27542 Facility Contact: DAVID:AR00RS'?.' ❑ PhonerNumber: zs?a2?ttar,.,, ❑ Fax Number: No number'onhig'. ❑� E-mail address: No address, on'fiWe . • This is the address to which all: perrit t cc 7espondence wilt be mailed Reason for rescission request C: eaa REQUES p'AND CERTLFrCATiON I. as an authorized representative He3 by request rescission of coverage under NPDES Stormwater General Pet7nu NCGOS0000 for the .subject tac lity; I am familiar with the information contained in this request and that o the best of my owledgc and `tet such information is true• complete and accurate. Sigttnture _ _ Date Q% 2 0 2' Print or type name of person signing above Tide Please, return this completed rescission request, and any relevant documentation to: General Permit Coverage Rescission Ann: Valery Stephens Stormwater and General Permits Unit FW otre! ONY 1617 Dial Service Center Rescissiea :^"e6 Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 Recuast Dam ❑